Philips DVD 729, DVD 728 DVD player Owner's Manual
Below you will find brief information for DVD player DVD 729, DVD player DVD 728. This Philips DVD player allows you to enjoy movies from DVD discs and listen to music from CDs. The player features a convenient remote control and various playback options. The DVD player has a built-in region code, so you can enjoy movies from different regions.
DvD729 DvD 728 Reod this monuol frstl Con9rotulations on purchosing thß Philips We've in luded evetytting produd you need to get stoned lfyou h@e ony prcblems, Phihs reptesentotives .on heh you set the lmost fron your new prcduct by exploinins: . Fnstüne setup, dnd For fost help, coll us first) Tel: see bock poge of this monuat General lnformation Contents Since t 5 usua for DVD movies to be lrr e:rse! at drife.ent times n drifercit regons oiihe 'dorlci. all Payers have ftglon code! ind d sci cai have an optona reB of .ode f IoL.r oid a disc of a dife _ent reg on (odc to yol]f P dyeri yoLr w ll \pF r|. ,...n ...1p .^r.F ,r. rhp (. .en I hp d,, 1rlr "apld.b",l 'ao noJ,d bp L,r,ro.o^ , '[- r1'r crntor r,^rr ö o r-,, p/e nrufy. o ll! n aua fed :cr v.e Derson shou d femove lhc.overo attcrrol lo seN ce lh s l .. USE OF CONTROLS OR AD'IUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OF PROCEDURES OTHERTHAN THOSE SPECIFIED HEREIN MAY R€SULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE. @@ Mot1,.ifo.ta.ed Laser safety NOTE: PICTURES SHOvvN MAY BE DIFFERENT BETr^/EEN COUNTRIES. lnier li.en;e from Dolby Lobo,cto,e!. Dalbf . ha lc?. on<1 thc dclble D sfrnbol ore 0atltndks Dl Dalbl n-äoE "vß ucä6i- P ..---.'----.--.6 Functional overvie\,Y Type Wäve enllh Ol,tpui CAUTION (WARNING LOCATION: ONTHE BACKPLATE OFTHE SET) l'ov?(, Semlcondlctor laser CJAAs 650 nm (DVD) ;/80 nn'r (VCD/CD) 7 mW iDVD) 10 llcillrr dlvrlltcn.e mw (VCDi CD) 60 deSree lhsic Connection Connecting to aTV Connecting to an Audio System --.--.------- 10 ' o'1leccing to Optronal Equipment ----- ... 10 l,'rerrinB batrefles into the Remote Control. 11 11 Swicching On \ \ rhe DVDVIDEO Pl:ryer ,' comboaible wilh such rew discs. Shou,o In conformrtv wrllr thn FMC d'fe' t,vc .nrl r.*-""r.,e" ,mDortont Note; Due to the numeroos yersions o[ new CDAudto .opy prote.tion or enhonced CDAudio protection recentlf ayoilable on (ertoin dircr, Philipr i5 unoble ro gudrdrtee thdt this DVD Ployer is full\l a"*.*. you have difficulty pldying ony such CDAodio dit<s, kindly refer rhem to your CDAudio disc retoile?. Read carefully |7 t8 ----------- l8- t9 18 19 19 D sc Loc( 19 19 Scfeen Saver AnalogueAudio Setup menu ------- DOWNI'11X.,,DR', Sound l''1ode Reverb l'1odq 20-21 ,--- 20 20 20 11 l2 D gtal Outplrt 12 LPCM Output 1) Conlrol during playback \udrc Contfol during playba.k '----''------ - - Screen D splay) special DVD ' iryrng al tle P aying a Chäpter aamera Angle a,hanging the Audio Language Sübliiles SpecialVCD & SVCD Features l'layback Contro (PBC) )1 22-24 Video Setup menu 1) TV Type )) 13 lV D 2) 1l Smart Pcture 1l 1l tl l4 '14 splay Co our Setting Pr€ference Setup menu ALrdio Langla8e Subltle Language Dis. flenu Language 23,21 ------..