Henry Schein 2008 Easy Dental dental software User's guide
Below you will find brief information for dental software 2008 Easy Dental. This comprehensive user's guide will walk you through the features and capabilities of the software, including setting up your practice, managing patients, scheduling appointments, processing insurance claims, and much more. The guide includes detailed instructions on how to use the software, along with tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Easy Dental experience.
Easy Dental Systems 727 E. Utah Valley Drive, Suite 600, American Fork, Utah 84003-9904 Tel. (800) 824-6375 • Fax (801) 492-9328 Customer Support (800) 593-2814 Internet: http://www.easydental.com Fourth Edition April 2008 Copyright ©2008 Henry Schein, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means without the written permission of Henry Schein, Inc. Software License Notice Your license agreement with Henry Schein Inc., which is included with the product, specifies the permitted and prohibited uses of the product. Any unauthorized duplication or use of Easy Dental 2008 in whole or in part, in print, or in any other storage and retrieval system is forbidden. Licenses And Trademarks Easy Dental 2008, Henry Schein, and the ‘S’ logo are registered trademarks of Henry Schein, Inc. Microsoft Windows, Excel, and Word are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. HP LaserJet is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Easy Image is a registered trademark, and exclusively developed by DEXIS, LLC. Easy Dental 2008 And Microsoft Windows Easy Dental 2008 operates in a graphical environment called Windows, created by Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Windows gives a standard look and feel to Easy Dental 2008, and all other Windows applications. To run Easy Dental 2008 and Microsoft Windows, you need to first license and install Microsoft Windows. Easy Dental 2008 And Microsoft Easy Dental 2008 can share its database with Microsoft Word, a word processing product, created by Microsoft. To use Easy Dental 2008 with Microsoft Word, you need to license and install Microsoft Word. Table of Contents iii Contents Setup.........................................................................................................................................1 Easy Dental Setup Checklist....................................................................................................................................1 Practice Setup......................................................................................................................................2 To Add an Additional Operatory...............................................................................................................................4 To Edit an Operatory:.................................................................................................................................................4 To Delete an Operatory:............................................................................................................................................4 To Enter New Provider Information:........................................................................................................................5 Provider ID Setup.......................................................................................................................................................6 Inactivating a Provider..............................................................................................................................................7 Inactivating a Staff Member....................................................................................................................................9 Setting Up Recall........................................................................................................................................................9 Related Topics...........................................................................................................................................................11 Setting Up Procedure Codes........................................................................................................... 11 To Attach a Recall Type to the Procedure..............................................................................................................13 Practice Definitions Setup............................................................................................................... 14 Edit Definitions..........................................................................................................................................................14 Add a New Definition................................................................................................................................................15 Delete a Definition....................................................................................................................................................15 Appointment Reasons..............................................................................................................................................16 Recall Status..............................................................................................................................................................17 Dunning Messages........................................................................................................................... 17 View or Edit Dunning Messages..............................................................................................................................17 Practice Defaults...............................................................................................................................18 Select Practice Defaults...........................................................................................................................................19 Preferences........................................................................................................................................ 20 Modem Setup.................................................................................................................................... 21 Using a Modem with Easy Dental?.........................................................................................................................22 Auto Chart Numbering Setup.......................................................................................................... 22 Patient Data Entry Considerations................................................................................................. 23 Option 1......................................................................................................................................................................23 Option 2......................................................................................................................................................................23 Patients..................................................................................................................................24 Patients Window Areas.................................................................................................................... 25 Selecting a Patient........................................................................................................................... 26 Adding Patients and Family Members.......................................................................................... 27 Moving Around in Windows.....................................................................................................................................27 Name..........................................................................................................................................................................28 Address.......................................................................................................................................................................28 City, State, and Zip....................................................................................................................................................28 E-Mail..........................................................................................................................................................................29 Phone..........................................................................................................................................................................29 Privacy Requests.......................................................................................................................................................29 Personal.....................................................................................................................................................................30 Billing and Treatment...............................................................................................................................................30 Scheduling.................................................................................................................................................................31 Medical Alerts.................................................................................................................................... 32 Recall.................................................................................................................................................. 32 Employer Information....................................................................................................................... 35 Easy Dental 2008 User’s Guide iv Table of Contents Insurance Information...................................................................................................................... 36 What happens if a patient has been assigned more than one fee schedule?................................................39 For an Insurance Subscriber....................................................................................................................................40 For a Non-Subscriber................................................................................................................................................41 For a Subscriber with Dual Coverage.....................................................................................................................42 For a Non-Subscriber................................................................................................................................................42 What does “Change Plan for All” and “Add as New Plan” mean?.....................................................................43 Entering and Editing a Coverage Table..................................................................................................................44 Adding, Changing, or Deleting a Category............................................................................................................45 Co-Payment Calculations.........................................................................................................................................46 Insurance Plan Notes...............................................................................................................................................46 Add Procedures to the Payment Table..................................................................................................................47 Edit the Payment Table............................................................................................................................................47 If you need to switch the patient’s primary and secondary coverage:.............................................................48 Related Topics...........................................................................................................................................................48 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................49 Preliminary Setup.....................................................................................................................................................49 Capitation Patients Per Visit...................................................................................................................................50 Monthly Operations/Management Analysis.........................................................................................................51 Optional......................................................................................................................................................................51 Overview.....................................................................................................................................................................51 Preliminary Setup.....................................................................................................................................................51 Capitation Patients Per Visit...................................................................................................................................52 Monthly Operations/Management Analysis.........................................................................................................52 Optional......................................................................................................................................................................52 Print Insurance Carriers and Subscribers Report................................................................................................52 Print Insurance Claim Aging Report......................................................................................................................53 Mark Insurance Plan................................................................................................................................................53 Reassign Correct Insurance Carrier to All Subscribers........................................................................................53 Delete Duplicate Insurance Carriers......................................................................................................................54 Remove the Asterisk (*) from the Carrier Name.................................................................................................54 Set up the Subscriber...............................................................................................................................................55 Set Up Dependents...................................................................................................................................................55 Patient Notes..................................................................................................................................... 56 Patient Notes Report........................................................................................................................ 57 Referral Options................................................................................................................................ 58 Entering a Patient Referral......................................................................................................................................58 Entering a Doctor/Other Referral...........................................................................................................................59 Editing Referred By Doctor/Other Listings............................................................................................................60 Adding a new Referring Source:.............................................................................................................................60 Referring a Patient to Another Doctor:..................................................................................................................60 Editing Family Relationships........................................................................................................... 61 Changing a Head-of-House......................................................................................................................................62 Separating or Combining Families.........................................................................................................................63 Deleting a Patient............................................................................................................................. 64 Deleting a Family.............................................................................................................................. 64 New Patient With Appointment...................................................................................................... 65 Patient Survey................................................................................................................................... 66 Archiving Patients............................................................................................................................. 67 Unique Family Relations.................................................................................................................. 69 Chart.......................................................................................................................................71 The Chart Window............................................................................................................................. 72 Chart Setup........................................................................................................................................ 74 Set up Procedure Buttons........................................................................................................................................75 Easy Dental 2008 User’s Guide Table of Contents Set up Chart Colors...................................................................................................................................................76 Entering Treatment........................................................................................................................... 76 Editing Treatment............................................................................................................................. 80 View Options...................................................................................................................................... 84 Show mixed dentition:..............................................................................................................................................85 Using Notes........................................................................................................................................ 86 Enter or Edit a Procedure Note...............................................................................................................................86 Adding/Viewing Clinical Notes................................................................................................................................87 Appending Clinical Notes.........................................................................................................................................87 Reviewing Clinical Notes..........................................................................................................................................87 Clearing Clinical Notes.............................................................................................................................................88 Copying Clinical Notes to Other Programs............................................................................................................88 Generating Chart Reports/Printouts.............................................................................................. 90 Merging a Quick Letter.............................................................................................................................................91 Adding a Letter to Quick Letters.............................................................................................................................92 Removing a Letter from Quick Letters..................................................................................................................93 Chart Shortcuts & Tips..................................................................................................................... 95 Using the Estimator.......................................................................................................................... 96 Change or Assign the Order of a Procedure.........................................................................................................98 Change the Color of Orders.....................................................................................................................................98 Display/Hide Orders:................................................................................................................................................99 Guru Limited Edition Integration..................................................................................................103 Logging On................................................................................................................................................................103 Managing Users........................................................................................................................................................104 Viewing a Different Patient’s Record....................................................................................................................106 Playlist Content........................................................................................................................................................107 Drawing Tools...........................................................................................................................................................109 Eraser Tool.................................................................................................................................................................109 Text Tool.....................................................................................................................................................................110 Undo or Redo............................................................................................................................................................110 Reviewing Thumbnails............................................................................................................................................110 Saving Thumbnails..................................................................................................................................................110 Changing Sort Order and Visibility........................................................................................................................ 112 Creating and Editing Playlists................................................................................................................................113 Accounts.............................................................................................................................. 115 The Accounts Module Areas..........................................................................................................116 Editing the Billing Information...............................................................................................................................119 Accounts Setup...............................................................................................................................120 Transactions.....................................................................................................................................123 Attaching Diagnostic Codes.................................................................................................................................. 125 Entering Procedures Using Explosion Codes....................................................................................................... 125 To Enter or Edit a Procedure Note:....................................................................................................................... 125 Editing a Procedure with an Attached Note........................................................................................................ 126 Entering Guarantor Payments............................................................................................................................... 126 Easy Checkout Button....................................................................................................................131 Entering Account Notes..................................................................................................................132 Printing Accounts Reports.............................................................................................................133 Printing a Walkout Statement...............................................................................................................................133 Printing a Single Billing Statement.......................................................................................................................134 Printing a Family Account Report..........................................................................................................................134 Printing a Patient History Report...........................................................................................................................135 Editing Transactions.......................................................................................................................135 Payment Plans................................................................................................................................138 Creating a Payment Plan........................................................................................................................................140 Easy Dental 2008 User’s Guide vi Table of Contents Deleting a Payment Plan........................................................................................................................................143 Editing a Payment Plan...........................................................................................................................................143 Aging Report.............................................................................................................................................................144 Finance Charge Report...........................................................................................................................................144 Dunning Messages for Billing Statements...........................................................................................................144 Late Charge Report..................................................................................................................................................144 Payment Plan Report..............................................................................................................................................145 Adding a Future Due Payment Plan......................................................................................................................145 Posting a Manual Charge to a Future Due Payment Plan.................................................................................147 Clearing a Future Due Payment Plan....................................................................................................................147 Future Due Payment Plans Utility..........................................................................................................................148 Alternate Uses of Future Due Payment Plans.....................................................................................................148 Insurance Claim Processing..........................................................................................................150 Subscriber Information...........................................................................................................................................151 Provider Information................................................................................................................................................152 Claim Information....................................................................................................................................................152 Diagnosis Information.............................................................................................................................................153 Procedures Information..........................................................................................................................................154 Payment/Estimate Information.............................................................................................................................154 Claim Status Information.......................................................................................................................................154 Insurance Plan Notes..............................................................................................................................................155 Remarks for Unusual Services...............................................................................................................................155 Claim Attachments..................................................................................................................................................155 Entering Insurance Payments for Claims Not Created in Easy Dental............................................................160 Entering Batch Insurance Payments.....................................................................................................................161 What is the Advantage of Itemizing Insurance Payments?...............................................................................161 (With an Insurance Payment)................................................................................................................................164 (Before a Claim Has Been Received)....................................................................................................................165 Post Multiple Payments to One Insurance Claim................................................................................................166 Monthly Procedures........................................................................................................................167 Manual Finance Charges........................................................................................................................................169 Deleting Finance Charges.......................................................................................................................................169 How can I apply Finance Charges to just certain accounts?.............................................................................169 Related Topics..........................................................................................................................................................170 Manually Entering a Late Charge..........................................................................................................................171 Deleting Late Charges.............................................................................................................................................171 Treatment Plans..................................................................................................................174 The Treatment Plans Window.......................................................................................................175 Entering a Treatment Plan.............................................................................................................175 Managing Pre-Treatment Estimates............................................................................................ 176 Using the Estimator........................................................................................................................178 How does ordering a Treatment Plan help the office?...................................................................................... 180 Prescriptions.......................................................................................................................184 Adding Prescription Types.............................................................................................................184 Selecting a Printer..........................................................................................................................186 Assigning Prescriptions..................................................................................................................187 Contacts............................................................................................................................... 190 The Contacts Window.....................................................................................................................191 Tracking Patient Contact(s)...........................................................................................................191 Letters........................................................................................................................................................................191 Billing Statements...................................................................................................................................................191 Appointments...........................................................................................................................................................192 Payment Plan Notes................................................................................................................................................192 Easy Dental 2008 User’s Guide Table of Contents vii Payments..................................................................................................................................................................192 Customizing the Contacts Display................................................................................................192 Manual Contact Entries..................................................................................................................194 Printing Contacts.............................................................................................................................195 Schedule.............................................................................................................................. 197 Schedule Window Areas................................................................................................................198 Schedule Setup...............................................................................................................................200 (Including Holidays).................................................................................................................................................202 To Set Provider Default Schedule..........................................................................................................................203 What is a Provider Alias?........................................................................................................................................204 To Set Provider Vacation Days...............................................................................................................................204 How To Schedule an Appointment...............................................................................................207 Other Appointment Information...................................................................................................212 Other Appointments................................................................................................................................................212 Schedule Next Appointment..................................................................................................................................212 Wait/Will Call...........................................................................................................................................................212 Dial213 Lists...................................................................................................................................................217 Set Date.....................................................................................................................................................................218 Status.........................................................................................................................................................................218 View............................................................................................................................................................................218 Delete.........................................................................................................................................................................218 Refresh......................................................................................................................................................................218 Set Date.....................................................................................................................................................................219 View............................................................................................................................................................................219 Delete.........................................................................................................................................................................220 Refresh......................................................................................................................................................................220 Status.........................................................................................................................................................................220 View............................................................................................................................................................................220 Delete.........................................................................................................................................................................221 Refresh......................................................................................................................................................................221 Other Schedule Options.................................................................................................................221 To Print a Patient Route Slip..................................................................................................................................223 Easy Day Planning..........................................................................................................................224 Customizing Appointment Types...........................................................................................................................225 Customizing Procedure Codes...............................................................................................................................225 Setting Up Time Blocks...........................................................................................................................................225 Activating Easy Day Planning.................................................................................................................................227 Finding an Available Time Block...........................................................................................................................227 Recall................................................................................................................................... 229 Assigning Recall Types to a Procedure Code..............................................................................230 Recall Management.......................................................................................................................232 To Print Recall Cards:..............................................................................................................................................234 For Patients Without Appointments:.....................................................................................................................235 For Patients with Appointments:...........................................................................................................................236 Documents.......................................................................................................................... 238 Window Areas..................................................................................................................................239 Setup.................................................................................................................................................240 To add a type:...........................................................................................................................................................240 To change an existing type:....................................................................................................................................240 To delete a type:.......................................................................................................................................................240 Acquiring Documents.....................................................................................................................242 Easy Dental 2008 User’s Guide Setup Setup In This Section: • Customizing your practice information including the following: practice address, providers, operatories, and staff members • Setting up Recall • Customizing Procedure Codes • Customizing Billing Types, Medical Alerts, Payment and Adjustment Types • Working with Dunning Messages • Setting Defaults for the Practice • Modem Setup • Auto Chart Numbering • Setting up Passwords The effectiveness of Easy Dental depends on how well the practice information is initially set up for your specific practice. Many default settings are provided with Easy Dental to save you time in the setup process. Most setup topics will begin with a brief paragraph, which describes what default settings are available (if any). If these settings are sufficient for your practice, you can continue to the next topic. Keep in mind that additions can be made to any of these settings as your practice needs change. Easy Dental Setup Checklist The following checklist will guide you through the setup process explained in this chapter. • Practice Resource Setup • Practice Information • Operatory Information Easy Dental User Guide Setup • • • Provider Information • Staff Information Procedure Code Setup • Fees • Procedure Time Practice Definition Setup • Billing Types • Payment Types • Adjustment Types • Dunning Messages • Practice Defaults • Preferences • Modem Setup • Auto Chart Numbering Setup • Patient Data Entry Considerations Note: For additional Setup procedures refer to the chapter on the Reports module. Practice Setup Before you can begin using Easy Dental, you must first enter information that is particular to your practice. You will need to enter provider information, fee schedules, patient information, and other information that will customize Easy Dental to your practice. 1. Open Reports Start Easy Dental and click the Reports icon. 2. Click Practice Setup Click the Practice Setup button. Many of the menu items contained in the Practice Setup cascading menu will be used to set up your practice and are covered step-by-step below. Many of the setup features will be accomplished by accessing the Practice Setup menu in the Reports module. Easy Dental User Guide Setup Practice Resource Setup 1. Select Practice Resource Setup Select Practice Resource Setup from the Practice Setup menu. The Practice Resources screen will appear. Click the New button to enter a new operatory. To edit the name of an existing operatory, select it then click the Edit button. Click the Edit button to enter the practice name and address and to select an Administrative Contact and HIPAA Officer. Click the New button to add a provider. Click Edit to change the information of an existing provider. Click Inactivate to inactivate a provider. Check List Inactive to display inactivated providers. Click the New button to add staff. Click Edit to change the information of an existing staff member. Click Inactivate to inactivate a staff member. The Practice Resources screen allows entry in four areas: Practice Information, Operatories, Providers and Staff. 2. Enter Practice Information The practice name, address, and phone number is entered in the Practice Information area. Be sure to change the default information shown. • Choose the Edit button in this area and the Practice Information dialog box will be displayed. • Enter your practice information in the Practice Information dialog box using the keyboard. The Title field can accommodate up to 59 characters. Note: Whatever is entered for the practice title will be printed as the heading for each Easy Dental report. Printing statements will have the option to print the practice information at the top of statements. Easy Dental will automatically enter parentheses to the area code on the phone number. • Select an Administrative Contact and HIPAA Officer by clicking on the search arrows next to each option. Only providers and staff members with a phone number entered into the Practice Resource Setup can be selected. (If you are using eTrans, you will need to select a valid provider ID number for the Administrative Contact. Staff IDs will not work for claim processing.) • Enter the bank account number wherein all your deposits will be made. This number will appear only on deposit slips. • Mark the option to print the provider’s name and address or practice name and address on billing statements or walkout statements. • After the information is entered correctly in all of the fields, choose the OK button to record the information in your database. Note: If you want to make changes after you have already chosen the OK button, choose the Edit button at any time to change any of the fields. Easy Dental User Guide Setup Operatory Information Follow steps 1 and 2 above. 3. Enter Operatory Information Quick Start: Three default operatories are provided with Easy Dental. If they are sufficient please continue to the next topic. The Operatories area contains a list box showing the available operatories and three function buttons: New, Edit or Delete. To Add an Additional Operatory • Choose the New button to display the Operatory Information dialog box. Enter a 4-character ID here. Enter the operatory title here. Choose OK to add the operatory. • Add the operatory ID and title for each operatory that will be used in your practice. Note: Each operatory ID is limited to four alphanumeric characters and must be unique. Only the operatory ID will be displayed when scheduling appointments. The operatory ID will be displayed in all the Easy Dental modules where necessary. The operatories will be listed in alphabetical order according to their ID. Once an operatory is entered, the ID cannot be changed. • After entering the new operatory in the Operatory Information dialog box, choose the OK button. To Edit an Operatory: • Select the operatory from the Operatories list box. • Choose the Edit button to change it. The Operatory Information dialog box will appear. • Edit the operatory title and click on OK when finished. To Delete an Operatory: • Select the operatory from the Operatories list box. • Choose the Delete button to remove it from the list. • If you choose to delete an operatory, you will receive a message that reads “If this operatory is attached to any appointment or provider, DELETE will leave Easy Dental in an UNSTABLE condition. DELETE operatory?” If the operatory has not been attached to any appointments or providers click on Yes. If it has been attached to any appointments or providers, click on No. Deleting operatories that have appointments attached can cause data corruption. Provider Information Follow steps 1, 2, and 3 above. 4. Enter Provider Information Each individual that provides billable services to patients is considered a provider in Easy Dental. Each provider must have a unique provider ID that is limited to four alphanumeric characters. Codes may be used, such as DDS1, DDS2, HYG1, HYG2, etc.. The provider ID’s are used in all of the Easy Dental modules. Up to 99 providers can be entered for the practice. Whenever a provider is displayed or printed, it is usually only the provider ID that is seen. (Exceptions are whenever Select Provider dialog box is displayed, insurance claims, and pre-treatment estimates). Easy Dental User Guide Setup Careful consideration should be given to entering provider ID’s. • Providers cannot be deleted, but can be inactivated. • Be sure the provider can be identified easily. • Do not use initials or a person’s name. • Providers will be sorted alphabetically by ID. Be sure to assign IDs in such a way that provider ranges can be selected efficiently for reports or statement purposes. • Once entered, provider IDs cannot be edited or deleted. To Enter New Provider Information: • Choose the New button in the Provider(s) area of the Practice Resources window and the Provider Information dialog box is displayed. Choose this search button to view a list of all available fee schedules. Enter the provider’s specialty. Enter the provider’s appropriate numbers in these fields. Assign the provider to an operatory. You may select more than one operatory per provider. Click here to have one of the following appear on all claims. • Enter the appropriate information in each of the fields for each provider in your practice. Use the Tab key or mouse to move from field to field. The provider name, address, SS # (social security number) or TIN # (tax identification number), state ID #, and phone number will print on insurance claims. Enter the provider’s title, such as DDS, DMD, etc.. Click the down arrow next to Specialty and select the appropriate specialty for the provider. • Enter the Provider ID. The ID must be four alphanumeric characters in length. Easy Dental Systems highly recommends that the first character of the ID be an alphabetic character (A-Z). • Select a Fee Schedule for the Provider. The Fee Schedule assigned to a provider is used to determine the default charge when a procedure is entered. The provider is initially assigned to FEE 1. Easy Dental allows up to 999 different fee schedules. Because Fee Schedules will be set up later, be sure to make a note of which provider was assigned each schedule. • Enter the Provider’s Social Security Number, State ID, and TIN (Tax Identification Number). These numbers will be used when printing insurance claims. • Easy Dental provides several ID fields for use with specialized insurance claims. Enter the appropriate number in the corresponding field. (See Provider ID Setup in the following section for steps on how to assign multiple insurance IDs for a provider.) • Select the operatories that the provider most commonly uses by highlighting them in the list box. All Operatories set up earlier are displayed in the Assigned Operatories list box. If the provider works in more than one operatory, hold down the shift key on the keyboard and select each operatory. • Mark the provider as a Primary or Secondary provider. The Class assignment categorizes each provider as a Primary or Secondary provider. The two Class options are used to distinguish between providers such as the dentist or the hygienist, respectively. Easy Dental User Guide Setup Note: Only Primary providers are listed for selection in the Patients window for the patient’s main provider, but you may select a Primary or Secondary provider for the patient’s secondary provider. Only Primary providers are listed for selection in the Accounts window for applying finance charges and updating family accounts, and in the Reports window for selecting practice defaults. • When the information is correct in all of the fields, choose the OK button. The newly entered provider will show in the Provider list box. If there are corrections needed for any provider shown in the Provider list box, select the provider from the list box, then choose the Edit button. (The provider ID cannot be edited once it has been created.) Provider ID Setup Some insurance plans have their own ID numbers for providers which they need for claims instead of or in addition to the State ID Number or Provider #. The Provider ID Setup enables you to cross-link multiple IDs to a provider and insurance company which will ensure that the correct ID is printed on each insurance claim. Complete the following steps to setup insurance IDs for a provider: Note: When using passwords, the user must have rights to “Provider ID Setup” to access the Provider ID Setup button. 1. Click Provider ID Setup From the Provider Information dialog box, click the Provider ID Setup button. The Select Insurance Plan dialog box will appear. Note: If the provider has not been saved, you will be prompted to do so before continuing. 2. Select Insurance Plan Highlight the appropriate insurance plan and click OK. Check “List Only Insurance Plans Setup for this Provider” if appropriate. The Provider ID Setup dialog box will appear. 3. Select Provider ID Code Click the down arrow to select a Provider ID Code from Practice Definitions. (For information on how to enter Provider ID Codes so that they are available for selection, see Practice Definitions in the Reports chapter.) 4. Enter Provider ID Number Type the Provider ID Number in the right text box. 5. Click Add Click the Add button. The Provider ID Code and Number will be added to the list for this provider and insurance company. 6. Change Provider IDs (Optional) To change or edit provider IDs, complete the following: • From the list of provider IDs, highlight the one that you wish to edit or change. • Make the appropriate changes in the Provider ID Code and Provider ID Number text boxes. • Click the Change button. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to change this Provider ID. Click Yes to apply the changes or No to cancel. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 7. Delete Provider IDs (Optional) To delete a provider ID, complete the following: • From the list of Provider IDs, highlight the one that you wish to delete. • Click the Delete button. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete this Provider ID. Click Yes to remove the Provider ID or No to cancel. 8. Clear Provider IDs (Optional) From the Provider ID Setup screen, click the Clear Provider IDs button. The Clear Provider IDs for <provider> dialog box will appear. Mark the appropriate option to clear the Provider IDs: • For this Insurance Plan – If this option is marked, all IDs for both the current Provider and Insurance Plan will be deleted. • For All Insurance Plans with this Payor ID – If this option is marked, all IDs for the current Provider and any Insurance Plan with the listed Payor ID number will be deleted. A message will appear displaying the total number of plans affected. • For ALL Insurance Plans – If this option is marked, all IDs for the current provider for all Insurance Plans will be deleted. 9. Copy Provider IDs (Optional) From the Provider ID Setup screen, click the Copy Provider IDs button. A message will appear informing you that the Provider IDs for the current provider and insurance plan will be copied to all other insurance plans with the same Payor ID. To continue, click Yes. To cancel, click No. A message will appear totaling the number of plans affected. Inactivating a Provider Providers cannot be deleted from Easy Dental. You can, however, inactivate a provider. When a provider is inactivated, you will be prompted to choose a replacement provider. The replacement provider will replace the inactive provider as patient primary provider, continuing care provider, in future appointments, treatment plans, etc. All procedures and payments will remain under the inactive provider. To inactivate a provider, complete the following steps: Note: It is strongly recommended that a backup of the Easy Dental database be performed prior to inactivating a provider. 1. Close Easy Dental Close Easy Dental on all workstations, except for the computer you will be working on. 2. Open Reports Click the Reports icon to open the Reports module. 3. Click Practice Setup Click the Practice Setup button and choose Practice Resource Setup from the menu. The Practice Resource window will appear. 4. Select Provider Highlight the provider that you wish to inactivate from the Provider List. 5. Click Inactivate Click the Inactivate button in the Provider(s) area of the Practice Resources dialog box. The Inactivate Provider window will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 6. Select Replacement Provider Thoroughly read the changes that will occur in this dialog box. Click the search button to select a replacement provider. The Select Provider dialog box will appear. Highlight the appropriate provider and click OK. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to proceed or click Cancel to return to Practice Resource Setup without inactivating. Staff Information 1. Enter Staff Information Choose the New button in the Staff area of the Practice Resources window and the Staff Information dialog box is displayed. The Staff Information dialog box. This information will appear in practice resource reports. • Enter the appropriate information in each of the fields for each staff member in your practice. • Use the Tab key or mouse to move from field to field. • Choose the OK button when finished. (The staff ID cannot be edited once it has been created and OK is clicked.) Easy Dental User Guide Setup 2. Close Practice Resources When you have completed entry of all the required Practice Resources information, select the Close button to close the Practice Resources window. Inactivating a Staff Member A Staff member cannot be deleted from Easy Dental. You can inactivate the staff member by following the same steps under Inactivating a Provider. Be sure to highlight the correct staff member and choose the Inactivate button in the Staff area. Defining Time Units Before you can continue in the Setup process, you must define time units. Time units are used when setting up procedure codes. Basically, you can choose how to divide up your appointments, by 5, 10, 15, 20, or 30 minute units. Each unit should also represent a unit of time where either the provider or an assistant is present during the procedure. For example, during the first unit of time you may wish to have only the assistant present to prep the patient. This micro-scheduling will help you maximize operatory use. 1. Open Schedule Click the Schedule button in the toolbar on the left. The Schedule module will open. Click the Schedule button to switch to the Schedule Module, then click the Setup button and choose Practice Setup. Click on any one of these radio buttons to define the length of time assigned to each Time Block. The other features contained in this dialog box are discussed in the Schedule chapter. Choose the OK button to continue. 2. Click Setup Click the Setup button located on the Schedule toolbar and then choose Practice Setup. The Practice Schedule Setup dialog box will appear. 3. Set Time Block Size On the right hand side of the dialog box is the Select Time Block Size area. Select the time unit size that best fits the way your practice operates. Click the OK button when finished. 4. Return to Reports To continue with the setup process, return to the Reports window by choosing the Reports icon in the toolbar. The other features contained in the Practice Schedule Setup dialog box are discussed in the Schedule chapter. These remaining features are not necessary in completing the initial setup procedure and will not be discussed here. Continue with the next section. Setting Up Recall Easy Dental allows five Recall types. If a particular procedure requires a recall appointment, you can instruct Easy Dental to automatically place the patient on a Recall list. Each procedure can be assigned a particular Recall type. Easy Dental User Guide 10 Setup Recall types are user-definable. You control the name of the type (with the exception of Prophy), the interval, and the provider. Although Easy Dental comes with five types, you should review them to make sure they fit your practice’s needs. There is a limit of five Recall types. 1. Click Practice Setup | Recall Setup In the Reports window, click the Practice Setup button, then choose Recall Setup. The Recall Setup dialog box appears. Choose the New button to create a new recall type. To edit an existing type, highlight the type and then choose the Edit button. Choose the Delete button to delete the highlighted type. 2. Highlight Recall Type and Edit If this is a new installation, you will want to review the five default Recall types. Highlight the first default type and then choose the Edit button. The Edit Recall Type dialog box will appear. Edit the description as needed. Select the recall interval and then the down arrow button to define the interval in terms of months, days, etc.. Click the down arrow button to choose an initial status. Mark the provider you wish to use as the default provider for the recall type. Click the OK button to save the type. Choose the Set Color button to display the Recall in a particular color. 3. Verify Settings Verify the following information for the Recall type: • Type: This is a user-definable field accepting up to 12 alphanumeric characters. • Description: This is a user-definable field accepting up to 30 alphanumeric characters. This description can be used for letter merge (it is not capitalized if the description is to be inserted into a sentence). • Initial Status: Status refers to the state of the recall when it appears in the Recall list. If you need to change the status, choose the down-arrow button and select a different status. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 11 • Interval: Make sure the interval is acceptable. The “+1 Day” option will add the set interval plus one more day for insurance purposes. This is the default setting for all patients, but can be customized for individual patients. See the Patients chapter for more information. • Provider: This option allows you to set a specific provider for the recall type. Prov1 refers to the primary provider selected for each patient in the Patients module. Prov2 refers to the secondary provider selected for each patient. Spec. allows you to select a specific provider using the down arrow. All appointments scheduled for this recall type will be automatically assigned to the provider selected. • Display Color: You can choose to have each Recall type display in different colors. If you wish to change the color, choose the Set Color button. Note: The Prophy type may be edited, but the Type name for the Prophy Recall Type may not be changed and the type cannot be deleted. 4. Click OK To save your changes (if any), click the OK button. Repeat this process for the remaining default types before continuing to the next section. Note: All of the information for each Recall type is displayed in an abbreviated format from the Recall Setup dialog box. You may choose not to select the Edit button if a Recall type appears to be set up correctly for your practice. Related Topics • See the Recall chapter for more information on Recall. Setting Up Procedure Codes The procedures listed in the American Dental Association Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature are included with Easy Dental. They are referred to as “procedures” in this documentation. It is necessary to set up some additional information for the procedures that you perform, such as fees and the approximate amount of time required to complete each procedure. The purpose of this section is to add and/or customize the procedure information. Note: When adding a procedure code, Easy Dental automatically defaults to the category highlighted before you select the New button. Quick Start: The following eight-step process is mandatory for each procedure performed in your practice. Follow the steps for each procedure, by category, to add the required information. To speed up the process, choose only those categories that are applicable to your practice. 1. Click Practice Setup | Procedure Code Setup In the Reports window, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Procedure Code Setup. The Procedure List dialog box is displayed. Select a procedure code category here . . . . . . and then select a procedure from this list. After the procedure code is highlighted, click Edit. Easy Dental User Guide 12 Setup 2. Choose a Category and Procedure Choose a category on the left. All the procedure codes associated with that category will appear in the right list box. • Select the first procedure in the list box by double-clicking on its description OR highlight it and then choose the Edit button. 3. Enter Fees You should already have a list of the fees that are currently used to bill your patients. This is also a good time to review your fees and make changes if desired. No fees are pre-assigned in Easy Dental. Easy Dental allows a practice to have up to 999 fee schedules for each procedure. If more than one fee schedule is used in the practice: • Enter each fee by highlighting the appropriate Fee Schedule and then choosing the Edit Fee button. A small edit box will appear next to the Fee Schedule. • Change the amount. • Press the Enter key or click the green checkmark to save the change. (Press the red X to cancel the change.) Note: When a fee is highlighted in the list box, you must press the Enter key or click the green checkmark in order to exit the Fee field, or use the Tab key to edit the next fee. Note: Remember that each provider is assigned a fee schedule. Be sure the provider’s Fee Schedule number is entered in the Provider Information dialog box. When a procedure is entered in the Accounts window, the charge is assigned according to the selected provider’s fee schedule. You may also choose to override the provider’s fee schedule by assigning a patient or an insurance carrier a fee schedule. If the procedure requires a treatment flag, select one here. Click once in the box to place a checkmark in the box. Set fees here. Highlight the fee you wish to edit and then choose the Edit Fee button. Choose this Search button to attach an automatic recall type or recall to the procedure. Choose this Search button to set the amount of time required to complete this procedure. 4. Set Treatment Flags A check mark in the box means the procedure is flagged. A blank box means the procedure is not flagged. • Difficult Procedure. When “Difficult Proc.” is flagged, the procedure will be marked with an asterisk (*) every time it is listed on the day sheet report. This will notify the provider of any patients who may need to be called at the end of the day to follow up on the patient’s condition. If you want a procedure to be marked on the day sheet, flag “Difficult Proc.” None of the Easy Dental procedures are flagged “Difficult Proc.” by default. 5. Select Auto Recall Type When you attach a Recall type to a procedure, Easy Dental will automatically update the patient’s recall date by the interval assigned when the procedure is completed. And if the patient does not have Recall, it will be added. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 13 To Attach a Recall Type to the Procedure • Choose the Search button in the Auto Recall section. The Select Recall Type dialog box will appear. • Select the appropriate type and then choose the Select button. A procedure code may be assigned only one Recall type. The Recall type, however may be set on unlimited procedure codes. See the Recall chapter for more information. 6. Set Procedure Time The Procedure Time button displays the Appointment Time Pattern dialog box that allows you to enter the number of time units that are usually scheduled for that procedure. The number of minutes assigned to each time unit was defined on page 9. All Easy Dental procedures default to one time unit. As you review each procedure, if the procedure time should exceed one unit, choose the Procedure Time button. Choose the Left or Right arrow buttons to lengthen or shorten the time of the appointment by one time block or unit. You can also click and drag the bar to increase or decrease the time. The face of each time block can be changed from white to a single slash to an X by clicking on the block with the mouse. A single slash represents assistant time. An X represents provider time. White represents chair time when neither the provider nor the assistant needs to be present. • Use the scroll bar to increase or decrease the Total Time units. The right arrow will add a unit. The left arrow will subtract a unit. • If you click on a unit using the mouse, a single slash, an X, or a blank box will appear. Each face represents who is providing care to the patient during the procedure. A single slash represents the assistant’s time. The X represents the provider’s time. White/Clear represents chair time when neither the provider nor the assistant needs to be present. These assignments will appear while you are scheduling appointments and will allow you to maximize productivity and use of all operatories. • Click the OK button to save your assignment and definition of time required for the procedure. 7. Do Not Bill to Insurance If you do not wish to include this procedure on insurance claims or on the Procedures Not Attached to Insurance Report, mark this option. 8. Save Changes When you have entered the correct information for a procedure, choose the Next Code button. • The Next Code button will produce a new box asking if you want to save your changes. Choose Yes if you want to save your changes. Choose No if you don’t want to save your changes. Easy Dental will automatically move you to the next procedure. • When you have finished setting up procedures, choose Close from the Procedure Code Editor Box. Then choose Close from the Procedure List box. You’re now ready to move on to the next step in the set up process. Note: Remember that the above steps must be completed for each procedure that you perform in your practice. More information about the Procedure Code Editor is available in the Reports chapter. Easy Dental User Guide 14 Setup Practice Definitions Setup Easy Dental provides several Practice Definitions and allows user-definable entries for each. These Practice Definitions, in addition to other features, customize Easy Dental for your specific practice. Things that can be customized are: Adjustment Types* Fee Schedule Names Alternate Procedure Code Names Medical Alerts Appointment Reasons* Payment Types* Appointment Types Provider Specialties Billing Types* Recall Status* Claim Format Referral Specialties Provider ID Codes Only those definitions shown with an * are necessary for this initial setup and are explained in the following sections. The other definitions have defaults. (If you desire to change any of the definitions not covered here, it will be necessary to refer to the Practice Definitions section of the Reports chapter.) Keep the following in mind as you set up the definitions in these sections: • An entry for a definition is automatically assigned the first available ID number for that definition, each starting with ID number “1”, then “2”, and so on. For example, if ID 2 has been deleted, the next definition added of that type will have ID 2. • Definitions are sorted according to ID number. (Medical Alerts will be listed in the Patients window in alphabetical order.) • The ID number is used when a definition is assigned. The description for a definition entry then becomes global with its ID number. For example, if several patients are given the medical alert of “Allergies,” and then the definition entry for “Allergies” is changed to “Pregnant,” all patients who previously had “Allergies” displayed as a medical alert will now have “Pregnant” displayed as a medical alert. For this and similar reasons, it is recommended that a definition entry not be changed or deleted if the definition has been used previously anywhere in Easy Dental. Choose the down arrow to display a list of all practice definitions. After you’ve selected a definition type, all of the definitions will appear in the list box. To Edit a definition, select it in the list, make your changes in the Definition Text edit box, and then choose the Change button. Edit Definitions 1. Choose Practice Setup | Definitions From the Reports window, choose the Practice Setup button. Then select Definitions. The Practice Definitions dialog box will appear. 2. Select Definition Type Click the down arrow to reveal a list of all Practice Definitions. Select the Definition you wish to change. A list of all the definitions in that Definition Type will appear in the lower list box. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 15 3. Select and Edit Definition Select the definition you wish to edit. The selected Definition will then appear in the Definition Text box. Using the mouse, click in the text box and make any necessary changes. 4. Click Change To save your changes, click the Change button. Easy Dental will ask if you are sure you want to make changes. Click the Yes button to continue. Click the No button to abort. Add a New Definition • Type the new definition in the Definition Text box. • Choose the Add button. The new definition will appear at the bottom of the list for that Definition Type. You may need to scroll down (by clicking on the down arrow button in the list box) to see your addition. Delete a Definition • Select the definition you wish to delete. • Click the Delete button. Easy Dental will verify that you want to delete the definition. Be aware that by deleting a definition after it has been used in Easy Dental may produce an unstable database and it is not recommended. 5. Click Close To complete the process and exit Definitions, click the Close button. Adjustment Types Quick Start: The Accounts module displays a list of adjustment types to select from whenever an adjustment is entered for a patient account. These types determine the description for each adjustment displayed in the Accounts module and printed on statements. The first adjustment type should be the one most commonly used for patient accounts because it will be the default when entering adjustments in the Accounts module. Easy Dental provides the following 23 defaults: 1. - Professional Courtesy 13. - In-office Write-off 2. - Full Payment Courtesy 14. - Charitable Contribution 3. - Credit Adjustment 15. + Collected - Bad Debt 4. + Debit Adjustment 16. - Bankruptcy Write-off 5. - Patient Refund 17. + Transfer Balance Debit 6. - Write-Off 18. - Transfer Balance Credit 7. - Senior Citizen Courtesy 19. + Misc. Debit 8. + NSF Check 20. - Misc. Credit 9. + NSF Bank Fee 21. + Initial Balance Forward 10. + Insurance Over-pmt Refund22. - Initial Credit Balance Forward 11. - Family/Friend Courtesy 23. + Insurance Balance Forward 12. - Staff Courtesy If you are satisfied these default definitions will work for your practice then move on to the next section. Otherwise, follow the steps for editing definitions on page 17. Note: There is an additional field for adjustment types that is displayed before the definition text. The field has a “+” or “-” to indicate whether an adjustment is added to or subtracted from an account. Easy Dental User Guide 16 Setup Appointment Reasons Quick Start: To simplify the scheduling of an appointment, Easy Dental allows you to create a list of the 20 most common initial appointment reasons for your office. Once the list has been customized, users can quickly select the desired procedure from a list rather than typing or writing a long appointment description. Each of the 20 reasons must first be set up as a procedure or explosion code. None of the reasons should require additional treatment information such as a tooth number or surface. The following 20 appointment reasons are installed as default with Easy Dental. 1. D0120 00120 Ex Per 11. D1110 01110 Adult 2. D0140 00140 Ex Lim 12. D1120 01120 Child 3. D0150 00150 Ex Com 13. D1201 01201 Fld-Ch 4. D0160 00160 Ex Ext 14. D9110 09110 Emerg 5. D0210 00210 FMX 15. D9310 09310 Consul 6. D0220 00220 PA 1st 16. D0999 00999 Misc 7. D0272 00272 2 BWX 17. xxREA REAdult (Exp 8. D0274 00274 4 BWX 18. xxREP REChild (Exp 9. D0330 00330 Pano 19. xxREC REComp (Exp 10. D0460 00460 PV Tst 20. xxPEX Perio X (Exp Before an appointment reason will display in the Schedule, the definition must meet the following criteria: • The reason must reference an existing procedure code or explosion code. • The reason should not reference a procedure or explosion code that requires a tooth number, surface, quadrant, or sextant. Billing Types Quick Start: Easy Dental has nine default billing types. If they are sufficient you can move to the next topic. The billing types are: 1. Standard Billing - finance charges 2. Standard Billing - no finance charges 3. Insurance Family - Dual Insurance 4. Insurance Family - finance charges 5. Payment Plan - finance charges 6. Payment Plan - no finance charges 7. Bad Debt - at risk 8. No Statement and No Finance Charges 9. Bad Debt - to collections Billing types identify and group the various family accounts for account processing, billing, and report printing. Billing types are a flag for the office staff indicating how a patient should be billed. However, billing types do not dictate how the program treats an account. For example, if the practice does not apply finance charges to employees or relatives, each account in that category should be assigned a representative billing type (such as Standard Billing - No Finance Charges). This would allow you to exclude this billing type when applying finance charges. Billing types are assigned to a family account through the head-of-house in the Accounts window. When a head-of-house is entered he will automatically be given the default billing type for his family account until another is selected. The default billing type is set up on page 22. Each billing type comprises a description, which can be up to 50 characters in length, and an ID number. Specific billing types can be selected when applying finance charges; and billing type ranges can be used to send statements and to print various reports. The billing types should be entered logically to allow the selection of ranges to efficiently send billing statements and print analysis reports. Up to 99 billing types can be added as needed. To edit a billing type, or to add a new one, follow the steps beginning on the previous page. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 17 Payment Types Quick Start: The Accounts module displays a list of payment types to select from whenever a payment is entered. These types determine the description for each payment displayed in the Accounts module and printed on statements and other reports. The first payment type should be the most common type of payment received by your practice. When entering guarantor payments in the Accounts module, the first payment type is the default. Insurance payments do not require a payment type and are entered differently than guarantor payments (see the Accounts chapter for information on entering payments). Easy Dental provides four defaults. If these are sufficient for your practice, continue to the next section. Otherwise follow the steps for editing definitions on the previous page, selecting Payment Types as the Definition. The default Payment Types are: 1. Check Payment - Thank You 2. Cash Payment - Thank You 3. VISA/MC Payment - Thank You 4. Payment From Insurance 5. Discover Payment - Thank You 6. AMEX Payment - Thank You 7. Outside Payment - Thank You 8. Web Patient Payment - Thank You 9. Collection Payment - Thank You 10. Pre-EZD Ins Pmt - Thank You Recall Status Recall Status is used in the Patient Recall window to indicate the last contact with a patient regarding his or her next recall visit. The status should be entered as an abbreviation in the first field and a description in the second field. When Easy Dental is first installed the following three recall types are available as default. 1. APPT – Appointment Scheduled 2. NOTE – See Note 3. XXXXX – Don’t Contact Dunning Messages A dunning message automatically prints on each billing statement according to the account’s aged balance. For every 30-day time period an account is aged, a certain message will be printed at the bottom of the family’s statement. You can enter the message that will be printed according to each account’s oldest balance. There are three sets of dunning messages, one for non-insured accounts, one for insured accounts, and another that will print according to the last payment date. An account is considered insured if the head-of-house has insurance. View or Edit Dunning Messages 1. Click Practice Setup | Dunning Messages From the Reports module, click the Practice Setup button and then choose Dunning Messages. The Dunning Messages dialog box is displayed. Easy Dental User Guide 18 Setup When you select an aging period here . . . . . . the dunning message for that time period shows here. Click once here to edit the message. 2. Click Aging Period To view the message for each aging time period, click on the radio button next to each. 3. Edit Message To edit each message click in the message box. Make any changes to the message. The message is saved when you choose a different dunning message or choose OK. Each message can be up to 70 characters in length. 4. Click OK When you are finished reviewing each message, click the OK button. The default Dunning Messages are: Standard Dunning Messages 0-30 None 30-60 Charges on account over 30 days. 60-90 Charges on account over 60 days. Over 90Charges on account over 90 days. PLEASE PAY IMMEDIATELY! Insurance Dunning Messages 0-30 None 30-60 Over 30 days. Please contact your insurance company if necessary. 60-90 Charges over 60 days. You are responsible for balance. Over 90Charges on account over 90 days. PLEASE PAY IMMEDIATELY. Easy Dental does not include any Last Payment Dunning Messages. These messages appear if a payment has been made in the last 30, 60, 90 or more days. You may add these messages if you wish by following the above steps. If a Last Payment dunning message is entered, it will be used instead of the standard or insurance dunning message. Note: A dunning message may be entered for a specific account from the Accounts window. See the Accounts chapter. Practice Defaults When entering patient information or performing certain tasks, the process of having to choose a provider or operatory that is more commonly used than others can be redundant. To save time, Easy Dental will default to a particular provider, operatory, billing type, or billing statement. You can choose which provider, operatory, billing type, or billing statement that Easy Dental will default to at each station. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 19 Select Practice Defaults 1. Click Practice Setup | Practice Defaults From the Reports window, click the Practice Setup button , then choose Practice Defaults The Practice Defaults window is displayed. 2. Select Practice Defaults Select the practice defaults you wish to use. Each of the following practice defaults need to be selected for your practice. In a network environment, the practice defaults need to be set up at each workstation since the practice defaults are not stored in the database. The practice defaults can be changed at any time. • The Default Provider selected will be the Primary provider given to each new head-of-house. • The Default Operatory selected will be the default operatory for each new appointment. • The Default Billing Type selected will be the billing type given to each new head-of-house. • The Default Billing Statement is the form which will be used when printing billing statements. • The Default Insurance Claim Provider enables you to select which provider should appear on insurance claims as the Billing Provider, Rendering Provider, and Pay To Provider. Provider of Procedures defaults to the provider who performed the procedures. Patient’s Prov 1 defaults to the patient’s primary provider listed in the Patients module. Specific Provider allows you to select a specific provider to default on all insurance claims by clicking on the search button. Check the Name to use for Claim Provider option if you want to replace only the name of the claim provider with the name selected or typed in the field. 3. Click OK Select OK to save your changes and close the dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide 20 Setup Preferences The Preferences dialog box allows you to select which module you wish to open when Easy Dental is first launched. You will also want to specify whether you wish to have payments and adjustments default to the Guarantor or Current Patient. (For more information on applying payments and adjustments, see the Accounts chapter.) 1. Click Maintenance From the Reports toolbar, click the Maintenance button. 2. Choose Preferences From the Maintenance menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences window appears. 3. Click General Options Click the General Options tab. The following sections will explain how to select the initial module to launch and select the payment/adjustment default. Selecting the Initial Window to Launch Many Easy Dental users start their morning in the Accounts window, Patients window, or another Easy Dental window other than the Schedule window. To put you one step ahead at the beginning of your day, Easy Dental allows you to select a “Startup” window. When Easy Dental is launched, your selected window will open first. To select your Startup Window, complete the following steps: 1. Mark Initial Window to Launch Mark the option for the window where you would like to start Easy Dental each morning. 2. Click OK Click the OK button to save your settings and return to the Reports window. Note: Each workstation can have its own Startup Window, so this process should be repeated on each workstation. Easy Dental User Guide Setup 21 Payment and Adjustment Default Easy Dental allows you to keep track of individual patient balances as well as family balances. Each time a payment and adjustment is made, you may select whether to apply the amount to the current patient or the guarantor. The option will default according to what you have marked in the Preferences dialog box. Complete the following step to choose a default. 1. Mark Guarantor or Current Patient To have payments and adjustments default to the head-of-house’s balance, mark Account. To have payments and adjustments default to the selected patient’s balance, mark Current Patient. 2. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. Suspend Patient Alerts You may check Suspend Patient Alerts to prevent Patient Alerts from appearing automatically on this particular computer. Start Time Clock on System Startup You may check this option to have the Time Clock module open when the computer system is starting up. Modem Setup Quick Start: If you are not currently using a telephone modem in your computer system, skip to the next topic. 1. Click Practice Setup | Modem Setup From the Reports window menu, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Modem Setup. The Modem Setup dialog box is displayed. If you have a modem, choose this radio button. Select the correct dial type here. Select the correct com port here. Choose OK to save your settings. If your phone system requires a code to be entered after dialing a long distance number, enter that code after the semicolon here. If you must dial a prefix to reach an outside line (usually an 8 or 9), enter that number here. 2. Choose Modem If you have a modem, choose the Modem radio button. 3. Select Dial Type Select the Dial Type for the phone system. Tone is the most common. Pulse refers to a phone system that still supports rotary dial phones. The dial type that your regular phones use is what you should select here. If you’re not sure, call your telephone company. Easy Dental User Guide 22 Setup 4. Select Communication Port Select the Communication Port (i.e. COM1, COM2) the modem is configured for. Be sure to use the modem manual to set up the modem port in the Windows Control Panel. 5. Enter Long Distance Code If your phone system requires a code to be entered after dialing a long distance number, enter that code number in the Dial Suffix edit box. Be sure to enter the number after the semicolon. 6. Enter Outside Line Prefix If your phone system requires a prefix to reach an outside line (usually an 8 or 9), enter that number in the Outside Line edit box. 7. Click OK When you have made the appropriate selections in this dialog box, click the OK button. Note: The Dial Prefix and Hangup Suffix settings should come from your modem’s User’s Guide. Refer to the modem’s documentation to see what settings are necessary for the modem to operate correctly. Using a Modem with Easy Dental? Your modem has several useful functions in Easy Dental. You will need a modem to process bills and insurance claims electronically, two exciting and time saving features of your Easy Dental software. (For more information on activating these features, call 1-800-824-6375.) Auto Chart Numbering Setup Easy Dental will automatically assign your patients chart numbers. The advantages of this feature are: • You never have to worry about duplicate chart numbers • Auto entry speeds the data entry process Easy Dental will assign numeric or alpha-numeric chart numbers. To setup auto chart numbering, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Practice Setup | Auto Chart Number Setup From the Reports window, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Auto Chart Number Setup. The Automatic Chart Numbering Setup dialog box will appear. 2. Select Number Type Select the type of numbering you want. Choose None if you don’t want Easy Dental to assign chart numbers. Select the type of chart numbers you want. Numeric chart number example: 000024 Alpha/Numeric chart number example: AB0003 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save your selections. Auto chart number assignment is most visible when entering a new family or new family members. The Chart text box in the Patient Information dialog box will fill in automatically. Note: Easy Dental will fill in missing chart numbers before it will continue with the last chart number. For example if the chart numbers that exist go from 223 to 225, Easy Dental will use 224 before starting at the end of the chart numbers. Easy Dental User Guide Setup Patient Data Entry Considerations 23 Patients with existing account balances, existing appointments, or existing/incomplete treatment plans should be entered into Easy Dental first. There are two recommended options for entering current balances and charts. Review the options and then use the following chapters to enter your patients’ information. Option 1 • 1. Enter the account’s aged balance when entering a new family. The Accounts module will automatically post an “initial balance” transaction for that patient. The “initial balance” will print as a balance forward on statements. See the Accounts chapter for more information. • 2. From the Treatment Plans module, enter all treatment plan procedures. This will store a record of the current status of each patient’s treatment and enable processing of each patient’s treatment plan. See the Treatment Plans chapter. • 3. Since many insurance claims have probably been sent prior to installation and not yet received, sometime after the installation there will be insurance payments for claims that are not listed in any patient’s Accounts window. These insurance payments cannot be entered in the normal way. Each will need to be entered as a normal payment using the payment type Payment From Insurance with a note of explanation. When the payment is listed in the Accounts window as a payment it may cause some confusion with the family account. The note will explain the discrepancy. Option 2 • 1. Do not enter the family’s balance in the Accounts window. • 2. When you begin entering information in the Accounts window, enter all completed procedures as “Completed” if the charge is still outstanding. Enter all treatment plan procedures as “Treatment Plan.” • 3. For each completed procedure be sure that the date is the actual date of the charge to properly age the account balance. • 4. For each treatment plan procedure be sure that the date reflects when the procedure was treatment planned. • The dates and charges of completed procedures will be used to create each account’s aged balance. The balance displayed in the Accounts window should equal the account’s actual balance at the time of installation. If the displayed account balance is incorrect, individual procedure charges can be edited, or an adjustment entry can be made if a procedure has been partially paid for. • 5. When you begin working in the Accounts window, create a claim for each insurance claim or pre-treatment estimate claim that has been sent, but not received, as of the time of installation. Enter the date each claim was originally sent so that the claim will be accurately listed as sent. The claim does not need to be printed. (See Creating a Primary Insurance Claim in the Accounts chapter for more information.) • By entering the claims that are outstanding as of the time of installation, the claims can be aged and tracked, insurance payments can be entered properly, pre-treatment estimates can be entered, and the payment table for estimates can be updated in a more timely fashion. Option #1 is the easier and more commonly used of the two options. There are a few disadvantages to using Option #1. Although your account balances will be correct, the descriptions of how these balances came about will be missing. Option #2 will include descriptions on outstanding balances and will have more information available for you to use with Easy Dental. However, you may not have the time necessary to enter each existing and/or completed procedure for each patient. Not all existing patient accounts and charts need to be entered using the same option. For example, Option #1 could be used for accounts that don’t have outstanding insurance claims and Option #2 could be used for accounts that do. After you have setup and configured Easy Dental to meet your practice’s specific needs, you are ready to start entering your patients’ information. Easy Dental User Guide 24 Patients Patients In this Section: • Patient Window Areas • Selecting a Patient • Adding Patients and Family Members • Assigning Medical Alerts • Assigning Employer Information • Assigning Insurance • Patient Notes • Patient Notes Report • Assigning Referrals • Editing Family Relationships • Deleting a Patient • Deleting a Family • New Patient With Appointment • Patient Survey • Archiving Patients • Handling Unique Family Relationships The Patients module stores and displays information about each patient. Important data such as the patient’s name, address, phone numbers, medical alerts, birth date, insurance coverages, employer, and referral information is entered and displayed here. Note: It is vital that the information be entered accurately because it is used to create insurance claims, billing statements, reports, and special lists throughout Easy Dental. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 25 Patients are organized by family. The name of the currently displayed patient is shown as part of the Patients module title. If no patient has been selected, or if you are entering Head-of-House information for the first time, no name will be displayed. Note: Whenever a new family is entered, the Head-of-House must be entered first whether or not he or she is a patient. Patients Window Areas The Patients module contains several “fields” that display information. By double-clicking on these fields, you may enter, edit, or delete patient information. Double-click on a name to switch between family members. Double-click here to edit basic patient information. Double-click here to add medical alerts for the patient. Double-click here to enter insurance information for the patient. Double-click here to enter the patient’s employer. Double-click here to enter “referred to” information. Double-click here to add a note specific to this patient. Double-click here to customize the patient’s Recall. Double-click here to enter the referral source for a patient. Easy Dental User Guide 26 Patients The Toolbar The toolbar is located directly beneath the title bar and contains several command buttons. Pictured below is the toolbar and an explanation of the function of each button. New Patient with Appointment: Click here to add a new patient who has an appointment in the Schedule. Select Patient/New Family: Click here to choose a patient or add a new family. Patient Alerts: Click to add, view, or edit alerts assigned to the current patient. Patient Notes: Click to print notes related to the current patient. Add New Family Member: Click here to add another family member to the current family. Quick Letters: Click to print a letter for the current patient. Refresh: Click here to refresh the window. Edit: Click here to edit family relationships or delete patients/families. Patient Survey: Click here to print or edit a patient survey. Help: Click here to start the help program. EasyWeb: Click to launch the EasyWeb toolbar. Patient Picture: Click to view a picture of the selected patient. Selecting a Patient 1. Click Select Patient From the Patients toolbar, click the Select Patient button. The Select Patient window appears. Type in the patient’s last name. As you type, Easy Dental will automatically search your records for a patient of the same name. Click the New Family button if the patient needs to be added to your database and does not need to be added as a member of an existing family. 2. Type Last Name Type the first few letters of the last name. As you begin typing, Easy Dental will start matching the characters you enter with names already entered in your database. Continue typing until you see the patient you are seaching for. 3. Click OK Double-click on the patient name in the name list or highlight the name and click the OK button. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 27 By default Easy Dental looks for patients by their last name, but you can also search by first name, preferred name, home phone number, chart number, or social security number by marking the radio buttons in the upper right side of the Select Patient window in the By section. Note: When you first install Easy Dental, no patients have been added to the database. Patient information will need to be entered manually or entered through an electronic data conversion. Adding Patients and Family Members Easy Dental organizes patient files by family. To enter new patients, you will have to first enter the head-of-house, even if that person is not a patient. The head-of-house is defined as the person responsible for the account (does not have to be the insurance subscriber). After entering the head-of-house, you can then add additional family members. Entering the Head-of-House 1. Click Select Patient Click the Select Patient button to display the Select Patient dialog box. 2. Enter Family’s Last Name Enter the family’s last name to verify that the family is not already entered in the database. 3. Click New Family Click the New Family button at the bottom of the Select Patient dialog box. When you click the New Family button from the Select Patient dialog box, the Head-of-House dialog box is displayed allowing you to enter the head-of-house for the new family. Enter the family’s Head-of-House even if that person is not a patient. You can tab from field to field to enter information. Click the OK button when finished. 4. Enter Head-of-House Demographic Information Enter the information in the Head-of-House Information dialog box. Note: When entering dates, phone numbers, and social security numbers it is not necessary to enter hyphens, spaces, or slashes as these symbols will be added automatically. In addition, patient names, cities and street names are all automatically capitalized after they are entered and the TAB key is pressed. In the case of names that contain more than one capital letter (such as LaMar), the proper capitalization needs to be entered manually. Moving Around in Windows Easy Dental User Guide 28 Patients If you haven’t worked in Microsoft Windows before, here are a couple of tips to keep in mind. • Press the TAB key to move from one field to another field (e.g., to move from the first name field to the middle initial field you would press the TAB key). • Press the ENTER key to save information and exit a dialog box. If you have been using a DOS-based program previously, this is an important difference you should keep in mind. Name Enter the first name, middle initial, and last name in each of the separate text boxes. Enter the patient’s preferred name or nickname in the Preferred Name field. The Preferred Name is used for letters and other correspondence. Note: Do not include extra characters in the name fields (e.g., quotation marks, commas, parenthesis, etc.). Address Enter the address for the head-of-house. Each new family member’s address will default to that of the head-of-house. • If a family member has a different address, change the address in that family member’s Patient Information. When an address that has been saved for more than one family member is changed, the Address Changed dialog box will appear when you click the OK button. • If Change Address for All is chosen, the address will be changed for all family members with the same address. • If Add As New Address is chosen, the address will be added as an additional address for the family and can be selected for any family member. • Selecting the Address search button will cause the Select from Family Addresses list box to appear, which lists every address that has been entered for a member of the family. You may select any address you wish from this list for each family member. City, State, and Zip Easy Dental compiles a database of cities and their corresponding zip codes with each new patient entered. As a result, if you are a new user, the first time you enter a zip code, Easy Dental will prompt you to enter a corresponding city. The next time you enter that zip code for a patient, Easy Dental will fill in the city and state appropriate to that zip code. As you enter more and more patients, you will find yourself having to enter the city and state less and less. If you enter a new zip code: • The New City Information dialog box will appear. • Enter the city name. • Enter the state name. The zip code should already be entered. • Click the OK button. The city, state, and zip will be entered for the patient. The next time you enter patient information using the same zip code, the city and state will automatically be entered. Enter the zip code here and click the search button. If that zip code has not been entered before, the New City Information dialog box opens. If you need to search for a zip code: Easy Dental User Guide Patients 29 • Click the search button next to the Zip field. The City Information dialog box will appear. • Click a search option, either city or zip. • Depending on what search option you chose, enter the zip or city. As you make your entry, a list of the cities or zip codes matching your search request will appear in the list box. • Highlight the city or zip you’re searching for and then click the Select button. If the city or zip code you are searching for is not present, click the New button and follow the steps in the previous section. If you need to search for a particular zip or city, click this search button without entering any information. The City Information dialog box will appear. Enter the city (or zip) that you are searching for here. A list of all cities (or zip codes) matching your search criteria will appear here. Click this button to add a new city and zip code. You can click to search either by zip code or by city. Click this button to enter the highlighted city and zip code in the Head-of-House or Patient Information dialog box. Click this button to exit the dialog box without making any changes or additions. Click this button to delete the highlighted city or zip code. To delete a city or zip code: • Click the search button next to the Zip field. The City Information dialog box will appear. • Click a search option, either city or zip. • Depending on what search option you chose, enter the zip or city. • Highlight the city or zip you wish to delete and then click the Delete button. E-Mail You may enter a patient’s E-Mail address for use with EasyWeb in the E-Mail field. Phone Enter the patient’s home and work phone numbers, work extension, and the best time to call the patient in the respective fields. You may also enter FAX, pager, or other numbers. Privacy Requests The following options are available to protect a patient’s privacy. • No Phone Calls – If checked, the patient’s phone number will not be listed or printed in various areas of Easy Dental, but will display as <PRIVATE>. • No Correspondence – If checked, the patient can be excluded from receiving any letters or emails from Easy Dental or correspondence through EasyWeb. (This does not apply to Billing Statements.) • Disclosure Restrictions – If checked, the patient will be excluded from EasyWeb referral uploads. Note: When ‘No Correspondence’ and ‘Disclosure Restrictions’ are checked, you will be prompted, after clicking OK, to create Patient Alerts for these requests. In the Patients module, “Privacy Requests” will be displayed in red. “Privacy Requests” will also appear on the title bar of other Easy Dental User Guide 30 Patients modules. This is to quickly identify patients who have privacy requests. Personal • Select the patient’s gender and position in the family (for insurance purposes). • Birth Date: Enter the patient’s date of birth. The age is calculated automatically. • SS #: Enter the patient’s social security number. Any time a social security number has been entered for a patient, the same number cannot be used for another patient. If you get an error indicating the social security number is invalid, and the SS# has been entered correctly, use Select Patient by SS# to find the patient entered with the same number. Then you can make any necessary changes or corrections. If a patient needs to be entered twice for insurance or other reasons you should leave the SS# field empty. You can then enter the SS# in the Subscriber ID field of the Insurance Information screen. • The Salutation field will be used as the greeting for any letters created for the patient. Enter the Salutation exactly as you wish it to appear in the letter. (e.g., Dear Adams Family:). A title (such as Mr. or Dr.) can be entered to print the patient’s title and last name on statements or letters. Check the Print Title on Stmts box to include the title on billing statements. Billing and Treatment • Chart: You may enter up to six digits in an alphanumeric or numeric chart number to correlate with the patient’s chart in your manual charting system. The chart number must be unique to the patient. You can click the search button next to this text box to view a list of previously assigned chart numbers. If you have set up Easy Dental to automatically assign chart numbers, Easy Dental will automatically generate the chart number. This number will be used as the account number on billing statements and walkout statements. (See the Setup chapter for how to set up automatic chart numbering.) • Consent: The consent date defaults to the current date. Easy Dental assumes that when the patient comes in for the first time, a patient consent for services and release of information form is completed and signed. If you are entering patients who have been in your practice before, you may change the consent date here. • Status: Select the patient’s activity status. If the individual is a patient of the practice, select Patient. If the individual is a former patient of the practice who has not been seen in a long period of time, select Inactive. If the individual is not a patient of the practice, but must be entered as a head-of-house or as an insurance subscriber, select Non-Patient. If you wish to archive the patient, select Archive (see Archiving Patients in this chapter for information.) • Provider: When the head-of-house is entered for a new family, the practice default provider ID (if set up in the Reports window) is assigned in the Prov1 field. As new family members are added, the provider ID for the Head-of-House is automatically assigned. Click the Prov1 search button to display a list of all primary providers entered in the practice. Select the desired primary provider for the patient. Payments and adjustments for the family will default to the provider for the Head-of-House. Use the Prov2 field to assign secondary providers (such as hygienists) to patients. Easy Dental User Guide Patients • 31 Fee Schedule: You may attach a fee schedule to an individual patient here. If selected, this fee schedule will be used for all transactions involving that patient. A Fee Schedule assigned here will override any other fee schedules attached through the patient’s insurance coverage or the patient’s provider. Scheduling • 1st Visit: The first visit date defaults to the current date. This date may be changed to correspond to the actual first visit date if the default entry is incorrect. • Last Visit: The date will be generated automatically when you enter a transaction in the Accounts window that shows the patient has completed a procedure. You may manually enter the last visit date when you initially enter a patient in the patient file. • Last Missed Appt and # Missed: The Last Missed Appt date and the total # Missed update automatically when an appointment is made in the Schedule and then broken. When you initially enter a patient, you may enter this information manually. Adding Family Members Follow these steps only after you have entered all the information related to the head-of-house. Note: Easy Dental does not allow more than 18 family members. 1. Click Add New Family Member From the desired head-of-house patient file, click the Add New Family Member button on the toolbar. The Patient Information dialog box is displayed. Note: The last name, provider, home phone number, and address will default to the information entered for the head-of-house file. You can change it if necessary. 2. Enter Family Member Information Enter Family Member information in the appropriate fields. See the previous section for a more complete explanation of each field. Easy Dental User Guide 32 Patients Medical Alerts Note: The Medical Alerts listed may be customized in the Reports module. To enter new alerts or to edit existing alerts, refer to the Definitions section in the Reports chapter. 1. Click Medical Alerts In the Patients module, click the plus symbol in the Medical Alerts field. (The plus symbol will display white if there are no alerts selected and red if there are alerts selected.) The Medical Alerts dialog box will appear listing any alerts that have previously been selected. 2. Click Edit Click the Edit button to display a list of available Medical Alerts. Click the Edit button to open the Select Medical Alerts dialog box. Highlight the appropriate alerts then click OK. 3. Select or Clear Alerts Click on the desired alert(s) to select them. If you wish to clear all selections, click the Clear button. 4. Click OK Click the OK button then OK again to return to the Patients module. The plus symbol will now display red indicating that this patient has Medical Alerts. Recall Easy Dental allows five recall types: Prophy, Lab Case, Other, Perio, and Screening. (See the Setup chapter for instructions on how to customize these recall types in the Reports window.) If a particular procedure requires a recall appointment, you can instruct Easy Dental to automatically place the patient on a Recall list. Each procedure can be assigned a particular recall type. (This can be set up in the Reports window. See the Recall chapter for more information). You may set Recall defaults for the individual patient in the Patients window as well as select the Recall types you wish to attach to each patient. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 33 Recall types are displayed here. Select the one you wish to set and then click the Set/Edit button. Setting Recall Types for a Patient Note: If a patient has a procedure entered as completed in the Accounts window and that procedure already has a Recall Type assigned to it (e.g., a Prophy), the recall type will automatically be attached to the patient. 1. Double-Click on Recall Block Double-click on the Recall block. The Patient Recall dialog box will appear with the patient’s name included in the title bar. 2. Select Recall Type Select the Recall type you wish to set. 3. Click Set Click the Set button. The Set Recall dialog box will appear. The Date Set will show automatically once you have finished altering any other parameters in this box and have clicked on OK. Click the Search button to open the Set Interval window. The other fields in this dialog box may be left blank if you wish. You may enter individual notes pertaining to the patient’s recall in the Recall Note box. 4. Change Due Date (Optional) Manually enter another date or click on the search button next to the Due Date box and change the interval from the Set Interval dialog box that appears. Easy Dental User Guide 34 Patients 5. Change Prior Treatment Date (Optional) If desired, change the Prior Treatment date. Prior treatment date refers to the last time the patient was in the office for this Recall type. 6. Select Status (Optional) Select a Recall Status from the drop-down menu. Status will be used to indicate last contact with the patient when calling to schedule patients who are due for their recall visit. (For information on customizing the Recall Status options, see the Setup chapter.) 7. Enter Recall Note (Optional) Information specific to a patient’s recall can be entered and saved in the Recall Note field. This information can also be printed on Recall Cards (see Printing Recall Cards in the Recall chapter for more information). 8. Click OK Click the OK button to set this Recall type for the current patient, or click Cancel to delete any changes you may have made and return to the Patient Recall screen. 