PROFLO PF1721WH 14-3/8 in. Elongated Flush Valve Toilet Bowl in White Installation Manual
o the flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. Mark the bolt length for bolt Installation Instructions and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) High Efficiency Flush Valve Bowl, Floor the mounting flange. (Figure 1) Mount e down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed surface. Place a new wax ring (FigureA 2) A H bead of setting caulking may be applied to the base, if desired. E F G C L I J D K hat the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holes on the foot of the bowl. (Figure 3) B re downward evenly on the bowl for proper gasket seal. Tools and Materials 3. Install the 2 flange T-bolts in the mounting flange. (Figure1) result of any accident, abuse, improper installation or maintenance, or modification of original plumbing product. The warranty of such products is limited to D: Level; E: Drill; F: Flange; G: Wax Seal; Figure 3 the warranty extended to Ferguson by the product H: Figure Marker;2 I: Plugs; J: Screw Fixation; Temporarily install T-bolts into WAX the RING flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto themanufacturer. bolts. Mark theFERGUSON bolt length forNOT bolt Finally, SHALL BE K: Flexible Connector; L: Adapter SEALANT cap clearance. Remove bowl and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY FAILURE OR A H DAMAGE TO THIS PRODUCT OR ANY COMPONENT E I F G THE USE ABRASIVE Carefully turn the bowl upside down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed THEREOF surface.CAUSED PlaceBY a new waxOFring CLEANERS. J C L d nuts onto T-bolts and tightenC:nuts. A: Screwdriver; B: Wrench; Tape Measure; gasket onto the bowl’s outlet. (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to the base, if desired. HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE US Customers: Install the 2 flange T-bolts in the mounting flange. (Figure 1) The purchaser should contact their local Ferguson location, installing contractor or builder from whom the Carefully install the bowl so that the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holesproduct on the of the bowl. (Figure 3) wasfoot purchased. To find you nearest Ferguson 1. Temporarily install T-Bolts into the flange, location please visit and enter in Carefully install the bowl so that the T-Bolts place discs onto the bolts. 4.evenly Apply set fullbowl, bodyandweight pressure downward on the bowl for proper gasket seal. your address into the Find a Location field. J protrude through the mounting holes on the Mark the bolt length for bowl cap clearance. Canadian Customers: foot the bowland (Figure 3) discs onto the bolts. Remove bowl and cut the bolts to marked Temporarily install T-bolts into the flange, set theofand bowl, place Mark the bolt length for bolt LATION Place discs (bevel side out) and nuts onto T-bolts tighten nuts. NOTE: For proper operation product requires 30 psi working line pressure The purchaser should contact their local Wolseley length. (figure 1) cap clearance. Remove bowl and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) Canada location, installing contractor or builder from 5. Apply full water body weight nstallation instructions for installing the valve and for adjusting the usa ge. pressure downward evenly whom3 the product was purchased. To find your Figure 2 on the bowl for proper gasket seal.Figure WAX RING nearest Wolseley Canada location please visit www. SEALANT Figure turn 1 the bowl upside down onto a padded Carefully surface to protect the glazed surface. Place a new wax ring 6. Place discs (bevel side out) and nuts onto, then click on Find a Location and enter FLANGE hich can damageonto the product surface outlet. (Figure 2) A bead gasket the bowl’s setting may be applied to the base, if desired. T-boltsofand tighten caulking nuts. your address into the location field. nd possible injury handle with care! PROFLO is a registered trademark of Ferguson Install set thethe 2 flange T-bolts inAthe mounting flange. (Figure 1)bolt length for bolt Enterprises, Inc. he flange, bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. Mark