PADS Designer software User manual

PADS Designer software User manual

Below you will find brief information for PADS Designer. This user manual will walk you through the steps of creating and modifying PADS presentations, connecting to external data sources, and making them interactive. The manual will also teach you about the PADS content library and how to manage your content files, ranging from images and videos to presentations.


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PADS Designer User Manual | Manualzz

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PADS Designer

Welcome to PADS Designer

Welcome to PADS, one of the most advanced and complete digital signage software packages that are available today.

This PADS Designer manual describes the possibilities of PADS Designer, the end-user application to design PADS presentations.

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Starting PADS Designer

In order to design a PADS presentation you need to start the PADS Designer application, connect to a

PADS Server and log on. Optionally, the process of connecting and logging on can be automated.

In this section

Starting the application

Describes how to start the PADS Designer application in Microsoft Windows.

Connecting to your PADS Server

Describes the procedure to connect to your PADS Server.

Logging on to your PADS Server

Describes the procedure to logon on to your PADS Server.

Specifying connection and logon properties

Describes the properties that reflect the logon settings and the status of the connection to your PADS


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Starting the application

PADS Designer is the end-user application for creating PADS presentations.

To start the PADS Designer application

1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.

2. Select (All) Programs and then PADS4.

3. Select Designer.


1. In Windows Explorer, go to the folder containing the PADS Designer program files.

2. Double click the PADSDesigner.exe item.

After this the application will be started.


If al l c on f i g u r ati on s etti n g s of th e ap p l i c ati on ar e c or r ec t th en th e s ys tem w i l l au tomati c al l y c on n ec t to th e PADS Ser ver s of tw ar e. If you s tar t th e ap p l i c ati on f or th e ver y f i r s t ti me or w h en on e or mor e of th e c on f i g u r ati on s etti n g s ar e i n c or r ec t ( th e s ys tem i s n ot ab l e to c on n ec t to th e PADS Ser ver s of tw ar e) th en th e PADS c on n ec ti on man ag emen t w i n d ow w i l l au tomati c al l y b e s h ow n . T h i s al l ow s you to s p ec i f y th e r i g h t c on f i g u r ati on s etti n g s i n or d er to c on n ec t to th e PADS Ser ver s of tw ar e an d th u s s tar t th e ap p l i c ati on .

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Connecting to your PADS Server

When PADS Designer has been started, it will look for a PADS Server connection. Depending on how you have set up the connection properties, the program will respond differently.

To connect to your PADS Server for the first time

When it's the very first time you start PADS Designer and you haven't set any connection properties yet, you will encounter the following message.

When you click OK the PADS Server Connections window will be opened to specify connection properties.

To connect to your PADS Server manually

When you have specified that you want to connect manually to your PADS Server, the program will automatically show the PADS Server connections window, from where you can choose your connection.

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To connect to your PADS Server manually in other situations you can choose two options from the ribbon bar.

1. Use the PADS Server connection button.


1. Move the mouse cursor to the network connection button and click it to connect.

2. Use the PADS Server connection split button.

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1 2 3

1. Move the mouse cursor to the PADS Server connection split button.

2. Click the PADS Serverconnection split button to reveal all available connections.

3. Move the mouse cursor to the PADS Server connection you wish to connect to and click to connect.

3. PADS Designer will try and connect.

To connect to your PADS Server automatically

When you have specified that you want to connect automatically to your PADS Server, PADS Designer will try and connect immediately after starting.

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Working offline

When you are unable to connect to your PADS Server, but you have successfully connected at least once in the past, then you can decide to work offline.

To start working offline:

1. Click Work Offline.

When you work offline any changes you make to the content library will be kept locally. As soon as you reconnect to your PADS Server again and the content synchronization process will start, any local changes you have made will be automatically uploaded to your PADS Server.


Y ou c an w or k of f l i n e f or a maxi mu m of on e w eek. W i th i n th i s p er i od of ti me you n eed to c on n ec t to you r PADS Ser ver ag ai n or you r ap p l i c ati on w i l l s top w or ki n g .

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Logging on to your PADS Server

After you have connected successfully to your PADS Server, you need to log on.

To logon to your PADS Server manually

When you have


that you want to log on manually to your PADS Server, the following screen will be shown after the program has started.

Enter your User Name, your Password and click the Log On button to actually log on.

PADS Designer will then try and complete the connection and log on procedure.

To logon to your PADS Server automatically

When you have


that you want to log on automatically to your PADS Server, PADS Designer will try and log on to your PADS Server without you noticing. If all is well you will see only the connection being made.

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Specifying connection and log on properties

You can manage your connection and log on settings through the PADS Server connections window.

In this section

Connection properties

Describes the settings for your PADS Server connection.

Log on properties

Describes the settings for your PADS Server log on.

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Connection properties

The connection properties show information about your PADS Server connection(s).

To open the PADS Server Connections window

1 2

1. Move your mouse cursor to the Connections section of the Home tab group in the ribbon bar and click the Manage button.

2. The PADS Server Connections window is opened.

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To manage your PADS Server connection(s)

1 2 3

1. Click Manage and next Add... to add a new PADS Server connection, or

2. Click Edit... to change an existing PADS Server connection, or

3. Click Remove... to delete an existing PADS Server connection.

To add or edit a PADS Server connection

Whether you want to add or edit a connection, the screen is basically the same.

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In the Identification section you enter a Connection Name for your PADS Server connection. In the

Server Connection section you specify which server computer you want to connect to. In the Applic-

ation Startup section you can indicate whether you want the program to start this connection automatically or that you want to start the connection manually.

To specify a server connection

In the Server Connection section there are three ways to connect to a computer that acts as a PADS

Server. If you choose for the option Automatic then whenever you start PADS Designer the program will look on its own for the first PADS Server it can find in its vicinity and connect to it.

To have the local PC act as your server select the option This Computer.

When you want to enter a specific PC or want to search for one, you choose the option Other.

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You can enter the name or IP address of the PC or you can have PADS look for a nearby PADS Server.


W h en you r ow n c omp u ter i s th e PADS s er ver th en you mu s t al w ays u s e th e op ti on Th i s

C ompu t er. If you i n s tead u s e th e op ti on Ot h er an d s p ec i f y you r c omp u ter n ame as

P AD S S erv er th en th e PADS Vi ew er s w on ' t b e ab l e to d etec t you r c on ten t f i l es i n th e

PADS c on ten t l i b r ar y.

Click Search... to find a PADS Server nearby.

PADS will run a check over the network if any PADS Server is active.

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A PADS Ser ver c an on l y b e au tomati c al l y d etec ted w h en th e PADS Ser ver p r oc es s i s r u n n i n g an d th e U DP p or t n u mb er 3 7 0 2 i s n ot b l oc ked b y a f i r ew al l on th e s er ver PC or s omew h er e el s e i n th e n etw or k.

When the search is finished, select the PADS Server you want to connect to and click OK to confirm.

Click OK in the Connection window and Close in the PADS Server Connections window to apply the settings.

To specify another port number for your PADS Server connection

For network or security reasons you may want to use another port number than the default one, 7237.

This is also done at the option Other in the Server Connection section.

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1. Select the option Other in the Server Connection section.

2. Click on the Show Advanced Options expander.

3. In the number field enter the desired port number.

4. Click OK in the Connection window and Close in the PADS Server Connections window to apply the settings.

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Logon properties

In the

connection properties

you can also determine how you want to log on to your PADS Server.

To specify log on details for your PADS Server connection

When adding or editing your PADS Server connection select the Credentials tab in the Connection window. Enter your User Name in the Credentials section.

If you want to log on automatically, you will have to check the option Automatic Login and enter your


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W h en w or ki n g w i th PADS Domai n s on th e i n d i c ated PADS Ser ver , you c an s p ec i f y th e l og on d etai l s f or a p ar ti c u l ar Domai n i n th e D omai n s ec ti on . T h i s i s an ad van c ed top i c d es c r i b ed i n th e PADS In s tal l ati on Man u al . T h e op ti on Au t omat i c w i l l s u f f i c e i n mos t c as es .

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Main window

After you have successfully started PADS Designer you are situated in the main window of the application. The main window gives access to all functions of the application.

In this section

Design area

Describes the area representing the actual design of your presentation.

Ribbon bar

Describes the menu structure of the Designer application.


Describes the toolbox containing all page elements you can insert into your presentation


Describes the page thumbnails window that can be used to quickly perform certain actions on pages.

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Describes the elements window showing a list of all your page elements.


Describes the playlist window giving quick access to the playlist of a selected page element.

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Design area (main window)

The design area of the PADS Designer main window shows the actual design of your presentation.

All important actions to modify the design of your presentation take place here. These actions can be started via the

ribbon bar

or by right clicking on the design area and selecting the a context menu item.

By default the design area contains a ruler, grid and zoom functions, helping you to exactly position and size your page elements.

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Ribbon bar

PADS4 has replaced the old menu structure by the new ribbon bar look & feel as set out by Microsoft

Office 2010. This is done to keep you familiar with the way of working with the different PADS applications.

Overview of the PADS Designer ribbon bar

The PADS Designer ribbon bar has been divided in 9 sections called tab groups. You can access them by clicking the respective headers. Detailed information will be provided in topics to follow.

1. File

The File tab group contains the most basic functionality for PADS Designer, including opening and closing presentations and connection management.

2. Home

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The Home tab group is the container for the key functions of the application. These include PADS

Server connection management, clipboard functions and key functions for pages and page elements.

3. Presentation

The Presentation tab group contains all functions at presentation level.

4. Page

The Page tab group contains all functions that have to deal with pages.

5. Elements

The Elements tab group contains all functions that have to deal with page elements, irrespective of their type.

6. View

The View tab group lets you determine the way you want to view the design of your presentation.

7. Data Providers

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The Data Providers tab group contains all functions that have to deal with connecting your presentation to external data sources.

8. Tools

The Tools tab group provides access to options for the application itself as well as system wide functions like synchronization.

9. Help

The Help tab group provides access to information about the application itself like instructions, version and license details.

In addition to the above standard tab groups the ribbon bar may also contain one or more so-called contextual tab groups. Contextual tab groups contain functions that are specifically related to selected item(s). For instance when you select a text element in your presentation the ribbon bar will be extended with a contextual Format tab, containing key functions of a text element.

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The toolbox contains all page elements you can insert into your presentation.

Besides native built-in page elements the toolbox may also contain so-called Add-On elements. These are additional elements that come with the product or custom elements that have been developed by a third party.

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Thumbnails window

The thumbnails window shows thumbnails of all pages in your presentation. If your presentation contains a master page, then a thumbnail of the master page is included as well.

The thumbnails window can be used to quickly perform certain actions on pages of your presentation, like






a page. This can be done by right clicking in the thumbnails window and selecting a right context menu item or via drag-and-drop.

To show/hide the thumbnails window

1. Check/uncheck Thumbnails on the View menu of the ribbon bar.

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Elements window

The elements window shows a list of all page elements in the current page of your presentation.

The elements window can be used to quickly perform certain actions on page elements, like

changing the display order of page elements . This can be done by right clicking in the elements window and

selecting a context menu item or via drag-and-drop.

To show/hide the elements window

1. Check/uncheck Elements on the View menu of the ribbon bar.

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Play list window

The play list window gives quick access to the play list of a selected page element.

The play list window can be used to quickly make adjustments to the play list of a page element without having to open the properties window of the element and navigate to the play list section.

To show/hide the play list window

1. Check/uncheck Play List on the View menu of the ribbon bar.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts an d th e w or ki n g of th e p l ay l i s t ed i tor w i n d ow , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


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Working with presentations

The PADS Designer application enables you to create and modify PADS presentations. A PADS presentation can be a single page presentation containing only some simple text messages, but it can also be a sophisticated multimedia presentation containing a wide variety of page elements including web pages, video and sound or even live TV.

A presentation can be connected to almost any external data source (e.g. RSS feeds) to display real-time information.

Presentations can be made interactive to make playback of the presentation dependent on user input.

In this section

Creating a new presentation

Describes how to start creating a new presentation.

Opening an existing presentation

Describes how to open an existing presentation for editing.

Saving a presentation

Displays the possibilities to save your current presentation.

Previewing a presentation

Describes how to see a working preview of your current presentation.

Closing a presentation

Describes how to close your current presentation.

Presentation properties

Gives more information about how to view/edit the properties of a presentation.

File properties

Describes how to obtain the characteristics of the file that holds the presentation.

Working with multiple presentations

Demonstrates the possibilities you have to work with multiple presentations simultaneously.

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Content library

Before you start designing your first presentation it's good to get familiar with the PADS content library concept.

Your PADS system is standard delivered with a content library system, called PADS content library. The

PADS content library is a central repository for all your content files, ranging from images and videos to

PADS presentations.

To manage the items in your PADS content library, you can use the

PADS Content Organizer


Content library files

Although not required, it's strongly recommended to place all your content files in the PADS content library and use references to these content library items in your presentations. Items in your content library are automatically (or manually) synchronized between all PCs in your system. This means that items in the content library are available to all PADS applications.

For instance, when you add a video to the PADS content library on your PADS Designer PC, it will automatically be uploaded to the PADS Content Library on the central PADS Server, from where it's automatically distributed to the PADS Viewer PCs. This way you can be assured that your video can be found by the PADS Viewers and will play correctly during playback of your presentation.

Because the PADS system uses relative links to refer to content library items, your content items can even be found when your entire content library is moved to another location.

External files

PADS also offers the possibility to refer to content files outside the PADS content library. Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

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Creating a new presentation

You can choose to create a complete new PADS presentation from scratch.

To create a new presentation

1. Click New Presentation on the File menu.

2. Design the presentation by adding page elements and setting properties of each element.

Optionally additional pages can be added to the presentation or data providers to obtain realtime data.

3. When you are finished, click Save on the File menu of the ribbon bar.

4. Name your presentation and then click Save.


When a new presentation is created it will by default get the

default presentation properties

as they have been set under Options in the Tools menu. This includes for instance the resolution and grid settings of the presentation. These settings will be embedded in and stored together with the presentation.

This enables you to use different resolution and grid settings per presentation.

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Opening an existing presentation

Existing presentations can be opened for editing purposes or as a basis to create a new presentation.

By default this function refers to the PADS content library as location where presentations are stored, but you can also choose to open presentations from other locations.

To open an existing presentation

1. Click Open on the File menu.

2. In the content library, locate and open the folder that contains the presentation.

3. Double-click the presentation you want to open.

To quickly open a recently used presentation

1. Click on the File menu.

2. Select the presentation in the list of Recent Presentations.

To explicitly open a presentation from the content library

1. Click on the File menu.

2. Hover with your cursor above the Open item to make the sub menu become visible.

3. Click from Content Library on the sub menu.

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4. In the content library, locate and open the folder that contains the presentation.

5. Double-click the presentation you want to open.

To explicitly open a presentation from another file location

1. Click on the File menu.

2. Hover with you cursor above the Open item to make the sub menu become visible.

3. Click from File on the sub menu.

4. In the folder list, locate and open the folder that contains the presentation.

5. Double-click the presentation you want to open.


When you open a presentation that has been created in PADS 3.1 SR1 it will automatically be converted to PADS4. To explicitly open and convert a PADS 3.1 SR1 presentation, choose open from PADS 3.x

from the sub menu of the Open item in the File menu. For earlier versions it is required to first run a conversion tool to convert the presentations to the PADS 3.1 SR1 format.

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When you want to convert multiple PADS 3.1 SR1 presentations you can best use the PADS 3.x to 4 Con-

verter. After installation this tool can be found in the Windows Start menu under PADS4, Tools.

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Saving a presentation

You can save your presentation with it's current name or with an alternative name. In the latter case a copy of the presentation will be created and from that moment you will be working on this copy leaving the original presentation untouched.

By default this function refers to the PADS content library as location where presentations are stored, but you can also choose to save presentations to other locations.

To save your presentation

1. Click Save on the File menu.

2. If the presentation has not been saved before, you will be prompted for a name. In this case name your presentation and click Save.

To save a copy of your presentation

1. Click Save As on the File menu.

2. Name your presentation and click Save.

To explicitly save your presentation to the content library

1. Click on the File menu.

2. Hover with your cursor above the Save As item to make the sub menu become visible.

3. Click to Content Library on the sub menu.

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4. In the content library, name your presentation and click Save.

To explicitly save your presentation to another file location

1. Click on the File menu.

2. Hover with you cursor above the Save As item to make the sub menu become visible.

3. Click to File on the sub menu.

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4. In the folder list, name your presentation and click Save.


When the PADS Designer application has been called from the PADS Scheduler application then the

Save item will not exist on the File menu. Instead you will find a Schedule... item (to schedule your presentation and save it into the PADS system database) or an Update item (to use after editing for updating your scheduled presentation in the PADS system database). To save a local copy of your scheduled presentation in this situation, you will have to use the Save As item on the File menu.

If you have opened a PADS 3.1 SR1 presentation it is automatically converted and will be saved as a

PADS4 presentation. With this the file is saved with a .padsx extension, so the original PADS 3.1 SR1 presentation file is not overwritten.

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Previewing a presentation

Presentations opened in the PADS Designer application can be previewed to see how the presentation will look when it will be played by the PADS Viewer application.

To start a preview of your presentation

1. Click Presentation in the Preview section of the View menu.

The presentation preview window will be opened and the presentation will automatically be started.


T o q u i c kl y s tar t th e p r evi ew of you r p r es en tati on you c an u s e th e F2 s h or tc u t key.

To start a preview of a specific page in your presentation

1. Use the navigation buttons of the Go To section on the View menu to navigate to the page you want to preview.


2. Follow the steps to start a preview of your presentation as described above.

1. Click Presentation in the Preview section of the View menu.

Press the Stop button in the toolbar of the Presentation Preview window to stop the running preview.

2. Use the page selector dropdown box in the toolbar of the Presentation Preview window to select the starting page for the preview.

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3. Press the Start button in the toolbar to start the preview again.

To stop a running preview of your presentation

1. Press the Stop button on the toolbar of the Presentation Preview window.


With the Zoom dropdown box in the toolbar of the Preview window you can specify the zoom level for playback of your presentation. This enables you to view your entire presentation, even when the size of your Preview window is smaller than the resolution of your presentation. However, please note that some content (like web content) may not scale correctly.

The toolbar of the Preview window also enables you to enter the name of a Viewer. When you enter an existing PADS Viewer name here, the system will act as this Viewer when running the preview. This means that when you have used for instance a database query that uses the Viewer name as a parameter (by entering #ViewerName# as a parameter) it will automatically replace this with the entered Viewer name.

By pressing the Show Log button in the toolbar of the Preview window you can inspect log file. If there are any problems with playback of your presentation, you usually will find errors or warnings about it in the log file.

After 30 minutes a started preview will automatically be stopped by the PADS system.

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Closing a presentation

If you are finished with working on your presentation you can best close it before working on the next presentation.

To close your presentation

1. Click Close on the File menu.

2. If the changes to the presentation have not been saved yet, you will be asked if you want to save these changes.

Click Yes to save the presentation before closing.

3. If the presentation has not been saved before, you will be prompted for a name.

In this case name your presentation and click Save.

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Presentation properties

Each presentation has a number of properties that determine the characteristics of the presentation as a whole.

To edit the properties of your presentation

1. Click Presentation Properties on the Presentation menu.


2. Adjust one or more settings in the Presentation Properties window.

3. Click OK to save the changes and return to your presentation or Apply to save the changes without leaving the properties window.

Properties overview

Property section









Properties to identify your presentation and to show the sequence and key characteristics of the pages in your presentation.

Properties to set the width and height of your presentation.

Properties to determine how your presentation will be played.

Properties to define the grid that will be used to design your presentation.

Properties to determine how interactive presentations should respond when there is no user interaction for a certain period of time and how keyboard key presses are handled.

Definition of presentation rules to have your presentation automatically respond to predefined situations.

Miscellaneous properties, like creation of a proof of play log.

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General properties (presentation)

The general properties identify your presentation and to show the sequence and key characteristics of the pages in your presentation.



The presentation name that identifies your presentation.

The name you enter here will be used at several places to identify your presentation. For instance in the calendar view of the PADS Scheduler application.

As long as you don't manually change the name of the presentation, the file name of the presentation

(without the file extension) will be used as name. But as soon as you have manually changed the name once, it will keep the manually entered name.

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Shows the complete play list of all normal pages in your presentation. The total duration shows the sum of the durations of all visible pages.

To edit the properties of a page:

1. Click the page in the displayed list to select it.

2. Click the Move Down or Move Up button to change the position of the page within the presentation.

3. Choose if the page must be Visible. Invisible pages will be ignored during playback.

4. Adjust the Duration of the page in seconds.

5. Enter a new Page Name to change the name of the page. This name must be unique within the collection of pages.

6. Optionally specify an Effect that is used as a transition effect when the page becomes visible.

To remove one or more pages:

1. Click the page or pages in the displayed list to select it. To select multiple pages you can hold either the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key.

2. Click Remove to remove the pages.


W h en you r emove a p ag e h er e, i t w i l l n ot on l y b e r emoved f r om th e p l ay l i s t, b u t al s o f r om you r en ti r e p r es en tati on .


In most situations it's easier to use the


window of the main window to adjust your play list of pages, because it shows you thumbnails of the individual pages and also supports drag-and-drop.

The properties of each individual page can also be adjusted in the

page propertie

s window of the corresponding page. Some properties like background picture and scroll options can only be set in this way.

If your presentation contains presentation or page rules then these rules may determine when and how long each page of your presentation is displayed. In this case the specified Duration will be ignored.

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Size properties (presentation)

The size properties set the width and height of your presentation..



Click this button to select a predefined width and height from a list of most commonly used resolutions.


Manually enter the required width of your presentation.


Manually enter the required height of your presentation.


The specified size will be applied to all pages of your presentation, including the master page.

When reducing the size of an existing presentation then as a result some page elements on your existing pages may become invisible, because they will be positioned outside the new screen boundaries.

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If the PADS Viewer application has been configured to automatically scale presentations, then the specified size properties may be ignored.

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Style properties (presentation)

The style properties determine how your presentation will be played.

Synchronize Viewers

Calculate Time of Page Change based on Scheduled Time

When this option is switched on your presentation will be played synchronously on all displays it has been scheduled for.

With the synchronize option switched on dynamic page changes (such as skipping a page when there is no data) will no longer work, because the presentation will always be synchronized.


When a presentation has been scheduled to start from 10:00 and contains two pages which should be displayed for 1 minute, then:

10:00-10:01 page 1 is displayed

10:01-10:02 page 2 is displayed

10:02-10:03 page 1 is displayed

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10:03-10:04 page 2 is displayed

10:04-10:05 page 1 is displayed

10:05-10:06 page 2 is displayed

If for some reason the PADS Viewer application is restarted at 10:03, the presentation will start with displaying page 2 for the remaining time until the next page must be displayed at 10:04.


The synchronizing of a presentation across multiple Viewers is based on the system clock of the PADS

Viewer PC. The system time of the PC is used by the PADS Viewer application to determine at what point the presentation must start to be exactly in sync with the other displays where the same presentation is shown. Because of this it is possible that the presentation will not always start with the first page of the presentation.

The synchronization process synchronizes presentations at page level, in other words it arranges that the pages on the involved displays start at exactly the same moment. The system will automatically resynchronize with each page switch. This makes that the synchronization option can only be used for presentations that contain at least two pages.

The synchronization process uses the specified page duration of the pages in the presentation. This makes that the synchronize option will NOT work in combination with options that switch off or ignore the page duration like certain page rules or play options.

Even with the Synchronize option switched on it is possible that due to some external factors (like other processes consuming significant processor time) presentations will not run 100% synchronously on multiple displays.

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Grid properties (presentation)

The grid properties define the grid that will be used to design your presentation. Using the grid options properly can save you lot's of time, because page elements will automatically be positioned and sized in line with each other.


The defined grid size will be used by all important operations on your presentation to make sure all page elements are placed exactly on the grid.


The width of the grid on the design area of your presentation in pixels.


The height of the grid on the design area of your presentation in pixels.


T o q u i c kl y tu r n on / of f th e Sn ap to Gr i d f u n c ti on temp or ar i l y you c an c l i c k S n ap t o G ri d on th e H ome men u or u s e th e s h or tc u t key c omb i n ati on Ctr l + G.

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When a new presentation is created it will by default inherit the

grid settings

as these have been set under Options in the Tools menu. After this the grid settings will be embedded in and stored together with your presentation. This enables you to use different grid settings per presentation.

Whether the grid is displayed and applied determines on the Show grid and Snap to Grid settings as specified under Options in the Tools menu.

The grid properties are only applicable to the PADS Designer application. They have no effect on the playback of your presentation.

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Interactivity properties (presentation)

The interactivity properties determine how interactive presentations should respond when there is no user interaction for a certain period of time and how keyboard key presses are handled..

Page Keyboard Navigation

Enable Navigation by using Keyboard Keys

When this option is switched on it's possible to use the following navigation keys on the PADS Viewer PC to toggle between the pages of your presentation:

Keyboard key

Left arrow / Top arrow / Page Up


Switches to the previous page of your presentation.

Right arrow / Top arrow / Page Down



Switches to the next page of your presentation.

Switches to the first page of your presentation.

Switched to the last page of your presentation.

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Automatic Page Expiration

When this option is switched on your presentation will automatically respond with the specified action when the user did not click with the mouse or pressed any key within the specified period of time.

After x Second(s)

The number of seconds after which the system must respond.

Return to Page

The action to be taken after the system has been idle for the specified number of seconds.


By s etti n g th e exp i r ati on p r op er ti es you c an make s u r e th at w h en a u s er w al ks aw ay f r om an i n f o ki os k r u n n i n g you r i n ter ac ti ve p r es en tati on , th e s ys tem w i l l au tomati c al l y r etu r n to th e s tar ti n g p ag e af ter a c er tai n p er i od of ti me.


If Enable Navigation by using Keyboard Keys has been switched on, then the page durations will still be applicable. So if the page duration for a page has been set to 30 seconds and no keyboard key has been pressed by the user after 30 seconds the system will automatically switch over to the next page of your presentation.

If the


option of a presentation has been turned on then the above interactivity functionality will no longer work.

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Rules properties (presentation)

By defining presentation rules your can have your presentation automatically respond to predefined situations. For instance you can have the system play advertising when there is no real-time data to display.


Displays a list of defined presentation rules. For detailed information about rules, see

Working with rules .

Show this Page when No Rule is active

Select the page to show when none of the specified rule conditions are met.


Pr es en tati on r u l es ar e c on ti n u ou s l y c h ec ked d u r i n g p l ayb ac k of you r p r es en tati on . T h i s mean s th at you r p r es en tati on w i l l i mmed i atel y s w i tc h p ag es w h en th e c on d i ti on of a p r es en tati on r u l e i s met or n o l on g er met.

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Other properties (presentation)

The other properties consist of miscellaneous properties, like creation of a proof of play log.

Proof of Play

The proof of play properties enable you to log detailed information about the playback of your presentation. This information can be used to proof (e.g. to advertisers) that your content has played.

Log Presentation Statistics Info

When this option is switched on, exact information about when, where and for how long your presentation has played will be stored into a log file and sent to the PADS Server for central logging.

The log information that is collected is centrally logged on the PADS Server PC in a PADS billing database. This database can be viewed with the PADS Agent application, with Microsoft Access or you can use the PADS Software Development Kit to develop your own custom application to process the information.


W h en you s w i tc h on l og g i n g i t i s ABSOL U T E L Y RE QU IRE D th at you i mp l emen t a p r oc ed u r e to ei th er man u al l y or au tomati c al l y p r oc es s th e i n f or mati on of th e PADS b i l l i n g

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d atab as e an d d el ete th e i n f or mati on af ter w ar d s . Oth er w i s e th e PADS b i l l i n g d atab as e may c on s u me al l you r h ar d d i s k s p ac e, b ec au s e th e d ata i n th e b i l l i n g d atab as e i s n ot d el eted au tomati c al l y.

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File properties

The file properties enable you to save summary or revision information together with your presentation.

To view the file properties of your presentation

1. Click Properties on the File menu.

Summary properties

Here you can enter specific details about your PADS presentation so that they can be viewed by other users of your presentation.

Notes properties

Here you can add your own revision notes to your PADS presentation.

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To add a new revision note:

1. Click Add.

2. Enter the Description of your revision note.The system automatically adds the current date and time to the revision note.

3. Click Save to make the addition of the new revision note effective or Cancel to abort the addition.


A revision note that has been added to your presentation can never be removed again.

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Working with multiple presentations

The PADS Designer application enables you to work on multiple presentations simultaneously. Each presentation is displayed in a separate window. You have several options to arrange these windows so you can choose your own preferred way of working on multiple presentations.

To open an additional presentation (in a new window)

1. Click New Presentation or Open on the File menu.

When you have started the PADS Designer application and haven't touched the blank presentation that is displayed, you should use the following method to open an additional presentation in a new window:

1. Click New Window in the Windows section of the View menu.

To switch between your presentations

1. Click Switch Windows in the Windows section of the View menu.

2. In he list of presentations select the presentation you want to switch to.

Arranging your presentations

After you have opened multiple presentations, you can optionally arrange your presentation windows in horizontal or vertical tab groups. Tab groups enable you to view your presentations side by side.


Havi n g mu l ti p l e p r es en tati on s op en ed s i d e b y s i d e i s ver y u s ef u l w h en you w an t to c op y p ag e el emen ts b etw een p r es en tati on s . In th i s w ay you c an s i mp l y s el ec t a n u mb er of el emen t f r om on e p r es en tati on , Sel ec t C opy f r om th e C l i pboard s ec ti on of th e H ome men u , s w i tc h to th e s ec on d p r es en tati on an d s el ec t P ast e f r om th e s ame C l i pboard s ec ti on .

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To place a presentation in a new tab group

1. Click New Tab Group in the Windows section of the View menu.

2. Click New Horizontal Tab Group or New Vertical Tab Group.

To move a presentation to another tab group

1. Click Move to in the Windows section of the View menu.

2. Click Move to Previous Tab Group or Move to Next Tab Group.


When you have opened multiple presentations, then the ribbon bar and toolbox of the PADS Designer main window will only apply to the presentation window that has the focus.

The functions for arranging your presentation windows can also be called by right-clicking the tab area of a presentation window and clicking one of the context menu items.

Presentations you no longer work on can best be closed, because they will only slow down the overall performance of the PADS Designer application.

To close all presentations except the one you are working on, right-click the tab area of your presentation window and select Close All But This from the context menu.

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Working with pages

Each presentation consists of one or more pages. Pages can be added to, moved within or removed from your presentation. A master page can be used to create a consistent layout through your entire presentation.

In this section

Creating a new page

Explains how to add a new blank page to your presentation.

Duplicating a page

Shows how to create an exact copy of your current page.

Importing existing pages

Describes how to import one or more pages from another existing presentation into your presentation.

Navigating between pages

Demonstrates how to navigate to other pages in your presentation.

Moving a page

Describes how to give a page another position within your presentation.

Clearing a page

Explains how to clear the contents of the current page.

Removing a page

Describes how to remove a page from your presentation.

Page properties

Gives more information about how to view/edit the properties of a page.

Working with a master page

Demonstrates the possibilities you have to work with a master page in your presentation.

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Creating a new page

You can choose to create a new page from scratch.

To add a new blank page to your presentation

1. Click New Page on the Page menu.


1. Right-click the thumbnail of a page in the thumbnails window.

2. Select New Page from the context menu.


New pages will always be added to the end of your presentation.

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Duplicating a page

Sometimes it can be timesaving to get an exact copy of an existing page in your presentation. This copied page can then be used as a basis for the design of a new page.

