GeoTelematic Basic GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration manual

GeoTelematic Basic GTS Enterprise Installation/Configuration manual

The GeoTelematic GTS Enterprise Basic is a software platform for tracking and managing vehicles, assets, and people. It provides a comprehensive set of features, including real-time tracking, reporting, and alerts. The system can be used to monitor the location, speed, and direction of vehicles, as well as other important data such as fuel consumption, engine hours, and temperature. The platform is also equipped with a powerful rule engine that can be used to trigger alerts based on specific events or conditions.


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GeoTelematic GTS Enterprise Basic Installation/Configuration manual | Manualzz



Installation/Configuration manual for the

Basic GTS Enterprise

Copyright © 2007-2014 GeoTelematic Solutions, Inc.

All rights reserved [email protected]

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Manual Revision HIstory

Date Changed

2009/01/01 Initial Release

2009/02/20 Added report creation information.

2009/03/20 Added "RuleFactoryLite" implementation information.

Added "Configuration Assistant Tool" information.

Added "Database Administration Tool" information.

2009/08/17 Added Appendix ("Device Communication Server Load Testing", and "GPS Accuracy")

2009/12/10 Added email notification replacement variable documentation

2010/02/23 Update "RuleFactoryLite" inforamtion

2010/03/25 Moved WebUI information to the "Tutorial and Guide" documentation. Rearranged chapters.

2010/11/29 Added appendix on Device Communication Server XML Configuration file.

Added comments regarding blank "fullAddress" rule field when sending a notification.

Added section on configuring the "Cron" periodic processing of "RuleFactoryLite" rules.

Added section on including custom code into the build process.

2011/03/15 Updated information regarding saving of "config.conf". Added SMS gateway information.

Added additional "RuleFactoryLite" information. Added additional installation information.

01/29/14 Added "arrive"/"depart" rule selector options to allow specifying a specific Geozone. Added additional

"Cron" task rule function definitions.

Updated SMS configuration, etc.












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Basic GTS Enterprise Config/Install

1 Introduction

2 Installation

2.1 Creating the "gts_vars.env" Environment Variable Initialization Script

2.2 Configuring the Autostart Scripts for Fedora/CentOS Linux

2.3 Setting Up System Administration

3 Configuration Assistance Tools

3.1 Starting the Configuration Assistance Tool

3.2 Simple Configuration Changes

3.3 Running UpdateTables

3.4 Running CheckInstall

3.5 Starting/Stopping Tomcat

3.6 Repackaging/Redeploying the 'track.war' Servlet

4 Database Administration Tool

4.1 Starting the Database Administration Tool

4.2 Displaying Table Fields and Attributes.

4.3 Viewing/Editing Table Records

5 Creating/Modifying Reports

5.1 Report Layout

5.2 Report Data Iterator

5.3 Report Definition XML

5.4 Available Report Specification

6 "RuleFactoryLite" Implementation

6.1 Supported Rule Selector Types

6.2 Periodic "Cron" Rule Checks

6.3 Outbound SMTP Email Delivery Setup

6.4 Installing the "RuleFactoryLite" Implementation

6.5 Setting Up Notification Email

7 Configuring an Outbound SMS Gateway

7.1 General Email to SMS Gateway

7.2 Clickatell SMS Gateway

7.3 TextAnywhere SMS Gateway

7.4 Http-based SMS Gateway

8 Sending Commands to a Remote Device via SMS

8.1 Enabling the "SMS" Button on the Device Admin Page

8.2 Configuring Device Communication Server SMS Commands

9 Adding Custom Code to the GTS Build Process

9.1 Building the "custom.jar" Java Library

9.2 Starting GTS Programs With the "custom.jar" Java Library


A) Device Communication Server Runtime XML Configuration File

B) Device Communication Server Load Testing

C) GPS Accuracy

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1) Introduction

The GeoTelematic tm Basic 'Enterprise' version of GTS contains many additional features not available in the opensource version of OpenGTS. This manual is a supplement to the Installation/Configuration manual already available in the open-source OpenGTS, and describes these additional features.

To find more information regarding the use of the various features available in the GTS Enterprise, please refer to the following additional documents:

• GTS Enterprise Tutorial and Guide

Describes the use of various features available in the GTS Enterprise web-interface. Includes descriptive screen shots to provide detailed help in creating account, users, geozones, etc.

• GTS Enterprise Web Services Guide

Describes the installation and use of the "Web Services" feature of the GTS Enterprise.

Additional documentation can be found at the following link:

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2) Installation

The initial installation of the GTS Enterprise is very similar to the installation of the OpenGTS package, with the exception that the GTS Enterprise is already compiled, so the compilation step may be skipped. You can refer to the OpenGTS Installation/Configuration manual at the following link for additional information:

On Linux, it is recommended that the GTS be installed in the "/usr/local/" directory. For the purpose of this

Installation section, it will be assumed that the GTS installation directory has been placed in "/usr/local/". For example purposes, the name of the GTS installation directory name is also assumed to be "GTS_1.2.3-B01", and the user owning the GTS installation directory and Tomcat directory is assumed to be "opengts".

Some of the commands below may require running as the "root" user (in order to access some of the system's privileged resources). Those commands which may require "root" privileges will be indicated, otherwise the

"opengts" user should be used when running commands.

2.1) Creating the "gts_vars.env" Environment Variable Initialization Script

Running the GTS Enterprise requires that certain environment variables are set to their respective directories in order for the GTS to locate the various resources that it requires. This section covers the creation of a script that will initialize these environment variables for you.

The first step is to create the following symbolic links in "/usr/local/" (perform as the "root" user):

/usr/local/gts - Points to the latest GTS installation directory

/usr/local/java - Points to the Oracle/Sun Java installation directory

/usr/local/tomcat - Points to the Apache Tomcat installation directory

A directory listing will then look similar to the following:

GTS_2.3.0-B33/ apache-tomcat-6.0.20/ gts -> /usr/local/GTS_1.2.3-B01/ tomcat -> apache-tomcat-6.0.20/ java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-

The file "/usr/local/gts_vars.env" can then be created with the "" command

(perform as the "root" user): cd /usr/local/GTS_1.2.3-B01 bin/ -user opengts -dir /usr/local -out /usr/local/gts_vars.env

In the above command, "-user" specifies the owner of the GTS installation and Tomcat directories, "-dir" specifies the parent directory where the above symbolic links are placed, and "-out" specifies the file path/name where the environment variable initialization script will be placed.

This script is designed to be "sourced", rather than "executed". For example, the following line will initialize the

GTS environment variables for the current session:

. /usr/local/gts_vars.env

Note that there is a space after the first "." character. This is an indicator to the command shell that the contents of the specified script are to executed relative to the current active session.