-- 24-26 24 )5 75 25 t4 t4 Parentdl Contfol Default Se,up )6 l'4Pl4PEG Nav,gator ---- l4-15 l5 t6 Specifications Sp€cifications Maintenance 28 l'1Pl & IPEC Navigaior 16 the nforni.rl on kx,rl,1l ,l ll, bottom ofyolrr DVDVIDEO Pay.r ,ri1,1 l, belowthc Seral No.Ret.r n this nlo rrlr' i,r r special ,PEG Features l7 Lrndlion Inlrodlctron 17 I 11 1l l'1ode No DVDV DEO 7291728 11 DigitalAudio Setup menu ------------------ 2l General Ooeration For Customer Use ' --" D splay D m General Operation 1 CONNECTIONS \^/ITH THE POWER SWITCHED ON. General Setup menu OsD Langlage P ogi.m-- Basic Playback osD (On- NEVER HAKE OR CHANGE a Ia F Operation {cpeat A B Resum€ 17 .11 Basic Operation Preparation V .leo 1l .11 Setup Menu ront and Rear Panels l{c'note Control I 11 LAS€R .-- SDecial MP3 Features F!nctron ntrrdLJction Playback Spe-.dContro -.''. ,PEG and MP3 Simultaneous Playback ,,t phed accessories \ynrbols Used in this Manual a/bacl w1h rnultr-angle5 Scan Efi-.ct onmental Information TroubleshootinS 28"29 Introduction Functional Overview fthe DVD Playe- is broLrght drectly a co d warm ocation, or s p aced n a very damp room moistlrre may condense on the lens ofthe disc unt inside the DVD Playeri Should this occu[ the DVD Playerwould not operate nofmally. Leave the powef on for about one hour with no d sc in the DVD Payer until nol.rnal playback s Thank you for purchas ng this Ph lips DVD Payer to Th s Owners l"lanua expla ns the basic operation ofth s DVD P ayer Environmental lnformation All unnecessäry have t-cd to packagrng has been om make ihe packaS ng easy tted.We to separate nto three materia s:cardboard (box) polystyfene foarn (buffer) and pol/eth/ene (bags. protect ve foan] sheet). Your DVD Player consins ofmatedals whlch can be rccycled and rcused ifdisassembled by a speclälised cornpany Please obsefve the local a Front and Rear Panels 4 OPEN/CLOSE opens/closes the d sc lray I a The mechanical parts oFthe set conla n self' l!bricating bearings and mLJst not be oiled or a Wf'en rhF DVD Pdye' 5w.rhed to Siändb/ mooe, it is still consuming some power To drsconnect the system from the power supply comp etely rernove the AC power p !g from the is STOP - stops p ayback - starts p äyr,ack > DiscTray II DISPLAY PLAY PAUSE shows the current status of the regu ations regard ng the disposa of pac<aging matena s exhausted battenes and o d eq!rPmen! Symbols Used in this Manual Supplied accessories The below symbols appear in some headings and notes with the following meaningsi - DVD-Video P ayer Remote controlwith Batteres Owner's flanual Audio cable SCART cable Safety Information .a o Before operat ng the DVD Player check that the operat ng voltage ndicated on the typepale s rdentica wth the voltage otyour oca power supply.lfnot, please conmlt your denler Pldce üe DVD Pld/p' on ., n.rl,lrJrd .rnd \l.rbl. There must be sufllcient rlom in frcnt oflhe player forthe drawer to be opcncd. 'n d cab-et..llor dboLr2.<c1r(l Inrq) o'f-'. space all around the playef tof nclcqu;rte Helpful Hintt! a Some discr limit ceftain fun tions dunng Ploybo.k (q fost totword b not wotuing 6t the beginning of certoir dis<sr. This it normdl behdviour becduse thc disc deaeminer the woy in which you con interaca with lts aontent Coaxial output - connect __lTv l- - conneat to ä receiver with coax to power outlet to a TV w th SCART connect lo AUDIO inputs of an : receiver or stereo äl rnputs ouT (vrDEo ouT) connect DIO OUT (Left/Right) vemtalnn. Do not expose your plaler to cxlrrrnes ol temperäture or humidity. - Mains Cord Optical output connect to a receiver with optrcal inputs Video oüt (CVBS) connect to a TV with CVBS Caution: Do not touch the inner Dins ofthe sockets on the rear Danel. Electrostatic discharge may cause permanent damage to th€ unit. Preparation Functional Overview Basic Connections Remote Control POWER RETURN /TITLE go back to C) switches