9. Repeat Process for Other Recall Types Repeat the process for any other Recall types you wish to set. Editing an Existing Recall Type 1. Double-Click on Recall Block Double-click on the Recall block. The Patient Recall dialog box will appear. 2. Select Recall Type Select the previously set Recall type that you wish to edit. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Edit Recall dialog box will appear with the patient’s name included in the title bar. 4. Make Changes Make any necessary changes to the Due Date, Prior Treatment, Status, Provider, and Recall Note fields. 5. Click OK Click on OK to accept the changes you’ve made OR click on cancel to return to the Patient Recall dialog box without making any changes. Clearing an Existing Recall Type 1. Double-Click Recall Block Double-click on the Recall block. The Patient Recall dialog box will appear. 2. Select Recall Type Select the Recall type that you wish to clear. 3. Click Clear Click the Clear button. 4. Click Yes Click on Yes if you wish to clear the patient’s settings for this Recall type OR click on No to abort the clearing process. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 35 Employer Information The primary purpose for the employer information is insurance claim processing. Easy Dental makes it easy to select a previously entered employer or to enter a new employer. Note: The Employer Maintenance feature in the Reports module enables you to enter, edit, and combine multiple employers from one central location. (For more information, see Employer Maintenance in the System Maintenance section of the Reports chapter.) Selecting an Employer or Entering a New One 1. Double-Click Employer Double-click on the Employer block from the Patients window. The Employer Information dialog box is displayed. 2. Type First Few Letters of Employer Name Type the first three or four letters of the employer’s name in the Employer Name text box and then click the Employer search button. The Select Employer dialog box displays all of the employer names that begin with those letters. OR Click the search button without typing anything in the Employer Name text box. The Select Employer dialog box will list all of the employers in alphabetical order. It is very important to search for existing employers before adding a new employer. If an employer is added that has been previously entered, your database will now have a duplicate copy of the employer available for use. 3. Select Employer Select the patient’s employer from the list and the Employer Information dialog box will display the employer’s information. 4. Enter Information If the patient’s employer is not listed, click Cancel, which will take you back to the Employer Information dialog box and allow you to enter the employer’s information. Changing a Patient’s Employer 1. Double-click Employer Double-click on the Employer block from the Patients window and the Employer Information dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Clear Click the Clear button from the Employer Information dialog box before selecting or entering a different employer. OR If the patient’s current employer has changed its name, address, or phone number: • Change the appropriate information. Any changes to the existing employer information will affect other patients who have the same employer. Easy Dental User Guide 36 Patients • Click OK and the following message will appear “Changes to this Employer will affect the Employer information for ALL patients attached.” • Click OK to continue with the change. Note: Only one employer can be attached to a patient. Insurance Information Whenever a new family member is entered, he or she is automatically given the same insurance coverage as the head-of-house. The patient’s insurance coverage is displayed in the Insurance Information block. The View Sec button displayed in the Insurance Information block toggles back and forth and changes to View Prim to allow you to view both the primary and secondary insurance information for the selected patient. The button will not be displayed if the patient does not have secondary insurance coverage. Note: The Insurance Maintenance feature in the Reports module enables you to enter, edit, and combine multiple insurance companies from a central location. (For more information, see Insurance Maintenance in the System Maintenance section of the Reports chapter.) Click this button to toggle between a view of the patient’s secondary and primary insurance information. Double-click on either block to enter or add insurance information. The Insurance section of this User’s Guide is divided into the following sub-headings: • Entering a New Insurance Plan • Assigning Primary Insurance • Assigning Secondary Insurance • Editing an Insurance Carrier • Changing a Subscriber’s Insurance Carrier • Provider ID Setup • Working with Coverage Tables • Using a Payment Table • Clearing Insurance Coverage • Entering a Capitation Type Plan • Deleting Duplicate Insurance Companies • Entering Incentive Plans Entering a New Insurance Plan 1. Double-click Insurance Double-click on the Insurance block from the Patients window. The Insurance Information dialog box will appear. Both the primary and secondary insurance information is displayed. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 37 Click this search button to view a list of subscribers in this family. Click here to indicate that a signature of the subscriber is on Click this button to search for a particular insurance carrier. file and that a Release of Information has been signed. Click this button to view or edit the Coverage Table. Click this button to view or edit the Edit Updated Insurance Payment Table dialog box. Click this button to view or edit the carrier’s demographic information, like phone number, contact, etc.. 2. Select Subscriber A subscriber, or insured party, must be entered first. The current patient is automatically entered as the Insurance Subscriber. 3. Click Carrier Search Button Click on the search button next to the carrier box. The Select Primary Insurance Plan dialog box will appear. To enter the carrier, click this search button. Then, click this button. 4. Click New Insurance Plan Click the New Insurance Plan button. The Primary Dental Insurance Plan Information dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 38 Patients 5. Enter Carrier, Group Plan and Employer Enter the carrier name and group plan name. Click the search button to attach an employer. If you do not have a group plan name, enter the employer name as the group plan name. This will assist you later when you are assigning previously entered insurances to patients. 6. Enter Address, Phone Number and Contact Name Enter the address where insurance claims should be mailed for this carrier. Enter a phone number and contact person (optional). 7. Enter Group Number Enter the Group Number for this plan. If the plan is a Union plan, enter the Local number. 8. Modify Last Update, Benefit Renewal, or Claim Format Use the Last Update text box to keep track of the last time the insurance information was updated by you (optional). Easy Dental will not update this field automatically. Use the Benefit Renewal text box to enter the month that the yearly insurance benefits renew for the insured patients. The Claim Format text box will default to “ED2003” the standard ADA form that can be generated using a laser printer. When ED2003 is selected you will be able to print claim forms to blank pieces of paper. Easy Dental will print the insurance claim form and the information for this claim. Easy Dental will allow you to create most insurance forms; however, there are some insurance carriers who will not accept a standard ADA form and require you to use the carrier’s own form. Easy Dental integrates with many of the carrier’s forms. If you need to use a carrier specific form, contact Easy Dental Support for assistance in setting this up. When using a carrier specific form, Easy Dental prints the correct information in the correct location on the form, but will not actually print the form! You will need to purchase pre-printed forms for these carriers. 9. Choose Alt Code (Optional) The Alt Code text box will default to the ADA procedure codes. To use a different code system when printing insurance claims for this carrier, select the Alternate Code search button and the Select Alt Code dialog box will display the available alternate code selections. (See the Procedure Code Setup section in the Reports chapter for information on setting up Alternate Codes.) Easy Dental User Guide Patients 39 10. Attach Fee Schedule You may select a fee schedule to be attached to this insurance carrier using the Fee Schedule box. Note: If a fee schedule is attached to the insurance carrier it will be used instead of the fee schedule attached to the patient’s primary provider. However, if a fee schedule is selected for the patient, that fee schedule will be used instead of the one attached to the insurance carrier. See the box on the following page. What happens if a patient has been assigned more than one fee schedule? There are three places in Easy Dental where fee schedules are assigned to patients. A fee schedule is assigned to each Primary Provider. Since each patient is assigned a Primary Provider, Easy Dental automatically uses the assigned provider’s fee schedule for a selected patient, unless a fee schedule has been assigned somewhere else. A fee schedule can also be assigned to an insurance company. If a patient is assigned that insurance carrier, Easy Dental will use the assigned insurance fee schedule for that patient. Finally, users can assign a fee schedule to an individual patient. Since the Patient fee schedule is most specific, this fee schedule is always used if it has been assigned. If a Patient fee schedule be used. has not been assigned, but a fee schedule has been assigned to the insurance carrier, this fee schedule will Patient Fees Insurance Co. Fees Provider Fees 11. Enter Payer ID Information The Payer ID box is used with Easy Dental eTrans (electronic claims). Select the appropriate Payer ID if applicable. The Source of Payment relates to Easy Dental eTrans. Click the appropriate Source of Payment from the list provided if you use Easy Dental eTrans. 12. Replace Initial Character If this insurance company requires the ADA CDT-4 or the new CDT-5 codes, and you have not converted all of your codes to this format, check this box and enter the appropriate letter that will replace the initial character of each procedure code on printed claims. (Contact Easy Dental Support if you would like to update your system to CDT-5 codes.) 13. Do Not Print Dental Diagnostic Codes (Optional) Mark this option if you do not want any Dental Diagnostic Codes that are attached to the procedures to be printed on claims. 14. Do Not Include Group Plan Name Mark this option if you do not want the Group Plan Name to be printed on claims. 15. Do Not Bill to Insurance (Optional) Mark this option if you do not want to create claims for this insurance plan. Click the OK button to return to the Insurance Information dialog. 16. Modify Coverage Table Click the Cov Table button. The Coverage Tables window appears. Enter deductible amounts, plan maximums and modify coverage percentages. (See the Working with Coverage Tables section in this chapter for more detailed information on the Coverage Table Window.) Click the OK button to return to the Insurance Information dialog. 17. Check Signature on File Options If you want the words “Signature on File” to print on the insurance claims for this subscriber to authorize release of information, mark the Release of Information button. To authorize payments directly to the provider, mark the Assignment of Benefits button. If your office accepts assignment of benefits from insurance carriers, you must check the Assignment of Benefits box. If you do not check this box, insurance checks will be mailed to the subscriber, not the office! 18. Verify Subscriber ID and Relation The subscriber’s social security number will be automatically entered as the Subscriber ID number. Make sure that the Subscriber ID number and Relation to Subscriber are correct. Easy Dental User Guide 40 Patients 19. Click OK Click the OK button to save the information and return to the Patient’s window. Assigning Primary Insurance For an Insurance Subscriber 1. Select a Patient/Subscriber From the Patients window, select the patient who is the insurance subscriber. Note: In order to assign insurance to a patient, the insurance subscriber must be added to the family in Easy Dental. If the Subscriber is not a patient, add the subscriber as a Non-Patient. 2. Double-Click Insurance Double-click the Insurance block. The Insurance Information dialog appears. 3. Assign Insurance Coverage Click the Carrier Search button. The Select Primary Dental Insurance Plan dialog appears. You may search for the insurance carrier in one of the following four ways: To enter the carrier, click this search button. Choose your search option. Type the first few characters and click the search button. A list of carriers is displayed. Highlight the correct carrier and click OK. • Carrier Name­—Allows you to search by the name of the insurance company. • Employer—Lists all insurance plans that have been entered previously for the subscriber’s employer. • Group Plan—Allows you to search by the name entered for the group plan. • Group Number—Allows you to search by the number assigned to the group plan. Select your search option. Type the first few letters of the Carrier Name, Group Plan, Employer, or Group Number. Next, click the search button. A list of all carriers matching your search request will be displayed. Select the correct carrier and click OK. If the carrier is not listed, click the New Insurance Plan button and add the insurance carrier (see the previous section for information on adding an insurance plan). 4. Check Signature on File Options If you want the words “Signature on File” to print on the insurance claims for the subscriber to authorize release of information, mark the Release of Information button. To authorize payments directly to the provider, mark the Assignment of Benefits button. Note: If your office accepts assignment of benefits from insurance carriers, you must check the Assignment of Benefits box. If you do not check this box, insurance checks will be mailed to the subscriber, not the office! Easy Dental User Guide Patients 41 Check Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits to have insurance payments mailed to your office, rather than to patients. Verify that the Relation to Subscriber and Subscriber ID number are correct. 5. Verify Subscriber ID and Relation The subscriber’s social security number will be automatically entered as the Subscriber ID number. Make sure that the Subscriber ID number is correctly entered. Family Position will also be marked automatically. Make sure that the Relation to Subscriber is correct. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to save the information and return to the Patient’s window. For a Non-Subscriber 1. Select Patient From the Patients window select a patient. 2. Double-Click Insurance Double-click on the Insurance block. The Insurance Information dialog box appears. Choosing the search button next to the Subscriber field will display all subscribers who have been entered for the family, along with the insurance carrier and group plan for each. 3. Select Insurance Subscriber Click the Subscriber search button. A list of all subscribers entered for the family and their insurances will appear. Highlight the desired subscriber and click OK. 4. Verify Relation to Subscriber Verify that the Relation to Subscriber is correct. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Patients window. When you are assigning insurance to patients who are not insurance subscribers, there are two rules to remember: 1) Insurance must be assigned to the subscriber before you can assign that insurance to another patient covered by the subscriber; 2) Insurance subscribers must be part of the same family as the patient to whom you are assigning the insurance. Easy Dental User Guide 42 Patients Assigning Secondary Insurance For a Subscriber with Dual Coverage 1. Select Patient/Subscriber From the Patients window, select the patient/subscriber. 2. Double-Click Insurance Double-click the Insurance block. The Insurance Information dialog appears. 3. Click Secondary Subscriber Search Button Click the Secondary Subscriber search button. A list of subscribers entered for the family appears. 4. Click Current Patient Since this patient is the subscriber for both primary and secondary insurance, you should click the Current Patient button. The subscriber’s name will appear in the Subscriber field. 5. Assign Secondary Insurance Coverage Click the Secondary Insurance Carrier Search button. The Select Secondary Insurance Plan dialog appears. You may search for the insurance carrier in one of the following four ways: • Carrier Name­—Allows you to search by the name of the insurance company. • Employer—Lists all insurance plans that have been entered previously for the subscriber’s employer. • Group Plan—Allows you to search by the name entered for the group plan. • Group Number—Allows you to search by the number assigned to the group plan. Select your search option. Type the first few letters of the Carrier Name, Group Plan, Employer, or Group Number. A list of all carriers matching your search request will be displayed. Select the correct carrier and click OK. If the carrier is not listed, click the New Insurance Plan button and add the insurance carrier. 6. Check Signature on File Options If you want the words “Signature on File” to print on the insurance claims for the subscriber to authorize release of information, mark the Release of Information box. To authorize payments directly to the provider, mark the Assignment of Benefits box. If your office accepts assignment of benefits from insurance carriers, you must check the Assignment of Benefits box. If you do not check this box, insurance checks will be mailed to the subscriber, not to the office! 7. Verify Subscriber ID and Relation to Subscriber The subscriber’s social security number will be automatically entered as the Subscriber ID number. Make sure that the Subscriber ID number is correctly entered. Relation to Subscriber will also be marked automatically. Make sure it is correct. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to save the information and return to the Patient’s window. For a Non-Subscriber 1. Select Patient From the Patients window select a patient. 2. Double-Click Insurance Double-click on the Insurance block. The Insurance Information dialog appears. 3. Select Secondary Insurance Subscriber Click the Secondary Insurance Carrier search button. A list of all subscribers entered for the family and their insurances appears. Highlight the desired subscriber and click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 43 4. Verify Relation to Subscriber Verify that the Relation to Subscriber information is correct. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Patients window. Editing an Insurance Carrier • Select a patient with the insurance plan you wish to edit. • Click the Insurance Data button in the Insurance Information dialog box. • Edit the information in each field as needed. Click OK to save your changes. • Mark Change Plan for All or Add as New Plan and click OK. See the box below for more information. What does “Change Plan for All” and “Add as New Plan” mean? When you make changes to an existing insurance carrier/group plan, EasyDental will ask you whether you want to save these changes for everyoneon that plan or add the information as a new plan. Change Plan for All copies the changes you have made to the insuranceinformation to all patients covered by that group plan. This change will affectall insurance claims in history as well. Add As New Plan saves the changes you have made to the insurance information as a new group plan and does not affect any other patients covered by the original insurance information. Changing a Subscriber’s Insurance Carrier If the subscriber’s current insurance carrier has changed only its name, address, etc., simply change the appropriate information, rather than selecting the Clear button (see above). 1. Click Clear Primary or Clear Secondary Click the Clear Primary or Clear Secondary button from the Insurance Information dialog box before selecting or entering a different insurance carrier. 2. Select Subscriber Click the Subscriber search button and click the Current Patient button. 3. Select Insurance Carrier Click the Carrier Search button and choose the correct carrier and click OK. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Patients Window. Provider ID Setup Some insurance plans have their own ID numbers for providers which they need for claims instead of or in addition to the State ID Number or Provider #. The Provider ID Setup enables you to cross-link multiple IDs to a provider and insurance company which will ensure that the correct ID is printed on each insurance claim. (For complete steps on how to setup multiple provider IDs, see Provider ID Setup in the Insurance Maintenance section of the Reports chapter.) Easy Dental User Guide 44 Patients Working With Coverage Tables When used to its full capacity, the coverage table becomes a powerful tool allowing you to create treatment plan estimates that will reflect the actual benefits paid by an insurance carrier. Most insurance companies provide the patient with a schedule of benefits declaring the maximum annual benefits for the individual, as well as for the entire family. The schedule of benefits also states the deductible amounts, plan maximums, and the percentage of the “usual and customary fee” that the insurance company will pay. This information should be added to the Coverage Table. Entering and Editing a Coverage Table 1. Click Cov Table From the Insurance Information dialog box, click the Cov Table button. The Insurance Coverage dialog box appears. The carrier name and group plan name are placed in the title bar. If the coverage category displayed in the top row of fields require pre-treatment estimates, then click here. Click here to initiate co-payment options used with capitation plans. Click this search button if the carrier requires a claim be submitted within a certain amount of time after the procedure has been completed. Use these buttons to add, change, or delete a category to or from the coverage table. Click this search button to select a different coverage table than the one shown. 2. Enter Deductible Amounts Four types of deductibles are available when setting up coverage information for an insurance company: Standard, Preventive, Other, and None. • Standard (S): Use the Standard deductible when setting up most insurance coverage tables. • Preventive (P): Use if an insurance carrier’s coverage has a separate deductible for preventive/diagnostic procedures. • Other (O): Use if an insurance carrier’s coverage has a separate deductible for specific procedures other than preventive/ diagnostic. • None (N): Use if an insurance carrier’s coverage has procedures that do not require a deductible. Each range of procedure codes in your coverage table can be assigned its own deductible type. For each type of deductible you may enter a lifetime deductible as well as the individual and family deductibles. • Lifetime: This deductible should be used for insurance carriers that require subscribers to pay one deductible for the life of the policy. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 45 • Annual Individual: This deductible should be used for insurance carriers that require patients to pay a deductible amount each year. • Annual Family: This deductible should be used with insurance carriers that require a maximum deductible amount for the entire family each year. When Easy Dental calculates the patient portion of charges, the appropriate deductible amounts will be added into the patient’s payment due amount. This figure will be displayed from the Accounts window in the Patient Portion field. 3. Enter Benefit Amounts Enter the individual and family maximum annual benefit amounts. 4. Click Claim Deadline (Optional) Click the Claim Deadline search button select the appropriate amount of time allowed by the insurance company before the pretreatment estimate or insurance claim will expire and not be accepted. Click OK. 5. Click Select Table (Optional) Click the Select Table search button to bring up the Select Coverage Table list box that lists the five standard coverage tables. Note: Easy Dental provides five standard coverage tables that you can modify from the Reports window to fit your specific insurance plan needs. When a new insurance plan is added from the Insurance Plan Information dialog box, it is automatically assigned the first standard coverage table. From the list select the table most like the coverage for the current insurance plan. The selected plan is copied and displayed in the Insurance Coverage dialog box to be modified as needed. 6. Modify Coverage Table The coverage table allows you to group several procedures into categories and assign the percentage the insurance will pay. You may also have one procedure in a category if you desire. The only limitations to entering procedures are: • You must use the ADA procedure codes. • You may not overlap the beginning and ending procedure codes in any given range. When modifying a coverage table remember the following about the coverage table text boxes: • Beg Proc is the beginning procedure code for the category range. End Proc is the ending procedure code for the category range. • Category is the name you assign to represent the range of procedure codes. • Cov % is the percentage the insurance plan will pay for all of the procedures in the category range. • Deductible is the deductible type that should be used with the selected range of procedure codes. • Use the Co-Pay field if you are setting up a capitation plan. Enter the Patient’s co-pay amount. • Check Pre Est? if the insurance company requires you to submit a pre-treatment estimate for a procedure in the category. Adding, Changing, or Deleting a Category 1. Click into Field to be Modified Click the Coverage Table field you need to modify. Easy Dental User Guide 46 Patients 2. Enter Coverage Table Information Enter the information to be added to the coverage table. 3. Click Add, Change, or Delete Click the Add button to add a new category you’ve created to the coverage table list box. Click the Change button to save your modifications to an existing entry. Click the Delete button to delete the selected category from the coverage table list box. Co-Payment Calculations For insurance plans with co-payments, follow these steps: 1. Check Co-Payment Calculations Check the Co-Payment Calculations for Ins Portion box in the Insurance Coverage dialog box. This will acknowledge the patient’s co-payment dollar amount for each category. 2. Click Calculation Option Click one of the three radio buttons to select the method to calculate the amount the insurance company will pay. Note: Unless the plan you are entering is a capitation plan with co-pays for each procedure, you should not mark the co-pay option. SPECIAL FEATURE Note: If you do not have or know the insurance company’s schedule of benefits, the first standard insurance coverage table will be assigned to the insurance plan. As insurance payments and estimates are made, you will be given the option to automatically update a payment table for the insurance plan, storing what the insurance company actually paid for a procedure. Insurance estimate calculations will reflect the payment table amounts whenever possible, making your estimates very accurate. Insurance Plan Notes Insurance Plan Notes are used to keep track of special requirements the insurance company may impose and to add any other information about an insurance company. Insurance plan notes can be updated and changed at any time. All Insurance Plan Notes entered will show up from the Insurance Plan Note box of any patient with that insurance plan. This note will also appear in the Insurance Claim window for your reference (the note will not print on insurance claims). 1. Click Notes Click the Notes button from the Insurance Coverage dialog box. The Insurance Plan Note dialog box is displayed. Use this button to attach the current system date to the note, as shown below. Click once with the mouse to begin entering a note within the area, then type as you would in a word processor. 2. Enter Note Add any Insurance Plan notes you wish in the text box. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 47 Using Payment Tables Easy Dental can automatically update the insurance payment table whenever payments are received from the carrier. This process maintains the accuracy of the table and is used to calculate insurance estimates. You may also manually add procedure codes or click the Copy Fee Schedule button to add a fee schedule. You can view and edit the payment table from the Patients window. Note: If a procedure is listed in the Payment Table, the fee in the Payment Table will override the coverage percentage in the Coverage Table for the same procedure. 1. Double-Click Insurance Block Double-click on the Insurance block in the patient’s Patients window. 2. Click Pmt Table In the Insurance Information dialog box, click the Pmt Table button. The Edit Updated Insurance Payment Table dialog box will appear. Add Procedures to the Payment Table 1. Enter Procedure Code and Fee Type the procedure code and click the Tab key to the Amount field. Enter the amount the insurance will pay for the procedure and click Add. 2. Enter Fee Schedule (Optional) To add an entire fee schedule to the Payment Table, click the Copy Fee Schedule button. Select the desired Fee Schedule and click OK. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Edit the Payment Table 1. Highlight Procedure Code Highlight the procedure code you wish to edit. The procedure code number and fee will appear in the two edit boxes at the top of the list. 2. Edit Code or Fee Edit the procedure code and/or fee in the edit boxes. 3. Click Change Click the Change button to save your changes. Easy Dental User Guide 48 Patients Clearing Insurance Coverage To clear insurance coverage from a patient’s records, click on the Clear Primary and/or Clear Secondary buttons of the Insurance Information dialog box. If you need to switch the patient’s primary and secondary coverage: 1. Clear All Insurance Clear the primary and secondary insurance. 2. Click Subscriber Search Click on the Subscriber search button, first from the Primary Insurance section, then from the Secondary Insurance section of the Insurance Information dialog box, to select the patient’s correct insurance coverage. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to accept the changes you’ve made or click the Cancel button to exit the Insurance Information dialog without saving your changes. Related Topics • See the Insurance section in the Accounts chapter on how to enter insurance payments, update the coverage tables, and create claims. • See the Insurance Maintenance section in the Reports chapter on how to enter and edit insurance information from a central location. To clear insurance information, click the Clear button. Entering a Capitation Type Plan Easy Dental offers greater variety in its setup and implementation of functions to support capitation plans. Two methods are available for capitation setup and use, and you should review at least the Overview sections of each option in order to decide which one will work best in your practice. Both of the available options will estimate patient portions quickly and accurately both in treatment planning and in displaying the amount to collect from the patient per visit. The Capitation Plan Utilization Report can be used with either option both for in-house management and for monthly submission to the carrier. Both of the options differ in their presentation of fees and also in the reports available for management. These differences are illustrated in the Overview section for each method. If you do capitation business with more than one company, you may use different options (from those listed below) from one carrier to another. For all plans under the same company, however, you should use the same option for best results. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 49 Option 1 Overview Setup: Co-payments are entered into the coverage table. Daily Use: The Estimator fee column will list the dentist’s normal fee, which is also the amount posted to the account when the procedure is set complete. The patient portion displays the co-payment as listed in the coverage table, and the insurance column will display the amount which will be written off for each procedure. When the procedures are set complete, the day’s charges displayed in the Accounts window will automatically list the correct amounts to collect from the patient and adjust off the account. In the example below, the bottom of the Accounts window would show that $82.60 should be collected from the patient, and $130.40 should be adjusted off the account. All calculations are done for you automatically. Using this option, collect the Patient Portion and then write off the Insurance Portion. Management: The Utilization Report can be sent monthly to the carrier as required and/or may be used for utilization management within the practice. For management benefit, the report lists the practice or provider’s normal fee for each procedure completed and the co-pay charged, totaling these items for each individual plan. Because an adjustment is made each time charges are posted, Option 1 allows the additional availability of the Adjustment Summary Report (from the Practice Analysis Reports). This report gives you access to the following useful capitation figures for the selected time period: • Number of total adjustments made (number of capitation appointments) • The total amount written off for capitation, and the average amount of each write-off Preliminary Setup 1. Create Billing Types If your practice supports fewer than six capitation plans, create a new billing type for each individual plan. If your practice supports more than five plans within a given company, you may wish to choose a grouping of several plans and add a billing type for each grouping. If your practice services several different capitation carriers, you may wish instead to add a billing type for each company name. Your end goal is to use no more than five billing types for capitation purposes. To setup billing types, click Practice Setup in the Reports module and choose Definitions. See the Definitions section in the Setup chapter for information on setting up Billing Types. Set up a Billing Type for each Capitation Plan or if you have more than five Cap Plans, add one generic type for all Cap Plans. 2. Add Credit Adjustment Type(s) While still in the Practice Definitions screen, choose Adjustment Types from the Definition Type drop-down list. Add a new credit (-) adjustment type for each billing type created. Easy Dental User Guide 50 Patients 3. Create Plan The capitation plan/s need to be created as individual insurance plans in the database. • From the Patients window select a plan subscriber. If the insurance plan already exists in the database, you may edit it according to the specifications listed here. If it does not already exist, create a new insurance plan. • From the Insurance Information dialog, choose Cov Table. The Insurance Coverage dialog box will appear. Click the search button to the right of the Select Table field, select the appropriate table from the list (usually #2 All Procedures), then choose the OK button. • Add in the correct co-payment for each procedure listed. Procedures which are covered by the plan, but for which there is no co-payment should be left with a zero co-payment. Delete procedures not covered by the plan in order to have your normal fee charged when treatment planning or completing these procedures. Beneath the coverage table, check the CoPayment Calculations for Insurance Portion box, then select the middle formula: [Total Fee - Co-pay] x Cov %. Choose the OK button when completed. All further plans may be entered in the same fashion. Click the Select Table Button and choose the Capitation Table. Click the correct Co-Payment Calculation for this plan. Enter the Co-Payment amount for each procedure. Delete any procedures not covered on the plan. Hint: If a capitation plan has already been entered which has the same or similar co-payments, you may select this plan for the current subscriber and edit it to create the new plan. After the first edits are made within Insurance Data, choosing OK will ask the user to either Change Plan for All or Add as a New Plan. The first time this message appears, choose Add as a New Plan which leaves the previously existing edited plan as it was and creates a new plan with the current information. On all subsequent appearances of this box, choose Change Plan for All to save the current changes to the now existing new plan. Capitation Patients Per Visit On all visits, you may treatment plan and post procedures normally. After posting the day’s procedures for the given patient, the Estimated Patient Portion on the Accounts window will reflect the total co-payments for the current day. The Insurance Portion will display the amount to adjust off the account. Enter the adjustment, making sure to use the correct capitation adjustment type. Collect the Co-Payment amount from the patient. then enter an adjustment for the Ins. Portion (located on the bottom right of the Accounts module). Create a claim for the procedures and enter a zero payment on the claim. The claim will not require printing. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 51 Monthly Operations/Management Analysis If a Utilization Report is required for submission to the insurance carrier, this list can be printed at any time for a given date range. Optional A capitation plan “family” may be entered to record monthly payments from each plan to show on the receipts reports. You may want to add a new payment type under Definitions for this entry. The amounts should be written off so that the balances of the capitation families are always zero. You will need to add a new adjustment type for this task. You may also wish to assign these families a special billing type. Option 2 Overview Setup: Capitation fees are entered as separate fee schedules which are then attached to the individual plan. Daily Use: The Estimator’s fee column will list the co-payment for each procedure, which is also the amount posted to the account when the procedure is set complete. The patient portion is the same as the fee column, and the insurance column will display zeros, showing no portion covered by insurance. When the procedures are set complete, the day’s charges displayed in the Accounts window will automatically list the correct amount to collect from the patient. No adjustments are necessary. Management: The Utilization Report can be sent monthly to the carrier as required and/or may be used for utilization management within the practice. For management benefit, the report lists the practice or provider’s normal fee for each procedure completed and the co-pay charged, totaling these items for each individual plan. Preliminary Setup 1. Create Billing Types Follow the instructions for setting up billing types in Step 1 in the Preliminary Setup section for Option 1. Remain in Practice Definitions after the new billing types have been added. 2. Add Fee Schedule Name Each plan will be assigned its own fee schedule, which may be named from Definitions. Choose Fee Schedule Names from the Definition Type drop-down list. In the fee schedule listing, highlight a fee number which you know to be currently unused. The appropriate number will appear in the ID box above. Type the name you wish to label the fee schedule in the Definition Text box. Choose the Change button to attach the name. Complete this step for each capitation plan with a different schedule of co-payments. Choose Close when completed. 3. Enter Fees To enter fees for each plan, click the Practice Setup button. Select Procedure Code Setup and the Diagnostic category. Double click on the first procedure listed to view the Procedure Code Editor. Highlight the fee schedule you wish to edit and enter the appropriate co-payment for that plan. Remember to enter your normal fee for procedures not covered by the plan. You may wish to enter the co-payment for the current procedure on all of the capitation fee schedules you will be entering and choose the Next Code button to move on to the next code in the list. 4. Create Insurance Plans The capitation plans need to be created as individual insurance plans in the database. • From the Patients window select an insurance subscriber. If the insurance plan already exists in the database, you may edit it according to the specifications listed here. If it does not already exist, create a new insurance plan entering in the carrier name and address, etc.. When editing or adding information at the Insurance Plan Information dialog, attach a fee schedule by choosing the search button at the Fee Schedule field and selecting the fee schedule corresponding to the plan being entered. Easy Dental User Guide 52 Patients Click the Fee Schedule button and choose the Fee Schedule you set up. Note: When editing the coverage table information, any coverage table may be selected, but the default or another general table is recommended. Change all percentages for each procedure category to 0%. Ensure that the Co-payment Calculation for Ins Portion box is NOT checked before choosing the OK button. Any remaining plans may be entered in the same fashion. Capitation Patients Per Visit On all visits, you may treatment plan and post procedures normally. After posting the day’s procedures for the given patient, the Today’s Charges and Estimated Patient Portion fields in the Accounts window will reflect the total co-payments for the current day. The Insurance Portion will always be zero. Create a claim for the procedures and enter a zero payment on the claim. The claim will not require printing. The insurance payment will appear on the day sheet. Monthly Operations/Management Analysis If a Utilization Report is required for submission to the insurance carrier, this list can be printed at any time for a given date range. Optional A capitation plan “family” may be entered to record monthly payments from each plan to show on the receipts reports. You may want to add a new payment type under Definitions for this entry. The amounts should be written off so that the balances of the capitation families are always zero. You will need to add a new adjustment type for this task. You may also wish to assign these families a special billing type. Deleting Duplicate Insurance Companies Often insurance carriers and plans are inadvertently entered into the system multiple times. This can cause confusion and problems when trying to enter batch insurance payments, or updating coverage tables, payment tables, and other insurance information. The following instructions will guide you through eliminating the unwanted duplicate insurance plans. Print Insurance Carriers and Subscribers Report Printing this report will help you to determine which insurance plans have duplicates, and which ones you want to delete. 1. Click Reference Reports | Insurance Carrier List From the Reports window click the Reference Reports button and choose the Insurance Carrier List. 2. Select Options and Print Uncheck Standard List and check Include Subscribers. Click the OK button. Print from the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 53 Print Insurance Claim Aging Report Print the Insurance Claim Aging Report to make sure that the carriers you wish to delete are not currently on this report. 1. Click Account Reports | Insurance Aging Report From the Reports window click the Account Reports button, and choose Insurance Aging Report. 2. Select Options and Print Leave the Minimum Past Days Due option at Over 0. Click the OK button. Print from the Batch Processor. Mark Insurance Plan Make any corrections to the carrier you want to keep and mark it with an asterisk (*) so that you will be able to easily identify it. (Duplicates can look exactly the same, so you must mark the one you want to keep so that you can assign it, and not one of the duplicates, to the subscribers). 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From the Reports window, click the Maintenance button, and choose Insurance Maintenance. 2. Select Plan Find the plan you wish to keep by typing the name in the Enter Carrier Name field. Highlight the plan and click the Ins Data button. Select the Insurance Company you wish to keep and then add an asterisk behind the Carrier Name so that you can distinguish this plan from other plans with the same name. 3. Add (*) to Name Set up a Billing Type for each Capitation Plan or if you have more than five Cap Plans, add one generic type for all Cap Plans. See the Definitions section in the Setup section of the User’s Guide for more information on setting up Billing Types. Add an asterisk (*) to the end of the Carrier Name. Verify or change the Insurance Information and choose OK to save the changes. Reassign Correct Insurance Carrier to All Subscribers 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From the Reports window, click the Maintenance button then choose Insurance Maintenance. The Insurance Maintenance window will appear. 2. Click Join Plans Click the Join Plans button. The Join Insurance Plans window will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 54 Patients 3. Mark Plan-to-Plan Mark the Plan-to-Plan option at the top of this screen. 4. Select Insurance Plans to Join Click the search button next to Source Insurance Plan and select the duplicate insurance carrier that you eventually want to delete. Next, click the search button next to Destination Insurance Plan and select the carrier marked with the asterisk (*). 4. Click Join Click the Join button. All subscribers will be moved from the “Source” insurance carrier to the “Destination” insurance carrier. 5. Repeat Repeat for all other duplicate plans. Delete Duplicate Insurance Carriers 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance | Purge From the Reports window click the Maintenance button, then choose Insurance Maintenance. Click the Purge button. 2. Click Delete All Click Delete All and click OK. Click Close then Close again to exit the Insurance Maintenance window. Remove the Asterisk (*) from the Carrier Name Follow the instructions on the previous page under Mark Insurance Plan to remove the asterisk from within the Insurance Data dialog box. Entering Incentive Plans Some insurance plans cover different plan members at varying rates according to the frequency of their dental visits. This is most commonly called an incentive plan. Easy Dental is capable of handling incentive plans and the setup is very similar to any other plan. The key to remember when creating incentive insurance plans is this: although a person only has room for two insurance plans (primary and secondary), he is not limited to the number of plans for which he can be listed as a subscriber. However, as soon as no one (himself or a dependent) is attached to an insurance plan, he will no longer be a subscriber to that plan. This will become more clear as we work through setting up a sample plan. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 55 For the purpose of this example, we will assume the insurance company has three plans, A, B, and C. Plan A is for the patient who visits his dentist faithfully and is covered at 90%. Plan B is for the patient who visits sporadically and is only covered at 75%. And Plan C is for the patient who has not visited his dentist in 5 years and is covered at 60%. This example is also suitable for plans that cover dependents differently from the subscriber. Set up the Subscriber 1. Select Insurance Subscriber and Double-Click Insurance Block From the Patients window, select the subscriber and double-click on the Insurance block. 2. Add Subscriber Choose the search arrow next to Subscriber and choose the “Current Patient” button in the lower left corner. 3. Select Insurance Carrier Choose the search arrow next to Carrier. Type in the first few letters of the carrier’s name and press the search arrow to see if the plan has already been entered. If the plan has been entered, double-click on the correct plan, then the “Ins Data” button. If the plan does not appear, select the “New Insurance Plan” button. 4. Edit Insurance Information Edit or enter all the Primary Insurance Plan Information. At the end of the Group Plan name, put an identifying character(s), in our case - A. This could also be an “S” for subscriber, a “90” for the percentage, or anything else which will allow you to easily distinguish this plan from the others once they are created. Choose OK from the Primary Insurance Information dialog box. If you have made changes to an existing plan, select the “Add as New Plan” option. 5. Click Cov Table Choose the “Cov Table” button and set up the coverage table. Choose OK, then OK again at the message. Set Up Dependents 1. Click Secondary Subscriber Search While still in the subscriber’s Insurance Information, choose the Subscriber search arrow under Secondary Insurance. Click the Current Patient button in the lower left corner. 2. Select Insurance Carrier Click the search arrow next to Carrier. Type in the first few letters of the carrier’s name and select the previously entered plan. 3. Edit Insurance Data Click on the Ins Data button and change the identifying character after the group plan name to “B” (or whatever you choose as an identifier). Click OK from the Secondary Insurance Plan Information dialog. When asked if you want to change plan for all or add as new plan, select “Add As New Plan.” 4. Change Coverage Information Click the Cov Table button. Change the coverage table to the correct coverage for “plan B.” Click OK, then OK again at the message. The subscriber should now have both primary and secondary insurance. Although the subscriber is really not covered by the secondary coverage, we need to leave this listed here for a moment. Click OK from the Insurance Information dialog. 5. Select Dependent Patient Double-click on a dependent’s name at the top of the Patients window to make the dependent the active patient. 6. Double-click Insurance Double-click on the Insurance Information block. 7. Select Primary Insurance Subscriber Click on the search arrow next to Subscriber. Choose the subscriber with the appropriate group plan for the dependent. The correct insurance information should now be listed as the primary insurance for the dependent. Click OK to the Insurance Information dialog. Easy Dental User Guide 56 Patients 8. Change Patient to Insurance Subscriber Double-click on the subscriber at the top of the Patients window to make him the active patient. 9. Clear Secondary Insurance Double-click on the Insurance Information block. Click the Clear Secondary button. Although you will be clearing the secondary insurance from the subscriber, because the plan is attached to a dependent, the subscriber will remain a current subscriber for the added plan. Click OK from the Insurance Information dialog. The subscriber should now have only primary insurance. Complete steps 1 - 9 for any other variations to this plan. If the subscriber has secondary insurance, and there are no other variations of this plan, the secondary can be set up normally now. Patient Notes Patient notes apply only to the individual patient and can be viewed from the patient’s appointment information in the Schedule window or from the Patients window. After a patient has been given notes, you can view the notes from the Patients window by using the Open button displayed in the Patient Notes block. When the notes are hidden, click the Open button. The Open button toggles back and forth with Close. If the notes contain confidential information, it is recommended the notes block be kept closed. Note: When Easy Dental is first started, the default for the notes box is “closed.” Thereafter, whenever a patient is displayed in the Patients window, the notes will be opened or closed depending on the state of the previous patient’s notes. To Enter or Edit the patient’s notes: 1. Double-Click Patient Notes Double-click on the Patient Notes block from the Patients window. Using the keyboard, type notes here. Use this button to clear or erase all notes. Use this button to attach the current system date to the note, as shown below. Use the up and down arrow buttons to view all notes. 2. Enter Notes Use the Patient Note dialog box to enter the patient’s hobbies, interests, financial arrangements, or any other notes useful to your practice. 3. Insert Dateline (Optional) Click the Insert Dateline button to insert the current date wherever the cursor is in the patient’s notes. There is a 4,000 character limit. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 57 4. Click Clear to Erase Notes (Optional) If you wish to delete all of the Patient notes for one patient, click the Clear button. The notes are not deleted until OK is chosen, so if Clear is accidentally chosen, the notes can be restored by choosing Cancel. 5. Click OK Click the OK button when you have finished entering notes. Patient Notes Report The Patient Notes report prints all notes assigned to a patient including appointment notes, account notes, patient alert notes, etc.. 1. Select Patient From the Patients module, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Patient Notes From the Patients module toolbar, click the Patient Notes button. The Patient Notes Report dialog box will appear. 3. Select Patient Range The current patient will appear in the From and To fields. To include more than one patient in the range, click the search button next to From and select the beginning patient for the range. Click the search button next to To and select the ending patient for the range. To include only Accounts (responsible party) check Accounts Only. 4. Select Provider Range Click the search buttons next to From and To and enter a range of providers or leave at <ALL> to include all providers. 5. Select Billing Type Range Click the search buttons next to From and To and enter a range of Billing Types or leave at <ALL> to include all Billing Types. 6. Check Accounts Only (Optional) If you are printing a range of patients and you wish to include only the head-of-house for each account, check the Accounts Only box. Easy Dental User Guide 58 Patients 7. Check Note Types Check the boxes next to the types of notes you wish to include on the report. • Appointment Notes – Check this option to print all notes attached to appointments scheduled in the entered date range. • Patient Alerts – Check this option to print all notes attached to patient alerts within the entered date range. • Patient Note – Check this option to print all notes entered in the Patient Note field in the Patients module. • Medical Alerts – Check this option to print all medical alerts for the patient. • Recall Notes – Check this option to print the Recall Note added in the Recall Information dialog box. • Insurance Claim Notes – Check this option to print all notes entered for insurance claims. • Insurance Plan Notes – Check this option to print all notes attached to the patient’s insurance carrier. • Future Due Pmt Plan – Check this option to print all notes attached to a Future Due Payment Plan set up for the patient. • Account Note – Check this option to print the Account Note entered in the Accounts module for the account. • Account Statement Note – Check this option to print the Account Statement Note entered in the Accounts module. 8. Print or Send to Batch Click the Print button to print the report now. Click Send to Batch to send the report to the Batch Processor for printing or viewing at a later time. Referral Options In the Patients window you can enter information about who the current patient was referred by using the Referred By block. Similarly you can see whom you have referred the current patient to with the Referred To block. Referred By Information This section allows you to enter, edit and access information about who the current patient was referred by. Entering a Patient Referral 1. Double-click Referred By Double-click on the Referred By block. The Select Referral Type dialog box will appear. 2. Select Patient Option Select the Patient option and click on OK. The Select Patient dialog box will appear. 3. Select Patient Select the person who referred the current patient and click on OK. A dialog box with the patient’s name and “Referred by a Patient” in the title bar will appear. This box shows the name, address and phone number of the patient who made the referral. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 59 Double-click in the Referred By block to open this dialog box. Note: If the referring patient’s name cannot be found from the Select Patient dialog box, first check the spelling. If you still cannot locate the patient’s name, he or she has not been entered in the Patients window, or the referring party is not one of your patients. Non-patient referrals can be entered by choosing the Doctor/Other option button from the Select Referral Type dialog box shown above. 4. Click Search to Change Referral (Optional) If you wish to change the person who made the referral, click on the Search button and select a different patient. 5. Click Clear Referral (Optional) If you wish to clear the referral, click on the Clear Referral button. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Patients module. Entering a Doctor/Other Referral 1. Open Referred By Double-click on the Referred By block. The Select Referral Type dialog box will appear. 2. Select Doctor/ Other Referral Type Select the Doctor/Other option and click on OK. The Select Referred By dialog box will appear. 3. Select Doctor/Other Select the Doctor/Other who made the referral. Initially, all referring sources will be listed. To narrow the scope: • Type the first three or four letters of the doctor or other referral name in the Enter Name field. • Click on the Search button and all of the doctors and other referral types that begin with those letters will appear in the list box. The select Referred By dialog box will appear when the Doctor/Other option is chosen. Click the search button to find a particular referring source. Click the New button if the referral is from a new source. Easy Dental User Guide 60 Patients • Select the referring doctor or other referral type and click on OK. A dialog box with the patient’s name and “Referred by a Doctor/Other” in the title bar will appear. This box gives the name, address and phone number of the referring doctor or other marketing source you chose. If you want to change the Referred By selection: • Click on the Search button and make a new Referred By selection. Editing Referred By Doctor/Other Listings To edit the referred by information: 1. Double-Click Referred By Double-click on the Referred By block. The Select Referral Type dialog box will appear, but only if a type does not already exist for that patient. 2. Select Doctor/Other Select the Doctor/Other option and click on OK. The Select Referred By list box will appear. 3. Select Referring Source Select the name of the doctor or other referral type you wish to edit. 4. Click Edit Click on the Edit button. The Referred By Information dialog box will appear and you can make any changes you wish. Note: Whenever the information in the Referred By Information dialog box is changed, a message will appear cautioning that changes to this referral will affect all patients to which this referral is assigned. Click OK if you want to affect all patients attached to that referral. Click Cancel to cancel the changes. 5. Click OK Click on OK to save any changes you’ve made. Adding a new Referring Source: 1. Double-Click Referred By Double-click on the Referred By block. The Select Referral Type dialog box will appear, but only if a referring type does not already exist. 2. Select Doctor/Other Select the Doctor/Other option and click on OK. The Select Referred By list box will appear. 3. Click New Click on the New button. The Referred By Information dialog box will appear and you may enter all necessary information there. Referred To Information Occasionally it may become necessary to refer a patient to another doctor or specialist. Easy Dental tracks the patients who have been referred out. Referring a Patient to Another Doctor: 1. Open Referred To Double-click on the Referred To block and the Select Referred To dialog box is displayed. 2. Select Doctor to be Referred To If you wish to enter a new doctor’s name • Click on the New button. • Type in the doctor’s information and click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 61 If you wish to select a doctor entered previously, select the doctor’s name from the list displayed. To narrow the scope, • Type the first three or four letters of the Referred To doctor’s name. • Click the search button. The Select Referred To dialog box will display a listing of all of the doctors whose names begin with those first three or four letters to which patients have been referred. • Select the appropriate name and click OK, or double-click on the selected name. The Referred To block. Double-click here to open the Select Referred To dialog box. Previously entered doctors appear here. Select the one you want to refer the patient to and then click the OK button. Click the Edit button to edit the information of a highlighted doctor. Click the New button to enter a new doctor. If you need to edit the information of a doctor who has already been entered • Type the first three or four letters of the Referred To doctor’s name. Click the search button. The Select Referred To dialog box will display a listing of all of the doctors whose names begin with those first three or four letters to which patients have been referred. • Select the name of the doctor you wish to edit. Click once on the Edit button. Make any necessary changes to that doctor’s information. • Whenever the information in the Referred By Information dialog box is changed, a message will appear cautioning that changes to this referral will affect all patients to which this referral is assigned. Click OK if you want to affect all patients attached to that referral. Click Cancel to cancel the changes. Editing Family Relationships Due to changing family dynamics, it may be necessary at times to combine or separate families, change the head-of-house, or delete a patient. The following sections will help walk you through the functions of family editing: • Terms Used • Family Editing Overview • Changing the Head-of-House • Separating or Combining Families Easy Dental User Guide 62 Patients Terms Used Head-Of-House: The head-of-house is the family member that is financially responsible for the account. All Billing Statements and family correspondence will be addressed to the head-of-house. Outstanding Insurance Claims: Insurance claims are considered outstanding until payment on the claim has been received. A claim with the status of Sent or Not Sent is an outstanding claim. Insurance Subscriber: The patient(s) in a family who are subscribers to an insurance policy for themselves or other members of the family. Patient Transactions: Transactions posted to the Account that are directly connected to the patient. Transactions include: Completed Procedures, Insurance Claims, Insurance Payments, and Payments and Adjustments assigned to a specific patient. Guarantor Transactions: Transactions posted to the Account that are connected to the account rather than to an individual patient. Transactions include: Account Payments (payments assigned to Family), Finance Charges, Adjustments assigned to Family, and Balance Forward. Balance Forward: The amount of money that is still owed from a previous month. Family Editing Overview The Edit button in the Patients module is used to combine, separate, and delete patients and families. There are three commands that are available under Family Edit: • Family Relations - displays the Edit Family dialog box and allows you to change the head-of-house or combine/separate families. • Delete Patient - Allows you to delete the current patient. • Delete Family - Allows you to delete the current family. If you are on a networked system, Easy Dental must be closed on all stations before you can activate any of the Family Edit Commands. On the computer from which you will be working, open the Patients module. IMPORTANT: When a single patient is moved to another family, all of the patient’s transactions, including procedures, insurance claims, insurance payments, and payments and adjustments assigned to the specific patient are transferred to the new account. The transfer of procedures and insurance payments can cause the original family to have a credit balance and the new family to have a debit balance. To remedy the account balances, Family Edit may create offsetting adjustments, called a Special Adjustment, for each family. Each Special Adjustment entry is recorded with the current date, and a note of explanation. A Special Adjustment is automatically placed in History. With the Special Adjustments in place the account balances remain as they were before Family Edit. If you would like the patient’s new family to be responsible for a portion of the patient’s balance, you can post offsetting adjustments to take the amount off the original account and add it to the patient’s new account. Changing a Head-of-House Changing the head-of-house will transfer all current and history Account transactions from the original head-of-house to the new head-of-house and cause the entire family to have the new head-of-house. 1. Select Patient From the Patients module toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Choose Edit | Family Relations From the Patients module toolbar, click the Edit button then choose Family Relations. The Edit Family dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 63 3. Select New Head-of-House Highlight the family member you wish to become the new head-of-house. 4. Click Set HofH 1 Click the Set HofH 1 button. Click the OK button to return to the Patients module. Separating or Combining Families Read this section to learn how to move a patient to a new account or to combine two accounts. Note: Consider the following information before moving any patients. • When combining families, the head-of-house cannot be moved unless all family members are moved first. • A patient cannot be moved if he/she has any outstanding insurance claims (claims that have not been Received). You may wait until the claim is paid or delete the claim and recreate it under the new account. • A patient’s insurance information will be cleared when the patient is moved if the patient is not the insurance subscriber. If the patient is the subscriber, the insurance will be moved with them. • If a patient is the insurance subscriber for family members, the insurance information for those family members will be cleared if the subscriber is moved. • Make sure that all Easy Dental modules are closed on every computer. On the computer from which you will be working, only the Patients module should be open. 1. Select Patient From the Patients module toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Edit | Family Relations From the Patients module toolbar, click the Edit button then choose Family Relations. The Edit Family dialog box appears. 3. Highlight Family Member to be Moved Highlight the family member you are moving to another account. Note: If the patient you are trying to move is the head-of-house in that family, you will need to change the head-of-house for the family prior to moving that patient. If you wish to move all family members to the new family, you will need to move the head-of-house last. 4. Click Family 2 Click the Family 2 button. The Select Patient dialog box appears. 5. Select Family Select the head-of-house of the family you wish to move the patient to, or choose New Family. A second box labeled Family 2 will appear in the Edit Family dialog box. Click on the arrow pointing to the right. The patient’s name will move to the Family 2 box. Additional patients from the same family can also be moved by highlighting their name and clicking the arrow pointing to the right. Easy Dental User Guide 64 Patients 6. Set Head-of-House If the family to which the patient(s) were moved is a new family, the first patient moved will automatically become the new headof-house. If you wish to make a different patient the head-of-house, highlight their name and click the Set HofH 2 button. 7. Click OK Click the OK button. If the patient has insurance coverage, or is an insurance subscriber for other patients, a message will appear warning that their insurance will be cleared. Read the warning message carefully and then click OK if you wish to continue. Click Cancel to return to the Patients module without moving the patient. Deleting a Patient Note: Consider the following information before moving any patients. • Make sure that the patient does not have ANY procedures posted to the Accounts window or Treatment Plan • Make sure that no one in the family has insurance coverage linked to the patient that you are trying to delete. • Make sure that Easy Dental is closed on every computer in the office, except the the machine from which you will be working. • Make sure the account has a zero balance. 1. Select Patient Select the patient you wish to delete. 2. Click Edit Click the Edit button and select Delete Patient 3. Click Yes You will get a message that says “All information for this patient will be gone. DELETE Patient?” Click Yes. Note: If the person you are trying to delete is the only member of the family, they are also the head-of-house. Instead of deleting the patient you should delete the family. Deleting a Family Note: Consider the following information before moving any patients. • Make sure that the family does not have ANY procedures posted to the Accounts window or the Treatment Plan. • Make sure that no one in the family has insurance coverage. • Make sure that Easy Dental is closed on every computer in the office, except the machine from which you will be working. 1. Select Patient Select the head-of-house for the family you wish to delete. 2. Click Edit Family | Delete Family Click the Edit Family button and choose Delete Family from the menu. 3. Click Yes You will get a message that says “All information for this family will be gone. DELETE Family?” Click Yes. Reminder: A family can NOT be deleted if the family has a balance or any type of transactions including those in History. You may wish to Archive these patients. See Archiving Patients in this chapter for more information. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 65 New Patient With Appointment The New Patient with Appt command will allow you to bring up the information on a new patient who has an appointment in the Schedule, so that you don’t have to re-enter the person’s name and address to create a Patient file for them. To use this command: 1. Open Schedule Click the Schedule icon to open the Schedule window. 2. Highlight New Patient Appointment Click once on the New Patient appointment in the Schedule to select the appointment. 3. Open Patients Click the Patients icon to open the Patients window. If you wish to add this new patient to an existing family, you may open that family’s file. 4. Click New Patient with Appt Click the New Patient with Appt button. The For New Patient dialog box appears. 5. Select Family Option When the For New Patient dialog box appears, click on the radio button next to one of the following: • If you click Create a New Family, a Head-of-House Information screen will appear with the name and other information already entered. Complete the blank fields. • If you click Add to Current Family, a Patient Information screen will appear. Complete the blank fields. • If you click Select Family, the Select Patient dialog box will appear and you can select the family you wish to add the new patient to. 6. Click OK Click the OK button after you have made a selection. Note: The New Patient With Appt command does not function if you do not have a New Patient’s appointment selected in the Schedule. Easy Dental User Guide 66 Patients Patient Survey Patient Survey is designed to replace the new patient forms, health history update, and other forms used in your office to collect information from patients. Patient Survey allows you to create a custom set of questions that can be printed for your patients to answer. See Survey Setup in the Reports chapter for steps on how to create a survey. Once the patient completes the questionnaire the answers can be input into Easy Dental and stored as an electronic copy of the information. For those offices moving toward the “paperless office,” Patient Survey is a way to computerize information that otherwise would be stored in a paper chart. Best of all, when the information needs to be reviewed for accuracy a new copy with the previous answers can be generated — the patient only has to modify those items that have changed since the last visit. Printing a Survey A Patient Survey should be printed as a patient arrives for their appointment. The printed questionnaire will list information that has been previously entered including: patient information, referral information, spouse or guarantor information, employment information, insurance information, and finally any answers that have been entered in the Patient Survey for this patient. The patient can then correct those entries that are inaccurate and add any information not currently known. 1. Click Patient Survey From the Patients module, click the Patient Survey button. The Patient Questionnaire window appears. 2. Click Print Click the Print button. The Print window appears. Select a printer and click the Print button. The Patient Questionnaire will begin printing. The questionnaire has two pages. Page one contains basic patient information such as name, address, employer, insurance information, and referral sources. The second page will print your customized questions. Any information previously entered into Easy Dental will print on the form. All the patient has to do is fill in the blanks and make corrections (if necessary). Easy Dental User Guide Patients 67 Entering Patient Questionnaire Responses Once a patient has completed a questionnaire, the information can be stored in the Easy Dental database. To input Patient Questionnaire responses, perform the following steps: 1. Click Patient Survey From the Patients module, click the Patient Survey button. The Patient Questionnaire dialog box appears. 2. Double-click First Question Double-click on the first question listed in the Questionnaire. The Patient Questionnaire Response dialog box appears. 3. Enter Patient Response Enter the patient response. 4. Click Next Click the Next button to advance to the next question. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all questions in the Questionnaire. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save the patient responses and return to the Patient Questionnaire. Responses will be displayed on the right side of the Patient Questionnaire dialog box. 6. Click Close Click the Close button to exit the Patient Questionnaire. Archiving Patients Archiving patients will simplify your patient database and make patient selection faster and easier. Keep in mind the following: • Patients with Future Due Payment Plans or outstanding insurance claims cannot be archived. • Guarantors cannot be archived until all other family members have been archived. • Guarantors cannot be archived if they have a Payment Agreement or a balance. When a patient is archived, the following occurs: • All appointments for the patient are deleted. (An entry will be added to the Contacts module, if installed.) • All Recall, Employer, Insurance, and Referral information is deleted and added to the Patient Note. This can be viewed after the patient is archived. • Addresses, Procedures, Insurance Claims, Payments, Adjustments, Medical Alerts, Prescriptions, and Patient Questionnaire all remain intact in case the patient is re-activated in the future. • No Patient Information can be edited while a patient is archived. • Archived patients will only appear in the Select Patient dialog box if the option “Include Archived Patients” is marked. • When an archived patient appears on a report or in a module, they are indicated by an <Archived> or <A> in front of their name. To Archive a Patient 1. Select Patient From the Patients module, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. Easy Dental User Guide 68 Patients 2. Open Patient Information Double-click on the Patient Information block. The Patient Information dialog box appears. 3. Select Archived Status Click the down arrow in the Status field. Select the status of Archived from the drop-down menu. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save changes in the Patient Information dialog box. 5. Answer all Prompts Before anything is archived, several messages will appear asking you to confirm the archiving. Also, messages will appear if additional steps need to be taken before the patient can be archived. 6. Click Yes A final message will appear asking for confirmation that the patient be archived. Nothing is archived until you click Yes. To Reactivate a Patient 1. Select Archived Patient Open the Patients module and click the Select Patient button. Mark the option to “Include Archived Patients,” and type in the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the archived patient you wish to reactivate and click the OK button. Check the option to Include Archived Patients. The patient’s archived status will be listed on the right. 2. Open Patient Information Double-click on the Patient Information box. A prompt will appear asking if you wish to reactivate the patient. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to reactivate the patient. The Patients window will open, allowing you to change the status of the archived patient. Refer to their Patient Notes for information regarding previous Recall, Employer, Insurance, and Referral information. Easy Dental User Guide Patients 69 Unique Family Relations The following situations frequently occur when entering family information and family insurance information: • Divorced parents where the father receives the bills, but is not a patient, and the mother has insurance that covers the children. • A patient living with his/her father and step-mother and insured by his mother. • A child who is insured by both his/her father as well as his/her step-father who are both patients. • A request that a married couple be entered as two separate families for separate statements, but the wife has insurance for both herself and husband. Easy Dental can handle these and similar situations if the following guidelines are understood and kept in mind: • 1. The head-of-house for the family should be determined according to who is to get the billing statement for family members. In other words, the head-of-house is the person ultimately responsible for payment, usually the one who signed the consent form. • 2. Each patient should be entered as a member of the family with the head-of-house who should be billed for the patient’s treatment, not the head-of-house he/she lives with when these two are different. • 3. The head-of-house does not have to be a patient, in which case he/she would have a status of “Non-Patient.” • 4. A subscriber can be anyone in the family, it does not have to be the head-of-house. • 5. When a patient has insurance coverage, the subscriber must be entered as a member of the same family. In cases where the subscriber is not really living with the family (a step-parent or ex-spouse of the head-of-house), give him/her a “Non-Patient” status and make him/her an “Other” family member when he/she is added. • 6. A social security number cannot be entered more than once since it is one of the unique identifiers for a patient. It can be entered as the subscriber ID number with the insurance information whenever the subscriber is entered. In cases where a subscriber is entered more than once because he/she is a subscriber for more than one family, enter his/her social security number where he/she is entered with a “Patient” status and leave the space blank where he/she is a “NonPatient.” • 7. Remember that the “Select Patient” window shows the “Non-Patient” status and allows selection by social security number. If “Select Patient” lists a patient’s name more than once, select the name that does not have “Non-Patient” when entering treatment. This will ensure that “Non-Patients” do not show up on anything sent to your patients, such as billing statements, and your patients will not be aware that the “Non-Patient” is entered as a part of their family. How to Set Up Dual Insurance Where the Child’s Stepfather is Primary and Natural Father is Secondary To best learn how this process works, it is easiest to add in the following family, which can then be deleted when this tutorial is completed. Example Family: Joseph Mickelson (stepfather, primary insured, guarantor) Theresa Mickelson (natural mother, insured under Joseph only) Todd Mickelson (child, covd. primary-Joseph, secondary-David) David Jenkins (natural father, insures himself and is secondary for Todd) Step 1 All family members, including the natural father, need to be added to the account. To avoid confusion, the natural father should be added with the status as NON-PATIENT, and with the family relationship listed as OTHER. Keep in mind also, that David, the natural father, can have a separate address from the rest of the family. When completed, the top of your Patients window will look similar to the following: Easy Dental User Guide 70 Patients Step 2 From Joseph’s (the step-father’s) Patients window, double click on the Insurance block. Enter in Joseph’s insurance information. Step 3 Next, bring up David’s (the natural father’s) patient information. From the Patients screen, double click on David’s name. Doubleclick on the Insurance block and enter in David's insurance information. Step 4 Now, both Joseph’s and David’s insurance is available to any family member listed in the family member list block. Since Joseph is primary for both Theresa and Todd, his information needs to be added to their files. From the Patients screen, double click on Theresa’s name to bring up her file. Double-click on the Insurance Information block and select Joseph’s insurance as the primary insurance. The Subscriber box should default to Theresa’s name, but Joseph can easily be selected as the subscriber by clicking once on the search button to the right of Theresa’s name. Select Joseph Mickelson and press OK. Theresa’s Insurance Information screen now displays Joseph’s insurance information as her primary coverage. Press OK on the Insurance Information dialog to return to the Patients screen. Step 5 Now the same can be done for Todd. Double click on Todd’s name and go through the same steps to add Joseph’s insurance information as his primary coverage. Step 6 To add his natural father’s insurance information as his secondary, press the search button at the Subscriber box under the Secondary Insurance half of the Insurance Information dialog and select David Jenkins. Press OK at both the Select Secondary Subscriber dialog and the Insurance Information dialog to return to the Patients window. You have now successfully set the proper insurance information for each person on this account. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 71 Chart The Easy Dental 2008 Chart’s complete chair-side integration makes it the perfect tool to simplify your record-keeping. Entering and documenting existing, recommended, and completed treatment or conditions is as simple as a mouse click. Easy Dental 2008 uses standard textbook charting symbols that you’ll find familiar and easy to recognize. Treatment is color coded on the Chart so that with a single glance you can tell whether a procedure is completed, existing, a condition, or still treatment planned. Important clinical notes are efficiently organized to help you document patient care. These notes can be attached as general notes to the patient or specifically to a single procedure code. In addition, Easy Dental 2008 provides several template options to make entering your notes even easier. The Chart chapter is divided into the following sections: • The Chart Window • Chart Setup • Entering Treatment • Editing Treatment • View Options • Using Notes • Generating Chart Reports • Chart Shortcuts & Tips • Using the Estimator Easy Dental User Guide 72 Chart The Chart Window The Chart is divided into the following seven areas: the Toolbar, the Graphic Chart, Procedure Buttons, Category Buttons, Status Buttons, Progress Notes, and the Progress Notes Control Box. Toolbar The toolbar is located directly beneath the Chart menu bar. It contains command buttons that allow you to perform specific tasks within the Chart. Click to select a patient. Click to change to Primary/Permanent. Click to select a Procedure Code. Click to select an Explosion Code. Click to View/Edit Medical Alerts. Click to add or edit patient alerts. Click to print the Dental Chart. Click to copy to the clipboard. Click to set up Procedure Buttons. Click to view conditions/diagnoses. Click to view other options. Click to change the Provider. Click to use the Estimator. Click to create a Quick Letter. Click to create a Quick Label. Click to select a Dental Diagnosis. Click to view Clinical Notes. Click to refresh the Chart. Click to view/add a patient picture. Click to access the Lab Case Manager. Click to access Easy Web. Click to access third-party image products. Click to access Help files. Click to open Easy Image. Click to open Guru. Graphic Chart The Graphic Chart visually depicts the condition of the patient’s mouth. Treatment is posted on the chart using textbook charting symbols. In addition, treatment is color-coded to indicate the status of the treatment. For instance, completed work is posted in blue while recommended treatment is posted in red. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 73 The Graphic Chart visually depicts the condition of the patient’s mouth. Treatment is posted on the chart using textbook charting symbols. Procedure Buttons Used to enter treatment, the 24 procedure buttons collectively represent the most common procedures performed in an operatory. Each user-definable button represents a single procedure code, explosion code, or condition. Category Buttons All procedures not shown in the Procedures Buttons toolbar can be accessed through the procedure buttons on the main toolbar (All Procedures, Common Procedures, and Explosion Codes). Status Buttons The status buttons are used to indicate the type of treatment being entered. • The Completed (Comp) button should be used when entering completed work and conditions for a patient. The Treatment Plan (Tx) button should be used when entering recommended treatment for a patient. • The Existing (Ex) button should be used when entering existing work performed by a provider within your practice. (Used almost exclusively when charting past work done by your office.) The fields above the status buttons show the procedure code and the surface(s) of the tooth being affected. The information in these fields will be populated automatically when a procedure is selected. Easy Dental User Guide 74 Chart Progress Notes Progress Notes centralize documentation and exam information in one location, making it easy to quickly review a patient’s history. Each time a procedure, exam, condition, treatment plan, or clinical note is entered in the Chart, a line is added to the Progress Notes. Each line lists the date the treatment was entered, treatment areas (if applicable), the procedure code, provider, a description, treatment status, and the dollar amount associated with that procedure. Each time a procedure, exam, condition, treatment plan, or clinical note is entered in the Chart module, a line is added to the Progress Notes. A “»” symbol in the Description field indicates that a procedure note is available for that item. Progress Notes Control Buttons The Progress Notes Control buttons include the Set Complete button, the Print Progress Notes button, and the Delete Procedure Button. The Set Complete (check mark) button is used to indicate that a treatment planned item has been completed. The Delete Procedure (trash can) button is used to remove a condition, treatment plan, or existing procedure from the Chart. Set Complete button Print Progress Notes button Delete Procedure button Chart Setup Some settings of the Chart can be changed or customized. The following Chart items can be changed or customized: • Procedure Buttons • Chart Colors • Procedure Codes • Dental Diagnostic Cross Codes • Explosion Codes • Paint Type Definitions • Chart Numbers Only the Procedure Buttons can be set up in the Chart module. The other settings must be accessed from the Practice Setup menu of the Reports module. (See the Practice Setup section of the Reports chapter for more information.) Easy Dental User Guide Chart 75 Set up Procedure Buttons 1. Open the Setup Procedure Buttons menu In the Chart, click the Setup Procedure Buttons icon to open the Setup Procedure Buttons menu. 2. Select Button to Set up Select a button to set up. Click once on the button to open the Set Up Procedure Button menu. 3. Select Code In the Set Up Procedure Button menu, select the code to be assigned to the button. To assign a Procedure code, type the desired code in the field or click the >> to choose a code from the Procedure Code List. To assign a Dental Diagnostic code, type the desired code in the field or click the >> to choose a code from the Dental Diagnostic Code List. 4. Select Tooltip To use the Procedure Description for the tooltip, select Use Procedure Description. To use a custom tooltip, select Use Custom Text and enter the desired description in the field. 5. Select Bitmap Select a bitmap to use for the button by clicking one of the bitmap options. When a bitmap has been selected, the icon in the corner of the menu will change to the selected bitmap. 6. Click OK Click OK to save the changes and return to the previous menu. 7. Save or Discard changes Click Save to accept the changes and return to the Chart. Click Discard to discard changes and return to the Chart. Easy Dental User Guide 76 Chart Set up Chart Colors 1. Click View | Set Chart Colors In the Chart, click View and select Set Chart Colors. 2. Assign Paint Colors Click the color box next to Treatment Plan. The Color dialog box appears. Click the color you want to assign to this procedure status. Click OK. Repeat this procedure for all other statuses. 3. Check Use colors for Progress Notes (optional) By default, Easy Dental displays all Progress Notes in black. If you want items in Progress Notes to be displayed in the status color, check the “Use colors for Progress Notes” option. The progess notes will then be displayed in the corresponding paint color. 4. Assign Screen Colors Click the color box next to Screen Background. The Colors dialog box appears. Click the color want to assign as the background color. (Be sure to choose a color that will contrast with the other colors you chose in step two.) Click OK. Repeat for Screen Gingiva color. 5. Assign Clinical Notes Color Click the color box next to Clinical Notes. The Colors dialog box appears. Click the color you want to assign to the Clinical Notes. Click OK. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to save your color settings. Entering Treatment Treatment can be added to the Chart using three methods. This section will explain how to post treatment in the following ways: • Adding Treatment Using Procedure Buttons • Adding Treatment Using Category Buttons • Adding Treatment Using Explosion Codes Easy Dental User Guide Chart 77 Adding Treatment Using Procedure Buttons Note: Use this method to add treatment when the procedure is assigned to a procedure button. 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Change Provider (Optional) By default, Easy Dental 2008 assigns all treatment posted in the Chart to the patient’s primary provider. If the treatment should be assigned to a different provider, click the Change Provider button. Select the correct provider and click OK. All work posted in the Chart during this patient’s posting session will be assigned to the selected provider. 3. Select Tooth If the treatment requires a tooth number, select the desired tooth by clicking once on the tooth in the Graphic Chart. 4. Click Procedure Button Click the appropriate procedure button on the Procedure Buttons toolbar. 5. Enter Treatment Information If the selected procedure requires additional treatment information, such as surfaces or quadrants, Easy Dental 2008 will display a dialog box requesting that information. Choose the appropriate treatment area(s) and click OK. Note: Remember Easy Dental 2008 will automatically update procedure codes to reflect your surface selections. For example, if you click the one surface amalgam permanent procedure button and then enter three surfaces, Easy Dental 2008 will post the three surface code to the Chart module and Accounts module. 6. Click Treatment Status Click the appropriate status button for the procedure being entered. • Click the Existing button when entering existing work performed by a provider within your practice. • Click the Treatment Plan (Tx Plan) button when entering recommended treatment for a patient. • Click the Complete button when entering completed work and conditions for a patient. • The Auto-State button is used when entering treatment to quickly assign several procedures the same status. After clicking the Auto-State button, the next procedure status button selected will remain selected until one of the other three procedure status buttons is selected. The procedure is added to the Graphic Chart (if a charting symbol is used in conjunction with the posted procedure) and the Progress Notes. Note: All completed work posted in the Chart is automatically posted to the Accounts module and the appropriate charges will now be listed on the patient’s account. Easy Dental User Guide 78 Chart Adding Treatment Using Category Buttons Note: Use this method to add treatment when the procedure you are entering is not assigned to a procedure button, but is assigned to a category button. 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Change Provider (Optional) By default, Easy Dental 2008 assigns all treatment posted in the Chart to the patient’s primary provider. If the treatment should be assigned to a different provider, click the Change Provider button. Select the correct provider and click OK. All work posted in the Chart during this patient’s posting session will be assigned to the selected provider. 3. Select Tooth If the treatment requires a tooth number, select the desired tooth by clicking once on the tooth in the Graphic Chart. 4. Click Appropriate Category Button Click the appropriate category button (All Procedures or Common Procedures). The Select Procedure Code dialog box appears. 5. Select Procedure Code Select the desired procedure code and click OK. Note: Only one procedure can be selected from the Select Procedure Code dialog box at one time. 6. Enter Treatment Information If the selected procedure requires additional treatment information, such as surfaces or quadrants, Easy Dental 2008 will display a dialog box requesting that information. Choose the appropriate treatment area(s) and click OK. 7. Click Treatment Status Click the appropriate status button for the procedure being entered. • Click the Existing button when entering existing work performed by a provider within your practice. • Click the Treatment Plan (Tx Plan) button when entering recommended treatment for a patient. • Click the Complete button when entering completed work and conditions for a patient. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 79 The procedure is added to the Graphic Chart (if a charting symbol is used in conjunction with the posted procedure) and the Progress Notes. Note: All completed work posted in the Chart is automatically posted to the Accounts module and the appropriate charges will now be listed on the patient’s account. Adding Treatment Using Explosion Codes Easy Dental 2008 allows users to create explosion codes for use in posting procedures. A single explosion code is made up of several individual procedure codes that are typically scheduled, recommended, or completed at the same time. Instead of posting each code separately, the user enters only the explosion code, then Easy Dental 2008 posts each of the individual codes. Explosion Codes are set up in the Practice Setup menu of the Reports module. See the Practice Setup section of the Reports chapter for more information. 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Change Provider (Optional) By default, Easy Dental 2008 assigns all treatment posted in the Chart to the patient’s primary provider. If the treatment should be assigned to a different provider, click the Change Provider button. Select the correct provider and click OK. All work posted in the Chart during this patient’s posting session will be assigned to the selected provider. 3. Select Tooth If the treatment requires a tooth number, select the desired tooth by clicking once on the tooth in the Graphic Chart. 4. Choose Explosion Codes From the Chart menu, choose the Explosion Codes button. The Select Explosion Code dialog box appears. 5. Select Explosion Code Select the desired explosion code. Click OK. Note: Only one explosion code at a time can be selected from the Select Explosion Code dialog box. 6. Enter Treatment Information If the selected procedure requires additional treatment information, such as surfaces or quadrants, Easy Dental 2008 will display a dialog box requesting that information. Choose the appropriate treatment area(s) and click OK. Easy Dental User Guide 80 Chart 7. Click Treatment Status Click the appropriate status button for the procedure being entered. • Click the Existing button when entering existing work performed by a provider within your practice. • Click the Treatment Plan (Tx Plan) button when entering recommended treatment for a patient. • Click the Complete button when entering completed work and conditions for a patient. The procedure is added to the Graphic Chart (if a charting symbol is used in conjunction with the posted procedure) and the Progress Notes. Note: All completed work posted in the Chart is automatically posted to the Accounts module and the appropriate charges will now be listed on the patient’s account. Editing Treatment From time to time, treatment information that has been entered will need to be changed or deleted. This section will explain how to complete the following tasks: • Editing Treatment • Editing Treatment in History • Editing Surface Painting • Deleting Procedures • Deleting Completed Procedures • Invalidating Procedures in History • Editing Procedures Attached to Insurance Claims Editing Treatment 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Double click Treatment Item From the Progress Notes, double click on the treatment item to be changed. The Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 81 3. Make changes according to the following guidelines: To change the date assigned to a procedure, position the cursor in the Date field. Delete the existing date and then enter the correct date. • To change the procedure code, position the cursor in the Procedure field. Delete the existing code and enter the correct code (or use the >> button to find the correct code). • To change treatment information, position the cursor in the desired field (Tooth number or Surface). Delete the existing information and enter the correct information. • To change the amount charged for the procedure, position the cursor in the Amount field. Delete the existing amount and enter the correct amount. • To change the provider attached to the procedure, click the >> button next to the Provider field. Select the correct provider and click OK. • To change the Procedure Status, choose the correct status in the Procedure Status field. Note: In order for a procedure to post to the Accounts module, a procedure should not be completed in this manner. Use the Set Complete button in the Chart. • To override the insurance estimate, check the box next to the insurance and enter the correct estimate amount. • To prevent the procedure from being billed to the insurance, check Do Not Bill to Insurance. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save changes and return to the Chart. Editing Treatment in History To provide security and protect the integrity of your patient data, Easy Dental 2008 locks changes to procedures once they have been moved into history. (Procedures are moved into history during the Month End Update.) Procedures in history cannot be edited or deleted. However, procedures in history can be removed from the Chart by invalidating the procedure. (For more information on invalidating a procedure, see Invalidating Procedures in History in this section.) Edit Surface Painting Easy Dental 2008 offers the ability to paint “snake eyes” or pits and cusps in the Chart when an amalgam is done for a missing corner of the tooth. To edit the surface painting, complete the following steps: 1. Select Tooth With Occlusal Surface Restoration Select a tooth in the Chart that has a surface restoration procedure on the Occlusal surface. Easy Dental User Guide 82 Chart 2. Choose Edit Surface Painting Right-click on the selected tooth and choose Edit Surface Painting. The Edit Surface Painting dialog box will appear. If more than one procedure with an occlusal surface restoration is posted to this tooth, the Edit Surface Restoration dialog box appears. This allows you to select the desired procedure and choose Edit. The Edit Surface Painting dialog box will appear for the selected procedure. Note: Only one tooth can be selected at a time when editing the surface painting. 3. Select Occlusal Pits Check the Mesial and/or Distal pit(s) for the location of the occlusal pit. 4. Select Cusps (Optional) Check the appropriate location for the cusps. Note: When pits are selected, the painting of the pits will replace the default painting of the Occlusal surface. When cusps are selected, the painting of the cusps will be done in addition to the default painting of the surface restoration. 5. Click OK Click OK to save the changes and return to the Chart. Deleting Procedures To delete a posted procedure, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Select Treatment Item From the Progress Notes, select the treatment item to be deleted. Click the Delete Procedures button. A warning message appears. To delete the item(s), click Yes. To cancel the delete, click No. Note: The Delete Procedures button cannot be used if the procedure has been completed. To delete completed procedures, follow the instructions for Deleting Completed Procedures below. Note: You can delete more than one procedure at a time by selecting multiple items in the Progress Notes. To select more than one item, press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard while clicking on the items using the mouse. After all procedures are highlighted, click the Delete Procedures button. Deleting Completed Procedures 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Double click Treatment Item in Progress Notes From the Progress Notes, double click on the completed procedure to be deleted. The Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 83 3. Click Delete Button Click the Delete button. A warning message appears. To delete the procedure, click OK. To cancel the delete, click Cancel. Invalidating Procedures in History Easy Dental 2008 saves your office from repetitive data entry by posting procedures to both the Accounts module and the Chart at the same time. However, a different standard regarding record keeping exists for each module. Accounts, as a financial record, should follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP) which require that posting errors be corrected using an adjustment. In order to comply with GAAP, Easy Dental 2008 locks out changes to transactions once the transaction has been moved to history (i.e. when the month is closed). In contrast, the Chart serves as a clinical record of patient care and needs to be completely accurate. Errors in the Chart should be corrected to reflect the actual care given. To solve this discrepancy, Easy Dental 2008 allows procedures to be invalidated in history. Invalidating a procedure removes it from the Chart, while leaving it on the Accounts. If a posting error is discovered once a procedure has been moved to history, the following process can be used to correct the mistake: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Select Transaction Locate the transaction to be invalidated in the Chart Progress Notes. Double click on the transaction line to open the Validate/Invalidate Procedure in History dialog box. 3. Mark Invalidate Procedure Mark the Invalidate Procedure option and click OK. 4. Post Procedure Correctly with Zero Charge Post the transaction again using the correct information. Change the charge amount to zero, as the account has already been billed for the procedure. Change the date to reflect the date the transaction was originally posted. Note: Remember, invalidating a procedure removes it from the Chart, but leaves the item in Accounts as a History Procedure. A “+” will be placed in front of the procedure to indicate that it has been invalidated. Easy Dental User Guide 84 Chart Editing Procedures Attached to Insurance Claims Procedures attached to an insurance claim cannot be edited until the claim has been deleted. (For more information on deleting an insurance claim, see Editing or Deleting a Claim in the Processing Dental Claims section of the Accounts chapter.) Once the claim has been deleted, the procedure can be edited. View Options Three view options can be changed in the Chart. First, the progress notes can be viewed by any combination of four statuses. Next, invalidated conditions/diagnoses can be hidden or displayed. Finally, dentition can be viewed as primary, permanent, or a combination of the two. View Progress Notes by Status Progress Notes will be listed according to the Status option selected to view. Status options can be selected by clicking the View button on the Chart toolbar. • If Completed is checked, all completed procedures will be displayed in the Progress Notes. • If TX Plan/Conditions is checked, the treatment-planned procedures and conditions will be displayed in the Progress Notes. • If Existing is checked, the Existing procedures and conditions will be displayed in the Progress Notes. • If Notes is checked, the additional notes associated with procedures will be displayed in the Progress Notes. View Invalidated Conditions/Diagnoses When a condition is corrected or no longer exists, the condition may be invalidated (instead of deleted) to keep an accurate record. Set View Conditions/Diagnoses allows you to choose when you want invalidated Conditions to be displayed. To view invalidated conditions/diagnoses: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click View Conditions/Diagnoses From the Chart toolbar, click the View Conditions/Diagnoses button to open the View Conditions/Diagnoses Setup dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 85 3. Select View Option Select the option by which to view invalidated conditions/diagnoses. • View Existing will display invalidated conditions when the Existing view option is checked. • View Conditions will display invalidated conditions when the Conditions view option is checked. • Do not display Invalidated Conditions/Diagnoses will hide the invalidated conditions from your view in the Progress Notes regardless of the view options checked. 4. Click OK Click OK to save changes and exit. Primary vs. Permanent Teeth The Easy Dental 2008 Chart can display primary, permanent, or mixed dentition. To change dentition from permanent to primary (or primary to permanent), complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Choose Prim/Perm From the Chart toolbar, choose the Prim/Perm icon. 3. Choose Change All Choose the Change All option. The chart will update to display the opposite dentition. To restore the tooth chart to the original dentition, repeat steps 1 – 3. The Change All command will reverse the primary/permanent state for each tooth displayed. (For example, if all teeth have been changed to primary and the Change All command is used, then all the teeth in the mouth will change to display as permanent.) Show mixed dentition: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Highlight Primary Teeth Highlight the displayed primary teeth that should be changed to permanent teeth. 3. Choose Prim/Perm From the Chart menu, choose the Prim/Perm option. 4. Choose Change Selected Choose the Change Selected option. The chart will update to display the selected teeth in the opposite dentition. To restore the Chart to all the same dentition, highlight all changed teeth and repeat steps 3 and 4. Easy Dental User Guide 86 Chart Using Notes Keeping accurate and thorough documentation of each procedure performed in the dental office is the most expedient method of protecting the office in the event of litigation. As a result, case notes have become an essential part of clinical dentistry. The Easy Dental 2008 Chart eases the burden of maintaining this information by offering a variety of notes. Within the Chart, the following five types of notes are available: • Progress Notes • Procedure Notes • General Clinical Notes • Clinical Note Templates • Medical Alerts Progress Notes Progress Notes are automatically added each time a procedure, exam, condition, treatment plan, or clinical note is entered in the Chart. Progress Notes are displayed in chronological order below the Graphic Chart when viewing the Chart. For each item recorded in the Progress Notes, the date the treatment was entered, treatment areas (if applicable), the procedure code, provider, a description, treatment status, and the dollar amount associated with that procedure are displayed. A “»” symbol in the description field indicates that a procedure note is available for that item. Procedure Notes Procedure Notes are attached directly to an individual procedure for documentation and reference purposes. Notes can be added manually during posting. However, to make the creation of Procedure Notes faster and more accurate, default notes can be created for each procedure code. When a procedure code with a default note is completed in the Chart or Accounts modules, the note is automatically entered. Once the note has been added, the note can be reviewed and small patient-specific changes can be made. (For more information on creating Procedure Note Templates, see Procedure Code Setup in the Practice Setup section of the Accounts chapter.) Enter or Edit a Procedure Note 1. Double click Procedure From the Progress Notes, double click on the procedure for which you wish to add a note. The Edit or Delete Procedure Code dialog box appears. Note: If the procedure has been posted, but is not listed in the Progress Notes, make certain that the correct View options have been selected from the View menu. 2. Add/Edit Note If a default note has been associated with this procedure, the note text will appear automatically. Place the cursor in the Notes field to edit the existing note or add a note when a default note does not exist. 3. Click OK Click OK to save the note and any other changes. A “»” symbol will display with the procedure in the Progress Note area indicating the procedure has an associated note. Procedure Notes can be reviewed by double clicking on the procedure. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 87 Clinical Notes Clinical Notes are free-form notes that can be entered at any time during an exam. Clinical Notes are designed to offer a method of entering notes for an exam that are not specific to a procedure. Once a Clinical Note is in history, it cannot be edited or deleted. However, a note may be appended to a clinical note in history. Adding/Viewing Clinical Notes Complete the following steps to add or view a clinical note: 1. Choose Clinical Notes Choose the Clinical Notes option from the menu bar. The Clinical Notes dialog box will appear. 2. Enter a Dateline (Optional) To attach the current system date to the note, click the Insert Dateline button. 3. Type Note Type the note to attach to this patient. There is a limit of 4,000 characters in the Clinical Notes field. 4. Save Note Click OK to save the note and return to the Chart. Appending Clinical Notes To append a note to a clinical note in history, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Clinical Notes Choose the Clinical Notes option from the menu bar. The Clinical Notes dialog box will appear. 2. Select Date Click the search button next to the Note Date and select the date for which you wish to append the note. 3. Click Append to Note Click the Append to Note button. The Append to Clinical Note dialog box will appear. 4. Enter Note Enter the note to append and click OK. A message will appear informing you that once a note has been appended, it cannot be edited. Click Yes to append the note or click No to cancel. Reviewing Clinical Notes To review a patient’s Clinical Notes, choose Clinical Notes from the Chart menu. Move through the Clinical Notes by clicking Previous or Next. To view a note for a specific date, click the >> button next to the Note Date field. A calendar will appear. Select the date to view and click OK. Note: When a Clinical Note is displayed within Progress Notes, double click on the note to open the Clinical Notes dialog box with the selected note displayed. Easy Dental User Guide 88 Chart Clearing Clinical Notes A clinical note will be moved into history when the month is closed out. Once a clinical note is in history, it cannot be deleted. However, a note may be appended to a clinical note in history. (See Appending Notes earlier in this section.) To clear or erase a current note, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Clinical Notes Choose the Clinical Notes option from the menu bar. The Clinical Notes dialog box will appear. Any notes entered for the current date are displayed. Note: If the desired note is not displayed, click the Previous or Next button until the correct note is displayed. 2. Clear Note To clear the entire note for a day, click the Clear button. A warning message appears. To continue with the clear, click Yes. To cancel the clear, click No. To clear part of a day’s note, highlight the part of the note to be cleared and press the Delete key on the keyboard. Copying Clinical Notes to Other Programs Easy Dental 2008 allows you to copy the text of your Clinical Notes and insert it into another document such as a letter or insurance claim. To copy the Clinical Notes to the Windows Clipboard, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Clinical Notes Choose the Clinical Notes option from the menu bar. The Clinical Notes dialog box is displayed. 2. Select Note to be Copied If the note you wish to copy is not displayed, click the Previous or Next button until the correct note is displayed. 