Fibaro FGSD-002 smoke sensor Operating manual

Below you will find brief information for smoke sensor FGSD-002. The Fibaro Smoke Sensor is a universal, optical Z-Wave smoke detector. Fire alarm is signaled by sound, visual indicator blinking and by sending Z-Wave alarm and control commands. The optical sensor detects smoke at an early stage of fire, often before flames appear and temperature starts to rise significantly. Moreover, the device has a built-in temperature sensor, which is programmable indicator of exceeding set temperature level. The Fibaro Smoke Sensor is designed to be placed on a wall or ceiling. Visual indicator signals fire, operating mode and is used to see if device is within the Z-Wave network. The smoke sensor is designed to operate in confined spaces, under normal conditions (lacking smoke, dust, condensed water vapor).

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Fibaro Smoke Sensor FGSD-002 Operating Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Z-Wave network compatible
  • Optical Smoke Sensor
  • Temperature Sensor
  • 3 sensitivity levels
  • Battery Powered
  • Programmable temperature threshold
  • Automatic self-test
  • Visual and audible alarm
  • Remote software update
  • Association groups

Frequently asked questions

Make sure the device is powered by the battery. Press and hold the B-button. The visual indicator will glow white and the short alarm will sound. Keep holding the B-button. After 3 seconds from the first beep smoke chamber operation will be checked. Triggering fire alarm and beep mean positive result and should occur within 10 seconds. No fire alarm means that the sensor is malfunctioning.

Detach the sensor from its cover by turning the device counter-clockwise. Remove the flat battery from the device. Then press and hold the B-button for 3 seconds. Insert a new CR123A battery observing the polarities shown inside. Visual indicator will signal Z-Wave network inclusion status (green - device included, red - device not included). Test Fibaro Smoke Sensor’s operation by performing a self-test. Attach the device into the cover by turning clockwise.

There are 3 levels of sensitivity to smoke presence. Level 1 means the highest sensitivity. Rising the parameter value lowers the sensitivity to smoke presence. Available settings: 1 - 3 1 - HIGH Sensitivity 2 - MEDIUM Sensitivity 3 - LOW Sensitivity. By default, the detector is set to the middle sensitivity level. Sensitivity level depends on the parameter 1 settings (modified only through the main Z-Wave controller).
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