Ransomes 62269 PGM 22 Service Manual
Ransomes 62269 is a powerful and versatile greens mower that is perfect for maintaining the greens on golf courses and other fine turf areas. With its wide range of features, the Ransomes 62269 can be customized to meet the specific needs of any user. Some of the key features of the Ransomes 62269 include a powerful engine, a durable deck, and a variety of cutting units. With its wide range of features, the Ransomes 62269 is the perfect choice for anyone who is looking for a high-quality greens mower.
SERVICE & REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS GREENS MOWER PGM 22 Product No. 62269 «9 Use the registration „08° card at the back of this illustration. Includes Attachments and Product Options Copyright 1997 Jacobsen Div. of Textron Inc. “All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce Litho in U.S.A. 4/97 this material or portions thereof in any form.” Suggested Retail Price WARNING: If incorrectly used this machine can cause severe injury. Those who $60.00 use and maintain the machine should be trained in its proper use, warned of its dangers and should read the entire manual before attempting to set up, operate, adjust or service the machine. PT-SRI-PGM INTRODUCTION CONTROLS ENGINE DRIVE TRAIN BRAKE SYSTEM STEERING WHEELS & TIRES HYDRAULICS CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ATTACHMENTS OPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS m— = SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1A. General Information ......... ii eee 1A-1 Contents .............eeeeeeerreereroeaeeinern eran ere aaron en neanean rene 1A-1 Registration eee ane 0 1A-1 Index Numbers rer tt te ee ea tt ea 1A-1 Replacement Pants... cc. iii re ea 1A-1 Serial Numbers Li i et et ete et et ea ae aa ee 1A-2 General Cleaning o.oo i eee 1A-2 Preparation for Repair... eee 1A-2 e]: (ATTE aa + 1A-2 Torque Values oii i te te a a ea a ae ea ea a aa ae aan + 1A-2 Torque Specifications ..........._eeeeeeecrosroooroeesreeeranen ene ene nrece AD 1A-3 Standard SAE Grade #5 Screws Metric Loot ee ee ee ee ee aa 1A-3 INTRODUCTION SECTION 1A. GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENTS This manual contains repair instructions for major mow- er components, attachments and options. The Table of Contents at the start of each section lists contents of that section. Sections are identified by tabs in the right hand margin. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the Op- erators Manual and Parts Catalog. Normal maintenance, adjustment, and operating proce- dures are also covered in the user Operators Manual and are only included where appropriate in this Service and Repair Manual. Engine repair is not covered in this manual. Refer to the appropriate engine manufacturer's instructions for engine service and repair. This manual includes all removal, disassembly, inspec- tion, repair, reassembly, installation, adjustment, and testing procedures. If you, as user of this machine, do not consider yourself or your repair facilities capable of a given procedure, please consult your distributor. Information, specifications, illustrations, and procedures in this manual are based on information in effect at the time this manual was published. Improvements and product changes due to continual advancements of the product design may cause changes to your product that may not be included in this manual. Each manual is reviewed and updated as required to include changes and product improvements. Read each section completely before proceeding with specific repairs in that section. You will minimize errors by understanding what you will be doing and how the component relates to others in its system. Lists of re- pair tools and materials for each section of the manual are given at the start of that section. The designations L.H. (left hand) and R.H. (right hand) used throughout this manual refer to the operator's left or right when standing in the normal operating position. REGISTRATION A registration card is provided in the back of this manu- al (bottom portion of page). Fill out the card, remove and mail immediately upon opening the manual for the first time. The registration entitles you to receive manual updated for a period of two years. Updates are sent free of charge. 1A-1 NOTE Only the original registration card will be accept- ed. Photo copies, cards from other manuals, sug- gestion cards, or any facsimile are not acceptable and will not constitute a registration. INDEX NUMBERS lllustrations showing removal, disassembly, reassembly and installation may have index numbers to call out the sequence of procedure. Where the sequence of procedure is not important or self-evident (eg. linkages, clamps, etc.) index numbers are not included. Repair procedures for items not subject to wear (eg. brackets, frames) are not included in this manual ex- cept for the general procedures given below. Exercise common sense during disassembly or reas- sembly; remove only the items required to accomplish necessary repair or service. REPLACEMENT PARTS Use the appropriate Parts Catalog when ordering re- placement parts. Follow installation instructions shipped with service parts or kits. When ordering parts, always give the serial number and product number of your machine as well as quantity, part number and descrip- tion of the parts needed. To eliminate error and speed delivery: 1. Write your NAME and ADDRESS on your order plainly. . Explain WHERE and HOW to make shipment. . Give PRODUCT NUMBER, NAME, and SERIAL NUMBER that is stamped on the NAME and SERI- AL PLATE of your product. . Order by QUANTITY DESIRED, the PART NUM- BER and the DESCRIPTION OF PART. . Send your order to or visit your nearest AUTHO- RIZED JACOBSEN TURF EQUIPMENT DISTRIB- UTOR. . INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS ON RECEIPT. If any parts are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier before accepting. . Do not return material to your AUTHORIZED JA- COBSEN DISTRIBUTOR without a letter of expla- nation. Make a list of all returned parts, show your name and address, and include it with the ship- ment. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID. INTRODUCTION SECTION 1A. GENERAL INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBERS See Figure 1A-1 for location of serial number. Figure 1A-1. Serial Number Location GENERAL CLEANING Improper cleaning and lubrication of your machine re- sults in many equipment failures. Before any repairs are undertaken, thoroughly clean the exterior of the component to be removed. Use a clean surface to lay out parts being removed. Keep lubricants clean and cover containers not being used. PREPARATION FOR REPAIR Thoroughly clean the mower prior to disassembly and repair procedures. Coat bare metal parts with light oil. The cutting and grooming attachments are exposed to water (used in daily washing), grass clippings, sand, corrosive fertilizers, and foreign objects such as tees. It may be necessary to use bearing pullers and/or wood- en blocks and hammers to free up some parts such as bearings and spacers. When such force is required to remove parts, those parts should be replaced rather than reinstalled on the machine. SAFETY Safety should always be the rule when working on or with machinery. Always use safe practices and com- mon sense when using hand or power tools. Use the suggested procedures in this manual when working with the mower. Throughout this manual signal words will be used to highlight special procedures. The signal words and their meaning are as follows: 1A-2 NOTE Any procedure needing special care when per- forming a procedure. A CAUTION Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in personal injury or product or property damage. A WARNING Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in severe personal injury or death. A DANGER Imminent hazards which will result in severe per- sonal injury or death if precautions are not taken. Decals on the machine denote cautions, warnings, and dangers. These cautions, warnings, and danger decals must be on the machine at all times. If they become worn, torn or painted over, new decals should be in- stalled as shown in Section 14 of this manual. A CAUTION Disconnect the spark plug wire before electric welding is done on components in common ground with engine. A DANGER This machine is equipped with an operator pres- ence control (OPC) system which is intended to protect the operator and others from injury. This machine must never be operated with the OPC system disconnected or malfunctioning. TORQUE VALUES Torque values are given in the following “Torque Speci- fication Chart”. Special torque values are called out on illustrations and text throughout this manual. INTRODUCTION SECTION 1A. GENERAL INFORMATION TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD SAE GRADE #5 SCREWS Size Torque Values Size Torque Values 8-32 27-33 in-lbs. (3-4 N.m) 2-13 67-83 ft-Ibs. (90-113 N.m) 8-36 28-34 in-lbs. (3-4 N.m) 2-20 81-99 ft-Ibs.(110-134 N.m) 10-24 39-47 in-lbs. (4-5 N.m) Yie-12 99-121 ft-lbs. (134-164 N.m) 10-32 44-54 in-Ibs. (5-6 N.m) 76-18 108-132 ft-Ibs. (146-179 N.m) 7-20 7-9 ft-Ibs. (9-12 N.m) 4-11 135-165 ft-Ibs. (183-223 N.m) 7-28 9-11 ft-Ibs. (12-15 N.m) 4-18 162-198 ft-Ibs. (220-268 N.m) 7-18 15-18 ft-lbs. (20-24 N.m) 7-10 234-286 ft-Ibs. (317-388 N.m) 76-24 17-21 ft-lbs. (23-28 N.m) 7-16 270-330 ft-Ibs. (366-447 N.m) 2-16 27-33 ft-Ibs. (37-45 N.m) 7-9 360-440 ft-Ibs. (488-597 N.m) 4-24 31-39 ft-Ibs. (42-53 N.m) 4-14 396-484 ft-Ibs. (537-656 N.m) 76-14 45-55 ft-lbs. (61-75 N.m) 1-8 522-6038 ft-Ibs. (708-865 N.m) 76-20 49-61 ft-Ibs. (66-83 N.m) 1-12 576-704 ft-Ibs. (780-954 N.m) NOTE: These torque values are to be used for all hardware excluding: locknuts, self-tapping screws, thread forming screws, sheet metal screws and socket head setscrews. METRIC Metric Grade Diameter — 5.6 8.8 10.9 12.9 Coarse Thread | N.m | ft-lbs. | Nm |ft-lbs. | N.m | ft-lbs. | N.m | ft-Ibs. M6 4.6 3.3 10.5 7.7 15 11 18 13 M7 7.8 5.6 17.5 | 12.9 26 18.4 29 21.3 M8 11 8.1 26 19 36 26 43 31 M10 22 16 51 37 72 53 87 64 M12 39 28 89 66 125 92 150 110 M14 62 45 141 103 198 146 240 177 M16 95 70 215 158 305 224 365 269 M18 130 95 295 217 420 309 500 368 M20 184 135 470 309 590 435 710 623 1A-3 SECTION 2 CONTROLS 2A. Repair and Service Tools and Materials ............ cc ii iii, 2A-1 2B. Failure Analysis ..... coi er ere ea 2B-1 2C. Control Adjustments LL. eee ea 2C-1 Handle Bars ......oo i tea 2C-1 Clutch Engagement ................ee00reeeoerereeereaeeor acer recon ene ea ae 0 2C-1 Parking Brake ....... cco eee a 2C-1 Throttle eK RR eeonem DD 2C-2 Reel Clutch Controls ...............e.eeeseeerrroereoereaareanenrenenecenec AD 2C-2 OPC Lock-Out .........1222000 01e aa aa ee aa ea a ae ea a ea ea a aa aa eee 2C-2 2A-1 CONTROLS SECTION 2A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. E Tachometer. Cleaning material: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Lubricants: Refer to Section 11. 2A-1 CONTROLS SECTION 2B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Engine will not start. a. Engine switch not on. a. Turn ON. b. No gas in tank. b. Fill tank. c. Bad spark plug or wire. c. Replace plug or wire (Section 10D). 