3. Click Copy Note Click the Copy Note button to copy the note to the Windows Clipboard. (This is done invisibly within the Windows environment. No dialog box or notification will appear stating that the copy has been completed.) Note: You can copy all notes for the patient at one time by clicking the Copy All button instead of the Copy Note button. To copy only a part of a note, highlight the text to be copied and press CTRL + C on the keyboard. 4. Open Text Editor Open the text editor in which to insert the note (i.e. Microsoft Word, Insurance Claim Note, etc.) Place the cursor where the note(s) will be pasted. 5. Choose Edit | Paste From the application’s menu, choose Edit, then Paste. If an Edit command is not available, insert the note by pressing CTRL + V on the keyboard. Clinical Note Templates Clinical Note Templates provide a way to follow an orderly format when entering notes for a patient. Use the templates as a uniform guide when collecting patient information. The following six template types can be used: Soft Tissue, Oral Hygiene, Functional, Orthodontic, Periodontium, and Custom Notes. To add a Clinical Note using the templates, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Clinical Notes Choose the Clinical Notes option from the menu bar. The Clinical Notes dialog box will appear. 2. Enter Dateline (Optional) Choose the Insert Dateline button if you wish to attach the current system date to the note. 3. Click Templates From the bottom, left of the Clinical Notes screen, click the Templates button. The Clinical Notes Templates dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 89 4. Enter Soft Tissue Notes Click the Soft Tissue button. The Soft Tissue Exam dialog box will be displayed. Type the soft tissue notes in the appropriate fields. Click OK/Post to post the soft tissue notes to the Clinical Notes dialog box. 5. Enter Oral Hygiene Notes Click the Oral Hygiene button. The Oral Hygiene dialog box will be displayed. Enter notes regarding plaque, calculus, stain, or food impaction areas in the appropriate field. Click OK/Post to post the oral hygiene notes to the Clinical Notes dialog box. 6. Enter Functional Notes Click the Functional button. The Functional Evaluation dialog box will be displayed. Enter notes regarding functional disorders in the appropriate fields. Click OK/Post to post the functional notes to the Clinical Notes dialog box. 7. Enter Orthodontic Notes Click the Orthodontic button. An Orthodontia label will be inserted at the end of any previously entered notes for the day, dividing this section from other notes. Enter information on orthodontic conditions. Click OK/Post to post the functional notes to the Clinical Notes dialog box. 8. Enter Perio Notes Click the Periodontium button to display the Periodontium dialog box. Enter notes specific to the patient’s periodontal condition. Click OK/Post to post the periodontium notes to the Clinical Notes dialog box. 9. Insert Custom Notes Click the Custom Notes button to display the Add to Clinical Notes – Custom Notes list box. All defined custom notes are displayed. Select the note to insert and click OK. The note is added to the Clinical Notes dialog box. Up to 99 custom notes can be created for insertion in the Clinical Notes dialog box. (For more information on creating a Custom Note, see Definitions in the Practice Setup section of the Accounts chapter.) Medical Alerts Note: The Medical Alerts listed may be customized in the Reports module. To enter new alerts or to edit existing alerts, refer to the Definitions section in the Reports chapter. 1. Click Medical Alerts Click the Medical Alerts icon on the Chart toolbar. The icon will display white if there are no alerts selected and red if there are alerts selected. The Medical Alerts dialog box will appear listing any alerts that have previously been selected. 2. Click Edit Click the Edit button to display a list of available Medical Alerts. Easy Dental User Guide 90 Chart Click the Edit button to open the Select Medical Alerts dialog box. Highlight the appropriate alerts then click OK. 3. Select or Clear Alerts Click on the desired alert(s) to select them. If you wish to clear all selections, click the Clear button. 4. Click OK Click the OK button then OK again to return to the Chart module. The plus symbol will now display red indicating that this patient has Medical Alerts. Generating Chart Reports/Printouts To help educate patients about prospective treatment and completed treatment, Easy Dental 2008 provides several different ways to print the Chart. This section will describe how access Quick Letters and Quick Labels and how to print different versions of the Chart. • Quick Letters • Quick Labels • Printing the Dental Chart • Printing Progress Notes Quick Letters Note: This documentation assumes that you have a legally licensed version of Microsoft Word and are familiar with its use and merge functions. Easy Dental provides a powerful interface between your patient database and Microsoft Word. With twelve pre-defined letter templates, there is sure to be a letter that meets your correspondence needs. Each letter can be customized in Microsoft Word to better represent the image your office wishes to project. And if East Dental doesn’t have a letter for what you are trying to do, you can create your own documents for use within the Easy Dental program. The Quick Letters option takes advantage of the Easy Dental/Word interface in a simplified fashion to help you quickly create a letter for a single patient. Look for the following topics: • Merging a Quick Letter • Adding a Letter to Quick Letters • Removing a Letter from Quick Letters Easy Dental User Guide Chart 91 Merging a Quick Letter To merge a letter for a patient, complete the following steps: Note: Easy Dental integrates with the following versions of Microsoft Word: 6.0, 7.0/95, 97, 2000, and XP (XP Office must have Service Pack 2 or higher installed). 1. Select Patient From the Patients module, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. Note: Quick Letters can also be created from the Patients module. 2. Click Quick Letters Click the Quick Letters button on the toolbar. The Quick Letters window appears. Highlight the letter you wish to create. Click Print to print the letter or click Build/View to view the letter in Microsoft Word. Click Open Template to view the letter template in Microsoft Word and make changes if necessary. Click Delete to remove the Quick Letter from the list. Click Edit to edit an existing letter. Click New to add a new Quick Letter. 3. Highlight Letter To Create From the Letters list, select the letter to be merged. The following letters are automatically available: • Address On Envelope (Form Feed) – Creates an envelope for the selected patient. • Appointment Super Bill – Creates a detailed receipt for the patient to send to their insurance company. • Blank Letter Form – Creates a blank letter for the selected patient with the patient’s name, address and greeting pre-written. • Collection Notice – Creates a 90 Day Past Due letter for the selected patient. • Congratulations - Graduation – Creates a congratulations letter for a new graduate. • Congratulations - Marriage – Creates a congratulations letter for a newly married patient. • Congratulations - New Baby – Creates a congratulations letter for a new parent. • New Patient Welcome – Creates a welcome letter for new patients. • Patient Information - Consent – Creates a patient information form with some patient information pre-entered. • Referred by Doctor – Creates a thank you letter for a doctor who referred the patient. • Referred by Patient – Creates a thank you letter for a patient who referred the selected patient. • Referred to Dr./Specialist – Creates a referral information letter for the doctor to whom the selected patient has been referred. 4. Create Letter To create and print the letter without reviewing it, click the Print button. Easy Dental will open Word, merge the letter, print the letter, and then close the letter. To create and review the letter prior to printing it, click the Build/View button. Easy Dental opens Word and merges the letter. Once the letter has been successfully merged, make any changes and then click the Print button. Easy Dental User Guide 92 Chart 5. Choose File | Close After the letter has been printed, it should be closed. From the Microsoft Word menu, choose File, and then Close. A message appears asking if you wish to save changes. Click the No button. (If you click Yes, all merge information will be lost.) 6. Exit Word From the Microsoft Word menu, choose File, then Exit. 7. Repeat for Any Other Patients Repeat steps one – six for any other patients who need letters. Note: After the letter has been printed, Easy Dental automatically adds an entry in the Contacts Module indicating that a letter has been sent to the patient. Adding a Letter to Quick Letters Other documents can be easily added to the Quick Letters list. To add a letter to Quick Letters, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Patients module, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. Note: Quick Letters can also be created from the Patients module. 2. Click Quick Letters Click the Quick Letters button from the toolbar. The Quick Letters window appears. 3. Click New Click the New Button. The New Quick Letter dialog box appears. 4. Enter Letter Name Type a name for the letter. This name is for the users’ benefit to help them remember the purpose of the letter. 5. Enter Merge Letter Template Name Type the template name in the Merge Letter Template Name field. When entering the template name, remember the following: • In order to add a letter to the Quick Letter list, the letter should have been created and saved. • The template name must match the file name for the document. • The file extension must be included (i.e. ezdlm13.doc). • In order to merge the letter, the letter must be saved in the correct directory. All letters should be stored in the letter template path directory. You can check the letter template path directory by going to the Office Manager. From the menu, choose Maintenance, then Practice Setup. Choose the Preferences option and click the Paths tab. The Letter Template Path is listed in the middle of the screen. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 93 6. Select Privacy Request Option If “Does not apply for this letter” is selected, patients with privacy requests will not be skipped. • If “Applies for Patients or Guarantors” is selected, all patients who have the “No correspondence” option selected in the Patients module will be skipped. • If “Applies for ‘Referred By Patients’” is selected, the letter will not include any patients who have a “Referred By” patient who has the “No correspondence” option selected in the Patients module. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to save the letter information and return to the Quick Letters window. Removing a Letter from Quick Letters 1. Select Patient From the Patients module, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. Note: Quick Letters can also be created from the Patients module. 2. Click Quick Letters Click the Quick Letters button on the toolbar. The Quick Letters window appears. 3. Click Delete Select the letter to be removed and click the Delete button. A warning message appears. Click OK to remove the letter. Note: The letter is removed from the Quick Letters List, however the document itself has not been deleted. Quick Labels Quick Labels allows you to quickly print a variety of labels for the selected patient with a simple click of a button. Complete the following steps to print a Quick Label. 1. Select Patient From the Patients module, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Quick Labels Click the Quick Labels button on the toolbar. The Quick Labels window appears. 3. Select Label Highlight the label you wish to print. • Patient Mailing Label – prints a mailing label for the currently selected patient. • Guarantor Mailing Label – prints a mailing label for the currently selected patient’s Head of House. • Chart module Label – prints a chart label for the currently selected patient including their name, chart number, home phone, work phone, and address. Easy Dental User Guide 94 Chart • Abbreviated Chart Label – prints a chart label for the currently selected patient including their name (in large, bold letters), SS#, date of birth, first visit date, chart number, home phone, and work phone in a condensed format. • Patient Name Chart Label – prints a chart label for the currently selected patient which includes their name, their preferred name, and their chart number. • Detailed Chart Label – prints a chart label for the currently selected patient including their name (in large, bold letters), SS#, date of birth, primary provider, chart number, first visit date, marital status, gender, address, home phone, work phone, employer, primary insurance, and secondary insurance. • Primary Dental Insurance Label – prints a mailing label addressed to the patient’s primary dental insurance plan. • Appointment Reminder Label – prints a reminder label listing the patient’s next appointment date and time. Note: The insurance labels will only be listed if the patient has that particular insurance set up in the Patients module. 4. Click Print Click the Print button to print the selected label to the label printer selected in the Reports module. (See Set up Printer in the Reports chapter for more information.) Printing the Dental Chart To print the Dental Chart, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Print Icon From the Chart toolbar, click the Print Dental Chart icon. A drop-down menu appears. 3. Select Dental Chart Select Dental Chart from the drop-down menu to print the Graphic Chart. The Print Dental Chart dialog box appears. Note: The Chart will automatically print to the default printer. See the Setup Printer section of the Reports chapter to set up the default printer. 4. Select Print Options Select the information to print with the Graphic Chart. • Enter a number in the Top Margin in Inches field to set the top margin for the printout. • Check Print Today’s Work to include today’s work in the printout. • Check Print Treatment Plan to include treatment-planned procedures in the printout. • Check Print Treatment Estimate Detail to include the estimates for the treatment-planned procedures in the printout. • Check Print Chart as Displayed to print the Chart as it is displayed on the screen. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to print the Chart with the specified options. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 95 Printing Progress Notes To print the Progress Notes and the Graphic Chart, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Print Icon From the Chart toolbar, click the Print Dental Chart icon. A drop-down menu appears. 3. Choose Progress Notes with Chart To print the Progress Notes with the Chart, choose the Progress Notes with Chart option. The Print Progress Notes with Chart dialog box appears. To print notes specific to a certain date range, mark the Date Range option. Enter the desired date range. 4. Click OK Click OK to print the Progress Notes and the Graphic Chart. Chart Shortcuts & Tips The following topics will explain some built-in shortcuts and features of the Chart that may help you work more efficiently. • Change Provider Command • Refreshing the Chart Change Provider Command By default, each time a procedure is posted to the Chart it is automatically assigned the patient’s primary provider (assigned in the Patients Module). However, from time to time the patient may see another provider in the practice. To help you in this situation, Easy Dental 2008 allows you to select a different default provider for the current charting session. All procedures posted during the session will be assigned to the selected provider. The next time a patient is selected, work will automatically default to the primary provider. To change the provider for a charting session, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Chart toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Change Provider Icon From the Chart toolbar, click the Change Provider icon. The Select Provider dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide 96 Chart 3. Select Provider Highlight the provider to whom all work posted during this session should be assigned. Click OK to continue. Note: The provider list can be sorted by clicking on each header (ID, Name, or Status). 4. Post Treatment/Conditions Post treatment for the patient. Note: The provider for an individual procedure can be changed by editing the procedure in the Progress Notes after it has been posted. Find the procedure in the Progress Notes and double click. In the Provider field, change the provider. Click OK. Refreshing the Chart If your practice is set up with a network of computers, data entered on one computer may not appear immediately on other workstations. To quickly update the Chart to view work posted on other stations, click the Refresh icon on the Chart toolbar. The Chart data for the selected patient will be updated to display any new information for the patient. Note: By default, Easy Dental 2008 automatically displays all treatment entered during the current charting session, regardless of the View settings selected. However, once the Chart has been refreshed, only treatment that matches the View filters selected will be displayed. Using the Estimator The Estimator is an effective tool in patient consultations. The entire Treatment Plan is calculated and displayed here, showing the total charge, patient portion, and insurance portion. In the Estimator, Treatment Plan procedures can be set in order of up to 52 steps. The patient’s or family’s remaining insurance benefits are calculated and displayed. Calculations are based on the Insurance Coverage Table and a Payment Table file. For the insurance portion, the program always looks at the Payment Table file and then at the coverage table. For a co-payment it checks the appropriate calculation. Whether there is a co-payment or not, if a procedure is not in a coverage table category and not in the Payment Table file, the patient’s portion will be 100% of the charge. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 97 Starting the Estimator Click the Estimator button on the Treatment Plans module toolbar. The Estimator icon The order of the treatment will appear here. Procedures in the treatment plan are listed in order here with the fee distributed between patient and insurance portions. Treatment plan totals are divided by patient and insurance portions here. Procedures in the Estimator To edit procedures displayed within the Estimator windows: 1. Double click Procedure Double click on the desired procedure. The Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box will appear. Make any necessary changes from within this dialog box. When you double click on any procedure in the Estimator, the Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box will appear. You can make changes to the procedure using the features here. 2. Click OK Click OK to save your changes, exit the dialog box, and return to the main Estimator window. Easy Dental User Guide 98 Chart These changes will be reflected within the Estimator window, as well as within the Treatment Plan transaction log. Treatment Plan Orders Ordering a Treatment Plan allows you to organize treatment into logical and cost-effective groups. Since most patients don’t work a $500 dental bill into their monthly budget, suggesting to a patient that they come in and have a large amount of restorative work completed at one time is very much like presenting a diner with an elephant and asking them to chow down. In spite of the diner’s hunger and willingness to eat, there will be a feeling that there is no way that the entire elephant can be eaten. However, by dividing the “elephant” or cost of treatment into manageable pieces, the patient feels more comfortable committing to the treatment plan. You can assign order numbers to procedures within the procedure list. Order number refers to sequence of treatment, usually in terms of appointment; i.e., procedures with an Order of 1 will be completed in the first visit, order 2 procedures will be completed in the second visit, etc. Order numbers can be used when scheduling appointments or when designating the seriousness of a condition. Procedures in the Estimator are listed in the order assigned. Change or Assign the Order of a Procedure 1. Highlight Procedure Highlight the procedure within the Estimator. 2. Click Set Order Click the Set Order button on the toolbar. A list of numbers and letters will appear in a drop-down menu. 3. Choose Order Number/Letter Choose the desired order number or letter. The procedure will then be grouped with other procedures with the same order number/letter. Order numbers help in grouping procedures for appointments. Change the Color of Orders Orders can be assigned a unique color to help group them and distinguish them from other orders. 1. Click Display Orders Click the Display Orders button on the toolbar. The Display Orders dialog box will open. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 99 2. Click Order Button Click the button next to each order to open the Color dialog box. 3. Select Color Select the color to use for the order. Every procedure listed in that order will appear in the selected color. Repeat this process for each order. Display/Hide Orders: 1. Click Display Orders Click the Display Orders button on the toolbar. The Display Orders dialog box will open. Easy Dental User Guide 100 Chart 2. Select/Deselect Orders In the Display Orders dialog box, select the orders to display. An order with a check mark will be displayed. Orders without a check mark will not be displayed. Click the All button to select all orders. Click the None button to deselect all orders. Click OK to save the changes and exit. Click Cancel to exit without saving the changes. Delete Procedure(s) Procedure(s) can be deleted in the Estimator. Note: The Chart must be refreshed before the changes will appear. 1. Select Procedure(s) From the Estimator list, select the procedure(s) to be deleted. 2. Click Delete Click the Delete button from the toolbar to delete the selected procedure(s) from the Estimator. Set Procedure(s) Complete Procedure(s) can be set complete from the Estimator. Note: The Chart must be refreshed before the changes will appear. 1. Select Procedure(s) Select the Procedure(s) to be set complete. 2. Click Set Complete Click the Set Complete button to set the selected procedure(s) complete. Update Fees To maintain the integrity of your treatment plan estimates, Easy Dental will never automatically update the fee of a procedure assigned to a treatment plan. If your fees have changed since the time the treatment plan was given to the patient, you can indicate to Easy Dental that you wish to update the patient’s treatment plan to reflect any fee schedule changes. To update the fees for a single or multiple treatment plans, complete the following steps: 1. Click Update Fees Click the Update Fees button from the Estimator’s toolbar. The Update Treatment Plan Fees dialog box will appear. 2. Select Current or All Patients If you wish to update the fees for the currently selected patient only, mark Current Patient. If you wish to update the fees for all patients in your practice with a treatment plan, mark All Patients. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 101 3. Enter Procedure Code Range To update procedures in a certain range, click the From search button and choose the starting procedure for the range. Click the To search button and select the ending procedure for the range. If you wish to update all procedures, leave at <ALL>. 4. Enter Procedures Dated Before Date If you want to update procedures prior to a certain date, enter the date here. Only treatment-planned procedures dated on or before this date will be updated with the new fees. 5. Select Tx Provider Select the desired provider(s). Only treatment-planned procedures performed by the selected provider will be updated. Check ALL to update procedures for all providers. 6. Select Billing Type Select the desired Billing Type(s). Only treatment-planned procedures for patients with the selected Billing Type will be updated. Check ALL to update procedures for all Billing Types. (This option will be greyed out if Current Patient is selected.) 7. Click Update Click the Update button to update the fees according to the options specified. Note: In some instances, certain fees will not be updated if the patient’s treatment plan is open at another workstation. If this occurs, a message will appear containing a log file with the patient’s name. It is suggested that you print the log file and perform the update on the selected patient at a later time. Set/Clear Dental Pre-Estimates Dental Pre-Estimates can be assigned to procedures in the Estimator. An estimate code will appear in the Pre-Est column of the Estimator window when a pre-estimate has been assigned to a procedure. 1. Select Procedure(s) Select the procedure(s) for which an estimate is required. 2. Select Needed or Clear Click the Pre-Estimates drop-down button. Select Needed to add a pre-estimate. Select Clear to clear existing pre-estimates. Easy Dental User Guide 102 Chart Change View Items in the Estimator window can be viewed or hidden. Click the View icon to open the View drop-down menu. Items with a check mark will be displayed. By default, all options are marked to be viewed. To hide an item, click once to remove the check mark. Print from the Estimator You can print a Treatment Plan report detailing the patient’s personal information, treatment plan (including order number, procedure, tooth number, fee, patient portion, and insurance portion), total charges, insurance benefit summary, and notes. 1. Click Print Click the Print button in the toolbar to open the Print dialog box. 2. Select Printer To choose a printer, click once on the down arrow button next to the Printer box to view a list of available printers. 3. Enter Notes (Optional) Enter any necessary notes. Any default notes that have been entered (see the next section) will already appear here. 4. Select Print Options The three print options you have available from the Estimator are (all items that are checked will print): • Sub Totals by Order will insert a sub total between order groups. • Insurance Benefits will print a summary of the patient’s insurance benefits at the bottom of the treatment plan. • Treatment Plan Note will print any note typed in the edit box on the right side of the Print dialog box. 5. Click OK Click OK when you have made your selections. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 103 Default Note A default note can be set in the Estimator. Setting a default note will cause a note to appear for each procedure in the Estimator. 1. Click Default Note Click the Default Note for Printing button. The Treatment Plan Note box will appear. 2. Type Note Type the message in the Note box. You can insert the current date by choosing the Insert Dateline button. 3. Click OK Click OK when finished typing. Click the Clear button if you wish to delete all notes entered. Guru Limited Edition Integration Easy Dental 2008 integrates with the Guru Limited Edition version of Henry Schein Guru, a patient education product. This integration involves the Chart module. Guru Limited Edition gives you a new approach to the not-so-new challenge of educating your patients. Guru Limited Edition allows you to customize your instruction to fit the needs of each patient and your own personal style. You can be as detailed or as simple as you need to be, so you can provide a truly interactive and customized patient education experience for your patients. Through integration of Easy Dental 2008 with Guru Limited Edition, by default, you have access to 20 topics. The other Guru Limited Edition topics are available only when you purchase the stand-alone Guru product. For more information about purchasing Guru, call 1-800-336-8749. Accessing Guru Limited Edition Guru Limited Edition is installed with Easy Dental 2008. To access Guru Limited Edition, click the Guru Limited Edition icon on your Desktop or click the Guru button in the Chart module. To access Guru Limited Edition in the Chart module: 1. Click Guru Click the Guru button located on the Chart module toolbar. Guru Limited Edition opens. Note: If the Guru Limited Edition button does not appear on the Chart module toolbar when you install Easy Dental 2008, right-click the toolbar, select Customize, and move Guru from the Available Buttons pane to the Toolbar Buttons pane. Click OK; the Guru button appears on the Chart module toolbar. Logging On To log on to Guru Limited Edition when Guru Limited Edition is first opened: 1. Highlight the User When you are prompted, highlight the desired user name. Note: You can also click the New User button from this dialog to create a new user. Easy Dental User Guide 104 Chart 2. Click Login Click the Login button to log in to Guru Limited Edition as the selected user. Managing Users You can switch between users, create new users, and edit or delete existing users at any time. Switching Between Users To switch between users, select User from the menu bar, then the desired user name. Note: Any thumbnails in the Thumbnail Tray pane are lost when you switch users. Creating Users To create a user: 1. Select User | Manage User Select User and then Manage User to open the Manage Users dialog. 2. Click New Click the New button to open the New User dialog. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 105 3. Enter the User Name Enter the user name in the text field provided. 4. Click OK Click OK to create the user account and return to the Manage Users dialog. 5. Click Done When you are finished managing the user accounts, click Done. Deleting Users To delete a user: 1. Select User | Manage User Select User and then Manage User to open the Manage Users dialog. 2. Highlight the User Name Highlight the desired user name from the Select User pane. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button to delete the user account. Note: Any playlist(s) associated with the selected user are deleted, too. 4. Click Done When you are finished managing the user accounts, click Done. Editing Users To edit a user: 1. Select User | Manage User Select User and then Manage User to open the Manage Users dialog. 2. Highlight the User Name Highlight the desired user name from the Select User pane. 3. Click Rename Click the Rename button to open the Rename dialog. 4. Enter the User Name Enter the new user name in the text field provided. 5. Click OK Click OK to save the new user name and return to the Manage Users dialog. 6. Click Done When you are finished managing the user accounts, click Done. Patients In Guru Limited Edition, you can save and associate images with specific patients, which allows you to review images from previous visits. You do not need to create patients manually; patients are automatically added to Guru Limited Edition when you access Guru Limited Edition from the Easy Dental Chart module. Note: The Guru Limited Edition patient database is separate from the Easy Dental patient database. Though patients are added to the Guru Limited Edition patients database when you open Guru Limited Edition with a patient selected in Easy Dental, no other Easy Dental patient information besides the patient name is stored in Guru Limited Edition. Easy Dental User Guide 106 Chart Viewing a Different Patient’s Record From within Guru Limited Edition, you can switch patients. Or, with the integration Guru Limited Edition offers with Easy Dental, you can select a different patient in Easy Dental, click the Guru Limited Edition button, and view that patient’s record in Guru Limited Edition. If the patient record doesn’t already exist in Guru Limited Edition, the patient record is created automatically (see the Creating Patients from Easy Dental section for more information). Complete the following to switch patients from within Guru Limited Edition: 1. Select Patient | Choose Patient Select Patient and then Choose Patient to open the Choose Patient dialog. 2. Enter the Patient’s Name Enter in the first few letters of the patient’s first name in the Find Patient text field. Note: You can also search by the patient’s last name or ID. 3. Click Find Click the Find button. The patients that match are displayed in the Select Patient pane. To see all patients, click the Show All button. Note: The Show All button is inactive if you are already viewing all the patients. 4. Highlight the Patient Name Highlight the desired patient name in the Select Patient pane. 5. Click OK Click OK to open that patient’s record. The selected patient’s name appears on the title bar of the Patient’s Record pane of the main Guru Limited Edition window. 6. Resize the Patient’s Record Pane To expand or resize the Patient’s Record pane, click and drag the handle on the title bar of the Patient’s Record pane, or double click the title bar. The Guru Limited Edition Window Layout Before using Guru Limited Edition, become familiar with the layout and options. • There is a menu bar at the top. You can click each menu bar item to access the menu options. • The Viewing pane is where animations and pictures are displayed. Below the viewing pane are the Controls for viewing animations and Drawing Tools to draw on or annotate the image in the viewing pane. • The Thumbnail Tray pane contains small previews (called thumbnails) of the captured images from the viewing pane. The Playlist pane displays all of your standard and custom playlists. The Playlist Content pane displays categories and topics of a playlist. The Patient’s Record pane displays any images saved for a selected patient. • There are resizing handles (represented by five dots in a line) between the Viewing and Playlist Content panes, on the title bar of the Patient’s Record pane, and between the Playlist and Playlist Content panes. These handles allow you to resize the panes. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 107 Menu Bar Controls Viewing Pane Thumbnail Tray Pane Playlist Pane Drawing Tools Playlist Content Pane Resizing Handle Patient’s Record Pane Playlist Content Since the version of Guru Limited Edition that integrates with Easy Dental 2008 is not a full version, the following 20 topics are available to view. • Bridges • • • Crowns • Crown Comparison • Crown Process Anterior Denture • • • Root Canal Posterior Hygiene • Brush Lower • Brush Upper Implant • • Implant vs. Partial Comparison Endodontics • • Bridges Implant vs. Partial Comparison Intraocoronal Restoration • Class 1 • Inlay Comparison Easy Dental User Guide 108 Chart • • Periodontics • Stage 1 Healthy Gums • Stage 2 Gingivitis • Stage 3 Mild Periodontitis • Stage 4 Moderate Periodontitis • Stage 5 Severe Periodontitis Reference • Turn Around Bicuspid • Turn Around Cuspd • Turn Around Incisor • Turn Around Molar Playlists can contain animations or still images. To view the content of a playlist: 1. Select a Playlist Select a playlist from the Playlist pane. In the Playlist Content pane, the selected playlist is displayed along with its categories and topics. 2. Select the Category and Topic Click the desired category to expand the list of topics, then select the topic to play the animation or see the picture. If there are no categories for the selected playlist, select the desired topic to play the animation or see the picture. Note: The icon to the right of each topic indicates the topic’s media type. The icon for animations is a video camera, the icon for still images is a camera, and the icon for an animation with audio is a video camera with a speaker. 3. Navigate the Animation Animations and still pictures are presented in the Viewing pane. Use the Rewind and Play/Pause buttons to navigate the animation, or click and drag the Slider to the desired frame of the animation. Note: When the animation is playing, the Pause button is available. When the animation is paused, the Play button is available. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 109 Drawing Tools When you select a still image or pause an animation, the Drawing Tools become active. You can use the Drawing Tools to draw on or annotate images in the Viewing pane. Pen Tool Eraser Tool Color Palette Text Tool Undo Redo Pen Tool To use the Pen Tool: 1. Click the Pen Tool Button Click the Pen Tool button to expand the Pen Tool Size menu. 2. Select the Pen Size Select the desired Pen Size or Shape. Color Palette To use the Color Palette: 1. Click the Color Palette Button Click the Color Palette button to expand the Color Palette menu. Note: On the Color Palette menu, the colors on the right are slightly transparent, whereas the colors on the left are opaque. 2. Select the Pen Color Select the desired Pen Color. Eraser Tool To use the Eraser Tool: 1. Click the Eraser Tool Button Click the Eraser Tool button. To change the size of the Eraser Tool, click the Eraser Tool button again to expand the Eraser Tool Size menu. Double click the Eraser Tool button to erase all drawings or annotations from the image in the Viewing pane. 2. Click and Drag Click and drag your mouse over the image to erase small areas on which you have drawn or annotated. Easy Dental User Guide 110 Chart Text Tool To use the Text Tool: 1. Click the Text Tool Button Click the Text Tool button to open the Add Text dialog. 2. Enter the Text Enter the desired text. To change the font or color, click the Font button, select the desired font and attributes, then click OK. 3. Click OK When you are done entering text, click OK to exit the Add Text dialog. 4. Place the Text The text follows your mouse cursor. Click on a spot of the image in the Viewing pane to place the text on the image. Undo or Redo Click the Undo or Redo button to quickly erase or restore the last change(s) you have made. Thumbnails Any time you mark up an image in the viewing pane, a thumbnail image is automatically created in the Thumbnail Tray pane. Reviewing Thumbnails To recall any one of the thumbnails to the Viewing pane, click the desired thumbnail. To play animations that have been saved to the Thumbnail Tray pane, click the thumbnail, then click the Play button. Saving Thumbnails When you close Guru Limited Edition, the Thumbnail Tray pane is cleared. There are three places to which you can permanently save an image that is in the Thumbnail Tray pane before closing Guru Limited Edition: • Patient’s Record pane: You can click and drag the thumbnail into the Patient’s Record pane. The thumbnail is attached to the currently selected patient and stored on the server. • Playlist Content pane: You can click and drag the thumbnail into the Playlist Content pane (if the selected playlist is an editable playlist). Since playlists are user-specific, the thumbnail is only viewable for the user that was logged on to Guru Limited Edition when the thumbnail was moved to the playlist. • The computer: Select File, then Export to export the image(s) to a directory on your computer or server’s hard drive. Importing Images You can include your own images, such as intra-oral camera pictures and digital x-rays, in a patient’s record. To import an image: 1. Select File | Import Select File, then Import to open the Import dialog. 2. Locate the Image Locate and select the digital x-ray or photo you would like to include. Note: Guru Limited Edition recognizes images in tiff, jpeg, gif, png, and bmp formats. 3. Click Open Click the Open button to open Guru Limited Edition’s Import dialog. 4. Select an Import Option Expand the Select Import Option drop-down, and select the location where you would like to save the image. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 111 • Import to thumbnail tray: You can import images into the Thumbnail Tray pane for easy access. • Import to patient: You can import images directly into the Patient’s Record pane. • Import to playlist: You can import images into an editable playlist. Note: You can drag and drop images into the program from other sources, such as the Desktop or Windows Explorer. These images can be placed into the Viewing pane, the Thumbnail Tray pane, or the Playlist Content pane. Exporting Images You can export images to your computer or server’s hard drive to be used in other applications or e-mailed directly to the patient. To export images from the Thumbnail Tray pane: 1. Select File | Export Select File, then Export to open the Export dialog. 2. Highlight the Thumbnail Highlight the thumbnail(s) to export from the Select Export Items pane. You can also check Select All to export copies of all images for the selected patient. 3. Select an Export Option Expand the Select Export Options drop-down. By default, you have at least one option: Export to a folder. You can also check Export As Numbered List to export the highlighted images with a number at the beginning of the file name. Note: Different options may be available, depending on the programs to which you have access. 4. Click Export Click the Export button, then browse to where you want to save the image(s). Note: You can also drag and drop images from the Thumbnail Tray pane to somewhere else on the computer, such as the Desktop. Easy Dental User Guide 112 Chart Printing Images You can print one or more images with a custom layout. To print images from the Thumbnail Tray pane: 1. Select File | Print Select File and then Print to open the Print dialog. The selected patient’s images appear at the bottom of the dialog. 2. Highlight a Thumbnail From the Select Print Items pane, highlight the thumbnail(s) to be printed. You can also check Select All to print all images for the selected patient. 3. Highlight a Print Layout From the Select Page Layout pane, highlight the desired print layout. 4. Edit the Practice Information Click the Practice Info button to edit the practice information that appears on printouts. You can also customize the practice information (such as the practice name, address, and phone number) if you select Edit, Practice Information, then enter the desired text in the text field in the Edit Practice Information dialog. 5. Click Update When you finish editing the text, click the Update button to save any changes. 6. Click Print or Preview Click the Print button to send the page(s) directly to the printer. Click the Preview button to preview your page(s) before printing, then click the Print button. Custom Playlists You can change the sort order of playlists and customize which playlists can be viewed by each user. You can also import and create custom playlists. Note: Since the version of Guru Limited Edition that is integrated with Easy Dental is not a full version, any playlists that you create will be deleted when you close Guru Limited Edition. Changing Sort Order and Visibility To change the sort order and visibility of a playlist in the playlist pane: 1. Select Playlist | Playlist Visibility Select Playlist and then Playlist Visibility to open the Playlist Visibility dialog. This dialog contains a list of all the playlists associated with the user account with which you are currently logged on to Guru Limited Edition. 2. Uncheck the Playlist(s) Next to the name of each playlist that is visible for the user account is a check box. Uncheck the box next to the name of any playlist you no longer want to see in the Playlist pane when logged on to Guru Limited Edition as this user. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 113 3. Change the Order Drag and drop the playlists to change the order in which they are displayed, if needed. 4. Click OK When you are finished, click OK. Note: From the main Guru Limited Edition window, you can also sort the items in the Playlist and Playlist Content panes alphabetically. To sort the items, right-click inside either of the panes, and select Sort By Name. Creating and Editing Playlists In the Playlist pane, a playlist with a blue dot next to the name cannot be edited or exported. However, a playlist with a yellow dot next to the name is a custom playlists and can be edited or exported. To create a custom playlist or edit an existing custom playlist: 1. Select Playlists | Customize Select Playlists and then Customize to open the Custom Menu dialog. The Source Menu panes display the available playlists and content for your custom playlist. The Custom Menu panes display the playlist(s) and content you are building or editing. 2. Build a New Playlist To build a new playlist: a. Click the + Click the Add Playlist button (+). b. Enter the Name In the Playlist Name dialog, enter the name for the new playlist. Easy Dental User Guide 114 Chart c. Click OK Click OK. You’ll notice that your new playlist has been added to the Custom Menu panes and is open (and empty). d. Drag and Drop Topics One at a time, drag and drop topics from the lower Source Menu pane into the lower Custom Menu pane to add those topics to your custom playlist. 3. Add, Delete, or Rename To add, delete, or rename playlists and topics in the Custom Menu panes, click the corresponding buttons (+, -, and Rename, respectively). 4. Click OK When you are finished adding or editing, click OK to save any changes. Contact & Support Information Go to the following Web site, or use the following phone numbers to contact us or to get help: • Contact Information: Phone: 1.800.336.8749 Online: www.howdoyouguru.com • For Support Help: Phone: 1.800.824.6375 Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 115 Accounts In this Section: • Accounts Module Areas • Accounts Setup • Transactions: Entering Procedures, Payments and Adjustments • Easy Checkout Button • Entering Account Notes • Printing Account Reports • Editing Transactions • Payment Plans • Insurance Claim Processing • Monthly Procedures The Accounts module is used to manage patient accounts. From the Accounts module you can add and edit payments, adjustments, and procedures, process insurance claims, calculate finance charges and create payment plans. Easy Dental User Guide 116 Accounts The Accounts Module Areas The Accounts module is divided into three major areas: the Toolbar, the Transaction Log and the Account Detail Information. Toolbar Transaction Log Account Detail Information Toolbar The Accounts module toolbar is a collection of command buttons that allow you to initiate commands by simply clicking once on the button. The Accounts module toolbar, like most other Easy Dental toolbars, is found at the top of the Accounts window. The Accounts window toolbar contains twenty-six command buttons. The name and function of each is described on the next page. Click here to select a patient. Click here to enter batch account or insurance payments. Click here to execute Easy Checkout. Click here to print a quick letter. Click here to view all transactions for a family. Click here to include history transactions. Click here to show transaction links. Click here to print a quick label. Click here to enter a note for the account. Click here to view or set up a payment plan or billing type. Click here to set up a Future Due Payment Plan. Click here to view account detail. Click here to enter a payment. Click here to enter an adjustment. Click here to enter a tax or discount. Click here to enter a finance or late charge. Click here to enter a procedure. Click here to attach a Dental diagnostic code. Click here to view or add patient diagnoses. Click here to create an insurance claim. Easy Dental User Guide Click here to perform Month End procedures. Click here to print reports. Click here to view setup options. Click here to view or edit patient alerts. Click here to refresh the Accounts window. Click here to launch the EasyWeb toolbar. Click here to access the help files. Accounts 117 Transaction Log The Transaction Log is also referred to as the Accounts list. The Transaction Log lists the following items: • Transaction date • Patient or guarantor name • Tooth number or letter when applicable • Procedure code or transaction type • A “»” indicates if a note is attached to a procedure. • Transaction description • Transaction amount • The provider of each transaction • Insurance status (whether or not an insurance claim has been created) • Account or Patient running balance (when selected) • Any transactions that have been placed in History will have an “x” before the description. • A procedure in history that has been invalidated will have a “+” before the description. Transaction date Running balance Patient name Insurance status (has insurance claim been created) Tooth number or letter when applicable The provider of each transaction Transaction amount Procedure code or transacTransaction descriptions tion type Any transactions that have been placed in History will have an “x” before the description. A procedure in history that has been invalidated will have a “+” before the description. Procedures that have been back dated into a previous month (if the month has been closed out) will have a “^” before the description until the current month is closed. An indicator that a note is attached to a procedure. Procedures that have been back dated into a previous month (if the month has been closed out) will have a “^” before the description until the current month is closed. The insurance status column will either have no entry or will have the word “No” listed. If the column is empty, an insurance claim has been filed for the procedure. If the column reads “No,” an insurance claim should be created. If this column has an “x” it means that the procedure is marked “Do Not Bill to Insurance.” Easy Dental User Guide 118 Accounts Account Detail Information By clicking the View Account Detail button you can show the Account Detail information on the bottom left side of the Accounts module. Once you click the View Account Detail button, it will be selected for all patients until you click it again. The following information is displayed: • The billing type • The guarantor’s last payment amount and date • The last insurance payment amount and date • The last Billing Statement date • The total amount billed to insurance that is still outstanding • The amount expected from insurance • The estimated account portion of the balance $ amount of charges posted today Account’s Billing Type Estimated Insurance portion for today’s charges Account Aging Information Total Family Balance Date and Amount of last Account Payment Date and Amount of last Insurance Payment Estimated patient portion for today’s charges Account portion of the balance after insurance pays Date the last Billing statement was sent The total amount billed to outstanding insurance claims for the account Payment Plan information Future Due Payment Plan information The total amount expected in payment from outstanding insurance claims The right side of the Account Information window block shows: • Today’s charges. • Estimated insurance portion (for today). • Estimated patient portion (for today). • Payment Plan information including the monthly payment, amount past due, payment due, and due date. • Future Due Payment Plan information including the original balance, the remaining balance, payment amount, and due date. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 119 Billing Types and Account Information The Account Details block displays the family’s aging balance, billing type, last payment amount, and last payment date. When the Head-of-House is first entered, the family is automatically given the default billing type that was selected in the Reports module. All family members will be assigned the same Billing Type. Editing the Billing Information 1. Click Billing/Payment Plan Click the Billing/Payment Plan button to bring up the Billing/Payment Plan Information dialog box. 2. Select Billing Type The default Billing Type will be assigned to the family. If desired you may change the Billing Type. 3. Enter Aging Amounts The top half of the dialog box is used during initial setup to enter existing aging balances, the last payment amount, and the date from your ledger cards or aging reports. Enter the total family balance in the aging columns. (See Adding Initial Aged Balances in this chapter.) 4. Check Balance Check the calculated total under Balance before continuing. An Initial Balance transaction will automatically be created for the family on the Accounts Transaction Log. Note: Once procedures have been entered in the Accounts module or the Treatment Plans module this area will become grayed out and you will not be able to enter aged balances. 5. Enter Last Payment Amount Information Enter the amount of the last guarantor payment and the date in the fields provided. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to exit the Billing/Payment Plan Information dialog box. Show Transactions Links The Show Transaction Links button allows you to quickly see related transactions listed in the Accounts module. For example, you may wish to see all procedures linked to an insurance claim or vice-versa. Simply highlight the transaction for which you wish to find links and click the Show Transactions Links button. All transactions linked to the selected transaction will now be highlighted. Click on any single transaction to remove the highlight. Easy Dental User Guide 120 Accounts Accounts Setup The following setup options will help you customize the Accounts module to meet the needs of your office. These options are available by clicking the Setup button on the Accounts module toolbar. • Set Tax/Discount Options • Set Accounts/Tx Plans Colors • Easy Checkout Options Set Tax/Discount Options The Accounts module allows you to set up multiple Tax/Discount types to be applied to individual patients or family accounts. The amount of the tax or discount can be determined by Today’s Charges or by a specified procedure date. Before you can apply the tax or discount, it is necessary to create Tax/Discount types. This is done by assigning each Tax type to a specific procedure code or adjustment type and each Discount type to a specific adjustment type. To set up Tax/Discount types complete the following steps: Note: Discounts should be assigned to a credit adjustment type in order for the account balance to be decreased by the appropriate amount. 1. Click Setup | Set Tax/Discount Options From the Accounts toolbar, click the Setup button then select Set Tax/Discount Options. The Tax/Discount Options dialog box will appear. Click the New button to enter a new Tax/Discount type. To edit an existing type, highlight it from the list and click Edit. To delete an existing type, highlight it from the list and click Delete. 2. Click New Click New to set up a new Tax/Discount type. The New Tax/Discount dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 121 Enter a description of the tax/discount here. Enter the percentage for the tax/discount type. Check this option to have the tax or discount round to the nearest dollar amount. Select a Procedure Code or Adjustment Type that will post when the tax/discount is selected. Choose to have the tax/discount percentage based on the procedure amount or fee schedule amount. 3. Enter Description Enter a description for the new Tax/Discount option. 4. Enter Percentage Enter the percentage of the selected charge/discount you wish to apply for the tax/discount. 5. Round to Nearest Dollar Check this option to round the tax/discount amount to the nearest whole dollar. 6. Enter Procedure Code When adding a new tax option, you can mark Procedure Code and click the search button to select the code for which to apply the tax. The Procedure Code List will appear. Select a category, then highlight the desired code. Click the OK button to return to the New Tax/Discount dialog box. Note: For a tax option, you can also select a debit adjustment type instead of a procedure code. See step 7 for instructions. Note: New Procedure Codes and/or Adjustment Types may need to be entered for the Tax/Discount option. (See the Setup chapter for more information.) 7. Enter Adjustment Type When adding a new discount or tax option, mark Adjustment Type and click the search button to select the Adjustment Type to be assigned to the discount/tax. The Select Adjustment Type dialog box will appear. Highlight the desired adjustment and click the OK button to return to the New Tax/Discount dialog box. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to save the new tax/discount type. 9. Click Close Click the Close button to exit the Tax/Discount Options dialog box. Set Accounts/Tx Plans Colors To help you quickly identify different transaction types, you can assign each transaction type a unique color. Once the colors have been assigned, the Accounts module becomes even easier to use. To assign a transaction type a color complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Set Accounts/Tx Plans Colors Click the Setup button then choose Set Accounts/Tx Plans Colors. The Set Accounts/Tx Plans Colors dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 122 Accounts 2. Assign Text Colors Click the color box next to Procedures. The Color dialog box will appear. Click the color you would like to assign to this transaction type. Click OK. Repeat this procedure for all other transaction types. 3. Assign Treatment Plan Background Color The Accounts module shows you all work completed for the patient. The Treatment Plan module shows all work that has been recommended, but not yet completed. To help you distinguish between the two views you can assign a background color to the Treatment Plan module. Click the color box next to Treatment Plan Background Color. The Colors dialog box appears. Click the color you would like to assign as the background color. (Be sure to choose a color that will contrast with the other colors you chose in step three.) Click OK. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save your color settings. Easy Checkout Options The Easy Checkout button in Accounts enables you to perform several tasks in one click of a button. You can choose which functions you want to occur when the Easy Checkout button is used. Using the Easy Checkout button is explained later in this chapter. To setup this button, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Easy Checkout Options Click the Setup button then choose Easy Checkout Options. The Easy Checkout Options dialog box will appear. 2. Select Options Place a checkmark next to the options you want the Easy Checkout button to perform. The options are explained below: • Create Insurance Claim – Place a checkmark next to this option to have an insurance claim for today’s procedures created automatically. Mark whether you want that claim to print right away (Print) or go to the Batch Processor (Batch). • Enter Payment – If this option is checked, the Enter Payment screen will appear automatically when the Easy Checkout button is clicked. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 123 • Walkout – Place a checkmark next to this option to have a Walkout Statement created automatically. Mark whether you want the walkout to print right away (Print) or go to the Batch Processor (Batch). • Always Show Checkout Options – If this option is checked, the Checkout Options screen will appear when the Easy Checkout button is clicked. This allows you to select the options at the time of the checkout. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save your settings. Transactions All of the transactions that occur in the practice will be recorded in the Accounts Transaction Log. This section will explain how to enter procedures, payments, adjustments, taxes, and discounts. Entering Procedures Note: All charges entered will be linked to specific ADA procedure codes. 1. Select Patient Click the Select Patient button from the toolbar. 2. Click Enter Procedure Click the Enter Procedure button from the toolbar. Easy Dental User Guide 124 Accounts Click the Enter Procedure button on the toolbar to get started. Click this search button to select a procedure. If the procedure you selected requires a tooth number, surface, etc., enter that information in the spaces provided. Click this button to add the procedure to the list of procedures to be posted to the account. To change a procedure, highlight it, make the changes and click Change. To delete a procedure code from the Procedure List, highlight it and click Delete. Click this button to post all To Add an Explosion Code, double the items in the Procedure click on the code you wish to use or select it from the list and click List to the account. Add. 3. Enter Procedure Code Enter the Procedure Code if you know it by memory OR click on the Search button next to the Procedure box and select a Category and Procedure Code from the Procedure Code list box. You may also select an explosion code from the Explosion Code list. The Procedure description(s) and the charge Amount will appear. 4. Enter Tooth and Surface If the Procedure Code requires a tooth and surfaces, enter those now. • Enter the surfaces in the edit box or use the surfaces search button to display the Surface Selection dialog box. Check the surfaces desired. • Use the Add button when a procedure’s surfaces are not connected. Check the first surface, click the Add button and then check the next surface. • Click on OK. Note: If the tooth number you entered is higher than 51 and lower than 82, a warning will appear to alert you that an invalid tooth number was entered and will ask if you would like Easy Dental to accept the tooth number as a supernumerary tooth. If the tooth number is 82 or higher, or 33 to 50, the invalid tooth number message will appear. Click OK to enter a valid tooth number. 5. Edit Provider (Optional) The Provider text box will initially display the default provider for the patient. The provider for the procedures being added can be changed at any time by selecting the provider Search button. Note: If you do not want this procedure to be included on a claim, mark Do Not Bill to Insurance. 6. Click Add Click on the Add button to add this procedure to the Procedure List box. 7. Repeat Repeat the above steps if you need to enter additional procedures. Note: After the first procedure has been added, the Procedure text box defaults to the previously entered procedure code. This is useful when the patient is having several sealants, amalgams, or extractions. 8. Click OK/Post Click the OK/Post button. All of the procedures appearing in the Procedure List will be recorded in the Transaction log. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 125 Attaching Diagnostic Codes To attach diagnostic codes to completed procedures, complete the following steps: 1. Double Click Procedure Double click on the procedure in the Accounts module that you wish to attach. The Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box will appear. 2. Click Diagnoses Search Arrow Click the search arrow next to Diagnoses. The Select Diagnostic Code(s) dialog box will appear. 3. Select Category Click the down arrow and select the desired category. If you choose Cross Coded, diagnostic codes that have been cross coded in the Diagnostic Cross Coding Setup will be displayed (see the Reports chapter for more information). 4. Select Diagnostic Code(s) Highlight the code(s) that you wish to use and click Add. The codes will be moved to the Selected Diagnostic Codes list box. 5. Click OK Click the OK button then OK again to exit and save the changes. Entering Procedures Using Explosion Codes 1. Click Enter Procedure Click the Enter Procedure button from the toolbar. The Enter Procedure(s) dialog box will appear. 2. Select Explosion Code Double click on the explosion code you wish to use or highlight the code and click Add. The codes that make up the explosion code will appear in the Procedure List. 3. Add Tooth and Surfaces (If Required) If any of the procedures require a tooth and surface selection (an asterisk will indicate), highlight the procedure. The appropriate Tooth and/or Surface edit box will be displayed above the procedure list allowing you to enter this information. After you’ve entered the tooth and surface information, and with the procedure still highlighted, click the Change button. This will update the procedure in the procedure list. 4. Click OK/Post When all procedures requiring additional tooth and surface information have been changed, click the OK/Post button to complete the process and post the procedures. Procedure Notes Procedure Notes allow you to add information about the procedure directly to the procedure itself. Procedure notes may contain clinical documentation of treatment or any other information desired. To enter, edit or delete a Procedure Note, double-click on the Description line of the Accounts entry. Easy Dental provides this feature as a way to increase the communication between front and back office personnel. To Enter or Edit a Procedure Note: 1. Select Procedure Double-click on the procedure to launch the Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide 126 Accounts Notes may be added to each procedure for documenting clinical treatment or any other information you like. 2. Enter or Edit Note Place your cursor in the Notes field to enter, edit, or delete the text. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save the information. Note: Notes can be entered, edited or deleted until a completed procedure is placed in history—even if it is attached to an insurance claim. Editing a Procedure with an Attached Note When a procedure code is changed for a transaction with an attached note, you will receive a warning and be asked to delete the accompanying note, unless the note was also edited. Entering Payments You may enter payments and insurance payments in batches or for individual families/patients. Entering Guarantor Payments 1. Select Patient Select a patient by choosing the Select Patient button. 2. Click Enter Payment Click the Enter Payment button. The Enter Payment dialog box is now displayed. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 127 Click this search button to apply the payment to the correct provider. If the payment must be split among two or more providers, click this button. Select whether to apply the payment to the family or a particular patient within the family. 3. Enter Amount and Check # Enter the payment amount and the check # if applicable. 4. Enter Bank or Branch Number The information you enter here will appear on all Deposit Slips. 5. Click Payment Type Easy Dental provides four default payment types: Check Payment, Cash Payment, Credit Card Payment, Payment from Insurance. Note: You may add to or alter the Payment Type list. (See Definitions in the Practice Setup chapter for more information.) 6. Select Provider Select the provider you wish to apply the payment to. If procedures have been posted to more than one provider you should apply payments to the treatment provider. You can use the Split Payment option to quickly and accurately split one payment between multiple providers. The amounts owed to each provider will be listed here. Click one of the Split options: Manual – allows you to manually split the payment. % – divides the payment according to the amounts owed each provider. FIFO – divides the payment according to the oldest balance. = – splits the payment equally between all providers with a balance owed. Acct Est –applies the payment to the provider balance in the Account Portion. 7. Click Split Payment Button (Optional) Click on the Split Payment button to split the payment between providers. • The Manual button allows you to pay a specific portion of the payment to a specific provider. • The % button will divide the payment among the providers according to the provider’s percentage of the total amount owed. • FIFO (First In First Out) directs the payment toward the oldest completed procedures first. (Adjustments, Finance Charges, and Late Charges are applied first regardless of date.) Easy Dental User Guide 128 Accounts • The Acct Est button will apply the payment to the provider who has a balance as an Account Portion (this option will ignore balances for providers which Easy Dental estimates insurance will pay remaining). • The = button splits the payment amount equally between providers with a balance. Click OK to exit the Split Payments dialog box. Note: If one or more providers are selected, the Split Payment will only apply to the highlighted providers. 8. Select Family or Patient Select Family from the drop-down menu to apply the payment to the head-of-house. Select a specific patient to apply the payment to the patient. (See the Preferences section of the Setup chapter for information on selecting a default.) 9. Enter Payment Note (Optional) If the payment requires a note for clarification, point and click in the Note block. Enter whatever information is necessary to clarify the payment. 10. Click OK Click the OK button to post the payment. Batch Account Payments Because payments are retrieved from daily mail deliveries and then entered, many offices may want to enter account payments all at once. The Easy Dental Batch Account Payment feature allows you to enter a stack, or collection of payments quickly and easily. 1. Click Batch Payments Click the Batch Payments Button and choose Enter Batch Account Payments from the menu. The Batch Accounts Payment Entry dialog box will appear. Click this search button to open the Select Patient dialog box. Click this button to change or delete the selected payment. This number tells you how many entries you’ve completed. This is the total amount of all completed entries. This window shows all of the completed entries, including the name and amount. 2. Select Patient Type the first three or four letters of the patient’s last name in the Patient Name box. • Click the Search button. The Select Patient dialog box will appear with a list of all patients whose names begin with the letters you entered. • Make certain the desired account is selected and then click on OK. The Enter Payment dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 129 3. Enter Amount and Check Number Enter the amount of the check and the check number. 4. Enter Bank or Branch Number Information entered here will appear on all Deposit Slips. 5. Click Payment Type Select the desired Payment Type. 6. Select Provider Using the search button, select the provider you wish to apply the payment to. 7. Click Split Payment (Optional) Click the Split Payment button to split the payment between providers. The Split Payment dialog box will appear. • The Manual button allows you to pay a specific portion of the payment to a specific provider. • The % button will divide the payment among the providers according to the provider’s percentage of the total amount owed. • FIFO directs the payment toward the oldest completed procedures first. • The = button splits the payment amount equally between all providers with a debit balance. Click OK to exit the Split Payments dialog box. 8. Select Family or Patient Select Family from the drop-down menu to post the payment to the head-of-household’s Transaction Log. Select Patient to post the payment to the current patient’s Transaction Log. (See the Preferences section of the Setup chapter for information on selecting a default.) 9. Enter Payment Note (Optional) Enter a note regarding the payment if necessary. 10. Click OK Click the OK button to post the payment to the family’s account and return to the Batch Account Payment Entry dialog box. 11. Repeat Repeat for all other payments in this batch. Note: When you are finished making payment entries, compare the number of entries made to the number of payments received. To make corrections to any payment that you’ve already entered, simply double-click on the entry. The Change or Delete Payment dialog box will appear. You can make changes to any of the information. 12. Close Batch Account Payment When you are finished, click the Close button. Entering Adjustments 1. Select Patient Select a patient by choosing the Select Patient button on the toolbar. 2. Click Enter Adjustment Click the Enter Adjustment button. The Enter Adjustment dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 130 Accounts Enter the amount of the adjustment here. Select the type of adjustment here. Click this search button to assign the adjustment to a particular provider. Select whether to apply the adjustment to the family or a particular patient. 3. Select Adjustment Type Select the desired Adjustment Type. (If you wish to add to or edit this list of adjustment types, see Editing Definitions in the Setup chapter.) 4. Enter Adjustment Amount Enter the amount to be added to or subtracted from the account balance according to the adjusted type selected. 5. Select Provider Select a provider if the adjustment should be attached to a provider other than the guarantor’s primary provider. 6. Select Family or Patient Select Family from the drop-down menu to post the adjustment to the head-of-household’s Transaction Log. Select Patient to post the adjustment to the current patient’s Transaction Log. (See Preferences in the Setup chapter for information on selecting a default.) 7. Enter Adjustment Note You may enter a note explaining the reason for the adjustment if the adjustment type is not self-explanatory. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to post the adjustment to the patient’s transaction log. Entering Taxes and Discounts Once the Tax/Discount types are set up (see Accounts Setup in this chapter), they can be calculated and applied based on Today’s Charges or a specified procedure date. You also have the option of calculating them for just one patient or an entire family. 1. Click Tax/Discount Click the Tax/Discount button. The Enter Tax/Discount dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 131 2. Change Date (Optional) The date will default to today’s date. Change the date if necessary. If there are no procedures posted on the date selected, you will receive an error message that no tax/discount can be applied. 3. Select Tax/Discount Type Highlight the Tax/Discount type you wish to apply. 4. Calculate For Choose to calculate the Tax/Discount type for the Current Patient, All Family Members on the account, or the Selected Procedures. 5. Change Provider (Optional) Change the provider to whom the Tax/Discount type should be attached. 6. Add Note (Optional) Add a note to clarify the Tax/Discount type for this patient or family. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to apply the Tax/Discount type. The tax or discount will appear as a separate line in the Accounts module. If the tax or discount is calculated for all family members, it will be displayed in the Head-of-House’s Account. If the tax or discount is calculated for the current patient, it will be displayed in that patient’s Ledger. Once a Tax/Discount type has been applied, it can be deleted or edited like any other transaction. Easy Checkout Button In most offices there are typically three tasks that are completed as a patient checks out after a visit. The Easy Checkout button, located on the Accounts toolbar, combines these three tasks together. With the click of a button you can collect a payment, generate an insurance claim, and print a receipt. 1. Select Patient From the Accounts module, select a patient. 2. Post Procedures If you have not already posted the completed procedures for the day, post them at this time. (Refer to Entering Procedures in this chapter for information on posting procedures.) Easy Dental User Guide 132 Accounts 3. Click Easy Checkout Click the Easy Checkout button. The following will occur: • The Enter Payment dialog box will appear. Enter the patient’s payment and click OK or click Cancel if there is no payment due. (See Entering Payments in this chapter for information on entering payments.) • If the patient has insurance, a claim will automatically be created for procedures that were posted today. The claim will be sent to the Batch Processor and printed. • A Walkout Statement will print. (The Walkout Statement will be determined by the options selected under Print | Walkout. To change the default, choose the Print button on the Accounts toolbar then choose Walkout. Under Select Report Types check Family Walkout, Walkout/Dr’s Statement, and/or Appointment Card. Check Save As Default then click Send to Batch or Print.) Note: The settings for the Easy Checkout Button are located by clicking Setup | Easy Checkout Options from the Accounts toolbar. (See Accounts Setup at the beginning of this chapter for more information.) Entering Account Notes Account notes allow you to enter notes specific to a family’s account and financial standing with your practice. 1. Click Account Notes Click the Account Notes button. The Account Notes dialog box will appear. 2. Enter Account and Billing Statement Notes The top note section, labeled Account Notes, is where you should place notes relating to the patient’s financial standing with your practice. Use the Insert Dateline button to provide a chronological detail for each note. The bottom note section, labeled Billing Statement Note, is where you should place notes you want to appear on the current family’s statement. Note: Approximately 80 characters can be entered in the Billing Statement Note field. 3. Enter Cutoff Date In the Billing Statement Note section and in the edit box provided, enter the date at which point you want the Statement Note to stop printing on the current family’s statement. The example shows how you can use this feature to build a practice-patient relationship. In this instance the practice has made arrangements for the family to make their payments on the 20th of the month. The note, “Please make your payment on the 20th” will appear on their statements reminding the patient of the arrangement. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Accounts window. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 133 Enter notes pertaining to the patient’s financial standing here. Notes entered here will appear on the Billing Statement until this date. Printing Accounts Reports A Walkout Statement, Single Billing Statement, Family Accounts or Patient History can be printed for the current family directly from the Accounts module. All Accounts module reports are accessed by clicking the Print Report button. Printing a Walkout Statement 1. Click Print Click the Print button. Select Walkout from the menu. 2. Select Form Type Select the form you wish to use: • Enhanced—Prints a professional looking form with lines and shading. • Plain Form—Prints a Walkout statement that requries less time to print but does not have the shading that prints on the enhanced form. Can be used in conjuction with a pre-printed form. Select the type of Walkout you wish to print. Select the type of report you wish to print. If you wish to use the same options each time you print, click here. Enter a short note or message if desired. If you want to generate the report but print it later, choose the Send to Batch button. If you want to print now choose the Print button. Mark the desired report options. Easy Dental User Guide 134 Accounts 3. Select Report Choose the Report(s) you wish to Print. You have the following options: • Family Walkout: The Family Walkout Statement will print completed procedures, payments and adjustments for the family that were posted on the walkout date. Also, the total charges and total credits for the day, and the family’s current account balance will be printed. The next appointment for each family member seen will be printed at the bottom of the statement. • Walkout/Doctor’s Statement: This will print all of the patient’s procedures for the walkout date and can be used for insurance submission. • Appointment Card: Choosing this option will generate a formatted appointment reminder card that can be printed on a 4x6 card. 4. Select Report Options Select the desired report options. Some options may not be available (grayed out) depending on what report(s) are selected. • Do Not Print Insurance Estimates: Mark this option to exclude any insurance estimates on the Family Walkout or the Walkout/Doctor’s Statement. • Print Doctor Recommendations: If you choose this option, doctor recommendations for the completed procedure codes or notes will print on either type of Walkout Statement. To input Doctor Recommendations, see the Procedure Code Setup section of the Reports chapter. • Print YTD Finance Charges, Late Charges, and Payments: Mark this option to include a year-to-date total of all finance charges, late charges, and payments. This option is only available when Family Walkout is selected. • Print Adjustments: This option applies only to the Walkout/Doctor’s Statements and will be displayed only if Walkout/ Doctor’s Statement is selected. Check this box if you wish to include only adjustments for the Walkout Date or the Attending Doctor’s Statement. 5. Enter Walkout Date A Walkout Statement prints for one day. If you are printing a walkout for a previous date, you must enter the date that the treatment was performed. 6. Enter Walkout Message If you wish to add a note to the Walkout Statement, type the note in the Walkout Message box. The Note will not be saved for other Walkout Statements unless the Save as Default box is selected. 7. Save as Default This will save any settings, including the message, as the default for all other Walkout Statements. 8. Choose Print Choose Print if you wish to print your selections directly OR choose Send to Batch if you wish to print your selections later from the Reports window OR choose Cancel. Note: The Walkout/Doctor’s statements has information for the patient to do their own insurance billing. This information includes the SS, TIN and State ID numbers. Printing a Single Billing Statement If you wish to print a single Billing Statement for the current account, click the Print button and then choose Statement. Choose Send to Batch or Print. When a statement is generated from the Accounts module, it will print according to the Save as Default setting from the Billing Statements dialog box in the Reports module. Printing a Family Account Report If you wish to print a Family Account report for the current family, click the Print button and choose Family Account. A Family Account Report dialog box will be displayed, allowing the First Transaction Date to be entered. Check List Individual Patient Balances of Family is desired and click Send to Batch or Print. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 135 Printing a Patient History Report The Patient History Report will itemize all patient transactions (including payments and adjustments) and show a total balance for the patient. The Patient History Report includes an option to print a Family Balance. If this option is marked, Easy Dental will print the family balance beneath the patient balance line. Choose Print and Patient History then mark the desired options. Editing Transactions If an item in the Description line contains a “»” it indicates a Procedure Note has been attached. To view an existing Procedure Note, doubleclick on the description line. Make whatever changes are necessary and then choose the OK button. If you want to delete the procedure, choose the Delete button. All changes made to this dialog box are recorded in the Audit File. 1. Select a Patient Select a Patient by clicking on the Select Patient button from the toolbar. 2. Select a Transaction Select a transaction to edit and double-click on it. The Edit or Delete Transaction dialog box will appear. 3. Edit Transaction Make any necessary changes to the transaction. 4. Click OK, Delete, Cancel Click on OK to accept the changes you made. • Click on Delete to Delete the procedure from the Accounts Transaction Log. • Click on Cancel to return to the Accounts module without making any changes. Easy Dental User Guide 136 Accounts Editing Procedures Attached to Claims To edit or delete a procedure attached to an insurance claim, the primary insurance claim must first be deleted. Transactions that have been placed in history cannot be edited; and procedures that are attached to an insurance claim cannot be edited. Note: Whenever a transaction is changed or deleted, the original version and the changed version (or a note indicating deletion) are recorded in the audit file for reference. Please refer to the Reports module section for information on printing the Audit Trail report. To Delete A Claim: 1. Double-Click Claim Double-click on the claim line in the Accounts Transaction Log. 2. Click Delete From the Insurance Claim window toolbar click the Delete button. 3. Click OK A message will be displayed warning that the claim will be deleted. Click the OK button to delete the claim. Note: Any time an insurance claim is deleted, any payment attached to that claim is also deleted. Invalidating History Transactions History transactions cannot be edited or deleted. Instead, the procedure may be invalidated and an adjustment with an explanatory note can be added. To Invalidate a Procedure: 1. Double-click History Procedure Click the View History Transactions button on the Accounts module toolbar. Double-click on the History Procedure you wish to edit. The Validate/Invalidate Procedure in History dialog box will appear. 2. Click Invalidate Click on Invalidate. The line in the Transaction Log’s history will be marked with a plus sign (+) to denote that the procedure has been invalidated. 3. Click OK Click the OK button. 4. Enter Adjustment Enter a credit adjustment to credit the account for the amount the procedure was charged at. (See Entering Adjustments in this chapter for information.) 5. Re-Add Procedure (Optional) Re-add the correct procedure if necessary, changing the date to the original date. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 137 Procedures in History cannot be edited or deleted. Click Invalidate Procedure to invalidate the procedure. Re-add the procedure and/or make an account adjustment to offset the change. Adding an Initial Aged Balance The initial aged balance is added for existing patients at the time Easy Dental is initially installed when the patient information is first entered. To add an Inital Balance complete the following steps: Note: If you have previously entered transactions in the Accounts window or Treatment Plan window you will not be able to enter an initial aged balance. 1. Select Patient Click the Select Patient button and choose a patient. 2. Click Billing/Payment Plans Click the Billing/Payment Plans button. The Billing/Payment Plan Information window appears. 3. Enter Aging Amounts Enter the correct aging amount in the 0 - 30 column. Press the Tab key on the keyboard. Enter the correct aging amount in the 31 - 60 column. Press Tab. Enter the 61 - 90 day aging amounts. Press Tab. Enter the over 91 days aging amount. The balance amount should equal the sum of all aging amounts entered. 4. Enter Last Payment Amount Enter the amount of the account’s last payment in the Amount box. 5. Enter Last Payment Date Enter the date of the account’s last payment in the Date box. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save. Balance Forward The balance forward item for every account is adjusted automatically every time a Month-End Update is performed, and reflects the total outstanding balance of the family’s history transactions. (See Month End in this chapter for information.) Easy Dental User Guide 138 Accounts Payment Plans Easy Dental allows you to set up and track payment plans in your office. Payment Plans make it possible for your office to do the following: • Create and manage Payment Plans for accounts • Apply Finance Charges & Late Charges • Track accounts that are not making payments as agreed This section will provide instruction on how to use each of these items as well as covering steps that need to be completed as part of setting up payment plans. Setting Up Pre-Defined Payment Plan Types Easy Dental allows you to create Pre-defined Payment Plan types. These types will serve as defaults when setting up a payment plan for an account. The default may be changed on a per account basis. To setup a Payment Plan Type: 1. Open Reports Open the Reports module by clicking the Reports module icon. 2. Click Practice Setup | Payment Plan Setup Click the Practice Setup button then choose Payment Plan Setup from the Reports toolbar. The Payment Plan Setup window appears. From the Payment Plan Setup window you can see any Payment Plan types that have been previously created. Click the New button to add a new Payment Plan type. Highlight a type and click Edit to modify an existing type. Highlight a type and click Delete, to remove an existing type. 3. Click New Click the New button. The New Payment Plan Type screen appears. Enter a description for the type of Payment Plan you would like to create. The finance charge percent is used to calculate the finance charge amount. Enter the yearly percent. If an account misses a payment, a late charge may be assessed. The late charge percent is used to calculate the amount of a late charge. Enter the yearly percent. Easy Dental User Guide If desired, you may set up a grace period for the receipt of payments before a late charge is assessed. Enter the number of days for the grace period from 0 – 30. Enter the minimum amount to assess as a late charge. Enter Minimum Balance to Charge. Accounts 139 4. Enter Description Enter a description for the type of Payment Plan you would like to create. The description may include up to 31 alphanumeric characters. (Ex. “Standard Payment Plan”) 5. Enter Finance Charge Percent The finance charge percent is used to calculate the finance charge amount. Enter the yearly percent. Easy Dental will automatically calculate the amount to assess based on a monthly charge. (Ex. If 18% were entered as the year percent, then Easy Dental would charge 1.5% monthly.) If you do not wish to apply finance charges to this payment plan type, leave the 0 in the finance charge percent box. 6. Enter Late Charge Percent If an account misses a payment, a late charge may be assessed. The late charge percent is used to calculate the amount of a late charge. Enter the yearly percent. Easy Dental will automatically calculate the amount to assess based on a monthly, semi-monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly charge. If you do not wish to apply late charges to this payment plan type, enter a 0 in the late charge percent box. 7. Enter Grace Period for Late Charges If desired, you may set up a grace period for the receipt of payments before a late charge is assessed. Enter the number of days (030) for the grace period. 8. Enter Minimum Late Charge Enter the minimum amount to assess as a late charge. 9. Enter Minimum Balance to Charge The minimum balance will be compared to the balance for each account with a payment plan. Only those accounts with a balance greater than the minimum balance will have a finance or late charge assessed. Easy Dental defaults to a minimum balance of $.01. The amount may be increased, but may not be less than $.01. 10. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save. 11. Repeat for Other Types If needed, repeat steps 1–10 for any other Payment Plan types. Editing a Payment Plan Type 1. Open Reports Open the Reports module by clicking on the Reports icon. 2. Click Practice Setup | Payment Plan Setup Click the Practice Setup button and then choose Payment Plan Setup. Highlight the Payment Type you wish to change and click the Edit button. Easy Dental User Guide 140 Accounts 3. Highlight Type and Click Edit Highlight the type to which you wish to make changes. Click the Edit Button. The Edit Payment Plan Type window appears. 4. Make Changes Make any changes. Click OK to exit and save changes. Deleting a Pre-Defined Payment Plan 1. Open Reports Open the Reports module by clicking on the Reports icon. 2. Click Practice Setup | Payment Plan Setup Click the Practice Setup button and then choose Payment Plan Setup. 3. Highlight Type and Click Delete Highlight the type you wish to delete. Click the Delete Button. A dialog box appears asking you to verify that you wish to delete the type. If you wish to delete, click Yes. To cancel the delete operation, click No. Payment Plans by Account Payment Plans are set up from the Accounts module. Remember that payment plans are set up by account and not by patient. Only one payment plan per account is allowed. Creating a Payment Plan 1. Select Patient in Accounts From the Accounts module, select a patient in the family for whom you wish to create a Payment Plan. 2. Click Billing/Payment Plan Click the Billing/Payment Plan button. The Billing/Payment Plan Information window appears. The guarantor portion of the account balance is automatically entered as the Payment Agreement Balance. Edit the amount if desired. Today’s date is automatically entered as the date for the Payment Agreement. Edit the date if necessary. Select the payment interval. 3. Enter Agreement Date Enter the date of the agreement. Easy Dental will default to today’s date, but the date may be changed. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 141 4. Set Up Payment Plan Terms Click the Terms Button. The Payment Plan Terms dialog box is displayed. If you wish to charge “interest” on your Payment Agreements, you will need to apply finance charges. The finance charge percent is used to calculate the finance charge amount. Enter the yearly percent. To select an agreement type, click the Select Type button. Enter the minimum amount to assess as a late charge. If an account misses a payment, a late charge may be assessed. The late charge percent is used to calculate the amount of a late charge. Enter the yearly percent. You may set up a grace period for the receipt of payments before a late charge is assessed. Enter the number of days for the grace period from 0 – 30. The minimum balance will be compared to the balance for each account with a Payment Agreement. Only those accounts with a balance greater than the minimum balance will have a finance or late charge assessed. • Select Plan Type: To select a plan type, click the Select Type button. The Select Payment Plan Type window is displayed. Highlight the desired agreement type and click OK. The terms for the selected type will be entered. Modify the terms to fit the needs of this account. • Enter Finance Charge Percent: If you wish to charge “interest” on your payment plans, you will need to apply finance charges. The finance charge percent is used to calculate the finance charge amount. Enter the yearly percent. Easy Dental will automatically calculate the amount to assess, based on a monthly charge. Note: If you selected a Payment Plan type, Easy Dental may automatically enter a percentage. The percentage amount can be changed if desired. • Enter Late Charge Percent: If an account misses a payment, a late charge may be assessed. The late charge percent is used to calculate the amount of a late charge. Enter the yearly percent. Easy Dental will automatically calculate the amount to assess, based on a monthly charge. (Ex. If 18% were entered as the year percent, then Easy Dental would charge 1.5% monthly.) Note: If you selected a Payment Plan type, Easy Dental may automatically enter a percentage. You may change the percentage if desired. • Enter Grace Period for Late Charges: You may set up a grace period for the receipt of payments before a late charge is assessed. Enter the number of days from 0 – 30. • Enter Minimum Late Charge: Enter the minimum amount to assess as a late charge. • Enter Minimum Balance to Charge: The minimum balance will be compared to the balance for each account with a payment plan. Only those accounts with a balance greater than the minimum balance will have a finance or late charge assessed. Easy Dental defaults to a minimum balance of $.01. The amount may be increased, but may not be less than $.01. Easy Dental User Guide 142 Accounts Enter the date the first payment will be due. Enter the Payment Plan Balance. Easy Dental automatically enters the guarantor portion of the account’s balance as the Balance for PP. Enter the amount the account will pay at each interval (not the total for the month, unless the account is making monthly payments). Easy Dental will calculate the total number of payments necessary OR you may enter the number of payments instead of the payment amount. Easy Dental will calculate the payment amount based on the Balance and the number of payments. To copy the plan, click the Copy Plan to Note button. • Click OK: Click the OK button to return to the Billing/Payment Plan Information window. 5. Select Interval Determine how often an account should make a payment. Mark the appropriate interval. • Monthly – Requires a payment once a month. • Semi-Monthly – Requires a payment twice a month. • Bi-Weekly – Requires a payment every two weeks. • Weekly – Requires a payment once a week. 6. Enter Payment Plan Balance This is the balance amount that the account will pay off with the agreement. By default Easy Dental will bring in the guarantor portion of the account’s balance as the Balance for PA. Change the amount if necessary. 7. Enter First Payment Due Date Enter the date the first payment will be due. 8. Enter Payment Amount Enter the amount the account will pay at each interval (not the total for the month, unless the account is making monthly payments). Easy Dental will calculate the total number of payments necessary. OR If you wish, you may enter the number of payments instead of the payment amount. Easy Dental will calculate the payment amount based on the Balance and the number of payments. 9. Copy Plan to Note (Optional) You can copy the plan information to the Payment Plan Note. This provides a documented copy of all payment arrangements that have been established over the history of the account. To copy the agreement click the Copy Plan to Note button. 10. Print Reports There are three reports you can print to give to the patient/guarantor. • Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement – Discloses the terms of the agreement. It includes the annual percentage rate, the finance charge amount, the total amount financed, and the total amount paid at the end of the agreement. • Amortization of Payments and Finance Charge Schedule – Prints a schedule listing the interest accrued on the balance amount for each payment interval. • Coupon Book – Prints payment remittance coupons for the patient. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 143 To print any of these reports, click the Print button. The Print for Payment Plan Window appears. Check the reports you wish to give the patient/guarantor. Click the Print button. Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement – Discloses the terms of the agreement. It includes the annual percentage rate, the finance charge amount, the total amount financed, and the total amount paid at the end of the agreement. Amortization of Payments and Finance Charge Schedule – Prints a schedule listing the interest accrued on the balance amount for each payment interval. Coupon Book – Prints payment remittance coupons for the patient. 11. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Accounts window. The payment plan information will be displayed on the bottom right of the Accounts window, when View Account Detail is selected. Deleting a Payment Plan 1. Select Patient From the Accounts module, select a patient in the account whose payment plan you wish to clear. 2. Click Billing/Payment Plan Click the Billing/Payment Plan button. The Billing/Payment Plan Information screen appears. Click the OK button to clear the Payment Plan. 3. Click Clear/New PP Click the Clear/New PP Button. A dialog box will appear asking you if you wish to clear the Payment Plan. If you wish to continue, click OK. If you do not wish to clear the agreement, click Cancel. The payment plan will be cleared. A note will be added to the Payment Plan Note field indicating that the agreement was cleared. Editing a Payment Plan Note: Once a payment plan has been set up, it cannot be changed. It must be cleared and recreated. 1. Select Patient From the Accounts module, select a patient in the account whose payment plan you wish to edit. 2. Click Billing/Payment Plan Click the Billing/Payment Plan button. The Billing/Payment Plan Information screen appears. Easy Dental User Guide 144 Accounts The Payment Plan information may not be edited. Instead, clear the plan by clicking the Clear/New PP button and then recreate it. A note will be added to the Payment Plan Note field indicating that the plan was cleared. 3. Click Clear/New PP Click the Clear/New PP Button. A dialog box will appear asking you if you wish to clear the Payment Plan. If you wish to continue, click OK. A note will be added to the Payment Plan Note field indicating that the agreement was cleared. If you do not wish to clear the agreement, click Cancel. 4. Create New Payment Plan Create the new payment plan. Track Accounts Several reports can be printed to help manage Payment Plan Information. Aging Report Easy Dental adds information to the Aging Report that indicates the amount of the account’s Payment Plan remaining. (For more information on printing the Aging Report, see the Reports chapter of this manual.) Finance Charge Report The Finance Charge Report prints a list of all accounts that have received a finance charge (and the amount of the charge) in a date range. Easy Dental adds an asterisk next to the accounts that have payment plans set up. (For more information on printing the Finance Charge Report see the Reports chapter of this manual.) Dunning Messages for Billing Statements A dunning message is a reminder that prints automatically on a billing statement to remind the account that their balance or payment is overdue. Messages specific to missed payments can be set up. (For more information on entering Dunning Messages, see the Practice Setup section of the Reports chapter.) Late Charge Report The Late Charge Report prints a list of all accounts that received a late charge (and the amount of the late charge) in a date range. (For more information on printing the Late Charge Report see the Reports chapter of this manual.) Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 145 Payment Plan Report This report provides analysis and management information for monitoring Payment Plans you have created. The report includes information on the agreement terms, the remaining balance for the payment plan, last payment date and amount, and information on missed payments. (For more information on printing the Payment Plan Report see the Reports chapter of this manual.) Future Due Payment Plans Future Due Payment Plans can be used to charge accounts monthly for work in progress, such as orthodontics. Future Due Payment Plans are set up from the Accounts module. Unlike the Payment Plans discussed in the previous section, Future Due Payment Plans can be set up for individual patients. Adding a Future Due Payment Plan 1. Select Patient From the Accounts window, select your patient. 2. Click Future Due Payment Plan Click the Future Due Payment Plan button. The Select Payment Plan dialog box will appear. 3. Select Provider Select a provider for the payment plan from the Select Payment Plan dialog box. 4. Click OK Click the OK button. The Payment Plan dialog box will appear. Enter the total amount to be charged over time in the Total Plan Amount field. Enter the number of charges to have Easy Dental calculate the Charge Amount. Enter the Charge Amount to have Easy Dental calculate the number of charges. Enter the Procedure Code you wish to use when the monthly charge is posted. Easy Dental User Guide 146 Accounts 5. Edit Date of Agreement and First Payment Due Date Easy Dental will automatically display the current date as the Date of Agreement and First Payment Due Date. If necessary, change the dates to be correct. 6. Enter Total Plan Amount Enter the total amount to be charged over time. 7. Enter Down Payment Charge Amount If you will be charging a Down Payment fee, enter the amount of the fee in the Down Pay Charge field. 8. Enter # of Charges or Charge Amount Enter the number of charges in the # of Charges field and the charge amount will be calculated automatically and entered in the Charge Amount field. Similarly, if you enter the Charge Amount the number of charges will be calculated automatically and entered in the # of Charges field. Note: Future Due Payment Plans are charged on a monthly basis. Keep this in mind when entering the number of charges for a Payment Plan. 9. Enter Charge Procedure Code Type the procedure code (or click the search button and choose the procedure code) that Easy Dental should use to post the monthly charge. Note: If there is not an ADA code for the type of charge you need to post, one can be created in the Reports window. For information on adding a procedure code, see Procedure Code Setup in the Setup chapter. 10. Check Auto Ins Claim and/or Auto Charge (Optional) If you would like Easy Dental to generate an insurance claim when the monthly charge is posted, check the Auto Ins Claim option. To post a charge to the account on a monthly basis, check the Auto Charge button. Note: If you do not check the Auto Charge option, no charges will be posted to the account. 11. Post Down Payment Charge To post a down payment charge, click the Down Payment button in the Manual Charge Entry field. The Down Payment Charge dialog box appears with the amount that you entered in step seven and the current date pre-entered. If necessary, change the amount and the date. Type the procedure code (or click the search button and choose the procedure code) that Easy Dental should use to post the down payment charge. Click the Post Charge button. 12. Enter Payment Note (Optional) If you would like to add detail or clarification for the Payment Plan, type the information in the Note field. 13. Print Payment Book (Optional) If you wish to provide the patient with a payment/coupon book, check the Print Payment Book option. Easy Dental will generate the payment book and send it to the Batch Processor when you click the OK button. 14. Click OK When you have finished entering all information for the Payment Plan, click the OK button to accept the payment plan. If you checked the Payment Book option, the Payment Book dialog box appears. To print the coupon book to pre-formatted paper, mark the Pre-Printed Form option. To print the coupon book to plain white paper and let Easy Dental format the book, mark Plain Form. Next, mark your printer type. Finally, click the Send to Batch option to send the book to the Batch Processor in the Reports window for printing at a later time. To print the book now, click the Print button. Note: During your month end processes you should run the Future Due Payment Plans utility to post charges to individual accounts. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 147 Posting a Manual Charge to a Future Due Payment Plan At times it may be necessary to manually add a Future Due Payment Plan charge to the patient’s account. To add a manual charge complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Accounts window, select your patient. 2. Click Future Due Payment Plan Click the Future Due Payment Plans button. The Select Payment Plan dialog box appears. 3. Select Payment Plan Highlight the correct Payment Plan and click OK. The Payment Plan dialog box appears. 4. Click Monthly Button From the Manual Charge field, click the Monthly button. The Monthly Charge dialog box appears. Enter the amount, date and procedure code for the charge. 5. Click Post Charge Click the Post Charge button to post the charge to the account and return to the Payment Plan dialog box. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Accounts window. Clearing a Future Due Payment Plan To clear a Future Due Payment Plan from an account, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Accounts window, select your patient. 2. Click Future Due Payment Plan From the Accounts toolbar, click the Future Due Payment Plans button. The Select Payment Plan dialog box appears. 3. Select Payment Plan Highlight the correct Payment Plan and click OK. The Payment Plan dialog box appears. 4. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A warning message appears. Click OK to clear the plan or click cancel to return to the Payment Plan dialog box without deleting the Payment Plan. Easy Dental User Guide 148 Accounts Future Due Payment Plans Utility The Future Due Payment Plans Utility is run to post due charges to all accounts with a Future Due Payment Plan. The utility should be run on a monthly basis. While you may run the utility at any time during the month, it is important to run it consistently and at approximately the same time each month. To run the Future Due Payment Plans Utility, complete the following steps: 1. Close All Easy Dental Modules You must close Easy Dental on all workstations in the office before continuing. 2. Backup Your EZDental Directory From the File Server, complete a backup of your EZDental directory. 3. Open Accounts Open the Accounts window on one workstation. 4. Choose Month End | Future Due Payment Plan Click the Month End button, then choose Future Due Payment Plan. The Future Due Payment Plan Update dialog box appears. If desired, select Providers and Billing Types. If you would like Easy Dental to create insurance claims for the charges posted, check the Create Insurance Claim option. 5. Select Providers Select the Providers whose patients should have payment plan charges posted. 6. Select Billing Types Select Billing Types that should have payment plan charges posted. 7. Check Create Insurance Claims (Optional) To have Easy Dental create insurance claims for all charges posted, check the Create Insurance Claims option. Created insurance claims will be stored in the Batch Processor in the Reports window to be printed or sent electronically at a later time. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to begin running the Future Due Payment Plan Utility. Alternate Uses of Future Due Payment Plans Using the Future Due Payment Plan feature in a modified manner, in place of the Payment Plan feature, will allow you to establish multiple financial agreements for one account. The modified implementation of the Future Due Payment Plans feature allows you to record an agreed monthly payment amount while keeping the patient’s balance unchanged until payments are made. Finance charges are calculated on the balance each month and the Aging Report shows the last payment date and amount. To use the Future Due Payment Plan feature in this manner, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient In the Accounts window, select your patient. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 149 2. Post Charge Post the full amount of the procedure to the Account. 3. Click Future Due Payment Plans Click the Future Due Payment Plan button. The Select Payment Plan dialog box will appear. 4. Select Provider Select a provider for the payment plan from the Select Payment Plan dialog box. 5. Click OK Click the OK button. The Create Payment Plan dialog box will appear. Enter the total amount to be paid. Enter the number of charges to have Easy Dental calculate the charge amount. Enter the charge amount to have Easy Dental calculate the number of charges. Uncheck the Auto Charge option. 6. Edit Date of Agreement and First Payment Due Date Easy Dental will automatically display the current date as the Date of Agreement and First Payment Due Date. If necessary, change the dates to be correct. 7. Enter Total Plan Amount Enter the total amount that will be paid over time. 8. Enter $0 Down Payment Charge Since charges have already been posted to the account, enter $0 in the Down Payment Charge field. 9. Enter # of Charges or Charge Amount Enter the number of monthly charges in the # of Charges field and the charge amount will be calculated automatically and entered in the Charge Amount field. Similarly, if you enter the Charge Amount the number of charges will be calculated automatically and entered in the # of Charges field. 10. Uncheck Auto Ins Claim and/or Auto Charge Since you will not be posting additional charges to the account (except through finance charges and late charges), uncheck the Auto Ins Claim and Auto Charge options if they are marked. 11. Enter Payment Note (Optional) If you would like to add detail or clarification for the Payment Plan, type the information in the Note field. 12. Print Payment Book (Optional) If you wish to provide the patient with a payment/coupon book, check the Print Payment Book option. Easy Dental will generate the payment book and send it to the Batch Processor when you click the OK button. Easy Dental User Guide 150 Accounts 13. Click OK When you have finished entering all information for the Payment Plan, click the OK button to accept the payment plan and return to the main Accounts window. The monthly payment amount and due date will be noted on the bottom right side of the Accounts window when in the Account Details view. Because the full amount has already been charged to the patient’s account, the Remain Bal. Figure will not change for the duration of the payment plan. Instead, the patient’s balance will gradually be reduced. When the patient’s balance becomes $0.00, you should clear the payment plan. Insurance Claim Processing An insurance claim should be created each time an insured patient receives treatment. A pre-treatment estimate claim can be created any time pre-authorization is required, or when an insured patient requests a pre-determination of benefits for recommended treatment. Note: The Insurance button is available only for a patient who has been given insurance coverage in the Patients window. An insurance claim or pre-treatment estimate claim will have Not Sent, Sent or Received as part of its description in the Transaction Log or when printed. A claim is considered Not Sent until it is sent to the Reports Batch Processor or printed. The claim is considered Received when a payment or pre-authorization is recorded for it. From the Transaction Log, the insurance column of the Accounts list will show ‘No’ for procedures that are not attached to an insurance claim and the column will be blank for those procedures that are attached to an insurance claim. If a procedure is marked “Do Not Bill to Insurance,” it will show an X in this column. Creating a Primary Claim 1. Select a Patient Select a patient by clicking on the Select Patient button. 2. Post Procedures If you have not yet posted procedures to the account, you must post them before creating the claim. 3. Click Create Insurance Claim A claim will be created for all procedures posted for this patient with today’s date. If the procedures you are trying to create a claim for were posted on a different day, then you must first select all the procedures for the claim. (To select more than one procedure, hold down the right mouse button and left click on each procedure to be included.) The Insurance Claim Information window appears. 4. Click Print Click the Print button. A dialog box will be displayed giving you several options. In the Include field, Claim will be checked automatically. If there is an attachment to the claim, check Attachment to include it. Click Send to Batch to send the claim to the Batch Processor. Click Send Electronically to transmit the claim through your eClaims account. Click Print to send the claim to your printer. The Cancel option will return you to the Insurance Claim Information window without printing a claim. Note: You must be registered with National Information Systems in order to submit claims electronically. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 151 Insurance Claim Window Blocks An Insurance Claim can be double-clicked on from the Accounts to display the Insurance Claim Window. Double-click here to edit the subscriber’s insurance information. Double-click in one of these boxes to attach the claim to a different provider. Double-click here to change the claim information. The procedures Information block will list procedures attached to the current claim. Double-click here to edit payment information. Double-click here to add a note to print on this insurance claim. Double-click here to edit the status of the claim. Subscriber Information The Subscriber Information block located at the top of the Claim Information window, displays the patient name, subscriber name, employer, insurance carrier name, and the group plan name. The block also shows if there is secondary insurance and if the “Release of Information” and/or “Assignment of Benefits” boxes are checked. To Edit Subscriber Insurance Information 1. Double-Click Subscriber Block Double-click on the Subscriber Information Block. The Patient/Insurance Information dialog box will appear. Double-cick on the Patient /Subscriber/Employer block to open this window. Make any necessary changes and then choose the OK button. Easy Dental User Guide 152 Accounts 2. Edit Signature on File or ID number (Optional) You may change the subscriber’s insurance identification number (usually the social security number) that will print on the claim and select the option for ‘“Release of Information” or “Assignment of Benefits” which indicates whether “Signature on File” is to print on the claim to authorize release of information and to authorize payment directly to the provider. Note: Any changes to these fields will only affect the current claim. Changes will not cause the patient’s insurance coverage information in the Patients window to change. 3. Enter Deductibles and Benefits Edit deductibles applied and benefits received for both individual and family. Click the Previous Year’s tab to enter benefit and deductible information for the previous year. 4. Click OK Click the OK button. Note: If the Secondary Insurance Information was entered after the Primary claim was created, the bottom left corner of this information window will show an Update Secondary Insurance check box. In this case a secondary claim cannot be created until this box is checked. Provider Information There are three Provider Information blocks: Billing Provider, Rendering Provider, and Pay-To Provider. The default providers in each claim are determined by the Practice Default settings. (See Practice Defaults in the Setup chapter for more information.) To Change a Provider for the Claim 1. Double-Click Provider Double-click on the desired provider block (Billing, Rendering, or Pay-To). The Select Provider dialog box will appear. 2. Select Provider From the list box, highlight the desired provider. 3. Click OK Click the OK button. Claim Information The Claim Information window block displays information that is specific to a patient and an insurance claim; items numbered 27 through 35 on a standard ADA insurance claim form. The Standard information prints on the claim unless it has been edited. To Change Claim Information 1. Double-click Claim Information Double-click on the Claim Information Block. The Insurance Claim dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 153 The Pre-Authorization Number will be carried over from any Pre-Treatment estimate for the claim’s procedures. Check the place of treatment here. Enter student information here. If attachments are included, check the appropriate box. Click Include Attachments to attach an electronic file. Information in this section is to meet the requirements of certain insurance groups or Medicaid. Choose this button to clear all information. 2. Edit Information Make changes to any of the information displayed in the Insurance Claim Information dialog box, including: •Place of Treatment •Orthodontic Treatment •Attachments (see Claim Attachments) •Student Status •Prosthesis •First Visit Date Current Series •Disabled Option •Pre-Authorization Number •Occupational Illness •Accident Information Note: Pre-authorization numbers will print on most claim forms. If there is more than one number for the procedures on the claim, a claim is created for each set of procedures with a different pre-authorization number. If the patient is a student, the school name and city will print on the insurance claim as well. 3. Click OK Click the OK button. Note: When claim information is entered or cleared from the Claim window, the change(s) applies only to the claim currently displayed in the Claim window and the associated primary or secondary claim. Diagnosis Information The Diagnosis block allows you to sort any attached diagnostic procedures for the claim. You may also mark the option to not print the diagnostic codes on the claim. 1. Double-click Diagnosis Double-click on the Diagnosis block. The Sort Dental Diagnostic Codes dialog box will appear. 2. Sort Diagnostic Codes Highlight the code you wish to move and click the Move Up or Move Down button until the desired order is achieved. 3. Exclude Diagnostic Codes from Claim (Optional) If you do not want to include the attached dental diagnostic codes on this particular insurance claim, mark the option “Do Not Print Dental Diagnostic Codes on this Claim.” Easy Dental User Guide 154 Accounts 4. Click OK Click the OK button. Procedures Information The Procedures Information block lists all of the procedures attached to the claim, showing the tooth, surface, description, date, procedure code, fee, and Insurance Paid amount. • The date column shows the date of completion for insurance claims and the treatment-planned date for pre-treatment estimate claims. • The last column shows the amount that the insurance paid or pre-authorized for a received claim. • The scroll bar to the right of the block can be used to view procedures not shown when there are more than six procedures listed. When one of the procedures in the Procedures Information window block is selected, the Insurance Coverage Update or PreTreatment Estimate Update dialog box is displayed. You can choose to edit the itemized payment or estimate for the procedure. Payment/Estimate Information The Payment/Estimate Information block displays: • The date the claim was received • The check number (for payments) and the amount applied to the deductible • The total of the itemized payments/estimates • The total charges for procedures on the claim • The estimated insurance portion • The total payment or authorized amount The Payment/Estimate Information window block can be selected to display the Total Insurance Payment or Total Insurance Pre-Estimate dialog box which allows you to edit payment or estimate information. Claim Status Information The Claim Status Information block displays the date the claim was created, the date the claim was sent, the date a tracer was sent, the date the claim was placed on hold, and the date the claim was re-sent. When the claim is created, the create date defaults to the current system date. When the claim is sent, the status is automatically flagged as Sent, and the sent date defaults to the current system date. When the claim is received, the status is automatically flagged as Received, and the date defaults to the date for the payment or estimate. When the Claim Status Information window block is selected, the Insurance Claim Status dialog box will be displayed. Double-click on the Status information block to edit the information. You can click in each field and add or change the dates as necessary. Easy Dental will automatically enter the system date in each field as the process for that date occurs. Enter a note if necessary for the status of the claim. The claim status and the date for each status can be changed manually from the Insurance Claim Status dialog box. When the claim is listed in the Accounts, the status of Not Sent, or Sent and the associated date will be displayed according to what is marked here. The status and date for Received depends on the information entered for the total payment or estimate. Note: Use this box to track contact with insurance companies regarding unpaid claims. If you re-send a claim or send a tracer, mark those boxes. When you print the Insurance Aging report those dates will print, helping you when you make your collection calls! Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 155 Insurance Plan Notes The Insurance Plan Notes block displays any notes that have been entered for the insurance carrier from the Patients window or from another Insurance Claim window for the same insurance carrier. To Edit the Insurance Plan Note 1. Double-click Insurance Notes Double-click the Insurance Notes block. The Insurance Plan Note dialog box will appear. 2. Enter or Clear Notes Enter additional notes OR click on the Clear button to clear the current notes. 3. Click OK Click the OK button. Note: It is important to realize that any note entered here is for the insurance carrier, and that the note will be changed permanently for the insurance carrier for all patients from all modules. This note will not print on the insurance claim. Choose the Notes button from the toolbar if you wish to print a note on the claim. Remarks for Unusual Services You may wish to print a note that explains some important aspect of the procedure. 1. Click Remarks Click the Remarks button or double-click on the box to open the Remarks for Unusual Services. 2. Enter Note Enter any notes deemed necessary. Enter all notes you wish to print on the claim. This note will appear in the Remarks for Unusual Services box on the claim. Similar to other note dialog boxes, you can add a dateline to the note. 3. Click OK Choose the OK button to return to the Claim window. Claim Attachments In some cases, it may be necessary to send attachments such as letters or x-rays to an insurance carrier along with an insurance claim. Easy Dental enables you to attach documents and images to claims and pre-authorizations sent electronically. These attachments can be imported from the Easy Dental Documents module or in the form of a text file. The following steps will explain how to select attachments and send them electronically. Easy Dental User Guide 156 Accounts 1. Open Claim or Pre-Authorization Double-click on the claim or pre-authorization you wish to include attachments with. The claim or pre-authorization can be a primary or secondary form. 2. Open Claim Information Double-click on the Claim Information box to display the Insurance Claim Information dialog box. 3. Click Include Attachments Place a checkmark next to Radiographs Enclosed, Oral Images Enclosed, Models Enclosed, or Other Attachments. Click the Include Attachments button. The Include Attachments dialog box will appear. Click Documents to attach a document saved in the Documents module for the patient. Click Non-Electronic if you are sending attachments with the claim that are not in an electronic format. Click Import File to locate a text document to attach to the claim. 4. Select Attachment(s) The following options will explain how to select an attachment: • Documents • Click the Documents button to select an attachment that is assigned to the patient in the Documents module (for more information, see the Documents chapter). • The Select Claim Attachment(s) – Documents window will appear listing all documents that are attached to this patient. Highlight a document to view its image on the right. Use the Previous and Next button at the top of the window to view a multiple page document. To print the document, simply click the Print button at the bottom of the window. • Place a checkmark next to the document(s) you wish to attach to the claim and click OK. • Import File • Click the Import File button to attach a .txt or .rtf file to the claim. For organizational purposes, Easy Dental recommends creating a sub directory named Attachments under your standard Doc folder to store attachments in. Note: Since .doc files may not be readable by most insurance companies, only files saved in .txt and .rtf format can be sent electronically with the claim. You can easily convert a doc file in Microsoft Word. Open the document in Word and choose File | Save As. Change the File Type to .txt or .rtf and click Save. • The Open dialog box will appear. The Look In folder will default to the Attachments folder (if created) or to the Letter Template Path located in the Reports module under Maintenance | Preferences | Paths. • Browse to locate the file you wish to attach, highlight it and click Open. • EasyImage • Click the EasyImage button if you have EasyImage installed and wish to include a captured image. • Non-Electronic • Click the Non-Electronic button if you have an attachment that you are sending that is not an electronic format (i.e., you have to send it by mail). The Attachment Information dialog box will appear. • Enter a note in the Attachment Note field. Select the Attachment Type, Transmission Code, and enter the Control Number for reference. Click OK to save your changes. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 157 5. Add Attachment Note (Optional) To include a note to be sent with an attachment, highlight the attachment and click Attachment Note. Up to 255 characters can be entered for the selected attachment. 6. Remove Attachment (Optional) To remove an attachment from a claim, highlight the attachment and click Remove Attachment. A message will appear stating that the attachment will be removed from the claim and any Attachment Note will be deleted. Click Yes to remove the attachment. Click No to cancel. Sending a Claim 1. Click Print Click the Print button from the Insurance Claim toolbar. 2. Choose Send Option Choose to Send to Batch to send the claim to the Batch Processor or choose Send Electronically to immediately transmit the claim using Easy Dental eClaims. The Reports Batch Processor will list all claims that have been sent, showing the date sent, whether the claim is for primary or secondary coverage or a pre-treatment estimate, the insurance claim format, the patient’s name, and the name of the insurance carrier. Note: A claim can be printed as many times as needed from the Batch Processor. If you delete a claim from the Batch Processor, it can be re-sent to the batch processor by selecting the Print button from the Insurance Claim toolbar. Editing a Claim Note: When an insurance claim or pre-treatment estimate claim is created, all of the insurance information for that claim is gathered as of that time. As a result, if the patient’s insurance carrier, subscriber, or the employer has changed, or if secondary insurance is added, claims created previously will not reflect these changes. If only the name of the employer, insurance carrier, or group plan is changed in the Patients window, without selecting a different employer or insurance carrier the change will be reflected for current claims. If a claim has the wrong carrier, subscriber, or employer: 1. Double-click Claim Double-click on the Claim in the Transaction Log. The Claim window will appear. 2. Delete Claim Choose the Delete button from the toolbar. When a claim is deleted, the Reports Batch Processor is checked for a copy of the claim which is deleted as well. 3. Update Patient’s Insurance Coverage In the Patients window, update the necessary insurance information. (See the Patients chapter for information on editing insurance information.) 4. Re-create Claim Re-create the Insurance claim using the steps listed earlier for creating claims. If an insurance claim or payment that has been moved to history is selected, the Claim window will still be displayed. The insurance claims in history can be printed, and any of the insurance claim information can be changed, except the payment. They cannot, however, be deleted. An insurance claim is placed in history after it is received and updated through the Month End update process. Entering Insurance Payments 1. Select Patient Click the Select Patient button in the toolbar. Easy Dental User Guide 158 Accounts 2. Select Insurance Claim From the Transaction Log, Highlight the Insurance Claim you wish to enter payment for. To enter an insurance payment, double-click on the insurance claim in the Transaction Log. 3. Open Insurance Claim Double-click on the Insurance Claim in the Transaction Log. The Primary (or Secondary) Insurance Claim dialog box will appear. 4. Click Enter Payment Click the Enter Payment button and select Itemize by Procedure OR Total Payment Only. If you click the second option the Total Insurance Payment dialog box will appear and you should skip to step 6. You can choose to apply payment by procedure, or by total payment. 5. Update Payment Table (Optional) If you click the Itemize by Procedure option, the Insurance Coverage Update dialog box will appear. • Enter the amount paid. • If the amount paid for the procedure is different than the estimated amount, you may want to select Yes under Update Payment Table. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 159 • Click on OK. After each procedure has prompted for an itemized payment, the Total Insurance Payment dialog box will be displayed. Select Yes to keep a record of actual payments from the insurance carrier in the payment table. Insurance estimates are devised from the payment table whenever possible. 6. Enter Check # Enter the Check # of the Insurance payment. 7. Enter Bank/Branch Number This information will appear on Deposit Slips. 8. Enter Deductible Amount Enter any amount that the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) shows has been applied to the patient’s deductible in the correct fields. (ex. You should enter an amount applied toward the preventive deductible in the preventive field.) 9. Enter Payment Amount If you did not itemize payments, or need to change the Total Amount Paid: • Double-click on the provider the payment should be made to under Provider Amounts OR click on the Add button to enter payment for a different provider. • Enter or edit the payment information and Click on OK. You will return to the Total Insurance Payment Screen. Enter payment information such as check number and Bank/Branch #. If payment was witheld toward the deductible, enter the amount witheld in the appropriate boxes. 10. Enter Write-Off Amount In cases where the practice does not bill the patient for the remaining balance after insurance, the practice can create an adjustment here to offset any remaining balance. Check the Write-Off box and enter the write-off amount in the box provided. Click on OK/Post and the Enter Adjustment window will appear. Select the appropriate adjustment type and provider and click OK. Easy Dental User Guide 160 Accounts 11. Exit Insurance Claim Click Exit from the toolbar to exit the Insurance Claim and return to the main Accounts window. (If the patient has secondary coverage you will be reminded that a secondary claim should be created.) Entering Insurance Payments for Claims Not Created in Easy Dental In the event that you receive an insurance check, but there has been no claim created in Easy Dental (ex. your office has recently installed Easy Dental as a new installation) you should complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient Click the Select Patient button in the toolbar. 2. Click Enter Payment Button Click the Enter Payment button. The Enter Payment window appears. 3. Enter Amount and Check # Enter the payment amount and check number if applicable. Select the Insurance Payment type. 4. Enter Bank or Branch Number The information you enter here will appear on all Deposit Slips. 5. Select Insurance Payment - Thank You From the Type list, select Insurance Payment - Thank You. 6. Select Provider Select the provider you wish to apply the payment to. 7. Click Split Payment Click on the Split Payment button to split the payment between providers. 8. Enter Payment Note (Optional) If the payment requires a note for clarification, point and click in the Note block. Enter whatever information is necessary to clarify the payment. 9. Click OK Click the OK button. Note: This process should only be used if a claim was not created in Easy Dental. If a claim was created you should follow the steps listed on page 139. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 161 What is the Advantage of Itemizing Insurance Payments? Being able to accurately estimate how much an insurance company will pay on a procedure is extremely important when presenting treatment to a patient and collecting payment after treatment. The itemize by procedure option allows you to keep track of what insurance companies have actually paid. Let’s say an insurance company indicates they will pay 50% on crowns. Of your normal $600 charge, Easy Dental estimates the insurance will pay $300. However, when you receive payment, the insurance company states that the most they will pay on the procedure is $250. When you post the payment, if you mark Yes under Update Payment Table then Easy Dental will remember that amount. The next time a patient with that insurance coverage comes in for a crown, Easy Dental will estimate $250 of coverage instead of $300. Entering Batch Insurance Payments An insurance carrier may settle claims by sending the provider one check to cover multiple claims. For example, your practice may have several patients who are covered under the same carrier and plan. The carrier will then settle claims coming from your practice for these patients by remitting only one check. 1. Click Batch Payment Click the Batch Payment button. Next, choose the Enter Batch Ins. Payment menu item. The Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box will appear. Click this search button to select the paying carrier. Enter the carrier’s check number here. All outstanding claims for the selected carrier will appear in this list. Double-click on each entry to attach payment. Completed or paid claims will appear here. 2. Enter Check #, Amount, and Bank Enter the Check Number, Check Amount, and Bank Branch Number. 3. Select Insurance Carrier Type the first three or four letters of the Insurance Carrier Name in the box and click on the Search button. The Select Insurance Plan dialog box will appear with a list of all insurance plans beginning with the letters you entered. Easy Dental User Guide 162 Accounts Select the desired search option then type the first few letters or numbers of the plan. A list of carriers falling under the search parameters will appear here. • Highlight the desired insurance plans. To select more than one carrier, hold down the Ctrl key and make additional selections. You can select up to 150 different carriers; however, Easy Dental will only read the first 150 claims. A message will appear telling you that all claims can’t be read, if applicable. • Click on OK. 4. Select Claim Once you have selected the carrier, a list of all outstanding insurance claims for that carrier will appear. Highlight the desired claim and click on Edit OR double-click on the claim. The Insurance Claim window will appear. 5. Click Enter Payment Click Enter Payment from the toolbar and select Itemize by Procedure OR Total Payment Only. If you click the second option the Total Insurance Payment dialog box will appear and you should move directly to Step 7. 6. Update Payment Table (Optional) If you click the Itemize by Procedure option, the Insurance Coverage Update dialog box will appear. • Enter the amount paid. • Mark the Update Payment Table radio button next to Yes if you want to update the payment table according to the payment entered. • Click on OK. After each procedure has prompted for an itemized payment, the Total Insurance Payment dialog box will appear. • The check number and the Bank/Branch will be entered from the Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box. 7. Enter Deductible Amount Enter the amount the EOB (Explanation Of Benefits) shows has been applied to the patient’s deductible. Be sure to enter the amount in the appropriate box for the deductible type. 8. Enter Payment Amount If you did not need to itemize payments or need to change the total amount paid: • Highlight the provider the payment should be made to under Provider Payments OR click on the Add button to enter payment for a different provider. The Provider Payment dialog box will appear. • Enter or edit the payment information and Click on OK. You will return to the Total Insurance Payment Screen. Click OK/Post. If the patient has secondary coverage you will be reminded to create a secondary insurance claim. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 163 9. Exit Insurance Claim Click Exit from the menu bar to exit the Insurance Claim and return to the Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box. The payment you entered will appear in the Paid claims section and the payment will be added to the Batch total. 10. Repeat Repeat the above steps until all of the insurance payments from a single check are entered. When you are finished attaching claims to one payment, the Batch Total should equal the check Amount. If you attempt to exit the Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box when these two amounts differ, a warning will appear and inform you of the difference. If you wish to save the batch session entry and return later to complete it, click the Yes button. If you wish to return and correct the difference now, click the Cancel button. A saved batch entry will be lost if Easy Dental is closed. As long as Easy Dental remains open, you may reopen the Batch Insurance Payment Entry dialog box and complete the process at any time. When you have finished entering the payment for one check and are ready to enter another, click the Next Check button to clear the window of all entries. How to Create a Secondary Claim You can create a secondary insurance claim any time after the primary claim is created. The primary claim does not need to be sent or received before the secondary claim is created. When a patient’s primary claim is received, the message “Secondary Insurance Claim has not been created” will be displayed reminding you to create the secondary claim when there is secondary coverage for the patient and the secondary claim has not yet been created. 1. Double-Click Primary Insurance Claim From the Accounts Transaction Log, double click on the primary claim you wish to create a secondary claim for. 2. Click Create Secondary When the primary insurance claim is displayed in the Claim window, click the Create Secondary icon. The secondary claim will be created, and the Secondary Insurance Claim dialog box will appear with the secondary coverage the patient had at the time the primary claim was created. 3. Print Secondary Claim Choose Print from the menu bar to print the Secondary claim. You can print the claim now or send it to the batch processor and either print it later with other documents or send it electronically. 4. Click Exit Click Exit to return to the main Accounts window. Note: If Create Secondary is grayed, this means that the patient was not given secondary coverage in the Patients window before the primary claim was created. Before the secondary claim can be created you will need to do the following: • Enter the Secondary Insurance information for the patient from the Patients window. • Double-click on the Subscriber Information block. • In the Patient/Information dialog box click on the Update Secondary box. • Click OK and then follow the steps described earlier. Once the secondary claim exists, Create Secondary will change to View Secondary. Easy Dental User Guide 164 Accounts Editing Insurance Payments 1. Double-click on the Claim Double-click on the Claim you wish to Edit payment for or on the insurance payment itself. The Insurance Claim window will appear. 2. Double-click Payment Double-click on the payment in the Insurance Claim window. The Total Insurance Payment dialog box will appear. 3. Edit Payment Highlight the payment in Provider Amounts and click Edit to change the amount or click Delete to delete the payment. 4. Click OK/Post Click the OK/Post button to return to the Claim window and save the changes you made. Note: You cannot edit payment amounts that have been placed in history. Double-click on the payment you wish to edit. Applying a Deductible Met (With an Insurance Payment) If you receive a payment from an insurance carrier where money has been withheld for application to the deductible, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient Select the patient for whom you are posting an insurance payment. 2. Open Insurance Claim From the Transaction Log, double-click on the claim for which you wish to post the payment. The Insurance Claim window appears. 3. Choose Enter Payment Choose Enter Payment from the toolbar. Next, choose either Itemize by Procedure or Total Payment Only. If you choose to itemize the payment, enter the payment amounts for the procedures paid for with this insurance check. If you choose to enter the total payment only, skip to step 4. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 165 Enter the amount the Explanation of Benefits shows has been applied to the patient’s deductible. Be sure to enter the amount in the appropriate box for the deductible type. 4. Enter Check # Enter the Check # of the Insurance Payment. 5. Enter Bank/Branch Number This information will appear on Deposit Slips. 6. Enter Deductible Amount Enter the amount the EOB (Explanation Of Benefits) shows has been applied to the patient’s deductible. Be sure to enter the amount in the appropriate box for the deductible type. 7. Enter Payment Amount (Optional) If you choose to itemize the insurance payment, you may skip this step. If not, enter the amount of the payment. 8. Enter Write-Off Amount (Optional) Enter the amount of the patient portion to be written off. 9. Click OK/Post Click the OK/Post button to post the insurance payment. 10. Exit Insurance Claim Choose the Exit button from the toolbar to exit the Insurance Claim Information window and return to the Accounts window. Applying Deductible Met (Before a Claim Has Been Received) Occasionally, you will have patients who come to your practice mid-year. These patients may have met part or all of their deductible(s) for the year. To enter that information into Easy Dental, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient Select a patient. 2. Open Insurance Claim Open an insurance claim for this patient by double-clicking on the claim in the Transaction Log. (If an insurance claim for this patient has not yet been created, you may create a “fake” claim and then delete it once the deductible information has been entered.) Easy Dental User Guide 166 Accounts 3. Double-click Patient Information Double-click on the Patient Information box. The Patient/Insurance Information dialog box appears. Enter the deductible amounts and benefits used in the appropriate boxes. 4. Enter Deductible Met Amount Enter the Deductible Met amounts in the appropriate fields. Click OK to exit. 5. Close Insurance Claim Click the Exit button to close the claim. Partial Insurance Payments At times an insurance carrier will send partial payment for an insurance claim while waiting for more information on certain procedures. In this situation, you will post two separate payments to the claim. Post Multiple Payments to One Insurance Claim 1. Select Patient From the Accounts module, select a patient. 2. Double-click Claim Double-click on the claim to which you wish to post another insurance payment. The Insurance Claim Information window appears. 3. Click Enter Payment | Enter Additional Payment Click the Enter Payment button then Enter Additional Payment. The Total Insurance Payment window appears. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 167 Highlight the provider to which the payment should be credited and click the Edit button. The Provider Payment dialog box appears. If the provider to whom you wish to credit the payment is not listed, click the Add button instead of Edit. Select the correct provider. Enter the check amount in the Amount Paid field. Note: Itemize by Procedure is not an option when posting an additional payment. 4. Enter Check Information Enter the Date, Check Number, and Bank/Branch Number for the additional payment. 5. Highlight Provider and Click Edit Highlight the provider to which the payment should be credited and click the Edit button. The Provider Payment dialog box appears. Note: If the provider to whom you wish to credit the payment is not listed, click the Add button instead of Edit. Select the correct provider. 6. Enter Amount Paid Enter the check amount in the Amount Paid field. Click OK. 7. Click OK/Post Click the OK/Post button to post the payment and return to the Insurance Claim screen. Note: Once a payment has been posted to a claim, the claim will be labeled received and is no longer considered in the pending insurance estimate for outstanding claims. Monthly Procedures Month End Procedures The Month End menu commands should be used at the end of each accounting period to apply finance charges and at the beginning of each month to update account balances for the previous month. Note: The system will not allow you to Update the accounts until after the month you wish to Update is concluded. For example, you may not Update the month of January on January 31st. You must wait until February 1st to Update. Note: Before Month End is selected, it is strongly recommended that you backup your Easy Dental database. Easy Dental must be closed on all but one workstation. If there is a Easy Dental module running at any of the workstations, a message, “Another Easy Dental module is active,” will be displayed. Note: Year End totals will be calculated during Month End when the fiscal year ending month is closed out. The fiscal year is selected by choosing Practice Setup then Practice Resource Setup in the Reports module. Click the Edit button under Practice Information. Easy Dental User Guide 168 Accounts Finance Charges You may apply Finance Charges to all or part of your patients simultaneously, allowing Easy Dental to calculate the charges OR you may enter the finance charges manually for individual patients. The Finance Charge command is used to calculate and create finance charge entries for all accounts that meet the criteria that you set. Note: It is recommended that you back up your database before applying finance charges to any group of patients. 1. Click Month End Click the Month End button and select Finance Charge, then Apply Finance Charge. The Apply Finance Charges dialog box will appear. Click the Month End button and choose Finance Charges to bring up the Apply Finance Charges window. The Finance Charge Date defaults to the current system date. Enter the minimum charge to apply. Choose the amount of time past due to charge. Enter the finance charge amount as a percentage. Use whole numbers, not decimals. Choose whether to accrue this charge monthly or yearly. Choose to apply finance charges to a certain provider’s patient or to all by checking the All box. Choose to apply finance charges only to acounts with a particular Billing Type or to All. Check Save as Default to save your settings for the next time you apply finance charges. 2. Enter Finance Charge Date The Finance Charge Date defaults to the current system date. Finance charges are calculated according to the aging balance for each family account as of the finance charge date. The finance charge date is also used as the transaction date for each finance charge entry. 3. Enter Minimum Balance The Minimum Balance to Charge field defaults to $10.00. The minimum balance will be compared to each aged account balance, and only those accounts with an aged balance greater than the minimum will have a finance charge applied. 4. Enter Minimum Finance Charge, Select Past Due Days The Minimum Finance Charge defaults to fifty cents and will be applied to accounts when the calculated finance charge is less than the minimum. • The Past Due Days to Charge defaults to zero days assuming charges are due to be paid when they are incurred. Finance charges will be calculated on the portion of each account balance that is past due according to the Past Due Days to Charge selected and the aging of the account as of the finance charge date. 5. Enter Finance Charge Percentage The Finance Charge Percent will be used to calculate the finance charge amount. Finance charges are always calculated on a monthly basis, so if the Yearly option button is chosen, the percentage entered will be divided by 12 for the calculations. 6. Select Provider(s) Select the provider(s) whose patients you wish to apply finance charges to (only primary providers will appear). Or click once in the All box to select all. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 169 7. Select Billing Type(s) Select the billing type(s) you wish to apply finance charges to. If you want to apply finance charges to all accounts regardless of billing type, click once in the All box. Note: Finance charges can be run for one set of billing types and then run again for another set of billing types if different finance charge options are desired. 8. Click OK Click the OK button. A message will appear to verify that you wish to apply finance charges. The Abort button can be used to stop applying finance charges. Any finance charges that have already been calculated before the Abort button was chosen will be applied. Note: Printing a Finance Charge Report from the Reports window will show the finance charge entries. Each entry can be edited or deleted from the Accounts. How can I apply Finance Charges to just certain accounts? Billing types were designed for just this purpose…to help you categorize your patients. Each account can be assigned a Billing Type that categorizes the account to receive finance charges or not. The two keys to using Billing Types for this purpose is to be consistent in assigning types to accounts and then choosing the appropriate types when applying finance charges. Remember, even though an account is assigned a Billing Type that describes them as a no finance charges account, if you include that Billing Type when you run Finance Charges - the account will still be charged! Note: Payment Plan Terms override the Finance Charges window settings for patients with payment plans. Manual Finance Charges 1. Click Enter Finance/Late Charge Click the Enter Finance/Late Charge button. The Enter Finance Charge or Late Charge dialog box will appear. 2. Enter Finance Charge Amount Enter the amount you wish to charge. 3. Enter Note (Optional) Enter a note explaining the finance charge addition. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to post the finance charge to the family’s account. Deleting Finance Charges If you wish to only clear finance charges from a few accounts, you may open the patient’s Accounts module, double-click on the finance charge and click Delete. To delete all finance charges posted on a certain date, complete the following steps: 1. Click Month End Click the Month End button and select Finance Charge, then Delete Finance Charge. The Delete Finance Charges dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 170 Accounts 2. Enter Finance Charge Date Enter the date of the finance charges that you wish to delete. All finance charges on all accounts with this date will be deleted. 3. Click OK Click the OK button. A verification message appears. Click OK to delete the finance charges. Click Cancel to return to the Delete Finance Charges dialog box without completing the deletion. Related Topics • See Month End Procedures in this chapter for information on how calculating Finance Charges relates to the other Month End processes. Applying Late Charges 1. Backup Your Easy Dental Directory From the File Server, complete a backup of your Easy Dental directory. 2. Open Accounts Open the Accounts window on one workstation. 3. Click Month End | Late Charge Click the Month End button and choose Late Charge, then Apply Late Charge. The Apply Late Charge window appears. Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 171 4. Select Providers and Billing Types Select the Providers whose patients should receive late charges (only Primary Providers will be listed). Select Billing Types that should receive late charges. Click OK. The Late Charge Utility will begin running. When late charges have been applied, you will be returned to the Accounts window. Note: The Late Charge percentage is determined by the terms set up for each individual Payment Plan. Manually Entering a Late Charge If desired, you can apply a single late charge to an account. 1. Select Guarantor From the Accounts window, select the guarantor of the account to receive a late charge. 2. Click Enter Finance Charge or Late Charge Click the Enter Finance Charge or Late Charge button. The Enter Finance Charge or Late Charge Dialog box appears. 3. Enter Late Charge Amount Enter the dollar amount of the late charge. 4. Mark Charge Type Mark the Late Charge option under Type. 5. Select Provider and Add Note If desired, you can select a different provider for the charge. Click the search button (double arrows) next to Provider. Highlight the desired provider and click OK. A note may be added to clarify the reason for the late charge. Type the note in the Note field. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to post the charge and return to the Accounts window. Deleting Late Charges If you wish to only clear late charges from a few accounts, you may open the patient’s Accounts module, double-click on the late charge and click Delete. To delete all late charges posted on a certain date, complete the following steps: 1. Click Month End Click the Month End button and select Late Charge, then Delete Late Charge. The Delete Late Charges dialog box will appear. 2. Enter Late Charge Date Enter the date of the late charges that you wish to delete. All late charges on all accounts with this date will be deleted. 3. Click OK Click the OK button. A verification message appears. Click OK to delete the late charges. Click Cancel to return to the Delete Late Charges dialog box without completing the deletion. Easy Dental User Guide 172 Accounts Month End Update 1. Click Month End Click the Month End button then select Update from the menu. The Close Out Month dialog box will appear. If you wish to purge appointments simul-taneously, click here. If you wish to reset insurance benefits, click here. Choose the OK button to begin the close out process. Note: Using the Update command will age each account balance and place all completed procedures, payments, adjustments, and received insurance claims that were entered during the previous months, into history. The Close Out Month dialog box will be displayed to enter information needed for the update process. 2. Check Close Out Month Date The Close Out Month Date defaults to the month immediately following the last month that was closed out. This date will be used as the date for the new balance forward and the cutoff for history transactions. 3. Check Desired Options Check Appointment Purge to purge all appointments in the Schedule prior to the Cutoff Date. This date will default to one year ago. Check Reset Insurance Benefits to reset benefits for insurance carriers with the appropriate renewal date. 4. Click OK Click OK to begin the update. A reminder to backup the database will be displayed, and if another Easy Dental module is open at any workstation, that message will also be displayed. If all modules are closed except on one workstation, the Running Update dialog box will be displayed showing a count as each account is processed. Note: Before running Update, backup your Easy Dental database! If the computer is turned off, or if a power outage occurs during the Update process, damage to your files may occur. In these cases as well as in user input error, you can restore your data to its original state before the Update process was begun. (This also applies to processing Finance Charges and Future Due Payment Plans.) Monthly Routines The following is an outline of the routine monthly procedures to process accounts receivable. 1. Backup Make a backup of the Easy Dental Database. 2. Open Accounts Close all Easy Dental modules at all workstations except the Accounts window at the workstation from which the accounts will be processed. 3. Run Finance Charges (Optional) Run finance charges. (See Entering Finance Charges in this chapter.) 4. Run Late Charges (Optional) Run late charges. (See Entering Late Charges in this chapter.) Easy Dental User Guide Accounts 173 5. Run Future Due Payment Plan Update Run the Future Due Payment Plan Update to charge any accounts that are set up with Future Due Payment Plans. (See Future Due Payment Plans Utility in this chapter.) 6. Run Billing Statements (Optional) Run billing statements from the Reports window. Use the same billing type and provider ranges and statement date as used for finance charges. (See the Reports chapter for how to run Billing Statements.) Note: It is not necessary to print Billing Statements during the Month End process. However, it is suggested that you apply finance and late charges before printing your Bills. 7. Run Month End Update See the previous page on how to run the Month End Update. 8. Print Aging Report Print the Aging Report from the Reports window. (For information on printing the Aging Report, see the Reports chapter.) Easy Dental User Guide 174 Treatment Planner Treatment Plans In this Section: • The Treatment Plans Window • Entering a Treatment Plan • Creating and Managing Pre-Treatment Estimates • Using the Estimator The Treatment Plan module allows you to record work for patients that needs to be completed. Once a treatment plan has been entered, the treatment may be ordered and a copy of the plan, including pricing and insurance estimates, may be given to the patient. Finally, the Treatment Plans module allows you to create and manage insurance pre-treatment estimates. Easy Dental User Guide Treatment Planner 175 The Treatment Plans Window In the Treatment Plan module, the Ins column of the Transaction Log will show: • 1** for treatments requiring pre-authorization for primary insurance. • **2 for treatments requiring pre-authorization for secondary insurance. • 1*2 for treatments that need pre-authorization for both insurances. • If pre-authorization is not required, the column will show “No” for recommended treatments that are not attached to a pre-treatment estimate claim, and the column will be blank for those treatments that are attached to a pre-treatment estimate claim. Note: Procedures must have the Pre-Est box checked in the Coverage Table for these conditions to apply. If a pre-treatment estimate claim is deleted, the insurance column for all treatments that were on that claim will show the appropriate 1**, **2, or 1*2. When pre-authorization is received, the insurance column will show ‘Acc’ for accepted or ‘Rej’ for rejected for each applicable procedure. A pre-treatment estimate claim is listed from the Treatment Plan option until it is deleted. Note: To change the Treatment Plan background color, see Set Accounts/Tx Plans Colors in the Accounts Setup section in the Accounts chapter. Entering a Treatment Plan 1. Select Patient From the Treatment Plans module toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Choose a patient. 2. Click Enter Procedure Click the Enter Procedure button. The Enter Procedure(s) window will appear. 3. Enter Procedure Code In the Procedure Code field, type the procedure code you wish to add to the treatment plan. If you don’t know the procedure code, click the search button and select the code from the Procedure Code List. Easy Dental User Guide 176 Treatment Planner OR Double-click on an explosion code from the Explosion Code list on the right side of the Enter Procedure(s) window. 4. Enter Additional Information If necessary, you will need to enter additional information such as tooth numbers or surfaces. 5. Make Changes If desired, you can change the amount or provider for the procedure. 6. Click Add Click the Add button to add the procedures to the Procedure List. 7. Cick OK/Post Click the OK/Post button to save the procedures to the Treatment Plan. Attaching Diagnostic Codes Complete the following steps to attach diagnostic codes to treatment planned procedures. Note: Dental diagnostic codes must first be setup in the Procedure Code Setup located in the Reports module under Practice Setup. 1. Double Click Procedure Double click on the desired procedure in the Treatment Plans module. The Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box will appear. 2. Click Diagnoses Search Arrow Click the search button next to Diagnoses. The Select Diagnostic Code(s) dialog box will appear. 3. Type Code or Select Category If you know the diagnostic code, type it in the Enter Code field or click the down arrow and select the desired category. 4. Select Diagnostic Code(s) Highlight the code(s) that you wish to use and click Add. The codes will be moved to the Selected Diagnostic Codes list box. 5. Click OK Click OK then OK again to exit and save the changes. Managing Pre-Treatment Estimates Creating a Pre-Treatment Estimate Claim 1. Click Create Insurance Estimate Click the Create Insurance Estimate button. A pre-treatment estimate will be created for all procedures in the treatment plan. To create a pre-treatment estimate for only specific procedures, select each of the procedures to be attached to the claim first, then click the Insurance Claim button. The Primary Pre-Treatment Estimate screen will be displayed. Note: To select multiple procedures, hold down the right mouse button (or the Ctrl key on the keyboard) while clicking on the procedures with the left mouse button. 2. Choose Print Menu From the Primary Pre-Treatment Estimate, choose the Print menu option. Click Print, Send to Batch, or Send Electronically. Easy Dental User Guide Treatment Planner 177 Entering Insurance Estimates 1. Double-click Pre-Treatment Estimate From the Treatment Plan Transaction Log double-click on the pre-treatment estimate. The Pre-Treatment Estimate Information window is displayed. 2. Choose Enter Estimate Click the Enter Estimate button on the toolbar and select Itemize by Procedure OR Total Estimate Only. If you choose the second option the Total Insurance Pre-Estimate dialog box will appear and you should skip to Step 5. Note: If pre-treatment estimates are not Itemized by Procedure, the procedures will not be flagged as accepted or rejected! And when the insurance pays for the procedures, the itemized amount will not be able to default to the itemized amount. 3. Update Payment Table (Optional) If you choose the Itemize by Procedure option, the Pre-treatment Estimate Update dialog box will appear. • Select the Procedure Status for Accepted or Rejected. • Enter the Estimate Amount. • If desired, check the Update Payment Table radio button next to Yes to Update the Payment Table according to the payment entered. Note: All future estimates for this code with this carrier will be based on the amount entered, if the Update Payment Table option is selected. • Repeat for each. • Click OK and the Total Insurance Pre-Estimate dialog box will appear. 4. Enter Pre-Auth Number Enter the Pre-Auth Number that will follow each procedure when it is completed and the insurance claim is created. 5. Enter Estimate Amount If you have not already entered the estimate amount in the Insurance Coverage Update box, enter the Estimate Amount and click on OK/Post. 6. Exit Pre-Treatment Estimate Choose Exit from the toolbar to exit the Pre-Treatment Estimate and return to the main Treatment Plans window. Show Transactions Links The Show Transaction Links button allows you to quickly see related transactions listed in the Treatment Plans module. For example, you may wish to see all procedures linked to an insurance claim or vice-versa. Simply highlight the transaction for which you wish to find links and click the Show Transactions Links button. All transactions linked to the selected transaction will now be highlighted. Click on any single transaction to remove the highlight. Set Procedures Complete 1. Select Procedures Select the treatment plan procedures to complete from the Treatment Plan transaction log. 2. Click Set Procedures Complete Click the Set Procedures Complete button on the toolbar. This will change the chart status from Treatment Plan to Completed and move the procedure(s) to the patient’s account. The procedure(s) will no longer be listed in the Treatment Plan module. Easy Dental User Guide 178 Treatment Planner Using the Estimator The Estimator is an effective tool in patient consultations. The entire Treatment Plan is calculated and displayed here, showing the total charge, patient portion, and insurance portion. In the Estimator, Treatment Plan procedures can be set in order of up to 52 steps. The patient’s or family’s remaining insurance benefits are calculated and displayed. Calculations are based on the Insurance Coverage Table and a Payment Table file. For the insurance portion, the program always looks at the Payment Table file and then at the coverage table. For a co-payment it checks the appropriate calculation. Whether there is a co-payment or not, if a procedure is not in a coverage table category and not in the Payment Table file, the patient’s portion will be 100% of the charge. To Start the Estimator: Click the Estimator button on the Treatment Plans module toolbar. The Estimator icon The order of the treatment will appear here. Procedures in the treatment plan are listed in order here with the fee distributed between patient and insurance portions. Treatment plan totals are divided by patient and insurance portions here. Procedures in the Estimator To edit procedures displayed within the Estimator windows: 1. Double-Click Procedure Double-click on the desired procedure. The Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box will appear. Make any necessary changes from within this dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide Treatment Planner 179 When you double-click on any procedure in the Estimator, the Edit or Delete Procedure dialog box will appear. You can make changes to the procedure using the features here. 2. Click OK Click OK to save your changes, exit the dialog box, and return to the main Estimator window. These changes will be reflected within the Estimator window, as well as within the Treatment Plan transaction log. Treatment Plan Orders You can assign order numbers to procedures within the procedure list. Order number refers to sequence of treatment, usually in terms of appointment; i.e., procedures with an Order of 1 will be completed in the first visit, order 2 procedures will be completed in the second visit, etc. Order numbers can be used when scheduling appointments or when designating the seriousness of a condition. Procedures in the Estimator are listed in the order assigned. To Change or Assign the Order of a Procedure: 1. Highlight Procedure Highlight the procedure within the Estimator. 2. Click Set Order Click the Set Order button on the toolbar. A list of numbers and letters will appear in a drop-down menu. 3. Choose Order Number/Letter Choose the desired order number or letter. The procedure will then be grouped with other procedures with the same order number/letter. Order numbers help in grouping procedures for appointments. Easy Dental User Guide 180 Treatment Planner How does ordering a Treatment Plan help the office? Ordering a Treatment Plan allows you to organize treatment into logical and cost-effective groups. Since most patients don’t work a $500 dental bill into their monthly budget, suggesting to a patient that they come in and have a large amount of restorative work completed at one time is very much like presenting a diner with an elephant and asking them to chow down. In spite of the diner’s hunger and willingness to eat, there will be a feeling that there is no way that the entire elephant can be eaten. However, by dividing the “elephant” or cost of treatment into manageable pieces, the patient feels more comfortable commiting to the treatment plan. To Display/Hide Orders: 1. Click Display Orders Click the Display Orders button on the toolbar. The Display Orders dialog box will open. 2. Select/Deselect Orders In the Display Orders dialog box, select the orders to display. An order with a check mark will be displayed. Orders without a check mark will not be displayed. Click the All button to select all orders. Click the None button to deselect all orders. Click OK to save the changes and exit. Click Cancel to exit without saving the changes. Delete Procedure(s) Procedure(s) can be deleted in the Estimator. Note: The Chart must be refreshed before the changes will appear. 1. Select Procedure(s) From the Estimator list, select the procedures(s) to be deleted. 2. Click Delete Click the Delete button from the toolbar to delete the selected procedure(s) from the Estimator. Easy Dental User Guide Treatment Planner 181 Set Procedure(s) Complete Procedure(s) can be set complete from the Estimator. Note: The Chart must be refreshed before the changes will appear. 1. Select Procedure(s) Select the Procedure(s) to be set complete. 2. Click Set Complete Click the Set Complete button to set the selected procedure(s) complete. Update Fees To maintain the integrity of your treatment plan estimates, Easy Dental will never automatically update the fee of a procedure assigned to a treatment plan. If your fees have changed since the time the treatment plan was given to the patient, you can indicate to Easy Dental that you wish to update the patient’s treatment plan to reflect any fee schedule changes. To update the fees for a single or multiple treatment plans, complete the following steps: 1. Click Update Fees Click the Update Fees button from the Estimator’s toolbar. The Update Treatment Plan Fees dialog box will appear. 2. Select Current or All Patients If you wish to update the fees for the currently selected patient only, mark Current Patient. If you wish to update the fees for all patients in your practice with a treatment plan, mark All Patients. 3. Enter Procedure Code Range To update procedures in a certain range, click the From search button and choose the starting procedure for the range. Click the To search button and select the ending procedure for the range. If you wish to update all procedures, leave at <ALL>. 4. Enter Procedures Dated Before Date If you want to update procedures prior to a certain date, enter the date here. Only treatment-planned procedures dated on or before this date will be updated with the new fees. 5. Select Tx Provider Select the desired provider(s). Only treatment-planned procedures performed by the selected provider will be updated. Check ALL to update procedures for all providers. Easy Dental User Guide 182 Treatment Planner 6. Select Billing Type Select the desired Billing Type(s). Only treatment-planned procedures for patients with the selected Billing Type will be updated. Check ALL to update procedures for all Billing Types. (This option will be greyed out if Current Patient is selected.) 7. Click Update Click the Update button to update the fees according to the options specified. Note: In some instances, certain fees will not be updated if the patient’s treatment plan is open at another workstation. If this occurs, a message will appear containing a log file with the patient’s name. It is suggested that you print the log file and perform the update on the selected patient at a later time. Set/Clear Dental Pre-Estimates Dental Pre-Estimates can be assigned to procedures in the Estimator. An estimate code will appear in the Pre-Est column of the Estimator window when a pre-estimate has been assigned to a procedure. 1. Select Procedure(s) Select the procedure(s) for which an estimate is required. 2. Select Needed or Clear Click the Pre-Estimates drop-down button. Select Needed to add a pre-estimate. Select Clear to clear existing pre-estimates. Change View Items in the Estimator window can be viewed or hidden. Click the View icon to open the View drop-down menu. Items with a check mark will be displayed. By default, all options are marked to be viewed. To hide an item, click once to remove the check mark. Print from the Estimator You can print a Treatment Plan report detailing the patient’s personal information, treatment plan (including order number, procedure, tooth number, fee, patient portion, and insurance portion), total charges, insurance benefit summary, and notes. 1. Click Print Click the Print button in the toolbar to open the Print dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide Treatment Planner 183 2. Select Printer To choose a printer, click once on the down arrow button next to the Printer box to view a list of available printers. 3. Enter Notes (Optional) Enter any necessary notes. Any default notes that have been entered (see the next section) will already appear here. 4. Select Print Options The three print options you have available from the Estimator are (all items that are checked will print): • Sub Totals by Order will insert a sub total between order groups. • Insurance Benefits will print a summary of the patient’s insurance benefits at the bottom of the treatment plan. • Treatment Plan Note will print any note typed in the edit box on the right side of the Print dialog box. 5. Click OK Click OK when you have made your selections. Default Note To attach a short message to each treatment plan: 1. Click Default Note Click the Default Note for Printing button. The Treatment Plan Note box will appear. 2. Type Note Type the message in the Note box. You can insert the current date by choosing the Insert Dateline button. 3. Click OK Click OK when finished typing. Click the Clear button if you wish to delete all notes entered. Easy Dental User Guide 184 Chart Prescriptions In This Section: • Adding Prescription Types • Selecting a Printer • Assigning a Prescription • Printing the Prescriptions Report The Prescriptions window is designed to help you quickly create and accurately track medicines prescribed for your patients. To begin using Prescriptions, you must first complete a few setup steps. The following sections will walk you through the setup process of adding prescription types and selecting a printer. You will then learn how to assign prescriptions to patients and print a prescriptions report. Adding Prescription Types 1. Click Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From the Reports window toolbar, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescriptions Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click New Click the New button. The New Standard Prescription dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 185 Type a description for the prescription. The description should help you identify the Prescription. The description will not print on patient prescriptions. Type the dosage interval and any instructions that should print on the prescription form in the SIG box. Enter the number/amount of the medication to dispense in the Disp box. If the prescription may be refilled, enter the number of times to refill in the Refills box. Type the drug information.This prints on the prescription form.You may enter up to 50 characters. Mark Dispense as Written if the pharmacy should only use the drug named on the prescription. Mark Generic Substitution Permitted if the pharmacy may fill the prescription with a generic version of the medication. If you desire to give the patient instructions regarding the prescribed medication, type these instructions in the note field.The notes will print below the prescription form. 3. Type Description Type a description for the prescription. You may enter up to 50 characters. The description does not print on the Patient Prescription form, but helps you to identify the prescription when assigining it to a patient. 4. Type Drug Name Type the drug information. This prints on the prescription form. You may enter up to 50 characters. 5. Type Dosage Interval and Instructions Type the dosage interval and any instructions that should print on the prescription form in the SIG field. 6. Enter Disp Number Enter the number/amount of the medication to dispense in the Disp field. 7. Enter Number of Refills If the prescription may be refilled, enter the number of refills allowed in the Refills box. 8. Mark Drug Substitution Options • Mark Dispense as Written if the pharmacy should only use the drug named on the prescription. • Mark Generic Substitution Permitted if the pharmacy may fill the prescription with a generic version of the medication. 9. Type Notes If you desire to give the patient instructions regarding the prescribed medication, type these instructions in the note field. The notes will print below the prescription form. 10. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Prescriptions Setup window. Repeat steps 2 – 10 for any other prescriptions to be set up. Editing Prescriptions 1. Click Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From the Reports window toolbar, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescriptions Setup dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide 186 Chart 2. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Edit Standard Prescription window appears. 3. Make Modifications Make any changes to the default prescription. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Prescriptions Setup window. Deleting Prescription 1. Click Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From the Reports window toolbar, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescriptions Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A warning dialog box will appear. Click the Yes button if you wish to delete the prescription. If you wish to delete a prescription, select the Yes button. Note: Prescription Types that have been assigned to patients may not be deleted. Selecting a Printer To set up a printer for your prescriptions, complete the following steps: 1. Click Practice Setup | Prescriptions Setup From the Reports window toolbar, click the Practice Setup button, and then choose Prescriptions Setup. The Prescriptions Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click Print Setup Click the Print Setup button. The Print Setup dialog box appears. 3. Select Printer Select the printer you wish to use to print prescriptions. 4. Select Prescription Form If your state requires a specific format for prescriptions, click the down arrow next to the Form field and choose the correct form. 5. Check Using Preprinted Paper (Optional) If you will be using Pre-printed paper when creating prescriptions, check the Using preprinted paper option. 6. Check Print Number for “Disp:” as a Word (Optional) If you need to list the number/amount of the medication to dispense as a word, check the Print number for “Disp:” as a word option. (Ex. “Four” instead of “4”) Easy Dental User Guide Chart 187 7. Check Disable Printing (Optional) If you will be using the Prescriptions module to record prescription information but will not be printing prescriptions, check the Disable printing option. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to save your printer selection and return to the Prescriptions Setup screen. Click Close to return to the Reports window. Assigning Prescriptions 1. Select Patient From any Easy Dental module (except the Reports window), select a patient. 2. Click Prescriptions From the Easy Dental module toolbar, click the Prescriptions button. The Patient Prescription window appears. Prescriptions previously assigned to the patient are displayed here. To view medical alerts, click the red plus button. To create a new prescription for this patient, click the New button. To view an existing prescription, highlight the prescription and then click the View button. To delete a prescription for this patient, highlight the prescription and then click the Delete button. If a prescription is deleted, the Rx information will be added to the Audit Trail Report. 3. Click New Click the New button. The New Patient Prescription dialog box appears. Click the down arrow next to the description box. Select the desired prescription. If needed, you can customize the drug and dosage information. Select the provider who is prescribing the medication. Easy Dental User Guide 188 Chart 4. Select Prescription Type Click the down arrow to the right of the Description field. A list of available prescriptions appears. Highlight the desired prescription type. 5. Customize Prescription (Optional) If desired, customize the prescription information for the patient. • Change the drug name by modifying the Drug Name box. • Change the dosage interval and instructions by modifying the SIG box. • Change the amount to dispense by modifying the Disp box. • Change the refill amount by modifying the Refills box. • Change the drug substitution by marking the desired options. • Change the patient instructions by modifying the Notes box. 6. Select Prescriber Select the provider who is prescribing the drug. 7. Click Print Click the Print button to print the prescription. The prescription will print to the printer selected in the Prescription Setup window. (To select a different printer, see Selecting a Printer in this chapter.) The prescription will be added to the list of patient prescriptions in the Patient Prescription Dialog Box. Printing the Prescriptions Report The Prescriptions Module includes a report that allows you to see which drugs have been prescribed to which patients in a date range. To print the Prescriptions report, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From any Easy Dental module’s toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Type the first few letters of a patient’s last name. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. 2. Click Prescriptions From the toolbar, click the Prescriptions button. The Patient Prescriptions window appears. All previously created prescriptions for the patient are listed. The Prescriptions window displays the date the prescription was created, the description, drug name, and prescriber for each prescription. A check mark to the left of the date indicates that a change was made to the default prescription type. 3. Click Reports Click the Reports button. The Prescription Reports dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Chart 189 the range of patients to print, or leave the setting at ALL to print all patients. Highlight the drugs that you wish to see listed on the report. Select Edit or accept the Date Range. Only prescriptions created during the date range will be listed on the report. Highlight certain providers. Only prescriptions written by the selected providers will be listed on the report. Mark Patient to sort the report alphabetically by patient. Mark Drug to sort the report by drug name. 4. Enter Patient Range (Optional) Select the range of patients to print, or leave the setting at ALL to print all patients. To print a range of patients: • Click the search button to the right of the From field and select the starting patient for the range. • Click the search button to the right of the To field and select the ending patient for the range. 5. Select Drug(s) (Optional) Highlight the drugs that you wish to see listed on the report. Only prescriptions created for the selected drugs will be listed. Check the Select All box to include all drugs on the report. Note: You can select more than one drug by pressing the CTRL key on your keyboard while selecting a drug. 6. Select Provider(s) (Optional) Highlight certain providers. Only prescriptions written by the selected providers will be listed on the report. Check the Select All box to include all drugs on the report. Note: You can select more than one provider or drug by pressing the CTRL key on your keyboard while selecting a provider or drug. 7. Enter Date Range Edit or accept the Date Range. Only prescriptions created during the date range will be listed on the report. 8. Mark Sort Option Mark Patient to sort the report alphabetically by patient. Mark Drug to sort the report by drug name. 9. Click Print Click the Print button to print the report. The report is sent to the Prescriptions Printer selected in the Prescriptions Setup window. (For information on changing the Prescriptions Printer, see Setup a Printer in this section.) Easy Dental User Guide 190 Contacts Contacts In This Section: • The Contacts Window Areas • Tracking Patient Contacts • Customizing the Display • Manual Contacts Entries • Printing Contacts The Contacts module acts as a contact manager for your office. All correspondence and contacts made with a patient can be recorded and tracked. Like a journal of your daily activities, the Contacts module has two main functions: to keep a record of past events and to log reminders of future events. Easy Dental User Guide Contacts 191 The Contacts Window Click here to expand the list. A left arrow indicates a past entry. A right arrow indicates a future contact. Click here to collapse the list. The view options you have selected will be displayed here. Click here to change the view options. Click here to view only entries for the selected patient or the entire family. Click here to show or hide more information on a selected entry. Click here to add Click here to print Click here to delete the selected contact. a contact entry. the contact list. Tracking Patient Contact(s) As a record of past events, the Contacts module allows you to keep a comprehensive record of contact made between your office and your patients. You can view the Contacts window by patient or family. Automatic entries will be added for letters, billing statements, appointments, payment plan notes, payments, and privacy requests. Letters When letters are generated for patients (either through the Reports module or Quick Letters) and “Add to Contacts” is checked, the letter will be noted in the Contacts module. The entry will include the date, provider, and the name of the letter that was created. Billing Statements Any time a Billing Statement is generated for an account, the Contacts module will record the date of the bill, the account balance, and the “Please Pay” amount from the statement. Easy Dental User Guide 192 Contacts Letters, billing statements, appointments, payment plan notes, and payments will be automatically entered. The user can input manual entries such as reminders, phone calls, or misc. notes. Each contact type is represented by a different symbol. Appointments The Contacts module will display the following appointment information: • Existing Appointments–Includes the date, time, appointment provider and the appointment reason. • Purged Appointments–When an appointment is purged, the Contacts module will record the original date, time, reason, and provider for the purged appointment. • Broken Appointments–When an appointment is broken, the Contacts module will record the original appointment date, time, reason, and provider. Payment Plan Notes Any Payment Plan Notes you have entered can be displayed in the Contacts window along with the date, provider, and the actual note. Payments Insurance and Patient payments can be displayed along with the date, provider, and the amount. Note: Family Payments will be displayed when viewing the Head of House or the entire family. Customizing the Contacts Display To customize what types of entries are displayed in the Contacts module, complete the following steps: 1. Click View Filters From the Contacts module toolbar, click the View Filters button. The View Filters dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Contacts 193 Choose the information you wish to display in the Contacts window by highlighting the desired Entry Types. Choose which provider/staff members you wish to view. Enter a cutoff date. Entries dated before the date entered will not be displayed. 2. Select Contact Entry Types Highlight the Contact Entry Types that you wish to display or check the All Contact Entry Types option. You can view the following Contact Entry Types: Appointments (purged and scheduled), Billing Statements, Broken Appointments, EZWeb Communications, EZWeb Eligibility Requests, EZWeb Referrals, EZWeb Uploads, Financing Requests, HIPAA Privacy, Insurance Payments, Letters, Miscellaneous, Patient Payments, Payment Plan Notes, Phone Calls, and Reminders. 3. Select Provider/Staff Highlight the Providers and Staff members you wish to view or check For All Prov/Staff. 4. Set Cutoff Date If you wish to only display items after a certain date, enter the desired date in the Entries Dated After field. 5. Save as Default (Optional) If you wish to save the options selected as the default viewing options, check Save as Default. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to save your settings and return to the Contacts module. Viewing More Detail When the Contacts module is initially opened, Contact entries are displayed according to the View Filters default. Underneath the Contact entry date you will see a picture indicating the entry type and description. To only see a list of entry dates, click the Collapse List button. To return to the expanded view, click the Expand List button. If you wish to see even more information on a Contact entry: 1. Select Entry Highlight a displayed Contact entry. 2. Click Show Information From the Contacts module toolbar click the Show Information button. More complete information is now displayed on the right. Note: When the Contacts module is closed your display settings are saved and used as the default settings the next time the Contacts module is opened. Easy Dental User Guide 194 Contacts Viewing Family & Patient Contacts To display entries for an entire family, click the View Family Contacts button. To display only the entries for a single patient, when viewing entries for the entire family, click the View Patient Contacts button. Note: The View Family Contacts button and View Patient Contacts button toggle back and forth depending on what is being viewed. When viewing entries for a single patient, the View Family Contacts button will be displayed. When viewing entries for an entire family, the View Patient Contacts button will be displayed. Note: If you are displaying a family member who is not the guarantor, entries for Billing Statements and Family Payments will not be displayed. These items are only displayed when viewing Family Contacts or the Guarantor. Manual Contact Entries Manual Contact entries can be entered. The four types of manual entries are Phone Call, Reminder, Miscellaneous, and HIPAA Privacy. These entries include the date, time, and provider/staff members, and allow a description and note to be entered. 1. Click Add Contact Click the Add Contact button. The Add Contact Entry dialog box appears. 2. Select Contact Entry Type Expand the Type drop-down and select the appropriate type. • Phone Call: Use if you are making a phone call to a patient. Record information regarding the conversation. • Reminder: Use with a future date to remind the office about a contact with a patient. • Miscellaneous: Use for any other contact with the patient for which you wish to keep a record. • HIPAA Privacy: Use to track patient information disclosure history, and to track other privacy related notes for patients, providers, staff, and referrals. Easy Dental User Guide Contacts 195 3. Select Provider/Staff Click the search button next to the Prov/Staff box. The Select Provider/Staff dialog box appears. Select the provider or staff member to be assigned to this Contact type. 4. Enter Description Enter a short description for the contact entry in the Description box. 5. Enter Note Enter a comprehensive description for the contact entry in the Note box. 6. Modify Date (Optional) If desired, you can change the date of the contact entry. 7. Modify Time (Optional) If desired, you can change the time of Phone Call and Miscellaneous contact entries. Type the correct time. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Contacts module. Editing a Manual Entry 1. Double-click Manual Entry Double-click on the manual entry you wish to edit (Phone Calls, Reminders, Miscellaneous, HIPAA Privacy). 2. Make Modifications Make your changes to the contact entry. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Deleting a Manual Entry 1. Highlight Entry Highlight the manual entry you wish to delete (Phone Calls, Reminders, Miscellaneous, HIPAA Privacy). Note: Broken Appointments, Purged Appointments, Letters, and Changed Privacy Requests can also be deleted. 2. Click Delete Contact From the Contacts module toolbar, click the Delete Contact button. A confirmation message box appears. If you wish to delete the entry, click the Yes button. Note: Appointments, Appointment Notes, Billing Statements, Payment Notes, and Payment Agreement Note entries cannot be deleted. Printing Contacts 1. Click Print From the Contacts module toolbar, click the Print button. The Printer Setup dialog box appears. If desired, change the printer selection. Easy Dental User Guide 196 Contacts 2. Click OK Click the OK button to begin printing. Easy Dental will print whatever entries are currently being displayed in the Contacts module. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 197 Schedule In this Section: • The Schedule Window Areas • How to Configure/Set up the Schedule • How to Schedule an Appointment • Other Appointment Information options • How to Move an Appointment • How to Find the Next Available Appointment Time • Using Lists • Other Schedule Options • Easy Day Planning The Easy Dental Schedule will enable you to maximize a provider’s valuable time by rapidly filling the work schedule weeks into the future. The easy-to-use Schedule resembles a regular appointment book, but has the added ability to make full use of your computer’s ability to search for new appointment dates to find the best fit for the patient and provider. Easy Dental User Guide 198 Schedule Schedule Window Areas The Schedule window is divided into six major areas: The Toolbar, the Date Bar, the Arrow Buttons, the Schedule of Appointments, Clipboard, and the Day - Week - Month View Buttons. Schedule of Appointments Toolbar Date Bar Day View Easy Provider Tracking Columns Day Search Buttons Clipboard Month View Week View The Toolbar The Schedule Toolbar is a collection of command buttons that allows you to initiate commands by simply clicking once on the button. The name and function of each is described below. Schedule Appointment: Click this button to select a patient and schedule an appointment Lists: Click this button to access the ASAP and Unscheduled Lists. Find Available Time: Click this button to search for and find the next available opening. Quick Letters: Click to print a letter for the selected patient. Quick Labels: Click to print a label for the selected patient. Find Appointment: Click this button to find an already scheduled appointment. Status: Click this button to change the Appointment’s status. Labcase Manager: Click this button to open the Labcase Manager. Help: Click this button to start the Easy Dental on-line help. Patient Alerts: Click to view or add a Patient Alert. Auto Dial: Click to call the selected patient. View: Click this button to change your view setup or create/edit a new view. Set Complete: When an appointment is completed, click this button to post the procedures to the Accounts window. Easy Dental User Guide Easylink: Click to launch third party image products. Delete Appointment: Click this button to delete an appointment. Easy Day Planning: Click to activate Easy Day Planning. Break Appointment: When a patient cancels an appointment, click this button to remove the appointment from the Schedule and place it on the Unscheduled List. EasyWeb: Click to launch the Easy Web toolbar. Print: Click this button to print a route slip or the schedule view. Refresh: Click this button to refresh the Schedule window. Patient Picture: Click to view a picture of the selected patient. Setup: Click to set up the Provider and Practice Hours. Schedule 199 Date Bar The Date Bar shows the Dates of the appointments according to the Day, Week or Month view that is selected. Easy Provider Tracking Columns Easy Dental displays a color column for each provider selected for that view. A colored block in that column indicates that the provider is scheduled to be working on a patient during the blocked time. If a provider has been double-booked, the color block will display white with stripes in the color assigned to that provider. If the provider column is dark blue, this indicates that the provider is not available at the selected time. Day Search Buttons Click the arrow pointing to the right to move forward 1 day at a time. Click on the arrow to the left to move back 1 day at a time. Clicking the T between the arrows will return you to the current day. Schedule of Appointments The schedule displays the basic, customizable appointment information. Each provider is assigned a color to help you quickly determine whom the patient is seeing. An appointment in the schedule can be selected by clicking on the appointment with the mouse. To open the Appointment Information window, which shows more information about the appointment and patient, double-click on the appointment from the schedule. Clipboard An appointment can be moved to another day by dragging the appointment to the Clipboard and releasing it. The appointment stays there until it is placed at another desired appointment location or until the Schedule module is closed. Note: You can also place an appointment on the Clipboard by clicking on the Clipboard Button from the Appointment Information dialog box. Day View This is the default view when the Schedule is first opened. Only appointments on the selected day are shown. You may also press “Ctrl” and “D” on the keyboard to switch to this view. Easy Dental User Guide 200 Schedule Week View You may view the entire week’s appointments for the operatories you’re viewing by clicking on the Week View command button in the toolbar. You may also press “Ctrl” and “W” on the keyboard to switch to this view. Month View By clicking the Month View icon, you can see scheduled production for each day of a month and it allows you to quickly move between days. You may also press “Ctrl” and “M” on the keyboard to switch to this view. Drag and Drop A scheduled appointment may be moved to any place on the screen by holding the left mouse button down while over the appointment and dragging the appointment to a new time or operatory or to a new day using the clipboard. Schedule Setup The Schedule can be customized or configured to meet the needs of your practice. However, in order for the Schedule to effectively assist your staff in scheduling, you must enter the times and days that your practice is open as well as entering the times and days that each provider is available to work. Once these particulars are entered and saved, Easy Dental will save you time and hassle in keeping track of provider schedules. For example, when scheduling an appointment for a particular provider, Easy Dental will automatically verify that the provider and operatory are available for the time requested. You can also use Easy Dental to find the next available appointment for any provider. Practice Setup 1. Click Setup Click the Setup Button and choose Practice Setup from the Setup menu. The Practice Schedule Setup dialog block will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 201 Select the Time Block size used in your practice. Check the days of the week you are open for business. Click the search button to open the Set Time Limits dialog box. Select whether you wish the appointment amount to always be updated according to what provider and fee schedule is selected, or if you wish to have the amount entered and “fixed” so that it does not change automatically. 2. Set Default Schedule If your practice is not open on a particular day, click on the check box next to that day. (The box will no longer be checked.) Easy Dental will question an appointment set for a day not checked in this dialog box. 3. Set Working Hours For each checked day, you will need to set the practice’s working hours. • Click on the search button located to the right of the day. The Set Time Limits dialog box will appear. • Easy Dental allows you to break any day into three time ranges. The default for each day is 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Easy Dental will question an appointment set during a time when the practice is not open, such as 12:30 p.m. • Change the time blocks by choosing the search button next to the start time or end time of the time block you wish to change. A Select Time control window will appear. • Change the time by clicking on the left arrow button to decrease the time or on the right arrow button to increase the time. • When you have selected the right time, choose the OK button to return to the previous window. After setting the time blocks for that day, choose the OK button to return to the Practice Schedule Setup dialog box. Choose the next day and repeat the setup process for each day the practice is open. 4. Select Time Block Size When you have finished entering daily schedules, you may want to adjust the time block size displayed in the main window of the Schedule. The default is set for 10 minute blocks. Choose the block that fits your practice best. Easy Dental User Guide 202 Schedule 5. Select Appointment Amount Option When Always Calculate is marked, the appointment amount will be calculated using the applicable fee schedules. If Allow Amount to be entered/fixed is marked, the amount will be entered as above, but can be edited. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Practice Schedule (Including Holidays) To set holidays or other days when the entire practice is closed: 1. Click Setup Click the Setup button and choose Practice Schedule from the menu. The Schedule Calendar for Practice window will appear with the hours your practice will be open on each day. Choose the Office Closed menu item and then select the appropriate option. Whatever option you select will affect the highlighted day in the calendar. 2. Select Day Highlight the day you wish to close the Office. 3. Click Office Closed | Close Office on Selected Date If you wish to close the office for a day when you would normally be open, (other than a yearly holiday), select “Close Office on selected date” from the menu. The day you selected will be marked according to the legend at the bottom of the Schedule Calendar for Practice dialog box. • If you wish to re-open the office on a day you had previously scheduled to be closed, select Open Office from the Office Closed menu. 4. Click Office Closed | Set Yearly Holiday on Selected Day If you wish to set a yearly Holiday (a holiday that occurs on the same date each year, such as Christmas), select Set Yearly Holiday on selected day from the Office Closed menu. • If you wish to delete a yearly holiday previously set in the system, select Delete Holiday from the Office Closed menu. 5. Change Times for a Day To change the available time ranges for a day, double-click on the day to display the Set Time Limits dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 203 6. Click Close When you have finished setting up the Practice Schedule, click the Close button to return to the Schedule window. You may return to the Practice Schedule to make changes at any time. Note: Be sure that the day being changed to closed or holiday does not already have appointments scheduled. If the day does have appointments scheduled, you will need to reschedule the appointments for a day the office is opened. Provider Setup The providers within your practice may all have different schedules. For example, DDS1 may prefer to take lunch at 1:00 p.m. rather than 12:00 p.m. while DDS2 is out of the office on Wednesdays. You may also set provider vacation times from this option. To Set Provider Default Schedule 1. Click Setup Click the Setup button and choose Provider Setup from the Setup menu. The Provider Setup dialog box will appear. Select a provider and then click the Setup button to bring up the Provider Setup screen. 2. Select Provider and Click Setup Select a provider you wish to set a schedule for and click on the Setup button. The Provider Setup dialog box will appear. Check the days of the week that this provider will work. Click the Search button to set the hours for a day. To set a provider’s display color, click the color button. Choose a color and click OK. All appointments with this provider will now display in the selected color 3. Set Default Schedule Check the days of the week when the provider is available. (The Practice must be open to show the time as available. See the previous section, Practice Schedule, for information.) Easy Dental User Guide 204 Schedule 4. Set Working Hours For each checked day, you will need to set the provider’s working hours. Click the search arrow next to each day the provider is working and enter the available time ranges. Click on the search button to change a start or end time. 5. Select Provider Alias(es) If there are multiple IDs that represent the same provider (i.e. for insurance purposes), highlight all of the IDs that represent the same provider in the Provider Alias box. Note: It is important that you mark provider aliases in the Provider Setup dialog box so that you do not double book the same provider. What is a Provider Alias? Occasionally, an office will add two provider IDs for the same person. In order for Easy Dental to prevent the two IDs from being scheduled at the same time, without the user’s knowledge, Easy Dental allows you to assign “aliases.” When you assign an alias to a provider, all you are doing is alerting Easy Dental to the fact that even though DDS1 and DDS2 are separate provider IDs they are actually the same person. 6. Choose Color Choose the color that each provider’s appointments will appear in. • Click on the Color button. The Color dialog box will appear. • Choose the new color. Custom colors can be added to the color pallet by choosing the Define Custom Colors button. • Click OK to return to the Provider Setup window. Note: Be careful when choosing dark colors for providers, as you may not be able to see the font of the appointments. 7. Set Time Blocks To create a provider time block, click the Add button. (For more information on creating and using Time Blocks, see the Easy Day Planning section in this chapter.) 8. Click OK To complete and exit provider setup, click the OK button. 9. Repeat Repeat the above process for each provider in the practice. To Set Provider Vacation Days 1. Click Setup Click the Setup button and choose Provider Setup from the Setup menu. The Provider Setup dialog box will appear. 2. Select Provider and Click Schedule Select the provider you wish to set vacation for and click on the Schedule button OR double-click on the Provider. The Schedule Calendar for [provider ID] dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 205 Select the date that you wish to set as a provider holiday and then choose the Options menu item. Choose Set Vacation to complete the process. This legend tells you which days are practice or provider holidays. 3. Select Day Highlight the day you wish to set a provider’s vacation for. You can switch the month you view by using the search arrows on the left or right of the date bar. 4. Choose Options If you wish to set a Vacation day for the provider, select Set Vacation on selected date from the Set Vacation menu. • If you wish to delete a vacation day that was previously set, select Delete Vacation day from the Set Vacation menu. • If you wish to reset the hours on a selected day to the provider’s default hours, select Reset Hours to default on selected date. 5. Change Times for Day To change the available time ranges for a day, double-click on the day to display the Set Time Limits dialog box. 6. Click Close When you have finished setting up the Provider Schedule, click the Close button to return to the main Schedule window. You may return to the Provider Schedule to make changes at any time. Note: Be sure that a day that is being changed to Vacation does not already have appointments scheduled. View Setup You can customize what you see in your Schedule window, and the views can be setup differently for each workstation if you wish. For instance, this option allows you to view Hygiene appointments only in one operatory or only a specific doctor’s appointments in another. You may also select what information will show on each line of the appointment in the main Schedule window. 1. Click View Click the View button to bring up the Select View dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide 206 Schedule Select a view and click the OK button to display that view. Use the Edit button to change the selected view. Use the New button to create a new view. Use the Delete button to delete the selected view. Check the days of the week you wish to display in the Week at a Glance view. Depending upon the length of the appointment, each appointment can display up to 8 lines of information. Click the down arrow to select the type of information to be displayed on each line. Select which Provider Columns and operatories you wish to display. Check View Appt. Notes if you wish to display a yellow note on appointments with a note. Check View Patients’ Alerts if you wish to display a red cross on appointments for patients with medical alerts. Check View Provider Columns to display a color column on the left side of the Schedule for each provider. 2. Highlight View and Select Desired Option If you wish to create a New view, click on New. The Select View dialog box will appear and you should move directly to step 3. • If you wish to Edit an existing view, highlight that view then click on Edit. The Select View dialog box will appear and you should move on to step 3. • If you wish to Delete a view, highlight the view then click on Delete. The view you deleted will disappear from the list of View options. 3. Select Providers Highlight the Providers you wish to assign to this view. Selecting a provider causes the provider tracking column along the left side of the Schedule to display for the selected provider. Appointments scheduled in a displayed operatory will always show, regardless of the provider assigned to the appointment. 4. Select Operatories Select the Operatories you wish to view. You may view up to ten operatories at a time. 5. Select Days Click the check box next to the days you wish to view in the Week at a Glance window. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 207 6. Customize Appointment Display Information The blocks of time you set in the Practice Setup will allow you to view several lines of information depending on the length of the patient’s appointment. You may choose the information that you would like to display in the Appointment window and prioritize up to eight lines of information. You can choose to view Appointment Reason on two consecutive lines so that more ranges are displayed. Use the down arrows to the right of each line to select the information you would like to display. On each line you may choose to view: • No information [None] Work Phone • Name Chart Number • Appointment Reason • Home Phone Provider Preferred Name 7. Check View Options View Appt. Notes – This option will make a note symbol display in the upper-right corner of any appointment that has a note. • View Patient Alerts – This option causes a medical Alert symbol to appear in the upper-right corner of an appointment for a patient with medical alerts. • View Provider Columns – This option causes the Easy Provider Tracking Column to display along the left side of the schedule. Note: If work phone, preferred name, chart number are selected, or the medical alerts option is marked, the Schedule may become a little slower because more fields are read. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the main Schedule window. How To Schedule an Appointment 1. Double Click Operatory Date and Time In the main Schedule window double-click on the line of the date and time you wish to make the appointment for. OR Click on the Schedule Appointment command button in the tool bar. The Select Patient dialog box will appear. Enter the first few letters of the patient’s last name here. Select the patient you want to schedule an appointment for from this list. Choose OK to continue. Choose the New Patient button if the patient is new to the practice. Easy Dental User Guide 208 Schedule 2. Select Patient This box allows you to enter the patient’s last name, first name, preferred name, home phone number, chart number, or social security number. Mark the desired search option in the By section. • Type in the first few letters of the patient’s name (or chosen search method) or use the mouse to click on the letter or number buttons. As you type, Easy Dental will begin to search for the patient. • Highlight the patient you wish to schedule and then choose the OK button. • The New Appointment Information dialog box will appear. • If you are scheduling for a new patient whose family information has not been entered in the Patients window, choose the New Patient button. Click here to select a reason for the appointment. Click Initial to select a routine procedure. Click Tx if the patient has treatment planned work to be scheduled. Click Misc. to select a reason that hasn’t been treatment planned. Click here to choose a provider. Click here to set or change the amount of time needed for the appointment.. This box will be red if the patient has a medical alert. Select a Status, Schedule, and Type for the appointment if desired. The operatory, date, and time will be entered automatically if you scheduled the appointment by double-clicking on the Schedule. Click here to find a new appointment time. Click here to view other appointments for the entire family. Click here to move the appointment information to the Unscheduled List. Click here to save this appointment and schedule another appointment for this patient. 3. Select Provider Click OK to save the appointment. Click here to move the appointment to the Clipboard. Select the provider that the appointment will be scheduled with by clicking on the search button next to Provider and highlighting the appropriate provider. The provider will default to the primary provider selected for the patient in the Patients module. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 209 4. Attach Recall (Optional) If “Use Reason to Auto Update Recall” is checked, then Easy Dental will automatically attach the appropriate recall type according to the reason selected for the appointment. To change the recall type attached to the appointment, click the search button next to Recall Attached. The Patient Pending Recall dialog box will appear: Pending Recall appears in the window. To attach a recall type to the current appointment, select the type and choose OK. If the desired type has been previously attached to an appointment, you will see “Yes” in the Appt column (“No” indicates that this recall is not attached to any appointment). You can attach each type to just one appointment. • Highlight the Recall Types you wish to attach then click OK. • The Recall Types selected will appear in the Recall Attached list and the date the Recall is due will appear to the right of the type. • The default provider selected in the Patients window for recall will also be automatically attached. 5. Select Appointment Reason(s) The Reasons list box displays all of the reasons that have been selected for the appointment by doing the following: If you wish to choose Initial Appointment Reasons: • Click on the Initial button. The Select Initial Reasons dialog box will appear. Use the inital appointment reasons if the appointment is a diagnostic or preventive visit. Select the reasons for the appointment and click the OK button. You may select more than one reason! • Highlight the Initial Reason and click on OK. The initial reason will appear in the Reason list box. (The Initial Reasons may be customized in Definitions. See the Setup chapter for more information.) If you wish to choose the Treatment Plan Appointment Reasons: • Click on the Tx button. The Treatment Plan dialog box will appear with a list of all treatment planned procedures for the patient. If you have treatment planned work for a patient, you may select the Tx button to attach a treatment planned reason to the appointment. Select the items to be performed on this visit and click Close. If you have organized the treatment plan, the treatment order number will be listed in the Odr column. A ‘S’ in this column indicates that an appointment has been scheduled. A ‘U’ indicates that there is an appointment on the unscheduled list for the treatment plan. • Highlight the Treatment Plan procedure(s) and choose the Close button. The Treatment Plan reason will appear in the Reason list box. If you wish to choose Miscellaneous Appointment Reasons: • Click on the Misc. button. The Procedure Codes dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 210 Schedule Click the Misc. button to choose any procedures that have not been treatment planned. You will be able to select any procedure, but you will not be able to set the procedures complete if the procedure requires more information such as a tooth number or surface. • Select the Category and Procedure Code you wish to schedule the appointment for. • Click on OK and the Procedure(s) selected will appear in the Reason list box. If the procedure you chose requires additional information, you will see this dialog box warning you that you will not be able to set this procedure complete from the Schedule. Note: If the procedure requires a tooth surface or quadrant, it is better to add it to the patient’s treatment plan from the Treatment Plans window. 6. Enter Description The Appointment Description will fill in automatically as you make your Appointment Reason selections. You can edit the description or you can enter a description directly on this line. 7. Enter Length Accept or edit the length of time needed to complete the procedure. Easy Dental will automatically calculate the amount of time needed. If additional or less time is needed: • Click on the search button. The Appointment Time Pattern dialog box will appear. • Click on the left arrow button to decrease the duration or choose the right arrow button to increase the duration of the appointment. An X represents provider time. The slash / represents assistant time. The clear block represents chair time when neither the provider or assistant are present. 8. Enter Amount Accept or edit the Amount for the appointment. Easy Dental will automatically calculate the Amount based on what procedure(s) will be performed during the appointment. 9. Select Appointment Status, Schedule, and Type Select the Appointment Status by clicking on the down arrow next to this option and selecting the appropriate choice. • Set the appointment Schedule type. You have three choices: Fixed, Open and ASAP. A fixed appointment is inflexible, meaning its the only time the patient wants. Open appointments indicate that the patient is willing to change the date and time of the appointment if necessary. Click the List button on the toolbar and choose ASAP List to access the ASAP and Open list. • Select the appointment type appropriate for this appointment. (For more information on setting up and using Appointment Types, see the Easy Day Planning section in this chapter.) Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 211 10. Select Operatory Click on the search button to produce a list box of the practice’s operatories. Highlight the desired operatory and then click the OK button. 11. Set Appointment Date Click on the search button. A calendar will appear. Choose the left and right arrow buttons to move the calendar forward or backward one month. Select the date of the appointment and then choose the OK button. • Use the right and left arrow buttons to go back one month or advance one month. • Click on the desired date then click the OK button. Note: The date can also be typed into the Date edit box. 12. Set Appointment Time Click on the search key. A Select Time box will appear. Choose this button to set the time before the displayed time. • Use the left and right arrow keys to select the desired time. • Choose the OK button to return to the Appointment Information screen. Choose this arrow button to set the time after the displayed time. Choose the OK button to set the appointment time. Note: The time can also be typed into the Time edit box. 13. Enter Note (Optional) If you would like to make a note about the appointment, you may do so now, or add one later. 14. Click OK Click OK to accept your selections and return to the main Schedule window. The appointment you created will appear at the date and time you selected. Easy Dental User Guide 212 Schedule Scheduling Notice When you are scheduling an appointment for a patient, Easy Dental will inform you if the patient already has an unscheduled or broken appointment. You will be asked if you wish to view the patient’s appointment list so that you can determine if you want to reschedule an existing appointment or schedule a new appointment. You will receive instant notification if the patient has an unscheduled or broken appointment. Other Appointment Information Other Appointments If you click the Other Appt(s) button in the Appointment Information window, the Family Appointment List dialog box appears. Highlight a family member here . . . . . . and that patient’s appointments and Recall program appear here. The patient’s scheduled Treatment Plan appears here. • The first box lists all Recall Types that the patient and all family members should be seen for. • The second box lists all Appointments and pending recall for the selected family member. • The third box lists the selected family member’s pending Treatment Plan. Schedule Next Appointment If more than one appointment is to be created for the same patient, click on the Schd. Next button and it will: • Create an appointment using the current information. • Bring up a New Appointment Information dialog box for the patient. • Increment the appointment time by the last appointment’s length. • Allow you to enter information for the next appointment. Wait/Will Call An appointment that cannot be scheduled yet is noted by this button. It clears the date, time and operatory and places the appointment in the Unscheduled Appointment List with a status of W/Call. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 213 Dial The Dial button can be used to automatically dial a phone number or to view a patient’s phone number. To dial a phone number, complete the following steps: 1. Click Dial Click the Dial button to display the Auto Dial dialog box. 2. Click Phone Number From the phone number list, click the phone number you want to dial. 3. Click Dial Click Dial. While the number is being connected, you are prompted to pick up the phone. 4. Pick up Handset and Click Talk Pick up your phone’s handset and click Talk. Note: A modem must be installed and properly configured in Windows for the dial option to work. Locating an Existing Appointment There are several options for finding an existing appointment. If you already know the date and time of the appointment: • Advance or reverse the screen from day to day by clicking on the red and green left and right arrows in the upper right corner of the screen. Use the up and down scroll buttons to view different times of the day. • If you need to change months to find the appointment, click on the month button. The Calendar window will appear. Click on the left or right arrow buttons to advance or reverse the screen one month. When you’ve found the right month, select the correct date then choose the OK button. The Schedule will reflect your selection. Use the up and down scroll buttons to view different times of the day. If you don’t know when a patient’s appointment is: • Click once on the Find Appointment button found on the toolbar. The Find Appointment dialog box will appear. • Enter the patient’s last name. Tab to the search button and press Enter. • All patient’s appointments with that last name will appear. • Highlight the correct appointment and choose the View Appointment button to display the appointment book with the highlighted appointment. Easy Dental User Guide 214 Schedule How to Move an Appointment The Schedule allows you to easily change appointment dates and times without ever having to re-enter information or delete broken appointments. To move an appointment you may: 1. Open Appointment Information Double-click on the appointment (or find the appointment using the steps listed in the previous section). The Appointment Information dialog box will appear. 2. Change Appointment Time and Date Change the Appointment Time and Date in the Appointment Information dialog box. 3. Click OK Click OK to accept the changes you made. OR 1. Choose Appointment to Move Find the appointment you wish to change so that it appears on the Schedule screen and click once on it. 2. Drag Appointment (Optional) If you wish to move the appointment to a different time on the same day, hold down the left mouse button over the appointment, then drag the appointment to the desired time and operatory. Note: You may lengthen or shorten an appointment by holding the mouse down on the bottom right corner of the appointment and dragging up to shorten the appointment or down to lengthen it. OR 1. Drag Appointment to Clipboard If you wish to move the Appointment to another day, week or month, drag the appointment up to the Clipboard icon. Release the mouse button when the appointment is directly on top of the Clipboard icon. You can also double-click on the appointment and click the Clipboard button. 2. Choose Time to Move To Using the Calendar or arrow keys, display the day you want to move the appointment to. 3. Drag Appointment from Clipboard to Time Click and hold on the appointment in the Clipboard. Drag the appointment to the desired operatory and time on the Schedule screen. Release the mouse button when the appointment is in the desired position. Click and hold on the appointment to move. Drag it to the Clipboard. Release the mouse button to place the appointment on the clipboard. Find a new date and time. Click and hold on the appointment (now on the clipboard) and drag it to the new location. Release the mouse button to drop the appointment in place. 4. Confirm Move A message box will appear asking if you want to move the appointment. Choose Yes to make the change or choose Cancel to abort and make no changes. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 215 Find An Available Time Let the Schedule find open time blocks for you. All you have to do is enter a few items of information and the Schedule will generate a list of available time slots. 1. Select Patient Click once on the Schedule Appointment button in the button bar. • In the Select Patient dialog box enter the patient’s last name. • Highlight the patient’s name and then choose the OK button. The New Appointment Information dialog box will appear. 2. Click Find Available Time Click the Find Available Time button. The Find New Appointment Time dialog box will appear. 3. Select Provider and Operatory Select the provider and operatory you wish to search for in the Find New Appointment Time dialog box. More than one of either can be highlighted. Check the days to search for here. Enter the date to begin the search. Select the operatory and provider you wish to search for. Enter the length of time needed for the appointment. Click this button to view a list of available appointment times while viewing the Schedule. Check this box to search for a specific time block. Click this button to view a list of available appointment times. 