TITAN PT 4900, PT 6900, PT 8900, PT 12000 Airless Sprayer Operating manual
The TITAN PT4900, PT6900, PT8900 and PT12000 are airless sprayers designed for priming and final coating of large areas, sealing, impregnation, construction sanitation, facade protection and renovation, rust protection and building protection, roof coating, roof sealing, concrete sanitation, as well as heavy corrosion protection. These sprayers are capable of handling high-viscosity coating materials and can be used to spray a variety of materials including thick layers of zinc dust and micaceous iron ore paints, Airless spray primer, sprayable glue, anti-corrosive agents, thick coating materials, and bitumen-like coating materials.
GB D F Operating manual Betriebsanleitung ............p. 26 Mode d’emploi ................. p. 52 PowrTwin Plus Airless high-pressure spraying unit Airless Hochdruck-Spritzgerät Groupe de projection à haute pression Model 0290032 (PT4900) Edition 2 / 2013 Ausgabe Model 0290012 (PT4900) 0290013 (PT6900) 0290018 (PT8900) 0290016 (PT12000) 0290 935A Original Operating Manual GB Warning! Attention: Danger of injury by injection! Airless units develop extremely high spraying pressures. 1 Never put your fingers, hands or any other parts of the body into the spray jet! Never point the spray gun at yourself, other persons or animals. Never use the spray gun without safety guard. Do not treat a spraying injury as a harmless cut. In case of injury to the skin through coating materials or solvents, consult a doctor immediately for quick and expert treatment. Inform the doctor about the coating material or solvent used. 2 3 The operating instructions state that the following points must always be observed before starting up: 1. 2. 3. 4. Faulty units must not be used. Secure Titan spray gun using the safety catch on the trigger. Ensure that the unit is properly earthed. Check allowable operating pressure of high-pressure hose and spray gun. 5. Check all connections for leaks. The instructions regarding regular cleaning and maintenance of the unit must be strictly observed. Before any work is done on the unit or for every break in work the following rules must be observed: 1. Release the pressure from spray gun and hose. 2. Secure the Titan spray gun using the safety catch on the trigger. 3. Switch off unit. Be safety conscious! 2 PowrTwin Plus GB Contents Contents 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Page Safety regulations for Airless spraying ...................................... 2 Explanation of symbols used .............................................................. 2 Electrical safety......................................................................................... 3 Gasoline engine safety .......................................................................... 4 Fueling (gas engine) ............................................................................... 4 2. 2.1 2.2 General view of application ............................................................. 5 Application ................................................................................................ 5 Coating materials .................................................................................... 5 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Description of unit................................................................................ 5 Airless process .......................................................................................... 5 Functioning of the unit ......................................................................... 5 System diagram - gasoline PT units.................................................. 6 System diagram - electric PT units .................................................... 7 Technical data for PT units ................................................................... 8 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Operation.................................................................................................. 9 Setup ............................................................................................................ 9 Preparing a new sprayer .....................................................................10 Preparing to paint .................................................................................11 Painting .....................................................................................................11 Pressure relief procedure ...................................................................12 5. 5.1 5.2 5.3 Cleanup ....................................................................................................12 Special cleanup instructions for use with flammable solvents ..............................................................................12 Cleaning the sprayer ............................................................................12 Cleaning a clogged tip ........................................................................13 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 Maintenance..........................................................................................13 Daily maintenance ................................................................................13 Maintaining the filter assembly........................................................14 Maintaining the hydraulic system ...................................................15 Maintaining the fluid section ............................................................15 Basic engine maintenance .................................................................15 Replacing the motor brushes (120V electric convertokit) ......16 Replacing the belt .................................................................................17 Servicing the hydraulic motor ..........................................................18 Servicing the fluid section ..................................................................20 SAE O-ring fitting installation ...........................................................22 PowrTwin Plus 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Page Troubleshooting .................................................................................23 Airless gun ...............................................................................................23 Fluid section ............................................................................................23 Hydraulic motors ...................................................................................24 Spray patterns ........................................................................................25 Accessories and spare parts ........................................................................78 Spare parts list for the main assembly .................................................. 78/79 Spare parts list for the cart assembly .................................................... 80/81 Spare parts list for the hydraulic system .............................................. 82/83 Spare parts list for the hydraulic motor ............................................... 84/85 4QBSFQBSUTMJTUGPSUIFóVJETFDUJPOr15 ..................................... 86/87 4QBSFQBSUTMJTUGPSUIFóVJETFDUJPOr PT6900 / PT8900 / PT12000 ...................................................................... 88/89 Spare parts list for gas convertokit ...............................................................90 Spare parts list for electric convertokit (230V) ..........................................91 Spare parts list for the high-pressure filter ................................................92 Spare parts list for belt guard assembly......................................................93 Spare parts list for bleed hose assembly with valve ...............................94 Spare parts list for bleed valve .......................................................................95 Spare parts list fo siphon hose assembly....................................................96 Connection diagram (230V).........................................................................97 Accessories for PT units .................................................................................97 Gun manifold assemblies (optional) ............................................................99 Warranty .............................................................................................................100 1 Safety precautions 1. Safety regulations for Airless spraying 1.1 Explanation of symbols used GB This manual contains information that must be read and understood before using the equipment. When you come to an area that has one of the following symbols, pay particular attention and make certain to heed the safeguard. HAZARD: HIGH PRESSURE HOSE The paint hose can develop leaks from wear, kinking and abuse. A leak can inject material into the skin. Inspect the hose before each use. This symbol indicates a potential hazard that may cause serious injury or loss of life. Important safety information will follow. Attention r "MMBDDFTTPSJFTNVTUCFSBUFEBUPSBCPWFUIFNBYJNVN operating pressure range of the sprayer. This includes spray tips, guns, extensions, and hose. PREVENTION: r "WPJETIBSQCFOEJOHPSLJOLJOHPGUIFIJHIQSFTTVSFIPTF5IF smallest bending radius amounts to about 20 cm. r %POPUESJWFPWFSUIFIJHIQSFTTVSFIPTF1SPUFDUBHBJOTU sharp objects and edges. r 3FQMBDFBOZEBNBHFEIJHIQSFTTVSFIPTFJNNFEJBUFMZ r /FWFSSFQBJSEFGFDUJWFIJHIQSFTTVSFIPTFTZPVSTFMG r &MFDUSPTUBUJDDIBSHJOHPGTQSBZHVOTBOEUIFIJHIQSFTTVSF hose is discharged through the high-pressure hose. For this reason the electric resistance between the connections of the high-pressure hose must be equal to or lower than 1MΩ. r 'PSSFBTPOTPGGVODUJPOTBGFUZBOEEVSBCJMJUZVTFPOMZPSJHJOBM Titan high-pressure hoses. r #FGPSFFBDIVTFDIFDLBMMIPTFTGPSDVUTMFBLTBCSBTJPO or bulging of cover. Check for damage or movement of couplings. Immediately replace the hose if any of these DPOEJUJPOTFYJTU/FWFSSFQBJSBQBJOUIPTF3FQMBDFJUXJUI another earthed high-pressure hose. r .BLFTVSFQPXFSDPSEBJSIPTFBOETQSBZIPTFTBSFSPVUFEJO such a manner to minimize slip, trip and fall hazard. This symbol indicates a potential hazard to you or to the equipment. Important information that tells how to prevent damage to the equipment or how to avoid causes of minor injuries will follow. Danger of skin injection Danger of fire from solvent and paint fumes Danger of explosion from solvent, paint fumes and incompatible materials Danger of injury from inhalation of harmful vapors i HAZARD: EXPLOSION OR FIRE Notes give important information which should be given special attention. Solvent and paint fumes can explode or ignite. Severe injury and/or property damage can occur. PREVENTION: r %POPUVTFNBUFSJBMTXJUIBóBTIQPJOUCFMPX$' Flashpoint is the temperature at which a fluid can produce enough vapors to ignite. r %POPUVTFUIFVOJUJOXPSLQMBDFTXIJDIBSFDPWFSFECZUIF explosion protection regulations. r 1SPWJEFFYUFOTJWFFYIBVTUBOEGSFTIBJSJOUSPEVDUJPOUP keep the air within the spray area free from accumulation of flammable vapors. r "WPJEBMMJHOJUJPOTPVSDFTTVDIBTTUBUJDFMFDUSJDJUZTQBSLT electrical appliances, flames, pilot lights, hot objects, and sparks from connecting and disconnecting power cords or working light switches. r %POPUTNPLFJOTQSBZBSFB r 1MBDFTQSBZFSTVîDJFOUEJTUBODFGSPNUIFTQSBZPCKFDUJOB well ventilated area (add more hose if necessary). Flammable vapors are often heavier than air. Floor area must be extremely well ventilated. The pump contains arcing parts that emit sparks and can ignite vapors. r 5IFFRVJQNFOUBOEPCKFDUTJOBOEBSPVOEUIFTQSBZBSFBNVTU be properly grounded to prevent static sparks. r 6TFPOMZDPOEVDUJWFPSFBSUIFEIJHIQSFTTVSFóVJEIPTF(VO must be earthed through hose connections. r 1PXFSDPSENVTUCFDPOOFDUFEUPBHSPVOEFEDJSDVJUFMFDUSJD units only). r "MXBZTóVTIVOJUJOUPTFQBSBUFNFUBMDPOUBJOFSBUMPXQVNQ pressure, with spray tip removed. Hold gun firmly against side of container to ground container and prevent static sparks. HAZARD: INJECTION INJURY A high pressure stream produced by this equipment can pierce the skin and underlying tissues, leading to serious injury and possible amputation. Do not treat a spraying injury as a harmless cut. In case of injury to the skin through coating materials or solvents, consult a doctor immediately for quick and expert treatment. Inform the doctor about the coating material or solvent used. PREVENTION: r /&7&3BJNUIFHVOBUBOZQBSUPGUIFCPEZ r /&7&3BMMPXBOZQBSUPGUIFCPEZUPUPVDIUIFóVJETUSFBN %0/05BMMPXCPEZUPUPVDIBMFBLJOUIFóVJEIPTF r /&7&3QVUZPVSIBOEJOGSPOUPGUIFHVO(MPWFTXJMMOPU provide protection against an injection injury. r "-8":4MPDLUIFHVOUSJHHFSTIVUUIFóVJEQVNQPíBOE release all pressure before servicing, cleaning the tip guard, changing tips, or leaving unattended. Pressure will not be SFMFBTFECZUVSOJOHPíUIFFOHJOF5IF13*.&413":WBMWF or pressure bleed valve must be turned to their appropriate positions to relieve system pressure. r "-8":4LFFQUJQHVBSEJOQMBDFXIJMFTQSBZJOH5IFUJQHVBSE provides some protection but is mainly a warning device. r "-8":4SFNPWFUIFTQSBZUJQCFGPSFóVTIJOHPSDMFBOJOHUIF system. r /&7&3VTFBTQSBZHVOXJUIPVUBXPSLJOHUSJHHFSMPDLBOE trigger guard in place. 2 PowrTwin Plus GB r 'PMMPXNBUFSJBMBOETPMWFOUNBOVGBDUVSFSTXBSOJOHTBOE JOTUSVDUJPOT#FGBNJMJBSXJUIUIFDPBUJOHNBUFSJBMT.4%4 sheet and technical information to ensure safe use. r 6TFMPXFTUQPTTJCMFQSFTTVSFUPóVTIFRVJQNFOU r 8IFODMFBOJOHUIFVOJUXJUITPMWFOUTUIFTPMWFOUTIPVME never be sprayed or pumped back into a container with a small opening (bunghole). An explosive gas/air mixture can arise. The container must be earthed. 