Nektar Panorama P1, P4, P6 MIDI Controller User Manual
Below you will find brief information for MIDI Controller Panorama P1, MIDI Controller Panorama P4, MIDI Controller Panorama P6. This document describes the connection and operation of your new Nektar Panorama. The Panorama interface is designed to control various functions and parameters on Reason. It offers complete control over Reason’s mixer and instruments, including the Thor Sequencer, Kong, ReDrum, and Dr OctoRex. The manual goes through each aspect of the interface and provides detailed instructions on using Panorama with Reason.
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Using Panorama with Reason
Applicable to
Panorama P1, P4 & P6 Using Panorama with Reason
Reason Integration Setup and Configuration
The Panorama Reason Integration is compatible with Reason 5, 6, 6.5 and 7 as well as Reason Essentials. These instructions assume you have one of these programs installed running on either Windows (Vista, 7, 8 or higher) or Mac OS X.
Here are the steps you need to go through to get Reason up and running with your Impact LX:
Download the Panorama Integrated Installer from “My Downloads” on the Nektar website. This assumes you have already created a user account and registered your Panorama
Run the Panorama Integrated Installer and follow the onscreen instructions until complete
Update your Panorama’s firmware as described here
With your Panorama updated and switched on, launch Reason and go to Edit/Preferences/Control Surfaces
Click “Auto-detect surfaces”
You should now see two control surfaces populated in the Control
Surfaces window (Image 1). One is named “Nektar Panorama” and the other is named “Nektar Panorama Mixer Mode”
Make sure both control surfaces are ticked “Use with Reason” with a green tick indicating they are active.
Close the Preferences menu and in Reason go to Options/Surface
Select “Nektar Panorama” in the Surface field
Select “Master Section (Master Section)” in the Lock to device field
(image 2) and close the window. In Reason 5, select the 14:2 mixer
Image 1
Image 2
That’s it, setup is now complete. Because Reason’s Surface Locking settings are not global but individual per song, we recommend that you save your default song with the Surface Locking settings as described above.
When you launch Reason again to start a new song, you will then not have to set this setting every time.
Adding the Panorama ports manually
If the two Panorama control surfaces did not appear in Reason after auto-detection, you can add these manually.
Click the 'Add' button (bottom left corner of image 1)
Set up each of the two ports as per the below chart and click ok when done
Mode In Port
Keyboard Port
Mode Out Port
Panorama Mixer Mode Panorama Mixer Mode
PANORAMA P4 PANORAMA Panorama n/a n/a
Using Panorama with Reason
Navigation & Transport
The following pages focus on how Reason and Panorama work together. We do not attempt to describe how the Reason functions work since this is covered extensively in the documentation for Reason. So the aim is to provide a fundamental understanding of how Panorama interface with Reason. From time to time, you may need to consult the Reason documentation for additional information.
Let’s start by taking a look at the main panel buttons and then go deeper in to the Panorama menus from there.
The six buttons pictured above allows you to navigate important parts of Reason at any time. Here is what they do:
Track - / +:
Navigates to the next or previous track in Reason’s sequencer. This is the same as using the arrow up/down keys on your computer keyboard
Patch - / +:
Changes the patch (or preset) of the instrument device assigned to the current sequencer track
Changes the display view on your computer to show the Mixer window in Mixer mode, the Rack window in
Instrument mode and the Sequencer window in Transport mode
Bank < >:
Zoom < >:
Shifts the current selection of eight mixer channels in Mixer mode so the fader group assignments are changed from channels 1-8 to channels 9-16, for example. Hold [Shift] and press one of the [Track -/+] buttons to view an adjacent bank of channels.
Controls the magnification of sequencer tracks in Reason when its sequencer window is in view. Hold [Shift] and press one of the [Patch - / +] buttons to zoom in and out on the sequencer window.
Transport Buttons
The transport buttons allows you to activate or deactivate important transport functions as listed in the table below. As with the navigation buttons, these are available in any mode, at any time.
Key Combination
[ ]
[ ]
Press and hold this button to use the transport buttons as F-keys. F-keys can be used to trigger QWERTY macro’s to for example create devices and tracks
Goto the Left locator
Goto the Right locator
Same as Undo in Reason
Switch the metronome/click on or off
Switch “Quantize on record” on or off
Switch the loop/cycle between the Left and Right locators on/off
Rewinds in steps of 1 bar. Press and hold for fast rewind
Forward in steps of 1 bar. Press and hold for fast forward
Stop playback. Press twice to goto zero
Activate play
Activate record. Press again to deactivate record but continue play Using Panorama with Reason 3
Modes and Display
The Four Mode Buttons
Each of the Mode navigation buttons will configure Panorama to control different aspects of Reason. It’s like having four control surfaces in one:
Assigns all controls to the Reason mixer
Instrument : Assigns controls to the device on your sequencer track. In most cases this will be an Instrument, but it’s also how you control any of Reason’s effects [*]
Transport : Controls functions in Reason’s transport menu including current song position and locator points
Uses Panorama’s internal MIDI controller functions so you can jump out of our dedicated Reason protocol and use Panorama as a traditional MIDI controller
Wherever you are in Panorama’s menu structure, pressing one of the Mode buttons will jump to that mode. The last menu you accessed in each mode is remembered, so pressing the Mode button once from any other mode will take you back to the remembered menu; pressing it twice will take you to that mode's home page.
What the Display Tells You
The display Info-Bar is the top Red/Gray/Red area and provides the following status information for each of the three Reason mode home pages:
Track Name/Mixer Channel Number/Device Name
Deeper in the menu structure, the Info-Bar changes to display the following information:
Mixer mode: Track Name/Mixer Channel Number/Current Menu
Instrument mode: Current Patch Name/Device Name/Current Menu
Display Buttons
The five display buttons are used to navigate menus or activate functions. On most pages there will be labels above one or more of these buttons in the display.
