Océ CIS PRISMAproduction Host, 5.0 PRISMAproduction Server User's Guide
The PRISMAproduction Host CIS and PRISMAproduction Server 5.0 are powerful and sophisticated technologies that help a large number of high-volume printing and mailing installations to satisfy their demands on faster and more flexible tools.
Océ CIS PRISMAproduction Host 5.0PRISMAproduction Server Developer's Edition User's Guide 18-May-09 ...and Training? Our training centers hold seminars on the printing system described in this manual. We can also conduct operator workshops on your premises or in Poing on request. Information: Phone +49 81 21 72-39 90 Fax +49 81 21 77-39 50 Océ Printing Systems GmbH Siemensallee 2 85581 Poing Germany Copyright © Océ Printing Systems GmbH 2000, 2004, 2008 All rights reserved, including rights of translation, reprinting, reproduction by copying or any other method. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved. Delivery subject to availability; right of technical modifications reserved. All hardware and software names used are trademarks of their respective owners. Preface Preface This document is intended to provide information about the PRISMAproduction product family and in particular about the CIS product. It contains information that should help installations to convert existing print jobs into powerful and sophisticated AFP applications through the use of CIS. This manual, and the reference documentation mentioned in this manual, provide a comprehensive, all-inclusive description of the functionality available in CIS. Any feature or function which is not explicitly documented in the PRISMAproduction Host literature is not supported. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the OS/390, z/OS or Linux environments and with Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) concepts. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 3 Preface 4 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Summary of Amendments Summary of Amendments Summary of Amendments for U28117-J-Z247-1-7600 for CIS-Module Version 4.00 • New product Summary of Amendments for CIS-Module Version 4.02 • Code Page support • Insert BCOCA objects • Insert PTOCA objects • Data extraction • Output segmentation • Data Stream analyst Summary of Amendments for CIS-Module Version 4.04 • Support for Record-format Line data • Support for Unicode (UCS-2) Line data • Insert UP³I Finishing Operations such as Interposing, Folding, Stapling, Wrapping, Cutting and Punching • Insert TIFF, JPEG, EPS, PCL, PDF and other paginated presentation objects as Object Containers • Insert GOCA objects as lines, boxes, circles and ellipses • New sorting algorithms for UNCOLLATED output stackers (face-up and face-down) • Support for user defined COLORS and LEVELS Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 5 Summary of Amendments • Support for internal Consolidation and external Resource Groups including Resource • Enhanced User Exit (plug-in) support • Updated MO:DCA support Summary of Amendments for CIS-Module Version 4.06 • Support for XML data (XML print formatting via PAGEDEF) • Support for IBM 2D Bar codes (2DDATAMATRIX, 2DMAXICODE, 2DPDF417, 2DQRCODE) - CODE93 Bar codes 3 • UP I level 1.3 support • CID font support • Enhanced Indexing support • Updated MO:DCA support • New license level Resource Packaging Summary of Amendments for CIS-Module Version 5.00 1. Updated MO:DCA support. • UTF-16 surrogate support. • The following triplets and structured fields are now supported. ─ Structured fields: BSG/ESG: Begin/End Resource Environment ─ Structured field: PPO: Preprocess Presentation Object ─ Triplet 0x18: Object Count in BDT structured field. ─ Triplet 0x1F: Font Descriptor Specification in MCF2 structured field. ─ Triplet 0x20: Font Coded Graphic Character Set Global Identifier in MCF, MDR structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x21: Object Function Set Specification in BDT structured field. 6 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Summary of Amendments ─ Triplet 0x27: Line Data Object Position Migration in BBC, BGR, BII, BIM, IPS structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x4E: Color Specification in IOB, OBD, PGD structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x50: Encoding Scheme ID in MCF, MDR structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x5D: Font Horizontal Scale Factor in MCF structured field. ─ Triplet 0x5E: Object Count in BNG structured field. ─ Triplet 0x62: Local Date and Time Stamp in BBC, BDI, BFM, BGR, BIM, BMO, BOC, BPS, BPT, BRG structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x63: Object Checksum in BMO, BPS structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x64: Object Origin Identifier in BMO, BPS structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x70: Presentation Space Reset Mixing in IOB, OBD, PGD structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x71: Presentation Space Mixing Rules in IOB, OBD, PGD structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x72: Universal Date and Time Stamp in BBC, BDI, BDT, BFM, BGR, BIM, BMO, BOC, BPS, BPT, BRG structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x74: Toner Saver in PFC structured field. ─ Triplet 0x80: Attribute Qualifier in TLE structured field. ─ Triplet 0x83: Presentation Control in IEL, BNG, BPG structured fields. ─ Triplet 0x86: Text Fidelity in PFC structured field. ─ Triplet 0x8B: Data-Object Font Descriptor in MDR structured field. • Support of Multipage PDF/TIFF Container • Support for OT/TT fonts. • Support for CMR (RAT). Restrictions: Support for ObjectResources (RAT) 2. CIS returncode changed: If the inputfile contains only resources, CIS now returns rc=8 instead of rc=4 Return codes Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 On termination, CIS passes a return code which summarises the errors detected during execution. The return codes (decimal) set by CIS are: -4 Licence error detected. PRISMAproduction server only ! On PRISMAproduction host return code 16 is set. 0 Successful execution. No errors were found. Developer's edition 7 Summary of Amendments 4 Successful execution with warning messages. 8 Data error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to stdout describing the problem found. 12 Keyword or File related error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to stdout describing the problem found. 16 Program related error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to stdout describing the problem found. 3. Invalid TLEs are ignored. TLE’s which are on a “wrong” place, f.e. between pages, are ignored. 4. Parameter FONTMAP: default fontMapProcessing behavior changed from ASIS to RESOLVE FONTMAP ( fontMapName | DUMMY [ , RESOLVE | ASIS ] ) Specifies the member name of a Font Mapping table. The value is: fontMapName The name can be one to eight alphanumeric characters, including the two-character prefix, if there is one. Specifying DUMMY (the default) requires the print file to contain at least one inline Font Mapping table. CIS uses the first Font Mapping table found and ignores all others. fontMapProcessing ASIS|RESOLVE ASIS Causes CIS to leave all fonts requests (including those made via GRID) unchanged. The Font Mapping table is also left unchanged. RESOLVE Causes CIS to process the Font Mapping table and to collect the substitution fonts. The font invocations are changed to use the substitution fonts. 5. Parameter DEFINEBCOCA: it is now checked whether the in the DEFINEBCOCA specified CodePageId is valid for the also in the DEFINEBCOCA specified Barcodetype. In case if not, a message will be sent and the processing is stopped. 6. Location “END” is allowed now in conjunction with INSERTINDEX examples: DefineLevel( myLevel, DOCUMENT, END, ALL ) inserts a group level TLE in the last MP of a document DefineLevel( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, END, ALL ) inserts a page level TLE in in the last sequential page of a mail piece. 8 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Summary of Amendments DefineLevel( myLevel, SHEET, END, ALL ) inserts a page level TLE in the last sequential page of a sheet. 7. New parameter CASECTRL CASECTRL ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) Controls the spelling of resource names and extensions before searching the file in the attached resource libraries. 0 read the resource name and the extensions in lower case 1 read the resource name and the extensions in upper case default on PRISMAproduction host 2 do not convert the spelling of the resource name and the extensions default on PRISMAproduction server 3 at first the resource name and the extensions are read in upper case and afterwards in lower case (combination of "0" and "1") Please note that directory names (specified with the library parameters USERLIB, FDEFLIB, FONTLIB, etc.) are always handled without converting the spelling. Summary of Amendments for CIS-Module Version 5.02 (PRISMAproduction server only !) 1. A new licensing model is served from CIS 5.02 on PRISMAproduction 2. Reading resources via FTR library is served from CIS 5.02 on PRISMAproduction Therefore for the path given for the libraries where resources should be found (params: FDEFLIB, FONTLIB, OBJCONLIB, OVLYLIB, PDEFLIB, PSEGLIB, USERLIB) from CIS5.02. the PRISMAproduction path conventions must be observed. Resource handling see chapter "APA Settings Overview" in the PRISMAproduction APA-Module Application Guide. Crossing from FTRlib documentation: fully qualified path, optionally preceded by sever name. The files are searched under '/u/prismapro/' respectively in the structure beneath. The part '/u/prismapro(/)' at the given path is optional. for socket port number: optionally preceeded by server name. examples: pc25:/u/prismapro/data/infile" ::= "/u/prismapro/data/infile" at pc25 "/u/prismapro/data/infile" ::= "/u/prismapro/data/infile" local "exitdata/infile" ::= "/u/prismapro/exitdata/infile" local "9876" ::= Socket port number 9876 local "pc25:9876" ::= Socket port number 9876 at pc25 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 9 Summary of Amendments 10 3. Multiple USERLIB commands are supported now. (> CIS_5.02.03) 4. Several extensions are done in analyst information file. 5. Various amendments due to support of PRISMAproduction Preflight&MakeReady Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Contents Contents 1 Introduction to PRISMAproduction ............................................................................................. 15 1.1 1.2 2 AUTOMATED DOCUMENT PROCESSING ........................................................................................ 15 COMPONENT OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................. 16 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 19 2.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 19 2.2 BENEFITS ................................................................................................................................... 21 2.3 FEATURES SUMMARY ................................................................................................................. 22 2.4 OPERATING SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 25 2.4.1 OS/390 and z/OS.............................................................................................................. 25 2.4.3 LINUX ............................................................................................................................... 26 2.5 RESTRICTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 26 2.5.1 Unsupported MO:DCA functions ...................................................................................... 26 2.5.2 Differences with previous versions (before CIS V4.04) .................................................... 27 2.6 SAMPLES ................................................................................................................................... 27 3 Exploring CIS ................................................................................................................................. 29 3.1 INTERNAL WORKFLOW ................................................................................................................ 29 3.2 CODE PAGE SUPPORT ................................................................................................................. 33 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs................................................................................................ 38 3.2.2 Code Page Processing notes ........................................................................................... 40 3.3 SUPPORT OF MULTIPLE-UP APPLICATIONS ................................................................................... 42 3.3.1 X2UP Printing ................................................................................................................... 42 3.3.2 N_UP Printing ................................................................................................................... 43 3.3.3 Cut-Sheet Emulation (CSE).............................................................................................. 45 3.4 PROCESSING VARIABLES ............................................................................................................. 46 3.4.1 Processing notes .............................................................................................................. 46 3.4.2 List of CIS processing variables ....................................................................................... 47 3.5 HOW TO SELECT AND SEGMENT DATA IN A PRINT FILE ................................................................... 48 3.5.1 Segmenting Output data................................................................................................... 48 3.5.2 Selecting Input data .......................................................................................................... 52 3.6 HOW TO CONVERT, NORMALIZE AND INDEX DATA .......................................................................... 55 3.6.1 Converting and Indexing print files containing S/370 Line formatted data ....................... 56 3.6.2 Converting and Indexing print files containing AFP Mixed data ....................................... 58 3.6.3 Converting and Indexing print files containing Record-format Line data.......................... 60 3.6.4 Converting and Indexing print files containing Unicode (UCS-2) Line data ..................... 61 3.6.5 Converting and Indexing print files containing Unformatted ASCII data .......................... 65 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 11 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.6.6 Converting and indexing print files containing XML data.................................................. 65 3.6.7 Normalizing and indexing print files containing AFP and MO:DCA-P data ...................... 66 3.6.8 Compressing AFP and MO:DCA-P data .......................................................................... 67 3.7 HOW TO RETRIEVE AND CONSOLIDATE AFP RESOURCES............................................................. 69 3.7.1 Types of Resource Consolidation..................................................................................... 69 3.7.2 Input specifications when using External Resource libraries ........................................... 74 3.7.3 Output specifications for the consolidated External Resource Group .............................. 75 3.8 HOW TO ENRICH PRINT DATA STREAMS ....................................................................................... 77 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS............................................................................. 78 3.8.2 Reference point used for positioning data enrichment objects......................................... 80 3.8.3 Inserting and Removing Text Objects (PTOCA)............................................................... 83 3.8.4 Inserting and Removing Bar Code Objects (BCOCA) ...................................................... 85 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA)........................................................... 88 3.8.6 Inserting and Removing Index tag Elements (TLE's) ....................................................... 93 3.8.7 Inserting and Removing AFP Object Containers.............................................................. 94 3.8.8 Inserting and Removing additional Sheets ....................................................................... 96 3.8.9 Inserting and Removing Finishing Operation triplets (UP³I) ............................................. 97 3.8.10 Inserting one or more Medium Overlay(s) ...................................................................... 106 3.8.11 Overriding other FormDef / PageDef parameters........................................................... 107 3.9 HOW TO GENERATE THE AFP INDEX OBJECT FILE ...................................................................... 110 3.10 HOW TO SORT AND REORDER OUTPUT PAGES ........................................................................ 114 3.10.1 Contents sorting.............................................................................................................. 115 3.10.2 Layout sorting ................................................................................................................. 119 3.10.3 Collator............................................................................................................................ 130 3.11 HOW TO CONSOLIDATE MAIL PIECES ...................................................................................... 135 3.12 HOW TO EXTRACT INFORMATION ........................................................................................... 137 3.12.1 Defining data extraction levels to CIS............................................................................. 137 3.12.2 Extracting information from Index TLE's......................................................................... 138 3.13 HOW TO ANALYZE A PRINT FILE .............................................................................................. 141 3.14 AFP RESOURCE PACKAGING ................................................................................................ 144 4 Using CIS...................................................................................................................................... 147 4.2 EXECUTING CIS UNDER LINUX .................................................................................................. 147 4.2.1 Execution requirements .................................................................................................. 147 4.2.2 License key processing .................................................................................................. 148 4.2.3 Estimating System Resource requirements ................................................................... 148 4.3 EXECUTING CIS UNDER MVS ................................................................................................... 149 4.3.1 JCL requirements............................................................................................................ 149 4.3.2 License key requirements............................................................................................... 155 4.3.3 License key handling ...................................................................................................... 156 4.3.5 In case of error................................................................................................................ 159 4.4 CIS CONTROL FILE REFERENCE ................................................................................................ 160 4.4.1 Syntax rules .................................................................................................................... 160 4.4.2 Formatting string ............................................................................................................. 161 4.4.3 Portability ........................................................................................................................ 163 12 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Contents 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.6 4.4.7 5 Predefined color names.................................................................................................. 164 Predefined Levels ........................................................................................................... 165 Units of measurement..................................................................................................... 165 Keyword and Parameter syntax...................................................................................... 167 User exit facility........................................................................................................................... 281 5.1 GENERAL TECHNICAL GUIDELINES ............................................................................................. 281 5.1.1 IBM-OS/390 with SAS-C compiler .................................................................................. 282 5.1.4 Plug-in Start-up ............................................................................................................... 284 5.1.5 Interface version number handshake ............................................................................. 285 5.2 INDEX EXIT ............................................................................................................................... 289 5.2.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 290 5.2.2 API expected by Index Plug-in........................................................................................ 291 5.3 INPUT RECORD EXIT ................................................................................................................. 292 5.4 RESOURCE-SELECTION EXIT...................................................................................................... 299 5.4.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 300 5.4.2 API expected by Resource Plug-in ................................................................................. 300 5.7 BCOCA-INSERTION EXIT .......................................................................................................... 303 5.7.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 304 5.7.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 304 5.8 PTOCA-INSERTION EXIT ........................................................................................................... 305 5.8.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 306 5.8.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 306 5.9 PTOCA-NOP-INSERTION EXIT.................................................................................................. 307 5.9.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 308 5.9.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 308 5.10 INDEX-INSERTION EXIT ........................................................................................................ 309 5.10.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 310 5.10.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 310 5.11 OBJECTCONTAINER-INSERTION EXIT ...................................................................................... 311 5.11.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 312 5.11.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 313 5.12 UP³I FINISHING OPERATION-INSERTION EXIT .......................................................................... 314 5.12.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 315 5.12.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 315 5.13 SORT EXIT ............................................................................................................................ 315 5.13.1 API provided by CIS........................................................................................................ 319 5.13.2 API provided by the Plug-in ............................................................................................ 319 6 Appendix ...................................................................................................................................... 321 6.1 APPENDIX A: LICENSING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 323 6.1.1 Licensing under OS/390, z/OS ....................................................................................... 323 6.1.2 Licensing under LINUX................................................................................................... 327 6.1.3 Licensing under LINUX: Overview.................................................................................. 327 6.2 APPENDIX B: CIS PROCESSING VARIABLES ................................................................................ 331 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 13 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 6.3 APPENDIX C: DESCRIPTION OF THE ANALYST TAGS .................................................................... 346 6.4 APPENDIX D: CODE PAGE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................... 362 6.5 APPENDIX D: TRACE FORMATTER ............................................................................................. 446 6.5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 446 6.5.2 System requirements ...................................................................................................... 446 6.5.3 User‘s guide .................................................................................................................... 446 7 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................... 461 8 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 465 14 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Introduction to PRISMAproduction 1 1.1 Introduction to PRISMAproduction Automated Document Processing During the 80's we have seen how the simple document printing process done in a data center evolved into a "mailroom" production environment. High speed printing devices and huge customer databases created an impressive demand on printed material. The evolution continued in the 90's and new concepts, such as the "Automated Document Factory" developed as visions. Prepare Toolbox Distribute PRISMA NET Process Rasterize Print VarioPrint APA PCL POD LCDS OLDS Unwinder SRA Controller MVS Cutter VarioStream production PRISMA CIS CIS ROUTER MVS/Linux Linux MVS/ MVS/Linux MVS / VSE Stacker Binder PRISMA PRISMA PRISMA Finishing Power Print Controller Trimmer 92xx Inserter PRISMA archive AFP Cold (240-300-600 dpi) PRISMAaudit - Process Management Fig. 1 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Automated Document Processing Developer's edition 15 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide But the business did not just grow in volume. Also the quality expected by the end users rose to new levels. From simple, tabular designed applications, invoices, bank statements and telephone bills, to mention just a few, become sophisticated ways of presenting the “Corporate Identity” of an organization to their customers. Implementing new format and document presentation strategies can be very difficult, especially when programming resources are scarce, program change cycles are long, and legacy applications and third party software cannot be changed. Even in the case where application changes are possible, they are not desirable as implementing such specialized formatting does not only increase the dependencies on the current presentation technology, but causes large amounts of redundant logic. It is in this area where the powerful and flexible formatting capabilities available in CIS help application developers to optimize their work. 1.2 Component overview PRISMAproduction Host is part of the PRISMAproduction software product family of Océ Printing Systems, which includes support for print applications, development tools, data stream transformers and high speed printer drivers under several platforms such as OS/390, VSE, BS2000, Linux and Windows. It is a key component of this family, providing powerful and sophisticated technologies that help a large number of high-volume printing and mailing installations to satisfy their demands on faster and more flexible tools. PRISMAproduction Host is a generic name used to refer to the following products: • CIS • Router • SPS • Model2-to-AFP The CIS module is a high performance data manipulation tool that can be used to convert, index, sort, enrich and consolidate large volume print files, preparing the information for subsequent archiving, online browsing, network distribution or high speed printing. Installations may use the advanced indexing techniques available in CIS to transform existing legacy applications into hierarchically structured documents. The sorting capabilities offered by CIS may substantially reduce mailing and other post-processing costs. The resource consolidation function allows an installation to archive not just the print documents but also the resources they use, enabling exact document reproduction even years later. The input selection, output segmentation and data enrichment functions provided by CIS make it the ideal tool whether the intention is to select specific pages for 16 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Introduction to PRISMAproduction re-print, add marks and bar codes for controlling the post-processing equipment or to prepare the data for electronic distribution. Generation Preparation Input selection Third party software Distribution e-commerce Convert / Normalize Printing Online Browsing Generate Index Legacy application Network Printing Insert BCOCA, GOCA, PTOCA, UP³I, ... Resource Consolidation AFP application Sort / MP Consolidation Output segmentation Central Printing CIS PRISMAproduction SIEPRT application Convert / Normalize PRISMAarchive MOD2AFP Fig. 2 Router SPS Overview of PRISMAproduction Host The Router module is a print data stream file transfer product that transmits print output from an OS/390 or z/OS system to a server system (e.g. PRISMAproduction or InfoPrint Manager) for printing, converting or archiving the data. The Router module supports print data stream transmission using the TCP/IP based “AFP Download” protocol. The transmission process is specially tuned for print data and includes facilities such as automatic submission of job parameters to the server, automatic checkpoint / restart, automatic file routing, user notification and job accounting. In combination with CIS, the PRISMAproduction Router can be configured to check for AFP data and to automatically pack all resources used by the application in the same file transfer step. In addition to AFP data, the Router module can be used to transfer any other print data stream supported by the spooling subsystem, including S/370 Line format data, Record format data, PCL, PostScript, etc. The SPS (Smart Print Subsystem) module is a high performance printing subsystem that drives Océ and other IPDS compatible single and A-twin printers under OS/390 and z/OS systems. SPS accepts AFPDS and line format data streams as input. It converts these input types (may be intermixed) to an IPDS data stream. The input data stream may be Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 17 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide either JES spooled output or direct printing output from a program. Optionally library resource processing specifications may be overridden and special hardware features may be selected by control file requests. The MOD2AFP (Model 2 to AFP) module is a migration tool that helps customers converting from a SIEPRT/MVS configuration to AFP. Customers who want to move from the E-mode (Model 2) environment to AFP can use MOD2AFP in combination with SPS and be able to print legacy SIEPRT applications intermixed with modern AFP applications on the same printer. MOD2AFP in combination with Router will allow installations to send their output applications to distributed print centers such as PRISMAproduction Server. 18 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Overview 2 2.1 Overview Functional overview CIS is a sophisticated print stream processing and application development tool. It allows you to: • Select one or more portions of the print stream for processing. Input selection can be done based on page ranges, index contents and mail piece size among others. • Convert and normalize the output of existing legacy applications without having to change the applications program. • Generate and insert index tags based on data obtained during the conversion process. • Generate an Index Object File using the index tags inserted (or already available) in the print file. • Retrieve all the AFP resources used by the application and to copy them into a separate Resource data set (either sequential or partitioned). • Enhance the appearance and processing capabilities of the print stream by inserting and/or removing text blocks, bar codes, graphics, object containers, finishing operations, Index information or interposing extra sheets. • Sort the print file pages using either a contents oriented (index), layout oriented or a collated algorithm. • Segment a big print stream into multiple files by using different segment size criteria’s such as number of bytes, pages, sheets, mail pieces or documents. • Create a list with data extracted from every document, mail piece, sheet or page in the file. • Invoke the Print Stream Analyzer and create a summary report containing statistics about the print file. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 19 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Each of these CIS functions may be invoked separately or together in a single program invocation, adding flexibility to your applications and optimizing processing time. Fig. 3 shows the different tasks you can accomplish with CIS. Legacy Application programm Unicode application Recordformat Application AFP Application programm XML application S/370 Line data Unicode line data Recordformat data AFP data stream XML data CIS Control File MO:DCA-P Resource File Index File MO:DCA-P Document File FILE CONCATENATION (i.e. IEBGENER, COPY, etc.) Selfcontained MO:DCA-P file Fig. 3 Analyst file ate ar ep rs t en t fo es , um qu x oc re Inde d D ng an s ce file ur so Re PR for ISM Ma A a il P ud iec it re e t qu rac es kin t g MO:DCA-P ivi ch Ar Extraction file 20 Resource Library Archiving request for self-contained AFP file CIS Overview Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Overview 2.2 Benefits Depending on the product features you are planning to use, CIS may help your installation to: • Convert S/370 line data, mixed data from legacy applications, Record-format line data, Unicode line data or XML data into MO:DCA-P. The conversion process resolves all line data relevant questions (e.g. conditional processing) and creates an AFP output file that is ready for online viewing, archiving, printing and/or downloading. Several AFP capable viewers are available in the market and may be used for this purpose. • Select one or more portions of the print data stream for processing. Input selection can be done using criteria's such as page ranges, index contents and mail piece sizes. CIS restricts the processing of the print file to the selected pages, allowing installations to efficiently process (re-)print requests and at the same time restrict the scope of the resource retrieval process to the selected pages. • Extract variable text strings -part of the data processed- and use them to build Index Tags. Indexing a print job enhances the ability to view, archive or just retrieve specific pages or group of pages contained in the file. With CIS, the index information can also be used to reorder the print job pages (e.g. by postal code) and/or to consolidate several different print files into a single one. • Create an Index Object file based on the index tags contained (or inserted) in the input file. The index file created by CIS may contain tags for page groups, pages, or both. • Create a sequential file or a Partitioned Data Set with the resources required to print the application. Archiving the resources together with the print file guarantees an exact document reproduction even years later. • Enhance the appearance and processing capabilities of a print file by inserting and/or removing blocks of Text information and Bar codes. User defined strings and internal processing variables provided by CIS such as "current date" and "page x of y" can be used during this process. • Enhance the appearance and processing capabilities of a print file by inserting and/or removing graphics in form of lines, curves, boxes, circles or ellipses. Enrich the original application by inserting OCA and non-OCA (JPEG, TIFF, EPS, etc.) object containers. Add UP³I Finishing operations such as stitching, cutting or binding. • Extract data contained in the Index tags of the pages selected for processing and store them in a separate "data extraction" file. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 21 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • Sort the input pages using a user specified criteria. The sorting criteria can be based on the Index information (e.g. postal code, customer name, etc.) or on predefined page re-ordering layouts such as 2UP Booklet and Collated face-up. • Split a big print file into multiple smaller files using different segmentation criteria's such as number of bytes, pages, sheets, mail pieces or documents. Each segment fulfils then special shipping requirements (e.g. weight or physical dimensions) or can be used as basis for electronic distribution (e.g. each segment contains one mail piece). • Obtain the characteristics of an "unknown" print file. The Analyser function in CIS creates a summary report describing the attributes and printer requirements of the print file. The summary reports includes information such as file size (in pages, sheets and mail pieces), input bin requirements, output bin requirements, color requirements, etc. • A powerful keyword interface allows an installation to use one or more of CIS functions in a single run. Activating several functions at once simplifies job processing and reduces the overall elapsed time, causing CIS to convert, index, retrieve resources and sort a print file in one step. Activating only specific options allows an application programmer to tailor the CIS processing with special requirements, eliminating wasted run-time. • A powerful user exit (plug-in) facility allow installations to customize the functionality provided by CIS beyond the options available in the Control file. 2.3 Features Summary CIS print data stream processing can be divided into three major categories: data stream processing, installation specifications and RAS1 facilities. The main elements of these functions are listed in the following section. • DATA STREAM PROCESSING • Input Data Stream Processing: Accept the following input data formats for conversion, indexing and sorting: 1 Reliability, Availability, Serviceability 22 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Overview • S/370 Line format data, including Mixed-mode Line data • Record-format Line data • Unicode (UCS-2) Line data • XML data • AFP and MO:DCA-P data • SPDS data that conforms to the specifications described in [20].(see 8 Bibliography on page 465). • Unformatted ASCII data as defined in this manual. ANSI carriage controls using ASCII coding are supported. • Resource Data Stream Processing: Support the following AFP resource types: • Form definitions (FORMDEF) • Page definitions (PAGEDEF) • Page segments • Overlays • Fonts (Coded Fonts, Font characters sets, Code pages) • Object Containers (OCA and non-OCA objects) Only the resources required by a print file are read and copied into the output resource file using filtering keywords specified by the user. Storing the print document, together with the required resources, guarantees exact reprints on any platform where MO:DCA-P is supported even years later. • Resource consolidation: Multiple input resource groups are supported. The resource consolidation function combines all the input resources in the different resource groups (internal and external) in a single external resource group. Naming conflicts are automatically avoided by renaming the resources. • Data selection: Specific page, sheet or mail pieces may be selected for processing. The selection can be done based on ranges (e.g. page number) or size (e.g. all mail pieces with less than 10 sheets). • Data normalization: All data read is converted into MO:DCA-P structured fields. All S/370 line data features (e.g. conditional processing), Océ extensions (e.g. page numbering), Record-format Line data and XML data are fully processed so that the generated AFP data stream no longer requires a Pagedef in order to be printed. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 23 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • Index Tag generation: CIS inserts Index Tags into the MO:DCA-P data generated during the conversion process. Flexible data search and indexing rules allow a user to handle even the most complicated line data or MO:DCA-P applications. • Index file creation: An Index Object File is created with the Index tags inserted (or already contained) in the input data stream. The Index Object file can be used by any MO:DCA-P capable browser to facilitate online document navigation. • Data enrichment: The appearance and contents of a page can be enhanced using the insert/remove capabilities offered for Text blocks, Bar codes, Graphic images, Object Containers and Finishing Operations. User defined strings and a range of processing variables are available in order to give an installation full control over the print data stream without having to modify the application programs. • Sorting function: CIS provides powerful sorting algorithms that allow an installation to sort an input print file based on the document contents. This unique feature combined with the Layout and Collating sorting algorithms help reducing mailing and postprocessing time and cost. • Document consolidation: Consolidating several indexed documents is not a problem. The Mail Piece and Resource consolidations features combined with the sorting function, allow an installation to merge two or more print files into a single one, consolidating the mail pieces addressed to a single destination. • Data extraction: CIS allows an installation to extract information included in the print file as index tags (TLE's) and to store them into a separate sequential file. • Output segmentation: CIS allows an installation to split an existing print file into two or more segments by using size criteria's such as number of sheets and/or mail pieces. • Data stream analysis: The data stream analyzer function provided a summary report containing information about the print file such as size, AFP features in use, etc. This information can be very helpful when scheduling the file for print or later when retrieving it from an archiving system. • INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS • License Key: CIS requires a License Key that is to be applied at installation time. 24 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Overview • User exits (plug-in): The following exit points are defined: • - INPEXIT: - RESEXIT: - INDEXEXIT: - SORT: INSERTBCOCA: INSERTINDEX: INSERTPTOCA: INSERTCONTAINER: - INSERTFINISHINGOP Modify, delete or insert records to the Input data stream. Select which resources should be included in RESOBJDD Modify Index tags for clean-up and standardization patterns Implement user specific sorting algorithms Implement user specific BCOCA generation algorithms Implement user specific INDEX generation algorithms Implement user specific PTOCA generation algorithms Implement user specific Object Container generation algorithms Implement user specific UP³I insertion algorithms RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, SERVICEABILITY (RAS) • Dumping: Under MVS, diagnostic dumps are automatically taken in the event of program or unexplained errors. • Tracing: A trace facility is available which permits the collection of information on all processing phases. The level of detail of the trace information collected may be selected by the installation and varies from flow trace to all control blocks, input and output data. • Error information: The AFP normalizer built into CIS does a comprehensive validation of the input data being processed. Extensive error information is provided to the user in the situations where the input data does not conform to the MO:DCA-P standards. 2.4 Operating System Requirements 2.4.1 OS/390 and z/OS This version of CIS will run on MVS systems at the release levels listed below. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 25 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 2.4.3 • OS/390 Version 2.1.3 and above (not available for testing) • z/OS Version 1.9 and above LINUX This version of CIS will run on any of the LINUX platforms (Intel based) listed below. • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP21 2.5 Restrictions 2.5.1 Unsupported MO:DCA functions 1. Segmented structured fields are not supported. The SegFlag bit in the Structured Field Introducer controls this function. Refer to MO:DCA Reference page 20 for more information. 2. The following triplets and structured fields are not supported. They cause CIS to issue an error message and to terminate the job. • • • • • • • • 1 BCA/ECA: Begin/End Color Attribute table MCA: Map Color Attribute table CAT: Color Attribute table LLE: Link Logical Element IPG: Include Page MPG: Map Page BDT/EDT: Begin/End Document when found inside a Resource Group MCF: Map Code Font with a triplet x'02' (Fully Qualified Name) of type x'84' for Coded Font reference (GRID). Please refer to release note for exact kernel version number. 26 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Overview • MDR: Map Data Resource with a triplet x'02' (Fully Qualified Name) of types x'BE' and x'DE' for internal and external resource references in a data object. 3. The following triplets are not supported. They are not propagated (not forwarded) by CIS to the output data stream. • • • • • 0x56: Medium Map Page Number Triplet in structured fields BNG and BPG. 0x63: Object Checksum triplet in all structured fields except BMO, BPS. 0x64: Origin Identifier triplet in all structured fields except BMO, BPS. 0x65: Comment Triplet in structured fields BAG, BDE, BDT, BFM, BMM, BNG, BPG and BRG. 0x81: Page Position Information triplet in structured field BPG. 4. The No-Operation (NOP) structured field may or may not be propagated, depending on the kind of data being processed. More information can be found under 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index data. 2.5.2 Differences with previous versions (before CIS V4.04) 1. The INDEXCONSOLIDATION keyword (available in CIS V4.02) has been replaced with the new MPCONSOLIDATION keyword. 2. The default DDnames for the INPUTDD, OUTPUTDD, RESOBJDD, INDEXDD and TRACEDD keywords have been changed to match the PRISMAproduction Host conventions. 3. The program name was changed from SPSPCIS to CIS. An alias with the name SPSPCIS is provided for compatibility reasons. 4. The name of the exit programs specified in the CIS control file must be enclosed in apostrophes. An exception is made under MVS in case of the INPEXIT keyword, where CIS also accepts a name without apostrophes. This is done for compatibility with version 4.00 2.6 Samples CIS is distributed with the following set of samples in library hlv.qualifier.PPHSAMP: CISIVP Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Installation verification procedure Developer's edition 27 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 28 CISSKEL Skeleton JCL for running CIS CISENRCH Data enrichment by inserting page numbers as ptoca (text) and bcoca (bar code) CISESSEL Entity sized based selection (only mailpieces with a defined number of sheet are written to output file) CISISEL Index based selection (only mailpieces with a defined index are written to output file) CISOSEGM Output Segmentation CISRES Resource consolidation and Analyst file CISRSEL Entity range based selection (select pages, mailpieces, sheet or documents which shall be written to output by number) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3 3.1 Exploring CIS Internal Workflow This section describes the CIS workflow and the sequence in which the different data manipulation phases are applied. In order to effectively use CIS, it is important to understand its internal workflow. Fig. 4 on page 32 depicts the internal CIS workflow. One single CIS run may invoke one or more print stream conversion and processing features resulting in additional flexibility and reduced overhead as new applications are built. CIS allows installations to: • Select one or more portions of a print file for processing. Whether the input print file contains S/370 Line format data, Record-format line data, XML data or it is already in MO:DCA-P format, the input selection criteria's available in CIS can be used to generate partial re-prints based in either ranges (from-to page, sheet, mail piece or document), index contents or even size (e.g. mail pieces with no more than 10 sheets). The selection process is done as early as possible within this workflow. All the processing steps that follow will only apply to the selected data. Index range based selection is done next, at the end of the normalization process. Size based selection requires a temporary work file and is done as last selection step. • Normalize S/370 Line format data, Record-format Line data, Unicode Line data, XML data or mixed data generated by new or existing legacy applications into MO:DCA-P format without having to change the application programs. The normalization process resolves all line data relevant issues (e.g. conditional processing) and creates a print output file that is ready for online viewing, archiving, printing and/or downloading. Normalized documents become platform independent and can be easily moved across different system platforms. CIS guarantees a normalization process that is identical to the process done by SPS when Line format data is directly printed. • Extract variable text included in the input data and use it to build Index Tags. Indexing a print job enhances the ability to view, archive or retrieve specific pages (or Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 29 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide group of pages) contained in the file. The powerful keyword interface available in CIS allows an installation to specify an unlimited number of indexing tags to be obtained from the print data. The Mail Piece consolidation feature of CIS is capable of converting Line format data files into hierarchically structured, multilevel, AFP Documents. A structured document is the base for any subsequent print stream processing to be done with CIS including functions such as data enrichment, sorting, post processing optimization, output segmentation and others. • Enhance the appearance and processing capabilities of a print file adding finishing control and document tracking information. This data enrichment option of CIS allows an installation to insert text blocks (PTOCA structures), index tags, bar codes (BCOCA structures), graphics (GOCA structures), images (Object containers) and finishing operations (UP³I extensions) at a page, sheet, mail piece or documentlevels. User defined strings and CIS processing variables are available during this process and can be used to build the data to be inserted. User specified levels can be used to control what is to be enriched, where is the enrichment operation to be applied and to which entities. All structure fields added by CIS contain a user specified name field. User exits (plug-ins) are also available and may be used for more flexibility. CIS also allows an installation to remove existing text blocks, index tags and bar codes provided that the data structures to be removed were clearly labeled by the data generation tool and that the labels are consistently used in the whole print file. • Generate an Index Object File using the Index Tags inserted during the conversion or normalization process. S/370 line data, Record-format and XML applications get their tags inserted by CIS. Input print files in MO:DCA-P format may include Index Tags that were inserted by the application program generating the file or by CIS in a previous run. Regardless of their origin, CIS uses these tags to generate the Index Object File. The Index Object File may contain tags for page groups, pages or both. • Retrieve the AFP resources used by an application and copy them into a separate resource data set (sequential or partitioned). CIS not just identifies the resources required by a print job, but locates them, validates their contents and copies the data into the resource file(s). Only the resources used by the print file get copied. Inline resources already present in the input data stream are also supported. Superfluous resources (if present) are removed. Missing resources (if any) are located in the resource libraries and are copied into the output resource file(s). • 30 Sort the pages, sheets or mail pieces in the input print file using either a “contents based", “layout based” or "collating" sorting algorithm. Contents sorting uses the index values of pages or page groups to determine the new print file sequence. Layout sorting regroups the page or sheet sequence to one of several predefined layouts. The collating function may be used in connection with special output stacking devices. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Sorting a print file can save significant post-processing time, reducing postage and mailing costs and eliminating manual sorting. The CIS sort function may also be used to consolidate (merge) several print files, combining two or more documents, even from different applications, into a single mail piece. • Segment a large print file into smaller units to facilitate post-processing and/or shipment. A segment size of one mail piece is also supported and can be used to generate files that can be electronically distributed for on-line viewing. • Analyze the data and generate a summary report describing the main characteristics of the print file. The information in the report can be used to schedule print jobs based on their size, complexity or special features (e.g. number of input/output bins or color). As all other CIS keywords, only the pages selected for processing are analyzed. In summary, there are many reasons for using CIS. Whether the goal is to archive a document and the associated resources, to remove platform dependencies and print a file in a distributed environment, to enhance the document's presentation or to optimize the post-processing work, CIS is a robust tool designed to achieve excellent performance, tuned to process large volumes of documents as quickly as possible. It is built for the tight processing window allowed in most installations. And all of these without having to change the original application. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 31 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide R e cord -fo rm at d a ta S ta rt U n ico d e lin e da ta S /3 7 0 lin e da ta M O :D C A -P d a ta X M L d a ta C ontrol file parser R esource Libraries u p d ate _IN xx va ria b le s u pd a te _ IN xx varia bles S e lectio n (o n d em and ) S e le ctio n S ele ctio n (range) (ran ge) N o rm a lisa tio n N orm a lisation In de xing Ind e xin g (g enerate) (colle ct) Normaliser N o rm a lisa tio n S e le ction E nrichm ent (re m o ve) S ort / C onsolidation S e le ction W ork file (size based ) up d ate _ O U T xx variab les E nrichm ent (inse rt) Index File G eneration R esource P ack aging D ocum ent G eneration D ata extraction Converter Processing keywords and parameters (ind ex range) S egm entation Index file R esource F ile(s) D ocum ent F ile (s) E xtraction F ile A nalyser S ta tistics End Fig. 4 32 CIS internal workflow Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.2 Code page support Modern print solutions are often implemented using components that run under different system platforms, where the data may be generated under OS/390, printed on a remote location using a UNIX based server and archived or viewed under Windows. In most cases, each of these platforms uses a different character encoding scheme, at least as default. EBCDIC, ASCII and UNICODE are just examples. Transferring the application files (print data and resources) in binary format guarantees that they remain printable through the whole process. Unfortunately, binary file transfer does not solve the problems associated with other data manipulation tasks that may be required to implement a flexible and integrated solution. Whether selecting print data, inserting text strings or bar codes, extracting data from a file, or even performing a contents based sort, all these processes require a good understanding of the character encoding used in the input data being processed and in the output data to be generated. Recordformat data S/370 Line data AFP data stream XML data Resource Library inputCP 2 Parameters inputCP 2 inputCP 2 (only EBCDIC, ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16) CIS -cp: 8 messageCP Message log 1 7 MO:DCA-P extractCP analystCP 3 4 5 Summary file Index File Extraction file Fig. 5 MO:DCA-P MO:DCA-P defineBCOCA definePTOCA indexCP 6 Resource File Document File CIS Code Page support The Code Page support available in CIS is designed to solve this problem, offering a very high degree of flexibility regardless of the origin, transit and target platforms. A set of Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 33 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide commonly used standard code pages is available (see also 6.4 Appendix D: Code Page Description on page 362). Fig. 5 provides an overview of the Code Page translation options available in CIS; Fig. 6 shows the different places within the CIS workflow where a code point translation takes place. The Code page options available in CIS are: 1. Code Page used in CIS Control file (CP command line keyword) The CP command line keyword (see 4 Using CIS on page 147) specifies the character encoding used to generate the CIS Control file. In most cases, the encoding will be the same as the CIS internal Code Page (default, see point 8 below) and there is no need to use this keyword. Any of the 8-bit encoding schemes (see 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38) may be specified. The UTF16BE, UTF16LE and UNKNOWN code pages are not supported. 2. inputCP keyword The character encoding of an input file in S/370 Line format, Record-format data, XML data or AFP Mixed data format can be specified using the inputCP keyword in the CIS control file. This keyword must be used when inserting Index Tag Elements to input files generated on a different platform as where CIS is running, or where the input file contains special characters (such as €, ä, ö, ü, Ñ, ĉ, £, ß, etc.). The default is UNKNOWN which indicates that no code page conversion of the input data is to be done by CIS. In most cases CIS does not translate the print data itself when writing the output document file, and the print data is written using the same character encoding as it was read. The only exception is code page UTF16LE which is always converted to UTF16BE. CIS needs to know the character encoding scheme of the input data in order to convert the strings specified in the TRIGGER keyword to the appropriate code page or when converting the input data to other encoding schemes such as indexCP, extractCP, defineBOCA or definePTOCA keywords. XML data may only be encoded using - EBCDIC (Single-byte only) - ASCII (Single-byte only) - UTF-8 - UTF-16 - UTF16LE - UTF16BE 3. extractCP keyword The character encoding to be used in a Data Extraction file generated by CIS can be controlled using the extractCP keyword. Any data string written to the data 34 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS extraction files will use this code page. Correct data extraction in CIS requires the correct specification of the character encoding scheme used in the Index Tag elements being processed. The default is to use the CIS internal Code Page (see point 8 below). Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 35 36 Fig. 6 INTERNAL CP Control file -cp Control file Parser INPUTDD INPUT CP or Triplet X'01' RES lib's IBM_500 or Triplet X'01' Developer's edition y y y y y y y y y y y Remove... Name SelIndexRange ATT-Name from - to Sort ATT-Name Trigger Compress Define... Name ExtractIndex sprintf-String Field ATT-Name VAR-Field Insert... Name InputFormat OutputFormat INTERNAL CP NON-HEX Literal fields INPUT CP INDEX Attributes Names INPUT CP NON-HEX Values Triggers INPUT CP COMPRESS REMOVE Bcoca Ptoca =? PTOCA String BCOCA/PTOCA Names INTERNAL CP RM AFP Names INTERNAL CP =? MESSAGE CP Normalizer INPUT CP Triplet X'01' INTERNAL CP actual Triplet X'01' CP CP ... ATT-Name VAR-Field REMOVE Index SELECT Index =? IndexElement IndexElementQ SYSPRINT INTERNAL CP INSERT Index sprintf-String INTERNAL CP Converter INSERT Ptoca/Bcoca sprintf-String Statistics AFP-Names INTERNAL CP INTERNAL CP INSERT Index sprintf-String =? IndexElement INTERNAL CP PTOCA/BCOCA CP EXTRACT Files EXTRACT CP OUTPUTDD Triplet X'01' INDEXDD INDEX CP ANALYSTDD ANALYST CP CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide CIS Transcoding operations Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 4. analystCP keyword The character encoding to be used in a Print Analyst file generated by CIS can be controlled using the analystCP keyword. The default is to use the CIS internal Code Page (see point 8 below). 5. indexCP keyword The character encoding to be used in the Index Tag Elements that CIS writes into the Index Object file can be controlled using the indexCP keyword. All index values and attribute names contained in the Tag Logical Elements (TLE) written by CIS in the Index Object File will be converted to use this code page. The default is to use the same Code Page as specified for the inputCP keyword. This keyword does not affect the code page used in the TLE’s written into the Output Document file. A Coded Graphic Character Set Global Identifier Triplet 0x01 is added to each TLE and Index Element (IEL) structured field inserted in the current CIS run. Existing TLE's, if any, are only modified if they do not include a triplet 0x01, otherwise they are left unchanged. 6. defineBCOCA and definePTOCA keywords The character encoding to be used in the Text and Bar Code elements inserted by CIS can be controlled using the defineBCOCA and definePTOCA keywords. All BCOCA bar codes require a pre-defined encoding that cannot be changed by the user. By default, CIS will convert the data to be displayed into the correct code page as specified in the BCOCA architecture. The codePageID parameter of the defineBCOCA keyword allows an installation to override this default or to define the encoding to be used in case of a non-standard (numeric) bar code type. Correct Bar Code generation in CIS requires the correct specification of the character encoding scheme used in the input data being processed. In the case of PTOCA strings, the codePageID parameter of the definePTOCA keyword may be used to specify the code page to be used. The default is to use the CIS internal Code Page (see point 8 below). 7. messageCP keyword The messageCP keyword can be used to control the Code Page that CIS should use when generating the message file. The default is to use the CIS internal Code Page (see point 8 below). 8. CIS internal Code Page The CIS internal Code Page is platform dependent. It is the default for most Code Page keywords and parameters when nothing else is specified. The CIS internal Code Pages are: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 37 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • • Under OS/390 and z/OS: Under Linux: IBM_1148 ISO_8859-15 The CIS internal Code Page is hard coded within the product and is independent of any code page selection mechanism provided by the operating system platform. 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs The standard code pages identifiers available in CIS are listed below. Please refer to on 6.4 Appendix D: Code Page Description page 362 for a detailed description of each of these code pages. Keyword • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 38 IBM_0037 IBM_0256 IBM_0273 IBM_0277 IBM_0278 IBM_0280 IBM_0284 IBM_0285 IBM_0290 IBM_0297 IBM_0367 IBM_0420 IBM_0423 IBM_0424 IBM_0500 IBM_0813 IBM_0819 IBM_0833 IBM_0836 IBM_0838 IBM_0850 IBM_0851 IBM_0852 IBM_0855 IBM_0856 Description EBCDIC (USA and Canada) EBCDIC Netherlands EBCDIC Austria, Germany EBCDIC Denmark, Norway EBCDIC Finland, Sweden EBCDIC Italy EBCDIC Spain, Latin America (Spanish) EBCDIC United Kingdom EBCDIC Japanese Katakana EBCDIC France ANSI X3.4 ASCII Standard USA EBCDIC Arabic EBCDIC Greek EBCDIC Hebrew EBCDIC International Latin-1 ISO 8859-7 Greek/Latin Same as ISO_8859-1 EBCDIC Korean EBCDIC South-China EBCDIC Thai ASCII PC-Data-190: Latin Alphabet Number 1 ASCII PC-Data Greek ASCII PC-Data Latin-2 Multilingual ASCII PC-Data Cyrillic ASCII PC-Data Hebrew Developer's edition CPGID 00037 00256 00273 00277 00278 00280 00284 00285 00290 00297 00367 00420 00423 00424 00500 00813 00819 00833 00836 00838 00850 00851 00852 00855 00856 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Keyword • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • IBM_0857 IBM_0860 IBM_0861 IBM_0862 IBM_0863 IBM_0864 IBM_0865 IBM_0866 IBM_0869 IBM_0870 IBM_0871 IBM_0874 IBM_0875 IBM_0880 IBM_0893 IBM_0905 IBM_0912 IBM_0915 IBM_0916 IBM_0920 IBM_0924 IBM_1009 IBM_1010 IBM_1011 IBM_1012 IBM_1013 IBM_1014 IBM_1015 IBM_1016 IBM_1017 IBM_1018 IBM_1019 IBM_1025 IBM_1026 IBM_1027 IBM_1046 IBM_1089 IBM_1097 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Description ASCII PC-Data Turkey Latin-5 ASCII PC-Data Portugal ASCII PC-Data Iceland ASCII PC-Data Hebrew (Migration) ASCII PC-Data Canada ASCII PC-Data Arabic ASCII PC-Data Denmark, Norway ASCII PC-Data Cyrillic, Russian ASCII PC-Data Greek EBCDIC Latin-2 Multilingual EBCDIC Iceland ASCII PC-Data Thai EBCDIC Greek EBCDIC Cyrillic Multilingual OCR B EBCDIC Turkey Latin 3 Multilingual ASCII Latin 2 ISO 8859-2 ASCII Cyrillic ISO 8859-5 ASCII Hebrew ISO 8859-8 ASCII Turkey ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 same as ISO 8859-15 ASCII ISO-7 IRV (prior 1992) ASCII ISO-7 France ASCII ISO-7 Germany ASCII ISO-7 Italy ASCII ISO-7 United Kingdom ASCII ISO-7 Spain ASCII ISO-7 Portugal ASCII ISO-7 Norway ASCII ISO-7 Denmark ASCII ISO-7 Finland and Sweden ASCII ISO-7 Belgium and Netherlands EBCDIC Cyrillic Multilingual EBCDIC Turkey Latin 5 EBCDIC Japanese Latin ASCII Arabic Windows ASCII ISO-8859 Arabic EBCDIC Farsi Developer's edition CPGID 00857 00860 00861 00862 00863 00864 00865 00866 00869 00870 00871 00874 00875 00880 00893 00905 00912 00915 00916 00920 00924 01009 01010 01011 01012 01013 01014 01015 01016 01017 01018 01019 01025 01026 01027 01046 01089 01097 39 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Keyword • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.2.2 IBM_1098 IBM_1140 IBM_1141 IBM_1142 IBM_1143 IBM_1144 IBM_1145 IBM_1146 IBM_1147 IBM_1148 IBM_1149 IBM_1303 ISO_646 ISO_8859-1 ISO_8859-15 PC_437 PC_850 PC_1250 PC_1252 UNKNOWN UTF16LE UTF16BE Description CPGID ASCII Farsi Personal Computer same as IBM_0037 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0237 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0277 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 5A) same as IBM_0278 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 5A) same as IBM_0280 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0284 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0285 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0297 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0500 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) same as IBM_0871 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) Code 128 ISO 646 IRV:1991 (US ASCII, 0x00-0x7F) West European - Latin1 (Unicode 3.0, U+0000 - U+00FF) West European - Latin 15 (includes Euro sign) IBM PC (DOS Latin US) IBM PC (DOS Latin 1 Western Europe) MS-Windows Latin-2 MS-Windows Latin-1 Unicode Transformation Format 16b, little endian Unicode Transformation Format 16b, big endian 01098 01140 01141 01142 01143 01144 01145 01146 01147 01148 01149 01303 00819 00924 00437 00850 01250 01252 65285 65286 65287 Code Page Processing notes The following notes apply to the code page processing done in CIS for the operations described in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. They do not apply to the input data normalisation and conversion process, which is code page independent. 1. The input control file must be encoded in one of the 8-bit encoding schemes supported by CIS (see Code Page used in CIS Control file (CP command line keyword) on page 34). 2. The code page support currently implemented in CIS is intended to be used for converting the different LATIN encoding schemes available (EBCDIC, ASCII, US, Canada, Latin America, Western Europe). 40 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Using other code pages is possible, however, the code points used must be restricted to those which have an equivalent representation in the CIS internal Code Page being used. Characters which do not have an equivalent representation in the CIS internal code page cannot be translated, and cause CIS to issue a message and stop its processing. 3. The translation process is restricted to single byte (8-bit) encoding schemes. Multi-byte encoding schemes such as Unicode Transformation Format-16 (UTF-16) or Unicode Transformation Format-32 (UTF-32) are not supported. For this reason, an INPUTCP() keyword with a parameter other than UNKNOWN, UTF16LE or UTF16BE is required when the name of a FIELD keyword of type other than LIT, VAR or ATT is specified in an INSERTBCOCA(), INSERTINDEX(), INSERTPTOCA(), INSERTPTOCANOP() or EXTRACTINDEX keyword. Further the keywords ANALYSTCP, DEFINEBCOCA, DEFINEPTOCA, MESSAGECP and EXTRACTCP require single byte (8 bit) encoding schemes. 4. Similarly, composite characters used to build single text elements (e.g. an Accent mark ´ combined with a Latin vowel a to build the character á ) cannot be translated using the Code page support available in CIS and are treated as two separate characters. Pre-composed characters are supported (e.g. when the text editor used to create the CIS control file combines the composite characters into a single code point). 5. The above restriction only applies to the Code Page support used during data selection, insertion, extraction and when indexing. The double-byte S/370 Line format data conversion capability in CIS (SOSI parameter) is not affected as it does not require nor use the Code Page support functionality. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 41 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.3 Support of Multiple-Up applications The purpose of this section is to describe the support provided by CIS for Extended twoup (X2UP), Cut-Sheet Emulation (CSE) and N_UP applications. Many statement applications in production today were originally designed to generate groups of text records representing one statement per physical form. The introduction of printing systems supporting wide forms created a need to simplify the placement of multiple images on wider forms. X2UP, N_UP and CSE (Cut Sheet Emulation) are terms used to describe this ability of placing multiple images on a single form without re-coding the statement application. In both simplex or duplex mode, SPS supports X2UP1, CSE2 and all facets of N_UP. X2UP, N_UP and CSE are mutually exclusive features and may not be used concurrently. 3.3.1 X2UP Printing X2UP was developed by Océ Printing Systems to support their exclusive offering (at the time) of a continuous form device capable of imaging two DIN A4 images, side by side, on a printed form. With X2UP the AFP application pages are placed sequentially on the form. In simplex mode the first page is placed on the left and the second page is placed on the right side of the form. Fig. 7 shows how this is done. X2UP is not only available for CutSheet or C-twin printers. In duplex mode the first image is placed on the left front, the second image is placed on the back, so that when the form is split, it produces a page with print on both sides. The next two images produce two sided print on the right portion of the form. The two portions of the physical media are treated as if they were two separate pieces of cut-sheet media (also called "sheetlets"). When a MO:DCA document is sent to a printer in X2UP mode, MO:DCA sheets and their content are mapped to each portion of the physical media at the printer. For this reason, a media collection for finishing operations such as UP3I may end at the left side and a new one may start at the right side. X2UP may be specified using the X2UP keyword of the AFP Processing control file.. Additional X2UP parameters can be used to cause the first image to be placed on the right side of the form (RIGHT parameter) so that they are printed in a right-left sequence 1 Not available in C-twin printers, not available in Cut-sheet printers 2 Not available in A-twin printers, not available in Cut-sheet printers 42 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS (as opposed to left-right in normal X2UP), or that an identical copy of the left side of the form be produced on the right side of the form (ICOPIES parameter). Using X2UP does not require any changes to existing page definitions or overlays. BACK Logical Page FRONT Logical Page Logical Page Logical Page Logical Page Logical Page 2 4 1 2 1 X2UP Simplex X2UP Duplex Fig. 7 3.3.2 3 X2UP Page Placement N_UP Printing N_UP has two levels of support, basic N_UP and Enhanced N_UP. Using a form definition, with N_UP one can place pages sequentially on a form, breaking the form up into logical partitions. N_UP printing is available for Continuous-Form and for Cut-Sheet printers. The portions of the physical media (called "partitions" in case of N_UP) are not treated as if they were separate pieces of cut-sheet media. When a MO:DCA document is sent to a printer in N_UP mode, each MO:DCA sheet (including all the partitions it contains) is mapped to a single, wide, physical media at the printer. For this reason, a media collection for finishing operations such as UP3I may not end in one partition and a new one may start at the next partition on the same physical media (such a combination will cause the printer to eject to the next physical media, leaving all other partitions in that sheet unused). • BASIC N_UP Fig. 8 shows the default orientations for each logical page placement. Basic N_UP can also orient the logical pages for landscape orientation. N_UP 2 in the above illustration is equivalent to X2UP ON for simplex printing (as shown in Fig. 7). In duplex mode N_UP 2 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 43 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide does not modify image placement on the front of the form. In duplex mode, page three will be placed on the back of page two and page four will be placed on the back of page one (also shown in Fig. 7). 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 0,0 0,0 4 N_UP 1 N_UP 3 N_UP 2 0,0 0,0 0,0 2 • 0,0 0,0 0,0 1 2 0,0 1 Fig. 8 N_UP 4 1 1 2 2 0,0 0,0 3 0,0 4 3 Sample Portrait Across Partition Assignments for Basic N_UP ENHANCED N_UP Enhanced N_UP uses the partition arrangement shown in Fig. 9. However, the sequence of each logical page placement can be modified for any possibility. The examples discussed thus far have involved the placement of two images on one form, as this is the most common usage of N_UP for existing high volume statement applications. Enhanced N_UP introduces some interesting coding deviations which need to be addressed. The format shown in Fig. 9 can be accomplished using Enhanced N_UP because up to four partitions can be coded for each side of a form. In duplex mode, this means a maximum of eight logical pages can be placed per form. Logical page placement need not be symmetrical for each side of the form, (in this case seven on the front and one on the back). Partitions in the form definition can be coded so that no logical page placement takes place. This allows for an uneven numbers of pages per form, or an overlay placement in a particular partition without application data. 44 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 0,0 OVERLAY O1GRID PAGE 1 0,0 CONSTANT OVERLAY PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 Fig. 9 3.3.3 Asymmetrical Page Placement Using Enhanced N_UP Cut-Sheet Emulation (CSE) Similar to X2UP, the "Cut-Sheet Emulation" feature can be used to print on continuousforms media that, once cut and collated, emulates two sheets of cut-sheet output. In this mode, the printer logically divides the continuous-forms media in half parallel to the carrier strips and controls the placement of pages on either the left side or the right side of the physical media as defined by the operator in the printer control panel. The CSE feature requires manual operator intervention and may not be controlled using the SPS control files. The two portions of the physical media are treated as if they were two separate pieces of cut-sheet media (called "sheetlets"). When a MO:DCA document is sent to a printer in X2UP mode, MO:DCA sheets and their content are mapped to each portion of the physical media at the printer. For this reason, a media collection for finishing operations such as UP3I may end at the left side and a new one may start at the right side. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 45 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.4 Processing variables This section describes the processing variables available in CIS. These variables are normally used in connection with the Data Enrichment parameters. Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the time at which the internal CIS variables are updated. 3.4.1 Processing notes AFP data has a hierarchical organization that is processed in a sequential manner and that has a direct influence in the way the processing variables are updated. Before the variables are used, it is important to understand the way they are updated so that using undefined variables can be avoided. This is explained in the following lines: 1. An AFP print file may consist of one or more Documents (DOC), Page Groups and Pages. The formatting rules (FormDef, internal Medium Maps) that accompany the print file define which pages belong to a sheet (SH). 2. Pages identify the lowest entity in the variables hierarchy. Pages may not be nested nor may contain any of the other entities. At the time a page-begin is detected by CIS, the contents of all the PAG, SH, MP and DOC variables is known and up-to-date. 3. Sheets identify the next higher entity in the variables hierarchy. Sheets may not be nested and may only contain Pages. At the time a sheet-begin is processed by CIS, the contents of the SH, MP and DOC variables is known and up-to-date. The content of the PAG related variables is undefined. 4. CIS defines Mail Pieces (MP) as the top level Page Group in a print file. Mail Pieces identify the next higher entity in the variables hierarchy. Mail Pieces may not be nested and may only contain Sheets. At the time a mailpiece-begin is detected by CIS, the contents of the MP and DOC variables is known and up-to-date. The contents of the SH and PAG related variables is undefined. 5. Documents identify the highest entity in the variables hierarchy. Documents may not be nested and may only contain Mail Pieces. At the time the document-begin is process by CIS, the contents of the DOC variables is known and up-to-date. The contents of the MP, SH and PAG related variables is undefined. In summary, when using any of the CIS Processing variables, it is important to know that the contents of all variables BELOW the entity level at which they are being used are undefined. 