WAGNER EPG 3000 electrostatic control unit Operating manual
The EPG 3000 electrostatic control unit is a component of a stationary spraying system. It can be used either as a stand-alone unit or through an external controller (e.g. PLC, Modular Painting System). The EPG 3000 controls the high-voltage and the paint material valve of the spray gun. The high voltage characteristics have the effect that if the spray gun gets too close to the object being sprayed (or to earth), the voltage is automatically reduced thus preventing an unintentional spark discharge. At the same time as the high voltage and the paint material valve, the preset atomising air valve in the spray gun is pneumatically actuated.
Translation of the original Operating manual EPG 3000 Edition 06 / 2007 Electrostatic Control Unit for E-Static automatic sprayguns +6 :E !TOMRSTÆU IZINGBERLUFT AIR 2ESE T ! ) &ORM LUFT 3PRA Y (6 0/7 %0' %2 ) "? EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL Contents 1 1.1 1.2 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS Languages Warnings, notes and symbols in these instructions 5 5 5 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.4 2.5 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety instructions for the operator Electrical equipment Personnel qualifications A safe work environment Safety instructions for personnel Safe handling of WAGNER spray units Earth the unit Material hoses Cleaning Handling hazardous liquids, varnishes and paints Touching hot surfaces Correct use Safety-relevant information about discharges Setting up stationary electrostatic systems 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY Important notes on product liability Warranty CE-Conformity German regualtions and guidelines 10 10 10 11 11 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 DESCRIPTION Field of application, using in accordance with instructions Scope of Supply Technical Data Function Operating Control 12 12 12 13 14 14 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 5.5 STARTING UP AND OPERATION Additional components Positioning of the unit Earthing Using in modular painting system Use as a stand-alone unit Fixing the EPG 3000 in the rack Starting-up the control unit/ spray gun 17 17 17 18 20 21 21 22 6 6.1 TROUBLESHOOTING AND REPAIR Troubleshooting and maintenance 24 24 3 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL Contents 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 Repair Open the unit Replacing selector switch and filament bulps Changing high voltage module HVM Changing parts of the pneumatic unit Changing PCB EPG 3000 rear panel assy. Replacing the power supply Replacing light fuses 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 7 ACCESSORIES 30 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 SPARE PARTS How to order spare parts? Spare parts EPG 3000 Electrical diagramm EPG 3000 Connection diagram PCB rear panel Using the external control connection (example) External control Pneumatic connection EPG 3000 - GA2X05 Pneumatic connection EPG 3000 - GA2X00 31 31 32 35 36 37 38 39 39 4 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 1 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4HISOPERATINGMANUALCONTAINSINFORMATIONABOUTTHEOPERATIONREPAIRANDMAINTENANCE OFTHEUNIT !LWAYSFOLLOWTHESEINSTRUCTIONSWHENOPERATINGTHEUNIT 4HISEQUIPMENTCANBEDANGEROUSIFITISNOTOPERATEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHISMANUAL %LECTROSTATICSPRAYGUNSMAYBEOPERATEDONLYBYTRAINEDPERSONNEL #OMPLIANCEWITHTHESEINSTRUCTIONSCONSTITUTESANINTEGRALCOMPONENTOFTHEGUARANTEE AGREEMENT 1.1 LANGUAGES 4HISOPERATINGMANUALISAVAILABLEINTHEFOLLOWINGLANGUAGES ,ANGUAGE 0ART.O ,ANGUAGE 'ERMAN 0381860 %NGLISH &RENCH 0381862 $UTCH )TALIAN 0381864 3PANISH $ANISH 0381867 3WEDISH 1.2 0ART.O 0381861 0381863 0381865 0381866 WARNINGS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS 7ARNINGINSTRUCTIONSINTHISMANUALPOINTOUTPARTICULARDANGERSTOUSERSANDEQUIPMENT ANDSTATEMEASURESFORAVOIDINGTHEHAZARD4HESEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONSFALLINTOTHEFOLLO WINGCATEGORIES $ANGERIMMINENTDANGER.ONOBSERVANCEWILLRESULT INDEATHSERIOUSINJURYANDSERIOUSMATERIALDAMAGE 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 3)()??'" 7ARNINGPOSSIBLEDANGER.ONOBSERVANCECANRESULT INDEATHSERIOUSINJURYANDSERIOUSMATERIALDAMAGE 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES 7!2.).' 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 3)()??'" #AUTION A POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION .ONOBSER VANCECANRESULTINMINORINJURY $!.'%2 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES #!54)/. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES 3)()??'" #AUTION A POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION .ONOBSER VANCECANCAUSEMATERIALDAMAGE 3)()??'" #!54)/. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLECONSEQUENCESOFFAILINGTOOBSERVETHEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONS4HESIGNALWORD POINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES .OTEPROVIDEINFORMATIONONPARTICULARCHARACTERISTICSANDHOWTOPROCEED 5 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 2 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATOR +EEPTHESEOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONSTOHANDNEARTHEUNITATALLTIMES !LWAYSFOLLOWLOCALREGULATIONSCONCERNINGOCCUPATIONALSAFETYANDACCIDENTPREVEN TION 2.1.1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT %LECTRICALPLANTANDUNIT 4O BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WITH REGARD TO THE OPERATINGMODEANDAMBIENTINmUENCES -AYONLYBEMAINTAINEDBYSKILLEDELECTRICIANSORUNDERTHEIRSUPERVISION -USTBEOPERATEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHESAFETYREGULATIONSANDELECTROTECHNICALREGU LATIONS -USTBEREPAIREDIMMEDIATELYINTHEEVENTOFPROBLEMS -USTBEPUTOUTOFOPERATIONIFTHEYPOSEAHAZARD -USTBEDEENERGIZEDBEFOREWORKISCOMMENCEDONACTIVEPARTS)NFORMSTAFFABOUT PLANNEDWORKOBSERVEELECTRICALSAFETYREGULATIONS #ONTROLUNITS 0LACETHECONTROLUNITOUTSIDETHESPRAYBOOTHZONE 0LACETHECONTROLUNITOUTSIDETHEEXPLOSIONZONE 0ROTECTTHECONTROLUNITFROMEXTREMETEMPERATUREANDMOISTURECHANGES 0ROTECTTHECONTROLUNITAGAINSTDIRT ,AYANDlXTHECONNECTINGCABLECORRECTLY 'UARANTEETHATLOCALMAINSVOLTAGEANDTENSIONOFTHEEQUIPMENTAGREE 2.1.2 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS %NSURETHATTHEUNITISOPERATEDANDREPAIREDONLYBYTRAINEDPERSONS 2.1.3 A SAFE WORK ENVIRONMENT %NSURETHATTHEmOOROFTHEWORKINGAREAISANTISTATICINACCORDANCEWITH%.0ART eMEASUREMENTINACCORDANCEWITH$). %NSURETHATALLPERSONSWITHINTHEWORKINGAREAWEARANTISTATICSHOESEGSHOESWITH LEATHERSOLES %NSURETHATDURINGSPRAYINGPERSONSWEARANTISTATICGLOVESSOTHATTHEYAREEARTHEDVIA THEHANDLEOFTHESPRAYGUN #USTOMERTOPROVIDEPAINTMISTEXTRACTIONSYSTEMSCONFORMINGTOLOCALREGULATIONS %NSURETHATTHEFOLLOWINGCOMPONENTSOFASAFEWORKINGENVIRONMENTAREAVAILABLE n-ATERIALAIRHOSESADAPTEDTOTHEWORKINGPRESSURE n0ERSONALSAFETYEQUIPMENTBREATHINGANDSKINPROTECTION %NSURE THAT THERE ARE NO IGNITION SOURCES SUCH AS NAKED mAME GLOWING WIRES OR HOT SURFACESINTHEVICINITY$ONOTSMOKE 6 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 2.2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR PERSONNEL !LWAYSFOLLOWTHEINFORMATIONINTHESEINSTRUCTIONSPARTICULARLYTHEGENERALSAFETYIN STRUCTIONSANDTHEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONS !LWAYSFOLLOWLOCALREGULATIONSCONCERNINGOCCUPATIONALSAFETYANDACCIDENTPREVEN TION #ONTROLUNITS 7HENPUTTINGINTOOPERATIONANDFORALLWORKREADANDFOLLOWTHEOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS ANDSAFETYREGULATIONSFORTHEADDITIONALLYREQUIREDSYSTEMCOMPONENTS $ONOTOPENTHECONTROLUNIT 2.2.1 SAFE HANDLING OF WAGNER SPRAY UNITS 4HESPRAYJETISUNDERPRESSUREANDCANCAUSEDANGEROUSINJURIES !VOIDINJECTIONOFPAINTORCLEANINGAGENTS .EVERPOINTTHESPRAYGUNATPEOPLE .EVERREACHINTOTHESPRAYJET "EFORE ALL WORK ON THE UNIT IN THE EVENT OF WORK INTERRUPTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL FAULTS n3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY n3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION n2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT n"YFUNCTIONALFAULTS)DENTIFYANDCORRECTTHEPROBLEMPROCEEDASDESCRIBEDIN CHAPu4ROUBLESHOOTINGh )NTHEEVENTOFSKININJURIESCAUSEDBYPAINTORCLEANINGAGENTS .OTEDOWNTHEPAINTORCLEANINGAGENTTHATYOUHAVEBEENUSING #ONSULTADOCTORIMMEDIATELY !VOIDDANGEROFINJURYTHROUGHRECOILFORCES %NSURETHATYOUHAVEAlRMFOOTINGWHENOPERATINGTHESPRAYGUN /NLYHOLDTHESPRAYGUNBRIEmYINANYONEPOSITION 2.2.2 EARTH THE UNIT %LECTROSTATICCHARGESCANOCCURONTHEUNITDUETOTHEELECTROSTATICCHARGEANDTHEmOW SPEEDINVOLVEDINSPRAYING4HESECANCAUSESPARKSANDmAMESUPONDISCHARGE %NSURETHATTHEUNITISEARTHEDFOREVERYSPRAYINGOPERATION %ARTHTHEWORKPIECESTOBECOATED %NSURETHATALLPERSONSINSIDETHEWORKINGAREAAREEARTHEDEGTHATTHEYAREWEARING ANTISTATICSHOES 7HENSPRAYINGWEARANTISTATICGLOVESTOEARTHYOURSELFVIATHESPRAYGUNHANDLE 2.2.3 MATERIAL HOSES %NSURETHATTHEHOSEMATERIALISCHEMICALLYRESISTANTTOTHESPRAYEDMATERIALS %NSURETHATTHEMATERIALHOSEISSUITABLEFORTHEPRESSUREGENERATEDINTHEUNIT %NSURETHATTHEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONISVISIBLEONTHEHIGHPRESSUREHOSE n -ANUFACTURER n 0ERMISSIBLEOPERATINGOVERPRESSURE n $ATEOFMANUFACTURE 4HEELECTRICALRESISTANCEOFTHECOMPLETEHIGHPRESSUREHOSEMUSTBELESSTHAN -/HM 7 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.4 CLEANING $EENERGIZETHEUNITELECTRICALLY $ISCONNECTTHEPNEUMATICSUPPLYLINE 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHEUNIT %NSURETHATTHEmASHPOINTOFTHECLEANINGAGENTISATLEAST+ABOVETHEAMBIENTTEM PERATURE 4OCLEANUSEONLYSOLVENTFREECLOTHSANDBRUSHES.EVERUSEHARDOBJECTSORSPRAYON CLEANINGAGENTSWITHAGUN !NEXPLOSIVEGASAIRMIXTUREFORMSINCLOSEDCONTAINERS 7HENCLEANINGUNITSWITHSOLVENTSNEVERSPRAYINTOACLOSEDCONTAINER %ARTHTHECONTAINER 2.2.5 HANDLING HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS, VARNISHES AND PAINTS 7HENPREPARINGORWORKINGWITHPAINTANDWHENCLEANINGTHEUNITFOLLOWTHEWORK INGINSTRUCTIONSOFTHEMANUFACTUREROFTHEPAINTSSOLVENTSANDCLEANINGAGENTSBEING USED 4AKE THE SPECIlED PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN PARTICULAR WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGANDGLOVESASWELLASHANDPROTECTIONCREAMIFNECESSARY 5SEAMASKORBREATHINGAPPARATUSIFNECESSARY &ORSUFlCIENTHEALTHANDENVIRONMENTALSAFETY/PERATETHEUNITINASPRAYBOOTHORON ASPRAYINGWALLWITHTHEVENTILATIONEXTRACTIONSWITCHEDON 7EARSUITABLEPROTECTIVECLOTHINGWHENWORKINGWITHHOTMATERIALS 2.2.6 TOUCHING HOT SURFACES 4OUCHHOTSURFACESONLYIFYOUAREWEARINGPROTECTIVEGLOVES 7HENOPERATINGTHEUNITWITHACOATINGMATERIALWITHATEMPERATUREOF²#²& )DENTIFYTHEUNITWITHAWARNINGLABELTHATSAYSu7ARNINGHOTSURFACEh /RDER.O )NFORMATIONLABEL 3AFETYLABEL 2.3 CORRECT USE 7!'.%2ACCEPTSNOLIABILITYFORANYDAMAGEARISINGFROMINCORRECTUSE 5SETHEUNITONLYTOWORKWITHTHEMATERIALSRECOMMENDEDBY7!'.%2 /PERATETHEUNITONLYASANENTIREUNIT $ONOTDEACTIVATESAFETYEQUIPMENT 5SEONLY7!'.