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The above line can also be placed into the "opengts" user's ".bashrc" file (at "/home/opengts/.bashrc") so that this environment variable initialization will automatically occur each time the "opengts" user logs-in to their account.

The "gts_vars.env" script initializes the following environment variables:

GTS_USER - User owning the GTS installation directory (typically "opengts")


GTS_HOME - GTS installation directory

JAVA_HOME - Java JDK installation directory


CATALINA_HOME - Apache Tomcat installation directory


The script also sets the current path environment variable to include the GTS "bin" directory, as well as set up some "convenience" command aliases for helping with administering the GTS installation (such as the command

"psjava" which display all currently running Java processes). (consult the created "gts_vars.env" file for more information).

2.2) Configuring the Autostart Scripts for Fedora/CentOS Linux

Currently, auto startup on-boot scripts are only provided for Fedora and CentOS versions of Linux. As startup scripts for other versions of Linux become available, they will be included here.

The following autostart installation procedures should be performed as the "root" user.

Apache Tomcat:

The following steps will set up the autostart on-boot script for Tomcat: cp $GTS_HOME/bin/onboot/fedora/tomcat /etc/init.d/.

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/tomcat chkconfig --add tomcat chkconfig tomcat on chkconfig --list tomcat

The "tomcat" autostart script calls the above "gts_vars.env" initialization script, then uses Tomcat's

"" and "" commands to start and stop Tomcat.

GTS Device Communication Server (DCS) Modules:

The following steps will set up the autostart on-boot script for the GTS DCS modules: cp $GTS_HOME/bin/onboot/fedora/opengts /etc/init.d/.

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/opengts chkconfig --add opengts chkconfig opengts on chkconfig --list opengts

The "opengts" autostart script calls the above "gts_vars.env" initialization script, then uses the GTS command "" to start and stop the running DCS modules. "" uses the GTS file at "bin/serverList" to determine which DCS modules should be started.

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2.3) Setting Up System Administration

When logging in to the "System Administrator" account, an additional menu tab is display allowing the administrator to view and edit other system-wide information, such as displaying and creating accounts.

The system-administrator account must be created at system installation time using the "bin/" command-line tool, as follows: (should be performed as the "opengts" user) bin/ Account -account=sysadmin -pass=adminpass -create

Where 'sysadmin' is the reserved name for the System Administrator account (specified in 'common.conf' on the

"sysAdmin.account" property), and 'adminpass' is a convenient password of your choosing.

If the 'sysadmin' password was forgotten, you can also edit this account with the following command to view or reset the system-administrator password: (should be performed as the "opengts" user) bin/ Account -account=sysadmin -edit

The 'sysadmin' account is recognized by GTS as the System Administrator, and automatically displays additional menu tabs and options for this account which are not available to non-sysadmin accounts.

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3) Configuration Assistance Tool

A Configuration assistance tool has been included to help with minor configuration changes. Currently this tool has only been tested to work on Linux or Mac OS X based platforms, and MUST be run from the login console of the computer on which the GTS system is installed, and from the user that owns the GTS installation directory.

3a) Note for Windows users:

Not all features described in this chapter will be available on a Windows platform.

This tool is still in the process of being updated and changed to improve its usability. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please let us know.

3.1) Starting the Configuration Assistance Tool

To start the configuration assistance tool, enter the following from the command-line: bin/ -config

3.1a) Note for Linux users:

This command must be started as the user which owns the GTS installation directory (typically

'opengts'). Attempting to run this command as 'root', or other user, may create servlet deployment and other runtime issues that may be difficult to track down when permission problems occur.

A Java-based UI will be displayed allowing various selectable options on the left-hand side of the window. The upper " blue " items are part of the configuration wizard that allows selecting many configurable options for the GTS system. The confgiuration wizard options may only be traversed using the "Back/Next" buttons. As different options are traversed by the "Back"/"Next" buttons, the panel at the right will change to display a data entry or information screen which pertains to the selected item. The changed configuration is saved to the file

"config.conf" when the "Save Configuration" optionis finally selected.

3.1b) Upgrading from previous GTS versions:

When upgrading to a new version of the GTS, the "config.conf" file from the previous version can be renamed and copied to the new version with the file name "custom_old.conf". Then when starting the "Configuration Assistance Tools" the previous configuration selections will be preselected in the configuration wizard sections.

The lower "black" items may be directly selected to display their specific function in the right-hand panel.

Once all configuration changes have been made, the application can be started at a later time without the configuration "wizard" section by omitting the "-config" argument at the end of the command.

3.2) Simple Configuration Changes

To walk through the various availale simple configuration changes, start by clicking on the "Welcome" item in the list, then follow the on screen instructions from there. Click "Next" to advance to the next item in the list. If necessary you may click "Back" to go back to a previous configuration screen.

When the final "Save Configuration" item is selected (by click "Next" though all of the configuration screens), you will have the option of saving your changed configuration. Once saved, the "track.war" file should be rebuild and redeployed. This can be accomplished through the "Tomcat" selection.

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3.3) Running UpdateTables

The "Run UpdateTables" page allows initializing the database, and updating columns in existing tables. Select the item in the list labeled "Run UpdateTables" to display the UpdateTables page.

To initialize the database and/or update existing table columns, click the "Run UpdateTables" button. A dialog windows will be displayed which asks for the database (ie. MySQL) root user/password (Note: This is the user that has been granted rights within the database provider to create databases and other users. This is not the same user/password that represents the root/superuser on your computer system). If a root user/password is required to initialize the database, then enter the required values and click "Ok". If no root user/password is required, then leave the values blank and click "Ok". The results of the initialization/update process will be dislayed, and may be copied to the clipboard for for pasting to another document, or even have the results automatically emailed to the

OpenGTS support center.

Note that emailing the results of the CheckInstall output requires that the SMTP configuration is complete and correct, otherwise an error will occur while attempting to send the email.

3.4) Running CheckInstall

To run "CheckInstall" from within the Configuration Assistance Tool, select the item in the list labeled "Run

CheckInstall". From the displayed screen on the right, you can press the button "Run CheckInstall" to run the

CheckInstall process and display the output into the text log output area. Once displayed you can examine the result, copy the results to the clipboard for pasting to another document, or even have the results automatically emailed to the OpenGTS support center.

Note that emailing the results of the CheckInstall output requires that the SMTP configuration is complete and correct, otherwise an error will occur while attempting to send the email.