the Tynan Plumbing Fixtures Limited Warranty d cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) NOTE: For proper operation product requires LIMITATIONS OF IMPLIED WARRANTY AND FLANGE BOLTS Carefully install the bowl so that the T-bolts through theUse mounting holesDISCLAIMER on the foot of the bowl. OR (Figure 3) OF CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL 30protrude psi to working lineProblems? pressure. the flush valve What Will We Do Correct We will repair or replace the product with a replacement model DAMAGES FERGUSON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR allation date or purchase of home manufacturer’s installation instructions for installing own onto a padded surface to protect the glazedthesurface. Place a new waxusage. ring OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES AND valve andon forthe adjusting thefor water Apply full body weight pressure downward evenly bowl proper gasket CONSEQUENTIAL seal. igure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to the base, if desired. DISCLAIMS ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, haser or first home owner What Do you do to get INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND Place discs (bevel side out) and nuts onto T-bolts andService? tighten nuts. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AS SET mounting flange. (Figure 1) Do notthe use abrasive powered or liquid cleanersFixtures You may contact place of purchase or Tynan Plumbing at Figure 3 na product2.that is defective in materials Carefully turn the bowl upside down ontoFigure FORTH ABOVE. IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF THE [email protected] which2 can damage the product surface. padded surface to protect the glazed WAX RING PRODUCTS PRODUCT SET FLUSHOMETER VAthrough LVE INSTALLATION NOTE: proper operation product 3) requires 30 psiAND working line COMPONENTS pressure the T-bolts protrude the mounting holes onSEALANT theFor foot of the bowl. (Figure Figure 1 surface. Place a new wax ring Tynan gasketPlumbing Fixtures, LLC FORTH IN PARAGRAPH 1 ABOVE ARE LIMITED TO FLANGE ? P.O. Box 33178 Use the flush valve manufacturer’s for installing the valve and for adjusting the water usa ge. onto the bowls outlet. (figureinstallation 2) A Palm bead Beach ofinstructions THE DURATIONS OF THE RESPECTIVE WARRANTY. Gardens 33420 downward evenlycaulk on the for proper gasketProduct seal. isFLFragile. To avoid breakage and setting may bowl be applied to the base, red Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation MAINTENANCE possible injury handle with care! if desired. A ksCARE& from supply line failures of incidental or consequential damages or limitations uts and tighten nuts.which can damage the product surface Do onto not use T-bolts abrasive powered or liquid cleaners structions on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above Caution: Product is Fragile. To avoid Breakage and possible injury handle with care! misuse FLANGE BOLTS limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives ng code requirements Figure 3 Figure 2 WHAT IS COVERED? you specific legal rights and you may also have other WAX RING Tynan Plumbing Fixtures Limited Warranty SEALANT Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. “Ferguson” or the rights, which vary from state to state. “Company” warrants its products toWhat be free from What is the Warranty Period? Will We Do to Correct Problems? in material and workmanshipWe under normalor replace the product with a replacement model will repair The warranty is for one year form installation date or defects purchase of home use and service FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (1) YEAR Who Is Covered? FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION. D B K Flushometer Valve Installation Care & Maintenance Caution Warranty The warranty covers the original purchaser or first home owner FLUSHOMETER VA LVE INSTALLATION What Does the Warranty Cover? Do you do to get WHAT IS NOT NOTE: For COVERED? proper operationWhat product requires 30Service? psi working line pressure The warranty set forth in paragraph 1 does not