NEOMITIS RT1 RF thermostat Installation instructions
RT1 RF is a wireless daily programmable room thermostat and receiver. The thermostat has a LCD display that shows the ambient temperature, time, and mode. It can be programmed to provide a comfortable temperature during the day and an economical temperature at night. You can also manually adjust the temperature by turning the dial. The device can be easily installed and used, and it helps you save energy and money.
INSTALLATION - RECEIVER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS RT1 RF )RUEHVWSHUIRUPDQFHGRQRWPRXQWWKHUHFHLYHURQPHWDOZDOOER[HV DQGOHDYHDWOHDVWFPGLVWDQFHIURPDQ\PHWDOREMHFWVLQFOXGLQJZDOO ER[HVDQGERLOHUKRXVLQJ MOUNTING OF WALL MOUTING PLATE WIRELESS DAILY PROGRAMMABLE ROOM THERMOSTAT AND RECEIVER 7KHUHFHLYHULVÀ[HGRQWKHZDOOZLWKWKHVWDQGDUGZDOOSODWHZKLFKLV supplied with the product. 1- Unscrew the 2 screws under the receiver. 2- Remove the wall plate from the receiver. [ Pack contains ....................................................................................1 Installation - Receiver .......................................................................1 3- Secure the wall plate with the two screws provided using the horizontal and vertical holes. 4- In case of surface mounting, a knock out area is provided on the wall plate and on the corresponding area of the receiver. Mounting of wall mouting plate .......................................................................1 Wiring ...................................................................................................................1 Mounting of the receiver...................................................................................2 Installation - Thermostat ....................................................................2 Installing batteries...............................................................................................2 Mounting of thermostat .....................................................................................2 Pairing procedure..............................................................................3 Installer settings .................................................................................3 Advanced installer setting ................................................................................3 Troubleshooting .................................................................................4 7HFKQLFDOVSHFLÀFDWLRQV ...................................................................4 WIRING PACK CONTAINS $OOHOHFWULFDOLQVWDOODWLRQZRUNVKRXOGEHFDUULHGRXWE\D VXLWDEO\TXDOLÀHG(OHFWULFLDQRURWKHUFRPSHWHQWSHUVRQ,I\RX are not sure how to install this thermostat consult either with a TXDOLÀHGHOHFWULFLDQRUKHDWLQJ(QJLQHHU'RQRWUHPRYHRUUHÀW WKHUHFHLYHURQWRWKHEDFNSODWHZLWKRXWWKHPDLQVVXSSO\WRWKH V\VWHPEHLQJLVRODWHG [ Thermostat [ Receiver [ All wiring must be in accordance with IEE regulations. This product is for À[HGZLULQJRQO\ Thermostat table stand N [ AA Batteries (LR6) RTE1RFA NEO ENG FP V04 26 06 2015 [ Screw Anchor [ Screws N L 1 2 3 4 L 1 2 3 4 = Neutral = Live = Not used = Normally closed = Common = Normally open 1 MOUNTING OF THE RECEIVER 1- Replace the receiver on the wall mounting plate. 2- Secure the receiver by screwing the both locking screws under the receiver. [ 3- Secure the wall plate with the two screws provided using the horizontal and vertical holes. 4- Replace the thermostat on the wall mounting plate. 