DVD ON or to prev ous menu / show trt e menu Connecting to aTV l'ease refer to the rnstrlrc(ion manual! ofyour IV.VCR Sterco System or otherdevices as ,ecessdry to make the ben connections. l'lake one o[the followinB connections. ,lcpending on the.apabilities ofyouf exining I Notei - DISC MENU access menu of a DVD d sc i switch PBC on/off forVCD disc optons for the best llc(urie and sound quality ava lable on your DVD a Llse the CVBSVdeo DISPLAY display information on TV screen during playback select an rtem in the menu/ fast fo rward/bac kward, slow forur'ard/backward SYSTEM MENU access or remove acknowledge Fnenu select on tfyourTV Use SCART Output for best picturc quality. connector, I de the clearesl rcund. Connectthe DVD Playeis DICITAL AUD O OUT (COAXAL or OPTICAL) to yolr r.nplifier or rece ver, 2 F<< - sToP(l) go - ) tle language selector /swtch off subt tle sLrbt ANGLE starts plaYbac( se PAUSE ( I ) pause p ayback temPoraf ly / Irame-by'irame playback ect DVD camera angle zooM - change the size of image audro language selector REPEAT repeat chaptei track, title, disc REPEAT (A.B) - repeat a specific se8ment PREVIEW - Prev ew not possibe, connect the content of a track or whole disc MUTE Disable or enable sound outPut Notei Pr$s'sIOP' AUDIO OUT to your amplilie[ re.eiver slereo to next chapter or track SUBTITLE stops PlaYback PLAY(> I d gital connections are rhe DVD Playeis Left and Right (whrte and fed) go to a prevrous chaPtelor track for dbout 2 seconds OPEN or CLOSE disc troy. ao ,r,ry Warning! - Never make or chanSe connections with the power switched on. - Connect the DVD Player directly to your TY instead of eg. aVCR, to avoid distortion because DVD video discs are - SCART set and"DVD" . Ouput for good picrure ,luahty. Sound Player's theW ifTo- 1 r not eq- ppeo ,t- a SC A R- Inpu you can select the following connectionl I l)gta alrd o connections prov o( "W" indicotion on indicorion on SCART coble is (onnected to tfie DVD ployet. Picture <>^ Ensure thot the coble is connected to I re following guidelnes are 0-9 numerical key pad - se ect numbered itemg n Connect rhe SCART (TV OUT) on th-^ DVD Pläyerto the correspooding connector (ry lN) copy prot€.ted. Oo not connect the DVD PlayerAUD|O OUT to PHONO lN of your ampliti€r or 2 has a CVBSVideo input Connecr the CVBS VIDEO OUT on the DVD Payerto the CVBS VIDEO lN. Connectthe Left and Righr AUD O OUT on the DVD Player to the Left and Right AUD O LN on the TV Preparation Preparation Connecting to an Audio System Yo . rdr also lr-n to p so .^d o'a rdro CD' Connecting to Optional and DVD video discs by connecting to an optlonal stereo system. A diBlälcomponeni wrth Connect the Left and Right AUDIO OUT on the DVD Player to the Left and Right AUD O N on Equipment a built-in fIPEG 2 oi Dolby DigitalrM decoder allows )ou to enjoy the surround sound while producing the effect of be n8 In a rriov e theater or a concel hall. The P ayer outputs the surround soLrnd signals from the DICITAL OUT COAX AL or OPTICAL connectors. lfyour receiver Inserting batteries into the Remote Control Slvitching on , connected to )t,en the battery cover by pressing in the tab. rlrn lrft offthe cover f. t batter es w1h the cori€ct polarty as r|.ated by the + and 5ymbo s lnsde the rllcry comPartm€nt. the DVD P ayer has be'.n corr'.cty üery thery and audio equipmenl. and DVD Player 2 Swrtch on 3 Set the TV to the corre.tvrdeo In channel (eg EXT1, EXT2,AV1,AV2,AUD O/V DEO, etc Pease refer to yourTV owners manua for