The first display image you will see after launching Reason and locking Mixer Mode to the Master Section is the Mixer Home
Page. The EQ label is red to indicate that the 8 encoders above the transport buttons are currently controlling EQ. Pressing the display button underneath will open the EQ window which shows what each control is assigned to and parameter values.
Pressing [Dynamics], [Inserts] or [Sends] will change the assignments of the 8 encoders as well as show you what each of the controls are now assigned to. The 5th display button is commonly used to access a list of menu options which can be selected using the Data Control encoder. We will go through all of this in more detail on the following pages.
If a button is used to control a parameter you will see a line above that’s either white or red to indicate the current status of the button. The image on the right shows you an example where a parameters status is “On”.
To exit any page, press a Mode button and navigate to whatever page you would like to edit next.
Using Panorama with Reason
Reason Mixer Control
Mixer Mode Home Page
Start by creating an empty project in Reason and make sure the Mixer mode button is lit (Mixer Mode must be locked to the
Master Section).
Notice that the window in Panorama shows 9 faders corresponding to the first 9 physical
45mm faders. Now create an audio track in Reason and the Panorama display should look like the image to the right.
The info bar’s first red field shows the track name. Try changing the track name in Reason and you will see it update on Panorama as well.
The first fader (of the group of 9) on Panorama now controls the mixer channel volume of the track you created. In the displays fader channel graphic, the square fader cap graphic shows the current volume setting in Reason and the red line graphic, the position of the physical fader. Moving the fader may not change the volume immediately because the fader position have to first match the position in Reason to allow for smooth change to the volume setting. So move the physical fader towards the position of the red line and notice once the two match, the fader cap graphic will follow the fader movement and in Reason you are now changing the volume setting for the mixer channel
Next create a SubTractor instrument track in Reason. The SubTractor track appears on Panorama’s display in the same way as the audio track however you can see clearly in the display info-bar right red field, that you are now controlling SubTractor.
You also notice now that the background of track 1 has turned black and that track 2 is now inverted with white background plus the track name and mixer channel number have changed. This clearly shows you which track is currently selected in
Reason and in this case, it’s track 2.
Next create an additional 6 tracks (audio or instrument) so you have a complete bank of 8 channels to control with the faders.
Encoders & LED Buttons
The encoders above the faders are by default assigned to Pan. Try adjusting the Pan setting for a few of the tracks in the
Panorama Window. To the right of the 8 encoders you’ll find a button labeled [Toggle/View].
Pressing this button will change the assignment of the 8 encoders to Send 1.
Pressing it again will change the assignment to Send 2 etc until after Send 8 they are finally assigned to Pan again. This allows you to control send or pan across multiple channels.
There is another option to control all 8 sends for just one track but more about that later when we cover the channel strip functions.
The 8 LED buttons below the faders are by default assigned to Select. Try pressing first LED button 1 and then LED button 8.
Notice this is a quick way to jump from one track to another.
Pressing the [Toggle/Mute] button will change the assignment of the LED buttons to Mute. An additional press will assign them to Solo and then back to Select.
The display image shows you the location of the labels that tell you what the 8 encoders and 8 LED buttons are assigned to control. Using Panorama with Reason 5
Reason Mixer Control
Navigating Tracks & Channels
Now create an additional 8 tracks in the Reason song so we have a total of 16 channels to navigate.
Use the [Track+] button to navigate to channel 14.
That's a lot of button presses but thankfully there is a quicker way. Press and hold the [Shift] button on Panorama, then press the [Track-] button. This button combination activates the second menu layer on Panorama (in this case [<Bank]) so we now view channels 1-8 again. Make sure the LED buttons are assigned to Select, and press the LED button that corresponds to channel 6.
Next press [Shift] and hold it while pressing the LED button that corresponds to channel 3. The channels displayed and controlled by Panorama will now be 3-10.
You have now learned how to navigate Reason tracks from Panorama using 4 different methods:
[Track-] and [Track+] buttons step through tracks in 1 step increment or decrements
[Shift]+[<Bank] or [Bank>] bank over the 8 channels you operate in Reason
Pressing the [LED buttons] when assigned to "Select" enables quick channel selection within the bank of 8 channels you are currently controlling from Panorama
[Shift]+[LED button] assigns the group of 8 channels you control from Panorama from the channel corresponding to the
[LED button] you pressed
Naming sequencer tracks vs. naming mixer channels
If you want to rename a track, we recommend doing so by renaming the sequencer track and not the mixer channel. When you change the name of a sequencer track, the mixer channel name will change also. But if the mixer channels end up with different names than their associated sequencer tracks, you may experience inaccurate track information in the Info-bar.
Using Panorama with Reason
Reason Channel Strip Control
In addition to the multi-channel control we have just covered, Panorama can control a complete Reason mixer channel strip including EQ, Dynamics, Inserts, Sends and more for the currently selected channel. A channel is selected either by its association with a track (changing track changes the channel also) or by using the LED buttons when assigned to “Select”.
From Panorama's Mixer mode home page (press the Mixer button from any other menu to activate) you have access to the channel strip controls. Each of the menus only affect the mixer audio channel that correspond to the track that's currently selected.
Start by selecting an audio track and Press the first display button labeled [EQ] to open the EQ menu . Now enable the EQ by pressing the button labeled [On]. The top row of the encoders to the right of the display allow you to control gain for each of the bands and the bottom row controls the frequency.
Press the display button [Q] to change the assignment for the two middle bands to Q.