3.5) Starting/Stopping Tomcat

The upper portion of the screen frame shows the Tomcat "run" status. This will display either "Running" or

"Stopped". If Tomcat is stopped, you may press the "Start Tomcat" button to start Tomcat. If Tomcat is running, you may press the "Stop Tomcat" button to stop Tomcat.

The upper log-ouput text area displays the status of the Start or Stop process.

The lower log output text area displays the last few lines of the Tomcat log "catalina.out" file, and will automatically display any changes as they occur in the log file.

3.6) Repackaging/Redeploying the 'track.war' Servlet

To repackage and redeploy the "track.war" servlet, select the item in the list labeled "Servlet Deployment", then select "track.war" from the pull-down menu.

The "Build" button allows you to repackage the "track.war" servlet file. Check the "Deploy" button to also cause the repackaged "track.war" servelet to also be copied to the Tomcat 'webapps' directory when the "Biuld" button is pressed. Note that the Tomcat "auto-redeploy" option must be enabled to actually have the new "track.war" file automatically be redployed and made available to the web-interface.

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4) Database Administration Tool

The database administration tool allows you to view the table relationship hiearchy, view table and field attributes, and view/edit table records.

4.1) Starting the Database Administration Tool

To start the configuration assistance tool, enter the following from the command-line: bin/

A Java base UI will display. The left half of the window displays a tree showing the hiearchical relationship of the variious tables with the GTS system. You can click on the items in the tree to display their corresponding information or data entry screen on the right. You can also right-click on the tree nodes to display a "context menu" allowing the selection of other functions that can be performed on the selected tree node.

4.2) Displaying Table Fields and Attributes.

The "DB Information" tree displays all tables in the GTS system, and their relationship to other tables. When clicking on a specific table node, the screen to the right of the tree will allow you to display the "Table Information", the "Actual Columns" as described in the table itself, and the "Defined Columns" as specified in the Java GTS code. Columns marked in red indicate a column that is defined in the Java GTS code, but not yet defined in the database table itself. Right-clicking on the table node will allow you to update/create these missing columns in the database. Columns marked in yellow indicate table columns that exist in the database, but are not reference from within the Java GTS table code. These table columns can be dropped by right clicking on the individual yellow columns and selecting "drop column", however, leaving these unused columns in the database will not adversely effect the behavior of the GTS system.

4.3) Viewing/Editing Table Records

Right clicking on a table tree node will allow you to create new entries, or edit/delete existing entries.

To open an existing entry, right-click on a node and select "Open". A window dialog will be displayed allowing you to select an existing entry in the database table which can be opened. Note that a table record cannot be opened until the parent record on which it is dependent is also opened. For a given table, only one entry may be opened at a time. To open a different table entry, the first entry must be closed.

To create a new table entry, right-click on a table node and select "New". A dialog window will be displayed allow you to enter the appropriate key field for which the table entry will be created.

Whether creating a new or opening an existing table entry, the values may be changed, and saved, by again rightclicking on the opened table node and selecting "Save".

For safetly and secruity precautions, records may not be deleted unless the "bin/" command is started with the command-line option "-allowDelete".

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5) Creating/Modifying Reports

The GTS Enterprise comes with a very simple and configurable report generation engine. Reports are comprised of 3 main components: the report layout, the report data iterator, and the report specification XML.

The report specification XML coordinates the report data iterator, reporting constraints, and the columns which are to appear on the report, into a specific report definition. The report data iterator constructs the data which will be included in the report based on the reporting constraints. The report data layout then iterates through the report data and generates a report based on the column formatting information provided by the report specification XML.

The "Report Layout" and "Report Data Iterator" components must be implemented in Java code by a Java programmer, and should be configurable for a general use. The "Report Specification XML" is a report configuration text file that specifies the type, columns, and contraints for a specific report. Provided the report layout and data iterator are implemented for general use, many different kinds of reports may be created that utilize the same layout and data iterator.

5.1) Report Layout

The Report Layout is a Java module that defines what columns are available for a given report, and their respective formatting options.

A report layout must extend the abstract Java class "" and must define a "DataRow" subclass that understands how to parse report columna/fields from report row objects provided by the report data iterator.

The class "" is an example ReportLayout subclass that defines the available columns and formatting options for the Event Detail and Summary reports.

5.2) Report Data Iterator

The Report Data Iterator is a Java module that constructs the list of records that are to be included in the report based on the constraints specified in the report specification XML.

A report data iterator must extend the abstract Java class "" and provide implementations for the "getBodyDataIterator" and "getTotalDataIterator" methods. It must also bind to a specific ReportLayout by providing an implementation for the "getReportLayout" method.

The class "" is an example ReportData subclass that generates the Event Detail report.

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5.3) Report Definition XML

The file "report.xml" defines the html style used for a column defined in a ReportLayout. If also defines specific reports by specifying which ReportData iterator, and which columns will be included in a given report. It also specifies the constraints that are to be applied to the data which the report will contain.

Here is an example report definition from the 'report.xml' file for the "Event Detail" report:


=== The 'name' provides a name for the report, referenced in 'private.xml'

=== The 'type' provides a report group name, referenced in 'private.xml'

=== The 'class' specifies the report data iterator used to generate the report


<Report name="EventDetail" type="device.detail"


<!-- The description of the report display on the reporting menu -->

<MenuDescription i18n="">

Event Detail


<!-- The title displayed above the report -->

<Title i18n="ReportsXML.eventDetail.title">

Event Detail


<!-- The subtitle displayed above the report -->

<Subtitle i18n="ReportsXML.eventDetail.subtitle">

${deviceDesc} [${deviceId}]\n${dateRange}


<!-- The columns included in the report -->


<Column name="index" />

<Column name="date" />

<Column name="time" />

<Column name="statusDesc" />

<Column name="latitude" arg="" />

<Column name="longitude" arg="" />

<Column name="speedH" arg="1" />

<Column name="altitude" />

<Column name="odometer" arg="0" />

<Column name="address" />


<!-- The report data constraints -->


<SelectionLimit type="first">1000</SelectionLimit>




<!-- the map icon selector (if map display is enabled) -->


<!-- this section requires an installed "RuleFactory" implementation -->

<![CDATA[ ((mph<4)?"reddot":(speed<15)?"yellow":"heading") ]]>



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5.4) Available Report Specification

Once a report has been defined in the 'report.xml' file, it can be made available for user selection in the webinterface by referencing the report name in the 'private.xml' file in the "Reports" tag.

