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IBM 1.4.3 Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Below you will find brief information for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3. This document provides details of integrating IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager with IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
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IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3
Wireless Component
Document Revision R2E1
Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2007, 2017.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
About This Documentation . . . . . . v
What this publication contains .
The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless component user publications.
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technical training .
Conventions used in this publication .
Chapter 1. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Integration Overview . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2. IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Integration Prerequisites . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager Agent Installation and
Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Upgrading the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent by remote deployment .
Configuring the application server agent .
Configuring the loader agent .
Configuring the gateway agent .
Chapter 4. Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager Enablement . . . . . . . . 15
Enabling the collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics .
Starting the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent service .
Chapter 5. Processing the Gateways
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Historical
Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Enabling Historical Data Collection .
Updating Time Spans for Queries .
Updating Time Spans for Bar and Line Charts .
Updating Time Spans for Tables .
Managing Historical Data by Pruning .
Chapter 6. Integrating Alarm . . . . . 27
Existing application infrastructure .
Customer already has IBM Tivoli Monitoring and
Customer has Netcool/OMNIbus and other non-IBM IT monitoring solutions .
Customer does not have Netcool/OMNIbus or
Customer has IBM Tivoli Monitoring but other non-IBM Fault Management solution .
Generating the alarm package .
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli
Monitoring navigation layout . . . . . 35
Loader metrics and navigation layout .
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout 36
Application server metrics and navigation layout .
Application server agent log files .
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout 40
Gateway server metrics and navigation layout.
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout 44
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Terms and conditions for product documentation.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
About This Documentation
IBM Tivoli
Monitoring helps monitor and optimize hardware and application performance. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring application operates by deploying agents to monitor the performance of target systems and to relay the data back to the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring system, where it can be stored and reported on.
The purpose of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide is to provide details of integrating IBM Tivoli
Performance Manager with IBM Tivoli
Monitoring. This document provides information for the deployment of the following Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents on IBM Tivoli Monitoring: v Application server v Loaders v Gateways
This information is intended for administrators or operations specialists responsible for installing and administrating IBM
Monitoring and Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager.
What this publication contains
This publication contains the following sections: v
Chapter 1, IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Overview
Overview of steps to integrate Tivoli Monitoring with Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager.
Chapter 2, IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Prerequisites
Integration prerequisites, including IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation, IBM
Tivoli Monitoring OS agent installation.
Chapter 3, Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and
Installing and configuring Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents for the application server, loaders, and gateways.
Chapter 4, Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Enablement
Enabling Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager for the collection of IBM Tivoli
Monitoring metrics.
Chapter 5, Gateways IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Historical Data
Enabling historical data collection.
Integrating Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager alarms.
Chapter 7, Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli
Describes the metrics that are collected for each Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager agent, the log files that are used and the default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless component user publications
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless component consists of the following publications:
Table 1. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless component user documentation
Release Summary for Tivoli Netcool Performance
Installing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager -
Wireless Component
Upgrading Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager -
Wireless Component
Administering Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager -
Wireless Component
Using Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless
Installing and Using Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager - Application Studio - Wireless Component
Integrating with Tivoli Monitoring - Wireless
Integrating with Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI -
Wireless Component
Additional release-specific information not in the guides.
Instructions for installing and configuring the
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager software.
Instructions for upgrading Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager software.
Instructions and general information about how to maintain and support Tivoli Netcool Performance
Conceptual information and procedures for using
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager software for performance, trending analysis and performance alarms.
Provides instructions for installation and usage of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager -
Application Studio.
Provides instructions for integrating IBM Tivoli
Monitoring with Tivoli Netcool Performance
Provides instructions for integrating IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI with Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager.
The documentation is available on the knowledge center at http://www-
Service Management Connect
Connect, learn, and share with Service Management professionals: product support technical experts who provide their perspectives and expertise.
Access Network and Service Assurance community at https://www.ibm.com/ developerworks/servicemanagement/nsa/index.html. Use Service Management
Connect in the following ways: v
Become involved with transparent development, an ongoing, open engagement between other users and IBM developers of Tivoli products. You can access early designs, sprint demonstrations, product roadmaps, and prerelease code.
v Connect one-on-one with the experts to collaborate and network about Tivoli and the Network and Service Assurance community.
v Read blogs to benefit from the expertise and experience of others.
v Use wikis and forums to collaborate with the broader user community.
Related information
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4 community on developerWorks
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technical training
For Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technical training information, see the following Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Training website at: https://tnpmsupport.persistentsys.com/training.
Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM provides the following ways for you to obtain the support you need:
Access the IBM Software Support site at http://www.ibm.com/software/ support/probsub.html .
IBM Support Assistant
The IBM Support Assistant is a free local software serviceability workbench that helps you resolve questions and problems with IBM software products. The Support Assistant provides quick access to support-related information and serviceability tools for problem determination. To install the Support Assistant software, go to http://www.ibm.com/software/ support/isa.
Troubleshooting Guide
For more information about resolving problems, see the problem determination information for this product.
Conventions used in this publication
Several conventions are used in this publication for special terms, actions, commands, and paths that are dependent on your operating system.
Typeface conventions
This publication uses the following typeface conventions:
v Lowercase commands and mixed case commands that are otherwise difficult to distinguish from surrounding text v Interface controls (check boxes, push buttons, radio buttons, spin buttons, fields, folders, icons, list boxes, items inside list boxes, multicolumn lists, containers, menu choices, menu names, tabs, property sheets), labels (such as Tip:, and Operating system considerations:) v Keywords and parameters in text
v Citations (examples: titles of publications, diskettes, and CDs) v Words defined in text (example: a nonswitched line is called a
point-to-point line) v Emphasis of words and letters (words as words example: "Use the word
that to introduce a restrictive clause."; letters as letters example: "The
LUN address must start with the letter L.") v New terms in text (except in a definition list): a view is a frame in a workspace that contains data.
v Variables and values you must provide: ... where myname represents....
About This Documentation
v Examples and code examples v
File names, programming keywords, and other elements that are difficult to distinguish from surrounding text v Message text and prompts addressed to the user v Text that the user must type v Values for arguments or command options
Bold monospace
v Command names, and names of macros and utilities that you can type as commands v Environment variable names in text v Keywords v
Parameter names in text: API structure parameters, command parameters and arguments, and configuration parameters v Process names v Registry variable names in text v Script names
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 1. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Overview
IBM Tivoli Monitoring helps monitor and optimize hardware and application performance.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring application operates by deploying agents to monitor the performance of target systems and to relay the data back to the system, where it can be stored and reported on.