details.) +The Player d splay lights up and the default so€en appeärs on the TV fyou are !s ng external equ pment, (eg audro sFtem or receiver), lu _n t on and select the approprate input source hr the DVD Player output. Refef to the equiprlrent owneis manual for detail. has a MPEG 2 or Dolby DigitalrM decoder, Co.necr -5- . Oq/' Ar Be sure that o ODICA-DGllA AUDIO OUT ofthe DVD Player to the COAXIAL or OPTICAL DICITAL AUDIO lN Smart Power On/Off CAUTION' - Remove botteriet if trtey orc exhauned or not to be used for o long tlme. - Do not use ord ond new ot different 1I types oföofteries in combinotion. - Bdtt€rier contdin chemicdl rubstdnces, ro they shourd 6e disposed oft Properly ond kept owoy frcm <hi|d/.en. 1l Using a a - lf the oudio fomot of the dtgitol output does not mokh the copobilities of your re.efuer, the receiver will produce o distorted sound or no -- To see tle se/e€ted oudio formot ofthe current DVD in the Setup Menu, refer to "Setup th"nernote Controt the remote control at the remote sensor , the DVD Player 'l I )() not drop or give the remote control a shock. )() not eave the rernote contro n exreanely I 1)t or hum d placcs )o not spill wäter or pLrt an)4hrng wet on the I )irect When in STOP or NO DISC mode.the DVD Player will switrh .nrnulc. t to standby mode after 15 ,lhou an oper'ato".lo s eas ly rcactivateci'by press ng avirg eeer'g. the POWER of PLAY kcy on the remole conlro or the STANDBY-ON button on the iront pane Operation Operation Basic Playback I IANDBY-ON on the front panei to tur.i DVD Playerl csr OPEN/CLOSE 4 on the front panel to 11..,., r o S Llrri 2 I 3 open orsc loao/ng lray. Plircc the chosen disc in the 1räy with the label 4 fac ng up. Press OPEN/CLOSE i Aiter recogn z ng A ths aga n to c ose the tray disc, the player begin to phyback automatrcälly slow MortoN (EP To get a slow motion 2 Press 3 playback fo|ward/backward speeds. Prcss PLAY io return 10 nornal play bäck 1 or V lb g€t a slow V 7 Press 3 Prcss the PLAY key aga n, a a Rcpeat chapter/tltle/disc I lpeat the clrrent chaptei press REPEAT l ' ,cpet the cur'€nt title. Press REPEAT a elFect during playback, l ' exit you can get diferent playback to return to REPEAT mode, press REPEAT again. !9e 1,, ÄudloCo-ntrol A;rin g pitb-ac[ - r4urEry{9ery nay have o regton code.You playet w l not ploy dis.s thot hove o region code different fton the rcgion code of you Ployer. rf Disc lo.&'is set to LOCK ond the disc insetted is not outhorized,the 64igit code must DVDs - Press Press the i.1UTE key again {9eü9 are used for playrng karaoke orthe aldio anguage se ecton. ( for nstance, you can one channel for only the music background the song while you play the karäoke_) Notej instructions set out below refet to thc rcmote^l/control, unless oth€rwise stoted vld-eo Cfi sroP/PLAy lfyou ro|d urlnt]it6Al Pvp- {99., gü9 the STOP key once, you can later resume from the point at whlch you stopped by pressing the PLAY i€y. The p ayer wr stair from press the begjnnjng ofthe disc rf you pressed the STOP key tvvice- PAUS$rEP ry!9ee9 1 To get a still pidrure. press PAUSE key during 2 To step forwaFci to the next frame picture pfess PAUSE key again. To resume norma playback, press PLAY. playback. 3 sEARcHPvp-{1:g 1 2 3 eeg 2 3 rq of € me rcmoIe conro. .f STEREO:Output the left and rght audio channels ofthe drsc through the left and rjSht audio sockets accordingly. + LEFT MONOr Output the left aud o ofthe drsc through the left and right aud o.