Here is an example report specification from the 'private.xml file:


<Report name="EventDetail">



<Report name="EventSummary">




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6) "RuleFactoryLite" Implementation

A simple implementation of the "RuleFactory" interface is provided with your installation of the basic "GTS

Enterprise" system. To see which "RuleFactory" implementation is installed on your system, examine the output of the "bin/" command for the line beginning with "(RuleFactory)". You may see one of the following values:




No RuleFactory implementation is installed

GTSRulesEngine The fully functional "Event Notification Rules Engine" is installed.

Same as "GTSRulesEngine".

RuleFactoryLite The "RuleFactoryLite" implementation is installed.

A custom RuleFactory implementation may be installed.

This section of this document only covers the "RuleFactoryLite" implementation of the "RuleFactory" interface.

For information regarding the "GTSRulesEngine" (or "SecureENRE") please see the "Event Notification Rules

Engine Technical Manual" document:

6.1) Supported Rule Selector Types

This "RuleFactoryLite" implementation supports the following selector types which can be used for checking events as they arrive at the server:

arrive or arrive(ZONE)

The "arrive" rule triggers a notification on an explicit STATUS_GEOFENCE_ARRIVE [0xF210] status code on the incoming event being tested. This means that the device communication server must either receive these status codes directly from the device protocol, or it must "simulate" geozone arrive detection and insert events with this status codes into the database (for instance, in the example 'template' server, geozone arrive/depart detection can be 'simulated' by setting the variable "SIMEVENT_GEOZONES" in the module

"" to "true", or setting the DCS property "simulateGeozones" to true in the appropriate "dcserver_SERVERID.xml" file). If ZONE is specified, then the EventData method

"getGeozoneID()" is called to compare against the specified Geozone, and the rule will only trigger if the

Geozone IDs match.

depart or depart(ZONE)

The "depart" rule triggers a notification on an explicit STATUS_GEOFENCE_DEPART [0xF230] status code on the incoming event being tested. This means that the device communication server must either receive these status codes directly from the device protocol, or it must "simulate" geozone depart detection and insert events with this status codes into the database (for instance, in the example 'template' server, geozone arrive/depart detection can be 'simulated' by setting the variable "SIMEVENT_GEOZONES" in the module

"" to "true", or setting the DCS property "simulateGeozones" to true in the appropriate "dcserver_SERVERID.xml" file). If ZONE is specified, then the EventData method

"getGeozoneID()" is called to compare against the specified Geozone, and the rule will only trigger if the

Geozone IDs match.


The "speed" rule triggers a notification if the vehicle speed exceeds the defined Device "Maximum Speed" setting on the "Device Admin" page, or if the Device maximum speed has not been set, triggers if the vehicle speed exceeds the specified LIMIT value, specified in km/h. For example, the entry "speed(100)" will trigger a notification if the speed specified on the current event exceeds 100 km/h.


The "code" rule triggers a notification if the status code on the incoming event being tested matches the specified StatusCode value. The "StatusCode" needs to be one of the hex or decimal status code values specified in the "Status Codes and Descriptions" documentation.

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The "true" rule will always trigger a notification.


The "false" rule will never trigger a notification (unless accompanied by another rule which returns true).

The above supported rule selector items must be specified in the Device/Vehicle Admin field "Notify Rule" (or

"Notification Selector" field if using the command-line editor) to be effective for incoming events for that specific device. Multiple rule selector items may be specified by separating them with commas. For instance, to cause a notification trigger for geozone arrival or departure, you may specify the value "arrive,depart" in the

"Notification Rule" field in the Device record (accessible from the "Device Admin" page).

The following rule selectors can be used in the "RuleFactoryLite" implementation for checking specific conditions periodically in the "Cron" process.


This "Cron" function can be used to check for "Maintenance" conditions triggered by the latest accumulated odometer value of a specific device/vehicle. Typically this function is tested once per day to check for vehicles that currently have maintenance due. To enable the odometer maintenance field in the Device record, and display this information on the "Device/Vehicle Admin" page, set the following properties in your

"config.conf" or "custom_gts.conf" file (then rebuild/redeploy the 'track.war' file and restart any running

DCS module):



The "" property activates the "CronMainKM" cron-task in the

"crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml" file. This cron-task entry attempts to compare the current vehicle odometer value against the maintenance interval and send a maintenance notification if necessary (the "cron" task handler must be running in order for this daily check to occur). See the

"crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml" file for more information.


This "Cron" function can be used to check for reminder message conditions specified on the Device/Vehicle

Admin page for a specific vehicle. To enable the reminder message feature, set the following properties in your "config.conf" or "custom_gts.conf" file (then rebuild/redeploy the 'track.war' file and restart any running DCS module):



The "" property activates the "CronReminder" cron-task in the

"crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml" file. This cron-task entry attempts to periodically check for pending reminder messages and send them to the email recipients specified collectively on the Device and

Account "Notify Email" fields. See the "crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml" file for more information.

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6.2) Periodic "Cron" Rule Checks

The "RuleFactoryLite" implementation also supports periodic rule checking, when used with the "cron" processor.

The following rule selector type is also supported specifically for periodic "cron" rule checks: cron

The "cron" rule triggers a notification for specific conditions programmed into the "cron" rule in the

"" module..

The above rule selector item(s) must be customized in the "crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml" file. The default implementation simply returns false, but you can add your own custom checks which can be periodically checked:

this.ftnMap.put(SEL_CRON, new RuleFunction() {

public Object evaluate(EventData ev, String arg) {

// TODO: fill this section in with your custom 'cron' test

Print.logInfo("'Cron' test default returns FALSE");

return Boolean.FALSE;



(Note: after making any code changes, you will need to rebuild and restart the "cron" process).

To start the periodic "cron" checking, start the process with the following command:

bin/ -s cron -debug -- -crontab=${GTS_HOME}/crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml

The above command start the "cron" process and execute the commands indicated in the crontab file at


The "crontab/cronRuleFactoryLite.xml" file contains the following section:

<Job name="CronRuleFactoryLite" active="true">






<When hour="*" minute="0"/>


- "RuleFactoryLite" class

- "cron" method

- Debug mode (optional)

- All Accounts

- "cron" selector

- Top of hear hour

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The "When" tag specified how ofter the rule should be checked. The "*" specification indicates that the check should be perform each hour. Here are a few other examples of "When" tag specifications:

Run "cron" check every morning at 1:05 AM:

<When hour="01" minute="05"/>

Run "cron" check every 15 minutes::

<When hour="*" minute="*/15"/>

Run "cron" check every 2 hours::

<When hour="*/2" minute="00"/>

Run "cron" check every week on Sunday morning at 1am:

<When weekDay="sun" hour="01" minute="00"/>

Run "cron" check at the top of each hour, only on Monday and Wednesday:

<When weekDay="mon,wed" hour="*" minute="00"/>

6.3) Outbound SMTP Email Delivery Setup

In order to deliver outbound email notification, you'll need to make sure that the outbound SMTP service is set up properly in the runtime configuration files "config.conf" and/or "custom_gts.conf". Within this file, the property keys that set up outbound SMTP service are those that begin with "smtp.". At a minimum, the following

SMTP properties should be uncommented and set:

The SMTP service provider host.