5- Secure the thermostat by screwing the locking screws under the thermostat. [ INSTALLATION - THERMOSTAT INSTALLING BATTERIES 1- Remove the batteries cover which is placed on the front of thermostat. 2- Insert the 2 batteries AA supplied. Note the correct polarity according to the engraving on the thermostat when inserting the batteries. • On the table stand 1- Insert the 2 pins inside the wallplate and slide on the stand . 2- Fold the stand and lock it into the wallplate. 2 1 3- Replace the batteries cover. 30° 37° 2 tilts possibilities 5HFRPPHQGHGORFDWLRQVIRU\RXUWKHUPRVWDW To ensure that your thermostat provides accurate readings and controls HIIHFWLYHO\LWPXVWEHLQVWDOOHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\PDERYHÁRRUOHYHORQ an inside wall, away from direct sunshine and any other sources of heat or cold such as radiators, cold draughts, etc. MOUNTING OF THERMOSTAT • On the wall 1- Unscrew the 2 screws under the thermostat. 2- Remove the wall plate from the thermostat. [ 2 NB: In order to ensure proper operation of the product, ensure that the thermostat is not positioned near to an area which could be affected by interference from another source. E.g.: a wireless transmitter or receiver, TV, PC, etc. Slider position 1 Set °C/°F temperature unit Important: The thermostat measures the temperature of the place where it is installed. It does not take into account the temperature differences WKDWPD\H[LVWEHWZHHQGLIIHUHQWORFDWLRQVLQWKHKRXVHLIWKHWHPSHUDture is not uniform. 2 Set 12 or 24 hours clock 3 Set calibration of the temperature displayed 4 Program lock 5 Select the type of control: 2 points or TPI PAIRING PROCEDURE The thermostat and the receiver are not bonded together at the factory. To bond the transmitter and the receiver together, proceed as below: 1- Press and hold for 5 seconds 2- Within 1 minute, press and hold the RF test button on the for 5 seconds the RF test button receiver. RF test green light is on the thermostat. Pairing icon blinking. LVÁDVKLQJ Override Icon Installer mode access • Set °C/°F temperature The pre-set temperature is the degree °C. 1- Rotate the dial to change to degree Fahrenheit. or 2- Then save by pressing move the Programming slider. RF Test Override RF Test 5 sec • Set 12/24 hours clock The pre-set value is 12 hours clock. 1- Rotate the dial to change to “24 hr”. 3- Thermostat RF icon and receiver green light are blinking. 2- Then save by pressing or move the Programming slider. 5 sec 4- Thermostat RF icon and receiver green light will be solid when pairing is complete. • Set calibration Override RF Test Override RF Test Note: the receiver is usually located near your boiler. If you want to check the signal strenpogth, move the mode slider to sition and then press and release the RF test button. RF icon blinks for 10 seconds then signal strength appears. 10 is the best signal strength. ,PSRUWDQW 7KLV RSHUDWLRQ LV UHVHUYHG IRU SURIHVVLRQDO LQVWDOOHUV RQO\ DQ\ wrong changes would result in control anomalies. Change should only be made if the temperature measured (measured by a reliable thermometer) is different by at least 1°C compared to the setpoint temperature of the room thermostat. The calibration adjusts the temperature measured by the ambient temperature sensor to compensate for a deviation from + 3°C to - 3°C in increments of 0.1°C. ,03257$17%HIRUHFDUU\LQJRXWWKHFDOLEUDWLRQLWLVUHFRPPHQGHGWRZDLW IRUKDIWHUDVHWSRLQWWHPSHUDWXUHPRGLÀFDWLRQWRLQVXUHWKDWWKHDPELHQW temperature is stabilized. The pre-set calibration value is 0. 1- Rotate the dial to adjust the calibration to the desired value. 