There are three agents available to monitor the performance of the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager (Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager) application.
v The Gateway agent monitors the performance and processing success of the
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager gateways.
v The Loader agent monitors the performance and processing success of the Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager loaders.
v The Application Server agent monitors the performance, usage, and data availability progress of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager core functions.
Each agent is downloaded, installed, and configured separately. System administrators can decide which agent or agents to install and configure.
Integration steps
A number of steps must be completed to set up the IBM Tivoli Monitoring system for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager.
The order of the steps is as follows:
Prerequisites a.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation and configuration b.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring OS agents installation and configuration
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent installation and configuration
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager enablement a.
Enable collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics b.
Start a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent service on IBM Tivoli
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 2. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Prerequisites
Integration prerequisites for IBM Tivoli Monitoring integration.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation
If you do not currently have an IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation, you must install it on the server to be used for monitoring Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager. This server is referred to as the IBM Tivoli Monitoring server. For Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager version 1.4.3, IBM Tivoli Monitoring version 6.3 Fix
Pack 6 is required.
For instructions on installing IBM Tivoli Monitoring, see section Installation procedure of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
You can install IBM Tivoli Monitoring on the same server as one of the
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager servers. However, this configuration increases the processor usage and affects the server.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring OS agents installation
IBM Tivoli Monitoring OS agents must be installed on each of the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager servers to be monitored. The OS agent that is installed must be appropriate for the server's operating system.
Consider that a distributed system is used, with Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager gateways and loaders that are installed over multiple servers. In this case, each Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server must be installed with the OS agent appropriate for the server's operating system.
For instructions on how to deploy OS agents to a server, see section Installing
Monitoring Agents of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
The same section of the guide describes how to configure and start the OS agents.
When an agent is correctly configured and started, it displays in the Navigator view of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring User's Guide describes the configuration and use of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal GUI.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent
Installation and Configuration
The chapter details the installation and configuration of Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager agents.
You must install the agents only for those components of Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager that you intend to monitor.
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and Configuration chapter describes: v
Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agents
Upgrading the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agents
Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent by remote deployment
There are three Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents: v Loader v Application server (as) v Gateways
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents installer is packaged together with the
Core installer. The packaged installer files are available as follows: v
Loader agent: valueadd/itm_agents/TNPMWLoaderAgent.tar.gz
v Application server agent: valueadd/itm_agents/TNPMWAppserverAgent.tar.gz
v Gateways agent: valueadd/itm_agents/TNPMWGatewayAgent.tar.gz
You must unpack the files with GNU tar version 1.14 and later. Unpack each agent to a different directory to avoid overwriting the files. File names and the directory structure for each agent are similar. Always run the appropriate installer during installation. For example: v On a Windows
® system run: <image_location>/installIraAgentTEMS.bat
v On a non-Windows
® system, as user root run: <image_location>/ installIraAgentTEMS.sh
Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agents
Before you begin
To install the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent version 6.3 Fix Pack 6, you must have the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager version 1.4.3.
About this task
Perform the following steps to install a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent.
The installation involves: v Installing Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support on the Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server v Installing Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support on the Tivoli Enterprise Portal
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
v Adding Bundles on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server - The bundles enable remote deployment of agents from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal GUI. It installs the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent on the remote source depot of
IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
v Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent by remote deployment
- Install and configure the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent in one step through the Tivoli Enterprise Portal GUI.
The following example illustrates installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager loader agent. The installation steps for each agent are the same.
As user root, unpack the contents of the agent archive on target server.
Run the appropriate script at installable media path. It is the same location where you unpacked the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent installer.
For example:
Install the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support on Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.
# ./installIraAgentTEMS.sh <itm_install_location>
For example:
./installIraAgentTEMS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM
Install the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support on Tivoli Enterprise Portal
# ./installIraAgentTEPS.sh <itm_install_location> -r
For example:
./installIraAgentTEPS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM –r
Before you install or deploy a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent from
Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP), run the steps to populate the agent depot on
Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. To populate the agent depot with the tacmd addBundles command, run the following command at
<itm_install_location>/bin .
# ./tacmd addbundles -i <image_location>
For example:
./tacmd addbundles -i /root/LOADER/TNPMWLoaderAgent
For the full syntax, including parameter descriptions, see the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring: Command Reference.
Repeat the installation steps for other agent at a particular software location. Always close all the open browser windows and relogin to Tivoli
Enterprise Portal (TEP) GUI for refreshed mode.
Related information
IBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.3.0 Fix Pack 6 (6.3.0-TIV-ITM-FP0006)
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Upgrading the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agents
Before you begin
You must upgrade the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents from version
6.2.1 to version 6.3 Fix Pack 6.
About this task
Perform the following steps to upgrade a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent.
v Upgrade Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support on Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server v Upgrade Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support on Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server v Upgrade Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent on Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Server
The following example illustrates installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager loader agent. The installation steps for each agent are the same.
As user root, unpack the contents of the agent archive on target server.
Run the appropriate script at installable media path. It is the same location where you unpacked the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent installer.
For example:
Upgrade the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server support on Tivoli Enterprise
Monitoring Server.
# ./installIraAgentTEMS.sh <itm_install_location>
For example:
./installIraAgentTEMS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM
Upgrade the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server support on Tivoli Enterprise Portal
# ./installIraAgentTEPS.sh <itm_install_location> -r
For example:
./installIraAgentTEPS.sh /opt/IBM/ITM –r
Before you install or deploy a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent from
Tivoli Enterprise Portal, run the steps to populate the agent depot on Tivoli
Enterprise Monitoring Server. Run the following command at
<itm_install_location>/bin to populate the agent depot.
# ./tacmd addbundles -i <image_location>
For example:
./tacmd addbundles -i /root/LOADER/TNPMWLoaderAgent
To upgrade the agent on Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server: v
For new Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server without the agent that
is installed before, proceed to “Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager agent by remote deployment” on page 8
Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and Configuration
v For existing Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server with installed agent, run the following command:
# ./installIraAgent.sh <itm_install_location>
For example:
./installIraAgent.sh /opt/IBM/ITM
If the instance of agents status is running, the installer restarts the instances. If the status is 'stop', the instance remains stopped after the installation.
Repeat step 1-6 for other upgrading another agent.
Close all the open browser windows and relogin to Tivoli Enterprise Portal
(TEP) GUI for refreshed mode.
Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent by remote deployment
Using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal GUI allows the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager agent to be installed and configured in one step.
About this task
To install or deploy a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent from Tivoli
Enterprise Portal:
Start the Tivoli Enterprise Portal application.
Right click the server to install on and select Add Managed System.
