SAIA-Burgess PCD6 Series Process Control Device Hardware Manual
The PCD6 Series is a modular system of process control devices, offering a wide range of scalability options, ranging from basic systems with a single processor and up to 256 I/O to large multi-processor systems with 5120 I/O. The PCD6 system is designed to be highly versatile allowing for gradual upgrades to meet changing needs.
SAIA PCD ® Process Control Devices Edition 26/735 E3 PCD6 Series Hardware Manual SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) http;// BA: Electronic Controllers Telephone Telefax 026 / 672 72 72 026 / 672 74 99 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAIA-Burgess Companies Switzerland SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG Freiburgstrasse 33 CH-3280 Murten 026 672 77 77, Fax 026 670 19 83 France SAIA-Burgess Electronics Sàrl. 10, Bld. Louise Michel F-92230 Gennevilliers 01 46 88 07 70, Fax 01 46 88 07 99 Germany SAIA-Burgess Electronics GmbH Daimlerstrasse 1k D-63303 Dreieich 06103 89 060, Fax 06103 89 06 66 Nederlands SAIA-Burgess Electronics B.V. Hanzeweg 12c NL-2803 MC Gouda 0182 54 31 54, Fax 0182 54 31 51 Austria SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ges.m.b.H. Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 38 A-5020 Salzburg 0662 88 49 10, Fax 0662 88 49 10 11 Belgium SAIA-Burgess Electronics Belgium Avenue Roi Albert 1er, 50 B-1780 Wemmel 02 456 06 20, Fax 02 460 50 44 Italy SAIA-Burgess Electronics S.r.l. Via Cadamosto 3 I-20094 Corsico MI 02 48 69 21, Fax 02 48 60 06 92 Hungary SAIA-Burgess Electronics Automation Kft. Liget utca 1. H-2040 Budaörs 23 501 170, Fax 23 501 180 Representatives Great Britain Canham Controls Ltd. 25 Fenlake Business Centre, Fengate Peterborough PE1 5BQ UK 01733 89 44 89, Fax 01733 89 44 88 Portugal INFOCONTROL Electronica e Automatismo LDA. Praceta Cesário Verde, No 10 s/cv, Massamá P-2745 Queluz 21 430 08 24, Fax 21 430 08 04 Denmark Malthe Winje Automation AS Håndværkerbyen 57 B DK-2670 Greve 70 20 52 01, Fax 70 20 52 02 Spain Tecnosistemas Medioambientales, S.L. Poligono Industrial El Cabril, 9 E-28864 Ajalvir, Madrid 91 884 47 93, Fax 91 884 40 72 Norway Malthe Winje Automasjon AS Haukelivn 48 N-1415 Oppegård 66 99 61 00, Fax 66 99 61 01 Czech Republic ICS Industrie Control Service, s.r.o. Modranská 43 CZ-14700 Praha 4 2 44 06 22 79, Fax 2 44 46 08 57 Sweden Malthe Winje Automation AB Truckvägen 14A S-194 52 Upplands Våsby 08 795 59 10, Fax 08 795 59 20 Poland SABUR Ltd. ul. Druzynowa 3A PL-02-590 Warszawa 22 844 63 70, Fax 22 844 75 20 Suomi/ Finland ENERGEL OY Atomitie 1 FIN-00370 Helsinki 09 586 2066, Fax 09 586 2046 Australia Siemens Building Technologies Pty. Ltd. Landis & Staefa Division 411 Ferntree Gully Road AUS-Mount Waverley, 3149 Victoria 3 9544 2322, Fax 3 9543 8106 Argentina MURTEN S.r.l. Av. del Libertador 184, 4° “A” RA-1001 Buenos Aires 054 11 4312 0172, Fax 054 11 4312 0172 After sales service USA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Inc. 1335 Barclay Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, USA 847 215 96 00, Fax 847 215 96 06 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Issue : 22.11.2000 Subjet to change without notice SAIA® Process Control Devices HARDWARE PCD6 series SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1992 - 1999. All rights reserved Edition 26/735 E3 - 04.1999 Subject to technical changes SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Updates Manual : Date Hardware PCD6 series - Edition E3 Chapter Page Description 06.10.2000 5.5 5-7 Compatibility table for FW mix (M300 and M1/M2) 06.10.2000 5.6 5-8 EEPROM configuration memory : SYSWR K 6000 06.10.2000 5.7.7 5-21 / 5-23 PROFIBUS-DP connection SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD6 Contents Contents Page 26/735 E3 1. The modular system structure 1.1 1.2 Block diagram for the multiprocessor system System data 2. The rack units PCD6.C... 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 The basic system with 32 to 256 I/O The 1-rack system with up to 1280 I/O Maximum extension with up to 5120 I/O Setting the rack unit numbers of the rack unit PCD6.C... Addressing of inputs and outputs in the PCD6 system Housing accessories 3. PCD6.M540 Single processor module PCD7.R... Memory module 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Application Architecture and layout Characteristic data of the processor module Operating states of the processor module Run/Halt switch and Clear button The 4 serial data interfaces PCD7.R... memory modules 4. Processor modules PCD6.M100 and PCD6.M2x0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 Front panel and structure of the PCD6.M100 Front panel and structure of the PCD6.M2x0 Characteristic data of the processor M100 and M2x0 Common data of the processor M100 and M2x0 CPU numbering Operating states of the processor modules Firmware Battery Pin assignment and data of the communication interfaces (25-pole, D-Sub connector, female) (D6-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1-1 1-3 2-2 2-4 2-6 2-9 2-10 2-12 3-1 3-2 3-4 3-6 3-7 3-9 3-18 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 Page 1 Contents PCD6 Page 5. Processor module PCD6.M300 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 Front panel and structure Characteristic data CPU numbering Operating states of the processor module Firmware EEPROM configuration memory Communication interfaces 5.7.1 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.5 5.7.6 5.7.7 5.8 Serial PGU port (RS232) PCD7.F110 for RS 422/RS 485 PCD7.F120 for RS 232 PCD7.F130 for 20 mA current loop PCD7.F150 for RS 485 with galvanic isolation PCD7.F700 for PROFIBUS-FMS connection PROFIBUS-DP Master/Slave connection 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-16 5-18 5-21 Interrupt inputs 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 5.8.5 Page 2 5-2 5-3 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-24 Interrupt inputs of the PCD6.M300 Method of operation Initialization of interrupt inputs Alarm function Count function up to 2 kHz 5-24 5-24 5-24 5-25 5-25 6. LAN2 processor modules PCD6.T100 and PCD6.T110 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 General Front panel and structure Function and installation Theory of operation Start-up and missing station procedure Specifications CPU numbering LAN2 station numbering Operating states Firmware Pin assignment and cables Line termination resistances Commissioning the LAN2 network SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-1 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-9 6-11 6-13 (D6-00-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Contents Page 7. Public memory modules PCD6.R... 7.1. 7.2 7.3 7.4 General description and summary Common properties Memory modules PCD6.R1.. and R5.. up to 256 KBytes Memory modules PCD6.R2.. and R6.. for up to 1 MByte 8. Empty chapter 9. Power supply modules 9.1 9.2 9.3 PCD6.N1.. Power supply modules for 230 VAC, 50 Hz PCD6.N2.. Power supply modules for 24 VDC Power requirements of PCD6 modules 10. General information on I/O modules 10.1 System cable and module connectors for the I/0 modules 10-2 11. Digital input/output modules 11.1 PCD6.E100 Digital input module, electrically connected PCD6.E610/611 Digital input module with electrical isolation PCD6.A200 Digital output module with relay contacts PCD6.A350 Digital output module, electrically isolated, short-circuit proof, switching capacity 24 VDC, 2 A PCD6.A400 Digital output module, electrically connected, switching capacity 24 VDC, 0.5 A 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 12. Analogue input/output modules 12.1 PCD6.W100 Fast analogue I/O module with 12 bit resolution PCD6.W3.. Analogue input module for slow processes, 12 bit resolution + preceding sign PCD6.W400 Analogue output module, 16 x 8 bits 12.2 12.3 26/735 E3 (D6-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 7-1 7-2 7-5 7-8 9-2 9-7 9-12 11-2 11-5 11-8 11-14 11-18 12-2 12-18 12-32 Page 3 Contents PCD6 Page Page 4 13. PCD4 → PCD6 Adapter module 14. Power supply and connection plan 14.1 14.2 Power supply 24 VDC Grounding plan 15. Programming accessories 15.1 15.2 15.3 Interface processor for programming unit PCD8.P800 15-1 (PG connection for multiprocessor modules M100/M2x0) PCD8.P100 Service and programming unit 15-5 PCD6.S100 D4 input simulation unit 15-7 16. Display modules 16.1 16.2 16.3 PCA2.D12 Display module with 4 digits PCA2.D14 Display module with 2 x 6 digits PCD7.D1.. Industrial control terminal 17. Quick guide to PCD6 installation 17.1 17.2 17.3 Assembly Entering a lamp flasher program Outputting texts to the PCD7.D100 terminal via the RS 232 serial interface 14-1 14-2 16-1 16-7 16-11 17-1 17-3 17-4 18. Dimensions 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Housing for PCD6 series Dimensions and installation of display PCA2.D12 Dimensions and installation of display PCA2.D14 Dimensions of the industrial control terminal PCD7.D1.. 19. PCD6 Hardware type designations SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-00-E.DOC) 18-1 18-2 18-3 18-4 26/735 E3 PCD6 Contents Please note: A number of detailed manuals are available to aid installation and operation of the SAIA PCD. These are for use by technically qualified staff, who may also have successfully completed one of our "workshops". To obtain the best performance from your SAIA PCD, closely follow the guidelines for assembly, wiring, programming and commissioning given in these manuals. In this way, you will also become one of the many enthusiastic SAIA PCD users. If you have any technical suggestions or recommendations for improvements to the manuals, please let us know. A form is provided on the last page of this manual for your comments. Summary PCD1/2 series H ardw are P CD 1 P CD 2 S erie xx 7 PCD4 series PCD6 series H ardw a re PCD4 H ard wa re PCD6 PC D4.H 1. . *) PCD2.M220 P CD4.H2.. *) PC D4 .H 3.. General Manuals *) PCD4.H4.. *) A dap ter module 4'717'4828'0 allows H modu les to be used with the P CD6. U se r's G uide R eference G uide (P G3) P C D 8 .P 1.. PCD7.D2.. PCD7. D160/170 PCD7.D8.. - S-Bus - PROFIBUS - Remote I/O In sta llation C om p one n ts fo r R S 4 85 N et w ork s - PG4 - Modem FUPLA / KOPLA function families 26/735 E3 (D6-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5 Contents PCD6 Reliability and safety of electronic controllers SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. is a company which devotes the greatest care to the design, development and manufacture of its products: • • • • • • • • state-of-the-art technology compliance with standards ISO 9001 certification international approvals: e.g. Germanischer Lloyd, UL, Det Norske Veritas, CE mark ... choice of high-quality componentry quality control checks at various stages of production in-circuit tests run-in (burn-in at 85°C for 48h) Despite every care, the excellent quality which results from this does have its limits. It is therefore necessary, for example, to reckon with the natural failure of components. For this reason SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. provides a guarantee according to the "General terms and conditions of supply". The plant engineer must in turn also contribute his share to the reliable operation of an installation. He is therefore responsible for ensuring that controller use conforms to the technical data and that no excessive stresses are placed on it, e.g. with regard to temperature ranges, overvoltages and noise fields or mechanical stresses. In addition, the plant engineer is also responsible for ensuring that a faulty product in no case leads to personal injury or even death, nor to the damage or destruction of property. The relevant safety regulations should always be observed. Dangerous faults must be recognized by additional measures and any consequences prevented. For example, outputs which are important for safety should lead back to inputs and be monitored from software. Consistent use should be made of the diagnostic elements of the PCD, such as the watchdog, exception organization blocks (XOB) and test or diagnostic instructions. If all these points are taken into consideration, the SAIA PCD will provide you with a modern, safe programmable controller to control, regulate and monitor your installation with reliability for many years. Page 6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-00-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 1. The modular system structure The modular system structure The series PCD6 offers maximum extension versatility with regard to the number of processor modules as well as to the number of input and output modules. Owing to its modular structure, the PCD6 series may be adapted to all requirements ranging from the basic system with a single processor module and up to 256 inputs/outputs to the large multi-processor system with 5120 I/O or it may be upgraded gradually in accordance with the users’ requirements. The 19-inch rack units, which have proved worthwhile with the PCA2 series for years, are used as housings. All functional modules are inserted in these rack units and connected at the rear via the bus board. 1.1 Block diagram for the multiprocessor system PCD6 P: Program Tx: Text DB: Data blocks 26/735 E3 (D6-01-E.DOC) F: T: C: R: CLOCK: Flags Timers Counters Registers Date-time VOL: volatile NVOL: non volatile SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-1 The modular system structure PCD6 The power supply module generates all voltages for the internal power supply of the electronics. This module also accommodates the program monitoring circuit ”watchdog” (WD). The public memory module has a central function. It incorporates all common registers such as the timers, counters, data registers and datetime as well as the arbitrator which controls the access to the bus in multiprocessor systems. As evident from the drawing, the 8192 flags (F) may be divided into a random number of volatile (VOL) and non-volatile (NVOL) flags. The register of the timers (T) and counters (C) of 1600 x 32 bits may also be adapted by the user in accordance with his requirements, whereby the timers are always volatile, the counters, however, are always nonvolatile. The non-volatile data register (R) of 4096 x 32 bits is also available for all processor modules. The user memory of the multiprocessor system for programs (P), texts (Tx) and data blocks (DB) is a pc-board which is plugged onto the public memory module and equipped with a battery-buffered RAM or EPROM. The programming tool ”Install” is used to assign each processor module its own program and text area. The system bus in the rack unit is the data path which is shared by all system components. The processor modules for bit and word processing and communication as well as the LAN2-processor module are placed to specially reserved plug-in locations. The locations to the right of the processor modules may be used to accommodate input and output modules (I/O) both for digital and analogue signals as desired. In the same rack, a maximum of 5 rack units each of 256 I/O or up to 1280 I/O can be addressed by using the bus extension cable. Connecting modules and a rack extension cable allow equipping up to 4 such racks with I/O modules which results in a maximum extension of 5120 I/O. Page 1-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-01-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 1.2 The modular system structure System data Processor modules 1 to 7 Equipped with bit and word processor, communication processor and LAN2-processor as required (only 1 LAN2-processor per system) Execution time approx. 6 µs per logic instruction (directly without a process image) User memory with ..R1../..R5.. RAM battery-buffered or EPROM 64 K program lines (of 32 bits) or up to 256 K text or data characters or mixed with ..R2../..R6.. 256 K program lines (of 32 bits) or up to 1 M text or data characters or mixed Separate data blocks corresponding to max. 192 K register (program and text appropriately reduced) Number of inputs and outputs Max. 256 in the same rack unit, 1280 in the same rack (with 5 rack units each of 256 I/O) 5120 in 4 racks (each with 5 rack units) Address range 0...8191 Serial interfaces 4 per communications processor, i.e. max. 28 interfaces for 7 processor modules 4 per single processor ..M540 Types of interface RS 232c, RS 422/485, 20 mA current loop Flags 8192 (can be divided into volatile and non-volatile flags) Timers/counters 1600, 31 bits, division is programmable (timers are always volatile, while counters are always non-volatile) Time base Programmable in the range 10 ms to 10 s Data register 4096 x 32 bits (non-volatile) loadable in the user program or externally from disk, using the whole user program the data capacity will reach max. 1 Mbyte (see user memory) Data formats Decimal, hexadecimal, BCD, binary or floating-point (exponential representation) Index register 16 x 13 bits (per processor) 26/735 E3 (D6-01-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-3 The modular system structure PCD6 Cyclic organization blocks (COB) 16 (per processor) Exception organization blocks (XOB) up to 32 (per processsor) Program blocks (PB) 300 (per processor) Function blocks (FB) 1000 (per processor), parameterizable Sequential blocks (SB) 32 (per processor) for GRAFTEC programming (2000 steps and 2000 transitions, up to 32 parallel branches) Texts and data blocks 4000 + 4000 (per processor) up to 3 subordinate text levels Special texts Output of date, time, logic states, register and counter contents in different formats (with decimal point), directly or indirectly addressable SAIA®LAN2 32 stations along a twisted-pair cable which is 1200 m in length. With a repeater expandable up to 8 times the size Date-time (hardware date-time) Week, day of the week, year, month, date, hour, minute, second Accuracy: better than15 s/month Power reserve: 2 months Operating temperature range 0...50°C (below rack units) without forced ventilation Interference protection of the digital I/O and power supply according to IEC 1131-2 class III (2 and 4 kV) Supply voltages (nominal) Page 1-4 for power supply modules 230 VAC, 50 Hz 24 VDC smoothed or 18 VDC full-wave rectified SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-01-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 2. The rack units PCD6.C.. The rack units PCD6.C.. The rack units of the series PCD6 can be installed in every 19-inch rack. As the operating elements and connecting terminals are accessible at the front, expensive swing out frames are not required. All modules are shielded. The rack units may also be wall-mounted by using fastening brackets. The height is 6 units, thus corresponding to the housing dimensions of the PCA2 series. All rack units are provided with the parallel bus and the appropriate bus connectors on the rear panel. Each rack unit is supplied with the required voltages by its own power supply module and provides room for 10 additional modules (processor modules, I/O modules). Pluggable system cable 26/735 E3 (D6-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-1 The rack units PCD6.C.. PCD6 2.1 The basic system with 32 to 256 I/O The basic system requires a main rack unit PCD6.C100 or PCD6.C110. 2.1.1 PCD6.C100 for 1 to 7 processor modules Configuration: N: R: Power supply module Public memory module ..R1.. or ..R2.. M/T: 1 to 7 processor modules E/A: 2 to 8 I/O modules 1) 2.1.2 PCD6.C110 for 1 to 3 processor modules Configuration: N: R: Power supply module Public memory module ..Rl .. or ..R2.. M/T: 1 to 3 processor modules E/A: 6 to 8 I/O modules 1) 2.1.3 With single processor module ..M540 Configuration: C: Main rack unit ..C110 (or ..C100) N: Power supp1y module R: Memory module (PCD7.R..) pluggable in processor module ..M540 M: Single processor module PCD6.M540 E/A: up to 8 I/O modules 1) 1 Page 2-2 ) I/O modules include digital I/O modules as well as analogue modules or signal-processing modules such as fast counters. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-20-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 The rack units PCD6.C.. The main rack unit is always assigned rack unit number 0. The range of I/O addresses is 0 to 255. Rack unit number and jumper positions: J24: QIO ENABLE 1) Jumper setting ex works in position DISABLE (see XOB5) J25: FALSIFY PARITY Only for factory end-test RACK ADDRESS: DIL-switch for rack unit number (for PCD6.C1.. only number 0 is allowed). Backplane: rear panel board in the main rack unit. 1 ) ENABLE may be set only with the new PCD6 I/O modules. For PCA2 I/O modules the jumper must always remain in position DISABLE. 26/735 E3 (D6-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-3 The rack units PCD6.C.. PCD6 2.2 The 1-rack system for up to 1280 I/O Extension rack unit PCD6.C200 Main rack unit PCD6.C100 or ..C110 for multiprocessor modules ..M1.., ..M2.., ..T1.. or for single processor module ..M540 Bus extension cable PCD6.K100 Extension rack unit PCD6.C200 Each main rack unit can be connected to a maximum of 4 extension rack units in the same rack. Extension is achieved by connecting the bus extension cable directly to the backplane sockets of each rack unit without occupying an I/O socket (max. cable length = 5 m). The cables are designed in such a way that a space of 2 height units = 88.4 mm is left between two rack units for connecting the I/O system cables. The main rack unit may be installed in any position desired in the rack. Page 2-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-20-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 The rack units PCD6.C.. 2.2.1 PCD6.C200: Extension rack unit for each with up to 256 I/O and max. 10 modules Configuration: N: Power supply module E/A: up to 10 I/O modules The rack unit number (0–31) is set on every rack unit via a 8-digit DILswitch. The switch settings are summarized in chapter ”Setting the rack unit number of the PCD6 rack units”. In order to achieve continuous addressing when using modules with 16 element addresses, several rack units can be assigned the same rack unit number. Important: No extension rack unit may use rack unit number 0. 2.2.2 PCD6.K100: Bus extension cable with 5 connectors Bus extension cable (flat-strip cable with 5 connectors) for connection of up to 5 rack units. When 3 or 4 rack units are employed, the unnecessary cable can be coiled up or cut off with scissors. 2.2.3 PCD6.K110: Bus extension cable with 2 connectors Bus extension cable (flat-strip cable with just 2 connectors) for connection of 2 rack units. 26/735 E3 (D6-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-5 The rack units PCD6.C.. PCD6 2.3 Maximum extension with up to 5120 I/O PCD6.T300: Connecting module for main rack Main rack Rack connecting cable PCD6.K400/..K410 3 x PCD6.C400: Extension rack unit for connecting module 3 x PCD6.T400: Connecting module for extension rack Extension rack 1 Extension rack 2 Extension rack 3 The extension rack unit PCD6.C400 may be placed to any position desired in the rack. The maximum extension level permits connection of 3 additional racks, each with 5 rack units, to the main rack which corresponds to a capacity of 5120 I/O. A connecting module PCD6.T300 which connects the extension racks is required in the main rack to control the 3 additional racks. The rack connecting cable PCD6.K4.. is attached to the connecting module PCD6.T400 which must be inserted in the special extension rack unit PCD6.C400. The connecting cable must not exceed 10 m in length. Page 2-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-20-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 The rack units PCD6.C.. 2.3.1 PCD6.C400: Extension rack unit for connecting module PCD6.T400 and 256 I/O in max. 9 modules Configuration: ..C400 N: Power supply module E/A: max. 9 I/O modules T: Connecting module PCD6.T400 (this module must be inserted in the rack unit in the first position on the right-hand side). The rack unit number is set on the connecting module PCD6.T400. 2.3.2 PCD6.T300: Main rack connecting module The connecting module is inserted in the main rack unit PCD6.C100/ ..C110 in the first position on the right-hand side. The rack connecting cable PCD6.K400/..K410 is attached to the extension racks via 3 D-Sub connectors (50-pole, female) on the front panel. The connector designations A, B and C do not affect addressing in the extension racks. The detection of what kind of extension rack is connected works automatically. Power consumption (internal from 5 V-bus) 26/735 E3 (D6-20-E.DOC) Extension A 1500 mA Extension A+ B 2100 mA Extension A+B+C 2700 mA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-7 The rack units PCD6.C.. PCD6 2.3.3 PCD6.T400: Extension rack connecting module This connecting module is inserted in the extension rack unit PCD6.C400 in the first position on the right-hand side. It is used to establish the connection to the main rack unit with the rack connecting cable PCD6.K400/..K410. The rack unit number of the extension rack unit PCD6.C400 is selected with the DIL-switches of this module rather than in the rack unit PCD6.C400. Addressing see chapter ”Setting the rack unit numbers of rack unit PCD6.C..”. Power consumption (internal from 5 V-bus) 500mA 2.3.4 PCD6.K400: Rack connecting cable (5 m) The rack connecting cable ends on both sides with a 50-pole, screwfastened D-Sub connector (male). It is 5 m in length. 2.3.5 PCD6.K410: Rack connecting cable (10 m) ditto, however, it is 10 m in length. Page 2-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-20-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 The rack units PCD6.C.. 2.4 Setting the rack unit numbers of rack unit PCD6.C.. DIL-switch: DIL-switch Rack unit no. 1 Addr. 256 - 511 Rack unit number DIL-switch position Element address range 0 *) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 00000000 00000001 00000010 00000011 00000100 00000101 00000110 00000111 00001000 00001001 00001010 00001011 00001100 00001101 00001110 00001111 00001000 00010001 00010010 00010011 00010100 00010101 00010110 00010111 00011000 00011001 00011010 00011011 00011100 00011101 00011110 00011111 0 256 512 768 1024 1280 1536 1792 2084 2304 2560 2816 3072 3328 3584 3840 4096 4352 4608 4864 5120 5376 5632 5888 6144 6400 6656 6912 7168 7424 7680 7936 - 255 511 767 1023 1279 1535 1791 2047 2303 2559 2815 3071 3327 3583 3839 4095 4351 4607 4863 5119 5375 5631 5887 6143 6399 6655 6911 7167 7423 7679 7935 8191 Rack unit no. 2 Addr. 512 - 767 Rack unit no. 3 Addr. 768 - 1023 Rack unit no. 4 Addr. 1024 – 1279 and so forth ... Rack unit no. 31 Addr. 7936 - 8191 pressed Basic address of rack unit *) Rack unit number 0 may only be used for the main rack unit PCD6.C1.. 26/735 E3 (D6-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-9 The rack units PCD6.C.. PCD6 2.5 Addressing of inputs and outputs in the PCD6 system The inputs and outputs as well as all other elements in the PCD6 system are addressed by using decimal numbers and therefore easy to understand. An input or output module has 16 or 32 addresses. In order to find the absolute I/O addresses in the range of 0 to 8191, unambiguous labelling of the modules is essential. For this purpose, a set of labels is delivered with each rack unit. The absolute address of an input or output is determined as follows: rack unit basic address + DIL-address of the module + relative address of the module input or output Use the above mentioned labels to ensure correct labelling of the modules. The plug-in location within the same rack unit does not affect input and output addressing. Example: Rack unit no. 2 with rack unit basic address 512 Inserted label with the basic module address: 512 + 64 = 576 DIL-address 64 of the module (setting see following table) Sticker with the absolute addresses Please try yourself after addressing by testing and setting 1 address per module with the programming unit. Use the input simulation unit PCD6.S100 for testing the inputs. This simple test avoids searching for ”errors” which result from incorrectly set addresses. Page 2-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-20-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 The rack units PCD6.C.. Basic address of the modules in the various rack units Rack unit no. is identical to rack unit basic address 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 0 256 512 768 1024 1280 ... Module DIL-switch Basic addresses of the modules 26/735 E3 (D6-20-E.DOC) 0 256 512 768 1024 1280 ... 16 272 528 784 1040 1296 ... 32 288 544 800 1056 1312 ... 48 304 560 816 1072 1328 ... 64 320 576 832 1088 1344 ... 80 336 592 848 1104 1360 ... 96 352 608 864 1120 1376 ... 112 368 624 880 1136 1392 ... 128 384 640 896 1152 1408 ... 144 400 656 912 1168 1424 ... 160 416 672 928 1184 1440 ... 176 432 688 944 1200 1456 ... 192 448 704 960 1216 1472 ... 208 464 720 976 1232 1488 ... 224 480 736 992 1248 1504 ... 