2- Then save by pressing or move the Programming slider. INSTALLER SETTINGS • Program lock ADVANCED INSTALLER SETTING • Access Move the mode slider to position. Select the Programming slider position and press for 5 seconds to go into the dedicated installer setting. 5 sec. The product is unlocked by default, OFF is displayed. When program lock function is turned on then following functions will be disabled: - Regardless of physical location, Program Slider will always remain as SHU581PRGHH[FHSWWRDFFHVV,QVWDOOHUVHWWLQJV - In Mode Slider AUTO position: Manual override will not work. - In Comfort Slider position: mode will remain as per AUTO mode. - BOOST function is disabled. 3 1- Rotate the dial to ON and locked. 2- Then save by pressing or move the Programming slider. The radio link between the thermostat and the receiver is lost. - Check the battery level status. - Check that the radio communication works between the thermostat and the receiver.If the radio communication does not work between the receiver and the thermostat. - Repeat the pairing between the thermostat and receiver (refer to the user instructions). 7KHWKHUPRVWDWGRHVQRWFRQWUROSURSHUO\ 7KHUPRVWDWVHQVRUPD\EHLQÁXHQFHGE\DVRXUFHRIKHDWRUFROG - Check that the radio communication works between the thermostat and receiver. • Select 2 points/TPI ,IWKHSUREOHPSHUVLVWVFRQWDFW\RXULQVWDOOHU 2 points = ON/OFF regulation. TPI = Proportional control algorithm. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The pre-set control algorithm is TPI. 1- Rotate the dial to change to 2 points control algorithm. 2- Then save by pressing or move the Programming slider. Power supply: 2 alkaline 1.5 V AA (LR6) batteries. %DWWHU\OLIHDSSUR[\HDUV Receiver: Note regarding the Advanced installer settings: If MODE slider is moved or QRSUHVVURWDWLRQIRUVHFRQGVLWZLOOGLVFDUGFKDQJHVDQGH[LWLQVWDOOHU mode. TROUBLESHOOTING - Power supply: 230V~50/60Hz. Relay outputs: 5(2)A. Rated impulse voltage: 4000V. Micro-disconnection: Type 1B. Pollution degree: 2. Automatic action: 100,000 cycles. Class II. 0D[LPXP UDQJH LQ WKH KRPH 15m is typical but this varies depending on the building construction eg plasterboard lined with metal foil the number of walls and ceilings that the signal has to pass through and by the surrounding electromagnetic environment. Signal sending:HYHU\PLQXWHVPD[LPXPWLPHODJPLQXWHDIWHUVHW point temperature has been changed. Standards: Transmitter 6DIHW\ The heating does not come on or does not go off. - Your room thermostat may have been set up close to a source of heat or on a cold wall – put it in a recommended location (see the “Installing” section on page 2 for these locations). - Check that the radio communication works between the thermostat and the receiver. - Check if the boiler controlled by the programmable room thermostat is properly connected to the receiver. 5DGLRWUDQVPLVVLRQLVQRWZRUNLQJSURSHUO\ 7KHUHFHLYHULVQRWSLFNLQJXSWKHFRGHVHQWE\WKHWKHUPRVWDW - Check and replace thermostat batteries . 2- The receiver does not recognize transmitter’s code. - Pair the room thermostat transmitter with the receiver again See Pairing section. 7KHUHFHLYHURUWKHWUDQVPLWWHULVDIIHFWHGE\LQWHUIHUHQFH - Re site the transmitter. - If possible, re site the receiver away from the source of the interference. <RXZDQWWRFKDQJHWKHRSHUDWLQJPRGHEXWZKHQ\RXPRYHWKHPRGH slider nothing happens. - If the lock symbol is being displayed, then the thermostat is locked. - Unlock the thermostat by following the instructions for doing so in the "program lock" section (see page 3). 