%2ORIGINALSPAREPARTSANDACCESSORIES 8 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 2.4 SAFETY-RELEVANT INFORMATION ABOUT DISCHARGES 4HEPLASTICPARTSOFTHESPRAYGUNARECHARGEDELECTROSTATICALLYBYTHEHIGHVOLTAGElELD OFTHESPRAYPISTOL(ARMLESSDISCHARGESBRUSHDISCHARGESAREPOSSIBLEAFTERCONTACTWITH PLASTICPARTS4HEYARECOMPLETELYHARMLESSFORPEOPLE 4HECORONADISCHARGEATTHEELECTRODEENDISVISIBLEDURINGDARKNESSATADISTANCEOFBE TWEENANDMMANDINCHBETWEENTHESPRAYGUNANDSPRAYOBJECT 2.5 SETTING UP STATIONARY ELECTROSTATIC SYSTEMS 4HE%0'ISACOMPONENTOFASTATIONARYSPRAYINGSYSTEM7HENSETTINGUPSTATIONARY SPRAYINGSYSTEMSCOMPLYSTRICTLYWITH%. /NEOFTHEREQUIREMENTSISTHATITISONLYPOSSIBLETOSWITCHONTHEHIGHVOLTAGEWITHAKEY "UTITMUSTBEPOSSIBLETOSWITCHOFFTHEHIGHVOLTAGEWITHOUTAKEYFORINSTANCEWITHAN EMERGENCYSTOPBUTTON 9 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 3 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY 3.1 IMPORTANT NOTES ON PRODUCT LIABILITY !SARESULTOFAN%#REGULATIONEFFECTIVEASFROM*ANUARYTHEMANUFACTURERSHALL ONLYBELIABLEFORHISPRODUCTIFALLPARTSCOMEFROMHIMORAREAPPROVEDBYHIMANDIFTHE DEVICESAREPROPERLYlTTEDOPERATEDANDMAINTAINED )FOTHERMAKESOFACCESSORYANDSPAREPARTSAREUSEDTHEMANUFACTURER@SLIABILITYCOULDBE FULLYORPARTIALLYNULLANDVOID 4HEUSAGEOFORIGINAL7!'.%2ACCESSORIESANDSPAREPARTSGUARANTEESTHATALLSAFETYRE GULATIONSAREOBSERVED 3.2 WARRANTY 4HISUNITISCOVEREDBYOURWARRANTYONTHEFOLLOWINGTERMS 7EWILLATOURDISCRETIONREPAIRORREPLACEFREEOFCHARGEALLPARTSWHICHWITHINMONTHS INSINGLESHIFTMONTHSINSHIFTORMONTHSINSHIFTOPERATIONFROMDATEOFRECEIPTBY THE0URCHASERAREFOUNDTOBEWHOLLYORSUBSTANTIALLYUNUSABLEDUETOCAUSESPRIORTOTHE SALEINPARTICULARFAULTYDESIGNDEFECTIVEMATERIALSORPOORWORKMANSHIP 4HETERMSOFTHEWARRANTYAREMETATOURDISCRETIONBYTHEREPAIRORREPLACEMENTOFTHE UNITORPARTSTHEREOF4HERESULTINGCOSTSINPARTICULARSHIPPINGCHARGESROADTOLLSLABOUR ANDMATERIALCOSTSWILLBEBORNEBYUSEXCEPTWHERETHESECOSTSAREINCREASEDDUETOTHE SUBSEQUENTSHIPMENTOFTHEUNITTOALOCATIONOTHERTHANTHEADDRESSOFTHEPURCHASER 4HISWARRANTYDOESNOTCOVERDAMAGECAUSEDBY 5NSUITABLE OR IMPROPER USE FAULTY INSTALLATION OR COMMISSIONING BY THE PURCHASER OR A THIRD PARTY NORMAL WEAR NEGLIGENT HANDLING DEFECTIVE MAINTENANCE UNSUITABLE COATING PRODUCTS SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS AND THE ACTION OF CHEMICAL ELECTROCHEMICAL OR ELECTRICAL AGENTSEXCEPTWHENTHEDAMAGEISATTRIBUTABLETOUS !BRASIVE COATING PRODUCTS SUCH AS REDLEAD EMULSIONS GLAZES LIQUID ABRASIVES ZINC DUST PAINTSANDSIMILARREDUCETHESERVICELIFEOFVALVESPACKINGSSPRAYGUNSNOZZLESCYLINDERS PISTONSETC!NYWEARRESULTINGFROMTHEAFOREMENTIONEDCAUSESISNOTCOVEREDBYTHIS WARRANTY #OMPONENTSNOTMANUFACTUREDBY7AGNERARESUBJECTTOTHEWARRANTYTERMSOFTHEORIGI NALMAKER 4HEREPLACEMENTOFAPARTDOESNOTEXTENDTHEWARRANTYPERIODOFTHEUNIT 4HEUNITSHOULDBEINSPECTEDIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIPT 4OAVOIDLOSSWARRANTYANIYAPPARENTDEFECTSHOULDBENOTIlEDTOUSORTHEDEALERINWRI TINGWITHINDAYSFROMDATEOFSALEOFTHEUNIT 4HERIGHTTOCOMMISSIONWARRANTYSERVICESTOATHIRDPARTYISRESERVED 7ARRANTYCLAIMSARESUBJECTTOPROOFOFPURCHASEBYSUBMITTINGANINVOICEORDELIVERYNOTE )FANINSPECTIONlNDSDAMAGENOTCOVEREDBYTHEPRESENTWARRANTYTHEREPAIRWILLBECAR RIEDOUTATTHEEXPENSEOFTHEPURCHASER .OTETHATTHISWARRANTYDOESNOTINANYWAYRESTRICTLEGALLYENTITLEDCLAIMSORTHOSECONTRAC TUALLYAGREEDTOINOURGENERALTERMSANDCONDITIONS *7AGNER!' 10 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 3.3 CE-CONFORMITY Herewith we declare that the supplied version of: EPG 3000 0381020 EPG 3000 ext 0381021 in connection with: GA 2000 EAF 0350002 GA 2005 EAF 0350042 0350072 GA 2805 EA 0350046 0350074 GA 2000 EAR 0350005 GA 2005 EAR 0350041 0350073 GA 2800 EA 0350028 GA 2000 EACFB 0350003 GA 2005 EACFB 0350044 0350070 GA 2000 EACRB 0350007 GA 2005 EACRB 0350043 0350071 Complies with the following provisons apllying to it: 98/37/EG 93/68/EWG 89/336/EWG 73/23/EWG 92/31/EWG 94/9/EG Applied standards, in particular: EN 292-1 EN 55022 EN 61000-6-1 EN 292-2 EN 60204-1 EN 61000-6-2 EN 1050 EN 61000-4-2 EN 61000-6-3 EN 1953 EN 61000-4-4 EN 61000-6-4 EN 50176 EN 61000-4-6 EN 55011 EN 61000-4-11 Applied national technical standards and specifications, in particular: see chapter 3.4 Marking: %##ERTIlCATEOF#ONFORMITY 4HECERTIlCATEISENCLOSEDWITHTHISPRODUCT4HECERTIlCATEOFCONFORMITYCANBEREORDERED FROMYOUR7!'.%2REPRESENTATIVEQUOTINGTHEPRODUCTANDSERIALNUMBER 0ARTNUMBER EPG 3000 0381891 11 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 3.4 A B C D E F G H I J K GERMAN REGUALTIONS AND GUIDELINES "'6! "'6$ "'6$ #(6 #(6 "'2 "'2 "'2 :( "') "') %LECTRICALUNITSANDEQUIPMENT 7ORKINGWITHLIQUIDEJECTIONDEVICES 5SINGCOATINGMATERIALS 2EGULATIONSONmAMMABLELIQUIDS 2EGULATIONSONELECTRICALEQUIPMENTIN%XAREAS %XPLOSIONPROTECTIONRULES !VOIDINGIGNITIONRISKS 3ETTINGUPFORCLEANINGWORKPIECESWITHSOLVENTS 'UIDELINESFORLIQUIDEJECTIONDEVICES 0AINTINGROOMSANDEQUIPMENT %LECTROSTATICCOATING .OTE!LLTITLESCANBEORDEREDFROM(EYMANNS0UBLISHING(OUSEIN#OLOGNE 12 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 4 DESCRIPTION 4.1 FIELD OF APPLICATION, USING IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS The EPG 3000 can be run as a component of the Modular Painting System or as a standalone unit. The electrostation control unit EPG 3000 may only be used with the automatic spray guns GA 2005EAC or GA 2005EA or GA 2805EA. Note: The automatic guns GA 2000EAC, GA 2000EA or GA 2800EA can likewise be operated with the EPG 3000. The shaping air regulator in the EPG 3000 must remain closed for this. 4.2 SCOPE OF SUPPLY Qty Part No. Description 1 0381020 Electrostatic power generator EPG 3000 Suitable for use in Wagner Modular Painting System Note: Connecting cables are not included in delivery scope. See accessories in chap. 7 1 0381021 Electrostatic power generator EPG 3000 For use as a stand alone equipment. Note: Connecting cables are included in delivery scope. 