Valley International GATEX Noise Gate/Expander Operating Instructions
The Valley International, Inc. Gatex Four Channel Noise Gate/Expander consists of four individual channels, each capable of performing noise gating, expansion, keying, and envelope following. The device is easy to operate thanks to the Mode switch, and offers sophisticated control capability to a1low successful application for the most demanding situations. The Gatex will accept external signal sources in order to accomplish keying. The three LED display a1lows the operator to monitor the operation of the Gatex at a glance: green indicates unity gain, yellow indicates expansion, and red shows maximum attenuation determined by the Range control. The package desi-gn of the Gatex a11ows instant Hookrack installation. The Gatex is compatible with professional recording and broadcast equipment.
GATEX Four ChannelNoiseGatelBxpander OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 616 BrodleyCourt, Fronklin,TN 37064 WLLEY INTERNANONAL. INC. o FAX(615)370-se07 (615)370-s90r GATEX NOISE GATE/EXPANDER 1. 1. 1 General Information DESCRIP"TION The Valley International, Inc. Gatex consists of four independent channels, each capable of performing noise gating, expansion, keying, and envelope following. Selection of operating modes is very straightforward thanks to the 3ttHardtt noise gating is position Mode switch. achieved by placing the switch in the gate position, while I:2 expansion is accomplished in the ttsofttt exp 1 position. 2:3 expansion may be selected for apparen[ noise reduction purposes by placing the switch in the exp 2 position. Ful1 parametric control front is provided by three conti-nuously variable panel controls. Therefore, while remaining easy to operate, the-Gatex offers sophisticated control capability to a1low successful application for the most demanding situations. The Gatex will also accept external signal sources in order to accomplish keying. By positioning the Source switch in the key position, sil external audio slgnal will trigger the gating or expansi-on action of the device. An easy-to-read three LED display a11ows the operator to rnonitor the opttf eration of the Gatex at a glance. The green LED indicates a u11 ontt or unity gain condition. Ye11ow provides visual indication of ongoing expansion, while red shows maximum attenuation as determined by the range control. Balanced input circuitry capable of operation to levels of +24 dB is employed to assure compatability recording and broadcast with professional equj-pment. The output line driver circuit can deliver +21 dB into 600 loads or transformers. ohm resistive Excellent RFI suppression is incorporated on all inputs and outputs. The package desi-gn of the Gatex a11ows instant Hookrack installation. connectors up is quickly accomplished thanks to use of I/4" ring/tlp/sleeve for all inputs and outputs. RF attenuation The package provides excellent supby virtue RF and transient of its steel and alumj-num construction. pression is also incorporated in the Gatex power supply. I.2 Note: SPECIFICATIONS The deslgnalion dB refers to 0 dB =0.775 Vrms. made with rms-responding meters in 20 klHz noise fications subject to change without notice. Noj-se measurements bandwidth. Speci- Input Input Irnpedance: >90 kohm balanced, >45 kohm unbalanced M a x i m u mf n p u t L e v e l i +24 dB External Input Impedance: >90 kohm balancei, unbalanced >45 kohrn o External -4O dB minimum for keying Input Sensitivity: 0utput Output Impedance: S40 ohm, unbalanced MaximumOutput Level: +2L dB into Quiescent Distortion: <0.047" L kHz THD @ unity gain with 0 dB input < O . I % S M P T EI M D @ u n i t y g a i n with 0 dB input Output Noise and Hum: @ unity gain <-83 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz @ shut off <-110 dB 20 Hz to 20 kHz Expander Attack Ti-mes: Program dependentn nominally 100 usr 5 lilsr 10 ms Expander Slopes: Nominally 1:10 (gate), LzZ (etp 1)' 2:3 (e*p 2) Threshold Range of Adjustment: -40 dB to +20 dB R a n g e r o r M a x i m u mA t t e n u a t i o n : 0 dB to -80 dB RFI Rejection: @ unity gain, RF applied to signal 100 mV pk input dlfferentially, w/s07" AM @ I kHz. Output noise increase <3 dB in 20 kHz noise bandwidth, AM I kHz tone <-70 dB at output 600 ohm or greater Electrical 95-L4O Vac 4 3 - 6 2 H z i 1 9 0 - 2 5 0 V a c 43-62 Hz; L 2 V A m a x . Power Supply Mains R e q u i r e m e n t : Mechanical Front Panel Controls: -40 dB to +20 - dB , THRESHOLD R E L E A S E0 . 