Big Ass Fans 400 Installation manual 32 Pages
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INSTALLATION GUIDE Big Ass Fan 400 For help, call 1 (877) BIG-FANS or visit Installation Checklist :LOOWKHIDQEHLQVWDOOHGVRWKDWWKHDLUIRLOVDUHDWOHDVWIWPDERYHWKHÀRRUDQGDWOHDVW ƎFPIURPWKHFHLOLQJ" :LOOWKHIDQEHLQVWDOOHGVRWKDWWKHDLUIRLOVKDYHDWOHDVWIWPRIFOHDUDQFHIURPREVWUXFWLRQV" :LOOWKHIDQEHLQVWDOOHGZKHUHWKHUHLVDQDSSURSULDWHRXWOHWER[FHLOLQJMRLVWRURWKHUVXI¿FLHQW VWUXFWXUDOVXSSRUW" ,I\RXRUGHUHGPXOWLSOHIDQVDUH\RXNHHSLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWVIRUHDFKIDQWRJHWKHU"Certain fan components are not interchangeable. Customer Service: 1-877-BIG-FANS BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation Guide Big Ass Fan 400 Installation Guide: April 2014 Rev A This product was manufactured in a plant whose Management 6\VWHPLVFHUWL¿HGDVEHLQJLQFRQIRUPLW\ZLWK,62 Conforms to ANSI/UL STD 507: Electric Fans &HUWL¿HGWR&$1&6$&1R)DQV9HQWLODWRUV Contact Information 0DQXIDFWXULQJ 2425 Merchant Street Lexington, KY 40511 1-877-BIG-FANS Customer Service 2348 Innovation Drive Lexington, KY 40511 1-877-BIG-FANS Warranty Returns 800 Winchester Road Lexington, KY 40505 1-877-BIG-FANS All trademarks used herein are the properties of their respective owners. No part of this document may be reproduced or translated into a different language without the prior written consent of Big Ass Fans. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED i BIG ASS FAN 400 ii Important Safety Instructions 5HDGDQGVDYHWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVSULRUWRLQVWDOOLQJDQGRSHUDWLQJ\RXU%LJ$VV)DQ5HWDLQWKLVLQVWDOODWLRQJXLGHIRU PDLQWHQDQFHDQGWURXEOHVKRRWLQJLQIRUPDWLRQ :$51,1*7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRI¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGVHULRXVERGLO\LQMXU\WRSHUVRQVREVHUYHWKHIROORZLQJ • ,QVWDOODWLRQZRUNDQGHOHFWULFDOZLULQJPXVWEHGRQHE\TXDOL¿HGSHUVRQVLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKDOODSSOLFDEOHFRGHVDQG standards. • :KHQFXWWLQJRUGULOOLQJLQWRFHLOLQJGRQRWGDPDJHHOHFWULFDOZLULQJDQGRWKHUKLGGHQXWLOLWLHV • Use this fan only in the manner intended by the manufacturer. &$87,217KHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKLVIDQPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVVSHFL¿HGLQWKLVLQVWDOODWLRQPDQXDODQG with all national and local electrical codes. Code compliance is ultimately YOUR responsibility! :$51,1*,ILQVWDOOLQJWKHIDQLQ$XVWUDOLDDOLFHQVHGHOHFWULFLDQPXVWSHUIRUPWKHHOHFWULFDOLQVWDOODWLRQ &$87,21([HUFLVHFDXWLRQDQGFRPPRQVHQVHZKHQSRZHULQJWKHIDQ'RQRWFRQQHFWWKHIDQWRDGDPDJHGSRZHUVRXUFH 'RQRWDWWHPSWWRUHVROYHHOHFWULFDOPDOIXQFWLRQVRUIDLOXUHVRQ\RXURZQ WARNING: The fan must be used with the supplied remote control. Other parts cannot be substituted. &$87,21:KHQVHUYLFHRUUHSODFHPHQWRIDFRPSRQHQWLQWKHIDQUHTXLUHVWKHUHPRYDORUGLVFRQQHFWLRQRIDVDIHW\GHYLFH the safety device must be reinstalled or remounted as previously installed. :$51,1*3RZHUPXVWEHGLVFRQQHFWHGEHIRUHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGVHUYLFLQJFOHDQLQJDQGRWKHUXVHUPDLQWHQDQFH)DLOXUHWR GLVFRQQHFWSRZHUFUHDWHVULVNRI¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGVHULRXVERGLO\LQMXU\ &$87,217KHSURGXFWZDUUDQW\ZLOOQRWFRYHUHTXLSPHQWGDPDJHRUIDLOXUHWKDWLVFDXVHGE\LPSURSHULQVWDOODWLRQRU operation. :$51,1*7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRI¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVHULRXVERGLO\LQMXU\ZKHQPRXQWLQJWKHIDQWRDQRXWOHWER[PRXQW WKHIDQWRDQRXWOHWER[WKDWLVVXLWDEOHIRUIDQVXSSRUWDQGXVHWKHPRXQWLQJVFUHZVSURYLGHGZLWKWKHRXWOHWER[2XWOHW boxes used for luminaires are usually not acceptable for fan support and may need to be replaced. If in doubt, consult a TXDOL¿HGHOHFWULFLDQ &$87,217KHIDQPXVWEHPRXQWHGDPLQLPXPRIIWPIURPWKHÀRRUDQGIWPIURPWKHQHDUHVWZDOO7KHFHLOLQJ VKRXOGEHVWDEOHZLWKQRVKDNLQJKLJKYLEUDWLRQVRUKHDY\LPSDFWV :$51,1*'RQRWLQVWDOOWKHIDQLQDQHQYLURQPHQWWKDWLVH[FHVVLYHO\GXVW\FRQGXFWLYHFRUURVLYHRUJDV¿OOHGLVH[SRVHG WRRSHQÀDPHVHJJDVEXUQLQJVWRYHVLVQHDUVWURQJFKHPLFDOVRUVROYHQWVRUZKHUHWKHUHLVH[FHVVLYHKHDWVKRFNRU vibration. :$51,1*'RQRWEHQGWKHDLUIRLOVZKHQLQVWDOOLQJRUVHUYLFLQJWKHIDQ'RQRWLQVHUWIRUHLJQREMHFWVLQEHWZHHQWKHURWDWLQJ fan airfoils. &$87,217KLVIDQLVQRWLQWHQGHGIRUXVHE\SHUVRQVLQFOXGLQJFKLOGUHQZLWKUHGXFHGSK\VLFDOVHQVRU\RUPHQWDO FDSDELOLWLHVRUODFNRIH[SHULHQFHDQGNQRZOHGJHXQOHVVWKH\KDYHEHHQJLYHQVXSHUYLVLRQRULQVWUXFWLRQFRQFHUQLQJWKHXVH of the fan by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the fan. :$51,1*%HIRUHLQVWDOOLQJRUVHUYLFLQJWKHIDQHQVXUHSRZHULVGLVFRQQHFWHG CAUTION: The fan is rated for use in damp environments and can be operated indoors or outdoors. &$87,217KHIDQZLOOEHJLQURWDWLQJZKHQSRZHULVDSSOLHG &$87,21'RQRWXVHWKHIDQZLWKDGLPPHUVZLWFK WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Contents Introduction Important safety instructions......................................................................... ii Who we are and what we do ........................................................................1 About this fan................................................................................................1 Pre-Installation What’s in the box ..........................................................................................2 Preparation ...................................................................................................3 Installation 1. Secure the airfoils .....................................................................................4 2. Install the lower cover ...............................................................................4 3. Prepare the wiring cover...........................................................................5 4. Install the extension tube ..........................................................................5 5. Connect the safety cable and ground wire ...............................................6 6. Prepare the wiring cover and canopy .......................................................6 7. Install the mounting ball ............................................................................7 8. Install the mounting bracket......................................................................7 :LUHWKHIDQ ..............................................................................................8 10. Hang the fan ........................................................................................... 