1 0381022 Electrostatic power generator EPG 3000 USA For use as a stand alone equipment. Note: Connecting cables are included in delivery scope. The standard equipment includes: Part No. Description 0381022 0381021 0381020 Quantity 1 0241270 Mains cable standard 3m; 9.8 ft 1 0264626 Mains cable USA 2 m; 6.6 ft 1 1 0130215 Earthing cable 10 m; 32.8 ft 1 1 0350275 Control cable extern 3 m; 9.8 ft 1 1 1 0264900 Spare parts set * 2 2 2 9922101 Tooth lock washer 2 2 2 9903328 Phillips head screw 1 1 1 0381891 CE-Declaration of Conformity 1 1 0381860 Operating manual German 1 1 1 1 0381861 Operating manual English see 1.1 An operating manual in the local language 13 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL * The spare parts set consists of: Quantity Part-No Description 2 9951116 Thermal delay fuse 2.0 A 2 9951117 Thermal delay fuse 1.0 A For special versions the delivery note applies 4.3 TECHNICAL DATA Electrical: Input voltage 85 VAC - 264 VAC 47 Hz - 440 Hz Input power max. 40 W Output voltage max. 17 Vpp Output current max. 0.9 A Valve control voltage 24 V DC High voltage limit 80 kV DC Spray gun current limit 100 µA DC Enclosure class IP64 Pneumatics: Input air pressure 0.6-0.8 MPa; 6-8bar, 87-116 psi Output air pressure 0-0.6 MPa; 0-6 bar, 0-87 psi Compression air qual. to ISO 8573.1 5.5.4 Measurements: Width 270 mm; 10.6 inches Height 135 mm; 5.3 inches Depth 315 mm; 12.4 inches Weight (without cable). 6.8 kg; 15.0 lb Working temperature range 5-40° C; 41-104° F 14 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 4.4 FUNCTION The EPG 3000 is made up into an electrostatic spraying system with the appropriate spray gun and other components. It can be used either as a stand-alone unit or through an external controller. (e.g. PLC, Modular Painting System). Three operating modes can be set, i.e. „Spray“, „Clean“, or HV (spraying without high voltage). The high voltage and the paint material valve of the spray gun is switched on and off through the EPG 3000. The high voltage characteristics have the effect that if the spray gun gets too close to the object being sprayed (or to earth), the voltage is automatically reduced thus preventing an unintentional spark discharge. At the same time as the high voltage and the paint material valve, the preset atomising air valve in the spray gun is pneumatically actuated. 4.5 OPERATING CONTROL Front plate 2ESET 3PRAY :ERSTËUBERLUFT !TOMIZINGAIR &ORMLUFT &ANAIR #LEAN (6 ! +6 0/7%2 ) ) %0' "? 1 2 3 4 Voltage regulator Rotate anti-clockwise past switching point to turn off the high-voltage module. Rotate clockwise to adjust the high-voltage (max 80 kV) Spraying current display (Luminous display green) Shows the spraying current in µA as a bar display. High voltage indicator (Luminous display green) Shows the high-voltage (actual value) in kV as a bar display. Proximity shut-off (LED - red), gun proximity Lights up when the distance between the gun and object is too low. HVM goes into fault mode, i.e.: High-voltage is turned off. Material valve and atomizing air valve on the gun are closed. Procedure: Remove cause, i.e, increase distance between gun and object. Turn off HVM with the voltage regulator and then turn it on again. • • • • • • 15 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Grounding guard circuit (LED - red), gun cable fault Lights up when the connecting cable from EPG 3000 to the spray gun is not plugged in or is faulty. HVM goes into fault mode, i.e.: High-voltage is turned off. Material valve and atomizing air valve on the gun are closed. Procedure: Remove cause, i.e., check connecting cable from gun to EPG 3000. If faulty, repair by WAGNER-Service. Turn off HVM with the voltage regulator and then turn it on again. Pressure gauge Displays atomizing air pressure for the spray gun Readings between 0-0.6 MPa; 0-6 bar; 0-87 psi. Regulator Adjusts the pressure of the atom. air Adjustment between 0-0.6 MPa; 0-6 bar; 0-87 psi. Pressure gauge Displays sharping air pressure for the spray gun Readings between 0-0.6 MPa; 0-6 bar; 0-87 psi.) Regulator Adjusts the pressure of the atom. air Adjustment between 0-0.6 MPa; 0-6 bar; 0-87 psi. Selector (mains supply) OFF = Control unit switched off ON = Control unit switched on Luminous display (integrated in switch) OFF = Control unit switched off ON = Control unit switched on Selector (operating mode) Spray = Spraying mode Clean = Cleaning mode HV = Spraying mode without high voltage Luminous display (integrated in switch) Off = highvoltage off On = highvoltage on Reset button Reset a fault • • • • • • • • • • • • 16 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL Back plate K P 18 Lufteingang/ Air inlet Zerstäuberluft/ Atomizing air 0102 L II (2) G I Control air red Ø 8 mm; Ø 0.31 inch K Atomizing air blue Ø 8 mm; Ø 0.31 inch L Compressed air inlet black Ø 10 mm; Ø 0.39 inch P Shaping air green Ø 8 mm; Ø 0.31 inch PTB 03 ATEX 5006 Steuerluft/ Control air J. Wagner AG CH-9450 Altstätten Formluft/ Fan air Made in Switzerland Typ: Type: I Prim 1 AT Sec 2 AT 15 EPG 3000 Spannung: Voltage: max. 19 Vpp Serie Nr .: Serial Nr .: Strom: Current max. 1,0 A Spannung: 85-250 V AC 47-440 Hz Voltage: 16 Int. 17 Ext Eingangsleistung: Power Input: max. 40 Funkstörgrad: RIF suppression: FN Schutzklasse: Prot. Class: IP 64 Norm: Standard: EN 50176 μA B_00955 20 19 21 22 23 24 15 Primary fuse 1.0 Ampere, delay action 16 Secondary fuse 2.0 Ampere, delay action 17 Milled nut earthing Connection for the earth cable (system earth) 18 Interface connections (with coverings) Interface for external equipment control (PLC, Modular Painting System). For pin assignment and a connection example see section 8.5 and section 8.6 The function selector is set to „Ext“ for use with an external control system. 