Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4BAT ZC bat detector User Guide
Below you will find brief information for bat detector Song Meter SM4BAT ZC. This bat detector is a weatherproof zero-crossing recorder that can be used to record bat calls for extended periods of time. The recorder has a built-in microphone and can be connected to an external microphone for improved recording quality. It also has a built-in GPS receiver and can be used to record the location of the recording. The recorder can be used to record bats in a variety of habitats, including forests, caves, and urban areas. The device has a variety of features that make it easy to use, including a simple menu system and a backlit display.
See Page 1 for
Quick Start Checklist
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC
Last updated on June 20, 2017.
1 Quick Start Checklist 1
2 Overview 2
Introduction ...................................................................................... 2
Visual Tour ........................................................................................ 3
The Main Menu ................................................................................. 4
3 Setup and Installation 5
Opening the Recorder ....................................................................... 5
Turning Power On and Off ................................................................. 5
Installing Internal Batteries ............................................................... 6
Connecting External Power ............................................................... 6
Inserting SD Memory Cards ............................................................... 7
Connecting and Mounting the External Microphone ......................... 8
Connecting the GPS Accessory ........................................................ 11
Securing the Recorder ..................................................................... 12
Mounting the Recorder ................................................................... 13
Replacing the Clock Battery ............................................................. 13
Reading the Recorder Temperature ................................................ 14
4 Settings 15
Navigating the Menus ..................................................................... 15
Setting the Date and Time ............................................................... 15
Setting the Device Prefix for Recorded Files .................................... 16
Setting the Location and Time Zone ................................................ 16
Setting the Solar Calculation Method .............................................. 17
Audio Settings ................................................................................. 17
Setting a Delayed Start .................................................................... 20
Setting the LED Indicator Mode ....................................................... 20
Advanced Settings ........................................................................... 20
5 Making Scheduled Recordings 21
Recording Operation Overview ....................................................... 21
Using a Quick Start Schedule ........................................................... 21
The Recording Screens .................................................................... 22
Checking the Status of the Recorder ................................................ 23
Monitoring Live Audio with Headphones ........................................ 24
Stopping a Recording Schedule ....................................................... 24
Making an Instant Recording ........................................................... 25
Retrieving and Analyzing Recordings ............................................... 25
Recording Files ................................................................................ 25
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. page ii
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide Contents
Recording Metadata ....................................................................... 26
Recording Summary Text File .......................................................... 26
6 Creating Custom Schedules 28
Schedule Blocks .............................................................................. 28
SM4 Configurator Software ............................................................. 29
Editing a Schedule ........................................................................... 30
Adding or Deleting Schedule Blocks ................................................. 30
Schedule Block Examples ................................................................ 31
Importing a Schedule ...................................................................... 33
Exporting a Schedule ....................................................................... 33
7 Utilities 35
Exporting Diagnostics ...................................................................... 35
Resetting to Factory Default Settings .............................................. 35
Calibrating Microphones ................................................................. 35
Formatting SD Memory Cards ......................................................... 37
Updating the Firmware ................................................................... 38
8 Specifications 39
Physical ........................................................................................... 39
Power ............................................................................................. 40
SD Memory Cards ........................................................................... 40
Ultrasonic Audio ............................................................................. 40
External SMM-U1 Ultrasonic Microphone ....................................... 41
9 Warranty and Disclosures 42
Revised and Translated User Guides
This guide is regularly updated and improved. New versions can be downloaded from http://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/support/documentation . It is also available from the same webpage in Spanish, French, German, Chinese and
Japanese translations.
Tutorial Videos
Visit http://www.wildlifeacoustics.com/support/tutorial-videos to view tutorial videos for the SM4BAT.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
Quick Start Checklist
1 Quick Start Checklist
Release the side latch, open the security cover, and then open the middle section to access the battery bay. q
Install four (4) new alkaline or NiMH D batteries. Close the middle section.
To use external batteries, see Connecting External Power in Chapter 3. q
Insert one SD memory card in slot A and an optional second card in slot B. q
Reformat card(s) using the built in format utility (see Formatting SD Memory
Cards in Chapter 7). q
Slide the power switch down to INT for internal battery power. The recorder powers on and the main menu appears on the display. (If using an external power source, slide the switch up to EXT.) q
Press CHECK STATUS to verify the time, microphone, firmware, SD memory cards, battery voltage, and temperature. q
Use the keypad to select Quick Start and choose a recording schedule. q
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings to set the time and date. For schedules that start or end at times relative to sunrise or sunset (for example, Record
Rise), you must also set the latitude and longitude and time zone.
Alternatively, temporarily attach the available GPS accessory to auto-set, the location, date, and; however, you must manually set the time zone. It is not set by the GPS and must be set prior to plugging in the GPS for the recorder to correctly calculate local time from GPS time. q
Press the SCHEDULE START button. The schedule begins.
The SM4BAT sleeps (display goes blank) to conserve battery power if a recording is not scheduled in the next 45 seconds.
The SM4BAT wakes (display illuminates) at the next scheduled recording start time and saves recordings to the SD memory card(s).
The display shows the next recording period and ARMED when listening for bats. TRIGGERED appears when recording. q
Close the security cover and latch. To secure the recorder, attach an optional lock. Mount the recorder in a suitable location and leave. q
When the deployment ends, press and hold SCHEDULE STOP to finish recording. Eject the SD memory card(s) and review the recordings.
Contacting Support
For issues or questions not addressed in this guide, contact the Wildlife
Acoustics Support Team:
Email: [email protected]
North America (toll-free): 1-888-733-0200
Outside North America: US+1 978-369-5225
(Toll charges may apply.)
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
2 Overview
2.1 Introduction
The latest generation in the Song Meter series, the SM4BAT ZC is a weatherproof zero-crossing (ZC) recorder for the periodic, seasonal, or long-term monitoring of bats in almost any field conditions. You can schedule daily recordings to meet a variety of needs including times that are relative to sunrise and sunset, specific duty cycles with on/off recording patterns, and continuous monitoring all day and all night. The SM4BAT ZC optimizes battery life and memory capacity to record for extended periods of time. Using both memory slots and new alkaline batteries, a typical deployment can record for up to 450 hours spanning weeks or months.
Estimate memory and battery requirements with our Song Meter SM4
Configurator software and view recording spectrograms with Kaleidoscope and
Song Scope. The Song Meter SM4BAT ZC is also compatible with all popular zero-crossing bat analysis software.
Lightweight, portable, and completely weatherproof
One-channel zero-crossing recorder with auto-leveling (determines the optimal ZC threshold and recalculates levels for every recording period)
Intelligent recording trigger and noise scrubber minimize false recordings of non-bat activity
Up to 70 nightly 10-hour recordings using four (4) alkaline D batteries
SMM-U1 microphone supports cables from 3 m (included) up to 100 m
Supports one or two standard SDHC or SDXC memory cards
Weatherproof keypad and backlit display for easy entry and status
Dual-color LED indicator provides recording feedback
Integrated top and bottom mounting flanges are designed to work with cable locks, screws, radiator clamps, bungee cords, and other fasteners
Easy to set up and use with convenient Quick Start daily recording schedules and one-touch start
Customize schedules and estimate impacts on SD memory cards and battery life with the free SM4 Configurator software
One-touch status check shows memory card utilization, battery voltage, and other recorder health metrics without interrupting recordings
External power option using an SM3/SM4 power cable (sold separately)
Self-generated diagnostics assist in basic troubleshooting
Internal temperature and battery voltage logging
Headphone port for real-time monitoring and system verification
Optional GPS accessory automatically sets the date, time, latitude, and longitude and logs recording coordinates
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
2.2 Visual Tour
2 Overview
Security Cover
Power Switch
Memory Slot A
Lock Ring
LED Indicator
Memory Slot B
GPS Connection
Pressure Vent
Mounting Flange
Headphone Jack
Security Cover
Protects the recorder. The cover swings open/closed and can be secured with a standard lock (sold separately).
Backlit screen displays all main menu items, settings, values, message prompts, and status information.
LED Status Indicator Flashes ☼ red once every two seconds when armed and waiting for a triggered recording to start and ☼ green once a second while triggered and making a recording.
Grip and pull to open the security cover. To close, push the security cover down until the latch clicks.
Press the keypad buttons to navigate the menus and options on the display. Buttons include ▲Up or ▼Down,
Mounting Flanges
Rugged and ready for almost any environment. Use the top and bottom cutouts to mount the recorder.
Power Switch
Memory Slots A and B Insert removable SD memory cards to store recordings.
Lock Ring
Insert the shackle of an optional key or combination lock to secure your recorder.
GPS Connection
Slide down to turn power on using internal battery (INT).
