SAIA-Burgess PCD4 H442, H444 Motion control module User Manual
The PCD4 H442 and PCD4 H444 modules are powerful motion control modules for servo drives with linear and circular interpolation. The modules can control 2 or 4 servo motor axes independently or with linear or circular interpolation to produce rapid and smooth motion due to selectable velocity profiles with trapezoidal or S-shaped forms. The modules are autonomous and have their own program memory to take almost all the load from the PCD4's CPU, leaving it free for process control. Programming and parameter definition is possible with the CP tool or via FBs from the PCD4 CPU, giving users complete freedom to exploit the capabilities of the modules.
SAIA®PCD Process Control Devices Edition 26/752 E1 Motion control modules for servo drives with linear and circular interpolation PCD4.H4.. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) http;// BA: Electronic Controllers Telephone Telefax 026 / 672 72 72 026 / 672 74 99 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAIA-Burgess Companies Switzerland SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG Freiburgstrasse 33 CH-3280 Murten 026 672 77 77, Fax 026 670 19 83 France SAIA-Burgess Electronics Sàrl. 10, Bld. Louise Michel F-92230 Gennevilliers 01 46 88 07 70, Fax 01 46 88 07 99 Germany SAIA-Burgess Electronics GmbH Daimlerstrasse 1k D-63303 Dreieich 06103 89 060, Fax 06103 89 06 66 Nederlands SAIA-Burgess Electronics B.V. Hanzeweg 12c NL-2803 MC Gouda 0182 54 31 54, Fax 0182 54 31 51 Austria SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ges.m.b.H. Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 38 A-5020 Salzburg 0662 88 49 10, Fax 0662 88 49 10 11 Belgium SAIA-Burgess Electronics Belgium Avenue Roi Albert 1er, 50 B-1780 Wemmel 02 456 06 20, Fax 02 460 50 44 Italy SAIA-Burgess Electronics S.r.l. Via Cadamosto 3 I-20094 Corsico MI 02 48 69 21, Fax 02 48 60 06 92 Hungary SAIA-Burgess Electronics Automation Kft. Liget utca 1. H-2040 Budaörs 23 501 170, Fax 23 501 180 Representatives Great Britain Canham Controls Ltd. 25 Fenlake Business Centre, Fengate Peterborough PE1 5BQ UK 01733 89 44 89, Fax 01733 89 44 88 Portugal INFOCONTROL Electronica e Automatismo LDA. Praceta Cesário Verde, No 10 s/cv, Massamá P-2745 Queluz 21 430 08 24, Fax 21 430 08 04 Denmark Malthe Winje Automation AS Håndværkerbyen 57 B DK-2670 Greve 70 20 52 01, Fax 70 20 52 02 Spain Tecnosistemas Medioambientales, S.L. Poligono Industrial El Cabril, 9 E-28864 Ajalvir, Madrid 91 884 47 93, Fax 91 884 40 72 Norway Malthe Winje Automasjon AS Haukelivn 48 N-1415 Oppegård 66 99 61 00, Fax 66 99 61 01 Czech Republic ICS Industrie Control Service, s.r.o. Modranská 43 CZ-14700 Praha 4 2 44 06 22 79, Fax 2 44 46 08 57 Sweden Malthe Winje Automation AB Truckvägen 14A S-194 52 Upplands Våsby 08 795 59 10, Fax 08 795 59 20 Poland SABUR Ltd. ul. Druzynowa 3A PL-02-590 Warszawa 22 844 63 70, Fax 22 844 75 20 Suomi/ Finland ENERGEL OY Atomitie 1 FIN-00370 Helsinki 09 586 2066, Fax 09 586 2046 Australia Siemens Building Technologies Pty. Ltd. Landis & Staefa Division 411 Ferntree Gully Road AUS-Mount Waverley, 3149 Victoria 3 9544 2322, Fax 3 9543 8106 Argentina MURTEN S.r.l. Av. del Libertador 184, 4° “A” RA-1001 Buenos Aires 054 11 4312 0172, Fax 054 11 4312 0172 After sales service USA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Inc. 1335 Barclay Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, USA 847 215 96 00, Fax 847 215 96 06 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Issue : 22.11.2000 Subjet to change without notice SAIA® Process Control Devices Motion control modules for servo drives with linear and circular interpolation PCD4.H4x0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1997. All rights reserved Edition 26/752 E1 - 04.1997 Subject to technical changes SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Updates Manual : Date PCD4.H4x0 - Motion control modules for servo drives with linear and circular interpolation - Edition E1 Chapter Page Description SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD4.H4.. Contents Contents Page 1. Introduction 2. Technical data 2.1 2.2 PCD4.H4xx PCD4 Configuration 3. Presentation 3.1 3.2 Frontpanels and LED description Printed circuits 4. Logic diagram 5. Connections 5.1 5.2 5.3 Bus module terminals (Overview) Digital I/Os on the Bus module terminals Front connectors and connecting cables 6. Function specifications 6.1 6.2 Introduction Block diagram, functional method 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.3 6.4 6.5 26/752 E1 (H4-00-E.DOC) Overview H4 program memory Parameters Execution mode (Immediate / Program) Execution buffer Axis status flag Measurement buffer 2-1 2-4 3-1 3-3 5-1 5-3 5-8 6-1 6-3 6-3 6-4 6-4 6-5 6-5 6-6 6-6 Function overview Differences between the H3 an H4 modules Generator for the velocity profile 6-7 6-8 6-9 6.5.1 6.5.2 6-9 6-10 Trapeziodal velocity profile S-curve velocity profile SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1 Contents PCD4.H4.. Page 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Blended move Home Function PID controller Encoder 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 7. 7.1 7.2 7.3 Page 2 6-17 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-21 6-22 6-23 6-25 Programming Introduction Programming concept Programming with the CP tool (Commissioning / Programming tool) 7-1 7-2 7-4 Installation Menu overview Menu explanation 7-4 7-5 7-7 Programming with FBs 7.4.1 7.4.2 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.6 7.5 Encoder type Direction of rotation Format / units Backlash Electronic gearing "Trigger-out" signal function "Position capture input" signal function "Change on the fly" function Description of circular axis (position rollover) 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.4 6-12 6-14 6-16 6-17 7-13 Introduction Addressing the H4 module Relay status flags Software library with function blocks (PCD9.H4..) Assembling and linking files Description of FBs 7-13 7-14 7-14 7-15 7-16 7-18 Command list 7-23 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5.6 7.5.7 7.8.8 7.5.9 7.5.10 7.5.11 7-23 7-24 7-25 7-27 7-31 7-37 7-38 7-40 7-42 7-44 7-45 Syntax explanation of command list Summary of command groups Alphabetical command and parameter list Motion commands Axis control commands Special commands Parameter commands Program control commands Program structure commands Program list commands for terminal (CP only) Program build commands SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-00-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Contents Page 7.6 Parameter list 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.6.4 7.6.5 7.6.6 7.6.7 7.7 Module parameter (general) Machine parameters Jog and homing Control parameters Acceleration parameters Axis mode parameters Special parameters FBs for writing and reading H4 programs 8. Error handling / prevention 8.1 8.2 8.3 Installation Checklist for error detection Error handling with FBs 9. Application examples 9.1 Travelling a simple path 9.1.1 9.1.2 9.1.3 9.2 9.3 9.4 26/752 E1 (H4-00-E.DOC) 7-47 7-47 7-48 7-49 7-50 7-51 7-52 7-53 7-54 8-1 8-2 8-4 9-1 Example Alternative using CP tool Alternative using PCD program 9-1 9-2 9-3 Application example with circular interpolation Application example: automatic lathe Application example with independent axes 9-5 9-8 9-14 Appendix A: Command code definitions for programming with FBs A-1 Appendix B: Examples Programming with FBs B-1 Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 B-1 B-7 B-11 B-17 B-21 B-27 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3 Contents PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-00-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Contents Please note: A number of detailed manuals are available to aid installation and operation of the SAIA PCD. These are for use by technically qualified staff, who may also have successfully completed one of our "workshops". To obtain the best performance from your SAIA PCD, closely follow the guidelines for assembly, wiring, programming and commissioning given in these manuals. In this way, you will also become one of the many enthusiastic SAIA PCD users. If you have any technical suggestions or recommendations for improvements to the manuals, please let us know. A form is provided on the last page of this manual for your comments. Summary PCD1/2 series Ha rdw are P C D1 P C D2 PCD4 series PCD6 series H ardw a re PCD4 Ha rdw are P C D6 PC D4.H1.. *) P CD4.H2.. *) PCD4.H3.. General Manuals *) PC D4.H4.. *) A dapter m odule 4'717'4828'0 allows H m odules to be used with the P CD6. U se r's Gu id e Ref erence Guide (PG3 ) P C D 8. P 1.. PC D7.D 1.. PC A2.D1.. PC D7.D 2.. - S-Bus - PROFIBUS - Remote I/O Ins tallation C om p one nts for R S 4 85 N etw ork s - PG4 - Modem FUPLA / KOPLA function fam ilies 26/752 E1 (H4-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5 Contents PCD4.H4.. Reliability and safety of electronic controllers SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. is a company which devotes the greatest care to the design, development and manufacture of its products: • • • • • • • • state-of-the-art technology compliance with standards ISO 9001 certification international approvals: e.g. Germanischer Lloyd, Det Norske Veritas, CE mark ... choice of high-quality componentry quality control checks at various stages of production in-circuit tests run-in (burn-in at 85°C for 48h) Despite every care, the excellent quality which results from this does have its limits. It is therefore necessary, for example, to reckon with the natural failure of components. For this reason SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. provides a guarantee according to the "General terms and conditions of supply". The plant engineer must in turn also contribute his share to the reliable operation of an installation. He is therefore responsible for ensuring that controller use conforms to the technical data and that no excessive stresses are placed on it, e.g. with regard to temperature ranges, overvoltages and noise fields or mechanical stresses. In addition, the plant engineer is also responsible for ensuring that a faulty product in no case leads to personal injury or even death, nor to the damage or destruction of property. The relevant safety regulations should always be observed. Dangerous faults must be recognized by additional measures and any consequences prevented. For example, outputs which are important for safety should lead back to inputs and be monitored from software. Consistent use should be made of the diagnostic elements of the PCD, such as the watchdog, exception organization blocks (XOB) and test or diagnostic instructions. If all these points are taken into consideration, the SAIA PCD will provide you with a modern, safe programmable controller to control, regulate and monitor your installation with reliability for many years. Page 6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-00-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Introduction 1. Introduction Block diagram of a servo drive for 2 axes Function and application The ..H4.. module is the most powerful of the axis control modules for the SAIA® PCD4. By using the latest DSP (digital signal processor) technology, the ..H4.. module is able to control 2 or 4 servo motor axes either independently or with linear or circular interpolation. The resulting Sshaped velocity profile produces motion which is both rapid and smooth. With its own memory and a high level of integrated intelligence, the ..H4.. module can be used in ways which take almost all the load from the PCD4’s CPU, leaving it completely free for actual process control. Useful function blocks and a powerful software package make programming and commissioning extremely simple. The novice programmer is supported by readily comprehensible test and diagnostic information with appropriate help functions, all of which make the processes transparent. 26/752 E1 (H4-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-1 Introduction PCD4.H4.. Velocity/course profile of an axis following an S-shaped course and approaching the destination position in slow-feed motion Main characteristics • PID control of 2 to 4 axes, independently of each other or with linear interpolation • Circular interpolation of any 2 axes on the same module • Smooth motion due to selectable velocity profile with a trapezoidal or S-shaped form • High computing speed (40 MIPS) • The ..H4.. module’s autonomous axis functions place almost no load on the controller CPU, which is therefore fully available for process control • The motion parameters can be stored permanently in EEPROM • Incremental encoders can be used in 5.V or 24.V versions • Hardware or software limit switches are monitored and processed independently by the module • Each axis has an analogue ±10.V output with 16 bit resolution to the external power amplifier • Programming is made simple by powerful instructions and a useful software library with function blocks • Convenient programming and commissioning tool, which can be used to monitor or modify any motion, load individual programs directly into the ..H4.. module, and then run them. Travel of two axes with linear and circular interpolation Page 1-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-10-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Introduction Typical areas of application • • • • • • • • • • Automatic palletizing machines Automatic placement and assembly machines Packaging machines NC controlled cutting machines Machines for applying sealants and adhesives Pipe bending machines Tool changers Stock handling Handling robots Polishing machines and many others Printed from the existing CP (commissioning and programming tool) Programming and commissioning tool With this software package the user has access to all the functions of the powerful ..H4.. module, i.e. writing and testing motion programs and optimizing the control parameters. The following menu-driven programs are available: • Configure: Parameter entry for communications and axes • Motion: Syntax driven editor for writing and commissioning motion programs • Graphics: Graphical representation of motion (see figure above) which enables the regulation parameters to be checked and optimized • Utility: Downloading or saving programs and parameters 26/752 E1 (H4-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-3 Introduction PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 1-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-10-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Technical data 2. Technical data 2.1 PCD4.H4xx Displacement control (Incremental, 2 quadrature pulses A and B plus reference mark R) 5.V inputs Isolated Frequency 5.V differential RS.422 inputs No max. 150.kHz (internal 600 kHz with x4 mode) 24.V inputs Signal ranges Input current Isolated Frequency Operating mode Low = 0…4.V High = 19…32.V 10.mA No max. 100.kHz (internal 400 kHz with x4 mode) Source Digital inputs Common for all axes - Stop - Start Per axis - Limit switch LS1| Can also be replaced with - Limit switch LS2| software limit switches - Reference switch - Position capture - Error in power amplifier Signal level Input current Input filter Isolated Operating mode Low = 0…4.V, High = 19…32.V 10 mA 30.µs No Source 26/752 E1 (H4-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-1 Technical data PCD4.H4.. Digital outputs Common for all axes - ..H4.. ready Per axis - position trigger output - power amplifier enable/disable Isolated Short-circuit protected Output current Operating mode No No 1 ... 100 mA (min. load = 240Ω by 24V) Source Control unit output (to drive the power-amplifier) Per axis ±10.V, short-circuit protected, 15-bit resolution plus sign bit, load resistance ≥ 3.kΩ. Offset max. ±100 mV Programming and commissioning tool (PC with MS-DOS) Connection RS 232 (with standard cable PCD8.K110/111) Motion parameters (unit of entry selectable as mm, inches, angular degrees or encoder pulses) Page 2-2 Position -2 147 483 648 to +2 147 483 647 units Range: –231…+(231–1) pulses Velocity -16 384 to + 16 383 units/servo cycle Range: –214…+(214–1) pulses (limited by the input filter of 100 kHz rsp. 150 kHz) Acceleration -16 384 to + 16 383 units/servo cycle Range: –214…+(214–1) impulses Duration of S-shape 0.01 to 99.99.s PID controller Proportional, integral and derivative factors are programmable. Cycle time 200.µs for 2 axes, 400.µs for 4 axes Electronic drive For transmission ratios 0.0001 to 10000 Programming with Function Blocks supplied as PCD source code or with ‘Programming/Commissioning’ Tool. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-20-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Technical data Memory (on ..H4.. module) - permanent EEPROM for all motion parameters of 4 axes - buffered RAM (super capacitor for min. 2 weeks) approx 3000..4000 program lines divisible into 9 separate programs with max. 1000 lines per program. Supply External (user) +24.VDC (19.V…32.V) smoothed, residual ripple max..10%, max. 0.2 A plus encoder supply For 5.V encoder Imax = 300.mA/axis For 24.V encoder Imax = 200.mA/axis Internal from PCD4 bus +5V typ..550.mA + 100.mA per axis Operating conditions Ambient temperature Operation: 0.°C…+55.°C without ventilation Storage: -20.°C…+85.°C Humidity: 5…95% EMC CE marking in accordance with requirements: Immunity according to EN 50.082-2, 1995 Emission according to EN 50.081-2, 1993 Mechanical resistance According to IEC 1131-2 Interference resistance 1 kV in capacitive coupling according to IEC 801-4 26/752 E1 (H4-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-3 Technical data PCD4.H4.. 2.2 PCD4 Configuration CPU Any PCD4 CPU can be used. Supply PCD4.N210 must be used, because of the H4 module’s requirement for ±15 VDC. The 5V current consumption of H4 modules limits the number of modules to 4 x H120 or 3 x H440. Memory PCD.R1.. is adequate if no data is stored in the CPU’s DB s. In all other cases: PCD7.R3.. (see section 7.7) Page 2-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-20-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Presentation 3. Presentation 3.1 Front panels and LED description Group LED Meaning System control OK on – DSP running – checksum OK – no error in user motion program flashing – abnormal condition (e.g. limit switch reached) but system still under control Encoder contro l off – system blocked, major error A B C encoder signal A encoder signal B encoder signal C (reference) These LEDs show the status of the relevant encoder inputs 26/752 E1 (H4-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-1 Presentation PCD4.H4.. Group LED Meaning Digital inputs LS1 on off Negative limit switch reached Negative limit switch not active LS2 on off Positive limit switch reached Positive limit switch not active Ref on off Reference switch reached Reference switch not active These inputs are Low active, thus 'normally closed' switches are required for security reasons. Amplifier control Page 3-2 Out on The digital output 'Amplifier Enable' is set high by the ..H4.. (command 'enable') In on The digital input 'Amplifier OK' is set high by the amplifier (as response to the 'enable') SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-30-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Presentation 3.2 Printed circuits Main board, Master 26/752 E1 (H4-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-3 Presentation PCD4.H4.. Counter/Encoder board Page 3-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-30-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Logic diagram 4. Logic diagram Block diagram of a servo drive for 4 axes 26/752 E1 (H4-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-1 Logic diagram PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 4-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-40-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Connections 5. Connections 5.1 Bus module terminals (Overview) X-AXIS (Master) TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 0 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE OUTPUT 1 TRIGGER OUTPUT OUTPUT 2 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT INPUT 3 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH START (NEG.) INPUT 4 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH END (POS.) INPUT 5 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH INPUT A POSITION CAPTURE INPUT INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 8 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE OUTPUT 9 TRIGGER OUTPUT OUTPUT 10 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT INPUT 11 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH START (NEG.) INPUT 12 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH END (POS.) INPUT 13 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH INPUT B POSITION CAPTURE INPUT INPUT Y-AXIS (Master) COMMON TERMINALS (Master) TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 6 ..H4.. READY OUTPUT 7 STOP PROGRAM INPUT 15 START PROGRAM INPUT – GND + +24.V 14 26/752 E1 (H4-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-1 Connections PCD4.H4.. Z-AXIS (Extension) TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 0 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE OUTPUT 1 TRIGGER OUTPUT OUTPUT 2 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT INPUT 3 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH START (NEG.) INPUT 4 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH END (POS.) INPUT 5 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH INPUT A POSITION CAPTURE INPUT INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 8 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE OUTPUT 9 TRIGGER OUTPUT OUTPUT 10 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT INPUT 11 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH START (NEG.) INPUT 12 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH END (POS.) INPUT 13 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH INPUT B POSITION CAPTURE INPUT INPUT W-AXIS (Extension) COMMON (Extension) Page 5-2 TERMINAL DESCRIPTION 6 NOT USED 7 NOT USED 14 NOT USED 15 NOT USED – GND + +24.V SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. TYPE (H4-50-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Connections 5.2. Digital I/Os on the Bus module terminals Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 0 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE X AXIS OUTPUT 8 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE Y AXIS OUTPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 0 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE Z AXIS OUTPUT 8 AMPLIFIER ENABLE/DISABLE W AXIS OUTPUT Extension Most amplifiers have an enable/disable input that permits complete shutdown of the amplifier regardless of the voltage of the command signal. This control function is very important for safety reasons to make sure the amplifier can be completely shutdown when needed (in an error condition, and also to control the power-up sequence of the system). It is not secure to rely on a "zero" analog output voltage because offsets can easily build up. The logic active level of this output is high. Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 2 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT X AXIS INPUT 10 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT Y AXIS INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 2 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT Z AXIS INPUT 10 AMPLIFIER OK/FAULT INPUT W AXIS INPUT Extension This input (HW signal from amplifier) indicates that the amplifier is ready. In error situation, if this signal is low, the H4xx module will perform a 'Kill' command and stop all motions. The logic active level of this signal is high. 26/752 E1 (H4-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-3 Connections PCD4.H4.. Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 3 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH NEGATIVE X AXIS INPUT 11 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH NEGATIVE Y AXIS INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 3 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH NEGATIVE Z AXIS INPUT 11 LS1: LIMIT SWITCH NEGATIVE W AXIS INPUT Extension To this input the HW limit switch of the negative direction must be connected. The logic active level of these inputs is low, i.e. in normal situations (axis not at limit switch) +24 V should be present. This requires the use of a normally closed (or normally conducting, if solid state) limit switch. Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 4 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH POSITIVE X AXIS INPUT 12 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH POSITIVE Y AXIS INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 4 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH POSITIVE Z AXIS INPUT 12 LS2: LIMIT SWITCH POSITIVE W AXIS INPUT Extension To this input the HW limit switch of the positive direction must be connected. The logic active level of these inputs is low, i.e. in normal situations (axis not at limit switch) +24 V should be present. This requires the use of a normally closed (or normally conducting, if solid state) limit switch. Page 5-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-50-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Connections Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 5 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH X AXIS INPUT 13 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH Y AXIS INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 5 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH Z AXIS INPUT 13 Ref: REFERENCE POINT SWITCH W AXIS INPUT Extension This input is intended for use in the homing routine. This requires the use of a normally closed (or normally conducting, if solid state) reference switch. Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 6 ..H4.. READY OUTPUT The logic active level of this output is high when the system is ready for operation and no abnormal condition is present (e.g. limit switch reached). The output is switched low when the OK LED flashes or goes off completely. 26/752 E1 (H4-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-5 Connections PCD4.H4.. Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 15 START INPUT INPUT With this input it is possible to start the program selected with P95. The logic active level of this input is programmable. (P90) Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 7 STOP INPUT INPUT With this input it is possible to stop the program action of the program selected with P95 at the next wait instruction. The logic active level of this input is programmable. (P91) Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 1 TRIGGER OUTPUT X AXIS OUTPUT 9 TRIGGER OUTPUT Y AXIS OUTPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE 1 TRIGGER OUTPUT Z AXIS OUTPUT 9 TRIGGER OUTPUT W AXIS OUTPUT Extension If enabled by software, the trigger outputs generate a signal edge when an encoder position reaches a preloaded value. This is very useful for the practically instantaneous triggering of an external action or event when the system arrives in a certain position. The logic active level of this output is programmable. (P'x'62) Page 5-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-50-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Connections Master TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE A POSITION CAPTURE X AXIS INPUT B POSITION CAPTURE Y AXIS INPUT TERMINAL DESCRIPTION TYPE A POSITION CAPTURE Z AXIS INPUT B POSITION CAPTURE W AXIS INPUT Extension With this signal, when enabled by parameters or programs, you can store the actual position of the axis in real-time for subsequent analysis (position capture). The logic active level of this input is high. 26/752 E1 (H4-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-7 Connections PCD4.H4.. 5.3. Front connectors and connecting cables Connection diagram for the 24.V encoder connecting cable Cable Connector (Encoder) (view from the front) Connection diagram for the 5.V/RS.422 encoder connecting cable Cable Connector (Encoder) (view from the front) Page 5-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-50-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Connections Connection diagram for the analogue output cable (±10 V) Cable Connector (Encoder) (view from the front) Programming port (PROG) with standard cable PCD8.K110/111 (for pin configuration, see PCD4 manual) 26/752 E1 (H4-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-9 Connections PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 5-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-50-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications 6. Function specifications 6.1 Introduction The module The PCD4.H4.. motion control module can control 2 to 4 axes and apply linear or circular interpolation. The module is plugged onto the PCD4 bus, where it occupies 16 addresses for communication with PCD4 user software. The 5V current consumption limits the number of H4 modules. It would theoretically be possible to plug in up to 8 modules (32 axes) with each module able to interpolate its axes (see section 2.2, Supply). Cross-module interpolation is not possible. However, with one H4 module it is possible to control and monitor the autonomous motion of 4 axes independently or the single (interpolated) motion of 4 axes. Any intervening combination is also possible. Independence The module operates independently. It controls the axes, travels along them precisely, communicates with the CP tool (commissioning and programming tool) and/or with the PCD CPU via standard SAIA function blocks and has its own program memory. Integral to the PCD Depending on the complexity of the application(e.g. variable processdependent data: velocity, position etc.) a PCD CPU must be called on to control the H4 modules. 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-1 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. User friendly Programming and parameter definition is possible with the CP tool on the PC screen, but also via FBs from the PCD4 CPU. This gives the user complete freedom to exploit all the capabilities for his project. PCD CPU H4 module PCDUSERPROGRAM H4 FBdriver H4 MODULES XOB 16 X-Axis User programs #9 CFB fbInitH4 BasisModul BasisStatusflag Typ H42/H44 EXOB COB 0 00 CFB fbStatH4 BasisModul CSB 0 SB 0 ;Get actual PositionX-Axis LD rCOMH4 QPX CFB fbExeH4 ModulBasis RrIstPosX NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED LD rCOMH4 "CODE" CFB fbExeH4 BasisModul P1 P2 P3 NOTUSED #1 Y-Axis PCD4 BUS (parallel) z.b. STH F XHome Programexecution stack EEPROM ;Get User Error STH I 10+BasisH4 LD rCOMH4 QU CFB HfbExeH4 ModulBasis RrErrorBits RrErrorCode NOTUSED NOTUSED Z-Axis Parameter CP tool Commissioning &Programming Tool (CP) with USERPROGRAM Configuration Motion Graphic Utility W-Axis Prog. Edit Terminal mode Prog. port (in front) (serial) Measurement buffer Figure 6.01 This figure shows that each module (PCD, H4 module, CP tool) operates independently and places no significant load on the others. Page 6-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications 6.2 Block diagram, functional method 6.2.1 Overview A hardware logic diagram is shown in chapter 4. The H4 module is depicted here in its resources and functions. It can therefore be seen, for example, that there is one parameter range (block). All functions or instructions (indicated with arrows) always affect the relevant block. PCD4.H4xx X-Axis Pa ra Motio n co (imme mmand diate) Axis contro l command s me te r s Parameter block Interface to PC software (CP.EXE) via prog.-Port (RS232) on module front panel Se l Y-Axis ec o n t io n ly o po f m ss ea ib s le ur wi em th e CP nt fo r EEPROM Interface to PCD via SAIA's PCD-BUS and FB driver Axis status Execution buffer #1 Axis status flag Prog.structure com. Prog ram contr ol co mma M nds ot io n co m m an d. (p ro g. ) user programms #9 Z-Axis H440 only W-Axis H440 only Measurement buffer Figure 6.02 The above diagram shows that commands to the H4 module can be divided into various groups. It does not matter here whether these commands originate from the PCD CPU (via FBs) or from the PC (CP.EXE). 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-3 Function specifications 6.2.2 PCD4.H4.. H4 program memory The H4 module has a separate memory for user programs. Commands from the H4 module command set can be stored in this memory. A program can be written with the CP tool and then transferred to the H4 module. This is also possible from the PCD4 CPU by means of FBs. Programs Programs are assigned a number on loading into the H4 module. 9 programs are available. 4 programs can run simultaneous. Program lines For each program, a maximum of 1000 lines can be stored in the H4 module. In total, and depending on the commands used, it is possible to store approx. 3000 - 4000 program lines in the H4 module. Storage Programs in the H4 module are protected with a supercap against loss from power failure and are held for at least two weeks. Parameters are saved in EEPROM and are not lost.. 6.2.3 Parameters Around 80 parameters are stored in the H4 module. At power-up they are copied from EEPROM into the 'Parameter block' which the H4 operating system uses. These parameters are divided into function groups and summarized in the list of parameters, section 7.6. Modifications/EEPROM Parameter modifications are volatile under conditions of power failure. However, settings for a specific application can be stored in the H4 module by copying the parameters into EEPROM. This happens automatically with the CP tool when parameters are written to the H4 module from the parameter menu. When working with FBs, the parameters must be deliberately saved with a special command. The maximum number of write cycles is limited to 100,000. For this reason, saving cannot be executed cyclically. Page 6-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications 6.2.4 Execution mode (Immediate / Program) FBs: Figure 6.02 shows that there are two types of motion command. 'Immediate' motion commands are transferred directly to the execution buffer and carried out consecutively. 'Program' motion commands are not executed directly, but are written to an H4 program (no. 1 - 9). In the command list (section 7.5) the 'ip Parameter' column indicates the execution mode in which each command operates. (I = immediate only, P = program only, IP = immediate + program) CP tool: (CP = Commissioning / Programming) Basically, the two execution modes (immediate / program) also apply when using the CP tool. However, the user is only confronted with this indirectly. If the CP tool is used to work from its 'Motion/Program Edit' menu, where programs are written and then downloaded into the H4 module, only the 'Motion Prog. Cmd' commands are accepted. In the 'Motion/ Terminal' window, however, the 'Motion immediate' commands are used. 6.2.5 Execution buffer The H4 module is autonomous and can therefore execute programs to their conclusion without further support. It is then only necessary, by means of the CP tool or using FBs from the PCD CPU, to control the program flow (e.g. Run 5). For this autonomous program execution process, and for the execution of 'Motion Immediate' commands, the H4 uses 4 internal execution buffers. With immediate commands, only one buffer is used. This execution buffer can store 50 'Immediate' commands. If this total is exceeded, the 'User Error' input and error bit 9 are set. This error message is reset when the number of commands in the buffer is dropped to 45. Buffer overload: If further immediate commands are sent to the H4 despite the 'Buffer full' (bit 9) error message, they will be lost. The execution buffer is processed sequentially, i.e. a new command is only executed once the preceding one has terminated. If a number of axes are to be moved simultaneously (not interpolated) it is necessary to work with different programs (1 program/axis) which can be started in parallel. Each program uses one buffer, i.e. max. 4 programs respectively 3 programs and immediate commands can be executed at the same time. 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-5 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.2.6 Axis status flag Figure 6.02 shows that each axis includes an axis status flag. This can be used, for example, to determine whether an axis has reached its end-oftravel switch, whether position control is active, or if the home process has finished. These axis status flags are queried with the 'Query status x' instruction. Please refer to the command list (section 7.5) for individual flags and their meanings. The status flags are divided into groups. Flags 0-7 are occupied by standard FBs and cannot be employed by the user. Flags 8-23 are reserved for the X axis, 24-39 for Y, 40-55 for Z and 56-71 for the W axis. When programming, the user is free to work either with numbers or can assign a symbol to the appropriate flag. To all flags, the flag base address is added witch can be defined in the initialization FB. (see section 7.4.6). The following list is for Flag base address = 0. Flag 0-6: 7: Flag 6.2.7 Flags 0-6 are occupied by standard FBs and cannot be employed by the user. Fatal Error (see Chapter 8). X Y Z W: Axis 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56: 57: 58: 59: 60: 61: 62: 63: 64: 65: 66: 67: 68: 69: 70: 71: Axis in position Axis running in 'immediate' mode Axis in hardware LS Axis in software LS Following error Following error warning Theoretical velocity of axis = 0 Capture position detected Drive OK (status input AOK) Negative LS input activated (LSS) Positive LS input activated (LSE) Reference switch activated (RPS) 'Position Capture Input' activated (PCI) Trigger position reached Position overrun Home function successfully performed Measurement buffer (see diagram on page 1-3 and figure 6-02) The measurement buffer can only be read with the CP tool in its graphic menu. This buffer serves to store motion data previously selected by the user. This data can be displayed graphically (oscilloscope function) and used to adjust the axis control parameters on machines. The operation and use of this function is described in section 7.3, CP tool. Page 6-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications 6.3 Function overview Functions: Positioning a linear axis Positioning a rotational axis Linear interpolation up to 4 axes Circular interpolation Spline interpolation Position control (positioning mode) Speed control Electronic drive (of two or more axes) Blended moves S-curve acceleration profile Feed-forward for velocity and acceleration Adjustment of axis control parameters Save motion program of H4 module outside the module Spindle pitch error compensation Compensation of lost motion on return Teach-in ISO code (CNC) Parameter modification during operation M commands as in CNC Jog: manual control Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes, with software (CP tool ) Yes, on PC or PLC No Yes No No Yes (see ‘on the fly’) No Yes The majority of functions marked 'No' can be resolved with the CPU. Examples of uses: (see also Chapter 1) Electronic cam programmer Flying cut possibilities Cartesian robots Handling device Special machines 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. No No Yes Yes Yes Page 6-7 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.4 Differences between the H3 and H4 modules Differences Operating modes Program editor for IL instructions Reference procedure PCD4.H3xx Position and velocity modes Any ASCII editor, but not SEDIT (symbol offset not possible). Cannot be stored in the module. All data and axis information are stored in the PCD CPU. Are not stored permanently in the module. This means that they are lost when the module is powered off. Each axis is controlled and monitored by two FBs: "AxInit" and "AxHndlg". A function is triggered by setting a flag. Must be solved by the user. FB nesting level 3 levels Synchronisation between axes By user program in PCD. Motion Control Factor : - Units - Encoder pulses or mm Motion program Parameters Axis Init and Axis Handling PCD4.H4xx Position mode only Any ASCII editor possible, including SEDIT. Up to 9 different programs can be stored in the module’s RAM. This reduces the load on the PCD CPU. Are saved in EEPROM in the module. Therefore, they are not lost when the module is powered off. Each function is executed directly with one command by calling the FB "fbH4.exe". For initialization and module status, two additional FBs are available. Executed automatically by the H4 on request 1 level (Prog. Up/Download has 2 levels) By the module (multi-axis linear or circular interpolation) - Encoder pulses, mm, angular degrees or inches - By H4 - Conversion of pulses to mm / inches or vice versa Commissioning & Progr. Tool : - Connection - Programming - by PCD CPU - Commissioning - Possibility for direct execution of - Only one axis can be promotion grammed and executed. A minimal PCD program must be - Online optimization of parameters with graphical support. present in the PCD CPU. Must be monitored by the user. Monitored by the H4 module. Limit switches and reference switch Addresses I/O for motion control module Page 6-8 - PGU connector on PCD-CPU - not possible The initial address and the number of modules must be defined. When more than one module is used, they must all be adjacent (no spaces). All I/Os must be controlled by the PCD CPU. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. - Programming connector on the H4 - Entire motion cycles can be written, executed and saved on diskette. This does not require any user program in the PCD-CPU. More flexible. The address of each module must be defined and transferred to the FBs as parameters. This allows freedom when positioning modules on the PCD4 bus. Integral to and controlled by the H4. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications 6.5 Generator for the velocity profile Profile generator TheH4 module can generate either trapezoidal or S-curved velocity profiles. These can be selected and defined for each axis with P 'x' 42. The generator produces the specified curve for each axis. The servo-position controller then regulates the actual position as closely as possible to the desired position. 6.5.1 Trapezoidal velocity profile This is the simplest velocity profile. The axis travels at a defined velocity towards a target, accelerating and decelerating with a constant ramp. These velocities are defined in the following parameters: maximum acceleration/deceleration rate: acceleration rate: deceleration rate: velocity with the command acceleration mode P 'x' 33 P 'x' 43 P 'x' 44 SS 'x' P 'x' 42 = 0 (trapezoidal) Acceleration acc. (P 'x' 43) Time dec. (P 'x' 44) Velocity Vel. Time Figure 6-03 When using a high velocity or travelling a very short distance, it is possible for the desired velocity not to be reached. In this case the velocity profile is triangular. Acceleration acc. (P 'x' 43) Time dec. (P 'x' 44) Velocity Vel. Time 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Figure 604 Page 6-9 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.5.2 S-curve velocity profile A trapezoidal velocity profile with constant acceleration results in a sudden change when acceleration starts, which can cause oscillation of the axis. For a smoother transition and to overcome static friction at V = 0 an S-curve profile is used. This profile is achieved by altering acceleration during acceleration. The duration of the S-curve ts is user-definable and stored as a parameter. S-curve duration time (ts): Acceleration mode: P 'x' 45 P 'x' 42 = 1 (S-curve) (calculated by H4) Figure 6.05/2 If an S-curve is used, parameters 43 and 44 apply as mean acceleration and deceleration. Velocity P'x'43 Time ts tA Figure 6.05/3 Page 6-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications If an S-curve duration time of ts = 0 is specified, the resultant velocity profile is fully trapezoidal. If ts is specified as greater than half the (calculated) acceleration time (tA), ts is limited to tA/2 . This produces no linear element within the acceleration. It results in a purely S-shaped acceleration with a maximum which corresponds to 2 times the mean acceleration (P 'x' 43). Therefore, when a pure S-curve is used the maximum acceleration, defined in P 'x' 33, can also be exceeded 2 times, which would entail quite a large following error during acceleration. In practice, a reasonable S-curve duration time would be 5 ... 30% of acceleration time ta . Combination of two axes with different ramp profiles If, for example, the X axis is defined with a trapezoidal ramp profile while the Y axis has an S-curve and a motion path is started, both axes are accelerated with an S-curve. If a different duration time ts has been defined for each axis, the greater time value is used. The following commands apply for interpolated motion: SV instead of SS 'x' (velocity) SA instead of P 'x' 43 (acceleration) SD instead of P 'x' 44 (delay) max. Velocity max. Acc./Dec. P 'x' 30 P 'x' 33 ¦ are also ¦ considered Path velocity SV is divided among the individual axes according to the trajectories. SV = √ Vx2 + Vy2 for 2 axis interpolation SV = √ Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2 for 3 axis interpolation SV = √ Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2 + Vw2 for 4 axis interpolation Only one path velocity SV can be used for each module. With immediate commands it is not possible with an H440 to carry out linear interpolation of x/y and z/w with different path velocities at the same time, because the H4xx module can only execute one immediate command at the time. However, as SV is also a program command, it can be set in different programs for independent axes interpolation, e.g. x/y and z/w separately. 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-11 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.6 Blended move The H4 module can be instructed to execute complete cycles. This means a number of separate motion sequences which together produce a cycle. If an individual motion in a cycle is over, all axes concerned would reduce velocity to zero, so that they can then accelerate again for the next motion. With the 'blended move' function, the new velocity is adopted and the only change made is from the first to the second velocity. This change starts where the deceleration ramp of the first motion would start without 'Blended move'. The blending from one velocity to a new one always takes place trapezoidally. Figure 6.06 Examples: without blended move: Page 6-12 with blended move: XR500,YR0 WAIT0 XR200YR100 XR500,YR0 SV100 XR50,YR0 WAIT0 SV120 XR200,YR100 SV100 XR50,YR0 XR500 YR200 XR500,YR0 XR0,YR200 XR200YR100 SV120 XR200,YR100 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications Parameter P97 "Blended move angle" Parameter 97 sets an angle α from which the H4 module applies 'blended move'. Parameter 97 =89° X Parameter 97 =91° X α = 90° α = 90° Y Y Acceleration X or Y Acceleration X or Y t t Speed X or Y Speed X or Y t t Figure 6.06.1 If P97 is smaller than the angle arising when the axes are travelled, 'blended move' applies. This makes sense if, for example, a handling device must travel back some distance without pausing in between. However, if specific points are to be approached exactly, the angle can be set so high the blended move is not used. (with P97 = 181° the function is switched off entirely). It should be noted though that, with blended move, intermediate positions are not completely reached: this is to maintain a constant path velocity. 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-13 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. Velocity with 'Blended move' If the path of each single movement is short comparing to the selected velocity, the velocity set point cannot be reached. The velocity VBL with blended move equals to the max. velocity which would be reached in a single movement and depends on P'x'43 (acceleration), P'x'44 (deceleration) and the paths. There are 3 possibilities to get the selected velocity: • set low the blended move velocity set point • set as high as possible P'x'43 and P'x'44 • increase the path for each single movement or or V V BL P'x'44 P'x'43 0 10 20 S 30 With P'x'43 = P'x'44 = a for example, the velocity is calculated as: VBL = 2 × a × s where: s = path Page 6-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function specifications 6.7 Home Function The H4 module can execute the home function independently. This function is itself a small program cycle and must therefore also be defined. The definitions are located in parameters 20-24 and are listed in section 7.6.3. The axis to be homed must be active (ENABLE). (The following description refers to figure 6.07) 1. The search for the reference switch takes place at the velocity defined in parameter 22. Search direction is defined in parameter 20. If the reference switch is not found and the axis encounters a limit switch (HW or SW), the search direction is changed. 2. If the reference switch has been found, freewheely commences (exits from reference switch). The direction of freewheeling is defined in parameter 23 and the velocity in P 'x' 24. 3. When the reference switch has fallen, the axis moves further until the encoder index signal (channel C) is detected. The repeating accuracy of the reference switch is not relevant, since homing refers to the encoder's C signal. Repeating accuracy is therefore incrementally precise. 4. When the C signal is recognized, the axis is loaded with the value defined in parameter 23 (frequently '0') and then decelerates. After stopping, the axis is not located precisely on the reference point. The home function has been successfully concluded and the status flag 'H' is set (see description of the command QS 'x' in the chapter 7.5.5). 26/752 E1 (H4-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-15 Function specifications PCD4.H4.. • If the reference switch or the encoder’s C signal is not found, the OK LED flashes and error bit 7 is set (see section 7.5.5, cell 2.13). If the encoder delivers no C signal, this input is to put on logical H (see section 5.3). • The reference position P 'x' 23 can, for example, also be used to align the axes of a number of similar machines. • Execution of the home function is not PID regulated; only controlled. The controle voltage is: Home speed Vout = 10V ---------------max. speed Position defined by P'x'23 Position, where the axis is stopped Reference switch LS start LS emergency control limit stop switch for H4 Axis 1. A 2. LS end control limit LS emergency stop switch for H4 3. Stop pos. after C signal recognized 4. C signal encoder Reference switch actuated Figure 6.07 Page 6-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-61-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function Specifications 6.8 PID controller All the regulating parameters of the digital position controller with 'velocity feedforward' and 'acceleration feedforward' can be modified during the movement ('on the fly'). Controller parameters: Proportional factor Differential factor Sampling factor for D Integral factor Integral limit Integral mode Velocity feedforward Acceleration feedforward Dead band Parameter 50 Parameter 51 Parameter 56 Parameter 52 Parameter 53 Parameter 16 Parameter 54 Parameter 55 Parameter 10 Figure 6.08 The trajectory generator produces all digital information needed to control the system (destination position, velocity, acceleration). The 'jerk' function is also generated (change in acceleration). 