AWS SDK for Ruby - Developer Guide

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AWS SDK for Ruby

Developer Guide

AWS SDK for Ruby: Developer Guide

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AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

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AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Table of Contents

AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide ..................................................................................................... 1

About This Guide ....................................................................................................................... 1

Additional Documentation and Resources ...................................................................................... 1

Deploying to the AWS Cloud ............................................................................................... 2

Getting Started with the AWS SDK for Ruby ......................................................................................... 3

QuickStart Guide to Using the AWS SDK for Ruby ......................................................................... 3

Write the Code .................................................................................................................. 3

Run the Code .................................................................................................................... 4

Note for Windows users ...................................................................................................... 4

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby ................................................................................................ 4

Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 4

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby .......................................................................................... 4

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby ............................................................................................. 5

Setting AWS Credentials ..................................................................................................... 5

Creating an AWS STS Access Token ...................................................................................... 6

Setting a Region ................................................................................................................ 7

Setting a Nonstandard Endpoint .......................................................................................... 7

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby REPL ............................................................................................. 8

Using the SDK with Ruby on Rails ............................................................................................... 8

Integrating the AWS SDK for Ruby with Rails ......................................................................... 8

Amazon SES Support for ActionMailer .................................................................................. 8

Logging ............................................................................................................................ 9

Migrating from version 1 to version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby ....................................................... 9

Side-by-Side Usage ............................................................................................................ 9

General Differences ............................................................................................................ 9

Client Differences ............................................................................................................. 10

Resource Differences ......................................................................................................... 10

Hello World Tutorial ........................................................................................................................ 12

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby in Your Program ............................................................................. 12

Creating an Amazon S3 Resource ............................................................................................... 12

Creating a Bucket ..................................................................................................................... 12

Adding a File to the Bucket ....................................................................................................... 12

Listing the Contents of a Bucket ................................................................................................ 13

Complete Program ................................................................................................................... 13

Running the Program ............................................................................................................... 14

Next Steps ............................................................................................................................... 15

Programming with the AWS SDK for Ruby ......................................................................................... 16

Debugging Tip: Getting Wire Trace Information from a Client ........................................................ 16

Stubbing Client Responses and Errors ........................................................................................ 17

Stubbing Client Responses ................................................................................................ 17

Stubbing Client Errors ....................................................................................................... 18

Paging Response Data ............................................................................................................. 18

Paged Responses Are Enumerable ...................................................................................... 19

Handling Paged Responses Manually .................................................................................. 19

Paged Data Classes ........................................................................................................... 19

Using Waiters ......................................................................................................................... 19

Invoking a Waiter ............................................................................................................. 19

Wait Failures .................................................................................................................... 20

Configuring a Waiter ......................................................................................................... 20

Extending a Waiter ........................................................................................................... 21

Specifying a Client Timeout Duration ......................................................................................... 21

AWS SDK for Ruby Code Examples .................................................................................................... 22

Amazon CloudWatch Examples ................................................................................................. 22

Getting Information about All Alarms ................................................................................ 23


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating an Alarm ........................................................................................................... 23

Enabling and Disabling Alarm Actions ................................................................................ 24

Getting Info about Custom Metrics .................................................................................... 25

Sending Events to Amazon CloudWatch Events ................................................................... 26

Amazon DynamoDB Examples ................................................................................................... 29

Getting Information about All Tables ................................................................................. 30

Creating a Simple Table with a Single Primary Key .............................................................. 30

Adding an Item to a Table ............................................................................................... 31

Getting Information about the Items in a Table ................................................................... 31

Getting Information about a Specific Item in a Table ........................................................... 31

Updating a Table ............................................................................................................ 32

Creating an Index ............................................................................................................ 32

Amazon EC2 Examples ............................................................................................................. 33

Creating a VPC ............................................................................................................... 34

Creating an Internet Gateway and Attaching It to a VPC ....................................................... 34

Creating a Public Subnet .................................................................................................. 34

Creating a Route Table and Associating It with a Subnet ...................................................... 35

Using Elastic IP Addresses in Amazon EC2 .......................................................................... 35

Creating a Security Group ................................................................................................ 37

Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2 ..................................................................... 37

Working with Key Pairs .................................................................................................... 40

Getting Information about All Instances ............................................................................. 43

Getting Information about All Instances with a Specific Tag Value .......................................... 43

Getting Information about a Specific Instance ..................................................................... 43

Creating an Instance ........................................................................................................ 44

Stopping an Instance ....................................................................................................... 44

Starting an Instance ........................................................................................................ 45

Rebooting an Instance ..................................................................................................... 45

Managing Amazon EC2 Instances in Amazon EC2 ................................................................ 45

Terminating an Instance ................................................................................................... 47

Getting Information about Regions and Availability Zones .................................................... 47

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Examples ................................................................................................ 49

Getting Information about All Applications ......................................................................... 49

Getting Information about a Specific Application ................................................................. 50

Updating a Ruby on Rails Application ................................................................................ 50

AWS Identity and Access Management Examples ......................................................................... 51

Getting Information about All Users .................................................................................. 52

Adding a New User ......................................................................................................... 52

Create a User's Access Keys .............................................................................................. 53

Adding a Managed Policy ................................................................................................. 53

Creating a Role ............................................................................................................... 53

Managing IAM Users ........................................................................................................ 54

Working with IAM Policies ................................................................................................ 55

Managing IAM Access Keys ............................................................................................... 56

Working with IAM Server Certificates ................................................................................. 58

Managing IAM Account Aliases .......................................................................................... 59

Lambda Examples ................................................................................................................... 60

Displaying Information about All Lambda Functions ............................................................. 61

Creating a Lambda Function .............................................................................................. 61

Running a Lambda Function .............................................................................................. 62

Configuring a Lambda Function to Receive Notifications ........................................................ 63

Amazon Relational Database Service Examples ........................................................................... 64

Getting Information about All Instances ............................................................................. 64

Getting Information about All Snapshots ........................................................................... 64

Getting Information about All Clusters and Their Snapshots ................................................. 65

Getting Information about All Security Groups .................................................................... 65

Getting Information about All Subnet Groups ..................................................................... 65


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Parameter Groups ................................................................. 66

Creating a Snapshot of an Instance ................................................................................... 66

Creating a Snapshot of a Cluster ....................................................................................... 66

Amazon S3 Examples ................................................................................................................ 67

Getting Information about All Buckets ............................................................................... 67

Getting Information about All Buckets in a Region .............................................................. 68

Creating and Using an Amazon S3 Bucket .......................................................................... 68

Determining Whether a Bucket Exists ................................................................................ 72

Getting Information about Bucket Items ............................................................................ 72

Uploading an Item to a Bucket ......................................................................................... 73

Uploading an Item with Metadata to a Bucket .................................................................... 73

Downloading an Object from a Bucket into a File ................................................................ 73

Changing the Properties for a Bucket Item ......................................................................... 74

Triggering a Notification When an Item is Added to a Bucket ................................................ 74

Creating a Bucket LifeCycle Rule Configuration Template ...................................................... 76

Creating a Bucket Policy with Ruby ................................................................................... 78

Configuring a Bucket for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) ............................................. 81

Managing Amazon S3 Bucket and Object Access Permissions ................................................ 84

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website ..................................................................... 86

Amazon SNS Examples ............................................................................................................. 90

Getting Information about All Topics ................................................................................. 90

Creating a Topic .............................................................................................................. 90

Getting Information about All Subscriptions in a Topic ......................................................... 91

Creating a Subscription in a Topic ..................................................................................... 91

Sending a Message to All Topic Subscribers ........................................................................ 91

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Topic .......................................................................... 92

Amazon SQS Examples ............................................................................................................. 92

Getting Information about All Queues in Amazon SQS ......................................................... 93

Creating a Queue in Amazon SQS ..................................................................................... 93

Working with Queues in Amazon SQS ................................................................................ 93

Sending Messages in Amazon SQS .................................................................................... 94

Sending and Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS ................................................................ 95

Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS ................................................................................... 96

Receiving Messages Using Long Polling in Amazon SQS ........................................................ 97

Enabling Long Polling in Amazon SQS ............................................................................... 97

Receiving Messages Using the QueuePoller Class in Amazon SQS ........................................... 99

Redirecting Dead Letters in Amazon SQS .......................................................................... 100

Deleting a Queue in Amazon SQS ................................................................................... 100

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Queue in Amazon SQS ................................................. 101

Working with a Dead Letter Queue in Amazon SQS ........................................................... 101

Specifying the Message Visibility Timeout in Amazon SQS .................................................. 103

AWS SDK for Ruby Tips and Tricks ................................................................................................... 105

Amazon EC2 Tips and Tricks ................................................................................................... 105

Switching Elastic IPs ....................................................................................................... 105

Document History ......................................................................................................................... 106


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

About This Guide

AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Welcome to the AWS SDK for Ruby.

The AWS SDK for Ruby helps take the complexity out of coding by providing Ruby classes for almost all

AWS services, including Amazon Simple Storage Service, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, and Amazon

DynamoDB. For a complete list of services supported by the AWS SDK for Ruby, see the Supported

Services section of the AWS SDK for Ruby Readme file.

About This Guide

The AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide provides information about how to install, set up, and use the

AWS SDK for Ruby to create Ruby applications that use AWS services.

This guide contains the following sections:

Getting Started with the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 3)

Describes how to set up and use the AWS SDK for Ruby.

Hello World Tutorial (p. 12)

Steps you through creating an application using the AWS SDK for Ruby.

Programming with the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 16)

Provides general information about developing software with the AWS SDK for Ruby.

AWS SDK for Ruby Code Examples (p. 22)

Provides code examples that developers can use to program AWS services with the AWS SDK for


Document History (p. 106)

Describes the history of this document.

Additional Documentation and Resources

For more resources for AWS SDK for Ruby developers, see the following:


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Deploying to the AWS Cloud

• AWS SDK for Ruby API Reference

• Developer blog

• Developer forums (you must have an AWS account to access the forums)

• Gitter channel

• @awsforruby on Twitter

• On GitHub:

• Releases (includes source, gems, and documentation)

• Source

• Change log

• Migration Guide

• Issues

• Feature requests

• Upgrading notes

Deploying to the AWS Cloud

You can use AWS services such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks, and AWS CodeDeploy to deploy your application to the AWS Cloud. For deploying Ruby applications with Elastic Beanstalk, see

Working with Ruby in the Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide. For deploying a Ruby on Rails application with AWS OpsWorks, see Deploying Ruby on Rails Applications to AWS OpsWorks . For an overview of

AWS deployment services, see Overview of Deployment Options on AWS .


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

QuickStart Guide to Using the AWS SDK for Ruby

Getting Started with the AWS SDK for Ruby

If you're new to the AWS SDK for Ruby, you should start here. This section contains information about installing, setting up, and using the SDK to create a Ruby application to access Amazon S3.


QuickStart Guide to Using the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 3)

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby REPL (p. 8)

Using the SDK with Ruby on Rails (p. 8)

Migrating from version 1 to version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 9)

QuickStart Guide to Using the AWS SDK for Ruby

This section shows you how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to create a simple Ruby application that lists your Amazon S3 buckets.

• If you haven't installed the SDK, see

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4) .

• If you haven't configured the SDK, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


Write the Code

The following example lists the names of up to 50 of your buckets. Copy the code and save it as buckets.rb

. Note that although the Resource object is created in the us-west-2

region, Amazon S3 returns buckets to which you have access, regardless of the region.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = 'us-west-2') s3.buckets.limit(50).each do |b|

puts "#{}" end


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Run the Code

Run the Code

Enter the following command to execute buckets.rb


ruby buckets.rb

Note for Windows users

When you use SSL certificates on Windows and run your Ruby code, you will see an error similar to the following.

C:\Ruby>ruby buckets.rb

C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/http.rb:921:in `connect': SSL_connect returned=1

errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed


from C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/http.rb:921:in `block in connect'

from C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/2.0.0/timeout.rb:66:in `timeout'

from C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/http.rb:921:in `connect'

from C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/http.rb:862:in `do_start'

from C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/2.0.0/net/http.rb:857:in `start'


To fix this issue, add the following line to your Ruby source file, somewhere before your first AWS call.


Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby

This section includes prerequisites and installation instructions.


Before you install the AWS SDK for Ruby, you need an AWS account and Ruby version 1.9 or later.

If you don't have an AWS account, use the following procedure to create one.

To sign up for AWS

1. Open and choose Create an AWS Account.

2. Follow the online instructions.

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby

If your project uses Bundler , add the following line to your


to add the AWS SDK for Ruby to your project.

gem 'aws-sdk'

If you don't use Bundler, the easiest way to install the SDK is to use RubyGems . To install the latest version of the SDK, use the following command.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby gem install aws-sdk

If the previous command fails on your Unix-based system, use sudo

to install the SDK, as shown in the following command.

sudo gem install aws-sdk

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby

Learn how to configure the AWS SDK for Ruby. To use the SDK, you must set either AWS credentials or create an AWS STS access token, and set the AWS Region you want to use.

Setting AWS Credentials

Before you can use the AWS SDK for Ruby to make a call to an AWS service, you must set the AWS access credentials that the SDK will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources.

The AWS SDK for Ruby searches for credentials in the following order:


Setting Credentials in a Client Object (p. 6)


Setting Credentials Using Aws.config (p. 6)


Setting Credentials Using Environment Variables (p. 5)


Setting Shared Credentials (p. 5)


Setting Credentials Using IAM (p. 6)

The following sections describe the various ways you can set credentials, starting with the most flexible approach. For more information about AWS credentials and recommended approaches for credential management, see AWS Security Credentials in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Setting Shared Credentials

Set shared credentials in the AWS credentials profile file on your local system.

On Unix-based systems, such as Linux or OS X, this file is located in the following location.


On Windows, this file is located in the following location.


This file must have the following format, where default

is the name of the default configuration profile given to these credentials, your_access_key_id

is the value of your access key, and your_secret_access_key

is the value of your secret access key.

[default] aws_access_key_id = your_access_key_id aws_secret_access_key = your_secret_access_key

Setting Credentials Using Environment Variables

Set the




environment variables.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating an AWS STS Access Token

Use the export

command to set these variables on Unix-based systems, such as Linux or OS X. The following example sets the value of your access key to your_access_key_id

and the value of your secret access key to your_secret_access_key


export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key

To set these variables on Windows, use the set

command, as shown in the following example.

set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key

Setting Credentials Using Aws.config

Set the credentials in your code by updating the values in the



The following example sets the value of your access key to your_access_key_id

and the value of your secret access key to your_secret_access_key

. Any client or resource you create subsequently will use these credentials.


credentials:'your_access_key_id', 'your_secret_access_key')


Setting Credentials in a Client Object

Set the credentials in your code by specifying them when you create an AWS client.

The following example creates an Amazon S3 client using the access key your_access_key_id

and the secret access key your_secret_access_key


s3 =

access_key_id: 'your_access_key_id',

secret_access_key: 'your_secret_access_key'


Setting Credentials Using IAM

For an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instance, create an IAM role, and then give your Amazon EC2 instance access to that role. For more information, see IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2

User Guide for Linux Instances or IAM Roles for Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Windows


Creating an AWS STS Access Token

Use the Aws::AssumeRoleCredentials method to create an AWS STS access token.

The following example uses an access token to create an Amazon S3 client object, where linked::account::arn

is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume and session-name

is an identifier for the assumed role session.

role_credentials =


role_arn: "linked::account::arn",

role_session_name: "session-name"


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Setting a Region

) s3 = role_credentials)

Setting a Region

You need to set a region when using most AWS services. You can set the AWS Region in ways similar to setting your AWS credentials. The AWS SDK for Ruby searches for a region in the following order:

Setting the Region in a Client or Resource Object (p. 7)

Setting the Region Using Aws.config (p. 7)

Setting the Region Using Environment Variables (p. 7)

The rest of this section describes how to set a region, starting with the most flexible approach.

Setting the Region Using Environment Variables

Set the region by setting the


environment variable.

Use the export

command to set this variable on Unix-based systems, such as Linux or OS X. The following example sets the region to us-west-2


export AWS_REGION=us-west-2

To set this variable on Windows, use the set

command. The following example sets the region to uswest-2


set AWS_REGION=us-west-2

Setting the Region Using Aws.config

Set the region by adding a region

value to the


hash. The following example updates the


hash to use the us-west-1


Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-1'})

Any clients or resources you subsequently create are bound to this region.

Setting the Region in a Client or Resource Object

Set the region when you create an AWS client or resource. The following example creates an Amazon S3 resource object in the us-west-1


s3 = 'us-west-1')

Setting a Nonstandard Endpoint

If you need to use a nonstandard endpoint in the region you've selected, add an endpoint

entry to


or set the endpoint:

when creating a service client or resource object. The following example creates an Amazon S3 resource object in the other_endpoint


s3 = other_endpoint)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby REPL

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby REPL

Developers can use aws.rb

, the interactive command-line read-evaluate-print loop (REPL) console tool that is part of the aws-sdk-core


Although aws.rb

does work with the Interactive Ruby Shell ( irb

), we recommend that you install pry

, which provides a more powerful REPL environment.

Use the following command to install pry


gem install pry

To use aws.rb

, you invoke it in a console window using one of the following two command lines.


aws.rb -v

The second command line invokes the REPL with extensive HTTP wire logging, which provides information about the communication between the AWS SDK for Ruby and AWS. Use this command line with caution, however, because it also adds overhead that can make your code run slower.

The REPL defines a helper object for every service class. Downcase the service module name to get the name of the helper object. For example, the names of the Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2 helper objects are s3

and ec2

, respectively.

Using the SDK with Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails provides a web development framework for Ruby that makes it easy to create websites with Ruby.

The AWS SDK for Ruby provides a gem to enable easy integration with Rails. You can use AWS Elastic

Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks, or AWS CodeDeploy to deploy and run your Rails applications in the AWS


Integrating the AWS SDK for Ruby with Rails

AWS provides a gemfile, aws-sdk-rails

, that supports integration of the AWS SDK for Ruby with Rails.

You can view its GitHub repository at .

Add the gem to your application's Gemfile, as shown in the following example.

gem 'aws-sdk-rails'

The gem includes the AWS SDK for Ruby, so adding the gem is all you need to do to add AWS support to your Rails application.

Amazon SES Support for ActionMailer

When you use the aws-sdk-rails

gem in a config/environments

file of your Rails project (for example, config/environments/production.rb

), you can use Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) as the back end for the


class, as shown in the following example.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Logging config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :aws_sdk

For more information about


, see the Action Mailer Basics on the Ruby on Rails website.