Slide up to use optional external power (EXT) or to turn off (if no external power).
Pressure Vent
Headphone Jack
Use the available GPS option to automatically set the date, time, and location settings.
Temperature, UV, and water-resistant vent and a selfregenerating desiccant packet control humidity and prevent condensation.
Connect headphones and press ENTER to listen to real-time audio as it is recorded.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
2.3 The Main Menu
2 Overview
Refer to the following table when navigating the main menu on the display.
Menu Item Description
Quick Start
Record Sunset®Rise Based on your location, date, and sunrise/sunset settings, records continuously from sunset until sunrise.
Record Always
Records continuously 24 hours a day.
Configure audio settings for recordings.
Date and Time
Set the local date and time for your recorder.
Set the recorder prefix ID and the latitude, longitude, and time zone for your location.
Sunrise/Sunset Type Set the method used to calculate the sunrise and sunset times. Choices include astronomical, civil, or nautical twilights or the actual sunrise/set times
Delay Start
LED Indicator
Delay the start of your daily schedule until 00:00 on a specified date.
Choose to display LED indicators always or only for the first several minutes after you start the schedule.
Settings for advanced users.
Edit Schedule
Add, modify, or delete schedule blocks.
Import Sched+Setts Import a schedule and settings from an SD card.
Export Sched+Setts Export the current schedule and settings to an SD card.
Export Diagnostics Save status and troubleshooting information to an SD card to send to the Wildlife Acoustics Support Team.
Set factory default
Restore the original recorder settings to their factoryfresh values and revert to a like-new state.
CAUTION: Any custom schedules or settings are replaced.
Calibrate Mic
Format all cards
Firmware Update
Test the sensitivity levels of the connected microphone with the available Ultrasonic Calibrator.
Erase and reformat the SD memory cards.
CAUTION: All data on the cards is permanently lost.
Update the recorder with a new firmware file that you download to an SD memory card.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
Setup and Installation
3 Setup and Installation
3.1 Opening the Recorder
When instructed by the procedures in this guide to open the recorder, follow the steps below.
Locate the handle for the security cover on the front right side of the recorder as shown.
Grip the handle and lightly pull it to release the latch. The cover flips open and rotates along its hinged spine like a book, exposing the display and keypad in the middle section. At this point, you can insert memory cards, adjust the power switch, and connect an optional GPS or headphones.
Continue with the next step only when you are installing batteries.
Press the small circular indentation between SD memory card slots A and B with your thumb to release the middle section. If it is difficult to release the section, press down closer to the gasket seam. This section swings open exposing the battery bay.
To close the cover, reverse the steps:
Gently and firmly push the middle section (display and keypad) down until it snaps into place.
Gently and firmly push the security cover down until it snaps into place.
Align the security cover latch with the locking ring and snap into place.
3.2 Turning Power On and Off
Follow these steps to switch recorder power on and off based on your choice of internal or external power source. Only one power source (internal or external) can be active at a time.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
Open the cover to access the power switch on the side of the middle section above memory slot A.
Slide the switch down to INT to turn power on when using internal batteries; slide the switch up to EXT to turn power on when connected to an external battery. Only one power source is used at a time. Whichever position does not have a battery installed is functionally off.
When you want to turn the recorder off to conserve battery power, slide the switch to the opposite position (EXT when using internal batteries and INT when using an external battery).
NOTE: Do not turn the power off when a recording is in progress. To safely exit from recording, press SCHEDULE STOP, allow the recorder to return to the Main Menu, and then switch the power off. Avoid quickly switching power off and on again (avoid quick switches between INT and EXT). The recorder can interpret this sudden loss and restoration of power as an error and may start creating diagnostics.
3.3 Installing Internal Batteries
The recorder uses four size D alkaline or NiMH batteries.
NOTE: We prefer Energizer brand of alkaline batteries for their superior performance.
The SM4BAT ZC enters a very low-power sleep state between scheduled recordings to conserve energy and maximize efficiency for long deployments.
TIP: Prior to installation, we recommend that you test all batteries with a high-quality pulse load battery tester such as the ZTS MINI-MBT.
Open the recorder.
Insert batteries with their polarity (+/-) orientation as shown on the battery bay markings.
NOTE: Do not mix batteries of different types, and do not mix old and new batteries.
Remove batteries before storing the recorder for an extended time.
Close the middle section and gently press down until it snaps into place.
To turn on power, slide the power switch to INT.
When not in use, set the power switch to EXT to conserve internal battery power. With no external battery source, consider the EXT position to be off.
Only one power source (internal or external) can be active at a time.
TIP: Use the Song Meter SM4 Configurator software to estimate the recording requirements for your schedules including battery life and memory storage.
3.4 Connecting External Power
With the optional external power cable, the power connector can accept voltages from 5-17 volts DC. It is intended for 6 or 12-volt external batteries.
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Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
CAUTION: If you are unfamiliar with configuring external battery and power systems, consult a local installer for assistance.
Each power cable is shipped with a snap-on ferrite to meet standards limiting electromagnetic emissions and protecting against electrostatic discharge. Install the ferrite near the end of the cable as close to the recorder as possible.
Loop the cable through and snap the ferrite shut. A zip tie is included for further securing the ferrite. The image shows the ferrite as shipped (right) and as installed (left).
Align and seat the cable into the EXT POWER port on the side of the recorder. Turn the grey locking ring (black on older SM3 cables) clockwise P firmly until it locks into place.
The external power cable includes F2-size spade connectors and ring terminals. Connect the cable to a 6 or 12-volt battery using one of the connectors provided. The SM4BAT ZC provides protection against accidental reverse polarity connections.
Open the security cover and slide the power switch up to EXT.
(Optional) Set a minimum voltage to prevent damage to lead-acid batteries that are not designed for deep discharge.
When not in use, set the power switch down to INT to conserve external battery power. With no internal batteries installed, consider the INT position to be off.
3.5 Inserting SD Memory Cards
The SM4BAT ZC saves recordings to one or two SD memory cards installed in the memory card slots.
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Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
NOTE: We prefer the SanDisk brand of memory cards for their superior performance.
Zero-crossing recordings are very compact. You can expect even a small 8GB SD memory card to record for weeks or months.
Open the security cover and locate memory slots A and B on the side below the power switch.
Insert one required SD memory card in slot A or B. Push the card straight in until it clicks into place. Make sure the small read/write switch on the card is set to allow write access.
(Optional) To extend deployments, insert a second SD memory card in the remaining slot.
NOTE: You can use slot A, slot B, or both for recording; however, when importing and exporting schedules or updating the firmware you must use slot A.
Reformat card(s) using the built in format utility (see Formatting SD Memory
Cards in Chapter 7).
Press Check Status and verify that the card is shown with an appropriate capacity.
To remove a card when recording is completed, push it in and release it. The spring-loaded slot ejects your card so you can pull it away.
NOTE: Do not remove SD memory cards while the SM4BAT ZC is recording. This could corrupt the card.
3.6 Connecting and Mounting the External Microphone
You must connect an available SMM-U1 external microphone to record bats. The
SMM-U1 is a highly sensitive low-noise ultrasonic microphone designed for recording ultrasound up to 250 kHz
(limited to 125 kHz when used with the
SM4BAT ZC). The microphone has a differential output which significantly reduces noise from electromagnetic sources. To learn more about the SMM-
U1, see Specifications.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
Connecting the Microphone
3 Setup and Installation
The microphone includes a 3-meter cable. The microphone can be extended up to 100 meters with available extension cables in 10 and 50-meter lengths with no signal attenuation or degradation. All connections are fully waterproof.
Each extension cable is shipped with a snap-on ferrite to meet standards limiting electromagnetic emissions and protecting against electrostatic discharge. Install the ferrite near the end of the cable as close to the recorder as possible.
Loop the cable through and snap the ferrite shut. A zip tie is included for further securing the ferrite. The image shows the ferrite as shipped (right) and as installed (left).
Align and seat the cable into the keyed MIC connector.
Turn the grey locking ring (black on SM3 cables) on the microphone or cable clockwise P firmly until it locks into place.
Replace the windscreen when the foam begins to break down and flake.
With normal outdoor use over time, the foam windscreen fades to brown; however, color degradation does not indicate a loss of integrity.
Weather Protection
When installed correctly, the SMM-U1 microphone is completely weatherproof.
It features a hydrophobic membrane that is transparent to acoustic or ultrasound signals. This membrane prevents unpressurized water from entering the microphone.
The included microphone windscreen should be installed for long-term deployments in all areas susceptible to heavy wind-driven rain to avoid permanent damage to the microphone element due to water penetration. For short-term deployments in dry climates, windscreens are not necessary, but recommend as a precaution. Windscreens attenuate ultrasound by only a few dB when dry. However, they block most ultrasound when soaked with water. Drying time can vary significantly based on temperature, humidity, and wind conditions.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
Secure the windscreen to the SMM-U1 microphone with the included C-clip.