2. Traction slow. a. Parking brake not released or a. Release brake or adjust (Sections dragging. 2C and 5C). b. Engine rpm too low. b. Increase throttle. c. Throttle out of adjustment. c. Adjust (Section 2C). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4E). 3. Reel runs slow. a. Engine rpm too low. a. Increase throttle. b. Throttle out of adjustment. b. Adjust (Section 2C). c. Reel to bedknife too tight. c. Adjust (Section 12C). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4E). 2B-1 CONTROLS SECTION 2C. CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS HANDLE BARS (See Figure 2C-1) 1. Loosen screws on right and left handle bars. 2. Slide brackets up or down to adjust handle bars to desired position (angle). 3. Tighten screws. 4. Adjust the brackets so handle bars just touch bot- tom of slot. Handle Bar of Slot Screw Bracket Figure 2C-1. Handle Bars CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT (See Figure 2C-2) Pin should be flush with the end of the bolt and the spring should measure 1-3/4" (44 mm) with the clutch disengaged. At the OPC T-handle, adjust the cable so the spring is 1-11/16" (43 mm) with the clutch en- gaged. With the clutch fully engaged, the spring should compress to 1-11/16" (43 mm). 1-3/4" Bolt Figure 2C-2. Clutch Adjustment PARKING BRAKE (See Figure 2C-3) 1. Minor adjustments are made at the handle. Loos- en locknut, turn adjusting nut to adjust the brake cable, then tighten locknut. 2. If adjustments cannot be made at the handle, re- move the wheels and make the adjustment at the brake band. 3. Loosen screw and pull cable to obtain desired brake tension. Tighten screw. Locknut Adjusting Nut Figure 2C-3. Parking Brake 2C-1 CONTROLS SECTION 2C. CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS THROTTLE (See Figure 2C-4) REEL CLUTCH CONTROLS 1. Start engine and allow it to warm up. (See Figure 2C-5) 2. Push throttle wide open. 3. Using a suitable tachometer, measure engine rom. It should be 3300 +100 rpm. WAR N | N e 4. Loosen cable clamp and adjust engine rpm. E. | To prevent bodily injury or property damage, 5. Tighten clamp screw. never engage the clutch control while the engine 6. Pull throttle to idle position. is running or the OPC control handle is engaged. 7. Measure engine rpm. RPM should be 1700 +200 | | rpm. To disengage clutch,move reel clutch control to point downwards. Always disengage clutch when mower is 8. Turn idle screw clockwise (CW) to increase and being transported. 995 counterclockwise (CCW) to decrease engine rpm. Reel A Clutch ( | Control Y ontro (> - Cable Figure 2C-5. Reel Clutch Control Clamp Decrease E Increase” ) NN dle OPC LOCK-OUT (See Figure 2C-6) O \ Pere Adjust screw so that the OPC lock-out lever can be U 7 \ \ Y easily engaged and disengaged. Figure 2C-4. Throttle The OPC lock-out prevents the OPC control handle from being accidentally engaged. Figure 2C-6. OPC Lock-Out Screw 2C-2 SECTION 3 ENGINE 3A. Repair and Service Tools and Materials ............ ccc iii. 3A-1 3B. Failure Analysis ...............0eereeeerxeorereoneconr econ even ever ver acne TTTD 3B-1 3C. Engine oo ee ee 3C-1 General .................00sreaeerereeereeeecinenea re eae nene nec Enron 3C-1 С!еаттпо апа Сибисайоп .............. erie 3C-1 Air Cleaner E 3C-1 Engine Removal ee ку куков ккннв ванне ван ннв ванне ван кноное, 3C-1 Engine Installation ........... ci ree 3C-2 ENGINE SECTION 3A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning materials: Lubricants: Other service items: Standard automotive hand tools. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Anti-rust Never-Seize. See Section 11. Compressed Air Source. Engine Service Manual can be obtained from your Jacobsen Distributor. 3A-1 ENGINE SECTION 3B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not start. a. Engine switch not on. a. Turn ON. b. No gas in tank. b. Fill tank. c. Bad spark plug or wire. c. Replace plug or wire (Section 10D). Engine not running a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. smoothly. b. Bad spark plug. b. Clean/replace (Section 10D). Hard starting. a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. b. Bad spark plug or wire. b. Clean/replace (Section 10D). Engine lacks power. a. Bad spark plug or wire. a. Clean/replace (Section 10D). b. Carburetion problem. b. Refer to Engine Manufacturer's repair manual. c. Compression problem. c. Refer to Engine Manufacturer's repair manual. 3B-1 ENGINE SECTION 3C. ENGINE GENERAL A separate engine operator's manual prepared by the engine manufacturer is supplied with your machine. Study the manual carefully until you are familiar with its maintenance, operation and adjustments. Attention to the engine manufacturer's directions will assure maximum service life of the engine and highest oper- ating efficiency. The engine is a Honda air cooled, 4 hp, 4 cycle, sin- gle cylinder, overhead valve engine. This section covers repairs to associated components of the engine. Engine removal and installation are also covered. Engine repairs and overhauls are covered in a sepa- rate Honda engine repair manual available from your local Jacobsen Distributor. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION Thoroughly clean each component(s) after removal. In- struction for maintenance and lubrication are found in Section 11. AIR CLEANER (See Figure 3C-1) 1. The air cleaner element is in 2 parts, foam ele- ment and paper element. 2. Separate the foam element and gently wash it in clean warm soapy water. 3. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry. A CAUTION Do not use flammable or harsh solvents when cleaning. . After it has dried, dip in clean engine oil and squeeze out all excess oil. . The paper element can be cleaned by lightly tap- ping the element several times. . Using an air supply of 30 psi (204.8 kPa) maxi- mum, blow dirt from the inside out. NOTE Never use a brush or force dirt through element. 7. Inspect air cleaner silencer nose and elbow pack- ing. Replace packing if cracked or damaged. 8. Reinstall air cleaner element. Cover Wing Nut Seal Paper Element Foam Element Packing Figure 3C-1. Air Cleaner ENGINE REMOVAL (See Figure 3C-2) 1. Disengage the clutch. 2. 3. Disconnect throttle cable. cover. from the engine. . Remove engine mounting hardware. . Slide engine to the right and remove. 3C-1 Remove clutch cover mounting hardware and clutch . Remove clutch fingers and loosen the clutch hous- ing mounting bolts to free up the clutch housing ENGINE SECTION 3C. ENGINE ENGINE INSTALLATION (See Figure 3C-2) 1. Position engine on machine. 4. Install clutch cover and secure with clutch cover 2. Slide engine to the left engaging clutch shaft into mounting hardware. needle bearing of clutch housing. 5. Connect and adjust throttle cable as described in 3. Attach clutch housing to engine and tighten clutch section 2C. housing mounting hardware. Install clutch fingers on clutch arm assembly with finger ends bent away from the clutch body. Engine Clutch Housing Clutch Fingers Figure 3C-2. Engine Removal and Installation 3C-2 SECTION 4 DRIVE TRAIN 4A. Repair and Service Tools and Materials ............ iii, 4A-1 4B. Failure Analysis ..............eeeeeeeneeoreeoreecer acer eacev acen acen Amen eCcETTAD 4B-1 4C. Drive Chain, Sprockets and Gears ..............eeeeeesreosronereeereeenecere A 4C-1 Chain Case Cover ene» + 4C-1 Chains, Sprockets and Gears... iii i ei i aa eee 4C-2 4D. Traction Rollers .... oo tt et ea 4D-1 Removal and Installation ........... iii iii ec ire 4D-1 TY 0 = | enn. 4D-2 1 [| (oo J S 4E-1 General 12220002 ea aa eee a eee aa ee aa ea a a a a a a ea ee ae a ae ea ea ae 0 4E-1 Мипог Вера! ES 4E-1 Major Repair ..............eecesreesseereereeereaneereneneereninee neon ecinme 4E-2 Clutch Control Disassembly eG 4E-2 Clutch Control Reassembly iii ein 4E-2 Clutch Shaft Disassembly 2020200002 i eins 4E-3 Clutch Shaft Reassembly ..................00esesme0ee0rereereerenrereer e eecD;»"» 4E-3 Clutch Body Repair 2020000402 itt ett a a a a a ae 4E-4 4F. Reel and Reel Drive ................._—.0esmecerreroenererenreeereenennernence e». 4F-1 a (=) 0-1 dE AS 4F-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Lubricants: See Section 11. 4A-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY . Traction is slow. a. Brake not released or dragging. a. Release brake or adjust (Section 2C and 5C). b. Engine rpm too low. b. Increase throttle. c. Throttle out of adjustment. c. Adjust (Section 2C). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4E). Reel runs slow. a. Engine rpm too low. a. Increase throttle. b. Throttle out of adjustment. b. Adjust (Section 2C). c. Reel to bedknife too tight. c. Adjust (Section 12C). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4E). Machine pulls in one a. Brake not completely released. a. Check/adjust (Section 5C). direction. b. Traction roller bearing faulty. b. Replace (Section 4D). No traction. a. Clutch not engaged. a. Engage clutch. b. Drive chain broken. b. Replace (Section 4C). c. OPC control not engaged. c. Engage OPC control. d. Clutch not adjusted or faulty. d. Adjust (Section 2C). Test (Section 4E). Reel does not turn. a. Clutch not engaged/worn. a. Engage clutch. b. OPC control not engaged. b. Engage OPC control. C. Drive chain broken. c. Replace (Section 4C). 4B-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4C. DRIVE CHAIN, SPROCKETS AND GEARS CHAIN CASE COVER (See Figure 4C-1) With the reel clutch control in the disengage position, remove the chain case cover as shown in Figure 4C-1. Gasket Reel Clutch Chain Control ase AT \ \ — > e — KN 8 © 6 / ~~ Gasket Cover Brake Bracket SP Bearing Housing Figure 4C1. Chain Case Cover 4C-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4C. DRIVE CHAIN, SPROCKETS AND GEARS CHAINS, SPROCKETS AND GEARS (See Figure 4C-2) If necessary, remove and replace damaged chains, sprockets, gears, gear holders and bearings as shown in Figure 4C-2. After installing chains, move chain tensioning brackets to take up slack on chains and tighten the tensioning bracket hardware. — A \ $” \ Chain \ Chain Tensioning \ (PTO to Reel) Bracket Reel Bearing Reel Drive DNS Reel Sprocket 9) ~ « Clutch utc ~ с a, a US ® Chain — Tensioning <3 Bracket Keys Traction Drive Sprocket Oil Seal Traction Bearing Key Gear Mount Traction Shaft) Figure 4C-2. Chains, Sprockets and Gears 4C-2 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. TRACTION ROLLERS REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 1. Remove the chain case cover as shown in Figure 4C-1. 2. Remove the right side frame as shown in Figure 4D-1. 3. Remove the two traction rollers and traction roller shaft as an assembly as shown in Figure 4D-1. 4. Reverse steps 1 thru 3 above to install the trac- tion rollers. 