To create an exact copy of the current page in your presentation

1. Click Duplicate Page on the Page menu.


1. Right-click the thumbnail of the page in the thumbnails window.

2. Select Duplicate Page from the context menu.


Duplicated pages get a page name that consists of the original page name, followed by an automatically generated suffix.

Duplicated pages will always be added directly after the current page of your presentation.

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Importing existing pages

A quick way to compose your presentation is to import earlier designed pages from other existing presentations.

To import one or more pages from another presentation

1. Click Import Page on the Page menu.

This starts the Import Page Wizard.

2. Select the presentation you want to import.

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Choose Content Library to import a presentation from the PADS Content Library or choose File

Name to import a presentation from another file location. Specify the file name (including the full path) of the PADS presentation file you want to import. If required you can click the browse button to locate the file. Afterwards click Next to continue.

3. Select the pages you want to import.

Click on the thumbnail of the required page to select it.


T o s el ec t mu l ti p l e p ag es , h ol d d ow n th e [ Ctr l ] or [ Sh i f t] key w h i l e c l i c ki n g on th e p ag e th u mb n ai l s .

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Click Finish to effectively import the pages and leave the Wizard.

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If one or more of the imported pages has a page name that already exists, then the page will get an automatically generated page name.

Imported pages will always be added directly after the current page of your presentation.

If one or more of the imported pages uses a data provider then this data provider will also be imported to your presentation.

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Navigating between pages

There are several ways to navigate through your presentation.

To navigate to a certain page of your presentation

1. Use the navigation buttons in the Go To section of the View menu.


Button Function

Go to the master page of your presentation. If your presentation doesn't contain a master page yet, you first have to

create a master page


Go to the first page of your presentation.

Go to the previous page of your presentation.

Go to the next page of your presentation.

Go to the last page of your presentation.

Go to a specific page of your presentation by opening the drop down list and selecting the required page.

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1. Click on the thumbnail of the required page in the thumbnails window.


1. Use one of the shortcut keys.

Keyboard Key



Go to the first page of your presentation.

Page Up

Page Down


Go to the previous page of your presentation.

Go to the next page of your presentation.

Go to the last page of your presentation.

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Moving a page

You can move a page within your presentation by changing its position.

To change the position of a page in your presentation

1. Move your mouse to the thumbnail of the page in the thumbnails window and press the left mouse button.


2. Keep the mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to determine the new position within the thumbnails window.

3. Release the mouse button to effectively move the page to the new position.

1. Click Presentation Properties on the Presentation menu.

2. Click the page in the displayed list of the Pages section to select it.

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3. Click the Move Down or Move Up button at the left bottom to change the position of the page within your presentation.

4. Click OK or Apply to make the changes effective.

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Clearing a page

Clearing a page clears the entire contents of your current page.

To clear the current page of your presentation

1. Click Clear Page on the Page menu.


W h en you ac c i d en tal l y c l ear you r p ag e, u s e s el ec t U n do on th e H ome men u to r es tor e you r p r evi ou s s i tu ati on .


When clearing a page the page properties of the page will remain intact.

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Removing a page

Pages that are no longer required can be removed from your presentation.

To remove the current page of your presentation

1. Click Remove Page on the Page menu.


2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the current page.

1. Right-click the thumbnail of the page in the thumbnails window.

2. Select Remove Page from the context menu.

3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the page.


If you on l y w an t to temp or ar i l y exc l u d e a p ag e f r om you r p r es en tati on th en you c an b es t s w i tc h of th e Vi si bi l i t y p r op er ty of th e p ag e. T h i s w i l l exc l u d e th e p ag e d u r i n g p l ayb ac k.


The last page of your presentation can not be removed.

If the Thumbnails window has the focus, then you can also use the [Del] key on your keyboard to remove the selected page.

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Page properties

Each page of your presentation has a number of properties that determine the behavior of the page.

To edit the properties of the current page in your presentation

1. Click Page Properties on the Page menu.


2. Adjust one or more settings in the Page Properties window.

3. Click OK to save the changes and return to your presentation or Apply to save the changes without leaving the properties dialog box.

Properties overview

Property section



Data scrolling


Transition effect

Property bindings



Properties to identify your page and to determine how long the page is displayed.

Properties to determine how your page will be played.

Properties to determine how scrolling through real-time data will be handled.

Properties to determine if your page will be visible during playback.

Properties to set the incoming transition effect that is used when your page becomes visible.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your page fed by an external data source.

Definition of page rules to have your page automatically respond to predefined situations.

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General properties (page)

The general properties identify your page and determine how long the page is displayed.



The page name that uniquely identifies the page within your presentation.

To check which names are still available, you can click the button right to the Name input field. This gives you a complete list of all page names that are already in use and can no longer be entered. The existing name of the current page will also be displayed in this list.



Determines how long the page will be displayed, before your presentation switches the next page.

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T o g et a c omp l ete over vi ew of th e total d u r ati on of you r p r es en tati on an d eac h i n d i vi d u al p ag e c l i c k P resen t at i on P ropert i es on th e P resen t at i on men u an d c h ec k th e

P ages s ec ti on on th e G en eral tab .


If your presentation only contains one single page then the duration has no meaning and will be ignored during playback.

If your presentation contains presentation rules, page rules or element rules then these rules may determine when and how long the page is displayed. In this case the specified Duration will be ignored.

When you have enabled automatic page expiration for your presentation as part of the

Interactivity properties

then these settings might overrule the specified Duration property of your page.

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Style properties (page)

The style properties determine how your page will be played.

Background Color


Determines the background color of the page. You can simply specify a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

It is not possible to use transparency for the background color of a page.

If your presentation includes a master page and the master page is applicable for the current page then the background color can not be set. Instead the background color of the master page will be applied.

Master Page Visibility

Show the Master Page on the Background of this Page

If this property is switched on then the page will display the entire contents of the master page on the

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background of the page. This property is only enabled when your presentation contains a master page.


Sw i tc h i n g of f th e mas ter p ag e vi s i b i l i ty f or on e or mor e p ag es i n you r p r es en tati on en ab l es you to u s e a d i f f er en t l ayou t, on l y f or th os e p ag es .

Page Background Image

Picture File

Select Picture from Content Library to use a background image file from the PADS Content Library or

Picture from File to use a background image from a file outside the content library. Next you must specify the file name of the picture file you want to be used as background image for the page. If required you can use the browse button to locate the picture file.


It' s s tr on g l y r ec ommen d ed to p l ac e you r p i c tu r es i n th e PADS Con ten t L i b r ar y, b ec au s e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y i s au tomati c al l y s yn c h r on i z ed ac r os s al l c omp u ter s i n you r

PADS s ys tem. If you u s e p i c tu r e f i l es ou ts i d e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y you h ave to h an d l e th e d i s tr i b u ti on of th es e p i c tu r e f i l es you r s el f .

Picture Size

Determines how your picture will be sized within the boundaries of your page.


Original Size


The picture will not cover the entire page when the page is smaller than the size of the picture. If the page is larger than the picture, the picture will be clipped.

Using this option will give best quality and performance.


The picture is automatically resized to fit exactly within the boundaries of the page.

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Data scrolling properties (page)

The data scrolling properties determine how scrolling through real-time data will be handled.

General Data Scrolling


The interval (in seconds) that will be used to scroll all elements in your page that have their Data

Scrolling properties switched on.

Hold Scroll Positions after Page Change

With this property switched on the current rows of all data providers of the page will be stored during playback, when the presentation switches over to the next page. The next time the same page is displayed these positions will be restored and the data scrolling process will resume from there.

So when the 4th row of a data source was displayed before the page change, the next time the page will start scrolling with the 4 + 1 = 5th row.


Hol d i n g s c r ol l p os i ti on s i s f or i n s tan c e u s ef u l w h en you h ave a p l ay l i s t of ad ver ti s emen ts an d you w an t al l ad ver ti s emen ts to b e p l ayed af ter eac h oth er i n s tead of

Page 77 of 485

s tar ti n g w i th th e s ame ad ver ti s emen t over an d over ag ai n .

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Visibility properties (page)

The visibility properties determine if your page will be visible during playback.



If this property is switched off then the page will not be displayed during playback of your presentation.


T h e Vi si bl e p r op er ty c an b e u s ed to temp or ar i l y exc l u d e a p ag e f r om you r p r es en tati on .

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Transition effect properties (page)

The transition effect properties set the incoming transition effect that is used when your page becomes visible.

Blink/Alternate Speed


The frequency (in seconds) to synchronously blink and/or alternate all elements in your page that have their Blink property switched on or have the Play Using Page Alternate Interval property switched on to play an entire play list.

Transition Effect


Select an incoming effect from the list of available effects when you want your page to become visible with an effect.

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Specifies how long the incoming effect should take. You can select one of the predefined values ( Fast,

Medium or Slow) or use the Duration input field to accurately specify the effect duration.


Some ef f ec ts ar e mor e ' exp en s i ve' to exec u te th an oth er ef f ec ts . T h e s i z e of th e s c r een al s o i n f l u en c es th e over al l p er f or man c e of th e ef f ec t. It i s ad vi s ed to exp er i men t to s ee w h i c h c omb i n ati on of ef f ec t an d d u r ati on b es t s u i ts you r s c r een r es ol u ti on an d h ar d w ar e.

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Property bindings properties (page)

By defining property bindings you can have certain properties of your page automatically be fed by an external data source. As soon as the value of the external data source changes the property of your page will change accordingly.

For instance if you bind the Background Color property of your page to an XML file then the background color of your page will instantly change when the value in the XML file will change.

Property Bindings

List of page properties that can be bound to an external data source. To bind a page property you must specify at least a data provider, column, row for this property.


Page property to be bound. This property is system defined and can not be changed.


Data type of the page property to be bound. This property is also system defined and can not be changed.

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Data Provider

Select the data provider that represents the data source you want to bind. If you have no data providers yet, you should first add a new data provider.


Select the data field of the data source you want to bind.


Select the record of the data source you want to bind.


Switch on this property when data scrolling must be applied.

If this property is switched on, then the

data scrolling

properties will be used to scroll.


By b i n d i n g th e Vi si bl e p r op er ty of you r p ag e to an exter n al d ata s ou r c e l i ke f or i n s tan c e a Mi c r os of t E xc el f i l e, you c an u s e th e E xc el f i l e to d yn ami c al l y c on tr ol th e p ag es of you r p r es en tati on you w an t to b e i n c l u d ed d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. W h en you c h an g e th e val u e i n

E xc el you r p ag e w i l l b ec ome ( i n ) vi s i b l e d u r i n g th e n ext l oop of you r p r es en tati on .

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Rules properties (page)

By defining page rules you can have your page automatically respond to predefined situations. For instance you can define a rule to skip your page when a certain condition is met.

Predefined Rules

Skip this Page when there is No External Data

When the page contains one or more elements that are connected to a data source and none of the connected data sources returns data then the page will not be displayed and the presentation will continue with the next page of your presentation, if this property has been switched on.

Alll data providers that are used on the page are checked and specified filters, data rows and data scrolling are included in the check.

If a filter has been specified for a data provider the system will look at the filtered result. If this result is empty the page will be skipped.

If the row numbers of the page elements are not included in the result of the data provider the page will also be skipped. For example of all page elements have their Row property set to the value '2' and the result of the data provider only contains 1 row the page will be skipped.

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If data scrolling has been switched on for one or more page elements the page will only be skipped when the data providers return no data at all.

When your presentation only contains one page and the Skip the Page when there is No External

Data property of this page is activated by the PADS Viewer application then this will result in your presentation becoming completely invisible.

Play all videos once and Show the Next Page

When your page contains one or more video/sound elements then the presentation will automatically continue with the next page of your presentation when the last video/sound have played.

When this property is switched on then the Duration property of your page will be ignored.

When you have defined a complete play list of videos/sounds and this property is switched on then all files in the play list will be played before the presentation will continue to the next page.

If you have video/sound elements that are connected to a data source and you have switched on this property then during playback the application will retrieve the play list from the data source when the page starts. As soon as all files in this play list are played the presentation will continue to the next page.

This means that new (refreshed) data that will be delivered by the data source after the page becomes visible will be ignored.

Besides this property at page level there is also the Play once and go to the next page option of the video/sound element that can be used to force the system to continue with the next page of your presentation. The option at page level is preferred when you have multiple video/sound elements on the page.

If this property is switched on then the Play once and go to the next page option of the video/sound elements is ignored.


T h e P l ay al l v i deos on ce an d sh ow t h e n ext page p r op er ty i s an extr emel y u s ef u l op ti on to make s u r e th at th e c ommer c i al s of you r ad ver ti s er s w i l l f u l l y p l ayed b ef or e you r p r es en tati on w i l l s mooth l y g o to th e n ext p ag e.

Scroll Data Once and Show the Next Page

When the page contains database connections and this option is turned on for a specific Data Provider, then the presentation will automatically continue with the next page of your presentation after all rows of this data source have been displayed once.


Displays a list of defined page rules. Here you can define your own custom rules to dynamically adjust properties of your page when a certain condition is met.

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For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t r u l es , s ee

W or ki n g w i th r u l es


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Working with a master page

To have a consistent layout through your entire presentation you can use a master page. By adding a master page to your presentation you can define a page layout that will be used as background for all pages in your presentation for which the master page has been switched on.


W h en u s i n g a mas ter p ag e i n you r p r es en tati on th e mas ter p ag e w i l l r emai n ac ti ve w h en s w i tc h i n g b etw een p ag es d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. T h i s mean s th at i f you r mas ter p ag e i n c l u d es a vi d eo or s c r ol l i n g text, th es e w i l l c on ti n u e to r u n w h i l e s w i tc h i n g over to th e n ext p ag e.

In this section

Creating a master page

Describes how to add a master page to your presentation.

Importing an existing master page

Describes how you can import an existing page from another presentation to become the master page of your presentation.

Switching between the master page and normal pages

Explains how to switch to the master page of your presentation.

Removing the master page

Describes how to remove the master page from your presentation.

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Creating a master page

If your presentation doesn't contain a master page yet, you can add one. This enables you to define one single background that will be applied to all pages in your presentation for which the master page is switched on.

To add a master page to your presentation

1. Click Master Page in the Insert section on the Page menu.

2. The application will automatically switch to the master page (see indication in the status bar on the left bottom of your application window).

3. Design your master page by adding page elements and setting properties.

4. Use the navigation buttons in the Go To section on the View menu to return to the normal pages of your presentation.


When designing a master page you have the complete functionality available you would have when designing a normal page. This means you can add any page element you like to your master page and even can use data providers to include real-time data in your master page.

When using a master page in your presentation the master page will remain active when switching between pages during playback. This means that if your master page includes a video or scrolling text, these will continue to run while switching over to the next page.

When inserting a master page, this master page will be applied by default to all pages in your presentation. To switch off the master page for a page then you have to adjust the

Style properties

of the page.


Al w ays u s e a If you h ave s ever al p ag es th at u s e exac tl y th e s ame l ayou t as b ac kg r ou n d th en i t i s r ec ommen d ed to u s e a mas ter p ag e. T h i s w ay you on l y h ave to mai n tai n th e l ayou t at on e s i n g l e p l ac e i n you r p r es en tati on .

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Importing an existing master page

Instead of creating a master page from scratch you can also import an existing page from another presentation and let it become your master page.

To import a master page from another presentation

1. Click Import Master Page on the Page menu.

This starts the Import Master Page Wizard.

2. Select the presentation you want to import.

Choose Content Library to import a presentation from the PADS Content Library or choose File

Name to import a presentation from another file location. Specify the file name (including the full

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path) of the PADS presentation file you want to import. If required you can click the browse button to locate the file. Afterwards click Next to continue.

3. Select the page you want to import as master page.

Click on the thumbnail of the page to select it.


Y ou c an s el ec t an y p ag e of th e p r es en tati on h er e. If i t' s n ot a mas ter p ag e yet i t, w i l l au tomati c al l y b e c on ver ted to a mas ter p ag e d u r i n g i mp or t.

Afterwards click Next to continue.


If your presentation already contains a master page, then the master page will automatically be overwritten by the imported master page.

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If the imported page uses a data provider then this data provider will also be imported to your presentation.

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Switching between the master page and normal pages

You can easily switch between the master page and the normal pages of your presentation.

To switch to the master page

1. Click Master Page in the on the View menu.


1. Click on the thumbnail of the master page in the thumbnails window.

To return to the normal pages of your presentation

1. Use other navigation buttons in the Go To section of the View menu.


If your presentation doesn't contain a master page yet then you have to click Master Page in the Insert section on the Page menu to go to the master page.

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Removing the master page

If you have a master page in your presentation but it's not used by any of the pages, then you can best remove it again.

To remove the existing master page from your presentation

1. Click Master Page on the View menu to switch to the master page.

2. Click Remove Page on the Page menu to remove the master page from your presentation.


3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the master page.

1. Right-click the thumbnail of the master page in the thumbnails window.

2. Select Remove Master Page from the context menu.

3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the master page.

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Working with page elements

Each page contains a number of page elements. This can be text elements, pictures, lines, shapes, web pages, videos etc. There is a large number of operations that can be performed on page elements in general. These operations are described in this section.

In this section

Using the grid

Demonstrates the advantages of using a grid.

Adding a page element

Describes how to add a new page element to the current page.

Selecting page elements

Gives an overview of the subjects that have to deal with selecting page elements.

Page element properties

Describes how to adjust on or more properties of selected page elements.

Copying page elements

Shows how to copy one or more page elements within the same page, to another page within your presentation or to another presentation.

Moving page elements

Shows how to move one or more page elements within the same page, to another page within your presentation or to another presentation.

Resizing page elements

Describes how the resize one or more page elements on the current page.

Removing page elements

Describes how to remove one or more page elements from the current page.

Undoing/redoing actions

Gives more information about the possibilities to undo/redo performed actions.

Formatting functions

Gives an overview of the available functions to layout page elements.

Locking page elements

Describes how to prevent your page elements from accidental adjustments.

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Using the grid

Before you start designing a presentation it is recommended first to have a look at the grid options.

Using the grid options properly can save you lot's of time, because page elements will automatically be positioned and sized in line with each other.

To set the grid options

1. Click Options on the Tools menu.

2. Go to the Design Window Tab.

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3. Adjust one or more of the grid settings.

4. Click OK or Apply to make the changes effective.


Grid Width/Height

This enables you to define the default grid width and height in pixels. The defined sizes will be copied into any new presentation that you create.

Show Grid

Determines whether the grid should be visible or invisible.

Snap to Grid

With this option switched on all future page elements will be positioned and sized exactly to the grid.


W h i l e you ar e d es i g n i n g you r p r es en tati on you c an temp or ar i l y s w i tc h of f th e s n ap to g r i d f u n c ti on b y c l i c ki n g S n ap t o G ri d on th e H ome men u .


When a new presentation is created it will by default get the grid width and height as described above.

After this the grid settings will be bound to and stored together with your presentation. This enables you to have different grid settings per presentation. To

change the grid settings

of your presentation afterwards you must choose Presentation Properties on the Presentation menu.

Even if the Show Grid option has been switched off it is still possible to use the Snap to Grid functionality.

Switching on the Snap to Grid option will only affect future operations. It will not instantly change your current presentation.

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Adding a page element

To design the current page of your presentation you have to add page elements to it.

To add a new page element to the current page

1. On the toolbox click the item that represents the page element you want to add..

2. Move the mouse pointer to the position on the page where the new page element must be placed and press the left mouse button.

3. Keep the mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to indicate the required size of the page element.

4. Release the mouse button.


1. Click New Element on The Elements menu and from the list select the page element you want to add.

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2. Follow step 2 to 4 as above.


W h i l e you ar e i n s er ti n g a n ew p ag e el emen t you c an ab or t th e i n s er ti on b y p r es s i n g th e

[ E s c ] key on you r keyb oar d .


If you often uses the same properties for a certain page element then you can best define

default properties

for this type of element.

Page 98 of 485

Selecting page elements

When you want to perform a certain action on one or more page elements you always first have to select these elements. Sometimes elements are selected automatically (like after creation of an element), in other situations you have to select them manually.

The eight grab handles (on each corner and in the middle between two corners) of a page element indicate that the element has been selected.

In this section

Selecting one page element

Describes how you can select one single page element.

Selecting multiple page elements

Describes how to create a selection that contains multiple page elements.

Selecting all page elements

Shows how to select all page elements at once.

Inverting selection

Demonstrates how to switch selected/unselected element.

Clearing selection

Describes how you can unselect all your selected elements.

Primary selected item

Describes the special function of the primary selected item.

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Selecting one page element

Before you can perform an action on a single page element you first have to select this element.

To select one single page element

1. Click on the page element you want to select.


1. Make sure that the

elements window

is visible.

2. Click on the item in the elements window that represents the page element.


W h en you h ave s el ec ted a p ag e el emen t you c an u s e th e [ T ab ] key to s w i tc h to th e n ext el emen t or th e[ Sh i f t] + [ T ab ] key c omb i n ati on to s w i tc h to th e p r evi ou s el emen t.


The grab handles on the corners and between the corners of the page element indicate that the element has been selected.

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Selecting multiple page elements

Most actions like setting properties, cutting, copying, moving and resizing can work on one selected page element as well as a selection of multiple page elements. In the latter case the action will be applied to all page elements in the selection.

There are also some actions like the formatting function Align Lefts that require at least two page elements to be selected.

To select multiple page elements

1. Move the mouse pointer to a certain position on your page.

2. Press the left mouse button and keep it pressed.

3. Drag the mouse pointer to another position on the page to create a selection area.

4. Release the mouse button. All page elements that are included in the selection area will be selected.


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1. Make sure that the elements window is visible.

2. Press the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard and keep it pressed.

3. Click on the items in the elements window representing the page elements you want to include.

4. Release the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key.

Which elements will be selected depends on the setting When Selecting Elements by dragging a

Selection Rectangle only select the Elements which are completely within the Rectangle in the

Options window. With this option switched on only page elements that are entirely inside the selection area will be selected. With this option switched off also page elements that are partly inside the selection area will be selected.

To add an additional page element to the selection

1. Press the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard and keep it pressed.

2. Click on the page element you want to add to the selection, either on the page or in the elements window.

3. Release the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key.

To remove a selected page element from the selection

1. Press the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key on your keyboard and keep it pressed.

2. Click on the selected page element you want to remove from the selection, either on the page or in the elements window.

3. Release the [Ctrl] or [Shift] key.

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Selecting all page elements

All page elements on the current page can easily be selected in one single operation.

To select all page elements on the current page

1. Click Select All on the Elements menu.

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Inverting selection

When inverting the selection, all page elements of the current page that have been selected will become unselected and vice versa all page element that have not bee selected yet will become selected.

To invert the selection on the current page

1. Click Invert Selection on the Elements menu.


W h en you w an t to s el ec t n ear l y al l p ag e el emen ts th en i t' s mu c h q u i c ker to f i r s t s el ec t th e el emen ts you w an t to exc l u d e an d n ext c al l th e I n v ert S el ect i on f u n c ti on th an to s el ec t eac h i n d i vi d u al el emen t.

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Clearing selection

When you no longer want any page element to be selected you can clear the selection.

To clear the selection on the current page

1. Click Clear Selection on the Elements menu.


If p os s i b l e you c an al s o s i mp l y c l i c k on th e b ac kg r ou n d of you r p ag e to c l ear th e s el ec ti on of p ag e el emen ts .

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Primary selected item

In a selection of page elements there is always one element that is marked as the primary selected item.

The primary selected item can be recognized by black grab handles with a white border instead of the white grab handles with a black border of all other selected items.

The primary selected item has a special function. When a certain function is called for a number of selected items then the primary selected item always acts as the reference point.

Example 1

The formatting function Align Lefts is called for a number of selected items. This will result in all selected page elements being aligned to the left side of the primary selected item.

Example 2

Several text elements have been selected. Next, Element Properties is clicked on the Elements menu. In this case the Text properties window will be displayed showing the properties of the primary selected item. When a certain property is adjusted and the Apply button is clicked the changed property will be set for all selected text elements.

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As the above examples demonstrate, it is quite important to determine which element in your selection will be your primary selected item.

To make a selected page element the primary selected item

1. Click on the selected page element.


If th e el emen ts on you r p ag e h ave b een

l oc ked

th en th e b ac kg r ou n d c ol or of th e g r ab h an d l es w i l l b e g r ay i n s tead of b l ac k or w h i te. T h e p r i mar y s el ec ted i tem c an s ti l l b e r ec og n i z ed b y i ts w h i te b or d er .

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Page element properties

Each element of a page has a number of properties that determine the behavior of the element within the page.

To edit the properties of a page element

1. Select the element, for instance by clicking it.

2. Click Element Properties on the Elements menu.

3. Adjust one or more settings in the properties window.

(The above screen shot shows the properties window of a text element as an example).

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4. Click OK to save the changes and return to your presentation or Apply to save the changes without leaving the properties dialog box.

To edit the properties of multiple page elements

1. Select the elements, like described in

selecting multiple page elements .

2. Make sure that you have marked the right element as the

primary selected item


3. Click Element Properties on the Elements menu. This will open the element properties window, showing the properties of the primary selected item.

4. Adjust one or more settings in the properties window.

5. Click OK or Apply to apply the changes to all selected page elements.


U s i n g th e ab ove p r oc ed u r e to ed i t th e p r op er ti es of mu l ti p l e p ag e el emen ts i n on e s i n g l e ac ti on s aves you an en or mou s amou n t of ti me an d mi n i mi z es th e r i s k of mi s takes .

If you select multiple page elements then the selection may contain a mix of various element types (like pictures, text, videos, ...). If you save your changes then the system will look for each individual page element if it supports the modified property. If so then the property will be adjusted, otherwise the element will be skipped.


If the show preview option in the element properties window is switched on then an element preview window will automatically be displayed. This preview window enables you to see directly what effect your changes will have on the page element.

If you accidentally changed the properties of some elements you can always click Undo on the Home menu to restore your previous situation.

If you want to save your changes and close the properties window, then there is no need to click Apply, prior to clicking OK. Clicking OK has exactly the same effect as first clicking Apply and then Cancel.

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Copying page elements

Page elements can be copied within the same page, to another page in the same presentation or to another presentation.

To copy page elements within the same page

1. Select the page elements you want to copy. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Copy on the Home menu.

3. Click Paste on the Home menu.

The pasted elements will be inserted below the original elements as far as there is space left.


If al l s el ec ted el emen ts ar e c on n ec ted to a d ata p r ovi d er an d h ave th e s ame Row p r op er ty th en th e s ys tem as s u mes you w an t to c r eate an oth er r ow f or th es e el emen ts an d as a r es u l t th e Row p r op er ty i s au tomati c al l y r ai s ed w i th 1 w h en th e el emen ts ar e p as ted .

Pl eas e n ote th at th e Row p r op er ty i s on l y r ai s ed c omp ar i n g to th e or i g i n al el emen ts . So, c al l i n g th e P ast e f u n c ti on s ever al ti mes d oes n ' t r ai s e th e Row p r op er ty to 2 , 3 , etc . If you w an t to ac c omp l i s h th i s you h ave to r ep eat b oth th e C opy an d P ast e f u n c ti on .

To copy page elements to another page in the same presentation

1. Select the page elements you want to copy. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Copy on the Home menu.

3. Navigate to another page with the navigation buttons in the View menu.

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4. Click Paste on the Home menu.

The pasted elements will be inserted to the same position as the original elements.

To copy page elements to another presentation

1. Select the page elements you want to copy. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Copy on the Home menu.

3. If the presentation to paste to has not been opened yet then

open the presentation ..

4. If the presentation to paste to was already open then click on the right Tab to make the presentation the current presentation.

5. Navigate to the right page with the navigation buttons in the View menu.

6. Click Paste on the Home menu.

The pasted elements will be inserted at the same position as the original elements.

If an element is copied from one presentation to another and this element is connected to a data provider then this data provider is also automatically copied to the other presentation. Within the same presentation this doesn't play a role since data providers are defined at presentation level and therefore automatically available to all pages in the presentation.

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Copied elements will only be pasted to the chosen position if all copied elements will (partly) fit within the page boundaries. If this is not the case then the system will automatically determine another position within the page that does meet this requirement and paste the elements to this position.

If you want the elements to be pasted at a specified position then you must not click Paste on the Home menu. Instead move your mouse pointer to the required position, click the right mouse button and from select Paste from the context-sensitive menu. The elements will then be pasted at the pointed position as far as there is space left.


T o q u i c kl y p er f or m a c op y op er ati on u s e th e key c omb i n ati on [ Ctr l ] + C f or c op yi n g an d

[ Ctr l ] + V f or p as ti n g .

If you want to copy an entire page from one presentation to another then it's recommended to use the

Import Page Wizard. This wizard, that can be called by clicking Import Page on the Page menu, copies the entire page including the page properties.

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Moving page elements

Page elements can be moved within the same page, to another page in the same presentation or to another presentation.

To move page elements within the same page

1. Select the page elements you want to move. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Move the mouse pointer to a position above one of the selected page elements and press the left mouse button.

3. Keep the mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to determine the new position of the selected page elements.

4. Release the mouse button to effectively move the elements.


W h i l e you ar e movi n g p ag e el emen ts you c an ab or t th e movi n g b y p r es s i n g th e [ E s c ] key on you r keyb oar d .

If the Lock Elements item on the Home menu has been switched on then it is not possible to move elements within a the same page as described above.

If you want to move selected page elements within a page very precisely then you can best use the keyboard instead of using the mouse. To move the selected elements with the keyboard press the [Ctrl] key, keep it pressed and use the arrow keys to move the elements around the page. If the Snap to Grid setting has been switched on then the elements will move with one grid point at a time, otherwise with one pixel at a time. To adjust the snap to grid setting change the

Snap to Grid

setting in the Options window.

To move page elements to another page in the same presentation

1. Select the page elements you want to move. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Cut on the Home menu.

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3. Navigate to another page with the navigation buttons in the View menu.

4. Click Paste on the Home menu.

The pasted elements will be inserted to the same position as the original elements.

To move page elements to another presentation

1. Select the page elements you want to move. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Cut on the Home menu.

1. If the presentation to paste to has not been opened yet then

open the presentation ..

2. If the presentation to paste to was already open then click on the right Tab to make the presentation the current presentation.

3. Navigate to the right page with the navigation buttons in the View menu.

4. Click Paste on the Home menu.

The pasted elements will be inserted to the same position as the original elements.

If an element is moved from one presentation to another and this element is connected to a data provider then this data provider is automatically copied to the other presentation (it will also keep exist in the original presentation). Within the same presentation this doesn't play a role since data providers are defined at presentation level and therefore automatically available to all pages in the presentation.

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Moved elements will only be pasted to the chosen position if all moved elements will (partly) fit within the page boundaries. If this is not the case then the system will automatically determine another position within the page that does meet this requirement and paste the elements to this position.

If you want the elements to be pasted at a specified position then you must not click Paste on the Home menu. Instead move your mouse pointer to the required position, click the right mouse button and select Paste from the context-sensitive menu. The elements will then be pasted at the pointed position as far as there is space left.


T o q u i c kl y p er f or m a move op er ati on to an oth er p ag e or p r es en tati on u s e th e key c omb i n ati on [ Ctr l ] + X f or c u tti n g an d [ Ctr l ] + V f or p as ti n g .

If you accidentally moved some elements you can always click Undo on the Home menu to restore your previous situation.

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Resizing page elements

Elements in a page can easily be resized.

To resize one or more page elements on the current page

1. Select the page elements you want to resize. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Position the mouse pointer above one of the grab handles of one of the selected elements and press the left mouse button.

3. Keep the mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to determine the new size of the selected page elements.