Allow an air gap between the windscreen and the microphone as shown.
Do not handle or remove a wet windscreen as it is easy to accidentally squeeze the windscreen and push water into the end of the microphone.
We also recommend positioning the microphone so that it is aimed at least slightly downward to minimize water entry. Bat activity from above is still recorded in this orientation because the microphone is omnidirectional.
Ultrasonic Directional Horn Attachment
The omnidirectional SMM-U1 is ideal for unattended monitoring where the precise direction of bat activity is not known in advance.
In applications requiring more directionality, the microphone can be adapted for directional sensitivity with the available directional horn.
The Ultrasonic Directional Horn converts the
SMM-U1 into a highly directional microphone, while preserving echolocation call quality. The attachment remains weatherproof at angles up to
45-degrees from horizontal.
The above recommendations on the use of a microphone windscreen also apply to the Horn attachment. When advised, secure the large windscreen with the included zip-tie as shown below.
Mounting for the best recording Quality
To assure the best possible recording:
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
Test the microphone when it is first received and regularly thereafter using an
Ultrasonic Calibrator available from Wildlife Acoustics. This will allow you to quickly detect a loss in sensitivity.
Mount the microphone away from all solid surfaces including the recorder itself, walls, ground, water, tree branches and trunks and foliage to avoid recording echoes or dispersing the sound.
Position the microphone in the middle of the bat flyway to assure that the bat is as close as possible to the microphone.
Avoiding Damage from Electrical Discharge
Improper mounting of microphones, especially in dry or windy conditions, could result in microphone damage from electro-static build-up. We recommend checking with a professional licensed electrician or installer with experience in outdoor antennas or weather instruments for advice suitable to your situation.
Here are some tips to avoid damage:
Avoid mounting microphones on tall plastic masts including those made of fiberglass or nylon for deployments in dry conditions. A breeze flowing over the plastic mast can build up a sizeable electrical charge much like rubbing a balloon. Eventually, the electric charge will be strong enough to discharge with an attraction to the mass of metal in the cable resulting in a spark that could damage the microphone. Wood or metal masts will mitigate this problem.
If electrical storm activity is a possibility you need to protect the microphone and equipment from damage from electrical discharge. If the best path to ground is through the microphone and/or SM4BAT then the microphone and/or the recorder could be severely damaged. To protect against this, you need to create a better and safer alternate path to ground, much the way a lightning rod on a house functions. One way to do this is to use a pipe clamp to clamp a heavy gauge (18AWG) wire from the microphone to ground by securing the other end of the wire to the metal frame of a grounded tower structure, or securing the wire to a metal pipe planted 2 meters into the earth. The connections must be electrically strong with low resistance.
It is better to not ground the Song Meter or its power source so there is not a clear path to ground through the SM4BAT.
3.7 Connecting the GPS Accessory
The optional GPS accessory automatically sets the date, time, latitude, and longitude of the recorder. If you have several SM4BAT recorders to deploy in the field, you can use a single GPS accessory to set them up.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Location > Timezone and set the time zone. The GPS does not set the time zone.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
NOTE: The time zone must be set prior to using the available GPS accessory to automatically set the correct time. The SM4BAT ZC adjusts the time from the GPS based on the time zone setting and sets the recorder’s clock after this calculation. If you change the time zone after the clock has been set, this automatic adjustment does not take place and the clock will not be set correctly.
Open the security cover and plug the GPS cable into the GPS port on the side of the recorder.
The recorder automatically detects the presence of the GPS.
When the recorder wakes up, the
GPS is powered up.
Wait for the GPS to communicate with the satellites.
A few seconds after connecting the GPS Accessory, the GPS status is shown on the top right of all menu screens. When the GPS has successfully communicated with the satellites, the status changes from asterisks to FIX.
Or, on the CHECK STATUS screen, a question mark (?) appears between the date and time to indicate that the GPS accessory is attempting to acquire satellite data. The question mark changes to a number sign (#).
When the GPS has successfully acquired satellite data, it sets the location, date, and time. Coordinates are given in decimal degrees and use the WGS-
84 coordinate system.
NOTE: The Location Settings coordinates as seen on the display in the main menu are read-only when the GPS is attached. You cannot change them.
Disconnect the GPS. The available GPS accessory consumes about 90 mA of additional current—more than four times the current of the recorder itself.
For passive recording, we recommend that you use the GPS to automatically set the clock and location at the beginning of the deployment but do not keep it attached for the duration of the deployment.
NOTE: If you are still prompted for latitude and longitude when starting a schedule, it most likely means the GPS accessory does not yet have a fix. Be aware that it can be difficult to acquire a GPS signal in thick vegetation. Also note that the GPS cannot be used for precision time synchronization on the SM4BAT ZC as it can on the SM3BAT.
3.8 Securing the Recorder
Close the cover to protect the recorder from environmental conditions.
To secure the recorder with a standard key or combination lock, press the latch down and insert the lock shackle through the lock ring.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
Observe the following size requirements for the lock:
Shackle Diameter
Vertical Clearance
Horizontal Clearance
Minimum: Maximum:
1/8 inch (3 mm) 3/8 inch (9 mm)
5/8 inch (16 mm) 1.0 inch (25 mm)
1/2 inch (13 mm) 1.0 inch (25 mm)
NOTE: The lock should be rated for outdoor use.
3.9 Mounting the Recorder
Use the holes in the top and bottom mounting bracket for mounting the recorder with cable locks, screws, radiator clamps, bungee cords, or other fasteners. The enclosure is fully weatherproof and does not require additional protection.
3.10 Replacing the Clock Battery
A separate button cell CR2032 lithium clock battery maintains real-time clock settings when the four main D batteries are being exchanged or are no longer
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 3 Setup and Installation
operational. The included battery should last up to 3 years. Use the steps below to replace the internal clock battery.
Open the security cover and the middle section to access the battery bay.
Locate the circular CLOCK BATTERY bay behind the display and keypad opposite the main battery bay.
Gently insert a flathead screwdriver to pry the old battery out and replace it with a new one. The side with the CR2032 lettering faces you.
3.11 Reading the Recorder Temperature
The recorder includes an integrated temperature sensor to log temperatures inside the enclosure. This is intended for diagnostics only. Heat from the electronics and/or sunlight on the enclosure can significantly increase the temperature reading above ambient air conditions.
Press the CHECK STATUS button to view the current temperature reading.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
4 Settings
4.1 Navigating the Menus
To navigate the main menu, select items, and configure the values for various settings, use the following basic steps. All procedures in this guide assume you are familiar with these steps.
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down and ENTER to navigate any menu.
For example, navigate to Main Menu > Settings > LED Indicator.
Press ENTER or ► Right to select menu items and continue to the next editable item. (ENTER and ► Right are interchangeable in the menus with the exception of the line where schedule blocks are added and deleted.)
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to select values.
Tip: To accelerate the pace when selecting higher or lower values, press and continue to hold down the ▲ Up or ▼ Down arrow buttons.
Press ENTER or ► Right to save your edits.
Repeat these steps as required. The exact buttons used may vary by setting.
Press ◄ Left to exit a line without saving or to return to the previous menu.
TIP: For improved visibility in low-light environments, press any button on the keypad to illuminate the display. The backlight remains lit while you continue operating the recorder and turns itself off after 30 seconds of inactivity.
4.2 Setting the Date and Time
Follow these steps to set the date and time manually unless you are using the available GPS accessory to automatically set the current date and time.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Date and Time.
The date and time appear on one line in the following format:
2017-Oct-22 20:17:45
Press ► Right to set the date (year, month, and calendar day). As you adjust the month and day, the corresponding sunrise and sunset times appear
(according to the Sunrise/Sunset Type setting) for that date.
Press ► Right to set the time (hours, minutes, and seconds).
To adjust any value, press ▲ Up or ▼ Down.
Press ENTER when finished.
NOTE: The recorder does not automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
4.3 Setting the Device Prefix for Recorded Files
4 Settings
The prefix appears in the name of every recording file to easily identify the recordings made on a specific recorder or from a common shared schedule. The default prefix combines the model number with the serial number. You can specify a custom filename prefix of up to 12 characters to identify each recorder.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Location > Prefix.
Specify a 1 to 12 character prefix from left to right:
a. b.
At the first position, press ▲ Up to cycle through the alphabetic characters A to Z. Press ▼ Down to cycle through the numbers 9 to 0.
You can also select a hyphen (it is above the digit 9).
Press ► Right to advance to the next position in the prefix and repeat the previous step.