The aws-sdk-rails

gem configures the SDK logger to use



The gem also configures the SDK log messages to use the


log level. You can change the log level by setting


in the Aws.config hash. The following example sets the log level to



Aws.config.update({log_level: :debug})

Migrating from version 1 to version 2 of the AWS

SDK for Ruby

The purpose of this topic is to help you migrate from version 1 of the AWS SDK for Ruby to version 2.

Side-by-Side Usage

It is not necessary to replace the version 1 AWS SDK for Ruby with version 2. You can use them together in the same application. See this blog post for more information.

A quick example follows: require 'aws-sdk-v1' # version 1 require 'aws-sdk' # version 2 s3 = # version 1 s3 = # version 2

You do not need to rewrite existing working version 1 code to start using the version 2 SDK. A valid migration strategy is to only write new code against the version 2 SDK.

General Differences

Version 2 differs from version 1 in a number of important ways.

• Different root namespace,




. This enables side-by-side usage.


is now a vanilla Ruby hash, instead of a method.

• Strict constructor options - When constructing a client or resource object in the version 1 SDK, unknown constructor options are ignored. In version 2, unknown constructor options trigger an


. For example:

# version 1 10)

# oops, typo'd option is ignored

# version 2 10)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Client Differences

# => raises ArgumentError

Client Differences

Between version 1 and version 2, the client classes have the fewest external differences. Many service clients will have compatible interfaces after client construction. Some important differences:


- The version 1 Amazon S3 client class was hand-coded. Version 2 is generated from a service model. Method names an inputs are very different in version 2.


- Version 2 uses plural names for output lists, version 1 uses the suffix


. For example:

# version 1 resp =


#=> [...]

# version 2 resp =


#=> [...]


- Version two uses structured responses, where version 1 uses vanilla Ruby hashes.

• Service class renames - Version 2 uses a different name for multiple services:


has become



has become



has become


• Client configuration options - Some of the version 1 configuration options have been renamed in version 2. Others have been removed or replaced. Here are the primary changes:


has been removed. Version 2 uses SSL everywhere. To disable SSL you must configure an


that uses http://








• Added




must now be a fully qualified HTTP or HTTPS uri instead of a hostname.

• Removed


options for each service, replaced by




is now


Resource Differences

There are significant differences between the resource interfaces in version 1 and version 2. Version 1 was entirely hand-coded, where as version 2 resource interfaces are generated from a model. Version 2 resource interfaces are significantly more consistent. Some of the systemic differences include:

• Separate resource class - In version 2, the service name is a module and not a class. In this module is the resource interface:

# version 1 s3 =

# version 2 s3 =


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Resource Differences

• Referencing resources - The version 2 SDK separates collections and individual resource getters into two different methods:

# version 1 s3.buckets['bucket-name'].objects['key'].delete

# version 2 s3.bucket('bucket-name').object('key').delete

• Batch operations - In version 1, all batch operations were hand-coded utilities. In version 2, many batch operations are auto-generated batching operations over the API.

Version 2 batching interfaces are very different from version 1.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby in Your Program

Hello World Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to create a command-line program that performs some common Amazon S3 operations.

Using the AWS SDK for Ruby in Your Program

Add a require

statement to the top of your Ruby source file so you can use the classes and methods provided by the AWS SDK for Ruby.

require 'aws-sdk'

Creating an Amazon S3 Resource

Create an Aws::S3::Resource object in the appropriate region. The following example creates an Amazon

S3 resource object in the us-west-2

region. Note that the region is not important as Amazon S3 resources are not specific to a region.

s3 = 'us-west-2')

Creating a Bucket

To store anything on Amazon S3, you'll need a bucket to put it in.

Create an Aws::S3::Bucket object. The following example creates the bucket my_bucket

with the name my-bucket


my_bucket = s3.bucket('my-bucket') my_bucket.create

Adding a File to the Bucket

Use the


method to add a file to the bucket. The following example adds the file named my_file

to the bucket named my-bucket



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Listing the Contents of a Bucket name = File.basename 'my_file' obj = s3.bucket('my-bucket').object(name) obj.upload_file('my_file')

Listing the Contents of a Bucket

To list the contents of a bucket, use the Aws::S3::Bucket:Objects method. The following example lists up to 50 bucket items for the bucket my-bucket


my_bucket.objects.limit(50).each do |obj|

puts " #{obj.key} => #{obj.etag}" end

Complete Program

The following is the entire hello-s3.rb


require 'aws-sdk'

NO_SUCH_BUCKET = "The bucket '%s' does not exist!"


Usage: hello-s3 bucket_name [operation] [file_name]


bucket_name (required) is the name of the bucket

operation is the operation to perform on the bucket:

create - creates a new bucket

upload - uploads a file to the bucket

list - (default) lists up to 50 bucket items

file_name is the name of the file to upload,

required when operation is 'upload'


# Set the name of the bucket on which the operations are performed

# This argument is required bucket_name = nil if ARGV.length > 0

bucket_name = ARGV[0] else

puts USAGE

exit 1 end

# The operation to perform on the bucket operation = 'list' # default operation = ARGV[1] if (ARGV.length > 1)

# The file name to use with 'upload' file = nil file = ARGV[2] if (ARGV.length > 2)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Running the Program

# Get an Amazon S3 resource s3 = 'us-west-2')

# Get the bucket by name bucket = s3.bucket(bucket_name) case operation when 'create'

# Create a bucket if it doesn't already exist

if bucket.exists?

puts "The bucket '%s' already exists!" % bucket_name



puts "Created new S3 bucket: %s" % bucket_name

end when 'upload'

if file == nil

puts "You must enter the name of the file to upload to S3!"



if bucket.exists?

name = File.basename file

# Check if file is already in bucket

if bucket.object(name).exists?

puts "#{name} already exists in the bucket"


obj = s3.bucket(bucket_name).object(name)


puts "Uploaded '%s' to S3!" % name



NO_SUCH_BUCKET % bucket_name

end when 'list'

if bucket.exists?

# Enumerate the bucket contents and object etags

puts "Contents of '%s':" % bucket_name

puts ' Name => GUID'

bucket.objects.limit(50).each do |obj|

puts " #{obj.key} => #{obj.etag}"



NO_SUCH_BUCKET % bucket_name

end else

puts "Unknown operation: '%s'!" % operation

puts USAGE end

Running the Program

To list the contents of a bucket, use either of the following commands, where bucket-name

is the name of the bucket to list. We don't have to include list

because it is the default operation.

ruby hello-s3.rb bucket-name list


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Next Steps ruby hello-s3.rb bucket-name

To create a bucket, use the following command, where bucket-name

is the name of the bucket you want to create.

ruby hello-s3.rb bucket-name create

If Amazon S3 already has a bucket named bucket-name

, the service issues an error message and does not create another copy.

After you create your bucket, you can upload an object to the bucket. The following command adds your_file.txt

to the bucket.

ruby hello-s3.rb bucket-name upload your_file.txt

Next Steps

Now that you've completed your first AWS SDK for Ruby application, here are some suggestions to extend the code you just wrote:

• Use the buckets

collection from the Aws::S3::Resource class to get a list of buckets.

• Use


method from the Bucket class to download an object from the bucket.

• Use the code in Adding a File to the Bucket (p. 12)

to confirm the item exists in the bucket, and then update that bucket item.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Debugging Tip: Getting Wire

Trace Information from a Client

Programming with the AWS SDK for


This section provides information about developing software with the AWS SDK for Ruby, including how to use some of the SDK's advanced features.


Debugging Tip: Getting Wire Trace Information from a Client (p. 16)

Stubbing Client Responses and Errors (p. 17)

Paging Response Data (p. 18)

Using Waiters (p. 19)

Specifying a Client Timeout Duration (p. 21)

Debugging Tip: Getting Wire Trace Information from a Client

You can get wire trace information from an AWS client when you create it by setting the http_wire_trace

option. This information helps differentiate client changes, service issues, and user errors. The following example creates an Amazon S3 client with wire tracing enabled.

s3 = true)

Given the following code and the argument bucket_name

, the output displays a message that says whether a bucket with that name exists.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = true)) if s3.bucket(ARGV[0]).exists?

puts "Bucket #{ARGV[0]} exists" else


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Stubbing Client Responses and Errors

puts "Bucket #{ARGV[0]} does not exist" end

If the bucket exists, the output looks something like the following, where ACCESS_KEY is the value of your access key. (Returns were added to the


line for readability.) opening connection to

opened starting SSL for

SSL established

<- "HEAD / HTTP/1.1\r\n

Content-Type: \r\n

Accept-Encoding: \r\n

User-Agent: aws-sdk-ruby2/2.2.7 ruby/2.1.7 x64-mingw32\r\n

X-Amz-Date: 20160121T191751Z\r\n


X-Amz-Content-Sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855\r


Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=ACCESS_KEY/20160121/us-west-1/s3/ aws4_request,



Content-Length: 0\r\n

Accept: */*\r\n


-> "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n"

-> "x-amz-bucket-region: us-west-2\r\n"

-> "x-amz-request-id: F3C75F33EF0792C4\r\n"

-> "x-amz-id-2: N6BzRLx8b68NmF50g1IxLzT


-> "Content-Type: application/xml\r\n"

-> "Transfer-Encoding: chunked\r\n"

-> "Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 19:17:54 GMT\r\n"

-> "Server: AmazonS3\r\n"

-> "\r\n"

Conn keep-alive

Bucket bucket_name exists

Stubbing Client Responses and Errors

Learn how to stub client responses and client errors in an AWS SDK for Ruby application.

Stubbing Client Responses

When you stub a response, the AWS SDK for Ruby disables network traffic and the client returns stubbed

(or fake) data. If you don't supply stubbed data, the client returns:

• Lists as empty arrays

• Maps as empty hashes

• Numeric values as zero

• Dates as now

The following example returns stubbed names for the list of Amazon S3 buckets.

require 'aws-sdk'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Stubbing Client Errors s3 = true) bucket_data = s3.stub_data(:list_buckets, :buckets => [{name:'aws-sdk'}, {name:'awssdk2'}]) s3.stub_responses(:list_buckets, bucket_data) bucket_names =

# List each bucket by name bucket_names.each do |name|

puts name end

Running this code displays the following.

aws-sdk aws-sdk2


After you supply any stubbed data, the default values no longer apply for any remaining instance attributes. This means that in the previous example, the remaining instance attribute, creation_date

, is not now

but nil


The AWS SDK for Ruby validates your stubbed data. If you pass in data of the wrong type, it raises an


exception. For example, if instead of the previous assignment to bucket_data

, you used the following: bucket_data = s3.stub_data(:list_buckets, buckets:['aws-sdk', 'aws-sdk2'])

The AWS SDK for Ruby raises two



expected params[:buckets][0] to be a hash expected params[:buckets][1] to be a hash

Stubbing Client Errors

You can also stub errors that the AWS SDK for Ruby raises for specific methods. The following example displays

Caught Timeout::Error error calling head_bucket on aws-sdk


require 'aws-sdk' s3 = true) s3.stub_responses(:head_bucket, Timeout::Error) begin

s3.head_bucket({bucket: 'aws-sdk'}) rescue Exception => ex

puts "Caught #{ex.class} error calling 'head_bucket' on 'aws-sdk'" end

Paging Response Data

Some AWS calls provide paged responses to limit the amount of data returned with each response. A page of data represents up to 1,000 items.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Paged Responses Are Enumerable

Paged Responses Are Enumerable

The simplest way to handle paged response data is to use the built-in enumerator in the response object, as shown in the following example.

s3 =

s3.list_objects(bucket:'aws-sdk').each do |response|

puts end

This yields one response object per API call made, and enumerates objects in the named bucket. The SDK retrieves additional pages of data to complete the request.

Handling Paged Responses Manually

To handle paging yourself, use the response's next_page?

method to verify there are more pages to retrieve, or use the last_page?

method to verify there are no more pages to retrieve.

If there are more pages, use the next_page

(notice there is no


) method to retrieve the next page of results, as shown in the following example.

s3 =

# Get the first page of data response = s3.list_objects(bucket:'aws-sdk')

# Get additional pages while response.next_page? do

response = response.next_page

# Use the response data here...



If you call the next_page

method and there are no more pages to retrieve, the SDK raises an

Aws::PageableResponse::LastPageError exception.

Paged Data Classes

Paged data in the AWS SDK for Ruby is handled by the Aws::PageableResponse class, which is included with Seahorse::Client::Response to provide access to paged data.

Using Waiters

Waiters are utility methods that poll for a particular state to occur on a client. Waiters can fail after a number of attempts at a polling interval defined for the service client. For an example of how a waiter is used, see

Creating a Simple Table with a Single Primary Key (p. 30) .

Invoking a Waiter

To invoke a waiter, call


on a service client. In the following example, a waiter waits until the instance i-12345678

is running before continuing.

ec2 =


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Wait Failures begin

ec2.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids:['i-12345678'])

puts "instance running" rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => error

puts "failed waiting for instance running: #{error.message}" end

The first parameter is the waiter name, which is specific to the service client and indicates which operation is being waited for. The second parameter is a hash of parameters that are passed to the client method called by the waiter, which varies according to the waiter name.

For a list of operations that can be waited for and the client methods called for each operation, see the




field documentation for the client you are using.

Wait Failures

Waiters can fail with any of the following exceptions:


A failure state was encountered while waiting.


The specified waiter name is not defined for the client being used.


The number of attempts exceeded the waiter's max_attempts



An unexpected error occurred while waiting.


One of the wait states was exceeded or another failure occurred while waiting.

All of these errors—except


—are based on


. To catch errors in a waiter, use


, as shown in the following example.

rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => error

puts "failed waiting for instance running: #{error.message}" end

Configuring a Waiter

Each waiter has a default polling interval and a maximum number of attempts it will make before returning control to your program. To set these values, use the max_attempts

and delay:

parameters in your


call. The following example waits for up to 25 seconds, polling every 5 seconds.

# Poll for ~25 seconds client.wait_until(...) do |w|

w.max_attempts = 5

w.delay = 5 end

To disable wait failures, set the value of either of these parameters to nil



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Extending a Waiter

Extending a Waiter

To modify the behavior of waiters, you can register callbacks that are triggered before each polling attempt and before waiting.

The following example implements an exponential backoff in a waiter by doubling the amount of time to wait on every attempt.

ec2 =

ec2.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids:['i-12345678']) do |w|

w.interval = 0 # disable normal sleep

w.before_wait do |n, resp|

sleep(n ** 2)

end end

The following example disables the maximum number of attempts, and instead waits for 1 hour (3600 seconds) before failing.

started_at =

client.wait_until(...) do |w|

# Disable max attempts

w.max_attempts = nil

# Poll for 1 hour, instead of a number of attempts

before_wait do |attempts, response|

throw :failure if - started_at > 3600

end end

Specifying a Client Timeout Duration

The following example creates an Amazon S3 client in the region us-west-2

, and specifies to wait 5 seconds between two retries on every client operation. By default, the SDK performs up to three retries, with 15 seconds between retries, for a total of up to four attempts. Therefore, an operation could take

60 seconds to time out, so the example could take 15 seconds to time out.

s3 = 'us-west-2', retry_limit: 2, http_open_timeout: 5)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon CloudWatch Examples

AWS SDK for Ruby Code Examples

This section provides examples you can use to access AWS services by using the AWS SDK for Ruby.


Amazon CloudWatch Examples (p. 22)

Amazon DynamoDB Examples (p. 29)

Amazon EC2 Examples (p. 33)

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Examples (p. 49)

AWS Identity and Access Management Examples (p. 51)

Lambda Examples (p. 60)

Amazon Relational Database Service Examples (p. 64)

Amazon S3 Examples (p. 67)

Amazon SNS Examples (p. 90)

Amazon SQS Examples (p. 92)

Amazon CloudWatch Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon CloudWatch (CloudWatch) by using the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about CloudWatch, see the CloudWatch Developer Guide .



Getting Information about All Alarms (p. 23)

Creating an Alarm (p. 23)

Enabling and Disabling Alarm Actions (p. 24)

Getting Info about Custom Metrics (p. 25)

Sending Events to Amazon CloudWatch Events (p. 26)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Alarms

Getting Information about All Alarms

The following example displays information about your CloudWatch alarms.

require 'aws-sdk' client = 'us-west-2')

# use client.describe_alarms({alarm_names: ['Name1', 'Name2']})

# to get information about alarms Name1 and Name2 resp = client.describe_alarms

resp.metric_alarms.each do |alarm|

puts 'Name: ' + alarm.alarm_name

puts 'State: ' + alarm.state_value

puts ' reason: ' + alarm.state_reason

puts 'Metric: ' + alarm.metric_name

puts 'Namespace: ' + alarm.namespace

puts 'Statistic: ' + alarm.statistic

puts 'Dimensions (' + alarm.dimensions.length.to_s + '):'

alarm.dimensions.each do |d|

puts ' Name: ' +

puts ' Value: ' + d.value


puts 'Period: ' + alarm.period.to_s

puts 'Unit: ' + alarm.unit.to_s

puts 'Eval periods: ' + alarm.evaluation_periods.to_s

puts 'Threshold: ' + alarm.threshold.to_s

puts 'Comp operator: ' + alarm.comparison_operator

puts end

Creating an Alarm

The following example creates a CloudWatch alarm my-alarm that sends a message through the Amazon

SNS topic with the ARN


when the Amazon S3 bucket my-bucket has more than 50 items in a 24-hour period.

require 'aws-sdk'

# Placeholder for put_metric_alarm args args = {} args[:alarm_name] = 'my-alarm' args[:alarm_description] = 'Triggers alarm when S3 bucket my-bucket has more than 50 items' args[:alarm_actions] = 'ARN' args[:namespace] = 'AWS/S3' args[:metric_name] = 'NumberOfObjects' dim1 = {} dim1[:name] = 'BucketName' dim1[:value] = 'my-bucket' dim2 = {} dim2[:name] = 'StorageType' dim2[:value] = 'AllStorageTypes' dimensions = [] dimensions << dim1 dimensions << dim2


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Enabling and Disabling Alarm Actions args[:dimensions] = dimensions args[:statistic] = 'Maximum'

# NumberOfObjects REQUIRES this value args[:period] = 86400

# NumberOfObjects REQUIRES this value args[:unit] = nil args[:evaluation_periods] = 1 args[:threshold] = 50 args[:comparison_operator] = 'GreaterThanThreshold' cw = 'us-west-2') cw.put_metric_alarm(args)

Enabling and Disabling Alarm Actions

An Amazon CloudWatch alarm watches a single metric over a time period you specify. The CloudWatch alarm performs one or more actions based on the value of the metric, relative to a given threshold over a number of time periods. For more information, see Creating Amazon CloudWatch Alarms .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with CloudWatch to:

1. Enable an action for a CloudWatch alarm by using Aws::CloudWatch::Client#put_metric_alarm .

2. Disable all actions for an alarm by using Aws::CloudWatch::Client#disable_alarm_actions .

The complete code for this example is available on GitHub.