11. Connect the fan to power........................................................................ 12. Secure the safety cable ........................................................................10 13. Install the canopy..................................................................................10 Operation Using the remote control ............................................................................12 Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................14 Annual maintenance ...................................................................................15 Warranty and Returns Warranty policy ...........................................................................................17 Warranty return instructions .......................................................................21 Warranty claim form instructions ................................................................22 Warranty claim form ...................................................................................23 Responsibility agreement ...........................................................................24 WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Introduction 1 Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of a Big Ass )DQDQHI¿FLHQWDQGFRVWHIIHFWLYHZD\WRVWD\FRROLQWKHVXPPHUDQG warm in the winter. The revolutionary design of our fans combines the best of both form and function to bring power performance and a sleek look to any setting. More importantly, you have purchased a product that is backed by extensive research, thorough testing, and quality manufacturing. We’re ready to answer any questions or comments at 1-877-BIG-FANS or visit our Web site at Who we are and what we do Big Ass )DQVKDVEHHQWKHSUHHPLQHQWPDQXIDFWXUHURIODUJHGLDPHWHUORZVSHHGIDQVVLQFH:LWKDZRUOGZLGHSUHVHQFHDQG located in beautiful Lexington, KY, we research, design, and manufacture the most effective air movement solutions on the market. 2XUQHYHUHQGLQJFRPPLWPHQWWRTXDOLW\DQGLQQRYDWLRQNHHSVXVDWWKHOHDGLQJHGJHRIDEXUJHRQLQJLQGXVWU\:LWKDQH\HWRKHOSLQJ customers satisfy their needs, and a strong sense of corporate responsibility to the community, Big Ass )DQVKDVUHGH¿QHGWKHZD\ business is done. About this fan %HIRUHDVVHPEOLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJ\RXUIDQUHYLHZWKHWHFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVLQWKHWDEOHEHORZ5HIHUDOVRWRWKHVHFWLRQ³:KDW¶VLQWKH box” on page . Model Big Ass Fan 400 Model number B3213-X3-AY-00-01-B-S34 Fan diameter 84 in. (2.1 m) Number of airfoils 3 :HLJKW 25 lbs (11.3 kg) Number of fan speeds 7 2SHUDWLQJYROWDJH ±9$&ĭ 2SHUDWLQJIUHTXHQF\ 50–60 Hz Full load amps $#9$& $#9$& :DWWDJH Max: 65 Watts Min: 5 Watts Ambient operational WHPSHUDWXUHUDQJH 32°–104° F (0–40° C) Operational humidity UDQJH ±QRQFRQGHQVLQJ Status indication LED display WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 2 Pre-Installation What’s in the box Note: Drawings below are not to scale. 1 Mounting bracket 2 Canopy 3 0RXQWLQJEDOOZHGJH 4 Extension tubes* 5 Lower cover 6 (3) Airfoil 7 Fan hub 8 Wiring cover Remote control 10 (0,¿OWHU 11 Mounting hardware • • • • • • • • • 12 4 mm Self tapping screw 6 mm Steel pin (4) M4 x 6 mm Screw† (2) M4 Lock washer Safety cable shackle‡ (2) Motor bracket M6 x 32 mm Bolt M6 x 28 mm Bolt (2) M6 Nut Airfoil hardware • (6) Airfoil grommet • (6) M5 Screw 13 Wiring hardware • (4) Wire nut • Cable tie 7KHIDQFRPHVZLWKERWKDƎFPH[WHQVLRQWXEHDQGDƎFPH[WHQVLRQWXEH,IWKHƎH[WHQVLRQWXEHLVXVHGWKHIDQPXVWEHLQVWDOOHGRQDFHLOLQJWKDWLVDW least 12 ft (3.7 m) high. † 8VHXQSDLQWHGVFUHZVLQLQVWDOODWLRQVWHS³,QVWDOOWKHH[WHQVLRQWXEH´RQSDJH8VHSDLQWHGVFUHZVLQLQVWDOODWLRQVWHS³6HFXUHWKHVDIHW\FDEOH´RQSDJH ‡ Safety cable not shown. 1 10 3 2 7 13 4 12 5 6 8 11 WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Pre-Installation (cont.) 3 Preparation %HIRUHDVVHPEOLQJDQGRSHUDWLQJ\RXUIDQUHYLHZ³,PSRUWDQW6DIHW\,QVWUXFWLRQV´RQSDJHLLDVZHOODVWKHIROORZLQJWLSVDQGJXLGHOLQHV to ensure a safe and easy installation. 8QSDFNLQJWKHIDQ As you remove the fan from its packaging, make sure you are not missing any components required for assembly and operation. Refer WR³:KDW¶VLQWKHER[´RQSDJHIRUDOLVWRIFRPSRQHQWV II\RXRUGHUHGPXOWLSOHIDQVEHVXUHWRNHHSWKHFRPSRQHQWVRIHDFKIDQWRJHWKHU&HUWDLQIDQFRPSRQHQWVDUHQRW LQWHUFKDQJHDEOH 'HWHUPLQLQJIDQORFDWLRQ Consider the following guidelines as you decide where to install your Big Ass Fan 400: • 'RQRWPRXQWWKHIDQLQDQHQYLURQPHQWWKDWLVH[FHVVLYHO\GXVW\FRQGXFWLYHFRUURVLYHRUJDV¿OOHGQHDUVWURQJFKHPLFDOVRU solvents, or where there is excessive heat, shock, or vibration. • 'RQRWLQVWDOOWKHIDQQHDURSHQÀDPHVVXFKDVWKRVHIURPDJDVVWRYH • The ceiling should be stable with no high vibrations, shaking, or heavy impacts. • ,QVWDOOWKHIDQVRWKDWWKHDLUIRLOVDUHDWOHDVWIWPDERYHWKHÀRRUDQGDWOHDVWƎFPIURPWKHFHLOLQJ,IWKHƎ extension tube is used, the fan must be installed on a ceiling that is at least 12 ft (3.7 m) high.) • Make sure the space around the fan has a clearance of at least 3 ft (1 m) from obstructions such as cabinets, doors, or lighting ¿[WXUHV • ,QVWDOOWKHIDQZKHUHWKHUHLVDQDSSURSULDWHRXWOHWER[FHLOLQJMRLVWRURWKHUVXI¿FLHQWVWUXFWXUDOVXSSRUW • The fan can be mounted on ceilings with a slope up to 15.6° (3:12 pitch). Tools needed You will need the following tools to install the fan. If you are installing an outlet box, additional tools may be necessary. Consult the outlet box manufacturer’s instructions. • Ladder • #1 Phillips screwdriver • Adjustable wrench • 3 mm Hex key (provided) • 5 mm Hex key (provided) 3UHSDULQJWKHPRXQWLQJORFDWLRQ If you are hanging your fan from a ceiling-mounted outlet box, the outlet box must be suitable for fan support. If there is not an appropriate outlet box at the location where you are installing your fan, one must be installed on a ceiling joist or beam and properly ZLUHG$WOHDVWƎFPRIZLULQJVKRXOGEHKDQJLQJIURPWKHRXWOHWER[7KHLOOXVWUDWLRQEHORZVKRZVDW\SLFDORXWOHWER[XVHGIRUIDQ installations. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation 5HYLHZ³,PSRUWDQW6DIHW\,QVWUXFWLRQV´RQSDJHLLDQG³3UHSDUDWLRQ´RQSDJHEHIRUHLQVWDOODWLRQ 1. Secure the airfoils :$51,1*%HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKHFLUFXLWERDUGZKLOHLQVWDOOLQJDLUIRLOV Position the fan hub upside-down as shown below. Loosely install the airfoils with the airfoil grommets and M5 screws as shown. Tighten the screws. Make sure that the colored stickers on the airfoils match the colors of the stickers on the fan hub tab. 2. Install the lower cover Remove the protective covering from the circuit board. Align the three tabs on the lower cover with the three slots in the undersides of the airfoils and snap the lower cover to the bottom of the fan hub. Lower Cover WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation (cont.) 5 3. 3UHSDUHWKHZLULQJFRYHU Remove the blue protective covering from the extension tube. Slide the wiring cover up the extension tube (toward the orientation sticker at the top of the tube) as shown on the right. Support the wiring cover while completing steps 4 and 5. This end must face upward. Orientation sticker :LULQJ cover Install the extension tube With the fan placed carefully in the upright position, loosely secure the motor brackets to the motor with M6 x 28 mm bolt (A), ensuring the brackets are installed with the wider end on top. Install the extension tube with the M6 x 32 mm bolt (B). Securely tighten both bolts. Make sure the tube is installed so that the wiring connector properly mates with the connector from the fan hub. Extension Tube 0RXQWLQJ%UDFNHW2ULHQWDWLRQ B A WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation (cont.) 6 5. &RQQHFWWKHVDIHW\FDEOHDQGJURXQGZLUH Install the safety cable and ground wire lugs to the motor brackets with the (2) unpainted M4 x 6mm screws and lock washers. Plug the wiring harness from the extension tube into the wiring harness from the fan. Secure the wiring harness to the motor brackets with the provided zip tie. Make sure the wires are tightly secured against the motor brackets so that the wiring cover seats properly. Cable Tie Ground Wire Safety Cable 6. 3UHSDUHWKHZLULQJFRYHUDQGFDQRS\ Slide the wiring cover downward, resting it on the fan hub. Make sure there are no wires visible between the cover and the fan hub. Slide the canopy over the extension tube, temporarily resting it on the wiring cover. Canopy :LULQJ Cover WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation (cont.) 7 7. ,QVWDOOWKHPRXQWLQJEDOO Slide the mounting ball over the extension tube (A). Insert the 6 mm steel pin into the hole at the top of the extension tube, and then slide the mounting ball upward, seating the steel pin in the inner slots (B). Insert the mounting ball wedge into the mounting ball (C). Secure the mounting wedge with the 4 mm self tapping screw. Tighten the screw enough to prevent movement between the mounting ball and extension tube. Do not overtighten the screw. PP6FUHZ Steel Pin 0RXQWLQJ %DOO:HGJH 0RXQWLQJ Ball A C B 8. ,QVWDOOWKHPRXQWLQJEUDFNHW Secure the mounting bracket to the outlet box with the hardware provided with the outlet box. Note: If mounting the fan to a sloped ceiling, secure the mounting bracket so that the open side of the bracket is facing upward with the slope. :$51,1*(QVXUHPDLQSRZHULVGLVFRQQHFWHGIURPWKHIDQORFDWLRQEHIRUHLQVWDOOLQJWKHPRXQWLQJEUDFNHW 7KHFHLOLQJPRXQWHGRXWOHWER[PXVWEHVXLWDEOHIRUIDQVXSSRUW Ground Wire 0RXQWLQJ Bracket WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation (cont.) 8 9. Wire the fan :$51,1*'LVFRQQHFWSRZHUWRWKHIDQORFDWLRQEHIRUHZLULQJWKHIDQ ,QVWDOOWKHIDQRQDVZLWFKHGFLUFXLWVRWKDW\RXFDQWXUQRIIWKHIDQXVLQJDZDOOVZLWFKLQDGGLWLRQWRWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO 'RQRWXVHWKHIDQZLWKDGLPPHUVZLWFK &RQQHFWWKHZLUHVIURPWKHSRZHUVXSSO\WRWKH(0,¿OWHUDQGFHLOLQJZLUHVE\WZLVWLQJWKHHQGVWRJHWKHUDQGVHFXULQJWKHPZLWK ZLUHQXWV5HVWWKH(0,¿OWHULQVLGHWKHZLULQJFRYHU5HIHUWRWKHZLUHFRORUFKDUWDQGZLULQJGLDJUDPEHORZWRGHWHUPLQHWKHZLUH connections. Test the connections by tugging on the wire nuts. Install the fan on a switched circuit so that you can turn off the fan using a wall switch in addition to using the remote control. $OORZWKHJURXQGZLUHWRKDQJWKURXJKWKHPRXQWLQJEUDFNHWIRUHDV\DFFHVVDIWHUWKHH[WHQVLRQWXEHLVLQVWDOOHG Wire color chart 50/60 Hz Compatible Fan Power Supply Wire Color North America 100–120V System North America ±96\VWHP European Union (EU), United .LQJGRP ±96\VWHP Australia* 96\VWHP AC Line (L1) AC Line/Neutral (L2/N) Earth/PE (connected to fan chassis) Brown Blue Green with Yellow Tracer Black White Green or Bare Copper Black, Red, or Blue Red, Blue, or Black Green or Bare Copper Brown, Black, or Grey Blue Green with Yellow Tracer Brown or Red Black or Light Blue Green with Yellow Tracer * If installing the fan in Australia, a licensed electrician must perform the electrical installation. :LULQJGLDJUDP AC Hot / L1 6ZLWFKHG±9$& ĭ±+]$ AC Neutral / L2 PE / Earth Ground GRN W/ YEL BLUE BROWN WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation (cont.) 9 10. +DQJWKHIDQ Raise the fan to the mounting bracket. Align the slot (in the mounting ball) with the rib (on the mounting bracket), and then let the fan hang freely. *HQWO\WZLVWWKHPRXQWLQJEDOOWRHQVXUHLWLVSURSHUO\VHDWHGDQGZLOOQRWPRYHGXULQJIDQRSHUDWLRQ Slot Rib 11. Connect the fan to power :$51,1*'RQRWFRQQHFWWKHIDQWRDGDPDJHGSRZHUVRXUFH'RQRWDWWHPSWWRUHVROYHHOHFWULFDOIDLOXUHVRQ\RXURZQ &RQVXOWDTXDOL¿HGHOHFWULFLDQLI\RXDUHXQFHUWDLQDERXWWKHHOHFWULFDOLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKLVIDQ Connect the wiring harness from the power supply to the wiring harness from the extension tube as shown in the wiring diagram on the previous page. Secure the green ground wire from the extension tube to the ground wire hanging through the mounting bracket. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Installation (cont.) 10 12. Secure the safety cable Loop the safety cable around the mounting bracket, and then secure it with the safety cable shackle as shown. Note: If you are installing the fan in Canada, the safety cable must be secured to an existing part of the building structure instead of the outlet box. Examples of acceptable building structures include a wooden beam or a metal mounting brace secured between two beams. In some cases, it may be necessary to install additional structural material to provide attachment points. Safety Cable 13. Install the canopy After connecting the fan’s power supply, raise the canopy to the mounting bracket, lining up the four holes on the canopy to the holes on the bracket. Secure the canopy to the mounting bracket with the (4) painted M4 x 6 mm screws. Ensure no wires or the safety cable are showing. Test the fan. Canopy WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Notes BIG ASS FAN 400 12 Operation 7KHIDQPRGHLQGLFDWRUVDUHORFDWHGRQWKHERWWRPRIWKHIDQKXEZKHQYLHZHGIURPWKHÀRRU 8VLQJWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO Before using the Big Ass Fan 400 remote control, remove the plastic tab in the battery tray. Remote Front 3RZHULQJWKHIDQ 7RWXUQWKHIDQRQRURIISUHVVWKH2Q2IIEXWWRQRQWKHIDQUHPRWH7KLVEXWWRQFDQDOVREHXVHGWRUHVHW the fan’s speed. The remote must be pointing toward the fan mode indicators to function properly. 5HSODFLQJWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROEDWWHU\ 7KHUHPRWHFRQWURORSHUDWHVRQD&59OLWKLXPEDWWHU\7RUHSODFHWKHEDWWHU\RQWKHERWWRPRIWKH remote push the small tab to the right while sliding the battery tray outward. Replace the battery, and then close the battery tray. Recycle or dispose of the old battery properly. ƎPP 7KHIDQZLOODXWRPDWLFDOO\UHVWDUWDWWKHODVWRSHUDWLQJVSHHGXSRQFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHSRZHU source! &KDQJLQJIDQVSHHG Fan speed is increased or decreased by pressing the Up or Down Speed button on the remote. Seven fan speeds are available to accommodate your comfort level. To change the fan speed, press a Speed button. The Up Speed button increases fan speed; the Down Speed button decreases fan speed. Press and hold a Speed button to step through the speeds automatically. The fan mode indicators will illuminate and a short beep will be heard until speed 7 (high) or 0 (off) is reached. ƎPP Remote Back Sleep mode Sleep mode reduces the fan speed by one increment every hour until the lowest speed is reached. When the programmed time period ends, the fan automatically turns off. Sleep mode is only active when Timer mode is used. To activate Sleep mode, set the fan speed and Timer mode, and then press the Sleep button. The Sleep LQGLFDWRUZLOOLOOXPLQDWH7RH[LW6OHHSPRGHSUHVVWKH6OHHS&OHDURU2Q2IIEXWWRQ Timer mode In Timer mode, the fan runs at a set speed until the programmed time period ends. Note: Timer mode is disabled if the fan speed is 0 (off) or if the fan is not running. To set Timer mode, press the Timer button 1–7 times (once for each hour) to program the end time. 'XULQJDGMXVWPHQWWKHIDQPRGHLQGLFDWRUVZLOOÀDVKDQGWKHQWKH7LPHUVHWWLQJLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHVSHHG indicator bar. To exit Timer mode, press the Clear button. Whoosh mode Whoosh mode simulates natural, relaxing breezes by automatically varying the fan speed in a quasi-sinusoidal pattern. 7RDFWLYDWH:KRRVKPRGHVHWWKHGHVLUHGPD[LPXPIDQVSHHGDQGWKHQSUHVVWKH:KRRVKEXWWRQ7KHWRS6SHHGLQGLFDWRUZLOOÀDVK WRLQGLFDWHWKDW:KRRVKPRGHLVDFWLYH7RH[LW:KRRVKPRGHSUHVVWKH:KRRVK6SHHGRU2Q2IIEXWWRQRQFH WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 2SHUDWLRQFRQW 13 5HYHUVLQJWKHGLUHFWLRQRIURWDWLRQ 7KH%LJ$VV)DQUHGXFHVKHDWLQJFRVWVLQWKHZLQWHUE\SXVKLQJZDUPDLUDWWKHFHLOLQJOHYHOGRZQWRÀRRUOHYHO%HFDXVHRI WKHDHURG\QDPLFGHVLJQRIWKH%LJ$VV)DQ¶VDLUIRLOVWKLVLVGRQHPRVWHI¿FLHQWO\E\RSHUDWLQJWKHIDQLQWKHIRUZDUGGLUHFWLRQ FRXQWHUFORFNZLVHZKHQYLHZHGIURPWKHÀRRUZLWKWKHVSHHGDWWKHVORZHVWVHWWLQJVRWKDW\RXGRQRWIHHODGUDIWIURPWKHIDQ,IDWWKH slowest speed setting, a draft is still felt, the fan can be operated in the reverse direction to eliminate the draft. 7RUHYHUVHWKHGLUHFWLRQRIURWDWLRQSUHVVWKH2Q2IIEXWWRQWRWXUQRIIWKHIDQ:KHQWKHIDQLVDWDFRPSOHWHVWRSSUHVVWKH:KRRVK EXWWRQRQWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROWKUHHWLPHVDQGWKHQSUHVVWKH2Q2IIEXWWRQ5HSHDWWRUHWXUQWKHIDQWRIRUZDUGRSHUDWLRQ1RWH7KH fan only operates up to speed 4 in reverse. Fan mode indicators Each operating mode is indicated by a pattern on the fan mode indicator display, which is located on the bottom of the fan and is visible IURPWKHÀRRU7KHGLVSOD\LQFOXGHVDQ/('OLJKWHPLWWLQJGLRGHEDUJUDSKWRLQGLFDWHIDQVSHHGDQG:KRRVKPRGHDQGVHSDUDWH LEDs to indicate Timer mode and Sleep mode. All indicators automatically turn off approximately one minute after the last button is pressed to minimize power consumption and prevent nuisance lighting at night. The indicators will display the current speed setting by default. 7KHLQGLFDWRUVFDQEHUHDFWLYDWHGE\SUHVVLQJDQ\EXWWRQRQWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROH[FHSWWKH2Q2IIEXWWRQ7KLVZLOOQRW FKDQJHWKHFXUUHQWRSHUDWLQJVHWWLQJ Speed indicators When the fan is running, the Speed indicator LEDs show the current fan speed (1–7). Whoosh mode is indicated when the highest set VSHHGLQGLFDWRULVÀDVKLQJ:KHQDOOLQGLFDWRUVDUHVLPXOWDQHRXVO\ÀDVKLQJ7LPHUPRGHLVDFWLYH You can toggle the display from Speed mode to Timer mode by pressing the Timer button once. To toggle from the Timer mode to Speed mode, simultaneously press the Speed button and Whoosh button once. See the previous page for instructions on changing fan speed. Sleep mode indicator 7KH6OHHS/('LQGLFDWHVWKDW6OHHSPRGHLVDFWLYH$ÀDVKLQJ6OHHS/('LQGLFDWHVWKDWWKH7LPHUPRGHLVEHLQJDGMXVWHG6HHWKH previous page for instructions on using Sleep mode. Timer mode indicator 7KH7LPHU/('LQGLFDWHVWKDW7LPHUPRGHLVDFWLYH$ÀDVKLQJ7LPHU/('LQGLFDWHVWKDWWKH7LPHUPRGHLVEHLQJDGMXVWHG6HHWKH previous page for instructions on using Timer mode. 7 6 Sleep 5 4 3 2 Off Timer 1 WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 2SHUDWLRQFRQW 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ :$51,1*7RDYRLGHOHFWULFVKRFNUHPRYHSRZHUIURPWKHIDQEHIRUHVHUYLFLQJ :$51,1*5LVNRI¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNRULQMXU\WRSHUVRQVGXULQJFOHDQLQJDQGVHUYLFLQJ :$51,1*'RQRWRSHUDWHIDQZLWKPLVVLQJRUGDPDJHGFRPSRQHQWV For questions about your product or customer service inquiries, please call our toll free