4. Release the mouse button to effectively resize the elements.


If the Lock Elements item on the Home menu has been switched on then it is not possible to resize elements as described above.

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If a page element has its size properties set to Automatic size (like the text element) then it is also not possible to adjust the width and/or height of the element. This can be recognized by the grab handles of the element having a gray color instead of being black or white.


W h i l e you ar e r es i z i n g p ag e el emen ts you c an ab or t th e r es i z i n g b y p r es s i n g th e [ E s c ] key on you r keyb oar d .

If you want to resize selected page elements very precisely then you can best use the keyboard instead of using the mouse. To resize the selected elements with the keyboard press the [Shift] key, keep it pressed and use the arrow keys to resize the elements. If the Snap to Grid setting has been switched on then the elements will resize with one grid point at a time, otherwise with one pixel at a time. To adjust the Snap to grid setting change the

Snap to Grid

setting in the Options window.

If you accidentally resized some elements you can always click Undo on the Home menu to restore your previous situation.

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Removing page elements

Page elements that are no longer required can simply be removed.

To remove one or more page elements from the current page

1. Select the page elements you want to remove. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Remove Elements on the Elements menu.


If th e

Des i g n ar ea

or th e

E l emen ts w i n d ow

h as th e f oc u s , th en you c an al s o u s e th e

[ Del ] key on you r keyb oar d to d el ete th e s el ec ted p ag e el emen ts .


If you accidentally removed some page elements you can always click Undo on the Home menu to restore your previous situation..

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Undoing/Redoing actions

Each time you perform a certain task that changes your page design a snapshot is taken from the current situation. This enables you to go back to previous situations when you make a mistake.

PADS Designer has several built-in functions that enable you to go back and forward in the steps of your page designer.

To go one step back in your page design

1. Click Undo on the Home menu.

You can call the undo function multiple times to go back more steps. When you have gone back in your page design it is also possible to go forward again.

To go one step forward in your page design

1. Click Redo on the Home menu.

To go directly to a certain step in your page design

1. Click the Undo List drop-down on the Home menu.

2. Select the item in the drop-down list representing the step you want to restore.


The Undo and Redo functions only support going back and forward in your page design within the same page. Each page builds up its own history of design steps. So, when you switch to a certain page in your presentation you always see the undo list with the design steps of that specific page.

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Formatting functions

The PADS Designer application has several formatting functions that save you significant time when you are fine tuning the layout of a page.

In this section

Changing the display order of page elements

Shows how to place page elements in front of or behind other page elements.

Rotating page elements

Describes the possibilities to rotate page elements.

Aligning page elements

Describes the possibilities to align page elements to each other or the grid.

Centering page elements

Describes the possibilities to center multiple page elements within the page.

Sizing page elements

Gives an overview of the possibilities to adjust the size of page elements to each other, the grid or the page.

Adjusting spacing between page elements

Lists the possibilities to adjust the position of multiple page elements.

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Changing the display order of page elements

Page elements can be placed in front of or behind other page elements. To place elements in front or behind other elements you have to adjust the display order.


U s e th e

el emen ts w i n d ow

to c h ec k th e c u r r en t d i s p l ay or d er of a p ag e el emen t. T h e el emen ts w i n d ow s h ow s al l el emen ts of you r p ag e, or d er ed b y th ei r d i s p l ay or d er .

To change the display order for one or more page elements

1. Select the page elements for which you want to change the display order. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Order on the Home menu.

3. Click one of the following menu items to adjust the display order of the selected page elements:

Menu item Function

Bring to Front

Bring Forward

Send to Back

Place the selected elements on the foreground.

Bring the selected elements one position closer to the foreground.

Place the selected elements on the background.

Send Backward Send the selected elements one position further to the background.


1. Make sure that the elements window is visible.

2. Move your mouse to one of the items in the elements window and press the left mouse button..

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3. Keep the mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to determine the new display order position within the elements window.

4. Release the mouse button to effectively move the page to the new display order position.


Fl as h el emen ts an d w eb p ag e el emen ts ( exc ep t w eb p ag e el emen ts r u n n i n g i n s c r een s h ot mod e) ar e al w ays p l ac ed i n f r on t of oth er p ag e el emen ts , i r r es p ec ti ve of th ei r p os i ti on i n th e d i s p l ay or d er .


If your page element has no overlap with its predecessor in the display order then the Bring Forward function will have no visual effect on your page design. The same applies to the successor in the display order and the Send Backward function.

If you have selected multiple page elements and call one of the display order functions, then the display order will be adjusted individually for each selected element.

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Rotating page elements

With the rotation functions you can place page elements at any angle.

To rotate one or more page elements

1. Select the page elements you want to rotate. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Rotate on the Elements menu.

3. Click one of the following menu items to rotate the selected page elements:

Menu item Function

Rotate Right 90°

Rotate Left 90°

Rotate all selected elements 90° clockwise.

Rotate all selected elements 90° counter clockwise.

Rotate 180°

More Rotation


Rotate all selected elements 180°.

Shows the details rotation options of the

primary selected item



1. Select the page elements you want to rotate. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Position the mouse pointer above the rotation grab handle of one of the selected elements and press the left mouse button.

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3. Keep the mouse button pressed and drag the mouse pointer to determine the rotation angle of the selected page elements.

4. Release the mouse button to effectively rotate the elements.


W h i l e you ar e r otati n g p ag e el emen ts th i s w ay you c an ab or t th e r otati n g b y p r es s i n g th e [ E s c ] key on you r keyb oar d .


If the Lock Elements item on the Home menu has been switched on then it is not possible to resize elements via the rotation grab handle.

Flash and web page elements cannot be rotated.

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Aligning page elements

Page elements in a page can be aligned to each other or to the grid.

To align page elements to each other

1. Select at least two page elements. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Make one of the selected page elements the

primary selected item .

3. Click Align on the Elements menu.

4. Select one of the following menu items to align the page elements to each other:

Menu item



Horizontally align all selected elements to the left of the primary selected element.



Horizontally align all selected elements to the center of the primary of the primary selected element.

Horizontally align all selected elements to the right of the primary selected element.




Vertically align all selected elements to the top of the primary selected element.

Vertically align all selected elements to the middle of the primary selected element.

Vertically align all selected elements to the bottom of the primary selected element.

To align one or more page elements to the grid

1. Select the page elements you want to align. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Align and then to Grid on the Elements menu.

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The formatting functions for aligning page elements to each other are only enabled when at least two elements have been selected.

If the Snap to Grid setting has been switched on then aligning elements to the grid has no effect,

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Centering page elements

Page elements can be centered horizontally or vertically within a page.

To center page elements within the current page

1. Select the page elements you want to center. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Center on the Elements menu.

3. Click one of the following menu items to center the selected page elements:

Menu item Function



Center the selected elements horizontally within the page.

Center the selected elements vertically within the page.

Center in Page

Center the selected elements both horizontally and vertically within the page.


If you have selected multiple page elements and call one of the centering functions, then the complete collection of selected elements is considered as a whole instead of individual elements and therefore also centered as a whole.

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Sizing page elements

The size of elements in a page can be adjusted to each other, to the grid or to the page.

To adjust the size of page elements to each other

1. Select at least two page elements. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Make one of the selected elements the

primary selected item .

3. Click Size on the Elements menu.

4. Select one of the following menu items to size the page elements to each other:

Menu item

Same Width


Make the width of all selected elements the same as the width of the primary selected element.

Same Height

Same Size

Make the height of all selected elements the same as the height of the primary selected element.

Make both the width and the height of all selected elements the same as the width and height of the primary selected element.

To adjust the size of one or more page elements to the grid

1. Select the page elements for which you want to adjust the size to the grid. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Size on the Elements menu and then Size to Grid.

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To adjust the size of one or more page elements to the page

1. Select the page elements for which you want to adjust the size to the page. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Click Size on the Elements menu and then Size to Page.


The formatting functions for sizing page elements to each other are only enabled when at least two elements have been selected.

If a page element has its sizing properties set to Automatic size (like with the Text element) then it is possible that the formatting functions to adjust the size have no effect.

If the Snap to Grid setting has been switched on then sizing the elements to the grid has no effect.

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Adjusting spacing between page elements

The horizontal or vertical spacing between page elements can easily be made equal, increased, decreased or removed.

To adjust the horizontal/vertical spacing between page elements

1. Select at least two page elements. See

selecting page elements

for details.

2. Make one of the elements the

primary selected item


3. Click Spacing on the Elements menu and then Horizontal or Vertical.

4. Click one of the following menu items to adjust the spacing between the elements:

Menu item Function



Make the horizontal/vertical spacing between all selected elements equal.

Increase the horizontal/vertical spacing between all selected elements.



Decrease the horizontal/vertical spacing between all selected elements.

Remove the horizontal/vertical spacing between all selected elements.


The formatting functions for adjusting the spacing between page elements are only enabled when at least two elements have been selected.

With adjust the spacing for page elements all elements will be adjusted in relation to the primary selected item. For instance with removing the horizontal spacing all selected elements will moved except from the primary selected item.

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If the Snap to Grid setting has been switched on then the spacing is increased or decreased by one grid point. Otherwise the spacing is increased or decreased by one pixel.

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Locking page elements

Optionally you can lock your page. When a page is locked all page elements on this page are locked.

This means the elements can not be moved or resized with the mouse.


Al w ays l oc k you r p ag e to ' f r eez e' th e d es i g n of a p ag e an d p r even t ac c i d en tal c h an g es to th e l ayou t.

To lock/unlock the page elements of the current page

1. Click Lock Elements on the Home menu.

If the elements were unlocked they will be locked. The other way around if the elements were locked they will be unlocked.


If the element of a page have been locked it is still possible to select the elements and move or resize them with the keyboard. To do so select the elements, press the [Ctrl] key (to move) or [Shift] key (to resize), keep it pressed and use the arrow keys to move/resize the selected elements.

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Page elements

The PADS Designer application has a large number of built-in page elements that you can use to design professional looking presentations. Each element type has its own set of specific characteristics, in addition to common properties that are shared by all page elements.

Beside the native built-in page elements PADS Designer can also have a number of add-on elements.

Add-on elements are separately developed external elements that can be linked to the PADS software and will look and feel exactly the same way as standard built-in page elements. In other words: to the end-user there are no visible differences between standard page elements and add-on elements.

To get an overview of the installed Add-On elements on your computer, See

Add-on elements


Page elements overview

Page element




Web page

Scrolling text

Formatted text


To display logos, photos or other graphics.

To include any kind of text.

For playback of videos and/or sounds.

To include web content like Internet pages.

To include ticker tapes.

To include the current page number, current date/time or any other calculated values.



To include squares, rectangles, ovals, circles or other shapes.

To display lines.


To include 2D or 3D graphical representations of real-time data.

To include rows of real-time data.


Flash player

For playback of Flash content.

PDF document reader

To display PDF content.

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Zone viewer

To define an area (=zone) being controlled by its own content scheduling mechanism.

Presentation in page

To incorporate another PADS presentation in a page of your presentation.

Interactive button

To include navigation buttons for making your presentation interactive.

To start an external application from your presentation.

External application

RS-232 communication

To control external devices by sending RS-232 commands.

Add-on elements overview

The following add-ons are included in the standard installation of PADS:

Add-on element

Progress bar


To display a bar that shows the duration of your page.

DVD media player

Advanced TV

QR code


For playback of DVD and other media content.

To include live TV.

To generate and include Quick Response codes (matrix bar codes).

To develop your own custom page elements.

Page 134 of 485

Picture element

Picture elements can be used to display logos, photos or other graphic files.

All industry-standard graphic file formats are supported. Pictures can be displayed with their original size or automatically resized to fit exactly into your page design. Several effects can be applied to adjust the look of the picture or to create smooth transitions when the picture changes. Picture elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time which pictures must be displayed.

Properties overview

Property section


Alternate options

Background color




Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration

Default transition effect




Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your pictures.

Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to define a blinking effect for your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to adjust the brightness and/or contract of your pictures.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Page 135 of 485

Play list

Play list options


Proof of play

Property bindings









Definition pictures that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e p i c tu r e s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 136 of 485

Play list properties (picture element)

These properties define the pictures that will be displayed by your picture element. You can enter one picture or choose to include a play list of pictures that will be displayed after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Picture play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included picture. Possible options are:

Page 137 of 485


Picture from Content Library

Picture from File

No Picture


The play list item contains a reference to an existing picture file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing picture file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no picture.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the picture file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option Picture from File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the picture file name including the full path.


The duration (in seconds) that your picture will be displayed or the pause in your play list will last.


The incoming transition effect for your play list item and duration of the effect (in seconds).


Only references to picture files are included in your presentation, not the pictures itself. As a result if your picture file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Text element

Text elements can be used to display any kind of text.

This can be a simple text with a simple font, but also shadowed text, rotated text or even text with a semi-transparent color. Several effects can be applied to adjust the look of the text or to create smooth transitions when the text changes, blinks or alternates. Text elements can be connected to an external data source to display real-time data.

Properties overview

Property section

Alternate options

Background color




Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to define a blinking effect for your element.

Data provider

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content

Data scrolling

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Data source text conversion

Properties to define how your element will handle multi-line text.

Default duration

Default transition effect



Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to set the font that will be used for displaying text.

Page 139 of 485


Play list

Play list options


Proof of play

Property bindings







Text alignment



Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Definition of text items that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your text.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e text s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 140 of 485

Data source text conversion properties (text element)

These properties determine how your text element will handle multiple lines of text from external data sources.

Data Source Text Conversion

Split multi-line text into play list items

If this option is switched on, then the multi-line text value of your data source will be considered as a play list where each line of text is seen as a separate play list item. If this option is switched off, then the entire text value will be handled as one single play list item.


The Split multi-line text into play list items setting determines the working of your play list options.

For example, suppose you have a database with flight remarks and for a certain flight it contains the text value 'Boarding <CR> <LF>Einsteigen'. If the split multi-line text into play list items property has been switched on and you have set the play list options to play the entire play list, then alternatively the values 'Boarding' and 'Einsteigen' will be displayed. If instead you switch off the split multi-line text into play list items property, then the text element will simultaneously display 'Boarding' and on a next line

'Einsteigen' and will not alternate.

The carriage return line feed character codes (<CR> <LF>) are seen as the separator between text lines.

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Play list properties (text based element)

These properties define the text that will be displayed by your text based element. You can enter one text item or choose to include a play list of text items that will be displayed after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Text based play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included text item. Possible options are:

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Text from Content Library

Text from File


The play list item contains static text.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing text file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing text file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

No Text

The play list item contains no text.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the static text or the text file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option Text from File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the text file name including the full path.


The duration (in seconds) that your text will be displayed or the pause in your play list will last.


The incoming transition effect for your play list item and duration of the effect (in seconds).


For each static text message you can enter one single line of text, but also multiple lines of text. In the latter case, make sure that you use the [Enter] key to separate multiple lines. When the text is displayed across multiple lines in the Text input box, does not automatically mean you have entered a multiple-line value.

For text from a text file, the

Data source text conversion

properties determine how multi-line text values will be processed.

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When using text files only references to the text files are included in your presentation, not the text itself.

As a result if your text file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Video/sound element

Video/sound elements can be used for playback of video and/or sound files.

Most of the industry-standard video and sound file formats are supported. Several options enable you to determine exactly how the files must be played to create a professional multimedia presentation.

Several effects can be applied to your videos to adjust the look of your videos. Video/sound elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time which video/sound files must be played.

Properties overview

Property section


Alternate options

Background color


Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration

Default transition effect





Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your videos.

Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to have your sounds fade in/out.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Page 145 of 485

Play list

Play list options


Proof of play

Property bindings






Slide show options

Speed ratio




Definition of videos/sounds that will be played by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Enables you to pause and resume videos.

Properties to determine the playing speed of your videos.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

Properties to set the volume level for videos/sounds.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e vi d eo/ s ou n d s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 146 of 485

Fading properties (video/sound element)

These properties determine fade in/out effects for the sound of your video/sound element.


Fade In

The period (in seconds) at the start of the played media file, during which the volume will be raised smoothly from nothing to the defined volume level.

Fade Out

The period (in seconds) at the end of the played media file, during which the volume will be lowered smoothly from the defined volume to nothing.


The working of the fading properties is dependent on the


settings of your element.

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Play list properties (video/sound element)

These properties define the videos or sounds that will be played by your video/sound element. You can enter one video/sound or choose to include a play list of videos/sounds that will be played after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Video/sound play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included video/sound. Possible options are:

Page 148 of 485


Video from Content Library

Video from File

No Picture


The play list item contains a reference to an existing video/sound file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing video/sound file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no video/sound.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the video/sound file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option Video from File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the video/sound file name including the full path.

Clip Video

If switched on, then only the selected part of your video/sound will be played.


The start (in frames) of the selected part of your video/sound.


The duration (in frames) that your clipped video/sound will be played or the duration of the pause in your play list.


The incoming transition effect for your play list item and duration of the effect (in seconds).

Page 149 of 485


Only references to video/sound files are included in your presentation, not the videos or sound tracks itself. As a result if your video/sound file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Slide show options properties (video/sound element)

These properties determine if videos need to continue or restart, the next time the same page of the presentation is played.

Slide Show Options

Restart Video from last Position

With this option switched on the system will backup the current position of the media file that is playing when the application switches to another page. Next time the same page of your presentation becomes active the system will restore this position and continue playing the same media file starting from this position.


W h en you h ave a p l ay l i s t of c ommer c i al s , you c an s w i tc h on th i s op ti on to en s u r e th at al l c ommer c i al s w i l l b e p l ayed .

Page 151 of 485

Speed ratio properties (video/sound element)

These properties determine the playing speed of your media file.

Speed Ratio


Manually enter the speed ratio (as a percentage) or select one of the predefined speed ratios. With a percentage of 100% your media file will play at normal speed.


U s e th i s op ti on w h en you w an t to ad j u s t th e d u r ati on of you r vi d eo to th e d u r ati on of you r p ag e.

Page 152 of 485

Volume properties (video/sound element)

These properties set the volume level and balance for the sound of your media files.


Volume Level

Use the slider or manually enter the volume level for your media files.


When you have two speakers connected to the PC, then use this property to define how the sound must be divided between the speakers.


The volume settings will be applied to all media files that are played by your element.

Page 153 of 485

Web page element

Web page elements can be used to display web sites from the Internet or local web content.

The web page element supports the Microsoft Internet Explorer. You can use it to display any web content in the same way as it is displayed by the Internet Explorer. Interactivity of web pages can be switched on/off or web pages can be clipped to display only a specific part of it. Optionally web pages can be handled as screen shots to give more flexibility in certain situations. Web page elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time which web content must be displayed.

Properties overview

Property section

Alternate options

Background color



Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration


Play list

Play list options



Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to define the (interactive) behavior of your web page element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Definition of web content items that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Page 154 of 485

Proof of play

Property bindings

Proxy settings

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to specify the user authentication settings that are required for accessing your web pages.


Refresh content


Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Properties to set the frequency for reloading web content.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.



Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

Web page restrictions

Properties to restrict the web pages that the interactive user is allowed to access.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e w eb s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 155 of 485

Behaviour properties (web page element)

These properties determine the (interactive) behavior of your web page element.


Show Scrollbars

When switched on the web page element will automatically display scrollbars when the content doesn't fit entirely within the boundaries of the web page element.

Show Mouse Pointer

By default the mouse pointer is hidden for web page elements. This property enables you to make the mousepointer visible, so that users can use the mouse to scroll through the web page or click on a displayed hyperlink.

Screenshot Mode

When this property is switched on the web page element will make a screen shot of the web page after loading and use the screen shot for displaying instead of the real web page.


In s ome s i tu ati on s i ts b en ef i c i al to u s e th e s c r een s h ot mod e. W h en u s i n g th e s c r een s h ot mod e, you r w eb p ag es w i l l b e h an d l ed as p i c tu r es . As a r es u l t th e d i s p l ay or d er of you r w eb p ag e el emen t c an b e ad j u s ted an d th e c on ten t w i l l au tomati c al l y s c al e w h en th e PADS Vi ew er h as b een s et to au tomati c al l y s c al e you r p r es en tati on s . On th e oth er h an d d yn ami c c on ten t - l i ke Fl as h an i mati on s - ar e n ot s u p p or ted i n s c r een s h ot mod e.

Allow User Interactivity

When this property is switched on the user interaction for the displayed web page will be enabled. This allows the user for instance to click on a hyperlink to display a linked web page. When Screenshot

Mode is switched on, this property is disabled.

Show Address Bar

Determines whether the address bar for entering web page addresses should be visible. This property is only applicable for interactive pages.

Page 156 of 485


The Allow User Interactivity property only allows the user to click on a hyperlink that opens a linked web page within the same window. It is not supported to click hyperlinks that open a new (popup) window.

The Allow User Interactivity and Show Address Bar properties are intended to be used for displaying interactive presentations. To prevent users from abusing these features to access the entire Internet you can best use it in combination with the

Web page restrictions


When you expect the content of certain web pages to cause a memory leak, using the screen shot mode may solve the problem.

Page 157 of 485

Play list properties (web page element)

These properties define the web content that will be displayed by your web page element. You can enter one web content item or choose to include a play list of web content items that will be displayed after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Web page play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included picture. Possible options are:

Page 158 of 485



Html from Content Library

Web Page

No Html


The play list item contains embedded HTML content.

This option is used when you have a certain piece of

HTML content instead of an entire HTML page or website.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing file in the PADS content library, that is supported by the web page element (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

The play list item contains a reference to a web site on the Internet or on your Internet. It can also be used for references to an existing, supported files outside the

PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no HTML content or reference.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains straightforward HTML content, a web site url address or a HTML file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If you refer to a Html file outside the PADS Content Library, then the file reference must contain the file name including the full path.


In p r i n c i p l e th e w eb p ag e el emen t c an b e u s ed to d i s p l ay an y c on ten t th at c an b e d i s p l ayed b y Mi c r os of t In ter n et E xp l or er . T h i s mean s th at b es i d e HT ML f i l es , th e el emen t c an f or i n s tan c e al s o b e u s ed f or p l ayb ac k of Pow er Poi n t p r es en tati on s or Fl as h f i l es .

Page 159 of 485


The duration (in seconds) that your HTML content will be displayed or the pause in your play list will last.

X, Y offset

By defining an offset you can clip the web content to be displayed. The X and Y offset represent the position (in pixels) of the web page that must be placed in the left top corner of your web page element.

Optionally you can click the button at the right to interactively clip your web content.



Cer tai n w eb s i tes h ave c on ten t th at may c au s e a memor y l eak. T h i s c an l ead to p r ob l ems d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. Net Di s p l ay Sys tems c an n ot b e h el d r es p on s i b l e f or an y c on s eq u en c es of memor y l eaks c au s ed b y w eb c on ten t of an y th i r d p ar ty.

When using HTML files or web sites, only references to the files or web sites are included in your presentation, not the web content itself. As a result if the file or web site is updated, the presentation will use the updated file or web site during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Proxy settings properties (web page element)

These properties enable you to specify the user authentication settings that are required for accessing your web pages.

Proxy Settings

Requires User Authentication

Enables you to switch on/off user authentication for accessing your web content.

User ID

User name that is required to sign in to your proxy server for getting access to the web content.


Password that belongs to the specified user name.

Page 161 of 485

Refresh content properties (web page element)

These properties determine how often the content of your web page element will be refreshed.

Refresh Content

Do Not Refresh the Web Page

After the initial load of your web content the content will never be refreshed.

Refresh Content every x second(s)

After the initial load of your web content the content will be reloaded each time after the specified number of seconds.


When you have switched on

Screen Shot Mode

then your content will never refresh.

When your web content is reloaded running processes like videos or (Flash) animations are reset and will restart from the beginning.


Cer tai n w eb s i tes h ave c on ten t th at may c au s e a memor y l eak. Ref r es h i n g th e w eb s i te of ten s tr on g l y i n c r eas es th e memor y l eak. T h i s c an l ead to p r ob l ems d u r i n g p l ayb ac k.

Net Di s p l ay Sys tems c an n ot b e h el d r es p on s i b l e f or an y c on s eq u en c es of memor y l eaks c au s ed b y w eb c on ten t of an y th i r d p ar ty.

Page 162 of 485

Web page restrictions properties (web page element)

These properties allow you to restrict the web pages that the interactive user is allowed to access. Using web site restrictions prevent users from abusing interactive web page elements to access the entire Internet.

Web Page Restrictions

Prevent unwanted Web Page Views

Switch on/off the usage of web page restriction.

Allowed Web Pages

Here you can specify a complete list of web sites that are allowed to be accessed by end users when the web page element is interactive.

To add a web site restriction:

1. Click Add....

2. enter the url address of the web site you want to allow.

3. Click OK.

To edit an existing web site restriction:

1. Select the item in the list.

2. Click Edit....

Page 163 of 485

3. Make the required changes.

4. Click OK.

To remove an existing web site restriction:

1. Select the item in the list.

2. Click Remove to remove it.


It' s r ec ommen d ed to w or k w i th g en er i c u r l ad d r es s es i n th e l i s t of al l ow ed w eb s i tes . For i n s tan c e i f you w ou l d en ter w w w . n d s . eu as an al l ow ed w eb s i te al l s u b p ag es of w w w . n d s . eu d omai n w i l l b e al l ow ed . If i n s tead you w ou l d en ter w w w . n d s . eu \ p r od u c ts on l y th e p r od u c t p ag es of th e w eb s i te w i l l b e ac c es s i b l e.

Page 164 of 485

Scrolling text element

Scrolling text elements can be used to make your presentation more lively with ticker tapes that scrolls across the screen.

You can determine yourself how fast and in what direction the text must scroll as well as the font and colors that must be used. Various effects can be applied to adjust the look of your scrolling text. Scrolling text elements can be connected to an external data source to scroll real-time data.

Properties overview

Property section

Background color


Data provider

Data scrolling




Play list

Play list options

Play list separator


Proof of play


Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to set the font that will be used for displaying text.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Definition of text items that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the separator that will be placed between scrolling text items.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Page 165 of 485

Property bindings




Scroll direction & speed

Scroll options



Text alignment


Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to set the direction and speed of the scrolling process.

Properties to determine how your text items will be scrolled.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your text.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e s c r ol l i n g text s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 166 of 485

Data scrolling properties (scrolling text element)

When your element has been connected to a data source then these properties determine the scrolling of real-time data. Data scrolling enables you to loop through the rows of your data source, which is something completely else then scrolling which controls the visual process of scrolling content across your screen.

When the scrolling text element is part of the row of a table element, then the following alternative data scrolling options are available:


Data Scrolling

Use Data Scrolling

Switch on/off scrolling through real-time data for your element.

Scrolling Step Size

The number of rows with which the Row property of the element must be raised, each time the data scroll function is performed.


W h en you p l ac e mu l ti p l e el emen ts w i th d ata s c r ol l i n g i n th e r ow of a tab l e el emen t you mu s t make s u r e th at al l el emen ts h ave th e s ame S crol l i n g S t ep S i ze val u e i n or d er f or th e el emen ts to s c r ol l i n s yn c .

The data scrolling process will loop through all rows of your specified data source.

Number of Rows

The data scrolling process will only loop through the top rows of your data source, specified by the number of rows.


Y ou c an u s e th e Nu mber of Rows p r op er ty w h en you f or i n s tan c e on l y w an t to s c r ol l th e mos t r ec en t n ew s i tems of a c on n ec ted RSS n ew s f eed .

Page 167 of 485


The data scrolling properties are only available when your element has been connected to a data source.

The data that will be displayed by your element with data scrolling is always determined by the combination of the Row property and the Scroll Step Size property. When e.g. the Row property has a value of '2' then the element will start with displaying the data of row 2 (for the specified data column). If data scrolling has been enabled and the Scroll Step Size property has been set to a value of '3' then the next row that will be displayed is row 5. Next cycle row 8 will be displayed and so on, until the total number of available rows is reached. If this is the case the element will start over again with displaying row 2.

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Play list separator properties (scrolling text element)

Properties to determine the picture that will be placed as a separator between scrolling text items.

Default Play list Settings


Define the picture file to use as a separator. Possible options are:


Content Library


Use a reference to an existing picture file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

File Name

Use a reference to an existing picture file outside the

PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option File Name has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the picture file name including the full path.


Sep ar ator s ar e ver y u s ef u l to i n d i c ate th e s tar t of a n ew s c r ol l i n g text i tem.

Page 169 of 485


Only references to picture files are included in your presentation, not the pictures itself. As a result if your picture file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

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Scroll direction & speed properties (scrolling text element)

These properties determine the direction and speed of the scrolling process.

Scroll Direction & Speed


Click the drop-down box and select one of the possible scroll directions.


Use the slider or manually enter how fast your text must scroll (in milliseconds per pixel).



T h e s mooth n es s of th e s c r ol l i n g p r oc es s d ep en d s on you r h ar d w ar e an d oth er r u n n i n g p r oc es s es on you r PC. L ow er i n g th e s p eed i n c r eas es th e p er f or man c e of th e s c r ol l i n g p r oc es s , b u t s mooth s c r ol l i n g u n d er al l c i r c u ms tan c es c an n ot al w ays b e g u ar an teed .

Depending on the setting of the Direction property one of the Alignment properties will be ignored.

When Right to left or Left to right has been chosen as Direction then the horizontal alignment will be ignored. When Top to bottom or Bottom to top has been chosen then the vertical alignment will be ignored.

If No scroll is chosen as Direction then the text will not scroll, but instead be displayed as static text.

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Scroll options properties (scrolling text element)

These properties determine how your text items will be scrolled.

Scroll Options

Text Scroll Options

Define how new text is offered to the scrolling text element. You have the following options:


Line by Line


If the text contains multiple lines of text (separated by a hard-return), then first the first line of text will be displayed, after this line has completely disappeared the second line of text will be displayed, etcetera.

Directly After Previous Text

When Previous Text is Scrolled Out

The new text will be pasted directly after the previous text, so no blank areas will be visible between the texts.

The new text will only start scrolling after the previous text has completely disappeared.

Concatenate multiple Text Lines to one single Line

With this property switched on multiple lines of text will be treated as one single line of text.

Show Changes in Text Immediately

When the scrolling text element has been connected to a data source and this property has been switched on, then text changes will immediately be taken over by the scrolling text element. This means that the current scrolling process will be aborted and the scrolling text element will start immediately with scrolling the next text.

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The Text Scroll Options setting Line by Line can not be used in combination with Concatenate mul-

tiple text lines to one single line, because this would cause a conflict.

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Formatted text element

Formatted text elements can be used to display the current date/time, the current page number, the total number of pages, the total number of rows or other calculated values. Besides this the element has largely the same properties as standard text elements.

Properties overview

Property section

Background color




Data provider

Data scrolling

Default transition effect





Proof of play

Property bindings


Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to define a blinking effect for your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to define the calculated value to be displayed.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to set the font that will be used for displaying text.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Page 174 of 485







Text alignment



Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your text.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e f or matted text s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 175 of 485

Content properties (formatted text element)

These properties determine the calculated value that is displayed by the formatted text element.


Select the type of calculated value that you want to display. You have the following options:




To display the current date and/or time.

Page Number

Total Number of Pages

Page Number of Total Pages

To display the current page number of your presentation.

To display the total number of pages of your presentation.

To display both the current page and total number of pages.

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Total Number of Data Provider Rows

Count Down Ticker

To display the total number of rows of a data provider.

To display the remaining time span to a specified countdown moment.

Depending on the chosen type you have a number of formatting options to display the calculated value.

Date/Time formatting options

For date/time values the PADS Viewer application uses the system clock of the local PC. By default the

PADS software automatically synchronizes the system clock of each PADS Viewer PC with the system clock of the PADS Server PC.


