“g image RUNNER 2530
Making a Copy
1 Display the 2 Place your J Specify the 4 Start
Copy Screen originals Number of Copies Copying
100% Auto | :
Direct {Copy Paper Select
[« AAN) »
Special |
Features iE
Press (COPY) to display the top Place your originals in the feeder Enter the desired number of Press &) (Start).
screen of the Copy function. copies (1 to 999) using @)-®)
(numeric keys).
or on the platen glass.
If you are making prints on transparencies, labels, non standard paper
Feeding Paper Using the Stack Bypass
size stock, or envelopes, load the paper stock into the stack bypass.
3 Place your originals. 4 Load the paper into the stack bypass.
1 Press
special E
“Features >».
System Monitor
paper type -> press [OK] -> [Done] as indicated on
the touch panel display*
The stack bypass is now chosen as the paper
2 The Standby
display appears.
"Ready to copy.
100 Aut ] To specify the paper size and type To manually select the stack bypass as the paper
% uto Load the paper in the stack bypass as illustrated -> source after the paper size is loaded and its size
select the paper size -> press [Next] -> select the and type are specified:
Paper Select | Press [Paper Select].
al = Irregular 8} 20 O DDT
Enlarging/Reducing Images
1 Place your originals
-> press [Copy Ratio].
2 Select the desired copy
ratio -> press [Done].
key entry
Direct Paper Select
por es À
= [100]
61% A3»B5
50% A3»>A5
25% WIN.
System Monitor
4 Enter the desired number of copier [1 to 999] using 0-0 (numeric keys)
J Use [+] or [-] to set the
copy ratio -> press [Done].
400% MAX
200% ASPA3
400% MAX
200% ASPA3
86% ADOS
61% A3PB5
50% A3PAS
25% WIN.
5 Press (® ) (Start).
2-Sided Copying
1 to 2-Sided
1 Place your originals -> press
100% __ Auto
Tex«t/Photo +
isl i
System Monitor
Collate Mode
Three Copies
of Each Page
Collated in
Page Order
Group Mode
Three Copies
of Each Page
Grouped by
Set 1 Set2 $Set3 Set 4
Rotate Mode
2 to 2-Sided
Original Copy
2 Select the desired 2-sided mode
-> press [OK].
[2-Sided] Select a 2-Sided copying feature.
1 Place your originals
-> press [Finishing].
Ready to copy.
100% Auto ]
Paper Select
pret to M ee St)
ca A
pres ree o
Postres ol
System Monitor
Эн you want to rotate copies press,
[Rotate] -> [Next] -> select [A4],
[A4R], [B5], or [BSR].
[Rotate Collating] Select the paper size.
A4, A4R, BS, BSR, LTR,
2 to 1-Sided
J Enter the desired number of copies
[1 to 999] using (0)-€) (numeric
4 Press @) (Start).
2 Select the desired collating mode.
Press [Collate] or [Group].
(Finishing) Select a collate feature.
ABC 257 ААА ‚у
мо №) ee SN
El Group
| rotate
Coe Jer JOA
4 Enter the desired
number of copies
[1 to 999] using
and LTR paper sizes can
be selected.
(numeric keys)
5 Press
(Start). €
| Cancel | < Back
[system Monitor — Ji
Printing from a Computer
| 2 >
Open the [Print] Dialog Box Select the Printer
In the application you mm Клан o In the [Print] dialog box,
open the document to rome wo select your printer
print from, click the [File] Comino € po = -> click [properties].
menu -> select [Print]. Le see 5 9 и
separated by commas. For example, 1,3,5~12
Print what: [Document Sr
Pone: [Moses Y] Pages per sheet: — |! page У
Scale to paper se: [NoScam =
cm | CE} _ cou
Specify the Print Settings Start Printing
- pee “ri Dr >
= > AT manto.
: Em == В In each sheet of the а reas Specify the number of
nia Ш printer setting dialog box, nn ee à prints and pages to print
— Ee specify the print settings == == as necessary -> click [OK].*
ud as “— “E that suit your preferences Enter gn mbes acer pagers 2 > 5
pe rr -> click [OK]. preg: Pome >] 200
A Pl A м м Specify printer settings, such as the finishing style and print quality
Specifyi ng the Pri nter Driver Settings for settings that will allow savings on paper and toner
[GS Canon R2535/2545 UFRII LT Preta 57) Outed sera Y Ca) Cien.
