Yaskawa Feedback Options Manual
Below you will find brief information for Thyristor Converter Varispeed 505WII. The Varispeed 505WII is a thyristor converter unit designed for reversible operation of industrial DC motors. This manual provides comprehensive instructions on receiving, storing, installing, wiring, running, maintaining, and troubleshooting the unit. It also includes information about replacement parts and a troubleshooting guide.
Varispeed-501)W11 INDUSTRIAL USE THYRISTOR CONVERTER UNITS Before initial operation, read these instructions thoroughly, and retain for future reference. Do not tamper with potentiometers of the power units since they were preset at the factory before shipment. When properly installed, operated and maintained, this unit will provide a lifetime of optimum operation. It is mandatory that the person who operates, inspects, and maintains this equipment thoroughly reads and understands this manual and has in his possession at all time . . Varispeed-505W11 (VS-505WII) is a thyristor converter unit for varispeed reversible operation of industrial DC motors . For correct operation of VS-505WII, users must thoroughly read these instructions . This manual is also necessary for maintenance and troubleshooting, and threfore should be kept filed for ready reference . IMPORTANT . Make no withstand voltage test on the VS-505WII because it incorporates semi-conductor electronic circuits . . If insulation resistance tests are neccessary, make them only in accordance with the instructions given in this manual. For details on DC motors, refer to "Instructions for Industrial DC Motors" (TOE-C435-3B). 682-227 682-215 682-234 Type CDMR-W11 (Type S) 460 V, 105 A Type CDMR-W11 (Type M) 230 V, 260 A Type CDMR-WIL (Type L) 460 V, 420 A CONTENTS RECEIVING . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Interconnections . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . 10 STORAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Cautions when Wiring . . . . . . 4 Periodic Inspection . . . . . . . 10 TEST RUN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Parts Replacement . . . . . . . 10 Check before Test Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cautions in Replacing Control Board . . . . . . . . . . . 14 No-Load Operation . . . . . . . . 6 Troubleshooting Guide . . . . 14 Full-Load Operation . . . . - 6 SPARE PARTS . . . . . . . . . . 15 Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 REFERENCE. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . 3 WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Component Arrangement in VS-505WH . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Terminal Sizes and Carrying Currents . . . . . . . . . 4 RECEIVING The equipment has been put through severe tests at the factory before shipped . After unpacking, however, check and see the following . " Its nameplate data meets your requirements . " It has sustained no damage while in transit . " Fastening bolts and screws are not loosened . " Devices built in the cabinet are not damaged or missing . STORAGE If the equipment is temporarily stored or machine stops for an extended length of time, the following precautions should be taken . " Free from corrosive gas and liquid " Ambient temperature : OOC to 400 C " Less vibration INSTALLATION Select .a location described in STORAGE and install the equipment by proper procedure in keeping the equipment in good working condition . WIRII4G Make wiring in reference to the interconnection diagram furnished on your order and the following . COMPONENT ARRANGEMENT IN VS-505 WII LOCATION Store the equipment under the following conditions . " Free from rainfall and drops of water " Clean and dry Figs . 1 to 3 show component arrangement in the VS-505WII . POWER CIRCUIT BOARD (2PCB) THYRISTOR PROTECTIVE FUSE (2 FOR 220 V CLASS, 3 FOR 440 V CLASS) (a) (b) Main Circuit Fig. 1 Type CDMR-WI[, -S, (460 V, 115 A) Control Circuit CONTROL CIRCUIT BOARD (1PCB) POWER CIRCUIT CONNECTOR BOARD (2PCB) THYRISTOR COOLING FAN NAMEPLATE "CAUTIONS I N OPERATION" CONTROL SUPPLY VOLTAGE SELECTOR TAP THYRISTOR PROTECTIVE FUSE (2 FOR 220 V CLASS, 3 FOR 440 V CLASS) MAIN CIRCUIT EXTERNAL TERMINAL (a) Control Circuit (b) Main Circuit 2 Type CDMR-WII, -1V[ (230 V, 260 A) Fig . WIRING (Cont'd) SURGE ABSORBERS MAIN CIRCUIT EXTERNAL TERMINALS (b) Control Circuit Power Circuit Fig . 3 Type CDMR-WII:, -L (460 V, 420 A) TERMINAL SIZES AND CARRYING CURRENTS INTERCONNECTIONS Table 1 shows the size and the current earring capacities of the terminals of VS-505WII . Select leads with sufficient current carrying capacity . Refer to "Cautions when Wiring". Make connections of VS-505WII with associate units according to the interconnection diagram separately furnished. Table 1 Terminal Size and Current Capacity CDMR-W11 AC Main Circuit DC Main Circuit Field Circuit CarCarCarRated Rated - rying Ter- rying Ter- rying Ter Volt- Outminal Cur- minal Cur- minal Cure put age rent Size rent Size rent V kW A A A 230 460 25 35 45 90 105 180 260 420 550 50 90 105 180 260 420 550 M4 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 -M12 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 21 29 37 74 86 147 213 343 449 41 74 8 147 213 343 449 M5 M8 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 M8 M8 'M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 25 35 45 90 105 180 260 420 .550 50 90 105 180 2&0 420 550 