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Below you will find brief information for speedlite JY680A SPEEDLITE. This speedlite is compatible with most cameras with a standard hot shoe interface and offers a guide number of 33 (ISO 100 in meters/feet). It is equipped with a variety of features, including a wide panel for broader coverage, a catchlight panel to create a catchlight in the subject's eyes, and a stroboscopic flash mode for capturing multiple images of a moving subject in a single photograph.
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Size:135x82mm YC Technology (HK) Co. Ltd. BEAREB)BRAT www.viltrox.com VILTROX E E Your Smart Choice JYBb8UA NX LEIA EE SE FE À cn SR RS SA A PT ESPA AI ED TT, 8 18 к в [КОВ Е Л, ВЛ Е В ВЕ В. ВЫ ГЕ 76 00 ЯВ ЙЕ ВНЕ НЕ Е ЕЛЕ ЙЕН. E SL E #5 71): www. viltrox.com МНН, КЛОН. t 1. 41/56 EURE Hd YE ABR EE, FE 37 EI FE 7 E) 7 29 VE ER 50 Е AER dE Y El A ESE, ANE ER PEASE BB It FB HAIG ВЕ Be RE FLAK WL FE ST RD FR Bh Zk НИЕ Бе ВЕН НЫ Y EE, UT 17 146 El 1 TE PI KE, G AU] SÉ Y | В E E DO YE Y NES, TÉ ME EN BEE. . MUXEEREN EE, TE XMEMEENNEDES SF, ERNNTTEEMENA SEE, MENTE, EEE RE, IET ENEE REEL INE EM, A IEDICE E EEG, ТЕЛО НОЕ К BUE (E PI JC IS TE 9 TAN. 6. AXET REX, EE El E AN El Y UK IR, RIE EE E A (REE DNA JE NES MK YA. АП ЕЕ ТК, В) DT BEE 1% PO YC IE E KE E E 6 E, TEC TE DT HQ TE 7 AN) GT EA EEN ETE, (E: MER ANEMIA E FT ELENA E № в В). 7. #8 =] ЖЕ 5 ВЕРЕ E RETERT ERAN, MENTA E RE(E do EE) HT E FA DO E 1, Я) 2] Вё 5 | #6 ЛЕ ЛЕ КЖ. 25 A0 M HE RH nn SS UV N EN, EX 8. AA HIER 5 0 7 HE (ER DOES ART BE 5| & X 1 ЕЕ К. 9. A TEILE BEA UA 1 ER ESTE 26€ PIC, GAN TI REJA E E ALAS ER, 97 EIXKDAN E ZE RNE, 10.7 97€ 15 6 Л НЗ ВТ НЗ Е ЕЕ ЖК, МЕЛ ЛМ. ] 1. СВ ВЕЛ НЕВЕ АН РЕ A IT IE M SSI, AIRES AS M PME OZ EI 12. (FRAZER ENB, EMERCHBH IEG RBS KE, BIESE AX. 13. TEE MIER, mE E ENEN, E AE Y RE Y Y 5 E EN ENTES, MENE EN do 2e — {FF ch EA — AO IO 6 AE (E FE (A) ASES ES AE EJ E 70. 14. TSHENNEXZNENRES( MENESES) ENKTE, E Al TEE Ys E En E MT EE. RIE Л. 15. EFEAEERT(AA AAA, C, DEC E ETA E SE,5 Y EA HEMEETS RAE EXT E 2, E FMEEG ARI, TER, E 70 01 E Y 7 7 EME A0TR BLÉNMXE, 6 AE Y hE Y Ja ES DD (CE: EEE ARS HARE TE ENE EE) FUE Л НВ F 1% My PICS, GAN] RÉ a EE, EA A ETE ATA E E (EX 7 El В 71 к В), 75 Я! А] SE | à 6 5, SOIT FE MF LE AK. AENA TE de NIE VE EE TT, Y E.) 7 1515 6E TUE SRE A E 10 3 06 EN 4% PT, 25 Н| НН НОЙВ В 8,5 | Л В. . ЕК НН ZEN EE, DL СВ ВНЖ, 6. IFE AENA EE PX). Bg | 1/1 | 1/2 | 1/4 | 1/8 | 1/16 | 1/32 | 1/64 |1/128 PE YE VE 10 20 40 E ELA EE TP 2 OTAN E BR MIE Z ED е о ю Wn RE DOCE AN 0 6, 2 H 1. LODKE 7x FF 10 ÉtÉZ 2 #5 JC 5 1 E 11. BED 3.DX EX 12.X518 4 FE E/E BA Е 13.8.1028 5. HEINE e. 6.5 & ‘| TRIER / HER 8 Jak /)N 4& 16 A ER 17 IR #6 —— —=—=——dS > 23. NE ABE 18 .D976 1 56 -—— 11m —— 24 .7-E E YA $6 Pe == A e 19.16 415 E e 20.51 AM 21.64 Æ 38 22 Е №№ H [1/28] PIC HE MEDICA A. MM. EOE [M] / [Mur] 8 / EAR [SENT] $ ARTES [100] 33 PS PEC E [19 Ou] EPSPS eR EE 4 D { Nes 100—19 9. Ми = z, 4. : E FO HN ZE dis 178 SHE = 2. TERE ELE ALA oH EMA THE RHE REN BEEBE LEH. IE A EE (EN LE PES Л EA A EE AAA ETE, BE BE, ENE eran EM H E A 2 134 PI JEJE AN E 76 E TÉ A FH Zh 1.5% 54 SE PTS 77 HR [iE] E he SI El Ба) Ai. Бо НОВОЕ Е ИЗ СНЕ РЕ РО с REMXEESEMBE | o XENA © “PILOT 3 IDEN POCA E TL, a == <” о FHS TE HIE. 3 BEET EEE 4 TUF Pe Bs 5, 25 40 BE FE 2 , Их. de EE, A [506 18 BCE CHE HE 8 ++ ‘gg = \|/ = RAEE 5 E POCA E PA 5-18 0, № | < МООЕ > $ , dix <M> <MULTI> E A; | 1128 +97 ) 15 F < SLAVE > 1 # 85 7x < S1> <S2> Hi À ; В Г < > ОЙ ЕЕ PAL CDS X À ; № | < в > ВО ЕВЕ; БОЙ < 5ЕТ > #1 É TT HE ER БН RE 9 MIER ВЫ НЕВОЛЕ НЕЕ, БОЙ < БЕТ >, ГВ MEET A MER, P SEN EE 17 DI BR TN E , ZE má RE DOUÉ KE а 33% T DIJE AE < PILOT > 3% $, o HEEE MERA, ICI NL NIE ERE, HAE BER FT 9% TE, CORÉEN, E О Об © ® 1% FSETR #1 eo Jam HE BEE RSET #8, НВ 2, VE A ZE, % E ZSET 4% 6 ME, POE i 1 TUN PF: ЖК Ку К: C 1/1>1/1(-0.3)>1/1(-0.7) ------ TEE) KT AK: 1/128>1/64(+0.3)->1/04(+0.7):-----1/2(+0.3)>1/2(+0.7)>1/1 10 t EZ (EH JS RE SE E $ E E OE, Zoom Y 6 Ei AUN El, 67 6 В 78 8 REE ELA E CHR, © E) FUE MA ER AA YE Do, à5 SÉ [El HR AAC A, SCRE Hh BH JE A OCA, FJD A EE TT BE € ES AS CC E PE DOCE, 11 {Е РН ЕЕ РОС, ГАЗА НН — FAI (RIEINPODE. Cal DE—1RIRA CAME MECA (AER, DERE PINAR ZR (FREI Yok EL, DHZER RR), BGR BABI CE, 28 5-80, e <MODE > 1% $ ‚Я т < МОСТ! > 12€ $7 ав Е ОН В, 1% P<SET>1 #1 ‚Е Ла ЕЛ. o Ех а. MEER EE H< ABV >EEBFKND, y <<a E >> > YE A — 1E 49 E E [E ATA E TENE, TERETE, FH FEHR, ER Z < SET > 3% LR ME ¡EA RE MeB S—i80u AH FE 4 BE AL 1, BPO HE LE SENS ME GR BR AR (FAIT ZX 3 PA SN E TALE. PIE EN / BACHE ES = РОЗН Blan: UN RPIFEM EE LOT, DIFE AS E SEHZ AFI E AED R2. 12 = y PI PUSE [AN P38 55 Ot TU ASR PE) 7 2 О ЗН НЕ А ЯКО, (И АТО EDO ЭЛ TRESS HE, 2 RE BE A 15 FE AE PO 1 OK DA BER, BO TT BES BSR BAR DR BE DO DE HE OL B82 BT EE DIE KK ALSO, о 1 нев oi TO FEE EB HEP EST ENT VUE пол. БЛЯ РОН, РОСТ НЫЕ ВЕНЕ В / 1811 / 2. 5 À HE PE BH Ve di of - [1] 2]31|41]51|67|89] 10 | 11 12-14l15-19]20-50]60-199 1/4 2 7 6 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/8 4 14 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 1/16 8 19 19 19 19 19 19 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 1/32 | 12 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 18 | 16 12 1/64 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 19 | 19 19 1/128 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 19 13 [2] CERA 556568 13 47% <B> 1% 5, PR SL CDE 6 5 о © OC O Ó wemmuxe. A ON/OFF Le HE HR EF El ax E В № < БЕТ > #8, EA HEIKE № < А V > de E NE NR (9 48) Ex [--19D6 518 1 8 LEA CREER a 44 < SET > 4% St , 38 Hi HE AR ESF y az 14 КВН ÉLUS DA CIE SR IE [A 8 ELA TER, DIJE LE BR 76 4% 1 Es UT 1% ria TE DAS, BEN EEE ERREUR , 18 L В ВИС. 90° 1 A] DA JULIE 9% Ве. — © AN RAE EE BRAC AGE , X NE BEA МЕ ЗАНОС Л. © META AC ERLE FHA, HEH LIFIT ERASE. IRXSEREARHEHN, RA ERE. 15 el e BR AOL (E FER 4H 96 8, 7 AT LA TE 9% $6 4 AY ER ES TA AN EE ER 46D E E EN 22 16 E UN E E, 4 X 1 ОКНО СЛЕ BE mE fe 90 EE 2.37 1 E. ) © (A) PS SH HL AR AH EA, 3.MA BOC, ® ЕЛЕ РВОМ. ® ADONDE AE E A BRETT. 1% DI E LES BE TE ВО ЗА 28 Ла 19) _ Е De 90 EE, UN RAE NED CIS EA E E E IR ADE, ° o TES RIF HORA CHR BE IT BEE TAR BEL. SK / 4 9 RUA. 16 SIR ® JY680APY 6 /& A fi 7 TEL YE | PO DD HE , FT AA D 1616 4 16 E EC E TAL DIE A EF E, S1: BEB 52: ЖОБ РОС ВВ, o № < 5ГАМЕ > ВЯ Е ЛО НЯ, 3X TF PIG 1&7] 4 (E (a EE A PO НН. ВНЖ < 5ГАМЕ > 3 Е ЛЗ IR DD AREA В ЗН РУ ВУ РУС АТ В e SÍ ESE (a) 4 DI 6. FES TES 21H TF, PEE 18 & #5 8 BL EMAAR IX ВОВЕ — &. (EFA Al RE (Gé (ES MA FR HE RE ) CHE TE SE. (SE FX 5 Th BE E ЕЛЕ YES, TE AL MEAR SEL ED E E DEE, EE N, RS EU AT BE M nes BE XA, KL BE HL EE ALE RÉ NS TE. TCE TE JB 18 J , 95 FE IE BE RE AR ER l'E #6 2) EH 12 RE FI 1316 TE AC FE a] Né E 7 , BE E Y] BE E LE TE HEARS STAY HE, 15 (49. 2% R) 8Ж (26. 