0 5 s t o 5 s / 2 0 d B RANGE0 dB to -80 dB Front Panel Switches: in/out /key (Source) gatelexp L/ exp 2 (Mode) tton" Three LED display j-ndicates t t e x p a n d t ' (ye1low), and (green), m a x i m u mg a i n r e d u c t i - o n ( r e d ) , a s d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e R A N G Ec o n t r o l Metering: I/4" diameter, 3 conductor jacks; requires MIL-PJ 051, Switchcraft #482 or equivalent, or Switchcraft #260 or equivalent mating plugs Connectors: -4- t [. P ac k a g i n g Case and Rack: Painted steel and anodized aluminum rack package 1.75trH x 19" W x 8.5' fD (44mmH x 48 2m m WX 216mmD) RF Attenuation (package) : 0.100 MHz to 400 MHz electrical field, )50 dB Weight: 7 1b. (3.18 ke) Shipping Weight: L 2 . 5 1 b . ( 5 . 7 k g) 1 .3 INTRODUCTION TO NOISE GATINGAND EXPANSION A noise gate is an audio signal processing device that turns off or greatly attenuates a signal when the 1eve1 fa1ls below a user adjustable threshold; therefore when the signal 1evel is below threshold, it will pass through the device greatly attenuated so that low-level hiss, noiser of leakage will not be heard. When the signal is above threshold, the noise gate will have no effect on the signal, and passes it through at unity gain. Because a noise gate can be set, according to its 1eve1 sensitive nature, to discriminate between desired audio signals and unwanted audio and ambient noise such as tape recorder hiss, ground hums, background room noise and leakage from other instruments, when properly adjusted the device passes what you want to record or to be heard ln a live situation, and red.uces the volume of or eliminates undesired signals. Percussive signals, due to their typically short decay time, are the easiest to process with a noise gate, while sustained signals, due to their unpredictability and wide dynamic range, will generally be more difficult to process. Consider that a snare drum produces a series of high-1eve1 transj-ents that normally fade away very quickly. Subjective tttightnessttwill not be achieved if the drum resonance lasts too 1ong. A noise gate with the threshold set at a relatively high leve1 will bring the decay down quickly after each impact, thereby achieving the desired tttighttt sound. During the attack or ttturn ontt period, the noise gate cannot remove background noise, because it reacts to overall leve1. Due to this fact, a noise gate may be only marginally effective on sustained instruments, such as an organ or strings, where unwanted noise may be heard through the music. And, i-ts appearance in time with the musi-c will most assuredly prove more displeasing than its presence in an unprocessed form. Such ttmodulationtf of the noise floor is a common shortcoming of dedlcated noise gates when used on instruments with substantially long sustaj-n and decay times. The problem nay be partially overcome by the use of relatively long release times. The release time of a noise gate is defined as the rate tmevice ffiru* attenuation after the signal which caused the device tottrttu.k'r of turn otr is removed. The majordisadvantageofusingagat"ffi.'gre1easetimesonsustained instruments is that a large portion of the extraneous sounds and noj-se which the gate is employed to eliminate is passed through unaffected. The most effective method of reduclng unwanted noise from signals which exhibit long sustain and decay times is s><pgnsron. Expansion is so named -5- l, F I to expand the dynamic range of because the processor used is configured of the signal I s highest 1eve1 to its lowest the signal r or the ratio perceptible level. This is accomplished by increasing the gain of the j n the 1eve1 of the expander by a fixed amount in response to an increase F o r i f a the signal exhibits signal being directlv expanded. example, relative i-ncrease in 1evel of 10 dB, the expander may increase its gain This scheme obviously will increase the dynamic range of the by 20 dB. j u s t signal being processed, but it as obviously has a serious drawback: the electrical simply not a1low unconstraints of any audio system will quickly headroom, thus the processing devicer oL expander, will limited run out of available gain having reached a point after which additional i-ncreases in input signal 1eve1 can no longer cause an increase in output signal 1evel because the device is already operating at its maximum signal Thus the headroomr or -fgserve available output 1evel capacity. to The solution 1eve1 above the normal operating leve1, is exhausted. this