7KHWKHUPRVWDWLVLQ$XWR0RGHEXWSURJUDPVDUHQRWEHLQJH[HFXWHGE\ the boiler: - Ensure that the thermostat is in good working condition. - Change the batteries. EN62311 R&TTE EMC EN301489-1 EN301489-3 EN300440-1 EN300440-2 Receiver RoHS EN50581 6DIHW\ EN60730-1 EN62479 R&TTE-EMC EN301489-1 EN301489-3 EN300440-1 EN300440-2 RoHS EN50581 Environment : - Operation temperature: 0°C to +40°C. Manual temperature setting range: from +5°C to +30°C. Storage temperature: from -10°C to +60°C. Humidity: 80% at +25°C (without condensation) Protection rating: IP30. N.B.: this room thermostat is one part of a complete radio system and will only work with the 230V AC receiver. Radio emitter, frequency from 2.40 to 2.48 GHz. Manufactured by: IMHOTEP création. on the product indicates that you must dispose of it at the end of The its useful life at a special recycling point, in accordance with European Directive WEEE 2012/19/EU. If you are replacing it, you can also return it to the retailer from which you buy the replacement equipment. Thus, it is not ordinary household waste. Recycling products enables us to protect the environment and to use less natural resources. Compliance declaration: we hereby declare under our sole responsibility that the products described in these instructions comply with all the main requirements of the LVD 2006/95/EC, EMC 2004/108/EC, RoHS 2011/65/EU and are PDQXIDFWXUHGXVLQJSURFHVVHVZKLFKDUHFHUWLÀHG,62 V2008. Registered trademarks - All rights reserved 'LVSOD\GLVDSSHDUVRQWKHUPRVWDW - Check batteries. - Replace the 2 batteries. Only use alkaline 1.5V AA (LR6) batteries. Do not use rechargeable batteries. Creating innovative solutions for ambient comfort NEOMITIS® LIMITED - 4th Floor, Lincoln House, 300 High Holborn, London WC1V 7JH Registered in England and Wales No: 9543404 Tel: +44 (0) 2071 250 236 - Fax: +44 (0) 2071 250 267 - E-mail: [email protected] 4 CONTROLS AND DISPLAY OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS RT1 RF WIRELESS DAILY PROGRAMMABLE ROOM THERMOSTAT AND RECEIVER • Thermostat Batteries compartment /&'GLVSOD\ C 0RGHVOLGHU am Programming VOLGHU C 5RWDU\GLDO Reset button RF test button Enter/boost button Programming sliders sequences: Time/day Comfort period setting temperature Run Comfort temperature Eco • LCD Display Pairing icon Overview ..................................................................................................1 Controls and display ...............................................................................1 Settings .....................................................................................................1 Advanced settings Measured room temperature Lock function Initial power up ..................................................................................................1 Pairing procedure .............................................................................................2 Mode indicator Programming ...........................................................................................2 Hour Set clock ..............................................................................................................2 Set the program Comfort period .....................................................................2 Temperatures setting .........................................................................................2 Operating .................................................................................................3 Mode selection and description ......................................................................3 