To erase characters, select the blank character that is above the hyphen and below the letter A. All of the characters to the right of the blank character are erased.
When finished, press ► Right to advance to the last position and then press ENTER.
NOTE: The prefix can only contain capital letters, numbers, and hyphens. When you change the default prefix, the serial number of the recorder no longer appears in the recording file names; however, it does still appear in the metadata inside the file.
4.4 Setting the Location and Time Zone
You must manually set these parameters if you are not using the available GPS accessory to automatically set the latitude and longitude. The time zone cannot be set automatically by the GPS and must be set manually.
NOTE: The time zone must be set prior to using the available GPS accessory to automatically set the correct time. The SM4BAT ZC adjusts the time from the GPS based on the time zone setting and sets the recorder’s clock after this calculation. If you change the time zone after the clock has been set, this automatic adjustment does not take place and the clock will not be set correctly.
The selections you make for latitude, longitude, and time zone enable the recorder to determine the specific sunrise and sunset times for each day.
Specify the local time zone (as used to set the clock) in hours relative to UTC
(Universal Time Coordinated). Exact hour, half, and quarter time zones (:00 :15
:30 :45) are supported.
NOTE: Schedules and settings exported from one recorder and imported on a second recorder do not overwrite the Prefix, Latitude and Longitude, Time Zone, or Battery
Cutoff settings on the second recorder. Schedules created or edited by the Song Meter
SM4 Configurator software can selectively overwrite any setting upon import.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Location > Latitude.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 4 Settings a. b.
To enter degrees of latitude north of the equator, press ▲ Up.
To enter degrees of latitude south of the equator, press ▼ Down.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Location > Longitude.
To enter degrees of longitude west of the prime meridian, press ▲ Up.
To enter degrees of longitude east of the prime meridian, press ▼ Down.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Location > Timezone.
Enter the time zone relative to UTC.
NOTE: The recorder does not automatically adjust for Daylight Saving Time.
4.5 Setting the Solar Calculation Method
The SM4BAT ZC can schedule recordings relative to sunrise and sunset times, and adjusts these times as they change during the year. You can choose from four different methods of calculating the sunrise and sunset.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Sunrise/Sunset Type.
Select one of the following solar calculation types:
sunrise/set: When the sun is just below the horizon.
civil: When the sun is 6 degrees below the horizon.
nautical: When the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon.
astronomical: When the sun is 18 degrees below the horizon.
The calculated sunrise and sunset times for the method that you select appear for today. For example:
Sunrise/Sunset Type
-Solar nautical
Rise 05:12 Set 18:57
Press ENTER to save your changes.
NOTE: Sunrise and sunset calculations also require other settings including the date and time, latitude and longitude, and time zone.
4.6 Audio Settings
When your schedule starts, it applies your current audio settings. When you import or export a schedule, the settings are included.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Audio.
Select an audio setting. To adjust its value, press ▲ Up or ▼ Down.
Press ENTER to save your changes.
Each audio setting is described below:
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16k High Filter
4 Settings
This sets the 16 kHz analog high-pass filter. A two-pole high-pass filter only allows signals that are higher than the specified frequency to be recorded.
The SMM-U1 microphone has a built-in 4-pole, 8 kHz high-pass filter. If you expect bats vocalizing below 16 kHz, set the 16k high filter to off. The filter in the microphone reduces acoustic sounds below 8 kHz but not sounds above 8 kHz.
If you do not expect bats below 16 kHz, set the 16k high filter to on in order to reduce acoustic sounds that might cause non-bat recordings to occur.
Values: on or off
Default: off
Division Ratio
This setting specifies the data division ratio for the zero-crossing recordings.
4: Shows more detail, but the additional dots tend to lack accuracy as they are not averaged as much over time. A division ratio of 4 could be useful for bats with very short duration echolocation calls or for calls with very low frequencies.
8: We recommend a value of 8 because it is optimal for most applications and is used in the auto-identification algorithms featured in our
Kaleidoscope software.
16: A division ratio of 16 provides less detail and uses less SD card memory; however, zero-crossing is already such a compact format that there is no longer a compelling reason for that compromise.
Range: 4, 8 or 16
Default: 8
Min Duration
Sets the minimum duration of a signal in the specified frequency range that qualifies as a valid signal for the scrubber. The scrubber automatically rejects recordings if it detects no suitable bat echolocation call. The scrubber looks for at least two narrow-band signals of at least this minimum duration, shorter than the maximum duration, and within the frequency range you specified. If two such signals exist, the file is saved; otherwise, the file is not saved.
A value of 1.5 ms is recommended for recording bats.
NOTE: To disable the scrubber, set Min Duration and Max Duration to none.
Range: none, 0.1 to 99.9 milliseconds in 0.1-millisecond increments
Default: 1.5 ms
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Max Duration
4 Settings
Sets the maximum duration of a signal in the specified frequency range that qualifies as a valid signal for the scrubber. A value of none is recommended for recording bats.
Range: none, 1 to 500.0 milliseconds in 1-millisecond increments
Default: none
Min Trig Freq
Use this command to set the lower bound for the frequencies of interest to the triggering mechanism and noise scrubber. Echolocation calls or other signals occurring below this frequency do not cause a trigger and are considered noise to the scrubber. A setting of 16 kHz works well for most bat applications. It may be necessary to reduce this setting for recording lower-frequency species.
Range: 6 to 99 kHz in 1-kHz increments
Default: 16 kHz
Trigger Window
The recording continues for this amount of time after the last signal that satisfies the trigger. (The recording is also truncated when it reaches the maximum recording duration set by Max Trig Time.) Set the trigger window setting long enough to avoid a recording that ends after one echolocation call.
For example, if bat echolocation calls occur every 0.5 seconds and trigger window is 0.1 seconds, you would get a new trigger with every single echolocation call. Three (3.0) seconds is a good default value.
NOTE: Some standards describe a specific recording trigger window as a bat pass.
Values: 1 to 15 seconds in 1-second increments
Default: 3 seconds
Max Trig Time
You can specify the maximum length (time duration) of recordings to comply with file size restrictions of your analysis software or to fulfill a specific recording protocol or definition of a bat pass.
The recorder also enforces zero-crossing standard maximums for recording time
(up to 15 seconds), dots or data points (up to 16K dots), and file size (up to 32
KB). When a recording reaches any maximum, it ends and a new recording file starts.
Values: 1 second to 15 seconds in 1-second increments
Default: 15 seconds
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4.7 Setting a Delayed Start
4 Settings
The Delay Start setting waits until a future date to start your schedule. The recorder delays the start of the schedule until 00:00 of the specified day.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Delay Start.
Set a future start date and set Enable to yes.
NOTE: You can use this feature to synchronize the start of two or more recorders.
When you start the schedule, a warning appears reminding you of the delayed start. If the date is in the past, no warning appears and the schedule starts without delay.
4.8 Setting the LED Indicator Mode
The LED indicator in the keypad blinks to indicate the recorder status. The LED blinks red once every two seconds when in an armed state waiting for a trigger and green once per second when triggered. This light is visible on the front of the recorder even when the security cover is closed.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > LED Indicator.
Choose always or 5 minutes only.
When you choose 5 minutes only, the LED only appears for approximately the first five (5) minutes of recording after you press SCHEDULE START or
CHECK STATUS or until the first time the unit sleeps. This setting minimizes drawing attention to the recorder and allows you to maintain some level of camouflage when recorder security or visibility is a concern.
4.9 Advanced Settings
The following describes each advanced setting.
Setting a Minimum External Battery Voltage
You can set a minimum voltage cutoff to help prevent damage to external lead acid batteries from over-discharge. If the external battery voltage falls below this cutoff, the schedule is suspended. The SM4 then wakes every 24 hours to check the voltage and resumes the schedule if the voltage is restored.
Navigate to Main Menu > Settings > Advanced > Battery Cutoff.
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to adjust the power cutoff in volts from 0.0 to 12.0 in 0.1-volt increments.
Press ENTER to save your changes.
NOTE: Leave the cutoff value at 0.0 if you are using internal batteries. Any non-zero setting decreases internal battery life as the recorder prematurely suspends operation.
Also use a setting of 0.0 for external batteries that are designed for deep discharge.
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Making Scheduled Recordings
5.1 Recording Operation Overview
The Song Meter SM4BAT ZC records bat activity using zero-crossing technology.
Unlike full-spectrum recording which samples audio signals at a specified rate, zero-crossing recording measures the transition time between positive and negative signals relative to a fixed sensitivity threshold.
The recording schedule determines when each day the SM4BAT ZC records and when it sleeps while waiting for a recording period. The recorder adjusts the zero-crossing sensitivity level at the beginning of every recording period and every hour within a recording period. The process take approximately 5 seconds.
