Leroy Somer VTU.N Speed Controller Installation and maintenance manual
Below you will find brief information for Speed Controller VTU.N. The VTU.N is a unidirectional, three-phase speed controller for DC motors. It allows operation in the two quadrants of the torque speed diagram. The VTU.N is a full wave, thyristor speed controller for separately excited DC motors and has a compact design. The VTU.N is available in nine calibers from 38 to 1200 A. It is flexible and has a high overcurrent capability for a short period. The VTU.N can be controlled by a DC tachometer or by armature regulation. The VTU.N has a number of safety devices such as a current limitation, a speed loop gain setting and an overload protection. These features make the VTU.N ideal for use in a variety of industrial applications.
LEROY SOMER OPTION 1 | 1292 | ! 3.6 7 | Réf. 313 - 03%/a - 10.89 VTU.N Unidirectional three phase speed controller for D.C. motors Installation and maintenance manual NOTE LEROY-SOMER reserves the right to modify the specifications of its products at any time, to take advantage of the latest technical developments. The information contained in this bulletin is therefore liable to change without notice. LEROY-SOMER gives no guarantee, whether expressed or implied, covering the information contained in this bulletin, and accepts no responsibility for any errors contained therein, nor for damage occasioned by its use. WARNING - For user safety, this controlier should be earthed. (+) - The controller is fitted with safety devices which can, in the case of certain faults, stop the controller and the motor. The motor itself can be jammed by mechanical means. Finally, voltage fluctuations, and particularly power cuts can also cause the controller to switch off. - The removal of the cause of the shutdown can lead to restarting, with consequent hazard for certain machines or installations, particularly those complying with the decrees of 15th July 1980 concerning safety. In these cases, therefore, it is important for the user to protect against such risks of restarting, by fitting a zero speed detector which will cut the supply to the controller, in the case of unprogrammed stoppages. This equipment meets existing standards. Nonetheless, it may create interference and the user accepts responsibility for carrying out the appropriate action to eliminate such interference. AS A GENERAL RULE, ANY WORK ON THE MACHINE OR INSTALLATION, WHETHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL, SHOULD ONLY BE CARRIED OUT AFTER THE POWER SUPPLY TO THE CONTROLLER HAS BEEN SWITCHED OFF. LEROY SOMER CONTENTS PAGES PAGES 1.- PRESENTATION 1 1-GENEIAL o.oo eee eee eee eee 4 6.3-Dynamic settings .....................e.e.ee.e000me ee 21 1.2-Controller components..................... eee 4 * 6.3.1-Setting the limitation current ...................——..—.. 21 * 1.2.1-Power board 1210 ...........................i ie reee 4 * 6.3.2-Setting maximum motor speed with * 1.2.2-Security board 1214 .................... e... eee crr rare 5 DT regulation... ee... ..ereereeeereen enana r ee rereeree. 21 * 1.2.3-Regulation board 1215 ........................e1e0 5 * 6.3.3-Setting maximum motor speed with * 1.2.4-Test board 1282 …..…..…..........uruccercrrranere cer errer ner 5 armature regulation ....................... e... eme 21 * 1.2.5-Power bridge .......................22. e eee 5 * 6.3.4-Setting acceleration and 1.3-Power table .........................niii een rene ens 6 deceleration ramps .....................e.vererienireene 21 * 6.3.5-Setting the speed loop gain ............................ 21 2. SPECIFICATIONS * 6.3.6-Setting the current loop gain nanerveverancanenaeenneo nera. 22 2.1-Operational diagram.......................e..eeeeeeeeorrcirerr e 7 * 6.3.7-Specific applications ……….….….…eenncennçnçnnnnn 22 2.2-Electrical characteristics ......................eeeeiee 8-9 2.3-Safety of VTU.N .................... mine 10 7.- OPTIONS *2.3.14-VTU.N standard ...............—..e.eer 10 es Do bag TUU о 2.3.2-VTU.N with optional board 1292 ........—........—.. 10 * 7.2.1-Presentation ..........................e.e ene er ene 24 * /.2.2-Installation and connection 24 3.-INSTALLATION CET 1([1/0|- n ern E EEE E EEE KAREREKERR RER RERRRRERREREEREG 24 3.1-Assembly precautionS essen EBERLE 11 * 7.2.4-Installation of components ..................... eee... 25 3.2-Installation in protective cabinet........................... 11 * 7.2.5-Block diagram ..........e......es2reareericeceeerre e en eee reee. 25 3.3-Dimensions - Attachments ...........................esericecie. 11 7.3-The 1292 board ......................rereeseeverercerearererrerercerenees 26 * 3.3.1-VTU.N 38 to 420 À ….........rcrerrrrrererrerarrararenrervare 11 * /.3.1-Presentation ee errr ————— 26 *3.3.2-VTUINGBOO10 1200 A... 12 * /.3.2-Installation and connection 26 3.4-Installation of electronic boards …………………….….……………… 13 * 7.3.3-Settings - selecting functions ……….…………….….…….….….…….……. 26 * 7.3.4-Installation of components .….….…...….....…....….….….….….….….……….……. 27 4.-CONNECTIONS * 7.3.5-Block diagram Nuenenn enana nenemaratananmenarattmynanmeratanana. 27 4.1-Recommendations ......................eeeeraverreenen DA 14 4.2-Recommended diagram .......................evveceeceecees 14 Top PARTS 28 4:3-5tandard dAgraM. ...c. cosets ne nen 19 8.2-Power thyristor ..............................e eee e 29 8.3-Motor excitation rectifier bridge ...........................—.—.—.. 29 5.-ELECTRONIC BOARDS B4-FUSES «cocoon 30 5.1-Personalisation board 1215... 16 8.5-Self-induction phase coils ......................................—.. 30 * 5.1.1-Block diagram ......................e.eeresercecececen econ ane 17 *5.1.2-Potentiometers ............................ 