cover You may contact thethe place of purchase Use the flush valve manufacturer’s installation fororinstalling the valve and for adjusting water usa ge. or Tynan Plumbing Fixtures at The warranty covers the vitreous china product instructions that is defective in installation anymaterials other labor charges and does not [email protected] or workmanship apply to products which have been damaged as a CARE& MAINTENANCE Tynan Plumbing Fixtures, LLC What Does the Warranty Not Cover? P.O. Box 33178 Do not use abrasive powered or liquid cleaners which can damage the product surface Palm Beach Gardens FL 33420 Caution: Product is Fragile. To avoid Breakage and possible injury handle with care! installation and labor costs you incurred Repair costs and damage due to leaks from supply line failures TION NOTE: For proper operation product requires 30 American psiFixtures working line pressure ©2008 Wolseley Tynan Plumbing Limited Distributed exclusively by Wolseley’s North Division, Ferguson, StockWarranty Building Supply and Wolseley Canada Products not installed per Tynan’s instructions Product that were subject to abuse or misuse 0335 10/09 o the flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. Mark the bolt length for bolt de Instalació and cutInstrucciones the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) e down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed surface. Place a new wax ring (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to the base, if desired. Taza con Válvula de Descarga de Alta Eficiencia, de Montaje en Pared the mounting flange. (Figure 1) A H E F G I J C L mounting hat the T-bolts protrude through the holes on the foot of the bowl. (Figure 3) D K B re downward evenly on the bowl for proper gasket seal. Herramientas y Materiales Necesarios 3. Coloque los dos tornillos en T en la brida de d nutsRecomendados: onto T-bolts and tighten nuts. montaje. (Figura 1). A: Desarmador; B: Llave de tuercas; C: Cinta de Figure 3 2 E: Taladro; F: Brida; G: Anillo de medir;Figure D: Nivel; WAX RING SEALANT cera; H: Rotulador; I: Tacos expansibles con tornillos; Temporarily installK:T-bolts intoL: the flange, set the bowl, J: Tornillos de fijación; Tubo flexible; Adaptador garantiza que sus productos están libres de defectos de materiales y mano de obra, en condiciones normales de uso y mantenimiento, DURANTE UN PERÍODO DE UN (1) AÑO A PARTIR DE LA FECHA DE LA INSTALACIÓN DEL PRODUCTO. ¿QUÉ EXCLUYE LA GARANTÍA? and place discs onto the bolts. Mark theenbolt length for labolt La garantía estipulada el párrafo 1 no cubre instalación ni cualquier otro gasto de mano de obra y no es válida capA clearance. Remove bowl and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) para productos que hayan resultado dañados debido a accidente, abuso, instalación o mantenimiento inadecuados Carefully turn the bowl upside down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed surface. Placedealosnew waxoriginales ring de plomería. o la modificación productos J C La garantía debase, tales productos está limitada a la garantía gasket onto the bowl’s outlet.L (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to the if desired. que haya otorgado el fabricante del producto a Ferguson. D K Por último, FERGUSON NO SE HACE RESPONSABLE DE B NINGUNA FALLA O DAÑO AL PRODUCTO O A CUALQUIERA Install the 2 flange T-bolts in the mounting flange. (Figure 1) DE LOS COMPONENTES DEBIDO AL USO DE LIMPIADORES ABRASIVOS. 1. Instale temporalmente los tornillos en T en H E G F I Carefully install the bowl so that the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holes on the foot of the bowl. (Figure 3) 4. Instale cuidadosamente la taza de modo tal J la brida, coloque la taza y aplique arandelas que los tornillos en T sobresalgan por los Cómo obtener servicio de garantía Clientes de los Estados Unidos: sobre los tornillos. Marque una longitud tal Apply full body weight pressure downward evenly on the bowldefor proper orificios30 de psi montaje la base de gasket la taza. seal. LATION NOTE: For proper operation product requires working line pressure El comprador debe comunicarse con la tienda Ferguson de en