Main Circuits Use 600 V PVC insulated wires or cabtyre cables with the current carrying capacities of the combined DC motor for AC main circuit terminals (U, V, W) and DC main circuit terminals (P, N) . Field Circuits M4 12 M4 22 M4 25 M4 12 Signal Circuits M4 22 M4 25 Use shielded wires or twisted wires of twisting pitches 20 mm or smaller for the speed setting circuit terminals (6 to 10) , speed feedback terminals (2, 3), tachometer circuit terminals (50 to 52) . Notes - Terminal size other than listed above is M4 and current capacity is 2 A or below. Rule of thumb of AC main circuit power capacity 1 .2XF XEXI (VA) E : Supply voltage I : AC main circuit current 4 CAUTIONS WHEN WIRING Use 600 V PVC insulated wires or cabtyre cables with the current carrying capacities of the combined DC motor for field power circuit terminals (Uo, W o, U1 , Wl) and field circuit terminals (J, K) . Use stranded wires of cross-section 5.5 mm2 or larger for field circuit terminals (J, K) . Fig . 4 Pitch of Twisted Wire Separation of Signal Cables from Main Circuit Cables To avoid inductive interference from other cables, run the shielded or twisted wires (1 to 55) separate from main circuit cables ( U , V, W ; U o , WO ; U1, W 1 ; P, N ; J, K) in a bundle or thru a duct . CAUTION After wiring, check interconnections . Make insulation resistance tests using a 500 V megger . Connect VS-505WIE main circuit terminals (U, V, W ; U o, W o ; U1, W 1 ; P, N ; J, K) with common lead . Measure the insulation resistance between common lead and the ground . When the test result is 2 MSZ or more, it means that wiring is good. Fig . 5 Inspection Window of DC Motor TEST RUN When the VS-505WIL has been correctly installed and wired, the unit shall be tested through a test run as follows . If trouble is found during the test run, refer to "Check Before Test Run" and "Troubleshooting Guide" for necessary measures . If the cause of the trouble cannot be located, or repair is impossible, notify our service station, giving the details of trouble conditions . D Fig . 6 Tap Selection of Control Supply Voltage 50Hz CHECK BEFORE TEST RUN Make the following checks prior to the test run . Table 2 Check before Test Run Check Pomts Check Items 60Hz Interconnec- " Correct wiring tions between " Tightening of terminal screws vs- 505WE and Associate Units DC Motor " Disconnection from the driven machine " Removal of thrust block " Remove inspection covers and blow out with air to clean commutator . (Fig . 5) VS-505WII " Adhesion of dirt or dust on the enclosure " Smooth hand rotation of thyristor cooling fan " Check items in "Cautions in Operation" on the back of the control board door " Correct connection of the shunt connector to the voltage selecting tap (Fig . 6) " Correct setting of the frequency selector switch (Fig . 7) " Correct adjustment of potentiometers on the control board (1PCB) Refer to red paint Supply Volt- " Voltages of any two of phases U, V, W are age at Input within the values on Table 3. Check with a Terminals of tester . VS-505WR " Terminals Uo and U1 , and Wo and W, are connected . " Rotating direction of the motor blower meets with the arrow marked on the blower . * VS- 505WE of larger capacity than 230 V, 45 A or 460 V , 90 A are provided with a thyristor cooling fan. For 50 Hz, the switch For 60 Hz, the switch slide key up . slide key down . Fig . 7 Power Frequency Selector Switch Table 3 Supply Voltage Allowable Range Nominal Supply Voltage Supply Frequency Permissible Voltage Variation Voltage Selector Tap 200 V 50/60 Hz 220 V 170 - 220 V 200 V 50/60 Hz 187 - 242 V 220 V 400 V 50/60 Hz 440 V 340 - 440 V 400 V 50/60 Hz 374 - 484 V 440 V TEST RUN (Cont'd ) ADJUSTMENT NO-LOAD OPERATION After making the checks specified before test run, thoroughly check the environment of the system for safety. Check the polarity of DC tachometer generator feedback voltage. When the motor is running forward, the polarity of VS-505WIl signal terminal 2 (3 : 0 V) is minus and it is plus during reverse running of the motor. Do not tamper unnecessarily with the potentiometers on the control circuit board since they have been adjusted at the factory before shipped. Adjuster Locations and Functions Adjuster locations on the control circuit board and functions are shown in rig. 8 and Table 6. The characteristics of control circuit board check terminals are shown in :Fig. 9 and Table 7. Then, run the motor without load according to Table 4. FULL-LOAD OPERATION Before starting full-load operation, stop the power supply, couple the DC motor to the driven machine, and check the motor and the driven machine for safe and obstruction-free conditions . Table 5 gives full-load operation procedure. 9 Order 1 2 3 Table 4 No-load Operation Operation Check Items Set the speed reference at zero . Turn on main circuit power suppy . Smooth rotation of the thyristor cooling fan . Smooth rotation of the blower for DC motor. Turn-on the operation signal . 5 Gradually, increase the speed setting value. Remove the hand-hole cover and check the commutator . I No abnormal odor, smoke, vibration and noise on DC motor. No brush chattering and sparking at the brushes . 