20000 18 APPENDIX : Diagram ........................e.ee000e 31 * 5.1.3-Main components ....................eee.emveviierer eee, 18 * D.1.4-Switches .....................eenrevcenercororacenerire reee eee. 18 * 5.1.5-Connectors ................. 2er enero reee. 18 5.2-Test board 1282 ......................eee.2eee0v 0000 ee 19 6.-START-UP 6.1-Preliminary checks ........................ 20000000 e 20 6.2-Static settings ........................_..22ee.er error eee 20 * 6.2.1-Equipment required ..................em.eeeeeeeerneac 20 * 6.2.2-Supply voltage ................e........eeeeeerrercerereri eee 20 * 6.2.3-Supply voltage frequency ................... eee... 20 * 6.2.4-Operation with DC tachometer ............................_ 20 * 6.2.5-Орегайоп with armature regulation....................... 20 * 6.2.6-Excitation connection check -.....................e...nes0... 20 3 Кол 1.-PRESENTATION 1.1 - GENERAL The one-way, three-phase VTU.N controller is a full wave, thyristor speed controller for separately excited DC motors. - It allows operation in the two quadrants of the torque speed diagram. - If controlled by DC tachometer, the insulation is complete between the power and electronic circuits. - Flexible starting and overcurrent of 1.6 in is possible for a period of 10 seconds. - Leroy-Somer manufactures LSK series motors which are perfectly suited to VTU.N speed controllers. 1.2 - CONSTITUTION DU VARIATEUR The compact VTU.N line comprises nine calibers from 38 to 1200 A. The VTU.N power bridges are : Calibers 38 and 75 A self-cooled. Calibers 110 to 1200 A, fan-cooled. The standard VTU.N comprises four printed circuit boards. VTU.N 38 and 75 VTU.N 110 to 420 А VTU.N 600 to 1200 Power board 1210 1.2.1 - Power board 1210 This is the only board which changes in accordance with the caliber of the speed controller. It includes : - the regulated power sources, - The starting and protection circuits for thyristors, - an AC and DC excitation terminal block, - a separate 220V or 380V terminal block for the electronic circuit, - switches for selecting high and low voltages from the mains power supply, - a calibration circuit for speed controller current, - synchronisation transformers. DS 1.2.2 - Security board 1214 This board comprises - the security circuit, - the fault display LEDS, - the firing pulse generator circuit, - The connectors for mounting the optional 1291 and 1292 boards, - the switches for selecting the 50 or 60 Hz mains frequency. “Control Board 1215 1.2.4 - Test board 1282 This board allows easy access to tests points for installation or in case of breakdown. 1.2.5 - Power bridge On the power bridge heat sink are mounted: - 3 thyristor modules, - 2 current transformers (VTU.N < 420 A), - 1 thermocontact, - 1 excitation bridge rectifier (VTU.N < 420 A). Security Board 1214 NOTE : The potentiometers on this board are factory- set. Do not touch them. 1.2.3 - Regulation board 1215 This board comprises : - the current control, - the speed servo, - the ramp circuit, - the personalisation and setting potentiometers, - the customer terminal pack, - the fault relays, - the test connector for connecting the test board 1282 and the test box (optional). ES En 5 1.3 - POWER TABLE RATED THREE-PHASE OUTPUT TO POWER EXCITATION 50/60 Hz POWER MOTOR OF MOTOR VOLTAGE TYPE OF SUPPLY WITHOUT (APPROXI- VARIABLE-SPEED NEUTRAL WIRE MATE) CONTROLLER Rated Input Rated Armature current voltage current voltage KW (V) (A) (V) (A) © (V) (2) (3) VTU.N 2-38 32 220/240 38 250/280 8,5 95/190 VTU.N 2-75 62 220/240 75 250/280 17 95/190 VTU.N 2-110 90 220/240 110 250/280 26 95/190 VTU.N 2-170 140 220/240 170 250/280 41 95/190 VTU.N 2-300 250 220/240 300 250/280 75 95/190 VTU.N 2-420 345 220/240 420 250/280 105 95/190 VTU.N 2-600 500 220/240 600 250/280 150 95/190 VTU.N 2-900 750 220/240 900 250/280 225 95/190 VTU.N 2-1200 1000 220/240 1200 250/280 300 95/190 VTU.N 3-38 32 380/415 38 440/480 14,5 170/340 VTU.N 3-75 62 380/415 75 440/480 28 170/340 VTU.N 3-110 90 380/415 110 440/480 44 170/340 VTU.N 3-170 140 380/415 170 440/480 70 170/340 VTU.N 3-300 250 380/415 300 440/480 125 170/340 VTU.N 3-420 345 380/415 420 440/480 177 170/340 VTU.N 3-600 500 380/415 600 440/480 260 170/340 VTU.N 3-900 750 380/415 900 440/480 390 170/340 VTU.N 3-1200 1000 380/415 1200 440/480 530 170/340 VTU.N 4-38 32 440/460 38 510/530 16 170/340 VTU.N 4-75 62 440/460 75 510/530 32 170/340 VTU.N 4-110 90 440/460 110 510/530 49 170/340 VTU.N 4-170 140 440/460 170 510/530 78 170/340 VTU.N 4-300 250 440/460 300 510/530 140 170/340 VTU.N 4-420 345 440/460 420 510/530 195 170/340 VTU.N 4-600 ТО М 4-900 DEVELOPMENT IN PROGRESS VTU.N 4-1200 The above values are for ambient temperature between 0°C and 40°C. For temperatures up to 60°C, the current is degraded by 1.2 % for each additional °C. (2) Maximum armature voltage with motor running. Multiply by 0.9 to obtain the maximum armature voltage in current recovery. Use an autotransformer to obtain an excitation voltage of 170/340 V from a 440/460 V mains supply. 6 — 8% 2.-SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 - OPERATIONAL DIAGRAM la RE 7 DI LY YY Y nam TC > 7 $i 7 DI , + В N + | 4} L pot lle ae > RX > + 9-1” + [= nN : Г [о-в] AA RE : Excitation bridge rectifier, single of dual alternation. P : Three-phase Graétz bridge. TC : Current transformer. R : Ramp. N : Speed loop. | : Current loop. L : Linearisation loop. The regulation system adopted includes multiple loops in cascade. The outside loop sets the principal controlled variable which is speed (N). The output at this speed regulation stage influences the second regulated variable, current (1). In addition, the Graétz bridge is subject to two continuous/discontinuous conduction modes in which the gain of the motor converter loop is different. This may give rise to regulation instabilities in the discontinuity zone. Regulation therefore includes a linearisation stage (L) with the characteristic | = F (V control). ES SET 2.2 - ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS SETTINGS SPECIFIC OR DATA ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS CONNEC- TIONS Voltage, frequency of the 220/240 V + 10 % 51, 52, three-phase power supply 380/415 V + 10 % 50/60 Hz S3,54 440/460 V + 5% +2 % (1214) 10 % Recommended armature Armature U < Mains U x 1016 voltage, depending on mains voltage. Excitation mains voltage. Maximum mains voltage : 380 V S4 of (1210) Excitation U ~ 0.9 mains U in dual alternation or ~ 0.45 mains U in single alternation 38 and 75 A Maximum excitation current. 