Telit LE70-915 Frequency Hopping Star Network User Guide

Telit LE70-915 Frequency Hopping Star Network User Guide
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Below you will find brief information for Frequency Hopping Star Network LE70-915. The LE70-915 module is a frequency-hopping wireless communication module that operates in the 915 MHz band. It is designed for use in a variety of applications, including industrial automation, remote monitoring, and data logging. The module can be configured for both transparent and addressed secured modes of operation, making it suitable for both point-to-point and multi-point communication. It also includes a number of features that support low-power operation, such as cyclic wakeup and sleep modes.


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Frequency Hopping Star Network LE70-915 User Guide | Manualzz

Frequency Hopping Star Network

Protocol Stack User Guide

1VV0301059 Rev.5 – 2015-03-25

Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

1VV0301059 Rev.5

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– 2015-03-25




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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

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– 2015-03-25



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Components, units, or third-party products used in the product described herein are NOT fault-tolerant and are NOT designed, manufactured, or intended for use as on-line control equipment in the following hazardous environments requiring fail-safe controls: the operation of Nuclear Facilities, Aircraft Navigation or Aircraft Communication Systems, Air Traffic

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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

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– 2015-03-25



Introduction ................................................................................................................... 7


Scope ....................................................................................................................... 7


Audience .................................................................................................................. 7


Contact Information, Support ................................................................................... 7


Document Organization ........................................................................................... 8


Text Conventions ..................................................................................................... 8


Related Documents .................................................................................................. 8


Frequency Hopping ...................................................................................................... 9


Global concept ......................................................................................................... 9


Synchronization ........................................................................................................ 9


Description of Standard Functionalities ................................................................... 10


Configuration mode ................................................................................................ 10


Operating mode ..................................................................................................... 13

3.2.1. Basic Illustration of Transparent mode ....................................................................... 14

3.2.2. Basic Illustration of Addressed Secured mode ........................................................... 14

3.2.3. Basic Illustration of Addressed Secured mode with LBT ............................................ 15


Public Registers Detailed Use ................................................................................ 16

3.3.1. Radio Configuration ................................................................................................... 16

3.3.2. Serial Link Configuration ............................................................................................ 18

3.3.3. Operating Mode Configuration ................................................................................... 20

3.3.4. Network Configuration ............................................................................................... 21

3.3.5. Low Power Configuration ........................................................................................... 24


Public Registers List ............................................................................................... 25


Dedicated IO description ........................................................................................ 31

3.5.1. TX LED (IO1) ............................................................................................................. 31

3.5.2. RX LED (IO2) ............................................................................................................. 31

3.5.3. Status Sync (IO3) ...................................................................................................... 31

3.5.4. ACK TX (IO8) ............................................................................................................. 31

3.5.5. Status RX/TX (IO9) .................................................................................................... 31


Hayes over the air .................................................................................................. 32

3.6.1. Requirements ............................................................................................................ 32

3.6.2. How to start Hayes over the air .................................................................................. 32

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3.6.3. Particular case ........................................................................................................... 33


Description of Telemetry Functionalities ................................................................. 34


General Features ................................................................................................... 34


Telemetry Frames Description ............................................................................... 36

4.2.1. General Syntax .......................................................................................................... 37

4.2.2. Detailed description of Telemetry orders .................................................................... 38

4.2.3. Interruptible Inputs ..................................................................................................... 40

4.2.4. Telemetry Client ......................................................................................................... 40


IO Copy .................................................................................................................. 40

4.3.1. General Usage ........................................................................................................... 40

4.3.2. Optimized Usage ....................................................................................................... 44


Bindings ................................................................................................................. 46


Document History ....................................................................................................... 47

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This document describes the features and the application of the Star Network embedded stack with frequency hopping available on Telit modules LE70-915.


This document is intended for software developers and integrators using Telit radio modules with frequency hopping Star Network protocol stack.

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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

1VV0301059 Rev.5

– 2015-

– 2015-03-25

Document Organization

This document contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1: “Introduction” provides a scope for this document, target audience, contact and support information, and text conventions.

Chapter 2: “Frequency Hopping Operation” describes the frequency hopping technique and its implementation.

Chapter 3: “Description of Standard Functionalities” gives a detailed description of the standard functionalities and operation of the Star Network protocol stack.

Chapter 4: “Description of Telemetry Functionalities” gives a description of telemetry functionalities available in the Star Network protocol stack.

Text Conventions

Danger – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily injury may occur.

Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.

Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating the module.

All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.

Related Documents

[1] Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15

[2] LE70-915 RF Module User Guide 1VV0301106

[3] SR Manager Tool User Guide 1vv0300899

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Frequency Hopping

Global concept

LE70-915 modules are able to operate with frequency hopping technology, i.e. they continuously shift their communication channel among different contiguous channels. This behavior complies with the FCC Code of Federal Regulations [1] and allows LE70-915 modules to be operated in the free unlicensed 915 MHz frequency band.

A LE70-915 module operating with frequency hopping selects each of the 50 available channels based on a fixed time schedule. The time during which a module stays on each channel is called dwell time and is set to 350 ms.

The channel sequence (hopping scheme) is defined by tables hard-coded in the module firmware. It is possible to choose between 8 different tables of channels; this allows several applications to work at the same time in the same area with minimal interference.


In order to be able to communicate, different network nodes must shift their communication channel simultaneously:

• they must use the same table of channels,

• they must be synchronized.

It is therefore necessary to dedicate one network node as a synchronizer which will impose the frequency hopping to all other nodes. The other nodes will be clients of the synchronizer.

LE70-915 modules have a specific configuration register to enable synchronizer or client operation; refer to Section 3.3.3

for more details.

The synchronizer sends periodically a synchronization frame. When a client is switched on, it listens on the first channel of its channel table until it receives a synchronization frame. When the frame is received, the client starts its frequency hopping, following the synchronizer. This synchronization frame is specific to the table of channels and the network ID, so that a client cannot synchronize to a wrong synchronizer.

At start-up, it takes up to 17.5 seconds for the client to get the synchronization. Afterwards, at each synchronization frame, all the clients resynchronize their timer in order to keep a perfect timing in hopping. If a client loses communication with the synchronizer, it returns to the desynchronized state and listens on the first channel until it receives a new synchronization frame. When a client is in a desynchronized state, it cannot transmit or receive radio frames.