8 9 10 11 Gradually, turn the speed setting potentiometer clockwise . ' Increase the speed setting value to the maximum . Change the speed to various values . Turn off the operation signal . Turn off the main circult power supply . Smooth acceleration of DC motor. DC motor rotates at the maximum speed . Check with a speedometer . DC motor speed corresponds with the set values . DC motor suddenly stops . * VS-505W11. rated 220 V. 45 A and above and 460 V. 90 A and above are provided with a thyrlstor cooling fan. 6 0 Fig . 8 Adjuster Locations on Control Circuit Board Smooth acceleration of DC motor. To avoid excessive temperature rise of DC motor winding in frame 112, 132, reclose the window within 5 minutes . 7 sx V~ Rotating direction of the blower meets with the marking on the blower . Indication light "PREP" on the control board (1PCB) turns on . Make an operational sequence and check to be sure that operation is ready. (Turn on ready signal, motor cooling fan ON /OFF signal .) 4 6 0 'fable 5 Full-load Operation Order Operation 1 Se t the speed at zero . 2 Turn on the main circ uit power supply . 3 Turn on operation signal and gradually increase the speed. Check to be sure that the motor and driven machine are correctly r unning . 4 Turn off the operation signal . 5 Tu rn of f main circuit power supply . Table 6 Control Circuit Board Adjuster Locations and Functions Type : o Adjuster Adjuster Adjusters Location Name 1 2 3 4 Potentiometers Resistor Selection (Open) Slide Switch Plug Selection Shortcircuit Jumper Adjuster Function time adjustment at fwd run. ~+ RATE Accel (Decel time adjustment at rvs run.) time adjustment at fwd run (D RATE Decel (Accel time adjustment at rvs run.) ASR Gain adjustment . NGAIN NMAX 5 IGAIN 6 IFB 7 F LIMIT 8 R LIMIT 9 CEMF 10 SM 11 AM Speed feedback adjustment . ACR Gain adjustment . Main circuit current feedback adjustment . Speed and current limit value at forward run. Speed and current limit value at reverse run. Counter electromotive force compensation . Speedometer adjustment . Ammeter adjustment. 12 NOFS ASR offset adjustment . 13 IOFS ACR offset adjustment. 14 KIPP 15 PSB 16 OL% 17 OLT 18 ZCD 19 IREF 20 1FBR 14FBR 5FBR 9FBR 21 22 1SW 24 A- D 25 E 26 F 27 H 28 J 29 K 30 L 31 M 32 OPN 33 OPS ~M® Phase shift lag limit adjustment Adjustment of phase shifter operation point . Setting overload detection start point. Setting overload detection time. Setting zero current detection level. Setting field current . Rough adjustment of field current detection voltage level . Rough adjustment of main circuit current detection voltage level . Control Method selector Rough adjustment of speed detection voltage level. Selection of soft start operation Selection of PI or P control by ACR control method Selection of PI or P control by ASR control method Selection of zero-speed condition at motor overheat . Selection of start interlock zero-speed condition . Selection of zero-speed cordtion at motor blower stop . Selection of exciter according to type of motor field. -- Adjusting Method Clockwise rotation increases accel time . Clockwise rotation increases decel time . Specifications 3 - 75 sec 3 - 75 sec Clockwise rotation increases GAIN Clockwise rotation decreases s"geed . Clockwise rotation increases gain . Clockwise rotation decreases current. Clockwise rotation increases limit value . Clockwise rotation increases li mit value . Clockwise rotation increases gain . Clockwise rotation increases .pointer swin : . Clockwise rotation increases pointer swing. evolt.i z- ±6 V/10046 specA +3 V/100% current 150% (Standard) 150% (Standard) 0. 17 - 0.84 times 1 mADC max 1 mADC max e t-volta,", .-e Clockwise rotation advances shift lag limit Clockwise rotation advances :, hase . Clockwise rotation increases overload detection start .,oint. Clockwise rotation increases o .eration time . Clockwise rotation increases detection level. Clockwise rotation increases field current . Open the resistor according to specifications . (Speed N-1 Current control) control) 50 Hz- " 0 Hz Selection o the voltagelevel according to type of tack-gen and motor rated s ., eed . El E2 Soft start © PI control "A P control © Pcmntrol © P1 control J1 block after motor reached zero speed by stop o .eration . ~~ ime(giate gate block . ©Wit ~~ Without Field half-reduced after ttiotor zero-speed by stop _operation. (Gate block) Field half-reduced immediately. (Gate block) I©Exciter used . © Exciter not used . Open " Speed control by voltage detection . " Speed control by AC tach-gen . Shortother than the above. circuited Open - Special application . ShortOther than the above . circuited 155oek Standard 90'-k - li_T1i°eZ (Adjustable) 110% Standard 150%, 6.0 sec (Standard) 0% - 10n (Adjustable) 7% (Standard) Refer to motor specifications . - Adjustment Procedure TEST RUN (Cont'd) N MAX (Speed feedback adjustment) To adjust the DC motor speed exactly to the reference speed, proceed as follows . 1 . Prepare the tachometer having the required accuracy . 2 . Operate the DC motor at no load (or less variation) . 3. Measure the speed reference voltage with a voltmeter. Correct the voltage to that of desired motor speed . 4. Measure the motor speed with a tachometer . 5 . If the speed does not reach the desired speed, turn NMAX counterclockwise to increase the speed. Fig . 