Text that is placed in front of the calculated date value.


Format of the calculated date value. Possible options are:

Description Option


Long Date

No calculated date value will be displayed.

Calculated date values will be displayed with the predefined Long Date format of Microsoft Windows.

Short Date


Calculated date values will be displayed with the predefined Short Date format of Microsoft Windows.

Calculated date values will be displayed with your own custom format. For possible date formatting options, see

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Text that is placed between the calculated date and time value. By default a space is used as insertion value.


Format of the calculated time value. Possible options are:




No calculated time value will be displayed.

Long Time

Short Time

Calculated time values will be displayed with the predefined Long Time format of Microsoft Windows.

Calculated time values will be displayed with the predefined Short Timeformat of Microsoft Windows.


Calculated time values will be displayed with your own custom format. For possible time formatting options, see


Text that is placed behind the calculated time value.


The Windows Culture setting that will be applied to the calculated value. The culture setting determines the result when using predefined date/time formats.

Time zone

The time zone that will be applied to the calculated value. This enables you to display date/time values of other time zones than the local PC.

Page number formatting options


Text that is placed in front of the calculated value.


Number of characters that is used to display the calculated value.

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Text that is placed behind the calculated value.

Total number of pages formatting options

For a description of the formatting options, see page number formatting options above.

Page number of total pages formatting options


Text that is placed in front of the calculated page number value.

Page number

Number of characters that is used to display the calculated value.


Text that is placed between the calculated page number value and the calculated total number of pages value.

Total Pages

Number of characters that is used to display the calculated value.


Text that is placed behind the calculated total number of pages value.

Total number of data provider rows formatting options

Choosing Total number of data provider rows as type is only applicable when the formatted text is connected to a data source. In this case the Column and Row property of the data provider are irrelevant.

If you have chosen Total number of data provider rows as type then there must be at least one other element on the page that is connected to the same data source and has it's data scrolling option switched on. If this is not the case then the formatted text element will not show the total number of rows of the data source, but only the number of rows that is required by the page elements.

For a description of the formatting options, see page number formatting options above.

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Count down ticker formatting options


Text that is placed in front of the calculated count down value.


Format of the calculated count down value. Possible options are:


Long Time


Calculated time values will be displayed with the predefined Long Time format of Microsoft Windows.

Short Time

Calculated time values will be displayed with the predefined Short Time format of Microsoft Windows.


Calculated date values will be displayed with your own custom format. For possible time formatting options, see


Text that is placed behind the calculated count down value.


The starting point for counting down. For instance a value of 1:00:00 means that the system will countdown starting from 1 hour.

Show next page when time reaches zero

If switched on your presentation will automatically switch to the next page when the count down has finished.


Calculated values are calculated and inserted on a real-time basis during playback.

Page 180 of 485

Shape element

Shape elements can be used to display rectangles, squares, circles or other predefined shapes.

If required shapes can be placed at a certain angle. Shapes can be filled with a fixed color, but also a merging of two or more colors. Several effects can be applied to change the look of the shape or to create smooth transitions when the shape becomes visible. Shape elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time whether the shape needs to be visible or not.

Properties overview

Property section


Data provider

Data scrolling

Default transition effect





Property bindings





Properties to define a blinking effect for your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to set the outline style of your shape element.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Page 181 of 485






Properties to choose the shape of your element.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e s h ap e s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 182 of 485

Outline properties (shape element)

These properties determine the outline style of your shape element.



Switch on/off displaying a border around your shape.

Outline Color

Click the drop-down button to select an outline color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Outline Width

The width (in pixels) of the outline.


An outline will always be drawn within the boundaries of a shape. So, setting an outline will not affect the size of the shape. However it will affect the size of the internal area.

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Shape properties (shape element)

These properties determine the actual shape (rectangle, circle, ...) and shape style of your shape element.



Click the drop-down button and select one of the predefined shapes.

Fill Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color that will be used to fill your shape. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


By maki n g th e F i l l C ol or of you r s h ap e tr an s p ar en t, you c r eate a n i c e f r amew or k th at c an b e u s ed to p l ac e i n f r on t of oth er p ag e el emen ts l i ke vi d eos .

Background Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color that will be used to fill the background around your shape.

You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Page 184 of 485

Line element

Line elements can be used to display lines or arrows.

Lines can be placed horizontally, vertically but also at any possible angle. Lines can have a fixed color or a merging of two or more colors. Several effects can be applied to create smooth transitions when the line becomes visible. Line elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at realtime whether the line needs to be visible or not.

Properties overview

Property section


Data provider

Data scrolling

Default transition effect




Property bindings





Properties to define a blinking effect for your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to set the line color, line thickness and line style.

Properties to determine the position of your line within the page.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

Page 185 of 485


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e l i n e s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 186 of 485

Line properties (line element)

These properties set the line color, line thickness and line style.



Click the drop-down button to select a color that will be used as drawing color for your line. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


The width (in pixels) of the line.

Line Style

Click the drop-down box and select the drawing style of the line.

Line Caps

Click the Start or End drop-down box and select the drawing style for the begin or end of the line.

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Position properties (line element)

These properties determine the position of your line within the page.



The horizontal position (in pixels) of the leftmost point of your line.


The horizontal position (in pixels) of the rightmost point of your line.


The vertical position (in pixels) of the topmost point of your line.


The vertical position (in pixels) of the bottommost point of your line.



Snap to grid

has been enabled, you can use the position properties to enter positions that are not on the grid.

The position properties are automatically adjusted when your element is moved on the page with the mouse or by using arrow keys, when your element is pasted or when one of the formatting functions is called for your element.

Page 188 of 485

Chart element

Chart elements can be used to graphically present real-time data.

This can be done with a bar chart, line chart, pie chart or one of the many other included 2D or 3D chart types. Chart elements must always be connected to an external data source in order to display data.

Properties overview

Property section


Background color



Properties of the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.


Data Series

Properties that determine the layout of the displayed chart in general.

Chart position & size

Properties to determine the position and size of the displayed chart within the chart element.

Definition of the data that is displayed by the chart and how it will be displayed.





Proof of play

Property bindings



Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to define the legend of the displayed chart.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Page 189 of 485







Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

Properties to add a watermark image to the displayed chart.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e c h ar t s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of th e c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 190 of 485

Axes properties(chart element)

These properties determine the visibility and style of the X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis of the displayed chart.

Properties overview

Property section



Grid lines


Properties to determine the layout and visibility of the axis in general.

Properties to add labels to the axis of your chart.

Properties to add grid lines to the axis of your chart.

Page 191 of 485

Axis properties (chart element)

Properties to determine the layout and visibility of the axis in general.



The text string that will be displayed along the axis.

Show X-Axis

Switches on/off the visibility of the axis.

Show Secondary X-Axis

Switches on/off the visibility of a second axis on the opposite side of the chart.

Show X-Axis Margins

If this property is switched on then margins will be added between the minimum/maximum data value of the axis and the start/end of the axis.


All of the above properties described for the X-axis are also available for the Y-axis and Z-axis of the chart.

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Axis labels properties (chart element)

Delete this text and replace it with your own content.



The text box shows the current font and font style of the axis labels. To change the font click the button right to the text box, which shows the font dialog box.

Automatic Label Mode

The system automatically determines the amount of labels that will fit on the axis and automatically display and position these labels.

Manual Label Mode

You manually decide the amount and positioning of labels.


The angle (in degrees) at which the labels will be positioned, compared to the axis.


The interval (in pixels) between two consecutive labels.

Axis Minimum Value

The minimum value of the axis to which a label will be assigned.

Axis Maximum Value

The maximum value of the axis to which a label will be assigned.

Page 193 of 485

Data Provider

Show Data Provider Content on Axis

Switches on/off the provision of labels by a data provider.

Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


All of the above properties described for the X-axis are also available for the Y-axis and Z-axis of the chart.

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Axis grid lines properties (chart element)

these properties determine the visibility and style of the axes of the displayed chart.

Grid Lines

Show Major Grid Lines

Switches on/off the display of grid lines for the most important values on the axis.

Show Minor Grid Lines

Switches on/off the display of grid lines for the less important values on the axis.


Click the drop-down button to select a color for the grid lines. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities


The thickness (in pixels) of the grid lines.


The interval (in pixels) between two consecutive grid lines.


All of the above properties described for the X-axis are also available for the Y-axis and Z-axis of the chart.

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Chart properties (chart element)

These properties determine the general layout of the displayed chart.


The text that will be displayed above the displayed chart. Use the alignment buttons to adjust the horizontal aligment.


The text box shows the current font and font style of the chart title. To change the font click the button right to the text box, which shows the font dialog box.

2D Chart

The real-time data will be displayed by a 2 dimensional chart.

3D Chart

The real-time data will be displayed by a 3 dimensional chart.

Light Source

The light pattern that will be applied to the 3 dimensional chart.

Chart Background Color

Click the drop-down button to select a background color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

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Chart Depth

The chart depth identifies a viewing point for displaying the 3 dimensional chart.

Horizontal Rotation

Rotation around the X,Y axis of the displayed 3 dimensional chart.

Vertical Rotation

Rotation around the X,Z axis of the displayed 3 dimensional chart.

Perspective View

Enables you to adjust the angle at which the 3 dimensional chart will be displayed.


The perspective view angle (in degrees) that will be used to display the 3 dimensional chart.

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Chart position & size properties (chart element)

These properties determine the position and size of the displayed chart within your chart element.

Position and Size


The chart is automatically positioned and sized within the area of the chart element.


The Left, Top, Width and Height setting are used to position and size the chart within the area of the chart element.


The horizontal position (as a percentage of the total width) where the display area of the chart will start.


The vertical position (as a percentage of the total height) where the display area of the chart will start.


The horizontal position (as a percentage of the total width) where the display area of the chart will end.


The vertical position (as a percentage of the total height) where the display area of the chart will end.

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Data series (chart element)

Data series define the data and representation of this data in your chart. Besides a connection to the data source with real-time data, data series contain the definition of the chart type, labels, colors, style settings and various other options. Usually you will work with one data series, but optionally you can use your chart to display multiple data series.

To add a new data series

1. Go to the Data Series section in the Chart properties window.

2. Click Add...

3. Follow the instructions in the wizard to specify the properties of the data series.

4. Click Finish at the end of the wizard to add the data series.

To modify an existing data series, select the item in the list of data series and click Edit.... To remove a data series click Remove. To make an exact copy of a data series click Duplicate.

The sequence order of the items in de list of data series determine how the data series will be displayed in the chart. To adjust the sequence order, you can use the Move Up or Move Down button.

Properties overview

Property section

Chart type

Data provider






Properties to determine the 2D or 3D type of chart to display the values of your data series.

Properties to connect your data series to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to set various options for your data series.

Properties to define the style settings of your data series.

Properties to add labels to your data series.

Properties to set the colors of your data series.

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Data series - Chart type properties (chart element)

The chart type properties in the data series wizard determine the kind of chart that will be used to display the data of your series.


Chart Type

Select one of the possible chart types in the list. When selecting a chart type, the preview will give you an impression about the look of the results.

Visible Serie

Switch on/off the visibility of the series in your chart.

Serie Name

A unique name to identify the series in the list of series.

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Serie Legend Title

A descriptive text to identify the series in the legend of your chart.

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Data series - Data provider properties (chart element)

The data provider properties in the data series wizard determine the connection of your data series to an external data source to feed your series with real-time data.

Data Provider

Select Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the

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displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Data Column

Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the chart data.

Label Column

Optionally you can select here the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the labels that belong to the data of your series.

Bubble Columns

If you have chosen Bubble as Chart Type then you have the following additional column options:

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Bubble Size Column

Select here the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the bubble sizes of your series.

Stock Columns

If you have chosen Stock as Chart Type then you have the following additional column options:

High Column

Select here the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the highest stock values of your series.

Low Column

Select here the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the lowest stock values of your series.

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Open Column

Select here the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the opening stock values of your series.

Close Column

Select here the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the data series for delivering the closing stock values of your series.

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Data series - Options properties (chart element)

The options properties in the data series wizard enables you to set various chart type dependent options for your data series.


Depending on the Chart Type that you have chosen you have some options for your chart as listed below.

Bar options


Select one of the available styles for your bars.

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Bar Width

The width (as a percentage in relation to the chart) of your bars.

Group with Serie

Enables you to combine the data when you have multiple data series.

Pie options


Select one of the available styles for your pie.

Dougnut size

The size (as a percentage in relation to the chart) of your pie.

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Bubble options

Maximum bubble size

The maximum size (as a percentage in relation to the chart) of your bubbles.

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Stock options

Price Up Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color to indicate an increase of the stock value. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See Using the color picker for a complete description of all possibilities.

Price Down Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color to indicate a decrease of the stock value. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See Using the color picker for a complete description of all possibilities.

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Data series - Style properties (chart element)

The style properties in the data series wizard determine the style of your data series.


Depending on the Chart Type that you have chosen you have some marker style settings as described below.

Use Predefined Marker

Use markers as defined by the settings below.


Select one of the available shapes for the markers.

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Marker Size

The size (in pixels) of the markers.

Border Width

The border thickness (in pixels) of the markers.

Marker Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color for the markers. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Marker Border Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color for the border of the markers. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Use Image as Marker

Use a picture as marker. Enter the picture file name including the full path. Optionally, you can use the browse button to browse your file system.


Only references to picture files are included in your presentation, not the pictures itself. As a result if your picture file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

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Data series - Labels properties (chart element)

The labels properties in the data series wizard determine the labels of the data items in your data series.


Show Datapoint Labels

Switch on/off the visibility of labels for the data items of your data series.



The text box shows the current font and font style used for labels. To change the font click the button right to the text box, which shows the font dialog box.

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Label Color

Click the drop-down button to select a font color for the labels. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Background Color

Click the drop-down button to select a background color for the labels. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


Select one of the predefined options for the position of your labels within your chart. When you choose the option Automatic the chart will automatically determine the most optimal position for your labels.

Label Interval

The interval (in pixels) between two consecutive labels.


Choose whether you only want to include labels or also want to display values together with the labels..

Value Format

If you have chosen to include values, then select one the predefined formats for displaying the values.

Label Format

If you have chosen to include labels, then select one of the predefined formats for displaying the labels.


Show Label Border

Switch on/off the drawing of a border around the labels.


The thickness (in pixels) of the border.

Border Color

Click the drop-down button to select a color for the border. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

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Data series - Color properties (chart element)

The color properties in the data series wizard determine the colors that will be used to display the data of your series.


Predefined Color by Serie

The system will automatically determine the color that will be used for your series. If you have multiple series the system will automatically use a different color for each series.

Custom Color by Serie

Choose your own color for your series. If you have multiple series you have to ensure yourself that each series will have a different color.

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Click the drop-down button to select a color for the series. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

or a complete description of all possibilities.

Custom Color by Datapoint

Choose your own colors for the data items of your series. You can compose your own collection of custom colors which will be assigned by the system to the data items of your data series.

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Legend properties (chart element)

These properties determine the legend of the displayed chart. A legend explains for each data series how it can be recognized in the displayed chart.


Show Legend

Switch on/off the inclusion of a legend.


Click one of the predefined options to choose the position of the legend within the chart area.

Show Backplane

Switch on/off the display of a frame for the legend.

Background Color

Click the drop-down button to select a background color for the legend frame. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Border Color

Click the drop-down button to select a border color for the legend frame. You can simply select a fixed

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color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Border Width

The width (in pixels) of the border of the legend frame.



The text box shows the current font and font style of the legend items. To change the font click the button right to the text box, which shows the font dialog box.


Click the drop-down button to select a font color for the legend items. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


Click the drop-down button to select a shadow color for the legend items. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Shadow Depth

The distance (in pixels) between the legend item and the end of the shadow.



The title that will be displayed in the legend frame.


The text box shows the current font and font style of the legend title. To change the font click the button right to the text box, which shows the font dialog box.


Click the drop-down button to select a font color for the legend title. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

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Watermark properties (chart element)

These properties enable you to add a watermark image to your chart.

Watermark Image


Defines the origin or type of the included picture. Possible options are:


Picture from Content Library


The watermark image contains a reference to an existing picture file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

Picture from File

The watermark image contains a reference to an existing picture file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

No Picture No picture will be included as watermark image.


Contains the picture file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option Picture from File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the picture file name including the full path.


When this option is switched on, the watermark image is automatically resized to fit exactly within the boundaries of your chart. If this option is switched off, the content will be displayed at its original size.

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This means that the content will not cover the entire background of the chart when it is smaller than the size of your chart or will be clipped when it is larger than your chart.


Only references to picture files are included in your presentation, not the pictures itself. As a result if your picture file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

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Table element

Table elements can be used to easily display multiple rows of data, like an overview of departing flights at an airport.

Not only does the table element save you a lot of time because you don't have to place each individual page element on your page design, it also offers a lot of specific features that are not offered by other page elements. The table element can determine automatically how many rows must be displayed, the height of the displayed header, rows and footer can be determined automatically, rows can be grouped, separators can be displayed between rows and you can have non-scrolling rows. These are just a few examples of the many features the table element has to offer.

The key properties of the table element are the

header ,



footer . Together these items determ-

ine the layout of your table and the real-time data that is displayed.

Properties overview

Property section






Property bindings



Row style



Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to setup the layout of the header, body and footer of the table element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set row specific style options for the table element.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

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Scroll options




Transition effect



Properties to determine the data scroll settings of the table element.

Definition of conditional separators between rows.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set the incoming transition effect for the element.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e tab l e s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 221 of 485

Content properties (table element)

The key properties of the table element are the

header ,



footer . Together these items determ-

ine the layout of your table and the real-time data that is displayed.

Properties overview

Property section



Properties to define the header of your table element.


Properties to define the row and background of your table element.

Properties to define the row as part of the body of your table element.


Grouping by elements

Properties to apply grouping when displaying the rows of your table element.



Properties to define the background as part of the body of your table element.

Properties to define the footer of your table element.

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Header properties (table element)

These properties determine the header of your table element. The header is the topmost area of the table element and mostly used to display information like a general title, column headers or the current date/time.


Show Header

Switch on/off the visibility of the header for the table.


Enables you to define the content of the header section.

To edit the header content:

1. Click Edit to open the Edit Header window.

2. Design the header section by adding page elements and setting properties.

3. On the File menu, click Close.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to save the changes.

5. Click OK or Apply in the table properties window to make the changes effective for your presentation.

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Automatic Shrink/Grow

If this property is switched on then the height of the header is automatically adjusted to the size of the header content.


When clicking Edit to specify the content of the header you have almost the same unlimited functionality as when creating a normal page. You can include elements of almost any type (except other table elements) and it is even possible to use data providers for your header elements.

The Page properties are replaced by Header properties. Here you can set the background color and the height (in pixels) of the header. The width of the header is automatically determined by the Width of the table element.

The Automatic Shrink/Grow property automatically determines the height of the header. This works as follows: Some elements of the header can have a size that can vary, because their Automatic size property has been set. Elements can also be resized or made invisible, because a certain element rule becomes active.

When the Automatic Shrink/Grow property is switched on, the system 'looks' at the height of the bottommost element of the header. If this element is resized or becomes invisible then the header height is adjusted accordingly and the system and repeats the process for the element that becomes the bottommost element in the new situation.

If an element that is not the bottommost element is resized or becomes invisible, then the height of the header is not adjusted.

If all elements of the header become invisible, then the complete header is made invisible.

The Automatic Shrink/Grow property of the header will have effects on the size of other parts of the table element. How this works depends on the Height property of the body of the table element.

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Body properties (table element)

These properties determine the layout of the body of your table. The body is the area between the header and the footer. The body is used to display as many rows as will fit in the body area. Optionally you can define a separate background for the body.



Enables you to define the content of one row that will be displayed multiple times in the body of the table element.

For more details see

Row properties



Enables you to define how the height of the body of the table element must be set. You have the following options:


Fixed Height


The height of the body is set to a fixed value, which is not adjusted by the system.

Top Shrink/Grow

Bottom Shrink/Grow

Depending on the size of the header and/or footer, the top of the body is adjusted. The bottom position of the body will remain the same under all circumstances.

Depending on the size of the header and/or footer, the bottom of the body is adjusted. The top position of the body will remain the same under all circumstances.

Split into 2 columns

If this property is switched on then the table element will automatically split up the width of the table element into two parts to display two columns of data.

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W h en you on l y h ave a l i mi ted amou n t of i n f or mati on to b e d i s p l ayed p er r ow , u s i n g 2 c ol u mn s c an h el p you to make op ti mal u s e of th e avai l ab l e s p ac e on you r d i s p l ays .

When you use two columns you have to make sure that the elements in the row definition of your table do not take more space than half the width of the table element.



Enables you to define the background of the body of the table element. For more details see

Background properties .


If you have set to use a Fixed Height and the Automatic Shrink/Grow property of the header has been switched on then as a result the entire body (and maybe the footer) is moved when the content of the table header changes.

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Row properties (table element)

The row properties determines the layout and real-time data that will be displayed for one row of your table element. This row is automatically repeated by the table element and displayed as many times as fits within the body part of the table element.

To edit the row content

1. Click Edit to open the Edit Row window.

2. Design the row section by adding page elements and setting properties.

3. On the File menu, click Close.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to save the changes.

5. Click OK or Apply in the table properties window to make the changes effective for your presentation.

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When clicking Edit to specify the row definition you have almost the same unlimited functionality as when creating a normal page. You can include elements of almost any type (except other table elements). You can align all elements to create exactly one horizontal line, but you can also place your elements so that it will take two lines. You can connect elements to a data source to display real-time data.


In or d er f or al l r ow el emen ts of you r tab l e to s c r ol l c or r ec tl y th r ou g h you r d ata an d i n s yn c , f or eac h el emen t i n you r r ow P l ay en t i re pl ay l i st mu s t b es w i tc h ed of f an d

S crol l u si n g page dat a ref resh i n t erv al mu s t b es w i tc h on .

The Page properties are replaced by Row properties. Here you can set the Height of the row. This is the maximum height and will be adjusted by the system when certain row elements become invisible.

The width of the row is automatically determined by the table element. You can also define the elements you want to group by. See Grouping by elements for more details.

With the row definition you define the first row of the table element. This means that when including elements that are connected to a data source, you must the Row property for these elements to the value

'1' (unless you have a special reason to choose another value). This Row property is automatically raised by the system for additional rows that will be displayed.

Elements that are not connected to a data source will display the same information for all rows in the table.

The row definition has built-in support for scrolling of data. In this way the table element can still display all information to the user, when there is more information available than the number of rows that can be displayed. To enable scrolling you must switch on data scrolling for each element in your row definition that you want to participate in the scrolling process. You can define the number of rows that must not scroll by setting the Don't scroll the first x rows property of the table element.

It is allowed to use multiple data providers in your row definition. However, in this case you must be aware of the fact that for each element the Row property will be raised for additional rows.


W i th s ome ap p l i c ati on s i t' s a g ood i d ea to c r eate a r ow th at u s es on e or tw o l i n es , d ep en d i n g on th e s i tu ati on . T h i s c an b e u s ed f or i n s tan c e at an ai r p or t to d i s p l ay a s ec on d l i n e w i th r ou te i n f or mati on . If th er e i s n o r ou te i n f or mati on th i s s ec on d l i n e mu s t n ot b e d i s p l ayed an d th e h ei g h t of th e r ow mu s t b e ad j u s ted ac c or d i n g l y.

T o ac c omp l i s h th i s you mu s t i n c l u d e al l el emen ts th at ar e p os s i b l y d i s p l ayed i n you r r ow d ef i n i ti on . Next you mu s t d ef i n e on e or mor e el emen t r u l es to make s u r e th at c er tai n el emen ts ar e mad e i n vi s i b l e w h en th er e i s n o d ata avai l ab l e.

T h e h ei g h t of th e r ow w i l l b e au tomati c al l y ad j u s ted b y th e s ys tem w h en th e b ottommos t el emen t b ec omes i n vi s i b l e or i s r es i z ed , s i mi l ar to th e w or ki n g of th e Au t omat i c

S h ri n k/G row p r op er ty of th e h ead er an d f ooter of th e tab l e el emen t.

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Grouping by elements properties (table element)

The grouping by properties enable you to group the rows of a table element. This means that when you have two successive rows in your table that display the same value for a certain element, that this value is only displayed in the first row.

To define group by elements for an existing table element

1. Go to the Row properties section of the Table properties window.

2. Click Edit to go to the Row definition.

3. Click Group By in the Group By section on the Home tab of the ribbon bar.

4. Select the elements to group by.

5. Optionally click Move Up and/or Move Down to change the grouping order.

6. Click OK to confirm the group settings.

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7. On the File menu, click Close.

8. Click Yes to confirm that you want to save the changes.

9. Click OK or Apply to make the changed effective for your presentation.


In the list of Group by elements all elements that are part of the row definition are displayed. Theoretically all elements of the row definition are candidates for grouping, but practically text elements and picture elements are the most appropriate to be used for grouping.

When you have defined multiple group by elements, then the system first 'looks' at the first group by element. If the value of this item is the same as the corresponding value of the previous row, then the value is not displayed. Only in this case the system continues with the second group by element and so on, until all group by elements are processed or until a group by elements contains a value that differs from the previous row value.

You can define an unlimited number of group by elements.

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Background properties (table element)

The background definition determines the background of the body of a table element. In front of this background the rows will be displayed.

To edit the background content

1. Click Edit to open the Edit Background window.

2. Design the background section by adding page elements and setting properties.

3. On the File menu, click Close.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to save the changes.

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5. Click OK or Apply in the table properties window to make the changes effective for your presentation.


When clicking Edit to specify the background definition you have almost the same unlimited functionality as when creating a normal page. You can include elements of almost any type (except other table elements).

The Page properties are replaced by Background properties. Here you can set the background color of the background. The width and height of the background are automatically determined by the table element.

The rows of the table element will be displayed in front of the defined background. Which parts of the background will remain visible depends on the row definition and the Even/odd rows properties of the table element.

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Footer properties (table element)

These properties determine the footer of the table element. The footer is the bottommost area of the table element and mostly used to display information like a special remark or the current date/time.


Show Footer

Switch on/off the visibility of the footer for the table.


Enables you to define the content of the footer section.

To edit the footer content:

1. Click Edit to open the Edit Footer window.

2. Design the footer section by adding page elements and setting properties.

3. On the File menu, click Close.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to save the changes.

5. Click OK or Apply in the table properties window to make the changes effective for your presentation.

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Automatic Shrink/Grow

If this property is switched on then the height of the footer is automatically adjusted to the size of the footer content.


By u s i n g a c omb i n ati on of Au t omat i c S h ri n k/G row an d el emen t r u l es to d eter mi n e th e vi s i b i l i ty of th e p ag e el emen ts i n you r f ooter you c an d yn ami c al l y make you r f ooter ap p ear i n s p ec i f i c s i tu ati on s . If th er e i s n o f ooter i n f or mati on th e f ooter w i l l d i s ap p ear ag ai n c r eati n g mor e s p ac e to d i s p l ay th e r ow i n f or mati on .


When clicking Edit to specify the content of the footer you have almost the same unlimited functionality as when creating a normal page. You can include elements of almost any type (except other table elements) and it is even possible to use data providers for your footer elements.

The Page properties are replaced by Footer properties. Here you can set the background color and the height (in pixels) of the footer. The width of the footer is automatically determined by the Width of the table element.

The Automatic Shrink/Grow property automatically determines the height of the footer. This works as follows: Some elements of the footer can have a size that can vary, because their Automatic size property has been set. Elements can also be resized or made invisible, because a certain element rule becomes active.

When the Automatic Shrink/Grow property is switched on, the system 'looks' at the height of the bottommost element of the footer. If this element is resized or becomes invisible then the footer height is adjusted accordingly and the system repeats this process for the element that becomes the bottommost element in the new situation.

If an element that is not the bottommost element is resized or becomes invisible, then the height of the footer is not adjusted.

If all elements of the footer become invisible, then the complete footer is made invisible.

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Row style properties (table element)

These properties set row specific style options for your table element.


Use different Background Colors for Even and Odd Rows

If this property is switched on then the rows of the table will be displayed with the specified Even Color as background color for the even rows and the specified Odd Color as background color for the odd rows.

If this property is switched off then the background of the rows is displayed transparently. In this case the background for the rows is determined by the background definition of the body.

Using different colors increases the readability of the displayed information.

When using different background colors for even and odd rows then the colors are automatically adjusted to the size of the displayed rows. If in a certain situation a row uses two lines instead of one line then both lines will be displayed with the same background color.

Even Row Color

Click the drop-down button to select a background color for even rows. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Odd Row Color

Click the drop-down button to select a background color for odd rows. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


In order to make the background definition of the body visible between the rows and between the row and the table borders you can reduce the size of the rows by using margins.


The margin (in pixels) between the left side of the table element and the left side of the row.

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The margin (in pixels) between the top side of the row and the previous row.


The margin (in pixels) between the right side of the table element and the right side of the row.


The margin (in pixels) between the bottom side of the row and the next row.

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Scroll options properties (table element)

These properties determine the number of non-scrolling rows for the table element and the way data scrolling is handled. Scrolling enables you to display all data to the user when more data is available then there are rows in the table.

Scroll Options

Scroll Data once and Show the Next Page

If scrolling is enabled and this option is switched on then the table element will scroll until all data rows has been displayed exactly one time to the user. After this the presentation will automatically switch over to the next page of your presentation.


U s e S crol l D at a on ce an d S h ow Next P age w h en you d on ' t kn ow i n ad van c e h ow man y r ow s of d ata w i l l b e avai l ab l e, b u t you w an t to make s u r e th at al l d ata i s d i s p l ayed to th e u s er an d n oth i n g mor e or l es s .

Don't Scroll the first x Rows

The number of rows that will not be included for scrolling when scrolling is enabled to display all data to the user.

Use Don't Scroll the first x Rows when you want to make sure that certain information will always be visible to the user. For instance at an airport, you can set the first five rows not to scroll, because these rows display crucial information about flights that will leave in the very near future. The other rows can be used to scroll through the other flights of the day, which information is less critical.



T o h ave th e r ow s i n you r tab l e s c r ol l ed , you mu s t s w i tc h on d ata s c r ol l i n g f or eac h i n d i vi d u al p ag e el emen t i n th e r ow d ef i n i ti on of th e tab l e el emen t th at you w an t to s c r ol l .

Page 238 of 485

Separators properties (table element)

The separator definition determines the displaying of separators between rows. A separator is displayed between two rows when the separator condition is met. This can be used for instance to indicate the beginning of a next day.


To set/adjust the definition of a separator:

1. Click Add... Or Edit... to set/modify the separator.

2. Specify the condition (if clause) that must be met to display the separator. For more information about the working of the rule editor window, see Working with rules.

3. Click Show Separator (then clause) to go to the separator definition window.

4. Design the separator by adding page elements and setting properties.

5. On the File menu, click Close.

6. Click Yes to confirm that you want to save the changes.

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7. Click OK to return to the table properties window.

8. Click OK or Apply to make the changes effective for your presentation.

The system can apply only one separator at the same time. To decide which separator needs to be applied the defined separators are checked in the displayed sequence order. As soon as one of the separator conditions is valid, this separator will be applied. To change the sequence order of the displayed separators, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons.

To remove an existing separator, click Remove.