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3. Description of Standard Functionalities

This Chapter is dedicated to the standard functionality of the Star Network protocol stack.

There are 2 different modes available for Star Network protocol stack that are described in the following paragraphs:

The Configuration Mode which allows setting the operating parameters of the module. In this mode, the module responds to Hayes commands sent on the serial link.

The Operating Mode which is the functional use for data transmission



Configuration mode

Hayes or 'AT' commands comply with Hayes protocol used in PSTN modem standards. This

‘AT’ protocol or Hayes mode is used to configure the modem parameters, based on the following principles:

A data frame always begins with the two ASCII ’AT’ characters, standing for


Commands are coded over one or several characters and may include additional data

A given command always ends with a <CR> Carriage Return

T Command Additional data <CR>


The delay between 2 characters of the same command must be less than 10 seconds.

The only exception to this data-framing rule is the switching command from the operating mode to configuration mode. In this case only:

• the escape code (‘+++’ by default) must be started and followed by a silent time at least equal to the serial time out.

<AT> and <CR> shall not be used.

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Below is the complete list of the ‘AT’ commands available on the module.


Escape sequence

(‘+++’ by default)









Hayes Mode Activation

‘+++’ command (escape sequence) gives an instant access to the modem’s parameters configuration mode (Hayes or AT mode), whatever the current operating mode in process might be.

‘+++’ command should be entered as one string, i.e. it should not be preceded by ‘AT’ and followed by <CR> but two silent times whose duration is configurable via S214 register (Serial time-out). The time between two ‘+’ must not exceed the time-out value.

Hayes mode inactivates radio functions.

The escape sequence can be changed using the register ATS217.

Communication mode activation

‘ATO’ command exits from Hayes mode and gives an instant access to the modem’s operating mode, configured in S220 register. It will also terminate all running carrier tests if any.

Answer : OK

Modem’s firmware version

‘AT/V’ command displays the modem’s firmware version as follows:<CR>pp.B00.NN.nn


• pp is the platform:

GO: LE70-915

XCR : X is the protocol stack (S for Star Network).

C is the casing:

0: OEM boards

1: USB dongle or IP67 box

T is the firmware type (‘1’ for frequency hopping firmware)

MM : Major version of firmware mm : minor version of firmware bbb: build number of firmware

NN: major version number of bootloader

Nn: minor version number of bootloader

Modem’s registers status

‘AT/S’ command displays status of all relevant registers of the modem

Register interrogation

‘ATSn?’ command displays the content of Hayes register number n

(Refer to the register description table).

Some registers are standard for every Telit modems while others are specific to some products.

Answer : Sn=x<CR>

Register modification

‘ATSn=m’ command configures Hayes register number n with the value m, e.g. ATS200=4<CR> enters the value ‘4’ in the register S200.

The value is automatically stored in the EEPROM memory.

Answer : OK or ERROR

Parameters reset

‘ATR’ command resets all modem’s parameters to their default values.

Answer : OK

Stand By Activation

When serial stand by is set, the ‘ATP’ command put the module in stand

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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

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– 2015-03-25 by mode. To wake up the module, send a NULL (0x00) character.


Switch to Bootloader

‘ATBL’ command escape from the main program and run the bootloader. This command is useful to update the firmware of the module.

Specific ‘AT’ commands has been integrated in order to make measurements and tests.







Pure carrier transmission at the initial channel of the table

Modulated carrier transmission (0x55 data at the initial channel of the table)

Modulated transmission (random data with frequency hopping)

Frequency hopping is enabled only if the module is configured as synchronizer

Exit carrier transmission


After an AT command (ended by <CR>), the serial link gives back result code, which is

“OK” or “ERROR”.


The escape sequence (‘+++’ by default) gives back “OK”.

These commands are effective after a maximum delay of 10 ms; the back code OK indicates the good execution of the command, and another command can be sent right after the back code OK.

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– 2015-03-25

Operating mode

There are 2 communication protocols available on the module:

Transparent mode: this is the default communication protocol of the module. The module transmits the data transparently, without encapsulation or addressing. It acts as a half duplex wired serial link (type RS485).


Transparent mode allows sending big data frames and also streaming when radio baud rate is greater than serial one.

Addressed Secured mode: it is a kind of multipoint network protocol. Each module can communicate with every other module in the same network. All the frames are addressed, checked through a CRC and acknowledged. This mode also allows sending telemetry commands over the network to monitor inputs or change output state of a remote identified module. Finally, this mode allows broadcasting by sending to address 0.


Addressed Secured mode doesn’t allow sending big data frames. The whole serial frame needs to be stored in buffer before being treated and finally sent on the air. For this reason the maximum allowed size of the serial frame (including the header if activated) is 256 bytes.

In addition to these two modes, a few optional functionalities can be enabled like LBT, Cyclic

Wakeup, or AES encryption:

LBT (Listen Before Talk): It means that the transmitting module will scan the radio link and verify it is free (no radio activity) before sending its data to avoid collision.

LBT is available in both transparent and Addressed Secured modes. See register S226 for details.

Cyclic Wakeup: In Cyclic Wakeup mode (available only for modules configured as synchronization clients) a module remains in stand-by and every 17.5 seconds wakes up for a few milliseconds to receive a synchronization frame. Cyclic Wakeup is available in both Transparent and Addressed Secured modes. See registers S240 and

S247 for details.

AES Encryption: When enabled, this option performs an AES 128 bits encryption of data sent in Addressed Secured mode. The encryption key is customizable. AES

Encryption is only available in Addressed Secured mode and has no effect in

Transparent mode. Only the user data are encrypted allowing mixing encrypted and clear messages in the same network. See registers S255 and S280 for details.

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3.2.1. Basic Illustration of Transparent mode

1 sends ABCD

Module N°1


2 sends Hello <Hello>

<in blue> : data sent

<in red> : data received

Module N°2



Module N°3



3.2.2. Basic Illustration of Addressed Secured mode

Module N°1 Module N°2

1 sends ABCD to 2


1 sends EFGH to 3

(with a retry)

3 sends Hello as





Waiting time






Collision or error

<in blue> : data sent

<in red> : data received

Module N°3



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3.2.3. Basic Illustration of Addressed Secured mode with LBT

Module N°1 Module N°2 Module N°3

1 sends ABCD to 2

(radio link free)

1 sends EFGH to 3

(radio link not free)




Waiting time









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Public Registers Detailed Use

The configurable parameters via Hayes mode are stored in the module permanent memory, called S registers. Those registers are always listed as follow:

S20x registers correspond to the radio parameters

S21x registers correspond to the serial parameters

S22x registers correspond to the operating parameters

S24x registers correspond to low power parameters

S25x registers correspond to the network parameters

S26x registers correspond to the telemetry parameters

Radio Configuration

The Radio configuration is set via the S20x registers. Through them, you can:

Change channel table: S200,

Change the radio baud rate : S201,

Change Radio Frequency Sub-Band : S206

Configure the syncword in transmission and reception: S207

Change Xor pattern applied on radio data: S209


Table of channels: S200

This register sets the table of channels used for frequency hopping communication. In order to be able to communicate, all modules of a given network must use the same table.