los tornillos que permita la colocación (Figura 3). su localidad, el contratista la instalación la empresa Temporarily install T-bolts into the flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. Mark the boltdelength for obolt de los capuchones de la taza. Quite la taza y nstallation for installing valve andonto for adjusting usa ge.nuts. Placeinstructions discs (bevel side out)theand nuts T-boltsthe andwater tighten constructora a la que se le compró el producto. Para buscar cap clearance. Remove andmarcada. cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) corte los tornillos según bowl la longitud la tienda Ferguson más cercana visite e 5. Con todo el peso del cuerpo, aplique una Figure 3 Figure 2 presión uniforme sobre la taza para lograr un ingrese su dirección en el campo Find a Location. hich can damage the product surface WAX the RING glazed surface. Clientes dePlace Canadá: a new wax ring Carefully turn the bowl upside down onto a padded surface to protect SEALANT Figure 1 sellado adecuado en la junta. nd possible injury handle with care! (Figura 1). comprador debe comunicarse con la tienda Wolseley FLANGE gasket ontoBrida the bowl’s outlet. (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be appliedElCanada to the if eldesired. de subase, localidad, contratista de la instalación o la 6. Coloque las arandelas (con el lado biselado empresa constructora a la que se le compró el producto. Tynan Plumbing Fixtures Limited Warranty he flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. Marky las the bolt length for bolt hacia afuera) tuercas en los tornillos en T, Para buscar la tienda Wolseley Canada más cercana visite Install the 2 flange T-bolts inAthe mounting flange. (Figure 1) y haga clic en Find a Location e ingrese y luego ajuste las tuercas. d cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) What Will We Do to Correct Problems? su dirección en el campo location. We will repair or replace the product with a replacement model allation date or purchase of home FLANGE Carefully install the bowl so that the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holes on the foot thecomercial bowl. registrada (Figurede3)Ferguson Tornillos paraBOLTS brida PROFLO es unaof marca own onto a padded surface to protect the glazedFlushometer surface. PlaceValve a newInstallation wax ring Enterprises, Inc. LÍMITACIONES DE LA GARANTÍA NOTE: Nota: Para bowl correctamente, IMPLÍCITA Y EXENCIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD DE DAÑOS haser or home owner Apply body weightcaulking pressure may downward onService? the for proper gasketel seal. igure 2)first Afull bead of setting beDoapplied toget the base,funcionar if desired. What youevenly do to producto requiere una presión de trabajo de 30 psi en CONSECUENCIALES O INCIDENTALES FERGUSON ESTÁ EXENTA DE CUALQUIER RESPONSABILIDAD POR DAÑOS la línea. Placethat discs (bevel side out) and nuts T-bolts nuts. Youonto may contact the and placetighten of purchase or Tynan Plumbing FixturesCONSECUENCIALES at mounting flange. (Figure 1) O INCIDENTALES, ASÍ COMO DE na product is defective in materials [email protected] 2. Coloque cuidadosamente la taza invertida sobre una superficie blanda para proteger CUALQUIER GARANTÍA EXPRESA O IMPLÍCITA, INCLUIDAS Para instalar la válvula y regular la cantidad FigureAQUELLAS 3 RELACIONADAS CON LA COMERCIALIZACIÓN E Figure 2Fixtures, Tynan holes Plumbing LLCof siga the protrudeesmaltada. through Coloque the mounting theutilizada, foot the bowl. (Figure 3)de ? T-bolts de on agua las WAX instrucciones la superficie una junta RING P.O. Box 33178 IDONEIDAD PRODUCTO UN FIN DETERMINADO, SEALANT FLUSHOMETER VA LVE INSTALLATION BeachNOTE: For33420 proper operation 30 psiDEL working linePARA pressure Figure 1 Gardens FL del fabricante de laproduct válvularequires de COMO anular de cera en la salida de la taza. Palm (Figura instalación SE ESTIPULA EN LOS PÁRRAFOS PREVIOS. FLANGE red descarga. downward evenly onmanufacturer’s the bowlaplicar forinstallation proper seal. for installing the valve and for adjustingLAS GARANTÍAS IMPLÍCITAS DE LOS PRODUCTOS Y Use the the water usa ge. 2).flush Si sevalve