W h en s p ec i f yi n g th e c on d i ti on ( i f c l au s e) f or th e s ep ar ator , you ar e ac tu al l y s p ec i f yi n g th e s i tu ati on f or th e f i r s t r ow of th e tab l e el emen t. T h i s mean s th at f or i n s tan c e w h en you c h oos e D at a as val u e f or you r c on d i ti on an d s el ec t a D at a prov i der, C ol u mn an d

Row, th at you mu s t c h oos e th e val u e ' 1 ' f or th e Row p r op er ty ( u n l es s you h ave a s p ec i al r eas on to c h oos e an oth er val u e) . T h e r eas on f or th i s i s th at i n mos t s i tu ati on s th e

Row p r op er ty of th e s ep ar ator c on d i ti on mu s t c or r es p on d w i th th e Row p r op er ty of th e r ow d ef i n i ti on . T h i s Row p r op er ty i s au tomati c al l y r ai s ed b y th e s ys tem f or c on d i ti on s th at ap p l y to oth er r ow s .

When clicking Show Separator to specify the separator definition you have almost the same unlimited functionality as when creating a normal page. You can include elements of almost any type (except other table elements). You can align all elements to create exactly one horizontal line, but you can also place your elements so that it will take two lines. You can connect elements to a data source to display realtime data.

The Page properties are replaced by Separator properties. Here you can set the Height of the separator. This is the maximum height and will be adjusted by the system when certain separator elements become invisible. The width of the separator is automatically determined by the table element.

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Flash player element

Flash player elements can be used to include Flash content in your presentation. Several options enable you to define how the Flash content must be played. Flash elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time which Flash files must be played.

Properties overview

Property section

Alternate options

Background color

Data provider

Data scrolling



Play list

Play list options


Proof of play

Property bindings



Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to enable interactivity on the Flash content of your element.

Definition of Flash content that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

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Zoom level

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

Properties to zoom and clip the Flash content of your element.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e Fl as h s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 242 of 485

Interactivity properties (flash player element)

These properties allow you to enable interactivity on the flash content of your Flash element.

User Interactivity

Allow User interactivity

Enable/disable user interaction for Flash content. This allows the user for instance to click on hyperlinks or interactive buttons that are part of the Flash content.

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Play list properties (flash player element)

These properties define the Flash content that will be played by your Flash player element. You can enter one Flash file or choose to include a play list of Flash files that will be played after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Flash play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included Flash file. Possible options are:

Option Description

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Flash from Content Library

Flash from File

No Flash

The play list item contains a reference to an existing

Flash file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing

Flash file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no Flash file.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the Flash file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option Flash from File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the Flash file name including the full path.


The duration (in seconds) that your Flash content will be displayed or the pause in your play list will last.


Only references to Flash files are included in your presentation, not the Flash content itself. As a result if your Flash file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Zoom level properties (flash player element)

These properties enable you to zoom and clip the content of your element.

Zoom Level


Use the slider or manually enter the zoom level (as a percentage).


By defining an offset you can clip the Flash content to be displayed. The Left and Top offset represent the position (in pixels) of the Flash content that must be placed in the left top corner of your Flash player element.

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PDF document reader element

PDF document reader elements can be used to include PDF content in your presentation.

PDF documents can be displayed with their original size or automatically resized to fit exactly into your page design. Optionally you can scroll with a predefined duration through a selection of pages of your

PDF document. Several effects can be applied to adjust the look of the PDF document or to create smooth transitions when the content changes. PDF elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time which PDF documents must be displayed.

Properties overview

Property section


Alternate options

Background color


Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration

Default transition effect



Play list

Play list options


Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment for the content of your element.

Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Definition of PDF content that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be

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Proof of play

Property bindings









Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e PDF s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 248 of 485

Play list properties (PDF document reader element)

These properties define the PDF documents that will be displayed by your PDF document reader element. You can enter one PDF file or choose to include a play list of PDF files that will be displayed after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Page 249 of 485

PDF play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included PDF document. Possible options are:


PDF from Content Library


The play list item contains a reference to an existing PDF file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

PDF from File


The play list item contains a reference to an existing PDF file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no PDF.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the PDF file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option PDF from File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the picture file name including the full path.


The duration (in seconds) that your PDF content will be displayed or the pause in your play list will last.


T h e D u rat i on p r op er ty s ets th e d u r ati on of 1 p ag e of you r PDF d oc u men t. So i n or d er to c al c u l ate th e total d u r ati on of you r PDF p l ay l i s t i tem, you h ave to mu l ti p l y th e d u r ati on b y th e n u mb er of p ag es th at w i l l b e d i s p l ayed .


The incoming transition effect for your play list item and duration of the effect (in seconds).

Clip Document

If switched on, then only the selected pages of your PDF file will be displayed.

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First Page

The page number of the first selected page of your PDF document.

Last Page

The last number of the last selected page of your PDF document.


Only references to PDF files are included in your presentation, not the PDF files itself. As a result if your

PDF file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Zone viewer element

Zone viewer elements can be used to include an area (=zone) on your page that will be controlled by its own content scheduling mechanism.

Zone viewers are identified by a zone viewer name and treated by the PADS system as destinations, similar to 'normal' viewers. This means that end users who have the right permissions can use the PADS

Scheduler application to schedule content for zone viewers. However, when and where the zone viewer will be visible is controlled by the presentation that the zone viewer is part of.


Zon e Vi ew er s ar e th e i d eal s ol u ti on to g i ve a g r ou p of en d u s er s l i mi ted ac c es s to a p ar t of you r d i s p l ay or p r es en tati on , w h i l e as an ad mi n i s tr ator u s er you s tay i n f u l l c on tr ol .

Properties overview

Property section

Background color





Proof of play

Property bindings






Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Page 252 of 485





Zone Viewer

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

Properties to identify the zone viewer within your PADS system.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e z on e vi ew er s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 253 of 485

Zone viewer properties (zone viewer element)

These properties determine the identification of your zone viewer as a destination within the PADS system. During playback the zone viewer will play the presentations that have been scheduled for this destination.

Manual Zone Viewer Name

Enter the Viewer Name that will be used by the PADS system to identify the zone viewer as a destination.

Zone Viewer Name provided by Data Provider

The specified data source will provide the PADS system with a valid Viewer Name for the Zone Viewer.

Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


The row of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


In contrast to regular Viewers the zone viewer name not necessarily needs to be unique within your

PADS system. When the same zone viewer name is used at multiple places then every place where it is used will display the content that has been scheduled for this zone viewer. For instance, if your presentation includes a Zone Viewer and you schedule your presentation for a viewer group, then each Viewer within this group will play the same scheduled presentations for the zone.

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Presentation in page element

Presentation elements can be used to incorporate an existing presentation in the page of another presentation.

This enables you to display static information in combination with a running presentation. For instance one can have a presentation with advertising running on the top part of your screen, while the bottom part contains a scrolling text that continuously displays the latest stock rates. Another application is to create background music that plays continuously, while the incorporated presentation is running.

Properties overview

Property section


Alternate options

Background color


Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration



Play list

Play list options


Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your presentations.

Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Definition of presentations that will be played by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

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Proof of play

Property bindings








Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e p r es en tati on i n p ag e s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 256 of 485

Background color properties (presentation in page element)

These properties determine how the background of your presentation element will look like.

Background Color

Use Background Color

The specified Color will be used as background color for the presentation element if there are no presentations to be displayed. If there are presentations to display the background color of the pages in these presentations will be used.


Click the drop-down button to select a color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

No Background Color

A transparent background will be used for both your presentation element as well as the presentations that will be displayed by the element.


Using the No background color option means that under all circumstances the background of the page on which the presentation element is placed will be visible as background for the element and any background color of a presentation played by the presentation element will be ignored.


Y ou c an al s o c h oos e to s et th e C ol or p r op er ty to b e ( p ar tl y) tr an s p ar en t. T h i s mean s th at th e b ac kg r ou n d of th e p r es en tati on el emen t w i l l b e tr an s p ar en t i f th er e i s n o c on ten t to b e d i s p l ayed , b u t i f th er e i s a p r es en tati on th e b ac kg r ou n d c ol or s of th e p ag es i n th i s p r es en tati on w i l l b e u s ed .

Page 257 of 485

Play list properties (presentation in page element)

These properties define the presentations that will be played by your presentation in page element. You can enter one presentation or choose to include a play list of presentations that will be played after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


Presentation in page play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included presentation. Possible options are:

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PADS Presentation from Content Library

PADS Presentation from File

No PADS Presentation


The play list item contains a reference to an existing presentation file in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing presentation file outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no presentation.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the presentation file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option PADS Presentation from

File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the presentation file name including the full path.


The duration (in seconds) that your presentation will be played or the pause in your play list will last.

Clip Presentation

If switched on, then only the selected pages of your presentation will be played.

First Page

The page number of the first selected page of your presentation.

Last Page

The page number of the last selected page of your presentation.

Page 259 of 485


Only references to presentation in page files are included in your container presentation, not the presentations itself. As a result if your included presentation in page file is updated, the container presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

Page 260 of 485

Interactive button element

Interactive button elements can be used to include text or picture buttons in interactive presentations.

Interactive buttons can be used to let the interactive user navigate to other pages within your presentation, to scroll through real-time data or active other predefined actions. Several effects can be applied to adjust the look of the interactive button.

Properties overview

Property section

Button style

Content (image)

Content (text)






Property bindings






Properties to set the style of your button element.

Properties to define the layout of your image button.

Properties to define the layout of your text button.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to set the font that will be used for displaying text.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to define the action to be taken when the button element is pressed.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Page 261 of 485



Text alignment

Transition effect



Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set the horizontal alignment of the text of your button elements.

Properties to set the incoming transition effect for the element.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e i n ter ac ti ve b u tton s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 262 of 485

Button style properties (interactive button element)

These properties determine the look of your interactive button.

Button Style

Button Color

Click the drop-down button to select the background color of your button. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Focus Button Color

Click the drop-down button to select the background color to be used when the button becomes active.

You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


The mouse pointer that will be displayed when the user moves the mouse over the element.

Border Width

The width (in pixels) of the border.

Corner Radius

Enables you to create rounded corners for the border. The higher the value you enter here the more the corner will be rounded.


A border will always be drawn within the boundaries of an element. So, setting a border will not affect the size of the element. However it will affect the size of the internal area. This can have effect on the content of the element like the displayed text or picture of the button element.

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Image content properties (interactive button element)

These properties determine the picture that is displayed on the button surface of your interactive button element.

Content (Image)

To define the origin or type of picture that will be displayed, you have the following options:

Option Description

Content Library

The specified value contains a reference to an existing picture file in the PADS content library (recommended option). Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library .

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

Page 264 of 485

File Name

External data from the following data source the specified value contains a reference to an existing picture file outside the PADS content library. Optionally you can use the browse button to browse your file system.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The element will be connected to the data element, specified by the Data provider, Column and Row to provide the picture.

Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.

Content Type

The content type determines how the content of your data source must be interpreted.


The row of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


When this option is switched on, the content of your element is automatically resized to fit exactly within the boundaries of your element. If this option is switched off, the content will be displayed at its original size. This means that the content will not cover the entire background of the element when it is smaller than the size of your element or will be clipped when it is larger than your element.

Maintain aspect ratio

If you switch on this property then your content will keep the original ratio between its width and height when it's stretched.

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Only references to picture files are included in your presentation, not the pictures itself. As a result if your picture file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

If the data element delivers less rows than the specified Row property then the element will not display any content.


For op ti mal q u al i ty of you r c on ten t i t' s b es t to d i s p l ay you r c on ten t at i ts or i g i n al s i z e as mu c h as p os s i b l e.

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Interactivity properties (interactive button element)

These properties determine how the element will respond to user actions.



The action that will be executed when the user clicks the interactive element or presses the hotkey. The possible options are:

Option Description

Go to Previous Page

Go to Next Page

First Page

Last Page

Go to Page...

Switch to the previous page of your presentation.

Switch to the next page of your presentation.

Switch to the first page of your presentation.

Switch to the last page of your presentation.

Scroll data up

Scroll data page up

Scroll data down

Switch to the specified page of your presentation.

Scrolls the specified data provider backwards with the specified number of rows.

Scrolls the specified data provider backwards with the number of rows that is displayed on your page.

Scroll the specified data provider forwards with the specified number of rows.

Scroll data page down

Scroll data begin

Scrolls the specified data provider forwards with the number of rows that is displayed on your page.

Scrolls the specified data provider to the first row.

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Scroll data end

Apply data sort

Apply data filter

Show data sort dialog box

Scrolls the specified data provider to the last row.

Applies the specified sorting order to the connected data provider.

Applies the specified filter to the connected data provider.

Enables the user to interactively set a certain sorting order for the specified data provider.

Show data filter dialog box

Enables the user to interactively set a certain filter for the specified data provider.

Exits the PADS Viewer application.

Exit application


If you want to use a key combination with the [Ctrl], [Shift] and/or [Alt] keys then you can use the button on the right side to open the window with advanced settings.

In the advanced settings window you can manually enter any key combination by entering the ASCII value of the key on the keyboard or automatically by using the Auto Detect function. After clicking the Auto

Detect button you can simply type in the key combination on your keyboard that you want to use. The system will automatically detect the right key code settings and fill in the proper values.


When the


option is turned on at presentation level, interactivity functionality such as page changes will not work because the presentation must be synchronized.

When you have a page that displays data of a certain data provider then you can use an interactive button to scroll, filter or sort the displayed data. In this case you must make sure yourself that the action of the interactive button will point to exactly the same data provider as it is used by the data elements on the page.

When you want to define a hotkey you must understand that there is a difference between ASCII values and key codes. An ASCII value is a numeric value that represents a certain character (like ASCII value 65 represents the character 'A'). A key code is a numeric code that corresponds with a certain key on your keyboard (like '65' for the 'a' key).

With ASCII values you can make a distinction between lower case characters and upper case characters

(like ASCII value 65 for 'A' and ASCII value 97 for 'a'). Key codes don't know this difference. This means for instance that in order to use the 'a' key as a short you must use the ASCII value 65. For the upper case

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character 'A' you will have to use the same ASCII value 65, but in addition you will have to specify the

[Shift] key as combination key.

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Text alignment properties (interactive button element)

These properties determine the horizontal alignment of the text on your interactive button.



For the horizontal alignment you can choose between Left, Middle, Right and Justified.


When your element supports automatic sizing and this has been enabled then the alignment properties determine how the automatic size will work. By default the element will resize on the right side of the element, but when the Horizontal alignment has been set to the value Right then the element will resize on the left side of the element. When the Horizontal alignment has been set to the value Middle then the element will resize on both sides.

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Text content properties (interactive button element)

These properties determine the text that is displayed on the button surface of your interactive button element.

Content (Text)

To define the text that will be displayed, you have the following options:

Option Description

Manual Text

External data from the following data source

The specified value contains the static text that will be displayed.

The element will be connected to the data element, specified by the Data provider, Column and Row to provide the text.

Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.

Content Type

The content type determines how the content of your data source must be interpreted.

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The row of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


If the data element delivers less rows than the specified Row property then the element will not display any content.

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External application element

External application elements can be used to start other applications during playback of your presentation.

The element offers various options to identify, start and stop external applications. External application elements can be connected to an external data source to determine at real-time which external applications must be started.

The External application element replaces the plug-in element of previous PADS versions.

Properties overview

Property section

Application window

Background color




Property bindings



Start application

Stop application



Properties about how to detect the window of the external application to embed it into your presentation.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to specify the external application to be started.

Properties to specify if and when the external application must be closed again.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

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T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e exter n al ap p l i c ati on s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 274 of 485

Application window properties (external application element)

These properties enable you to automatically detect the window of the external application and embed it into your presentation.

Application Window

Show the window inside this Element Boundary

If this property is switched on, then the system will try to detect the window of the external application that is started. If the window can be detected, then it will automatically resize the window to the size of the external application element (if possible) and embed it into the page of your presentation.

Auto window search

The system automatically tries to detect the application window, by using the process Identification settings of the running application.

Search window title

The system tries to detect the application window, by using the specified Window Title.

Window Title

The text that is displayed in the title bar of the application window.

Search for substring

The specified Window Title text not necessarily needs to exactly match the title bar text, but can also be a subset of the title bar text.



Sh ow i n g th e ap p l i c ati on w i n d ow i n s i d e th e exter n al ap p l i c ati on el emen t b ou n d ar i es h as a n u mb er of ad van tag es . Not on l y w i l l th e c on ten t of you r exter n al ap p l i c ati on au tomati c al l y b e r es i z ed ( i f th e ap p l i c ati on s u p p or ts th i s ) , i t al s o en s u r es th at th e w i n d ow of th e exter n al ap p l i c ati on i s n ot p l ac ed b eh i n d th e p ag e of you r p r es en tati on .

Page 275 of 485

Start application properties (external application element)

These properties determine the external application to be started.

Start Application

Do no start this Application when already running

If this property is switched on, then the system will not start a new instance of your external application when it's already running. Instead the system will activate the running instance of your external application.


To specify the external application that will be started you have the following options:

Description Option


Data Provider

Manually specify the Application to be started.

The element will be connected to the data element, specified by the Data provider, Column and Row to provide the application to be started.


The file name (including the full path) of the external application to be started. Optionally you can use the browse button to browse your local file system.

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T h e f i l e l oc ati on r ef er en c e you s p ec i f y h er e i s ab s ol u te an d u s ed ' as i t i s ' d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. So ap p l i c ati on s c an on l y b e exec u ted d u r i n g p l ayb ac k w h en th e en ter ed f i l e l oc ati on c an b e f ou n d on th e p l ayb ac k PC.

Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


The row of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


Some external applications support the usage of command line arguments to specify how the application must be started. For instance some application support /S to start the application in silent mode

(=no user interface) or /<file name> to automatically open the specified file name.

To specify the command line arguments for the external application, you have the following options:

Option Description


Data Provider

Manually specify the Arguments to start the external application

The element will be connected to the data element, specified by the Data provider, Column and Row to provide the application to be started. For a further description of the data provider properties, see the explanation above.


The complete command line argument that will be used to start the external application.

Page 277 of 485



If you w an t you r p r es en tati on to r u n a Pow er Poi n t p r es en tati on d u r i n g p l ayb ac k

( w i th ou t s h ow i n g a ti tl e w i n d ow ) , th en you c an u s e C: \ Pr og r am Fi l es \ Mi c r os of t

Of f i c e\ Pow er p oi n t Vi ew er \ PPT Vi ew . exe as Appl i cat i on val u e an d / s s amp l e. p p t as Argu -

men t s val u e.

If the data element delivers less rows than the specified Row property then the element will not start any external application.

The system will automatically place quotes ('') around the specified Application and Arguments value.

This means that if your specified value contains spaces you don't need to manually add quotes yourself, unless quotes are required in the middle of your value.

When the specified Application or Arguments value contains spaces, then the system automatically will add quotes to then

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Stop application properties (external application element)

These properties determine if and when the external application that you have started will be stopped again.

Stop Application

When switching to another page

The external application will automatically be stopped when your application switches to the next page of your presentation.

When closing the presentation

The external application will automatically be stopped when the end of the display period for your presentation has been reached.

Never stop this application

The external application will not automatically be stopped.

In fact this option should only be used when the application has been


with the the Do not start

this application when already running property enabled.


To stop the external application the system will kill the running process of the external application. Any additional processes that have started by the external application will not automatically be stopped this way and must be stopped in another way.


E xter n al ap p l i c ati on s th at h ave b een s tar ted s h ou l d al w ays b e s top p ed . W h en th ey ar e n ot s top p ed th ey c an l ead to memor y l eak p r ob l ems c au s i n g you r s ys tem to h an g .

Page 279 of 485

RS-232 communication element

RS-232 communication elements can be used to send commands over RS-232 from your presentation.

Usually RS-232 commands are used to control external devices like the display that is connected to your

PC. If a display has built-in RS232 support then RS-232 commands can be used for instance to adjust the brightness/contrast of the display, to change the input channel or to switch on/off the standby mode.

You always have to consult the documentation of the external device to find out if RS-232 communication is supported and to get the complete list of RS232-commands.

In most situations the RS-232 communication element is made invisible, because it has no visible function in your presentation. Optionally you can connect your RS-232 communication element to an external data source, to determine at real-time which commands need to be sent.

Properties overview

Property section

Alternate options

Background color


Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration

Default transition effect





Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content.

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to set the font that will be used for displaying text.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Page 280 of 485

Play list

Play list options

Port settings


Proof of play

Property bindings






Text alignment



Definition of RS232-commands that will be displayed by your element.

Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to define the RS-232 communication port settings.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your text.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.


T h i s s ec ti on on l y d es c r i b es i n d etai l th e RS- 2 3 2 s p ec i f i c p r op er ti es . A d etai l ed d es c r i p ti on of al l c ommon el emen t p r op er ti es th at ar e of f er ed b y var i ou s p ag e el emen ts c an b e f ou n d i n th e

Pag e el emen t p r op er ti es

s ec ti on .

Page 281 of 485

Play list properties (RS-232 communication element)

These properties define the commands that will be sent by your RS-232 element. You can enter one command or choose to include a play list of commands that will be sent after each other.

You can add items to your play list, edit play list items, change the sequence order of your play list items or remove play list items again. This can be done either in the detailed view (see screen shot above) or the list view. With the navigation buttons (at the bottom) you can navigate through your play list items.

The total duration shows the summarized duration of your play list items. The properties of a play list item depend on the type of your element.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t man ag i n g p l ay l i s ts i n g en er al , s ee

W or ki n g w i th p l ay l i s ts


RS-232 command play list item


Defines the origin or type of the included RS-232 command. Possible options are:

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RS-232 Command (text)

RS-232 Command (hexadecimal)

RS-232 Command from Content Library


The play list item contains a static command in text format.

The play list item contains a static command in hexadecimal format.

The play list item contains a reference to an existing text file with commands in the PADS content library (recommended option).

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system. References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

RS-232 Command from File

No RS-232 Command

The play list item contains a reference to an existing text file with commands outside the PADS content library.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

The play list item contains no command.

This option is used to create a pause in your play list.


Contains the static command or the text file reference, depending on the chosen Type. Optionally , you can use the browse button to browse the Content Library or your file system. If the option Text from

File has been chosen, then the file reference must contain the text file name including the full path.


The duration (in seconds) after which the next command will be sent or the pause in your play list will last.


The incoming transition effect for your play list item and duration of the effect (in seconds).

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Only references to text files with commands are included in your presentation, not the commands itself.

As a result if your text file is updated, the presentation will use the updated file during play back.

The Play list properties will be disabled when you element is connected to a data source. In this case the content of your element is determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

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Port settings properties (RS-232 communication element)

These properties determine the port settings, required to communicate successfully.

Communication Port Settings

Communication Port

The COM or LPT communication port that will be used for RS-232 communication.

Baud rate

The number of symbols that will be sent per second.


The way a parity check is applied.

Data bits

The number of bits that will contain data.

Start Bits

The number of leading bits.

Stop Bits

The number of closing bits.


The handshake mode that will be used.

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Read Timeout

Time out (in milliseconds) for getting an acknowledge on read commands.

Write Timeout

Time out (in milliseconds) for getting an acknowledge on write commands.


Usually you find an overview of the right RS-232 communication settings in the documentation of your external device.


T h e c ommu n i c ati on p or t s etti n g s you s p ec i f y h er e w i l l b e u s ed d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. So RS-

2 3 2 c omman d s c an on l y b e s en t s u c c es s f u l l y d u r i n g p l ayb ac k w h en th e en ter ed c ommu n i c ati on p or t s etti n g s ar e val i d on th e p l ayb ac k PC.

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Page element properties

This section describes the common element properties that are offered by various page elements. A description of the properties that belong to one specific page element type can be found in the section that describes the page element type involved.

Common properties overview

Property section


Alternate options

Background color




Data provider

Data scrolling

Default duration

Default transition effect





Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your content.

Properties to determine how your element will switch between play list items.

Properties to set the background color of your element.

Properties to define a blinking effect for your element.

Properties to set the border of your element.

Properties to adjust the brightness and/or contract of your content.

Properties to connect your element to an external data source to feed it with real-time content

Properties to define if and how your element will scroll through real-time data.

Properties to define the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Properties to define the default incoming transition effect for content of your element.

Properties to flip the content of your element.

Properties to set the font that will be used for displaying text.

Properties to uniquely identify your element within the page.

Page 287 of 485

Play list options


Proof of play

Property bindings







Text alignment

Transition effect



Properties to determine how the items in the play list of your element will be played.

Properties to determine the position of your element within the page.

Properties to create a proof of play log for your element.

Definition of property bindings to have certain properties of your element fed by an external data source.

Properties to display the content of your element with reflection.

Enables you to display your element at a certain angle.

Definition of element rules to have your element automatically respond to predefined situations.

Properties to display the content of your element with shadow.

Properties to define the width and height of your element.

Properties to place the content of your element at a certain angle.

Properties to set the horizontal and vertical alignment of your text.

Properties to set the incoming transition effect for your element.

Properties to define the level of transparency of your element.

Properties to determine if your element and/or its content will be visible during playback.

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Alignment properties (element)

These properties determine the horizontal and vertical alignment of the content of your element.



For the horizontal alignment you can choose between Left, Middle and Right.


For the vertical alignment you can choose between Top, Middle and Bottom.


T o q u i c kl y s et th e al i g n men t you c an c l i c k on e of th e op ti on b u tton s , s h ow i n g al l c omb i n ati on of th e h or i z on tal an d ver ti c al al i g n men t.


When your element supports automatic sizing and this has been enabled then the alignment properties determine how the automatic size will work. By default the element will resize on the right side of the element, but when the Horizontal alignment has been set to the value Right then the element will resize on the left side of the element. When the Horizontal alignment has been set to the value Middle then the element will resize on both sides. The same applies for Vertical alignment in relation to the top and bottom side of the element.

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Alternate options properties (element)

These properties determine how your element will switch between play list items.


Play entire Play List

If this property is switched off only the first play list item will be played. If switched on all items of the play list will be played. In this case you have the following options that decide how the play list items will be played:


Play using Play List Durations


The durations entered in the play list determine how long each play list item will play.

Play using Page Alternate Interval

Each play list item will play with the same duration. This duration is determined by the

Alternate interval

property in the Page Properties window.

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Background color properties (element)

These properties determine the background color of your element.

Background Color


Click the drop-down button to select a color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


If the element supports transparency, then you can also select the background color to be transparent.

For some elements the background color will only become visible when there is no content to display or when the content not completely covers the background.

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Blinking properties (element)

These properties enable you to add a blinking effect to your element.



Switch on/off blinking for your element. Blinking means that the content of your element becomes visible/invisible with a certain frequency.

Use different for Blinking

When switching on this property the content of your element will always remain visible, but that instead the colors of your element will change to the specified Foreground Color and Background Color.

Foreground Color

The alternative foreground color, used by the blinking process.

Background Color

The alternative background color, used by the blinking process.


U se di f f eren t col ors f or bl i n ki n g c an b e u s ed to i n ver t th e f or eg r ou n d an d b ac kg r ou n d c ol or of you r el emen t. T h e ad van tag e i n r el ati on to s tan d ar d b l i n ki n g i s th at you r c on ten t w i l l al w ays s tay vi s i b l e, s o you r au d i en c e w i l l n ever mi s s val u ab l e i n f or mati on .


Not all properties listed above are applicable to all elements.


frequency for blinking

is set at page level. This is done to make sure that all elements will perform their effects synchronously.

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Border properties (element)

These properties determine the border settings like border color and border width of your element.



Switch on/off displaying a border around your element.


Click the drop-down button to select a border color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


The width (in pixels) of the border.

Corner Radius

Enables you to create rounded corners for the border. The higher the value you enter here the more the corner will be rounded.


A border will always be drawn within the boundaries of an element. So, setting a border will not affect the size of the element. However it will affect the size of the internal area. This can have effect on the content of the element like the displayed text of a text element.

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Brightness/contrast properties (element)

These properties determine the brightness and contrast of a displayed picture. By adjusting the brightness and/or contrast you can improve the readability of a picture.



Adjusts the relative lightness of your picture.


Adjusts the differences between the darkest and lightest areas of your picture.

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Data provider properties (element)

Elements can be connected to an external data source (like a SQL Server database, a Microsoft Excel file or an RSS feed) to obtain real-time data. In this case the data provider properties determine the column and row of the data source to which the element is connected.

Data Provider Info

No external data connection

The element will not be connected a data source. As a result the element will display the fixed content that has been specified for your element.

External data from the following data source

The element will be connected to the data element, specified by the Data provider, Column and Row.

Data Provider

A data provider represents a connection to a data source. This can be a table, query or stored procedure, an XML file, an RSS feed on the Internet or any other source you can imagine that can provide data. Data providers are defined at presentation level making them available to all elements of your presentation. You can define a new data provider on the fly by clicking the button on the right part of the displayed drop-down box. See Working with data providers for more information about data providers.


Once you have selected a valid data provider you can select the column of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.

Content Type

The content type determines how the content of your data source must be interpreted.


The row of the data provider that you want to bind to the element.


Not all properties listed above are applicable to all elements.

Page 295 of 485

If depends on the type of your element, what the data provider is expected to deliver. Text elements for instance expect text, while picture elements expect a picture file name.

When your element is connected to a data source it is no longer possible to set the content properties of your element. In this case the content of your element is always determined by the real-time data that is delivered by the specified data source.

If the data element delivers less rows than the specified Row property then the element will not display any content.

When data scrolling is switched on for the element then the Row property together with the Scroll step property determines the scroll process.

Most of the elements have built-in support for play lists. This means that if the database field in the database returns a play list of items instead of a single item, the system will consecutively play these play list items.

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Data scrolling properties (element)

When your element has been connected to a data source then these properties determine the scrolling of real-time data. Scrolling allows you to display all data to the user when more data is available then there are fields on the page.

Data Scrolling

Use Data Scrolling

Switch on/off scrolling through real-time data for your element.

Scrolling Step Size

The number of rows with which the Row property of the element must be raised, each time the data scroll function is performed.


W h en you p l ac e mu l ti p l e el emen ts w i th d ata s c r ol l i n g i n th e r ow of a tab l e el emen t you mu s t make s u r e th at al l el emen ts h ave th e s ame S crol l i n g S t ep S i ze val u e i n or d er f or th e el emen ts to s c r ol l i n s yn c .

Scroll Mode

To decide frequency of scrolling, you have the following options:

Option Description


page data refresh interval

will determine how fast the system will scroll.

Scroll by Using General Page Scroll Interval Use this option if you want all elements on your page to scroll with the same frequency.

When the element is part of the row definition of a table element, this is the only available option.

Scroll by using Play List Options The

play list options

of your element will determine

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Scroll in Sync with...

how the data scrolling process will run.

Use this option if you want the flexibility to vary the scroll frequency per play list item.

You element will scroll exactly in sync with another element. The Element property specifies the page element that will be leading for the data scrolling process.

Use this option if you want to make the scrolling of your element depending on the scrolling of another element.


T h e S crol l i n S y n c wi t h . . . op ti on en ab l es you to s yn c h r on i z e th e d ata s c r ol l i n g b etw een p ag e el emen ts . T h i s i s es p ec i al l y u s ef u l w h en you d on ' t kn ow i n ad van c e h ow l on g c er tai n c on ten t mu s t b e d i s p l ayed . An examp l e of th i s i s w h en you h ave a vi d eo an d you w an t oth er el emen ts to s c r ol l to th e n ext i tem exac tl y at th e s ame momen t as w h en th e n ext vi d eo s tar ts .


Not all properties listed above are applicable to all elements.

The data scrolling properties are only available when your element has been connected to a data source.

The data that will be displayed by your element with data scrolling is always determined by the combination of the Row property and the Scroll Step Size property. When e.g. the Row property has a value of '2' then the element will start with displaying the data of row 2 (for the specified data column). If data scrolling has been enabled and the Scroll Step Size property has been set to a value of '3' then the next row that will be displayed is row 5. Next cycle row 8 will be displayed and so on, until the total number of available rows is reached. If this is the case the element will start over again with displaying row 2.

