Eijkelkamp GP2 Controller data logger, GP2 RLY relay expansion module, WS CAN protective canopy, DL MKT universal data logger mounting kit, M-ENCL B2 enclosure User Manual
Below you will find brief information for data logger GP2 Controller, relay expansion module GP2 RLY, protective canopy WS CAN, universal data logger mounting kit DL MKT, enclosure M-ENCL B2. The GP2 Controller is a research-grade logger controller that can be used to take measurements and control experiments. It has 12 differential analogue input channels, four event/digital counter channels, and a serial input channel for a WET sensor. It can also be used to control up to six relays. The GP2 RLY is a relay expansion module that provides four additional relays for use with the GP2 Controller. The WS CAN is a protective canopy that can be used to protect the GP2 Controller from the elements. The DL MKT is a universal data logger mounting kit that can be used to mount the GP2 Controller to a pipe or post. The M-ENCL B2 is an enclosure that can be used to protect the GP2 Controller and its related accessories from the elements.
GP2 Data Logger
Research-grade logger controller - capable of complex calculated measurements and advanced feed-back control
User Manual
version 1.0
P.O. Box 4, 6987 ZG Giesbeek
Nijverheidsstraat 30,
6987 EM Giesbeek,
The Netherlands
T +31 313 880200
F +31 313 880299
I http://www.eijkelkamp.com
CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... 2
UNPACKING ............................................................................................................ 3
OVERVIEW .............................................................................................................. 4
INSTALL DELTALINK ................................................................................................. 7
CONNECT TO GP2 .................................................................................................... 7
SOURCES OF HELP ................................................................................................... 8
CREATE A SIMPLE PROGRAM IN 6 EASY STEPS ........................................................ 9
THE GP2 SIMULATOR ............................................................................................ 10
SAMPLE PROGRAMS ............................................................................................. 11
CHECK SENSOR OPERATION AND START LOGGING ............................................... 11
RETRIEVE, VIEW AND SAVE LOGGED DATA ........................................................... 11
DATASET IMPORT WIZARD.................................................................................... 11
APPENDIX 1: GP2 RELAY EXPANSION MODULE ..................................................... 12
APPENDIX 2: GP2 NETWORK CABLING .................................................................. 16
APPENDIX 3: CABLE EXPANSION LIDS .................................................................... 20
APPENDIX 4: WS-CAN CANOPY ............................................................................. 22
APPENDIX 6: M-ENCL-B2 ENCLOSURE ................................................................... 23
APPENDIX 7: MAKE SURE THE GP2 IS PROPERLY SEALED....................................... 25
GP2 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................. 26
PRODUCT CARE AND MAINTENANCE .................................................................... 34
GP2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE ............................................................................ 34
LEGAL NOTICES ..................................................................................................... 34
INDEX .................................................................................................................... 35
Page 2 Contents
The GP2 package contains:
• GP2 Logger (with 6AA batteries to be fitted by the user)
• GP2-USB USB cable for GP2
• DVD with DeltaLINK 3 software, video tutorials and documentation
• This GP2 User Manual
• Screwdriver and cable gland spanner
Accessory Options
GP2-RLY Relay Expansion Module - 4 extra relays and power terminals
WS-CAN an open Protective Canopy with U-bolts and logger mounting kit for GP2 or DL2e loggers
M-ENCL lockable enclosure
DL-MKT Universal Mounting Kit – a flat plate with
U-bolts, nuts and bolts for GP2, GP1 and DL6 loggers
GP2-G5-LID Expansion Lid with 5 cable glands for
3 to 10 mm dia. cables
GP2-P2-LID Expansion Lid with 2 soil moisture
Profile Probe connectors
8-way M12 analogue signal extension cables
(EXT/8W-xx where xx = 5,10 or 25m)
5-way M12 serial communication + power extension cables (EXT/5W-xx where xx = 1, 5,10 or 25m)
GP2-NTP 3-way network T- Piece for connection to
EXT/5W-xx cables
GP2-NPC Network Power Cable – to supply power via a GP2-NTP and/or EXT/5W-xx cable
GP2-USB USB cable, 1.5m
GP2-RS232 RS232 cable, 1.5m
GP2/GP1-M8 network adapter cable, 1m
GP2-PSU Mains Power Supply
with mains cable
PC-XX where XX = UK, EU, US, IN or CN
GP2-SER Service Pack:– battery holder, desiccant, cable gland bungs & seals, lid screws, wire links, screwdriver and dust cap on lanyard
Page 16
Not weatherproof, for indoor use only
Unpacking Page 3
The GP2 has 12 differential analogue input channels
, four event/digital counter channels and a serial input channel for a WET sensor.
Two output relays can be extended to 6 using a relay expansion module.
Two banks of terminals provide a 3V precision reference, or unregulated power for sensors. There is also one 5V and one 12 V power terminal.
Each sensor can be read at a different rate, from 1 second to >1000 days.
Multiple recording rates are possible for any combination of measurements.
Multiple recording types are provided:- average, minimum, maximum, total, integral, wind-rose, conditional.
The logger can hold about 2.5 million readings.
Each relay can control a separate experiment, zone or test protocol, each based on different threshold settings or conditional logic.