The OS agent must be running on the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager server to continue with remote installation. Refer to the section
Installing Monitoring Agents of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and
Setup Guide for instructions on how to run OS agents.
The system displays the Select a Monitoring Agent dialog.
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Figure 1. Select a Monitoring Agent
Select the type of agent to install, and click OK.
The system displays the configuration parameters for the agent. See the following sections for details of each agent 's configuration: v
Application server agent configuration
The procedure for configuring an application server, loader, or gateway agent is similar.
Multiple instances of loader and gateway agents can exist on a single server. So sometimes the system displays a prompt to enter a name for the instance. For an application server agent, this scenario is not applicable.
The installation of the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent occurs only the first time the Add Managed System is run for an agent. Subsequent operations are either add new instances or reconfigure the existing agent. When you install an agent from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, you can use the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring command line for the same configuration. You can start or stop actions directly on the server. This situation is not applicable for application server agent because only one instance of that agent can be present on a server.
Configuring the application server agent
Instruction on how to configure the application server agent.
About this task
Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and Configuration
Figure 2. New Managed System Configuration
Enter or amend any configuration settings, as required.
Click Finish.
The system displays a dialog to indicate that the deployment is queued.
Configuring the loader agent
Instructions on how to configure the loader agent.
About this task
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Figure 3. New Managed System Configuration
Enter or amend any configuration settings, as required.
We advise that the agent instance name corresponds to the technology pack for the loader. The log file directory and log file name must correspond to the itm.file
and itm.folder values that are given in the loader's properties file.
Click Finish.
The system displays a dialog to indicate that the deployment is queued.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and Configuration
Configuring the gateway agent
Instructions on how to configure the gateway agent.
Provide expressions for the Gateway Agent Instance Name, Vendor Sub-system name, and Vendor Release name.
Figure 4. New Managed System Configuration
The expression for vendor subsystem name must be consistent with the vendor directory name in the configuration directory.
The expression for vendor Release must be consistent with the release directory name in the configuration directory.
A Gateway Agent Instance is able to monitor multiple Gateway Configurations.
Include wildcards in the expression for multiple vendor and releases.
Ensure that one Gateway Configuration is being monitored by one
Gateway Agent Instance only. The Gateway Configuration is monitored by multiple Gateway Agent Instances. Duplicate records of the same Gateway
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Configuration are reported in the overall Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager
Gateway workspace for every Gateway Agent node.
Click Next.
Provide the Username and Group name.
Figure 5. New Managed System Configuration
The Username. It must be the same as the user name used for the Gateway
Framework installation and is usually: virtuo.
The Group name. You can use any group name. It is usually: virtuo.
Click Finish.
Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and Configuration
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 4. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Enablement
Enabling Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager for IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
Enabling the collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics
Starting the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent service
Enabling the collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics
Enable the collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics for each of the agents you intend to use.
Application server
Distributed systems only. In a distributed installation, you must run the section only for the application server.
By default, the system displays the output of metrics that are required for the IBM
Tivoli Monitoring agents to collect application server data. The property itm.logging.enabled
must be set to true to enable the collection of metrics for
IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
The property itm.logging.enabled is contained in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring properties file on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server in:
Following an update to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring properties file, you must restart the application server. Use the sap utility to restart the application server. For example, type the following on the application server as user virtuo: sap stop as sap start as
See the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Administration Guide.
$WMCROOT is the location where you install Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager.
The recommended installation directory is: /appl/virtuo. In this document,
$WMCROOT = /appl/virtuo .
The contents of this file are as follows:
Table 2. IBM Tivoli Monitoring properties
Enable or disable IBM Tivoli Monitoring logging. Default is false, true turns on IBM
Tivoli Monitoring logging. Any other value turns it off.
The directory that IBM Tivoli Monitoring logs are written to. Default is
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
Table 2. IBM Tivoli Monitoring properties (continued)
Log user role and group information when you are logging report execution metrics.
true turns on the setting to log user role information. Any other value turns it off.
Default is true.
The name of the log file for report execution metrics. The default is itm-reports.log.
The name of the log file for usage metrics.
Default is itm-usage.log.
The name of the log file for stored busy hour completion metrics Default is itm-sbh-completion.log
Frequency in minutes to log busy hour completion metrics. Default is 60.
The name of the log file for stored busy hour execution metrics Default is itm-sbh-execution.log
The name of the log file for summary completion metrics. Default is itm-summary-completion.log
Frequency in minutes to log summary completion metrics. Default is 60.
The name of the log file for summary execution metrics. Default is itm-summary-execution.log
The name of the log file for raw coverage metrics. Default is itm-raw-datacoverage.log
The name of the file that contains the list of
KPIs to calculate coverage for. See Coverage file. Default is $WMCROOT/conf/itm/
If file names are changed, the configuration of the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager application server agent must be changed with the same values.
Coverage file
The format of the coverage file.
Each line in the coverage.txt file must be as follows:
Vendor;Technology;Counter;Rollup Entity Name;Interval;Grace Period
The properties are as follows: v Vendor : Entities are filtered by vendor name. There is no pattern matching, the name must match exactly. 'Neutral' is not a valid vendor name in this context.
Vendor Neutral KPIs must specify a Vendor Specific name as the entity vendor.
v Technology : Entities are filtered by technology name. There is no pattern matching, the name must match exactly.
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
v Counter : A KPI to calculate coverage for. It must be a raw counter, not a Pcalc or UDC.
v Rollup Entity Name
: This property must be a parent of the KPI's entity. It cannot be the same as the entity's KPI.
v Interval : How long the period used to calculate coverage is. This property must be aligned to the interval of the data it is monitoring. It must be the same as, or a multiple of, the data interval.
Grace Period
: How far back in time to go to select the period. This property must match the expected loading latency of the KPI.
For example:
Ericsson; GSM;
Cell.Ericsson.Traffic_Channels_HalfRate.Traffic_Halfrate_accumulator; BSC; 30; 60
In this case, the interval is 30 and the grace period is 60. If the current time is
14:02, the grace period takes this back to 13:02. Aligning the interval to the hour gives 13:00. The time period that is covered is 13:00 to 13:30.
See the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Administration Guide for information about the grace period.
Cron jobs
Coverage file
The following cron job reads the coverage file and produces the coverage metrics:
2,17,32,47 * * * * /appl/virtuo/bin/run_itm_rawcoverage_logger >
/dev/null 2>&1
By default this cron job runs every 15 minutes, for 2 minutes after the quarter hour. You can alter the execution schedule to suit the data to be loaded.