1.2 Electric Safety Electric models must be earthed. In the event of an electrical short circuit, earthing reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the electric current. This product is equipped with a cord having an earthing wire with an appropriate earthing plug. Connection to the mains only through a special feed point, e.g. UISPVHIBOFSSPSQSPUFDUJPOJOTBMMBUJPOXJUI*/'N" DANGER — Work or repairs at the electrical equipment may only be carried out by a skilled electrician. No liability is assumed for incorrect installation. Switch the unit off. Before all repair work, unplug the power plug from the outlet. HAZARD: HAZARDOUS VAPORS Paints, solvents, and other materials can be harmful if inhaled or come in contact with body. Vapors can cause severe nausea, fainting, or poisoning. Danger of short-circuits caused by water ingressing into the electrical FRVJQNFOU/FWFSTQSBZEPXOUIFVOJUXJUIIJHIQSFTTVSFPSIJHI pressure steam cleaners. PREVENTION: r 8FBSSFTQJSBUPSZQSPUFDUJPOXIFOTQSBZJOH3FBEBMM instructions supplied with the mask to be sure it will provide the necessary protection. r "MMMPDBMSFHVMBUJPOTSFHBSEJOHQSPUFDUJPOBHBJOTUIB[BSEPVT vapors must be observed. r 8FBSQSPUFDUJWFFZFXFBS r 1SPUFDUJWFDMPUIJOHHMPWFTBOEQPTTJCMZTLJOQSPUFDUJPODSFBN are necessary for the protection of the skin. Observe the regulations of the manufacturer concerning coating materials, solvents and cleaning agents in preparation, processing and cleaning units. Work or repairs at the electrical equipment: 5IFTFNBZPOMZCFDBSSJFEPVUCZBTLJMMFEFMFDUSJDJBO/PMJBCJMJUZJT assumed for incorrect installation. Operating Temperature This equipment will operate correctly in its intended ambient, at a NJOJNVNCFUXFFO$BOE$ Relative Humidity The equipment will operate correctly within an environment at 50% 3)$)JHIFS3)NBZCFBMMPXFEBUMPXFSUFNQFSBUVSFT Measures shall be taken by the Purchaser to avoid the harmful effects of occasional condensation. Altitude This equipment will operate correctly up to 2100 m above mean sea level. HAZARD: GENERAL This product can cause severe injury or property damage. Transportation and Storage This equipment will withstand, or has been protected against, USBOTQPSUBUJPOBOETUPSBHFUFNQFSBUVSFTPG$UP$BOEGPS TIPSUQFSJPETVQUP$ It has been packaged to prevent damage from the effects of normal humidity, vibration and shock. PREVENTION: r 'PMMPXBMMBQQSPQSJBUFMPDBMTUBUFBOEOBUJPOBMDPEFT governing ventilation, fire prevention, and operation. r 1VMMJOHUIFUSJHHFSDBVTFTBSFDPJMGPSDFUPUIFIBOEUIBUJT holding the spray gun. The recoil force of the spray gun is particularly powerful when the tip has been removed and a high pressure has been set on the airless pump. When cleaning without a spray tip, set the pressure control knob to the lowest pressure. r 6TFPOMZNBOVGBDUVSFSBVUIPSJ[FEQBSUT6TFSBTTVNFTBMM risks and liabilities when using parts that do not meet the minimum specifications and safety devices of the pump manufacturer. r "-8":4GPMMPXUIFNBUFSJBMNBOVGBDUVSFSTJOTUSVDUJPOTGPS safe handling of paint and solvents. r $MFBOVQBMMNBUFSJBMBOETPMWFOUTQJMMTJNNFEJBUFMZUPQSFWFOU slip hazard. r 8FBSFBSQSPUFDUJPO5IJTVOJUDBOQSPEVDFOPJTFMFWFMTBCPWF 85 dB(A). r /FWFSMFBWFUIJTFRVJQNFOUVOBUUFOEFE,FFQBXBZGSPN children or anyone not familiar with the operation of airless equipment. r %POPUTQSBZPOXJOEZEBZT r 5IFEFWJDFBOEBMMSFMBUFEMJRVJETJFIZESBVMJDPJM NVTUCF disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. PowrTwin Plus Safety precautions 3 Safety precautions 1.3 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. GB Gasoline Engine Safety 1.4 Gas engines are designed to give safe and dependable service if operated according to instructions. Read and understand UIFFOHJOFNBOVGBDUVSFST0XOFST.BOVBMCFGPSFPQFSBUJOH the engine. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage. To prevent fire hazards and to provide adequate ventilation, keep the engine at least 1 meter (3 feet) away from buildings and other equipment during operation. Do not place flammable objects close to the engine. People who are not operating the device must stay away from the area of operation due to a possibility of burns from hot engine components or injury from any equipment the engine may be used to operate. ,OPXIPXUPTUPQUIFFOHJOFRVJDLMZBOEVOEFSTUBOEUIF PQFSBUJPOPGBMMDPOUSPMT/FWFSQFSNJUBOZPOFUPPQFSBUFUIF engine without proper instructions. Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive under certain conditions. Refuel in a well-ventilated area with the engine stopped. Do not smoke or allow flames or sparks in the refueling area or where gasoline is stored. Do not overfill the fuel tank. After refueling, make sure the tank cap is closed properly and securely. Be careful not to spill fuel when refueling. Fuel vapor or spilled fuel may ignite. If any fuel is spilled, make sure the area is dry before starting the engine. /FWFSSVOUIFFOHJOFJOBOFODMPTFEPSDPOñOFEBSFB&YIBVTU contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas; exposure may cause loss of consciousness and may lead to death. The muffler becomes very hot during operation and remains hot for a while after stopping the engine. Be careful not to touch the muffler while it is hot. To avoid severe burns or fire hazards, let the engine cool before transporting it or storing it indoors. /FWFSTIJQUSBOTQPSUTQSBZFSXJUIHBTPMJOFJOUIFUBOL Fueling (gas engine) Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive under certain conditions. Fuel Specifications r 6TFBVUPNPUJWFHBTPMJOFUIBUIBTBQVNQPDUBOFOVNCFSPG 86 or higher, or that has a research octane number of 91 or IJHIFS6TFPGBMPXFSPDUBOFHBTPMJOFDBODBVTFQFSTJTUFOU “pinging” or heavy “spark knock” (a metallic rapping noise) which, if severe, can lead to engine damage. i If “spark knock” or “pinging” occurs at a steady engine speed under normal load, change brands of gasoline. If spark knock or pinging persists, consult an authorized dealer of the engine manufacturer. Failure to do so is considered misuse, and damage caused by misuse is not covered by the engine manufacturer’s limited warranty. Occasionally you may experience light spark knock while operating under heavy loads. This is no cause for concern, it simply means your engine is operating efficiently. r 6OMFBEFEGVFMQSPEVDFTGFXFSFOHJOFBOETQBSLQMVHEFQPTJUT and extends the life of the exhaust system components. r /FWFSVTFTUBMFPSDPOUBNJOBUFEHBTPMJOFPSBOPJMHBTPMJOF mixture. Avoid getting dirt, dust, or water in the fuel tank. Gasolines Containing Alcohol If you decide to use a gasoline containing alcohol (gasohol), be sure its octane rating is at least as high as that recommended by the engine manufacturer. There are two types of “gasohol”: one containing ethanol, and the other containing methanol. Do not use gasohol that contains more than 10% ethanol. Do not use gasoline containing methanol (methyl or wood alcohol) that does not also DPOUBJODPTPMWFOUTBOEDPSSPTJPOJOIJCJUPSTGPSNFUIBOPM/FWFS use gasoline containing more than 5% methanol, even if it has cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors. DO NOT use this equipment to spray water or acid. Do not lift by cart handle when loading or unloading. Device is very heavy. Three-person lift is required. i Attention 4 Fuel system damage or engine performance problems resulting from the use of fuels that contain alcohol is not covered under the warranty. The engine manufacturer cannot endorse the use of fuels containing methanol since evidence of their suitability is incomplete at this time. Before buying gasoline from an unfamiliar station, try to find out if the gasoline contains alcohol. If it does, confirm the type and percentage of alcohol used. If you notice any undesirable operating characteristics while using a gasoline that contains alcohol, or one that you think contains alcohol, switch to a gasoline that you know does not contain alcohol. PowrTwin Plus General view of application GB Description of unit 2. General view of application 3. Description of unit 2.1 Application 3.1 Airless process Priming and final coating of large areas, sealing, impregnation, construction sanitation, façade protection and renovation, rust protection and building protection, roof coating, roof sealing, concrete sanitation, as well as heavy corrosion protection. The main area of application are thick layers of highly viscous coating material for large areas and a high consumption of material. A piston pump takes in the coating material by suction and conveys it to the tip. Pressed through the tip at a pressure of up to a maximum of 248 bar (24.8 MPa), the coating material is atomised. This high pressure has the effect of micro fine atomisation of the coating material. "TOPBJSJTVTFEJOUIJTQSPDFTTJUJTEFTDSJCFEBTBO"*3-&44QSPDFTT This method of spraying has the advantages of finest atomisation, cloudless operation and a smooth, bubble-free surface. As well as these, the advantages of the speed of work and convenience must be mentioned. Examples of objects to be sprayed -BSHFTDBMFDPOTUSVDUJPOTJUFTVOEFSHSPVOEDPOTUSVDUJPODPPMJOH towers, bridges, sewage treatment plants and terraces. 2.2 Coating materials Processible coating materials i 3.2 The following section contains a brief description of the technical construction for better understanding of the function. 5*5"/1PXS5XJO1MVT15 BSFIJHIQSFTTVSFTQSBZJOHVOJUTESJWFOCZ either a gasoline engine or electric motor. The gasoline engine or electric motor (fig. 1, item 1) drives the hydraulic pump (3) by means of a V-belt which is under the belt cover (2). Hydraulic oil flows to the hydraulic motor (4) and then moves the piston up and down in the material feed pump (5). The inlet valve is opened automatically by the upwards movement of the piston. The outlet valve is opened when the piston moves downward. The coating material flows under high pressure through the highpressure hose to the spray gun. When the coating material exits from the tip it atomises. The pressure control valve (6) controls the volume and the operating pressure of the coating material. Pay attention to the Airless quality of the coating materials to be processed. -BUFYQBJOUEJTQFSTJPOQBJOUTñSFQSPUFDUJPOBOEUIJDLñMNNBUFSJBMT zinc dust and micaceous iron ore paints, Airless spray primer, sprayable glue, anti-corrosive agents, thick coating materials and bitumen-like coating materials. /PPUIFSNBUFSJBMTTIPVMECFVTFEGPSTQSBZJOHXJUIPVU5JUBOT approval. Filtering In spite of the high-pressure filter, filtering of the coating material is to be recommended in general (except when processing airless joint filler). Stir coating material before commencement of work. i Functioning of the unit Make sure when stirring with motor-driven agitators that no air bubbles are stirred in. Air bubbles disturb when spraying and can, in fact, lead to interruption of operation. Viscosity It is possible to work with high-viscosity coating materials with the devices. If highly viscous coating materials cannot be sucked up, they must be EJMVUFEJOBDDPSEBODFXJUIUIFNBOVGBDUVSFSTJOTUSVDUJPO 4 5 6 3 Two-component coating material The appropriate processing time must be adhered to exactly. Within this time rinse through and clean the unit meticulously with the appropriate cleaning agents. 1 Coating materials with sharp-edged additional materials These have a strong wear and tear effect on valves, high-pressure hose, spray gun and tip. The durability of these parts can be reduced appreciably through this. 2 PowrTwin Plus 5 GB Description of unit 3.3 System diagram - gasoline PT units 7 High-pressure hose outlet 8 V-belt under the belt cover 9 Bleed hose 10 Ball valve: horizontal position – hydraulic motor switched off vertical position – hydraulic motor switched on 11 Suction tube 12 Oil measuring stick 13 Gasoline engine 1 2 3 Extractable handle Hydraulic motor Oil cup for separating oil (separating oil prevents increased wear and tear of the packings) 4 Pressure control knob 5 Relief valve handle: Turn left for circulation & Turn right for spray * 6 High-pressure filter 10 1 9 3 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 7 8 6 PowrTwin Plus GB 3.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description of unit System diagram - electric PT units 9 Bleed hose 10 Ball valve: horizontal position – hydraulic motor switched off vertical position – hydraulic motor switched on 11 Suction tube 12 Oil measuring stick 13 Electric motor (230V) 0/0''TXJUDI 15 Control lamp that shows unit operational 16 Power Cord Extractable handle Hydraulic motor Oil cup for separating oil (separating oil prevents increased wear and tear of the packings) Pressure control knob Relief valve handle: Turn left for circulation & Turn right for spray * High-pressure filter High-pressure hose outlet V-belt under the belt cover 10 1 9 2 3 10 11 3 4 12 5 13 6 14 15 7 16 8 PowrTwin Plus 7 GB Description of unit 3.5 Technical data for PT units PT4900 Plus (230V) PT4900 Plus (gas) PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus Subaru -------- 169cc, 5.7 Hp -------- -------- -------- Honda -------- -------- 163cc, 4.8 Hp 196cc, 5.5 Hp 270cc, 8.5 Hp -------- 64HBMM 64HBMM 64HBMM 64HBMM 230 V~, 50 Hz -------- -------- -------- -------- 2.6 kW -------- -------- -------- -------- 3 x 2.5 mm2 – 6 m -------- -------- -------- -------- 16 A -------- -------- -------- -------- Gasoline engine, power Fuel Capacity Voltage Capacity Power Cord Fuse Protection Max. operating pressure 22.8 MPa (228 bar, 3300 PSI) 24.8 MPa (248 bar, 3600 PSI) Max. sound pressure level 80 dB (A)* 92 dB (A)* 98 dB (A)* Max. size of tip with a spray gun 1-gun 0.031” – 0.79 mm 0.037” – 0.94 mm 0.050” – 1.27 mm 0.054” – 1.37 mm 0.059” – 1.50 mm 2-gun 0.028” – 0.71 mm 0.028” – 0.71 mm 0.033” – 0.84 mm 0.038” – 0.96 mm 0.040” – 1.01 mm 3-gun 0.022” – 0.56 mm 0.022” – 0.56 mm 0.023” – 0.58 mm 0.032” – 0.81 mm 0.034” – 0.86 mm 4-gun -------- -------- 0.019” – 0.48 mm 0.028” – 0.71 mm 0.030” – 0.76 mm 5-gun -------- -------- -------- 0.024” – 0.61 mm 0.026” – 0.66 mm 6-gun -------- -------- -------- -------- 0.024” – 0.61 mm 1.1 gal (4.2 l)/min 1.5 gal (5.7 l)/min 2.35 gal (8.9 l)/min 2.5 gal (9.5 l)/min 3.15 gal (11.9 l)/min 139 lbs. (63 kg) 132 lbs. (60 kg) 139 lbs. (63 kg) 154 lbs. (70 kg) 183 lbs. (83 kg) Max. volume flow Weight Max. viscosity 50.000 mPa·s 65.000 mPa·s 37.2” x 26.8” x 35” (946 x 680 x 890 mm) 42.5” x 27” x 31” (1080 46” x 27” x 31” (1168 x 686 x 866 mm) x 686 x 866 mm) Dimensions L x W x H Max. temperature of the coating material '$ Filter insert (standard equipment) 50 mesh, 18 in2 Hydraulic oil filling quantity 5.9 l (1.56 gal) CoolFlo Max. tire pressure 0.2 MPa (2 bar, 30 PSI) Special high-pressure hose %/NNNYu DPOOFDUJPOUISFBE/14. * Place of measurement: 1 m distance from unit and 1.60 m above reverberant floor, 120 bar (12 MPa) operating pressure. 8 PowrTwin Plus GB 4. Operation Operation Piston Lube prevents increased wear and tear to the packings. This equipment produces a fluid stream at extremely high pressure. Read and understand the warnings in the Safety Precautions section at the front of this manual before operating this equipment. 4.1 Attention Setup 1. Make sure the siphon hose (fig. 4, 1) is connected to the fluid section (2) and the bleed hose (3) is connected to the bleed valve (4). They each have factory installed Teflon tape on the male end of the hoses and should be wrench tight. 4 5. 3 2 Check the hydraulic fluid level daily before starting the sprayer. The hydraulic fluid level should be at the “Full” mark on the dipstick. Refer to the Maintenance section of this manual for hydraulic system maintenance instructions. Use of Titan’s Coolflo™ Hydraulic Fluid (P/N 430-361) is mandatory in the hydraulic system. Do not use any other hydraulic fluid. Use of any other hydraulic Attention fluid may seriously damage the hydraulic system and will void the warranty. 