16A Limitation of armature Adjustable from 50 to 100 % of the rated controller caliber R110 current (1215) Possible overcurrent ~ 160 % of rated motor | for 10 seconds (maximum : 10 times/hour) Speed range. 1 to 300 with DC tachometer R107 1 to 20 with armature feedback U but accuracy depends on (1215) motor Accuracy with variation : With DC tachometer: - in resistor torque from 0.2 INto IN + 0.1 % of rated speed - In mains voltage + 10 % + 0.2 % of preset speed - in ambient temperature 20% + 20°C +0.1 % of preset speed with external reference. Speed feedback with DC tachometer. Armature Three setting positions : 60 V - 130 V - 300 V. S4 and o feedback U One setting position (check R93 on 1215) Acceleration and Acceleration and deceleration times set separately from 0,5 to R105 - R115 deceleration ramp 60 s by coarse and fine setting (S2 in 2). R106 - R116 (1215) External locking By contact opening on terminal block J1 - 21 J1 - 22 (1215) External reset By puise generation from contact on terminal block. J1 - 23 J1 - 24 (1215) ES En SETTINGS SPECIFIC OR DATA ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS CONNEC- TIONS Speed value : (1215) - in voltage. 0 +10 V isolated either by 2.2 kQ potentiometer connected to the internal source + 10 V or by analog signal delivered by an external source (input impedance 47 kQ). J1-25 - in isolated voltage with 0 +10 V isolated either by 2.2 kQ potentiometer connected to the optional board 1291. internal source + 10 V or by analog signal delivered by an J1-31 external source (input 100 kQ). and S1 in 2 - in current by signal with - 0-16 MA optional board 1291. - 0-20 mA Ji - 29 - 4 - 20 mA and S1 in 2 Torque control Use ESI input from 0 to + 6.6 V J1-7 6.6 V — Nominal current controller. Open S5/1 (1215) Regeneration operation Use ESI input to set regenerative torque. J1-7 (1215) Second speed reference Use ESN input from 0 to + 10 V J1-20 (1215) Output relays - Relay fault K1-1215 maximum electric specifica- - Zero speed relay Option 1292 } 5A 250V AC K1 - (1292) tions for contacts - Relay | threshold Р К2 - (1292) Degree of protection IP 00 Ambient temperatures : - in operation - in storage - 0°C to 40°C (operation possible to 60°C by downgrading current by 1.2 % for each additional °C - 25°C to + 70°C Downgrading based on altitude Downgrade current by 0.7 % for each 100 m in excess of 1000 m ES ón 2.3 - SAFETY OF VTU.N 2.3.1 - Standard V.T.U.N SETTING SIGNALLED DESCRIPTION VALUE MEMORISED BY LED T* power bridge YES CR 58 Supply voltage + 15 V +13Vto+17V YES CR 59 Instantaneous excess current 2.5 in YES CR 60 Overload time 1.6 In during 10 seconds YES CR 61 Monitoring lack of phase NO CR 62 Monitoring mains drop о by micro power cuts Vn-15% NO NO 2.3.2 - V.T.U.N with optional board 1292 SETTING SIGNALLED DESCRIPTION VALUE MEMORISED BY LED Motor stalled YES CR 55 CR 20 DT failure on 1292 MOTOR YES CR 56 FAULT M CR 21 otor CTP on overheating 1292 NOTE : - All these security devices block thyristor logic control and regulation. - Memorised security device settings must be reset by the speed controller (J1-23 from J1-24 board 1215) or the power contactor must drop. 10 ES va 3.-INSTALLATION 3.1 - ASSEMBLY PRECAUTIONS - Set the controller vertically so that air circulates upwards through the heater vents. Keep away from heating elements. If placed in a cabinet, shutters should be made for forced circulation and an opening made on the top with a protective hood. - Insulation : with the exception of the earth terminal, none of the connectors linked to the terminal block should be connected to earth. - External presetting circuits for speed and feedback (DC tachometer) must be wired using twisted cables (piteh < 5 cm), or shielded cables. Keep control wires and power cables separate. 3.2 - INSTALLATION IN PROTECTIVE CABINET When installing VTU. N speed controllers in cabinets, it is vital that air be renewed to ensure cooling. - Calibers 38 A and 75 A (self-cooled) ; leave an open space of at least 10 cm above and below the speed controler - Calibers 110 A to 1200 A (fan-cooled). Air flow = 0.18 m3/s (caliber 110 A to 420 A) 0.3 m3/s (caliber 600 A to 1200 A) ANY fr / (0 В SELF-COOLED | DO — 10cm «— > VTU.N nll 10 cm FAN-COOLED 3.3 - DIMENSIONS - ATTACHMENTS 3.3.1 - VTU.N Speed Controllers : 38A to 420A +8 Bon f H 1 HU. A 4 + |? | » L rl VTU.N H L f1 f2 P oM WEIGHT 38 et 75A 362 230 338 190 255 6 15 110 et 170A 503 230 483 190 275 6 27 300 et 420A 503 230 483 190 355 6 30 LS En 11 3.3.2 - VTU.N Speed Controllers : 600A to 1200A AA CROSS SECTION е М V.F link 220V 50/60 Hz single 0.84 A т H 1 + | | H2 I À 1 | | Control | | | | a Y_ P 1 J > N Ш | VTU.N H H1 H2 L L1 L2 P P1 gM | WEIGHT 600A .. 60 900A 955 280 480 376 336 50 415 240 8.5 60 1200A 65 NOTE : The dimensions given above are supplied for information only and may be modified. The company is under no obligation until the final agreement of our design departments. 