You can toggle back to frequency using the same button.
The [Filter] button gives you access to the high-pass and low-pass filters which can be switch on or off using the display buttons labeled [HPF] and [LPF].
Next change the track and tweak EQ settings for other tracks without leaving the EQ menu. Notice that the info-bar updates the track name and Mixer Channel number as well as the EQ settings as you make a change, back and forth between channels.
Press the [Mixer] button to exit the EQ menu and return to the Mixer home page.
The principal for controlling the Dynamics section of the Reason mixer is the same as with EQ. From the Mixer home page, press the display button labeled [Dynamics] and make sure to switch this module on by pressing the first display button.
The 5th display button is labeled [Gate>] and pressing it will change the assignments of the encoders so you can control all the gate parameters for the channel strip. Press the same button again (now labeled [Comp>] to go back to controlling the compressor or press [Mixer] to navigate back to the Mixer home page. Using Panorama with Reason 7
Reason Channel Strip Control
From the Mixer home page window you can access the Inserts menu by pressing the 3rd display button. Inserts are
Combinator effects patches that can be used on each channel. Encoders 1-4 control each of the 4 parameters that are controllable on Combinator and display buttons 1-4 allow you to switch the corresponding switch parameters on or off.
Combinator, whether used as an insert or device on a track in the sequencer, only allows control of these 8 parameters and parameter labels are not sent from Reason to Panorama.
Press [Mixer] to return to the Mixer home page.
Earlier we looked at how you can control sends on up to 8 channels at a time using the encoders above the faders. In addition, Panorama’s channel strip control gives you access to all 8 inserts for the currently selected channel.
Press [Sends] from the Mixer home page window. The 8 encoders are now assigned to control sends 1-8.
A send must be on to send a signal to it’s destination. Press [On] and use encoders 1-8 to switch each effect send on (or off).
Press [Pre] allows you to change the Pre (pre or post fader) setting using encoders 1-8 to switch each either on or off.
Press [Mixer] to return to the Mixer home page.
The last display button gives access to the remaining Reason mixer menus. Press [Menu] and use the Data Control encoder to select any of the following menus and press [Enter] :
Here you can control Input Gain but also make the following signal path changes:
Invert on/off
Insert Pre (Dynamics and EQ)
Dynamics Post EQ
Filter routed to Dynamics side-chain.
Master Compressor
Maps the 5 master compressor controls to encoders plus on/off and the side-chain key on/off functions.
Master Inserts
Controlling Master Inserts works identical to the channel inserts.
Master FX Sends
Master FX sends 1-8 are mapped to encoders 1-8
Master FX Return
Master FX return level 1-8 are assigned to encoders 1-8. Display buttons [Pan] and [Mute] change the encoder assignments to control the pan and mute parameters 1-8.
Master Output
Encoder 1 controls Control Room out. You can change the routing source using encoder 2 and the FX return destination using encoder 3.
Using Panorama with Reason
Motorized Fader (applicable to P4/P6 only)
If your Panorama is equipped with a Motorized fader, you may already have noticed that the fader controls follows the currently selected track. When you make track changes, the fader will jump to the volume position of the track in Reason and you can simply change it at any time by just moving the fader. Try setting the volume of a few tracks to different settings and notice how the fader will jump to the right position every time you select a new track.
You also have Mute and Solo buttons with LED indicators that show if they are active for the current track. Try pressing the mute button for a track and notice now that when you change track, not only does the motorized fader update but also the status of the mute (and solo) button.
Pressing the [Fader] button below Mute and Solo opens the fader page. This is where you enable Write for the current track so if you quickly want to record automation you can switch write on from here. Read is on by default.
Level Meter
The fader page has a level meter (image below) so you don’t need to leave Panorama to check if a signal is clipping or not loud enough.
Parameter Control [Param]
When the Fader window is active, the Data Control also acts as a parameter button. By default it controls Pan. Try moving it and notice the Pan setting change. The display button labeled Param (Parameter) changes the assignment of the Data Control by toggling through sends 1-8 and back to Pan.
The last button in the [Fader] window is labeled [Master]. Pressing this button will lock the motorized fader to the Reason master output.
Master [Master]
Press this button to control the Master Level with the motorized fader.
You can use the Data Control to control Sends 1-8 as described in Parameter Control.
The [Mute] and [Solo] buttons are no longer active.
Control Room [CtrlRoom]
Press this button to assign the motorized fader to Control Room Level. You can use the Data Control to select “Source”.
Select Channel [<Chan] / [Chan>]
Press the [>] button to get to the next set of options. The first two buttons allow you to select previous or next channel in the mixer so you don’t have to leave the menu to select a channel for the motorized fader to control.
Lock [Lock]
Pressing this button will lock the motorized fader to any channel you want. Selecting channels subsequently will not affect the motorized fader. Using Panorama with Reason 9
Reason Mixer Troubleshooting
The Remote Base Channel
Panorama has access to 64 consecutive channels of the SSL mixer at any time. If you have more than 64 mixer channels active in a project, the Remote Base Channel can be used to change which set of consecutive channels Panorama can access.
This means that any channel in the Reason mixer that is to the left of the Remote Base Channel will not be accessible to
Panorama. If you need to access those channels, change the Remote Base Channel.
To do this, simply right-click near the name of the channel you want to become Mixer Channel 1 and select 'Set Remote Base
Selecting tracks and Mixer channels: Things to keep in mind
There are some aspects of selecting tracks and mixer channels that might seem confusing at first, but make perfect sense once you know what's going on inside both Reason and Panorama at the time.
Example 1: Non-sequential selection of Mixer channels
Tracks may seem to jump around if you press the Track - / + buttons while looking at the Panorama Mixer mode main window. If this is the case, you may want to consider keeping the mixer channels and sequencer tracks in the same order.
