Auta Visualtech 5H Compact door intercom system User manual

Below you will find brief information for door intercom system Visualtech 5H Compact. The door intercom system Visualtech 5H Compact is a digital video door entry system. It allows you to see and hear the person at the door before opening it. The system is easy to install and use. It is perfect for any home or business.

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Visualtech 5H Compact Door Intercom System User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Digital video door entry system
  • Easy to install and use
  • Compact design
  • 5-wire system
  • Support up to 15 accesses
  • Supports Visualtech 5H series monitors
  • Adjustable camera angle
  • Audio volume adjustment
  • Door opener activation
  • Auto-on function

Frequently asked questions

To use the Visualtech 5H Compact, you will need to press the button for the desired house. The panel will emit a confirmation tone. When you release the button, the panel will send the corresponding code to the monitor and will generate another confirmation tone. If the monitor is off, the second tone will not be generated. If the line is busy, the panel will emit short and fast tones. You can rectify a call by pressing the button for another housing. To open the door, press the corresponding monitor key during the communication. The communication will terminate either hanging up the handset or more than 1 minute 30 seconds spent. The system also has an auto-on function which can be activated by pressing the monitor key with the handset in the cradle. This will activate the monitor and the camera of the last panel that has called this monitor.

To configure your Visualtech 5H Compact, you will need to follow the instructions in the user manual, such as using the configuration menu. You can find detailed instructions with diagrams and illustrations showing you how to connect the keypads, select the desired configuration and program the doorbell buttons.

The Visualtech 5H Compact is easy to install. You will need to follow the installation instructions provided in the user manual. The instructions will show you how to mount the boxes, connect the wires, and program the system.
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