5. Adjust cutting height (Section 2). Brake Bracket Gasket \ N $5) No SD Reel AS 9 Bearing © I 2D 5 - >» 0 a N DD R.H. Traction qe Bearing N Gasket Housing Traction Bearing >. Right Side Frame Traction Rollers and Roller Shaft Figure 4D-1. Traction Rollers Removal and Installation 4D-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. TRACTION ROLLERS REPAIR (See Figure 4D-2) If traction rollers, differential gears, shaft or bearings require replacement, remove and install replacement components as shown in Figure 4D-2. Thrust Thrust Washers GB Left Traction Roller Hub A Roller Thrust Washer Shaft Differential Housing Left Traction Roller R.H. Washer Differential Pinion Gear L.H. ini Pinion Differential Shaft Gear Bushing Right Traction Roller Hub Differential Housing Pinion Gear Right Traction Roller Assembly (Includes Seal and Bushing) Figure 4D-2. Traction Rollers Repair 4D-2 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. CLUTCH GENERAL Clutch repair is divided into two groups; Minor Repair for changing clutch discs only and Major Repair for repair to component parts of the clutch shaft assem- bly and clutch control mechanism. MINOR REPAIR (See Figure 4E-1) 1. Disengage clutch. . Remove clutch cover (see Figure 4E-2). 3. Remove clutch fingers from clutch arm (see Fig- O SN O a DS 11 ure 4E-1). . Pull clutch bearing away from clutch body. . Remove old clutch discs and blow out old material. . Install new clutch discs. . Slide clutch bearing against discs. . Install clutch fingers with finger ends facing away from the bearing. . Install clutch cover (see Figure 4E-2). 10. Engage clutch. . Check and if necessary, adjust clutch engage- ment, Section 2C. 4E-1 Clutch Arm ¡a! \ HF Clutch A ses en ZE ши | Figure 4E-1. Minor Repair DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. CLUTCH MAJOR REPAIR CLUTCH CONTROL DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 4E-2) 1. Disengage clutch. 2. 3. Remove clutch cover. Disconnect clutch control cable from clutch hous- ing. 4. Remove clutch fingers. . Remove brake band pin, clutch springs, and mount- ing hardware from clutch arm assembly. 6. Remove cotter pin, clutch arm, and bushings from clutch housing. 7. Replace worn or damaged springs and bushings. CLUTCH CONTROL REASSEMBLY 1. Install bushings and clutch arm in clutch housing. 2. 3. Install clutch springs and brake band pin. Install clutch fingers with finger ends bent away from the clutch body. . Connect clutch control cable to clutch housing. . Install clutch cover. Shoulder Clutch Clutch Spring Arm Clutch Fingers Clutch Housing Clutch Cover Figure 4E-2. Clutch Control 4E-2 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. CLUTCH CLUTCH SHAFT DISASSEMBLY 1. . Remove clutch cover (see Figure 4E-2). O a a N Disengage the clutch. . Remove engine mounting hardware. . Remove the chain case cover (see Figure 4C-1). . Disconnect the chain (see Figure 4C-2). . Remove jam nut lockwasher, sprocket, and key (see Figure 4E-3). . Remove the clutch fingers and clutch housing mounting hardware. . Slide engine to the right and remove clutch shaft assembly. . Remove clutch shaft bearing, clutch collar, slide washer, clutch discs and key. CLUTCH SHAFT REASSEMBLY 1. Refer to Figure 4E-3. Install slide washer, key, clutch disc, clutch collar, and bearing onto clutch shaft. 2. Position shaft assembly in side frame and install key, sprocket, lockwasher and jam nut. 3. Reconnect the chain (see Figure 4C-2). 4. Install clutch housing and clutch fingers with fin- ger ends bent away from the clutch body. 5. Install chain case cover (see Figure 4C-1). 6. Position engine and slide it to the left, aligning clutch shaft with bearing in clutch body. 7. Replace clutch cover (see Figure 4E-2). 8. Adjust clutch engagement as described in Section 2C. C7 Key TE yy e Av Shaft Clutch Disc Slide Washer Shaft Assembly Clutch Collar Clutch Bearing Figure 4E-3. Clutch Shaft 4E-3 4E DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. CLUTCH CLUTCH BODY REPAIR (See Figure 4E4) NOTE 1. Remove clutch body from engine. When installing this bearing, always press on 2. Press out needle bearing. the number side of the bearing. 3. Press in new bearing to a depth of 0.151" (3.84 mm). Square Setscrew Drive Key Bearing Figure 4E-4. Clutch Body 4E-4 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4F. REEL AND REEL DRIVE REPAIR 1. Remove the chain case cover as shown in Figure 4. Install the right side frame (Figure 4F-1). 4C-1. 5. Install the chain case cover (Figure 4C-1). 2. remove the right side frame as shown in Figure 6. Adjust the reel-to-bedknife clearance as de- scribed in Section 2C. 3. Remove and replace damaged reel and reel drive components as shown in Figure 4F-1. Cover Gasket Reel Bearing DÍA H. Brake 9 . >, Bracket R.H. Traction + —— Baarino Housin DD Gasket J @B—_ Taction Bearing TN - Dx Right Side > > 8 и / ay \ 9 BN © PNA | Ve NU / № \ N J a o | Gasket DSL Cover > Chain Case Te чо 7 Ss Cover L.H. Traction Bearing Housing Figure 4F-1. Reel and Reel Drive 4F-1 5A. 5B. 5C. SECTION 5 BRAKE SYSTEM Repair and Service Tools and Materials ......0000 een een ea ea ane ee 5A-1 Failure Analysis ooo ere aa a aan 00 5B-1 Parking Brake 1.222220 Lea eee ee a a a aa ee 5C-1 a (=) 011 AIS 5C-1 Adjustment BRAKE SYSTEM SECTION 5A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Other service items: Brake bands. DA-1 SECTION 5B. FAILURE ANALYSIS BRAKE SYSTEM PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Parking brake does not hold machine. a. Brakes out of adjustment. b. Brake band worn out. c. Mechanical binding. a. Adjust (Section 5C). b. Replace. c. Clean and adjust. 5B-1 BRAKE SYSTEM SECTION 5C. PARKING BRAKE REPAIR If the brake bands are to be replaced, refer to Figure 5C-1. If an adjustment is needed, refer to “Adjustment” below. Brake Pin Cable Brake Band Pin Setscrew Clutch 4 Sleeve Washer ae Seal Band Wheel Ó Bushing Figure 5C-1. Brake Band Replacement ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 5C-2) 1. Minor adjustments are made at the brake control handle. Loosen locknut, turn adjusting nut to ad- just the brake cable, then tighten locknut. 2. If adjustments cannot be made at the handle, re- move the wheels and make the adjustment at the brake band. 3. Loosen screw and pull cable to obtain desired Locknut brake tension. Tighten screw. Adjusting Nut Figure 5C-2. Brake Adjustment 5C-1 SECTION 6 STEERING THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 7A. 7B. 7C. SECTION 7 WHEELS AND TIRES Repair and Service Tools and Materials ........... ccc... 7A-1 Tire Service .......22202202 0204 aa a ea a a a a a a 4 4 4 4 ae 4 4 a a 4 ae a a ea ae a ae a eau un 7B-1 General .............e ee eeeuara0ea2eveaeeaienecenadendeaeeneonredneranconaedneeen 0 7B-1 CE 7B-1 Wheel HUD oe eee ee eee eae 0 7C-1 WHEELS & TIRES SECTION 7A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Other service items: Commercially available tire sealant. Tire pressure gauge. Compressed air with tire valve fitting. 7A-1 WHEELS & TIRES SECTION 7B. TIRE SERVICE GENERAL The soft transport tires of the mowers are subject to damage from spikes and other sharp objects. If large punctures or tears occur, it is advisable to take the tire (installed on the wheel) to a qualified tire repair shop or replace the tire. When removing or installing the wheels, always use the kick stand to support the machine. Whenever the wheel hubs are removed, install as described in Section 7C. TIRES Tires are inflated to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa) pres- sure. This pressure gives the best results for average use. Tire pressure should never be less than 6 psi (41.3 kPa) and should be equal in both tires. If tire is removed from the rim it can be inflated to 30 psi, when it is replaced. This assures proper seating of the tire head to the rim. Then reduce the pressure to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa). NOTE Never use grease or oil on the rim when mount- ing a tire. Bead sealing of the tires may be repaired by using tire sealants available from tire repair shops. To apply sealant: 1. Break one bead from seal on rim and push past rim flange or install through valve stem. . Pour sealant into tire cavity. . Reseat bead on rim by inflating the tire to 30 psi. . Rotate tire slowly to spread compound. a ~~ we N . Reduce tire pressure to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa). Screw Latch Lock Spring Nut Washers ~~ Washer Spacer Figure 7B-1. Wheel and Tire Repair 7B-1 WHEELS & TIRES SECTION 7C. WHEEL HUB WHEEL HUB (See Figure 7C-1) Whenever the wheel hub is removed, make certain the locking bearings are installed on the correct side (see Figure 7C-1). a. For the right wheel, install hub with the lock arrow to the outside of hub. b. For the left wheel, install hub with the lock arrow to the inside of hub. Install bushing (with bronze side in), collar and lock- nut. Tighten locknut against collar. Bushing Collar / Nut Figure 7C-1. Wheel Hub Installation 7C-1 SECTION 8 HYDRAULICS THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK OA. oC. SECTION 9 CHASSIS Repair and Service Tools and Materials ......0000 een een ea ea ane ee 9A-1 Failure Analysis ooo ere aa a aan 00 9B-1 Frames, Kickstand and Adjusters ..............._eeeeeesrerecooresoeerereeeeca— 9C-1 Вера anEerce DD 9C-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning and refinishing materials: Lubricants: Standard automotive hand tools. Gauge bar (straight edge). Gauge blocks. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Paint, Jacobsen orange. Anti-rust oil. See Section 11. 9A-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Reel to bedknife can not | a. Bent frame. a. Align or replace bent frame be adjusted. member. b. Bent backing. b. Replace. Excessive bearing wear a. Bent frame. a. Straighten or replace bent frame on traction roller or reel. member. Poor quality of cut. a. Reel-to-bedknife not adjusted. a. Adjust (Section 12C). b. Dull reel and/or bedknife. b. Grind (Section 12C). c. Bedknife backing bent. c. Replace (Section 12C). d. Bent frame. d. Straighten. e. Worn bearings. e. Replace (Section 4F). 9B-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9C. FRAMES, KICKSTAND AND ADJUSTERS REPAIR 2. Readjust cutting height (Section 2C) whenever ad- 1. Remove and replace frame, kickstand and ad- justers are removed or replaced. justers as shown in Figure 9C-1. 3. If bedknife or reel are replaced or re-installed, adjust reel-to-bedknife clearance as described in Section 2C. Nut Front Roller RH Adjuster Frame Lockwasher —€e | | Stud Roller — : Bracket ht e F— ut Strap E AN N t | Carriage 1 u 7 Bolt АМ ZA Washer эн Lockwasher er Là 9 CA a Grass y « ‘ e 2 Shield Jam Nut — Ne $ F Setscrew ur LEN | ES ront ia e Nao er Za EI Tie Rod lee BE 7 R.H. Handle TR ZE” ИТС ее т Ваг La EA 7 ” Screw pa" ef ar E a, aaa A TO ón e = 5 а 7 Y an" 77 x NS Front A A IL Pr a” Sy SE Cross Bar CI E 2 MS ADA > 6 7 Un \ и” ME WA Lockwasher у PUT? el ==. HY Fahd A - “2, 2 Nut Screw 4) Cone Lockwasher Washer Screw Cone Washer Screw Bedknife Bedknife Adjusting Rod Spring Pin Figure 9C-1. Frame, Kickstand, Bedknife and Adjusters 9C-1 10A. 10B. 10C. 10D. SECTION 10 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Repair and Service Tools and Materials ........... ccc. iii... 10A-1 Failure Analysis .............eeeeeeesroorerorneconrecon ever evenr ever ercer ec TTD. 10B-1 General Instructions ............._e_eeeeeceecccereereorerereenrererereeererce= es 10C-1 General ..........eeeeeevcerooneeneroenreeneenreraererooedereererarererevorneve 10C-1 Wire Continuity Test i tt ctr tiie 10C-1 Resistance Test .......o i ee te 10C-2 Spark PlUG oo eee 00 10D-1 General 2ER RR RR a de a a ae a aan + 10D-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Multimeter. Jumper wires. Other service items: Electrical insulation compound P/N 365422. 