9 Control Circuit Check Terminals Table 7 Control Board Check Terminals Check Terminals Signal Name Stable power supply Unstable power supply Speed feedback Current command +15 V CH25 -15 V CH19 +24 V CH20 -24 V CH4 CH5 CH3 Forward CH9 Reverse CH8 Forward Reverse CH6 Allowable voltage function range : ±20% +24 V (Pulse amplifier supply) :6 V/100% command (8 Forward, (+ Reverse) ±6 V/100% command ((D Forward, (DReverse) ;6 V /100% speed Forward, + Reverse) (0 -3 V/100% command +3 V/100% current limit (+6 V/100% speed limit) Current feedback CH18 +3 VI100% current Current limiter output CH2 Phase shifter input CH16 Approx . +5 .5 V at 60 Hz, +1 to +5 .5 V at 60 Hz, +1 to +6 .5 V at 50 Hz +6 .5 V at 50 Hz at gate when controlling . block. Counter electromotive force input CH1 0 - ±5 V Overload detection start point CH21 Zero-current detection CH15 +12 V at 0 V at load current conduction, approx . 0 A of load current. Forward C1112 0 V at reverse operation . Reverse CH13 Pulse amplifier power supply Gate block (at failure) Phase shifter synchronization power supply CH14 u v w Approx bl ock . -1 V at gate 0 to +6 V when controlling 110% (Approx: -1 .65 V) Approx . +24 V at forward operation . Approx . +24 V at reverse operation . 0 V at fozwaz~d operation . 0 V normal, :!pprox . -12 V at gate block. u U w4/_~s 11 ar y CH11 Current feedback CH17 Voltage according to field current. Phase shifter input CH10 Approx . +5 V at 60 Hz, +6 V at 50 Hz at field block. Current command Field Power OV (SG) CH24 CH7 Current limit (Speed limit) Main Circuit Power CH22 CH23 Speed reference Normal Value U, V, W: Main circuit input power supply . ~ -6 V/5 A +3 V/5 A +1 to +5 V at 60 Hz, +1 to +6 V at 50 Hz when controlling . 6. If the speed exceeds the desired speed, turn NMAX clockwise to decrease the speed . SYNCHROSCOPESCREEN ADJUST THE SWEEP SPEED ADAPTED TO THE MOTOR ACCELERAITON TIME TO BRING THE CURVES TO A CONVENIENT POSITION . FLIMIT (Forward limit value adjustment) RLIMIT (Reverse limit value adjustment) 1. Current limitation (Speed control) Slide the control method selector switch (1SW) on the control circuit board to N . When the voltages at CH7 (forward) and CH6 (reverse) are +3 V, 100% current limit value is obtained . Current limit value can be set within the range of 0% to 250% by F LIMIT and R LIMIT . 2. MOTOR ACCELERATION CUR1tENT Fig . 10 CEMF Adjustment Speed limitation (Current control) Slide the control method selector switch (1SW) on the control circuit board to I . When the voltages at CH 7 (forward) and CH 6 (reverse) are +6 V, 100% speed limit value is obtained . Speed limit value can be set within the range of 0% to 250% by F LIMIT and R LIMIT . PSB (Phase shifter operating point adjustment) CEMF compensation reduces the loss time due to Forward/Reverse selection to as the same level as the integral control of ACR . Turn CEMF fully counterclockwise, and during motor acceleration by current limit gradually turn it clockwise until the voltage at CH2 on the control circuit board stabilizes . PSB sets the phase shifter operating point . Field Current Adjustment 1 . When the current controller (ACR) is integral-controlled Connect the plug selector F on the control circuit board at Fl . Turn PSB fully counterclockwise . 2 . When the current controller (ACR) is ratiocontrolled Connect the plug selector F on the control circuit board at F2 . Turn PSB clockwise gradually with reference current at 0 V (0 V at CH 2) , and set at the position where main circuit current is ready to start . CEMF (Counter electromotive force compensation) Current loop is vulnerable to counter electromotive force . In order to obtain optimum performance, a compensating electromotive force has to be biased on the phase shifter, depending on the control mode . 1 . When the current controller (ACR) is ratiocontrolled Adjust CEMF, observing the motor acceleration current with a synchroscope . Turn CEMF fully counterclockwise, and turn CEMF clockwise gradually until optimum value shown in Fig . 10 is obtained . 2 . When the current controller (ACR) is integral-controlled Field current adjustment is required for checking the setting at the factory or for fine adjustment . To change the setting, selection of resistors (1FBR to 4FB R) on the control circuit board is required . 1. a. For constant field current Connect a DC ammeter to the field circuit . b . Adjust so that the ammeter indicates the rated field current with IREF on the control circuit board . (Refer to the test report or nameplate data .) 2. For field weakening control Field weakening control is made for the VS-505WII combined with field weakening control unit type JGSM-51- D . a . Connect DC ammeter to the field circuit and DC voltmeter to output terminals P, N . b . Turn IREF on the control circuit board and FORCE FLD and V LIMIT of field controller fully counterclockwise . c . Seat the minimum field weakening current by IREF. In this case, set the current at 80% field weakening current at maximum speed . (See the test report .) d . Set the rated field current (field intensifying by FORCE FLD . (See the test report or nameplate data .) e . Alter the motor starts, gradual increasing the speed reference increases the voltage across P and N and governs it at some value . Turn V LIMIT clockwise gradually so that the governed value is the rated voltage . Field Thyristor Replacement MAINTENANCE With all the Models, thyristor modules consisting of a thyristor and a diode are used as the field thyristor . Replace them as follows . VS-505WIl requires almost no daily inspection . To keep the correct and successful operation, periodic maintenance operations should be performed . The users should prepare their own maintenance programs based on the following guidelines . 