dilemma is a process called do-wnwardexpa,nsion. Let us asume that theexpanderisadjustedSothat etat0dB.A'ysigna1 appearing at the input with a leve1 of 0 db or greater will cause the expanderfs gain control element to exhibit unity gain, thus the signal passes through the device unaffected. Now, assume the signal fa11s below 0 dB. The expander control circuitry directs the gain control device to reduce its gain r of to attenuate the signal by some preset amount f o.t setting each 1 dB decrease of the input signal 1eve1 below the threshold of 0 dB. This results in the output 1evel of the device decreasing proportionally more than the corresponding decrease in input signal_.levg.l-. If the control circuitry element to attenuate directs the gain control the signal by 1 dB for each 1 dB of decrease in input signal 1eve1 below the threshold, the result is, predictably, a 2 dB decrease in output 1eve1 (1 dB input decrease minus 1 dB due to attenuation) for each decibel decrement in the signal below threshold. The ratio of decrease below threshold of the input signal 1eve1 to the decrease in output signal leve1 is the the characteristic slope of the expander. In the example stated, expansion slope is I:2 (t'one to twott) since a l dB decrease in input signal leve1 below the threshold setting results in a 2 dB reduction in output signal 1evel. In this manner, the Gatex, ES well increases the dynamic range of the limitations of direct expansi-on. as all other top quality processed signal without expanders, the serious between expanding the It must be noted that there exists a vast difference noise. dynamic range of the processed signal, No existing and eliminating ttnoise reductionrt system can discriminate between signal and noise, passing A11 noise reduction noise in real time. only the signal while eliminating schemes use expansion or a combination of expansion and compression to ttstretchtt in a perthus resulting the dynamic range of the input signal, ttapparenttt ceived or reduction of noise level in the processed material. upon the The effective use of a noise gate or an expander is contingent ratio between the nominal existence of acceptably high signal-to-noise operating leve1 of the system used and its quiescent, or residual noise 1eve1: Employment of expanders or ttgatestt provides a very useful method in of extending the dynamic range of the processed program thus resulting reduction in percej-ved noise 1eve1s, but no device will a noticeable Iteliminatett noise. in The incorrect use of these devices of ten results objectionable modulati-on and ttpumpingtt of the undesired noise and obtrusive and extraneous signals which these devj-ces are intended to eliminate. j-nBearing this warning in mind, please carefully study the following structions. -6- ) 2. L Installation and Use of Gatex C ON N E C T IONOF GA T EX The Gatex quad noise gatefexpander incorporates quasi-balanced (ground sensing) inputs for each channel to assure easy interfacing to both ba1anced and unbalanced sources. The output line driver sections provide sufficient power capability to drive resistive loads or transformer networks with impedances of 600 ohm or greater to a maximum average 1eve1 of +2I dB (ref. 0.775 Vrms) thus allowing Gatex to be connected to all types of professional and semi-pro equipment. Use of commonly available I/4" 3-clrcuit phone jacks for all inputs and outputs perrnits the Gatex to be quickly and easily incorporated in any audio system. Illustrations 2-I and 2-2 show preferred methods of connecting Gatex to balanced and unbalanced sources, It should be noted that Gatex is not designed to be driven by devices incorporating line 1eve1s less than -10 dB, such as musical instruments and microphones. When usi-ng Gatex to expand or gate musical instruments or microphones, the device should be inserted after the preamplifier to assure best signal-to-noise performance. In order to eliminate ground current hum 1oops, the Gatex 0 Vdc reference, or signal ground, is isolated from the ac nains safety ground. The operator should be aware that the 0 Vdc references of all four channels are connected internally, thus care should be taken if Gatex is used to interconnect several signal chains exhibiting different ground potentials. If the signal sources feeding Gatex exhibit hum due to ground current loops when directly i-nterconnected, the operator should experiment by disconnecting shleld grounds at the Gatex inputs or at the outputs of the sources feeding Gatex to achieve best results when Gatex is in the signal chain. The preferred method is to a11ow the output device of the =y"iu* (console, power sflP, etc.) to become the central ground point and then to disconnect the shields at the outputs of devices feeding Gatex, keeping in mind that, due to the unbalanced output line driver circuitry used 1n Gatex, the 0 Vdc reference of Gatex will assume the potential of the ground exhibited by the device or devices sourced bv Gatex. 