Toshiba Strata DK PC Attendant Console User manual
Telecommunication Systems Division Digital Business Telephone Systems PC Attendant Console User Guide May 2000 Publication Information Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division, reserves the right, without prior notice, to revise this information publication for any reason, including, but not limited to, utilization of new advances in the state of technical arts or to simply change the design of this document. Further, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division, also reserves the right, without prior notice, to make such changes in equipment design or components as engineering or manufacturing methods may warrant. D42-UG-PC-ATTVB Version B.1, May 2000 Version B, November 1998 Version A, March 1997 © Copyright 2000 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Telecommunication Systems Division All rights reserved. No part of this manual, covered by the copyrights hereon, may be reproduced in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including recording, taping, photocopying, or information retrieval systems—without express written permission of the publisher of this material. Strata is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation. Trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks are the property of their respective owners. Contents Introduction Organization...................................................................................................................... vii How to Use This Guide.................................................................................................... viii Conventions ........................................................................................................................ix Related Documents and Media ...........................................................................................xi Chapter 1 – The Grand Tour Function Keys ......................................................................................................................2 Special Function Keys .........................................................................................................2 Numeric Keypad ..................................................................................................................2 Main Screen .........................................................................................................................3 Console ID Area ...............................................................................................................4 Menu Bar ..........................................................................................................................4 Feature Toolbar.................................................................................................................5 Status Bar..........................................................................................................................9 Incoming Call Display......................................................................................................9 Active Call Area ...............................................................................................................9 Loop-Hold Display .........................................................................................................10 User Buttons ...................................................................................................................10 DSS/BLF Station Directory............................................................................................10 Keyboard Navigation .........................................................................................................11 Mouse Navigation ..............................................................................................................12 On-line Help.......................................................................................................................12 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 i Contents Chapter 2 - Console Controls Chapter 2 – Console Controls Night Transfer ....................................................................................................................14 Automatic Night Transfer ..................................................................................................16 Position Busy .....................................................................................................................17 Console Overflow ..............................................................................................................18 Background Music Over External Speakers ......................................................................19 Privacy ...............................................................................................................................19 Privacy Release ..................................................................................................................20 Call Forward ......................................................................................................................20 Internal Call Forward......................................................................................................20 External Call Forward.....................................................................................................22 Call Forward Fixed .........................................................................................................23 Line Group Restrictions .....................................................................................................24 Timed Reminders...............................................................................................................25 Date and Time....................................................................................................................26 Volume Control .................................................................................................................27 Chapter 3 – Basic Calling Incoming Calls ...................................................................................................................30 Incoming Call Types.......................................................................................................31 Answered Call Options...................................................................................................32 Transferring Calls ..............................................................................................................34 Taking Notes About a Call .............................................................................................38 Using Department Search with Call Transfer.................................................................39 Voice Mail .........................................................................................................................40 Placing Calls ......................................................................................................................42 Voluntary Account Codes..................................................................................................44 Calling Options ..................................................................................................................45 Setting or Cancelling Automatic Callback .....................................................................46 Busy Override and Off-Hook Call Announce (OCA) ....................................................47 Dialing for Others ..............................................................................................................48 Dialing a Number for a Caller ........................................................................................48 Performing Through Dialing for a User .........................................................................49 Conference Calls ................................................................................................................50 ii Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Contents Chapter 4 - Advanced Calling Creating a Three-way Call or Joining Two Calls ...........................................................50 Adding a Station to Create a Conference Call................................................................51 Adding a CO Line to Create a Conference Call .............................................................52 Call Splitting (Split/Switch)...............................................................................................53 Trunk-to-trunk Connections...............................................................................................54 Call Supervision.................................................................................................................56 Chapter 4 – Advanced Calling Speed Dial..........................................................................................................................58 Speed Dial Special Function Codes................................................................................59 Using Speed Dial Numbers ............................................................................................60 Paging ................................................................................................................................61 Emergency Page.................................................................................................................62 Opening Door Locks..........................................................................................................62 Using Door Phones ............................................................................................................63 Last Number Redial ...........................................................................................................64 Saved Number Redial ........................................................................................................65 Call Pickup.........................................................................................................................66 Call Park.............................................................................................................................67 Call Park and Page .............................................................................................................68 Auto Park/Page ..................................................................................................................70 Setting Auto Park............................................................................................................71 Abandoned Calls ................................................................................................................72 Alarm Reset .......................................................................................................................73 Chapter 5 – Directory Adding/Deleting Entries into the Directory .......................................................................76 Directory Settings ..............................................................................................................78 Directory Find.................................................................................................................79 Chapter 6 – Message Center Taking a Message ..............................................................................................................82 Taking a Message for a Holding/Recalling Party ..............................................................84 Retrieving a Message from the Message Center ............................................................85 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 iii Contents Chapter 7 - View Menu Message Waiting Indications Sent.....................................................................................86 Console Message Waiting Light ........................................................................................88 Creating LCD Messages ....................................................................................................89 Preprogrammed Messages ..............................................................................................89 Sending LCD Messages..................................................................................................91 Advisory Message ..........................................................................................................93 Chapter 7 – View Menu Tool Bar ............................................................................................................................96 Status Bar Call Statistics ...............................................................................................................96 Chapter 8 – Administration Password ..........................................................................................................................100 Console Settings Options .................................................................................................101 Automatic Dialing ........................................................................................................101 Activate On Incoming...................................................................................................101 Multiple Attendants ......................................................................................................101 Automatic Hold ............................................................................................................101 ANI Display On............................................................................................................102 Default Transfer............................................................................................................102 Changing Console Settings...........................................................................................102 Set an Account Code Length ........................................................................................103 Assign a [DN] for Voice Mail and Quick Messages ....................................................103 Storing Voice Mail ID codes ........................................................................................104 CO Line Names................................................................................................................104 Changing CO Line and Line Group Names .................................................................104 Setting a Default Line or Line Group ...........................................................................106 User Buttons.....................................................................................................................106 System Codes...................................................................................................................108 DISA Security Code .....................................................................................................108 Traveling Class Code....................................................................................................110 Toll Restriction Override Codes...................................................................................111 Verified Account Codes ...............................................................................................111 iv Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Contents Chapter 8 - Administration Answer Prompts...............................................................................................................112 DNIS Prompts...............................................................................................................113 Change Station User Name ..............................................................................................117 Door Phone Button Labels...............................................................................................118 Door Unlock Button Labels .............................................................................................118 Paging Button Labels.......................................................................................................119 Printer Setup.....................................................................................................................120 Appendix ............................................................................................................................121 Windows Operations........................................................................................................121 Windows Controls ...........................................................................................................123 Change the Screen Colors.............................................................................................123 Setup Easy Application Switching ...............................................................................123 Change the Keyboard Repeat Speed.............................................................................123 Change the Mouse Speed..............................................................................................123 Index .....................................................................................................................................127 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 v Contents Chapter 8 - Administration vi Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Introduction This guide provides instructions for operating a Strata DK PC Attendant Console for Microsoft® Windows® working with following Strata DK Systems. These systems include all processors except the RCTUA, for the following: ♦ DK280 ♦ DK424i and DK424 This guide is written assuming that you are familiar with operating a PC, mouse, and Windows software. Organization This guide is divided as follows: ♦ Chapter 1 – The Grand Tour includes information on the PC Attendant Console keyboard, the Main Menu, and how to navigate through the menus and dialog boxes. It also describes the Feature Toolbar. ♦ Chapter 2 – Console Controls provides descriptions and instructions for each of the console settings. These settings include the console mode, time and date, and general settings affecting how calls are handled during and after your shift. ♦ Chapter 3 – Basic Calling explains how to perform the most commonly-used features, including answering, calling, and transferring calls. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 vii Introduction How to Use This Guide ♦ Chapter 4 – Advanced Calling describes how to use more advanced features, such as Speed Dialing, Call Parking, etc., and other features available from the Features submenu. ♦ Chapter 5 – Directory explains how to add names, phone numbers, and status information to the directory, as well as how to access it and perform a search. ♦ Chapter 6 – Message Center shows the various features available for taking memos and sending messages and message notifications. ♦ Chapter 7 – View Menu provides instructions for displaying the Toolbar and Status Bar, viewing and printing Call Statistics. ♦ Chapter 8 – Administration describes various administrative features which affect the console’s capabilities. ♦ Appendix contains instructions for setting those Windows controls which affect the PC Attendant Console. How to Use This Guide We suggest that you read this entire guide and get acquainted with the on-line help screens, described in Chapter 1 – The Grand Tour. viii Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Introduction Conventions Conventions Some of the following conventions are omitted in our manuals when they are not used. Conventions Note Description Elaborates specific items or references other information. Within some tables, general notes apply to the entire table and numbered notes apply to specific items. Important! Calls attention to important instructions or information. CAUTION! Advises you that hardware, software applications, or data could be damaged if the instructions are not followed closely. WARNING! Alerts you when the given task could cause personal injury or death. P Represents any Directory Number button, also known as an extension or intercom number. [PDN] Represents any Primary Directory Number button (the extension number for the telephone). [SDN] Represents any Secondary appearance of a PDN. A PDN that appears on another telephone is considered an SDN. [PhDN] Represents any Phantom Directory Number button (an additional DN). $ULDO%ROG Represents telephone buttons. Courier Shows a computer keyboard entry or screen display. “Type” Indicates entry of a string of text. “Press” Indicates entry of a single key. For example: Type prog then press Enter. Select Strata DK PC Attendant Console to choose a specific keyboard or dialog box button. 5/00 ix Introduction Conventions Conventions Description represents an icon button on the feature toolbar. When you click on this icon, it achieves the same result as the step that it appears next to. Plus (+) Shows a multiple PC keyboard or phone button entry. Entries without spaces between them show a simultaneous entry. Example: Esc+Enter. Entries with spaces between them show a sequential entry. Example: # + 5. Tilde (~) Means “through.” Example: 350 ~ 640 Hz frequency range. ➤ Denotes the step in a one-step procedure. ➤ Denotes a procedure. See Figure 10 Grey words within the printed text denote cross-references. In the electronic version of this document (Strata DK Library CD-ROM or FYI Internet download), crossreferences appear in blue hypertext. Action/Response Table 1. Actions you perform appear in this column. They can consist of either a single step or a series of numbered steps. x The immediate response to the action performed appears in this column. Addtional notes and comments are also included. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Introduction Related Documents and Media Related Documents and Media Note Some documents listed here may appear in different versions on the CD-ROM, FYI, or in print. To find the most current version, check the version/date in the Publication Information on the back of the document’s title page. The following documents and CD-ROMS can be used to reference further information about the Strata DK systems. ♦ Strata DK Programming Manual ♦ Strata DK Installation & Maintenance Manual ♦ Strata DK Library CD-ROM ♦ Strata DK280 Installation and Maintenance Manual For authorized users, Internet site FYI ( contains all current Strata DK documentation and enables you to view, print, and download current publications. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 xi Introduction Related Documents and Media xii Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 1 The Grand Tour This chapter describes the PC Attendant Console keyboard, the top level menus, and provides general instructions for navigating through the main screen and the dialog boxes. See the figure below and the following text. Help F1 F2 F3 F4 Strata DK PC Attendant Console F5 5/00 F6 F7 F8 F9 Tone Join Retrieve INSERT HOME Pg Up Dial Split/ Switch Conf/ Trns 7 DELETE End Pg Dn Home Num Lock F10 Vol Up Vol Dn F11 F12 Answer Incoming / — 8 9 Pg Up 4 5 6 1 2 3 End Pg Dn 0 . Ins Del Answer Hold + Release Enter 1 The Grand Tour Function Keys Function Keys You can use these additional function keys: F1 for Help F2~F9 enable you to access the bottom row of eight user buttons (as shown below). Pressing Shift + (F2~F9) gives you access to the top row of eight user buttons. You can also access these user buttons by clicking them with the mouse on the screen. Shift + F2~F9 F2~F9 F11 for Volume Up F12 for Volume Down Special Function Keys There are six special function keys: Voice Mail, Tone, Join, Conf/Trns, Retrieve, and Split/Switch. Numeric Keypad The numeric keypad is kept in the Num Lock ON position so that it is a “hot” dial pad. Answer Incoming, Answer/Hold, and Release keys are included on the keypad. 2 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The Grand Tour Main Screen Main Screen The PC Attendant Main screen (shown below) provides access to features and information on incoming calls, calls on hold, available line groups, station status, and displays a Directory that can be used to transfer calls quickly. Incoming Call Display Feature Toolbar Menu Bar Soft Keys Console ID Area Active Call Window Loop Hold Display Notes Field Volume Control Buttons Status Bar DSS/BLF Station Directory 16 User Buttons (Programmable Feature Buttons) Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 3 The Grand Tour Main Screen Console ID Area Displays the console’s name and Primary Directory Number [PDN]. Menu Bar The Menu Bar, shown below, contains seven “drop-down” submenus that enable you to perform commands, access features, or configure the console. Selecting a menu item displays a dialog box or toggles the item. Console Controls how the console operates, including: Night Transfer, Position Busy, Date/ Time, etc. You will probably change the console settings at the beginning and end of your shift. Features Assists you in handling calls, such as Call Pickup, Page Retrieve, etc. Directory Where you enter names and phone numbers for the on-line directory. You can also enter titles, departments, and schedules of individuals. The directory contains a search feature. You can choose what information is displayed and the order in which it is shown in the Directory Display field. Messages Enables you to use the Message Center for taking, retrieving, and printing messages. You can also save them to a file for transfer to another console. View Provides selections for you to determine what information is viewed and how it is displayed. Includes showing or hiding the tool bar or status line and Call Statistics. 4 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The Grand Tour Main Screen Setup All items in this menu may be password protected (optional). They pertain to console and system administration items that should not be changed without some knowledge of overall system operation. Help This provides help on Windows-related features specific on-line help for all console operations. This is different from the on-line help for the PC Console, described on page 12. Feature Toolbar The Feature Toolbar shown below provides quick access to console controls. You will probably access these control features at the beginning and end of your shift. These controls include setting the console for Night Transfer, turning call overflow and background music settings ON and OFF, putting the console into position busy mode, etc. The Feature Toolbar displays across the top of the application window, below the menu bar. It is grouped into four functions to make finding the feature easier. When the mouse arrow is positioned on an icon, its callout label displays. Messaging Console Controls Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Directory Features 5 The Grand Tour Main Screen Console Control Icons Click To Toggle PC Attendant Position Busy ON/OFF Setup Night Transfer and Auto Night Transfer Toggle the Attendant Overflow ON/OFF Toggle the Privacy Button ON/OFF Toggle the Background Music ON/OFF Reset Alarm Setup Call Forward Toggle Call Forward Fixed ON/OFF Set Timed Reminders Set Line Group Restrictions and view Busy/ Idle Status 6 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The Grand Tour Main Screen Messaging Icons Click To Get to the Message Center Send LCD Messages Message Waiting Light Directory Icons Click To View/Add Directory Entries Find a Directory Entry Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 7 The Grand Tour Main Screen Feature Icons Click To Access Paging Options Use Call Pickup To Unlock a Door Cancel Callback Privacy Release Cancel Busy Redial Redial Call in ANI List Redial Last Call or Saved Number Set Speed Dial 8 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The Grand Tour Main Screen Status Bar The status bar is displayed at the bottom of the PC Attendant window. To display or hide the status bar, highlight Status Bar from the View menu. The left area of the status bar describes actions of menu items as you use the arrow keys to navigate through menus. This also describes the actions of Toolbar Feature Buttons as you depress them, before releasing them. Then, if you do not wish to execute the command, release the mouse button while the pointer is off the button. The right side of the status bar shows the date and time. Incoming Call Display Number of Incoming Calls shows the number of calls waiting to be answered. Incoming Call Type displays each type of incoming call waiting to be answered. Call types are shown with black letters except emergency calls which are shown in red. Answer Incoming Button automatically answers the next ringing call of the type selected. If none are selected, it answers a call from the type at the top of the list. Active Call Area Refers to the following three areas. Active Call Window shows current call information: line, station, and status (e.g., calling, recall, transfer). Soft Keys functions are defined based upon call handling. Two methods of access: mouse or use the arrow keys to select the soft button, followed by Enter. See Chapter 3 for more information. Notes Field is used for Answer Prompts, Recall Notes, Message Lists, and any information pertinent to the call. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 9 The Grand Tour Main Screen Loop-Hold Display Loop List shows calls on hold and the duration of hold time. Color of the hold time indicates the hold type: Red: Emergency Call Green: Consultation Hold Blue: Supervised Hold Black: All others Retrieve button accesses the calls on hold. User Buttons See “Function Keys” on Page 2. DSS/BLF Station Directory Lists internal [DNs] (Primary DNs and Phantom DNs), distributed hunt group pilots, ACD group numbers (always starting with “A”), and their associated names. Clicking on a display entry automatically dials the number. (Directory Direct Selection feature.) Serves as the Busy Lamp Field (BLF): Black text: Idle Red text: Busy or DND Red text on turquoise: Selected display entry Double-clicking on a display entry dials the number and blind transfers the call automatically. 10 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The Grand Tour Keyboard Navigation Keyboard Navigation The table below shows you how to use the keyboard to navigate within the PC Attendant Console. Keyboard Keys Description Alt+Letter Selects Main Menu items. Moves directly to the item with the underscored marking. For example, Pressing Alt+I on the Main Screen moves the selection to the Incoming Call Area on the screen. Alt+M opens the Messaging menu. Letter Selects submenu items. Pressing the underlined letter of an item selects that item. Tab Moves from section to section, or button to button in screens and dialog boxes. Shift+Tab Moves from section to section or button to button in the screens and dialog boxes in reverse direction. Alt+Tab Moves between open application windows (Windows feature). Arrow keys Highlights one of several items from a drop-down box for selection. Also moves from selection to selection or button to button within a dialog box. Enter (keyboard) Selects the currently highlighted command button. Enter (numeric key pad) Used for Release and Release/Transfer functions on the Main Screen. Esc Used to go back to the previous dialog box. Spacebar Press to toggle features ON or OFF or select entries in list boxes. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 11 The Grand Tour Mouse Navigation Mouse Navigation With the mouse, an on-screen arrow or cursor moves in coordination with the position of the mouse on a desktop or mouse pad. Mouse Description Move the mouse cursor onto an item on the screen, then click the mouse button. If there is more than one button, click the left button. Chooses (highlights) Main Menu Items. For on-screen buttons, it selects that button. (The mouse method combines two steps into one. It selects the button; you do not need to press the Enter key.) Double-click the button. If there is more than one button, double-click the left button. Chooses and selects the item (it invokes the action immediately.) Note For more information on adjusting Windows Controls for the PC Attendant Console (such as keyboard and mouse speed, colors, etc.), see the Appendix. On-line Help The PC Attendant Console provides on-line help that guides you step-by-step in using its many features. The help is built into the software and can be accessed using the Help button in dialog boxes or by pressing F1. The on-line help provides: ♦ Feature and menu item descriptions. ♦ On-screen, step-by-step keyboard and mouse instructions. Click any underlined green words to “jump” to instructions for that item. ♦ Definitions of individual terms (green letters marked with a dashed underline). ♦ While working with a feature within a dialog box, pressing Help displays the step-by-step procedures for performing that particular feature. The on-line Help provides the most appropriate information for the current calling conditions. 12 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls 2 This chapter explains how to set the console control features, such as setting a Call Forward destination, night time call handling, volume controls, etc. Console control features are generally those that you set at the beginning and end of your shift. There are icons for each of these controls just under the Menu Bar at the top of your screen. Console controls are also found under “Console” on the Menu Bar as shown in this figure. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 13 Console Controls Night Transfer Night Transfer You can set the console to transfer after-hours calls to a different station. After Hours call routing can be set for three different modes: Day, Day2, and Night mode. Night Transfer can be set for up to four Tenants. In most cases, there is one Tenant (one company) being handled by a single console. ➤ To set Night Transfer 1. From the Menu Bar, select Console then Night Transfer. 2. From the Night Transfer dialog box, select a Night Mode from the Tenant 1 drop-down box. Either two or three settings are allowed (Day, Day2, Night), depending on the Telephony Setup parameter for Night Modes. 3. If there is more than one Tenant, choose the next Tenant box and select a Night Mode and Day, Day2, Night settings. 14 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Night Transfer 4. Optional: To control Night Transfer automatically, toggle Enable Automatic ON (“X” in the box). To control Night Transfer manually, toggle Enable Automatic OFF (No “X” in the box). 5. Select the OK button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The DK is now in the new Night Mode setting for the selected tenants. 15 Console Controls Automatic Night Transfer Automatic Night Transfer Automatic Night Transfer allows the Night Mode to be set by a weekly/time of day schedule for each of the four tenants on the Strata DK system. ➤ To set Automatic Night Transfer 1. From the Menu Bar, select Console then Night Transfer. 2. Set Enable Automatic to ON (make sure box has an “X”). 3. From the Night Transfer dialog box, select the Add button to enter new settings and the Delete button to remove unwanted entries. 4. If you selected the Add button, set up schedules from the Add Night Transfer dialog box: Select the Mode (Day, Day2, Night). Select Time (two digits, 24-hour format). Select Days (reverse video indicates days selected). 16 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Position Busy 5. Select the Close button to save, or the Add button to enter another time setting (at least 5 mins. difference). Note There must be at least 5 minutes between time settings for the same tenant. Example: if Day 1 begins at 07:00, then Night 1 should be 07:05 (or later). Position Busy Position Busy lets you place a console in unattended mode. In this mode, new calls are sent to the other console(s). Held and unanswered transferred calls continue to recall the console that processed them. Only use Position Busy when there is more than one Attendant Console. The default setting is for single console operation with Position Busy disabled. To enable the feature, Console Settings must be set for Multiple Console operation from the Setup menu. When the last console in the attendant group is placed in Position Busy mode, the entire group is considered Unattended. Consoles should then set Call Forward and/or Night Transfer so that incoming calls are rerouted to another destination. (Night Bell, an alternate answer position, etc.) The console is placed in a Position Busy Pending state if you are talking to a party, making an outgoing call, holding calls, or if you are in ring transfer mode. During this state, the console cannot receive any new calls. When you disconnect from the current call and/or process held and unanswered transferred calls, the console enters Position Busy mode. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 17 Console Controls Console Overflow ➤ To access Position Busy 1. From the Menu Bar, select Console. Toggle Position Busy ON (check mark) or OFF (no check mark). A pop-up window alerts you when Position Busy is ON. 2. Clear the Position Busy alert pop-up window by pressing the OK button. Optional. Leaving this displayed provides a clear visual indication of Position Busy status. Console Overflow When Console Overflow is ON, new incoming calls that have been waiting too long are routed to another station or answering device. Calls overflow based upon a system timer. ➤ From the Menu Bar, select Console. Toggle Console Overflow ON (check mark) or OFF (no check mark). 18 “OVERFLOW ON” or “OVERFLOW OFF” shows for a few seconds in the active call window depending on the toggle position. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Background Music Over External Speakers Background Music Over External Speakers Background Music (BGM) over external speakers can be turned ON and OFF from the Attendant Console or the System Administrator’s station (typically station 200).Privacy 1. From the Menu Bar, choose Console. When toggled on, music plays over the external paging system. 2. Toggle Background Music ON (check mark) or OFF (no check mark). “BGM ON” or “BGM OFF” displays in the active call window - depending on the toggle position. Privacy If your Attendant Console is programmed for the Privacy feature, you can block station users with Privacy Override from entering CO line calls. The Privacy feature does not block Busy Override or Executive Override. ➤ From the Menu Bar, choose Console. Toggle Privacy ON (check mark) or OFF (no check mark). Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 When toggled ON, the Privacy feature is enabled. 19 Console Controls Privacy Release Privacy Release When you activate Privacy Release, other stations and Attendant Console users can enter your call on a CO line. Privacy Release is assigned for each console or station in system programming. Up to two attendant consoles and/or stations can enter an existing CO call, allowing up to three consoles and/or stations to be connected. ➤ From the Menu Bar, choose Console. Toggle Privacy Release ON (check mark) or OFF (no check mark). When toggled ON, the Privacy Release feature is enabled. Call Forward You can forward calls from the Attendant Console (internal) to stations and outside (external) telephone numbers. Internal Call Forward The following Internal Call Forward selections are available: No Call Forward disables this feature. All Calls forwards all calls immediately. The PC Attendant Console does not ring. Busy forwards calls immediately if you are in Position Busy mode. No Answer forwards calls if you do not answer in the specified time. Busy/No Answer forwards calls immediately when you are in Position Busy mode. Forwards when not answered within the specified time when not in Position Busy. Fixed Set forwards all calls immediately to a preset internal destination. This is not associated with Fixed Call Forwarding programmed in the DK system. The destination is defined in the Call Forward Menu (see below). 20 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Call Forward ➤ To set Internal Call Forward 1. From the Menu Bar, choose Console, then Call Forward. 2. From the Call Forward / Voice Mail dialog box, click an “X” into the desired Call Forwarding box. 3. Choose Destination and enter a number or... select a number from the Fixed Destination drop-down box. Optional: Select No Answer Time in Seconds and enter the seconds the call rings before forwarding. 4. Select OK. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 21 Console Controls Call Forward External Call Forward Enables you to forward new incoming calls to a destination outside the system. Only incoming calls over CO lines dedicated to the console and/or Direct In Dial (DID) line calls will forward. Other Call Forward modes can be set simultaneously while Call Forward - External is ON. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Console, then Call Forward. 2. From the Call Forward/Voice Mail box, enter the destination telephone number (outside the system) into the External Call Forwarding box. 3. Click an “X” into the External Set box. 4. If the Call Forward destination is over a tie or CO line, place the CO line access code in front of the external telephone number. 22 The code entered for external destination is stored in speed dial location 49. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Call Forward Call Forward Fixed Using the Call Forward feature, a station user can route all calls to an alternate station. A feature button is selected to put that station in Call Forward mode to a fixed station. For example, the station may be programmed to forward to the attendant station or a voice mail system. ➤ From the Menu Bar, select Console, then Call Forward Fixed. To change the Call Forward destination, follow the Internal Call Forward steps on Page 20 and record a telephone number in the Fixed Destination box. Note If this item cannot be selected, a Fixed Destination was not entered. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 23 Console Controls Line Group Restrictions Line Group Restrictions The Line Group Restrictions feature lets you restrict access to outgoing CO line groups on an as-needed basis. This feature also lets you restrict outgoing calls on twoway CO line groups. This enables you to control outgoing traffic on heavily-used line groups during busy hours. Once a line group is restricted, station users cannot access the group on an outgoing basis except through LCR and/or an Attendant (Access an Outside Line for a Station, Three-Way Calling, Four-Party Conference, Executive Override, Hold Pickup, etc.). This restriction affects all stations equally. 1. From the Menu Bar, choose Console, then Line Group Restriction. 2. From the Restricted row in the Line Groups dialog box, click an “X” into the box(es) next to the line(s) you want to restrict. The “X” in the Busy column shows busy/ idle status and cannot be selected. 3. Select the OK button. 24 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Timed Reminders Timed Reminders Use this feature to send a reminder message to the active call window at a specified time. To define these messages, see the Set Messages section on Page 83. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Console, then Timed Reminders. 2. From the Timed Reminders dialog box, enter the time. Use the 24-hour format (e.g., 2 p.m. is 14:00). Leaving the Time box blank deactivates the feature. 3. Select a message from the drop-down list. 4. If you want to send the message daily, click an (X) in the Daily box. 5. Repeat Steps 2~4 for any additional reminders you wish to set. 6. Select the OK button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The message is sent at the selected time. 25 Console Controls Date and Time Date and Time The Date and Time can be set from two different sources: the PC’s internal clock or the DK system clock. Once you set either the PC or DK clock, then you can “send” the date and time to the other one. The time for both are shown in the dialog box so that you can make sure that they are set for the same time. Also, if there is more than one console, you can set the time from one PC Attendant Console, then send the time to the DK, and then send the DK time to the second PC Attendant Console. 1. From the menu bar, select Console, then Date and Time. 2. Update the PC date/ time or the DK date/ time. Select the OK button to update either the PC of the DK only. 3. To transfer the update to the other, click on the PC to DK280 or DK280 to PC button. 26 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Console Controls Volume Control Volume Control Volume control can be set while the console is idle or when you are on a call using the volume up/down arrow keys. ➤ To adjust Ringer Volume ➤ While the console is idle, click the up/ down icons or... press the Vol Up/ Vol Dn keys. Each click increments the volume. Holding down the Vol Up/Vol Dn keys to make precise volume settings may be difficult if they are programmed to “fast-repeat.” See “Windows Controls” on Page 123. ➤ To adjust Handset Volume ➤ While on a call, click the up/down icons or... press the Vol Up/ Vol Dn keys. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 See above comments on volume buttons. 27 Console Controls Volume Control 28 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling 3 This chapter contains instructions for the most commonly used Attendant functions: ♦ Incoming Calls ♦ Transferring Calls ♦ Voice Mail ♦ Placing Calls ♦ Voluntary Account Codes ♦ Calling Options ♦ Dialing for Others ♦ Conference Calls ♦ Call Splitting (Split/Switch) ♦ Trunk-to-trunk Connections ♦ Call Supervision Many of the calling features in this chapter take advantage of the “hot” keyboard. As soon as you begin typing the name or extension number of an individual, the PC Attendant Console searches for a match and highlights that person in the directory. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 29 Basic Calling Incoming Calls Incoming Calls You can answer incoming calls with either the Answer or Answer Incoming keys. The type of incoming call is displayed in the Active Call Window. The actual wording for call types is set in system programming. ➤ To answer Calls by Priority ➤ Select the Answer button. See “Answered Call Options” on Page 32 for more call handling options. Calls coming into the console are prioritized in the queue according to their answer priority. Emergency calls are always highest priority. ➤ To select which Incoming Call to answer 1. Highlight the call type to answer from the incoming call display, such as “Dial 0”. 2. See “Incoming Call Types” on Page 31 for more information. 30 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Incoming Calls 3. Select the Answer Incoming button. If you skipped Step 1 and just pressed Answer Incoming, the call at the top of the list is answered. 4. See “Answered Call Options” on Page 32 for more options. Incoming Call Types See the table below for Incoming Call types. Incoming Call Type Active Call Window Description Emergency 206 EMERGENCY CALL Emergency calls from station users who pressed [DN] + #400. Emergency calls have the highest answering priority and appear in red. Park Recall LINE 1 PARK RECALL ORBIT 900 Park Recalls alert the console after the Park Recall timer expires. Transfer Recall LINE 1 RECALL FROM 206 206 RECALL Transferred calls not answered at the destination station before the ring transfer timer expires. Hold Recall LINE 1 RECALL 206 RECALL Hold recalls that alert the console after the Hold Recall timer expires. Transfer LINE 1 TRANSFERRED FROM 206 Incoming line calls transferred to the Attendant. New incoming CO line calls, where XX is the group number (01~16). Names can be programmed in Setup Line Settings. Line Group XX Dial 0 206 CALLING Incoming calls from station users who pressed [DN] plus 0. [PDN] 206 CALLING Incoming calls from station users who pressed [DN] + XXX or Call Forward to XXX or 0, where XXX is the Attendant Console’s [DN]. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 31 Basic Calling Incoming Calls Notes ● ● ● [DN] refers to any Directory Number button (also known as an Extension or Intercom Number). [PDN] refers to Primary Directory Number button (the Extension Number for your telephone). Calls transferred to Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) groups do not recall. Answered Call Options See the table below for Answered Call Options. Option Page Option Page To place a call on Hold 32 Dialing a Number for a Caller 48 To use Automatic Hold 33 Performing Through Dialing for a User 49 To transfer a call to an individual 34 Trunk-to-trunk Connections 54 Taking Notes About a Call 38 To make a trunk-to-trunk connection 54 To transfer to a PBX or Centrex system 36 Call Park and Page 66 Using Department Search with Call Transfer 39 Retrieving a Message from the Message Center 85 ➤ To place a call on Hold ➤ Select the Hold button. 32 The call appears on the Loop List. If a Note were taken, that Note appears in the Hold Window as a reminder of who is holding. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Incoming Calls ➤ To retrieve a held call ➤ Double-click on the held call in the Loop box ...or 1. Highlight the held call in the Loop box. 2. Select the Retrieve button. The call moves from the Hold Loop to the Active Call Area. Pressing the Retrieve button when a call is not highlighted always selects the call at the top of the list. ➤ To use Automatic Hold ➤ While on a call, select the Answer Incoming button to hold the existing call and make a new call. The call is put on hold and answers the next call. ➤ To switch between held calls 1. When two calls are on hold, highlight the held call in the Loop box ...or select the held call. The Held Call moves to the Active Call Area and the active call moves into the Hold List. If Automatic Hold is not active, the active call disconnects. 2. Select the Retrieve button. Note The above items require setting the option Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 “Automatic Hold” in the Setup menu or you may drop calls. 33 Basic Calling Transferring Calls Transferring Calls With the Auto Dial feature, you can transfer a call by typing someone’s name. The Attendant Console also provides information on the Conference/Transfer screen so that you can better respond to callers. In addition to the basic conference/transfer features, the PC Attendant provides you with a variety of transfer options. ➤ To transfer a call to an individual 1. While connected to the current call, type a name, (first or last) or an extension number. When you begin typing, the Conference/Transfer dialog box opens. If the dialed party is busy, an “X” appears in the Busy box. 2. If Auto Dial is on and a match is found, the system Auto Transfers 34 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Transferring Calls ...or if Auto Dial is off and a match is found, press Enter. The PCATT will perform either a Blind Transfer or an Announce Transfer based on Setup. You have the following options; The console has an option to transfer “blindly” or “supervised” upon pressing Enter. The complete directory information for the selected party is shown on the screen. If no match is found, in the Conference/Transfer dialog box and highlight the name desired in the Number drop-down box. Then select Transfer (or conference to announce first). ➤ To transfer, select the Transfer button ...or This is sometimes called a “blind” transfer. The call immediately rings the called party. If they do not answer within a certain time (set in system programming), the call will ring back to your console. click on the name or number in the directory. If the console is set for Default Transfer, the call will transfer immediately. If it is not set, you can announce the call (see the following procedure). For more information, see “Default Transfer” on Page 102. ➤ To announce a call, select the Conference button, announce the call, then select the Transfer button. If the system is set up to ring, the Voice soft key displays. ➤ To transfer to voice mail, select the Voice soft key to toggle the ringing station to Voice Announce ➤ To supervise a call, select the Supervised button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The call is allowed to transferred and the console goes idle, but the call remains on a loop. You can click on the call and re-enter the call. 35 Basic Calling Transferring Calls ➤ To Camp-on, select the Transfer button. When you camp a caller onto a busy line, the caller will ring through to the busy party as soon as their phone is idle. ➤ To return to the original part, close the Transfer dialog box by selecting Cancel or press the Esc key. The operator maintains a path with the original party until a selection button is chosen. ➤ To transfer to a PBX or Centrex system 1. While connected to the current call, select the Conf/Trn button ...or enter the name (first or last) of the desired party. When you begin typing, the Conference/Transfer dialog box opens for name or number entry 2. Select the Flash button. 3. Wait for an answer, select the Release button. 36 This enables the called person to answer before hanging up to ensure call transfer. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Transferring Calls ➤ To transfer a caller back out on another trunk 1. While connected to the current call, select the Conf/Trn button The directory entry does not display in the Directory/ BLF field, but displays in the drop-down list. ...or enter the name of a directory entry setup to include the trunk access code plus the outside number. 2. If no directory entry exists, enter the outside number in the Number field. 3. Select the line, line group, or LCR after closing the dropdown Number field by clicking on the arrow to the right of the field. 4. Click on Conference. Current call holds on a loop. 5. Click on the soft key Join. The operator and two lines are joined. 6. Click Exit to leave the two parties connected The Strata DK must be programmed to allow for trunk to trunk conferencing. ...or click Split to return to the original caller. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 37 Basic Calling Transferring Calls Taking Notes About a Call You can write a short reminder note to help you identify who the caller is or who is waiting on a particular line. The note appears on-screen next to the line number. 1. While connected to the call, from the Main Screen, select the Take Note user button. Note If you do not have the Take Note button, it has not been assigned to your console. 38 2. In the Line Note dialog box, enter a short Note (16 characters maximum) to attach to the call. You can use the note to record information about the call. The note shows in the Hold window or in the Notes window when a call is recalled to the console. 3. Select Save (or press Enter) to save the note. The note displays with the line number in the Loop screen when the call is held. If the line recalls the console, the name displays in the Information window. The note stays with the call until it is disconnected. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Transferring Calls Using Department Search with Call Transfer 1. From the Main Screen, select the Dept Select user button. If the Dept Select button is not displayed and available, it has not been assigned to your console. 2. From the Department Transfer dialog box, select the desired name ...or enter the department name. You have the following options: ➤ To transfer, select the Transfer button. ➤ To announce the call, select the Conference button, announce the call, then select the Transfer button. ➤ To supervise the call, select the Supervised button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 39 Basic Calling Voice Mail Voice Mail The PC Attendant Console is compatible with the Toshiba Stratagy or VP Voice Processing systems. Voice Mail can be used as a Night Transfer location or to answer your calls when you are busy or not available. ➤ To call or transfer a call to a voice mailbox 1. When you are on a call, select the Voice Mail button ...or press the Transfer VM button in the Conference/ Transfer dialog box or Dialing dialo 2. From the Voice Mail Number dialog box, select a name from the directory or type a name or number. Go to the directory to select the person whose mailbox is to be opened. 40 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Voice Mail 3. Select the OK button. You hear the Voice Mail greeting. The PC Attendant Console calls the voice mail pilot. Console setup settings must have the Voice Mail Pilot number and prefix digits programmed in the Trans VM Settings section. 4. When the voice mail answers and you can hear the opening greeting, click on the Transfer button. The PC Attendant Console uses the mail box for the extension found in the directory. ➤ To manually connect to Voice Mail 1. Dial the Voice Mail code. 2. From the Main Screen, press the Tone button from the keyboard and dial to the voice mail. 3. To close the out Dialing Dialog box, click close. Strata DK PC Attendant Console The dialog box clears while remaining on the connection. 5/00 41 Basic Calling Placing Calls Placing Calls Calls can be placed using the Busy Lamp Field (BLF), or with the keyboard or Dial button as shown below. ➤ Dialing with the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) ➤ Select the desired station in the BLF directory display on the bottom of the screen. The BLF display may show station number or names, plus station numbers. Selecting any name or number causes that station to be called. ➤ Dialing with the Keyboard or Dial button 1. Type the name or number of the party to call ...or select the onscreen Dial button, then select a name from the directory. The Dialing dialog box appears when you begin typing. When the program finds a match in the directory, that name is highlighted. If the Auto Dial is on and a match is found in the directory, the number is automatically dialed. 42 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Placing Calls ➤ (Optional) If you are dialing an outside number, enter or select a Line, Line Group, or LCR. (“X” is selected.) PDN is the default selection. ➤ (Optional) Enter a toll restriction override code: select the T. R. Override Code box, enter the code. The toll restriction override code must match that assigned in the system for the call to proceed. ➤ (Optional) Enter an account code: Selecting the entry box, enter a code. The account code must be a minimum length as defined by the Strata DK or match a verified account code. 2. From the Dialing dialog box, select the on-screen Dial button. Toll Restriction Override Codes Your PC Attendant Console can be restricted from making certain calls. Each console can be allowed or denied specific area and office codes, long distance information calls, international calls, and/or operator-assisted calls. You can override toll restriction at selected consoles or you can change a console’s toll restriction class. The console resumes its normal class at the end of the call. Account Codes Account Codes can be used for a variety of reasons, including billing, tracking, and line restriction. Account Codes are entered before (Dialing or Forced) or during (Manual) a call. The Station Message Detail Report (SMDR) contains account code call information which can be printed. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 43 Basic Calling Voluntary Account Codes Voluntary Account Codes Voluntary Account Codes are optional and can be entered after accessing a CO line or during a call which you originated or received. Your conversation is not interrupted when you enter an Account Code. 1. After accessing a CO line or during a call, select the Account Code button. 2. Enter the Account Code and select the OK button. 44 You hear a half-second tone for a valid code or three short tones for an invalid code. The last code entered is recorded. To re-enter a code, repeat Steps 1~2. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Calling Options Calling Options The following summarizes available calling options. ➤ To change from Ring First instead of Voice First, select the Ring soft key. This changes the default setting so that you can immediately talk to the called party through their telephone speaker. ➤ To change from Voice First to Ring First, select the Voice soft key. This changes the default setting so that the called party’s telephone rings. ➤ To Hang Up, select the Release button. ➤ Select the Exec Override button. This enables you to “barge in” to an existing call. ➤ Select the DND Override button. This overrides the Do Not Disturb (DND) by sending a tone to the called telephone to alert them that a call is waiting. ➤ Select the Priv. Over button. Note The CO line must be assigned to appear on the console for this feature to operate. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 45 Basic Calling Calling Options Setting or Cancelling Automatic Callback After reaching a busy or Do Not Disturb (DND) station, you can set Automatic Callback to have the system call you back when the called station becomes available. Automatic Callback enables you to be placed in a waiting queue for an available CO line after attempting access to a line group in which all lines are busy. The system calls you back when a line becomes available..To set or cancel Automatic Callback ➤ Select the Callback user button, then select Release. This procedure toggles the feature on/off. If the Callback button is not visible after reaching a busy or DND station, the console has not been assigned this button. ➤ To set Automatic Busy Redial (ABR) ➤ Select the ABR button This procedure toggles the feature ON. ...or select Conf/ Trns, enter #44, then select Release. ➤ To cancel a callback or ABR ➤ Select the Cancel ABR button ...or select Conf/Trns, enter #44, then select Release ...or from the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Cancel Callback or Cancel ABR to turn off the features. 46 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Calling Options Busy Override and Off-Hook Call Announce (OCA) Busy Override enables you to notify a busy caller that there is another call waiting. Off-hook Call Announce lets you call and speak through the speaker of an off-hook, busy digital or electronic telephone. The called telephone must be equipped for OCA. Release 3 systems also allow Call Announce through the handset. ➤ Select the Busy Override button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console If the phone is configured for Off Hook Call Announce, announce the call. 5/00 47 Basic Calling Dialing for Others Dialing for Others If a caller has been restricted from placing a call, this option enables you to place the call for them. Dialing a Number for a Caller An incoming caller who is restricted from calling may ask you to place the call for them. You can enter the number to be dialed while talking to the caller. ➤ To dial a number for an internal caller When connected to the calling party... ➤ Enter the number to be dialed, including the trunk access code (if needed). The call dials out with the call transferring and the console releases. ...or 1. select Transfer. 2. Enter the number to be dialed 3. Select or enter any required lines, codes, or conditions. 4. Select the Transfer button. ➤ To connect parties if originating call is on a CO Line 1. Enter the number to be dialed, including the trunk access code (if needed). 48 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Dialing for Others 2. Select the Conference button. The call dials out. 3. Select Join, then Exit. Connect the parties together, then release the console from the call. Performing Through Dialing for a User 1. When connected to a station, select the Conf/Trns button. Some callers may be restricted from calling certain numbers and may need you to select a line for them so that they can make their call. 2. Select the Line or Line Group entry. Choose a line for the call to be placed. 3. Dial tone is transferred to the caller. Select Transfer. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 49 Basic Calling Conference Calls Conference Calls Conference calls can involve up to four parties. You can create conferences through adding parties into existing calls. You also have the ability to enter a call, split and switch between the parties, and join the callers together. Creating a Three-way Call or Joining Two Calls You can connect any call in the Loop box with another call using the Join feature. Rather than transferring the call, Join temporarily creates a three-way conference from which you can drop out. Example: When a caller asks you to have a party paged, you put the first caller on hold, then page the other party. When the paged party calls you, you can use Join to connect the held and paged parties. 1. While on a call, select the Hold soft key. The (first) call is held in the console’s Loop box. 2. From the Conference dialog box, obtain another party, e.g., page someone to call the operator. 50 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Conference Calls 3. Upon answering the call, select the held party in the Loop box ...or highlight the held party name, and then select the Join button. 4. Select the Exit button. You are now connected to the source and destination parties in a three-way conference. The Active Call Window displays XXX + YYY, the source and destination party’s station numbers. The console exits the conference. The source and destination parties remain joined. Adding a Station to Create a Conference Call You can add another station to the current call connection to create a conference call. 1. Select the Conf/ Trns button. The current call is placed on hold. You hear internal dial tone. If connected to two CO Lines, both will display in the Loop box. 2. Enter the number to dial or dial by name using the directory. The Conference/Transfer dialog box provides an entry for dialing. 3. Select the Dial button. If you do not receive an answer, select the Return button. Listen for a busy or no answer so that you can return to the original connection. 4. Select the Join button after the party answers. All parties are conferenced. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 51 Basic Calling Conference Calls Adding a CO Line to Create a Conference Call 52 1. While on a call, select the Conf/ Trns button. The current call is place on hold. You hear internal dial tone. If connected to two CO Lines, both display in the Loop box. 2. Enter the number to dial. Select the line or group to use for the call if an access code was not entered as part of the number. The Conference/Transfer dialog box provides an entry for dialing, choosing a line, entering account codes or toll restriction override codes if needed. 3. Select the Dial button. If you do not receive an answer, select the Return button. Listen for a busy or no answer so that you can return to the original connection. 4. Select the Join button after the party answers. All parties are conferenced. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Call Splitting (Split/Switch) Call Splitting (Split/Switch) Call Splitting enables you to alternate between source and destination sides of a call while keeping the two parties separate on the console. This feature can be performed only when the console is involved as the third party in a three-way conference. 1. After forming a three-way conference, select Split. The destination party is placed on hold, and you are connected to the source party. 2. To alternate between the parties, select Switch. The source party is placed on hold, and the connection is made with the destination party. Each time the key is pressed, the call alternates between the source and the destination parties. 3. Options: you can disconnect the party that you are connected to by selecting the Release button After you press Release, the current party is dropped and you are automatically connected to the remaining party. ...or you can reconnect to both parties by selecting the Join button. To exit from the three-way conference, select the Exit button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 All parties are connected in a three-way conference. When you exit the conference, the other two parties remain connected. 53 Basic Calling Trunk-to-trunk Connections Trunk-to-trunk Connections A trunk-to-trunk connection lets you connect two CO lines, then drop out of the conversation. Both CO lines display in the Loop box until the call is released by the caller hanging up, or until you release the call. CO Lines that do not provide disconnect supervision must be supervised by you or the call disconnects when you release, thus, you are required to periodically monitor these connections to determine when the call is completed. ➤ To make a trunk-to-trunk connection 1. While on a CO line call, select the Conf/Trns button. The CO line call is placed in the Loop box. You hear internal dial tone. The Conference/Transfer dialog box displays. 2. Select the line or line group (or enter an access code) and enter the number to dial. Select Conference or Supervise. Choose the line to place the call and enter the telephone number to dial. You must supervise (monitor the call for) lines without CO-provided disconnect supervision; otherwise, the callers are disconnected when you select Release. 3. Upon getting an answer, select a source party in the Loop box. 54 4. Select Join to form a three-way conference. The Active Call Window displays LINE XXX + LINE YYY, the source and destination party’s line numbers. 5. Select Exit. The console exits the conference. The source and destination parties remain joined. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Basic Calling Trunk-to-trunk Connections ➤ To monitor a trunk-to-trunk connection 1. Select one of the held lines in the Loop box. You are connected to both CO lines. 2. Select the Exit button if they are still talking ...or You exit the conversation, but the two outside parties remain connected. 3. select the Release button if the parties have hung up. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 When you press Release, the call is dropped and all parties are disconnected. Listen to the connection and determine if the call is or is not in progress before deciding to release or keep the call. CAUTION! 55 Basic Calling Call Supervision Call Supervision Supervised Loop operation supervises a transferred CO line call. The call may be an incoming call or a call originated at the console. The Supervised Loop is assigned in system programming. ➤ To supervise a call 1. While on a call, select the Conf/ Trns button. The Conference/Transfer dialog box displays. 2. Enter the number to dial or dial by name using the directory. The Conference/Transfer dialog box provides an entry for dialing. 3. Select Supervise. 4. After the destination party answers, select the Transfer soft key. ➤ To monitor a supervised call 1. Highlight the supervised call in the Loop box. You are connected to both parties in a three-way conference. System programming may insert a warning tone that all parties hear. 2. To place the parties back on a supervisory loop, select the Sup Hold soft key. 56 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling 4 This chapter explains how to use advanced features which are accessed from the Features menu (shown below) located on the Menu Bar. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 57 Advanced Calling Speed Dial Speed Dial This feature enables you to store 40 Speed Dial Numbers for your personal use. Up to 100 or 800 system Speed Dial numbers (depending on your Strata DK system size) can be used by any telephone within your system. You can store area and access codes, as well as the following special functions. ➤ To store Speed Dial numbers 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Speed Dial. 2. From the Speed Dialing dialog box, choose the entry to add or change. Select the Modify button. The Attendant Console personal speed dial numbers are 10~49; system speed dial numbers are 600~699 or 200~999, depending on your processor. Dial codes shaded in grey are not available for entry from this console. 3. Enter a name, the telephone number. 58 Enter a name to identify the Speed Dial number. Maximum of 20 digits, including codes. Entered names are stored in the PC only and are not transmitted to the Strata DK. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Speed Dial 4. Select the Save button. Saving system speed dial numbers changes the number for all users in the Strata DK system. 5. Select the Close button when you are done. Speed Dial Special Function Codes Press To Store F Hook Flash P Pause (1.5 or 3 second pause depending on system programming). L Long Pause (10 second pause) I PDN (Pressing DN button) H Hold C Conf R or 9 LCR access #7001 ~#7200 For CO Line numbers 1 through 200 801 ~816 For a Line Group *690 ~*699 (RCTUBA/BB, RCTUC/D) *990 ~*999 for RCTUE/F only To link a string of Speed Dial numbers Only 10 System Speed Dial codes can be linked to any other Speed Dial numbers: 690~699 (RCTUA, BA/BB, C/D) or 990~999 (RCTUE/F). A number stored in location 690~699 dials out first, followed by a number chained to 690~699. You can link any of the console personal numbers (10~49 or 100~109) or system Speed Dial numbers (600~699) to system Speed Dial codes (690~699 or 990~999). Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 59 Advanced Calling Speed Dial Using Speed Dial Numbers 1. Select the on-screen Dial button. 2. Enter the name or number in the Spd Dial entry box ...or select a name from the drop-down box. 3. Select a Line, Line Group, or LCR, if required. You can also enter a trunk access code before Step 1 to select an outside line or line group. 4. Select the on-screen Dial button. The system dials the telephone number selected. If outside line or line group is busy: set Auto Callback by pressing the Callback soft key If this key is not visible, then it has not been assigned to this console. ...or set Auto Busy Redial by pressing the ABR user button. 60 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Paging Paging 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Paging. 2. From the Paging dialog box, select the button representing the page group/zone needed. Note The labels on these buttons can be changed in Setup. 3. Select the Close button when you are done. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 61 Advanced Calling Emergency Page Emergency Page Emergency Page is normally assigned a user button when used by the attendant. The following steps show you how to make an emergency page. ➤ To make an Emergency Page 1. Select the Emergency Page button. 2. Make your announcement, select the Release button. Opening Door Locks A signal can be sent to a control device which can operate the latch for a door or gate. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select a Door button. 2. From the Door Lock dialog box, click the button for the door control to be operated. 62 The control for the door selected operates for three or six seconds based on system programming. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Using Door Phones Using Door Phones Any of the Door Phones connected to the Strata DK can be called and either be used for listening or as an intercom to talk with someone at the Door. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Door Phones. 2. From the Door Phones dialog box, click the button for the door phone to be called. The connection is made without a warning tone to allow quiet monitoring of activity in the door phone area. Note The labels on these buttons can be changed in Setup. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 63 Advanced Calling Last Number Redial Last Number Redial The Attendant Console automatically stores the last complete number dialed by the console. The number remains stored until a new number is dialed. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Number Redial 2. From the Redial dialog box, select the Redial Last button. 64 The console dials the last number dialed. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Saved Number Redial Saved Number Redial Saved Number Redial lets you store a dialed telephone or station number, then redial that number with the touch of a button. ➤ To save a Number ➤ Select the Save Last user button. After dialing a number and before hanging up on a call, the number can be saved for redialing at a later time. ➤ To redial the Saved Number 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Number Redial. 2. From the Redial dialog box, select the Dial Saved button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The console dials the saved number. 65 Advanced Calling Call Pickup Call Pickup You can pick up a call that is ringing at another station. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Call Pickup.... 2. From the Call Pick Up dialog box, select the type of pickup to perform using the mouse or these keys: Alt+R for Ringing CO Alt+P for Telephone Page Alt+W for own group Alt+1~4 for Tenant Select an entry box using the mouse or these keys: Alt+S for Station [DN] Alt+G for Group number Alt+C for Held CO Line 3. Enter the number of the station, group no., or CO line, press Enter. 66 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Call Park Note User buttons are available to open this option to one of the selection types such as Pickup Held CO starts at “Alt+C” point. Call Park The Call Park feature enables you to hold a call temporarily in an orbit and then let anyone retrieve the call from any station. 1. Select the Park user button. 999 is the AutoPark orbit number. 2. From the Call Park dialog box, enter the orbit number or 999 to have the system assign an orbit. Calls can be parked on any PDN number programmed in the Strata DK system or 20 general Park Orbits numbers 900~919. 3. Select the Park button. The call is parked in an orbit and the display shows which orbit is used. 4. Select the Release button. The call is left in the orbit and a timer begins for a recall if not picked up before the prescribed time. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 67 Advanced Calling Call Park and Page Call Park and Page Call Park and Page enables you to access a voice paging device to announce a parked call for pickup from another station. 1. Select the Park user button. 999 is the AutoPark orbit number. 2. From the Call Park dialog box, enter the orbit number or 999 to have the system assign an orbit. Calls can be parked on any PDN number programmed in the Strata DK system or 20 general Park Orbit numbers 900~919. 3. Select the button for type of page and enter the zone if necessary. Select a paging option to announce the call. Page options are: Alt+A = All phones Alt+G = Groups of phones Alt+E = External Page Zones Alt+C = All phones and Ext. Page 68 4. Select the Park and Page button and announce the call, including the orbit number. The call is parked in an orbit and the display shows which orbit is used. 5. Select the Release button. The call is left in the orbit and a timer begins for a recall if it is not picked up before the prescribed time. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Call Park and Page ➤ To retrieve a parked call 1. Select the Park Retrieve soft key. 2. From the Recall Park dialog box, highlight the parked call in the List box ...or enter the orbit number ...or select an orbit number from the drop-down box. 3. Select the Recall button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console The parked call is connected to the console. 5/00 69 Advanced Calling Auto Park/Page Auto Park/Page The Auto Park/Page feature enables you to hold a call temporarily in an orbit where anyone can retrieve the call from any stations. The Strata DK system automatically selects an available orbit for call parking and displays the park orbit number on your screen. When you park a call, you can page a party and announce the orbit number where the call is parked. The paged party can then pick up the call from any station. If a parked call remains in orbit long enough for the timer to expire, the parked call automatically recalls your console. ➤ To use Auto Park and Page 1. Select the Park Page soft key. The Strata DK system automatically assigns the call to one of the general park orbits. 