The SMTP service provider port smtp.user

The account/user assigned by the SMTP service provider.


The "From" email address assigned by the SMTP service provider.


The account/user password assigned by the SMTP service provider.


Set to "true" if the SMTP service provider requires SSL.


Set to "true" if the SMTP service provider requires TLS.

Once this file is changed, make sure that any servlets (ie. 'track.war', etc) are reuilt and redeployed to make the change is effective. Also restart any running device communication servers (for instance, the example 'template' server).

Email notifications are sent to the recipients specified in the Account Admin "Notify Email" and Device Admin

"Notify Email" fields. Multiple email addresses may be specified by separating them with commas.

6.4) Installing the "RuleFactoryLite" Implementation

If the "RuleFactoryLite" implementation is available in your basic "GTS Enterprise" system, it is likely already installed, and displayed in the "bin/" output on the "RuleFactory" display line.

Alternatively, if you have the more comprehensive "ENRE" (Event Notification Rules Engine) installed, it will be displayed as "GTSRulesEngine" or "SecureENRE" in the "bin/" output.

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If you are attempting to upgrade a pre-installed system, and have your own customized copy of

"", then you may need to manually install the "RuleFactoryLite" module into the Device

'setRuleFactory' method. In this case, to enable the RuleFactoryLite implementation, add the folloiwing line near the end of the StartupInit method "addTableFactories()":

Device.setRuleFactory(new org.opengts.extra.rule.RuleFactoryLite());

6.5) Setting Up Notification Email

Email notifications are sent to the recipients specified in the Account Admin "Notify Email" and Device Admin

"Notify Email" fields. Multiple email addresses may be specified by separating them with commas.

The email which is sent to the various recipients can be customized using the "Notify Subject" and "Notify

Message" fields on the Device Admin page. You can insert certain values which will be replaced with the actual value obtained from the event record that triggered the event. For instance, if you place "${device}" into the email subject or message, it will be replaced with the specified device description (eg. "Jane's Car").

For example, you may specify a notify subect and message as follows:


Vehicle "${device}" has arrived at "${geozone}


Vehicle : ${device}

Address : ${address}

Location: ${latitude}/${longitude}

Speed : ${speed}

Here is a list of the available 'replacement variables' that can be specified in the "Notify Subject" and "Notify

Message" fields:

6.4a) Note for Web-Based ReverseGeocodeProviders

If the configured ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet been able to obtain a street address, certain fields below may still be blank (such as the "fullAddress" field below). This will particularly be true for

ReverseGeocodeProviders which are considered a "Slow" operation (which includes any

ReverseGeocodeProvider which must obtain a reverse-geocode over an Internet based service). In most cases, you can force the ReverseGeocodeProvider to "think" that is is a fast operation by setting the following property in the "ReverseGeocodeProvider" tag section:

<Property key="alwaysFast">true</Property>

This will cause the rule triggering and email to always wait for the reverse-geocode to be complete before attempting to send any email. This should be used with caution however, since this can significantly slow down the processing of all events received by the server.

Aternatively, if you have the Event Notification Rules Engine installed, you can cause the emailing of notifications to be delayed for a few seconds while the address information is being updated by setting the following property (in your "config.conf" or "custom_gts.conf" files):


The above property specification will cause the notification email to be delayed by 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) while the address is being updated.

Name: ${account}

Description: Event account description.

Example: Acme Incorporated

Name: ${device}

Description: Event device description.

Example: Taxi #123

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Name: ${dateTime}, ${date}

Description: Event date/time displayed in the preferred format.

Example: 2008/11/01 12:53:01 PDT

Name: ${dateYear}, ${year}

Description: Event date year

Example: 2010

Name: ${dateMonth}, ${month}

Description: Event date month

Example: 11

Name: ${dateDay}, ${day}

Description: Event date day-of-month

Example: 17

Name: ${dateDow}, ${dayOfWeek}

Description: Event date day-of-week.

Example: Sunday

Name: ${time}

Description: Event date time.

Example: 12:15:47

Name: ${status}

Description: Event status code description.

Example: InMotion

Name: ${geopoint}

Description: Event GPS location.

Example: 39.12345, -142.12345

Name: ${latitude}

Description: Event GPS latitude (full resolution)

Example: 39.123456789

Name: ${longitude}

Description: Event GPS longitude (full resolution)

Example: -142.123456789

Name: ${speed}

Description: Event speed in the account preferred units.

Example: 45.6 mph

Name: ${speedLimit}

Description: Reverse-Geocoded Event posted speed limit in the account preferred units (if available).

Example: 65.0 mph

(may be blank if the ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet updated this field)

Name: ${direction}

Description: Event direction (bearing) abbreviation.

Example: SE

Name: ${bearing}, ${heading}

Description: Event bearing.

Example: 123.4

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Name: ${odometer}

Description: Event odometer value in account preferred units

Example: 12776.3 miles

Name: ${distance}

Description: Event distance/tripometer value in account preferred units

Example: 976.3 miles

Name: ${altitude}, ${alt}

Description: Event altitude value in account preferred units

Example: 1329 feet

Name: ${geozoneID}

Description: Event arrival/departure Geozone ID (if any)

Example: home

Name: ${geozone}

Description: Event arrival/departure Geozone Description (if any)

Example: Home Base

Name: ${address}, ${fullAddress}

Description: Reverse-Geocoded Event full address

Example: 123 Somewhere St, Anywhere, CA 12345 USA

(may be blank if the ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet updated this field)

Name: ${street}, ${streetAddress}

Description: Reverse-Geocoded Event street address (if available)

Example: 123 Somewhere St

(may be blank if the ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet updated this field)

Name: ${city}

Description: Reverse-Geocoded Event city address (if available)

Example: Anywhere

(may be blank if the ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet updated this field)

Name: ${state}, ${province}

Description: Reverse-Geocoded Event state/province address (if available)

Example: CA

(may be blank if the ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet updated this field)

Name: ${postalCode}, ${zipCode}

Description: Reverse-Geocoded Event postal code address (if available)

Example: 12345

(may be blank if the ReverseGeocodeProvider has not yet updated this field)

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7) Configuring an Outbound SMS Gateway

The GTS Enterprise can support utilizing an outbound SMS gateway for sending SMS/Text notifications from the

Event Notification Rules Engine (ENRE) and for sending commands to a remote device as configured in the specific device communication server (DCS) "dcservers/dcserver_xxxxxxx.xml" file.