This auto-level operation prevents ambient noise from creating zero-crossings and maintains optimal sensitivity in changing noise conditions.
Recordings are initiated with the configurable trigger and saved only if they make it through the configurable noise scrubber, which automatically deletes recordings that do not appear to be valid bat echolocation signals. You can deactivate the scrubber to avoid deleting the detected non-bat recordings.
Zero-crossing files are saved to the SD memory cards.
5.2 Using a Quick Start Schedule
The Quick Start menu includes pre-configured schedules intended to satisfy most customer requirements. They also serve as excellent starting points for editing your own custom schedules as described in the next chapter.
Navigate to Main Menu > Quick Start.
Choose one of following Quick Start schedules and press ENTER.
Name Definition of schedule
Record Sunset®Rise Based on your location, date and sunrise/sunset settings, records continuously from sunrise until sunset.
Record Always Records continuously 24 hours a day.
NOTE: It is advised to use the SM4 Configurator software whenever possible to doublecheck that the chosen schedule will behave as desired. These same quick start programs are available in the Configurator to allow you to easily enter your location and doublecheck your schedule on the graphical calendar.
When you change schedules, a confirmation message appears.
Select No to keep the previously loaded schedule and exit.
Select Yes to continue loading the selected schedule. This overwrites the old schedule. All other settings are unchanged.
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5 Making Scheduled Recordings
Tip: If you want to save any custom edits or blocks you made to a schedule, select No here to go back and export that schedule to a memory card. Then, you can choose a new schedule and select Yes here with confidence knowing that your previous schedule was backed up.
Press SCHEDULE START to start the schedule. If you are not ready to start it yet, press ◄ Left to return to the Quick Start menu.
NOTE: The recorder automatically attempts to start the current schedule after three (3) minutes of inactivity.
When you press SCHEDULE START, warning messages may alert you about required settings, missing SD memory cards, or incompatible or missing microphones. Each warning appears for several seconds.
Press ▼ Down to proceed to the next warning. After the last warning, the
recorder attempts to run the schedule.
Press SCHEDULE STOP or ◄ Left to avoid running the schedule and return to the main menu. Adjust any settings or hardware to resolve the warnings. Press SCHEDULE START again when you are ready.
The recorder shows Preparing to record and indicates if the next recording period is continuous or covers a specific timespan:
2017-Dec-05 10:58:37
Preparing to record
2017-Apr-25 10:59:37
Preparing to record
B 11:00-17:00 #00088
If the first recording period start time is more than 45 seconds into the future, the recorder goes to sleep to conserve power:
2017-Feb-10 11:05:00
Going to sleep until
2017-Feb-10 19:15:00
The recorder wakes up 30 seconds before the next scheduled recording period so that it is ready to record on time.
5.3 The Recording Screens
The following screens appear when recording:
2017-Apr-25 23:50:48
Preparing to record
B 18:45-07:15 #00101
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2017-Apr-25 23:50:48
B 18:45-07:15 #00101
2017-Apr-25 23:50:48
Currently Recording:
B 18:45-07:15 #00101
2017-May-22 23:50:48
Currently Recording:
B 18:45-07:15 #00101
These example screens show the following details:
Line 1: The current date and time.
Line 2: The Currently Recording: status message.
Line 3: The current SD memory card slot that the recorder is writing to (A or B), followed by the beginning and ending times of the current recording period or
CONTINUOUS if the schedule is set to record all the time (the Quick Start
Record Always schedule for example). On the right side of the same line is the running count of recording files saved since the recorder was last powered on.
Line 4: The state of the device and the division ratio.
ARMED: the recorder is waiting for audio activity to trigger a recording.
TRIGGERED: the recorder is making a triggered recording.
PREPARING: the recorder is writing the file to the SD memory card.
5.4 Checking the Status of the Recorder
We recommend that you perform this procedure to check the status of the recorder and SD memory cards before every deployment.
Press the CHECK STATUS button.
NOTE: When the recorder is sleeping, you must press and hold the button and a boot screen and then the Going to sleep until screen appears first. Another press of the Check
Status button is required to view the Check Status screen.
The Check Status screen appears. For example:
2017-Oct-23 09:14:48
R:1.0.0 Mic:U1
SDA: 7/64 B: EMPTY
Bat: 5.2V Temp:16.70
Line 1: The current date and time.
Line 2: The installed firmware version and connected microphone:
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U1: SMM-U1 microphone
NA: no microphone is connected
Line 3: The consumed memory as a fraction of the total capacity in GB for the SD memory cards in slots A and B. In this example, 7 GB have already been used on a 64 GB card in slot A and there is no card in slot B.
NOTE: WP will appear in place of the consumed memory for any card with a writeprotection switch ON.
Line 4: The internal battery or external power supply voltage, and the internal temperature in degrees Celsius.
NOTE: The internal temperature of the recorder is intended for diagnostics and not as an accurate measurement of outside air temperature.
Press the CHECK STATUS button again to return to the previous screen.
5.5 Monitoring Live Audio with Headphones
You can connect headphones to the headphone jack to listen to real-time zerocrossing output. Headphone audio can be heard only during a live recording.
Open the security cover and insert the headphone cable into the headphone jack on the side below the GPS port.
You can start a schedule, start instant recording mode, or allow a currently running schedule to continue.
Press ENTER during a recording to enable monitoring on headphones.
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to adjust the volume.
Press ENTER again to toggle the headphone output on and off. Headphone sound automatically resets to off when the current recording period ends or at 00:00 for a schedule that is recording with a duty set to always.
5.6 Stopping a Recording Schedule
When a schedule is running, or scheduled to run, you have the option to stop it.
Press and hold the SCHEDULE STOP button for several seconds.
When you stop a running schedule, the current recording is saved to the SD memory card before it ends.
The recorder automatically attempts to resume the current recording schedule after three (3) minutes of inactivity. When not recording for an extended period of time, power the recorder off.
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5.7 Making an Instant Recording
5 Making Scheduled Recordings
In addition to running a schedule, you can start an instant recording anytime.
Starting an instant recording is like forcing the Quick Start Record Always schedule for 24 hours.
Verify the recorder is turned on and displaying the main menu. If the recorder is sleeping, press and hold SCHEDULE STOP to wake it.
Press and hold both the ▲ Up and ▼ Down keys at the same time.
After showing Preparing to record, the recorder immediately starts recording based on your audio settings.
Press SCHEDULE STOP to stop instant recording. After 24 hours, instant recording will automatically stop and the current schedule will start.
5.8 Retrieving and Analyzing Recordings
Transfer recordings to your computer by removing the SD memory card (s) from the recorder and copying the files to your computer using a built-in or USB memory card reader.
NOTE: If the recorder is left to run until the batteries are mostly depleted, it is possible that you will find the SD memory card(s) in a DIRTY state. The recordings are fine and can still be transferred to your computer. Once you have transferred all recordings, clear the DIRTY state using the built-in formatting utility. See Formatting SD Memory Cards in Chapter 7 for more information. In addition, there will likely be multiple .sm4dump files on the card as the recorder assumes there is an issue when the power is intermittent. These can be ignored. It is also possible to get a fatal clock error if the batteries were fully depleted, this will not persist once batteries are replaced.
The recordings are compatible with all popular third-party zero-crossings analysis programs available. Wildlife Acoustics recommends and supports our
Kaleidoscope software, which allows you to easily view and classify your recordings. Kaleidoscope Viewer is a free download and Kaleidoscope Pro with bat Auto-ID is available for purchase at www.wildlifeacoustics.com.
5.9 Recording Files
Audio recording files are saved in the Data folder on each SD memory card and use the following naming convention:
PREFIX: The current prefix as set in the location settings.
YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS: The date-time stamp including the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second when the recording started.
. 00#: The audio file name extension for zero-crossing recordings
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5.10 Recording Metadata
5 Making Scheduled Recordings
Values for the attributes listed below are stored as metadata in your recordings.
The Wildlife Acoustics Support Team can use the metadata when troubleshooting issues.
NOTE: Also, some of the metadata information is visible in the available Kaleidoscope computer software. Kaleidoscope has the ability to add additional metadata relating to analysis of the recording.
Device Model: The device model name. For example, SM4BAT ZC.
Device Serial Number: The unique serial number of your recorder.
Firmware Version: The firmware version installed on the recorder.
Prefix: The prefix assigned to the recorder in the location settings.
Timestamp: The date and time when the recording started.
GPS Coordinates: The location of the SM4BAT ZC when the recording first started. The metadata store the location coordinates that you manually entered on the recorder as well as the coordinates from the GPS accessory if attached.