For example, let's look at the Reason demo 'Faster' by Techno Squirrels. Note that it has 24 sequencer tracks but only 12 mixer channels.
First, be sure you've set the Remote Base Channel to channel 1 (see above).
Then in Mixer mode, press Panorama's Track - button repeatedly while watching the Mixer mode main page. You'll see the highlighted channel number jump around; depending on where you started, it might look like this: 10, 9, 4, 5, 8, 7, 6, 12, etc.
Now look at Reason's sequencer window and do the same thing with the Track buttons. You'll see the tracks selected consecutively; the selection will never jump.
Example 2: Mismatched names lead to limited control of some Mixer channels
It's important to keep the sequencer track and mixer channel names the same. If these names don't match, a couple of undesirable conditions may arise:
Inaccurate track information might be seen in Panorama's Info-bar (the section right below the Current Parameter bar)
Some parameters will not be accessible for some mixer channels. Panorama can only fully control mixer channels that are linked to tracks in the sequencer by name.
As you may have noticed during Example 1, there are times when the Track buttons will highlight some channels in Mixer mode and not others. Here's an example of that, taken from the Reason demo 'Say' by Olivia Broadfield:
First, be sure you've set the Remote Base Channel to channel 1 (see above).
Next, note that in Reason's sequencer window Track 2 has the name of "Bd Clap loop", but its Reason mixer channel is named "Clap".
When you select track 1 using the Panorama Track buttons you will see channel 1 highlighted in Panorama's display. But when you press Track + to select track 2, the Panorama mixer channel is not lit (remember, the two names do not match).
But if you move its fader you will see Reason's mixer channel 2 fader move. You can also control the Mixer channel's level, pan and effect send settings, etc. But you will not be able to edit its EQ settings with the 2x4 encoders unless you change one of the names to match the other.
To prove this, rename the corresponding Reason sequencer track "Clap" and then watch the Panorama display while pressing the Track buttons. Track 2 will light up this time when you select it.
Note: If you want to rename a track, we recommend doing so by renaming the sequencer track and not the mixer channel.
When you change the name of a sequencer track, the mixer channel name will change also, saving you a step and reducing the potential for confusion down the road.
Using Panorama with Reason
Reason Instrument Mode
Pressing the [Instrument] button will select Instrument mode. Here you control Reason’s devices and Rack Extensions, giving deep access, right from Panorama. If you want to bring the rack in to view in Reason, press [View].
Instrument Home Page
The first window you seen on the Panorama display is the Instrument home page. The page is designed to provide the visual feedback and tactile experience of a hardware workstation.
If an audio track is selected, there are no parameters to control and the large character area will read “No Instrument”.
Start by selecting the SubTractor track created earlier or create a SubTractor now.
The large character area now shows the current patch name of SubTractor.
Changing Patches
You can step through instrument patches within the current Reason Refill directory from Panorama, by pressing [Patch>] to go to the next patch or [<Patch] to go to the previous patch. As you change patch, the patch name and parameter values are updated in the Instrument home page large character area.
Using QWERTY macros, you can also open the patch browser to navigate the Reason library. More about this later.
Controlling Instruments
Now lets take a look at how Panorama is structured to control SubTractor.
The grid below the patch name, shows the parameters and values assigned to the 2x4 encoder group. In addition, the first 4 display buttons are assigned to parameter buttons and the 5th display button gives access to deeper device menus.
The home page gives access to a combination of parameters across all device menus, giving immediate control of the parameters, that typically have the biggest impact on the instruments sound. For most devices this puts Filter Cutoff and Resonance on encoders 1 and 2 respectively. Move some of the controls and notice the change in the SubTractor sound.
Most instrument devices have a four stage ADSR envelope and that is also the case with SubTractor. The faders are therefore used accordingly:
Fader 1
Fader 2
Amp Attack
Amp Decay
Fader 5
Fader 6
Filter Attack
Filter Decay
Fader 3 Amp Sustain Fader 7 Filter Sustain
Fader 4 Amp Release Fader 8
Fader 9
Filter Release
Instrument Volume
Moving the faders now control these parameters in SubTractor. Note that to avoid parameter jumping, a fader controls its assigned parameter only when its position matches the parameter value.
Press fader button 5 to change the Invert setting for the Filter Envelope and move encoder 5 above the faders to change
Filter Env Amount. Using Panorama with Reason 11
Reason Instrument Mode
You can dive deeper in to a device from Panorama by pressing the [Menu] display button. The resulting pop-up window displays a list of menus that can be controlled by Panorama. Move the Data Control to select a menu and press [Enter].
Continuing our SubTractor example, move the [Data Control] and select "Oscillators" from the pop-up menu and press [Enter]. The 2x4 encoders now control Oscillator 1 parameters, indicated in the info-bar’s right hand red field.
Press the [Osc 2>] display button. The info-bar now updates to show you are controlling
SubTractor’s Oscillator 2 parameters. Press [Noise>] to control the noise oscillator and finally [Osc 1>] to arrive back at controlling Oscillator 1 parameters.
Even though you have been changing menus, the fader assignments remain unchanged and are therefore still controlling envelopes. Let’s now take a look at the envelope menu by pressing [Menu], select “Envelopes” and press [Enter].
The Panorama display now shows you the current fader status, controlling Amp and Filter envelopes. Press the Mod button to select the “Mod Envelope”. Move the faders towards the red line to “pick-up” the value and control the parameter.
By now you should be getting the hang of how Panorama allows you to control devices.
Try navigating different SubTractor menus and tweak parameters as you go along and then move on to create and controlling different devices.