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You'll also need to replace arn:aws:sns:REGION-ID:ACCOUNT-ID:TOPIC-NAME with the ARN for a valid

Amazon SNS topic.


require 'aws-sdk'

# Uncomment for Windows.

# Aws.use_bundled_cert!

cw = 'us-east-1')

# Enable an action for an Amazon CloudWatch alarm.

# If the alarm does not exist, create it.

# If the alarm exists, update its settings.

alarm_name = "TooManyObjectsInBucket" cw.put_metric_alarm({


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Info about Custom Metrics

alarm_name: alarm_name,

alarm_description: "Alarm whenever an average of more than one object exists in the

specified Amazon S3 bucket for more than one day.",

actions_enabled: true, # Run actions if the alarm's state changes.

metric_name: "NumberOfObjects",

alarm_actions: [ "arn:aws:sns:REGION-ID:ACCOUNT-ID:TOPIC-NAME" ], # Notify this Amazon

SNS topic only if the alarm's state changes to ALARM.

namespace: "AWS/S3",

statistic: "Average",

dimensions: [


name: "BucketName",

value: "my-bucket"



name: "StorageType",

value: "AllStorageTypes"



period: 86400, # Daily (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 86400 seconds).

unit: "Count",

evaluation_periods: 1, # More than one day.

threshold: 1, # One object.

comparison_operator: "GreaterThanThreshold" # More than one object.


# Disable all actions for the alarm.


alarm_names: [ alarm_name ]


Getting Info about Custom Metrics

A CloudWatch alarm watches a single metric over a time period you specify. The CloudWatch alarm performs one or more actions based on the value of the metric, relative to a given threshold over a number of time periods. For more information, see Creating Amazon CloudWatch Alarms .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with CloudWatch to:

1. Send custom metrics to CloudWatch by using Aws::CloudWatch::Client#put_metric_data .

2. Get information about custom metrics by using Aws::CloudWatch::Client#list_metrics-instance .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


require 'aws-sdk'

# Uncomment for Windows.

# Aws.use_bundled_cert!

cw = 'us-east-1')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Sending Events to Amazon CloudWatch Events

# Send custom metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.

# In this example, add metrics to the custom namespace "SITE/TRAFFIC":

# For the custom dimension named "SiteName", for the value named "", add

# "UniqueVisitors" of 5885 and "UniqueVisits" of 8628.

# For the custom dimension named "PageURL", for the value named "my-page.html", add

# "PageViews" of 18057.


namespace: "SITE/TRAFFIC",

metric_data: [


metric_name: "UniqueVisitors",

dimensions: [


name: "SiteName",

value: ""



value: 5885.0,

unit: "Count"



metric_name: "UniqueVisits",

dimensions: [


name: "SiteName",

value: ""



value: 8628.0,

unit: "Count"



metric_name: "PageViews",

dimensions: [


name: "PageURL",

value: "my-page.html"



value: 18057.0,

unit: "Count"




# Get information about custom metrics.

list_metrics_output = cw.list_metrics({

namespace: "SITE/TRAFFIC"

}) list_metrics_output.metrics.each do |metric|

puts metric.metric_name

metric.dimensions.each do |dimension|

puts "#{} = #{dimension.value}"


puts "\n" end

Sending Events to Amazon CloudWatch Events

CloudWatch Events delivers a near real-time stream of system events that describe changes in AWS resources to AWS Lambda functions or other targets. To learn more, see What is Amazon CloudWatch


. In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with CloudWatch Events to:


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Sending Events to Amazon CloudWatch Events

1. Create a rule in CloudWatch Events by using Aws::CloudWatchEvents::Client#put_rule .

2. Add a target to the rule by using Aws::CloudWatchEvents::Client#put_targets .

3. Send an event to CloudWatch Events so that it can be matched to the rule.

4. View the results in Amazon CloudWatch Logs and metrics by using Aws::CloudWatch::Client#get_metric_statistics and

Aws::CloudWatchLogs::Client#describe_log_streams .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to:

• Replace the placeholder value assigned to lambda_function_arn with an actual Lambda function ARN.

1. Create a Lambda function, as described here .

2. Name the function LogEC2InstanceStateChange.

3. For a role, select Choose an Existing Role. For the existing role, select lambda_basic_execution.

4. After you create the function, copy the ARN and paste it into your code.

• Replace the placeholder value assigned to cwe_service_role_arn with an appropriate AWS IAM service role ARN.

1. In the IAM console, create a role and attach a policy that grants full access to CloudWatch Events.

2. Ensure that the role has a trust relationship to For an example policy and role, see the comments in the example code on GitHub .

3. After you create the role, attach the policy, and establish the trust relationship, copy the role ARN and paste it into your code.

• Replace the placeholder value assigned to instance_id with an actual Amazon EC2 instance ID.


require 'aws-sdk'

# Uncomment for Windows.

# Aws.use_bundled_cert!

cwe = 'us-east-1')

# Replace this value with the ARN of the AWS Lambda function you created earlier.

lambda_function_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:REGION-ID:ACCOUNT-


# Replace this value with the ARN of the AWS IAM service role you created earlier.

cwe_service_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT-ID:role/SERVICE-ROLE-NAME"

# Create a rule in Amazon CloudWatch Events.

rule_name = "my-ec2-rule"

# The rule will use this pattern to route the event to the target.

# This pattern is used whenever an Amazon EC2 instance begins running.

event_pattern = {


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Sending Events to Amazon CloudWatch Events

"source" => [



"detail-type" => [

"EC2 Instance State-change Notification"


"detail" => {

"state" => [






name: rule_name,

event_pattern: event_pattern,

state: "ENABLED",

role_arn: cwe_service_role_arn


# Add a target to the rule.


rule: rule_name,

targets: [


id: "my-rule-target",

arn: lambda_function_arn




# To test the rule, stop and then restart an existing Amazon EC2 instance.

# For example: ec2 = 'us-east-1')

# Replace this with an actual instance ID.

instance_id = "i-INSTANCE-ID" puts "Attempting to stop the instance. This may take a few minutes..." ec2.stop_instances({

instance_ids: [ instance_id ]


# Make sure the instance is stopped before attempting to restart it.

ec2.wait_until(:instance_stopped, instance_ids: [ instance_id ]) puts "Attempt to restart the instance. This may take a few minutes..." ec2.start_instances({

instance_ids: [ instance_id ]


# Make sure the instance is running before continuing on.

ec2.wait_until(:instance_running, instance_ids: [ instance_id ])

# See if and when the rule was triggered.

cw = 'us-east-1') invocations = cw.get_metric_statistics({

namespace: "AWS/Events",

metric_name: "Invocations",

dimensions: [


name: "RuleName",

value: rule_name,


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon DynamoDB Examples



start_time: - 600, # Look back over the past 10 minutes to see if the rule was

triggered (10 minutes * 60 seconds = 600 seconds).


period: 60, # Look back every 60 seconds over those past 10 minutes to see how many times

the rule may have been triggered.

statistics: [ "Sum" ],

unit: "Count"

}) if invocations.datapoints.count > 0

puts "Rule invocations:"

invocations.datapoints.each do |datapoint|

puts " #{datapoint.sum} invocation(s) at #{datapoint.timestamp}"

end else

puts "No rule invocations." end

# View the latest related log in Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

cwl = 'us-east-1') describe_log_streams_response = cwl.describe_log_streams({

log_group_name: "/aws/lambda/LogEC2InstanceStateChange",

order_by: "LastEventTime",

descending: true

}) get_log_events_response = cwl.get_log_events({

log_group_name: "/aws/lambda/LogEC2InstanceStateChange",

log_stream_name: describe_log_streams_response.log_streams[0].log_stream_name # Get the

latest log stream only.

}) puts "\nLog messages:\n\n" do |event|

puts event.message


Amazon DynamoDB Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon DynamoDB services by using the AWS SDK for

Ruby. For more information about DynamoDB, see the Amazon DynamoDB documentation . Specifically, see Ruby and DynamoDB to learn how to:

• Create a table and load sample data in JSON format.

• Perform create, read, update, and delete operations on the table.

• Run simple queries.

The topic also provides a link to a downloadable version of DynamoDB, which includes an interactive web interface so you can experiment with DynamoDB offline.



Getting Information about All Tables (p. 30)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Tables

Creating a Simple Table with a Single Primary Key (p. 30)

Adding an Item to a Table (p. 31)

Getting Information about the Items in a Table (p. 31)

Getting Information about a Specific Item in a Table (p. 31)

Updating a Table (p. 32)

Creating an Index (p. 32)

Getting Information about All Tables

The following example lists the names and number of items in each table in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' dynamoDB = 'us-west-2') dynamoDB.tables.each do |t|

puts "Name: #{}"

puts "#Items: #{t.item_count}" end

Creating a Simple Table with a Single Primary Key

The following example creates the table


with three attributes:




, and


in the us-west-2


The wait_until

call blocks you from using the table until DynamoDB has created it. By default, the

DynamoDB client's wait_until

method checks every 20 seconds, up to a maximum of 500 seconds, to see if the table was created.

require 'aws-sdk' attribute_defs = [

{ attribute_name: 'ID', attribute_type: 'N' },

{ attribute_name: 'FirstName', attribute_type: 'S' },

{ attribute_name: 'LastName', attribute_type: 'S' }

] key_schema = [

{ attribute_name: 'ID', key_type: 'HASH' }

] index_schema = [

{ attribute_name: 'FirstName', key_type: 'HASH' },

{ attribute_name: 'LastName', key_type: 'RANGE' }

] global_indexes = [{

index_name: 'LastNameFirstNameIndex',

key_schema: index_schema,

projection: { projection_type: 'ALL' },

provisioned_throughput: { read_capacity_units: 5, write_capacity_units: 10 }

}] request = {

attribute_definitions: attribute_defs,

table_name: 'Users',

key_schema: key_schema,


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Adding an Item to a Table

global_secondary_indexes: global_indexes,

provisioned_throughput: { read_capacity_units: 5, write_capacity_units: 10 }

} dynamodb_client = 'us-west-2') dynamodb_client.create_table(request) dynamodb_client.wait_until(:table_exists, table_name: 'Users')

Adding an Item to a Table

The following example adds an item with the


value of 123456,


value of John, and


value of Doe to the


table in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' dynamoDB = 'us-west-2') table = dynamoDB.table('Users') table.put_item({



"ID" => 123456,

"FirstName" => 'Snoop',

"LastName" => 'Doug'


Getting Information about the Items in a Table

The following example lists up to 50 items from the


table in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' dynamoDB = 'us-west-2') table = dynamoDB.table('Users') scan_output = table.scan({

limit: 50,


}) scan_output.items.each do |item|

keys = item.keys

keys.each do |k|

puts "#{k}: #{item[k]}"

end end

Getting Information about a Specific Item in a Table

The following example displays the first and last name of an item with an


of 123456 in the

Users table in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Updating a Table dynamoDB = 'us-west-2') table = dynamoDB.table('Users') resp = table.get_item({

key: { 'ID' => 123456 }

}) first_name = resp.item['FirstName'] last_name = resp.item['LastName'] puts "First name: #{first_name}" puts "Last name: #{last_name}"

Updating a Table

The following example updates all the items in the


table in the us-west-2

region to include a new field, airmiles

, and sets the value to 10000.

require 'aws-sdk' dynamoDB = 'us-west-2') table = dynamoDB.table('Users')

# Get the IDs of all of the users resp = table.scan({ select: "ALL_ATTRIBUTES" }) resp.items.each do |item|

id = item['ID']

request = {

key: { 'ID' => id },

update_expression: 'set airmiles=:pVal',

expression_attribute_values: { ':pVal' => '10000' }


# Update the item in the table:

table.update_item(request) end

Creating an Index

The following example adds a new index, air-mileage-index

, to the


table in the us-west-2 region. Once the status of the index is


, you can search for items in the table based on the value of their airmiles


require 'aws-sdk' request = {

attribute_definitions: [


attribute_name: 'airmiles',

attribute_type: 'N',



table_name: 'Users',

global_secondary_index_updates: [



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon EC2 Examples

create: {

index_name: 'air-mileage-index',

key_schema: [


attribute_name: 'airmiles',

key_type: 'HASH',



projection: {

projection_type: 'ALL',


provisioned_throughput: {

read_capacity_units: 5,

write_capacity_units: 10,





} dynamoDB = 'us-west-2') dynamoDB.update_table(request)

Amazon EC2 Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) using the

AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about Amazon EC2, see the Amazon EC2 Documentation .



Creating a VPC (p. 34)

Creating an Internet Gateway and Attaching It to a VPC (p. 34)

Creating a Public Subnet (p. 34)

Creating a Route Table and Associating It with a Subnet (p. 35)

Using Elastic IP Addresses in Amazon EC2 (p. 35)

Creating a Security Group (p. 37)

Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2 (p. 37)

Working with Key Pairs (p. 40)

Getting Information about All Instances (p. 43)

Getting Information about All Instances with a Specific Tag Value (p. 43)

Getting Information about a Specific Instance (p. 43)

Creating an Instance (p. 44)

Stopping an Instance (p. 44)

Starting an Instance (p. 45)

Rebooting an Instance (p. 45)

Managing Amazon EC2 Instances in Amazon EC2 (p. 45)

Terminating an Instance (p. 47)

Getting Information about Regions and Availability Zones (p. 47)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a VPC

Creating a VPC

The following example creates the virtual private cloud (VPC)


with the CIDR block

, and then displays the VPC's ID.

The example creates a virtual network with 65,536 private IP addresses.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') vpc = ec2.create_vpc({ cidr_block: '' })

# So we get a public DNS vpc.modify_attribute({

enable_dns_support: { value: true }

}) vpc.modify_attribute({

enable_dns_hostnames: { value: true }


# Name our VPC vpc.create_tags({ tags: [{ key: 'Name', value: 'MyGroovyVPC' }]}) puts vpc.vpc_id

Creating an Internet Gateway and Attaching It to a


The following example creates an Internet gateway


, attaches it to a VPC that has ID


, and then displays the Internet gateway's ID.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') igw = ec2.create_internet_gateway

igw.create_tags({ tags: [{ key: 'Name', value: 'MyGroovyIGW' }]}) igw.attach_to_vpc(vpc_id: VPC_ID) puts

Creating a Public Subnet

The following example creates a public subnet


in the us-west-2

region and the

Availablity Zone us-west-2a

. The example attaches the public subnet to a VPC with the ID


that uses the CIDR block

, and then displays the subnet's ID.

The public subnet created in this example has 256 private IP addresses within the VPC.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Route Table and Associating It with a Subnet subnet = ec2.create_subnet({

vpc_id: VPC_ID,

cidr_block: '',

availability_zone: 'us-west-2a'

}) subnet.create_tags({ tags: [{ key: 'Name', value: 'MyGroovySubnet' }]}) puts

Creating a Route Table and Associating It with a


The following example creates a route table


in us-west-2

region on a VPC with the



. The route table uses the route with the CIDR block

and the gateway with the ID


. The example associates the route table with the subnet that has ID


, and then displays the route table's ID.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') table = ec2.create_route_table({

vpc_id: VPC_ID

}) table.create_tags({ tags: [{ key: 'Name', value: 'MyGroovyRouteTable' }]}) table.create_route({

destination_cidr_block: '',

gateway_id: IGW_ID

}) table.associate_with_subnet({

subnet_id: SUBNET_ID

}) puts

Using Elastic IP Addresses in Amazon EC2

An Elastic IP address is a static IP address, designed for dynamic cloud computing, that is associated with your AWS account. It's a public IP address, which is reachable from the Internet. If your instance doesn't have a public IP address, you can use an Elastic IP address with your instance so that it can communicate with the Internet.

For more information about Elastic IP addresses in Amazon EC2, see Elastic IP Addresses in the Amazon

EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances or Elastic IP Addresses in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Windows


In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon EC2 to:

1. Allocate an Elastic IP address by using the Aws::EC2::Client#allocate_address method.

2. Associate the address with an Amazon EC2 instance by using the Aws::EC2::Client#associate_address method.

3. Get information about addresses associated with the instance by using the

Aws::EC2::Client#describe_addresses method.

4. Release the address by using the Aws::EC2::Client#release_address method.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using Elastic IP Addresses in Amazon EC2

The complete code for this example is available on GitHub.


Before working with the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to launch an EC2 instance and note the instance ID.


Before you run the following code, you must replace the


string with your actual instance ID. This will be something like i-0a123456b7c8defg9


Example Script

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-east-1') instance_id = "INSTANCE-ID" # For example, "i-0a123456b7c8defg9" def display_addresses(ec2, instance_id)

describe_addresses_result = ec2.describe_addresses({

filters: [


name: "instance-id",

values: [ instance_id ]




if describe_addresses_result.addresses.count == 0

puts "No addresses currently associated with the instance."


describe_addresses_result.addresses.each do |address|

puts "=" * 10

puts "Allocation ID: #{address.allocation_id}"

puts "Association ID: #{address.association_id}"

puts "Instance ID: #{address.instance_id}"

puts "Public IP: #{address.public_ip}"

puts "Private IP Address: #{address.private_ip_address}"


end end puts "Before allocating the address for the instance...." display_addresses(ec2, instance_id) puts "\nAllocating the address for the instance..." allocate_address_result = ec2.allocate_address({

domain: "vpc"

}) puts "\nAfter allocating the address for instance, but before associating the address with

the instance..." display_addresses(ec2, instance_id) puts "\nAssociating the address with the instance..." associate_address_result = ec2.associate_address({

allocation_id: allocate_address_result.allocation_id,


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Security Group

instance_id: instance_id,

}) puts "\nAfter associating the address with the instance, but before releasing the address

from the instance..." display_addresses(ec2, instance_id) puts "\nReleasing the address from the instance..." ec2.release_address({

allocation_id: allocate_address_result.allocation_id,

}) puts "\nAfter releasing the address from the instance..." display_addresses(ec2, instance_id)

Creating a Security Group

The following example creates a security group


in the us-west-2

region on a

VPC with the ID


. In the example, the security group is allowed access over port 22 (SSH) from all addresses (CIDR block

) and is given the description "Security group for MyGroovyInstance".