10A-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not start. a. Engine switch not on. a. Turn ON. b. No gas in tank. b. Fill tank. c. Bad spark plug or wire. c. Replace plug or wire (Section 10D). d. Engine switch faulty. d. Refer to Engine Manufacturer's Repair Manual. Engine shuts down a. No gas in tank. a. Fill tank. shortly after starting. b. Choke closed. b. Open choke. Engine not running a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. smoothly. b. Bad spark plug or wire. b. Replace plug or wire (Section 10D). Hard starting smoothly. a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. b. Bad spark plug or wire. b. Replace plug or wire (Section 10D). Engine lacks power. a. Bad spark plug or wire. a. Replace plug or wire (Section 10D). b. Carburetor problem. b. Refer to Engine Manufacturer's Repair Manual. c. Compression problem. c. Refer to Engine Manufacturer's Repair Manual. 10B-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL WIRE CONTINUITY TEST Repair of the electrical system is limited to the re- (See Figure 10C-1) placement of spark plug or wire. 1. Set multimeter to 200 & Q (ohms) scale and NOTE touch leads to end of wire. The test instrument shown in the illustrations for * There should be a reading (continuity) on the this section is a digital multimeter (DMM). How- multimeter. If not, proceed to 2. ever, any test instrument capable of measuring 2. Perform a second check by using a jumper wire to voltage, current resistance, and continuity val- bypass the spark plug wire. If engine now func- ues specified for each test is acceptable. tions normally, replace the original spark plug wire. NOTE See Engine Manufacturer's Service Manual for information on engine ignition components not covered in this section. A common method of testing the spark plug wire is to perform a continuity check as described below. Test Lead Wi , (+) POS | >, МЕС Pur A = > et / Jumper Wire Figure 10C-1. Wire Continuity Test 10C-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS RESISTANCE TEST (See Figure 10C-2) NOTE 3. Read the Q (ohms) on the multimeter. Tests should ONLY be performed with spark plug e Contacts of the wire should have less than 0.5 wire disconnected. Q (ohms) reading. 1. Set the multimeter to an Q (ohms) scale. 2. Touch the leads to the terminals on the wire. Replace wire if reading is above 0.5 Q (ohm). Test Lead Ду МЕ _ Figure 10C-2. Resistance Tests, Q (ohms) 10C-2 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10D. SPARK PLUG GENERAL Visually inspect the spark plug and check sealing washer. Replace if insulator is cracked or chipped and if sealing washer is damaged. Bend to Remove carbon or other deposits with a stiff copper brush. Using a wire type feeler gauge, measure gap and re- set if necessary to 0.028—0.031 inch (0.7-0.8 mm). After installing the spark plug finger tight use a plug socket: NEW PLUG — turn an additional 1/2 turn. USED PLUG — turn an additional 1/8 to 1/4 turn. NOTE The spark plug must be tight. If plug is left loose it will run excessively hot and damage the plug and/or engine. A CAUTION Figure 10D-1. Spark Plug Never use a spark plug with the improper heat range or length. 10D-1 SECTION 11 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 11A. General eK RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RR RK aa u 11A-1 Preventive Maintenance ............._._eeeeesxervenaea0aaeaa eneeaacen ene. 11A-1 Scheduling... AS 11A-1 Administration oo eee + 11A-1 PMMRS Program Kits .... cc. i a a ee ae ete cia cei e 11A-1 11B. Lubrication and Maintenance Schedules .................000204400 00e a ea nan ee 11B-1 General ........22202 0020 aa a aa a a 4e 4 4 4 a ee ee 4 4 4e ee ae a a ee a a ae a ae aa ae 8 11B-1 Mower Lubrication Schedule Chart ................ eee. 11B-1 Maintenance Schedule Chart .............._eeeeeeooronaeonoreoarenoneeoneren2 11B-2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION 11A. GENERAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Preventive Maintenance (PM) is maintenance per- formed to prevent malfunctions and parts breakdowns by periodically and systematically checking equipment and its systems. Preventive Maintenance will cut back corrective main- tenance. SCHEDULING Each machine should be scheduled for preventive maintenance according to the hours used, its severity of use, and the type of environment the machine is used in. Use the manufacturer's recommendation of preventive maintenance. These recommendations can then be altered as experience is gained with the type of equip- ment and the type of environment in which it operates. While performing preventive maintenance tasks the individual should always be alert to conditions that may seem abnormal. If an abnormal condition is detected a determination must be made to either correct the condi- tion immediately or schedule the tractor in the shop for necessary repairs. ADMINISTRATION Record keeping is an important and most often a for- gotten part of preventive maintenance. Jacobsen has developed a PMMRS (Preventive Main- tenance Management Record System). PMMRS PROGRAM KITS The PMMRS kits and replacement forms (see Figure 11A-1) are available directly from your local Jacobsen Distributor. ModeiMNo _— _ Señal No. Engine _ ——— Model No. ACCESSORIES Name Name Name Marne N3388O0 Y” BSO DEN Name Purchased From: Salesman Service Mgr. Phone Purchase Date —-——. Purchase Price Delivery Date Service Date — Warranty expiration Received: Operalors manual —— Yes ___ No Repair manual —— Yes — Mo Parts list Yes — No Projected Replacement Date —.. 8478-75 T Jacobsen Crema o Tenor Inc NO ACCT: DISTRIBUTOR OUTSIDE SERVICE CHECKS TRANSNISSION Don DJ Actuar: [] COMPLETE Figure 11A-1. PMMRS Kit Order Forms 11A-1 e/eeq uesgooef 1noÁ 1981100 ‘ebueyo 01 10e[qns 89114 ainjeubig pazuoyiny 8866-£07ES UISUOISIM “SUIINEY эпиелу рлежова 12/1 ‘ЭЦ ‘иолхе | JO LOISIMIG LUesqgooef PT Nassoovur Jejeeq uesgooef 1noÁ 1081100 ‘ebueyo 01 129[дп$ 801 d o1njeubIs pozuoymny 8866-£0tES UISUOISIM ‘ещоен эпиелу рлежова 121 “OU| “uUoJXe | JO LOISINIg Uesqgooef CT INasaoovr 91d "ALD 00"2$ O seus Jap1O aaeS Se 0SL$ O siesys Árewwns esueuajuIEN OL (s10j09 ejels) 0S'¿$ S1epIO4 S Al31Vvdvd33S d3CHO OL =) |= "ALD 00’7$ © S}99YS J9PIO ANIOS ST 0S’'L$ © SIESYS ALWWNS SIUEUSWIEN OL (s10j09 elels) 06`с$ SIeplO4 S A131VHdVd3S d3CHO OL wewdinb3 susan syon1L juewdinb3 Buiwoo15 siemo|g pue siedeamg slopees sMe1oy siojelay SI9MON |99H s10)9e | JN IEET]) 1eddo9 SIUM MONA anig Ya peu enig T1 Ñelo) obue1O (релсер 1002 Yoeu0) S18p|04 S1-8Zp8 ‘ee G sjesus JeplQ eones S1-ZZ78 "Bd OZ sjesus ÁArewwns soueuajuieN S1-9278 'e9 OL :J0 SISISUOO UM Juewdinb3 sueel5) syon | Juewudinb3 Buiwoo15 s19MOIg pue siadeems слереэс sÁejoy siojelay S19MON |99H 51019801 UNIL иээле) 1eddo9 SIUM MOJIDA Ing Ya peu eng T1 Келе) obue1O (рэлсер 10109 Yoeu0) SI8p|04 S1-8Zp8 ‘ee G sjesus JepiQ eones S1-//78 "BS 02 sjesus Áewuns soueuajuieN S-9278 'es OL :JO SISISUOO Y d1dYO SLX ALO 19 19d 00'9$ 6 11M SHINNd d3dYO SLIYX ALO i Jed 00°9$ © LIM SHINING Че Is H3UdHO ANYANOJI9Y LSAN diz ALVIS ЧЗОЧО ANVdINODOV 1LSNIN MOHO HINOLSNO MIIHI HIWNOLSNI ALIO ALI "ON MIIHI ssadadaY "ON MIAHI ssaaY "ON 'O'd "ON Od dHOLNAINLSIOa 3NVN HOLNEIHLSIG JNVN ANVTIg 843040 NALSAS AHOO3H LNJWIOVNVIN JONVNILNIVIN SAILNIATH ANVTIg 843040 INILSAS AHOO3H LNJWIOVNVIN SONVNILNIVIN SAILNIATH 11A-2 SHINING SHINING 19Yd SIHL 40 S31dO09 3MYWN 3SV3 1d PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION 11B. LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES GENERAL This section contains lubrication and maintenance schedules. Over greasing will produce high loads on bearings and engine reducing the performance of the machine. Clean grease fitting before greasing. Apply grease using a hand grease gun and fill very slowly. A CAUTION Do Not use compressed air grease guns. Intervals are based on operating hours. These are suggested intervals only. As experience is gained in operating this machine, the schedule can be tailored to your operating time. MOWER LUBRICATION SCHEDULE CHART Ref. Description Monthly 0 ped = O LL © N Every Weekly Remarks Front roller >< | Annually Right reel shaft Traction roller Clutch shaft Bearing Traction hub X X X X X Height adjusters Reel clutch lever Wheel bearings O | O! NI D| | | © | № | = Clutch shaft Clutch pins O|T|T|OO ||| DODD Chain case == | = | © x X|X|X FOOTNOTES a Use a good quality NLGI Grade O grease. Apply with manual grease gun. b Coat with Lubriplate® grease, Jacobsen Part No. 5001581. ¢ Drain and refill chain case with SAE EP-140 oil. *Standard mower without Turf Groomer® is shown. Turf groomers have grease fittings at both ends of front roller and at tops of height adjusters in same locations as shown. 11B-1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION 11B. LUBRICATION AND MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHART 11B-2 > Ref. Description à | = | = |4« | < Remarks 1 Fuel level X Fill. 2 Engine oil X Check. X Change. 3 Air cleaner X Inspect. 3 Air cleaner element X Clean. 4 Fuel strainer X Clean. 5 Spark plug X Change as required. 6 Operator presence control (OPC) X Test. Do not operate if test fails. 7 Tires X Check, inflate to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa). 8 Battery X Inspect, clean. 9 Muffler/exhaust X Inspect. FOOTNOTES d Engine oil capacity 1.16 gts. (1.1 liters) use API classification SE/SF/SG/SH, SAE 10W30 or 30W grade oil. e Gap plug to 0.028—0.031 (0.7-0.8 mm). SECTION 12 ATTACHMENTS 12A. Repair and Service Tools and Materials .............. ci iii... 12A-1 12B. Failure Analysis ... coi rea 12B-1 12C. Sharpening Reels and Bedknives .................eeeerereeseereoreeeee AAA 12C-1 General ............e.eeesreerrooerorenreresraren aereo ren ear evenran nene 12C-1 Reel-to-Bedknife Clearance .............._eeeeeereooreooreeoerenerenen eaten. 12C-1 Damaged Mower Parts i ei ei et rea 12C-1 Bad Bearings, End Play or Radial Play ............. ccc, 12C-2 BacKIappPINg «o.oo ee eaaneeonea DD 12C-3 Bedknife 00ER RER 12C-3 Bedknife Dressing eee 12C-4 Bedknife Replacement ...............eeo_ceeerreereraoreaarecenreaeerece rente 12C-4 Bedknife GHNAiNg .......cooiii i eee 12C-4 Reel Repair and Grinding ..............eeeeeeeessrreoreeeeeneceo nr eee AAA 12C-6 Cutting Height Adjustment... i ti ea 12C-7 12D. Turf Groomer (Product No. 68579) .................e.0.0re:ererererereae er A 12D-1 General ............e.eeesreerrooerorenreresraren aereo ren ear evenran nene 12D-1 Clutch Handle and End Cover ..............eeese2rreereeeseeenreeereaerece "mm 12D-1 Replacing the Drive Belt...............0000000 00e eee aa ae ea a ee a a ee a a ee aa eee 12D-1 Drive Belt Adjustment ...........0202000 0004 a aa ae aa ee a ee aa a a ee ee a aa ea 12D-1 Replacing the Pulleys ..........000000 000 a a eee ti a ee ea eee 12D-2 Small Drive Pulley ........01000 02e ae a aa a ee ea a a ee a a a eee a ee aa aa aa ee» 12D-2 Idler Pulley ........ i rea 12D-2 Large Drive Pulley .........222000 02e eee ea a ee aa ee a a ee ae ee ee ee a ae 0 12D-2 Clutch Drive Shaft Removal ............ i i ieee, 12D-2 Clutch Drive Shaft Installation ........... ci iii iit, 12D-3 Height Adjusters and Pivot Bracket ............ cc ci iii 12D-4 Reel Clutch Control Lever .... ci tt ei tien 12D-4 Clutch Drive Shaft Installation ........... ci iii iit, 12D-6 Roller and Cutter ............... eee 12D-6 General see G 12D-6 Removal AS 12D-6 Roller Repair 22ER RR a eau 0 12D-6 Cutter Unit Repair ...............eeeeesrsreeererorerereaeenrecenrecenecceanD", 12D-6 Cutter Unit Assembly... TD 12D-6 Cutter-to-Roller Alignment .......... iii i ea 12D-7 Roller and Cutter Installation .............. iii iii, 12D-8 Turf Groomer Adjustments ......... iii eee 12D-9 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning materials: Lubricants: Other service items: Standard automotive hand tools, including driving tools, and seal protectors, Reel Grinder; Bedknife Grinder; Lapping Machine; Bearing Puller. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. See Section 11. Newspaper. Jacobsen lapping compound. Gauge bar for adjusting cutting height (Part No. 158568). Shims for turf groomer cutter shaft assembly 0.010" (0.25 mm) thick (Part No. 364040). Bedknives: “High Profile” (Part No. 503477) for 5/32 inch minimum cut. “Low Profile” (Part No. 503478) for 7/64 inch minimum cut. “Tournament” (Part No. 503479) for 3/32 inch minimum cut. Bedknife Adjuster (Part No. 500671). Bedknife Adjuster Tool OTC # JAC 5051. Roller bearing and seal installation tool OTC # JAC 5077 (see below). een — fell A a ERE A Ee A «иЦ 12A-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Reel does not turn. a. Clutch not engaged. a. Engage reel clutch control. b. Reel jammed with grass. b. Clean reel. c. Bedknife too tight. c. Adjust (Section 12C). d. Chain broken. d. Replace (Section 4C). e. Reel bearing faulty. e. Replace (Section 4F). 2. Reel turns slow. a. Engine rpm too low. a. Increase engine rpm. b. Clutch slipping. b. Adjust (Section 2C). 3. Uneven cut. a. Reel-to-bedknife clearance a. Adjust (Section 120). not adjusted. b. Roller not adjusted evenly. b. Check height of cut. Adjust (Section 12C). c. Reel or bedknife cutting edge c. Grind (Section 12C). damaged. d. Uneven wear of reel and/or d. Grind (Section 12C). bedknife. e. Roller bearing faulty. e. Replace (Section 13). 4. Uneven wear of reel or a. Adjusted too much on one side. a. Grind/adjust (Section 12C). bedknite. b. Reel bearings faulty. b. Replace (Section 4F). c. Loose reel blade(s). c. Repair (Section 12C). 12B-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES GENERAL A reel mower cuts grass in the same way a scissors cuts cloth or paper. Each blade on the reel acts as one scissor blade, and the bedknife acts as the other scissor blade. Grass is trapped between the reel blade and bedknife and is sheared off as the reel blade rotates over the stationary bedknife. A properly sharpened and adjusted reel mower cuts grass clean- ly and with minimum effort. A poorly sharpened reel mower may tear, shread, pull, or leave grass uncut and usually requires more effort. If a mower cuts in streaks, strips or ragged areas, chances are the cutting edges are not properly adjust- ed or they need sharpening. Inspect the blades and bedknife for nicks, gouges, high or low wear areas, or other signs of damage or uneven wear. However, consider these other factors that can contribute to poor cutting performance before grinding and lapping the cutting edges: REEL-TO-BEDKNIFE CLEARANCE (See Figure 12C-1) Clearance between reel blades and bedknife should be 0.001" (0.25 mm). Adjust the reel-to-bedknife clearance as follows: 1. Start adjustment at the leading end of the reel, fol- lowed by the trailing end. The leading end of the reel blade is the end that passes over the bed- knife first during normal reel rotation. 2. Turn jam nut clockwise to bring the bedknife clos- er to the reel or counterclockwise to back the bed- knife away from the reel. a. Slide a feeler gauge or shim stock .001" (.025 mm) between the reel blade and the bedknife. Do not turn the reel. b. Adjust the trailing end of the reel in the same manner, then recheck the adjustment at the leading end. c. When the reel and bedknife are properly ad- justed, the reel will spin freely and will cut a piece of newspaper along the full length of the reel when the paper is held at 90° to the bed- knife. 4. When correct adjustment has been obtained, tight- en locknut securely. Locknut —— 7 e “«—— Jam Nut Figure 12C-1. Reel-to-Bedknife Adjustments DAMAGED MOWER PARTS A gouged bedknife, nicked reel blade, or wavy bed- knife and reel as well as a bent frame, broken welds, worn bearings or loose attaching hardware can cause poor quality cutting. Solve such problems by making sure the bedknife mounting screws and other hard- ware are secure and by replacing parts if damage cannot be corrected by grinding and lapping. 12C-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES BAD BEARINGS, END PLAY OR RADIAL PLAY Check for play in the reel bearings. Excessive play indicates worn bearings or weak bedknife tensioning spring. A CAUTION Never grind and lap a reel in the frame until all end play and radial play are eliminated. End or radial play will cause uneven grinding. Reel blades and a bedknife that are slightly dull or have minor nicks or high spots can be reconditioned quickly and easily by lapping. Both grinding and lap- ping are required when more severe wear or damage exists. If a wave has developed in the bedknife, lap- ping will not solve the problem and the mower reel and bedknife must be ground. A reel worn or incorrectly ground to a conical shape instead of a cylindrical shape will cause a wavy bed- knife and uneven wear. See Figure 12C-2. If diameters А and B are not equal, the reel is conical. NOTE Always correct a conical shaped reel by grinding. A conical reel can cause a wavy bedknife. If diameters A and B are equal the reel is cylindrical. Figure 12C-2. Reel Wear 12C-2 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES BACKLAPPING 1. Determine if routine backlapping will restore the proper cutting edge. 2. For optimum performance use a bedknife grinder to touch-up the blade, then reassemble and ad- just the bedknife to the reel. 3. Disengage reel clutch and tip machine back to rest on the handles. 4. Carefully remove left-side reel shaft cover and gasket. 5. Thread a 3/8-24 bolt into end of reel shaft and attach lapping machine. a. Apply lapping compound, with a long handle brush, along the entire length of the reel. b. Continue lapping and at the same time make a fine adjustment on the reel and bedknife until there is a uniform clearance along the full length of the cutting edges. 6. Carefully and thoroughly remove all lapping com- pound from reel and bedknife before running the reel in forward direction. BEDKNIFE CONFIGURATIONS The bedknife shipped from the factory with the machine is the 1/16" (1.59 mm) minimum cut “low pro- file” (Part No. 503478) knife. The “high profile” or “tournament” bedknives shown in Figure 12C-3 may be used in place of the “low profile” bedknife. NOTE Check the dimensions of alternative bedknives (Figure 12C-3) before attempting to grind your existing bedknife to meet specific needs. A sim- ple replacement may be all that is necessary. A Part No. 503477 "High Profile" Part No. 503478 "Low Profile" a Part No. 503479 "Tournament" ST A осо _ 5/32" (2.38 mm) Cut (Min.) — t 1/16" (1.59 mm) Cut (Min.) 1 | 3/64" (1.19 mm) Cut (Min.) Figure 12C-3. Bedknife Configurations 12C-3 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES BEDKNIFE DRESSING (See Figure 12C-4) 90°—95° 1/32" fee m 5 Face Figure 12C-4. Dressing the Bedknife After the unit has been in operation for a period of time it may become necessary to dress the face of the bedknife. A flat front face, as shown in Figure 12C-4, should be maintained to insure a good quality of cut. A sharp jagged edge will result in a ragged cut. Cut- ting units that are being used in sandy conditions or on surfaces with a high sand content will require more frequent dressing of the bedknife. The front face should be regularly maintained using a flat file or small hand held disc grinder. BEDKNIFE REPLACEMENT (See Figure 12C-5) NOTE Check the dimensions of alternative bedknives (see Figure 12C-3) before attempting to grind your existing bedknife to meet specific needs. A simple replacement may do the job. Bedknife Shoe Bedknife &-—Screw Figure 12C-5. Bedknife Removal and Replacement Bedknives that cannot be repaired by backlapping should be ground or replaced. The bedknife is held to the bedknife, shoe by flathead screws. When replac- ing a bedknife the bedknife should be lightly ground to level the cutting edge. When a bedknife is installed, clean the backing prior to installation. Secure the installed bedknife by tightening the mount- ing screws, starting with those at the center and work- ing out to the ends. BEDKNIFE GRINDING A DANGER Always wear eye protection when operating a grinding machine. A CAUTION Handle and store grinding wheels carefully. Dis- card grinding wheels that are cracked, badly chipped, or have been dropped. A CAUTION Always install blotter washers between the grind- ing wheel and the flanges. Do not overtighten the flange nut on the grinding wheel. Do not run a grinding wheel faster than specified on the wheel blotters. A DANGER Do not stand in line with a grinding wheel the first three minutes it is run. Never jam a grinding wheel into the work piece, especially when the wheel is not rotating. 12C-4 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES . Use a wire brush to thoroughly remove dried ma- terial, rust, and scale from the bedknife. . Refer to the grinding machine manufacturer's in- structions for mounting the bedknife and operat- ing the machine. . Tilt the grinding head so the stone contacts the bedknife at rear 1/8" (3.18 mm) of top surface. This will give proper set up to grind bedknife cor- rectly (see Figure 12C-6). 1/8" (3.18 mm) . Grind the bedknife to the dimensions shown in Figure 12C-7. Figure 12C-6. Bedknife Grinding Angle Pe Front Face Front Face Angle Width | Top Face Down Angle TOP FACE ANGIE ener 8—10° Direction eee a Down (at Rear) Front Face Angle .....................20000ece eee sen annee ee ann ae name name ne nn 90—95° Part No. Front Face Width 503479 “Tournament” 3/64" (1.19 mm) 503478 “Low Profile” 1/16” (1.59 mm) 503477 “High Profile” 3/32” (2.38 mm) Figure 12C-7. Bedknife Grinding Dimensions and Angles 12C-5 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES NOTE The bedknife end at which the reel first makes contact is called the leading end. A beveled cor- ner (dub) is ground on this end. It is important that the dub be maintained throughout the life of the bedknife. The dub provides an entrance ramp for the reel blade on to the bedknife. If the dub is worn or ground away and not replaced, the reel blade could hook the corner of the bed- knife as it begins contact. 