Brother PT 1090 Label Printer User's Guide

Below you will find brief information for PT 1090. This Brother PT 1090 label printer lets you create custom labels for various applications. Choose from numerous frames, character sizes, and styles. It supports different tape widths and colors. The guide covers setup, operation, troubleshooting, and safety.

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Key features

  • Thermal transfer
  • 180 x 180 DPI
  • Print speed: 10 mm/sec
  • Display: LCD
  • 315 g

Frequently asked questions

Only Brother TZ tapes are compatible.

The label printer will automatically stop printing to cool down. The cooling time will be displayed.

Turn off the labeller, hold down Function and R, then press power once to turn it on while holding Function and R, then release them.

The error message "BATTERY!" will appear.

Yes, but you need to use either 9 mm or 12 mm wide tape.
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