2.2 U S E O F G A T E XA S A N O I S E G A T E Perhaps the most commonuse of noise gates is in tttighteningtt percussion instruments. Most recording engineers prefer to mike individual components of a drum kit in such a manner as to record the kick drum on a single track, the snare on another, and so onr so that the sound of the kit may Uu tightly controlled during mixdown.. While in theory the multi-source technique provides the engineer and producer with a valuable tool to control the sound of the kit despite the vagaries of room or booth acousti-cs, in practice the leakage between microphones used to individually record the var1ous components of the drum kit propels the scienc.e of recording the kit on multiple integral tracks into the realm of arcane arts. After such extreme measures such as feather pi11ows, baffles, clip-on microphones, etc. fai1, the recording engi nssr 1s faced with two distinct choices: he may either accept the problers and hope that, by some quirk of fate, the final mix is acceptable, or he may use noise gates to minimize the leakage. A knowledgeable recordlng engineer rori11invariably choose the latter alternative: experience in the field proves conclusively that engineers and producers develope white hairs and ulcers in inverse proportion to the number of noise gates available to mike andfor mix the drum kit. Because drums -7- GATEXINPUT CONNECTIONS To Gatex Balanced Source PREFERRED 3 CIRCUITPLUG \ I , Balanced Source To Gatex / 2 CIRCUITPLUG ACCEPTABLE OF GATEXTO BALANCEDSOURCES FIGURE2.I CONNECTION To Gatex Unbalanced Source IEFERRED 3 CIRCUITPLUG To Gatex Unbalanced Source 2 CIRCUITPLUG ACCEPTABLE SOURCES OF GATEXTO UNBALANCED FIGURE2_2 CONNECTION -8- possess both an extremely high transj-ent content and a very short ti-me, they lend themselves well to noi-se gating r or expansion at exaggerated slopes. decay The Gatex, in its ttgatett mode, is an ideal processor for isolating the microphones used to record a drum kit. The attack circuitry compensates for slight differences in rise time and peak leve1 inherent in the style of the drummer, and the exclusi-ve Program Controlled Sustain a11ows the engi-neer to either fo11ow the natural decay of the drumr or to shorten the decay time to practically nothing. By manipulation of the threshold and release controls the engineer or producer may accentuate, for the example the ttclaptt of the kick drumr oL soften the sound to a du1l thump. To gate a drum kit microphone, the operator should insert Gatex in the signal chain following the microphone preamp and EQ, if used, select gate on the Mode switch, and in on the Source switch. The Range control "f,oufO be turned fully counter-dockwise to BO dB. Set the Release control to .5. s/20 dB (mid-ralge) initially, and while listening to the monitors. ad3ust the Threshol? control unt:-L rhe desired ;;;;d- r" obl;tnlo*."" fnL Release control may now be adjusted to retain or e1j-minate the natural decay of the drum. In mixdown, the Gatex may be inserted either in the pre-fader patch pointr or between the line patch output of the mixing console and the recording ACN. In use for live performances, the Gatex may be inserted either in the pre or post-fader patch point in the live console, or directly following the microphone preamplifier section. When gating during multi-track mixdowns, some pumping of tape hiss may be evident as each single track is monitored, however when the entire mix is heard, the effect will probably not be noticeable. Somewhat less dramatj-c ttshut-offtr maybe obtained, if desired, by re-adjusting the Range control, thus limiting the maximum attenuation to some value other than the 80 dB shut-off attenuation which the Gatex is capable of performing. 