Coverage frequency
A further cron job controls the frequency and length of period coverage:
1,16,31,46 * * * * /appl/virtuo/bin/run_itm_usage_logger 15 >
/dev/null 2>&1 run_itm_usage_logger tracks the user and report execution counts. By default it runs every 15 minutes, for 1 minute after the quarter hour and covers the previous
15-minute period. Generally, if the scheduling frequency is changed, you must also change the parameter that is passed to the run_itm_usage_logger script to match.
Distributed systems only. In a distributed installation, you must run the section only for the loader server.
About this task
By default the output of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics from Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager loaders is disabled. To enable the output of IBM Tivoli
Monitoring metrics from a loader, a property for the loader's configuration must be edited.
Chapter 4. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Enablement
This property must be changed for each loader that is to be monitored. Properties in a loader configuration are set with the help of the loader_admin tool's load and unload parameters.
To change a loader's configuration:
Export the existing set of loader properties on the Tivoli Netcool Performance
Manager server, as user virtuo:
# loader_admin -unload properties.xml -instance <instance_name>
The properties.xml file contains five properties that relate to IBM Tivoli
Monitoring: v itm.enabled
- indicates whether to output metrics for IBM Tivoli
Monitoring, true enables output false disables output. By default, the value is set to false. If you want to enable itm, set the value to true.
v itm.file
- the name of the file to output metrics to. The file name defaults to an amalgam of the technology pack name and version. It is advised that each loader instance for a technology pack on a server writes to the same file. This results in one IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent instance that is used to monitor each technology pack on a server. In this case, in the Tivoli
Enterprise Portal navigator tree is broken down to technology pack level. If required, each loader instance can write to its own file. In this case, a IBM
Tivoli Monitoring agent instance is needed for each file. It is also possible for all loaders to write to a single file, with only one agent instance required.
v itm.folder
- the folder to locate the itm.file property in.
v itm.interval
- how often to write metrics to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring file.
Ideally, it must be the same as the interval of the lif files that are loaded by the loader. If multiple intervals are loaded, the interval must be a logical multiple. For example, if a loader is loading 20-minute data and 30-minute data, the itm.interval must be 60.
v itm.late.latency.offset
- used to configure the late latency of loader. The default value is 0 (zero). The valid range: must be >= 0 and <= 1440. For example, if value=0, and the file interval=15 minutes, Late flag if maximum latency is >15. If value=10, and file interval=15 minutes, Late flag if maximum latency is >25.
Edit the properties.xml file to set the itm.enabled value to true.
Save the file.
Update the instance configuration, as user virtuo:
# loader_admin -load properties.xml -instance <instance_name>
As described by the loader_admin usage statement, it is possible to update the configuration for all instances at one time. It is easier if IBM Tivoli
Monitoring logging is turned on for all agents.
When new loader instances are added IBM Tivoli Monitoring output is disabled by default, regardless of the settings for existing instances.
Loader instances must be restarted to apply any changes to the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring configuration, as user virtuo: sap stop <loader_name> sap start <loader_name>
When IBM Tivoli Monitoring output is enabled, the loader will write metrics to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring file after each interval. The interval is aligned to the
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
start of the hour that the loader was started in. For example, if the interval is set to 15 and the current time is 13:10, the first metric that is written is output at 13:15, then 13:30.
Distributed systems only. In a distributed installation, you must run the section only for the gateway server.
About this task
The NotificationConfig.pm file is used to configure gateway event notifications.
These notifications must be configured to be sent to the correct directory in IBM
Tivoli Monitoring. See the Gateway Framework User Guide for more information.
The notification target must be defined for each gateway, on the appropriate Tivoli
Netcool Performance Manager server.
To define the notification target:
Copy a sample NotificationConfig.pm file from the $GATEWAY_ROOT/gatewayframework/example/NotificationConfig.pm
into the vendor subsystem and release configuration directory, for example, $GATEWAY_ROOT/config/<vendorsubsys>/<release>/
Edit the NotificationConfig.pm file, for the rule @rules_ITM on the configuration entry NOTIFICATION_TARGET for the vendor subsystem target log file: my @rules_ITM = (
RULE_TYPE => ’ITM_Notification’,
RULE_DESC => ’ITM Notification’,
NOTIFICATION_COMMAND => ’itmlog’, # command line script
Where <vendor-subsys> and <release> is consistent with the configuration directory of the vendor subsystem and release.
Edit the NotificationConfig.pm, for the subroutine notification_config() to return the reference to @rules_ITM: sub notification_config { return \@rules_ITM;
Refer to Gateway Framework User Guide to configure the transfer rules
(IN/OUT) metrics for gateway in TransferConfig.pm
Customizing the external scripts
The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager gateway agent uses an external script itmlog.sh
within the gateway framework installation.
The script is in: $WMCROOT/gways/gateway-framework/vstart
Chapter 4. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Enablement
By default, the itmlog.sh script processes the notification log files of the current gateway run or the last gateway run for each gateway configuration.
To report previous gateway notification logs in Tivoli Monitoring, the itmlog.sh
script can be customized to process the past number of hours of logs. The
PASS_HOUR variable in the itmlog.sh script is used to define the number of past hours of logs to process.
Edit the itmlog.sh file and define the number hours for the variable PASS_HOUR.
For example:
# Sets a time period to collect logs for the pass N hours export PASS_HOUR=2
Starting the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent service
You must start the agent service for each Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent on each monitored Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server before the performance metrics displays in IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
You can configure and start the agents on a Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager server by running the command: <ITM_INSTALL_LOCATION> /bin/itmcmd manage
Use Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services to select and start an agent.
For example, to start a gateway agent instance, select the agent, right click, and select Start Service.
For more information, refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring documentation.
The 'itmcmd manage' command requires the X-window function to launch the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services interface.
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 5. Processing the Gateways IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Agent Historical Data
The Gateways IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent is based on the script data source, and displays only the current or last Gateway process records.
To see previous Gateway processes, you must enable at least short-term historical data collection and storage. Short-term storage can store up to 24 hours of data, and long-term storage can store more than 24 hours of storage if necessary.
To enable historical data collection, complete the following steps: v Enable Historical Data Collection for the attributes v Update queries for the workspace tables and charts v Set up pruning to delete old data in Tivoli Data Warehouse
Before you enable historical data collection, set the PASS_HOUR variable in
back to the default value 0.
If the itmlog.sh is configured to return more than just the most recent or currently running instances data, records from completed Gateway process are continuously reported and are repeatedly collected and delivered to the warehouse. For details
on Gateway agent external script customization, see Gateways.
Enabling Historical Data Collection
Instructions on how to enable historical data collection.
About this task
To enable the collection of historical data:
Click the History Configuration icon in the toolbar.
The system displays the History Collection Configuration dialog box.