S200 value

0 (default)





Table of channels

Table 0

Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4




Table 5

Table 6

Table 7

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Radio baud rate : S201

This register sets the data rate on the RF link.

S201 value



3 (default)


Radio baud rate

9.6 kbps

19.2 kbps

38.4 kbps

57.6 kbps


When radio baud rate is very slow compared to serial data rate, all data are stored in a buffer of 256 bytes. To not risk a buffer overflow and data loss, it is advised to enable the serial flow control in register S216.


Radio Output power : S202

The unique allowed value is the maximum output power authorized.


Sub-band Band 915

S202 12 : +27 dBm


Frequency sub-band assignment : S206

This register sets the frequency sub-band used for the communication.

S206 value

0 (default)




FCC band

AUS band

NZ band


Syncword configuration : S207

Frequency Sub-Band

915.25-927.75 MHz

919.75-926 MHz

921.75-928 MHz

This register provides the ability to select between different radio frame syncwords. The syncword used during transmission can be configured independently from the syncword in reception. In order for a module to be able to communicate with another module, the syncword used by a module for transmission must be the same as the syncword used by the other module for reception. This register allows configuring different modules so that communication is activated only between specific modules.


The syncword in transmission for the node configured as synchronizer must be the same as the syncword in reception for all the other network nodes, otherwise the network nodes are unable to receive synchronization frames.

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Radio Whitening Character : S209

This register sets the value XORed with each character of the radio frame in order to avoid long sequences of 0s or 1s. If the user application sends frames containing series of 0x00 or

0xFF, using a whitening character can improve the synchronization between transmitter and receiver and the reliability of communication.

Serial Link Configuration

The serial link configuration is set via the S21x registers. Through them, you can:

Set the serial baud rate : S210,

Set the number of data bits: S211,

Set the parity : S212,

Set the number of stop bits: S213,

Set the serial time-out : S214,

Set the flow control type : S216,

After each modification in the serial settings, the module will answer ‘OK’ with the current configuration, and the changes will be effective immediately after.

The Serial parameters are preferably set in the following order:


Serial baud rate : S210

This register selects the serial baud rate value. It is linked to the time-out register S214. They can be set with the following values:

S210 value






5 (default)




Serial baud rate

300 bps

1 200 bps

2 400 bps

4 800 bps

9 600 bps

19 200 bps

38 400 bps

57 600 bps

115 200 bps

S214 minimum value










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When serial baud rate is very high compared to radio data rate, all data are stored in a buffer of 256 bytes. To not risk a buffer overflow and data loss, it is advised to enable to serial flow control in register S216.


Serial timeout : S214

The module is not able to know when a frame reception is finished on the serial link, but it needs this information to stop radio transmission in transparent mode, or to start sending data in the other modes.

This timeout is the indicator used to decide when the data frame is finished: if no character is received for a time equal to this timeout, the data frame is seen as finished and the modem acts accordingly.

The default value is 5 milliseconds.

The timeout value is of course in accordance with the serial baud rate: it must be at least equal to the length of 2 characters. See the table in the baud rate (S210) part of this chapter. For example, for a 19200 bps baud rate, the time to send 1 character (1 start bit + 8 data bits + 1 stop bit) is 521 µs, giving a rounded up timeout value of 2 ms.

You can set a higher value to this timeout if you have some gaps in the sending of a frame.


Serial data format : S211, S212 and S213

These registers set the format of the characters sent on the serial link:

S211: Number of data bits: the allowed values are 7 and 8. Default value is S211=8.

S212: Parity. It can take three values: '1' for No Parity, '2' for Even Parity, or ‘3’ for

Odd Parity. The default value is S212=1.

S213: Number of Stop bits: 1 bit or 2 bits. Default value is S213=1.


Flow control management : S216

In all the modes, the data coming from the serial link are stored in a 256-byte buffer and then sent. Thus, long frames it is necessary to have a flow control on the serial link to avoid a buffer overflow and the loss of data. If long frames are sent without flow control, some data may be lost. In transparent mode, if serial data rate is less than radio rate, the flow control can be disabled because in this case the buffer does not risk overflow.

The module manages three types of flow control:

Hardware or CTS/RTS (S216=0): the RTS signal from the module will authorize the host to transmit data.

Software or Xon/Xoff (S216=1): the module sends a Xoff character on the serial link to interrupt the transmission from the host, and a Xon character to resume. This control will only work from the module to the host.

None (S216=2, default): the host must manage its outgoing data frames in order not to overflow the buffer.

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3.3.3. Operating Mode Configuration

The Operating mode configuration is set via the S22x registers. Through them, you can:

Set the operating mode : S220,

Set the number of retries: S223,

Set the synchronization mode: S224,

Set the LBT: S226,

Set the random waiting time : S227

Set Hayes over the air: S228

The Operating Mode parameters are preferably set in the following order:


Operating Mode : S220

This is the most significant register: it tells how the module must run. The available operating modes are:

S220 value




Transparent Mode (default)

Addressed Secured Mode


Number of repetitions : S223

This register is used in Addressed Secured mode. It is the number of times the message will be repeated in case of non acknowledgement, or the number of times the module will try to send the message in case of the radio link is not free (when LBT functionality is activated).

This register is set to 2 as default. It is enough in most of the configurations.


Synchronization mode: S224

This register is used to set the synchronizer node for the frequency hopping:

S224 value




LBT : S226




This register allows activating and setting up the LBT functionality. The LBT sensitivity refers to the detected RF level over which the RF link is considered as occupied.