240 496 752 1008 1264 1520 ... SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-11 The rack units PCD6.C.. PCD6 2.6 Housing accessories Fastening brackets for wall-mounting (Order no. 4’121’4889’0) Wall Front Two fastening brackets may be screwed to the back of the module to facilitate wall-mounting. Refer to the dimension drawing. Cover panels Width b = 12.5 mm Width b = 34.4 mm Page 2-12 Order no. 4’107’4870’0 Order no. 4’107’4871’0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-20-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 3-1 3. PCD6.M540 Single processor module PCD7.R... Memory module 3.1 Application The single processor module is for creating smaller PCD systems in a PCD6 rack. It is modelled on the PCD4's M140 processor. Its characteristics are therefore similar to the PCD4's: - uses the same memory modular as the PCD4, but with up to 256 Kbytes or 428 Kbytes for program, text and data blocks - up to 1280 inputs/outputs - 4 serial communications interfaces (2 x RS232, 1 x RS422/485, 1 x 20mA current loop) - communications via the LAN1, S-BUS and LAC networks, but not via the LAN2 - compatible instruction set, same as for PCD4.M140 and PCD6.M2.. - constructed using SMT components The single processor module is inserted next to the power supply module in a PCD6.C100 or C110 rack unit, and is fastened with 4 screws. It occupies two card slots. PCD6.C1.. N M540 space for 8 I/O modules © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The ..C200 extension rack units can be used with a PCD6.K100 bus extension cable to expand the I/O capacity to 5 rack units with a maximum of 1280 inputs/outputs. 3-2 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 3.2 Architecture and layout Architecture The following block diagram shows the clear and simple layout of a PCD6 with a single processor. SUPPLY WD I/ O 0...255 EXTENDED I/O UP TO 1279 I/O BUS M EM ORY M A P I/O BUS CPU M540 P TX DB USER MEMORY F T Vol Vol NV ol F R CL NV ol NV ol C USER ELEMENTS MEMORY MODULE PCD7.R.. SERIAL INTERFACE P Program TX Text DB Data blocks F T C R Flag Timer Counter Register © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. CL Vol NVol Real-time clock Volatile Non-Volatile Single processor module PCD6.M540 3-3 Issue 04.92 Hardware PCD6.M5 CPU V.. /1 CPU Run Halt Error Batt Run Halt LED display of operating state V.. /2 Run/Halt and Clear switches J1 J2 Clear 68000 microprocessor System program Connection to I/O bus Jumpers to activate Run/Halt Socket for memory module DIL switches for RS422/485 line termination resistance PGU 1 2 3 Two DUARTs Interface circuits for the 4 serial interfaces Serial interfaces Connectors - PGU: RS232c for connecting the programming unit - connector 1: RS422/485 - connector 2: RS232c - connector 3: 20mA current loop The 4 connectors on the front plate are 9-pin D-Type connectors (female) © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-4 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 3.3 Characteristic data of the processor module µP 16-bit microprocessor 68000 Number of instructions as for processor module PCD6.M2.. No. of interfaces which are independent of each other 4, interface No. 0 for PGU Baud rates (individually selectable for each interface) 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 110 bps (maximum transmission rate for 20mA current loop is 9600bps). Execution time (processing speed) As this processor module gives communication priority treatment, the processing speed reduces according to the number of assigned interfaces and the density of data transferred via each interface. An average reduction to approx. 80% is assumed (to 90% without an active interface, or down to 40% if all four interfaces are assigned and data is constantly transferred on all 4 interfaces). Execution time: - Bit processing e.g.: ANH I 0 - Word processing e.g.: ADD R 0 R 1 R 2 = 6... 10µs = 35... 60µs Number of addressable inputs and outputs 1280 per system Number of cyclic organization blocks (COB) 16 Number of index registers (13 bits) 16 (one per COB) Number of exception organization blocks (XOB) © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 12 at present (can be increased to 32) Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 04.92 Number of program blocks (PB) 1) 300 Number of parameterizable function blocks (FB) 1) 1000 Number of sequential blocks (SB) (for GRAFTEC) 32 Number of GRAFTEC steps Number of texts or data blocs (for text output via serial interfaces) Power consumption (internal from 5V bus) 3-5 2000 steps and 2000 transitions with up to 32 active parallel branches 4000 800mA All user memories (programs, texts, flags, registers, counter and timer registers, etc.) and the hardware date-time are resident on the memory modulel PCD7.R... 1) PB and FB calls may be nested to 7 levels. The firmware The firmware (system program) is located on 2 EPROMs of the type 27C512 (access time less than or equal to 200 ns). These two EPROMs are numbered "1" and "2" and carry indications of the firmware version number V.... PCD6.M5 V001/1 PCD6.M5 V001/2 Firmware is subject to upward compatible firmware changes. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-6 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 04.92 3.4 Operating states of the processor module Every processor module can have the following operating states: START, HALT, RUN, CONDITIONAL RUN, STOP and RESET. These states are displayed by 4 LEDs on the front panel: RUN HALT ERROR BATT Yellow LED Red LED Yellow LED Red LED State LED Meaning START RUN on HALT on ERROR on Self-check for approx. 1 sec when switched on, or after a "Restart" (Lamp check) RUN RUN on HALT off ERROR off Normal processing of the user program after START, if no PG is connected. COND. RUN RUN flashing HALT off ERROR off Conditional RUN. A breakpoint has been set by the debugger (Run Until...) which is not yet satisfied. STOP RUN off HALT off ERROR off If the PCD is on and the PG connected and running the debugger, then the CPU has not yet been put into RUN, or was stopped by the PG. Or a breakpoint has been satisfied. HALT RUN off HALT on ERROR off Serious error in user program, hardware error or HALT instruction processed, or no program loaded. RESET RUN on HALT on ERROR on The supply voltage is too low or there is an EXTERNAL RESET. RUN or RUN on COND. RUN or flashing despite ERROR HALT off ERROR on BATT on A self-check interrupted during the processing of a program and the corresponding XOB is not programmed. The battery in the memory is no longer working, or is not yet working because the controller has been powered off for a long period. (XOB 2 is called) © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 3-7 3.5 Run/Halt switch and Clear button The ..M540 processor module is fitted with a Run/Halt switch and a Clear button. The front-panel LEDs indicate the processor's status. RUN/HALT and RESET OUTPUT jumpers Setting jumpers J1 and J2 influences the behaviour of the processor in certain states: J1 RUN/HALT J2 DISABLE RESET OUTPUT ENABLE Jumper Jumper positions drawn to show factory settings Position Effect J1 ENABLE RUN/HALT and CLEAR switches are active J1 DISABLE Run/Halt and Clear switches are inoperative J2 ENABLE In the HALT state, all outputs are reset. This HALT can be triggered by the Run/ Halt switch, a HALT instruction or an XOB. J2 DISABLE In the HALT state, outputs are unchanged Caution: If jumper J2 is in the ENABLE position during the commissioning phase, and the PCD is run in "Trace" or "Run Until" mode, all outputs are turned off each time the program stops. This can be very confusing. Important: If PCD6.W3.. series analogue modules are used, then "Trace" mode must NOT be used while jumper J2 is in the ENABLE position, otherwise invalid readings may occur. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-8 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 HALT/CLEAR - ENABLE jumper With jumper J1 (RUN/HALT) is in the ENABLE position, the following functions result: ● If the RUN/HALT switch is in the HALT position, the processor module immediately goes into the HALT state. This switch has higher priority than the PG commands Run, Trace and Restart. The red HALT LED on the processor module is illuminated in the HALT state. ● If the RUN/HALT switch is switched from HALT to RUN, the processor executes a cold start, i.e. the self-check is executed, all volatile elements are set low and the cold start user routine (XOB 16) is executed. ● If the CLEAR button is pressed while the switch is being switched from the HALT to the RUN position, all elements, with the exception of the registers, are set low or to zero (also all no-volatile flags and counters). At all other times the CLEAR button has no effect. The EXTERNAL RESET function If a 0V signal (Ground) is connected to screw terminal "R" (External Reset) of the supply module, the processor immediately goes into RESET and all outputs are set low within a maximum of 2 ms, indepen-dently of the "Reset Output - Enable" jumper. Removal of the 0V signal gives a cold start. To prevent the processor starting itself up again, this should be done in user software. (e.g. wait at the beginning of XOB 16 until an input is switched on). This "Hardware Reset" has effects on the voltage monitoring of the power supply module, and works in the same way as the "Reset", if the supply voltage is too low. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 3-9 3.6 The 4 serial data interfaces All interfaces are attached to a 9-pin D-type connector (female) on the front panel. The connecting cable can be secured with 2 screws. 3.6.1 The PGU serial interface (RS 232c, channel 0) During commissioning, the PGU connector is used with the programming unit. Cables PCD8.K100 or ..K110 should be used for connecting the programming unit. This interface is of the type RS 232c. Pin assignment and data are as follows: Pin No. 3 2 7 8 5 4 6 9 1 Function TX RX RTS CTS SGN NC DSR +5V PGD Transmit Data Receive Data Request To Send Clear To Send Signal Ground Not Connected PGU Connected Supply +5V (P100) Protective Ground Use of the PGU interface as a data channel The following facts should be noted: - During PCD4 power-up, the firmware automatically assigns the PGU interface for connection to a programming unit at 9600 bps. - If any other peripheral device is to be connected, it should be reassigned as channel 0, using the SASI instruction. - If a programming unit is plugged in during operation, the switchover to PGU mode is done automatically. - To use the interface once again as a data channel, it must be reassigned as channel 0 again using the SASI instruction. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-10 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 Connection example for channel 0 (PGU) as general purpose serial interface M540 Pin No. Cable Peripheral TX 3 TX RX 2 RX RTS 7 RTS 1) CTS 8 CTS 1) SGN 5 SGN PGD 1 PGD The connector type and pin numbering must be adapted for the peripheral unit. 1) When communicating with terminals, it is important to check if some connections are provided by jumpers (RTS-CTS), or must be set High or Low with the "SOCL" instruction. 3.6.2 Interface No. 2: RS 232c (IBM Standard) This interface also has the necessary control lines for connection to a modem. M540 Pin No. 3 2 4 6 7 8 9 1 5 Function TX RX DTR DSR RTS CTS RI DCD GND Transmit Data Receive Data Data Terminal Ready Data Set Ready Request To Send Clear To Send Ring Indicator Data Carrier Detect Ground Signal type Logical state Required value Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) + 3V...+15V -15V... - 3V + 7V - 7V 0 (off) 1 (on) -15V... - 3V + 3V...+15V - 7V + 7V Control/ Message signal Nominal value The idle state of data signals is "mark". The idle state for control/message signals is “off”. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 3-11 Connection example for RS 232 For serial interface No. 2 : M540 Pin No. Cable Peripheral TX 3 TX RX 2 RX DTR 4 DTR 1) DSR 6 DSR 1) RTS 7 RTS 1) CTS 8 CTS 1) RI RI 9 DCD 1 DCD GND 5 SGN Adapt connector type and connections according to the peripheral. 1) For communication with serial terminals (VDUs), check which connections should be made. Set/clear the control signals using the SOCL instruction. 3.6.3 Interface No.3: 20mA Current Loop Pin No. * Function 4 2 3 5 TS TA TC TG Transmitter Source Transmitter Anode Transmitter Cathode Transmitter Ground Transmitter 9 8 7 5 RS RA RC RG Receiver Source Receiver Anode Receiver Cathode Receiver Ground Receiver Signal type Required value Nominal value Power for logic L (space) Power for logic H (mark) Neutral Voltage TS, RS Short circuit power on TS, RS -20.0 mA... +2.0 mA 0 mA +12.0 mA...+24.0 mA +20.0 mA +11.1 V... +14.9 V +13.0 V +18.0 mA...+29.6 mA +23.2 mA The idle state for data signals is "mark". By wiring to the cable connector, the user selects either an "active" or "passive" circuit. *) Maximum transmission rate for 20 mA current loop is 9600 bps. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-12 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 04.92 Connection examples for 20 mA current loop a) PCD6 active PCD6.M540 (active) Cable Peripheral unit (passive) Pin No. 4 Transmitter 2 3 Receiver 5 9 Transmitter 8 Receiver 7 5 b) PCD6 passive PCD6.M540 (passive) Cable Peripheral (active) Pin No. 4 Transmitter Receiver 2 3 5 9 Receiver 8 7 5 Transmitter © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 3-13 Issue 04.92 c) PCD6 transmitter and peripheral transmitter active PCD6.M540 Cable Peripheral Pin No. 4 2 Transmitter (active) 3 Receiver 5 9 8 Receiver 7 5 Transmitter (active) 3.6.4 Serial interface No.1 as RS 422 Depending on the "SASI" instruction assignment, the interface can work as either RS 422 or RS 485. Pin No. 3 4 2 1 7 9 8 6 5 Function TX /TX RX /RX RTS /RTS CTS /CTS PGN Transmit Data Transmit Data Receive Data Receive Data Request To Send Request To Send Clear To Send Clear To Send Protective Ground Signal type Logical state Polarity Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) TX positive to /TX /TX positive to TX Control/Message signal 0 (off) 1 (on) /RTS positive to RTS RTS positive to /RTS © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 07.91 Signalling sequence /TX to TX N ot dr i ve n a c ti v e =^ M a r k Space Mark (e .g . st a rt b i t) 5V VOL /TX 2,5V TX VOH VOH 3-14 0V VOH = 2V min (with load) ... 5V max (without load) VOL = 0V min ... 0.5V max Terminal example for RS 422 PCD6.M540 Cable Peripheral TX 3 TX /TX 4 /TX RX 2 RX /RX 1 /RX RTS 7 RTS /RTS 9 /RTS CTS 8 CTS /CTS 6 /CTS PGN 5 PGN Adapt connector type and connections according to the peripheral. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 3.6.5 Issue 07.91 3-15 Serial interface no. 1 as RS 485 Serial interface no. 1 can be assigned as RS 485 by using the SASI instruction as follows: - MODE: MC4 or - MODE: SS1, SM1, SS0, SM0 (S-BUS) Details on these operating modes can be found in the "Reference Guide" and the "Communications Manual". The following pins only are used for RS 485: Pin No. 3 4 5 Function Meaning RX- TX /RX-/TX PGN Data /Data Protective Ground Signal levels are the same as for RS 422. Example of RS485 connection (point-point) PCD6.M540 Cable Peripheral Pin No. RX-TX 3 RX-TX /RX-/TX 4 /RX-/TX PGN PGN 5 A point-point connection also requires pull-up and pull-down resistors to be connected to the line. If the lines are long, termination resistors are also needed. This is done using the 5-way DIL switches, as follows: DIL switches on the single processor module PCD6.M540 OPEN 1 2 3 Open 4 Closed 5 330 Ohm pull-up resistance 330 Ohm pull-down resistance 330 Ohm line termination resistance (high) 220 Ohm line termination resistance (medium) 150 Ohm line termination resistance (low) The factory setting for all switches is OPEN. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-16 Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 04.92 Setting the pull-up, pull-down and line termination resistors for RS 485 To suppress interference and avoid reflections, every processor module contains damping resistors, which should be connected in accordance with the following diagram. Branch cables should not exceed 0.5 m. Resistances are set with the 5-way DIL switches, as shown in the diagram below. Middle stations 4 3 PCD6. M220 (Nr.0) 9 PCD4. C130 12 2 PCD6.M540 (Nr.1) 10 RX - TX RX - TX +5V /RX - /TX PCD6.M540 (Nr.1) End station /RX - /TX First station 4 3 +5V Pull up Pull up 330 Ohm 330 Ohm /RX-/TX Termination resistor RS 485 RX- TX Pull down Cable length max 1200m 330 Ohm max 32 stations OPEN OPEN OPEN l = 1...1200m l = 1...400m (low 150 Ohm) 1 2 3 4 5 l = 400...800m (medium 220 Ohm) 1 2 3 4 5 OPEN OPEN 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 OPEN OPEN 1 2 3 4 5 Pull down 330 Ohm End station Middle station First station 1 2 3 4 5 Termination resistor (S-Bus) l = 800...1200m (high 330 Ohm) 1 2 3 4 5 The factory setting for all switches is OPEN. Switching on the DIL switches selects the above resistances and includes them in the network. The details given on cable length are for guidance only. In an actual installation, the line termination resistances would be set accordingly. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Single processor module PCD6.M540 Issue 04.92 3-17 Connecting and routing an RS 485 line 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Interface No.1 (RS485) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Grounding bar or continous earth line When preparing the bus cable, make sure that the data lines are not mixed up - always tie "RX - TX" to "RX - TX" and "/RX - /TX" to "/RX - /TX". In addition verify that the bus cable also remains permanently connected if one or two connectors are unplugged. Use male, 9-pole D-Sub connectors with fastening screws for bus cable connection. Use a screened twisted pair of min. 0.5 mm2 for the cable. The bus cable shielding should be fully connected at both ends to the grounding bar or continous earth line. This reduces the potential difference between stations to a minimum. In addition, it is recommanded that the buscable should not be laid directly beside motor cables with heavy interference, unless they have also been shielded. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-18 PCD7.R.. memory modules Issue 07.91 3.7 PCD7.R.. memory modules The memory module has a central function within the system. It contains the user programs, texts and data blocs, with their memory map, all flags, registers, timers, counters and the hardware clock. The memory module is inserted in the recess provided in the front panel processor module. 2 1 The memory module is provided with a security clip to prevent it from falling out during transportation and heavy vibrations. To remove the module, a screwdriver No.1 or 2 is needed. The screwdriver must be inserted and the memory module simultaneously removed. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD7.R.. memory modules Issue 07.91 3.7.1 3-19 Specifications User memory For program, text and data blocs PCD7.R..: max. 256K bytes PCD7.R310: max. 428K bytes Flags 8192 x 1 bit flags The division of non-volatile and volatile flags is done by the DEFVM instruction. Registers 4096 x 32 bit registers All registers are always non-volatile Data formats The standard format is decimal. Range: -2147483648 ... +2147483647 -231 ... +231 -1 These alternative formats are supported: Binary: 31 bits with +/- sign Hexadecimal: 0 ... FFFFFFFF BCD: 0 ... 1999999999 Floating Point: 9.223371*1018 ... 5.421011*10-20 -9.223371*1018... -2.710506*10-20 Timers/Counters 1600 x 31 bits The division between timers and counters is done by the DEFTC instruction. No more than 450 timers should be defined. All counters are non-volatile. All timers are volatile. Data formats As for registers, but positive values only and without floating point. Timebase for timers 1/100s ... 10s. The timebase is defined with the DEFTB instruction. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-20 PCD7.R.. memory modules Issue 04.92 Hardware clock Week, day of week, year, month, date, day, hour, minute, second Precision Better than 15s/month at Ta = 15 ... 30°C Battery power reserve 2 months (see next chapter) Power consumption all memory modules 140 mA each (5V bus) 3.7.2 The battery The rechargeable NiCd battery prevents loss of data when the controller is switched off (user program and text on RAM, registers, counters and non-volatile flags, history log) and also powers the hardware clock. The "Batt" LED on the front panel of the processor module shows the battery state (PCD6 powered on): LED Batt = off LED Batt = on (red) : : Battery ok. Battery low The battery is located on the memory module. The battery change due date is written on a label on the memory module's handle. To change the battery, pull out the memory module, and undo the two screws which connect the module's handle to the printed circuit board. Before replacing the battery, the date in memory (registers, counters, flags etc.) can be saved using the programming tools, then restored after the new battery has been inserted and has been in use for short time. Data: - Fully charged battery power reserve in unpowered memory module 2 months - Battery charge-up time 15 hours - Life expectancy 5 years - Nominal voltage 2.4 V Item number © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 4 507 1360 0 PCD7.R.. memory modules Issue 04.92 3.7.3 3-21 PCD7.R.. with 256K bytes of user memory Layout WP Jumper J2 Sockets for user memory J1 J3 J4 E1M/ E512 E256 RAM 2 1 Removable battery Haerdware clock Type summary Three different modules are available: - PCD7.R110 for EPROM with hardware clock - PCD7.R210 fitted with 64K bytes RAM * with hardware clock - PCD7.R220 fitted with 256K bytes RAM * with hardware clock The following can be used as EPROM: ° Type 27C256-15 , Item number 4'502'5327'0 fitted with 2 EPROMs resulting in 64K bytes user memory (insert EPROMs aligned to the right) ° Type 27C512-15 , Item number 4'502'3958 '0 fitted with 2 EPROMs resulting in 128K bytes user memory (insert EPROMs aligned to the right) ° Type 27C1001-10 , Item number 4'502'7126 '0 fitted with 2 EPROMs resulting in 256K bytes user memory NOTE: A 256K byte user memory can store the following data: - 64K of program lines at 32 bits each, or - 64K of data at 32 bits each in data blocks, or - 256K of text characters at 8 bits each Up to the max. capacity of 256K bytes, on the same memory, any combination of program, text and datablocks is possible. *) SAIA will not accept any claims about loss of data unless the original RAM memory equipped by SAIA is used. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-22 PCD7.R.. memory modules Issue 07.91 Setting the jumpers WP J2 J1 J3 J4 E1M/ E512 E256 RAM 2 Insertion of jumpers allows the following memory chips to be fitted: Memory Jumper position (large jumper block) J3 : 2 x 27C256-20 EPROM's Resultant memory size in PCD6.M540 64 K bytes 1) EPROM J1 : 2 x 27C512-20 EPROM's J1 : 2 x 27C1001-15 EPROM's 128 K bytes 256 K bytes RAM (factory fitted) J4 : J4 : 64 K bytes 256 K bytes 2 x 256 K bit RAM 2 x 1M bit RAM 1) In the models for EPROM (type ..R110) the factory setting for the jumper is position J3 The single jumper J2 is for write protection when RAM memory is used. Position WP : Write Protected The factory setting is "not write protected". © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD6 3.7.4 PCD7.R... memory modules PCD7.R3.. with user memory up to 428 KBytes WP Jumper "WP" for write protection Plug-in battery 2 Socket for plug-in user memory RAM EPROM Batt Real-time clock Jumper "Batt" Jumper for memory choice RAM/EPROM 1 Buffer capacitor Type summary - PCD7.R310 without user program, with hardware clock (RTC) Division of memory Extended memory TX and DB 4000 .. 7999 DB TX RAM + 172 kByte accessilble by these instructions SASI / STXT PUT / GET / TFR fixed DB TX TX and DB 0 .. 3999 P RAM or EPROM 256 kByte accessilble by full instruction set pluggable on 2 sockets Prog. address 0 Equipment and jumper positions Memory EPROM RAM Type Order number Jumper positions 27C512-10 27C1001-10 **) 62256LP-10 TC551001BPL-10 4 502 3958 0 4 502 7126 0 4 502 5414 0 4 502 7013 0 *) additional 172 KByte RAM for TX and DB 26/735 E3 (D6-32-E.DOC) EPROM : 2 x 512 KBit 2 x 1 MBit RAM : 2 x 256 KBit 2 x 1 MBit Results in PCD memory 128 KByte 256 KByte 64 KByte 256 KByte *) **) Fujitsu MBM 27C1001-10 Nippon Electric UPC1001D-10 Toshiba TC571000D-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-23 PCD7.R... memory modules PCD6 By the enlargement if fixed RAM memory, the capacity of the R3 module can be increased to 428 KBytes. For example, it is possible to insert 2 EPROMs in the 2 sockets producing a total of 256 KBytes for fixed programs, texts and data blocks. Read/write data blocks and texts are stored in the additional 172 KBytes of RAM. In this way, the 172 KBytes can be used to store approx. 40 K of 32-bit registers, transferable as required to CPU registers R 0... R 4095 with the PUT, GET and TFR instructions. Note : - 1 element of 1 data block in address range 0... 3999 uses 8 bytes - 1 element of 1 data block in address range 4000... 7999 uses 4 bytes The small jumper "+5V/BATT" can be used to disconnect the real-time clock from the battery. This results in longer data protection. However, in this operating mode the clock will only run when the PCD is powered up : *) - Jumper at "BATT" setting : clock runs from battery (running always) - Jumper at "+5V" setting : clock disconnected from battery *) Factory setting of jumper With RAM, the small "WP" jumper can be used to protect memory from being overwritten : - Jumper "WP" in position "WP": write protected Standard factory setting : not write protected. If the memory is fitted with EPROMS, the "WP" jumper is not significant. Changing the battery There are 2 different ways of replacing the battery without loss of data, depending on circumstances : Page 3-24 a) Changing the battery while the PCD4 is running (live) : To lift off the plastic handle only (not the board), a screw is removed from the side. Lift off the handle and take out battery from the side of the socket. Insert new battery and screw down handle. b) Changing the battery when memory module has been taken out : Remove plastic handle in the same way and change the battery. A buffer capacitor protects data for at least 30 sec. when the battery is exchanged. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-32-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD7.R... memory modules Mechanics The memory module PCD7.R3 is longer compared to the previous types by 3 mm, what would hardly be disturbing in the case of the PCD6.M540, since the two finger guard rails of the rack in any case further protrude. (With a PCD4 these 3 mm are to be taken into account for installation in a enclosure). Compatibility The PCD7.R3 modules' expanded memory capacity can be utilized by all firmware and Programming Utilities versions starting from the following : - PCD6.M540 (HW version "C") : Firmware V002 - PCD Programming Utilities : Software V1.7 The new PCD7.R3 memory modules can also be used with older CPUS. However, memory expansion above 256K Bytes cannot be utilized in this case. Almost all older user programs will run with the PCD7.R3. 26/735 E3 (D6-32-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-25 PCD7.R... memory modules PCD6 Notes : Page 3-26 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-32-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4. Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 *) The PCD6.M100 is the processor module for fast bit and word processing. The instruction set allows bit and word processing, wholenumber and floating-point arithmetics as well as PID-control. Other features include self-diagnosis and programmable diagnosis with the aid of up to 32 system interrupts (XOB). The PCD6.M2x0 is the processor module which performs communication tasks. An effizient instruction set allows using four types of interfaces RS 232c, RS 422/RS 485 or 20 mA current loop. They can operate independently of each other at a transmission speed of up to 19200 bauds. This processor module contains the entire instruction set of the processor module PCD6.M100 in addition to the communication instruction set. Consequently, user programs can also be processed involving bit and word processing, whole-number and floating-point arithmetics as well as PID-control. This processor module is totally independent, i.e. communication tasks as well as control and monitoring tasks can be performed simultaneously. If more than four interfaces are required, up to seven PCD6.M2x0 can be employed in a multiprocessor system. In addition, it features self-diagnosis and programmable diagnosis using up to 32 system interrupts (XOB). Communication interfaces The wide range of communication processor modules includes various interfaces and combinations of interfaces which allow solving the common communication problems. The following versions are available : PCD6.M210 4 x RS 232c up to 19200 bauds PCD6.M220 1 x RS 422/485 1 x RS 422 2 x RS 232c up to 19200 bauds channel 0 2) up to 19200 bauds channel 1 up to 19200 bauds channels 2 & 3 PCD6.M230 2 x 20 mA CL 2 x RS 232c up to 9600 bauds 1) channels 0 & 1 up to 19200 bauds channels 2 & 3 PCD6.M250 4 x 20 mA CL up to 9600 bauds 1) PCD6.M260 4 x RS 422/485 up to 38400 bauds for S-Bus 1) Special version up to 19200 bauds for 20 mA current loop can be delivered on demand 2) S-Bus up to 38400 bauds (dependent of the firmware version) *) These processors modules are not any more available, they have been replaced by the processor module PCD6.M300 (see chapter 5) 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-1 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 PCD6 4.1 Front panel and structure of the PCD6.M100 CPU number : DIL-switch for CPU number Firmware : 2 EPROMs with system program V... = number of firmware version µP : microprocessor 68000 P8 : connector for connecting programmimg unit J1 : jumper (not for user) Battery : buffered battery (NiCd for history file) Page 4-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4.2 Front panel and structure of the PCD6.M2x0 CPU number : DIL-switch for CPU number Firmware : 2 EPROMs with system program V... = number of firmware version Interface connectors 0... 