Manual: a temporary change..........................................................................3 Boost ....................................................................................................................3 Factory settings ...................................................................................................3 Programmed Comfort period Low battery icon Frost protection icon &DOOIRUKHDW icon Text informations Temperature setpoint Days (RT7 RF RQO\ Comfort or Eco mode icon SETTINGS Troubleshooting .......................................................................................4 7HFKQLFDOVSHFLÀFDWLRQV .........................................................................4 INITIAL POWER UP What is a room thermostat...................................................................... 4 OVERVIEW 7KDQN\RXIRUSXUFKDVLQJRXU575)ZLUHOHVV GDLO\ SURJUDPPDEOH GLJLWDO URRP WKHUPRVtat. ,W LV E\ OLVWHQLQJ WR \RXU UHTXLUHPHQWV ZH have created and designed our products WREHHDV\WRRSHUDWHDQGLQVWDOO It is this ease of operation that is intended WRPDNH\RXUOLIHHDVLHUDQGKHOS\RXVDYH energy and money. RTE1RFa NEO ENG FP V02 29 05 2015 1- To start: insert the two AA batteries provided into the battery compartment. 2QFHEDWWHULHVDUHÀWWHGDOO V\PEROVZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGRQ the LCD screen as shown for two seconds. 2- $IWHU VHFRQGV WKH /&' ZLOO show: - The ambient temperature (°C) VROLG 5)LFRQÁDVKHV Note: :KHQWKHEDWWHULHVPXVWEHFKDQJHGDORZEDWWHU\OHYHOLQGLFDWRU appears on the device. 5HPHPEHUWRWDNHXVHGEDWWHULHVWREDWWHU\FROOHFWLRQSRLQWVVRWKH\FDQ EHUHF\FOHG 1 SET THE PROGRAM COMFORT PERIOD PAIRING PROCEDURE The thermostat and the receiver are not bonded together at the factory. 7RERQGWKHWUDQVPLWWHUDQGWKHUHFHLYHUWRJHWKHUSURFHHGDVEHORZ 1- 3UHVVDQGKROGIRU5 seconds 2- :LWKLQPLQXWHSUHVVDQGKROG the RF test button on the for 5 seconds the RF test button UHFHLYHU5)WHVWJUHHQOLJKWLV on the thermostat. Pairing icon EOLQNLQJ LVÁDVKLQJ Override 1- 7RVHWWKHÀUVW&RPIRUWVWDUW time, move the Programming VOLGHUWRSRVLWLRQ . 7KHGHIDXOWWLPHLVDP 2- 7XUQWKHGLDOWRVHWWKHWLPH 0RYHWKH3URJUDPVOLGHUWRWKH QH[WSRVLWLRQWRFRQÀUPÀQLVK this setting. 3- 7RVHWWKHÀUVW&RPIRUWHQG time, move the Programming VOLGHUWRSRVLWLRQ . 7KHGHIDXOWWLPHLVDP 4- 7XUQWKHGLDOWRVHWWKHWLPH 0RYHWKH3URJUDPVOLGHUWRWKH QH[WSRVLWLRQWRFRQÀUPÀQLVK this setting. RF Test Override RF Test 5 sec 3- Thermostat RF icon and receiYHUJUHHQOLJKWDUHEOLQNLQJ Override 5 sec 4- Thermostat RF icon and reFHLYHUJUHHQOLJKWZLOOEHVROLG ZKHQSDLULQJLVFRPSOHWH RF Test Override RF Test 1RWHWKHUHFHLYHULVXVXDOO\ORFDWHGQHDU\RXUERLOHU ,I\RXZDQWWRFKHFNWKHVLJQDOVWUHQJWK PRYH WKH PRGH VOLGHU WR poVLWLRQ DQG WKHQ SUHVV DQG UHOHDVH WKH 5) WHVW EXWWRQ 5) LFRQ EOLQNV IRU VHFRQGVWKHQVLJQDOVWUHQJWKDSSHDUV LVWKHEHVWVLJQDOVWUHQJWK 5- Repeat for the second comfort period Comfort period Default times Comfort period 2 Start at 05:00 pm . End at 10:00 pm Note: if you wish not to use a period then this can be done by Coinciding the End time with Start time. TEMPERATURES SETTING PROGRAMMING SET CLOCK 1- 7KHWLPHVHWWLQJLVÁDVKLQJ 2- To set the current time, turn the GLDOFORFNZLVHWRLQFUHPHQWWKH WLPHWXUQWKHGLDOFRXQWHUFORckwise, to decrement the time. Two temperatures can be set: Comfort temperature and Economy temperature. 1- To set the Comfort temperature, move the Programming VOLGHUWRSRVLWLRQ . 7KHGHIDXOWWHPSHUDWXUHLV& ) 2- 7XUQWKHGLDOWRVHWWKHWHPSHUDWXUHEHWZHHQ&DQG& in increments of 0.5°C. 0RYHWKH3URJUDPVOLGHUWRWKH QH[WSRVLWLRQWRFRQÀUPÀQLVK this setting. 