Installation manual | TOA SX 1000 Matrix Controller INSTALATION MANUAL 2 Pages
Below you will find brief information for Matrix Controller SX-1000. The manual describes how to set jumpers on the basic input board to disable the PA microphone connection error indication, which is displayed on the SX-1000's LCD screen when the PA microphone is disconnected or shorted. This feature helps to prevent false alarms and ensures the proper functioning of the system. The manual also provides instructions on how to attach ferrite clamps to reduce electromagnetic noise in the audio input cables.
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Key Features
- PA microphone connection error indication
- Jumpers for disabling the error indication
- Ferrite clamps for noise reduction
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Frequently Answers and Questions
What happens when the PA microphone connection is disconnected or shorted?
The indication "FRONT MIC ERROR" is displayed on the SX-1000's LCD screen.
How do I disable the PA microphone connection error indication?
Set jumpers JP101, JP10, and JP102 to the OFF position on the basic input board.
Why should I use ferrite clamps on the input cables?
To reduce electromagnetic noise.