\ 2 Press + IIIGHT MONO:OurDur the nsht audio channe r oi Lhe'drsc through the l;ft and r/ghr + l'llx lvlONO:each ofthe audio sockets ca'r oulput the same audio efect äs nerco. searchin8. MONO ond RIGHT MONO tu N)DIO kev. Player wlll playback seleded ttle )oL'cLosen sidrlr g t <> ^ to hrghlighl opÜon chapter.umbea V to change the thapter number DVD Payer w ll playback se ected chapter Time search O {p 6!p po.l .( ) to highlight tirne drsplay arca For DVD discs: + CC refers to the elapsed t me ofthe current chaptenCR refers tolhe remäining time of the current chaPterTC refers to the elaPsed tme of the current t t e.TR refers to the fernarnrng t me Pr.ess of the current B again at your chosen end trtLe. For SuperVCD orVCD disc DC rcfe^s to the elaPsed trme ofthe clrrent d sc DR refers to the rema nrng t me ofthe current disc.TC refers to the elapsed trme ofthe cunent track.TR refers to the rcmaininS time of b repeat sequence beg ns exit the sequence, press REP€AT A lfyou choose diEitol oudio output ond set DICITAL OUTFUT to Al-vou con not sehct B the cunent track. 5 Disc Resume vP{9ee9 Press fhrs player can resume Playback ofthe last 5 d scs even ifthe disc was ejected or the power iwtched ofl I load a one disc,which is one ofthe last 5 discs lasttme l to make the selectLon. keys to hiShlight the itemTllYE and you can play from any point ofthe dßcEnter hoLrrs, minutes and seconds from left Press the < > 4 right l'ress PLAY when DVD Plqer is recognizing the dEc. lfthe inforrnation ofth s disc has been norcd n the rnemory of DVD Player it w ll be played back from the stoP pornt - to return to normal playback. B ar ^ + lThe P,e( the AUDIO on the rote contro to select the aud o channels /ou want, VCD has on y one stereo audio channel, you select STER€O LEFT |4ONO, RIGHT I'4ONO o. MrX-l4ONO b/ precring rhe AUDIO le/ on To search the contents ln fast speed, press thc > or < for fast forward/backward search ng. Dre . the < or > agarn to In,.ease the sp..d tul Prcss PLAY , REolAr A A l'ress REPEAT < > to highlight oPtonTtle nurnber' V to change the title number DVD 1 DVD-Vldeo Dis.t: rcFeot .r seguence in o r. SuperVCD has two stereo audio channels General Operation Press Video ond Audio CDs: repedt o seguence in Audio Channel Selection be enteted andlot the dßc must be outhorized (see Disc Lock). Prcss 2 cxit Repeat mode. Press REPEAT again. RepeatA-B PvD- the I4UTE key to disabe the soLtnd to deacrivale mute. 1 2 Title Selection 1 Chapter Sel€ction lepeat the current track prcss REPEAT ,i repeal the entire disc, Press REPEAT a not wil provde some nformaton about your playrng d sc on the screen. Press DISPLAY key on the remote control. + /vLth PBC OFF. - a Rep€at track/disc, no .ma p ay The SLOW EACKWARD function is ovoiloble for SuperVCD IVCDICD discs. ,Th s funci on r'o .peat. " rholeosc.o'essFEP A " moton ry{9{9 D:9 efect dudng playback again, yo! can get d fferent {9ry OSD (On-Screen DisPlaY) Repeat I to n the time edrt box usinS remote control numerical key pad.( e.g.0:34:27) { Press the OK key to confirm. zoom pp {pQp The Zoom funclion allows you to change the Lmage gze, Press + the ZOOM LJre lhe to ad vate the funclron ley ro !,ew olher Parls or key V<> the zoomed Prcture. { Playback will contlnle. Press the ZOOIY key repeatedly to return the original to size. Notei - The function is NOT ovoiloble dis<s. fot some DVD Operation Operation Special DVD Featuies Playing aTitle A DVD Subtitles .DVo,, Press SUBTITLE repeatedly {!p differenl subtit or more tit es.This depends on the content (a movie vdeo clps, a drama seres etc ) on the d sc. a drsc may have one The function ot keys Press the OK key PBC funclion ä lows you to enterthe ndex menu which is used to select a track after loading theVCD & SVCD drsc. !!p P.... if,Ä -<a After a chapter has been selected, you also can press the i<< or >> t K< or >> key + ) o.