1 6. For gas models, check the engine oil level daily before starting the sprayer. The gasoline engine oil level is determined by UIFFOHJOFNBOVGBDUVSFS3FGFSUPUIFFOHJOFNBOVGBDUVSFST service manual supplied with this sprayer. 7. For electric models, use a 20 amp service outlet. Always locate the electric model within 10 to 15 feet of the service PVUMFU6TFBTIPSUFMFDUSJDDBCMFBOEBMPOHQBJOUIPTF"OZ extension cord will create some voltage drop. If an extension cord is necessary, use only a grounded 3-wire #12 extension cord. 8. Make sure the sprayer is earthed. All sprayers are equipped with a earthing lug. An earthing cable (not supplied) should be used to connect the sprayer to a true earth ground. Check your local electrical regulations for detailed earthing instructions. 2. Attach a minimum of 15m of nylon airless spray hose to the sprayer. Do not use Teflon tape or thread sealant on the spray hose connection. 3. Attach an airless spray gun to the spray hose. Do not attach the tip to the spray gun yet. Remove the tip if it is already attached. a. i To use two guns, remove the plug from the second gun outlet on the filter assembly. Connect a hose and gun to the outlet. For multiple gun operation, connect a multiple gun manifold to the single gun outlet. Connect a hose and gun to each outlet. Make sure the second gun outlet remains plugged. See “Technical Data”, Section 3.5 to determine number of guns and maximum spray tip sizes. Proper earthing is important. This applies to both gas and electric powered models. The passage of some materials through the nylon fluid hose will build up a static electric charge, which if discharged, could ignite solvent vapors present and create an explosion. 9. Strain all paints with a nylon strainer to ensure trouble free operation and freedom from frequent cleaning of the inlet screen and gun filter. 10. Make sure the spray area is well ventilated to prevent hazardous operation with volatile solvents or exhaust fumes. If lacquer or other flammable materials are to be sprayed, ALWAYS locate the sprayer outside the immediate spraying area. Failure to do so may cause an explosion. 'JMMUIFPJMDVQGVMMXJUI1JTUPO-VCF1/ 5IJT extends packing life. PowrTwin Plus -PDBUFUIFTQSBZFSPVUTJEFUIFJNNFEJBUFTQSBZJOHBSFBUP avoid clogged air intake of the engine or electric motor with overspray. 9 GB Operation 4.2 9. Preparing a New Sprayer If this unit is new, it is shipped with test fluid in the fluid section to prevent corrosion during shipment and storage. This fluid must be thoroughly cleaned out of the system with mineral spirits before you begin spraying. Always keep the trigger lock on the spray gun in the locked position while preparing the system. Attention 1. 2. 3. Place the siphon tube into a container of mineral spirits. Place the bleed hose into a metal waste container. Turn the pressure control knob fully counterclockwise to its lowest pressure setting (fig 7, 1). 4. Open the hydraulic shut-off valve (2) located on the hydraulic pressure hose. The handle should be in line with the hose. 5. Open the bleed valve (3) by turning it fully counterclockwise. Turn off the sprayer. a. To turn off the gas engine, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFSUPUIFTMPXQPTJUJPOBOE r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO b. To turn off the electric motor, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO 4.3 Preparing to Paint Before painting, it is important to make sure that the fluid in the system is compatible with the paint that is going to be used. Incompatible fluids and paint may cause the valves to become stuck closed, which would require disassembly and cleaning of the sprayer’s fluid section. i 3 1 Always keep the trigger lock on the spray gun in the locked position while preparing the system. Attention 1. Place the siphon tube into a container of the appropriate solvent for the material being sprayed. 2 i 6. 2. 3. Place the bleed hose into a metal waste container. Turn the pressure control knob fully counterclockwise to its lowest pressure setting (fig 7, 1). 4. Open the hydraulic shut-off valve (2) located on the hydraulic pressure hose. The handle should be in line with the hose. 5. Open the bleed valve (3) by turning it fully counterclockwise. 6. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. a. r r r To start the gas engine (fig. 8), NPWFUIFGVFMWBMWFMFWFS UPUIFPQFOQPTJUJPO NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFS UPJUTNJEEMFQPJOU NPWFUIFDIPLFMFWFS UPUIFDMPTFEQPTJUJPOGPSBDPME engine or to the open position for a warm engine, r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDI UPUIF0/QPTJUJPOBOE r QVMMUIFTUBSUFSSPQF CSJTLMZVOUJMUIFFOHJOFTUBSUT C 5PTUBSUUIFFMFDUSJDNPUPSNPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0/ position. a. r r r To start the gas engine (fig. 8), NPWFUIFGVFMWBMWFMFWFS UPUIFPQFOQPTJUJPO NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFS UPJUTNJEEMFQPJOU NPWFUIFDIPLFMFWFS UPUIFDMPTFEQPTJUJPOGPSBDPME engine or to the open position for a warm engine, r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDI UPUIF0/QPTJUJPOBOE r QVMMUIFTUBSUFSSPQF CSJTLMZVOUJMUIFFOHJOFTUBSUT C 5PTUBSUUIFFMFDUSJDNPUPSNPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0/ position. 3 4 If you are spraying a water-based latex, flush with warm, clean water. If you are using any other material, check with the material manufacturer for a compatible solvent. 1 7. 2 Turn the pressure control knob (1) clockwise approximately 1/3 of the way down to increase pressure until the sprayer cycles evenly and solvent flows freely from the bleed hose. 8. Allow the sprayer to run for 15–30 seconds to flush the test fluid out through the bleed hose and into the waste container. 9. Turn off the sprayer. 5 7. Turn the pressure control knob (fig. 7, 1) clockwise approximately 1/3 of the way down to increase pressure until the sprayer cycles evenly and solvent flows freely from the bleed hose. 8. Allow the sprayer to run for 15–30 seconds to flush the test fluid out through the bleed hose and into the waste container. 10 a. To turn off the gas engine, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFSUPUIFTMPXQPTJUJPOBOE r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO b. To turn off the electric motor, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO PowrTwin Plus GB i Operation 6. Make sure that the spray gun does not have a tip or tip guard installed. a. r r r To start the gas engine (fig. 8), NPWFUIFGVFMWBMWFMFWFS UPUIFPQFOQPTJUJPO NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFS UPJUTNJEEMFQPJOU NPWFUIFDIPLFMFWFS UPUIFDMPTFEQPTJUJPOGPSBDPME engine or to the open position for a warm engine, r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDI UPUIF0/QPTJUJPOBOE r QVMMUIFTUBSUFSSPQF CSJTLMZVOUJMUIFFOHJOFTUBSUT C 5PTUBSUUIFFMFDUSJDNPUPSNPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0/ position. 10. 11. 12. Close the bleed valve by turning it fully clockwise. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise approximately 1/3 of the way down to increase pressure. 6OMPDLUIFHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIF unlocked position. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. 7. Turn the pressure control knob (1) clockwise approximately 1/3 of the way down to increase pressure until the sprayer cycles evenly and solvent flows freely from the bleed hose. 8. Turn off the sprayer. Earth the gun by holding it against the edge of the metal container while flushing. Failure to do so may lead to a static electric discharge, which may cause a fire. a. To turn off the gas engine, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFSUPUIFTMPXQPTJUJPOBOE r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO b. To turn off the electric motor, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO 9. 14. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until the old solvent is gone and fresh solvent is coming out of the gun. -PDLUIFHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIFMPDLFE position (fig 10). 10. 11. 12. Remove the bleed hose from the waste container and place it into the container of paint. Close the bleed valve by turning it fully clockwise. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise approximately 1/3 of the way down to increase pressure. 6OMPDLUIFHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIF unlocked position. Earth the gun by holding it against the edge of the metal container while flushing. Failure to do so may lead to a static electric discharge, which may cause a fire. 14. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until all air and solvent is flushed from the spray hose and paint is flowing freely from the gun. -PDLUIFHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIFMPDLFE position (fig 10). 16. Turn off the sprayer. 17. Attach tip guard and tip to the gun as instructed by the tip guard or tip manuals. 16. Set down the gun and increase the pressure by turning the pressure control knob slowly clockwise to its highest setting. 17. Check the entire system for leaks. If leaks occur, turn the sprayer off and follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” in this manual before tightening any fittings or hoses. 18. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” (section 4.5) in this manual before changing from solvent to paint. POSSIBLE INJECTION HAZARD. Do not spray without the tip guard in place. Never trigger the gun unless the tip is in either the spray or the unclog position. Always engage the gun trigger lock before removing, replacing or cleaning tip. Be sure to follow the Pressure Relief Procedure when shutting the unit down for any purpose, including servicing or adjusting any part of the spray system, changing or cleaning spray tips, or preparing for cleanup. 4.4 18. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. 19. Increase the pressure by turning the pressure control knob slowly clockwise and test the spray pattern on a piece of cardboard. Adjust the pressure control knob until the spray from the gun is completely atomized. Painting 1. 2. 3. Place the siphon hose into a container of paint. Place the bleed hose into a metal waste container. Turn the pressure control knob fully counterclockwise to its lowest pressure setting (fig 7, 1). 4. Open the hydraulic shut-off valve (2) located on the hydraulic pressure hose. The handle should be in line with the hose. 5. Open the bleed valve (3) by turning it fully counterclockwise. PowrTwin Plus i 11 Turning the pressure up higher than needed to atomize the paint will cause premature tip wear and additional overspray. GB Operation 4.5 Cleanup 5. Pressure Relief Procedure The sprayer, hose, and gun should be cleaned thoroughly after daily use. Failure to do so permits material to build up, seriously affecting the Attention performance of the unit. Be sure to follow the Pressure Relief Procedure when shutting the unit down for any purpose, including servicing or adjusting any part of the spray system, changing or cleaning spray nozzles, or preparing for cleanup. -PDLUIFTQSBZHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIF locked position. 2. Turn off the sprayer. 3. 5. 6. Always spray at minimum pressure with the gun nozzle tip removed when using mineral spirits or any other solvent to clean the sprayer, hose, or gun. Static electricity buildup may result in a fire or explosion in the presence of flammable vapors. a. To turn off the gas engine, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIFUISPUUMFMFWFSUPUIFTMPXQPTJUJPOBOE r UVSOUIFFOHJOFTXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO b. To turn off the electric motor, r TFUUIFQSFTTVSFUPNJOJNVNCZUVSOJOHUIFQSFTTVSFDPOUSPM knob fully counterclockwise, r NPWFUIF0/0''TXJUDIUPUIF0''QPTJUJPO Cleanup 8. 9. 5.1 r "MXBZTóVTITQSBZHVOQSFGFSBCMZPVUTJEFBOEBUMFBTUPOFIPTF length from spray pump. r *GDPMMFDUJOHóVTIFETPMWFOUTJOBPOFHBMMPONFUBMDPOUBJOFS place it into an empty five gallon container, then flush solvents. r "SFBNVTUCFGSFFPGóBNNBCMFWBQPST r 'PMMPXBMMDMFBOVQJOTUSVDUJPOT Close the hydraulic shut-off valve on the hydraulic pressure hose. 6OMPDLUIFHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIF unlocked position. Hold the metal part of the gun firmly to the side of a metal waste container to earth the gun and avoid a build up of static electricity. Trigger the gun to remove any pressure that may still be in the hose. -PDLUIFHVOCZUVSOJOHUIFHVOUSJHHFSMPDLUPUIFMPDLFE position. Place the bleed hose into the metal waste container. Open the bleed valve by turning it fully counterclockwise. Special cleanup instructions for use with flammable solvents 5.2 Cleaning the sprayer 1. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation section of this manual, section 4.5. 2. Remove the gun tip and tip guard and clean with a brush using the appropriate solvent. 3. Place the siphon tube into a container of the appropriate solvent. Use only compatible solvents when cleaning out oil based enamels, lacquers, coal tar, and epoxies. Check with the fluid manufacturer for the Attention recommended solvent. 4. 5. Place the bleed hose into a metal waste container. Set the pressure to minimum by turning the pressure control knob (1) fully counterclockwise. 6. Open the hydraulic shut-off valve located on the hydraulic pressure hose (2). The handle should be in line with the hose. 7. Open the bleed valve (3) by rotating the bleed valve handle fully counterclockwise. 3 1 2 8. 9. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. Allow the solvent to circulate through the sprayer and flush the paint out of the bleed hose into the metal waste container. 10. Turn off the sprayer. 11. Close the bleed valve by rotating the bleed valve handle fully clockwise. 12 PowrTwin Plus GB Cleanup 12. Start the engine or turn on the electric motor. Maintenance 6. Maintenance Earth the gun by holding it against the edge of the metal container while flushing. Failure to do so may lead to a static electric discharge, which may cause a fire. Before proceeding, follow the Pressure Relief Procedure outlined previously in this manual. Additionally, follow all other warnings to reduce the risk of an injection injury, injury from moving parts or electric shock. Always unplug the sprayer before servicing! 