5. After grinding the bedknife, examine the dub. If, through grinding it has become smaller than 0.18" (1.6 mm), hand grind or file the surface to the specified dimensions (see Figure 12C-8). Figure 12C-8. Bedknife Dub REEL REPAIR AND GRINDING Reel blades and a bedknife that are slightly dull or have minor nicks or high spots can be reconditioned quickly and easily by lapping. Both grinding and lap- ping are required when more severe wear or damage exists. If a wave has developed in the bedknife, lap- ping will not solve the problem and the mower reel and bedknife must be ground. NOTE A reel worn or incorrectly ground to a conical shape instead of a cylindrical shape will cause a wavy bedknife. Remove the reel from the mower frame as described in Section 12D of this manual. Prior to grinding the reel, clean, inspect, and repair the reel as follows: e Steam clean or wash the reel. ® Clean the reel thoroughly by scraping off all dried material from the blades. e Inspect the back of each reel blade for irregular sur- face which could cause the guide finger to hang up while grinding. Remove any irregularities. ® |nspect the welds at the spiders. If any have cracked or broken loose, reweld using a #7018 low hydrogen welding rod. ® Straighten any bent reel blades by hammering into shape with a block of steel and a hammer. The method of grinding will depend upon the grinding equipment being used. Set up and operate the grind- ing machine in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Exercise the following precautions: 1. Grind the reel blades to achieve the results shown in Figure 12C-9. A CAUTION Handle and store grinding wheels carefully. Dis- card grinding wheels that are cracked, badly chipped, or have been dropped. A CAUTION Always install blotter washers between the grind- ing wheel and the flanges. Do not overtighten the flange nut on the grinding wheel. Do not run a grinding wheel faster than specified on the wheel blotters. A DANGER Do not stand in line with a grinding wheel the first three minutes it is run. Never jam a grinding wheel into the work piece, especially when the wheel is not rotating. A DANGER Always wear eye protection when operating a grinding machine. 2. After grinding, dress each blade (new or old) with a fine hone or block of hardwood to remove grind- ing burrs from the blade. 3. If removed, lubricate and install the reel in the frame as described in Section 12D and bench lap the reel as described in the following procedure. 12C-6 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. SHARPENING REELS AND BEDKNIVES View A — Reel Truing Reel Scuff EN Pattern L | [ Wheel Cutting Edge View B — Relief Grind Reel Scuff Blade Pattern MI | Grinding \ Wheel DA N Cutting Edge Correctly Ground Blade Blade Back Face 0.003" Relief Grind Blade A0 Top Blade Face Front Face CUTTING HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 12C-10) After repairs to the reel or bedknife, the cutting height should be adjusted as follows: 1. Adjust reel-to-bedknife clearance (refer to “Reel- to-Bedknife Clearance” at beginning of this Sec- tion (12C). 2. Push the kickstand down and tip mower back on its handle. Do not leave the mower tipped back for an extended length of time or engine oil may migrate into the combustion chamber. 3. Loosen nuts on both sides just enough to allow adjusting knob to raise the front roller or turf groomer. Raise both sides an equal amount. 4. Loosen the wing nut and set gauge screw to the desired cutting height. Measure from the gauge bar to the underside of the gauge screw head, then tighten wing nut to lock the adjustment. 5. Place gauge bar between front roller and traction roller, near the outer end of the rollers. 6. Slide screw head over bedknife and adjust knob to close the gap between the roller and the gauge bar. Tighten nut. 7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 on the opposite end of the reel, then tighten nuts. Recheck and readjust the cutting height if necessary. Adjusting Gauge Screw Bedknife / > Г | ml Desired NR | Cutting Gauge Height Wing Ba Nut Figure 12C-9. Reel Grinding Procedure Figure 12C-10. Cutting Height Adjustment 12C-7 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) GENERAL The Turf Groomer® attachment consists of a grooved roller, a vertical blade cutter assembly, a clutch to dis- engage the turf groomer, and a cutter drive assembly consisting of a cogged drive belt and pulleys. Initial set-up of the turf groomer attachment is covered in a separate “Setup and Maintenance Guide, No. 3004453, available from your Jacobsen Distributor. When the clutch is disengaged, the reel rotates with- out the turf groomer cutter assembly rotating. When the clutch is pulled to its extreme outward position and rotated 1/4 turn, its shallow slotted surface pre- vents the clutch hub from engaging the groomer drive pins. A CAUTION When engaging and disengaging the clutch, never hold the reel blades. Use a wood block between the reel blade and bedknife to keep the reel from rotating during service procedure. The most common repairs to turf groomer are replace- ment of the drive belt, pulleys, blades, and roller. There is no grinding or sharpening procedure for the blades. Bent blades can be straightened; broken blades must be replaced. Bent blades must be straightened to prevent damage to the roller. The drive belt should be replaced whenever it is frayed or if the cogs are worn. CLUTCH HANDLE AND END COVER (See Figure 12D-1) Lockwasher Washer Screw | X „” ee Lockwasher Screw Nut Figure 12D-1. Clutch Handle and End Cover 12D-1 Remove screws and lockwashers that hold the clutch handle in place and remove the clutch handle. Remove the end cover attaching hardware and end cover. REPLACING THE DRIVE BELT (See Figure 12D-2) A worn or frayed belt is removed and replaced by re- moving the idler pulley. The belt can be slipped off the pulleys. Large Drive Idler Pulley Pulley Drive Belt > Eccentric Nut Small Drive Setscrew Bolt Pulley Figure 12D-2. Drive Belt and Pulley Replacement DRIVE BELT ADJUSTMENT After installing a belt, the eccentric nut should be turned away from the groomer sprocket until the belt fits firm- ly on the pulleys. Make certain the pulleys do not touch. Do not overtighten the drive belt. Tighten only until cogged drive belt fits into teeth of the pulleys without slipping. The belt should have a small amount of deflection when depressed. ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) REPLACING THE PULLEYS SMALL DRIVE PULLEY Refer to Figure 12D-2, remove the drive belt, loosen the setscrew and pull the small drive pulley off the end of the cutter end bearing. When replacing, make certain the small drive pulley is positioned on the cut- ter end bearing so that the setscrew can be tightened against the flat on the cutter end bearing. Before tight- ening the setscrew, align the large drive pulley and small drive pulley with a straight edge (see Figure 12D-3). Install the belt and adjust the belt tension at the idler pulley (see “Drive Belt Adjustment”). Large (16 Tooth) Drive Pulley Straight Edge Small (10 Tooth) Drive Pulley Figure 12D-3. Aligning the Drive Pulleys IDLER PULLEY Refer to Figure 12D-2, remove the bolt, washer, lock- washer, and eccentric nut that hold the idler pulley and idler pulley bearing to the boss on the mounting bracket. The bearing and pulley are held together by a snap ring. Remove the snap ring to separate the bearing from the idler pulley. When replacing the idler pulley, insert the bearing, lock in place with the snap ring, and secure the pulley with the eccentric nut, washer, lockwasher and bolt. Install and adjust the drive belt (see “Drive Belt Adjustment”). LARGE DRIVE PULLEY (See Figure 12D-4) The large drive pulley is removed and installed as part of the clutch disassembly and reassembly procedure. 1. Remove the drive belt and disassemble the clutch as shown in Figure 12D-4. 2. Replace damaged or worn components and re- assemble as shown. 3. Adjust the drive belt. CLUTCH DRIVE SHAFT REMOVAL (See Figure 12D-5) 1. Remove the drive belt and pulleys. 2. Loosen the clamping screw on the right roller bracket. 3. Remove the right cutter bracket and right roller bracket mounting hardware. Remove the brackets. Lockwasher Drive Screw О Pin a Clutch up и” a Spring / ® Ne o an à Y Washer AD TRA | Clutch ag „” сия” ¢ Handle , a Mount “5 Large Drive Pulley Snap Ring Roll Pin Bearing Figure 12D-4. Clutch Disassembly and Reassembly 12D-2 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) 4. Remove the four screws and lockwashers that 3/16" diameter hole in the reel shaft is drilled dur- hold the hub to the right mower frame. Remove ing original turf groomer set up and does not exist the hub and gasket. on reel shafts not modified for turf groomers.) 5. Drive out the cotter pin and roll pin and remove 2. Secure the clutch drive shaft to the reel shaft with the clutch drive shaft from the right side of the reel roll pin and cotter pin. shaft. 3. Install a new gasket and mount the hub to the right hand mower side frame with four screws and CLUTCH DRIVE SHAFT INSTALLATION lockwashers. (See Figure 12D-5) 4. Install right turf groomer roller bracket and cutter 1. Install the clutch drive shaft on the reel shaft bracket and secure with mounting hardware. being careful to align the roll pin hole in the clutch drive shaft with the hole in the reel shaft. (This R.H. Mower Cotter Side Frame Ри | Grease | | ю Fitting Roll Pin <» | = Y Height = Adjuster Е CY Knob ; ST Reel Shaft R.H. Roller Bracket R.H. Cutter Gasket JT Clamping Screw Washer Screw Lockwasher Screw Figure 12D-5. Clutch Drive Hub and Shaft 12D-3 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) HEIGHT ADJUSTERS AND PIVOT BRACKET If necessary, remove and install the reel height ad- juster knobs as shown in Figure 12D-6 and the roller height adjusters and pivot bracket as shown in Figure 12D-5. Whenever the height adjusters are replaced or loosened for other repairs, the cutting height and grooming height should be re-adjusted (see “Turf Groomer Adjustments” at the end of this section). REEL CLUTCH CONTROL LEVER (See Figure 12D-7) Cup Washer Spring E Y "E Pen %. | ‘ ó + к 00 / No — Clutch A NE a Clamp Screw Control E D TER A Lockwasher Shaft PNL E AZ ой / в, зы | РЕ - ZA AN Me, >” SH iid voi I иво” ии & „” Ми The reel clutch control shift lever used with turf groom- ers is different than that on mowers not equipped with turf groomers. Remove and replace turf groomer reel clutch control lever components as shown in Figure 12D-7. Figure 12D-7. Reel Clutch Control Lever L.H. Roller Bracket Pivot Plate Screw Washer Lockwasher Lockwasher Washer FN Screw L.H. Cutter Bracket Lockwasher Washer a Screw | HF 1 | ~~ Lockwasher 1 o! + ! ¡Ad , Pivot. - | rad и pad Adjuster Da Adjuster Pivot e Bracket Figure 12D-6. Roller Height Adjusters and Pivot Bracket 12D-4 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) R.H. Roller SP2C€r Cutting Bracket > Height 7 Adiustery 5 Adjuster Bracket ! |” Right Side Frame RH. Cutter R.H. Roller Setscrew Cutter Unit Drive Belt Cutter Lock Collar > Cutter End Bearing NTT TT TTT \ Roller Lock Collar Roller End Bearing Figure 12D-8. Roller and Cutter Unit 12D-5 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) ROLLER AND CUTTER GENERAL The roller and cutter unit should be removed at the same time since they require bench alignment during installation. REMOVAL (See Figure 12D-8) 1. Remove the turf groomer end cover. 2. Remove the drive belt. 3. Remove the height adjusters and roller adjuster bracket as shown in the inset in Figure 12D-8. 50-55 ft-lbs. (68-75 N.m) a n un Hd | 7 'i al —< =H it T—)i A A Le = 2-3/16" (55.5 mm) 4. Remove the setscrew and small drive pulley. 