3 : D-Sub connector, female, 25-pole µP : microprocessor 68000 P8 : connector for connecting programmimg unit J1 : jumper (not for user) J2 : see text below Battery : buffered battery (NiCd for history file) Communication circuit : additional pc-board with interface driver Type PCD6.M220 3) Jumper J2 was intended to change communication channel 0 from RS 422 to RS 485. However, J2 is ineffectual, as the type of interface for channel 0 is determined by the software with the SASI assignment. RS 485 is set for channel 0 with the following assignment : - Mode MC4 (individual character) - Mode SS1 or SM1 (S-Bus) Type PCD6.M220 4) The terminating resistor (R13 = 150 Ω) and the two pull-up/pull-down resistors (R11 = R12 = 330 Ω) are soldered here as of version A (exworks: Spring 1992). These resistors are only to be left on the initial and terminating stations of an RS 485 bus. All three resistors are to be removed with cutting pliers on all intermediate stations (see chap 4.9.4) Type PCD6.M260 5) With the jumpers at CH0... CH3 it is possible to switch the line termination resistors and pull-up/pull-down resistors into the closed position or the open position. Termination takes place only at the first or last station on an RS 485 bus. For all intermediate stations, and in RS 422 operation, the jumpers should be left in the open position. If one of the 4-pole jumpers in the array of connectors is inserted nearer to the printed circuit board, the position is closed. Otherwise, the position is selected as open. Factory setting is open. For more informations, consult the manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks" 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-3 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 PCD6 4.3 Characteristic data of the processor M100 and M2x0 PCD6.M100 µP 16-bit microprocessor 68000 Number of instructions more than 100, with four different addressing modes Execution time : PCD6.M2x0 Bit processing e.g. : ANH I 0 Word processing (32 bits) e.g. : ADD R R R 0 1 2 = 5.4 µs ¦ ¦ ¦ = 31 µs µP 16-bit microprocessor 68000 Number of instructions like processor module PCD6.M100 + additional instructions for communication Number of interfaces which are independent of each other 4 (assign only as many interfaces as actually required for the following reasons) Baud rates (individually selectable for each interface) 38400, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 110 bauds Execution time (processing speed) As this processor module gives communication processes priority treatment, the processing speed of the bit and word commands is reduced in comparison with the processor module PCD6.M100 depending on the number of assigned interfaces and on the density of data transferred via each interface. An average reduction to approx. 80% is assumed (to 90% without an active interface; down to 40%, if all four interfaces are assigned and data is permanently transferred on all 4 interfaces). Execution time : Page 4-4 Bit processing e.g. : ANH I 0 Word processing (32 bits) e.g. : ADD R R R 0 1 2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. = 6... 10 µs ¦ ¦ ¦ = 35... 60 µs (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4.4 Common data of the processor M100 and M2x0 µP 16-bit microprocessor 68000 Number of addressable inputs and outputs 8192 per system Number of cyclic organization blocks (COB) 16 Number of index registers (13 bits) 17 (one per COB + 1 for all XOB) Number of exception organization blocks (XOB) up to 32 Number of program blocks (PB) 1) 300 Number of parameterizable function blocks (FB) 1) 1000 Number of sequential blocks (SB) (for GRAFTEC) 32 Number of GRAFTEC steps 2000 steps and 2000 transitions Number of texts resp. data blocks (for text output via serial interfaces and for the SAIA LAN2) 4000 + 4000 (per processor) Power consumption (internal from 5 V-bus) M100 : M2x0 : 600 mA 830 mA All user memories (programs, texts, data blocks, flags, registers, counter and timer registers, etc.) and the hardware date-time are resident on the public memory module PCD6.R1../R2.. For detailed information refer to the documentation of the public memory module. 1) 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) PB and FB may be nested down ihrough 7 levels separately or mixed as desired. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-5 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 PCD6 4.5 CPU numbering The CPU number (= processor module address) is used to distinguish the processor modules in a multiprocessor system. The selected CPU number determines the priority of access to the bus. A decrease in priority results in an increase in execution time. Number 0 has the highest and number 6 the lowest prioritiy, i.e. CPU 0 operates at virtually unreduced speed. The execution time is hardly increased with 4 and less processor modules in the same system. A few rules for numbering CPUs : • Only the numbers 0 to 6 are admissible. • At least one CPU must be assigned the number 0. • A number must not be assigned to more than one CPU. • CPUs for fast control tasks are assigned the numbers 0 to 3, which results in short and constant response times. • CPUs for slow functions such as mathematic operations, data acquisition, logging, control, communication, etc. are assigned the higher numbers 4 to 6. • The SAIA LAN2 processor module PCD6.T1.. always uses CPU number 6. DIL-switches CPU numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 "pressed Page 4-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4.6 Operating states of the processor modules The processor module operates in the following states : START, HALT, RUN, CONDITIONAL RUN and STOP. These states are displayed by LEDs on the front panel of each processor module PCD6.M100 and M2x0 : RUN ERROR BATT Yellow LED Yellow LED Red/Green LED (only PCD6.M100) State LED Meaning START RUN on ERROR on ¦ ¦ Self-diagnosis takes approx. 1 sec on starting or restarting (lamp test). RUN RUN on ERROR off ¦ ¦ Normal execution of the user program after START if no PGU is connected. COND.RUN RUN blinks ERROR off ¦ ¦ Conditional RUN mode. A condition was set in the debugger (RUN until...), which has not been fulfilled yet. STOP RUN off ERROR off ¦ ¦ If PCD is switched on, the PGU is connected and run in the debugger : - CPU has not been started, - CPU was stopped by PGU, - the condition is fulfilled after a CONDITIONAL RUN. HALT RUN off ERROR on ¦ ¦ Fatal error in the user program, hardware error or HALT instruction executed. RUN or COND.RUN ERROR RUN on or blinks ERROR on ¦ ¦ ¦ Self-diagnosis was activated during program execution. The corresponding XOB, however, was not programmed. (only M100) BATT on ¦ see chapter 4.8 "Battery" On the one hand, the public memory module PCD6.R110 or..R210 can influence the operating states of the processor modules and, on the other hand, react in response to certain operating states (e.g. resetting of all outputs in case of errors). For detailed information refer to the documentation of the public memory modules. 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-7 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 PCD6 4.7 Firmware The firmware (system program) is resident in 2 EPROMs of the type 27C512 (access time ≤ 200 ns). These two EPROMs are numbered "l" and "2" and labelled with the firmware version V... e.g. : PCD6.Ml.. V009/1 PCD6.Ml.. V009/2 PCD6.M2.. V009/1 PCD6.M2.. V009/2 or The firmware is subject to change (upwards-compatibility is ensured). Caution : When using more than one processor in the same rack system take care that all the firmware must have the same version number. Remarks : Page 4-8 Since beginning of 1998, the PCD6.M300 is the new standard processor module for the PCD6 series. A compatibility table for firmware mix between PCD6.M1/M2 and PCD6.M3 is located in the next chapter "PCD6.M300" in the section 5.5 "Firmware". SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4.8 Battery The rechargeable NiCd battery is only used to save "historical" data (information about irregularities in the CPU : error flag, battery failure, hardware error, etc...). LED Batt = LED Batt = Green Red Battery in order ¦ PCD6.M100 Battery not in order or not ¦ only provided (XOB 2 is called) ¦ User program and texts on RAM, non-volatile flags, counter, timer and register values are not saved by this battery, but stored in the public memory module. Information about battery replacement is given on the inside of the front panel. Data : Order number : 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) Data protection when module is not supplied with power and battery completely charged 2 months Turn-on time for complete charging of battery 15 h Life expectancy 5 years Nominal voltage 2.4 V (for replacement) 4 507 1360 0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-9 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 PCD6 4.9 Pin assignment and data of the communication interfaces (25-pole, D-Sub connector, female) 4.9.1 20 mA interface (current loop) PCD6 Pin no. Meaning Transmitter Receiver Signal type Scheduled value Rated value Logic L current (space) Logic H current (mark) Floating voltage at TS, RS Short-circuit current at TS, RS –20 mA...+2 mA +12 mA...+24 mA +11.1 V...+14 V +18 mA...+29.6 mA 0 mA +20 mA +13 V +23.2 mA The idle condition of the data signals is ”mark”. The user selects the circuit type ”active” or ”passive” with the jumpers on the D-Sub connector. Example a) PCD6 (active) PCD6 active Cable Peripheral unit (passive) Transmitter Receiver Page 4-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 Example b) PCD6 (passive) PCD6 passive Cable Peripheral unit (active) Transmitter Receiver Receiver Transmitter Example c) Transmitter of PCD6 and peripheral unit active PCD6 Cable Peripheral unit Transmitter (active) Receiver Receiver 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) Transmitter (active) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-11 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4.9.2 PCD6 RS 232c interface The assignment of the female 25-pole D-Sub connector corresponds to that of a DTE (= data terminal equipment). Pin-no. Meaning Transmitted data Received data Terminal ready Readiness of operation Switch on transmitter Ready to send Received signal level Signal ground Protective ground Although the undefined signal is available on the supplementary pcboard, it has no function and it is not wired on the female connector. Signal type Logic state Scheduled value Rated value Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) +3 V...+15 V –15 V...–3 +7 V –7 V –15 V...–3 V +3 V...+15 V –7 V +7 V Control/ 0 (off) message signal 1 (on) The idle condition of the data signals is ”mark” and ”off” for the control and message signals. Page 4-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 Example of connection with all lines wired (standard cable RS 232) PCD6 Cable Peripheral unit Example of connection for simple applications, e.g. mode MC0 (mode C without control lines) 1) When communicating with terminals, check if certain connections must be provided with jumpers or set to ”H” or ”L” with the command ”SOCL”. 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-13 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 4.9.3 PCD6 RS 422 interface Assignment of the female 25-pole D-Sub connector Pin no. Meaning Transmitted data Received data Switch on transmitter Ready to send Signal ground Protective ground Signal type Logic state Polarity Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) TX positive to /TX /TX positive to TX Control/ 0 (off) message signal 1 (on) /RTS positive to RTS RTS positive to /RTS Signalling sequence /TX to TX VOH = 2 V min. (with load) ... 5 V max. (without load) VOL = 0 V min. ... 0.5 V max. Page 4-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-40-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor modules PCD6.M100 and M2x0 Example of connection for a peripheral unit (RS 422) PCD6.M229 Cable Peripheral unit Type of connector and pin assignment must be accommodate to the peripheral unit. 26/735 E3 (D6-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-15 4-16 Communications processormodule PCD6.M2.. Issue 06.92 4.9.4 RS 485 bus interface for module ..M220, channel 0, or ..M260, channel 0 to 3 The following assignement will define the interface as RS485 using the SASI instruction (only interface 0 on ..M220) - MODE: MC4 or - MODE: SS1, SM1 (S-Bus) Details see "Reference Guide" or S-Bus manual. The following pins only are used for RS485: +5V 1) R11 Pin no. 330Ω 1) 9 /RX - /TX 1) R12 R13 150Ω R11 Data 2 RX - TX R12 R13 330Ω 1) 1) 13 Signal ground Communication Circuit 1 Protective ground The signal levels are VOH = 3...4.2 V VOL = 0.8...1.5 V Connection and placement of bus lines Cable: Stranded cable of min. 0,5 mm2, 2-core, twisted and shielded. Segment length for 32 stations is max. 1200m. first station intermediate stations last station +5V +5V 1) R11 330Ω /RX - /TX 9 1) 150Ω R13 2 R11 330Ω R13 150Ω R12 330Ω 9 2 RX - TX R12 330Ω 1) earth bar or continuous earth line 1) Resistors R11, R12 and R13 should be removed from all intermediate stations (see also chapter 4.2). See also the manual "Installation components for RS485 networks". © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5. Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6.M300 is the new standard processor module for the PCD6 series. Compared with the earlier M100 and M2x0 CPUs, the M300 differs in the following main points : • Direct programming interface for S-Bus protocol, without the • • • • • • PCD8.P800 interface processor. 4 serial ports, user-configured by inserting interface modules Connection to PROFIBUS FMS or DP 9-pole, D-type connectors for all interfaces 2 interrupt inputs Processing speed 3 times faster EEPROM for storage of some settings The PCD6.M300 processor module will run with the earlier M100 and M2x0 CPUs in the same rack. However, to do this the M100 and M2x0 CPUs must be provided with special firmware. In addition to its powerful communications capabilities, the instruction set allows bit and word processing, integer and floating point calculation, plus PID control. The processor module is completely autonomous, i.e. communications tasks can be managed simultaneously with control and monitoring tasks. If more than 4 interfaces are required, it is possible to integrate up to six PCD6.M300 in one multiprocessor system. Other features include self-diagnosis and programmable error handling with the help of up to 32 system interrupts (XOB). Restrictions : • Maximum 6 CPUs can be used per rack system (numbering between 0 and 6 is retained). • Instructions DEFTR and SYSCMP cannot be used. Remarks : • The "Reset Outputs" mechanism on download only works if a new M3 CPU is used as CPU 0. • The new PID algorithm is used by default. It is possible to select between the old and the new with SYSWR. • The PCD8.P100 service unit cannot be used (S-Bus protocol is used for the PGU port) • When interrupt inputs are in use serial port no. 2 cannot be used. 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-1 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 5.1 Front panel and structure PCD6.M3 DIL switches for CPU number CPU No. 1 PGU PORT 0 2 PCD7.Fxx Jumper for memory size EPROM 1 Mbit EPROM 4 Mbit FLASH 1 Mbit FIRMWARE Run Halt Error PORT 1 0 EPROM FLASH and EPROM Emul. Jumper for memory selection PCD7.Fxx PORT 2 1 Super-cap 4 RAM memory chips System Interrupt PCD7.Fxx PCD7.F700 PCD7.Fxx 3/ <- Port 3A <- Port 3B PCD6.M3 Communication Extension 2/ PORT 3A 68349 microprocessor (covered by PCD7.F700) PORT 3B Jumper for port 3A or 3B Connector for ispLSI programming (not for user) Interface module for port 3, selectable as PROFIBUS (port 3B) or standard (port 3A) The front panel contains : • strip label for CPU number • 3 LEDs "RUN" "HALT" "ERROR" yellow red red • PGU port no. 4 • Port numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 All ports are on screw-fastened, 9-pole, D type, female connectors. Page 5-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.2 Characteristic data Microprocessor Motorola 68349 FT-25 Number of instructions more than 100, with four different addressing methods Execution time : Bit processing Word processing 2 .. 5 µs 1) 10 .. 20 µs Number of addressable inputs and outputs 8192 per system Number of cyclic organization blocks (COB) 16 Number of index registers (13 bit) Number of exception organization blocks (XOB) Number of program blocks (PB) 1) 17 (1 each per COB + 1 for all XOB) max. 32 2) 300 Number of parameter setting function blocks (FB) 2) 1000 Number of sequential blocks (SB) (for GRAFTEC) 32 Number of GRAFTEC steps 2000 steps and 2000 transitions Number of text and data blocks (DB) 4000 + 4000 (per processor) 5 V current consumption (from PCD6 bus) approx. 600 mA, without interface modules All user memory (programs, text, data blocks, flags, registers, counters, timers, etc.) and the real-time clock are located in the public memory module PCD6.R1../R2... Information can be obtained from the chapter on public memory modules. 1) 2) 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) Depending on communications workload of the serial interfaces. PBs and FBs can be combined at will and nested in up to 7 levels. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-3 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 Instead of a battery, the CPU PCD6.M300 has a maintenance-free supercap (large capacitor). It enables the history list to be retained for approx. 8 days. (The M100 and M2x0 CPUs were equipped with batteries). Storage of history data by means of super-cap History list retention time 8 days Super-cap charging time 1 hour It should be remembered that registers, counters, flags, real-time clock, user program, text and data blocks are on RAM supplied by the battery in the public memory module. When this battery is fully charged, 2 months data protection can be expected (see chapter 7 "Public memory modules"). Performance PCD6.M3 vs. PCD6.M2 CPU0 CPU2 S1 S2 CPU4 S3 CPU6 S4 S5 Page 5-4 S1: CPU0…CPU5 = PCD6.M3 S2: CPU0 + CPU1 = PCD6.M3 CPU2…CPU6 = PCD6.M2 S3: CPU0 = PCD6.M3 CPU1…CPU6 = PCD6.M2 S4: CPU1 = PCD6.M3 CPU0 + CPU2…CPU6 = PCD6.M2 S5: CPU0…CPU6 = PCD6.M2 S= System SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.3 CPU numbering The CPU number (= address of the processor module) serves to differentiate processor modules within a multi-processor system. The choice of CPU number defines the bus access priority. Processing time increases with lower priority. CPU 0 has the highest priority, CPU 6 has the lowest, i.e. the operating speed of CPU 0 is unaffected. With 4 or fewer processor modules in the same system, the slightly longer processing time is hardly noticeable. Some rules for numbering CPUs : • • • • • The number of CPU in one and same system is 6 maximum Only numbers 0 to 6 are permitted At least one CPU must be assigned as CPU 0 Each number may only be assigned to a single CPU CPUs for fast control tasks are given numbers 0 to 3, producing reaction times which are short and constant. • CPUs for slower functions, such as mathematical operations, data capture, logging, regulation, communication, etc., are given the higher numbers 4 to 6. The SAIA LAN2 processor module (PCD6.T1..) generally has CPU number 6. DIL switches CPU numbers 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 "pressed 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-5 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 5.4 Operating states of the processor module The processor can be in one of the following operating states : START, RUN, COND. RUN, STOP, HALT, RESET and ERROR. Indication is by 3 LEDs : Page 5-6 RUN HALT ERROR LED yellow LED red LED red State LED START RUN on HALT on ERROR on ¦ ¦ ¦ Self-check for approx. 1 sec at power-up or after a restart (lamp check) RUN RUN on HALT off ERROR off ¦ ¦ ¦ Normal processing of user program after START, when no PG is connected. COND. RUN RUN flashes ¦ HALT off ¦ ERROR off ¦ Conditional RUN. A breakpoint condition has been set (RUN Until..) with a debugger STOP RUN off HALT off ERROR off ¦ ¦ ¦ The PCD was powered on with a PG connected and running a debugger, this means the CPU has not yet started, or has been stopped by the PG, or the condition required by a COND. RUN has been met. HALT RUN off HALT on ERROR off ¦ ¦ ¦ Serious error in user program, hardware error or HALT instruction executed, or no program has been loaded. RESET RUN on HALT on ERROR on ¦ ¦ ¦ The supply voltage is too low. RUN or RUN on COND. RUN or flashing despite ERROR HALT off ERROR on ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ An error was detected by the user program, but the XOB to handle the error has not been programmed. Meaning SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.5 Firmware The firmware (system program) is located on 2 EPROMs, type 128 kBit * 8 (access time ≤ 100 ns). These two EPROMs are numbered "1" and "2" and bear a code designating the firmware version : V... PCD6.M3.. V030/1 PCD6.M3.. V030/2 Subject to upwardly compatible firmware modifications. Caution : Insertion of firmware-EPROMs differs by 180° from the CPUs of the M100 and M2x0 ! If a wrongly inserted EPROM is powered up, it will be destroyed ! When using more than one processor in the same rack system take care that all the firmware must have the same version number ! Compatibility table for FW mix between PCD6.M3 and PCD6.M1/M2 PCD6.M3 FW version PCD6.M1/M2 compatible FW ß09 $99 or $9A $0A $99 or $9A V001 (first official version) $9B or $9C V002 V00A (last official version) V030 V00A Remarks : If you don’t use one of these combinations, the CPU 0 will announce that you cannot use your PCD6 system. The message “CPU FIRMWARE MIX” will appear on the CPU 0 and all CPUs will go in HALT status. 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-7 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 5.6 EEPROM configuration memory The PCD6.M300 includes a small memory providing permanent storage of the settings for the S-BUS, modem connection (max. 250 characters, resp. 232 with S-Bus Gateway) and some production data. To a limited extent, the user also has the possibility of utilizing this memory to write into registers (K 2000 .. K 2049) as well as to write the S-Bus station number K 6000). The contents of 50 registers (50 x 32 bit) can be read with the command SYSRD or written with SYSWR. SYSRD Kx or Rx Ry (source) (destination) Kx = constant 2000 .. 2049 designates EEPROM registers 0 .. 49. Rx = address of the register containing the above constant Ry = address of the register in which the read value is stored SYSWR Kx or Rx Ry (source) (destination) Kx = constant 2000 .. 2049 designates EEPROM registers 0 .. 49. Rx = address of the register containing the above constant Ry = address of the register from which the written value is taken Please note : The EEPROM register can be overwritten a maximum of 100,000 times. Therefore, the SYSWR K 20xx and K 6000 instructions should never be contained in program loops. Several EEPROM registers can be read in quick succession. When writing, it should be noted that the instructions SYSWR K 20xx and K 6000 last approx. 20 ms and that during this time no other user instructions are processed. For this reason it should not be used in XOB 0 either. Page 5-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7 Communication interfaces Communication interfaces 1 ... 3 of the PCD6.M300 are configured with plug-on modules. These configurations are possible : PGU interface (no. 4) : fixed RS 232 (not modular) Interface no. 0 : PCD7.F110 PCD7.F120 PCD7.F130 PCD7.F150 RS 422/RS 485 RS 232 (suitable for modem) 20 mA current loop RS 485, galvanically isolated Interface no. 1 : PCD7.F110 PCD7.F120 PCD7.F130 PCD7.F150 RS 422/RS 485 RS 232 (suitable for modem) 20 mA current loop RS 485, galvanically isolated Interface no. 2 : PCD7.F110 PCD7.F120 PCD7.F130 PCD7.F150 RS 422/RS 485 RS 232 (suitable for modem) 20 mA current loop RS 485, galvanically isolated Via the PCD7.F110, 2 interrupt inputs run from the front connector to the main circuit board. Interface no. 3A : PCD7.F110 PCD7.F120 PCD7.F130 PCD7.F150 RS 422/RS 485 RS 232 (suitable for modem) 20 mA current loop RS 485, galvanically isolated or Interface no. 3B : PCD7.F700 PCD7.F750 PCD7.F770 PROFIBUS-FMS PROFIBUS-DP Master PROFIBUS-DP Slave additional to equipment with 4-pole jumper, reversible 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-9 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 The following baud rate combinations are not possible for the PGU port (4) and interface 0 (DUART 1), nor for interfaces 1 and 2 (DUART 2) : or or or 38.4 KBaud 38.4 KBaud 38.4 KBaud 38.4 KBaud + + + + 38.4 KBaud 19.2 KBaud 150 Baud 110 Baud Any attempt to assign a prohibited combination will result in the error flag being set and XOB 13 called. Interface 3 can be assigned as 38.4 KBaud without restriction. All interfaces have 9-pole D-type connectors (female) on the front panel. Each plug can be secured with 2 screws. Interface modules and the pin configurations of 9-pole D-type connectors are shown on the following pages. Page 5-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.1 Serial PGU port (RS 232) During the commissioning phase, the programming unit (PG) is connected via this port. Cable type PCD8.K111 should be used for this purpose. This is an RS 232c type port. Pin configuration is as follows : Pin no. 3 2 7 8 5 4 6 9 1 Meaning TX RX RTS CTS SGN NC DSR +5V PGD Transmit Data Receive Data Request To Send Clear To Send Signal Ground Not Connected PGU Connected Supply +5V (P100) Protective Ground max. 200 mA The signals and logic states are identical to those for the PCD7.F120 interface module, described in section 5.7.3. Use of the PGU port as general-purpose interface 4 : To do this, consider the following facts : • When the PCD6 powers up, the PGU port is automatically configured by the firmware for connection to a programming unit at 9600 Baud. • If any other peripheral device is to be connected, the interface must be assigned by this instruction in the user program : SASI 4 ; 4 = PGU port 100 ; Any configuration text number • If a programming unit is connected to interface 4 during operation, it automatically reverts back to PGU mode. • To re-enable the PGU port as interface 4 for a peripheral device, the port must be assigned again with the SASI instruction. 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-11 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.2 PCD6 PCD7.F110 for RS 422/RS 485 PCD7.F110 J1 PCD7.F110 with jumper "open closed" (on plug side) to switch line termination resistors on or off. CLOSED OPEN Connection for RS 422 : PCD6.M300 Pin no. Cable Peripheral device 3 TX TX 2 /TX /TX 7 RX RX 8 /RX /RX 4 RTS RTS 6 /RTS /RTS 9 CTS CTS /CTS 1 /CTS Housing PGND 5 SGND (Screening) (optional) PNGD SGND Connection for RS 485 : PCD6.M300 Pin no. 3 Cable RX-TX 2 /RX-/TX Housing PGND 5 SGND (Screening) (optional) Peripheral device S-Bus RX-TX D /RX-/TX /D PGND SGND For choice of line termination resistors, see 5.7.5. For installation, please consult the manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks". Page 5-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.3 PCD7.F120 for RS 232 PCD7.F120 This interface module has no jumpers, nor any other adjusting capabilities. Connection for peripheral device (DTE = Data Terminal Equipment) : PCD6.M300 Pin no- Cable Peripheral device(DTE) 3 TX TX 2 RX RX 4 DTR DTR 6 DSR DSR 7 RTS RTS 8 CTS CTS 9 RI RI 1 DCD Housing PGND 5 SGND (Screening) (optional) DCD PGND SGND Connection for modem (DCE = Data Communication Equipment) : PCD6.M300 Pin no. 