12 ES ón 3.4 - INSTALLATION OF ELECTRONIC BOARDS (TUN 38 and 75 Amperes В ( VTU.N 110 to 420 Amperes В AL1 AL3 AL1 AL? AL3 O ° в © [6 |* | o [A 9 1214 Board 1214 Board Fault signal lamps Fault signal A pd lamps o Y SV SV 8898980809 Personalisation board 1215 Personalisation board 1215 - Test connector | | TP1 TP Excitation terminal | 1 Control terminal block J1 32 | | 1 Control terminal block J1 32| block for VTU.N Excitation terminal == 170 to 420 A [T Joo [1] | block for VTUN — [71 вод | КО A 7 - 38 to 110 A — 15] lol = | Ventilator o Af A2 O AN a” _ Ventilator power ATI terminal block C VTU.N 38 to 110 Amperes В с о DETAIL OF EXCITATION TERMINAL BLOCK [FL FL2 CT VTU.N 600 to 1200 Amperes Alternative To motor power excitation 220V. i, 170 or 190V 380V........ reee. 340V | FL1 E F2 | F1 | Alternative To motor Ventil power excitation entilator power block 380V.. e. 170 or 190V = (TUN 170 to 1200 Amperes ) e J Excitation power terminal block - = + - - - - + - > F2/| F2|FifFL1] F3 F2|F2| F1|FL4 F3 FL? FL2 Fault signal lamps Test y y r connector Excitation | Mains Excitation Mains Excitation 190V 220V 95V 220V terminal block 340V 380V 170V 380V Full - wave Single - wave ‘rectification rectification YN ANNAN NA Noa КОЛЬ 13 4.-CONNECTIONS 4.1 - RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that you connect your VTU.N as shown in the block diagram in paragraph 4.2. The following advantages are gained if the electronics section is powered externally and the optional board 1292 is used: - Suppression of the thermal relay on the power section. - The controller "fault" contactor inserted in the security chain allows the power contactor to open and keeps the fault in memory (LED display). - Suppression of motor sensor relay on the power side. - Safety devices . DC tachometer failure . motor overheating . Anti-stail - Informations . Output 0 + 10 V proportional to motor speed . Contacts on current threshold relay - Connection On reception of optional board 1292, pull out the J2 connection on the side of the 1210 board and use the connector supplied separately to power the electronic section. Respect the phase sequence between the power and electronic sections. NOTE : With optional board 1292, the galvanic insulation between the electronic and power sections is brought down to a value of 1 MQ. 4.2 - RECOMMENDED DIAGRAM (external power to electronics + optional board 1292) QS1/F4 tias ева) 19 1 AL2 AL3| J2-1 Linn — VTU.N (OPTION 1 | 1292 | A1 A2 3-6 7 | F1 F2 2 3, | 1210 | ) — — po — — QQ — —e o “ y TACHOMETER “MOTOR ARMATURE MOTOR EXCITATION VF CTP SENSORS NOTE : (1) Three-phase self-induction coil on request. (2) - For VTU.N 110 to 420 À, install an auto-transformer for 220 V - 50 Hz - 250 VA ventilation if the mains power supply is other than 220 V - 50 Hz - For VTU.N > 600 A, three-phase power to ventilation. (3) We recommend the installation of RCs on the remote control windings. 14 IS Y © > = ~~ inden 4.3 - STANDARD DIAGRAM QS1/F4 L1)—= = -=— L2 )— »- - -—— L3} — To И = By A ID FS3 5 1 J2- | FL1FL2 AL1 AL2 AL3 IL / rss KA1 \ az \ KA! KAN Fi F2 F3 À “\ KA2 \ KM3 — = A ST KM2 "EQUIPMENT" DC "MOTOR CTP MOTOR ~ MOTOR FAULTLAMP TACHOMETER ARMATURE SENSORS EXCITATION VF Г + NOTE : (1) Three-phase self-induction coil on request. (2) - For VTU.N 110 to 420 A, install an auto-transformer for 220 V - 50 Hz - 250 VA ventilation if the main other than 220 V - 50 Hz - For VTU.N = 600 A, three-phase power to ventilation. (3) We recommend the installation of RCs on the remote control windings. S power supply is КО 15 5.- ELECTRONIC BOARDS 5.1 - PERSONALISATION BOARD 1215 TEST — a LER OO | N y [Uma e O) a TT | N AU Te C15 a I En de FT, BEBE ma 1 pô O: MT DA THis, тя RE CR11 cas | | Le R35 _. CRY o — eE 3] o rf [1 OFF_ON © y Fs: Rue O): MAX , | 3 ne (@) cam 98 S( Rue MO т Tee Dan PREU Bo: a 8 Кио 6 Be " (@) cc 1 x FAULT 5 LJ ©) о о о о о < HN > % STOP ri [1 2 н «D i zZ 9 #5 cil LO OIE oo отт Ji 1 S 10 15 22 25 30 32 Customer terminal block J1 J1 17 DT return (positive polarity) 1 - work 18 DT return (negative polarity) 2 à 1292 plate null speed relay contacts - rest 19 OV 3 20 Additional input current 0 to +10 V - common 21 Speed controller unlocking by OV 4 - work 22 0V 5 } general fault relay contacts - common 23 Reset controller by pulse to OV 6 - rest 24 0V 7 Additional input current Ô to + 6.6 V 25 Speed index input 0 to +10 V (In speed controller = + 6.6 V) 26 +10V 8 oO 27 OV 9 U induced 1 © be connected in the event 28 Insulated OV 10 + Ú induced } of induction voltage regulation 29* Insulated current control 0 to 16 mA ; or with optional board 1292 0 to 20 mA ; 4 to 20 mA 30" Insulated OV 11 Back EMF image 31* Insulated speed index input 0 to +10 V 32* Insulated +10 V a } for special applications * Terminals 28 to 32 only used with optional board 1291 14 OV 15 OV 16 Output current index O to + 8.1 V LEROY” 16 IS a FEAR € añ E NX 5.1.1 - Block diagram н то т ах ZT my 19444990 Я Я Я анна т 2 2 3 24 1 2 17 ESSE 5.1.2 - Potentiometers NOTE = Turn the potentiometers clockwise to increase power. R105 : Deceleration ramp fine setting. R106 : Acceleration ramp fine setting. R115 : Deceleration ramp coarse setting. R116 : Acceleration ramp coarse setting. R107 : Maximum speed setting. R108 : Speed error amplifier offset setting. R109 : Speed loop gain setting. R110 : Motor rated current setting. R112 : Current loop gain setting. R114 : R1 compensation setting for induced current regulation. 5.1.3 - Main components R28 : Correction resistor for speed return. R93 : Gain resistor for amplifier executing U - RI. R101 : Linearisation loop gain setting resistor. C4 : Speed index filtering capacitor. C5 : Additional speed input filtering capacitor. C6 : Speed return corrector capacitor C11 : Current loop integrator capacitor. C12 : Linearisation loop filtering capacitor. 