2.3 USE 0F I:2 E X P A N S I O N( e x p 1 ) When general noise reduction is required to eliminate ambient noi-ses such as musical instrument amplifier buzz, aj.r conditioning rumble, and other 1ow 1eve1 sounds such as tape hiss and leakage, it is usually desirable to gently attenuate the unwanted sor:nds by use of L:2 expansion. This Gatex operating mode is of particular interest to those who record live performances r or operate sound reinforcement systems in a concert environment. fn such applications, the use of noise gates, with their ttturn-ontt well-defined points and high slopes, contributes to the sensation that the signal is being turned on and off. This effect, while perfectly innocuous when processing highly transient sounds such as those produced by percussion i-nstruments, is very annoying when accompanying a vocal or string sound. By allowing unobrusive attenuation of 1ow-1eve1 in the absence of the desired si-gna1, I'.2 expansion can greatly enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of a multi-track mix or multi-microphone live system without creating the sensation that each source is being ttswitchedtt off and on. To configure the Gatex for I:2 expansion, select expl r^rith the Mode switch, and set the Release control initially ll! with the Source switch, to .5 s/ 20 dB. Adjustment of the Threshold control will determine which signals are passed through Gatex at unity gain, and which signals are attenuated. Because the characteristic slope of the Gatex in exp 1 is I:2, as the input signal 1eve1 fa11s below the Threshold setting, it will be attenuated so that for each 1 dB of 1eve1 decrease below threshold, a 2 dB decrease -9- The Range will occur in the signal 1eve1 appearing at the output. of will determine the point at which the attenuation setting control the Threshold control so setting After first stop. the signal will the that the average 1eve1 of the desired signal passes unattenuated, f o r t h e most R e l e a s e c o n t r o l R a n g e a n d c o n t r o l t h e s h o u l d a d j u s t operator provide attenuation will pleasing sound. The best release time setting the sensation that the signal is being of unwanted sounds without creating ttpumped" up and down in leve1. the highest As in all audio processitg, ! 0 n 1 y experience e a r i s t h e p r o p e r d e v i c e t h e o p e r a t i o n o f o n authority results. yield completely satisfactory will gained through experimentation b o t h the p e r f o r m i n g e x p a n s i o n , I : 2 The operator should note that when have a prowill setting and the Release time setting Threshold control obtai-ned, and the nounced effect on both the amount of noise reduction of the There is no single optimum setting audibility of the process. o f signals. t y p e s p r o c e s s a l l controls to effectively and unobtrusively settings c o n t r o l require different Strings and horns, for example, will g u j t a r s . such as vocal mikes or plucked instruments, than will 2.4 U S E 0 F 2 2 3 E X P A N S I O N( e x p 2 ) to the recording The subtle application of expansion provides many benefits or expansion at While noise gatingr engineer or broadcast operator. ttsofttt gatingr or expansion exaggerated slopes of 1:100, I:20, etc, and noise reduction at gentler slopes of Iz4 and Iz2 offer highly effective these schemes offer recording and live performances, during multi-track To achieve apparent litt1e advantage when used on mixed program material. the action of the processor noise reducti-on in mixed program material, the perceived dynamic alter must be unobtrusive. It cannot noticeably unattenuate yet it should substantially range of processed material, wanted 1ow-leve1 signals such as tape hiss, record surface noise, etc. ltsLretchingtt By unobtrusively during quiet passages in the program material. Gatex, when used in the exp-Z mode, the dynamic range of mixed material, for mixed sources withcan provide 10 to 2A dB of apparent noise reduction ttencode/decodett systems. The gentle expansion out the i-nconvenience of Sustain a11ows the Gatex to slope in conjunction with the Program Controlled the perceptibly shortening with long decay times without expand material saY, containing' times found in material natural sustain or reverberation release cirExpanders not incorporating a pianor of in mixed material. cui-try which modifies release time according to the content of the material sound to the processed processed tend to impart a certai-n ?fartificialtt material due to the fixed release rate. by use of gentle expansion, the operaTo perform apparent noise reduction and in with the Source switch. exp 2 with the Mode switch, tor must select to just below the nominal The Threshold control should be set initially The level, for example, 3t 0 dB for a +4 dB line feed. 1i-ne operating set to .5 s/ZO dB, and the Range Release control should be initially may be set between 10 and 15 dB. control the output of the Gatex, the operator should now adjust While monitoring to obtain the most pleasing sound. the Threshold and Release controls due to expansion may be occurring The amount of apparent noise reduction of the Source judged by alternately selecting the in and out positions ci-rcuitry. swj-tch, thus engaging and disengaging the expander control the signal is passed When the Source switch is in the out position, ttbypassedtt through the VCA at unity gain, thus the processor is effectively It should be noted that since no dynamic processing is taking place. determine the will the setting of the Threshold and Release controls -10- most effective apparent noise reduction. I,rlhile the Range control setting will affect the audibility of the processing. Best results generally will be obtained when a moderate amount of expansion, as indicated by the ye11ow LED status indicator, is taking p1ace, and when 10-15 dB of maximum attenuation is allowed as determined bv the Range control setting. 2.5 KEYING, ENVELOPE FOLLOWING, AND OTHER SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Keving is defined as operation of a noise gate in such a manner that the presence of an external audio signal is used to ttturn ontt the signa1 being processed. For example, if a bass guitar track is required to appear in synchronization with the appearance of the kick drum in the mix, this effect may be obtained by inserting the Gatex in the bass guitar signal chain, then ttmultingtt the kick drum track line to the The operator then selects the gate position of !ry input of the Gatex. the Mode switch, and the key position of the Source swiiEhr. The Threshold control is adjusted so that the kick drum turns on the bass guitar' signal. The Release control is adjusted to impart the desired decay characteristics to the bass guitar signal. The Range control will usually be set at or near maximum attenuation for best isolation. Envelope Following is defined as a process in which the 1evel and dynamic characteristics of a signal are made to followr or duplicate those of another external signal. Envelope following may be considered ttsofttt keying, and is frequently used as such, but its greatest usefulness is found in electronic music and in the creation of special effects wherein an instrument having limited dynamics, such as an organ or polyphonic s y nt h e s rz e r i s c a u s e d to fol l ow the dynamj -cs of a vocal track or drum track. Envelope following is performed with Gatex by inserting Gatex in the signal chain of the instrument being processed. The external signal whose dynamics are to be duplicated is fed to the key input. The oper a to r th e n s e l e c ts e x !- I w i th the Mode sw i tch, and l gl w i th the Source switch. The fftresftofO control is adjusted so that the externa1 signal causes a ful1 on condition on high level peaksr 8S indicated by the green LED status indicator. The Release control initially is set ful1y counter-clockwise, or to .05 s/20 dB, and the Range control is set for 60-80 dB. While monitoring the output of Gatex while in operation, the Threshold and Release controls are then adjusted to achieve the desired effect. Control of Reverb Decav Times By inserting the Gatex in the echo return line of a recording console, denser returns may be achieved by offering precise control of the reverberation decay time. This application enhances the sound of less expensive reverberation systems. The reverberation system is set for a reasonably long decay time, and the Gatex is used in either the exp 1 or exp 2'mode. The Source switch is set to the in position. The Threshold control is adjusted to a point near Lhe nominal operati-ng 1eve1 of the return 1ine. The Range control is initially set to 60 dB. By monitoring the processed return at the output of Gatex, the Release control is adjusted to provide the desired decay rate. The Threshold and Range controls may require readjustment to result in a more pleasing sound. Correct control settings will be determined by experimentation, the desired effect being that the return decay may be varied by adjusting the Release control without altering the tonal quality of the processed return signal. -11- 3. Operation Circuit block diagram of one channel of the the functional Figure 3-l illustrates and converter section produce a dc voltage that is The