S226 value





LBT Comment

OFF (default) no LBT

ON with high sensitivity LBT with detection for RF >-90dBm

ON with medium sensitivity

LBT with detection for RF >-80dBm

ON with low sensitivity LBT with detection for RF >-70dBm

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Random waiting time : S227

This register activates a random waiting time before every radio transmission (except for synchronization and acknowledge frames). The random waiting time is comprised between 0 and 64 ms.

S227 value

0 (default)


Random Waiting Time




Hayes over the air : S228

This register disables Hayes over the air if is set to zero. In this case the module can not be configured remotely.

S228 value


(default: 255)


Hayes over the air



3.3.4. Network Configuration

The network configuration is set with the S25x registers. Through them, you can:

Set the Network ID: S250,

Set the Client Address: S252,

Set the Network options: S255,

Set a default address for transmission: S256.

Set a default address for telemetry: S258.

The parameters are preferably set in the following order:


Network ID : S250

Modules can communicate only if they are part of the same network.

It possible to operate more than one network in the same area, by using different channel tables and/or different network IDs.

The default value is 0.


Network Options : S255

When running in Addressed – Secured and Telemetry mode, this register contains the option flags used to configure the operation.

This register is a group of 4 flag bits:

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Bits 7


6 5











Header (Bit 0, default 1): if set to 1, the frames sent on the serial link will be preceded with a header showing the sender address.

This frame will be as follows, for each settings of the bit 2:

”1=data” if the header is ASCII

”<0x01>=data” if the header is numeric

If set to 0, the receiver will not know where the frame comes from

Carriage Return (Bit 1, default 0): if set to 1, the frame sent on the serial link will be followed by a CR character (<0x0D>).

Numeric Header (Bit 2, default 0): Used when bit 0 is set to 1, it selects the type of header for transmission or reception to ASCII (0) or numeric (1). It is also applied for the RSSI field if activated.

AES (Bit 3, default 0): If set to 1, enable the AES encryption on data sent in Addressed

Secured mode. The 128 bits encryption key is defined in register 280.

Status answer (Bit 4, default 0): defines if the module returns a transmission status after sending a frame. If set to 1 (no answer), the modem will give no information if the frame has been received on the remote side or not. If bit 4 “Status answer” is set to 0 (serial answer enable) while bit 6 “ ”is 0 (Radio ACK enable), module returns OK if the radio acknowledge has been received, ERROR otherwise. Finally if bit 4 is set (serial answer enable) while bit 6 “ ” is 1 (radio acknowledge disable), module returns OK in all cases.

2 bytes Numeric Header (Bit 5, default 0): Used when bit 2 is set to 1, it defines if the numeric header is on 1 byte (0) for less than 255 modems, or 2 bytes (1) for up to 65535 modems.

This bit has no effect if the header is ASCII (Bit 2 = 0). The frames sent and received will be as follows :

“<0x01>=Data” if this bit is set to 0

“<0x00><0x01>=Data” if this bit 5 is set to 1

(Bit 6, default 0): Radio Acknowledge disable: if ‘1’, the radio Ack is disabled and any secured radio frames are not acknowledged. This is useful when several clients have the same

ID in a network.

RSSI (Bit 7, default 0): if set to 1, the frame sent on the serial link will be followed by the

RSSI value level. The format (hex or ASCII) depends on the Bit 2.

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Client Address: S252

The user can set a Client number between 1 and 65535. The client numbers must all be different in a network.

The default value is 1. Value 0 is not permitted because reserved for broadcast transmission.


Default transmission Address: S256

If this register is different from 0, the frames received on the serial link will be sent to this address, without any header detection done.

This register is useful to set a Network-like system with up to 65534 clients and one server, and/or when the clients are not able to manage the frame header.


Default telemetry Address: S258

This register is used in telemetry functions to define a binding between 2 modules.

When the I/O copy function is enabled (see register 260) the inputs of the local module are copied on the output of the module specified in register S258.

This register is also used in edge detection and telemetry client operation to select the node to which frames containing the IO state of the local node are sent.

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3.3.5. Low Power Configuration

The configuration to use low power features is done with the S24x registers. Through them, you can:

Choose the stand by mode : S240

Set the period between two telemetry frames: S243

Set the time out before returning to stand by: S247


Stand By Mode : S240

Three stand-by modes exist and can be activated individually or in combination. Stand by modes are represented by bits:



7-3 2 1 0

Reserved Cyclic Wakeup Soft (Serial) Hard (Std By Pin)

Hardware: when bit 0 is set, the module stays in stand by while stand by pin is maintained to

VCC. The module returns in operating mode as soon as a falling edge occurs on Stand By Pin.

Software: when bit 1 is set, the module enters and exits stand by through Hayes commands. In

Hayes mode, send ATP<CR> to enter in sleep mode and send 0x00 to resume.

Cyclic Wakeup: when bit 2 is set, the module remains in stand-by and every 17.5 seconds wakes up to receive a synchronization frame from the synchronizer. Cyclic Wakeup is available only for modules configured as synchronization clients, in both Transparent and

Addressed Secured mode. When this option is enabled, a client is able to remain synchronized while minimizing its power consumption.


Cyclic Wakeup can not be enabled alone; otherwise there is a risk to never take back control of the sleeping module. Cyclic Wakeup is enabled only in combination with Hard

Stand By mode ensuring to always have a chance to awake the module by stand-by pin.

The default value is 0, no stand by activated.

When a module configured as synchronizer enters stand-by state, its entire network is shut down, because the client nodes do not have a synchronization source and cannot perform channel hopping with the correct timing.

When a client module enters stand-by state, it loses synchronization with the network only if the cyclic wakeup option is not activated; in this case, when the node returns to the active state it is desynchronized, and must wait up to 17.5 seconds to reacquire the synchronization before being able to communicate with the other network nodes. When cyclic wakeup is

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Access Register




S192 Serial Number



S200 Table of channels


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Telemetry period : S243

It indicates the period, expressed in milliseconds, between two telemetry frames sent by a module configured as either telemetry client or IO copy client. If low-power operation with cyclic wakeup is selected in a module configured as synchronization client, the module wakes up periodically to send the telemetry frames, in addition to the wakeup events to receive the synchronization frames. A module configured as synchronization master can send telemetry frames only when low-power operation is disabled.


Time Out before returning to sleep : S247

When the module exits the stand-by state, this register gives the timeout duration in milliseconds without any activity before returning in stand-by. If an activity (serial or radio) occurs before timeout is elapsed, the timeout is re launched for a new S247 ms duration.