4. Select Day(s) Select the week day or days the patient can come in. 5. Enter Start Date Enter the date to start searching from. The starting date defaults to the current date, but any starting date may be entered. • Type the date in the Edit box. • Choose the search button to the right of the Starting Date box. A calendar will appear from which you may select the desired starting date. • You can increase the start date by days, weeks, or months at a time by selecting the appropriate button and then choosing one of the number buttons, one through six. The numbers represent how many days, weeks or months to jump ahead for the beginning of the search. OR OR Easy Dental User Guide 216 Schedule 6. Select Time Range (Optional) Set the Appointment length to the amount of time needed for the appointment by using the arrow control buttons. Select the desired time range to search for. If the patient is only available for an appointment between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., then choose the search button next to the Time Start and Time End fields. Use the Select Time control box to set the beginning and ending time. 7. Search By Time Block (Optional) To search for an available time within a specific time block, check Search By Time Block and select the appropriate time block. Check Search By Appt Type to search for only time blocks for a specific Appointment Type. (For information on implementing time blocks, see the Easy Day Planning section in this chapter.) 8. Choose Search/View OR Search Choose the Search/View button. The Available Appointment Times list box will appear displaying available time ranges. When you choose the Search/View button, this dialog box will appear on top of the Schedule. • Highlight a time range that meets the patient’s schedule. If there are no ranges that meet the patient’s schedule, choose the More button to view additional ranges. • After you have highlighted a time range, you can choose the View button to see the time range displayed on the Schedule’s main screen OR choose View Next to view the next available appointment time range. • Click the Select button to set the appointment within the highlighted time range. You will be able to return to the new appointment information dialog box with the date and time entered. • Click the Search button within the Find Appointment Time dialog box and a larger selection of available time ranges will be displayed. This option will not allow the time to be viewed in the Schedule. • Click the Select button to set the appointment within the highlighted block of time. OR Using the Auto Dial If you have a modem installed on your computer, Easy Dental can make calling your patients easier by showing all available phone numbers and then dialing the number you choose. Additionally, once you have finished the call, you can enter notes that are automatically added to the Contacts module. To make a phone call: 1. Highlight Appointment From the Schedule module, select the appointment for the patient you want to contact. 2. Click Auto Dial From the toolbar, click the Auto Dial button. The Auto Dial dialog box is displayed. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 217 3. Click Phone Number To Be Dialed On the left side of the dialog, all available phone numbers for the patient are displayed. Click the number you want to dial and click the Dial button. The modem is activated and dials the phone number. A message box appears that instructs you to pick up the handset. 4. Pick Up Handset You must pick up the handset in order to talk to the patient. Click the Talk button once the patient has answered. 5. Add Contact Entry Enter any notes regarding the call in the Notes box. 6. Click OK Click OK. A Phone Call entry is added to the Contacts module for this patient. Note: In order for the Auto Dial function to work properly you must have a modem properly installed on your computer. If you are having problems dialing with your modem, please contact your hardware support resource for assistance. Lists To access the Appointments, ASAP, and Unscheduled Lists, click this button. Appointments The Appointments list displays all appointments scheduled in the Schedule for a selected date. As a useful tool to confirm appointments, the Appointments list displayes the time, status, name of patient, provider, operatory, reason, length, and patient phone number for the appointment. Easy Dental User Guide 218 Schedule Click here to return to the Schedule. Use the Set Date button to change the date to view. Choose the Status button to assign a status to the selected appointment. Use the View button to change how the list is compiled. Choose Refresh to make sure you are viewing the latest information. Use the Delete button to delete the selected appointment. Selecting an appointment in the list will bring up the Appointment Information window for that appointment. The following is an overview of the Appointments list. It will describe all menu commands and functions available. Set Date Selecting the Set Date button will display the calendar dialog box. The calendar allows you to easily select a date to display all scheduled appointments. Status This status is the same as the status in the Schedule. If the status is changed here, the change will be reflected in the Schedule. In order to add or change a status for a given appointment on the list, it must first be selected in the Appointments List. View This command displays the Appointments List View dialog box and allows you to select which appointments are to be shown. This dialog box gives you the option of selectively viewing appointments by provider, operatory, appointment type, or by date span. • If a Provider is selected, then only the appointments assigned to that provider will be shown in the list. • If an Operatory is selected, then only the appointments assigned to that Operatory will be shown. Note: Only one Provider or Operatory can be selected at a time. • When checked, the View All box will display all appointments for all providers and all operatories. • Choosing the Save As Default button will save the current View information as the default. These default selections will ensure that the list will be “viewed” the same way in the future, until a new View default is saved. Delete Selecting this command will delete the selected appointment. The appointment must be selected from the list before this command is executed. Refresh Choosing this command will cause the Appointments list to search and display all appointments that satisfy the restrictions selected in View. If an appointment has been changed in another module or at another workstation, Refresh will update your Appointments list to reflect all changes. ASAP List Selecting the ASAP List will display a list that will contain appointments marked as ASAP or Open. The ASAP List provides you with an easy way to keep your working days fully scheduled. The ASAP List displays patients who want and/or need an appointment as soon as possible. It does this by displaying appointments by type (ASAP or Open) in the date span set within View. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 219 Click here to return to the Schedule. Use the Set Date button to change the date to view. Choose the Status button to assign a status to the selected appointment. Use the View button to change how the list is compiled. Choose Refresh to make sure you are viewing the latest information. Use the Delete button to delete the selected appointment. Selecting an appointment in the list will bring up the Appointment Information window for that appointment. The following is an overview of the ASAP List. It will describe all menu commands and functions available. Set Date Selecting the Set Date button will display the calendar dialog box. The calendar allows you to easily set the beginning date of the date span for the ASAP List which becomes the “List Date.” View This command displays the ASAP List View dialog box and allows you to select which appointments are to be shown in the ASAP list. This dialog box gives you the option of selectively viewing appointments by provider, operatory, appointment type, or by date span. If you wish to only view ASAP appointments of a particular provider and/or operatory, select one from the list. Select the type of appointments to search for. Enter the number of days ahead you wish to search for. Choose this button to save your selections. • If a Provider is selected, then only the appointments assigned to that provider will be shown in the list. • If an Operatory is selected, then only the appointments assigned to that Operatory will be shown. • Only the type of appointment that is selected will be shown and only those that fall within the set span of search, according to the list date. • The date span is the number of days to search, starting with the date that was selected using the Calendar. Note: Only one Provider, Operatory, or Type of Search can be selected at a time unless View All is selected. When checked, the View All box will display all appointments for the given type and span of search, for all providers and all operatories. • Choosing the Save As Default button will save the current View information as the default. These default selections will ensure that the list will be “viewed” the same way in the future, until a new View default is saved. Easy Dental User Guide 220 Schedule Delete Selecting this command will delete the selected appointment. The appointment must be selected from the list before this command is executed. Refresh Choosing this command will cause the ASAP List to search and display all appointments that satisfy the restrictions selected in View. If an appointment has been changed in another module or at another workstation, Refresh will update your ASAP list to reflect all changes. Status This status is the same as the status in the Schedule. If the status is changed here, the change will be reflected in the Schedule. In order to add or change a status for a given appointment on the list, it must first be selected in the appointment list. Unscheduled List The Unscheduled List provides you with an easy way to view appointments that are not currently scheduled. Appointments displayed on the Unscheduled List are appointments that have been broken with the Break Appt command from the Schedule, or Wait/Will Call (those appointments that could not be specifically scheduled when the patient came in for his/her treatment plan). Use the View button to change how the list Use the Delete button to delete the selected appointment. is compiled. Click Refresh to make sure you are viewing the latest information. Any appointment in the list can be selected to bring up the Appointment Information window for the unscheduled appointment. The following is an overview of the Unscheduled List describing menu commands and functions available. View Selecting View displays the Unscheduled List View dialog box and allows you to change appointments shown in the Unscheduled List. This dialog box gives you the option of selectively viewing appointments with a given provider. If you wish to view all unscheduled appointments for a particular provider, select one from this list. Choose this button to save your selections. • If a Provider is selected, then only those appointments assigned to that provider will be shown in the list. • Checking View All displays all appointments. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 221 • Checking Save as Default saves the current View information as the default. These default selections will ensure that the list will be “viewed” the same way in the future until a new View Default is selected. Delete Selecting this command will delete the selected appointment. The appointment must be selected from the Unscheduled List before this command is executed. Refresh Choosing Refresh will cause a search of the Unscheduled List that will display all appointments that satisfy the restrictions selected in View. If an appointment has been modified in another list or on another workstation, Refresh will update your Unscheduled List to reflect all changes. Other Schedule Options Note: When you are scheduling an appointment for a patient, Easy Dental will inform you if the patient already has an unscheduled or broken appointment. You will be asked if you wish to view the patient’s appointment list so that you can determine if you want to reschedule the existing appointment or schedule a new appointment. • View Existing Appointments: Select Yes to determine how best to schedule a new appointment. Easy Dental will then display the Family Appointment list. • Create a New Appointment: To add a new appointment, select the Create New Appointment button. • Reschedule an Existing Unscheduled or Broken Appointment: Highlight the appointment to reschedule and select the View Appointment button to reschedule an existing appointment. OR Breaking Appointments When a scheduled appointment is missed or broken, this process unschedules the appointment, marks it as Broken, and moves it to the Unscheduled list. • Find and highlight the appointment you wish to break. • Click on the Break Appointment command button in the toolbar OR click with the right mouse button on the selected appointment and choose Break Appointment from the pop-up menu. Click the Broken Appointment button to move an appointment from the Schedule to the Unscheduled List. • A Warning message explaining that the appointment will be moved to the Unscheduled List will appear. Choose Yes to break the appointment OR choose No to abort the breaking process. Deleting Appointments This command deletes the selected appointment and removes it from all lists. • Find and highlight the appointment you wish to delete. • Click on the Delete Appointment command button in the button bar OR click with the right mouse button on the selected appointment and choose Delete Appointment from the pop-up menu. Delete an appointment from the Schedule by clicking this button. The appointment will be completely removed from the system. • A Warning message explaining that the appointment will be removed completely from all records will appear. Choose Yes to delete the appointment OR choose No to abort the delete process. Easy Dental User Guide 222 Schedule Post/Set Complete • Select the appointment and then choose the Set Complete button in the button bar OR click with the right mouse button on the selected appointment and choose Post/Set Complete from the pop-up menu. The Set Appointment Procedures Complete dialog box will appear. • Select the procedures you wish to post and then choose the Set Complete button. The appointment block will turn gray indicating that it has been completed. Click this button to set an appointment complete and post the appointment procedures to the Accounts window. Note: If the appointment is attached to Recall, you will be prompted to create a new Recall Appointment. The new appointment information will default according to the posted appointment. Printing Schedule View This command allows you to print a copy of the Schedule view, for use if you do not have the Schedule information in your operatories. 1. Click Print Click the Print button and choose Schedule View. The Select View dialog box will be displayed. Note: The Providers, Operatories, Appointment Display Info, and Time view will default according to the View currently selected for the Schedule. The Save Patient View button will save the current settings for those most commonly used for printing. The Load Print View button will retrieve the last saved settings. 2. Select Providers Highlight the Providers you wish to include. When a provider is selected from this list, the Easy Provider Tracking Column along the left side of the Schedule will display the corresponding color for the provider. Note: Appointments scheduled in a selected operatory will always print, regardless of the provider assigned to the appointment. 3. Select Operatories Highlight the Operatories you wish to display. A limit of 10 operatories will print out on the Schedule View. 4. Select Date Select the Date you wish to have print. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 223 5. Select Appointment Display Info Select the Information you wish to display for each patient. Put the eight lines of information in priority order because shorter appointments will only show the first few lines. 6. Check Print Appointment Colors (Optional) If you are printing the Schedule View on a Color printer, check the Print Appt Colors box. 7. Print Schedule Note If you want to include the Schedule Note for the day, check the Print Schedule Note option. 8. Print Time At Right If you wish to print the time bar on the right side of the report, as well as the left side, check this option. 9. Select Time View Select the time range you would like to print. 10. Select Print OR Send to Batch Choose the Print button if you wish to print the document directly OR click on Batch to send the Schedule View to the Batch Processor to be printed at a later time. Route Slips The Patient Route Slip provides: • Patient Information including much of the Information available from the Patients and Schedule windows. • Account Information including the Guarantor’s name and phone numbers as well as billing information. • Insurance Information including the Primary and Secondary carriers, subscribers, and group numbers as well as benefit information. • Appointment Information including the appointment date, time, provider, operatory and status as well as a list of all procedures scheduled for the appointment. To Print a Patient Route Slip • Highlight the appointment you wish to print a route slip for. • Click on the Print button and choose Route Slip OR click with the right mouse button on the selected appointment and choose Print Route Slip from the pop-up menu. The Print Route Slip dialog box will appear. Select an appointment, click the Print button and choose to print a route slip for the selected patient. • Choose the Print button to print the Route slip directly OR choose Batch to send the Route Slip to the Batch Processor to be printed at a later time. Note: To print all route slips for a range of days, refer to the Daily Appointment List section in the Reports chapter. Status This button is used as an intra-office communication tool. The options selected from this menu will appear in the status column of the Schedule’s various lists (and change the color of the appointment if applicable) for the appointment at every work station. In order to change the status for an appointment, first, select the appointment on the Schedule or List then select the status from the Status button. Easy Dental User Guide 224 Schedule Refresh If the Schedule information has been changed in another module or at another workstation, Refresh will update the window to reflect all changes. Alerts/Notes You can view notes, Patient Alerts, or Medical Alerts at any time for any patient by clicking on the Red Cross , Yellow Note, or Patient Alert flag on an appointment. The Alerts/Notes window is displayed. Medical Alerts can only be viewed here. To enter Medical Alerts, choose the Patients button. Double-click on the Medical Alerts information block and select the appropriate alert. If a Medical Alert does exist, a red cross will appear in the upper right corner of the appointment. Appointment Notes can either be entered here or in the Appointment Information dialog box. If a note does exist for the appointment, a yellow note will appear in the upper right corner of the appointment block. Patient Notes can be added here or in the Patients window. If you’ve entered patient notes in the Patients window previously, they will appear here as well. Account Notes can be added here or in the Accounts window. If an account note has previously been entered, it can be edited. Easy Day Planning Many practice management consultants advocate a strategy of scheduling the “Perfect Day.” A “Perfect Day” consists of just the right balance of High Production, Medium Production and Low Production procedures. Easy Dental helps to achieve that “perfect” balance by allowing you to reserve certain times during the day by blocking those times for the scheduling of specific procedure types (High Production, Low Production, etc.). This section will discuss how to setup and use the Easy Day Planning system in Easy Dental. Look for the following topics: • Customizing Appointment Types • Customizing Procedure Codes • Setting Up Time Blocks • Activating Easy Day Planning • Finding an Available Time Block Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 225 Customizing Appointment Types In order to ensure that the wrong procedures are not accidentally scheduled in times reserved for specific types of procedures, Easy Dental assigns an Appointment Type to each procedure. When an appointment is scheduled in a reserved time block, Easy Dental verifies that the Appointment’s Type matches the type permitted for the reserved time block. Easy Dental includes four Appointment Types with each installation: General, High Production, Medium Production, Low Production. If necessary, these types can be deleted or changed at the time of installation and more can be added with a limit of 10. 1. Click Practice Setup | Definitions From the Reports module, click the Practice Setup button. Next, choose Definitions to display the Practice Definitions dialog box. 2. Select Definition Type Choose the down arrow to show the Practice Definitions list. From the list select Appointment Types. The Appointment Types will appear in the Definition box. 3. Edit Definitions Select the Appointment Type you wish to change. Click in the Definition Text box and make any necessary changes. 4. Click Change To save your changes, click the Change button. A warning message appears, click Yes to continue or No to abort. Note: While Easy Dental will allow users to customize definitions at any time, to avoid problems it is best to customize only definitions that have not yet been assigned to a patient’s appointment. 5. Adding New Appointment Type (Optional) If needed, you can add additional types to the Appointment Type list. Type the new definition in the Definition Text box (this will overwrite the existing text). Click the Add button. The new definition will appear at the bottom of the list. Customizing Procedure Codes Each procedure code in Easy Dental can be assigned a default Appointment Type. Once a code has been properly designated, Easy Dental automatically assigns the correct Appointment Type to any appointments scheduled using that procedure code. 1. Click Practice Setup | Procedure Code Setup From the Reports module, click the Practice Setup button and choose Procedure Code Setup. The Procedure List dialog box is displayed. 2. Select Category and Procedure From the Procedure Code Category list, select the appropriate category. All the procedure codes associated with that category will appear in the code list box. Double-click on the code to be edited. 3. Select Appointment Type Click the down arrow next to Appointment Type. A list of defined Appointment Types will appear. Select the appropriate type for the procedure code. 4. Save Changes and Close Click the Save button. Next, click the Close button and then the Exit button to return to the Reports module. Setting Up Time Blocks Time Blocks allow you to reserve specific times in the Schedule for certain Appointment Types (e.g. Crowns, Exams, etc.). Once Easy Day Planning has been set up and activated, you will see a colored border surrounding the blocked time which contains the Time Block name and the provider assigned to that block. Anyone attempting to schedule an incorrect procedure during the blocked time will be warned and prompted to override. 1. Click Setup | Provider Setup From the Schedule module, click Setup then Provider Setup. The Provider Setup dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 226 Schedule 2. Select Provider Select the provider for which you wish to set up a Time Block and click on the Setup button. The Provider Setup dialog box will appear. 3. Click Add Click the Add button in the Set Time Blocks section. The Block Settings dialog box will appear. 4. Enter Time Block Name Click once in the Time Block Name field and type a short description of the block’s purpose. (For example, Crowns, Exams, etc.) 5. Choose Time Block Color Click on the color button to the right of the Time Block Name field. The Color dialog box will appear. • Choose a color to represent the block in the Appointment Book. • Choose the OK button to return to the previous dialog box. 6. Assign Days and Times Check the day(s) of the week that you wish to set the Time Block for. • Select the desired Start and End time for each day by clicking on the respective search buttons. The Select Time dialog box will appear. Select the desired time by clicking on the left arrow to decrease the time or on the right arrow to increase the time. Once the time is selected, click OK. 7. Assign Operatory Select the operatory where these types of procedures are performed, by clicking on the down arrow under the Assigned Op field and selecting the desired operatory. 8. Select Appointment Type Select the Appointment Type you wish to assign to this Time Block, by clicking on the down arrow under the Block Appt Type field and selecting the desired Appointment Type. Easy Dental User Guide Schedule 227 9. Click OK To save your Block Settings, click the OK button. Click OK to return to the Provider Setup screen. Repeat steps 3 – 9 for any additional Time Blocks. When finished click OK then Close to return to the Schedule. Activating Easy Day Planning To display the scheduled Time Blocks, Easy Day Planning must first be activated in the Schedule. (If Easy Day has not been activated, the defined Time Blocks will not be displayed in the Schedule and you will not be warned while scheduling appointments during reserved Time Blocks.) To activate Easy Day Planning, click the Easy Day Planning button on the Schedule toolbar. Once Easy Day Planning has been activated, Easy Dental will display the defined Provider Time Blocks in the Schedule. When scheduling an appointment in a defined Time Block, Easy Dental will check both the Provider and the Appointment Type to verify that the Provider and Appointment Type match the Time Block. If either the Provider or the Appointment Type do not match, a warning will be displayed allowing you to override the Time Block setting and schedule the appointment or return to the Appointment Information dialog box. Click to turn Easy Day Planning on and off. Scheduled Time blocks will be displayed when Easy Day Planning is activated. Click and drag a time block to move it to a different time in the operatory. Note: Individual Time Blocks can be moved within their respective operatory (click on the Time Block with the left mouse button and drag to the desired time). Also, you can increase or decrease the size of the Time Block by clicking on the bottom border of the Time Block and dragging up to decrease the size of the Time Block or dragging down to increase the size of the Time Block. Finding an Available Time Block To quickly find the first available block, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Schedule toolbar, click the Schedule Appointment button. Select a patient. The New Appointment Information dialog box will appear. 2. Select Provider Change the appointment provider if necessary. Easy Dental User Guide 228 Schedule 3. Select Appointment Reason(s) Assign reasons for the appointment by clicking the Tx button or by choosing the Initial button and selecting from the list of Initial Reasons. Note: Easy Dental will pull in the Appointment Type assigned to this procedure code. If more than one procedure code is selected, the Appointment Type for the first procedure code selected will be assigned to the appointment. (You may also change the Appointment Type as needed.) 4. Select Find Click the Find button. The Find New Appointment Time dialog box will appear. Check the Search By Time Block option and select the appropriate time block. 5. Find an Appointment Time Check the Search by Time Block box. Highlight the appropriate Time Block. • Click the Search/View button. A list of available times will appear. • Highlight a time and click the View button to display the date and time of the appointment in the Schedule. • Click the Select button to select a time. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to schedule the appointment. Easy Dental User Guide Recall 229 Recall In this Section: • Assigning Recall Types to a Procedure Code • Setting Recall Views • Customizing Patient Recall Defaults • Generating a Recall List • Printing Recall Cards Recall is an up-to-date, flexible, and powerful means for monitoring your patients’ dental care. Below is a short list of the advantages the Recall system will bring to your office: • Multiple Recall Types: You have five Recall types to help patients maximize their insurance benefits and dental health while you maximize production! • Recall Cards: Recall allows you to efficiently separate cards for recall patients without appointments from those with appointments. Recall will save you time and money with its sorting features, and patients will see a tremendous difference in your ability to effectively communicate with them. • Individualized Recall: With the Recall system, each patient can have specific defaults (including intervals, types of Recall, providers, etc.). This individualized information allows you to run your practice more efficiently while at the same time providing better care for your patients. Easy Dental User Guide 230 Recall Assigning Recall Types to a Procedure Code When a Recall type is attached to a procedure, each time the procedure is completed, Easy Dental will automatically update the patient’s due date for that Recall type by the interval assigned to the patient. To attach a Recall type to a procedure, complete the following: 1. Click Practice Setup | Procedure Code Setup Click the Practice Setup button from the Reports window and choose Procedure Code Setup from the menu. 2. Select Procedure Highlight the Category and then the Procedure Code you wish to make a Recall procedure, and then click Edit. Choose this search button to assign a Recall type to the procedure. 3. Click Recall Search Button Click the Search button in the Auto Recall section. The Select Recall Type dialog box will appear. 4. Select Recall Type Select the appropriate Recall type and choose the Select button. Only one Recall type can be assigned to a procedure at any time. Repeat these steps for all procedures you wish to automatically update a Recall type. Setting Recall Views The Recall Views Setup allows you to create many different ways of looking at the Recall information. To set up Views, do the following: 1. Click Views Click the Views button from the Recall window. Choose Setup from the menu. The Recall Views Setup dialog box will appear showing all permanent views that have previously been set in your system. 2. Choose New or Edit Click on New to add a view or highlight a view and click on Edit to edit the selected view. A Recall view box will appear where you can add or edit any of the displayed settings. Easy Dental User Guide Recall 231 To specify one Recall type, choose the down-arrow button and make a selection. Type the name of the View here. Filter the list according to the Recall Status. Select how you want the list sorted. Highlight the item and press the Page Up key on the keyboard to move it up in the list. Set up the list to include all those who are due. For a month, choose 1 day before and 1 month after. Lists can be filtered by the Recall provider and billing type. Prior Treatment refers to the last time the patient was seen for a Recall procedure. Last Visit Date refers to the last time the patient was seen for any reason. Filter the list according to whether a patient has a Recall appointment or not. Remember that patient appointments should be attached in the Schedule before this list will filter correctly. The Sort Order box in the bottom left corner allows you to customize the order in which each patient is listed on both the display and the printed list. Sorting by family allows you to look at the entire family together regardless of whether they all have the same last name. Sorting alphabetically by patient name sorts by name regardless of family relationship. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard to move a particular sort option up or down in priority. (The Page Up and Page Down keys are usually located above the arrow keys by Home, End, Delete, and Insert.) Customizing Patient Recall Defaults When a patient calls, or arrives, for their Recall appointment, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient Click the Select Patient button from the Patients module and select the desired patient. 2. Open Recall Double-click on the Recall information block. The Patient Recall dialog box will appear. 3. Set Recall Highlight the Recall type you wish to assign and click Edit. Easy Dental User Guide 232 Recall 4. Customize Defaults Customize the patient’s Recall defaults (if different from the practice defaults listed). The defaults that can be changed for a patient are: Due Date, Prior Treatment Date, Status, Recall Note, and Provider. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Patients module. Recall Management Once you have Recall set up for your practice, you should do the following on a regular basis: 1. When scheduling a Recall appointment make sure you attach the Recall type to the appointment. Access the New Appointment Information screen by selecting the Schedule Appointment button from the Scheduling module. Select a patient and click OK. The New Appointment Information screen will appear. 2. From the New Appointment Information screen, click on the search arrow next to Recall Attached. The Patient Pending Recall dialog box will appear. Each Recall type that has been set up for the patient will be listed along with its due date and Appt status. Under the Appt column, a No will appear if this recall type is not attached to any appointments, a Yes will appear if this recall type is attached to another appointment, and several dashes (---) will appear if this recall type is attached to this appointment. Highlight the appropriate Recall type for this appointment and click OK. This will link the scheduled appointment with the Recall type. A Recall type can only be attached to one appointment at a time. Choose this search button to open the Patient Pending Recall dialog box. Highlight the Recall type you wish to attach to this appointment and click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Recall 233 3. Generate Recall cards for your patients on a monthly or weekly basis. 4. Generate a Recall list for phone scheduling. 5. As Recall appointments are completed, post them from the Schedule module. To do this, select the appointment in the Schedule and click on the Set Complete button (a check mark) found on the toolbar. This will add the scheduled procedures to the Accounts window. When the appointment is completed, a query will appear to “Create new Recall appointment?” Selecting Yes will bring up a dialog box for New Appointment Information with the reasons, provider, time, and operatory, defaulting from the previous appointment. The date will default to the interval set for the patient. Note: If the Find button is selected from the new Recall appointment, the Start Date will begin with the Recall due date. This automatic rescheduling feature prevents Recall patients from “falling through the cracks.” Generating a Recall List To bring up a recall list, complete the following steps: 1. Click Recall Click the Recall button on the left side of your Easy Dental window. The Recall module will appear. 2. Select View Select Views from the menu bar. Click on the Recall view you wish to use. This practice has six possible Recall view choices. The check mark indicates which view is in effect. Note: If Temporary View is selected, the Edit dialog box for the current view will come up, allowing you to make modifications. These changes will not be permanently saved. 3. Set Date (Optional) The default date spans used for the view are determined from today’s date in the system. If you want to change the originating date for the date spans, click the Set Date button. For example, to view Recall patients for the month of June, select Next Month from the View options and then set the date to be June 1, 200x. The Due Date Span should be one day before and one month after. 4. Print List (Optional) To print the list, click the Print button on the toolbar and choose Recall List. A list will be printed based on the current view selected. 5. Print Mailing Labels (Optional) To print mailing labels, click the Print button and choose the type of label you wish to print. The standard 3-column labels that are used with the Recall labels are Avery 5351. To use Avery 5160 labels, click the Maintenance button in the Reports window and choose Preferences. Choose the Print Options tab and put a checkmark next to ‘Use the Avery 5160 Mailing Labels.’ Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide 234 Recall This date indicates the patient’s Recall due date. If there is nothing in the appointment column, it indicates that the patient has no appointment in the system. A date in this column indicates the patient has an appointment attached to the Recall type. A plus sign (+) in the appointment column indicates that the patient has an appointment scheduled, but it is not attached to the Recall type. Editing from the Recall List The Edit button allows you to Edit the patient’s setting for the highlighted Recall. You may edit the following fields: Due Date, Prior Treatment Date, Recall Note, Status and Provider. To edit a patient’s recall, select them on the Recall list and click the Edit button. Change a Due Date, Due Date Interval, Prior Treatment Date, Status, or Provider. Note: Double-clicking on a patient’s name from the Recall list will bring you into the Recall defaults for that patient. Printing Recall Cards To Print Recall Cards: 1. Open Reports Click the Reports button. 2. Click Letters | Recall From Reports, click the Letters button then click the Recall button. The Recall letters list box appears with six different Recall correspondence options available by default. Easy Dental User Guide Recall 235 For Patients Without Appointments: 3. Select Recall Cards | Click Edit Highlight the Recall Cards option and click the Edit button. The Patient Report View Dialog box is displayed. Choose the Recall search button to display Select Recall Ranges. 4. Modify Merge Data File and Letter Template Names (Optional) By default, Easy Dental uses a 3 card to a page Recall Card format. If you use a different type of card, you will need to enter the appropriate Data File and Letter Template Names in the space provided. A list of available card formats follows: Card Type Letter Template Name 3 Cards to a page for a Laser printer EZDLM40.doc 4 Cards to a page for a Laser printer EZDLM26.doc Single Card for a Dot Matrix printer EZDLM23.doc 5. Click Recall Search Button Click the search button next to Recall. The Select Recall Ranges dialog box is displayed. Easy Dental User Guide 236 Recall Prior treatment allows an additional sort option — the last time the patient was seen for this Recall. Enter a due date range here. This is the date when the patient is due, not when the appointment is scheduled. Select the Recall type(s) for which you wish to print cards. Select Without Attached Appointment to send cards to patients without appointments. Select With Attached Appointment to send cards to patients with a recall appointment. 6. Select Recall Type From the Recall Type list, select the Recall Type(s) or check All to include all types. 7. Mark Appointment Option Mark Without Attached Appointment. Easy Dental will select only those patients who do not have an appointment attached to Recall. 8. Enter Due Date Range Enter a range of Due Dates that corresponds to the patients for which you wish to create cards. Type the beginning Due Date in the From field and the ending date in the To field. 9. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Patient Report view and then OK again to return to the Recall letters screen. 10. Click Create/Merge Click the Create/Merge button. Mark Create Data File and Merge Letters and click OK. Once the Cards appear in Microsoft Word, click on File|Print. For Patients with Appointments: 3. Select Recall Cards | Click Edit Highlight Recall Reminder Cards and click the Edit button. The Patient Report View Dialog box is displayed. 4. Modify Merge Data File and Letter Template Names (Optional) By default, Easy Dental uses a 3 card to a page Recall Card format. If you use a different type of card you will need to enter the appropriate Data File and Letter Template Names in the space provided. A list of card formats available is listed below: Card Type Letter Template Name 4 Cards to a page for a Laser printer EZDLM29.doc 3 Cards to a page for a Laser printer 5. Choose Recall Search Button EZDLM42.doc Select the Recall Search button. The Select Recall Ranges dialog box is displayed. Easy Dental User Guide Recall 237 6. Select Recall Type(s) From the Recall Type list, select the desired Recall Type(s). 7. Mark Appointment Option Mark With Attached Appointment. Easy Dental will select only those patients who have an appointment attached to Recall. Click OK to close the Select Recall Ranges dialog box. Note: When creating cards for patients with appointments, Due Date Range should be left blank. 8. Enter Appointment Date Range Click the search button next to Appointments. Enter the appropriate date range that corresponds to the patients for whom you wish to create cards. Type the beginning Due Date in the From field and the ending date in the To field. 9. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Patient Report view and then OK again to return to the Recall letters screen. 10. Click Create/Merge Click the Create/Merge button. Mark Create Data File and Merge Letters and click OK. Once the Cards appear in Microsoft Word, click on File|Print. Easy Dental User Guide 238 Documents Documents In this Section: • Window Areas • Setup • Acquiring Documents • Viewing Documents • Documents Module Viewer • Editing Documents • Printing/Exporting Documents Documents such as patient letters, EOBs, and referral letters or images such as patient pictures and x-rays can be scanned, captured, or imported in the Documents module. These documents can then be attached to patients, employers, providers, insurance carriers, and referral sources. The forms can be attached to multiple sources for use as references as well as printed or sent electronically. When opened with a patient already selected, the Documents module will display that patient’s attached documents. If no patient is currently selected, the Documents module will prompt you to select a provider and all attached documents for that provider will be displayed. When opened, the Documents module will begin loading the documents according to the filters and view selected. This may take a few minutes depending on the number of attachments. You may click Stop at any time to view a partial list consisting of what was loaded. To make viewing documents even easier, the Documents module enables you to view attached documents by patients, providers, employers, insurance carriers, and referral sources. Filters can be selected to view documents acquired within a certain date range and assigned to a certain document type. The Documents Viewer allows you to add pages to a document, sort the pages, and adjust the color, brightness, and contrast of the image or document. The following sections will explain how to setup, acquire, and view documents within the Documents module. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 239 Window Areas Document Tree The Document Tree area lists the selected document source (patient, provider, etc.), any Document Types that have been used, and the associated documents. The + and - symbol next to the source or Document Type indicates whether the list is expanded or collapsed. Click the + symbol to view the contents under the source or type. Click the - sign to hide the contents underneath. This window is where the documents will be selected to view, edit, print, etc. Document Tree Toolbar Preview Panel Preview Panel The Preview Panel displays the document that is selected in the Document Tree. If the document has multiple pages, use the arrows on the toolbar to switch between the pages. Toolbar Click to select a different patient. Click to view documents by patient, provider, employer, referral, and insurance. Click to select filters for the view. Click to acquire a new document. Click to setup document types and preferences. Click to open the Documents Viewer Click to edit, modify attachments, export, or delete a document. Click to expand the Document Tree list. Click to collapse the Document Tree list. Click to hide or display the Preview panel. Click to refresh the Document Center list. Click to print a document or the Document Center List. Click to consult help for the Document Center. Use the arrows to move to the previous or next page of a document. Easy Dental User Guide 240 Documents Setup Before using the Documents module, there are several options that should be set within the program. The Document Types Setup section will explain how to add or edit existing Document Types that are used to categorize the documents. The Preferences section will instruct you on how to setup important options including selecting a scanner or camera source for acquiring documents. Document Types Setup All documents within the Documents module must be assigned a Document Type. These types are used to categorize as well as describe the type of document. Document Types can be changed or added to. Complete the following steps to setup Document Types. 1. Choose Documents Setup | Document Types Setup From the Documents module window, click the Documents Setup button on the toolbar and select Document Types Setup. The Document Types Setup window will appear. To add a type: 2. Type Definitions Type the definition of the Document Type you wish to add in the Description field. 3. Click Add Click the Add button. The new type will be listed. To change an existing type: 2. Select Type Highlight the Document Type you wish to change. 3. Type Description Type the new description of the Document Type in the Description field. 4. Click Change Click the Change button. A message will appear warning that changing this type will affect all records to which it is assigned. Click Yes to continue or No to return to the window without changing the type. The Document Type list will now display the new description. To delete a type: 2. Select Type Highlight the Document Type you wish to delete. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 241 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button to delete the type. • If the Document Type is not assigned to any documents, a message will appear confirming the deletion. Click Yes to delete it or No to keep the type. • If the Document Type has been assigned any documents, a message will appear stating that the document has been assigned to one or more documents and these documents will need to be assigned to a different type. Click OK to continue. A window will appear listing the available Document Types. Select the type you wish to move the documents to. Click OK to continue, then Close to return to the Documents main module. Preferences Complete the following steps to setup Preferences for the Documents module: 1. Choose Documents Setup | Documents Preferences From the Documents module, click the Documents Setup button located on the toolbar and choose Documents Preferences from the menu. The Documents Preferences window will appear with five tabs available. 2. Select Scanner Source (Optional) Choose the Scanner tab to display a list of installed scanners. Highlight the scanner you wish to use when scanning documents into the Documents module. 3. Select Digital Camera Source (Optional) Choose the Digital Camera tab to display a list of installed camera sources. Highlight the camera source you wish to use when capturing images for the Documents module. 4. Select Compression Type Choose the Compression tab to select the type of compression you wish to use when storing documents within the Documents module. It is recommended that you use Perfect Quality JPEG for best results. 5. Select General Options Choose the General tab and select the following options: • Directory – the path listed here is where all documents in the Documents module will be saved on your computer. This path can be edited if necessary. • Print Scaling – When documents are printed from the Documents module, you can select which scale should be used. Mark Scale to Fit Page, Scale to One-third Page, or Print Actual Size. 6. Select Zoom Options Choose the Zoom tab to select the Zoom Factor and Zoom options. When zooming documents in the Documents Viewer, the size will increase each click by the factor that is selected (10%, 25%, 50%, or 100%). Check Double-Click Document to View Full Screen if desired. This option will bring the image to full screen when you double-click it in the Documents Viewer. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Documents module. Easy Dental User Guide 242 Documents Acquiring Documents Acquiring documents for Documents can be performed in the many convenient ways. A scanner or digital camera can be used to automatically import the image into Documents. The document can be imported from a file on your computer, on disk, or a file that was sent by email. Patient Pictures within Easy Dental can be imported into Documents for each patient. Finally, the Windows Clipboard copy and paste function can be used to attach any image or text. The following sections will describe how to acquire documents using these different sources. Acquiring from a Scanner A scanner must be installed properly and selected in the Documents module Preferences prior to importing images from it. See the section entitled Preferences in the Setup section for the steps on how to select the scanner source you wish to use. If the scanner has been setup both in Windows and selected in the Documents module, complete the following steps to import the document into the Documents module: 1. Choose Acquire | Scanner Click the Acquire button located on the toolbar then select Scanner from the menu. The third-party scanner software will open. Scan the image according the scanner software instructions. When the scanning is complete, the Document Information dialog box will appear. 2. Edit or Accept Reference Date If you wish to change the reference date, you may do so in this window. The reference date will be the date displayed for this document on the Documents List and when it is printed. 3. Select Document Type Click the down arrow under Document Type and select the type you wish to assign the document to. 4. Enter Description You must type a description for the document in the Description field. This description will be displayed when viewing the Documents module list and when viewing the document. You can enter up to 40 characters. 5. Enter Note (Optional) Type a note pertaining to the document in the note field. This note will not be displayed but will be seen when printed for the Documents List. Up to 255 characters can be entered. 6. Select Orientation (Optional) If applicable, click the down arrow next to Orientation and select the orientation of the image you are attaching. 7. Attach Document (Optional) Click the Attach Document To button to attach the scanned document. The Modify Document Attachments window will appear. You can attach the document to a Patient, Provider/Staff, Employer, Insurance Plan, Referred BY, or Referred TO. Mark the appropriate option then click Select () to select the appropriate source of attachment. The listed attachments will appear in the right window. Continue to attach the document to as the desired sources. Click Remove Attachment to remove the selected attachment from the Document Attachments window. 8. Click OK Click OK to save the scanned document and attachment associations. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 243 Capturing from a Digital Camera A digital camera must be installed properly and selected in the Documents module Preferences prior to importing images from it. See the section entitled Preferences in the Setup section for the steps on how to select the digital camera source you wish to use. If the camera software has been installed in Windows and selected in the Documents module, complete the following steps to import the document into the Documents module: 1. Choose Acquire | Digital Camera Click the Acquire button located on the toolbar then select Digital Camera from the menu. The third-party camera software will open. Capture the image according to the camera’s software instructions. When the capture is complete, the Document Information dialog box will appear. 2. Edit or Accept Reference Date If you wish to change the reference date, you may do so in this window. The reference date will be the date displayed for this document on the Documents module list and when it is printed. 3. Select Document Type Click the down arrow under Document Type and select the type you wish to assign the document to. 4. Enter Description You must type a description for the document in the Description field. This description will be displayed when viewing the Documents module list and when viewing the document. You can enter up to 40 characters. 5. Enter Note (Optional) Type a note pertaining to the document in the note field. This note will not be displayed but will be seen when printed for the Document List. Up to 255 characters can be entered. 6. Select Orientation (Optional) If applicable, click the down arrow next to Orientation and select the orientation of the image you are attaching. 7. Attach Document (Optional) Click the Attach Document To button to attach the captured image. The Modify Document Attachments window will appear. You can attach the document to a Patient, Provider/Staff, Employer, Insurance Plan, Referred BY, or Referred TO. Mark the appropriate option then click Select () to select the appropriate source of attachment. The listed attachments will appear in the right window. Continue to attach the document to the desired sources. Click Remove Attachment to remove the selected attachment from the Document Attachments window. 8. Click OK Click OK to save the captured image and attachment associations. Import from File You can use this function to import images in electronic format into the Documents module. Note: Import from File will only create a single page document in the Documents module. To acquire a multiple page document using this function, you will need to acquire the first page, then use the Add Page feature described in the Viewing Documents section. 1. Choose Acquire | Import from File Click the Acquire button located on the toolbar then select Import from File. The Open window will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 244 Documents 2. Locate File Use the down arrow next to Look in to locate the directory where the file is stored. By default, only VNS file formats will be displayed. Click the down arrow next to Files of Type to select a different file format. 3. Select File Highlight the file you wish to import and click Open. The Document Information window will appear. 4. Edit or Accept Reference Date If you wish to change the reference date, you may do so in this window. The reference date will be the date displayed for this document on the Documents module list and when it is printed. 5. Select Document Type Click the down arrow under Document Type and select the type you wish to assign the document to. 6. Enter Description You must type a description for the document in the Description field. This description will be displayed when viewing the Document List and when viewing the document. You can enter up to 40 characters. 7. Enter Note (Optional) Type a note pertaining to the document in the note field. This note will not be displayed but will be seen when printed for the Documents List. Up to 255 characters can be entered. 8. Select Orientation (Optional) If applicable, click the down arrow next to Orientation and select the orientation of the image you are attaching. 9. Attach Document (Optional) Click the Attach Document To button to attach the imported file. The Modify Document Attachments window will appear. You can attach the document to a Patient, Provider/Staff, Employer, Insurance Plan, Referred BY, or Referred TO. Mark the appropriate option then click Select () to select the appropriate source of attachment. The listed attachments will appear in the right window. Continue to attach the document to the desired sources. Click Remove Attachment to remove the selected attachment from the Document Attachments window. 10. Click OK Click OK to save the imported file and attachment associations. Import from Patient Picture When viewing the Documents module for a specific patient, you can have Documents search for an associated Patient Picture and import it. 1. Choose Acquire | Import from Patient Picture Click the Acquire button located on the toolbar then select Import from Patient Picture from the menu. If a Patient Picture could not be located for the current patient a message will appear stating such. If the Patient Picture was located, the Document Information window will appear. 2. Edit or Accept Reference Date If you wish to change the reference date, you may do so in this window. The reference date will be the date displayed for this document on the Documents List and when it is printed. 3. Select Document Type Click the down arrow under Document Type and select the type you wish to assign the picture to. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 245 4. Enter Description You must type a description for the picture in the Description field. This description will be displayed when viewing the Documents List and when viewing the document. You can enter up to 40 characters. 5. Enter Note (Optional) Type a note pertaining to the picture in the note field. This note will not be displayed but will be seen when printed for the Documents module List. Up to 255 characters can be entered. 6. Select Orientation (Optional) If applicable, click the down arrow next to Orientation and select the orientation of the image you are attaching. 7. Attach Document (Optional) Click the Attach Document To button to attach the imported file. The Modify Document Attachments window will appear. You can attach the document to a Patient, Provider/Staff, Employer, Insurance Plan, Referred BY, or Referred TO. Mark the appropriate option then click Select () to select the appropriate source of attachment. The listed attachments will appear in the right window. Continue to attach the document to the desired sources. Click Remove Attachment to remove the selected attachment from the Document Attachments window. 8. Click OK Click OK to save the imported picture and attachment associations. Paste from Clipboard The Paste from Clipboard function will save the most recent contents of the Windows Clipboard (using the Copy command in Windows) as a VNS file. Due to the nature of the Windows Clipboard, text that is copied and imported into the Documents module will be unformatted and without margins. Paste from Clipboard will work best if a graphic is copied to the Clipboard or if the text is acceptable without margins. 1. Copy Desired Graphic/Text Copy the desired graphic or text in Windows by using the Ctrl-C command or Edit Copy within a different Windows application. 2. Choose Acquire | Paste from Clipboard Open the Documents module and click the Acquire button. Select Paste from Clipboard from the menu. The contents on the Windows Clipboard will be transferred to a VNS file and the Document Information window will appear. 3. Edit or Accept Reference Date If you wish to change the reference date, you may do so in this window. The reference date will be the date displayed for this document on the Documents List and when it is printed. 4. Select Document Type Click the down arrow under Document Type and select the type you wish to assign the document to. 5. Enter Description You must type a description for the picture in the Description field. This description will be displayed when viewing the Documents List and when viewing the document. You can enter up to 40 characters. 6. Enter Note (Optional) Type a note pertaining to the document in the note field. This note will not be displayed but will be seen when printed for the Documents List. Up to 255 characters can be entered. 7. Select Orientation (Optional) If applicable, click the down arrow next to Orientation and select the orientation of the image you are attaching. Easy Dental User Guide 246 Documents 8. Attach Document (Optional) Click the Attach Document To button to attach the imported file. The Modify Document Attachments window will appear. You can attach the document to a Patient, Provider/Staff, Employer, Insurance Plan, Referred BY, or Referred TO. Mark the appropriate option then click Select () to select the appropriate source of attachment. The listed attachments will appear in the right window. Continue to attach the document to the desired sources. Click Remove Attachment to remove the selected attachment from the Document Attachments window. 9. Click OK Click OK to save the imported document and attachment associations. Viewing Documents The Documents module enables you to view attached documents by patients, providers, insurance carriers, and referral sources. Filters can be selected to view documents acquired within a certain date range and assigned to a certain document type. In the Documents Viewer, documents can be added to, adjusted in brightness and color, rotated, etc. The following steps will explain how to view documents within Documents: 1. Open Documents Click Documents button located on the left toolbar. When it is opened from a patient specific module such as the Patients module, Documents will open displaying documents for the currently selected patient. The patient’s name will appear on the title bar. To select a different patient, click the Select Patient button located on Documents toolbar. When Documents is launched without a selected patient, a window will appear listing all providers. Select the desired provider and click OK. The provider’s name will now appear on the toolbar. 2. Select View By Option Documents can be viewed to show documents attached to patients, providers, employers, insurance, and referrals. To switch to a different view, click the View By button and choose one of the following View By options: • By Patient • By Provider/StaffBy Referred TO • By Employer By Referred BY By Insurance A dialog box will appear prompting you to select the appropriate patient, provider, employer, referral, or insurance carrier. Once selected, the view option will display on the bottom left of Documents window. 3. Select Filters Click the Setup/Change Current Filters button located on the toolbar. The View By Filters dialog box will appear. • Document Types – Highlight the Document Types you wish to view or check All Document Types. • Include Documents Attached To – This option is only available when viewing By Patient. Check the desired options to include documents attached to the patient’s provider, employer, insurance, and/or referral sources. • Reference Date – Enter a date range of the documents you wish to view or check All Dates. • Save as Default – Check Save as Default to save the settings you have selected for the next time Documents is opened. Click OK to return to Documents viewing the selected filters. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 247 4. Other View Options The following is an explanation of other view options that are available on the toolbar or from the View menu in Documents. • Expand List – This button will display all of the Document Types and documents under each category in the Document Tree area according to the filters and view options selected. • Collapse List – This button will hide all Document Type folders and the attached documents in the Document Tree area. • View – This button allows you to select whose documents you wish to view. When viewing By Patient, selecting Family under the View option will display documents attached to all family members. Selecting All will list all patients, providers, employers, referrals, or insurance carriers according to the View By option that is selected. • Hide/Show Preview Panel – This button will toggle between displaying and hiding the Document Preview window. Documents Viewer The Documents Viewer enables you to view attached documents and make adjustments in the color, brightness, contrast, as well as add pages to the document and sort the pages in order. 1. Double-click Document Double-click on the document you wish to view from the Document Tree area. The Document Viewer window will appear displaying the first page of the document. Other pages in the document will appear as thumbnails on the left side of the screen. 2. Viewer Options Make adjustments to the document as desired using the following functions: • Add Page – Click this button and select the source from which you wish to import an additional page for this document. • Page Order – Click this button to select where the currently viewed page should be inserted in the document order. • Delete Page – Click this button to delete the currently viewed page from the document. • Edit Document Information – Click this button to edit document information such as the description, notes, etc. Easy Dental User Guide 248 Documents • Undo Previous – Click this button to undo whatever changes were made just previously. • Undo All – Click this button to undo all changes that have been made to the document while in Documents Viewer. • Save – Click this button to save the changes that were made to the document. If there are multiple attachments for this document, a message will appear giving you the option to change the document for all attachments or to create a new document with changes for the current attachment only. Mark the desired option and click OK. • Print Document – Click this button to print the document as it previews in this window. • Copy to Clipboard – Click this button to copy the image to the Windows clipboard. • Zoom In/Out – Click this button with the left side of the mouse to zoom in on a certain area of the document. The cursor will change to a magnifying glass. Click on the area of the document to zoom in. Click with the right side of the mouse to zoom back out. The zoom factor is selected in Documents Preferences window. See Preferences in the Setup section for more information. • Zoom Out All – Click this button to return to the original document size in one click. • Rotate – Click this button to rotate the image. You have the option to rotate 90, 180, or 270 degrees or flip the image on the X or Y axis. • Adjust Color – Click this button to adjust the color of the image. There are four options available. Choose Adjust Red, Green, and Blue to open a window showing the RGB color settings of the document. Use the sliding bars to make adjustments as necessary. The preview will reflect the changes made. Click OK to save the settings. Click Reset to restore the document to the original settings. Choose Adjust Brightness/Contrast to open a window showing the brightness and contrast of the document. Use the sliding bars to make adjustments as necessary. The preview will reflect the changes made. Click OK to save the settings. Click Reset to restore the document to the original settings. Choose Convert to Grayscale to change the image color to grayscale. Choose Invert Colors to invert the colors of the document. Click again to restore to original. • Remove Spots – Click this button to remove spots on the document or image. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 249 • Crop Document – Click this button to crop the image. The cropping tool will appear when the mouse is placed over the image. Click and drag the mouse over the desired area. The unselected area will be removed. • Show Full Screen – Click this button to show the document or image full screen. Click on the document to return to the Documents Viewer window. 3. Exit Click the X in the top right corner to exit the Documents Viewer. If changes were made but not saved, a message will appear asking if you wish to save the changes. If there are multiple attachments for this document, a message will appear giving you the option to change the document for all attachments or to create a new document with changes for the current attachment only. Mark the desired option and click OK. Editing Documents Edit Document Information Complete the following steps to edit document information such as reference date, Document Type, Description, and Note: 1. Select Document Highlight the document you wish to edit in the Document Tree area. 2. Choose Edit Selected Document | Edit Document Information Click the Edit Selected Document button and choose Edit Document Information or right-click on the document and choose Edit Document Information. The Document Information windows will appear. 3. Make Changes Make the necessary changes to the Reference Date, Document Type, Description, and Note. (To edit the attachments for this document, see the following section entitled Modify Document Attachments.) 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to Documents. Click Cancel to return without saving any changes. Modify Document Attachments Complete the following steps to modify who is attached to a specific document: 1. Select Document Highlight the document you wish to modify attachments for in the Document Tree area. 2. Choose Edit Selected Document | Modify Document Attachments Click the Edit Selected Document button then choose Modify Document Attachments or right-click on the document and choose Modify Document Attachments. The Document Information windows will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 250 Documents 3. Add Attachments (Optional) You can add attachments by Patient, Provider/Staff, Employer, Insurance Plan, Referred BY, or Referred TO. Mark the appropriate option then click Select () to select the appropriate source of attachment. The listed attachments will appear in the right window. Continue to attach the document to as the desired sources. 4. Remove Attachments (Optional) Highlight the attachment you wish to remove in the Document Attachments window. Click Remove Attachment to remove the selected attachment from the list. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to Documents. Click Cancel to return without saving any changes. Deleting Documents Complete the following steps to delete a document from Documents: 1. Select Document Highlight the document you wish to delete in the Document Tree area. 2. Choose Edit Selected Document | Delete Document Click the Edit Selected Document button then choose Delete Document. If the document is only attached to the current view, a message will appear confirming the delete. Click OK to continue with the deletion. If the document has multiple attachments, a message will appear giving the options to delete only for the current attachment or to delete from all attachment associations. Mark the appropriate option and click OK. Printing/Exporting Documents Printing the Documents List The Documents List consists of the contents in the Document Tree area for the current view. It will list all attached documents according to the filters selected. To print the Document List for the current view, simply choose Print then Print Documents List from the menu. Select the desired printer and click OK. Printing Documents To print a specific document, highlight the desired document in the Documents Tree then click Print then Print Document from the menu. Select the desired printer and click OK. You can also print a document from the Documents Viewer. Double-click on the desired document to open the Documents Viewer. Make the desired changes (see Documents Viewer for more information) then click the Print Document button. Easy Dental User Guide Documents 251 Exporting Documents To export a document as a file, simply select the document then click the Edit Selected Document button. Select Export Document from the menu. The Export Document As window will appear. Select the appropriate location where you wish to save the file. Change the file name and file type if necessary and click Save. Easy Dental User Guide 252 Reports Reports In This Section: • The Batch Processor • How Preview Reports Works • Printing Reports • Printing Letters • Batch Insurance Claims • Easy Export • Easy Dental System Maintenance Reports provides several powerful tools to enhance the management processes of your practice. These tools are: • A report Batch Processor with Print Preview. • A sophisticated Report and Letter generator that allows you to query the Easy Dental database and create a data merge file for Microsoft Word Letter Merge or other Windows applications such as Microsoft Excel. • A one button feature that will create all insurance claims for the date range specified automatically. • An accounting utility that can export production and collection totals into accounting software such as QuickBooks and Peachtree. • Utilities that are used to setup and maintain the Easy Dental system. Click on the Reports icon from the Module Navigation Bar to display Reports. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 253 Module Navigation Bar Toolbar Batch Processor The Reports main window. Major reports and letters are generated and printed from the Reports module. Practice Analysis is accessed from this module as well. The Reports window is divided into two areas, the Reports toolbar and the Batch Processor. Toolbar Delete Reports: deletes the selected report(s). Reference Reports: click here to access a list of Reference Reports. Patient Lists: click here to access a list of Patient Lists. Refresh Batch: refreshes the Batch Processor. Schedule Reports: click here to access a list of Schedule Reports. Letters: click here to generate letters for patients. Management Reports: click here to access a list of Managment Reports. Account Reports: click here to access a list of Account Reports. Billing Statements: click here to setup and generate billing statements. Electronic Claims Submission: sends claims electronically (if registered). Create Insurance Claims: creates a batch of insurance claims for the selected dates. Sullivan-Schein Dental: allows you to order products on-line if you have internet access. Preview Reports: click here to view the selected report(s). Print Reports: click here to print the selected report(s). Audit: allows you to print the audit trail. Maintenance: click here to access a list of maintenance functions. Help: click here to access the help module. EasyWeb: click here to launch the EasyWeb toolbar. Easy Export: allows you to export data into accounting software. Easy Dental on the Web: click here to open the Easy Dental Website. Easy Mobile: click here to sync data with a Palm Pilot. Practice Setup: click here to access a list of setup options. Easy Dental User Guide 254 Reports The Batch Processor If there are reports that have been sent to the Batch Processor for printing, they will be shown in the Batch Processor list box area. The date shown is the date the report was generated. The description identifies the report and the status shows if the report has been printed, displayed, or sent (if a claim was sent electronically). To Print or Display Reports from the Batch Processor Note: Before any Reports can be printed or displayed, you must select a printer. Click the Practice Setup button on the Reports toolbar and choose Setup Printer. Highlight the printer you wish to print to and click OK. (For a list of recommended printers, call Technical Support.) 1. Select the Report(s) you wish to Print or Display Highlight the report(s) you wish to print by pointing to them with the mouse and clicking the left mouse button. To select multiple reports, hold down the right mouse button. Then, with the right mouse button held down, press the left mouse button on each report that is to be selected. OR To select multiple reports, hold the Ctrl key down on the keyboard while clicking the left mouse button on each report you wish to print. Note: If you have selected reports from the list box and wish to deselect all of them, click the Refresh button from the toolbar, or just point to a different report and click on it. 2. Click the Print Button Click the Print button. The selected items will be sent to the printer. OR Click on the Preview Reports button. This will launch the Preview Reports window and will display the report similar to the way it will print. Reports cannot be edited from Preview Reports. After a report has been displayed, the status column of the Batch Processor will show “Displayed” next to the report. After the report has been printed, the status will show “Printed.” Deleting Reports from the Batch Processor 1. Select Report(s) to Delete (Optional) Highlight the report you wish to delete by pointing to it with the mouse and clicking the left mouse button. OR To select multiple reports, hold down the right mouse button. Then, with the right button held down, press the left mouse button on each report that is to be selected. OR To select multiple reports, hold the Ctrl key down on the keyboard while clicking the left mouse button on each report you wish to delete. 2. Click the Delete Button Click on the Delete Report(s) command button. The Delete Options dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 255 Choose the reports you wish to delete and then click OK. 3. Choose Delete Option Click on the radio button next to the Delete Option you desire. • Selected Reports – deletes all highlighted reports. • Printed Reports – deletes all reports with a Printed status in the Batch Processor. • Displayed Reports – deletes all reports with a Displayed status in the Batch Processor. • Sent Reports – deletes all electronic submissions with a Sent status in the Batch Processor. • All Reports – deletes all reports, regardless of status. Refreshing the List If you are working in a networked environment and someone at a different workstation adds or deletes a report on the list, the Batch Processor may not reflect their changes on your screen until you click the Refresh button. It is generally a good practice to use the Refresh feature on any of the Easy Dental modules if you want to make certain you have the most current information. Easy Dental User Guide 256 Reports How Preview Reports Works Click for a drop-down list of all reports that were selected for Page view option lets you view one Print Preview. Select a report to or two pages at a time. preview it. The title of the report currently displayed appears here. Click once to print. Use the up and down arrows to expand or decrease the size of the document. Use the arrow keys to navigate pages being displayed. Exit Preview Reports. Clicking on the page automatically brings the image to 100% and clicking it again returns the image back to the initial size. When displaying a report, the display will follow the format of the printed report as closely as possible. If a billing statement or insurance claim is displayed that will print a form, the form will be displayed as well. Preview Reports allows viewing one or two pages at a time, zooming to different sizes to see more of the overall page or to see more detail, and easy navigation between reports and pages of the current report. Additional reports can be added to a current Preview session. Preview Reports also has the options of printing only one page of a report, a range of pages, an entire report, or all reports selected for a Preview session. A number of copies can also easily be specified when printing from Preview Reports. • To Print from Preview Reports • Click the Print Report button from the toolbar to print the currently displayed report. It will be sent directly to the printer. You may also choose Print from the File menu or press the right button of the mouse while pointing at the page to get a menu with a Print Report option. • The Easy Dental Print dialog box allows a different printer to be selected. There are options to print all scheduled reports for the current print preview session, print the currently displayed report, or select a range of pages for the currently displayed report. The number of copies can also be specified. Make the desired selections and then select OK to print. • To Save Defaults • From the Options menu, select Save Defaults on Exit to save the following when Preview Reports is exited (if the option is checked): the current Zoom % setting, the View One Page or View Two Page setting, and the size and location of the Preview Reports window. • To View One Page or to View Two Pages Easy Dental User Guide Reports 257 • Select the appropriate option from the Options menu; click on the Page button on the toolbar to toggle from one page to two pages or vice-versa; or use the right mouse button to bring up a menu with the View One Page/View Two Pages option. There are several methods to Zoom to a different display percentage: • Select Zoom from the Options menu, then select the desired Zoom %. • Click on the up and down arrow keys next to the Zoom % that is displayed on the toolbar. • Use the right mouse button while pointing at a page to display a menu with the Zoom option. Click on Zoom, then select the desired Zoom %. • A single click with the mouse while pointing at a page will toggle between 100% and the previous Zoom %. • Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard while clicking on the page with the left mouse button to increase the Zoom % by one increment each time until the Zoom % is 200. If the Zoom is at 200%, Shift+mouse-click will decrease the Zoom % by one increment each time until the display reaches a Zoom of 60%. • Shift+mouse-click will continue with the last increase or decrease direction each time until a different page or report is displayed. Select Default Page Size from the Options menu to display the report at the default Zoom %; or use the right mouse button for a menu to select the Default Page Size option. Select Full Page Size from the Options menu to display the report at 100%; or use the right mouse button for a menu to select the Full Page Size option. The name of the currently displayed report will be displayed on the toolbar with a drop-down arrow button next to it. Clicking on the drop-down arrow button will display a list of all of the reports that were selected for the Print Preview session. If a different report is selected from the list, it will become the currently displayed report. Note: If more than 14 reports have been scheduled for Print Preview, a scroll bar will display to the right of the drop-down list, allowing the user to scroll to the desired report. • The toolbar has a Previous Page button and a Next Page button to move backwards or forwards a page. If the first page of a report is displayed when the Previous Page button is selected, the first page of the previous report will display, if there is one. If the last page of a report is displayed when the Next Page button is selected, the first page of the next report will display, if there is one. To exit or close Preview Reports, select Exit from the File menu; select the Exit button from the toolbar; or click on the “X” button in the upper right corner of the Preview Reports window. How to Print Reports Easy Dental provides many practice management reports that can be selectively printed and utilized in meeting the needs of your practice. To send a report to the Batch Processor: 1. Click a Report Category Button Click a Report Category button. You have the following report category options: • Reference Management • Patient Lists Account • Schedule Billing Statements Note: The parameter settings for each of the reports that are available are explained in the following pages. 2. Choose Report Click on the report you wish to print from that category’s drop-down menu. A dialog box for the specific report’s options will display. An explanation of the options for each report follows. When the report ranges and options have been specified, select OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide 258 Reports 3. Print Report Follow the steps for how to Print Reports from the Batch Processor in the beginning of this chapter. Note: For any of the Select Patient or Select Guarantor ranges, if <ALL> is changed, the name of the first patient whose name matches the characters that replace the <ALL> will be displayed in the edit box. Reference Reports The following Reference Reports are available. Follow the previous steps for selecting the report, then use the following section to alter any parameters. Procedure Code List This report will generate a list of procedure codes. This list will include the procedure code number followed by a description, abbreviated description, alternate procedure codes, the number of time units allotted for each procedure, the treatment area, and whether it can be billed to insurance. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date. This date can be changed if necessary. 2. Enter the Code Range Enter the range of codes for the procedures that you wish to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all procedures. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting procedure for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending procedure for the range. Click OK. 3. Include Dental Diagnostic Codes Check this option if you wish to include diagnostic codes on the report. 4. Choose OK Choose OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Dental Diagnostic Code List This report will generate a list of dental diagnostic codes that have been entered into the system. The list will include the diagnostic code, description, and treatment area. When this report is selected, a message will appear, click Yes to send the report to the Batch Processor. Explosion Code List This report will generate a list of explosion codes. This list will include the explosion code, description, abbreviated description, the time units allotted, the code type, whether the code is enabled, and the procedure codes contained in the explosion code. To print the list: 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date. This date can be changed if necessary. 2. Enter Code Range Enter the range of explosion codes to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all of the explosion codes. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting code for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending code for the range. Click OK. 3. Include Dental Diagnostic Codes (Optional) Mark the option to include dental diagnostic codes on the list, if desired. 4. Choose OK Choose the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 259 Fee Schedule This report prints a list of procedure codes and their fees for the selected fee schedule(s). This list will print the procedure code followed by a description and the fee for each selected fee schedule. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter the Procedure Code Range Enter the range of codes that you wish to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all procedures. To change the range: • Choose the left search button to select the starting procedure for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending procedure for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Fee Schedule Option Select whether you wish to print just one fee schedule or a range of five, beginning with the fee schedule you selected. 4. Select Fee Schedule Select the Fee Schedule you wish to print or the starting fee schedule in the range of five. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to send the Fee Schedule report to the Batch Processor. Employer List This report prints a list of all employers including: employer name, address, and phone number. There is also an option to include the employed patients with each employer. This option will display all of the above in addition to the number of employees, employee’s name, birthday, chart number, social security number, and family status. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter Employer Range Enter the range of employers that you wish to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all employers. To change the range, • Choose the top search button to select the starting employer for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending employer for the range. Click OK. 3. Check Include Employees (Optional) If you wish to list the patients employed by each employer, check the Include Employees box. If this option is marked, the name of the report will be changed to Employers and Employed Patients when printed. 4. Choose OK Choose the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Insurance Carrier List This report will print the carrier’s name, address, phone number, contact, and all related insurance information. There is also an option to include the insured subscribers for each insurance plan, an option to include all insured patients for each plan, and an option to print mailing labels for the insurance carriers. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter Carrier Range Enter the range of insurance carriers that you wish to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all carriers. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide 260 Reports 3. Select List Type Select the list types you wish to print: Standard List, Include Subscribers (of each carrier), Include all Insured Patients, or Mailing Labels of 1 to 3 labels across. You should not check both the standard list and include subscribers options unless you want two different lists: one list will show carriers and the other will show carriers with subscribers. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Standard Coverage Tables This report prints the standard coverage tables that are setup from the Reports module. The report includes the coverage percentage, deductible, co-payment and pre-authorization flag for each range of procedures. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter the Table Range Enter the range of tables that you wish to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all tables. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting table for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending table for the range. Click OK. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Insurance Coverage Tables This report prints the coverage table that has been setup for each insurance plan. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter Carrier Range Enter the range of insurance carriers that you wish to print the coverage table for, or leave at <ALL> to print all insurance carrier’s tables. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Click OK. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Updated Ins Pmt Table This report provides a list of the actual insurance payment for each insurance plan, as recorded in the Payment Table. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter Carrier Range Enter the range of insurance carriers that you wish to print tables for, or leave at <ALL> to print all tables. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Click OK. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 261 Provider IDs List This report provides a list of provider IDs by insurance carrier as entered in the Provider ID Setup window. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Enter Provider Range Enter the range of providers that you wish to print IDs for, or leave at <ALL> to print all provider IDs. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 2. Enter Carrier Range Enter the range of insurance carriers that you wish to print IDs for, or leave at <ALL> to print all IDs. To change the range: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Click OK. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Note: The following three reports do not have any options. When One is selected, it will send the Report to the Batch Processor after clicking Yes on the dialog box. Practice Organization List This report prints a list of the Primary Providers, Secondary Providers, and the staff members that have been set up for your practice. The report includes the provider or staff setup information. Secondary providers will be printed after primary providers, followed by the staff members. Custom Practice Information This report prints a list of customized information set up in the Definitions option. Registration Information This report will list the practice information and serial number of the Easy Dental software. Blank ADA Form This option allows you to print a blank 1995, 2000, or 2003 claim form. Select the form you wish to print. Check Save as Default Claim Form to save your selection for the next time it is printed. Click Yes to print the form. Patient Lists Click the Patient Lists button to print any of the following seven reports: Patient List This report allows you to print a list of the patients in the practice. You may select ranges for provider(s) and billing type(s) to be included. A standard list, a chart number report, patient mailing labels, account only labels, and chart labels are available to print. The Patient List includes the patient’s name, address, email address, insurance carrier, phone/fax/pager numbers, provider, family position, billing type, date of birth, social security number, chart number, driver’s license number, gender, and patient status. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide 262 Reports • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all types. To print only a range of types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending type for the range. Click OK. 5. Choose Report Type Choose the format(s) in which to print the report. • Standard List: includes detailed information about each patient, such as address, phone number, insurance, gender, status, birthdate, chart #, SS#, etc. • Chart Number Report: lists the patients’ name, birthdate, SS#, and chart #. • Patient Mailing Labels: prints the patients’ name and address in the number of columns specified. • Account Only Labels: prints mailing labels for accounts’ head of house in the number of columns specified. • Chart Labels: the Abbreviated option will print the patients’ name, SS#, DOB, first visit date, chart #, and phone number(s) in a condensed format with the name being the largest in size. The Detailed option will print all of the information listed above as well as gender, address, employer, and insurance information. (Both the Abbreviated and Detailed Chart Labels can only be two columns wide.) The Standard option will print the patients’ name, chart #, phone number(s), and address. You may select the number of columns to print for the Standard Chart Labels. 6. Choose OK Choose OK to send the report and to the Batch Processor. Birthday List A birthday list for a selected period can be printed with this report. You may select the range of patients and providers to be included, and you may choose to print mailing labels. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Enter Birth Date Ranges Enter the range of birth dates to print. In the first box enter the month, in the second enter the day, and in the last enter the year (the day and year are optional). For example, to print a report for all patients born in February, enter 2 for the month. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 263 5. Check Mailing Labels (Optional) If you wish to print mailing labels, check the Mailing Labels box. Be sure to select the correct number of columns to print. 6. Sort by Birthdate Check Sort by Birthdate if you wish to have the list in order of birthdates. Otherwise, it will sort alphabetically. 7. Choose OK Choose OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. New Patient List This list shows any patients who are new to the practice within a selected time period. You may also select the range of patients and providers to be included. You may choose to print mailing and chart labels for this list of patients. The list includes the patient’s name, address, and date of first visit. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Enter Date Range Enter the First Visit Date range you wish to search for. 5. Choose List Type(s) Choose the type of list(s) you wish to print. • Standard List: includes information about each new patient, such as name, address, first and last visit date, provider, and status. • Chart Labels: the Abbreviated option will print the patients’ name, SS#, DOB, first visit date, chart #, and phone number(s) in a condensed format with the name being the largest in size. The Detailed option will print all of the information listed above as well as sex, address, employer, and insurance information. (Both the Abbreviated and Detailed Chart Labels can only be two columns wide.) The Standard option will print the patients’ name, phone number, and address. You may select the number of columns to print for the Standard Chart Labels. • Mailing Labels: prints the new patients’ name and address in the number of columns specified. 6. Sort by First Visit Date (Optional) If you wish to sort the list by the date of the patient’s first visit, check this box. 7. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Inactive Patient List The Inactive Patient List has options to include patients according to: No Recall Date and No Future Appointments, Last Visit Before a certain date, or by Inactive Patient Status. The list includes the patient’s name, address, insurance, phone number(s), chart #, provider, status, last visit date, date of birth, social security number, gender, billing type, family position, and last appointment date. Easy Dental User Guide 264 Reports 1. Enter the Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Inactive Patient Criteria Enter the search criteria by selecting the types of patients you wish to include on the report. More than one option may be selected. A patient will be included on the report if the patient matches at least one of the selected options. 5. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all types. To print only a range of types: • Choose the top search button to select the starting type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending type for the range. Click OK. 6. Check Mailing Labels (Optional) If you want to print mailing labels, check the Mailing Labels box. Select the number of columns you wish to print. 7. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Archived Patient List This list shows patients who have been archived within the parameters you select. See Archiving Patients in the Patients chapter for information on how to archive a patient. 1. Enter the Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK • Choose the bottom search key to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all types. To print only a range of types: • Choose the top search button to select the starting type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending type for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 265 5. Select List Type(s) Standard List: lists detailed information about the archived patient such as address, chart #, last visit date, birthdate, SS#, etc. • Chart Number Report: lists the patients’ name, birthdate, SS#, and chart number. 6. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Patient Notes Report The Patient Notes report prints all notes assigned to a patient including appointment notes, account notes, patient alert notes, etc. 1. Enter the Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Check Accounts Only (Optional) If you are printing a range of patients and you wish to include only the Head of House for each account, check the Accounts Only box. 4. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 5. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all types. To print only a range of types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending type for the range. Click OK. 6. Check Note Types Check the boxes next to the types of notes you wish to include on the report. • Appointment Notes – Check this option to print all notes attached to appointments scheduled within the entered date range. • Patient Alerts – Check this option to print all notes attached to Patient Alerts within the entered date range. • Patient Note – Check this option to print all notes entered in the Patient Note field in the Patients module. • Medical Alerts – Check this option to print all Medical Alerts for the patient. • Recall Notes – Check this option to print the Recall Notes added in the Recall Information screen. • Insurance Claim Notes – Check this option to print all notes entered for insurance claims. • Insurance Plan Notes – Check this option to print all notes attached to the insurance carriers. • Future Due Pmt Plan – Check this option to print all notes attached to Future Due Payment Plans. • Account Note – Check this option to print the Account Notes entered in the Accounts module. • Account Statement Note – Check this option to print the Account Statement Note entered in the Accounts module. Easy Dental User Guide 266 Reports 6. Print or Send to Batch Choose the Print button to print the report now. Choose Send to Batch to send the report to thet Batch Processor for printing or viewing at a later time. Patient Privacy Requests List The Patient Privacy Requests List references all patients who have requested privacy restrictions in the Patients module. Complete the following steps to print this list: 1. Click Patient Lists | Patient Privacy Requests List From the Reports module toolbar, click the Patient Lists button. Choose Patient Privacy Requests List from the menu. 2. Enter Report Date From the Patient Privacy Requests List dialog box, enter or accept the Report Date. 3. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients, or use <ALL> to include all patients. To include only a range of patients: • Choose the ‘From’ Select Patient search button to select the starting patient for the range. • Choose the ‘To’ Select Patient search button to select the ending patient for the range. 4. Enter Consent Date Range Enter a date range to include only patients with a consent date within the range or leave at <ALL> to include all patients. 5. Select Privacy Requests Types Check the desired type of privacy requests that you wish to include on the list. These include No phone calls, No correspondence, Disclosure restrictions, and No Privacy Requests. 6. Select Patient Recall Options Include Patients without Recall – Check this option if you want patients without any recall setup to be included on the list. • Recall Due Date – Enter a date range to include patients with Recall only within that range or leave at <ALL> to include all due dates. • Recall Types – Highlight the desired Recall type(s). Only patients with this recall type within the due date range will be included on the list. Check All to include all types. 7. Select Patient Account Options Billing Types – Highlight the desired billing type(s). Only patients with this billing type will be included on the list. Check All to include all types. • Include Accounts Only – Check this box if you want the list to include only heads-of-house. • Minimum Balance to Include – Enter an amount in this box to include on the list only patients that have a balance equal or higher than the amount entered. • Last Pmt. Before – Enter a date in this field if you only want to include patients whose last payment was on or before that date. To include all patients, leave at <CURRENT>. • Minimum Days Past Due – You can choose to include only patients who have payments that are a certain amount past due. To include all patients, leave “over 0” marked. 8. Select Patient Appointment Options Appt Provider – Highlight the desired appointment providers or check All to include all providers. Only patients who have appointments with the selected provider(s) within the selected date range will be included. • Appointment Date – Enter the desired appointment date range. Only patients who have appointments within that date range will be included. • Include For – Mark Scheduled appointments to include patients who have existing appointments in the Schedule module. Mark Unscheduled to include patients who have an appointment on the Unscheduled list. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 267 • Include Patients with No Future Appointments – Check this option to include patients that do not have a scheduled or unscheduled appointment. 9. Select Patient Primary Provider Highlight the desired primary provider(s). Only patients who have the selected provider(s) as their primary provider in the Patients module will be included. Check All to include all providers. 10. Include HIPAA Privacy Contact Entries Check Include Recent HIPAA Privacy Contact Entries for each patient if desired. When this option is checked, the report will include the last Contact entry with the HIPAA Privacy type selected for each patient, and all other HIPAA Privacy Contact entries with the same date. 11. Save As Default Check the Save As Default option to save your selections for the next time you print this report. 12. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Schedule Reports Click the Schedule Reports button from the toolbar to print any of the following lists: Daily Appointment List The Daily Appointment List can generate 3 separate reports: Operatory Appointment List, Patient Route Slips, or the Daily Appointment List. The Operatory Appointment List prepares a report of all appointments for the selected range of dates and by the selected providers and operatory ranges. The list includes the appointment date, status, time, patient name, provider and operatory, appointment reason, and appointment duration. Patient Route Slips can be printed for all patients scheduled within the date range. The Route Slip provides comprehensive patient, account, and treatment information for the scheduled patient. The Daily Appointment List gives the same information as the Operatory List, though in a different format. It also includes the patient phone numbers. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Operatory Range Select the range of operatories to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all operatories. To print only a range of operatories: • Choose the left search button to select the starting operatory for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending operatory for the range. Click OK. 4. Enter Appointment Date Range Edit or accept the Appointment Date Range. If you only want to print a list of appointments for one day, enter that day in both boxes. 5. Select Patient This is only an option if Patient Route Slips is selected. Select a patient to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print a route slip for only one patient, choose the Select Patient search button to select a patient. Easy Dental User Guide 268 Reports 6. Select Report Type Select the type of list you wish to generate: an appointment list for each operatory, patient route slip, or a condensed daily Appointment list. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. ASAP List This list shows patients who have requested an appointment as soon as possible. You may select the providers and appointment date to be covered. This is useful for helping to keep the appointment list full in the event of cancellations. The list includes the patient’s name, appointment dates, time and status, provider, appointment reason, duration of appointment, and phone number. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Enter the Appointment Date Range Enter or accept the appointment date range. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Unscheduled Appointment List This list shows all patients who have broken an appointment or who have asked for a wait/will call appointment with the selected provider(s) during the selected time period. This list is provided to reschedule those patients. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Enter Date Range Enter the Unscheduled Appointment Date range. 4. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Unscheduled Treatment Plans Patients who have a treatment plan and do not have an appointment scheduled are listed in this report. You may select the provider(s) to be included and whether you want to print a condensed or a detailed report. Note: Patients who have an appointment scheduled for other work not listed on the report will have an “S” next to their names. This indicates they have an appointment scheduled for other treatment. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 269 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Date Range Enter a date range for treatment plan procedures for the report. 5. Choose Report Type Choose whether to print a detailed or condensed report. The detailed report will list information about the treatment plan and insurance benefits. The condensed report will only list the patients’ name, amount of the treatment plan, and the phone number. 6. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Management Reports There are several management reports to choose from: Day Sheet, Analysis Summary, Practice Analysis, Practice Demographics, Finance Charges, Late Charges, Referred To, Referred BY Doctor/Other, Referred By Patient. Day Sheet (Charges and Receipts) The Day Sheet includes the transaction date, patient name, tooth number, procedure code and description, charges and payments, billing type, attending provider ID, and patient’s phone number. Grand totals, number of new patients, number of patients seen, average production per patient, average charge per procedure, previous accounts receivable, and the net change in the accounts receivable are also included on the report. It displays this data by current, MTD, YTD, and Previous Month calculations. Choose these search buttons to enter the range of providers to include on report. You can instruct Easy Dental to include YTD and MTD totals, extended MTD totals, or provider totals, if you are printing by entry date. Choose these search buttons to enter the range of billing types to report. Select the type of report to print. Enter the date range for the report. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. Easy Dental User Guide 270 Reports 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. Note: YTD and Previous Month totals will not print if a “billing type” range is selected. 4. Enter Date Range Edit or accept the range of dates to print. Choose whether to print by Entry Date or by Procedure Date. Entry date reflects the system date when the procedure was posted. Procedure date is the date that is manually changed. In most cases these dates will be the same. The Day Sheet will print both dates when the report is printed by Entry Date. 5. Select Totals If you wish to include the MTD and YTD totals, the Extended MTD totals, or the totals for each provider, choose the options you wish. Easy Dental will only print the YTD and previous month totals if the report is printed by the entry date. Note: The Compare to Fee Schedule option will allow a fee schedule to be selected and will add two totals to the Current column on the Day Sheet totals: 1) Compare to Fee number with the Fee Schedule that was selected and 2) the Net Difference. The first total will print the total charges as if each procedure on the Day Sheet were charged at that Fee Schedule. The second total will print the difference between the charges and the Fee Schedule total. 6. Select Daysheet Type Any of the following reports can be selected (more than one can be chosen), and will print using the ranges and options currently selected from the Day Sheet dialog box: • Chronological Day Sheet - Prints a day sheet listing the transactions in the order they were entered. Treatment plan items that were entered before “today” and then set complete will print before items actually entered “today.” The advantage of printing a chronological day sheet rather than an alphabetical day sheet is that it will print faster because there is no sorting required. • Alphabetical Day Sheet - prints a day sheet that is sorted alphabetically by patient name (last name first). • Receipts Only Day Sheet - prints only payment transactions. • Adjustment Only Day Sheet - prints only adjustment transactions. • Deposit Slip - prints only payment transactions, in a format suitable for a bank deposit slip. You may select the payment types you wish to include. 7. Save As Default (Optional) Check the Save As Default box if you wish to save your settings. All selections will be saved for the next time you print a Day Sheet, except for the dates. 8. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report(s) to the Batch Processor. Analysis Summary This report prints the transaction totals that are normally printed at the bottom of a day sheet, by provider or by day for a specified provider range and date range. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 271 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Enter Date Range Edit or accept the range of dates to print. Choose whether to print by Entry Date or by Procedure Date. Entry date reflects the system date when the procedure was posted. Procedure date is the date that was manually changed for the procedure (in most cases, these dates are the same). 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the top search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Select Report Types Daily Summary - this report will print totals for each day in the date range. Each total will be for all providers in the provider range. • Provider Summary - this report will print totals for each provider in the provider range. Each total will include transactions for the provider with a date in the date range. • Include MTD/YTD Totals is an option for the Provider Summary report. If this option is checked MTD, YTD and Previous Month totals will be included for each provider on the report. 6. Select Other Options Include All Totals - if this is not checked, only Charges, Payments, Adjustments, Finance Charges and Charges Billed to Insurance will print. If this option is checked, the following totals will also print: number of New Patients, number of Patients Seen, Average Production Per Patient, Average Charge Per Procedure, Previous Balance, Balance, and Net Change. • Print Condensed Report - when the selected reports are printed, a full page will print before there is a new page. If this option is not checked, there will be a page break between each report and between each set of totals. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Practice Analysis Report Practice Analysis reports can be printed by provider, billing type, and date range. These reports can be printed directly or sent to the Batch for printing at a later time. The following summary reports are available: • Production Summary (by Category checked): lists the quantity, total, average, and percent of production for each procedure category (i.e. Diagnostic, Restorative, etc.). It also includes the total production charges and the average charge for all procedures. • Production Summary (by Category unchecked): lists the quantity, total, average, and percent of production for each individual procedure code. It also includes the total production charges and the average charge for all procedures. This report is generated by unchecking By Category. • Payment Summary: lists the quantity, total, average, and percent of receivables for each payment type. A grand total is also included. • Adjustment Summary: lists the quantity, total, average, and percent of adjustments for each adjustment type. Totals for all credit adjustments, debit adjustments, finance charges, and late charges are also included. • Patient Summary: lists demographic totals for active patients, such as sex, age, and whether they are insured. The report will also list the following for all patients, regardless of status: total number, total families, total number of patients new this month and year, total number of referrals this month and year, and the total number of patients deleted this month and year. Easy Dental User Guide 272 Reports 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Providers Select the providers you wish to print, or leave the ALL box checked to print all providers. 