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) Cable Modem (DCE) 3 TX TX 2 RX RX 4 DTR DTR 6 DSR DSR 7 RTS RTS 8 CTS CTS 9 RI 1 DCD Housing PGND 5 SGND DCD (Screening) (optional) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PGND SGND Page 5-13 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.4 PCD6 PCD7.F130 for 20 mA current loop PCD7.F130 This interface module has no jumpers, nor any other adjusting capabilities. Connection 3 : Connection 7 : Connection 4 : Connection 9 : TS TA TC TG Transmitter Source Transmitter Anode Transmitter Cathode Transmitter Ground ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Connection 2 : Connection 8 : Connection 6 : Connection 1 : RS RA RC RG Receiver Source Receiver Anode Receiver Cathode Receiver Ground ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Signal type Set value Current for logic L (space) - 20 mA... Current for logic H (mark) +12 mA... No-load voltage at TS, RS +16 V... Short-circuit voltage at TS, RS+18 mA... Transmitter Receiver Nominal value +2 mA +24 mA +24 V +29.6 mA 0 mA +20 mA +24 V +23.2 mA The neutral state for data signals is "mark". Connection examples for 20 mA current loop : a) PCD6 active PCD6.M300 (active) Cable Pin no. Peripheral (passive) 3 Transmitter 7 Receiver 4 9 2 Receiver 8 6 Transmitter 1 Page 5-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 b) PCD6 passive PCD6.M300 (passive) Cable Pin no. Peripheral (active) Receiver 3 Transmitter 7 4 9 2 8 Receiver 6 1 Transmitter c) PCD6 and peripheral device transmitters active Cable PCD6.M300 Peripheral Pin no. 3 Transmitter (active) 7 4 9 Receiver 2 Receiver 8 6 1 Transmitter (active) 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-15 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.5 PCD6 PCD7.F150 for RS 485 with galvanic isolation OPEN CLOSED PCD7.F150 with jumper "open closed" (on plug side) to switch line termination resistors on or off. J1 PCD7.F150 Connection : PCD6.M300 Pin no. Peripheral device Cable S-Bus RX-TX RX-TX D 2 /RX-/TX /RX-/TX /D 3 SGND (galvanically isolated) must be connected to cable screening 9 Housing PGND Block diagram : OPTO-0601 +5VE Transmit TXD 75176 Receive RXD 330 Ohm Driver RS485 /D 150 Ohm RTS D EN SGND +5V 330 Ohm SGND DC PGND DC Please note : +5VE SGND SGND Common mode: 50 V, bounded by capacitors between the data lines and PGND (on base module). For installation, please consult the manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks". Page 5-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 Choice of line termination resistors : First station Mid stations PCD6.M300 PCD6.M300 Last station PCD6.M300 PCD6.M300 +5 V +5 V 3 3 2 2 Pull up 330 Ohm /RX - /TX 2 Line term. resistor 150 Ohm 2 Bus RS485 RX - TX 3 3 Pull down 330 Ohm Segment length max. 1200 m max. 32 stations Instructions : • For the first and last stations, jumper J1 must be in the "CLOSED" position. • For all other stations, jumper J1 must be left in the "OPEN" position (position on delivery). • See also manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks" 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-17 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.6 PCD6 PCD7.F700 for PROFIBUS- FMS connection The PCD7.F700 module works on interface 3 and is also inserted at that port. A 4-pole jumper activates either this module or an F1xx. (see section 5.1 : Front panel and structure) PCD7.F700 Use of the PCD7.F700 PROFIBUS-FMS connection gives the PCD6 series access to the PROFIBUS communications environment. With appropriate configuration, the PCD6 can therefore be used as an FMS master or FMS slave. (FMS = Field Message Specification) Block diagram : The PCD7.F700 module contains the PROFIBUS controller (8051) and the RS 485 driver. PROFIBUS communication is triggered by the user program, via the main 68349 processor. BUS PCD 6 Mailbox µC 8051 RAM Opto coupl PROFIBUS "FMS" DC DC Page 5-18 Driver RS-485 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD7. F700 (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 Connection of PROFIBUS : The PROFIBUS connection is via interface no. 3, 9-pole D-type connector on the front panel. Pin configuration is as follows : PROFIBUS standard SAIA Pin 3 RxD/TxD-P /D Receive/Transmit Data P Pin 8 RxD/TxD-N D Receive/Transmit Data N Pin 5 DGND SGND Signal Ground Pin 1 SHIELD PGND Shield, Protective Ground Important : The shield must be connected to the metal part of the plug. Mechanical screwing of the box half to the pin half must use an electrically conductive screw joint. All PROFIBUS port connections, except pin 1 (PGND), are galvanically isolated from the rest of the module, with a 100 Ω resistor between SGND and PGNG bringing the galvanically isolated circuit close to PGND (frame). D and /D are protected against peak overvoltages by integral 10 V transient suppresser diodes. Data on the PROFIBUS-Connection : For details, please request the comprehensive PROFIBUS manual using order reference 26/742 E. Please note that the number of channels and communications objects correspond to those for the PCD4.M445. 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-19 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 Connection, installing the bus, earthing concept : S ta tion 1 S ta tion 2 3 /D 8 D 5 SGND /D 3 D 8 SGND 5 100 Ohm 100 Ohm 1 PGND PGND Important: 1 The two signal lines "D" and "/D" must not be mixed up ! For the wiring layout shown in the above drawing, the potential difference between the data reference potential SGND of all stations must not exceed ± 5 Volts. Bus cable For the bus cable, use screened, twisted, 2-core cable. Surge impedance should be in the range 100 to 130 Ω at f > 100 kHz; cable capacity should be close to < 100 pF/m and wire cross section should be at least 0.22 mm2 (AWG 24). The maximum permissible signal loss is 6 dB. Recommendations for proven types of bus cable : Manufacturer : • Volland AG • CABLOSWISS • Kromberg & Schubert UNITRONIC-BUS 1 x 2 x AWG24 371'502 1 1 3 Cable type : 8 3 8 Care should be taken to ensure that the bus remains continuously connected, even when one or more connectors are withdrawn. Page 5-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.7.7 PROFIBUS-DP connection PROFIBUS-DP (DP = Decentralized Peripherals) Optimized for high speed, this PROFIBUS-DP version has been especially tailored for communication between automation systems and local peripherals, enabling plug-and-play for field devices. PROFIBUS-FMS and DP use the same transmission technology and the same bus access protocol. Both versions can therefore run simultaneously and in combination on a single cable. PROFIBUS-DP master card PCD7.F750 Use of the PCD7.F750 PROFIBUS-DP connection enables PCD6 series, with the processor module PCD6.M300, to be switched into the PROFIBUS-DP master communications environment. View of PCD7.F750 Technical data PCD7.F750 Function PROFIBUS-DP master class 1 E (DPM1 with extension) Maximum number of stations PROFIBUS ASIC Baud rate (kbit/s) Internal current consumption from 5V bus Current output DP+5V Galvanic isolation 32 per segment / max. 126 per system (with repeaters) ASPC2 9.6 -12000 max. 400 mA 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) max. 50 mA short-circuit proof with PTC between PCD-GND and PROFIBUS connection GND SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-21 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 PROFIBUS-DP slave card PCD7.F770 Use of the PCD7.F770 PROFIBUS-DP connection enables PCD6 series, with the PCD6.M300 processor module, to be switched into the PROFIBUS-DP slave communications environment. Remark : Only the PROFIBUS-DP slave card PCD7.F770 can be used with the PCD6.M300. View of PCD7.F770 Technical data PCD7.F770 Function PROFIBUS-DP slave E Maximum number of stations PROFIBUS ASIC Baud rate (kbit/s) Internal current consumption from 5V bus Current output DP+5V Galvanic isolation 32 per segment / max. 126 per system (with repeaters) SPC4.1 9.6-12000 Max. 250 mA Max. 50 mA short circuit-proof with PTC between PCD-GND and PROFIBUS GND For more detailed information, please consult the manual : "PROFIBUS-DP with SAIA® PCD" Order reference : Page 5-22 PUBLI-26/765 E. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 Connection of PROFIBUS-DP modules For the PCD6.M300, the PROFIBUS-DP connection is achieved via the 9-pole, D-type connector on port no. 3 (jumper for port no. 3 must be set to 3B). PORT 3 1 6 2 7 3 8 3 RxD/TxD-P 4 CNTR-P 5 DP GND 6 DP +5V 8 RxD/TxD-N 4 9 5 PGND PCD6.M300 connection Meaning of connections Signal Meaning CNTR-P / RTS Control signal for repeater PGND Screen / protective earth RxD/TxD-N Receive / transmit data, minus RxD/TxD-P Receive / transmit data, plus DP GND Ground for DP +5V DP +5V 5V supply for line termination resistors CNTR-N Control signal for repeater PCD6. Standard M300 A-B connection connection 4 Standard cable green/red housing 8 A green 3 B red 5 6 --- Detailed information can be found in the manual: "Installation components for RS 485 networks" (order number 26/740 E). 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-23 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 5.8 Interrupt inputs 5.8.1 Interrupt inputs of the PCD6.M300 Both interrupt inputs "INB1" and "INB2" can be accessed from the front panel via the 9-pole, D-type connector on serial port no. 2. Port no. 2 can be used either as a serial port or as an interrupt port. Simultaneous use as a serial port and an interrupt port is not possible. Use of interrupt inputs requires equipment of the PCD7.F110 (RS 422/RS 485) interface module. Input signals: (Rx) as standard RS 422 (/Rx) (CTS) (/CTS) 7 8 INB1 /INB1 9 1 INB2 /INB2 Port no. 2 5.8.2 Method of operation A positive edge at interrupt input "INB1" calls XOB 20; a positive edge at interrupt input "INB2" calls XOB 25. The maximum reaction time to call XOB 20 or XOB 25 is 1 ms. The user is left free to define which alarm or count functions are to be executed within interrupt XOB. Since these are differential "RS 422" inputs, signals of +5 V should be supplied. If an XOB is already being processed when an interrupt signal arrives, XOB 20 or XOB 25 will only be processed after completion of the current XOB. If two interrupt signals arrive simultaneously at "INB1" and "INB2", XOB 20 is called first and XOB 25 afterwards. During processing of XOB 16 (coldstart) incoming interrupt signals are ignored and will be lost. 5.8.3 Initialization of interrupt inputs Port no. 2 is standard provision for serial communications. If an XOB 20 or XOB 25 is detected in the user program, port no. 2 is automatically initialized as an interrupt port. However, if the port has already been assigned as a serial interface, this assignment remains and the debugger displays the message "PRT2 DBL ASSIGND" while the CPU goes into HALT. If the port has been initialized as an interrupt port and assignment takes place as a serial interface, the error flag is set and XOB 13 is called, or the error LED comes on. Page 5-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Processor module PCD6.M300 5.8.4 Alarm function When a positive edge arrives at INB1 output 32 should reset within max. 1 ms, regardless of the user program. XOB RES EXOB INB1 5.8.5 0 20 32 Count function up to 2 kHz The interrupt inputs can also be used for count functions up to approximatively 2 kHz. Example: After the arrival of 200 pulses with a frequency of 1 kHz at interrupt input "INB1", output 33, which has previously been set with digital input 5, is to be reset. COB : : STH DYN LD SET : : ECOB XOB DEC STL RES 0 0 I F C ; If input 5 receives H-signal, O 5 5 10 200 33 C C O 20 10 10 33 ; If INB1 receives positive edge, ; the counter 10 is decremented ; and, when it reaches zero, ; output 33 is reset. ; ; ; counter 10 is loaded with value 200 and output 33 is set. EXOB 26/735 E3 (D6-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-25 Processor module PCD6.M300 PCD6 Notes : Page 5-26 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-50-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 6-1 6. The SAIA LAN2 (PCD6.T1..) 6.1 General The SAIA®LAN2 local area network allows the construction of a remote control system, which is characterised by ease of application and data transfer security. For example, with the SAIA®LAN2 the following tasks can be easily done: - Transfer of process data (read and write the logical states of I, O, F and the contents of R, C, T) between different PCDs (PCD4 and PCD6). - Simultaneous transfer of non-urgent and urgent data and commands. - Reasonably-priced remote I/O system without decentral intelligence within the limits of response times. - Read and change the status of any other station (Run - Halt - Disconnect - Connect - Timeout) The data line consists of a two-core, twisted and screened cable (RS485). It is attached to the screw terminals of the supply and processor bus module. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 The SAIA LAN2 A network consists of sections: one segment has up to 32 stations and can be as long as 1200m. The LAN2 processor module PCD6.T110 with its built-in repeater allows the physical connection of two sections. The connection between two PCD6.T110 can again be 1200 m in length. Up to 255 stations can be connected to the network. Section max. 1200m 0 1 31 2 1) Trunk 1) 131 101 130 Ext. 100 max. 1200m 1) 181 182 183 254 1) Stations 31, 131 and 181 are provided with the repeater built into the LAN2 PCD6.T110 processor module. In this example, station 131 only has the task of bridging a cable distance which is longer than 1200m. The repeater function can only be realized using a PCD6 station. Other repeaters with galvanical separation will be available end 1992. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 6-3 6.2 Front panel and structure PCD6.T100 Firmware: 2 EPROMs with system program St.Nr. Busy Ready V1... 1) Firmware V... : firmware version number V... 2) CPU number: DIL-switch for CPU number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 0 Trunk CPU-Number RS 485 J1 12345678 Station-Number Station number: DIL-switch for station number Trunk: LAN2 bus connector D-Sub connector, 9-pole, female J1: Jumper for bus cable terminating resistor This figure shows the module PCD6.T100: station module Firmware: 2 EPROMs with system program PCD6.T110 St.Nr. Busy Ready V1... 1) Firmware CPU number: DIL-switch for CPU number V... 2) E>T T>E J1 Trunk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90 CPU-Number RS 485 Ext. RS V... : firmware version number J2 12345678 Station number: DIL-switch for station number Trunk: LAN2 bus connector D-Sub connector, 9-pole, female, primary bus Ext.: LAN2 bus connector D-Sub connector, 9-pole, female, external bus 485 Station-Number J1, J2: Jumper for bus cable terminating resistor This figure shows the module PCD6.T110: station module with intergrated bus amplifier (repeater) © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-4 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 The SAIA LAN2 6.3 Function and installation The LAN2 processor module PCD6.T100 or ..T110 manages the data transfer via the bus independently, thus relieving the strain on the other control processor modules ..M100 or ..M2.. Every control processor module ..M100 oder ..M2.. can delegate a task to the LAN2 processor module at any time. The LAN2 processor module PCD6.T100 or ..T110 can be inserted in the main rack unit in each of the 7 or 3 plug-in locations which are reserved for processors. 6.4 Operating mode The bus system SAIA®LAN2 functions according to the "Token Passing Bus" principle, i.e. a station is given the permission to transmit by the bus (token). Any data waiting to be served will be transmitted and the token is passed on by the station. If there is no data to transmit, the token is immediately passed on. The transmitted data consists of 1 "frame" = 32 data bytes. If a telegram to be transmitted exceeds 1 frame, it will be transmitted frame by frame, whereby the token passes all active stations between two frames. Thus, it is ensured that each station is quickly enabled to transmit data. When "bombarding" a station (several stations are transmitting simultaneously to the same station) a maximum of 64 requests can be stored and processed one after the other. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 6-5 6.5 Start-up and missing station procedure When the system is switched on, every station is invited to report its presence. In this way the logical ring can be set up. This operation is called the configuration burst and lasts for about 15 seconds. The system now operates as previously described. If a station is down, its predecessor will send it the token once. If the station cannot pass on the token, a reconfiguration burst occurs (duration approx. 15 seconds) and the logical ring is thus reconfigured. If a new station is connected to the network during operation, which is permitted but not recommended, the token is lost and a reconfiguration burst occurs. Of course, during a reconfiguration burst the message which had just been sent will be lost. However, since receipt has not been acknowledged to the transmitting station, it will retransmit after a timeout. In this case, only the two stations involved are delayed by the timeout. The rest of the data exchange proceeds normally after the reconfiguration burst. Logical ring and physical bus Logical ring 55 27 Physical bus RS 485 117 3 13 15 Configuration of the logical ring and token passing starts with the station with the lowest station number and follows the stations in ascending order, irrespective of where the station is connected within the physical bus. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-6 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 The SAIA LAN2 6.6 Specifications Physical interface RS 485 Allocation process Token passing Frame structure SDLC (Synchronous Data Link Control) Bus line 2-core twisted and screened (recomm.) cable section: 2 x 0.75 mm2 Length of bus line Up to 1200 m per section Number of stations Up to 32 per section Number of sections Up to 8, each connected to a PCD6.T110 repeater Error recognition CRC 16 Gross data rate 62.5 KBits/sec Data volume per transmission 32 bytes of data = 1 frame 1 frame = 256 I/O/F = 8 R/C/T Timing Dependent of the number of stations in the ring and of the number of stations transmitting simultaneously. Typical reaction times In a 16 station network the following reaction times can be assumed, if only one station is transmitting in each case: - Transmission of 1 flag to 1 output typ. 40ms - Transmission of 256 flag to 256 outputs typ. 400ms - Transmission of 1 register of 32 bit to one other register typ. 70ms - Transmission of 8 registers of 32 bit to 8 other registers (i.e. 256 bits) typ. 110ms Resistance to interference Power Consumption from internal 5V bus 2,5 kV according to IEC 801-4 (capacitative link) 250mA © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. 6-7 Issue 04.92 6.7 CPU numbering The LAN2 processor module always uses CPU number 6 in the main rack unit (factory setting). pressed CPU number 6 1234567890 Although a different CPU number can be selected, this is not recommended. The LAN2 processor module also uses CPU number 6 in a remote system which is fitted with only one LAN processor module and one public memory module or a pure amplifier station (with LAN2 repeater, without a processor module ..M100 or ..M2..) in addition to input and output modules. 6.8 LAN2 station numbering The address of a station in the logic ring of a SAIA®LAN2 system is referred to as station number. The station numbers may be selected as desired in the range 0 to 254. Each station number must not be used more than once in a system. Station number 255 is reserved for a special LAN2 function and must not be used. The station numbers are set via the 8-digit DIL-switch in binary notation. Valence 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 DIL-switch: Switch number 12345678 Examples: Station number 6 12345678 pressed Station number 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station number 137 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The station number is inserted behind a window on the front panel (dark-red labels which are delivered with each module). © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-8 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 The SAIA LAN2 6.9 Operating modes The LAN2 processor modules operate in the following modes: START, READY, BUSY (CONNECT or DISCONNECT connects or disconnects the LAN2 processor module from the CPU bus via the software and does not represent an operating state as such). The operating states are displayed by 2 LEDs, "READY" (green) and "BUSY" (red). Start: Two cases are distinguished: ● Basic rack unit equipped with ..M100/..M2.. and LAN2 processor module. Upon system start, the LAN2 processor module performs a self-test which takes approx. 15s. During this test both LEDs light up. ● Basic rack unit only fitted with LAN2 processor module (and public memory module without memory board) and possibly with I/O modules. Upon system start, the LAN2 processor module performs a self-test and configures the stations which takes approx. 15s. Meanwhile, the BUSY LED is permanently lit and the READY LED blinks. Ready: The READY LED must be permanently lit from now on. Should this not be the case, an error has occurred. Busy: The Busy LED is always on when the LAN2 processor module is receiving or transmitting data. Also if the processor is waiting for a timeout due to a bad or not possible connection (e.g. remote station not switched on) the Busy LED is on. The LAN2 processor module with repeater PCD6.T110 is fitted with two more LEDs, E > T and T > E indicating the data transfer in the two possible directions whereby E = extension and T = trunk (internal bus, trunk). © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 6-9 6.10 Firmware The firmware (system program) is resident in 2 EPROMs of the type 27C256 (access time <250 ns). These two EPROMs are numbered "1" and "2" and labelled with the firmware version V... . PCD6.T100 V005/1 PCD6.T100 V005/2 The firmware is subject to change (upwards-compatibility is ensured). 6.11 Pin assignment, cables, terminating resistors The connector(s) on the front panel are female, 9-pole D-Sub connectors. The pins of both connectors are assigned as follows: (..T100 has 1 connector, ..T110 has 2 connectors): 1 Protection Ground 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * DATA DATA * /DATA /DATA Signal Ground * 5 9 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 Front view must not be wired (shield connected on both side) optional ** must be wired must be wired optinal ** optinal *) not connected in the LAN2 processor module **) DATA and /DATA are tied to 2 adjacent connector pins respectively which results in increased reliabilty and facilitates soldering, as usually 2 wires must be soldered. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-10 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 The SAIA LAN2 /DATA /DATA DATA 6 1 7 2 8 3 4 DATA 9 6 5 1 7 2 8 3 4 9 5 When preparing the bus cable, make sure that the data lines are not mixed up - always tie "DATA" to "DATA" and "/DATA" to "/DATA". In addition, verify that pins 3 and 4 as well as 6 and 7 are connected on the connector to ensure that the bus cable also remains permanently connected if one or two connectors are unplugged. Use male, 9-pole D-Sub connectors with fastening screws for bus cable connection. Use a screened twisted pair for the cable. The shielding of the LAN2 cable must be connected to ground at each end, and must also be connected to the GND terminal of the supply module. It si recommended that the LAN cable is not layed directly beside motor power cables due to possible interference problems, unless the power cables are also shielded. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 6-11 6.12 Line termination resistances To avoid noise voltages and reflections, the LAN2 processor modules include damping resistors, which are enabled by jumpers located directly behind the front panel connectors. These jumpers are factory set to the "OPEN" position. LINE GND TERMINATION OPEN J1 HIGH MEDIUM LOW jumper in all T100 and T110 (Trunk) LINE TERMINATION OPEN J2 HIGH MEDIUM jumper only in T110 repeater module (Ext.) LOW As the following diagram shows, line termination resistances are only enabled on the first and last stations on the line. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-12 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 The SAIA LAN2 Every PCD6 LAN2 installation should use PCD6.T110 modules as first and last stations, as only these modules incorporate the pull-up and pull-down resistances. If a PCD4 is also used in the same LAN2 segment, the corresponding pull-up/pull-down resistances can be enabled there by means of DIL switches. As the following diagram shows, the first and last stations of each segment must have pull-up/ down resistors. In addition, the line termination resistances, which are dependent on cable length, should be enabled at both ends of each segment. Use the jumpers to do this. First station Middle stations T110 Trunk /D D End station (repeater) T100 T100 /D /D D T110 Trunk /D D D Ext. /D D Pull up /D Termination resistor SAIA°LAN2 (RS 485) D cable length l Pull down next segment Jumper setting First station Middle stations OPEN l = 1.. 400m LOW (150 Ohm) LOW (150 Ohm) OPEN l = 400.. 800m MEDIUM (220 Ohm) l = 800.. 1200m ! End station MEDIUM (220 Ohm) OPEN HIGH (330 Ohm) HIGH (330 Ohm) IMPORTANT: If the network is extended, or if the end station is changed, ensure that the switches are correctly set in both the old and the new stations. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 PCD6.T1.. Issue 04.92 6-13 6.13 Commissioning the LAN2 network Most LAN2 problems are caused because the network is not properly installed. The preceding instructions must be closely followed and double checked prior to commissioning the system. Before sending process control data via the LAN2, it is imperative to check that the cables and each individual station is working perfectly by carrying out a functional test. This can be performed from any of the stations by using a short test program: Example: Read operating state of Station 7 Text 5 COB Begin: LRXS STH JR ECOB F F L "007" ; Text to select Station 7 0 0 5 100 100 Begin ; Read (via TEXT 5) the status ; of Stn. 7 and transfer to F100 Flag F100 is set high if communication with Station 7 was successful. Subsequent flags F101 to F109 must remain low as long as the station addressed is in "RUN" and the LAN2 network is working correctly. Instead of flags, 10 outputs can also be used (e.g. from the A400 module). Changing the station number in TEXT 5 allows the same test to be carried out in turn with each station on the network. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 6-14 PCD6.T1.. Notes : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The SAIA LAN2 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7-1 7. Public memory modules PCD6.R.. 7.1 General description and summary The public memory module has a central function in the system, as it accomodates the user programs, texts and data blocks of all processor modules with the entire corresponding memory management (memory map), all flags, registers, timers, counters and the hardware date-time. The bus arbitrator is also located on this module. It is the arbitrator which monitors, controls and manages the bus access in a multiprocessor system (several processors in the same system). A piggy-back memory module containing the user programs, texts and data blocks is attached to the public memory module. Modules for memory capacity up to 256K bytes: PCD6.R100 Public memory module without switches PCD6.R110 Public memory module with Run/Halt and Clear switches PCD6.R5.. Memory modules with RAM or EPROM for user programs, texts and data blocks (max. 256K bytes) Modules for memory capacity up to 1M byte: PCD6.R210 Public memory module with Run/Halt and Clear switches PCD6.R6.. Memory modules with RAM and/or EPROM for user programs, texts and data blocks (max. 1M byte) For the M540 single processor module, economical PCD7.R.. memory modules are used (see chapter 3). © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 7-2 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7.2 Common properties 7.2.1 Characteristic data Flags 8192 flags, 1 bit The non-volatile and volatile flags are organized in the user program with the command DEFVM Registers 4096 registers, 32 bits All registers are always non-volatile. Data format The standard format is decimal Range: -2147483648 ... +2147483647 31 -2 ... +(231-1) The following formats are admissible: Binary: 31 bits with preceding sign Hexadecimal: 0 ... FFFFFFFF BCD: 0 ... 