The last item on the menu list is Randomize. Randomize is a unique Panorama feature implemented for many Reason devices. If you just want to experiment or need another perspective on an idea, this function may just give you the creative juice you need. Selecting randomize will change the parameters randomly (except button switches) within the menu that's currently displayed on Panorama.
Press menu and scroll to the bottom and press enter when you have reached Randomize. If you don't like the result, you can always press Undo.
Try randomizing the Thor sequencer or a device's home page parameters for example.
Using Panorama with Reason
Controlling the Thor Sequencer
The mapping of Thor parameters follows the same principal as SubTractor. The addition of a sequencer in Thor however provides new opportunities for tactile creative control that are worth highlighting. The following explains how Panorama is mapped to control the Thor sequencer.
First create a Thor device and make sure Panorama is in Instrument mode.
On the Instrument home page, make sure the [Step Seq] button is on and move fader 4 so release is short.
Navigate to the sequencer menu by first pressing [Menu], select “Sequencer” and press [Enter].
In this menu, the Panorama's faders are setup to control the value for steps 1-8. Press [9-16] to control steps 9-16.
The faders are by default assigned to “Note”, so moving the faders will change the notes played for each step.
To hear the result, first make sure your “Mode” setting is correct. Move the first fader encoder to chose between “Step”, “1-
Shot” and “Repeat”. If Mode is set to off, the sequencer can’t run.
Now press the [Run] display button to activate playback.
The LED Buttons below the faders activate/deactivate the sequencer steps so try switching steps on an off to see what that does to your sequence.
The Encoders above the faders are assigned to the various sequencer parameters that also affect what the faders do. Here is a description of each of them.
Encoder 1:
“Mode” controls the Sequencer Mode (Off, Step, 1 Shot and Repeat)
Encoder 2:
“Drtn” controls the direction the sequencer runs
Encoder 3:
“Rate” controls the rate or tempo of the sequence
Encoder 4:
Encoder 5:
Encoder 6:
“Edit” sets the parameter that the faders control (Note, Velocity, Gate Length, Step Duration, CV Curve 1 and CV Curve 2)
“Oct” controls the Octave Range for the Note sequence
“Step” controls the number of steps in the sequence
Once you have accessed the Sequencer page, the controls in the fader sections will remain assigned to the sequencer until you access the Envelope page or Mod Matrix page. This means that you can navigate to Thor's Filter page to control filter parameters with the Encoders to the right of Panorama's display while using the Faders, Encoders and LED Buttons to the left of Panorama's display to control the sequencer at the same time. Using Panorama with Reason 13
The Kong home page shows you the current patch which can be changed by using the Patch -/+ buttons or the Data Control.
Panorama's 12 pads are automatically mapped to Kong's first 12 pads and a display button allows you to change the assignment of the top row of 4 pads so you can toggle between row C and D. The two first row's of Panorama pads (A&B) are unaffected by this change.
The display in addition shows up to 8 Kong parameters assigned to the 8 encoders to the right of the display. The 8 parameters control the currently selected Drum. To select a
Drum, hit a pad and the Panorama display will update the values to represent the Drum assigned to the pad you just hit.
Example: Hit Pad A1 (typically is assigned to a kick drum). Change the pitch by turning the encoder assigned to pitch. Hit Pad A2 (typically assigned to snare drum). Change the pitch by turning the encoder assigned to pitch. Both Drum sounds will now have changed and you can quickly program all drums assigned to pads in this manner.
As you hit a pad you may see a LED button switch off and another light up. In our example above, you hit Pad A2 last, so the second LED from the left should be lit. Now press the first LED button. This will make Drum 1 (assigned to Pad A1) the currently selected Drum and the display and encoder assignments update accordingly. So this is how you can select a Drum without playing a pad. Faders and encoders are assigned to Mix parameters so you can control 8 channels (Drums) at the same time. The LED button therefore also can tell you which fader channel controls the pad you hit last. More about this in
Kong: Drum Mix.
Kong: Home page parameters
Let's take a closer look at what parameters are controlled in the Kong home page. We'll use the Kong Kit in this example though it will be more or less the same for all kits. Make sure that pad 1 is selected in Reason by clicking with your mouse on that pad.
Hit pad 2 on Panorama to select Drum 2 (snare drum). The parameters that are assigned to the 8 encoders are Pitch, Decay,
Variable, Tone, Level, Pan, BusFX and Hit Type. Notice that Reason still shows Pad 1 selected so if you now tweak any of the parameters using the encoders on Panorama, you will not see Reason update, however you can clearly hear changes to the sound.
Now click with your mouse on pad 2 in Reason and move the 8 encoders again. This time you may notice that Tone, Pan,
BusFx and Hit type update. To see the additional 4 parameters (Pitch, Decay, Variable and Level) update, click the "Show
Drum and FX" button on Kong and turn the encoders corresponding to these parameters.*
Finally hit Pad 3 on Panorama. This selects and plays a hi-hat sound. Because this is a sample based sound there can be up to
4 hit types, so try the 4 settings while hitting the pad and notice the hi-hat sound change. You can build up drum kits based on the sampler drum module NN-Nano and have up to 4 different sound options available for each Drum. That provides 64 sound options all selectable from Panorama while you build drum beats.
*Explanation: One of the reasons we decided to map a mix of Drum module and Drum window parameters is that some Drum module parameters are automatable and their Drum module equivalent, are not. So you can for example automate Pitch or
Decay parameters in the Drum module, but the Pitch and Decay offset parameters in the Drum window cannot be automated.