46 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.4.2 List of CIS processing variables The following variable names are available and can be used in the FIELD and INITVARIABLES keywords of the control file. Their initial value and change conditions are described under 6.2 Appendix B: CIS processing variables on page 331. 1. Input related variables • • • • • • _inDocumentNumber _inMailPieceNumber _inSheetNumber _inPageNumber _inSheetNumberInMailPiece _inPageNumberInMailPiece 2. Output related variables • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _outSegmentNumber _outDocumentNumber _outMailPieceNumber _outSheetNumber _outPageNumber _outMailPieceNumberInDocument _outSheetNumberInMailPiece _outPageNumberInMailPiece _outPageNumberInSheet _outNumberOfMailPiecesInDocument _outNumberOfSheetsInMailPiece _outNumberOfPagesInMailPiece _outNumberOfPagesInSheet _outPageSfOffset _outPageByteOffset _outSheetSfOffset _outSheetByteOffset _outMailPieceSfOffset _outMailPieceByteOffset 3. Other processing variables • • • • _dateYYYY _dateYY _dateMM _dateDD Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 47 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.5 How to select and segment data in a print file 3.5.1 Segmenting Output data There are situations where installations need to split large print applications into several smaller files. For example: to be able to print sections of a large file in parallel, to fulfill special shipping requirements for large fan-fold output (e.g. weight, pile size), to balance the load of post-processing equipment, to prepare the documents for electronic distribution, etc. For all these cases, CIS offers a simple and powerful output segmentation facility. Using the OUTPUTSEG keyword, an installation may request CIS to split the input print file into one or more segments. The segmentation criteria are specified using three parameters: ENTITY, COUNT and BOUNDARY. OUTPUTSEG( ENTITY, COUNT, BOUNDARY ) Fig. 10 Syntax OUTPUTSEG The OUTPUTSEGPSDEF keyword may be used under MVS to specify the space and volume serial to be used for sequential data sets. Alternatively the user can provide a set of pre-allocated Data sets CIS uses for writing its output. The ENTITY parameter may indicate Document, Mail Piece, Sheet, Page or Byte. It specifies the items to be counted for being written in separate output files. Byte segmentation causes CIS to generate segment files with the requested size so that a page may span over two or more segments. The optional BOUNDARY parameter may be used to specify an entity which CIS shall write completely to the actual output file before beginning the next one. The COUNT parameter indicates the number of entities (or megabytes in case of BYTE) each segment will contain. Only the last file may contain a different number of entities. Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the CIS internal workflow. The Output Segmentation process can be combined with other features such as data selection and sorting. It cannot be used in connection with the generation of an Index Object File (INDEXOBJ must be NONE). Note that in case of resource packaging (parameter RESTYPE) the resource output is not valid before the CIS run is complete. 48 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Example: A z/OS installation wants to segment a very large output file in packages (files) of 200.000 sheets each with the last mailpiece not being separated over 2 files for parallel printing on several available printers. The user specifies the dataset definitions OUT001, OUT002, OUT003 and OUT004 in the JCL. These files shall be used by CIS for writing its output. In case of the job having more than 800.000 sheets the last file will contain the rest. In case of a smaller input file CIS will empty (OPEN – CLOSE) all files not needed for output. The JCL snippets and keywords shown in Fig. 11 can be used for this purpose. Note that the output is directed to SPOOL in this example and the usage of the JCL FREE and SPIN keywords for making the created SPOOL entries available for printing after CIS closed them. //OUT001 DD SYSOUT=8,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), // DEST=PRT1,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC //OUT002 DD SYSOUT=8,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), // DEST=PRT2,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC //OUT003 DD SYSOUT=8,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), // DEST=PRT3,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC //OUT004 DD SYSOUT=8,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), // DEST=PRT4,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC ... OUTPUTSEG( SH, 200000, MP ) OUTPUTDD( OUT*** ) Fig. 11 Example: Output Segmentation Example: An installation wants to create a separate file for each Mail Piece in the print output in order to distribute them electronically. Here OUTFILE refers to a Partitioned Ordered Data set. Thus CIS will write each Mail Piece in its own member. A list with all the mail pieces found in the file should also be created. Fig. 12 shows the control file required in this case. OUTPUTSEG( MP, 1 ) OUTPUTDD( OUTFILE ) Fig. 12 Example: Output Segmentation Processing Notes: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 49 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 1. Segmenting a job at an entity level lower than SHEET (e.g. PAGE) may cause the last SHEET to be split into different files. This will normally affect the way the segments are printed, especially in case of N-up and/or duplex applications. 2. Segmenting a job at a BYTE level will generally cause CIS to leave an incomplete AFP page at the end of each segment. Select PAGE or higher level in case you want each segment to contain complete AFP document structures that can be processed by an AFP tool or pass the BOUNDARY parameter to specify the entity level you want CIS to separate the output. When reaching the specified items CIS will complete the specified boundary entity writing it to the actual output file before beginning the next one. 3. Under z/OS CIS can be parameterized to write its output either to pre-allocated Data sets or to allocate the needed Data sets itself. • Passing a DD in OUTPUTDD referencing a Partitioned Data set (DSORG=PO) CIS will generate a different PDS member for each output segment and will name them D0000001, D0000002, etc. • Passing a DD referencing a Sequential Data set (DSORG=PS) CIS will allocate a different Sequential Data set for each output segment with the same DCB parameters and will name them <DSname>.D0000001, <DSname>.D0000002, etc. <DSname.D0000000> is used for writing the protocol. It will be allocated with: LRECL = 80 BLKSIZE = 6160, RECFM = FB and will contain all Data set names used for this job. Example content of such a protocol file: HLQ.OUTPUT.D0000001 HLQ.OUTPUT.D0000002 HLQ.OUTPUT.D0000003 The OUTPUTSEGPSDEF keyword can be used to specify the size and volume serial to be used for allocating these Data sets. • SYSOUT Data set. CIS will create a different SYSOUT data set for each output segment. The parameters specified in the output DD (see OUTPUTDD keyword) are used for all segments. • Passing a DD mask in the OUTPUTDD parameter referencing Data set definitions in the JCL step CIS will write its output to these Data sets. Following rules have to be kept in mind: The DD mask specified in OUTPUTDD must begin with at least one character followed by asterisks being overall not longer than 8 characters. CIS replaces the asterisks by numbers (beginning with 1) and will write its output to these Data 50 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS sets. All Data sets from such a list must be of the same type and format. CIS uses such a set of Data sets until its sequence is interrupted or ends. If a Data set is full before the specified number of entities is written to it CIS will terminate its processing issuing an error message. Examples: 1. Following parameter OUTPUTDD( OUT** ) might refer to these Data set definitions in the step´s JCL: //OUT01 //OUT02 //OUT03 //OUT04 //OUT05 //OUT07 //OUT08 DD DD DD DD DD DD DD DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.FILE1 DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.FILE2 DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.FILE3 DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.FILE4 DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.REST DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.REST2 DSN=HLQ.OUTPUT.REST3 CIS will use OUT01 to OUT05 for its output. OUT07 and OUT08 are not used because they are not in continues sequence. 2. Following parameter OUTPUTDD( P* ) might refer to these Data set definitions in the step’s JCL: //P1 // //P2 // //P3 // //P4 // DD SYSOUT=X,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), DEST=PRT1,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALOC DD SYSOUT=X,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), DEST=PRT2,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALOC DD SYSOUT=X,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), DEST=PRT3,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALOC DD SYSOUT=X,DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), DEST=PRT4,FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALOC CIS will use PRINT001 to PRINT004 for its output. 4. Under Linux the segment files are created using the following naming convention: <fileName>.D0000001, <fileName>.D0000002, etc. where fileName corresponds to the parameter specified in the OUTPUTDD keyword (Note: the naming conventions have changed since the last version). Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 51 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.5.2 Selecting Input data Even though in most cases installations want to process complete print files, there are many situations where a partial or selective processing is desirable. For example: • During job scheduling, when the mail pieces to be processed have to be selected (or excluded) based on their size because a post-processing device such as an Inserter cannot handle more than a given number of sheets per mail piece. • During job scheduling, when a print file is to be distributed electronically based on its index entries. • During re-prints, when some specific documents, mail pieces or sheets need to be reprinted. • During testing or audit controls, when randomly extracted pages are used for this purpose. For all these applications, CIS offers three flexible input data selection and exclusion options: Entity-range, Index-range and Entity-size based selection. A fourth method can be implemented in the form of a user exit program (see on page for more information). Before any data selection process starts (Fig. 4 on page 32) CIS updates all its processing variables associated with the input data. As a result, the input related variables always reflect the original print stream characteristics regardless of whether data selection and/or exclusion is done. Output related variables never include pages which were excluded during the selection process. This means that, for a given input print file, different CIS runs with different selection and/or exclusion parameters will always generate the same input related variable values and will always generate different output related variable values. Please refer to 3.4 Processing variables on page 46 for more information. • ENTITY-RANGE BASED SELECTION Entity-range selection works based on the absolute sequence number that each entity to be processed has within the print file. As shown in Fig. 4 on page 32, this is the first type of data selection done in CIS, even before completing the data normalization process. The data which is not selected may or may not be parsed and validated by CIS. Entity-range selection is controlled using the SELRANGE keyword. With this parameter an installation specifies an entity and one or more ranges to be included or excluded, with the exclude parameter having a higher weight as an include. The example in Fig. 13 will select mail pieces 501 to 1499 and 1601 to 2000. SELRANGE ( MP,1001-2000, !1500-1600, 501-1550 ) 52 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Fig. 13 Entity-range selection parameters CIS makes sure that the AFP structure on the resulting output file matches the input structure. This means that every page or group of pages selected will be preceded by the corresponding Begin Document (BDT) and Begin Named Page Group (BNG) structured fields and will be followed by the equivalent END structures that were found in the input file. The resources associated to pages excluded during the Entity-range selection process are also excluded from the resource packaging and consolidation process. • INDEX-RANGE BASED SELECTION Another type of input data selection done in CIS is the Index-range based selection, where the index values are used to determine if an entity is to be selected or excluded from processing. As shown in Fig. 4 on page 32, this step is done after normalizing and converting the input data. All pages in the input file are parsed and validated. Only the items within the index range are selected for further processing. All others are discarded and do not get passed to the output files generated by CIS. Index-Range selection is controlled using the SELINDEXRANGE keyword. With this keyword an installation specifies an entity, an index attribute name and one or more index ranges to be included or excluded, with the exclude parameters having a higher weight as the includes. The selection is based on a simple comparison of the hexadecimal values of the index field used as criteria. The example in Fig. 14 will select all mail pieces that contain an index attribute name called 'CUSTOMER NAME' where the index value starts with the character 'S', except those where the name starts with 'SMITH'. SELINDEXRANGE ( MP, 'CUSTOMER NAME', 'S' !'SMITH' - 'SMITH' ) Fig. 14 - 'S', Index-Range selection parameters Index values are binary compared, without making special considerations for specific data encoding schemes (ASCII, EBCDIC), national characters or special symbols. Data alignment within the field (left or right justified), leading and/or trailing characters (e.g. leading zeroes, trailing blanks) and decimal separation characters (e.g. comma or dot) are handled as part of the data and may influence the selection results. The resources Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 53 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide associated to pages excluded during the Index-range selection process of CIS are also excluded from the resource packaging process. Items with limiting index values are included (in case of include) resp. excluded (in case of exclude). It is not possible to use the Index Tag Elements inserted with the insertINDEX keyword to control the selection process of the same CIS run. Splitting the index insertion and selection processes in two CIS runs will bypass this problem. Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the sequence used for the index insertion, sorting and extraction steps. • ENTITY-SIZE BASED SELECTION Entity-size selection allows an installation to select the items to be processed based on their physical size. It is the last selection step done in CIS as shown in Fig. 4 on page 32 and requires the use of a work file as intermediate storage. All pages in the input file are parsed and validated by CIS, and are written into the internal work file. Entity-size selection is controlled using the SELSIZE keyword. With this parameter an installation specifies an entity and one or two size criteria's. Only the items matching the size criteria are selected for further processing. All others are discarded and do not get passed to the output files generated by CIS. The resources associated to pages excluded during the Entity-Size selection process of CIS are included in the resource packaging and consolidation process. A second CIS run over the resulting document file may be used to generate a resource file which only includes the resources required by the selected pages. Example: The example in Fig. 15 will select all mail pieces containing more than 5 and not more than 10 (6 to 10) sheets. SELSIZE ( MP, GT, 5, SH, LE, 10 ) Fig. 15 54 Size based selection parameters Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index data CIS may be used to convert any of the following print data stream formats into MO:DCAP: • S/370 Line format data, including Mixed-mode and double-byte encoding • Record-format Line data including Mixed-mode and double-byte encoding. • Unicode (UCS-2) Line data including Mixed-mode, Carriage control and TRC. • XML data (No Mixed-mode, no TRC and no CC supported). • SPDS data that conforms to the specifications described in [20] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). • Unformatted ASCII data as described in this manual. ANSI carriage controls using ASCII coding are also supported. In addition, CIS may be used to normalize existing AFP and MO:DCA-P applications. Fig. 4 on page 15 shows the internal CIS workflow. The conversion process is required for data which is not in MO:DCA format. In this case, CIS converts the data using the specifications contained in the Page definition1. During the conversion or normalization process respectively, CIS may be requested to scan the input data and generate index tags which are then used during Index-range data selection or during contents sorting and which are written in the Index Object file. The LINEMERGE keyword may be used to control the way in which two or more input lines are merged into a single output line, so that the results obtained are compatible with the IBM 3800 and E-mode specifications. CIS normalizes data which is already in AFP format by removing obsolete AFP definitions and some printer resolution dependencies. The normalization process also verifies the adherence to the MO:DCA-P rules, detecting and reporting any inconsistencies between the print data stream and its resources. Any Index tags already contained in the AFP data may be used during Index-range data selection, during contents sorting and are written in the Index Object file. 1 The conversion process is mandatory for S/370 Line data, Unicode line data, XML data and Record-format Line data as these formats are not supported as output data streams. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 55 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.6.1 Converting and Indexing print files containing S/370 Line formatted data S/370 Line format data consists of records of text data, in a tabular format, usually in EBCDIC coding (could also be ASCII or a 16-bit based coding), that normally begin with a carriage control character (CC) containing vertical line spacing commands (refer to Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60). An optional table reference character (TRC) may be used to control font selection. More information about S/370 Line formatted data may be found in [17](see 8 Bibliography on page 465). CIS uses a Page Definition resource (PAGEDEF) to convert the S/370 line data into MO:DCA-P. The conversion rules used are the same rules used by all AFP drivers (e.g. PRISMAproduction, PSF, etc.) so that the application's appearance is always the same. The conversion process is done in such a way that all PAGEDEF dependencies are removed, including such as conditional processing, font selection, bar code insertion, field positioning, format control, etc. In the case of double-byte applications, the Shift-Out ShiftIn (SOSI) process is also resolved. Applications converted to MO:DCA-P become platform independent and may be transferred across different systems without risking formatting problems. An example showing the formatting capabilities available with CIS is shown in Fig. 20 Legacy application: converted document on page 64. FORMDEF ( F1CIS02 ) PAGEDEF ( P1CIS02 ) CC ( ASA ) TRCTYPE ( IBM ) INDEXOBJ ( ALL ) /* /* Define the first level page groups - mail pieces */ When a new page occurs and the customer page number is 000001 */ TRIGGER ( account, *, 1, '10Bank of Yesterday, Inc.', 7, 63, '00001' ) INDEX INDEX INDEX INDEX ( ( ( ( /* 4 Fields FIELD ( FIELD ( FIELD ( FIELD ( accountI, nameI , addressI, plzI , account, account, account, account, 'ACCOUNT', 'NAME' , 'STREET' , 'PLZ' , accountF nameF addressF plzF ) ) ) ) at input data, in relation to TRIG1 */ accountF, 7, 3, 8 ) nameF , 13, 3, 30 ) addressF, 14, 3, 30 ) plzF , 15, 3, 30 ) Fig. 16 Legacy application: Indexing parameters During the conversion process (but also through the normalization process for MO:DCA-P data) CIS may be requested to scan the input data and to recognize the document’s 56 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS structure using the TRIGGER keyword defined for this purpose. This feature allows the user to specify one or more “trigger” strings to be used to determine the beginning of each new structure within the input print file. By specifying multiple triggers, an installation may use CIS to normalize and add index tags to line data files containing multiple page layouts, or may be even use CIS to consolidate multiple S/370 Line format print reports into a single one. Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60, the following CIS keyword would request the generation of an Index Object file containing the ACCOUNT, NAME, ADDRESS and PLZ (Zip code) fields as indexing items: EXTRACTINDEX( IndexObjectFile.txt, DOC, 'ACCOUNT=%s, NAME=%s, ADDRESS=%s, PLZ=%s \r\n', accountI, nameI, addressI, plzI ) The specifications of a FIELD keyword must start within the record data (size) available. The length however may extend beyond the end of the record. In this case CIS will append blank characters (using the specifications from the INPUTCP keyword) to complete the requested field length. The Index Object file resulting from the indexing keywords in Fig. 16 is described later on page 77. The INPUTFORMAT keyword specifies the criteria to be used for recognizing input records (lines). The OUTPUTFORMAT keyword controls the format used in the MO:DCA-P files generated by CIS. CIS allows another more flexible way of defining the FIELD parameter which can be used when FIELDs are in no fixed relative position to the trigger. This usage may be more likely in the handling of MO:DCA-P input data (therefore see also the example in chapter 3.6.6), but is explained here also with a quite far-fetched example. Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60, let’s say the installation is interested in having the customers´ new account balance (“Neuer Kontostand”) in addition to the index value (“BALANCE”). As this FIELD is in no fixed relative position to the trigger you can use the following FIELD parameter setting: INDEX ( balanceI, account, 'BALANCE', balanceF ) FIELD ( balanceF, ‘Neuer Kontostand EURO’, 35, 12 ) Fig. 17 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Legacy application: Enhanced indexing parameter using a search field Developer's edition 57 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.6.2 Converting and Indexing print files containing AFP Mixed data AFP Mixed-mode data is a combination of S/370 Line format and AFP data. In most cases, AFP Mixed-mode data is the result of old legacy applications which were extended to include some AFP structured fields, composed text pages, images, bar codes, graphics, presentation text and other AFP objects. As in the case of S/370 line format data, AFP Mixed-mode data consists of records, in a tabular format, mostly in EBCDIC coding, that usually begin with a carriage control character (CC) containing vertical line spacing commands. Records containing AFP structured fields must include a CC byte with the value 0x5A. Line data records have a CC other than 0x5A. These records may also include a TRC byte. Please refer to [17] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) for more information about AFP Mixed data. CIS uses a Page Definition resource (PAGEDEF) to convert the AFP Mixed-mode data into MO:DCA-P. The conversion rules used are the same rules used by all AFP drivers (e.g. PRISMAproduction, PSF, etc.) so that the application appearance is left unchanged. The conversion process is done in such a way that all PAGEDEF dependencies are removed, including such as conditional processing, font selection, bar code insertion, format control, etc. In the case of double-byte applications, the Shift-Out Shift-In (SOSI) process is also resolved. Applications converted to MO:DCA-P become platform independent and may be transferred across different systems without risking formatting problems. CIS is able to scan and insert index tags on AFP Mixed-mode documents in a way similar to the indexing done for S/370 Line format data. The same keywords and features are available. Any existing Document and Page-Group structured fields (BDT, EDT, BNG, ENG) will be removed and replaced with the structured fields resulting from the indexing process (TRIGGER keyword specified). In this case CIS also removes and/or replaces any Page Group level TLE’s that may exist in the input file. Page level TLE’s are left unchanged. 58 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1...|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....| 1 . . . ― . . . . 10 . . . . ― . . . . 20 . . . . ― ... 10Bank of Yesterday, Inc. 0Postfach 12345, 20000 Berlin 0 0 0Kontonummer/ Bankleitzahl Laufende 0Kontoinhaber Nummer 0 014034350 50020010 001-002 0Lieberwirt, William 0 0718/00079058 0 0Mr. 0William Lieberwirt 0Ruehmann Str. 78 099091 Erfurt 0 0 0Tag der WertText/Verwendungszeck 0Buchung stellung 0 0 5.03 04.03 DPT Restaurant MY DAY 0 Invoice Nr. 2345-98 0 Account nr. 567-34111014 0 0 7.03 05.03 TM Silverwing Lottery 0 Deposit Nr. 23456 0 Kontonummer 2345 12 0 0 9.03 08.03 TM MOVEFAST International transport 0 Return 0 St. Nr 12345 987 67 0 0 11.03 09.03 DPT Silverwing Lottery 0 Money transfer 0 Account 23457865 0 0 13.03 11.03 *** Mrs. Anna Tormann 0 Cheque Nr. 567 - 3451 0 Kontonummer 456781 0 0 15.03 13.03 DPT WELCOME Credit card 0 Cheque Nr. 567 - 3451 0 Account nr. 567-34111014 0 0 17.03 15.03 CSH Herr Thomas Hopf 0 Deposit Nr. 23456 0 Kontonummer 456781 0 0 19.03 18.03 XFR TAIKI bar, Tokyo 0 Invoice Nr. 32 0 Card nr. 4005 3245 1344 9993 0 0 1 Neuer Kontostand DEM 1 Neuer Kontostand EURO Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition BlattNummer DATUM 00005 29.03.2000 Zu Ihren Lasten Betreff Zu Ihren Gusten 780.00 DM 398.81 EUR 248.90 DM 127.26 EUR 241.50 DM 123.48 EUR 301.80 DM 154.31 EUR 539.00 DM 275.59 EUR 99.80 DM 51.03 EUR 268.30 DM 137.18 EUR 983.40 DM 502.80 EUR 688.47 DM 352.01 EUR 59 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Fig. 18 Legacy application In case of AFP Mixed data, CIS propagates all No-Operation (NOP, 0xD3EEEE) structured fields which are part of the page data and writes them immediately after the MO:DCA-P Active Environment Group. The first record in the input file is not considered part of the page data and is therefore not propagated. The INPUTFORMAT keyword specifies the criteria to be used for recognizing input records (lines). The OUTPUTFORMAT keyword controls the format used in the MO:DCAP files generated by CIS. For indexing MO:DCA-P data see a special example in chapter Normalizing and indexing print files containing AFP and MO:DCA-P data on page 65. 3.6.3 Converting and Indexing print files containing Record-format Line data Record-format Line data consists of records of text data, where each record contains a 10-byte identifier which selects the Record Descriptor (RCD) in the Record-format Data Map in the PageDef used to format the line data. A carriage control (CC) byte is optional and, if present, is ignored. A table reference character (TRC) is not supported. The Record Descriptor structured field contains information such as record position, text orientation, font selection, field selection, and conditional processing. The RCD must be part of the Data Map Transmission Subcase structured of the currently active data map. Some of the functions that can be accomplished with Record-format line data include: • Selecting different formatting for different type of Data records based on the Record ID. • Defining page headers and trailers and column headers to be automatically printed on subsequent pages. • Automatic page numbering. • Automatic page eject when text reaches the bottom margin. • Format database records created with field delimiters rather than fixed length fields. • Aligning field output to the left or right side. The Record Descriptor structured field contains information such as record position, text orientation, font selection, field selection, and conditional processing. For more information concerning Record-format Line data please refer to [17] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). 60 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.6.4 Converting and Indexing print files containing Unicode (UCS-2) Line data This section describes the CIS support of UCS-2 Line data as specified in [17] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). Input AFP data (e.g. PTX structured field) in Unicode encoding is handled as any other double-byte coded data (see “Converting and Indexing print files containing AFP Mixed data”on page 66). The Unicode Standard is a character encoding scheme for written characters and text. It defines a consistent way of encoding multilingual text that enables the exchange of text data internationally. The Unicode standard is a superset of all characters in widespread use today. It contains the characters from major international and national standards as well as prominent industry character sets. The Unicode standard is defined by the Unicode Consortium. For more information about the standard and/or the Unicode group please visit http://www.unicode.org. Unicode (UCS-2) Line data CC TRCTYPE INPUTCP INPUTFORMAT ( ( ( ( CC Unicode (UCS-2) Line data CC TRCTYPE INPUTCP INPUTFORMAT CC NO) NO ) UTF16LE ) or INPUTCP ( UTF16BE ) RDW ) or INPUTFORMAT ( FIXED,xx ) ( ( ( ( TRC IBM ) or CC ( ASA ) NO ) UTF16LE ) or INPUTCP ( UTF16BE ) RDW ) or INPUTFORMAT ( FIXED,xx ) Unicode (UCS-2) Line data CC TRCTYPE INPUTCP INPUTFORMAT Fig. 19 ( ( ( ( LF IBM ) or CC ( ASA ) IBM ) UTF16LE ) or INPUTCP ( UTF16BE ) AFPSTREAM, 0x0A00 or 0x000A ) Unicode (UCS-2) Line format data Unicode Line data is a special kind of line data where the text portion of each line is encoded using the ISO Unicode standard (UCS-2). The level of support for Unicode Line data provided in CIS is described in [19] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) and includes: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 61 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Input data stream • The UTF16BE (Unicode Transformation Format 16 bit, Big Endian) parameter of the INPUTCP keyword. It is used for Line data files encoded using the UTF16 (Big Endian) format. Fixed two-byte code points with surrogates are supported. • The UTF16LE (Unicode Transformation Format 16 bit, Little Endian) parameter of the INPUTCP keyword. It is used for Line data files encoded using the UTF16 (Little Endian) format. Fixed two-byte code points with surrogates are supported. • The INPUTFORMAT keyword to indicate whether the Unicode Line data is stored in record (S/390 file system) or in stream format. In case of stream format, the endof-line delimiter (AFPSTREAM parameter) should be set to 0x000A. • BOM's (Byte Order Marks), a 2 to 3 bytes string at the beginning of a Unicode file indicating the type of encoding being used (UTF16LE, UTF16BE, ...) are not allowed in connection with Unicode Line data. • UTF32 is not supported. CIS processing • 62 Unicode encoding is not supported for the CIS control file. This restriction is important in the following cases: - TRIGGER keyword The hexadecimal notation of the value parameter must be used. The value entered must match the endian used in the input file. The column parameter counts bytes and not characters. - attributeName parameter The hexadecimal notation of this parameter must be used in the following CIS keywords when the attribute name is to be in Unicode: INDEX, FIELD, INSERTINDEX, MPCONSOLIDATION, REMOVEINDEX, SELINDEXRANGE, SORT. The value entered must match the Endian used in the input file. - COMPRESS keyword The hexadecimal notation of the value parameter must be used. The value entered must match the Endian used in the input file. • The fieldName parameter (EXTRACTINDEX, INSERTBCOCA, INSERTINDEX, INSERTPTOCA or INSERTPTOCANOP keywords) may not be used to refer to a Unicode encoded string in case of a data enrichment or data extraction operation. • The SOSI1, SOSI2 and SOSI3 parameters of the PRINTMODE keyword are not supported for Unicode Line data. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS • The UTF16BE and UTF16LE code pages may be specified in the INPUTCP and INDEXCP keywords only. They are not allowed in ANALYSTCP, DEFINEBCOCA, DEFINEPTOCA, EXTRACTCP, MESSAGECP or in the CP command line keyword. • Little Endian Unicode Line data is automatically converted to Big Endian during the CIS normalization process. A Conditional Processing text string in the PAGEDEF (if any) must be Big Endian encoded. Output data stream • Outline fonts (and not Raster fonts) are supported in AFP in connection with Unicode Line data. The fonts must be Big Endian encoded in order to print the MO:DCA data generated by CIS. Fig. 19 shows some of the record formats for Unicode Line data and the CIS keywords to process them. Please refer to [19] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) for more detailed information about the valid Unicode Line data formats. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 63 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Fig. 20 64 Legacy application: converted document Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.6.5 Converting and Indexing print files containing Unformatted ASCII data The code page support available in CIS makes it very easy for installations to process files coded in ASCII which use ANSI Carriage Control specifications (ASAA parameter of the CC keyword). These two features, combined with ASCII code fonts allow an installation to process print files that originated in a workstation (Unix, Windows, etc.) on an EBCDIC based platform such as MVS. The support for ASCII coded data is the same that is provided for S/370 Line format data coded in EBCDIC. The INPUTFORMAT keyword specifies the criteria to be used for recognizing input records (lines). The OUTPUTFORMAT keyword controls the format used in the MO:DCAP files generated by CIS. 3.6.6 Converting and indexing print files containing XML data This section describes the CIS support of XML data as specified in [17] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). Extensible Markup Language, or XML for short, is a new technology for designing text formats that let you structure your data. XML is a set of rules (you may also think of them as guidelines or conventions) defined and described by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at http://www.w3.org. XML avoids common pitfalls in language design: it is extensible, platform-independent, and it supports internationalization and localization. The official XML specification forbids applications from trying to second-guess the creator of a broken XML file; if the file is broken, an application has to stop right there and report an error. This makes it a robust technology where sensitive data is handled. XML data may be formatted using a Page Definition (with the XMD structured field), however there are following limitations: • Carriage Control (CC) and Table Reference Characters (TRC) are not supported. • The data is encoded using one of the following: - EBCDIC (Single-byte only) - ASCII (Single-byte only) - UTF-8 - UTF-16 • MO:DCA data cannot be mixed with XML data. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 65 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.6.7 Normalizing and indexing print files containing AFP and MO:DCA-P data Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) formatted data uses a superset of the MO:DCA-P data stream including objects such as FOCA, GOCA, IOCA, PTOCA and BCOCA organized into resources such as fonts, overlays, page segments, form definitions, object containers and others. The data normalization process CIS supports for AFP data includes the following features: • Conversion of IM images to IOCA to remove resolution dependencies. • Automatic conversion of old fashion coded font resource invocation to MCF-2 format. • Conversion of l-unit-per-unit-base values. • Renaming of Page Group and Page name structures. • Automatic insertion of Invoke Medium Map structured fields before every page group. • Removal / Insertion of x’5A’ carriage control. • File reblocking. The INPUTFORMAT keyword specifies the criteria to be used for recognizing input records (lines). The OUTPUTFORMAT keyword controls the format used in the MO:DCAP files generated by CIS. The normalization process in CIS also verifies the adherence of the print file to the AFP standards, detecting and reporting inconsistencies within the print data, or between print data and resources. This feature allows a user to “certify” the quality of the print data generated by an application before it is further processed (e.g. distributed in electronic form or archived), increasing the overall reliability of such applications. A user should note that normalizing an AFP file does not mean that it is printable under all circumstances. For example, missing hardware features or a mismatch between the fonts and data could still stop an application from being printed. CIS is able to scan and insert index tags in AFP documents in a way similar to the indexing done for Line format data. The same keywords and features are available. Any existing Document and Page-Group structured fields (BDT, EDT, BNG, ENG, TLE) are removed and replaced with the structured fields resulting from the indexing process (TRIGGER keyword specified). In this case CIS also removes and/or replaces any Page Group level TLE’s that may exist in the input file. Page level TLE’s are left unchanged. Parsing a MO:DCA-P data file for index information is easy using the file FIELD´s search parameter. Example: 66 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS An installation wants to retrieve index information (the policy number, POLNUM) in its legacy MO:DCA-P data containing customer insurance polices. As this FIELD is in no fixed relative position to a possible trigger point you can use following parameter settings: TRIGGER ( Trigger1, *, 4, x’D3EE9B’, /* PTX SF */ 0, *, ‘Policy Number: ‘ ) FIELD ( PolNumF, ‘Policy Number: ’, 15, 12 ) INDEX ( PolNumI, Trigger1, 'POLNUM', PolNumF ) Fig. 21 Legacy application: Enhanced indexing parameter using a search field Where: - ‘Policy Number: ’ is used as search string rd - the 3 FIELD parameter value (15) defines the start position of the designated data field, starting from at the beginning of the search string (‘Policy Number: ’) - the 4th FIELD parameter value (12) defines the length of the designated data field. Note: The FIELD-searchString is only searched for on the same page the trigger remains. Using the method described in Fig. 21 you can also read information from AFP NOP structured fields. In case of AFP data, CIS propagates all No-Operation (NOP, 0xD3EEEE) structured fields which are part of the page data (between BPG and EPG structured fields) and writes them immediately after the MO:DCA-P Active Environment Group in the output file. NOP's which are not part of the page data (outside BPG/EPG) are not propagated. 3.6.8 Compressing AFP and MO:DCA-P data CIS allows an installation to reduce the size of the resulting output file without introducing a proprietary compression algorithm through the use of the PTOCA Repeat String (RPS) control sequence. The resulting output file is a standard AFP file where repeated characters are optimized using the RPS control sequence. Depending on the characteristics of the input file, a significant reduction in the size of the resulting output file may be achieved. The compression feature in CIS is disabled by default as it introduces additional processing overhead. Using the COMPRESS keyword, an installation may activate this feature either in a generic way (all characters repeated more than 6 times consecutively Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 67 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide are replaced with an RPS control sequence), or in a more specific way where one or more characters (or string of characters) are checked for repetition. Only the data characters contained in the Presentation Text Data (PTX) structured fields generated or selected by CIS are compressed. The information in other structured fields is not checked for compression. For more information about Presentation Text objects please refer to Data Stream and Object Architectures: Presentation Text Object Content Architecture Reference. Fig. 22 shows an example on how to use the COMPRESS keyword to remove repeated blank characters, repeated strings consisting of a blank and an asterisk, and repeated strings with a given hexadecimal value. COMPRESS ( STRING, ' ', ' *', X’4243’ ) Fig. 22 AFP PTOCA compression: example 1 Fig. 23 shows an example on how to use the COMPRESS keyword to optimise all strings where the same character is repeated more than 6 times consecutively. COMPRESS ( CHARS ) Fig. 23 68 AFP PTOCA compression: example 2 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.7 How to Retrieve and Consolidate AFP Resources An exact print file reproduction or viewing requires that the AFP resources used to print the file are also available to the reprint / browse process. This simple and basic requirement is not always easy to fulfill as installations, motivated by performance gains when the file is printed, tend to group all resources into large system libraries which may become repositories used by all sorts of applications. The result: it is very difficult to identify the resources used on each print job. CIS helps installations having these problems by providing a resource retrieval and consolidation feature. It can be used to locate and copy, into a separate Resource File, all the resources used by an application. The term "resource consolidation" is used to refer to the process where the AFP resources used in a print file are copied into a single output file or library, regardless of their library or resource group of origin. The feature can be activated selectively for each resource type (e.g. fonts, Page segments, Overlays, etc.). CIS also includes a normalization step in case of non-OCA object resource files, which are automatically converted to AFP Object Containers before they are written to the Resource file. The Resource consolidation process in CIS is done in parallel to the normalization, sorting and data enrichment steps (see Fig. 4 on page 32). Resources invoked as a result of a data enrichment operation (e.g. INSERTOBJECT or INSERTPTOCA) are also included in the external Resource group written to RESOBJDD. In case of AFP resources, CIS propagates all No-Operation (NOP, 0xD3EEEE) structured fields which are part of an Overlay (between BMO and EMO structured fields). NOP's found in other resource types are not propagated. The presentation (layout) of the print file is not affected. Please refer to [18] in 8 Bibliography on page 465 for more information about the different resource grouping options available in MO:DCA. 3.7.1 Types of Resource Consolidation The following types of resource consolidation are available in CIS: Basic consolidation A basic level of resource consolidation is part of the functionality available in CIS since version 4.00. This level of consolidation is the default and corresponds to the specification Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 69 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide of RESCONSOLIDATION( BASIC ). The following resource handling applies to basic resource consolidation: • Only the first "external resource group" in the input print file (if any) is used during the resource search process. The resource group must be placed before any document data. External resource groups placed after the first document (or line of data) in the file are ignored. A resource, when not found in the first "external resource group", is read from an external library. The resources used are written to RESOBJDD under the control of the RESTYPE keyword. • All "external resource groups" in the input print file (if any) are removed from the output file written to OUTPUTDD. These resources are also not copied to RESOBJDD. • All "internal resource groups" in the print file (if any) are removed from the output file written to OUTPUTDD. These resources are also not copied to RESOBJDD. • All "internal Medium Maps" in the print file (if any) are copied into the output file written to OUTPUTDD. They are not copied to RESOBJDD. The output file (OUTPUTDD keyword) created by CIS when RESCONSOLIDATION( BASIC ) is used must be printed using the resource file(s) created in the same CIS run (RESOBJDD keyword) unless the input print file did not include any external resource groups, in which case the original resource libraries may be used. 0000 00 D3A8C6 BRG Begin EXTERNAL resource group 0000 00 D3A8CE BR Begin EXTERNAL resource ... 0000 00 D3A9CE ER End resource <........> 0000 00 D3A8CE BR Begin EXTERNAL resource ... 0000 00 D3A9CE ER End resource <........> 0000 00 D3A9C6 ERG End EXTERNAL resource group 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 70 D3A8A8 D3A8AD D3A8AF D3A8C6 D3A8CE BDT Begin document BNG Begin Named Page group BPG Begin Page BRG Begin INTERNAL resource group (PAG level) BR Begin INTERNAL resource ... D3A9CE ER End resource <........> D3A9C6 ERG End INTERNAL resource group D3A8C9 BAG Begin Active Environment group ... D3A9C9 EAG End Active Environment group ... D3A9AF EPG End Page ... D3A9AD BNG End Named Page group ... D3A9A8 EDT End document Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 0000 00 D3A8C6 BRG Begin EXTERNAL resource group 0000 00 D3A8CE BR Begin EXTERNAL resource ... 0000 00 D3A9CE ER End resource <........> 0000 00 D3A8CE BR Begin EXTERNAL resource ... 0000 00 D3A9CE ER End resource <........> 0000 00 D3A9C6 ERG End EXTERNAL resource group 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 0000 00 D3A8A8 D3A8AD D3A8AF D3A8C6 D3A8CE BDT Begin document BNG Begin Named Page group BPG Begin Page BRG Begin INTERNAL resource group (PAG level) BR Begin INTERNAL resource ... D3A9CE ER End resource <........> D3A9C6 ERG End INTERNAL resource group D3A8C9 BAG Begin Active Environment group ... D3A9C9 EAG End Active Environment group ... D3A9AF EPG End Page ... D3A9AD BNG End Named Page group ... D3A9A8 EDT End document Fig. 24 AFP resource grouping supported by CIS Consolidating External Resource Groups The following resource handling applies when external resource consolidation is requested: • All External Resource Groups in the input print file (if any) are used during the resource search process. Please refer to [18] in 8 Bibliography on page 465 for more information about the different resource grouping options available in MO:DCA. Each group replaces a previous one, and must be placed before the associated document data. An External Resource Group stays valid for all the subsequent AFP documents, until the end of the file is reached or a BRG structured field is found. A resource, when not found in the corresponding "external resource group", is read from an external library. All resources used are written to RESOBJDD, regardless of their origin. • Eventual naming conflicts are automatically solved by CIS by renaming the affected resources (except FORMDEF, see below) and the corresponding Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 71 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide resource invocations. Because of this renaming process, external resource group consolidation requires that the RESTYPE keyword specifies ALL. Resources are renamed starting with the second external resource group. Resources are renamed when a resource with the same name was found in a previous "external resource group". The new name assigned to the resource is internally generated by CIS. The renamed resources cannot be used for data enrichment operations. • In case of a FORMDEF, CIS merges the Medium Maps found in the multiple Form definitions in order to build a new, bigger, Form definition which contains all Medium Maps found in the external FORMDEF's used by the application. The Document Environment Groups (DEG) are also merged using the following rules: - The structured fields Map Medium Overlay (MMO), Medium Descriptor (MDD) and Page Position (PGP) are merged into the Medium Maps and are removed from the DEG. - The Map Suppression (MSU) structured fields of all DEG's are collected and become part of the new DEG. Duplicate suppressions (same ID and name) are removed. A maximum total of 127 suppressions is supported. - All Presentation Fidelity Control (PFC) structured fields are merged and become part of the new DEG. The less tolerant action takes precedence. - All Medium Finishing Control (MFC) structured fields are merged and become part of the new DEG. An Object Offset (x'5A') triplet is generated for each document within the scope of an MFC. Medium Map naming conflicts are automatically solved by CIS by renaming the affected Medium Maps and their invocations. Medium Maps are renamed starting with the second external resource group. Medium Maps are only renamed when a Medium Map with the same name was found in a previous "external resource group", or when a DEFINEMEDIUMMAP for that name was done (the rename is done after applying the parameters of the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP). The new names are internally generated by CIS (see also 3.8.8 Inserting and Removing additional Sheets on page 96). Only one FORMDEF keyword may be specified to CIS. In order to use multiple Form Definitions, an application must either: a) name all FORMDEF's the same so that they match the name specified in the FORMDEF keyword, or b) include the desired FORMDEF as first Form definition in each of the external resource groups and specify FORMDEF (DUMMY). • 72 All External Resource Groups in the input print file (if any) are removed from the output file written to OUTPUTDD. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS The output file (OUTPUTDD keyword) created by CIS when RESCONSOLIDATION( EXTERNALRESGROUP ) is used must be printed using the resource file(s) created in the same CIS run (RESOBJDD keyword) unless the input print file did not include any external resource groups, in which case the original resource libraries may be used. Consolidating Internal Resource Groups The following resource handling applies when internal resource consolidation is requested: • All Internal Resource Groups in the input print file (if any) are used during the resource search process. Please refer to [18] in 8 Bibliography on page 465 for more information about the different resource grouping options available in MO:DCA. The scope of each resource group is specified by the MO:DCA architecture and which allows for nesting and inheritance. A resource, when not found in the current "internal resource group", is read from the external resource group currently active, or from an external library (in this sequence). All resources used are written to RESOBJDD, regardless of their origin. • Name conflicts are avoided by CIS by renaming the affected resources and the corresponding resource invocations. Because of this renaming process, internal resource consolidation requires that the RESTYPE keyword specifies ALL. • All "internal resource groups" in the input print file (if any) are removed from the output file written to OUTPUTDD. The output file (OUTPUTDD keyword) created by CIS when RESCONSOLIDATION( INTERNALRESGROUP ) is used must be printed using the resource file(s) created in the same CIS run (RESOBJDD keyword) unless the input print file did not include any internal and external resource groups, in which case the original resource libraries may be used. Consolidating Internal Medium Maps The following resource handling applies when resource consolidation for internal Medium Maps (also called "inline") is requested: • All Internal Medium Maps in the input print file (if any) are activated as specified by the MO:DCA architecture. Please refer to [18] in 8 Bibliography on page 465 for more information about Internal Medium Maps. • Active Internal Medium Maps are removed from the input print file and are copied into the current FORMDEF. An Invoke Medium Map (IMM) structured field is inserted in the appropriate location within the print data stream. Eventual naming conflicts are automatically solved by CIS by renaming the affected components. Because of this process, internal Medium Map consolidation requires that the RESTYPE keyword specifies ALL or at least FDEF. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 73 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • The output file written to OUTPUTDD does not include any Internal Medium Maps. The output file (OUTPUTDD keyword) created by CIS when RESCONSOLIDATION( INTERNALMEDIUMMAP ) is used must be printed using the resource file(s) created in the same CIS run (RESOBJDD keyword) unless the input print file did not include any internal medium maps and external resource groups, in which case the original resource libraries may be used. 3.7.2 Input specifications when using External Resource libraries The CIS keyword interface allows installations to define different resource libraries to be used during the retrieval phase. The FDEFLIB, PDEFLIB, FONTLIB, OVLYLIB, PSEGLIB and OBJCONLIB keywords may be used to specify one or more resource libraries to be used for retrieving a particular resource type. The USERLIB keyword adds an extra level of library differentiation. The RESTYPE keyword can be used to select which resource types are to be retrieved. RESTYPE ( ALL ) RESCONSOLIDATION ( BASIC ) USERLIB ( CIS.AFPLIB ) FONTLIB ( HLD.FONT300, HLD.FONT600 ) CODEDFONTEXT ( ".300", ".600", "" ) CHARS ( X0abc ) Fig. 25 Resource Packaging keywords When the Operating system platform allows, CIS also provides a set of keywords that can be used to specify the suffix(es) or file extension(s) to be appended to the resource name during the resource file search process. The CODEDFONTEXT, CODEPAGEEXT, FONTCHARSETEXT, OUTLINEFONTEXT, FORMDEFEXT, OBJCONTEXT, OVERLAYEXT, PAGEDEFEXT and PAGESEGEXT keywords control this operation. Each directory specified in a xxxLIB keyword is searched for the first occurrence of a resource file with one of the extensions specified in the corresponding xxxEXT keyword before continuing with the next directory. Example: Using control file from Fig. 25 on page 74 when searching for a coded font named X0abc: 1. Library “HLD.FONT300” is searched for the following file names: X0abc.300, X0abc.600 and X0abc 74 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 2. Library “HLD.FONT600” is searched for the following file names: X0abc.300, X0abc.600 and X0abc 3. Library “CIS.AFPLIB” is searched for the following file names: X0abc.300, X0abc.600 and X0abc The first occurrence will stop the search and that resource file will be used. Resource names are case sensitive under Linux. MVS resource names are not case sensitive and may cause a resource file with the name X0ABC to be selected. CIS may also be used to include resources which are not part of the print data stream, but that are specified in the control file. (e.g. Overlays, CHARS, etc. ). It may also be used to override some of the options specified in the resources being packaged such as Input Bin selection, Output bin selection, Print direction, page offset and others. In all cases, the contents of the output Resource Object file created by CIS will include the extensions or modifications requested in the control file so that recreating an exact printout does not require the control file. For more information on this topic please refer to 3.8.11 Overriding other FormDef / PageDef parameters on page 107. 3.7.3 Output specifications for the consolidated External Resource Group The output file containing the consolidated resource objects may be a sequential data set (also called Resource Object file) or it may be a partitioned data set (or directory) which can then be used as a user library in order to print or distribute the application. In combination with inline resources, the RESFILE ( PDS ) keyword allows an installation to extract resources which are part of an input file and to write them into separate resource files using the specifications of the RESOBJDD keyword. Under MVS, RESFILE ( PDS ) requires that the DDname in RESOBJDD corresponds to a Partitioned Data set (DSORG=PO). Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60, the following CIS resource packaging keywords would request the generation of a Resource Object file to be archived together with the document and index files: RESTYPE USERLIB FONTLIB FORMDEF PAGEDEF ( ( ( ( ( ALL ) CIS.AFPLIB ) HLD.FONT300 ) F1CIS02 ) P1CIS02 ) CC ( ASA ) TRCTYPE ( IBM ) RESOBJDD ( MYRESLIB ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 75 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide RESCONSOLIDATION ( EXTERNALRESGROUP, INTERNALRESGROUP, INTERNALMEDIUMMAP ) Fig. 26 Resource Consolidation keywords The following picture shows an extract of the contents of the Resource Object file resulting from the keywords described above: 0000 0000 0001 0008 ... 0011 0012 0000 0000 ... 0000 0000 00 00 00 00 D3A8C6 D3A8CE D3A8CD D3A8CC BRG Begin resource group <........> BR Begin resource <F1CIS02 > BFM Begin form map <........> BMM Begin medium map <CIS2F1 > 00 00 00 00 D3A9CC D3A9CD D3A9CE D3A8CE EMM EFM ER BR 00 D3A9CE ER 00 D3A8CE BR 1 2 3 10 End medium map <CIS2F1 > End form map <........> End resource <F1CIS02 > Begin resource <S1CIS2F > 19 20 21 22 End resource <S1CIS2F > Begin resource <S1CIS2B > 96 97 ... 0000 00 D3A8CE BR Begin resource <C0ARI10N> ... 0000 00 D3A9CE ER End resource <C0ARI10N> 0000 00 D3A9C6 ERG End resource group <........> Fig. 27 76 652 666 667 Resource Object file Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams CIS may be used to enrich an existing print application by inserting different data objects at levels such as Page, Sheet, Mail piece or Document. The objects types that may be inserted during data enrichment operations include: • • • • • • Text strings and Marks (PTOCA) Bar Codes (BCOCA) Index tag elements (TLE) Graphics (GOCA) Object containers (OCA and non-OCA) Finishing operations (UP³I based) Data enrichment consists of inserting (or removing) information stored in a print file, after the file was generated. With CIS, the application programs do not need to be changed; the application jobs do not need to be rerun; the print file does not need to be re-created. Data enrichment may be used in combination with other CIS features. As Fig. 4 on page 32 shows, the internal CIS data enrichment process is divided in two parts: a removal phase and an insertion phase. The objects selected for removal are deleted as the input data is converted and normalized. Object insertion occurs later in the workflow, after the normalization, selection and sorting steps are completed. CIS requires some definitions to be done before an input print file can be enriched. These definitions identify the kind of data enrichment operation to be applied (e.g. a bar code or a graphic box), the location in the print file where the operation is to be inserted (e.g. in the front page of every document) and the data to be inserted (e.g. the bar code value). These definitions are done using one of the following keywords by specifying them in the control file: 1. Define the kind of data enrichment operation to be applied, including formatting keywords (if any): define2DDataMatrix define2DQRCode defineCIRCLE defineCURVE defineLINE define2DMaxiCode defineBCOCA defineCOLOR defineELLIPSE defineMEDIUMMAP define2DPDF417 defineBOX defineCONTAINER defineFINISHINGOP definePTOCA 2. Specify the location within the file and the data value to be inserted (if any): insertBCOCA insertCONTAINER insertFINISHINGOP insertPTOCA Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 insertBOX insertCURVE insertINDEX insertPTOCANOP Developer's edition insertCIRCLE insertELLIPSE insertLINE insertSHEET 77 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide For more flexibility, the defineLEVEL keyword can be used to specify which AFP entity(ies) are going to be enriched and when. 3. Define the kind of data objects to be removed: removeBCOCA removeCONTAINER removeFINISHINGOP removeMEDIUMMAP removeBOX removeCURVE removeINDEX removePTOCA removeCIRCLE removeELLIPSE removeLINE removeSHEET The data enrichment process in CIS is done as requested by the user. CIS cannot guarantee that the requested function is printable under all circumstances as this is dependent on the combination of keywords, variable data and printer equipment being used. This section provides information and shows some examples on how to use the CIS data enrichment features. 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS Before a data enrichment operation can be done, CIS needs to know what is going to be enriched and where. The DEFINELEVEL keyword is used for this purpose, and allows an installation to define what, where and which entity(ies) are to be enriched. Fig. 28 on page 78 shows the combination of data enrichment operation, entity and location which are supported by CIS. In the case of Finishing Operations, the level also determines the scope of the operation, that is, how long should it be applied. CIS level definition works on the base of information units called entities. The entities available for data enrichment operations are document, sheet-group, sheet, and page. Please refer to 7 Glossary on page 461 for a definition of these terms. CIS also provides a number of pre-defined levels. Please refer to 4.4.5 Predefined Levels on page 165 for a list of the pre-defined levels available. Fig. 29 shows the combination of entity, selector and location parameters allowed in a DEFINELEVEL keyword used in connection with data enrichment. defineLEVEL ( backSheetSide, SHEET, BACK, ALL ) defineLEVEL ( mpBackSide,GROUPLEVEL1, BACK, ALL ) defineLEVEL ( docFront,DOCUMENT, FRONT, ALL ) Fig. 28 Example: CIS data enrichment levels Example: 78 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Fig. 28 shows an example which: 1. Defines level 'backSheetSide' to be the back side of every sheet: 2. Defines level ' mpBackSide ' to be back side of the last sheet of every mailpiece: 3. Defines level 'docFront' to be front side of the first sheet of every document: Operation • "which" D DOCUMENT D GROUPLEVELn D SHEET D D D D D D PAGE D ALL BEGIN END FRONT BACK ALL D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D D D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN FRONT BACK D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN Indexing objects insertINDEX • "where" Presentation objects: insertBCOCA, insertBOX, insertCIRCLE, insertCONTAINER, insertCURVE, insertELLIPSE, insertLINE, insertPTOCA, insertPTOCANOP • "what" D D D D DOCUMENT GROUPLEVELn GROUPLEVEL1 SHEET D D D D BEGIN, END BEGIN END BEGIN, END D PAGE D ALL D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D DOCUMENT D GROUPLEVELn D SHEET D ALL D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD Finishing Operations insertFINISHINGOP Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 79 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Operation "what" "where" "which" D EVEN • Other insertSHEET Fig. 29 3.8.2 D DOCUMENT D BEGIN D END D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D GROUPLEVELn D D D D BEGIN END BEFORE AFTER D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D SHEET D BEFORE D AFTER D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN CIS data enrichment: levels allowed Reference point used for positioning data enrichment objects In the MO:DCA architecture, the position and orientation of a BCOCA, PTOCA and other presentation objects is specified using xp , yp co-ordinates that have the Page Origin as reference point (where both co-ordinate values are zero). Similarly, an application (FormDef) specifies the position of the Page Origin using xm , ym co-ordinates that have the Media Origin as reference point. CIS requires that the position and orientation specified in the data enrichment keywords (defineBCOCA, defineCONTAINER and definePTOCA) use the Media Origin as reference point (there is one exception in case of NUP, see below). By doing this, an installation can specify a position that is independent of the Page Origin which normally changes from application to application. Which corner is actually used depends on the medium type (fanfold or cut-sheet), dimensions (fanfold wide or fanfold narrow), presentation (landscape, portrait) and type of partitioning (1UP, X2UP, CSE) being used. The position of a BCOCA, Container or 80 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS PTOCA object inserted by CIS is specified either as a position (offset) relative to the Media Origin or as a position relative to the Partition Origin, depending on the NUP settings in the FormDef and on the data enrichment level specified in the insertBCOCA, insertCONTAINER and insertPTOCA keywords. In the case of non-NUP print files, the Media Origin, as defined by the MO:DCA architecture, is used as reference point for all data enrichment entities (DOC, MP, SH and PAG). Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 81 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide LANDSCAPE 90 0 ,0 0 ,0 P O R T R A IT P O R T R A IT 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 ,0 LANSCAPE 90 LANDSCAPE 90 LANDSCAPE 90 0 ,0 0,0 LANDSCAPE 0,0 0,0 LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE 0,0 LANDSCAPE 0 ,0 LANDSCAPE 0,0 0 ,0 P O R T R A IT LANDSCAPE 90 0,0 PORTRAIT 0 ,0 P O R T R A IT PORTRAIT 90 0,0 PORTRAIT 90 LANDSCAPE 180 0,0 0,0 0,0 P O R T R A IT C ut sheet PORTRAIT 0,0 0,0 PORTRAIT 90 PORTRAIT 90 0,0 0,0 0 ,0 0 ,0 PORTRAIT 180 LANDSCAPE 180 0 ,0 0 ,0 P O R T R A IT 0 ,0 P O R T R A IT 180 P O R T R A IT 180 0 ,0 0,0 P O R T R A IT 180 LANDSCAPE 180 P O R T R A IT F a n fo ld n a rro w 0,0 0 ,0 0,0 F a n fo ld w id e (X 2 U P ) PORTRAIT 0 ,0 LANDSCAPE 180 F a n fo ld w id e P O R T R A IT 180 P O R T R A IT 9 0 LANDSCAPE 180 0 ,0 LANDSCAPE 90 0,0 0,0 LANDSCAPE 0 ,0 0 ,0 0,0 LANSCAPE 90 LANSCAPE 90 LANDSCAPE 0,0 LANDSCAPE 0,0 LAN D SC APE 90 LANDSCAPE 90 0 ,0 0 ,0 0 ,0 LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE PORTRAIT 90 0,0 PORTRAIT 180 F a n fo ld w id e (N U P -4 ) 0 ,0 0,0 LANDSCAPE 180 LANDSCAPE 180 PORTRAIT 180 P O R T R A IT 1 8 0 0 ,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 LA N D SC A PE 180 PORTRAIT 90 0 ,0 F a n fo ld w id e (N U P -2 ) P O R T R A IT 180 P O R T R A IT 180 0 ,0 0 ,0 Fig. 30 82 P O R T R A IT 9 0 0 ,0 PORTRAIT 90 0,0 LANDSCAPE 180 0,0 LANDSCAPE 180 F a n fo ld w id e (C S E ) P O R T R A IT 9 0 0,0 0 ,0 C ut sheet (N U P -2 ) Media Origin for data enrichment Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS In the case of NUP print files, the Media Origin is used as reference point when inserting data enrichment objects at the document, mailpiece or sheet levels (DOC, MP and SH). The Partition Origin is used for all data enrichment operations in an NUP file when page level is requested (PAG). Following the AFP/IPDS rules, CIS considers the two sheetlets in a X2UP or CSE sheet as if they were two separate pieces of cut-sheet media and defines two different Media Origin points. This is not the case of NUP printed sheets where only one Media Origin is defined, regardless of the number of partitions being printed on the sheet. Fig. 30 Media Origin for data enrichment on page 82 shows the Media Origin for the most common paper and partitioning formats. A much more comprehensive list of examples can be found in [18] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) under “Cut-Sheet Emulation Print mode” and under “Page Position PGP”. 3.8.3 Inserting and Removing Text Objects (PTOCA) CIS may be used to insert text strings into an existing print file. For example: • A print file requires sorting and a footnote added to every sheet displaying the new page sequence. • Data selection is done and every Mail Piece selected is to display its new number and size in sheets. • A print shop wants to display the actual printing/archiving date and not the date the application was run. • A bar code is to be printed using special fonts. This technique is used when the printer (or viewer) does not support BCOCA objects. • Information only available in the Index Tag Elements (TLE’s) contained in the print file is to be viewed or printed. • A message, advertisement, or any other kind of text string should be printed. This strings are inserted as Presentation Text Objects embedded in a Transparent Data (TRN) escape sequence. For this reason, the string should only contain printable data. Any control sequence it may include are handled as such. Any of the formatting options described under 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 can be used. The INSERTPTOCANOP keyword can be used to request CIS to insert the Presentation Text Object embedded in a No Operation (NOP) escape sequence. Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60 and the indexing keywords shown in Fig. 16, an installation wants to add a footnote to every sheet. The footnote will be used by the printer operators to clearly identify the printed material. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 83 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide The text should display, for every mail piece, the account number, the sheet number, the total number of sheets in the mail piece, and the actual date. The new text is in German and is printed using a very small font. The position where the text is printed is normally specified using the Media Origin as reference point (see 3.8.2 Reference point used for positioning data enrichment objects on page 80 for more information). Fig. 31 shows the control file required for our example. The INITVARIABLES keyword is used to set initial values for the date variables. The information contained in each FIELD is defined next. Field “accountF” is shown in Fig. 16. The definePTOCA keyword is used to define the characteristics of the text to be inserted (e.g. position, rotation, color, font used, etc.). It also assigns a name to the PTOCA definition. The removePTOCA keyword is used to remove previous inserts (e.g. to update the date or change the language). Finally, the insertPTOCA (or insertPTOCANOP) keyword specifies the user defined level and the formatting options for the string to be inserted. PTOCA objects may be inserted in Document, Mail Piece, Sheet or Page entities. Where inside the entity and on which entities the data enrichment operation will be applied is defined using the DEFINELEVEL keyword. The USEREXIT parameter allows an installation to dynamically generate the text string to be inserted (see 5.8 PTOCA-insertion exit on page 305 for more information). Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. initVARIABLES ( _dateDD = 20, _dateMM = 01, _dateYYYY = 2001 ) FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD ( ( ( ( ( ( sheetNumber, _outSheetNumberInMailPiece ) numberOfSheets, _outNumberOfSheetsInMailPiece ) day, _dateDD ) month, _dateMM ) year, _dateYYYY ) accountINDEX, 'ACCOUNT', ATT ) definePTOCA ( 'footNote', /* Name of this PTOCA definition MM, /* size and position unit */ 100, /* X offset from Media Origin */ 270, /* Y offset from Media Origin */ , /* rotation (default = 0°) */ , /* color (default = black) */ X0MYFONT, /* Coded Font to be used */ IBM_0273 /* Code Page required by this font */ ) removePTOCA ( 'footNote' ) */ /* Remove PTOCA before inserting new */ insertPTOCA ( 'footNote', SH, '%s * Sheet %d of %d * printed at %02.2d.%02.2d.%04.4d', accountINDEX, sheetNumber, 84 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS numberOfSheets, day, month, year ) Fig. 31 Insert and Remove PTOCA keywords Inserting and/or removing PTOCA objects only applies to the print file and not to the resources it may use. Fig. 32 shows the resulting text string: 14034350 * Seite 3 von 5 * Gedruckt am 20.01.2001 Fig. 32 3.8.4 Insert PTOCA keywords: resulting string Inserting and Removing Bar Code Objects (BCOCA) Bar Code insertion in CIS works in a way similar to the insertion of text strings. The important difference: the objects inserted are embedded in BCOCA structured fields which are built according to the specifications in the CIS Control file. FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD ( ( ( ( ( ( jobID, 'JOB00123' ) mpNum, _outMailPieceNumber ) mpSize, _outNumberOfSheetsInMailPiece ) shNum, _outSheetNumberInMailPiece ) pagNum, _outPageNumber ) accountINDEX, 'ACCOUNT', ATT ) defineBCOCA ( 'mailPieceBC', /* Name of this BCOCA definition MM, /* size and position unit */ 50, /* X offset from Media Origin */ 50, /* Y offset from Media Origin */ , /* rotation (default = 0°) */ , /* color (default = black) */ , /* type */ , /* modifier */ ON, /* HRI specification */ , /* start/stop characters (CODE39) */ 10, /* height specification */ , /* module width */ 100, /* width ratio */ Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition */ 85 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide /* code page ID */ ) defineBCOCA ( 'sheetBC', /* MM, /* size and 10, /* X offset 100, /* Y offset 270, /* rotation , , , ON, , 10, , 100, ) Name of this BCOCA definition position unit */ from Media Origin */ from Media Origin */ (default = 0°) */ */ defineBCOCA ( 'pageBC', MM, 60, 100, , , DATAMAT, 0, , , , , , ) define2DDataMatrix ( 'pageBC', /* Name corresponding to defineBCOCA YES, /* escape-sequence handling */ NO, /* EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation */ 0, /* matrix row size */ 0, /* number of rows */ 0, /* sequence indicator */ 0, /* total number of symbols */ 0x01, /* high-order byte */ 0x01, /* low-order byte */ /* function flags (default = no flags specified */ ) removeBCOCA ( 'mailPieceBC', 'sheetBC' ) /* Remove BCOCA objects */ */ insertBCOCA ( 'mailPieceBC', MP, '%s%s%06.6d%02.2d', jobID, accountINDEX, mpNum, mpSize ) insertBCOCA ( 'sheetBC', SH, '%06.6d%02.2d', mpNum, shNum ) insertBCOCA ( 'pageBC', PAG, '%s%06.6d', jobID, pagNum ) Fig. 33 Insert and Remove BCOCA keywords The defineBCOCA keyword allows an installation to specify the characteristics of the Bar Code Object to be inserted, and includes information such as type, position, orientation, color, height, width ratio, etc. The insertBCOCA keyword specifies the level and the contents of the bar code to be inserted. BCOCA objects may be inserted in Document, Mail Piece, Sheet or Page entities. Where inside the entity and on which entities the data enrichment operation will 86 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS be applied is defined using the DEFINELEVEL keyword. The string parameter is used as template and is merged with the data fields specified. Any of the formatting options described under 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 can be used. The USEREXIT parameter allows an installation to dynamically generate the contents of the BCOCA object be inserted (see 5.7 BCOCA-insertion exit on page 303 for more information). Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. The removeBCOCA keyword can be used to remove existing BCOCA objects. Bar Code removal is done using the name specification. It requires that the existing objects in the print file were clearly labeled by the application program, and that the labels are consistently used in the whole print file. Inserting and/or removing BCOCA objects only applies to the print file and not to the resources it may use. More information about the BCOCA architecture can be found in [12] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). The Code Page support provided in connection with bar codes remove bar code type dependencies from an application and allows installations to adjust their print output to different Bar Code standards without having to modify the application programs. With this support, an EBCDIC print file may be enhanced with bar codes requiring ASCII data having CIS doing the necessary code page translation. (refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33 for more information). The position where the bar code is printed is normally specified using the Media Origin as reference point (see 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page 78 for more information). Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60 and the indexing parameters shown in Fig. 16, an installation wants to add bar codes to every mail piece and to every sheet. The Mail Piece level bar codes should contain an installation defined Job ID, the account number, the Mail Piece number and the number of sheets in the Mail Piece. The Sheet level bar codes should contain the Mail Piece number and the relative Sheet number within the Mail Piece. The CIS control file specifications are shown in Fig. 33. Fig. 34 shows the resulting bar code data. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 87 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide sheetBC: mailPieceBC: pageBC: Fig. 34 3.8.5 Insert and Remove BCOCA keywords: resulting strings Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) Graphics insertion in CIS works in a way similar to the insertion of bar codes or text strings, with the difference that not one but a whole group of keywords is available for defining, inserting and removing the graphic objects. These keywords are explained below. Standard (closed) figures The defineBOX, defineCIRCLE and defineELLIPSE keywords allow an installation to specify the characteristics of the rectangular, circular and elliptical figures that are to be inserted in form of GOCA objects. They include information such as position, size, line type and width, fill color and pattern , etc. The origin used as reference point for positioning the graphic objects is described in detail under 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page 78. The insertBOX, insertCIRCLE and insertELLIPSE keywords specify the level for the graphic object to be inserted. GOCA objects may be inserted in Document, Mail Piece, Sheet or Page entities. Where inside the entity and on which entities the data enrichment operation will be applied is defined using the defineLEVEL keyword. 88 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS The removeBOX, removeCIRCLE and removeELLIPSE keywords can be used to remove existing GOCA objects. Only boxes, circles or ellipses previously inserted using the corresponding INSERT keyword can be removed. Inserting and/or removing GOCA objects only apply to the print file and not to the resources it may use. More information about the GOCA architecture can be found in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). Example: Fig. 35 lists the keywords required to obtain the results shown in 0. DefineBOX( 'Box1', cm, 15, 4, 4, 12, , 7, 15, green, 1, , , 0x10, white ) DefineBOX( 'Box2', cm, 3,13, 5, 15, none, 8, , , 4, 3, 0, 11, red ) DefineBOX( 'Box3', cm, 17,17,19, 20, none, , , , , , , , ) DefineCIRCLE( 'Circle1', mm, 40, 40, 25, 3, 15, blue, , , , 8, yellow ) DefineELLIPSE( 'Ellipse1',cm, 5, 20, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0x07, 8, red, 2, 5, 0,0x10, green ) InsertBOX( 'Box1', PAG ) InsertBOX( 'Box2', PAG ) InsertBOX( 'Box3', PAG ) InsertCIRCLE( 'Circle1', PAG ) InsertELLIPSE( 'Ellipse1', PAG ) Fig. 35 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Example: defineBOX, defineCIRCLE and defineELLIPSE keywords Developer's edition 89 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 MEDIUM 1 1,1 PAGE PRESENTATION SPACE 2 3 InsertCircle('Circle1',PAG) 4 15,4 4, 4 5 6 7 InsertBox('Box1',PAG) 8 9 10 11 4,12 12 13 14 3,13 6,13 InsertBox('B ox2',PAG) 9,13 Box2 Copy 2 12,13 Box2 Copy 3 Box2 Copy 4 15 5,15 8,15 11,15 14,15 16 17,17 17 18 This box is outside the Page Presentation space and will be rejected InsertBox(' Box3,PAG) 19 20 21 Fig. 36 90 Example: defineBOX, defineCIRCLE and defineELLIPSE results Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Non-standard (open or closed) figures Open figures can be draw using the defineCURVE and defineLINE keywords by specifying different start/end points. These keywords may also be used to draw nonstandard closed figures by specifying the same start/end points. Each of these figures may contain up to 62 segments, and are inserted in form of GOCA objects. The origin used as reference point for positioning the graphic objects is described in detail under 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page 78. The insertCURVE and insertLINE keywords specify the level for the graphic object to be inserted. GOCA objects may be inserted in Document, Mail Piece, Sheet or Page entities. Where inside the entity and on which entities the data enrichment operation will be applied is defined using the DEFINELEVEL keyword. The removeCURVE and removeLINE keywords can be used to remove existing GOCA objects. Only curves or lines previously inserted using the corresponding INSERT keyword can be removed. Inserting and/or removing GOCA objects only applies to the print file and not to the resources it may use. More information about the GOCA architecture can be found in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). Example: Fig. 37 lists the keywords required to obtain the results shown in 0. defineLINE ( 'Linie1', cm, 4,12, 12, 4, 7,15, green, 1, , , , ) defineLINE ( 'Linie2', cm, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 6, 7, 3,10, red, , , , 16, yellow ) defineLINE ( 'Linie3', cm, 3,13, 3, 18, 1, 8, black, 4, 2, 0, , ) defineLINE ( 'Linie4', mm,130,60,160, 60, , , , 4, 0, 2, , ) defineLINE ( 'Linie5', cm, 12,15, 12, 16, 13, 17, 16, 17, 17, 16, 17, 15, 7,10, blue, , , , , ) DefineCurve ( 'curv01', , 240, 240, 120, 240, 300, 300, , , , , , , , ) InsertLINE ( 'Linie1', PAG ) InsertLINE ( 'Linie2', PAG ) InsertLINE ( 'Linie3', PAG ) InsertLINE ( 'Linie4', PAG ) InsertLINE ( 'Linie5', PAG ) InsertCurve ( 'curv01', PAG ) Fig. 37 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Example: defineCURVE and defineLINE keywords Developer's edition 91 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 0 MEDIUM 1 1,1 PAGE PRESENTATION SPACE 2 3,3 6,3 3 12,4 4 InsertLine('Linie2', PAG) 5 3,5 InsertLine('Linie4', PAG) 130,60 6 G ) 2 cm 1' ,P A 7 in ie 6,7 t(' L Linie4 Copy1 In se r 8 160,60 9 Linie4 Copy2 10 11 Linie4 Copy3 12 4,12 3,13 13 17 Linie3 Copy 3 Linie3 Copy 2 16 Linie3 Copy 1 15 InsertLine('Linie3',PAG) 2cm 14 17,15 12,15 17,16 12,16 InsertLine('Line5',PAG) 13,17 16,17 18 3,18 19 20 21 Fig. 38 92 Example: defineCURVE, defineLINE results Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.8.6 Inserting and Removing Index tag Elements (TLE's) CIS offers two ways of adding Index information to an existing print file: 1. Using the TRIGGER, INDEX and FIELD keywords as explained under 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index data on page 55. 2. Using the FIELD and insertINDEX keywords as described below. In the first case, the indexing information is obtained from the print data. CIS uses the TRIGGER keyword to define a reference point, and the FIELD keyword to define one or more data fields used to build the index record. In the second case, the indexing information is not obtained from the print data. It is obtained from the CIS processing variables and, if requested, from already existing index tags. The FIELD and insertINDEX keywords are used for this purpose. The removeINDEX keyword can be used to remove existing index tags, regardless of the method used to insert them. The USEREXIT parameter of the insertINDEX keyword allows an installation to dynamically generate the index to be inserted (see 5.10 INDEX-insertion exit on page 309 for more information). Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. The Code Page support provided in connection with Index insertion allows installations to generate Index Tag Elements using different data encoding schemes. With this support, an EBCDIC print file may be enhanced with TLE’s displaying ASCII encoded information, having CIS doing the necessary code page translation. (refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33 for more information). The indexCP keyword is used to specify the Code Page to be used to generate the TLE’s inserted in an CIS run. Already existing TLE’s maintain their original encoding. Example: An installation wants to extend the example shown in Fig. 33 so that the print file is viewed online. The online user should have fast online access to the Mail Pieces and Sheets. The data reported from Bar Code readers will be used to do the inquiry. In this case, the insertINDEX keyword of CIS can be used to generate the required indexing information so that any AFP viewer is able to handle the task. Fig. 39 shows the keywords required. Index Tag Elements may be inserted at in Document, Mail Piece, Sheet or Page entities. In the case of Documents, the TLE’s are inserted in the first Mail Piece. In case of Sheet levels, the TLE’s are inserted in the first logical page. The string parameter is used as template and is merged with the data fields specified. Any of the formatting options described under 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 can be used. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 93 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide As Fig. 4 on page 32 shows, the Index insertion process takes place after the normalization, selection and sorting steps are completed. For this reason, it is not possible to use the Index Tag Elements inserted with the insertINDEX keyword to control the selection or sorting process of the same CIS run. Splitting the index insertion and sorting processes in two CIS runs will bypass this problem. indexCP ( IBM_0500 ) /* Code Page specification */ removeINDEX ( 'mailPieceINDEX', 'sheetINDEX' ) insertINDEX ( 'mailPieceINDEX', MP, '%s%s%06.6d%02.2d', jobID, accountF, mpNum, mpSize ) insertINDEX ( 'sheetINDEX', SH, '%06.6d%02.2d', mpNum, shNum ) Fig. 39 3.8.7 Insert and Remove Index Tag Elements Inserting and Removing AFP Object Containers The data enrichment support in CIS includes support for Object Containers. Object Containers are MO:DCA objects that envelop and carry object data. The Object Containers supported by CIS data enrichment operations must be presentation objects (printable), must be paginated (constrained to a single page) and must be time-invariant (do not change). Object Container insertion in CIS works in a way similar to the insertion of other MO:DCA objects such as text strings, bar codes (BCOCA) or graphics (GOCA). The defineCONTAINER keyword allows an installation to specify the characteristics of the Object Container to be inserted, including information such as position, size, orientation, color, type, fileName, etc. The origin used as reference point for positioning the container data is described in detail under 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page 78. The insertCONTAINER keyword specifies the level controlling the insert operation. Object Containers may be inserted in Document, Page Group, Sheet or Page entities. Where inside the entity and on which entities the data enrichment operation will be applied is defined using the DEFINELEVEL keyword. The contents of the Object Container is static (printable, single page, time invariant). The types of Object Container supported 94 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS include OCA objects (such as Page Segments, GOCA graphics, BCOCA bar codes and IOCA images) and non-OCA objects (such as Encapsulated Post Script, TIFF images and JPEG images in file interchange format). Non-OCA objects may be already embedded in a MO:DCA container envelop or may get the envelop automatically created by CIS. The USEREXIT parameter allows an installation to dynamically generate the contents of the Object Container to be inserted (see 5.11 ObjectContainer-insertion exit on page 311 for more information). The removeCONTAINER keyword can be used to remove existing Objects. Object Container removal is done using the name specification. It requires that the existing objects in the print file were clearly labeled by the application program, and that the labels are consistently used in the whole print file. Object Container insertion is done in two steps (Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the CIS internal workflow): 1. The normalization step locates the Object file defined using the DEFINECONTAINER keyword and builds the Object Container resource. This step also builds or modifies the MO:DCA envelope with the parameters from DEFINECONTAINER. The resulting resource file is handled as a normal AFP resource and is automatically included in the Resource Object file (see RESOBJDD and RESTYPE keywords). 2. The data enrichment step at the beginning of the conversion phase identifies the entity(ies) where the Object Container is to be inserted, and adds an Include Object (IOB) structured field immediately after the Active Environment Group (AEG) of the target page. The standard IOB inserted by CIS will use the origin, orientation and other parameters from the Object Container resource (which was modified to match the DEFINECONTAINER parameters). In case a USEREXIT is active, the parameters modified by the exit are set in the IOB so that they override the object parameters. In case of exits inserting non-OCA data, the CIS conversion phase automatically creates an AFP Object Container envelope for the data which is then inserted directly after the AEG of the target page. No IOB is used in this case. The Object Container is not included in the Resource Object file. Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. In case of a name conflict -when an Object Container with the same name is already present in the print file- CIS replaces the existing container with the new one. Any references to the old container will now use the new one. removeCONTAINER ( 'photo1' ) defineCONTAINER ( 'photo1', MM, 100, 50, 20, 20, 0x60, 1, 1, 0, none, TIFF, SOFT, MYFILE.A.PDS(PHOTO1) ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 95 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide insertCONTAINER ( 'photo1', MP ) Fig. 40 Insert and Remove Object Containers More information about Object Containers can be found in [18] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) 3.8.8 Inserting and Removing additional Sheets The Sheet insertion functionality of CIS allows installations to add use extra sheets such as those coming from an interposer or from a set of tab-sheets, without having to change the original application. It consists of the following keywords: The defineMEDIUMMAP keyword allows an installation to specify the characteristics of the Medium Map to be used for the sheet being inserted. A Medium Map includes information such as Input and Output Bin, Simplex/Duplex, Landscape/Portrait, number of sheet copies, Medium Overlays, etc. This keyword may be used to define a new Medium Map or to modify the characteristics of an existing one. The new Medium Map is inserted as CIS processes the first external resource group (if any). In case of resource consolidation (see 3.7 How to Retrieve and Consolidate AFP Resources on page 69), CIS will automatically rename a Medium Map with the same name starting with the second external resource group to be processed (the rename is done after applying the parameters of the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP). In case of tab-printing in connection with Océ VarioPrint printers, the INBIN parameter of one or more defineMEDIUMMAP keywords can be used to specify the virtual bin ID of each of the tab sheets to be inserted. The UP3ImediaSetCount and UP3ImediaOrderedSetPiece sub-parameters of the MEDIAATTRIBUTES parameter of the defineMEDIUMMAP keyword can be used to select the tab-sheets based on their media attributes as opposed to using predefined bin numbers. Please check the documentation of your printer for information on which method of tab-printing selection is supported. The insertSHEET keyword specifies the level and the Medium Map controlling the insert operation. Sheets may be inserted in Document, Page Group or Sheet entities. Where inside the entity and on which entities the insert sheet operation will be applied is defined using the DEFINELEVEL keyword. The characteristics of the sheet and any constant data it should contain is determined by the Medium Map used. The sheets are directly inserted in the entity. A page-group envelope, grouping all of the pages for the sheet, is not generated. Inserted sheets may also contain variable data (optional). In this case, the inserted sheet must be defined as a target entity using the DEFINELEVEL keyword, and one or more data enrichment keywords (such as INSERTBCOCA, INSERTPTOCA, INSERTBOX, 96 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS INSERTCIRCLE, INSERTCONTAINER, INSERTCURVE, INSERTELLIPSE, or INSERTLINE) may be used to place variable data in the page(s) contained in the new sheet. The INSERTFINISHINGOP and INSERTINDEX keywords may also be applied to a sheet inserted by CIS. The removeMEDIUMMAP keyword can be used to remove existing Medium Maps. This is done using the name specification. It can be used, in combination with DEFINEMEDIUMMAP, to replace existing Medium Maps. The removeSHEET keyword can be used to remove sheets. Only sheets previously inserted using the INSERTSHEET keyword can be removed. defineLEVEL ( COVER, DOCUMENT, BEGIN, ALL ) defineMEDIUMMAP ( 'MMAP1', DUPLEX(NO) INBIN(20) PRESENTATION(PORTRAIT) ) insertSHEET ( 'coverLetter', COVER, 'MMAP1' ) defineLEVEL ( COVERLETTER, SHEET, FRONT, 'coverLetter' ) definePTOCA ( 'COVERTEXT', , 50, 20, 0, , X0GT10, IBM_0500 ) insertPTOCA ( 'COVERTEXT', COVERLETTER, 'This is a cover sheet' ) Fig. 41 Insert and Remove EXTRA sheets Sheet insertion is done during the normal data enrichment process (see Fig. 4 CIS internal workflow on page 32). The content of all Input-file-related CIS processing variable is undefined for an inserted sheet (see 6.2 Appendix B: CIS processing variables on page 331 for more information). 3.8.9 Inserting and Removing Finishing Operation triplets (UP³I) The UP³I interface (Universal Printer-, Pre- and Post-processing Interface) is an "intelligent", open standard defined by the UP³I Core Group in 2000. Today, an operator has to enter job setup information manually on each system component separately – and each of these components (pre- or post- processors) could have a different design of user interface. Via the UP³I Manager, the communications interface between the system components, UP³I will make it possible to use central, unified control facilities for entering the job setup information, enabling remote control of every component in the printing process chain – from the printer through to the trimmer and binding equipment. The unified look & feel and the intuitive handling of all devices will minimize the cost of training operators and reduced make-ready time. More information about the UP³I Interface can be found in http://www.up3i.org and in [18] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). CIS may be used to add finishing operations such as cut, staple, stack, fold or punch to an existing print file, without having to change the original application. The support provided by CIS is based on the UP³I Interface V1.03, and includes: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 97 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • Insert a single Finishing Operation for a sheet, mail piece or document. • Insert nested Finishing Operations for mail pieces and documents. CIS takes care of all the changes required to the Medium Map(s) associated to the entity being enriched, including the generation and insertion of the UP³I Finishing Operation triplet 0x8e. In case of nested operations, CIS generates the Begin and Continuation Medium Maps as required and modifies the Medium Map invocations (IMM structured fields) in the print data stream to match the new names. In summary, CIS simplifies the implementation of applications using UP³I Finishing Operations. The defineFINISHINGOP keyword is used to define the type (e.g. fold, staple, cut, trim, rotate, punch, bind, etc.) and characteristics (e.g. fold signature, number of stitches, cross/separation cut, etc.) of the UP³I Finishing Operation to be applied. It also assigns a name to the operation. The insertFINISHINGOP keyword identifies the level (e.g. sheet, mail piece or document) at which the operation is to be applied. In combination with the insertSHEET keyword, it allows an installation to add cover letters and to include them in the finished output (see 3.8.8 Inserting and Removing additional Sheets on page 96 for more information). The USEREXIT parameter allows an installation to dynamically modify the parameters (type, position, etc.) of the finishing operation to be inserted (see 5.12 UP³I Finishing Operationinsertion exit on page 314 for more information). Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. The removeFINISHINGOP keyword can be used to remove previous finishing operations present in the input print file. The use of the insertFINISHINGOP keyword causes CIS to automatically remove any finishing triplet (0x85 or 0x8e) which may exist in the input print file. The Finishing Operations defined in UP³I are based on the Printer Finishing MIB. The following definitions were copied from the Printer Finishing MIB RFC (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3806.txt): BANDING: Band Wrap: BINDING: Adhesive Binding: A method of attaching sheets together to form a book or booklet using glue or adhesive. Some adhesive binding methods apply the glue to sheets individually, before merging them together for form a book, but most methods involve the application of adhesive to an entire book of sheets. Comb Binding: 98 Developer's edition Bundling a finished stack to prepare for shipment. Also known as Strap Wrap. A method of binding in which a series Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS of small rectangular holes is placed along the bind edge of the sheets. The sheets are then held together using a tube shaped plastic binding strip with comb like fingers that fit through the holes in the sheets. CUTTING: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Spiral Binding: Sometimes referred to as wire binding, this binding method is a mechanical bind in which the individual leaves are held together by a wire or plastic spiral that is fed through small holes in the paper binding edge. Padding: Applying a non-penetrating adhesive to the edge of a stack of sheets such that the sheets can be easily peeled off one at a time. Frequently used for forms. Velo Binding: A bind formed by punching holes into the edge of the sheets, placing a two piece plastic strip (one side formed with plastic pins that pass through the holes) along the edge and then staking the two pieces together. Perfect Binding: A method of binding in which all pages are cut and roughed up at the back or binding edge and held together by an adhesive. Tape Binding: The act of placing tape over the bind edge of a set. Sometimes contains adhesive to provide a functional bind to the set, and sometimes done for decorative purposes on a set that has been edge stapled. Tab Cutting: The act of cutting the edge of a sheet to form an index tab, thereby allowing quick identification and access. The external tabs are sequentially placed along the book edge for visibility and ease of grasping. Perforating: The act of cutting a series of very small, closely spaced holes or slots into a sheet to allow for ease of separation of a portion of the sheet. Sometimes Developer's edition 99 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide also used to ease bending/hinging of heavy weight papers. Scoring: A means of applying small linear grooves or impressions along a sheet to allow easy folding. Often used on heavy weight sheets and book covers. Z Fold: A fold in which two folds are placed in the sheet in opposite directions. The first fold is located at 25% of the sheet length, and the second is located at 50% of the sheet length (e.g., the center of the sheet). Z Folding is often used on 11x17 inch or A3 size sheets, when they are included in sets containing 8.5x11 inch or A4 size sheets. Half Fold: To fold a sheet in half so that one of the resulting dimensions are exactly half the original sheet. Often used for signatures or booklets. Letter Fold: Folding a sheet roughly in thirds. Usually performed on 8.5x11 inch or A4 size sheets for insertion into an envelope. Signature: The process by which images are placed on a large sheet of paper in correct panel areas and in the proper orientation such that when the sheet is folded it will produce a booklet with each page in the proper order and orientation. ROTATING: Sheet Rotator: A device that rotates each sheet as received from the Media Path to the proper orientation for the finisher processing. SLITTING: Slitting: The action of cutting apart a large sheet to form smaller sheets. Usually done using a sharp circular roll system. STITCHING/ STAPLING: Staple: The process of binding a set of sheets together using a 'U' shaped piece of metal wire that is punched through the FOLDING: 100 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS set. The ends of the metal staple are then bent over, or 'clinched' to hold the staple in place. Technically the term 'stapler' refers to devices that use precut metal staples, but the term is also commonly used to refer to devices that use wire spools and then cut/form the staple. (see the definition of Stitch) TRIMMING: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Stitch: The process of binding a set of sheets together using a 'U' shaped piece of metal wire that is punched through the set. The wire used to form the staple is cut and formed into a 'U' shape in the stitcher head, and the staple 'leg' length is often varied depending on the number of sheets to be bound together. The ends of the metal staple are bent over, or 'clinched' to hold the staple in place. Stitching can also refer to the process of sewing the edges of the signatures of a book together. Saddle Stitch: The process of stapling a set along its center line as part of a booklet making process. Usually 2 or 3 staples are used. Dual Stapling: The process of placing 2 staples along the bind edge of a set. The staples are typically located at 25% and 75% of the length of the bind edge. Although dual stapling is often performed on the long edge of a set, legal documents are frequently dual stapled along the top, or short edge of the set. Triple Stapling: Same as above, but using 3 staples along the bind edge, and usually applies to the long edge only. Trim: To cut the edges of a sheet or set of sheets. Face Trim: To cut the edges of a set of sheets on a booklet of sheets that have been folded to eliminate the "creep" or edge Developer's edition 101 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide shingling that results from the folding process. WRAPPING Gutter Trim: To cut a larger sheet into smaller sheets eliminating the gutter between adjacent images. This operation requires a minimum of two cuts for each gutter. Shrink Wrap: A wrap of thin plastic which when heated will shrink and wrap tightly around the stack thus preparing it for shipment. More information about the operations and parameters available using the UP³I (including triplet 0x8E and other AFP/IPDS extensions for UP³I) can be found in [18] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465). Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60, an installation wants: • Sort the print file by addressee. • Add a Corner-Staple finishing operation so that all sheets for each account are stapled together. • Consolidate all statements belonging to the same addressee in one mail piece. • Add a cover letter and a flyer to each mail piece in the file. The cover letter includes a coupon which requires a perforation cut. • The output pile is to be shifted left/right between addressees. • The complete output pile is to be foil wrapped. Fig. 42 shows the control file required for this example. Fig. 43 shows the results. FORMDEF ( F1CIS02 ) PAGEDEF ( P1CIS02 ) CC ( ASA ) TRCTYPE ( IBM ) INDEXOBJ ( ALL ) TRIGGER ( account, 7, 63, INDEX ( accountI, INDEX ( nameI, INDEX ( addressI, INDEX ( plzI, 102 *, 1, '10Bank of Yesterday, Inc.', '00001' ) account, 'ACCOUNT', accountF ) account, 'NAME', nameF ) account, 'STREET', addressF ) account, 'PLZ', plzF ) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD ( ( ( ( accountF, 7, 3, 8 ) nameF, 13, 3, 30 ) addressF, 14, 3, 30 ) plzF, 15, 3, 30 ) SORT ( ASC, 'PLZ', 'STREET', 'NAME', 'ACCOUNT' ) MPCONSOLIDATION ( NESTED, 'NAME', 'STREET', 'PLZ' ) /********************* JOB LEVEL OPERATIONS ****************************/ defineLEVEL ( job_Level, DOCUMENT, BEGIN, ALL ) defineFINISHINGOP ( 'jobFO', , SHRINK_WRAP, YES, TOP, , , ) insertFINISHINGOP ( 'jobFO', job_Level ) /********************* CUSTOMER LEVEL OPERATIONS ****************************/ defineLEVEL ( customer_Level_ODD, GROUPLEVEL1, BEGIN, ODD ) defineLEVEL ( customer_Level_EVEN, GROUPLEVEL1, BEGIN, EVEN ) defineFINISHINGOP ( 'customerFOodd' , , OFFSET, LEFT, LEFT, , , ) defineFINISHINGOP ( 'customerFOeven', , OFFSET, RIGHT, RIGHT, , , ) insertFINISHINGOP ( 'customerFOodd', customer_Level_ODD ) insertFINISHINGOP ( 'customerFOeven', customer_Level_EVEN ) defineMEDIUMMAP ( 'MMAP_001', DUPLEX ( NO) PRESENTATION (PORTRAIT) MEDIANAME ( 'MM1' ) MEDIAATTRIBUTES ( ,SATIN;SATIN, ,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ) ) defineMEDIUMMAP ( 'MMAP_002', DUPLEX ( NO) CONSTANT ( FRONT ) PRESENTATION (PORTRAIT) MEDIANAME ( 'MM2' ) MEDIAATTRIBUTES ( 'insert_Sheet_Form_a32454' ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ) ) defineLEVEL ( customer_Level_ODD_1, GROUPLEVEL1, BEFORE, ODD ) defineLEVEL ( customer_Level_EVEN_1, GROUPLEVEL1, BEFORE, EVEN ) defineCONTAINER ( 'coverLetterContainer', MM, 100, 50, 20, 20, 0x60, 0, 0, 0, none, TIFF, SOFT, HLQ.IMAGES(LOGO1) ) insertCONTAINER ( 'coverLetterContainer', job_Level ) insertSHEET ( 'coverLetter', customer_Level_ODD_1, 'MMAP_001' ) insertSHEET ( 'coverLetterSheet', customer_Level_EVEN, 'MMAP_001' ) defineLEVEL ( coverLetter_Level, SHEET, AFTER, 'coverLetterSheet' ) insertSHEET ( 'coverLetterAppendix', coverLetter_Level, 'MMAP_002' ) /************************ ACCOUNT LEVEL OPERATIONS ****************************/ defineLEVEL ( account_Level, GROUPLEVEL2, ALL, ALL ) defineFINISHINGOP ( 'accountFO', , STAPLE, CORNER, TOP_LEFT, , , ) insertFINISHINGOP ( 'accountFO', account_Level ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 103 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Fig. 42 104 Insert UP³I Finishing: sample keywords Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS perforation cut x Customer 1 Cover letter Mrs . Mary Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. 85586 Poing cover letter inserter sheet € 4.023. X left shift corner staple account 1 (stapled) corner staple shrink wrapped Coupon account 2 (stapled) page 1/2 ... page 9/- page 1/2 page 3/4 page 5/6 perforation cut x cover letter inserter sheet Customer 1 Cover letter Mrs . Mary Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. 85586 Poing X € 2.324 account 1 (stapled) page 1/2 page 3/- Fig. 43 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 stapled right shift Coupon Insert UP³I Finishing: sample results Developer's edition 105 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.8.10 Inserting one or more Medium Overlay(s) CIS also supports the insertion of additional Medium Overlays. This feature is especially useful when used in combination with data selection, when testing applications or in case of reprints. It allows installations to add information that helps to identify the printed material. Medium Overlay insertion is done in the FormDef resource. The print file itself is not modified. For this reason, inserting a Medium Overlay requires that the resource packaging process of CIS is active, at least for Form definitions. Fig. 44 Medium Overlay: sample output Example: An installation wants to extend the example shown in Fig. 39 so that the inquiries and possible reprints always indicate that the printed form is not the original. Fig. 45 shows the keywords required to add a medium overlay. Fig. 44 shows the resulting output. 106 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS OVERLAYF ( O1COPY ) OVERLAYB ( O1COPY ) /* Add overlay for front sheet side */ /* Add overlay for back sheet side */ Fig. 45 Insert Medium Overlays 3.8.11 Overriding other FormDef / PageDef parameters CIS can be used to override other FormDef / PageDef parameters when specified together with RESTYPE( ALL ) or RESTYPE( FDEF ). The CHARS keyword is independent of the RESTYPE keyword and, when specified, always overrides the PageDef font list. The same applies to the override of Internal Medium Maps which is always done, independent of the RESTYPE keyword. In case of FORMDEF consolidation, the overrides are applied to the consolidated FORMDEF. This option is similar to the support provided in SPS where FormDef parameters may be overridden at print time using a set of new values specified in a control file. CIS merges this keywords into the FormDef so that the control file itself does not need to be archived. The FormDef written in the Resource Object file will include all the new options. The FormDef override keywords (e.g. INBIN, DUPLEX, etc.) do not influence the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword. The CIS keywords that can be used to override FormDef / PageDef parameters are: CHARS Overrides any fonts specified in the PAGEDEF or in the input print data stream. It works independent of the RESTYPE keyword and, when specified, always overrides the PageDef font list. COLORFIDELITY Overrides the Presentation Fidelity Control information available in the Document Environment Group of the FORMDEF. DEFINEFINISHINGOP Overrides all Media Finishing Control structured fields available in the Document Environment Group and in the Medium Maps of the FORMDEF or as Internal Medium Map(s). DEFINEMEDIUMMAP Inserts or Overrides selected Medium Maps in the FORMDEF. May be used to define the layout to be applied Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 107 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide for printing a sheet inserted during data enrichment (e.g. tab printing). DUPLEX Overrides the Duplex Control information in the MMC structured field of all the Medium Map(s) available in the FORMDEF or as Internal Medium Map(s). FINISHINGFIDELITY Overrides the Presentation Fidelity Control information available in the Document Environment Group of the FORMDEF. FONTFIDELITY Overrides the Presentation Fidelity Control information available in the Document Environment Group of the FORMDEF. IMAGEOUT May be used to force CIS to convert all IM images in a print file (and resources) into IOCA images. INBIN Overrides the Input Media selection in the MMC structured field of all the Medium Map(s) available in the FORMDEF or as Internal Medium Map(s). LUPUB Causes CIS to convert the logical-unit-per-unit-base specifications in the AFP structured fields being generated to a particular value. All positions and dimensions in the print file are converted. MEDIAFIDELITY Overrides the Presentation Fidelity Control information available in the Document Environment Group of the FORMDEF. OFFSETX/Y B/F Overrides the XmOset and the YmOset fields in the Page Position (PGP) structured field of all the Medium Map(s) available in the FORMDEF: Old PGP-1 structured fields are converted to PGP-2. OUTBIN Overrides the Output Media selection in all the Medium Map(s) available in the FORMDEF or as Internal Medium Map(s). OVERLAYF OVERLAYB See 3.8.10 Inserting one or more Medium Overlay(s) on page 106. PRESENTATION Overrides any presentation specification done in the FORMDEF. REMOVEMEDIUMMAP SETUPVID 108 Removes selected Medium Maps of the FORMDEF. Overrides the Set-up Verification ID specification in all the Medium Map(s) available in the FORMDEF or as Internal Medium Map(s). Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS TONERFIDELITY X2UP Overrides the Presentation Fidelity Control information available in the Document Environment Group of the FORMDEF. Overrides any X2UP specification done in the FORMDEF. The following CIS keywords may also modify the FormDef by defining additional parameters (Medium maps). They do this in an indirect way, during the processing of the functionality associated to the keyword. RESCONSOLIDATION May cause Medium Maps available in the print file to be merged into the job's FORMDEF. SORT May result in Medium Maps being added to the FORMDEF in order to be able to flip the sheets printed. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 109 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.9 How to Generate the AFP Index Object file CIS can be used to collect the index information being written into the output document file and to optionally generate an AFP Index Object File. The index information collected by CIS during its normalization phase is used to control the subsequent processing steps, including page sorting and data enrichment. This information is also used to generate an Index Object file when requested. The format of the Index Object file is defined by the AFP architecture, and is supported by most AFP browsers available. AFP archiving systems such as PRISMAarchive also support this index information in order to build their own indexing tables. As described on page 55 under How to convert, normalize and index , CIS also inserts tag elements into the resulting output file. These tags are called Tagged Logical Element (TLE) and may be inserted at a Page or Page group level. CIS allows an installation to optimize the size of the resulting Index Object File by specifying the level of indexing information the file should contain using the INDEXOBJ keyword. Example 1: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60 and the indexing keywords shown in Fig. 16 Legacy application: Indexing parameters, the following CIS Index Object file is created: 0000 00 D3A8A7 BDI Begin document index coded_graph_charset_global_id GCSGID = <FFFF> , CCSID = <01F4> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Replace first GID name' , FQName = <CISIDX> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Resource Group Reference' , FQName = <CISRES> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <GROUP00000001> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Page Group Reference' , FQName = <GROUP00000001> direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <0000002D> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000001> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <0000B6A6> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <000000BB> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <ACCOUNT> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F8F5F4F4F0F7F1F9> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <NAME> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <C8859394A4A340D481A2A2> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <STREET> Attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <E68985A2859586859384A2A3994B40F1F5> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , 110 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS FQName = <PLZ> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F3F3F6F1F140C28985938586859384> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000001> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <00000115> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000007> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <000021FB> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <00000043> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000002> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <000021FB> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000043> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00003F2E> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <00000053> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000003> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <00003F2E> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000053> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00005E33> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <00000078> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000004> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <00005E33> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000078> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00007B66> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <00000088> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000005> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <00007B66> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000088> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00009A45> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <000000AC> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000006> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <00009A45> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <000000AC> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <0000B6B6> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <000000BB> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <GROUP00000002> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Page Group Reference' , FQName = <GROUP00000002> direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <0000B6D3> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <000000BC> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00006BD3> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <00000088> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <ACCOUNT> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F3F3F1F4F7F1F4F7> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <NAME> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <D4969589928140E596878593> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <STREET> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <E28388A68584859583888195A98540F1F7> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 111 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <PLZ> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F7F8F4F6F240D29695A2A38195A9> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <PAGE00000007> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Medium Map Reference' , FQName = <CIS2F1 > direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <0000B7BB> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <000000C2> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <0000D8A1> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <000000FE> ... 0000 00 D3A9A7 EDI End document index <........> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Replace first GID name' , FQName = <CISIDX> Fig. 46 Index Object file (example 1) Example 2: Using the same keywords as in Example 1 but INDEXOBJ, which is set to GROUP instead of ALL causes CIS to generate the following Index Object file: 0000 00 D3A8A7 BDI Begin document index coded_graph_charset_global_id GCSGID = <FFFF> , CCSID = <01F4> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Replace first GID name' , FQName = <CISIDX> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Resource Group Reference' , FQName = <CISRES> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <GROUP00000001> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Page Group Reference' , FQName = <GROUP00000001> direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <0000002D> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000001> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <0000B6A6> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <000000BB> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <ACCOUNT> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F8F5F4F4F0F7F1F9> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <NAME> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <C8859394A4A340D481A2A2> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <STREET> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <E68985A2859586859384A2A3994B40F1F5> 0000 00 D3A090 TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <PLZ> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F3F3F6F1F140C28985938586859384> 0000 00 D3B2A7 IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <GROUP00000002> 112 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 0000 00 D3A090 0000 00 D3A090 0000 00 D3A090 0000 00 D3A090 0000 00 D3B2A7 0000 00 D3A090 fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Page Group Reference' , FQName = <GROUP00000002> direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <0000B6D3> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <000000BC> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00006BD3> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <00000088> TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <ACCOUNT> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F3F3F1F4F7F1F4F7> TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <NAME> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <D4969589928140E596878593> TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <STREET> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <E28388A68584859583888195A98540F1F7> TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <PLZ> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F7F8F4F6F240D29695A2A38195A9> IEL index element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Index Element GID' , FQName = <GROUP00000003> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Begin Page Group Reference' , FQName = <GROUP00000003> direct_byte_offsset_triplet DirByOff = <000122A6> object_SF_offset_triplet SFOff = <00000144> object_byte_extent_triplet ByteExt = <00009999> object_SF_extent_triplet SFExt = <000000AC> TLE tag logical element fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Attribute GID' , FQName = <ACCOUNT> attribute_value_triplet AttVal = <F6F5F5F6F7F9F8F6> ... 0000 00 D3A9A7 EDI End document index <........> fully_qualified_name FQNType = 'Replace first GID name' , FQName = <CISIDX> Fig. 47 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Index Object file (example 2) Developer's edition 113 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.10 How to Sort and Reorder output pages • OVERVIEW The CIS sort function reorders the pages or sheets contained in the print file in a new sequence. Three different kinds of sorting methods are available: 1. Contents sorting Where documents (mail pieces, sheets) are regrouped based on their data contents (e.g. Postal code, Street name, Customer name, etc.). Suitable for printing and viewing applications. 2. Layout sorting Where pages are regrouped into a completely new layout (order), replacing the previous document and sheet contents with a new one. Suitable for printing applications. 3. Collator Where sheets are collated in the sequence required by the output stacking device (face-up or face-down, collated or uncollated stacker) without loosing their document, mail piece and sheet structure. Suitable for printing applications. • SORTING PROCESS The sorting process implemented in CIS is the same for all sorting types and all sorting schemes (see Fig. 4 on page 32). It consists of the following steps: a) The Conversion and/or Normalization process is done for the complete input file. The resulting data is stored in an internal work file. b) The Index tags inserted or collected during the Conversion/Normalization process are kept in storage. Resources, in case RESTYPE other than NONE specified, are kept in storage too. 114 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS c) The input file structure is “simplified”. This optional step is mostly used in connection with Layout sorting schemes such as SCHEME_1, 4UP_BOOKLET, etc. d) Empty pages are added as required. Any empty pages inserted will not be eligible for data enrichment functions (e.g. insertPTOCA) nor will be counted in the Input File related variables (they are counted in the Output file related variables). Refer to 6.2 Appendix B: CIS processing variables on page 331 for more information. e) The Sorting algorithm is applied. f) The output data is read from the internal work file and written to the Output file. The resource data, when requested, is written too. The sorting methods available under CIS are explained in this chapter. 3.10.1 Contents sorting Contents sorting takes advantage of the indexing information obtained during the normalization and conversion process done by CIS. How this process works is described in this manual under 3.6.1 Converting and Indexing print files containing S/370 Line formatted data. Because Indexing information is independent of the data being presented in a page (index data does not need to be printed) it is possible for CIS to consolidate (merge) data from different applications into a single output file provided that the same indexing keys are used (see 3.11 How to Consolidate mail pieces on page 135 for more information). Sorting input files using their page group level indexes causes CIS to leave the sheet/document structure unchanged. However, the input print file is required to have all page group boundaries matching the beginning of a new sheet. SORT ( ASC, ‘PLZ’, ‘STREET’, ‘NAME’, ‘ACCOUNT’ ) Fig. 48 Sort keywords Contents sorting requires a consistent document structure. This structure is either already available in the document or is created by CIS during the Normalization process (see 3.6.1 Converting and Indexing print files containing S/370 Line formatted data on page 56). Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 115 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide In case of AFP applications, an installation should make sure that the report generator or transformer being used is capable of creating such a document structure and can generate the Index Tag Element (TLE) structured fields required by CIS for the contents sorting process. An AFP print file can also be indexed using CIS (see Normalizing and indexing print files containing AFP and MO:DCA-P data on page 65). In this case, any Document and Page-Group structured fields (BDT, EDT, BNG, ENG) will be removed and replaced with the structured fields from the indexing process. The structure of the resulting file will be consistent and suitable for the CIS sorting process. 1. 2. 3. Sabine Bachstein William Lieberwirt Gerhard Wiesler Roemerstr. 67 Ruehmann Str. 78 Waldmeisterstr. 32 Bank of Tomorrow Inc. 84436023 50020010 01 0001 Mrs. 84436023 Sabine Bachstein Roemerstr. 67 86153 Paraiso 01 84436023 0001 50020010 50020010 01 0001 Mr. 84436023 William Lieberwirt Ruehmann Str. 78 27.3.2000 Kontoauszug 84436023 Bank of Tomorrow Inc. Bank of Tomorrow Inc. 27.3.2000 50020010 01 84436023 0001 27.3.2000 50020010 01 01 0001 50020010 01 Mr. 84436023 Gerhard Wiesler Waldmeisterstr. 32 27.3.2000 Kontoauszug 86153 Paraiso 0001 84436023 27.3.2000 50020010 86153 Paraiso 86153 Paraiso 33611 Magdalena 0001 27.3.2000 50020010 01 0001 27.3.2000 Kontoauszug 33611 Magdalena 84436023 50020010 01 0001 27.3.2000 27.3.2000 1 2 3 sorted by: Zip code (PLZ), Street, Name Bank of Tomorrow Inc. Bank of Tomorrow Inc. 84436023 84436023 50020010 01 0001 Mr. 84436023 Gerhard Wiesler Waldmeisterstr. 32 33611 Magdalena 27.3.2000 50020010 01 0001 27.3.2000 Kontoauszug 84436023 50020010 01 50020010 01 Mrs. 84436023 Sabine Bachstein Roemerstr. 67 0001 86153 Paraiso 0001 Bank of Tomorrow Inc. 27.3.2000 50020010 01 84436023 0001 50020010 01 1 50020010 01 0001 Gerhard Wiesler Sabine Bachstein William Lieberwirt 01 0001 27.3.2000 50020010 01 0001 27.3.2000 Kontoauszug 27.3.2000 2 3 Waldmeisterstr. 32 Roemerstr. 67 Ruehmann Str. 78 Fig. 49 116 27.3.2000 27.3.2000 84436023 1. 2. 3. 0001 50020010 Mr. 84436023 William Lieberwirt Ruehmann Str. 78 86153 Paraiso 27.3.2000 Kontoauszug 84436023 33611 Magdalena 86153 Paraiso 86153 Paraiso Contents sorting Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Example: Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60, the indexing keywords shown in Fig. 16 Legacy application: Indexing parameters, and the sorting parameters described in Fig. 48 Sort keywords the following process is done by CIS: Contents sorting may be done in an ascending or descending sequence. The sorting algorithm implemented in this version of CIS is based on a simple comparison of the hexadecimal values of the fields being sorted. No considerations are made for specific data coding schemes (ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode, etc.), national characters or special symbols. Data alignment within the field (left or right justified), leading and/or trailing characters (e.g. leading zeroes, trailing blanks) and decimal separation characters (e.g. comma or dot) are handled as part of the data and may influence the sort results. A B B1 B2 A2 B3 A3 pages B4 index TLE A1 C C1 B B1 Contents sorting C2 B2 B3 B4 A top level page group Fig. 50 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 A1 A2 C C1 A3 C2 Data structure with Contents sorting Developer's edition 117 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Example: Fig. 50 shows the AFP document structure generated by CIS for the example shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application and used during the sorting process shown in Fig. 49 Contents sorting. CIS expects all the page groups in the file to include the attribute name(s) specified in the SORT keyword. In case this is not true, CIS issues a warning message for the affected page group(s), assumes an index value of binary zeroes for the missing attribute(s) and continues sorting. It is not possible to use the Index Tag Elements inserted with the insertINDEX keyword to control the contents sorting of the same CIS run. Splitting the index insertion and sorting processes in two CIS runs will bypass this problem. Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the sequence used for the index insertion, sorting and extraction steps. Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to Contents sorting. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting algorithms (ASC, DES) implemented in this version of CIS are based on a simple comparison of the hexadecimal values of the fields being sorted. No considerations are made for specific data coding schemes (ASCII, EBCDIC), national characters or special symbols. Data alignment within the field (left or right justified), leading and/or trailing characters (e.g. leading zeroes, trailing blanks) and decimal separation characters (e.g. comma or dot) are handled as part of the data and may influence the sort results. 2. A mail piece, as defined in the Glossary on page 445, is the unit used when reordering the input print file. All pages and sheets within the mail piece are left in their original sequence. The print format is not modified. Nested page groups, if any, are also left unchanged. 3. Every mail piece must start on a new sheet. 4. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE1) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. 1 Océ Software Tool, Smart Layout Editor (SLE) 118 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.10.2 Layout sorting CIS supports several layout sorting schemes allowing an installation to take advantage of fanfold-duplex and fanfold-2up printers, without having to change their existing applications. The layout sorting schemes are: • FANFOLD LISTING DUPLEX (SCHEME_1) With the availability of continuous-forms duplex printing, installations can reduce paper costs by using the reverse side of most sheets. For short reports, most users prefer individual sheets that can be stapled and bind together. However, for long reports such as large program listings, storage dumps, console logs, EREP reports, GTF traces and others, stapling the output is unwieldy. At the same time, many installations deliver long reports as fan-fold output and their logistics are set-up for this report format. The SCHEME_1 of Layout sorting available in CIS (also implemented by the Page Sort utility for PRISMAproduction/MVS V3.8) offers a solution for these long reports as it allows an installation to immediately realise the benefits of duplex printing, without using any post-processing machinery and without writing specific printing applications especially designed for duplex printers. Fig. 51 illustrates the resulting output. Black numbers represent the front-side page, greynumbers are used to represent the back-side pages. Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: 1, n, 2, (n-1), 3, (n-2), 4, ..., (n:2)+3, (n:2)-1, (n:2)+2, (n:2), (n:2)+1. An empty page is printed after page 1 when n is an odd number. 2. This sorting scheme does a “simplification” of the input print file, removing existing Page Groups. A single Page Group containing all pages is created as output. 3. Index tags are also removed during the simplification process. A warning message is issued in this case. 4. In order to achieve the results expected with this sorting scheme, the Form Definition used should have the following characteristics: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 119 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • • • Duplex printing One-UP Medium Overlay(s), in case specified, will also be printed in the blank page inserted by CIS 5. Any attempt to control page/sheet grouping within the application (e.g. using IMM to force a new sheet or using conditional processing) may cause unexpected print results. 6. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. 1 n 2 n-1 3 n-2 (n:2)-2 (n:2)+3 (n:2)-1 (n:2)+2 (n:2) (n:2)+1 Fig. 51 • Layout sorting: SCHEME_1 FANFOLD LISTING 2-UP (SCHEME_2) Fanfold 2-up sorting is often used on A3 simplex printers. Two A4 pages are printed side by side on each sheet. The post-processing unit trenches the paper stream in the middle and stacks the two halves. Following graphic depicts the resulting output. 120 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 1 (n:2)+1 2 (n:2)+2 3 (n:2)+3 (n:2)-2 (n:2)-1 n-2 n-1 n (n:2) Fig. 52 Layout sorting: SCHEME_2 Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: 1, (n:2)+1, 2, (n:2)+2, 3, ... (n:2)-1, n1, n:2, n. An empty page is added at the end when n is an odd number. 2. This sorting scheme does a “simplification” of the input print file, removing existing Page Groups. A single Page Group containing all pages is created as output. 3. Index tags are also removed during the simplification process. A warning message is issued in this case. 4. In order to achieve the results expected with this sorting scheme, the Form Definition used should have the following characteristics: • • • Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Simplex printing Two-UP Medium Overlay(s), in case specified, will also be printed in the blank page inserted by CIS Developer's edition 121 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 5. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. • REVERSE PRINTING SEQUENCE (SCHEME_3) For fanfold and cut-sheet listings, simplex, one-UP. The page sequence found in the print file is inverted, starting with the last page and ending with the first one. Fanfold output Cut Sheet output n 1 2 n-1 3 n-2 4 n-3 Paper movement Paper movement n-3 4 n-2 3 n-1 2 n 1 Fig. 53 Layout sorting: SCHEME_3 Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: n, (n-1), (n-2), (n-3), ..., 3, 2, 1. 122 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 2. This sorting scheme does a “simplification” of the input print file, removing existing Page Groups. A single Page Group containing all pages is created as output. 3. Index tags are also removed during the simplification process. A warning message is issued in this case. 4. In order to achieve the results expected with this sorting scheme, the Form Definition used should have the following characteristics: • • • Simplex printing, or Duplex with only one side containing variable data One-UP In case of cut-sheet output, a FormDef with a constant front and a variable back side may be used to obtain “face-up” stacked output with only one side containing variable data. 5. Any attempt to control page/sheet grouping within the application (e.g. using IMM to force an new sheet or using conditional processing) may cause unexpected print results unless it is done for every sheet. 6. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. • 4-UP BOOKLET SORTING (4UP_BOOKLET) 4-up booklet sorting can be applied on A3 duplex printers (fanfold or cut-sheet) to get A5 booklets. In case of a fanfold printer, it is expected that the continuous A3 size forms are separated from each other and cut in the middle. Any number of pages may be sorted. Enough trailing blank pages are generated to obtain a modulo 8 number of pages. The complete print file is sorted and printed as one booklet. Fig. 54 shows a sample application containing 13 pages. The numbers enclosed in parenthesis represent the pages printed at the back side of the sheets. CIS is used to reorder the output pages in the sequence required during the print process. Pages 14, 15 and 16 are inserted by the 4_UP booklet sorting scheme at the end of the print file before the sorting process is done. The output is stacked face-down, with the cover page at the bottom. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 123 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 4UP_BOOKLET sorted output 2 4 15 13 1 3 16 14 6 8 11 9 5 7 12 10 (11) (14) Paper movement 16 5 12 (11) (6) (15) 14 7 (16) 15 Cut Sheet / Cutter output Fig. 54 Paper movement (3) 2 13 (12) 4 11 (5) 6 (10) 9 Booklet Maker (7) 8 1 10 1 3 (2) Fanfold output (front view) (4) CIS sorting (9) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 (8) (13) Application's output Note: The fanfold duplex output is turned upside down before it reaches the cutter. The cuttter (cut sheet) output is stacked "face-down". Layout sorting: 4UP_BOOKLET Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: 2, 4, n-1, n-3, 1, 3, n, n-2, 6, 8, n-5, n7, 5, 7, n-4, n-6, ... . The number of pages is rounded up to the next value modulo 8 by inserting enough empty pages. 124 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 2. This sorting scheme does a “simplification” of the input print file, removing existing Page Groups. A single Page Group containing all pages is created as output. 3. Index tags are also removed during the simplification process. A warning message is issued in this case. 4. In order to achieve the results expected with this sorting scheme, the Form Definition used should have the following characteristics: SLE example PPFA example COPYGROUP 4UPBOOK PRESENT portrait DUPLEX normal N_UP 4 PLACE 2 BACK OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 4 BACK OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 1 BACK OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 3 BACK OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 1 FRONT OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 3 FRONT OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 2 FRONT OFFSET 9.5 cm PLACE 4 FRONT OFFSET 9.5 cm INVOKE sheet Fig. 55 DIRECTION across 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 14.0 cm ROTATION 180 Layout sorting: FormDef requirements by 4UP_BOOKLET 5. Any attempt to control page/sheet grouping within the application (e.g. using IMM to force an new sheet or using conditional processing) may cause unexpected print results. 6. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 125 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide • TWO-UP BOOKLET SORTING (2UP_BOOKLET AND 2UP_MP_BOOKLET) 2-UP booklet sorting can be applied on A3 duplex printers (fanfold or cut-sheet) to get A4 booklets. In case of a fanfold printer, it is expected that the continuous A3 size forms are separated from each other and folded in the middle. Any number of pages may be sorted. Enough trailing blank pages are generated to obtain a modulo 4 number of pages for each booklet to be printed. Two different types of 2UP booklet sorting are available in CIS: The complete print file is sorted so that it can be printed as one single booklet. Enough blank pages are inserted at the end of the print file. Fig. 56 shows a sample application containing 13 pages. 116 16 15 2 34 14 13 4 5 12 11 6 7 10 9 8 CIS sorting page 14-16 will get inserted by CIS Fanfold output front view 12 14 11 (14) (16) 15 Paper movement 3 13 2 (12) 11 4 5 6 Cut Sheet / Cutter output Fig. 56 126 (10) 9 Booklet Maker (2) (7) 8 1 3 (4) (13) (15) 5 Paper movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 2UP_BOOKLET sorted output Application's output • Note: The fanfold duplex output is turned upside down before it reaches the cutter. The cutter (cut sheet) output is stacked "face-down". Layout sorting: 2UP_BOOKLET Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS The numbers enclosed in parenthesis represent the pages printed at the back side of the sheets. CIS is used to re-order the output pages in the sequence required during the print process. Pages 14, 15 and 16 are inserted by the 2UP_booklet sorting scheme at the end of the print file before the sorting process is done. The output is stacked face-down, with the cover page at the bottom. Each mail piece within the print file is sorted so that the print file can be printed as a collection of booklets, where each booklet is a mail piece. Enough blank pages are inserted at the end of every mail piece in order to guarantee that only one mail piece per booklet is printed. As in the case of contents sorting, 2UP_MP_BOOKLET requires a consistent document structure where Document and Page Group structured fields (BDT, EDT, BNG and ENG) are used as delimiters. This document structure may be created by CIS during the Normalization process (see 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index data on page 55). MP_BOOKLET sorted output Application's output 1 3a 3 2 Fanfold output (4) front view 4 9b 9a 5 6 9 8 7 page 14-16 will get inserted by CIS (13) 9 1 4 (5) (9a) 10 13 12 11 6 9b (2) (3) Paper movement CIS sorting 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 • 3 4 6 3 (9) 12 11 4 Note: The fanfold duplex output is turned upside down before it reaches the cutter. The cutter (cut sheet) output is stacked "face-down". (3a) 3 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 (9b) 2 9a Fig. 57 Paper movement 5 5 8 (13) 7 12 10 9b (10) 9 a Cut Sheet / Cutter output 11 8 Booklet Maker Layout sorting: 2UP_MP_BOOKLET Developer's edition 127 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 0 shows a sample application containing 3 mail pieces of different size each, with a total of 13 pages. CIS is used to re-order the output pages in the sequence required for the print process. Blank pages are inserted by the 2UP_MP_BOOKLET sorting scheme at the end of every mail piece in order to obtain a modulo 4 number of pages per booklet. The pages are inserted as the sorting process is done. The output is stacked face-down, with the cover page at the bottom. Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to the 2UP_BOOKLET and 2UP_MP_BOOKLET sorting schemes. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: 1, 2, n, n-1, 3, 4, n-2, n-3, ... . The number of pages is rounded up to the next value modulo 4 by inserting enough empty pages. In case of 2UP_BOOKLET, the sorting scheme is applied to the complete print file. In case of 2UP_MP_BOOKLET, the sorting scheme is applied to each mail piece individually, changing the sequence of the pages within each mail piece but not the sequence of the mail pieces within the file. 2. The 2UP_BOOKLET scheme does a “simplification” of the input print file, removing existing Page Groups. A single Page Group containing all pages is created as output. Index tags are also removed during the simplification process. A warning message is issued in this case. The existing Page Group 2UP_MP_BOOKLET sorting. 128 structures are left unchanged in case of 3. Any attempt to control page/sheet grouping within the application (e.g. using IMM to force an new sheet or using conditional processing) may cause unexpected print results. 4. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. 5. In order to achieve the results expected with this sorting scheme, the Form Definition used should have the following characteristics: Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS SLE example PPFA example COPYGROUP 2UPBOOK PRESENT portrait DIRECTION DUPLEX normal N_UP 2 PLACE 1 FRONT OFFSET 14.0 cm 20.0 cm PLACE 2 BACK OFFSET 14.0 cm 20.0 cm PLACE 2 FRONT OFFSET 14.0 cm 20.0 cm PLACE 1 BACK OFFSET 14.0 cm 20.0 cm INVOKE sheet; Fig. 58 Layout sorting: FormDef for 2UP_BOOKLET and 2UP_MP_BOOKLET Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 129 across ROTATION 180 ROTATION 180 ROTATION 180 ROTATION 180 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.10.3 Collator There are different kinds of stacking devices that can be connected to an AFP/IPDS printer. Depending on the way and sequence in which the output is stacked, stacking devices may be classified in: • Face-up or face-down stackers. Face-up stackers collect the sheets with their front side (e.g. page 1) facing upwards. Face-down stackers collect sheets with their front side facing downwards. • Collated or uncollated stackers. Collated stackers are those where the sheets are stacked in their natural sequence, so that the output stack can be stitched together (e.g. the back side of sheet 1 touches the front side of sheet 2). Uncollated stackers cause the front side of sheet 1 to touch the back side of sheet 2, modifying the natural file sequence. • Cut-sheet or fan-fold stackers.Cut-sheet stackers are prepared to handle sets of cut media. Fan-fold stackers may only accept fan-folded output. The collating options in CIS can be used to assemble the sheets in a file so that they can be printed on any output stacking device in the sequence intended by the original print file, without having to modify the application. Collating a print file not only involves re-arranging the sheets sequence, but may require modifications in the FormDef (to flip the sheet sides) and/or the insertion of blank pages. All these steps are automatically done by CIS, allowing installations to print an application on any kind of stacking device with no conversion effort. • FLIP JOB FOR COLLATED STACKER The way a print file is stacked in a collated stacker is determined by the stacker device in use: face-down stackers (the most common case) cause output to be stacked face-down. Face-up stackers do it face-up. The FLIP_FOR_COLLATED sorting scheme available in CIS allows installations to flip print files so that they are stacked with the cover page facing the opposite side as it would normally do: face-up in case of a face-down stacker, face-down in case of a face-up stacker. 0 illustrates how this sorting scheme works for a one-up, mixplex application. Black numbers represent the front-side page, grey-numbers (in parenthesis) are used to represent the back-side pages. 130 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 (7) (9) (--) (12) (--) (15) 22a (22) 21 (20) 19 (18) 17 (16) CIS sorting 15 (14) 13a (13) 12 (11) 10a (10) 9 (8) 7 (6) (17) (19) (21) (--) 5a (5) 4 (3) 2 (1) Fig. 59 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (5a) 6 (7) 8 (9) 10 (10a) 11 (12) 13 (13a) 14 (15) 16 (17) 18 (19) 20 (21) 22 (22a) OUTPUT PILE for cutsheet, collated, face-up stacker 22a (22) 21 (20) 19 (18) 17 (16) Paper movement 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (--) OUTPUT PILE for cutsheet, collated, face-down stacker Paper movement FLIP_FOR_COLLATED sorted output Application's output 15 (14) 13a (13) 12 (11) 10a (10) 9 (8) 7 (6) 5a (5) 4 (3) 2 (1) Collator: FLIP_FOR_COLLATED Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: [n, n-1], [n-2, n-3], ... , [4, 3], [2, 1]. Simplex sheets are converted to duplex, NUP-1 sheets. 2. The sorting process is done on a sheet basis, so that the content of each sheet remains the same. The sheet positions within the output stack are changed. The contents of the front and back sides of every sheet are swapped. 3. Page groups (if used) must start at a sheet boundary. 4. A duplex and N-up capable printer must be used. It is not possible to flip jobs on a simplex printer. 5. A single, collated output stacker must be used. Using an uncollated output stacker will not produce the expected results. 6. The document, mail piece and sheet structure of the input print file are not affected. Index tags (if any) are moved together with their corresponding pages or page groups. 7. CIS automatically modifies the Medium Map(s) used by the print file in order to obtain the desired results. All Medium Map options such as N-up, multiple copies, constant Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 131 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide data and Finishing Operations are supported. The layout of the printed file is not changed. The Medium Maps created by CIS use N-up functionality. 8. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. • FOR UNCOLLATED STACKER The FOR_UNCOLLATED sorting scheme available in CIS allows installations to use an uncollated stacking device (such as a roll device which will not be rewinded afterwards) and to obtain an output pile as if the print job was printed on a collated stacker. To do this, CIS re-arranges the sequence of all sheets in the print file. 0 illustrates how this sorting scheme works for a one-up, mixplex application. Black numbers represent the front-side page, grey-numbers (in parenthesis) are used to represent the back-side pages. 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 (7) (9) (--) (12) (--) (15) 22 20 18 16 CIS sorting 14 13 11 10 8 6 (17) (19) (21) (--) (--) (21) (19) (17) (15) (--) (12) (--) (9) (7) 5 (--) 3 (4) 1 (2) Fig. 60 -- (22) 21 (20) 19 (18) 17 (16) 15 (14) -- (13) 12 (11) -- (10) 9 (8) 7 (6) OUTPUT PILE for cutsheet, uncollated, face-up stacker 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (--) -- (5) 4 (3) 2 (1) 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 (7) (9) (--) (12) (--) (15) (17) (19) (21) (--) Collator: FOR_UNCOLLATED Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 132 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Paper movement 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (--) OUTPUT PILE for cutsheet, uncollated, face-down stacker Paper movement FOR_UNCOLLATED sorted output Application's output CustomizingUsing CIS 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: [n-1, n], [n-3, n-2], ..., [3, 4], [1, 2]. Simplex sheets are left as they are. 2. The sorting process is done on a sheet basis, so that the content of each sheet remains the same. The sheet positions within the output stack are changed. The contents of the front and back sides of every sheet are left unchanged. 3. Page groups (if used) must start at a sheet boundary. 4. A simplex printer may be used in case the whole input file is simplex. 5. A single, uncollated output stacker must be used. Using a collated output stacker will not produce the expected results. 6. The document, mail piece and sheet structure of the input print file are not affected. Index tags (if any) are moved together with their corresponding pages or page groups. 7. CIS does not need to modify the medium map(s). All Medium Map options such as Nup, multiple copies, constant data and Finishing Operations are supported. The format of the printed file is the same as if no sorting would have been done. 8. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. • FLIP JOB FOR UNCOLLATED STACKER The FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED sorting scheme available in CIS combines the characteristics of the FLIP_FOR COLLATED and FOR_UNCOLLATED schemes, allowing installations to use an uncollated stacking device and to flip the jobs so that they are stacked with the cover page facing the opposite side as it would normally do: face-up in case of a face-down stacker, face-down in case of a face-up stacker. 0 illustrates how this sorting scheme works for a one-up, mixplex application. Black numbers represent the front-side page, grey-numbers (in parenthesis) are used to represent the back-side pages. Requirements and considerations: Following is a list of requirements and considerations that apply to this sorting scheme. Deviations from this usage model are possible but not recommended as they may stop working in future CIS versions. 1. The sorting scheme (and printing sequence) is: [2, 1], [4, 3], ..., [n-2, n-3], [n, n-1]. Simplex sheets are converted to duplex, NUP-1 sheets. 2. The sorting process is done on a sheet basis, so that the content of each sheet remains the same. The sheet positions within the output stack are changed. The contents of the front and back sides of every sheet are swapped. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 133 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3. Page groups (if used) must start at a sheet boundary. 4. A duplex, N-up capable printer must be used. It is not possible to flip jobs on a simplex printer. 5. A single, uncollated output stacker must be used. Using a collated output stacker will not produce the expected results. 6. The document, mail piece and sheet structure of the input print file are not affected. Index tags (if any) are moved together with their corresponding pages or page groups. 7. CIS automatically modifies the Medium Map(s) used by the print file in order to obtain the desired results. All Medium Map options such as N-up, multiple copies, constant data and Finishing Operations are supported. The layout of the printed file is not changed. The Medium Maps created by CIS use N-up functionality. 8. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence. 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 2 (1) 4 (3) 5a (5) (7) (9) (--) (12) (--) (15) 7 (6) 9 (8) 10a (10) 12 (11) 13a (13) 15 (14) CIS sorting (17) (19) (21) (--) 17 (16) 19 (18) 21 (20) 22a (22) Fig. 61 134 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (5a) 6 (7) 8 (9) 10 (10a) 11 (12) 13 (13a) 14 (15) 16 (17) 18 (19) 20 (21) 22 (22a) OUTPUT PILE for cutsheet, uncollated, face-up stacker 22a (22) 21 (20) 19 (18) 17 (16) 15 (14) 13a (13) 12 (11) 10a (10) 9 (8) 7 (6) 5a (5) 4 (3) 2 (1) Collator: FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Paper movement 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (--) OUTPUT PILE for cutsheet, uncollated, face-down stacker Paper movement FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED sorted output Application's output CustomizingUsing CIS 3.11 How to Consolidate mail pieces Many installations know this problem: two or more applications generate print output (mail pieces) to be sent to the same addressee but, because the applications run independently, the mail pieces are also printed and sent separately. These installations will like to consolidate the output in such a way that all the documents belonging to the same addressee are printed together and, more important, sent together in one larger mail piece saving shipping costs and improving the acceptance of the material being sent. Page 3 Page 2 1c X Security Life Insurance Page 1 By: By: By: ZipCode, code, Zip Zip Zip Code, Code, Street, Street, Street, Street, Name Name Name Name Mr. Alan Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 Page 4 Page 3 1b Page 2 X Security Life Insurance Page 1 Mr. Mike Newman 210 Siemens Road Bakersfield, CA. 67890-4321 Page 4 Page 3 Page 2 Z Mr. Mike Newman 210 Siemens Road Page 4 Bakersfield, CA. 67890-4321 Page 3 1a Security Life Insurance 2b Page 2 X Page 2 X Security Page 1 Health Insurance Security Life Insurance Page 1 Mr. Mike Newman 210 Siemens Road Bakersfield, CA. 67890-4321 Page 1 Mrs. Mary Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 Page 2 Z Page 3 Page 2 Z SPS-CIS Security Page 1 Health Insurance 2c Mr. Alan Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 Page 4 X c Sorting Security Page 1 Health Insurance Mr. Alan Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423Page 3 Mr. Mike Newman 210 Siemens Road Bakersfield, CA. 67890-4321 Z 2a Page 3 Page 2 Page 2 Page 1 Page 2 Z Security Page 1 Health Insurance Security Page 1 Health Insurance Security Life Insurance Mrs. Mary Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 Page 3 Z 1b Security Page 1 Health Insurance Mrs. Mary Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Page 2 Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 1a Page 2 X 2b Security Life Insurance Page 1 Mr. Alan Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 2c Mrs. Mary Johnson 4212 MyStreet Blvd. Miami, Fl. 12345-5423 1c 2a Fig. 62 Mail Piece Consolidation It is not always possible and many times not even recommended to modify the applications for this kind of post optimization. With CIS it is also not necessary. Provided that some requirements (see below) are fulfilled, the Contents sorting facility of CIS can be used to re-order two or more input print files in such a way that all the mail pieces Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 135 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide going to one addressee are printed together. The requirements are necessary in order to make it possible for CIS to sort the mail pieces in the correct order. Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the internal CIS workflow. Fig. 62 shows how Mail Piece Consolidation works. The MPCONSOLIDATION keyword may be used to control the way CIS consolidates two or more consecutive Mail Pieces when they have one or more identical index values. Requirements and considerations: Any application to be consolidated using the Contents sorting facility of CIS must fulfil the following requirements: 1. Indexing requirements • All the reports to be consolidated must include the Mail piece Index tag(s) to be used for sorting. • The index tags may be inserted by the application itself, or may have been inserted by CIS in a previous run (see 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index on page 55). 2. Resource requirements The printing layout of the applications to be consolidated may be completely different (e.g. one application prints Portrait-Simplex, the next one Landscapeduplex and a third one Landscape-2up). However, the resources used by the applications must fulfill the following requirements: • All Medium Maps used must be manually combined into a single FormDef. The name of this FormDef must be specified to the CIS Consolidation process. • Each Medium Map in the FormDef must have a unique name. Two different Medium Maps with the same name will cause incorrect printing results. • The resource libraries used by all the applications to be consolidated must be specified to the CIS Consolidation process. It is not possible to use the same name to refer to two or more different resources of the same type (e.g. having two different coded fonts called X0MYFONT will cause incorrect printing results). 3. The Page Numbering feature in the Page Definition (generated using SLE) is done before the sorting/consolidation process. The page numbers inserted reflect the original page sequence within the original print files. 4. All other requirements and considerations applicable to Contents sorting also apply to the Mail Piece consolidation process. Refer to 3.10.1 Contents sorting on page 115 for more information. 