IBM SurePOS 500 Datasheet
IBM Systems and Technology
Data Sheet
Retail Store Solutions
New sleek, slimmer design
Cutting edge, infrared touchscreen with resistive touch sensitivity 1
Energy-saving deep sleep 2
Tool free design and IBM Light-Path
Management 1
Advanced security features
Enviro-friendly packaging
IBM SurePOS 500 Series
Slimmer design and industry-leading technology helps improve service, reduce cost and manage risk
A satisfying store experience helps create Advocates… consumers who have increased spending with their primary retailer by 31 percent over the last two years.
Deliver a smarter shopping experience
Now more than ever, consumers are looking for differentiation when choosing their retailers. They expect a higher level of satisfaction—better service, better prices, better quality and convenience. Access to product information and fast, accurate transactions, performed by capable, informed employees are vital to a positive experience and help promote customer loyalty.
Customers will wait in line at department stores
6.2 minutes, specialty clothing stores 5.7 minutes and 3.3 minutes at a convenience store before leaving without purchasing
IBM Systems and Technology
Data Sheet
Improve your service
The IBM SurePOS™ 500 with advanced touchscreen technology provides the ultimate point-of-sale tools to deliver powerful functions that energize the customer experience. The sleek, slimmer IBM SurePOS 500 offers industry-leading, highly accurate infrared (IR) touchscreen technology integrated into the POS system (Model 566).The touchscreen never requires recalibration—avoiding costly downtime and reducing errors.
The advanced technology, including a brighter, high contrast screen with adjustable touch sensitivity, helps speed transactions by improving cashier accuracy and performance. Easy to use touchscreens also reduce employee training time.
The displays are totally sealed to avoid damage by liquids and soil from the store environment, making the POS ideal for food service and high traffic areas.
IBM IR touchscreens are available as customer displays; and they are perceived as a service enhancement when used to engage shoppers with multimedia capabilities at the checkout counter.
IBM SurePOS 500 Series features
Shown: IBM SurePOS 500 Model 566
Retail Store Solutions
IBM Systems and Technology
Data Sheet
Retail Store Solutions
Shown: Independent customer display (6.5 VGA LCD) delivers customer information and digital, multi-media merchandising (optional)
Each $1 in energy cost saved corresponds to a $6-$8 in overall operational savings.
Reduce your costs
The IBM SurePOS 500 employs a highly efficient Intel processor (Model 566) and efficient power supply that save on energy costs. Plus IBM’s innovative deep sleep, when enabled by IBM Remote Management Agent, can cut energy use by up to an additional 47.
Enviro-friendly packaging includes high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) inserts made from recycled post-consumer waste, saving space for energy and cost-efficient shipping and disposal.
Box and inserts are 100 percent recyclable.
Remote management saves a firm with 75 service engineers nearly
$4,000,000 annually in dispatch reduction, including transportation costs
IBM Remote Management Agent provides proactive monitoring that can dramatically reduce service costs and downtime.
Aided by a tool free design and IBM Light-Path Management visual indicators (Model 566), qualified onsite staff can perform simple maintenance tasks. Retail hardened construction helps extend service life (7+ years) even in the most demanding environments.
Shown: Infrared touchscreen never needs recalibration and provides a wide range of adjustment options for better viewing, including changing the angle/height of the display and adjusting the touch sensitivity, screen brightness and contrast ratio. (Model 566)
IBM Systems and Technology
Data Sheet
Retail Store Solutions
One-third of consumers notified of a security breach will terminate their relationship with the company they perceive responsible.
Manage your risk
Protecting customer data—ensuring customer, password, identity and credit card information—is essential today. Built-in security features such as Trusted Platform Management (TPM) enable hardware encryption to protect locally stored data.
(Model 566) Physical system security and pin pads with biometric fingerprint reader are available. Most importantly, the latest OS security patches, software updates, firmware levels and BIOS updates can be installed automatically via
IBM Remote Management Agent to keep your operation up to date.