Simple programs are quickly created on your PC, assisted by the sensor library and a helpful user interface, and then sent to the logger.
Sophisticated program scripts can be created without having to learn a programming language or typing out any commands.
New measurements can be created mathematically along with complex control algorithms, using algebraic and trigonometric functions and conditional logic, with easily created sequences of instructions.
You can create and manipulate your own “variables” for e.g. disease risk factor, integral error, days since soil moisture below a threshold, etc.
Thresholds can be changed while logging, by using program settings.
A simulator assists the checking and understanding of the behaviour of logging and control programs. A weather pattern can be repeated, or new one randomly created. It is particularly useful for irrigation.
Video tutorials, online help, a sensor library and friendly user interface are provided for the DeltaLINK 3 software.
Sensors Supported
All Delta-T sensors.
User defined sensors based on voltage, current, resistance, bridge, potentiometer, counter, frequency and digital state sensors.
Any number of calculated measurements.
See GP2 Intro Series Tutorials at http://www.youtube.com/user/DeltaTDevices/videos
…or on the Delta-T Software and Manual DVD
or 24 single-ended analogue channels – but note the limitation on the number of cable glands.
Page 4 Overview
6 long life alkaline 1.5V
AA/LR6 battery cells
Reset button
Internal Battery connector
Space for Relay Expansion
Ext pwr
Signal input terminals for analogue channels
+ power terminals for each sensor, from
Power Bank A
Signal input terminals for analogue channels
+ power terminals for each sensor, from
Power Bank B
9 cable glands for
3-6mm dia. sensor cables with sealing bungs
M12 connector for joint serial comms.
& external power cable
Page 5
Event Channels
Use Event 1 or 2 to monitor fast switch closures or pulses up to 30 kHz, such as a flow meter.
Use Event 3 or 4 to monitor slower switch closure or pulses <100Hz, such as a rain gauge. A 5ms de-bounce feature reduces the risk of double counting.
Relay Channels
The Relay channels have an open or closed latching switch, protected with a resetting thermal-fuse. They can be used in a variety of ways, e.g. to control several different experiments or irrigation zones, or alarms, or to switch power to sensors.
Each relay can switch up to 1A at 24VAC or 32V DC.
See also the Relay Expansion Module on page 12.
Status LED
Two flashes per ten seconds means the GP2 is logging.
Four flashes in a group indicate an error.
No flash means not logging or no battery power.
In the unlikely event of the logger locking up, briefly press the Reset button.
After pressing Reset, 4 LED flashes indicate that the GP2 is doing a warm reset.
Your program and data are preserved and logging will resume.
Hold Reset for more than 5 seconds until a second set of four LED flashes occur to initiate a cold reset. This restores the factory-set default program and deletes all data including any program which you may have added.
Analogue Channel Considerations
The differential analogue channels accept signals nominally
0 to 2.5V, with a full signal range of -1.4 to +2.7V.
The input range of custom sensor types can be set to autorange or to fixed ranges.
Ensure each voltage input on the (+) or (-) terminals is kept within the permitted common mode range of -2.5V to +3V relative to logger GND.
Ensure these limits are not exceeded, particularly if powered sensors are not powered by the GP2. The input signal may need to be connected to the logger ground. If the signal is floating then place a
10kohm resistor between (-) and (SGND).
Sensor Power
Analogue channels have (PWR) terminals to allow power to be switched to sensors. Sensors can be powered with an adjustable warm-up time prior to taking a reading. The duration of the warm-up period can be increased in multiples of one second.
The PWR power terminals associated with channels 1 to 12 can supply a regulated or unregulated voltage.
On Bank A and B the GP2 can provide either 3V (±0.2mV) or 5 to
10.5V (unregulated). In addition 5V (
±2%) and 12V (±0.4V) DC are available on
Page 6 Overview
separate screw terminals. External power can also be switched to sensors via up the two internal relays and four extra relays of the Relay Expansion Module.
The WET sensor PWR terminal also supplies 5.0 to 10.5 VDC unregulated and can be used by another sensor if no WET sensor is connected.
Install DeltaLINK
To operate the DeltaLINK 3 software for the GP2 logger you need:
• A PC running Windows Vista, XP, 7, 8 or later
• One free USB or RS232 port and the corresponding GP2 serial cable
• DVD drive or internet connection for software install
• GP2 to PC USB cable (supplied with GP2) or GP2 RS232 cable
• Delta-T Software and Manuals DVD (supplied with GP2) or internet connection
The following are also useful
• Acrobat Reader for .pdf documents (free from www.adobe.com
• Microsoft Excel 97 or later for the Excel Dataset Import Wizard
1. Insert the Software and Manuals disk into your DVD drive, or obtain DeltaLINK 3 from www.delta-t.co.uk/techsupport .
2. Select Install DeltaLINK and follow the on-screen instructions.
3. Setup creates a desktop shortcut to DeltaLINK, and puts a Firmware Upgrade program, a GP2 Calibration Certificate Generation program, a GSM Config
Utility and a Document Library folder in the DeltaLINK 3 program group.
4. An install program is also provided, if needed, for the GP2 to PC USB cable.
5. See the Release Notes in the Document
Library or at www.delta-t.co.uk/techsupport .
