ClimateMaster Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCH072, TCH096, TCH120, TCV072, TCV096, TCV120, TCV160, TCV192, TCV240, TCV300 heat pumps Installation, Operation & Maintenance

Below you will find brief information for Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCH072, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCH096, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCH120, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCV072, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCV096, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCV120, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCV160, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCV192, Tranquility Compact Belt Drive TCV240. These units are designed for indoor installation and offer both heating and cooling functions. They can be installed horizontally or vertically, depending on your needs. The units are equipped with various safety features, including automatic shut-off in case of overloads or malfunctions.

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Tranquility Compact TCH072, TCH096, TCH120, TCV072, TCV096, TCV120, TCV160, TCV192, TCV240 Installation, Operation & Maintenance | Manualzz




Key features

  • Horizontal or vertical installation
  • Heating and cooling functions
  • Safety features
  • Variable speed blower
  • Easy to install
  • Quiet operation
  • Energy-efficient
  • Reliable performance

Frequently asked questions

The maximum water working pressure is 300 PSIG [2068 kPa].

The factory charge HFC-410a is 60 oz [1.70 kg] per circuit for TCH072, 76 oz [2.15 kg] per circuit for TCH096, 80 oz [2.27 kg] per circuit for TCH120, and 112 oz [3.18 kg] per circuit for TCV160.

The blower wheel size is 12 x 12 in [30.48 x 30.48 cm] for all units.

The condensate connection size is 3/4 in [19.1 mm].

Ensure the condensate line is pitched toward the drain 1/8 inch per ft [11 mm per m] of run. Install a condensate trap at each unit with the top of the trap positioned below the unit condensate drain connection.
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