13. Trigger the gun into the metal waste container until the paint is flushed out of the hose and solvent is coming out of the gun. 14. Continue to trigger the spray gun into the waste container until the solvent coming out of the gun is clean. i 6.1 Daily Maintenance Two daily procedures are required for routine operator maintenance on this sprayer: " -VCSJDBUJOHUIFVQQFSQBDLJOHT B. Cleaning the filter screen For long-term or cold weather storage, pump mineral sprits through the entire system. 15. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation section of this manual. 16. Store the sprayer in a clean, dry area. A) Lubricating the Upper Packings 1. Do not store the sprayer under pressure. Attention 5.3 Clean out the paint that has seeped past the upper packings into the packing oil reservoir (fig. 13, item 1) above the fluid section. 'JMMUIFQBDLJOHPJMSFTFSWPJSGVMMXJUI1JTUPO-VCF1/ 480) supplied by the factory. This will extend packing life. Cleaning a Clogged Tip 1. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” in the Operation section of this manual. *GUIFUJQDMPHTSPUBUFUIFUJQIBOEMFVOUJMUIFBSSPXPO the handle is facing the opposite of the spray direction and the handle clicks in the reverse position. 3. 1 i Trigger the gun once so that the pressure can blow the clog PVU/&7&3VTFUIFUJQJOUIFSFWFSTFQPTJUJPOGPSNPSFUIBO 0/&USJHHFSQVMMBUBUJNF5IJTQSPDFEVSFDBOCFSFQFBUFE until the tip is free of clogging. Do not over-fill the reservoir so that it overflows and drips into the paint. B) Cleaning the Filter Screen 1. The flow from the spray tip is at very high pressure. Contact with any body part may be dangerous. Do not place finger on gun outlet. Do not point the gun at any person. Never operate the spray gun without the proper tip guard. The filter screen will clog and must be cleaned at least once a day. -PPTFOUIFIFYOVUñHJUFN UIBUTFDVSFTUIFñMUFS screen to the siphon tube. 3. Remove the filter screen (2) from the bottom of the siphon tube. 4. Clean thoroughly with the appropriate solvent. 1 2 PowrTwin Plus 13 GB Maintenance 6.2 Reassembly (Fig. 15) Maintaining the Filter Assembly After cleaning and inspecting all parts, reassemble the filter. 1. Place the carbide seat (6) into the filter body (4). Make sure the beveled side of the seat is facing up. 2. Place the Teflon o-ring (5) into the groove on the outer diameter of the carbide seat (6). 3. Place the filter element with ball (3) into the filter body (4). Clean the filter regularly. Dirty or clogged filters can greatly reduce filtering ability and cause a number of system problems including poor spray patterns, clogged spray tips, etc. Cleaning (Fig. 15) To clean the filter, perform the following procedure. 1. Follow the “Pressure Relief Procedure” found in the Operation section of this manual. 2. Remove the filter cap assembly (1) and spring (2). 3. Pull the filter element with ball straight (3) out of the filter body (4). 4. Clean inside the filter body, filter element with ball, and filter cap assembly using the appropriate solvent. i 4. Push the spring (2) back onto the spring guide of the filter cap (1) until it “snaps” back into position, if not already done. 5. Place the thin Teflon gasket (8) onto the step at the top of the filter body (4). 6. Place the thick Teflon gasket (7) onto the top of the thin gasket (8). 7. Tighten the filter cap assembly (1) onto the filter body (4). Use care in handling parts as dirt, debris, scratches, or nicks may prevent o-rings or gaskets from sealing. This filter element filters from the inside out. Be sure to clean the filter element thoroughly on the inside. Soak in solvent to loosen hardened paint or replace. i The top and bottom of the filter element with ball are identical. 1 2 3 7 8 5 6 4 Inspection (Fig. 15) Inspect all parts of the filter assembly before reassembly. 1. Inspect the ball inside the filter element. If the ball has pressure cuts or scratches, replace the filter element. a. b. i 2. If the ball is cut, remove the Teflon o-ring (5) using an o-ring pick and remove the carbide seat (6). Check the seat for nicks or grooves. If the seat is damaged, replace. Removal of the Teflon o-ring will damage the o-ring and require replacement. Remove the spring (2) from the spring guide on the filter cap. a. b. 3. i Measure the length of the spring uncompressed. If it measures less than 3/4” from end to end, replace. Push the spring back onto the spring guide until it “snaps” back into position. Inspect the two Teflon gaskets (7,8) and the Teflon o-ring (5) for deformity, nicks, or cuts. Replace, if needed. The Teflon gaskets, Teflon o-ring, and spring are packaged in Filter Service Kit P/N 930-050. 14 PowrTwin Plus GB 6.3 Maintenance 6.5 Maintaining the Hydraulic System Use of Titan’s Coolflo™ Hydraulic Fluid is mandatory in the PowrTwin Plus hydraulic system. Do not use any other hydraulic fluid. Use of any other hydraulic Attention fluid may seriously damage the hydraulic system and will void the warranty. 1. Check the hydraulic fluid daily. It should be at the “Full” mark (fig. 16, item 1) on the dipstick (2). If it is low, add only 5JUBO$PPMóP)ZESBVMJD'MVJE1/ /FWFSBEE or change hydraulic fluid except in a clean, dust-free area. Contamination of the hydraulic fluid will shorten hydraulic pump life and may void warranty. Basic Engine Maintenance (gas engine) r 'PSEFUBJMFEFOHJOFNBJOUFOBODFBOEUFDIOJDBMTQFDJñDBUJPOT refer to the separate gasoline engine manual. r "MMTFSWJDFUPUIFFOHJOFTIPVMECFQFSGPSNFECZBEFBMFS authorized by the engine manufacturer. r 6TFBQSFNJVNRVBMJUZNPUPSPJM8JTSFDPNNFOEFEGPS general all temperature use. Other viscosities may be required in other climates. r 6TFPOMZB/(, #3)415 PS/(, #1&4#13& spark plug (PT6900/PT8900/PT12000). Gap the plug to 0.028 to 0.031 In. (0.7 to 0.8 mm) Always use a spark plug wrench. Daily 1. 2. 2 Check engine oil level, and fill as necessary. Check gasoline level, and fill as necessary. Always follow the fueling procedure outlined earlier in this manual. First 20 Hours 1 1. 3 Change engine oil. Every 100 Hours 1. 2. 3. 4. Change engine oil. Clean the sediment cup. Clean and re-gap the spark plug. Clean the spark arrestor. Weekly 1. 2. i Change the hydraulic fluid every twelve months. Drain the old fluid from the tank and fill with 6.25 quarts of hydraulic fluid. Start the sprayer at just enough pressure to operate the fluid section. Run the sprayer at this low pressure for at least 5 minutes. This removes air from the system. Check the fluid level after this procedure. Do not over-fill. Engine Operation and Service 1. When replacing the hydraulic filter (3) during a fluid change, it may be necessary to add up to one additional quart of hydraulic fluid. 3. The hydraulic system has an external, replaceable hydraulic filter. Change the filter every twelve months. 4. The hydraulic pump should not be serviced in the field. If service on the hydraulic pump is required, it must be returned to Titan. 6.4 Maintaining the Fluid Section If the sprayer is going to be out of service for an extended period of time, it is recommended that following cleanup, a kerosene and oil mixture be introduced as a preservative. Packings may tend to dry out from lack of use. This is particularly true of the upper packing TFUGPSXIJDIVQQFSQBDLJOHMVCSJDBOU1JTUPO-VCF1/ JT recommended in normal usage. If the sprayer has been out of service for an extended period of time, it may be necessary to prime the pump with solvent. It is extremely important that the threads on the siphon hose coupling are properly sealed. Any air leakage will produce erratic operation of the sprayer and may damage the system. The up and the down strokes should be approximately equal in time (one should not be faster than the other). A fast up or down stroke may indicate air in the system or malfunctioning valve or seats (see the Troubleshooting section). PowrTwin Plus Remove the air filter cover and clean the element. In very dusty environments, check the filter daily. Replace the element as needed. Replacement elements can be purchased from your local engine manufacturer dealer. 15 Clean and oil air filter pad on gasoline engine every 25 hours or once weekly. Do not permit the air intake screen around the fly wheel of the gas engine to load up with paint or USBTI$MFBOJUSFHVMBSMZ5IFTFSWJDFMJGFBOEFîDJFODZPG the gas engine model depends upon keeping the gasoline engine running properly. Change the oil in the engine every 100 hours. Failure to observe this may result in engine PWFSIFBUJOH$POTVMUUIFFOHJOFNBOVGBDUVSFSTTFSWJDF manual provided. 5PDPOTFSWFGVFMTFSWJDFMJGFBOEFîDJFODZPGUIFTQSBZFS always operate the gasoline engine at the lowest RPM at which it runs smoothly without laboring and delivers the amount required for the particular painting operation. Higher RPM does not produce higher working pressure. The gasoline engine is connected to the hydraulic pump by a pulley combination designed to produce full paint delivery at maximum RPM. 3. The warranty on gasoline engines or electric motors is limited to the original manufacturer. GB Maintenance 6.6 Replacing the Motor Brushes (optional 120V electric motor) 6 The 120V electric Convertokit is available for separate purchase. 1FSGPSNUIJTQSPDFEVSFVTJOH.PUPS#SVTI,JU1/5IFLJU consists of two brushes, two springs, and two clips. i 1. 8 Brushes should be replaced when they are worn to less than 1/2 inch. Check and replace both brushes at the same time. 7 Remove both inspection covers (1) on the motor. 9 2 7. If electric motor overloads and stops running, IMMEDIATELY turn the motor off and follow the Pressure Relief Procedure in the Cleanup section of this manual. Wait until the motor cools (approximately 30 minutes). Then push in the bubble top, manual reset button, turn the motor on and pressurize the system. 1 2. Push in the spring clip (2) to unhook it, then pull it out. -PPTFOUIFUFSNJOBMTDSFX 1VMMUIFCSVTIMFBE BXBZ but leave the motor lead in place. Remove the brush and spring. 3 Reinstall both inspection covers. 4 2 4. Inspect the commutator (5) for burning, excessive pitting or gouging. A black color on the commutator is normal. 5 5. Install the new brush (6) so its lead slides in the long slot of the brush holder (7). Push the terminal under the terminal screw washer (8). Ensure the motor lead is still connected at the screw. Tighten the screw. 6. Place the spring (9) on the brush (6) as shown above. Push in and hook the spring clip (2). Repeat this procedure for the other side. 16 PowrTwin Plus GB 6.7 Replacing the Belt (Fig. 21) 3. Before replacing the belt on your unit, make sure you have performed the “Pressure Relief Procedure” as illustrated in the Operation section of this manual. DO NOT attempt this repair while the unit is running. i Maintenance 4. B *OTFSUUIFCFMUJOUPUIFñYFETFDUJPOPGUIFCFMUHVBSE -PPQ the belt over the rear pulley (5) until the belt engages the pulley groove. b. Gently lift the front end of the gas engine / electric motor. c. With the front end of the gas engine / electric motor lifted, loop the other end of the belt around the front pulley (4). d. Gently set the the gas engine / electric motor down. The weight of the gas engine / electric motor will create tension in the belt and prevent it from coming off. The graphics below show a unit with a gas engine. All instructions given in this section will apply to both gas engine models and electric motor models except where noted. -PPTFOUIFCPMU POUIFGSPOUPGUIFCFMUHVBSE-JGUPQFO the front end of the belt guard (2) so that the front end of the belt (3) is exposed. 2. Gently lift the front end of the gas engine / electric motor. This will loosen the tension on the belt and make it easier to remove. While the gas engine / electric motor is lifted up, remove the belt from the front (4) and rear (5) pulleys. Install the new belt: Attention e. Make sure the belt is not pinched or twisted in any way once you have set the gas engine / electric motor back into place. Close the belt guard (2) and tighten the belt guard bolt (1). PINCH HAZARD. Make sure your fingers remain clear of the gas engine / electric motor mounting plate. BURN HAZARD. Make sure the gas engine has had time to sufficiently cool before touching it. 1 2 5 6 3 4 PowrTwin Plus 17 GB Maintenance 6.8 Servicing the Hydraulic Motor (Fig. 22) i 1 2 3 21 4 22 Perform this procedure using the necessary parts from Motor Service ,JU.JOPS1/ *GUIFIZESBVMJDNPUPSJTPQFSBCMFTUBSU the machine and jog the piston rod (19) into its top position. i 5 6 7 8 Refer to the ”SAE O-Ring Fitting Installation” procedure at the end of this section for installation instructions for item 22. 23 Servicing of the hydraulic motor should be carried out in a clean, dust free area only. Any dust or metallic particles left in the motor or entering it on reassembly may damage the critical parts and affect its service life and warranty. All parts should be inspected for absolute cleanliness. Disassembling the Hydraulic Motor 1. 9 24 20 2. 25 10 3. (A) 21 4. 11 26 12 6. 13 14 15 16 17 7. (B) 28 29 i 9 18 30 8. Disconnect the pressure hose assembly (B) from the elbow (34 and 35 in Hydraulic System parts list) on the back of the hydraulic pump. Remove the two mounting screws and two lock washers (17 and 16, in Cart Assembly parts list) that attach the motor/ pump assembly to the cart. Place the motor/pump assembly in a vise, holding it securely by the motor/pump block (31). Remove cylinder head plug (1). -PPTFOMPDLSJOH XJUIBTQBOOFSXSFODIBOEVOUISFBE UVCFSFUBJOJOHOVUPOUFF -PPTFOUVCFSFUBJOJOHOVUPO elbow (22). Slide the nut down. Push motor tube (23) into tee (24) far enough to clear elbow (22). Slowly unthread cylinder head (8) and Iift it just high enough above the cylinder (29) to reach the valve rod assembly (18) with vise grip pliers. The piston rod (19) should be near the top of its stroke for disassembly. It may be necessary to use a wood or nylon driver to push the piston rod up to its top position. Grip the valve rod securely with vise grip pliers and then SFNPWFUIF'MFY-PDOVU GSPNUIFUPQPGUIFWBMWFSPE assembly (18). Be careful that spool (10) does not fall. The DZMJOEFSIFBE DBOOPXCFMJGUFEPí6OUISFBEUIFDZMJOEFS (29) from the motor/pump block (31). An extra lock ring (28) can be used to jam the two lock rings together on the cylinder and a pipe wrench can be used to unthread the cylinder (29) from the motor/pump block. To remove the connecting pin (Fig. 23, 1), slide the retaining ring (2) down with a small screwdriver, and then push the connecting pin out. 31 1 19 2 9. Remove the piston rod assembly from the motor/pump block (31). 10. Remove rod seal (30), being extremely careful not to scratch the seal groove in the motor/pump block (31). 11. Place the piston retainer screw (14) on the piston rod assembly in a vise. Slide a long bar through the hole at the base of the piston rod for leverage, and unthread the piston rod from the piston retainer screw. 