Select a monitored application from the tree. In this case, TNPM Gateways.
In the summarization area, select the time period to be aggregated. For example: v Yearly v Quarterly v
Monthly v Daily v Hourly
In the pruning area, select the time period to be pruned. For example: v Yearly v Quarterly v Monthly v Daily
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
v Hourly
Click Apply to save the configuration.
Updating Time Spans for Queries
You must update the queries for the bar or line charts and tables with the time spans.
For some common queries, you can use the option: Apply to all views associated with this view's query. For more information, refer to the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring documentation.
Updating Time Spans for Bar and Line Charts
Instructions on how to update the time span for the bar chart in the Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager Gateways workspace.
About this task
The workspace is shown in the following figures:
Figure 6. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Gateways workspace
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Figure 7. Gateway Instance workspace
To update the time span for a query:
Click the dialog box.
icon in the chart. The system displays the Select the Time Span
Chapter 5. Processing the Gateways IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Historical Data
Figure 8. Select the Time Span
Select the Real time plus Last option and enter a time span.
Click OK to save the workspace.
Updating Time Spans for Tables
Perform the following procedure for the File Transfers and File Parsing tables in both the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Gateway and Gateway Instance workspace.
Click the icon in the table.
Select the Last option and enter a time span.
Select the Use detailed data option.
Select Timestamp from the Time Column drop down list.
Click OK to save the workspace.
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Figure 9. Select the Time Span
Managing Historical Data by Pruning
With historical data collected from agents and sent to Tivoli Data Warehouse, the storage space that is used in Tivoli Data Warehouse continues to grow if it is not managed.
To manage this issue on an ongoing basis, you must set up pruning of Tivoli Data
Warehouse data according to any relevant data policies. For more information, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Administrator Guide.
Chapter 5. Processing the Gateways IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Historical Data
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 6. Integrating Alarm
The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents do not contain alarm definitions.
Alarm definitions can be added to the agents as the customer sees fit. For details on how to configure situation for agents on IBM Tivoli Monitoring with action to generate alarm, refer to Manage Situation and Take Action sections in IBM Tivoli
Monitoring documentation.
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager provides a portable package that enables the generation of internal Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager alarms from the command line on a non Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager core server. The most suitable method of handling alarms depends on the existing application infrastructure: v
Customer already has IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Netcool/OMNIbus
Customer has Netcool/OMNIbus and other non-IBM IT monitoring solutions
Customer does not have Netcool/OMNIbus or IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Customer has IBM Tivoli Monitoring but other non-IBM Fault Management solution
Existing application infrastructure
The existing application structure.
Customer already has IBM Tivoli Monitoring and
In this case, the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents can be integrated into the customer's existing IBM Tivoli Monitoring Infrastructure. It is possible that the customer already has IBM Tivoli Monitoring / Netcool/OMNIbus integration configured.
Customer has Netcool/OMNIbus and other non-IBM IT monitoring solutions
In this case, a single-server IBM Tivoli Monitoring solution would be deployed to monitor the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager servers only.
The alarms that are generated by this IBM Tivoli Monitoring deployment can be directly integrated into the customer's Netcool/OMNIbus system through the existing Tivoli EIF probe.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
Customer does not have Netcool/OMNIbus or IBM Tivoli
In this case, a single-server IBM Tivoli Monitoring solution would again be deployed to monitor the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager servers.
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager internal alarms can be generated using the alarm package. The standard Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager alarm export functions can be used to forward these alarms to external systems, for example through email or SNMP.
Customer has IBM Tivoli Monitoring but other non-IBM Fault
Management solution
In this case, the custom Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents can be integrated into the customer's existing IBM Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure.
The customer already has IBM Tivoli Monitoring integration that is configured with an external non-IBM fault management system.
Generating the alarm package
Instructions on how to generate the package.
Run the following as user virtuo:
$WMCROOT/admin/common/install/scripts/create_alarmgenerator_package -wmcr $WMCROOT
The package that is created is /appl/virtuo/admin/itm/pkg/ tnpmw_alarm_generator.tar
Copy the generated package to the server where alarm is required. The alarm is generated from the agents.
The package includes the password that is provided in the database configuration. If this password is not encoded, then the plain text password is readable on the target server.
Extract the archive on the target server. The following folders are created: v bin - contains the alarm_generator file v conf - contains the file vtdb.properties that can be configured for database connection information.
v lib - contains the necessary .jar files.
To generate an alarm from the target server, run the following command:
<package_loc>/bin/alarm_generator -g <notification_id>
<ev_source> <ev_type> <monitored_attribute>
<managed_object_class> <managed_object_instance>
<alarm_predicate> <probable_cause>
<specific_problem> <additional_text>
<trend_indication> <report_id> <alarm_severity>
Table 3. Alarm generator parameters
CLI format PL-SQL format Description
Integer INTEGER Alarm notification Id.
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Table 3. Alarm generator parameters (continued)
CLI format PL-SQL format Description Default
ev_source ev_type
VARCHAR2(255) Event/Alarm source.
VARCHAR2(255) Event type, see Event types .
monitored_attribute String NUMBER Attribute value that triggered the alarm, for example 51.3.
managed_object_class String VARCHAR2(255) Entity name, for example cell.
managed_object_ instance alarm_predicate
VARCHAR2(255) Entity instance name/local key, for example 12345.
VARCHAR2(255) Alarm predicate.
probable_cause String VARCHAR2(255) Probable alarm cause, see
specific_problem additional_text trend_indication report_id alarm_severity event_time
String VARCHAR2(255) Specific alarm problem.
String VARCHAR2(255) Any additional text.
String VARCHAR2(255) 'more severe' (raised) or 'less
Integer NUMBER Associated report Id, which is given as alarmapi_admin -r.
VARCHAR2(255) Alarm severity, see Severity .
String: yyyy
HHmm ss.
DATE Optional. Alarm time. When the alarm reflects a past event, it must be set to the event time.
If not provided, it is assumed to be the current time.
Current time.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring actions can be configured to call the script to generate internal Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager alarms. You can type the full path of the alarm_generator script with the required parameters mentioned in step 4 at the system command in the action screen.
The alarm spool daemon asd sap process must be running to raise alarms in Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager. The daemon is started and stopped, as user virtuo with the commands sap start asd and sap stop asd.
The script requires JavaTM Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.6.0.
The PATH set in the environment must use the 1.6.0 version of Java.
Parameter values - lists
A number of parameters have defined values, including: v
Chapter 6. Integrating Alarm
Event types
It is possible that the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager accepts non-standard values, but alarms with non-standard values cannot be forwarded to SNMP recipients, such as Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus.