1 . Remove the four mounting screws of field snubber board (3PCB), lead clamping screws, control power connector. Then, remove snubber board . See Fig . 11 . PERIODIC INSPECTION 2 . Remove lead clamping screws connecting to thyristor, and remove the leads from thyristor. In this case, mark all terminals for identification . See Fig . 12. 3. Remove thyristor mounting screws (2) and remove thyristor module . Table 8 shows the minimum inspection items and the procedures . Table 8 Periodic Inspection Inspection Inspection Part Item Thyristor " Noise cooling fan General Inspection What to do Procedure " Check for Replace . any intermittent or unusual noise . " Vibration " Feel by hand . Clean with " Dust or . Check for an electridirt dust clogging cal cleaner or dirt adhesion. , terTighten . " Loose " Check for minal loose screws screws or or nuts . nuts Remarks Rule of thumb for cooling fan replacement : 15,000 hours of operation . - PARTS REPLACEMENT . Replace the parts required after checking the trouble and correcting it according to TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE . . Turn off the power before part removal or mounting . 4 . Check tY;Ie type and capacity of new thyristor module against the requirements . Install it by reversing the removal procedure, making connections to the terminals identified by the marks made before removing the old thyristor module . Coat the thyristor mounting surface with joint compound, JOINTAL Z made by Nippon Light Metal Co. , Ltd . Main Circuit Thyristor Replacement VS-505W 1, 230 V at 25 A The unit uses a thyristor module consisting of two thyristors . Replace it as follows . 1 . Remove snubber board (4PCB) mounting screws (5) and lead clamping screws . Remove snubber board. (Fig . 13) 2. Remove bus bar mounting screws and lead clamping screws connected to thyristor . Remove bus bar and leads . (Fig . 14) In this case, mark the terminals for identification . 3 . Remove two thyristor clamping screws and thyristor. 4 . Check the replacement module for type and capacity, and reinstall it by reversing the disassembly procedure, identifying the terminals by means of the marks made prior to disassembling . THYRISTOR MTG SCREWS Fig . 11 Field Thyrsitor Assembly 10 Fig . 12 With Snubber Board Removed Main Circuit Thyristor Replacement Main Circuit Thyristor Replacement VS-505W 1, 230 V at 35 to 105 A, 460 V at 50 to 105 A VS-505 W 1, 230 V at 180 to 550 A, 460 V at 180 to 550 A The unit uses a thyristor module consisting of two thyristors . Replace it as follows . 1 . Remove snubber board (4PCB) mounting screws (5) and remove snubber board. (Fig . 15) 2 . Remove bus bar mounting screws and lead clamping screws connected to thyristor . Remove bus bar and leads . (Fig . 16) . In this case, mark the terminals for identification . 3. Remove two thyristor clamping screws and thyristor . 4 . Check the replacement module for type and capacity, and reinstall it by reversing the disassembly procedure, identifying the terminals by means of the marks made prior to disassembling . Coat the thyristor mounting surface with joint compound, JOINTAL Z made by Nippon Light Metal Co . , Ltd . SNUBBER BOARD .TG SCREWS (5) Fig . 13 Field Thyristor Assembly (230 V, 25 A) The VS-505WIE uses a flat thyristor module as a power module . For 180 A and 260 A, one power module is employed, and for 420 A, and 550 A, three power modules are employed . Proceed as follows . 1 . Remove the clamping screws for thyristor gate (C) and cathode (K) terminals (24 for 260 A or below, and 8 for 420 A or more), and free the leads . Remove fuse mounting bolt(s) (3 for 260 A or below and 1 for 420 A or more) . (Fig . 17) 2. Loosen power module mounting bolts (7 for 260 A or below, 8 for 420 A or more) , and remove the power module . S14UBBER BOARD MTG SCREWS (5) Fig . 15 Main Circuit Thyristor Assembly (460 V, 105 A) BUSBAR- THYRISTOR CLAMPING SCREWS Fig . 14 With Snubber Board Removed Fig . 16 With Snubber Board Removed MAINTENANCE (Cont'd ) 3 . Place the main circuit thyristor module on a work bench . Remove the snubber board (4PCBU, V, W) mounting screws (3 for 260 A or below, 4 for 420 A or more), and take out the snubber board . (Fig . 18) 9 . Tighten the snubber board mounting screws . Then, mount the thyristor module by reversing the disassembling procedure, tightening the screws firmly . 4 . Loosen the fin mounting nuts alternately, turning 1/4 turn at a time . Then, remove the leaf spring . 5. Remove the fin and take out the leaf spring . 6 . Clean the contact surfaces of the new thyristor and the fin, and thinly coat these surfaces with joint compound, JOINTAL Z made by Nippon Light Metal Co ., Ltd . THYRISTOR GATE (G) CATHODE (K) TERMINALS 7. Align the fin locating pin and the thyristor locating hole, after making sure that the polarity of the thyristor is correct. 8 . Keeping the leaf spring and the fin in parallel, finger-tighten the clamping nuts . Then, tighten them alternately through 1/4 turn at a time, three times each with a socket wrench . Now, the thyristor fin has been installed . Fig. 17 Main Circuit Thyristor (460 V, 420 A) K (RED) G (WHITE) THYRISTOR 681-193 (a) (b) With Thyristor Removed Fig . 18 Thyristor Thyristor Replacement Thyristor Protective Fuse Replacement VS-505W 11, 230 V at 25 to 105 A, 460 V at 50 to 105 A 1 . Pull up the fuse blown indicating microswitch with the leads connected. (Fig . 