desea, se puede una gotagasket deinstructions ks from supply line failures COMPONENTES DEL PRODUCTO ESTIPULADAS EN EL masilla endurecedora en la base. structions PÁRRAFO 1 ANTERIOR SE LIMITAN A LA DURACIÓN DE CARE& uts ontoMAINTENANCE T-bolts and tighten nuts.A misuse LA GARANTÍA CORRESPONDIENTE. Algunos estados no Do not use abrasive powered or liquid cleaners which can damage the product surface ng code requirements No utilice productos de limpieza abrasivos permiten la exclusión o limitación de daños incidentales o Caution: Product is Fragile. To avoid Breakage and possible injury handle with Figure 3 care! FLANGE BOLTS líquidos o en polvo que puedan dañar la derivados, o bien de limitaciones sobre la duración de una Figure 2 WAX RING Anillo de cera SEALANT garantía implícita. Por tanto, puede que las limitaciones superficie del producto. Sellador Tynan Plumbing Fixtures Limited Warranty previamente descritas no sean válidas en tal caso. Esta garantía otorga al comprador del producto derechos legales What is the Warranty Period? What Will We Do toespecíficos Correct Problems? y es posible que dicho comprador tenga otros. producto es frágil. Para evitar We willroturas repair oryreplace the product with a replacement model The warranty is for one year form installation date or este purchase of home Cuidados y Mantenimiento Precaución posibles lesiones, manipúlelo con cuidado. Who Is Covered? The warranty covers the original purchaser or first home owner FLUSHOMETER VA LVE INSTALLATION What Does the Warranty Cover? Do you do to get NOTE: For proper operationWhat product requires 30Service? psi working line pressure Garantía ¿QUÉ CUBRE LA GARANTÍA? The warranty covers the vitreous china product that is defective in materials or workmanship CARE& MAINTENANCE Does the Warranty Cover? Do notWhat use abrasive powered or liquidNot cleaners which can damage the product surface Use the flush valve manufacturer’s installation instructions for installing the valve and forcompañía”) adjusting water usa ge. or Tynan Plumbing Fixtures at may contact thethe place of purchase Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. (“Ferguson”You o “la [email protected] Tynan Plumbing Fixtures, LLC P.O. Box 33178 Palm Beach Gardens FL 33420 Caution: Product is Fragile. To avoid Breakage and possible injury handle with care! ©2008 Wolseley and labor costsDistributed exclusively by Wolseley’s North American Division, Ferguson, Stock Building Supply and Wolseley Canada installation you incurred TIONRepairNOTE: For properdue operation product requires 30 psi working line pressure costs and damage to leaks from supply line failures 0335 10/09 o the flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. Mark the bolt length for bolt and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) Instructions d’installation e down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed surface. Place a new wax ring (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to the base, if desired. Cuvette de Toilette Avec Robinet the mounting flange. (Figure 1) De Chasse Haute Performance, Montage au Sol A H E G F I J hat the T-bolts protrude through the holes on the foot of the bowl. (Figure 3) C L mounting D re downward evenly on the Kbowl for proper gasket seal. B Outils et Matériels Recommandés Nécessaires: d nuts onto T-bolts and tighten nuts. 3. Installer les 2 boulons en T prévus dans la bride de montage. (Figure1) et d’entretien normales POUR UNE DURÉE D’UN (1) AN À PARTIR DE LA DATE D’INSTALLATION. ÉLÉMENTS NON COUVERTS PAR LA GARANTIE La garantie exposée au paragraphe 1 ne couvre pas les frais d’installation ou de main d’oeuvre et ne s’applique pas aux produits endommagés à la suite d’un accident, and place discs onto thed’une bolts. Markabusive, the bolt foroubolt utilisation d’unelength installation d’un entretien inapproprié ou d’une modification du produit de capA clearance. Remove bowl and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) plomberie original. La garantie de ce produit se limite à H E I la garantie offerte à Ferguson par le fabricant du produit. F G Enfin, FERGUSON NE PEUT ÊTRE wax TENU RESPONSABLE Carefully turn