Avocent SwitchView Desktop KVM Switch (w / cables) Datasheet
The Power of Being There
SwitchView: KVM Switching
Solutions From Your Desktop
S wiittc ew •• S wiittc hV w M P •• S wiittc hV DT •• S wiittc hV SC •• S wiittc hV w O D
Product Series
The SwitchView® series is the favorite of users who need to control multiple computers from a single set of peripherals. Whether in the office or the home, SwitchView saves space and provides efficient, economical switching for the multi-system user. This feature-rich product line offers on-screen display with the OSD model, desktop and monitor stand flexibility with the DT model, enhanced secure switching with the SC model and true multi-platform support with the desktop MP model.
KVM Switching Solutions From Your Desktop
The SwitchView 2-port/4–port model’s small footprint combined with quick and easy installation makes this switch the ideal solution for single user, multi-PC applications.
Premium color-coded cables make installation a snap with the SwitchView.
The multi-platform SwitchView MP supports combinations of PC, Sun and USB computers using a single keyboard, mouse, and monitor and it eliminates the need for add on adapters or converters. The SwitchView DT is a superior choice in the single user console switch market. This 4-port console KVM solution doubles as a monitor stand and supports up to 100 lbs with zero footprint on the desktop.
The secure, compact SwitchView SC solution is specifically designed to make data transfer between connected computers virtually impossible -- an important factor for maximum security installations. The OSD model extends the SwitchView line with onscreen display and multi-level security. The SwitchView OSD is a powerful tool for small businesses with multi-server control.
Easy Installation
Desktop and Laptop PC Control
Hot Pluggable
Compact Design
Color-coded connectors and tangle-proof cables provide ease of installation
Controls desktop and laptop PCs alike with one set of peripherals
Add/remove servers without powering down
Saves valuable space on the desktop
SwitchView OSD
The diagram to the left illustrates how the SwitchView OSD supports up to 8 attached PCs. Users can access the PCs from the SwitchView OSD front panel on-screen menu or through a short keyboard sequence.
SwitchView DT
SwitchView MP
SwitchView SC
SwitchView OSD
SwitchView, SwitchView DT, SwitchView MP, SwitchView OSD, SwitchView SC
MECHANICAL Height Width Depth Weight
SwitchView, SwitchView MP 1.9” (4.83 cm)
SwitchView OSD 1.7” (4.5 cm)
SwitchView DT
SwitchView SC
1.9” (4.83 cm)
2.7” (6.86 cm)
8.1” (20.6 cm)
17.2” (43.7 cm)
11” (27.94 cm)
8.1” (20.6 cm)
5” (12.7 cm)
6.5” (16.51 cm)
11” (27.94 cm)
5” (12.7 cm)
0.9 lbs (0.4 kg)
4.2 lbs (1.91 kg)
4.2 lbs (1.9 kg)
1.1 lbs (0.5 kg)
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Power Requirements
Supported Hardware - Computer
Supported Hardware - Video Modes
Supported Hardware - Peripherals
41º (5ºC) to 104º (40ºC)
-4º (-20ºC) to 122º (50ºC)
SwitchView, SwitchView DT, SwitchView SC: 6 VDC @ 700 mA (opt.)
SwitchView MP: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz (external power)
SwitchView OSD: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz (internal power)
SwitchView, SwitchView DT, SwitchView SC: IBM PC/AT, PS/2 and 100% compatibles
SwitchView MP: IBM PC/AT, PS/2 and 100% compatibles, Sun, USB
SwitchView SC: VGA and SVGA maximum 1600 x 1200 @ 75 Hz res.
SwitchView OSD: VGA and SVGA maximum 1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz res.