3. Enter Date Range Edit or accept the range of dates to print. Choose whether to print by Entry Date or by Procedure Date. Entry date reflects the system date when the procedure was posted. Procedure date is the date that was manually changed for the procedure (in most cases, these dates are the same). 4. Select Billing Type Select the Billing Types you wish to print, or leave the ALL box checked to include all Billing Types. 5. Select Report Select the type of summary report you want. 6. Choose Print or Batch Choose the Print button if you wish to print the report now, or choose Batch to send it to the Batch Processor. Choose Cancel to exit this screen. Practice Demographic Report This report prints valuable information on the make-up of your patient base. There are no filters for this report. Simply choose the report from the Management button menu and click Yes to send the report to the Batch Processor. Finance Charge Report This report lists those who received finance charges according to the parameters you set. The report lists the date of the charge, the account’s name, the amount of the charge, the billing type and the account’s provider. A total of finance charges is calculated and listed at the bottom of the report. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 4. Enter Finance Charge Date Range Edit or accept the range of dates to print. 5. Choose Sort (Optional) If you wish to alphabetize the report by patient last name, check the Sort box. 6. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 273 Late Charge Report This report lists those who received late charges according to the parameters you set. The report lists the date of the charge, the account’s name, the amount of the charge, the billing type and the account’s provider. A total of late charges is calculated and listed at the bottom of the report. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 4. Enter Late Charge Date Range Edit or accept the range of dates to print. 5. Choose Sort (Optional) If you wish to alphabetize the report by patient last name, check the Sort box. 6. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Referred TO Doctor Report This report will list the patients of selected providers who have been referred to another practice during the selected time period. The report is organized by doctors (the doctors whose practice you referred your patients to) and includes the doctors’ names and addresses. The report also includes the patient’s name and referral date. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Enter Referral Date Range This is the Referred to Date from the Patients window. Edit or accept the range of dates to print. 4. Select Referral Range Select the range of referrals to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all referrals. To print only a range of referrals: • Choose the top search button to select the starting referral for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending referral for the range. Click OK. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide 274 Reports Referred BY Doctor/Other Report This report prints a list of each Referring Doctor/Other who has referred a patient to the practice within the Referring Doctor/ Other range, provider range, and date ranges specified. The report will print each referring Doctor/Other’s name, address, the total referrals, and the number of listed referrals. For each referring Doctor/Other, a list of referred patients will be included with the patient’s name, first visit date, treatment plan total, production total, and account balance. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Enter Referral Date Range Edit or accept the range of dates to print according to the referred patient’s first visit date from the Patients module. 4. Enter Production Date Range Enter the date range for the total production for each referred patient that prints on the report. 5. Select Referral Range Select the range of referrals to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all referrals. To print only a range of referrals: • Choose the top search button to select the starting referral for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending referral for the range. Click OK. 6. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Referred BY Patient Report This report prints a list of each patient who has referred another patient to the practice within the referring patient range, provider range, and date ranges specified. The report will print each referring patient’s name, address, the total referrals, and the number of listed referrals. For each referring patient, a list of the patients who have been referred will be included with the referred patient’s name, first visit date, treatment plan total, production total, and account balance. There is also an option to print mailing labels. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 3. Enter Referral Date Range Enter or accept the referral date range. 4. Enter Production Date Range Enter the date range for the total production for each referred patient on the report. 5. Select Referral Range Select the range of referrals to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all referrals. To print only a range of referrals: • Choose the top search button to select the starting referral for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending referral for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 275 6. Choose Mailing Labels (Optional) Choose the Mailing Labels box if you wish to print mailing labels. Select the number of columns to print on the labels. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Account Reports Click the Account Reports button. You will be presented with eleven different report options to choose from: Family Accounts Report, Patient’s History Report, Aging Report, Patient Balance Report, Payment Plan Report, Insurance Aging Report, Secondary Ins. Claims Not Created Report, Procedures Not Attached to Insurance Report, Pre-Treatment Estimate Aging Report, Future Due Payment Plan Report, and the Utilization Report. Family Accounts Report This menu command allows you to print reports for family accounts. The report will include the date of treatment, tooth number, description, patient, charges, payments, and a running balance. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Enter First Transaction Date Edit or accept the First Transaction Date. All transactions up to the first transaction date will be included in a Balance Forward entry. The report will print all transactions from that date forward. 6. Select Report Options Print Condensed Report: this option allows more than one family Accounts module to be printed on a single page, i.e., it does not page break between families. • List Individual Patient Balances for Family: Mark this option to include each patient balance within a family. 7. Choose OK Choose OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Note: Items placed in history will be labeled with a (*), and items dated for history but entered after month end will be labeled with a (^). Easy Dental User Guide 276 Reports Patient’s History Report This menu command allows you to print reports for individual patient accounts. The report will include the date of treatment, tooth number, description, patient, charges, payments, and a running balance. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Enter First Transaction Date Edit or accept the First Transaction Date. All transactions up to the first transaction date will be included in a Balance Forward entry. The report will print all transactions from that date forward. 6. Select Report Options Print Condensed Report: this option allows more than one patient’s account to be printed on a single page, i.e., it does not page break between patients. • Include Guar Payments/Adjustments: this option will include payments and adjustments posted toward the entire family account. • Show Family Balance: this option will print the total family balance for the account along with the individual patient’s balance. • List Individual Patient Balances for Family: this option will print each individual patient’s balance within the family. 7. Choose OK Choose OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Aging Report An Aging report can be prepared for selected guarantor(s), provider(s), and billing type(s). Included in the aging report is the guarantor’s name, phone, billing type, last payment amount with date, last statement date, agreed payment amount and balances per aging period, insurance estimates, guarantor portion, and the total account balance. The report also provides totals and payments for each account. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Account Range Select the range of accounts to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all accounts. To print only a range of accounts: • Choose the top search button to select the starting account for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending account for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 277 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the top search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Enter Minimum Balance to Print Edit or accept the Minimum Balance to Print. If <ALL> is entered, credit balances will also print for the Standard Aging Report. If only debit balances are wanted for the Aging Report, enter “.01” for the minimum balance to print if only accounts with a balance over a certain amount are wanted, enter that amount. 6. Enter Last Payment Before Date Edit or accept the Last Payment Before date. If <CURRENT> is entered (the default), the last payment date for each account will be disregarded. The Last Payment Before Date can be used to exclude accounts that have made a payment recently. For example, if a date for one month ago is entered, any accounts that have a guarantor payment for the last month will be excluded from the aging report. Insurance payments are disregarded. 7. Enter Minimum Days Past Due To only include accounts with an aged balance over 0, 30, 60, or 90 days, choose the minimum days past due for the aging report. For example, if you only want accounts with a balance over 60 days to print on the aging report, select Over 60. Accounts with a balance aged over 60 days will be the only accounts printed in this example. 8. Select Sort Options Choose how you want the accounts to sort on the report: by account name, by over 90 to current balance, or by largest to smallest balance. 9. Calculate Aged Balance As Of Date (Optional) To calculate each aged balance by a certain date, check this option and enter the desired date. If this option is checked, it will take longer to generate the Aging Report since Easy Dental will recalculate each balance as of the date entered. 10. Check Print Account Note (Optional) If you wish to include the first line of the account’s note, check the Print Account Note box. If this option is selected and there is not an account note attached in the Accounts module, Easy Dental will print the first line of the head-of-house’s patient note from the Patients window. 11. Select Report Type (s) Select the type of report you wish to print, a standard aging report and/or a credit balances report. The Credit Balances Report will print accounts with a credit balance and will only use the guarantor, provider and billing type ranges—not the “Others” options. 12. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Note: Accounts are aged during the Month End Update process. If you are not current in closing out months, the Aging report may not be accurate. Patient Balance Report Similar to the Aging Report, the Patient Balance Report will print every patient with their family balance and patient balance. (This report includes patients with a $0.00 balance.) 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. Easy Dental User Guide 278 Reports 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Payment Plan Report This report will list accounts with Payment Plans according to the criteria that you select. 1. Enter Report Date Edit or accept the Report Date. 2. Select Account Range Select the range of accounts to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all accounts. To print only a range of accounts: • Choose the top search button to select the starting account for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending account for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Primary Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the top search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Enter Payment Plan Date Range Enter the date range of payment plans you wish to include on the report, or leave at <ALL> to print all accounts with payment plans. 6. Select Payment Plan Interval(s) Mark the interval(s) you wish to include on the report. 7. Select # of Payments Missed Select the number of payments missed to include on the report. To include all accounts regardless of payments missed, mark the ‘0 or more’ option. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 279 8. Enter Previous Payment Due Date Enter the previous payment due date for the payment plans, or leave at <ALL> to include all accounts. 9. Enter Balance Remaining Range Enter a dollar range for the remaining balance of the payment plans, or leave at <ALL> to include all accounts. 10. Enter Remaining # of Payments Enter a range for the remaining number of payments, or leave at <ALL> to include all accounts. 11. Select Sort Options Choose whether you want to sort the list by account name, payments missed, remaining number of payments, or amount past due. 12. Print Last PP Note (Optional) Mark this option to print the last Payment Plan Note for each account on the report. 13. Save As Default (Optional) Mark this option to save your settings for future Payment Plan Reports. 14. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Insurance Aging Report The report will print each insurance carrier with outstanding claims, including the insurance plan name and group plan name. It will also print the insurance phone number and group number, and will then list each outstanding insurance claim for the insurance carrier. The insurance claim information will include a notation of primary or secondary, the date the claim was sent, the date a tracer was sent, the date the claim was placed on hold, the date the claim was re-sent, any status notes, patient name, patient birthday, subscriber name, subscriber ID number, estimated insurance payment, and the amount billed to insurance. The amount billed to insurance will be placed in the current, 31-60, 61-90, or > 90 column based on how long ago the claim was sent. The primary and secondary claim amounts will each be totaled and printed with a combined total at the bottom of the report. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Primary Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Insurance Carrier Range Select the range of insurance carriers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all carriers. To print only a range of carriers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Click OK. 5. Select Minimum Days Past Due To only include claims that have been sent for at least 30, 60, or 90 days, select the option desired. To include all claims, “Over 0” should be selected. Easy Dental User Guide 280 Reports 6. Check Print Status Notes (Optional) Check this option to print any claim status notes on the report. 7. Click OK Click OK to send the report and to the Batch Processor. Insurance Claims Not Sent Report This report shows all insurance claims that have been created in the Accounts module but not sent to the Batch Processor, printed, or sent through eClaims. This report includes the range of patients, providers, and carriers to be included. The report includes the claim date, type of claim (Primary/Secondary), patient name, insurance company name, claim amount and expiration date. A total of the amounts for Primary Claims and Secondary Claims and a combined total print at the end of the report. To generate the report, complete the following steps: 1. Enter Report Date From the Insurance Claims Not Sent Report dialog box, enter or accept the report date. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients or leave <ALL> selected to print the report for all patients. To print the report for only a range of patients: • Click the From search button to select the starting patient for the range. • Click the To search button to select the ending patient for the range. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers or leave <ALL> selected to print the report for all providers. To print the report for only a range of providers: • Click the From search button to select the starting provider for the range. • Click the To search button to select the ending provider for the range. 4. Select Insurance Carrier Range Select the range of insurance carriers or leave <ALL> selected to print the report for all carriers. To print the report for only a range of carries: • Click the From search button to select the starting carrier for the range. • Click the To search button to select the ending carrier for the range. 5. Select Date Range Edit or accept the date range for insurance claims to include on the report. This date range uses the date an insurance claim is created. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to generate the report and send it to the Batch Processor. Secondary Insurance Claims Not Created Report This report creates a list of primary insurance claims for patients with secondary insurance claims that have not yet been created. The report includes the primary claim date, patient name, secondary insurance company, claim account, and the date the primary claim expires. It sorts by the expiration date and indicates the total of the claims accounts. 1. Enter the Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 281 3. Select Primary Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Insurance Carrier Range Select the range of insurance carriers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all carriers. To print only a range of carriers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier for the range. Click OK. 5. Enter Date Ranges Edit or accept the date range for primary insurance claims to include in the report. 6. Primary Claims Not Received Option By default, this option is not marked so that any outstanding primary insurance claims will not be included until an insurance payment is received for the primary insurance claim. Check this option if you want all primary claims that have secondary insurance to be included on the report—whether or not a payment has been entered. 7. Choose OK Choose OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Note: When Primary Insurance Claims are evaluated for this report, they are only included if the patient has Secondary Insurance in the Patients module at the time the Primary Insurance claim was created, and no secondary insurance claim was created. Procedures Not Attached to Insurance The Procedures Not Attached to Insurance Report can save you thousands of dollars a year by showing you insured patients who have had treatment billed without having an insurance claim created. To print this report, complete the following steps: 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Enter Date Range Easy Dental automatically checks all procedures posted during the last week. To change the date range, enter a beginning date in the From field and then enter an ending date in the To field. 5. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide 282 Reports Pre-Treatment Estimate Aging Report This report shows when Pre-Treatment estimates were sent to the insurance carriers. You may specify the range of patients, providers, and carriers to be included. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Patient Range Select the range of patients to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients. To print only a range of patients: • Choose the top search button to select the starting patient for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending patient for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Primary Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Insurance Carrier Range Select the range of insurance carriers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all carriers. To print only a range of carriers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier from the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier from the range. Click OK. 5. Select Minimum Days Past Due To include only pre-treatment estimates that have been sent for the last 30, 60, or 90 days, select the option desired. To include all pre-treatment estimates, over 0 should be selected. 6. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Future Due Payment Plan Report This report shows payments that can be expected based on established future due payment plans. This report includes the range of accounts, providers, billing types, and date ranges to be included. You can also determine whether this is to be a standard report or a monthly totals report. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Account Range Select the range of accounts to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all accounts. To print only a range of accounts: • Choose the top search button to select the starting account for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending account for the range. Click OK. 3. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 283 5. Select Date Range Enter the Future Due Payment Plan date range that the report will search within. 6. Select Report Type Choose to print either a Standard Payment Plan Report or a Monthly Totals Report. The Standard Payment Plan Report prints information for all payment plans individually. The Monthly Totals Report gives just the grand totals for the months specified. 7. Click OK Click OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Utilization Report This report is designed for use with Managed Care insurance plans. This report shows all procedures completed under selected insurance plans for selected date ranges. In addition, you can monitor co-payments versus the practice’s regular fees. 1. Enter Report Date The report date will default to today’s date and may be changed if necessary. 2. Select Insurance Carrier Range Select the range of insurance carriers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all carriers. To print only a range of carriers: • Choose the top search button to select the starting carrier within the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom search button to select the ending carrier within the range. Click OK. 3. Enter Procedure Date Range Enter the date range for the procedures to include in the report. 4. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 5. Select Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 6. Select Fee Schedule Click on the Search arrow next to the Select Fee Schedule box to select which fee schedule you wish to compare with each procedure. You should select the fee schedule for your usual fees. 7. Select Compare Options Select the options with which you would like to compare the Fee Schedule you selected in step 6. You may compare it with the Transaction Amount or with the Co-Pay from the Coverage Table for each procedure. 8. Choose Procedures to Include Check the radio button next to your preference. Either include all procedures or only those in the coverage table. 9. Select New Page For Each Plan (Optional) If you want each plan to begin on a new page, check this box. 10. Click OK Click the OK button to send the report to the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide 284 Reports Billing Statements Selecting Billing Statement Format Before you print billing statements, determine the billing statement forms that you will use. Easy Dental lets you perform this function easily. If you intend to use pre-printed forms, be sure to purchase forms that are supported by Easy Dental (your Easy Dental Sales Representative, Trainer, or a Support Technician can help you). Once you have determined which form will be used, the following needs to be done from each workstation that will print billing statements. It will not need to be done again unless a different billing statement form is to be used. 1. Open Practice Defaults From the Reports module, click the Practice Setup button then Practice Defaults. The Practice Defaults dialog box will appear. Select a billing statement form here and then click OK. 2. Select Default Billing Statement If you would like to use a printer-generated billing statement form, choose FULL FORM/DOWNLOAD or DOWNLOAD/HSI ENV (this form will fit into HSI envelopes) from the Default Billing Statement list. If one of these forms are selected, Easy Dental will print a form at the same time each billing statement is printed. If you will be using preprinted forms, choose the appropriate form from the Default Billing Statement list. Note: Laser-generated billing statements can save you the cost of preprinted forms without losing the “professional look” of preprinted forms. Easy Dental lets you perform this function easily. 3. Click OK Click OK to save your changes. Printing Bills 1. Click the Billing Statements Button Click the Billing Statements button to display the Billing Statements dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 285 Choose these search buttons to enter the range of accounts to print. Enter the statement date here. Enter the balance forward date here. Choose these search buttons to enter the range of providers to include. Choose these search buttons to enter the range of billing types to include. Be sure to review these options before printing statements. 2. Enter Statement Date This date will be used as a cutoff date. All statement calculations will be as of this date. 3. Enter Balance Forward Date The Balance Forward will total all procedures posted before the Balance Forward date. The total Balance Forward amount will be printed rather than an itemization of procedures from a previous statement. 4. Select Account Range Select the range of accounts to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all accounts. To print only a range of accounts: • Choose the top Select Account search button to select the starting account for the range. Click OK. • Choose the bottom Select Account search button to select the ending account for the range. Click OK. 5. Select Primary Provider Range Select the range of providers to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all providers. To print only a range of providers: • Choose the left search button to select the starting provider for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending provider for the range. Click OK. 6. Select Billing Type Range Select the range of billing types to print, or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. To print only a range of billing types: • Choose the left search button to select the starting billing type for the range. Click OK. • Choose the right search button to select the ending billing type for the range. Click OK. 7. Enter Minimum Balance to Bill Enter the Minimum Balance to Bill. If you enter $.01, it will print statements for patients who have a balance of at least one cent. 8. Check Include Credit Balances (Optional) Check the Include Credit Balances if you wish to print statements for those patients who have a credit balance. 9. Enter Statement Message If you wish to print a message at the bottom of each statement, such as “Brush and floss regularly,” or “All payments are due on or before the 5th day of the month,” enter that message in the Statement Message box. Note: A customized billing statement note can also be entered for any individual account in the Accounts module. Easy Dental User Guide 286 Reports 10. Choose Skip Accounts With Claims Pending (Optional) Choose whether or not you wish to skip accounts that have outstanding insurance claims. An amount can be entered to limit the accounts that are skipped according to the estimated patient’s portion for each account. For example, if you want Easy Dental to skip accounts where the patient’s portion is less than $50, you would change the default of $20 to $50 in the edit box provided. 11. Choose Include Procs. With Claim Pending (Optional) If you wish the statement to itemize procedures that are attached to pending insurance claims, rather than including them in the balance forward amount, check the Include Procs. With Claim Pending box. The procedures will be printed regardless of the balance forward date, until after the insurance payment for the claim is posted. 12. Choose Print Insurance Estimate (Optional) If you wish the statement to print the amount that the insurance company is estimated to pay, check this box. 13. Choose Print Agreed Payment (Optional) By choosing this box, the statement will include a box labeled “Please Pay This Amount.” Easy Dental will then print either the agreed payment plan amounts for the account or if no payment plan has been set up, Easy Dental will print the estimated patient portion of the balance. 14. Choose Exclude Outstanding to Insurance (Optional) This option will only be available if the Print Agreed Payment option is selected. The “Please Pay” calculation will ignore any transactions that are still billed to insurance—the option will cause the “Please Pay” amount to include only the amounts remaining on claims the insurance has paid. 15. Choose Print Practice Information (Optional) If you are using preprinted forms, and the practice information is not preprinted, you will want to check this option to include your practice name and address on the billing statement. If you are using the Full Form/Download Form, this option will be grayed /disabled, as the practice information will print automatically. 16. Choose Print Account Aging (Optional) If you wish to include an aging summary of the account, check this box. This option will be grayed/disabled unless the Full Form/ Download Form has been selected. The account aging will print on preprinted forms if they are formatted for the allow report aging. 17. Allow Credit Card Payment (Optional) If you want the statement to include credit card payment options, check this box. This option will be grayed/disabled unless the Full Form/Download form has been selected. 18. Choose If Not Billed Since (Optional) This option allows a last statement date to be entered, and defaults to a date that is one month before the current system date. If this option is checked, the date specified is compared to the last statement date for each account (as displayed from the Accounts window), and a statement will not be printed for any accounts that have had a statement printed since the date specified. This option works well for practices who print billing statements from the Accounts module when an insurance payment is received for an account. Cyclical billing can be utilized as statements are printed for individual accounts throughout the month, which can then be printed from the Reports module in a batch to ensure that each account has received a statement for the month. 19. Choose Only Bill Accounts Aging (Optional) If this option is checked, the aging specified will be compared to the aging balances as displayed from the Accounts window for each account. Only accounts with a balance equal to or over the aging specified will have a billing statement printed. 20. Verify Billing Statements Option is Checked Make sure there is a checkmark next to Billing Statement under Select Report Types, unless you only want to print mailing labels (see next step). 21. Check Mailing Labels (Optional) If you only wish to print mailing labels and not the entire statement, check only the Mailing Labels box. Be sure to select the correct number of columns to print. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 287 22. Check Save as Default (Optional) If you print statements using the same charges and options each time, choose the Save as Default button. The next time you print statements, you will not need to reset the parameters. The Save As default saves the statement settings for the current workstation. 23. Click OK Choose OK and the statements will be generated and placed in the Batch Processor. Note: If Full Form/Download Form is selected for a printer-generated form the format will depend on the options selected for billing statements see Appendix 4 for Full Form/Download form for printer-generated formats. How to Print Letters Easy Dental provides a very powerful interface between your patient database and Microsoft Word. This tool allows you to create any letters that are applicable to the success and development of your practice. Your patient records can be automatically merged into your letters based on various ranges, parameters, and filters that you establish. Easy Dental comes complete with pre-defined letter templates in seven categories that you can use and modify in conjunction with your patient database. You can view a sample copy of letters in Appendix 5. Each letter can be customized using Microsoft Word. You can also produce your own letters and add them to any of the categories for future use. This documentation assumes that you have a legally licensed version of Microsoft Word and that you are completely familiar with its use, particularly its merge functions. If you are unfamiliar with this product, please go through its tutorial and documentation now. To help you become familiar with the Easy Dental/Microsoft Word interface, the following topics will be covered: • Customizing Letters • Merging Letters • Printing Letters • Advanced Selection Parameters • Selecting Data to Merge • Creating Your Own Letters Customizing Letters Note: A list of all pre-defined letters provided with Easy Dental is available in Appendix 4, or by opening EZDDOCS.DOC from your Easy Dental DOC directory in Microsoft Word 1. Click Letters Click the Letters button on the Reports toolbar. 2. Choose Category and Letter Choose the Letter category you wish to use, and highlight the desired letter. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Patient Report View dialog box will appear. 4. Click Open Template Click the Open Template button at the top of the window. The letter template will open in Microsoft Word. 5. Edit Letter You can edit or change the body of the letter at this point. Do not edit the information in the double brackets, as this information will be merged into the document. Easy Dental User Guide 288 Reports 6. Save Changes When you are finished editing, choose File from the toolbar and then choose Save. This will save your changes and customize your letter. Do not change the name of the letter unless you wish to use the original as well as your current version of the letter. 7. Return to Reports Module Return to the Easy Dental Reports module. Warning: There is hidden text throughout the document that specifies which merge information is needed from Easy Dental. If any of the hidden text is deleted, the letters will not merge correctly, though the letters may otherwise be customized as necessary. To view the hidden text, hold down the [Alt] key and press the [F9] key once. Merging Letters 1. Click the Letters Button Click the Letters button from Reports’ toolbar to display a dialog box containing seven category buttons. When you choose Letters from the toolbar, this group of buttons will appear. Choose the type of letters you wish to merge and print. Choose the Exit button to close this box. 2. Choose Category The following categories are available through the Letters option: • Birthday. These letters can be used to create a birthday letter for patients within a birth date range. The range can be changed by choosing the search button. • Recall. These letters can be selected to produce a Recall (recall) notice to patients within the recall date range. The range can be changed by choosing the Search button. • Referral. These letters can be selected to produce a referral letter to anyone who has referred or to whom you are referring patients. The first visit date must fall within the last referral date range. The range can be changed by choosing the Search button. • Collection. These letters can be selected to produce a collection notice to patients within the last payment date range. The range can be changed by choosing the Search button and according to aged balance. • Inactive Patient. These letters can be selected to produce a notice to patients within the last visit date range. The range can be changed by choosing the Search button. • Welcome. These letters can be selected to produce a welcome to the practice note to patients within the first visit date range. The range can be changed by choosing the Search button. • Miscellaneous. These letters can be selected to produce any letter that you would like to selectively send to patients in your database. A range is not provided in the dialog box but parameters can be established using the Edit button. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 289 Highlight the letter you wish to generate, edit, or delete. To edit the letter, choose edit. To create a new letter, choose new. To delete the letter, choose delete. Choose this button to view a list of the patient’s to whom the letter will be sent based on the parameters set above. Select this option to create the data file and letter. Select this option to create only the data file. Select this option if you’ve already created a data file and only wish to merge the letters. Mark this option to place an entry in Contacts for each patient receiving a letter. 3. Set Date Range (For Most Categories) Set the date range parameter by choosing the Search button. Choosing the Search button will display a date range dialog box. Enter the beginning and ending dates for the range. Any date field can be left blank for an open-ended range. Note: There are many parameters that you can select for each letter in order to create a more customized search. See Advanced Selection Parameters in this chapter for an explanation of the various parameters and data options. 4. Choose Create/Merge Choose the Create/Merge button. The Create/Merge Options dialog box will appear. If you do not want to merge, choose the Cancel button. 5. Choose Create Data File and Merge Letters Choose the Create Data File and Merge Letters button and choose OK. Your computer will automatically start Microsoft Word and merge the letter with the data you requested. If you don’t want to perform any of these functions, choose the Cancel button. To add a Letter entry to the patient’s Contacts, check Add to Contacts. Note: As the patient data is retrieved from the Easy Dental database, the Abort Query box is displayed, which gives a count of the number of records read, number of records selected, and an Abort button to terminate the query if desired. Printing a Letter 1. Switch to Microsoft Word When the letter merge is complete, Microsoft Word will automatically be displayed. 2. Choose File | Print After following the above steps to merge the letters, select Print from the File menu in Microsoft Word for Windows. Easy Dental User Guide 290 Reports 3. Click OK Click the OK button in the Print window to print the merged letters. 4. Return to Reports After the letters have printed, exit Microsoft Word and return to Reports. Do not save the changes. Other Create/Merge Options Create Data File ONLY This option creates a data file containing the patient records based on the criteria established for the letter. After the file is created, you are returned to the Letters dialog box without merging the patient records into the letter template in Microsoft Word. Normally this option will not be used unless you: • Want to merge the letters at a later time. • Want to review the patient records before they are merged by using the View button or the View Data Files feature available from the “Merge Letters using existing data file” option. • Want to use the newly created patient data file for some other purpose (e.g., open it from Microsoft Excel or some other application). • Want to merge labels or envelopes with the data file. Merge Letters Using Existing Data File This option is used only if Create Data File Only has previously been used to generate the patient data file for a particular letter template. The results of this option are the same as merging a letter except that the patient file has previously been created. • Choose Create/Merge in the Letters dialog box. • Choose Merge Letters Using Existing Data File, choose OK. The Merge letters dialog box will appear with the patient data file (that was previously created) in the Merge Data File Name box and the letter template with which it will be merged in the Merge Letter Template box. The Merge Letters dialog box. Choose View Data File to view the data generated earlier. Choose Merge to merge the data file with the letter template. • If you want to use the Data File to merge and print labels or envelopes from Microsoft Word, the Merge Letter Template field can be edited to have EZDENVL.DOC, for #10, 4 1/8 x 9 1/2 envelopes; EZDLABL.DOC, for Avery 5160 Laser labels; or EZDLBL2.DOC, for Avery 5351 Laser labels. • Click on Merge to begin the Merge OR if you do not want to continue, choose the Cancel button. If you choose the Merge button, the merge will begin. Note: This option also allows you to review the data created in the patient file by choosing the View Data File button. When you are through examining the data, close the Notepad. You will be returned to the Merge Letters dialog box to continue with the merge. Note: 1. If Microsoft Word is already open before the merge is initiated, there should be no documents open in Microsoft Word when the Merge is started. 2. If the Microsoft Word processing window does not open, but remains a flashing bar at the bottom of the screen, there is an error condition in the merge data file and/or letter template. Double-click on the flashing bar and Word will open. A message(s) will appear briefly describing the problem. If the errors are too significant to remedy in the word processor, close the document, fix the problem, and begin the Easy Dental merge process again. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 291 Although Easy Dental controls what information is passed to Microsoft Word, it no longer has control of the data file or letter template once you have entered Microsoft Word. Any problems that may occur while in Microsoft Word must be corrected using Word documentation and features. When you have completed the Microsoft Word process, Word can be closed or minimized after closing any open documents. Advanced Selection Parameters In most cases, when printing letters, a date range can be set using the Search button contained in the dialog box. In addition to this button, there are three other options that can be used in conjunction with the letters contained in the list box. Click Edit to edit the parameters for the letter. Click New to add a new letter. Click Delete to delete a letter from the list box. Edit The Edit button allows you to edit any of the ranges, parameters, and filters available for the letter chosen from the list box. Date ranges and many other parameters can be changed using the Patient Report View dialog box that is displayed by choosing the Edit button. Delete The Delete button is used to remove letter templates from the list box. First, select the letter template that is to be deleted from the list box, then choose the Delete button. The letters template file will not be deleted from the Easy Dental DOC directory. New The New button allows you to add new letters you have created using Microsoft Word. Changing Letter Parameters • Select the letter template where parameters are to be edited, then choose Edit. • From the Patient Report View dialog box, select the desired parameter by which you wish to filter your database. The letter name, merge data file name and merge letter template will default to the letter you selected in the first step. • When you have selected the desired parameters, choose the OK button. You will return to the letter selection dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide 292 Reports The Patient Report View Box The Patient Report View dialog box shows the letter description including the Letter Name, Merge Data File Name, and the Merge Letter Template name. You can select and enter a variety of filters to limit the patients for the letter. • The Merge Data File Name is the file name that will be used to save the patient data extracted from the Easy Dental database and which will be passed to Microsoft Word during the merge. The data file name should be the same as the letter template name, but end with the file extension “out”. • The Merge Letter Template name identifies the letter template that was created using Microsoft Word and which will be used for the merge. Most of the templates that are provided with Easy Dental begin with “ezdlm”, followed by a two digit number, and ending with the file extension “doc,” which Microsoft Word uses to identify a letter. • The remaining items in the data box are used to identify which Easy Dental patient records to include or exclude from the patient file that is to be created for a merge document. These are referred to as ranges or filters. The following is an overview of the filters: • If a filter is left blank, it is assumed that the contents of the filter field should not be taken into account when the data file is created. Only mark a filter if the field is to be considered when the data file is created. • When a data file is created, only the records that match all filters will be included, with the exception of the Status group boxes, Gender group boxes, Position group boxes, and Balance Aging group boxes. If a record matches any of the boxes checked within each group, and all other filters, it will be included. For example, if you want only male patients, choose the Male check box in the Gender group. If you want both males and females, either check both boxes or leave both boxes blank. As another example, if the Male check box is marked, the Married check box marked, and a 1st Visit Date range of 01/01/97 to 01/31/97 is entered, the data file will include only married males whose first visit date is in January of 1997. • For name ranges—such as Patient Name, Employer Name, Referral Names, and Insurance Company Name—a single character can be entered, or the beginning or ending field can be left blank. If a range from A to Z is entered, all records will be included. Any of the name ranges can use partial keys (e.g. using the first few letters such as “Sm” for Smith). If the beginning range is left blank, the search will be as if A were entered; and if the ending range is left blank, the search will be as if Z were entered. The search buttons for each name range can be used to select a specific name. • The Accounts Only check box can be marked to include only Head-of-Households in the data file. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 293 • Use Privacy Request for ‘No Correspondence’ to skip patients enables you to specify if this letter should skip patients who have selected ‘No Correspondence’ in the Patients module. If you do not want this letter to skip any patients with this privacy request, mark ‘Does not apply for this letter’. If this letter should skip patients and/or guarantors with this privacy request, mark ‘Applies for Patients and Guarantors’. If this is a referral letter and you want to skip referred patients who have this privacy request, mark ‘Applies for Referred By Patients’. • The Provider(s) list and the Billing Type(s) list can be used to create a data file of patients with specific providers or billing types. Choose the All box if provider or billing type should not be considered for the data file, or highlight the specific providers or billing types by clicking on the selection with the left mouse button. The provider list refers to the patient’s primary provider assigned in Patients. • Appointments allows you to search for patients with appointments during specific date ranges or for appointments that were missed within a specific date range. There is a search button, which displays the Select Appointment Range dialog box. You can choose to search for either existing patients or for prospective patients. Prospective patients are defined as those patients who have set appointments as New Patients and do not have a record in the Patients module. Note: Most letters will not merge properly for a new patient who has not yet been added to the Patients module unless you use only new patient merge fields. However, the Welcome Before First Visit letter can be merged for new patients who have appointments but have not been added to the Patients module. • Mark whether you wish to search within an Appointment Date Range or Last Missed Appt Date Range. Enter the beginning and ending dates of the range. • Select the Number of Appointments Missed to search for. • Select the Appointment Provider(s) you wish to search for. Check All to include appointments with all providers. • The Balance and Future Due Payment Plan filters can contain a starting amount range and/or an ending amount range. Each balance has a search button, which displays a Select Balance Range dialog box to add, edit or clear the range. • Birthday is used to search by month, day, and/or year ranges. Each can function independently or together in any combination. <All> is assumed if each field is left blank. Choose the search button to display the Select Birthdate Range dialog box to add, edit, or clear birthdate ranges. • For City, select the search button to display the Select City Range dialog box and to add, edit, or clear a city or range. If a city range is entered, only patients who live in a city or range (according to the Patients window) will be included in the data file. • Consent Date, First Visit Date, Last Pay Date, Last Ref Date, Last Visit Date, and Last Statement Date each has a search button that displays a Select Date Range dialog box to add, edit, or clear date ranges. Dates are entered using the MM/ DD/YYYY format. If both the Beginning Date and Ending Date fields are left blank, the date range will not be used. Either field can be left blank for an open-ended range. The Consent Date, First Visit Date, and Last Visit Date are pulled from the Patients module. The Last Referral Date is the date the patient last referred another patient. The Last Pay Date is pulled from the Accounts module. • The Fee Schedule filter allows you to search for patients with only the selected fee schedule(s). You can choose to search by Provider Default, Insurance Default, and/or Patient Default. • For Insurance, select the search button to display the Select Insurance Name Range dialog box. There are three Search For options: No Insurance, Primary Insurance, and Secondary Insurance. There is also an Insurance Company Name range and a Remaining Benefits amount range. If anything is entered or selected in this dialog box, a patient will only be included in the data file if his or her insurance matches according to the filters selected. For example: if Primary Insurance is marked, Secondary Insurance is marked, Blue Cross is entered for the Beginning and Ending Insurance Company Name Range, and a Beginning Amount of 100.00 is entered, the data file will include any patients who have an insurance company name beginning with Blue Cross for primary or secondary insurance, and remaining benefits of at least $100.00. In the previous example, if No Insurance had also been marked, the data file would also include any patient who did not have any insurance. • The Med Alerts search button displays a list of medical alerts. This is an “and” search function meaning that if hayfever and allergies are selected, patients must have both hayfeaver and allergies to be included in the data file. • The Patient Notes search button displays the Note Search dialog box which allows you to look for combinations of strings in the Patient Notes (Patients window). Three text strings can be used and Boolean functions (and, or) are provided. Easy Dental User Guide 294 Reports • For example, if “movie” is entered for Text 1, “surf ” for text 2, and “sail” for text 3, and the OR boxes are marked, a patient will be included in the data file if the patient notes contains any of the text specified. If the AND box is marked, the notes will need to include both the previous text and the next text. • The Payment Plan filter allows you to search for patients within a certain Payment Plan date range, interval, balance remaining, payments remaining, and number of payments missed. • The Prescriptions filter allows you to search for patients who have been prescribed a medication or range of medications, and within a certain date range. • The Procedures search button displays the Select Procedure Range dialog box. This filter will find patients who have a procedure within the procedure code range, that is treatment planned, completed, or existing—according to the options marked—if the procedure is dated within the procedure date range. For example, if Treat. Plan and Completed are each marked, and a procedure code range of D3310 through D3330 is entered, and a procedure date range of 01/01/04 through 01/31/04 is entered, then any patients who have a procedure code D3310, D3320, or D3330 Completed or Treatment Planned for a date in January, 2004, will be included in the data file. • The Recall search button displays the Recall Ranges dialog box and allows you to search for patients who meet specific criteria for a specific Recall type. You can search for patients who: • Are due within a date range • Were previously seen within a date range • Have an appointment attached to Recall • Do not have an appointment attached to a Recall type. • For Referred By, select the search button to specify if the letter is to be for Patient referrals or Dr./Other referrals. For Referred To, select the search button to enter a Referred To date range. • For Zip, select the search button to display the Select Zip Code Range dialog box. If a specific zip code range is entered, only patients who live in a city in a range (according to the Patients window) will be included in the data file. When all of the ranges, filters, and parameters have been established for the letter template in the Patient Report View window, click the OK button to accept the selections or choose Cancel to ignore the changes. You will return to the Letters category dialog box to begin the merge. Selecting Data to Merge In order for the Letter templates to function properly, it is necessary to flag the fields of data that the letter uses. These fields are called merge data filters, and are the data fields that are placed in the data file. For example, the letter template may have a field indicating where the first and last name of the patient should be inserted. If this is the case, the merge data file created by Easy Dental must have data filters for the first and last name of the patients. The letter templates provided with Easy Dental have the merge data filters properly identified and the merge records send the appropriate data for the letter template. Creating Letters or Data Files with Additional Data Fields If you want to create your own letters or add additional Easy Dental data fields to an existing Easy Dental letter, it is necessary to identify that information in Easy Dental and Microsoft Word. 1. Click Letters Click the Letters button on the toolbar to display the Letters dialog box. 2. Choose Category and Letter Choose the desired Letter category and highlight the letter you wish to use. 3. Click Edit Click Edit. The Patient Report View dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 295 4. Choose Data Fields Tab From Patient Report View, choose the ‘Data Fields’ tab at the top of the window. All available data fields will be displayed. 5. Select Data Fields Any item in the Data Fields list can be included in a merge data file by choosing its check box. The items shown checked in the sample are typical filters that are used with the Easy Dental letter templates. Some Easy Dental letter templates require additional items to be marked, depending on the template’s merge data fields. Any item checked in the list will be included in the merge data file, whether it will be used in the template or not. 6. Choose OK After the necessary items have been marked, choose OK or choose Cancel to ignore the selections. Note: The more items that are selected, the longer it will take to create the merge data records. However, all data fields that are required in the letter template must be selected. Creating Your Own Letters New letters can be created in Microsoft Word either by changing existing Easy Dental letter templates OR by entering completely new text in Microsoft Word. To create a letter using existing Easy Dental letters, complete the following steps: 1. Open Letter Template Open the letter template file in Microsoft Word for the letter that is the most like the one you wish to create. Most of the correct Field Codes should already be entered in the letter. Press ALT + F9 on the keyboard to view Field Codes. 2. Open EZDLM99.doc Easy Dental includes a document called EZDLM99.doc in the same directory as the Easy Dental letters. This document contains a list of all of the Field Codes that Easy Dental uses. Open this file and it will appear in a second window over the letter template. 3. Highlight Field and Choose Edit | Copy Highlight the Field Code (the bracketed information) you wish to add to the letter and choose Copy from the Edit menu. The information you highlighted will be copied to the Clipboard. Note: If you do not copy the entire field code, the field codes will not function properly. You must copy all of the bracketed information, including the brackets. Easy Dental User Guide 296 Reports 4. Switch Windows Click Window and select the name of the letter template you opened to return to that document. 5. Insert Field Code from Clipboard Place the cursor where the Field Code is to be inserted. Select Paste from the Edit menu and the Field Code you copied from Ezdlm99.doc will be added to your letter. 6. Repeat Steps 3-5 (Optional) If more fields are needed, repeat steps 3-5 for all of the fields you wish to add to the letter. 7. Edit Text Using Microsoft Word, add or delete any of the text you wish. Warning: If you delete parts of field codes while editing the text, they must be reinserted or the letter merge will not work properly. 8. Save Letter When completed, the letter should be saved using a new name. Choose File then Save As from the menu. You should follow the Easy Dental format for saving these letters, by beginning the name with EZDLM followed by a two digit number. The existing Easy Dental letters number 01-48 and future versions of Easy Dental may contain more. It is suggested that you begin saving your letters at 70 in anticipation of more letters being added in future versions of the software. The letters should be placed in the same directory as your other Easy Dental letter templates. Batch Insurance Claims Many offices choose to create all insurance claims for that day at the same time instead of one patient at a time throughout the day. The Create Insurance Claims button in the Reports module allows you to create all primary insurance claims for procedures posted within the selected date range. This feature will exclude any procedure codes and insurance companies that are flagged ‘Do Not Bill to Insurance’. (See the Procedure Code Setup section in this chapter for information on flagging procedure codes. See the Insurance Information section of the Patients chapter for information on flagging insurance companies.) To create batch insurance claims, complete the following steps: 1. Click Create Insurance Claims Click the Create Insurance Claims button in the Reports module. The Create Batch Primary Insurance Claims dialog box will appear. 2. Enter Procedure Date Range Enter a procedure date range. All procedures within the selected date range in the Accounts module will be included. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to generate the claims. The Batch Insurance Claims Completed dialog box will appear listing the number of claims that were generated. Click OK again to send the claims to the Batch Processor where they can be printed or sent electronically. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 297 Easy Export The Easy Export feature allows offices to export daily deposit and receipt totals from Easy Dental into accounting software such as QuickBooks, Peachtree, and Excel, or into a text file. Easy Export will automatically calculate and transfer actual production and collection numbers for you. The following sections will explain how to setup and use Easy Export: • Easy Export Setup • Exporting Totals • Viewing Previously Exported Totals Easy Export Setup Adjustment Types and Account Names Before you begin exporting totals using Easy Export, you must determine which adjustment types should be applied to Collections and which should be applied to Production. For more information on adding or customizing the Adjustment Types in Easy Dental, see the System Maintenance section of this chapter. Warning: Adjustment types should not be moved after the initial accounting export; otherwise it could affect the data. Settings should only be changed once (prior to the first data export). 1. Click Easy Export Click the Easy Export button located in the Reports module. The Easy Export dialog box will appear. 2. Click Export Setup Click the Export Setup button. The Export Setup dialog box will appear. 3. Select Totals to Include Place a checkmark next to the totals that you wish to include in the export. Your choices are: Production Total, Collections Total, and Other Collections Total. The name of the account is shown under each category. You may change the name if desired. 4. Move Adjustment Types (Optional) All credit adjustment types will default to the For Production Total list. All debit adjustment types will default to the For Collections Total list. If you wish to move an adjustment type to a different list, highlight it and click the single arrow pointing to the desired list. Click the double arrows to move all types from one list to the other. Note: Late Charges and Finance Charges will always be included in the Production Adjustment List and cannot be moved. Easy Dental User Guide 298 Reports Move Adjustment and Payment types to the appropriate boxes using the arrows. Select the totals that you wish to include in the export. 5. Move Payment Types (Optional) All Payment Types will default to the For Collections Total list. If you wish to move a Payment Type to the For Other Collections Total list, highlight it and click the single arrow pointing to the right. 6. Change Account Names (Optional) You may change the names of the A/R Account and Customer Name/ID if desired. Below is an explanation of each account. • A/R Account - Production and collection totals are exported to this account. • Customer Name or Customer ID- Production and collection totals are exported to this customer account. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Easy Export window. Exporting Totals 1. Click Easy Export Click the Easy Export button located in the Reports module. The Easy Export dialog box will appear. Select the appropriate accounting software. Easy Dental User Guide Select a range of providers. Enter a date range. The totals will be exported by their Entry Date. Reports 299 2. Select Accounting Software Click the down arrow next to Export To. Select the accounting software you wish to export the totals into. The choices are QuickBooks, Peachtree 2000, Excel, or Text. 3. Select Provider Click the search arrow next to From and select the provider you wish to begin the range with. Click the search arrow next to To and select the provider you wish to end the range with. If you wish to include all providers, leave at <ALL>. 4. Select Entry Date Enter a date range in the From and To fields. All totals with an entry date within that range will be included in the export. 5. Save as Default (Optional) To save the settings you have selected, check the Save as Default checkbox. 6. Click OK Click the OK button. The Export dialog box will appear. Note: If corresponding date(s) within the selected date range and provider(s) within the selected provider range have previously been exported out of Easy Dental, a message will appear stating “Date(s) and Provider(s) within the specified ranges have already been exported. Please select different dates or providers.” Click Continue Export to ignore the message and continue with the export. Click Cancel to cancel the export and return to the Easy Export dialog box. 7. Save File Select the directory you wish to save the file in. (The directory will default to the path selected in Preferences. See the Easy Export Setup section for more information.) Change the file name if desired and click Save. 8. Click OK A message will appear stating “Easy Dental is creating and saving the Export File.” After it is complete, a dialog box will appear stating “The Export File has been saved.” Click the OK button to finish. You may now use your accounting software to open the exported file. Viewing Previously Exported Totals Easy Export will automatically list the most recent exported totals in the Easy Export window. The date it was exported, date range, providers, production total, collection total, and file name will all be listed. To view a specific date range of exported files, enter the date range in the From and To fields. Click Refresh List to view the most current data if exporting has occurred and the Easy Export window has not been closed. Note: The data may be sorted in ascending and descending order by clicking the column headings. Easy Dental User Guide 300 Reports System Maintenance The Easy Dental system maintenance feature is used: • To initially set up the system for your practice • To maintain various reference files in the database • To print the audit trail. To perform the first two functions, choose Maintenance from the Reports module’s toolbar. To print the audit trail, choose Audit from the Reports module toolbar. Many of these Maintenance options are explained in the Installation and Setup Chapter. That information is referenced below along with information on all Maintenance options that were not explained in that chapter. Maintenance Options Fee Schedules This option allows you to make alterations to an entire fee schedule, or specific segments of the fee schedule, without having to manually enter each amount in the Procedure Code Editor. 1. Click Maintenance and Choose Fee Schedules From the Reports module, click the Maintenance button and choose Fee Schedules. The Automatic Fee Schedule Changes dialog box appears. 2. Select Fee Schedule Select the Fee Schedule you wish to change, by clicking the Search button next to the Select Fee Schedule box. 3. Select Procedure Code Range (Optional) If desired, select the procedure codes you wish to change, using the Search buttons next to the From and To boxes. 4. Select Operation Choose the way you wish to change the fee schedule. If you wish to copy the fee schedule: Select the Copy Fee Schedule To option. • Click on the Search button to the right of that option. • Select the Fee Schedule name you wish to copy this fee schedule to. If you wish to clear the fee schedule: Click on the Clear Fee Schedule button to make each amount in the fee schedule $0. If you wish to Change the Fee Schedule: Select the Change Fee Schedule option. • Click on the Increase By or Decrease By radio buttons. You can Increase or Decrease the fees in the range you’ve selected by dollar amounts or percentages. • Choose the appropriate Round To radio button. You can choose to round the percentages you select to the nearest dollar, dime or penny. 5. Click Copy, Clear, or Change Depending on the type of operation you wish to initiate, choose the Copy, Clear or Change button to begin the fee schedule changes. 6. Make Changes (Optional) The new fees will be displayed. You may edit the individual fee by double-clicking on the fee. Enter the correct fee and then press the Enter key on the keyboard or click the green checkmark. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 301 7. Accept or Reject Click the Accept button to save the new fee schedule. Or, click the Reject button to return the fee schedule to its original fees. Report Fonts You can change the fonts used in reports and statements. You have control over most aspects of the reports, including what font, size, and style to use for headers, footers, subheaders, body, etc. This feature can help you maintain a particular style or image for your practice. The number of fonts available for selection is dependent upon the number of TrueType and resident printer fonts installed on your system. You can also control the style and the size in which the font is printed. For example, you can specify that a font print bold, italic, or bold italic. You can also specify the size of the font, from 8 points to 72 points. Note: Easy Dental reports are formatted carefully to fit to a specific page size and dimension. Changing the font, size or style may alter the layout of the report and produce undesirable results. To Change Report Fonts: 1. Click Maintenance then Report Fonts From Reports, click the Maintenance button and choose Report Fonts. 2. Select Report Font to Change Click the down arrow in the Easy Dental Report Fonts box. A list of font styles appear. Click on the Style you wish to edit. 3. Click the Change Fonts Button Click the Change Font button. The Fonts dialog box appears. 4. Change Font, Style, and Size Highlight the desired font, style, and size in the appropriate columns. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Report Fonts dialog box. If the displayed sample is satisfactory, click the OK button. Repeat for any other font styles. Any report printed from this point on will reflect your changes. Note: To return fonts to the Easy Dental default settings. Select the desired font style and then click the Default Font button. Preferences The Preferences dialog box contains four tabs that allow you to customize certain aspects of Easy Dental. General Options The General Options tab in Preferences allows you to select the initial module to launch, select the default for payments and adjustments, suspend Patient Alerts if necessary, and set Easy Checkout options. These defaults can be selected for each computer. 1. Click Maintenance and Preferences From the Reports module, click the Maintenance button and choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog box will appear displaying the General Options tab. 2. Select Options The following options are available on the General tab as explained below: • Select Initial Window to Launch – Mark the module you wish to launch first when Easy Dental is opened. • Select Payment/Adjustment Default – Select Account or Current Patient as the default assignment of payments and adjustments. • Check Suspend Patient Alerts (Optional) – Place a checkmark next to this option to prevent any Patient Alerts from automatically appearing on this computer. • Select Easy Checkout Options – Place a checkmark next to the functions that you want to occur when you click the Easy Checkout button in Accounts. You can create an insurance claim, enter a payment, and generate a Walkout Statement. Choose whether you want the claim and Walkout to be sent to the Batch Processor or printed. Easy Dental User Guide 302 Reports 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save the settings. Print Options When you choose the Print Options tab, you can set general printing options that will affect reports printed from Easy Dental. These setting will NOT affect letters since they are printed from Microsoft Word. 1. Click Maintenance and Preferences From the Reports module, click the Maintenance button and choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog box will appear. Click the Print Options tab. 2. Select Options The following options are available on the Print Options tab as explained below: • Left and Top Offset – Enter the left and top offset amounts, in inches, to adjust the alignment of printed insurance claims. The Left Offset is intended for use with laser printing variations and affects all billing statement and insurance claim formats. A negative (-) can be entered to subtract from the margin, if necessary. • Statement Count – If you want to send Billing Statements in batches, enter the number of statements you wish to send at one time in the Statement Count box. • Use ADA Codes in Descriptions – If you want ADA codes to appear with their descriptions, place a check mark in this box. • International Tooth Numbering – If you want to switch to international tooth numbering, place a check in this box. • Provider ID column for Statements - Check this box to print the provider ID next to each transaction description on Walkout and Billing Statements. • No Insurance Flag(*) on Statements – Check this box to remove the *Indicates this procedure has been billed to Insurance message on the bottom of Billing Statements. • Verify Billing Statements to Send – If you would like to preview Billing Statements before printing or sending electronically, mark the Verify Billing Statements to Send option. • Use Avery 5160 Mailing Labels – By default, Easy Dental uses the Avery 5351 (three columns, eleven rows) label format when printing label reports. Check this box to use an Avery 5160 (three column, ten rows) label format when printing labels. • Mailing Labels - Skip patients who have requested no correspondence – Check this box to skip patients who have “No Correspondence” checked in the Patients module. • Sort Claim by ID – Check this box to print procedures on insurance claims in the order the procedures were posted. • Sort Pre-treatment by ID – Check this box to print procedures on pre-estimate claims in the order the procedures were posted. • Print Provider Balances for Aging Report – Check this box to add a provider balance total for each provider on your Aging Report. If desired, check Include Accounts with 0.00 Balance. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save the settings. Statement Forms 1. Click Maintenance and Preferences From Reports, click the Maintenance button and choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog box will appear. Click the Statement Forms tab. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 303 2. Edit Statement Forms All billing statements that are available from Easy Dental are listed. To change the description of an available form, highlight it, then edit the name in the Descriptive Name box then click Change to rename the form. The Enable/Disable checkbox allows you to make any form unavailable for selection when choosing a default billing statement. A checkmark indicates that the form is enabled and will appear in the Practice Defaults dialog box. The To Top button will move the selected form to the top of the list. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save the settings. Paths When you choose the Paths tab, you can set the Database path and the Letter Templates path and any other paths Easy Dental may be using. If the location of these files have changed, change the paths here. 1. Click Maintenance and Preferences From Reports, click the Maintenance button and choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog box will appear. Click the Paths tab. 2. Edit Paths To change a path, click the Browse button and locate the correct directory. If any paths are changed, you will need to restart Easy Dental. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save the settings. Purge Exported Files The Purge Exported Files utility enables you to delete information that was exported, such as data from letters and reports that were selected to ‘Print to File’. 1. Select Maintenance | Purge Exported Files Choose the Maintenance menu, then Purge Exported Files. The Purge Exported Files dialog box will appear. 2. Select Information to be Purged Check ‘Purge data files for Letters/Quick Letters’ to delete any .out files (data) created during letter merges and stored in the Exports directory. Check ‘Purge exported text and log files (from reports and utilities)’ to delete data in .txt and .log forms in the Exports directory. Reports that were selected to ‘Print to File’ are stored as .txt files. Logs from utilites that were run with Easy Dental Support are saved as .log files. Note: The default location of the Exports directory is C:\Program Files\EZDental\Doc\Exports. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to purge the selected data. Click Cancel to exit this dialog box without deleting anything. Standard Coverage Tables The Standard Insurance Coverage Tables are made available to be copied for insurance plans in the Patients window. The first standard coverage table is automatically given to each new insurance plan as the default. The insurance coverage table is used to estimate the portion of charges the insurance company will pay. To Edit a Standard Coverage Table: 1. Choose Maintenance | Coverage Tables Choose the Maintenance menu, then Coverage Tables. The Standard Insurance Coverage Tables dialog box will appear. Easy Dental includes five standard coverage tables: • 1.Default Coverage Table • 2.All Procedures (Cap Plan) • 3.ADA Categories (12) • 4.Basic, Major, Ortho, Adj Gen • 5.ADA Sub Categories (68) Easy Dental User Guide 304 Reports 2. Choose Coverage Table | Edit From this list box you can select any one of the five standard coverage tables in the Easy Dental system. Click on the Edit button. The Insurance Coverage Table dialog box for the coverage table you selected will appear. 3. Edit Coverage Table See the Patients chapter for information on editing the Coverage Table. 4. Select OK Select OK when you have finished editing the coverage Table. Click on Close in the Standard Insurance Coverage Table dialog box to return to the main Reports window. Employer Maintenance The Employer Maintenance feature makes it easy to add, edit, join, and purge employers from a central location in the Reports module. To make the process of assigning an employer easy, Easy Dental compiles a database of employers. As a result, you only need to enter the employer information once. After the employer information has been entered either in the Patients module or through Reports, you can then select the employer for a patient in the Patients module. The Employer Maintenance screen in Reports gives you the ability to manage employer information from a central location. This is also helpful in preventing duplicate employers from being entered. For information on assigning employers to patients, see the Patients chapter. This section will detail how to add, edit, and delete employers. To Add an Employer: 1. Click Maintenance | Employer Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then choose Employer Maintenance from the menu. The Employer Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Click New Click the New button. The Employer Information dialog box will appear. 3. Enter Employer Information Enter the employer’s name, address, and phone number in the appropriate fields. 4. Click OK Click the OK button when finished. The Employer will now be listed in the Employer Maintenance window. To Edit an Employer: 1. Click Maintenance | Employer Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then choose Employer Maintenance from the menu. The Employer Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Select Employer Type the first few letters of the employer’s name in the Enter Employer Name field. Easy Dental will automatically match the letters you type with existing employers. Select the appropriate employer by clicking on the name to highlight it. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button to open the Employer Information dialog box. 4. Edit Information Edit the necessary information then click OK. A message will appear stating that these changes will affect all patients to which this employer is assigned. To save your changes, click OK. To exit without saving your changes, click Cancel. To Join Employers: Joining employers will merge two employers into one. All employees from the Source Employer will be moved to the Destination Employer selected. 1. Close Easy Dental Make sure that Easy Dental is closed on all workstations, except the workstation that you are working on. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 305 2. Click Maintenance | Employer Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then choose Employer Maintenance from the menu. The Employer Maintenance dialog box will appear. 3. Click Join Employers Click the Join Employers button. The Join Employers dialog box will appear. 4. Select Source Employer Click the search button next to Source Employer. Select the employer that you wish to merge. Click OK. 5. Select Destination Employer Click the search button next to Destination Employer. Select the employer that the Source Employer should be changed to. Click OK. 6. Click Join Click the Join button after you have selected the appropriate source and destination employers. A message will appear stating that all employees from the source employer will be moved to the destination employer. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. A message will appear stating that the employers have been successfully joined. If no patients were assigned to the source employer, a message will appear stating such. Click OK. To Purge Employers: 1. Click Maintenance | Employer Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then choose Employer Maintenance from the menu. The Employer Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Click Purge Click the Purge button. The Purge Employers dialog box will appear. All employers that are NOT attached to any patients will be listed. 3. Delete Employer(s) If you wish to delete all employers listed, click Delete All. If you only wish to delete a selected employer, highlight the desired employer and click Delete. Note: If an employer you wish to delete is not listed in the Purge Employer dialog box, it is attached to a patient. The employer must be cleared from the patient’s file in the Patients module before it can be deleted. To find the patient, print the Employer List for that employer (in Reports click Reference Reports | Employer List and check Include Employees). 4. Click Close Click the Close button when finished. Insurance Maintenance The Insurance Maintenance feature enables you to add, edit, join, purge, and enter coverage and payment table information for dental insurance plans. To make the process of assigning insurance easier, Easy Dental compiles a database of insurance companies as they are entered. As a result, you only need to enter the insurance information once either through Patients or through Insurance Maintenance in Reports. The Insurance Maintenance screen in Reports gives you the ability to manage insurance information from a central location. This is also helpful in preventing duplicate plans from being entered. For information on assigning insurance to patients, see the Patients chapter. This section will detail how to add, edit, and delete insurance carriers as well as change coverage information using the Insurance Maintenance feature. To Add an Insurance Carrier: 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button. Select Insurance Maintenance from the menu. The Insurance Maintenance dialog box will appear. Note: To make certain that the insurance company has not been previously entered, type the first few letters of the Carrier name in the Enter Carrier Name field. Easy Dental will automatically match the letters you type with existing plans. Easy Dental User Guide 306 Reports 2. Click New Click the New button. The Insurance Information dialog box will appear. 3. Enter Carrier and Group Plan Names Enter the carrier name and group plan name. If you do not have a group plan name, enter the employer name as the group plan name. This will assist you later on when you are assigning previously entered insurance carriers to patients. 4. Select Employer Click the search arrow button to select an employer for this insurance plan. This will link the insurance plan with the selected employer so that when entering patients with this employer in Patients, you may search by employer for the correct insurance plan. 5. Enter Address, Phone Number and Contact Name Enter the address where insurance claims should be mailed for this carrier. Enter a phone number and contact person. 6. Enter Group Number Enter the Group Number for this plan. If the plan is a Union plan, enter the Local number. 7. Modify Last Update and Benefit Renewal Use the Last Update text box to keep track of the last time the insurance information was updated by you. Easy Dental will not update this field automatically. Use the Benefit Renewal text box to enter the month that the yearly insurance benefits renew for the insured patient. 8. Select Claim Format Click the down arrow next to Claim Format to select the desired format that should be used when printing claims for this carrier. 9. Choose an Alt Code (Optional) The Alt Code text box will default to the ADA procedure codes. To use a different code system when printing insurance claims for this carrier, select the Alternate Code search button and the Select Alt Code dialog box will display the available alternate code selections. 10. Attach a Fee Schedule You may attach a fee schedule to this insurance carrier using the Fee Schedule box. If a fee schedule is attached to the insurance carrier it will be used instead of the fee schedule attached to the patient’s primary provider. However if a fee schedule is selected for the patient, that fee schedule will be used instead of the one attached to the insurance carrier. 11. Enter Payer ID Information The Payer ID relates to eTrans for Easy Dental. If you are an eTrans subscriber, enter the Payer ID manually or click the search button and select the Payer ID from the list. 12. Provider ID Setup Click the Provider ID Setup button to specify a certain insurance ID for a provider. (For more information on how to setup multiple IDs for a provider, see Provider ID Setup at the end of this section.) 13. Enter National Plan ID The National Plan ID relates to eTrans for Easy Dental. If you are an eTrans subscriber, enter a National Plan ID for this carrier if necessary. 14. Select Source of Payment The Source of Payment relates to eTrans for Easy Dental. If you are an eTrans subscriber, click the down arrow and select the appropriate Source of Payment for this carrier. 15. Replace Initial Character If this insurance company requires the ADA CDT-4 or new CDT-5 codes, and you have not converted all of your codes to this format, check this box and enter the appropriate letter that will replace the initial character of each procedure code on printed claims. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 307 16. Mark Do Not Print Dental Diagnostic Codes on Claims If you do not want to include dental diagnostic codes on the insurance claims for this carrier, mark this option. 17. Do Not Include Group Plan Name To exclude the Group Plan name from printing on the claim or from sending electronically, mark this option. 18. Mark Do Not Bill to Dental Insurance Mark this option to prevent any batch insurance claims from being created for this carrier and to exclude the procedures from showing on the “Procedures Not Attached to Insurance” report. For more information see Batch Insurance Claims and Account Reports in this chapter. 19. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. If you wish to exit without saving any changes, click the Cancel button. You will return to the Insurance Maintenance window. To Change Insurance Carrier Information: 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then select Insurance Maintenance from the menu. The Insurance Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Select Carrier To search for a carrier by name, type the Carrier name in the Enter Carrier Name field. You may also search for a carrier by Employer, Group Plan, Group Number, Local Number, or Address. Mark the desired option and begin typing the associated characters in the Enter field. Matches for the letters you entered will appear in the list box. Click on the desired carrier to highlight it. 3. Click Ins Data Click the Ins Data button. The Insurance Information dialog box will appear. 4. Edit Information Edit the necessary information contained in this dialog box. 5. Click OK Click the OK button. A message will appear asking if you want to Change Plan for All or Add As New Plan. • Select Change Plan for All if you want any change to the existing insurance plan information to change that information for ALL other subscribers who have the same insurance plan. These changes will affect all claims in the past as well. • Choose Add as New Plan if you want to copy all of the insurance information for the current subscriber and add the changed insurance plan without changing the original plan. OR Click OK to return to the Insurance Maintenance screen. Provider ID Setup Some insurance plans have their own ID numbers for providers which they need for claims instead of or in addition to the State ID Number or Provider #. The Provider ID Setup enables you to cross-link multiple IDs to a provider and insurance company which will ensure that the correct ID is printed on each insurance claim. Complete the following steps to setup insurance IDs for a provider: Note: When using passwords, the user must have rights to “Provider ID Setup” to access the Provider ID Setup button. 1. Click Provider ID Setup From the Insurance Plan Information dialog box, click the Provider ID Setup button. The Select Primary Provider dialog box will appear. Note: If the insurance plan has not been saved, you will be prompted to do so before continuing. Easy Dental User Guide 308 Reports 2. Select Provider Highlight the appropriate provider and click OK. The Provider ID Setup dialog box will appear. To Add a Provider ID: 3. Enter Provider ID Code Click the down arrow to select a Provider ID Code from Practice Definitions. (For information on how to enter Provider ID Codes so that they are available for selection, see Practice Definitions in this chapter.) 4. Enter Provider ID Number Type the Provider ID Number in the right text box. 5. Click Add Click the Add button. The Provider ID Code and Number will be added to the list for this provider and insurance company. To Change a Provider ID: 3. Highlight Provider ID From the list of provider IDs, highlight the one that you wish to edit or change. 4. Make Changes Make the appropriate changes in the Provider ID Code and Provider ID Number text boxes. 5. Click Change Click the Change button. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to change this Provider ID. Click Yes to apply the changes or No to cancel. To Delete a Provider ID: 3. Highlight Provider ID From the list of Provider IDs, highlight the one that you wish to delete. 4. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete this Provider ID. Click Yes to remove the Provider ID or No to cancel. To Clear Provider IDs: 3. Click Clear Provider IDs From the Provider ID Setup screen, click the Clear Provider IDs button. The Clear Provider IDs for <provider> dialog box will appear. 4. Select Delete Option For this Insurance Plan – If this option is marked, all IDs for both the current Provider and Insurance Plan will be deleted. • For All Insurance Plans with this Payor ID – If this option is marked, all IDs for the current Provider and any Insurance Plan with the listed Payor ID number will be deleted. A message will appear displaying the total number of plans affected. • For ALL Insurance Plans – If this option is marked, all IDs for the current provider for all Insurance Plans will be deleted. To Copy Provider IDs: 3. Click Copy Provider IDs From the Provider ID Setup screen, click the Copy Provider IDs button. A message will appear informing you that the Provider IDs for the current provider and insurance plan will be copied to all other insurance plans with the same Payor ID. To continue, click Yes. To cancel, click No. A message will appear totaling the number of plans affected. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 309 Entering and Editing a Coverage Table You can easily access insurance coverage table and deductible information by completing the following steps. 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then select Insurance Maintenance from the menu. The Insurance Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Select Carrier Type the first few letters of the Carrier name in the Enter Carrier Name field, and click the search button. Matches for the letters you entered will appear in the box below. Click on the desired carrier to highlight it. 3. Click the Coverage Table Button Click the Cov Table button. The Insurance Coverage dialog box appears. The carrier and group plan names are placed in the title bar. For complete information regarding editing the Coverage Table, see Working with Coverage Tables in the Patients chapter. Entering and Editing the Payment Table A Payment Table is used when an insurance carrier always pays the same fee on a procedure regardless of percentage. Easy Dental can automatically update the insurance payment table whenever payments are received from the carrier. This process maintains the accuracy of the table and is used to calculate insurance estimates. You can view and edit payment tables from the Insurance Maintenance screen. 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From the Reports module, click the Maintenance button then select Insurance Maintenance from the menu. The Insurance Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Select Carrier Type the first few letters of the Carrier name in the Enter Carrier Name field, and click the search button. Matches for the letters you entered will appear in the box below. Click on the desired carrier to highlight it. 3. Click the Payment Table Button Click the Pmt Table button. The Edit Updated Insurance Payment Table appears. The carrier and group plan names are shown at the top of this dialog box. For complete information regarding the Payment Table, see Using Payment Tables in the Patients chapter. Joining Insurance Carriers To move all subscribers from one plan to another, essentially merging plans, complete the following steps: 1. Close Easy Dental Make sure that Easy Dental is closed on all workstations, except the workstation that you will be working on. 2. Choose Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From Reports, choose Maintenance, then Insurance Maintenance. The Insurance Maintenance dialog box will appear. 3. Click Join Plans Click the Join Plans button. The Join Plans dialog box will appear. 4. Select Join Criteria Mark ‘Employer-based’ to move all subscribers attached to one particular insurance plan linked to a specific employer to another insurance plan that is linked to the same employer. Check ‘Subscriber’s Employer must match Insurance Plan Employer Field’ to move only subscribers who are assigned the same employer in the Patients module. Mark ‘Plan-to-Plan’ to join insurance plans regardless of employers. 5. Select Source Insurance Plan Click the search button next to Source Insurance Plan and select the plan that you wish to join with another. Click OK. The plan’s group number, group plan, and linked emloyer will be listed. Easy Dental User Guide 310 Reports 6. Select Destination Insurance Plan Click the search button next to Destination Insurance Plan and select the plan to which you wish to merge the source plan. Click OK. The plan’s group number, group plan, and linked employer will be listed. 7. Click Join Click the Join button to join the two selected plans. A warning message will appear stating that all subscribers of the source insurance plan will be changed to the destination insurance plan. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. A message will appear when the merge is successful. If there are no subscribers (that match the criteria) associated with the source insurance plan, a message will appear indicating such. Purging Insurance Carriers 1. Click Maintenance | Insurance Maintenance From Reports, click the Maintenance button then select Insurance Maintenance. The Insurance Maintenance dialog box will appear. 2. Click Purge Click the Purge button. The Purge Dental Insurance Plans dialog box will appear listing all plans that are NOT attached to any patients. 3. Delete Carrier(s) If you wish to delete all carriers listed, click Delete All. If you only wish to delete a selected carrier, highlight the desired carrier and click Delete. Note: If the carrier you wish to delete is not listed in the Purge Insurance dialog box, it may be attached to a patient or to an outstanding claim. You must clear that insurance from the patient’s file before it can be deleted. To find the patient, print the Insurance Carrier List for that plan (in Reports choose Reference Reports | Insurance Carrier List | check Include All Insured Patients). For more information, see Duplicate Insurance in the Patients chapter. 4. Click Close Click the Close button when finished. Purge Dental Insurance Benefits Used Purge Insurance Benefits Used allows you to selectively zero out insurance coverage benefits used. Complete the following steps to purge used insurance benefits: 1. Choose Maintenance | Purge Dental Insurance Benefits Used From Reports, choose Maintenance, then Purge Dental Insurance Benefits Used. The Used Dental Insurance Benefits Purge dialog box will appear. 2. Select Benefits to Purge Each insurance plan is based on a twelve month period. Most insurance benefits expire at the end of each calendar year. By selecting the appropriate month, Easy Dental will evaluate each plan and set the benefits to zero if it meets the criteria. To purge the benefits for only one insurance plan, mark Selected Insurance Plan and click the search button to select the desired plan. 3. Click OK Click OK to purge the used insurance benefits and return to the Reports window, OR click Cancel to return to Reports without purging insurance benefits. Note: During the Month End update, Easy Dental will automatically purge benefits used for those insurance companies that reset in the next calendar month. If this purge option is done after the 1st of the month, any patients who have already come in during that month, and have that particular month listed as their Benefit Renewal month in the insurance information screen in Patients, will have their Benefits Used reset to zero. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 311 Practice Setup This drop-down menu contains all of the main options necessary for setting up your Practice. Some of this information is covered in the Setup chapter and will be referenced accordingly. If the information is not covered in the Setup chapter, a complete step-bystep explanation is provided in the following: Setup Printer 1. Choose Practice Setup | Setup Printer From Reports, click the Practice Setup button and choose Setup Printer. 2. Select Printer Highlight the printer you wish to print reports to and click OK. 3. Repeat Repeat steps 2 and 3 on each workstation. Practice Resource Setup See the Setup chapter for specific instructions on the Practice Resource Setup. Procedure Code Setup Easy Dental provides you with all of the current ADA procedure codes after the initial installation. The Procedure Code Setup menu command allows you to review, edit, and add procedure codes to the Easy Dental system. See the Setup chapter for instructions on the initial setup of procedure codes. Use the following as reference if you wish to alter a procedure code. Description – The procedure description is displayed in most of the Easy Dental modules, and on insurance claims, billing statements, and various reports. The ADA description is included for each Easy Dental procedure and is abbreviated as necessary. Code Names – The standard ADA code name is displayed for the procedure in most of the Easy Dental modules. It is also used to print some reports by procedure range. Any of the four alternate codes can be used when insurance companies do not accept the standard ADA code on insurance claims. The first alternate code is displayed in the Appointment List as the “reason for appointment” when a procedure is scheduled from a patient’s treatment plan. The alternate code titles are set up from Definitions. Treatment Flags – See Setting Up Procedure Codes in the Setup chapter. Auto Recall – See Setting Up Procedure Codes in the Setup chapter. Procedure Time – See Setting Up Procedure Codes in the Setup chapter. Do Not Bill to Insurance – If this option is marked, the procedure code will be excluded from claims that are created using the Create Batch Insurance Claims button in the Reports module. (See Creating Batch Insurance Claims in the Reports chapter for more information on this feature.) This procedure code will also be excluded from the Procedures Not Attached to Insurance report. (See Printing Reports in the Reports chapter for information on printing this report.) Edit Note. The Edit Note button will display the Edit Procedure Code Notes dialog box. Recommendation Note – The notes can be entered at any time, but the Recommendation Note will not be used unless the Print Note on Walkout box is marked. When a walkout statement is printed from Accounts, there is an option to Print Doctor Recommendations. With this option, if any procedure is printed on the walkout statement that has a recommendation note or document(s), the recommendation note will print on the walkout and the recommendation document(s) will follow. Each walkout (both the Family walkout and Walkout/ Doctor’s Statement may be printed) will print the recommendation notes only once if the same procedure is printed more than once on the walkout. A procedure can have both a recommendation note and a recommendation document(s) or either. More than one recommendation document can be attached to a procedure. To attach Recommendation Documents to a procedure, place the cursor at the end of the recommendation note (or in the Recommendation Note edit box if there is not a note). Click the Recommendation Documents search button, select the documents to attach, then click the OK button to attach the selected document(s) and go back to the Edit Procedure Code Notes dialog box. You will see the name of each recommendation document enclosed in << >>. For example, if the document, “-crown.doc” is selected from the Recommendation documents, <<-crown.doc>> would be displayed at the end of the procedure’s recommendation note. Easy Dental User Guide 312 Reports Note: Recommendation documents should be Word documents that are located in the Easy Dental Doc directory with the Easy Dental letters. Recommendation Documents are not merge letters. Procedure Category – Select the appropriate Procedure Category. Appointment Type – An Appointment Type is used to classify an appointment according to the amount of production the appointment will generate. By default, Easy Dental includes four Appointment Types (General, High Production, Medium Production, Low Production). These types can be customized and added. See Practice Definitions in this chapter for more information. Treatment Area – The Treatment Area is used to indicate the area to which the procedure applies. The choices are: Surface Root Tooth Quadrant Mouth Sextant The treatment area flags any procedure that is entered for a patient. “Surface”, “Tooth” or “Root” flags a tooth; “Surface” also flags at least one surface. “Mouth” does not flag anything except possibly a tooth range (see the next section). Treatment Area Flags – The Flags button will bring up the Flags dialog box for the treatment area selected for the procedure (refer to previous section). Each Easy Dental procedure has the relevant flags included. Changing the flags will not affect any previously entered procedures for a patient. • When a procedure’s treatment area is “Surface” or “Root,” the Surface Flags dialog box will allow you to enter the procedure code that is to be used, relative to the number of surfaces entered or the number of roots the selected tooth has. If the Procedure Codes for Additional Surfaces option is selected, each of the text boxes must be filled. For example, if there are only three “additional” procedure codes, the procedure code for text box “3” must be repeated in text boxes “4” and “5.” • When a procedure’s treatment area is “Tooth”, the Tooth Flags dialog box will allow you to enter the procedure code that is to be used for all but the first entry when the procedure is charted “Complete” more than once on the same day for a patient. • The Mouth Flags dialog box is displayed for the “Mouth” treatment area. The Use Selected Tooth for Range option will require a tooth range when the procedure is entered for a patient. The Use Default Teeth for Range is for procedures such as dentures. Fee Schedules – See Setting Up Procedure Codes in the Setup chapter. To Add Procedure Codes: 1. Choose Practice Setup | Procedure Code Setup From Reports toolbar, choose Practice Setup, and then Procedure Code Setup. The Procedure List dialog box is displayed. 2. Choose a Category Choose a category on the left. All the procedure codes associated with that category will appear in the right list box. 3. Click New Click the New button. The Procedure Code Editor dialog box will appear. Note: When adding a procedure code, Easy Dental automatically defaults to the category highlighted when you selected the New button. 4. Enter Procedure Code Information Enter all Procedure Code Information as outlined in the previous section and in the Setup chapter. 5. Save the Changes When you have entered the correct information for a procedure, click the Save button. • When you choose the Next Code or New Code button Easy Dental will ask if you want to save your changes. Choose Yes if you want to save your changes. Choose No if you don’t want to save your changes. Easy Dental will automatically move you to the next procedure code editor screen. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 313 Dental Diagnostic Codes Diagnostic codes can be attached to Completed or Treatment Planned procedures, as well as cross coded to ADA codes. The diagnostic codes will print on the new 2000 ADA claim form (i.e, J590). To add and edit diagnostic codes, complete the following steps. For information on how to attach diagnostic codes to Completed or Treatment Planned work, see the Accounts and Treatment Plans chapters. Adding Diagnostic Codes 1. Click Practice Setup then choose Procedure Code Setup From Reports, click Practice Setup, then choose Procedure Code Setup. The Procedure List dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Dental Diagnostic Codes Tab Click the tab labeled Dental Diagnostic Codes. A list of available Diagnostic categories is displayed. 3. Click New Click the New button. The Dental Diagnostic Code Editor - New dialog box will appear. 4. Enter Description Enter a description of the diagnostic code. 5. Enter Diagnostic Code Enter the diagnostic code. This code will print on the 2000 claim forms (i.e. J590). 6. Select Category Click the down arrow and select the desired diagnostic code category. 7. Select Treatment Area Click the down arrow and select the correct treatment area. To enter procedure codes for additional surfaces, click the Flags button and enter the appropriate codes. 8. Click Save or New Code Click the Save button to save your changes. Then click New Code to enter additional codes or Close to return to the Dental Diagnostic Codes list. Editing Diagnostic Codes 1. Choose Practice Setup | Procedure Code Setup From Reports menu, choose Practice Setup, and then Procedure Code Setup. The Procedure List dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Dental Diagnostic Codes Tab Click the tab labeled Dental Diagnostic Codes. A list of available Diagnostic categories is displayed. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Dental Diagnostic Code Editor dialog box will appear. 4. Edit Code Edit the code as necessary. 5. Click Save Click the Save button to save your changes. Click Close to exit or Next Code to edit the next code. Diagnostic Cross Code Setup To cross code an ADA code with its associated diagnostic code(s), complete the following steps: 1. Choose Practice Setup | Dental Diagnostic Cross Code Setup From Reports, choose Practice Setup, and then Dental Diagnostic Cross Code Setup. Easy Dental User Guide 314 Reports 2. Select ADA-CDT Code From the top left list box, select the category of the ADA code you wish to cross code. Once a category has been selected, all ADA procedures codes for that category will be listed. Highlight the code you wish to cross code. 3. Select Diagnostic Code Type the diagnostic code in the Enter Code field or select the desired Diagnostic Category from the drop down menu above the bottom left list box. All diagnostic codes under that category will be listed. Highlight the diagnostic code you wish to use. 4. Click Add Click the Add button to move the code to the right list box. All cross-referenced diagnostic codes for the selected ADA code will be listed in this box. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to include up to 8 diagnostic codes for the selected ADA code. Explosion Code Setup An explosion code is a group of procedure codes that are usually scheduled, completed, or recommended at the same time. An explosion code allows you to post many procedures simultaneously. For example, a root canal appointment may consist of several procedures, each with its own procedure time and fee. Instead of having to post or schedule each of these procedures individually, an explosion code allows you to group them together, thus saving considerable time in posting and scheduling. To Add an Explosion code: 1. Choose Practice Setup | Explosion code Setup Choose Practice Setup, then Explosion code Setup. The Explosion code List dialog box will appear. 2. Click New Click the New button and the Explosion code Editor dialog box will appear. 3. Enter Description Enter a description of the explosion code (it can be up to 31 characters). 4. Enter Explosion code Enter a three digit alphanumeric code that represents the code. 5. Enter Abbreviated Description Enter a nine digit abbreviated description of the explosion code. 6. Set the Appointment Type Click the down arrow and choose General, High Production, Medium Production, or Low Production for the Appointment Type. 7. Set the Explosion code Type If the explosion code represents a bridge, choose the Bridge radio button; otherwise, choose Standard. 8. Choose Procedure Time Search Button Set the length of time required to complete this group of procedures. 9. Add Procedure Code Choose the Add button. The Add Procedure Code dialog box will appear. • Mark ADA code or Dental Diagnostic Code. Enter the procedure or diagnostic code in the edit box provided; otherwise, choose the search button and select a category, then the procedure or diagnostic code you wish to add. • Click the OK button. • Repeat this step to add additional procedure/diagnostic codes. Note: An explosion code may consist of one or more procedures that require a tooth number or range to be entered. These procedures will be flagged with an ( * ) in the procedure code list. When the explosion code is used in the Accounts module, the procedure will also be flagged so that a tooth number range can be added. A procedure that requires a tooth number or range will not be posted with the explosion code from the Schedule when an appointment that schedules the explosion code is set complete. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 315 10. Disable Explosion code If you plan to use this explosion code, leave this unchecked. Disabling the explosion code removes it from the active explosion code lists without deleting it. 11. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. To Edit an Explosion code 1. Choose Practice Setup | Explosion Code Setup Choose Practice Setup, then Explosion Code Setup. The Explosion Code List dialog box will appear. 2. Click Edit Highlight the explosion code you wish to edit and then choose the Edit button. The Explosion code Editor dialog box will appear. 3. Edit Code Make any changes to the descriptions, code, multi-procedure type, time, type, and procedures as necessary. Choose the OK button to save your changes. To Delete a Explosion code 1. Choose Practice Setup | Explosion Code Setup Choose Practice Setup, then Explosion Code Setup. The Explosion Code List dialog box will appear. 2. Click Delete Highlight the explosion code you wish to delete and then choose the Delete button. Note: Editing or defining an explosion code will not affect any procedures that have been previously posted for a patient. It will affect any appointment for which the explosion code is scheduled. Selecting Explosion codes Explosion codes will appear in the Enter Procedure dialog box in the Accounts module for easy selection. You can also find a list of all explosion codes whenever choosing procedure codes. They will appear in the Explosion codes procedure category. Practice Defaults See the Setup chapter for specific steps to setup your Practice Defaults. Practice Definitions Easy Dental provides several “Practice Definitions” and allows user-definable entries for each. These “Practice Definitions,” in addition to other features, customize Easy Dental for your specific practice. Following is a list of Definition Types: Adjustment Types Medical Alerts Alternate Procedure Code Names Payment Types Appointment Reasons Provider ID Codes Appointment Types Provider Specialties Billing Types Recall Status Claim Format Referral Specialties Fee Schedule Name Definitions can be added, changed, or deleted by selecting the Definitions command from the Practice Setup button. See the Setup chapter for specific steps on How to Edit Definitions. Each of the definitions, with its defaults, is explained in the following sections. Warning: An entry for a definition is automatically assigned the first available ID number for that definition, starting with ID number “1,” then “2,” and so on. The ID number is used to assign a definition entry for its application, and the description for a definition entry becomes global with its ID number. Easy Dental User Guide 316 Reports For example, if several patients are given the billing type of “Standard,” and then the definition entry for “Standard” is changed to “Preferential,” all patients who previously had “Standard” displayed as a billing type will now have “Preferential” displayed as their billing type. For similar reasons, it is recommended that a definition entry not be deleted if the definition has been used anywhere in the Easy Dental system. Adjustment Types and Payment Types – See the Setup chapter for an explanation and discussion of both of these Definition Types. Alternate Procedure Code Names – Each ADA procedure can have four alternate codes for insurance claim purposes. The first alternate code is displayed in the appointment list when a procedure is scheduled. Only one set of alternate codes is included with Easy Dental. You may redefine the existing codes to meet your needs. The Names of alternate codes are set up here. See Setting Up Procedure Codes in the Setup chapter. Appointment Reasons – To simplify the scheduling of an appointment, you can create a list of the 20 most common initial appointment reasons for your office. Once the list has been customized, users can quickly select the desired procedure from a list rather than typing or writing a long appointment description. Each of the 20 reasons must first be set up as a procedure or explosion code. None of the reasons should require additional treatment information such as a tooth number or surface. The following 20 appointment reasons are included with Easy Dental, but can be changed or deleted as necessary. 