ATD -5544 Mini Digital Multimeter Instruction manual

Below you will find brief information for Mini Digital Multimeter ATD-5544. This compact multimeter measures DC and AC voltage, DC current, resistance, and performs diode and battery tests. It features automatic polarity indication and overload protection, making it ideal for basic electrical measurements. The ATD-5544 is easy to use and portable, perfect for hobbyists and technicians.

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ATD-5544 Mini Digital Multimeter Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Compact and portable design
  • Measures DC/AC voltage, DC current, resistance
  • Diode and battery testing functions
  • Automatic polarity and zero adjustment
  • Overload protection

Frequently asked questions

It uses a 12V Alkaline Manganese button cell, A23 EI12 (Japan) or equivalent.

500V rms

Set the FUNCTION and RANGE switch to the 2k/Diode position. Connect the RED probe to the anode and the black probe to the cathode.

The battery needs replacing.
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