26/752 E1 (H4-62-D.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-17 Function Specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.9 Encoder The precise position of the axis is detected with an incremental shaft encoder or a linear encoder The position is counted in the "quadruple count" mode. In this way the four-way resolution of encoder partition is obtained. 6.9.1. Encoder type Incremental encoders can produce different signals. The H4 module can process 24 VDC or 5 VDC encoders (for hardware details see Chapter 2 "Technical data"). Encoder type can be selected in parameter 92 and defined. This definition always applies to a pair of axes: X and Y or Z and W. Since LEDs A, B and C are activated according to the choice of encoder, they can be used to check that the setting is correct. 6.9.2. Direction of rotation The sequence of signals A and B determines the direction of rotation, so that the current position is incremented or decremented accordingly. The count direction is 'positive' or 'negative' depends on which shaft end of axis the incremental encoder is fitted to and on its mounting position. It is possible to change the count direction by reversing signals A and B. The H4 module allows this, even without wiring alterations, by modifying parameter 08. In the diagram too, this allows for uniform wiring, regardless of the encoder position. Page 6-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-62-D.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function Specifications 6.9.3. Format / units The H4 module works directly in physical units. Parameter 01 selects the desired unit of operation (mm / inches / angular degrees / pulses). In this way it is possible to give for example a path of 233,56 mm directly to the H4 module. To optimize the way in which the PCD CPU and the H4 work together, while still achieving a high resolution, the 'virtual integer' format was chosen for floating point values, i.e. all values are transferred as integers with a virtual decimal place, which is defined in parameter 96. H4 module PCD4.Mxxx Parameters Register 100 (integer) P01 0 P96 2 Used internally H4 bus 23'356 23'356 / 10 [2] 233.56mm [ mm] Unit defined by user: 1/100 mm. Maximum resolution: Maximum resolution: +/- 2E31 ! 7½ digit Figure 6.09 Integer values are not concerned from this conversion. In the command list all the instructions using the "virtual integer" format are marked with "VI". The standard accuracy for floating point values is 7½ digits. That means, all values using this format, e.g. the position, are accurate to the 7th decimal. (Example: 0.001 mm accurate on 10 meters). To read the position in Encoder-steps (without any conversion and accuracy lost) there are special instructions available (QPI 'x') 26/752 E1 (H4-62-D.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-19 Function Specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.10 Backlash Any axis with a spindle drive usually has a backlash. If the path direction is altered, the axis travels the required path minus the backlash: i.e. not exactly the path required. s[mm] 321 100 171 - backlash 221 150 171 109 112 100 100 50 t Figure 6.10 Backlash considerably reduces the accuracy of a machine. The mechanism used must either be free from backlash (which is often very expensive) or backlash compensation is required to set it to zero. The H4 module is capable of this. The backlash can be defined in parameter 14 (see parameter list 7.6.4) and is added to the travel when there is a change of direction. If there is no change of direction, the backlash has already been compensated and no correction is made. Velocity for backlash compensation Parameter 63 can be used to set the velocity at which the backlash is compensated. In certain circumstances, this may be higher than the normal velocity, since it is only necessary to move the motor and spindle. Range = 10... 100% of max. velocity (parameter 30). Page 6-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-62-D.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function Specifications 6.11 Electronic gearing When the Y axis is linked to the X axis, all path commands to the X axis are also executed on the Y axis. The transmission ratio can be defined in parameter 07, in this case X/Y. This link is only effective in one direction (Y accepts X commands and not vice versa). If a two-way link is required, these links must be set in both directions: link Y to X and link X to Y. When doing this, ensure that the second link has the reverse transmission ratio to the first (1/2 and 2/1). This electronic gearing is calculated as a linear interpolation, so that vector velocity SV and vector acceleration SA or SD apply. Example: Axis X R1 Axis Y R2 = ½ R1 Figure 6.11 A machine has two axis drives which are located far apart and which must travel synchronously with each other. A mechanical link is difficult or very expensive. The answer is therefore two individual drives which travel synchronously with each other and which are connected as if by gears. The term used is therefore ‘electronic gearing’. Figure 6.11 shows a virtual axis connection of both wheels. If it existed, the vehicle could not travel in a straight line, since the wheels are of different sizes. With 'electronic gearing' it is possible to equip these wheels, whose diameters differ, with individual drives and cause them to travel in the correct ratio synchronously with each other, so that the vehicle travels in a straight line. If X is selected as master, the necessary settings are P 'x' 06 = 2 (Y axis) and P 'x' 07 = Y/X. 26/752 E1 (H4-62-D.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-21 Function Specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.12 "Trigger-out" signal function Each axis has a "Trigger-out" signal available. This output allows a very accurate and fast reaction to be achieved, depending of axis position. If the axis exceeds the P value set by the SOx command (section 7.5.5, cell 2.14) the "Trigger-out" signal is activated. (This signal is available to the user at bus terminal 1 or 9 on the H4 module). The position value which enables the "Trigger-out" signal is written to the H4 module with the SOx command. The value is used in the unit of measurement selected for the H4. If this unit is inadequate, the SOIx command can be used to load (or set) the position value to the exact pulse. When executing the SO.. command, the status bit (21 on the X axis) is deleted and the "Trigger out" signal is disabled. QSx (section 7.5.5, cell 2.12) If the axis then overtravels the set position value in either direction, the "Trigger out" signal is activated and the status bit is set. The trigger output polarity can be selected with parameter 62. When the trigger position is reached and P62 = 0, the output is set high (positive logic). The inactive state is = L. When the trigger position is reached and P62 = 1, the output is set low (negative logic). The inactive state is = H. H4 module Set status flag Actual position = Comparative pos. Trigger-out signal S R =1 P62 set with SOx X Figure 6.12 Page 6-22 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-62-D.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function Specifications 6.13 "Position capture input" signal function There is one of these hardware inputs for each axis on the H4 module. If this function is enabled (SC 'x'), when the 'PCI' input is set High (bus terminal A or B) the value for the actual axis position is stored in the "Position Capture" register. This value can then be read from the H4 (QC 'x'). If a capture position has been recorded, the status flag 'C' is set for the corresponding axis (section 7.5.5, cell 2.12). The following commands, parameters and flags belong to the "Position Capture" function: SC 'x' / QC "x" Command ‘PCI entered’ flag (for X axis = flag 15) H4 module Set status flag Actual position PC input & measuring head Capture position R S X axis Read capture pos. with QCx Set with SCx Workpiece Figure 6.13 Example: A measuring head on a cartesian robot is used to measure the edge of a workpiece. If the measuring head responds, the actual position is immediately stored. This can then be read from the H4 module. 26/752 E1 (H4-62-D.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-23 Function Specifications PCD4.H4.. 6.14 "Change on the fly" function Various parameters are calculated or taken into consideration during the execution of commands. If the command has been interpreted in the H4 module and transferred to the execution process, parameters can be modified, but will only take effect from the next command. In the parameter list (section 7.6) commands marked ‘YES’ under the heading "change on the fly" affect the axis at any time. If they are modified during motion, they influence the axis immediately. It is therefore possible, for example, to modify control parameters during motion and for them to influence the control system immediately. In jog mode, it is even possible to modify the jog speed and the velocity then changes “on the fly”. Page 6-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-62-D.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function Specifications 6.15 Description of circular axis (position rollover) Parameter Px05 is used to indicate whether an axis is linear (n=0) or rotating (n>0). A linear axis is characterised by limited motion, which is controlled by hardware limit switches. There are no limits for a rotating axis. This parameter defines the position rollover (the period). The value 'n' defines the limits of the display range (for the 'query axis position' command). The start and end of the traversing range are at the same physical position. At the range limits, the display changes from the start value to the end value, or from the end value to the start value, depending on the direction of rotation. This means that the absolute or relative motion commands cause a maximum displacement of the axis equal to Px05 / 2 (half the period) in the direction of the shortest path (negative or positive direction). When working in mm or inches (see Px01 and Px03), the position rollover Px05 defines the circumference of the axis. When working in degrees, the position rollover Px05 is 360°. When working in steps, see example 1. Example 1: A rotating plate is activated by a motor in 16 steps. The encoder, with 2000 impulses/rev., is connected to the motor's axis. The motion is to be divided into 16 steps. The parameters for axis 'x' will be: Px01 = 2 (degrees) Px02 = 2000 (impulses/rev. from encoder) Px03 = 16 (16 steps from 0 to 360°) Px05 = 16 (steps/ rev. of rotating plate 26/752 E1 (H4-62-D.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-25 Function Specifications PCD4.H4.. The motion commands will be expressed in steps: axis 'x' will move to the 2nd section of the table (direction of motion is clockwise) xA = 2 with : xA = 18 axis 'x' will move exactly to the same position as for xA = 2 (18 - 16 = 2) with the same motion direction. So that the position will be indicated the same when using the command QPx (query position of axis 'x') in both cases. But with : xA = 15 Page 6-26 axis 'x' will move to the 15th section of the table but with direction of motion is counter clockwise, i.e. via the shortest path. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-62-D.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Function Specifications Example 2: Command with steps a translation system formed by two pinions. The pinions have 8 teeth. The 2000 impulses/rev. Is on the axis of a pinion. The chain has a development equal to 48 interacts-tooth. The parameters for the axis will be. Px01 = 2 Px02 = 2000 Px03 = 48 Px05 = 48 (units are degrees) (impulses/rev. from encoder) (48 degrees/rev.) (steps/ rev.of translator) The motion commands will be expressed in steps: xA = 36 xA = 56.7 xR = 49 xR = -3.67 26/752 E1 (H4-62-D.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-27 Function Specifications PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 6-28 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-62-D.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7. Programming 7.1. Introduction The "PCD4.H4..Motion Control" unit has a large number of commands and parameters. The parameters for module, system or axis settings can be modified in various operating situations. Apart from the motion control commands, there are also special commands for system control and program control. All commands and parameters can be modified or read by accessing in two different ways. a.) b.) from the PCD CPU, using standard FBs via PCD bus. from the PC via the front panel connector on the H4. PCD4.Mxxx PCD4.H4xx X axis User programs #9 XOB 16 CFB fbInitH4 BasisModul BasisStatusflag Typ H42/H44 EXOB a.) via PCD4 bus COB 0 CFB 00 fbStatH4 BasisModul CSB 0 SB LD rCOMH4 "CODE" CFB fbExeH4 BasisModul P1 P2 P3 NOTUSED 0 #1 Y axis ;Get actual Position X-Axis LD rCOMH4 QPX CFB fbExeH4 ModulBasis R rIstPosX NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED z.b. STH F XHome Program execution stack ;Get User Error STH I 10+BasisH4 LD rCOMH4 QU CFB H fbExeH4 ModulBasis R rErrorBits R rErrorCode NOTUSED NOTUSED EEPROM Commissioning tool on PC Configuration Motion Graphic Utility Prog. Edit Terminal mode Z axis Parameters b.) via serial interface cable PCD8.K110/K111 W axis Measurement buffer Terminal Figure 7.01 26/752 E1 (H4-71-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-1 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.2 Programming concept Programming the H4 module can be divided into two basic methods: a) Programming the H4 module with the CP tool b) Programming the H4 module via PCD user software In both cases, however, the following applies: • The user can adjust and fine-tune the module with various commands or parameters. • Entire motion programs can be loaded into the H4 module or transmitted to the module for execution. (Program Mode). It is, of course, also possible to execute individual commands or modify individual parameters (Immediate Mode). Various user motion programs can be stored in the H4 module and then recalled for execution as needed. a) Programming the H4 module with the CP tool "CP" refers to the commissioning/programming tool, which runs on a personal computer (PC) and is connected with the PCD4.H4 via a serial interface. This tool has been specially developed for the H4 module and can execute all the functions of the H4. The CP tool not only edits motion programs and loads them into the H4 module, it can also upload from H4 module and store them on the harddisk. Apart from the program, parameters can also be handled by the same way. b) Programming the H4 module via PCD user software. SAIA-Burgess Electronics has provided standard FBs to drive the H4 module from PCD user software. This allows the user to execute any functions required in the H4 module simply by calling the relevant FBs. In this way, complex motion programs can be created in PCD application software. Parameter modification is also very easily solved by calling FBs in the application software. Special functions also allows entire travel programs to be loaded into the H4 module. Travel programs which have been edited with the CP tool can be safeguarded by uploading them from the H4 module, storing them in the PCD, and then loading them again into the H4 module. Seite 7-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-71-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming Synchronization of programs Loaded programs can be started directly (and independently of each other) with RUN'p' (p = program no. 1…9). BREAK'p' can be used to stop them after execution of the current command. If several commands are executed in 'Blended mode', they are treated as a single command and BREAK cannot interrupt them individually. The RUN function can also be executed from hardware with the start input (terminal 15). This is also possible for the BREAK function by means of the stop input (terminal 7). Parameter 95 selects the program to be affected by the start and stop inputs. If programs are to be nested (max. up to 4 levels), a program can be called and executed from another program as follows: e.g. 1 - XA20 2 - RUN3 3 - XA40 4 - END If a separate program must start between two motions with blended execution, note that the RUN command is executed at the moment when blending begins, i.e. just before position 20 (depending on P'x'44 and the velocity. See also chapter 6.6 for 'Blended move). For position-dependent actions, the trigger output can be used. If programs only need to be processed up to a specific line, a breakpoint can be set with the STOP command: e.g. 1 - XA20 2 - STOP 3 - XA40 4 - END A program stop can cancelled directly with RUN'p', or from another nested program, or with the hardware start input. To view a running program, the command QL'p' (p = program no.) can be used to query the program line currently executing. If the program has finished (or not yet started) the value 0 is returned. 26/752 E1 (H4-71-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-3 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.3 Programming with the CP tool (Commissioning / Programming tool) The 'Commissioning / Programming Tool' (CP) is a software tool for IBM compatible PCs. It runs under the DOS operating system. Installation and programming are very simple. 7.3.1 Installation Installation consists of copying all files from the diskette to the hard disk, e.g. into a directory \SAIA-H4. This requires approx. 2 MByte free memory on the harddisk and 400 kBytes RAM. The program is started by calling it from the DOS prompt: 'CP' <CR>. On starting CP, the SAIA logo appears. Pressing any key displays the following pull-down menu. Seite 7-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-71-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming The cursor can be moved with the arrow keys <↓>, <↑>, <←> and <→> to select the required menu. The menu is then opened with <CR>. See section 7.3.3 Menu explanation, for clarification of menu items. <ESC> = Menu Pressing the <ESC> key activates the pulldown menu. The F1 key is not shown. It is used to call help. 7.3.2 Menu overview - Configuration - Serial communication parameter - General parameter - Axis parameter - Motion - Program edit - Terminal mode - Graphics - Graphics - utility - Language change - Color change - Graphics color change - Select color for Text in graphic - DOS Shell - Quit If a menu is selected, additional function keys will be shown. For example, with 'Program Edit' the following keys are available: 26/752 E1 (H4-71-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-5 Programming PCD4.H4.. The following function keys can be selected: <F4> = From/To H4 mod Function key 4 defines the destination and source of data for the two functions F2 and F3 (PC or H4). <F2> = Read/Upload Prg. when <F4> = PC: • Reads the .cnf (config) file into the CP working memory when <F4> = H4: • Reads the configuration from the H4 into the CP working memory <F3> = Save/Downl. Prg. when <F4> = PC: • Saves the configuration from the CP working memory to the hard disk. when <F4> = H4: • Loads the configuration from the CP working memory into the H4. Seite 7-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-71-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.3.3 Menu explanation The functions described below have been divided into groups according to the main menu. Configuration 'Serial communication parameters' The PC COM port can be selected. (COM1: or COM2: ). The communications parameters are fixed. (e.g.: 9600,8,E,1) 'General parameters' The relevant general parameters for the H4 module can be set. These are parameters 90 ... 98. Function key description: If all parameters have been set correctly, they can be saved with <F3>. The destination to which they are saved must previously have been defined with the <F4> key (H4 or PC). These parameters can be read back with <F2> (<F4> selects whether from H4 or PC). 'Axis parameters' All axis parameters are displayed. Some parameters depend on how the others have been set. It is therefore advisable to complete the parameters from top to bottom. The limits are displayed in the edit window. Pressing function key <F8> selects the next axis. To save, see 'General Parameters'. Motion 'Program edit' The program editor works offline, i.e. programs can be written, viewed, modified and saved on the harddisk without being connected to the H4 module. If a connection is established with the H4 and selected with the <F4> key, programs can be read from the H4 or loaded into the H4. Max. 9 programs can be loaded in the H4xx module. (See also chapter 6.2.2 for H4 program memory). The commands are stored in the H4 module, but not yet executed. Note that max. 1000 lines per program can be inserted. To enter a command, press the <Enter> key (<↵>). An edit window opens at the lower margin of the screen and allows the required command to be entered. See section 7.5 ‘Command list’ and section 7.6 ‘Parameter list’ for possible commands or parameters and their function. 26/752 E1 (H4-71-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-7 Programming PCD4.H4.. The following function keys can be selected: <F4> = From/To H4 mod Function key F4 defines the destination and source of data for the two functions F2 and F3 (from/to PC dis or from/to H4 Mod). <F2> = Read/Upload Prg. when <F4> = from/to PC dis • Reads the .prg (program) file into the CP working memory when <F4> = from/to H4 Mod • Reads a program from the H4 into the CP working memory <F3> = Save/Downl. Prg. when <F4> = from/to PC dis • Saves a program from the CP working memory to the hard disk. when <F4> = from/to H4 Mod • Loads a program from the CP working memory into the H4. <F8> = Analyse • Checks the lines of code entered for syntax errors and indicates in a window which lines have errors. <F5> = Delete line • Deletes the current program line and move the following lines up and store the deleted line in the buffer (Cut function). <F6> = Insert line • Inserts an empty line at the current line position and moves the following lines down. <F7> = Paste line • Inserts the last deleted line in the buffer, provoked by F5, at the current line position and moves the following lines down. Seite 7-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-71-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming Before loading a program into the H4 module, the syntax is checked and any lines containing errors are indicated. If it was not possible to execute the loading correctly, an error message appears. A correctly loaded program can be started in terminal mode. <F4> function key must always be set correctly to ensure the down/up loading procedure in the correct places. Commands which, according to the command list, can only be executed in immediate mode, are not accepted in the program. Remark: If P94 is set for axes X and Y only, all parameters or program commands for axes Z and W will not be accepted in the 'Program Edit' mode. 'Terminal mode' In contrast to the program editor, commands or parameters entered here are executed immediately (Immediate: see also section 7.5.1 Syntax explanation, box 'Execution mode'). Further function keys appear in this window. <ESC Menu> <F9 Previous commands REV> <F10 Previous commands FOR.> 'ESC Menu': Exists terminal mode, returns to menu. F9 Previous commands reverse F10 Previous commands forward The entry line has a 10-line ring buffer. This can be scrolled backwards <F9> or forewards <F10> as a simple means of reusing previously entered command lines. The last entry in the command line can also be retrieved with <Enter> (<↵>). Several instructions can be entered on the same time in terminal mode and will be executed after confirming by <CR>. Example: QPX QVX QEX <CR> Execute program: Having loaded a program into the H4, it can be started with the command "RUN" + program number. However, make sure that parameters have been set and loaded and that the relevant axes have been correctly initialized (check 'Enable' and 'Home'). Concerning the axis status window which appears on top, see section 7.5.5 cell 2.12. The active bits are indicated with a letter or character (e.g. 'Positive limit switch reached', '+' and 'h'). 