number (877-BIG-FANS). Some issues can be resolved before requesting service. Review the below troubleshooting tips before contacting Customer Service for support. Symptom Possible Solution(s) The fan will not start. • 9HULI\WKDWVXSSO\SRZHULVDGHTXDWH&KHFN\RXUFLUFXLWEUHDNHURUIXVHDQGZDOOVZLWFK for functionality. • Make sure that all wires are securely connected and the fan is properly wired to a grounded outlet box. The fan is noisy during operation. • Check all mounting and fan hardware. If loose, tighten. The fan wobbles. • Remove the airfoil to ensure the colored sticker matches the sticker on the fan hub. If necessary, move the airfoils to the matching hub attachment points. • Make sure that all mounting hardware is secure and tight. • Make sure that all the airfoils are aligned properly and securely fastened to the fan hub. • If an airfoil is damaged, contact Customer Service. Note: Airfoils must be replaced as a set. Do not replace individual airfoils. • If you installed multiple fans, ensure the serial numbers on the airfoils match the serial number on the fan hub. • Ensure the mounting ball is properly seated in the mounting bracket. 7KHIDQGRHVQRWSURGXFHDLUÀRZ • Make sure the airfoils are aligned properly. • 0DNHVXUHWKHIDQLVURWDWLQJFRXQWHUFORFNZLVHZKHQYLHZHGIURPWKHÀRRU The fan jerks upon startup. • This is normal and may happen occasionally upon startup. An initial slight jerking forward and backward does not affect fan operation. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 2SHUDWLRQFRQW 15 Annual maintenance :$51,1*'LVFRQQHFWWKHIDQIURPSRZHUEHIRUHVHUYLFLQJ Please take a few moments each year to perform the following preventative maintenance procedures on your fan to ensure its safe and HI¿FLHQWRSHUDWLRQ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVUHTXLUHDVVLVWDQFHZLWK\RXUIDQRUQHHGUHSODFHPHQWSDUWVFRQWDFW&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH Note: Actual fan setup may differ from the illustration below. • Check that the safety cable is properly installed by sliding the canopy down the extension tube, and then examining the safety cable and hardware. • Make sure the mounting hardware is securely fastened to the outlet box. • 0DNHVXUHWKHKDUGZDUHVHFXULQJWKHDLUIRLOVWRWKHIDQKXELVVHFXUHO\IDVWHQHGDQGWKHUHWDLQHUVDUH¿UPO\LQSODFH • Dust the airfoils regularly. If the fan becomes dirty, clean it with a damp cloth and ordinary soap and water. Do not use solvents, gasoline, or any other chemical cleaners! These may cause surface distortion and damage to the fan. • Make sure the wiring harnesses are secure and the ground wire is securely connected. Outlet Box Safety Cable Canopy Extension Tube :LULQJ Cover Airfoil WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Notes BIG ASS FAN 400 Warranty Policy 17 Congratulations on your purchase of a Big Ass Fan! We are delighted that you have chosen our product to improve the quality of your indoor or outdoor environment, and hope you’ll have much pleasure using the fan for years to come. Warranty period Item 3HULRGRIFRYHUDJH Motor 1 year All other fan components 1 year :KDWLVFRYHUHG" This Warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship under normal use and maintenance that adversely affect the ability of the fan to operate properly when the product is installed correctly according to Big Ass Fans’ written installation instructions by a state TXDOL¿HGRUOLFHQVHGHOHFWULFDOFRQWUDFWRUDQGRSHUDWHGSXUVXDQWWRWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGZKHQVXFKIDQVDUHSXUFKDVHGGLUHFWO\IURP Big Ass Fan Company, Big Ass )DQV¶$I¿OLDWHG&RPSDQLHVLQ$XVWUDOLDRUD%LJAss Fan Company Authorized Dealer. This Limited Warranty is subject to all provisions, conditions, limitations, and exclusions described within this document. :KRLVFRYHUHG" This Warranty extends to the original purchaser and subsequent owners, but only while the fan remains at the site of the original LQVWDOODWLRQ7KLV:DUUDQW\H[WHQGVWKURXJKWKH¿UVWLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKHIDQDQGWHUPLQDWHVLIWKHIDQLVPRYHGRUUHLQVWDOOHGDWDQHZ location. :KHQGRHVWKH:DUUDQW\3HULRGEHJLQ" The Warranty Period commences on the date the product is installed, or 15 days following shipment of the product, whichever date is earlier. To obtain warranty service, the customer will be required to provide documentation verifying the date the product was installed. :KDWZLOO%LJAss )DQVGR" During the Warranty Period, Big Ass Fans will, at its option: • Repair or replace the affected components of any defective product; • Repair or replace the defective product; or • Refund the price you paid for the product upon return of the product to Big Ass Fans, shipping and insurance prepaid. :KDWDUHWKHVWHSVUHTXLUHGWRREWDLQ:DUUDQW\VHUYLFH" 1. If the fan is operating, immediately turn off the fan. 2. Contact Big Ass Fans’ Technical Support Department as soon after the issue is discovered as possible by: a. Calling 1-877-BIG-FANS (244-3267); or b. Going online to and completing a Technical Service form; or c. Completing the Warranty Claim form and the Responsibility Agreement located in the back of the Installation Manual, and mailing the forms to Big Ass Fans Technical Support Department, 2348 Innovation Drive, Lexington, KY 40511, or by faxing them to Technical Support is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday–Friday, excluding major holidays. Every effort will be made to respond to all Technical Support requests within 24 hours of receipt. 3. 2QFHWKH7HFKQLFDO6XSSRUW5HSUHVHQWDWLYHKDVUHFHLYHG\RXUZDUUDQW\FODLPDFDVHZLOOEHSURFHVVHG,QRUGHUWRSURFHVVWKLV case, please have the following information available: a. Your name, address, phone number, and installation address; b. 3URGXFWEUDQGQDPHVHULDOQXPEHUSXUFKDVHSULFHDQGYHUL¿FDWLRQRISURGXFWLQVWDOODWLRQRUSUHPLVHVSRVVHVVLRQGDWH c. Detailed description of the problem you have experienced. 