The following table lists all the possible values for event types.
Table 4. Event type
Event type
Probable causes
Lists all the possible values for probable_cause.
Table 5. Probable Causes
Probable cause
adapterError airCompressorFailure airConditioningFailure airDryerFailure aIS antennaFailure applicationSubsystemFailture applicationSubsystemFailure authenticationFailure backplaneFailure bandwidthReduced bandwidthReducedX733 batteryChargingFailure batteryDischarging batteryFailure breachOfConfidentiality broadcastChannelFailure cableTamper callEstablishmentError callSetUpFailure commercialPowerFailure communicationsProtocolError communicationsSubsystemFailure configurationOrCustomisationError configurationOrCustomizationError
Probable cause
lossOfRedundancy lossOfSignal lossOfSignalX733 lossOfSynchronisation lowBatteryThreshold lowCablePressure lowFuel lowHumidity lowTemperatue lowWater materialSupplyExhausted memoryMismatch modulationFailure multiplexerProblem multiplexerProblemX733 nEIdentifierDuplication nonRepudiationFailure other outOfCPUCycles outOfHoursActivity outOfMemory outOfMemoryX733 outOfService outputDeviceError pathTraceMismatch
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Table 5. Probable Causes (continued)
Probable cause
congestion congestionX733 connectionEstablishmentError coolingFanFailure coolingSystemFailure corruptData coruptData cpuCyclesLimitExceeded databaseInconsistency dataSetOrModemError dataSetProblem degradedSignal degradedSignalX733 delayedInformation demodulationFailure denialOfService diskFailure dteDceInterfaceError duplicateInformation enclosureDoorOpen enclosureDoorOpenX733 engineFailure equipmentIdentifierDuplication equipmentMalfunction excessiveBER excessiveErrorRate excessiveResponseTime excessiveRetransmissionRate excessiveVibration explosiveGas externalEquipmentFailure externalIFDeviceProblem externalPointFailure farEndReceiverFailure fileError fileErrorX733 fire fireDetected fireDetectorFailure flood
Probable cause
payloadTypeMismatch performanceDegraded powerProblem powerProblems powerSupplyFailure pressureUnacceptable proceduralError processorProblem processorProblems protectingResourceFailure protectionMechanismFailure protectionPathFailure pumpFailure pumpFailureX733 queueSizeExceeded realTimeClockFailure receiveFailure receiveFailureX733 receiverFailure receiverFailureX733 rectifierFailure rectifierHighVoltage rectifierLowFVoltage reducedLoggingCapability remoteAlarmInterface remoteNodeTransmissionError remoteNodeTransmissionErrorX733 replaceableUnitMissing replaceableUnitProblem replaceableUnitTypeMismatch resourceAtOrNearingCapacity responseTimeExcessive retransmissionRateExcessive routingFailure sfwrDownloadFailure sfwrEnvironmentProblem signalLabelMismatch signalQualityEvaluationFailure smoke softwareError
Chapter 6. Integrating Alarm
Table 5. Probable Causes (continued)
Probable cause
framingError framingErrorX733 frequencyHoppingFailure fuseFailure generatorFailure heatingVentCoolingSystemProblem highHumidity highTemperature highWind humidityUnacceptable iceBuildUp informationMissing informationModificationDetected informationOutOfSequence inputDeviceError inputOutputDeviceError intrusionDetection invalidMessageReceived iODeviceError keyExpired lanError leakDetected lineCardProblem localNodeTransmissionError localNodeTransmissionErrorX733 lossOfFrame lossOfFrameX733 lossOfMultiFrame lossOfPointer lossOfRealTimel
Probable cause
softwareErrorX733 softwareProgramAbnormallyTerminated softwareProgramError storageCapacityProblem storageCapacityProblemX733 synchronizationSourceMismatch systemResourcesOverload temperatureUnacceptable terminalProblem thresholdCrossed timeoutExpired timingProblem timingProblemX733 toxicGas toxicLeakDetected tranceiverFailure transmissionError transmiterFailure transmitFailure transmitFailureX733 transmitterFailure trunkCardProblem unauthorizedAccessAttempt unavailable underlayingResourceUnavailable underlyingResourceUnavailable unexpectedInformation ventilationsSystemFailure versionMismatch versionMismatchX733
Trend Indications
List of all the possible values for trend_indication.
Table 6. Trend Indication
Trend Indication
More Severe
Less Severe
No Change
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
List of all the possible values for alarm_severity.
Table 7. Severity values
Chapter 6. Integrating Alarm
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
This section describes the metrics that are collected for each Tivoli Netcool
Performance Manager agent, the log files used, and the default IBM Tivoli
Monitoring navigation layout.
This section describes: v Loader metrics and navigation layout v Application server metrics and navigation layout v Gateway server metrics and navigation layout
Loader metrics and navigation layout
This section details the loader metrics and navigation layout.
Loader agent log files
The list of loader agent log files.
The default log file directory on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager loader logs is $WMCROOT/logs/loader.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager loaders has the following attributes: v Loader Name v Technology Pack Name v Technology Pack Version v Reporting Start Time v Reporting End Time v Reporting Duration v Interval Start Time v Interval End Time v Interval Duration v
File Processing Start Time v File Processing End Time v File Processing Duration v Number of LIF files processed v Total Size of LIF files processed v Number of LIF files successfully processed v Percentage LIF files successfully processed v Number of LIF files unsuccessfully processed v Percentage LIF files unsuccessfully processed v
Minimum Latency - the time between Interval End Time and File Processing
Start Time v Maximum Latency - the time between Interval End Time and File Processing
End Time
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2017
v Late - "Yes" if Maximum Latency is greater than Interval Duration. "No" otherwise.
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout.
An example default navigation layout is as follows:
UNIX Systems
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Loaders
<<Instance Name, e.g. technology pack>>
File Processing
To configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring workspaces, refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring product documentation.
