COBHAM 247 Audio Mixing Amplifier Installation and Operation Manual

The Model 247 Audio Mixing Amplifier is a versatile device designed for mixing various aircraft audio signals, including Aural Warning, Cockpit Voice Recorder, and other audio signals. It features three independent audio mixing circuits with four input channels and one output channel each. Each input channel can accept microphone, headphone, or receiver signals, and the gain can be adjusted for optimal performance. The amplifier's output can drive a wide range of impedances, from 8 ohms to 10K ohms, making it suitable for various applications.

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COBHAM 247 Audio Mixing Amplifier Installation and Operation Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • 3 Electrically Independent Audio Mixing Circuits
  • 4 Input Channels Per Circuit
  • 1 Output Channel Per Circuit
  • Adjustable Inputs
  • Selectable Mic Bias
  • Gain Adjustment
  • Multipurpose Mixing Amplifier

Frequently asked questions

The Model 247 is designed for use as a multipurpose mixing amplifier for mixing Aural Warning, Cockpit Voice Recorder or virtually any aircraft audio signals.

Each mixing circuit has four input channels.

Output power is limited by 100 ohm resistors on each output.

Maximum current draw for each mixer circuit within the Model 247 is 0.5 Amps assuming maximum output voltage into a maximum load of 8 ohms.

The Model 247 cover must be removed to gain access to the internal adjustments. Refer to Assembly drawing 247-1 in the SM247 Maintenance manual.
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