Auto-Level Value: This is a measure of the zero-crossing threshold level. This voltage setting is relative to full scale at the microphone inputs. It is stored in the notes field in the following format:
SPEC: Level: - 84.1dBV
5.11 Recording Summary Text File
Approximately once per minute during a recording, the SM4BAT ZC appends a line to the summary text (.txt) file. This file is in comma-separated values (.csv) format. You can open it in Microsoft Excel, in database software, or in a text editor. The file begins with a header line which identifies the fields that appear in each line of summary data:
Three (3) lines from an example summary file appear below:
DATE & TIME: The date and time for each entry. This is the time taking into account the time zone set in the location settings.
LAT & LON: If the GPS accessory is installed, the latitude and longitude are given with identifiers for north (N), south (S), east (E), and west (W). Coordinates are given in decimal degrees and use the WGS-84 coordinate system. Without
GPS, the latitude and longitude values are 0.
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POWER(V): The internal battery or external power supply voltage. In the example, the voltage is 5.9 volts.
TEMP(C): The temperature in degrees Celsius inside the recorder. In the example, the internal temperature has fallen from 12.00 to 11.75 degrees.
#FILES: The number of recording files written since the previous summary file line. Since a new summary line is written once per minute, if your recording is longer than 1 minute, a zero appears on all lines until the recording ends. In the example, 1, 0, and 2 files were written during each respective one-minute period.
#SCRUBBED: This is the number of zero-crossing files that were scrubbed, based on the audio settings, since the previous summary file line. These files were not saved on the SD memory card. In the example 1, 4, and 2 files were scrubbed during each respective one-minute period.
MIC_TYPE: The microphone type attached during recording. U1 indicates the
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Creating Custom Schedules
In addition to using one of the Quick Start schedules, you can also create your own schedule using the built-in editor, or import a schedule from an SD memory card. You can export the current schedule to an SD memory card. You can also use the Song Meter SM4 Configurator software on your computer to create and edit schedules, which can be imported to the recorder.
NOTE: It is advised to use the SM4 Configurator Software whenever possible to doublecheck that the programmed schedule will behave as desired. Programs created on the
SM4BAT ZC can also be double-checked by importing them into the Configurator and viewing on the graphical calendar.
SM4BAT ZC schedules are flexible and portable. Schedules exported from recorders or created by the Song Meter SM4 Configurator software include all configurable settings. The appropriate settings are applied when a schedule is imported. This coupling of schedules with their settings enables you to share entire configurations from one recorder to another.
6.1 Schedule Blocks
Schedule blocks are the core components that define a daily recording schedule.
Every schedule has at least one block. A block has the following three lines:
START: time hh:mm or
rise +/-hh:mm or
set +/-hh:mm
always or
ON hh:mm OFF hh:mm
time hh:mm or
rise +/-hh:mm or
set +/-hh:mm
Each block defines a single continuous recording period between its START and
END times if DUTY is always, or a series of smaller periods if DUTY is on that repeat between the START and END times. The combination of all the duty cycles and recording periods generated by all the blocks makes up the daily recording schedule.
The START and END times for the block can be a fixed time or relative to sunset or sunrise. Times are specified using a 24-hour clock (HH:MM). When relative to sunset or sunrise, a positive (+) or negative (−) offset can be specified.
The DUTY cycle determines how often recording occurs between the start and end times. When set to always, recording is continuous between the start and end times. When set to ON and OFF, recording occurs for the specified number
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of hours and minutes (ON) followed by a period of inactivity (OFF). The duty cycle repeats as many times as possible before the END time is reached.
The duty cycle begins at the START time, not when you begin running the schedule. For example, if you begin the following schedule by pressing
SCHEDULE START at 10:50, the recorder sleeps until the next 15-minute ON duty cycle occurs at 11:00.
START: time 07:00
END: time 19:00
01/01 [ADD]
A typical schedule might only need one block; however, you can combine up to ten (10) blocks in a single schedule and can even overlap them. The SM4BAT ZC scans all blocks and combines all their recording periods.
For example, you can create a schedule to record continuously from sunset to sunrise in one block and to record 5 minutes on the hour throughout the whole day (24 hours) in another block. The recorder combines these, resulting in 5minute recordings during the days and continuous recordings during the nights.
In another example, if one block generates a recording period from 08:00 to
10:00, and a second block generates a recording period from 09:00 to 11:00, the resulting schedule yields a single recording period from 08:00 to 11:00.
6.2 SM4 Configurator Software
In addition to configuring schedules and settings on the recorder, you can use the
Song Meter SM4
Configurator software to confirm schedule behavior on a graphical calendar and to estimate power consumption and SD memory card usage for schedules that you plan to run. We recommend using the software to configure the recorder settings and schedule when possible as the additional visualization and information it provides allows you to be sure that your schedule and settings will perform as intended. The software is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux at no cost on our website at www.wildlifeacoustics.com. You can also open a WAV file made with the SM4BAT in the configurator to see the schedule and setting used to make the file. That information is stored in the meta-data of the WAV so it is always available in the future.
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6.3 Editing a Schedule
6 Creating Custom Schedules
Use this procedure to edit a schedule directly on the recorder using the display and buttons. We recommend that you edit schedules using the Song Meter
SM4 Configurator software whenever possible; however, if you are in the field and need to edit a schedule, this method is convenient.
The recorder comes from the factory with the Record Always Quick Start schedule pre-loaded. You can select or import another schedule if that provides a better starting point for your custom schedule.
Navigate to Main Menu > Schedule > Edit Schedule.
Edit any of the three lines of a schedule block:
START: Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to select rise, set, or a specific time.
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to adjust the + plus or – minus sign for times that are relative to sunrise or sunset. For example, enter rise -01:15 to start recording one hour and fifteen minutes before the calculated sunrise time.
b. c.
DUTY: Schedules can record continuously between the START and END times (always) or for a specific repeating duty cycle within those times
(ON & OFF). To learn more, see the schedule examples in this chapter.
END: Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to select rise, set, or a specific time.
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to adjust the + plus or – minus sign for times that are relative to sunrise or sunset. For example, enter rise -01:15 to start recording one hour and fifteen minutes before the calculated sunrise time.
Press ENTER to save your changes.
TIP: To undo your changes in any line, you can press ◄ Left to return to the start of the line and revert to its original value.
6.4 Adding or Deleting Schedule Blocks
When you edit a schedule, you can add or delete schedule blocks.
To add a new block:
Press ▼ Down repeatedly to navigate to the bottom line of the last block in the schedule.
Press ► Right to advance to the [ADD] label and press ENTER to add another block. The bottom line below the block shows the number of the block you are viewing and the total number of blocks.
START: time 00:00
DUTY: always
END: time 00:00
02/02 [ADD] [DEL]
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TIP: To move to the previous schedule block, press ▲ Up when on the START line.
To move to the next schedule block, press ▼ Down when on the bottom line.
To delete a block:
Press ▲ Up or ▼ Down to navigate to the bottom line of the block you want to remove.
Press ► Right to advance to [DEL] and press ENTER.
The following example stretches the display to demonstrate the concept of stacking code blocks in a series:
START: set -00:05
DUTY: always
END: rise +00:00
01/03 [DEL]
START: time 09:15
DUTY: always
END: time 11:15
02/03 [DEL]
START: set +02:15
DUTY: always
END: rise +01:30
03/03 [ADD] [DEL]
6.5 Schedule Block Examples
This section provides recording schedule examples that demonstrate how schedule blocks work. A schedule specifies when the SM4BAT ZC records but the number of zero-crossing recordings for a given schedule will be determined by the trigger and scrubber settings and by bat activity
Record Continuously All Hours of Every Day
The following schedule records continuously all day and night, 24 hours per day:
START: time 00:00
DUTY: always
END: time 00:00
01/01 [ADD]
This schedule appears under the Quick Start menu as Record Always. It runs continuously until you press SCHEDULE STOP or it runs out of power or SD memory card space.
Whenever the start and end times are identical and DUTY is set to always, your schedule is essentially the same as the Record Always schedule.
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Record Continuously for a Portion of Each Day
6 Creating Custom Schedules
The following schedule records continuously for the same six (6) hours daily:
START: time 04:00
DUTY: always
END: time 10:00
01/01 [ADD]
Record in 5-Minute Segments Every Hour
The following schedule records for 5 minutes at the beginning of each hour all day and continues indefinitely:
START: time 00:00
END: time 00:00
01/01 [ADD]
NOTE: The ON and OFF periods need not add up to an hour, but if they do not add up to a factor of 24 hours, the duty cycle truncates and restarts at the start time. For example, a duty cycle with ON 00:04 and OFF 00:03 divides 24 hours into 205 7-minute cycles plus one 5-minute partial cycle. In the 206 th
cycle, the schedule records for 4 minutes and then pauses for only 1 minute (instead of 3). This pattern repeats daily.