4. If the Technical Support Representative determines that the warranty claim is valid and that a replacement part is required, the Representative will process the claim and the replacement part will be shipped to you. Included in the shipment of the replacement part will be any shipping labels and documents needed to return the original part, including a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 18 Warranty Policy (cont.) Steps to obtain Warranty service (cont.) Note: Your receipt of the replacement part constitutes your agreement to return the failed part to Big Ass Fans within 15 days of the receipt of the replacement part delivery. If Big Ass Fans does not receive the original part, you will be invoiced for the retail cost of the replacement part and shipping, and you will be responsible for payment for the replacement part upon receipt of the invoice. Big Ass Fans reserves all rights it retains under law to collect the retail cost of the replacement part and shipping if the original is not returned as VSHFL¿HGDERYH 5. 2EWDLQLQJVHUYLFHPD\LQYROYHFRQWDFWLQJDFRQWUDFWRUWRUHPRYHUHSDLURUUHSODFHWKHIDQRUWRUHPRYHWKHIDQDQGUHWXUQLWWRXV 7KHFRVWRIODERULQFXUUHGIRUIDFWRU\LQVWDOOHGIDQVWRUHPRYHUHSDLURUUHLQVWDOOWKHIDQVZLOOEHFRYHUHGRQO\GXULQJWKH¿UVW PRQWKVDIWHUWKHZDUUDQW\EHFRPHVHIIHFWLYHDQGRQO\SXUVXDQWWRWKHWHUPVRIWKHGH¿QLWLRQRI³/DERU´EHORZ 6. If we ask you to ship the fan back to Big Ass Fans for repairs or replacement, we will prepay the shipping and insurance for factory LQVWDOOHGIDQVGXULQJWKH¿UVWPRQWKVDIWHUWKHZDUUDQW\EHFRPHVHIIHFWLYHKRZHYHU\RXZLOOKDYHWRUHSDFNDJHWKHIDQLQVXFKD way that there is no damage to the fan in transit. You will be sent any return shipment documentation necessary to help you return the fan to Big Ass Fans. If we determine that no warrantable failure occurred or defect exists, we may invoice you for these shipping costs. Please be patient while we arrange for or undertake the necessary warranty service. We will provide you with regular status updates, as well as shipment dates, if appropriate, until your fan is back in service. Conditions 1. Big Ass )DQ&RPSDQ\UHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWRPDNHWKH¿QDOGHWHUPLQDWLRQEDVHGRQLWVRZQHYDOXDWLRQRIWKHIDQDQGDOOFRPSRQHQWV as to whether: a. The problem in question is the result of a defect in design, workmanship, or materials, and not a result of error, misuse, or abuse on the part of the customer as set forth under the exclusions detailed below; b. Noise heard during operation is within normal operating levels, in which case this Warranty would be inapplicable. Note: Certain electrical, motor, or other operating noise may be impossible to eliminate due to the fan design and/or site conditions. Dissatisfaction with normal operating noise levels is not covered by this Warranty, and return of any fans for this reason will be subject to Big Ass Fans’ Return Policy (see following page). c. Adverse site conditions, (including, but not limited to, excessive dust, heat, humidity, unstable electric service, or any other unknown or unforeseen condition that affects the proper operation of the products) improper application, or improper installation is determined to be the basis for the failure. d. The problem or defect is material and requires action under this warranty; and e. The remedy of repair, replacement, or refund is appropriate. 2. If Big Ass Fans determines, in its sole discretion, that the appropriate remedy under the Warranty is a refund, the refund amount will be limited to the price paid by the customer for the product alone, and under no circumstances will it include the cost of labor, shipping, handling, packaging, or any other incidental or consequential costs incurred or anticipated by the customer. 3. With respect to replacement or repair rendered, Big Ass Fan Company reserves the right to use replacement parts that are refurbished. Big Ass Fan Company warrants that the parts replaced or repaired, whether or not they have been refurbished or are RULJLQDOHTXLSPHQWZLOORSHUDWHSURSHUO\DQGEHIUHHIURPGHIHFWVLQPDWHULDOVDQGZRUNPDQVKLSIRUDSHULRGRIGD\VIURPWKH date of shipment to the customer, or for the remainder of the original warranty period, whichever is longer. 4. A service fee, parts replacement fee, and shipping charges may be imposed if any fan is returned for warranty service that is missing FRPSRQHQWVRUWKDWKDVEHHQPRGL¿HGLQDQ\ZD\RUZKHQZHGHWHUPLQHWKDWQRZDUUDQWDEOHIDLOXUHRFFXUUHGRUGHIHFWH[LVWV6XFK IHHVDQGFKDUJHVZLOOYDU\EDVHGXSRQWKHDFWXDOPDWHULDODQGODERUFRVWVQHFHVVDU\WRUHSODFHPLVVLQJRUPRGL¿HGSDUWVDQGWR return the fan to its original factory condition. Return policy 5HWXUQVPXVWEHUHFHLYHGZLWKLQGD\VRIVKLSPHQW7KHFXVWRPHUZLOOEHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUUHWXUQIUHLJKWFKDUJHV$UHVWRFNLQJIHHRI IRUXQRSHQHGER[HVDQGIRURSHQHGER[HVDSSOLHVWRDOOUHWXUQV :KDWLVQRWFRYHUHG"([FOXVLRQV 1. Units purchased and used outside the USA and its territories, Canada, or Australia. 2. Units purchased from any entity other than Big Ass Fan Company, Big Ass )DQ$I¿OLDWHG&RPSDQLHVLQ$XVWUDOLDRUD%LJAss Fan Company Authorized Dealer. 3. Units or components where the serial number or part number sticker has been removed or defaced. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Warranty Policy (cont.) 19 Exclusions (cont.) 4. Defects, malfunctions, failure or physical damage caused by unauthorized service/parts and improper installation, adverse site conditions (including, but not limited to, excessive heat, dust or humidity, unstable electric service, or any other unknown RUXQIRUHVHHQFRQGLWLRQWKDWDIIHFWVWKHSURSHURSHUDWLRQRIWKHSURGXFWVPLVKDQGOLQJPRGL¿FDWLRQVRUGDPDJHZKLOHLQ\RXU possession including failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance, which shall include, but not be limited to: a. )DLOXUHWRIROORZWKHUHTXLUHGLQVWDOODWLRQSURFHGXUHVVSHFL¿HGLQWKH%LJAss Fan Company-supplied Installation Manual and in all other documentation supplied with the fans and related equipment; b. Failure to follow all relevant codes and ordinances including, but not limited to, the National Electric Code and state and local building codes; c. Failure to follow electrical engineering industry standards regarding the approved method of installing solid-state electrical equipment having the characteristics of the fan, the fan control, and their related components, even if such standards are not VSHFL¿FDOO\UHIHUHQFHGLQDQ\LQVWUXFWLRQVRUOLWHUDWXUHVXSSOLHGE\%LJAss Fan