2147483647 Floating point: 9.223371*1018 ... 5.421011*10-20 -9.223371*1018 ... -5.421011*10-20 Timers/ Counters A total of 1600, 31 bits The timers/counters are defined in the user program with the command DEFTC A maximum of 450 timers can be defined. All counters are non-volatile. All timers are volatile. Data format See registers, however, only positive values and without floating point Time base (timers) 1/100s ... 10s (identical for all processor modules) The time base is defined in the user program with the command DEFTB. Hardware date-time Week, day of the week, year, month, date, hour, minute, second Accuracy better than 15s/month at Ta = 15 ... 30°C Power reserve 2 months (see battery specifications) Internal power consumption (5V bus) 400 mA © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7-3 7.2.2 Run/Halt switch and Clear key The versions PCD6.R110 and ..R210 are equipped with the Run/Halt switch and the Clear key. The corresponding LEDs indicate the current state. Jumpers RUN/HALT and RESET OUTPUT In connection with the Run/Halt switch and the Clear key the two jumpers RUN/HALT and RESET OUTPUT are very important. Clear Halt LED SW1 RUN/HALT SW2 RESET OUTPUT DISABLE Jumper positions on delivery ENABLE ENABLE RUN/HALT (SW1): The Run/Halt switch is enabled DISABLE RUN/HALT: The Run/Halt switch is disabled ENABLE RESET OUTPUT: (SW2) In case of HALT of CPU 0, all other CPUs are also set to HALT. All outputs are reset. This HALT can be triggered by the Run/Halt switch, the Debugger or a XOB. DISABLE RESET OUTPUT: In case of HALT of CPU 0, all outputs remain in their current states. The CPUs 1 to 6, however, follow CPU 0 and assume the HALT state. If one of the CPUs 1 to 6 is set to HALT, the other CPUs and the outputs are not affected. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 7-4 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 Function of RUN/HALT and CLEAR ● If switch Run/Halt is set to HALT, all processor modules immediately assume the HALT state. This switch has a higher priority than the PG commands Run, Trace and Restart. The red LED lights up in HALT state. ● If switch Run/Halt is set from HALT to RUN, all processor modules perform a cold start, i.e. self-diagnosis is effected, all volatile elements are reset and XOB 16 (user program initialization) is executed. ● If the Clear key is pressed, while the switch is set from HALT to RUN, all elements except the registers are reset or cleared. At any other time the Clear key has no effect. The yellow LED lights up until self-diagnosis is terminated and all elements are reset (it takes approx. 1s). The Clear key is only active, if the jumper RUN/HALT is placed to position ENABLE. 7.2.3 Battery The rechargeable NiCd battery prevents data from being lost when the voltage is switched off (registers, counters and non-volatile flags) and serves as a power reserve for the hardware date-time. LED Batt = green LED Batt = red Battery in order (for ..R2..: LED Batt = off) Battery not in order or not provided (XOB 2 is called) Information about battery replacement is given on the inside of the front panel. When exchanging the pluggable batteries, the data is retained for at least 20s with the aid of a capacitor. Data: Data protection when module is not supplied with power and battery completely charged 2 months Turn-on time for complete charging of battery 15h Life expectancy 5 years Nominal voltage 2.4V Order number for spare battery © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 4 507 1360 0 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7-5 7.3 Memory modules PCD6.R1.. and R5.. for up to 256K bytes 7.3.1 Public memory modules PCD6.R100 and R110 Module PCD6.R100 PCD6.R1 User Memory: memory module Batt Battery: buffer battery (NiCd) USER MEMORY PCD6.R5.. C: bypass capacitor for battery change (buffer duration at least 20sec.) C Battery Module PCD6.R110 PCD6.R1 SW1 Clear Halt Batt SW2 DISABLE SW1: jumper SW2: jumper RUN/HALT see chap. 7.2.2 RESET OUTPUT User Memory: memory module ENABLE SW7: bistable toggle switch SW8: pulse key Battery: buffer battery (NiCd) USER MEMORY PCD6.R5.. Run Halt SW7 C Clear SW8 Battery © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. C: bypass capacitor for battery change (buffer duration at least 20sec.) 7-6 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7.3.2 Memory modules PCD6.R5.. The PCD6.R5.. memory modules hold all user programs, texts and data blocks. Memory modules of the type ..R5 can only be used with main modules of the type ..R100 or ..R110. Characteristic data PCD6.R500 for EPROM modules 27C256, not equipped 64K program lines or 32K registers in data blocks or 256K text characters or mixed *) Order number for EPROM: 4 502 5677 0 PCD6.R510 Euipped with RAM, battery-buffered 64K program lines or 32K registers in data blocks or 256K text characters or mixed *) This RAM module is battery-buffered and can be write-protected with jumper W1 (see figure). Battery: see preceding chapter PCD6.R511 like PCD6.R510, but for 32K program lines or 16K registers in data blocks or 128K text characters or mixed *) PCD6.R500 PCD6.R510 Connector Connector Battery Enable Protected W1 1 2 1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 5 6 7 8 7 8 W1: Protected: Enable: jumper for write protection write-protected not write-protected *) Programs, texts and data blocks can be mixed as desired for each CPU on the memory module. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7-7 EPROM addressing and programming on the memory module PCD6.R500 The switch box PCD8.P710 which can be used for programming EPROMS together with the commercially available EPROM programming unit is available for programming. The EPROMs 27C256 can only be employed in pairs in accordance with the following address code: Locations 1 and 2 to 16K programm lines or 8K registers in data blocks or 64K text characters or mixed *) Locations 1 to 4 to 32K programm lines or 16K registers in data blocks or 128K text characters or mixed *) Locations 1 to 6 to 48K programm lines or 24K registers in data blocks or 192K text characters or mixed *) Locations 1 to 8 to 64K programm lines or 32K registers in data blocks or 256K text characters or mixed *) Write-protection of RAM memory module PCD6.R51.. The opraring mode can be selected by reinserting jumper W1: Write Protection W1 Write Protection W1 Write Enable The RAM module is writeprotected Write Enable The RAM module is not write-protected (state on delivery) *) Programs, texts and data blocks can be mixed as desired for each CPU on the memory module. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 7-8 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7.4 Memory modules PCD6.R2.. and R6.. for up to 1M byte These new modules include all the functions of the R1../R5.. types and offer the following additional capabilities: - four times the memory capacity, up to 1M byte; - possibility to mix RAM and EPROM memory; - additional memory area for texts and data blocks in the address range 4000..7999. These new capabilities are dependent on CPU firmware and programming software: CPU firmware Programming Utilities V005 V006 V007 * V1.5 V1.6 V1.7 Contents Size PROG/TX/DB (0.. 3999): 256KB PROG/TX/DB (0.. 3999): 1MB PROG/TX/DB (0.. 3999) + extra TX/DB (4000.. 7999) 1MB + new TFR instruction 7.4.1 Public memory module PCD6.R210 The "Run/Halt" switches and the "Clear" key are enabled by jumpers (see chapter 7.2.2). PCD6.R2 SW1 Clear Halt SW2 DISABLE SW1: jumper SW2: jumper RUN/HALT RESET OUTPUT see chap. 7.2.2 ENABLE User memory: memory modul Batt SW7: bistable toggle switch SW8: pulse key Battery: buffer battery (NiCd) USER MEMORY PCD6.R6.. C: Run Halt Clear Battery C SW7 SW8 © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. bypass capacitor for battery change (buffer duration at least 20sec.) Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 7-9 7.4.2 Memory module PCD6.R6.. The PCD6.R6.. memory modules hold all user programs, texts and data blocks. Memory modules of the type R6.. can only be used with the ..R210 main module. The R6.. memory modules are designed to be highly flexible and can be fitted with RAM and/or EPROM up to 1M byte (mixed RAM/EPROM is possible). The memory can also be partitioned into suitably sized segments for the user program, texts and data blocks for each CPU (this is done using the PCD Programming Utilities or hand held Programming Unit). Memory module PCD6.R6.. Battery : buffer battery (NiCd) C C: R E BATTERY 1 2 A 3 4 B 5 6 C 7 8 D R E WP bypass capacitor for battery change (buffer duration at least 20sec.) R E WP A .. D : memory blocks for RAM or EPROM R E WP WP R E Drawing shows factory setting. Jumper WP R: for RAM E: for EPROM WP: write protection for RAM, the setting shown is without write protection Models Type PCD6.R600 Type PCD6.R610 4'502'6149'0 4'502'7013'0 Note: without user memory (for EPROM) with 256KB RAM in memory block D EPROM type 27C1001-15, 1M bit RAM type TC 55 1001 PL-10, 1M bit There is a risk of data loss if non-SAIA memory chips are used. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Issue 04.92 Memory addressing Use of memory is extremely flexible in the way it can be configured for individual requirements. The following memory areas can be allocated separately for each CPU: - user program - user text - data blocks - extra texts - extra data blocks (PROG): (TX): (DB): (TX): (DB): 0... 262'043 program lines 0... 3999 shared 0... 3999 addresses 4000... 7999 shared 4000... 7999 addresses Allocation for each CPU is done from the "Configure" menu of the PCD Programming Utilities, or using the hand held Programming Unit. 1 2 Memory blocks A 256KBytes 3 4 B 512KBytes 6 768KBytes 7 8 Division of memory ● PROG CPU 0 ● TX/DB (0.. 3999) ● PROG CPU 1 ● TX/DB (0.. 3999) ● PROG CPU n ● TX/DB (0.. 3999) C *) 5 PROG, TX and DB Memoty module PCD6.R6.. D extra DB 7-10 1024KBytes ● DB (4000.. 7999) CPU 0 ● DB (4000.. 7999) CPU 1 ● DB (4000.. 7999) CPU n Additional information concerning Data Blocks - Due to the organisation of the memory, an R/T/C (32 bits) stored in the DB address range 0... 3999 will require 8 bytes. The same R/T/C when stored in the address range 4000... 7999 will require only 4 bytes. - With the instructions PUT and GET only whole blocks of R/T/C's can be transferred to/from a Data Block. With the new TFR instruction a single R/T/C can be transferred to/ from a Data Block (from firmware version PCD6.V007 upwards). *) The base address for the start of the extra text and extra data block memory is assigned from the PCD Programming Utilities' "Configure" menu. This extra memory area can be mapped into memory blocks B, C or D. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Public memory modules PCD6.R.. 7-11 Issue 04.92 Example: 3 processors (CPU 0..CPU 2) with program, fixed texts and data blocks in EPROM, and extra data blocks in RAM. CPU 0: 60K program lines 10K bytes for fixed texts and DBs (of which 4KB = DBs = 512 registers) 6K bytes for extra DBs (=1.5K registers) CPU 1: 20K program lines 6K bytes for fixed texts (no DBs) 160K bytes for extra DBs (= 40K registers) = 240K bytes = 10K bytes = 6K bytes = = 80K bytes 6K bytes = 160K bytes CPU 2: 6K program lines = 80K bytes for fixed texts and DBs = (of which 64KB = DBs = 8K registers) 24K bytes 80K bytes Total 86K program lines EPROM = 440K bytes 96K bytes for fixed texts and DBs (of which 68KB = DBs = 8.5K registers) 166K bytes for extra DBs (= 41.5K registers) = 166K bytes The following is required to accommodate this large volume of data: - address blocks A and B with 4 EPROMs - address block D with 2 RAMs ➜ use type PCD6.R610 (which includes ex. factory 256KB RAM) and fitted with 4 EPROMs. EPROM 1 2 A 256KBytes EPROM 3 4 344K bytes for program, fixed texts and DBs B 512KBytes empty 5 6 C empty D 166K bytes for extra DBs 768KBytes RAM 7 8 1024KBytes © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 7-12 Public memory modules PCD6.R.. Notes : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD6 9. Power supply modules Power supply modules The power supply modules provide the internal power for the PCD6 series. Interference suppressor filters and various monitoring circuits ensure reliable operation of the PCD even under tough industrial conditions (interference tests at 4 kV in accordance with IEC 801-4, class III). The power supply module is plugged into the first location on the left for each rack unit and fastened with 4 screws. If the entire controller is to be transported, the power supply module must be packed separately (owing to its weight). The bus connectors may otherwise be damaged by impact. The following standard versions are available: Type Application PCD6.N100 *) AC voltage module for 230 VAC, 50 Hz, for digital I/O modules, incl. watchdog circuit PCD6.N110 AC voltage module for 230 VAC, 50 Hz, for all I/O modules as ±15 V also supplied, incl. watchdog circuit PCD6.N200 *) DC voltage module for 24 VDC, for digital I/O modules, incl. watchdog circuit PCD6.N210 DC voltage module for 24 VDC, for all I/O modules as ±15 V also supplied, incl. watchdog circuit Other AC voltages (e.g. 115 VAC, 60 Hz) can be supplied on request. A key switch serving as a safety switch for the power supply is available as an optional accessory. *) No longer available 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-1 Power supply modules PCD6 9.1 PCD6.N1.. Power supply modules for 230 VAC, 50 Hz Types PCD6.N100 PCD6.N110 For digital I/O modules only For all I/O modules, as ±15 V also supplied Technical data Supply voltage 230 VAC +10%/-15%, 50 Hz Galvanic isolation Yes, by transformer Power consumption 230 VAC ..N100 max. 0.45 A ..N110 max. 0.60 A Input fuses Primary 1.6 A slow-blow Secondary 6.3 A slow-blow Output voltages and currents to PCD6 bus +5 V +22 V +15 V –15 V ..N100 8A 1A — — ..N110 8A 1A 0.8 A 0.8 A Short-circuit protection on all outputs Page 9-2 Voltage monitoring Secondary voltage +24 VDC, +5 VDC and +15 VDC Watchdog frequency ≥5 Hz on all addresses 255 + n * 256 Watchdog contact Max. 0.5 A, 48 VAC or VDC External reset Fast reset input for program step counter, all timers, the volatile flags and for all digital outputs SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Power supply modules Presentation and description LED indicators (±15V, ..N110 only) DC/DC converter (±15V, ..N110 only) Input fuse cartridge ∅ 5 x 20mm Voltage monitoring Watchdog circuits Screwless terminal connections Mains filter, input transformer and rectifier are located on parallel plate The PCD6.N.. power supply modules have performance characteristics designed such that they can supply all combinations of modules in a rack with the necessary voltages. When more than 4 processor modules are used in the same unit, we recommend checking the power requirement in accordance with section 9.3 for reasons of safety. Voltage monitoring provides control when the PCD6 is switched on and off and ensures it is ”reset” if the voltage is low. This prevents the execution of uncontrolled mal functions. Green LED indicators (Output Enable, +5 V, ±15 V) should be lit without exception under normal operating conditions. Output Enable means that all I/O module power supplies are available. Yellow watchdog LED is only lit when the monitoring circuit is activated by the user program. External reset. In any operating state, the PCD6 can be reset within 2 ms when ground potential (GND) is applied to the ”Reset” terminal. Reset means: – all digital outputs are reset (independently of jumper ”Reset Output”) – all timers and volatile flags are reset – a cold start is always executed after a reset 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-3 Power supply modules PCD6 Use of the watchdog The watchdog monitoring circuit enables the correct execution of the user program to be monitored reliably. In case of error, effective safety measures can be taken. The WD relay remains active (working contact closed) as long as I/O address 255 (or 255 + n * 256 for extension rack units) receives an alternating signal of ≥5 Hz. This signal is easily produced by inserting the instruction COM 0 255 in a COB which is being cyclically executed. COB 0 0 ; or 1...15 ( ACC H ) COM : : O : : ; 255 (or 255 + n * 256 (for extension rack unit)) ECOB If a fault should arise in the user program or the CPU, or if any other operating mode than ”RUN” is chosen, the watchdog relay contact opens and the yellow ”Watchdog” LED is extinguished. Necessary safety measures can now be carried out using this watchdog relay contact. Note: Watchdog addresses 255 etc. should not be used as element addresses for digital inputs and outputs. In general, special modules such as analogue, motion control or fast counting modules must not be used at addresses 240...255 and 496...511 etc. Connection diagram Page 9-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Power supply modules Block diagram for ..N110 (..N100 without ±15 V converter) 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-5 Power supply modules PCD6 Screwless terminal connections Press screwdriver no. 1 firmly into the square aperture on the right. Insert the stripped wire into the round aperture on the left as far as it will go, remove the screwdriver. Check that the wire is firmly connected. 0.14 to 2.5 mm wires may be used. 6...9 mm of insulating material must be stripped off. Page 9-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Power supply modules 9.2 PCD6.N2.. Power supply modules for 24 VDC Types PCD6.N200 PCD6.N210 For digital I/O modules only For all I/O modules, as ±15 V also supplied Technical data Supply voltage Smoothed 24 VDC +20 %/-15 %, two-way rectification secondary voltage of the transformer 19 VAC +10%/-15%, transformer min. 200 VA Galvanic isolation No, supply voltage negative pole connected to ground Power consumption 24 VDC ..N200 max. 4.5 A ..N210 max. 6.0 A Input fuses 6.3 A slow-blow Reverse voltage protection Yes Output voltages and currents to PCD6 bus +5 V +22 V +15 V –15 V ..N200 8A 1A — — ..N210 8A 1A 0.8 A 0.8 A Short-circuit protection on all outputs Voltage monitoring Secondary voltage +24 VDC, +5 VDC and +15 VDC Watchdog frequency ≥5 Hz on all addresses 255 + n * 256 Watchdog contact Max. 0.5 A, 48 VAC or VDC External reset Fast reset input for program step counter, all timers, the volatile flags and for all digital outputs 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-7 Power supply modules PCD6 Presentation and description LED indicators (±15V, ..N210 only) DC/DC converter (±15V, ..N210 only) Input fuse cartridge ∅ 5 x 20mm Voltage monitoring Watchdog circuits Screwless terminal connections The PCD6.N.. power supply modules have performance characteristics designed such that they can supply all combinations of modules in a rack with the necessary voltages. When more than 4 processor modules are used in the same unit, we recommend checking the power requirement in accordance with section 9.3 for reasons of safety. Voltage monitoring provides control when the PCD6 is switched on and off and ensures it is ”reset” if the voltage is low. This prevents the execution of uncontrolled mal functions. Green LED indicators (Output Enable, +5 V, ±15 V) should be lit without exception under normal operating conditions. Output Enable means that all I/O module power supplies are available. Yellow watchdog LED is only lit when the monitoring circuit is activated by the user program. External reset. In any operating state, the PCD6 can be reset within 2 ms when ground potential (GND) is applied to the ”Reset” terminal. Reset means: – all digital outputs are reset (independently of jumper ”Reset Output”) – all timers and volatile flags are reset – a cold start is always executed after a reset Page 9-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Power supply modules Use of the watchdog The watchdog monitoring circuit enables the correct execution of the user program to be monitored reliably. In case of error, effective safety measures can be taken. The WD relay remains active (working contact closed) as long as I/O address 255 (or 255 + n * 256 for extension rack units) receives an alternating signal of ≥5 Hz. This signal is easily produced by inserting the instruction COM 0 255 in a COB which is being cyclically executed. COB 0 0 ; or 1...15 ( ACC H ) COM : : O : : ; 255 (or 255 + n * 256 (for extension rack unit)) ECOB If a fault should arise in the user program or the CPU, or if any other operating mode than RUN is chosen, the watchdog relay contact opens and the yellow ”Watchdog” LED is extinguished. Necessary safety measures can now be carried out using this watchdog relay contact. Note: Watchdog addresses 255 etc. should not be used as element addresses for digital inputs and outputs. In general, special modules such as analogue, motion control or fast counting modules must not be used at addresses 240...255 and 496...511 etc. Connection diagram 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-9 Power supply modules PCD6 Block diagram for ..N210 (..N200 without ±15 V converter) Page 9-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Power supply modules Screwless terminal connections Press screwdriver no. 1 firmly into the square aperture on the right. Insert the stripped wire into the round aperture on the left as far as it will go, remove the screwdriver. Check that the wire is firmly connected. 0.14 to 2.5 mm wires may be used. 6...9 mm of insulating material must be stripped off. 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-11 Power supply modules PCD6 9.3 Power requirements of PCD6 modules The PCD6 power supply modules provide the internal power for all PCD6 modules at +5 V, +15 V and -15 V. Capacity of the PCD6.N.. power supply modules Power requirements of the PCD6 modules 1 2 Page 9-12 ) Statistical mean when 50% of all I/Os are active ) Depending on whether 1 or 3 extension plugs are used. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Power supply modules Example: 3 Communications processors and 6 I/O modules There is a reserve of approx. 50% at 5 V in the case of this average configuration of the main unit. These strong power supply modules can only be overloaded by an extreme configuration: – 7 processors ..M2.. – plus connecting module ..T300 loaded on all 3 connectors for a total of 5120 I/Os Practically all other combinations are not considered critical as far as power requirement is concerned. 26/735 E3 (D6-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-13 Power supply modules PCD6 Notes : Page 9-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-90-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 System cable and module connectors 10. General information on I/O modules The PCD6 series design offers great versatility with regard to I/O modules, thus allowing the use of the previous PCA2 modules as well as all the new specific PCD6 I/O modules. What are the differences? – The module connectors are different and incompatible. Therefore, two different types of system cables are required. – The Q-I/O test, i.e. the automatic check verifying whether an I/O module is missing in the system, may only be carried out with the new PCD6 modules. (Except the latest PCA2 modules PCA2.A21.. and ..E60.. which can be rendered Q-I/O compatible by inserting a jumper). – The new PCD6 modules largely employ SMD technology and ASIC for bus control. Reliability could thus be increased even more. The PCD6 modules will be available longer in the future than the ”old” PCA2 modules. It must be pointed out, however, that PCA2 modules may be combined with PCD6 modules in the same system as desired during the transition period, provided that the different front connectors are aesthetically acceptable. It must also be noted that the intricate modules between PCA2 and PCD6 must be handled differently regarding the user program (e.g. the ALGI/ALGO commands may only be used for the input and output of analogue values for the PCA2.W1.. module). All PCD6 analogue modules require the new PCD6 power supply modules supplying the ±15 V regulated voltages via the bus. 26/735 E3 (D6-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 10-1 System cable and module connectors 10.1 PCD6.K.. PCD6 System cable and module connectors for the I/O modules Connection to the front connectors of the input and output modules is easily effected with the aid of the so-called system cables. These cables are provided with the lockable module connector at one end and with numbered wire end ferrules at the other end. The numbers of the individual wires exactly correspond to the numbers in the pin assignment diagrams as evident from the respective I/O documentation. The cable as such is not jacketed but rather consists of single wires which are held together by several ties attached approx. every 20 cm. This allows laying the system cables in any cable duct with great flexibility. If the cable must be spliced, the respective ties can easily be undone. Page 10-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-10-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 System cable and module connectors Labelling of I/O modules and connectors The following labels are delivered with every main PCD6.C1.. rack: – Red address labels numbered from 0...1264 which are inserted in the top I/O module holder – Grey address labels numbered from 0...1264 which are adhered to the connector shell of the system cables – Grey address labels numbered from 0...1264 which are adhered to the front panels of the I/O modules next to the LEDs I/O module addressing is described in detail in chapter 2.5. 26/735 E3 (D6-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 10-3 System cable and module connectors PCD6 Connector cover and test probe The connector cover may be detached by removing the Phillips screw in order to provide access to every connector pin with a thin test probe. Thus, the connector pins can be accessed during operation with the test probe. The test probe must be inserted above the cable. All wires are crimped to the connector contacts resulting in reliable contact. It must be noted that the connector pin numbers do not correspond to the wire numbers of the cable. Both types of numbering will be explained in the following. They are also evident in the respective I/O module documentation. Pin assignment and type designation 0...47 Wire numbers of system cable Used connector pins with cable (38 wires each 0.5 mm2) Unused pins without a cable (2)...(32) (a) (c) (e) Pin numbers of connector Cable lengths PCD6.K212: 2.5 m PCD6.K214: 4.0 m View to module front or connector rear Page 10-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-10-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 System cable and module connectors Module connector type PCD6.K200 without cable In applications where special cables are required, the user may also adapt them to his requirements himself. The following items are delivered under the type designation PCD6.K200: Connector unit Fastening unit Connector cover The tulip contact springs (with gold-plated contact part) which are inserted in the connector unit are crimp connections for litz wires from 0.14 to 0.56 mm2. Such tulip contact springs can be obtained from: Crimp connections order no. 4’408’4861’0 (pack contains 100 pieces) Maximum current loading of the contact is 6 A at an ambient temperature of 20°C 4.8 A at an ambient temperature of 50°C 26/735 E3 (D6-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 10-5 System cable and module connectors PCD6 The following items cannot be obtained from SAIA, but from HARTING (Germany) or their branches: – Crimp connections on an endless strip (approx. 