5. Fully loosen clamping screws at both right and left roller brackets and right and left cutter brackets. Figure 12D-9. Roller Repair — Step 6 6. Remove right cutter bracket and right roller brack- CUTTER UNIT ASSEMBLY et mounting hardware. 7. Remove the roller and cutter unit assemblies. 8. Clean with solvent and a medium brush. Check for worn or distorted parts; replace if necessary. ROLLER REPAIR (See Figure 12D-9) 1. Repair is limited to changing the bearings and/or roller, if damaged. 2. To remove the bearing, loosen setscrews in hex head retaining collars. Slide bearings out of collar. 3. To install the bearings, proceed with steps 4 thru 7. 4. Install bearing shaft in retaining collar. 5. Tighten retaining collar in roller until finger tight. Then back out collar approximately 1/2 turn. 6. Position bearing (see Figure 12D-9) so that the dimension between the outer end of the bearing shaft and the end of the roller is 2-3/16" (55.5 mm) as shown in the diagram below. 7. Tighten retaining collar and torque to 50-55 ft-lbs. (68-75 N.m). CUTTER UNIT REPAIR (See Figure 12D-10) Check the condition of blades, straighten bent blades whenever practical. If blades must be replaced, pro- ceed as follows: 1. Loosen the setscrew and collar from one end of the cutter unit assembly. Be careful to hold re- maining parts, blades, spacers, and shims in place on the cutter shim. 2. Remove broken or damaged blades by alternately removing spacers and blades from the end of the cutter shaft until all necessary replacements have been made. 12D-6 1. Install and position the nut on one end of the shaft so that approximately 1/32" (0.7 mm) threads pro- trude beyond the collar. 2. Install bearing so that the key in the bearing shaft slides in to the groove in the cutter shaft. Position the bearing so that the dimension between the outer end of the bearing race and the end of the threaded shaft is 1-13/16" (56.0 mm) as shown below. After positioning the bearing, secure the bearing with the setscrew in the collar (or nut). Torque the setscrew to 10 ft-lbs. (14 N.m). 3. Refer to Figure 12D-10 and install blades and spac- ers on the cutter shaft. There should be two spac- ers between each end blade and nut and one spacer between each blade. When installing the blades, make sure each blade is installed so that the flat side of the blade rotates toward the bed- knife (ie, rotates toward the rear of the mower, see Figure 12D-12). NOTE This blade-to-bedknife relationship must also be checked when the assembled cutter assembly is installed to avoid installing the cutter assembly backwards. 4. Before securing the blades and spacers, check the cutter unit-to-roller alignment as described in the following section. ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) Collar Setscrew Cutter Unit Figure 12D-10. Cutter Unit Repair shaft should be secured in place.) Align the blades of cutter unit in the center of the grooves in the roller. Mark any blades which must be cen- tered. Manually rotate the cutter to check all blades. Add shims where required to center the blades. Special shims are available from your Jacobsen distributor. ХА à ZINN |7 С Ра | 3. Tighten the collar on the end of the shaft as de- scribed in step 1 of “Cutter Unit Assembly.” Torque the nut to 10-15 ft-Ibs. (14-20 N.m). 1/39" 1-13/16" (0.8 mm) (46 mm) Figure 12D-11. Cutter Unit Assembly A CAUTI О À Care should be taken when torquing the retain- ing collar. Over torquing will cause deflection of the groomer shaft. CUTTER-TO-ROLLER ALIGNMENT (See Figure 12D-12) 1. After all blades and spacers have been installed, with spacers on the outside at each end of the cutter unit, align the cutter unit in the roller as described below: 4. Install the bearing in the same manner as de- scribed in step 2 of “Cutter Unit Assembly.” Se- cure in place with the setscrew and torque to 10 ft-lbs. (14 N.m). 2. Install and finger tighten the collar on the cutter shaft. (The collar on the other end of the cutter 12D-7 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) ROLLER AND CUTTER INSTALLATION 8. Tighten clamping screws to 5-6 ft-lbs. (7-9 N.m). 1. O a > a . Install, but do not tighten mounting hardware. . Install the height adjusters per inset. ( NN . Install the drive belt. . Tighten the mounting hardware, except clamping Flat side of blade . Re-align the cutter unit blades in the center of the Position both the cutter unit and roller in their re- 9. Install the end cover. spective brackets (See Figure 12D-8). 10. Make final adjustments as described below. . Install the roller mounting bracket to the cutter mounting bracket. Screws. — = must rotate towards bedknife. grooves of the roller (see Figure 12D-12). Figure 12D-13. Proper Installation of Cutter Blades Setscrew Loosen setscrew in cutter collar. Move cutter assembly sideways until alignment is complete. Retorque setscrew to 10 ft-lbs. (14 N.m). Cutter Roller Collar Collar JUL IL 1 il | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | = - | Li - || LJ = - u - U hd J = | - - | L - | = LJ - = |. | L_ = Lu = Li Roller Insert shim(s) between spacer and blade as required Collar to center cutter blades in roller grooves. Figure 12D-12. Cutter-to-Roller Alignment 12D-8 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68579) TURF GROOMER ADJUSTMENTS Mowers equipped with the turf groomer attachment are adjusted the same as standard mower and reel as- semblies (see Section 3) except that the cutter height adjustment should be as shown in Figure 12D-14. Groomer Cutter Blade Set from 1/16" to 0" .4 to 0 mm) Desired Height | ea CP 37H86" aß existing Hardware $ Figure 12D-14. Cutting Height Adjustment for Turf Groomer Cutter Blades 12D-9 13A. 13B. 13C. 13D. SECTION 13 OPTIONS Repair and Service Tools and Materials ........... ccc. iii... 13A-1 Solid Front Roller (Product No. 68530) ................ees.eeesreeererereseerea 13B-1 General ............e.eeesreerrooerorenreresraren aereo ren ear evenran nene 13B-1 Disassembly .............ee-eeerevooreoorerersnecenrevenr even even vere encenrecen De 13B-1 Reassembly .............eeeeesveroreeorerenneconreverevenr vee a ee a ee eee 13B-1 Grooved Front Roller (Product No. 68527) ................eesreererereeeree 13C-2 General ............e.eeesreerrooerorenreresraren aereo ren ear evenran nene 13C-2 Disassembly .............ee-eeerevooreoorerersnecenrevenr even even vere encenrecen De 13C-2 Reassembly .............eeeeesveroreeorerenneconreverevenr vee a ee a ee eee 13C-2 Grooved Front Roller (Product Nos. 68613 and 68614) ........................ 13D-3 General ............e.eeesreerrooerorenreresraren aereo ren ear evenran nene 13D-1 Disassembly .............ee-eeerevooreoorerersnecenrevenr even even vere encenrecen De 13D-1 Reassembly .............eeeeesveroreeorerenneconreverevenr vee a ee a ee eee 13D-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning materials: Lubricants: Other service items: Standard automotive hand tools, including driving tools, bearing pullers, and seal sleeves. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. See Section 11. Gauge bar for adjusting cutting height (P/N 158568). Blind hole puller. Roller bearing and seal installation tool OTC # JAC 5077 (see below). een — li AEE Se ERE A Ee A | 13A-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13B. SOLID FRONT ROLLER (Product No. 68530) GENERAL (See Figure 13B-1) Repairs of the solid front roller attachment consist of replacement of worn or damaged parts. DISASSEMBLY Remove the carriage bolt, spacer, lockwasher, and nut holding either the right or left hand front roller bracket to the mower. (It is necessary to remove only one front roller bracket.) Disengage the scraper blade and roller shaft from the bracket and remove bracket. Remove the roller assembly. Disassemble as described below if repairs or replacements are required. 1. Using a suitable hammer, support one end of roller and drive bearing and seal out of roller by tapping opposite end of shaft. . Turn roller around and using shaft, drive the other bearing and seal from the opposite end of the roller. . Remove both roll pins. . Clean the bearings and bearing seals in solvent and dry. Replace worn or badly pitted bearings. Pack bearings with grease gun grease. o REASSEMBLY Assemble parts of the roller assembly as described below: 1. 2. Install two new roll pins. Press bearing onto one end of shaft until it con- tacts pins. . Install shaft and bearing into roller. Press bearing into roller. . Support the bearing end of shaft and roller. Press bearing onto shaft until it contacts pin on opposite end. . Install seals. . Align the front roller bracket which was removed in disassembly with the end of the roller shaft (11) back on the mower. Attach with carriage bolt, spac- er, lockwasher and nut. It may be necessary to bend the front roller bracket slightly away from the side frame when installing the front mower brack- et to secure the roller assembly. 7. Grease both lube fittings after reassembly. Scraper Blade Roller Roll Grease Pin в“ Fitting Roller Carriage L.H. Front Bolt Roller Bracket Nut Roll Spacer] > / Pin AN \ X SEN oi Lockwasher Nu SN < - N Assembly > Seal Bearing Figure 13B-1. Solid Front Roller 13B-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13C. GROOVED FRONT ROLLER (Product No. 68527) GENERAL (See Figure 13C-1) Repairs of the grooved front roller attachment consist of replacement of worn or damaged parts. DISASSEMBLY REASSEMBLY Assemble parts of the roller assembly as described below: 1. Install two new roll pins. Remove the carriage bolt, spacer, lockwasher, and 2. Press bearing onto one end of shaft until it con- nut holding either the right or left hand front roller tacts pin. bracket to the mower. (It is necessary to remove only 3. Install shaft and bearing into roller. Press bearing one front roller bracket.) into roller. Disengage the roller shat from the bracket and re- 4. Support the bearing end of shaft and roller. Press move bracket. : но bearing onto shaft until it contacts pin on opposite Remove the roller assembly. Disassemble as de- end. scribed below if repairs or replacements are required. 5. Install seals. 1. Using a suitable hammer, support one end of roller assembly and drive bearing and seal out of 6. Align the front roller bracket which was removed roller by tapping opposite end of shaft. in disassembly with the end of the roller shaft (10) 2. Turn roller around and using shaft, drive the other back on the mower. Attach with carriage bolt, 3. Remove both roll pins. to bend the front roller bracket slightly away from 4. Clean the bearings and bearing seals in solvent the side frame when installing the front mower and dry. Replace worn or badly pitted bearings. bracket to secure the roller assembly. Pack bearings with grease gun grease. 9 y 9 7. Grease both lube fittings after reassembly. L.H. Front Carriage Roller Bracket Nut Bolt / O Lockwasher Grease Fitting Figure 13C-1. Grooved Front Roller 13C-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13D. GROOVED FRONT ROLLER (Product Nos. 68613 and 68614) GENERAL This roller is completely serviceable. To ease assem- bly, it is recommended to use the bearing and seal installation tool as illustrated in Section 13A. DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 13D-1) 1. Using a suitable puller, remove seal adapter from end of roller. NOTE When the seal adapter is removed, it will pull the seal assembly apart. The seal will no longer be usable and must be replaced with a new one. 2. Remove seal part from seal adapter. 