235) 127% (39. EN) FE: 51 AS BEE M6 AU DO IES ZE, A ETS DIES 2 e 7E E 1 AU NC TE E GE PH , DA SEDO EE E E fig AE MEER CE, ERE 36 sE ELE de 69 YT EF, A о] ВЕ В В. 17 НХ ВЕНЕ ВА ЗА Ра ИП 5528 El A ВВ ‚пн 28 ВЕ ИСКЕ ВЕ ВЕ За га. A6 1 PSE BEET A SR. MIETE A LR BU. МСС PY TEL BE th FE EE. MEX TERHEIOVRES, EEMEN, EN 15 16 (E FE 9H TE E Y, 18, 28 27 ВЕ РОСНО РЁ ЕЕ RCE FEL EEE E. 1% DI IE AS E [E] E ZA FE [E] A Ze SE AE FE HE DO E KAN AH 6% E 5 № 8 RRA ED E EE EEE RE 5 | | YES D PSMEIT RENE, EME EO EEE ERES, de AE A EU, 18 eveveveve e 207 NE SE DS $ ES DIFE RR IE A À Ris E 9 REFERIA AE), o BREE EAE BARR BORE. D 2 ¡EPOC ASE, EST 05 ВОВЕ ВО DOI YE EC BT 9 A 0, УИ ПОС. 19 IF E XA A 7% EN PIC AS 4 Z 78% 15 E DL TE FE BR PI YE FE № 33(1ISO 100, X/ XK A EN) РОС ВР RM] 91 /1050#(1 / 18 HBF) [-] EE AS 15 0.3-5s + EWN: 12-15% /39.4 49.2 vf 7 PO 76 1 a S100 20.3 33 EP ВК В 7x 740: E ¡130 "E E CP -Ed4 EE ABA AZ BREE | 2a] DLE HAAR SE (Ni —- MH) 8 Е № BED 100- 700X IX (E HA AZ! de E E 20) R + 76х 137 х 117 Ж / 3.0х5.4х4. 685 =} Е (№) 193205 (ENE, TEE) 5 51% 1 KI4 7) FE TE A Hi BH 20 Mi ACER 28 14 45 78 fi — = РЕЖ с BE — {В ant —^ RF — 12 21 JYC Technology (HK) Co.,Ltd. 2014.05 www.viltrox.com PRINTED IN CHINA VILTROX Your Smart Choice JYBBUA SPEEDLITE User Manual Before using the product ,please read this manual carefully. Keep this manual safety in case you need to check during your usage. Operate this product on base of your full understand of this manual. Specifications subject to change without notice. For more information, please visit www.viltrox.com 1. If corrosive liquids seep from the batteries and get in your eyes,immediately wash your eyes with running water and consult with a doctor.Your eyes could be seriously damaged if they are not treated quickly. 2. If corrosive liquids seep from the batteries and come in contact with your skin or clothes, wash immediately with running water.Prolonged contact could injure your skin. 3. Never attempt to disassemble or repair the flash by yourself,as this could result In you receiving an elctric shock and could also cause the flash to malfunction; such malfunction could lead to personal injury. 4. If the flash is dropped and damaged,do not touch any exposed interior metal parts. Such parts,especially the speedlight's capacitor and associated parts,could be in a high-charge state and if touched could cause an electric shock.Disconnect the power or remove the batteries and be sure that you do not touch any of the product's electrical components. 5. If you detect heat,smoke or notice a burning smell,immediately stop operation and remove the batteries to prevent the flash from catching on fire or melting. 1 Allow the flash to cool down so that you can safely touch it and remove the batteries. 6. The flash should never be submerged in liquid or exposed to rain,saltwater or moisture unless itis properly protected from the liquids and moisture. Underwater use requires a certified underwater housing. If water or moisture gets inside the flash, this could cause the flash to catch on fire or cause an electric shock. In such instances you should immediately remove the batteries from the flash. Note: electronic devices that are penetrated by water or moisture are often not economically repairable. 7. Do not use the flash in the presence of flammable or explosive gas.If the flash is operated in areas where there is a flammable gas,including propane, gasoline and dust, it could cause an explosion or fire. 8. Do not fire the flash directly at the driver of a moving car. 9. Do not fire the flash directly into the eyes of someone that is at close range, as it could damage their eyes’retinas. Never fire the flash closer than 1 meter from infants. 