Then, the security group's ID is displayed.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') sg = ec2.create_security_group({

group_name: 'MyGroovySecurityGroup',

description: 'Security group for MyGroovyInstance',

vpc_id: VPC_ID

}) sg.authorize_egress({

ip_permissions: [{

ip_protocol: 'tcp',

from_port: 22,

to_port: 22,

ip_ranges: [{

cidr_ip: ''


}) puts

Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2

An Amazon EC2 security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the traffic for one or more instances. You add rules to each security group to allow traffic to or from its associated instances. You can modify the rules for a security group at any time; the new rules are automatically applied to all instances that are associated with the security group.

For more information about the Amazon EC2 security groups, see:

• Amazon EC2 Amazon Security Groups for Linux Instances

• Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Windows Instances

In this example, we use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon EC2 to:

1. Create a security group.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2

2. Add rules to the security group.

3. Get information about security groups.

4. Delete the security group.

The full sample script containing all of the following examples is available on GitHub .


Before working with the code below, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby. See the following:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You'll also need to create a VPC and note the VPC ID.

Configure the SDK

First we require the AWS SDK for Ruby and create an EC2 client. Then we provide a name for the security group we're going to create. We also need to provide the ID of our VPC, which is available in the console after the VPC is created.

Be sure that you replace ``VPC-ID`` with your actual VPC ID.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-east-1') security_group_name = "my-security-group" vpc_id = "VPC-ID" # For example, "vpc-1234ab56".

security_group_created = false # Used later to determine whether it's okay to delete the

security group.

We'll use the security_group_created

variable later in the script to determine if a security group was created and can therefore be deleted.

Create a Security Group

Next we create a security group that allows access over ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP) from all addresses

(CIDR block


# Create a security group.


create_security_group_result = ec2.create_security_group({

group_name: security_group_name,

description: "An example description for my security group.",

vpc_id: vpc_id


# Add rules to the security group.

# For example, allow all inbound HTTP and SSH traffic.


group_id: create_security_group_result.group_id,

ip_permissions: [


ip_protocol: "tcp",

from_port: 80,

to_port: 80,


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with Security Groups in Amazon EC2

ip_ranges: [


cidr_ip: "",





ip_protocol: "tcp",

from_port: 22,

to_port: 22,

ip_ranges: [


cidr_ip: "",






security_group_created = true rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidGroupDuplicate

puts "A security group with the name '#{security_group_name}' already exists." end

If the begin

block executes without exception, we set security_group_created

to true


Get Info about a Security Group

Having created a security group, we output information about our existing security groups and their IP permissions.

def describe_ip_permission(ip_permission)

puts "-" * 22

puts "IP Protocol: #{ip_permission.ip_protocol}"

puts "From Port: #{ip_permission.from_port.to_s}"

puts "To Port: #{ip_permission.to_port.to_s}"

if ip_permission.ip_ranges.count > 0

puts "IP Ranges:"

ip_permission.ip_ranges.each do |ip_range|

puts " #{ip_range.cidr_ip}"



if ip_permission.ipv_6_ranges.count > 0

puts "IPv6 Ranges:"

ip_permission.ipv_6_ranges.each do |ipv_6_range|

puts " #{ipv_6_range.cidr_ipv_6}"



if ip_permission.prefix_list_ids.count > 0

puts "Prefix List IDs:"

ip_permission.prefix_list_ids.each do |prefix_list_id|

puts " #{prefix_list_id.prefix_list_id}"



if ip_permission.user_id_group_pairs.count > 0

puts "User ID Group Pairs:"

ip_permission.user_id_group_pairs.each do |user_id_group_pair|

puts " ." * 7

puts " Group ID: #{user_id_group_pair.group_id}"

puts " Group Name: #{user_id_group_pair.group_name}"

puts " Peering Status: #{user_id_group_pair.peering_status}"

puts " User ID: #{user_id_group_pair.user_id}"

puts " VPC ID: #{user_id_group_pair.vpc_id}"

puts " VPC Peering Connection ID: #{user_id_group_pair.vpc_peering_connection_id}"


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with Key Pairs


end end describe_security_groups_result = ec2.describe_security_groups

describe_security_groups_result.security_groups.each do |security_group|

puts "\n"

puts "*" * (security_group.group_name.length + 12)

puts "Group Name: #{security_group.group_name}"

puts "Group ID: #{security_group.group_id}"

puts "Description: #{security_group.description}"

puts "VPC ID: #{security_group.vpc_id}"

puts "Owner ID: #{security_group.owner_id}"

if security_group.ip_permissions.count > 0

puts "=" * 22

puts "IP Permissions:"

security_group.ip_permissions.each do |ip_permission|




if security_group.ip_permissions_egress.count > 0

puts "=" * 22

puts "IP Permissions Egress:"

security_group.ip_permissions_egress.each do |ip_permission|




if security_group.tags.count > 0

puts "=" * 22

puts "Tags:"

security_group.tags.each do |tag|

puts " #{tag.key} = #{tag.value}"


end end

Delete a Security Group

At the end of the script, assuming that a security group was successfully created and the security_group_created

flag set to true

, we delete the security group.

if security_group_created

ec2.delete_security_group({ group_id: create_security_group_result.group_id }) end

Working with Key Pairs

These examples show you how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon EC2 to:

• Create a key pair.

• Get information about key pairs.

• Delete a key pair.

For more information about key pairs, see Amazon EC2 Key Pairs in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux

Instances or Amazon EC2 Key Pairs and Windows Instances in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Windows


For additional code that you can use to run these examples, see Complete Example (p. 42) .


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with Key Pairs

Create a Key Pair

Call the create_key_pair method, specifying the name of the key pair to create.

key_pair = ec2.create_key_pair({

key_name: key_pair_name


In this code:

• ec2

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::Client object.

• key_pair_name

is a string variable representing the name of the key pair.

• key_pair

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::KeyPair object that is returned by calling the create_key_pair


For more information, see

Complete Example (p. 42)


Get Information about Key Pairs

To get information about a single key pair, use attributes such as:

• key_name , which gets the key pair's name.

• key_fingerprint , which gets the SHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key.

• key_material , which gets the unencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key.

puts "Created key pair '#{key_pair.key_name}'."

puts "\nSHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key:"

puts "#{key_pair.key_fingerprint}"

puts "\nUnencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key:"

puts "#{key_pair.key_material}"

In this code, key_pair

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::KeyPair object, which is returned by calling the create_key_pair method in the previous example.

To get information about multiple key pairs, call the describe_key_pairs method.

key_pairs_result = ec2.describe_key_pairs() if key_pairs_result.key_pairs.count > 0

puts "\nKey pair names:"

key_pairs_result.key_pairs.each do |key_pair|

puts key_pair.key_name

end end

In this code:

• ec2

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::Client object.

• key_pair_result

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::Types::DescribeKeyPairsResult object that is returned by calling the describe_key_pairs


• Calling the


object's key_pairs method returns an array of

Aws::EC2::Types::KeyPairInfo objects, which represent the key pairs.

For more information, see

Complete Example (p. 42)



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with Key Pairs

Delete a Key Pair

Call the delete_key_pair method, specifying the name of the key pair to delete.


key_name: key_pair_name


In this code:

• ec2

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::Client object.

• key_pair_name

is a string variable representing the name of the key pair.

For more information, see

Complete Example (p. 42)


Complete Example

The following code, which you can adapt and run, combines the preceding examples into a single example.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-east-1') key_pair_name = "my-key-pair"

# Create a key pair.


key_pair = ec2.create_key_pair({

key_name: key_pair_name


puts "Created key pair '#{key_pair.key_name}'."

puts "\nSHA-1 digest of the DER encoded private key:"

puts "#{key_pair.key_fingerprint}"

puts "\nUnencrypted PEM encoded RSA private key:"

puts "#{key_pair.key_material}" rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidKeyPairDuplicate

puts "A key pair named '#{key_pair_name}' already exists." end

# Get information about Amazon EC2 key pairs.

key_pairs_result = ec2.describe_key_pairs() if key_pairs_result.key_pairs.count > 0

puts "\nKey pair names:"

key_pairs_result.key_pairs.each do |key_pair|

puts key_pair.key_name

end end

# Delete the key pair.


key_name: key_pair_name


To run this code, you must:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

. Be


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Instances sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example. This example assumes you have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file or in the




environment variables on your local system.

Getting Information about All Instances

The following example lists the IDs and states (pending, running, shutting down, terminated, stopping, or stopped) for all of your Amazon EC2 instances in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2')

# To only get the first 10 instances:

# ec2.instances.limit(10).each do |i| ec2.instances.each do |i|

puts "ID: #{}"

puts "State: #{}" end

Getting Information about All Instances with a

Specific Tag Value

The following example lists the ID and state (pending, running, shutting down, terminated, stopping, or stopped) of an Amazon EC2 instance with the tag


and tag value


in the us-west-2 region.


The tag name and value are case-sensitive.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2')

# Get all instances with tag key 'Group'

# and tag value 'MyGroovyGroup': ec2.instances({filters: [{name: 'tag:Group', values: ['MyGroovyGroup']}]}).each do |i|

puts 'ID: ' +

puts 'State: ' +


Getting Information about a Specific Instance

The following example lists the state of an instance i-123abc

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') i = ec2.instance('i-123abc') if i.exists?

puts "State: #{}" end


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating an Instance

Creating an Instance

The following example creates an Amazon EC2 instance


, with the tag


and value


. The instance is created in Availability Zone us-west-2a

with the machine image


for the account with ID


, the security group with the ID


, and the subnet with the ID


. Then, it displays the instance's ID and public IP address.


In the empty script value, you can add instructions that your Amazon EC2 instance executes when it starts.

require 'aws-sdk' require 'base64'

# User code that's executed when the instance starts script = '' encoded_script = Base64.encode64(script) ec2 = 'us-west-2') instance = ec2.create_instances({

image_id: 'IMAGE_ID',

min_count: 1,

max_count: 1,

key_name: 'MyGroovyKeyPair',

security_group_ids: ['SECURITY_GROUP_ID'],

user_data: encoded_script,

instance_type: 't2.micro',

placement: {

availability_zone: 'us-west-2a'


subnet_id: 'SUBNET_ID',

iam_instance_profile: {

arn: 'arn:aws:iam::' + 'ACCOUNT_ID' + ':instance-profile/aws-opsworks-ec2-role'



# Wait for the instance to be created, running, and passed status checks ec2.client.wait_until(:instance_status_ok, {instance_ids: [instance[0].id]})

# Name the instance 'MyGroovyInstance' and give it the Group tag 'MyGroovyGroup' instance.create_tags({ tags: [{ key: 'Name', value: 'MyGroovyInstance' }, { key: 'Group',

value: 'MyGroovyGroup' }]}) puts

puts instance.public_ip_address

Stopping an Instance

The following example stops the instance i-123abc

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') i = ec2.instance('i-123abc') if i.exists?

case i.state.code

when 48 # terminated

puts "#{id} is terminated, so you cannot stop it"


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Starting an Instance

when 64 # stopping

puts "#{id} is stopping, so it will be stopped in a bit"

when 89 # stopped

puts "#{id} is already stopped"



end end

Starting an Instance

The following example starts the instance i-123abc

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') i = ec2.instance('i-123abc') if i.exists?

case i.state.code

when 0 # pending

puts "#{id} is pending, so it will be running in a bit"

when 16 # started

puts "#{id} is already started"

when 48 # terminated

puts "#{id} is terminated, so you cannot start it"



end end

Rebooting an Instance

The following example reboots the instance i-123abc

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') i = ec2.instance('i-123abc') if i.exists?

case i.state.code

when 48 # terminated

puts "#{id} is terminated, so you cannot reboot it"



end end

Managing Amazon EC2 Instances in Amazon EC2

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon EC2 to:

1. Stop an existing Amazon EC2 instance by using Aws::EC2::Client#stop_instances .

2. Restart the instance by using Aws::EC2::Client#start_instances .

3. Reboot the instance by using Aws::EC2::Client#reboot_instances .

4. Enable detailed monitoring for the instance by using Aws::EC2::Client#monitor_instances .


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing Amazon EC2 Instances in Amazon EC2

5. Get information about available instances by using Aws::EC2::Client#describe_instances .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to replace INSTANCE-ID in the code with the instance ID of an existing EC2 instance.


require 'aws-sdk'

# Uncomment for Windows.

# Aws.use_bundled_cert!

def wait_for_instances(ec2, state, ids)


ec2.wait_until(state, instance_ids: ids)

puts "Success: #{state}."

rescue Aws::Waiters::Errors::WaiterFailed => error

puts "Failed: #{error.message}"

end end ec2 = 'us-east-1') instance_id = "INSTANCE-ID" # For example, "i-0a123456b7c8defg9" puts "Attempting to stop instance '#{instance_id}'. This may take a few minutes..." ec2.stop_instances({ instance_ids: [instance_id] }) wait_for_instances(ec2, :instance_stopped, [instance_id]) puts "\nAttempting to restart instance '#{instance_id}'. This may take a few minutes..." ec2.start_instances({ instance_ids: [instance_id] }) wait_for_instances(ec2, :instance_running, [instance_id]) puts "\nAttempting to reboot instance '#{instance_id}'. This may take a few minutes..." ec2.reboot_instances({ instance_ids: [instance_id] }) wait_for_instances(ec2, :instance_status_ok, [instance_id])

# Enable detailed monitoring for the instance.

puts "\nAttempting to enable detailed monitoring for instance '#{instance_id}'..." begin

monitor_instances_result = ec2.monitor_instances({

instance_ids: [instance_id]


puts "Detailed monitoring state for instance '#{instance_id}':

#{monitor_instances_result.instance_monitorings[0].monitoring.state}" rescue Aws::EC2::Errors::InvalidState

puts "Instance '#{instance_id}' is not in a monitorable state. Continuing on..." end

# Get information about available instances.

puts "\nAvailable instances:" describe_instances_result = ec2.describe_instances


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Terminating an Instance describe_instances_result.reservations.each do |reservation|

if reservation.instances.count > 0

reservation.instances.each do |instance|

puts "=" * (instance.instance_id.length + 13)

puts "Instance ID: #{instance.instance_id}"

puts "State: #{}"

puts "Image ID: #{instance.image_id}"

puts "Instance Type: #{instance.instance_type}"

puts "Architecure: #{instance.architecture}"

puts "IAM Instance Profile: #{instance.iam_instance_profile}"

puts "Key Name: #{instance.key_name}"

puts "Launch Time: #{instance.launch_time}"

puts "Detailed Monitoring State: #{instance.monitoring.state}"

puts "Public IP Address: #{instance.public_ip_address}"

puts "Public DNS Name: #{instance.public_dns_name}"

puts "VPC ID: #{instance.vpc_id}"

puts "Subnet ID: #{instance.subnet_id}"

if instance.tags.count > 0

puts "Tags:"

instance.tags.each do |tag|

puts " #{tag.key} = #{tag.value}"




end end

Terminating an Instance

The following example terminates the instance i-123abc

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-west-2') i = ec2.instance('i-123abc') if i.exists?

case i.state.code

when 48 # terminated

puts "#{id} is already terminated"



end end

Getting Information about Regions and Availability


These examples show you how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby together with Amazon EC2 to:

• Get information about available Amazon EC2 regions and their endpoints.

• Get information about available Amazon EC2 Availability Zones.

For more information about Amazon EC2 regions and Availability Zones, see Regions and Availability

Zones in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about Regions and Availability Zones

For additional code that you can use to run these examples, see Complete Example (p. 49) .

Get Information about Regions and Endpoints

To get information about available regions, call the describe_regions method.

describe_regions_result = ec2.describe_regions()

In this code, ec2

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::Client object. For more information, see

Complete Example (p. 49)


To get the region names and endpoints:

1. Get an Aws::EC2::Types::DescribeRegionsResult object, which is returned by the describe_regions method and represented in this code by the describe_regions_result


2. Use the


object's regions attribute to get an array of Aws::EC2::Types::Region objects representing the regions.

3. Get each region's name and endpoint by using the


object's region_name and endpoint attributes.

describe_regions_result.regions.each do |region|

puts "#{region.region_name} (#{region.endpoint})" end

Get Information about Availability Zones

To get information about availability zones, call the describe_availability_zones method.

describe_availability_zones_result = ec2.describe_availability_zones()

The Aws::EC2::Types::DescribeAvailabilityZonesResult object contains an array of

Aws::EC2::Types::AvailabilityZone objects representing the Availability Zones. The


object is returned by the describe_availability_zones

method and represented in this code by the describe_availability_zones_result


In this code, ec2

is a variable representing an Aws::EC2::Client object. For more information, see

Complete Example (p. 49)


To get the name and state of each availability zone, use the


object's zone_name and state attributes.

describe_availability_zones_result.availability_zones.each do |zone|

puts "#{zone.zone_name} is #{zone.state}"

if zone.messages.count > 0

zone.messages.each do |message|

" #{message.message}"


end end

To get any messages about availability zones:

1. Use the


object's messages attribute, which returns an

Aws::EC2::Types::AvailabilityZoneMessage array.

2. If there is at least one message in the array, use each


object's message attribute to get the message.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Examples

Complete Example

The following code, which you can adapt and run, combines the preceding examples into a single example.

require 'aws-sdk' ec2 = 'us-east-1') puts "Amazon EC2 region(s) (and their endpoint(s)) that are currently available to you:\n

\n" describe_regions_result = ec2.describe_regions() describe_regions_result.regions.each do |region|

puts "#{region.region_name} (#{region.endpoint})" end puts "\nAmazon EC2 availability zone(s) that are available to you for your current region:

\n\n" describe_availability_zones_result = ec2.describe_availability_zones() describe_availability_zones_result.availability_zones.each do |zone|

puts "#{zone.zone_name} is #{zone.state}"

if zone.messages.count > 0

zone.messages.each do |message|

" #{message.message}"


end end

To run this code:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

. Be sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example. This example assumes you have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file or in the




environment variables on your local system.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Examples

You can use the following examples to access AWS Elastic Beanstalk (Elastic Beanstalk) using the AWS

SDK for Ruby. For more information about Elastic Beanstalk, see the Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide .



Getting Information about All Applications (p. 49)

Getting Information about a Specific Application (p. 50)

Updating a Ruby on Rails Application (p. 50)

Getting Information about All Applications

The following example lists the names, descriptions, and URLs of all of your Elastic Beanstalk applications in the us-west-2



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about a Specific Application require 'aws-sdk' elb = 'us-west-2') elb.describe_applications.applications.each do |a|

puts "Name: #{a.application_name}"

puts "Description: #{a.description}"

elb.describe_environments({application_name: a.application_name}).environments.each do | env|

puts " Environment: #{env.environment_name}"

puts " URL: #{env.cname}"

puts " Health: #{}"

end end

Getting Information about a Specific Application

The following example lists the name, description, and URL of the


application in the uswest-2


require 'aws-sdk' elb = 'us-west-2') app = elb.describe_applications({application_names: [args[0]]}) if app.exists?

puts "Name: #{app.application_name}"

puts "Description: #{app.description}"

envs = elb.describe_environments({application_name: app.application_name})

puts "URL: #{envs.environments[0].cname}" end

Updating a Ruby on Rails Application

The following example updates the Ruby on Rails application


in the us-west-2



You must be in the root of your Rails app to succesfully run the script.

require 'aws-sdk'

Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'}) elb =

s3 =

app_name = 'MyRailsApp'

# Get S3 bucket containing app app_versions = elb.describe_application_versions({ application_name: app_name }) av = app_versions.application_versions[0] bucket = av.source_bundle.s3_bucket

s3_key = av.source_bundle.s3_key

# Get info on environment envs = elb.describe_environments({ application_name: app_name }) env = envs.environments[0]


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

AWS Identity and Access Management Examples env_name = env.environment_name

# Create new storage location resp = elb.create_storage_location() puts "Created storage location in bucket #{resp.s3_bucket}" resp = s3.list_objects({

prefix: s3_key,

bucket: bucket


# Create ZIP file zip_file_basename = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64.to_s

zip_file_name = zip_file_basename + '.zip'

# Call out to OS to produce ZIP file cmd = "git archive --format=zip -o #{zip_file_name} HEAD"

%x[ #{cmd} ]

# Get ZIP file contents zip_contents = key = app_name + "\\" + zip_file_name resp = s3.put_object({

body: zip_contents,

bucket: bucket,

key: key

}) date =

today = + "/" + date.month.to_s + "/" + date.year.to_s


process: false,

application_name: app_name,

version_label: zip_file_basename,

source_bundle: {

s3_bucket: bucket,

s3_key: key


description: "Updated #{today}"

}) elb.update_environment({

environment_name: env_name,

version_label: zip_file_basename


AWS Identity and Access Management Examples

You can use the following examples to access AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) using the AWS

SDK for Ruby. For more information about IAM, see the IAM documentation .



Getting Information about All Users (p. 52)

Adding a New User (p. 52)

Create a User's Access Keys (p. 53)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Users

Adding a Managed Policy (p. 53)

Creating a Role (p. 53)

Managing IAM Users (p. 54)

Working with IAM Policies (p. 55)

Managing IAM Access Keys (p. 56)

Working with IAM Server Certificates (p. 58)

Managing IAM Account Aliases (p. 59)

Getting Information about All Users

The following example lists the groups, policies, and access key IDs of all IAM users in the us-west-2 region.

require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-west-2') iam.list_users.users.each do |user|

name = user.user_name

puts "For user #{name}"

puts " In groups:"

iam.list_groups_for_user({user_name: name}).groups.each do |group|

puts " #{group.group_name}"


puts " Policies:"

iam.list_user_policies({user_name: name}).policy_names.each do |policy|

puts " #{policy}"


puts " Access keys:"

iam.list_access_keys({user_name: name}).access_key_metadata.each do |key|

puts " #{key.access_key_id}"

end end

Adding a New User

The following example creates the IAM user my_groovy_user

in the us-west-2

region with the password


, and displays the user's account ID. If a user with that name already exists, it displays a message and does not create a new user.

require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-west-2') begin

user = iam.create_user(user_name: 'my_groovy_user')

iam.wait_until(:user_exists, user_name: 'my_groovy_user')

user.create_login_profile({password: 'REPLACE_ME'})

arn_parts = user.arn.split(':')

puts 'Account ID: ' + arn_parts[4] rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::EntityAlreadyExists


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Create a User's Access Keys

puts 'User already exists' end

Create a User's Access Keys

The following example creates an access key and secret key for the IAM user my_groovy_user

in the :code-:us-west-2 region.

require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-west-2') begin

user = iam.user(user_name: 'my_groovy_user')

key_pair = user.create_access_key_pair

puts "Access key: #{key_pair.access_key_id}"

puts "Secret key: #{key_pair.secret}" rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => ex

puts 'User does not exist' end

Adding a Managed Policy

The following example adds the managed policy


to the IAM user my_groovy_user

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk'

# Policy ARNs start with: prefix = 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/' policy_arn = prefix + 'AmazonS3FullAccess'

# In case the policy or user does not exist begin

client.attach_user_policy({user_name: 'my_groovy_user', policy_arn: policy_arn}) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity => ex

puts "Error attaching policy '#{policy_arn}'"

puts ex.message


Creating a Role

The following example creates the role my_groovy_role

so that Amazon EC2 can access Amazon S3 and

Amazon DynamoDB in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' client = 'us-west-2') iam = client)

# Let EC2 assume a role policy_doc = {





AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing IAM Users







} role = iam.create_role({

role_name: 'my_groovy_role',

assume_role_policy_document: policy_doc.to_json


# Give the role full access to S3 role.attach_policy({

policy_arn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess'


# Give the role full access to DynamoDB role.attach_policy({

policy_arn: 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess'


Managing IAM Users

An IAM user represents a person or service that interacts with AWS. For more information about IAM users, see IAM Users .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with IAM to:

1. Get information about available AWS IAM users by using Aws::IAM::Client#list_users .

2. Create a user by using Aws::IAM::Client#create_user .

3. Update the user's name by using Aws::IAM::Client#update_user .

4. Delete the user by using Aws::IAM::Client#delete_user .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-east-1') user_name = "my-user" changed_user_name = "my-changed-user"

# Get information about available AWS IAM users.

def list_user_names(iam)

list_users_response = iam.list_users

list_users_response.users.each do |user|

puts user.user_name


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with IAM Policies

end end puts "User names before creating user..." list_user_names(iam)

# Create a user.

puts "\nCreating user..." iam.create_user({ user_name: user_name }) puts "\nUser names after creating user..." list_user_names(iam)

# Update the user's name.

puts "\nChanging user's name..." begin


user_name: user_name,

new_user_name: changed_user_name


puts "\nUser names after updating user's name..."

list_user_names(iam) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::EntityAlreadyExists

puts "User '#{user_name}' already exists." end

# Delete the user.

puts "\nDeleting user..." iam.delete_user({ user_name: changed_user_name }) puts "\nUser names after deleting user..." list_user_names(iam)

Working with IAM Policies

An IAM policy is a document that specifies one or more permissions. For more information about IAM policies, see Overview of IAM Policies .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with IAM to:

1. Create a policy, using Aws::IAM::Client#create_policy .

2. Get information about the policy, using Aws::IAM::Client#get_policy .

3. Attach the policy to a role, using Aws::IAM::Client#attach_role_policy .

4. List policies attached to the role, using Aws::IAM::Client#list_attached_role_policies .

5. Detach the policy from the role, using Aws::IAM::Client#detach_role_policy .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You will also need to create the role (my-role) specified in the script. You can do this in the IAM console.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing IAM Access Keys


require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-east-1') role_name = "my-role" policy_name = "my-policy" policy_document = {

"Version" => "2012-10-17",

"Statement" => [


"Effect" => "Allow",

"Action" => "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",

"Resource" => "arn:aws:s3:::*"




# Create a policy.

puts "Creating policy..." create_policy_response = iam.create_policy({

policy_name: policy_name,

policy_document: policy_document

}) policy_arn = create_policy_response.policy.arn

# Get information about the policy.

get_policy_response = iam.get_policy({ policy_arn: policy_arn }) puts "\nCreated policy, ID = #{get_policy_response.policy.policy_id}"

# Attach the policy to a role.

puts "\nAttaching policy to role..." iam.attach_role_policy({

role_name: role_name,

policy_arn: policy_arn


# List policies attached to the role.

puts "\nAttached role policy ARNs..." iam.list_attached_role_policies({ role_name: role_name }).attached_policies.each do | attached_policy|

puts " #{attached_policy.policy_arn}" end

# Detach the policy from the role.

puts "\nDetaching role policy..." iam.detach_role_policy({

role_name: role_name,

policy_arn: policy_arn


Managing IAM Access Keys

Users need their own access keys to make programmatic calls to AWS from the SDK for Ruby. To fill this need, you can create, modify, view, or rotate access keys (access key IDs and secret access keys) for IAM


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing IAM Access Keys users. By default, when you create an access key, its status is Active, which means the user can use the access key for API calls. For more information about access keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with IAM to:

1. List AWS IAM user access keys, using Aws::IAM::Client#list_access_keys .

2. Create an access key, using Aws::IAM::Client#create_access_key .

3. Determine when access keys were last used, using Aws::IAM::Client#get_access_key_last_used .

4. Deactivate access keys, using Aws::IAM::Client#update_access_key .

5. Delete the access key, using Aws::IAM::Client#delete_access_key .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You will also need to create the user (my-user) specified in the script. You can create a new IAM user in the IAM console or programmatically, as shown at

Adding a New User (p. 52) .


require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-east-1') user_name = "my-user"

# List user access keys.

def list_keys(iam, user_name)


list_access_keys_response = iam.list_access_keys({ user_name: user_name })

if list_access_keys_response.access_key_metadata.count == 0

puts "No access keys."


puts "Access keys:"

list_access_keys_response.access_key_metadata.each do |key_metadata|

puts " Access key ID: #{key_metadata.access_key_id}"



rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity

puts "Cannot find user '#{user_name}'."


end end puts "Before creating access key..." list_keys(iam, user_name)

# Create an access key.

puts "\nCreating access key..." begin

iam.create_access_key({ user_name: user_name })

puts "\nAfter creating access key..."


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with IAM Server Certificates

list_keys(iam, user_name) rescue Aws::IAM::Errors::LimitExceeded

puts "Too many access keys. Can't create any more." end

# Determine when access keys were last used.

puts "\nKey(s) were last used..." list_access_keys_response = iam.list_access_keys({ user_name: user_name }) list_access_keys_response.access_key_metadata.each do |key_metadata|

resp = iam.get_access_key_last_used({ access_key_id: key_metadata.access_key_id })

puts " Key '#{key_metadata.access_key_id}' last used on


# Deactivate access keys.

puts " Trying to deactivate this key..."


user_name: user_name,

access_key_id: key_metadata.access_key_id,

status: "Inactive"

}) end puts "\nAfter deactivating access key(s)..." list_keys(iam, user_name)

# Delete the access key.

puts "\nDeleting access key..." iam.delete_access_key({

user_name: user_name,

access_key_id: list_access_keys_response.access_key_metadata[0].access_key_id

}) puts "\nAfter deleting access key..." list_keys(iam, user_name)

Working with IAM Server Certificates

To enable HTTPS connections to your website or application on AWS, you need an SSL/TLS server certificate. To use a certificate that you obtained from an external provider with your website or application on AWS, you must upload the certificate to IAM or import it into AWS Certificate Manager.

For more information about server certificates, see Working with Server Certificates .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with IAM to:

1. Update a server certificate, using Aws::IAM::Client#update_server_certificate .

2. Delete the server certificate, using Aws::IAM::Client#delete_server_certificate .

3. List information about any remaining server certificates, using

Aws::IAM::Client#list_server_certificates .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing IAM Account Aliases

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

Note also that the server certificate must already exist, or the script will throw an

Aws::IAM::Errors::NoSuchEntity error.


require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-east-1') server_certificate_name = "my-server-certificate" changed_server_certificate_name = "my-changed-server-certificate"

# Update a server certificate.


server_certificate_name: server_certificate_name,

new_server_certificate_name: changed_server_certificate_name


# Delete the server certificate.


server_certificate_name: changed_server_certificate_name


# List information about any remaining server certificates.

list_server_certificates_response = iam.list_server_certificates

if list_server_certificates_response.server_certificate_metadata_list.count == 0

puts "No server certificates." else

list_server_certificates_response.server_certificate_metadata_list.each do | certificate_metadata|

puts "-" * certificate_metadata.server_certificate_name.length

puts "Name: #{certificate_metadata.server_certificate_name}"

get_server_certificate_response = iam.get_server_certificate({

server_certificate_name: "certificate_metadata.server_certificate_name"


puts "ID:


end end

Managing IAM Account Aliases

If you want the URL for your sign-in page to contain your company name or other friendly identifier instead of your AWS account ID, you can create an alias for your AWS account ID. If you create an AWS account alias, your sign-in page URL changes to incorporate the alias. For more information about IAM account aliases, see Your AWS Account ID and Its Alias .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with IAM to:

1. List AWS account aliases, using Aws::IAM::Client#list_account_aliases .

2. Create an account alias, using Aws::IAM::Client#create_account_alias .

3. Delete the account alias, using Aws::IAM::Client#delete_account_alias .


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Lambda Examples


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

In the example code, change the my-account-alias string to something that will be unique across all

Amazon Web Services products.


require 'aws-sdk' iam = 'us-east-1') account_alias = "my-account-alias"

# List account aliases.

def list_aliases(iam)

list_account_aliases_response = iam.list_account_aliases

if list_account_aliases_response.account_aliases.count == 0

puts "No account aliases."


puts "Aliases:"

list_account_aliases_response.account_aliases.each do |account_alias|

puts account_alias


end end puts "Before creating account alias..." list_aliases(iam)

# Create an account alias.

puts "\nCreating account alias..." iam.create_account_alias({ account_alias: account_alias }) puts "\nAfter creating account alias..." list_aliases(iam)

# Delete the account alias.

puts "\nDeleting account alias..." iam.delete_account_alias({ account_alias: account_alias }) puts "\nAfter deleting account alias..." list_aliases(iam)

Lambda Examples

You can use the following examples to access AWS Lambda (Lambda) using the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about Lambda, see the Lambda documentation .



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Displaying Information about All Lambda Functions


Displaying Information about All Lambda Functions (p. 61)

Creating a Lambda Function (p. 61)

Running a Lambda Function (p. 62)

Configuring a Lambda Function to Receive Notifications (p. 63)

Displaying Information about All Lambda Functions

The following example displays the name, ARN, and role of all of your Lambda functions in the uswest-2


require 'aws-sdk' client = 'us-west-2') client.list_functions.each do |function|

puts 'Name: ' + function.function_name

puts 'ARN: ' + function.function_arn

puts 'Role: ' + function.role

Creating a Lambda Function

The following example creates the Lambda function my-notification-function

in the us-west-2

region using these values:

• Role ARN: my-resource-arn

. In most cases, you need to attach only the


managed policy to the policy for this role.

• Function entry point:

• Runtime: java8

• Zip file:

• Bucket: my-notification-bucket

• Key: my-zip-file require 'aws-sdk' client = 'us-west-2') args = {} args[:role] = 'my-resource-arn' args[:function_name] = 'my-notification-function' args[:handler] = ''

# Also accepts nodejs, nodejs4.3, and python2.7

args[:runtime] = 'java8' code = {} code[:zip_file] = '' code[:s3_bucket] = 'my-notification-bucket' code[:s3_key] = 'my-zip-file' args[:code] = code client.create_function(args)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Running a Lambda Function

Running a Lambda Function

The following example rus the Lambda function


in the us-west-2

region. This function returns a list of items from a database. The input JSON looks like:


"SortBy": "name|time",

"SortOrder": "ascending|descending",

"Number": 50

} where:


is the criteria for sorting the results. Our examples uses time

, which means the returned items are sorted in the order in which they were added to the database.


is the order of sorting. Our example uses descending

, which means the most-recent item is last in the list.


is the maximum number of items to retrieve (the default is 50). Our example uses


, which means get the 10 most-recent items.

The output JSON looks like:


"statusCode": 200|...,

"body": {

"result": "'success' or 'failure'",

"error": "Error message if 'failure', '' otherwise"

"data": [{"item1"}, ..., {"itemN"}]


} where:

• statusCode

is an HTTP status code,


means the call was successful.

• body

is the body of the returned JSON.

• result

is the result of the call, either success

or failure


• error

is an error message if result

is failure

, otherwise an empty string

• data

is the returned results if result

is success

, otherwise nil.

The first step is to load the modules we use:

• aws-sdk

loads the AWS SDK for Ruby module we use to invoke the Lambda function.

• json

loads the JSON module we use to marshall and unmarshall the request and response payloads.

• os

loads the OS module we use to ensure we can run our Ruby application on Microsoft Windows. If you are on a different operating system, you can remove those lines.

require 'aws-sdk' require 'json'

# To run on Windows: require 'os' if



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Configuring a Lambda Function to Receive Notifications end

We then create the Lambda client we use to invoke the Lambda function.

client = 'us-west-2')

Next we create the hash for the request arguments and call



req_payload = {:SortBy => 'time', :SortOrder => 'descending', :NumberToGet => 10} payload = JSON.generate(req_payload) resp = client.invoke({

function_name: 'MyGetItemsFunction',

invocation_type: 'RequestResponse',

log_type: 'None',

payload: payload


Finally we parse the response, and if are successful, we print out the items.

resp_payload = JSON.parse(resp.payload.string) # , symbolize_names: true)

# If the status code is 200, the call succeeded if resp_payload["statusCode"] == 200

# If the result is success, we got our items

if resp_payload["body"]["result"] == "success"

# Print out items

resp_payload["body"]["data"].each do |item|

puts item


end end

See the complete example on GitHub.

Configuring a Lambda Function to Receive


The following example configures the Lambda function my-notification-function

in the us-west-2 region to accept notifications from the resource with the ARN my-resource-arn


require 'aws-sdk' client = 'us-west-2') args = {} args[:function_name] = 'my-notification-function' args[:statement_id] = 'lambda_s3_notification' args[:action] = 'lambda:InvokeFunction' args[:principal] = '' args[:source_arn] = 'my-resource-arn' client.add_permission{args]


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon Relational Database Service Examples

Amazon Relational Database Service Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) using the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about Amazon RDS, see the Amazon Relational Datbase

Service User Guide .