Connect to GP2
1. Connect GP2 to the PC using the serial cable provided.
2. Run DeltaLINK.
3. If DeltaLINK discovers your logger it displays this in the status bar – see at right.
If the GP2 is not found select Connection
Details, Add, Details, Detect USB Port or select the correct
COM port from the drop down list.
See How to find your
USB COM port on page 19.
If using networked
Install DeltaLINK Page 7
Sources of Help
Online Help
Click Help from any DeltaLINK window (or press F1) in selected areas for context sensitive information about DeltaLINK operation and functionality.
Select Start, All Programs, Delta-T Devices, DeltaLINK, Document Library.
Video Tutorials
Before attempting to program the GP2 watch the video tutorials – at http://www.youtube.com/user/DeltaTDevices/videos or on the Delta-T Software and Manual DVD.
These tutorials show the progressive development of a soil moisture sensor program, followed by its use to control soil moisture using an irrigation control relay.
Run DeltaLINK at the same time and see if you can reproduce the instructions along with the instructor.
Sensor Wiring Instructions
Wiring, installation and programming notes are provide for all sensors in the GP2 sensor library. This information appears in the Info Panel when a sensor is selected in the Measurement section as shown in Step 2 below,
Left click on the wiring diagram to enlarge it.
If wiring up in the field it may help to have these printed - see steps 3 & 4.
Print (Preview)
Page 8 Sources of Help
Create a Simple Program in 6 Easy Steps
Before you start you need to have DeltaLINK connected to your GP2 (see above), or to the GP2 Simulator (see below).
1 2
Select Program
Select Change
Click on “Click to add new item, under Measurement
Select Temperature (or any other option from the list)
Select 2K Thermistor (or any other option)
Select Apply to send the program to your GP2 or the simulator
Create a Simple Program in 6 Easy Steps Page 9
You can now, if you wish, click on the Sensors tab and Read Now to watch realtime readings, or cut to the chase, select the Program tab and Start Logging.
Note after step 5 above, that the the icon and label for the sensor appear in the
Measurement list in the left hand window. Also, detailed properties for the chosen sensor appear in the right hand window, including the channel number, and, as we saw earlier, the sensor connection instructions appear in the lower left Info Panel.
Under Recording the row labelled Individual reading indicates a rate of once per hour. To change this, select the row – which will open the recording options on the right hand panel, and choose your own Recording rate.
Note: Before you can change a program, stop logging and delete the logged data
(select Logger, Stop then Delete Records).
The GP2 Simulator
This simulates the weather and its effect on a variety of sensors. Before sending a program to your logger, try it out on the Simulator.
You can speed up time in the simulator to check the behaviour of your program.
Restart the simulator and it will recreate the same weather as before, from the same date.
This lets you see the effect of changes to a program.
(Note the simulated weather uses an artificial pattern and pseudo-random numbers, so don’t rely on it for anything important.)
Connect to GP2 Simulator
Graphs of solar radiation, rain, soil moisture, salinity and temperature generated by the DeltaLINK
1) Ensure DeltaLINK is connected to the GP2
Simulator as follows:- a) Select Program, Connection Details, Add and on the Connection
Properties, Connection tab set Connect to logger using to Simulator b) On the Details tab set Select simulator model to GP2 simulator.
2) On the program tab click Apply to install the program into the GP2 Simulator
Page 10 The GP2 Simulator
Sample Programs
Several sample programs are provided. To use these select Edit, Import Program, and select one from the Open dialog.
Check Sensor Operation and Start Logging
1. Select the Sensors window and click the Read now button. The sensor readings will continually refresh on a scrolling time graph.
2. Observe the sensor reading display in the scrolling charts and value panels while adjusting sensor wiring and/or installation conditions.
3. Click the Cancel button when finished.
4. Once sensors are setup select the Logger tab and click Start to commence logging.
Retrieve, View and Save Logged Data
1. Select the Dataset window. All stored data in the logger will be retrieved and displayed on the screen.
Click Refresh if required.
2. Select File, Save to save the data to a dataset file on your PC.
3. Select File, Open to open and view a previously saved dataset file.
Dataset Import Wizard
This helps import logged data files into MS
Excel spreadsheets.
Get it from www.delta-t.co.uk/techsupport or from the Delta-T Software and Manuals DVD.
To Install Dataset Import Wizard:
1. From the Delta-T Software and Manuals
DVD select Dataset Import Wizard Excel
2. If prompted by Excel, select Enable
Macros. Note: Excel’s security settings must allow macros to run: refer to Excel Help.
3. Dataset Import Wizard will report that it has installed successfully, and will add the
Import Dataset(s) to the File menu (or to the Add-Ins ribbon in Excel 2010).
4. To Start Dataset Import Wizard: Start Excel, select Import Dataset(s) and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: The GP2 memory can exceed the 65,000 row limit of Excel prior to Excel 2007.
If so, either update Excel, or import the data into multiple worksheets.
Sample Programs Page 11
Appendix 1: GP2 Relay Expansion Module
This contains:
4 x mounting screws
4 x stand-off pillars
5 x link wire
1 x GP2 relay expansion PCB
The GP2 contains 2 relays, used as switches. This expansion module provides 4 more, bringing the total to 6.
These can only be used with low voltage applications, not mains power.