1. Cutting edge, spill resistant, infrared touchscreen (Model 566 only)
2. Tool free design with back access
3. IBM Light-Path Management (Model 566 only)
4. Biometric fingerprint reader (optional)
5. Cooling tunnel technology
6. Programmable magnetic stripe reader (MSR) (optional)
7. Retail hardened design resists damage in harsh environments
8. Audio speaker (Model 566 only)
IBM SurePOS 500 Series at a glance
Product Name
Processor a
Service Processor
Maximum Dimensions HxWxD
In mm (inches)
System Memory b
Video Memory c
Hard Disk Drive/
Modular Flash Drive
SurePOS 500 Model 526 (M/T 4852)
15" Resistive Touchscreen
1.0 GHZ Intel Celeron M Core
12.3 kg (27 lbs)
512 MB DDR2 (2 GB max)
Up to 128 MB via Intel DVMT driver
160 GB SATA2 HDD/Optional MFD
SurePOS 500 Model 566 (M/T 4852)
15" IR Touchscreen
2.2 GHZ Intel Celeron Dual
IBM Light-Path Management
12.3 kg (27 lbs)
1 GB DDR2 (4 GB max)
Up to 256 MB via Intel DVMT driver
160 GB SATA2 HDD/Optional MFD
IBM Systems and Technology
Data Sheet
Retail Store Solutions
IBM SurePOS 500 Series at a glance
Expansion Slot
Independent Dual Video
USB Ports
RS-232 Ports
RJ45 Ethernet
Audio Ports/Speaker
Cash Drawer Port
Systems Management
Power Management
Operating systems supported d
Optional wireless dongle cover kit
× 24v, 1× 12v, 5× USB 2.0 (3× on front tablet)
× standard, 1× powered
× 10/100 Base T
Express Card slot
Optional wireless dongle cover kit
× 24v, 1× 12v, 7× USB 2.0 (3× on front tablet)
× standard, 1× powered
× Gigabit
Mic-in/line out & headphone, speakers
IBM Remote Management Agent (RMA); SMBIOS; Wake on LAN® (WOL); Pre-Boot Execution Environment (PXE)
Deep sleep automation; APM; ACPI
Microsoft Windows POSReady 2009; Microsoft XP Professional; Microsoft WEPOS; SUSE Linux Enterprise for
Point of Service 11 (SLEPOS 11); PCDOS 2000
UPOS 1.12.1
UPOS 1.12.1
Drivers supported
Optional Peripherals
PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse
Secondary Displays
Cash Drawer
Integration Trays
Fingerprint reader
Limited warranty e
Technical support
Service Availability f
PS2 Keyboard/Mouse
IBM SurePoint™ Solution (touch and non-touch); Integrated 6.5" VGA display; Integrated 2 ×20 display;
Distributed pole mounted 2 ×20 display; All Points Addressable Character Graphics Display
IBM SureMark™ single station, dual station, and fiscal printers
Modular CANPOS keyboards (includes 32 programmable keys) w/optional keylock and pointing device
IBM full size and compact cash drawer
IBM Retail Integration Tray
3-Track; JUCC
Biometric fingerprint reader
One year Depot or On-site service. Multi-year additional service offered. IBM International Service*
×7 Web Support during warranty period. 24x7 Phone support (check geography availability)
Up to seven years following withdrawal from market
For more information
To learn how the IBM SurePOS 500 series can create a smarter shopping experience and build a smarter operation for your business, please contact your local IBM representative or visit: b MB/GB equals one million/billion bytes when referring to storage capacity; accessibility may be less c Memory supports both system and video. Accessible system memory will be the installed memory size less the amount defined for video d With the exception of the Microsoft Windows POSReady 2009 preload models, an operating system is not included and can be purchased separately e For a copy of terms and conditions of IBM’s statement of limited warranty, contact your local IBM representative or reseller f Geography dependent
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011
IBM Retail Store Solutions
P.O. Box 12195, 3039 Cornwallis Road
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Produced in the United States of America
August 2011
All Rights Reserved
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IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at
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* For a copy of terms and conditions of IBM’s statement of limited warranty, contact your local IBM representative or reseller.
1 Infrared touchscreen and Light-Path Management on Model 566 only
2 Deep sleep is defined as “suspend to RAM” (random access memory), meaning the power supply is in a reduced power mode
3 The IBM Institute for Business Value Study, IBM Global Services 2008
4 Maritz Poll “Are Checkout Lines Affecting Retailers’ Bottom Lines?” 2008
5 IBM Global Business Services Study
6 IBM RSS Laboratory Results 2009
7 Forrester “Retail Technology Investment Priorities” 2009
8 IBM Global CEO Study a GHz refers to only microprocessor internal clock speed; many factors affect application performance
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