Some of the following examples use methods that were introduced in the


version of the


class. To run those examples, you must use that version or a later version of the aws-sdk




Getting Information about All Instances (p. 64)

Getting Information about All Snapshots (p. 64)

Getting Information about All Clusters and Their Snapshots (p. 65)

Getting Information about All Security Groups (p. 65)

Getting Information about All Subnet Groups (p. 65)

Getting Information about All Parameter Groups (p. 66)

Creating a Snapshot of an Instance (p. 66)

Creating a Snapshot of a Cluster (p. 66)

Getting Information about All Instances

The following example lists the name (ID) and status of all of your Amazon RDS instances in the uswest-2


require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') rds.db_instances.each do |i|

puts "Name (ID): #{}"

puts "Status : #{i.db_instance_status}"

puts end

Getting Information about All Snapshots

The following example lists the names (IDs) and status of all of your Amazon RDS (instance) snapshots in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') rds.db_snapshots.each do |s|

puts "Name (ID): #{s.snapshot_id}"

puts "Status: #{s.status}" end


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Clusters and Their Snapshots

Getting Information about All Clusters and Their


The following example lists the name (ID) and status of all of your Amazon RDS clusters and the name

(ID) and status of their snapshots in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') rds.db_clusters.each do |c|

puts "Name (ID): #{}"

puts "Status: #{c.status}"

c.snapshots.each do |s|

puts " Snapshot: #{s.snapshot_id}"

puts " Status: #{s.status}"

end end

Getting Information about All Security Groups

The following example lists the names of all of your Amazon RDS security groups in the us-west-2 region.


Amazon RDS security groups are only applicable when you are using the Amazon EC2 classic platform. If you are using Amazon EC2 VPC, use VPC security groups. Both are shown in the example.

require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') rds.db_instances.each do |i|

# Show any security group IDs and descriptions

puts 'Security Groups:'

i.db_security_groups.each do |sg|

puts sg.db_security_group_name

puts ' ' + sg.db_security_group_description



# Show any VPC security group IDs and their status

puts 'VPC Security Groups:'

i.vpc_security_groups.each do |vsg|

puts vsg.vpc_security_group_id

puts ' ' + vsg.status


end end

Getting Information about All Subnet Groups

The following example lists the name and status of all of your Amazon RDS subnet groups in the uswest-2



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Parameter Groups require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') rds.db_subnet_groups.each do |s|


puts ' ' + s.subnet_group_status


Getting Information about All Parameter Groups

The following example lists the names and descriptions of all of your Amazon RDS parameter groups in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') rds.db_parameter_groups.each do |p|

puts p.db_parameter_group_name

puts ' ' + p.description


Creating a Snapshot of an Instance

The following example creates a snapshot for the Amazon RDS instance represented by instance_name in the us-west-2



If your instance is a member of a cluster, you can't create a snapshot of the instance, but instead must create a snapshot of the cluster (see

Creating a Snapshot of a Cluster (p. 66) ).

require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2') instance = rds.db_instance(instance_name) date =

date_time = date.year.to_s + '-' + date.month.to_s + '-' + + '-' +

date.hour.to_s + '-' + date.min.to_s

id = instance_name + '-' + date_time instance.create_snapshot({db_snapshot_identifier: id}) puts "Created snapshot #{id}"

Creating a Snapshot of a Cluster

The following example creates a snapshot for the Amazon RDS cluster represented by cluster_name in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' rds = 'us-west-2')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon S3 Examples cluster = rds.db_cluster(cluster_name) date =

date_time = date.year.to_s + '-' + date.month.to_s + '-' + + '-' +

date.hour.to_s + '-' + date.min.to_s

id = cluster_name + '-' + date_time cluster.create_snapshot({db_cluster_snapshot_identifier: id}) puts "Created cluster snapshot #{id}"

Amazon S3 Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using the

AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about Amazon S3, see the Amazon S3 documentation .



Getting Information about All Buckets (p. 67)

Getting Information about All Buckets in a Region (p. 68)

Creating and Using an Amazon S3 Bucket (p. 68)

Determining Whether a Bucket Exists (p. 72)

Getting Information about Bucket Items (p. 72)

Uploading an Item to a Bucket (p. 73)

Uploading an Item with Metadata to a Bucket (p. 73)

Downloading an Object from a Bucket into a File (p. 73)

Changing the Properties for a Bucket Item (p. 74)

Triggering a Notification When an Item is Added to a Bucket (p. 74)

Creating a Bucket LifeCycle Rule Configuration Template (p. 76)

Creating a Bucket Policy with Ruby (p. 78)

Configuring a Bucket for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) (p. 81)

Managing Amazon S3 Bucket and Object Access Permissions (p. 84)

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website (p. 86)

Getting Information about All Buckets

The following example lists the names of up to 50 of your Amazon S3 buckets. Copy the code and save it as buckets.rb

. Notice that although the


object is created in the us-west-2

region, Amazon S3 returns buckets to which you have access, regardless of the region they are in.

require 'aws-sdk' region = 'us-west-2' s3 = region) s3.buckets.limit(50).each do |b|

puts "#{}" end


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Buckets in a Region


When you specify a region, the buckets

method calls the


method, which returns a list of all buckets owned by the authenticated sender of the request. See


Information about All Buckets in a Region (p. 68) to learn how to filter this list to get the

buckets only in a specific region.

Getting Information about All Buckets in a Region

The following example lists the names of the first 50 buckets for the us-west-2

region. If you don't specify a limit, Amazon S3 lists all buckets in us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' region = 'us-west-2' s3 = region) s3.buckets.limit(50).each do |b|

if s3.client.get_bucket_location(bucket: == region

puts "#{}"

end end


If a bucket is not in the region in which you instantiated your


object, the SDK emits a warning message when you call get_bucket_location

. You can suppress this message by redirecting STDERR.

On Windows, append

2> nul

to the command.

On Linux or iOS, append

2> /dev/null

to the command.

Creating and Using an Amazon S3 Bucket

This example demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to:

1. Display a list of buckets in Amazon S3.

2. Create a bucket.

3. Upload an object (a file) to the bucket.

4. Copy files to the bucket.

5. Delete files from the bucket.

For the complete code for this example, see

Complete Example (p. 70)


Prerequisite Tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


Be sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example.

This example assumes you have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file and named the file david



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating and Using an Amazon S3 Bucket

Configure the SDK

For this example, add require

statements so that you can use the classes and methods provided by the

AWS SDK for Ruby for Amazon S3 and work with JSON-formatted data. Then create an Aws::S3::Client object in the AWS Region where you want to create the bucket and the specified AWS profile. This code creates the


object in the us-east-1

region. Additional variables are also declared for the two buckets used in this example.

require 'aws-sdk' require 'json' profile_name = 'david' region = "us-east-1" bucket = 'doc-sample-bucket' my_bucket = 'david-cloud'

# S3

# Configure SDK s3 = profile_name, region: region)

Get a List of Buckets

Call the list_buckets method. This returns an instance of the Aws::S3::Types::ListBucketsOutput class, which represents the list of buckets. Then use the buckets

attribute of the


class to access the buckets' properties, such as name

for each bucket's name.

resp = s3.list_buckets

resp.buckets.each do |bucket|



Create a Bucket

Call the create_bucket method, specifying the bucket's name.


Bucket names must be unique across Amazon S3—not just unique to your AWS account.

s3.create_bucket(bucket: bucket)

Upload an Object (a File) to a Bucket

Call the put_object method, specifying settings such as the bucket's name and the name of the file to create. For the file's contents, you can specify an instance of a Ruby


class or, in this example, a string representing the file's data.

To confirm whether the file was uploaded successfully, call the list_objects_v2 method. This returns an instance of the Aws::S3::Types::ListObjectsV2Output class, which represents the bucket's objects. Then use the contents

method of the


class to access the objects' properties, such as key for each object's name.

s3.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: "file1", body: "My first s3 object")

# Check the file exists resp = s3.list_objects_v2(bucket: bucket)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating and Using an Amazon S3 Bucket resp.contents.each do |obj|

puts obj.key


Copy Files between Buckets

Call the copy_object method, specifying the name of the target bucket to receive the object ( bucket

), the names of the source bucket and object to copy over ( copy_source

), and the name of the new object that is copied over into the target bucket ( key


In this example, the name of the bucket containing the objects to copy over is


, which is the bucket named david-cloud

. After the copy operation, test_file

in the david-cloud

bucket is renamed file2

in the doc-sample-bucket

bucket, and test_file1

in the david-cloud

bucket is renamed file3

in the doc-sample-bucket


s3.copy_object(bucket: bucket,

copy_source: "#{my_bucket}/test_file",

key: 'file2') s3.copy_object(bucket: bucket,

copy_source: "#{my_bucket}/test_file1",

key: 'file3')

Delete Files from a Bucket

Call the delete_objects method. For the delete

argument, use an instance of the Aws::S3::Types::Delete type to represent the objects to delete. In this example, objects

represents two files to delete.

To confirm whether the files were deleted successfully, call the list_objects_v2

method as before. This time, when you use the contents

method of the class, the deleted file names (represented here by key

) should not be displayed.


bucket: 'doc-sample-bucket',

delete: {

objects: [


key: 'file2'



key: 'file3'





# Verify objects now have been deleted resp = s3.list_objects_v2(bucket: bucket) resp.contents.each do |obj|

puts obj.key


Complete Example

Here is the complete code for this example.

require 'aws-sdk' require 'json'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating and Using an Amazon S3 Bucket profile_name = 'david' region = "us-east-1" bucket = 'doc-sample-bucket' my_bucket = 'david-cloud'

# S3

# Configure SDK s3 = profile_name, region: region)

# Display a List of Amazon S3 Buckets resp = s3.list_buckets

resp.buckets.each do |bucket|



# Create a S3 bucket from S3::client s3.create_bucket(bucket: bucket)

# Upload a file to s3 bucket, directly putting string data s3.put_object(bucket: bucket, key: "file1", body: "My first s3 object")

# Check the file exists resp = s3.list_objects_v2(bucket: bucket) resp.contents.each do |obj|

puts obj.key


# Copy files from bucket to bucket s3.copy_object(bucket: bucket,

copy_source: "#{my_bucket}/test_file",

key: 'file2') s3.copy_object(bucket: bucket,

copy_source: "#{my_bucket}/test_file1",

key: 'file3')

# Delete multiple objects in a single HTTP request s3.delete_objects(

bucket: 'doc-sample-bucket',

delete: {

objects: [


key: 'file2'



key: 'file3'





# Verify objects now have been deleted resp = s3.list_objects_v2(bucket: bucket) resp.contents.each do |obj|

puts obj.key


Alternative Approaches

The following example creates a bucket named my-bucket

in the us-west-2

region. This example uses an instance of the Aws::S3::Resource class instead of the



require 'aws-sdk'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Determining Whether a Bucket Exists s3 = 'us-west-2') s3.create_bucket(bucket: 'my-bucket')

Determining Whether a Bucket Exists

There are two cases in which you would want to determine whether a bucket already exists. You perform these tests in lieu of receiving an exception if the condition fails:

• You want to determine whether a bucket with a specific name already exists among all buckets, even ones to which you do not have access. This test helps prevent you from trying to create a bucket with the name of an existing bucket, which causes an exception.

• You want to perform an operation, such as add an item to a bucket, only on a bucket to which you have access.

The following example sets bucket_exists

to true

if a bucket with the name my-bucket

already exists.

The region:

parameter to


has no effect on the result.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = 'us-west-2') bucket_exists = s3.bucket('my-bucket').exists?

The following example sets bucket_exists

to true

if the bucket with the name my-bucket

exists and you have access to the bucket. Again, the region

parameter to


has no effect on the result.

require 'aws-sdk' bucket_exists = false client = 'us-west-2') begin

resp = client.head_bucket({bucket: bucket_name, use_accelerate_endpoint: false})

bucket_exists = true rescue end

Getting Information about Bucket Items

A presigned URL gives you access to the object identified in the URL, if the creator of the presigned URL has permissions to access that object. You can use a presigned URL to allow a user to click a link and see an item without having to make the item public.

The following example lists the names and presigned URLs of the first 50 items of the bucket my-bucket in the us-west-2

region. If a limit is not specified, Amazon S3 lists up to 1000 items.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = 'us-west-2') bucket = s3.bucket('my-bucket')

# Show only the first 50 items bucket.objects.limit(50).each do |item|

puts "Name: #{item.key}"

puts "URL: #{item.presigned_url(:get)}" end


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Uploading an Item to a Bucket

Uploading an Item to a Bucket

The following example uploads the item (file)


to the bucket my-bucket

in the us-west-2 region. Because


is the fully qualified name of the file, the name of the item is set to the name of the file.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = 'us-west-2') file = 'C:\file.txt' bucket = 'my-bucket'

# Get just the file name name = File.basename(file)

# Create the object to upload obj = s3.bucket(bucket).object(name)

# Upload it obj.upload_file(file)

Uploading an Item with Metadata to a Bucket

The following example uploads the item (file)


with the metadata key-value pair answer



to the bucket my-bucket

in the us-west-2

region. Because


is the fully qualified name of the file, the name of the item is set to the file name.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = 'us-west-2') file = 'C:\file.txt' bucket = 'my-bucket'

# Get just the file name name = File.basename(file)

# Create the object to upload obj = s3.bucket(bucket).object(name)

# Metadata to add metadata = {"answer" => "42"}

# Upload it obj.upload_file(file, metadata: metadata)

Downloading an Object from a Bucket into a File

The following example gets the contents of the item my-item

from the bucket my-bucket

in the uswest-2

region, and saves it to the my-item.txt

file in the



require 'aws-sdk' s3 = 'us-west-2')

# Create the object to retrieve obj = s3.bucket('my-bucket').object('my-item')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Changing the Properties for a Bucket Item

# Get the item's content and save it to a file obj.get(response_target: './my-code/my-item.txt')

Changing the Properties for a Bucket Item

The following example adds public read-only access, sets server-side encryption to AES-256, and sets the storage class to Reduced Redundancy for the item my-item

in the bucket my-bucket

in the us-west-2 region.

require 'aws-sdk' args_list = {} args_list[:bucket] = 'my-bucket' args_list[:key] = 'my-item'

# Where we are getting the source to copy from args_list[:copy_source] = 'my-bucket/my-item'

# The acl can be any of:

# private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read, aws-exec-read, bucket-ownerread, bucket-owner-full-control args_list[:acl] = 'public-read'

# The encryption can be any of:

# AES256, aws:kms args_list[:server_side_encryption] = 'AES256'

# The storage_class can be any of:

# STANDARD, REDUCED_REDUNDANCY, STANDARD_IA args_list[:storage_class] = 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY' client = 'us-west-2') client.copy_object(args_list)

Triggering a Notification When an Item is Added to a


You can trigger a notification when there is a change in the objects in a bucket. These changes include:

• When an object is added to the bucket

• When an object is removed from the bucket

• When an object stored with Reduced Redundancy is lost

You can configure the service to send a notification to:

• An Amazon SNS topic

• An Amazon SQS queue

• A Lambda function

To create a bucket notification


Grant Amazon S3 permission to publish an item to a queue or topic, or invoke a Lambda function (p. 75) .


Set the bucket's Notification Configuration to point to the queue, topic, or function (p. 75)



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Triggering a Notification When an Item is Added to a Bucket

After you do these steps, your application can respond to the information. For example, the Lambda topic Programming Model describes how to use the various programming languages that Lambda supports.

Enabling Amazon S3 to Send a Notification

Learn how to configure an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic or Amazon Simple Queue Service queue, or create a Lambda function so that Amazon S3 can send a notification to them.

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Topic (p. 92)

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Queue in Amazon SQS (p. 101)

Configuring a Lambda Function to Receive Notifications (p. 63)

Creating an Amazon S3 Bucket Notification

The following example enables the Amazon S3 bucket my-bucket

to send a notification to the following when an item is added to the bucket:

• The Amazon SNS topic with the ARN my-topic-arn

• The Amazon SQS queue with the ARN my-queue-arn

• The Lambda function with the ARN my-function-arn require 'aws-sdk' req = {} req[:bucket] = bucket_name events = ['s3:ObjectCreated:*'] notification_configuration = {}

# Add function lc = {} lc[:lambda_function_arn] = 'my-function-arn' lc[:events] = events lambda_configurations = [] lambda_configurations << lc notification_configuration[:lambda_function_configurations] = lambda_configurations

# Add queue qc = {} qc[:queue_arn] = 'my-topic-arn' qc[:events] = events queue_configurations = [] queue_configurations << qc notification_configuration[:queue_configurations] = queue_configurations

# Add topic tc = {} tc[:topic_arn] = 'my-topic-arn' tc[:events] = events topic_configurations = [] topic_configurations << tc


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Bucket LifeCycle Rule Configuration Template notification_configuration[:topic_configurations] = topic_configurations req[:notification_configuration] = notification_configuration req[:use_accelerate_endpoint] = false s3 = 'us-west-2') s3.put_bucket_notification_configuration(req)

Creating a Bucket LifeCycle Rule Configuration


If you have (or plan to create) a non-trivial number of objects and want to specify when to move them to long-term storage or delete them, you can save a lot of time by creating a template for the lifecycle rules and applying that template to all of your buckets.

The process includes these steps:

1. Manually modify the lifecycle settings on an existing bucket.

2. Save the rules.

3. Apply the rules to your other buckets.

Start with the following rule:

Run the following code to produce a JSON representation of that rule. Save the output as default.json


require 'aws-sdk'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Bucket LifeCycle Rule Configuration Template s3 = 'us-west-2') resp = s3.get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(bucket: 'default') resp.rules.each do |rule|



The output should look like the following:






Now that you have the JSON for a lifecycle rule, you can apply it to any other bucket using the following example, which takes the rule from default.json

and applies it to the bucket other_bucket

: require 'aws-sdk' require 'json' class Aws::S3::Types::LifecycleExpiration

def to_map

map =

self.members.each { |m| map[m] = self[m] }



def to_json(*a)


end end class Aws::S3::Types::Transition

def to_map

map =

self.members.each { |m| map[m] = self[m] }



def to_json(*a)


end end class Aws::S3::Types::LifecycleRule

def to_map

map =

self.members.each { |m| map[m] = self[m] }



def to_json(*a)


end end

# Pull in contents as a string value ='default.json', "rb").read

json_data = JSON.parse(value, opts={symbolize_names: true}) s3 = 'us-west-2')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Bucket Policy with Ruby s3.put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(:bucket => 'other_bucket', :lifecycle_configuration

=> {:rules => json_data})


<title>Best Practice</title>

We recommend that you enable the AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload lifecycle rule on your Amazon S3 buckets.

This rule directs Amazon S3 to abort multipart uploads that don't complete within a specified number of days after being initiated. When the set time limit is exceeded, Amazon S3 aborts the upload and then deletes the incomplete upload data.

