How to program a Switch2 with TOUCHLOCK
Programming Switch2 with TOUCHLOCK
TOUCHLOCK keypads connected to Switch2 controllers are programmed by the system administrator using a menu. This is accessed by a programming code defined when the keypad is initialised.
Initialising the keypad
NOTE: The programming code should NOT contain the sequence of numbers 1234, as this is the default user code for unlocking the door.
When the system is powered up for the first time the keypad will beep 3 times a second. This indicates that the keypad is waiting to be initialised. The red LED will be steady, the amber LED will flash slowly and the green LED will flash quickly.
Press the bell button. The unit will stop beeping and the green LED will flash
Enter your chosen 6 digit programming code and press the bell button (The green LED will flash faster still)
Confirm your programming code by entering the same 6 digit code and pressing the bell button
(The green LED goes out and the unit will acknowledge that the programming code has been accepted by beeping twice after a short pause. All the LED's are now on)
The keypad has a default user code of 1234. The programming code you just entered will now let you into the menu where additional alterations can be made.
Programming the keypad
How do I enter the programming mode? - To change any of the settings on the keypad you must use the programming menu. To do this, enter the 6 digit programming code. The keypad will beep twice and the green LED will flash.
How can I change a user code? - If the keypad is in 'single user mode' a new code will replace the old one.
In 'multi user mode', codes must be added and deleted individually.
First enter programming mode and then hold down '8' for 3 seconds. Enter the new user code followed by the bell button. Enter the new code again followed by the bell. A final key press defines the action type This will be a '4' to enter the code as a normal code; '6' for a toggle code and '8' for a duress code.
A 'normal code' will release the lock for the set 'door open time'. A 'toggle code' will hold the lock open until the code is entered for a second time. A 'duress code' will release the lock as in normal mode but will also energise the bell terminal so that that a remote alarm can be used to call for assistance.
How can I enable more than one user code? - You need to set the keypad into 'multi user mode'.
First enter the programming mode, hold down '2' for 3 seconds then press '6'. You can now use option 8 to add and delete individual user codes.
How can I change the door open time? - Enter programming mode and hold down "5" for 3 seconds. Enter the time required door open time, in seconds between 1 and 60. (e.g. for 5 seconds type in "0" then "5".) The default value is 7 seconds
How can I stop the keypad from beeping? - The keypad can be made to work in silence if, for example, it is located near to where someone is working. Enter the programming code and hold down "3" for 3 seconds. Press the "6" button and the keypad will no longer beep when keys are pressed.
How can I use the exit button wires? - The exit button wires can be used as either a standard exit button, where the door opens for the door open time following a button press, or as a toggle device where the button will toggle the door open until it is pressed again or a toggle code is entered on the keypad. Enter the programming code and hold down "7" for 3 seconds. Press the "4" button to set the button to toggle the lock.
How can I stop people trying to guess the entry code? - Lockout is a function where the keypad will lock to prevent someone from continually trying to guess the entry code. After 20 incorrect keys have been pressed the keypad will lock out for a period of 1 minute. To activate lockout, enter programming mode and hold down "4" for 3 seconds then press "6".
How can I change the programming code? - Enter programming mode and hold down "6" for 3 seconds. Enter the new programming code followed by the bell button. Re-enter the new code to confirm the change followed by the bell button. The new code is now programmed; the old programming code will no longer work.
What can I do if it all goes wrong? - The keypad can be reset back to factory defaults with the exception of the programming code. Enter programming mode and hold down "9" for 3 seconds.
Re-enter the programming code and hold down "9" for a further 3 seconds. The keypad will now be reset. If the master code becomes lost the Switch2 must be reset to the factory settings.
To set the Switch2 control unit back to its factory setting:
Turn off the power and disconnect the Green and Mauve keypad wires from the terminals on the Switch2
Insert a wire link between the Green and Mauve terminals
Reconnect the power (the unit will beep 4 times)
Disconnect the power and remove the link wire, reconnect the Green and Mauve wires
Reconnect the power (the unit will beep 3 times per second). The unit is ready to be enrolled
Combined Token and Keypad modes
By fitting a KP (keypad and proximity) reader additional security can be added to the system by requiring a proximity card to be presented before the keypad will accept data.
Card plus PIN, Card plus Code and Card or Code modes are available.
See also: AN1069 - How to program a Switch2 with a Proximity KP keypad < >
Programming chart
Set a user code
Door open time
START - Enter the 6 digit Programming Code and hold down a function key for 3 seconds. - The unit beeps and the LED flashes faster.
Continue the key sequence to set the option - The keypad returns to operating mode.
Combined Card and
Keypad modes
Silent operation
20 wrong keystrokes
= 60 second lockout
Exit Button
Change Programming
Data Reset (except
Programming code)
Single or multiple codes
Enter user code
4-8 digits
Card plus
Re-enter user code
Card plus
OR 3
Card or
One code only
Enter time in seconds (default =
07, max = 60)
Multiple codes allowed
= Normal
= Toggle
= Duress
= Delete
Beep on OR
Enter 6 digit
Enter 6 digit
Programming Code
Open door for time in option 5
Toggle door open until pressed again or toggle code entered
Re-enter 6 digit
Programming Code
Function keys
= Hold down for 3 secs