10. Do not fire the flash while the flash is touching a person or object.Such use can result in the person being burned, and/or their clothes igniting from the heat of the flash’ s firing. 11. Keep small accessories out of the reach of children to avoid the possibility of the accessory being swallowed. If an accessory is accidentally swallowed, immediately consult with a doctor. 9 12.Use only the batteries specified in this instruction manual.Batteries other than those specified could leak corrosive liquids, explode or catch on fire or otherwise not perform satisfactorily. 13.Do not mix battery types,brands or old and new batteries,as the batteries could leak corrosive liquids, explode or catch on fire. When using more than one batteryina product, always use identical batteries that were purchased at the same time. 14.Non-rechargeable batteries such as manganese,alkaline-manganese and lithium batteries should never be charged in a battery charger because they could leak corrosive liquids, explode or catch on fire. 15.When using standard size (AA,AAA,C,D) or other common rechargeable batteries such as NiCd and Ni-MH battery types,or when recharging them,be sure to use only the battery charger specified by the battery maker and read the instructions thoroughly. Do not recharge these batteries with their terminals reversed in the charger or before the batteries have cooled off sufficiently because they could leak corrosive liquids, explode or catch on fire. The same cautioo applies to using the rechargeable batteries that may be supplied by the photo product's 3 manufacturer. A Attention 1. Do not touch the flash with wet hands, as this could cause an electric shock. 2. Keep the flash away from children to prevent them from putting the falsh in or near their mouth,or otherwise touching a dangerous part of the product,as suchcontact could cause an electric shock. 3. Do not apply strong physical shocks to the flash,as this could cause a malfunctionthat could cause the flash to explode or catch on fire. 4. Never use active agents that contain flammable substances such as paint thinner, benzene or paint remover to clean the flash,and never store the flash in locations containing chemicals such as camphor and naphthalene,as this could damage the plastic case, causea fire or cause an electric shock. 5. Remove any batteries from the flash before storing the flash for a long time to prevent the flash from catching on fire or leaking corrosive liquids. 6. Don't excess the allowed continuous shooting quantity(see below table format) You should rest the flash unit at least 10 minutes after the continuous quantity reaches the maximum. Flashoutput| 1/1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 | 1/32 | 1/64 |1/128 Flash Time 10 20 40 4 1. LCD Panel 10.Battery compartment cover 2.Flash mode | “ —— 3 Back light button 2) = © & 11.Modeling illuminator function || | | | Y 12.Wireless falsh button 4.Indicator/Test firing © E 7 очи TT PT 13. Slight Plus button 5. Power save indicator NI e TY 14.Power button 6. Left button 15.Right button 7. Set /confirm button 8.Slight minus button 16. Quick lock level „== 18. Flash head— flip dt | i] Z— 17. Catchlight pane-—77—— === —=—23.Built-in bounce card "<> Edad > >= © 24 External power source socket 1 E) Cam 25.PC terminal | — po №! 26. soft cover 19. Wireless sensor 20. Hot shoe fix nut = nl 21. Locking pin Te 22. Hot-shoe contacts = Canon dedicated Sony dedicated 5 6 before you start [128] Flash output (ma Wireless slave Installing the batteries. Wireless flash mode za. A . STE [{00]Stroboscopic [M] / [MuLti]Flash flash number [9 94] Stroboscopic a N flash frequency 4 N . 