Each relay is protected from overvoltage and overcurrent using a resettable fuse that will activate at 1A. The relays can handle up to 24V AC or 32V DC .
The relay expansion module fits onto the ‘EXPANSION BOARD’ position on the
GP2 PCB (as shown below).
Fitting Instructions
Warning: use anti-static procedures when handling the relay expansion module
Screw in the 4 hex stand-off pillars (provided) into the 4 positions on the
Push the relay expansion module onto the GP2 PCB as shown above. The header on the bottom of the module should fit into the ‘RELAY’ connector on the GP2 PCB and the 4 screw holes should line up with the hex stand-off pillars underneath.
3. Use the 4 screws (provided) to secure the PCB down on to the GP2.
Page 12 Appendix 1: GP2 Relay Expansion Module
Relay Layout
Note: All ‘Pwr’ and ‘Ret’ terminals are joined together on the circuit board
Power should not exceed 1A at 32V DC or 26V AC
How to Control the Relays
To instruct the relays to switch on or off you need to set up suitable ‘control’ conditions which meet your requirements. This is done using the DeltaLINK program.
For more information on how to do this, please refer to the DeltaLINK online help.
You may also find the video tutorials helpful.
Appendix 1: GP2 Relay Expansion Module Page 13
Relay Wiring - Option 1:
Power supply NOT shared by all the relays
Using more than one power supply: To use the relays to switch in various devices where each uses a separate, different power supply then connect the positive wire directly from the selected power supply into the relay of choice.
Do not use the ‘Pwr’ and ‘Ret’ routing options on the board:
Figure A1: Example wiring for switching on a solenoid valve using the A and B terminals of relay number 4
Relay terminals, applicable to relays 1 - 6
Pwr: Not used
Connect to power supply positive (+) output
Connect to pump negative (-) wire
Ret: Not used
Connect the pump negative (-) wire directly to the power supply negative
(–) terminal.
Page 14 Appendix 1: GP2 Relay Expansion Module
Relay Wiring – Option 2:
Power supply shared by all the relays:
If you want to switch in several devices that all share the same power supply, such as pumps or solenoids, you can use the external power option and route the power through to each relay via the ‘Pwr’ and ‘Ret’ terminals:
• External power in (‘PWR IN’):
Pwr: Connect to the +ive terminal on the power supply
Ret: Connect to the –ive terminal on the power supply
• Relay terminals, applicable to relays 1 - 6
Pwr: Link to the ‘A’ terminal next to it, e.g. ‘4A’
As above, linked to ‘Pwr’
Connect to pump +ive wire
Ret: Connect to pump –ive wire
Figure A2: Switching in a solenoid valve using a common power supply through relay number 4
Figure A3: Switching in a solenoid valve using a common power supply through relay number 1 on the main PCB.
*Warning: The relay only can take up to 1A at 24V AC or 32V DC.
Appendix 1: GP2 Relay Expansion Module Page 15
Appendix 2: GP2 Network Cabling
Figure A4 A network of 7 GP2 loggers connected to a PC via a total 100m of
EXT/5w-xx extension cables and seven M12 5-way T-Piece connectors. This is the maximum number of loggers and maximum cable length supported.
Page 16 Appendix 2: GP2 Network Cabling
Figure A5 GP2 Network Cabling options
Cable GSM-RS-DB9 (not shown in Fig A5) - is required in order to configure the modem at the logger end. This is supplied as standard with the Delta-T
GSM modem solutions i.e. GSM-BX1 and MD-GSM-2.
Seven is the maximum number of loggers which can be supported on a combined network of GP1 (and/or DL6) and GP2 loggers.
Only one external power supply should ever be connected to the network.
Never connect more than one external battery.
The GP2 network serial communication and power cable should not exceed
3A or 15V DC.
Lead acid batteries must have a 2.5A in-line fuse in series with the +’ve wire to protect the network cabling.
Do not charge any external battery (including one in the GSM modem box) via any extension cables.
Do not power the GSM modem via any extension cables.
These warnings apply to all GP2 and GP1 network cabling systems.
Appendix 2: GP2 Network Cabling Page 17
DeltaLINK System Requirements
You need DeltaLINK version 3 or later.
Go to www.delta-t.co.uk/techsupport for the current version of DeltaLINK or install it form the Delta-T Software and Manuals DVD.
Creating a Network Connection
Connect your PC to the GP2 network, via the GP2 USB cable or GP2-
RS232 cable, or, if using a modem, via the cabling indicated in Figure A5..
Start DeltaLINK. Select Connection Details to display a window listing all
(known) logger connections. The first time you do this the list may be empty.
In the Connections dialog, click Add… to pop up the Connection
Properties dialog. See Figure A6.
Figure A6 Connections Properties
In Connect to logger using: select the communication method, e.g. Serial.
Select the Details tab and enter connection details e.g. COM3.
See also: How to Find your COM Port on page 19.
Select the Connection tab, tick the Networked check box, and enter the serial number of the GP2 that you want to address.
Enter a descriptive Connection name, e.g. or “GP2 3-24 on COM3 (USB).
8. Click OK, and in the Connections dialog select the new connection and click
DeltaLINK will then open the connection in a new window. 9.