Company; and d. Failure to use properly all installation and mounting hardware supplied by Big Ass Fan Company. $77(17,218QGHUQRFLUFXPVWDQFHVZLOOWKH%LJAss Fan Company be responsible for remedial work necessary to correct installation procedures by others that do not conform to those established by the instructions, codes, and standards GHVFULEHGXQGHULWHPVDWKURXJKGDERYH e. $Q\PRGL¿FDWLRQRUDOWHUDWLRQRIRUDGMXVWPHQWWRWKHIDQVIDQFRQWURODQGRUPRXQWLQJDQGLQVWDOODWLRQKDUGZDUHDQGRUDQ\ disassembly of the major components of the fans and fan controls for any purpose whatsoever, including any attempt to diagnose and/or repair any problem, without prior written authorization from Big Ass Fans’ Technical Support Department; f. Misuse, abuse, accidents, unreasonable use, or Acts of God; g. Incorrect electric current, voltage, or supply; h. Failure to use fan controls supplied by Big Ass Fan Company unless: i. Big Ass Fans’ Technical Support Department has provided written permission prior to installation; and ii. 7KHIDQFRQWUROVDUHEXLOWRSHUDWHGDQGPDLQWDLQHGDFFRUGLQJWRVSHFL¿FDWLRQVSURYLGHGWRDQGDSSURYHGE\%LJAss Fans’ Technical Support Department. i. Failure to perform periodic maintenance as detailed in the Big Ass Fan Company-supplied Installation Manual. 5. Consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, entity, or structure as a result of any breach of these warranties, except where such damages may not be excluded by law. 6. Claims made for products that have not been paid for in full. 7. Damage caused by premises structural defects, structural movement or settlement, exposure to chemicals, salt water, acid rain or other corrosive elements, excessive humidity, and/or wind. 8. 1RUPDOFKDQJHVWRWKH¿QLVKFDXVHGE\RUGLQDU\XVHRUGDPDJHWRQRQIDFWRU\DSSOLHG¿QLVKHV Damage or failure caused by subjection of the product to conditions outside its design limitations. 10. 'HIHFWVUHSRUWHGPRUHWKDQGD\VIURPZKHQWKH\ZHUHGLVFRYHUHGRUVKRXOGKDYHEHHQGLVFRYHUHG 11. With regard to electrical and electronic components provided by Big Ass Fan Company that comprise part of the products, including motors, motor drives, and variable frequency drives, Big Ass Fan Company relies on the determination by the original manufacturer as to whether the failure of such component was the result of a defect. If the manufacturer of such component determines that there was no defect and therefore refuses to cover it under warranty, Big Ass Fan Company likewise will not warranty such item unless Big Ass Fan Company determines that the failure of such electrical or electronic component was the result of a defect of design, workmanship, or material within some other part of the products. 'H¿QLWLRQV ³2SHUDWHSURSHUO\´DSSOLHVWRPHFKDQLFDOHOHFWULFDODQGVWUXFWXUDOIXQFWLRQVRQO\1RJXDUDQWHHXQOHVVDQGH[FHSWE\VHSDUDWHZULWWHQ agreement, is made regarding the dimensions or air movement generated or the appropriateness of the effectiveness of any product for its intended purpose or for the customer’s particular application. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 20 Warranty Policy (cont.) 7+,6:$55$17<,6(;35(66/<,1/,(82)$//27+(5:$55$17,(6(;35(66('25,03/,(',1&/8',1* :$55$17,(62)0(5&+$17$%,/,7<25),71(66)253$57,&8/$5385326($1'2)$//27+(52%/,*$7,216$1' LIABILITIES ON BIG ASS )$1&203$1<¶63$57$1'%,*ASS FAN COMPANY NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANY 3(562172$6680()25,7$1<27+(5/,$%,/,7<,1&211(&7,21:,7+7+(6$/(2)7+(352'8&761227+(5 :$55$17<(;35(66('25,03/,(':+(7+(52)),71(66)25$3$57,&8/$5385326(252)0(5&+$17$%,/,7< 252)$1<27+(5.,1':+(7+(5251276,0,/$5,11$785(72$1<35(9,286/<63(&,),('6+$//(;,67:,7+ 5(63(&77268&+352'8&76$//68&+:$55$17,(6%(,1*+(5(%<',6&/$,0('%<%,*ASS FAN COMPANY $1':$,9('%<&86720(581'(512&,5&8067$1&(66+$//%,*ASS FAN COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS, '$0$*(&2672)5(3$,525,1&,'(17$/25&216(48(17,$/'$0$*(62)$1<.,1',1&211(&7,21:,7+7+( 86(6$/(255(3$,52)$1<352'8&76385&+$6(')520%,*ASS )$1&203$1<81/(6668&+'$0$*(6 &$1127%((;&/8'('%</$: Big Ass Fan Company reserves the right to change this warranty at any time without advance notice. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 Warranty Return Instructions 21 We have received your request for replacement of a part that failed during normal use and which you believe to be covered under warranty. We are shipping this replacement part to you pursuant to your notice that you will be replacing the original part within 10 days. This replacement part is being shipped to you prior to our receipt of the item that failed, and prior to our evaluation of this part to determine the reasons for its failure and whether it is covered under warranty. ,QRUGHUWRHYDOXDWHWKHFDXVHRIWKHSURGXFWIDLOXUHZHQHHG\RXWRUHWXUQWKHRULJLQDOSDUWWRRXURI¿FHVZLWKLQZRUNLQJGD\VRI receipt of the replacement part. Should the part be covered under warranty, you will not be charged for the replacement item. However, you will be charged for the replacement part plus shipping if (1) the part is not under warranty because the source of failure is outside the scope of the warranty, or (2) the warranty period has expired. If there is no warranty coverage, we will send you a detailed letter of explanation. We also will charge you for the replacement item plus shipping and handling if you do not return the original item within 10 days of the receipt of the replacement item. ,QVWUXFWLRQVIRUUHWXUQLQJWKHRULJLQDOLWHP 1. Please use the return label that is included in the box containing the replacement part. The return shipment address is: Big Ass Fan Company ATTN: RMA#________ 800 Winchester Road Lexington, KY 40505 2. Use the packaging for the replacement part to return the original part. 3. Include the packing list we have provided which includes the RMA#. 4. ,IWKHSDUWZHLJKVRYHUOEV\RXZLOOEHSURYLGHGDSUHSDLG%LOO2I/DGLQJ7RVFKHGXOHDIUHLJKWSLFNXSSOHDVHFRQWDFW&XVWRPHU Service. We will only charge back the freight costs if the original part is not under warranty, or if you do not return the original component within 10 days of receipt of the replacement. 