300 contacts) under Harting order no. 0 906 000 9481 – Simple crimping tool for single contacts and connection wires from 0,14...0,56 mm Harting order no. 09 99 000 0076 Sleeve 09 99 000 0086 – Harting also offers more efficient tools ranging up to the automatic crimping device. Harting Co. addresses and the most important branches: Germany Harting Elektronik GmbH Postfach 1140 - D-4992 Espelkamp Tel. (0 57 72) 47-1 Fax (0 57 72) 33 02 France HARTING ELEKTRONIK S.A.R.L. BP 24 F-94121 Fontenay-sous-Bois Cedex Tel. (1) 48 77 06 26, Tx 2 12 583 Telefax (1) 48 77 14 28 Great Britain HARTING ELEKTRONIK Ltd. GB-Biggin Hill, Kent TN 16 3 BW Tel. (09 59) 7 1411, Tx 95 168 Italy HARTING ELEKTRONIK S.P.A. Via Como, 2 I-20096 Pioltello (Milano) Tel. 02-9 24 03 66, 02-9 24 05 64 Tx 323 494 Switzerland HARTING ELEKTRONIK AG Industriestrasse 26 CH-8604 Volketswil Tel. 01-946 09 66, Fax 01-946 09 70 Addresses of other branches can be obtained from Harting Co.! Page 10-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-10-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 System cable and module connectors Module connector coding avoids confusion Every module connector and its mating connector can be prevented from being confused by means of coding pins. For this purpose, the connectors are provided with coding strips on the side each with 12 coding locations (A...M) in which a maximum of 900 coding patterns may be inserted with the aid of coding pins. Every system cable or single connector is provided with a comb of 12 coding pins. Comb with 12 coding pins Intricate coding example: module connector Cable connector 26/735 E3 (D6-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 10-7 System cable and module connectors PCD6 Cabling with system cables and external interfaces As evident from the above figure, the use of system cables with PCD6 permits simple and clearly arranged organization of the appropriate elements for connection to the process. It is important to properly connect the PCD6 to ground via the power supply module to ensure maximum noise immunity. All modules are grounded via the tightened front screws. Page 10-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-10-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 System cable and module connectors Noise immunity With digital I/O modules, the system cables as well as the cables between the switch cabinet and process may be laid in the usual cable ducts of contactor, valve and motor cables without causing problem provided that the distances do not exceed approx. 50 m. In case of longer distances, it is recommended to use a separate cable duct. Noise immunity of the I/O modules is tested in accordance with IEC 8014 to determine the reproducible values. This means that due to the elaborate circuit principle of the SAIA®PCD high voltage peaks (directly applied to the digital 24 V inputs/outputs) do not cause malfunction or destruction of the components (see following figures): Structure of PCD6 (cross section) 26/735 E3 (D6-10-E.DOC) Interference voltage test according to IEC 801-4 (4kV) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 10-9 System cable and module connectors PCD6 Notes : Page 10-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-10-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules 11. Digital input/output modules All digital I/O modules are subjected to the tough interference tests with 4 kV in accordance with IEC 801-4 to ensure maximum noise immunity and reliability. All modules may be inserted in a PCD6.C.. rack unit in any position desired and fastened with knurled screws. This screw connection at the same time serves as a broad ground connection for the entire system. The type designation of the module is visible on the front panel at the top and in detail on the connector side of the PC-board. PCD6.E100 Moderately priced input module for source operation. 32 inputs electrically connected, suited for most electronic and electromechanical switching elements connected to 24 VDC. PCD6.E610/..E611 Input module with electrical isolation for source or sink operation with 32 inputs. Suitable for most electronic and electro-mechanical switching elements at 24 VDC. Type PCD6.E611 has a short input delay of typ. 0.1/0.3 ms. PCD6.A200 Output module with 16 relays (NO contacts) for AC or DC. Switch rating 2 A at 250 VAC. An integrated RC network eliminates arcing at low to medium switch ratings. PCD6.A350 Transistor output module, 16 outputs galvanically isolated, short-circuit proof. Switching capacity 2 A, 24 VDC. PCD6.A400 Most common output module with 32 transistor outputs 5...500 mA at 24 VDC. Circuits electrically connected in a voltage range from 5...32 VDC. 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-1 Digital input modules PCD6 11.1 PCD6.E100 Digital input module, electrically connected Application Moderately priced input module for source operation with 32 inputs, electrically connected. Suited for most electronic and electrnmechanical switching elements connected to 24 VDC. Technical data Number of inputs per module 32, electrically connected source operation only Input voltage Vin Nom. 24 VDC smoothed or pulsating Input current 8 mA at 24 VDC Input delay Typ. 9 ms Operating temperature -20...+50°C Storage temperature -20...+85°C Applied standards IEC 1131-2, VDI 2880, NF C63-850 Noise immunity with IEC 801-4 4 kV direct, 2 kV capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Number of assigned addresses 32 Internal current consumption from 5 V bus 10 mA Presentation Insertable base address DIL switch for base address ASIC as bus interface LED displays for signal states of inputs Jumper for disabling QI/O * Input filter High-resistance separation area Threshold switch Module connector *) When employed on PCA2, remove jumper Page 11-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Input signal definition Two-way rectified DC-voltage is adequate as external supply voltage due to the input delay of 9 ms typically. Input circuit (source operation) Switch closed (positive at input): Switch open: 0...47: PCD6.K2..: 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) Signal status ”H” = LED lights up Signal status ”L” = LED is out Wire number of system cable Recommended system cable SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-3 Digital input modules PCD6 Pin assignment diagram Page 11-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules 11.2 PCD6.E610/..E611 Digital input module with electrical isolation Application Input module with electrical isolation for source or sink operation with 32 inputs. Suitable for most electronic and electro-mechanical switching elernents at 24 VDC. Type PCD6.E611 has a short input delay of typ. 0.1/0.3ms. Technical information Number of inputs per module 32, electrically isolated by optocouplers source or sink operation Input signals ..E610: nom. 24 VDC smoothed or pulsating ..E611: nom. 24 VDC smoothed with ripple of max. 10% Special: 5 to 48 VDC on request 30V 24V 15V H Because of the typical input delay of 8 ms for type ..E610, full-wave rectified DC is adequate for external supply. L Typ ..E611 needs smoothed DC voltage. 5V 0V -30V Supply voltage Vin for source operation: min. 15 V for sink operation: min. 18 V Input current (24 VDC) for source operation: 12 mA for sink operation: 5.5 mA Input delay (L-H / H-L) ..E610: ..E611: Resistance to interference as IEC 1131-2 4 kV direct coupling 2 kV capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Electrical isolation voltage 200 VDC Optocoupler isolation voltage 2.5 kV Internal current consumption from 5 V-Bus 10...80 mA 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. typ. 8 ms/8 ms typ. 0.1 ms /0.3 ms Page 11-5 Digital input modules PCD6 Presentation Insertable base address DIL switch for base address ASIC as bus interface LED displays for signal states of inputs Jumper for disabling Q I/O * LED for ”Sink” operation Input filter Optocoupler Threshold switch Module connector *) When employed on PCA2, remove jumper Input circuit Sink operation Source operation Connector Optocoupler Threshold switch Bus interface Source operation Switch closed: Switch open: Signal state ”H” = LED on 33. LED "Sink" is off Signal state ”L” = LED off Sink operation Switch closed: Switch open: Signal state ”L” = LED off 33. LED "Sink" is on Signal state ”H” = LED on Page 11-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Pin assignment diagram 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-7 Digital input modules 11.3 PCD6.A200 PCD6 Output module with relay contacts Application The module contains 16 relays with normally-open contacts for direct or alternating current up to 2 A, 250 VAC. It is especially suited wherever perfectly isolated AC switching circuits must be controlled with infrequent switching (see installation notes). Technical information Total outputs per module 16, isolated normally open contacts (NO) Switch rating 2 A, 250 VAC 1 A, 250 VAC 2 A, 50 VDC 1 A, 24 VDC Contact lifetime (AC1) 2 A, 220 VAC 1 A, 220 VAC 0.4 A, 220 VAC Relay coil supply Nominal 24 VDC smoothed or pulsed, 10 mA per relay Voltage tolerance Dependent on ambient temperature Typical output delay Page 11-8 Temp. 20°C 30°C 40°C 50°C AC1 AC11 DC1 DC11 1 million operations 2 million operations 4 million operations Smoothed DC 18,5...37 VDC 19,5...35 VDC 20,5...32 VDC 21,5...30 VDC Pulsed DC 14...28 V 15...26,5 V 16...25 V 17...23,5 V typ. 7 ms Operating temperature -20...+50°C Storage temperature -20...+85°C Conforms to standards IEC 1131-2 Noise immunity with IEC 801-4 4 kV direct coupling 2 kV capacitive coupling Internal current usage from 5 V bus 5...50 mA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Presentation Insertable base address DIL switch for base address ASIC as bus interface LED displays for signal states of the outputs Jumper to cancel QI/O * Optocoupler RC contact protection Relays with VDR contact protection Module connector *) When employed on PCA2, remove jumper Output circuit Relay energized (contact closed) Relay reset (contact open) LED lights up LED is out This requires 24 VDC at terminals Vin/GND and 17. LED (24 V ext.) to be lit. 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-9 Digital input modules PCD6 Pin assignment diagram Page 11-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Installation Notes • For reasons of safety it is not allowed that low voltages (up to 50 V) and higher voltages (50...250 V) are connected to the same module. • If a PCD6 system module is connected to a higher voltage (50...250 V), higher voltage approved components have to be used for all elements which arc galvanica11y connected to the system. • Using higher voltage (50...250 V), all connections to the relay contacts are to be connected on the same circuit. That means at one point in such a way that they are all protected against one AC-phase hy only one fuse. Each load circuit may be protected individually by a fuse of max. 2 A. 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-11 Digital input modules PCD6 Switching inductive loads Because of the physical properties of inductivity, it is not possible to disconnect inductance without interference. This interference must be minimized as far as possible. Although the PCD is immune to this interference, there are other devices which may be susceptible. Is should be noted here that, as part of the harmonization of standards throughout the EU, the EMC standards will be valid from 1996 (EMC Directive 89/336/EG). Two principles should therefore be emphasized: 1. The protection against interferences from inductive loads is imperative. 2. Interference should be eliminated as close as possible to its source. It is therefore recommended that a protection circuit should be fitted at the load (often available as normal components on standardized contactors and valves). When switching direct voltage it is urgently recommended that a recovery diode is fitted above the load. This should even take place when, theoretically, an Ohmic load is switched. In practice, there will always be a proportion which is inductive (connection cable, resistance coil, etc.). In this case it should be noted that the switch-off time will be longer (Ta ca. L/RL * √(RL*IL/0,7). For direct voltage the transistor output modules are recommended. Page 11-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Relay manufacturer's information on RC unit dimensioning Wiring contact protection: Dimensioning guide for RC combinations The purpose of contact protection wiring is to suppress switch arcing ("sparks") and thereby prolong the lifetime of the contacts. All protection wiring has disadvantages as well as advantages. Table 1 should simplify the search for a favorable solution in each case. For the cancellation of arcing by means of an RC unit, see figure 3. Load The value for C is the direct result of the switching current. The resistance value R can be established by drawing a straight line through the corresponding points on the I and U curves and reading off the resistance at the intersection with the R curve. When switching off load circuits with inductive components (e.g. relay coils and magnet coils) the interruption of current results in overvoltage (standard inductance) at the switching contacts. This may amount to many times the operating voltage and so threatens the insulation of the load circuit. The resultant breaking spark leads to rapid wear of the relay contacts. For this reason contact protection wiring is particularly important with inductive load circuits. Example: U = 100 V; I = 1 A C is found directly as 0.1 µF R = 10 W (from line trough R scale) 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-13 Digital input modules PCD6 11.4 PCD6.A350 Digital output module, electrically isolated, short-circuit proof, switching capacity 24 VDC, 2 A Application Highly-efficient output module with 16 transistor outputs 5 mA to 2 A, short-circuit proof and electrically isolated. Voltage range 8...32 VDC. Technical data Number of outputs per module Page 11-14 16, opto-isolated Output current Iout 5 mA...2 A (leakage current max. 1 mA) Load impedance should not be less than 12 Ω in a voltage range 8...24 VDC. Max. inductivity 150 mH at 1.5 A 80 mH at 2 A Short-circuit behaviour The output current is limited to 3.5 A on a short-circuited load circuit. In case of permanent overloading, the output switches off after a few seconds. From this moment on, starting attempts are made at intervals. If overloading is terminated, the output automatically switches back on. Operating mode Source operation (positive switching) Total current per module See diagram Voltage range Vout 8...32 VDC, smoothed Residual ripple of Vout Max. 10% Voltage drop Max. 2 V at I = 2 A Common mode strength Max. 72 Vpp Output delay typ. Switching on: 10 µs – ohmic Switching off: 100 µs current range 5 mA...2A Operating temperature -20...+50°C Storage temperature -20...+85°C SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Applied standards IEC 1131-2, DIN 19230 and 19232, VDI 2880, NF C63-850 Noise immunity with IEC 801-4 4 kV direct coupling 2 kV capacitive coupling Number of assigned addresses 16 Internal current consumption Max. 120 mA from 5 V bus Current load/ambient temperature diagram Example: (Vout = 24 VDC) Ambient temperature underneath the module (in case of normal mounting position: vent holes, top and bottom) 8 valves each of 48 W (50% duty cycle)* 8 A 4 valves each of 48 W (75% duty cycle)* 6 A 4 connectors each of 24 W (95% duty cycle)* 4A Average total current 18 A Admissible ambient temperature 50°C *) Thermal time constant of the module: approx. 5 min Average total continuous current of all outputs of the same module Presentation Insertable base address DIL switch for base address ASIC as bus interface LED displays for signal states of outputs Jumper for disabling Q I/O ** Optocoupler Heat sink with short-circuit proof output circuits Module connector **) When employed on PCA2, remove jumper 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-15 Digital input modules PCD6 Output circuit Output circuit Output conducting (set): Output non-conducting (reset): 0...47: PCD6.K2..: LED lights up LED is out Wire numbers of system cable Recommended system cable The 16 outputs are divided into 4 groups A, B, C and D with 4 outputs respectively. The positive voltage is supplied separately for every group. This allows applying different voltages to the same module in the range from 8...32 V. The negative pole, however, is common to all 4 groups. User voltage The following user voltage is recommended to keep the ripple content to a minimum. A capacitor on the DC voltage side is absolutely necessary to compensate for switch-on peaks, e.g. in case of lamp loading. Page 11-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Pin assignment diagram 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-17 Digital input modules 11.5 PCD6.A400 PCD6 Digital output module, electrically connected, switching capacity 24 VDC, 0.5 A Application Moderately priced output module with 32 transistor outputs in 4 groups, 5...500 mA, no short-circuit protection. Circuits are electrically connected in the voltage range from 5 to 32 VDC. Technical data Number of outputs per module 32 (4 x 8) electrically connected Output current Iout 5...500 mA (leakage current max. 1 mA) Load impedance should be at least 48 Ω in the voltage range from 5...24 VDC. Operating mode Source operation (positive switching) Total current per module 32 x 0.5 A = 16 A (100 % duty cycle) Voltage range Vout 5...32 VDC smoothed 10...27 VDC pulsating Voltage drop 1 V at 0.5A Output delay typ. 10 µs at an ohmic load 5...500 mA, longer in case of inductive load because of the freewheeling diode Operating temperature -20...+50°C Storage temperature -20...+85°C Applied standards IEC 1131-2, DIN 19230 and 19232, VDI 2880, NF C63-850 Noise immunity with IEC 801-4 4 kV direct coupling 2 kV capacitive coupling Number of assigned addresses 32 Internal current consumption from 5 V bus Page 11-18 10...250 mA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Digital input modules Presentation Insertable base address DIL switch for base address 2 spare transistors ASIC as bus interface LED displays for signal states of outputs Jumper for cancelling QI/O * Transistor control Output transistors with protective diodes Module connector * When employed on PCA2, remove jumper. Output circuit Output conducting (set): Output non-conducting (reset): 26/735 E3 (D6-11-E.DOC) LED lights up LED is out SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 11-19 Digital input modules PCD6 Fuse 0...47: PCD6.K2..: It is recommended to protect every ..A400 module against short-circuits with a 10 A quick-acting fuse Wire numbers of system cable Recommended system cable The 32 outputs are divided into 4 groups A, B, C and D with 8 outputs respectively. Every group is separately supplied with positive voltage. Different voltages may thus be applied to the same module in the range from 5...32 V. The negative pole, which is connected to ground, is common to all 4 groups. Pin assignment diagram Page 11-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-11-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Analogue input/output modules 12. Analogue input/output modules With analogue modules, a distinction is made between circuits with a short or long A/D or D/A conversion time. For slow processes such as temperature monitoring, ”slow” and thus less expensive analogue modules are usually sufficient. Both variants will be listed in the following as well as a classification into configurable modules for different input/output signals and modules for reversible signals. PCD6.W1.. Fast analogue module with a 30 µs conversion time for the acquisition and control of rapid processes. 12 bit resolution. 8 inputs plus max. 4 output channels with the signal ranges 0...5 V to ±10 V and 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA. Connection of resistance thermometers Pt1000/Ni1000 is possible. PCD6.W3.. Relatively slow input module for temperature measurement with an A/D conversion time of max. 120 ms. 16 inputs for voltages from ±100 mV to ±10 V or currents ±20 mA or 4...20 mA. 8 inputs for direct connection of resistance thermometers Pt100/1000 or Ni100/1000 or thermocouples. 12 bit resolution plus preceding sign. PCD6.W400 Fast output module with an 8 bit resolution. D/A conversion time <5 µs. 16 outputs switchable for the output ranges 0...10 V, 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-1 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 12.1 PCD6.W1.. Fast analogue I/O module with 12 bit resolution The ..W1.. analogue module consists of a base module and up to six add-on range modules which select the input and output voltage or current ranges. This enables the 8 input channels and 4 output channels to be configured independently. It is also possible to directly connect 4 resistive temperature sensors (or resistance thermometers). Module overview Base module PCD6.W100 Contains the input multiplexer with the A/D converter for 8 input channels via the range module and connections for 4 output channels. Range modules Inputs PCD7.W101 Measurement range 0...10 V (±10 V or ±5 V) Input resistance 10 MΩ PCD7.W105 Measurement range 0...20 mA (±20 mA or ±10 mA) Input resistance 499 Ω/0.1% Time constant on input filter 1 ms Outputs PCD7.W200: 1 channel Range 0...10 V, min. load resistance PCD7.W201: 1 channel Range 0...1 V, min. load resistance PCD7.W202: 1 channel Range ±10 V, min. load resistance PCD7.W203: 1 channel Range ±1 V, min. load resistance PCD7.W204: 1 channel Range 0...20 mA, max. circuit resistance PCD7.W205: 1 channel Range 4...20 mA, max. circuit resistance PCD7.W206: 1 channeI Range -10...0 V, min. load resistance 3 kΩ 300 Ω 3 kΩ 300 Ω 500 Ω 500 Ω 3 kΩ Technical information of the base module Inputs Total input channels 8 voltage or current inputs and 4 inputs for resistive temperature sensors (Pt1000 or Ni1000). Page 12-2 Isolated No Measuring principle Differential Signal ranges See range modules Digital representation (resolution) 12 bits (0...4095) Unipolar or bipolar, selectable by jumper on the base module SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. A/D convertion time Analogue input/output modules ≤30 µs Accuracy (ref. to measured 0,45% ±2 LSB unipolar value) 0,45% ±6 LSB bipolar Accuracy of repetition Within 3 LSB Temperature error Typically 0.2% across temperature range 0...50°C Max. overvoltage 60 VDC Resistance to interference according to IEC 801-4 1 kV capacitance coupling without shielding 2 kV capacitance coupling with shielding Common-mode behaviour UIN + UCM ≤ ±12 V Outputs Total output channels Max. 4, short-circuit protected Isolated No Signal ranges See range modules Digital representation (resolution) 12 bits (0...4095), unipolar or bipolar depending on range module D/A conversion time ≤20 µs SENSE inputs 2 each per output, for precise voltage control Resistance of OUT signal cables CMR = 74 dB CMMR = 200 µV/V Max. 200 Ω (total both cables) Precision (referred to output value) Voltage Current Constant current Temperature error Typically 0.2% across temperature range 0...50°C Ext. supply 24 VDC Only required for current outputs, same quality as for supply module ..N2.. Current used internally from the PCD6 bus + 5V +15 V –15 V 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) 1% ±5 mV 1,4% ±50 µA 2 mA ±l% 60 mA 50 mA 50 mA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-3 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Presentation DIL switch for base address Base address insert LED indicators ASIC as bus interface Input area with module locations A and B for input range module MUX: Input multiplexer AD: A/D converter J10/11: Range jumper Output area with module locations C to F for output range modules for 1 output respectively Output addresses 012...014 Module connector The following functions are realized: – The base PCB with bus interface, address coding, A/D converter with MUX, the range jumpers and the module locations to accommodate the range modules. – The 2 module locations A and B may be configured as desired with input range modules PCD7.W101 and ..W105. The jumpers apply to the two module locations as follows: ”Unipolar” position 0...10 V, -10...0 V, 0...20 mA ”Bipolar” position ±10 V, ±5 V, ±20 mA, ±10 mA Position 10: Position 20 Total range 10 V and 20 mA Total range 20 V and 40 mA Factory setting: 10 unipolar – The 4 module locations C...F may be configured as desired with the output range modules PCD7.W2.. Page 12-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules Inserting the range modules The ..W1.. module must be pulled out of the rack unit in order to install the range modules. Please note that module locations A and B are designed for input modules only, locations C to F for output modules only. Warning: The base PCB and the range modules both incorporate components which are sensitive to electrostatic discharges. Various range modules can be inserted at the 6 module locations. Please do not forget to write the configuration in the spaces provided on the sticker for the front so that it may be seen from the outside. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-5 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Block diagram * Only required for current outputs Page 12-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules Connector assignment diagram and addressing * Only required for current outputs 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-7 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Programming and I/O addressing Input/Output for channel Input channels selection and A/D conversion (1 = selected) AD convert Output channels Bit address for data read/write Digital value, 12 bit read/write Read only If bit 14 ”AD bipolar” = 1: then jumper U/B is in the bipolar position for input range modules at, points A and B If bit 15 ”AD busy” = 1: then A/D conversion is in progress User program for reading analogue value To read an analogue value from channel I2 into register R102. ( ) (Accu must be 1) 2 *) Select input channel 2 by setting bit I2 O O O 8 8 8 *) Start A/D conversion by toggling *) address 8 (A/D convert) *) I H 15 *) High = conversion in progress (∼30 µs) -1 Wait or branch until conversion is complete ACC H SET O RES **) SET RES STH JR Conversion complete BITI I R 12 0 *) 102 Read A/D value, 12 bits bits from address 0 (LSB) into register R102 *) The base address of the module must be added to these operands. **) If the 2 mA module type PCD7.W120 on location B is used, wait 10 ms before instruction RES. Page 12-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules User program to output an analogue value Outputs an analogue value from register R113 to output channel O13. BITO ( ACC SET RES Output 12 bits from register R113 to address 0 (LSB) R O 12 113 0 *) H O O ) (Accu must be, 1) 13 *) Select output channel O13 13 *) and start DA conversion *) The base address of the module must be added to these operands. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-9 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Module connection of analogue inputs Module locations A and B may be configured as desired with input range modules having 4 inputs respectively. It is possible to select between unipolar and bipolar input with jumpers J10 and J11. Connector and wire assignment view to module front Module locations for inputs 0...47: Wire numbers of system cable Page 12-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules Voltage inputs for ranges 0...10 V, ±10 V, ±5 V Range module: PCD7.W101 There are two jumpers on the base module for voltage range selection: U B 10 20 = = = = unipolar voltage bipolar voltage entire voltage range of 10 V entire voltage range of 20 V (e.g. ±10 V) Digital input values are as follows: Pt1000 or Ni1000 resistance thermometers can be connected using the 2 mA output of wire number 38. Process PCD6.W1.. Note The process ground, or that of an input amplifier, must be connected to the ground of the analogue module (at terminal ”-”). In unipolar operation, the more positive potential is connected to the ”+” terminal. In this way, negative voltages (b) can also be measured. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-11 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Current inputs for ranges 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, ±20 mA and ±10 mA Range module: PCD7.W105 There are two jumpers on the base module fore selecting the current range: U B 10 20 = = = = unipolar input bipolar input entire current range of 20 mA entire current range of 40 mA (e.g. ±20 mA) Digital input values are as follows: *) The same range module is fitted for current range 4...20 mA. The 4 mA current limit is controlled with the user program (digital value 819). Process PCDG.W1.. Note The process ground, or that of an input amplifier, must be connected to the ground of the analogue module (at terminal ”-”). In unipolar operation, the more positive potential is connected to the ”+” terminal. In this way, negative voltages (b) can also be measured. Page 12-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules Connection of 4 Pt1000 or Ni1000 resistance thermometers Range module on socket A: PCD7.W101 (0...10 V) for 4 Pt1000 or Ni1000 Range module on socket B: PCD7.W120 for 4 constant current outputs of 2 mA The ..W120 modules provide a constant current of 2 mA up to a circuit resistance of 2000 Ω. The voltage drop at the resistance thermometers is supplied to the voltage range module on the socket A. Important: Unused 2 mA outputs must be short-circuited. Example for connection of channel I0: Range module PCD7.W101 for voltage inputs 0...10V 2 mA module PCD7.W120 Partial view to front of connector Software If the range modules are plugged onto the basic module correctly (voltage inputs on socket A, constant current outputs on socket B), the circuit recognizes that the configuration comprises resistance thermometers. Therefore, the user must only ensure appropriate handling of the voltage inputs in the software, as described in chapter ”User program”. A simplified temperature calculation using Pt1000 is shown overleaf. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-13 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Temperature measurement with Pt1000 and range module for 0...10 V The temperature-dependent resistor Pt1000 shows a resistance of R0 = 1000 Ω at 0°C. In the temperature range from -20°C to +200°C resistance develops with an accuracy of 1% according to the following formula: RT = R0 (1 + 3.83 * 10–3 * T) T in °C Sensitivity S on the measuring range module ±10 V under 2 mA is the following: S = 3.83 * 10–3/°C * 4096 LSB/10 V * 0.002 A * 1000 Ω = 3.14 LSB/°C The 2 mA constant current results in a voltage of 2 V at 1000 Ω. On measuring range module 10 V, this corresponds to a digital value of 4096 * 0.2 = 819, i.e. 1000 Ω = 0°C = 819 LSB = Offset With these two values a conclusion can be drawn from the digital measured value to the temperature in °C at all times. or T in °C Example 1: digital measured value 1300 LSB 1300–819 T= = +153.2°C 3.14 Example 2: digital measured value 770 LSB 770–819 T= = –15.6°C 3.14 Example 3: 100°C corresponds to which digital measured value? Digital measured value = 3.14 * 100 + 819 = 1133 Page 12-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules Connection of analogue outputs On the PCD6.W100 base module, the 4 output channels can be individually configured from a selection of output range modules. Connectors C to E are provided for this. Connector and wire assignment view to module front Module locations for outputs 0...47: Wire numbers of system cable * The external 24 V supply is only required for current outputs (PCD7.W204 and ..W205 modules). 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-15 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W1.. PCD6 Voltage outputs 0...10 V, 0...1 V, ±10 V, ±1 V, –10...0 V Range modules PCD7.W200: 1 output channel for range 0...10 V PCD7.W201: 1 output channel for range 0...1V PCD7.W202: 1 output channel for range ±10 V PCD7.W203: 1 output channel for range ±1 V PCD7.W206: 1 output channel for range –10...0 V Digital output values are as follows: Example for connection of output channel 13: PCD6.W1.. Process Note Two ”SENSE” measurement cables are provided to increase voltage precision at the load resistor RL. These must be high impedance cables (I ≤0.2 mA), by which the effective voltage on RL is measured, and if necessary corrected. If the SENSE detectors are not required, then terminals 26 - 27 and 10 - 11 must be connected together. Page 12-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W1.. Analogue input/output modules Current outputs 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA Range modules: PCD7.W204: 1 output channel for range 0...20 mA PCD7.W205: 1 output channel for range 4...20 mA Digital outputs are as follows: Example for connection of output channel l3: PCD6.W1.. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Process Page 12-17 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 12.2 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input module for slow processes, 12 bit resolution + preceding sign This analogue module also has modular design. It consists of a universal basic module and 1 to 4 measuring range modules. This allows measuring voltage ranges from ±100 mV to 10 V or current ranges 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA and to store the values digitally in registers. Connection of resistance thermometers or direct connection of thermocouples is possible by using the appropriate range modules. Different measuring range modules can be plugged onto the four sockets, thus meeting the individual requirements optimally. List of modules Basic modules PCD6.W300: for employment in a 50 Hz environment with the corresponding clock frequency for antiphase noise suppression. Input multiplexer for max. 16 input channels. Special 2 mA constant current output. PCD6.W301: for employment in a 60 Hz environment with the same functions as type ..W300. Input range modules PCD7.W100: 4 channels, measuring range ±10 V Eingangswiderstand 200 kΩ/0,2% PCD7.W101: 4 channels, measuring range ±1 V input resistance ≥10 MΩ PCD7.W102: 4 channels, measuring range ±100 mV input resistance ≥10 MΩ PCD7.W103: 4 channels, measuring range 20 mA bzw. 4...20 mA input resistance 49,9 Ω/0,1% PCD7.W104: 4 channels, measuring range 4...20 mA for two-wire converter. Input resistance 49,9 Ω/0,1% PCD7.W120: 4 constant current outputs 2 mA for 4 Pt/Ni100 or Pt/Ni1000 Time constant of input filter 1 ms Page 12-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Technical data (basic module) Number of inputs 16 voltage or current inputs or 8 inputs for resistance thermometers in four-wire technique (Pt100/1000 or Ni100/1000) Electrical isolation None (differences between negative potentials max. 1.5 V) Input measuring principle Differential Input ranges See measuring range modules Digital representation (resolution) 12 bits + preceding sign (±4095) Conversion principle Integrating Integration time ..W300 at 50 Hz: 120 ms ..W301 at 60 Hz: 16 2/3 ms Conversion time max. ..W300 at 50 Hz: 120 ms ..W301 at 60 Hz: 100 ms Permissible overvoltages 60 VDC Resistance to interference according to IEC 801-4 1 kV capacitance coupling without shielding 2 kV capacitance coupling with shielding Common-mode behaviour UIN + UCM ≤ ±12 V Error message After exceeding the range >±4095 Accuracy 0.3% ±2 LSB (referring to measured value) Repeat accuracy Within 3LSB Temperature error Typical 0.8% across temperature range 0...50°C Outputs 1 constant current output 2 mA ±1% for temperature compensation when connecting thermocouples Ext. supply voltage 24 VDC required for current inputs from two-wire converter, voltage tolerance see ..N2.. modules Current consumption internal from PCD6 bus + 5V +15 V –15 V 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) CMR = 74 dB CMMR = 200 µV/V 35 mA 35 mA 20 mA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-19 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 Presentation DIL switch for base address Insertable base address LED display ”busy” signal ASIC as bus interface A/D converter Plug-in locations for input range modules each with 4 channels and the appropriate relative addresses Module connector Page 12-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Attaching the range modules The ..W3.. module must be removed from the rack unit to plug on the range modules. It must be noted that socket A is disposed at the top, socket D at the bottom. Attention: The basic PC-board as well as the range modules accommodate components which are sensitive to electrostatic charging. Different range modules may be plugged into the four sockets. Do not forget to note the configuration down on the front panel. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-21 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 Block diagram 1) The A/D converter is switched to ±100 mV for the corresponding addresses by plugging in the ..W102 range module (±100 mV). 2) The 2 mA source is automatically switched to the corresponding terminals of this module (selectable in the same way as input channels 0...7) by plugging the ..W120 range modules for a 2 mA constant current into sockets C and D. Page 12-22 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Pin assignment diagram and addressing *) Only required if the PCD7.W104 range module is employed. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-23 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 Significance of the 16 addresses Bit 12 ”Preceding sign” = 1: negative value Bit 13 ”Overflow” = 1: absolute amount >4095 Bit 15 ”AD Busy” = 1: AD conversion is being effected User program Reading in the analogue value from channel I3, AD conversion and data transfer to register R103 ( ACC SET H O ) (ACCU must he 1) 3 *) Selecting channel I3 and triggering AD conversion STH JR I H 15 *) High = conversion takes max. 120 ms –1 (wait or branch) I R 12 0 *) 103 STH CFB I H 12 *) Checking the preceding sign STH CFB I H 13 *) Checking overflow (amount >4095) BITI Read 12 bits as of LSB address 0 into register R103 *) The base address of the module must be added to these operands. Page 12-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Module connection for different input signals Voltage inputs for the ranges ±100 mV, ±1 V, ±10 V Connector or cable assignment View to module front Range modules PCD7.W100: Measuring range ±10 V = ±4095 PCD7.W101: Measuring range ±1 V = ±4095 PCD7.W102: Measuring range ±100 mV = ±4095 Module sockets A to D may be equipped with different range modules. The 2 mA constant current output RTD+ is always available irrespective of the range modules. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-25 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 Current inputs for the ranges 20 mA and 4...20 mA Connector pin or cable assignment View to module front Range module PCD7.W103: Measuring range ±20 mA = ±4095 The same range module is employed for the range 4...20 mA. The current limits are monitored with the user program: 4 mA = + 819 (digital value) 20 mA = + 4095 (digital value) Module sockets A to D may be equipped with different range modules (e.g. A...C: ±20 mA, D: ±10 V). The 2 mA constant current output RTD+ is always available irrespective of the range modules. Page 12-26 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Current inputs for 4...20 mA from two-wire converter Two-wire converter requires a 24 VDC supply voltage in the circuit as shown in the following diagram: Two-wire converter *) *) The range module ..W104 can also be used without the two-wire current converters for normal 20 mA inputs. To implement this, the inputs must be connected to the terminals (16, 17, 18) and the common ground terminal 45 (GND). 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-27 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 Current inputs from two-wire converter Connector pin or cable assignment View to module front Range module PCD7.W104: Measuring range 4...20 mA (two-wire converter) 04 mA = + 0819 (digital value) 20 mA = + 4095 (digital value) A +24 VDC voltage must be applied to wire number 32 for supplying the converter. The requirements on this voltage are the same as for the PCD6.N2.. power supply module. Power consumption max. 0.4 A when connecting 16 converters. Module sockets A to D may be equipped with different range modules (e.g. A: 4...20 mA, B: ±10 V etc.). The 2 mA constant current output RTD+ is always available irrespective of the range modules. Page 12-28 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Connection of 8 Pt100/1000 or Ni100/1000 resistance thermometers Range module on sockets A and B: PCD7.W101 PCD7.W100 (±1 V) for 4 Pt100 or Ni100 (±10 V) for 4 Pt1000 or Ni1000 Range module on sockets C and D: PCD7.W120 for 4 constant current outputs of 2 mA The ..W120 modules provide a constant current of 2 mA up to a circuit resistance of 2000 Ω . The voltage drop at the resistance thermometers is supplied to the voltage range module on the sockets A and B. Important: Unused 2 mA outputs must be short-circuited. The RTD+ connection must not be used. Software If the range modules are plugged onto the basic module correctly (voltage inputs on sockets A and B, constant current outputs on sockets C and D), the circuit recognizes that the configuration comprises resistance thermometers. Therefore, the user must only ensure appropriate handling of the voltage inputs in the software, as described in chapter ”User program”. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-29 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W3.. PCD6 Temperature measurement with Pt100 and range module for 0... ±1V The temperature-dependent resistor Pt100 shows a resistance of R0 = 100 Ω at 0°C. In the temperature range from -20°C to +200°C resistance develops with an accuracy of 1% according to the following formula: RT = R0 (1 + 3.83 * 10–3 * T) T in °C Sensitivity S on the measuring range module ±1 V under 2 mA is the following: S = 3.83 * 10–3/°C * 4096 LSB/1 V * 0.002 A * 100 Ω = 3.14 LSB/°C The 2 mA constant current results in a voltage of 0.2 V at 100 Ω. On measuring range module ±1V, this corresponds to a digital value of 4096 * 0.2 = 819, i.e. 100 Ω = 0°C = 819 LSB = Offset With these two values a conclusion can be drawn from the digital measured value to the temperature in °C at all times. or T in °C Example 1: digital measured value 1300 LSB 1300–819 T= = +153.2°C 3.14 Example 2: digital measured value 770 LSB 770–819 T= = –15.6°C 3.14 Example 3: 100°C corresponds to which digital measured value? Digital measured value = 3.14 * 100 + 819 = 1133 Temperature measurement with Pt1000 and range module ±10 V The same formulae apply as to Pt100. Page 12-30 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W3.. Analogue input/output modules Connecting thermocouples Two points must be particularly noted when employing thermocouples: – Thermocouples only deliver very small voltages. Therefore, the voltage modules ±100 mV are employed. – Thermocouples deliver a voltage as a function of the difference in temperature between the measuring point and the terminal of the thermocouple. In order to obtain the actual temperature, the temperature must be measured at the terminal which can be effected with this module by an additional Pt100 resistance thermometer. The actual temperature TW then is: TW = TTh + TK TTh = Difference in temperature of the thermocouple TK = Temperature at the terminals of the thermocouple Range modules on sockets A to C PCD7.W102 (±100 mV) for 4 thermocouples Range module on socket D PCD7.W101 (±1 V) for 1 Pt100 input (3 inputs ±1 V remain free and may be used as desired) The constant current 2 mA for Pt100 is supplied by terminal RTD+ (wire no. 38) of the basic PC-board. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-31 Analogue input/output modules 12.3 PCD6.W400 PCD6.W400 PCD6 Analogue output module, 16 x 8 bits Fast output module with 16 output channels with 8 bits respectively. Different output signals which can be reversed with the aid of insertable jumpers. Suited for processes in which a large number of actuators must be controlled, such as used in the chemical industry or building automation. List of types PCD6.W400 Universal module with 16 output channels with 8 bits respectively. Signals reversible (4 outputs each) for 0...10 V, 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA. Technical data Outputs 16 (in groups of 4), short-circuit protected Signal ranges 0...10 V * reversible due to jumpers 0...20 mA in groups with 4 outputs 4...20 mA respectively Digital representation (resolution) 8 bits (0...255) D/A conversion time <5 µs Load impedance For 0...10 V ≥3 kΩ For 0...20 mA 0...500 Ω For 4...20 mA 0...500 Ω Accuracy (referring to output value) For 0...10 V 1% ±50 mV For 0...20 mA 1% ±0,2 mA For 4...20 mA 1% ±0,2 mA Residual ripple For 0...10 V <15 mV pp For 0...20 mA < 50 µA pp For 4...20 mA < 50 µA pp Temperature error Typ. 0.2% across the range 0...50°C Ext. supply voltage 24 VDC Max. 0.4 A required for current outputs Tolerance: see power supply for PCD6.N2.. Operating temperature 0...+50°C Storage temperature -20...+85°C Resistance to interference according to IEC 801-4 1 kV capacitance coupling without shielding 2 kV capacitance coupling with shielding Current consumption internal from PCD6 bus +05 V max. 20mA +15 V max. 40 mA + max. 3.5mA/ channel/0...10V –15 V max. 50 mA *) Factory setting Page 12-32 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W400 Analogue input/output modules Presentation Insertable base address DIL switch for base address LED displays ASIC as bus interface Small jumpers for signal range selection D/A converters with multiplexer Large jumpers for signal range selection Voltage (V) or Current (C) Appropriate circuits for current outputs Module connector Output signal selection with jumpers The large jumpers are used to select: ”V” = Voltage or ”C” = Current The small jumpers are used to select ”0” = 0...10 V or 0...20 mA ”4” = 4...20 mA (large jumper set to ”C”) The factory setting is ”V” ”0”, i.e. 0...10 V. The adhesive labels provided serve to make the selected ranges visible at the front, too. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-33 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W400 PCD6 Block diagram Page 12-34 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W400 Analogue input/output modules Significance of the 16 addresses Selection of output addresses 0...7 Not used All outputs are set to zero by setting one of these addresses Write Conversion command for 8...15 8-bit analogue value Conversion command for 0...7 Analogue value output procedure: The desired output channel (0...7 binary) is written to bit numbers 0...2. The 8 bits for the analogue value to be output are then set. Bit 8 (for output channels 0...7) or bit 9 (for output channels 8...15) is finally set to 1 to trigger D/A conversion. The output address and data is entered serially. Owing to the short D/A conversion time it is not necessary to wait for a ”Busy”. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-35 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W400 PCD6 User program The value stored in register R144 must be output via output O44. Thereby, only the lower 8 bits of R144 are important. Output 44 is on the ..W4.. module having base address 32. The relative output address is 44 - 32 = 12. ( ACC H LD R BITOR 143 Load the relative address of output 12 1) channel 12 to R143 The relative output address 12 (as of R143) is loaded into the D/A converter of module 32 R O 3 143 32 2) R O 8 The value to be output (8 bits) is transferred 144 from register 144 32 2) to the D/A converter of module 32 O 41 3) BITOR SET ) (ACCU must be 1) D/A conversion is triggered by activating bit 9 (32+ 9 = 41) 1 ) The relative output address (without base address) is stated. 2 ) The base address of the module must be stated here. 3 ) The absolute address of bit 9 is required because channel 12 is in the higher address range 8...15. Digital/analogue values and jumper positions *) The exact values are 1/255 higher Page 12-36 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 PCD6.W400 Analogue input/output modules Pin assignment diagram and addressing *) Required, if current outputs are used. 26/735 E3 (D6-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 12-37 Analogue input/output modules PCD6.W400 PCD6 Connection of the analogue outputs *) Required, if current outputs are used. Connection for 0...10 V Terminals see example O12 Connection for 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA (selectable with jumpers) Page 12-38 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-12-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD4 Þ PCD6 Adapter Module Issue 04.92 13. PCD4 Þ PCD6 Adapter Module 13-1 Type 4'717'4828'0 Application This adapter module enables PCD4 I/O modules to be used with the PCD6, on condition that there is only one printed circuit board used for the PCD4 module and that it has no forward connectors. The module occupies 16 addresses. If the same base address is used, PCD4 programs can be run. Layout Bus interface to PCD6 DIL switch for base address Upper eccentric fastener PCD4 bus connector Fastening screw X Y PCD4 module PCB I/O plug, connected to front panel connector Front panel connector Lower eccentric fastener © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 13-2 PCD4 Þ PCD6 Adapter Module Issue 04.92 Assembly - Remove the PCD4 module's printed board from housing - Unscrew the fastening screw on the adapter module and turn the eccentric fastening outwards - Push the PCD4 printed circuit board into the connector - Secure the board with the fastening screw and eccentric fasteners - To reduce the width, the covers of analogue range modules (PCD7.W..) should be removed - If necessary, label the front panel Note: The PCD4 module's LEDs are no longer visible in the assembled state. Connections (32) 32 (30) (28) 34 (26) (24) 36 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 b 4 (22) (20) 5 38 a 6 (18) - 7 (16) - 8 (14) - 9 (12) - 10 (10) - 11 (8) - 12 - 13 (6) 45 (4) (2) 14 47 (c) Corresponds to connections on the PCD4 bus modules 0... 15 32... 47 PCD6.K21 system cable core numbers (2)... (32) (a) (c) (e) Connector pin number 47 PGND frame ground Note : 15 (a) 0...15 + a b (e) When using the adapter module, connections are NOT the same as those of the future original PCD6 module. Front view of module or rear view of connector © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 14.1 Power supply 24VDC Application Sensors Actuators For modules Electromechanical switches Relays, lamps, small valves with <0,5A switching current PCD6.N2.., E100, A400, A200, W1.., W3.., W400 Electromechanical switches and proximity switches, photoelectric barriers Relays, lamps, displays, small valves with <0,5A switching current PCD6.N2.., E100, A400, A200, W1.., W3.., W400, PCD7.D1..* PCA2.D12*, D14* +18V Simple, small installations 19VAC ±10% 0V L N GND Transformer min. 100VA Power supply and connection plan 14. Power supply and connection plan © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Transformer min. 100VA +18V 19VAC ±10% Small to medium installations 0V GND L N +24V = Controller 24VDC +20 % -15 *) These modules must be con- 0V nected to 24 VDC smoothed L N +20 24VDC -15 % Si 16A +24V = +24V = 380VAC / 19VAC +24V = 470-2200 µ F/40V R S T Relays, lamps, large valves, large contactors with consumtion up to 2A. PCD6.N2.., E100, A350, A400, A200, W1.., W3.., W400, PCD7.D1.. PCA2.D12, D14 Issue 04.92 Medium to large installations Electromechanical switches and proximity switches, photoelectric barriers 0V GND 14-1 14-2 Power supply and connection plan Issue 04.92 14.2 Grounding plan 1 Metal housing 5 N M E System bus (I/O data bus) A W L N 2 Screws for fixing modules 4 I/O connectors 3 Power supply connectors Earthing bar 1 All PCD6 housings are metal throughout (Fe and Al). They screen all electronic circuits from the outside. 2 The front panels of all modules are also metal. Screwing these modules down firmly ensures a good connection with the housing. 3 On the power supply module, the grounding clip is connected directly to the metal front panel. A short, solid earth connection links it to the earthing bar and brings the whole housing to earth potential (same potential as the rack). 4 For each I/O/W/H module, connector points 46/47 are attached to the module front panel (PGND). 5 The system ground is separate and runs to all modules via the system bus. 6 Each module has a "noisy" zone with noise filters (from the front panel I/O connector), and a "noise-free" zone which connects to the system bus. The zones are separated by high impedance or opto-couplers. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Power supply and connection plan Issue 04.92 "noisy zone" (with filters) "noise-free" zone 6 System bus high impedance or opto-coupled isolation The I/O cable delivers noisy signals Important: ! 14-3 For trouble-free operation in noisy environments, every PCD6 must be connected and earthed as shown. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 14-4 M 2.. T1.. E 100 A 400 Issue 04.92 N 210 A 200 +5 V +15 V -15 V 0V D C /D C Connection plan (supply 24VDC) E arth ing ba r 0 NO C N C 31 45 47 0 1 3 2 3 1 38 4 5 47 0 16 15 31 3 2 45 L LA N 2 + PNP 1 N WD S ta rt 4 + 18 V + 18 V + 24 V = + 24 V = 0V 0V Power supply and connection plan 2 C OM M . R ese t © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. R Power supply and connection plan 0V +24 V = + 18 V Issue 04.92 14-5 1) Use of a power supply with 3-phase transformer and bridge rectifier allows all inputs and outputs to be supplied from the same source. In this case, the two lines "+18V rectified" and "+24V = smoothed" can be viewed as a single shared line. 2) Regulated voltage is only necessary if required by the transmitting device. For example, proximity switches demand narrower voltage tolerances and cannot generally cope with more than 10% ripple. 4) If relay modules are used, an external RC spark protection is recommended, particularly when switching inductive loads. Apart from avoiding undesired noise, this has the advantage of increasing the lifespan of the contacts. It is only permissible to connect either extra-low voltages or low voltages to the same relay module (see instructions for installation in the detailed description of the A200 module). 31 45 0 W 1.. 16 A/D MUX 7 23 D /A 8 24 9 25 3 2 4 5 4 7 3) The galvanically isolated modules A350 can be supplied by separate circuits, as long as the potential difference to system ground does not excees 50V. 5 6 3 19 15 28 5 5) The positive terminals on the A350 module should be connected together (despite the internal connection). This prevents the current on an individual plug contact from exceeding 2A. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 0V + 24 V = E arth ing ba r + 18V 0 A 350 3 16 6) The entire 24 VDC supply can (especially for small systems) be provided by rectified direct current. However, smoothed direct current is required for electronically protected outputs (A350) as well as for input modules with a typical input delay of less than 6 ms (e.g. H1.., H2.., H3.., PCA2.D12 and D14). 14-6 Power supply and connection plan Notes : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Programming accessories Issue 04.92 15-1 15. Programming accessories 15.1 Interface processor for programming unit PCD8.P800 (PG connection for multiprocessor modules ..M1/M2..) 15.1.1 General This module is part of the programming unit (PG) and is only used in combination with the latter for: system installation, loading of programs, on- and off-line tests, display functions, etc. The module has its own processor, thus relieving the strain on the CPU by performing time-consuming communication and monitoring functions so that the real-time behaviour of the CPU is only slightly affected in on-line operations. The electronics is installed in a metal housing and fitted with a 48-pole connector which connects the module directly to the processor modules PCD6.M100 or PCD6.M2... It is fastened with 2 knurled nuts (parallel interface). The module is also equipped with a cable which is 1.8m in length and has a 25-pole D-Sub connector which establishes the connection to the programming unit (serial interface RS 232c). The data transfer can be supervised via 2 LEDs (TX and RX, red). RDY (Ready, green) indicates that the PCD8.P800 has successfully passed its self-test upon starting (approx. 5s) and is now ready to assume its function as an interface processor. For the singleprocessor module ..M540 no interface processor is needed (see chap. 3). 15.1.2 Rack unit and structure PCD8.P8 TX RX RDY Firmware V... Firmware: 1 EPROM with system program V...: firmware version number 3 LED: TX, RX, RDY Power consumption : (from internal 5V bus) 380mA Connector for processor module Cable 1.8m in length D-Sub connector (25-pole, female) for programming unit © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 15-2 Programming accessories Issue 04.92 15.1.3 Important notes for use The PCD8.P800 must not be inserted or removed from the CPU while communication between the CPU and the programming unit takes place, i.e. when the PG is in mode DEBUG (testing aid) or UP/DOWN LOAD (reloader), as the CPU might block! (There is no risk of destroying it!). Under no circumstances must an attempt be made to extend the cable between the CPU connector and the PCD8.P800, as interference caused by reflections might disturb the system bus! The cable between the cable connector of the PCD8.P800 and the PG can be extended up to a maximum length of 15m (RS 232c). ! Important: Make sure that the ground of the PCD6 and the programming unit is connected to the same voltage. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Programming accessories Issue 04.92 15-3 15.1.4 Pin assignment of the 25-pole cable connector (D-Sub, female) Pin no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) Signal RXD TXD RDYIN RDOUT SGND 0V 0V +5V +5V +25V +25V - Comment Receive Data (received data) Transmit Data (transmitted data) Ready In (ready input) Ready Out (ready output) Signal Ground for PCD8.P1.. (supply of hand-held PG) for PCD8.P1.. (supply of hand-held PG) for PCD8.P1.. (supply of hand-held PG) for PCD8.P1.. (supply of hand-held PG) for PCD8.P1.. (supply of hand-held PG) for PCD8.P1.. (supply of hand-held PG) not connected in the PCD8.P800 1) It must be noted that interface connector pins 12, 13, 16, 21, 23 and 24 of the personal computer are not assigned, as the supply lines for the hand-held programming unit PCD8.P1.. are tied to them. If this is not observed, the interface of the PC as well as the PCD8.P800 or the processor module might be damaged! © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 15-4 Programming accessories Issue 04.92 15.1.5 Interface assignment (25-pole connector) Programming unit (PC) PCD8.P800 Pin no. TX 2 RX 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 SGND 7 Cable 15.1.6 Adapter cable 25-pole to 9-pole (order number 4 421 8596 0) AT-compatible Personal Computers are usually fitted with 9-pole D-Sub connectors for the serial interface. Therefore, an adapter is required to connect the PCD8.P800. These adapters are standardized and commercially available as cables of different lengths or as pure transition connectors. The adapter cable with the above order number is 2m in length. Connector, 9-pole, female, for PG Connector, 25-pole, male, for P800 (8) 1) (1) 2 3 3 2 (20) 1) (4) 5 7 (6) 1) (6) 7 4 8 5 (22) 1) (9) 1) These connections are not necessary for connecting the PCD8.P800. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Programming accessories PCD8.P100 Issue 04.92 15-5 15.2 PCD8.P100 Service and programming unit 15.2.1 Function The PCD8.P100 (referred to as the P100) is a portable maintenance and programming unit for local maintenance work and small-scale programming. By means of the four-line, back-lit display, the complete PCD utilities debugger is at the user's disposal. Menu control and help functions make this unit easy to work with, even for the inexperienced maintenance engineer. For maintenance engineers not entitled to change PLC data, three levels of access are available with a password. It has the following main characteristics: ● 4 line x 20 character LC-Display, with backlight ● Alphanumeric keyboard with 30 keys ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Menu-driven functions. Alternative operation using the alphanumeric keys (as with the PCD utilities debugger) Syntx checking for each input, with immediate rejection of incorrect inputs "Repeat" command. The last 10 commands entered are stored in memory automatically, enabling the speedy re-execution of previous commands Context sennsitive help. Over 100 help screens provide quick information on operation if the manual is not to hand The P100 allows the display and modification of all elements, the program and the texts, as well as CPU status Provides control of all CPU's even in a multi-CPU environnement Password protection to prevent unauthorized access to PCD data can be programmed "Conditional Run" with a breakpoint condition set and single-step processing of one COB only or all COB's are possible Direct connection to the PCD4 or PCD6.M540 via cable and to the PCD6 systems M1.. and M2.. via the PCD8.P800 interface No internal battery as the P100 is powered from the PCD via the 5V bus Automatic power-up hardware tests of the P100 © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 15-6 Issue 04.92 PCD8.P100 Programming accessories 15.2.2 Connection to PCD4 and PCD6 The P100 has a standard 25-way male D-type connector. This provides serial connection via an RS-232 interface, and also brings the 5V supply to the unit. PCD8.P800* PCD6.M1/M2.. connector P8 25-way femnale connector Cable PCD8.K100 PCD4.M.. and PCD6.M540 connector PGU 9-way connector to PGU 25-way female connector 25-way male connector PCD8.P100 Internal power consumption from 5V bus: ≤ 120 mA * *) To ensure a good power supply, the PCD8.P800 must be at least revision "A" hardware. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Programming accessories PCD6.S100 D4 Issue 04.92 15-7 15.3 PCD6.S100 D4 input simulation unit *) Its purpose is to simulate input signals via toggle switches so that a program can be tested "at the desk". This considerably facilitates the commissioning of the actual control system. A transformer with rectifier is supplied from a mains cable. From the rectifier is a branch to 32 numbered toggle switches, the signals of which are fed to the digital PCD inputs via a system cable and plug. Front plug to input module PCD6.E.. Miniature fuse l = 2,5m l = 2,5m Europe type mains plug 32 toggle switches .. .. .. .. Miniature fuse 0,63 A 0 .. .. .. .. 31 230 VAC 24 VDC 32/33/45/47 *) This simulator unit is not longer available. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Front plug to input module PCD6.E.. (source operation) 15-8 PCD6.S100 D4 Notes : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Programming accessories Display modules PCA2.D12 16-1 Issue 04.92 16. Display modules 16.1 PCA2.D12 Display module with 4 digits General The PCA2.D12 module is a remote display which can be controlled via SAIA®PCD outputs. It has a red 4-digit LED-Display and is able to indicate a decimal point. The display can be built in anywhere at a greater distance to the PCD e.g. in the door of a control cabinet or an operating panel. Due to data transmission being effected via outputs, several displays can be controlled by one PCD. Structure and function The module is in the same housing as the electronic totalizing counter of the CKG type. It consists of the following main components: - power supply 24 VDC - 3 inputs for 24 VDC - decoder/driver - 4-digit, 7-segment LED display with decimal point The 3 outputs of the PCD resp. the 3 inputs of the display are designated "Enable", "Data" and "Clock". The Enable signal activates the display, i.e. Enable = "L" --> display is able to receive data, Enable = "H" --> display is inactive (it is not able to receive new data). Via the "DATA" line data in BCD-format is transmitted sequentially from the SAIA®PCD to the display. The display accepts each bit with the falling edge of the "Clock" signal. For a complete indication (4 digits with or without decimal point) always 20 clock signals must be generated and 20 data bits must be transmitted (4 BCD-values + 4 bits for the decimal point). The following sequences of the 20 data bits must be adhered to: Digit I (103) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Digit II (102) © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Digit III (101) LSB 8 MSB MSB 7 LSB Digit IV Decimal point 6 MSB 5 LSB 4 MSB 3 LSB 2 Digit III Digit I 1 Digit II t Digit IV (100) 16-2 PCA2.D12 Issue 04.92 Display modules The following 16 characters can be presented per segment: Character Code 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 Character Code "blank" 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 The connection between "Enable", "Clock" and "Data" is illustrated in the timedependency diagram: Enable H Value transfer Display active L min. 0.2µs Clock H L Clk 1 min. 2µs Clk 2 Clk 3 Clk 4 Clk 5 Clk 6 Clk 20 min. 0.2µs H Data D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D20 L For the generation of the "Clock" as well as for the transmission of data the user must write a short program (examples will follow at the end). In this program, all functions shown in the above diagram, must be realized. The minimum clock pulses and waiting times are short, so that the instruction set of the SAIA®PCD can easily be applied directly without waiting for certain periods to elapse. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Display modules PCA2.D12 Issue 04.92 16-3 Presentation and terminal arrangement 4-digit display button has no function on PCA2.D12 0V PCA2.D12 +24V (Vp) EN screw terminals M3 D Clk Technical data - Display 4-digit, 7 segment LED's - Digit hight 10mm - Supply voltage 24 VDC ±20%, two-way rectification is sufficient - Current at 24VDC 60 mA - Input voltage for EN, D, CLK 24 VDC, smoothed - Input current for 24 VDC 10 mA - Definition of the input voltage "H": 19V... 32V "L": 0V... 4V - Input delay < 1ms - Usable SAIA°PLC output modules PCD4.A400, B900 PCD6.A400 - Control serial via 3 PCD-outputs - Dimension drawing see chapter 18 © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 16-4 Display modules PCA2.D12 Issue 04.92 Input circuit and block circuit diagram +24V Power supply +5 V = 0V Vp Threshold switch 4.7k EN RL 2.2k 1n Decoder / driver D Clk Display PCA2.D12 Connection of several displays Since the PCA2.D12 module is able to transmit an "Enable" signal, i.e. it can be switched to be active or inactive, the same "Clock" and "Data" signals can be used for several displays. These are transmitted to each display simultaneously. The "Enable" signal decides which display is controlled. This means that for each display one "Enable" signal is necessary (1 output per display). This also means, however, that for as many displays as desired only one data and one clock output must be provided. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Display modules PCA2.D12 16-5 Issue 04.92 Wiring example: PCD6.A400 Connector PCD6.A400 3 ...31 32 45 PCA2.D12 Display 1 Enable n 0V C* D Clk EN 0V +24V Vp +24V D Clk EN 0V +24V Vp D Clk EN 0V +24V Vp Data Clock Enable 1 Enable 2 0 1 2 PCA2.D12 PCA2.D12 Display 2 Display n *) In the case of a pulsating DC-voltage the following must be observed: - smoothing by capacitor C of 100 µF, 40V (sufficient for 5 displays) - do not apply other loads to the voltage smoothed by C Programming example PCA2.D12 Task: Increment register R500 every half-second up to a value of 9999 and then reset to zero. The contents of this register should be displayed on the PCA2.D12 display module, with a decimal point in the 2nd position. The following outputs should be assigned for Clock, Data and Enable: CLOCK: DATA: ENABLE: Output A45 Output A46 Output A47 Flags used: 401 .. 420 t Decimal point Digit I (103) Digit II (102) © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Digit III (101) LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB MSB Digit IV Digit III Digit II Digit I 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 Digit IV (100) 16-6 PCA2.D12 Issue 04.92 Display modules Program: COB 0 0 CSB 1 ; Main program ECOB ; -----------------------------------------------SB 1 0 ; GRAFTEC program Decimal point (0) SET F 402 () < 3 1 Reset counter (1) LDL R 500 0 () < 4 2 (2) Load timer (wait timer) 3 (3) +1, display (Register = 9999) ACC Z LDL T STL T INC CPB CMP R (4) (Register < 9999) 2 R K 1 5 1 500 10 500 9999 1 PB 10 DIGOR R F LOOP: RES SEI SET STHX OUT ACC RES INI JR ACC SET O K 0 F 0 H O K H H 0 ; Display routine for PCA2.D12 4 500 405 47 0 45 401 46 ; ENABLE ; CLOCK ; DATA 45 ; CLOCK 19 LOOP 47 ; ENABLE EPB © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Display modules PCA2.D14 Issue 04.92 16-7 16.2 PCA2.D14 Display module with 2 x 6 digits Upper display Lower display General The PCA2.D14 module is a remote display module which is controlled via 3 outputs of any SAIA®PCD. The module has two red 6-digit LED displays. Several PCA2.D14 can be connected in series in case of more than two displays. Application and control This module is especially useful to display counter values using the Hmodules. The D14 can also be used with any 3 digital outputs to display process information. When the PCA2.D14 is used without the H-modules, the information to be displaed is most easily transmitted serially with a standard program routine from a flag field via 3 SAIA®PCD outputs. The following 16 characters per segment can be presented: Character Code 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 Character Code "blank" 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 16-8 PCA2.D14 Issue 04.92 Display modules Structure and function The module is located in the same housing as the electronic totalizing counter CKG/AC. Terminals: Screw terminals combined with connection strips (2.8 x 0.8 mm) for flat pluggable bushes or soldering. PLC-output Clock -----> Clk PLC-output Data-In -----> D-IN PLC-output Enable -----> EN Carry Data-Out <----- D-OUT Voltage supply +24V -----> +24V Voltage supply 0V -----> 0V PCA2.D14 The data for a display of 2 x 6 digits are most easily presented in a complete flag field, e.g. F500... 547 in BCD-notation. If these values are kept in counters, they must be transferred to the flag fields first. F 500 o o o o MSB LSB 100'000 524 F o o o o MSB LSB 100'000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 10'000 1'000 100 10 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 10'000 1'000 100 10 523 o o o o MSB LSB 1 upper display 547 o o o o MSB LSB 1 lower display Technical data - Display 2 times 6 digits, 7-segment LED - Digit height 10 mm - Supply voltage 24 VDC ±20%, full-wave rectified is sufficient - Current at 24 VDC 100 mA - Input voltage for EN, D, CLK 24 VDC, smoothed - Input current at 24 VDC 10 mA © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCA2.D14 Display modules 16-9 Issue 04.92 - Definition of the input level "H": 19V... 32V "L": 0V... 4V - Input delay < 1 ms - Usable SAIA®PCD output modules PCD4.A400, B900 PCD6.A400 - Control serielly via 3 SAIA®PCD-outputs irrespective of the number of D14 - Dimension drawing see chapter 18 Connecting more than one D14 module Several D14 modules can be connected in series, but take note of the following advantages and disadvantages: + Only three outputs are used + Only one software path to change even a single digit - Processing is "n" times slower ! The following drawing shows several PCA2.D14 connected in series. Every D14 displays its own individual data. Display n DATA IN Display n-1 OUT IN Display 1 OUT IN OUT CLOCK ENABLE The flag field containing the information to be displayed must be expanded correspondingly: for 1 PCA2.D14 = 1x48 flags for 2 PCA2.D14 = 2x48 flags (96 flags) for 3 PCA2.D14 = 3x48 flags (144 flags) etc. The routine in the user program remains the same, only the instruction "INI" must be changed accordingly: for 1 PCA2.D14 for 2 PCA2.D14 for 3 PCA2.D14 for n PCA2.D14 = INI = INI = INI = INI 47 95 143 etc. n*48-1 © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 16-10 PCA2.D14 Issue 04.92 Display modules Programming example PCA2.D14 Task: Using a PCA2.D14 display module, show time of day in the upper display and date on the lower. The data is taken from the PCD hardware clock. Elements used: COB RTIME CPB R CLOCK DATA ENABLE FLAGS COUNTER Output A 45 Output A 46 Output A 47 F 500-547 C 999 0 0 ; Main program 200 20 ; Clock in R 200, date in R 201 ; Displayroutine for PCA2.D14 ECOB ; -------------------------------------------------PB 20 DIGOR R F DIGOR R F L1: L2: L3: L4: ACC RES SEI ACC SET LDL H O K H O C SET RES DEC STH JR ACC LDL O O C C H H C STHX OUT ACC SET RES INI JR DEC STH JR JR ACC SET F O H O O K L C C H L H O 6 200 500 6 201 524 ; Displayroutine for PCA2.D14 ; ---------------------------; Value for upper display (6 digits) ; on flags 500-523 ; Value for lower display (6 digits) ; on flags 524-547 47 0 ; ENABLE 46 999 4 45 45 999 999 L2 ; DATA 999 16 500 46 ; CLOCK ; CLOCK ; DATA 45 45 47 L4 999 999 L3 L1 ; CLOCK ; CLOCK 47 ; ENABLE EPB © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Display modules PCD7.D1.. Issue 04.92 16-11 16.3 PCD7.D1.. Industrial control terminal *) Application SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG Murten has designed a new control terminal for connection to its PCA and PCD programmable logic controllers. Beneath the membrane front-panel are 20 short-stroke IP65 protected keys. Key labels are in the form of slide-in strips, which can be changed to meet individual requirements. Particular importance has been placed on display quality. An advanced supertwist LC display of 4 x 20 characters, with LED backlighting has been used. This results in a display which has optimum contrast whatever the lighting conditions, with the LED backlighting giving a consistent, high-quality display with an MTBF of more than 100'000 h. The SAIA®PCD's intelligent text output and single-character recognition provide a simple means to build up a menu-driven user interface. HIGH CONTRAST & WIDE VIEWING AREA 5x7 DOTS+CURSOR 20 X 4 CHARACTERS F1 7 8 9 F2 4 5 6 F3 1 2 3 F4 0 *) Replaced by PCD7.D202 © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 16-12 PCD7.D1.. Issue 04.92 Display modules Technical data Housing Metal box for front-panel mounting Keys 20 short-stroke keys covered with polyester film, replaceable key labels. Protection level Front panel IP65 (sponge rubber insulation) Display 4 x 20 characters with cursor, supertwist LC-display with LED backlighting Lifetime of LED backlighting 100'000 h Colour of front pebble grey (RAL 7032) Serial interface RS-232 with RTS/CTS and 20 mA current loop (passive). Both interfaces supplied as standard. RS422/RS485 available on demand. Baud rate 150 to 19200 bps, 8 bit and parity (current loop max. 9600 bps) DIP switches Apart from selection of transmission parameters, also enable: full duplex, half duplex, XON/XOFF protocol, automatic CR/LF and selection of page or scroll mode. Supply 24 VDC +/- 20% smoothed 18 VDC +/- 15% from full wave rectified AC Current max. 200 mA Environment Storage temperature -20°C .. +70°C Operating temperature 0°C .. +50°C Noise resistance Supply 2 kV according to IEC 801-4 Data lines 1 kV according to IEC 801-4 Housing 4 kV according to IEC 801-2 The housing must be earthed. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Quick guide to PCD6 installation Issue 04.92 17-1 17. Quick guide to PCD6 installation 17.1 Assembly N100 M540 N M E100 0 A400 C110 For this example, a minimal assembly is assumed, based on the ..M540 single processor module. Alternative modules are given in brackets. 32 L N R210 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 L N Nr.0 1) Main rack unit ..C110 (or C100) On DIL switch (bottom right) set rack unit number "0" (factory setting). 2) Power supply module Insert PCD6.N100 (or N110) and tighten the 4 front panel screws firmly. Connect threeway mains cable (with earth) to screwless terminals. 3) Processor module ..M540 Insert module and tighten front panel screws. Ensure that jumpers J1 and J2 are in "DISABLE" position, or set RUN/HALT switch to RUN position. If a ..M100 or M2.. multiprocessor module is used, its CPU number must be set to "0" (see section 4.3). 4) Public memory module PCD7.R210 (or ..R220) Check jumpers are set for "RAM" and not "WP" (see chapter 3.7.3), and insert module. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 17-2 Quick guide to PCD6 installation Issue 04.92 If public memory modules PCD6.R100/110 with ..R510/511 or PCD6.R210 with R600 (RAM assembled) are used for the multiprocessor, jumper settings must also be checked in accordance with chapter 7. 1 2 3 4 E100 module with base address 0 3 1 2 3 4 pressed 5) I/O modules ..E100 and ..A400 (or A200 or A350) Insert modules where desired in rack unit, after setting correct base addresses. A400 module with base address 32 6) Programming and service unit PCD8.P100 Plug P100 unit into "PGU" programming connector on front panel of ..M540 processor module. PCD6.M540 PGU 1 2 3 PCD8.K100 PCD8.P100 PCD6.M1/M2.. PCD8.P800 If a M100 or M2.. processor is used, plug the PCD8.P800 interface co-processor into the "P8" connector, and connect the P100 to P800. PCD8.P100 E100 7) Input simulator PCD6.S100 Plug unit into front panel connector on ..E100 input module. Mains plug is connected to 220/230 VAC. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Quick guide to PCD6 installation Issue 04.92 17-3 17.2 Entering a lamp flasher program 8) Switch on the supply voltage. After completion of the power-up tests, the P100 indicates status STOP. All processor LEDs are off. ALT ● C ● W P (0) COB P ENTER 0 ENTER 0 ENTER SP 0 ENTER SP SP I SP 3 ENTER ANL SP SP T SP 9 ENTER LD SP SP T SP 9 ENTER SP 5 ENTER SP 32 ENTER SP SP O ECOB R C ALT ENTER Y ENTER Programm COB 11) The program can now be entered starting from address 0. Incorrect entries can be deleted by pressing "ALT" and "DEL" simultaneously ("ALT+DEL"). Note: The P100 always indicates both Timers "T" and Counters "C" with a "C". 12) Next, a cold start must be done, then the PCD can be put into "RUN". Cold start and RUN E 10) Type: "Write", "Programm", <address> 0, ENTER ENTER HOME ● SP STH COM ● 9) As a precaution, user memory should be cleared before entering the program. This is done with the "Clear Program and texts" command, by pressing the keys shown. Y 0 ; Start of Cyclic 0 ; Organization Block 0 ------------------------------------------STH I 3 ; If input 3 high ANL T 9 ; and timer 9 timed out LD T 9 ; then timer 9 starts again 5 ; with 0.5 sec COM O 32 ; and toggles output 32 ------------------------------------------ECOB ; End of Cyclic ; Organization Block 13) The "RUN" LED on the processor module goes on: the program is now running. If input 3 is switched on, output 32 will flash at the rate 0.5 sec on and 0.5 sec off. © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 17-4 Quick guide to PCD6 installation Issue 04.92 17.3 Outputting texts to the PCD7.D100 terminal via the RS232 serial interface 14) Depending on the processor module used, wiring on the processor side must run to a 9-pole or 25-pole connector (male). Pin numbers are dependent on processor type. This concerns the following: PCD6.M540, PCD6.M210, M220 or M230. Connector no. 2 is always used. ● Processor module channel no. 2 Cable Terminal PCD7.D100 TX 3 TX RX 2 RX RTS 15) Make up the cable for connecting the PCD6 channel no. 2 and the terminal D100 in MC0 mode (no control lines needed). For processor ..M540 pin 5 must be used for signal ground. CTS 5 resp. 7 SGND ● SW1 1 2 3 4 SW2 5 6 1 2 S ENTER ● W P 0 ENTER ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT INS INS INS INS INS EXOB 4 17) To enter the additional program, put the CPU into "STOP". The "RUN" LED on the processor module should go out. ● XOB SASI 3 ON OFF 16) Provide a 24 VDC supply to the terminal D100. Leave the DIP switches in the factory setting. 18) Entering the text output program on the P100. 16 2 ; Assign channel no. 2 100 ; from text 100 By simultaneously depressing the "ALT" and "INS" keys ("ALT+INS") we first insert five blank lines before the COB, in which we enter the code shown to initialize the interface (channel no. 2 is initialized from the definition in TEXT 100). © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Quick guide to PCD6 installation ● Issue 04.92 ▼ ,,, 14 STH DYN ANL CPB ECOB O F O H 32 0 46 5 ; if O32 high 5 2 1 ; Program Block 5 ; output to channel 2 ; the text number 1 PB STXT ECOB 19) Use the down arrow key to step down to line 14, and overwrite line 14 and subsequent lines with the program shown. Note: After instructions such as STH or ANL, the P100 always shows "I" (Input), even if an Output "O" is being referenced. ; and XBSY low ; output text ; from PB 5 EPB ● 40 HOME W X 100 46 47 Text number 1, containing the date and time, should be output to the D100's display every second (synchronized with the flashing lamp). 20) Now enter the serial interface definition text using: "Write teXt 100". ENTER UART:9600.8.E.1;MODE :MC0;DIAG:O40.R100 17-5 XBSY U --> To enter the underlined characters (red alphabetic keys) the "ALT" key must be pressed simultaneously. Note: If O40 is entered after "DIAG:", 8 diagnostic flags (in this case, outputs) are actually used. In our example, only O46 is referenced as the "text bus flag" XBSY. ALT ENTER ● 1 ENTER Save TEXT 100 by pressing "ALT+ENTER" simultaneously. 21) The original "Write teXt 100" command is re-displayed. Now write TEXT 1 by pressing "1" then "ENTER". © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 17-6 ● Quick guide to PCD6 installation Issue 04.92 22) Enter TEXT 1 to produce this display: <12> HAVE A NICE DA Y<13><10> WITH TH E PCD6<13><10>$D<10> $H<26> HAVE A NICE DAY WITH A PCD6 92-04-26 (TIME) (Date) 17:30:42 23) Save TEXT 1 with "ALT+ENTER". ● ALT ENTER ● HOME E C 24) After entering program and text, another cold start must be done to reset the PLC. ALT ENTER Y 25) Select "RUN" from main menu. ● ● HOME R ENTER I3 O32 blinks Text is output 26) Closing switch I3 not only makes output LED O32 flash, but also outputs the text every second (it may be necessary to correct the time with the "Write clocK" command). Output O46 is turned on briefly every second, while the text is output (this is the "text busy flag" XBSY). © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Dimensions Issue 04.92 18. Dimensions 18.1 Housing for PCD6 series 1) 2) 1) Fastening brackets for wall-mounting (accessory) 2) Interface processor PCD8.P800 to programming unit Bus extension cable Space 88.4mm = 2 high units © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 18-1 18-2 Dimensions Issue 04.92 18.2 Dimensions and installation of display module PCA2.D12 The display module can be installed in any position desired anywhere in a control cabinet door or an operating panel. The display can be fastened in three ways: Dimensions Opening for installation valid for both assembly types Fastening with clamping spring Standard version Fastening with Assembly type, vertical frontal frame and 2 countersunk screws M3/90° Accessories Order no.. 4'108'3671'0 with vertical frontal frame Assembly type, horizontal with horizontal Order no. 4'108'3672'0 frontal frame © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Dimensions Issue 04.92 18.3 Dimensions and installation of display module PCA2.D14 The display module can be installed in any location desired. It can be fastened in two ways: - with a clamping spring - with a frontal frame and screws (The claping spring and the frontal frame are supplied with every PCA2.D14). Dimensions Opening for installation valid for both assembly types Fastening with clamping spring Fastening with frontal frame and 2 countersunk screws M3 / 90° © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 18-3 18-4 Dimensions Issue 04.92 18.4 PCD7.D1.. Industrial control terminal F1 7 8 9 F2 4 5 6 F3 1 2 3 180 Dimensions M3 F4 0 12 R 5 140 4 3* 3 *) without D type connector Aperture made in control panel © SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD6 Hardware type designations 19. PCD6 Hardware type designations Type Part Page PCD6. A200 A350 A400 11.2 11.3 11.4 11-5 11-9 11-13 C100 C110 C200 C400 2.1 2.1 2.2.1 2.3.1 2-2 2-2 2-5 2-7 E100 E610/E611 11.1 11.5 11-2 11-17 K100 K110 K200 K212 K214 K400 K410 2.2.2 2.2.3 10.1 10.1 10.1 2.3.4 2.3.5 2-5 2-5 10-5 10-4 10-4 2-8 2-8 M100 M210 M220 M230 M250 M260 M300 M540 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 3 4-1 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 5-1 3-1 N100 N110 N200 N210 9.1 9.1 9.2 9.2 9-2 9-2 9-7 9-7 R100 R110 R210 R500 R510 R511 R600 R610 7.3.1 7.3.1 7.4.1 7.3.2 7.3.2 7.3.2 7.4.2 7.4.2 7-5 7-5 7-8 7-6 7-6 7-6 7-9 7-9 S100 D4 15.3 15-7 26/735 E3 (D6-19-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 19-1 Hardware type designations PCD6 Type Part Page T100 T110 T300 T400 6 6 2.3.2 2.3.3 6-1 6-1 2-7 2-8 W100 W300 W301 W400 12.1 12.2 12.2 12.3 12-2 12-18 12-18 12-32 PCD7. D100 18.4 18-4 F110 F120 F130 F150 F700 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4 5.7.5 5.7.6 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-16 5-18 R110 R210 R220 3.7 3-18 R3.. 3.7.4 3-23 W100 W101 W102 W103 W104 W105 W120 12.1 and 12.2 12-2 and 12-18 W200 W201 W202 W203 W204 W205 W206 12.1 12-2 PCD6 Page 19-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-19-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 PCD6 Hardware type designations Type Part Page PCD8. K100 15.2.2 15-6 15.2 15.1 15-5 15-1 PCA2. D12 D14 16.1 16.2 16-1 16-7 4'107'4870'0 4'107'4871'0 2.6.2 2.6.2 2-12 2-12 4'408'4861'0 10.1 10-5 4'502'3958'0 4'502'5414'0 4'502'5677'0 4'502'6149'0 4'502'7013'0 4'502'7126'0 3.7.3 / 3.7.4 3.7.4 3.7.3 / 7.3.2 3.7.3 / 7.4.2 3.7.4 / 7.4.2 3.7.4 3-21 / 3-23 3-23 3-21 / 7-6 3-21 / 7-9 3-23 / 7-9 3-23 4'507'1360'0 3.7.2 / 4.8 / 7.2.3 3-20 / 4-9 / 7-4 4'717'4828'0 13 13-1 P100 P800 26/735 E3 (D6-19-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 19-3 Hardware type designations PCD6 Notes : Page 19-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (D6-19-E.DOC) 26/735 E3 From : Send back to : Company : Department : Name : Address : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) Tel. : BA : Electronic Controllers Date : Manual Hardware PCD6 If you have any suggestions concerning the SAIA PCD, or have found any errors in this manual, brief details would be appreciated. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Your suggestions : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ">

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Key features
- Modular Structure
- Scalability up to 5120 I/O
- Multi-processor Support
- Variety of I/O Modules
- Integration of LAN2 Network
Frequently asked questions
The PCD6 system can support up to 7 processor modules in a single rack unit.
A single PCD6 rack unit can accommodate up to 256 I/O. However, using multiple rack units connected by bus extension cables can achieve a maximum I/O capacity of 1280 in the same rack.
Inputs and outputs are addressed using decimal numbers, starting from 0, and can be extended up to 8191. The system uses a combination of rack unit basic address, module DIL-address, and relative address within the module to determine the absolute I/O address.