-eflth-d."cc-r Thefundion wi be ocrivsted only ifthe DVD is recorded with multj-lorrguoge aud;a w.ks. the menu of any drgest type, fu|t pr€v ew funct on: Press V< > to ltht EX T and press OK to confirm. { l,) reLurn to the prcv ewing menu for ' 'r t ng lhe other digest typei Press V<>1o , l,lrlht 1YENU and pi€ss OK to conJirm. l. Track Digest lrr {unction will minrmize the pi.tuFe ofevery , . In order to dlsplay every sx ofthese tracks the screen to help you know the conterit of ' ! 1y rac< iTo choose the desired track, please press v<> to highlightthe second hne and input your nLrmerical selection next { Press the OK key to 'SELECT . to confrm. 3, Track Interval on rne orsc This function is used to divde a s n8le lrack rnto six parts by regLrlar intervas and dispay thern on one page to help you preview lhe selected track. the OK key to confrm. the RETURN key to enterthe Index during the playback. -f the ANCLE key on your rernote conlrrcl. angLrages, I) Pfess lf the dis. doesn't include the PBC infornation,this function will have no effect. Pre s aUD O repealed r /ou enter Press camera angle Qp , to select the päge you The content of the index menu depends on the disc. Pieose refer to the disc's instructions fot Changing the audio language NTERVAL )K ke/ to open one opton on the remote contro kcy lo make a change. The fundjon is ovoilohle on, for the DVD dß(5 wllkh hove severol ondes recoded. ( set Some discs contain s.enes which have been shot sirnu taneously lll]m varols angles. Th s DVD payer alow5 you to select the des fed Press to hish ghtTRACK DICES-I D 5C + fthe iterns ofthe ndex menus are ' .r ,' ed. pfess rh'dpp op t c n . .e .d l.) lfyou want to skip the index menu and playback directly from the beginnin& - a Pay Use the CameraAnele DVD a MFNlll. ^.+Äa'Fm^+a the PBC On atlention to the hint on the screen. contro to Pre\. rhF,rpp.op.rtc num- tr dllFl o av<> ke)s on the rcmote <ontrol to high[ght youf 3 'I { during the playback or after pressing the STOP key twice, menu). the OK key to conli|m L, lfyou want to activat€ th€ function Any time you wanl to watch another chaptcr durng p ayback, press D SC l''1ENU key to rLIn back to the chapter menLr ( fdisc has chaplef Prcss key i I I I,VAL oTTMCK This function is used to divide a disc into six parts by regular interva s and displaythem on one Page to he p you Prev ew the who e d sc wi be octjvoted, onl'/ if the recoded wi6 multtsubtides. Flayba;[eontTol (PEe) When you have selected a title, rt may Incllde one or mor€ cl'rapters. a SUDeTVCD is aV for about 2 seconds to swlch 2. Disc lnterval ll(. PREVEWkeyto enterPr€viewing ,,11, to conlirm. Playing a Chapter , to select the SpecialVCD & SVCD Features the approprate numerca keyorlV<> on the ren ote contro to h ghlight your Itr.view Function es. Press SUBT TLE After you oad a d sc, nformat on about the content shows on lhe screen waiting {or yolr selection.You can also press the TITLE key on the remote control to turn back to the title menu dunng p ayback Press tvcD a Pfess the DISC |'4ENU key on the remote controlto swtch oflthe function. , lo choose the desired track please press AV<> to highlight the second line and input track number ne>l to "SELECT". Seeci the others fronr the current sx by the K< or >> keyto open the 'essing l, ev ols or next pa8e, "t Press the OK key to conärm. ,1)ur se edred , t To choose the desired t?ck, please press > to highlght the second line and inpul ^V<numerca seiedion next to SELECT your Pressthe OK key to conllrm. I . Picture CD & MP3 CD Playback Picture CD & MP3 CD Playback a a o a ll, l'l.rycr c.rf pl,r/l).