Default value is 100 ms.

Public Registers List

Numbers in bold indicate the default value

S201 Radio Baud-Rate


Serial number of the module, the one present on the sticker.

Read-only register.

Indicates the table of channels used for communication.

‘0’: table 0

‘1’: table 1

‘2’: table 2

‘3’: table 3

‘4’: table 4

‘5’: table 5

‘6’: table 6

‘7’: table 7

Indicates the radio link rate.

1 : 9.6 kbps

2 : 19.2 kbps

3 : 38.4 kbps

4 : 57.6 kbps

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Output Power Radio power output.

12 : +27 dBm

Frequency Sub-Band Indicates the frequency Sub-Band in use.

‘0’: FCC band

‘1’: AUS band

‘2’: NZ band

Syncword configuration

Selects the radio frame syncword to use in transmission and reception.

Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Radio Whitening


Rx Tx

Two different syncwords (identified by bit values 0 and 1) can be configured independently for transmission and reception; bit 0 is used to configure the syncword used in transmission, while bit 4 applies to the syncword in reception.

Unused bits are reserved for future use.

Default: 0

Indicates the XOR value for radio data.

Between 0 and 255.

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Access Register Name

Serial Link















Serial Speed.


Indicates the speed on the Serial Connection

‘0’: 300 bits/s ‘5’: 19200 bits/s

‘1’: 1200 bits/s

‘2’: 2400 bits/s

‘3’: 4800 bits/s

‘4’: 9600 bits/s

‘6’: 38400 bits/s

‘7’: 57600 bits/s

‘8’: 115200 bits/s

The time out value must be compatible with the serial speed:

Min. time-out


Serial Speed (S210)

68 ms

17 ms

9 ms

5 ms

3 ms

2 ms

300 bits/s

1200 bits/s

2400 bits/s

4800 bits/s

9600 bits/s

19200 bits/s

Number of data bits


Number of Stop bits

Serial Link Time


Number of data bits of a serial character:


‘8’ (default)

Serial Link Parity Type:

‘1’: None (default) ,

‘2’: Even,

‘3’: Odd.

Serial Link Stop Bits :

1 bit (default),

2 bits.

Indicates the value of the time-out on the serial link. The time out value must be compatible with the serial speed: (see S210 register description).

Between 2 and 100 milliseconds

Default : 5.

Flow Control Indicates flow control type:

‘0’: Hardware: CTS/RTS

‘1’: Software: Xon/Xoff

‘2’: None (default)

Escape sequence Indicates the ASCII code to be repeated three times in the escape sequence. Between 32 and 126 (only printable ASCII code).

Default: 43 (‘+’: the escape sequence is ‘+++’)

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Access Register Name





S220 Function Mode Operating mode of the Modem :

‘1’ : Transparent

‘9’ : Addressed Secured and telemetry

S223 Number of Retries Number of retries in case of non-Ack response to a message

(addressed secured mode) mode, or in case of non free radio link

(LBT). Included between 0 and 255.









Synchronization mode


Random Waiting


Default value: 2

Set the synchronization mode of the module for frequency hopping:

‘0’: Client

‘1’: Synchronizer

LBT ON / OFF, and sensitivity

‘0’ : OFF

‘1’ : ON with high sensitivity

‘2’ : ON with medium sensitivity

‘3’ : ON with low sensitivity

Random waiting Time ON / OFF

‘0’ : OFF

‘1’ : ON

S228 Hayes over the air Hayes over the air

‘1-255’ : Enabled

‘0’ : Disabled

Low Power

S240 Type of Low-power Low power behavior:

R/W S243 Telemetry period

Bits 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

- - - - -



Serial Hard Pin

Bit 0: when set, Stand-By is activated by Hardware pin

Bit 1: when set, Stand-By activated by Serial command

Bit 2: when set and in combination with Hard or Serial standby, the module (if configured as synchronization client) performs a Cyclic Wakeup to periodically receive the synchronization frames.

Default: 0

It indicates the period, expressed in milliseconds, between two telemetry frames sent by a module configured as either telemetry client or IO copy client.

The allowed values range from 100 to 65535.

Default: 1000 ms

R/W S247 Stand-by


Defines the timeout, in milliseconds, after which the module returns to stand-by.

Between 10 and 65535 ms

Default: 100 ms

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Register Name

Network Control




Network ID


Network Number on 2 Bytes.

Between 0 and 65535.

Default: 0

Client Number Client Number on 2 Bytes.

Between 1 and 65535.

Default: 1

Network Options Indicates the Network options. The following bit fields are used :



Bits 7


6 5











Bit ‘N°’: indicates whether the received frame begins with the Client ID (1) or not (0).

Bit ‘CR’: indicates whether the received frame ends with the ‘Carriage Return’ character (0x0D) (1) or not (0).

Bit ‘NH’: indicates whether the format in Transmission (and in reception, if the

Bit ‘N°’ is activated) is ASCII (1=Data) (0) or Numeric (<0x01>=Data) (1).

Bit ‘AES’: enable (1) or not (0) the AES encryption on data sent in addressed secured mode.

Bit ‘Ret’: Indicates if the ‘OK’ should be returned after each radio transmission

(0) or not (1).

Bit ‘2B’: In case of a Numeric Header (bit ‘NH’=1) indicates if the header is on

1 bytes (0) or 2 bytes (1). Used if you have more than 255 modems in your system.

Bit : Disable the radio acknowledgement (1) or enable (0).

Bit ‘RSSI’: Enable the value of received power at the end of the frame

(1) or not (0).

Default value: 1

Default Address Indicates the default address to which every radio frame will be sent.

Between 0 and 65535.

Default: 0 (inactive)

Default Telemetry


Indicates the default address to which telemetry and IO copy frames will be sent.

Between 0 and 65535.

Default: 0 (no telemetry binding specified)

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I/O control


S260 Telemetry

R/W S261









I/O1 Config.

I/O2 Config.

I/O3 Config.

I/O4 Config.

I/O5 Config.

I/O6 Config.

I/O7 Config.

I/O8 Config.

I/O9 Config.