rectifier Gatex. This dc analogous to the 1og of the signal 1eve1 present at its input. which determines the slope circuitry voltage is processed by the control charges the circuitry The control of the expander and the attack time. is The capacitor associated with the track and hold circuit. capacitor sink is The release current sink. discharged via the release current which derives its i-nputs circuit by a two quadrant multiplier controlled susand the program controlled potentiometer from the release control are performed operations algebraic After appropriate tain circuitry. voltage and the voltage derived from the range control with the dc control sum of the two sources is applied to the potentiometer, the algebraic amplifier. People TA-101 voltage controlled V a 1 l e y p o r t t h e o f appropriate l e v e ls apv o l t a g e d c o n l y a f f e c t s w i t c h e s p a n e l a n d c o n t r o l s A11 front a u d io t h e i n e l e m e n t s t h e o n l y t h u s c i r c u i t r y , c o n t r o l plied to the f a m o us . V C A ' P e o p l e V a l l e y t h e i n p u t a m p l i f i e r , signal chain are the _a n d t roublet r a n s p a r e n c y f o r i t s w o r l d p r o f e s s i o n a l a u d i o the thioughout is unsurThe result free performance, and the line driver circuitry. e f f ective c o s t c o n v e n i e n t , i n a p e r f o r m a n c e and passed functionality p erformance l a c k l u s t e r a n d t h e d i s t o r t i o n a r e absent package; noticeably ttlow-costtt gates using FET or photo-resistor technology. by other exhibited - | conf rol ".\ Vrect. Thresh. Range Rel. j o l \ K,.ll o F l G .3 - l A -r2- l 3. Operation Circuit block diagram of one channel of the the functional Figure 3-l illustrates and converter section produce a dc voltage that is The rectifier Gatex. This dc analogous to the 1og of the signal 1eve1 present at its input. which determines the slope circuitry voltage is processed by the control charges the circuitry The control of the expander and the attack time. is The capacitor associated with the track and hold circuit. capacitor sink is The release current sink. discharged via the release current which derives its i-nputs circuit by a two quadrant multiplier controlled susand the program controlled potentiometer from the release control are performed operations algebraic After appropriate tain circuitry. voltage and the voltage derived from the range control with the dc control sum of the two sources is applied to the potentiometer, the algebraic amplifier. People TA-101 voltage controlled V a 1 l e y p o r t t h e o f appropriate l e v e ls apv o l t a g e d c o n l y a f f e c t s w i t c h e s p a n e l a n d c o n t r o l s A11 front a u d io t h e i n e l e m e n t s t h e o n l y t h u s c i r c u i t r y , c o n t r o l plied to the f a m o us . V C A ' P e o p l e V a l l e y t h e i n p u t a m p l i f i e r , signal chain are the _a n d t roublet r a n s p a r e n c y f o r i t s w o r l d p r o f e s s i o n a l a u d i o the thioughout is unsurThe result free performance, and the line driver circuitry. e f f ective c o s t c o n v e n i e n t , i n a p e r f o r m a n c e and passed functionality p erformance l a c k l u s t e r a n d t h e d i s t o r t i o n a r e absent package; noticeably ttlow-costtt gates using FET or photo-resistor technology. by other exhibited - | conf rol ".\ Vrect. Thresh. Range Rel. j o l \ K,.ll o F l G .3 - l A -r2- l 4. 4.T Mai ntenance REPAIRS There are no user serviceable parts in Gatex. Repairs should be referred to a competent electronic technician. A schematic diagram and parts overlay are included in Section 5 of t,his manual as a troubleshooting aid to those users with sufficient technical background to perform field service. CAUTION: Disassembly of the enclosure will expose hazardous line Refer servicing to competent technical personnel. 4.2 voltages. ADJUSTMENT OF CONTROL REJECTION The trimmer potentiometer, which adjusts the amount of control voltage feedthrough in each VCA, is accessible through the rear panel, and is labelled Cntl.