( f.ll'l.C lormal pictur€s .vrd l"lPl files on ;r pcßonaly recorded CD'Fy l{W dr5c or conrmef.ral CD. f'l44r.rcl( picturcs of songs one by one al(omatically Album rnd lrack select on. liepcal (drsc / album / track / pcture). Se€ci any mlsc or p ctures from the disc to p ayback them together. a o a lYa(mum number ofliles within one folder is 500. Maximum files Programmable rs 100. f'1P3:Maximum supported Brtrate is 256kbits or 48kHz in Variable Bitrate mode. jPEGrlYaximum srppofted resoldion is 1072x2048 üo b" p n-JDC p,clu,es),o 2000.1500 ('o' lhe V toseectonefie. _l' ,' {r Play Mode Auto lf you chooseW|THOUT MENU.lhe DVD Player will automatically playback Picture CD/ l'1P3 CD n sequence when ( is loaded a Playback Selection One way is to press the number ofyour favounte fle at any t me dLrring playback. Another way sto selectvia the meru (after I pressinS STOP). Press DISC MENU o to open the Picture CD menu. 2 progrcssive IPG p ct!res). When the menu appeaß on the scr€en, pr€ss 'h-^V|e/ to se en .L e folder /ou ^a^ "nd prcss the OK to open it. Press the > to enterthe fi e list. General Operation also can prcss >> or K< to open the ,ix files to choose. . OK or PLAY key to add the sele.ted fil€ , | , r , the ieli column to the right column. -f lrc maxrmum is 100 fles. r " . Sl OP key to rer.ove the programed , r h r' Press ANGLE key repeatedly .,nction lntroduction f , key to h ghlight <> i >> or K<to p'a/bdcl m-lL od. lo|or r. v key to highlight PREFERENCE. OKto open the PREFERENCE menu. Press the 5 Press the 6 Press the ^ > v key key V to highlighr ihe |'4P34PEG to enterthe menu. to h gh ight the NO |4ENU key ^ ltem. orW|TH MENU .tWITHOUT IYENU: automatically the selected song a plays ''i\4Pl .t"nas lor"MPEG AL,dro La/er 3 . änd 6 a Part ofthe |IPEG standard.A CD can store up to 10 hours of l'4P3 audio, which is nearly 10 make this CD become a DigitalAlbum. nn choose any general fundlon introduced , I NERAL OPERATION, bes des you ako can, ,r. ).ry the thumbna s of12 pctures tirnes as mLrch as an ALrdio CD Each song is recorded as a'lile,You can choose any general funct on ntroduced in:GENERAL OPERATION. You can a so choose drfferent payback speeds , lhe pidture vertically or horizontälly. FitSAk sp-;acontrot- by difrercnt effects. Press RETURN/TITLE key Pr.view Fun.fion | , 'C1'o' slo* lh-.onle^l oflle, . ie t l,l,r'orthewhoedisc. ' ,'., the STOP key durfg playback oIJPEG 1 repeatedll Protram Playback When the Plcture CD/|'1P3 CD menu s shown on the screen, Press DISC IYENU key. + The eft column is ihe orig na f es and the right one is the programed liles. { Prtss },you can get dillerent playback backward/forward speeds You a so can press ))1 or K< to change the track. IPEG and l.lP3 simultaneous playback z + REPEAT FOLDERA files n the folder play rePeatedly. + SHUFFLE|AII llles are pla)€d randomly lf )ou press REPEAT key dunng playback the optjon will be displayed on the screen a a ', I les.You wrl see the thumbnails of12 | , l'rcs on the screen, to switch to l1P3+NAV mode, ' , .; >> orK< key 3 to display ihe other on the next or the