19 Connecting socket Connection for gun cable with safetyclip 20 Connecting socket Connection for mains cable with safety clip 21 Changeover switch 2 settings possible „int” Use as a stand-alone unit „ext” Use with external controller (e.g. PLC, Robot, Modular Painting System) 22 Spraying current limit Potentiometer. Standard setting = 100 µA. Potentiometer for setting of the spraying current limit to values between 50 µA and 100 µA. If low resistance paints are used there is a possibility that better wraparound figures could be achieved if the spraying current is set to a lower value. 23. Proximity shut off Potentiometer. Standard setting = 100 µA. At this setting the EPG 3000 never goes into fault mode as the spraying current can never reach a value > 100 µA. If the value is reduced, the EPG 3000 can go into fault mode. A reduction in the value of the proximity shut-off means that the EPG 3000 will change over into fault mode in the following situations. - Distance between gun electrode and workpiece too short. (e.g. caused by the workpiece rolling). - Gun very heavily contaminated. 24 Cover 17 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 5 STARTING UP AND OPERATION 5.1 ADDITIONAL COMPONENTS This control unit is used to complete an electrostatic spraying system,with an automatic spray gun GA 2005 EA or GA 2005 EAC or GA 2805 EA and various other components (see WAGNER accessories), e.g. paint supply equipment. With the electrostatic control unit VM 2000 may be used the spray guns: GA 2005EA GA 2005EAC GA 2805EA • • • 7!2.).' )NCORRECTINSTALLATIONOPERATION 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOEQUIPMENT 7HENPUTTINGINTOOPERATIONANDFORALLWORKREADANDFOLLOW THEOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONSANDSAFETYREGULATIONSFORTHEADDI TIONALLYREQUIREDSYSTEMCOMPONENTS 3)()??'" #!54)/. )MPURITIESINTHESPRAYINGSYSTEM 3PRAYGUNBLOCKAGEMATERIALSHARDENINTHESPRAYINGSYSTEM &LUSHTHESPRAYGUNANDPAINTSUPPLYWITHASUITABLECLEANINGAGENT 3)()??'" 5.2 POSITIONING OF THE UNIT $!.'%2 )NCORRECTINSTALLATIONOFTHEUNIT 2ISKOFEXPLOSIONANDEQUIPMENTDAMAGE 0LACETHEUNITOUTSIDETHESPRAYBOOTHZONE 0LACETHEUNITOUTSIDETHEEXPLOSIONZONE 0ROTECTTHEUNITFROMEXTREMETEMPERATUREANDMOISTURECHAN GES 0ROTECTTHEUNITAGAINSTDIRT ,AYANDlXTHECONNECTINGCABLECORRECTLY 3)()??'" 18 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 5.3 EARTHING Perfect earthing of all system components (workpieces, conveyor, paint supply system, control unit, spray booth or spraying stand, see illustration) is a prerequisite for optimum coating efficiency and safety. 7!2.).' $ISCHARGE OF ELECTROSTATICALLY CHARGED COMPONENTS IN ATMO SPHERESCONTAININGSOLVENTS %XPLOSIONHAZARDFROMELECTROSTATICSPARKSORmAMES %ARTHALLUNITCOMPONENTS %ARTHTHEWORKPIECESBEINGPAINTED 3)()??'" 7!2.).' (EAVYPAINTMISTIFEARTHINGISINSUFlCIENT 2ISKOFPOISONING )NSUFlCIENTPAINTAPPLICATIONQUALITY %ARTHALLUNITCOMPONENTS %ARTHTHEWORKPIECESBEINGPAINTED 3)()??'" A badly earthed workpiece will result in: Very poor wrap-around Uneven coating thickness Spray-back onto the spray gun, i.e. contamination • • • The prerequisites for perfect earthing and coating are: Clean workpiece suspension Earthing of spray booth, conveyor system and hangers to the building earth in accor dance with the operating instruction or the manufacturer‘s information Earthing of all conductive parts within the working area The earthing resistance of the workpiece must not exceed 1 MΩ (Mega Ohm). Connect the control unit to the mains system earth. • • • • • 19 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 5.3.1 USING IN MODULAR PAINTING SYSTEM Earthing scheme (example) Conveyor Movement unit Workpiece %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' 2#- '#- ##- Pump Modular Painting System 2MAX-7 Paint container Earthing cable "? System earth Floor antistatic Spraying stand System earth to the earthing screw EPG 3000 to the earthing screw GCM 3000 to the earthing screw RCM 3000 to the earthing screw ICC.... to the rack connection ##- 3EC! ,àC K ENSTEUER UNG 'A PCONTR OL 4 %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' %0' 6E R RIE GELUNG )NTER LOC K -ADEIN * 7! '.%2! #( ' 0RIM ##- 4 YP 3ERIE .R 3ERIAL 3PANNUN G 6 %INGANGSLEIST UNG MAX &UNKSTÚR 2)& & G R AD 3C HUTZKLAS SE %RW EITER UNG %XTENTION ! # )0 "? to the system earth 20 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 5.3.2 USE AS A STAND-ALONE UNIT Earthing scheme (example) Conveyor Spraying stand Control unit Earthing cable Movement unit Pump Workpiece R max < 1 MΩ Paint container B_00137 System earth Floor antistatic System earth Minimum cable cross-section Control unit Pump Paint container Movement unit Conveyor Spraying booth Spraying stand 5.4 4 mm² (AWG 12) 4 mm² (AWG 12) 4 mm² (AWG 12) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 16 mm² (AWG 6) 16 mm² (AWG 6) FIXING THE EPG 3000 IN THE RACK Screw the modules onto the rack (R), using the 2 enclosed oval head screws (2) and serrated washers (1). ,UFTEINGANG!IR INLET 3TEUERLUFT#ONTROLAIR 0RIM !4 :ERSTËUBERLUFT!TOMIZING AIR &ORMLUFT&ANAIR 3EC !4 3PANNUNG 6OLTAGE MAX 3TROM #URRENT MAX )NT %XT ! 2 "? 21 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 5.5 STARTING-UP THE CONTROL UNIT/ SPRAY GUN ➞ See safety regulations in chapter 2. $!.'%2 (IGHVOLTAGElELD $ANGERTOLIFEFROMMALFUNCTIONINGHEARTPACEMAKERS %NSURETHATPERSONSWITHHEARTPACEMAKERS $ONOTWORKWITHTHEELECTROSTATICSPRAYGUN 2EMAIN OUTSIDE THE AREA OF THE ELECTROSTATIC SPRAY GUNWORK PIECE 3)()??'" K I Control air red Ø 8 mm; Ø 0.31 inches L Compressed air inlet black Ø 10 mm; Ø 0.39 inches K Atomizing air blue Ø 8 mm; Ø 0.31 inches P Shaping air green Ø 8 mm; Ø 0.31 inches P 18 Lufteingang/ Air inlet Zerstäuberluft/ Atomizing air 0102 L II (2) G PTB 03 ATEX 5006 Steuerluft/ Control air J. Wagner AG CH-9450 Altstätten Formluft/ Fan air Made in Switzerland Typ: Type: I Prim 1 AT Sec 2 AT 15 max. 19 Vpp Serie Nr .: Serial Nr .: Strom: Current max. 1,0 A Spannung: 85-250 V AC 47-440 Hz Voltage: 16 Int. 17 Ext EPG 3000 Spannung: Voltage: Eingangsleistung: Power Input: max. 40 Funkstörgrad: RIF suppression: FN Schutzklasse: Prot. Class: IP 64 Norm: Standard: EN 50176 μA 2ESET 3PRAY :ERSTËUBERLUFT !TOMIZINGAIR &ORMLUFT &ANAIR #LEAN (6 ! +6 0/7%2 ) ) %0' "? 