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Default duration properties (element)

These properties determine the default duration for items in the play list of your element.

Default Duration


The duration (in seconds) that will be given by default to items in the play list of your element.


If you use

data scrolling

to scroll real-time data from an external data source and you have chosen the option to Scroll using play list durations then the Default duration will be used as duration for all play list items.

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Default transition effect properties (element)

These properties determine the default incoming transition effect for items in the play list of your element.

Default Transition Effect


Click the drop-down box and select the incoming transition effect for your play list item.


Click one of the predefined options or manually specify (in seconds) how long the transition effect should last.


It's not recommended to use transition effects in combination with blinking. This may lead to conflicting situations and unpredictable results.

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Flip properties (element)

These properties create a reverse image of the content of your element.


Flip Horizontal

Reverse the content of your element horizontally.

Flip Vertical

Reverse the content of your element vertically.

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Font properties (element)

These properties determine the font style, font color and text wrapping for the text content of your element.



The text box shows the current font and font style of your element. To change the font click the button right to the text box, which shows the font dialog box. To quickly change the typeface you can also use one of the typeface buttons (bold, italic, ...). When you click the Clear button all typeface settings will be switched off.


W h en you s el ec t a c er tai n f on t th en you h ave en s u r e you r s el f th at th i s f on t w i l l b e avai l ab l e on eac h PADS Vi ew er PC. If th e f on t i s n ot avai l ab l e on a PC d u r i n g p l ayb ac k th e s ys tem w i l l u s e a d ef au l t f on t i n s tead . Fon ts c an au tomati c al l y b e d i s tr i b u ted w i th th e PADS

Ag en t ap p l i c ati on .


Click the drop-down button to select a font color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.

Text Wrapping

Choose one of the following options:


No Text Wrapping


Text lines will always be displayed on one single line. If the text becomes too large it will only be partially visible.

Wrap Text

Text line will automatically be displayed across multiple lines when the text becomes too large.

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End of line codes (Like <CR> or <CR> <LF>) in your text will always force the text to continue at a next line, no matter what you have chosen as text wrapping option.

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Identification properties (element)

These properties determine the unique identification of your element within the page.



The element name that uniquely identifies the element within the page of your presentation.

To check which names are still available, you can click the button right to the Name input field.


The element name you enter here becomes visible in the


window, where you can adjust the display order of your elements.

By default the system automatically generates a unique, localized string as element name.

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Play list options properties (element)

These properties determine how the items of your play list will be played.

Play list

You have the following options:


Auto Repeat

Play Once

Play Once and go to the next Page


The element will automatically restart with playing the first item in your play list when it has finished playing all items of the play list. As a result the items will play continuously.

The element will play all items in the play list only once.

After this the element will be made invisible.

The element will play all items in the play list once and after the last file has finished automatically switch to the next page of your presentation.


The play list options are only applicable when you have chosen Play entire Play List at the

Alternate options


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Position properties (element)

These properties determine the position of your element within the page.



Horizontal position (in pixels) of your element.


Vertical position (in pixels) of your element.



Snap to grid

has been enabled, you can use the position properties to enter positions that are not on the grid.

The position properties are automatically adjusted when your element is moved on the page with the mouse or by using arrow keys, when your element is pasted or when one of the formatting functions is called for your element.

If your element is rotated the position properties contain the position of your element without rotation.

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Proof of play properties (element)

The proof of play properties enable you to log detailed information about the playback of your element.

This information can be used to proof (e.g. to advertisers) that your content has played.

Proof of Play

Log Element Statistics Info

When this option is switched on, exact information about when, where and for how long your element has played will be logged by PADS Viewer and sent to the PADS Server for central logging.


The log information that is collected is centrally logged on the PADS Server PC in a separate proof of play database. This database can be viewed with the PADS Agent application or you can use the PADS

Software Development Kit to develop your own custom application to process the information. With

PADS Agent, the proof of play information can also be exported to an XML file, so it can be used for instance by Microsoft Excel for reporting purposes.


W h en you s w i tc h on l og g i n g i t i s ABSOL U T E L Y RE QU IRE D th at you i mp l emen t a p r oc ed u r e to ei th er man u al l y or au tomati c al l y p r oc es s th e i n f or mati on of th e p r oof of p l ay d atab as e( s ) an d d el ete th e i n f or mati on af ter w ar d s . Oth er w i s e th e p r oof of p l ay d atab as e( s ) may c on s u me al l you r h ar d d i s k s p ac e, b ec au s e th e d ata i n th e p r oof of p l ay d atab as e( s ) i s n ot d el eted au tomati c al l y.

Page 307 of 485

Property bindings properties (element)

By defining property bindings you can have certain properties of your element automatically be fed by an external data source. As soon as the value of the external data source changes the property of your element will change accordingly.

For instance if you bind the Visible property of your element to an XML file then the visibility of your element will instantly change when the value in the XML file will change.

Property Bindings

List of element properties that can be bound to an external data source. To bind a page property you must specify at least a data provider, column, row for this property.


Element property to be bound. This property is system defined and can not be changed.


Data type of the page property to be bound. This property is also system defined and can not be changed.

Data Provider

Select the data provider that represents the data source you want to bind. If you have no data providers yet, you should first add a new data provider.

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Select the data field of the data source you want to bind.


Select the record of the data source you want to bind.


Switch on this property when data scrolling must be applied.

If this property is switched on, then the

data scrolling

properties will be used to scroll.


The list of properties that can be bound depends on the type of your element.

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Reflection properties (element)

These properties determine if the content of your element will be displayed with reflection.



Click the drop-down button and select one of the predefined reflection styles or set the Depth, Offset and Transparency Level of the reflection.


The size of the reflection in relation to the size of your element. A value of 100% will make the size of the reflection equal to the size of your element.


The distance (in pixels) between your element and the reflection.

Transparency Level

The level of transparency for the reflection, varying from Start (position closest to your element) until

End (position most far away from your element). Possible values are within the scope of 100% (no transparency) to 0% (fully transparent).


By u s i n g 1 0 0 % as S t art val u e an d 0 % as En d val u e f or th e Tran sparen cy L ev el you c an g i ve you r r ef l ec ti on a d i s s ol ve ef f ec t.

Page 310 of 485

Rotation properties (element)

These properties determine the angle at which the content of your element is displayed.



Click one of the option buttons to select a predefined rotation angle or manually enter the rotation angle (in degrees).


The specified degrees are counted clockwise.

By default the exact middle of your element is the pivot for rotation. This position may be different when

automatic sizing

has been applied.

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Rules properties (element)

By defining element rules you can have your element automatically respond to predefined situations. For instance you can define a rule to make your element visible when a certain condition is met.


Displays a list of defined element rules. Here you can define your own custom rules to dynamically adjust properties of your element when a certain condition is met.


For d etai l ed i n f or mati on ab ou t r u l es , s ee

W or ki n g w i th r u l es


Page 312 of 485

Shadow properties (element)

These properties determine the shadow settings like shadow angle and shadow color for your element.



Switch on/off for displaying the content of your element with shadow.


Click one of the option buttons to select a predefined angle or manually enter the angle (in degrees).

The angle determines the direction in which the shadow will be drawn. The specified degrees are counted clockwise.


Click the drop-down button to select a shadow color. You can simply select a fixed color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. See

Using the color picker

for a complete description of all possibilities.


The distance (in pixels) between the element and the end of the shadow.

The shadow always starts at the element, so the distance determines the size of the shadow.


Determines how sharp the shadow will be displayed.


The level of transparency for the shadow. Possible values are within the scope of 0% (no transparency) to 100% (fully transparent).


It depends on the type of your element how the shadow will be drawn. For instance with text elements the shadow will be applied to the text inside the element, while on picture elements the shadow will be drawn outside the boundaries of the element.

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Size properties (element)

These properties determine the width and height of your page element.



If this option is selected then the size of your element is automatically adjusted to the size of its content.


If this option is selected then the size of your element is determined by the specified Width and Height.


The width (in pixels) of your element.


The height (in pixels) of your element.


T o ad j u s t th e man u al s i z e of you r el emen t, you may u s e th e p er c en tag e i n p u t f i el d s to r es i z e you r el emen t. By s w i tc h i n g on L ock Aspect Rat i o you r el emen t w i l l keep i ts or i g i n al r ati o b etw een th e w i d th an d h ei g h t. T h e p er c en tag e val u es an d L oc k As p ec t Rati o s etti n g ar e on l y i n ten d ed to r es i z e you r el emen t an d w i l l n ot b e s aved w i th you r el emen t p r op er ti es .


When this option is switched on, the content of your element is automatically resized to fit exactly within the boundaries of your element. If this option is switched off, the content will be displayed at its original size. This means that the content will not cover the entire background of the element when it is smaller than the size of your element or will be clipped when it is larger than your element.

Maintain Aspect Ratio

If you switch on this property then your content will keep the original ratio between its width and height when it's stretched.


Not all of the properties listed above are applicable to all elements.

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Snap to grid

has been enabled, you can use the size properties to enter sizes that are not on the grid.

When Automatic has been selected then the size of your element will not be adjusted to the grid, no matter if the

Snap to Grid

has been enabled. Instead the size is complete determined by the content of the element.

When automatic size has been selected then it will no longer be possible to adjusted the width and/or height of your element with the mouse or arrow keys. This is indicated by the gray colored grab handles of your element when it has been selected.

When Automatic has been selected and your element also has certain alignment properties, then the settings of the alignment will determine how the automatic size will work. By default the element will resize on the right side of the element but when the horizontal alignment has been set for instance to the value Right then the element will resize on the left side of the element. The same applies for vertical alignment.


For op ti mal q u al i ty of you r c on ten t i t' s b es t to d i s p l ay you r c on ten t at i ts or i g i n al s i z e as mu c h as p os s i b l e.

Page 315 of 485

Skew properties (element)

These properties enable you to place the content of your element at a certain angle.



Click the drop-down button and select one of the predefined skew styles or manual set the Horizontal and Vertical skew angle.


The horizontal skew angle (in degrees).


The vertical skew angle (in degrees).


The specified degrees are counted clockwise.

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Text alignment properties (element)

These properties determine the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text of your element.



For the horizontal alignment you can choose between Left, Middle, Right and Justified.


For the vertical alignment you can choose between Top, Middle and Bottom.


When your element supports automatic sizing and this has been enabled then the alignment properties determine how the automatic size will work. By default the element will resize on the right side of the element, but when the Horizontal alignment has been set to the value Right then the element will resize on the left side of the element. When the Horizontal alignment has been set to the value Middle then the element will resize on both sides. The same applies for Vertical alignment in relation to the top and bottom side of the element.

For the scrolling text element the scroll direction determines the working of the alignment properties.

When Right to left or Left to right has been chosen as Direction then the Horizontal alignment will be ignored. When Top to bottom or Bottom to top has been chosen then the Vertical alignment will be ignored.

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Transition effect properties (element)

These properties determine the incoming transition effect for the content of your element.

Transition Effect


Click the drop-down box and select the incoming transition effect for your content.


Click one of the predefined options or manually specify (in seconds) how long the transition effect should last.


Since line and shape elements not really have content, setting a transition effect for these elements only has effect for when the element becomes visible.

It's not recommended to use transition effects in combination with blinking. This may lead to conflicting situations and unpredictable results.

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Transparency properties (element)

These properties determine the level of transparency of your element.

Element Transparency

Use the slider or manually enter the level of transparency. Possible values are within the scope of 0% (no transparency) to 100% (fully transparent).

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Visibility properties (element)

These properties determine the visibility of your element during playback.



When switched off, the element will not be displayed during playback of your presentation.

Hide when there is no Content

If switched on, then the element will be made invisible when there is no content to be displayed by the element.


Not all of the above properties are applicable to all elements.

The Visible property is often used in combination with an element rule. You can define an element rule that commands the element to become visible/invisible depending on the situation.

The Hide when there is no contents property can be used for picture elements to place several picture elements on top of each other. When the topmost picture element doesn't contain a picture then it is hidden and as a result the picture elements behind it become visible. This can be applied for instance to display a logo at a certain area within the page or use the same area for displaying multiple logos of different sizes, depending on the situation.

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Developing your own custom element

If you have specific requirements for your presentation that can not be met by the native built-in page elements then you may consider developing your own custom element.

PADS offers a complete Software Development Kit (SDK) that offer VB.NET and C# developers the possibility to develop their own page elements, called Add-ons. Add-on elements are separately developed external elements that can be linked to the PADS software and will look and feel exactly the same way as standard built-in page elements. In other words: to the end-user there are no visible differences between standard page elements and add-on elements.

If you consider to develop an Add-on, then please contact Net Display Systems for more information about the SDK and sample projects.

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Working with play lists

Most page elements support play lists. This means that the content of the element may consist of multiple so called play list items, which will be played after each other. Each play list item contains at least a duration and specification of the content source. In addition to this, play list items can have element specific properties like a transition effect or clipping.

Beside having a manually defined play list with static items, you can also bind your play list to an external data source, to provide it with play list items on a real-time basis.


play list options

determine how your play list will be played during playback of your presentation.

In this section

Managing play lists

Describes how to add, edit or delete items to/from your play lists.

External play lists

Describes the required syntax when you use a data provider to deliver a play list at real-time.

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Managing play lists

Element play lists can be managed in the element properties window or in the play list window.

To access the play list of a page element

1. Select the page element, for instance by clicking it.

2. Click Element Properties on the Elements menu.


3. Click Play list in the navigation pane of the element properties window.

1. Select the page element, for instance by clicking it.

2. Directly access the play list window as part of the main window.

If the play list window is not visible, then see

play list window

for a description on how to make it visible.

The play list window consists of a toolbar to quickly access all play list functions, a body section where you can edit your play list items and a footer section with navigation functions and the total duration of your entire play list.

In some situations the duration of play list items can not be determined (like with streaming videos). In this case the duration of these play list items is not included in the displayed total duration.


To manage your play list items you can work either in detailed view or list view.

Detailed view List view

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This is the recommended view when you want to see all details of individual play list items.

This is the recommended view to get an overview of your entire play list.

To switch between both views you can use the following functions:

Switches to detailed view mode.

Switches to list view mode.

At the

Design window

settings of the options window you can specify the default view mode for the play list window.

Adding play list items

To add new items to your play list, you can use the following functions:

Adds a new empty item to your play list.

Afterwards you have to manually specify the content and other details of the play list item.

Allows you to select one or more files from the PADS content library and adds these items to your play list.

Items in your content library will automatically be synchronized between all PCs in your system.

References are relative, so files can still be found when the content library is moved.

Page 324 of 485

Allows you to select one or more files from outside the PADS content library and adds these items to your play list.

Items outside your content library are NOT automatically synchronized, so you manually have to handle the distribution of your files. References are absolute, so files can only be found during playback when the entered file location can be found.

Adds an exact copy of a selected play list item to your play list.

This function is only available when you have selected one play list item.

Newly created play list items will always be added to the end of your play list.


Default duration


Default transition effect

property determine the duration and transition effect that will be given to new play list items.

At the

Design window

settings of the options window you can specify whether or not new page elements should automatically get a blank play list item.

Editing play list items

To edit and existing play list item in detailed view mode, simply change the properties of the play list item that are displayed in the body section. For a full description of the play list item properties - which vary per page element - see the property descriptions of the individual page elements.

In list view mode you can use the in-place editing features to quickly change play list items.


T o q u i c kl y ed i t a p r op er ty f or mu l ti p l e p l ay l i s t i tems u s e th e L i st v i ew, s el ec t al l p l ay l i s t i tems th at n eed to b e ad j u s ted an d c h an g e th e p r op er ty f or on e of th e p l ay l i s t i tems .

Moving play list items

The sequence order of the play list items is the order in which the play list items will be played. To change the sequence order you can use the following functions:

Moves all selected play list items one position down in your play list.

Moves all selected play list items one position up in your play list.

Page 325 of 485


T o q u i c kl y move mu l ti p l e p l ay l i s t i tems u s e th e L i st v i ew, s el ec t al l p l ay l i s t i tems you w an t to move an d c l i c k th e Move u p or Move d ow n b u tton .

Removing play list items

To remove one ore more play list items, select the items and use the following function:

Removes all selected play list items.

Navigating between play list items

Especially when you are in detailed view mode, you can use the navigation functions to quickly navigate between your play list items:

Navigates to the first play list item.

Navigates to the previous play list item.

Navigates to the next play list item.

Navigates to the last play list item.

Instead of using the above buttons you can also use the input field of the navigation bar to navigate directly to a certain play list item by entering its sequence number.

Other functions

Shows the XML structure of your play list. This information can be useful when you want to work with

external play lists .

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External play lists

Beside having a manually defined play list with static items, you can also bind your play list to an external data source (like an SQL Server database, an XML file or even a Microsoft Excel file). This way you can have your external data source provide your element at real-time with a play list of items to be played.

For more information about how to bind your element to an external data source through a data provider, see

data provider properties

and working with data providers.

XML structure

In order for the PADS system to recognize external content as being a play list, your external data source must deliver the content in the predefined XML play list structure of PADS.

A possible example of this structure is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<PlayListElement ContentType="3" Content="Text of the first play list item" Duration="5000" Effect="999" EffectDuration="1000" />

<PlayListElement ContentType="3" Content="Text of the second play list item" Duration="5000" Effect="999" EffectDuration="1000" />


How to determine the right XML structure?

The exact XML structure you need to use depends on the type of the page element that you are going to use for playback. The best way to determine the XML structure that is required for the data fields of your data source is to take the following steps:

1. In the design of your presentation, insert the page element you are going to use to play the play list of the external data source.

So, if you plan to have a play list of videos, your must add a video/sound element.

2. Manually add a number of play list items with an example of the content you plan to include.

So, if your data source is going to work with video files from your content library, you add a video file from your PADS content library.

3. In the play list window, click the button to get the XML structure of your play list.

4. Use the Clipboard function to copy the XML structure to the Windows clipboard.

5. Paste the XML structure to the data field of your data source.

6. Adjust the XML structure to meet your exact requirements.

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Playback of external play lists

How the external play list that is provided by your data source will be played not only depends on the

XML play list structure that you provide.


play list option s of your page element will determine how the play list as a while will play. In addition


default duration


default transition effect

properties may also influence the way your play list items will play.

If you have enabled

data scrolling

for your page element, then also the

scroll interval

property at page level may determine the playback process.

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Working with data providers

One of the most powerful features of PADS is the possibility to feed your presentations with real-time data. To connect your presentation to a data source for the delivery of real-time data, you need to define data providers. Data providers can be defined at presentation level and are available to all elements of your presentation.

Each data provider represents a connection to data source, which can be for instance a database query/view or stored procedure, an XML feed, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a text file or any other source of data you can think of. You can bind as many data providers as you want to your presentation.

To display real-time data you must first create a data provider and next set the data source properties of a page element to connect it to a specific column and row of a data provider. Optionally you can use data scrolling to have your presentation automatically scroll through all available rows of a data source.

To get the most out of your data providers you can combine them with the usage of

property bindings


rules . By defining property bindings you can have certain properties of your element automatically be

fed by an external data source. As soon as the value of the external data source changes the property of your element will change accordingly. By defining rules you can have your presentation, page or page element automatically respond to predefined situations.

In this section

Adding a data provider

Describes how you can create a new data provider for your presentation to deliver real-time data to the page elements of your presentation.

Editing a data provider

Explains how the specifications of an existing data provider can be modified.

Removing a data provider

Describes how to remove an existing data provider from your presentation.

Duplicating a data provider

Describes how to make an exact copy of an existing data provider in your presentation.

Importing a data provider

Explains how to import a data provider from another presentation into your presentation.

Previewing a data provider

Describes how to preview a data provider to check the real-time data that is delivered by the data provider.

Reusing data providers

Describes how you can store your data providers and reuse them in other presentations.

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Adding a data provider

Before you can connect an element of your presentation to a data source to feed it with real-time information, you must first create a data provider.

To add a new data provider to your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click Add... in the Data Providers window to start the Data provider wizard.

3. Follow the instructions of the wizard. The wizard consists of the following steps:

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Data provider wizard step

Choosing a provider type

General provider settings

Provider connection settings

Adding your own columns

Applying filters and/or sorting


To choose the source type for your real-time data. You can choose from a wide range of provider types, varying from RSS feeds, XML files and Microsoft Excel files to Microsoft SQL

Server databases.

To enter a unique name for your data provider and decide if your want to use PADS Data Server for retrieval of real-time data.

To enter the specific connection settings for connecting to a data source. The settings you need to enter here are fully dependent on the provider type that you have chosen.

To add your own custom columns with calculated values to the data that is delivered by the data source.

To define your own filters and sorting to the data that is delivered by the data source.

Advanced provider settings

To specify advanced options for your data provider, like the definition of a backup data provider.

Each of these steps will be described in detail, further on in this manual.

4. Click Finish to complete the wizard and add the data provider to your presentation.


After you have added your data provider you can

preview your data provider

, to check if it delivers the real-time data your expected.


T o s p eed u p th e c r eati on of a d ata p r ovi d er you c an d i r ec tl y c l i c k F i n i sh af ter you h ave g on e th r ou g h th e r eq u i r ed s tep s of th e d ata p r ovi d er w i z ar d .

Page 331 of 485

Choosing a provider type

On the first page of the data provider wizard, you can select the type of provider that you want to use to feed your presentation with real-time data.

To select/modify the provider type of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Choose a provider type.

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You can choose between the following types:

Provider Type

.NET framework


To connect to a data source via a Microsoft .NET

framework provider.

Page 333 of 485

Folder content

Generic ODBC

Generic OLEDB

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server CE



Static table

Text feed

Text file

RSS feed

RSS file

WMI class

To connect to all or a selection of files in a folder.

To connect to a data source via an ODBC driver.

To connect to a data source via an OLEDB driver.

To connect to a table or query in a Microsoft

Access database.

To connect to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

To connect to items of a Microsoft Exchange


To connect to a table, view or stored procedure in a Microsoft SQL Server database.

To connect to a table, view or stored procedure in a Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition database.

To connect to a data source via the Open Data


To connect to a PADS Content Management System.

To connect to an embedded table in your presentation.

To connect to a text feed on the Internet.

To connect to the text in a text file.

To connect to an RSS feed on the Internet.

To connect to a file with RSS content.

To connect to a Windows Management Instru-

Page 334 of 485

ment class.

To connect to an XML feed on the Internet.

XML feed

XML file

To connect to a file with XML content.

3. Click Next to continue.

4. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



The provider type you select here determines the next steps of the data provider wizard.


Some of th e l i s ted p r ovi d er typ es ( l i ke . NE T  Fr amew or k, ODBC, OL E DB an d OData) ar e g en er i c an d c an b e u s ed to c on n ec t to a w i d e var i ety of d ata s ou r c es . T h e on l y r eq u i r emen t f or th i s i s , th at you h ave i n s tal l ed th e c or r ec t d r i ver s f or th es e d ata s ou r c es .

Page 335 of 485

General provider settings

On the second page of the data provider wizard, you can enter a unique name for your data provider and decide if your want to use PADS Data Server for retrieval of real-time data.

To set/modify the general provider settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page with general provider settings.

3. Enter the general settings of your data provider.

Page 336 of 485

As Provider Name you must enter a unique name to identify the data provider within your presentation. Optionally you can add a Description.

If you switch on the option Make use of the Data Server for retrieval of Data, then during playback the system will automatically send requests for real-time data to PADS Data Server. The

Data Server will retrieve the real-time data and make it available to all connected PADS Viewers for playback. If this option is switched off each PADS Viewer will collect its real-time data by itself.

Page 337 of 485

Usually, using PADS Data Server will increase the server load, but will minimize the number of connections to your data source.


W h en you u s e a PADS Data Ser ver th en th e l oc ati on of you r d ata s ou r c e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew . W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS

Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e d ata s ou r c e you s p ec i f y i n th e n ext s tep s of th e d ata p r ovi d er w i z ar d .

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



The PADS Data Server is part of the PADS Server. So when you specify to use a PADS Data Server, then the system will always automatically connect to your PADS Server for this. If you have specified a backup

PADS Server and the connection with your primary server fails, then your system will automatically switch over to the backup PADS Server including the PADS Data Server.

If the Data Server setting is not set correctly then the next steps of the data provider wizard may not work, because PADS Designer cannot find the location of your data source.Returns


T h er e ar e man y f ac tor s th at d eter mi n e w h eth er or n ot i t' s w i s e to u s e th e PADS Data

Ser ver f or r etr i eval of d ata. If man y PADS Vi ew er s w i l l r eq u i r e th e r eal - ti me d ata of you r d ata p r ovi d er at th e s ame momen t, th en PADS Data Ser ver c an b e u s ed to r etr i eve th i s d ata on l y on c e an d h ave i t d i s tr i b u ted to al l c on n ec ted PADS Vi ew er s . If you r d ata p r ovi d er c on tai n s vi ew er - s p ec i f i c p ar ameter s ( l i ke th e Vi ew er Name as i n p u t f or a s tor ed p r oc ed u r e) th en i t u s u al l y b es t n ot to u s e th e PADS Data Ser ver . Al s o w h en you d ata s ou r c e h as b u i l t- i n op ti mi z ati on f or exec u ti n g q u er i es ( l i ke SQL  Ser ver ) th en u s i n g a

PADS Data Ser ver w i l l p r ob ab l y n ot of f er mu c h ad van tag es .

Page 338 of 485

Provider connection settings

After choosing a provider type in the data provider wizard, you must specify the connection settings for your provider. The connection settings you need to specify fully depend on the provider type that you have chosen at the begin of the wizard and will be described in detail in this section.

In this section


Net Framework

Describes how to connect to a data source via a Microsoft .NET framework provider.

Folder content

Describes how to connect to all or a selection of files in a folder.

Generic ODBC

Describes how to connect to a data source via an ODBC driver.

Generic OLEDB

Describes how to connect to a data source via an OLEDB driver.

Microsoft Access

Describes how to connect to a table or query in a Microsoft Access database.

Microsoft Excel

Describes how to connect to a Microsoft Excel sheet.

Microsoft Exchange Server

Describes how to connect to items of a Microsoft Exchange Server.

Microsoft SQL Server

Describes how to connect to a table, view or stored procedure in a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Microsoft SQL Server CE

Describes how to connect to a table, view or stored procedure in a Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition database.


Describes how to connect to a data source via the Open Data Protocol.


Describes how to connect to a PADS Content Management System.

Static table

Describe how to connect to an embedded table in your presentation.

Text feed

Describes how to connect to a text feed on the Internet.

Text file

Describes how to connect to a text in a text file.

Page 339 of 485

RSS feed

Describes how to connect to an RSS feed on the Internet.

RSS file

Describes how to connect to a file with RSS content.

WMI class

Describes how to connect to a Windows Management Instrument class.

XML feed

Describes how to connect to an XML feed on the Internet.

XML file

Describes how to connect to a file with XML content.

Page 340 of 485

Connecting a database via .NET framework

The .NET framework provider type is a generic provider type that enables you to connect to many industry standard databases like MySQL, Oracle and SQL Server. .NET Framework data providers are lightweight, creating a minimal layer between the data source and your system, increasing performance without sacrificing functionality.


Bef or e you c an c on n ec t to a d ata s ou r c e vi a a . NE T  f r amew or k d ata p r ovi d er w i th PADS, you f i r s t h ave to i n s tal l th e . NE T  d r i ver f or th e r eq u i r ed d atab as e typ e on you r s ys tem.

After you have chosen .NET framework as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a data source via a .NET Framework data provider.

To add/modify the .NET framework connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the .NET framework connection settings.

3. Specify the .NET framework data provider, connection string and SQL statement to get access to your data.

Page 341 of 485

Select your Provider from the list of installed .NET framework data providers. If the provider you want to use is not listed, then this means that the .NET driver has not been (correctly) installed on your PC.

As Connection String you must enter the command for connecting to your data source. The string value you have to enter here depends on your .NET provider. Please see the documentation of your .NET provider for details or otherwise


Page 342 of 485


A p os s i b l e c on n ec ti on s tr i n g f or a MySQL d atab as e c ou l d b e:

Ser ver -

= 1 9 2 . 1 6 8 . 1 . 1 0 ; Por r t= 3 3 0 6 ; Datab as e= mys amp l ed b ; U i d = r oot; Pw d = myp as s w or d ; p ool i n g = f al s e; .

The SQL Statement determines the data that will be retrieved from your data source.


T o s i mp l y r etu r n al l d ata of a tab l e you c ou l d u s e a SQL s tatemen t l i ke:

SE L E CT * FROM MyT ab l e

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



To check if the connection settings you have entered are correct, you can click the Test button.


W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e r i g h t . NE T d r i ver mu s t b e i n s tal l ed on you r s er ver AND th e l oc ati on of you r d ata s ou r c e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er h ave th e r i g h t . NE T d r i ver i n s tal l ed an d ar e ab l e to f i n d th e d ata s ou r c e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 343 of 485

Connecting a database via OData (Open Data Protocol)

The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a Web protocol for querying data. OData does this by applying and building upon Web technologies such as HTTP, Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and JSON to provide access to information from a variety of applications, services, and stores. OData is being used to expose and access information from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, relational databases, file systems, content management systems and traditional Web sites.

After you have chosen OData as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a data source via OData.

To add/modify the OData connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the OData connection settings.

3. Specify the web location of your OData data source.

Page 344 of 485

As OData Web Service you must specify the URL of the location, containing your OData data source.

The system will only accept data structures that follow the official OData specifications, as described at


Page 345 of 485


An examp l e of a p os s i b l e OData W eb Ser vi c e val u e i s th e f amou s Noth w i n d s amp l e d atab as e: h ttp : / / s er vi c es . od ata. or g / Nor th w i n d / Nor th w i n d . s vc / .

If your OData data source has been secured you must switch on Authorization required and specify a UserID, Password and optionally a Domain to get access.

To check if your specified connection settings are correct, click the Test button.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the Data Source you want to connect to.

Page 346 of 485

If the data source has automatically been detected by the system, then you can choose Pre-

defined, click the drop-down box and select the data source from the shown list. Otherwise choose Manual and manually enter the name of the table, query or other data source.

Optionally you can use Skip first number of Rows from result to remove the first x rows from the retrieved data.

5. Click Next to continue.

Page 347 of 485

6. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en you r OData d ata s ou r c e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew . W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS

Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e OData d ata s ou r c e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 348 of 485

Connecting a database via ODBC

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a widely used, generic model for accessing all kind of industry standard databases. Many manufacturers have adopted the ODBC model to give access to their databases.

Compared to OLEDB, ODBC gives less overhead but on the other hand offers less functionality.


Bef or e you c an c on n ec t to a d ata s ou r c e vi a ODBC w i th PADS, you f i r s t h ave to i n s tal l th e

ODBC d r i ver f or th e r eq u i r ed d atab as e typ e on you r s ys tem.

After you have chosen ODBC as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a data source via ODBC.

To add/modify the ODBC connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the ODBC connection settings.

3. Specify the ODBC connection string to get access to your data.

Page 349 of 485

As Data Link you must enter the command for connecting to your data source. The string value you have to enter here depends on your ODBC driver. Please see the documentation of your

ODBC driver for details, or otherwise


Page 350 of 485


An examp l e of a p os s i b l e ODBC c on n ec ti on s tr i n g val u e to c on n ec t to a Mi c r os of t

Ac c es s d atab as e i s :

Dr i ver = { Mi c r os of t Ac c es s Dr i ver ( * . md b , * . ac c d b ) } ; Db q = C: \ MyDatab as e. ac c d b ; U i d = Ad mi n ; Pw d = ;

To check if your specified connection settings are correct, click the Test button.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the Data Source you want to connect to.