19) 2. Remove the two fuse mounting bolts . FUSE 3. Mount the replacement fuse by reversing the removing procedure, after checking it for model and capacity . 12 Fig . 19 Main Circuit Fuse Assembly (460 V, 105 A) Thyristor Protective Fuse Replacement VS -505W 1, 230 V at 180 to 550 A, 460 V at 180 to 550 A 1 . Remove the two lead clamping screws of the fuse-blown indicating mocroswitch and free the leads . (Fig . 20) 2 . Check the replacement surge absorber for model and capacity . Mount three surge absorbers after connecting M4 pressure terminals to their leads as shown in Fig . 22. Fig . 22 Surge Absorber with Pressure Terminals Connected to Leads 2 . Remove the two fuse mounting bolts, and remove the fuse together with the fuse-blown indicating microswitch . 3. Check the replacement fuse for model and capacity, and install it by reversing the disassembling procedure . IL )k, Thyristor Cooling Fan Replacement To replace a thyristor cooling fan with a new one, proceed as follows . (Fig . 23) The VS-505WIL units rated 230 V, 25 A ; 460 V, 50 A are selfcooled type . 1. Remove the cooling fan power lead . 2 . Unscrew the two fan mounting screws and dismount the fan . 3 . Remove the fan by reversing the disassembling procedure . Fig . 20 Main Circuit Fuse Assembly (460 V, 420 A) Surge Absorber Fuse Replacement 1. (a) 230 V, 45 to 105 A; 460 V, 90/105 A Pull the fuse element and remove it . (Fig . 21) 2. Mount the replacement fuse, after checking its model and capacity . r.. (b) 1 . Remove three surge absorber mounting screws and remove surge absorber . 230 V, 180/260 A; 460 V, 180/260 A FAN Fig . 21 Surge Absorber Fuse Surge Absorber Replacement POWER SUPPLY LEADS (2) (c) 230 V, 420/550 A ; 460 V, 420/550 A Fig. 23 Thyristor Cooling Fan 13 MAINTENANCE (Cont'd ) Control Circuit Board Replacement Disconnect all the leads from the terminals. Then, unplug the connectors shown in Fig. 24, and remove the 6 control circuit board mounting screws . EXTERNAL CONTROL TERMINALS Mount the new board by reversing the disassembling procedure. Plug-in the connectors firmly. CAUTIONS IN REPLACING CONTROL CIRCUIT BOARD FUSE-BLOWN DETECTION CONNECTOR Make sure that the type of the new control circuit board agrees with the nameplate and potentiometer settings of new control circuit board are the same as the old one. Refer to the nameplate "Cautions in Operation" posted on the inside of the control circuit board door of VS-505WII. See Table 6 "Adjuster Locations on the Control Circuit Board and Functions" . TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Trouble PREP lamp OFF OCL lamp ON Possible cause Failure indicating lamp ON . Operation sequence failure . Control Too low setting of printed "OL%," "OLT" . board Too high setting of "FLIMIT," "RLIMIT" Incorrect setting of "IFB': Thyristor Defective detertorated). Motor and Overloaded . driven Locking . machine Layer shorting in motor . Control printed board Thyristor Motor Defective detertorated). Layer shorting motor. in Grounding of motor circuit . ot; "O c c FL lamp ON Control circuit board Defective phase control circuit) . Fuse Defective deteriorated). Layer shorting in field winding . Motor Grounding of field circuit . THG lamp ON Control circuit [board Motor Defective. Over Main circuit loading . Field circuit Locking . Blocked air filter . MCF lamp ON TCF lamp ON Surge absorber fuse blown 14 Note : Motor Fig . 24 Control Board Table 9 Troubleshooting Guide Grounding of motor circuit . U lamp ON CURRENT DETECTION CONNECTOR Insufficient cooling with blower . Cooling blower stop . Thyristor cooling an stop . Where the fan is provided with failure sensor Excessive surge . Main CKT Check method What to do Is setting dial at the positions indicated b lock " dint? _ Replace the control board . SeeReplacement of Control Board . Set the setting dial to the position of lock dint . Refer to Tables 6 and 7. Readjust . Check thyristor (Fig . 25) . Replace thyrtstor . (See Main Circuit Th rtstor on page 9 . ) A iust loa . Repair motor . Check the external operation sequence . Check load current . Run motor without load, and see if it locks Check load for locking . Run motor with terminals P and N disconnected . If OCL lamp does not light, the motor and its circuit are defective . Measure resistance between terminal P) (or N) and ground (E) with a multitester . If the reading is nearly - on the largest scale of the tester, the circuit is normal . Check thyrtstor (Fig . 25) Reset . Repair motor . " Repair motor . " Correct wiring . Replace thyrtstor . (See Main Circuit Th rtstor on page 9 . Operate only board with (P) and (NT-1s- Repair motor . connected . If fuse is not blown, motor circuit is defective . Measure resistance across terminal I' or " repair motor . To replace fuses (1FU, N) and ground (E) with a multitester, and " Correct wiring . m on ZFU . 5FU), if the reading is nearly the largest scale of the tester, the circuit is normal . refer to Note Replacement (See .) Ifthemotor isnormal . replace of Thyristor Protection control circsut board . Refer to Replacement of Control Fuse . Circuit Board on page 13 . _ Measure resistance across terminal J and K with converter terminal J and K disconnected with a tester . If it indicates m, it means- field circuit is disconnected . Measure resistance across terminal (.I or K and ground (E) with a multitester, and if the reading is nearly m on the largest scale of the tester, the circuit is normal . " Repair motor . " Replace fuse . (3FU or 4FU) . If the motor is normal, replace control board . See Replacement of Control Board on pa _ e 13 . Check load current . ' Ad ust load . Head ust . See Adjustment on page 7 . Check field current . Run motor without load, and see if it locks . Re it motor . _'J . Check load for lockmf-.