3. Using a seal remover, pull rubber part of seal from roller. NOTE The seal sleeve will remain on the shaft. When the rubber seal is removed, the bearing must be replaced. 4. Remove bearing locknut. The seal sleeve will also be pushed from the shaft. 5. Remove bearing cone. 6. Remove roller shaft. 7. Using a blind hole puller, remove bearing cup from roller. 13D-1 REASSEMBLY (See Figure 13D-1) 1. O a SS © Using the installation tool (see Figure 13A), install bearing cup into roller taper toward the outside. NOTE Be careful to press squarely on cup when in- stalling. 2. Lubricate the bearing cones with Molybdenum Di- sulfide 2 EP grease. . Install bearing with taper first onto roller shaft. . Install roller shaft into roller. . Install bearing locknut. . Install bearing cone and locknut on the opposite end of roller shaft. 7. Torque bearing locknuts to 30 ft-Ibs. (40.6 N.m). 11. 12. 13. . Back off on the locknuts until it takes 1-7 in-Ibs. (0.1—0.8 N.m) torque to turn the roller. . Fill the bearing cavity with moly grease. . Using Aviation Permatex®, coat the inside flange of the roller and the outside of the seal spring cap. Using the installation tool, install the seal into the seal adapter. Press the seal adapter into the roller. Repeat steps 9-12 for the opposite end. OPTIONS SECTION 13D. GROOVED FRONT ROLLER (Product Nos. 68613 and 68614) Roller Shaft STEP 1 Installation / Tool N | | | | + N STEP 5 Y R N Locknut A IN our NÉ Bearing Cup STEP 5 Bearing Cone N N Roller \ STEP 3 SN A N — Roller Shaft Roller N Bearing / FA Nut у Seal Assembly | Seal (O Adapter | Bearing Cone STEP 10 Inside Flange of Roller Installation Seal Assembly foo Seal Seal Adapter Assembly DL AZ EEE 0 Seal 17 Adapter Figure 13D-1. Grooved Front Roller 13D-2 SECTION 14 MISCELLANEOUS 14A. Precaution Decal Locations 14B. Conversion Charts Millimeters to Decimals Decimals to Millimeters, Fractions to Decimals to Millimeters ................... 14B-2 U.S. to Metric Conversions MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14A. PRECAUTION DECAL LOCATIONS 1 Part No. 3001790 A CAUTION ALLOW ENGINE TO COOL FOR 2 MINUTES BEFORE REFUELING 14A-1 STARTING THE ENGINE. 2 Part No. 366764 A CAUTION BE SURE THE TRACTION CLUTCH LEVER IS IN NEUTRAL BEFORE MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14A. PRECAUTION DECAL LOCATIONS 3 Part No. 361877 À DANGER To prevent injury, disengage all drives, engage parking brake and stop engine before working on machine or emptying grass catchers. 4 Part No. 361854 N &À CAUTION . Read operators manual before operating machine. Keep shields in place and hardware securely fastened. Before you clean, adjust or repair this equipment, disengage all drives, engage parking brake and stop engine. Keep hands, feet and clothing away from moving parts. . Never carry passengers. . Keep bystanders away. 5 Part No. 340830 A PRECAUCION . No opere esta maquina sin previo entrenamiento, instruccion y sin haber leido el manual de operacion. Tenga todas las guardas en su luger y piezas bien aseguradas. Neutralice todas las velocidades y apague el motor antes de vaciar los recolectores de pasto, darle servicio, limpiar, ajustar y destrabar la maquina. Mantenga las manos, los pies y ropa suelta lejos de piezas en movimiento. No deberan transportar pasajeros si no existe un asiento para ellos. Si no sabe leer ingles, pida que aiguien le lea las calcomanias de avisos y los manuales de instruccion y operacion. 14A-2 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14B. CONVERSION CHARTS MILLIMETERS TO DECIMALS Starrett Metric Tools MILLIMETERS TO DECIMALS Deci- Deci- Deci- Deci- Deci- mm mal mm mal mm mal mm mal mm mal 0.01 .00039 0.41 .01614 0.81 .03189 21 ‚82677 61 | 2.40157 0.02 ‚00079 0.42 ‚01654 0.82 ‚03228 22 ‚86614 62 | 2.44094 0.03 .00118 0.43 .01693 0.83 .03268 23 .90551 63 | 2.48031 0.04 .00157 0.44 .01732 0.84 .03307 24 .94488 64 | 2.51969 0.05 .00197 0.45 01772 0.85 ‚03346 25 ‚98425 65 | 2.55906 0.06 .00236 0.46 .01811 0.86 .03386 26 | 1.02362 66 | 2.59843 0.07 .00276 0.47 .01850 0.87 .03425 27| 1.06299 67 | 2.63780 0.08 .00315 0.48 .01890 0.88 .03465 28 | 1.10236 68 | 2.67717 0.09 ‚00354 0.49 ‚01929 0.89 ‚03504 29 | 1.14173 69 | 2.71654 0.10 .00394 0.50 ‚01969 0.90 ‚03543 30 | 1.18110 70 | 2.75591 0.11 ‚00433 0.51 .02008 0.91 .03583 31 | 1.22047 71 | 2.79528 0.12 ‚00472 0.52 ‚02047 0.92 ‚03622 32| 1.25984 72 | 2.83465 0.13 ‚00512 0.53 ‚02087 0.93 ‚03661 33 | 1.29921 73 | 2.87402 0.14 .00551 0.54 .02126 0.94 .03701 34 | 1.33858 74 | 2.91339 0.15 .00591 0.55 02165 0.95 ‚03740 35 | 1.37795 75 | 2.95276 0.16 .00630 0.56 .02205 0.96 03780 36 | 1.41732 76 | 2.99213 0.17 .00669 0.57 .02244 0.97 .03819 37 | 1.45669 77 | 3.03150 0.18 .00709 0.58 ‚02283 0.98 ‚03858 38 | 1.49606 78 | 3.07087 0.19 ‚00748 0.59 ‚02323 0.99 ‚03898 39 | 1.53543 79 | 3.11024 0.20 ‚00787 0.60 ‚02362 1.00 ‚03937 40 | 1.57480 80 | 3.14961 0.21 ‚00827 0.61 ‚02402 1 ‚03937 41 | 1.61417 81 | 3.18898 0.22 .00866 0.62 .02441 2 .07874 42 | 1.65354 82 | 3.22835 0.23 ‚00906 0.63 ‚02480 3 ‚11811 43 | 1.69291 83 | 3.26772 0.24 .00945 0.64 .02520 4 | .15748 44 | 1.73228 84 | 3.30709 0.25 .00984 0.65 02559 5 .19685 45 | 1.77165 85 | 3.34646 0.26 .01024 0.66 .02598 6 ‚23622 46 | 1.81102 86 | 3.38583 0.27 ‚01063 0.67 ‚02638 7 ‚27559 47 | 1.85039 87 | 3.42520 0.28 ‚01102 0.68 ‚02677 8 ‚31496 48 | 1.88976 88 | 3.46457 0.29 ‚01142 0.69 ‚02717 9 ‚35433 49 | 1.92913 89 | 3.50394 0.30 01181 0.70 ‚02756 10 ‚39370 50| 1.96850 90 | 3.54331 0.31 ‚01220 0.71 ‚02795 11 ‚43307 51| 2.00787 91 | 3.58268 0.32 .01260 0.72 .02835 12 ‚47244 521 2.04724 92 | 3.62205 0.33 01299 0.73 .02874 13 .51181 53 | 2.08661 93 | 3.66142 0.34 ‚01339 0.74 ‚02913 14 ‚55118 54 | 2.12598 94 | 3.70079 0.35 ‚01378 0.75 ‚02953 15 ‚59055 55 | 2.16535 95 | 3.74016 0.36 ‚01417 0.76 ‚02992 16 ‚62992 56 | 2.20472 96 | 3.77953 0.37 .01457 0.77 .03032 17 ‚66929 57 | 2.24409 97 | 3.81890 0.38 ‚01496 0.78 ‚03071 18 ‚70866 58 | 2.28346 98 | 3.85827 0.39 ‚01535 0.79 ‚03110 19 ‚74803 59 | 2.32283 99 | 3.89764 0.40 ‚01575 0.80 ‚03150 20 ‚78740 60 | 2.36220 100 | 3.93701 THE L. 14B-1 S. STARRETT COMPANY Athol. Massachusetts 01331, U. S. A. MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14B. CONVERSION CHARTS Starrett Metric Tools DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS, FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS Deci- Deci- Froc- Deci- Frac- Deci- mol mm mal mm tion mal mm tion mal mm 0.001 | 0.0254 | 0.500 | 12.7000 1/64 | 0.0156 | 0.3969 | 33/64 | 0.5156| 13.0969 0.002 | 0.0508 | 0.510 | 12.9540 1/32 | 0.0312 | 0.7938 E 17/32| 0.5312| 13.4938 0.003 | 0.0762 | 0.520 | 13.2080 | 3/64 | 0.0469 | 1.1906 | 35/64| 0.5469| 13.8906 0.004 | 0.1016 | 0.530 | 13.4620 . . ° . 0.005 | 0.1270 | 0.540 | 13.7160 0.006 | 0.1524 | 0.550 | 13.9700 1/16 | 0.0625 | 1.5875 9/16 | 0.5625 | 14.2875 0.007 | 0.1778 | 0.560 | 14.2240 0.008 | 0.2032 | 0.570 | 14.4780 0.009 | 0.2286 | 0.580 | 14.7320 5/64 | 0.0781 1.9844 1 37/64 | 0.5781 | 14.6844 0.010 | 0.2500 | 0-590 | 14.9860 3/32 | 0.0938 | 2.3812 | 19/32 | 0.5938 | 15.0812 0.020 | 0.5080 7/64 | 0.1094 | 2.7781 | 39/64 | 0.6094 | 15.4781 0.030 | 0.7620 0.600 | 15.2400 0050 | 12760 | 0.610 | 15.4940 1/8 | 0.1250 | 3.1750 | 5/8 | 0.6250| 15.8750 0.060 1.5240 0.620 | 15.7480 0.070 | 1.7780 0-630 16.0020 9,64 | 0.1406 | 3.5719 | 41/64 | 0.6406 | 16.2719 0090 | 20329 | 0.850 | 16.5100 | 5/32 | 0.1562 | 3.9688 | 21/32 | 0.6562 | 16.6688 0.100 2 5400 0.660 | 16.7640 | 11/64 | 0.1719 | 4.3656 | 43/64 | 0.6719 | 17.0656 0.110 | 2.7940 0670 ] 7720 0.120 3.0480 0.690 17.5260 3/16 | 0.1875 | 4.7625 Y 11/16 | 0.6875 | 17.4625 0.130 | 3.3020 ° ° О 150 3200 13/64 | 0.2031 | 5.1594 | 45/64 | 0.7031 | 17.8594 0.160 | 4.0640 | 0-700 | 17.7800 7/32 | 0.2188 | 5.5562 À 23/32 | 0.7188 | 18.2562 0.170 | 4.3180 0720 18 2880 15/64 | 0.2344 | 5.9531 | 47/64 | 0.7344 | 18.6531 0.180 | 4.5720 | * ° 0.190 | 43260 | 0-730 | 18.5420 0.740 | 18.7960 1/4 | 0.2500 | 6.3500 | 3/4 | 0.7500 | 19.0500 0.200 | 5.0800 | 0.750 | 19.0500 0.210 | 5.3340 | 0.760 | 19.3040 0.220 | 5.5880 | 0.770 | 19.5580 17/64 | 0.2656 | 6.7469 | 49/64 | 0.7656 | 19.4469 0.230 5.8420 0.780 | 19.8120 9/32 | 0.2812 | 7.1438 | 25/32 | 0.7812 | 19.8438 ‚240 | 6.0960 | 0.790 | 20.0660 0200 | 62506 19/64 | 0.2969 | 7.5406 | 51/64 | 0.7969 | 20.2406 0.270 | 6.8580 5/16 | 0.3125 | 7.9375 | 13/16 | 0.8125 | 20.6375 . . 0.800 | 20.3200 0.280 | 7.1120 90 | 73660 | 0-810 | 20.5740 0.2 36 0.820 | 20.8280 | 21/64 | 0.3281 | 8.3344 | 53/64 | 0.8281 | 21.0344 0.300 7.6200 0-830 21 3920 11/32 | 0.3438 | 8.7312 | 27/32 | 0.8438 | 21.4312 0.320 | 81280 | 0.850 | 215900 | 23/64 | 0.3594 | 9.1281 | 55/64 | 0.8594 | 21.8281 0.330 8.3820 0-860 21.8440 0.340 | 8.6360 .870 | 22.0980 3/8 | 0.3750 | 9.525 7 . . 0.340 | 8.6360 0.380 223520 0 /8 | 0.8750 | 22.2250 .890 | 22.6060 0300 93080 25/64 | 0.3906 | 9.9219 | 57/64 | 0.8906 | 22.6219 0.380 | 9.6520 13/32 | 0.4062 |10.3188 | 29/32 | 0.9062 | 23.0188 0.390 | 9.9060 1 о9о0 |22.8600 | 27/64 | 0.4219 [10.7156 | 59/64 | 0.9219 | 23.4156 0.400 [10.1600 1 0.910 | 23.1140 0.410 [10.4140 | 0.920 | 23.3680 7/16 | 0.4375 [11.1125 J 15/16 | 0.9375 | 23.8125 0.420 |10.6680 | 0.930 | 23.6220 0.430 |10.9220 | 0.940 | 23.8760 0.440 [11.1760 1 0.950 | 24.1300 129/64 | 0.4531 [11.5094 | 61/64 | 0.9531 | 24.2094 0.450 11.4300 0.960 24.3840 15/32 | 0.4688 [11.9062 | 31/32 | 0.9688 | 24.6062 ‚46 ‚684 . , 0470 |119380 | 0.980 [248920 [31/84 |0-4844 |12.3031 | 63,64 | 0.9844 |25.0031 090 [171300 À 1000 [254000 | 1/2 |0.5000 |12.7000 | 1 | 1.0000 | 25.4000 14B-2 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14B. CONVERSION CHARTS U.S. TO METRIC CONVERSIONS To Convert Into Divide By Linear Miles Kilometers 1.609 Measurement Yards Meters 0.9144 Feet Meters 0.3048 Feet Centimeters 30.48 Inches Meters 0.0254 Inches Centimeters 2.54 Inches Millimeters 25.4 Area Square Miles Square Kilometers 2.59 Square Feet Square Meters 0.0929 Square Inches Square Centimeters 6.452 Acre Hectare 0.4047 Volume Cubic Yards Cubic Meters 0.7646 Cubic Feet Cubic Meters 0.02832 Cubic Inches Cubic Centimeters 16.39 Weight Tons (Short) Metric Tons 0.9078 Pounds Kilograms 0.4536 Ounces (Avdp.) Grams 28.3495 Pressure Pounds/Sq. In. Kilopascal 6.895 Bars 14.5 Work Foot-pounds Newton-Meters 1.356 Foot-pounds Kilogram-Meters 0.1383 Inch-pounds Kilogram-Centimeters 1.152144 Liquid Volume | Quarts Liters 0.9463 Gallons Liters 3.785 Liquid Flow Gallons/Minute Liters/Minute 3.785 Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius 1. Subtract 32° 2. Multiply by 5/9 14B-3 ">

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Key features
- Powerful engine for superior cutting performance
- Durable deck for long-lasting use
- Variety of cutting units to meet specific needs
- Hydraulic system for smooth and precise operation
- Ergonomic controls for operator comfort
- Easy maintenance for reduced downtime
Frequently asked questions
See Figure 1A-1 for the location of the serial number.