26/752 E1 (H4-71-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-9 Programming PCD4.H4.. Graphics 'Graphics' This mode allows the user to observe various functions of the axis. The user can employ these graphics when setting up the axis. If the user changes the PID parameters, the graphics allow him to verify the effects directly. The modified control parameters are only transmitted to the H4 when data capture started by <F4>/<F5>. After a test motion, the CP tool needs a short time to transmit the captured measurements from the module to the PC and to represent them. A maximum of 4 curves can be sampled for the axis selected by <F8>. The following possibilities are available: 'Actual position', 'Destination position', 'Following error', 'Set point Velocity', 'Acceleration', 'Analogue output voltage DAC'. The optimal set point parameters discovered from this are not copied automatically into EPROM. The user has to perform the command 'WRITE' to do that. Most of the function keys and other information on this screen are selfexplanatory. Here briefly are a few additional notes: Function by <F5> performs the following Steps: • send PID parameters to H4 module • start the program selected by <F3> • start data acquisition Concerning the axis status window which appears top right, see section 7.5.5 cell 2.12. The active bits are indicated with a letter or character (e.g. 'Positive limit switch reached', '+' and 'h'). Seite 7-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-71-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming Utility 'Language change' The language of the CP tool can be selected here. (ENG, ITA, [GER, FR]) 'Colour change' The foreground and background colours of different windows can be selected. Monochrome can also be chosen. By pressing the arrow keys <←> or <→> the different window areas can be selected. Pressing <CR> and then <Space> displays the colours available; <F4> monochrome, <F5> default setting. 'Graphics colour change' The foreground and background colours of the graphics window can be selected. 'Select colour for Text in graphic' Colours can be selected for texts in the graphical display to achieve the optimum graphical representation. See above for colour change. 'DOS Shell' Temporarily exits CP without losing data from working memory. (Type 'Exit' to return) 'Quit' Exits CP. On termination, data in working memory is lost. 'Quit' can also be achieved with <Ctrl> + <z>. 26/752 E1 (H4-71-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-11 Programming PCD4.H4.. Notes Seite 7-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-71-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.4 Programming with FBs This part of the manual explains how to use the standard FBs provided by SAIA-Burgess Electronics for the H4 module. It describes the FBs and how to call thems. Individual H4 commands and parameters are explained in sections 7.5 'Command list' and 7.6 'Parameter list'. 7.4.1 Introduction The user creates an individual program (see Figure 7.04 "User program") by using the three basic FBs provided for the H4 module (see Figure 7.4 "H4 FBs"). First, the user has to call 'fbInitH4' (in XOB16 for example) to initialise the H4 module. In the COB, the 'fbStatH4' must be tested cyclically to get status of axes. (Status Flags for each axis can be used further in the user program). For programming motions or setting parameters, the user has to load first the corresponding instruction to the command code register (rComH4) and call the 'fbExecH4' to execute the instruction. A simple overview of this can be obtained by considering figure 7.04. Two FBs, 'fbUpLdH4' and 'fbDnLdH4', have been provided for transferring whole programs (section 7.7). USER PROGRAM USER INTERFACE H4 FBS XOB 16 00 CFB fbStatH4 ModulBase H4 MODULE(S) fbInitH4 CFB fbInitH4 ModulBase StatusflagBase ModulTyp EXOB COB 0 PCD 4 BUS ModulBase FlagBase Note: "CODE" stands for the command code from the H4 command list. R1, R2, R3 are registers in which the user transfers values to the module or receives them from the module (depending on "CODE"). If the code used does not require all 4 values, those not needed must be indicated as NOTUSED. Modultyp 0 FB Internal Flag (Dont use it !) 7 CSB 0 8 Status X fbStatH4 LD SB 0 rCmdH4 "CODE" CFB fbExeH4 ModulBase P1 P2 P3 NOTUSED ModulBase 23 24 Status Y Relay status flags z.b. STH F XHome ;Get actual Position X-Axis LD rCmdH4 QPX CFB fbExeH4 ModulBase R rIstPosX NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED fbUpLdH4 Status Z Status W fbExecH4 rCmdH4 ModulBase ModulBase Pg# Value 1 DB# Value 2 Value 3 fbDnLdH4 ;Get User Error STH I 10+ModulBase LD rCmdH4 QU CFB H fbExeH4 ModulBase R rErrorBits R rErrorCode NOTUSED NOTUSED 40 56 Value 4 ModulBase Pg# DB# Input 10 (User Error) Input 11 (H4 Ok) +10 +11 Figure 7.04 26/752 E1 (H4-72-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-13 Programming PCD4.H4.. A user program must be assembled, linked and then downloaded into the CPU. (See explanations in section 7.4.4). 7.4.2 Addressing the H4 module This module, like all other PCD4 modules, needs 16 bus addresses. The lowest module address is the base address. All other addresses are used accordingly. The user must therefore define the module base address and the base address of flags (see 'fbInitH4'-FB). What individual addresses signify: (+ base addresses) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Data read Data write Data bit 0 (LSB) Data bit 1 Data bit 2 Data bit 3 Data bit 4 Data bit 5 Data bit 6 Data bit 7 (MSB) Data available Channel busy User Error Set DSP Ready Axis X "in position" Axis Y "in position" Axis Z "in position" Axis W "in position" Data bit 0 (LSB) Data bit 1 Data bit 2 Data bit 3 Data bit 4 Data bit 5 Data bit 6 Data bit 7 (MSB) Write (WR) Read (RD) Clear channel Reset DSP The direct input signals from H4 bus 'Axis in position' are normally used in the debugger for control purpose. For programming with FBs, we recommend the same signals (flags) delivered by the function block 'fbStatH4' because of timing reasons. 7.4.3 Preset status flags (Status flags: see section 7.5.5 cell 2.12) When certain commands are executed with function block (FB) 'fbExecH4', some status flags are updated immediately (preset), before FB 'fbStatH4' refreshes the status flags. This makes the FBs easier to use, it is not necessary to call FB 'fbStatH4' between two calls of 'fbExecH4'. Cyclical asynchronous calling of 'fbStatH4' is sufficient. The status flags are refreshed only by the FbStatH4. For this reason, before using the status flags in the user program, make sure that they are previously refrehed by the 'fbStatH4'. Seite 7-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-72-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming The following status flags are preset: • Axis in pos. (8) • Immediate command in execution (9) • Capture pos. reached (15) • Trigger position reached (21) • Homing successfully concluded (23) 7.4.4 Software library with function blocks (PCD9.H4..) The standard FB package for the H4 module comprises 3 files: H4DEF.SRC This file concerns only the base addresses of resources (Flags, Reg., FBs). The user can define here the base addresses. This file will be called with the command $INCLUDE in the file H4FB.SRC H4EXTN.DEF This file contains all necessary symbols which can be used in the user program. This file must be included in the user program with the command $INCLUDE. H4FB.SRC This file contains the FBs source code and all symbols which are only used for the FBs. This file must not be modified or edited with SEDIT. FB nesting levels required: Size of H4FB software (lines): 26/752 E1 (H4-72-E.DOC) 1 < 4200 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-15 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.4.5 Assembling and linking files The following picture shows how the FBs of the H4 module can be integrated into the user software. H4EXTN.DEF User file.SRC $Include H4EXTN.DEF - CFB n . . . CFB n extn rComH4 extn ..... . . . H4DEF.SRC BAF EQU 1000 BAFB EQU 100 BAR EQU 1000 H4FB.SRC $Include H4DEF.SRC FB Source code . . . . Assemble Assemble User file.OBJ H4FB.OBJ Link Application.PCD Figure 7.4.4 The base addresses of the H4 FBs are defined in file H4DEF.SRC by the user, the user must therefore modify this file. Files H4FB.SRC and H4EXTN.DEF should never be modified by the user. To call the various H4 functions from the user program, it must also have access to the definition file H4EXTN.DEF. The H4 definition file is therefore included in each user file (with $include H4EXTN.DEF). The user can define his project definitions in a separate definition file which also must be included in his program. If he wants to use also the H4 definitions (BAF, BAR and BAFB) in his program, he has to include the file H4DEF.SRC either in his project definition file or directly in the user program. Seite 7-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-72-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.4.6 Description of FBs For the sake of simplicity, all FBs are described in the same way. The figure below clarifies the layout of the following pages. NAME Function: Text NAME Software: NAME Outputs Inputs Function description: Inputs and outputs Other details: The format and unit of values entered are according to parameters P01 and P96 (see section 6.9.3) 26/752 E1 (H4-72-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-17 Programming PCD4.H4.. FbInitH4 FbInitH4 Function: - Initialize H4 module Caution: This FB measures the CPU performance. It must therefore only be called in the coldstart routine (XOB16 ). FbInitH4 ModuleBase =1 FlagBase =2 ModuleType =3 H4 Module FB Levels 1 Index change No Processing time approx. 600 ms Function description: This function is used to initialize the H4 module and the PCD resources used by it. During ‘PowerUp’ (XOB16) one 'fbInitH4'-FB must be called for each H4 module. If several H4 modules are used in one PCD4 system, flag base addresses must be checked to ensure that the flag ranges of each module do not overlap. Description of I/Os: Symbol Description ModuleBase FlagBase ModuleType Seite 7-18 Module base address Flag base address Select module H420/H440 Parameter yes yes yes SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Media Type Format Addr. range K Integer 0 -512 Integer 0 -8192 K Integer 2 or 4 (H4-72-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming FbStatH4 FbStatH4 Function: - Read status of H4 module FbStatH4 ModuleBase =1 AxisNo =2 H4 module Statusflag FB Levels 1 Index change No Processing time ca. 8ms/Axis * * dependent on CPU power Function description: This function reads the status register for each axis from the H4 module. The status register is then output to the status flags and can therefore be queried by the user. The base address for the status flags is taken from the function 'fbInitH4'. The offset and meaning of the individual status flags are described in the command list, section 7.5.3 (2.11) or 6.2.6. The status flags are refreshed only by this FB. For this reason, before using them in the user program, make sure that they are previously refreshed. Description of I/Os: Symbol Description ModuleBase AxisNo Module base address Axis number Parameter yes yes Media Type Format Addr. Range K Integer 0 -512 Integer 0 - 15 (0-F) Axis number: 00h : one axis/cycle 01h : axis X 02h : axis Y 04h : axis Z 08h : axis W 0Fh : all available axes in one cycle Combinations are also possible: e.g. Ch or 12d = : The status flags of axes Z and W are refreshed. (h = hex; d= decimal) If an axis is addressed which does not exist, no function is executed. 26/752 E1 (H4-72-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-19 Programming PCD4.H4.. FbExecH4 FbExecH4 Function: - Execute Command to H4 Ld R rComH4 'CmdWord' FbExecH4 ModuleBase =1 P1 =2 P2 =3 P3 =4 P4 =5 H4 module FB Levels 1 Index change No Processing time approx. 515ms * * dependent on CPU power and number of parameters Function description: The function 'fbExecH4' is the command execution function for all commands and H4 parameters. This function can read or write H4 module data. Before calling this FB, the register 'rComH4' must be loaded with the appropriate instruction word. The FB itself reads all the information required for execution from the instruction word. Section 7.5 lists all possible instruction words. Description of I/Os: Symbol Description ModuleBase P1* P2* P3* P4* * ♥ Module base address Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3 Parameter 4 Parameter yes yes yes yes yes Media Type K R R R R Format Integer♥ Integer♥ Integer♥ Integer♥ Integer♥ Addr. range 0 -512 0 - 4095 0 - 4095 0 - 4095 0 - 4095 Refer to command list for the number of parameters. Integer or "virtual integer", depending on command (see section 6.9.3 and command list section 7.5) Example: see next page Seite 7-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-72-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming Example for FbExecH4: This example shows an absolute motion (immediate) of axis X (see section 7.5.4 cell 1.10) Always load this register with the required command. The command and parameter number have been taken from the command list. . . . . . Base address of module. Ld R CFB fbExecH4 K 16 R 100 NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed The new destination to which the X axis must travel is located in register 100 .(Format/resolution: see section 6.9.3) . . . . . . 26/752 E1 (H4-72-E.DOC) rComWord Xai ;\ ; > use the command ‘Xai’ ;/ (Move X absolute immediate) ;\ ; > execute the command ; new pos.value in R 100 ; ; ; Unused parameters in the FB can be designated with the symbol 'NotUsed' or with any register. These are not used and not modified. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-21 Programming PCD4.H4.. Notes Seite 7-22 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-72-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5. Command list 7.5.1 Syntax explanation of command list The command list has been designed for programming with the CP tool or with FBs. Instruction words in Roman type apply to the CP tool, those in italics are for FBs. Instruction word: - large characters must be present - replace "x" with the axis character: X,Y,Z,W. - small characters without "" are parameters - replace "ip" with i or p for execution mode. - underlined characters are significant for CP Execution mode: i= Immediate execution p= write command to H4 Prog. (not executed) ip = both modes Total parameters (for FBs) Function title Parameter description "x"Ap,"y"Aq ip Move 2 axis absolute / relative "x""y"A"ip" 2 P1/p: VI destination of 1st axis P2/q: VI destination of 2nd axis A = A or R (absolute/relative) Execute linear travel of two selected axes to new positions 'p' and 'q'. Note: The sequence of axes must always be from left to right, i.e.: XYZW. For example, only [xwAi] is accepted, not [wxAi]. Commands which are possible as both immediate and program commands must be specified in the FB code word. 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) Verbal description and comments: SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. I = Integer-Format VI = Virtual Integer-Format see section 6.9.3 Page 7-23 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.2 Summary of command groups: Group: Examples: 7.5.4 Motion commands (XA100 / cir... / Home / Zero / ...) 7.5.5 Axis control commands: (Enable / Kill / Query Pos. Acc. / Decel.) 7.5.6 Special commands: (Out / Lock / Unlock) 7.5.7 Parameter commands: (read & write Param.) 7.5.8 Program control commands: (run / step / ... 7.5.9 Program structure commands: (for / next / ...) 7.5.10 Program list commands for terminal (CP only) (list) Program build commands (open / close / erase) 7.5.11 Page 7-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.3 Alphabetical command and parameter list with cell reference of the following tables BREAK capture position CIRcle with radius CIRcle with angle CLOSE DRIFT EEPROM ENABLE END Ep / Epn / Epn,m Erase EREAD EWRITE FO FOR Get parameter GOSUB GOTO Gpn HALTALL HOME Interpolate 2 axes Interpolate 3 axes Interpolate 4 axes J- / JDN J+ / JUP Jog negative Jog positive Jog stop JS KILL List Lp / Lpn / Lpn,m Move Axis NEXT NORMAL OPEN Override Pxn QC; QCI QLp QM QP;QPI QU Query actual position error Query actual velocity 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 5.4 2.8-9 1.14 1.15 8.2 2.18 4.4-5 2.2 6.8 8.3-5 8.3-5 4.4 4.5 2.1 6.1 4.3 6.4 6.3 5.2 5.5 1.2 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.5 1.5 2.3 7.1-3 7.1-3 1.10 6.2 2.17 8.1 2.1 4.1 2.10-11 5.7 8.6 2.4-5 2.13 2.7 2.6 Page 7-25 Programming PCD4.H4.. Query capture position Query current execution line Query memory lines free Query position Query status Query user error QV RAPID RESUME RETURN RUN SA SC SD Set acceleration Set capture position Set deceleration Set output compare Set parameter Set position Set speed Set vector speed SO; SOI SPLOCK SPUNLOCK Status SS STEP STOP SV Travel one axis VOUT WA /WR WAIT XA /XR XAp,YAq,ZAr,WAs / XRp,YRq,ZRr,WRs XAYA / XRYR XAYAZA /XRYRZR YA /YR ZA /ZR ZERO Page 7-26 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 2.10-11 5.7 8.6 2.4 2.12 2.13 2.6 2.16 5.6 6.5 5.1 1.8 2.8-9 1.9 1.8 2.8-9 1.9 2.14-15 4.1 2.11 1.6 1.7 2.14-15 3.2 3.3 2.12 1.6 5.3 6.6 1.7 1.10 3.1 1.10 6.7 1.10 1.13 1.11 1.12 1.10 1.10 1.1 (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.4 1.1 1.2 1.3 Motion commands Instruction word for CP for FBs ip Code designation Mode Brief explanation ZERO "x" ip ZERO"x""ip" 0 HOME "x" i HOME"x" 0 J+ "x" i JUP"x" 0 Set axis to zero Set position of axis to zero. Regardless of where the axis is currently located, the position value is lost and set to '0'. Relay: Synchronize axis The status flag (23 for Synchronizes the axis with the X axis) is mechanism. The method for deleted. locating the Home Pos. is defined in parameters 20-24. This small executive routine takes place in the H4, placing no load on the PCD CPU. By querying the 'Home' flag from the H4 status flags, it is possible to see when the 'Home' command is terminated. The ref. position (param. 23) is then loaded as the actual position. Home and Jog moves are not PID controlled (see Chapter 7.6.3) Jog positive (manual move) Jog mode: In this operating mode, the axis can travel in controlled mode (without PID). The axis accelerates with P'x'43 to the defined velocity and moves until a Jog stop command is sent or until the pos. Limit switch (HW or SW) is reached. For the velocity in jog mode, see commands 'RAPID' and 'NORMAL'. 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-27 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 J- "x" i JDN"x" 0 JS "x" i JS"x" 0 Jog negative Travels until the negative LS (HW/SW) is reached. See ‘J+ command Jog stop SS "x",s ip Jog mode operation of the relevant axis is stopped with the deceleration. P'x'44. Set motion speed SS"x""ip" 1 P1/s: VI SV s ip [unit/sec] Never 0 max = Vmax (P 'x' 30) Default = 1/10 Vmax Sets the motion speed of the axis. Only applies for the travel of one axis. Set vector speed SV"ip" 1 P1/s: VI [unit/sec] Never 0 Sets the vector speed of the motion. The axis velocities are calculated vectorially. Only applies for the interpolated travel of several axes. 2 axes: V = √ Vx2 + Vy2 3 axes: V = √ Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2 4 axes: V = √ Vx2 + Vy2 + Vz2 + Vw2 1.8 1.9 SA a ip Set motion acceleration SA"ip" 1 P1/a: VI SD d ip [unit/sec2] Never 0 max = Amax (P 'x' 33) per axis Loads the acceleration for interpolated motion. Set motion deceleration SD"ip" 1 P1/d: VI Page 7-28 [unit/sec2] Never 0 max = Amax (P 'x' 33) per axis Loads the delay for interpolated motion. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.4 1.10 "x"Ap "x"A"ip" ip Move axis absolute / relative 1 P1/p: VI [unit] The max. positioning range is -231 ... +231 pulses (-2,147*109 ... + 2,147*109) However, resolution is limited by the floating point format to 7½ places. For details see section: 6.9.3. Travel with the selected axis to position 'p'. If a LS is reached, the axis is killed and the error bit 2 as well as the corresponding axis statusflag h rsp. s is set. The move out of the LS is only possible with the Jog comd. Relay: Move 2 axes absolute / relative The 'In Pos' P1/p: VI position/path of X axis [unit] flags are P2/q: VI position/path of Y axis [unit] deleted A = A or R (absolute/relative) 1.11 "x"Ap,"y"Aq "x""y"A"ip" ip 2 A = A or R (absolute/relative) same for all axes e.g. XAp, ZAq XRp, WRq 1.12 "x"Ap,"y"Aq,"z"Ar ip "x""y""z"A"ip" 3 A = A or R (absolute/relative) same for all axes 1.13 XAp,YAq,ZAr,WAs a XYZWA"ip" A = A or R (absolute/relative) same for all axes 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) ip 4 Relay: The 'In Pos' flags are deleted The linear interpolated travel of two selected axes to new positions 'p' and 'q'. (Applies to absolute motion only; for relative motion ‘path’ applies). Note: Axes must always be used in the order x,y,z,w. Therefore, for example, only [xwAi] is accepted, not [wxAi] Relay: Move 3 axis absolute / relative The 'In Pos' P1/p: VI position/path of X axis [unit] flags are P2/q: VI position/path of Y axis [unit] deleted. P3/r : VI position/path of Z axis [unit] The linear interpolated travel of three selected axes to new positions 'p', 'q' and 'r'. Relay: Move 4 axis absolute / relative The 'In Pos' P1/p: VI position/path of X axis [unit] flags are P2/q: VI position/path of Y axis [unit] deleted. P3/r : VI position/path of Z axis [unit] P4/s : VI position/path of W axis [unit] The linear interpolated travel of four axes to new absolute positions 'p', 'q', 'r' and 's'. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-29 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.4 1.14 CIRr,c,"x"Ap,"y"Aq CIR"x""y"A"ip" ip Move circle with radius (abs. / rel.) 4 P1/r: VI radius [unit] P2/c: I direction: 0 = clockwise 1 = counter-clockwise (when pos. coordinate system has been defined) P3/p : VI end position/path of 1st axis P4/q : VI end position/path of 2nd axis [unit] Travel in an arc from actual pos. to new positions 'p', 'q', with a radius 'r' and direction 'c'. Note: If the arc is >100° a point is calculated every 5°. If the arc is <100° the number of points calculated is always 20. Caution: The radius must total at least half the distance (to the end position) otherwise the command is not executed. A = A or R (absolute/relative) c=0 r E (p/q) c=1 1.15 CIRa,2,"x"Ap,"y"Aq CIR"x""y"A"ip" A = A or R (absolute/relative) α = −130° Z (p/q) Page 7-30 ip 4 Move circle with angle (abs. / rel.) (Centre mode) P1/a: I angle [unit] P2/c: 2 centre mode P3/p : VI centre of circle on 1st axis P4/q : VI centre of circle on 2nd axis [unit] Travel in an arc from the actual pos. with angle 'a', whose centre is at pos. 'p', 'q'. If the angle is negative, the direction of the arc turns Note: (see CIR command with radius) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) Relay: The 'In Pos' flags are deleted. End position abs./relative Relay: The status flag (8 for X axis) is deleted. 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.5 7.5.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Axis control commands Instruction word for CP for FBs FO=x ip Code designation Mode Brief explanation i Feed Override FO 1 ENABLE "x" ip P1/x: I in % from 1 to 120 Executes the motion velocities of the whole module in percent. After power-up, this value is set at 100%. This function does not affect jog mode operation. The value must be selected before any motion (i.e. not 'on the fly') Enable axis ENABLE"x" 0 KILL "x" i KILL"x" 0 'Enable..' switches on the position controller for the selected axis and maintains the position as active. It also sets the output 'Ampl. Ena' (Terminal 0/8). The controller and output are switched off again with 'Kill..' Disable axis QP "x" i 'Kill..' switches off the controller and the output (Terminal 0/8), sets the analogue output to 0V and sets the program pointer to 0. See also 'Enable..'. Query actual position QP"x" 1 P1: VI actual position [unit] Reads the current position of the selected axis.Actual value of axis. (e.g. for display on MMI) 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-31 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 QPI "x" i Query actual position in impulses QP"x" 1 QV "x" i P1: I +/- 2E31 (regardless of P96) [Imp x 4] Reads the current encoder position of the selected axis. The actual value is resolved in encoder impulses. (Mode x4) + Explanation under 2.10. Query actual velocity QV"x" 1 QE "x" i P1: VI velocity of axis [unit/s] Read current velocity of axis. Query actual position error QE"x" 1 P1: VI position error of axis [unit] SC "x" ip Read current following/ position error in state. Set capture position SC"x""ip" 0 QC "x" i Relay: The status flag (8 for X axis) Activate function: 'Store posi- is deleted tion' when module input 'PCI' (Kl.A/B) has responded. The value can be queried with the QC command. Setting the capture function deletes the status flag ‘PCI captured’. Query capture position QC"x" 1 P1: VI stored position [unit] Read the value recorded with the 'Capture' function. Querying the status flag (flag 15 on X axis) can be used to identify whether the value has already been captured. (see also SC command) Page 7-32 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.5 2.10 QCI "x" i Query capture position in impulses QCI"x" 1 P1: VI stored position in impulses ± 231 (regardless of P96) Read the value recorded with the 'Capture' function directly from the encoder. Note: In one revolution, an encoder with 1000 pulses generates 4000 impulses in the H4 module (in 'x 4' mode). (see also SC and QC commands) ip Set position 1 P1/p: 2.11 SP "x", p SP"x" "ip" 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) VI [unit] Position that is loaded as actual position max. Pos. range -231 .. +231 impulses. The axis position is lost and overwritten with the position p SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-33 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.5 2.12 QS "x" special CFB FbStatH4 i 0 Query status The axis status is displayed online in the terminal mode, the QS'x' instruction is therefor not especially used. (The format is Hex Code Decimal) 16 status flag / axis The flag base address is defined in FBInitH4. Read status flag of each axis. Flag : +BAF 0-6 internal FB use only 7: Fatal Error H4 (no link to H4 module). Read access only. The following applies for the X axis: per axis 8: P axis in Pos. 9: E immediate command in execution 10: h axis in hardware LS 11: s axis in software LS 12: F Following error 13: W Following error warning 14: 0 theoretical speed = 0 15: C Capture pos. reached 16: A drive OK (Input AOK) 17: - neg. LS (Input LSS) 18: + pos. LS (Input LSE) 19: R ref. switch (Input RPS) 20: I input capture (PCI) 21: c trigger position reached 22: V Position overflow 23: H homing successfully concluded for Y axis ‘Flag+16’ for Z axis ‘Flag+32’ for W axis ‘Flag+48’ FB: Querying of status flags is executed by a special FB which must be called cyclically in the program. Page 7-34 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.5 2.13 QU i QU 2 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) Query user error code The user error is displayed online in the terminal menu. With QU this error message and the user error input I 10 on PCD4 bus will be cleared. P1: I 16 error bits P2: I error code Read the word 'User error L = stored code' : Errors deleted Error bits: by: bit 0: EEPROM not ready L 1: EEPROM checksum error L 2: LS triggered L 3: (Reserved internal) 4: Max. Following error with online stop 5: Calculated pos. overrun L ENA 6. Max. Following error 7: Error in home routine L ENA 8: LS active online 9: Execution buff. overflow 10: Wrong command in prog. online prog. no. see bit 12-15 11: Checksum error in prog. L Run 'p' 12: 20 ¦ LSB 13: 21 ¦ Program has an L 14: 22 ¦ error 15: 23 ¦ MSB for prog. no. Error codes: 0: no error 1 Start prog. with err. bit 11 2 Start prog. with err. bit 10 3 More than 4 progs. in RUN 4 Start prog. whichdoes not exist 5 Start prog. on line which does not exist 6: A prog. in RUN cannot be deleted 7: Move an axis which is disabled. 