Status: Ide В Opus Memos = fin v
ED ea Selecting the a _
Comment: — с obs
= = Paper Source |
ca Number of gopies: [E] r ea Je -
C Cumentpago © On the [Paper Source] = e-- = ae
Chal > 9 17 colate tab, you can specify Z J == E
Da a Ly casks: Pat Seale. AE 42 the paper source and +, ce
Print hat: [Docent =] [Zoom type. ==
pot: fpgermreme —x] | eerste: [lose :
Scale to paper size: [No Scaing 5] (Peto Den
C= J em) m=]
gprs... | [ox] come |
Configuring the page settings Selecting the print output quality Selecting the Finishing style
On the Page setup tab you can specify On the Quality tab, you can specify the print On the [Finishing] tab, specify the
the page settings. output quality to match the purpose of the printing. finishing style.
€ Canon R25752545 UFAILT Properties * Canon RZ535/2545 VFRILLT Properties
у Late Page Senp Freiberg Paper Sauce Quality
Profle *T) Ovtad Setrg: + Lac | tem |
UT TE una Method Prev v
Desgre [AD Od
Pure She a 1edeó Puerg -
| Port seth Moot Pages Som Overton
Te modo a und «der erg documents 1 Jee d
Bring Locanon: ] Long Edge Len) - Lim |
A =
Oe =
ы h or
= o aj
Leer EScalrg Auto)
L ven Senrge | Pape Dugas aus -
On each sheet, click [OK] pere ——
nome JL Peete | to return to the [Print] — —
or) Ceres ) window after you have e] Cas 10 o
specified the settings
Scanning from a Computer
Display the Remote Scan Screen
= [Scan/Options] ©
System Monitor
x Network Scan
о (Dam.
Open the Color Network ScanGear
fle Edt Yew Insert | Format Tools Table Window Heb
| 2 A rome
= Times Nov Roman = 12 +
Make sure that the Color Network ScanGear
IS selected as the scanner to be used
Basic Sending Methods
Place Your Originals
Press (2)
to display the Scan
Options screen.
E) Press [Remote
@ Press [Online].
Close the feeder/platen cover after placing
your originals on the platen glass.
Place your
originals in the
feeder or on
the platen glass
From the menu of
the application,
select the
start the scanning
Start Scanning
Man | Options | Scanner Into |
Color Mode [Cda =]
Resanco [0 & =]
Omgrd Sge м =
Op Placemert [Feeder (1aded) =!
в) Ayo edit Oreriation
. Simi |
Pages to Scar TE | =
Digna Type frame =]
Dercty Adpetmert | [Mas 5
Deny mad Vemos 7
Image (by Adutrae EERIE
_Ere adpatmert… |
Вовсе Обо: |
© 210.0 эт —| © 296.9 нтв © 1132203
Specify the scan
settings that suit
your preferences
-> click [Scan].
This section describes the basic procedures for sending documents via
e-mail, |-fax, and fax, or to a file server or USB memory media device.
1 Press (SEND) -> place
your originals.
2 Press [New Address] -> [E-mail].
Ready to send. Dest.: 0 31/12/09
= ; pa
= | 200x200dpi
; Auto
#New Add. Scan |
aa settings |
I JI |
' e
Ta =
В hp ar
File | Memory |
| Media [2]
New Il
Address ;
Settings » |
System Monitor
Choose your destination:
1) Email
2) File Folder
3) Memory Media (USB)
4) Fax
J Press [Scan Settings] to specify settings such as file format,
color mode, resolution, scan size, image quality.
ied Ne
13 por
Favorites One-touch
Buttons Buttons
(System Monitor J
4 Press [Send Settings].
Ready to send.
1 31/12/09
EE) = jonneexample. com
Le N
[system Monitor À
[Scan Settings]
| Resolution:
mm Jw
CO |
ie | @
L2 original |
Different [adjust |
Size Origin » | Background |
5 Specify the send settings you
реку Send | [ram
| rest
6 Press ($)
[Start] button
and [Done] on
the LCD panel.
require -> press [Done].
Press [Y ]or[4]
to scroll to the
desired setting if it it
is not displayed.
*Document Name
*E-mail Priority