128 и Hz 1.0pen the cover 2.Insert the batteries ® Slide the battery compartment cover as 9 Made use the “+” and “- battery ~ shown by the arrow,then flip up the edge. contacts are properly oriented as MULTI = shown in the compartment. =>. 1... HOE \_ 7 Please only use new 4xAA 3.Close the cover batteries with same brand, | ® Push down the cover and change them all together 7 LCD Pane and slide it back. at the same time. 8 | Attach the speedlite Mount the speedlite into the camera's hot shoe all the way. В || Ready to attach the speedlite Loosen the locking ring by turning itint he direction of the arrow. Re ~~ Turning on the power switch ON/OFF DE Set the power switch to <ON> Check that the flash is ready 9 The flash recycling starts. e The pilot lamp will first turn green (ready for quick flash), and then turn red <flash ready>. ® Pressing the pilot lamp will fire a test flash. Na J Ne J Detach the speedlite Secure the speedlite Loosen the locking ring to the top,then remove Turn the locking ring in the direction 9 the flash light from camera's hot shoe. и g ring - 10 Choose the mode Setting flash ratio output Press <MODE> button, display <M> <MULTI> mode; Г | Press <SLAVE> button, display <S1><S2> mode; M leg + E Press < E > button, switch on/off the LCD lamp; Press < BE > button for testing flash; Press <SET> button to set the sleep time. e About the power saving mode In order to save the battery energy , long press the <SET> button to set the flash power saving mode. No any other operation will be power saving mode. PS: If you want to awake the flash when the indicator stay at twinkle condition, please press the camera shutter button or Press the flash <PILOT> button. @ Even in power saving mode, the flash setting is retained in memory. O MODE E SLAVE Ó О, Corresponding indicator ratio output. Press SET button Press <SET> button,the character of flash output shine,Press< />or<V> button, Then press <SET> to confirm. The flash output will change as follow: Press Vminus maux (-0.3)>1/1([-0.7)------ D Press/\ plus button 1/128=>1/64(+0.3)==1/64(+0.7)------1/2(+0.3)=1/2(+0.7)=1/1 12 Setting the flash coverage Using the wide panel Pull out the wide panel and put it on the flash head as the picture show. Pull out the wide panel gently, excessive force may detach the wide panel. Stroboscopic flash With stroboscopic flash, a rapid series of flashes is fired. It can be used to capture multiple images of a moving subject in a single photograph. You can set the firing frequency (number of flashes per sec. expressed as Hz), the number of flashes, and the flash output. ca D 0,7 ® Press the <MODE> button so that <MULTI> is displayed. Select the item to be set, press the <SET> button The state of setting. es 5-1 Mum / e Set the desired number Press<A>or<W>to set numbers Press <a4>or<b>> button, will be set into the next project. The word will flash, after the completion of all installation, the character will be displayed. Press again <SET> button, exit the setting mode. Calculating the shutter speed During stroboscopic flash, the shutter release remains open until the firing stops. Use the formula below to calculate the shutter speed and set it with the camera. Number of flashes / Firing frequency = Shutter speedFor example, if the number of flashes is 10T and the firing frequency is 5 Hz, the shutter speed should be at least 2 sec. Stroboscopic