2. Announce the call, including the orbit number. This soft key by default selects the All Page (Internal and External) feature. Be certain to announce the orbit number where the call can be picked up. 3. Select the Page Release button. 70 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Auto Park/Page Setting Auto Park If there are certain groups or departments that you often page, you can use User Buttons to expedite the procedure. You can store the procedure to Auto Park calls for specific paging zones into a Speed Dial code. ➤ To set Auto Park and Page for One-Button Access 1. If Auto Park is currently assigned a speed dial for system use, assign that speed dial to a user button. ...or 2. Enter #332999#3XX in a user button. XX = last one or two digits of the access code. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G Group H ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 5 or 51Zone A 6 or 52Zone B 7 or 53Zone C 8 or 54Zone D ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 55 56 57 58 Zone E Zone F Zone G Zone H ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 9 All Call Page plus All External Page zones 0 All Call Page (all phones) Note See your System Administrator for the number of zones and the zone codes for your system. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 71 Advanced Calling Abandoned Calls Abandoned Calls This section shows you how to dial and delete an abandoned call. ➤ To dial an abandoned call 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Abandoned Calls. 2. In the Abandoned Calls dialog box, highlight the desired call. 3. Select the Dial button. The console dials the abandoned call. ➤ To delete an abandoned call 1. From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Abandoned Calls. The Abandoned Calls dialog box shows a list of the calls. 2. Select the desired call. 3. Select the Delete button. 72 The abandoned call is deleted. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Advanced Calling Alarm Reset Alarm Reset Your Strata DK system can be connected to a facility alarm system. All telephones produce a startling tone when this alarm is activated. Stations or consoles with an Alarm Reset button can reset the alarm by pressing the button. ➤ From the Menu Bar, select Features. Then select Alarm Reset. The alarm given throughout the system turns OFF. The console does not receive the alarm tone, but the console can turn OFF alarm tone if heard on other phones. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 73 Advanced Calling Alarm Reset 74 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 5 Directory This chapter describes the Directory menu features (as shown here), including how to add names and information to the Directory, how to change the order of display, and how to use the Find function. The Directory Display lists employees and their assigned internal Directory Numbers [DN], as well as ACD group numbers. The directory includes Primary and Phantom Directory Numbers [PDNs] and [PhDNs]. It serves three purposes: a directory listing, a Busy Lamp Field (BLF), and it provides Direct Station Selection. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 75 Directory Adding/Deleting Entries into the Directory The Directory can include people that may not be located on-site, and it can describe alternative methods to reach those off-site individuals. It can also list those who do not have extensions, but who do have mailboxes in the Voice Mail system. The Directory also works with the Transfer to Voice Mail feature. It can contain people on Centrex or another PBX system while automating call redirection using “Flash” and their extension number. You can search through the directory for: ♦First Names ♦Last Names ♦[DNs] (Directory Extension Numbers) ♦Departments Adding/Deleting Entries into the Directory Use Directory Entries to input information about each assigned internal [DN], distributed hunt group pilot, and ACD group number. This provides information for the directory display, as well as additional information you can reference (title, department, work hours, etc.). 1. From the Menu Bar, select Directory. Then select Entries. 76 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Directory Adding/Deleting Entries into the Directory 2. Select the New button to add an entry ...or select an entry to cut, then select the Delete button. 3. Type the entry information in each field. Either a blank Directory entry or a selected entry to modify or delete appears. An alternative would be to use Directory Find to go to an existing entry to modify or delete. Note Up to eight digits are allowed for the “Phone:” entry. To enter an ACD Group, enter AXX (xx=01~16). 4. Select the Save button when all entries or modifications are made. 5. Select the OK button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 77 Directory Directory Settings Directory Settings Use Directory Settings to change the Directory Display. You can change how the names and numbers appear in each column. (For example, last name first, followed by the first name and PDN.) ➤ To change the directory display columns 1. From the Menu Bar, select Directory. Then select Settings. 2. For each column, open the drop down box and choose one: Columns 2 and 3 can be left blank. First First Last Last Last, First PDN 3. Enter a column width. 78 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Directory Directory Settings 4. To change the Directory Display font, select the Font button. Then choose a font, style, and size. 5. When you are done with the Font dialog box, select the OK button. 6. To exit the Directory Settings dialog box and activate your changes, select the OK button. The Sample box shows the selected font, style, and size. Directory Find The Directory Find is a quick way to look up a directory entry to record a note or make a change to any entry existing in the directory. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Directory. Then select Find.... 2. In the Find dialog box, enter the name of the caller, select the OK button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 79 Directory Directory Settings 80 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center 6 The Message Center enables you to take messages, retrieve messages, print messages, and save messages to a file for transfer to another console at shift change time. You can set and reset Message Waiting lights on phones within the Strata DK System from the Message Center. Message Waiting lights turn on automatically, but you can also set them manually when only a call back is needed. You can send “Silent Messages” to LCD telephones. Silent messages turn ON the Message Waiting light, but they do not recall the console. You can also post an “Advisory Message” on each telephone (both LCD and non-LCD phones). This feature lets you view the status of the individuals when a call is being sent to that station. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 81 Message Center Taking a Message Taking a Message You can take a complete message during a call, or if you are interrupted, you can return to the message through the Message Dialing dialog box later to finish writing it. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select Message Center.... 2. Select a name from the directory for the message. The entire directory can be viewed by scrolling. It may include people who do not have a phone on the system. 3. Select the New Msg button. 4. From the Message Dialog box, tab from box to box and type entries where you wish. 82 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center Taking a Message 5. Select the Save & Send button The console automatically sets a message light at the station that the message was taken for. ...or Select Save Only if you need to return and complete the message later. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 83 Message Center Taking a Message for a Holding/Recalling Party Taking a Message for a Holding/Recalling Party You can use the console to enter and record messages for stations. When a message is entered, it automatically sets the message light at the station. The station user can later press the message button and call you. If the station is an LCD phone, the display shows that you (Attendant) called. You can access and read the messages when the station user is connected to you. ➤ To reconnect to the holding party 1. Select the Return soft button to take the call back. 2. Select the Message Center button. 3. From the Find dialog box, select the name and press OK. A recalling station will automatically be selected. Press OK and continue. 4. In the Message Dialog box, enter the items into the pad as needed. 5. Select the Save & Send button. Save & Send: Message Done Save Only: Hold message in “Incomplete List” for completion. User Button: “Edit Msg” will open to first incomplete message. 84 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center Taking a Message for a Holding/Recalling Party ➤ To take a message during a call 1. Select the Message Center. 2. Enter the items into the pad as needed. The date/time is already entered. 3. Select the Save button. ➤ To complete a message started earlier 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select Message Center … The date/time is already entered. ...or select Edit Msg User Key. 2. Select a name from the Incomplete Messages list. 3. Select Edit Msg. 4. Complete the message and select Save & Send button. Retrieving a Message from the Message Center You can access the Message Center and view a list of messages for an individual. From the Message Center, you can display, print, and delete messages. 1. Select the Message Center user button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 85 Message Center Message Waiting Indications Sent 2. Select a name from the directory for the message. The directory scrolls showing the complete directory including people who may not have a phone on the system. 3. Select the message to retrieve. A list of messages appear in the message window. The selected message should be highlighted. 4. Select the View Msg button. The message note pad shows the message taken earlier. 5. From the Messaging Dialog box, you have the following options. Delete the message by selecting the Delete button. Individual messages may be deleted after being read back to the person. To save the message, select the Cancel button or go to the next message. By not deleting the message, it will remain in the system. You do not need to Send and Save. Selecting the Next Message or Prev Message button. When you delete a message, you will automatically move to the next message, if there is one. 6. From the Print Options dialog box, select the Print button, then select the messages to print. Message Waiting Indications Sent Message waiting indicators are used to alert you to stations you have sent this indicator. 86 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center Message Waiting Indications Sent ➤ To view a list of Message Waiting signals sent If you call a station and it is busy or it is not answered, you can leave a Message Waiting signal. (The Msg LED at the called station flashes.) If the user presses the Msg button with the flashing LED, his/her phone automatically calls your console. Voice mail devices, as well as attendants and station users, can leave Message Waiting signals. Up to four Message Waiting indications can be left at a station at one time. One of the indications is reserved for the designated Message Center, set in system programming. ➤ To turn ON Message Waiting lights at a station 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select Set/View MW.... A waiting indication is given as the system polls the DK System for MW Sent signals. 2. From the Set or View Sent Messages dialog box, open the Station DN drop-down box and select one, or enter a station [DN]. 3. Select Set MW. Strata DK PC Attendant Console The MW or Msg LED flashes red at the called console or station. 5/00 87 Message Center Console Message Waiting Light ➤ To turn OFF Message Waiting lights for a station 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select Set/View MW.... A waiting indication is given as the system polls the DK System for MW Sent signals. 2. From the Set or View Sent Messages dialog box, select the station number from the list to turn OFF. A list of stations, including the directory names, is shown for all MW signals sent by the console. 3. Select the Cancel Msg button. The selected item is deleted from the list and the MW Off signal is sent to that station. Console Message Waiting Light You can receive messages from stations and other consoles. When a message from a station or another console is waiting at the console, the Message Waiting icon is in the “down” or ON position. ➤ To respond to your Message Waiting indication ➤ From the Menu Bar, select Message, MW Lamp. The console will respond to the MW indication based upon the type of MW condition set. The MW condition will clear if the message retrieval is successful. ➤ To cancel your Message Waiting indication 88 1. Select the Dial soft key. The Dialing dialog box displays. 2. Enter #409 as the number to dial. #409 is the feature code for canceling message waiting. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center Creating LCD Messages 3. Select the Dial button. The screen returns to the Main screen and the Active Call Window displays “[DN] MESSAGE WAITING CANCEL.” 4. Select the Release button. The currently displayed message is canceled. 5. Repeat 1~4 for each MW signal set on your position. Creating LCD Messages You can use the console to send or receive messages to LCD telephone users. Your system can have up to 40 messages. You can temporarily add to or change any of the preprogrammed messages. Each console may record and save up to 10 personal messages. This option is enabled in system programming. Preprogrammed Messages System messages can only be programmed or permanently changed at Attendant Consoles or the system administrator’s telephone. Five preprogrammed messages are automatically stored in memory when the Alphanumeric Messaging with LCD feature is initialized. You can input additional information (up to a total of 32 characters for each message). Some system messages expect you to add more information. For example: Msg No. Preprogrammed Information Entry Information 60 Out To Lunch 61 In A Meeting 62 Call ______________________ (station or telephone number) 63 Back At ___________________ (time you will return) 64 Return On _________________ (date you will return) Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 89 Message Center Creating LCD Messages ➤ To change LCD Messages 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select LCD Messages. 2. Select the message to be entered or modified from the message list. Personal (10~19) or system messages (60~99). The current message, if any, displays. 3. Select the Modify Message button. The console goes into the edit mode. 4. Wait for the console to retrieve the current message from the DK System. 5. Edit an existing message or enter a new message. 6. Select the Save Message button. The message is stored in system memory. 7. Wait for the updated/ new message to be stored in the DK System. 90 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center Creating LCD Messages ➤ To view LCD messages stored in the DK System 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select LCD Messages. The Messages dialog box displays. 2. Select the message number to be viewed. Personal (10~19) or system messages (60~99). 3. Select the Retrieve Msg button. The console gets the current LCD message from the DK System. Sending LCD Messages Any station or console may record a message. Stations that do not use Soft Keys (Soft Keys Off: Mode 70) may send messages “live” to other LCD stations, console users, or a paging group. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select LCD Messages. The Messages dialog box displays. 2. Enter or use the Drop Box to select from the Directory a location to send the message. Enter the station or console number if it is to be sent to a single location. 3. Select the message to be sent. Personal (10~19) or system messages (60~99). 