0RYHWKH3URJUDPPLQJVOLGHUWR WKHQH[WSRVLWLRQWRFRQÀUPÀQLVK this setting. 2 3- To set the Economy temperature, move the Programming VOLGHUWRSRVLWLRQ . 7KHGHIDXOWWHPSHUDWXUHLV& (50°F). MANUAL: A TEMPORARY CHANGE MANUAL: Indicates when the temperature has been moved IURPVHWSRLQW7KLVWHPSHUDWXUHZLOO RSHUDWHXQWLOWKHQH[WVZLWFKLQJ WLPH7KLVLVRQO\DFWLYHZKHQWKH FRQWUROOHULVLQ$872RU&20)257 mode. 4- 7 XUQWKHGLDOWRVHWWKHWHPSHUDWXUHEHWZHHQ&DQG& in increments of 0.5°C. 0RYHWKH3URJUDPVOLGHUWRWKH QH[WSRVLWLRQWRFRQÀUPÀQLVK this setting. BOOST BOOST: Boost mode is a temporary PRGHZKLFKDOORZV\RXWRRSHrate at the comfort temperature for 1 hour. At the end of 1 hour the GHYLFHZLOOUHYHUWWRLWVSULRUVHWWLQJ NOTE: This is the temperature WKDWWKHXQLWZLOOZRUNWRRXWVLGH of your comfort periods. 5- 0RYHWKHSURJUDPPRGHVOLGHUWRWKH ÀQLVKDOOSUHYLRXVVHWWLQJV SRVLWLRQWRFRQÀUPDQG OPERATING %2267ZLOOZRUNIURPDQ\UXQQLQJPRGH BOOST is entered by pressing / button. MODE SELECTION AND DESCRIPTION Mode sliders sequences: Auto mode Comfort mode AUTO: Automatic mode. The XQLWLVFRQWUROOLQJWRWKHWLPH and temperature program WKDWKDYHEHHQVHOHFWHG (refer to "programming" section page 2). Economy mode Standby. %2267LVFDQFHOOHGE\DQ\SUHVVRIEXWWRQPRYHPHQWRIGLDORUVOLGHU :KHQ%2267LVUXQQLQJWKHWLPHDQGGD\GLVDSSHDU7KHPLQXWHDUUD\ZLOO FRXQWGRZQIURP²WRLQGLFDWHWLPHOHIWLQ%2267PRGH 1RWHWKH3URJUDPPLQJVOLGHUPXVWEHLQWKH position. FACTORY SETTINGS COMFORT: Permanent comfort mode. The unit is FRQWUROOLQJFRQWLQXRXVO\WR the comfort temperature VHWSRLQW7KHGHIDXOWWHPSHrature setting is 20°C) Refer to section temperatures setting to change the YDOXH page 2. ECO: Permanent eco mode. 7KHXQLWLVFRQWUROOLQJFRQWLQXRXVO\WRWKHHFRWHPSHUDWXUHVHWSRLQW7KHGHIDXOW temperature setting is 10°C (50°F). Refer to section temperatures setting to change WKHYDOXHpage 2. STANDBY: Permanent standby mode with frost proWHFWLRQ7KHXQLWLVFRQWUROOLQJ FRQWLQXRXVO\DWWKHIURVWSURtection temperature factory set. i.e 8°C. Settings Eco temperature Factory settings 20°C 10°C Comfort period 1 Comfort period 2 6WDUWDWam Start at 05:00 pm Comfort temperature (QGDWam End at 10:00 pm 1RWH7RUHVWRUHIDFWRU\VHWWLQJVSUHVVDQGKROGGRZQWKLVSDUWIRUPRUH WKDQVHFRQGVXVLQJWKHWLSRIDSHQ $OO/&'GLVSOD\ZLOOEHWXUQHG21IRUVHFRQGVDQGWKHIDFWRU\VHWWLQJV ZLOOEHUHVWRUHG 3 TROUBLESHOOTING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3OHDVHUHIHUWRWKHLQVWDOOLQJLQVWUXFWLRQVIRUDQ\LQIRUPDWLRQVDERXWEDWWHULHVOLIHVWDQGDUGVDQGSURGXFWHQYLURQPHQW WHAT IS A ROOM THERMOSTAT DQH[SODQDWLRQIRUKRXVHKROGHUV $ URRP WKHUPRVWDW VLPSO\ VZLWFKHV the heating system on and off as necessary. It works by sensing the air temperature, switching on the heating when the air temperature IDOOV EHORZ WKH WKHUPRVWDW VHWWLQJ and switching it off once this set temperature has been reached. Turning a room thermostat to a hiJKHUVHWWLQJZLOOQRWPDNHWKHURRP KHDWXSDQ\IDVWHU+RZTXLFNO\WKHURRPKHDWVXSGHSHQGVRQWKHGHVLJQRIWKHKHDWLQJV\VWHPIRUH[DPSOHWKHVL]HRIERLOHUDQGUDGLDWRUV 1HLWKHUGRHVWKHVHWWLQJDIIHFWKRZTXLFNO\WKHURRPFRROVGRZQ 7XUQLQJDURRPWKHUPRVWDWWRDORZHUVHWWLQJZLOOUHVXOWLQWKHURRPEHLQJ FRQWUROOHGDWDORZHUWHPSHUDWXUHDQGVDYHVHQHUJ\ 7KHKHDWLQJV\VWHPZLOOQRWZRUNLIDWLPHVZLWFKRUSURJUDPPHUKDVVZLWFKHG LW RII 7KH ZD\ WR VHW DQG XVH \RXU URRP WKHUPRVWDW LV WR ÀQG WKH ORZHVWWHPSHUDWXUHVHWWLQJWKDW\RXDUHFRPIRUWDEOHZLWKDQGWKHQOHDYH LWDORQHWRGRLWVMRE7KHEHVWZD\WRGRWKLVLVWRVHWWKHURRPWKHUPRVWDW WRDORZWHPSHUDWXUH²VD\&²DQGWKHQWXUQLWXSE\RQHGHJUHHHDFK GD\XQWLO\RXDUHFRPIRUWDEOHZLWKWKHWHPSHUDWXUH<RXZRQ·WKDYHWR DGMXVWWKHWKHUPRVWDWIXUWKHU$Q\DGMXVWPHQWDERYHWKLVVHWWLQJZLOOZDVWH energy and cost you more