12. Remove piston (19) and lift out valve rod assembly (18). 18 PowrTwin Plus GB 13. 14. Remove piston seal (16) and o-ring (17). Remove trip retainers (4), trip springs (6), and balls (7) from cylinder head (8). Remove o-rings (5) from trip retainers. 15. Remove retaining ring (13) and sleeve retainer (12). Gently tap spool/sleeve set (10) out of cylinder head (8) using a wood or nylon rod. 16. Inspect piston rod (19) and cylinder (29) for wear, scratches, and dents. Replace if damaged. 17. Inspect spool valve (10) for wear. Replace if necessary. spool valve should move smoothly and freely with no force by holding in a vertical position. If it does not, it can cause the motor to stall. rod pass through the top of the spool/sleeve set (10). The valve rod threads must be clean and free of oil. Place one drop PGCMVF-PDUJUFPOUISFBETPGóFYMPDLOVU BOEUISFBEOVU onto valve rod to full tight position (do not over-tighten) while holding valve rod below with vise grip pliers. 13. Thread cylinder head (8) down onto the cylinder (29) and then back off just enough to reassemble hydraulic fittings and motor tube (23). Tighten lock ring with spanner wrench to hold cylinder head in position. 14. The tee assembly (24) and the elbow (22) use an o-ring (25) to seal on the outer diameter (O.D.) of the motor tube (23). The O.D. of the motor tube should be free of scratches or sharp edges. The lock nuts on these fittings first should be hand tightened, then wrench tightened another half turn. 15. Install o-ring (2) onto cylinder head plug (1). Tighten. Reassembling the Hydraulic Motor 1. Separate spool/sleeve set (10). Place o-rings (11) onto sleeve. -VCSJDBUFPSJOHTXJUIIZESBVMJDPJM(FOUMZQVTIUIFTMFFWF into cylinder head (8) with the flatter side of the sleeve facing PVU6TFBOZMPOSPEUPUBQTMFFWFEPXOVOUJMJUSFBDIFTJUTGVMM depth. Do not use any other type of tool that might damage or leave particles or residue on the sleeve. Install the spool through the top of the cylinder head, down into the sleeve. Attention 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. i Maintenance Hydraulic Motor Cut-Away Do not use Piston Lube pump packing lubricant. It is a solvent and will severely damage seals and O-Rings of the hydraulic motor. ) $ & !*'( '$ Install o-rings (5) on trip retainers (4). Install trip retainer balls (7) followed by springs (6) which, when installed, will hold spool/sleeve set (10) in proper place for assembly. Install sleeve retainer (12) followed by retainer ring (13) into cylinder head (8), which will hold valve sleeve in place. Install o-ring (9) in the o-ring groove of the cylinder head. Replace rod seal (30) in motor/pump block (31). Be sure the open portion of the seal is facing upward (V). This seal requires no special tool. Place piston rod (19) in vise. Inspect valve rod assembly (18) for any damage. Make sure the lock nut at the bottom of the WBMWFSPEBTTFNCMZJTTFDVSF%0/05SFNPWF5IFOQMBDFJOUP piston rod as illustrated. Install o-ring (17), lubricating it well and replacing piston (15) onto piston rod (19). Put one drop of CMVF-PDUJUFPOUIFQJTUPOSFUBJOFSTDSFX 5JHIUFOQJTUPO retainer screw until piston is locked into place. Check valve rod assembly for normal spring action at this time. Install piston seal (16) with lips facing downward. Carefully JOTUBMMPSJOH &YQBOEUIFSJOHBOETUSFUDIJUTVîDJFOUMZGPS installation. With motor/pump block (31) still in vise, install rod seal (30) by pushing it towards its groove with a properly sized blunt SPE5IFODPNQMFUFJOTUBMMBUJPOXJUIUIFñOHFST/PUPPMJT necessary. Do not twist the seal. Pre-lubricate the piston and valve rod assembly with Coolflo™ IZESBVMJDóVJE1/ *OTUBMMQJTUPOSPE JOUP motor/pump block (31) with a gently pushing and rotating motion to work the piston rod in through the rod seal (30). ) $ & % ' "$) &$%+ (,%$ $$ Inspect the bottom of piston rod (19) for nicks or sharp areas that could damage the piston seal during installation through the motor/pump block (31). "$) &$) 9. Replace the connecting rod pin and retainer ring. *OTUBMMPSJOH PODZMJOEFSXBMM-VCSJDBUFSJOHBOEJOOFSXBMM With the piston rod held firmly, the cylinder should be gently driven over the piston seal with a rubber mallet. Tightly thread the cylinder into motor/pump block (31). 11. Raise piston rod (19) to top position and thread lock ring (28) all the way up on upper threads of cylinder (29). 12. Pull valve rod assembly (18) up as far as it will travel and grasp it with vise grip pliers. Then install cylinder head (8), already assembled, over valve rod until the top threads of the valve PowrTwin Plus ($%)' & !*'( '$ 19 #$*%$, &$,$% )$,% !%$ GB Maintenance 6.9 Servicing the Fluid Section PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus / PT8900 Plus / PT12000 Plus 1 2 1 2 6 6 14 14 7 7 3 3 8 9 4 8 15 4 3 21 4 10 11 12 13 16 4 17 5 16 5 15 3 17 18 19 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 20 Disassembling the Fluid Section Use of non-Titan service parts may void warranty. Ask for original parts made by Titan for best services. This pump should receive a routine servicing after Attention approximately 1,000 hours of use. Earlier servicing is required if there is excessive leakage from the top packing or if pump strokes become faster on one stroke or the other. The use of Titan Piston Lube (P/N 314-480) is recommended as an upper packing lubricant. Do not substitute oil, water, or solvent for an upper packing lubricant. i Numbers in parentheses refer to the item numbers in the fluid section illustrations. If there are two numbers, the first number represents the item number for the PT4900 Plus and the second number represents the item number for the PT6900 Plus / PT8900 Plus / PT12000 Plus. 20 3FNPWFUIFTJQIPOIPTFBTTFNCMZ6OUISFBEUIFGPPUWBMWF housing (20,21) and the pump cylinder (14) with a strap wrench. 2. Slide the retainer ring (1) up with a small screwdriver, then push the connecting pin (2) out. 3. Pull the displacement rod (6) through the lower cavity of the motor/pump block. 4. Remove the Teflon o-ring (3), upper packing spring (5), and upper packing set (4) from the motor/pump block. 5. Hold the displacement rod (6) in a vise by the flats at the top of the displacement rod and remove the outlet valve housing (13) with a wrench while holding the displacement rod horizontal with wooden support, if necessary. Remove the seal washer (12), outlet valve seat (11), outlet valve ball (10), outlet valve cage (9, PT6900/PT8900/PT12000) lower packing set (4), lower packing spring (9,8), sleeve (8, PT4900 only), and spring retainer (7). 6TJOHBuFYUFOTJPOCBSBUUBDIFEUPBuESJWFSBUDIFU insert the end of the extension bar into the square opening of the foot valve cage (16,17) inside the foot valve housing 6OTDSFXBOESFNPWFUIFGPPUWBMWFDBHFBMPOHXJUI the wave washer (21,16) from the foot valve housing. 7. Remove the Teflon o-ring (3), foot valve ball (17,18), foot valve seat (18,19), and seat o-ring (19,20) from the foot valve housing (20,21). 8. Remove the o-ring (15) from the pump cylinder (14) PowrTwin Plus GB Reassembling the Fluid Section i 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. i 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. i 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. i Use Teflon tape on all threaded pipe connections. Place a new seat o-ring (19,20) into the groove in the bottom of the foot valve housing (20,21). Inspect the foot valve seat (18,19) for wear. If one side is worn, flip the seat to the unused side. If both sides are worn, install a new seat. Place the new or flipped seat (worn side down) into the bore at the bottom of the foot valve housing (20,21). Place a new foot valve ball (17,18) onto the foot valve seat 6TJOHBuFYUFOTJPOCBSBUUBDIFEUPBuESJWF ratchet, insert the end of the extension bar into the square opening of the foot valve cage (16,17) and screw the foot valve cage into the foot valve housing (20,21). Torque the cage to 240 in./lbs. (20 ft./lbs.). Place the wave washer (21, 16) on top of the foot valve cage (16,17). Insert a new Teflon o-ring (3) into the groove of the foot valve IPVTJOH -VCSJDBUFUIFPSJOHVTJOHPJMPSHSFBTF After soaking the leather packings in oil (preferably linseed oil), reassemble the lower packing set (4). Place the set onto the outlet valve housing (13) with the peak of the “V” packings pointing down toward the hex on the outlet valve housing. It is not necessary to over-tighten the foot valve housing. O-ring seals perform sealing function without excessive tightening. Full thread engagement is sufficient. The foot valve housing may be rotated backward up to 1/2 turn from full engagement for convenient hose position. For siphon hose attachment, it is critically important that the threads of the siphon hose fit snugly into the foot valve housing with the hose assembly couplings Teflon taped and sealed to prevent air leakage. Fluid Section Cut-Away Oil cup area for piston lube packing lubricant. All leather packings must be soaked in CoolFlo hydraulic oil for 15–20 minutes before installation. Soaking the packings too long will cause the packings to swell and create difficulty during reassembly. Peaks of upper packings must face up. Inspect the outlet valve seat (11) for wear. If one side is worn, flip the seat to the unused side. If both sides are worn, use a new seat. Insert the outlet valve cage (9, PT6900/PT8900/ PT12000) outlet valve ball (10), new or flipped seat (worn side away from ball), and a new seal washer (12) into the displacement rod (6). Clean the threads on the outlet valve housing (13) and coat UIFUISFBETXJUICMVF-PDUJUF.BLFTVSFUIF-PDUJUFJT only on the threads. Place the lower packing spring (9,8) onto the outlet valve housing (13) followed by the sleeve (8, PT4900 only) and spring retainer (7). Screw the displacement rod (6) and the outlet valve housing (13) together. Tighten in a vise to 900 in./lbs. (75 ft./lbs.). Insert the Teflon o-ring (3) into the upper grove of the motor/ pump block. Insert the upper packing set (4) into the motor/pump block with the peak of the “V” packings pointing up toward the motor. Peaks of lower packings must face down. Torque outlet valve housing to 50 ft./lbs. (68 Nm). Use blue Loctite. The packings must be soaked in CoolFlo hydraulic oil before installation. Place the upper packing spring (5) into the motor/pump block with the small tapered end facing up toward the motor/pump block. Insert the displacement rod (6) up through the upper packings in the motor/pump block. Align the holes in the displacement rod (6) and the hydraulic piston rod and insert the connecting pin (2). Replace the retaining ring (1) over the connecting pin. Thread the short threads of the pump cylinder (14) into the motor/pump block and tighten with a strap wrench. Place the o-ring (15) onto the top grove of the pump cylinder (14). Thread the foot valve housing (20,21) onto the pump cylinder (14), tighten with a strap wrench and then back off to align the siphon hose. PowrTwin Plus Maintenance 21 Lubricate O-ring. GB Maintenance 6.10 SAE O-Ring Fitting Installation 1. Pull washer and o-ring back as far as possible. -VCSJDBUFPSJOH BOEFOUSBODFQPSU 1 2 3. Screw fitting in until washer pushes o-ring into entrance and TJUTóBUBHBJOTUQPSU%POPUUJHIUFOPOMZEPUIJTTUFQIBOE UJHIUUPDPNQSFTTPSJOHJOUPQPSU 4. Back fitting out no more than one complete turn to align as required. 5. Torque nut wrench tight holding backup on fitting (3). This should expose a recess gap (4) behind the nut which can act as an indicator that the fitting is assembled correctly. (This is a feature for a specific version of this fitting only - which screws into the cylinder head. Other fittings, as the ones which attach to the hydraulic pump, assemble the same but may not have the indicator.) 3 4 Avoid screwing in the fitting too far. This can cause the washer to bend, which will cause the O-ring to extrude. Attention Avoid leaving the fitting out too far. This can lead to the O-ring being cut on the threads of the fitting. 22 PowrTwin Plus GB 7. Troubleshooting 7.1 Airless Gun Cause Problem A. Gun will not shut off C. Gun does not spray 7.2 Air in system Dirty gun /FFEMFBTTFNCMZPVUPGBEKVTUNFOU Broken or chipped seat 1. 2. 3. 4. Inspect connections for air leaks. Disassemble and clean. Inspect and adjust. Inspect and replace. 1. Worn or broken needle & seat /FFEMFBTTFNCMZPVUPGBEKVTUNFOU 3. Dirty gun 1. 2. 3. Replace. Adjust. Clean. /PQBJOU 2. Plugged filter or tip 3. Broken needle in gun 1. 2. 3. Check fluid supply. Clean. Replace. Fluid Section Problem A. Cause Pump delivers on upstroke only or goes up slowly and down fast (commonly called downstroke dive) B. Pump delivers on down stroke only or goes up fast and down slowly C. Pump moves up and down fast, delivering material Pump moves up and down slowly when spray gun is shut off & /PUFOPVHIóVJEQSFTTVSFBU gun F. Pump chatters on up or down stroke PowrTwin Plus Solution -PXFSGPPUWBMWFCBMMJTOPUTFBUJOHEVFUP trash or wear 2. Material too viscous to siphon. 3. D. Solution 1. 2. 4. Spitting gun B. Troubleshooting Air leaking in on siphon side or damaged siphon hose. Siphon may be too small for heavy material. 1. Remove foot valve assembly. Clean and inspect. Test foot valve by filling with water; if ball fails to seal the seat, replace ball. 5IJONBUFSJBMDPOUBDUNBOVGBDUVSFSGPSQSPQFS thinning procedures. 3. Tighten all connections between pump and paint container. If damaged, replace. Switch to larger diameter siphon set. 6QQFSCBMMJTOPUTFBUJOHEVFUPUSBTIPSXFBS -PXFSQBDLJOHTFUJTXPSO 1. 1. Material container is empty or material is too thick to flow through siphon hose 1. 2. 3. Bottom ball stuck to foot valve seat Siphon hose is kinked or loose 2. 3. -PPTFDPOOFDUJPOT#MFFEWBMWFJTPQFO QBSUJBMMZPSCMFFEWBMWFJTXPSO-PXFS packing seat is worn. 1. 6QQFSBOEPSMPXFSCBMMOPUTFBUJOH 2. 1. 2. 4. Spray tip is worn Outlet filter or gun filter is clogged -PXWPMUBHFBOEPSJOBEFRVBUFBNQFSBHF Hose size or length is too small or too long 1. 2. 3. 4. Replace. Clean or replace filter. Check electrical service. Correct as required. Increase hose size to minimize pressure drop through hose and/or reduce hose length. 1. Solvent has caused upper packing to swell 1. Replace packing. 