22 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 1. Connect the electrostatic control unit EPG 3000 to the mains socket (20). The mains socket should be interlocked with the extraction system. 2. Connect the earth cable to the earthing screw (17) and to system earth. 3. Connect gun cable to connection socket (19) and secure with the safety clip. Also connect spray gun GA 2005EA or GA 2005EAC or GA 2805EA to the paint supply and see the operating instructions GA 2005EA or GA 2005EAC or GA 2805EA. 4. Connect the control unit using a hose black, ø10 mm; ø0.39 in from the input air connection on the rear of the control unit, which is marked black and labelled „Eingangsluft“ (air in), to the equipment air supply 0.6-0.8 MPa; 6-8 bar; 87-116 psi. 5. Connect one end of control air hose red, ø8 mm; ø0.31 in to the redmarked air input labelled „St“ on the back of the spray gun and the other end to the red marked air outlet, labelled „Steuerluft“ (control air), on the rear of the control unit. 6. Connect one end of the atomizing air hose blue, ø10 mm; ø0.39 in to the air inlet (blue) labelled „Z“ on the back of the spray gun and the other end to the blue air outlet, labelled„Zerstäuberluft“ (atomizing air), on the rear of the control unit. 7. Connect one end of the shaping air hose green, ø8 mm; ø0.31 in to the air inlet (green) on the top of the spray gun and the other end to the green air outlet, labelled„Formluft“ (shaping air), on the rear of the control unit. 8. Set the material supply to approx. 0.05-0.15 MPa; 0.5-1.5 bar; 7.2-21.7 psi working pressure. 9. Turn master switch on the front of the control unit to ON. 10. Spray onto a test object 11. Adjust the spray pressure and atomizing air and the shaping air to suit the accordance with the tip and object. 23 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 6 TROUBLESHOOTING AND REPAIR 6.1 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE Problem Cause Remedy Red LED (4) is on (fault). • Distance between pistol and object too small • Switch off high voltage module (1), increase distance between pistol and object, switch HVM on again. Red LED (5) is on (fault). • Gun cable not connected • Check that gun cable is connected (at the rear of the control unit) • Gun cable faultiy • WAGNER Service LED (11) is not on. • Mains not switched on • Switch on mains • Mains switch (10) switched off (OFF) • Switch on (ON) • Fuse(s) faulty • Replace 1.0 or 2.0 A fuse. • Indicator light faulty • WAGNER Service LED (13) does not come on • Mains not switched on • Switch on mains when selector switch is in • flush function is • Switch off external flush the „spray“ position, switched on by a function external signal. Red LED´s (4, 5) not on, highvoltage indicator (3) low, spray current indicator (2) high. • Indicator light faulty • WAGNER Service • if no high voltage available • Switch on high voltage • Material resistance less • Clean spray gun, flush out, rethan 50 kΩ, see also check; if the problem persists spray gun operating measure resistance of paint instructions. and, if necessary, use another paint. • Gun (electrode) too close to object • Increase distance • Gun heavily contaminated • Clean gun 24 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 2ESET 3PRAY :ERSTËUBERLUFT !TOMIZINGAIR &ORMLUFT &ANAIR #LEAN (6 ! +6 0/7%2 ) ) %0' "? 25 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 6.2 REPAIR ➞ See safety regulations in Chapter 2 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT 2EPAIRSANDPARTREPLACEMENTMAYONLYBECARRIEDOUTBYSPE CIALLYTRAINEDSTAFFORA7!'.%2SERVICECENTER "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS 3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)()??'" 6.2.1 OPEN THE UNIT 1. Unscrew and remove 8 countersunk head screws (20) 2. Remove cover (4) carefully. 3. Disconnect earthing cable from cover. Note: The seal is glued to the underside of the housing. +6 :ER STËU !TOM BER IZING LUFT AIR 2 ESE T ! ) &O R MLU & ANA FT IR #LEA 3PR N AY (6 0/ 7% 2 %0' ) "? 26 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 6.2.2 REPLACING SELECTOR SWITCH AND FILAMENT BULPS 1. Twist the standard switch element (49 or 54) out of its location and pull it out of the selector switch (53 or 48 respectively). 2. Replace the filament unbolt (50) 3. Loosenand unscrew nut (M) 4. Pull selector switch (53 or 48) out of the front panel and replace it. 5. Reassemble in reverse order - 2 ESE #LEAN T 3PR AY (6 0/ 7%2 ) "? 6.2.3 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. CHANGING HIGH VOLTAGE MODULE HVM Pull out flat cable from the PCB plug Remove rotary knob cover (44) from rotary knob (42) Unscrew cross head screw and remove rotary knob (42) Unscrew sealing nut (35) with special tool. Unscrew two oval head countersunk screws (15) Pull high voltage module carefully out of housing support. PCB plug +6 ! ) "? 27 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 6.2.4 CHANGING PARTS OF THE PNEUMATIC UNIT 1. Disconnect all hoses 2. Loosen 2 nuts (M/61) and unscrew. 