SwitchView, SwitchView DT: VGA and SVGA maximum resolution 1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz
SwitchView MP: VGA, Sun and Sun 13W3 maximum resolution 1600 x 1200 @ 85 Hz
SwitchView, SwitchView DT: Logitech MouseMan Wheel, Logitech
TrackMan Marble Wheel, Logitech TrackMan Marble FX, Microsoft
Explorer Mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse family
SwitchView MP: PS/2 keyboard with PS/2 mouse, PS/2 keyboard with serial (9 pin) mouse, Sun keyboard and Sun mouse, USB keyboard and mouse, Microsoft Explorer mouse, Microsoft IntelliMouse Family,
IBM Scrollpoint, Logitech Mouseman Wheel, Logitech Trackman
Marble wheel, Logitech Marble FX and Kensington 4 button mouse,
Sun Type 5 and Type 6
SwitchView SC, SwitchView OSD: PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse,
Microsoft IntelliMouse (PS/2 only)
Ordering Information
SwitchView MP
Single user, 2-port w/o cables
Single user, 4-port w/o cables
SwitchView DT
Single user, 4-port
SwitchView SC
Single user, 4-port
SwitchView OSD
Single user, 4-port
10085-EU Single user, 8-port
SwitchView, SwitchView DT, SwitchView SC
CPS2 6 feet
SwitchView OSD
SwitchView MP
6 feet
8, 15 feet
6 feet
VGA, PS/2 kybd, AT kybd,
PS/2 mouse and serial mouse
4, 8, 15, 30 feet
VGA, PS/2 kybd, PS/2 mouse
4, 8, 12 feet
VGA, USB kybd & mouse
4, 8, 15, 30 feet
13W3, Sun kybd & mouse
4, 8, 15, 30 feet
VGA, Sun kybd & mouse
Controls desktop and laptop PCs alike with one set of peripherals
SwitchView DT
Doubles as a monitor stand with zero footprint on the desktop
Products at a Glance
2 & 4
SwitchView DT
SwitchView MP
SwitchView OSD
SwitchView SC
& Sun
Key Features
Color-coded connectors and cables
Easy installation
Doubles as a monitor stand
Zero footprint on the desktop
True multi-platform support
No clumsy adapters or converters
Convenient pop-up menus
Easily assign and locate server addresses
Secure switching for up to 4 servers
Supports secure data transfer
SwitchView MP
True multi-platform support for PC,
Sun or USB
SwitchView OSD
Intuitive on-screen display
SwitchView SC
Supports secure data transfer for up to 4 servers
About KVM
KVM stands for keyboard, video and mouse.
KVM switching systems provide access and control of multiple racks of servers from a single console, as well as control from remote locations. These switches eliminate extra keyboards, monitors and mice and allow businesses to save critical space in their data centres. KVM solutions also provide extended cabling distances and console signal conversion.
About Avocent
Avocent is the leading worldwide supplier of
KVM switching and connectivity solutions that provide IT managers with access and control of multiple servers and network data centre devices. Avocent was formed in July
2000 by the merger of leading industry innovators Cybex Computer Products
Corporation and Apex Inc. Avocent's KVM solutions are distributed by the world's largest server manufacturers and installed in
Fortune 100 companies around the world.
Headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama,
Avocent has locations in Redmond,
Washington; Sunrise, Florida; Chelmsford,
Massachusetts; Austin, Texas; Shannon,
Ireland; London, England; Steinhagen,
Germany; Tokyo, Japan; China and
Singapore. For more information about
Avocent and its products, visit the Company's website at w ww vo en op e..c
Avocent’s Product Portfolio
Avocent's broad product portfolio includes data centre solutions such as: AMX,
AutoView, CPS, DS1800, DSR, LongView,
OutLook, SPC, SwitchView and XP. Learn more about Avocent's full range of switching, extension, power management and remote IP solutions at w ww vo en op e..c
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Avocent, the Avocent logo, The Power of Being There, AMX, CPS, DS1800 and SPC are trademarks or registered trademarks of Avocent Corporation. Cybex, AutoView, LongView,
SwitchView and XP are registered trademarks of Cybex Computer Products Corporation.
OutLook and Apex are registered trademarks of Apex Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © 2002. Avocent Corporation.

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