prcvious page. < > v key to highlight ooe of rl"1,r ,rnd press OK to playback, oi I, ),. lhe cursor to high ght SLIDE SHOW on i tr . I Dttom of the page to start p ayback frorn I , [r'st p ctLrre on the current page. It,-., D|SC PIENU to go to the P cture CD/jYP3 I ' ,rLneg ., ' the ^ F rstly playback l'4P3 mlsrc ac.ordinS to the instructrons ntroduced ln playback Seecton. Please swtch to t'4P3+IPEC+NAV by press ng RETURN/IITLE Then seled a picturc to playback Please rcfer to the instructions introduced In playback Selectron. i Now the pictures will be played back in seqrence together with l'4P3 music. To qurt s multaneous pJayback, press DISC |IENU key to return to the Pidure CD/|'1P3 CD menu, then p ctures wili be siopped.After that press STOP key then l'1Pl mus c will be stopped playback all illes in according date sequence. MENuphyback files in he sde.led folder rW[H Piess the T Function lntroductiqn lfthe customers prelel option, SINGLE:The file plays once. REPEAT ONETFoTIPEG files,the current picture rema ns on the screen, For f'1P3 musc, the to .hoose dillerent Special MP3 Features oflPEC + t At STOP mode, press the SYSTEIY MENU key to open the setup menu, 4 is on the screen, Press REPEAT key repeatedly, button beside PLAY MODE will display to highlight MP-tElFEGntEad Press a collect on , " r, pictures Repeat / Shufile / Single Playback When the Picture CD/MP3 CD menu open the next or previous six files or folders. Press the with one option or >> orK< to go to the next or previous page, Press OK key to conlhm. iThe playback will start from this selected file to the last n this folder six liles or foLders, you can press either oflhe column and then press 3 rs a d sc ' ' At äny trme 2 re CD r r,rl pictLrres, and a I e:itension flenames | ,l(l end with JPC'.The CD can be recorded , to return to the menu for Selection/Repeat / Shuille / Single payback. Both columns on every page ofthe menu contarn t Scan Efrect Special JPEG Features | , / can V onTV so€en > key:rctate the picture cocklvise. rir lhe rght column. rlght one fie ofthe rght coiJmn and press OK , rl{:n the pmgmmed files wil naa( playing back. ,1r,r camera oT scanner Press the a d fre-ent ^V < fle p ctu.e V<> key to get diflerent elfects. key: Rip the prcturc vertrcally. key: F p the plcture horizontaly. keyi rotate the pictLrre ant -clockwise. Press the l, press rts nLrmber lYou also can press -o seiect a ' , trrr computei; and pictures rnay be from lf you chooseWlTH MENU in rhF serup l'4enu (Please rcferto the l4P3 & JPEG navi8ator below),the Picturc CD/MP3 CD menu will be shown on the scrcen before playback. a Playback with multi-angle When displaying one OK key to conlirrn yourselection. Zoom picture | ,,r fg playback press ZOO|.I key to t, uewth drflerent scales. I r',., the { } V keyto viewthe No!e' In the fun(rion of IPEG ond MP3 Simultoneous Ployboclc>> ond K< keys ore display the - of the involid fot MP3. rest ">
Key Features
- DVD and CD playback
- Remote control
- Region code support
- Playback options
- Built-in screen saver
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I connect the DVD player to my TV?
You can connect the DVD player to your TV using a SCART cable or a CVBS Video cable. For the best picture quality, use the SCART cable.
What kind of discs can I play on this DVD player?
This DVD player can play DVD Video discs, SuperVCD discs, VCD discs, Picture CDs, and MP3 CDs.
How do I use the remote control?
Refer to the detailed explanation in the Owner's Manual.