In addition we found we could control at least one more parameter in the Drum module that was not available in the Drum window and that's the Variable (Variable because it depends on the source. Variable control Sample Start if a Drum using NN-
Nano is selected start, Damp for physical modeling souces and Tone for synth sources ). Finally we are controlling Level in the module so you can change how hard a source is driving an effect (plus it's automatable). The regular volume, post effects can be controlled by the faders.
Using Panorama with Reason
Kong: Pads Menu
Press the second display menu button labeled [Pads]. The display will bring a pads window in to focus and hitting a pad on
Panorama (or on Kong) will make the corresponding pad light up in yellow.
Press the display button labeled [Mute] and hit the pad assigned to the Drum you want to mute. Muted pads are displayed in red. Hit the pad again to un-mute.
Press the display button labeled [Solo] and hit the pad assigned to the Drum you want to solo. Solo'ed pads are displayed in green. Hit the pad again to undo solo.
On the pads you can see which of the 16 Drums each pad is assigned to (labeled D: followed by the drum number) and also which Hit Type is currently selected (labeled H: followed by the Hit type number).
In this window you can also change which Drum or Hit Type is assigned to each pad.
Press the 5th display button labeled "Drum Ass" (yeah, we love that one too!) and select the pad you want to change. D: x will be blinking indicating that you can change the
Drum assignment. Use the Data Control to do so and hit the pad so you can hear the change. Press "Drum Ass" again and see
H:x blinking. This now allows you to change the Hit Type.
Kong: Drum Mix
The LED buttons are associated with the faders so the lit LED will show you which fader corresponds to the currently selected pad. The faders represent your drum mixer so you are able to control the volume of 8 drums at a time. The encoders above the faders by default control pan for each drum.
Select Kong pad 1 with your Mouse and then hit Pad 1 on Panorama. If you haven't changed the assignment of Pad one, the first LED button should be lit. Move the fader to its maximum and then to its minimum position. On Kong you should now see the volume for Drum one controlled by the fader and moved to zero. Hit pad 2 and move the corresponding fader (fader 2) to max and minimum position, then play the pad and move the fader as you play. Next move the encoder above fader 2 and notice the panning change. As mentioned you can control up to 8 Drums this way which is useful if you want to experiment with mixing your drum beats.
While you can mix from the Kong Home page, the Drum Mix menu provides better visual feedback. Press the display button labeled Drum mix and a window similar to the Mixer mode home page will appear on Panorama. Press the Toggle/View button next to the 8 encoders above the faders and you will see the encoder assignments change. Here you have the option to control any of the parameters in the Drum Window, but 8 channels at a time. The display buttons labeled "1-8" and "9-16" allows you to switch the group of 8 channels you are currently controlling.
Kong: Clr M&S
A button that clear all Mutes and Solos. A quick way to get your beat back.
Kong: FX/Edit
If a Drum is using FX1 or FX2 you can control the first 2 parameters of each in this window labeled P1 or P2 using the first 4 encoders. Descriptive labels are not possible for these parameters.
The last 4 encoders are assigned to the Drum window parameters we are not controlling from the Kong home page and finally
Hit Type so you can try effect settings with different samples.
To control parameters for a different drum, just hit the corresponding pad or select it using the LED buttons. Using Panorama with Reason 15
Panorama’s ReDrum control works much the same as Kong and the approach is therefore a little different from what you might think, looking at ReDrum's GUI. Here is how it works:
ReDrum: Home page parameters
The ReDrum home page shows the parameter assignments of the 8 encoders to the right of the display. The parameters correspond to one Drum Channel. To change the drum channel you are controlling hit a pad and the display update with the parameters available for the Drum channel corresponding to the sound you hear.
Levels and panning are controlled by the faders and encoders above the faders and the
LED button indicate which fader strip correspond to the currently selected Drum channel.
Just like Kong.
With the display buttons you have the ability to Solo the currently selected Drum channel, sample or change the Drum Decay Gate setting.
ReDrum: Pads
Pressing the display button labeled [Pads] enters the pads window. Here you see Panorama's 12 pads graphically represented and hitting a pad will illuminate the corresponding display graphic in yellow.
Press the display button labeled [Mute] now allows you to mute Drum channels by hitting the corresponding Panorama pad. Muted pads are displayed in red.
Press the display button labeled [Solo] now allows you to solo Drum channels by hitting the corresponding Panorama pad. Solo'ed pads are displayed in green.
Pressing the display button labeled [Pattern] allows you to Enable the Pattern section, switch Pattern on or off, activate [Run] and select any pattern from the 4 banks of 8 patterns each.
ReDrum: Drum Mix
Press the display button labeled [Mix} and as with Kong, a drum mixer page will appear on Panorama.
Press the Toggle/View button next to the 8 encoders above the faders and you will see the encoder assignments change.
Here you have the option to control any of the parameters in the Drum channel, but up to 8 channels at a time. The display buttons labeled "1-8" and "9-10" allows you to switch the group of channels you are currently controlling with the faders and encoders above.
Using Panorama with Reason
Dr OctoRex
Home page parameters
The Dr OctoRex home page gives you immediate access to the parameters that change the current loop the most. These include Filter Frequency, Resonance, Transpose, Loop Level, Osc Octave shift,Osc Fine Tune Osc Envelope and Keyboard slot.
As with other devices, the envelopes are controlled by the faders so moving the first 4 will control the Amp Envelope and the following 4 faders will control Filter Envelope.
Pads 1-8 are set to trigger the 8 loop slots with pads 9-11 selecting the Trig Next Loop setting (Bar, Beat, 1/16) and finally pad 12 switch Enable Loop Playback on or off. Don't worry, you don't have to remember this cause there is a specific menu to show you the pad assignments.
Playing the keyboard will change transposition of the loop.