3. Take out the pre-assembled pneumatic unit and replace faulty parts. ,OCTITE :ER STËUB !TOM IZIN ER LUF GAIR T &O & ANR MLUFT AIR %0' - 6.2.5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ,OCTITE CHANGING PCB EPG 3000 REAR PANEL ASSY. Unscrew locking ring (S/39) with special tool from connection plug (39). Pull out flat cable from the PCB plug Pull out all connection cables from the printed circuit board. Unscrew 4 nuts (25) and remove them, together with the washers (25) Pull out carefully PCB rear panel assy. Note: When assembling remember the spacer sleeves (70) PCB Rear pannel assy. 3 Power supply )NT %XT "? 28 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 6.2.6 REPLACING THE POWER SUPPLY 1. Pull both plugs out of the power supply. 2. Unscrew 4 oval head screws (17) and remove them together with 4 serrated lock washers (30). 3. Carefully remove the power supply (46) 6.2.7 "? REPLACING LIGHT FUSES ,UFTE ING ANG !IR INL ET :ERST ËUBE ! RLU FT!T OM IZIN G AIR 3TE UERLU FT#O NTR OLAIR &ORM 0RI M LUF T& ANAIR !4 3EC !4 3P 6OANNU LTAGENG MA 3TR X #UOM 6P RRE NT P MA X ! 04" )) !4 %8 ' * #( 7! '.%2! ' 4 YP 4 YP E 3ERIE .R )NT %XT ! -A DE IN %0' 3P G ANNU N %IN UN GANG G SLE 6 IST &UNK ! # 2)& STÚ R MA GR 3C AD X SE HUTZK LAS & .O 3TAR M ND AR )0 D %. ! "? 29 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 7 ACCESSORIES Part No. Description 0241270 Mains cable Europe 3 m; 9.8 ft 0381100 Mains cable Switzerland 3 m; 9.8 ft 0381101 Mains cable USA 2 m; 6.6 ft "? 0381102 Mains cable Japan 3 m; 9.8 ft 0350275 Control cable extern 3 m; 9.8 ft "? 0130215 Earthing cable 10 m; 32.8 ft "? 0381103 Earth cable connection 0.75 m; 2.5 ft "? 30 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 8 SPARE PARTS 8.1 HOW TO ORDER SPARE PARTS? !LWAYSSUPPLYTHEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONTOENSUREDELIVERYOFTHERIGHTSPAREPART 0ART.UMBERDESCRIPTIONANDQUANTITY 4HEQUANTITYNEEDNOTBETHESAMEASTHENUMBERGIVENINTHEu1UANTITYhCOLUMN4HIS NUMBERMERELYINDICATESHOWMANYOFTHERESPECTIVEPARTSAREUSEDINEACHSUBASSEMBLY 4HEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONISALSOREQUIREDTOENSURESMOOTHPROCESSINGOFYOURORDER !DDRESSFORTHEINVOICE !DDRESSFORDELIVERY .AMEOFTHEPERSONTOBECONTACTEDINTHEEVENTOFANYQUERIES 4YPEOFDELIVERYREQUIREDAIRFREIGHTORMAILSEAROUTEOROVERLANDROUTEETC -ARKSINSPAREPARTSLISTS .OTETOCOLUMNu+hINTHEFOLLOWINGSPAREPARTSLISTS U 7EARINGPARTS .OTE.OLIABILITYISASSUMEDFORWEARINGPARTS L .OTPARTOFSTANDARDEQUIPMENTAVAILABLEHOWEVERASADDITIONALEXTRA 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT 2EPAIRSANDPARTREPLACEMENTMAYONLYBECARRIEDOUTBYSPE CIALLYTRAINEDSTAFFORA7!'.%2SERVICECENTER "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS 3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)()??'" 31 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 8.2 SPARE PARTS EPG 3000 +6 :ER !TO STËUBE MIZ R ING LUFT AIR 2 ESE T ! &O & ANR MLUFT AIR ) #LEAN 3PR AY (6 0/ %0' 7% 2 ) "? 32 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL Spare parts list EPG 3000 Item K Qty Part No. Description 1 2 0123459 Pressure gauge union 2 1 0241323 Cover 3 1 0263316 Cover EPG 2007 4 1 0263327 Seal EPG 2007 5 2 0350519 Connecting plate 6 1 0350022 Modul HVM 2082 red. 7 1 0381221 PCB EPG 3000 rear panel assy. 8 1 0381222 Cable loom EPG 3000 9 1 0381224 Housing EPG 3000 10 1 0381226 Hose set EPG 3000 11 1 0381450 Front plate EPG 3000 12 1 0381451 Rear panel EPG 3000 13 1 9900315 Cap head screw 14 4 9900713 Cap head screw 15 2 9903214 Oval countersunk head screw 16 5 9903311 Oval head screw 17 4 9903312 Oval head screw 18 2 9903327 Oval head screw 19 2 9904306 Threaded plug 20 8 9907010 Countersunk head screw 21 2 9907167 Countersunk head screw 22 1 9910102 Hexagon nut 23 4 9910103 Hexagon nut 24 4 9910108 Hexagon nut 25 5 9910211 Hexagon nut, self locking 26 1 9910522 Knurled nut 27 4 9920114 Washer 28 3 9920118 Washer 29 4 9921511 Spring washer 30 8 9922011 Serrated lock washer 31 1 9922109 Serrated washer 32 1 9950330 Securing ring 33 1 9950392 Plug, surface mounted 34 7 9950615 Cable tie 35 1 9950814 Sealing nut, potentiometr 36 2 9950967 Solenoid valve 5/2 37 1 9951116 Fuse, slow 2.0 A 33 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL Spare parts list EPG 3000 Item K Qty Part No. Description 38 1 9951117 Fuse, slow 1.0 A 39 1 9952585 Equipment Socket 40 1 9952587 Equipment Plug 41 1 9952593 Protective cap, socket 42 1 9952607 Rotary knob 43 1 9952653 Plug, contact insert 44 1 9952654 Rotary knob cap 45 2 9955021 Fuse holder 46 1 9955176 Power Supply EPG 27 47 1 9955194 Mounting kit 48 1 9955677 Illuminated selector switch 49 1 9955679 Switch-element standard 50 2 9955680 Filament bulb 51 1 9955797 PCB holder 52 1 9955798 Push button 53 1 9955799 Illuminated selector switch 54 1 9955800 Switch element universal 55 2 9971336 O-ring 57 2 9992743 Straight fitting 58 2 9998012 Pressure gauge with throttle 59 2 9998154 Reducer 61 2 9998240 Pressure regulator 0-0.6 MPa; 0-6 bar; 0-87 psi 62 2 9998245 Y-piece 63 1 9998248 O-Ring, electrically conductive 64 6 9998253 Screwed elbow 65 2 9998615 Straight bulkhead fitting 66 1 9998616 Compression ring, green 67 1 9998617 Compression ring, red 68 2 9998769 Straight bulkhead fitting 69 1 9998770 Compression ring blues 70 4 9998980 Spacer sleeve 9992511 Loctite 243, 50 ml; 50 cc 9998157 Loctite 480, 18 ml; 18 cc 34 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 8.3 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMM EPG 3000 7!2.).' #ONDUCTIVEMETALPARTSONTHESWITCHEDMODEPOWERSUPPLYUNIT $ANGERTOLIFEFROMELECTRICSHOCK $ISCONNECT THE SWITCHEDMODE POWER SUPPLY UNIT FROM THE MAINSVOLTAGE $ONOTTOUCHTHESWITCHEDMODEPOWERSUPPLYUNITFORATLEAST MINUTESAFTERITHASBEENDISCONNECTED 3)()??'" Power pack 0 3 0RIM!4 , Primary power input 6!# (Z . * * red brown & blue 3EC !4 & black 0% )NPUT6 !