5. If the part weighs 50 lbs or less, please use the provided prepaid UPS Ground shipping label and drop off at your nearest UPS pickup location. We apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your assistance and cooperation. If you have questions, please contact us at 1-877-BIG-FANS. Thank you, Big Ass Fan Company WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BIG ASS FAN 400 22 Warranty Policy (cont.) Warranty claim form instructions 1. &RPSOHWH:DUUDQW\&ODLP)RUPDQG5HVSRQVLELOLW\$JUHHPHQWVHHIROORZLQJSDJHVDQGID[WKHPWR$WWQ&XVWRPHU Service. These pages will be faxed back to you for your records. The Warranty Claim Form will include our acknowledgment and a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number. 1RWH'RQRWUHWXUQDQ\LWHPZLWKRXW¿UVWEHLQJDVVLJQHGDQ50$E\%LJAss Fan Company Customer Service. 2. No more than 10 days prior to the date you have made arrangements to replace the component part, call Customer Service at 1-877-BIG-FANS to arrange for replacement component delivery and original component pickup. At that time, we will fax you a written acknowledgment of your call that includes a reminder of the return instructions. Note: Even if you are not able to replace the component immediately following your initial notice to us, returning the Warranty Claim Form and Responsibility Agreement will effectively stop the warranty clock from running. You can then make the product exchange when you are prepared to do so. However, the warranty period will continue to run until we receive these completed pages back from you, and no warranty will be honored without receipt of these pages within the warranty period. We will not send out any replacement part until you have called to let us know that you have scheduled installation of the replacement. This ensures that the replacement part is not lost or damaged while awaiting installation, and that you are not billed for the replacement because you have waited too long to return the original component (see Responsibility Agreement). 3. When you receive the replacement part, you have 10 working days to remove and replace the existing component and return it to us at 800 Winchester Road, Lexington, KY 40505. a. Upon receiving the replacement part, verify that replacement part order is correct. If order is incorrect or damaged, notify Big Ass Fan Company within 24 hours after receiving order. b. 8VHFDUHXQSDFNLQJWKHUHSODFHPHQWFRPSRQHQWDV\RXZLOOQHHGWRXVH%27+WKHSDFNDJLQJIURPWKHUHSODFHPHQWSDUW$1' the packing list and a return address label included inside this packaging to return the original part. If the original packaging and return documents are not used, you will be responsible for any damage incurred in transit as well as any additional costs involved. 1RWH7KH50$PXVWDSSHDURQWKHRXWVLGHRIWKHER[EHLQJUHWXUQHG,WHPVZLWKRXWDQ50$ZLOOQRWEHDFFHSWHG c. 8VHWKHGHOLYHU\VHUYLFHRURQHRIWKHWUXFNOLQHVVSHFL¿HGLQWKHDFNQRZOHGJPHQWIRUUHWXUQRIWKHSDUW:HZLOOUHIXVHUHFHLSWRI any shipment that is returned via an unauthorized carrier. If you prefer, we can make all arrangements for delivery and pickup. d. )D[DFRS\RIWKHELOORIODGLQJRURWKHUWUDFNLQJLQIRUPDWLRQWRZKHQWKHLWHPKDVEHHQVKLSSHGVRWKDWZHNQRZWR expect delivery of the original part. 4. If we do not receive the original part back within 15 working days from the date you receive delivery of the replacement, you will be invoiced for the cost of the replacement part, plus freight, on Net 15 terms (see Responsibility Agreement), and this invoice will be due and payable. If you subsequently return the replacement part to us after payment has been made, we will refund any payment made for the replacement part, unless we subsequently determine that the part is not covered under warranty. WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM © 2014 DELTA T CORP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 800 Winchester Road Lexington, KY 40505 Phone: 1-877-BIG-FANS )D[ Warranty Claim Form Name (print): 6LJQDWXUH Company: 6KLSSLQJ$GGUHVV City/State/ZIP: Phone: Fax: 'DWHRI Purchase: Items Returned: 5HDVRQVIRUUHWXUQLQJLWHP (please provide detail, including length of time after fan had been in operation that problem was noticed, nature of problem, any attempts you made to remedy the problem, etc.): $77(17,21'RQRWUHWXUQDQ\LWHPZLWKRXW¿UVWEHLQJDVVLJQHGDQ50$E\%LJAss Fan Company Customer Service 'HSDUWPHQW7KH50$PXVWDSSHDURQWKHRXWVLGHRIWKHER[EHLQJUHWXUQHG,WHPVZLWKRXWDQ50$ZLOOQRWEHDFFHSWHG 'DWHUHSODFHPHQWSDUWV |should be shipped (if known): Please do not request shipment until you are prepared to install; you may call us at 1-877-BIG-FANS to arrange shipment when you have scheduled installation. $FNQRZOHGJPHQWRI5HFHLSWRI:DUUDQW\5HWXUQ1RWL¿FDWLRQ (to be completed by Big Ass Fan Company) $FNQRZOHGJHGE\ 50$ Authorized Truck Line(s): 'DWH 800 Winchester Road Lexington, KY 40505 Phone: 1-877-BIG-FANS )D[ 5HVSRQVLELOLW\$JUHHPHQW To: Big Ass Fan Company The undersigned understands and acknowledges receipt of the Warranty Claim Form and Instructions and agrees that Big Ass Fan &RPSDQ\KDVWKHULJKWXSRQUHFHLSWRIUHWXUQHGPHUFKDQGLVHWRPDNH¿QDOGHWHUPLQDWLRQDVWRZKHWKHUWKLVPHUFKDQGLVHVKRXOGEH replaced at no cost under Big Ass Fan Company’s stated warranty policy. The undersigned further agrees that if Big Ass Fan Company determines that this merchandise does not qualify under its stated warranty policy, Big Ass Fan Company can invoice for the replacement merchandise, plus shipping and handling for the original part and all replacements, and such invoice will be paid within 15 days of receipt of the same. The undersigned agrees to ship to Big Ass Fan Company’s location at 800 Winchester Road, Lexington, KY 40505 all of the merchandise replaced by Big Ass Fan Company, including, but not necessarily limited to, defective or failed components, within 10 working days of the receipt of the any replacements. The undersigned further agrees that if said replaced merchandise has not been shipped to Big Ass Fan Company within 10 working days, Big Ass Fan Company can invoice for the replacement merchandise plus shipping and handling, and the invoice will be paid within 15 days of receipt. 6LJQHG Title: For: (Name of Company) 'DWH 004475-01 Rev A 2425 Merchant St., Lexington, KY 40511 1 (877) BIG-FANS | WWW.BIGASSFANS.COM