To activate Dr OctoRex's loop playback, press either play on the transport bar or the first Panorama display button labeled
[Run]. Next try making changes to the loop by tweaking parameters and hitting the pads.
The second Panorama display button is labeled [Loops] and activates the window that shows you which loop slot is currently active as well as the function of each pad. To Enable
Loop Playback, pad 12 should be illuminated in yellow.
The second display button is labeled "Link-Kbd". When active you can play the slices that form part of the loop you trigger from the pads, from the keyboard. If you prefer to play slices that form part of a loop in another of Dr OctoRex's 8 slots, this function should be off.
When set to off, you select the slot the keyboard is playing in the Instrument home page by changing the parameter" Kbd>Slot".
Slices simply allows you to play the slices that form part of the loop, but played from the pads instead of the keyboard.
Just like other Reason devices, Dr OctoRex gives you access to each menu from the menu popup. Using Panorama with Reason 17
Effects & Utilties
All devices and Rack Extensions including effects and utilities can be controlled from Instrument mode. In Reason, the sequencer routes the control data to and from a device and distribute it to Panorama. However, since sequencer tracks are not created for effects and utilities automatically when you create those types of devices, they will not immediately appear in
Instrument mode (as Instruments do). So there are two ways to set up control routing to these devices:
1) Creating a sequencer track for a device
2) Lock the device to Panorama using Reason's lock function
In the following, we will explore both ways of controlling devices since each have their benefits. Here is how you control a device from a sequencer track.
Controlling FX Devices from a Track in the Sequencer
To control an effect from Instrument mode simply select it, open the Edit menu in Reason and click 'Create Track for <device name>'.
This will create a sequencer track for the device which will allow Panorama to access the device's parameters.
Once you have created a sequencer track for the device you can use the Track+/- buttons to select the device in Instrument mode as you would with any instrument.
Alternately, you can right-click in an empty space on a device to create a track for it. Be careful not to right-click in an area with controls because it will not open the correct context menu.
Tip: You can setup QWERTY macros that allow you to create devices as well as sequencer tracks directly from Panorama.
Lock a Device to Panorama
Panorama can be locked to devices in Instrument mode so that, no matter which sequencer track you select, the controlled device will remain the same. This means you can control devices that do not have a sequencer track, such as FXs while still playing an instrument device from the keyboard. Or you can control and play Kong, Dr OctoRex or ReDrum from the pads while playing another instrument device from the keyboard.
The Panorama P4 and P6 driver first need to be setup correctly so check and complete the setup on the next page, before moving on. Panorama P1 does not have a keyboard and therefore is ready to go.
Create an Instrument device such as Subtractor in Reason.
For P4 and P6, check that after setting up the generic MIDI keyboard driver as described on the next page, you are still able to control SubTractor in Instrument mode when selecting the SubTractor track.
Create an FX device such as Pulveriser.
Select "Lock Nektar Panorama to this device" from Reason's Edit menu.
Panorama's Instrument mode now controls Pulverizer and as long as the SubTractor track is selected in the sequencer, you can play Subtractor while tweaking Pulveriser.
Add some more effects to the SubTractor audio chain and try locking them to Panorama to get familiar with the process.
Using Panorama with Reason
Setting Up a 3rd Panorama P4/P6 Port in Reason
Panorama's extensive Internal mode can be used to set up presets (there are 20 available) to control external hardware.
From Reason 7 and onwards, you now have the ability to not only record incoming MIDI messages but also send them out via the "External MIDI Instrument" device.
To get this to work well, a few tweaks to the Control Surfaces setup is needed if you own a P4 or P6 (P1 does not have a keyboard, so no change is needed).
This will provide the following benefits:
Allow you to record and send MIDI messages sent by Panorama in Internal mode.
Use Internal mode for Remote Override
Allow you to lock devices in Instrument mode and operate them separately from the device on the track you are playing
(Great for controlling effects while you play the processed device). See the link at the bottom of the page for more info.
You can control devices in Instrument mode by selecting it's track, as you have been able to do up until now, providing no other device is locked to Instrument mode.
The disadvantages are minimal but of course needs pointing out as they may be important to you:
Device mapping that use Panorama's foot switch, expression pedal, pitch bend or modulation wheels for special functions
(such as trigger pad 1on Kong or controlling wah on a Line6 device), other than what those controls would normally do, may no longer work as expected.
There are no other disadvantages.
Note, you can always use Remote Override to allow control of parameters that you may be missing following this change.
Here are the steps to get your Panorama P4 or P6 set up:
Go to Reason/Preferences/Control Surfaces
Select the driver named "Nektar Panorama" and click "Edit".
Change the setting for the Keyboard Port to "Not selected" and click "OK".
With the "Nektar Panorama" driver still selected, click "Use no master keyboard"
Click "Add" and select <Other> as Manufacturer, "MIDI Control Keyboard" as
Model and "Panorama P(x)" as the MIDI Input. You can also name the port.
Click "OK"
You have now added a 3rd Panorama Control Surface and you are ready to try it out. Using Panorama with Reason 19
Transport Mode
Transport mode helps you to navigate and build up your song composition from Panorama. As explained earlier, the transport buttons are available in any mode but the dedicated Transport Mode provides access to extra tools that will make capturing ideas, beat creation and overdubbing easier.
Transport Home Page
Press the [Transport] button to enter Transport mode. The first thing you will notice is the large character song position read out in the display. Press [Play] and notice it updates during playback.
The default time format is bars and beats, but you can change it to minutes and seconds by pressing [shift] +[TapTempo].
Locators and Song Navigation
Below the song position you see the Left and Right locator positions. Each of these can be controlled from Panorama by moving the bottom 4 encoders of the 2x4 encoders. “L Bar” will change the Left locator in 1 bar steps and “L Beat” will change the Left locator in 1 beat steps. “R Bar” and “R Beat” do the same for the Right locator.