For more information, see Lifecycle Configuration for a Bucket with Versioning in the Amazon S3 User



Creating a Bucket Policy with Ruby

This example demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to:

1. Create a bucket in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

2. Define a bucket policy.

3. Add the policy to the bucket.

4. Change the policy.

5. Remove the policy from the bucket.

6. Delete the bucket.

For the complete code for this example, see

Complete Example (p. 80)


Prerequisite Tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


Be sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example.

This example assumes you have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file or in the




environment variables on your local system.

Configure the SDK

To configure the SDK for this example, add a require

statement so you can use the classes and methods provided by the AWS SDK for Ruby for Amazon S3. Then create an Aws::S3::Client object in the AWS

Region where you want to create the bucket. This code creates the


object in the uswest-2


require 'aws-sdk' s3 = "us-west-2")


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Bucket Policy with Ruby

Create a Bucket

Call the create_bucket method, specifying the bucket's name. This code uses a variable named bucket

to represent the bucket's name. Substitute example-bucket-name

for your bucket's name.


Bucket names must be unique across Amazon S3—not just unique to your AWS account.

If you already have a bucket you want to use, you don't have to call create_bucket


bucket = "example-bucket-name" s3.create_bucket(bucket: bucket)

Define a Bucket Policy

Declare a Ruby hash that represents the policy. Then call the to_json

method on the hash to convert it to a JSON object. This code uses a variable named policy

that contains the policy definition. This policy allows the specified user to have full control over the example-bucket-name

(represented by



Substitute arn:aws:iam::111122223333:user/Alice

with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS

Identity and Access Management (IAM) user you want to use.

policy = {

"Version" => "2012-10-17",

"Statement" => [


"Effect" => "Allow",

"Principal" => {

"AWS" => [




"Action" => "s3:*",

"Resource" => [






For examples of the types of policies you can define, see Bucket Policy Examples in the Amazon S3

Developer Guide.

Add the Policy to the Bucket

Call the put_bucket_policy method, specifying the name of the bucket and the policy definition.


bucket: bucket,

policy: policy


Change the Policy

You can call the put_bucket_policy

method again with a complete replacement policy. However, you can also make incremental updates to an existing policy, which can reduce the amount of code you need to write. To do this, retrieve the current policy by calling the get_bucket_policy method. Next, parse the JSON object that is returned into a Ruby hash. Then make your incremental changes to the


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Creating a Bucket Policy with Ruby policy. For example, this code changes the ARN of the IAM entity. After you make your changes, call the put_bucket_policy

method again. Be sure to call the to_json

method on the hash to convert it back to a

JSON object before applying the changed policy to the bucket.

policy_string = s3.get_bucket_policy(bucket: bucket)

policy_json = JSON.parse(policy_string) policy_json["Statement"][0]["Principal"]["AWS"] = "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root" s3.put_bucket_policy(

bucket: bucket,

policy: policy_json.to_json


Clean Up

To remove the policy from the bucket, call the delete_bucket_policy method, specifying the name of the bucket.

To delete the bucket, call the delete_bucket method, specifying the name of the bucket.

s3.delete_bucket_policy(bucket: bucket) s3.delete_bucket(bucket: bucket)

Complete Example

Here is the complete code for this example.

require 'aws-sdk' s3 = "us-west-2") bucket = "example-bucket-name" s3.create_bucket(bucket: bucket) policy = {

"Version" => "2012-10-17",

"Statement" => [


"Effect" => "Allow",

"Principal" => {

"AWS" => [




"Action" => "s3:*",

"Resource" => [







bucket: bucket,

policy: policy

) policy_string = s3.get_bucket_policy(bucket: bucket)

policy_json = JSON.parse(policy_string)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Configuring a Bucket for Cross-

Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy_json["Statement"][0]["Principal"]["AWS"] = "arn:aws:iam::111122223333:root" s3.put_bucket_policy(

bucket: bucket,

policy: policy_json.to_json

) s3.delete_bucket_policy(bucket: bucket) s3.delete_bucket(bucket: bucket)

Configuring a Bucket for Cross-Origin Resource

Sharing (CORS)

This example demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to:

1. Configure CORS settings for an Amazon S3 bucket.

2. Get the CORS settings for a bucket.

For more information about CORS support in Amazon S3, see Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

For the complete code for this example, see

Complete Example (p. 83)


Prerequisite Tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


3. Create an Amazon S3 bucket or identify an existing bucket in your AWS account.

Be sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example.

This example assumes:

• You have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file and the profile is named david


• Your bucket is named doc-sample-bucket


Configure the SDK

For this example, add a require

statement so that you can use the classes and methods provided by the

AWS SDK for Ruby for Amazon S3. Then create an Aws::S3::Client object in the AWS Region where you want to create the bucket and the specified AWS profile. This code creates the


object in the us-east-1

region. An additional variable is also declared for the bucket used in this example.

require 'aws-sdk' profile_name = 'david' region = 'us-east-1' bucket = 'doc-sample-bucket'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Configuring a Bucket for Cross-

Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

# S3 - Configuring an S3 Bucket

# Create a S3 client s3 = profile_name, region:region)

Configure CORS for a Bucket

Call the put_bucket_cors method, providing the name of the bucket and the CORS configuration settings.


bucket: bucket,

cors_configuration: cors_configuration


For the CORS configuration settings, declare an Aws::S3::Types::CORSConfiguration hash. Specify things such as the HTTP methods that the specified origins are allowed to execute ( allowed_methods

), the origins you want customers to be able to access the bucket from ( allowed_origins

), and the headers in the response you want customers to be able to access from their applications (for example, from a



object, shown here in expose_headers


cors_configuration = {

cors_rules: [


allowed_methods: allowed_methods,

allowed_origins: ["*"],

expose_headers: ["ExposeHeader"],




For the HTTP methods that the specified origins are allowed to execute, you could specify them inline or, as shown here, you could get them from the user at the command line.

allowed_methods = []

ARGV.each do |arg|

case arg.upcase

when "POST"

allowed_methods << "POST"

when "GET"

allowed_methods << "GET"

when "PUT"

allowed_methods << "PUT"

when "PATCH"

allowed_methods << "PATCH"

when "DELETE"

allowed_methods << "DELETE"

when "HEAD"

allowed_methods << "HEAD"


puts "#{arg} is not a valid HTTP method"

end end

For example, assuming the code file is named doc_sample_code_s3_bucket_cors.rb

, and you want to allow the specified origins to execute only GET and POST methods, here is how the user could run the code from the command line.

ruby doc_sample_code_s3_bucket_cors.rb get post


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Configuring a Bucket for Cross-

Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Get the CORS Settings for a Bucket

Call the get_bucket_cors method, providing the name of the bucket. The get_bucket_cors

method returns an Aws::S3::Types::GetBucketCorsOutput object. This object's cors_rules

attribute returns an array of Aws::S3::Types::CORSRule objects, which represent the bucket's CORS settings.

resp = s3.get_bucket_cors(bucket: bucket) puts resp.cors_rules

Complete Example

Here is the complete code for this example.

require 'aws-sdk' profile_name = 'david' region = 'us-east-1' bucket = 'doc-sample-bucket'

# S3 - Configuring an S3 Bucket

# Create a S3 client s3 = profile_name, region:region)

# Setting a Bucket CORS Configuration

# Create array of allowed methods parameter based on command line parameters allowed_methods = []

ARGV.each do |arg|

case arg.upcase

when "POST"

allowed_methods << "POST"

when "GET"

allowed_methods << "GET"

when "PUT"

allowed_methods << "PUT"

when "PATCH"

allowed_methods << "PATCH"

when "DELETE"

allowed_methods << "DELETE"

when "HEAD"

allowed_methods << "HEAD"


puts "#{arg} is not a valid HTTP method"

end end

# Create CORS configuration hash cors_configuration = {

cors_rules: [


allowed_methods: allowed_methods,

allowed_origins: ["*"],

expose_headers: ["ExposeHeader"],




# Set the new CORS configuration on the selected bucket s3.put_bucket_cors(

bucket: bucket,

cors_configuration: cors_configuration


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing Amazon S3 Bucket and Object Access Permissions


# Retrieving a Bucket CORS Configuration resp = s3.get_bucket_cors(bucket: bucket) puts resp.cors_rules

# To run the example, type the following at the command line including one or more HTTP

methods as shown

# ruby doc_sample_code_s3_bucket_cors.rb get post

Managing Amazon S3 Bucket and Object Access


This example demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to:

1. Set a predefined grant (also known as a canned ACL) for a bucket in Amazon S3.

2. Add an object to the bucket.

3. Set a canned ACL for an object in the bucket.

4. Get the bucket's current ACL.

For the complete code for this example, see

Complete Example (p. 86)


Prerequisite Tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


Be sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example.

This example assumes you have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file or in the




environment variables on your local system.

Configure the SDK

For this example, add a require

statement so that you can use the classes and methods provided by the

AWS SDK for Ruby for Amazon S3. Then create an Aws::S3::Client object in the AWS Region where you want to create the bucket. This code creates the


object in the us-west-2

region. This code also declares a variable representing the bucket.

require 'aws-sdk'

# Create a S3 client client = 'us-west-2')

Set a Canned ACL for a Bucket

Call the put_bucket_acl method, specifying the names of the canned ACL and the bucket. This code sets the public-read

canned ACL on the bucket, which enables full control for the bucket's owner and readonly access for everyone else.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Managing Amazon S3 Bucket and Object Access Permissions client.put_bucket_acl({

acl: "public-read",

bucket: bucket,


For more information about canned ACLs, see Canned ACL in Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the

Amazon S3 Developer Guide.

To confirm this setting, call the Ruby


method to attempt to get the bucket's content.

bucket_path = "http://#{bucket}" resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI(bucket_path)) puts "Content of unsigned request to #{bucket_path}:\n\n#{resp}\n\n"

Upload an Object to a Bucket

Call the put_object method, specifying the names of the bucket and object and the object's content. This code declares a variable representing the object.

object_key = "my-key"

# Put an object in the public bucket client.put_object({

bucket: bucket,

key: object_key,

body: 'Hello World',


Set a Canned ACL for an Object

By default, you can't get the contents of the object in the bucket. To confirm this behavior, call the Ruby


method to attempt to get the object's content.

object_path = "http://#{bucket}{object_key}" resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI(object_path)) puts "Content of unsigned request to #{object_path}:\n\n#{resp}\n\n"

To change this behavior, call the put_object_acl method, specifying the names of the canned ACL, bucket, and object. This code sets the public-read

canned ACL on the object, which enables full control for the object's owner and read-only access for everyone else. After the call, try to get the object's content again.


acl: "public-read",

bucket: bucket,

key: object_key,

}) object_path = "http://#{bucket}{object_key}" puts "Now I can access object (#{object_key}) :\n#{Net::HTTP.get(URI(object_path))}\n\n"

Get a Bucket's Current ACL

Call the get_bucket_acl method, specifying the name of the bucket. The get_bucket_acl

method returns an instance of the Aws::S3::Types::GetBucketAclOutput class. Use the grants

attribute of the


class to list the bucket's current ACL.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website resp = client.get_bucket_acl(bucket: bucket) puts resp.grants

Complete Example

Here is the complete code for this example.

require 'aws-sdk'

# Create a S3 client client = 'us-west-2') bucket = 'my-bucket'

# Sets a bucket to public-read client.put_bucket_acl({

acl: "public-read",

bucket: bucket,

}) object_key = "my-key"

# Put an object in the public bucket client.put_object({

bucket: bucket,

key: object_key,

body: 'Hello World',


# Accessing an object in the bucket with unauthorize request bucket_path = "http://#{bucket}" resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI(bucket_path)) puts "Content of unsigned request to #{bucket_path}:\n\n#{resp}\n\n"

# However, accessing the object is denied since object Acl is not public-read object_path = "http://#{bucket}{object_key}" resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI(object_path)) puts "Content of unsigned request to #{object_path}:\n\n#{resp}\n\n"

# Setting the object to public-read client.put_object_acl({

acl: "public-read",

bucket: bucket,

key: object_key,

}) object_path = "http://#{bucket}{object_key}" puts "Now I can access object (#{object_key}) :\n#{Net::HTTP.get(URI(object_path))}\n\n"

# Setting bucket to private again client.put_bucket_acl({

bucket: bucket,

acl: 'private',


# Get current bucket Acl resp = client.get_bucket_acl(bucket: bucket) puts resp.grants

resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI(bucket_path)) puts "Content of unsigned request to #{bucket_path}:\n\n#{resp}\n\n"

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website

This example demonstrates how to use the AWS SDK for Ruby to:


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website

1. Create an Amazon S3 bucket.

2. Get the bucket website's configuration.

3. Add objects to the bucket.

4. Set the bucket website's configuration.

5. Access the bucket website's documents.

6. Delete the bucket website.

7. Delete the bucket.

For information about bucket website hosting, see Configure a Bucket for Website Hosting in the Amazon

S3 Developer Guide.

For the complete code for this example, see

Complete Example (p. 89)


Prerequisite Tasks

To set up and run this example, you must first:

1. Install the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information, see Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)


2. Set the AWS access credentials that the AWS SDK for Ruby will use to verify your access to AWS services and resources. For more information, see

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


Be sure the AWS credentials map to an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) entity with access to the AWS actions and resources described in this example.

This example assumes you have set the credentials in the AWS credentials profile file or in the




environment variables on your local system.

Configure the SDK

For this example, add a require

statement so that you can use the classes and methods provided by the

AWS SDK for Ruby for Amazon S3. Then create an Aws::S3::Client object in the AWS Region where you want to create the bucket and the specified AWS profile. This code creates the


object in the us-east-2


An additional variable is also declared for the bucket used in this example. To help ensure the bucket name is unique across all AWS accounts, an additional require

statement is added, and the


module's uuid

method is called to generate a unique identifier. This identifier is inserted into the name of the bucket to be created later in this sample.

require 'aws-sdk'

# Using Random UUIDs to Avoid Collisions when Testing require 'securerandom' bucket = "example-test-bucket-#{SecureRandom.uuid}"

# Setup s3 = "us-west-2")

Create a Bucket

Call the create_bucket method, supplying the name of the bucket to create.

s3.create_bucket(bucket: bucket)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website

Get a Bucket Website's Configuration

Call the get_bucket_website method, supplying the name of the bucket. By default, a bucket is not configured as a website. To confirm this behavior, call the get_bucket_website

method. This returns an error, because there is no website configuration for the bucket.


s3.get_bucket_website(bucket: bucket) rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration

puts "No bucket website configuration present." end

Add an Object to a Bucket

Call the put_object method, supplying the name of the bucket and object, the object's contents, and the object's access permissions set. This example adds two webpages to the bucket.


bucket: bucket,

key: "index.html",

body: "Hello, Amazon S3!",

acl: "public-read"

) s3.put_object(

bucket: bucket,

key: "error.html",

body: "Page not found!",

acl: "public-read"


Set a Bucket Website's Configuration

Call the put_bucket_website method, supplying the name of the bucket and the website configuration.

For the website configuration, use an Aws::S3::Types::WebsiteConfiguration hash, supplying the website's index and error webpages.


bucket: bucket,

website_configuration: {

index_document: {

suffix: "index.html"


error_document: {

key: "error.html"




Access a Bucket Website's Documents

Call the Ruby


method, supplying the address to the document in the bucket website.

index_path = "http://#{bucket}" error_path = "http://#{bucket}" puts "Index Page Contents:\n#{Net::HTTP.get(URI(index_path))}\n\n"


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Using a Amazon S3 Bucket to Host a Website puts "Error Page Contents:\n#{Net::HTTP.get(URI(error_path))}\n\n"

Delete a Bucket Website

Call the delete_bucket_website method, supplying the name of the bucket.

s3.delete_bucket_website(bucket: bucket)

Delete a Bucket

Call the bucket method of an Aws::S3::Resource object, supplying the name of the bucket. This returns an

Aws::S3::Bucket object. Then call the


object's delete method.

b = "us-west-2").bucket(bucket) b.delete! # Recursively deletes objects as well.

Complete Example

Here is the complete code for this example.

require 'aws-sdk'

# Using Random UUIDs to Avoid Collisions when Testing require 'securerandom' bucket = "example-test-bucket-#{SecureRandom.uuid}"

# Setup s3 = "us-west-2") s3.create_bucket(bucket: bucket)

# When Bucket Has No Website Configuration begin

s3.get_bucket_website(bucket: bucket) rescue Aws::S3::Errors::NoSuchWebsiteConfiguration

puts "No bucket website configuration present." end

# Adding Simple Pages & Website Configuration s3.put_object(

bucket: bucket,

key: "index.html",

body: "Hello, Amazon S3!",

acl: "public-read"

) s3.put_object(

bucket: bucket,

key: "error.html",

body: "Page not found!",

acl: "public-read"

) s3.put_bucket_website(

bucket: bucket,

website_configuration: {

index_document: {

suffix: "index.html"


error_document: {

key: "error.html"


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon SNS Examples




# Accessing as a Website index_path = "http://#{bucket}" error_path = "http://#{bucket}" puts "Index Page Contents:\n#{Net::HTTP.get(URI(index_path))}\n\n" puts "Error Page Contents:\n#{Net::HTTP.get(URI(error_path))}\n\n"

# Removing Website Configuration s3.delete_bucket_website(bucket: bucket)

# Cleanup b = "us-west-2").bucket(bucket) b.delete! # Recursively deletes objects as well.

Amazon SNS Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) using the AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about Amazon SNS, see the Amazon SNS documentation .



Getting Information about All Topics (p. 90)

Creating a Topic (p. 90)

Getting Information about All Subscriptions in a Topic (p. 91)

Creating a Subscription in a Topic (p. 91)

Sending a Message to All Topic Subscribers (p. 91)

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Topic (p. 92)

Getting Information about All Topics

The following example lists the ARNs of your SNS topics in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sns = 'us-west-2') sns.topics.each do |topic|

puts topic.arn


Creating a Topic

The following example creates the topic


in the us-west-2

region and displays the resulting topic ARN.

require 'aws-sdk'


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Subscriptions in a Topic sns = 'us-west-2') topic = sns.create_topic(name: 'MyGroovyTopic') puts topic.arn

Getting Information about All Subscriptions in a


The following example lists the email addresses of the SNS subscriptions for the topic with the ARN arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:MyGroovyTopic

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sns = 'us-west-2') topic = sns.topic('arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:MyGroovyTopic') topic.subscriptions.each do |s|

puts s.attributes['Endpoint'] end

Creating a Subscription in a Topic

The following example creates a subscription for the topic with the ARN arn:aws:sns:uswest-2:123456789:MyGroovyTopic

for a user who has the email address

[email protected]

in the us-west-2

region, and displays the resulting ARN. Initially the ARN value is pending confirmation.