Default Loader workspace
The default workspace for the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager application
Loaders item in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Navigator contains four frames in addition to the default Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Stacking bar chart displays the loader file processing, aggregated for all technology packs on the system:
– LIF files successfully processed
– LIF files unsuccessfully processed v
Bar chart showing maximum data latency, aggregated for all tech packs on the system:
– File Processing Latency v Table showing main loader file processing attributes:
– Loader Name
– Technology Pack Name
– Technology Pack Version
– Reporting Start Time
– Interval Start Time
– File Processing Start Time
– Number of LIF Files Successfully Processed
– Percentage of LIF Files Successfully Processed
– Number of LIF Files Unsuccessfully Processed
– Percentage of LIF Files Unsuccessfully Processed v Table showing loader data latency attributes:
– Loader Name
– Tech Pack Name
– Tech Pack Version
– Interval Start Time
– File Processing Duration
– Minimum Latency
– Maximum Latency
– Late
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
The corresponding cell within the file processing and latency tables is red for the following conditions: v
Table showing main loader file processing attributes:
– Number of LIF Files Successfully Processed = 0
– Number of LIF Files Unsuccessfully Processed > 1 v Table showing loader data latency attributes:
– Late is set to 'Yes'
Default technology pack workspace
The default workspace for a technology pack that is selected beneath a loader contains four frames in addition to the default Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Bar chart displays:
– Total number of LIF files processed
– LIF files successfully processed
– LIF files unsuccessfully processed v Bar chart displays:
– File Processing Latency v Table showing loader file processing attributes:
– Loader Name
– Technology Pack Name
– Technology Pack Version
– Reporting Start Time
– Interval Start Time
– File Processing Start Time
– Number of LIF files Successfully Processed
– Percentage of LIF Files Successfully Processed
– Number of LIF files unsuccessfully processed
– Percentage of LIF Files Unsuccessfully Processed v Table showing loader data latency attributes:
– Loader Name
– Technology Pack Name
– Technology Pack Version
– Interval Start Time
– File Processing Duration
– Minimum Latency
– Maximum Latency
– Late
The corresponding cell within the file processing and latency tables is red for the following conditions: v Table showing main loader file processing attributes:
– Number of LIF Files Successfully Processed = 0
– Number of LIF Files Unsuccessfully Processed > 1 v Table showing loader data latency attributes:
– Late is set to 'Yes'
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
Application server metrics and navigation layout
This section describes the application server metrics and navigation layout.
Application server agent log files
The list of application server agent log files.
The default log file directory on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager application server is $WMCROOT/logs/itm.
It contains the following logs:
Table 8. Application server log files
Usage information: v Time interval v Maximum number of user sessions v Number of active users v Number of scheduled reports run v Number of ad hoc reports run
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Table 8. Application server log files (continued)
For each report run, the following is logged: v Report Id v Report Name v Report Folder v Report Type - ad hoc or scheduled.
v User - user that ran or scheduled the report.
v Roles - the user's roles.
v Groups - the user's groups.
v Start Time - either the scheduled start time or the time a user ran an Immediate report v Actual Start Time - the time the report was started by the system. This can be different on a busy system.
v Actual End Time - the end time.
v Preparation Time - the length of time from the actual start time to just before the
Reap query.
v Resolution Time - the length of time the
Reap query takes v Execution Time - the length of time the final report calculation takes.
v Number of Entities - the number of entities that are returned by the Reap query, not necessarily the same as the number in the final report.
v Number of KPIs - the number of KPIs requested.
v Number of Rows - the number of rows that are returned by the report, including roll ups.
v Time Interval
Raw data coverage
Raw data coverage information: v Timestamp v Vendor v Technology v KPI v Rollup Node Name v Percent complete
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
Table 8. Application server log files (continued)
Busy hour execution
Busy hour execution information: v Busy Hour Name v Start Time v End Time v Duration v Type (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) v Result v Number of rows
Busy hour completion
Busy hour completion information: v Timestamp (Date / Time) v Total number of Busy Hours v Number of Busy Hours complete v % Busy Hours complete
Summary execution
Summary execution information: v Summary Name v Start Time v End Time v Duration v Type (Hourly, Weekly, Monthly) v Result v Number of rows
Summary completion
Summary completion information: v Timestamp (Date / Time) v Total number of Summaries v Number of Summaries complete v % Summaries complete
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
An example of the default navigation layout is as follows:
UNIX Systems
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Application Server
To configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring workspaces, refer to your IBM Tivoli
Monitoring product documentation.
The default workspace that opens when the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager application item is selected in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Navigator contains four frames in addition to the default Navigator frame, as follows: v Bar chart that displays the report execution metrics (top 10)
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
v Bar chart that displays the vendor raw data coverage (aggregated) v
Table that displays the user session information
– Time Interval
– Maximum number of user sessions
– Number of active users
– Number of scheduled reports run
– Number of ad hoc reports run v Table that displays the data coverage attributes (row per node)
– Timestamp
– Vendor Technology
– Rollup Node Name
– Percent complete
The default workspace for Usage contains one frame in addition to the default
Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Table displays usage attributes:
– Time Interval
– Maximum number of user sessions
– Number of active users
– Number of scheduled reports run
– Number of ad-hoc reports run
The corresponding cell within the data coverage table is red for the following condition:
Table displays main data coverage attributes v % Complete < 95
The default workspace for Reports contains five frames in addition to the default
Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Bar chart that displays the ad hoc report attributes (top 10) v Bar chart that displays the scheduled report attributes (top 10) v Bar chart that displays the average report execution times v Table that displays the user session attributes v Table that displays the report execution attributes
The default workspace for Coverage contains three frames in addition to the default Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Bar chart displays the vendor raw data coverage metrics v Table showing busy hour percent completion:
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
– Timestamp (Date / Time)
– Total number of Busy Hours
– Number of Busy Hours complete
– % Busy Hours complete v Table displays the summary percent completion:
– Timestamp (Date / Time)
– Total number of Busy Hours
– Number of Busy Hours complete
– % Busy Hours complete v Table displays the busy hour data coverage metrics:
– Busy Hour Name
– Start Time
– End Time
– Duration
– Type (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
– Result
– Number of rows v Table displays the summary data coverage metrics:
– Summary Name
– Start Time
– End Time
– Duration
– Type (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
– Result
– Number of rows
Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring threshold definitions, cells within the busy hour execution table are red for the following conditions: v Number of rows = 0 AND Result != 'Completed'
Using IBM Tivoli Monitoring threshold definitions, cells within the summary execution table are red for the following conditions: v
Number of rows = 0 AND Result == 'failed'
Gateway server metrics and navigation layout
This section describes the gateway server metrics and navigation layout.
Gateway agent log files
The location of gateway agent log files and the list of available attributes.
The default log file directory on the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager gateways logs is $WMCROOT/logs/itm.
The IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager gateways logs the following attributes: v Gateway v Transfer IN/OUT
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
v Parser
The information that is logged for the gateway.
The following information is logged for the gateway: v Vendor subsystem (for example, nokia-utran) v Vendor Release (for example, 6.0) v Gateway PID v Gateway Stages including the duration for:
– TRANSFER-OUT v Period of Execution (crontab) v Execution Start Time v Execution End Time v Status: Normal Exit or Aborted/Killed
Transfer IN/OUT
The information that is logged for the Transfer parts of the gateway.