The GTS Enterprise supports the following outbound SMS gateway configurations:

– Generic email to SMS service provider.


Text Anywhere

Generic HTTP-based SMS gateways (ie. Kannel, MultiTech)

– MultiTech SF100-G SMS gateway []

The selected outbound SMS gateway can be configured in the "custom_gts.conf" file using one of the configuration property settings described below:

The default outbound SMS gateway configuration should be specified in the "custom_gts.conf" file (or other config file) with the following property specification:


Where SMSGatewayName is one of the following configured SMS gateway options:

– emailBody emailSubject - General email-to-SMS configuration (email-based delivery only) httpURL

- General email-to-SMS configuration (email-based delivery only)

- General HTTP to SMS configuration (http-based delivery only)

– clickatell - Clickatell SMS configuration (for email-based delivery only)

– mail2txt - TextAnywhere SMS configuration (email-based delivery only)

– mail2txt60 - TextAnywhere SMS configuration (email-based delivery only)

– mail2txtid - TextAnywhere SMS configuration (email-based delivery only)

– mail2txt160id - TextAnywhere SMS configuration (email-based delivery only)

7.1) General Email to SMS Gateway

The following configuration options are available for setting the email to SMS gateway options.

# - email-based



To enable an email-based SMS gateway, uncomment the appropiate lines and set the outbound email address according to the requirements of you email-based SMS gateway provider. The "emailBody" option will place the

SMS message to be sent to the device into the body of the email message. The "emailSubject" option will place the SMS message to be sent to the device into the subject of the email message.

The value "%{mobile}" in the above specified outbound email address will be replaced with the Device "SMS

Phone Number".

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7.2) Clickatell SMS Gateway

The following configuration options are available for setting the Clickatell SMS gateway options for http-based delivery:




To enable the Clickatell SMS gateway via http, uncomment the above line and set the property values to those appropriate to your Clickatell SMS gateway account.

The following configuration options are available for setting the Clickatell SMS gateway options for email-based delivery:

# --- Clickatell SMS gateway (uncomment to enable)





To enable the Clickatell SMS gateway via email, uncomment the above lines and set the property values to those appropriate to your Clickatell SMS gateway account.

7.3) TextAnywhere SMS Gateway

The following configuration options are available for setting the TextAnywhere SMS gateway options.

TextAnywhere supports several different SMS gateway messaging types (ie. "mail2txt", "mail2txt160",

"mail2txtid", "mail2txt160id"). Choose and configure the option that best fits your requirements.

# --- TextAnywhere SMS gateway (uncomment to enable)

#[email protected]

# -

#[email protected]

# -

#[email protected]


# -


To enable the TextAnywhere SMS gateway, uncomment one of the above preferred sets of SMS gateway options and set the property value(s) to those appropriate to your TextAnywhere SMS gateway account. Set the

FromPhoneNumber value to the "from" phone number that will be used as the number from which the SMS message will be sent.

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7.4) General Http-based SMS Gateway

The following configuration options are available for setting a general http-based SMS gateway messaging system.

# --- Http SMS gateway, eg. Kannel (uncomment to enable)

#SmsGatewayHandler.httpURL.url=http://localhost:13001/sms/sendSMS ?


(note: the above configuration must be specified on a single line)

To enable the general Http-based SMS gateway, uncomment the above line and set the URL as appropriate to your http-based SMS gateway provider.

The above URL "template" should be modified to fit the specific requirements of your SMS gateway provider, or local SMS gateway service.

The "%{sender}", "%{mobile}", and "%{message}" are replaced with their corresponding values as follows:

%{sender} : Replaced with the Account "Contact Phone Number".

%{mobile} : Replaced with the Device "SIM Phone Number".

%{message} : Replaces with the text message to be sent to the device.

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8) Sending Commands to a Remote Device via SMS

Many devices support the ability to receive commands via SMS in order to reconfigure their settings, or to perform some specific action (such as unlocking a door). This section describes how to enable the general sending of commands to a remote GPS tracking device via SMS.

Sending commands to a remote device requires that an SMS outbound gateway has been configured. See the section "Configuring an Outbound SMS Gateway" for more information regarding how to enable/configure an outbound SMS gateway.

Once the following configuration changes have been made, rebuild/redeploy the "track.war" file to make these changes effective on your web-interface login.


) Enabling the "SMS" Button on the Device Admin Page

To to enable the "SMS" command button option, available on the Device Admin (or Vehicle Admin) page, set the following property value in your "custom_gts.conf" or "config.conf" runtime configuration file:


(this property overrides the "deviceInfo.showSmsButton" setting in your "private/private_common.xml" file)

Once enabled (and the "track.war" file rebuilt/redeployed) the Device Admin (or Vehicle Admin) page will show a new "SMS" button which, when clicked, will display a new page displaying the commands which have been configured for the specific device communication server (DCS).


) Configuring Device Communication Server SMS Commands

Every device manufacture has different protocol requirements for sending commands to their GPS tracking/telematic device. You will need to consult the manufacturer's protocol documentation for information regarding how certain command sent to their devices must be formatted.

When the above "SMS" button is clicked, the SMS Command page which is displayed is populated with commands which are specific to the type of device which has been delected. On the first Device Admin page which displays the available devices, the "DCServer ID" column describe the type of device communication server

(DCS) which this device entry represents (Note: this value is populated by the DCS upon the device's first communication with the server. If this column is blank for a specific device record, then the remote tracking device has not yet sent a communication to the server).

The commands which will be available to a user when they click on the "SMS" button can be configured in the

"dcservers/dcserver_XXXXX.xml" file for the specific DCS module (where XXXXX is the DCS id of the specific device communication server), within the "Commands" tag section.

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The following is an example command definition for sending a "Locate Now" command, and a "General" command which requires user input:

<Commands dispatchPort="0">

<!-- Locate Now via SMS (Ping) -->

<Command name="LocateSMS" enabled="true">


<Description>Locate Now</Description>

<String protocol="sms:httpUrl"><![CDATA[AT$PING=1]]></String>


<!-- User entered command -->

<Command name="General" enabled="true">


<Description>General Command</Description>

<String protocol="sms:httpUrl"><![CDATA[${arg}]]></String>



The "dispatchPort" attribute value (on the "Commands" tag) is only used for specific device communication server modules which already have a specific custom UI for sending formatted commands to remote devices for this DCS (if your implementation already has a non-zero value for the "dispatchPort" attribute, then the "SMS" command configuration is likely not necessary as a separate custom UI has already been created for this DCS).