10. Repeat the procedure for each logger on the network, with a unique connection name for each.
Page 18 Appendix 2: GP2 Network Cabling
Figure A7 Example showing how DeltaLINK displays connections to GP2 loggers on the network connected to a PC on COM Port 3
How to find your USB COM port
Start here
Click to create a new connection
Click to detect
USB port
USB cable
USB cable
USB cable found on COM8
Appendix 2: GP2 Network Cabling
Click to connect to any logger on COM8
Page 19
Appendix 3: Cable Expansion Lids
Note: The GP2 case has 9 cable glands for 3-6 mm diameter cables. Additional and/or larger cables can be fitted using this expansion lid.
This GP2 lid has 5 general purpose cable glands.
Each gland can accept either a cable with an outer diameter of 3 to10mm diameter, or it can take 2 cables of diameter 3 to 4.5mm - using a gland insert with two holes.
Fit the lid in place using a cross-head cross-head screwdriver (not supplied).
3 to 10 mm diameter cables
3 to 4.5 mm diameter cables
Blanking plugs
Outer sleeve
Inner sleeve
Inner and outer sleeve combined
Twin hole insert
For larger cables separate the inner and outer sleeves and use only the outer sleeve
When using the twin hole insert, ensure both holes are used – if using only one cable, then a blanking plug (or similar) must be put into the other hole.
Failure to do this will mean the enclosure is not sealed, and may damage the insert.
See also: Appendix 7: Make sure the GP2 is properly sealed on page 25.
Page 20 Appendix 3: Cable Expansion Lids
This expansion lid has 2 connectors for PR2 soil moisture profile probes, which are each connected via type EXT/8w-xx extension cables.
Inside the lid are two short internal cables with plugs which fit onto the PR2 sockets
on the main PCB, as shown on page 5.
PR2/6 probes connect to channels 1-6 and 7-12 in the GP2 logger.
Pr2/4 probes connect to channels 1-4 and 7-10, leaving four of the 12 logger differential analogue channels free (along with all the relay and counter channels).
Note: to connect 3 PR2/4 probes you need to use a GP2-G5-LID and 3 PRC/w-05
PR2 to bare wire cables, (the cable glands in the main GP2 case do not take the larger PR2 cables.
Appendix 3: Cable Expansion Lids Page 21
Appendix 4: WS-CAN Canopy
Page 22 Appendix 4: WS-CAN Canopy
Appendix 5: DL-MKT Universal Data Logger
Mounting Kit
The Universal Mounting Kit is a 2mm thick flat stainless steel plate with U-bolts suitable for attaching to a 42 mm (1
⅝ inch) diameter vertical pipe or post and with nuts and bolts for GP2, GP1 and DL6 loggers.
Appendix 5: DL-MKT Universal Data Logger Mounting Kit Page 23
Appendix 6: M-ENCL-B2 Enclosure
The enclosure is designed for use with the standard Delta-T M2 2m mast. It is an alternative to the weather station canopy and provides greater weather protection, electrical shielding, and security for GP2 logger and its related accessories.
Weatherproof to IP54 standard
Side opening door with twin locks
Gland plate with 12 cable glands
Two inch dia pole mounting brackets (2 off)
Trunking for tidy cable routing
Earthed back plate and strap
Detail showing an M-ENCL–B2 Enclosure with additional options installed:- top left
GSM modem type MD-GSM-2, bottom left - a solar charger regulator (which along with a 30W solar panel and cabling forms a SOL4-KIT2, and bottom right a 12V, 10
Ah battery type LBAT4
For further information see the M Enclosure User Manual at www.deltat.co.uk/techsupport .or on the Delta-T Software and Manuals DVD.
Page 24 Appendix 6: M-ENCL-B2 Enclosure
Appendix 7: Make sure the GP2 is properly sealed
Make sure the case is not cracked nor damaged in any way
Check there is no dirt, foreign objects or damage to the rubber lid seal – this could compromise the integrity.
Firmly tighten all 4 lid screws
Make sure the rubber seal in the cable gland looks intact and clean.
Make sure the rubber seal hasn’t pealed back on itself when a cable was inserted.
Ensure unused cable glands have a blanking plug fitted.
Tighten cable glands onto the cable, not onto heat shrink.
Tightened the cable glands as hard as you can by hand or use a torque wrench set to 0.7 nm.
A cable coming out of a GP2 with bare wires exposed, or a break in the insulation, can allow water to enter, so ensure the whole cable is properly sealed.
If possible use sealed connectors and mount the logger vertically with the cable glands facing down.
Finger tight or
0.7 Nm torque
Appendix 7: Make sure the GP2 is properly sealed Page 25
GP2 Specifications
General Specifications
Program repeat rate
Real time clock
Multiples of 1s
Input protection
Regulatory compliance
Data storage
Activity indicator
± 1 minutes per month typical, ±5 minute`s per month worst case.
(-20 to +60 °C)
RS232 115.2kBaud, USB-RS232 adapter cable supplied
Up to 7 GP2s on 100 m of network cabling, with optional power distribution over network cabling
All terminals protected to ±15VDC, 24VAC, including battery reverse polarity
Surge tested IEC61000-4-5 PASS A
ESD tested IEC61000-4-2 PASS A
EMC tested IEC61000-4-3 PASS A
CE Compliant
FCC Compliant
Operating: -20 to +60 °C
Fitted with cable glands, IP65
4 MBytes FLASH memory.
Storage capacity (compressed): 2.5 million values (typical).