23 2. Check upper seat and ball with water. If ball fails to seal, replace seat. Replace packing set if worn. Refill with new material. If too thick, remove siphon hose, immerse fluid section in material, and start pump to prime. Add thinner to material. Change to bigger siphon set. Open bleed valve to remove air and restart pump. Remove foot valve. Clean ball and seat. Straighten. Check all connections between pump and gun. Tighten as necessary. If material is flowing from bleed hose, close bleed valve or replace, if necessary. Should none of the above be evident, replace lower packing. Reseat balls by cleaning. GB Troubleshooting 7.3 Hydraulic Motors Problem A. B. Oil motor stalls at bottom (no unusual heat problems) Oil motor stalls at top (no unusual heat problems) $ -PXQSFTTVSFPLBZPOEPXO TUSPLFTMVHHJTIPOVQTUSPLF high heat) /PUF &OHJOFMBCPSTPOVQTUSPLFJEMFT back at stall on the down stroke. % -PXQSFTTVSFCPUITUSPLFT high heat) /PUF &OHJOFMBCPSTBUTUBMMPOCPUI strokes. Cause Solution 1. Fluid pump piston seat unthreaded 1. 2. Valve sticking or oil motor trip rod shifter assembly separated 2. 1. Valve sticking 1. 2. 3. 4. Broken spring retainer (valve rod assembly) Broken spring or valve rod Air in hydraulic motor 2. 3. 4. r r r r 5. 5. Air in fluid pump 1. Blown piston seal 1. 2. Cracked piston 2. 1. Blown center o-rings on spool valve 1. 2. Bad hydraulic pump 2. 24 If connecting rod is okay, remove cylinder head plug and pop valve down. Replace plug and start machine. If machine cycles up and stops at bottom again, then problem is piston seat on fluid pump. Check piston seat. Repair or replace as necessary. If piston seat is okay and problem does not change, check oil motor. Remove valve and check for scratches and rough movement when sliding it up and down. Replace valve and spool in this condition. Check trip rod for possible separation.and spool in this condition. Check trip rod for possible separation. Remove valve and check for scratches and rough movement when sliding it up and down. Replace valve and spool in this condition. Replace valve rod assembly. Replace valve rod assembly. Reset valve. Purge Air, generally accomplished by low pressure cycling of motor/pump assembly for 5–10 minutes. Check for causes of air introduction: -PPTFñUUJOHTJOUBOL -PPTFñUUJOHTPOIZESBVMJDQVNQ -PPTFIPTFDPOOFDUJPOT -PXPJMJOSFTFSWPJS Stall at top can occur randomly when fluid pump picks up air. Reset valve. Avoid air in the fluid pump. Before dismantling oil motor, start machine. With pump cycling under pressure, touch the hydraulic cylinder and the head to see if cylinder or head gets hotter. This will help determine if piston seal is blown or piston nut is broken. If heat is on the head, check the o-rings on spool valve. Dismantle oil motor and check piston seals cylinder bore and piston nut. Pay special attention to piston nut. It can be cracked and not show externally. Before dismantling oil motor, start machine. With pump cycling under pressure, touch the head to see if the head becomes hotter. This will help determine if center o-ring is blown on spool valve. If hot, remove and replace o-ring. Replace hydraulic pump. PowrTwin Plus GB 7.4 Troubleshooting Spray Patterns Problem Cause Solution A. Tails 1. Inadequate fluid delivery B. Hour glass 1. Inadequate fluid delivery C. Distorted 1. Plugged or worn nozzle tip D. Pattern expanding and contracting (surge) 1. 2. E. Round pattern 1. 2. PowrTwin Plus 1. Fluid not atomizing correctly: Increase fluid pressure. Change to smaller tip orifice size. Reduce fluid viscosity. Reduce hose length. Clean gun and filter(s). Reduce number of guns using pump. 1. Same as above. 1. Clean or replace nozzle tip. Suction leak Pulsating fluid delivery 1. 2. Inspect for suction hose leak. Change to a smaller tip orifice size. Install pulsation dampener in system or drain existing one. Reduce number of guns using pump. Remove restrictions in system; clean tip screen if filter is used. Worn tip Fluid too heavy for tip 1. 2. Replace tip. Increase pressure. Thin material. Change nozzle tip. 25 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Main Assembly Ensemble principal Illustration des pièces de rechange Hauptbaugruppe 10 11 17 12 1 13 2 14 15 3 8 9 4 16 18 21 5 6 7 19 3 20 78 PowrTwin Plus PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 1 235-117A 235-117A 235-118A 236-154A 236-154A Pos. Description Benennung Description Motor / pump assembly Motoren-/ Pumpenbaugruppe Bloc moteur/pompe Swivel fitting assembly Drehlageraufbau 3BDDPSEBSUJDVMÊ Bleed hose assembly with valve Baugruppe der Ablassleitung mit Ventil $POEVJUFEFEÊDIBSHF avec soupape 2 703-137A 703-137A 703-137A 703-137A 703-137A 3* ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- 4* 0290527 0290527 0290527 0290519 0290519 Filter assembly Filterbaugruppe Ensemble de filtre 5 194-761 194-761 0509760 0509760 0509760 Adapter Adapter Adaptateur 6* ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Cart assembly Wagenbaugruppe Ensemble de chariot 7* 0290599 0290599 0290599 0290599 0290599 Belt guard assembly ,FJMSJFNFOCBVHSVQQF Protège-courroie 8 9821503 9821503 9821503 9821503 9821503 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 9 9800312 9800312 9800312 9800312 9800312 Screw Schraube Vis 10 0290520 0290520 0290520 0290520 0290520 Hydraulic cover Tankabdeckung Couvercle 11 770-879 770-879 770-879 770-879 770-879 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (2) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 12 862-501 862-501 862-501 862-501 862-501 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 13* ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Hydraulic system Hydrauliksystem Système hydraulique 14 858-636 858-636 858-636 858-636 858-636 Bracket screw (2) ,MBNNFSTDISBVCF Vis du support (2) 15 858-002 858-002 858-002 858-002 858-002 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (2) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 16 0528235 0528235 0528325 0528325 0528325 Bracket Befestigungswinkel Equerre de fixation 17* 0290438A 0290438A ------- ------- ------- Convertokit, 5.7 Hp, Robin-Subaru, gasoline Convertokit, 5,7 PS, Robin-Subaru, Benzin Convertokit, 5,7 HP, Robin-Subaru, essence ------- ------- 0290454A ------- ------- Convertokit, 4.8 Hp, Honda, gasoline Convertokit, 4,8 PS, Honda, Benzin Convertokit, 4,8 HP, Honda, essence ------- ------- ------- 0290473A ------- Convertokit, 5.5 Hp, Honda, gasoline Convertokit, 5,5 PS, Honda, Benzin Convertokit, 5,5 HP, Honda, essence ------- ------- ------- ------- 0290456A Convertokit, 8.5 Hp, Honda, gasoline Convertokit, 8,5 PS, Honda, Benzin Convertokit, 8,5 HP, Honda, essence 18* 0290315A ------- 0528611A ------- 0528612A Convertokit, DC electric, 230V Convertokit, Elektromotor, 230V Convertokit, moteur ÊMFDUSJRVF7 19** 506-719 506-719 506-276A 506-276A 506-276A Convertokit, DC electric, 120V Convertokit, Elektromotor, 120V Convertokit, moteur ÊMFDUSJRVF7 20* ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- Siphon hose assembly Syphonschlauchbaugruppe Tuyau du siphon 21 0290787 0290787 449-181 449-181 449-181 Belt, “V”, Convertokit, DC electric ,FJMSJFNFOi7u Convertokit, Elektromotor Courroie, “V”, moteur ÊMFDUSJRVF 0290787 0290787 449-125 0290799 0290510 Belt, “V”, gas Convertokit ,FJMSJFNFOi7u Convertokit, Benzinmotor Courroie, “V”, moteur essence 0290775 0290775 Strap Band Courroie /PUTIPXOr/JDIUHF[FJHUr/POSFQSÊTFOUÊF 0290775 * ** 0290775 0290775 See separate listing / Siehe separate Auflistung / voir la liste de pièces distincte Optional / Optional / Facultatif PowrTwin Plus 79 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Cart Assembly Ensemble de chariot Illustration des pièces de rechange Wagenbaugruppe 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 5 22 20 17 21 23 24 6 5 25 7 8 9 80 PowrTwin Plus Pos. PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus Description Benennung Description 1 0290444 0290444 0290444 0290444 0290444 Handle Deichsel 1PJHOÊF 2 449-055 449-055 459-051 459-051 459-051 Motor/pump bracket Motor-/Pumpenträger Support du moteur/de la pompe 3 862-460 862-460 862-460 862-460 862-460 Screw Schraube Vis 4 0290581 0290581 0290581 0290581 0290581 Spacer, long Abstandhalter, lang Entretoise, long 5 0295687 0295687 0295687 0295687 0295687 Washer (4) Scheibe (4) Rondelle (4) 6 670-109 670-109 670-109 670-109 670-109 Wheel (2) Rad (2) Roue (2) 7 590-100 590-100 590-100 590-100 590-100 Retaining ring (2) Sicherungsring (2) Bague de retenue (2) 8 0290436 0290436 0290436 0290436 0290436 Frame, welded Grundgestell $IÄTTJT 9 0290591 0290591 0290591 0290591 0290591 Foot Sockel Pied 10 590-508 590-508 590-508 590-508 590-508 Roll pin (2) Spannhülse (2) Goupille de serrage (2) 11 9841504 9841504 9841504 9841504 9841504 Snap button (2) Haltefeder (2) Ressort (2) 12 590-504 590-504 590-504 590-504 590-504 Sleeve (2) Buchse (2) Douille (2) 13 590-506 590-506 590-506 590-506 590-506 Washer (2) Scheibe (2) Rondelle (2) 14 252-770 252-770 252-770 252-770 252-770 Tube (2) Rohr (2) Tube (2) 15 856-002 856-002 856-002 856-002 856-002 Washer (4) Scheibe (4) Rondelle (2) 16 856-921 856-921 856-921 856-921 856-921 Screw (4) Schraube (4) Vis (4) 17 9820305 9820305 9820305 9820305 9820305 Washer (3) Scheibe (3) Rondelle (3) 18 0509292 0509292 0509292 0509292 0509292 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (2) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 19 862-428 862-428 862-428 862-428 862-428 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 20 862-410 862-410 862-410 862-410 862-410 -PDLOVU Stellmutter ­DSPVEBSSËU 21 449-052 449-052 449-052 449-052 449-052 Spacer Abstandhalter Entretoise 22 0290433 0290433 0290433 0290433 0290433 Spacer, short Abstandhalter, kurz Entretoise, court 23 9805234 9805234 9805234 9805234 9805234 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 24 0290559 0290559 0290559 0290580 0290580 25 590-100 590-100 590-100 ------ ------ 0290434 0290434 0290434 0290509 0290509 PowrTwin Plus 81 Axle Asche Essieu Retaining ring (2) Sicherungsring (2) Bague de retenue (2) Cart assembly (includes items 1, 4-16, and 22-24) Wagenbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 1, 4-16, und 22-24) Ensemble de chariot JODMVUMFTÊMÊNFOUT 4-16, et 22-24) Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Hydraulic System Système hydraulique Illustration des pièces de rechange Hydrauliksystem 30 31 32 1 2 3 33 34 4 5 6 35 8 7 37 12 38 36 9 10 11 9 10 13 39 14 15 16 40 17 18 41 19 20 42 21 43 44 45 22 23 23 24 27 23 29 28 25 23 25 22 23 26 82 PowrTwin Plus Description Benennung Description 313-755 ,OPCEFDBM Aufkleber Etiquette 862-414 862-414 Set screw Sicherungsschraube Vis de blocage 448-243 448-243 448-243 Pressure control knob Druckregulierknopf #PVUPOEFSÊHMBHFEF pression PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 1 313-755 313-755 313-755 313-755 2 862-414 862-414 862-414 3 448-243 448-243 Pos. 4 449-751 449-751 449-752A 449-752A 449-752A 5 448-494 448-494 448-494 448-494 448-494 6 860-520 860-520 860-520 860-520 860-520 7 448-250 448-250 449-195A 449-195A 449-195A Hydraulic pump )ZESBVMJLÕMQVNQF Pompe hydraulique ,FZQVNQ Passfeder Clavette Set screw Sicherungsschraube Vis de blocage Pulley/fan assembly Riemenscheibe Poulie 8 431-042 431-042 431-042 431-042 431-042 Tube connector Rohranschluss Connecteur de tube 9 858-636 858-636 858-636 858-636 858-636 Screw (8) Schraube (8) Vis (8) 10 858-002 858-002 858-002 858-002 858-002 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (10) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 11 325-031 325-031 325-031 325-031 325-031 O-ring O-ring Joint torique 12 448-253 448-253 448-253 448-231 448-231 Return hose assembly Rücklaufschlauch Tuyau de retour 13 451-029 451-029 451-029 451-029 451-029 Fitting Anschluss Raccord 14 0290770 0290770 0290770 0290770 0290770 Tank cover Öltankdeckel $PVWFSDMFEVSÊTFSWPJS EIVJMF 15 449-605 449-605 449-605 449-605 449-605 Tank gasket Dichtung Joint 16 858-621 858-621 858-621 858-621 858-621 Socket screw (2) Senkschraube (2) 7JTÆUËUFGSBJTÊF 17 859-001 859-001 859-001 859-001 859-001 Washer (2) Scheibe (2) Rondelle (2) 18 858-624 858-624 858-624 858-624 858-624 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 19 0528171 0528171 0528171 0528171 0528171 /JQQMF Doppelnippel Raccord double 20 472-500 472-500 472-500 472-500 472-500 Elbow, street Winkel Coude 21 448-208 448-208 448-208 448-208 448-208 Inlet screen Filter Filtre 22 862-496 862-496 862-496 862-496 862-496 Hexagonal bolt (2) Sechskantschraube (2) Vis hexagonale (2) 23 0509285 0509285 0509285 0509285 0509285 Flat washer (6) Scheibe (6) Rondelle (6) 24 449-718 449-718 449-718 449-718 449-718 Hydraulic tank )ZESBVMJLÕMUBOL 3ÊTFSWPJSEIVJMF hydraulique 25 862-410 862-410 862-410 862-410 862-410 -PDLOVU Stellmutter (2) ­DSPVEBSSËU 26 449-212 449-212 449-212 449-212 449-212 Plug Verschlussschraube Vis bouchon 27 0509292 0509292 0509292 0509292 0509292 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (4) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 28 862-493 862-493 862-493 862-493 862-493 Hexagonal bolt Sechskantschraube Vis hexagonale 29 862-480 862-480 862-480 862-480 862-480 Hexagonal bolt Sechskantschraube Vis hexagonale 30 192-228 192-228 192-228 192-228 192-228 Elbow Winkel Coude 31 449-126 449-126 449-126 449-126 449-126 Hose clamp Schlauchklemme Collier 32 420-251 420-251 420-251 420-251 420-251 Tubing, Teflon Rohr Tube 33 448-246 448-246 448-246 448-246 448-246 Pressure hose assembly Druckschlauch Tuyau de pression 34 192-051 192-051 192-051 192-051 192-051 Elbow Winkel Coude 35 451-220 451-220 451-220 451-220 451-220 Hydraulic filter Filter Filtre 36 101-205 101-205 101-205 101-205 101-205 Ground lug Erdungsschiene #BSSFUUFEFNJTFÆMB masse 37 449-626 449-626 449-626 449-626 449-626 Hydraulic fluid dipstick Ölmessstab Jauge de niveau 38 449-609A 449-609A 449-609A 449-609A 449-609A 39 449-614 449-614 449-614 449-614 449-614 Hydraulic by-pass Bypassventil By-pass Tube assembly Einfüllstutzen Raccord de remplissage 40 0528164 0528164 0528164 0528164 0528164 Tube Rohr Tube 41 862-438 862-438 862-438 862-438 862-438 Thumb screw Flügelschraube 7JTÆBJMFT 42 862-402 862-402 862-402 862-402 862-402 Acorn nut Hutmutter Ecrou borgne 43 0509285 0509285 0509285 0509285 0509285 Washer Scheibe Rondelle 44 449-107 449-107 449-107 449-107 449-107 Mounting plate retainer Riegel Verrou 45 449-135 449-135 449-135 449-135 449-135 Spacer Distanzscheibe #BHVFEFTQBDFNFOU 941-555 941-555 Ball valve ,VHFMIBIO 7BOOFÆCJMMF /PUTIPXOr/JDIUHF[FJHUr/POSFQSÊTFOUÊF 941-555 PowrTwin Plus 941-555 941-555 83 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Hydraulic Motor Moteur hydraulique Illustration des pièces de rechange Hydraulikmotor 1 2 3 21 4 22 5 6 7 23 8 9 24 20 10 25 21 11 26 12 13 14 15 27 28 16 17 9 29 18 30 19 84 PowrTwin Plus Pos. 1 PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 235-030 235-030 235-030 235-030 235-030 Description Benennung Description Cylinder head plug ;ZMJOEFSLPQGTUÕQTFM Fiche de la tête du cylindre 2 441-217 