The "Command" tag defines a specific command. The "name" attribute defines the command name (this value should only contain alpha-numeric characters (no spaces or special characters). The "enabled" attribute specifies whether this command is active or inactive (an inactive command will not be available through the webinterface).

The "Type" tag defines where this command selection will be available. The value "admin" indicates that the command option is only available through the Device Admin page "SMS" button (on the SMS Command page).

The value "map" indicates that the command will be available from a pull-down option available on the Device Map page. A command can be made available on both the Device Map and Device Admin page by specifying both values, separated by a comma (ie. such as "map,admin"). If the command requires any parameters/arguments

(ie. command strings containing "${arg}", which requires user input), then the command will only be available through the "SMS" button on the Device Admin page (commands which require user input will not be available through the Device Map page, event if "map" was entered as a command "Type").

The "Description" tag specifies the description of the command which will be presented to the user for command selection.

The "String" tag specifies the command-string which is to be sent to the device. The format and structure of this value is dependent on the requirements of the specific device communication server (DCS). For the above

"LocateSMS" command example, the specified "AT$PING=1" value is just an arbitrary example of what a SMS command may look like (consult your device manufacturer's protocol documentation for specific information regarding the type of commands structures available, and the specific formats required). If the value "${arg}" is present in the command string, an input field will be presented to the user to enter a value before sending the command to the device. The "${arg}" value will then be replaced with the value entered by the user. The value on the "protocol" attribute specifies how the command is to be sent to the device. For sending commands via

SMS, the "protocol" value must begin with "sms" or "sms:". If only "sms" is specified, then the default SMS delivery method (SMS gateway configuration) will be used. If "sms:" is specified, the value following "sms:" refers to which SMS gateway configuration is to be used to send the specified SMS command (see the section

"Configuring an Outbound SMS Gateway" for information on setting up an SMS gateway).

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9) Adding Custom Code to the GTS Build Process

The build process includes a provision for integrating custom code which you wish to have included with the GTS build process and included in the runtime Java libraries loaded when the GTS programs start.

When creating your own custom code, it should be placed in a sub-directory of the following Java source directory: src/org/opengts/custom/<nameid>/

Where "<nameid>" should be replaced with a custom short ID which represents your company (the preferred name/id is your assigned GTS ID).


) Building the "custom.jar" Java Library

Source code placed in this directory (with the proper Java class name), will automatically be placed into the Java

"jar" file named "custom.jar". (Note: Any subdirectories named "war" not be built and will be omitted from the

"custom.jar" file).

The "custum.jar" file is built by the "build_custom.xml" Ant build script. Normally, the

"build_custom.xml" file does not need to be modified to include source modules added to the

"src/org/opengts/custom/<nameid>" directory, however, if necessary your can modify this file as necessary to fit your custom requirements.

Once the custom code is included in the "src/org/opengts/custom/<nameid>" source directory, it can be built using the normal "ant" command for building the rest of the GTS system: cd $GTS_HOME ant all

Or, you can specify building only the "custom.jar" file: cd $GTS_HOME ant custom.jar

9.2) Starting GTS Programs With the "custom.jar" Java Library

After successfully building the "custom.jar" file, it will automatically be included when starting other GTS programs (such as the various available device communiation servers).

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A) Device Communication Server Runtime XML Configuration File

(Additional information on Device Communication Servers can be found in the OpenGTS_Config.pdf document)

The raw socket-based device communication servers (such as the example 'template' server) support the runtime configuration using the file "dcservers.xml" (or separate DCS files as specified inthe "dcservers/" directory).

An example format of the "dcservers.xml" file is as follows:







<!-- include another DCS file -->

<Include file="dcserver_template.xml" optional="true"/>

<DCServer name="icare">





The attributes for the DCServerConfig tag include the following: bindAddress : This attribute specifies the local IP address or host name to which the server will bind. This is useful when the local server has more than one IP address, and needs to send UDP packets back to a client device. If left blank, the server will bind to the default local IP address.

backlog : The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect). If a connection indication arrives when the queue is full, the connection is refused. If left blank, or is 0 or less, then the default backlog value will be used. See the class "" for more information.

portOffset : This value is added to any port specification. Unless otherwise needed for specific system requirements, this value should remain "0".

includeDir : If the "DCServerConfig" tag contains any "Include" sub-tags, this is the directory that will be search for the included files.

An example "Include" tag format is as follows:

<Include file="dcserver_template.xml" optional="true"/>

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The attributes for the Include tag include the following: file : This attribute specifies the name of the file to include. The included file must also be a properly formatted DCServerConfig XML file. All device communication servers defined within this included file (as defined by the "DCServer" tags) will be added to the device communication servers defined elswhere in this XML file. Recursive Include directives are not allowed.

optional : This attribute specifies whether the include file is required to exist. If this value is "true" and the include file does not exist, and error will be displayed. If this value is "false" and the include file does not exist, then the Include directory is quietly ignored.

An example "DCServer" tag format is as follows:

<DCServer name="template">


Example Template Server












<Property key="minimumSpeedKPH">4.0</Property>

<Property key="estimateOdometer">true</Property>

<Property key="simulateGeozones">true</Property>



The attribute for the DCServer tag are as follows: name : This attribute is required and specifies the name of the device communication server. The specified name should be unique among all loaded device communication servers. If a name of a device communication server is encountered that has already been defined, the subsequent named DCServer entry will be ignored.

"Description" sub-tag:

This tag specifies the optional description of the device communication server.

"UniqueIDPrefix" sub-tag:

This tag specifies the optional "Unique-ID" prefixes that will be used when looking up the device mobile-id in the

Device table. In the order specified, the specified prefix is prepended to the mobile-id then the resulting ID is looked-up in the Device table "uniqueID" field. If not found, then the next prefix will be used. The prefix specification "*" means that the mobile-id will be used as-is (without any prepended prefix).

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"ListenPorts" sub-tag:

This tag specifies the ports on which the device communication server will listen for incoming connections from remote devices. The attribute "tcpPort" specifies the port on which a TCP listener will be started. The attribute "udpPort" specified the port on which a UDP listener will be started. If either "tcpPort" or

"udpPort" is blank, or not specified, the the corresponding "listener" will not be started.