-, . A .' Refer to the instructions for Industrial DC Motors (TOE-C435-3) . Correct wiring . Check the blower for correct running direction . Check fan for locking or overloadinE; . Repair or replace fan. _Check thermal relay for tri . .in Replace the thyristor cooling fan . See Check fan for locking overloading . Replacement of Thyristor Cooling Fan, on page 12 . Check fuses 3FU, 4FU . Eliminate cause of surge . Replace surge and fuse . See Replacement of Surge of Absorber Fuse and Replacement of Sure Absorber . or If the reading is not m . accurate measurement with a 500 V megger is required . Reading must be 3 megohms or above . SPARE PARTS Table 9 lists the recommended spare parts for one VS-505WII, keep always minimum insurance spare parts on hand to protect the unit against costly downtime . When ordering spare parts, Table 10 Thyristor Converter CI)MlT WII Type SS 230 V 25 A 230 V 35 A Type S Type M Type 230 V 45 A Type (Code No ) Thyristor Protective fuse (~' ty TM25DZ-H (SCR196) Type M Type L FCI"2-20 (FU599) 6 230 V 105 A TM90D/.-1-1 (SC1?198) 60FIIS-150 (FU615) 230 V 180 A N105CH08 (SCR259) CS5F-200 -~ (FU609) N195CH08 (SCR261) 12 553PA80 (SCR263) PK55IIB-160 (SCR244) 460 V rI'M55DZ-21i 90 A 1(SCR201) 6 CS5F-200 (FU609) 460 V 550 A N105CI116 (SCR260) 553PA160 (SCR264) FCF2-30 (FU600) Surge Absorber Control Circuit Board Type (Code No) Q,ty Type (Code No .) . Q tY T%pe ' t -` (Code No) Q 12 CS5F-350 (FU612) CS5F-450 ( FU614 ) CS5F-600 (FU616) 4715I'C-22T -1330-1300 (FAN130) 1 TM20RA-Ii (SC IZ192) 'I'NR23G471 ' (XX110) 3 ' JPDC_C041 ' I (FTCa1 ;2) 2 59151'C-22T -1330-13tH) (FAN 131) , MlI.W18(FAN107) - 60FIiS-110 (FU644 ) .160 V 180 A N195CII16 (SCR262) I CS5F-450 (FU614) 60FHS-150 (FU645) 460 V 420 A .~ CS5F-350 (FU612) PK90HB-160 460 V (SCII245) 105 A (TM90Dl,-211 \(SCH202) 460 V 2(i0 A I I 2 CS5F-600 (FU616) 460 V 50 A Type S Field Thyristor Diode Fan 60 FHS-55 (FU642) 60FIIS-110 (FU644) 230 V 550 A Surge Absorber Fuse TM20DA-II (SCR195) TM55D7,-H (SCR197) 230 V 260 A Spare Parts for Control Panel , . Type Type Type (Code No ) Q ty (Code No ) I Q~ty (Code No .) Q ty 230 V 90 A 230 V 420 A L Main circuit Thyristor specify complete nameplate rating and description (type, code no . , etc .) of the parts required, and quantity desired . PCF2-20 (FU599) 3 HN4556MV (FAN110) ' 1 ' 7556MXV (F ANI 11) FCF2-30 (FU600) TM20IZA-l1 (SCR192) 2 TNR23GIO2 (X X167) 3 J1'DC-CO-11 ' (ETCa172) ; 1 j MRW18(fTAN107) i i (REFERENCE) ROUGH CHECK OF THYRISTORS Where thyristors normally function, the following values are obtained . More than several hundreds of kiloohms across (A) and (K) . Several ohms to several hundreds of ohms across (G) and (K) . Thyristor fails i f 0 or - is indicated on the even either tester (x 1 0 range) Thyristor fails if 0 or - is indicated on the even either tester (x 1 S2 ran ge ) (a) (b) Resistance across thyristor terminals (A) and (K) Fig . 25 Resistance across thyristor terminals (G) and (K) Rough Check of Thyristors ELEMENTARY DIAGRAM OF THYRISTOR CONVERTER UNIT (TYPE CDMR-W II, 230V, 90A) AC POWER SUPPLY 200/220V 50/60Hz W1 N3,4 Y1, 1PCB Y5 I R1 Il R .) JPDC-P05() FPA~ , IPA RPA RPA i G1 R 1PCB FS P15 G1 K1 K2 G2 FT G1 K1 500 RT=4-p18 P19, P20 ----------- ~---------- Fig . 26 16 Main Circuit 500 CONTROLLER JPDC-CO41 HALT ._27 PREPARATION O STOP 0 RUN -P . 0V -+48V LOGIC CIRCUIT 23 9 CONTACT RATING 220VAC 2A RUN 24 VDC 2A M-ON COM PREPARATION : 20, NA O ULT FLD ROCK CUM NC Flu (MCF) 4 FuH ' FLD CONT i{---------- _ 4 L JGSM-51 9} T ~6131415__l-i _ i pno 52 49 ©I2 3a CHIT ACR 7, FK S FROM QRFI POWER PCB Z~TF - -24V s ©FBR TCFH DC TG 20 - 3+0 51 IREF OCL FBR CH17 ESE n SELECTOR SWITCH 50Hz4y60Hz, NH 1 REVERSING CONTROLLER ZC 0 CH15 PS 6 aoaa n H 10 n !ij4dj I IFLDIFB CH12 FPA RPA llms llms A CH131Q FROM POWER PCB H nv/ I(X)% uw/ I(X)% 15v/ I(X)% SPFEO REFERENCE FROM CONTROL TRANSFORMER RT v TYPE :JPDC-CO41 +15V OV -15V (P) Fig . 27 Control Circuit (Cont'd) (REFERENCE) FUNCTIONS OF EXTERNAL CONTROL TERMINALS Table 11 Signal Name 1 Ready signal 2 Operation signal Functions of External Control Terminals for Input Terminal - 0- -° 30 29 --0 29 3 Quick stop signal 4 Main circuit M input answer back signal Motor overheat si nal Field block signal 5 " 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1" 17 Motor blower ON /OFF signal External gate block signal External (OCL) failure reset Fuse blown detection signal (inside) Thyristor cooling fan stop signal (inside) Speed reference ( 0+ Forward, (D Reverse) External current reference ( (D Forward torque, 0 Reverse torque) Speed feedback signal CEMF compensation Automatic field weakening current command Speed feedback (Voltage feedback) j ~ 28 j -oo- ~0- - -° °°_ ~~- 27 2 33 3 31 4 - 47 Function "Close" --- Field intensifying . "O "men" --- Gate block + Field half-reduced . "Close" --- Speed reference "ON" -; Acceleration to speed reference value . "Open" --- Speed reference "OFF" - Stop by regenerative braking + Gate block . "RUN" --- Speed reference "ON" -} Acceleration to spee," reference value . "STOP" --- Speed reference "OFF" -" Stop by regenerative braking - Gate block . Quick stop at ' Close' in case of soft start operation . "Close" --- Speed reference "OFF" -} Stop by regenerative braking -r Gate block . "Close" --- Gate block Terminals 26 and 35 (or 36) released . short-circuited unless used . "Open" "Close" "Close" phase .) "Close" "Open" "Close" --- Gate block . --- Normally . --- Fie143 block . (Field circuit clipped at PP --- Field intensifying . --- Gate block -~ Field current half-reduced . --- Gate block . 