flash A To avoid overheating and deteriorating the flash head, do not use stroboscopic flash more than 10 times in succession. After 10 times, allow the flash to rest for at least 15 min. If you try to use the stroboscopic flash more than 10 times in succession, the firing might stop automatically to protect the flash head. If this happens, allow the flash to reset for at least 15 min. Е Stroboscopic flash is most effective with a highly reflective subject against a dark background.Using a tripod, a remote switch and external power source is recommended. A flash output of 1/1 or 1/2 cannot be set for stroboscopic flash. Maximum Stroboscopic Flashes: NU - 1 2 3 4 5 | 6-7 | 8-9 | 10 | 11 |12-14/15-19/20-50/60-199 1/4 2 7 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1/8 4 14 | 14 | 12 | 10 | 8 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 1/16 | 8 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 10 | 8 8 8 8 8 8 1/32 | 12 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 18 | 16 12 1/64 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 19 15| 1/128 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 | 19 19 LCD backlight ON/OFF Short press <> button,turn on LCD backlight, then ( © | 3 MODE E SLAVE С) turn off backlight. Sleep time setting long press<SET>button,enter sleep time setting press <A> or <V>to set sleep time(min) Show flash will not sleep Short press<set>butoon,exit sleep time setting. 16 Bounce Flash By pointing the flash head toward wall or ceiling, the flash will bounce off the surface before illuminating the subject. This can soften shadows behind the subject for a more natural-looking shot. This is called bounce flash. | 9 If the wall or ceiling is far away, the bounced flash might be too weak and result in underexposure. ® The wall or ceiling should be a plain, white color for high reflectance. If the bounce surface is not white, a coor cast may result in the picture. Creating a Catchlight With the catchlight panel, you can create a catchlight in the subject's eyes to add life to the facial expression. 1. Point the flash head upward by 90° 2. Pull out the wide panel. ) ® The catchlight panel will come out at the same time. 3. Push the wide panel back in. ® Push in only the wide panel. В © Follow the same procedure as for bounce flash. © Point the flash head straight ahad and then upward by 90°. The catchlight will not work if you swng the flash head left or right. © For maximum catchlight effect, stay thin 1.5 m/4.9 ft of the subject. 18 Light communication mode © JY680A speedlite has two light communication modes,which shows characteristicof more creative off-camera flash. S1: single flash trigger mode S2: Digital flash trigger mode. ® Press <SLAVE> to set into S1 mode, flash will be triggered by any single flash and achieved synchronization. When press <SLAVE> to set into S2 mode, flash will be triggered and synchronized flashing by any pre-flash light. ® Under S1 and S2 modes, all buttons function are the same as <M> mode. Using flash stand (supports tripod) to support SLAVE flash unit. Using the reflect function to rotate SLAVE, make its WIRELESS SENSOR towards to MASTER. Using in door, wireless transfer maybe reflect by wall, so the flash unit place no need to be very exactly. After setting flash unit, make sure test the wireless flash before shooting. Make sure there is no obstacle between MASTER ans SLAVE unit, which will effect wireless transfer. Caution Only using the supplied flash stand with speedlite, do not attach speedlite on metal hot shoe contact accessory during usage, which avoids short-circuit or even damage flash. 