"Properties" sub-tag:

This tag includes "Property" sub-tags which specify runtime properties which can be used to further specify the behavior of the device communication server at runtime. The standard properties that most device communication server recognize are as follows: minimumSpeedKPH : (Double) This property specifies the minimum acceptable GPS-based speed. A speed value beow the value specified by this property will be considered a speed of '0'. This is used to mitigate GPS speed values which can indicate motion, even when the GPS receiver is stationary.

estimateOdometer : (Boolean) This property specifies the whether a GPS-based odometer value should be automatically calculated from the valid GPS locations reported by the incoming event. The odometer value of the current event is calculated by determining the distance from the previous event location to the current event location, then adding this distance to the previous odometer value.

simulateGeozones : (Boolean) This property specifies whether incoming events should be checked for

Geozone arrive/depart occurances. If the current event was found to have arrive, or have departed, from a

Geozone (as listed in the Geozone table), then the appropriate event, with the arrive/depart status code, will be generated and inserted into the EventData table.

Specific device communication server may also support other property specifications.

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B) Device Communication Server Load Testing

Device communication server load testing attempts to answer the question "How many remote tracking devices can my computer system handle?". There are many factors in determining the "load" that a system can handle. Here is a list of a few of them:

Do the devices transmit data via TCP(duplex) or UDP(simplex).

A TCP 'session' consumes more resources and time than an incoming UDP packet.

What is the interval between data packet transmissions.

If 1000 devices transmit location data once every 5 minutes (300 seconds), that averages about 3.33 messages per second arriving at the server (1000 devices / 300 seconds). However, if the same 1000 devices needed to transmit data every 20 seconds, that averages about 50 messages per second (1000 devices / 20 seconds), creating a much higher load on the system.

If the devices send data via a TCP 'session' how much time does the session require.

If the communication protocol with the device requires a lot of bi-directional communication (acknowledgements, server initiated strings, etc), then the time-length of the session may necessarily increase. Most devices communicate over a GPRS connection, which can have inherent delays to and from the remote device.

The speed and number of the processors in the server hardware, and the amount of RAM.

The performance of the server hardware itself has a lot to do with the overall performance of the device communication servers running on the machine. The faster the machine (faster/multiple processors, pleanty of RAM, etc), the faster it will be able to parse the incoming data, insert it into the database, and perform any other event analysis that it needs to perform.

The amount of available disk space on the server hardware.

With the available low-cost disk drives, this is less of an issue now. But this may still be a factor if you wish to keep event data for a long period of time. If 1000 devices transmit location data every 2 minutes, and are in operation 10 hours a day (600 minutes), they will produce about 300000 events every day (1000 devices * 600 minutes per day / 2 minutes). The MySQL database EventData table consumes about 250 bytes per event (account, device, cached reverse-geocoded information, etc). This means that the 300K events will consume about 75Mb per day. With only

80Gb of dedicated space available for the database, this will store almost 3 years worth of data (however, I would recommend not storing more than 12 months online, and backing up and removing older data).

The speed of the network into the server hardware.

The Internet service provider, and/or local Intranet speeds also effect the ability of the server to receive data from the remote devices, and still perform other network queries that it may need to perform for any required event analysis.

Is the reverse-geocoding performed over an external Internet service, or is it performed locally.

An Internet-based reverse-geocoding web service can sometimes take up to a full second (or more) to complete. At a rate of 50 incoming events per second, will start getting backlogged very quickly. Having a reverse-geocoding service that is installed locally, so that no external network service is required, can usually complete a reverse-geocode in a few milliseconds, and should be able to easily keep up with high data volumes.

In general, you will need to perform your own "load" testing for your specific installation to determine if the capacities and speeds are adequate. Since server machines are fairly low-cost today, it's safer to "over-specify" a machine to perform your required tasks.

Load-Balancing is another factor that should be considered, especially if more than about 20 events per second are arriving at your server. You will need to eventually take a server down for maintenance, you'll need to be able to have data communication 'switched' over to a second machine while servicing the first machine.

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C) GPS Accuracy

When displaying the latitude/longitude to a user, the question "how many decimal places should be displayed" is often asked. This section attempts to briefly explain the differences in displaying 4 vs. 5 decimal places, and the capabilities of GPS receivers today. There are many good references on the web that do a much better job of describing all of the details regarding the factors that can effect GPS accuracy. Please refer to the references included below for additional in-depth information.

Most GPS receivers have a standard accruacy of +/- 20 meters, or approximately +/- 3 meters if the GPS receiver incorporates WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System). For fleet vehicle tracking purposes +/- 20 meters often provides enough accuracy to determine geofence arrival departure, and general location information. While having

+/- 3 meter accuracy can provide "parking space" accuracy (not just knowing that it is in the parking lot).

The environment can also effect the accuracy of a GPS receiver as well. One of the main environmental issues is the "urban canyon effect". This is where the vehicle is traveling in a city environment with large buildings surrounding the vehicle. The signals received from the GPS satellites can bounce off of buildings and create inaccuracies in the reporting of the vehicle location.

So how many decimal places is enough? Between each degree of latitude is 60 nautical miles (about 111 km, or

69 statute miles), and between each degree of longitude at the equator is about 60 nautical miles (as the longitude increases or decreases at the poles, the distance between longitude lines approaches 0). So for simplicity sake, we'll assume we are calculating distances at the equator. If 1 degree equals 60 nautical miles, then 0.0001 (4 decimal places) of a degree equals 0.006 (0.0001 x 60) nautical miles, which is about 11.1 meters. So 0.00001 (5 decimal places) of a degree is about 1.1 meters, well within the accuracy of most WAAS enabled GPS receivers.

So displaying latitude/longitude to 4 decimal places provides about 11 meters of accuracy, while displaying 5 decimal places provides about 1 meter of accuracy.


Latitude/Longitude definition:

WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System):

Dilution of Precision (HDOP, VDOP, PDOP):

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Key Features

  • Real-time tracking
  • Reporting
  • Alerts
  • Geozone monitoring
  • Device communication server
  • Rule engine
  • Web interface
  • Database administration tool
  • Report generation
  • SMS gateway integration

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is the purpose of the GeoTelematic GTS Enterprise Basic?
The GeoTelematic GTS Enterprise Basic is a software platform for tracking and managing vehicles, assets, and people. It provides a comprehensive set of features, including real-time tracking, reporting, and alerts.
What are the key features of this software?
The GeoTelematic GTS Enterprise Basic includes features such as real-time tracking, reporting, alerts, geozone monitoring, device communication server, rule engine, web interface, database administration tool, report generation, and SMS gateway integration.
How do I set up the system?
You can find detailed instructions on how to install and configure the system in the Installation/Configuration manual provided. The manual guides you through the steps and provides additional information about the various features.
Where can I find additional documentation?
You can find additional documentation on the GeoTelematic website at

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