Autowrap option (i.e. overwrite earliest data when memory full) and/or manual deletion of data without interrupting logging.
Every 10s, LED signals logging and error status
Page 26 GP2 Specifications
Analogue Input Specifications
Analogue input channels
Input ranges
Sensor source impedance
Sensor excitation
12 differential.
Each provided with signal (+), (-) and 0V (SGND), and power (PWR) and power return (PGND) terminals, and individually configurable for differential voltage, 3-wire resistance, bridge, potentiometer, or for a pair of single-ended voltage or 2-wire resistance measurements (up to 24 in total).
4 ranges, -1.4V to 2.7V maximum
Optional, adaptive
<11K source resistance
<20nF source capacitance
Open circuit detection
Settling time
Reading duration
Noise rejection
Input leakage
Input resistance
20uA current source for resistance and precision 3V for bridge and potentiometric measurements provided at each terminal cluster.
Optional, (+) and (-) terminals biased to -5V and +5V respectively for 2 ms via 50KΩ prior to the measurement
Optional, 1 to 200 ms for high value resistance measurements
Per analogue measurement:
6ms built-in settling time
+ 2ms if open circuit detection enabled
+ optional settling time
+ 20ms or 16.67ms depending on mains filter frequency
+ additional 20 or 16.67ms if 2nd auto-range cycle required
Plus, per program execution cycle:
20 ms startup
+ 2 to 8 self-calibration cycles of 11ms
(dependent on mix of required measurements)
+ 26ms resistance self-calibration if required
Common mode rejection ratio: >70 dB
Common mode range: +3V to -2.5V
For Bridge measurements, common mode nulled at +1.5V.
Normal mode mains rejection (50/60Hz):
100 - 60dB (0 to 0.1% mains frequency error)
<2nA typical (-20 to +60°C: <12nA)
0.8 to 3.8 GΩ
Cold junction thermistor
0.02% worst case over 1 year
Recalibration recommended every year
Built-in, 0.1°C precision 10K Thermistor + logger contribution as below.
Isothermality <0.1°C per 1°C per hour temperature change
GP2 Specifications Page 27
Analogue Accuracy
Input range GP2 at 25 ° C -20 to +60 °C Noise*
Voltage differential
Voltage ** single-ended
-0.17V to 2.7V
-1.4V to 1.5V
-1.7V to 2.7V
-1.4V to 1.5V
0.004% + 87µV
0.004% + 87µV
0.008% + 17µV
0.024% + 13µV
0.007% + 86µV
0.007% + 86µV
0.036% + 148µV
0.036% + 148µV
0.067% + 38µV
0.09% + 31µV
0.043% + 119µV
0.043% + 119µV
33 µV
33 µV
33 µV
33 µV
0.013% + 11µV
0.017% + 9 µV
0.045% + 4.15Ω
0.059% + 0.63Ω
0.076% + 25µV
0.084% + 22 µV
0.138% + 6.46Ω
0.184% + 0.93Ω
1.6 Ω
0.3 Ω
0.091% + 0.42Ω
0.045% + 15.4Ω
0.052% + 11.8Ω
0.229% + 0.28Ω
0.109% +22.9Ω
0.155% + 17.4Ω
0.2 Ω
1.6 Ω
0.3 Ω
0 to 1
0.037% + 20µV/V 0.077% + 48µV/V 2 µV/V
0.053% + 15µV/V 0.100% + 41µV/V 1.5 µV/V
0.036% + 0.00015 0.057% + 0.00017 36 µV or
10K, -20 to +60°C 0.04°C
2K, -20 to +60°C 0.05°C
±23mV 0.47°C 1°C <0.3°C
K type
* RMS noise, included in offset figure
** Single-ended voltage measurements are subject to further offset errors due to current flowing in signal ground.
*** mV per 1V excitation
**** GP2 contribution to measurement error only, sensor error is additional
Page 28 GP2 Specifications
Digital Input Specifications
Counter/frequen cy/digital state channels
WET sensor
2 x fast, 30 kHz, 30 us debounce
2 x slow, 100 Hz, 5 ms debounce
Accepts logic level (low <0.8V, high >2.4V) or open collector or voltage-free switch closure inputs.
1 x WET sensor channel.
Water content, bulk/pore conductivity and temperature.
Relay Outputs
Relay channels
2 plus 4 with optional relay expansion card
Latching, single pole single throw
24VAC, 32VDC, 1A thermal fuse overload protection
Alarm, control, scripts, or switching power to sensors
Package contents
225 x 185 x 75 mm (Standard lid, no cables)
1 kg (Standard lid, No packaging, No relay PCB)
GP2 logger with lid
Dessicant and dessicant storage bag
Toolkit- spanner and screwdriver
Software and Manuals DVD
GP2 User Manual
1 year
GP2 Specifications Page 29
Power Supply Specifications
6 x AA alkaline cells
Internal battery
External power
IN: 10 to 15VDC, 2A via screw terminals or network cabling
OUT: 2.5A via network cabling
Accessory, provides 12VDC regulated, 2.5A
Mains adapter
Sleep current
Wake current
< 60uA typical (-20 to +60 °C: 120uA)
Plus 30uA for each digital input held low.
