Halo Memories Made Easy
Product Availability: Halo RIC 13 i110, i90, i70
• The TruLink Hearing Control App may
be downloaded from the Apple App
• Applicable Apple devices for use with
SoundSpace include:
iPhone 4s, 5, 5c, or 5s
iPad 4 or newer, iPad mini, iPad Air
Personalization has never been better or easier with the memory flexibility
offered in Halo hearing instruments. A total of 20 memories may be created
via a combination of Inspire and custom memories to meet the needs of
patients’ unique listening environments.
Inspire Mem ories
Custom Mem ories
Created By
iPod Touch 5th generation or newer
• Apple iOS 7 or higher is required.
Dependent upon the number of
Inspire memories for a total of
20 memories. Examples:
• 2 Inspire / 18 Custom
• 3 Inspire / 17 Custom
Maxim um
Num ber
of Mem ories
Auto Change
Defaults OFF
May be enabled
Defaults ON
May be disabled
Figure 1
*SoundSpace cannot be used to permanently adjust any Inspire memory. If SoundSpace is
used with an Inspire memory, the patient will be required to save the settings as a new
custom memory.
Creating Custom Memories
See the TruLink Hearing Control SoundSpace Made Easy QuickTIP for
information on SoundSpace and how to create custom memories.
Accessing Memories
Figure 2
All Inspire and custom memories may be accessed by tapping or dragging the
shade found on the TruLink Hearing Control Rem ote screen (Fig. 1). Inspire
memories will populate under Hearing Aid Mem ories and custom memories will
be located under TruLink Mem ories (Fig. 2). Tap on the desired memory. The
selected memory will then display above the shade. The native iOS controls will allow access to all Inspire memories and the most
recently used custom memory labeled TruLink. The patient may tap on any of the
visible memory names to access that memory from the native screen (Fig. 3).
Figure 3
Accessing Memories Good-To-Know
Inspire will not display custom memories created by the patient.
If there are no custom memories created, the Hearing Aid Mem ory
labeled TruLink is a copy of Memory 1 and serves as a space holder until
custom memories are created. Once custom memories are available,
tapping on this label will load the last used custom memory.
Auto Change
When Auto Change is ENABLED for a Memory:
The memory will automatically load into the hearing aids when the patient is
Figure 4
within 100 meters of the assigned location if Location Services are enabled
on the Apple device.
Auto change switching accuracy will depend upon the satellite signal.
There is no audible indicator; however, the individual will hear a momentary
change of memory.
Another memory may be manually selected at any time using the pull down
shade found on the TruLink Hearing Control Rem ote screen (Fig 1).
Auto Change will default OFF in Inspire memories but may be enabled:
1. Tap on the arrow icon adjacent to the memory name accessed from the
TruLink Hearing Control Rem ote screen (Fig. 4).
2. The glowing blue circle on the map represents the patient’s physical location
(Fig 5). Press the blue circle until a red pushpin populates on the screen.
When this happens, auto change will also populate in the ON position (Fig
Figure 5
Figure 6
3. Tap Save to save the settings.
Auto Change will default ON in custom memories but may be disabled:
1. Tap on the arrow icon adjacent to the memory name accessed from the
TruLink Hearing Control Rem ote Screen (Fig. 4).
2. Tap on the auto change button in the bottom right corner of the screen to
turn it OFF. It will turn grey (Fig 7).
3. Tap Save to save the settings.
Figure 7
Adjusting Location
• If the patient would like to adjust the auto change location settings for
greater accuracy (i.e. individual buildings on a campus), they can press down
on the red, location marker pushpin on the map and drag it to a new location
(Fig 8 RED).
The map can also be enlarged or shrunk by pulling or pinching the fingers,
respectively, for greater accuracy.
Figure 8
Tapping the Arrow icon will center the map at the patient’s current
location (Fig. 8 GREEN).
Tapping on the Pushpin icon will center the map at the selected
pushpin location (Fig. 8 BLUE).
Note: Map features are consistent with Apple Maps.
Auto Change Good-To-Know
Auto change may be enabled or disabled in any memory as needed.
When disabled, a prompt will explain that this memory will not be
automatically activated upon return visits to this location. The auto
change icon will be grey.
When enabled, a prompt will explain that this memory will automatically be
activated upon return visits to this location. The auto change icon will be
The Halo hearing aids will switch to Memory 1 when leaving a geo-tagged
Only one memory per tagged geographical location (geo-tag) is possible.
To clear a geo-tag, remove the red pushpin by tapping on the red circle
adjacent to the memory name/address label on the map screen (Fig 9).
Adding a Photo
Figure 9
Figure 10
Add a Photo to a memory for further personalization.
1. Tap on the Cam era/Postcard icon (Fig. 10 BLUE).
2. Select Take Photo or Choose from Library and follow the prompts.
3. The final step is to Delete, Cancel or Save the selections
(Fig. 10 PURPLE).
Car Memory
Halo devices offer patients a unique solution to meet listening needs when traveling
in a car. With a Car memory implemented and Autom atic Car Mem ory enabled,
Halo devices will automatically change into the Car memory to reduce the annoying
sounds of driving and enhance the driving experience whenever the Apple device is in
motion and exceeding 10 mph.
1. Select Car as one of the memory environments when programming the Halo
Figure 11
Figure 12
hearing aids in Inspire (Fig. 11). After programming the devices in Inspire,
close Inspire and launch the TruLink Hearing Control App.
2. Tap on the Gear icon at the top of the screen to access Device Settings
(Fig 12).
3. Tap on the arrow adjacent to App Settings. 4. The Autom atic Car Mem ory feature defaults OFF and the button adjacent
to the feature name will be greyed out. Tap on the button to enable the
feature. It will turn blue (Fig. 13). The patient will receive a prompt letting
Figure 13
them know that the Car memory will automatically switch when a speed over
10 mph is detected.
5. Autom atic Car Mem ory may be disabled at any time by tapping on the
button again to grey it out. The patient will receive a prompt letting them
know that the Car memory will no longer automatically switch when going
above 10 mph.
6. Tap Back to finish (Fig. 13 PURPLE).
Car Memory Good-To-Know
Figure 14
Memory selection will automatically revert back to the previous memory in
use once the Apple device is traveling below 10 mph for at least 2 minutes.
The time constant for the automatic switching is dependent on the GPS
If the patient manually selects another memory after the Halo hearing aids
have automatically switched into the Car memory, the Autom atic Car
Mem ory feature will turn off. A prompt will appear alerting the patient to
this, and Autom atic Car Mem ory will need to be re-enabled if so desired
(Fig. 14).
Memories with auto change enabled take precedence over the Car
Figure 15
Copying a Memory
An existing memory may be copied if it is successful in another listening situation.
Copying the memory will allow it to be saved with a name applicable to the new
environment and will provide the opportunity to personalize it with auto change
and a photo. See the TruLink Hearing Control SoundSpace Made Easy
QuickTIP for information on how to copy a memory.
The Apple Notification Center will show the history of memory changes if enabled
Figure 16
in the Apple device. The Notification Center is accessed by swiping down from
the top edge of the screen. To set notification options, go to Settings >
Notification Center > TruLink App and enable Show in Notification
Center along with the desired number of items to be displayed (Fig 15).
Banner alerts may also be configured here (Fig 16) to visually alert the patient to
automatic memory changes when Show Mem ory Change Notifications are
enabled in the TruLink Hearing Control App under App Settings accessed
via the Gear icon (Fig 17).
TruLink Hearing Control settings and custom memories may be
backed up via iTunes or the iCloud.
Figure 17