8: 'Home' instructed for a disabled axis. 50: Data overflow in PCD interface 100: Impossible command from PCD 200: No H440 identified 255: GENERAL ERROR SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-35 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.5 2.14 SO "x",p SO"x""ip" 2.15 SOI "x",p SOI"x""ip" 2.16 RAPID ip Set output compare 1 P1/p: VI position [unit] ip 1 i Rapid 0 2.17 NORMAL i NORMAL 0 Relay: The status flag (21 for X axis) is deleted. The H4 module has a 'Trigger Out' output, which is activated when the position set with this command is exceeded. On execution of this command, the output is deleted. Relay: Set output compare in impulses The status P1/p: I position flag (21 for 31 (regardless of P96) X axis) ±2 See SO command for descrip- is deleted tion.But here the position is indicated in impulses. Caution: Note that encoder resolution is multiplied by 4. (See chapter 6.9 Encoder) Use rapid speed for jog Set the velocity for Jog move to P'x'32. If the axis is already moving with 'Normal speed', the velocity is changed 'on the fly' with the acceleration P'x'43 to 'Rapid speed'. 'Rapid' and 'Normal' affect all axes, although they can have different speeds (P'x'31 and P'x'32) for each axis.. Use normal speed for jog Sets jog speed to normal (parameter 31). If the axis is already moving with 'Rapid speed', the velocity is changed 'on the fly' with the deceleration P'x'44 to 'Normal speed'. See 'Rapid' command for additional information. Page 7-36 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.5 2.18 DRIFT "x" i DRIFT"x" 0 Drift compensation (offset adjustment) Executes drift compensation for the selected axis. Adds an offset voltage to the analogue output. This calculated compensation offset is depending on the position error (in stand) and the proportional factor P'x'50. Therefore no integral factor should be used that a position error can be measured and the compensation is effective. 7.5.6 3.1 3.2 Special commands Instruction word for CP for FBs OUT "x",v ip Code designation Mode Brief description i Output to DAC VOUT"x" 1 P1: VI v: ±0.00 ... 10V The analogue output which the control circuit needs to drive the amplifier can be set, controlled directly with the command 'Out..'. In this case the controller of the corresponding axis must be disabled ('Kill'). Note: This command is used mostly for tests and commissioning purposes only. - (i) Disable serial port (for FBs only) SPLOCK 0 Locks the CP port. 3.3 - (i) SPUNLOCK 0 Enable serial port (forFBs only) Unlocks the CP port again. 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-37 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.7 4.1 Instruction word for CP for FBs Pxn=y P"n" (0-89,92) Use for H4 prog. Parameter commands ip Code designation Mode Brief description ip Set parameter 3 x: axis (for FBs: x=1,....W=4) n: parameter number y: I/VI parameter value (see parameter list) Load parameter 'n' of selected axis with value 'yyy' Set axis parameter in 'Program' mode Example: P1: axis Ld rComH4 (for FBs: x = 1,....W = 4) P01 CFB fbExecH4 P2: parameter number 'n' = 0 - 89,92 K 32 P3: I/VI parameter value (see parameter R rr (1) R rr (01) list) R rr(0) Load parameter ('n' and P2) of selected axis (P1) with value from P3 Note: For nn the instruction word (e.g. P01) must agree with parameter 2, i.e. they must be the same. Example: Set general parameters in 'Program' mode p 3 P"n" (90-99) Use for H4 prog. p Ld 3 P1: parameter number 'n'=90-99 P2: I parameter value (see parameter list) rComH4 P97 CFB fbExecH4 K 32 R rr(97) R rr(45 Load parameter ('n' and P2) of selected axis (P1) with value from P2 Note: For nn the instruction word (e.g. P01) must agree with parameter 1, i.e. they must be the same. Page 7-38 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.7 4.2 i P"x""n"W (n= 0-98) 1 for general parameters (90-98) without axes, 'x' is omitted. 4.2 Pxnn? i Set parameter in 'Immediate' mode Example: P1: parameter value (see parameter list) Ld Load parameter 'n' of selected axis with value from P1 Get parameter rComH4 Py01W CFB fbExecH4 K 32 R rr(2) Ld rComH4 P96W CFB fbExecH4 K32 R rr (3) Ld CFB P"x""nn"R 1 P1/nn: parameter value (Destination register) Read parameter 'nn' of selected axis. See parameter list for content of P1. EREAD i Read from EEPROM EREAD 0 (see parameter list). 4.3 rComH4 Px50R fbExecH4 K32 R rr Read parameters from EEPROM into H4 RAM. This is also executed during powerup. 4.4 EWRITE i EWRITE 0 Store in EEPROM Store parameters from H4 RAM in EEPROM. This is executed automatically by CP during a 'Parameter Download'. 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-39 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Program control commands Instruction word for CP for FBs RUN p ip Code designation Mode Brief description ip Run program RUN"ip" 1 P1: I program number 1-9 Starts the selected program at line 1. Gpn ip G"ip" 2 STEP p i STEP 1 BREAK p ip BREAK"ip" 1 HALT i HALTALL 0 When the 'Run' command is started from a program, remember that 4 is the maximum number of programs which can run simultaneously (see also P98). Run program on line N P1/p: I program number (1-9) P2/n: I program line (1-1000) Starts the selected program at line n. Step program (Inactive with run) P1/p: I program number (1-9) Executes an individual program command. Break program P1/p:I program number (1-9) Stops the pogram after the current command. (If several 'blended' commands are being executed, they count as a single command). 'Run' makes the program continue. Stop all program and motion Stops all motion immediately (all axes) with the max. deceleration. The control system remains active and positions are retained. This command can only be reversed with the 'Resume' (or 'Kill') command. Page 7-40 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. 5.6 Programming RESUME i RESUME 0 Resume command Halt Releases any module halt state initiated by the ‘HALT’ command. A motion interrupted by the halt command is brought to its conclusion. 5.7 QL"p" i Query current execution line QL"p" 1 P1: I program line (1-1000) replace „p“ with the prog. number ( 1-9) 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) Outputs the current program line. If the program is at an end (or not yet started) the value returned is 0. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-41 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.9 6.1 6.2 Program structure commands Instruction word for CP for FBs FOR n ip Code designation Mode Brief description p Starts a repeat block FOR 1 P1/n: I number of loops (0 - 32767) Marks the start of a repeat block, which will be repeated n times. This command can be nested to a depth of 8 levels. NEXT p Ends a repeat block NEXT 0 Marks the end of a repeat block. 6.3 6.4 6.5 GOTO n p Jump to program line GOTO 1 P1/n: I program line (1 - 1000) Jumps to a specific line in the program. GOSUB n p Jump to subroutine GOSUB 1 RETURN p P1/n: I program line (1 - 1000) Calls a subroutine at line n. This command can be nested to a depth of 8 levels. End of the subroutine RETURN 0 Marks the end of the subroutine. 6.6 STOP p STOP 0 Stop program Stops the own program on the line where the stop instruction is written (wait endless) until a new RUN or STEP command is received. Acts like a break point. Page 7-42 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. 6.7 6.8 Programming WAIT n p Wait WAIT 1 P1/n: I wait time 0 - 65535 [msec] While the program is being processed, WAIT executes a pause lasting n msec. Note: Insertion of a WAIT 0 between two motion commands suppresses the blended move function. END p Identifies the end of program END 0 Every H4 program must end with this command. 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-43 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.5.10 7.1 Instruction word for CP for FBs Lpn=......... Program list commands for terminal (CP only) ip Code designation Mode Brief description i Function of list: Set program line Overwrite line n of program p with the following command character. The changes are stored with the 'close' command. For FBs see 'OPEN' 7.2 7.3 Lpn? Lpn,m? Page 7-44 i i Function of list: Get program line Display line n of program p in command character. Function of list: Get area of program line Display line n to m (max. 20 lines) of program p in command character. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.5.11 8.1 Program build commands Instruction word for CP for FBs - ip Code designation Mode Brief description i Open program for edit Example: OPEN"p" 1 P1: I program line (1 - 1000) Ld Replace "p" with prog. number ( 1-9). rComH4 OPEN5 CFB fbExecH4 K32 Rrr(1) Opens the selected program, so that commands can then be written in the program. Note: This happens automatically in CP with the Lpn = ... command and therefore requires no special instruction for CP. 8.2 CLOSE i CLOSE 0 Close and save program under edit Close program currently open and save it. Also required when a program has been modified with Lpm = ... If the edited program is currently being executed, the CLOSE command is not executed. 8.3 Ep i Erase program EP 1 P1/p: I program number (1-9) Erases the selected program. If this program is running, the command is not executed. See also bits in 'User Error'. 26/752 E1 (H4-73-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-45 Programming 8.4 8.5 PCD4.H4.. Epn i Erase program line - 2 p: n: Epn,m i Erase area of program lines 3 p: n: m: QM i Query memory lines free QM 1 P1: I number of free program lines (0 - 1000) Query how many program lines remain free in the edit buffer. - 8.6 program number (1-9) program line (1-1000) Erase a line in the selected program. The erased line remains empty. Subsequent lines don't move up. This command cannot be executed with FBs. program number (1 - 9) program line start (1 - 1000) Program line end (n - 1000) Erase an area of lines n to m in the selected program. This command cannot be executed with FBs. P2: I free memory in the H4 module in words (max. approx. 11K words, representing approx. 3000..4000 program lines) depending of the used commands. Page 7-46 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-73-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.6. Parameter list 7.6.1 Module parameters (general) Abbreviations used in the list: U s V mV = = = = base Unit second Volt milli Volt Param. Description no. per axis 94 Module type - 95 96 90 91 92 97 98 (See also explanations in the section 7.5.1, Syntax explanation of command list) changed on the fly Unit Program number to be executed with the inputs 'Start' and 'Stop'. Number of decimal places; only for virtual integer values via FBs Edge of the 'Start' signal at which the program starts Edge of the 'Stop' signal at which the program stops Encoder voltage P'x'92 sets X and Y; p'z'92 sets axes Z and W. Angle from which blended move is executed. Check whether several programs are accessing to one axis. default Format I - 2 4 1 - 3 - Values : ip mode 2: for H420 4: for H440 1-9: for program numbers i I 0-6: number of decimal places i positive I 0: 1: positive negative i - positive I 0: 1: positive negative i - 5V I 0: 1: 5V 24V i degrees 0° I 0-181° i - 1 0: no check 1: check i I Per default, the check is active and when different programs are started proceeding on the same axis, only the first program is executed and from the second program an error message 'Axis locked' will appear. When selecting 'No check', no more control will be done and the user is responsible to execute the program in correct order. ip mode: 26/752 E1 (H4-74-E.DOC) i ip 'Immediate' only (cannot be used in a program) 'Immediate' + 'Program' mode SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-47 i Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.6.2 Machine parameters Param. Description no. per axis 01 Axis unit 02 Unit 04 Encoder impulses/revolution Path/encoder revolution (in units according to P01) Encoder count direction 08 Analogue output polarity 30 Maximum velocity with Vout = 10V Maximum acceleration (positive & negative) Positive position limit software limit *) 03 33 40 change on the fly default For- Values : mat U mm I - 1000 I U 5 VI - positive I - positive I U/s 200 VI U/s2 1000 VI U yes 0 VI 41 Negative position limit software limit *) U yes 0 VI 11 Following error-limit error signal Following error-limit warning signal Following error action U yes 2 VI U yes 0,5 VI - yes stop I 12 13 *) ip mode 0: mm 1: inch 2: ang. degree 3: impulse 0..65535 i 0: positive 1: negative 0: positive 1: negative 7 digits 0 - 150kHz*P03/P02 7 digits 0 - 1'000'000 7 digits ± 231 steps 0 = no limit 7 digits ± 231 steps 0 = no limit 7 digits 0 - 8192*P03/P02 7 digits 0 - 8192*P03/P02 0: no stop 1: stop i If no software limit has to be define, set P40 and P41 to 0 to deactivate software limit function. It is possible to define one software limit to 0 and the other to a certain position. In that case, the defined position 0 is taken in account. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. i 7 digits 0 - 100’000 Note: The software limits are related to the counting position. This means, that the SW LS are displaced if the position value is modified with the commands Zero'x' or SP'x'. The 'home routine' (search for reference position) handles the SW LS in the same way as the HW LS. If the reference switch is placed out of the SW LS, the software limit function has to be deactivate to execute the home routine. Page 7-48 i (H4-74-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 i ip ip ip ip ip ip ip PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.6.3 Jog and homing Param. Description no. per axis 31 Jog speed (normal) 32 Jog speed (rapid) 22 Reference search speed Unit change d on the fly U/s yes 20 VI U/s yes 40 VI U/s 20 VI 24 U/s 10 VI - positive positive 0 I 20 21 23 Encoder C signal search speed Reference switch search direction Reference switch exit direction Axis position value after homing (preset) *) U default For- Values : mat I VI ip mode 7 digits 0 - P30 *) 7 digits 0 - P30 *) 7 digits 0 - P30 *) 7 digits 0 - P30 *) 0: positive 1: negative 0: positive 1: negative 7 digits ± 231 steps ip ip ip ip ip ip ip Jog and homing speeds are not PID regulated, but only controlled. The control voltage is calculated as follows: Jog speed Uout = 10V * max. speed It is therefore important to define max. speed P 'x' 30 in advance. The control voltage and the velocity is reached after execution of the acceleration ramp (defined by P'x'43) 26/752 E1 (H4-74-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-49 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.6.4 Control parameters Param. Description no. per axis 50 Kp Controller proportional factor 51 Kd Controller differential factor 56 Sampling time of Kd 52 Ki Controller integral factor 53 Integration limit of Ki (anti-windup protection) 16 Integral mode The controller uses the integral factor only according to the setting 54 Velocity feedforward 55 Acceleration feedforward 10 Dead band Unit changed default on the fly For- Values : mat V/U 1 VI 0 - 40*P02/P03 ip DAC step/ cycle/ impulse Servocycles DAC step/ impulse/ cycle V 0 VI 0 - 32767 ip 100 I 1 - 1000 ip 0 VI 0 - 32767 ip 2 VI 0 - 10 ip always I mV/U/s mV/U/s2 0 0 VI VI 0 - 15000/P30 0 - 10000/P33 ip ip U 0 VI 7 digits 0 - 231 steps 0 - 8192 08192*P03/P02 10-100 ip - 14 Backlash U 0 VI 63 Backlash compensation % speed In-position zone E (for 'in-position' flag) 10 I 0,2 VI 15 Page 7-50 ip mode SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 0: 1: always only if stationary ip ip ip ip (H4-74-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.6.5 Acceleration parameters Param. Description no. per axis 42 Acceleration mode (for interpolations, the gentlest shape of the involved axis is used) 43 Acceleration (for interpolations, the lowest of the involved axes is used) 44 Deceleration (for interpolations, the lowest of the involved axes is used) 45 Duration of S-curve acceleration 26/752 E1 (H4-74-E.DOC) Unit changed on the fly - default For- Values : mat Trapezoid I ip mode 0: Trapezoid 1: S-curve ip U/s2 yes 100 VI 0 - P33 ip U/s2 yes 100 VI 0 - P33 ip 0 VI 0 - 99.99 ip s SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-51 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.6.6 Axis mode parameters Param. Description no. per axis 05 Circular axis period (overrun position) 06 07 Page 7-52 Electronic gearing (Couples the selected axis with the master axis) Note: Coupling only applies from the slave axis to the master axis, but not vice versa. To achieve both, P06 must also be set for the slave axis. Transmission of electronic gearing (slave axis/master axis) Unit changed default on the fly For- Values : mat U 0 VI - 0 I - 0 VI SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ip mode 0: linear > 0 - 9999.99 ip 0: not coupled 1: X is coupled 2: Y is coupled 3: Z is coupled 4: W is coupled ip 0 - 9999.9999 ip (H4-74-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming 7.6.7 Special parameters Param. Description no. per axis 62 Polarity of trigger-output signal 26/752 E1 (H4-74-E.DOC) Unit - changed on the fly default 0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. For- Values : mat I 0: positive 1: negative ip mode ip Page 7-53 Programming PCD4.H4.. 7.7. FBs for writing and reading H4 programs Description The H4 module can manage up to 9 programs. These programs are buffered in the H4 by a large capacitor. If the module is left without power for more than two weeks, the user program may be lost. The 'Upload' and 'Download' functions can be used to transfer programs between the H4 and the PCD. The graphical representation of FBs is explained in section 7.4.6. CPU H4 Prg.1 DB Upload Prg.1 Download Page 7-54 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-74-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming FbUpLdH4 FbUpLdH4 Function: - Read H4 program Ld Ld CFB Module base =1 H4 Prog. Num. =2 Destination DB =3 R rHelp 3 R rComH4 P96W fbExecH4 ModulBase rHelp NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ; e.g.3 decimal places ; The number of decimal places with which the program is to be stored in the DB must be set in advance. The value under P96 is also stored in the DB. FbUpLdH4 FB Levels 2 Index change Yes H4 module Uses NCOB Yes Note *1): approx. 50ms/H4 prog.linie / CPU prog. cycle in extended memory Changes param P96 Yes, do not change if FB running N.B.: dependent on CPU power and line length. Processing time Load on CPU : *1) Function description: This function reads a program from the H4 module and stores it in a DB owned by the PCD's CPU. See following page for detailed functions. Description of inputs and outputs: Symbol Description Parameter ModuleBase Module base address yes H4 Prog.Num. Program number in H4 yes Destination DB Destination / DB memory yes Media Type K K DB Format Integer Integer Integer Addr. range 0 - 496 1 -9 (0 -) 40007999 *2) Note *2): It is preferable to use a DB >4000, as access to these DBs is faster and the DBs can be larger. DB >4000 are stored in extension memory, which requires a PCD7.R3.. memory module. 26/752 E1 (H4-74-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-55 Programming PCD4.H4.. Function description: After reading, the H4 program is stored in a single DB. This DB must be defined by the user (for size, see calculation). If the size defined is too small, uploading stops and the error flag is set. This DB cannot be loaded back into the H4. While an Upload or Download FB is running, all Immediate commands can still be called. For example, it is still possible to read the status flags or the actual position of an axis. Commands which need to access the program memory of the H4 module must not be called. The 'FbUpldH4' only returns when the whole H4 program has been uploaded into the DB. This FB uses the Next COB (NCOB) instruction, which allows other tasks in other COBs to continue to run. DB structure: DB nnnn: ‘Total lines’ ‘P96’ ‘Empty’ Data stream 1Byte / DB element Calculation of DB size: (approximation) DB size = number of H4 program lines * 9 Example: For a program with 120 lines: : DB : Page 7-56 3600 [120*9] ; max. length = 16384 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-74-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Programming FbDnLdH4 ModuleBase =1 H4 Prog. Num. =2 Source DB FbDnLdH4 Function: - write H4 program FbDnLdH4 =3 FB Levels 2 Index change Yes Processing time H4 module Load on CPU : *1) Uses NCOB Yes Changes param. P96 Yes, not changed if FB is running Note *1): approx. 40ms/H4 prog.linie / CPU prog. cycle N.B.: dependent on CPU power and line length. Function description: This function writes a program to the H4 module. The program is taken from a DB in the PCD. See following page for detailed functions. Description of inputs and outputs: Symbol Description ModuleBase H4 Prog.Num. Source DB Module base address Program number in H4 Source DB Parameter Yes Yes Yes Media Type K K DB Format Integer Integer Integer Addr. range 0 -512 1 -9 (0 -) 40007999 *2) Note *2): It is preferable to use a DB >4000, as access to these DBs is faster and the DBs can be larger. DB >4000 are stored in extension memory, which requires a PCD7.R3.. memory module. 26/752 E1 (H4-74-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-57 Programming PCD4.H4.. Function description: While an Upload or Download FB is running, all Immediate commands can still be called. For example, it is still possible to read the status flags or the actual position of an axis. Commands which need to access the program memory of the H4 module must not be called. If the program from the DB cannot find space in the H4, downloading stops and no program is written to the H4. FbUpldH4 only returns when the whole H4 program has been uploaded into the DB. This FB uses the Next COB (NCOB) instruction, which allows other tasks in other COBs to continue to run. Page 7-58 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-74-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Error Handling 8. Error handling / prevention 8.1 Installation • To prevent positioning errors in perturbed environments, please ob• • • • • • 26/752 E1 (H4-80-E.DOC) serve the following points: The PCD4 system should be properly grounded by a short connection from the GND terminal to the grounding bar. Use shielded cables between the H4 and the encoders and power amplifiers and connect to ground both sides of the shield. (max. approx. 20m) Use D-type connectors with full metal housing (shielding connected to housing) If you have a differential voltage between the PCD4 ground and the machine ground, connect the shield on the machine side through a parallel RC filter. Do not install the H4 cables (for encoder and DAC output) in parallel to high voltage or high current cables (e.g. motors, contactors, soldering heads) Use amplifiers with differential input. (voltage ≈ velocity) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 8-1 Error Handling PCD4.H4.. 8.2 Checklist for error detection 1. Is the PCD4 system powered with 24V and does it have a proper ground? 2. Is the H4 powered with a smoothed voltage of 19 to 32V? 3. Is the cabling of the axis correct: - Limit switches / ref. switch working correctly? neg. logic (seeLEDs on H4) - Encoders working ? (powered from H4) 4. Set the general parameters correctly. 5. Is the correct encoder type selected? 