5.1.4 - Switches S1 : Index selection O to 10 V (position 1) or 0 to 10 V isolated (position 2) with optional board 1291. S2 : Direct speed index selection (position 1) or via the double ramp (position 2). S4 : DC tachometer voltage selection. Position n°1 : DT voltage between 20 V and 60 V for motor maximum N. Position n°2 : DT voltage between 50 V and 130 V for motor maximum N. Position n°3 : DT voltage between 100 V and 300 V for motor maximum N. Position n°4 : Control by induced voltage return (E=U=RI). S5/1 : Eliminates delayed, overcurrent fault. Warning - request factory by agreement to set to OFF. 55/2 : Isolates speed loop in current loop. S5/3 : Set to ON. S6/1 : Isolates the delay angle control for starting the rest of the regulation. Must be set to "ON" during normal operation. S6/2 : Isolates the linearisation loop in the current loop. Must be set to "ON" during normal operation. 5.1.5 - Connectors J1 : Customer connection terminal block located on personalisation board 1215. J2 : Terminal block linking optional board 1292 to 1215 board. J3 : Block linking board 1214 to board 1215. J4 : Links optional board 1291 to board 1215. TP1 : Connects test board 1282 or test box. K1 : Fault relay. 18 LS En 5.2 - TEST BOARD 1282 1 — — CTC 1282 UE E JE JEJE] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 J Je J IE ETE 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 OV reference test point TEST Е SIGNALS TO BE OBTAINED POINT UNCTION UNDER NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS TP1/1 Ramp output connection Varies from 0 to +10 V more or less rapidly speed reference depending on R105, R106, R115 and R116 setting TP1/2 Linearisation derivative Varies from 0 V to +10 V depending on load and amplifier output speed (+10 V full load and max. N) TP 1/3 -15 V -13 V< UTP 1/3<-17V TP1/4 +15 V +13 V < UTP 1/4< +17 V ТР1/5 Back electromotive force Varies from 0 to -11 V. -11 V corresponds to rated image (EMF) induced U depending on speed controller caliber TP1/6 Controller current amplifier 0 to -8.1 V (-8.1 V for speed controller 1.6 In) TP1/7 Speed image Varies from 0 to -10 V (-10 V for max. speed) TP1/8 Zero volt TP1/9 Current amplifier output Current varies from 0 to 5.1 V (depending on load) TP1/10 Current loop input Varies from O to +8.1 V (8.1 V for 1.6 rated speed. controller In and R110 at clockwise limit) TP1/11 Speed amplifier output 0 to +8.1 V (8.1 V for rated controller 1.6 In) TP1/12 DT return 60 V DT return = 3 V on TP1/12 ТР1/13 Linearisation loop input 0 to +6 V (6 V for rated controller1.6 In) TP1/14 Controller locking data OV : controller locked, +8 V : unlocked TP1/15 Thyristor control 0 V to +10 V (motor operation + 5 V to + 10 V with 10 V for max. N and controller 1.6 In) TP1/16 Additional current input For special applications. Apply 0 to +6.6 V (6.6 V for controller In) ES ón 19 6.-START-UP 6.1 - PRELIMINARY CHECKS - The speed controller is factory set to satisfy the most common operating conditions. - Check compatibility between mains, speed controller and motor by examining identification tags and plates on the equipment. - Check that the wiring complies with the sequence diagram. - Check that connections and terminal links are secure and that connectors are properly plugged into the speed controller. - In the case of a voltage reference index, check the connection of the speed index potentiometer as well as its ohmic value. - Recommended value : 2.2 kQ. Power 2 W - Check phase balance between electrenic and power sections for recommended diagram(chap. 4-2). 6.2 - STATIC SETTINGS 6.2.1 - Equipment required - A multimeter, preferably 20.000 ohms/volt. - A two-way oscilloscope, if necessary. - If required, a mobile ammeter with shunt. 6.2.2 - Supply voltage Set the three switches S1, S2 and S3 on the back of the 1210 board. They must be pushed upwards for low voltages (eg. 360 < U < 380 V) and downwards for high voltages (eg. 380 < U < 415 V). 6.2.3 - Supply voltage frequency Set all the switches on the 1214 mother board to the position corresponding to the mains power frequency 50 or 60 Hz. Set all switches (S1 to S4) to the same position. Check that : - all switches on board 1215 are set to "ON". - the resistor values of board 1215. R 101 : 220 kQ for VTU N of 38 À R 101 : 100 kQ for VTU N of 75 À R 101 : 47 kA for VTU N 2 110 А 6.2.4 - Operation with DC tachometer The + of the DT must be connected to terminal J1 - 17 The - of the DT must be connected to terminal J1 - 18 Be sure to check the polarities of the DT. To do this, turn the motor manually, in a clockwise direction when looking at the end of the shaft. (This is the direction of rotation of the motor if the polarities have been respected on armature A1 (+) ; A2 (-) and on excitation F1 (+) ; F2 (-). 6.2.5 - Operation with armature regulation (without DT) Check that terminal A1 of the armature is connected to J1-9 and that terminal A2 of the armature is connected to J1-10. In this case, there is no perfect galvanic insulation between power and control circuits but a high- impedance insulation permitting proper functioning of the VTU.N. Verify that the value of the R93 resistor on the 1215 board is indeed 270 kQ for an armature voltage of 260 V and 150 kQ for an induced 440 V. 6.2.6 - Excitation connection check ( VTU.N 38 to 110 Amperes DD DETAIL OF EXCITATION TERMINAL BLOCK cg Alternating To motor supply excitation A emmm... 170 or 190V 380V..............._... 