136 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.12 How to Extract information Automating quality assurance in a print shop very often requires knowledge about the contents of the Documents and Mail Pieces that are being printed. Without this information, it is almost impossible to know if really ALL documents and mail pieces were correctly sorted, printed, passed though the post-processing, shipped and finally delivered to their addressee. No item should be missing, no one should be duplicate. The information required is normally included in the print file itself, mixed with other information which is not relevant to the quality assurance process. What is required is a simple flat file, a “shipping list”. Such lists are sometimes created by the application programs as the print files are generated. This is a valid and very efficient procedure. The majority of applications however does not generate this kind of lists and cannot be modified to do so (e.g. third party software). CIS allows installations to select parts of a print file, re-order the printing sequence and to segment the data being printed. These modifications should also be reflected in the “shipping list” in order to simplify the quality assurance process. In summary, lists created by the application programs are not flexible enough. A better alternative is to dynamically create the list using the print file's data. 3.12.1 Defining data extraction levels to CIS Data extraction in CIS works in a way similar to the data enrichment process: before a data extraction operation can be done, CIS needs to know what is going to be extracted, from where in the AFP file, and which entities should be selected. The DEFINELEVEL keyword is used for this purpose. CIS level definition works on the base of information units called entities. The entities available for data extraction operations are document, sheet-group, sheet, and page. Please refer to 7 Glossary on page 461 for a definition of these terms. CIS also provides a number of pre-defined levels. Please refer to 4.4.5 Predefined Levels on page 165 for a list of the pre-defined levels available. Fig. 63 shows the combination of entity, selector and location parameters allowed in a DEFINELEVEL keyword used in connection with data extraction. Operation • "what" "where" "which" Indexing objects: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 137 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide Operation "what" ExtractINDEX Fig. 63 "where" "which" D DOCUMENT D BEGIN D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D GROUPLEVELn D GROUPLEVEL1 D BEGIN D END D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D SHEET D BEGIN D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN D PAGE D ALL D D D D D D ALL name n from-to ODD EVEN CIS data extraction: levels allowed 3.12.2 Extracting information from Index TLE's Using CIS, an installation may extract AFP indexing information from a print application and write it into a separate sequential file. This is done using the extractINDEX keyword. The format of the output file can be easily controlled using the string formatting available as parameter. By requesting the appropriate level (see 3.12.1 Defining data extraction levels to CIS on page 137) an installation can control the size and level of detail to be included in the extraction file. By specifying more than one Index Tag, an installation can control the degree of information to be included in the file, for each of the items selected. In addition, the extractCP keyword can be used to request CIS to use a specific (better yet, standard) Code Page, removing all data encoding dependencies from the extraction file, simplifying its further processing. Such a list is created out of the print file's data and reflects the information to be printed, nothing more, and nothing less. 138 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Considering Fig. 4 on page 32, the data extraction process is done after the normalization, selection, sort and data enrichment steps. For this reason, the data extracted corresponds to the Documents, Mail Pieces and Pages selected, and is written in the same sequence as in the output Document file. The attribute names specified in the extractINDEX keyword may correspond any of the TLE's in the print file, regardless on whether they were built using the TRIGGER-INDEX-FIELD keywords, they were created by the application itself, or they were inserted by CIS using the insertINDEX keyword. Fig. 64 shows how to use CIS’ data extraction facility. Using the application shown in Fig. 18 Legacy application on page 60 as basis, this Control file shown will cause CIS to generate a Data Extraction file. The content of the resulting extraction file is shown in Fig. 65. CC ( ASA ) TRCTYPE ( IBM ) INPUTCP( IBM_0500 ) TRIGGER ( account, *, 1, '10Bank of Yesterday, Inc.', 7, 63, '00001' ) INDEX ( accountI, account, 'ACCOUNT', accountF ) INDEX ( nameI, account, 'NAME', nameF ) INDEX ( plzI, account, 'PLZ', plzF ) FIELD ( accountF, 7, 3, 8 ) FIELD ( nameF, 13, 3, 30 ) FIELD ( plzF, 15, 3, 30 ) FIELD ( accountAtt, 'ACCOUNT', ATT ) /* to extract */ FIELD ( nameAtt, 'NAME' , ATT ) /* index the FIELD */ FIELD ( plzAtt, 'PLZ' , ATT ) /* must be defined */ /* as ATTRIBUT */ EXTRACTCP ( IBM_0500 ) EXTRACTINDEX ( EXTRDD, MP, '%10.10s;%32.32s;%5.5s;\r\n', accountAtt, nameAtt, plzAtt ) Fig. 64 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Example: Data Extraction parameters Developer's edition 139 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 1 2 3 4 5 1...|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0....|....0 14034350 62765426 87421358 12387642 ... ;William Lieberwirt ;Charlotte Ohnesorge ;Sabine Bachstein ;Gerhard Wiesler Fig. 65 140 ;99091; ;70173; ;86153; ;33611; Example: Data Extraction file contents Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS 3.13 How to Analyze a print file Which operator involved in the electronic printing business does not know this problem: an application is ready for print, but nobody can say for sure how big it is (number of sheets, number of Mail Pieces), what printer features are required (high-light color, duplex, input bins), which resources it uses (fonts, page segments), etc. Whether this happens because of the increment in distributed printing or because of files being printed after been archived for years, not knowing what exactly is going to be printed has caused serious headaches to the people involved in scheduling workload in large print shops. Using the CIS’ Print Stream Analyzer, an installation may request CIS to do a complete verification of the print application, creating a Summary file with all the information required to know exactly what the file is going to consume. In connection with archiving systems, CIS cannot only be used to extract the indexing information required, but also to create the Summary file which can then be archived together with the print file, increasing the usability of information being archived. • THE CIS ANALYST FILE As it is to be expected, the Print Stream Analyzer runs as last process in the CIS internal workflow (please refer to Fig. 4 on page 32). The Summary file it creates contains the information gained in all previous steps. The name of the Analyst file is specified using the ANALYSTDD keyword. The ANALYSTCP keyword can be used to specify the encoding of this file. The Analyst output file is based on the XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) format. It uses three different kind of tags: • Root tag • Branch tag • Leaf tag A Root tag encloses the entire document and is the only element that has no parent structure. The elements that are contained in a Root tag are called sub-elements. They may also contain sub-elements (Branch tags) or not (Leaf tags). Leaf tags only contain character data and have no sub-elements. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 141 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide The CIS Analyst file also contains an internal DTD (Document Type Definition) that describes the document structure. The DTD is a powerful feature of XML that provides a format set of rules that define the document’s structure. Example: An installation wants to archive a print application. The information archived is intended to be used for reprints. The reprints may need to be done on different locations. In order to determine which location is appropriate and which not, the characteristics of the print file should be archived too. Fig. 66 shows the CIS Control file that can be used to create such a Summary File. ANALYSTDD ( MYFILE ) ANALYSTCP ( ISO_8859-15 ) ANALYST ( XML ) Fig. 66 Example: Analyst parameters Fig. 67 shows the resulting file contents. The abstract DTD tree (not shown in the picture) is automatically generated by CIS. The description of each of the tags is also included. <?xml version="1.0"?> <ANALYST> <VERSION>CIS version 4.01.15</VERSION> <OUTPUTDATA> <DOCUMENT> <FILE> <FILENAME>CISOUT</FILENAME> <FILESIZE unit="byte">97529159</FILESIZE> <FILECONTENTS> <DOCUMENTS unit="number">1</DOCUMENTS> <MAILPIECES unit="number">5280</MAILPIECES> <SHEETS unit="number">6720</SHEETS> <PAGES unit="number">13440</PAGES> </FILECONTENTS> </FILE> <SUMMARY> <DOCUMENTS unit="number">1</DOCUMENTS> <MAILPIECES unit="number">5280</MAILPIECES> <SHEETS unit="number">6720</SHEETS> <PAGES unit="number">13440</PAGES> <MINPAGESIZE unit="byte">1486</MINPAGESIZE> <MAXPAGESIZE unit="byte">13070</MAXPAGESIZE> <AVERAGEPAGESIZE unit="byte">7168</AVERAGEPAGESIZE> <JOBSIZE unit="byte">97529159</JOBSIZE> </SUMMARY> </DOCUMENT> 142 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS <RESOURCE> <FILE> <FILENAME>CISRES</FILENAME> <FILESIZE unit="byte">1431006</FILESIZE> <FILECONTENTS> <RESOURCENAME>F1010111</RESOURCENAME> <RESOURCETYPE identifier="0x1">form definition</RESOURCETYPE> <RESOURCENETSIZE unit="byte">290</RESOURCENETSIZE> <RESOURCENAME>X0357E </RESOURCENAME> <RESOURCETYPE identifier="0x5">coded font</RESOURCETYPE> <RESOURCENETSIZE unit="byte">63</RESOURCENETSIZE> <RESOURCENAME>T1FG999P</RESOURCENAME> <RESOURCETYPE identifier="0x7">code page type</RESOURCETYPE> <RESOURCENETSIZE unit="byte">2230</RESOURCENETSIZE> <RESOURCENAME>C0357E </RESOURCENAME> <RESOURCETYPE identifier="0x6">font character set (raster)</RESOURCETYPE> <RESOURCENETSIZE unit="byte">24145</RESOURCENETSIZE> <RESOURCENAME>O1MMO001</RESOURCENAME> <RESOURCETYPE identifier="0x4">overlay</RESOURCETYPE> <RESOURCENETSIZE unit="byte">1911</RESOURCENETSIZE> </FILECONTENTS> </FILE> </RESOURCE> <INDEX> <FILE> <FILENAME>CISIDX</FILENAME> <FILESIZE unit="byte">1230488</FILESIZE> </FILE> </INDEX> <EXTRACT> <FILE> <FILENAME>MPLIST.TXT</FILENAME> <FILESIZE unit="byte">269280</FILESIZE> <FILECONTENTS> <ATTRIBUTENAME>MP Barcode-Nummer</ATTRIBUTENAME> </FILECONTENTS> </FILE> </EXTRACT> </OUTPUTDATA> </ANALYST> Fig. 67 Example: Analyst Summary file A detailed description of each of the XML tags contained in the Summary file can be found under 6.3 Appendix C: Description of the Analyst tags on page 346. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 143 CIS-Module Version 5.00, User’s Guide 3.14 AFP Resource Packaging The AFP Resource Packaging option of CIS will be released as a modular software component for integration in other Océ products under Linux and z/OS. It cannot be ordered separately as a standalone product or for use with non-Océ software products. Its functionality is restricted to a defined subset of parameters listed under 6.1.1 Licensing under OS/390, z/OS on page 323 and 6.1.2 Licensing under LINUX on page 327. AFP resource packaging consists of identifying, locating and copying all the AFP resources used in a print job into a single Resource Object file. During this process, the AFP data is validated, parsed and eventually converted to MO:DCA-P format (e.g. in case of line-format applications). Summarized: • Normalize S/370 Line format, Record-format line, XML or MO:DCA-P format data (see 3.1 Internal Workflow on page 29) with full Code page support (see 3.2 Code page support on page 33) and • Retrieve and Consolidate AFP Resources with the parameter RESCONSOLIDATION set to its default BASIC (see 3.7 How to Retrieve and Consolidate AFP Resources on page 69) into a single Resource Object file (parameter RESPDS set to its default SEQ). The following diagram shows the internal CIS workflow, presenting the functions which are enabled in case of the CIS AFP Resource Packaging option (compare with CIS internal workflow on page 32): 144 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CustomizingUsing CIS Record-format data Start Unicode line data S/370 line data Control file MO:DCA-P data XML data Resource Libraries Conversion Normalisation Resource Packaging Document Generation Resource File Document File Converter Processing keywords and parameters Normalisation Normaliser Selection (on demand) End Fig. 68 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS AFP Resource Packaging workflow Developer's edition 145 4 Using CIS Executing CIS under Linux 4.2.1 Execution requirements CIS execution is started by entering the following command under Linux: cis control-file [ codePageID ] Fig. 69 Linux: sample CIS invocation Where: cis Specifies the CIS program name. control-file Specifies the name of the file containing the keywords and parameters to be used for this CIS invocation. The syntax supported is described on page 160 under CIS Control File reference. This is a required parameter. codePageID Specifies the Code Page ID to be used for interpreting the keywords and parameters stored in the control file. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. By default, when this parameter is not specified, CIS uses the currently active internal Code Page (ISO_8859-15 in case of Linux). During execution, CIS uses stdout as default destination for all runtime messages it generates. The messages include information such as product’s version number and Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 147 control file contents. Error and warning messages describing an invalid or unexpected condition are also issued. All messages issued are described in the CIS Message’s Guide. Return codes 4.2.2 On termination, CIS passes a return code which summarizes the errors detected during execution. The return codes (decimal) set by CIS are: -4 Licence error detected. PRISMAproduction server only ! On PRISMAproduction host return code 16 is set. 0 Successful execution. No errors were found. 4 Successful execution with warning messages. 8 Data error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to stdout describing the problem found. 12 Keyword or File related error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to stdout describing the problem found. 16 Program related error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to stdout describing the problem found. License key processing For details please see PRISMAproduction User Manual – Administration Settings and Tasks V4.02, chapter Configuration Licenses. 4.2.3 • 148 Estimating System Resource requirements MEMORY REQUIREMENTS • When converting line data • When normalizing AFP data • When indexing Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 • • • When retrieving resources • When sorting • When tracing DISK REQUIREMENTS • For index file • For resource file • For document file • For trace files PROCESSOR REQUIREMENTS 4.3.1 • When converting line data • When normalizing AFP data • When indexing • When retrieving resources • When sorting • When tracingExecuting CIS under MVS JCL requirements CIS runs as a normal batch job and requires Job Control Language (JCL) definitions. Fig. 70 shows an example of the JCL required. The statements enclosed in brackets ([ ]) are optional. The purpose of each of these JCL statements required is described next: EXEC Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Specifies the CIS program name and the region size to be used. The recommended size is 5Mb. Information on how to calculate the region size required by an application can be found under Memory requirements on page 159. Developer's edition 149 The following load modules are part of CIS: • CIS This is the standard module. Should be used to run all production applications. • CIS1 This is the trace generation module and is used during error diagnosis. It gets automatically loaded when tracing is requested (see TRACELEVEL keyword). Renaming the CIS modules is not supported and will cause unpredictable results. PARM The following run time keywords are available: Specifies the code page ID to be used for interpreting the keywords and parameters stored in the CIS Control file. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. By default, when this parameter is not specified, CIS uses the currently active internal Code Page. For more information please refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33. CP= PARMDD= Specifies the DDname of the data set containing the CIS Control file. The default, when this keyword is not specified, is SYSIN. MSGDD= STEPLIB Specifies the DDname of the data set used by CIS to write all execution messages. The default, when this parameter is not specified, is SYSPRINT. Specifies the DDname for the library where CIS is installed CISLSK Specifies the DDname of the data set containing the license key to be used for this CIS run. The format of the license key file under MVS and the processing done in CIS is shown in 4.3.2 License key requirements on page 155. SYSPRINT Indicates the destination where CIS will generate the information and error messages it issues. May be overridden using the MSGDD keyword in the EXEC JCL statement. The information messages contain the CIS module name, version number and the input control file read. This information is displayed 150 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 twice in case tracing is specified. SYSTERM Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Indicates the destination where CIS and the C runtime library will generate additional messages in case a severe runtime error occurs. May be allocated to DUMMY. Developer's edition 151 [ //****************************************************************** ] [ //* THIS STEP EXECUTES CIS ] [ //****************************************************************** ] //RUNCIS EXEC PGM=CIS[,REGION=5M,] [ // PARM='CP=IBM_0500,PARMDD=SYSIN,MSGDD=SYSPRINT' ] //STEPLIB DD DSN=PPH4.CIS.LOAD,DISP=SHR //CISLSK DD DSN=PPH4.CISLSK.FILE,DISP=SHR //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* [ //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* ] [ //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* ] [ //CISTRA1 DD DSN=PPH4.CIS.TRACE1,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), ] [ // DCB=(RECFM=VBS,BLKSIZE=32760), ] [ // SPACE=(CYL,(100)),UNIT=SYSDA ] [ //CISTRA2 DD DSN=PPH4.CIS.TRACE2,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), ] [ // DCB=(RECFM=VBS,BLKSIZE=32760), ] [ // SPACE=(CYL,(100)),UNIT=SYSDA ] [ //CISIDX DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.INDEX,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), ] [ // DCB=(RECFM=VBA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), ] [ // SPACE=(CYL,(5,5)),UNIT=SYSDA ] [ //CISRES DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.RES,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), ] [ // DCB=(RECFM=VBA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), ] [ // SPACE=(CYL,(5,5)),UNIT=SYSDA ] //CISOUT DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.DOC,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=VBA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), // SPACE=(CYL,(5,5)),UNIT=SYSDA //CISIN DD DSN=CIS.OPEN2000.DATA,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DATA,DLM='%%' /* CIS keywords and parameters are included here */ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ %% //****************************************************************** ] //* THIS STEP CONCATENATES THE CIS OUTPUT FILES ] //****************************************************************** ] // IF ( RUNCIS.RC <= 4 ) THEN ] //CONCACT EXEC PGM=IEBGENER ] //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* ] //SYSIN DD DUMMY ] //SYSUT1 DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.INDEX,DISP=OLD ] // DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.RES,DISP=OLD ] // DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.DOC,DISP=OLD ] //SYSUT2 DD DSN=PPH4.CISOUT.ALL,DISP=(NEW,CATLG,CATLG), ] // DCB=(RECFM=VA,BLKSIZE=32760,LRECL=32756), ] // SPACE=(CYL,(15,15)),UNIT=SYSDA ] // ENDIF ] Fig. 70 152 Sample JCL to invoke CIS Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 SYSIN Specifies the DDname for the data set containing the control file for CIS. The syntax of the keywords and parameters supported is described on page 160 under CIS Control File reference . A data delimiter other than /* should be specified as this string is used in the CIS control file syntax. . May be overridden using the PARMDD keyword in the EXEC JCL statement. CISIN Specifies the DDname for the print file to be processed by CIS. It is possible to specify a different DDname using the INPUTDD keyword. Refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference for more information. The data set used as input to CIS may include an Index and a Resource Object (inline resources). CISIDX Specifies the default DDname for the Index Object file to be generated by CIS. It is possible to specify a different DDname using the INDEXDD keyword. Refer to CIS Control File reference for more information. The Index Object file may have the following characteristics: DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE PS, PO V, VA, VM, VBA, VBM 32756 32760 Do not specify carriage control (e.g. VB instead of VBA) if you want CIS to create a file that does not contain a carriage control byte (x'5A') at the beginning of every record. The record size should be large enough to contain the largest index record to be generated. Specifying a length of 32756 is recommended. CISOUT Specifies the default DDname for the Output document file to be generated by CIS. It is possible to specify a different DDname using the OUTPUTDD keyword. Refer to CIS Control File reference for more information. The output file may have the following characteristics: DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE PS, PO V, VA, VM, VBA, VBM 32756 32760 Do not specify carriage control (e.g. VB instead of VBA) if you want CIS to create a file that does not contain a carriage control byte (x'5A') at the beginning of every record. The record size should be large enough to contain the largest document record to be generated. Specifying a length of 32756 is recommended. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 153 CISRES Specifies the default DDname for the Resource Object file to be generated by CIS. It is possible to specify a different DDname using the RESOBJDD keyword. Refer to CIS Control File reference for more information. The Resource Object file may have the following characteristics: DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE PS, PO V, VA, VM, VBA, VBM 32756 32760 Do not specify carriage control (e.g. VB instead of VBA) if you want CIS to create a file that does not contain a carriage control byte (x'5A') at the beginning of every record. The record size should be large enough to contain the largest resource record to be generated. Specifying a length of 32756 is recommended. CISSWAP The current CIS version uses MVS hiperspaces as internal work file. The specification of a CISSWAP DDname and the allocation of a VSAM data set is not required. CISTRA1 CISTRA2 Specify the DDname for the trace data sets where CIS will write diagnostic information in case the TRACE function is activated. The two data sets specified are processed in a wrap-around manner. They should only be specified when requested by your Océ software support, and should have the following characteristics: DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE PS VBS 32756 32760 CIS trace data sets must be transferred in binary format (e.g. via FTP). The trace data sets may contain secondary extents. In this case, the data set switching will occur when the last extent is full. IFDEF 154 Can be used to control the execution of subsequent job steps based on the return code received. The return codes (decimal) set by CIS are: 0 Successful execution. No errors were found. Control file contents and one or more information messages were written to SYSPRINT. 4 Successful execution with warning messages. Control file contents and one or more warning messages were written to SYSPRINT. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 IEBGENER 8 Data error detected during execution. Control file contents and one or more error messages were written to SYSPRINT. 12 File or Parameter related error detected during execution. Control file contents and one or more error messages were written to SYSPRINT. 16 Program related error detected during execution. One or more error messages were written to SYSPRINT describing the problem found. This standard MVS utility may be optionally used after an CIS run in order to concatenate the Index, Resource and/or Document output files into a self-contained AFP file which includes in-line resources. The resource object file used in the example on page 152 (DDname is CISRES) must be generated using the parameter RESFILE( SEQ ). 4.3.2 License key requirements In order to obtain a license key for your product your Océ representative requires your CPUID or CPUID’s in the case of a loosely coupled system. Only one license key is required for a single or multi-processor system. The MVS command D M=CPU should be used and the output from this command emailed or faxed to your Océ representative. Examples of the output from this command are shown below. • SINGLE PROCESSOR SYSTEM: RESPONSE=OCE IEE174I 15.31.24 DISPLAY M 250 PROCESSOR STATUS ID CPU SERIAL 0 + 01D5DA2066 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 155 • MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM: RESPONSE=OCE IEE174I 15.31.24 DISPLAY M 250 PROCESSOR STATUS ID CPU SERIAL 0 + 01D5DA2066 1 + 11D5DA2066 2 + 21D5DA2066 3 + 31D5DA2066 4.3.3 License key handling The license key information that is sent per email or post on floppies consists of 2 files: • Lcxxxxxx.eti is an information file that should be presented if there are problems or questions pertaining to your license. • License contains your license key for your product. The license file sent has the following format: CIS 5.0 SNR_CC99009990 zbghjT+23ypXPxMMNPW:ltgg 0.0 9uXXXX4-+P-YqpVyzyz4PQAv Fig. 71 License file used for distribution Note: If you prefer copy and pasting your license key to a dataset, copy the 24 byte license string in that way, that it starts at the first column of a record. See chapter License key file syntax below. 156 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 In order to avoid problems caused by differing code pages a stand-alone tool (program), License Import Module (PPHLIM), reads data file(s) that have been transmitted in binary format to the mainframe, transforms them into a valid license control file data format and appends the transformed data to the PPHost-license control file. //ADDKEY EXEC PGM=PPHLIM //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //STEPLIB DD DSN=&PREFIX..PPHLOAD,DISP=SHR //INFILE DD DSN=binaryFileName_1,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=binaryFileName_2,DISP=SHR //OUTFILE DD DSN=&PREFIX..licfile,DISP=OLD Fig. 72 JCL step required to run PPHLIM One or more license key files may be concatenated on the INFILE DD statement so that only a single PPHLIM run is required to create or update the PRISMAproduction Host license control file. Input license files may be binary license key files generated by Océ or license control files generated by PPHLIM. NOTE: When files are concatenated on the INFILE DD statement the files must have the same attributes for RECFM, LRECL and BLKSIZE. DD INFILE RECFM LRECL VB 80-32756 FB OUTFILE FB BLKSIZE BLOCKS DIR DISP 84-32760 ORG ?,? ? SHR PS ?.? ? OLD PS Multiple of LRECL 80 Multiple of LRECL When the INFILE DD card is omitted, PPHLIM decodes all the information already contained in the PPHOST license control file (OUTFILE) and displays it in SYSPRINT. The summary includes information such as product ID, expiration date, CPU ID, etc. Processing terminates with return code 4. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 157 In all other cases, PPHLIM validates the contents of the input file(s) specified in INFILE and creates or updates the PRISMAproduction Host license control file (OUTFILE). At the end, a summary report for all the keys found in the PPHOST license control file is displayed in SYSPRINT. The summary includes information such as product ID, expiration date, CPU ID, etc. Processing terminates with return code 0. In case of errors (e.g. invalid input key, invalid PPHOST file, etc.) a descriptive message is issued to SYSTERM or to the system console if SYSTERM is not assigned and the processing terminates with a return code of 12. All warnings and error messages are self-explanatory. • LICENSE KEY FILE SYNTAX LSKEY control file /*** DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND, USE PPHLIM INSTEAD ***/ j--4Met2EY3Z7BZAzAAxRCIZ /* CPU:01d5da206600 Rank:0003 Expiration:2003-12-31 */ /* Product:????????(CIS 5.00) */ qY2AXTc69iHCKUFUPh3cCG%J /* CPU:d5da20660000 Rank:0000 Expiration:2003-07-27 */ /* Product:a6072138(ROUTER 2.0) */ Fig. 73 License Code control file sample The file containing the CIS license code is specified using the LSKEYDD keyword. The license file consists of comments and license codes (see Fig. 73). A valid license code starts at the first column and ends with the first blank character, a comment string or with the end of line. The license key file may contain one or more license codes for CIS and other PRISMAproduction Host products, for the same or for different CPU's. CIS will process all the license codes in the file and will select the one with the highest license type for the current CPU (for more information please refer to 6.1.1 Licensing under OS/390, z/OS License Types on page 323). A request may be made from an Océ representative for your MAC ADDRESS. This is equivalent to your mainframes CPUID and is stored also in the file Lcxxxxxx.eti. 158 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 4.3.5 In case of error In case of an internal error CIS brings a message to console possibly followed by an ABEND. Read the job log carefully. If the error situation cannot be corrected contact your Océ representative providing as many information as possible: - Complete job log - Input data and Resources used for this job or in case of sensitive data at least a - Trace (see 4.3.1 JCL requirements on page 149 for further information about using CIS1 Module for tracing) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 159 4.4 4.4.1 CIS Control File reference Syntax rules 1. An CIS Control File is a text file that can consist of: • • • Keywords, their parameters and sub-parameters as described below Comments Blank characters The control file may be coded in any of the standard code pages supported by CIS (see 3.2 Code page support on page 33) and is portable across the different system platforms as long as the file transfer process does not affect the encoding standard and line breaks used in the control file and the file naming conventions are not in conflict. 2. In general, keywords and their parameters are not case sensitive. Exception are those parameters that are enclosed using single quotation marks ( 'Case Sensitive' ). File names (including absolute or relative path information) and pagedef and formdef should be specified using double quotes ( "user/myFile.CIS" ) when using a case sensitive file system such as Linux. 3. Keywords and parameters may start in any column and may comprise one or more lines. No continuation mark is required. Multiple keywords may be specified in one line. 4. Keywords are not positional and may be specified in any sequence. Parameters within a keyword are positional and must be specified in the documented sequence. 5. The parameters and sub-parameters are positional and must be specified in the sequence indicated in this manual. A Comma ( , ) is used to separate parameters. A Semi-colon ( ; ) is used to separate sub-parameters. 6. Numeric values may be entered in decimal or hexadecimal notation. The following formats (which are not case sensitive) may be used for hexadecimal input: • • X'nn' 0xnn A decimal point is not allowed in parameters entered using the hexadecimal notation. 160 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 7. Blank characters, tab characters, carriage return and line feed may be used to improve the readability of the control file. They can appear anywhere between keywords and parameters, and are ignored unless they appear as part of a parameter enclosed using two quotation marks (e.g. 'parameter with blanks' ). Blank lines are also allowed. 8. Comments (free form descriptive text) may consist of one or more partial or complete lines. The two-character string /* is used to indicate that a comment begins. The twocharacter string */ indicates the end of a comment. These strings may appear anywhere in the file and cause all the enclosed text to be ignored. Comments may not be nested. 9. Square brackets ( [ ] ) are used to indicate optional parameters. 10. Curly brackets ( { } ) are used to group parameters which belong and must be entered together. 11. A vertical bar ( | ) is used in the documentation to separate two or more options where only one may be specified. 12. Underlined text ( default ) is used to show the default values when a keyword is not specified. 4.4.2 Formatting string A special formatting string is available in some of the CIS keywords. The string is used as a template and is normally followed by a series of data fields ('attributeName', fileName, etc.) which are then merged with the template, according to the formatting options specified. This string formatting facility is based on the vsprintf functionality available in the C programming language, and provides a high degree of flexibility when it comes down to specifying fixed field lengths, right/left alignment, leading zeroes and others. Each formatting string consists of one mandatory “template” and one or more optional insertion fields. There must be enough arguments for the format. Excess arguments (more than specified in the formatting template) are ignored. The support provided is restricted to data encoded in any of the code pages supported by CIS (see 3.2 Code page support on page 33) as long as the characters to be displayed can be represented in the CIS Internal code page. Double-byte encoding schemes (e.g. UCS-2) are not supported. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 161 • TEMPLATE CONTENTS The formatting template is a character string which may contain two types of information: • Normal text which is copied, unchanged, into the output string. • Conversion and formatting escape sequences which are applied to the series of data fields (arguments) for formatting. The formatting template may be 1 to 250 characters long. It may contain any of the code points (characters) defined in the Control File’s code page. The string may combine lower case, upper case and national characters as long as they are defined in the code page. The string is always processed from left to right. Two characters have a special meaning when specified in the formatting template: the percent sign ( % ) and the back slash ( \ ) character. They indicate the beginning of a format specification which is processed according. The escape sequences supported by CIS are: \r\n \t \' \" \\ %% Force a new line before processing the rest of the string. Generate one horizontal tab character. Generate one single quotation mark. Generate one double quotation mark. Generate one back slash character. Generate one percent sign. The escape sequences starting with a percent sign indicate that a field parameter is to be formatted. One field parameter should be specified for each of these escape sequences. Escape sequences may be specified one after the other with or without separating text. The complete escape sequence will be removed from the resulting string and replaced with the formatted field data. The resulting string may be up to 250 characters long depending on the keyword in which it is being used. The options available are: % [ flags ] [ width ] [ .precision ] type % flags Indicates the beginning of a escape sequence. Optional parameter. May be: + blank 162 Left align the result within the given field width. Default is right. Prefix the output value with a sign (+ or -). Default is no sign. Prefix the output with a blank character. Default is no blank. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 # 0 width precision type Prefix the output with a 0x string. Default is no prefix. Prefix the output with zeroes until width is reached. Optional parameter. It is a decimal integer controlling the minimum number of characters to be printed. It is used in combination with the flags parameter when the number of characters in the output value is less than the specified width. In this case blanks (or zeroes) are added to the left (or right) until the minimum width is reached. Optional parameter. It specifies a decimal integer preceded by a period. Controls the number of characters or significant digits to be printed. Unlike the width specification, precision may cause truncation of the output value. The types supported by CIS are: s x X d Text string. Unsigned hexadecimal integer, using “abcdef”. Unsigned hexadecimal integer, using “ABCDEF”. Signed decimal integer. Note that all parameters are case sensitive. 4.4.3 Portability 1. Directory name Under MVS, the directory parameter represents a Partitioned Data Set (PDS) that is specified either as a DDNAME or as a DSNAME depending on the keyword in which it is specified. A DDNAME may be 1 to 8 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters long and may not start with a numeric character (e.g. "MYDD$$1"). A DSNAME may consist of one or more period-separated strings of 1 to 8 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters each, where the first character is not a number and the total DSNAME does not exceed 44 characters (e.g. "PRISMA.V400.MYDSNAME"). All names are automatically converted to uppercase. Under LINUX, the directory parameter specifies either a relative directory (e.g. "./myDir") in which case the name is appended to the current working directory, or it contains an absolute directory name (e.g. "/home/myDir") in which case the current working directory is ignored. All paths are case sensitive. 2. File name Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 163 Under MVS, the fileName parameter represents a sequential data set that is specified either as a DDNAME or as a DSNAME depending on the keyword in which it is specified. A DDNAME may be 1 to 8 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters long and may not start with a numeric character (e.g. "MYDD$$1"). A DSNAME may consist of one or more period-separated strings of 1 to 8 alphanumeric or national ($, #, @) characters each, where the first character is not a number and the total DSNAME does not exceed 44 characters (e.g. "PRISMA.V400.MYDSNAME"). All names are automatically converted to uppercase. Under LINUX, the fileName parameter specifies either a relative directory name together with a file name (e.g. "./myDir") in which case the name is appended to the current working directory, or it contains an absolute directory name together with a file name (e.g. "/home/myDir/myFileName") in which case the current working directory is ignored. All names are case sensitive. 4.4.4 Predefined color names Fig. 74 lists all the predefined color names available in CIS and shows the keywords in which they are allowed. Not all color names and/or models are supported by all MO:DCA objects. Keyword OCA B L A C K B R O W N C Y A N D A R K B L U E D A R K C Y A N D A R K G R E E N D A R K T U R Q D E F A U L T G R E E N G R E Y non-OCA M A G E N T A M U S T A R D N O N E O R A N G E P I N K P U R P L E R E D T U R Q W H I T E Y E L L O W B U F F I V O R Y V I O L E T other G O L D G O L D E N R O D S I L V E R S e l f D e f i n e d DEFINEBCOCA DEFINECONTAINER DEFINEPTOCA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DEFINEBOX DEFINECIRCLE DEFINECURVE DEFINEELLIPSE DEFINELINE X X X X X X X X X X DEFINEMEDIUMMAP X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Fig. 74 164 B L U E X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DEFINECOLOR names vs. CIS keyword Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 4.4.5 Predefined Levels The following table shows the predefined levels available in CIS describing the entity, location and selector used. Predefined levels cannot be changed by the user. Please refer to refer to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page 78 for more information about the DEFINELEVEL keyword Level name Description DOC defineLEVEL( 'DOC', DOCUMENT, BEGIN, ALL ) MP defineLEVEL( 'MP', GROUPLEVEL1, BEGIN, ALL ) SH defineLEVEL( 'SH', SHEET, BEGIN, ALL ) PAG defineLEVEL( 'PAG', PAGE, ALL, ALL ) Fig. 75 4.4.6 Predefined Levels Units of measurement The standard way of specifying units of measurement for almost all CIS keywords allows any of the following units to be used: IN MM CM POINTS PELS MILLIPOINTS specifies a unit of inches specifies a unit of millimeters specifies a unit of centimeters specifies a unit of points (1/72 inch) specifies a unit of picture elements (1/240, 1/300, 1/600, ... inch) specifies a unit of millipoints (1/72000 inch) The following table shows the way the different measurement units are converted. IN CM MM POINTS PELS 1/1440 inch MILLIPOINTS 10 x IN 10 25,4 254 720 2.400 14.400 720.000 10 x CM 3,937008 10 100 283,464567 944,881890 5.669,291339 283.464,566929 10 x MM 0,393701 1 10 28,346457 94,488189 566,929134 28.346,456693 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 165 10 x POINTS 0,138889 0,352778 3,527778 10 33,333333 200 10.000 10 x PELS 0,041667 0,105833 1,058333 3 10 60 3.000 10 x 1/1440 INCH 0,006944 0,017639 0,176389 0,5 1,666667 10 500 10 x MILLIPOINTS 0,000139 0,000353 0,003528 0,01 0,033333 0,2 10 Fig. 76 Units of measurement: equivalence table The following table shows the values that correspond to 2³²-1 millipoints (typical upper range): IN CM MM POINTS PELS 1/1440 inch 59652,32354 151516,9018 1515169,018 4294967,295 14316557,65 85899345,897 Fig. 77 166 MILLIPOINTS 4294967295 Units of measurement: maximum values Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 4.4.7 Keyword and Parameter syntax CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax C O N V E R S I O N I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N ANALYST ( XML | NONE ) ANALYSTCP ( codePageId ) ANALYSTDD ( CISANA | fileName | "fileName" ) CASECTRL ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) X CC ( NO | SNI | ASA | IBM | ASAA | SS | DS | TS ) X CHARS ( fontName [<mxm>] [, fontName [<mxm>] ] [,...] ) X X CODEDFONTEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X CODEPAGEEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X COLORFIDELITY ( {ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE}, { YES | NO } ) X COLORMAP ( colorMapName | DUMMY ) COMPRESS ( NO | CHARS | { STRING, ‘string’ [ , ‘string’ ] [ , ... ] } | { ALL , ‘string’ [ , ‘string’ ] [ , ... ] } ) X X DEFINE2DDATAMATRIX (‘name’, [escape], [convert], [rowSize], [rowNumber], [sequenceIndicator], [totalSymbols], [fileId1], [fileId2], [functionFlags] [,...]) X DEFINE2DMAXICODE (‘name’, [escape], [convert], mode, [sequenceIndicator], [totalSymbols], [zipper]) X DEFINE2DPDF417 (‘name’, [escape], [convert], dataSymbolsNumber, [rows], [securityLevel], [controlBlockData]) X DEFINE2DQRCODE (‘name’, [escape], [convert], [codePageId], [symbolVersion], [sequenceIndicator], [totalSymbols], [parityData], [errorCorrectionLevel], [functionFlags], [applicationIndicator]) X DEFINEBCOCA ( 'name’, [ unit ] , posX , posY , [ orientation ] , [ color ] , [ type ] , [ modifier ] , [ hri ] , [ asterisk ] , [ height ] , [ modWidth ] , [ ratio ] , [ codePageId ] ) X DEFINEBOX ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , p1X , p1Y , p2X , p2Y , [ rounded ] , X Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 167 C O N V E R S I O N CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] , [ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) DEFINECIRCLE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , posX , posY , radius , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] , [ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ], [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) X DEFINECOLOR ( name , colorModel , colParm1 , [-]colParm2 , [-]colParm3 , colParm4 ) X DEFINECONTAINER ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , [ [-]posX ] , [ [-]posY ], [ areaWidth ], [ areaHeight ], [ map ] , [ [-]posXInObjArea ] , [ [-]posYInObjArea ] , [ orientation ] , [ backgroundColor ], type , [ mode ] , fileName | "fileName" ) X DEFINECURVE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , startPosX , startPosY , endPosX , endPosY [ , endPosX , endPosY [,...,...] ] , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] , [ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) X DEFINEELLIPSE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , posX , posY , [-]ax1PosX , [-]ax1PosY, [-]ax2PosX , [-]ax2PosY , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] ,[ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ], [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) X DEFINEFINISHINGOP ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , type , parameter , reference , [ count ] , [ offset ] , [ position [ , ... ] ] ) X DEFINELEVEL ( name, entity [ , location, entitySelector ] ) X DEFINELINE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , startPosX , startPosY , endPosX , endPosY [ , endPosX , endPosY [,...,...] ] , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] ,[ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) X DEFINEMEDIUMMAP ( 'mMapName' , [ CONSTANT [ COPIES [ DUPLEX [ EXTENTX [ EXTENTY [ INBIN [ JOG 168 X ( NO | FRONT | BACK | BOTH ) (1|n) ( NO | SIMPLEX | NORMAL | TUMBLE ) ( n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( n [.m ] [ unit ] ) (n) ( YES | NO ) Developer's edition ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 C O N V E R S I O N CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N [ MEDIAATTRIBUTES ( [ 'UP3ImediaName' ] , [ UP3ImediaFrontCoating ; UP3ImediaBackCoating ], [ UP3ImediaBrightness ] , [ UP3ImediaColorResourceID ] , [ UP3ImediaImagableSide ] , [ UP3ImediaColorName ] , [ UP3ImediaSetCount ] , [ UP3ImediaOpacity ] , [ UP3ImediaPreprinted ] , [ UP3ImediaRecycled ] , [ UP3ImediaRollDiameter ] , [ UP3ImediaThickness ] , [ UP3ImediaType ] , [ UP3ImediaWeight ] , [ UP3IpinHole ] , [ UP3ImediaWidth ; UP3ImediaLength ] , [ UP3ImediaOrderedSetPiece ] [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ MEDIATYPE MEDIANAME SHEETLETS OFFSETXB OFFSETXF OFFSETYB OFFSETYF OUTBIN OVERLAYB OVERLAYF PRESENTATION [ SUPPRESSIONID ) ( mediaType ) ( 'mediaName' ) ( 1 | 2 [ , LEFT | RIGHT ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) (n) ( overlayName [ , ... ] ) ( overlayName [ , ... ] ) ( PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | PORTRAIT90 | LANDSCAPE90 | PORTRAIT180 | LANDSCAPE180 ) ( n [ , ... ] ) ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ) DEFINEPTOCA ( 'name' , [ unit ] , posX , posY , [ orientation ] , [ color ] , [ font ] , [ codePageId ] ) DUPLEX ( ASIS | NO | SIMPLEX | NORMAL | TUMBLE ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition X X 169 C O N V E R S I O N CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N EXTRACTCP ( codePageId ) X EXTRACTINDEX ( fileName | "fileName", level, '_sprintfString', fieldName [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) X FDEFLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [,...] ) X FIELD ( fieldName, { record, column, length } | { ‘literal value’ [ , LIT ] } | { x‘literal value’ [ , LIT ] } | { _variableName [ , VAR ] } | { ‘attributeName’, ATT } | { x‘attributeName’, ATT } | { ‘searchString’ | x‘searchString’, offset, length } ) X X FINISHINGFIDELITY ( ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE, YES | NO ) X FONTCHARSETEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X FONTFIDELITY ( ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE ) X FONTLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [,...] ) X FONTMAP ( fontMapName | DUMMY [ , RESOLVE | ASIS ] ) X FORMDEF ( formDefName | DUMMY ) X FORMDEFEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X GROUPNAME ( indexName ) X IMAGEOUT ( ASIS | IOCA | IOCANOR ) X INBIN ( value ) X INDEX ( indexName , triggerName , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' , fieldName [ , fieldName] [,...] ) X INDEXCP ( codePageId | UNKNOWN ) X INDEXDD ( CISIDX | fileName | "fileName" ) X INDEXEXIT ( 'exitName' ) I INDEXOBJ ( GROUP | ALL | NONE ) X INDEXSTARTBY ( 1 | value ) X INITVARIABLES ( _variableName = initialValue [ , [ - ] increment ] 170 S E L E C T I O N Developer's edition X Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax C O N V E R S I O N I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N [ , _variableName = initialValue [ , [ - ] increment ] ] [ , ... ] ) INLINERESOURCECACHING ( ON | OFF ) INPEXIT ( 'exitName' ) ( 'exitName' | exitName ) X Linux OS/390, z/OS I INPUTCP ( codePageId | UTF16LE | UTF16BE | UNKNOWN ) X X X INPUTDD ( CISIN | fileName | "fileName" [ , fileName | "fileName" ] [ , ... ] ) X X X X X X X X INPUTFORMAT ( MODCA | RDW | AFPSTREAM, x’delimiter‘ | FIXED, size | REC_PREFIX, prefixLength, lengthPosition, [INCL, EXCL]) ) X INSERTBCOCA ( 'name', level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) X INSERTBOX ( 'name' , level ) X INSERTCIRCLE ( 'name' , level ) X INSERTCONTAINER ( 'name', level [ , USEREXIT, 'exitName' ] ) X INSERTCURVE ( 'name' , level ) X INSERTELLIPSE ( 'name' , level ) X INSERTFINISHINGOP ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] , level [ , USEREXIT, 'exitName' ] ) X INSERTINDEX ( 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' , level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) X X INSERTLINE ( 'name' , level ) X INSERTPTOCA ( 'name', level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) X INSERTPTOCANOP ( 'name', level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) X INSERTSHEET ( 'sheetName' , level , 'mMapName' ) X JOBID ( 0 | value ) PRISMAproduction Server internal only !!! X LINEMERGE ( NO | 3800 ) X LSKEYDD ( CISLSK ) X X X X X X X X LUPUB ( 0 | value ) X MEDIAFIDELITY ( ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition X 171 C O N V E R S I O N CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax MESSAGECP ( codePageId ) I N D E X I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N X X X X X X X X MPCONCEPT ( ON | OFF ) X MPCONSOLIDATION ( NO | { NESTED , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , ... ] ] } | { INONEGROUP , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , ... ] ] } ) X X OBJCONEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X OBJCONLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [ ,... ] ) X OFFSETXB ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) X OFFSETXF ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) X OFFSETYB ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) X OFFSETYF ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) X OUTBIN ( value ) X OUTLINEFONTEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X OUTPUTDD ( CISOUT | fileName) X X X X X X X X OUTPUTFORMAT ( MODCA | RDW | AFPSTREAM, x’delimiter‘ ) X OUTPUTSEG ( { entity [, count [, boundary ] ] } ) X OUTPUTSEGPSDEF ( spaceType, primary [ , secondary [ , volSer ] ] ) X OVERLAYB ( overlayName [,overlayName] [,...] ) X OVERLAYEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X OVERLAYF ( overlayName [,overlayName] [,...] ) X OVLYLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [,...] ) X PAGEDEF ( pageDefName | DUMMY ) 172 S O R T I N G X X PAGEDEFEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X PAGESEGEXT ( "" | "extension" [ ,"extension" ] [ ,... ] ) X PDEFLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [,...] ) X PRESENTATION ( ASIS | PORTRAIT | PORTRAIT90 | PORTRAIT180 | X Developer's edition X Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax C O N V E R S I O N I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE90 | LANDSCAPE180 ) PRINTMODE ( SOSI1 | SOSI2 | SOSI3 | string ) X PSEGLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [,...] ) X REMOVEBCOCA ( 'name' [ , 'name' ] [ , ... ] ) X REMOVEBOX ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVECIRCLE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVECONTAINER ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVECURVE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVEELLIPSE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVEFINISHINGOP ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVEINDEX ( 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' ] [ , ... ] ) X REMOVELINE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVEMEDIUMMAP ( 'mMapName' [ , 'mMapName' [ , ... ] ] ) X REMOVEPTOCA ( 'name' [ , 'name' ] [ , ... ] ) X REMOVESHEET ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) X RESCONSOLIDATION ( BASIC | { [ EXTERNALRESGROUP ] [ , INTERNALRESGROUP ] [ , INTERNALMEDIUMMAP ] [ , INTERNALMMAPOPTIMIZE ]} ) X RESEXIT ( 'exitName' ) X RESFIDELITY ( STOP | CONTINUE ) X RESFILE ( SEQ | PDS ) X RESOBJDD ( CISRES | fileName | "fileName" | directory | "directory" ) X RESPRUNING ( ALL | NONE | OVLY ) RESTYPE ( NONE | { ALL [ , PDEF ] } | { [ FDEF ] [ , PDEF ] [ , PSEG ] [ , OVLY ] [ , FONT ][ , OBJCON ] [ , BCOCA ] [ , GOCA ] [ , IOCA ] } ) SELINDEXRANGE ( entity, 'attributeName' | x'attributeName', Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition X X X X 173 C O N V E R S I O N CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N [!]'from'-'to' | [!]x'from'-x'to' [ , [!]'from'-'to' | [!]x'from'-x'to' ] [ , ... ] ) SELRANGE ( entity, [!]from-to [ , [!]from-to ] [ , ... ] ) X SELRANGERANDOM ( entity, [!]from-to, amount [ , seed ] ) X SELSIZE ( entity, operator, size, unit [ , operator, size ] ) X SETUPCHARS ( fontName [<mxm>] [, fontName [<mxm>] ] [,...] ) Restricted for usage in combinaion with MVS ROUTER X X SETUPFORMDEF ( formDefName | DUMMY ) Restricted for usage in combinaion with MVS ROUTER SETUPPAGEDEF ( pageDefName | DUMMY ) Restricted for usage in combinaion with MVS ROUTER X X SETUPVID ( ASIS | NONE | { n [ , n [ , ... ] ] } ) X SORT ( NONE | SCHEME_1 | SCHEME_2 | SCHEME_3 | 4UP_BOOKLET | 2UP_BOOKLET | 2UP_MP_BOOKLET | FLIP_FOR_COLLATED | FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED | FOR_UNCOLLATED | USEREXIT, 'program name' | ASC, 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [,'attributeName' | x'attributeName'] [,...] | DES, 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [,'attributeName' | x'attributeName'] [,... ] ) X TMPDIR ( path | "path" ) X TONERFIDELITY ( ASIS | NONE | n ) X TRACEDD ( CISTRA1 | fileName | "fileName" [ , CISTRA2 | fileName | "fileName" ] ) TRACELEVEL ( 0 | value [ , value ] [ , ... ] ) X X X X X X X X TRACESIZE ( 100 | size ) X X X X X X X X TRACETYPE ( ALL | { [,...] ) X X X X X X X X TRCTYPE ( NO | IBM | SNI ) X TRIGGER ( triggerName , *, column | * , ‘value’ | x‘value’ [, record, column | * , ‘value’ | x‘value’ ] [ ,... ] ) 174 Developer's edition X Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax C O N V E R S I O N I N D E X I N G UNIQUEBNGS ( YES | NO ) X USEPAGENAMES ( YES | NO ) X S O R T I N G USERLIB ( directory | "directory" [ ,directory | "directory" ] [,...] ) R E S O U R C E S X CIS Keyword and Parameter syntax for params resticted to use in combination with ROUTER S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N S E G M E N T A T I O N E N R I C H M E N T E X T R A C T I O N X WORKDD ( CISSWAP ) X2UP ( ASIS | OFF | ON | LEFT | RIGHT | ICOPIES ) S E L E C T I O N X X C O N V E R S I O N I N D E X I N G S O R T I N G R E S O U R C E S S E L E C T I O N SETUPCHARS ( fontName [ <mxm>] [, fontName [ <mxm> ] ] [,... ] ) SETUPFORMDEF ( formDefName | DUMMY ) SETUPPAGEDEF ( pageDefName | DUMMY ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 175 ANALYST ( XML | NONE ) Activates the Print Data Stream Analyzer function and controls the summary report format. XML Indicates that the summary report should be created in XML format. NONE Deactivates the Print Stream Analyser function. The Print file Analyst function is described under 3.13 How to Analyze a print file on page 141. A description of the summary report created with this keyword is available under 6.3 Appendix C: Description of the Analyst tags on page 346. ANALYSTCP ( codePageID ) Specifies the Code Page to be used during the generation of the output file of the Print Data Stream Analyzer. A description of this function is available under 3.13 How to Analyze a print file on page 141. codePageID Specifies the ID of the code Page to be used for translating . See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. By default, when this keyword is not specified, CIS uses the currently active internal Code Page. For more information please refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33. ANALYSTDD ( CISANA | fileName | "fileName" ) Specifies the file name to be used for storing the output from the Print Data Stream Analyzer. A description of this function is available under.3.13 How to Analyze a print file on page 141. fileName is the file name where the information collected by the CIS Analyzer will be written. "fileName" This notation form must be used when the file name contains special characters such as blanks. The Print file Analyst function is described under 3.13 How to Analyze a print file on page 141. A description of the summary report created with 176 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 this keyword is available under 6.3 Appendix C: Description of the Analyst tags on page 346. CASECTRL ( 0, 1, 2, 3 ) Controls the spelling of resource names and extensions before searching the file in the attached resource libraries. 0 read the resource name and the extensions in lower case 1 read the resource name and the extensions in upper case default value on host 2 do not convert the spelling of the resource name and the extensions default value on server 3 at first the resource name and the extensions are read in upper case and afterwards in lower case (combination of "0" and "1") Please note that directory names (specified with the library parameters USERLIB, FDEFLIB, FONTLIB, etc.) are always handled without converting the spelling. CC ( NO | SNI | ASA | IBM | ASAA | SS | DS | TS ) Specifies the type of printer control characters to be used. NO SNI ASA IBM ASAA SS DS TS CHARS No printer control characters are used SNI control character ASA control character (EBCDIC) Machine control character ASA control character (ASCII) Force single spacing Force double spacing Force triple spacing ( fontName [ <mxm>] [, fontName [ <mxm> ] ] [,... ] ) Specifies the member name of the coded font (s) to be used to process an S/370 Line format or AFP Mixed data file. It is ignored for MO:DCA-P files. The matrix memory position <mxm> may be specified too. This list overrides any fonts specified in the Pagedef. fontName Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 A 1 to 8 character coded font name(s) including the font prefix (e.g. X0GT10) Developer's edition 177 mxm A numeric value between 0 and 63. The mxm position corresponds to the TRC value in the print data set that will select the particular font. At least one mxm must specify (or be allowed to default to) the value 0 as this mxm is used as default for TRC’s which may not be in the list. The mxm’s can be in any order. When the mxm position is not explicitly coded, mxm position starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 for each value in the parameter statement. When a mxm field is specified with the font, that font is loaded into the specified mxm position and the next font specified will be loaded into mxm location plus 1. Example: CHARS ( MYFONT, X0GT12<23>, X0GT15 ) would cause MYFONT to be loaded at position 0, X0GT12 at position 23 and X0GT15 at position 24. All other positions (TRC’s) remain undefined and cause position 0 to be used. CODEDFONTEXT ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Coded Font resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: CODEDFONTEXT ( “.600”, “.300”, “.240”, “.afp”, “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name 178 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CODEPAGEEXT ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Code Page resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: CODEPAGEEXT ( “.600”, “.300”, “.240”, “.afp”, “”) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name COLORFIDELITY ( {ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE} , {YES | NO} ) Controls the way the presentation software (e.g. SPS) will handle Color exceptions reported by the printer. Not all printers support Color Fidelity. It causes CIS to insert a PFC structured field containing a Color Fidelity triplet x'75' in all Medium Maps in the form definition being used. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 ASIS Indicates that the current Color fidelity options in the FORMDEF are to be left unchanged. This is the default. NONE Causes CIS to remove all Color fidelity (triplet x'75') options from the FORMDEF. STOP Causes SPS to stop printing the job and to place it in hold in case the printer reports a media exception. CONTINUE Causes SPS to issue a message and to continue printing the job using a substitute media. YES Report color exceptions that do not stop presentation. Developer's edition 179 NO Example: COLORMAP Do not report color exceptions that do not stop presentation. COLORFIDELITY ( ASIS, NO ) ( colorMapName | DUMMY ) Specifies the name of a Color Mapping table. colorMapName On host only: the name is restricted to one to eight alphanumeric characters, including the two-character prefix, if there is one. If DUMMY (the default) is specified, CIS uses the first Color Mapping table found and ignores all others. COMPRESS ( NO | CHARS | { STRING, ‘string’ [ , ‘string’ ] [ , ... ] } | { ALL , ‘string’ [ , ‘string’ ] [ , ... ] } ) Activates PTOCA character and string compression. String compression works as an optimisation feature that reduces the size of the output document file by combining sequence of characters in the input data into a single Repeat String (RPS) control sequence. A description of this function is available under 3.6.8 Compressing AFP and MO:DCA-P data. In case of AFP data, CIS propagates all No-Operation (NOP, 0xD3EEEE) structured fields which are part of the page data (between BPG and EPG structured fields) and writes them immediately after the MO:DCA-P Active Environment Group in the output file. NOP's which are not part of the page data (outside BPG/EPG) are not propagated. 180 NO No compression is done. CHARS Any character which is repeated more than 6 times consecutively is replaced with an RPS control sequence. All characters in a Presentation Text Data (PTX) structured field are checked. STRING All characters in a Presentation Text Data (PTX) structured field are compared against the specified string(s). Matching characters are replaced with an RPS control sequence. ALL Is the combination of the CHARS and STRING parameters, Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 together. Provides the highest level of AFP compression. Example: DEFINE2DDATAMATRIX COMPRESS ( STRING, ' ', ' *', X’4243’ ) ( ‘name’, [ escape ] , [ convert ] , [ rowSize ] , [ rowNumber ] , [ sequenceIndicator ] , [ totalSymbols ] , [ fileId1 ] , [ fileId2 ] , [ functionFlags ] [,...] ) Defines the characteristics of a 2D Data Matrix Bar Code object to be inserted by CIS in form of a BCOCA AFP structure. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a BCOCA object previously defined using the DEFINEBCOCA keyword. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 escape Describes the escape-sequence handling NO X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as normal character. YES X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as an escape character. convert Describes, if a translation from EBCDIC-to-ASCII will be done NO No conversion will be done YES A conversion from the given EBCDIC CodePage to ASCII will be done. rowSize Defines the matrix row size, as allowed by symbology, the range is from 1 – 65535, default is 0. rowNumber Defines the number of rows, as allowed by symbology, the range is from 1 – 65535, default is 0. sequenceIndicator Structured append sequence indicator, a value from 0 – 16 is allowed, default is 0. totalSymbols Total number of structured append symbols, value 0 or 2 –16 is allowed, default is 0. fileId1 High-order byte of a 2-byte unique file identification for a set of structured append symbols, a value from 1 – 254 is allowed. Default is 1. fileId2 Low-order byte of a 2-byte unique file identification for a set of structured append symbols, a value from 1 – 254 is Developer's edition 181 allowed. Default is 1. functionFlags FNC1UCC | FN1IND | RDRPROG | MAC5 | MAC6 Describes different possibilities, for alternate data type identifier reader programming symbol header and trailer instructions to the bar code reader. Per default no function flag is set. FNC1UCC Symbol confirms to UCC/EAN standards FN1IND Symbol confirm to industry standards RDRPROG If given, this symbol encodes a message used to program the reader system. MAC5 Use the 05 Macro header/trailer MAC6 Use the 06 Macro header/trailer For further details please refer to BCOCA Reference, Data Matrix Special-Function Parameters. DEFINE2DMAXICODE ( ‘name’, [ escape ] , [ convert ] , mode, [ sequenceIndicator ] , [ totalSymbols ] , [ zipper ] ) Defines the characteristics of a 2D MaxiCode Bar Code object to be inserted by CIS in form of a BCOCA AFP structure. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. 182 ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a BCOCA object previously defined using the DEFINEBCOCA keyword. escape Describes the escape-sequence handling NO X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as normal character. YES X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as an escape character. convert Describes, if a translation from EBCDIC-to-ASCII will be done NO No conversion will be done Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 YES mode A conversion from the given EBCDIC CodePage to ASCII will be done. Defines the symbol mode for the default character encoding MODE2 | MODE3 | MODE4 | MODE5 | MODE6 MODE2 numeric postal code MODE3 alphanumeric postal code MODE4 standard symbol MODE5 full ECC symbol MODE6 reader program SEC The mode parameter must be specified. No default is applied automatically. sequenceIndicator Defines structured append sequence indicator, a value from 0 – 8 is allowed, default is 0. totalSymbols Defines the total number of structured-append symbols, value 0 or 2 – 8 is allowed, default is 0. zipper Defines special functions which can be used with a MaxiCode symbol. ZIPPER A vertical zipper-like test pattern and a contrast block is printed to the right of the symbol. NOZIPPER Zipper is off For further details please refer to BCOCA Reference, MaxiCode SpecialFunction Parameters. DEFINE2DPDF417 ( ‘name’, [ escape ] , [ convert ] , dataSymbolsNumber, [ rows ] , [ securityLevel ] ,[ controlBlockData ] ) Defines the characteristics of a 2D PDF417 Bar Code object to be inserted by CIS in form of a BCOCA AFP structure. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a BCOCA object previously defined using the DEFINEBCOCA keyword. escape Describes the escape-sequence handling NO X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as normal character. Developer's edition 183 YES convert X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as an escape character. Describes, if a translation from EBCDIC-to-ASCII will be done NO No conversion will be done YES A conversion from the given EBCDIC CodePage to ASCII will be done. dataSymbolsNumber Defines the number of data symbol characters per row, a value from 1 – 30 is allowed. rows Defines the desired number of rows in the bar code symbol, a value from 3 – 90 is allowed, default is 255. securityLevel Defines the security level for the symbol, a value from 0 – 8 is allowed, default is 0. controlBlockData Macro PDF417 control block data. For further details please refer to BCOCA Reference, PDF417 SpecialFunction Parameters. DEFINE2DQRCODE 184 (‘name’, [ escape ] , [ convert ] , [ codePageId ] , [ symbolVersion ] , [ sequenceIndicator ] , [ totalSymbols ] , [ parityData ] , [ ErrorCorrectionLevel ] , [ functionFlags ] , [ ‘applicationIndicator’ ] ) ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a BCOCA object previously defined using the DEFINEBCOCA keyword. escape Describes the escape-sequence handling NO X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as normal character. YES X’5C’ (Backslash) will be handled as an escape character. convert Describes, if a translation from EBCDIC-to-ASCII will be done NO No conversion will be done YES A conversion from the given EBCDIC CodePage to ASCII will be done. codePageId CodePage which will be used for conversion, possible values: IBM_0290 | IBM_0500 | IBM_1027 The codePageId parameter must be specified. No default Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 is applied automatically. symbolVersion Defines the desired size of the symbol, a value from 0 – 40 is allowed, default is 0. sequenceIndicator Defines the structured append sequence indicator, a value from 0 – 16 is allowed, default is 0. totalSymbols Defines the total number of structured-append symbols, a value from 0, 2 – 16 is allowed, default is 0. parityData Defines the structured append parity data, a value from 0 – 255 is allowed, default is 0. errorCorrectionLevel Defines the level of error correction, a value from 0 – 3 is allowed, default is 0. functionFlags Defines the alternate type identifier. Per default no function flag is set. FNC1UCC Symbol conforms to UCC/EAN standards. FNC1IND Symbol conforms to industry standards. ‘applicationIndicator’ Defines the application indicator for industry FNC1, the value is either an alphabetic value (az, A-Z) plus 100, or a two digit decimal number (00 – 99). If FNC1IND is not given, the default 0 is set. For further details please refer to BCOCA Reference, 2D QRCode Special-Function Parameters. DEFINEBCOCA ( 'name', [ unit ] , posX , posY , [ orientation ] , [ color ] , [ type ] , [ modifier ] , [ hri ] , [ asterisk ] , [ height ] , [ modWidth ] , [ ratio ] , [ codePageID ] ) Defines the characteristics of a Bar Code object to be inserted by CIS in form of a BCOCA AFP structure. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. 'name' Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Bar Code object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify Developer's edition 185 BCOCA objects within a print file however, it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" bar codes after that. Bar Code objects inserted by CIS include a Begin Bar Code Object (BBC) structured field with a “Fully Qualified Name” triplet (0x02) specifying the name parameter as fully qualified name. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. posX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the Bar Code is to be printed. Printing a Bar Code outside the currently defined page is not allowed. See 3.9 on page 109 for more information. posY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the Bar Code is to be printed. Printing a Bar Code outside the currently defined page is not allowed. See 3.9 on page 109 for more information. orientation Specifies the orientation of the bar code, relative to the Medium Origin. Possible values are 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°. The default is 0°. color Specifies the color of the bars. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. type Specifies the type of Bar code to be inserted. It may be specified as a number (between 0 and 255) or as one of the names listed below. The corresponding type and the default values for the modifier and codePageID are listed too. Name CODE39 MSI UPCA UPCE UPC2SUPP UPC5SUPP EAN8 EAN13 186 Developer's edition type modifier 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 codePageID IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0893 IBM_0893 IBM_0893 IBM_0893 IBM_0893 IBM_0893 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 IND2OF5 MAT2OF5 ITL2OF5 CDB2OF7 CODE128 EAN2SUP EAN5SUP POSTNET RM4SCC JPOSTAL DATAMAT MAXICODE PDF417 APOSTAL QRCODE CODE93 OCE_QRCODE OCE_MAXICOD OCE_DATAMAT OCE_PDF417 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_1303 IBM_0893 IBM_0893 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_0500 IBM_1303 IBM_1303 IBM_1303 modifier Specifies additional processing information about the Bar Code symbol to be generated (e.g. whether a check-digit is to be generated). The allowed range for this value depends on the Bar Code Type. Please refer to Data Stream and Object Architectures: Bar Code Object Content Architecture Reference, for more information about this parameter. The default value depends on the type parameter. The modifier parameter must be specified when an undefined numeric type is specified. hri Controls the placement of Human Readable Interpretation for the Bar code inserted. The allowed options are: ON OFF ABOVE BELOW asterisk Place HRI on its default location. The default location may differ between Bar code types. Suppress HRI printing. Place HRI above the Bar code symbol. Place HRI below the Bar code symbol. Specifies whether an asterisk is to be generated as start and stop characters in the HRI for CODE39 Bar Codes. It is ignored for all other Bar code types. ON OFF Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 10 11 12 13 17 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 0xEC 0xED 0xEE 0xEF Indicates that start/stop asterisks should be generated in the HRI. No asterisks are to be generated. Developer's edition 187 height Specifies the height of the Bar code symbol. For UPC and EAN Bar codes, the total height also includes the HRI characters. This field is ignored by the printer for Bar code types which explicitly define their height (e.g. POSTNET). A value between 1 and 32767 may be specified and indicates the number of units to be used as height. The default value used is x’FFFF’ which causes the printer to use its internal default. modWidth Specifies the width of the smallest defined Bar code element. This field is ignored by the printer for Bar code types which explicitly define their module width (e.g. POSTNET). A value between 1 and 254 may be specified and indicates the number of thousands of an inch (1/1000) to be used as module width. The default value used is x’FF’ which causes the printer to use its internal default. ratio Specifies the ratio between the width and the narrow Bar Code elements. This field is ignored by the printer for Bar Code types which explicitly define their module width (e.g. POSTNET). A value between 100 and 500 may be specified and indicates a percentage value (e.g. a value of 250 represents a ratio of 2.5 to 1. The default value used is x’FFFF’ which causes the printer to use its internal default. codePageID Specifies the ID of the Code Page to be used for translating. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. The default is to use the Code Page ID associated to the Bar Code type specified in type. For more information about Bar Codes please refer to publication [12] under 8 Bibliography on page 465. DEFINEBOX ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , p1X , p1Y , p2X , p2Y , [ rounded ] , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] ,[ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ []copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) Defines the characteristics of a rectangular figure (box) to be inserted in form of a GOCA object. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. 188 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 'name' Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Box object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify GOCA objects within a print file, but it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" box after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. p1X Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the first corner is to be placed. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. p1Y Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the first corner is to be placed. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. p2X Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the opposite corner is to be placed. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. p2Y Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the opposite corner is to be placed. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. rounded Specifies the radius to be used for drawing the box corners. One of the following values is possible: NONE n a/b lineType Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 no rounded corners are to be drawn a radius of n units is to be used. May not be longer than the length of the shortest box side divided by 2. is multiplied to the length of the shortest box side and the result is used as radius. May not be greater than 1/2. The default is 1/8. Specifies the type of GOCA line to be used for the figure's border line. The allowed values are: Developer's edition 189 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 dotted short dashed dash-dot double dotted long dashed dash double-dot solid invisible Please refer to "Line type" in S544-5498-01 Graphics Object Content Architecture for Advanced Function Presentation Reference, page 32 for more information. lineWidth Specifies the width (thickness) of the figure's border line in units of 1/100 inches. A value between 1 and 255 is allowed. The default is 5. lineColor Specifies the color of the figure's border line. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. copyNumber Specifies the number of times the figure should be inserted. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. The default value is 1. [-]copyOffsetX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. [-]copyOffsetY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. gocaPattern Specifies the pattern to be used to fill the figure. The allowed values are: 0x01-0x0E 0x0F 0x10 190 Developer's edition Please refer to "patterns" in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) no fill solid pattern Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 fillColor Specifies the color which should be used to fill the closed figure. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. DEFINECIRCLE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , posX , posY , radius , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] , [ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ]) Defines the characteristics of a circular figure to be inserted in form of a GOCA object. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88 'name' Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Circle object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify GOCA objects within a print file, but it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" circle after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. posX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the circle's center point is placed. A value between 0 and 2³²1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. posY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the circle's center point is placed. A value between 0 and 2³²1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. radius Specifies the radius of the circle, in the units specified in unit. lineType Specifies the type of GOCA line to be used for the figure's border line. The allowed values are: 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 dotted short dashed dash-dot double dotted long dashed Developer's edition 191 0x06 0x07 0x08 dash double-dot solid invisible Please refer to "Line type" in S544-5498-01 Graphics Object Content Architecture for Advanced Function Presentation Reference, page 32 for more information. lineWidth Specifies the width (thickness) of the figure's border line in units of 1/100 inches. A value between 1 and 255 is allowed. The default is 5. lineColor Specifies the color of the figure's border line. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. copyNumber Specifies the number of times the figure should be inserted. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. The default value is 1. [-]copyOffsetX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. [-]copyOffsetY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. gocaPattern Specifies the pattern to be used to fill the figure. The allowed values are: 0x01-0x0E 0x0F 0x10 fillColor 192 Please refer to "patterns" in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) no fill solid pattern Specifies the color which should be used to fill the closed figure. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 DEFINECOLOR ( name , colorModel , colParm1 , [-]colParm2 , [-]colParm3 , [colParm4] ) Assigns a user defined name to a MO:DCA color. Supports the RGB, CMYK , CIELAB and HIGHLIGHT color models. Color names defined with the DEFINECOLOR keyword may be used in the other CIS keywords where color names must be specified. Not all color models are supported by all MO:DCA objects. Refer to 4.4.4 Predefined color names on page 164 for a description of the supported colors. name Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the color being defined for the duration of the current CIS run. The name is not saved in the data stream. The name of the following OCA colors is already defined within CIS (refer to the MO:DCA reference for the corresponding RGB values of each of these colors) and cannot be redefined by the user: BLUE MAGENTA or PINK CYAN or TURQ BLACK MUSTARD DARKGREEN DARKTURQ or DARKCYAN GRAY WHITE GOLD BUFF NONE RED GREEN YELLOW BROWN DARKBLUE PURPLE ORANGE GOLDENROD VIOLET SILVER IVORY DEFAULT colorModel one of the following values: RGB RGB color model. The color value is specified with three components. colParm1 represents a value for red, colParm2 represents a value for green colParm3 represents a value for blue. colParm4 is ignored. Each of the three integer values is specified as a positive percentage from 0 to 100. An RGB specification of 0/0/0 is black. An RGB specification of 100/100/100 is white. Any other value is a color somewhere between black and white, depending on the output device. CMYK Defines the cyan/magenta/yellow/black color model. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 193 colParm1 specifies the cyan value. colParm2 specifies the magenta value. colParm3 specifies the yellow value colParm4 specifies the black value. The values are specified as an integer percentage within the range of 0 to 100. CIELAB Defines the CIELAB color model. colParm1 specifies the luminance value as an integer percentage within the range of 0 to 100. colParm2 and colParm3 specify the chrominance differences as signed integers from -127 to 127. colParm4 is ignored. HLC Defines the HIGHLIGHT color model. colParm1 specifies the highlight color number to be used. This value can be a decimal value (range 1 – 65535) or a hex value (range 0x0001 – 0xFFFF). Highlight color numbers >= 256 are "Indexed Colors" defined by an Indexed CMR. colParm2 and colParm3 are ignored by the printer in this case. colParm2 specifies the coverage value as an integer percentage within the range of 0 to 100. colParm3 specifies the shading value as an integer percentage within the range of 0 to 100. colParm4 is ignored. Color model colParm1 colParm2 colParm3 colParm4 DEFINECONTAINER RGB red green blue - CMYK cyan magenta yellow black CIELAB luminance chrominance chrominance - HLC name coverage shading - ( 'name' , [ unit ] , [ [-]posX ] , [ [-]posY ], [ areaWidth ], [ areaHeight ], [ map ] , [ [-]posXInObjArea ] , [ [-]posYInObjArea ] , [ orientation ] , backgroundColor , type , mode , fileName | "fileName" ) Defines the characteristics of an object to be inserted in form of an AFP Object Container. The object's data is read from an external file and is saved in RESOBJDD. 194 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 In case of OCA objects, all parameters, except name and filename, are optional and no defaults are used. For non-OCA-Objects all parameters, except unit are mandatory. This keyword must be specified together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(OBJCON) otherwise a warning message is issued. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 'name' Is a 1 to 8 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify an Object Container within a print file, but it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" object after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. [-]posX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the Objects Area presentation space starts. A value between (2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the page presentation space. This value corresponds to the value specified in field XoaOset (applied to the Medium Origin) of the IOB structured field. [-]posY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the Object Area presentation space starts. A value between (2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the page presentation space. This value corresponds to the value specified in field YoaOset (applied to the Medium Origin) of the IOB structured field. areaWidth Specifies the width, in the units specified in unit, of the Object Area presentation space. This parameter is mandatory for non-OCA objects. For OCA objects the parameter is optional and may be used to override the area width specification defined in the object container. A value between 1 and 2³²-1 is allowed. This value corresponds to the value specified in field XoaSize of triplet 0x4C in structured field OBD in an Object Container. areaHeight Specifies the height, in the units specified in unit, of the Object Area presentation space. This parameter is Developer's edition 195 mandatory for non-OCA objects. For OCA objects the parameter is optional and may be used to override the area height specification defined in the object container. A value between 1 and 2³²-1 is allowed. This value corresponds to the value specified in field YoaSize of triplet 0x4C in structured field OBD in an Object Container. map Specifies the mapping of the object in the object placement area. The allowed values are: 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x30 0x50 0x60 Position Position and trim Scale to fit Center and trim Replicate and trim Scale to fill This value corresponds to the value specified in field MapValue of triplet 0x04 of structured field IOB. Please refer to "MapValue" under "Mapping Option Triplet X'04' " in [18] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) for more information. [-]posXInObjArea Specifies the X offset, in units specified in unit, of the object contents within the Object Area presentation space. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. This value corresponds to the value specified in field XocaOset of structured field OBP in an Object Container. This parameter is only used when the map parameter specifies "Position" or "Position and trim". [-]posYInObjArea Specifies the Y offset, in units specified in unit, of the object contents within the object placement area. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. This value corresponds to the value specified in field YocaOset of structured field OBP in an Object Container. This parameter is only used when the map parameter specifies "Position" or "Position and trim". orientation Specifies the orientation of the object, relative to the Medium Origin. Possible values are 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°. The default is 0°. This value corresponds to the value specified in fields XoaOrent / YoaOrent of the IOB structured field. backgroundColor 196 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Specifies the color of the background to be used for filling the object's area. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is NONE. This value corresponds to the values specified in triplet 0x4E of structured field OBD in an Object Container. type Specifies the type of the Object to be inserted. OCA and non-OCA types are supported. Following types are possible: OCA types: PSEG GOCA BCOCA IOCA WRAPPED Page segment object Graphic object Bar Code object Image object object file which includes MO:DCA container structures describing the object's type. CIS expects a WRAPPED object to contain all mandatory structured fields and definition triplets defined by the MO:DCA architecture (e.g. BOC structured field with Object Classification X'10' triplet and valid OEG and OCD structure fields). non-OCA types: EPS Encapsulated PostScript EPST EPS with transparency GIF Graphics Interchange Format JFIF JPEG File Interchange Format PCL PCL 5 page object (non-OCA) PCX Paintbrush Picture File Format PDF Portable Document Format single-page object PDFT PDF with transparency (non-OCA) TIFF Tag Image File Format single, paginated image DIBOS2 Device Independent Bit Map for OS/2 DIBWIN Device Independent Bit Map for Windows This value corresponds to the value specified in field ObjType of structured field IOB in case of OCA objects, or in field ObjClass of triplet 0x10 in structured field BOC in case of an Object Container. The object data to be included is a paginated presentation object whose format may (OCA) or may not (non-OCA) be Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 197 defined by an IBM presentation architecture. For non-OCA un-WRAPPED objects, CIS uses the information contained in the DEFINECONTAINER keyword in order to generate the necessary MO:DCA container structures describing the object's type (BOC structure field with Object Classification X'10' triplet and valid OEG and OCD structure fields). Please refer to " Include Object (IOB)" and "Appendix D: Object Type identifiers" in SC31-680205 Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference for more information. mode Specifies whether the Object Container is to be mapped in a Map Data Resource (MDR) structured field, or not. Following modes are possible: SOFT HARD DEFINECURVE Specifies that the object is inserted without an MDR in the Active Environment Group (AEG). Specifies that the object's name is to be added to the MDR of the AEG of the page where the IOB for the container is being inserted. fileName Specifies the name of the file (Data Set Name under MVS) containing the Object's data. The OBJCONLIB and/or USERLIB directories are not searched. See also File name description under 4.4.3 Portability on page 163. This parameter cannot be specified in case the INSERTCONTAINER keyword associated to this DEFINECONTAINER specifies the USEREXIT parameter. "fileName" This notation form must be used when the file name contains special characters such as blanks. ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , startPosX , startPosY , endPosX , endPosY [ , endPosX , endPosY [,...,...] ] , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] ,[ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) Defines the characteristics of a Curve object to be inserted in form of a GOCA object. Multiple positions ("curve segments") may be specified so that the DEFINECURVE keyword can also be used to draw closed figures containing up to 62 curve segments. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. 'name' 198 Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 identify the Curve object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify GOCA objects within a print file, butit will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" curve after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. startPosX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the curve segment starts. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. startPosY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the curve segment starts. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. endPosX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the curve segment ends. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. endPosY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the curve segment ends. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. A maximum of 62 end positions may be specified in one DEFINECURVE keyword by entering additional endPosX / endPosY pairs of parameters. lineType Specifies the type of GOCA line to be used for the figure's border line. The allowed values are: 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 dotted short dashed dash-dot double dotted long dashed dash double-dot Developer's edition 199 0x07 0x08 solid invisible Please refer to "Line type" in S544-5498-01 Graphics Object Content Architecture for Advanced Function Presentation Reference, page 32 for more information. lineWidth Specifies the width (thickness) of the figure's border line in units of 1/100 inches. A value between 1 and 255 is allowed. The default is 5. lineColor Specifies the color of the figure's border line. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. copyNumber Specifies the number of times the figure should be inserted. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. The default value is 1. [-]copyOffsetX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. [-]copyOffsetY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. gocaPattern Specifies the pattern to be used to fill a closed figure. It forces an open figure to be automatically closed by drawing a last line segment between the first and last points entered. Specify NONE (the default) for figures which should stay open. The allowed values are: NONE 0x01-0x0E 0x0F 0x10 fillColor 200 open figure Please refer to "patterns" in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) no fill solid pattern Specifies the color which should be used to fill the closed figure. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. DEFINEELLIPSE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , posX , posY , [-]ax1PosX , [-]ax1PosY, [-]ax2PosX , [-]ax2PosY , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] ,[ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ], [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) Defines the characteristics of a Ellipse object to be inserted in form of a GOCA object. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 'name' Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Ellipse object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify GOCA objects within a print file, but it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" ellipse after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. posX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the horizontal X-position of the Ellipse is placed. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. posY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the horizontal Y-position of the Ellipse is placed. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. [-]ax1PosX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the posX, in the units specified in unit. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. [-]ax1PosY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the posY, in the units specified in unit. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. [-]ax2PosX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the posX, in the units specified in unit. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. Developer's edition 201 [-]ax2PosY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the posY, in the units specified in unit. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. lineType Specifies the type of GOCA line to be used for the figure's border line. The allowed values are: 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 dotted short dashed dash-dot double dotted long dashed dash double-dot solid invisible Please refer to "Line type" in S544-5498-01 Graphics Object Content Architecture for Advanced Function Presentation Reference, page 32 for more information. lineWidth Specifies the width (thickness) of the figure's border line in units of 1/100 inches. A value between 1 and 255 is allowed. The default is 5. lineColor Specifies the color of the figure's border line. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. copyNumber Specifies the number of times the figure should be inserted. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. The default value is 1. [-]copyOffsetX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. [-]copyOffsetY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. 202 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 gocaPattern Specifies the pattern to be used to fill the figure. The allowed values are: 0x01-0x0E 0x0F 0x10 fillColor DEFINEFINISHINGOP Please refer to "patterns" in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) no fill solid pattern Specifies the color which should be used to fill the closed figure. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , type , parameter , reference , [ count ] , [ offset ] , [ position [ , ... ] ] ) Defines the characteristics of a Finishing Operation to be inserted by SPS-CIS in form of an AFP 0x8E triplet structure. Any finishing triplets already contained in the input file are removed. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. 'name' Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Finishing Operation being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify Finishing Operations within a print file however, it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" operations after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. type, parameter one of the following Finishing Operation type/parameter combinations: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 type parameter FOLD F4-1 F6-n F8-n F10-n F12-n F14-1 Developer's edition (1 - n - 5) (1 - n - 7) (1 - n - 3) (1 - n - 14) 203 F16-n F18-n F20-n F24-n F28-1 F32-n F36-n F40-1 F48-n F64-n 204 (1 - n - 13) (1 - n - 8) (1 - n - 2) (1 - n - 10) (1 - n - 9) (1 - n - 2) (1 - n - 2) (1 - n - 2) STAPLE CORNER EDGE_STITCH SADDLE_STITCH_IN SADDLE_STITCH_OUT CUT SEPARATION PERFORATION CROSS TRIM FRONT 1_EDGE 3_EDGE 5_EDGE OFFSET LEFT RIGHT STACK ALTERNATE ROTATE 90 180 270 180XDIR 180YDIR PUNCH ROUND RECTANGULAR BIND YES REWIND WIND PRINT PRINT Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 TABLE YES BOOKLETMAKER BOOKLET BOOK LEFTMOST_FIRST RIGHTMOST_FIRST MERGE BANDING SINGLE DOUBLE CROSS SHRINK_WRAP YES n m For testing purposes. Can be used to specify any value allowed by the UP³I Form Finishing Operating triplet. n may specify a value between 0 and 255 (byte 4 in the triplet). m may specify a value between 0 and 65535 (bytes 5 and 6 in the triplet). Please refer to the UP³I V1.03 standard for a definition of the operations done for each of the values specified in type and parameter. reference Specifies the sheet's corner or edge to be used as reference when specifying the position of the Finishing Operation. The type of Finishing Operation being defined and the capabilities of the finishing device will determine whether this parameter is used or ignored. One of the following values is possible: TOP BOTTOM LEFT RIGHT TOP_LEFT TOP_RIGHT BOTTOM_LEFT BOTTOM_RIGHT Please note that the reference position is not affected by the print orientation (portrait vs. landscape) and always refers to the same physical, device dependent, corner or edge. count Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Specifies the number of times that the operation being defined is to be applied on each sheet. The type of Developer's edition 205 Finishing Operation being defined and the capabilities of the finishing device will determine whether this parameter is used or ignored. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. The default is 1. The number of position parameters required is determined by the count parameter. DEFINELEVEL offset Specifies the Axis offset (in units) for this Finishing Operation. This parameter specifies the offset of the positioning axis relative to the reference edge when the sheet is viewed from the front side. The type of Finishing Operation being defined and the capabilities of the finishing device will determine whether this parameter is used or ignored. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 may be specified, with the resulting value not exceeding 2³²-1 millipoints. The default is 0. position Specifies the position (in units) within the Finishing Axis for this Operation. Position 0 is either at the bottom edge or the left edge of the sheet when viewed from the front side, depending on the edge specified in reference. The type of Finishing Operation being defined and the capabilities of the finishing device may cause some or all position parameters to be ignored. The number of position parameters required is determined by the count parameter. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 may be specified, with the resulting value not exceeding 2³²-1 millipoints. The default is 0. ( name , entity [ , location , entitySelector ] ) Defines a "level" which may be used in other CIS keywords for operations such as data enrichment. The definition of a data enrichment level requires the specification of the entity to be enriched ("what"), the location at which the enrichment operation will be applied ("where") and a selector ("which"). Refer to 4.4.5 Predefined Levels on page 165 for a list of the predefined levels available in CIS. Predefined levels cannot be changed by the user. 206 name Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Level being defined. entity Specifies the entity or scope to be used for this level. The allowed values are listed below. Please refer to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 78 or to 3.12.1 Defining data extraction levels to CIS on page 137 for more information about the entities available in CIS. DOCUMENT each MO:DCA document GROUPLEVELn each MO:DCA Page Group at level n (a 1 digit number between 1 and 9). SHEET each MO:DCA sheet PAGE each MO:DCA page. Causes location to be ignored (ALL is assumed). location Specifies the location within the entity where the data enrichment operation will be done. It is ignored for PAGE entities. May be one of the following values: BEGIN END FRONT BACK BEFORE AFTER ALL entitySelector Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 in the first sequential page of the entity. in the last sequential page of the entity. in the first sequential page on the FRONT side of the first sheet of the entity. in the last sequential page on the BACK side of the last sheet of the entity. immediately before the first sequential page of the entity. immediately after the last sequential page of the entity. in all pages of the entity. Identifies the entities at which the enrichment will take place . May be one of the following values: ALL indicates that all entities are part of this define. 'name' specifies the name of the entity that is part of this define. n a number between 1 and 2³²-1. Specifies the sequential number within the print file of the entity that is part of this define. from - to two numbers between 1 and 2³²-1. Developer's edition 207 Specify a range of sequential numbers within the print file of the entities that are part of this define. from cannot be greater than to. ODD indicates that all entities with an ODD sequential number are part of this define. EVEN indicates that all entities with an EVEN sequential number are part of this define. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. Refer to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS on page 78 for a description of the supported level combinations in each applicable CIS keyword. DEFINELINE ( ‘name’ , [ unit ] , startPosX , startPosY , endPosX , endPosY [ , endPosX , endPosY [ , ... , ... ] ] , [ lineType ] , [ lineWidth ] , [ lineColor ] , [ copyNumber ] , [ [-]copyOffsetX ] , [ [-]copyOffsetY ] , [ gocaPattern ] , [ fillColor ] ) Defines the characteristics of a Line to be inserted in form of a GOCA object. Multiple positions ("line segments") may be specified so that the DEFINELINE keyword can also be used to draw polygons of up to 62 sides. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. 208 'name' Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Line object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify GOCA objects within a print file however, it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" line after that. unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. startPosX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the line segment starts. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. startPosY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the line segment starts. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. endPosX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the line segment ends. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. endPosY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the line segment ends. A value between 0 and 2³²-1 is allowed. The position must be inside the current page presentation space. A maximum of 62 end positions may be specified in one DEFINELINE keyword by entering additional endPosX / endPosY pair of parameters. Specifies the type of GOCA line to be draw. The allowed values are: lineType 0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 dotted short dashed dash-dot double dotted long dashed dash double-dot solid invisible Please refer to "Line type" in S544-5498-01 Graphics Object Content Architecture for Advanced Function Presentation Reference, page 32 for more information. lineWidth Specifies the width (thickness) of the line in units of 1/100 inches. A value between 1 and 255 is allowed. The default is 5. lineColor Specifies the color to be used for printing the line. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. copyNumber Specifies the number of times the line should be inserted. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. The default value is 1. [-]copyOffsetX Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 209 Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. [-]copyOffsetY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the previous figure's copy, where the next copy of the figure is to be placed. A value between -(2³1-1) and 2³1-1 is allowed. The resulting position must be inside the current page presentation space. This parameter is mandatory when copyNumber > 1. gocaPattern Specifies the pattern to be used to fill a closed figure. It forces an open figure to be automatically closed by drawing a last line segment between the first and last points entered. Specify NONE (the default) for figures which should stay open. The allowed values are: NONE 0x01-0x0E 0x0F 0x10 fillColor DEFINEMEDIUMMAP 210 open figure Please refer to "patterns" in [14] (see 8 Bibliography on page 465) no fill solid pattern Specifies the color which should be used to fill the closed figure. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. ( 'mMapName' , [ CONSTANT [ COPIES [ DUPLEX [ EXTENTX [ EXTENTY [ INBIN [ JOG [ MEDIAATTRIBUTES ( NO | FRONT | BACK | BOTH ) ] (1|n) ] ( NO | SIMPLEX | NORMAL | TUMBLE ) ( n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ] ( n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ] (n) ] ( YES | NO ) ] ( [ 'UP3ImediaName' ] , [ UP3ImediaFrontCoating ; UP3ImediaBackCoating ], [ UP3ImediaBrightness ] , [ UP3ImediaColorResourceID ] , [ UP3ImediaImagableSide ] , Developer's edition ] Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ MEDIATYPE MEDIANAME SHEETLETS OFFSETXB OFFSETXF OFFSETYB OFFSETYF OUTBIN OVERLAYB OVERLAYF PRESENTATION [ SUPPRESSIONID [ UP3ImediaColorName ] , [ UP3ImediaSetCount ] , [ UP3ImediaOpacity ] , [ UP3ImediaPreprinted ] , [ UP3ImediaRecycled ] , [ UP3ImediaRollDiameter ] , [ UP3ImediaThickness ] , [ UP3ImediaType ] , [ UP3ImediaWeight ] , [ UP3IpinHole ] , [ UP3ImediaWidth ; UP3ImediaLength ] , [ UP3ImediaOrderedSetPiece ] ) ] ( mediaType ) ] ( 'mediaName' ) ] ( 1 | 2 [ , LEFT | RIGHT ] ) ] ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ] ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ] ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ] ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ] (n) ] ( overlayName [ , ... ] ) ] ( overlayName [ , ... ] ) ] ( PORTRAIT | LANDSCAPE | PORTRAIT90 | LANDSCAPE90 | PORTRAIT180 | LANDSCAPE180 ) ] ( n [ , ... ] ) ] ) Provides the characteristics required to add or modify a Medium Map stored in the Form Definition specified by the FORMDEF keyword. In combination with REMOVEMEDIUMMAP, the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword can be used to replace existing Medium Maps. Specifying a DEFINEMEDIUMMAP parameter causes the corresponding fields in the FORMDEF to be replaced. The Medium Maps created or modified with this keyword will only contain one subgroup and may not use the n-up functionality. The number of sheet copies to be printed by the subgroup is specified using the COPIES sub-keyword. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. In case of resource consolidation, the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword is applied to all relevant resource groups. The FormDef override keywords (e.g. INBIN, DUPLEX, etc.) do not influence the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 211 keyword. The DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword is divided in sub-keywords and parameters. They are: 'mMapName' Is a 1 to 8 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Medium Map being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already defined in the Form Definition, in which case the existing medium map is modified to include all the parameters specified in the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword. The Medium Map is inserted or modified regardless on whether it is being used in another CIS keyword or not. CONSTANT one of the following values enclosed in parenthesis: NO FRONT BACK BOTH COPIES The following value enclosed in parenthesis: n DUPLEX TUMBLE A 1 to 8 digits number. A 1 to 3 digits number. Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS. PELS is the default. The following value enclosed in parenthesis: n 212 single (front) sided printing same as NO two sided printing with top of the front page being the top of the back page two sided printing with bottom of the front page being the top of the back page Specify the extent in the X (Y) direction for each sheet. For the maximum values allowed please see Fig. 77 Units of measurement: maximum values on page 166. n m unit INBIN Specifies the number of sheet copies to be printed. A value between 1 and 255 may be specified. one of the following values enclosed in parenthesis: NO SIMPLEX NORMAL EXTENTX EXTENTY constant forms function is disabled front side includes constant data only back side includes constant data only front and back side include constant data only. No variable data is printed on the sheets using this medium map. Developer's edition A decimal number from 0 to 254. See Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Keyword INBIN for further details. JOG one of the following values enclosed in parenthesis: YES NO change stack offset / Carriage Edge Marks (CEM) for the first sheet no offset / no CEM change MEDIAATTRIBUTES Specifies one or more media attributes enclosed in parenthesis. Only the attribute which are specified are inserted in the Medium Map. For more information please refer to UP³I Universal printer pre- and post-processing interface, Version 1.03 under "Paper Input Media triplet". 'UP3ImediaName' UP3ImediaFrontCoating UP3ImediaBackCoating UP3ImediaBrightness A 1 to 250 characters name used to identify the Media. The name may only contains characters available in the ISO_646 IRV:1991 (US ASCII) code page. one of the following values: NONE GLOSSY HIGHGLOSS MATTE SATIN SEMIGLOSS n (0 ≤ n ≤ 255) reflectance percentage. A value between 1 and 100. UP3ImediaColorResourceID A value between 0 and 255. Specifies a color resource that provides the color of the chosen media. UP3ImediaImagableSide Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition one of the following values: FRONT BACK BOTH NONE n (0 ≤ n ≤ 65535) 213 UP3ImediaColorName one of the following values: BLACK BLUE BROWN BUFF GOLD GOLDENROD GRAY GREEN IVORY MUSTARD NO_COLOR ORANGE PINK RED SILVER TURQUOISE VIOLET WHITE YELLOW n (0 ≤ n ≤ 255) CIS always sets the ColorPrefix fields of the "Paper Input Media Color Name Sub Triplet" to the default values. 214 UP3ImediaSetCount a value between 1 and 65535. Specifies the number of pieces of media in the set. UP3ImediaOpacity one of the following values: OPAQUE TRANSPARENT UP3ImediaPreprinted one of the following values: BLANK PREPRINTED UP3ImediaRecycled one of the following values: NEW RECYCLED UP3ImediaRollDiameter a value between 1 and 2³²1. Specifies the Roll diameter in millipoints. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 UP3ImediaThickness a value between 1 and 2³²1. Specifies the thickness of the chosen media in microns (µm). UP3ImediaType one of the following values: CONTINOUSCONTINU OUS CONTINOUSCONTINU OUS_LONG CONTINOUSCONTINU OUS_SHORT ENVELOPE ENVELOPE_PLAIN ENVELOPE_WINDOW FULL_CUT_TABS LABELS LETTERHEAD MULTI_LAYER MULTI_PART_FORM PHOTOGRAPHIC PRE_CUT_TABS STATIONERY TAB_STOCK TRANSPARENCY n (0 ≤ n ≤ 255) UP3ImediaWeight a value between 1 and 2³²1. Specifies the weight of the chosen media in grams per square meter (g/m²). UP3IpinHole one of the following values: PINHOLES PINLESS UP3ImediaWidth UP3ImediaLength two values between 1 and 2³²-1. Specify the Media dimensions (width and length) in millipoints. A length value of 0 is used for continuous-form media. UP3ImediaOrderedSetPiece a value between 1 and the Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 215 UP3ImediaSetCount. Identifies the piece (sheet) within the media set which is to be used for this Medium Map. MEDIATYPE The following value enclosed in parenthesis: mediaType Specifies the component ID of the media to be selected. One of the following values may be specified: 10x13_ENV 12x18_MED 14x17_MED 14x18_MED 8.5x10_MED 8x10.5_MED 8x10_MED 9x12_ENV 9x12_MAN 9x14_MED BSNS_ENV C5_ENV COM_10_ENV DL_ENV EXEC INDEX_CD ISO_A3 ISO_A3_CO ISO_A4 ISO_A4_CO ISO_A4_TAB ISO_A4_THD ISO_A4_TR ISO_A5 ISO_A5_CO ISO_A6_PC ISO_B4 ISO_B4_CO 10x13_ENV 216 Developer's edition 14x17_MED 14x18_MED 8x10.5_MED 9x12_ENV 9x14_MED C5_ENV ISO_B4_ENV ISO_B5 ISO_B5_CO ISO_B5_CO ISO_B5_ENV ISO_C4_ENV ISO_C5_ENV ISO_LNG_ENV JIS_B4 JIS_B5 JP_PC JP_PC_ENV LEDGER LEGAL LEGAL_13 LEGAL_CO LEGAL_TAB LETTER LETTER_CO LETTER_TAB LETTER_TR MON_ENV RA3 RA4 STATEMNT US_PC x'nn' 8.5x10_MED 8x10_MED 9x12_MAN BSNS_ENV COM_10_ENV Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 DL_ENV INDEX_CD ISO_A3_CO ISO_A4_CO ISO_A4_THD ISO_A5 ISO_A6_PC ISO_B4_CO ISO_B5 ISO_B5_CO ISO_C4_ENV ISO_LNG_ENV JP_PC LEDGER LEGAL_13 LEGAL_TAB LETTER_CO LETTER_TR RA3 STATEMNT x'nn' EXEC ISO_A3 ISO_A4 ISO_A4_TAB ISO_A4_TR ISO_A5_CO ISO_B4 ISO_B4_ENV ISO_B5_CO ISO_B5_ENV ISO_C5_ENV JIS_B4 JP_PC_ENV LEGAL LEGAL_CO LETTER LETTER_TAB MON_ENV RA4 US_PC where nn is a Media Type Identifier. Please refer to Media Type Identifiers registry (OIDs) in SC31-6802-05 MO:DCA Reference for more information. If MEDIATYPE not defined, the MEDIANAME must be defined. MEDIANAME The following value enclosed in parenthesis: 'mediaName' A 1 to 12 characters name used to identify the Media. The name may only contain characters available in the IBM 500 code page. If MEDIANAME not defined, the MEDITYPE must be defined. SHEETLETS two of the following values enclosed in parenthesis: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 n May be 1, or 2. Specifies the number of sheetlets per sheet to be printed. LEFT Specifies that the sheetlets are to be printed starting with the leftmost one, or RIGHT Specifies that the sheetlets are to be printed starting with the rightmost one. Developer's edition 217 OFFSETXB OFFSETXF OFFSETYB OFFSETYF Specify the offset in the X (Y) direction of the logical page origin from the media origin for the Front (Back) side of each sheet. For the maximum values allowed please see Fig. 77 Units of measurement: maximum values on page 166. n m unit OUTBIN A 1 to 8 digits number. A 1 to 3 digits number. Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS. PELS is the default. The following value enclosed in parenthesis: Specifies the output bin number. A decimal number from 0 to 254. n OVERLAYB OVERLAYF The following value enclosed in parenthesis: mediaName One or more 1 to 8 character names specifying the name of the medium overlay to be placed on the Front or Back side of each sheet. PRESENTATION one of the following values enclosed in parenthesis: PORTRAIT force presentation PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE force presentation LANDSCAPE PORTRAIT90 LANDSCAPE90 PORTRAIT180 LANDSCAPE180 SUPPRESSIONID one to eight of the following values enclosed in parenthesis: n DEFINEPTOCA 218 Specifies the suppression ID. A decimal number from 1 to 127. ( 'name', [ unit ] , posX , posY , [ orientation ] , [ color ] , [ font ] , [ codePageID ] ) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Defines the characteristics of a Presentation Text object to be inserted by CIS in form of a PTOCA AFP structure using the INSERTPTOCA or the INSERTPTOCANOP keywords. More information about the data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. 'name' Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the Presentation Text object being defined. It is allowed to use a name which is already being used to identify PTOCA objects within a print file, but it will not be possible to differentiate between the "old" and the "new" objects after that. PTOCA objects inserted by CIS include a Begin Presentation Text Object (BPT) structured field with a “Fully Qualified Name” triplet (0x02) specifying the name parameter as fully qualified name. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 unit Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. posX Specifies the offset in the X direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the Presentation Text is to be printed. Printing a PTOCA object outside the currently defined page is not allowed. See 3.9 on page 109 for more information. posY Specifies the offset in the Y direction, relative to the Medium Origin, in the units specified in unit, where the Presentation Text is to be printed. Printing a PTOCA object outside the currently defined page is not allowed. See 3.9 on page 109 for more information. orientation Specifies the orientation of the Presentation Text, relative to the Medium Origin. Possible values are 0°, 90°, 180° and 270°. The default is 0°. color Specifies the color of the figure's border line. Please refer to the DEFINECOLOR keyword for a description of the allowed values. The default is BLACK. font Specifies the name of a Coded Font resource to be loaded and used to print the Presentation Text. The font must be available in the first External Resource Group in the print file (if any) otherwise it is loaded from an external resource library (see USERLIB and FONTLIB keywords). The printer default font is used when this parameter is not Developer's edition 219 specified. codePageID Specifies the ID of the code Page to be used for translating. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. The default is to use the same code page ID value as specified (or used by default) in the INPUTCP keyword. For more information about Presentation Text objects please refer to Data Stream and Object Architectures: Presentation Text Object Content Architecture Reference. DUPLEX ( ASIS | NO | SIMPLEX | NORMAL | TUMBLE ) Determines whether printing will be on the front side of the sheet (simplex) or on both sides. This keyword overrides the MMC Duplex Control specifications in all Medium Map(s) included in the FORMDEF. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. ASIS The Duplex control specified in the FormDef should be left unchanged. NO Simplex printing requested. Simplex printing is single (front) sided printing. SIMPLEX Same as NO. NORMAL Normal duplex printing requested. Normal duplex printing is two sided printing with top of the front page being the top of the back page. This option permits binding a two sided document on the left edge. TUMBLE Tumble duplex printing requested. Tumble duplex printing is duplex printing with the bottom of the front page being the top of the back page. This option permits binding a two sided portrait document on the top edge. Example: EXTRACTCP DUPLEX ( NORMAL ) ( codePageID ) Specifies the Code Page to be used when generating a data extraction 220 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 file. A description of the data extraction function is available under 3.12 How to Extract information on page 137. An overview on code page support can be found under 3.2 Code page support on page 33. Specifies the ID of the code Page to be used for translating. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. By default, when this parameter is not specified, CIS uses the currently active internal Code Page. For more information please refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33. codePageID Example: EXTRACTINDEX EXTRACTCP ( ISO_8859-1 ) ( fileName | "fileName" , level, '_sprintfString', 'fieldName' [ , 'fieldName' ] [ , ... ] ) Requests the generation of an Index data extraction file and defines the format and source of the data to be extracted. fileName Is the file name where the data extracted by CIS will be written. "fileName" This notation form must be used when the filename contains special characters such as blanks. level Describes the data level from which the Index data is to be extracted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword for a description of the allowed values. ‘_sprintfString’ Specifies a template followed by a series of data fields ('attributeName') and applies to each data field a format identifier contained in the ‘_sprintfString’ template. Refer to 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 for a detailed description of the options available. ‘fieldName’ FDEFLIB Specifies a valid field name as defined in the control file. Only FIELDs of type LIT, VAR or ATT are valid. ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ , ... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the form definitions. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. directory Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Specifies the directory to be searched. Developer's edition 221 "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for Form definitions is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories Example: FIELD FDEFLIB ( MY.FDEFLIB,YOUR.FDEFLIB ) ( fieldName, { record, column, length } | { ‘literal value’ [ , LIT ] } | { x‘literal value’ [ , LIT ] } | { _variableName [ , VAR ] } | { ‘attributeName’, ATT } | { x‘attributeName’, ATT } | { ‘searchString’ | x‘searchString’, offset, length }) Specifies the data fields to be used to construct the indexing information, when processing S/370 line formatted or MO:DCA-P data. May be specified more than once. fieldName A 1 to 250 byte character name which is used as reference in the INDEX keyword. record Specifies the relative record number from the indexing anchor record. Supported values are –255 to 255. column Will be used as character offset from the beginning of a record. If carriage control characters were used, column 1 refers to this. Supported values are 1 to 32756. length Specifies the number of characters, starting by column to compose this field. Supported values are 1 to 250. ‘literal value’ [ , LIT ] x‘literal value’ [ , LIT ] Specifies a constant value. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other double-byte encoding schemes). The keyword LIT indicates that this is a literal field. 222 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 _variableName [ , VAR ] Specifies the name of one of the internal CIS variables. The variable names available in CIS are explained under 3.4 Processing variables on page 46. The initial value of each of these variables can be set using the INITVARIABLES keyword. The keyword VAR indicates that this is a field containing a variable name. ‘attributeName’ [ , ATT ] x‘attributeName’ [ , ATT ] Specifies a user-defined attribute name to be associated with the index tag. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other double-byte encoding schemes). The keyword ATT indicates this and must be specified. ‘searchString’ | x’searchString’ Specifies a search string (use the x’...’ variant in case of hex data). Note: CIS only searches for searchString on the page where the trigger is found. FINISHINGFIDELITY offset number of characters relative to the first character of search string to use as value. length number of characters read as index value. ( {ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE} , {YES | NO} ) Controls the way the presentation software (e.g. SPS) will handle finishing exceptions reported by the printer. Not all printers support finishing fidelity. Causes CIS to insert a PFC structured field containing the Finishing Fidelity triplet x'88' in all Medium Maps in the form definition being used. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. ASIS Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Indicates that the current Finishing fidelity options in the Developer's edition 223 FORMDEF are to be left unchanged. This is the default. FONTCHARSETEXT NONE Causes to remove all Finishing fidelity (triplet x'88') options from the FORMDEF. STOP Causes the presentation software (SPS) to stop printing the job and to place it in hold in case the printer reports a finishing exception. CONTINUE Causes the presentation software (SPS) to issue a message and to continue printing the job ignoring the requested finishing operation(s). YES Report finishing exceptions that do not stop presentation. NO Do not report finishing exceptions that do not stop presentation. ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Font Character Set resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: FONTCHARSETEXT ( “.600”, “.300”, “.240”, “.afp”, “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name FONTFIDELITY ( ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE ) Controls the way the CIS and the presentation software (e.g. SPS) will handle "font unavailable" situations. It causes CIS to insert a PFC 224 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 structured field containing a Font Fidelity triplet x'78' in all Medium Maps in the form definition being used. The default (in CIS and SPS) when this keyword is not specified is to use the font fidelity options specified in the FormDef. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. FONTLIB ASIS Indicates that the current Font Fidelity options in the FORMDEF are to be left unchanged. This is the default. NONE Causes to remove all Font Fidelity (triplet x'78') options from the FORMDEF. STOP Causes the presentation software (SPS) to stop printing the job and to place it in hold in case a font requested by the print file is not available. It causes CIS to stop processing the print file in case RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FONT) was also specified. CONTINUE Causes the presentation software (SPS) to issue a message and to continue printing the job using a substitute font. It causes CIS to issue a message and to ignore the unavailable font; no substitution is done by CIS. ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ , ... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the font definitions. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. directory Specifies the directory to be searched. "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for Font definitions is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories Example: FONTMAP FONTLIB ( MY.FONTLIB,YOUR.FONTLIB ) ( fontMapName | DUMMY [ , RESOLVE | ASIS ] ) Specifies the member name of a Font Mapping table. The value is: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 225 fontMapName The name can be one to eight alphanumeric characters, including the two-character prefix, if there is one. Specifying DUMMY (the default) requires the print file to contain at least one inline Font Mapping table. CIS uses the first Font Mapping table found and ignores all others. fontMapProcessing ASIS|RESOLVE FORMDEF ASIS Causes CIS to leave all fonts requests (including those made via GRID) unchanged. The Font Mapping table is also left unchanged. RESOLVE Causes CIS to process the Font Mapping table and to collect the substitution fonts. The font invocations are changed to use the substitution fonts. ( formDefName | DUMMY ) A 1 to 8 character name of the form definition to be used in printing the print data stream. The complete name must be specified. No prefix is added by CIS. Specifying DUMMY (the default) requires the print file to contain at least one inline FormDef. CIS uses the first FormDef found. All others are ignored. Example: FORMDEFEXT FORMDEF ( F1MYFORM ) ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP FormDef resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: FORMDEFEXT ( “.600”, “.300”, “.240”, “.afp” , “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource 226 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name GROUPNAME ( indexName ) Specifies which of the index values should be used as the name for each index group. Using the most unique index value for the group name is recommended. The intent is to have a unique group name for every group CIS produces in the output file. The value includes the FIELD definitions from the INDEX keyword but does not include the attribute name. The maximum name length allowed is 250 characters (AFP restriction). Example: GROUPNAME( accountI ) This keyword is rejected when specified together with the sorting schemes SCHEME_1, SCHEME_2, SCHEME_3, 2UP_BOOKLET, 2UP_MP_BOOKLET or 4UP_BOOKLET. IMAGEOUT ( ASIS | IOCA | IOCANOR ) Specifies the format of the image data produced by CIS in the output file. ASIS CIS uses same image format as in input file. IOCA CIS converts image data into uncompressed IOCA format using the replicate-and-trim option. IOCANOR CIS converts image data into uncompressed IOCA format without using the replicate-and-trim option. Example: INBIN IMAGEOUT ( IOCANOR ) ( value ) Selection of the input bin from which to take the form on a page printer. The selection is done by physical media ID, and overrides all input media Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 227 origins specified in the Form definition. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. value Example: INDEX A decimal number from 0 to 254. CIS will increment this value by one. Thus INBIN( 0 ) selects the Inbin 1 at the printer. INBIN ( 1 ) ( indexName , triggerName , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' , fieldName [ , fieldName ] [ ,.. ] ) Specifies the content of the indexing tags for the entire file, when processing S/370 line formatted data. May be specified more than once. Each index may contain one or more field definitions. indexName A 1 to 250 character name that specifies the index. triggerName Specifies a trigger. 'attributeName' x'attributeName' Specifies a user-defined attribute name to be associated with the index tag. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other double-byte encoding schemes). fieldName INDEXCP Specifies one or more FIELD keywords that compose the index value. The total length of all fields used in an INDEX keyword may not exceed 250. ( codePageID | UNKNOWN ) Specifies the Code Page to be used for storing the Index Object file . A description of the indexing process is available under 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index on page 55. An overview on code page support can be found under 3.2 Code page support on page 33. By default CIS uses the same Code Page as specified in the INPUTCP keyword. codePageID 228 Specifies the ID of the code Page to be used for translating. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. For more information please refer to 3.2 Code Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 page support on page 33. UNKNOWN Example: INDEXDD Causes CIS to write all Index entries as they are, without doing any code page translation. This is required in case of double-byte data such as Unicode. INDEXCP ( ISO_8859-1 ) ( CISIDX | fileName | "fileName" ) Specifies the name of the Index Object file. A description of this function is available under 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index on page 55. fileName Specifies the file name of the Index Object file. "fileName" This notation form must be used when the file name contains special characters such as blanks. Example: INDEXEXIT INDEXDD ( "..\..\myFile" ) ( exitName | 'exitName' ) exitName | 'exitName': Specifies the name of a user exit program. The program will be called every time this INDEXEXIT operation is to be done. The exit program will be called for every index tag found or inserted in the document file and in the index object file, and will be allowed to modify the index information before it is written. Note: Under OS/390 and z/OS CIS: - the exitName is restricted to 1 to 8 characters. - exitName without apostrophes are accepted (done for compatibility with version 4.00.) Example: INDEXEXIT ( 'myExit' ) More information can be found under 5.2 Index exit on page 289. INDEXOBJ ( GROUP | ALL | NONE ) Controls the amount of information to be written in the Index Object file. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 229 Selecting ALL may result in a very large Index Object file. A value other than NONE causes CIS to generate an Index Object file even if no index entries are available. GROUP Only page-group-level entries ALL Both page-group- and page-level entries NONE No external indexing file will be written. Example: INDEXOBJ ( NONE ) A value other than NONE is rejected when specified together with OUTPUTSEG or with the sorting schemes SCHEME_1, SCHEME_2, SCHEME_3 or 4UP_BOOKLET. INDEXSTARTBY ( 1 | value ) Specifies the output page number by which CIS must find an indexing field. Use this keyword to tell CIS to continue looking for an Indexing Trigger on a page other than the first one in the file. Example: INITVARIABLES INDEXSTARTBY ( 3 ) ( _variableName = initialValue [ , [ - ] increment ] [ , _variableName = initialValue [ , [ - ] increment ] ] [ , ... ] ) Specifies the name of one or more of CIS defined variables and assigns each of them an initial value. The variables names available in CIS, their meaning, their defaults, and their “change / “reset” conditions are explained under 3.4 Processing variables on page 46. _variableName Specifies the variable name to be initialized. initialValue Specifies the value that will be assigned to the variable anytime a "reset" condition occurs. Different reset conditions apply depending on the variable. increment 230 Specifies the increment (positive or negative) to be applied to the variable every time a "change" condition occurs. The default is 1. Different reset conditions apply depending on the variable. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Example: INLINERESOURCECA CHING INPEXIT INITVARIABLES( _outDocumentNumber = 10 ) (ON | OFF ) Processing data with one or more inline resources might increase cpu consumption because of the need to reposition within the print data file. Activating InlineResourceCaching allows CIS to save the content of inline resources in memory. This might lead to more memory consumption however the cpu consumption will be drastically reduced, especially under z/OS. ( exitName | 'exitName' ) exitName | 'exitName' Specifies the name of input record exit program. The program will be called for every input record read from the input file and will be allowed to add, modify or delete records. Note: Under OS/390 and z/OS CIS: - the exitName is restricted to 1 to 8 characters. - exitName without apostrophes are accepted (done for compatibility with version 4.00.) Example: INPEXIT ( 'myExit' ) More information can be found under 5.3 Input Record exit on page 292. Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. INPUTCP ( codePageID | UTF16LE | UTF16BE | UNKNOWN ) Specifies the Code Page to be used for interpreting the Input print file when it is not in MO:DCA format. A description of this function is available under 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index on page 55. An overview on code page support can be found under 3.2 Code page support on page 33. codePageID Specifies the ID of the code Page to be used for translating. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. For more information please refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33. UTF16LE Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Indicates that the input print file contains Unicode (UCS-2, Little Endian) Line format data. Use the INPUTFORMAT Developer's edition 231 keyword to specify the end-of-line delimiter. For more information please refer to 3.6.4 Converting and Indexing print files containing Unicode (UCS-2) Line data on page 61. The output file generated by CIS will be in UTF16BE format. UTF16BE Indicates that the input print file contains Unicode (UCS-2, Big Endian) Line format data. Use the INPUTFORMAT keyword to specify the end-of-line delimiter. For more information please refer to 3.6.4 Converting and Indexing print files containing Unicode (UCS-2) Line data on page 61. UNKNOWN Indicates that the encoding used in the input print file is unknown or unsupported. Use this parameter in case of double-byte applications other than UTF16. This is the default. A codePageID other than UNKNOWN, UTF16LE or UTF16BE is required when the name of a FIELD keyword of type other than LIT, VAR or ATT is specified in an INSERTBCOCA(), INSERTINDEX(), INSERTPTOCA(), INSERTPTOCANOP() or EXTRACTINDEX keyword. Example: INPUTDD INPUTCP ( ISO_8859-1 ) ( CISIN | fileName | "fileName" [ , fileName | "fileName" ] [ , ... ] ) Specifies the file name(s) to be used for reading the input print data. CIS reads the file in the same order as they are specified. fileName Specifies the name of the file where the input print data is stored. "fileName" This notation form must be used when the filename contains special characters such as blanks. Example: INPUTFORMAT INPUTDD ( "myInFile_1", "myInFile_2" ) ( MODCA | RDW | AFPSTREAM , x’delimiter‘ | FIXED , size | REC_PREFIX, prefixLength, lengthPosition, [INCL, EXCL]) ) Specifies the data format used in the input print file(s) specified by the INPUTDD keyword. It applies to the complete input file(s), including any inline resources it(they) may contain. 232 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 MODCA RDW Cannot be specified together with the CC or TRCTYPE keywords which must be set to NO (their default). Indicates that the input print file(s) contain the following data format: • AFP structured fields beginning with a 2-bytes length field (big endian), followed by at least one data byte containing 0xD3. The length field must contain a value between 3 and 32767. • One optional 0x5A byte preceding the MODCA structured fields. Used for input print file(s) in S/390 record format where a 4bytes “record descriptor word” (RDW) specifies the record length. CIS uses the RDW to determine the record size, regardless on whether the data contained in the file is S/370 Line format data, AFP Mixed data, Unformatted ASCII data, Record-format Line data, Unicode Line data, XML data or AFP structured fields. Under MVS, the RDW is stored outside the data portion of the record (“record length”). In this case, CIS automatically uses the specifications stored in the file’s DCB at the time the input print file was created. Under Linux the first 4 bytes of each record specify the RDW. The first 2 bytes contain the record length, including the RDW length itself, and are followed by 2 additional bytes which must be present and are ignored by CIS (reserved). Files containing RDW’s are usually MVS files which are NFS mounted for processing under LINUX. They may also be files which were transferred using FTP or the AFP Download protocol. Optional CC and/or TRC bytes may follow the 4-bytes RDW. Empty lines (where the RDW is set to 4) are valid as far as the INPUTFORMAT processing is concerned. They may be invalid in the AFP context and may be rejected by CIS. AFPSTREAM , x’delimiter’ Used for input print file(s) containing S/370 Line format data, AFP Mixed data, Record-format Line data, Unicode Line data, Unformatted ASCII data, XML data or AFP structured fields separated by delimiters. x’delimiter’ specifies a hexadecimal value to be used as line-end delimiter. The length of the delimiter may vary Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 233 between 1 and 4 bytes. The delimiter is searched, recognized and removed from the input data with the following exceptions: • The CC and TRC bytes are not checked for line-end delimiters. • The content of AFP structured fields is not checked for line-end delimiters. The INPUTFORMAT processing in CIS recognizes AFP structured fields as follows: the contents of the CC byte must be 0x5A (CC keyword must specify to SNI, ASA, IBM or ASAA); the data after the CC byte (ignoring any TRC specification) begins with a 2-bytes length field with a value between 3 and 32767 (big endian); and is followed by at least one data byte containing 0xD3. If a structured field is recognized, CIS checks for subsequent AFP structured fields within the same line (2-bytes length field followed by 0xD3) before it checks for the line-end delimiter. Empty lines (two or more consecutive line-end delimiters) are valid as far as the INPUTFORMAT processing is concerned. They may be invalid in the AFP context and may be rejected by CIS. FIXED , size Used for input print file(s) containing fixed length records. The total number of bytes in each input file must be an integer multiple of size. size specifies a value between 1 and 32767 which indicates the length of each line in the input file(s). CIS uses the size specified, regardless on whether the data contained in the file is S/370 Line format data, AFP Mixed data, Unformatted ASCII data, XML data or AFP structured fields. Applications generating fixed size AFP structured fields may use the AFP padding facility. REC_PREFIX, prefixLength, lengthPosition, [INCL, EXCL]) Used for input print file(s) containing length prefixes, which can contain more information than only the length. prefixLength Is the length of the prefix of each record. The range for the prefixLength is 2 – 32767. 234 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 lengthPosition Specifies the positions inside the prefix, where the length information will start and end. INCL | EXCL Specifies if the length is inclusive or exclusive of the record prefixLength. Example: INPUTFORMAT(REC_PREFIX,6,1-2,INLC) With this parameter, the user specifies that the input records have a prefix of length 6, where the first two bytes contain the record length, which is inclusive in the record length. CIS takes these records and removes from each record byte 3-6. Example: INPUTFORMAT ( AFPSTREAM, x’25’ ) The default under MVS is: INPUTFORMAT (RDW ) The default under Linux is INPUTFORMAT ( AFPSTREAM, X’0D0A’ ) INSERTBCOCA ( 'name’ , level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) Requests the insertion of a Bar Code object and defines the level, format and contents it should have. ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a BCOCA object previously defined using the DEFINEBCOCA keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. ‘_sprintfString’ Specifies a template followed by a series of data fields (fieldName) and applies to each data field a format identifier contained in the ‘_sprintfString’ template. Refer to 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 for a detailed description of the options available. The string 'USEREXIT' may be used to indicate that Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 235 fieldName contains the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this INSERTBCOCA operation is to be done. The exit program determines the contents of the string to be inserted. Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. fieldName When _sprintfString is not 'USEREXIT', this field specifies one or more FIELD keywords that compose the Bar Code value. The total length of all fields used in an INSERTBCOCA keyword may not exceed 250 otherwise it is truncated. The INPUTCP keyword must specify a codePageID other than UNKNOWN, UTF16LE or UTF16BE in case fieldName corresponds to a FIELD keyword of type other than LIT, VAR or ATT. When _sprintfString specifies 'USEREXIT', this field contains the name of the user exit program to be invoked. Only one occurrence of fieldName is allowed in this case. More information can be found under 5.7 BCOCAinsertion exit on page 303. INSERTBOX ( 'name', level ) Requests the insertion of a Box object and defines the level. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. INSERTCIRCLE ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a Box object defined using the DEFINEBOX keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. ( 'name', level ) Requests the insertion of a Circle object and defines the level. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. ‘name’ 236 Corresponds to the name of a Circle object defined using Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 the DEFINECIRCLE keyword. level INSERTCONTAINER Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. ( 'name', level [ , USEREXIT, 'exitName' ] ) Requests the insertion of an AFP Object Container at the requested level. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.7 Inserting and Removing AFP Object Containers on page 94. ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of an Object Container defined using the DEFINECONTAINER keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. USEREXIT Indicates that exitName contains the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this INSERTCONTAINER operation is to be done. Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. exitName | 'exitName' Specifies the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this INSERTCONTAINER operation is to be done. The exit program determines the parameters and contents of the container to be inserted. More information about User exits can be found under 5.11 ObjectContainer-insertion exit on page 311. Note: Under OS/390 and z/OS CIS: - the exitName is restricted to 1 to 8 characters. - exitName without apostrophes are accepted (done for compatibility with version 4.00.) Example: INSERTCURVE INPEXIT ( 'myExit' ) ( 'name', level ) Requests the insertion of a Curve object and defines the level. More Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 237 information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. INSERTELLIPSE ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a Curve object defined using the DEFINECURVE keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. ( 'name', level ) Requests the insertion of an Ellipse object and defines the level. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. INSERTFINISHINGOP ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a Ellipse object defined using the DEFINEELLIPSE keyword. Level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] , level [ , USEREXIT, 'exitName' ] ) Requests the insertion of a Finishing Operation and defines the level for it. Specifying this keyword causes all finishing operations (MFC structured fields) that the input file may contain to be removed before the new finishing operations are inserted. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.9 Inserting and Removing Finishing Operation triplets (UP³I) on page 97. 238 ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of one or more finishing operations defined using the DEFINEFINISHINGOP keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. USEREXIT Indicates that exitName contains the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 INSERTFINISHINGOP operation is to be done. Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. exitName | 'exitName' Specifies the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this INSERTFINISHINGOP operation is to be done. The exit program determines the parameters of the operation to be inserted. More information about User exits can be found under 5.12 UP³I Finishing Operation-insertion exit on page 314. Note: Under OS/390 and z/OS CIS: - the exitName is restricted to 1 to 8 characters. - exitName without apostrophes are accepted (done for compatibility with version 4.00.) Depending on the level and the number of finishing operations specified, CIS will identify the AFP structure (e.g. DEG or Medium Map) and will add one MFC structured field per INSERTFINISHINGOP keyword. The number of finishing operations specified (the here listed name parameters) determine the number of UP³I finishing triplets (0x8E) that the MFC will contain. For a given level the MFC structured fields and the UP³I finishing triplets are inserted in the same order as the INSERTFINISHING keywords and the names within an INSERTFINISHING keyword are specified in the CIS control file. INSERTINDEX ( 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' , level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) Requests the insertion of an Index tag and defines the level, format and contents of the index to be inserted. x'attributeName' 'attributeName' Specifies a user-defined attribute name to be associated with the index tag. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other double-byte encoding schemes). level Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. Developer's edition 239 ‘_sprintfString' Specifies a template followed by a series of data fields (fieldName) and applies to each data field a format identifier contained in the ‘_sprintfString’ template. Refer to 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 for a detailed description of the options available. The string 'USEREXIT' may be used to indicate that fieldName contains the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this INSERTINDEX operation is to be done. The exit program determines the contents of the string to be inserted. Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. fieldName When _sprintfString is not 'USEREXIT', this field specifies one or more FIELD keywords that compose the index value. The total length of all fields used in an INSERTINDEX keyword may not exceed 250 otherwise it is truncated. The INPUTCP keyword must specify a codePageID other than UNKNOWN, UTF16LE or UTF16BE in case fieldName corresponds to a FIELD keyword of type other than LIT, VAR or ATT. When _sprintfString specifies 'USEREXIT', this field contains the name of the user exit program to be invoked. Only one occurrence of fieldName is allowed in this case. More information can be found under 5.10 INDEXinsertion exit on page 309. INSERTLINE ( 'name', level ) Requests the insertion of a Line object at the requested level. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.5 Inserting and Removing Graphic Objects (GOCA) on page 88. 240 ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a Line object defined using the DEFINELINE keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 INSERTPTOCA ( 'name’ , level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) Requests the insertion of a Presentation Text object and defines the level, format and contents it should have. The inserted string is enclosed in a PTOCA Transparent data (TRN) control sequence. ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a PTOCA object previously defined using the DEFINEPTOCA keyword. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. ‘_sprintfString’ Specifies a template followed by a series of data fields (fieldName) and applies to each data field a format identifier contained in the ‘_sprintfString’ template. Refer to 4.4.2 Formatting string on page 161 for a detailed description of the options available. The string 'USEREXIT' may be used to indicate that fieldName contains the name of a user exit program to be invoked every time this INSERTPTOCA operation is to be done. The exit program determines the contents of the string to be inserted. Specifying USEREXIT causes the CIS normalization process to store all the input data into the internal work file before the conversion process is started. fieldName When _sprintfString is not 'USEREXIT', this field specifies one or more FIELD keywords that compose the Presentation Text value. The total length of all fields used in an INSERTPTOCA keyword may not exceed 250 otherwise it is truncated. The INPUTCP keyword must specify a codePageID other than UNKNOWN, UTF16LE or UTF16BE in case fieldName corresponds to a FIELD keyword of type other than LIT, VAR or ATT. When _sprintfString specifies 'USEREXIT', this field contains the name of the user exit program to be invoked. Only one occurrence of fieldName is allowed in this case. More information can be found under 5.8 PTOCAinsertion exit on page 305. INSERTPTOCANOP ( 'name’ , level, '_sprintfString' [ , fieldName ] [ , ... ] ) Requests the insertion of a non-printable Presentation Text object and Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 241 defines the level, format and contents it should have. The inserted string is enclosed in a PTOCA No-Operation (NOP) control sequence instead of Transparent data (TRN). Other than that, it works exactly the same as the INSERTPTOCA keyword. This keyword is intended to be used with the Océ ImageStream archiving software. Please refer to the INSERTPTOCA keyword for information about the INSERTPTOCANOP parameters. Please refer to 5.9 PTOCANOP-insertion exit on page 307 for information concerning the user exit facility. INSERTSHEET ( 'sheetName' , level , 'mMapName' ) Requests the insertion of a Sheet and specifies the level, Medium Map and optional variable data to be printed on the sheet. Once defined, a sheetName may be used in a DEFINELEVEL keyword as entity selector and may be the target of other data enrichment operations such as define/insertBCOCA, define/insertPTOCA, define/insertCONTAINER, define/insertFINISHINGOP, etc.. More information about this data enrichment functionality in CIS can be found under 3.8.8 Inserting and Removing additional Sheets on page 96. JOBID LINEMERGE ‘sheetName’ Is a 1 to 250 characters name which is used to uniquely identify the sheet being defined. level Describes the data level at which the object is to be inserted. Please refer to the DEFINELEVEL keyword and to 3.8.1 Defining data enrichment levels to CIS for a description of the allowed values. 'mMapName' Specifies the name of a valid Medium Map which must exist in the FormDef used for the current print file (in first External Resource Group or in an external library) or which is being added using the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword. ( 0 | value ) PRISMAproduction Server internal usage only !!! ( NO | 3800 ) Determines which kind of line merging is to be used to convert the input data. NO 242 Specifies that the 3800 compatible line merging is disabled. The standard AFP line merging (which overprints characters) is used. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 3800 LSKEYDD Specifies that the 3800 compatible line merging is to be used. In this case, the characters contained in two or more input lines are merged in order to produce one single output line. The merge process is controlled by the carriage control. ( CISLSK ) Specifies the name of the License key file. A description of the Licensing requirements in order to run CIS can be found under 6.1 Appendix A: Licensing Requirements on page 323. LUPUB ( 0 | value ) Not all printers support the same l_units_per_unit_base values. It is sometimes necessary to convert the value(s) used by an application to a value which is known as supported by the target presentation device (e.g. 2400). value Example: MEDIAFIDELITY Number of l_units_per_unit_base (LUPUB) supported by the printer for a unit base of 10 inches. A value of 1 to 32767 may be specified. Specifying 0 causes all l_units_per_unit_base values in the input data to be left unchanged. LUPUB ( 2400 ) ( ASIS | NONE | STOP | CONTINUE ) Controls the way the presentation software (e.g. SPS) will handle input Media exceptions. Causes CIS to insert a PFC structured field containing a Media Fidelity triplet x'87' in all Medium Maps in the form definition being used. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 ASIS Indicates that the current Media fidelity options in the FORMDEF are to be left unchanged. This is the default. NONE Causes to remove all Media fidelity (triplet x'87') options from the FORMDEF. STOP Causes the presentation software (SPS) to stop printing Developer's edition 243 the job and to place it in hold in case the printer reports a media exception. CONTINUE MESSAGECP Causes the presentation software (SPS) to issue a message and to continue printing the job using a substitute media. ( codePageID ) Specifies the Code Page to be used when generating CIS messages. An overview on code page support can be found under 3.2 Code page support on page 33. codePageId Example: MPCONCEPT Specifies the ID of the code Page to be used for translating. See also 3.2.1 Supported Code Page IDs on page 38. UNKNOWN, UTF16BE, UTF16LE are not supported. By default CIS uses the currently active internal Code Page. For more information please refer to 3.2 Code page support on page 33. MESSAGECP ( ISO_8859-1 ) ( ON | OFF ) Specifies whether the Mail Piece concept available in CIS should be used in the current run or not. MPCONSOLIDATION ON Indicates that the Mail Piece concept should be used, and that the top Page Group level must start at a sheet boundary. CIS will issue an error in case it finds a Mail Piece which does not start at a new sheet. Some CIS functions such as SORT and MPCONSOLIDATION require that the Mail concept is enabled. OFF Indicates that the Mail Piece concept should be disabled. ( NO | { NESTED , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , ... ] ] } | { INONEGROUP , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , ... ] ] } ) Controls the Mail Piece consolidation processes in CIS. A description is available under 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index on page 55 and 3.11 How to Consolidate mail pieces on page 135. 244 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 NO Two or more consecutive Mail Pieces may have the same Index values and are not consolidated into one bigger Mail Piece. NESTED Two or more consecutive Mail Pieces with the same Index values are consolidated into one bigger Mail Piece. Existing Page Group structures are kept unchanged, nested inside the newly inserted Mail Piece level. The common Index tags are moved to the new Mail Piece level. INONEGROUP Two or more consecutive Mail Pieces with the same Index values and are consolidated into one bigger Mail Piece. Existing Page Group structures are removed. The common Index Tags are moved to the consolidated mail piece x'attributeName' 'attributeName' Specifies at least one attribute name to be checked for NESTED and INONEGROUP operations. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other doublebyte encoding schemes). The Mail Piece consolidation process in CIS is done after the normalization, and sorting steps, before the data enrichment process (see Fig. 4 on page 320 on page 1). Index tags inserted with the INSERTINDEX keyword are not included in the consolidation process. A second CIS run may be done in this case. OBJCONEXT ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Object Container resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 OBJCONEXT ( ".600", ".300", ".240", ".afp", “” ) Developer's edition 245 The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name OBJCONLIB ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ , ... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the Object Container definitions such as Color Mapping table. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. directory Specifies the directory to be searched. "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for Object Containers is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories Example: OFFSETXF OFFSETYF OFFSETXB OFFSETYB OBJCONLIB ( MY.CONTLIB,YOUR.CONTLIB ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) ( [-] n [.m ] [ unit ] ) Specify the offset in the X (Y) direction of the logical page origin from the media origin for the Front (Back) side of each sheet. The value specified in the FormDef is used when no OFFSETxx keyword is specified. The OFFSETxx keywords must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. n A 1 to 8 digits number. m A 1 to 3 digits number. unit 246 Any of the units of measurement supported by CIS (see Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 4.4.6 Units of measurement on page 165 for more information). PELS is the default. Example: OUTBIN OFFSETXF ( 1.5 IN ) ( value ) Specifies the output bin number. The selection is done by physical media destination, and overrides all media destinations specified in the Form definition. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. Value Specifies a decimal number between 0 and 254 Example: OUTLINEFONTEXT OUTBIN ( 2 ) ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Outline Font resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: OUTLINEFONTEXT ( “.600”, “.300”, “.240”, “.afp”, “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name OUTPUTDD ( CISOUT | fileName ) Specifies the name of the file where CIS will write the output document Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 247 print file(s). fileName Examples: OUTPUTFORMAT Specifies the Output document print file. In case of executing CIS on the OS/390 or z/OS environment, fileName is a JCL dataset definition. If it defines: • a SYSOUT dataset, make sure that at least the DCB subparameters RECFM, LRECL and BLKSIZE are defined. CIS will not accept any JES defaults. In case of OUTPUTSEG, please pay attention to define DCB subparameters for every defined SYSOUT DD even if they are not used by CIS for writing its output. • a Sequential Data set (PS) and Output Segmentation (see OUTPUTSEG) is activated, the additional OUTPUTSEGPSDEF keyword can be used to specify the size of the allocated Data sets. • a Data set mask (see OUTPUTSEG) make sure all Data sets are of the same type and format. OUTPUTDD ( MYFILEDD ) OUTPUTDD( OUT***** ) will use Data sets defined in the step’s JCL in incremental sequence order OUT00001, OUT00002, ... ( MODCA | RDW | AFPSTREAM , x’delimiter‘ ) Specifies the data format used in the output and resource files created by CIS as specified by the INDEXDD, OUTPUTDD and RESOBJDD keywords. It applies to all output file(s), including any segmentation that may take place. MODCA Requests CIS to generate all output and resource files as continuous byte streams containing MO:DCA-P structured fields. The specifications for a MODCA file are the same as described for the INPUTFORMAT keyword. RDW Under MVS, requests CIS to generate one sequential record for each MO:DCA-P structured field being written. The DCB specifications of the file (see INDEXDD, OUTPUTDD and RESOBJDD keywords) are used to control whether a 0x5A carriage control byte is inserted or not (e.g. RECFM=VBA vs. RECFM=VB). The specifications for an RDW file are the same as described for the INPUTFORMAT keyword. Under Linux, requests CIS to precede every AFP record written to the Index, Resource and Output file with a 4-bytes 248 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Record Descriptor Word (RDW). The specifications for an RDW file are the same as described for the INPUTFORMAT keyword. AFPSTREAM , x’delimiter’ Similar to MODCA, except that every MO:DCA-P structured field is preceded by a 0x5A carriage control byte and is followed by a delimiter. The specifications for an AFPSTREAM file are the same as described for the INPUTFORMAT keyword. Example: OUTPUTFORMAT ( AFPSTREAM, x'0D0A' ) OUTPUTFORMAT (RDW ) is the default under MVS. OUTPUTFORMAT ( AFPSTREAM, X'' ) is the default under Linux indicating that each structured field is preceded by a 0x5a carriage control byte and no delimiter follows. OUTPUTSEG ( { entity {, count [, boundary ] } ) Controls the output segmentation function in CIS. More information about how this function works can be found under 3.5.1 Segmenting Output data on page 48 entity Specifies the entity or scope at which the output segmentation is to be applied. The following values may be specified: DOC MP SH PAG BYTE Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 AFP document object Mail Piece (top level page group) Sheet Page Bytes count Specifies the number of entities that should be included in each output segment or the number of megabytes (x'100000' bytes) in case of BYTE. * is the default and indicates that all items are stored in one output segment (in other words, a single output file containing all items is generated). Specifying a value of 0 causes the suppression of output file generation for all levels. boundary Specifies the entity level that should not be spanned at the end of the single segment files. It has to be at least Developer's edition 249 one level “higher” than the entity parameter. Thus valid values are: DOC MP SH PAG Example: (entity being MP, SH, PAG or BYTE) (entity being SH, PAG or BYTE) (entity being PAG or BYTE) (entity being BYTE) OUTPUTSEG ( SH, 2000 ) This keyword is rejected when specified together with INDEXOBJ. See the description of OUTPUTDD for information where the single segments are written. OUTPUTSEGPSDEF ( spaceType, primary [ , secondary [ , volSer ] ] ) is used when Output Segmentation (OUTPUTSEG) is activated and the Output Data set (OUTPUTDD) refers to a sequential Data set (PS). Ignored in all other situations. It specifies the allocation size and volume for sequential Data sets. More information about how this function works can be found under 3.5.1 Segmenting Output data on page 48. spaceType Specifies one of the following values: 250 CYL space type is Cylinder TRK space type is Track primary Specifies the expected primary allocation size. 30 is the default. Your installation might change this value dynamically to it’s needs. secondary Specifies the expected secondary allocation size. 0 is the default. Your installation might change this value dynamically to it’s needs. volSer Specifies the Volume where the data set is to be allocated. This parameter must be a 6 characters long string. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Example: OVERLAYF OVERLAYB OUTPUTSEGPSDEF ( TRK, 20, 40, SMS924 ) ( overlayName [ , overlayName ] [ ,... ] ) ( overlayName [ , overlayName ] [ ,... ] ) These keywords must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. OverlayName Example: OVERLAYEXT Up to 8 names (1 to 8 character) specifying the medium overlays to be placed on the Front or Back side of each sheet, in addition to overlays from other sources. OVERLAYF ( MYOVLY1, MYOVLY2 ) ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Overlay resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: OVERLAYEXT ( ".600", ".300", ".240", ".afp", “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name OVLYLIB ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ ,... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the Overlay definitions. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 251 directory Specifies the directory to be searched. "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for Overlay definitions is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories in OVLYLIB param Example: PAGEDEF OVLYLIB ( MY.OVLYLIB,YOUR.OVLYLIB ) ( pageDefName | DUMMY ) A 1 to 8 character name of the page definition to be used while converting S/370 Line format or XML data. The complete name must be specified. No prefix is added by CIS. More information about the CIS data conversion process can be found under 3.6.1 Converting and Indexing print files containing S/370 Line formatted data on page 56. Specifying DUMMY (the default) requires the print file to contain at least one inline Pagedef. CIS uses the first Pagedef found. All others are ignored. Example: PAGEDEFEXT PAGEDEF ( P1TEST ) ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP PageDef resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: PAGEDEFEXT ( ".600", ".300", ".240", ".afp", “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: 252 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name PAGESEGEXT ( "" | "extension" [ , "extension" ] [,... ] ) Specifies one or more suffixes to be appended to an AFP Page Segment resource name while searching for the corresponding file. extension A variable length character string starting with a dot. The default is no suffix. CIS searches in the same order as the extensions are given. The first match is used. Example: PAGESEGEXT ( ".600", ".300", ".240", ".afp", “” ) The above example causes CIS to search for the following resource names: name.600 name.300 name.240 name.afp name PDEFLIB ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ ,... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the Page definitions. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. directory Specifies the directory to be searched. "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for Page definitions is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 253 Example: PRESENTATION PDEFLIB ( MY.PDEFLIB,YOUR. PDEFLIB ) ( ASIS | PORTRAIT | PORTRAIT90 | PORTRAIT180 | LANDSCAPE | LANDSCAPE90 | LANDSCAPE180 ) Overrides any presentation specification specified in the Form definition. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. ASIS Presentation specified via resource file resources should be left unchanged. PORTRAIT Force presentation PORTRAIT. PORTRAIT90 Force presentation PORTRAIT90. PORTRAIT180 Force presentation PORTRAIT180. LANDSCAPE Force presentation LANDSCAPE. LANDSCAPE90 Force presentation LANDSCAPE90. LANDSCAPE180 Force presentation LANDSCAPE180. Example: PRINTMODE PRESENTATION ( PORTRAIT ) ( SOSI1 | SOSI2 | SOSI3 | string ) Specifies the type of SOSI (shift-in shift-out) control to be used when processing double-byte data. Specifying a SOSI value that does not match the coding used in the data may cause unpredictable results. SOSI1 Specifies that the SO or SI code invokes the font switch and causes a blank (X‘40‘) to replace the SOSI code. SOSI2 Specifies that the SO or SI code invokes the font switch only. No blank is inserted to replace the SOSI code. SOSI3 Specifies that the SO or SI code invokes the font switch and causes two blanks (X‘4040‘) to replace the SOSI code. string A 1 to 8 character string. May be used as user defined parameter in connection with any of the User exits available. Example: 254 PRINTMODE ( SOSI1 ) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 PSEGLIB ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ ,... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the Page Segment definitions. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. directory Specifies the directory to be searched. "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for Page Segment definitions is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories Example: REMOVEBCOCA PDEFLIB ( MY.PSEGLIB,YOUR. PSEGLIB ) ( 'name' [ , 'name' ] [ ,... ] ) Requests the removal of Bar Code objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a BCOCA object previously inserted using the INSERTBCOCA keyword or any other BCOCA generation method. All Bar Codes with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. CIS checks all Begin Bar Code Object (BBC) structured fields for the presence of a “Fully Qualified Name” triplet (0x02) and compares the name parameter with the fully qualified name. The BCdoName field is only used when no triplet 0x02 is found. Trailing blanks (if any) must be explicitly specified. REMOVEBOX ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Requests the removal of Box objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Corresponds to the name of a GOCA box object previously inserted using the INSERTBOX keyword. All box objects with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. Developer's edition 255 GOCA Box objects inserted using the INSERTBOX keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed using this keyword. REMOVECIRCLE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Requests the removal of Circle objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a GOCA circle object previously inserted using the INSERTCIRCLE keyword. All circle objects with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. GOCA Circle objects inserted using the INSERTCIRCLE keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed using this keyword. REMOVECONTAINER ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Requests the removal of Object Containers already contained in the input print file(s). This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(OBJCON) otherwise a warning message is issued. ‘name’ REMOVECURVE Corresponds to the name of an Object Container previously inserted using the INSERTCONTAINER keyword or any other Object Container generation method. All Object Containers with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear neither in the output file nor in the resource object file. All references to the Container (IOB and MDR structured fields) are also removed. Object Containers directly included in a Page or Overlay are also removed in case of a name match. ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Requests the removal of Curve objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ 256 Corresponds to the name of a GOCA curve object previously inserted using the INSERTCURVE keyword. All curve objects with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 GOCA Curve objects inserted using the INSERTCURVE keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed using this keyword. REMOVEELLIPSE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Requests the removal of Ellipse objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a GOCA ellipse object previously inserted using the INSERTELLIPSE keyword. All ellipse objects with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. GOCA ellipse objects inserted using the INSERTELLIPSE keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed using this keyword. REMOVEFINISHINGOP ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Causes CIS to search for and to remove the MFC structured field(s) containing the name(s) specified as parameter from the input print file(s). ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a Finishing Operation previously inserted using the INSERTFINISHINGOP keyword. May be specified more than once. MFC structured fields inserted using the INSERTFINISHINGOP keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed using this keyword. REMOVEINDEX ( 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [ , 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' ] [ ,... ] ) Requests the removal of Index Tags already contained in the input print file(s). x'attributeName' 'attributeName' Corresponds to the name of an Index Tag Element (TLE) previously inserted using the INSERTINDEX keyword, the TRIGGER/INDEX keywords or any other Index Tag generation method. All TLE's with this attribute name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 257 range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other double-byte encoding schemes). REMOVELINE ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Requests the removal of line objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a GOCA line object previously inserted using the INSERTLINE keyword. All line objects with this name will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. GOCA Line objects inserted using the INSERTLINE keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed using this keyword. REMOVEMEDIUMMAP ( 'mMapName' [ , 'mMapName' [ , ... ] ] ) Causes CIS to remove selected Medium Map(s) from the Form Definition specified in the FORMDEF keyword. REMOVEMEDIUMMAP is used in combination with the DEFINEMEDIUMMAP keyword to replace existing Medium Maps. Removing an existing Medium Map without replacing it may cause CIS to stop processing in case the Medium Map is still referenced within the print file. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. In case of resource consolidation, the REMOVEMEDIUMMAP keyword is applied to all relevant resource groups. ‘mMapName’ Specifies the name of the Medium Map to be removed. The Form Definition specified with the FORMDEF keyword is searched and the Medium Map(s) is(are) removed. A 1 to 8 characters name. REMOVEPTOCA ( 'name' [ , 'name' ] [ ,... ] ) Requests the removal of Presentation Text objects already contained in the input print file(s). ‘name’ 258 Corresponds to the name of a Presentation Text object (PTOCA) previously inserted using the INSERTPTOCA or INSERTPTOCANOP keywords, or any other PTOCA generation method. All PTOCA elements with this name Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 will be removed from the data and will not appear in the output file. CIS checks all Begin Presentation Text Object (BPT) structured fields for the presence of a “Fully Qualified Name” triplet (0x02) and compares the name parameter with the fully qualified name. The PTdoName field is only used when no triplet 0x02 is found. Trailing blanks (if any) must be explicitly specified. REMOVESHEET ( 'name' [ , 'name' [ , ... ] ] ) Causes CIS to search for and to remove the sheet(s) containing the name(s) specified as parameter ‘name’ Corresponds to the name of a sheet to be removed. May be specified one or more times. Sheets inserted using the INSERTSHEET keyword are the only ones that have a name field and that may be removed. RESCONSOLIDATION ( BASIC | { [ EXTERNALRESGROUP ] [ , INTERNALRESGROUP ] [ , INTERNALMEDIUMMAP ] [ , INTERNALMMAPOPTIMIZE ]} ) Controls the Resource consolidation processes in CIS. A description is available under 3.7 How to Retrieve and Consolidate AFP Resource on page 69. BASIC Basic resource consolidation (compatible to CIS versions prior V4.04) is done. EXTERNALRESGROUP Causes CIS to consolidate all the resources used in the input print file and which are read from external resource group(s) part of the same print file, into the single external resource group. This parameter is rejected when specified together with RESTYPE other than ALL. Page Definition resources cannot be consolidated. INTERNALRESGROUP Causes CIS to consolidate all the resources used in the input print file and which are read from internal resource group(s) into the single external resource group. This parameter is rejected when specified together with RESTYPE other than ALL. Page Definition resources cannot be consolidated. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 259 INTERNALMEDIUMMAP Causes CIS to consolidate all the internal Medium Maps used in the input print file into the FORMDEF which is written to RESOBJDD. Naming conflicts are avoided by renaming the affected Medium Maps. The presentation (layout) of the print file is not affected. This parameter is rejected when specified together with RESTYPE other than ALL or FDEF. INTERNALMMAPOPTIMIZE Causes CIS to consolidate all the internal Medium Maps used in the input print file into the FORMDEF which is written to RESOBJDD. Before the Medium Maps are saved to FORMDEF they will be compared. If the contens of MediumMaps is identical they will only be stored once in FORMDEF. Naming conflicts are avoided by renaming the affected Medium Maps. The presentation (layout) of the print file is not affected. This parameter is rejected when specified together with RESTYPE other than ALL or FDEF Example: RESCONSOLIDATION ( INTERNALRESGROUP ) The Resource consolidation process in CIS is done parallel to the normalization, sorting and data enrichment steps (see Fig. 4 on page 320 on page 1). Resources inserted as a result of the data enrichment process (e.g. INSERTOBJECT) are also included in the external Resource group written to RESOBJDD. The presentation (layout) of the print file is not affected. Refer to [18] in 8 Bibliography on page 465, chapter 4 under "Resource Objects" for more information about the different resource grouping options available in MO:DCA. RESEXIT ( ' exitName' ) exitName | 'exitName' Specifies the name of the resource exit program. The program will be called for every resource to be written in the output resource file and will be allowed to decide whether the resource should be written into the file or not. Note: Under OS/390 and z/OS CIS: - the exitName is restricted to 1 to 8 characters. 260 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 - exitName without apostrophes are accepted (done for compatibility with version 4.00.) Example: RESEXIT ( 'myExit' ) More information can be found under 5.4 Resource-selection exit on page 299. RESFIDELITY ( STOP | CONTINUE ) Controls the way CIS handles situations where resource are not available. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) otherwise a warning message is issued. RESFILE STOP Causes CIS to stop processing the print file in case a resource is not found in any of the libraries and resource groups available. CONTINUE Causes CIS to issue a message and to ignore the missing resource; no substitution is done by CIS. ( SEQ | PDS ) Specifies in which format the used resources should be saved. SEQ Creates a resource group that can be concatenated with the document file as inline resources. A sequential data set must be allocated to the DDname specified in RESOBJDD. PDS Stores each resource in a separate PDS member. A Partitioned data set must be allocated to the DDname specified in RESOBJDD. Example: RESOBJDD RESFILE ( PDS ) ( CISRES | fileName | "fileName" | directory | "directory" ) Specifies the name of the file or directory where CIS will write the output resource file(s). A directory must be specified when RESFILE(PDS) is also specified otherwise a fileName is expected. directory fileName Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Specifies the Resource Object file. Developer's edition 261 "directory" "fileName" Example: RESPRUNING This notation must be used when the name contains special characters such as blanks. OUTPUTDD ( "..\..\myResFile" ) ( ALL | NONE | OVLY) Specifies if Resource Pruning is enabled. The default is ALL. CIS prunes data and resources. This keyword cannot be used in combination with OUTPUTSEG( COUNT = 0). ALL Specifies Resource Pruning is enabled for all kind of resources. All unused resource-mapping operations and also the related resources are eliminated by CIS. NONE Resource Pruning is disabled. OVLY Only overlays referenced by a MPO Structured Field with a corresponding IPO Structured Field are written to the CISRES file. Also MPO Structured Fields without a corresponding IPO Structured Field will be discarded from the output. Attention: After a CIS-run with Resource Pruning other than NONE, the following applications, like printing or file-transfers, have to use the generated CISOUT- and CISRES-File(s). RESTYPE ( NONE | { ALL [,PDEF] } | { [FDEF] [,PDEF] [,PSEG] [,OVLY] [,FONT] [,OBJCON][,BCOCA] [,GOCA] [,IOCA] } ) Specifies the type of AFP print resources CIS should retrieve from the resource libraries and the inline resource group(s) for inclusion in the output resource file (RESOBJDD). NONE ALL 262 No resource file will be created. All resources are saved in RESOBJDD. The Page Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 FDEF PDEF PSEG OVLY FONT OBJCON BCOCA GOCA IOCA definition is not included and must be specified extra. The Form definition is saved in RESOBJDD. The Page definition is saved in RESOBJDD. All Page segments are saved in RESOBJDD. All Overlays are saved in RESOBJDD. All font character sets, code pages and coded fonts are saved in RESOBJDD. All Object containers are saved in RESOBJDD. All BCOCA objects included via IOB are saved in RESOBJDD. All GOCA objects included via IOB are saved in RESOBJDD. All IOCA objects included via IOB are saved in RESOBJDD. CIS issues a warning message in case a RESTYPE other than ALL or FDEF is specified together with any of the following keywords: COLORFIDELITY DEFINEFINISHINGOP DEFINEMEDIUMMAP DUPLEX FINISHINGFIDELITY FONTFIDELITY INBIN MEDIAFIDELITY OFFSETxx OUTBIN OVERLAYx PRESENTATION REMOVEMEDIUMMAP SETUPVID SORT (FLIP_FOR_COLLATED) SORT (FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED) TONERFIDELITY X2UP RESCONSOLIDATION (INTERNALMEDIUMMAP) CIS issues a warning message in case a RESTYPE other than ALL or OBJCON is specified together with any of the following keywords: DEFINECONTAINER REMOVECONTAINER CIS issues an error message in case a RESTYPE other than ALL is specified together with any of the following keywords: RESCONSOLIDATION (INTERNALRESGROUP) RESCONSOLIDATION (EXTERNALRESGROUP) CIS issues a warning message in case a RESTYPE other than ALL is specified together with any of the following keywords: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 263 RESFIDELITY Example: RESTYPE ( ALL, PDEF ) Note: The PageDef resource is not required in order to print the output document file generated by CIS. The PDEF parameter is primarily intended for applications requiring a complete resource package. The Page definition resource is copied into the output resource file and will not reflect any of the data enrichment and/or sorting operations that may have been requested. exit interface. SELINDEXRANGE ( entity, 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' , [!]'from'-'to' | [!]x'from'x'to' [ , [!]'from'-'to' | [!]x'from'-x'to' ] [ , ... ] ) Requests a partial processing of the input data, based on index ranges that are to be selected and/or excluded. Can only be specified once. For more information please refer to Index-range based selection on page 53. entity Specifies the entity or scope at which the Input selection is to be applied. The following values may be specified: DOC MP SH PAG AFP document object Mail Piece (top level page group) Sheet Page x'attributeName' 'attributeName' Specifies the name of an Index Tag Element (TLE) previously inserted using the INSERTINDEX keyword, the TRIGGER/INDEX keywords or any other Index Tag generation method. The from-to selection range will be applied to the data in this index entry. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other 264 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 double-byte encoding schemes). ! x'from'-x'to' from-to Indicates that the from-to range specification shall be excluded. Specify the start and end item in a range. Any number of selection/exclusion from-to parameters may be specified. Matching at least one of the ranges causes a particular item to be selected. A matching condition occurs when the binary comparison of this parameter with the contents of the TLE is equal. The length specified in the from-to parameters is used for this purpose. Please be aware that the CIS normalization step converts all UTF16LE data to UTF16BE. Any string entered using the hexadecimal notation must specify the data in UTF16BE encoding. Example: SELRANGE SELINDEXRANGE( MP, 'POST OFFICE', '75431'-'85435' ) ( entity, [ ! ] from-to [ , [ ! ] from-to ] [ , ... ] ) Requests a partial processing of the input data, based on ranges that are to be selected and/or excluded. Can only be specified once. For more information on range based selection with CIS please refer to Entityrange based selection on page 52. The SELRANGE and SELRANGERANDOM keywords are mutually exclusive and may not be specified together. entity Specifies the entity or scope at which the Input selection is to be applied. The following values may be specified: DOC MP SH PAG Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 AFP document object Mail Piece (top level page group) Sheet Page ! Indicates that the from-to range specification shall be excluded. from-to Specify the start and end item in a range. Any number of selection/exclusion from-to parameters may be specified. Matching at least one of the ranges causes a particular item to be selected. Developer's edition 265 Example: SELRANGERANDOM SELRANGE( SH, 2001-4000, 6001-8000 ) ( entity, [!]from-to, amount [ , seed ] ) Similar to SELRANGE except that the number of the from-to ranges specified by amount is randomly generated. Can only be specified once. The from-to parameter may be used to restrict the generation to a particular portion of the input file. The seed parameter may be used to obtain reproducible results. For more information on range based selection with CIS please refer to Entity-range based selection on page 52. The SELRANGE and SELRANGERANDOM keywords are mutually exclusive and may not be specified together. entity Specifies the entity or scope at which the Input selection is to be applied. The following values may be specified: DOC MP SH PAG SELSIZE AFP document object Mail Piece (top level page group) Sheet Page ! Indicates that the following from-to range specification is for Exclusion. from-to Specifies the start and end item of a range where the random selection will be applied. amount Specifies the number of selection ranges to be generated. seed Specifies the seed to be used in the random generation process. ( entity, operator, size, unit [ , operator, size ] ) Requests a partial generation of the output data, based on the size of the items. Refer to Entity-size based selection on page 54 for more information. entity Specifies the entity or scope at which the Input selection is to be applied. The following values may be specified: DOC MP 266 AFP document object Mail Piece (top level page group) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 operator Specifies the compare operator to be used. The values allowed are: EQ NE LT LE GE GT equal not equal less than less or equal than greater or equal than greater than size Specifies the size (number of items specified in unit) criteria to be applied to the comparison in order to select an entity. unit Specifies the size unit. MP SH PAG Mail Piece (top level page group) Sheet Page Specifying a second operator and size is handled as an AND condition. Any number of SELSIZE parameters may be specified. Example: SETUPCHARS Restricted for usage in combination with MVS ROUTER SELSIZE( MP, GE, 11, SH, LE, 20 ) ( fontName [ <mxm>] [, fontName [ <mxm> ] ] [,... ] ) Specifies the member name of the coded font (s) to be used to process an S/370 Line format or AFP Mixed data file. It is ignored for MO:DCA-P files. The matrix memory position <mxm> may be specified too. This list overrides any fonts specified in the Pagedef. fontName A 1 to 8 character coded font name(s) including the font prefix (e.g. X0GT10) mxm A numeric value between 0 and 63. The mxm position corresponds to the TRC value in the print data set that will select the particular font. At least one mxm must specify (or be allowed to default to) the value 0 as this mxm is used as default for TRC’s which may not be in the list. The mxm’s can be in any order. When the mxm position is not explicitly coded, mxm position starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 for each value in the parameter statement. When a mxm field is specified with the font, that font is loaded into the specified mxm position and the next font Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 267 specified will be loaded into mxm location plus 1. Example: SETUPCHARS ( MYFONT, X0GT12<23>, X0GT15 ) would cause MYFONT to be loaded at position 0, X0GT12 at position 23 and X0GT15 at position 24. All other positions (TRC’s) remain undefined and cause position 0 to be used. SETUPFORMDEF Restricted for usage in combination with MVS ROUTER ( formDefName | DUMMY ) A 1 to 8 character name of the form definition to be used in printing the print data stream. The complete name must be specified. No prefix is added by CIS. Specifying DUMMY (the default) requires the print file to contain at least one inline FormDef. CIS uses the first FormDef found. All others are ignored. Example: SETUPPAGEDEF Restricted for usage in combination with MVS ROUTER SETUPFORMDEF ( F1MYFORM ) ( pageDefName | DUMMY ) A 1 to 8 character name of the page definition to be used while converting S/370 Line format or XML data. The complete name must be specified. No prefix is added by CIS. More information about the CIS data conversion process can be found under 3.6.1 Converting and Indexing print files containing S/370 Line formatted data on page 56. Specifying DUMMY (the default) requires the print file to contain at least one inline Pagedef. CIS uses the first Pagedef found. All others are ignored. Example: SETUPVID SETUPPAGEDEF ( P1TEST ) ( ASIS | NONE | { n [ , n [ , ... ] ] } ) Specifies one or more Setup Verification ID(s) to be used for printing the job. Causes CIS to replace the Presentation Subsystem Setup ID (keywords X'B4' and X'B5') in the MMC structured field of all Medium Maps in the form definition being used. 268 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. SORT ASIS Indicates that the Setup Verification Ids in the FORMDEF are to be left unchanged. This is the default. NONE Indicates that the Setup Verification Ids in the FORMDEF (if any) are to be removed. n Specifies the Setup Verification ID. One or more values between 1 and 65535 may be specified. Not all printers support this function. The presentation software (SPS) compares this value(s) with the value(s) specified in the printer's panel before printing the job. ( NONE | SCHEME_1 | SCHEME_2 | SCHEME_3 | 4UP_BOOKLET | 2UP_BOOKLET | 2UP_MP_BOOKLET | FLIP_FOR_COLLATED | FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED | FOR_UNCOLLATED | USEREXIT, 'program name' | ASC, 'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [,'attributeName' | x'attributeName' ] [,...] | DES ,'attributeName' | x'attributeName' [,'attributeName' | x'attributeName' ] [,...] ) Specifies a sorting scheme (layout sorting), or a list containing the sortdirection and the user defined attribute names (contents sorting) associated to index values. They are specified in the INDEX keyword (in connection with Line Format data) or to index values already present in the input file (AFP data). A user written program name may also be specified as parameter. In this case, CIS invokes the exit program a lets it reorder the page, sheet, mail piece and/or document sequence under the control of a user defined sorting criteria. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 NONE SCHEME_1 SCHEME_2 SCHEME_3 no sorting is to be done 1, n, 2, n-1, 3, n-2, ... 1, n:2 + 1, 2, n:2 + 2, 3, n:3 + 3, ... n, n-1, n-2, n-3, ... 4UP_BOOKLET For fan-fold printers. Print file is prepared for 4up booklet printing. See also 4-UP booklet sorting (4UP_BOOKLET) on page 123. Developer's edition 269 2UP_BOOKLET For fan-fold and cut-sheet printers. The print file is prepared for 2up booklet printing. See also Two-up Booklet sorting (2UP_BOOKLET and 2UP_MP_BOOKLET) on page 126 2UP_MP_BOOKLET For fan-fold and cut-sheet printers. Each mail piece in the print file is prepared for 2up booklet printing. See also Two-up Booklet sorting (2UP_BOOKLET and 2UP_MP_BOOKLET) on page 126 FLIP_FOR_COLLATED The job pages (including the medium maps used) are reordered so that -when using a collated stacker- the front page of the job is facing out in the last printed sheet, and the complete job is collated. This parameter must be specified together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. See also Flip Job for collated stacker on page 130. FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED The job pages (including the medium maps used) are reordered so that -when using an uncollated stacker- the front page of the job is facing out in the first printed sheet, and the complete job is collated. This parameter must be specified together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. See also Flip Job for uncollated stacker on page 133. FOR_UNCOLLATED The job pages are reordered so that -when using an uncollated stacker- the front page of the job is facing out in the last printed sheet, and the complete job is collated. See also For uncollated stacker on page 132. ASC DES Output will be sorted in ascending index sequence. Output will be sorted in descending index sequence. 'attributeName' x'attributeName' 270 Specifies a user-defined attribute name used to identify indexing information in the file. This value can consist of alphanumeric (case sensitive) or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for alphanumeric and 1 – 500 for Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 hexadecimal data (primarily intended for UCS-2 and other double-byte encoding schemes). When sorting S/370 line format data, attributeName must match with an ´attribute name´ specified in an INDEX keyword. In case of more than one attributeName, the highest sorting level is done with the first name, the lowest level with the last name specified. Please be aware that the CIS normalization step converts all UTF16LE data to UTF16BE. Any string entered using the hexadecimal notation must specify the data in UTF16BE encoding. USEREXIT ‘program name’ Example: An exit program will be invoked. Specifies the name of a user-written program that is invoked instead during CIS sorting process. More information about User exits can be found under 5.13 Sort exit on page 315. SORT ( ASC, 'PLZ', 'STREET', 'NAME' ) CIS uses a temporary work file for sorting. More information about the CISSWAP work file can be found under “TMPDIR” below. More information about sorting can be found under 3.10 How to Sort and Reorder output pages on page 114. TMPDIR ( path | "path" ) Specifies the path for temporary working files. This parameter is only processed under Linux. path Specifies the path to be used for writing temporary working files. "path" This notation form must be used when the path name contains special characters such as blanks. Example: TMPDIR( /u/tmp ) Consider to have at least 2 times space left compared to size of input data in the file system which contains your TMPDIR (use the Linux system command df to get information about your local file systems). If CIS is writing its output data to the same file system it has to be even bigger. Consider CIS to have full access to the directory specified by TMPDIR. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 271 In all cases CIS having problems accessing, creating or writing to TMPDIR it provides a message. Check for enough free space and access rights. TONERFIDELITY ( ASIS | NONE | n ) Specifies the toner saver function to be used for printing the job. Causes CIS to insert a PFC structured field containing a Toner Saver triplet x'74' in all Medium Maps in the form definition being used. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise is ignored. ASIS Indicates that the current toner saver function options in the FORMDEF are to be left unchanged. This is the default. NONE Causes CIS to remove all Toner Saver (triplet x'74') options from the FORMDEF. n Specifies the level of toner saver function. One of the following values may be specified: 0x00 Deactivate toner saver function 0x01 Activate toner saver function 0xFF Use device default setting Not all printers support more than one toner saver function. Refer to the printer's documentation for more information about the supported saver function values. TRACEDD ( CISTRA1 | fileName | "fileName" [ , CISTRA2 | fileName | "fileName" ] ) Specifies the name of the trace files. fileName Specifies the name to be used for writing the trace files generated by CIS. "fileName" This notation form must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. Example: 272 TRACEDD ( "..\..\myDir\T1.BIN", "..\..\myDir\T2.BIN" ) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 TRACELEVEL ( 0 | value [, value ] [,...] ) Specifies the level of trace information to be generated. Value Can be 1 to 6 numbers, where number has a range from 0 to 5. 0 All TraceFlags are set to 0x00 (OFF). NO trace is written, no trace files are allocated even if they are specified with TRACEDD(..). Example: TRACELEVEL ( 1, 3, 5 ) Meanings of the trace levels Type Automatic flow trace (TR_MEMBER_...) External data trace Layers Size Frequency Level 1-4 Small Very high 5 3 Large Moderate 4 1-4 Medium High 3 3-4 Small Moderate/ High 2 3-4 Small Low/ /Moderate 1 Input (AFPDS) Output (AFPDS/IPDS) Resources Internal data trace Structures Private/Public attributes States Internal execution flow Component relevant “state changes” Component relevant “actions” Component relevant “events” Main execution flow CIS relevant “state changes” CIS relevant “actions” CIS relevant “events” Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 273 Level 1 (Program error) Level 1 traces all information which lead to possible program terminations. The trace entries accord to the messages. E.g.: "Invalid Triplet 'X02'!". Very little information is provided inadequately for error analysis. Level 2 (Program error) Level 2 traces the program stream in a rough manner – “Which functions/methods are running”, “Which if branch is running”, ”Which event/value leads to a possible program termination". Developer-Info: Level 2 traces all trace messages and trace dumps generated with TR_MSG2() & TR_DUMP2(). Level 3 (internal data error – Interface errors) Level 3 traces all data being sent between different modules. It is useful for localization where data got corrupted. Developer-Info: Level 3 traces all trace messages and trace dumps generated with TR_MSG3() & TR_DUMP3(). Level 4 (external data error) Level 4 should be used when there are suspected input data errors. All input buffers are traced (TRACETYPE must be set to 'ALL', 'IM', or 'LAYER3'). For keeping the trace small following settings are useful: TRACELEVEL( 4 ) TRACETYPE( IM ) Developer-Info: Level 4 traces all trace dumps generated with TR_DUMP( 4, ...). TR_MSG4() does not exist. As all input data are traces completely customer data may be regained. Level 5 (flow trace) Level 5 traces the program flow. Every function/method entry and return (with its return value) is provided independent of the specified TRACETYPE. 274 Trace information is written in the directory specified in the TRACEDD keyword. MoreDeveloper's information about these files canInput be found under 3.14 edition for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Fehler! Kein gültiges Resultat für Tabelle. on page 144. The trace files generated by CIS are independent from the record/block structure available under MVS. They may be transferred between systems using protocols such as NJE, FTP or 3270 file transfer facilities. They must be transferred in Binary mode. Warning: performance degradation will occur when this keyword is used in production mode. TRACESIZE ( size | 100 ) Specifies the size (in megabytes) that each trace file is allowed to have. This keyword is ignored under MVS. size Size of the trace file in MB. Only one trace file is written. 0 indicates that the size is unlimited. Example: TRACETYPE TRACESIZE ( 1024 ) ( ALL | { [,EX] [,BQ] [,LM] [,LK] [,SM] [,PB] [,AF] [,EV] [,QM] [,TG] [,TM] [,TS] [,ME] [,SV] [,SC] [,IM] [,OM] [,RM] [,PM] [,MO] [,RP] [,JP] [,SF] [,DN] [,CV] [,IT] [,LAYER1] [,LAYER2] [,LAYER3] [,LAYER4] ) Specifies the type(s) of trace entries to be included in the trace file generated by CIS. The supported types are: EXException Handling BQBasic Queuing (Layer 1) (Layer 1) LMLI Interface Management (Layer 1) LKLock facility (Layer 2) SMStorage Management PBPS basic (Layer 2) (Layer 2) AFArray facility (Layer 2) EVEvent Handling (Layer 2) QMQueue ManagementLayer 2) TGThread Global StorageLayer 2) TMThread ManagementLayer 2) TSTimer facilityLayer 2) MEMessage facilityLayer 2) SVServer facilityLayer 2) SCStorage CleanerLayer 3) IMInput ManagementLayer 3) OMOutput ManagementLayer 3) RMResource ManagementLayer 3) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 275 PMPage ManagementLayer 3) MOModifiers (Sort)Layer 3) RPResource ProcessingLayer 4) JPJob ProcessingLayer 4) SFStructured Fields GenerationIT, Layer 4) DNData NormalizerIT, Layer 4) CVAFP ConverterIT, Layer 4) ITAll Input Transformers’ Traceflags will be setIT, Layer 4) LAYER1 LAYER2 LAYER3 LAYER4 ALLAll Traceflags will be set inclusive program flow information Example: TRCTYPE TRACETYPE ( IT, RM ) ( NO | IBM | SNI ) Specifies the kind of table reference characters used in the input file. NO No table reference characters IBM IBM table reference characters SNI SNI table reference characters Example: TRIGGER TRCTYPE ( SNI ) ( triggerName , *, column | * , ‘value’ | x‘value’ [, record, column | * , ‘value’ | x‘value’ ] [,...] ) Specifies the locations and values of data fields within the input file that are to be used to define indexing groups in the file, when processing S/370 line formatted data. May be specified more than once. Specifying the TRIGGER keyword causes CIS to remove and/or replace any existing Document, Page Group and TLE structured fields (BDT, 276 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 EDT, BNG, ENG) in the input file. Page level TLE’s, if any, are left unchanged. The INDEX and MPCONSOLIDATION keywords control the way CIS generates its new Page Group structures. triggerName A 1 to 250 character name that specifies the trigger. This name will be used by the INDEX. record | * Specifies the relative record number from the indexing anchor record. * indicates that every record should be checked. Supported range from 0 to 255. The first value has to be * and is used as anchor value. The other values cannot be *. Any number of record references may be specified. column | * Will be used as offset (in characters) from the beginning of a record. If carriage control characters were used, column 1 refers to this. Supported values are 1 to 32756. * indicates that every column (starting with column 1) should be checked. ‘value’ | x‘value’ Specifies a constant value. This value can consist of character data or hexadecimal data. The length has a range from 1 to 250 for character data and 2 – 500 for hexadecimal data. This is a case-sensitive field. In case of hexadecimal notation and 16-bit (doublebyte) characters, the byte order used in value must match with the byte order used in the input file (littleendian or big-endian). No endian conversion is done by CIS in this case. Refer to 3.6 How to convert, normalize and index on page 55 for more information about the indexing process. This keyword is rejected when specified together with the sorting schemes SCHEME_1, SCHEME_2, SCHEME_3 or 4UP_BOOKLET. UNIQUEBNGS ( YES | NO ) Specifies whether CIS creates a unique group name or not. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 YES CIS generates an 8-digit numeric string and appends it to the group name. NO No string is appended. Developer's edition 277 Example: UNIQUEBNGS ( NO ) This keyword is ignored when specified together with the sorting schemes SCHEME_1, SCHEME_2, SCHEME_3 or 4UP_BOOKLET. USEPAGENAMES ( YES | NO ) Specifies whether CIS generates page names using 8-byte counter or uses structured field tokens found in the input data stream. If the input data contains BPG's with FQN's, CIS does not generate page names. YES CIS uses structured field tokens in the input data stream to generate page names. NO CIS generates page names using an 8-byte counter. Example: USERLIB USEPAGENAMES ( YES ) ( directory | "directory" [ , directory | "directory" ] [ , ... ] ) Specifies the directories where CIS searches for the resource definitions. CIS searches in the same order as the directories are given. Any number of directories can be specified. directory Specifies the directory to be searched. "directory" This notation must be used when the directory name contains special characters such as blanks. The order CIS searches for resource definitions is: Inline resource group Userlibs if given Defined directories Example: WORKDD USERLIB ( MY.USERLIB,YOUR. USERLIB ) ( CISSWAP ) In case of MVS, the current CIS version uses MVS hiperspaces as internal work file. The specification of a CISSWAP DDname and the 278 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 allocation of a VSAM data set is not required. The WORKDD keyword is ignored. X2UP ( ASIS | OFF | ON | LEFT | RIGHT | ICOPIES ) Select whether the two up feature should be used or not. This feature is only available on Océ printers and is only supported by Océ software. Do not specify it unless the printer and driver to be used support it. This keyword must be used together with RESTYPE(ALL) or RESTYPE(FDEF) otherwise a warning message is issued. ASIS X2UP specified via resource files should be left unchanged. OFF Set to one up. ON The same as LEFT LEFT Use the two up feature with a left-right sequence. RIGHT Use the two up feature with a right-left sequence. ICOPIES Use the two up feature to print two copies of each input page on each physical page. Example: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 X2UP ( ON ) Developer's edition 279 Customizing CIS 5 User exit facility The User exit (also called plug-in) facility available in CIS allows user-written programs to obtain control at specific points within the CIS workflow, and allows them to participate in the data conversion (INPEXIT), resource packaging (RESEXIT), indexing (INDEXEXIT), sorting (SORT), data enrichment (INSERTBCOCA, INSERTCONTAINER, INSERTINDEX, INSERTPTOCA) process. This chapter describes the functionality and the Application Programming Interface used in each of the exit points available in CIS under the following environments: • 5.1 OS/390 and z/OS - with SAS-C/C++ compiler Version 7.00 - with OS/390 High Level Assembler (t.b.d.!) - other OS/390 C/C++ compiler (IBM) (t.b.d.!) - with other ($MAINO) entry (t.b.d.!) General technical guidelines Before getting platform dependent some general principles: • C++ exceptions and signals thrown by the Plug-in must be caught by the Plug-in. Be aware that CIS deactivates signal handling before calling a Plug-in API function or returning to a Plug-in API function. Thus a signal thrown by the Plug-in – and not caught by it - will lead to an ABEND (OS/390). • To avoid recursions, the CIS API functions do not call Plug-in API functions. • Exit programs may be written in assembler or in any other language where the compiled module supports the above mentioned linkage conventions (e.g. C or C++ programs compiled with SAS/C V6.00 or higher and using entry point $MAINO). • In case of OS/390 or z/OS, the exit program must support AMODE(31) or must switch back to AMODE(31) before returning to CIS. It must also be re-entrant. • Unpredictable results may occur if an exit program does not fulfill all these requirements. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 281 5.1.1 IBM-OS/390 with SAS-C compiler Some notes for writing a CIS Plug-in with the SAS-C compiler. For further details refer to the SAS documentation. • SAMPLE CODE The Plug-in has to provide an entry function called _dynamn(). This function simply has to return the address of the PluginInit function. See the code below. // Plugin.c #include <dynam.h> extern "C" { int _dynamn( void** _pCisAPIFunctions, int _nCisAPIFunctions, int _nInterfaceVersionReq, void* _pCisAPIContext, void*** _pPlugInFunctions, int* _nPlugInFunctions, int* _nInterfaceVersionConf, void** _pPlugInContext ) { return PluginInit( _pCisAPIFunctions, _nCisAPIFunctions, _nInterfaceVersionReq, _pCisAPIContext, _pPlugInFunctions, _nPlugInFunctions, _nInterfaceVersionConf, _pPlugInContext ); } int PluginInit( void** IN _pCisAPIFunctions, int IN _nCisAPIFunctions, int IN _nInterfaceVersionReq, void* IN _pCisAPIContext, void*** OUT _pPlugInFunctions, int* OUT _nPlugInFunctions, int* OUT _nInterfaceVersionConf, void** OUT _pPlugInContext ); Fig. 78 282 Sample _dynamn() code Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS • COMPILER SETTINGS We recommend using the SAS-C provided procedures LCXXC to compile and LCXXL to link the Plug-in. Following JCL snippets are for compiling and linking. //COMPLINK JOB MSGCLASS=...,CLASS=... // JCLLIB ORDER=(SASC.C700.PROCLIB) //*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ //* SASC COMPILE //*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ //COMPILE EXEC PROC=LCXXC, // PARM.X=('SN(PLUGIN) AU ENX EXT HX IX RENT', // 'OMD SOU DO EXCE REFDEF OPTIM SNAME(DYNAM)'), // REGION=0K //X.SYSPRINT DD DSN=&&LIST1,DISP=(MOD,PASS) //X.SYSTERM DD DSN=&&LIST2,DISP=(MOD,PASS) //X.SYSTRIN DD DSN=<Source Library>(PLUGIN),DISP=SHR //X.SYSLIB DD DSN=SASC.C700.MACLIBC,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SASC.C700.RW.MACLIBC,DISP=SHR //X.H DD DSN=<Include Library>,DISP=SHR //X.SYSLIN DD DSN=<Object Library>(PLUGIN),DISP=SHR //* //*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ //* SASC LINK //*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ //LINK EXEC PROC=LCXXL,REGION=0K,ALLRES=YES, // PARM.LKED=('AMODE=31,RMODE=24,RENT,LIST,MAP,NOTERM,PREM,PRMAP', // 'XREF') //LKED.SYSDBLIB DD DSN=&&DBGLIB,SPACE=(4080,(2000,2000,100)), // DCB=(RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=4080),DISP=(,PASS),UNIT=VIO //LKED.SYSARLIB DD DSN=SASC.C700.RW.LIBSTD.A,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SASC.C700.LIBCXX.A,DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=<Load library for the Plugin>,DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLIN DD UNIT=DISK,DSN=&&LKEDIN,SPACE=(3200,(1000,500)), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3200),VOL=SER=SPSCI1 //LKED.SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //LKED.SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //LKED.OBJECT DD DSN=<Object Library>,DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSIN DD * //* INLCUDE OBJECT(PLUGIN) //* ENTRY DYN // DD * NAME PLUGIN(R) /* // Fig. 79 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Sample JCL for compiling and linking an SAS-C exit Developer's edition 283 5.1.4 Plug-in Start-up This section describes the Plug-in start-up/initialization phase and routines which should be the same for all CIS provided Plug-in APIs. After CIS has loaded a Plug-in module it interchanges following information with the Plug-in: • The API functions CIS provides for this Plug-in type • The number of API functions CIS provides for this Plug-in type • The interface version number for this specific Plug-in • The transparent context parameter which has to be passed by the Plug-in to CIS in every subsequent API function call. • The API functions the Plug-in provides for this Plug-in type • The number of API functions the Plug-in provides for this Plug-in type • The interface version number for this specific Plug-in • The transparent context parameter which has to be passed by CIS to the Plug-in in every subsequent API function call. - CIS API functions - number of CIS API functions - Interface version number request - CISContext CIS PluginInit() NO_ERROR/ INTERFACE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED/ INTERFACE_FUNCTION_MISMATCH Plugin - Plugin API functions - number of Plugin API functions - Interface version number confirmation - PluginContext Fig. 83 Plug-in Start-up This is done by CIS by calling a function called PluginInit() which has to be provided by every plug-in. Here is its formal declaration: int PluginInit( void** IN _pCisAPIFunctions, int IN _nCisAPIFunctions, int IN _nInterfaceVersionReq, void* IN _pCisAPIContext, void*** OUT _pPlugInFunctions, int* OUT _nPlugInFunctions, 284 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS int* OUT _nInterfaceVersionConf, void** OUT _pPlugInContext ); Fig. 84 Sample PluginInit() code The purpose of the IN and OUT – empty – defines are to clarify, from the plug-in’s perspective, which parameters are passed in which direction. Additional the Plug-in has a return value to notify its internal status: // Return codes #define NO_ERROR 0 #define INTERFACE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED 1 #define INTERFACE_FUNCTION_MISMATCH 2 Fig. 85 5.1.5 PluginInit() return codes Interface version number handshake CIS and the Plug-in agree upon an interface version number by using the following handshake/protocol: • With the PluginInit() function call CIS requests an interface version number by passing its highest provided interface with the _nInterfaceVersionReq parameter. • If the Plug-in confirms with this interface version it returns the same value with the nInterfaceVersionConf parameter and sets the return value to NO_ERROR. The handshake is completed at this moment. This scenario is depicted in the following graphic. - CIS API functions - number of CIS API functions - _nInterfaceVersionReq - CISContext CIS PluginInit() NO_ERROR Plugin - Plugin API functions - number of Plugin API functions - _nInterfaceVersionConf (=_nInterfaceVersionReq) - PluginContext Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 285 Fig. 86 • Interface handshake: normal case If the Plug-in does not confirm with the CIS requested interface version number it returns by itself requesting an interface version in the nInterfaceVersionConf parameter and by setting the return value to INTERFACE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED. If CIS supports this interface version it again does the PluginInit() function call with the _nInterfaceVersionReq parameter set to the value requested by the Plug-in (this scenario is depicted by following graphic). If CIS does not support this interface version it passes an appropriate message to console and terminates. - CIS API functions - number of CIS API functions - _nInterfaceVersionReq1 - CISContext PluginInit() INTERFACE_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Plugin API functions - number of Plugin API functions - _nInterfaceVersionConf (!=_nInterfaceVersionReq1) - PluginContext CIS Plugin - CIS API functions - number of CIS API functions - _nInterfaceVersionReq2 (= _nInterfaceVersionConf) - CISContext PluginInit() NO_ERROR - Plugin API functions - number of Plugin API functions - _nInterfaceVersionConf - PluginContext Fig. 87 • 286 Interface handshake: not supported case If the Plug-in recognizes a mismatch between the CIS passed interface version number _nCisAPIFunctions and the number of CIS API functions _nInterfaceVersionReq parameter it will return with INTERFACE_FUNCTION_MISMATCH. CIS then passes an appropriate message to the console and terminates. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS Start Record-format data S/370 line data MO:DCA-P data INPEXIT Parameter parser Resource Libraries RESEXIT update _INxx variables update _INxx variables Selection (on demand) Selection Selection (range) (range) Normalization Normalization Indexing Indexing (generate) (collect) Normalizer Normalization Selection (index range) INDEXEXIT Enrichment Execution parameters (remove) SORT exit SELEXIT Sort / Consolidation Selection (size based) insertBCOCA insertPTOCA insertPTOCANOP insertINDEX insertCONTAINER insertFINISHINGOP update _OUTxx variables Enrichment (insert) OUTPUTSEG Resource Packaging Document Generation Data extraction Converter Index File Generation Segmentation Index file Resource File(s) Document File(s) Extraction File Analyzer Statistics End Fig. 88 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 CIS workflow and EXIT points Developer's edition 287 288 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.2 Index exit The Index exit facility available in CIS allows installations to manipulate the index tag elements (TLE's) generated or collected during the normalization step using a user-written exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the INDEXEXIT keyword of the CIS control file (Refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). INDEXEXIT ( MYPROG ) Fig. 89 Example: INDEXEXIT keyword The AFP architecture defines two different indexing levels: page group level and page level. In case of Page Group index tags, the exit program is invoked during the index generation or collection process, when all the index tags for a group were generated (using the TRIGGER keyword) and/or collected (already present in the input data stream), before the first page in the group or the first nested page group is processed. In case of Page index tags, the exit program is invoked during the index generation or collection step, at the end of the normalization process of a page. The Index exit program is not invoked for index tags inserted using the INSERTINDEX keyword as this occurs later within the CIS internal workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit facility available in the INSERTINDEX keyword may be used instead. The exit program receives a list with all the index tags elements CIS generated or collected for that page or page group during the normalization process. The following functionality is supported: 1. Insert additional index tag(s) in a page or page group 2. Discard index tag(s) from a page or page group 3. Modify existing index tag(s) in a page or page group As Fig. 88 on page 287 shows, the Index generation and collection step (where the index exit program is invoked) is done before Index-Range based selection (see Index-range based selection on page 53) and before Sorting. Any modifications introduced by the Index exit program may be used during the index-based selection and/or sorting process. Some of the possible uses of the input exit facility include: • Reformatting of index text including removal of leading and trailing blanks, case conversion, word separation, left/right alignment, standardized abbreviations (Mr., Mrs., Str., ...), insertion of leading zeroes, etc. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 289 • • Translation of index text to a different language or code page. • Insertion of binary "work" index tags to be used for international alphanumeric sorting (e.g. German sorting sequence a, ä, o, ö, u, ü, s, ß; Spanish sorting sequence c, ch, l, ll, n, ñ; etc.) • Insertion of binary "work" index tags to be used when sorting special fields such as dates (e.g. 01.Mar.2002), left aligned numeric fields, numeric fields with a variable number of decimal digits (e.g. 4.23, 2.1, 5.123), etc. • Postal code clearance (in combination with appropriate data bases). EXIT REQUIREMENTS • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • STORAGE OWNERSHIP • LINKAGE CONVENTIONS • INTERFACE DESCRIPTION • • Input: - Input file attributes - Entity attributes - List of Index tags generated/collected for current entity - CIS variables with current values Output: - 5.2.1 List of Index tags for current entity (replaces input list) API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 290 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.2.2 API expected by Index Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 291 5.3 Input Record exit CIS provides a User Exit facility that enables installations to modify the input record stream. The name of the program invoked is specified using the INPEXIT keyword in the CIS control file (Refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). INPEXIT ( MYPROG ) Fig. 90 Example: INPEXIT keyword The exit is called after each record is read from the input file and before any further processing is performed with the data. The exit can request that the record is discarded, processed, or processed and control returned to the exit for the next exit-generated input record. The following functionality is supported: 1. Insert new records into input stream 2. Remove records from input stream 3. Modify records from input stream The largest record that can be processed is 32756 bytes long. • 292 EXIT REQUIREMENTS • The input data processing done in CIS-Module is not necessarily sequential. While sequential processing is the normal case, the presence (and use) of inline resources within the input data stream will cause SPS/MVS-CIS to "jump" positions within the input file in order to read (or re-read) the data belonging to such a resource. An input record exit should check whether data is being read sequentially or not using the sequence_hi and sequence_lo (INPRECN) parameters and must be prepared to handle this situation. • The exit program has to ensure an absolute reproducibility of each input stream manipulation done. This means that if the exit adds a record at position x of the input data stream the exit must insert the same record at the same position a second time the input stream is read. Similarly, if the exit wants to remove a record it must remove that record every time it comes in. Same behavior is required in case of modified records. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS • • The exit is only allowed to insert one record at a time. In order to insert two or more records consecutively, the exit must use the request (INPREQ) parameter to indicate that control is to be returned immediately after processing the current record. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. STORAGE OWNERSHIP The following rules define the memory allocation/release responsibilities of the user exit program: • • None of the control blocks allocated by CIS may be released by the exit program. This includes: the work memory, the file structure, the charList and the record buffer regardless on whether it is left unchanged, modified or deleted. • None of the control blocks allocated by the exit program will be released by CIS. • In order to avoid memory leak problems, the exit program must use the "terminate" call to release all the storage it may have allocated for a CIS run. LINKAGE CONVENTIONS CIS uses the following linkage conventions when calling an exit program: • General register 1 Parameter list address. The first word contains the INPPARM pointer. • General register 13 18-word save area • General register 14 Return address • General register 15 Exit's entry point address The exit program is expected to restore the general registers 2 through 13 before returning to CIS. Restoring other general registers is optional. Floating-point registers do not need to be restored. • INTERFACE DESCRIPTION Fig. 91 shows a sample C header file that describes the structures passed to the exit program. Fig. 92 shows a sample DSECTs that describe the control blocks for exit programs written in assembler. The following lines describe these fields: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 293 294 work INPWORK A pointer to a static, 1024-byte memory block. The exit program can use this memory block to save information across calls. The 1024byte work area is aligned on a full word boundary and is initialized to binary zero before the first call is done. The exit program may not change this field. mode INPMODE CIS initializes this field before every exit call. The exit program may not change it. It may be one of the following: • X'01' Initialize processing. The exit is being invoked after the file was opened and before any data is read. This type of exit call is done once per input file. On entry the record, length, sequence number (sequence_hi, sequence_lo), cc and trc parameters are invalid. The file parameter is valid. On return, the request parameter is ignored. • X'02' Record processing. The exit is being invoked after a record was read or inserted. This type of exit call is done many times per input file, depending on the number of records (and record inserts) found. On entry the file, record, length, sequence number (sequence_hi, sequence_lo), cc and trc parameters are valid. On return, the request, record, length, cc and trc parameters are used. • X'03' End-of-file reached. The exit is being invoked after attempting to read past the EOF. This type of exit call is done once per input file. On entry the record, length, cc and trc parameters are not set. The file parameter is valid. On return, the request, record, length, cc and trc parameters may be used to insert additional records. Please note that the exit may still be invoked to process records even after an EOF call. • X'04' Terminate processing. The exit is being invoked after the file has been closed. This type of exit call is done once per input file. The record, length, sequence number (sequence_hi, sequence_lo), cc and trc parameters are not used. The file parameter is valid. On return, the request parameter is ignored. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS enum INPEXIT_MODE { INPEXIT_INIT INPEXIT_RECORD INPEXIT_EOF INPEXIT_TERM }; // Exit calling mode = = = = 0x01; 0x02; 0x03; 0x04; // // // // Initialization call Record processing call End-of-file call Termination call enum INPEXIT_REQUEST // Exit return request { INPEXIT_REQ_PROCESS = 0x00; // Process this record INPEXIT_REQ_REMOVE = 0x01; // Do not process (remove) this record INPEXIT_REQ_PROCESS_AND_RETURN = 0x02; // Process this record }; enum INPEXIT_CC { INPEXIT_CC_NONE INPEXIT_CC_ASA INPEXIT_CC_IBM INPEXIT_CC_ASAA INPEXIT_CC_OPS INPEXIT_CC_SIN INPEXIT_CC_DOU INPEXIT_CC_TRI }; // Carriage control definition enum INPEXIT_TRC { INPEXIT_TRC_NONE INPEXIT_TRC_IBM INPEXIT_TRC_OPS }; // TRC definition struct INPEXIT_CHARS { char short }; // Code font definition struct INPEXIT_FILE { char char INPEXIT_CHARS* size_t char char }; // Input file attributes struct INPEXIT_PARMS { // Exit parameter list Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 = = = = = = = = 0x00; 0x01; 0x02; 0x03; 0x04; 0x10; 0x20; 0x40; = 0x00; = 0x01; = 0x02; name[8]; mxm; formDef[8]; pageDef[8]; charsList; charslen; colorMap[8]; printMode[8]; // // // // // // // // No CC present ASA control character (EBCDIC) Machine control character (IBM) ASA control character (ASCII) OPS control character Force single spacing Force double spacing Force triple spacing // No TRC present // IBM TRC present // OPS TRC present // Coded font name // MXM number // // // // // // Developer's edition Form definition (see FORMDEF keyword) Page definition (see PAGEDEF keyword) Coded font list (see CHARS keyword) Number font list elements Color mapping table (see COLORMAP) Print mode (see PRINTMODE keyword) 295 char* INPEXIT_MODE INPEXIT_REQUEST INPEXIT_FILE* char* size_t size_t size_t INPEXIT_CC INPEXIT_TRC work; mode; request; file; record; sequence_hi; sequence_lo; length; cc; trc; // // // // // // // // // // Exit's work area Exit's calling mode Exit's return request Points to file attributes Points to record's data Record's sequence number (high word) Record's sequence number (low word) Record's length Record's Carriage Control Record's Translate Character }; Fig. 91 Specifies, how the record is to be processed by CIS. On entry to the exit program, this parameter contains X'00'. When the exit program returns control, this parameter may be one of the following request INPREQ 296 Input exit: C interface • X'00' Specifies that the record is to be processed. The request, record, length, cc and trc parameters identify the record. • X'01' Specifies that the record is not to be processed • X'02' Specifies that the record is to be processed and control returned to the exit program to let it insert the next record. The exit program can set this value to save the current record, insert a record, and then supply the saved record at the next call. After the exit inserts the last record, the exit program must reset the request-byte to 0x00. INPPARM DSECT * Exit parameter list INPWORK DS AL4 * Pointer to exit's work area INPMODE * * * * DS XL4 * Exit call mode F'01' Initialization call F'02' Record processing call F'03' End-of-file call F'04' Termination call INPREQ * * * DS XL4 * Exit return order F'00' Process the record F'01' Do not process (remove) the record F'02' Process the record and return Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS INPFILE DS AL4 * Pointer to FILEPARM control block INPREC DS AL4 * Pointer to record's data INPRECN DS XL8 * Record's sequence number INPRECL DS XL4 * Record's length INPRECC * * * * * * * * DS XL4 * Record's Carriage Control (CC) F'00' No CC present F'01' ASA control character (EBCDIC) F'02' Machine control character (IBM) F'03' ASA control character (ASCII) F'04' OPS control character F'16' Force single spacing F'32' Force double spacing F'64' Force triple spacing INPRECT * * * DS XL4 * Record's Translate Character (TRC) F'00' No TRC present F'01' IBM TRC present F'02' OPS TRC present FILEPARM DSECT * Input file attributes FILEFDEF DS CL8 * Form definition (see FORMDEF keyword) FILEPDEF DS CL8 * Page definition (see PAGEDEF keyword) FILECHAR DS AL4 * Coded font list (see CHARS keyword) * * CL8,XL2 ... Coded font name, MXM number FILECHAN DS XL4 * Number of entries in Code font list FILECOLM DS CL8 * Color mapping table (see COLORMAP keyword) FILEPRM DS CL8 * Print mode (see PRINTMODE keyword) Fig. 92 Input exit: assembler interface file INPFILE Pointer to control block containing the file attributes. The exit program may not change this field. record INPREC A pointer to the first byte of the input record including carriage control character, if any. The record resides in a buffer (32768 byte overall size) that resides in storage allocated by CIS. The exit program is allowed to modify the record's data but may not change the address stored in the record field. sequence_hi sequence_lo INPRECN Ordinal sequence number for incoming records (high and low 4-byte words in case of C). For unique identification each record sent to the exit gets a sequence number. The sequence number is incremented after each exit call done by CIS. The sequence is not incremented Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 297 when a record is not processed due to a 0x01 request. The first sequence number is 0. The exit program may not change this field. 298 length INPRECL Specifies the number of bytes of the input record. If the input record is modified, this parameter must also be updated to reflect the actual length of record. cc INPRECC Specifies the Carriage Control attribute of this record. May be changed by the exit program. The allowed values are defined in INPEXIT_CC and INPRECC trc INPRECT Specifies the Translate Reference Character attribute of this record. May be changed by the exit program. The allowed values are defined in INPEXIT_TRC and INPRECT. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.4 Resource-selection exit The Resource-selection exit available in CIS provides installations with a resource filter that can be used on a resource by resource basis. The name of the program invoked is specified in the RESEXIT keyword of the CIS control file (Refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). The exit cannot be used to modify the resource data. RESEXIT ( MYPROG ) Fig. 93 Example: RESEXIT keyword Two levels of resource selection are available (refer to 3.7 How to Retrieve and Consolidate AFP Resource on page 69 for more information): on a resource type basis using the RESTYPE keyword, or on a resource by resource basis using the Resource-selection exit. Both selection levels may be active at the same time. In this case the exit program is only invoked for the resources which fulfilled the RESTYPE criteria. When resource consolidation is requested (see RESCONSOLIDATION keyword), the Resource-selection exit is invoked for all kind of resources used in the print file including external resources (from a resource library), external resource groups (inside the print file) or internal resource groups (inside a document). When resource consolidation is not active, the Resource-selection exit is invoked for all kind of resources used in the print file including external resources (from a resource library) and external resource groups (inside the print file) but not for internal resource groups (inside a document). The Resource-selection exit is invoked during the resource normalization and resource packaging steps in the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287), before the resource is read from a library or resource group. Any resources specified during a data enrichment operation will also be passed to the Resource-selection exit. The exit program decides whether a resource should be processed by CIS or not. Skipping a resource causes CIS to automatically skip any nested resources. The FormDef (for all print files) and PageDef (in case of S/370 Line format, XML or AFP Mixed format data) cannot be bypassed. The exit is only invoked for the resource files used in the print data. Resources which are not used in the print data are automatically always skipped by CIS. Some of the possible uses of the Resource-selection exit facility include: • To suppress resources which are part of a standard (never changed) resource package. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 299 • • To suppress resources due to security reasons. • To bypass missing resources so that a print file can still be processed by CIS. • To generate statistics about resource utilization. • To integrate CIS resource packaging functionality in a more comprehensive resource management system. EXIT REQUIREMENTS • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • STORAGE OWNERSHIP • LINKAGE CONVENTIONS • INTERFACE DESCRIPTION • • Input: - Resource name and type - File attributes including library name, path, etc. Output: - 5.4.1 YES or NO API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.4.2 API expected by Resource Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 300 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 301 302 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.7 BCOCA-insertion exit The BCOCA-insertion exit can be used by an installation to generate the information string to be inserted during a data enrichment operation. The name of the program(s) invoked is specified in one or more INSERTBCOCA keywords (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). For more information concerning data enrichment please refer to 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. INSERTBCOCA ( 'name', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myProg1 ) Fig. 96 Example: INSERTBCOCA, USEREXIT parameter The BCOCA-insertion exits are invoked during the data enrichment step in the conversion phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit program(s) are invoked every time an INSERTBCOCA keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the data enrichment operation should be done or not, and returns the information string to be used. The exit program may modify one or more of the parameters to be used for the insertion which are based on the corresponding DEFINEBCOCA keyword in the CIS control file. Some of the possible uses of the BCOCA-insertion exit facility include: • To generate Bar Codes types requiring check-sum digits. • To generate Bar Code symbols containing post-processing device controls. • To generate a BCOCA string based on an encoding scheme (code page) not supported by CIS. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • Input: • - Input file attributes - Entity and Level attributes including Index tags generated/collected for current entity and list of PTOCA strings for current entity - CIS variables with current values - DEFINExxx parameters Output: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 303 - YES or NO - If YES: string to be inserted and DEFINExxx parameters The Insert Bcoca plug-in allows an user to generate the information string and to redefine the bar code symbol defines by an exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the insertBcoca keyword. DEFINELEVEL( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, FRONT, EVEN ) DEFINEBCOCA ( 'myBcoca', CM,10 ,10 ,90 ,RED ,CODE39, 1, OFF, OFF, 21, 15, 100, IBM_0500 ) FIELD( myBcocaPlugIn, 'BCOCEXIT' ) INSERTBCOCA( 'myBcoca', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myBcocaPlugIn ) The exit program is invoked every time an insertBcoca keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the bar code symbol enrichment should be done or not. This technique offer the user much more flexibility to generate bar code symbols. 5.7.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.7.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 304 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.8 PTOCA-insertion exit The PTOCA-insertion exit can be used by an installation to generate the information string to be inserted during a data enrichment operation. The name of the program(s) invoked is specified in one or more INSERTPTOCA keywords (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). For more information concerning data enrichment please refer to 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. INSERTPTOCA ( 'name', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myProg1 ) Fig. 97 Example: INSERTPTOCA, USEREXIT parameter The PTOCA-insertion exits are invoked during the data enrichment step in the conversion phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit program(s) are invoked every time an INSERTPTOCA keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the data enrichment operation should be done or not, and returns the information string to be used. The exit program may modify one or more of the parameters to be used for the insertion which are based on the corresponding DEFINEPTOCA keyword in the CIS control file. Some of the possible uses of the PTOCA-insertion exit facility include: Some of the possible uses of the OCA-insertion exit facility include: • To generate Optical marks for controlling post-processing devices. • To generate font-based bar code symbols including 2D bar codes. • To generate a PTOCA string based on an encoding scheme (code page) not supported by CIS. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • Input: - Input file attributes - Entity and Level attributes including Index tags generated/collected for current entity and list of PTOCA strings for current entity - CIS variables with current values - DEFINExxx parameters Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 305 • Output: - YES or NO - If YES: string to be inserted and DEFINExxx parameters The Insert Ptoca plug-in allows an user to generate the information string and to redefine the presentation text defines by an exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the insertPtoca keyword. DEFINELEVEL( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, FRONT, EVEN ) DEFINEPTOCA( 'myPtoca', MM, 100, 220, , , X0GT12, IBM_0500 ) FIELD( myPtocaPlugIn, 'PTOCEXIT' ) INSERTPTOCA( 'myPtoca', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myPtocaPlugIn ) The exit program is invoked every time an insertPtoca keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the presentation text enrichment should be done or not. This technique offer the user much more flexibility to generate presentation texts. 5.8.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.8.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 306 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.9 PTOCA-NOP-insertion exit The PTOCA-NOP-insertion exit can be used by an installation to generate the information string to be inserted during a data enrichment operation. The name of the program(s) invoked is specified in one or more INSERTPTOCANOP keywords (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). For more information concerning data enrichment please refer to 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. INSERTPTOCANOP ( 'name', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myProg1 ) Fig. 98 Example: INSERTPTOCA, USEREXIT parameter The PTOCA-NOP-insertion exits are invoked during the data enrichment step in the conversion phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit program(s) are invoked every time an INSERTPTOCANOP keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the data enrichment operation should be done or not, and returns the information string to be used. The exit program may modify one or more of the parameters to be used for the insertion which are based on the corresponding DEFINEPTOCA keyword in the CIS control file. Some of the possible uses of the PTOCA-NOP-insertion exit facility include: Some of the possible uses of the OCA-insertion exit facility include: • To generate PTOCA NOP control sequences to be used in connection with the Océ ImageStream archiving solution. • To generate a bar code or PTOCA string based on an encoding scheme not supported by CIS. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • Input: • - Input file attributes - Entity and Level attributes including Index tags generated/collected for current entity and list of PTOCA strings for current entity - CIS variables with current values - DEFINExxx parameters Output: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 307 - YES or NO - If YES: string to be inserted and DEFINExxx parameters The Insert PtocaNop plug-in allows an user to generate the information string and by an exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the insertPtocaNop keyword. DEFINELEVEL( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, FRONT, EVEN ) DEFINEPTOCA( 'myPtoca', MM, 100, 220, , , X0GT12, IBM_0500 ) FIELD( myPtocaNopPlugIn, 'PTOCEXIT' ) INSERTPTOCANOP( 'myPtoca', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myPtocaNopPlugIn ) The exit program is invoked every time an insertPtocaNop keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the none operated presentation text enrichment should be done or not. This technique offer the user much more flexibility to generate none operated presentation texts. 5.9.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.9.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 308 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.10 INDEX-insertion exit The INDEX-insertion exit can be used by an installation to generate the information string to be inserted during a data enrichment operation. The name of the program(s) invoked is specified in one or more INSERTINDEX keywords (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). For more information concerning data enrichment please refer to 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. INSERTINDEX ( 'name', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myProg1 ) Fig. 99 Example: INSERTINDEX, USEREXIT parameter The INDEX-insertion exits are invoked during the data enrichment step in the conversion phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit program(s) are invoked every time an INSERTINDEX keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the data enrichment operation should be done or not, and returns the information string to be used. The exit program may modify one or more of the parameters to be used for the insertion which are based on the corresponding DEFINEINDEX keyword in the CIS control file. Some of the possible uses of the INDEX-insertion exit facility include: • To generate an Index string based on an encoding scheme not supported by CIS. • To generate Index entries using strategies not possible with the TRIGGER and FIELD keywords. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • Input: • - Input file attributes - Entity and Level attributes including Index tags generated/collected for current entity and list of PTOCA strings for current entity - CIS variables with current values - DEFINExxx parameters Output: - YES or NO Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 309 - If YES: string to be inserted and DEFINExxx parameters The Insert Index plug-in allows an user to generate an whole index entry by an exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the insertIndex keyword. DEFINELEVEL( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, FRONT, EVEN ) FIELD( myIndexPlugIn, 'INDXEXIT' ) INSERTINDEX( 'myIndex', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myIndexPlugIn ) The exit program is invoked every time an insertIndex keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the index entry enrichment should be done or not. This technique offer the user much more flexibility to generate index entries. 5.10.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.10.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 310 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.11 ObjectContainer-insertion exit The INSERTCONTAINER exit can be used by an installation to generate an AFP Object Container which is inserted by CIS in the print data stream. The name of the program invoked is specified as parameter in the INSERTCONTAINER keyword (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). For more information concerning data enrichment please refer to 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. INSERTCONTAINER ( 'name', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myProg ) Fig. 100 Example: ObjectContainer-insertion exit The ObjectContainer-insertion exits are invoked during the data enrichment step in the conversion phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit program is invoked every time the INSERTCONTAINER keyword where the exit name was specified is to be processed. The exit program: • Decides whether the data enrichment operation should be done or not. • Is allowed to modify the parameters of the corresponding DEFINECONTAINER keyword • May return an optional buffer containing non-OCA data. CIS uses this data, together with the parameters from DEFINECONTAINER, to build an Object Container which is directly inserted in the target page. An IOB structured field and an OC resource are not generated when a data buffer is returned by the ObjectContainer-insertion exit. The format of the data included must correspond to the object class and type specified in the DEFINECONTAINER keyword. The mode parameter is ignored. Some of the possible uses of the ObjectContainer-insertion exit facility include: • To decide whether the Container is to be inserted or not. • To modify the parameters from the DEFINECONTAINER keyword. fileName cannot be modified. Mode can be modified only if the exit returns a buffer containing non-Oca data. • To dynamically generated / retrieve non-OCA objects which are then inserted to the print file. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 311 • • Input: - Input file attributes - Entity and Level attributes including Index tags generated/collected for current entity and list of PTOCA strings for current entity - CIS variables with current values - DEFINECONTAINER parameters Output: - YES or NO - If YES: object data to be inserted (optional) and DEFINECONTAINER parameters The Object Container plug-in allows an user to generate object container data and to redefine the object container defines by an exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the insertContainer keyword. DEFINELEVEL( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, FRONT, EVEN ) DEFINECONTAINER( 'myContainer', pels, 200, 200, 800, 800, x'00', 1, 1, 0 ,GREEN, EPS, SOFT, HLQ.DIAGRAMS(CONT01) ) INSERTCONTAINER( 'myContainer', 'myLevel', USEREXIT, 'CONTEXIT' ) The exit program is invoked every time a new entity is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the object container enrichment should be done or not. This technique offer the user much more flexibility to generate object containers. 5.11.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 312 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS 5.11.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 313 5.12 UP³I Finishing Operation-insertion exit The UP³I Finishing Operation-insertion exit can be used by an installation to modify or suppress the UP³I Finishing operation which is to be inserted by CIS in the print data stream. The name of the program invoked is specified as parameter in the INSERTFINISHINGOP keyword (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). For more information concerning data enrichment please refer to 3.8 How to Enrich Print Data streams on page 77. INSERTFINISHINGOP ( 'name', myLevel, 'USEREXIT', myProg ) Fig. 101 Example: INSERTFINISHINGOP keyword, USEREXIT parameter The INSERTFINISHINGOP exit is invoked during the data enrichment step in the conversion phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 88 on page 287). The exit program is invoked every time the INSERTFINISHINGOP keyword where the exit name was specified is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the data enrichment operation should be done or not, and is allowed to modify the parameters of the corresponding DEFINEFINISHINGOP keyword. Some of the possible uses of the UP³I Finishing Operation-insertion exit facility include: • To define variable parameters to be used for a UP³I Finishing Operation based on the page contents or a similar criteria. • To suppress the insertion of a UP³I Finishing Operation based on the page contents or a similar criteria. • See also 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional guidelines. • Input: • - Input file attributes - Entity and Level attributes including Index tags generated/collected for current entity and list of PTOCA strings for current entity - CIS variables with current values - DEFINEFINISHINGOP parameters Output: - 314 YES or NO Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS - If YES: parameters to be used for INSERTFINISHINGOP parameters The Insert FinishingOp plug-in allows an user to modify the finishing operation parameters by an exit program. The name of the program invoked is specified in the insertFinishingOp keyword. DEFINELEVEL( myLevel, GROUPLEVEL1, ALL, ALL ) DEFINEFINISHINGOP( 'myFinishingOp', PELS, OFFSET, LEFT, TOP,1 ,0, ) INSERTFINISHINGOP( 'myFinishingOp', myLevel, USEREXIT, 'FINIEXIT') The exit program is invoked every time an insertFinishingOp keyword is to be processed. The exit program decides whether the finishing operation should be done or not. This technique offer the user much more flexibility to generate finishing operations. 5.12.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.12.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. Sort exit The Sort exit can be used by an installation to write their own sorting algorithm. The name of the program invoked is specified in the SORT keyword (refer to 4.4 CIS Control File reference on page 160 for more information). Please refer to 3.10 How to Sort and Reorder output pages on page 114 for more information concerning the sorting algorithms available in CIS. SORT ( USEREXIT, 'myProg' ) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 315 Fig. 102 Example: SORT keyword, USEREXIT parameter The Sort exit is invoked during the sort step, at the end of the normalization phase of the CIS workflow (see Fig. 4 on page 32). The exit program is invoked once. a) • The Sort Plug-in has to take care that every handle in the handle tree is linked at only one position and in semantic correct order, that is page handles are only allowed to be linked into page group handles, which themselves must be linked into document handles which must be linked into the PDS handle. • Please refer to 5.1 General technical guidelines on page 281 for additional information. The handle tree There is one root entity (we call it the PDS handle or root handle) which contains one or more document handles, which contain themselves one or more page group handles. Page group handles can contain nested page group handles or page handles. Fig. 103 on page 317 depicts such an hierarchical internal representation. This abstract representation can be browsed and modified by the Sort Plug-in. b) Considerations about sorting handles by their index Page group and/or page handles can have one or more indices associated to them. CIS provides access to these indices. An index consists of an attribute name (e.g. "SURNAME"), an value (e.g. "Schwarzenegger") and the IBM codepage global ID it is encoded with (a number between 0x0001 and 0xFFFF). Following graphic depicts an handle tree with indexed page groups. For reasons of clarity root (PDS) document 1 page group 1.1 <SURNAME> Schwarzenegger <FORENAME> Arnold CPGID = 500 page group 1.2 <SURNAME> Ford <FORENAME> Harrison CPGID = 500 page group 1.3 <SURNAME> Douglas <FORENAME> Michael CPGID = 500 page group 1.4 316 Developer's <SURNAME> Fonda <FORENAME> Peter edition CPGID = 500 ... Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS pages or nested page groups linked to the first level page groups (also called mailpiece's) are left out. The attributes are written in squared brackets, the associated values right after them. Fig. 103 Sample handle tree An hypothetical Sort Plug-in might sort these page group handles, with all their child handles linked to them, in a total arbitrary order. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 317 root (PDS) document 1 page group 1.1 page 1.1.1 page 1.1.2 page group 1.2 page 1.2.1 page 1.2.2 page 1.2.3 page group 1.2.4 page page document 2 page group 2.1 page 2.1.1 page group 2.2 page 2.2.1 page 2.2.2 Fig. 104 The handle tree 318 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Customizing CIS c) Sort Plug-in Interface version 1 This section describes the Sort Plug-in Interface version 1. It contains the specifications of functions CIS provides to the loaded Plug-in and the functions the Plug-in has to provide to CIS. 5.13.1 API provided by CIS Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. 5.13.2 API provided by the Plug-in Please contact your Océ representative for more information concerning the CIS exit interface. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 319 Appendix 6 Appendix Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 321 Appendix 6.1 Appendix A: Licensing Requirements CIS is a licensed product. Proper licensing is required in order to use the product. Product features can be licensed separately as dictated by the installation needs. The license key will contain all of the elements necessary to validate the authorization level of an installation. The license key processing in CIS is different depending on the platform where the product is running. Please refer to 4.2 Executing CIS under Linux or 4.3 Executing CIS under MVS for more information. 6.1.1 • Licensing under OS/390, z/OS LICENSE TYPES Type Product Feature Related Keywords [Input] INPUTDD INPUTCP LINEMERGE AFP Resource Packaging [Formatting] CC PAGEDEF FORMDEF TRCTYPE [Output] OUTPUTDD RESOBJDD OUTPUTFORMAT RESTYPE [Resources] CHARS FONTLIB OVLYLIB PSEGLIB FDEFLIB OBJCONLIB PDEFLIB USERLIB CODEDFONTEXT FONTCHARSETEXT OBJCONEXT OVERLAYEXT PAGESEGEXT Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition INPUTCP INPUTFORMAT CODEPAGEEXT FORMDEFEXT OUTLINEFONTEXT PAGEDEFEXT 323 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Type Product Feature Related Keywords [Miscellaneous] COLORMAP LSKEYDD TRACEDD TRACESIZE Basic 324 MESSAGECP TRACELEVEL TRACETYPE CC COMPRESS IMAGEOUT INPUTCP INPUTFORMAT LSKEYDD LUPUB PRESENTATION OUTPUTFORMAT TRACEDD TRACESIZE TRCTYPE USEPAGENAMES CHARS GROUPNAME INPEXIT INPUTDD LINEMERGE Indexing FIELD INDEXCP INDEXOBJ INSERTINDEX TRIGGER INDEX INDEXDD INDEXSTARTBY REMOVEINDEX Sort and Consolidation MPCONSOLIDATION SORT Conversion and Normalization Developer's edition MESSAGECP PRINTMODE OUTPUTDD TRACELEVEL TRACETYPE UNIQUEBNGS WORKDD Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix Data splitting Resource Packaging CODEDFONTEXT COLORMAP FONTCHARSETEXT FONTMAP FORMDEFEXT OBJCONLIB OVLYLIB PAGEDEFEXT PDEFLIB RESCONSOLIDATION RESFIDELITY RESOBJDD USERLIB Data Stream Analyst ANALYST ANALYSTDD ANALYSTCP Basic data enrichment (including UP³I) DEFINEFINISHINGOP DEFINEMEDIUMMAP DUPLEX FONTFIDELITY INBIN MEDIAFIDELITY OFFSETXF OFFSETYF OVERLAYB REMOVEFINISHIGOP REMOVESHEET TONERFIDELITY COLORFIDELITY DEFINELEVEL FINISHINGFIDELITY INSERTFINISHINGOP INSERTSHEET OFFSETXB OFFSETYB OUTBIN OVERLAYF REMOVEMEDIUMMAP SETUPVID X2UP Data selection SELINDEXRANGE SELRANGERANDOM SELRANGE SELSIZE Data segmentation OUTPUTSEG OUTPUTSEGPSDEF DEFINECOLOR INITVARIABLES DEFINELEVEL Insert and Remove BCOCA objects DEFINEBCOCA REMOVEBCOCA INSERTBCOCA Insert and Remove GOCA objects DEFINEBOX DEFINECURVE DEFINELINE INSERTCIRCLE INSERTELLIPSE REMOVEBOX REMOVECURVE REMOVELINE DEFINECIRCLE DEFINEELLIPSE INSERTBOX INSERTCURVE INSERTLINE REMOVECIRCLE REMOVEELLIPSE Data enrichment Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition CODEPAGEEXT FDEFLIB FONTLIB FORMDEF OBJCONEXT OVERLAYEXT PAGEDEF PAGESEGEXT PSEGLIB RESEXIT RESFILE RESTYPE 325 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Professional Services Insert and Remove Object Containers DEFINECONTAINER INSERTCONTAINER REMOVECONTAINER Insert and Remove PTOCA objects DEFINEPTOCA INSERTPTOCANOP INSERTPTOCA REMOVEPTOCA Data extraction EXTRACTCP EXTRACTINDEX User Exits INDEXEXIT USEREXIT parameter in: OUTPUTSEG INSERTINDEX INSERTPTOCANOP INSERTCONTAINER • INSERTBCOCA INSERTPTOCA SORT TIER LEVELS The CIS tier levels and their correspondent license type is shown in the following table: License type Tier level Basic 0 Data splitting 1 Data enrichment 2 Professional Services 3 Tier levels are accumulative so that Data Splitting includes the Basic functions, Data enrichment includes the Basic and the Data Splitting functions, etc. 326 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix 6.1.2 Licensing under LINUX 6.1.3 Licensing under LINUX: Overview From CIS Version 5.00 the following license levels are defined: Data Manipulation X 7 Indexing "OCR" 8 Navigation ManualReprint LCDS X 6 DataManipulatio n Preview prep./selection X 5 Dpconnect PageCount X 4 AFP Preflight&MR LineData Normalization X 3 Indexing LineData Resource Packaging BaseTier mandatory CIS 2 DataManipulation 1 PRISMAproduction basic DataManipulation Technique former CIS Service X Server4.02 PRISMAproduction Sale optional AFP Preflight&MR X optional DPconnect X optional LCDS X optional Navigation ManualReprint X optional Indexing"OCR" X Host optional X CIS X X Product Feature CIS "Basic Features" Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 X X Related Keywords Basic CIS functions, require PRISMAproduction basic Developer's edition 327 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Product Feature Related Keywords license CIS "Data manipulation" 328 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ANALYST ANALYSTCP ANALYSTDD CASECTRL CC CHARS CODEDFONTEXT CODEPAGEEXT COLORFIDELITY COLORMAP FDEFLIB FONTCHARSETEXT FONTLIB FONTMAP FORMDEF FORMDEFEXT IMAGEOUT INLINERESOURCECACHING INPEXIT INPUTCP INPUTDD INPUTFORMAT LINEMERGE LSKEYDD MESSAGECP MPCONCEPT OBJCONEXT OBJCONLIB OUTLINEFONTEXT OUTPUTDD OUTPUTFORMAT OUTPUTSEG OUTPUTSEGEXIT OUTPUTSEGPSDEF OVERLAYB OVERLAYEXT COMPRESS DEFINE2DDATAMATRIX DEFINE2DMAXICODE DEFINE2DPDF417 DEFINE2DQRCODE DEFINEBCOCA DEFINEBOX DEFINECIRCLE DEFINECOLOR DEFINECONTAINER DEFINECURVE DEFINEELLIPSE DEFINEFINISHINGOP DEFINELEVEL DEFINELINE DEFINEMEDIUMMAP DEFINEPTOCA DUPLEX EXTRACTCP EXTRACTINDEX FIELD FINISHINGFIDELITY FONTFIDELITY INBIN Developer's edition 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. OVERLAYF OVLYLIB PAGEDEF PAGEDEFEXT PAGESEGEXT PDEFLIB PRESENTATION PRINTMODE PSEGLIB RESCONSOLIDATION RESEXIT RESFIDELITY RESFILE RESOBJDD RESPRUNING RESTYPE SELEXIT SELINDEXRANGE SELRANGE SELRANGERANDOM SELSIZE SELTEXT SETUPCHARS SETUPFORMDEF SETUPPAGEDEF TMPDIR TRACEDD TRACELEVEL TRACESIZE TRACETYPE TRCTYPE USERLIB WORKDD JOBID TRACEOPTIMIZE 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. INSERTINDEX INSERTINDEXEXIT INSERTLINE INSERTPTOCA INSERTPTOCAEXIT INSERTPTOCANOP INSERTPTOCANOPEXIT INSERTSHEET LUPUB MEDIAFIDELITY MPCONSOLIDATION OFFSETXB OFFSETXF OFFSETYB OFFSETYF OUTBIN REMOVEBCOCA REMOVEBOX REMOVECIRCLE REMOVECMR REMOVECONTAINER REMOVECURVE REMOVEELLIPSE REMOVEFINISHINGOP Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix Product Feature Related Keywords 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. CIS "Indexing LineData" 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. REMOVEINDEX REMOVELINE REMOVEMEDIUMMAP REMOVEPTOCA REMOVESHEET SETUPVID SORT SORTEXIT TONERFIDELITY USEPAGENAMES X2UP In this case CIS will check for a separate license key and activate the relevant functions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. "AFP Preflight and MakeReady" GROUPNAME INDEX INDEXCP INDEXDD INDEXEXIT INDEXOBJ INDEXSTARTBY TRIGGER UNIQUEBNGS In this case CIS will check for a separate license key and activate the relevant functions. DPconnect "Data manipulation" Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 INITVARIABLES INSERTBCOCA INSERTBCOCAEXIT INSERTBOX INSERTCIRCLE INSERTCONTAINER INSERTCONTAINEREXIT INSERTCURVE INSERTELLIPSE INSERTFINISHINGOP INSERTIMM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 1. 2. 3. 4. ANALYST ANALYSTDD BLACKWHITE CASECTRL CODEDFONTEXT CODEPAGEEXT COLORFILEDD COLORINFO COLORINFOCP COLORMAP COLORREPLACE COLORREPLACE_PTOCAGRAY2BLACK COLORREPLACE_RICHBLACK COLORRESDD DUPLEX FDEFLIB FONTMAP FORMDEF FORMDEFEXT IMAGEOUT INBIN INPEXIT INPUTDD INPUTFORMAT INSERTCMR INSERTPPO JOBID MESSAGECP COLORMAP DEFINECOLOR DEFINECONTAINER DEFINEFINISHINGOP Developer's edition 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 37. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. OBJECTCONEXT OBJECTCONLIB OBJEXTRACT OBJEXTRACT_DIRECTORY OUTBIN OUTPUTDD OUTPUTSEG OVERLAYB OVERLAYB OVERLAYEXT OVERLAYF OVLYLIB PAGEDEF PAGEDEFEXT PAGESEGEXT PDEFLIB PRESENTATION REPLACECMR RESFIDELITY RESFILE RESOBJDD RESPRUNING RESTYPE SETUPCHARS TMPDIR TRCTYPE USERLIB 329 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Product Feature LCDS "Data manipulation" "Navigation and Manual Reprint" Related Keywords 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. DEFINEMEDIUMMAP DUPLEX FINISHINGFIDELITY IMAGEOUT INPUTDD INSERTCONTAINER INSERTSHEET JOBID MEDIAFIDELITY OUTPUTDD OVERLAYB OVERLAYF REMOVESHEET RESTYPE SORT SORTEXIT ANALYST ANALYSTDD FONTLIB IMAGEOUT INPUTDD JOBID OVLYLIB PSEGLIB RESCONSOLIDATION RESFILE RESOBJDD RESTYPE SORT SORTEXIT TMPDIR TRACEDD TRACELEVEL In this case CIS will check for a separate license key and activate the relevant functions. No additional param keywords defined so far "Indexing OCR" In this case CIS will check for a separate license key and activate the relevant functions. No additional param keywords defined so far 330 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix 6.2 Appendix B: CIS processing variables The following table describes the processing variable names available in CIS. These variables can be used in the FIELD and INITVARIABLES keywords of the control file, and are available to some User Exits as additional information. Their initial value and change conditions are described too. • INPUT FILE RELATED VARIABLES • _inDocumentNumber Description: Input Document number. Contains the relative number of an AFP document within the input data stream. CIS uses the Begin Document (BDT) and End Document (EDT) structured fields in order to determine which pages and page groups belong to a document. S/370 Line format data files are considered to contain a single AFP document. The complete input file is used to determine the relative number, including items which are excluded in the selection steps. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the print file The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time a Begin Document AFP structured field is found in the input data stream. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _inMailPieceNumber Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 331 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Description: Input Mail Piece Number Contains the relative number of a Mail Piece within the input data stream. In CIS in connection with AFP data, a mail piece is defined as a "top" level page group (see Glossary on page 445). The complete input file is used to determine the relative number, including items which are excluded in the selection steps. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the print file The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time a non-nested Begin Named Page Group (BNG) structured field is found in the input data stream. Nested BNG's do not represent the beginning of a new mail piece and do not cause a change condition. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _inSheetNumber Description: Input Sheet Number Contains the relative number of a sheet within the input data stream. CIS uses the formatting information stored in the FORMDEF in order to determine the way in which one or more pages are grouped into a sheet. The complete input file is used to determine the relative number, including items which are excluded in the selection steps. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the print file The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): 332 Every time a Begin Page (BPG) structured field is found in the input data stream and the page being started corresponds to the beginning of a new physical sheet. BPG's which do not correspond to the beginning of a new Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix sheet do not cause a change condition. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _inPageNumber Description: Input Page Number. Contains the relative number of a page within the input data stream. The complete input file is used to determine the relative number, including items which are excluded in the selection steps. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the print file The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time a Begin Page (BPG) structured field is found in the input data stream. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _inSheetNumberInMailPiece Description: Sheet Number within Mail Piece Contains the relative number of a Sheet sheet within the Mail Piece in the input data stream. CIS uses the formatting information stored in the FORMDEF in order to determine the way in which one or more pages are grouped into a sheet. The complete input file is used to determine the relative number, including items which are excluded in the selection steps. The sheet number reflects the original file sequence. It does not reflect any sorting or reformatting operations that may be done in later steps during the same CIS run (use _outSheetNumberInMailPiece in that case). Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 333 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Reset condition(s): 1. At the beginning of the print file. 2. Every time a Begin Document AFP structured field is found in the input data stream or is assumed to be there (e.g. when processing mixed data). 3. Every time a non-nested Begin Named Page Group (BNG) structured field is found in the input data stream or is inserted as a result of a successful TRIGGER search. Nested BNG's do not represent the beginning of a new mail piece and do not cause a change condition. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Same as _inSheetNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _inPageNumberInMailPiece Description: Page Number within Mail Piece. Contains the relative number of a Page page within the Mail Piece in the input data stream. The user should be aware that AFP pages may be positioned in a sheet in a different sequence as they appear in the data stream. The complete input file is used to determine the relative number, including items which are excluded in the selection steps. The page number reflects the original file sequence. It does not reflect any sorting or reformatting operations that may be done in later steps during the same CIS run (use _outPageNumberInMailPiece in that case). Reset condition(s): 1. At the beginning of the print file. 2. Every time a Begin Document AFP structured field is found in the input data stream or is assumed to be there (e.g. when processing mixed data). 3. Every time a non-nested Begin Named Page Group (BNG) structured field is found in the input data 334 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix stream or is inserted as a result of a successful TRIGGER search. Nested BNG's do not represent the beginning of a new mail piece and do not cause a change condition. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Same as _inPageNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • OUPUTOUTPUT FILE RELATED VARIABLES • _outSegmentNumber Description: Output segment number. Contains the relative number of a segment within the output data stream datasets (see OUTPUTSEG keyword). Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the output file processing. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The INITVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time an output segment file is opened for processing. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The INITVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outDocumentNumber Description: Output Document number. Contains the relative number of a document within the output data stream. The items excluded in the selection Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 335 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the output file processing. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time a Begin Document (BDT) structured field is written to the output document file. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outMailPieceNumber Description: Output Mail Piece Number. Contains the relative number of a Mail Piece within the output data stream. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the output file processing. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time a "top" level Begin Named Page Group (BNG) structured field is written to the output document file. Nested BNG's do not represent the beginning of a new mail piece and do not cause a change condition. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outSheetNumber Description: Output Sheet Number. Contains the relative number of a sSheet within the output data stream. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): 1. At the beginning of the output file processing. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 336 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): 1. Every time a Begin Page (BPG) structured field corresponding to a new sheet is written to the output document file. BPG's which do not correspond to the beginning of a sheet do not cause a change condition. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outPageNumber Description: Output Page Number. Contains the relative number of a Page page within the output data stream. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): At the beginning of the output file processing. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Every time a Begin Page (BPG) structured field is written to the output document file. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outMailPieceNumberInDocument Description: Mail Piece Number within Document Contains the relative number of a Mail Piece within the document in which it is contained. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a Begin Document (BDT) structured field is written to the output document file. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 337 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Change condition(s): Same as _outMailPieceNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outSheetNumberInMailPiece Description: Sheet Number within Mail Piece. Contains the relative number of a Sheet sheet within the Mail Piece in which it is contained. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a non-nested Begin named Group (BNG) structured field is written to the output document file. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Same as _outSheetNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outPageNumberInMailPiece Description: Page Number within Mail Piece. Contains the relative number of a Page within the Mail Piece in which it is contained. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): 1. Every time a non-nested Begin named Group (BNG) structured field is written to the output document file. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Same as _outPageNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. 338 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix • _outPageNumberInSheet Description: Page Number within Sheetsheet. Contains the relative number of a Page page within the sSheet in which it is contained. The items Excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): 1. Every time a Begin Page (BPG) structured field is written to the output document file. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different initial value. Change condition(s): Same as _outPageNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs is 1. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different increment value. • _outNumberOfMailPiecesInDocument Description: Number of mMail Pieceail pieces in Documentdocument Contains the number of Mail Pieces within the Document document being written to the output document file. Using this variable name in a FIELD keyword causes CIS to store all the selected print data into the internal work file before the output processing is started. Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): • None. This processing variable name cannot initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. be None. _outNumberOfSheetsInMailPiece Description: Number of Sheets sheets in Mail Piece Contains the number of Sheets sheets within the Mail Piece being written to the output document file. Using this variable name in a FIELD keyword causes CIS to store all the selected print data into the internal work Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 339 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data file before the output processing is started. Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): • None. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. None. _outNumberOfPagesInMailPiece Description: Number of pPages in mMail Pieceail piece. Contains the number of Pages pages within the Mail Piece being written to the output document file. Using this variable name in a FIELD keyword causes CIS to store all the selected print data into the internal work file before the output processing is started. Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): • None. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. None. _outNumberOfPagesInSheet Description: Number of Pages pages in Sheetsheet. Contains the number of Pages pages within the Sheet sheet being written to the output document file. Using this variable name in a FIELD keyword causes CIS to store all the selected print data into the internal work file before the output processing is started. Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): • None. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. None. _outPageSfOffset Description: Page offset (in number of structured fields) within the current output document file segment. Contains the offset of a page within the current output data stream segment. This is the same 8-bytes value stored in the Object Structured Field Offset Triplet X'58' 340 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix in the index object file for this page. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Same as _outPageNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs corresponds to the number of structured fields written before the BPG. The INITVARIABLES keyword may not be used to specify a different increment value. • _outCurrentByteOffset Description: Current offset (in number of bytes) within the current output document file segment. Contains the number of bytes written in the current output data stream segment. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Every time information is written to the output document file segment. The increment applied every time a change condition occurs is equal to the length of the data added to the Output segment file. This INITVARIABLES keyword cannot be used to specify an increment. • _outPageByteOffset Description: Page offset (in number of bytes) within the current output document file segment. Contains the offset of a page within the current output Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 341 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data data stream segment. This is the same 8-bytes value stored in the Object Byte Offset Triplet X'2D' in the index object file for this page. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Same as _outPageNumber The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs corresponds to the number of bytes written before the BPG. The INITVARIABLES keyword may not be used to specify a different increment value. • _outSheetSfOffset Description: Sheet offset (in number of structured fields) within the current output document file segment. Contains the offset of a sheet within the current output data stream segment. This is the same 8-bytes value stored in the Object Structured Field Offset Triplet X'58' in the index object file for the first page of the Sheet. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Same as _outSheetNumber. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs corresponds to the number of structured fields written before the BPG. The INITVARIABLES keyword may not be used to specify a different increment value. • 342 _outSheetByteOffset Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix Description: Sheet offset (in number of bytes) within the current output document file segment. Contains the offset of a Sheet within the current output data stream segment. This is the same 8-bytes value stored in the Object Byte Offset Triplet X'2D' in the index object file for the first page of the Sheet. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Same as _outSheetNumber. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs corresponds to the number of bytes written before the BPG. The INITVARIABLES keyword may not be used to specify a different increment value. • _outMailPieceSfOffset Description: Mail piece offset (in number of structured fields) within the current output document file segment. Contains the offset of a mail piece within the current output data stream segment. This is the same 8-bytes value stored in the Object Structured Field Offset Triplet X'58' in the index object file for the first page of the mail piece. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Same as _outMailPieceNumber. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs corresponds to the number of structured fields written before the BPG. The INITVARIABLES keyword may not be used to specify a different increment Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 343 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data value. • _outMailPieceByteOffset Description: Mail piece offset (in number of bytes) within the current output document file segment. Contains the offset of a mail piece within the current output data stream segment. This is the same 8-bytes value stored in the Object Byte Offset Triplet X'2D' in the index object file for the first page of the mail piece. The items excluded in the selection steps are not considered. Reset condition(s): Every time a new Output document segment file is created. The initial value set every time a reset condition occurs is 0. This processing variable name cannot be initialized using the INITVARIABLES keyword. Change condition(s): Same as _outMailPieceNumber. The increment value applied every time a change condition occurs corresponds to the number of bytes written before the BPG. The INITVARIABLES keyword may not be used to specify a different increment value. • OTHER PROCESSING VARIABLES • _dateYYYY Description: Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): 344 Current year in long format (e.g. 2001). The initial value is the current year. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different value, from 0 to 9999. The value remains constant regardless of date and time changes within the CIS run. None. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix • _dateYY Description: Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): • None. This processing variable cannot be initialized using the initVARIABLES keyword. Variable _dateYYYY may be used instead. None. _dateMM Description: Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): • Current year in short format (e.g. 99, 0, 1, etc.). Current month. The initial value is the current month number. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different value, from 1 to 12. The value remains constant regardless of date and time changes within the CIS run. None. _dateDD Description: Reset condition(s): Change condition(s): Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Current day. The initial value is the current day number. The initVARIABLES keyword may be used to specify a different value, from 1 to 31. No checks are made to determine is the combination year/month/day is valid (e.g. the combination 2001, 02, 30 is accepted). The value remains constant regardless of date and time changes within the CIS run. None. Developer's edition 345 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data 6.3 Appendix C: Description of the Analyst tags Fig. 4 on page 32 shows the internal CIS workflow. As it is to be expected, the Print Stream Analyzer runs as last process in the chain. The Summary file it creates contains the information gained in all previous steps. The name of the Analyst file is specified using the ANALYSTDD keyword. The ANALYSTCP keyword can be used to specify the encoding of this file. ANALYST Root-tag ATTRIBUTENAME Leaf-tag Value: String The extract file contains attribute values which corresponds to this attribute name. AVERAGEPAGESIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Byte The average page size is the arithmetical mean value. This value is calculated in the following way: All bytes go through the converter divided by the amount of data pages. A data page starts with a Begin Page (BPG) structured field and terminates with an End Page (EPG) structured field. BCOCA BCOCATYPE Branch-tag Leaf-tag Value: 'UPCA' | Constant String 'CODE39' | 'MSI' | 'UPCE' | 'UPC2SUPP' | 'UPC5SUPP' | 'EAN8' | 'EAN13' | 'IND20F5' | 346 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix 'MAT20F5' | 'ITL20F5' | 'CDB20F7' | 'CODE128' | 'EAN2SUPP' | 'EAN5SUPP' | 'POSTNET' | 'RM4SCC' | 'JPOSTAL' | 'APOSTAL' | 'undefined' Bar code symbology: CODE39 MSI UPCA UPCE UPC2SUPP UPC5SUPP EAN8 EAN13 IND2OF5 MAT2OF5 ITL20F5 CDB2OF7 CODE128 EAN2SUPP EAN5SUPP POSTNET RMSCC JPOSTAL APOSTAL Code 39 (3-of-9 Code), AIM USS-39 MSI (modified Plessey code) UPC/CGPC – Version A UPC/CGPC – Version E UPC – Two-digit Supplemental (Periodicals) UPC – Five-digit Supplemental (Paperbacks) EAN-8 (includes JAN-short) EAN-13 (includes JAN-standard) Industrial 2-of-5 Matrix 2-of-5 Interleaved 2-of-5, AIM USS-I 2/5 Codabar, 2-of-7, AIM USS-Codabar Code 128, AIM USS-128 EAN Two-digit Supplemental EAN Five-digit Supplemental POSTNET RM4SCC Japan Postal Bar Code Australia Post Bar Code For further information about valid code pages and type styles see IBM Bar Code Object Content Architecture Reference. BINNAME Leaf-tag Value: String The media type name is defined in the Map Media Type (MMT) structured field. It is either a character-encoded name or a binary identifier. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 347 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Example for a character-encoded name: 'ISO A4 white (210 x 297 mm)' See also COMPONENTID. For further information about media type see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. BINNUMBER Leaf-tag Value: Numeric BINNUMBER means the Media source selector defined in the Medium Modification Control (MMC) structured field, keyword X'E1'. There are two formats available: Format 1 X'01' X'02' X'03' X'04' X'41' X'64' Media source ID X'00' Media source ID X'01' Media source ID X'02' Media source ID X'03' Envelope media source Manual feed media source Format 2 X‘01' X'02' X'FE' X'FF' COLOR Media source ID X'00' Media source ID X'01' Media source ID X'FD' Media source ID X'FE' Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no If a color is specified, this tag will set to 'yes'. The color specification is described in the Object Area Descriptor (OBD) structured field, Triplet X'4E'. For further information about this structured field see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. COMPONENTID Leaf-tag Value: 348 String Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix This encoded media-type identifier is defined in the Map Media Type (MMT) structured field. This ID is an ASN.1 Object Identifier (OID), defined in ISO/IEC 8824:1990(E) Example for a encoded media-type OID: X'06 072B120004030114' There is a close coherency between COMPONENTID and BINNAME. These two tags describe the same media type in two different ways. For further information about media type see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. CPGID Leaf-tag Value: Numeric X'0000' X'0001' – X’FFFE’ X'FFFF' No CPGID is Assigned CPGID No CPGID is assigned The code page global identifier is described in the Code Page Descriptor (CPD) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. DATA Branch-tag DOCUMENT Branch-tag DOCUMENTS Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Number There are two possibilities of interpretation which depends on the contents of occurrence. Inside the Branch-tag SUMMARY Amount of documents which passed through the converter. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 349 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Inside the Branch-tag FILECONTENTS Amount of documents storing in the output document file DOUBLEBYTECODEPAGE Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no The double-byte code page is selected ('yes'), when the CPIRGLen in the Code Page Control (CPC) structured field is set to X'0B' For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. DOUBLEBYTERASTER Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no The double-byte raster is selected ('yes'), when the section number inside the Coded Font Index(CFI) structured field is set to a value in the range X'41' up to X'FE'. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. ENCODING Leaf-tag Value: String No encoding scheme specified | Single-byte, encoding not specified | Double-byte, encoding not specified | Single-byte, IBM-PC Data | Single-byte, EBCDIC Presentation | Double-byte, EBCDIC Presentation | Double-byte, UCS Presentation This tag specifies the encoding scheme defined in the Code Page Descriptor (CPD) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference . EXTRACT 350 Branch-tag Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix FGID Leaf-tag Value: Numeric X'0000' No information is given X'0001' – X’FFFE’ Registered FGID X'FFFF' No information is given The Font Typeface GID is defined in the Font Descriptor (FND) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. FILE Branch-tag FILECONTENTS Branch-tag FILENAME Leaf-tag Value: String The output file name can be an absolute directory name and drive included (e.g. "c:\myDir\myFile.txt"), a relative directory name (e.g. ".\myFile.txt") or only the name ( myFile.txt). Example: Input parameter OUTPUTDD( .\OutCIS42\Document ) will result in a output file name '.\OutCIS42\Document'. FILESIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Byte Contains the file size of the output file in bytes. Do not compare a output file size with its corresponding input file size. For this comparison use the RESOURCENETSIZE. It is nearly so as large like as the input file size. See also RESOURCENETSIZE. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 351 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data FONT Branch-tag FORM Branch-tag GCSGID Leaf-tag Value: Numeric X'0000' X'0001' – X'FFFE' X'FFFF' No information is Given Registered GCSGID No information is Given The Graphic Character Set GID is defined in the Code Page Descriptor (CPD) structured field and/or in the Font Descriptor structured field (FND). For further information about these structured fields see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. GOCA Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no If a Graphic Object Contents Architecture (GOCA) was found in the document this flag is set to 'yes' IMAGE IMAGETYPE Branch-tag Leaf-tag Value: Constant String 'IM image' | 'IOCA' | 'IM to IOCA' This tag describes which kind of Image is located in the document, See also Begin Image Object (BIM) structured field and Begin IM Image Object (BII) structured field. For further information about these structured fields see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. INDEX 352 Branch-tag Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix INPUTBIN Branch-tag INPUTDATA Branch-tag JOBSIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Byte The job size is the total sum of all document data which passed through the Converter. Resource data are not considered. MAILPIECES Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Number There are two possibilities of interpretation which depends on the contents of occurrence. Inside the Branch-tag SUMMARY Amount of mail pieces which passed through the converter. Inside the Branch-tag FILECONTENTS Amount of mail pieces storing in the output document file MAXPAGESIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Byte Size of the largest data page passed through the Converter. A data page starts with a Begin Page (BPG) structured field and terminates with an End Page (EPG) structured field. MEDIUM MICR Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Branch-tag Leaf-tag Developer's edition 353 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Value: Boolean yes | no If Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) is active this tag is set to 'yes'. The MICR bit is specified in the Font Character Set (FNC) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. MINPAGESIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Byte Size of the shortest data page passed through the Converter. A data page starts with a Begin Page (BPG) structured field and terminates with an End Page (EPG) structured field. NUP Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no If N-up format control (MMC, keyword X'FC') is available this tag is set to 'yes'. For further information about the MMC structured field see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. OBJECTCONTAINER Leaf-tag Value: Boolean (yes | no) If an object container was found in the document this flag is set to 'yes' ORIENTATION Leaf-tag Value: Constant String 'portrait' | 'landscape' 'portrait 90' | 'landscape 90' | 'portrait 180' | 'landscape 180' | 354 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix 'portrait 270' | 'landscape 270' OUTLINE Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no If a outline font was found, this tag is set to 'yes'. For further information about outline fonts see Coded Font Index (CFI) structured field described in the IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. OUTPUTBIN Branch-tag OUTPUTDATA Branch-tag PAGES Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Number There are two possibilities of interpretation which depends on the contents of occurrence. • Inside the Branch-tag SUMMARY Amount of data pages passed through the converter. • Inside the Branch-tag FILECONTENTS Amount of data pages storing in the output document file A data page starts with a Begin Page (BPG) structured field and terminates with an End Page (EPG) structured field. PAGEUNITBASE Leaf-tag Value: Constant String 'ten inches' | 'ten centimeters' Specifies the unit base of the medium co-ordinate system, defined in the Medium Descriptor (MDD) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 355 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data PAGEUNITSPERUNITBASE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Specifies the number of units per unit base of the medium coordinate system, defined in the Medium Descriptor (MDD) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. PATTERN Leaf-tag Value: String Laser Matrix N-bit Wide | CID keyed font (type 0) | PFB (type 1) The Pattern Technology Identifier parameter specified the technologies for the font graphic patterns for this font. This identifier is specified in the Font Character Set (FNC) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. PRINTCONTROL Leaf-tag Value: Constant String 'simplex' | 'duplex' | 'mixplex' Specifies whether data is generated on the front side of the sheet or on both sides. The print control is specified in the Medium Modification Control (MMC) structured field, keyword X'F4'. For further information about this structured fields see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. RELATIVEMETRICS Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no The relative metrics is defined by the X/Y-unit-base inside the Font Control (FNC) structured field. If a relative metrics is 356 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix defined this tag is set to 'yes'. Further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. RESOLUTION Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Pels per 10 Inches The resolution is specified in the Font Control (FNC) structured field. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. RESOURCE Branch-tag RESOURCEDATA Branch-tag RESOURCENAME Leaf-tag Value: String Name of the resource. This name corresponds to its Begin structured field. For example 'Bar code object': The corresponding Begin structured field is the 'Begin Bar Code Object' (BBC). The name is specified in Byte 0-7 or in the Triplet X'02' Further information about Begin structured fields see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. RESOURCENETSIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Byte Specifies the net size of one resource type. This size is nearly equal to the size of the input resource. There are two RESOURCENETSIZE values available: Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 357 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data derived from input data, and calculated from the written resource output data. These two values must not have the absolute same size they can be different. RESOURCETYPE Leaf-tag Value: Constant String 'form definition' | 'page definition' | 'page segment' | 'overlay' | 'coded font' | 'font character set (raster) | 'code page type' | 'font character set (outline)' 'color mapping table' | 'font character set (GRID)' | code page (GRID)' The resource type describes which kind of resource is in use. For further information about resource object types see Resource Object Type Triplet X'21' in the IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference specs. ROTATION00 Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no Set to 'yes' If when the character rotation 0° is available for this font this tag is set to 'yes'. Font Orientation (FNO) structured field is responsible for character rotation. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. ROTATION180 Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no Set to 'yes' when the character rotation 180° is available for this font. If the character rotation 180° is available for this font this tag is set to 'yes'. 358 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix Font Orientation (FNO) structured field is responsible for character rotation. Further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. ROTATION270 Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no Set to 'yes' when the character rotation 270° is available for this font. If the character rotation 270° is available for this font this tag is set to 'yes'. Font Orientation (FNO) structured field is responsible for character rotation. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. ROTATION90 Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no Set to 'yes' when the character rotation 90° is available for this font. If the character rotation 90° is available for this font this tag is set to 'yes'. Font Orientation (FNO) structured field is responsible for character rotation. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. SHEETS Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Unit: Number There are two possibilities of interpretation which depends on the contents of occurrence. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 • Inside the Branch-tag SUMMARY Amount of documents passed through the converter. • Inside the Branch-tag FILECONTENTS Amount of documents storing in the output document file Developer's edition 359 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data The sheet counter result is based on data pages. A data page starts with a Begin Page (BPG) structured field and terminates with an End Page (EPG) structured field. SUMMARY Branch-tag TYPEFACE Leaf-tag Value: String Typeface Description contains descriptive information about the font family name (e.g. 'Times New Roman'). It's a 32 characters long string. Unused characters are filled up with blanks. The Font Descriptor (FND) structured field specifies the typeface description. For further information about this structured field see IBM Font Object Content Architecture (FOCA) Reference. VERSION Leaf-tag Value: String This tag specifies the CIS version which generates this analyst file. X2UP Leaf-tag Value: Boolean yes | no If X2-up enable this tag is set to 'yes' Further information about X2-up see Siemens Nixdorf Printer Data Stream (SPDS) Reference Manual and the PdsInfo PDSFLG3 Default processing flag. XSIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Specifies the extent of the medium presentation space along the X axis, defined in the Medium Descriptor (MDD) structured field. A value of 0x00 indicates that the extent is 360 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix not specified. For further information about this structured field see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. YSIZE Leaf-tag Value: Numeric Specifies the extent of the medium presentation space along the Y axis, defined in the Medium Descriptor (MDD) structured field. A value of 0x00 indicates the extent is not specified. For further information about this structured field see IBM Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 361 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data 6.4 Appendix D: Code Page Description The following tables document the code points supported in each standard code page available in CIS. Each table cell contains the textual representation of the code point and the corresponding Unicode code as defined by the Unicode Consortium. 362 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0037 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 00a2 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 003e 003f 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 00bc 00bf 00bd 00be 005b 005d 00f0 005f 00fd 00b5 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 005e 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 0025 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 105 IBM_0037: EBCDIC (USA and Canada) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 363 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0256 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 5 009c 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 005b 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 00f0 005f 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 00b5 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00a2 00a3 00a5 20a7 0192 00a7 00b6 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 2017 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 0131 2007 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 106 IBM_0256: EBCDIC Netherlands 364 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0273 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 007b 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 00c4 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 007e 00dc 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 005b 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00f6 002c 0025 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 00a7 0027 003d 0022 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00df 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00f0 005f 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e4 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00a6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00fc 004a 004b 00fb 007d 00f9 00fa 00ff 00d6 00f7 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 0040 00b6 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 005c 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 005d 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 107 IBM_0273: EBCDIC Austria, Germany Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 365 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0277 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 007d 00e7 00f1 0023 002e 003c 0028 002b 0021 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 00a4 00c5 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 0024 00c7 00d1 00f8 002c 0025 00a6 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 00c6 0040 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00fc 006c 006d 006e 006f 005f 003e 003f 00d8 0027 003d 0022 00f0 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 007b 00b8 005b 005d 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e6 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00e5 004a 004b 00fb 007e 00f9 00fa 00ff 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 108 IBM_0277: EBCDIC Denmark, Norway 366 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0278 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 007b 00e0 00e1 00e3 007d 00e7 00f1 00a7 002e 003c 0028 002b 0021 0026 0060 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 00a4 00c5 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 0023 00c0 00c1 00c3 0024 00c7 00d1 00f6 002c 0025 00f8 005c 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00e9 003a 00c4 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00fc 006c 006d 006e 006f 005f 003e 003f 00d6 0027 003d 0022 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 005d 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00f0 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e4 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00a6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00e5 004a 004b 00fb 007e 00f9 00fa 00ff 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 005b 00b6 00c9 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 0040 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 109 IBM_0278: EBCDIC Finland, Sweden Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 367 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0280 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 007b 00e1 00e3 00e5 005c 00f1 00b0 002e 0026 005d 00ea 00eb 007d 00ed 00ee 00ef 007e 00df 00e9 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00f2 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00f9 003a 00a3 00a7 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 005b 006a 006b 00b5 00ec 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00f0 005f 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e0 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00a6 00f3 00f5 00e8 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 0060 00fa 00ff 00a2 0023 00a5 00b7 00a9 0040 00b6 00e7 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 110 IBM_0280: EBCDIC Italy 368 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0284 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00a6 005b 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 0023 00f1 003f 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 00d1 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 003e 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 00b5 00a8 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bc 00bf 00bd 00be 005e 0021 00f0 005f 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00af 007e 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 111 IBM_0284: EBCDIC Spain, Latin America (Spanish) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 369 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0285 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 0024 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 0021 00a3 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00af 006c 006d 006e 006f 00a2 005b 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bc 00bf 00f0 005f 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00bd 00be 005e 005d 007e 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 112 IBM_0285: EBCDIC United Kingdom 370 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0290 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 ff61 ff62 ff63 ff64 ff65 ff66 ff67 ff68 0026 ff6a ff6b ff6c ff6d ff6e ff6f 001a ff70 002d 002f ff69 00a3 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 001a 0021 00a5 002a 0029 003b 00ac 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 001a 006d 006e 006f 002c 0025 005b 0069 006a 006b 006c 005d ff71 ff72 ff73 ff74 ff75 ff76 ff77 ff78 ff79 ff7a 0071 ff7f ff80 ff81 ff82 ff83 ff84 ff85 ff86 ff87 ff88 ff89 007e 203e ff8d ff8e ff8f ff90 ff91 ff92 ff93 ff94 005e 00a2 005c 005f 003e 003f 0070 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a ff7b ff7c ff7d ff7e 0072 001a ff8a ff8b ff8c ff95 0073 ff96 ff97 ff98 ff99 ff9a ff9b ff9c ff9d ff9e ff9f 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 007d 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0024 001a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 009f Fig. 113 IBM_0290: EBCDIC Japanese Katakana Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 371 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0297 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 0040 00e1 00e3 00e5 005c 00f1 00b0 002e 0026 007b 00ea 00eb 007d 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 00a7 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00f9 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00b5 003a 00a3 00e0 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 005b 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 00f0 005f 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 0060 00a8 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00a2 0023 00a5 00b7 00a9 005d 00b6 00ac 007c 00af 007e 00b4 00d7 00e9 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00e8 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00a6 00fa 00ff 00e7 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 114 IBM_0297: EBCDIC France 372 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0367 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 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001a fe8b fe8d fe8e fe8f fe91 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f fe93 fe95 fe97 fe99 fe9b fe9d fe9f fea1 00a6 003f fea3 fea5 fea7 fea9 feab fead feaf f8f6 feb3 060c 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 f8f5 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 feb7 f8f4 febb f8f7 febf fec3 fec7 006a 006b 0070 0071 0072 fec9 feca fecb fecc fecd fece fecf 00f7 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a fed0 fed1 fed3 fed5 fed7 fed9 fedb fedd fedf fee1 fee3 fee5 fee7 fee9 061b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad feeb 001a feec 001a feed 061f fef0 fef1 fef2 fef3 0660 fef5 004a 004b 006c fef6 004c 006d 006e fef7 fef8 004d 004e 006f 001a 001a 004f fefb fefc 0050 0051 0052 feef 002c 0025 005f 003e 00d7 2007 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 0661 0662 001a 0663 0664 0665 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 001a 0666 0667 0668 0669 009f Fig. 116 IBM_0420: EBCDIC Arabic 374 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0423 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 005b 002e 0026 039a 039b 002d 002f 039c 039d 039e 03a0 03a1 03a3 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 03a4 03a5 03a6 03a7 03a8 03a9 001a 001a 001a 0386 0388 0389 00a0 038a 00c4 039f 038c 003c 0028 002b 0021 038e 038f 007c 002c 0025 005f 003e 003f 0060 003a 00a3 00a7 0027 003d 0022 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 03b1 03b2 03b3 03b4 03b5 03b6 00d6 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 03b7 03b8 03b9 03ba 03bb 03bc 00dc 00a8 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 03bd 03be 03bf 03c0 03c1 03c3 001a 03ac 03c6 03c7 03c8 03ad 03ae 03c2 03c4 03c5 00b8 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 03c9 00e2 00e0 00e4 00ea 00b4 004a 004b 004c 03ca 03af 004d 004e 03cc 004f 03cd 03cb 03ce 0050 0051 0052 00b1 00e9 00e8 00eb 00ee 00ef 00b0 001a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00bd 00f6 00f4 00fb 00f9 00fc 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00e7 00c7 001a 001a 009f 00ff Fig. 117 IBM_0423: EBCDIC Greek Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 375 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0424 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 05d0 05d1 05d2 05d3 05d4 05d5 05d6 05d7 05d8 00a2 002e 0026 05d9 05da 05db 002d 002f 05dc 05dd 05de 05df 003c 0028 002b 007c 05e0 05e1 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 05e2 05e3 05e4 05e5 05e6 05e7 05e8 05e9 00a6 002c 0025 005f 003e 003f 001a 05ea 001a 001a 00a0 001a 001a 001a 2017 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 001a 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 001a 001a 001a 00b1 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 001a 001a 001a 00b8 001a 00a4 00b5 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00ae 005e 00a3 00a5 2022 00a9 00a7 00b6 00bc 00bd 00be 005b 005d 203e 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 007d 004a 004b 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 001a 001a 001a 001a 009f Fig. 118 IBM_0424: EBCDIC Hebrew 376 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0500 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 005b 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 00f0 005f 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 00a4 00b5 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 119 IBM_0500: EBCDIC International Latin-1 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 377 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0813 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 2018 2019 00a3 001a 001a 00a6 00a7 00a8 00a9 001a 00ab 00ac 00ad 001a 2015 00b0 00b1 00b2 00b3 00b4 0385 0386 0387 0388 0389 038a 00bb 038c 00bd 038e 038f 0390 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 039a 039b 039c 039d 039e 039f 03a0 03a1 001a 03a3 03a4 03a5 03a6 03a7 03a8 03a9 03aa 03ab 03ac 03ad 03ae 03af 03b0 03b1 03b2 03b3 03b4 03b5 03b6 03b7 03b8 03b9 03ba 03bb 03bc 03bd 03be 03bf 03c0 03cc 001a 03c1 03c2 03c3 03c4 03c5 03c6 03c7 03c8 03c9 03ca 03cb 03cd 03ce Fig. 120 IBM_0813: ISO 8859-7 Greek/Latin 378 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0819 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 00a1 00a2 00a3 00a4 00a5 00a6 00a7 00a8 00a9 00aa 00ab 00ac 00ad 00ae 00af 00b0 00b1 00b2 00b3 00b4 00b5 00b6 00b7 00b8 00b9 00ba 00bb 00bc 00bd 00be 00bf 00c0 00cc 00ce 00cf 00d0 00d1 00d2 00d3 00d4 00d5 00d6 00d7 00d8 00d9 00da 00db 00dc 00dd 00de 00df 00e0 00e1 00e2 00e3 00e4 00e5 00e6 00e7 00e8 00e9 00ea 00eb 00ec 00ed 00ee 00ef 00f0 00fc 00ff 00c1 00f1 00c2 00f2 00c3 00f3 00c4 00f4 00c5 00f5 00c6 00f6 00c7 00f7 00c8 00f8 00c9 00f9 00ca 00fa 00cb 00fb 00cd 00fd 00fe Fig. 121 IBM_0819: Same as ISO_8859-1 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 379 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0833 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 001a ffa0 ffa1 ffa2 ffa3 ffa4 ffa5 ffa6 ffa7 00a2 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 001a ffa8 ffa9 ffaa ffab ffac ffad ffae ffaf 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f ffb0 ffb1 ffb2 ffb3 ffb4 ffb5 ffb6 ffb7 00a6 003f 005b 001a ffb8 ffb9 ffba ffbb ffbc ffbd ffbe 002c 0025 005f 003e 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 005d 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 ffc2 ffc3 ffc4 ffc5 ffc6 ffc7 001a 006a 006b 0070 0071 0072 ffca ffcb ffcc ffcd ffce ffcf 203e 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a ffd2 ffd3 ffd4 ffd5 ffd6 ffd7 005e 001a ffda ffdb ffdc 005c 006c 006d 006e 006f 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 007d 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 20a9 001a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 009f Fig. 122 IBM_0833: EBCDIC Korean 380 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0836 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 5 009c 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00a3 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0021 00a5 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 003f 002f 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00a6 002c 0025 005f 003e 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 001a 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 007e 203e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 005e 001a 005c 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 005b 005d 001a 001a 001a 001a 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 007d 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0024 001a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 009f Fig. 123 IBM_0836: EBCDIC South-China Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 381 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0838 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 0e01 0e02 0e03 0e04 0e05 0e06 0e07 005b 00a2 002e 0026 0e48 0e08 0e09 0e0a 0e0b 0e0f 0e0c 003c 0028 002b 007c 0e0d 0e0e 005d 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 0e3f 0e4e 0e16 0e17 0e18 0e19 0e1a 0e1b 0e4f 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0e1d 0e1e 0e5a 006a 006b 0e10 0e11 0e12 0e13 0e14 0e15 005e 00a6 006c 006d 006e 006f 0e1c 002c 0025 005f 003e 003f 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 0e1f 0e20 0e21 0e22 0070 0071 0072 0e23 0e24 0e25 0e26 0e27 0e28 0e5b 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 0e29 0e2a 0e2b 0e50 0e51 0e52 0e53 0e54 0e55 0e56 0e57 0e58 0e59 0e2f 0e2c 0e2d 0e2e 0e30 0e31 0e32 0e33 0e34 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0e49 0e35 0e36 0e37 0e38 0e39 007d 004a 004b 005c 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0e3a 0e40 0e41 0e42 0e43 0e44 0e4a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 0e45 0e46 0e47 0e48 0e49 0e4a 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0e4b 0e4c 0e4d 0e4b 0e4c 009f Fig. 124 IBM_0838: EBCDIC Thai 382 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0850 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f9 00ff 00d6 00dc 00f8 00a3 00d8 00d7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 00ae 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 00c1 00c2 00c0 00a9 2563 2551 2557 255d 00a2 00a5 2510 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 00e3 00c3 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 00a4 00f0 00d0 00ca 00cb 00c8 0131 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 2580 00d3 00df 00d4 00d2 00f5 00d5 00b5 00fe 00de 00da 00db 00d9 00af 00b4 00ad 00b1 2017 00be 00b6 00a7 00fb 00f7 2518 001c 250c 001b 00ec 2588 2584 00a6 00fd 00dd 00c4 00c5 00b8 00b0 00a8 00b7 00b9 00b3 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 125 IBM_0850: ASCII PC-Data-190: Latin Alphabet Number 1 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 383 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0851 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00ee 0388 00fc 001c 001b 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 0386 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00c4 0389 038a 001a 038c 00f4 00f6 03ac 00a3 03ad 03ae 03af 03ca 03cc 03cd 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 00bd 0398 0399 00ab 00bb 0390 038e 00fb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 039a 039b 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 00f9 039c 038f 00d6 00dc 039d 2563 2551 2557 255d 039e 039f 2510 03a0 03a1 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 03a3 03a4 03a5 03a6 03a7 03a8 03a9 03b1 03b2 03b3 2518 250c 2588 2584 03b4 03b5 2580 03b6 03b7 03b8 03b9 03ba 03bb 03bc 03bd 03be 03bf 03c0 03c1 03c3 03c2 03c4 00ad 00b1 03c8 00b8 00b0 00a8 03c9 03cb 03b0 03ce 25a0 00a0 03c5 03c6 03c7 00a7 00b4 Fig. 126 IBM_0851: ASCII PC-Data Greek 384 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0852 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00c9 0139 013a 00e1 00ed 00e9 00e2 00e4 00f3 016f 001c 001b 0107 00e7 0142 00eb 0150 0151 00ee 0179 00f4 00f6 013d 013e 015a 015b 00d6 00dc 00fa 0104 0105 017d 017e 0118 0119 001a 017a 00c4 0106 0164 0165 0141 00d7 010d 010c 015f 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 00c1 00c2 011a 015e 2563 2551 2557 255d 017b 017c 2510 2514 2534 256c 00a4 252c 251c 2500 253c 0102 0103 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 0111 0110 010e 00cb 010f 0147 00cd 00d3 00df 00ce 011b 2518 250c 2588 2584 0162 016e 2580 00d4 0143 0144 0148 0160 0161 0154 00da 0155 0170 00ad 02dd 02db 02c7 02d8 00a7 00f7 00fd 00dd 0163 00b4 00b8 00b0 00a8 02d9 0171 0158 0159 25a0 00a0 Fig. 127 IBM_0852: ASCII PC-Data Latin-2 Multilingual Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 385 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0855 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 001c 001b 0452 0402 0453 0403 0451 0401 0454 0404 0455 0405 0456 0406 0457 0407 0458 0408 0459 0409 045a 040a 045b 040b 045c 040c 045e 040e 045f 040f 044e 042e 044a 042a 0430 0410 0431 0411 0446 0426 0434 0414 0435 0415 0444 0424 0433 0413 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 0445 0425 0438 0418 2563 2551 2557 255d 0439 0419 2510 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 043b 041b 043c 041c 043d 041d 043e 041e 042f 253c 043a 041a 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 043f 2518 250c 256c 00a4 2588 2584 041f 044f 2580 0440 0420 0441 0421 0442 0422 0443 0423 0436 0416 0432 0412 044c 042c 2116 00ad 044b 042b 0437 0417 0448 0428 044d 042d 0449 0429 0447 0427 00a7 25a0 00a0 Fig. 128 IBM_0855: ASCII PC-Data Cyrillic 386 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0856 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 05d0 05d1 05d2 05d3 05d4 05d5 05d6 05d7 05d8 05d9 05da 05db 05dc 05dd 05de 001c 001b 05df 05e0 05e1 05e2 05e3 05e4 05e5 05e6 05e7 05e8 05e9 05ea 001a 00a3 001a 00d7 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00ae 00ac 00bd 00bc 001a 00ab 00bb 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00a9 001a 001a 001a 001a 00a2 00a5 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00a4 