#(Z /UTPUT6$#! 6$# Back plate circuit board Union nut '.$ Earth Valve 9 3,&, 2ESET Valve 9 :, Gun 3 Plug for externe mode Flat cable, flexprint 64 pol. High voltage module HVM 2082 "? 35 3PRAY "? 2 K K K 2 K 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3&( 3&( 3&( 3&( 3&( '.$ 6 '.$ #LEAN 6 ./?(6 6 34%2$ 6 34 !" 6 6 %XT?.( +! '.$ ./?(6 #LEAN 2%3%4 6 6 '.$ 2ESET 24 2ESET 24 2EED 2E 2EED 2E 2 K 2ESET . . '.$ 6 3PRAY./?(6 Button 1 "# +# Gun 0OWERONOF F Indicator 6$# Input #2 . #2 #2 %2$5%" %5 3PULE , 3PULE , 0OWER 0/ $ 0OWER 0/ '.$ 0 6 2 K *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& *& ./?(6 #LEAN 34 /%2 K 2 K 2 . . #2 #2 #LEAN (6?/. '.$ 2 K '.$ 2 K '.$ K 2 2 K 2 K 1 "# '.$ 2 K '.$ 2 K '.$ #2 '.$ '.$ 1 "# 1 "# 2 6 1 "# 2 '.$ . 2 K '.$ 1 "# . 2 K 6 #2 6 6 # N # N ./?(6 %XT?.( #LEAN 6 9 ./?(6 .( 3 ./?(6 .( #LEAN #L 3 #LEAN #L ./?(6 Switch #LEAN Switch 9 Valve shaping air *& (6 (6 $ *& 9 (6ONOF F Indicator Control air and *& 9 *& 9 Valve *& 9 Atomising air *& *& *& *& *& PART NO. DOC0381861 %84 Fault ground monitor 6$# #LEAN *$ ).4 %84 ":70" 2 K 2 K 2 #2 6 20 K #2 2 #2 '.$ #2 37 ":70" 20 K ":4# (6- 2%3%4 34%2$ 34 !" (6?/. 3 Endscrew '.$ # U&6 6 ":4# Fault proximity (6- '.$ 34 /%2 6 6 6 6 '.$ 6 8.4 ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # ! # * EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM PCB REAR PANEL ":70" #2 Plug for externe mode 36 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 8.5 USING THE EXTERNAL CONTROL CONNECTION (EXAMPLE) %0' External DC voltage supply brown 6 External supply * pink * yellow Spray * green * Clean on Spray without HV 6 :ETTLER !:#$% 6 white * grey * Fault / Earth monitor . only necessary when using the “fault” outputs "# Fault / Proximity shut-off + 6 "? 37 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 8.6 EXTERNAL CONTROL Plug No. Lead colour 1 grey Fault output: proximity shut-off 2 pink Spraying with high voltage on/ off 3 white Fault output: earth monitor 4 brown 24 VDC supply 5 green Spray without HV on/ off 6 yellow Clean on/ off Function View of control cable "? Note: The external control system is designed to operate from a 24 VDC system, using a 24 V supply to pin 4 (brown wire), To switch on spraying with high voltage, 0 V is applied at Pin 2 (pink) with a volt-free contact. To switch on spraying without high voltage, 0 V is applied at Pin 5 ( green ) with a volt-free contact. To activate the flushing function, 0 V is applied at Pin 6 ( yellow ) with a volt-free contact. The external plug also has two fault outputs. On Pin 3 (white) there is provision for the proximity shut-off and on Pin 1 (grey) for the earth monitor. So that these for outputs can be used, the circuit are shown in schematic 8.5 is suggested. Alarm indicators cannot be connected directly to the external plug; instead a 24 V relay must be used. 38 EDITION 06 /2007 EPG 3000 PART NO. DOC0381861 OPERATING MANUAL 8.7 PNEUMATIC CONNECTION EPG 3000 - GA2X05 '!%! '!%! '!%!# %0' - Compressed air Inlet !! !! #! 3! 3! "? SA CA = = Fan air Control air AA M = = Atomizing air Material 8.8 PNEUMATIC CONNECTION EPG 3000 - GA2X00 '!%! '!%! '!%!# %0' 3! Compressed air Inlet !!3! !! #! "? SA CA = = Fan air Control air AA M = = Atomizing air Material 39 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 40 EDITION 06 /2007 PART NO. DOC0381861 EPG 3000 OPERATING MANUAL 'ERMANY *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WITZERLAND *7!'.%2!' )NDUSTRIESTRASSE 0OSTFACH #(!LTSTËTTEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILREPCH WAGNERGROUPCH "ELGIUM 7!'.%23PRAYTECH"ENELUX"6 6EILINGLAAN "7OLVERTEM 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERGROUPBE $ENMARK 7!'.%23PRAYTECH3CANDINAVIA!3 +ORNMARKSVEJ $+"RNDBY 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILWAGNER WAGNERGROUPDK 5NITED+INGDOM 7!'.%23PRAYTECH5+,TD (ASLEMERE7AY 4RAMWAY)NDUSTRIAL%STATE '""ANBURY/8/./849 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILENQUIRY WAGNERSPRAYTECHCOUK &RANCE *7!'.%2&RANCE3!2, !VEDUER-AIn"0 &0ALAISEAU#EDEX .ETHERLANDS 7!'.%2302!94%#("ENELUX"6 :ONNEBAAN .,%#5TRECHT 0/"OX "2-AARSSEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERGROUPNL )TALY 7!'.%2#/,/2!3RL 6IA&ERMI )"URAGODI-OLGORA-) *APAN 7!'.%23PRAYTECH,TD 3HINDEN.ISHIMACHI *$AITO3HI/SAKA 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILMARKETING WAGNERJAPANCOJP !USTRIA *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WEDEN 7!'.%236%2)'%!" -USKÚTGATAN 3(ELSINGBORG 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILMAILBOX WAGNERSE 3PAIN 7!'.%23PRAYTECH)BERICA3! #TRA.+M %-OLINSDE2EI"ARCELONA 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERSPAINCOM #ZECHOSLOVAKIA 7!'.%2SRO .A"ELIDLE #0RAHA 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILWAGNERSRO TELECOMCZ 53! 7ALTER0ILOT.ORTH!MERICA #ONTINENTAL$RIVE #HESTERlELD-)53! 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX HTTPWWWWALTHERPILOTNACOM 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILDIVISIONBATIMENT WAGNERFRANCEFR 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERCOLORACOM 42 ED FI CERT I /RDERNUMBER 0381861 'ERMANY *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WITZERLAND *7!'.%2!' )NDUSTRIESTRASSE 0OSTFACH #(!LTSTËTTEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILREPCH WAGNERGROUPCH WWWWAGNERGROUPCOM TXT??'" ">

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Key features
- Standalone or external control
- High voltage control and paint material valve
- Automatic voltage reduction
- Pneumatic atomising air valve
- Adjustable spraying current limit
- Proximity shut-off potentiometer
- IP64 enclosure class