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‘0’: IO copy disabled (Default)

‘1’: IO copy Server

‘2’: IO copy Client

‘3’: Telemetry Client

For each S26X registers, the corresponding I/OX can be configured as:

‘0’: Status dedicated (1) or pull down (Default)

‘1’: Digital output with GND at power up

‘2’: Digital output with VCC at power up

‘3’: Digital input

‘4’: Rising edge detector input

‘5’: Falling edge detector input

‘6’: Both edges detector input

‘7’: Analog Input (2)

(1) A few pins are shared between telemetry and status indicators like ‘Status TX-RX or ‘Frame Detect’. By default, all this pins are used for status indication and the others are fixed in GND output. (see Section 2.5

for details)

(2) Only J3 to J6 are analog capable. (see Section 3.1 for details)




Register Name

AES Encryption Key

S280 AES Key

S296 AES Key Read


Specify the 128 bits key used for AES encryption on data sent in addressed secured mode.

Only used when bit 3 of register 255 is enabled.

The encryption key must have 16 ASCII characters. All digits

‘0’ to ‘9’, letters ‘a’ to ‘z’ and ‘A’ to ‘Z’ can be used. The following symbols can also be used:

! “ # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~

Default: 0000000000000000

Indicates if the S280 register reading is enabled or not.

0: S280 register reading enabled (default)

1: S280 register reading disabled.

Once S296 is set to 1, the S280 reading can be enabled only using the ATR command (S296 and S280 will be cleaned up)

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Dedicated IO description

Four IOs of LE70-915 are dedicated to inform device status and happening events. These signals (output) are activated by default but the user can use these pins for other telemetry usage by configuring registers S261 to S269. Refer to [2] for detailed hardware description of



When register S261=0, this output signal is set to VCC during radio transmission and stay to

GND the rest of the time. It is switched for all kind of radio transmissions including ACK, repetitions and synchronization frames.


When register S262=0, this output signal is set to VCC as soon as a radio frame is detected with correct synchronization word. The signal returns to GND as soon as the frame reception is finished. This signal is the equivalent of “Frame Detect” on old Telit products.

Note that this signal switches at low level before application layer treatment, that is to say that the signal goes to VCC even if a frame has not the correct network number or doesn’t match the destination ID.

Status Sync (IO3)

This output signal indicates the synchronization status of the modules. If IO3 is low, the client is not yet synchronized. When IO3 is high client and master are synchronized and it is possible to send frames.


Activated when S268=0.

In Addressed Secured mode, this signal rises to VCC when an ACK hasn’t been received after frame transmission and repetition. This is the hardware version of “ERROR” serial message.

It stays at VCC until next success addressed secured transmission.

If IO copy is set to server (S260=1), ACK TX rises to VCC when an IO copy client loss has been detected. In this case, the signal stays at VCC during 1 second.

Status RX/TX (IO9)

When register S269=0, this signal indicates the status of the serial port. When serial port is transmitting, Status RX/TX signal goes VCC until the end of serial transmission. The signal stays to GND the rest of the time. It is particularly useful to drive a RS232/485 converter.

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Hayes over the air

It is possible to enter the configuration mode of a remote module using a local one to forward

Hayes commands over the air and receive responses from the remote module.

Settings are sent through the air without any physical access to the remote device

Remote module to be configured

Local module

3.6.1. Requirements

To send Hayes commands over the air, you have to know the 11 characters serial number of the remote module and also the current radio configuration of the remote module: band, channel and RF data rate.

3.6.2. How to start Hayes over the air

First enter the configuration mode of the local module by sending normal ‘+++’ serial frame.

Set up the local module in order to match the radio configuration of the remote module.

Set the local module in Transparent mode (ATS220=1)

Exit from configuration mode of the local module by sending ATO.

Use the local module to send on the air the following frame ‘+++xxxxxxxxxxx’ that is to say ‘+++’ concatenated with the 11 characters of the remote module serial number. The frame must be sent at once without any delay between characters (+++ can be changed using the ATS217 register).

If you receive an “OK” back, this means that you have correctly entered the configuration mode of the remote module. If you don’t receive any response, make sure that the serial number is correct and that you are in the range of the remote module.

You can now send any classic Hayes command to the remote module. You can confirm this state by asking the serial number sending “ATS192?” the remote module should reply with its own serial number confirming that you are currently configuring the desired module. Each command must be sent in on shot without delay between characters. Now, for example you can change the serial data rate by sending ATS210=4; this will turn the com port of the remote module to 9600 bps. All Hayes commands sent over the air are replied normally like in local mode.

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When you have completed the remote configuration, simply send ATO to exit the remote configuration mode. The remote module sends OK back and resumes the operating mode using the new configuration.

3.6.3. Particular case

Hayes over the air also allows acting on the radio configuration of the remote module. But in this case, a parameter modified on the remote module may also need to be applied locally and in the module configured as synchronizer (if different from local and remote module), if the parameter value affects the capability of the modules to communicate over the radio link. In addition, a new synchronization procedure must be completed with the new radio configuration before additional commands can be sent.

For example, to set the channel table to 1 from the synchronizer module to a remote module, send ‘+++xxxxxxxxxxx’ to enter the configuration mode of the remote module, send

‘ATS200=1’ to change the table of the remote module, remote module sends OK while still using the old table and then immediately applies the new table. At this step, the remote module cannot communicate with the local module because they are using a different channel table. Send ‘+++’ to enter the local configuration mode, send ‘ATS200=1’ to change the local table, send ‘ATO’ to exit from configuration mode of the local module. Now both modules share the same channel table and after the remote module reacquires the synchronization you can continue the remote configuration or close it by sending ‘ATO’.

This procedure is the same for each parameter affecting the radio link.

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Description of Telemetry Functionalities

This Chapter is dedicated to the telemetry functionality of the Star Network protocol stack. It allows functional use of I/Os of the module.

General Features

Telemetry protocol is based on the addressed secured operating mode. Each module is able to execute telemetry orders while exchanging serial data. o 9 pins of the module are dedicated for I/O use, with different capability : o Standard digital In / Out o IRQ Input to automatically send a frame on edge event o 12 bits analog inputs capable, readable either locally or remotely

I/O copy is available between 2 modules or more in star architecture to update digital output according to digital input from another module.

Independent I/O and data binding is possible to route data and I/O frame to different targets.

9 pins are available for user telemetry application. All pins are digital I/O capable and some pins have specific functionalities shown in the following table.

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J9 I/O9 Status TX/RX

These pins are also able to wake up the module from stand-by in order to send a frame on edge event .

Refer to [2] for detailed hardware description of IOs.