<1mA (input regulator current) when running from external power supply unit
<10 mA, plus any current supplied to sensors
Low power detection
GP2 draws current from internal battery or external supply, whichever provides the higher voltage, so internal battery serves as backup supply if external power fails. Internal backup capacitor retains program state and maintains the clock for >1 hour for battery change or if both supplies fail.
3.09V to 3.42V shutdown to self-preservation mode
4.1 V analogue readings fail
User defined minimum power for analogue measurements powered via PWR Bank A or B (below). Measurements invalidated if requirement not met.
Sensor Power and Warm-up Specifications
Any of the sources below can be selected for powering sensors. Power is switched when required, either immediately before a measurement or with 1s to 60s warmup duration in advance.
PWR Bank
PWR Bank
Banks A, B
RLY 1 to 6
Page 30
5 to 10.5 V unregulated, 180 mA. Routed to PWR terminals of analogue input channels CH1 to CH6.
As PWR Bank A, routed to CH7 to CH12
Calibrated 3V reference for bridge and potentiometer excitation,
±0.2 mV (-20 to +60: ± 0.9mV) 18mA. Routed to Bank A and B terminals, so excludes use of PWR on the selected Bank.
5 to 10.5V, 50 mA min, 150mA max unregulated
5.0VDC ±2% (-20 to +60: ±3%), 50mA, shared with internal functions
12 ± 0.4VDC (-20 to +60: ±0.6VDC), 0.5A
Relay can be configured switch power to sensors from an independent external supply.
GP2 Specifications
DeltaLINK 3 Software Specifications
DeltaLINK 3 is Windows software for configuring, managing and downloading data from the GP2 data logger
System requirements
Operating system
1024 x 600 or more
MS Windows XP SP3 or later
DVD drive
To install from DVD or download from www.delta-t.co.uk/techsupport .
Logger status
Program settings
GP2 ( GP1, DL6 data loggers – see footnote
Logger, program, memory and battery status, and error log.
Modify selected aspects of program behaviour without interrupting program execution.
On demand measurements
Data download
GP2 simulator
Measurement values charted on demand at any time, for setting up and checking that ‘all is well’
Chart and table views of downloaded data, export as text file.
Caching to optimize download times of large datasets
Program editor
Multifunction GP2 program editor displays the logging program, with point and click programming interface (GP2 loggers only).
Online help
Detailed context-sensitive Help and reference.
This can simulate a GP2 which is logging Delta-T sensors and operating irrigation valves in a mid-latitude maritime climate.
For experimenting with program outcomes.
Command line tool
Document library
Downloads and manages logged data and error log. Can run in a
Windows scheduled task to automate data download.
Folder containing rich product documentation and application note resources
Firmware update
Update to most recent firmware version
Software support for DL6 and GP1 loggers uses earlier version of DeltaLINK
GP2 Specifications Page 31
Multifunction GP2 Program Specifications
Analogue, digital and calculated measurements.
Unlimited number (subject to channel availability and program size).
Individually configured for input type, calculation method and result limits, or by selection of a sensor type from a sensor library picking list.
Input types
Voltage, resistance, current, bridge, potentiometer, counter, frequency, digital state, WET.
Calculation methods
Delta-T sensor library
Custom sensor library
No calculation, average, min., max., mean, sum, linear scaling, slope and intercept, linearization table, comparator, thermocouple, soil moisture, pore conductivity and custom formulae.
Delta-T sensor library provides sensor types for all GP2-compatible
Delta-T line item sensors, including detailed HTML Sensor configuration notes.
User-defined custom sensor library, including configuration notes created with built-in HTML editor.
Individual readings, statistics, total, integral, wind (including direction and vector average, gust, wind roses), conditional
Relay switching controlled by independent Activate and Rest conditions, safety conditions (limit duration of Active and Rest periods), with optional additional recording while Active, and optional pulsing. Conditions expressed as custom formulae and evaluated at defined repeat rates or on a digital event or on a
DeltaLINK button click.
Relay switching triggered by evaluation of a measurement and comparison against a numeric threshold value(s) or a custom formula. Optional pulsing.
Program settings
Video tutorial
Custom scripts, executed at a defined repeat rate, including conditional branches (IF… ELSEIF…ELSE…ENDIF), recording, switching relays and use of variables.
For use in custom formulae and scripts
Variables and critical control parameters optionally configured to be adjusted while the program runs.
Instructions for building up a sophisticated program in easy stages.
Page 32 GP2 Specifications
Script Editor Specifications
Point and click user interface for constructing custom formulae and scripts incorporating the following programming elements:
Statements *
Constants (number, integer, time, duration), variables, measurements, outputs
Arithmetic: +, –, *, /, %
Logical: ==, <>, >=, <, <=, AND, OR
IsNumber, IsNan, IsOverflow, IsUnderflow
Numeric status
Mathematical functions
Time and date
Minimum, Maximum, Average, Sum, Sin, Cos, Tan, ASin, ACos,
Atan, SinH, CosH, Ln, Log10, Exp, Pow, Abs, Atan2
NOW, Time, Day of month, Month, Day of Week, Day of Year,
Week of Year, Week of Month, Year
* Statements are applicable only in scripts. Other elements may not be applicable, depending on the context.