If you want to move your L/R locators so you get a loop the same size as the current, but moving the Left locator to the position of the Right locator, press and hold the [Shift]+[ ] button to move forward and [Shift]+[ ] to move backwards.
Recording functions
The top 4 encoders control Tempo, Click, PreCount. You can move the Song Position using the 4th encoder labeled “Position”
The display buttons are assigned to Quantize, New Overdub take, New Alternate take and Tap Tempo.
If you plan to record with "Quantize during Record" set to off, you can use the Quantize button after recording your take.
Note however that pressing this button during recording does not activate quantize so you have to switch recording off, by pressing the record button. Quantize can only affect parts that are selected so this works well if you have just recorded your part and decide to quantize before the part is deselected.
Remote Override
Transport mode does not use the faders, encoders or buttons to the left of the display, so you can assign them to any parameter you want using Reason’s Edit Remote Override Mapping function. This is great if you want parameters for different devices accessible as one group of controls, at any time. And it’s easy to set up, too:
1. Enter Transport mode
2. Right-click on the parameter on the Reason device you want to control
3. Select “Edit Remote Override Mapping”
4. In the popup menu, make sure “Learn from control surface input” is enabled
5. Move a control, such as an encoder
6. Click OK in the dialogue box.
The use of Remote Override Mapping does not affect the assignments in Panorama and can be different from song to song.
Note: We recommend that you don’t use Remote Override Mapping in Mixer or Instrument mode.
Using Panorama with Reason
Transport Looper
The Looper is a unique Panorama feature that allows you to create a loop array which allows you to move Reasons locators by hitting a pad. To activate, press the last display button labeled [Looper] in Transport mode.
The Info-bar's three information sectors now tell you the following: Current Track name,
Loop Length, Song position within the loop.
Hitting a pad moves Reason's Left and Right locators to the position assigned to the pad.
The pads display graphic shows these positions for each pad. Take a look at the Reason sequencer and see how this works as you hit the pads. Note when you first enter the
Looper, you have to hit a pad to change the locators. Otherwise they will remain in the existing position.
You can change the loop length of the array by pressing the first display button, labeled
[Length]. Move the Data Control to change the length of the loops. Notice how this affect the pads display labels. Here what the labels tell you:
Yellow: Shows you within which loop the Reason Song Position Pointer currently is positioned. The Song Position Pointer is not playing inside the Left and Right location pointers.
Red: Shows you where the Left and Right location pointers are positioned. If the locators have been set outside the Looper or you change the loop Length to a smaller value than the locators current position, you will see several pads highlighted in red, corresponding to the span of the locators.
Green: Shows you when the reason Song Position Pointer is within the Left and Right location pointers.
Example: Activate play and let the Reason Song Position Pointer play outside the locators. A pad should be yellow, showing you the SPP is playing within the locators assigned to that pad. Hit a pad outside the area the SPP is currently playing and notice it's red.
Now press the transport button [ ] The SPP will jump to the starting point of the loop assigned to the pad you just hit and the color will be green (because they now match).
[Offset]: Press the second display button to offset the loop array. Use the Data Control to offset by the amount of bars you require.
[Link]: Press the third display button to select a larger loop range. First hit a pad that contains the start or end point of the loop range you want. Then press "Link" followed by hitting a pad that's assigned to loop points that's either ahead or behind your first selection. Notice a number of pads will now be red. In Reason, the locators are now positioned to span the range that match the block of red pads.
[Bank]: 12 location points may not be enough for longer songs so the display buttons [<Bank] and [Bank>] allow you to navigate to the next or previous bank of 12 location points. Using Panorama with Reason 21
Panorama Reason Key Combinations
Instrument mode
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer /Instrument/Transport modes
Mixer mode
Mixer mode
Mixer Mode
Mixer mode
Mixer mode/Inserts
Transport mode
Transport mode
[Data Control]
Scroll through device patches in the current folder or when the browser is open
Switch between Reason and Cubase when they are ReWired
[Track -/+]
Increment or decrement the current track selection
Increment or decrement (by 8) the current bank of 8 channels controllable from Panorama
Activates the assignment of the corresponding F-key [F-keys]+[F1-11]
[F-keys]+[Data Control]
[Shift]+[Goto L]
[Shift]+[Goto R]
Scrolls through the 10 F-keys maps
Horizontal zoom in/out of the current Reason window
Toggles Quantize on record on/off
Moves the current loop (L/R) backwards so R will be located on the previous L position while maintaining the original distance between the 2 locators
Moves the current loop (L/R) forward so L will be located on the previous R position while maintaining the original distance between the 2 locators
Activates Redo [Shift]+[Undo]
[Shift]+[LED button]
[Patch -/+]
[Shift]+[Tempo (display button 4)]
Toggles pan, send 1-8 assignments for all 8 encoders above the faders
Toggles Select, Mute, Solo assignments for all 8 LED buttons
Open/close the Main Mixer view on your computer screen
Changes the group of 8 mixer channels to start from the channel number that corresponds to the LED button and following 8 channels
Increment or decrement the patch for the current controlled device
Open/close the Reason sequencer on your computer screen
Toggles the tempo time base between bars+beats and time
Using Panorama with Reason
Key Features
- Control Reason's mixer and instruments
- Thor Sequencer, Kong, ReDrum, and Dr OctoRex support
- Motorized fader option
- Intuitive interface
- Comprehensive manual
- Dedicated Reason integration
- Seamless control of parameters
- Visual feedback for device status
- Navigation through menus and options
- Randomization function