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Telemetry Frames Description

Telemetry protocol is able to execute telemetry orders while exchanging serial data. It uses an addressed secured mode to ensure reliability and network capabilities. Data and Telemetry commands are differentiated using ‘=’ and ‘T’ characters respectively. Thanks to addressed secured mode, broadcasting is possible by sending telemetry command or data to address ‘0’.

A data frame is sent as following:

With ASCII header (1) :

[ASCII Address][“=”][Data]

(example: “2=hello” sends “hello” on the serial link of module N°2.)

With Numeric header (1) :

[HEX Address][“=”][Data]

(example: “<0x02>=hello” sends “hello” on the serial link of module N°2.)

While telemetry orders are sent as following:

With ASCII header (1) :

[ASCII Address][“T”][Telemetry_order]

(example: “3TDG<CR>” request to Get the digital inputs values of module N°3)

With Numeric header (1) :

[HEX Address][“T”][Telemetry_order]

(example: “<0x03>TDG<CR>” request to Get the digital inputs values of module N°3)

(1) See bit 2 of S255 register for details.

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General Syntax

The telemetry frames are described in the following tables:

General request syntax :



T (0x54)



Specific fields

(depending on the command)


Size (byte)

1 to 5



1 variable



ASCII ID of the addressed module

Separator indicating the end of address field and the telemetry frame type

Specifies if the request is analog ‘A’ or digital ‘D’

Specifies if operation is Get ‘G’ or Set ‘S’

IO values

For set request, some information is needed in this field

All telemetry frames end with carriage return


General reply syntax :

Field Size (byte)

1 to 5

T (0x54) 1


R (0x52) or E (0x45)




1 variable



ASCII ID of the addressed module

Separator indicating the end of address field and the telemetry frame type

Specifies if the reply is analog ‘A’ or digital ‘D’

Indicates a Reply or Error from module

This field gives the input state after a get request execution. The values are given in digital bit field or analog value depending on ‘technology’ indicator field.

This field is empty for Error replies.

All telemetry frames end with carriage return

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4.2.2. Detailed description of Telemetry orders

Digital Get request :



T (0x54)

D (0x44)

G (0x47)


Size (byte)

1 to 5






ID of the addressed module (in ASCII or numeric form depending on S255 options)

Separator indicating the end of address field and the telemetry frame type

‘D’ indicates that a digital access is desired

‘G’ indicates that a Get (read) operation is requested.

All telemetry frames end with carriage return

Example 1 (with numeric header disabled, S255-bit2 = 0):

User request (ASCII): 15TDG<CR> request digital input values of module 15

Module return (ASCII): 15TDR259<CR> reply that IO1, IO2 and IO9 are ‘1’ (others are ‘0’)

Example 2 (with numeric header enabled, S255-bit2 = 1):

User request (Hex): 0F 54 44 47 0D request digital inputs values of module 15

Module return (Hex): 0F 54 44 52 01 03 0D reply that IO1, IO2 and IO9 are ‘1’ (others are ‘0’)

Analog Get request :



T (0x54)

A (0x41)

G (0x47)


Size (byte)

1 to 5






ID of the addressed module (in ASCII or numeric form depending on S255 options)

Separator indicating the end of address field and the telemetry frame type

‘A’ indicates that an analog access is requested

‘G’ indicates that a get (read) operation is requested.

All telemetry frames end with carriage return

Example 1 (with numeric header disabled, S255-bit2 = 0):

User request (ASCII): 7TAG<CR> request analog input values of module 7

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Module return (ASCII): 7TAR273,0,1020,89<CR> reply that IO3=273mV, IO4=0mV, IO5=1020mV and IO6=89mV

Example 2 (with numeric header enabled, S255-bit2 = 1):

User request (Hex): 07 54 41 47 0D request analog input values of module 7

Module return (Hex): 07 54 41 52 01 11 00 00 03 FC 00 59 0D IO3:273mV, IO4:0mV, IO5:1020mV,


Digital Set Command:



T (0x54)

D (0x44)

Size (byte)

1 to 5




ID of the addressed module (in ASCII or numeric form depending on S255 options)

Separator indicating the end of address field and the telemetry frame type

‘D’ indicates that an digital access is requested

S (0x53)


, (0x2C)




2 or 3

0 or 1

2 or 3


‘S’ indicates that a Set (write) operation is requested.

Indicates which output will be set, others will be left unchanged. (in ASCII or numeric form depending on

S255 options)

Separator between Mask and Value, only in case of

ASCII format

Specifies the value to set on output selected by the mask. (in ASCII or numeric form depending on S255 options)

All telemetry frames end with carriage return

Example 1 (with numeric header disabled, S255-bit2 = 0):

User request (ASCII): 28TDS136,8<CR> Set IO4 to 1, reset IO8 to 0 and let other pins unchanged on module 28

Module return (ASCII): 28TDR264<CR> reply IO state after request execution, IO4 and IO9 are ‘1’

(others are ‘0’)

Example 2 (with numeric header enabled, S255-bit2 = 1):

User request (Hex): 1C 54 44 53 00 88 00 08 0D Set IO4 to 1, reset IO8 to 0 and let other Ios unchanged on module 28

Module return (Hex): 1C 54 44 52 01 08 0D are ‘1’ (others are ‘0’) reply IO state after request execution IO4 and IO9

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If user attempts to write a non existent output (Mask> 511) a digital error is returned.

Example: ‘1TDE<CR>’.





Interruptible Inputs

All inputs are interruptible capable. That is to say, they are able to detect a rising edge or a falling one or both depending of the configuration. To use this function, the input should be declared as ‘Rising edge detector input’, ‘Falling edge detector input’ or ‘Both edges detector input’ in register 261 to 269.

When enabled, an edge event on those pins automatically sends a telemetry frame to the default client chosen in S258 register. The frame sent is the same as the one returned after a digital read request. Of course the address set in S258 register can be the address of the local module (S258=S252): in this case, all edge events are reported on the serial link of the local module.

In addition, IO3 and IO4 are also able to detect edge even if module is in stand by mode. In this case, when an edge occurs, the module first wakes up and then sends the telemetry frame to the default telemetry address specified in register 258.

Telemetry Client

The Telemetry Client functionality is selected by setting S260 to 3. A telemetry client sends periodically a telemetry frame containing its IO status to the module specified in the S258 register. The format of the telemetry frame is the same as that used in a response to a digital read request. The update period is chosen by S243 register from 100 to 65535 ms.