the bowl upside down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed surface. Place a new ring J C DES BRIS OU DES DOMMAGES DE CE PRODUIT OU L gasket onto the bowl’s outlet. (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to thePIÈCES base,DEifCEdesired. DE TOUTES PRODUIT CAUSÉS PAR D K L’UTILISATION DE NETTOYANTS ABRASIFS. A: Tournevis; B: Clé; C: Mètre ruban; Figure 3 Figure E: 2 Perceuse; F: Bride; G: Anneau de D: Niveau; WAX RING SEALANT cirel; H: Marqueur; I: Bouchons; J: Fixation de vis; K: Souple; L: Adaptateur Temporarily install T-bolts into the flange, set the bowl, InstallB the 2 flange T-bolts in the mounting flange. (Figure 1) Comment obtenir le service au titre de la garantie Carefully install the bowl so that the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holes on the foot of the bowl. (Figure 3) des É.-U. 1. Installer provisoirement les boulons en T 4. Installer avec précaution la cuvette afin que Clients L’acheteur/acheteuse devrait contacter le distributeur dans la bride, ajuster la cuvette et placer les boulons en T fassent saillie à travers Ferguson, l’entrepreneur ou l’installateur le plus proche J Apply les full bodyFor weight downward evenly on the bowlaufor gasketchez seal. LATION disques contre les pressure boulons. Marquer la requires NOTE: proper operation product working lineproper pressure les trous30 depsi montage pied de la cuvette qui le produit a été acheté. Pour trouver le distributeur longueur du boulon qui permette d’assurer (Figure 3) Ferguson leMark plus proche, le www.ferguson. Temporarily install T-bolts into the flange, set the bowl, and place discs onto the bolts. theveuillez bolt visiter length for bolt nstallation instructions for installing the valve and for adjusting the water usa ge. le dégagement du couvercle de la cuvette. Place discs (bevel side out) and nuts onto T-bolts andla tighten 5. Appliquer pression nuts. du poids total contre com et entrer votre adresse dans le champ Trouver Une cap clearance. Remove bowl and cut the bolts to marked length. (Figure 1) Retirer la cuvette et découper les boulons la cuvette afin de sceller correctement le Adresse. au niveau des marques. (figure 1) Figure joint. Clients3du Canada: Figure 2 hich can damage the product surface WAX RING 6. Placer les disques (la surface oblique vers L’acheteur/acheteuse le distributeur Carefully turn the bowl upside down onto a padded surface to protect the glazed surface. Place devrait a newcontacter wax ring SEALANT Figure 1 with nd possible injury handle care! l’extérieur et les écrous contre les boulons et Wolseley Canada, l’entrepreneur ou l’installateur le plus gasket onto FLANGE theBride bowl’s outlet. (Figure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied to the base, if desired. proche chez qui le produit a été acheté. Pour trouver votre serrer les écrous. Tynan Plumbing Fixtures Limited Warranty distributeur Wolseley Canada le plus proche, veuillez visiter Install set thethe 2 flange inAthe mounting flange. (Figure 1)bolt length for bolt, puis cliquer sur Trouver Une Adresse he flange, bowl,T-bolts and place discs onto the bolts. Mark the What Will We Do to Correct Problems? et introduire votre adresse dans le champ d’adresse. dallation cut thedate bolts to marked length. (Figure We 1) will repair or replace the product with a replacement model PROFLO est une marque déposée de Ferguson or purchase of home Boulons de laBOLTS bride FLANGE Carefully install the bowl so that the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holesEnterprises, on the foot the bowl.DE(Figure 3) Inc. of RESTRICTIONS LA GARANTIE Remarque: Pour bien fonctionner, le produit a IMPLICITE ET EXONÉRATION DE RESPONSABILITÉ own a home padded surface to protect the glazedbesoin surface. Place de a new ring de 30 QUANT AUX DOMMAGES INDIRECTS OU ACCESSOIRES haseronto or first owner d’uneon pression conduite de travail Apply full body weight pressure downward the bowl forwax proper gasket seal. What Do youevenly do to get Service? livres par carré if desired. FERGUSON DÉCLINE TOUTE RESPONSABILITÉ POUR igure 2) A bead of setting caulking may be applied topouce the base, DOMMAGES