money. ,I\RXUKHDWLQJV\VWHPLVDERLOHUZLWKUDGLDWRUVWKHUHZLOOXVXDOO\EHRQO\ RQHURRPWKHUPRVWDWWRFRQWUROWKHZKROHKRXVH%XW\RXFDQKDYHGLIIHUHQW WHPSHUDWXUHV LQ LQGLYLGXDO URRPV E\ LQVWDOOLQJ WKHUPRVWDWLF UDGLDWRU YDOYHV759VRQLQGLYLGXDOUDGLDWRUV,I\RXGRQ·WKDYH759V\RXVKRXOG FKRRVHDWHPSHUDWXUHWKDWLVUHDVRQDEOHIRUWKHZKROHKRXVH,I\RXGR KDYH 759V \RX FDQ FKRRVH D VOLJKWO\ KLJKHU VHWWLQJ WR PDNH VXUH WKDW HYHQWKHFROGHVWURRPLVFRPIRUWDEOHWKHQSUHYHQWDQ\RYHUKHDWLQJLQ other rooms by adjusting the TRVs. 5RRP WKHUPRVWDWV QHHG D IUHH ÁRZ RI DLU WR VHQVH WKH WHPSHUDWXUH VR WKH\ PXVW QRW EH FRYHUHG E\ FXUWDLQV RU EORFNHG E\ IXUQLWXUH 1HDUE\ HOHFWULFÀUHVWHOHYLVLRQVZDOORUWDEOHODPSVPD\SUHYHQWWKHWKHUPRVWDW IURPZRUNLQJSURSHUO\ Registered trademarks - All rights reserved The boiler is not heating: &KHFNWKDWWKH7KHUPRVWDWLVFDOOLQJIRUKHDWLI\HVWKHQWKHWKHUPRVWDWZRXOG DSSHDUWREHZRUNLQJFKHFNWKDWWKHERLOHUKDVQRWVZLWFKHGLWVHOIRII If no increase set temperature. &KHFNWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHEDWWHULHV5HPRYHWKHPIRUVHFRQGVDQG UHLQVHUWWKHP,IWKHSUREOHPSHUVLVWVUHSODFHWKHEDWWHULHV Nothing in the display: &KHFNWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHEDWWHULHV5HPRYHWKHPIRUVHFRQGVDQG UHLQVHUWWKHP,IWKHSUREOHPSHUVLVWVUHSODFHWKHEDWWHULHV The room temperature is not high enough, the boiler is not providing enough heat: - Check the active operating mode VHHSDJH - the room thermostat PD\EHLQDQ(FR6WDQGE\RU$XWR0RGHHQWDLOLQJDWHPSHUDWXUHGURS - Check the active desired temperature and increase it if need be (see page 2). The temperature in the room is lower than the setpoint temperature: &KHFNWKHSURJUDPPLQJ7KHWKHUPRVWDWFRXOGEHLQDVFKHGXOHG(FR period. (QVXUHWKDWWKHWLPHGLVSOD\HGLVWKHVDPHDVWKHFXUUHQWWLPH You made a mistake while setting: <RX MXVW QHHG WR UHVWRUH IDFWRU\ VHWWLQJV DV H[SODLQHG LQ WKH ´)DFWRU\ settings” section VHHSDJH7KLVZLOOUHYHUVHDQ\FKDQJHV\RXPLJKW have made. The system is not heating but is on: - If DQGLQGLFDWRUOLJKWLVRQEXWWKHV\VWHPUHPDLQVFROGWKHQ\RXVKRXOG FRQWDFW\RXULQVWDOOHU If the problem persists, then contact your installer. Creating innovative solutions for ambient comfort NEOMITIS® LIMITED - 4th Floor, Lincoln House, 300 High Holborn, London WC1V 7JH Registered in England and Wales No: 9543404 Tel: +44 (0) 2071 250 236 - Fax: +44 (0) 2071 250 267 - E-mail: [email protected] 4 ">
Key features
- Wireless
- Daily Programmable
- Room Thermostat
- Receiver
- LCD Display
- Programmable
- Manual Control
- Easy Installation
- Energy Saving
Frequently asked questions
To pair the thermostat and receiver, press and hold the RF test button on the thermostat for 5 seconds. Then, within 1 minute, press and hold the RF test button on the receiver for 5 seconds. The pairing icon will blink on the thermostat and the green light will blink on the receiver. When pairing is complete, the icon and light will remain solid.
To set the time, turn the dial clockwise to increment the time and counterclockwise to decrement the time. Then press the Programming slider to save the setting.
Move the Programming slider to the Comfort position and turn the dial to set the desired temperature. Then press the Programming slider to save the setting. Repeat this process for the Economy temperature by moving the slider to the Economy position.
The thermostat has four modes, automatic, comfort, economy, and standby. The automatic mode will follow the program you have set. Comfort mode will maintain the comfort temperature setting. Economy mode will maintain the economy temperature setting. Standby mode will maintain the frost protection temperature.