45 - 46 "Close" --- Normally. "Open" --- Reset . R1 - R2 "Open" --- Normally . "Close" --- Gate block . R3 - R4 13 With failure detection cooling fan (option) . "Open" --- Normally . "Close" --- Gate block t& V /100$N " Soft start commnw" -"zei~~z : e. -4 V '100 "" " 3 to 75 sec . (Variable) ±10 V /100%N f15 7100%N Accel . time, decel. time ad0 V (SG) justable independently . *6 V / 100$N Terminals 11 an,. 1 shortcircuited. ± 6 V/1000/6 N 14 ±3 V/100% Ia 15 0 V (SG) - DCTG 2 48 Forward : 4 V/1U0% Va Reverse: +6 V/100% Va Output received from field controller Type JGSM-51 . __0 7 8 9 10 12 1 5 Terminals 45 and 4 " shortcircuited when reset button in the unit is used . 3 (+) " Output from Type JGSM- 5 When reversible operation by ACTG . (OPN : " Output from type JGSM-53 When speed controlled by voltage detection . (OPN : OP, en) Open) Notes 1. Use highly reliable contact for input interface signal considering that the load is 48 VDC, 10 mA . 2. Provide a noise killer at both ends of coil when relays, contactors, etc. are used . 1 8 Table 12 Functions of External Control Terminals for Output Terminal Signal Name 1 Ready signal 2 Operation signal zz 3 Failure signal 4 19~~ 0-1-° Zero-speed detection si nal Main circuit current detection signal 5 24 - 25 ..-0 3 o- 49 6 Speed reference signal 11 7 Speed feedback signal 4 8 9 10 11 Function Contact signal closed when operation is ready . Allowable contact (PREP light ON .) capacity 21-22-23 NO contact ---- For input 220 VAC, 2 A command . 24 VDC, 2 A 18-19-20 Contact signal c ose " or opened) when failure occurs . 44 "ON" at motor speed 1% or below (±6 V/100% NPB) . - V 100 Ia (Allowable load impedance : ±12 V Max -6 V/100% N 3 k9Z) Terminals 11 an(A 12 short-circuited . when revers1p e operation Input from Type JGSMb ACTG . (OPN : Open) Thyristor cooling 39 "ON" by thyristor cooling Indifan stop fan stop . vidual Thyristor overcur40 "ON" by thyristor overcurfailure rent and overload rent overload. detecField lost 41 "ON" b fiel d loss . tion Motor overheat 42 "ON" b motor overheat . signal Fuse blown 43 "ON" b fuse-blown. Speedometer 50 - 1 Connected to 1 mA DC meter (2 kQ or below) . (Full scale at_maximum speed) Main circuit ammeter - 1 Connected to 1 mA DC meter (2 kQ or below) . (Full scale at 150% load) Control power supply 53 -15 V 54 0 V (S G) 55 +15 V 38 +24 V 37 0 V ( POWER 0 V ~~ +48 V Isolate(A from other 34 V POWER TV control r,rpr~C-~ 1 ~1y . EP *Allowable rating 24 VDC, 50 mA . (24 VDC power supply required externally .) Varispeed-505NA/II INDUSTRIAL USE THYRISTOR CONVERTER UNITS TOKYO OFFICE Ohtemachi Bldg, 1-6-1 Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyc, 100 Japan Phone (03) 3284-9111 Telex YASKAWA J33530 Fax (03) 3284-9034 SEOUL OFFICE Seoul Center Bldg, 91-1, So Kong-bong, Chang-ku, Seoul, Korea Phone (02) 776-7844 Fax (02) 753-2639 TAIPEI OFFICE Shen Hsiang Tang Sung Chiang Building 10F 146 Sung Chiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan Phone (02) 563-0010, -7732 Fax (02) 567-4677 YASKAWA ELECTRIC AMERICA, INC. - SUBSIDIARY Chicago-Corporate Headquarters 2942 MacArthur Blvd Northbrook, Illinois 60062-2028, U S A Phone (708) 291-2340 Fax (708) 498-2430 Chicago-Technical Center 3160 MacArthur Blvd Northbrook, Illinois 6()062-1917, U S A Phone (708) 291-0411 Fax (708) 291-1028 Los Angeles Office 5626 Corporate Avenue Cypress, CA 90630, U S A Phone (714) 828-9692 Telex (230) 678396 YASKAWAUS TSTN Fax (714) 8'8-1165 New Jersey Office Riverdale One, 44 Route 23 North, Suite 5 Riverdal s, NJ 07457-1619 Phone (201) 835-9512 Fax (201) 835-9511 YASKAWA ELECTRIC EUROPE GmbH SUBSIDIARY Niederhochstadter Strafle 73, W 61476 Kronberg-Oberhochstadt. Germany Phone (06173) 938-0 Telex 415660 YASE D Fax (06173) 68421 YASKAWA ELETRICO DO BRASIL COMERCIO LTDA . - SUBSIDIARY Rua Conde Do Pinhal 8-5', Andar Sala 51 CEP 01501-Sao Paulo-SP, Br'Esil Phone (011) 35-1911 Fax (011) 37-7375 YASKAWA ELECTRIC (SINGAPORE) PTE. LTD . CPF Bldg, 79 Robinson Road No 13-05, Singapore 0106 Phone 2217530 Telex (87) 24890 YASKAWA RS Fax (65) 224-5854 YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION YASKAWA TOE-S505-20C ® Printed in Japan October 1993 63-4 0 5TA 682-215 ">

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Key features
- Reversible operation of industrial DC motors
- Comprehensive installation and wiring instructions
- Thorough troubleshooting guide
- Detailed parts replacement procedures
- Safety precautions and operation guidelines
Frequently asked questions
You need to adjust the NMAX potentiometer on the control circuit board to increase or decrease the speed.
CEMF compensation reduces the loss time due to Forward/Reverse selection and helps to achieve optimum performance by biasing the phase shifter.
The replacement procedure involves removing the snubber board, bus bar, and thyristor, checking the type and capacity of the new module, and reinstalling it by reversing the disassembly process.