Lance Design ADX 2400D-DANTE Dante Network Interface, ADX 120 Announce Unit, ADX 140 XLR Interface Panel Installation and Operation Manual

Below you will find brief information for Dante Network Interface ADX 2400D-DANTE, Announce Unit ADX 120, XLR Interface Panel ADX 140. The ADX-2400D Dante Network Interface is a device that provides the interface between standard AES audio inputs and outputs and a Dante-based Ethernet network. It contains flexible DSP functionality to provide routing, signal generation, level control, delay, and mixing capabilities. It is compatible with any Dante-enabled devices and is ideal for providing the head end for ADX-120 Announce Units and ADX-140 XLR Interface Panels. It also provides convenient remote control of ADX-120 and ADX-140 units, allowing adjustment of remote device parameters such as preamp gain, IFB configuration, etc.

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Key features

  • Dante Network Interface
  • AES Digital I/O
  • Flexible DSP functionality
  • Remote control of ADX-120 and ADX-140 units
  • Headphone jack and front panel VU meter
  • Built-in tone generators
  • Standard 75-ohm AES pairs, on BNC connectors
  • Compatible with any Dante-enabled devices
  • Ideal for providing the head end for ADX-120 Announce Units and ADX-140 XLR Interface Panels
  • Convienent remote control of ADX-120 and ADX-140 units

Frequently asked questions

The ADX-2400D is a Dante Network Interface that provides an interface between standard AES audio inputs and outputs and a Dante-based Ethernet network. It also contains flexible DSP functionality to provide routing, signal generation, level control, delay, and mixing capabilities. It is compatible with any Dante-enabled devices and is ideal for providing the head end for ADX-120 Announce Units and ADX-140 XLR Interface Panels.

The ADX-2400D has two 100/1000baseT Standard Ethernet ports. One of these ports should be connected to the Dante network, typically a gigabit switch or media converter to provide a gigabit fiber link to the announce booth or other locations. All other Dante devices to which audio transmission is required should be on this same network.

The ADX-2400D can be operated in two different modes, 'Normal' and 'Announce Booth Mode'. 'Announce Booth Mode' is enabled when the ADX-2400D is shipped and provides features like mixers and PL matrix. 'Normal' mode supports delay functions.

The ADX-2400D has 24 local input channels from 12 AES BNC, 75-ohm, 1v p-p and 24 local output channels on 12 AES BNC, 75-ohm, 1v p-p.

The AES Reference Input is a 75-ohm terminated BNC input, requiring nominally 1 volt p-p. The applied signal should be AES Silence, Tone, or other AES signal. The input is not designed to accept 48-Khz word clock. The local AES outputs will be syncronous to this reference. The local AES inputs may be syncronous to this reference, but that is not required.
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