The following information is logged for the Transfer parts of the gateway: v Vendor subsystem (for example, nokia-utran) v
Vendor Release (for example, 6.0) v Gateway PID v Transfer Rule Name v Transfer Type: IN or OUT v Transfer Protocol (FTP, SCP, RCP, CP) v Transfer Host (IP) v Transfer Start Time v Transfer End Time v Number of files transferred v Total Size of files transferred v Maximum file size
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager gateways agents can be configured to log per-file information. If configured, the following per-file information is logged: v In File Name v In File Size v In file name Time Stamp (if available from source) v File Processing Start Time v File Processing End Time v Out File Name v Out File Size
The information logged for the parser part of the gateway.
The following information is logged for the parser part of the gateway:
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
v Vendor SubSystem (e.g. nokia-utran) v
Vendor Release (e.g. 6.0) v Gateway PID v Engine Rule Name v Engine Start Time v Engine End Time v Number of input files processed v Total Size of input files processed v Number of PIF files produced v Total Size of PIF files produced v Number of LIF files produced v Total Size of LIF files produced
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager gateways agents can be configured to log per-file information. If configured, the following per-file information is logged: v Input File Name v Input File Size v Input Filename Time Stamp (if available from source) v File Processing Start Time v File Processing End Time v Out File Name(s) : PIFs and LIFs v Out File(s) Size
Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
An example of the default navigation layout is as follows:
UNIX Systems
Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Gateways
<<Instance Name, e.g. vendor subsystem>>
To configure IBM Tivoli Monitoring workspaces, refer to your IBM Tivoli
Monitoring product documentation.
Default Gateways workspace
The default workspace for the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager application
Gateways item in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Navigator contains three frames in addition to the default Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Stacked bar chart that displays the gateway phase durations, aggregated for all vendor subsystems on the system:
– Transfer IN
– Parser
– Transfer OUT v Table that displays the main file transfer attributes (for all gateways, all vendor subsystems):
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
– Vendor subsystem Name
– Vendor Release
– Transfer Rule Name
– Transfer Type (IN/OUT)
– Transfer Start Time
– Transfer End Time
– Number of Files Transferred v Table that displays the main PIF and LIF file processing attributes (for all gateways, all vendor subsystems):
– Vendor subsystem Name
– Vendor Release
– Engine Rule Name
– Engine Start Time
– Engine End Time
– Number of PIF Files Produced
– Number of LIF Files Produced
The corresponding cell within the attributes table is red for the following conditions: v Number of Files Transferred IN = 0 v Number of Files Transferred OUT = 0 v Number of LIF Files Produced = 0
Individual instance
The default workspace for an individual Gateways instance contains three frames in addition to the default Navigator frame.
The structure is as follows: v Line chart that displays the following:
– # Files Transferred IN
– # LIF Files Generated v Table that displays transfer attributes (for all gateways that are monitored by that agent):
– Vendor subsystem Name
– Vendor Release
– Transfer Rule Name
– Transfer Type (IN/OUT)
– Transfer Start Time
– Transfer End Time
– Number of Files Transferred v Table that displays PIF and LIF attributes (for all gateways that are monitored by that agent):
– Vendor subsystem Name
– Vendor Release
– Engine Rule Name
– Engine Start Time
– Engine End Time
Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
– Number of PIF Files Produced
– Number of LIF Files Produced
The corresponding cell within the attributes table is red for the following conditions: v Number of Files Transferred IN = 0 v Number of Files Transferred OUT = 0 v Number of LIF Files Produced = 0
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
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IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
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IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
IBM Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager 1.4.3 Wireless Component: Tivoli Monitoring Integration Guide
Printed in USA
Key Features
- Monitors Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager components
- Installs and configures agents for application server, loaders, and gateways
- Enables collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics
- Integrates Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager alarms
- Provides navigation layout for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics
Frequently Answers and Questions
What are the prerequisites for integrating Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager with IBM Tivoli Monitoring?
How do I enable the collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager components?
How do I integrate Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager alarms with IBM Tivoli Monitoring?
What are the default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layouts for Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agents?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 3 Contents
- 5 About This Documentation
- 5 Audience
- 5 What this publication contains
- 6 The Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager - Wireless component user publications
- 6 Service Management Connect
- 7 Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager technical training
- 7 Support information
- 7 Conventions used in this publication
- 7 Typeface conventions
- 9 Chapter 1. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Overview
- 11 Chapter 2. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Integration Prerequisites
- 13 Chapter 3. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agent Installation and Configuration
- 13 Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agents
- 15 Upgrading the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Agents
- 16 Installing the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent by remote deployment
- 17 Configuring the application server agent
- 18 Configuring the loader agent
- 20 Configuring the gateway agent
- 23 Chapter 4. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager Enablement
- 23 Enabling the collection of IBM Tivoli Monitoring metrics
- 23 Application server
- 24 Coverage file
- 25 Cron jobs
- 25 Loaders
- 27 Gateways
- 27 Customizing the external scripts
- 28 Starting the Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent service
- 29 Chapter 5. Processing the Gateways IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Historical Data
- 29 Enabling Historical Data Collection
- 30 Updating Time Spans for Queries
- 30 Updating Time Spans for Bar and Line Charts
- 32 Updating Time Spans for Tables
- 33 Managing Historical Data by Pruning
- 35 Chapter 6. Integrating Alarm
- 35 Existing application infrastructure
- 35 Customer already has IBM Tivoli Monitoring and Netcool/OMNIbus
- 35 Customer has Netcool/OMNIbus and other non-IBM IT monitoring solutions
- 36 Customer does not have Netcool/OMNIbus or IBM Tivoli Monitoring
- 36 Customer has IBM Tivoli Monitoring but other non-IBM Fault Management solution
- 36 Generating the alarm package
- 37 Parameter values - lists
- 38 Event types
- 38 Probable causes
- 40 Trend Indications
- 41 Severity
- 43 Chapter 7. Tivoli Netcool Performance Manager agent metrics and IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
- 43 Loader metrics and navigation layout
- 43 Loader agent log files
- 44 Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
- 44 Default Loader workspace
- 45 Default technology pack workspace
- 46 Application server metrics and navigation layout
- 46 Application server agent log files
- 48 Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
- 49 Usage
- 49 Reports
- 49 Coverage
- 50 Gateway server metrics and navigation layout
- 50 Gateway agent log files
- 51 Gateway
- 51 Transfer IN/OUT
- 51 Parser
- 52 Default IBM Tivoli Monitoring navigation layout
- 52 Default Gateways workspace
- 53 Individual instance
- 55 Notices
- 57 Trademarks
- 58 Terms and conditions for product documentation