5V/24V (see LEDs A, B, C on H4) 6. Set the machine parameters correctly. (max. velocity, max. acceleration, encoder resolution, mm/revolution, following error, following action = stop etc.) 7. Is the counting direction correct? (move axis by hand or with jog commands of slow speed) 8. Is the counting position correct? (QP'x') 9. Set the parameters for Jog move. (not PID controlled) 10. Switch on the power amplifier (one hand on the emergency stop!). OK signal from the amplifier? (see LED IN on H4) 11. Enable the axis from the H4 ENA'x' (one hand on the emergency stop!) 12. Is the DAC polarity correct? (jog pos. moves in pos. direction) 13. Set the parameters for the home routine. (search speed, search direction, home pos.) 14. Execute the home command. Is the position correct? 15. Execute a move command ex. XR10 (PID controlled) 16. Find the correct regulation parameters with a small motion program (graphic mode) 17. Store the optimal parameters in the EEPROM with EW. Page 8-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-80-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Error Handling Troubleshooting If the axis does not move, check the axis status displayed in Terminal menu and compare the flags with the table no.2.12 in chapter 7.5.5. lf the H4 does not execute the commands, check the user error code and compare with table no.2.13 in chapter 7.5.5. lf there is no connection from the CP to the H4 (communication error) check that: - the right COM port is selected - the PLC does not set the RESET DSP (output BA + 11) - the H4 is working (OK led on) - the correct cable is used 26/752 E1 (H4-80-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 8-3 Error Handling PCD4.H4.. 8.3 Error handling with FBs The standard FBs do not contain a structure which stops or disables a machine if a fault arises in the H4 module. This has to be thought about and solved by the user individually for his machine or installation. However, the standard FBs support the user and still allow him the greatest possible freedom to find a solution. A difference is drawn between two distinct types of error: fatal errors and user errors. How FBs behave when there is a user error: A "User Error" is generated by the H4 module. The FBs continue to function. The operator recognizes a user error from the state of input I 10 on the H4 module (see section 7.4.2). By calling the function block 'fbExecH4' with the 'QU' command, the operator obtains more detailed information about the user error. Interpretation of the error code is described in section 7.5.5 cell 2.13. Using this information, he can then program the behaviour of his machine or installation. Fatal Error The "Fatal Error" fault (F7 + Flag BA, see section 7.5.5 cell 2.12) is generated by the 'StatH4' FB, which must be called cyclically. This error is only set when it is impossible to access the H4 module or if the H4 reacts wrongly. This can arise when the H4 module is faulty or when there is an error on the PCD bus. A fatal error can also arise if the H4 module is incorrectlly addressed, as the module does not respond, producing the wrong behaviour on the bus. The 'Fatal Error' flag cannot be erased by the user. There would be little sense in being able to continue running a faulty module by means of a simple acknowledgement. Page 8-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-80-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Error Handling DSP-Reset To restart the H4 after a 'Fatal Error' (produced as example by a strong perturbation impulse) there are two possibilities: • Either the PCD-system can be switched off and on or • only the H4 can be restarted with the output 'DSP-Reset' (O 11), which can be done in the user-program. After a reset, the H4 needs about 500 ms to restart, which is signalled with the input 'DSP-Ready' (I 11). Afterwards the handshake is to set in the initial state with the output 'Clear channel' (O10) Example: SET CFB RES ready: STH JR SET RES O 11 wait10 O 11 I 11 L ready O 10 O 10 ;DSP-Reset ;reset-pulse min. 10ms ;DSP ready? ;clear channel for handshake After a DSP-Reset all the parameters are read from the EEPROM. All parameters modified in the H4 working memory only (and not stored in the EEPROM) will be lost. 26/752 E1 (H4-80-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 8-5 Error Handling PCD4.H4.. How FBs behave when there is a fatal error: FB 'fbExecH4': This FB ceases to be executed. Flag presetting, however, continues to be handled. If a fatal error arises while the FB is working with the module, the FB is exited via a timeout. However, in this case the fatal error flag is not set. (The timeout of approx. 200 ms is fixed and generated without a timer). FB 'fbStatH4': If this FB identifies a fatal error, the fatal error flag is set. This is the only FB which can set 'Fatal Error-Flag 7' from among the status flags. Further access to the H4 module is blocked. The status flags are no more refreshed and are no longer valid. FB 'fbInitH4': If a fatal error occurs when the Initial-FB is called, a QIO error is generated (XOB 5) and the PCD CPU blocks. This happens, for example, when the H4 module is missing. Further operation is impossible. FB 'fbUpLdH4': The Upload FB is aborted and the destination DB is invalidated. A valid DB is present if the second element (no. 1) in the actual DB does not equal 0 (zero). FB 'fbDnLdH4': The download is aborted. The selected program in the H4 module is not modified. Page 8-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-80-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Error Handling Example with the different situations clarified: ;============= ;Lathe ;============= ;-----------------------------------;Integration of definitions ;-----------------------------------$INCLUDE DREHDEF.SRC ;-----------------------------------;Cold start ;-----------------------------------XOB 16 CFB fbInitH4 oAchsH4 fStatus K 2 ;Init H4 Fatal Error: ;Base Address Module ;Base Statusflags ;Moduletype The fatal error flag is set. Referring to it enables motion processes to be terminated (e.g. with RSB). ;-----------------------------------EXOB ;Cycle / Monitoring ;-----------------------------------COB 0 0 COM O 255 ;refreischen des Watchdog CFB fbStatH4 oAchsH4 0 ;Read Status H4 ;Baseadress of H4 ;0= pro Zyklus eine Achse 0 ;Call Basis-Ablaufstruktur CSB ECOB ;-----------------------------------;Integration of SAIA standard B's für H4 Modul ;-----------------------------------$INCLUDE H4FB.SRC ;Set Speed of X Axis ;--------------------------------LD rParam 1000 LD rComH4 SSXi ;Command Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ; Execute oAchsH4 ;Base address H4 der Drehmaschine rParam ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;Positions reached ;--------------------------------- ;---------End Source Code-------------------------- STH ANH fXPos fYPos Querying the "User Error" could be incorporated here and the register could be read with QU. Depending on the error, it is then possible to program the continues Fatal Error: operation of the machine or installation. The FB aborts and sets the relay flags. The SB is exited. The next transition is not executed. If it had been executed, the SB would not run on, because the status flags would have been relayed. The user can now stop the SB and thereby prevent faulty operation. 26/752 E1 (H4-80-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 8-7 Error Handling PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 8-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-80-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples 9. Application examples 9.1 Travelling a simple path 9.1.1 Example This example requires one axis (X) only. It demonstrates how a simple motion process can be produced. Two alternative methods are contrasted: control by an H4 sequential program or control by a PCD program. The following motion sequence is to be produced: V+ 80mm/s break 1s break 1s 40mm/s 0mm 0mm 40mm 120mm -80mm/s V- a) Install software It is assumed that SAIA tools (PG3 or PG 4) have already been installed on your PC. In addition, the H4 CP tool must also be installed. For installation and operation, see section 7.3 'Programming with the CP tool'. b) Setting up Set up the X axis to be ready for operation. See chapter 5 for the electrical connections and section 8.2 "Checklist". You require a PCD4 controller with an M1.. CPU, an R... memory module, a PCD4.H4.. motion control module, a PCD4.N210 power supply and bus modules. A second axis is not necessary for this example. The starting position of the axis should be such that a movement of 120mm can be executed without exceeding the limit switches. 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-1 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. 9.1.2 Alternative using CP tool Programming via the CP tool is the simplest method. It requires neither PCD program nor PCD4 CPU. First adjust the H4 module parameters in accordance with the axis used. See section 7.6 'Parameter list'. Caution: Set the encoder voltage (parameter 92) correctly at 5V or 24V. Parameter 30 must be adjusted according to the maximum possible velocity of the axis used. Ensure that the parameters for count direction and DAC polarity have been set correctly, otherwise the axis can accelerate out of control. a) Programming Afterwards, enter these commands in the CP tool program editor. Here you write your first H4 program. (To enter the commands, first open the edit window with <CR>) ZEROX SSX,40 XR40 WAIT1000 SSX,80 XR80 WAIT1000 XA0 END Transfers the program to the H4 module as program no. 1 (F4: From/To H4 module). If a communication error is displayed, check the cable, the COM port selected in CP tool and the PCD supply voltage. (The program is already stored in the CP tool as example 1) b) Operation Switch on the X axis and start up the program. Enter the following commands in CP’s terminal mode: ENABLEX RUN1 Page 9-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples 9.1.3 Alternative using PCD program The program is written in GRAFTEC. a) Programming SB 0 LD rComH4 ENABLEX CFB LD fbExecH4 K 0 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED rComH4 ZEROX CFB Enable+Zero LD fbExecH4 K 0 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED rParam1 ;Enable ;Base address ;Zero ;Base address ;40 mm/s 40 LD () rComH4 SSX CFB Motion 1 LD (on Position) (T=0) LD T 0 10 CFB fbExecH4 K 0 rParam1 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED LD Motion 2 ;Base address rParam1 STH F 8 LD T 0 10 LD LD ;80 mm/s rComH4 SSX CFB fbExecH4 K 0 rParam1 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED ;Velocity X ;Base address rParam1 80 ;80mm rComH4 Xri ;Travel X relative CFB (T=0) ;Travel X relative STL T 0 80 Timer 1 s ;Base address ;40mm rComH4 Xri LD (on Position) ;Velocity X rParam1 40 STH F 8 LD Timer 1 s fbExecH4 K 0 rParam1 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED STL T 0 fbExecH4 K 0 rParam1 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED ;Base address Motion 3 LD rParam1 0 LD (on Position) Timer 1 s (T=0) 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) STH F 8 LD T 0 10 ;Position 0 mm rComH4 Xai CFB fbExecH4 K 0 rParam1 NOTUSED NOTUSED NOTUSED ;Travel X absolute ;Base address STL T 0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-3 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. XOB 16 XOB 16 CFB fbInitH4 K 0 0 K 2 LD RHelp 0 rComH4 P96w fbExecH4 K 0 RHelp NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed LD CFB ;Cold start ;Initialize H4 module ;Base address ;Base flags ;Module type 2 axes EXOB COB 0 COB CFB CSB 0 0 fbStatH4 K 0 0 0 ;Cyclical block ;Read status H4 ;Base address ;Read cyclical ;Call SB ECOB b) Operation After the program has been entered and loaded, it can be started. The same motion sequence is executed as for the alternative using the CP tool. However, the sequence is repeated cyclically. Note the commands printed in bold type and their analogy with the preceding example. Page 9-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples 9.2 Application example with circular interpolation This example describes working with linear and circular interpolation. To set up the axes and install the software, the same information applies as in example 9.1. However, two axes are provided. Input takes place with the CP tool. Task description: The following motion program is to be executed: 2 100 mm R=40 mm C 60 mm 1 3 20 mm 60 mm 100 mm The momentary axis position is defined as point zero. From this point, motion should start a linear interpolation with a path velocity of 20mm/s. Afterwards, a circular path is travelled 10 times at 80mm/s. Motion takes place clockwise. Alternative 1: The same task, but with the circular path going counter-clockwise and endless repeating. Alternative 2: The original task, but the circle is programmed with centre mode. In addition, travel between the two interpolations should take place without "blended move". 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-5 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. Program: Example 2 ZEROX ZEROY SV20 XR20,YR60 WAIT0 SV80 FOR10 CIR40,0,XR80,YR0 CIR40,0,XR-80,YR0 NEXT END Zero X axis Zero Y axis Path velocity = 20mm/s Motion relative at 20,60mm Prevents "blended move" Path velocity = 80mm/s Start 10x loop Half circle clockwise with radius 40 and destination +80 Half circle clockwise with radius 40 End loop End program With alternative 1: Example 3 Differences from the original program are in bold type and underlined. ZEROX ZEROY SV20 XR20,YR60 WAIT0 SV80 FOR0 CIR40,1,XR80,YR0 CIR40,1,XR-80,YR0 NEXT END Page 9-6 Zero X axis Zero Y axis Path velocity = 20mm/s Motion relative at 20,60mm Prevents "blended move" Path velocity = 80mm/s Start endless loop Half circle counter-clockwise with radius 40 Half circle counter clockwise with radius 40 End loop End program SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples With alternative 2: Example 4 Differences from the original program are in bold type and underlined. Zero X axis Zero Y axis Path velocity = 20mm/s Motion relative at 20,60mm Prevents "blended move" Path velocity = 80mm/s Start endless loop 360° circle with centre specified End loop End program ZEROX ZEROY SV20 XR20,YR60 WAIT0 SV80 FOR0 CIR360,2,XR40,YR0 NEXT END *) *) Without this instruction, "blended move" is executed. See also drawing with detail and chapter 6.6. 2 100 mm R=40 mm C 60 mm 1 3 20 mm 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 60 mm 100 mm Page 9-7 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. 9.3 Application example: automatic lathe This example describes a simple lathe. The machine homes the axes automatically when it is powered up. From the control console, either manual or automatic operating modes can be selected. In manual mode, the spindle can be switched on or off and the axes can travel forwards or back. Automatic mode starts programs from the H4. The following hardware is required: • PCD4.M1.. CPU • PCD7.R... RAM memory • PCD4.E1.. input module (BA 0) • PCD4.A4.. output module(BA 16) • PCD4.N210 power supply • PCD4.C1.. CPU bus module • PCD4.C2.. I/O bus module • PCD4.H4.. axis module (BA 32) • Switchbox with at least 12 switches • Axis model: two axes with incremental shaft encoders, reference switches and two limit switches The following software is required: • SAIA 'PG3' assembler complete with editor • Commissioning Tool CP.EXE for H4 module • SAIA’s standard function blocks with definition file H4FB.SRC, H4EXTN.DEF and H4DEF.SRC Source code for application example: • DREHDEF.INC • DREH_SB.SRC • DREH_MP.SRC Sketch of a lathe Chuck Workpiece Pinole Cutting tool X Y Control console Page 9-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples Control console: Lathe on (Home) Operating mode switch Setting-up or automatic Directional butto for setting up Automatic start (H4 program start) Start/Abort Program select Description of the function implemented in file 'Dreh_xx.SRC'. After switching on the lathe, the home command is executed. As soon as the axes have finished homing, the machine is ready for operation. It is possible to choose between the two operating modes 'Setting-up' and 'Automatic'. With 'Setting-up' the axes can be travelled using the directional buttons. In this operating mode, the start button can be used to switch on the spindle drive and the off button to switch it off again. If automatic operation is selected, the same start button can start an H4 program. The start button is illuminated for as long as this program runs. By means of a coding switch, a program number (1-9) can be selected. This must be defined before pressing the start key. These programs are stored in the H4 and can be modified with the commissioning tool. The PCD CPU is only responsible for starting the H4 programs. If "0" is selected with the coding switch, no H4 program runs. Instead, the PCD CPU generates a sequence in which each individual motion is transferred with the FBs as an immediate command to the H4 module. The H4 module executes these commands directly, i.e. the motion sequence is not stored in the H4 but in the PCD CPU. 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-9 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. Installation of the application example: The inputs of the control elements are simulated with a switch box. The I/O addresses used are defined in the file DREHDEF.INC. The status of outputs can be viewed on the A400 module. 5 4 5 4 PCD4.N21 PCD4.M120 PCD4.E100 PCD4.A400 PCD4.H42 Spindle on Program running 5 4 5 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GND GND 24V 24V 10 11 13 12 GND 235 GND 24V 24V GND + GND + X M 24V On XX+ E M Y- Auto Y+ Start Stop Y E Page 9-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples PCD base structure for lathe: ;============= ;Lathe ;============= ;-----------------------------------;Integration of definitions ;-----------------------------------$INCLUDE DREHDEF.SRC $INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ;-----------------------------------;Cold start ;-----------------------------------XOB 16 CFB fbInitH4 oAchsH4 fStatus K_2 ; ; ; ; Init H4 Base Address Module Base Status flags Module type EXOB -----------------------------------Cycle / Monitoring -----------------------------------COB 0 0 COM O 255 ; refresh watchdog CFB fbStatH4 oAchsH4 0 ; Read Status H4 ; Base address of H4 ; 0 = one axis per cycle CSB 0 ;Call basic sequence structure of lathe ECOB ;-----------------------------------;Integrate SAIA standard FBs for H4 module ;-----------------------------------$INCLUDE H4FB.SRC ;-------- End source code ------------------------- 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-11 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. Sequence of lathe in SB 0 Basic sequence structure Lathe Synchronize Mode manual Mode automatic Manual Automatic Synchronization: Synchronize Page 9-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples Manual operating mode Mode manual Spindle off Spindle on Spindle off Automatic operating mode ;Set decimal places ;----------------------------------LD rParam 3 ;Define decimal places LD rComH4 P96w ;Command Write Parameter 96 CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command oAchsH4 ;Base address H4 rParam ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed Mode automatic Read no. /spindle ;Set Speed of X Axis ;--------------------------------LD rParam 1000 Prog. no. = 0 code switch LD Prog. start rComH4 SSXi fbExeH4 oAchsH4 rParam NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed CFB ;Command Set Speed X ;Execute Command ;Base address H4 ;Parameter ;Position X ; ----------------------------------------LD rParam 60000 ; LD rComH4 XRi ;Position X CFB fbExeH4 oAchsH4 rParam NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed Spindle off ;Execute Command ;Base address H4 ;Parameter ;Positions reached ;--------------------------------STH ANH 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) fXPos fYPos SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-13 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. 9.4 Application example with independent axes (with OPEN/CLOSE function) This example describes working with independent axes which have to run simultaneously or with an overlap, but without interpolation. For this purpose, a program must be written for each axis. These programs can then be started independently (immediate) or dependently of each other (nested program start within a program). With the FBs, the OPEN and CLOSE commands are used to create a program: LD LD CFB fbExeH4 K0 R0 R1 R2 R3 LD R0 K 20000 rComH4 XAp LD Page 9-14 R0 K1 rComH4 OPEN5 CFB fbExeH4 K0 R0 R1 R2 R3 LD rComH4 END ; line no. from which the program will be edited ; program 5 is opened for editing ; (at line 1) ; execute command ; base address of H4 ; line no. ; not used for this command ; " ; " ; corresponds to 20 if P96 = 3 ; XA20 is written in program 5 on line 1 ; the p indicates the program command ; Xai would be executed directly (immediate) ; and not written into program memory ; execute command ; base address ; not used for this command ; " ; " ; " ; END is written at line 2 ; (END only exists as a program command and ; so needs no special identification with p) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Application Examples CFB fbExeH4 K0 R0 R1 R2 R3 ; execute command ; base address ; not used for this command ; " ; " ; " LD rComH4 CLOSE fbExeH4 K0 R0 R1 R2 R3 ; With CLOSE, the edited program is saved to ; memory location 5. ; execute command ; base address ; not used for this command ; " ; " ; " CFB If the program edited is currently in execution, the CLOSE command is not accepted (error code 6) and the program is not overwritten. Otherwise, the following program will stand in memory location 5 1 - XA20 2 - END Only the lines edited are overwritten. If a longer program is to be overwritten, it must first be deleted with the EP (erase program) command preceding CLOSE. 