Record Continuously from Sunset to Sunrise
The following schedule starts every day at sunset and records continuously until sunrise on the following day:
START: set -00:00
DUTY: always
END: rise +00:00
01/01 [ADD]
This schedule appears under the Quick Start menu as Record Sunset®Rise.
Record in Multiple Blocks Relative to Sunset and Sunrise
The following schedule uses two blocks:
START: rise -01:00
DUTY: always
END: rise +01:00
01/02 [DEL]
START: set -01:00
DUTY: always
END: set +01:00
02/02 [ADD] [DEL]
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The first block defines a period relative to sunrise and the second block defines a period relative to sunset. The combined result records for two hours centered at sunrise and two hours centered at sunset.
6.6 Importing a Schedule
You can import a schedule file (for example, mySchedule.SM4S) from an SD memory card. The imported schedule also includes settings.
Save a custom schedule to the top-level directory (not in a folder) of an SD memory card from the Song Meter SM4 Configurator software, or export a schedule to an SD memory card from another recorder.
Insert the SD memory card in slot A of the recorder.
Navigate to Main Menu > Schedule > Import Sched+Setts.
At the Select Schedule File prompt, press ▲ Up or ▼Down to select a schedule file on your SD memory card. Press ENTER.
NOTE: The file name can only be 28 characters or less. The SM4BAT ZC will not recognize or display file names of longer length on the import screen.
If no warnings or errors are found, the following message appears:
Schedule imported
The imported schedule is now the current schedule.
Press ◄ Left to return to the Schedule menu.
You can now edit or start the schedule.
NOTE: Schedules exported from a recorder and imported on another will not override the second recorder’s Prefix, Latitude, Longitude, Time zone, or Battery Cutoff settings. Schedules created or edited by the Song Meter SM4 Configurator software can selectively override any setting upon import.
6.7 Exporting a Schedule
You can export the current schedule including settings to an SD memory card.
When you import a schedule, its settings are applied.
Insert an SD memory card in slot A.
Navigate to Main Menu > Schedule > Export Sched+Setts.
The following message appears:
Schedule exported
(Optional) Remove the SD memory card.
The exported file is named with the recorder prefix and the .SM4S extension.
For example:
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The default prefix is the device model and serial number. You can specify a new prefix in the settings.
CAUTION: If a file with that name already exists on the SD memory card, it is overwritten.
After exporting the schedule, you can share it with others, load it on another recorder, or edit it using the SM4 Configurator software.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
7 Utilities
7.1 Exporting Diagnostics
This procedure exports a diagnostic file that can be used to assess the audio performance, settings, schedule, and status of the recorder. The Wildlife
Acoustics Support Team can use this information to help diagnose problems.
The recorder will also create a dump file temporary loss of power for over five seconds or if it senses other types of failures.
Insert an SD memory card into slot A.
Navigate to Main Menu > Utilities > Export Diagnostics.
The recorder performs internal diagnostic tests and then exports the test results, the current schedule, and the settings to a file. The file is named with the recorder prefix, the date and time, and the .sm4dump extension:
Remove the SD memory card and insert it into a computer in order to send the file to Wildlife Acoustics.
7.2 Resetting to Factory Default Settings
This procedure restores all recorder settings to their original default values as they were configured when your recorder was first assembled and tested.
Navigate to Main Menu > Utilities > Set factory default.
Select Yes on the confirmation screen.
CAUTION: When you select Yes and reset defaults, your custom settings and any edited schedules are erased.
7.3 Calibrating Microphones
Use the available Ultrasonic Calibrator to calibrate an attached SMM-U1 microphone. Since ultrasound is beyond the range of human hearing, verifying performance requires special equipment. The Ultrasonic Calibrator helps you test both the microphone and the full recorder system.
The calibrator uses a 9V alkaline battery (included with the calibrator). When the battery is depleted, the calibrator can no longer provide a tone and its LED no longer illuminates. While the recorder may still emit sound at this point, it cannot be used as an accurate calibrator until the battery is replaced.
The calibrator offers two modes of operation:
CAL: Calibration mode is used to test the microphone at close range.
CHIRP: Chirp mode is used to test the entire system at a greater distance.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
Calibration Mode Microphone Testing
7 Utilities
Verify that you have attached an SMM-U1 ultrasonic microphone.
Navigate to Main Menu > Utilities > Calibrate Mic. Wait a moment for the following screen to appear:
Ch 0: ------ dBV
Turn the calibrator ON and set the mode toggle switch to CAL.
The calibrator generates a 40 kHz tone. You are now ready to test.
(Optional) To cancel testing and exit the utility, press ◄ Left.
Install the clear calibrator microphone adapter by sliding it onto the calibrator from the bottom (the end with the Wildlife Acoustics logo) until it is touching the toggle switches. Position the side with the smaller diameter hole near the toggle switches.
Place the microphone in the calibrator microphone adapter. Insert the microphone until it rests against the smaller opening of the adapter circle.
While looking at the dBv level on the SM4BAT ZC display, slowly rotate the microphone 360 degrees. Note the largest (least negative) number:
If the value is higher (less negative) than -38 dB your microphone has passed and is ready to use.
If the value is lower (more negative) your microphone has lost some or all of its sensitivity and should be replaced.
Press ◄ Left when finished to exit the calibration utility.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
Chirp Mode System Testing
7 Utilities
To test the system, use the Ultrasonic Calibrator to emit loud ultrasonic signals that can be picked up by the recorder from some distance. Analyze the recording files later to verify that the SM4BAT ZC settings are appropriate and the system is functioning as expected.
Prepare the SM4BAT ZC for recording and place it no more than 20 meters away from the calibrator.
Remove the microphone adapter from the calibrator as shown.
Before continuing with the next step, read the WARNING below.
Set the toggle switch to CHIRP.
The calibrator emits a 100ms
40kHz (+/- 10Hz) tone every 500ms. The amplitude of the tone is 104dB SPL
(+/- 3dB) at 10cm. The signal can be picked up by the SM4BAT ZC recorder at distances up to 20 meters.
Begin recording using Instant Recording and monitor with headphones
(see Making an Instant Recording in Chapter 5) to verify that the signal is being picked up. Or, analyze the recording files to verify the system is operating as expected.
WARNING! Do not place the Ultrasonic Calibrator near your ears! In CHIRP mode, the calibrator emits a 40 kHz signal at over 100 dB SPL. Prolonged exposure to high intensity ultrasonic signals may cause permanent hearing loss at audible frequencies.
7.4 Formatting SD Memory Cards
This procedure formats the inserted SD memory cards. Use this procedure prior to all deployments for optimal performance and to ensure that the cards are empty. The recorder will never overwrite existing data on a card.
This procedure will also clear a card that has been declared DIRTY. A card is labeled DIRTY if a process was interrupted which could have resulted in card corruption, for example a card is pulled from the recorder while it is in the process of recording or the battery voltage goes too low while the recorder is recording. The latter is a likelihood if the recorder is left to record until the batteries die. This is fine, copy recordings to a computer and format the card using this process.
WARNING! This procedure erases all data on the SD memory card. Verify that you have saved any important schedules or recording files before running this utility.
Insert an SD memory card in slot A and an optional second card in slot B.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 7 Utilities
Navigate to Main Menu > Utilities > Format All Cards.
At the Confirm: Format All? prompt:
Select No to cancel this procedure. Any existing data files remain on the
SD memory card(s).
Select Yes to format the SD memory cards in both slots.
If you select Yes, progress messages appear, and then the display returns to the Utilities menu.
7.5 Updating the Firmware
The SM4BAT ZC is field-upgradeable. Firmware updates are periodically available with fixes or improvements.
Download new firmware from www.wildlifeacoustics.com
. (While visiting our website, you can join our mailing list to receive important notices about your SM4BAT ZC and related products.)
Save or copy the firmware file to the top-level directory (not in a folder) of an SD memory card and insert it into the recorder in slot A.
Navigate to Main Menu > Utilities > Firmware Update.
The recorder scans the SD memory card for .SM4 firmware files.
At the Select upgrade file prompt, select the firmware update file and press ENTER. The recorder applies the new firmware and restarts.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
8 Specifications
8.1 Physical
Length: 8.6 inches (218 mm)
Width: 6.0 inches (152 mm)
Depth: 3.1 inches (78 mm)
Weight: 1.6 pounds (0.73 kg)
Weight with 4 D Batteries: 2.9 pounds (1.3 kg)
Operating Temperature: -4°F to 185°F (-20°C to 85°C) (excluding batteries)
Enclosure: Weatherproof, polycarbonate housing.