340V y Alternating To motor supply excitation 380V...............ereecnerms 170 or 190V = N J С VTU.N 170 to 1200 Amperes D Excitation power terminal block 4-1 7 “T-T+1-1 _ F3 F3 F2| F2 | F1|FL1 FLO F2]F2]F1JFL1} FL» Excitation | Mains Excitation | Mains 190V 220V 95V 220V 340V 380V 170V 380V Full - wave Single - wave rectification rectification OY Y Y YY LUNA. 20 6.3 - DYNAMIC SETTING 6.3.1 - Setting the limitation current Factory preset value : 50 % of speed controller caliber. Disconnect the excitation power on the alternative side (FL1, FL2). There are two methods : - Method one : the VTU.N allows a current overload of 1.6 In for 10 seconds. Beyond this period, it locks to | = F(t) (CR 61). This must be carried out quickly since the motor and the commutator blades may overheat. TURN POWER ON and start operation. Display a speed index of more than 5 volts at J1-25. The speed controller will fix a current limit at 1.6 In. Using R110, set the value read on an ammeter or a shunt, to 1.6 times the motor current. TURN POWER OFF. - Method two : this gives a more accurate setting which is less burdensome to the motor. . Hook up a voltmeter between test points TP1/11 and TP1/8 on test board 1282 which is connected to the TP1 test socket on the 1215 board. - Open S5/1 and S6/1. TURN POWER ON and start operation. Display a speed index of more than 5 volts at J1-25. - Read the voltage on test point TP 1/11. This voltage, approximately 8.1 V, corresponds to the current value of the rated speed controller caliber. - Connect the voltmeter between test points TP1/10 and TP1/8 and use R110 to obtain a voltage at point TP1/10 which is equal to : UTP1/10 = UTP1/11 x rated motor current rated controller current Exemple : VTU.N 3 110 to be set for LSK 132 MO 9 | rated speed controller = 110A | rated motor = 78A After sending an increment > 5V on J1-25 a measurement is taken on UTP1/11 = 8.05 V. R110 must be set to obtain UTP1/10 = 8.05 x 78/110 = 5,7 V TURN POWER OFF and close S5/1 and S6/1 NOTE : R110 Maxi in a clockwise direction corresponds to the speed controller caliber. R110 Maxi in an anticlockwise direction corresponds to the half of the speed controller caliber. R110 has a linear course. 6.3.2 - Setting maximum motor speed with DT regulation After checking the connection polarities of the DT (see Chap. 6.2.4), reconnect be excitation power supply and select the S4 jumper position (board 1215) depending on the rated speed of the motor as shown below. S4at1:20V<UDT<60V at2:50V<UDT<130V at3:100V<UDT<300V TURN POWER ON and start operation. Set the speed index to maximum (+ 10 V), adjust the maximum motor speed with R107 by measuring the voltage read on the return DT [J1-17 (+) and J1-18 (-)].Turn R107 clockwise to increase speed. Be sure that this voltage corresponds to the motor armature voltage between A, (+) et A» (-). Do not exceed the maximum voltage specified on the motor tag. TURN POWER OFF. 6.3.3 - Setting maximum motor speed by armature control Put S4 to position 4, check that the + U is wired in J1-9 and the - U in J1-10. TURN POWER ON and start operation. Set the speed index to maximum (+10 V), adjust the maximum motor speed with R107 by measuring the armature voltage read between A1+ and A2- (this corresponds to -11V on the test point TP1/5). Charge the motor and use R114 to compensate for any fall-off in speed. 6.3.4 - Setting acceleration and deceleration ramps The S2 switch (1215 board) selects and deselects the ramp. Set to position 2 to make the ramp operational. R105 allows fine setting the deceleration ramp. R115 allows course setting the deceleration ramp. R106 allows fine setting the acceleration ramp. R116 allows course setting the acceleration ramp. Turn these potentiometers clockwise to increase ramp time which is adjustable from 0.5 to 60 seconds. 6.3.5 - Setting the speed loop gain This adjustment is done with the ramps set to the minimum. Link TP1/8 and TP1/7 with an oscilloscope lead. TURN POWER ON and start operation. Send a speed command of about 5 V and observe the DT return signal. It must reach its speed index as rapidly as possible and without undue delay. Adjust the gain by the R109 potentiometer. TURN POWER OFF. AN Correct > | A N Too much gain : turn R109 anti-clockwise Not enough gain : turn R109 clockwise > ( It may be necessary to modify the value of C6 (original value 0.47 uF). 21 6.3.6 - Setting the current loop gain In most cases, the current loop functions correctly with R112 at its central position. Use a storage oscilloscope to obtain a more accurate setting. In this case : . disconnect the excitation on the alternative side, . link TP1/6 with an oscilloscope path, . set the ramps to minimum. TURN POWER ON and start operation. Apply a speed index to J1-25. Adjust R112 to obtain a current rise of about 8 arches À y > TURN POWER OFF and reconnect excitation power. 6.3.7 - Specific applications - Setting the current limitation for applications requiring a long, strong torque on starting (eg. : Extruder). The VTU.N allows a 1.6 In control overcurrent for only 10 seconds. For such special applications, remove the safety device (time-based overload) by opening S5/1 on the 1215 board and recalibrate the controller. The table below gives speed controller selections and adjustments based on the rated motor caliber. rated Caliber of Max. | set on motor | VTU.N selected the VTU.N 10 — > 30A 38A 16 —» 46A 31 —» 55А 70A 50 —» 85A 56 —# 90A 110A 90 —» 132A 91 —» 130A 170A 140—» 204A 131 —» 230A 300A 210—» 360A 231 —» 320A 420A 370 — > 504A 321 —» 450A 600A 513—» 720A 451 —» 680А 900A 725—»1080A 681 —» 900A 1200A 1090 —»i 440A Eg. : For a motor with a rated current of 70A, select a VTU.N of 110A and set the limitation current at 1.6 x 70A = 112A. - Setting the limitation current Disconnect the excitation power on the alternative side (FL1, FL2). TURN POWER ON and start operation. Display a speed index at J1-25 of more than 5 V. The speed controller will set a limitation current at 1.6 In. With R110, adjust the value read on an ammeter or a shunt to 1.6 times the rated motor current. Respect the maximum values given in the table above. TURN POWER OFF and open S5/1 on the 1215 board. 22 ES SÓ 7.-OPTIONS 7.1 - TEST BOX Sockets for oscilloscope leads (2.5V max.) A test box (optional) can be connected directly to the unit (TP1) and allows easy adjustments and simple diagnoses. CONTROLLER ADDRESS CONNECTOR FUNCTION VALUE A + 5% PIN N° 1 TP1/15 Thyristors control 0 - +11V for controller 1.6 In 2 TP1/13 Linearisation loop input 0 - + 6V for controller 1.6 In. 3 TP1/11 Speed corrector output 0-+8.1V for controller 1.6 In. 4 TP1/9 Current amplifier output 0 - + 5.1V for controller in. 5 TP1/7 Speed image 0 - -10V for max controller N 6 TP1/5 Back EMF image. 