19 Speedlite maybe won't be trigger under very bright environment or exceed the sensor range. Troubleshooting Guide If there is a problem, refer to this Troubleshooting Guide. The Speedlite does not fire e The batteries are installed in the wrong orientation. » Install the batteries in the correct orientation. * The Speedlite ’ s internal batteries are exhausted. » If the flash recycling time takes 30 sec. or longer, replace the batteries. o Install the Speedlite’s internal batteries even when you use an external power source. » The Speedlite is not attached securely to the camera. ® Attach the Speedlite’s mounting foot securely to the camera. > The electrical contacts of the Speedlite and camera are dirty. Clean the contacts. There will have some problem when low battery ® PS energy save indicator light quickly shinning It show that the battery canot reach the normal use need. » Please change the battery in time. 20 Troubleshooting Guide The flash exposure is under exposed or overexposed ® There was a highly reflective object(glass window, etc.) in the picture. ® The subject looks very dark or very bright. » Set flash exposure compensation. For a dark subject, set a decreased flash exposure. And for a bright subject, set an increased flash exposure. 21 Specification Type Airborne Speedlite Compatible cameras Standard hot shoe interface camera Guide No. 33( ISO 100 in meters/feet) Flash duration 1/1050s( under output 1/1) Flash recycling 0.3~5 sec. Wireless transmission | Indoors:12-15m/39.4-49.2ft range Outdoors: 8-10m/26.2-32.8ft Reception angle 40' horizontal, 30° vertical External power CP-E4 4 x size-AA alkaline batteries Internal power ; , o . Р * SIZe-AA Ni-MH and lithium batteries also usable Battery life 100 - 700 flashes (with size-AA alkaline batteries) Size 76x 137 x 117mm/ 3.0 x 5.4 x 4.6 ft Weight Approx.320g(excluding batteries, only flash) Power saving Power saving after certain period of idle operation approx 4 min 22 Included Items Flash pouch x1 Flash stand x1 User manual x1 Warranty card x1 23
Key Features
- Guide number of 33 (ISO 100 in meters/feet)
- Wide panel for broader coverage
- Catchlight panel to create a catchlight in the subject's eyes
- Stroboscopic flash mode
- Wireless slave mode
- Bounce flash
- Light communication modes: S1 and S2
- LCD backlight
Frequently Answers and Questions
What types of batteries can I use with this speedlite?
You can use 4 x size-AA alkaline batteries, size-AA Ni-MH or size-AA lithium batteries.
How do I set the flash output?
Press the button, the character of flash output shine, then press or button to set the desired flash output. Then press again to confirm.
How do I use the stroboscopic flash mode?
Press the button so that is displayed. Then set the desired number of flashes and firing frequency. You can then calculate the shutter speed using the formula: Number of flashes / Firing frequency = Shutter speed.
How do I use the bounce flash?
Point the flash head upward toward the wall or ceiling to bounce the light off the surface before illuminating the subject. This will soften shadows behind the subject for a more natural-looking shot.
How do I use the catchlight panel?
Point the flash head upward by 90°, pull out the wide panel, and then push in only the wide panel. This will create a catchlight in the subject's eyes to add life to the facial expression.