441-217 441-217 441-217 441-217 O-ring O-ring Joint torique 3 858-811 858-811 858-811 858-811 858-811 Flex lock nut Flexible Stellmutter ­DSPVEFCMPDBHF souple 4 235-018 235-018 235-018 235-018 235-018 Trip retainer (2) Bedienungsarretierung (2) Dispositif de retenue du EÊDMFODIFNFOU 5 141-007 141-007 141-007 141-007 141-007 O-ring (2) O-ring (2) Joint torique (2) 6 325-005 325-005 325-005 325-005 325-005 Trip spring (2) Bedienungsfeder (2) Ressort de EÊDMFODIFNFOU 7 569-016 569-016 569-016 569-016 569-016 8 235-112FZ 235-112FZ 235-112FZ 235-112FZ 235-112FZ Ball, SS (2) ,VHFM44 Bille, SS Cylinder head Zylinderkopf Tête du cylindre 9 431-032 431-032 431-032 431-032 431-032 O-ring (2) O-ring (2) Joint torique (2) 10 441-908 441-908 441-908 441-908 441-908 Spool / sleeve set Spule / Abziehhülsensatz Ensemble tiroir/ manchon 11 441-152 441-152 441-152 441-152 441-152 O-ring (3) O-ring (3) Joint torique (3) 12 431-053 431-053 431-053 431-053 431-053 Sleeve retainer Abziehhülsenarretierung Dispositif de retenue du manchon 13 431-054 431-054 431-054 431-054 431-054 Retainer ring Haltering Bague de retenue 14 235-022 235-022 235-022 235-022 235-022 Piston retainer screw ,PMCFOBSSFUJFSTDISBVCF Vis de retenue du piston 15 235-014 235-014 235-014 235-014 235-014 Piston ,PMCFO Piston 16 235-027 235-027 235-027 235-027 235-027 Piston seal ,PMCFOEJDIUVOH Joint du piston Joint torique 17 235-026 235-026 235-026 235-026 235-026 18 235-021A 235-021A 235-021A 235-021A 235-021A 19 235-948 235-948 235-948 236-948 236-948 O-ring O-ring Valve rod assembly Ventilstangenbaugruppe Tige de soupape Piston rod ,PMCFOTUBOHF Tige du piston 20 451-121 451-121 451-121 451-121 451-121 Elbow, 90º Winkel, 90º Coude, 90º 21 700-499 700-499 700-499 700-499 700-499 O-ring (2) O-ring (2) Joint torique (2) 22 192-000 192-000 192-000 192-000 192-000 Elbow (includes item 21) Winkel (beinhaltet Teile 21) Coude (inclut le ÊMÊNFOU 23 235-029 235-029 235-029 236-029 236-029 Motor tube Motorenrohr Tube moteur 24 235-125 235-125 235-125 235-125 235-125 Tee T-Stück Raccord en T 25 431-019 431-019 431-019 431-019 431-019 O-ring kit O-Ring Satz ,JUEFKPJOUUPSJRVF 26 941-555 941-555 941-555 941-555 941-555 Ball valve ,VHFMIBIO 7BOOFÆCJMMF 27 235-001 235-001 235-001 235-001 235-001 -PDLSJOH Seegerring Bague de retenue 28 235-007 235-007 235-007 236-007 236-007 Cylinder Zylinder Cylindre 29 235-028 235-028 235-028 235-028 235-028 Rod seal Stangendichtung Joint de tige 30 235-123 235-123 235-129 236-829 236-829 Motor/pump block Motor/Pumpenblock Bloc moteur/pompe 235-050 235-050 235-050 235-050 235-050 Motor service kit, minor (includes items 2, 3, 5–7, 9, 11, 16, 17, and 29) .PUPSFOTFSWJDFTBU[ klein (beinhaltet Teile 2-3, 5–7, 9, 11, 16, 17, und 29) ,JUEFOUSFUJFOEV moteur – mineur (inclut MFTÊMÊNFOUTÆÆ ÆFU PowrTwin Plus 85 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Fluid Section Section des liquides Illustration des pièces de rechange Flüssigkeitsbereich PT4900 Plus 1 2 6 14 7 3 8 15 9 4 3 16 4 5 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 21 86 PowrTwin Plus Pos. PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus Description Benennung Description 1 143-019 143-019 Retaining ring Spiralring #BHVFTQJSBMÊF 2 107-003 107-003 Connecting pin Verbindungsstift Goupille de liaison 3 106-015 106-015 O-ring, Teflon (2) O-ring, Teflon (2) +PJOUUPSJRVF5ÊóPO 4 106-002A 106-002A 1BDLJOHTFUMFBUIFS6).81&TUFFM %JDIUVOHTTBU[-FEFS 6MUSBIPDINPMFLVMBSHFXJDIUJHFT Polyethylen/Stahl (2) (BSOJUVSFDVJS6).81&BDJFS 5 106-005 106-005 6QQFSQBDLJOHTQSJOH ,POVTGFEFS 3FTTPSUEFHBSOJUVSFTVQÊSJFVSF 6 107-029 107-029 Displacement rod ,PMCFOTUBOHF Tige de piston 7 106-001 106-001 Spring retainer Federhalter Ressort conique 8 106-116 106-116 Sleeve Abziehhülse Manchon 9 106-016 106-016 -PXFSQBDLJOHTQSJOH Druckfeder 3FTTPSUEFHBSOJUVSFJOGÊSJFVSF 10 569-021 569-021 Outlet valve ball ,VHFM Bille 11 107-058 107-058 Outlet valve seat Auslassventilsitz Siège du clapet de refoulement 12 107-060 107-060 Seal washer Scheibe Rondelle 13 107-055 107-055 Outlet valve housing Auslassventilgehäuse Corps du clapet de refoulement 14 107-946 107-946 Pump cylinder Zylinder Cylindre 15 106-014 106-014 O-ring O-ring Joint torique 16 236-020 236-020 Wave washer Scheibe Rondelle 17 107-056 107-056 Foot valve cage ,VHFMGÛISVOH Guide de bille 18 138-340 138-340 Foot valve ball ,VHFM Bille 19 762-137 762-137 Foot valve seat Einlassventilsitz Siège 20 762-058 762-058 Seat o-ring Sitz o-ring Siège du joint torique 21 107-057 107-057 Foot valve housing Einlassventilgehäuse -PHFNFOUEVDMBQFUEFQJFE 107-501 107-501 Fluid section service kit, major (includes items 6, 14, and fluid section TFSWJDFLJUNJOPS1/ Flüssigkeitsbereich Wartungssatz, gross (beinhaltet Teile 6, 14 und Flüssigkeitsbereich Wartungssatz, LMFJO1/ ,JUEFNBJOUFOBODFEFMBTFDUJPOEFT MJRVJEFTQSJODJQBMJODMVUMFTÊMÊNFOUT 6, 14, et le kit de maintenance de la TFDUJPOEFTóVJEFTNJOFVSOEFQJÍDF 107-051) 107-051 107-051 Fluid section service kit, minor (includes items 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 15, -PDUJUF1/BOE5FóPO UBQF1/ Flüssigkeitsbereich Wartungssatz, klein (beinhaltet Teile 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, -PDUJUF1/VOE Teflon 317-857) ,JUEFNBJOUFOBODFEFMBTFDUJPOEFT MJRVJEFTNJOFVSJODMVUMFTÊMÊNFOUT -PDUJUFO EFQJÍDFFU5FóPOOEFQJÍDF 317-857) 107-015A 107-015A Foot valve assembly (includes items 16–21) Einlassventilbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 16–21) $MBQFUEFQJFEJODMVUMFTÊMÊNFOUT 16–21) 107-016 107-016 Outlet valve assembly (includes items 10–13) Ablassventilbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 10–13) 4PVQBQFEFTPSUJFJODMVUMFTÊMÊNFOUT 10–13) PowrTwin Plus 87 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Fluid Section Section des liquides Illustration des pièces de rechange Flüssigkeitsbereich PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 1 2 6 14 7 3 8 15 3 4 16 4 17 5 9 10 11 12 13 88 18 19 20 21 PowrTwin Plus PT6900 PT8900 PT12000 Description Benennung Description 1 143-019 143-019 143-019 Retaining ring Spiralring #BHVFTQJSBMÊF 2 143-120 143-120 143-120 Connecting pin Verbindungsstift Goupille de liaison 3 145-031 145-031 145-031 O-ring, Teflon (2) O-ring, Teflon (2) +PJOUUPSJRVF5ÊóPO 4 138-153A 138-153A 138-153A 1BDLJOHTFUMFBUIFS6).81& steel (2) %JDIUVOHTTBU[-FEFS 6MUSBIPDINPMFLVMBSHFXJDIUJHFT Polyethylen/Stahl (2) (BSOJUVSFDVJS6).81&BDJFS Pos. 5 142-004 142-004 142-004 6QQFSQBDLJOHTQSJOH ,POVTGFEFS 3FTTPSUEFHBSOJUVSFTVQÊSJFVSF 6 143-127 144-117 144-117 Displacement rod ,PMCFOTUBOHF Tige de piston 7 138-001 138-001 138-001 Spring retainer Federhalter Ressort conique 8 142-003 142-003 142-003 -PXFSQBDLJOHTQSJOH Druckfeder 3FTTPSUEFHBSOJUVSFJOGÊSJFVSF 9 451-085 451-085 451-085 Outlet valve cage Ablassventilkorb Cage de soupape de sortie 10 0509710 0509710 0509710 Outlet valve ball ,VHFM Bille 11 236-012 236-012 236-012 Outlet valve seat Auslassventilsitz Siège du clapet de refoulement 12 236-032 236-032 236-032 Seal washer Scheibe Rondelle 13 236-031 236-031 236-031 Outlet valve housing Auslassventilgehäuse Corps du clapet de refoulement 14 143-822 144-832 144-832 Pump cylinder Zylinder Cylindre 15 140-009 140-009 140-009 O-ring O-ring Joint torique 16 236-030 236-030 236-030 Wave washer Scheibe Rondelle 17 236-141 236-141 236-141 Foot valve cage ,VHFMGÛISVOH Guide de bille 18 0509707 0509707 0509707 Foot valve ball ,VHFM Bille 19 0509623 0509623 0509623 Foot valve seat Einlassventilsitz Siège 20 0509708 0509708 0509708 Seat o-ring Sitz o-ring Siège du joint torique 21 236-126 236-126 236-126 Foot valve housing Einlassventilgehäuse -PHFNFOUEVDMBQFUEFQJFE 143-500 144-500 144-500 Fluid section service kit, major (includes items 6, 14, and fluid TFDUJPOTFSWJDFLJUNJOPS1/ 144-050) Flüssigkeitsbereich Wartungssatz, gross (beinhaltet Teile 6, 14 und Flüssigkeitsbereich Wartungssatz, LMFJO1/ ,JUEFNBJOUFOBODFEFMBTFDUJPO des liquides, principal (inclut MFTÊMÊNFOUTFUMFLJUEF maintenance de la section des óVJEFTNJOFVSOEFQJÍDF 050) 144-050 144-050 144-050 Fluid section service kit, minor (includes items 1, 3, 4, 10, 12, 15, BOE-PDUJUF1/ Flüssigkeitsbereich Wartungssatz, klein (beinhaltet Teile 1, 3, 4, 10, VOE-PDUJUF1/ 426-051) ,JUEFNBJOUFOBODFEFMBTFDUJPO des liquides, mineur (inclut les ÊMÊNFOUT FU-PDUJUFOEFQJÍDF 236-010A 236-010A 236-010A Foot valve assembly (includes items 16-21) Einlassventilbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 16–21) Clapet de pied (inclut les ÊMÊNFOUTm 236-050 236-050 236-050 Outlet valve assembly (includes items 9–13) Ablassventilbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 9–13) Soupape de sortie (inclut les ÊMÊNFOUTm PowrTwin Plus 89 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Gas Convertokit Convertokit à essence Illustration des pièces de rechange 1 Convertokit, Benzinmotor 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus 7 PT12000 Plus 6 8 2 1 2 7 Description Benennung Description 860-502 Stop nut (8) Stellmutter (8) ­DSPVEBSSËU 860-004 Washer (8) Scheibe (8) Rondelle (8) ------- Engine, gas, 5.7 Hp, Robin-Subaru Benzinmotor, 5,7 PS, RobinSubaru Moteur, essence 5,7 Robin-Subaru 980-331 ------- Engine, gas, 4.8 Hp, Honda Benzinmotor, 4,8 PS, Honda Moteur, essence 4,8 Honda ------- 764-020 Engine, gas, 5.5 Hp, Honda Benzinmotor, 5,5 PS, Honda Moteur, essence 5,5 Honda 980-307 980-307 ,FZ Schlüssel Clavette 449-984 0290468 Pulley Seilrolle Poulie 449-144 449-144 449-144 Bracket Halterung Support 7 449-165A 449-165A 449-165A Vibration pad (4) Vibrationskissen (4) Coussinet isolant (4) 8 0290484 0290484 0290484 Mounting plate Montageplatte Plaque de fixation Description Benennung Description PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus 1 860-502 860-502 2 860-004 860-004 3 0290414 ------- ------------4 980-307 5 0290410 6 Pos. Pos. PT12000 Plus 1 0509294 Screw (4) Schraube (4) Vis (4) 2 0509285 Washer (8) Scheibe (8) Rondelle (8) 3 764-021 Engine, gas, 8.5 Hp, Honda Benzinmotor, 8,5 PS, Honda Moteur, essence 8,5 Honda 4 980-307 ,FZ Schlüssel Clavette 5 0290409 Pulley Seilrolle Poulie 6 0290480 Mounting plate Montageplatte Plaque de fixation 7 862-410 Stop nut (4) Stellmutter (4) ­DSPVEBSSËU 90 PowrTwin Plus Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Illustration des pièces de rechange DC - Electric Convertokit (230V) Convertokit, moteur électrique (230V) Convertokit, Elektromotor (230V) 11 2 1 2 11 2 3 1 2 4 12 5 2 6 7 2 6 7 2 8 9 2 10 Pos. PT4900 (230V) Description Benennung Description 1 9805427 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 2 860-004 Flat washer (12) Schiebe (12) Rondelle (12) 3 0349592 Motor, DC-Electric, 3 Hp, 50 Hz, 230V Elektromotor, 3 PS, 50 Hz, 230V .PUPSÊMFDUSJRVF)Q)[7 4 0528022 Pulley Seilrolle Poulie 5 0349537 Mounting plate Montageplatte Plaque de fixation 6 860-002 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (4) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU 7 0509885 /VU Mutter (4) ­DSPV 8 0290538 Foam strip (2) Schaumband (2) -BOHVFUUFFONPVTTF 9 0528339 Shield Schild ­DSBOQSPUFDUFVS 10 763-549 Stop nut (4) Stellmutter (4) ­DSPVEBSSËU 11 860-552 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 12 590-411 Spacer (4) Abstandhalter (4) Entretoise (4) PowrTwin Plus 91 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild High Pressure Filter Filtre à haute pression Illustration des pièces de rechange Hochdruckfilter Filter Assembly Specifications Maximum Working Pressure ..... 5000 psi (34.5 MPa) Filter Area ......................................... 18 In2 (116 cm2) Outlet Ports ..................................... u/15' GPSCMFFEWBMWF u/15' XJUI/14.. IPTFDPOOFDUJPO u/15' QMVHHFEGPSBEEJUJPOBMHVOIPPLVQ Wetted Parts.................................... Carbon steel with electroless nickel and cadmium plating, stainless steel, tungsten carbide, Teflon 1 2 Spezifikationen Maximaler Arbeitsdruck .............. 34,5 MPa (5000 psi) Filterbereich .................................... 116 cm2 (18 In2) "CMBTTÕíVOHFO .............................. u/15' GÛSEBT"CMBTTWFOUJM u/15' NJU/14.. 4DIMBVDIWFSCJOEVOH u/15' WFSTDIMPTTFOGÛS[VTÅU[MJDIF Spritzpistolenanschluss. /BTTUFJMF............................................ 4USPNMPTFSWFSOJDLFMUFSVOMFHJFSUFS,PIMFOTUPíTUBIM&EFMTUBIM Wolframcarbid, Teflon 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Caractéristiques Pression de travail maximale .... 34,5 MPa (5000 psi) Surface du filtre .............................. 116 cm2 (18 In2) Orifices de sortie ............................ u/15' QPVSMBTPVQBQFEFEÊDIBSHF u/15' BWFDSBDDPSEEFUVZBV/14.. u/15' CSBODIÊQPVSMBDPOOFYJPOEVOQJTUPMFU TVQQMÊNFOUBJSF 1JÍDFTNPVJMMÊFT ............................ Acier au carbone avec revêtement de nickel et cadmium BVUPDBUBMZUJRVFTBDJFSJOPYZEBCMFDBSCVSFEFUVOHTUÍOF5ÊóPO 10 11 10 Pos. 1 PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 0290443 0290443 0290443 0290443 0290443 Description Benennung Description Filter cap assembly Gehäusedeckel Couvercle du corps 2 930-020 930-020 930-020 930-020 930-020 Spring Druckfeder Ressort 3 930-006 930-006 930-006 930-006* 930-006* Filter element, 50 M, with ball Filterpatrone, 50 .BTDIFONJU,VHFM Cartouche de filtre 50 mailles, avec bille ------- ------- 930-005* 930-005 930-005 Filter element, 5 M, with ball Filterpatrone, 5 Maschen, NJU,VHFM Cartouche de filtre 5 mailles, avec bille ------- ------- 930-007* 930-007* 930-007* Filter element, 100 M, with ball Filterpatrone, 100 .BTDIFONJU,VHFM Cartouche de filtre 100 mailles, avec bille 920-006 920-006 920-006 920-006 920-006 Gasket, Teflon (thick) Dichtung dick +PJOUÊQBJT 4 5 920-070 920-070 920-070 920-070 920-070 Gasket, Teflon (thin) Dichtung dünn Joint mince 6 891-193 891-193 891-193 891-193 891-193 O-ring, Teflon O-Ring +PJOUUPSJRVF5ÊóPO 7 180-909 180-909 180-909 180-909 180-909 Seat, tungsten carbide Ventilsitz Siège de soupape 8 227-027 227-027 227-027 227-027 227-027 Pipe plug Verschlussschraube Vis bouchon 9 0290424 0290424 0290424 0290424 0290424 Filter body Gehäuse Corps 10 227-033 227-033 227-033 227-033 227-033 Pipe plug Verschlussschraube Vis bouchon 11 191-324 191-324 191-324 191-324 191-324 Hex fitting, 1/4” JODMVEFEJO-JUTFU Sechskantschraube, 1/4” (einschließlich Handbuch VOE,MFJOUFJMF Raccord hexagonal, 0,6 cm (inclus dans la documentation) ------- ------- 808-550A 808-550A 808-550A Hex fitting, 3/8” JODMVEFEJO-JUTFU Sechskantschraube, 3/8” (einschließlich Handbuch VOE,MFJOUFJMF Raccord hexagonal, 0,9 cm (inclus dans la documentation) 930-050 930-050 930-050 930-050 930-050 Filter service kit (includes items 2 and 4-6) Filterwartungssatz (beinhaltet Teile 2 und 4-6) ,JUEFOUSFUJFOEVñMUSF JODMVUMFTÊMÊNFOUT et 4-6) * Optional / Optional / Facultatif 92 PowrTwin Plus Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Belt Guard Assembly Protège-courroie Illustration des pièces de rechange 1 Keilriemenbaugruppe 8 9 10 2 3 5 4 6 PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 1 0290628A 0290628A 0290628A 0290628A 0290628A 2 9805415 9805415 9805415 9805415 9805415 Pos. 7 Description Benennung Description Belt guard, rear Riemenschutz, hinten Protège-courroie, derrière Screw (4) Scraube (4) Vis (4) 3 0528329 0528329 0528329 0528329 0528329 Bracket Befestigungswinkel Equerre de fixation 4 9805413 9805413 9805413 9805413 9805413 Screw Schraube Vis 5 9822523 9822523 9822523 9822523 9822523 Retaining ring Sicherungsring Bague de retenue 6 859-001 859-001 859-001 859-001 859-001 Washer Scheibe Rondelle 7 0528345 0528345 0528345 0528345 0528345 Bolt ,OPQG Bouton 8 0290794 0290794 0290794 0290794 0290794 Hinge Gelenkstück Charnière 9 0524318 0524318 0524318 0524318 0524318 /VU Mutter ­DSPV 10 0290627A 0290627A 0290627A 0290627A 0290627A Belt guard, front Riemenschutz, vorne Protège-courroie, devant PowrTwin Plus 93 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Illustration des pièces de rechange Bleed Hose Assembly with Valve Assemblage du tuyau de décharge avec soupape Ablassschlauchbaugruppe mit Ventil 1 2 3 4 5 Description Benennung Description 944-030A Bleed valve Ablassventilbaugruppe Assemblage de la TPVQBQFEFEÊDIBSHF 944-014 Elbow, 90º Winkel, 90º Coude, 90º PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus 1 944-030A 944-030A 944-030A 944-030A 2 944-014 944-014 944-014 944-014 Pos. 3 500-515 500-515 500-515 500-515 500-515 4 103-300A 103-300A 103-300A 103-300A 103-300A Hose assembly Schlauchbaugruppe Tuyau Bleed tube (includes item 5) Ablassrohr (beinhaltet Teil 5) 5VCFEFEÊDIBSHF JODMVUMÊMÊNFOU 5 103-118 103-118 103-118 103-118 103-118 Diffuser Düse Diffuseur 335-590A 335-590A 335-590A 335-590A 335-590A Bleed line assembly (includes items 3-5) Baugruppe Entlüftungsleitung (beinhaltet 3-5 Pos.) Ensemble de tube de EÊDIBSHFJODMVUMFT ÊMÊNFOUTÃ 191-211 191-211 191-211 191-211 191-211 Bushing, 1/4” male x 1/8” female (for use with older hose assemblies that have u/15UISFBEBMMPXT the attachment for the older hose to bleed WBMWF1/ Hülse, 1/4” Außenwinde x 1/8” Mutterwinde (für die Verwendung mit älteren Schläuchen, die FJOu/15(FXJOEF IBCFOFSNÕHMJDIU den Anschluss von älteren Schläuchen BO"VTMBTTWFOUJM1/ 944-030) #BHVFNÄMFEF cm x femelle de 0,3 DNÆVUJMJTFSBWFD les assemblages de tuyau plus vieux ayant un filetage de 0,3 DN/15QFSNFUMF SBDDPSEFNFOUEVO QMVTWJFVYUVZBVÆMB TPVQBQFEFEÊDIBSHF dont le no de pièce est 944-030) 944-040 944-040 944-040 944-040 944-040 Bleed valve kit (includes items 1, 2, 4 and CVTIJOH1/ ,JUGÛS"VTMBTTWFOUJM (beinhaltet Pos. 1, 2, TPXJF)ÛMTF1/ 191-211) Trousse de la soupape EFEÊDIBSHFJODMVUMFT articles 1, 2 et 4, ainsi que la bague dont le no de pièce est 191-211) 94 PowrTwin Plus Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Bleed Valve Assembly Assemblage de la soupape de décharge Illustration des pièces de rechange Ablassschlauchbaugruppe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pos. PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus Description Benennung Description 1 944-047 944-047 944-047 944-047 944-047 Hex screw Sechskantschraube Vis hexagonale 2 944-029 944-029 944-029 944-029 944-029 Flat washer Schiebe Rondelle 3 0295731 0295731 0295731 0295731 0295731 Spacer Abstandhalter Entretoise 4 0295730 0295730 0295730 0295730 0295730 Valve handle Ventilgriff 1PJHOÊFEFMBTPVQBQF 5 9820905 9820905 9820905 9820905 9820905 Spring washer (3) Federscheibe (3) Rondelle de ressort (3) 6 9822516 9822516 9822516 9822516 9822516 Retaining ring Haltering Bague de retenue 7 0294501 0294501 0294501 0294501 0294501 Valve washer Ventilunterlagsscheibe Rondelle de soupape 8 944-011 944-011 944-011 944-011 944-011 Valve stem Ventilschaltspindel Tige de soupape 9 9871045 9871045 9871045 9871045 9871045 Stem O-ring Schaltspindel O-Ring Joint torique de la tige 10 944-009 944-009 944-009 944-009 944-009 Valve housing Ventilgehäuse -PHFNFOUEFMB soupape 11 9841502 9841502 9841502 9841502 9841502 Ball ,VHFM Bille 12 944-048 944-048 944-048 944-048 944-048 Valve seat Ventilsitz Siège de la soupape 13 0294499 0294499 0294499 0294499 0294499 Valve seal Ventildichtung Joint de la soupape 14 944-013 944-013 944-013 944-013 944-013 Valve seat retainer Ventilsitzhalter Dispositif de retenue du siège de la soupape PowrTwin Plus 95 Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Siphon Hose Assembly Assemblage du tuyau de siphon Illustration des pièces de rechange Syphonschlauchbaugruppe 1 2 3 5 2 6 7 4 Pos. PT4900 (230V) PT4900 Plus PT6900 Plus PT8900 Plus PT12000 Plus Description Benennung Description 1 316-502 316-502 316-502 316-502 316-502 Hose Schlauch Tuyau 2 103-679 103-679 103-679 103-679 103-679 Hose clamp Schlauchklemme Collier du tuyau 3 0509763 0509763 0509763 0509763 0509763 4 0509762A 0509762A 0509762A 0509762A 0509762A Tube Rohr Tube Filter screen Enlassieb (SJMMFEFOUSÊFEBJS 5 194-761 194-761 0509760 0509760 0509760 Adapter Adapter Adaptateur 6 103-119 103-119 103-119 103-119 103-119 Clip Bügel Agrafe 7 103-125 103-125 103-125 103-125 103-125 Spring Feder Ressort 0290502 0290502 0290501 ------ ------ Siphon hose assembly (includes items 1-3 and 5-7) Syphonschlauchbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 1-3 und 5-7) Assemblage du tuyau de siphon (inclut les ÊMÊNFOUTFU ------ ------ ------ 103-833 103-833 Siphon hose assembly (includes items 1-3 and 6-7) Syphonschlauchbaugruppe (beinhaltet Teile 1-3 und 6-7) Assemblage du tuyau de siphon (inclut les ÊMÊNFOUTFU 96 PowrTwin Plus Spare parts diagram Ersatzteilbild Connection Diagram (230V) Schéma électrique (230V) Illustration des pièces de rechange Schaltplan (230V) Z1 3 L1 U1 V U2 b Z2 N 6 BK PE Accessories for PT units Zubehör für PT-Geräte DC - Electric Convertokit (120V) Convertokit, moteur électrique (120V) 6 7 8 Pos. 12 5 4 1 9 12 10 11 4 Accessoires pour groupes PT Convertokit, Elektromotor (120V) PT4900 (120V) 4 3 2 Description Benennung Description 1 506-259 Cover Abdeckung Couvercle 2 0509885 Stop nut (4) Stellmutter (4) ­DSPVEBSSËU 3 860-002 -PDLXBTIFS Federscheibe (4) 3POEFMMFEBSSËU (4) 4 860-004 Flat washer (8) Schiebe (8) Rondelle (8) 5 860-535 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 6 978-040 Circuit breaker reset SchutzschalterReset Bouton de SÊFODMFODIFNFOU du disjoncteur 7 506-260 0/0''TXJUDI &*/"644DIBMUFS Interrupteur MARCHE/ARRET 8 978-350A Motor, DCElectric, 2 Hp, 50/60 Hz, 115V Elektromotor, 2 PS, 50/60 Hz, 115V .PUPSÊMFDUSJRVF 2 Hp, 50/60 Hz, 115V 9 977-227 Pulley Seilrolle Poulie 10 590-068 Handle grip Führungsgriff 1PJHOÊFQJTUPMFU 11 335-017 Handle Griff 1PJHOÊF 12 860-552 Screw (2) Schraube (2) Vis (2) 13 0290558 Mounting plate Montageplatte Plaque de fixation 5 13 /PUTIPXOr/JDIUHF[FJHUr/POSFQSÊTFOUÊF PowrTwin Plus 97 506-255 Rectifier Gleichrichter Rectificateur 506-258 Fan -ÛGUFS Ventilateur Accessories for PT units # Zubehör für PT-Geräte Accessoires pour groupes PT Description Benennung Description 103-826 5 Gal. Siphon Hose Assembly w/Rock $BUDIFSuY 5 Gal. Saugschlauch w/Steinabschneider 1” Y "TTFNCMBHFEVUVZBVEFTJQIPOEFMJUSFTBWFDHSJMMFÆ roches de 2,5 cm x 1,4 m 0509762A 55 Gal. Siphon Hose Assembly w/Rock $BUDIFSuY 55 Gal. Saugschlauch w/Steinabschneider 1” Y Assemblage du tuyau de siphon de 208 litres avec grille ÆSPDIFTEFDNYN 103-627 Rock Catcher Steinabschneider (SJMMFÆSPDIFT 930-004 Paint Filter Element, 0 Mesh (for mastics) Farbfilterelement, Maschenweite 0 für Mastik) ­MÊNFOUñMUSBOUNFTIQPVSMFTNBTUJDT 930-005 Paint Filter Element, 5 Mesh (for multicolors and heavy materials) Farbfilterelement, Maschenweite 5 (für Mehrfarben und schwere Materialien) ­MÊNFOUñMUSBOUNFTIQPVSMFTQFJOUVSFTNVMUJDPMPSFT et lourdes) 930-006 Paint Filter Element, 50 Mesh (for latex and normal architectural materials) Farbfilterelement, Maschenweite 50 GÛS-BUFYGBSCFVOEIFSLÕNNMJDIF Architekturmaterialien) ­MÊNFOUñMUSBOUNFTIQPVSMFTQFJOUVSFTBVMBUFYFU MFTQFJOUVSFTCÄUJNFOUOPSNBMFT 930-007 Paint Filter Elements, 100 Mesh (for stains, lacquers and fine materials) Farbfilterelement, Maschenweite 100 (für #FJ[F-BDLFVOEGFJOF.BUFSJBMJFO ­MÊNFOUñMUSBOUNFTIQPVSMFTUFJOUVSFTMFTWFSOJT MBRVFFUMFTQSPEVJUTMÊHFST 550-110 4BOEu)PTF,JU 4TPXJFu4DIMBVDI,JU S-5 et trousse de tuyau de 0,6 cm 314-480 1JTUPO-VCF 1JTUPO-VCF 1JTUPO-VCF 430-362 Coolflo™ Hydraulic Fluid, 1 Quart Coolflo™ Hydraulikflüssigkeit, 1 Quart Fluide hydraulique Coolflo™, 0,9 litre 430-361 Coolflo™ Hydraulic Fluid, 1 Gallon Coolflo™ Hydraulikflüssigkeit, 1 Gallone Fluide hydraulique Coolflo™, 3,8 litres 975-212 2-Gun Manifold with Ball Valves, 1/4” GBDI1JTUPMFOBOTDIMVTTNJU,VHFMWFOUJMFOu $PMMFDUFVSÆEFVYQJTUPMFUTBWFDTPVQBQFTÆCJMMFDN 975-213 3-Gun Manifold with Ball Valves, 1/4” GBDI1JTUPMFOBOTDIMVTTNJU,VHFMWFOUJMFOu $PMMFDUFVSÆUSPJTQJTUPMFUTBWFDTPVQBQFTÆCJMMFDN 975-312 2-Gun Manifold with Ball Valves, 3/8” GBDI1JTUPMFOBOTDIMVTTNJU,VHFMWFOUJMFOu $PMMFDUFVSÆEFVYQJTUPMFUTBWFDTPVQBQFTÆCJMMFDN 975-313 3-Gun Manifold with Ball Valves, 3/8” GBDI1JTUPMFOBOTDIMVTTNJU,VHFMWFOUJMFOu $PMMFDUFVSÆUSPJTQJTUPMFUTBWFDTPVQBQFTÆCJMMFDN u/14. YuIFYñUUJOH 3/8” Gewindeanschluss nach nationalem Standard (M) x 3” Sechskantschraube /14NÄMF EFDNYSBDDPSEIFYBHPOBMEFDN 808-550A Airless Tip Selection Auswahl an Airless Düsen Choix des embouts à dépression Tips are selected by the orifice size and fan width. The proper selection is determined by the fan width required for a specific job and by the orifice size that will supply the desired amount of fluid and accomplish proper atomization. For light viscosity fluids, smaller orifice tips generally are desired. For heavier viscosity materials, larger orifice tips are preferred. Please refer to the chart below. Die Düsen werden je nach Düsendurchmesser und Strahlbreite ausgewählt. Die Auswahl hängt von der Strahlbreite ab, die für eine spezielle Arbeit erforderlich ist sowie von der Düsendurchmesser, die die gewünschte Menge an Flüssigkeit aufträgt und für eine korrekte Zerstäubung sorgt. Für Flüssigkeiten mit leichter Viskosität werden in der Regel Düsen mit kleinerem Düsendurchmesser eingesetzt. Für Materialien NJUTDIXFSFSFS7JTLPTJUÅUXFSEFOHSÕFSF Düsendurchmesser bevorzugt. Beachten Sie diesbezüglich die untere Tabelle. -FDIPJYEFTFNCPVUTFTUGPODUJPOEFMBUBJMMF EFMPSJñDFFUEFMBMBSHFVSEVWFOUJMBUFVS -BMBSHFVSEVWFOUJMBUFVSSFRVJTFQPVS VOFUÄDIFQBSUJDVMJÍSFBJOTJRVFMBUBJMMFEF MPSJñDFQFSNFUUBOUEFQSPKFUFSMBRVBOUJUÊEF QSPEVJUTPVIBJUÊFBWFDMBUPNJTBUJPOSFRVJTF EÊUFSNJOFOUMFNFJMMFVSDIPJY &OQSÊTFODFEFMJRVJEFTNPJOTWJTRVFVYMFT FNCPVUTNVOJTEVOPSJñDFQMVTQFUJUTPOU SFDPNNBOEÊT1PVSMFTQSPEVJUTQMVTÊQBJTMFT FNCPVUTNVOJTEVOPSJñDFQMVTHSPTTFSPOU QSÊGÊSÊT4FSFQPSUFSBVUBCMFBVDJEFTTPVT i Do not exceed the sprayer’s recommended tip size. The following chart indicates the most common sizes and the appropriate materials to be sprayed. Tip Size Spray Material Filter Type " ! " ! " ! ! Fan widths measuring 8” to 12” (20 to 30 cm) are preferred because they offer more control while spraying and are less likely to plug. i Verwenden Sie für das Sprühgerät keine Düsenöffnungsgrößen, die größer als empfohlen sind. "VTEFSGPMHFOEFO5BCFMMFLÕOOFO4JF EJFÛCMJDIFO(SÕFOVOEEJFHFFJHOFUFO .BUFSJBMJFOEJFBVGHFTQSÛIUXFSEFOLÕOOFO entnehmen. Düsendurchmesser $ $ ! $ "# # Spritzmaterial Filtertyp Strahlbreiten von 8” bis 12” (20 bis 30 cm) sind zu bevorzugen, weil sie beim Sprühen besser LPOUSPMMJFSUXFSEFOLÕOOFOVOETFMUFOFS verstopfen. 98 i Ne pas utiliser un embout de taille supérieure à celle recommandée pour le vaporisateur. -FUBCMFBVTVJWBOUJOEJRVFMFTFNCPVUTMFT QMVTVUJMJTÊTBJOTJRVFMFQSPEVJUÆWBQPSJTFSFO fonction de chaque embout. .011 – .013 Laques et teintures .015 – .019 Peintures à huile et au latex 60 mailles .021 – .026 Peintures épaisses au latex et matériaux de remplissage 30 mailles 100 mailles -FTWFOUJMBUFVSTEVOFMBSHFVSEFÆDN ÆQPVDFT TFSPOUQSÊGÊSÊTEVGBJURVJMT permettent une plus grande maîtrise et risquent NPJOTEFTPCTUSVFS PowrTwin Plus Gun Manifold Assemblies (Optional) Ensembles de collecteur de pistolet (facultatifs) Pistolenmehrfachanschluss (Optional) 4JOHMF(VOr&JOGBDIF1JTUPMFr1JTUPMFUTJNQMF (A) (B) 1 6 1-Gun add-on 1-Pistolenerweiterung Pistolet simple additionnel 4 Add-A-Gun Kit Kit zur Pistolenerweiterung Trousse pour ajouter un pistolet 2 2 3 5 1 3 (A) (B) # Benennung Benennung Description 1 814-002 /JQQMFIFY Sechskantnippel Raccord hexagonal 814-004 /JQQMFIFY Sechskantnippel Raccord hexagonal 2 940-553 Ball valve Ballventil 4PVQBQFÆCJMMF 941-555 Ball valve Ballventil 4PVQBQFÆCJMMF 3 227-006 /JQQMFIFY Sechskantnippel Raccord hexagonal 808-555 /JQQMFIFY Sechskantnippel Raccord hexagonal 4 227-033 Pipe plug 3PISTUÕQTFM #PVDIPOñMFUÊ 1 1 5 970-100 Block, manifold Block, Düsenkanal Bloc, collecteur 1 1 6 814-004 /JQQMFIFY Sechskantnippel Raccord hexagonal 1 1 Pos. 975-111 (1/4” / 6,35 mm) 975-311 (3/8” / 9,53 mm) 975-200 (1/4” / 6,35 mm) 1 975-300 (3/8” / 9,53 mm) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .VMUJQMF(VOr.FISGBDIQJTUPMFr1JTUPMFUNVMUJQMF 3-Gun manifold assembly Pistole mit 3-fach Anschluss Ensemble du collecteur à trois pistolets # Benennung Description Description 975-111 A (1/4”, 6,35 mm) 975-311 A (3/8”, 9,53 mm) 975-200 B (1/4”, 6,35 mm) 975-300 B (3/8”, 9,53 mm) PowrTwin Plus 975-212 2-Gun (1/4” / 6,35 mm) 975-213 3-Gun (1/4” / 6,35 mm) 975-214 4-Gun (1/4” / 6,35 mm) 1 1 1 1 2 3 99 975-312 2-Gun (3/8” / 9,53 mm) 975-313 3-Gun (3/8” / 9,53 mm) 975-314 4-Gun (3/8” / 9,53 mm) 1 1 1 1 2 3 ">

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Key features
- High-pressure airless spraying
- Variable pressure control
- Variable volume flow
- Heavy-duty construction
- Easy to use and maintain
- Gasoline or electric options
- Multiple gun capability
- High viscosity material capability
Frequently asked questions
The maximum operating pressure of the TITAN PowrTwin Plus Airless Sprayer is 24.8 MPa (248 bar, 3600 PSI).
The maximum volume flow of the TITAN PowrTwin Plus Airless Sprayer is 3.15 gal (11.9 l)/min.
The TITAN PowrTwin Plus Airless Sprayer can be used with a variety of coating materials including thick layers of zinc dust and micaceous iron ore paints, Airless spray primer, sprayable glue, anti-corrosive agents, thick coating materials, and bitumen-like coating materials.
Please refer to the Cleaning section of the operating manual for detailed instructions on how to clean the TITAN PowrTwin Plus Airless Sprayer.
Please refer to the Maintenance section of the operating manual for detailed instructions on how to maintain the hydraulic system of the TITAN PowrTwin Plus Airless Sprayer.