Page 351 of 485

To select one the data sources that have been automatically detected by the system, then choose

Tables, Views or Stored Procedures, click the drop-down box and select the data source from the shown list. Otherwise choose SQL Statement and manually enter an SQL statement to retrieve the required data.

Page 352 of 485


On l y u s e an SQL  s tatemen t w h en you c an ' t u s e on e of th e au tomati c al l y d etec ted d ata s ou r c es . SQL  s tatemen ts al w ays n eed to b e val i d ated d u r i n g exec u ti on , w h i c h may r es u l t i n a s l ow er p er f or man c e.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e r i g h t ODBC d r i ver mu s t b e i n s tal l ed on you r s er ver AND th e l oc ati on of you r d ata s ou r c e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er h ave th e r i g h t ODBC d r i ver i n s tal l ed an d ar e ab l e to f i n d th e d ata s ou r c e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 353 of 485

Connecting a database via OLEDB

Similar to ODBC, OLEDB (Object Linking and Embedding Databases) is a generic model for accessing all kind of industry standard databases. Compared to ODBC, OLEDB gives more overhead, but on the other hand offers more functionality.


Bef or e you c an c on n ec t to a d ata s ou r c e vi a OL E DB w i th PADS, you f i r s t h ave to i n s tal l th e OL E DB d r i ver f or th e r eq u i r ed d atab as e typ e on you r s ys tem.

After you have chosen OLEDB as provider type in the data provider wizard, you must specify the right settings to connect to a data source via an OLEDB driver.

To add/modify the OLEDB connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the OLEDB connection settings.

3. Specify the OLEDB connection string to get access to your data.

Page 354 of 485

As Data Link you can manually enter the command for connecting to your data source. The string value you enter here depends on your OLEDB driver. Please see the documentation of your

OLEDB driver for details, or otherwise


Beside manually entering your connection string, you can also click New... and follow the instructions to compose your connection string.

Page 355 of 485


An examp l e of a p os s i b l e OL E DB c on n ec ti on s tr i n g val u e to c on n ec t to a Mi c r os of t

Ac c es s d atab as e i s :

Pr ovi d er = Mi c r os of t. ACE . OL E DB. 1 2 . 0 ; Data Sou r c e= c : \ MyDatab as e. ac c d b ; Per s i s t

Sec u r i ty In f o= T r u e

To check if your specified connection settings are correct, click the Test button.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the Data Source you want to connect to.

Page 356 of 485

To select one the data sources that have been automatically detected by the system, then choose

Tables, Views or Stored Procedures, click the drop-down box and select the data source from the shown list. Otherwise choose SQL Statement and manually enter an SQL statement to retrieve the required data.

Page 357 of 485


On l y u s e an SQL  s tatemen t w h en you c an ' t u s e on e of th e au tomati c al l y d etec ted d ata s ou r c es . SQL  s tatemen ts al w ays n eed to b e val i d ated d u r i n g exec u ti on , w h i c h may r es u l t i n a s l ow er p er f or man c e.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e r i g h t OL E DB d r i ver mu s t b e i n s tal l ed on you r s er ver AND th e l oc ati on of you r d ata s ou r c e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er h ave th e r i g h t OL E DB d r i ver i n s tal l ed an d ar e ab l e to f i n d th e d ata s ou r c e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 358 of 485

Connecting a folder

With the folder provider type you can connect to a specific folder in order to get access to the content of this folder. You can retrieve all files from the folder or just a selection. Optionally, you can include sub folders as well.

After you have chosen Folder as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a collection of files in a folder.

To add/modify the folder connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the folder connection settings.

3. Specify the folder, filter and sorting settings.

Page 359 of 485

Select Content Library to use a folder from the PADS Content Library or Folder to use a folder outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the folder. If required you can use the browse button to locate the folder.

Page 360 of 485


It' s s tr on g l y r ec ommen d ed to u s e th e PADS Con ten t L i b r ar y, b ec au s e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y i s au tomati c al l y s yn c h r on i z ed ac r os s al l c omp u ter s i n you r PADS s ys tem.

If you u s e a f ol d er ou ts i d e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y you h ave to h an d l e th e d i s tr i b u ti on of th e f i l es i n th i s f ol d er you r s el f .

Switch on Include Sub folders, if you also want to include the files of the sub folders of your selected folder.

Use the Search Extension Restriction settings to filter on the files that you want to be included in the result.

Optionally use the Sorting File List settings to sort the files in the result.

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en you r f ol d er mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew . W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e f ol d er you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Although technically possible, it's not recommended to use a shared folder (via mapped network drive or UNC path) on your network as folder to connect to. A shared network folder will not only generate network traffic each time the data provider refreshes, but may also generate significant network traffic when the file names of the folder are used to retrieve the entire file content for displaying purposes.

Beside the folder specific sorting options described above, you can also use the generic sorting options that can be set in one of the last steps of the data provider wizard. If you set the sorting options at both places, then the generic sorting options will overrule the folder specific sorting options.

Page 361 of 485

Connecting a Microsoft Access database

The Microsoft Access provider type enables you to connect to Microsoft Access databases of Office

2010 or earlier versions.


Bef or e you c an c on n ec t to a Mi c r os of t Ac c es s d atab as e w i th PADS, you may f i r s t h ave to i n s tal l th e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s on you r s ys tem. For i n s tan c e on W i n d ow s 7 s ys tems th es e Of f i c e d r i ver s ar e n ot i n s tal l ed b y d ef au l t. T h e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s c an b e d ow n l oad ed f or f r ee f r om th e w eb s i te of Mi c r os of t.

After you have chosen Microsoft Access as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a table, query or parameter query of a Microsoft Access database.

To add/modify the Microsoft Access connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the Microsoft Access connection settings.

3. Specify the location and file name of the Microsoft Access database to connect to.

Page 362 of 485

Select Content Library to use a Microsoft Access database in the PADS Content Library or File

Name to use a Microsoft Access database outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the file. If required you can use the browse button to locate the file.

If your Microsoft Access database has been protected, then you can specify a Login Name and

Password to get access.

Page 363 of 485

To check if your specified connection settings are correct, click the Test button.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the Data Source you want to connect to.

Page 364 of 485

To select one of the data sources that have been automatically detected by the system, choose

Tables, Queries or Parameter Queries, click the drop-down box and select the data source from the shown list. Otherwise choose SQL Statement and manually enter an SQL statement to retrieve the required data.


On l y u s e an SQL  s tatemen t w h en you c an ' t u s e on e of th e au tomati c al l y d etec ted d ata s ou r c es . SQL  s tatemen ts al w ays n eed to b e val i d ated d u r i n g exec u ti on , w h i c h may r es u l t i n a s l ow er p er f or man c e.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s mu s t b e i n s tal l ed on you r s er ver AND th e l oc ati on of you r Ac c es s d atab as e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er h ave th e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s i n s tal l ed an d ar e ab l e to f i n d th e Ac c es s d atab as e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Although technically possible, it's not recommended to refer to a Microsoft Access database in a shared folder (via mapped network drive or UNC path) on your network. Using a Microsoft Access database in a shared network folder may generate significant network traffic each time the data provider refreshes.

Page 365 of 485

Connecting a Microsoft Excel sheet

The Microsoft Excel provider type enables you to connect to Microsoft Excel files of Office 2010 or earlier versions.


Bef or e you c an c on n ec t to a Mi c r os of t E xc el f i l e w i th PADS, you may f i r s t h ave to i n s tal l th e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s on you r s ys tem. For i n s tan c e on W i n d ow s 7 s ys tems th es e

Of f i c e d r i ver s ar e n ot i n s tal l ed b y d ef au l t. T h e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s c an b e d ow n l oad ed f or f r ee f r om th e w eb s i te of Mi c r os of t.

After you have chosen Microsoft Excel as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a sheet of a Microsoft Excel file.

To add/modify the Microsoft Excel connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the Microsoft Excel connection settings.

3. Specify the location and file name of the Microsoft Excel file to connect to.

Page 366 of 485

Select Content Library to use a Microsoft Excel file in the PADS Content Library or File Name to use a Microsoft Excel file outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the file. If required you can use the browse button to locate the file.

Page 367 of 485


If you d on ' t

u s e a d ata s er ver

i t' s s tr on g l y r ec ommen d ed to u s e th e PADS Con ten t

L i b r ar y, b ec au s e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y i s au tomati c al l y s yn c h r on i z ed ac r os s al l c omp u ter s i n you r PADS s ys tem. If you u s e a Mi c r os of t E xc el f i l e ou ts i d e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y you h ave to h an d l e th e d i s tr i b u ti on of th e E xc el f i l e you r s el f .

Switch on First row contains column information when you want to remove the first row of the

Excel sheet from your results.

If your Microsoft Excel file has been protected, then you can specify a Password to get access.

To check if your specified connection settings are correct, click the Test button.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the sheet of your Excel file you want to connect to.

Page 368 of 485

The system automatically detects the available Sheets in your Excel file. Click the drop-down box and select the sheet from the shown list.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Page 369 of 485



W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s mu s t b e i n s tal l ed on you r s er ver AND th e l oc ati on of you r E xc el f i l e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er h ave th e Of f i c e Sys tem d r i ver s i n s tal l ed an d ar e ab l e to f i n d th e E xc el f i l e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Although technically possible, it's not recommended to refer to a Microsoft Excel file in a shared folder

(via mapped network drive or UNC path) on your network. Using a Microsoft Excel file in a shared network folder may generate significant network traffic each time the data provider refreshes.

To prevent file locking problems the PADS system internally makes a copy of your Microsoft Excel file and works on this internal copy.

Page 370 of 485

Connecting a Microsoft Exchange Server

The Microsoft Exchange Server provider type enables you to connect to Microsoft Exchange Servers of

Office 2010 or 2007 SP1.

After you have chosen Microsoft Exchange as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to the calendar, inbox or contacts of a Microsoft Exchange server.

To add/modify the Microsoft Exchange connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the Microsoft Exchange connection settings.

3. Specify the settings, required to connect to your Microsoft Exchange Server.

Page 371 of 485

Use the Microsoft Exchange Software Version options to select the version of your Microsoft

Exchange Server.

Choose Automatic and enter the E-mail Address of a valid account on your Exchange Server or choose Manual and enter a valid URL to connect to your Microsoft Exchange Server. For details about possible URLs to connect to your Microsoft Exchange Server, see the documentation of

Microsoft Exchange.

Page 372 of 485


An examp l e of a p os s i b l e U RL to c on n ec t to Mi c r os of t E xc h an g e i s : h ttp s : / / Y ou r Smal l Bu s i n es s Ser ver / E W X/ E xc h an g e. as mx.

Next, enter the User Name, Password and Domain of a valid account on your Exchange Server that can be used to connect.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the Data Source you want to connect to.

Page 373 of 485

Choose if you want to access the data of the Calendar, Inbox of Contacts from the account that you have used to connect.

Optionally use the View Date/Time Period settings to filter the data that will be returned.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Page 374 of 485

Connecting a Microsoft SQL Server CE database

The Microsoft SQL Server CE provider type enables you to connect to Microsoft SQL Server Compact

Edition databases.

After you have chosen Microsoft SQL Server CE as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a table of a Microsoft SQL Server CE database.

To add/modify the Microsoft SQL Server CE connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the Microsoft

SQL Server CE connection settings.

3. Specify the location and file name of the Microsoft SQL Server CE database to connect to.

Page 375 of 485

Select Content Library to use a Microsoft SQL Server CE database in the PADS Content Library or File Name to use a Microsoft SQL Server CE database outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the file. If required you can use the browse button to locate the file.

If your Microsoft SQL Server CE database has been protected, then you can specify a Password to get access.

Page 376 of 485

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the table in the database you want to connect to.

The system automatically detects the available Tables in your SQL Server CE database. Click the drop-down box and select the table from the shown list.

Click Next to continue.

Page 377 of 485

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e l oc ati on of you r Mi c r os of t

SQL  Ser ver CE d atab as e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e Mi c r os of t

SQL  Ser ver CE d atab as e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 378 of 485

Connecting a Microsoft SQL Server database

The Microsoft SQL Server provider type enables you to connect to Microsoft SQL Server databases, using the native SQL Server driver.

After you have chosen Microsoft SQL Server as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a table, view or stored procedure of a Microsoft Access database.

To add/modify the Microsoft SQL Server connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the Microsoft

SQL Server connection settings.

3. Specify the settings, required to connect to your Microsoft SQL Server.

Page 379 of 485

As Microsoft SQL Server Name you can either manually enter the name of your SQL Server or click the drop-down button to get a list of available SQL Servers in your network.

In the Logon to the Server section specify the authentication settings and other settings that can be used to connect to your SQL Server.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

Page 380 of 485

4. Select the Database of your SQL Server instance and the Data Source you want to connect to.

To select a Database of your SQL Server instance, click the drop-down button and select the database from the shown list.

To select one of the data sources that have been automatically detected by the system, choose

Tables, Views or Stored Procedures, click the drop-down box and select the data source from

Page 381 of 485

the shown list. Otherwise choose SQL Statement and manually enter an SQL statement to retrieve the required data.


On l y u s e an SQL  s tatemen t w h en you c an ' t u s e on e of th e au tomati c al l y d etec ted d ata s ou r c es . SQL  s tatemen ts al w ays n eed to b e val i d ated d u r i n g exec u ti on , w h i c h may r es u l t i n a s l ow er p er f or man c e.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



Because Microsoft SQL Server has built-in optimization for executing queries it's not always recommended to

use a data server

in combination with Microsoft SQL Server.

Page 382 of 485

Connecting a PADS CMS

The PADS CMS provider type enables you to access data, stored in the PADS Content Management System. The PADS CMS is a complementary product of PADS that can be separately purchased. It can be used to store various categories of content and includes a large collection of predefined query to retrieve the content for display purposes. To manage the content in the PADS CMS database you can use the PADS Content Manager application.

After you have chosen PADS CMS as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a query of your PADS CMS database.

To add/modify the PADS CMS connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the PADS CMS connection settings.

3. Specify the settings, required to connect to your PADS CMS Server.

Page 383 of 485

As PADS CMS Serverr you must enter the network address of your PADS CMS server. This can be a computer name, ip address of DNS name.

Adjust the Port Number, if your PADS CMS Server has been configured to use a different port number than the default port number (80).

Specify the Autorization settings when your PADS CMS Server has been secured.

Page 384 of 485

Specify the Proxy Server settings if the connection runs via a proxy server that requires authentication.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the Data Source you want to connect to.

Page 385 of 485

To select one of the data sources that have been automatically detected by the system, choose

Tables or Parameter Queries, click the drop-down box and select the data source from the shown list.

Enter the values for the Parameters when you have selected a parameter query.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Page 386 of 485

Connecting a static table

The static data provider type enables you to embed a table with static data in your presentation and use is in the same way as with other data provider. Because the table is stored into your presentation it's guaranteed that the data in the table is always accessible.

After you have chosen static data as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to access the static data of your presentation.

To add/modify the Static data connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the Static data connection settings.

3. Design the structure of the table you want to use.

Page 387 of 485

Click New Table.. to create the structure of your table.

Page 388 of 485

Click Add to add a new column to your table. Use in-place editing to change the Column name and/or Type of the column. Optionally, click Move Up or Move Down to change the sequence order of the columns.

After you are finished designing the structure of your table, click OK to return to the data provider wizard.

Click Save Table... if you want to save the structure of the created table on your computer. Save table structures can be reused later in other presentations by clicking Load Table....

4. Fill your table with static data.

Page 389 of 485

Click Add Row to insert a new row into your table. Use in-place editing to enter static values for the columns of your row. Optionally, click Move Up or Move Down to change the sequence order of your rows.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Page 390 of 485



In s ome s i tu ati on s i t c an b e i n ter es ti n g to p l ac e th e s tati c p l ay l i s t i tems of you r el emen t p l ay l i s t i n a s tati c tab l e. T h i s w ay f eatu r es th at ar e on l y avai l ab l e to d ata p r ovi d er s ( l i ke r u l es ) c an b e ap p l i ed .

A data provider offering static data is always available, because it's embedded into your presentation.

This makes static tables an ideal candidate for a

backup data provider

. If you use a backup data provider, then it's your own responsibility to make sure that the backup data provider will deliver exactly the same data structure as the primary data provider.

Page 391 of 485

Connecting a text feed

The text feed provider type enables you to connect to a text file over a network (typically the Internet) and treat the content of the text file as a table with columns and rows.


W h en you w an t to c on n ec t to a text f i l e i n th e PADS Con ten t L i b r ar y or on you r f i l e s ys tem, you h ave to u s e th e

text f i l e

p r ovi d er typ e.

After you have chosen text feed as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a text feed.

To add/modify the text feed connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the text feed connection settings.

3. Specify the web location of the text file to connect to.

Page 392 of 485

Specify the URL of the location, containing your text feed.

Specify the Column Delimiter settings to define how the content of your text feed must be split up into columns. Switch on The text file contains column information when the first line of your text feed contains the column names. Also choose the character that is used in your text file to separate the column values.

Page 393 of 485

Specify the Row Delimiter settings to define how the content of your text feed must be split up into rows.

If your text feed has been secured you must switch on Authorization required and specify a

UserID, Password and optionally a Domain to get access.

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en you r text f eed mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew . W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS

Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e text f eed you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 394 of 485

Connecting a text file

The text file provider type enables you to connect to a text file and treat the content of the text file as a table with columns and rows.


W h en you w an t to c on n ec t to a text f i l e on th e In ter n et you h ave to u s e th e

text f eed

p r ovi d er typ e.

After you have chosen text file as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to a text file.

To add/modify the text file connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the text file connection settings.

3. Specify the location and file name of the text file to connect to.

Page 395 of 485

Select Content Library to use a text file in the PADS Content Library or File Name to use a text file outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the file. If required you can use the browse button to locate the file.

Page 396 of 485


If you d on ' t

u s e a d ata s er ver

i t' s s tr on g l y r ec ommen d ed to u s e th e PADS Con ten t

L i b r ar y, b ec au s e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y i s au tomati c al l y s yn c h r on i z ed ac r os s al l c omp u ter s i n you r PADS s ys tem. If you u s e a text f i l e ou ts i d e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y you h ave to h an d l e th e d i s tr i b u ti on of th e text f i l e you r s el f .

Specify the Column Delimiter settings to define how the content of your text file must be split up into columns. Switch on The text file contains column information when the first line of your text file contains the column names. Also choose the character that is used in your text file to separate the column values.

Specify the Row Delimiter settings to define how the content of your text file must be split up into rows.

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e l oc ati on of you r text f i l e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e text f i l e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

To prevent file locking problems the PADS system internally makes a copy of your text file and works on this internal copy.

Page 397 of 485

Connecting an RSS feed

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a standardized web feed format, used to publish frequently updated works such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video.


If you c on n ec t to a w eb f eed th at d oes n ot f ol l ow th e of f i c i al RSS 2 . 0 s p ec i f i c ati on s , th en you h ave to u s e th e

XML f eed

p r ovi d er typ e.

W h en you w an t to c on n ec t to an RSS f i l e i n th e PADS c on ten t l i b r ar y or on you r f i l e s ys tem you h ave to u s e th e

RSS f i l e

p r ovi d er typ e.

After you have chosen RSS feed as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to an RSS feed.

To add/modify the RSS feed connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the RSS feed connection settings.

3. Specify the link of the RSS feed to connect to.

Page 398 of 485

As RSS feed Address you must specify the URL, referring to the location your RSS feed.

The system will only accept data structures that can be processed by the Microsoft

.NET framework and follow the official RSS 2.0 specifications, as described at .

Page 399 of 485


An examp l e of a p os s i b l e RSS f eed ad d r es s i s th e n ew s f eed of BBC w or l d n ew s : h ttp : / / n ew s r s s . b b c . c o. u k/ r s s / n ew s on l i n e_ w or l d _ ed i ti on / f r on t_ p ag e/ r s s . xml .

If your RSS feed has been secured you must switch on Authorization required and specify a

UserID, Password and optionally a Domain to get access.

Specify the Proxy Server settings if the connection runs via a proxy server that requires authentication.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en you r RSS f eed mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew . W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS

Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e RSS f eed you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 400 of 485

Connecting an RSS file

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a standardized web feed format, used to publish frequently updated works such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video.

The RSS file provider type enables you to connect to an XML file with an internal structure that can be processed by the Microsoft .NET framework and follows the official RSS 2.0 specifications, as described at .


If you c on n ec t to an RSS f i l e th at d oes n ot f ol l ow th e of f i c i al RSS 2 . 0 s p ec i f i c ati on s , th en you h ave to u s e th e

XML f i l e

p r ovi d er typ e.

W h en you w an t to c on n ec t to an RSS f eed on th e In ter n et you h ave to u s e th e

RSS f eed

p r ovi d er typ e.

After you have chosen RSS file as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to an RSS file.

To add/modify the RSS file connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the RSS file connection settings.

3. Specify the location and file name of the RSS file to connect to.

Page 401 of 485

Select Content Library to use an RSS file in the PADS Content Library or File Name to use an RSS file outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the file. If required you can use the browse button to locate the file.

Page 402 of 485


If you d on ' t

u s e a d ata s er ver

i t' s s tr on g l y r ec ommen d ed to u s e th e PADS Con ten t

L i b r ar y, b ec au s e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y i s au tomati c al l y s yn c h r on i z ed ac r os s al l c omp u ter s i n you r PADS s ys tem. If you u s e an RSS f i l e ou ts i d e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y you h ave to h an d l e th e d i s tr i b u ti on of th e text f i l e you r s el f .

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e l oc ati on of you r RSS f i l e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e RSS f i l e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

In some situations it can be interesting to download an RSS feed from the Internet, store it locally and use the RSS file data provider type of PADS to access it. To download an RSS feed from the Internet with

Microsoft Internet Explorer, use the following steps:

1. Start Microsoft Internet Explorer.

2. Navigate to the RSS feed.

3. Right-click the browser window and select the menu option 'View Source'. This will open the Notepad application to show the content.

4. Use the Save function of Notepad to save the content to a file.

Page 403 of 485

Connecting a WMI class

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a set of extensions to the Windows Driver Model that gives access to system information about nearly every aspect of your Windows system.

After you have chosen WMI as provider type in the data provider wizard, you must specify the right settings to connect to a WMI class.

To add/modify the WMI connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the WMI connection settings.

3. Specify the authorization settings to access WMI.

Page 404 of 485

Specify Authorization settings if access to WMI has been secured.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the WMI data source you want to connect to.

Page 405 of 485

To select one of the WMI classes that have been automatically detected by the system, choose

Win32 Class, Msft Class, Cim Class or Other Classes, click the drop-down box and select the data source from the shown list. Otherwise choose Manual Query and manually enter an query statement to retrieve WMI data. For more information about querying WMI, see

WMI documentation on the Internet.

Click Next to continue.

Page 406 of 485

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



The WMI data provider will retrieve its information from the local PC. This means that you can use a WMI data provider to visualize interesting system information of your PADS Viewer PC or use this information in rule conditions.

Although technically possible, it does not really make sense to

use a data server

for delivery of your

WMI information. When using a data server, all PADS Viewers will receive the system information of the

PADS Server PC instead of their own local system information.

Page 407 of 485

Connecting an XML feed

The XML feed provider type enables you to connect to a web feed that does not follow the official RSS

2.0 specifications.


If you c on n ec t to a w eb f eed th at DOE S f ol l ow th e of f i c i al RSS 2 . 0 s p ec i f i c ati on s , th en you c an b es t u s e th e

RSS f eed

p r ovi d er typ e.

W h en you w an t to c on n ec t to an XML f i l e i n th e PADS c on ten t l i b r ar y or on you r f i l e s ys tem you h ave to u s e th e

XML f i l e

p r ovi d er typ e.

After you have chosen XML feed as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to an XML feed.

To add/modify the XML feed connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the XML feed connection settings.

3. Specify the link of the XML feed to connect to.

Page 408 of 485

As RSS feed Address you must specify the URL, referring to the location of your XML feed.

The system will only accept data structures that can be processed as an XML data table.

If your XML feed has been secured you must switch on Authorization required and specify a

UserID, Password and optionally a Domain to get access.

Page 409 of 485

Specify the Proxy Server settings if the connection runs via a proxy server that requires authentication.

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the table in the XML feed you want to connect to.

Page 410 of 485

The system automatically detects the available Tables in your XML feed. Click the drop-down box and select the table from the shown list.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider




W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en you r XML f eed mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew . W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS

Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e XML f eed you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 411 of 485

Connecting an XML file

The XML file provider type enables you to connect to an XML file with an internal data structures that can be processed as an XML data table..


If you c on n ec t to an XML f i l e w i th i n i n ter n al d ata s tr u c tu r e th at f ol l ow th e of f i c i al

RSS 2 . 0 s p ec i f i c ati on s , th en you c an b es t u s e th e

RSS f i l e

p r ovi d er typ e.

W h en you w an t to c on n ec t to an XML f eed on th e In ter n et you h ave to u s e th e

XML f eed

p r ovi d er typ e.

After you have chosen XML file as provider type in the data provider wizard of PADS, you must specify the right settings to connect to an XML file.

To add/modify the XML file connection settings of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where start specifying the XML file connection settings.

3. Specify the location and file name of the XML file to connect to.

Page 412 of 485

Select Content Library to use an XML file in the PADS Content Library or File Name to use an

XML file outside the content library. Next you must specify the name (including the relative or absolute path) of the file. If required you can use the browse button to locate the file.

Page 413 of 485


If you d on ' t

u s e a d ata s er ver

i t' s s tr on g l y r ec ommen d ed to u s e th e PADS Con ten t

L i b r ar y, b ec au s e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y i s au tomati c al l y s yn c h r on i z ed ac r os s al l c omp u ter s i n you r PADS s ys tem. If you u s e an XML f i l e ou ts i d e th e c on ten t l i b r ar y you h ave to h an d l e th e d i s tr i b u ti on of th e text f i l e you r s el f .

Afterwards click Next to continue.

4. Select the table in the XML file you want to connect to.

Page 414 of 485

The system automatically detects the available Tables in your XML file. Click the drop-down box and select the table from the shown list.

Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Page 415 of 485



W h en you h ave s p ec i f i ed to

u s e a PADS Data Ser ver

th en th e l oc ati on of you r XML f i l e mu s t b e ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e Data Ser ver ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

W h en you d on ' t u s e a PADS Data Ser ver , th en you n eed to en s u r e th at b oth th e PADS

Des i g n er ( f or p r evi ew i n g ) an d eac h PADS Vi ew er ar e ab l e to f i n d th e XML f i l e you s p ec i f y ab ove.

Page 416 of 485

Adding your own columns to your data provider

In the data provider wizard after you have defined the provider connection settings, you have the possibility to add your own custom columns with calculated values to the data that is delivered by the data source.


W h en you r d ata s ou r c e d el i ver s th e r i g h t d ata, b u t n ot exac tl y i n th e w ay you w an t, th en ad d i n g you r ow n c ol u mn s i s th e i d eal w ay to ad j u s t th e r es u l ts w i th ou t h avi n g to make ad j u s tmen ts to th e or i g i n al d ata s ou r c e.

To add/modify your own columns of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where you can add your own columns.

3. Add your own columns to your data provider.

Page 417 of 485

If you switch on Add Current Date columns then the system will automatically add the following columns to the delivered data of your data source:




Returns the current date.

Page 418 of 485







Returns both the current date and time.

Returns the current year.

Returns the current month number.

Returns the current day of month number.

Returns the name of the current week day.

Returns the current date as a numeric value.

If you switch on Add Current Time columns then the system will automatically add the following columns to the delivered data of your data source:




Returns the current time.



Returns both the current number of hours within the day.

Returns the current number of minutes within the hour.

4. Use the Expressions section to add your own calculated columns to the delivered data of your data source.

To add a calculated column, click Add.

Page 419 of 485

As Column Name you must enter a unique name to identify your column within the delivered data. The Data Type enables you to deliver your calculated column in the right data format.

As Expression you must enter the expression that will be used to calculate the returning value for your column. For instance you could concatenate the values of two existing columns or apply an mathematical calculation to an existing column. Any value that is accepted by the Microsoft .NET

Framework as an expression is allowed, giving you a nearly infinitive number of possibilities.


T o g et an over vi ew of al l p os s i b l e val u es th at c an b e u s ed as an exp r es s i on , s ee h ttp : / / ms d n . mi c r os of t. c om/ en - u s / l i b r ar y/ s ys tem. d ata. d atac ol u mn . exp r es s i on

( v= VS. 7 1 ) . as p x .

To include one of the existing columns of your data provider in your expression, you can doubleclick the column in the list of Available columns. To see if the syntax of your expression is correct click Test.

Click OK to add your calculated column and return to the data provider wizard window.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Page 420 of 485


The values of the columns that you define here will be calculated at real-time during playback. For the calculation of the current date and current time during playback the system time of the PC is used.

Choosing the right Data Type for your calculated columns is important when you want to display your real-time data in a certain format. Optionally, you can also use the

Formatted Text

element to display your data with the right formatting or handle the formatting in the Expression of the calculated column.

Page 421 of 485

Applying filters and/or sorting to your data provider

As part of the data provider wizard, you can add your own filters and/or sorting to your data provider. A filter limits the number of rows in the data results to only the rows that meet the specified filter condition.

Sorting determine the sequence order in which the rows are returned.


W h en you r d ata s ou r c e d el i ver s th e r i g h t d ata, b u t n ot exac tl y i n th e r ow s or s or ti n g you w an t, th en ap p l yi n g you r ow n f i l ter s or s or ti n g i s th e i d eal w ay to ad j u s t th e r es u l ts w i th ou t h avi n g to make ad j u s tmen ts to th e or i g i n al d ata s ou r c e.

To add/modify your own filters and/or sorting of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where you can specify your own filters and sorting.

3. Apply your filters and/or sorting to your data provider.

Page 422 of 485

To set a filter for the data that is delivered by your data source click Filter data and then Edit.

Page 423 of 485

In the Filter Editor window, click Insert, specify your filter conditions and click Update. For complex filter conditions with an AND/OR clause you must do multiple insertions. Afterwards click OK to update the filter and return to the data provider wizard window.

4. To adjust the sorting order for the data that is delivered by your data source click Sort data and then Edit.

Page 424 of 485

Adjust the sorting order in the sort window. Afterwards click OK to update the sorting and return to the data provider wizard window.

5. Click Next to continue.

6. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



The Filter and sorting that you specify here will be applied after the data provider has retrieved the realtime data from the specified data source. This means the sorting will overrule any sorting that has been used by the data source itself.

Page 425 of 485

Advanced provider settings

As part of the data provider wizard, you can specify advanced options for your data provider.

To set/modify the advanced options of your data provider

1. Start the data provider wizard as described in

Adding a data provider


Editing a data provider .

2. Follow the instructions of the wizard, until the page where you can specify the advanced options.

3. Specify advanced options for your data provider.

Page 426 of 485

Retrieve data from data source, every x seconds determines the frequency used by the system to retrieve the real-time data from the data source of your data provider during playback of your presentation.

If Clear Data is switched on then during playback the system will automatically clear all real-time data when the connection with the data source is lost for more than the specified number of seconds.

Page 427 of 485


Sw i tc h on C l ear D at a w h en you r d ata p r ovi d er d el i ver s r eal - ti me d ata th at c an b es t b e r emoved w h en i t b ec omes ou td ated . For i n s tan c e r eal - ti me p as s en g er i n f or mati on at an ai r p or t or s toc k exc h an g e val u es at a s toc k mar ket.