26/752 E1 (H4-90-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 9-15 Application Examples PCD4.H4.. Notes Page 9-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-90-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Command code definitions Appendix A: Command code definitions for programming with FBs ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------;Command code definitions for FBs version V001 ;----------------------------------------------------------------; ; All codes are in Hex format and will be loaded into the ; register rComH4 (BAR+0) before being used. ; Pay attention to display this register in Hex format in ; the debugger. ; ;motion commands ;--------------ZeroXi EQU ZeroYi EQU ZeroZi EQU ZeroWi EQU 0A0010000h 0A0020000h 0A0030000h 0A0040000h ;Zero ;Zero ;Zero ;Zero X Y Z W immediate immediate immediate immediate ZeroXp ZeroYp ZeroZp ZeroWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0010000h 0C0020000h 0C0030000h 0C0040000h ;Zero ;Zero ;Zero ;Zero X Y Z W program program program program HomeX HomeY HomeZ HomeW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0055100h 0A0065200h 0A0075400h 0A0085800h ;Home ;Home ;Home ;Home X Y Z W Rapid Normal EQU EQU 0A0090000h 0A08F0000h ;Select Jog Rapid speed ;Select Jog Normal speed JUpX JdnX JSX EQU EQU EQU 0A00A0000h 0A00B0000h 0A00C0000h ;Jog + on X ;Jog - on X ;Jog Stop on X JUpY JDnY JSY EQU EQU EQU 0A10A0000h 0A10B0000h 0A10C0000h ;Jog + on Y ;Jog - on Y ;Jog Stop on Y JUpZ JDnZ JSZ EQU EQU EQU 0A20A0000h 0A20B0000h 0A20C0000h ;Jog + on Z ;Jog - on Z ;Jog Stop on Z JUpW JDnW JSW EQU EQU EQU 0A30A0000h 0A30B0000h 0A30C0000h ;Jog + on W ;Jog - on W ;Jog Stop on W QPX QPY QPZ QPW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0200E0003h 0210E0003h 0220E0003h 0230E0003h ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read (Query) (Query) (Query) (Query) QSX QSY QSZ QSW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0200F0002h 0210F0002h 0220F0002h 0230F0002h ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read Status Status Status Status 26/752 E1 (H4-AA-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Position Position Position Position of of of of X Y Z W of of of of X Y Z W Axis Axis Axis Axis Page A-1 Command code definitions PCD4.H4.. QVX QVY QVZ QVW EQU EQU EQU EQU 020100003h 021100003h 022100003h 023100003h ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read actual actual actual actual Velocity Velocity Velocity Velocity QEX QEY QEZ QEW EQU EQU EQU EQU 020110003h 021110003h 022110003h 023110003h ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read actual actual actual actual Pos.error Pos.error Pos.error Pos.error SSXi SSYi SSZi SSWi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0120003h 0A0130003h 0A0140003h 0A0150003h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set motion motion motion motion Speed Speed Speed Speed of of of of X Y Z W SSXp SSYp SSZp SSWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0120003h 0C0130003h 0C0140003h 0C0150003h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set motion motion motion motion Speed Speed Speed Speed of of of of X Y Z W SPXi SPYi SPZi SPWi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0480003h 0A0490003h 0A04A0003h 0A04B0003h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set actual actual actual actual Position Position Position Position X Y Z W SPXp SPYp SPZp SPWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0480003h 0C0490003h 0C04A0003h 0C04B0003h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set actual actual actual actual Position Position Position Position X Y Z W SVi SAi SDi EQU EQU EQU 0A0160003h 0A0170003h 0A0180003h ;Set Vector motion Speed ;Set motion acceleration ;Set motion deceleration SVp SAp SDp EQU EQU EQU 0C0160003h 0C0170003h 0C0180003h ;Set Vector motion Speed ;Set motion acceleration ;Set motion deceleration XAi YAi ZAi WAi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A01E1103h 0A01F1203h 0A0201403h 0A0211803h ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X Y Z W Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute XAp YAp ZAp WAp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C01E0003h 0C01F0003h 0C0200003h 0C0210003h ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X Y Z W Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute XYAi XZAi XWAi YZAi YWAi ZWAi EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A028130Fh 0A029150Fh 0A02A190Fh 0A02B160Fh 0A02C3A0Fh 0A02D3C0Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y X,Z X,W Y,Z Y,W Z,W Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute XYAp XZAp XWAp YZAp YWAp ZWAp EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C028000Fh 0C029000Fh 0C02A000Fh 0C02B000Fh 0C02C000Fh 0C02D000Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y X,Z X,W Y,Z Y,W Z,W Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute Page A-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. X Y Z W X Y Z W (H4-AA-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Command code definitions XYZAi YZWAi XZWAi XYWAi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A034173Fh 0A0361E3Fh 0A0901D3Fh 0A0351B3Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y,Z Y,Z,W X,Z,W X,Y,W Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute XYZAp YZWAp XZWAp XYWAp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C034003Fh 0C036003Fh 0C090003Fh 0C035003Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y,Z Y,Z,W X,Z,W X,Y,W Absolute Absolute Absolute Absolute XYZWAi EQU 0A03A1FFFh ;Move X,Y,Z,W Absolute XYZWAp EQU 0C03A00FFh ;Move X,Y,Z,W Absolute XRi YRi ZRi WRi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0221103h 0A0231203h 0A0241403h 0A0251803h ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X Y Z W relative relative relative relative XRp YRp ZRp WRp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0220003h 0C0230003h 0C0240003h 0C0250003h ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X Y Z W relative relative relative relative XYRi XZRi XWRi YZRi YWRi ZWRi EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A02E130Fh 0A02F150Fh 0A030190Fh 0A031160Fh 0A0321A0Fh 0A0331C0Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y X,Z X,W Y,Z Y,W Z,W relative relative relative relative relative relative XYRp XZRp XWRp YZRp YWRp ZWRp EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C02E000Fh 0C02F000Fh 0C030000Fh 0C031000Fh 0C032000Fh 0C033000Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y X,Z X,W Y,Z Y,W Z,W relative relative relative relative relative relative XYZRi YZWRi XZWRi XYWRi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A037173Fh 0A0391E3Fh 0A0911D3Fh 0A0381B3Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y,Z Y,Z,W X,Z,W X,Y,W relative relative relative relative XYZRp YZWRp XZWRp XYWRp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C037003Fh 0C039003Fh 0C091003Fh 0C038003Fh ;Move ;Move ;Move ;Move X,Y,Z Y,Z,W X,Z,W X,Y,W relative relative relative relative XYZWRi EQU 0A03B1FFFh ;Move X,Y,Z,W relative XYZWRp EQU 0C03B00FFh ;Move X,Y,Z,W relative CirXYRi CirXZRi CirXWRi CirYZRi CirYWRi CirZWRi EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A04213F7h 0A04315F7h 0A04419F7h 0A04516F7h 0A0461AF7h 0A0471CF7h ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle 26/752 E1 (H4-AA-E.DOC) X,Y X,Z X,W X,W Y,W Z,W SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. relative relative relative relative relative relative Page A-3 Command code definitions PCD4.H4.. CirXYRp CirXZRp CirXWRp CirYZRp CirYWRp CirZWRp EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C04200F7h 0C04300F7h 0C04400F7h 0C04500F7h 0C04600F7h 0C04700F7h ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle X,Y X,Z X,W X,W Y,W Z,W relative relative relative relative relative relative CirXYAi CirXZAi CirXWAi CirYZAi CirYWAi CirZWAi EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A03C13F7h 0A03D15F7h 0A03E19F7h 0A03F16F7h 0A0401AF7h 0A0411CF7h ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle X,Y X,Z X,W X,W Y,W Z,W absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute CirXYAp CirXZAp CirXWAp CirYZAp CirYWAp CirZWAp EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C03C00F7h 0C03D00F7h 0C03E00F7h 0C03F00F7h 0C04000F7h 0C04100F7h ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle ;Circle X,Y X,Z X,W X,W Y,W Z,W absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute ;Program Control Commands ;-----------------------END EQU 0C05D0000h FOR EQU 0C05E0002h NEXT EQU 0C05F0000h GOTO EQU 0C0600002h GOSUB EQU 0C0610002h RETURN EQU 0C0620000h STOP EQU 0C0630000h WAIT EQU 0C0640002h ;End of Programm ;Beginn Loop ;End Loop ;Jump ;Jump to Subroutine ;End of Subroutine ;Stop Programm ;Wait RUNp BREAKp Gp ;Run Program ;Break Program ;Set program execution pointer to line EQU EQU EQU 0C0810001h 0C0820001h 0C0880009h ;System Control Commands ;----------------------FO EQU 0A0500002h ;Set Feed Override (0-120%) DriftX DriftY DriftZ DriftW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0510000h 0A1510000h 0A2510000h 0A3510000h ;Execute ;Execute ;Execute ;Execute QPIX QPIY QPIZ QPIW EQU EQU EQU EQU 020930003h 021930003h 022930003h 023930003h ;Query ;Query ;Query ;Query QU EQU 02092000Ah ;Read User-Error information QL1 QL2 QL3 QL4 QL5 QL6 QL7 QL8 QL9 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0218B0002h 0228B0002h 0238B0002h 0248B0002h 0258B0002h 0268B0002h 0278B0002h 0288B0002h 0298B0002h ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read ;Read Page A-4 drift drift drift drift Position Position Position Position Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. compensation compensation compensation compensation X Y Z W in in in in Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line Line X Y Z W Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program (H4-AA-E.DOC) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Command code definitions KILLX KILLY KILLZ KILLW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0520000h 0A0530000h 0A0540000h 0A0550000h ;Kill ;Kill ;Kill ;Kill ENAXi ENAYi ENAZi ENAWi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0560000h 0A0570000h 0A0580000h 0A0590000h ;Enable ;Enable ;Enable ;Enable X Y Z W ENAXp ENAYp ENAZp ENAWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0560000h 0C0570000h 0C0580000h 0C0590000h ;Enable ;Enable ;Enable ;Enable X Y Z W VOUTX VOUTY VOUTZ VOUTW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A05A0003h 0A15A0003h 0A25A0003h 0A35A0003h ;Output ;Output ;Output ;Output Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage SPLOCK SPUNLOCK EREAD EWRITE EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A05B0000h 0A05C0000h 0A0650000h 0A0660000h ;Lock serial port ;Unlock serial Port ;Read EEPROM ;Write EEPROM SCXi SCYi SCZi SCWi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0678100h 0A0688200h 0A0698400h 0A06A8800h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set Capture Capture Capture Capture function function function function X Y Z W SCXp SCYp SCZp SCWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0670000h 0C0680000h 0C0690000h 0C06A0000h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set Capture Capture Capture Capture function function function function X Y Z W QCX QCY QCZ QCW EQU EQU EQU EQU 0208D0003h 0218D0003h 0228D0003h 0238D0003h ;Query ;Query ;Query ;Query Capture Capture Capture Capture Position Position Position Position X Y Z W QCIX QCIY QCIZ QCIW EQU EQU EQU EQU 020940003h 021940003h 022940003h 023940003h ;Query ;Query ;Query ;Query Capture Capture Capture Capture Position Position Position Position X Y Z W SOXi SOYi SOZi SOWi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A06B2103h 0A06C2203h 0A06D2403h 0A06E2803h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set Output Output Output Output Compare Compare Compare Compare X Y Z W SOXp SOYp SOZp SOWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C06B0003h 0C06C0003h 0C06D0003h 0C06E0003h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set Output Output Output Output Compare Compare Compare Compare X Y Z W SOIXi SOIYi SOIZi SOIWi EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0702103h 0A0712203h 0A0722403h 0A0732803h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set Output Output Output Output Compare Compare Compare Compare X Y Z W 26/752 E1 (H4-AA-E.DOC) X Y Z W SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. X Y Z W in in in in in in in in Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses Page A-5 Command code definitions PCD4.H4.. SOIXp SOIYp SOIZp SOIWp EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0700003h 0C0710003h 0C0720003h 0C0730003h ;Set ;Set ;Set ;Set Output Output Output Output Compare Compare Compare Compare STEP EQU 0A0800001h ;Execution a single instruction RUNi BREAKi HALTALL RESUME EQU EQU EQU EQU 0A0810001h 0A0820001h 0A0830000h 0A0840000h ;Execute program ;Break Program ;Stop program and hold position ;Resume all program simulatneously EP EQU 0A0850001h ;Erase program (all line) Gi EQU 0A0880009h ;Set program execution pointer to line QM EQU 02086000Ah ;Query free memory OPEN1 OPEN2 OPEN3 OPEN4 OPEN5 OPEN6 OPEN7 OPEN8 OPEN9 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0E0010002h 0E0020002h 0E0030002h 0E0040002h 0E0050002h 0E0060002h 0E0070002h 0E0080002h 0E0090002h ;Open ;Open ;Open ;Open ;Open ;Open ;Open ;Open ;Open CLOSE ; EQU 0A0870000h ;Close and save program under edit Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program Program 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 for for for for for for for for for X Y Z W in in in in Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit Edit ;General parameter to read from the modul ;---------------------------------------P90r EQU 005A0001h ;Parameter P91r EQU 005B0001h ;Parameter Px92r EQU 005C0001h ;Parameter Pz92r EQU 025C0001h ;Parameter P94r EQU 005E0001h ;Parameter P95r EQU 005F0001h ;Parameter P96r EQU 00600001h ;Parameter P97r EQU 00610001h ;Parameter P98r EQU 00620001h ;Parameter 90 91 92 92 94 95 96 97 98 Read Read Read on X Read on Z Read Read Read Read Read ;General parameter to write to the modul ;--------------------------------------P90w EQU 805A0001h ;Parameter P91w EQU 805B0001h ;Parameter Px92w EQU 805C0001h ;Parameter Pz92w EQU 825C0001h ;Parameter P94w EQU 805E0001h ;Parameter P95w EQU 805F0001h ;Parameter P96w EQU 80600001h ;Parameter P97w EQU 80610001h ;Parameter P98w EQU 80620001h ;Parameter 90 91 92 92 94 95 96 97 98 Write Write Write on X Write on Z Write Write Write Write Write Page A-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Pulses Pulses Pulses Pulses (H4-AA-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Command code definitions ;Parameter to write on Axis 'X' ;----------------------------PX01w EQU 80010001h PX02w EQU 80020002h PX03w EQU 80030003h PX04w EQU 80040001h PX05w EQU 80050003h PX06w EQU 80060001h PX07w EQU 80070003h PX08w EQU 80080001h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PX10w PX11w PX12w PX13w PX14w PX15w PX16w EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 800A0003h 800B0003h 800C0003h 800D0001h 800E0003h 800F0003h 80100001h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Write Write Write Write Write Write Write on on on on on on on X X X X X X X PX20w PX21w PX22w PX23w PX24w EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 80140001h 80150001h 80160003h 80170003h 80180003h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 20 21 22 23 24 Write Write Write Write Write on on on on on X X X X X PX30w PX31w PX32w PX33w EQU EQU EQU EQU 801E0003h 801F0003h 80200003h 80210003h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 30 31 32 33 Write Write Write Write on on on on X X X X PX40w PX41w PX42w PX43w PX44w PX45w EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 80280003h 80290003h 802A0001h 802B0003h 802C0003h 802D0003h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 40 41 42 43 44 45 Write Write Write Write Write Write on on on on on on X X X X X X PX50w PX51w PX52w PX53w PX54w PX55w PX56w EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 80320003h 80330003h 80340003h 80350003h 80360003h 80370003h 80380002h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Write on X Write on X Write on X Write on X Write on X Write on X Read on X PX62w PX63w EQU EQU 803E0001h 803F0001h ;Parameter 62 Write on X ;Parameter 63 Write on X ;Parameter to read on Axis 'X' ;----------------------------PX01r EQU 00010001h PX02r EQU 00020002h PX03r EQU 00030003h PX04r EQU 00040001h PX05r EQU 00050003h PX06r EQU 00060001h PX07r EQU 00070003h Px08r EQU 00080001h 26/752 E1 (H4-AA-E.DOC) ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Write Write Write Write Write Write Write Write Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Page A-7 Command code definitions PCD4.H4.. PX10r PX11r PX12r PX13r PX14r PX15r PX16r EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 000A0003h 000B0003h 000C0003h 000D0001h 000E0003h 000F0003h 00100001h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Read Read Read Read Read Read Read on on on on on on on X X X X X X X PX20r PX21r PX22r PX23r PX24r EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 00140001h 00150001h 00160003h 00170003h 00180003h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 20 21 22 23 24 Read Read Read Read Read on on on on on X X X X X PX30r PX31r PX32r PX33r EQU EQU EQU EQU 001E0003h 001F0003h 00200003h 00210003h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 30 31 32 33 Read Read Read Read on on on on X X X X PX40r PX41r PX42r PX43r PX44r PX45r EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 00280003h 00290003h 002A0001h 002B0003h 002C0003h 002D0003h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 40 41 42 43 44 45 Read Read Read Read Read Read on on on on on on X X X X X X PX50r PX51r PX52r PX53r PX54r PX55r PX56r EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 00320003h 00330003h 00340003h 00350003h 00360003h 00370003h 00380002h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Read Read Read Read Read Read Read on on on on on on on X X X X X X X PX62r PX63r EQU EQU 003E0001h 003F0001h ;Parameter 62 Read on X ;Parameter 63 Read on X ;Parameter Write to Program for X ;-------------------------------PX10 EQU 0C0A0000Dh PX11 EQU 0C0A0000Dh PX12 EQU 0C0A0000Dh PX13 EQU 0C0A00005h PX14 EQU 0C0A0000Dh PX15 EQU 0C0A0000Dh PX16 EQU 0C0A00005h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on on on on X X X X X X X PX20 PX21 PX22 PX23 PX24 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0A00005h 0C0A00005h 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 20 21 22 23 24 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on on X X X X X PX30 PX31 PX32 PX33 EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 30 31 32 33 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on X X X X Page A-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AA-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Command code definitions PX40 PX41 PX42 PX43 PX44 PX45 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A00005h 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 40 41 42 43 44 45 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on on on X X X X X X PX50 PX51 PX52 PX53 PX54 PX55 PX56 EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU EQU 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A0000Dh 0C0A00009h ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on on on on X X X X X X X PX62 PX63 EQU EQU 0C0A00005h 0C0A00005h ;Parameter 62 Write-Prog on X ;Parameter 63 Write-Prog on X ; Note: The codes for parameters on axis Y, Z and W are the same as ; for axis X, only the two first numbers are changed ; ; ;Parameter to write on Axis 'Y' ;----------------------------PY01w EQU 81010001h ;Parameter 1 Write on Y PY02w EQU 81020002h ;Parameter 2 Write on Y PY03w EQU 81030003h ;Parameter 3 Write on Y PY04w EQU 81040001h ;Parameter 4 Write on Y ... ... PY63w EQU 813F0001h ;Parameter 63 Write on Y ;Parameter to read on Axis 'Y' ;----------------------------PY01r EQU 01010001h PY02r EQU 01020002h PY03r EQU 01030003h PY04r EQU 01040001h ... ... PY63r EQU 013F0001h ;Parameter Write to Program for Y ;-------------------------------PY10 EQU 0C0A1000Dh PY11 EQU 0C0A1000Dh PY12 EQU 0C0A1000Dh PY13 EQU 0C0A10005h ... ... PY63 EQU 0C0A10005h ;Parameter to write on Axis 'Z' ;----------------------------PZ01w EQU 82010001h PZ02w EQU 82020002h PZ03w EQU 82030003h PZ04w EQU 82040001h ... ... PZ63w EQU 823F0001h 26/752 E1 (H4-AA-E.DOC) ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 Read Read Read Read on on on on Y Y Y Y ;Parameter 63 Read on Y ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 10 11 12 13 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on Y Y Y Y ;Parameter 63 Write-Prog on Y ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 Write Write Write Write on on on on Z Z Z Z ;Parameter 63 Write on Z SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page A-9 Command code definitions PCD4.H4.. ;Parameter to read on Axis 'Z' ;----------------------------PZ01r EQU 02010001h PZ02r EQU 02020002h PZ03r EQU 02030003h PZ04r EQU 02040001h ... ... PZ63r EQU 023F0001h ;Parameter Write to Program for Z ;-------------------------------PZ10 EQU 0C0A2000Dh PZ11 EQU 0C0A2000Dh PZ12 EQU 0C0A2000Dh PZ13 EQU 0C0A20005h ... ... PZ63 EQU 0C0A20005h ;Parameter to Write on Axis 'W' ;-----------------------------PW01w EQU 83010001h PW02w EQU 83020002h PW03w EQU 83030003h PW04w EQU 83040001h ... ... PW63w EQU 833F0001h ;Parameter to read on Axis 'W' ;----------------------------PW01r EQU 03010001h PW02r EQU 03020002h PW03r EQU 03030003h PW04r EQU 03040001h ... ... PW63r EQU 033F0001h ;Parameter Write to Program for W ;-------------------------------PW10 EQU 0C0A3000Dh PW11 EQU 0C0A3000Dh PW12 EQU 0C0A3000Dh PW13 EQU 0C0A30005h ... ... PW63 EQU 0C0A30005h Page A-10 ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 Read Read Read Read on on on on Z Z Z Z ;Parameter 63 Read on Z ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 10 11 12 13 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on Z Z Z Z ;Parameter 63 Write-Prog on Z ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 Write Write Write Write on on on on W W W W ;Parameter 63 Write on W ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 1 2 3 4 Read Read Read Read on on on on W W W W ;Parameter 63 Read on W ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter ;Parameter 10 11 12 13 Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog Write-Prog on on on on W W W W ;Parameter 63 Write-Prog on W SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AA-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs Appendix B: Examples Programming with FBs Example 1 ;; SAIA PCD SOURCE MODULE - SEDIT V2.0 ;; MODULE: E1EX1.SRC ;; DATE: 16.04.97 15:37 ;; DOC I 0 DOC I 60 DOC F 8 DOC F 9 DOC F 23 DOC F 400 DOC R 0 DOC R 1 DOC R 2 DOC R 3 DOC R 100 DOC R 101 DOC R 102 DOC R 103 DOC R 104 DOC R 105 DOC COB 0 DOC XOB 16 DOC PB 0 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG, CH-3280 Murten, ; Example program for PCD4.H4xx module BLOCTEC ; Motion without blended move. ; --------------; File: E1EX1.SRC ; ; Description : This program consists of the following motions : ; 1.- move X from Reference point X to 40mm with 20mm/s ; 2.- move X from actual position X to 80mm with 80mm/s ; 3.- move X back to the reference point ; ; This program is written in BLOCTEC. The user must set ; the input I0 to start the motions. The complete motions ; program (step 1 to 3) is executed only once by each ; positive edge detection of the input I0. ; To restart the motion program, activate again the I0. ; ; If the Input I0 is low during the step 1 to step 3, then ; the program will finish the current motion and stop at ; the end of this motion. To continue, I0 must be set high. ; ; The user can display the actual position and the actual ; velocity by refreshing in the debugger the registers ; R 100 (actual position) and R 101 (actual velocity). ; ; We suppose all machine and module parameters have been ; downloaded in the PCD4.H4xx module. ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-1 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ; Remark : The FB FbStatH4 must be at least called once per cycle, ; otherwise axes status flags like 'axis in position' or ; 'home procedure executed' are not refreshed. ; ; - if the signal 'Axis in position' (inputs 12 to 14 of the ; H4 address) is not set at the end of a motion, please check ; the PID parameter (e.g. set higher factor P) and the ; parameter P15 (tolerance Axis in position). ; - if the flags 'Axis in position' (from FB FbStatH4), please ; check the parameter 'Axis No.' of this FB to read the right ; axies. ; ; Revision history: ; 16.04.97 N. JUNG creation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; $INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ;=======Set general parameters XOB 16 ;=======Axis init CFB fbInitH4 ;Init H4 K 48 ;Base Adress Module 0 ;Base Statusflags K 2 ;Moduletype ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS X' LD rComH4 ENAXi ;Enable axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes X to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis X to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeX ;Home X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query axes status and wait for the end of HOME procedure status: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;axis X ; STH F 23 ;HOME procedure axis X finished? JR L status EXOB ; ; ; Page B-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Main program COB 0 0 ; ;=======Start motion program STH I 0 ; Start input OK? DYN F 400 CPB H 0 ECOB ; PB 0 ;------------------------------;=======Set motion speed at 20mm/s LD R 0 20000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axis X to 40mm with 20 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 40000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Verify Axis X inposition/Start input OK? Wait1: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;=======Query actual position axis LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual velocity axis LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 STH I 0 ANH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute JR L wait1 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-3 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ;=======Set motion speed at 80mm/s LD R 0 80000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axis X to 80mm with 80 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 80000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Verify Axis X inposition/Start input OK? wait2: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;=======Query actual position axis LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual velocity axis LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 STH I 0 ANH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute JR L wait2 ;=======Motion 3 : back to the start point with 80mm/s LD R 0 0 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed Page B-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;-------Motion axis X ;=======Verify Axis X inposition/Start input OK? wait3: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;=======Query actual position axis LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual velocity axis LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 STH I 0 ANH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute JR L wait3 EPB 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-5 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. Notes Page B-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs Example 2 ;; SAIA PCD SOURCE MODULE - SEDIT V2.0 ;; MODULE: E1EX1BL.SRC ;; DATE: 16.04.97 15:38 ;; DOC I 0 DOC I 60 DOC F 8 DOC F 23 DOC F 400 DOC R 0 DOC R 1 DOC R 2 DOC R 3 DOC R 100 DOC R 101 DOC R 102 DOC R 103 DOC R 104 DOC R 105 DOC COB 0 DOC XOB 16 DOC PB 0 ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG, CH-3280 Murten, ; Example program for PCD4.H4xx module BLOCTEC ; Motion with blended move. ; -----------; File: E1EX1BL.SRC ; ; Description : This program consists of the following motions : ; 1.- move X from Reference point X to 40mm with 20mm/s ; 2.- move X from actual position X to 80mm with 80mm/s ; 3.- move X back to the reference point ; ; This program is written in BLOCTEC. The user must set ; the input I0 to start the motions. The complete motions ; program (step 1 to 3) is executed only once by each ; positive edge detection of the input I0. ; To restart the motion program, activate again the I0. ; ; The user can display the actual position and the actual ; velocity by refreshing in the debugger the registers ; R 100 (actual position) and R 101 (actual velocity). ; ; We suppose all machine and module parameters have been ; downloaded in the PCD4.H4xx module. ; ; Remark : - The FB FbStatH4 must be at least called once per cycle, ; otherwise axes status flags like 'axis in position' or ; 'home procedure executed' are not refreshed. ; ; - if the signal 'Axis in position' (inputs 12 to 14 of the ; H4 address) is not set at the end of a motion, please check ; the PID parameter (e.g. set higher factor P) and the ; parameter P15 (tolerance Axis in position). ; - if the flags 'Axis in position' (from FB FbStatH4), please ; check the parameter 'Axis No.' of this FB to read the right ; axies. ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-7 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ; Revision history: ; 16.04.97 N. JUNG creation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; $INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ;=======Set general parameters XOB 16 ;=======Axis init CFB fbInitH4 ;Init H4 K 48 ;Base Adress Module 0 ;Base Statusflags K 2 ;Moduletype ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS X' LD rComH4 ENAXi ;Enable axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes X to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis X to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeX ;Home X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query axes status and wait for the end of HOME procedure status: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;axis X ; STH F 23 ;HOME procedure axis X finished? JR L status EXOB ; ; ; ;=======Main program COB 0 0 ;=======Query actual position axis LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 Page B-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Query actual velocity axis LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Start motion program STH I 0 ; Start input OK? DYN F 400 CPB H 0 ECOB ; PB 0 ;------------------------------;=======Set motion speed at 20mm/s LD R 0 20000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axis X to 40mm with 20 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 40000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Set motion speed at 80mm/s LD R 0 80000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-9 Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Motion 1 : Move ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 80000 LD rComH4 XAi CFB fbExeH4 K 48 R 0 NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 3 : back LD R 0 0 LD rComH4 XAi CFB fbExeH4 K 48 R 0 NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed EPB Page B-10 PCD4.H4.. axis X to 80mm with 80 mm/sec ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute ;Execute Command ;Base address H4 ;Parameter to the start point with 80mm/s ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute ;Execute Command ;Base address H4 ;Parameter SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs Example 3 ;; SAIA PCD SOURCE MODULE - SEDIT V2.0 ;; MODULE: E1EX2G.SRC ;; DATE: 16.04.97 15:38 ;; DOC I 0 DOC F 8 DOC F 9 DOC F 23 DOC F 400 DOC R 0 DOC R 1 DOC R 2 DOC R 3 DOC R 100 DOC R 101 DOC R 102 DOC R 103 DOC R 104 DOC R 105 DOC T 0 DOC COB 0 DOC XOB 16 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG, CH-3280 Murten, ; Example program for PCD4.H4xx module GRAFTEC ; Motion without blended move. ; --------------; File: E1EX2G.SRC ; ; Description : This program consists of the following motions : ; 1.- move X from Reference point X to 40mm with 20mm/s ; 2.- move X from actual position X to 80mm with 80mm/s ; 3.- move X back to the reference point ; This program is written in GRAFTEC. The user must set ; the input I0 to start the motions. The complete motions ; program (step 1 to 3) is executed only once by each ; positive edge detection of the input I0. ; If the Input I0 is low during the step 1 to step 3, then ; the program will finish the current motion and stop at ; the end of this motion. To continue, I0 must be set high ; We suppose all machine and module parameters have been ; downloaded in the PCD4.H4xx module. ; ; Remark : The FB FbStatH4 must be at least called once per cycle, ; otherwise axes status flags like 'axis in position' or ; 'home procedure executed' are not refreshed. ; ; - if the signal 'Axis in position' (inputs 12 to 14 of the ; H4 address) is not set at the end of a motion, please check ; the PID parameter (e.g. set higher factor P) and the ; parameter P15 (tolerance Axis in position). ; - if the flags 'Axis in position' (from FB FbStatH4), please ; check the parameter 'Axis No.' of this FB to read the right ; axies. ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-11 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ; Revision history: ; 16.04.97 N. JUNG creation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; $INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ;=======Set general parameters XOB 16 ;=======Axis init CFB fbInitH4 ;Init H4 K 48 ;Base Adress Module 0 ;Base Statusflags K 2 ;Moduletype ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS X' LD rComH4 ENAXi ;Enable axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes X to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis X to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeX ;Home X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query axes status and wait for the end of HOME procedure status: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;axis X ; STH F 23 ;HOME procedure finished? JR L status EXOB ; ; ; ;=======Main program COB 0 0 ; ;=======Refresh axis status CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;axis X ;=======Query actual position axis LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 Page B-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Query actual velocity axis LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Start motion program CSB 0 ECOB ; SB 0 ;------------------------------IST 0 ;Rectilinear motion O 0 ;I0 = 1? EST ;0 ;------------------------------ST 1 ;Motion 1 I 0 ;I0 = 1? I 6 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? O 1 ;on Position ? ;=======Set motion speed at 20mm/s LD R 0 20000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axis X to 40mm with 20 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 40000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed EST ;1 ;------------------------------ST 2 ;Pause 1 sec I 1 ;on Position ? O 2 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? LD T 0 10 EST ;2 ;------------------------------ST 3 ;Motion 2 I 2 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? O 3 ;on Position ? 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-13 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ;=======Set motion speed at 80mm/s LD R 0 80000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 2 : Move axis X to 80mm with 80 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 80000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed EST ;3 ;------------------------------ST 4 ;Pause 1 sec I 3 ;on Position ? O 4 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? LD T 0 10 EST ;4 ;------------------------------ST 5 ;Motion 3 I 4 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? O 5 ;on Position ? ;=======Motion 3 : back to the start point with 80mm/s LD R 0 0 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed EST ;5 ;------------------------------ST 6 ;Pause 1 sec I 5 ;on Position ? O 6 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? LD T 0 10 EST ;6 ;------------------------------TR 0 ;I0 = 1? I 0 ;Rectilinear motion O 1 ;Motion 1 STH I 0 ETR ;0 Page B-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;------------------------------TR 1 ;on Position ? I 1 ;Motion 1 O 2 ;Pause 1 sec STH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute ETR ;1 ;------------------------------TR 2 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? I 2 ;Pause 1 sec O 3 ;Motion 2 STL T 0 ANH I 0 ETR ;2 ;------------------------------TR 3 ;on Position ? I 3 ;Motion 2 O 4 ;Pause 1 sec STH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute ETR ;3 ;------------------------------TR 4 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? I 4 ;Pause 1 sec O 5 ;Motion 3 STL T 0 ANH I 0 ETR ;4 ;------------------------------TR 5 ;on Position ? I 5 ;Motion 3 O 6 ;Pause 1 sec STH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute ETR ;5 ;------------------------------TR 6 ;T=0 & I0 = 1? I 6 ;Pause 1 sec O 1 ;Motion 1 STL T 0 ANH I 0 ETR ;6 ; ESB ;0 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-15 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. Notes Page B-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs Example 4 ;; SAIA PCD SOURCE MODULE - SEDIT V2.0 ;; MODULE: E1EX2GB.SRC ;; DATE: 16.04.97 15:38 ;; DOC I 0 DOC F 8 DOC F 9 DOC F 23 DOC F 400 DOC R 0 DOC R 1 DOC R 2 DOC R 3 DOC R 100 DOC R 101 DOC R 102 DOC R 103 DOC R 104 DOC R 105 DOC T 0 DOC COB 0 DOC XOB 16 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG, CH-3280 Murten, ; Example program for PCD4.H4xx module GRAFTEC ; Motion with BLENDED move. ; -----------; File: E1EX2GB.SRC ; ; Description : This program consists of the following motions : ; 1.- move X from Reference point X to 40mm with 20mm/s ; 2.- move X from actual position X to 80mm with 80mm/s ; 3.- move X back to the reference point ; ; This program is written in GRAFTEC. The user must set ; the input I0 to start the motions. The complete motions ; program (step 1 to 3) is executed only once by each ; positive edge detection of the input I0. ; To restart the motion program, activate again the I0. ; ; The user can display the actual position and the actual ; velocity by refreshing in the debugger the registers ; R 100 (actual position) and R 101 (actual velocity). ; ; We suppose all machine and module parameters have been ; downloaded in the PCD4.H4xx module. ; ; Remark : The FB FbStatH4 must be at least called once per cycle, ; otherwise axes status flags like 'axis in position' or ; 'home procedure executed' are not refreshed. ; ; - if the signal 'Axis in position' (inputs 12 to 14 of the ; H4 address) is not set at the end of a motion, please check ; the PID parameter (e.g. set higher factor P) and the ; parameter P15 (tolerance Axis in position). ; - if the flags 'Axis in position' (from FB FbStatH4), please ; check the parameter 'Axis No.' of this FB to read the right ; axies. ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-17 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ; Revision history: ; 16.04.97 N. JUNG creation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; $INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ;=======Set general parameters XOB 16 ;=======Axis init CFB fbInitH4 ;Init H4 K 48 ;Base Adress Module 0 ;Base Statusflags K 2 ;Moduletype ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS X' LD rComH4 ENAXi ;Enable axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes X to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis X to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeX ;Home X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query axes status and wait for the end of HOME procedure status: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;axis X ; STH F 23 ;HOME procedure finished? JR L status EXOB ; ; ; ;=======Main program COB 0 0 ;=======Query actual position axis LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 Page B-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Query actual velocity axis LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Refresh axis status CFB fbStatH4 K 48 1 ;=======Start motion program CSB 0 ECOB ; SB 0 ;------------------------------IST 0 ;Rectilinear motion I 1 ;on Position ? O 0 ;I0 = 1? EST ;0 ;------------------------------ST 1 ;Motion 1 I 0 ;I0 = 1? O 1 ;on Position ? ;=======Set motion speed at 20mm/s LD R 0 20000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axis X to 40mm with 20 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 40000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Set motion speed at 80mm/s LD R 0 80000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SSXi ;Instruction Set Speed X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-19 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ;=======Motion 2 : Move axis X to 80mm with 80 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X LD R 0 80000 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 3 : back to the start point with 80mm/s LD R 0 0 LD rComH4 XAi ;Instruction Move axis X to absolute CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed EST ;1 ;------------------------------TR 0 ;I0 = 1? I 0 ;Rectilinear motion O 1 ;Motion 1 STH I 0 ETR ;0 ;------------------------------TR 1 ;on Position ? I 1 ;Motion 1 O 0 ;Rectilinear motion STH F 8 ;On Position flag = 1 when position ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction is execute ETR ;1 ; ESB ;0 Page B-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs Example 5 ;; SAIA PCD SOURCE MODULE - SEDIT V2.0 ;; MODULE: E3EX3GB.SRC ;; DATE: 16.04.97 15:38 ;; DOC I 0 DOC F 8 DOC F 9 DOC F 23 DOC F 24 DOC F 25 DOC F 39 DOC F 400 DOC R 0 DOC R 1 DOC R 2 DOC R 3 DOC R 100 DOC R 101 DOC R 102 DOC R 103 DOC R 104 DOC R 105 DOC T 0 DOC COB 0 DOC XOB 16 DOC PB 0 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG, CH-3280 Murten, ; Example program for PCD4.H4xx module GRAFTEC ; Motion with BLENDED move. ; -----------; File: E3EX3GB.SRC ; ; Description : This program consists of the following motions : ; 1.- move X,Y from Ref.point to X=40mm, Y=40mm at 20mm/s ; 2.- move X,Y to X=80mm, Y=80mm at 80mm/s ; 3.- move X,Y back to the reference point ; ; This program is written in GRAFTEC. The user must set ; the input I0 to start the motions. The complete motions ; program (step 1 to 3) is executed only once by each ; positive edge detection of the input I0. ; To restart the motion program, activate again the I0. ; ; The user can display the actual position and the actual ; velocity by refreshing in the debugger the registers : ; - Axis X : R100(actual position), R101 (actual velocity). ; - Axis Y : R102(actual position), R103 (actual velocity). ; ; We suppose all machine and module parameters have been ; downloaded in the PCD4.H4xx module. ; ; Remark : The FB FbStatH4 must be at least called once per cycle, ; otherwise axes status flags like 'axis in position' or ; 'home procedure executed' are not refreshed. ; For reading status of all axes in one cycle, please set ; the parameter 'Axis No.' of the FB FbStatH4 with OFh. ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-21 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ; - if the signal 'Axis in position' (inputs 12 to 14 of the ; H4 address) is not set at the end of a motion, please check ; the PID parameter (e.g. set higher factor P) and the ; parameter P15 (tolerance Axis in position). ; - if the flags 'Axis in position' (from FB FbStatH4), please ; check the parameter 'Axis No.' of this FB to read the right ; axies. ; ; Revision history: ; 16.04.97 N. JUNG creation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------$INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ; ;=======Set general parameters XOB 16 ;=======Axis init CFB fbInitH4 ;Init H4 K 48 ;Base Adress Module 0 ;Base Statusflags K 2 ;Moduletype ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS X' LD rComH4 ENAXi ;Enable axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS Y' LD rComH4 ENAYi ;Enable axis Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes X to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis X to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeX ;Home X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes Y to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis Y to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeY ;Home Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 Page B-22 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Query axes status and wait for the end of HOME procedure status: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 00000000FH ;all available axes in one cycle ; STH F 23 ;HOME procedure axis X finished? JR L status STH F 39 ;HOME procedure axis Y finished? JR L status EXOB ; ; ; ;=======Main program COB 0 0 ;=======Refresh axis status CFB fbStatH4 K 48 00000000FH ;all available axes in one cycle ;=======Query actual position axis X LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual velocity axis X LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual position axis Y LD rComH4 QPY ;Axis Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 102 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual velocity axis Y LD rComH4 QVY ;Axis Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 103 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Start motion program CSB 0 ECOB ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-23 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. SB 0 ;------------------------------IST 0 ;Rectilinear motion I 1 ;on Position ? O 0 ;I0 = 1? EST ;0 ;------------------------------ST 1 ;Motion 1 I 0 ;I0 = 1? O 1 ;on Position ? ;=======Set Vector motion speed at 20mm/s LD R 0 20000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SVi ;Instruction Set Vector Speed CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axes X,Y to X=40mm, Y=40mm with 20 mm/sec LD R 0 40000 LD R 1 40000 LD rComH4 XYAi ;Instr. Move axes X,Y (linear interp CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Set Vector motion speed at 80mm/s LD R 0 80000 ;(per default, number of decimals af LD rComH4 SVi ;Instruction Set Vector Speed CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 2 : Move axes X,Y to X=80mm, Y=80mm with 80 mm/sec LD R 0 80000 LD R 1 80000 LD rComH4 XYAi ;Instr. Move axes X,Y (linear interp CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed Page B-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Motion 3 : back to the start point with 80mm/s LD R 0 0 LD R 1 0 LD rComH4 XYAi ;Instr. Move axes X,Y (linear interp CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Base address H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed EST ;1 ;------------------------------TR 0 ;I0 = 1? I 0 ;Rectilinear motion O 1 ;Motion 1 STH I 0 ETR ;0 ;------------------------------TR 1 ;on Position ? I 1 ;Motion 1 O 0 ;Rectilinear motion STH F 8 ;F 8 = 1 when position axis X is rea ANH F 24 ;F24 = 1 when position axis Y is rea ANL F 9 ;F 9 = 0 when instruction XAp is exe ANL F 25 ;F25 = 0 when instruction YAp is exe ETR ;1 ; ESB ;0 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-25 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. Notes Page B-26 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs Example 6 ;; SAIA PCD SOURCE MODULE - SEDIT V2.0 ;; MODULE: OPENPR1.SRC ;; DATE: 16.04.97 15:38 ;; DOC I 0 DOC F 8 DOC F 23 DOC F 39 DOC F 400 DOC R 0 DOC R 1 DOC R 2 DOC R 3 DOC R 100 DOC R 101 DOC R 102 DOC R 103 DOC R 104 DOC R 105 DOC T 0 DOC COB 0 DOC XOB 16 DOC PB 0 ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG, CH-3280 Murten, ; Example program for PCD4.H4xx module OPEN/CLOSE Progr. ; Motion with BLENDED move. ; -----------; File: OPENPR1.SRC ; ; Description : This program is edited using the instruction OPEN/CLOSE. ; That means the whole motion program is set together and ; will be transfered only once into PCD4.H4xx module. ; The loaded program is run from the CPU by means of the ; instruction RUNp (run program number) in a COB for ; example. ; This program consists of the following motions : ; 1.- move X,Y from Ref.point to X=40mm, Y=40mm at 20mm/s ; 2.- move X,Y to X=80mm, Y=80mm at 80mm/s ; 3.- move X,Y back to the reference point ; ; This program is written in BLOCTEC. The user must set ; the input I0 to start the motions. ; The motion program (step 1 to 3) is executed only once by ; each positive edge detection of the input I0. ; To restart the motion program, activate again the I0. ; ; The user can display the actual position and the actual ; velocity by refreshing in the debugger the registers ; R 100 (actual position) and R 101 (actual velocity). ; ; We suppose all machine and module parameters have been ; downloaded in the PCD4.H4xx module. ; ; Remark : - The FB FbStatH4 must be at least called once per cycle, ; otherwise axes status flags like 'axis in position' or ; 'home procedure executed' are not refreshed. ; For reading status of all axes in one cycle, please set ; the parameter 'Axis No.' of the FB FbStatH4 with OFh. ; 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-27 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ; - If the signal 'Axis in position' (inputs 12 to 14 of the ; H4 address) is not set at the end of a motion, please check ; the PID parameter (e.g. set higher factor P) and the ; parameter P15 (tolerance Axis in position). ; ; - If the flags 'Axis in position' (from FB FbStatH4), please ; check the parameter 'Axis No.' of this FB to read the right ; axies. ; ; Revision history: ; 16.04.97 N. JUNG creation ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; $INCLUDE H4EXTN.DEF ;=======Set general parameters XOB 16 ;=======Axis init CFB fbInitH4 ;Init H4 K 48 ;Base Adress Module 0 ;Base Statusflags K 2 ;Moduletype ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS X' LD rComH4 ENAXi ;Enable axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Set 'ENABLE AXIS Y' LD rComH4 ENAYi ;Enable axis Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes X to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis X to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeX ;Home X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Move axes Y to reference point (Limit Switch Reference) ;-------Move axis Y to Limit Switch Reference (HOME procedure) LD rComH4 HomeY ;Home Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 0 R 1 R 2 R 3 Page B-28 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;=======Query axes status and wait for the end of HOME procedure status: CFB fbStatH4 K 48 00000000FH ;all available axes in one cycle ; STH F 23 ;HOME procedure axis X finished? JR L status STH F 39 ;HOME procedure axis Y finished? JR L status ;=======Motion program ;-------Open program LD R 1 1 LD rComH4 OPEN1 ;OPEN Program 1 CFB fbExeH4 ;Basisadress H4 K 48 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;------------------------------;=======Set Vector motion speed at 20mm/s LD R 0 20000 LD rComH4 SVp ;Set Vector Speed CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 1 : Move axes X,Y to X=40mm, Y=40mm with 20 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X,Y (XYAp) LD R 0 40000 LD R 1 40000 LD rComH4 XYAp ;Move absolute axes X,Y CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed ;------Wait loop----------------LD R 0 1000 LD rComH4 WAIT ;Wait for 1000 ms CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-29 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ;=======Set Vector motion speed at 80mm/s LD R 0 80000 LD rComH4 SVp ;Set Vector Speed CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 2 : Move axes X,Y to X=80mm, Y=80mm with 80 mm/sec ;-------Motion axis X,Y (XYAp) LD R 0 80000 LD R 1 80000 LD rComH4 XYAp ;Move absolute axes X,Y CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed ;------Wait loop----------------LD R 0 1000 LD rComH4 WAIT ;Wait for 1000 ms CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed ;=======Motion 3 : back to the start point with 80mm/s ;-------Motion axis X,Y(XYAp) LD R 0 0 LD R 1 0 LD rComH4 XYAp ;Move absolute axes X,Y CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed ;------Wait loop----------------LD R 0 1000 LD rComH4 WAIT ;Wait for 1000 ms CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed Page B-30 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 PCD4.H4.. Examples Programming with FBs ;-------Program END and CLOSE------------LD rComH4 END ;Move absolute axis X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed LD rComH4 CLOSE ;Move absolute axis X CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter NotUsed NotUsed NotUsed EXOB ;=======Main program COB 0 0 ; ;=======Refresh axis status CFB fbStatH4 K 48 00000000FH ;all available axes in one cycle ;=======Query actual position axis X LD rComH4 QPX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 100 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual velocity axis X LD rComH4 QVX ;Axis X ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 101 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Query actual position axis Y LD rComH4 QPY ;Axis Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 102 ;register for actual position R 1 R 2 R 3 26/752 E1 (H4-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-31 Examples Programming with FBs PCD4.H4.. ;=======Query actual velocity axis Y LD rComH4 QVY ;Axis Y ; CFB fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 R 103 ;register for velocity R 1 R 2 R 3 ;=======Start motion program LD R 0 1 ;Set program number = 1 LD rComH4 RUNi ;RUN Program 1 ; STH I 0 ;If Input I0=1 DYN F 400 CFB H fbExeH4 ;Execute Command K 48 ;Basisadress H4 R 0 ;Parameter R 1 ;Parameter R 2 ;Parameter R 3 ;Parameter ECOB Page B-32 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (H4-AB-E.DOC) 26/752 E1 From : Send back to : Company : Department : Name : Address : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) Tel. : BA : Electronic Controllers Date : Manual PCD4.H4x0 Motion control modules for servo drives with linear and circular interpolation If you have any suggestions concerning the SAIA PCD, or have found any errors in this manual, brief details would be appreciated. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Your suggestions : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ">

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Key features
- Control 2-4 servo motor axes
- Linear and circular interpolation
- Trapezoidal or S-shaped velocity profile
- Autonomous operation
- Own program memory
- Programming with CP tool or FBs