Simulator Specifications
The simulator assists the development of logging and control programs, simulating a temperate maritime climate at a latitude of 51 degrees North, such as that in the UK.
Soil water, nutrient and heat fluxes are simulated.
Soil moisture is lost by drainage and by surface evaporation and evapotranspiration - from a spring-sown crop harvested in the autumn.
Water uptake peaks in high summer, nutrient uptake peaking earlier.
Soil water is replenished by rainfall, and by irrigation which is modelled by switching the GP2’s relays.
Irrigation can be with fresh water or saline/nutrient solution – these differ in their effect on soil salinity – and can be measured by a simulated flow meter.
The simulator can be speeded up and the same weather pattern can be repeated.
For full details please see DeltaLINK 3 Help.
GP2 Specifications Page 33
Product Care and Maintenance
The battery can be changed quickly without losing program settings or data, but no additional data will be logged while the battery is removed. Change the battery if the voltage indicated on the Logger window of DeltaLINK is under 5.5V or below the supply voltage needed for sensors.
One 25g bag of desiccant protects the logger from condensation. Replace with fresh desiccant annually to ensure continued logger accuracy and reliability. Keep the cover on and cable glands sealed except when connecting sensors or changing the battery.
Logger sealing: See Appendix 7: Make sure the GP2 is properly sealed on page
The Service Kit (GP2-SER) contains desiccant, a replacement battery holder, spare
M8 connector cover cap & lanyard, and spare sealing bungs.
GP2 Calibration Certificate
To see your current calibration certificate:-
• Connect your PC to your GP2
• Run GP2 Calibration Certificate Generator from the Start, All Programs, Delta-T Devices,
DeltaLINK 3 menu
• Enter the number of your GP2 COM port connection and, if networked, the GP2 serial number
• Select Fetch Details from logger
• Select Save or Print Certificate as required.
Legal and Regulatory Advice
Please read GP2 Product Usage.pdf in the DeltaLINK 3\Document Library folder.
The GP2 is CE compliant, conforming to the essential requirements of EMC directive
For US markets the GP2 is Part 15 FCC compliant.
Page 34 Product Care and Maintenance
2K Thermistor , 9
3V precision reference, 4
A analogue, 3, 4
Analogue, 6
Analogue Accur, 28
Analogue Input Specifications, 27
Apply , 9
B battery power, 4 blanking plug, 25
C cable glands, 25
COM port, 19
Connection Details,, 7 counter channels, 4
Dataset Import Wizard, 11
DeltaLINK, 7
DeltaLINK 3 Software Specifications, 31
Digital Input Specifications, 29
DL-MKT Universal Data Logger Mounting
Kit, 23
Event Channels, 6
Expansion Lids, 20
EXT/5W-xx, 3
EXT/8W-xx, 3
Firmware Upgrade, 7
GP2 Program Specifications, 32
GP2 Relay Expansion Module, 12
GP2 Simulator, 9
GP2-G5-LID, 3, 20
GP2-NPC, 3
GP2-NTP, 3
GP2-P2-LID, 3, 21
GP2-RLY, 3
GP2-RS232, 3
GP2-USB, 3
GSM Config Utility, 7
Help, 8
Import Dataset(s), 11
Individual reading, 10
Info Panel, 10
Install, 7
Layout, 5
Legal Notices, 34
Logged Data, 11
M2 Lockable Enclosure, 24
M2-ENCL, 3
Maintenance, 34
Measurement list, 10 measurements
Page 35
mathematical, virtual, 4
Network Cabling, 16
Network Cabling options, 17, 18
Network Power Cable, 3
P power, 3
Power, 6
Power Bank, 7
Power supply NOT shared by all the relays, 14
Power supply shared by all the relays, 15
Power Supply Specifications, 30
Product Care, 34
Program, 9
R readings maximum number, 4
Recording, 10 recording rates, 4 recording types statistical, 4 relay, 4
Relay Channels, 6 relay expansion module, 4
Relay Expansion Module, 7
Relay Outputs, 29
Relay Wiring, 14
Retrieve, 11
RS232, 3
Page 36
Script Editor Specifications, 33 sensor reading rate, 4
Sensor Power and Warm-up
Specifications, 30
Sensors tab, 10 serial, 3 serial input, 4 simulator, 4, 33
Simulator, 10
Specifications, 26
Status LED, 6
T- Piece, 3 tutorials, 4
USB, 3
V variables, 4
Video Tutorials, 8
WET sensor, 4, 7
Wiring Instructions, 8
WS-CAN Canopy, 22
P.O. Box 4, 6987 ZG Giesbeek
Nijverheidsstraat 30,
6987 EM Giesbeek,
The Netherlands
T +31 313 880200
F +31 313 880299
I http://www.eijkelkamp.com

Public link updated
The public link to your chat has been updated.
Key features
- Research-grade logger controller
- Complex calculated measurements
- Advanced feed-back control
- 12 differential analogue input channels
- 4 event/digital counter channels
- Serial input channel for a WET sensor
- Control up to 6 relays
- Optional relay expansion module
- IP65 weatherproof enclosure