0 -11V for rated U. (armature) 7 TP1/3 Internal power supply -15V 8 TP1/1 Speed ref. ramp output plug 0-+10V 9 TP1/2 Linearisation derivative amplifier output 0 - -11V for controller max. N 1.6 In 10 TP1/4 Internal power supply +15V 11 TP1/6 Controller current image 0 - - 8.1V for controller 1.6 In 12 TP1/8 Common OV 13 TP1/10 Current loop input 0 - + 8.1V for controlled 1.6 In and R110 at limit (clockwise) 14 ТР1/12 DC tachometer (DT) return 3V for 60V DT return. 15 TP1/14 Controller data locking Locked = 0 Unlocked = + 7V 16 TP1/16 Additional input current 0 - + 6.6V for controlled In (Voltage to apply) IS: Y 23 7.2 - 1291 BOARD 7.2.1 - Presentation The optional board 1291, in conjunction with a one-way, three-phase VTU.N speed controller for DC motors, allows the following operations : - Speed reference input 0-16 mA. 0-20 mA and 4-20 mA isolated. - Speed reference input 0/10V isolated. The galvanic insulation function is carried out by two opto-couplers and power voltage setting on the board. 7.2.2 - Installation and connection (See Fig. 1 and 2) The optional board 1291 fits easily to the mother board 1214 by means of a fast snap-on nylon sleeve. The connector J1 on the 1291 board is linked to connector J4 on the 1215 board by means of a ribbon cable. The connector J2 on the 1291 board is linked to connector J16 on the 1210 board. 48 V alternating supply. Switch S1 on board 1291 must be in position : - 1, for a speed reference in voltage. - 2, for a speed reference in current. Note : switch S1 on board 1215 must be set to position 2. Connection diagram AL1 AL2 AL3 ol [of [od 1214] J16 “1 Lo {1 Terminal block J1 32] 5 ] Al (+) A2(-) Fig. 1 Detail of J1 terminal block on 1215 board TD 28/29130|31/32 "+10V isolated P=22KQ @ O OV isolated Current ref. Fig. 2 7.2.3 - Settings Switch S1 selects speed references. - voltage speed reference. For a speed reference of 0 - 10V isolated voltage, S1 must be at position 1. Put a jumper between J1-3 and J1-2, and set the OV on output (J1-6, J1-5) with R52. Put a jumper between J1-1 and J1-2, and set the + 10V on output (J1-6, J1-5) with R52. - Speed reference in current : 0-16 mA ; 0-20 mA ; 4-20 mA. . First, set the speed reference at 0-10V isolated voltage as indicated above and set S1 and S2 to position 2. . Indices 0-16 mA or 0-20 mA. Set for 16 mA or 20 mA 10V between TP/8 and J1, 3 (OV on output). . Index 4-20 mA. Set for 20 mA 12.5V between TP1/8 and J1-3 by R50. Put S2 in position 1. Set for 4 mA, OV between TP1/8 and J1-3 by R51. NOTE: - for 0-16 mA and 0-20 mA, S2 in position 2. - for 4-20 mA, S2 in position 1. - polarity of the current reference signal. terminal 29 (1215 board) negative polarity. terminal 28 (1215 board) positive polarity. 24 7.2.4 - Installation of components 7.2.5 - Block diagram SECONDAIRE — 1 $ cre $ cru (De ® I | RS $ + + + CRS2 CR3® “| Dalla 0000 0 000 5 | | 8 RARE 3 38 : TPL 000000000 R41 CR14 Jer! a ¢ 2/2 J2/3 \ 2710 4 +15 41/9 Ji/7 p > = — чи т a ES ón 7.3 - 1292 BOARD 7.3.1 - Presentation The optional board 1292, in conjunction with a one-way, three-phase VTU.N speed controller for DC motors, allows the following operations : - DC tachometer (DT) breakdown safety device. CR 20 signal lamp. - Motor overheat safety device. CR21 signal lamp, - Anti-stall safety device, - Null speed indicator relay, - Motor couple indicator relay (I threshold), - Motor speed image by 0 to 10V signal. All three safety devices lock the VTU.N speed controller if the anti-stall safety device is activated. CR55 lights up. If one of the two safety devices, DT failure or motor overheat, is activated, CR56 lights up. The null speed and motor torque warning functions deliver opening and closing contacts for use in signalling or remote control. WARNING : with option 1292, the galvanic insulation between the electronic and power sections is brought down to a value of 1 MQ. 7.3.2 - Installation and connection (See Fig. 1 and 2) The optional board 1292 fits quickly and easily to the mother board 1214 by means of a snap-on nylon sleeve. The connector J1 on the 1292 board is linked to connector J2 on the 1215 board by means of the ribbon cable provided. It sends the null speed signal relay contacts (1292 board) to the J1 terminal block on the 1215 board (terminalis 1,2,3). The connector J2 on the 1292 board is linked to connector J2 on the 1214 board by means of the ribbon cable. The J4 terminal block allows the K2 relay contacts to be used for signalling motor load (terminals 1,2,3), speed image output (terminals 4 and 5) and connection of the CTP sensor of the motor (6 and 7) Contact cut-out power : 250 V AC - 2,5A Detail of J3 terminal block on 1292 board 6 Motor | threshold us [1 [2]=[4 [5 [17] PE 1292 Fig. 2 Detail of J1 terminal block on 1215 board 1215 board J1 1112|3|------- |910)----------- 32 O Speed | A1 A2 + - Fig. 3 7.3.3 - Settings- Selecting functions - Switch S1 selects the DT failure function. It is activated when S1, is at the ON position (CR20 lights up if there is a fault). Note : terminal A1 (+) must be connected to terminal 9 of J1 (1215 board) and terminal A2 (-) connected to terminal 10 of J1 (1215 board). Switches S3 and S1 select the motor overheat function. This is active when both switches are at the ON position (CR21 lights up in case of a fault). If the motor sensor is not in use, set S3 to OFF. - Set the S2 switch to the ON position to activate the motor anti-stall function. Motor torque signal relay (I threshold). When the power used by the motor exceeds the threshold, the K2 relay is called. Contacts 1,2,3 of the J3 terminal block are used. The threshold is adjusted by the R60 potentiometer. When R60 is at