4. Select the appropriate button to send the message. The message can be sent to an individual station, a pre-defined group defined by your paging groups or all stations. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 91 Message Center Creating LCD Messages ➤ To send an LCD Message to a single station 1. Select the Message button. A dialog box showing LCD messages opens. 2. Select the message to be sent, and then choose the station. The MW light on the phone will turn ON, the user will get the message when they press their telephone’s Msg. ➤ To send an LCD Message with an alert signal (station must be busy) 92 1. Select the Message button. The LCD Message dialog box opens showing a list of messages. 2. From the LCD Message dialog box, select the message to be sent. Select the message to be sent and choose the type of message for the situation. 3. Select Alert Station or Station. There are two types of LCD messages: one sends the message directly to the busy phone alerting the user of a message. The second sends a silent message which can be viewed later. 4. If you selected Alert Station, wait for a reply message before selecting the Release button. Station alerting only works if the called station has the soft keys turned OFF (Mode 70). Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Message Center Creating LCD Messages Advisory Message Advisory Messages are notes left on phones to advise anyone trying to reach that person of their status. These messages can be very useful in giving the caller an indication of such things as “IN A MEETING,” “GONE FOR THE DAY,” etc. These messages can be set from this console or from any remote station. A blank LCD message can be sent to a remote station to clear a message at a given station. ➤ To set/clear Advisory Messages for your console 1. From the Menu Bar, select Messages. Then select LCD Messages. The Messages dialog box displays. 2. Select the message to be displayed. Personal (10~19) or system messages (60~99). This step can be skipped if clearing your advisory message. 3. Select the Set or Clear button. LCD stations calling your console will display the set advisory message. ➤ To set an Advisory Message for another station 1. From the Menu Bar, select Message. Then select LCD Messages. The Messages dialog box displays. 2. Select the message to be sent. Personal (10~19) or system messages (60~99). This step can be skipped if clearing your advisory message. 3. Select the Remote Message button. LCD stations calling that station will receive this advisory message. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 93 Message Center Creating LCD Messages 94 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 7 View Menu This chapter provides instructions on using the features available from the View Menu as displayed here. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 95 View Menu Tool Bar Tool Bar ➤ From the Menu Bar, select View, Toolbar. The toolbar toggles ON/OFF from a visible to a nonvisible status. A check next to the menu item indicates it is activated. Status Bar ➤ From the Menu Bar, select View, Status Bar. The status bar toggles ON/OFF from a visible to a non-visible state. A check next to the menu item indicates it is activated. Call Statistics Statistics on incoming calls received at the Attendant Console are collected and stored by the PC. This information includes: ♦ number of internal incoming calls received per hour ♦ number of external incoming calls received per hour ♦ total talk time (in seconds) per hour ♦ maximum number of calls in queue each 15-minute interval ♦ printing call statistics for a specific day ♦ displaying today’s call statistics for a specific hour The top of the display/report indicates the time frame used to compile the information. 96 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 View Menu Status Bar Call Statistics ➤ To display Call Statistics for a specific hour 1. Click View, Call Statistics from the Menu Bar. 2. From the Call Statistics dialog box, select the box for entering the Hour. The cursor appears in the Hour window. 3. Enter the hour number for which you want statistics. Valid entries are 00~23. The statistics for that hour display in the window. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 97 View Menu Status Bar Call Statistics ➤ To print Call Statistics for a Specific Day 1. From the Menu Bar, select View. Then select Call Statistics. 2. From the Call Statistics dialog box, enter the month (two digits) to be printed. 3. Select Day, and enter the day (two digits) to be printed. 4. Select Print. 98 The selected day’s statistics are sent to the printer. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration 8 This chapter discusses the features of the PC Attendant console that apply to the Administrator. The Administrator can add and delete user buttons and set certain codes. Most of the settings should not be changed, so a password may be required to access them. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 99 Administration Password Password A password is optional to modify all setup codes for the console. For security reasons, we recommend that you set a password so that changes are not accidentally made. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Setup, then select Settings. 2. Enter the password, if required. The cursor is in the password entry box when a password is required. If not required, the OK button is highlighted. 3. Select the OK button after entering your password. The Setup Parameters menu appears. ➤ To change the password 1. From the Menu Bar, select Setup, then select Settings. The password can be changed from the Password dialog box. If there is an existing password, you must enter that, then select OK. 100 2. Select the Change button and enter your new password. A new dialog box appears requesting your new password and a confirmation box to ensure it was entered correctly. 3. Select the second box and enter the password again. A second entry is requested to ensure the code was entered correctly. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration Console Settings Options 4. Select the OK button when done. All future entry into Setup requires entering this password. Please remember the code. Console Settings Options The following features can be turned ON or OFF in the Console Settings dialog box: Automatic Dialing Calls can be automatically transferred to the station that has an exact match in the directory. When the console originates a call, this feature causes the station to be dialed upon getting a match. When not marked, calls pause to display the directory information. The attendant needs to press another key to complete the call. Activate On Incoming When active and using another application, the PC Attendant Console automatically switches back to Attendant Console mode to handle a ringing call. If inactive, you can switch back using Windows PC operation (i.e., Alt+Tab to switch between applications). Multiple Attendants When set, this allows multiple attendant operation by activating the Position Busy function. This should be OFF for single attendant operation to avoid the chance of putting the console in Position Busy without having a backup console to answer the calls. Automatic Hold Automatic Hold determines whether the console automatically puts the current call on hold and answers the next incoming call when you use the Answer key. When checked, it functions as Automatic Hold. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 101 Administration Console Settings Options ANI Display On When set, the Caller ID and Automatic Night Identification (ANI) information is displayed. Default Transfer When set, calls by default, transfer and release when you press Enter. When OFF, on conference calls, you must wait for a station response, then the operator must press Release. Changing Console Settings The name you enter (maximum of 16 characters) uploads into the Strata DK System and displays on all display phones when they call your position. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Setup and then Settings. 2. Enter a password if needed. 3. From the Console Settings dialog box, you can: 102 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration Console Settings Options ➤ Enter the console name. The name you enter (max. of 16 characters) uploads into the Strata DK System and displays on all display phones when they call your position. ➤ Toggle settings ON with an “X” or OFF (blank). ➤ Turn Default Transfer ON if you want all transfers to go to their destination without a voice announcement. ➤ Set the Busy Lamp Field (BLF) refresh rate (in seconds) for each hundreds group. This setting affects how often the hundreds group display is updated to show the status (busy/idle) of Directory Numbers in the Strata DK System. ➤ Select the Account Code Length box and enter the number of digits for valid Account Codes. Valid entries: 4~15 (digits). Default: 6. This should match system programming (Program 60-4). Please contact your service representative before changing. The possible settings are 2~9 seconds and a blank setting. When blank, the last hundreds group is the only one used for updates. This is used for maintenance operations when too many activities are expected in the Strata DK System. Set an Account Code Length Account Code length determines the minimum length of the Account Codes before the system accepts the code entered for billing, tracking, and line restriction. Assign a [DN] for Voice Mail and Quick Messages This defines your company’s Voice Mail Pilot [DN] and the voice mail system’s prefix code for leaving quick messages. The PC Attendant uses these codes along with the Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 103 Administration CO Line Names mailbox number found in the directory to call the Voice Mail system send the prefix for leaving a message followed by the mailbox number to open a specific mailbox. ➤ To assign a [DN] for Voice Mail and Quick Messages 1. From the Console Settings dialog box, select the VM Pilot DN box. 2. Enter the main [DN] for calling the Voice Mail System. 3. Select the VM Box Prefix box and enter the code used by your Voice Mail system to leave a quick message. Storing Voice Mail ID codes These codes are the VM ID codes used by the Strata DK System (I#656 and I#657) to automatically forward and retrieve messages from the Voice Mail system. ➤ To store Voice Mail ID codes 1. From the Console Settings dialog box, select the Call Fwd Code box and enter the Voice Mail ID code for forwarding unanswered calls to your mailbox. 2. Select the MW Code box and enter the code for retrieving your messages. CO Line Names You can customize the names of lines and line groups as described below. Line Group Names are displayed on the Lines dialog as the Incoming Call type. Changing CO Line and Line Group Names You can customize the names of lines and line groups as they appear on the PC Attendant Console list. You can also select a particular CO line or trunk group as the default selection for outbound calls. When you change the name of the lines or line groups on the console, it does not change the names in the DK System. Thus, names that appear on the LCD displays and in the console’s Active Call Window are not changed. The names show whenever lines are selected from the console and Line Group names appear as the call type in the Incoming Call area. 104 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration CO Line Names ➤ To change CO line and line group names 1. From the menu bar, select Setup, Settings... and OK to access the System Settings dialog box. Then select Default Line Settings. 2. From the Lines dialog box, highlight the Line or Line Group to be changed. 3. Select the corresponding edit box and enter a new name. 4. Repeat for all lines or line groups that change names. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 105 Administration User Buttons Setting a Default Line or Line Group One line and one line group can be set as the default for a transfer or outgoing call attempt. This allows quick selection of a line when making calls. For example, if a tie line group is the default selection, then whenever a Directory entry with a “G” prefix is found, then a trunk-to-trunk connection is initiated using the default trunk group unless the attendant chooses another group or specific line. ➤ To Set a Default Line or Line Group 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Default Line Settings. 2. From the Lines dialog box, highlight the Line or Line Group to be changed. 3. Select the corresponding Use by Default to mark the setting. User Buttons This section discusses the procedures to name and assign user buttons. You can program the 16 user buttons that display on the Main Screen with a variety of feature assignments, trunk access, or as Incoming Call keys. A default set of button definitions are available to make the selection of User Buttons easier. These include many of the commonly used features. ➤ To change user buttons 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select User Buttons. 106 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration User Buttons 2. From the User Buttons dialog, select the button to be changed. A default button exists to allow all buttons to be assigned to a preset standard. 3. Select either Autodial or Feature to change the button. 4. Enter a feature code for the list by selecting from the pull down list or selecting the Digits box and entering a number. 5. Select Label to change, if necessary. 6. Select the next button to change and repeat the process. 7. Select the OK button when all changes have been made. ➤ To clear user buttons 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select User Buttons. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 107 Administration System Codes 2. From the User Buttons dialog box, select the button to be changed. A default button exists to allow all buttons to be assigned to a preset standard. 3. Select Autodial. 4. Delete the Label. System Codes The Strata DK System has several system user codes that require administration from time to time. These codes can be changed, but the system does not allow them to be displayed for protection. CAUTION! All changes to system codes download to the Strata DK. DISA Security Code CAUTION! 108 If the DISA Security Code is canceled, outgoing access of CO lines on DISA calls are allowed without the security code. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration System Codes ➤ To enter a Strata DK System code 1. From the Menu Bar, select Setup, Settings..., Console Settings and enter password (optional). 2. From the System Settings dialog box, select System Code Settings. 3. From the System Codes dialog box, select the DISA Code box. 4. Enter the new DK System code and select the OK button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 The DISA security code can be 1~15 digits 109 Administration System Codes Traveling Class Code The DK System has eight Traveling Class Codes that can be changed by the System Administrator. 1. Select Setup, Settings..., and OK in the Console Settings Password dialog box. 2. From the System Settings dialog box, select System Code Settings. 3. Select the Traveling Class Code to be changed. 4. Enter the new code and select the OK button to change the code in the DK System. 110 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration System Codes 5. Repeat Steps 1~3 above for another code. 6. Enter each code one at a time. Press the OK button after each code. Toll Restriction Override Codes The Strata DK System has two Toll Restriction Override Codes that can be changed by the System Administrator. ➤ To change a Toll Restriction Override Code 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select System Code Settings. 2. Select the Toll Restriction Override Code to be changed. 3. Enter the new code and select the OK button to change the code in the Strata DK System. 