When the user confirms their email address, this value becomes a true ARN.

require 'aws-sdk' sns = 'us-west-2') topic = sns.topic('arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:MyGroovyTopic') sub = topic.subscribe({

protocol: 'email',

endpoint: '[email protected]'

}) puts sub.arn

Sending a Message to All Topic Subscribers

The following example sends the message "Hello!" to all subscribers to the topic with the ARN arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:MyGroovyTopic


require 'aws-sdk' sns = 'us-west-2') topic = sns.topic('arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:MyGroovyTopic') topic.publish({

message: 'Hello!'



AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Topic

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Topic

The following example enables the resource with the ARN my-resource-arn

to publish to the topic with the

ARN my-topic-arn

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sns = 'us-west-2') policy = '{










"Resource":"' + my-topic-arn + '",



"AWS:SourceArn":"' + my-resource-arn + '"}



}' topic.set_attributes({

attribute_name: "Policy",

attribute_value: policy


Amazon SQS Examples

You can use the following examples to access Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) using the

AWS SDK for Ruby. For more information about Amazon SQS, see the Amazon SQS documentation .



Getting Information about All Queues in Amazon SQS (p. 93)

Creating a Queue in Amazon SQS (p. 93)

Working with Queues in Amazon SQS (p. 93)

Sending Messages in Amazon SQS (p. 94)

Sending and Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS (p. 95)

Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS (p. 96)

Receiving Messages Using Long Polling in Amazon SQS (p. 97)

Enabling Long Polling in Amazon SQS (p. 97)

Receiving Messages Using the QueuePoller Class in Amazon SQS (p. 99)

Redirecting Dead Letters in Amazon SQS (p. 100)

Deleting a Queue in Amazon SQS (p. 100)

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Queue in Amazon SQS (p. 101)

Working with a Dead Letter Queue in Amazon SQS (p. 101)

Specifying the Message Visibility Timeout in Amazon SQS (p. 103)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Getting Information about All Queues in Amazon SQS

Getting Information about All Queues in Amazon


The following example lists the URLs, ARNs, messages available, and messages in flight of your Amazon

SQS queues in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') queues = sqs.list_queues

queues.queue_urls.each do |url|

puts 'URL: ' + url

# Get ARN, messages available, and messages in flight for queue

req = sqs.get_queue_attributes(


queue_url: url, attribute_names:








arn = req.attributes['QueueArn']

msgs_available = req.attributes['ApproximateNumberOfMessages']

msgs_in_flight = req.attributes['ApproximateNumberOfMessagesNotVisible']

puts 'ARN: ' + arn

puts 'Messages available: ' + msgs_available

puts 'Messages in flight: ' + msgs_in_flight

puts end

Creating a Queue in Amazon SQS

The following example creates the Amazon SQS queue


in the us-west-2

region and displays its URL.

require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') queue = sqs.create_queue(queue_name: 'MyGroovyQueue') puts queue.queue_url

Working with Queues in Amazon SQS

Amazon SQS provides highly scalable hosted queues for storing messages as they travel between applications or microservices. To learn more about queues, see How Amazon SQS Queues Work .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon SQS to:

1. Get a list of your queues by using Aws::SQS::Client#list_queues .


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Sending Messages in Amazon SQS

2. Create a queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#create_queue .

3. Get the queue's URL by using Aws::SQS::Client#get_queue_url .

4. Delete the queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#delete_queue .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-east-1')

# Get a list of your queues.

sqs.list_queues.queue_urls.each do |queue_url|

puts queue_url end

# Create a queue.

queue_name = "my-queue" begin


queue_name: queue_name,

attributes: {

"DelaySeconds" => "60", # Delay message delivery for 1 minute (60 seconds).

"MessageRetentionPeriod" => "86400" # Delete message after 1 day (24 hours * 60

minutes * 60 seconds).


}) rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::QueueDeletedRecently

puts "A queue with the name '#{queue_name}' was recently deleted. Wait at least 60

seconds and try again."

exit(false) end

# Get the queue's URL.

queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: queue_name).queue_url

puts queue_url

# Delete the queue.

sqs.delete_queue(queue_url: queue_url)

Sending Messages in Amazon SQS

The following example sends the message "Hello world" through the Amazon SQS queue with the URL


in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Sending and Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS sqs.send_message(queue_url: URL, message_body: 'Hello world')

The following example sends the messages "Hello world" and "How is the weather?" through the Amazon

SQS queue with the URL


in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') resp = sqs.send_message_batch({

queue_url: URL,

entries: [


id: 'msg1',

message_body: 'Hello world'



id: 'msg2',

message_body: 'How is the weather?'




Sending and Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS

After you create a queue in Amazon SQS, you can send a message to it and then consume it. To learn more, see Tutorial: Sending a Message to an Amazon SQS Queue and Tutorial: Receiving and Deleting a

Message from an Amazon SQS Queue .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon SQS to:

1. Send a message to a queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#send_message .

2. Receive the message in the queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#receive_message .

3. Display information about the message.

4. Delete the message from the queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#delete_message .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to create the queue my-queue, which you can do in the Amazon SQS console.


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-east-1')

# Send a message to a queue.

queue_name = "my-queue" begin

queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: queue_name).queue_url


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS

# Create a message with three custom attributes: Title, Author, and WeeksOn.

send_message_result = sqs.send_message({

queue_url: queue_url,

message_body: "Information about current NY Times fiction bestseller for week of


message_attributes: {

"Title" => {

string_value: "The Whistler",

data_type: "String"


"Author" => {

string_value: "John Grisham",

data_type: "String"


"WeeksOn" => {

string_value: "6",

data_type: "Number"



}) rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

puts "A queue named '#{queue_name}' does not exist."

exit(false) end puts send_message_result.message_id

# Receive the message in the queue.

receive_message_result = sqs.receive_message({

queue_url: queue_url,

message_attribute_names: ["All"], # Receive all custom attributes.

max_number_of_messages: 1, # Receive at most one message.

wait_time_seconds: 0 # Do not wait to check for the message.


# Display information about the message.

# Display the message's body and each custom attribute value.

receive_message_result.messages.each do |message|

puts message.body

puts "Title: #{message.message_attributes["Title"]["string_value"]}"

puts "Author: #{message.message_attributes["Author"]["string_value"]}"

puts "WeeksOn: #{message.message_attributes["WeeksOn"]["string_value"]}"

# Delete the message from the queue.


queue_url: queue_url,

receipt_handle: message.receipt_handle

}) end

Receiving Messages in Amazon SQS

The following example displays the body of up to 10 messages in the Amazon SQS queue with the URL


in the us-west-2




does not guarantee to get all messages (see Properties of Distributed Queues ), and by default does not delete the message.

require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Receiving Messages Using Long Polling in Amazon SQS resp = sqs.receive_message(queue_url: URL, max_number_of_messages: 10) resp.messages.each do |m|

puts m.body


Receiving Messages Using Long Polling in Amazon


The following example waits up to 10 seconds to display the bodies of up to 10 messages in the Amazon

SQS queue with the URL


in the us-west-2


If you do not specify a wait time, the default value is 0 (Amazon SQS does not wait).

require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') resp = sqs.receive_message(queue_url: URL, max_number_of_messages: 10, wait_time_seconds:

10) resp.messages.each do |m|

puts m.body


Enabling Long Polling in Amazon SQS

Long polling helps lower your cost of using Amazon SQS by reducing the number of empty responses and eliminating false empty responses. For more information about long polling, see Amazon SQS Long

Polling .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon SQS to:

1. Create a queue and set it for long polling by using Aws::SQS::Client#create_queue .

2. Set long polling for an existing queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#set_queue_attributes .

3. Set long polling when receiving messages for a queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#receive_message .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to create the queues existing-queue and receive-queue, which you can do in the Amazon

SQS console.


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-east-1')


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Enabling Long Polling in Amazon SQS

# Create a queue and set it for long polling.

new_queue_name = "new-queue" create_queue_result = sqs.create_queue({

queue_name: new_queue_name,

attributes: {

"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds" => "20" # Wait 20 seconds to receive messages.


}) puts create_queue_result.queue_url

# Set long polling for an existing queue.


existing_queue_name = "existing-queue"

existing_queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: existing_queue_name).queue_url


queue_url: existing_queue_url,

attributes: {

"ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds" => "20" # Wait 20 seconds to receive messages.


}) rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

puts "Cannot set long polling for a queue named '#{existing_queue_name}', as it does not

exist." end

# Set long polling when receiving messages for a queue.

# 1. Using receive_message.


receive_queue_name = "receive-queue"

receive_queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: receive_queue_name).queue_url

puts "Begin receipt of any messages using receive_message..."

receive_message_result = sqs.receive_message({

queue_url: receive_queue_url,

attribute_names: ["All"], # Receive all available built-in message attributes.

message_attribute_names: ["All"], # Receive any custom message attributes.

max_number_of_messages: 10 # Receive up to 10 messages, if there are that many.


puts "Received #{receive_message_result.messages.count} message(s)." rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

puts "Cannot receive messages using receive_message for a queue named

'#{receive_queue_name}', as it does not exist." end

# 2. Using Aws::SQS::QueuePoller.


puts "Begin receipt of any messages using Aws::SQS::QueuePoller..."

puts "(Will keep polling until no more messages available for at least 60 seconds.)"

poller =

poller_stats = poller.poll({

max_number_of_messages: 10,

idle_timeout: 60 # Stop polling after 60 seconds of no more messages available (polls

indefinitely by default).

}) do |messages|

messages.each do |message|

puts "Message body: #{message.body}"



# Note: If poller.poll is successful, all received messages are automatically deleted

from the queue.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Receiving Messages Using the

QueuePoller Class in Amazon SQS

puts "Poller stats:"

puts " Polling started at: #{poller_stats.polling_started_at}"

puts " Polling stopped at: #{poller_stats.polling_stopped_at}"

puts " Last message received at: #{poller_stats.last_message_received_at}"

puts " Number of polling requests: #{poller_stats.request_count}"

puts " Number of received messages: #{poller_stats.received_message_count}" rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

puts "Cannot receive messages using Aws::SQS::QueuePoller for a queue named

'#{receive_queue_name}', as it does not exist." end

Receiving Messages Using the QueuePoller Class in

Amazon SQS

The following example uses the


utility class to display the body of all messages in the

SQS queue with the URL


in the us-west-2

region, and deletes the message. After approximately 15 seconds of inactivity, the script times out.

require 'aws-sdk'

Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'}) poller = poller.poll(idle_timeout: 15) do |msg|

puts msg.body


The following example loops through the Amazon SQS queue with the URL


, and waits up to duration seconds.

You can get the correct URL by executing the Amazon SQS example in Getting Information about All

Queues in Amazon SQS (p. 93)


require 'aws-sdk'

Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'}) poller = poller.poll(wait_time_seconds: duration, idle_timeout: duration + 1) do |msg|

puts msg.body


The following example loops through the Amazon SQS queue with the URL


, and gives you up to the visibility timeout seconds to process the message, represented by the method do_something


require 'aws-sdk'

# Process the message def do_something(msg)

puts msg.body


Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'}) poller =


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Redirecting Dead Letters in Amazon SQS poller.poll(timeout_visibility: timeout, idle_timeout: timeout + 1) do |msg|

do_something(msg) end

The following example loops through the Amazon SQS queue with the URL


, and changes the visibility timeout seconds, for any message that needs additional processing by the method do_something2


require 'aws-sdk'

# Process the message def do_something(msg)

true end

# Do additional processing def do_something2(msg)

puts msg.body


Aws.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'}) poller = poller.poll(idle_timeout: timeout + 1) do |msg|

if do_something(msg)

# need more time for processing

poller.change_message_visibility_timeout(msg, timeout)


end end

Redirecting Dead Letters in Amazon SQS

The following example redirects any dead letters from the queue with the URL


to the queue with the




require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') sqs.set_queue_attributes({

queue_url: URL,



'RedrivePolicy' => "{\"maxReceiveCount\":\"5\", \"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"#{ARN}\"}"



Deleting a Queue in Amazon SQS

The following example deletes the Amazon SQS queue with the URL


in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') sqs.delete_queue(queue_url: URL)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Queue in Amazon SQS

Enabling a Resource to Publish to a Queue in Amazon


The following example enables the resource with the ARN my-resource-arn

to publish to the queue with the ARN my-queue-arn

and URL my-queue-url

in the us-west-2


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-west-2') policy = '{


"Id":' + my-queue-arn + '/SQSDefaultPolicy",








"Resource":"' + my-queue-arn + '",



"AWS:SourceArn":"' + my-resource-arn + '"}



}' sqs.set_queue_attributes({

queue_url: my-queue-url,

attributes: {

Policy: policy



Working with a Dead Letter Queue in Amazon SQS

Amazon SQS provides support for dead letter queues. A dead letter queue is a queue that other (source) queues can target for messages that can't be processed successfully. You can set aside and isolate these messages in the dead letter queue to determine why their processing didn't succeed. For more information about dead letter queues, see Using Amazon SQS Dead Letter Queues .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon SQS to:

1. Create a queue that represents a dead letter queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#create_queue .

2. Associate the dead letter queue with an existing queue by using

Aws::SQS::Client#set_queue_attributes .

3. Send a message to the existing queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#send_message .

4. Poll the queue by using Aws::SQS::QueuePoller .

5. Receive messages in the dead letter queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#receive_message .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Working with a Dead Letter Queue in Amazon SQS

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to use the AWS Management Console to create the existing queue, my-queue.

Note: For the sake of simplicity, the example code below does not demonstrate

Aws::SQS::Client#add_permission . In a real-world scenario, you should always restrict access to actions such as SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, DeleteMessage, and DeleteQueue. Not doing so could cause information disclosure, denial of service, or injection of messages into your queues.


require 'aws-sdk'

# Uncomment for Windows.

# Aws.use_bundled_cert!

sqs = 'us-east-1')

# Create a queue representing a dead letter queue.

dead_letter_queue_name = "dead-letter-queue" sqs.create_queue({

queue_name: dead_letter_queue_name


# Get the dead letter queue's URL and ARN, so that you can associate it with an existing


dead_letter_queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: dead_letter_queue_name).queue_url

dead_letter_queue_arn = sqs.get_queue_attributes({

queue_url: dead_letter_queue_url,

attribute_names: ["QueueArn"]


# Associate the dead letter queue with an existing queue.


queue_name = "my-queue"

queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: queue_name).queue_url

# Use a redrive policy to specify the dead letter queue and its behavior.

redrive_policy = {

"maxReceiveCount" => "5", # After the queue receives the same message 5 times, send

that message to the dead letter queue.

"deadLetterTargetArn" => dead_letter_queue_arn



queue_url: queue_url,

attributes: {

"RedrivePolicy" => redrive_policy


}) rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

puts "A queue named '#{queue_name}' does not exist."

exit(false) end

# Send a message to the queue.

puts "Sending a message..."


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Specifying the Message Visibility Timeout in Amazon SQS sqs.send_message({

queue_url: queue_url,

message_body: "I hope I get moved to the dead letter queue."


30.downto(0) do |i|

print "\rWaiting #{i} second(s) for sent message to be receivable..."

sleep(1) end puts "\n" poller =

# Receive 5 messages max and stop polling after 20 seconds of no received messages.

poller.poll(max_number_of_messages:5, idle_timeout: 20) do |messages|

messages.each do |msg|

puts "Received message ID: #{msg.message_id}"

end end

# Check to see if Amazon SQS moved the message to the dead letter queue.

receive_message_result = sqs.receive_message({

queue_url: dead_letter_queue_url,

max_number_of_messages: 1

}) if receive_message_result.messages.count > 0

puts "\n#{receive_message_result.messages[0].body}" else

puts "\nNo messages received." end

Specifying the Message Visibility Timeout in Amazon


In Amazon SQS, immediately after a message is received, it remains in the queue. To prevent other consumers from processing the message again, Amazon SQS sets a visibility timeout. This is a period of time during which Amazon SQS prevents other consuming components from receiving and processing the message. To learn more, see Visibility Timeout .

In this example, you use the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon SQS to:

1. Get the URL of an existing queue by using Aws::SQS::Client#get_queue_url .

2. Receive up to 10 messages by using Aws::SQS::Client#receive_message .

3. Specify the time interval during which messages are not visible after they are received, by using

Aws::SQS::Client#change_message_visibility .


Before running the example code, you need to install and configure the AWS SDK for Ruby, as described in:

Installing the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 4)

Configuring the AWS SDK for Ruby (p. 5)

You also need to create the queue my-queue, which you can do in the Amazon SQS console.


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Specifying the Message Visibility Timeout in Amazon SQS


require 'aws-sdk' sqs = 'us-east-1') begin

queue_name = "my-queue"

queue_url = sqs.get_queue_url(queue_name: queue_name).queue_url

receive_message_result_before = sqs.receive_message({

queue_url: queue_url,

max_number_of_messages: 10 # Receive up to 10 messages, if there are that many.


puts "Before attempting to change message visibility timeout: received

#{receive_message_result_before.messages.count} message(s)."

receive_message_result_before.messages.each do |message|


queue_url: queue_url,

receipt_handle: message.receipt_handle,

visibility_timeout: 36000 # This message will not be visible for 10 hours (10 hours *

60 minutes * 60 seconds) after first receipt.



# Try to retrieve the original messages after setting their visibility timeout.

receive_message_result_after = sqs.receive_message({

queue_url: queue_url,

max_number_of_messages: 10


puts "\nAfter attempting to change message visibility timeout: received

#{receive_message_result_after.messages.count} message(s)." rescue Aws::SQS::Errors::NonExistentQueue

puts "Cannot receive messages for a queue named '#{receive_queue_name}', as it does not

exist." end


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Amazon EC2 Tips and Tricks

AWS SDK for Ruby Tips and Tricks

This section provides tips and tricks on using the AWS SDK for Ruby with AWS services.


Amazon EC2 Tips and Tricks (p. 105)

Amazon EC2 Tips and Tricks

This section provides some tips to help you the AWS SDK for Ruby with Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

(Amazon EC2) services. For more information about Amazon EC2, see the Amazon EC2 Getting Started

Guide .

Switching Elastic IPs

The following example associates the Elastic IP address with the instance represented by i-12345678


ec2 =

resp = ec2.allocate_address

ec2.associate_address(instance_id:"i-12345678", allocation_id: resp.allocation_id)


AWS SDK for Ruby Developer Guide

Document History

To view the list of changes to the AWS SDK for Ruby and its documentation, see the

file in the aws/aws-sdk-ruby

repository in GitHub.



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