minimum, the current threshold corresponds to 20 % of the maximum speed controller |. With R60 at maximum, the current threshold corresponds to 140 % of the maximum speed controller |. - Null speed signal relay. The K1 relay is activated when the motor is running and is at rest when the motor stops. - Null speed is adjusted by the R5 resistor on bars. - Contacts used : terminals 1,2,3 of the J1 terminal block on the 1215 board. - Motor speed image. - Terminals J3-4 and J3-5 of the 1292 board give a voltage proportional to the motor speed (10V corresponds to the maximum speed set). Cos © = 0,5. Connection diagram AL AL2 AL3 HN e в 13 1214| ] R60 O, 1292 [ | = Fjerse CR63 jes | 000000000 J1 a 7 1215 [] Ribbon cable 71 [...] J2 Г Terminal block J1 32] + - В В Fig. 1 Al A2 26 ES ón 7.3.4 - Installation of components ir Г. LI Da hh m Ww ЭТУ — LTH - A SLT 1292 OOOO G Tdl 590000 7.3.5 - Block diagram J2 5 d J2 9 € J2 184 ae 2 q ue 8 d 27 8.- SPARE SPARTS WARNING : Turn off the power to the unit before attempting any type of servicing inside the speed controller - Never disconnect a cable before properly identifying it. - Ensure that the connectors cannot be interchanged. - Check that the spare board bears the same markings as the original board and the same setting values. - Check switch positions. - Before restoring power, check that the unit is properly connected. 8.1 - BOARDS DESCRIPTION USE CODE TYPE Qty 2.38 PEF. 210 CB 001 CSD 1210 B1/A 1 3.38 PEF. 210 CB 005 CSD 1210 B1/B 1 4.38 PEF. 210 CB 009 CSD 1210 B1/C 1 2.75 PEF. 210 CB 002 CSD 1210 B1/D 1 3.75 PEF. 210 CB 006 CSD 1210 B1/E 1 4.75 PEF. 210 CB 010 CSD 1210 B1/F 1 2.110 PEF. 210 CB 003 CSD 1210 B1/G 1 3.110 PEF. 210 CB 007 CSD 1210 B1/H 1 4.110 PEF. 210 CB 011 CSD 1210 B1/J 1 2.170 PEF. 210 CB 004 CSD 1210 B1/K 1 3.170 PEF. 210 CB 008 CSD 1210 B1/L 1 4.170 PEF. 210 CB 012 CSD 1210 B1/M 1 2.300 PEF. 210 CB 013 CSD 1210 B1/N 1 3.300 PEF. 210 CB 014 CSD 1210 B1/P 1 POWER BOARD 4.300 PEF. 210 CB 015 CSD 1210 B1/Q 1 2.420 PEF. 210 CB 016 CSD 1210 B1/R 1 3.420 PEF. 210 CB 017 CSD 1210 B1/S 1 4.420 PEF. 210 CB 018 CSD 1210 B1/T 1 2.600 PEF. 210 CB 019 CSD 1210 B1/U-A 1 3.600 PEF. 210 CB 020 CSD 1210 B1/V-A 1 4.600 PEF. 210 CB 021 CSD 1210 B1/W-A 1 2.900 PEF. 210 CB 019 CSD 1210 B1/U-B 1 3.900 PEF. 210 CB 020 CSD 1210 B1/V-B 1 4.900 PEF. 210 CB 021 CSD 1210 B1/W-B 1 2.1200 PEF. 210 CB 019 CSD 1210 B1/U-C 1 3.1200 PEF. 210 CB 020 CSD 1210 B1/V-C 1 4.1200 PEF. 210 CB 021 CSD 1210 B1/W-C 1 MOTHER BOARD VTU.N 38A to 1200A PEF. 214 CB 000 CMD 1214 B1/A 1 PERSONALISATION BOARD VTU.N 38A to 1200A PEF. 215 CB 000 CPR 1215 B1/A 1 VTU.N 3300A PEF. 365 CB 000 SCR 1365 A1/B 1 RC SUPPORT BOARD VTU.N 3420A PEF. 309 CB 000 SCR 1309 A1/A 1 TEST BOARD VTU.N 38A to 1200A PEF. 282 CB 000 CTC 1282 A4/A 1 VTU.N 38A to 1200A PEF. 291 CB 000 SLT 1291 A2/A 1 OPTION BOARD VTU.N 38A to 1200A PEF. 292 CB 000 SCT 1292 A3/A 1 28 ES ón 8.2 - POWER THYRISTOR DESCRIPTION CODE TYPE QUANTITY VTU.N 2-38 ESC 025 MT 001 SKKT 26/12 D 3 VTU.N 3-38 ESC 026 MT 000 SKKT 26/14 D 3 VTU.N 4-38 ESC 026 MT 001 SKKT 26/16 D 3 VTU.N 2-75 ESC 071 MT 001 SKKT 71/08 D 3 VTU.N 3-75 ESC 071 MT 000 SKKT 71/14 D 3 VTU.N 4-75 ESC 071 MT 002 SKKT 71/16 D 3 VTU.N 2-110 ESC 056 MT 001 SKKT 56/08 D 3 VTU.N 3-110 ESC 056 MT 000 SKKT 56/14 D 3 VTU.N 4-110 ESC 056 MT 002 SKKT 56/16 D 3 VTU.N 2-170 ESC 091 MT 001 SKKT 91/08 D 3 VTU.N 3-170 ESC 091 MT 000 SKKT 91/14 D 3 VTU.N 4-170 ESC 091 MT 002 SKKT 91/16 D 3 VTU.N 2-300 ESC 131 MT 002 SKKT 131/08 D 3 VTU.N 3-300 ESC 131 MT 000 SKKT 131/14 D 3 VTU.N 4-300 ESC 131 MT 001 SKKT 131/16 D 3 VTU.N 2-420 ESC 210 MT 002 SKKT 210/08 D 3 VTU.N 3-420 ESC 210 MT 000 SKKT 210/14 D 3 VTU.N 4-420 ESC 210 MT 001 SKKT 210/16 D 3 VTU.N 3-600 ESC 490 ET 000 SKT 490/12 D + RD 6 VTU.N 4-600 DEVELOPMENT IN PROGRESS VTU.N 3-900 ESC 760 ET 000 SKT 760/12 D + RD 6 VTU.N 4-900 DEVELOPMENT IN PROGRESS VTU.N 3-1200 ESC 999 ET 000 SKT 1200/12 D + RD 6 VTU.N 4-1200 DEVELOPMENT IN PROGRESS 8.3 - MOTOR EXCITATION RECTIFIER BRIDGE DESCRIPTION CODE TYPE QUANTITY VTU.N 38A to 420A ESC 015 MD 000 26 MB 100A 1 VTU.N 600A to 1200A ESC 030 MP 000 SKB 30/12 + RD 1 ESSE 29 8.4 - LOW CURRENT FUSES DESCRIPTION USE CODE TYPE Qty ELECTRONIC VTU.N 38A to 1200A PEL 000-FU 004 6 x 32 - 0.315A 2 SUPPLY FUSES VTU.N 38A to 110A PEL 020-FU 004 6 x 32 - RAP 20A 1 EXCITATION PROTECTION FUSES VTU.N 170A to 1200A PEL 020-FA 001 10 x 38 - AM 20A 1 FUSES* UR (POWER) DESCRIPTION CODE TYPE QUANTITY VTU.N 38 PEL 040 FU 002 BOD KC3 URGL 30 TitC.40 3 VTU.N 75 PEL 100 FU 001 BOD KC3 URGK 30 TtC.100 3 VTU.N 110 PEL 125 FU 000 BOD KC3 URGK 30 TtC.125 3 VTU.N 170 PEL 200 FU 000 BOD KC3 URGG 30 TtC.200 3 VTU.N 300 PEL 315 FU 000 BOD KC3 URGG 31 TiC.315 3 VTU.N 420 PEL 500 FU 000 BOD KCA URB 31 TtC.500 3 VTU.N 600 PEL 500 FU 000 BOD KCA URB 32 TtC.500 6 VTU.N 900 PEL 630 FU 000 BOD KCA URB 32 TtC.630 6 VTU.N 1200 PEL 800 FU 000 BOD KCA URB 32 TtC.800 6 * USE ADAPTOR AND MICRO-CONTACT WITH FUSES 8.5 - SELFS-INDUCTION PHASE COILS DESCRIPTION CODE TYPE QUANTITY VTU.N 38 SEL 040 SM 000 SM 40-25uH 40 À 3 VTU.N 75 SEL 063 SM 000 SM 63-10uH 63 A 3 VTU.N 110 SEL 100 NT 000 3 ST 100-95uH 100A 1 VTU.N 170 SEL 140 NT 000 3 ST 140-68uH 140A 1 VTU.N 300 SEL 250 NT 000 3 ST 250-38uH 250A 1 VTU.N 420 SEL 330 NT 000 3 ST 330-29uH 330A 1 VTU.N 600 SEL 540 NT 000 3 ST 540-18uH 540A 1 VTU.N 900 SEL 740 NT 000 3 ST 740-13uH 740A 1 VTU.N 1200 EN COURS 3 ST 1150-8.3uH 1150A 1 30 IS Eve as El uoijde 118 CV LV od & vuoz - 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Key features
- Full Wave Thyristor Speed Controller
- Unidirectional Three-Phase
- Compact Design
- Nine Calibers from 38 to 1200 A
- High Overcurrent Capability
- Control by DC Tachometer or Armature Regulation
- Safety Devices: Current Limitation, Overload Protection
- Speed Loop Gain Setting
- Ideal for Industrial Applications
- Flexible Starting