If Use a backup data provider when the default data provider fails is switched on then you can click Edit... to define a second data provider that will act as a backup. If the data source of your data provider can not be accessed, the system will automatically switch over to this backup data provider.


If you u s e a b ac ku p d ata p r ovi d er , th en i t' s you r ow n r es p on s i b i l i ty to make s u r e th at th e b ac ku p d ata p r ovi d er w i l l d el i ver exac tl y th e s ame d ata s tr u c tu r e as th e p r i mar y d ata p r ovi d er . If th i s i s n ot th e c as e, th en th e el emen ts of you r p r es en tati on mi g h t n ot b e ab l e to c on n ec t to th e b ac ku p d ata p r ovi d er .

4. Click Next to continue.

5. Finish the wizard as described in

Adding a data provider



If you have specified to

use a data server

then the Retrieve data from data source, every x seconds setting determines how often your PADS Data Server will retrieve the real-time data. If PADS Data Server needs to retrieve the same real-time data with different refresh values for multiple PADS Viewers, then the lowest refresh value will be used. After retrieval of the real-time data the PADS Data Server only forwards the data to the connected PADS Viewers when the data has changed to minimize network traffic.

The Retrieve data from data source, every x seconds value will affect the CPU load on your Viewer PC

(and the Server PC if a data server is used). Depending on the location of your data source and the usage of a data server it will also affect the traffic on your network.

If you have switched on Clear Data and you use a data server then the real-time data is only cleared when the data source can no longer be accessed by PADS Data Server. The real-time data will not be automatically cleared when the connection of PADS Viewer with the PADS Data Server is lost.

If you specified a backup data provider in combination with a data server and the connection with this data server is lost, then the system will automatically switch over to your backup PADS Server (if specified) and use the data server that is part of this backup PADS Server.


If you r d ata p r ovi d er r ef er s to a d ata s ou r c e th at mi g h t b e temp or ar y i n ac c es s i b l e ( l i ke an RSS f eed on th e In ter n et) , th en i t c ou l d b e i n ter es ti n g to u s e a b ac ku p d ata p r ovi d er th at w i l l al w ays b e avai l ab l e ( l i ke an XML f i l e on you r c omp u ter ) .

Page 428 of 485

Page 429 of 485

Editing a data provider

Editing an existing data provider in your presentation is quite similar to adding a new data provider. The same data provider wizard is used for this purpose.

To edit an existing data provider in your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the data provider in the list of data providers to select it.

Page 430 of 485

3. Click Edit... to start the Data provider wizard.

4. Follow the steps of the wizard.


For more information about the working of the data provider wizard, see

Add a data provider .


If you mod i f y a d ata p r ovi d er th at i s u s ed b y on e or mor e p ag e el emen ts i n you r p r es en tati on , th en th e s ys tem w i l l tr y to keep th e exi s ti n g d ata p r ovi d er s etti n g s of th es e el emen ts . How ever i f you f or i n s tan c e c on n ec t to an oth er d ata s ou r c e w i th d i f f er en t c ol u mn n ames th en th i s i s n ot p os s i b l e. As a r es u l t al l th e el emen ts w i l l l oos e th er e d ata p r ovi d er s etti n g s .

Page 431 of 485

Removing a data provider

If you no longer use a certain data provider then you can best remove it from your presentation.

To remove an existing data provider from your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the data provider in the list of data providers to select it.

3. Click Remove to remove the data provider.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the provider.

5. If the data provider is still in use, a window will be shown to inform you about the page elements

Page 432 of 485

that use the data provider.

6. Click Remove to confirm again that you want to remove the provider.


If you click Remove to remove a data provider and this data provider is still in use by one or more elements of your presentation, then the system will give you a notification about this. If you confirm to delete the data provider anyway then all elements that still used the data provider will be adjusted and loose their connection.


It i s ver y i mp or tan t to r emove an y d ata p r ovi d er th at i s n o l on g er u s ed b y you r p r es en tati on . If s u c h a d ata p r ovi d er i s NOT r emoved th en d u r i n g p l ayb ac k th e s ys tem w i l l s ti l l r etr i eve an d r ef r es h th e r eal - ti me d ata f or th i s d ata p r ovi d er . T h i s may u n n ec es s ar i l y s l ow d ow n th e exec u ti on of you r s ys tem.

Page 433 of 485

Duplicating a data provider

Duplicating an existing data provider in your presentation creates a copy of an existing provider.

To Duplicate an existing data provider in your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the data provider in the list of data providers to select it.

3. Click Duplicate to create a copy of this data provider.

Page 434 of 485


The duplicate function is intended to be used when you want to create a new data provider that has much similarities with one of your existing data providers. Afterwards you can


the duplicated data provider to adjust it to your requirements.

When duplicating an existing data provider, the new duplicated data provider will get a new unique, generated name.

For more information about the working of the data provider wizard, see

Add a data provider .

Page 435 of 485

Importing a data provider

To reuse a data provider from another presentation you can import it into your presentation.

To import a data provider to your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click Import... in the Data Providers window.

3. In the File Open dialog window locate and open the folder that contains the presentation.

Page 436 of 485

4. Double-click the presentation you want to open.

5. A window with the available data providers in the selected presentation is shown.

Page 437 of 485

Select the data provider that you want to import and click OK.


When you import pages from another presentation via the

import pages wizard

and these pages contain data providers, then these data providers are automatically imported into your presentation. The same applies to

importing a master page .

If you import a data provider that has exactly the same name as one of your existing data providers, then it will automatically get a new unique, generated name.


W h en you of ten u s e th e s ame d ata p r ovi d er s i n you r p r es en tati on s , th en you c an b es t u s e th e p os s i b i l i ti es to

r eu s e d ata p r ovi d er s

i n s tead of i mp or ti n g d ata p r ovi d er s f r om oth er p r es en tati on s .

Page 438 of 485

Previewing a data provider

You can preview a data provider to check the real-time data that is delivered by the data provider.

To preview an existing data provider of your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the data provider in the list of data providers to select it.

3. Click Preview to see the real-time data as it is delivered by the data provider.

Page 439 of 485


If you have any problems with displaying real-time data during playback then using the Preview function is one of the possibilities to see how the real-time data is delivered by the data provider.

If you have specified any

additional columns ,

sorting or filtering

in the data provider wizard, then this will be included in the preview results.


T h e

Data Ser ver

s etti n g i n th e d ata p r ovi d er w i z ar d d eter mi n es h ow you r r eal - ti me d ata w i l l b e r etr i eved b y th e d ata p r ovi d er . If you d on ' t u s e a d ata s er ver th en i t' s p os s i b l e th at you r p r evi ew w i l l s h ow th e r i g h t r es u l ts , w h i l e you r PADS Vi ew er s d on ' t s h ow an y r es u l ts d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. T h i s p r ob ab l y mean s th at th e l oc ati on of you r d ata s ou r c e i s n ot ac c es s i b l e, s een f r om th e PADS Vi ew er ' s p oi n t of vi ew .

Page 440 of 485

Reusing data providers

If you often use the same data providers in your presentations, then you can best store these data providers on your computer. Stored data providers can simply be reused in other presentations, previewed and removed when they are no longer required.

To store an existing data provider on your computer

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the data provider in the list of data providers to select it.

3. Click Keep to store the data provider on your computer.

Page 441 of 485

To get an overview of the stored data providers

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the expander button beside My Data Providers if the my data providers section has been collapsed.

3. The My Data providers section shows a list of stored data providers.

To add a stored data provider to your presentation

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the expander button beside My Data Providers if the my data providers section has been collapsed.

3. Click the data provider in the list of stored data providers to select it.

4. Click Use to copy the data provider to the list of data providers for your presentation.

To preview a stored data provider

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the expander button beside My Data Providers if the my data providers section has been collapsed.

3. Click the data provider in the list of stored data providers to select it.

4. Click Preview to see the real-time data that is delivered by the data provider.

To remove a stored data provider from your computer

1. Click Data providers on the Home menu.

2. Click the expander button beside My Data Providers if the my data providers section has been collapsed.

3. Click the data provider in the list of stored data providers to select it.

4. Click Remove to remove the stored data provider .

Of course removing a stored data provider will not affect the data providers in your presentations.

Page 442 of 485


Stored data providers are saved on your computer. So the stored data providers will not be available when you use the PADS Designer application on another computer.

If you add a stored data provider that has exactly the same name as one of your existing data providers, then it will automatically get a new unique, generated name.

Page 443 of 485

Working with rules

Together with data providers, rules are one of the most powerful features of PADS. By defining rules you can have your presentation, page or page element automatically respond to predefined situations.

A rule consists of a condition (IF clause) and an action (THEN clause). The condition defines a specific situation that may occur. If the condition is met during playback, then the defined action for this rule will be executed.

Rules can be defined at presentation level, page level and page element level. At each level you can define as many rules as you want, but there can always be only one of these rules active at the same time.

Most rules will be linked to a data provider, to optimally respond to data-related events.


A typical example of a presentation rule is:

IF there is no real-time data to display, THEN automatically switch over to a page with advertising. As soon as there is real-time data again, switch back to the original page.

A typical example of a page rule is:

IF the current time is between 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM, THEN make the page invisible (which means the page will be skipped).

A typical example of a page element rule is:

IF the real-time data value is higher then a certain level, THEN change the background color of the element into red.

In this section

Managing rules

Describes how to add, edit and remove rules.

Setting a rule condition

Describes how to specify the condition (IF clause) of a rule.

Setting a rule action

Describes how to specify the action to be taken (THEN clause) when the condition of the rule is met.

Page 444 of 485

Managing rules

Depending on their level, rules can be managed in the presentation properties window, page properties window or element properties window.

To access the presentation rules of your presentation

1. Click Presentation Properties on the Presentation menu.

2. Click Rules in the navigation pane of the presentation properties window.

To access the page rules of your presentation

1. Click Page Properties on the Page menu.

2. Click Rules in the navigation pane of the page properties window.

To access the page element rules of your presentation

1. Select the page element, for instance by clicking it.

2. Click Element Properties on the Elements menu.

3. Click Rules in the navigation pane of the element properties window.


Not al l p ag e el emen ts s u p p or t r u l es .

Page 445 of 485

Rules overview

The rules section shows you a list of the custom rules that you have defined for the presentation, page or element.

The sequence order of the rules determines the order in which the rules will be processed during playback of your presentation. As soon as the system finds a rule for which the condition is met, this rule will become active and the action that has been defined for the rule will be executed. There can always be only one rule active at the same time, so when a rule becomes active the remaining rules will be ignored.

Presentation rules will be processed continuously during playback, page rules when your presentation switches to another page and element rules will be processed each time one of the properties of your element changes.

Adding a rule

To add a new rule:

1. Click Add... in the Rules section.

2. Enter a Rule Name to give the rule a unique name.

3. Set the rule condition (IF clause) in the rule editor window.

For a detailed description of this step, see

Setting a rule condition , further on in this manual.

Page 446 of 485

4. Set the rule action (THEN clause) in the rule editor window.

For a detailed description of this step, see

Setting a rule action

, further on in this manual.

5. Click OK to add the rule and return to the rules section of the properties window.

Editing a rule

To edit an existing rule:

1. Select the rule to be adjusted in the list of the Rules section.

2. Click Edit... to open the rule editor window.

3. Make the required changes.

4. Click OK to update the rule and return to the rules section of the properties window.

Moving a rule


T h e s eq u en c e or d er of th e r u l es i n th e r u l es s ec ti on d eter mi n es th e or d er i n w h i c h th e r u l es w i l l b e p r oc es s ed d u r i n g p l ayb ac k, s o i t' s ver y i mp or tan t to p l ac e you r r u l es i n th e r i g h t s eq u en c e or d er .

To change the sequence order position of a rule:

1. Select the rule in the list of the Rules section.

2. Click the Move Up or Move Down button to change the position of the rule.

Removing a rule


Al w ays r emove r u l es th at ar e n o l on g er r eq u i r ed . Oth er w i s e th e r u l es w i l l s ti l l b e p r oc es s ed d u r i n g p l ayb ac k. T h i s i s es p ec i al l y i mp or tan t f or p r es en tati on r u l es w h i c h ar e p r oc es s ed c on ti n u ou s l y d u r i n g p l ayb ac k.

To remove an existing rule:

1. Select the rule to be removed in the list of the Rules section.

2. Click Remove to remove the rule.

Page 447 of 485

Duplicating a rule

When you want to create a rule that has much similarities with one of the existing rules you can best make a duplicate of the rule and edit it afterwards.

To duplicate a rule:

1. Select the rule to be duplicated in the list of the Rules section.

2. Click Duplicate to create an exact copy of the rule.

Page 448 of 485

Setting a rule condition (IF clause)

Rules consist of a condition and an action. The condition of a rule defines a specific situation that may occur. If this situation occurs during playback (=the condition is met), then the defined action for this rule will be executed. Most rule conditions are linked to a data provider, to optimally respond to datarelated events.

Presentation rules will be processed continuously during playback, page rules when your presentation switches to another page and element rules will be processed each time one of the properties of your element changes.

Setting the condition of a rule is part of the procedure for adding or editing a rule, as described in

managing rules


Rule editor window

The condition of a rule is composed in the rule editor window.

A rule condition usually consists of an IF clause with 1 operation and multiple values. Optionally, you can use AND/OR operators to combine multiple conditions into one complex rule condition. Examples of possible rule conditions are:

Rule condition syntax

IF <Value> <Operation> <Value>

IF <Value> <Operation> <Value> AND <Value>




Page 449 of 485

IF <Value> <Operation> <Value>

AND <Value> <Operation> <Value> AND <Value>



To compose a rule condition

1. Click Insert... to expand the definition pane.

2. Select what you want to use as Value 1. You can choose from the following types:

Value Type



Use a static constant.

Manually specify the Value to be used as constant.

System Date Use the system data of the playback PC.

Page 450 of 485

System Long Time

System Long Time (UTC)

System Time

System Time (UTC)

Current Data

Previous Data

Other Column

Other Data

Other Data Scroll

Use the system time of the playback PC in long time format.

Use the system time of the playback PC in long time and UTC time zone format.

Use the system time of the playback PC.

Use the system time of the playback PC in UTC time zone format.

Use the current column and current row of the active data provider.

This option is only applicable to page elements.

The active data provider is determined by the

data provider properties

of the page element.

Use the current column and previous row of the active data provider.

This option is only applicable to page elements having switched on

data scrolling . It enables you

to compare two consecutive data values. The active data provider is determined by the

data provider properties

of the page element.

Use the current row, but a different column of the active data provider.

This option is only applicable to page elements.

The active data provider is determined by the

data provider properties

of the page element.

Manually select the Column to be used.

Use a specific data provider, column and row.

Manually select the Data Provider, Column and

Row to be used.

Use a specific data provider and column, but keep the row in sync with the row of your active data provider.

This option is only applicable to page elements having switched on

data scrolling . The active

Page 451 of 485

Row Count

Current Row Number

Page Name

Page Number

Viewer Name

Computer Name data provider is determined by the

data provider properties

of the page element.

Use the number of rows of a specific data provider.

Manually select the Data Provider to be used.

Use the current row number of your active data provider.

This option is only applicable to page elements.

The active data provider is determined by the

data provider properties

of the page element.

Use the name of the current page in your presentation.

This option is only applicable to pages and page elements.

Use the sequence number of the current page in your presentation.

This option is only applicable to pages and page elements.

Use the unique viewer name of the viewer that plays the presentation.

Use the computer name of the PC on which the presentation plays.

Computer Language Name

Use the Microsoft Windows language name of the PC on which the presentation plays.

3. Select the Operation to decide how the values of the condition must be compared.

4. Optionally, adjust the Compare As value to force the system to use a specific compare method.

5. Specify what you want to use for Value 2 and (only applicable to some operations) Value 3.

6. Click Update to save the rule condition.

Page 452 of 485

To compose a complex rule condition

1. Follow the procedure to compose a rule condition as described above.

2. Repeat the same procedure, but select AND or OR instead of IF as Operator in the definition pane.

Page 453 of 485

Setting a rule action (THEN clause)

Rules consist of a condition and an action. The the action of a rule defines the task that must be executed when the condition of the rule is met. Possible actions are switching to another page of your presentation (presentation rule), changing properties of a page (page rule) or a page element (page element rule).

Setting the condition of a rule is part of the procedure for adding or editing a rule, as described in

managing rules


Rule editor window

The action of a rule is set via the rule editor window.

For a presentation rule the rule editor window looks as follows:

For a page rule and page element rule the rule editor window looks as follows:

Page 454 of 485

The action settings can be found in the bottom part of the window.

To set the action of a presentation rule

1. Click the Show Page drop-down button and select the page of your presentation you want to become visible when the condition of your rule is met.

To set the action of a page rule or page element rule

1. Click Set Properties... to open the properties window of the page or page element.

2. Set the properties you want to be adjusted by the rule action.


E ac h p r op er ty ad j u s tmen t i s mar ked w i th a r ed c ol or i n th e p r op er ti es w i n d ow , s o you c an s ee at a g l an c e w h i c h p r op er ti es w i l l b e ad j u s ted b y th e r u l e ac ti on .

Pr op er ti es th at c an n ot b e ad j u s ted vi a r u l es w i l l b e d i s ab l ed .

3. Click OK to save the property adjustments and return to the rule editor window.

To reset the action of a page rule or page element rule

1. Click Reset in the rule editor window.

By resetting the rule action all property adjustments are cleared.

Page 455 of 485


The PADS Designer application has some built-in tools that are used across or affect the entire application. Most of these tools are accessible via the Tools menu in the ribbon bar.

In this section


Enables you to adjust the program settings of the PADS Designer application.

Add-on elements

Shows the availability of add-on elements.

Check for updates

Describes how you can check for, download and install new versions of the PADS software.

Content organizer

Gives access to the Content Organizer application to manage the files in your PADS content library.


Describes the possibilities to synchronize your local PADS content library with the central PADS Content library on the PADS Server.


Shows version and license information about the PADS Designer application.

Using the color picker

Describes the working of the color picker that is used everywhere in the application for defining color settings.

Page 456 of 485


The PADS Designer application has a number of global settings that determine the overall working of the application. These settings can be adjusted in the options window.

To adjust application settings

1. Click Options in the Application section of the Tools menu.

2. Adjust one or more of the settings in the options window.

Page 457 of 485

3. Click OK or Apply to make the changes effective.

Options overview

Option section



Design window

Preview window


Global application settings.

Default values for new presentations, page or page elements.

Settings that are related to the design process.

Settings that determine how the preview of your presentation will be handled.

Page 458 of 485

Add-on elements

Shows the location where your installed Add-on elements are stored.

Page 459 of 485

General options

These options represent global settings for the PADS Designer application.



The language in which the user interface of the PADS Designer application will be displayed.

When the Language setting is changed, then the new setting will only take effect after a restart of the application.

Page 460 of 485

User Interface

When Selecting Elements by dragging a Selection Rectangle only select the Elements which are completely within the Rectangle

This option affects the way page elements are selected by dragging the mouse. If the option is switched on and you select page elements by clicking, dragging and releasing the mouse then only those elements will be selected that are completely encapsulated in the dragged area. If the option is switched off then also page elements that are only partly encapsulated will be selected.

Page 461 of 485

Defaults options

These options enable you to define default values for new presentations, pages or page elements.

Newly created items will automatically receive these default values.

To set default properties for your presentation, page or page element

1. Click the element for which you want to set the default (only valid for page elements).

2. Click the corresponding Specify Defaults... button.

3. Specify the default values in the dialog box that appears, just like you would normally set properties.

4. Click OK to return to the Options window.

5. Click OK to save the options.

Page 462 of 485

To reset the default settings for presentations, pages or page elements you must click one of the Reset buttons or the Reset All button. With this the default settings will be set back to the factory settings.


Not for all settings it is possible to define a default value. You will notice that some settings like the Identification settings of the page elements can not be set to a default values and will be disabled.

Page 463 of 485

Design window options

These options represent settings that are related to the design process.



The grid width and height for any new presentation in pixels. The defined sizes will be used for all important operations on new presentations to make sure all page elements are placed exactly on the grid. It will not effect your current presentation.

When a new presentation is created it will by default get the grid width and height as specified above.

After this the grid settings will be bound to and stored together with the presentation. This allows you to have different grid settings per presentation. To adjust the grid settings of an existing presentation change the


settings of your presentation.

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Show Grid

If this option is switched on then the grid will be visible. Even if the grid is invisible it can still be in use.

Snap to Grid

If this option is switched on then all elements will automatically be positioned and sized on the grid with any future operation. It will not have an immediate effect on the existing elements.

The Snap to grid setting will have effect on all operations that affect the position and/or size of page elements. This is not only limited to moving and resizing elements, but also includes changing the position/size properties in the properties dialog box or using clipboard functions.


T o q u i c kl y tu r n on / of f th e Sn ap to Gr i d f u n c ti on temp or ar i l y you c an c l i c k S n ap t o G ri d on th e H ome men u or u s e th e s h or tc u t key c omb i n ati on Ctr l + G.


When creating a new element, add a blank play list item

If this option is switched on then the system will automatically create a first item in your play list. You manually have to edit the item afterwards to define its content.

Show the detailed info when opening element property windows

If this option is switched on then the play list in the element property windows will be displayed in detailed view mode. If switched off the play list will be displayed in list view mode.


Each opened presentation has its own settings for the visibility of the thumbnail, elements and playlist window. So, when you

work with multiple presentations

at the same time one presentation can have the thumbnail window is shown, while for the other presentation this window is hidden. The settings below determine the visibility of the thumbnail, elements and playlist window for new presentations. To change the visibility of these windows for your current presentation, use the Show/Hide functions in the ribbon bar of the PADS Designer application.

Show thumbnail window

Determines the visibility of the thumbnail window for new presentations.

Show elements window

Determines the visibility of the elements window for new presentations.

Show playlist window

Determines the visibility of the playlist window for new presentations.

Show ruler

Determines the visibility of the horizontal and vertical ruler in the design window.

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Preview window options

These options determine how the preview of your presentation must be handled.

Default preview window options

Show Toolbar

If this option is switched on then the presentation preview window will show a toolbar with some important functions for previewing presentation.

Show Fullscreen

If this option is switched on then the presentation preview window will always be displayed full screen.

Close on Mouse Click

If this option is switched on then the presentation preview window will automatically be closed when being clicked.

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W h en you r p r es en tati on h as exac tl y th e s ame s c r een r es ol u ti on as th e d es ktop of you r

PC th en you c an b es t s w i tc h on th e S h ow f u l l screen s etti n g an d s w i tc h of f th e S h ow

t ool bar s etti n g . In th i s c as e th e p r es en tati on p r evi ew c an d i s p l ay th e p r es en tati on w i th ou t th e u s e of s c r ol l b ar s .

Time Zone

Use local Time zone for Scheduled Presentations

If this option is switched on then your presentation preview will use your local time to determine which presentations need to be played by a zone viewer element (which has its own scheduling). If the option is switched off then UTC time will be used.


W h en you u s e z on e vi ew er el emen ts , you c an b es t s et th i s ti me z on e op ti on to th e s ame val u e as th e ti me z on e op ti on of you r PADS vi ew er s . On l y th i s w ay you r z on e vi ew er el emen ts w i l l s h ow th e s ame s c h ed u l ed p r es en tati on s i n you r p r es en tati on p r evi ew as you r

PADS vi ew er s .

Page 467 of 485

Add-on elements options

These options show you where installed add-on elements are stored. Add-on elements are custom elements developed by yourself or any third party, which can be added to your PADS system as if they were built-in elements.

Add-on Element Folder


Location on your computer where installed add-on elements are stored. This option is read-only.

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When you install a new add-on then you have to make sure that all add-on files are placed into the addon folder. Only add-ons in this folder will be detected by the PADS system.

Add-ons that are located in the add-on folder are not automatically available in PADS. For this you first have to

enable the add-ons

by using the Add-ons function on the Tools menu.

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Add-on elements

Beside the native built-in page elements PADS Designer can also have a number of add-on elements.

Add-on elements are separately developed external elements that can be linked to the PADS software and will look and feel exactly the same way as standard built-in page elements. In other words: to the end-user there are no visible differences between standard page elements and add-on elements.

Add-on elements must always be installed into the

Add-on folder

in order for the PADS system to automatically detect the Add-ons.

Installed Add-on elements must first be enabled, before they become available to the end-user.

To make Add-On elements available in PADS Designer

1. Click Add-Ons on the Tools menu.

2. In the list of available Add-ons checkmark the Add-ons that you like to be available in PADS


3. Click OK or Apply to make the changes effective.

The order in which the available Add-ons are displayed in the Add-ons window is also the order in which the Add-ons will appear in the toolbox of PADS Designer. To change this order you can use the Move

Up and Move Down buttons in the Add-ons window.

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In order for an Add-on element to work correctly during playback it also needs to be installed into the

Add-on folder on each PADS Viewer PC.

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Check for updates

PADS Designer, like all key applications of PADS, offers the possibility to manually check for software updates.

To check for updates

1. In the Software tab group of the Tools tab in the ribbon bar click the Check for Updates button.

2. The PADS Software Update Wizard is started. The steps that follow are described in the PADS

Installation Manual, in the section Maintaining the installation. Please consult that manual for further instructions.

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Content organizer

Your PADS system is standard delivered with a content library system. As has been described earlier, it's strongly recommended to place your content files in the

PADS content library


To manage the content in the PADS content library on your PC, you can use PADS Content Organizer.

PADS Content Organizer can be started directly from the PADS Designer application.

To start PADS Content Organizer

1. Click Organize in the Content Library section of the Tools menu.


When PADS Content Organizer is started this way, it will use your current connection and credentials to connect and logon.

The PADS Content Organizer application can also be started separately by selecting Content Organizer in the PADS4\Tools folder of the Windows Start menu.

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If content synchronization has been enabled in the server settings of your PADS Server, then you can have the files in your local content library synchronized with the content library on your PADS Server.

PADS offers two-way content synchronization between PADS Scheduler and PADS Server. When one side of the connection has a change in its content, albeit PADS presentations, video files, images or other, then the synchronization mechanism will detect that change (an insertion, editing or removal) and propagate it to the other side. This can be done automatically or manually.

To set up content synchronization in PADS Designer

1. Click Options in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

2. The Synchronization Settings window will appear.

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3. In the Content Library Synchronization Activation section choose whether synchronization must take place automatically, manually or never. In most situations automatic synchronization is the best choice.

4. In the PADS Content Library Storage Folder section you can specify the local folder that will be used to store your content. If you don't work with multiple PADS Server or multiple domains it's recommended to choose Automatic.

5. Click OK to apply the settings.


W h en PADS Ser ver an d PADS Des i g n er ar e on th e s ame PC i t i s i mp or tan t to s el ec t th e op ti on Th i s C ompu t er i n you r c on n ec ti on s etti n g s . On l y th en th e s ys tem w i l l d etec t th at b oth c omp on en ts ar e on th e s ame PC an d w i l l au tomati c al l y tu r n of f c on ten t

Page 475 of 485

s yn c h r on i z ati on .

W h en you h ave s ever al PADS c l i en t ap p l i c ati on s ( l i ke PADS Des i g n er an d PADS Sc h ed u l er ) r u n n i n g on you r PC an d th ey ar e c on n ec ted to th e s ame PADS Ser ver , th en th ey w i l l s h ar e th e s ame c on ten t s yn c h r on i z ati on p r oc es s .

Starting content synchronization

If you have chosen in the synchronization settings window to automatically synchronize your content then the synchronization process will automatically start whenever the system detects a change to your content library. When you have chosen to manually synchronize the content, then you have to take the following steps to synchronize your content:

1. Click Synchronize Now in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

2. After this the system automatically starts the synchronization process and shows the Syn-

chronization Progress window.

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When the synchronization process is completed the progress bar shows 100% and the synchronization log contains a message that the 'synchronization session has finished'.

3. Click Close to close the window..

If you have set up automatic synchronization and click Synchronize Now, then the system will forcefully start the synchronization process (although there is normally no need for this) or show the progress of the synchronization process when it's currently running.

Canceling content synchronization

There might be situations where you want to interrupt the running synchronization process.

To abort the running synchronization process:

1. If the Synchronization Progress window is open, click Close to close it.

2. Click Cancel in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

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If the Cancel button is not enabled this means that the synchronization process is not running.

Viewing details of the synchronization process

At any moment you can view the details of the synchronization process. This can be used to check the progress of the running synchronization process or afterwards to check the synchronization log.

To view the details:

1. Click Show Progress in the Synchronization section of the Tools menu.

After this the Synchronization Progress window will be shown.

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Synchronization Status

If the synchronization process is actively synchronizing then you will see here the progress of the synchronization. The top progress bar shows the total progress, while the bottom progress bar shows the progress of the current item. When the process is finished there is only one progress bar showing


Download Progress

In this section the logging information of the running process or the last finished process is shown. The information is not automatically refreshed, so you need to click Refresh to get the latest information.

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The About window of PADS Designer shows you information about the version of the application that you are currently running and information about your actual license.

To view the About window

1. Click About in the Info section of the Help menu.

2. The About window will appear.

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T h e ab ou t w i n d ow c ol l ec ts i ts l i c en s e i n f or mati on f r om th e PADS Ser ver of you r s ys tem.

T h i s mean s th at th e l i c en s e i n f or mati on i s on l y avai l ab l e w h en you ar e c on n ec ted to a

PADS Ser ver .

For detailed information about your actual license, please consult either the PADS System Management application or the PADS License Wizard.

Page 481 of 485

Using the color picker

For all situations in PADS Designer where a color must be specified, the application uses the color picker. The color picker enables you to simply select a color, but it is also possible to use a gradient with two or three colors, a texture or a pattern. In many situations you can even use (semi) transparency.

Standard colors

To select one of the standard pre-defined colors you can simply click the drop down button of the color picker and click one of the listed colors. If the element supports transparency then the first listed item in the drop down list represents transparency.

Advanced color settings

For more advanced color settings like a custom color or gradient you must click the drop down button of the color picker and click More....

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On the color picker window that appears next you have the following options:


Custom color


Enables you to select any possible color, optionally including transparency.




Makes it possible to create a smooth transition of two or more colors.

Enables you to select one of the predefined Textures.

Enables you to select one of the predefined textures with the colors you like.

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Closing PADS Designer

When you are finished with designing presentations you can close the PADS Designer application.

To close the PADS Designer application

1. Select File in the ribbon bar.

2. Click Exit.

Alternatively, you can the key combination [Alt] + F4 to leave the application. If you have opened additional windows then you must use this key combination several times to quit.


W h en c l os i n g th e ap p l i c ati on you w i l l au tomati c al l y b e l og g ed of f an d d i s c on n ec ted f r om al l c on n ec ti on s th at you h ave ac ti ve.

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Key Features

  • Create and modify presentations
  • Connect to external data sources
  • Make presentations interactive
  • Manage content files in the PADS content library
  • Work with multiple presentations simultaneously

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I start PADS Designer?
To start the PADS Designer application, click the Start button on the Windows taskbar, select (All) Programs and then PADS4. Then, select Designer.
How do I connect to a PADS Server?
After starting PADS Designer, it will look for a PADS Server connection. Depending on how you have set up the connection properties, the program will respond differently. To connect manually, click the PADS Server connection button on the ribbon bar. To connect automatically, make sure you have specified the correct connection properties. You can also work offline if you cannot connect to your PADS Server.
How do I create a new presentation?
Click New Presentation on the File menu. Design the presentation by adding page elements and setting properties for each element. Optionally, add pages or data providers for real-time data. When finished, click Save and name your presentation.

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