INDIRECTS OU ACCESSOIRES ET You may contact the place of purchase or Tynan Plumbing Fixtures at Placethat discs (bevel in side out) and nuts onto T-bolts anddes tighten nuts.d’installation du LES na product is defective materials [email protected] ANNULE TOUTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE OU IMPLICITE, Y Servez-vous instructions mounting flange. (Figure 1) COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE QUALITÉ MARCHANDE 2. Tourner doucement la cuvette sens dessus fabricant pour installer le robinet de chasse etFigure 3 Tynan Plumbing Fixtures, LLC OU D’ADAPTATION À UN USAGE PARTICULIER, TEL régler la consommation en eau. Figure 2 ? dessous sur une surface rembourrée P.O. Box 33178 WAX (Figure RING QU’ÉNONCÉ LES GARANTIES the T-bolts protrude through the mounting holes on the foot of the bowl. 3) SEALANT FLUSHOMETER LVE laINSTALLATION For proper operation product requires 30 psiPRÉCÉDEMMENT. working line pressure Figure BeachNOTE: Gardens FL 33420 afin 1d’en VA protéger surface lisse.Palm Placer IMPLICITES POUR LE PRODUIT ET LES PIÈCES DU FLANGE red un nouveau joint en forme installation d’anneau deinstructions for installing the valve and for adjusting the water usa ge. Usesupply the flush valve manufacturer’s PRODUIT ÉNONCÉES PRÉCÉDEMMENT DANS LE ks from line failures cire autour dethe l’orifice d’évacuation degasket la Neseal. downward evenly on bowl for proper pas utiliser de nettoyants abrasifs ou PARAGRAPHE 1 SE LIMITENT À LA DURÉE DE VIE DE LA structions cuvette. (figure 2) Une goutte de mastic liquides qui peuvent endommager la surface PRÉSENTE GARANTIE. Certains États ne permettent pas CARE& MAINTENANCE A misuse de fixation être appliquée à la base, si du produit les clauses sur l’exclusion ou la restriction des dommages uts onto T-bolts andpeut tighten nuts.which ngDocode requirements not use abrasive powered or liquid cleaners can damage the product surface vous le souhaitez. indirects ou accessoires ou des restrictions concernant Caution: Product is Fragile. To avoid Breakage and possible injury handle with care! FLANGE BOLTS la durée d’une garantie implicite. Par conséquent, les Figure 3 Figure 2 restrictions susmentionnées peuvent ne pas s’appliquer. WAX RING Anneau de cire Le produit est fragile. Pour éviter la casse et Adhésif SEALANT Tynan Plumbing Fixtures Limited Warranty des blessures potentielles, manipuler avec Cette garantie vous confère certains droits reconnus par la loi et il est possible que vous ayez d’autres droits qui précaution! What is the Warranty Period? What Will We Dovarient to Correct Problems? d’un État à l’autre. We will repair or replace the product with a replacement model The warranty is for one year form installation date or purchase of home Installation de Robinet de Régulateur de Chasse-d’eau Entretien et Maintenance: Attention: Garantie Who Is Covered? ÉLÉMENTS COUVERTS PAR LA GARANTIE The warranty covers the original purchaser or first home owner Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. (« Ferguson »What ou «l’entreprise Do you do to get FLUSHOMETER VA LVE INSTALLATION NOTE: For proper operation product requires 30Service? psi working line pressure What Does the Warranty Cover? ») garantit ses produits contre les défauts de matériaux et les vices de dans desvalve conditions Use the flush valve manufacturer’s installation instructions forfabrication installing the and for adjusting water usa ge. or Tynan Plumbing Fixtures at You d’utilisation may contact thethe place of purchase The warranty covers the vitreous china product that is defective in materials [email protected] or workmanship CARE& MAINTENANCE Tynan Plumbing Fixtures, LLC Does the Warranty Cover? Do notWhat use abrasive powered or liquidNot cleaners which can damage the product surface P.O. Box 33178 Palm Beach Gardens FL 33420 Caution: Product is Fragile. To avoid Breakage and possible injury handle with care! ©2008 Wolseley 0335 10/09 Distributed exclusively by Wolseley’s North American Division, Ferguson, Stock Building Supply and Wolseley Canada installation and labor costs you incurred Repair costs and damage due to leaks from supply line failures ">