-_B"L The control rejection characteristics o f t h e V a l l e y: People 1a-1ffi \tffi1s quite good, but the long-gsrn stability of Lhe adjustment depends to some degree on component aging and temperature, therefore the operator may desire to re-adjust this control periodically. Degraded control rejection will result in a "thumptt in the audio signal when the Gatex trattackst'; it will be especially noticeable in the gate and exp I modes. To adjust the control rejection in the field, the operator should disconnect the audio input from Gatex. A high leve1 (+4 dB to +20 dB) 'drum 'sn'b're"-track, signal, preferably a kick br is f ed to Gatex via its Key fnput. The Gatex Source switch is placed in the kev positj.on, the Mode switch in gate. Set the Release time control fully counterclockwise (.05 s/20 dB), the Range control fu1ly counter-clockwise (80 dB) and adjust the Threshold control for maximumongoing expansion as indicated by flashing of the three status indicator LEDts. While monitoring the audio output, adjust the control rejection trimmer poLentiometer for minimumsignal 1eve1. Note that the signal present at the output in the configuration will sound very badly distorted: that is normal. Bench adjustment of control rejection requires the same set-up, but a low-frequency signal (50-100 Hz) is fed to the Ksy Input, and the audio output is measured eiLher with an oscilloscope 6i-ac uoftmeter, and the control rejection tri-mmer is adjusted for minimumoutput voltage 1eve1. 4.3 WARRANTY Va11ey People, Inc. warrants its products and their related enclosures and power supplies to be free from defects in work-manshipand material under normal use and service. Saj-d warranty is to extend for a period of twelve months after date of purchase. In the case that a Va11ey People, Inc. product or any of its related enclosures or power supplies is belj-eved to be defective, same may be returned wiLh transportation prepaid to Valley People, Inc., within twelve months after date of purchase, accompanied by proof of purchase. If the product is found by Valley People, Inc. ts inspection to be defective in workmanship or material, it will be repairedt or replaced (at Va11eyPeople, Inc. ts election) free of charge and returned transportation prepaid, to any point in the United States. If inspection by Va11ey, Inc. of such products does not disclose any defect in workmanship or material, Va1ley People, regular charges will apply. This warranty is expressed in lieu of any and all -13- other warranties, whether 4.3 WARRANTY Warranty VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. warrants its products and their relatedenclosuresand power suppliesto be free from defectsin workmanship and material under normal use and service. Said warranty is to extend for a period of twelve months after date of purchase. In the case that a VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. product or any of its relatedenclosuresor power suppliesis believed to be defective, samemay be returned with transportationprepaid to VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC., within twleve months after date of purchase,accompaniedby proof of purchase. If the product is found by VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC.'s inspection to be defective in workmanship or material, it will be repaired or replaced (at VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC.'s election) free of charge and returned, transportation prepaid, to any point in the United States.If inspectionby VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. of suchproductsdoesnot discloseany defect in workmanshipor material, VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC.'s regular chargeswill apply. This warranty is expressed in lieu of any and all other warranties, whether expressed or implied, and the sole liability of VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC. under this warranty is to either repair or replace (at VALLEY INTERNATIONAL, INC.'s election) the product or its related enclosure or power supply. Any incidental damages are expressly excluded. The foregoing warranty is VALLEY INTERNATIONAL,INC.'s are negated and excluded. sole warranty, and all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutoty, Inc. ValleyInternational, 616 BradleyCourt Franklin,TN 37064 -14- +#F> L-_> i . g j i .A "l l;. l;P> r-- .i . i'--,4-*' ----.l'--), l , i ' l-:T^ l - * i ; fq€.--s I tst-ll:i; F \r { F- \0 S N N \ 5a "$RF l/ (. o *-_ \. Q -" -l t r Y 1'. v I d v \ \ ) r-1 t N: I N ro \ I rn rr) ) x o * Q E,' ( ^t{ ts C R9 q t R ">
Key features
- Four independent channels
- Noise gating, expansion, keying, and envelope following
- Easy to operate Mode switch
- Sophisticated control capability
- Accepts external signal sources
- Three-LED display for visual feedback
- Balanced input circuitry
- Hookrack installation
- RFI suppression
- Program controlled sustain