IO Copy

“IO Copy” is the capacity to automatically set the outputs of a module according to the inputs of a remote module and vice versa. In this case, the modules are autonomous without the need of a controller.

General Usage

The IO Copy feature can be used either in point to point architecture or in a star network. In all cases, IO copy requires the use of one IO server (S260=1) and one or more IO clients


Each client sends periodically its input values to the server (specified in S258 register) and waits for server input values coming back to update its local outputs.

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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

1VV0301059 Rev.5

– 2015-

– 2015-03-25

The update period is chosen by S243 register from 100 to 65535 ms and can be different for each client. Between 2 updates, a client may go in stand-by mode to save power if required by

S240 register.

All communications are initiated by the clients, the server only answers to client requests.

This operating mode allows clients to be very low power while only the master needs to be permanently powered. If many clients are used with short update period, it is strongly recommended to use LBT to avoid radio collision (see S226 register).

Image of IO5 to

IO9 client inputs










IO Server







S261 to 264=3

S265 to 269=1

IO Client







S261 to 264=1

S265 to 269=3

Example 1: copied from client to server with one refresh every 5 seconds.










Image of IO1 to

IO4 server inputs

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1VV0301059 Rev.5

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– 2015-03-25

Image of IO3, IO4 inputs of client 1

Image of IO7, IO9 inputs of client 2









IO Server







S261, 262=3

S263, 264=1

S265, 266=3

S267 to 269=1

IO Client 1







S261, 262=1

S263, 264=3

S265 to 269=0

IO Client 2
















Image of IO1, IO2 server inputs

Not used

Not used

IO9 S252=2 IO4

S258=255 Image of IO5, IO6


S260=2 server inputs

Example 2:

IO copy with Star architecture with 2 ports copied from server to each client, 2 ports copied from


S261 to 264=0

S265, 266=1




S267 to 269=3 client 1 to server and 3 ports copied from client 2 to server. Low power is activated on both clients

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– 2015-03-25










IO Server







S261 to 269=3

Input Output

IO Client N

IO Client 3

IO Client 2

IO Client 1







S261 to 269=1

Example 3:


















Each client outputs are the images of server inputs

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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

1VV0301059 Rev.5

– 2015-

– 2015-03-25

Optimized Usage

If refresh time is critical to update outputs of the server according to the inputs of a client, it is possible to use the interrupt functionality. In this case, an edge occurring on the client input will immediately trigger the transmission of an update frame to the server without waiting the next refresh period.

Finally, it is possible to detect a link failure in a small network with up to 9 clients. When a client sends its inputs values, the frame also contains the timer period expressed in seconds.

The server records this period for each of the first 9 clients. When no messages are received from a client during twice the specified period + 1 second, the master indicates the failure writing ‘255TDE<CR>’ on its serial link and rising edge on ACK_TX signal.

Combining the two previous functionalities:

The consumption is very low,

The server outputs are refreshed immediately in case of an edge occurring on a client,

The radio link and client operation are checked periodically.

This configuration is ideal for wireless alarm sensor as explained in example 4.

Moreover, if it is not necessary to know on which client the edge occurred, it is possible to install up to 9 clients, all with IO4 as interrupt input activated. In this case, the IO4 server output will be set as soon as an event occurs on one of the 9 clients.

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1VV0301059 Rev.5

– 2015-

– 2015-03-25







IO Client 1







S261 to 263=0


S265 to 269=0

Input Output

Output not used




IO Server







S261, 262=0










IO Client 2













Example 4:

IO7 S263=4

Low power and fast response time.


S264 to 269=0

Two very low power clients send their values only once every minute but can send

IO9 immediately a frame in case of edge.

Outputs updated as soon as an event occurs on clients inputs

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1VV0301059 Rev.5

– 2015-

– 2015-03-25


A binding is a virtual link between two modules to simulate a point to point communication even if these modules are included in a bigger network. The advantage is that there is no need to insert the recipient address before the frame to send data between the two modules.

In telemetry protocol, it is possible to set two different bindings for data and telemetry frames.

The default data client is chosen in S256 register while the default telemetry client is chosen in S258. In this case all telemetry actions such as IO copy or edge detector are routed to the client specified in S258 while all data frames are routed the client defined in S256.

Note: if a data binding is set (S256≠0) no more telemetry order can be sent via the serial link; a module with data binding considers all serial frames as data to be sent to the default recipient.

Serial data to/from module 2 without encapsulation

Module 2



Data Binding

Serial data to/from module 1 without encapsulation

Module 1




IO ports image/source of module 3 IO ports

IO Binding

Module 3



IO ports image/source of module 1 IO ports


Independent data and telemetry bindings

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Frequency Hopping Star Network Protocol Stack User Guide

1VV0301059 Rev.5

– 2015-

– 2015-03-25

5. Document History

R e v i i s s i i o

0 n D a t t e C h a n g e s s

2013-10-10 First issue

1 2014-03-04 §3.3.1: Added S206 (“Frequency sub-band”) register.

§3.3.3: Added S228 (“Hayes over the air”) register.

§3.4: Added S206, S228 and S296 (“AES Key Read”) registers in

Public Register List table.




2014-07-15 Updated radio output power configuration table

2014-08-01 Updated SW Version in Applicability Table


2015-01-07 §3.1: Added ATTx commands

§3.4: Modified S296 register: once S296 is set to 1, the S280 reading can be enabled only using the ATR command.

Changed FCC band

2015-03-25 §3.4: Added S217 register

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Key Features

  • Frequency hopping technology
  • Transparent and addressed secured modes
  • Cyclic wakeup and sleep modes
  • Telemetry functions
  • Hayes over the air configuration
  • Customizable radio parameters
  • Serial link configuration
  • Network configuration
  • AES encryption
  • LBT (Listen Before Talk)

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is frequency hopping technology?
Frequency hopping is a technique for wireless communication that involves rapidly switching between different frequencies. This helps to reduce interference and improve the reliability of the communication link.
What are the different operating modes?
The LE70-915 module can operate in two different modes: transparent mode and addressed secured mode. Transparent mode is a simple point-to-point communication mode, while addressed secured mode allows for multi-point communication with data encryption and error checking.
What is telemetry?
Telemetry is the process of remotely monitoring and controlling devices. The LE70-915 module supports a variety of telemetry functions, including monitoring I/O pins, sending commands to remote devices, and collecting data from sensors.

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