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00a6 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 00b5 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 203e 00b4 00ad 00b1 2017 00be 00b6 00a7 00f7 00b8 00b0 00a8 2022 00b9 00b3 00b2 001a 00a0 Fig. 129 IBM_0856: ASCII PC-Data Hebrew Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 387 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0857 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 0131 00c4 00c5 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00f2 00fb 00f9 0130 00d6 00dc 00f8 00a3 00d8 015e 015f 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 011e 011f 00bf 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 00c1 00c2 00c0 00a9 2563 2551 2557 255d 00a2 00a5 2510 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 00e3 00c3 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 00a4 00ba 00aa 00ca 00cb 00c8 001a 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 2580 00d3 00d4 00d2 00f5 00d5 00b5 001a 00d7 00da 00db 00d9 00af 00b4 00df 00ad 00b1 001a 00be 00b6 00a7 00f7 00ae 2518 001c 250c 001b 2588 2584 00a6 00ec 00ff 00b8 00b0 00a8 00b7 00b9 00b3 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 130 IBM_0857: ASCII PC-Data Turkey Latin-5 388 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0860 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e3 00e0 00c1 00e7 00ea 00ca 00e8 00cd 00d4 00c9 00c0 00c8 00f4 00f5 00f2 00da 00f9 00cc 00d5 00dc 00a2 00a3 00d9 20a7 00d3 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 00d2 00ac 00bd 001c 001b 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 03b1 00df 0393 03c0 03a3 255c 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 250c 00c3 00c2 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 00ec 255b 2510 256c 2567 2588 2584 258c 2590 2580 03a6 0398 03a9 03b4 221e 03c6 03b5 2229 03c3 03bc 03c4 2261 00b1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00f7 2248 00b0 2219 00b7 221a 207f 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 131 IBM_0860: ASCII PC-Data Portugal Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 389 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0861 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00d0 00f0 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00fe 00fb 00dd 00fd 00d6 00dc 00f8 00a3 00d8 20a7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00c1 00cd 00d3 00da 00bf 2310 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 001c 001b 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 00df 0393 03c0 03a3 255c 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 03b1 00de 250c 00c4 00c5 255b 2510 256c 2567 2588 2584 258c 2590 2580 03a6 0398 03a9 03b4 221e 03c6 03b5 2229 03c3 03bc 03c4 2261 00b1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00f7 2248 00b0 2219 00b7 221a 207f 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 132 IBM_0861: ASCII PC-Data Iceland 390 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0862 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 05d0 05d1 05d2 05d3 05d4 05d5 05d6 05d7 05d8 05d9 05da 05db 05dc 05dd 05de 001c 001b 05df 05e0 05e1 05e2 05e3 05e4 05e5 05e6 05e7 05e8 05e9 05ea 00a2 00a3 00a5 20a7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 2310 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 03b1 00df 0393 03c0 03a3 255c 250c 255b 2510 256c 2567 2588 2584 258c 2590 2580 03a6 0398 03a9 03b4 221e 03c6 03b5 2229 03c3 03bc 03c4 2261 00b1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00f7 2248 00b0 2219 00b7 221a 207f 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 133 IBM_0862: ASCII PC-Data Hebrew (Migration) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 391 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0863 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00c2 00e0 00b6 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 2017 00c9 00c8 00ca 00f4 00cb 00cf 00fb 00f9 00a4 00d4 00dc 00a2 00a3 00d9 00db 0192 00a6 00b4 00f3 00fa 00a8 00b8 00b3 00af 00ce 00ac 00bd 2310 001c 001b 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 03b1 00df 0393 03c0 03a3 255c 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 250c 00a7 00bc 00be 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 00c0 255b 2510 256c 2567 2588 2584 258c 2590 2580 03a6 0398 03a9 03b4 221e 03c6 03b5 2229 03c3 03bc 03c4 2261 00b1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00f7 2248 00b0 2219 00b7 221a 207f 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 134 IBM_0863: ASCII PC-Data Canada 392 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0864 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00b0 00b7 2219 221a 2592 2500 2502 253c 2524 001c 001b 252c 251c 2534 2510 250c 2514 2518 03b2 221e 03c6 00b1 00bd 00bc 2248 00ab 00bb fef7 fef8 001a 001a fefb fefc f8fc 00a0 00ad fe82 00a3 00a4 fe84 001a 001a fe8f fe95 fe99 060c fe9d fea1 fea5 0660 0661 0662 0663 0664 0665 0666 0667 0668 0669 fed1 061b f8f6 f8f5 f8f4 061f 00a2 fe80 fe81 fe83 fe85 feca fe8b fe8d fe91 fe93 fe97 fe9b fe9f fea3 fea7 fea9 feab fead feaf feb3 feb7 febb febf fec3 fec7 fecb fecf 00a6 00ac 00f7 00d7 fec9 0640 fed3 fed7 fedb fedf fee3 fee7 feeb feed feef fef3 f8f7 fecc fece fecd fee1 fe7d fe7c fee5 fee9 feec fef0 fef2 fed0 fed5 fef5 fef6 fedd fed9 fef1 25a0 001a fe8e Fig. 135 IBM_0864: ASCII PC-Data Arabic Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 393 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0865 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f9 00ff 00d6 00dc 00f8 00a3 00d8 20a7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 2310 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00a4 00fb 001c 001b 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 00df 0393 03c0 03a3 255c 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 03b1 00ec 250c 00c4 00c5 255b 2510 256c 2567 2588 2584 258c 2590 2580 03a6 0398 03a9 03b4 221e 03c6 03b5 2229 03c3 03bc 03c4 2261 00b1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00f7 2248 00b0 2219 00b7 221a 207f 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 136 IBM_0865: ASCII PC-Data Denmark, Norway 394 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0866 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0416 0417 0418 0419 041a 041b 041c 041d 041e 041f 0420 0421 0422 0423 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 042a 042b 042c 042d 042e 042f 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0436 0437 0438 0439 043a 043b 043c 043d 043e 043f 001c 001b 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 255c 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 250c 2588 2584 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 044a 044b 258c 255b 2510 256c 2567 2590 2580 044c 044d 044e 044f 0401 0451 0404 0454 0407 0457 040e 045e 00b0 2219 00b7 221a 2116 00a4 25a0 00a0 Fig. 137 IBM_0866: ASCII PC-Data Cyrillic, Russian Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 395 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0869 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 001c 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0386 001a 0387 00ac 038a 03aa 038c 001a 001a 038e 03ab 00a9 00b2 00b3 03ca 03cc 03cd 0390 252c 251c 00a6 2018 2019 0388 2015 0389 03ac 00a3 03ad 03ae 03af 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 00bd 0398 0399 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 039a 039b 2514 2534 038f 001b 2500 253c 039c 039d 2563 2551 2557 255d 039e 039f 2510 03a0 03a1 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 03a3 03a4 03a5 03a6 03a7 03a8 03a9 03b1 03b2 03b3 2518 250c 2588 2584 03b4 03b5 2580 03b6 03b7 03b8 03b9 03ba 03bb 03bc 03bd 03be 03bf 03c0 03c1 03c3 03c2 03c4 00ad 00b1 03c8 0385 00b0 00a8 03c9 03cb 03b0 03ce 25a0 00a0 03c5 03c6 03c7 00a7 00b4 Fig. 138 IBM_0869: ASCII PC-Data Greek 396 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0870 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 0163 00e1 0103 010d 00e7 0107 005b 002e 003c 0028 002b 0021 0026 00e9 0119 00eb 016f 00ed 00ee 013e 013a 00df 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 02dd 00c1 0102 010c 0106 007c 02c7 00c9 0118 00cb 016e 00cd 00ce 013d 0139 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 00c7 002c 0025 02d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 015b 0148 0111 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 005f 00fd 003e 0159 003f 015f 0070 0071 0072 0142 0144 0161 00b8 02db 00a4 0105 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 015a 0147 0110 00dd 0158 015e 02d9 0104 017c 0162 017b 00a7 017e 017a 017d 0179 0141 0143 0160 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 007d 004a 004b 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00f4 00f6 0155 00f3 0151 0050 0051 0052 011a 0171 00fc 0165 00fa 011b 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 010f 00d4 00d6 0154 00d3 0150 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 010e 0170 00dc 0164 00da 009f Fig. 139 IBM_0870: EBCDIC Latin-2 Multilingual Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 397 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0871 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 00de 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 00c6 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00f0 003c 0028 002b 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00d6 002c 0025 00b5 00f6 006c 006d 006e 006f 00fd 007b 00b1 00bf 0040 00dd 005b 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 005c 00d7 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 007e 00f2 00f3 00f5 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 00e6 004a 004b 00b4 003f 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 007d 00b8 005d 00a4 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 00fe 003e 003a 0023 00d0 0027 003d 0022 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 0060 00b0 006a 006b 005f 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 005e 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 140 IBM_0871: EBCDIC Iceland 398 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0874 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 001c 001b 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 0e48 0e01 0e02 0e03 0e04 0e05 0e06 0e07 0e08 0e09 0e0a 0e0b 0e0c 0e0d 0e0e 0e0f 0e10 0e11 0e12 0e13 0e14 0e15 0e16 0e17 0e18 0e19 0e1a 0e1b 0e1c 0e1d 0e1e 0e1f 0e20 0e21 0e22 0e23 0e24 0e25 0e26 0e27 0e28 0e29 0e2a 0e2b 0e2c 0e2d 0e2e 0e2f 0e30 0e31 0e32 0e33 0e34 0e35 0e36 0e37 0e38 0e39 0e3a 0e49 0e4a 0e4b 0e40 0e41 0e42 0e43 0e44 0e45 0e46 0e47 0e48 0e49 0e4a 0e4b 0e4c 0e3f 0e4c 0e4d 0e4e 0e4f 0e50 0e51 0e52 0e53 0e54 0e55 0e56 0e57 0e58 0e59 0e5a 0e5b 00a2 00ac 00a6 00a0 Fig. 141 IBM_0874: ASCII PC-Data Thai Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 399 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0875 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 0391 0392 0393 0394 0395 0396 0397 0398 0399 005b 002e 0026 039a 039b 002d 002f 039c 039d 039e 039f 03a0 03a1 03a3 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 03a4 03a5 03a6 03a7 03a8 03a9 03aa 03ab 00a8 0386 0388 0389 00a0 038a 038c 003c 0028 002b 0021 038e 038f 007c 002c 0025 005f 003e 003f 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 0385 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 03b1 03b2 03b3 03b4 03b5 03b6 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 03b7 03b8 03b9 03ba 03bb 03bc 00b4 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 03bd 03be 03bf 03c0 03c1 03c3 00a3 03c6 03c7 03c8 03ac 03ad 03ae 03c2 03c4 03c5 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 03c9 0390 03b0 2018 2015 007d 004a 004b 005c 004c 03ca 03af 004d 004e 03cc 004f 03cd 03cb 03ce 0050 0051 0052 00b1 00bd 001a 0387 2019 00a6 001a 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00a7 001a 001a 00ab 00ac 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00a9 001a 001a 00bb 009f Fig. 142 IBM_0875: EBCDIC Greek 400 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0880 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 0452 0453 0451 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 005b 002e 0026 0459 045a 045b 002d 002f 040a 040b 045c 045e 045f 042a 2116 0402 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 0403 0401 0404 0405 0406 0407 0408 0409 040c 00ad 040e 040f 003c 0028 002b 0021 007c 002c 0025 005f 003e 003f 044e 0430 0431 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 0446 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0434 0435 0444 0433 0445 0438 0439 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 043a 043b 043c 043d 043e 043f 044f 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 0440 0441 0442 0443 0436 0432 044c 044b 0437 0448 044d 0449 0447 044a 042e 0410 0411 0426 0414 0415 0424 0413 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0425 0418 0419 041a 041b 007d 004a 004b 005c 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 041d 041e 041f 042f 00a4 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 0422 0423 0416 0412 041c 0420 0421 042c 042b 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0417 0428 042d 0429 0427 009f Fig. 143 IBM_0880: EBCDIC Cyrillic Multilingual Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 401 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data x0 x1 x2 X3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 XA xB xC xD xE xF 0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x Ax Bx Cx Dx Ex Fx Fig. 144 IBM_0893: Optical Character Recognition OCR B 402 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0905 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 001a 010b 007b 00f1 00c7 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00df 011e 0130 002a 0029 003b 005e 00ef 00ec 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 001a 010a 005b 00d1 001a 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 003c 0028 002b 0021 003e 003f 0131 003a 00d6 015e 0027 003d 00dc 02d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0127 0109 015d 016d 001a 007c 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00f6 02d9 00a3 006c 006d 006e 006f 00cf 00cc 015f 002e 002c 0025 0070 0071 0072 0125 011d 0135 00b8 001a 00a4 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 0126 0108 017c 005f 007d 017b 00a7 005d 00b7 00bd 0024 0124 015c 016c 001a 0040 011c 0134 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e7 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 007e 00f2 00f3 0121 011f 004a 004b 00fb 005c 00f9 00fa 001a 00fc 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0060 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 0023 00d2 00d3 0120 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 0022 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 145 IBM_0905: EBCDIC Turkey Latin 3 Multilingual Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 403 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0912 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 0104 02d8 0141 00a4 013d 015a 00a7 00a8 0160 015e 0164 0179 00ad 017d 017b 00b0 0105 02db 0142 00b4 013e 015b 02c7 00b8 0161 015f 0165 017a 02dd 017e 017c 0154 00c7 010c 0118 00cb 00ce 010e 00dc 00dd 0162 00df 0155 00e1 00e2 0103 00e4 013a 0107 00e7 010d 00e9 0119 00eb 011b 00ed 00ee 010f 00c1 00c2 0102 00c4 0139 0106 00c9 0110 0143 0147 00d3 00d4 0150 00d6 00d7 0158 016e 00da 0170 0111 0144 0148 00f3 00f4 0151 00f6 00f7 0159 016f 00fa 0171 011a 00fc 00cd 00fd 0163 02d9 Fig. 146 IBM_0912: ASCII Latin 2 ISO 8859-2 404 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0915 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0406 0407 0408 0409 040a 040b 040c 00ad 040e 040f 0410 0411 0412 0413 0414 0415 0416 0417 0418 0419 041a 041b 041c 041d 041e 041f 0420 0421 0422 0423 0424 0425 0426 0427 0428 0429 042a 042b 042c 042d 042e 042f 0430 0431 0432 0433 0434 0435 0436 0437 0438 0439 043a 043b 043c 043d 043e 043f 0440 0441 0442 0443 0444 0445 0446 0447 0448 0449 044a 044b 044c 044d 044e 044f 2116 0451 0452 0453 0454 0455 0456 0457 0458 0459 045a 045b 045c 00a7 045e 045f Fig. 147 IBM_0915: ASCII Cyrillic ISO 8859-5 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 405 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_0916 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 001a 00a2 00a3 00a4 00a5 00a6 00a7 00a8 00a9 00d7 00ab 00ac 00ad 00ae 203e 00b0 00b1 00b2 00b3 00b4 00b5 00b6 2022 00b8 00b9 00bc 00bd 00be 001a 00f7 00bb 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 2017 05d0 05d1 05d2 05d3 05d4 05d5 05d6 05d7 05d8 05d9 05da 05db 05dc 05dd 05de 05df 05e0 05e1 05e2 05e3 05e4 05e5 05e6 05e7 05e8 05e9 05ea 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a Fig. 148 IBM_0916: ASCII Hebrew ISO 8859-8 406 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_0920 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 00a1 00a2 00a3 00a4 00a5 00a6 00a7 00a8 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003f 044e 0430 0431 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 0446 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0434 0435 0444 0433 0445 0438 0439 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 043a 043b 043c 043d 043e 043f 044f 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 0440 0441 0442 0443 0436 0432 044c 044b 0437 0448 044d 0449 0447 044a 042e 0410 0411 0426 0414 0415 0424 0413 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0425 0418 0419 041a 041b 007d 004a 004b 005c 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 041d 041e 041f 042f 00a7 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 0422 0423 0416 0412 041c 0420 0421 042c 042b 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0417 0428 042d 0429 0427 009f Fig. 162 IBM_1025: EBCDIC Cyrillic Multilingual 420 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix x0 x1 x2 X3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 XA xB xC xD xE xF 0x 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x Ax Bx Cx Dx Ex Fx Fig. 163 IBM_1026: EBCDIC Turkey Latin 5 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 421 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1027 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 001a ff61 ff62 ff63 ff64 ff65 ff66 ff67 ff68 00a2 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 ff69 ff6a ff6b ff6c ff6d ff6e ff6f ff70 ff71 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f ff72 ff73 ff74 ff75 ff76 ff77 ff78 ff79 001a 003f ff7a ff7b ff7c ff7d ff7e ff7f ff80 ff81 ff82 002c 0025 005f 003e 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 001a 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 ff83 ff84 ff85 ff86 ff87 ff88 001a 006a 006b 0070 0071 0072 ff89 ff8a ff8b ff8c ff8d ff8e 203e 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a ff8f ff90 ff91 005b ff92 ff93 005e 00a3 00a5 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0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f fe88 00d7 00f7 f8f6 f8f5 f8f4 f8f7 fe71 0088 25a0 2502 2500 2510 fe79 fe7b fe7d fe7f fe77 fe8a fef0 fef3 fef2 fece fecf fed0 fef6 00a0 f8fa f8f9 f8f8 00a4 f8fb fe8b fe91 fe97 fe9b fe9f fea3 0660 0661 0662 0663 0664 0665 0666 0667 0668 0669 feb7 fecb fe80 fe81 fe83 fe85 fe87 fe89 fe8d fe8f fe93 feab fead feaf feb1 feb5 feb9 febd fec3 fec7 0640 fed1 fed5 fed9 fedd fee1 fee5 feeb fe7a fe7c fe7e fed7 fedb fedf f8fc fef5 250c fef8 2514 2518 fefa fefc 060c 00ad fea7 feb3 061b febb febf feca 061f fe95 fe99 fe9d fea1 fea5 fea9 fec9 fecd fecc fe82 fe84 fe8e fed3 feed feef fef1 fe70 fe72 fe74 fe76 fe78 fef7 fef9 fefb fee3 fee7 feec fee9 001a Fig. 165 IBM_1046: ASCII Arabic Windows Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 423 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1089 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 001a 001a 001a 00a4 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 060c 00ad 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 001a 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0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f fb58 fe95 fe97 fe99 fe9b fe9d fe9f fb7a 061b 003f fb7c fea1 fea3 fea5 fea7 fea9 feab fead feaf 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 fb8a 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb feb1 feb3 feb5 feb7 feb9 006a 006b 0070 0071 0072 febb febd febf fec1 fec3 fec5 fec7 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a fec9 feca fecb fecc fecd fece fecf fed0 005b 005d fedd fedf fee1 00d7 fed1 006c fed3 006d 006e fed5 fed7 006f fb8e fedb fb92 fb94 002c 0025 005f 003e 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad fee3 fee5 fee7 feed fee9 007d 004a 004b feeb feec fba4 fbfc fbfd fbfe 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 0640 06f0 06f1 06f2 06f3 06f4 06f6 06f7 06f8 06f9 009f 005c 061f 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 06f5 Fig. 167 IBM_1097: EBCDIC Farsi Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 425 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1098 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 007f 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 001a 001a 001a 060c 061b 061f 064b fe81 fe82 f8fa fe8d fe8e f8fb fe80 fe83 fe84 f8f9 fe85 fe8b fe8f fe91 fb56 fb58 fe95 fe97 fe99 fe9b fe9d fe9f fb7a fb7c 00d7 fea1 fea3 fea5 fea7 fea9 feab fead feaf fb8a feb1 feb3 feb5 feb7 feb9 febb 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 febd febf fec1 fec3 2563 2551 2557 255d 00a4 fec5 2510 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c fec7 fec9 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 001a feca fecb fecc fecd fece fecf fed0 fed1 fed3 2518 250c 2588 2584 fed5 fed7 2580 fb8e fedb fb92 fb94 fedd fedf fee1 fee3 fee5 fee7 feed fee9 feeb feec fba4 fbfc 00ad fbfd fbfe 0640 06f0 06f1 06f2 06f3 06f4 06f5 06f6 06f7 06f8 06f9 25a0 00a0 001c 001b Fig. 168 IBM_1098: ASCII Farsi Personal Computer 426 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_1140 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 00a2 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 005e 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 00b5 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bc 00bf 00bd 00be 005b 005d 00f0 005f 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 169 IBM_1140: same as IBM_0037 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 427 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1141 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 007b 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 00c4 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 007e 00dc 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 005b 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00f6 002c 0025 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 00a7 0027 003d 0022 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00df 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00f0 005f 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e4 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00a6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00fc 004a 004b 00fb 007d 00f9 00fa 00ff 00d6 00f7 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 0040 00b6 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 005c 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 005d 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 170 IBM_1141: same as IBM_0237 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) 428 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_1142 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 007d 00e7 00f1 0023 002e 003c 0028 002b 0021 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 20ac 00c5 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 0024 00c7 00d1 00f8 002c 0025 00a6 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 00c6 0040 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00fc 006c 006d 006e 006f 005f 003e 003f 00d8 0027 003d 0022 00f0 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 007b 00b8 005b 005d 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e6 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00e5 004a 004b 00fb 007e 00f9 00fa 00ff 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 171 IBM_1142: same as IBM_0277 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 5A) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 429 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1143 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 007b 00e0 00e1 00e3 007d 00e7 00f1 00a7 002e 003c 0028 002b 0021 0026 0060 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 20ac 00c5 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 0023 00c0 00c1 00c3 0024 00c7 00d1 00f6 002c 0025 00f8 005c 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00e9 003a 00c4 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00fc 006c 006d 006e 006f 005f 003e 003f 00d6 0027 003d 0022 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 005d 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00f0 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e4 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00a6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00e5 004a 004b 00fb 007e 00f9 00fa 00ff 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 005b 00b6 00c9 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 0040 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 172 IBM_1143: same as IBM_0278 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 5A) 430 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_1144 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 007b 00e1 00e3 00e5 005c 00f1 00b0 002e 0026 005d 00ea 00eb 007d 00ed 00ee 00ef 007e 00df 00e9 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00f2 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00f9 003a 00a3 00a7 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 005b 006a 006b 00b5 00ec 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00f0 005f 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 00e0 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00a6 00f3 00f5 00e8 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 0060 00fa 00ff 00a2 0023 00a5 00b7 00a9 0040 00b6 00e7 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 173 IBM_1144: same as IBM_0280 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 431 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1145 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00a6 005b 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 0023 00f1 003f 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 00d1 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 003e 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 00b5 00a8 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bc 00bf 00bd 00be 005e 0021 00f0 005f 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00af 007e 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 174 IBM_1145: same as IBM_0284 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) 432 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_1146 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 0024 002e 003c 0028 002b 007c 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 0021 00a3 002a 0029 003b 00ac 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 00b5 00af 006c 006d 006e 006f 00a2 005b 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bc 00bf 00f0 005f 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00bd 00be 005e 005d 007e 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 175 IBM_1146: same as IBM_0285 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 433 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1147 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 0040 00e1 00e3 00e5 005c 00f1 00b0 002e 0026 007b 00ea 00eb 007d 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 00a7 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00f9 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00b5 003a 00a3 00e0 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 005b 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 00f0 005f 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 0060 00a8 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00a2 0023 00a5 00b7 00a9 005d 00b6 00ac 007c 00af 007e 00b4 00d7 00e9 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 00e8 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00a6 00fa 00ff 00e7 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 176 IBM_1147: same as IBM_0297 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) 434 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix IBM_1148 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 005b 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 005d 0024 002a 0029 003b 005e 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 0060 003a 0023 0040 0027 003d 0022 002c 0025 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 00b0 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 003c 0028 002b 0021 00f0 005f 003e 003f 00fd 00fe 00b1 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 00e6 00b8 00c6 20ac 00b5 007e 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00bf 00d0 00dd 00de 00ae 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 00b4 00d7 007b 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f3 00f5 007d 004a 004b 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 005c 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 00d6 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 177 IBM_1148: same as IBM_0500 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 435 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data IBM_1149 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 0000 0001 0002 0003 4 009c 5 6 0009 0086 7 007f 8 9 a b 0097 008d 008e 000b 0010 0011 0012 0013 009d 0085 0008 0087 0018 0019 0092 008f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 000a 0017 001b 0088 0089 008a 008b c d e f 000c 000d 000e 000f 001c 001d 001e 001f 008c 0005 0006 0007 0090 0091 0016 0093 0094 0095 0096 0004 0098 0099 009a 009b 0014 0015 009e 001a 0020 00a0 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e1 00e3 00e5 00e7 00f1 00de 002e 0026 00e9 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ed 00ee 00ef 00ec 00df 00c6 002d 002f 00c2 00c4 00c0 00c1 00c3 00c5 00c7 00d1 00a6 00f8 00c9 00ca 00cb 00c8 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 00f0 003c 0028 002b 0021 0024 002a 0029 003b 00d6 002c 0025 00b5 00f6 006c 006d 006e 006f 003f 007b 00b1 20ac 00bf 0040 00dd 005b 00ae 00ac 007c 00af 00a8 005c 00d7 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 00ad 00f4 007e 00f2 00f3 00f5 00fb 00fc 00f9 00fa 00ff 00e6 004a 004b 00b4 00fd 0070 0071 0072 00aa 00ba 007d 00b8 005d 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 00a1 00a2 00a3 00a5 00b7 00a9 00a7 00b6 00fe 003e 003a 0023 00d0 0027 003d 0022 00d8 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 00ab 00bb 0060 00b0 006a 006b 005f 00f7 004c 004d 004e 004f 00bc 00bd 00be 0050 0051 0052 00b9 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 00b2 00d4 005e 00d2 00d3 00d5 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 00b3 00db 00dc 00d9 00da 009f Fig. 178 IBM_1149: same as IBM_0871 (Euro-Sign replaces Code Pos 9F) 436 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix x0 0x 1x x1 x2 X3 NUL STX ETX 0000 0001 0003 x4 x6 x7 x8 x9 HT CAN 0018 0019 FS LF 001C xD xE xF VT FF CR SO SI GS US ETB ESC ENQ ACK BEL 0005 0006 0007 SYN EOT DC4 NAK SUB 0016 0004 0014 0015 001A BLK . < ( + ¦ 002E 003C 0028 002B 00A6 & - RS 001D 001E 001F 000A 0017 001B ! 0026 6x xC EM 0020 5x xB 000B 000C 000D 000E 000F DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 3x xA 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 2x 4x x5 $ * ) ; 0021 0024 002A 0029 003B / , 002D 002F % _ > ? 002C 0025 005F 003E 003F ` 7x : # @ ' = " 0060 003A 0023 0040 0027 003D 0022 a 8x b c d e f g h i 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 j 9x k l m n o p q r 006A 006B 006C 006D 006E 006F 0070 0071 0072 ~ Ax s t u v w x y z 007E 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007A Bx ^ [ 005E Cx { ] 005B 005D A B C D E F G H I 007B 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 Dx } J K L M N O P Q R 007D 004A 004B 004C 004D 004E 004F 0050 0051 0052 Ex \ ÷ S T U V W X Y Z 005C 00F7 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005A Fx 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 DEL 007F Fig. 179 IBM_1303: Code 128 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 437 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data ISO_646 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Fig. 180 ISO_646: ISO 646 IRV: 1991 (US ASCII, 0x00-0x7F) 438 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix ISO_8859-1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 00a1 00a2 00a3 00a4 00a5 00a6 00a7 00a8 00a9 00aa 00ab 00ac 00ad 00ae 00af 00b0 00b1 00b2 00b3 00b4 00b5 00b6 00b7 00b8 00b9 00ba 00bb 00bc 00bd 00be 00bf 00c0 00cc 00ce 00cf 00d0 00d1 00d2 00d3 00d4 00d5 00d6 00d7 00d8 00d9 00da 00db 00dc 00dd 00de 00df 00e0 00e1 00e2 00e3 00e4 00e5 00e6 00e7 00e8 00e9 00ea 00eb 00ec 00ed 00ee 00ef 00f0 00fc 00ff 00c1 00f1 00c2 00f2 00c3 00f3 00c4 00f4 00c5 00f5 00c6 00f6 00c7 00f7 00c8 00f8 00c9 00f9 00ca 00fa 00cb 00fb 00cd 00fd 00fe Fig. 181 ISO_8859-1: West European - Latin1 (Unicode 3.0, U+0000 - U+00FF) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 439 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data ISO_8859-15 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 008a 008b 008c 008d 008e 008f 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 009a 009b 009c 009d 009e 009f 00a0 00a1 00a2 00a3 00ac 00ad 00ae 00af 00b0 00b1 00b2 00b3 017d 00b5 00b6 00b7 017e 00b9 00ba 00bb 0152 0153 0178 00bf 00c0 00ce 00cf 00d0 00d1 00d2 00d3 00d4 00d5 00d6 00d7 00d8 00d9 00da 00db 00dc 00dd 00de 00df 00e0 00e1 00e2 00e3 00e4 00e5 00e6 00e7 00e8 00e9 00ea 00eb 00ec 00ed 00ee 00ef 00f0 00fc 00ff 00c1 00f1 00c2 00f2 00c3 00f3 20ac 00c4 00f4 00a5 0160 00a7 0161 00a9 00aa 00ab 00c5 00f5 00c6 00f6 00c7 00f7 00c8 00f8 00c9 00f9 00ca 00fa 00cb 00fb 00cc 00cd 00fd 00fe Fig. 182 ISO_8859-15: West European - Latin 15 (includes Euro sign) 440 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix PC_437 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0000 263a 263b 2665 2666 2663 2660 2022 25d8 25ba 25c4 2195 203c 00b6 00a7 25ac 9 25cb a b c d e 25d9 2642 2640 266a 266b 221f 263c 2194 25b2 25bc 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 00c5 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f9 00ff 00d6 00dc 00a2 00a3 00a5 20a7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 00ae 00ac 00bd 00fb 21a8 2191 2193 2192 2190 f 252c 251c 2500 253c 255e 255f 03b1 00df 0393 03c0 03a3 255c 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 2568 2564 2565 2559 2558 2552 2553 256b 256a 2518 250c 00c4 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 2561 2562 2556 2555 2563 2551 2557 255d 2514 2534 00ec 2588 2584 258c 255b 2510 256c 2567 2590 2580 03c3 00b5 03c4 03a6 0398 03a9 03b4 221e 03d5 03b5 2229 2261 00b1 2265 2264 2320 2321 00f7 00f7 00b0 2022 00b7 221a 207f 00b2 25a0 0000 Fig. 183 PC_437: IBM PC (DOS Latin US) Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 441 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data PC_850 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0000 263a 263b 2665 2666 2663 2660 2022 25d8 25ba 25c4 2195 203c 00b6 00a7 25cb a b c d e 25d9 2642 2640 266a 266b 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 2302 00c7 00fc 00e9 00e2 00e4 00e0 00e5 00e7 00ea 00eb 00e8 00ef 00ee 00c9 00e6 00c6 00f4 00f6 00f2 00f9 00ff 00d6 00dc 00f8 00a3 00d8 00d7 0192 00e1 00ed 00f3 00fa 00f1 00d1 00aa 00ba 00bf 00ae 00ac 00bd 00bc 00a1 00ab 00bb 2591 2592 2593 2502 2524 00c1 00c2 00c0 00a9 2563 2551 2557 255d 00a2 00a5 2510 2514 2534 252c 251c 2500 253c 00e3 00c3 255a 2554 2569 2566 2560 2550 256c 00a4 00f0 00d0 00ca 00cb 00c8 0131 00cd 00ce 00cf 00cc 2580 00d3 00df 00d4 00d2 00f5 00d5 00b5 00fe 00de 00da 00db 00d9 00f7 2518 250c 221f 263c 25bc 00fb 21a8 2191 2193 2192 2190 f 2194 25b2 002d 00b1 2017 00be 00b6 00a7 25ac 9 00ec 2588 2584 00a6 00fd 00c4 00c5 00dd 203e 00b4 00b8 00b0 00a8 00b7 00b9 00b3 00b2 25a0 00a0 Fig. 184 PC_850: IBM PC (DOS Latin 1 Western Europe) 442 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Appendix PC_1250 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 2302 20ac 0081 201a 0083 201e 2026 2020 2021 0088 2030 0160 2039 015a 0164 017d 0179 0090 2018 2019 00a0 02c7 201c 201d 2022 2013 2014 0098 2122 0161 203a 015b 0165 017e 017a 02d8 0141 00a4 0104 00a6 00a7 00a8 00a9 015e 00ab 00ac 00ad 00ae 017b 00b0 00b1 02db 0142 00b4 00b5 00b6 00b7 00b8 0105 015f 00bb 013d 02dd 013e 017c 0154 0118 00cb 00ce 010e 00dc 00dd 0162 00df 0155 00e1 00e2 0103 00e4 013a 0107 00e7 010d 00e9 0119 00eb 011b 00ed 00ee 01f0 00c1 00c2 0102 00c4 0139 0106 00c7 010c 00c9 0110 0143 0147 00d3 00d4 0150 00d6 00d7 0158 016e 00da 0170 0111 0144 0148 00f3 00f4 0151 00f6 00f7 0159 016f 00fa 0171 011a 00fc 00cd 00fd 0163 02d9 Fig. 185 PC_1250: MS-Windows Latin-2 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 443 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data PC_1252 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000a 000b 000c 000d 000e 000f 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 001a 001b 001c 001d 001e 001f 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 002a 002b 002c 002d 002e 002f 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 003a 003b 003c 003d 003e 003f 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 004a 004b 004c 004d 004e 004f 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 005a 005b 005c 005d 005e 005f 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 006a 006b 006c 006d 006e 006f 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 007a 007b 007c 007d 007e 007f 02c6 2030 0160 2039 0152 008d 017d 008f 02dc 2122 0161 203a 0153 009d 017e 0178 20ac 0081 201a 0192 201e 2026 2020 2021 0090 2018 2019 201c 201d 2022 2013 2014 00a0 00a1 00a2 00a3 00a4 00a5 00a6 00a7 00a8 00a9 00aa 00ab 00ac 00ad 00ae 00af 00b0 00b1 00b2 00b3 00b4 00b5 00b6 00b7 00b8 00b9 00ba 00bb 00bc 00bd 00be 00bf 00c0 00cc 00ce 00cf 00d0 00d1 00d2 00d3 00d4 00d5 00d6 00d7 00d8 00d9 00da 00db 00dc 00dd 00de 00df 00e0 00e1 00e2 00e3 00e4 00e5 00e6 00e7 00e8 00e9 00ea 00eb 00ec 00ed 00ee 00ef 00f0 00fc 00ff 00c1 00f1 00c2 00f2 00c3 00f3 00c4 00f4 00c5 00f5 00c6 00f6 00c7 00f7 00c8 00f8 00c9 00f9 00ca 00fa 00cb 00fb 00cd 00fd 00fe Fig. 186 PC_1252: MS-Windows Latin-1 444 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary UTF16LE and UTF16BE What is UTF-16 ? UTF-16 uses a single 16-bitcode unit to encode the most common 63K characters, and a pair of 16-bit code unites, called surrogates, to encode the 1M less commonly used characters in Unicode. Originally, Unicode was designed as a pure 16-bit encoding, aimed at representing all modern scripts. (Ancient scripts were to be represented with private-use characters.) Over time, and especially after the addition of over 14,500 composite characters for compatibility with legacy sets, it became clear that 16-bits were not sufficient for the user community. Out of this arose UTF-16. What are surrogates? Surrogates are code points from two special ranges of Unicode values, reserved for use as the leading, and trailing values of paired code units in UTF-16. Leading, also called high, surrogates are from D80016 to DBFF16, and trailing, or low, surrogates are from DC0016 to DFFF16. They are called surrogates, since they do not represent characters directly, but only as a pair. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 445 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data 6.5 Appendix D: Trace Formatter 6.5.1 Introduction This chapter contains the user’s guide of trace formatting tool Trace Formatter, Release V2.13 and higher, called Formatter from now. The Formatter enables the user to convert traces to a comfortable, readable, adaptable shape. Note that parts of this chapter refer to CIS internal structures and are for Océ service and development experts only. 6.5.2 System requirements The Formatter will be delivered in two different releases referring to operating system. At present Formatter supports Windows XP and MVS (z/OS, OS/390). • UNDER WINDOWS XP With regard to a reasonable performance a Pentium4 system with a clock rate of at least 3 GHz is recommended. • UNDER MVS A C-Language Runtime Environment is required. 6.5.3 • a) 446 User‘s guide USER INTERFACE Under NT/2000 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary The Formatter supports a command line user interface. The user has to specify command line parameters to influence its behavior. Usage: TrcForm <source file 1> <source file 2> <target file> [<command file>] <source file 1> Name of first Trace file. <source file 2> Name of second Trace file. <target file> Name of output file. Contains filtered data. <command file> Name of command file. Used to set filter and format options. Source File Conventions: If only one source file should be handled the other file name has to be substituted through quotation marks working as a place holder for absent file name (e.g. file1 "" OR "" file2). If both file names are specified formatter tries to handle both files in order of its record order. If record dates don't match the trace of older records keeps unhandled. Instead of <source file> the user can give two special commands: TrcForm –h Displays the user’s manual. TrcForm –c Displays a set of commands helpful to create and customize a meaningful command file. To specify a command file is optional. In case of not declaring a third parameter Formatter will use internal defined defaults. b) Under MVS In an MVS environment the communication to the Formatter works via DDnames. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 447 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data The following DDnames will be used: TRCIN1 DDname of first Trace file. TRCIN2 DDname of second Trace file. TRCOUT DDname of output file. Contains filtered data. SYSIN DDname of command file. Used to set filter and format options. • COMMAND SPECIFICATION To control the behavior of formatted output the user can specify formatting and filter commands collected in a file called command file. a) General conventions Manipulating the command file the user has to pay attention to some general conventions listed as follows: 448 1. Parameter file contains commands to specify the behavior of Formatter. It will be distinguish between filter and formatter commands. 2. Any C-like comments are allowed everywhere: /* comment */. Nested comments are allowed. 3. Commands and keywords are case sensitive. 4. Whitespace like <SPACE>,<CR>,<LF>,<TAB> are allowed everywhere and will be ignored except inside character strings. 5. Character strings have to be covered through apostrophes: 'Hallo'. 6. There are no negative numerical values allowed. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary 7. The range operator is '-': '23 - 45' means from 23 to including 45. 8. The parameter file contains multiple commands of general syntax: <command>( <argument>[-<argument][,<argument>[-<argument]] ... ). 9. Commands must be keywords. 10. Arguments can be (k)eywords, (n)umerical values or (s)tring values depending on type of command. 11. If more then one filter command with the same keyword is specified the filter works like a single command including all arguments. 12. To turn off the related filter command has to be removed from parameter file or to comment out. 13. If more then one format command with the same keyword is specified the Formatter takes the LAST command of this keyword. 14. Format commands that not appear will be represented through default values internal (in this documentation covered in brackets). 15. Some filter commands support arguments containing a single wildcard character as trailing character. The wildcard ('*') replaces any or no character. (e.g. 'Hallo*' matches to 'HalloWorld' and 'Hallo'). Wildcards in the middle of an argument (e.g. 'Ha*llo') cause an error. 16. All filter commands are also available as negative filters. With the prefix 'Not' all records matching the arguments are printed out. Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 449 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data b) Filter commands Filter commands force the Formatter to include specified records only and exclude non specified records referring to corresponding fields. Negative filter commands (Command prefix = Not) cause the formatter to exclude all specified records. Supported filter commands are: CompId NotCompId Specifies a list or range of component identifications to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTCMPID field [Not]CompId( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) CpuTime NotCpuTime Specifies a list or range of time entries to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTCPUT field [Not]CpuTime( s1[-s2][,s3[-s4][,s5[-s6]]] ... ) s:hhmmssiii Date NotDate Specifies a list or range of date entries to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTDATE field [Not]Date( s1[-s2][,s3[-s4][,s5[-s6]]] ... ) s:yyyymmdd DayTime NotDayTime Specifies a list or range of time entries to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTTIME field [Not]DayTime( s1[-s2][,s3[-s4][,s5[-s6]]] ... ) s:hhmmssiii EntryLevel NotEntryLevel Specifies a list or range of entry levels to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTENTLV field [Not]EntryLevel( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) 450 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary OsId NotOsId Specifies a list of operating system identifications to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTOSID field [Not]OsId( s1,s2,s3 ... ) s:{ MV | DO | BS | SI | UN | NT } OwnerId NotOwnerId MV MVS SI Simulator DO VSE UN SCO Unix BS BS2000 NT Win NT Specifies a list of owner identifications to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTOWNID field [Not]OwnerId( s1,s2,s3 ... ) s:{PS|LI} PrinterId NotPrinterId Specifies a list of printer identifications to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTPRTID field [Not]PrinterId( s1,s2,s3 ... ) s consist of maximum 8 characters RecordId NotRecordId Specifies a list or range of record identifications to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTENTID field [Not]RecordId( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) Sequence NotSequence Specifies a list or range of record sequence numbers to be used for selecting trace records using the PSTSEQ field [Not]Sequence( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) SegLevel NotSegLevel Specifies a list or range of segment levels to be used for selecting segments using level field [Not]SegLevel( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) TimeDiff NotTimeDiff Specifies a list or range of time entries to be used for selecting trace records using the differential PSTCPU time from previous to current header [Not]TimeDiff( s1[-s2][,s3[-s4][,s5[-s6]]] ... ) s:hhmmssiii Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 451 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data ThreadName NotThreadName Specifies a list of thread names to be used for selecting trace records using thread name field (PSTTHNAM) Wildcards are allowed (see General Conventions). [Not]ThreadName( s1,s2,s3 ... ) s consist of exact 8 characters SegCompId NotSegCompId Specifies a list of segment component identifiers used selecting records using segment identifier component id field (PS entries only). Wildcards are allowed (see General Conventions). [Not]SegCompId( s1,s2,s3 ... ) SegModNam NotSegModNam Specifies a list of segment module name identifiers used for selecting records using segment identifier module name field (PS entries only). Wildcards are allowed (see General Conventions). [Not]SegModNam( s1,s2,s3 ... ) SegThis NotSegThis Specifies a list of segment component identifiers used for selecting records using segment identifier this pointer field (PS entries only). [Not]SegThis( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) SegFctDepth NotSegFctDepth Specifies a list of segment component identifiers used for selecting records using segment identifier function depth field (PS entries only). [Not]SegFctDepth( n1[-n2][,n3[-n4][,n5[-n6]]] ... ) SegText NotSegText Specifies a list of segment module name identifiers used for selecting records using segment identifier text field (PS entries only). Wildcards are allowed (see General Conventions). [Not]SegText( s1,s2,s3 ... ) c) 452 Format commands Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary Format commands influence the outer shape of printed records. To all size specification command applies: If a specified field size is less than required space the field size increases automatic and lasting. This behavior can be switched off by turning Truncate mode on. Supported format commands are: AutoIndent This command is valid for PS segment identifiers only and determines a character string which will used to make the function depth clear. The autoindent string will insert a depths time left of text of segment identification. The occurrence of command AutoIndent switches on the automatic indent mode. On default the autoindent mode is off and no characters will inserted. If command SegColumns is set AutoIndent will be ignored. On default the AutoIndent mode is off. AutoIndent( s ) s: string representing function depth ['..'] Gap Specifies the gap among the ruler fields. Gap( s ) HexOnError s: character string representing gap [' | '] Specifies whether an hex listing of the unhandled rest of trace file should be printed out in case of inconsistent data. If HexOnError mode has been turned on the bytes will be interpreted as ASCII or EBCDIC data dependent on command DataCode. HexOnError( s ) FileDump s:{ON|OFF} [OFF] Forces a printout of source file as hex listing without any smart formattings. If FileDump mode is ON all other commands will be ignored except for Width and DataCode. Width specifies the maximum line width. Line width expands automatically if it is to narrow to show at least 16 Bytes in a line. Command DataCode specifies the character encoding standard. FileDump( s ) s:{ON|OFF} [OFF] Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 453 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data Data Specifies whether the output listing should include a printout of the data portion of each trace record segment Data( s ) DataCode s:{ON|OFF} [ON] Specifies the encoding standard used in the data contained in the trace file DataCode( s ) s:{EBCDIC|ASCII} [ASCII] Ruler Specifies the fields of records used as rulers. The occurrence of a keyword determines the occurrence of the corresponding ruler in printout. The order of keywords determines the order corresponding rulers in printout. Rulers left of keyword SegId are left aligned. Rulers right of keyword SegId are right aligned. All keywords can occur twice or more but not SegId. If keyword SegId not occurs no segment identifications will be printed. Ruler( k1, k2, k3 ... ) k:{ThreadName | SegLevel | SegId | Sequence | DayTime | CpuTime | TimeDiff | CompId | ThreadId | OwnerId | EntryLevel | PrinterId } [as same as k] 454 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary SegId This command is valid for PS segment identifiers only. It specifies the fields of segment identification used as rulers inside the segment id area of printout. There are the same conventions valid like above but each keyword must not occur twice ore more. SegId( k1, k2, k3 ... ) k:{SegCompId | SegModName | SegFctName | SegThis | SegFctDepth | SegText |SegFctAndText } [as same as k] SegCompIdWd SegModNamWd SegFctNamWd SegThisWd SegFctDepthWd SegTextWd SegFctAndTextWd SegColumns This commands specifies the width of corresponding ruler fields of segment identification (above). They will be ignored if no SegId command is set. SegCompIdWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [2] SegModNamWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [10] SegFctNamWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [10] SegThisWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [8] SegFctDepthWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [2] SegTextWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [10] SegFctAndTextWd( n ) n: width in number of characters [10] Specifies the width of a single column in column mode. In column mode the segment identifiers will be printed as a column on a thread dependent position. For LI segment identifications the whole identifier will be handled. For PS the segment identification text will be handled only. In case of PS the SegColumns command will be ignored if no SegText keyword appears in command SegId. In any case the rulers left and right of segment identification area will go on. The occurrence of command SegColumns switches on the column mode. On default the column mode is off.. SegColumns( n ) width Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition n: numerical value determining column 455 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data ThreadDiv Turns on the thread diversification function. Each thread will be printed out to its own output file. Output file names will be derived from PSTTHNAM field of header portion. The main output file contains a mapping table showing the occurred threads and the name of files the thread was mapped to. ThreadDiv doesn't work in common with SegColumns mode! ThreadDiv( s ) s:{ON|OFF} [OFF] Truncate Limits the field size of segment id fields strict to default size or the user specified size (see SegCompIdWd,SegModNamWd, SegFctNamWD etc.). If the required length exceeds the field size the content of field will be truncated without any comments. Think twice before using this command! Truncate doesn't work in common with SegColumns mode! Truncate( s ) s:{ON|OFF} [OFF] Width Specifies the starting line width (in number of characters) Width( n ) [200] d) Sample parameter file /* PST Trace Formatter, Debug V2.13 (c) Copyright Oce Printing Systems GmbH 2000 Default command set patterns. Feel free to edit for customizing! */ /******** Filter commands ********** Don't forget to replace the comments inside the braces through appropriate arguments! */ 456 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary /* CompId ( /* arguments */ ) Date ( /* arguments */ ) CpuTime ( /* arguments */ ) DayTime ( /* arguments */ ) TimeDiff ( /* arguments */ ) EntryLevel ( /* arguments */ ) OsId OwnerId ( /* arguments */ ) ( /* arguments */ ) PrinterId ( /* arguments */ ) ThreadName ( /* arguments */ ) RecordId ( /* arguments */ ) Sequence ( /* arguments */ ) SegLevel ( /* arguments */ ) SegCompId ( /* arguments */ ) SegModName ( /* arguments */ ) SegFctName ( /* arguments */ ) SegThis ( /* arguments */ ) SegFctDepth( /* arguments */ ) SegText ( /* arguments */ ) */ /******** Format commands **********/ /* Force printout as hex listing without formatting */ /* FileDump( ON ) */ /* Length of line in printout */ Width( 200 ) /* Ruler using fields of header portion */ Ruler( ThreadName, Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Developer's edition 457 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data SegLevel, SegId, Sequence, DayTime, CpuTime, TimeDiff, CompId, ThreadId, OwnerId, EntryLevel, PrinterId ) /* Gap among rulers */ Gap(' | ') /* Include segment data */ Data( ON ) /* Specify encoding standard */ DataCode( ASCII ) /* Segment identification area fields; valid for PS */ SegId( SegCompId, SegModName, SegFctName, SegThis, SegFctDepth, SegText, SegFctAndText ) /* Length definition of segment id fields; valid for PS */ SegCompId 458 ( 2 ) SegModName ( 10 ) SegFctName ( 10 ) Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary SegThis ( 8 ) SegFctDepth ( 2 ) SegText ( 10 ) SegFctAndText( 10 ) /* Truncate field sizes to default or user specified values (see above).*/ /* Truncate( ON ) */ /* Turn on automatic function depth indent due to defining a character string */ AutoIndent( '..' ) /* Turn printout the segment id text as columns on due to defining a column width */ /* SegColumns( 20 ) */ /* Print out unformatted data in case of error due to inconsistent data */ /* HexOnError( ON ) */ /* Print out each thread in its own file */ /* ThreadDiv( ON ) */ • MESSAGES Message Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Comment Developer's edition return 459 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data code (dec) No error occurred No error but status message 0 Unable to open file <filename> Formatter is unable to open file <filename>. Check 2 filename and path. Unable to read file <filename> There has an read error occurred on file <filename>. 3 Unable to write file <filename> There has an write error occurred on file <filename>. 4 Unexpected end of file <filename> The Formatter has tried to read an input record from <filename> but the end of file was reached before record was complete read. The input file seems to be corrupt. 5 Inconsistent data <filename> The Formatter has tried to read an input record 6 from <filename> but the end of record didn’t match to the expected end of block. The input file seems to be corrupt. Not enough memory <procedure> On processing <procedure> trying to allocate memory from heap has failed. 7 Invalid number of command line parameters <command> There has an syntax error occurred parsing the Formatter starting command line. 8 Invalid command >><command> >><argument><< Within the command <command> an error was found. Possibly <argument> was invalid. Check case sensitivity! 9 No parameter file specified Warning message. no abort If no command file was specified as third command line parameter on starting Formatter this message will be issued. Unsupported format of trace file, possibly V8 trace Formatter has found an input file not containing PST format specification. 11 Invalid file name Formatter has detected a file name that doesn’t meet the file name conventions of the according operating environment. 12 (Not under MVS) Duplicate file name 460 There was a duplicate filename at starting command line detected. Developer's edition 13 Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Glossary (Not under MVS) Unexpected sequence number Warning Message. no abort Each record header block owns a ascending sequence number (field PSTSEQ) with an increment of one. This warning message shows an irregularity of number series. Record dates of input files seem to be different, using newer file Warning Message. Empty file has been found, trying to skip over <source file> Warning Message Unable to locate expected ddname, trying to skip over <ddname> Warning Message no abort Formatter tries to concatenate both input files. If it is obvious that both files don’t belong together the older file will not be handled. no abort Though Formatter was able to open the source file but it was empty. In this case the Formatter tries to continue with other source file. no abort Formatter couldn’t find the expected ddname of source data set. In this case the Formatter tries to continue with other ddname. (Under MVS only) No valid source file was found 7 Formatter was not able to find or to process a source file. 18 Glossary Some of the abbreviations and terms that appear in this glossary have been taken from other sources. They are provided as supporting information only. A Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Advanced Function Presentation (AFP). An IBM trademark. This term is used to refer to a presentation data stream. MO:DCA-P is the Developer's edition 461 strategic AFP interchange data stream. IPDS is the strategic AFP printer data stream. AFP. See Advanced Function Presentation. document. (1) In AFP, a data stream object delimited by a Begin Document structured field and End Document structured field. (2) A collection of one or more sheet groups, sheets, page groups and pages. AFPDS. See MO:DCA-P. all points addressable (APA). The capability to address, reference, and position data elements at any addressable position in a presentation space or on a physical medium. An example of all points’ addressability is the positioning of text, graphics and images at any addressable point on the physical medium. APA. See All point addressable printers. E entity. That which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own physical existence. In CIS, an item which can be used for operations such as data enrichment, input selection and output segmentation. May be a file, document, page group, sheet, page or byte. F C file. See print file. CIS. See Conversion, Indexing and Sorting facility. consolidate. To combine two or more entities into one whole. The Mail Piece Consolidation process in CIS combines two or more mail pieces with the same addressee into a larger one. control file. In PRISMAproduction Host, a text file which contains one or more keywords that specify the kind of processing being requested and provide all the necessary parameters for this processing. Conversion, Indexing and Sorting facility (CIS). A data manipulation tool part of the PRISMAproduction product family. D 462 I Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS). An architected host-to-printer data stream that contains both data and controls defining how the data is to be presented, how the printer informs the host about the progress of the printing process and that gives the host control over the error recovery actions. IPDS. See Intelligent Printer Data Stream. K keyword. In CIS, a reserved word in the input Control File which is used as a reference point for finding other information, and which is followed by text enclosed in parenthesis. Such a text is made of sub-keywords and parameters. Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 M mail piece. (1) In CIS, a generic term used to refer to a sheet group that has the same addressee for all its sheets. (2) The "top level" page group(s) in a print file. It is delimited by a Begin Named Page Group structured field and End Named Page Group structured field. Must coincide with the begin of a new sheet. page. (1) A data stream object delimited by a Begin Page structured field and an End Page structured field. A page can contain presentation data such as text, image, graphics, and bar code data. (2) The final representation of such an object in a physical medium. One or more pages may be presented in a sheet-side. media collection. In AFP, the collection of media or collection of sheets generated by a Medium Map under the control of the mediummap-level sheet collection boundary condition of the Medium Finishing Control structured field. page group. A named group of sequential pages. A page group is delimited by a Begin Named Page Group structured field and an End Named Page Group structured field. A page group may contain nested page groups. All pages in the page group inherit the attributes and processing characteristics that are assigned to the page group. Mixed Object Document Contents Architecture (MO:DCA). An architected, device-independent data stream for interchanging documents. parameter. In CIS, an item contained in keywords and sub-keywords that specifies an operation to be performed or type of data is used during processing. MO:DCA. See Mixed Contents Architecture. physical medium. A physical entity on which information is presented. Examples of a physical medium are a sheet of paper, a roll of paper, an envelope, and a display screen. Object Document MO:DCA-P. The subset of the MO:DCA architecture that defines presentation documents. N normalize. To return to a normal, usual or generally accepted condition. The AFP normalizer in PRISMAproduction verifies the data quality of the input print file, and makes the necessary changes to guarantee the conformity of the output data to the MO:DCA standard. P Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 print file. A disk file containing information that was created with the primarily purpose of having it printed as a unit composed of a collection of documents, sheet groups and sheets. S sheet. A division of the physical medium; multiple sheets can exist on a physical medium. For example, a roll of paper might be divided by a printer into rectangular pieces of paper, each representing a sheet. Envelopes are an example of a physical medium that comprises only one sheet. A sheet has two Developer's edition 463 sides, a front and a back side. Some sheets may only be printed on one side (e.g. overhead foils). sheet group. (1) In CIS, a collection of sheets, normally more than one, with one or more common attributes such as layout, size, index, addressee, finishing operations, etc., delimited by a Begin Named Page Group structured field and an End Named Page Group Structured field. A sheet group may contain nested sheet groups. (2) See also media collection. sheetlet. One of the two halves in which an IPDS printer logically divides a continuous form sheet, parallel to the carrier strips, when operating in X2UP or CSE mode. The two portions of the physical media are treated as if they were two separate pieces of cut-sheet media. simplify. Make less complicated or less difficult. The optional AFP simplifier in CIS removes the existing AFP structures contained in the input print file, converting the file to a flat page sequence in preparation for a data enrichment or sorting process. Smart Print Subsystem (SPS). A high performance printing subsystem that drives Océ and other IPDS compatible printers under OS/390 and z/OS. Runs as a Functional Subsystem under the control of JES. SPS. See Smart Print Subsystem. sub-keyword. In CIS, similar to keyword, except that it is part of the text in parenthesis that follows a keyword. A sub-keyword is also followed by text which is enclosed in parenthesis. Such a text is made of parameters. side. A physical surface of a sheet. May be front or back. 464 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Bibliography 8 Bibliography [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Data Stream and Object Architectures: Font Object Content Architecture Reference IBM publication number S544-3285-04 (FOCA) [8] Using OpenType Fonts in an AFP System IBM publication number G544-5876-02 [9] IPDS Extension: TrueType/OpenType Fonts IBM publication number S544-3417-06 [10] TrueType Font Files Technical Specification Microsoft Corporation(Microsoft web site) [11] TrueType Reference Manual Apple Computer, Inc. (Apple web site) [12] Data Stream and Object Architectures: Bar Code Object Content Architecture Reference (BCOCA) IBM publication number S544-3766-05 [13] Océ Electronic Printing Systems Barcode Printing U2495-J-Z249-6-7600 [14] Data Stream and Object Architectures: Graphic Objects Content Architecture Reference (GOCA) IBM publication number S544-5498-01 [15] Data Stream and Object Architectures: Image Object Content Architecture Reference (IOCA) IBM publication number SC31-6805-05 CIS: Converting, Indexing and Sorting print data [16] Data Stream and Object Architectures: Presentation Text Object Content Architecture Reference (PTOCA) IBM publication number SC31-6803-02 [17] Advanced Function Presentation Programming Guide and Line Data Reference IBM publication number S544-3884-03 including the architecture addendum’s: san0092 AFP Line Data Extension: 2D Bar Code Support, Mar. 2003 san0020 AFP Line Data Extension: XML Data processing, Mar. 2003 [18] Data Stream and Object Architectures: Mixed Object Document Content Architecture Reference (MO::DCA) IBM publication number SC31-6802-06, including the architecture addendum’s: MO:DCA Extension: Media and Finishing Fidelity, Oct. 2002 MO:DCA Extension: UP3i Finishing Conduit, Oct. 2002 Universal Printer-, Pre- and Post-processing Interface V1.20, UP³I Core Group www.up3i.org [19] The Unicode Standard Version 3.0, The Unicode Consortium www.unicode.org [20] SPDS Printer Data Stream Model 4 Reference Manual U9737-J-Z247-X-7600 466 Developer's edition Input for A29247-X15-X-2-7670 Index Index —_— —1— —2— —4— —8— —9— —A— XML tags..........................................................348 Bar Code Object Content (BCOCA).................467 Font Object Content (FOCA) ...........................467 Presentation Text Object Content (PTOCA) ....467 —B— —C— analyzing a print file ........................................24 compressing AFP data.......................................68 consolidating documents ...............................24 converting ASCII data ........................................66 converting line data............................................56 converting mixed data........................................58 converting record-format data............................61 creating an Index file .......................................24 enhancing data ................................................24 extracting data .................................................24 indexing ............................................................24 indexing AFP data .............................................67 indexing ASCII data .......................................... 66 indexing line data .............................................. 57 indexing mixed data .......................................... 58 input data formats ........................................... 22 internal data flow ............................................... 32 license key ....................................................... 24 normalizing AFP data ........................................ 67 normalizing line data ...................................... 23 normalizing record-format data ..................... 23 plug-ins ............................................................ 25 RAS................................................................... 25 report consolidation......................................... 138 resource consolidation ................................................. 70 normalization................................................. 70 retrieval ......................................................... 70 resource consolidation................................... 23 resource data formats .................................... 23 segmenting a print file .................................... 24 selecting input data ........................................ 23 sort overview ................................................... 24 sorting steps.................................................... 116 trace function .................................................. 25 user exits ......................................................... 25 analystCP keyword ........................................... 37 CIS internal ....................................................... 37 CP keyword....................................................... 34 defineBCOCA keyword ..................................... 37 definePTOCA keyword...................................... 37 extractCP keyword ............................................ 34 indexCP keyword .............................................. 37 inputCP keyword ............................................... 34 messageCP keyword ........................................ 37 processing notes ............................................... 40 supported......................................................... 38 user defined ...................................................... 40 runtime keyword.............................................. 152 —D— CIS .................................................................... 32 index based....................................................... 53 range based ...................................................... 52 size based ......................................................... 54 —E— code page ........................................................181 coded font ........................................................180 outline font .......................................................249 —F— summary ............................................................22 color .................................................................181 finishing............................................................225 font...................................................................227 media ...............................................................245 resource...........................................................263 toner.................................................................274 character set ....................................................226 form..................................................................228 object container ...............................................247 overlay .............................................................253 page definition .................................................254 page segment ..................................................255 —G— —H— —I— user exit ...........................................................283 user exit ...........................................................283 user exit ...................................................283, 291 user exit ...........................................................283 —J— CISIDX DDname..............................................155 CISIN DDname ................................................155 CISLSK DDname.............................................153 CISOUT DDname ............................................155 CISRES DDname ............................................156 CISSWAP DDname .........................................156 EXEC ...............................................................152 IEBGENER ......................................................157 return code.......................................................156 runtime parameters..........................................152 SPSxCIS DDname...........................................156 STEPLIB DDname ...........................................153 SYSIN DDname...............................................155 SYSPRINT DDname ....................................... 153 SYSTERM DDname........................................ 153 —L— DPconnect Data manipulation ....................... 331 Indexing OCR ............................................... 332 LCDS Data manipulation ................................ 332 AFP Preflight and MakeReady.................... 331 CIS Basic Features ....................................... 329 CIS Data manipulation .................................... 330 CIS Indexing LineData ................................ 331 Navigation and Manual Reprint................. 332 —M— runtime keyword.............................................. 152 —N— —O— PRISMAproduction Host products..................... 16 what is CIS ............................................ 16, 19, 21 what is MOD2AFP............................................. 18 what is PRISMAproduction Host ................... 15 what is Router ................................................... 17 what is SPS....................................................... 17 —P— CASECTRL ......................................................... 9 FONTMAP........................................................... 8 runtime keyword.............................................. 152 input file related............................................... 333 list...................................................................... 47 notes ................................................................. 46 other ................................................................ 346 output file related............................................. 337 —R— packaging.......................................................... 70 basic.................................................................. 70 external groups ................................................. 72 internal groups .................................................. 74 internal Medium Maps ....................................... 74 —S— CISENRCH ........................................................28 CISESSEL .........................................................28 CISISEL .............................................................28 CISIVP ...............................................................27 CISOSEGM .......................................................28 CISRES .............................................................28 CISRSEL ...........................................................28 CISSKEL............................................................28 2UP_BOOKLET.......................................129, 271 2UP_MP_BOOKLET........................................130 4-UP booklet sorting ........................................126 4UP_BOOKLET.......................................126, 271 by contents ..............................................116, 117 by layout ..................................................116, 122 collated ....................................................116, 133 face-down ........................................................133 face-up.............................................................133 Fanfold listing 2-UP .........................................123 Fanfold listing duplex .......................................122 FLIP_FOR_COLLATED...................................133 FLIP_FOR_COLLATED...................................271 FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED..............................136 FLIP_FOR_UNCOLLATED..............................271 FOR_UNCOLLATED .......................................135 FOR_UNCOLLATED .......................................271 MP_BOOKLET ................................................271 reverse printing sequence................................125 SCHEME_1 .....................................................122 SCHEME_2 .....................................................123 SCHEME_3 .....................................................125 two-up booklet sorting......................................129 user exit ...........................................................283 LINUX ................................................................26 MVS ...................................................................25 Windows............................................................ 26 —T— —U— BOM .................................................................. 64 considerations ................................................... 64 line data............................................................. 61 considerations ................................................... 64 INDEXEXIT ............................................. 231, 291 INPEXIT .................................................. 233, 294 INSERTBCOCA ...................................... 237, 305 INSERTCONTAINER .............................. 239, 313 INSERTFINISHINGOP............................ 240, 316 INSERTINDEX ........................................ 241, 311 INSERTPTOCA....................................... 243, 307 INSERTPTOCANOP............................... 244, 309 OUTPUTSEG.................................................. 251 RESEXIT................................................. 263, 301 SORT .............................................................. 317 —V— —W— —X— —Y— ">

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Key features
- Convert legacy application output to MO:DCA-P
- Index print jobs for easier retrieval
- Consolidate multiple print files into one
- Enrich print streams with text, bar codes, graphics, and finishing operations
- Sort print files by index information or layout
- Segment large print files into smaller ones
- Extract data from index tags
- Analyze print files for characteristics and printer requirements
- Powerful keyword interface for flexible processing
- User exit facility for custom functionality
Frequently asked questions
The PRISMAproduction Host CIS is a print stream processing and application development tool that helps you convert, index, sort, enrich, and consolidate large volume print files. It can be used to prepare information for archiving, online browsing, network distribution, or high-speed printing.
The PRISMAproduction Host CIS can convert data from legacy applications, including S/370 line data, mixed data, Record-format line data, Unicode line data, and XML data, into MO:DCA-P.
The PRISMAproduction Host CIS allows you to insert and/or remove text blocks, bar codes, graphics, object containers, finishing operations, Index information, or interpose extra sheets to enhance the appearance and processing capabilities of your print files.
The PRISMAproduction Host CIS can sort print files using either a contents-oriented (index), layout-oriented, or a collated algorithm.