4. Repeat Steps 1~3 above for the second Toll Restriction Override Code. Verified Account Codes The Strata DK System allows up to 300 verified account codes (except the RCTUE/F processor, which allows up to 500); however, only the first 300 codes can be changed by the System Administrator. Each code (numbered 000~299) is set in System Programming and can be from 4 to 15 digits in length. The number of verified digits can be less than the number of digits required to be entered by the system. For example, the system can be set for six-digit account codes with only the first four digits verified, thus the verified account codes are entered as four digits and the user must dial six before the call proceeds. The last two digits allow for an individual break out of the accounting code such as customer number is four digits with a two digit type of charge to that customer. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 111 Administration Answer Prompts ➤ To change a Verified Account Code 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select System Code Settings. 2. Select the Verified Account Code to be changed. 3. Enter the new code and select the OK button to change the code in the Strata DK System. 4. Repeat Steps 1~3 above for another Verified Account Code. Answer Prompts Answer Prompts help you identify outside calls. You can write your own answer prompts for CO lines or Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) numbers. When a call comes in on one of those lines, the Answer Prompt appears in the Notes Field in the center of the main screen. ➤ To create an Answer Prompt 1. Write the prompt. 2. Link the prompt to the CO line or DNIS number that it should be identified with. ➤ To write an Answer Prompt 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Answer Prompt. 112 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration Answer Prompts 2. From the Answer Prompt dialog, select the Prompts button. 3. Select the New button. 4. Type in a new prompt message in the Prompt box. Answer prompts can be up to 110 characters. The number of characters that display depends upon where lines break and wrap onto the next line. 5. Select the New button again to enter another prompt or OK to save those entered. DNIS Prompts The Strata DK System sends the console a DNIS Name Tag to identify the dialed number service. The console uses this tag to link an answering prompt for the attendant when answering this type of call. The Name Tags entered need to match those entered into the Strata DK System by your service representative in Program 715 so that the answering prompt is correctly displayed for each type of call. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 113 Administration Answer Prompts ➤ To write a DNIS Answer Prompt 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Answer Prompt. 2. Select the DNIS Text... button. 3. From the DNIS Text dialog box, select the Add button. 4. Type in the Name Tag as entered in Strata DK System system programming. 5. Select the Add button to enter another prompt or the OK button to save those entered. ➤ To delete Answer Prompts 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Answer Prompt. 114 Any prompt can be deleted from the list by selecting it first and then pressing the delete button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration Answer Prompts 2. Select either the Prompts or DNIS Text button. 3. Highlight the prompt to remove from a List of Prompts. 4. Select the Delete button. 5. Repeat as necessary or select the OK button to return to Answer Prompts dialog box. ➤ To link Answer Prompts to CO lines or DNIS numbers Answer prompts must be linked ot a CO line or DNIS number to work. See previous pages for instructions on writing answer prompts. 1. From the Menu Bar, select Setup, Settings. 2. From the System Settings dialog box, select Answer Prompt. 3. From the Answer Prompts dialog box, select the Line or DNIS radio button in the upper left corner. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 115 Administration Answer Prompts 4. Highlight the Line or DNIS name in the left box to be linked with a prompt. If a prompt is already linked to that line or number, it will highlight. 5. In the right box, highlight the prompt to be linked. The highlighted CO Line or DNIS number is linked to the selected prompt. 6. Repeat to create as many links as required. 7. Select the OK button when done. Whenever that line (or DNIS) number receives a new incoming call, the appropriate prompt displays in the center of the console’s main screen. ➤ To remove Answer Prompt links 1. From the Menu Bar, select Setup, Settings, OK. 2. From the System Settings dialog box, select Answer Prompt. 3. Select the Prompts button. 4. Select the prompt to be deleted. 5. Select the Delete button on the bottom right of the dialog box. 116 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration Change Station User Name Change Station User Name Each telephone station in the Strata DK System can have a name associated with it that appears on LCD display phones and the console screen. You can edit or add telephone user names from the console. 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Change Station User Name. 2. Enter station number for name change/ entry. 3. Select the Display button to view the current name in the system. 4. Select the Modify button to edit the LCD name. 5. Enter the new name or change the existing name. 6. Select the Save button. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 117 Administration Door Phone Button Labels Door Phone Button Labels All buttons used for Door Phones can be customized with the desired names as needed. To provide an accelerator key for keyboard entry enter a ‘&’ character preceding the character to use as the quick access key. Example: Change Door Phone 1 can be changed to Warehouse by entering “&Warehouse”. Door Unlock Button Labels All buttons used for Door Unlock can be customized with the desired names as needed. To provide an accelerator key for keyboard entry, enter a “&” character preceding the character to use as the quick access key. Example: Change Door 1 can be changed to Front Gate by entering “Front &Gate”. 1. Fom the System Settings dialog box, select Door Phone Button Labels ...or select Door Phone Unlock. 2. Select the Door Phone button or Door Unlock button to change. 3. Enter a new button name. 4. Select another new button and repeat, or select the OK button to save changes. 118 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Administration Paging Button Labels Paging Button Labels All buttons used for paging can be customized with the desired names as needed. To provide an accelerator key for keyboard entry, enter a “&” character preceding the character to use as the quick access key. Example: Change All Groups/Zones can be changed to All Page by entering “All &Page”. 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Paging Button Labels. 2. From the Paging Button Names dialog box, select the Paging button to change. 3. Enter a new button name. 4. Select another new button and repeat, or select the OK button to save changes. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 119 Administration Printer Setup Printer Setup You will be using the printer for Attendant Console functions such as printing Message Center messages and daily Call Statistics. Use printer setup to specify the printer settings (default printer, orientation, paper size, etc.). These settings apply to all Windows print functions. 1. From the System Settings dialog box, select Printer Setup. 2. From the Print Setup dialog box, select either the Windows default printer or a specific printer. 3. Select the orientation: portrait or landscape. 4. Select the paper size from the drop-down menu. 5. Select paper source from the drop-down menu. 6. Select paper source from the drop-down menu. 7. (optional) To adjust dithering and darkness, select the Options button, set your preference, then press the OK button. 120 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Appendix Windows Operations The following table shows you how to perform various Windows operations using your mouse or keyboard. Windows Feature Context Help displays Help screens for the PC Attendant item that you selected. Mouse Use the Help button in the Dialog box. Drag the size bars at the corners or edges of the window. Press an Arrow key to move the pointer to the border you want to move. Press an Arrow key to move the border. Press Enter when the window is the size you want. This command is unavailable if you maximize the window. Strata DK PC Attendant Console Press F1. Press Alt+Tab. Fast Switch to... displays a list of all open applications. Size Command displays a fourheaded arrow so you can size the active window with the arrow keys. After the pointer changes to the fourheaded arrow: Keyboard 5/00 121 Appendix Windows Operations Windows Feature Mouse Keyboard Press Ctrl+F7. Move Command displays a four-headed arrow so you can move the active window or dialog box with the arrow keys. This command is unavailable if you maximize the window. Minimize reduces the PC Attendant window to an icon. Click the minimize icon on the title bar. Press Alt+F9. Maximize enlarges the active window to fill the available space. Click the maximize icon on the title bar; or double-click the title bar. Press Ctrl+F10 to enlarge a document window. Double-click on this icon or choose the Close button. Press Ctrl+F4 to close a document window or... Press Alt+F4 to close the dialog box. Close the active window or dialog box. 122 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Appendix Windows Controls Windows Controls Several controls within Windows have an effect on the operation of the PC Attendant Console. These controls are within the Main Program Group under the topic of Control Panel. Change the Screen Colors The PC Attendant Console uses the color settings to determine the highlight, title bar and text color of many parts of the program. Through Windows, you can choose a color scheme that provides the type of contrast best suited to the user. Setup Easy Application Switching From the Windows Desktop, you can define the Alt+Tab key combination to switch between applications that are open on the desktop. You can also cursor blink rate and whether a screen saver is used and the timer to invoke the screen saver. Toshiba recommends using a screen saver to protect the video monitor. When calls come into the PC Attendant when the screen saver remains ON, a ringing indication will be heard, but the screen saver is not removed until you press a key or click the mouse. Activate on Incoming does not affect the screen saver. Change the Keyboard Repeat Speed Two controls can be used on the keyboard, the first is the delay needed to hold a key down before the character will repeat and the second is the speed of repetition once the key repeats. Change the Mouse Speed Under the title Mouse, two settings affect the speed of the mouse and the speed of the double-click needed to make a selection. If you are familiar with using a mouse, these settings should be appropriate and need not be changed. If the mouse is new to you, Toshiba recommends each setting to be a slower speed for easier operation. Once you gain experience with the mouse, you can use faster settings. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 123 Appendix Windows Controls ➤ To change Windows Controls 1. Minimize the PC Attendant console. 2. Switch to Program Manager (Alt+Tab). The screen will show each window currently open including the Program Manager. 3. From the Program Manager, choose the Control Panel. 4. From the Control Panel, you can select the following: To change screen colors, choose the colors icon. Then select a color setting from the list A dialog box showing the current color settings and samples of other colors. To set Alt+Tab” so that you can use it to switch between applications, from Applications, select enable “Fast Alt+Tab” with an “X”. Then choose a screen saver pattern and delay time. A number of settings are possible within the desktop control. Only two affect the PC Attendant. This brings up the Windows 95 TaskBar. Cntrl + Esc in Windows 95. 124 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Appendix Windows Controls To set the keyboard repetition rate, from the Control Panel, choose the Keyboard. Two speed settings are possible using slide controls. This controls the rate of change for the Vol Up/Dn keys. The slower the repetition, the easier it is to distinguish the level change. Choose the Delay before Repeat and Repeat Rate speed desired. This rate also affects how fast you scroll through lists, such as the directory, when using the Arrow keys. Toshiba recommends starting at mid-points of each setting and adjusting later as needed. To change the mouse tracking and click speeds, choose the Tracking and doubleclick the desired speed. Two speed settings are possible using a slide control. Slower operation is for beginning users while faster tracking and double-click speeds are for experienced users. The control buttons can be changed for lefthanded mouse users. 5. Select the OK button. Important! This version of the Strata DK system PC Attendant Console is also compatible with Windows 95. After the PC Attendant Console is installed in Windows 95, you can find your old program groups by clicking the Start button (formally Program Manager) and then selecting Programs. Your groups appear as folders. To manage files in Windows 95, click the Start button, select Programs, and then click Windows Explorer (formally File Manager). Your directories appear as folders. Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 125 Appendix Windows Controls 126 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Index A D account code, 103 active call area, 3, 9 answer prompts, 112 delete, 114 automatic night transfer, 16 date and time, 26 dial button, 43 directory change settings, 78 entries, 76 icons, 3 settings, 78 directory icons, 3 DISA Security Code, 108 settings voice mail, 103 DNIS prompts, 113 door phone button labels, 118 door unlock button labels, 118 DSS/BLF station directory, 3 B background music, 19 Basic, 29 BGM, 19 buttons dial, 43 user, 106 C call forward fixed, 23 call statistics, 96 console ID area, 4 console overflow, 18 console screen active call area, 9 console ID area, 3 console settings, 101 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 E external call forward, 22 F feature icons, 3 feature toolbar console control icons, 3 function keys 127 Index H~S F1 Help, 3 F11 Volume Up, 3 F12 Volume Down, 3 F2~F9, 3 N handset volume, 27 help on-line PC attendant help, 12 windows, 12 P H I incoming call display, 3, 9 K keyboard #, 2 Answer Incoming, 2 Answer/Hold, 2 navigation, 11 numeric keypad, 2 Release, 2 keyboard repeat speed, 123 L line group restrictions, 24 line/line group, set default, 106 loop-hold display, 3, 10 M menu bar, 3, 4 messaging icons, 3 mouse navigation, 12 mouse speed, 123 128 navigation keyboard, 11 mouse, 12 night transfer, 14 paging button labels, 119 password, 100 position busy, 17 print call statistics, 98 printer setup, 120 privacy feature, 19 privacy release, 20 R ringer volume, 27 S select, 35 settings account code, 103 answer prompts, 112 console, 101 default line names, 104 directory settings, 78 DISA security code, 108 line or line group, default, 106 paging button labels, 119 password, 100 store voice mail codes, 104 traveling class code, 110 user buttons, 106 verified account codes, 111 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 Index T~W special function keys Conf/Trns, 2 Dial, 2 Join, 2 Split/Switch, 2 Tone, 2 status bar, 3, 9 sup hold soft key, 56 T timed reminders, 25 toll restriction override code, 111 toolbar, 96 traveling class code, 110 U user buttons, 3, 106 V verified account codes, 111 view menu, 95 call statistics, 96 voice mail, 103, 104 voice mail ID codes, 104 volume control, 27 W windows, 121 application switching, 123 change colors, 123 keyboard repeat speed, 123 mouse speed, 123 Windows 95, 125 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 129 Index W~W 130 Strata DK PC Attendant Console 5/00 ">

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