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Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
8.2 Power
8 Specifications
Battery Specifications: The recorder uses four (4) standard D size disposable alkaline batteries or rechargeable NiMH batteries.
Estimated Recording Time (dependent on bat activity):
Alkaline batteries (14,000 milliamp-hours at 1.5V each):
600 to 700 hours (60 – 70 ten hour nights)
NiMH LSD batteries (9,500 milliamp-hours at 1.2V each):
350 to 400 hours (35 – 40 ten hour nights)
Power Consumption:
Sleeping: 1.8 mW
Recording (ARMED): 100 mW typical
Recording (TRIGGERED): 115 mW typical
NOTE: SD memory cards consume more than half of all the power used by the recorder.
The recording time and power consumption varies with different card types and manufacturers by as much as 50%. Based on their low power consumption in our tests, we recommend SanDisk SDHC/SDXC cards; however, third-party card performance cannot be guaranteed and other brands may also offer similar performance. Other factors, such as card capacity, battery type and quality (including rechargeable batteries), temperature, recorder configuration and level of bat activity also affect recording time.
Clock Backup Battery Type: 3.0-volt lithium CR2032 (approximate 3-year life)
Internal Clock Accuracy: 3.5ppm from -40ºC to 0ºC, 2.0ppm from 0ºC to 40ºC
(Temperature-Compensated Crystal)
8.3 SD Memory Cards
Type: Supports class 4 or faster SDHC and SDXC (reformatting not required)
Capacity: Supports up to 32 GB SDHC or up to 512 GB
SDXC per slot.
8.4 Ultrasonic Audio
Channels: 1
Recording format: Zero-Crossing (ZC)
Amplifier Gain: 60 dB
Maximum Recordable Frequency: 125 kHz
High Pass Filter: Optional 2-pole at 16 kHz
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
8.5 External SMM-U1 Ultrasonic Microphone
Enclosure: Weatherproof stainless steel
Directional Capability: Omnidirectional
Element: Knowles FG
Output: Differential
Built in high pass filter: 4-pole at 8 kHz
8 Specifications
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 9 Warranty and Disclosures
Warranty and Disclosures
Except as specifically provided herein, Wildlife Acoustics makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied, with respect to this product.
Hardware Limited Warranty
Product Components Warranty Period
Song Meter All components (excluding microphones and accessories) 3 Years
M icrophones (excluding windscreens)
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. Limited Warranty
HARDWARE: Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. (“WAI”) warrants to the original end user (“Customer”) that new WAI branded products will be free from defects in workmanship and materials, under normal use. Refer to the Hardware Limited Warranty table at the top of this page for the applicable warranty period from the original date of purchase.
WAI warrants refurbished WAI products, marked and sold as such, for ninety (90) days from the original purchase date.
18 Months without a warranty service authorization and may be rejected.
Repaired or replacement products will be shipped to Customer at
WAI expense. All products or parts that are replaced become the property of WAI. WAI shall not be responsible for Customer software, firmware, information, or memory data contained in, stored on, or integrated with any products returned to WAI for repair, whether under warranty or not. The repair and replacement process for products or parts in locations outside of the United States will vary depending on Customer’s location.
SOFTWARE: WAI warrants to Customer that any WAI branded software will perform in substantial conformance to their schedule specifications for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of original purchase. WAI warrants the media containing software against failure during the warranty period. WAI makes no warranty or representation that the operation of the software products will be uninterrupted or error free, or that all defects in the software products will be corrected.
EXCLUSIONS: This warranty excludes (1) physical damage to the surface of the product, including cracks or scratches on the outside casing; (2) damage caused by misuse, neglect, improper installation or testing, unauthorized attempts to open, repair, or modify the product, or any other cause beyond the range of the intended use; (3) damage caused by accident, fire, power changes, other hazards, or acts of God; or (4) use of the product with any non-WAI device or service if such device or service causes the problem.
Any third party products, including software, included with WAI products are not covered by this WAI warranty and WAI makes no representations or warranties on behalf of such third parties.
Any warranty on such products is from the supplier or licensor of the product.
No warranty is provided by WAI unless the product was purchased from an authorized distributor or authorized reseller.
EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES: Should a covered defect occur during the warranty period and you notify WAI, your sole and exclusive remedy shall be, at sole option and expense of WAI, to repair or replace the product or software. If WAI cannot reasonably repair nor replace then WAI may, in its sole discretion, refund the purchase price paid for the product. Replacement products or parts may be new or reconditioned or comparable versions of the defective item. WAI warrants any replaced or repaired product, part, or software for a period of ninety (90) days from shipment, or through the end of the original warranty, whichever is longer.
DISCLAIMER: Some countries, states, or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or the limitation of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations and exclusions may be limited in their application to you. When implied warranties may not be excluded in their entirety, they will be limited to the duration of the applicable written warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights; you may have other rights that may vary depending on local law. Your statutory rights are not affected.
OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICE: Customer should refer to the
WAI website at www.wildlifeacoustics.com/support/contactsupport for information on obtaining warranty service authorization. Methods for obtaining warranty service may vary depending on whether purchases were made from an authorized provider of WAI products or from WAI directly. All requests for warranty service authorization must be made within the applicable warranty period. Dated proof of original purchase will be required. Products or parts shipped by Customer to WAI must be sent postage-paid and packaged appropriately for safe shipment. WAI is not responsible for Customer products received
GOVERNING LAW: This Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and by the laws of the United States, excluding their conflicts of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
International Sale of Goods is hereby excluded in its entirety from application to this Limited Warranty.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
3 Mill and Main Place, Suite 210
Maynard, MA 01754
United States of America
Declares that the following product:
Product Name: Song Meter
Product Model Number: SM4BAT ZC
Product Type: Bioacoustics Recorder
Conforms to the appropriate country standards and governing regulations listed below and/or on the following page. As the manufacturer, we are fully responsible for the design and production of the above-mentioned equipment.
Federal Communications Commission Rules Part 15, Class B
AS/NZS CISPR 11, 2011, Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – electromagnetic disturbance characteristics – limits and methods of measurement, Class B
EN 55011, 2009/A1, 2010, Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement, Class B
ICES-003, 2012, Industry Canada, Interference-Causing Equipment
Standard, Digital Apparatus, Class B
ANSI C63.4-2014, Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz, Class B
EN61326, 2006 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory use EMC Requirements
EN61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge
EN61000-4-3 Radiated Electromagnetic Fields
Tested at operating temperatures of -20C to +55C. Testing included
24-hour soaks at both extremes plus 6 cycles for one hour each.
Tested at operating humidity of 95% relative humidity at +40C.
Testing included 24-hour soak.
Tested for vibration as per the MIL-STD-810G Method 514.6, category 4 standard.
IEC 60529 IPX5 (Water Jet Test)
IEC 60529 IPX6 (Powerful Water Jet Test)
IEC 60529 IPX7 (Temporary Immersion)
This product was tested in a typical configuration.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
9 Warranty and Disclosures
Ian Agranat, President
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
March 15, 2016
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Wildlife
Acoustics, Inc. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Note: Use of ferrite clamped cables are required to comply with the Class B limits in part 15 of the FCC rules. A Fair-Rite
0431164181 ferrite clamp (or equivalent) must be placed on each cable near the recorder with the ferrite residing within one loop of the cable. This clamp is provided with all cables sold by Wildlife
©2016 Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This documentation may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, scanning, recording, taping, e-mailing, or storing in information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of Wildlife Acoustics.
Products that are referenced in this document such as Microsoft
Windows® may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Wildlife Acoustics makes no claim to these trademarks. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, individually, as a series, in whole, or in part, Wildlife Acoustics, the publisher, and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, including any damages resulting from the express or implied application of information contained in this document or from the use of products, services, or programs that may accompany it. In no event shall Wildlife Acoustics, publishers, authors, or editors of this guide be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document. page
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 9 Warranty and Disclosures
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC User Guide 9 Warranty and Disclosures
Song Meter SM4BAT ZC
User Guide
©2016 Wildlife Acoustics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Wildlife Acoustics, Kaleidoscope and Song Meter are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
SM4BAT ZC is a trademark of Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
SDHC and SDXC Logos are trademarks of SD-3C,LLC.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The Song Meter is patented (U.S. Pat. No. 7,782,195 B2).
Additional U.S. and international patents and trademarks are pending.
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.
3 Mill and Main Place, Suite 210
Maynard, MA 01754
(978) 369-5225 or toll-free in the U.S. (888) 733-0200 www.wildlifeacoustics.com
Wildlife Acoustics, Inc.

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Key features
- Weatherproof, portable
- Zero-crossing recorder
- Long recording time
- External power option
- Built-in GPS receiver
- Sunrise/sunset scheduling