1. D0120 Ex Per 2. D0140 Ex Lim 3. D0150 Ex Com 4. D0160 Ex Ext 5. D0210 FMX 6. D0220 PA 1st 7. D0272 2 BWX 8. D0274 4 BWX 9. D0330 Pano 10. D0460 PV tst 11. D1110 Adult 12. D1120 Child 13. D1201 Fld - Ch 14. D9110 Emerg 15. D9310 Consul 16. D0999 Misc 17. xxREA REAdult (Exp) 18. xxREP REChild (Exp) 19. xxREC REComp (Exp) 20. xxPex Perio X (Exp) Appointment Types – Used to classify an appointment according to the amount of production the appointment will generate. By default, Easy Dental includes the following four appointment types. There is a limit of 10 types. GeneralMedium Production High ProductionLow Production Billing Types – See the Setup chapter for a complete explanation of Billing Types. Claim Formats – Claim formats for the insurance companies must be obtained from Easy Dental and set up in Definitions. There is a limit of 10 claim formats that can be set up. Every new insurance plan will default to use the first claim format as set in Practice Definitions. The list of all setup claim formats is available for selection for any insurance plan. The default claim formats shown in the Definitions dialog box can be set up as needed. Fee Schedule Names – You can name each of the fee schedules you set up in your practice. The first five fee schedules are numbered numerically, Fee 1, Fee 2, Fee 3, etc. You may edit these names before you begin entering procedures on any patients, or add new fee schedule names. There is a limit of 999 fee schedule names available in Easy Dental. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 317 Medical Alerts – Medical Alerts are listed and selected in the Patients module for patients with a medical condition that the provider should be aware of. A red cross will appear if the patient has any Medical Alerts selected (the cross will appear white if there are no alerts). Click on the red cross to view the patient’s Medical Alert(s). See the Patients chapter for how to enter Medical Alerts. Any of the medical alerts that are included with Easy Dental can be changed or deleted at the time of installation, or added to at any time, with a total alert limit of 64. Note: The system automatically lists the medical alerts alphabetically in the Patients module, so it is not necessary to worry about its location in the list of medical alerts in the Reports module. The default Medical Alerts are: HIV Jaundice Allergies Kidney Disease AnemiaLiver Disease Arthritis Mental Disorders Artificial Joints Nervous Disorders AsthmaPacemaker Blood Disease Pregnancy Cancer Radiation Treatment Diabetes Respiratory Problems Dizziness Rheumatic Fever EpilepsyRheumatism Excessive Bleeding Sinus Problems FaintingStomach Problems Glaucoma Stroke Growths Tuberculosis Hay Fever Tumors Head Injuries Ulcers Heart Disease Venereal Disease Heart Murmur Codeine Allergy Hepatitis Penicillin Allergy High Blood Pressure Other Provider ID Codes – Provider ID Codes are used when assigning multiple insurance IDs to a provider. The codes are available for selection in the Provider ID Setup dialog box which is accessed from the Provider Information or Insurance Information window. Easy Dental comes with the following Provider ID Codes: 0B State License Number 1A Blue Cross Provider Number 1B Blue Shield Provider Number 1C Medicare Provider Number 1D Medicaid Provider Number 1E Dentist License Number 1G Provider UPIN Number 1H CHAMPUS Identification Number 1J Facility ID Number 24 Employer’s Identification Number 34 Social Security Number Easy Dental User Guide 318 Reports B3 Preferred Provider Organization Number BQ Health Maintenance Organization Code Number E1 Employer’s Identification Number FH Clinic Number G2 Provider Commercial Number G5 Provider Site Number LU Location Number N5 Provider Plan Network Identification Number SY Social Security Number TJ Federal Taxpayer’s Identification Number U3 Unique Supplier Identification Number (USIN) X5 State Industrial Accident Provider Number XX National Provider Number Provider Specialties – The Provider Specialties are listed in the Provider Information window for selection. Easy Dental comes with the following specialties: 1. 122300000X Dentist 2. 126800000X Dental Assistant 3. 124Q00000X Dental Hygienist 4. 1223D0001X Dental Public Health 5. 1223E0200X Endodontics 6. 1223X0400X Orthodontics 7. 1223P0106X Pathology, Oral &Maxillofacial 8. 1223P0221X Pediatrics Dentistry (Pedodontics) 9. 1223P0300X Periodontics 10. 1223P0700X Prosthodontics 11. 1223S0112X Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial 12. 126900000X Dental Laboratory Technician 13. 1223G0001X General Practice 14. 1223X0008X Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Recall Status – Recall Status can be used to indicate the last contact with a patient regarding the next recall visit. The status should be entered as an abbreviation in the first field and as a description in the second field. There is a limit of 10 statuses. Referral Specialties – The Referral Specialties are available for selection when adding a referral provider. Easy Dental comes with the following referral specialties: 1. 122300000X Dentist 2. 126800000X Dental Assistant 3. 124Q00000X Dental Hygienist 4. 1223D0001X Dental Public Health 5. 1223E0200X Endodontics 6. 1223X0400X Orthodontics 7. 1223P0106X Pathology, Oral &Maxillofacial 8. 1223P0221X Pediatrics Dentistry (Pedodontics) 9. 1223P0300X Periodontics 10. 1223P0700X Prosthodontics Easy Dental User Guide Reports 319 11. 1223S0112X Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial 12. 126900000X Dental Laboratory Technician 13. 1223G0001X General Practice 14. 1223X0008X Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Auto Chart Number Setup See the Setup chapter for Auto Chart Number setup instructions and how to use the Convert Chart Numbering Utility if you wish to convert your current chart numbers. Recall Setup See the Recall chapter for Recall setup instructions. Recall Views Setup See the Recall chapter for Recall Views setup instructions. Passwords Passwords serve many different functions in a dental office. First, passwords can be used to prevent an unauthorized person from performing certain sensitive tasks, such as changing information, deleting transactions, accessing financial information, etc. Second, the Easy Dental password feature gives the office the double security of flagging certain operations to verify that the logged on user is still the user who has access to the operation, by requiring the password to be re-entered. Third, passwords, in conjunction with the Audit Trail Report, can be used to track who in your offices made changes to information in Easy Dental. Different offices have different security needs, so when Easy Dental is first installed passwords are not enabled. If security is not a concern for your office, you can skip this section. Note: It is strongly recommended that you backup your Easy Dental directory before setting up passwords. Once passwords are enabled, a user must log onto the system each time Easy Dental is launched. Passwords will be assigned to users using their provider or staff IDs. (If you have not added all providers and staff members to the Practice Resource section of Easy Dental, you should do so before attempting to set up passwords.) Additionally, each user can be assigned “rights” to the tasks they need to complete. Easy Dental then allows access to each password-protected operation according to the security rights assigned to the logged on user. If a user does not have rights to a certain function, they will not be allowed to access that particular screen or task. To set up passwords, you must complete the following two steps: • Enable Passwords and assign “Verify User Before Access” status to selected functions. • Assign security rights to all Easy Dental users in the office. Note: One of the main reasons for using passwords in your office is security. To ensure the integrity of your password system, Easy Dental cannot make any changes to passwords or clear passwords over the phone. Please ensure that you have recorded your passwords in a secure location. If the Password Administrator’s password is lost, you will need to send your database to Easy Dental Systems to have all passwords cleared, along with a signed request for these services. We will compare the signature with the signature on record prior to providing these services. Please contact Easy Dental Customer Support and arrange for this service prior to sending your database. Your practice will be charged a $150 fee to cover the costs of clearing the passwords. Enable Passwords and Assign “Verify User Before Access” Status to Options. 1. Choose Practice Setup | Passwords | Setup Practice for Passwords From Reports, click the Practice Setup button. Select Passwords then Setup Practice for Passwords. The Password - Setup Practice dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 320 Reports 2. Check the Enable Passwords box Check the Enable Passwords box. A list of security options will appear. Note: Once passwords have been enabled, all tasks listed in the security options will be protected. In order for users to perform any of these tasks, they must be assigned rights to the security option. User rights are not assigned from this screen. To read about assigning user rights see Assign User Security Rights in this section. 3. Require Secure User Passwords (Optional) When this option is checked, a user’s password must be at least seven characters long and contain at least one letter, one number, and one special character. 4. Assign Verify User Before Access Once a user has logged onto Easy Dental, the user may perform all operations to which they have rights. There may be certain security options for which additional protection is desired. In this case, the security options can be flagged to “Verify User Before Access.” When a security option is flagged, an additional password prompt will appear asking the user to re-enter their password. To flag these options, highlight the task and then press the “Verify User Before Access” button. More than one security option can be highlighted at a time. The selected security options will be moved to the bottom of the list and an asterisk before the security option will indicate its verification status. Note: Consider how frequently the security option is used before assigning the “Verify Users Before Access” flag. This option will always prompt users to enter their passwords before continuing. Too many interruptions requiring a password entry may not be worth the added security. 5. Choose OK The first time you enable passwords the Password Administration - Setup Users dialog box will appear when OK is selected. Since there are no users with established passwords, Easy Dental requires you to set up at least one user with access to the Password Administration dialog box. Easy Dental will not allow the user to continue until at least one user is given Password Administration rights. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 321 Assign User Security Rights When assigning user rights, you should keep in mind which tasks each individual performs. Keep in mind that some rights are directly related to others. Assign rights to only those individuals who will have a need to perform that operation. For example, unless you have assigned a front desk person to analyze your production vs. collection figures, there will be no need for the front desk person to access the Practice Analysis screen. This option should not be assigned to that user. Dentist/Practice Owners Easy Dental Systems recommends that the Dentist or Practice Owners be given rights to all operations. Be sure to assign this user the Password Administration rights. To Assign User Rights Complete the following steps: 1. Choose Practice Setup | Passwords | Setup Users for Passwords From Reports, click the Practice Setup button. Select Passwords then Setup Users for Passwords. The Password Administration - Setup Users dialog box will appear. Note: The first time you enable passwords, the Password Administration - Setup Users dialog box will appear automatically when OK is selected from the Password – Setup Practice dialog box. 2. Highlight the User ID Select the User ID from the list of available provider(s) and staff. Once the User ID is highlighted, the user name, and ID will display on the right side of the dialog box. 3. Click Change Password Enter a password for the user. The password must be 12 characters or less and should be easy to remember. Passwords are not case sensitive. Retype the same password in the Confirm Password box. Click the OK button. Note: A password is not required, but is recommended. Passwords can be changed in the Office Manager by choosing Maintenance | Practice Setup | Passwords | Change Password. The user must know the current User ID and password but does not need rights to Password Administration. 4. Expand List (Optional) When first opened, the security options list is “collapsed,” thus hiding the detailed security options under each respective category. To expand the list and view all security options, click Expand List. You may also click the plus (+) sign next to the desired category to see the detailed rights. Easy Dental User Guide 322 Reports 5. Select Security Option Rights Place a checkmark next to the security options you want the user to have rights to. If the list is collapsed, a checkmark next to the “main” option will also check all detailed options that are not in view for that category. To select all security options for the user, click Select All. To deselect all security options for the user, click Remove All. Note: Easy Dental requires you to set up at least one user with Password Administration rights. Easy Dental will not allow the user to exit this screen until at least one user is given Password Administration rights. Assign the user a password that will not be forgotten! It is recommended that the password for the Password Administrator be written down and placed in a secure location. 6. Repeat for All Users When the rights are setup for the selected user, select the next user. You will be prompted to save the changes. Note: If different users will have the same security options selected, you may save time by clicking the Copy Rights button. This allows you to select a user that has already had the security options selected and copy the selections to the current user. 7. Choose OK You will be prompted to save the changes for the selected users before exiting the Setup Users dialog box. Note: When changes are saved for a user, you will be warned if a password was not assigned. Dunning Messages See the Setup chapter for specific information on setting up or editing Dunning Messages. EasyMobile Setup Easy Dental can export specific data to a Palm Pilot. This will aid dentists in making after-hours dental/practice decisions and treatment (scheduling appointments, writing prescriptions, calling difficult cases.) To setup preferences for each Provider and Staff member, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Practice Setup | EasyMobile Setup From Reports, choose Practice Setup, then EasyMobile Setup. The EasyMobile Setup dialog box will appear. 2. Select EasyMobile User Click the search button to select the user for whom you are setting up preferences. Each user may have customized preferences setup for use with their Palm Pilot. 3. Select Provider(s) Highlight the desired providers. The selected providers will determine what data is used for the sync. Check All Providers to include all primary and secondary providers. 4. Select Sync Options Data must be purged from the Palm Pilot to avoid memory overload. You may select the amount of time to wait before purging specific data. Next to each option, click the down arrow and select the amount of time you wish to wait to purge the information on your Palm Pilot. You may select 1 to 4 weeks. 5. Select Data Types Appointments – Click the down arrow and select the number of working days you wish to download to the Palm Pilot. The maximum number is three. Days when the office is closed will not be included. Check Rx History for Appointed Patients to include a prescription history for patients with appointments in the sync. Enter the number of days, weeks, months, or years to include. • Rx History for All Patients – Check this option to include a prescription history for all patients (regardless of appointments). Enter the number of days, weeks, months, or years to include. • Referred To Doctor List – All Referred To providers in Easy Dental will be downloaded when this option is marked. • Patient List – Check this option to download a patient list according to the filters and data selected. Click the Data button to open the Patient List Details dialog box. Available data fields are listed in the left column. To add a data field to the Export Fields list, highlight it and click the > button. To remove a field, highlight it and click the < button. Click >> to move all fields to the right or << to move all fields to the left column. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 323 • Highlight the primary provider(s) whose patients you wish to download. Check which patient status you wish to include (Patient and Inactive/Non Patient). Click OK to return to the EasyMobile Setup window. A message will appear stating approximately how much memory is required on your hand-held device to download this data. If the memory on your device is sufficient, click OK. If this amount exceeds the memory on your device, click Cancel to return to the Patient List Details dialog to adjust your selections. • Once you have returned to the EasyMobile Setup window, select how often you wish to update the Patient List (one-four weeks). 6. Apply Settings to All EasyMobile Users (Optional) To save these settings for all EasyMobile Users, mark this option. If you wish to setup different preferences for a different user, select a different user at the top. A message will appear asking if you wish to save your changes. Click the Yes button. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to the Reports module. Payment Plan Setup See the Payment Plans section in the Accounts chapter for information on how to setup default Payment Plans. Survey Setup The Patient Survey is designed to replace the new patient forms, health history update and other forms used in your office to collect information from patients. The Patient Survey allows you to create a custom set of questions that can be printed. Once the patient completes the survey, the answers can be entered into Easy Dental and stored as an electronic copy of the information. For those offices moving toward the “paperless office,” the patient survey is a way to computerize information that otherwise would be stored in a paper chart. Best of all, when the information needs to be reviewed for accuracy, a new copy with the previous answers can be generated–the patient only has to modify those items that have changed since the last visit. Creating A Survey 1. Choose Practice Setup | Survey Setup From Reports, choose Practice Setup then Survey Setup. The Survey Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click the New Button Click the New button. The Text/Question for Questionnaire dialog box appears. 3. Type Text Questions and statements can appear on the Patient Survey. Questions ask the patient to provide information. Statements provide the patient with information (such as instructions for completing the form, etc.). Statements will be displayed and printed but a response will not be entered for these items. Type the text for a statement or question as you wish it to appear on the Patient Survey form. Remember to include appropriate capitalization and punctuation. 4. Mark a Statement/Question Type Mark the appropriate text type by choosing one of the following: • Display Text Only – Use for statements. • Note/Explanation – Use with questions that require a note or explanation. • Number/Amount – Use with questions that require a number be used in the answer. • Yes/No – Use with questions that will be answered either yes or no. • Date – Use with questions that will be answered with a date. Easy Dental User Guide 324 Reports 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. 6. Repeat for the Next Statement/Question Repeat steps 2 – 5 for any other statements or questions that need to be added to your questionnaire. 7. Click OK When you are finished setting up the questionnaire, click the OK button to exit the Patient Survey Setup. Setting the Order of Survey Questions You can arrange the order of statement/questions for your questionnaire by using the Move Up or Move Down buttons. Simply highlight a statement/question to be moved, then click the Move Up or Move Down button. The statement/question will be moved one line in the desired direction. Repeat as many times as necessary to position the statement/question in the appropriate location. Editing a Statement/Question 1. Select the Statement/Question to be Edited Highlight the statement or question to be changed. 2. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Statement/Question for Questionnaire dialog box appears. 3. Make Changes and Click OK Edit the statement or question and then click the OK button to save your changes. 4. Click OK When you are finished making changes to the questionnaire, click the OK button to exit the Patient Questionnaire Setup. Note: If you need to change the type of statement or question (For example: from a Note/Explanation to a Date), you should delete the statement/ question and re-enter it. Deleting a Statement/Question 1. Select the Statement/Question to be Deleted Highlight the statement or question to be deleted. 2. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A warning message appears. If you wish to delete the statement or question, click the Yes button. Click the No button to cancel the deletion. Note: If the statement or question has been assigned to a patient, a warning cautions that if you delete the statement/question the patient responses will also be deleted. If you continue with the deletion, all information pertaining to this question will be removed from all patient questionnaires that have been entered. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to exit the Patient Questionnaire Setup. Prescription Setup To setup prescriptions to use in the Rx Writer, complete the following tasks: • Add Prescription Types – These are your default prescription settings. • Set up your printer for Prescriptions – Select a printer for printing prescriptions and customize printer defaults. Add a Prescription Type 1. Choose Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From Reports, click Practice Setup then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescription Setup dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 325 2. Click New Click the New button. The New Standard Prescription dialog box appears. 3. Type a Description Type a description for the prescription. You may enter up to 50 characters. The Description does not print on the Patient Prescription form. 4. Type a Drug Name Type the drug information. This prints on the prescription form. You may enter up to 50 characters. 5. Type the Dosage Interval and Instructions Type the dosage interval and any instructions that should print on the prescription form in the SIG box. 6. Enter the Disp Number Enter the number/amount of the medication to dispense in the Disp box. 7. Enter the Number of Refills If the prescription may be refilled, enter the number of times to refill in the Refills box. 8. Mark Drug Substitution Options Mark Dispense as Written if the pharmacy should only use the drug named on the prescription. • Mark Generic Substitution Permitted if the pharmacy may fill the prescription with a generic version of the medication. 9. Type Notes If you desire to give the patient instructions regarding the prescribed medication, type these instructions in the notes field. The notes will print below the prescription form. 10. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Prescriptions Setup dialog box. Repeat steps 2 – 10 for any other prescriptions to be set up. Edit a Prescription 1. Choose Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From Reports, click Practice Setup then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescription Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click Edit Select the prescription you wish to edit. Click the Edit button. 3. Make Modifications Make any changes to the default prescription. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to return to the Prescriptions Setup dialog box. Delete a Prescription 1. Choose Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From Reports, click Practice Setup then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescription Setup dialog box appears. 2. Select Prescription Highlight the Prescription you wish to delete. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A warning dialog box will appear. Click the Yes button to delete the prescription. Note: Prescription Types that have been assigned to patients cannot be deleted. Easy Dental User Guide 326 Reports Setup a Printer To set up a printer for your prescriptions, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Practice Setup | Prescription Setup From Reports, click Practice Setup then choose Prescription Setup. The Prescription Setup dialog box appears. 2. Click Print Setup Click the Print Setup button. The Printer Setup dialog box appears. 3. Select a Printer Select the printer you wish to use to print prescriptions. 4. Select Prescription Form If your state requires a specific format for prescriptions, click the down arrow next to the Form field and choose the correct form. 5. Check Using Preprinted Paper (Optional) If you will be using preprinted paper when creating prescriptions, check the Using preprinted paper option. 6. Check Print Number for “Disp” as a Word (Optional) If you need to list the number/amount of the medication to dispense as a word, check the Print number for “Disp” as a word option. (Example: “four” instead of “4”) 7. Check Disable Printing (Optional) If you will be using the Prescriptions module to record prescription information but will not be printing prescriptions, check the Disable Printing option. 8. Click OK Click OK to save your printer setup and return to the Prescription Setup dialog box. Click Close to return to the Reports module. Modem Setup See the Setup chapter for instructions on how to set up your modem to function with Easy Dental. Network Setup 1. Choose Practice Setup | Network Setup From Reports, click Practice Setup then choose Network Setup. The Network Setup dialog box will appear. Note: The Station Number is assigned by Easy Dental automatically during the installation on each computer and cannot be edited. Each terminal should have a unique station number. 2. Update Speed The Update Speed represents how often Easy Dental does a screen refresh in the Schedule (in seconds). Fifteen is the recommended speed. 3. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to Reports. Easy Dental User Guide Reports 327 Audit The Audit Trail Reports allow you to print a report of all transaction entries that have been changed or deleted. Also included are appointment changes and limited patient changes. 1. Click Audit From Reports, click the Audit button. The Audit Trail Reports dialog box appears. 2. Select Audit Date Range In the Select Audit Date field, establish the date range of the information you wish to audit. 3. Select Users You can print the report to show changes or deletions made by individual users, by highlighting the User IDs you wish to see on the report. If you wish to print all changes and deletions, check the All box. To list inactive providers, check the List Inactive box. 4. Select Report Type Standard – this report will print the selected changes for the selected users in this dialog box within the Audit Date range. • Provider/Staff – this report will print information for providers or staff members that were inactivated or activated on a date within the Audit Date range. Only providers or staff members that were inactivated/activated by a user selected in this dialog box will be included. 5. Select Changes for Standard Report Options If Standard report is checked, the Select Changes for Standard Report field will be active. You can print the report to show all changes/deletions or to show only certain types of transactions. To print all changes, check the “All” box. If you wish to see only certain types of transactions, highlight the types of transactions you wish to see on the report. You can choose to print any of the following options: • Completed Procedures – lists all changes/deletions to procedures posted as completed in Accounts. • Account Payments – lists all changes/deletions to account payments posted in Accounts. • Insurance Payments – lists all changes/deletions to Insurance payments posted in Accounts. • Adjustments - lists all changes/deletions to adjustments posted in Accounts. • Patient Changes – lists changes made to patient’s name, primary provider, and billing type in the patient information window in Patients. • Appointment Changes - lists all changes/deletions to appointments from the Schedule. • Prescriptions – lists all deletions made from the Prescriptions module. Check “Print to File” to have the report generated to a tab-delimited form and saved in the Exports folder (the default location is C:\Program Files\Ezdental\Doc\Exports). Enter the name for the saved report (with a .txt extension) in the field below. 6. Select Options for Provider/Staff Report If Provider/Staff report is checked, the Select Options for Provider/Staff Report field will be active. • If the “By Inactivated/Activated Provider/Staff ” option is selected, only information for providers/staff that were inactivated or activated, who are selected from the list of providers and staff members for the report, will be included. Check ‘All’ to select all providers/staff. Check ‘List Inactive’ to list inactivated providers/staff. • If the “By Replacement Provider/Staff ” option is selected, only information for providers/staff which were inactivated with a Replacement Provider/Staff that is selected from the list of providers and staff members for the report will be used. Check “All” to select all providers/staff. Check “List Inactive” to list inactivated providers/staff. Easy Dental User Guide 328 Reports • Check “Print to File” to have the report generated to a tab-delimited form and saved in the Exports folder (the default location is C:\Program Files\Ezdental\Doc\Exports). Enter the name for the saved report in the field below. • Check “Include Details” to have the changes that occurred when the provider/staff was inactivated detailed on the report. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to send the Audit Trail Report(s) to the Batch Processor to be printed. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 329 Lab Case Manager Tracking lab cases in Easy Dental is easy with the Lab Case Manager. The Lab Case Manager is directly linked to the Schedule module and allows you to create a case for a patient, ship the case to the lab, and track the case’s progress. The following sections explain how to set up and use the Lab Case Manager: • Starting the Lab Case Manager • Window Areas and Toolbar • Lab Case Setup • Using the Lab Case Manager Starting the Lab Case Manager The Lab Case Manager is accessed from the Schedule or Chart module. To open the Lab Case Manager, click the Lab Case Manager button located on the Schedule or Chart module toolbar. Easy Dental User Guide 330 Lab Case Manager Window Areas and Toolbars The Lab Case Manager consists of a Case List pane and two toolbars. The Case List pane displays the lab cases in your database. This list can be filtered so that you can view lab cases that meet certain criteria (see the View Setup section for more information). Case List Pane Main Toolbar New Case Edit Case Receive Case Finish Case Delete Case Attach Appointment Send Selected Lab Case(s) Via Web Send All Unsent Lab Case(s) Via Web Case Pickup Request Labnet Online Button Toolbar This toolbar contains buttons that are specific to the Lab Case Manager. • New Case: Click this button to create a new lab case. • Edit Case: Click this button to edit an existing case. • Receive Case: Click this button to make a record of a case being received from the lab. • Finish Case: Click this button to record all the information about a case and finish the case. • Delete Case: Click this button to delete the selected case. • Attach Appointment: Click this button to attach an appointment to the selected case. • Send Selected Lab Case(s) Via Web: Click this button to send the selected case(s) to a lab electronically. • Send All Unsent Lab Case(s) Via Web: Click this button to send all cases that have not been sent electronically. • Case Pickup Request: Click this button to request a pickup from an online lab. • Labnet Online: Click this button to connect to the Labnet Online website. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 331 Main Toolbar This toolbar is located directly beneath the title bar and contains several command buttons, some of which can be found in other Easy Dental modules. Pictured below is the toolbar and an explanation of the function of each button. Print Prescription(s): Click to print a lab case prescription. Auto Dial: Click to call the patient from your computer and enter conversation notes in the Contacts module. Refresh: Click to refresh the window. Patient Picture: Click to view a picture of the selected patient. View: Click to set up a view in the Lab Case Manager. Setup: Click to set up labs, categories, shipping methods, and shade guides. Help: Click to start the help program. Patient Alerts: Click to add, view, or edit alerts assigned to the current patient. Quick Letters: Click to print a letter for the current patient. Quick Labels: Click to print a label for the current patient. EasyWeb: Click to launch the EasyWeb toolbar. Copy to Clipboard: Click to copy the selected lab cases to the Windows Clipboard. Lab Case Setup There are several setup options that should be completed prior to using the Lab Case Manager. The setup options allow you to customize the Lab Case Manager to the needs of your office for easy and accurate lab case management. Read each of the following sections carefully: • View Setup • Shipping Method Setup • Shade Guide/Shades Setup • Lab Treatment Categories Setup • Enclosures Setup • Custom Notes Setup • Lab Setup View Setup The Lab Case Manager can be customized to view certain lab cases and display only data you have selected. To set up a view for the Lab Case Manager, complete the following steps: 1. Click View From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click the View button. The Lab Case Manager View dialog box appears with the General Options tab selected by default. Easy Dental User Guide 332 Lab Case Manager 2. Select Lab Name Range To see only cases sent to certain labs, you can select a range of labs to view. Click the search button next to From and select the desired lab for the beginning of the range. Click the search button next to To and select the ending lab for the range. If you want to view all labs, leave <ALL> selected in the From and To fields. 3. Select Patient Range To see only cases for certain patients, you can select a range of patients to view. Click the search button next to From and select the beginning patient for the range. Click the search button next to To and select the ending patient for the range. If you want to view all patients, leave <ALL> in the From and To fields. 4. Select Send Method Range To see cases that were sent by a certain shipping method, click the From search button, select the beginning shipping method for the range, click the To search button, and select the ending shipping method for the range. If you want to view cases that were sent by all shipping methods, leave <ALL> in the From and To fields. 5. Select Case Provider(s) Highlight the provider(s) you wish to view or check Select All to include all providers. Check List Inactive to view inactive providers. 6. Select Sent Date You may choose to view cases that were sent (or will be sent) at a certain time: • All: Mark All to view all cases regardless of the date they were sent. • Absolute: Mark Absolute to view cases that were sent within a certain date range. Enter the date range in the From and To fields. • Relative: Mark Relative to view cases that were sent relative to today’s date. Doing so activates the options under Relative for Next or Previous, the number of days, and Include Today. For example, if you mark Previous and enter 7 days and you are viewing the Lab Case Manager on September 8, the view will include lab cases that were sent September 1 through September 7. Check Include Today if you want the current day to be included (e.g. September 8). 7. Select Finished Date You may choose to view cases that were completed on a certain date or range of dates: • All: Mark All to view all cases regardless of the date they were finished. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 333 • Absolute: Mark Absolute to view cases that were finished within a certain date range. Enter the date range in the From and To fields. • Relative: Mark Relative to view cases that were sent relative to today’s date. Doing so activates the options under Relative for Next or Previous, the number of days, and Include Today. For example, if you mark Previous and enter 7 days and you are viewing the Lab Case Manager on September 8, the view will include lab cases that were sent September 1 through September 7. Check Include Today if you want the current day to be included (e.g. September 8). 8. Select Columns to Display Click the Show Columns button to open the Show Columns dialog box. The Show these columns in this order pane lists the columns that are currently selected to be displayed in the Lab Case Manager. The Available Columns pane lists the columns that are available for selection but are not selected to be displayed. • To remove a column, highlight the column in the Show these columns in this order pane and click Remove. The column is moved to the Available Columns pane. • To add a column, highlight the column in the Available Columns pane and click Add. The column is moved to the Show these columns in this order pane. • The order of the columns in the Show these columns in this order pane will determine how the columns are displayed left to right in the Lab Case Manager. To change the order of the columns, highlight the column you want to move and click the Move Up or Move Down button. Click OK to save your changes and return to the Lab Case Manager View dialog. 9. Check Show Totals (Optional) Check Show Totals to display a subtotal of certain columns when viewing the Lab Case Manager. 10. Save as Default (Optional) Check Save as Default to save the settings you have selected for future viewing of the Lab Case Manager. 11. Click Receive Options Tab Click the Receive Options Tab at the top of the dialog box. This tab enables you to select receive methods and dates to view. Easy Dental User Guide 334 Lab Case Manager 12. Select Receive Method Range To see cases that were received by a certain shipping method, click the From search button, select the beginning shipping method for the range, click the To search button, and select the ending shipping method for the range. If you want to view cases that were received by all shipping methods, leave <ALL> selected in the From and To fields. 13. Select Received By Provider(s) Highlight the provider(s) that received the cases you wish to view or check All to include all providers. 14. Select Estimated Receive Date You may choose to view cases that are estimated to be received at a certain time: • All: Mark All to view all cases regardless of the date they were sent. • Absolute: Mark Absolute to view cases that were sent within a certain date range. Enter the date range in the From and To fields. • Relative: Mark Relative to view cases that were sent relative to today’s date. Doing so activates the options under Relative for Next or Previous, the number of days, and Include Today. For example, if you mark Previous and enter 7 days and you are viewing the Lab Case Manager on September 8, the view will include lab cases that were sent September 1 through September 7. Check Include Today if you want the current day to be included (e.g. September 8). 15. Select Actual Receive Date You may choose to view cases that were received on a certain date or range of dates: • All: Mark All to view all cases regardless of the date they were sent. • Absolute: Mark Absolute to view cases that were sent within a certain date range. Enter the date range in the From and To fields. • Relative: Mark Relative to view cases that were sent relative to today’s date. Doing so activates the options under Relative for Next or Previous, the number of days, and Include Today. For example, if you mark Previous and enter 7 days and you are viewing the Lab Case Manager on September 8, the view will include lab cases that were sent September 1 through September 7. Check Include Today if you want the current day to be included (e.g. September 8). 16. Click Misc Options Tab Click the Misc Options Tab at the top of the dialog box. The Miscellaneous Options are displayed. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 335 17. Select Lab Treatment Category Range To view cases assigned to certain Lab Treatment Categories, click the search buttons next to From and To and select a range of Lab Treatment Categories to include. To view all cases regardless of category, leave <ALL> selected in the From and To fields. 18. Select Appointments Options The following options are available under Appointments: • All: Mark All to include cases regardless of whether there is an appointment attached to the case. • Attached: Mark Attached to only view cases attached to an appointment within the specified date range. Enter the appointment date range in the From and To fields. • Not Attached: Mark Not Attached to include only cases that are not attached to an appointment within the specified date range. 19. Check Lab Case Status • Sent Cases: Check this option to include cases with the status of Sent. • Received Cases: Check this option to include cases with the status of Received. • Finished Cases: Check this option to include cases with the status of Finished. 20. Check Miscellaneous Options • Emergency Cases Only: Check this option if you wish to only include cases that have been marked as emergency. • Late Cases Only: Check this option to only include cases in which the Actual Received Date was after the Estimated Received Date. 21. Select Patient Age Range To view cases for patients within a certain age range, enter the ages in the From and To box. If you want to view cases regardless of patient age, leave <ALL> selected in the From and To fields. 22. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. A message appears, stating that it may take a few minutes for the Lab Case Manager to load. Easy Dental User Guide 336 Lab Case Manager Shipping Method Setup Offices can use various methods of shipping when sending lab cases to labs. The Lab Case Manager enables you to setup these methods of shipping to track each case. To set up Shipping Methods, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Shipping Method From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click Setup and select Shipping Method. The Setup Shipping Method dialog box appears. To Add a Shipping Method: 2. Click Add Click the Add button to add a new shipping method. The New Shipping Method dialog box appears. 3. Select Shipping Type Mark Courier or Driver for the shipping type. Enter the Courier or Driver name in the appropriate field. 4. Mark Tracking Number Option Mark Yes if there will be a tracking number associated with this method of shipping. Mark No if there will not be a tracking number. 5. Enter Ship and Arrival Time Enter the approximate time (and AM or PM) when the courier or driver usually picks up the case in the Ship Time field. Enter the approximate time when the case will be dropped off from the lab in the Arrival Time field. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving the new Shipping Method. To Edit a Shipping Method: 2. Click Edit Highlight the Shipping Method you wish to change and click Edit. The Edit Shipping Method dialog box appears. 3. Make Changes Make the necessary changes for this Shipping Method. See the previous section on how to add a new Shipping Method for a detailed description of each option. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 337 4. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes. To Delete a Shipping Method: 2. Select Shipping Method Highlight the Shipping Method you wish to delete in the Setup Shipping Methods dialog box. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message box appears to ask you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete the Shipping Method or click No to cancel the deletion. Shade Guide/Shade Setup The Setup Shade Guides window enables you to create Shade Guides and attach associated shades that will be used in lab cases. To set up Shade Guides, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Shade Guide/Shades From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click Setup and select Shade Guide/Shades. The Setup Shade Guides dialog box appears. To Add a New Shade Guide: 2. Click Add Click the Add button to enter a new Shade Guide. The Add Shade Guide dialog box appears. 3. Enter Name Enter the name of the Shade Guide (up to 31 characters can be entered) and click OK. 4. Edit Shades The Edit Shade Guide dialog box appears. This dialog allows to assign the appropriate shades to this shade guide. 5. Add Shades Click Add in the Edit Shade Guide dialog. The Add Shade dialog box appears. Enter the name of the shade and click OK. Repeat for all shades associated with this shade guide and click Close when finished. 6. Click Close Click Close to exit out of the Setup Shade Guides dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide 338 Lab Case Manager To Rename a Shade Guide: 2. Select Shade Guide Highlight the shade guide you wish to change and click Rename. The Rename Shade Guide dialog box appears. 3. Enter New Name Enter the new name for the shade guide and click OK. To Edit Shades Assigned to a Shade Guide: 2. Select Shade Guide Highlight the shade guide you want to change and click Edit Shades. The Edit Shade Guide dialog box appears. 3. Edit Shades The following options are available for the selected shade guide: • Add: Click Add to add a new shade for the shade guide. The Add Shade dialog box appears. Enter the name of the shade and click OK. • Rename: Click Rename to change the name of the selected shade. Enter the new name of the shade and click OK. • Delete: Click the Delete button to delete the selected shade. A message box appears, stating that once a shade is deleted, it is unrecoverable. If the shade has not been used before in lab tracking, it can be deleted. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 4. Click Close Click Close to close the Edit Shade Guide dialog box. To Delete a Shade Guide: 2. Click Delete Highlight the Shade Guide you wish to delete and click the Delete button. A message box appears, stating that all associated shades will be deleted along with the Shade Guide. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel the deletion. 3. Click Close Click Close to close the Setup Shade Guides dialog box. Lab Treatment Categories Setup The Lab Treatment Categories Setup enables you to create categories for procedure codes. This allows the doctor to categorize the treatment for the lab case as he or she sees fit. To set up Lab Treatment Categories, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Lab Treatment Categories From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click Setup and select Lab Treatment Categories. The Setup Lab Treatment Categories dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 339 To Add a New Category: 2. Click Add Click the Add button to add a new category. The Add Lab Treatment Category dialog box appears. 3. Enter Category Name Type the category name and click OK. To Rename a Category: 2. Click Rename Highlight the category you wish to change and click Rename. The Rename Lab Treatment Category dialog box appears. 3. Type New Name Enter the new name in the Category Name field and click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving your changes. To Delete a Category: 2. Click Delete Highlight the category you wish to delete and click the Delete button. Only a category that has not been used before in lab tracking can be deleted. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. 3. Click Close Click the Close button to exit the Setup Lab Treatment Categories dialog box. Enclosures Setup The Enclosures Setup enables you to enter common enclosures that will be sent or received with lab cases. These enclosures can then be selected when tracking lab cases. To set up Enclosures, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Enclosures From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click Setup and select Enclosures. The Setup Enclosures dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide 340 Lab Case Manager To Add a New Enclosure: 2. Click Add Click the Add button next to Sending Enclosures or Receiving Enclosures. The Add Enclosures dialog box appears. 3. Enter Enclosure Name Type the name of the Enclosure and click OK. To Rename an Enclosure: 2. Click Rename Highlight the enclosure you wish to change and click Rename. The Rename Enclosure dialog box appears. 3. Type New Name Enter the new name of the enclosure and click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving the changes. To Delete an Enclosure: 2. Click Delete Highlight the enclosure you wish to delete and click the Delete button. Only a enclosure that has not been used in lab tracking can be deleted. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel. Custom Notes Setup There are certain common notes that are often used when setting up lab cases. Instead of typing the note each time, you can setup a custom note for selection when creating a new lab case or assigning to a particular lab. To create custom notes, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Custom Notes From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click Setup and select Custom Notes. The Setup Custom Case Notes Setup dialog box appears. To Add a New Custom Case Note: 2. Click New Click New to add a new custom note. The New Custom Case Note dialog box appears. 3. Type Note Enter the custom note in the text field. Click OK to exit and save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving the note. To Edit a Custom Case Note: 2. Click Edit Highlight the Custom Case Note you wish to edit and click the Edit button. The Edit Custom Case Note dialog box appears showing the existing note. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 341 3. Make Changes Make the necessary changes to the note and click OK to save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving changes to the note. To Delete a Custom Note: 2. Click Delete Highlight the Custom Case Note you want to delete and click the Delete button. A message box appears to ask you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete the custom note. 3. Click Close Click the Close button to exit the Custom Case Notes Setup dialog box. Lab Setup The Lab Setup function enables you to enter the Lab(s) to which you will be sending cases. To set up labs, complete the following steps: 1. Click Setup | Lab From the main toolbar in the Lab Case Manager, click Setup and select Lab. The Setup Lab(s) dialog box appears. To Manually Add a New Lab: 2. Click Add Click the Add button to add a new lab. The New Lab dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide 342 Lab Case Manager 3. Enter Lab Information Enter the lab name, contact information, and address in the appropriate fields. 4. Set up Default Options Set up the appropriate default options for this lab. These options appear when a specific lab is selected but can be changed manually for each individual case. • Default Ship to Method: Expand the drop-down and select the shipping method that will most commonly be used with this particular lab. (See the Shipping Method Setup section for information on setting up shipping methods). • Default Receive From Method: Expand the drop-down and select the shipping method that will most commonly be used when cases are returned from this particular lab. (See the Shipping Method Setup section for information on setting up shipping methods). • Default Shade Guide: Expand the drop-down and select the shade guide that will be used most often with this lab. (See the Shade Guides/Shade Setup section for information on setting up shade guides). • Use Practice Info on Reports: Mark this option to have the practice name and address print on the lab reports instead of the provider information. • Use Provider Info on Reports: Mark this option to have the provider’s name and address print on the lab reports instead of the practice information. • International Tooth Numbering: Check this checkbox if you wish to flag the lab as using International Tooth Numbering. • Default Lab: Check this checkbox if you want all cases to use this lab by default when cases are created. The lab can manually be changed for each case if necessary. Only one lab can be selected as the default lab. 5. Enter Case Notes (Optional) Enter a default note for this lab if necessary in the Case Note(s) field. Click Custom Notes to select a custom note that has been created. See the Setup Custom Notes section for more information. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. Click Cancel if you wish to exit without saving the new lab information. To Add a New Lab Using Labnet Online: 2. Click Add Click the Add button to add a new lab. The New Lab dialog box appears. 3. Click Search Labnet Online Click Search Labnet Online to search the Labnet database for a lab. The Lab Case Manager-Lab Search dialog appears. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 343 4. Select Search By Option Select a Search By option by expanding the drop-down and selecting a search criteria from the list provided. 5. Enter Search Text Enter the text that you want to search for in the Enter Lab Name field. The text will differ depending on the Search By option selected. 6. Mark Match Exactly or Containing Mark Match Exactly to search for labs that exactly match the text you entered or mark Containing to search for labs that contain the text you entered. 7. Click Search Click Search. The results appear in the information pane. 8. Highlight Lab Highlight the lab for which you are searching from the information panel. Note: If you cannot find the lab that you are looking for in the list provided, try a different search criteria. 9. Click OK Click OK to return to the New Lab dialog. The information of the lab you selected is populated in the fields of the New Lab dialog. 10. Select Default Options Select the appropriate default options for this lab. These options will appear when a specific lab is selected but can be changed manually for each individual case. • Default Ship to Method: Expand the drop-down and select the shipping method that will most commonly be used with this particular lab. (See the Shipping Method Setup section for information on setting up shipping methods). • Default Receive From Method: Expand the drop-down and select the shipping method that will most commonly be used when things are returned from this particular lab. (See the Shipping Method Setup section for information on setting up shipping methods). • Default Shade Guide: Expand the drop-down and select the shade guide that will be used most often with this lab. (See the Shade Guides/Shade Setup section for information on setting up shade guides). • Use Practice Info on Reports: Mark this option to have the practice name and address print on the lab reports instead of the provider information. • Use Provider Info on Reports: Mark this option to have the provider’s name and address print on the lab reports instead of the practice information. • International Tooth Numbering: Check this checkbox if you wish to flag the lab as using International Tooth Numbering. • Default Lab: Check this checkbox if you want all cases to use this lab by default when a case is created. The lab can manually be changed for each case if necessary. Only one lab can be selected as the default lab. 11. Verify Login If you want to verify the Labnet Online login for the selected lab, enter the Account Code and Password, then click Verify Login. Note: If the Account Code of Password is incorrect, a message box appears. Reenter the account code and password and try to verify your login again. The Account Code and Password must be obtained from a lab participating in Labnet Online. A lab can register at www.labnetonline. com. Please contact the lab affliated with Labnet Online for a user name and password. 12. Enter Case Notes (Optional) Enter a default note for this lab if necessary in the Case Note(s) field. Click Custom Notes to select a custom note that has been created. See the Setup Custom Notes section for more information. 13. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. Click Cancel if you wish to exit without saving the new lab information. Easy Dental User Guide 344 Lab Case Manager To Edit a Lab: 2. Click Edit Highlight the lab you wish to change and click Edit. The Edit Lab dialog box appears. 3. Make Changes Edit the necessary information for the Lab. (See the previous section on how to add a new lab for detailed information on each option.) 4. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save your changes. Click Cancel to exit without saving your changes. To Delete a Lab: 2. Click Delete Highlight the Lab you wish to delete and click Delete. A message box appears to ask you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete the lab or click No to exit without deleting. Using the Lab Case Manager The following sections will explain how to create, view, and track lab cases in the Lab Case Manager: • Creating a Lab Case • Sending a Lab Case Electronically to Labnet Online • Viewing a Lab Case • Editing a Lab Case • Deleting a Lab Case • Viewing Lab Case Information • Requesting Case Pickup • Receiving a Lab Case • Finishing a Case • Return to Lab • Attaching Appointments • Viewing Appointments Attached to a Lab Case • Using the List Contacting Patients • Printing Case Prescriptions • Printing the Lab Case Manager List Creating a Lab Case To create a new lab case in the Lab Case Manager, complete the following steps: 1. Click New Case Click the New Case button on the buttons toolbar. The Select Patient dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 345 2. Select Patient Type the first few letters of the patient’s last name. Highlight the correct patient and click OK. The New Case Entry dialog box appears with the patient’s name on the title bar. 3. Enter Case Information Edit or enter the following information in the appropriate fields: • Create Date: The Create Date defaults to today’s date. Expand the drop-down to select a different date if necessary. • Provider: If the case is attached to an appointment, the provider for the appointment is selected. If there is not an attached appointment, the provider defaults to the patient’s primary provider selected in their Family File. Click the search button to change the provider if necessary. • Category: Click the down arrow and select the lab treatment category to which you want to assign this case. (For information on setting up a category, see Lab Treatment Categories Setup in the Setup section.) 4. Enter Procedure Information (Optional) Click the search button next to Procedure Information. The Treatment Plan window appears, listing all treatment planned procedures for this patient. Highlight the appropriate code(s) to attach to the lab case and click Close. (If the procedure does not appear in the Treatment Plan window, enter treatment plan procedures from the Treatment Plans module.) 5. Select Shades Click the Shades button to enter shade information for the attached procedure code. The Shade Information dialog box appears, showing six anterior teeth. • To attach a shade color to a location on the tooth, highlight a color in the listing and then click the location of the tooth where the shade needs to be added. • To remove a shade from its location, highlight the desired shade and click Clear. Click OK when finished assigning shades to the correct locations. Easy Dental User Guide 346 Lab Case Manager 6. Enter Case Notes Type a note for the case in the Case Notes field or click Custom Notes to select a custom case note from those that have been entered (see Custom Case Notes Setup in the Setup section for more information). Click Insert Dateline to insert today’s date in the note. 7. Select Enclosures Highlight the enclosure(s) needed and click OK. To highlight more than one enclosure, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking with the mouse. (For information on adding an enclosure, see Enclosure Setup in the Setup section.) 8. Enter Send Information • Lab: Expand this drop-down to select the lab to which the case has been or will be shipped. (For information on adding a Lab to this window, see Labs Setup in the Setup section.) • Shipping Method: Expand this drop-down to select the shipping method by which the lab case will be sent. (For information on how to enter a shipping method, see Shipping Method Setup in the Setup section.) • Sent Date: Enter the date the case will be sent to the lab. The date is today’s date by default. Expand the drop-down to select a different date. • Try In: Check this check box to indicate a ‘try-in’ lab case. • Emergency: Check this check box if the lab case is an emergency situation. • Call Doctor: Check this check box to flag that the doctor should be called regarding the case. • Shipping Tracking Number: Enter the shipping tracking number in this field for reference. • Shipping Cost: Enter the cost amount for shipping in this field. 9. Enter Information from Lab • Lab Assigned Case #: Enter the case number from the lab. If it is an Internet lab, the Lab Assigned Case # is entered automatically when the lab is sent electronically. • Receive from Lab Date: Enter the date when the case should be back from the lab. If it is an Internet lab, the date is entered automatically when the case is sent electronically. 10. Next Lab Appointment Information The Next Lab Appointment Information group box displays the patient’s next appointment date and time. If there is more than one appointment, you can click the Change Appointment button and select the correct appointment associated with this lab case. 11. Select Close Options Mark Print if you want to print the case upon closing. Mark Send Online if you want to send the case electronically upon closing the dialog. 12. Attachments (Optional) If you have Easy Image installed, you can click the Image button to select a patient’s image that you wish to include with the lab case. You can also import files from the Documents module. 13. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save the new case entry. Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 347 Sending a Lab Case Electronically to Labnet Online The lab attached to a case must be set up with Labnet Online and have a valid username and password attached in order for a case to be sent electronically. (See Lab Setup in the Setup section for how to setup a lab as an Internet lab.) The practice must receive a valid username and password from a lab participating with Labnet Online in order to send a case electronically. The practice can search for an affiliated lab using the Seach Labnet Online button. The lab will need to be contacted in order to obtain a username and password. To send cases electronically, complete the following steps: 1. Highlight Cases Highlight the cases that you want to send electronically. Only cases that are attached to an Internet lab with a username and password may be sent electronically. 2. Click Send Selected Click the Send Selected button on the buttons toolbar to send the highlighted cases over the Internet. OR 1. Click Send All Unsent Click the Send All Unsent button on the buttons toolbar to send cases that are linked to an Internet lab and have the status of Unsent. Note: The Lab must be registered with Labnet Online in order to receive lab cases sent electronically from Easy Dental. Labs can register at www. labnetonline.com. Viewing a Lab Case (See View Setup in the Setup section for information on how to select the cases and data that is displayed in the Lab Case Manager.) Double click a case to view the case information. You can also right-click on any case to display a list of options. Adjusting a Column Width To make viewing and editing the Lab Case Manager easier, the width of each individual column can be adjusted. To adjust the size of a column, move your cursor to the column heading you want to resize. Click the right border of the column and drag the cursor to the left to decrease the size of the column or to the right to increase the size of the column. Sorting the List You may sort the list by any of the columns being displayed. To change the sort order, click the column heading by which you want to sort the list. The list is immediately sorted by the selected column. Viewing Patient Alerts Click the Patient Alerts button to view any alerts for the selected patient. Viewing Patient Picture Click the Patient Picture button to view a photo of the patient (if any). Editing a Lab Case To edit an existing lab case, complete the following steps: 1. Select Lab Case Highlight the lab case you want to change in the Lab Case Manager. 2. Click Edit Case Click the Edit Case button on the buttons toolbar. The Edit Case dialog box appears, displaying all information for the case. Easy Dental User Guide 348 Lab Case Manager 3. Make Changes Make the necessary changes to the case. 4. Click OK Click OK to save the changes and return to the Lab Case Manager. Deleting a Lab Case To delete a lab case, complete the following steps: 1. Highlight Case Highlight the case you want to delete from the Lab Case Manager. 2. Click Delete Case Click the Delete Case button on the buttons toolbar. A message box appears to ask you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete the case or No to cancel. Note: When a lab case is deleted in the Lab Case Manager that has been sent electronically, it will also be deleted from Labnet Online. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 349 Viewing Lab Case Information To view the information about a lab case once it has been created, double click the lab case in the case list to open the Case Information dialog. From this dialog you can click the appropriate button to Delete a Case Log Entry, view case notes, Edit a Case, Receive a Case, Update the case, and Close the dialog. Requesting Case Pickup To have a case pickup request sent electronically to an Internet lab, complete the following steps: 1. Click Case Pickup Request Click the Case Pickup Request button on the buttons toolbar. The Case Pickup Request dialog box appears. 2. Select Lab Expand the Request Case Pickup from drop-down and select the lab to which you want to send the request. 3. Click Request Pickup Click the Request Pickup button. This sends a request to the selected lab to have a driver come pickup the case. If the lab receives the request, “Lab has Received the Request” is displayed. If the lab does not receive the request, “Lab Not Connected to the Internet” is displayed. Easy Dental User Guide 350 Lab Case Manager Receiving a Lab Case When a case has been returned from the lab, complete the following steps: 1. Click Receive Case Highlight the outstanding lab case in the Case List pane and click the Receive Case button on the buttons toolbar. The Receive Case dialog box appears. 2. Edit Received Date The Received Date defaults to today’s date. To change this date, click the down arrow and select the correct date from the calendar. 3. Select Received By Provider Click the search button next to Received By and select the correct provider. 4. Select Received Method Click the search button next to Received Method and select the appropriate method of shipping. 5. Enter Lab Fee Enter the lab fee in the Lab Fee field. The running balance for this lab appears. 6. Enter Lab Assigned Case # Enter the number the lab assigned to the case in this field. 7. Select Enclosures Received Click the search button next to Enclosure(s) Received to select any enclosures that were received with the lab case. 8. Review Case Notes The last case note entered is displayed. Click the Note Date search button and select a different date to view a note that was entered on that day. Click the Previous and Next button to move between the notes entered for the case. To enter a new case note, click the Note Date search button and select today’s date. Click Custom Notes to attach a custom note to the case. 9. Finish Case If the case is complete, mark Finish Case. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 351 10. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Finishing a Case To finish a case: 1. Highlight Case Highlight the case you want to finish in the Case List pane. 2. Click Finish Case Click the Finish Case button on the buttons toolbar. The Receive Case dialog appears. 3. Mark Finish Case Mark the Finish Case radio button. Note: The Finish Case radio button is marked by default. 4. Click OK Click OK to finish the case. Return a Case to the Lab If the case needs to be returned to the lab for additional work, complete the following steps: 1. Click Receive Case Click the Receive Case button on the buttons toolbar. The Receive Case dialog box appears, displaying all information for the case. Easy Dental User Guide 352 Lab Case Manager 2. Edit Case Information Edit or enter the appropriate case information. (For information on each field, see Creating a Lab Case at the beginning of this section.) 3. Select Enclosures Highlight the enclosure(s) needed for the returned lab case. 4. Click OK Click OK to return to the Receive Case dialog box. (For information on adding an enclosure, see Enclosure Setup in the Setup section.) 5. Review or Append Case Notes The last case note entered is displayed. Click the Note Date search button and select a different date to view a note that was entered on that day. Click the Previous and Next button to move between the notes entered for the case. To enter a new case note, click the Note Date search button and select today’s date. Click Custom Notes to attach a custom note to the case. 6. Mark Return Case to Lab In the Case Status group box, mark Return Case to Lab. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save the Return to Lab case entry. Attaching Appointments Existing appointments can easily be attached to a case from the Lab Case Manager. Sometimes it may be necessary to attach multiple appointments to a case before any work is completed to ensure that the appointments will already be scheduled for a certain time frame. To attach appointments, complete the following steps: 1. Select Lab Case Highlight the desired lab case in the Lab Case Manager. 2. Click Attach Appt Click the Attach Appt button on the buttons toolbar. The Attach Appointments dialog box appears, listing all appointments for the patient that have not been set complete. Easy Dental User Guide Lab Case Manager 353 3. Select Appointment(s) Highlight the appointments you wish to attach. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to exit and save the attached appointments with the lab case. Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes. Viewing Appointments Attached to a Lab Case A “L” icon appears on a patient’s appointment when the Lab Case check box is checked on the appointment. You can click the symbol to open the attached lab case. The following colors indicate the status of the lab case: • Red “L”: Indicates that the Lab Case check box is checked on the Appointment Information dialog, but there is not an attached appointment (a case has not been selected by clicking the Attach Case button). • Blue “L”: Indicates that the Lab Case check box is checked on the Appointment Information dialog and there has been a case attached. The case is considered “sent to the lab.” • Purple “L”: Indicates that the lab case attached to the appointment is an “in-house” case. • White “L” (green background): Indicates that the attached case has been received. Using the List: Contacting Patients Once you have generated a list of cases, there are several methods available to contact the patient: phone calls and letters. Phone Calls If you have a modem, Easy Dental can make calling patients easier by showing the patient’s available phone numbers and then dialing the number you choose. Additionally, you can enter notes about the phone call that are automatically added to the Contacts for the patient. To make a phone call, complete the following steps: 1. Highlight Patient From the Lab Case Manager, highlight the lab for the patient you want to contact. 2. Click Auto Dial Click the Auto Dial button on the main toolbar of the Lab Case Manager. The Auto Dial dialog box appears. 3. Click Phone Number All available phone numbers for the patient are displayed on the left side of the screen. Click the number you want to dial. The Dial dialog box appears. 4. Click Dial Click the Dial button. A message box appears, instructing you to pick up the handset of the phone. Click the Talk button on the prompt once the patient has answered. Note: Telephony must be set up in order to use this feature. Easy Dental User Guide 354 Lab Case Manager 5. Add Contacts Entry Enter any notes regarding the phone call in the Note field. 6. Click OK Click OK. A phone call entry is added to the Contacts module for this patient. Quick Letters You can easily create a letter for a patient from the Lab Case Manager by completing the following steps: 1. Highlight Patient From the Lab Case Manager, highlight the lab for the patient you want to contact. 2. Click Quick Letters Click the Quick Letters button on the main toolbar of the Lab Case Manager. The Quick Letters dialog box appears. 3. Select Letter Select the letter you want to merge. (If you want to add a letter to the list, refer to the Quick Letters section in the Other Features chapter.) 4. Click Build/View Click the Build/View button to merge the letter in Microsoft Word (depending on the computer, it may be necessary to open and minimize Microsoft Word prior to this step). Once the letter has been successfully merged, make any changes and then click the Print button. 5. Select File | Close After you have printed the letter, select File, then Close from the menu bar in Microsoft Word. A message box appears, asking if you want to save the changes. Click the No button. 6. Minimize Word Click the Minimize button in the top, right corner of the window. 7. Repeat for Any Other Patients Repeat steps 1 – 6 for any other patients who need letters. Printing Case Prescriptions To quickly print a case prescription to send to the lab, highlight the desired case and click the Case Prescription button on the buttons toolbar. Click Print to print the prescription immediately or click Batch to send the prescription to the Batch Processor. Printing the Lab Case Manager List To print the Lab Case Manager List, click the Copy to Clipboard button on the main toolbar. The currently viewed list is copied to the Windows Clipboard. You can, then, open an application, such as Microsoft Word or Excel and select Edit, then Paste. The information is pasted into the application and can, then, be printed. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 355 Other Features In This Section: • Customizable Toolbars • Patient Alerts • Quick Letters • Time Clock • Patient Picture • EasyWeb • Inventory Manager Certain features in the Easy Dental program can be accessed in multiple modules. This chapter discusses such features listed above. Customizable Toolbars The Easy Dental toolbars can be customized to show only the buttons that are most frequently used. 1. Right Mouse Click on Toolbar From any Easy Dental module, move the mouse pointer to the module’s toolbar and then right mouse click. A menu appears. 2. Choose Customize Toolbar Choose Customize Toolbar from the menu. The Customize Toolbar window will appear. 3. Customize Toolbar Customize the toolbar using any of the following options: Remove a Button from the Toolbar • From the Toolbar Buttons field, highlight the button description for the button to be removed. • Click the arrow pointing to the left. The description will be moved to the Available Buttons field. Easy Dental User Guide 356 Other Features Note: You may also quickly remove a button by right-clicking on it and choosing Remove Button. Add a Button to the Toolbar • From the Available Buttons field, highlight the button description for the button to be added. • Click the arrow pointing to the right. The description will be moved to the Toolbar Buttons field. Arranging Buttons on the Toolbar • From the Toolbar Buttons field, highlight the description for the button to be moved. (Separators are used to separate one set of buttons from another set.) • Click the Move Up or Move Down button. The button description will move up or down one position. Keep clicking the Move Up or Move Down button until the description appears in the correct position. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save your toolbar settings. Patient Alerts Patient Alerts are customizable alerts that can be attached to patients when the office wants a flag for certain conditions. This alert will “pop up” whenever information on this patient is accessed. There are options to display a symbol on the flagged patient’s appointments and to include the patient’s aged balance in the Patient Alert for easy reference. Each patient can have up to ten alerts. The Patient Alert button is only available from the Patients module, Accounts module, and the Schedule. Creating a Patient Alert 1. Select a Patient From the Patients or Accounts module, click the Select Patient button. Select the patient for whom you wish to create the Patient Alert. 2. Click the Patient Alert button From the toolbar, click the Patient Alert button. The Create Patient Alert dialog box appears. (The Patient Alert button will have a red flag if there are no alerts. The flag will appear blue when an alert is entered.) Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 357 Highlight the areas where you want the alert to display or check All. Enter the date range you wish the alert to display or check Always. Enter a description for the alert (e.g. Pre-medicate or Collections). Enter a detailed note in this area. Check options to show alert symbol on appointments and/or to display the aged balance with the alert. Note: If previous patient alerts exist for this patient, the Patient Alert dialog box will appear displaying the existing patient alert. Click New to create a new Patient Alert. 3. Enter Date Enter the date range to display the Patient Alert, or check “Always” to permanently display the Patient Alert. 4. Choose Display Options Select all areas of Easy Dental in which you wish the Patient Alert to display, or check “All” to have it display in all areas. 5. Enter Description Enter the description for the Patient Alert. The description field is limited to 15 characters. Note: The description can be used for the type of Alert. For example, “Collections” or “Pre-Medicate” may be common descriptions. 6. Enter Note Enter a detailed description of the Alert in the Note field. Note: A description, note, and date range must be entered before you can save the alert. 7. Select “Show Symbol on Appointment” (Optional) When the “Show Alert Symbol on Appointment” option is selected, the Patient Alert icon will appear on the face of any appointment scheduled for the patient. You may click on this icon to open the patient’s alerts. 8. Select “Display Aged Balance with Note” (Optional) When the “Display Aged Balance with Note” option is selected, the aged balance of the family will appear with the alert. 9. Click OK Click the OK button to save the Patient Alert. To Edit a Patient Alert 1. Select a Patient From the Patients or Accounts module, click the Select Patient button. Select the desired patient for whom you wish to edit an alert. Easy Dental User Guide 358 Other Features 2. Click Patient Alert From the toolbar, click the Patient Alert button. The Patient Alert dialog box appears, listing all Patient Alerts for that patient. To edit an existing alert, highlight it and click Edit. 3. Select Patient Alert Highlight the Patient Alert to be edited and click the Edit button. The Edit Patient Alert dialog box appears. 4. Make Changes Edit any information you wish to change in the Patient Alert. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save the changes. Click Close to exit the Patient Alerts dialog box. To Delete a Patient Alert 1. Select a Patient From the Patients or Accounts module, click the Select Patient button. Select the desired patient for whom you wish to delete an alert. 2. Click Patient Alert From the toolbar, click the Patient Alert button. The Patient Alert dialog box appears, listing all Patient Alerts for that patient. 3. Select Patient Alert Highlight the Patient Alert to be deleted and click the Delete button. A message will appear prompting for confirmation of deletion. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to delete the Patient Alert. 5. Click Close Click the Close button to exit the Patient Alert dialog box. Suspend Patient Alerts You have the option to suspend all Patient Alerts on a specific workstation, if desired. When this option is selected, the workstation will ignore all Patient Alerts for all patients. 1. Click Maintenance | Preferences From Reports, click the Maintenance button, then choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 359 To suspend all patient alerts on a computer, check Suspend Patient Alerts in Preferences. 2. Choose General Options Tab From the Preferences dialog box, click the General Options tab. 3. Check Suspend Patient Alerts Check the option to Suspend Patient Alerts. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes and return to Reports. Note: When an Alert pops up for a patient, you can mark the option “Do Not Show This Alert Again Today.” This option will affect all of the computers in your office for that day. Quick Letters Note: This documentation assumes that you have a legally licensed version of Microsoft Word and are familiar with its use and merge functions. Easy Dental provides a powerful interface between your patient database and Microsoft Word. With over fifty predefined letter templates, there is sure to be a letter that meets your correspondence needs. Each letter can be customized in Microsoft Word to better represent the image your office wishes to project. If Easy Dental doesn’t have a letter necessary for what you are trying to do, you can create your own documents for use with the Easy Dental program. The Quick Letters feature takes advantage of the Easy Dental/Word interface in a simplified fashion to help you quickly create a letter for a single patient. The following topics will explain how to use the new Quick Letter feature. • Merging a Quick Letter • Adding a Letter to Quick Letters • Removing a Letter from Quick Letters Merging a Quick Letter To merge a letter for a patient, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From Patients, Accounts, or Treatment Plans’ toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. (To print a letter from the schedule, click on the desired patient’s appointment and complete the following steps.) Easy Dental User Guide 360 Other Features 2. Click Quick Letters Button From the toolbar, click the Quick Letters button. The Quick Letters window is displayed. Select the letter form you wish to use and click Print. 3. Highlight the Letter to Create From the Letters list, select the letter to be merged. The following letters are automatically available: • Address On Envelope (Form Feed) – Creates an envelope for the selected patient. • Appointment Super Bill – Creates a super bill for the patient’s appointment. • Blank Letter Form – Creates a blank letter for the selected patient with the patient’s name, address, and greeting prewritten. • Collection Notification – Creates a 90 Day Past Due letter for the selected patient. • Congratulations Graduation – Creates a congratulatory letter for a new graduate. • Congratulations Marriage – Creates a congratulatory letter for a newly married patient. • Congratulations New Baby – Creates a congratulatory letter for a new parent. • New Patient Welcome – Creates a welcome letter for new patients. • Patient Information Consent – Creates a patient information form with some patient information pre-entered. • Referred by Doctor – Creates a thank you letter for a doctor who referred the selected patient. • Referred by Patient – Creates a thank you letter for a patient who referred the selected patient. • Referred to Dr./Specialist – Creates a referral information letter for the doctor to whom the selected patient has been referred. 4. Create Letter To create and print the letter without reviewing it, click the Print button. Easy Dental will open Word, merge the letter, print the letter, and then close the letter. To create and review the letter prior to printing it, click the Build/View button. Easy Dental opens Word and merges the letter. Once the letter has been successfully merged, make any changes and then click the Print button. (Changes made to the letter at this point will only affect this one merged letter, not the template.) 5. Choose File | Close After the letter has been printed, it should be closed. From the Microsoft Word menu, choose File and then Close. A message appears asking if you wish to save changes. Click the No button. Caution: Always click No when asked if you want to save the letter. By saving a letter in the merged form, it will save the patient’s name and information over the template. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 361 6. Repeat for Any Other Patients Repeat steps 1 – 5 for any other patients who need letters. Note: After the letter has been printed, Easy Dental automatically adds an entry in the Contacts module indicating that a letter has been sent to the patient. Adding a Letter to Quick Letters Other documents can be easily added to the Quick Letters list. To add a letter to Quick Letters, complete the following steps: 1. Select Patient From the Patients, Accounts, or Treatment Plan module’s toolbar, click the Select Patient button. Select the desired patient and click the OK button. (From the Schedule, click the desired patient’s appointment.) 2. Click Quick Letters Button From the toolbar, click the Quick Letters button. The Quick Letters window is displayed. 3. Click New Click the New button. The New Quick Letter dialog box appears. 4. Enter Letter Name Type a name for the letter. This name is for the user’s benefit to help remember the purpose of the letter. 5. Enter Merge Letter Template Name Type the template name in the Merge Letter Template Name field. When entering the template name, remember the following: • In order to add a letter to the Quick Letter list, the letter should have been created and saved. For information on creating Custom Letters, see Printing Letters in the Reports chapter. • The template name must match the file name for the document. (The name should not exceed 8 characters.) • The file extension must be included (i.e. ezdlm13.doc). • In order to merge the letter, the letter must be saved in the correct directory. All letters should be stored in the document path directory. You can check the document path directory by going to Reports. Click Maintenance then choose the Preferences option. Click the Paths tab. The Letter Template Path is listed in the middle of the screen. 6. Select Privacy Request Option If “Does not apply for this letter” is selected, patients with privacy requests will not be skipped. • If “Applies for Patients or Guarantors” is selected, all patients who have “No Correspondence” selected in Patients will be skipped. Easy Dental User Guide 362 Other Features • If “Applies for ‘Referred By Patients’” is selected, the letter will not include any patients who have a “Referred By” patient who has “No Correspondence” selected in Patients. 7. Click OK Click the OK button to save the letter information and return to the Quick Letters window. Removing a Letter from Quick Letters 1. Click Quick Letters Button From the Patients, Accounts, or Tx toolbar, click the Quick Letters button (a patient must be selected). The Quick Letters window is displayed. 2. Highlight Letter Select the letter to be removed. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A warning message appears. Click OK to remove the letter. The letter is removed from the Quick Letters List, but the document itself has not been deleted. Time Clock The new Time Clock feature in Easy Dental enables office employees to punch in and out for their shifts and provide reports containing information on hours worked and wages earned. To open the Time Clock for the first time (if you have not rebooted your computer following the installation), choose Start | Programs | Easy Dental | Time Clock. After the initial launch (or if you have rebooted your computer), a new icon will appear in your System Tray located at the bottom-right of your computer screen. Right-click the Time Clock icon to display a menu with three options: Employee Clock In/Out, Setup Time Clock, and Close Time Clock. The following sections will explain how to setup and use the Time Clock module. • Time Clock Setup • Employee Clock In/Out • History • Reports Time Clock Setup Each employee will need to be setup individually, including entering their regular pay and overtime pay. Complete the following steps for each employee: 1. Click Time Clock | Setup Time Clock Right-click the Time Clock icon in your System Tray. Select Setup Time Clock. The following screen will appear. Note: If passwords are enabled, the user must have password access rights to “Time Clock, Setup” to access the Time Clock Setup. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 363 2. Select Employee Highlight the employee that you wish to setup. All providers and staff members that have been added in the Practice Resource Setup will appear on the list. 3. Select Auto Punch Out Settings Choose one of the following options: • Do Not Use Auto Punch Out – this option will require that the employee punch out each day. If the employee forgets to punch out, the hours will not be calculated correctly. • Auto Punch Out Time – this option allows you to select a time that Easy Dental will automatically clock out for the employee. Use the up and down arrows to select the appropriate time or type it in the Time field. (An auto punch will be displayed on the History tab in a blue font.) 4. Enter Regular Pay Choose one of the following options: • Salary (Annual) – select this option if the employee is paid a salary or annual amount. Enter the annual amount in the Annual Pay Rate field. • Hourly – select this option if the employee is paid by the hour. Enter the hourly rate in the Hourly Pay Rate field. 5. Enter Overtime Pay Choose one of the following options: • Do Not Calculate Overtime – select this option if you do not want Easy Dental to calculate overtime hours and wages. • % of Pay Rate – this option is only available if Hourly is selected in step 4. Select this option and enter the desired percentage to have Easy Dental automatically calculate overtime hours and wages. For example, if the employee is to be paid “time and a half ” for overtime hours worked, you would enter 150%. When this option is used, you need to enter the number of hours in the workweek (i.e., 40). Hours worked beyond what is entered will be considered overtime. Note: The percentage of pay rate must be between 100 and 1000. A valid workweek must be between 0 and 168. If an invalid figure is entered in either of these fields, a blinking red arrow will appear. This indicator will remain until a valid number is entered. 6. Include Employee on Time Punch/Payroll Reports If you want the selected employee to be included on reports generated by the Time Clock, check the option at the bottom of this screen. 7. Save Changes Click OK to save your changes and exit or highlight another employee to set up. Employee Clock In/Out If you are using passwords in the office, each employee will need access rights to “Time Clock, Clock In/Out” in order to clock in or out. It is recommended that you assign “Verify user before access” status to this option so that each employee will be required to enter his/her password in order to clock in and out. 1. Click Time Clock | Employee Clock In/Out Right-click the Time Clock icon in your System Tray. A menu will appear. Select Employee Clock In/Out. You can also doubleclick the Time Clock icon to clock in or out. 2. Select Employee Highlight the appropriate employee and click OK. The Time Clock dialog box for the selected employee will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 364 Other Features 3. Click Clock In/Out The Current tab will display today’s date, current user, last punch, and the current time. If the last punch was to “clock out,” then the button will display as “Clock In.” If the last punch was a “clock in,” then the button will display as “Clock Out.” 4. Enter Note (Optional) Type a note for the day in the Note field. Click Clear to erase the note if necessary. Click Close to exit the Time Clock dialog box. History 1. Choose Time Clock | Employee Clock In/Out Right-click the Time Clock icon in your System Tray. A menu will appear. Select Employee Clock In/Out. 2. Select Employee Highlight the appropriate employee and click OK. The Time Clock dialog box for the selected employee will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 365 3. Click History Tab Click the History tab at the top of this dialog box. The employee’s clock in/out history will be displayed. 4. View History The employee that you are viewing will be displayed on the title bar. To change the employee, click the Search button next to User ID. Highlight the desired employee and click OK. The columns displayed in the History window are described on the next page. • Date – The left column will display the date of the associated time punches. The past ten days will be displayed by default. You can change the date range viewed by entering the desired range into the From and To date fields or click the down arrows and select the dates from a calendar. • Note – If a note has been entered manually for that day, ‘User’ will be displayed in a black font. If the note has been added/edited for that day, it will display ‘User’ in a red font. If the note for that day has been deleted, ‘Del’ will be displayed in a red font. If the note is entered automatically in the event that a time is added, edited, or deleted ‘Auto’ will be displayed in a blue font. If a note has never been entered for the day, the cell will be blank. • Total – This column will display the total hours worked for that day. • In/Out – The In and Out columns display each time the employee clocked in and out. You can use the scroll bar at the bottom of the list to view additional in and out punches that may not appear on the screen. 5. Edit History (Optional) You may edit the data displayed in the Note, In, or Out cells if necessary (and if you have appropriate password rights). To make changes to the fields, click the Edit button. The Edit button will appear in a darker shade when in Edit mode. Click it again to return to normal mode. Note: When using passwords, users that have rights to “Time Clock, Edit Punches/Notes” can edit punches of any employee. • Editing a Note cell – To add or edit a note for a day, click the Note cell to open the Time Clock Note for the selected date. Type the note and click OK. If you wish to delete an existing note, right-click the cell and choose Delete Note. • Editing a Time cell – To add or edit a time, click the desired cell and enter the correct time using the up and down arrows or by typing it in. (Edited times will be displayed in a red font.) To delete a time, right-click the cell and choose Delete Time. You can use the Tab key on your keyboard to move to the next cell. When finished, click the Save button to save the changes that were made. (The Save button will only be active if changes have been made. The Print, From and To, and search buttons will be disabled until changes have been saved or canceled.) A note will be appended for each change that was made on the edited date, including the user, date, and time the change was made. 6. Print History (Optional) Click the Print button to print a Time Punch Report for the selected employee for the date range being displayed. Reports The Reports tab in the Time Clock window enables you to print a Time Punch Report and a Payroll Report using the employees and options selected. To print a report, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Time Clock | Employee Clock In/Out Right-click the Time Clock icon in the System Tray and choose Employee Clock In/Out. Select an employee and click OK. 2. Choose Reports Tab Click the Reports tab at the top of the screen. The Reports window will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 366 Other Features 3. Edit Report Date (Optional) The Report Date will default to today’s date. Edit this date if necessary. 4. Select Employees Highlight the employees that you wish to include on the report. 5. Select Date Type a date range in the From and To fields or click the down arrow to select the dates from a calendar. 6. Select Report Type(s) Place a checkmark next to the desired report and its associated options as described below: • Time Punch Report – this report will print a list of in and out punches that the selected employees made within the specified date range as well as the total time. Check Include Notes to include the time clock notes that were entered for each day. Check Exclude Days with No Punches/Notes to skip days that do not have recorded punches or notes. Check New Page for Each Employee to have a separate page print for each employee that you have selected. • Payroll Report – this report calculates and prints each selected employee’s ID, type (hourly or salary), pay rate and overtime rate, regular and overtime hours worked, and current calculated pay. Check Include Details to include all of the information described above. If you uncheck Include Details, only the employee’s name, ID, hours worked, regular pay, overtime pay, and current pay will be listed. The option to Export to File (tab-delimited, .txt) will save the data in a .txt file as <Report Date>Payroll.txt (the report date will appear as numbers with no slashes; i.e. 092103Payroll.txt) in your EZDental/Doc/Exports directory. 7. Save As Default (Optional) Check Save As Default to save the employee(s) and report options you selected for each time the reports are printed. (The dates will not be saved.) 8. Click Print Click the Print button to print the reports. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 367 Patient Picture The Patient Picture feature displays a full-color portrait that can be accessed from the Patients or Schedule modules and is helpful in patient recognition and identification. Patient Picture is designed to capture an image using a digital camera, or other device that supports a “TWAIN Acquire” interface. You can also import existing patient images stored as a PC-compatible image files using any of the following extensions: bmp, jpg, pcx, or other supported image file extension. Once a picture has been acquired, it will automatically be saved in the patient’s record. Opening Patient Picture 1. Select a Patient From Patients or Schedule, select a patient. 2. Open Patient Picture From the toolbar, click the Patient Picture button. If a patient has an existing picture, the Patient Picture button on the tool bar will be in color. If there is no picture for the patient, the button will be black and white, and if chosen, a message will display in the Patient Picture window stating “Photo Not Available.” Acquiring a Patient Image using a Twain Device 1. Open Patient Picture From Patients or Schedule, select a patient. Click the Patient Picture button. The Patient Picture window appears. 2. Click Select Source Button From the Patient Picture toolbar, click the Select Source button. A list of available TWAIN compatible devices is displayed. Note: If the camera or scanner you wish to use is not listed, it has not been properly set up for use in Windows. Contact your system administrator for assistance. 3. Select Source Select the device you wish to use and click Select. Note: Once a source has been selected, you will not need to select a source again, until a different source is desired. 4. Capture Image From the toolbar, click the Acquire New Images button. At this point, if you are using a scanner, you should operate it as you usually do to capture an image and store the image directly into Patient Picture. If you are using a digital camera, you may access the stored images in the camera, or operate the camera directly through Easy Dental. 5. Close Patient Picture Click the X button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to close Patient Picture. Importing an Image 1. Open Patient Picture From Patients or Schedule, select a patient. Click the Patient Picture button. The Patient Picture window appears. 2. Click Select Existing Image From the Patient Picture toolbar, click the Select Existing Image button. The Select Patient Picture dialog box appears. 3. Select Image to Import Browse to the correct directory where your image is stored. Highlight the file and click OK. The Patient Picture dialog box appears. Click the Move button to remove the file from it’s original source and rename it within Patient Picture. Click the Copy button to include a copy of the patient’s image within Patient Picture, while keeping the file in its original directory. Easy Dental User Guide 368 Other Features 4. Close Patient Picture Click the X button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to close Patient Picture. Note: Once the Move button has been selected, the picture will no longer be available in the original directory it was stored in. Patient Picture and Copy/Paste Functions Patient Picture has the option to copy to the Windows Clipboard, and the option to paste from the Windows Clipboard. The copy option is useful if there is another application to which you want to paste the patient’s picture. The paste option is useful if another application has the option to copy to the Windows Clipboard. After copying from the other application, you can paste the picture to the Patient Picture module for the current patient’s picture. Use the keyboard keys, Ctrl + Insert or Ctrl + C to copy; or the keyboard keys, Shift + Insert or Ctrl + V to paste. Backup Patient Pictures It is recommended that the PATPICTS directory, which can be found in the EZDental/Data directory on the File Server, be backed up regularly with your data files. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 369 EasyWeb The EasyWeb toolbar provides you with the tools necessary to connect your Easy Dental software to the Internet. Using the EasyWeb toolbar, you can set up an attactive and professional web site. This section provides you with instructions on how to upload information and how your patients can use the Easy Dental web site powered by easydental.ident.com. In this section, the following topics are covered: • Getting Started • Customizing the Toolbar • Editing Practice Web Site • EasyWeb Settings • Upload Process • WebSync • Correspondence Center • Insurance Center • Patient Eligibility • Referral Center • Viewing Patient Information on Doctor’s Web Site • Accepting Online Payments • Additional Options • Updating EasyWeb Getting Started Registering Your Practice Go to http://www.easydental.com/WebReady/register.html to register your practice for a user name and password. You will receive an email confirmation containing your user name and password for EasyWeb. Starting EasyWeb Click the EasyWeb button located in any of the Easy Dental modules. The EasyWeb toolbar appears. See below for a description of each button. Easy Dental User Guide 370 Other Features Easy Dental Web - launches the Easy Dental web site. Web Site Manager - launches the office’s web site to view or edit. Patient Eligibility - click to check the insurance eligibility of patient(s). Referral Manager - click to view Referrals sent and received through EasyWeb and to search for referral doctors. Insurance Manager - click to view claim status, etc. Communication Manager - click to edit, view, and administer patient letters. Settings - click to select settings for EasyWeb. Upload - click to upload patient information, referrals, and correspondence to the Internet as well as Insurance Claim Tracking. Supplies - click to order Sullivan-Schein dental office supplies. Continuing Education - launches the Continuing Education web page with direct links to DenTrek. WebSync - click to import payments, new accounts, and updated patient information from the office web site. Patient Financing - option to link to the CareCredit application. Leasing - option to link to Choice Health Leasing’s web site. Customizing the Toolbar The buttons and orientation of the EasyWeb toolbar can be customized to better suit your needs. The following sections will describe how to change the orientation of the toolbar, as well as remove, add, or change the order of the toolbar buttons. Changing the Orientation The EasyWeb toolbar can be set to stand vertically or horizontally on your computer screen. To change the orientation, rightclick the toolbar. A pop-up menu appears. Click Show Vertical or Show Horizontal. The toolbar continues to appear with the selected orientation until changed. To move the toolbar to a different location on your computer screen, click and hold your mouse on the blue title bar and drag it to the desired location. Customizing the Buttons The EasyWeb toolbar allows you to order the buttons in any order you want as well as remove any unused buttons. To customize buttons: 1. Right-Click the Toolbar Right-click the EasyWeb toolbar. A pop-up menu appears. 2. Select Customize Toolbar Select Customize Toolbar from the menu. The Customize Toolbar dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 371 3. Customize Toolbar Customize the toolbar using any of the following options: • Remove a Button from the Toolbar • From the Toolbar Buttons pane, highlight the description for the button you want to remove. • Click the left arrow button. The description moves to the Available Buttons pane. Note: You may also quickly remove a button when viewing the EasyWeb toolbar. Right-click the desired button and select Remove Button. • • • Add a Button to the Toolbar • From the Available Buttons pane, highlight the description for the button you want to add. • Click the right arrow button. The description moves to the Toolbar Buttons pane. Arranging Buttons on the Toolbar • From the Toolbar Buttons pane, highlight the description for the button you want to move. • Click the Move Up or Move Down button. The button description will move up or down one position. Keep clicking the Move Up or Move Down button until the description appears in the correct position. Default Arrangement • Click the Default button to restore the toolbar to the system default buttons and order. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save your settings and return to the EasyWeb toolbar. Easy Dental Web Button The Easy Dental Web button links you to the Easy Dental web site on the Internet (www.Easy Dental.com). Web Site Manager In the Web site Manager, you can build and manage your practice Web site, check statistics about your Web site, manage your eCentral account, and administer patient account access. When you click the Web Site Manager button, you will be linked to the Manage My Site page in the eCentral Web Site Manager module. Easy Dental User Guide 372 Other Features Manage My Site The easiest way to start your Web site is to use the Web Site Manager module. Note: If you have already created a Web site, a dialog box appears telling you that information was found from a previous attempt to create a new Web site. Mark Continue where I left off to jump to the place you left off in your Web site creation process. Mark Discard the old information and start over to begin creating a Web site from scratch. There are seven steps to creating and managing your Web site: Domain Search, Purchase and Renewal, Email Configuration, Practice Info and Web site Settings, Template Selection, Web page Editing, Payment Administration, and Payment Setup. See the eCentral user’s guide or help files for more information about using the Web Site Manager. Insurance Manager In the Insurance Manager, you can search for patient eligibility, manage claims you have sent electronically, view reports about the electronic claims you have sent, and view claim statistics. When you click the Insurance Center button on the EasyWeb Toolbar, the Insurance Manager module opens to the Claim Statistics page. To access the Insurance Center, click the button located on the EasyWeb Toolbar. Claims Statistics The Claim Statistics section of the Insurance Manager shows you the statistics of the electronic claims you have sent over the specified date range. These statistics show both the individual number and the percentage of claims that have been accepted and rejected. You can change the date range of the claim statistics by clicking Claims Statistics Search. You can view more specific information about your claims and track them by clicking a claim status and searching for the claim in the Claim Tracking window. Patient Eligibility When you click the Patient Eligibility button, you can quickly check insurance eligibility for your patients. When you search for Patient Eligibility, a request for verification of eligibility is sent to the patient’s insurance company. Any patient eligibility information that you have obtained in the past or that was requested during the eSync will be listed on the main patient eligibility page. When eligibility results are returned, they will be listed at the top of this list. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 373 You can view the details of a patient’s eligibility information by clicking the link in the Response column. Correspondence Manager In the eCentral Communication Manager, you can set up correspondence templates, create and view patient surveys, manage correspondence you have sent, create a patient newsletter, send and view referrals, and view your practice statistics. When you click the Correspondence Manager button, the Communication Manager opens to the Practice Statistics page. Practice Statistics When you click the correspondence tab, the Practice Statistics page opens. The Practice Statistics page lists the statistics that pertain to your correspondence, including the statistics about patient satisfaction scores, email appointment correspondence, text message appointment correspondence, post card appointment correspondence, patient referrals, and provider referrals. By default, these statistics reflect cumulative totals (except the satisfaction scores, which are shown for the past month, past six months, and past year). Easy Dental User Guide 374 Other Features Referral Manager Sending and receiving electronic referrals saves you time and money because it eliminates the need to duplicate x-rays, copy notes, file letters, write forms, or enter existing data. The eCentral Referral Manager helps you send and receive electronic referrals. When you click the Referral Manager button, eCentral opens to the Referral Manager page. Referral Manager You can use eCentral to send electronic referrals to other dental professionals and collect referrals that patients send to your practice. Once you have sent referrals, you can track the professional referrals sent, professional referrals received, and patient referrals received. You can also edit the email that will be sent to referred patients. In the Referral Manager, you can also view your professional contact list (the list of all other dental professionals who use eCentral) and set up a personal contact list of dental professionals with whom you work frequently. EasyWeb Settings The following settings can be accessed through the Settings menu: • WebSync Wizard • EasyWeb Updates • Patient Setup • Referral Setup WebSync Wizard The WebSync Wizard helps you set up the eSync, so you can transfer information back and forth between the Toolbar and your eCentral Web site. The WebSync Wizard helps you set up the following features of the eSync: • eSync • Correspondence • Patient Upload • Questionnaire Upload • Patient Financing • Referral Upload • Insurance Eligibility • Insurance Claim Tracking Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 375 If you want to set up each eSync option in the wizard, click Next to continue to the next step and proceed through the wizard. If, at any time, you need to return to a previous step, click Back to return to the previous step in the Wizard. If you want to set up a specific feature of the eSync without going through all the steps in the Wizard, click the feature in the navigation list to go directly to that setup step. Please note that you must complete the wizard once in its entirety before you can jump to individual steps. You must go to the Finish step of the wizard and click Finish to save any changes you make before you exit the wizard. If you need to exit the wizard before you click Finish, click Cancel. If you cancel and leave the wizard without clicking Finish, all your changes will be lost. WebSync Running the WebSync assimilates the information in your practice management software with that in your eCentral web site. Running a WebSync allows you to upload information to your eCentral web site and import new online accounts, online information changes, and online payments into your practice management software. Running an WebSync also sends the correspondence you have requested to your patients. You can customize the information you want to sync in the WebSync setup. You can also customize the frequency of the reminders that are generated about the WebSync. This document will discuss WebSync Setup, Settings, and the WebSync itself. Easy Dental User Guide 376 Other Features Login Setup In the Login Setup group box, enter the User ID and Password you received when you registered your eCentral account. If you have not registered, click Register. If you forgot your User ID or password, click Forgot Password. Schedule WebSync You can run the WebSync automatically in the Schedule eSync dialog. If you want the WebSync to run automatically at a specific time, mark One Daily at and select a time. If you do not want the WebSync to run automatically, mark Do not run WebSync Automatically. WebSync Options In the WebSync options group box, check the box next to the options you want to include during the WebSync. You can include the following options and uploads during the WebSync: • Correspondence Upload • Patient Upload • Questionnaire Upload • Referral Upload • Insurance Eligibility Upload • Insurance Claim Tracking Upload • Download Patient Information Changes • Download Appointment Status Updates • EasyWeb Toolbar Updates If you want to include all the options in the WebSync, check All. Correspondence Upload Sending correspondence to your patients keeps them informed about their scheduled appointments and Continuing Care deadlines. Correspondence helps you reduce the number of missed appointments in your office and keeps your patients informed about their treatment needs. You can send Appointment reminders and Continuing Care reminders to your patients via letters, postcards, email, or text messages. These correspondences must be set up in the EasyWeb Toolbar and your eCentral Web site before they can be sent. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 377 Correspondence Types Place a check mark in the box next to the correspondence type(s) you want to send to your patients. You can select one, two, or all options. • Email: Enables email to be sent to those patients with an email address set up in the Family File or Patient Setup • Text Message: Enables text messages to be sent to patients with a cell phone listed as an alternate phone number in the Family File • Postcard: Enables postcards to be printed and sent to patients with an address set up in the Family File Enabling any of these options indicates that you agree to the Pricing Terms and Conditions. Click the Pricing Terms and Conditions link to view those terms and conditions. Select Correspondence In the Select Correspondence group box, select the correspondence you want to send. By default, ten correspondence filters are available: • Appointment Reminder, 30 before appointment • Appointment Reminder, 14 days before appointment • Appointment Reminder, 1 days before appointment • Continuing Care Reminder, 30 days before appointment • Continuing Care Reminder, 14 days before appointment • Continuing Care Reminder, 1 days before appointment • Continuing Care Due, 30 days before due date • Continuing Care Due, 14 days before due date • Continuing Care Due, 1 days before due date • Continuing Care Due, 90 days past due date If you want to send a correspondence that is not on the list, click New. If you want to change the settings of one of the default correspondences, click Edit. Clicking either of these buttons will open the Edit Correspondence dialog. Appointment Status In the Appointment Status group box, select the appointment status you want to assign to appointments that are confirmed electronically from the drop-down list. Edit Correspondence Easy Dental User Guide 378 Other Features Correspondence Name Enter the Correspondence Name you want to use for the correspondence you are creating/editing. Reminder Range In the Reminder Range dialog box, mark whether you want to sort the range of the reminder by Appointment or by Continuing Care Due Date. The range you select will be the range that is used to determine which patients receive this correspondence. If you mark Appointment: • Use the spin box to select the number of days before the appointment you want to send the correspondence. • Select whether you want to require that Continuing Care be attached to the appointment. If you select Only With, correspondence will be sent to only those appointments that are attached to the Continuing Care types specified. If you select Only Without, correspondence will be sent to only those appointments that do not have any Continuing Care types attached. If you select All, correspondence will be sent to all appointments in the date range that are attached to any of the Continuing Care types. • Select the Template you want to use for this correspondence. The Templates listed in the drop-down are the templates you have set up on your eCentral account. Click View/Edit Template to go to your eCentral account to view or modify these templates. If you mark Continuing Care Due Date: • Use the spin box to select the number of days before or after the due date you want to send the correspondence. • Expand the drop-down and select whether you want to send the correspondence before or after the due date. • Select the Template you want to use for this correspondence. The Templates listed in the drop-down are the templates you have set up on your eCentral account. Click View/Edit Template to go to your eCentral account to view or modify these templates. Select Continuing Care Type Note: If you marked Appointment in the Reminder Range, you will only be able to select Continuing Care Types if you select “Only With” from the “Continuing Care Attached?” drop-down list. Select the Continuing Care Type(s) you want to include in this correspondence. Correspondence will be sent to only the selected Continuing Care type(s). Five Continuing Care types are available. To select all of these types, check the All check box. Select Provider Select the Provider(s) you want to include in this correspondence. You can choose to include providers based on a patient’s primary provider or their appointment provider. Correspondence will be sent to only the highlighted Provider(s). To select all of these types, check the All check box. Select Billing Type(s) Select the Billing Type(s) you want to include. Only patients with the selected billing type(s) will be included. Check “All” to include all billing types. The billing types that are available are the billing types that you have set up in the Practice Definitions of the Reports module. Select Age Check Include Patients According to Age to send correspondence to only those patients who are under or over a certain age. Use the spin box to select an age and mark Under or Over to specify the age. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 379 Patient Upload The Patient Upload Setup allows you to select which items to include in the Patient Upload process. Only patients with a Patient status (not Non-Patient) that have signed a Web Consent form and have a Consent Date in Patient Setup will be included in the upload. Accounts Select the patient’s Accounts module items you want to include on your practice Web site. • Family/Patient Account Transactions: If you check Family/Patient Account Transactions, Accounts module transactions that occurred on or after the first transaction date for the family will be included in the upload. Check List Individual Patient Balances of Family to break down the balances by individuals. • Account Information: If you check Account Information, the upload will include Aged Balances, Last Payment, Last Insurance Payment, Last Statement Date, Outstanding Billed to Medical/Dental, Expected from Dental Insurance, and Guarantor Portion of Total Balance. (This option will not upload information for patients that do not have the “Use Guarantor’s User ID and Password” selected in Patient Setup.) • Payment Plan Information: If you select Payment Plan Information, the upload will include Payment Amount, amount Past Due, Payment Due, and Due Date. Patient Message In the Patient Message field, you can enter a generic patient message that will be sent to all patients during the upload. Patient’s Clinical Information Check Treatment Plan to upload all treatment-planned procedures for the patients. Check Include Estimates to upload Insurance Estimate information along with the treatment information. Appointments Check Appointment Date, Time, and Provider to upload all future appointment information for the family. Select Provider Enter a provider range to only upload certain provider’s patients, or leave it set at <ALL> to include all providers. Billing Type(s) Select the Billing Type(s) you want to include. Only patients with the selected billing type(s) will be included. Check All to include all billing types. The billing types that are available are the billing types that you have set up in the Practice Definitions of the Reports Module. Easy Dental User Guide 380 Other Features Patient Financing When you set up patient financing, patients can make online payments through your eCentral web site. The Patient Financing Setup step allows you to set up payment and adjustment types for online payments and enter your merchant number for patient financing. Payment/Adjustment Types for Online Payments Select the payment and adjustment types that will be entered into the Ledger for the online patient payments. You can select payment and adjustments types for credit card payments, electronic check payments, credit card credits, or electronic check credits. To select a payment/adjustment type, expand the drop-down and select the correct type from the list. Patient Financing Enter the Merchant Number assigned to you by Citi Health in order to process patient financing. Referral Upload You can use eCentral to send electronic referral email messages to other dental professionals. You can also use eCentral to accept patient referrals and upload them. Referrals are uploaded and email messages are sent during the eSync process. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 381 Include Patient Referrals In the Include Patient Referrals group box, select the amount of time that can elapse since the patient created the referral. For example, if you want to upload all patient referrals that have been entered in the last week, select 7 Day(s). Check the Skip Referrals Already Uploaded check box to skip patient referrals that have been entered within the specified date range but have already been uploaded. Patient Chart Information In the Patient Chart Information group box, check the chart information you want to include in the upload. You can include the last Perio Exam data and/or Medical Alerts. Insurance Information In the Insurance Information group box, check the insurance information you want to include in the upload. You can include Dental Insurance and/or Medical Insurance. Referring Provider In the Referring Provider group box, mark Use Patient’s Prov1 to upload the referred patient’s primary provider listed in the Family File. To select a specific provider, mark Use Provider and select the appropriate provider from the drop-down list. Progress Notes In the Progress Notes group box, select the progress notes you want the include in the upload. Mark Do Not Include Progress Notes if you do not want to upload the patient’s progress notes from the Chart. If you want to include these notes, mark Include Progress Notes. Enter a date span using the spin box to select a numeric value and the drop-down menu to select Year(s) ago, Month(s) ago, week(s) ago, or Day(s) ago. Only Progress Notes that fall within this date span will be included. Check the notes you want to include. You can include: • Completed • Procedure Notes • Existing • Clinical Notes • Conditions • Treatment Plan If Include Treatment Plan is checked, mark if you want to include notes for the patient’s entire Treatment Plan, only notes for treatment planned procedures referred to this doctor, or treatment plan notes from a specific Presenter order (click the search button and select which display orders to include). Referral Note If desired, enter a referral note in the Referral Note group box. Check the Include Referral Note in email group box to include the note in the email that is sent to the doctor you are sending the referral to. Easy Dental User Guide 382 Other Features Insurance Eligibility The eCentral Insurance Center allows you to find and view the details of patient insurance eligibility information without having to contact insurance companies directly. Appointments in Range The Appointments in Range frame allows you to specify the number of days in advance that you want to check eligibility for patients who have appointments scheduled. You can set the date range as a number of days or a number of weeks. Use the spin boxes and drop-down lists to select a From and To date range for the search. Select Insurance Carrier(s) The Select Insurance Carrier frame is used to qualify the appointment range search and reduce the number of search results found in the appointment range. You can select a singe carrier or a range of carriers. Use the search buttons to open the Select Dental Insurance Plan dialog and select carrier(s). Leave the fields set to <ALL> to show eligibility information from all insurance carriers. Insurance Claim Tracking The Insurance Claim Tracking Setup dialog box allows you to track claims by selecting certain search criteria for claims. Note: The Insurance Claim Tracking tracks the progress of claims that have been created in the Ledger. You must create claims in the Ledger before they can be tracked. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 383 Select Claim Billing Provider If desired, you can sort the claims created by certain billing providers in your electronic claim tracking. To filter the claims by billing provider, click the search button after From and select the beginning provider for the range. Next, click the search button after To and select the ending provider for the range. If you want to include all providers, leave at <ALL>. Minimum Days Past Due If desired, you can filter the claims according to the balance days past due. To filter claims according to minimum days past due, mark Over 30, Over 60, or Over 90. To include all claims regardless of past due date, leave Over 0 marked. Select Insurance Carrier(s) If desired, select insurance carrier(s) you want to include in your electronic claim tracking. To select a range of insurance carriers click the search button after From and select the beginning carrier for the range. Next, click the search button after To and select the ending carrier for the range. If you want to include all insurance carriers, leave at <ALL>. Include Pre-treatment Estimates If you want to include Pre-treatment Estimates in the upload, check Include Pre-treatment Estimates. Finish The last step in the WebSync Wizard is Finish. You must go to the Finish step of the wizard and click Finish to save any changes you make before you exit the wizard. If you need to exit the wizard before you click Finish, click Cancel. If you cancel and leave the wizard without clicking Finish, all your changes will be lost. Click the Finish link in the WebSync Wizard to go to the Finish screen to click Finish and save your changes in the Wizard. EasyWeb Updates Click EasyWeb Updates to tell Easy Dental to connect to the internet and check for updates to the EasyWeb toolbar. If updates are available, the EasyWeb Toolbar Update dialog appears and show you information about the new version of the Toolbar that is available. You can either download the update now or be reminded to download the update next time you run the WebSync. Select the desired option and click OK. If you choose to download the update now, the update will be downloaded and a message appears telling you that you will be prompted to apply the download the next time EasyWeb is started. The next time you launch the EasyWeb Toolbar, a dialog box appears with a message asking if you want to install the update that was downloaded. Click Yes to install the update or No to continue without installing the update. Easy Dental User Guide 384 Other Features Patient Setup To set up patients for eCentral: 1. Click Settings | Patient Setup Click the Settings button on the EasyWeb Toolbar. Select Patient Setup from the menu. If you do not have a patient selected, the Select Patient dialog box appears. Select a patient to continue. If you have a patient selected, the Patient Setup dialog box appears. 2. Enter Consent Date In order for a patient to have their information posted to a web site, they must sign a Web Consent form. Enter the appropriate Web Consent Date in the field or click Insert Today’s Date if the patient consented today. EasyWeb installs a consent form letter on the server in the Letter Template Path specified in the Preferences dialog box. To find this letter, open the Reports Module and click the Maintenance button and select Preferences. Select the Paths tab and note the Letter Template Path. Follow this path in Word to find webcsnt.doc. The template can be added as a Quick Letter. (See adding Quick Letters in the Easy Dental User’s Guide.) 3. Enter Email Address The Primary Email Address will be pulled from the patient’s Family File. Enter a secondary (if applicable) email address in the field provided if the patient wants correspondence to be delivered to an email address other than the primary email address. Mark the address you want to use for email correspondence. 4. Select Preferences Select the Preferred ways in which the patient want to receive correspondence. • Send Account Update Email: Notifies the patient, through the patient’s private email address, that information has been posted to the doctor’s web site. This email message will also contain a link that will take the patient directly to the office web site. It will include a user name and password for the patient to access their patient information. • Email Correspondence: Sends correspondence (newsletters, reminder cards, etc.) to the patient’s email address. • Text Message Correspondence: Sends correspondence (appointment reminders) to the patient’s cell phone via text message. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 385 • Appointment Information: Sends appointment information and electronic appointment reminders, Continuing Care reminders, or any Communications to the office web site for this patient. • Treatment Plans: Sends an electronic copy of the patient’s treatment plan to the office web site. • Account Information: Sends an electronic copy of the family’s account information to the office web site for this patient. • Info to Referred Dr.: Sends referral information to the office’s secure web page for the Referred To doctor if the patient falls within the parameters in the Referral Upload Setup (see the previous section). If this option is NOT checked, the patient will be skipped during the referral upload. 5. Enter Password Information User ID - The User ID will be automatically entered if a patient is selected. You may change the User ID if desired. The User ID must be unique. • Password: The Password will be automatically entered if a patient is selected. You may change the password if desired. • Use Guarantor’s User ID and Password: Check this option if you want to use the same user name and password entered for the guarantor for this family member. • Reset Password: Click Reset Password to reassign a password to any patient. 6. Click OK Click OK to save your changes. Referral Settings You can use eCentral to send electronic referrals to other dental professionals. In order to send referrals, you must set up the provider(s) to whom you will be sending referrals in the Reports Module, your eCentral web site, and the EasyWeb Toolbar. You must set up referral providers in the Referral Setup section of EasyWeb before you can upload referrals to that provider. 1. Open Select Referred To Dialog In the EasyWeb Toolbar, click Settings | Referral Setup. The Select Referred To dialog box appears. 2. Select Provider You can either select the provider’s name in the list or search for the desired provider by entering the first few letters of the provider’s last name and clicking the search button. When you have selected the desired provider, click OK. The Referral Settings dialog appears. Easy Dental User Guide 386 Other Features 3. Verify Referral Contact Information The contact information (Name, Address, Phone, Fax, and Email) of the referral provider you have selected appears in the Referral Source group box. Verify that the information is correct. If you need to change any of the provider’s contact information, open the Patients module and double click the Referred By or To block, click Add, select the provider, and click Edit to edit the provider’s contact information. 4. Select New Provider (optional) If you selected the wrong provider, click the search button next to the provider name. The Select Referred To dialog appears again. Select the correct provider and return to step 3. 5. Enter User Name Enter the username you found in the Professional Contact List of the eCentral web site. If you do not have the username, open the eCentral web site, click the Referral Center tab, click the Professional Contact List link, search for the desired provider, and copy the provider’s username from the Username column into the User Name field of the Referral Settings dialog. 6. Select Email Addresses Select the email address to use when sending referral notifications to the provider. You can use the provider’s primary email address that was set up in the Reports Module or you can enter a secondary email address to use instead of the primary email address. Mark the radio button next to the email address you want to use to send email notifications of referrals. If you don’t want to send email notifications of referrals, un-check the Send Email Notifications box. Once you have set up referrals, you can setup the Referral Upload to send referrals during the WebSync and the Referral Upload Override to send a few referrals at a time without running the WebSync. Upload Upload refers to the process of copying patient information from the office database to the Easy Dental eCentral web site for patient or referral doctor’s viewing purposes. Each time an upload takes place, an email notification will be sent to the patient or guarantor if “Send Email Notification” is selected in the Patient Setup screen. See Patient Setup in the Setup section for more information. The Practice Setup information must be entered in EasyWeb before any uploads can take place. See Practice Setup in the EasyWeb Settings section for more information. The Insurance Claim Tracking Upload feature enables you (the doctor) to track and display the status of outstanding claims. The following uploads are available: • Current Patient Upload • Correspondence Upload Override • Patient Upload Override Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 387 • Referral Upload Override • Claim Tracking Upload Override Current Patient Upload Select Current Patient Upload to upload the current patient. If the patient does not have a Web Consent date set up, you will be prompted to add a Web Consent date before the patient is uploaded. If the patient does have a web consent date set up, the EasyWeb Upload List - Patient Upload Override dialog appears. Click Upload to upload the current patient to your practice Web site. Click Cancel to cancel the upload. Correspondence Upload Override The Correspondence Upload Override option allows you to select certain criteria for uploading information. This option does not require a previous set up of Correspondence types. To perform a correspondence upload override: 1. Click Upload | Correspondence Upload Override From the EasyWeb Toolbar, select Upload and Correspondence Upload Override. The Correspondence Upload Override dialog box appears. Easy Dental User Guide 388 Other Features 2. Select Patient Range Select the beginning and ending patients for the range or leave at <ALL> to include all patients. 3. Select Due Date Options • Appointments in Range: This option allows you to enter a specified date range appointments must be scheduled. Expand the CC Attached drop-down to select whether the appointment is attached to recall. • Recall Due in Range: This option allows you enter a specified date range a patient must be due for their recall. Expand the Scheduled Appt drop-down to select whether the patient has a scheduled appointment. 4. Select Age Options • Include Patients According to Age: This option allows you to select under or over a certain age and only those patients whose age matches the criteria will be included. 5. Select Recall Type(s) In the Select Recall Type(s) group box, select the recall types for which you want to send correspondence or check “All” to include all recall types. 6. Select Provider(s) Select the primary and/or appointment provider(s) to include those patients whose primary and/or appointment provider is selected or check “All” to include all providers. 7. Select Billing Type(s) Select the Billing Type(s) you want to include. Only patients with the selected Billing Type(s) will be included. Check “All” to include all Billing Types. 8. Click Upload Click the Upload button. All patients who match the criteria setup for this correspondence will be included in the EasyWeb upload list. 9. Remove Patient(s) (Optional) If you want to remove any patients from the EasyWeb upload list, highlight the desired patient(s) and click the Remove Patient(s) from Upload List button. 10. Click Upload Click Upload in the EasyWeb Upload List to upload the listed patient information. Patient Upload Override The Patient Upload Override option allows you to select certain criteria for uploading patient information that is different from the criteria you selected in the WebSync Setup Wizard. Once you have selected criteria in the Patient Upload Override dialog, you can upload just the patients that match the new criteria to your web site. To perform a Patient Upload Override: 1. Click Upload | Patient Upload Override Click the Upload button located on the EasyWeb Toolbar. Select Patient Upload Override from the menu. The Patient Upload Override dialog appears. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 389 2. Select Patient Range Select the beginning and ending patients for the range or leave at <ALL> to include all patients. 3. Select Ledger Options • Family/Patient Account Transactions: Accounts module transactions that occurred on or after the first transaction date for the family will be included in the upload. Check List Individual Patient Balances of Family to see each family members balance separately. • Account Information: This option uploads Aged Balances, Last Payment, Last Insurance Payment, Last Statement Date, Outstanding Billed to Medical/Dental, Expected from Dental Insurance, and Guarantor Portion of Total Balance. (This option will not upload information for patients that do not have the “Use Guarantor’s User ID and Password” selected from Patient Setup.) • Payment Plan Information: This option uploads Payment Amount, Amount Past Due, Payment Due, and Due Date. 4. Enter Patient Message You may enter a generic patient message to be sent to all patients during the upload. 5. Select Patient’s Clinical Information Check Treatment Plan to upload all treatment planned procedures for the patients. To upload Insurance Estimate information, check Include Estimates. 6. Select Appointments Check Appointment Date, Time, and Provider to upload all future appointment information for the family. 7. Select Provider(s) Enter a provider range to only upload certain provider’s patients or leave at <ALL> to include all providers. 8. Select Billing Type(s) Select the desired Billing Type(s) or check “All” to include all Billing Types. Only patients with the selected Billing Type(s) will be included in the upload. 9. Click Upload Click the Upload button. All patients who match the criteria selected will be included in the EasyWeb upload list. Easy Dental User Guide 390 Other Features 10. Remove Patient(s) (Optional) If you want to remove any patients from the EasyWeb upload list, highlight the desired patient(s) and click the Remove Patient(s) from Upload List button. 11. Click Upload Click the Upload button in the EasyWeb Upload List to upload the listed patients. Referral Upload Override The Referral Upload Override option allows you to select certain criteria for uploading referral information. To perform a referral upload override: 1. Click Upload | Referral Upload Override Click the Upload button located on the EasyWeb Toolbar. Select Referral Upload Override from the menu. The Referral Upload Override dialog box appears. 2. Select Referred To Range Click the search buttons and select a range or Referred To doctors or leave at <ALL> to include all referral sources. 3. Enter Referral Date Range Enter a date range of referrals. All referrals that fall within the date range will be included in the upload. 4. Skip Referrals Already Uploaded (Optional) Check this option if you do not want to upload referrals that have already been uploaded in the past. 5. Select Insurance Information Check which insurance information you want to include in the upload. The options are Include Dental Insurance and Include Medical Alerts. 6. Select Procedure Information Check Include Completed, Include Treatment Plan, and Include Procedure Notes to include completed and treatment-planned procedures, along with the procedure notes attached to the procedures, with the referral. 7. Select Referring Provider Mark Use Patient’s Prov1 to upload the referred patient’s primary provider listed in the Family File. To select a specific provider, mark Use Provider and select the appropriate provider from the drop-down menu. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 391 8. Enter Referral Note (Optional) Enter a note for the Referred To doctor to include with the upload. If desired, check Include Referral Note in email. Warning: Email is not secure. Sensitive information should not be included in the Referral Note. 9. Click Upload Click the Upload button to begin the upload process. The EasyWeb Upload List appears. All patients that match the criteria selected and have a Web Consent date will be listed on the EasyWeb Upload List. 10. Remove Patient(s) (Optional) If you want to remove any patients from the EasyWeb upload list, highlight the desired patient(s) and click the Remove Patient(s) from Upload List button. 11. Click Upload Click the Upload button in the EasyWeb Upload List to upload the listed referral information. Note: A Web Referral Office Journal Entry will automatically be recorded for each referred patient, the referring provider, and the Referred To provider that is uploaded. Claim Tracking Upload Override The Claim Tracking Upload Override option allows you to select certain criteria for searching outstanding claims. To perform a claim tracking upload override: 1. Click Upload | Claim Tracking Upload Override Click the Upload button located on the EasyWeb Toolbar. Select Claim Tracking Upload Override from the menu. The Claim Tracking Upload Override dialog box appears. 2. Select Patient Range To select a range of patients click the search button after From and select the beginning patient for the range. Next, click the search button after To and select the ending patient for the range. If you want to include all patients, leave at <ALL>. 3. Select Insurance Carrier Range To select a range of insurance carriers click the search button after From and select the beginning carrier for the range. Next, click the search button after To and select the ending carrier for the range. If you want to include all insurance carriers, leave at <ALL>. 4. Select Claim Billing Provider Range To filter the claims according to the billing provider click the search button after From and select the beginning provider for the range. Next, click the search button after To and select the ending provider for the range. If you want to include all providers, leave at <ALL>. Easy Dental User Guide 392 Other Features 5. Select Minimum Days Past Due To filter the claims according to how many days past due mark Over 30, Over 60, or Over 90. To include all claims regardless of past due date, leave Over 0 marked. 6. Include Pretreatment Estimates If you want to include Pretreatment Estimates in the upload, place a check mark next to this option. 7. Click Upload Click the Upload button to begin the upload process. The EasyWeb Upload List appears. All claims that match the criteria selected will be listed on the EasyWeb Upload List. WebSync The options on the WebSync menu include: • WebSync Override • Process Patient Imports • Correspondence Upload WebSync Override The WebSync Override is accessed from the Settings button on the EasyWeb toolbar. To access the WebSync setup dialog, click the WebSync button and select WebSync from the menu. The WebSync Override Options dialog appears. The WebSync Options group box contains a list of options that can be performed during the WebSync. Check the box next to each option you want to include in the Websync. If you want to include all the options, check All. By default, all options will be checked for inclusion in the WebSync. Note: By checking an option, you are telling Easy Dental to include that information each time it runs a WebSync. You must set up each option on its own before you add it to a WebSync or no information will be included. For example, if you check to include the Correspondence Upload in the WebSync, you must set up the Correspondence Upload or no Correspondence information will be added during the WebSync. There are seven options that can be done during the WebSync: • Correspondence Upload • Patient Upload • Questionnaire Download/Upload Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 393 • Referral Upload • Insurance Eligibility Upload • Insurance Claim Tracking Upload • Download Patient Information Changes • Download Appointment Status Updates • EasyWeb Toolbar Updates Click OK to run the WebSync Override. Running the WebSync will perform all the tasks you selected in the WebSync setup. A red arrow appears next to each option as the WebSync runs that option. When the WebSync is complete for that option, a green check mark appears next to the item. If you want to view more details about the WebSync, click the View Messages button at the bottom of the WebSync - InProgress dialog box. The dialog will expand and reveal a field in which information about the WebSync is recorded. You can copy these messages to your Windows Clipboard by clicking the Copy to Clipboard button. You can Email these messages by clicking the Email button. To hide the messages, click the Hide Messages button. If at any time you want to stop the WebSync, click the Abort button. The WebSync will stop where it is. Any information that was accessed or uploaded will not be changed, but no more information will be accessed or uploaded. Process Patient Imports Patient can submit information on your practice Web site. You will not see this information in your Easy Dental system until that information has been imported through a WebSync. Occasionally, you may need to import patient information at a time other than when you normally run the WebSync. In these cases, you can use the Process Patient Imports option to import patient information. Click WebSync | Process Patient Imports to process any information that patients have entered on your practice Web site and import it into Easy Dental. Easy Dental User Guide 394 Other Features Correspondence Upload Sending correspondence to your patients keeps them informed about their scheduled appointments and Continuing Care deadlines. Correspondence helps you reduce the number of missed appointments in your office and keeps your patients informed about their treatment needs. You can send Appointment reminders and Continuing Care reminders to your patients via letters, postcards, email, or text messages. When you run the WebSync, all correspondence will be sent to all patients who meet the correspondence criteria. When you run a Correspondence Upload, you can exclude certain patients from the upload or only upload certain correspondence types. To send correspondence to certain patients by running the Correspondence Upload: 1. Set up Correspondence Click Settings | Correspondence Setup to setup your correspondence. (See the Setting Up Correspondence document for more information about setting up correspondence.) 2. Upload Correspondence Click WebSync | Correspondence Upload to open the Select Correspondence(s) to Upload dialog. Select the correspondence types you want to upload by clicking once on the correspondence type. Selected correspondence types are highlighted in blue. If you want to select all correspondence types, check Select All. If you want to upload appointments for text message reminders along with the other correspondence, check the Upload Appointments for Text Message Reminders box. This box is checked by default. Un-check the box to exclude appointments for text message reminders from the upload. Once you have selected the correspondence types to be uploaded, click the Upload button. The EasyWeb Upload List - Correspondence Upload dialog appears. 3. Select Patients for Upload The EasyWeb Upload List - Correspondence Upload dialog is automatically populated with the patients for whom correspondence will be uploaded. If you want to remove any patients from this list, select the patient(s) by clicking on their name and click the Remove Patient(s) from Upload List button. The selected patients will be removed. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 395 4. Run the Upload When only the patients for whom you want to upload correspondence remain in the list, click Upload. EasyWeb will upload the appropriate correspondence for the patients. Email and text messages are sent to patients when the correspondence is uploaded. When the upload is finished, a message appears indicating the outcome of the upload. Note: You can run the upload as many times as necessary. Easy Dental will not send duplicate correspondence to the same patient regarding the same appointment. Supplies Click the Supplies button to order dental and office supplies using Henry Schein’s supplies on-line ordering system. Ident.com has the best prices, the best services, and the best lineup of dental and office supplies. Patient Financing Click the Patient Financing button for an option to link to Citi Health’s online consumer credit application for your patients. (You must have a Merchant Number entered in the Practice Setup to use this option.) Make your treatment plans more affordable by offering your dental patients monthly payment options. Patient financing may offer you the following benefits: • Increase your revenue • Risk-free for the dentist • Receive guaranteed payment electronically in two business days • 3, 6, and 12 month programs, interest-free for patient • No monthly annual fees to dentist Easy Dental User Guide 396 Other Features Continuing Education Click the Continuing Education button to view Continuing Education programs offered by DenTrek. DenTrek delivers peer-reviewed, accredited, high quality streaming media continuing education courses over the Internet. By doing this DenTrek enables all members of the dental health care team to maintain and improve their knowledge of dental health delivery. Leasing Click the Leasing button for an option to link to the Choice Health Leasing web site. Leasing is a means to obtain equipment. In fact, leasing has grown to become the single largest source of equipment acquisition throughout the world. An estimated 80% of all businesses in the U.S. use leasing as a means to obtain equipment. Leasing has grown to become the single largest source of equipment acquisition within the United States. A leasing program may offer you the following benefits: • Keeps lines of credit open • 100% financing of equipment • Reduces taxes-lease payments may be accounted for as an operating expense • Match the lease term to the useful life of the equipment • Customize lease payment to fit cash flow and financing requirements • Easier and faster than other forms of financing Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 397 Inventory Manager The Inventory Manager is designed to work with Easy Dental to effectively monitor and track inventory for your office. This software also integrates with the Henry Schein website to facilitate online electronic ordering. Commonly used products, manufacturers, and vendors are entered into the program and tracking features like the Shopping Cart and Products on Hand enable you to manage your inventory quickly and efficiently. The Inventory Manager will even deplete items as certain procedures are performed in Easy Dental. A Quick Notes module makes note-taking concerning ordering and depleting items fast and easy. The following sections will explain how to set up and use the Inventory Manager. • Setup • Tracking • Web Services • Additional Options • Quick Notes • Printing Reports Setup The following sections will assist you in customizing the Inventory Manager to fit the needs of your office. • Practice Information • Printer Setup • Users Setup • Product Setup • Manufacturers Setup • Vendors Setup • Shipping Method Setup Practice Information The Inventory Manager allows multiple doctors in the same practice to use the same computers in the office, but keep their inventory data separate. To create a database and enter your practice information, complete the following steps: 1. Open New Doctor Database Click the Windows Start button and choose the Inventory Manager program group, then choose Inventory Manager. If this is the first time the program is opened, the New Doctor Database screen will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 398 Other Features Note: If this is not the first time the Inventory Manager has been opened, the Inventory Manager Login screen will appear prompting you for your login name and password. To enter a new doctor’s database, click New Doctor. 2. Enter Practice Information Enter the Doctor and Practice information in the appropriate fields. 3. Enter Initial Login Information The Login Name and Password that you enter in this window will be the same login name and password that you will need to enter each time the Inventory Manager is opened. Be sure to make a note of this information before closing this window. 4. Enter Henry Schein Account Information (Optional) Click the Henry Schein logo at the bottom of the screen. In order to access the Henry Schein website to place orders through the Inventory Manager, you will need to enter your Henry Schein login name, password, and JDE number. This information is available when you register at www.henryschein.com. Click OK to return to the New Doctor Database screen. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your information and create the database. Launching the Inventory Manager To open the Inventory Manager, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Start | Inventory Manager | Inventory Manager Click the Windows Start button and choose the Inventory Manager program group, then choose Inventory Manager. The Inventory Manager login screen will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 399 2. Enter Username and Password Type your Username and Password that you set up in the New Doctor Database screen (see previous page), then click Login. The Inventory Manager window will appear. Editing an Existing Account To change information on an existing account, choose Accounts, then Practice Information from the Inventory Manager menu bar. Edit the Doctor and Practice information in the appropriate fields as necessary, then click OK. Printer Setup To select a printer to which all reports within the Inventory Manager will print, choose File from the menu bar. Select Reports then Setup Printer. The Setup Printer dialog box will appear. Select the desired printer and click OK. Users Setup The following sections will explain how to add, edit, delete, and print a list of users in the Inventory Manager. Adding Users 1. Choose Accounts | Users Choose Accounts then Users from the menu bar or the shortcut bar. The User Accounts list will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 400 Other Features 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The Add User dialog box will appear. 3. Enter Information Enter the following information: • Username – enter a unique user name for this particular user. • Password – enter a password for the user. • Confirm – before a user’s password can be set, the password must be typed a second time in the Confirm field. • Active Account – leave this box checked if this is an “active” user. If the user account is inactive, click in the box to uncheck it. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to add the user. Editing Users 1. Choose Accounts | Users Choose Accounts then Users from the menu bar or the shortcut bar. The User Accounts list will appear. 2. Select User Highlight the user account you wish to edit. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The User Account dialog box will appear. 4. Edit Information Change the necessary information in the appropriate fields. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving any changes. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 401 Deleting Users To delete a user account that is NOT used in the Inventory Manager, complete the following steps. 1. Choose Accounts | Users Choose Accounts then Users from the menu bar or the shortcut bar. The User Accounts list will appear. 2. Select User Account Highlight the user account that you wish to delete. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message will appear confirming the deletion. Click Yes to continue or click No to cancel the deletion. Printing User List To print the list of User Accounts, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear. Click Print to print the report. Product Setup The following sections will explain how to add, edit, delete, import, export, and print products in the database. Creating Product Categories 1. Choose Setup | Products Choose Setup from the menu bar and select Products from the drop-down menu or click Setup then Products on the shortcut bar on the left side of the screen. The Product List will appear. 2. Click Setup Categories Click the Setup Categories button. The Product Categories dialog box will appear. 3. Click Add Click the Add button and type a description for the new category. 4. Repeat Repeat step 3 for additional categories. To change the name of a category, select it and click Edit. To delete a category not in use, select it and click Delete. Easy Dental User Guide 402 Other Features 5. Click Close Click the Close button to close the Product Categories dialog box and return to the Product List. Adding Products For information on downloading a product list from Henry Schein’s website, see Update Shopping List in this section. 1. Choose Setup | Products Choose Setup from the menu bar and select Products from the drop-down menu or click Setup then Products on the shortcut bar on the left side of the screen. The Product List will appear. 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The Product dialog box will appear with the General tab options displayed. 3. Set General Tab Options Enter the following information on the General tab: • Item – enter a description of the product in this field. • Manufacturer – attach the product to a manufacturer. (See Manufacturers Setup in this section for information on adding manufacturers.) • Vendor – attach the product to a vendor. (See Vendors Setup in this section for information on adding vendors.) • Category – select a category for the product. (See Creating Product Categories in this section for information on creating categories.) • Product Code – specify a product code for this product. This is usually assigned by the vendor. • Active Product – specify if the product is active by checking this option. 4. Set Quantity/Price Options Click the tab titled “Quantity/Price” and enter the following information. • Order Unit Description – enter a “unit” description for the product such as Box, Item, or Toothbrush. • Number in Unit – enter the number of product items in an order unit. • On Hand – enter the initial “on hand” quantity if the product is already in use before being entered into the Inventory Manager. • Target – enter the target quantity you would like to have in the office at any given time. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 403 • Minimum – enter the minimum quantity to allow before reordering. • List Price – enter the current list price for the product. This value will not be used anywhere except to give an estimate on the cost of the order. The actual order cost will be determined by the vendor at the time the order is placed. 5. Set Tracking Options Click the tab titled “Tracking” and select the following options. • Depletion Methods – mark whether you wish this product to be depleted from the inventory manually or automatically based on usage from Easy Dental. • When Practice Management Adjustment is marked, you may choose to deplete the product inventory based on the number of items per so many visits or by posting certain procedure codes in Easy Dental. 6. Enter Notes (Optional) Click the “Notes” tab and enter any notes regarding this product. Easy Dental User Guide 404 Other Features 7. Click OK Click the OK button to close the Product dialog box and save your changes. Editing Products 1. Choose Setup | Products Choose Setup from the menu bar and select Products from the drop-down menu or click Setup then Products on the shortcut bar on the left side of the screen. The Product List will appear. 2. Select Product Highlight the product you wish to edit from the Product List. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. (You may also double-click on the product to open the Product details.) The Product dialog box will appear with the General tab options displayed. 4. Edit Information Edit the necessary information by clicking on the appropriate tab. A description of each option is explained in the previous steps under Adding Products. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Deleting Products To delete a product that has NOT been used in the Inventory Manager, complete the following steps. To see which products are not used (not linked to any prior orders), and therefore are available for deletion, see the following section, Purging Products. 1. Choose Setup | Products Choose Setup from the menu bar and select Products from the drop-down menu or click Setup then Products on the shortcut bar on the left side of the screen. The Product List will appear. 2. Select Product Highlight the product you wish to delete from the Product List. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message will appear confirming the deletion of the product. Click OK to continue. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 405 Purging Products The Purge button within the Product List enables you to see a list of products that have NOT been used in the Inventory Manager and then choose which unused item(s) to delete. All products listed in this window are not currently being used and are not linked to any prior orders. Select the desired products and click the Delete button or click Delete All to remove all products listed in this window. Importing Products The Import button in the Product dialog box enables you to find a “specially formatted” file filled with product information to easily import products into the Inventory Manager. Exporting Products The Export button in the Products List dialog box enables you to select products in the Inventory Manager to export to a “specially formatted” file. Printing the Product List To print a list of the products in the Inventory Manager, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear. Click Print to print the report. Manufacturers Setup The following sections will explain how to add, edit, delete, and print a list of manufacturers in the database. Adding Manufacturers 1. Choose Setup | Manufacturers Choose Setup, then Manufacturers from the menu or shortcut bar. The Manufacturer List will appear. 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The Manufacturer dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 406 Other Features 3. Enter Information Enter the name, address, phone number, and fax number for the manufacturer in the appropriate fields. 4. Check Active Manufacturer (Optional) Specify if the product is active by checking this option. 5. Enter Notes (Optional) Enter a note regarding this manufacturer in the Notes field if desired. 6. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Editing Manufacturers 1. Choose Setup | Manufacturers Choose Setup, then Manufacturers from the menu or shortcut bar. The Manufacturer List will appear. 2. Select Manufacturer Highlight the manufacturer that you wish to edit from the Manufacturer List. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Manufacturer dialog box will appear. 4. Edit Information Change the necessary information in the appropriate fields. Click Clear to clear all information. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving any changes. Deleting Manufacturers To delete a manufacturer that has NOT been used in the Inventory Manager, complete the following steps. To see which manufacturers are not used (not linked to any products), and therefore are available for deletion, see the following section, Purging Manufacturers. 1. Choose Setup | Manufacturers Choose Setup, then Manufacturers from the menu or shortcut bar. The Manufacturer List will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 407 2. Select Manufacturer Highlight the manufacturer that you wish to delete from the Manufacturer List. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message will appear confirming the deletion. Click Yes to delete or click No to cancel the deletion. Purging Manufacturers The Purge button within the Manufacturer List enables you to see a list of manufacturers that have NOT been used (not linked to any products) in the Inventory Manager and then selectively delete unused manufacturers. All manufacturers listed in this window are not currently being used. Select the desired manufacturers and click the Delete button or click Delete All to remove all manufacturers listed in this window. Printing Manufacturer List To print the Manufacturer List, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear in the window. Click Print to print the report. Vendors Setup The following sections will explain how to add, edit, delete, and print a list of vendors in the database. Adding Vendors 1. Choose Setup | Vendors Choose Setup, then Vendors from the menu or shortcut bar. The Vendor List will appear. 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The Vendor dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 408 Other Features 3. Enter General Information Name – enter the description or name of the vendor. • Payment Method – enter a payment method such as Check or Credit Card. • Account # – enter an account number if the office has an account number with the vendor. • Account Terms – enter any account terms if the office is set up on a payment plan with the vendor. • Shipping Method – click the search button and select the Shipping Method the vendor uses to ship packages. (For more information, see Shipping Method Setup.) • Active Vendor – check this box if the vendor is “active.” If the vendor is inactive, leave the box unchecked. 4. Enter Contact Information Click the tab titled “Contact Info.” Enter a contact person for the vendor as well as the vendor’s address, phone number, fax number, email address, and website. 5. Enter Notes (Optional) Click the tab titled “Notes.” Enter any notes regarding the vendor in the Vendor Notes field. Enter any notes regarding shipping in the Shipping Notes field. Check “Include Shipping Notes with Order” if you wish to print the note with the order to the vendor. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 409 6. Click OK Click the OK button to exit the Vendor dialog box and save your changes. Editing Vendors 1. Choose Setup | Vendors Choose Setup, then Vendors from the menu or shortcut bar. The Vendor List will appear. 2. Select Vendor Highlight the vendor that you wish to edit from the Vendor List. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Vendor dialog box will appear. 4. Edit Information Change the necessary information in the appropriate fields. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving any changes. Deleting Vendors To delete a vendor that has NOT been used in the Inventory Manager (not linked to any products), complete the following steps. To see which vendors are not used, and therefore are available for deletion, see the following section, Purging Vendors. 1. Choose Setup | Vendors Choose Setup, then Vendors from the menu or shortcut bar. The Vendor List will appear. 2. Select Vendor Highlight the vendor that you wish to delete from the Vendor List. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message will appear confirming the deletion. Click Yes to continue or click No to cancel the deletion. Purging Vendors The Purge button within the Vendor List enables you to see a list of vendors that are have NOT been used in the Inventory Manager and then choose which unused vendor(s) to delete. All vendors listed in this window are not currently being used. Select the desired vendor(s) and click the Delete button or click Delete All to remove all vendors listed in this window. Printing Vendor List To print the Vendor List, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear in the window. Click Print to print the report. Easy Dental User Guide 410 Other Features Shipping Method Setup The following sections will explain how to add, edit, delete, and print a list of shipping methods in the database. Adding Shipping Methods 1. Choose Setup | Shipping Choose Setup, then Shipping from the menu or shortcut bar. The Shipping Methods list will appear. 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The New Shipping Method dialog box will appear. 3. Enter Information Enter the following information: • Courier Name – enter the courier name such as FedEx, UPS, or the driver for the vendor. • Shipping Terms – enter any shipping terms if needed (e.g. 2-day, Next Day, Ground, etc.). • Days until considered late – specify the number of days it should take for an order to be received from the date the order was placed. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to add the Shipping Method. Editing Shipping Methods 1. Choose Setup | Shipping Choose Setup, then Shipping from the menu or shortcut bar. The Shipping Method list will appear. 2. Select Shipping Method Highlight the shipping method that you wish to edit. 3. Click Edit Click the Edit button. The Shipping Method dialog box will appear. 4. Edit Information Change the necessary information in the appropriate fields. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save your changes. Click the Cancel button to exit without saving any changes. Deleting Shipping Methods To delete a shipping method that has NOT been used in the Inventory Manager, complete the following steps. 1. Choose Setup | Shipping Choose Setup, then Shipping from the menu or shortcut bar. The Shipping Method list will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 411 2. Select Shipping Method Highlight the shipping method that you wish to delete. 3. Click Delete Click the Delete button. A message will appear confirming the deletion. Click Yes to continue or click No to cancel the deletion. Tracking The following sections will explain how to view, track, and reorder inventory using the Inventory Manager. • Products On Hand • Shopping Cart • Products On Order • Order History • Alerts Products On Hand The Products On Hand list enables you to add products to the list and reconcile inventory. Viewing Products On Hand To view which products are on hand in the office, choose Tracking then On Hand from the menu bar or shortcut bar. The Products On Hand list will appear. Adding Products On Hand To add a product to the On Hand list, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Tracking | On Hand Choose Tracking then On Hand from the menu or shortcut bar. The Products On Hand list will appear. 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The Add Products to On Hand dialog box will appear listing products with a zero quantity on hand. 3. Select Product Highlight the product you wish to add and click Edit Quantity (you may also double-click on the product to enter a quantity). Easy Dental User Guide 412 Other Features 4. Enter Quantity Enter the quantity on hand and click OK. The product will then be added to the Products On Hand list. Editing Products On Hand To edit the on-hand quantity of a product, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Tracking | On Hand Choose Tracking then On Hand from the menu or shortcut bar. The Products On Hand list will appear. 2. Click Edit Highlight the product you wish to edit and click the Edit button (you may also double-click on the product). 3. Change Quantity Change the quantity to the correct on hand amount and click OK. Deleting On Hand Products To delete a product from the On Hand list indicating that the product is no longer in the office, highlight the desired product and click the Delete button. Printing Products On Hand To print a list of products that are on hand in the Inventory Manager, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear in the window. Click Print to print the report. Update to Easy Dental The Inventory Manager can synchronize with Easy Dental and deplete items that are on hand when certain procedures are performed. The first time you click the Update to Easy Dental button, a message will appear. This message recommends that you make sure all product quantities in Products On Hand are accurate and reconciled to what is actually in your inventory. This will ensure accurate inventory results in the future. 1. Edit Date (Optional) The Starting Update From date is the last time an update was performed. The End Update On will default to today’s date. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 413 2. Click Do Update Click Do Update to begin the synchronization process. This process will take the number of procedures that have been performed since the last time an update took place, and recalculate the current number of products on hand. You may only perform one update per day. 3. Click Close When Update Completed is displayed, click Close. Shopping Cart The Shopping Cart in the Inventory Manager allows you to create a list of items to be ordered and then submit the order. To view the Shopping Cart, choose Tracking then Shopping Cart from the menu or shortcut bar. The following sections will explain how to add products to the Shopping Cart, view details, and submit an order. Auto Generate Shopping Cart The Auto Generate button in the Shopping Cart window will automatically generate a Shopping Cart according to items that are low in your inventory. This saves you time and energy from having to manually add items to your Shopping Cart. Add Products to Shopping Cart 1. Choose Tracking | Shopping Cart Choose Tracking, then Shopping Cart from the menu or shortcut bar. The Shopping Cart list will appear. 2. Click Add Click the Add button. The Add Products to Shopping Cart dialog box will appear. 3. Select Category Click the down arrow and select the product category in which you wish to search or leave at <ALL> to search all categories. 4. Select Vendors Highlight the vendors you wish to search or check Search All Vendors to use all vendors. Easy Dental User Guide 414 Other Features 5. Select Manufacturers Highlight the manufacturers you wish to search or check Search All Manufacturers to use all manufacturers. 6. Mark Search By Option Mark whether you wish to search by description or product code and enter the desired description/code in the “Enter Description” field. 7. Click Search Click the Search button to display a list of products found according to the selections made. 8. Edit Quantity (Optional) You may edit the quantity to be ordered at this time by highlighting the desired product and clicking Edit Quantity. 9. Select Products to Add Highlight the products you wish to add to the Shopping Cart and click Add. Order Details To view or change order details of a product in the Shopping Cart, complete the following steps: 1. Choose Tracking | Shopping Cart Choose Tracking, then Shopping Cart from the menu or shortcut bar. The Shopping Cart list will appear. 2. Select Product Select the product you wish to view order details. 3. Click Details Click the Details button. The Order Details for the vendor will appear. 4. Enter Information Enter the following information in the appropriate fields: • Purchasing Agent – click the search button and select the user placing the order. • Approved By – click the search button and select the user that approved the order. • Payment Method – enter the payment method for the order. • Shipping Method – click the drop-down arrow to select the Shipping Method for the order. • Considered Late – enter the number of days after the order is placed that it will be considered late. • Save as Default Shipping Method for Vendor – check this box if you wish to save the shipping method selected here as the default for the vendor. 5. Click OK Click the OK button to save the order details for this product and return to the Shopping Cart. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 415 Deleting Items from the Shopping Cart To delete a product from the Shopping Cart, simply highlight the product and click the Delete button. Submit Order The Inventory Manager enables you to print the Purchase Order to be submitted or place the order on the Internet for Henry Schein orders. Complete the following steps: 1. Choose Tracking | Shopping Cart Choose Tracking then Shopping Cart from the menu or shortcut bar. The Shopping Cart list will appear. 2. Select Product Select the product you wish to order. 3. Click Submit Click the Submit button. The Select Submission Method dialog box will appear. 4. Select Order Method Mark Submit and Post to Vendor Website to submit the order to Henry Schein’s product website. Mark Submit and Print Purchase Order to print a purchase order for the vendor. Click Submit to submit the order. Vendor Website If you choose to Submit and Post to Vendor Website, you will be directed to the Henry Schein website with your current order displayed. From here, you may edit your order, continue shopping, or check out. Products On Order The Products On Order window enables you to view current orders that have not yet been received, enter vendor reference numbers, receive orders, and indicate if an order has been canceled. To view the Products On Order list, choose Tracking, then On Order from the menu or shortcut bar. Note: Managing orders in the Inventory Manager will only update the Inventory Manager database. Placing and canceling orders will still need to be done through the vendor. An exception to this is when placing or canceling orders with Henry Schein over the Internet through the Inventory Manager. View Options You can view the On Order screen as an expandable and collapsible tree or as a list. Click the Display Tree or Display List button at the top of the window. Entering a Vendor Reference Number 1. Choose Tracking | On Order Choose Tracking then On Order from the menu or shortcut bar. The Products On Order list will appear. Easy Dental User Guide 416 Other Features 2. Select Order Highlight the order for which you wish to enter a vendor reference number. 3. Click Vendor Reference Number Click the Vendor Reference Number button to display the selected order number dialog box. 4. Enter Vendor Reference Number Enter the vendor reference number. This number is a unique number assigned by the vendor to associate the order with the vendor. This will often be the invoice number. 5. Vendor Shopping Cart (Optional) Click Vendor Shopping Cart to go to the Shopping Cart on Henry Schein’s website. This will display any pending orders that you can complete at this time. Receiving Orders 1. Choose Tracking | On Order Choose Tracking then On Order from the menu or shortcut bar. The Products On Order list will appear. 2. Select Order Highlight the order that was received from the Products On Order list. 3. Click Receive Order Click the Receive Order button. The Receive Order dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 417 4. Enter Receive Information Enter the Vendor Reference Number (if not already entered), the date the order was received, and by whom the order was received. 5. Enter Quantity Received Highlight the product(s) and enter the quantity that was received with the shipment. Products that receive less than what was ordered will remain “On Order.” 6. Click Apply When you are finished entering the quantities received, click the Apply button to update the items in the Inventory Manager. Canceling Orders 1. Choose Tracking | On Order Choose Tracking then On Order from the menu or shortcut bar. The Products On Order list will appear. 2. Select Order Highlight the order you wish to cancel from the Products On Order list. 3. Click Cancel Order Click the Cancel Order button. The Cancel Order dialog box will appear. 4. Select Cancel Option Mark whether you wish to cancel the order on the selected product only or if you wish to cancel the entire order of the selected product. Check “Move canceled products to Shopping List” if desired. 5. Click OK Click OK to cancel the order. Click Cancel to return to the On Order list without canceling. Easy Dental User Guide 418 Other Features Synchronize Order At times, it may be necessary to synchronize an order that was placed on Henry Schein’s website. For example, if you were to cancel a Henry Schein order in Inventory Manager, when you click the Synchronize Order button, the order will be canceled on the website as well. You will be required to enter the Vendor Reference # when using this option. Printing the On Order List To print the list of products that are on order in the Inventory Manager, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear in the window. Click Print to print the report. Order History To view the order history of products, choose Tracking then Order History from the menu or shortcut bar. The Order History list will appear displaying all orders. You may also reorder from this list. View Options You can view the Order History screen as an expandable and collapsible tree or as a list. Click the Display Tree or Display List button at the top of the window. Reordering 1. Choose Tracking | Order History Choose Tracking, then Order History from the menu or shortcut bar. The Order History list will appear displaying recently ordered products. 2. Select Order(s) Highlight the order(s) desired from the Order History list. 3. Click Reorder Click the Reorder button. The Reorder Products – Add to Shopping Cart dialog box will appear. If multiple orders were selected, all products attached to that history order will be listed. 4. Select Product(s) Highlight the product(s) you wish to reorder. 5. Change Quantity (Optional) To change the quantity you wish to order, click the Edit Quantity button and enter the desired amount. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 419 6. Click Add Click the Add button to add the product(s) to the Shopping Cart. Printing Order History To print the list of orders that are in history in the Inventory Manager, click the Generate Report button. A preview of the report will appear in the window. Click Print to print the report. Alerts The Alerts window enables you to see which inventory items are low and which orders are late. Complete the following steps to open the Alerts window and choose which items should be flagged. 1. Choose Tracking | Alerts Choose Tracking, then Alerts from the menu or shortcut bar. The Alerts window will appear. 2. Click Configure Alerts Click the Configure Alerts button. The Inventory Alerts dialog box will appear. 3. Select Display Alerts Options Check Low Inventory to display products with a quantity below the minimum. Check “Order not received on time” to display orders that are late. When this option is checked, you may specify the time of day that orders should be considered late. 4. Click OK Click the OK button to save your settings. Web Services You must have access to the Internet in order to use the Inventory Manager’s Web Services. Web Services connects you to Henry Schein’s product website for fast and easy online ordering. You can view Henry Schein’s product catalogs, download the most commonly ordered dental supplies to add to your product list, update items in your Shopping List, and download recent order history. All of these options are available from the Web Services menu option in the Inventory Manager main window. Update Catalog List The Update Catalog List option must be performed before you can update the product list. The Update Catalog List only needs to be performed once. 1. Choose Web Services | Update Catalog List From the Inventory Manager menu, choose Web Services then Update Catalog List. Easy Dental User Guide 420 Other Features 2. Click Close When the process is finished, the dialog box will display ‘Update Completed.’ Click Close to close the dialog box. You may now update the Product List if desired. Update Order History The Update Order History option downloads your most recent orders with Henry Schein, Inc. 1. Choose Web Services | Update Order History From the Inventory Manager menu, choose Web Services then Update Order History. 2. Enter Date Range Enter or select a Start and End date for the range. Only orders within this range will be downloaded. 3. Click OK Click OK to begin the download process. 4. Click Close When the process is finished, the dialog box will display ‘Update Completed.’ Click Close to close the dialog. Update Shopping List The Update Shopping List adds items that you most frequently order to the Shopping Cart in the Inventory Manager. 1. Choose Web Services | Update Shopping List From the Inventory Manager menu, choose Web Services then Update Shopping List. 2. Click Close When the process is finished, the dialog box will display ‘Update Completed.’ Click Close to close the dialog box. Update Product List The Update Product List adds Henry Schein’s top 300 products that are sold to your Product List in the Inventory Manager. 1. Choose Web Services | Update Product List From the Inventory Manager menu, choose Web Services, then Update Product List. 2. Click Close When the process is finished, the dialog box will display ‘Update Completed.’ Click Close to close the dialog box. Additional Options In the Inventory Manager Options window, you can set certain defaults for the Inventory Manager. Choose File then Options to access these settings. The following screen will appear. Only Administrators have rights to change the settings in this screen. Web Services On the Web Services tab, you can control how many minutes and seconds the Inventory Manager should wait before automatically closing connections to web services. Enter the desired number of minutes and seconds in the appropriate fields. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 421 Orders The Orders tab stores the various URLs used when placing orders through Henry Schein’s website. If you wish to use your own custom tracking number system for tracking orders, you can select Display Custom Order Reference Numbers. The custom reference number is for internal use only. Vendors will not be able to track these “custom” numbers. Options The Options tab contains settings that are controlled by a yes or no setting. When Enforce Order Cap is set to yes, Inventory Manager will prevent anyone from ordering more than the target number entered in the Product setup screen. The Received Order Quantity Initially Zero option, when enabled, defaults all received amounts to zero. When disabled, all received amounts default to the “Order Quantity” amounts. To change a setting, click on the option and change it to yes or no using the down arrow. Click OK to save your changes. Easy Dental User Guide 422 Other Features Administrator The Administrator tab displays the practice and doctor that is currently open in the Inventory Manager. The options and settings that are selected in this window will only affect this database. If there is more than one practice in the database, then the administrator can switch to another practice without having to log out. Quick Notes The Quick Notes window allows for quick note taking concerning the entry of items for an order, and to quickly write a note about depleting an item from the inventory. To access Quick Notes, choose Miscellaneous then Quick Notes from the Shortcut Bar. Quick Notes may also be run independently from the Inventory Manager. Adding a Note 1. Click Add Click the Add button under Order Products to enter a note about ordering a product. Click the Add button under Deplete Items to enter a note about depleting a product from the Inventory. You may also double-click on a blank area in either box to enter a note. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 423 2. Enter Date If you double-click on a blank line, today’s date will be entered automatically. If you clicked the Add button, you may enter the date for the note and press Tab to move to the Description field. 3. Enter Product Description Enter a product description in this field. To search for the product, click the button to open the Product Search window. Select a category (or leave at All), enter the text to search by, then click the Search button. All products matching the search criteria will appear in the list. To select a product for Quick Notes, highlight it from the list and click OK. After the correct product description appears, press Tab to move to the Quantity field. Note: You may click the red X at any time to cancel the entry of a new Quick Note. 4. Enter Quantity Enter the quantity that should be ordered or depleted by typing in the field or clicking the up and down arrows. Press Tab to move to the Provider field. 5. Select Provider Click the down arrow to select a provider for the order. 6. Press Enter Press Enter on the keyboard to save the Quick Note. Adding Products to Shopping Cart You may quickly add products that need to be ordered to the Shopping Cart window by clicking Add to Shopping Cart. This button will take all order entries that have been associated with a valid product (i.e. products that were selected through the Product Search) and add them (along with the quantity needed) to the Shopping Cart. See the Shopping Cart section in this documentation for more information. Easy Dental User Guide 424 Other Features Depleting Products You may quickly deplete items from the inventory (Products On Hand) by clicking Deplete Products. This button will take all entries under Deplete Items that are associated with a valid product (i.e. products that were selected through the Product Search) and deplete that quantity from the Products On Hand window. Editing a Quick Note To edit a quick note, simply double-click on the entry and make the necessary changes. Press Enter to save your changes. Deleting a Quick Note To delete a quick note, higlight the desired entry and click the delete button. Expanding the List Click the Expand Lines button to view the entire note. Printing Quick Notes Click the Print button to print the Order Products and Deplete Products Quick Notes. Minimizing Quick Notes If you wish to leave Quick Notes open for easier access throughout the day, you may click the minimize button in the upper right corner. This will minimize the window to your task bar so that it is out of your way but available for easy access. Simply click the Quick Notes icon on the task bar when you are ready to view the notes. Printing Reports The following reports can be previewed or printed from the Inventory Manager: • Inventory Price List • Manufacturer List • Purchase Order • Vendor List To print or preview a report, complete the following steps: 1. Choose File | Reports | Generate Reports Choose File from the menu bar. Select Reports, then Generate Reports. The Generate Report dialog box will appear. Easy Dental User Guide Other Features 425 2. Select Report Highlight the report you wish to generate and click OK. A preview of the report will appear in the window. 3. Click Generate Click the Generate button to display the report. 4. Print Report (Optional) To print the report, click the Print button at the top of the screen. Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.1 Appendix 1 Management Routines The following outline is intended as a reference list of routines your practice should be performing for basic use of Easy Dental. It is to be used as a guideline as you customize Easy Dental for your practice management philosophy. Refer to the documentation for instructions on how to perform these routines. DAILY ROUTINES Patient Visit • 1. Bring up the patient's information in the Patient module. • 2. Verify the patient’s information, particularly the address and insurance coverage, in the Patients module. • 3. When a new patient comes in, enter his or her information in the Patients module. • 4. Enter the patient’s completed procedures using the Schedule. • 5. Set applicable procedures “Complete” for the patient’s treatment plan using the Schedule or Treatment Plans module. • 6. Schedule follow-up appointments for the patient’s treatment plan in the Schedule module. • 7. Enter any payments for the patient in the Accounts module. • 8. Enter any adjustments for the family account in the Accounts module. • 9. Print the patient’s and/or family’s walkout statement from the Accounts module. • 10. If the patient has insurance, create and send a primary insurance claim to the Batch Processor from the Accounts module. • 11. If the patient has insurance and a treatment plan requiring pre-authorization, create and send a pre-treatment estimate claim to the Batch Processor from the Treatment Plans module. • 12. If the patient is referred to another doctor, enter the information in the Patients module. Appointment Scheduling • 1. Use the Schedule module to view tomorrow’s appointments and call the scheduled patients to verify each appointment. • 2. If there are any broken appointments for the day, “Break” them in the Schedule module. • 3. Use the ASAP list to fill broken appointment slots with ASAP appointments and Open appointments in the Schedule. Easy Dental User Guide A.2 Appendix • 4. Use the Recall Module to schedule recall appointments. • 5. Use the Unscheduled List to re-schedule broken appointments and to schedule Wait/Will Call appointments in the Schedule. Insurance/Mail Processing • 1. When an explanation of benefits is received for an insurance claim, enter the insurance payment (even a 0.00 payment if there is a legitimate reason, to flag a claim as “Received” in the Accounts module). • 2. Update the insurance payment table when entering an insurance payment that is itemized, if the actual payment is different than the estimate, in the Accounts module. (Only update the Payment Table if this is the exact amount that the insurance will pay every time. Remember that the Payment Table overrides the Coverage Table.) • 3. Enter any deductible amount applied for a claim while entering the payment. • 4. If an explanation of benefits gives reason to re-send a claim, update the claim status in the Insurance Claim Information window and send the insurance claim to the Batch Processor. Do NOT enter any payment for the claim. • 5. If a payment is received on a primary claim for a patient with secondary insurance, create and send the secondary insurance claim to the Batch Processor. • 6. When an explanation of benefits is received for a pre-treatment estimate claim, enter the pre-authorized amount and flag “Accepted” or “Rejected” for each procedure in the Treatment Plans module. • 7. Update the insurance estimate table when entering a pre-authorized amount, if the amount is different than the estimate, in the Treatment Plans module. • 8. If authorization is received for primary insurance, create and send the secondary pre-estimate to the Batch Processor. • 9. Enter any guarantor payments in the Accounts module. • 10. Print all insurance claims and pre-treatment estimate claims for the day listed in the Batch Processor of the Reports module. End-of-Day Reports • 1. Print the “Day Sheet” from the Reports module. It is recommended that a day sheet by “entry date” is printed daily. If a day sheet by “procedure date” is needed, print it in addition to the day sheet by “entry date.” • 2. Print any other reports that are useful to your practice. Backup Easy Dental Database Daily WEEKLY ROUTINES • 1. Print the “Referred By Patient” and the “Referred By Dr/Other” reports for the past week’s referrals in the Reports module to process referral gratuities. • 2. Print Referral letters for referrals in the Patients module. • 3. Print a “New Patient List” of the past week’s new patients in the Reports module and/or produce “Welcome to the Practice” letters. MONTHLY ROUTINES Billing (Can be done any time during the month but should be done consistently) Backup Easy Dental Database before doing the following! • 1. Apply finance charges and/or late charges from the Accounts window. • 2. Run billing statements from the Reports window. Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.3 Process Accounts Receivable (Should be done the first of each month) • 1. Close Easy Dental on all workstations except the workstation you are working on. Backup Easy Dental Database before doing the following! • 2. Close out the previous month using Month-End in the Accounts window. • 3. Print the “Aging Report” by provider and/or all providers in the Reports window to follow-up on delinquent accounts. • 4. Merge and print the Collection letters. Practice Management (Print only the reports your practice is concerned with.) • 1. Print the “Practice Analysis” reports in the Reports module. • 2. Print the Audit report in the Reports module. • 3. Purge Employers and Insurance Companies as needed in the Reports module. • 4. Print the “Referred To Doctor” report for patients referred to another doctor six months ago in the Reports module to follow up on the patients. • 5. Print the “Insurance Claim Aging” report in the Reports module to follow-up on the outstanding insurance claims. • 6. Print the “Pre-Treatment Estimate Aging” report in the Reports module to follow-up on the old pre-treatment estimates. • 7. Print the “Birthday List” in the Reports module and/or merge letters to send birthday greetings to patients. ANNUAL ROUTINE • 1. Print the “Inactive Patient List” in the Reports module and/or the “Inactive recall" letters. Easy Dental User Guide A.4 Appendix Appendix 2 Procedure Code List Diagnostic D0120 D0140 D0150 D0160 D0170 D0180 D0210 D0220 D0230 D0240 D0250 D0260 D0270 D0272 D0274 D0277 D0290 D0310 D0320 D0321 D0322 D0330 D0340 D0350 D0415 D0425 D0460 D0470 D0472 D0473 D0474 D0480 D0502 D0999 Periodic oral evaluation Limited oral evaluation Comp oral eval-new/estab pat Detail/extensive oral eval, B/R Limited re-evaluation estab. patient Comprehensive perio evaluation Intraoral-complete series (bw) Intraoral-periapical-1st film Intraoral-periapical-each add’l Intraoral-occlusal film Extraoral-first film Extraoral-each additional film Bitewing-single film Bitewings-two films Bitewings-four films Vertical bitewings - 7 to 8 films Skull &facial bone survey film Saliography TMJ arthrogram, incl injection Other TMJ films, by report Tomographic survey Panoramic film Cephalometric film Oral/facial images - intra/extra Bacteriologic studies Caries susceptibility tests Pulp vitality tests Diagnostic casts Accession of tiss, gr exam/rpt Acc of tissue, gr mic exam/rpt Acc of tiss-gr mic ex surg mar Proc & intrp of cytologic smear Other oral path procedure, B/R Unspecified diag procedure, B/R Preventive D1110 D1120 D1201 D1203 D1204 D1205 D1310 D1320 D1330 D1351 D1510 D1515 D1520 D1525 D1550 Prophylaxis-adult Prophylaxis-child Prophylaxis with fluoride-child Fluoride w/o prophylaxis-child Fluoride w/o prophylaxis-adult Prophylaxis with fluoride-adult Nutritional counseling Tobacco counseling Oral hygiene instruction Sealant-per tooth Space maint-fixed-unilateral Space maint-fixed-bilateral Space maint-remov-unilateral Space maint-remov-bilateral Recementation of space maint Restorative D2140 D2150 D2160 D2161 D2330 D2331 D2332 D2335 D2390 D2391 Amalgam-1 surf., prim/perm Amalgam-2 surf., prim/perm Amalgam-3 surf., prim/perm Amalgam-4+ surf., prim/perm Resin-one surface, anterior Resin-two surfaces, anterior Resin-three surfaces, anterior Resin-4+ w/incis angle-anterior Resin composite crown, anterior Resin composite - 1s, posterior Easy Dental User Guide D2392 D2393 D2394 D2410 D2420 D2430 D2510 D2520 D2530 D2542 D2543 D2544 D2610 D2620 D2630 D2642 D2643 D2644 D2650 D2651 D2652 D2662 D2663 D2664 D2710 D2720 D2721 D2722 D2740 D2750 D2751 D2752 D2780 D2781 D2782 D2783 D2790 D2791 D2792 D2799 D2910 D2920 D2930 D2931 D2932 D2933 D2940 D2950 D2951 D2952 D2953 D2954 D2955 D2957 D2960 D2961 D2962 D2970 D2980 D2999 Resin composite - 2s, posterior Resin composite - 3s, posterior Resin composite - 4+s, posterior Gold foil-one surface Gold foil-two surfaces Gold foil-three surfaces Inlay-metallic-one surface Inlay-metallic-two surfaces Inlay-metallic-three + surfaces Onlay-metallic-two surfaces Onlay-metallic-three surfaces Onlay-metallic-four + surfaces Inlay-porcel/ceramic-1 surface Inlay-porcel/ceramic-2 surface Inlay-porcel/ceramic-3+ surface Onlay-porcel/ceram-2 surface Onlay-porcel/ceram-3 surface Onlay-porcel/ceram-4 + surface Inlay-compos/resin-1s(lab proc) Inlay-compos/resin-2s(lab proc) Inlay-compos/resin-3+ surf(lab) Onlay-compos/resin-2 surf (lab) Onlay-compos/resin-3 surf (lab) Onlay-compos/resin-4+surf (lab) Crown-resin (laboratory) Crown-resin w/high noble metal Crown-resin w/ most base metal Crown-resin with noble metal Crown-porcelain/ceramic substr Crown-porc fuse high noble mtl Crown-porc fused to base metal Crown-porc fused noble metal Crown-3/4 cast high noble metal Crown-3/4 cast most base metal Crown-3/4 cast noble metal Crown-3/4 porcelain/ceramic Crown-full cast high noble mtl Crown-full cast base metal Crown-full cast noble metal Provisional crown Recement inlay Recement crown Prefab stain steel crn-primary Prefab stain steel crown-perm Prefabricated resin crown Prefab stl crown w/resin window Sedative filling Crown buildup, includ any pins Pin retention-/tooth, (+ rest) Cast post &core in add to crown Each add'l cast post-same tooth Prefab post&core in add to crn Post removal (not with endo) Each + prefab post-same tooth Labial veneer(laminate)-chairsd Labial veneer (resin lamin)-lab Labial veneer (porceln lam)-lab Temporary crown (fractured th) Crown repair, by report Unspecif restorative proced B/R Endodontics D3110 D3120 D3220 Pulp cap-direct, (+rest) Pulp cap-indirect, (+ rest) Therapeutic pulpotomy(exc rest) D3221 D3230 D3240 D3310 D3320 D3330 D3331 D3332 D3333 D3346 D3347 D3348 D3351 D3352 D3353 D3410 D3421 D3425 D3426 D3430 D3450 D3460 D3470 D3910 D3920 D3950 D3999 Appendix Pulpal debridemnt-prim/perm th Pulpal therapy-anterior,primary Pulpal therapy-posterior, prim Root canal therapy - anterior Root canal therapy - bicuspid Root canal therapy - molar Treatmnt of root canal obstruct Incomplt endo therapy-inopbl th Int root repair of perf defects Retreat, prev RCT - anterior Retreat, prev RCT - bicuspid Retreat, prev RCT - molar Apexification/recalcif, initial Apexification/recalcif, interim Apexification/recalcif, final Apicoectomy/Periradic surg-ant Apicoect/Perirad-bicus/1st root Apicoect/Perirad-molar/1st root Apicoect/Perirad (each + root) Retrograde filling-per root Root amputation-per root Endodontic endosseous implant Intentional replant, inc splint Surg isolation of th w/rub dam Hemisection, no root can ther Canal prep/fit of dowel/post Unspecified endo procedure, B/R Periodontics D4210 D4211 D4240 D4241 D4245 D4249 D4260 D4261 D4263 D4264 D4265 D4266 D4267 D4268 D4270 D4271 D4273 D4274 D4275 D4276 D4320 D4321 D4341 D4342 D4355 D4381 D4910 D4920 D4999 Gingivectomy-4+ per quadrant Gingivectomy- 1-3 th, per quad Ging flap, root pln, 4+ per quad Ging flap, root pln, 1-3 th, quad Apically positioned flap Clinic crown lengthen-hard tiss Osseous surgery- 4+ per quad Osseous surgery- 1-3 th, quad Bone replace graft-1st site/qu Bone replace graft-each add/qu Bio mat, sft&osseous tiss rege Guided tiss regen-resorb-per Guided tiss regen-nonresorb-per Surg revision proc, per tooth Pedicle soft tissue graft proc Free soft tissue graft proced Subepithelial con tis graft prc Distal/proximal wedge procedure Soft tissue allograft Comb cnct tiss&dbl pedicle grft Provisional splinting-intracor Provisional splinting-extracor Perio scale&root pln- 4+ per quad Perio scale&root pln- 1-3, quad Full mouth debridement - perio Local delivery of chemo-th B/R Periodontal maint after therapy Unscheduled dressing change Unspecified perio proced, B/R Prosthodontics, Removable D5110 D5120 D5130 D5140 D5211 D5212 D5213 D5214 D5281 D5410 D5411 D5421 D5422 D5510 D5520 D5610 Complete denture - maxillary Complete denture - mandibular Immediate denture - maxillary Immediate denture - mandibular Maxillary partial - resin base Mandibular partial - resin base Maxil partial-metal base w/sdls Mand partial -metal base w/sdls Removable unilat part denture Adjust complete denture-maxil Adjust complete denture-mand Adjust partial denture-maxil Adjust partial denture-mand Repair complete denture base Replace teeth-comp dent (ea th) Repair resin denture base D5620 D5630 D5640 D5650 D5660 D5670 D5671 D5710 D5711 D5720 D5721 D5730 D5731 D5740 D5741 D5750 D5751 D5760 D5761 D5810 D5811 D5820 D5821 D5850 D5851 D5860 D5861 D5862 D5867 D5875 D5899 A.5 Repair cast framework Repair or replace broken clasp Replace broken teeth-per tooth Add tooth to exist part denture Add clasp, exist part denture Replace all th&acrylic-maxil Replace all th&acrylic-mand Rebase complete maxil denture Rebase complete mand denture Rebase maxil partial denture Rebase mand partial denture Reline complete maxil-chairside Reline complete mand-chairside Reline maxil partial-chairside Reline mand partial-chairside Reline complete maxillary (lab) Reline complete mand (lab) Reline maxillary partial (lab) Reline mandibular partial (lab) Interim comp denture (maxil) Interim comp denture (mand) Interim partial denture (maxil) Interim partial denture (mand) Tissue condition, maxillary Tissue condition, mandibular Overdenture-complete, B/R Overdenture-partial, by report Precision attachment, B/R Replcmt prec attachmt-part/full Mod of remvble prosth-post sur Unspecified remove prosth, B/R Maxillofacial Prosthetics D5911 D5912 D5913 D5914 D5915 D5916 D5919 D5922 D5923 D5924 D5925 D5926 D5927 D5928 D5929 D5931 D5932 D5933 D5934 D5935 D5936 D5937 D5951 D5952 D5953 D5954 D5955 D5958 D5959 D5960 D5982 D5983 D5984 D5985 D5986 D5987 D5988 D5999 Facial moulage (sectional) Facial moulage (complete) Nasal prosthesis Auricular prosthesis Orbital prosthesis Ocular prosthesis Facial prosthesis Nasal septal prosthesis Ocular prosthesis, interim Cranial prosthesis Facial augmentat implant,prosth Nasal prosthesis, replacement Auricular prosthesis,replacemen Orbital prosthesis, replacement Facial prosthesis, replacement Obturator prosthesis, surgical Obturator prosthesis,definitive Obturator prosthesis, modificat Mandibular resection w/ flange Mandibular resection w/o flange Obturator prosthesis, interim Trismus appliance (not TMD) Feeding aid Speech aid prosthesis,pediatric Speech aid prosthesis, adult Palatal augmentation prosthesis Palatal lift prosth, definitive Palatal lift prosthesis,interim Palatal lift prosth, modificat Speech aid prosth, modification Surgical stent Radiation carrier Radiation shield Radiation cone locator Fluoride gel carrier Commissure splint Surgical splint Unspec maxillofacial prosth B/R Implant Services D6010 D6020 D6040 Surg place implant: endosteal Abut place/subst:endost implant Surgic place: eposteal implant Easy Dental User Guide A.6 Appendix D6050 D6053 D6054 D6055 D6056 D6057 D6058 D6059 D6060 D6061 D6062 D6063 D6064 D6065 D6066 D6067 D6068 D6069 D6070 D6071 D6072 D6073 D6074 D6075 D6076 D6077 D6078 D6079 D6080 D6090 D6095 D6100 D6199 Surg place: transosteal implant Imp/abut remov, comp edent arch Imp/abut remov, part edent arch Dent implant sup connecting bar Prefabricated abutment Custom abutment Abutment supported porc/cer Abtmt supp porc fused to hi-no Abtmt supp porc fused base m Abtmt supp porc fused-mtl crown Abtmt supp cast mtl crown-hin Abtmt supp cast mtl crown-bas Abtmt supp cast mtl crown-nob Implant supp porc/cer crown Implant supp porc fused mtl cn Implant supported metal crown Abtmt supp ret for porc/cer FP Abut sup ret-porc fsd mtl FPDhn Abut sup ret-porc fsd mtl FPDbm Abut sup ret-porc fsd mtl FPDno Abut sup ret-cast mtl FPD-hinob Abut sup ret-cast mtl FPD-base Abut sup ret-cast mtl FPD-noble Implant supp ret-ceramic FPD Implnt supp ret-prc fuse mtlFPD Implant supp ret-cast metal FPD Implnt/abut supp fxd comp edent Implnt/abut supp fxd part edent Implant maintenance procedures Repair implant sup prosth, B/R Repair implant abutment, B/R Implant removal, by report Unspecified implant proced, B/R Prosthodontics, Fixed D6210 D6211 D6212 D6240 D6241 D6242 D6245 D6250 D6251 D6252 D6253 D6545 D6548 D6600 D6601 D6602 D6603 D6604 D6605 D6606 D6607 D6608 D6609 D6610 D6611 D6612 D6613 D6614 D6615 D6720 D6721 D6722 D6740 D6750 D6751 D6752 D6780 D6781 D6782 D6783 D6790 D6791 Pontic-cast high noble metal Pontic-cast predominantly base Pontic-cast noble metal Pontic-porcelain fused to hnob Pontic-porcelain fused to base Pontic-porcelain fused to nobl Pontic-porcelain/ceramic Pontic-resin w/ high noble met Pontic-resin w/ predomnt base Pontic-resin with noble metal Provisional pontic Retainer-cast for resin bonded Ret-porc/cer-resin bnd fxd pros Inlay-porcelain/ceramic, 2 surf Inlay-porcelain/ceramic, 3+ surf Inlay-cast high noble met, 2 surf Inlay-cast high nob met, 3+ surf Inlay-cast predomnt base, 2 surf Inlay-cast predomnt base, 3+surf Inlay-cast noble metal, 2 surf Inlay-cast noble metal, 3+ surf Onlay-porcelain/ceramic, 2 surf Onlay-porcelain/ceramic, 3+ surf Onlay-cast high noble met, 2 surf Onlay-cast high noble met, 3+surf Onlay-cast predomnt base, 2 surf Onlay-cast predomnt base, 3+ surf Onlay-cast noble metal, 2 surf Onlay-cast noble metal, 3+ surf Retainer crn-res w/ hi nob met Retainer crn-resin w/ base met Retainer crn-resin w/ nob met Crown-porcelain/ceramic Retainer crn-porc fused-hi nob Retainer crn-porc fuse-base met Retainer crn-porc fused-nob met Retainer crn-3/4 cast h nob met Crown-3/4 cast most base metal Crown-3/4 cast noble metal Crown-3/4 porcelain/ceramic Retainer crn-full cast hi nob Retainer crn-full cast base met Easy Dental User Guide D6792 D6793 D6920 D6930 D6940 D6950 D6970 D6971 D6972 D6973 D6975 D6976 D6977 D6980 D6985 D6999 Retainer crn-full cast nob met Provisional retainer crown Connector bar Recement fixed partial denture Stress breaker Precision attachment Cast post/core, + brdg retainer Cast post/part of brdg retainer Prefab post/core+ brdg retainer Core buildup for retain,inc pin Coping-metal Each add'l cast post-same tooth Each + prefab post-same tooth Fixed partial dent. repair, B/R Pediatric part'l denture, fixed Unspec fixed prosth proced, B/R Oral Surgery D7111 D7140 D7210 D7220 D7230 D7240 D7241 D7250 D7260 D7261 D7270 D7272 D7280 D7281 D7282 D7285 D7286 D7287 D7290 D7291 D7310 D7320 D7340 D7350 D7410 D7411 D7412 D7413 D7414 D7415 D7440 D7441 D7450 D7451 D7460 D7461 D7465 D7471 D7472 D7473 D7485 D7490 D7510 D7520 D7530 D7540 D7550 D7560 D7610 D7620 D7630 D7640 D7650 D7660 D7670 D7671 D7680 D7710 D7720 Coronal remnants-deciduous th Extract, erupted th/exposed rt Extraction-surgical/erupt tooth Extraction-impacted/soft tis Extraction-impacted/part bony Extraction-impacted/compl bony Remov impact-comp bony w/ comp Surgic removl resid tooth root Oral antral fistula closure Prim closure sinus perforation Reimplantation/stabilization Tooth transplantation Surgical access unerupted tooth Expos impact/unerupt-aid erupt Mobiliz erupt/malpos th-erupt Biopsy of oral tissue-hard Biopsy of oral tissue-soft Cytology sample collection Surgical reposition of teeth Transseptal fiberotomy, B/R Alveoloplasty w/ extract- /quad Alveoloplasty w/o extract /quad Vestibuloplasty-ridge ext -2nd Vestiplasty-ridge ext (inc) Excision benign lesion <= 1.25cm Excision benign lesion >1.25cm Excision benign lesion, complic Excision malig lesion <= 1.25cm Excision malig lesion > 1.25cm Excision malig lesion, complic Ex malig tumor-diam <= 1.25 cm Ex malig tumor-diam > 1.25 cm Rem odont cyst-diam <= 1.25 cm Rem odont cyst-diam > 1.25 cm Rem nonodont cyst-diam<=1.25cm Rem nonodont cyst-diam >1.25cm Destruct lesion-phys/chem B/R Rem lat exostosis-maxil/mand Removal of torus palatinus Removal of torus mandibularis Surg reduc, osseous tuberosity Rad resec-mandible w/bonegraft Incis&drain abscess-intra soft Incis&drain abscess-extra soft Rem foreign body, sub-q tissue Remove foreign body from bone Partial ostect/sequestrectomy Maxill sinusotomy-rem foreign Maxilla-open red (teeth immob) Maxilla-closed red(teeth immob) Mandible-open red (teeth immob) Mandible-closed red (th immob) Malar/zygomat arch-open reduc Malar/zygo arch-closed reduc Alveolus-closed reduction Alveolus-open reduction Facial bone-complicated reduct Maxilla-open reduction Maxilla-closed reduction D7730 D7740 D7750 D7760 D7770 D7771 D7780 D7810 D7820 D7830 D7840 D7850 D7852 D7854 D7856 D7858 D7860 D7865 D7870 D7871 D7872 D7873 D7874 D7875 D7876 D7877 D7880 D7899 D7910 D7911 D7912 D7920 D7940 D7941 D7943 D7944 D7945 D7946 D7947 D7948 D7949 D7950 D7955 D7960 D7970 D7971 D7972 D7980 D7981 D7982 D7983 D7990 D7991 D7995 D7996 D7997 D7999 Appendix Mandible-open reduction Mandible-closed reduction Malar/zygomatic arch-open red Malar/zygomatic arch-close red Alveolus-stabilize teeth, open Alveolus-stabilize teeth, closed Facial bones-complicated reduc Open reduction of dislocation Closed reduction of dislocate Manipulation under anesthesia Condylectomy Surgical discect:w/ w/o implant Disc repair Synovectomy Myotomy Joint reconstruction Arthrotomy Arthroplasty Arthrocentesis Non-arthroscopic lysis & lavage Arthroscopy-diag, w/ w/o biopsy Arthroscopy-surgical: adhesions Arthroscopy-surgical: disc rep Arthroscopy-surgic: synovectomy Arthroscopy-surgical:discectomy Arthroscopy-surgic: debridement Occlusal orthotic device Unspecified TMD therapy, B/R Suture of small wounds to 5cm Complicated suture-up to 5 cm Complicated suture-over 5 cm Skin grafts, by report Osteoplasty-orthognathic defor Osteotomy-mandibular rami Osteotomy-mand rami w/ graft Osteotomy-segment/subap-s/quad Osteotomy-body of mandible LeFort I (maxilla-total) LeFort I (maxilla-segmented) LeFort II/III-no bone graft LeFort II/III-with bone graft Osseous/cartilage graft-mandB/R Rep maxillofacial sft/hrd tis Frenulectomy-separate procedur Excision, hyperplast tiss-arch Excision-pericoronal ging /arch Surg reduc, fibrous tuberosity Sialolithotomy Excision of salivary gland, B/R Sialodochoplasty Closure of salivary fistula Emergency tracheotomy Coronoidectomy Synthetic graft-mand/facial,B/R Implant-mandib/augmentation,B/R Appliance removal-incl archbar Unspecified oral surg proc, B/R A.7 Adjunctive General Services D9110 D9210 D9211 D9212 D9215 D9220 D9221 D9230 D9241 D9242 D9248 D9310 D9410 D9420 D9430 D9440 D9450 D9610 D9630 D9910 D9911 D9920 D9930 D9940 D9941 D9950 D9951 D9952 D9970 D9971 D9972 D9973 D9974 D9999 Other 20999 64550 90620 95831 95868 97700 209999 Emerg treatment, palliative Local anesthesia not op/surg Regional block anesthesia Trigeminal division blk anesth Local anesthesia Deep sedat/gen anesth-1st 30m Deep sedat/gen anesth-ea + 15 min Analgesia Intravn cons sed/analg-1st 30m Intravn cons sed/analg-ea+15m Non IV conscious sedation Consultation-per session Professional house call Professional hospital call Office visit for observation Office visit-after regular hrs Case present, detailed/extens tx Therapeutic drug injection, B/R Other drugs/medicaments, B/R Application of desensitize med Apply desensitiz' resin, per th Behavior management, by report Treat complications-postsurgic Occlusal guards, by report Fabricate athletic mouthguards Occlusal analysis-mounted case Occlusal adjustment-limited Occlusal adjustment-complete Enamel microabrasion Odontoplasty 1-2 teeth-rmv enam External bleaching-per arch External bleaching-per tooth Internal bleaching-per tooth Unspecified adjunct. proced, B/R Orthopedic splint (orthotic) Transcuton. electric stimulant Exam and consultation Muscle Testing Electromyography Adjust orthotic/splint Mandibular kinesiograph record Orthodontics D8010 D8020 D8030 D8040 D8050 D8060 D8070 D8080 D8090 D8210 D8220 D8660 D8670 D8680 D8690 D8691 D8692 D8999 Limited ortho trt, primary dent Limited ortho trt, transitional Limited ortho treat, adolescent Limited ortho treat, adult dent Intercep orth trt, primary dent Intercep orth trt, transitional Comprehensive orth,transitional Comprehensive ortho, adolescent Comprehensive ortho, adult dent Removable appliance therapy Fixed appliance therapy Pre-orthodontic treatment visit Periodic ortho visit (contract) Orthodontic retention Ortho treatment (bill/contract) Repair of orthodontic appliance Retainer replacemnt-lost/broken Unspec ortho procedure, B/R Easy Dental User Guide A.8 Appendix Appendix 3 Laser Billing Statement Print Options Easy Dental will print sixteen different laser-generated billing statements. The type of statement printed depends on what information you wish to print and how you want it formatted. The options that determine what type of statement will be printed are: • Print Insurance Estimate • Print Agreed Payment (or print “Please Pay This Amount”) • Print Account Aging (as opposed to account history method: Prior Balance less credits plus charges equals new balance). • Allow Credit Card Payment Following are examples using combinations of the options listed above: Example 1: Print Agreed Payment, Print Insurance Estimate, Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = INSURANCE ESTIMATE - PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 2: Print Agreed Payment, Print Insurance Estimate, Print Account Aging, Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. CURRENT BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS TOTAL BALANCE INSURANCE EST. PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 3 : Print Agreed Payment, Print Account Aging, Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. CURRENT BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS TOTAL BALANCE PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 4: Print Agreed Payment, Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.9 Example 5 : Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = Example 6: Print Agreed Payment, Print Insurance Estimate. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = INSURANCE ESTIMATE - PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 7 : Print Agreed Payment, Print Insurance Estimate, Print Account Aging. CURRENT BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS TOTAL BALANCE INSURANCE EST. PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 8 : Print Agreed Payment, Print Account Aging. CURRENT BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS TOTAL BALANCE PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 9: Print Agreed Payment. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT Example 10: Select no options. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = Example 11: Print Insurance Estimate, Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + NEW BALANCE = INSURANCE ESTIMATE - Example 12: Print Insurance Estimate. PRIOR BALANCE CURRENT CREDITS CURRENT CHARGES - + = NEW BALANCE INSURANCE ESTIMATE - Easy Dental User Guide A.10 Appendix Example 13: Print Account Aging, Allow Credit Card Payment. Space for the patient to write in their credit card number, expiration date and signature is provided at the top of the statement. CURRENT BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS TOTAL BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OVER 60 DAYS OVER 90 DAYS TOTAL BALANCE Example 14: Print Account Aging. CURRENT BALANCE Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.11 Appendix 4 Easy Dental Letters ednewpat.doc Sample New Patient Questionnaire, 2 pages ezdenvl.doc Envelope #10, 4 1/8 x 9 ½ ezdlabl.doc Label Format/Avery 5160 Laser ezdlbl2.doc Label Format/Avery 5351 Laser ezdlm01.doc Welcome to Practice - before 1st visit ezdlm02.doc Welcome to Practice - after 1st visit ezdlm03.doc Recall - Inactive Account ezdlm04.doc Recall - Adult ezdlm05.doc Recall - Child - written to Head of House ezdlm06.doc Collection - 1st Notice - (31-60 days) ezdlm07.doc Collection - 2nd Notice - (61-90 days) ezdlm08.doc Collection - 3rd Notice - (91-120 days) ezdlm09.doc Collection - Final Notice - (over 120 days) ezdlm10.doc New Birth - special occasion letter ezdlm11.doc Marriage - special occasion letter ezdlm12.doc Graduation - special occasion letter ezdlm13.doc Birthday - Adult birthday letter ezdlm14.doc Birthday - Child birthday letter ezdlm15.doc Thank You - Professional Referral ezdlm16.doc Thank You - Patient Referral ezdlm17.doc Thank You - Patient ezdlm18.doc Inactive Patient ezdlm19.doc Patient Anniversary in Practice ezdlm20.doc Patient Information Verification ezdlm21.doc TP Recall ezdlm22.doc Report Format Sample - over 90 ezdlm23.doc Recall Cards - single side, dot matrix ezdlm24.doc Appointment Cards - single side, dot matrix ezdlm25.doc Appointment Cards - 2-wide, laser ezdlm26.doc Recall Cards - 2-wide, laser ezdlm27.doc Appointment Cards - 2-wide, dot matrix ezdlm28.doc Recall Cards 2-wide, dot-matrix ezdlm29.doc Recall Cards (with appt) 2-wide, laser ezdlm30.doc RX - Fill ezdlm31.doc RX - Darvocet ezdlm32.doc RX - Pen VK 500 mg ezdlm33.doc RX - Erythromycin 500 mg Easy Dental User Guide A.12 Appendix ezdlm34.doc Blank letter template/form ezdlm35.doc Referred to a Dr/Specialist ezdlm36.doc RX - Lortab 7.5 mg ezdlm40.doc Recall Cards - Laser 3 per page ezdlm41.doc Appointment Cards - Laser 3 per page ezdlm42.doc Recall Cards (with appointment) - Laser 3 per page ezdlm43.doc Recall Reminder Cards - Laser 2 per page ezdlm44.doc Recall Appointment Reminder Cards - Laser 2 per page ezdlm45.doc Appointment Reminder Cards- Laser 3 per page ezdlm46.doc Recall Reminder Cards- Laser 3 per page ezdlm47.doc Recall Appointment Reminder Cards - Laser 3 per page ezdlm48.doc Birthday Cards - Laser 4 per page ezdlm99.doc Data Elements, All ezdpatv.doc New Patient Questionnaire/Consent, 2 pages WebCsnt.doc EasyWeb Consent Form ezdsprbl.doc Easy Dental Super Bill Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.13 Appendix 5 Easy Dental Letter Samples January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, We are delighted to welcome you to our practice and are pleased that you chose us to serve your dental needs. We are serious about providing superior dental care at reasonable prices, and proud of our dedication to our patients. Our goal is to help you feel and look your very best through excellent dental care. Your appointment will take approximately 1 hour. To facilitate being seen just as soon as possible at the time of your appointment, we would appreciate it if you would complete the enclosed Patient Information Form before your arrival. Please remember to bring it with you at the time of your appointment or mail the completed from back to us as soon as possible. We have enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your convenience. If you are unable to make the appointment you have scheduled with us, please notify us as least 24 hours in advance. We would be glad to reschedule the appointment at a more convenient time, if necessary. In the meantime, we look forward to meeting you and serving your needs. Thanks again for choosing our dental practice. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS P.S. Remember to bring any Insurance (Medical or Dental) cards that might apply to you or your family when you come. We can then include this information with your records. Welcome - Before 1st visit (EZDLM01) Easy Dental User Guide A.14 Appendix January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, We are delighted to welcome you to our practice and are pleased that you chose us to serve your dental needs. It was a pleasure meeting with you recently. We are serious about providing superior dental care at reasonable prices, and proud of our dedication to our patients. Our goal is to help you feel and look your best through excellent dental care. We look forward to seeing you on a regular basis. If you are ever unable to make an appointment you have scheduled with us, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance. We would be glad to reschedule the appointment at a more convenient time if necessary. In the meantime, we look forward to meeting you and serving your needs. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Welcome - After 1st Visit (EZDLM02) January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, I am sure you will agree that there is nothing worse than a sneak thief, because he does the sneakiest, nastiest, rottenness thing right under your nose -- and gets away with it. But do you know what? Periodontal (gum) disease is the worst "sneak thief" of them all! You cannot see it starting. And you cannot feel it starting. But once it's started, it will rob you of your teeth as well as your funds! According to the American Dental Association of Public Health Dentists, periodontal disease in the #1 cause of tooth loss and affects more than 75% of the population, for those 18 and older. Do not let it sneak up on you! Make it a habit to visit us regularly. In fact, why not pick up the phone right now and schedule an appointment. Our records show it is time for your next examination. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Recall -Adult (EZDLM04) Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.15 January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, Yes, it is true that children get fewer cavities than they used to. Thanks to sugar-conscious moms and dads . . . and to kids who are brushing better and more often . . . and to scientific advances like fluoridated water, fluoride toothpastes, fluoride rinses, and fluoride treatments. And it is feasible that someday scientists will perfect a vaccine which eliminates cavities altogether! But, until that time, the most important scientific advancement for the preservation of your child's smile is your dentist! Our records show that it is time to have Johnny come in for another examination. Why not pick up the phone right now and schedule an appointment. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Recall - Child (EZDLM05) January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, Your account has a balance of $987. Your payment is now overdue. We are assuming that this is the result of an oversight. However, if your payment is being held up because of a problem, please call so that we can work out a special arrangement together. If there is not a problem, we would appreciate it if you could put the payment in the mail today. If, by chance, your payment has crossed this letter in the mail, please disregard this reminder. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Collection - 1st Notice < 60 (EZDLM06) Easy Dental User Guide A.16 Appendix January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, As you know your account is more than 90 days past due. At this time your account balance is $987 and is due. Our records show that we have not received any payments from you since the services were performed. For one reason or another, you have been unwilling to proceed with payment. Therefore, we have not other choice but to begin a more aggressive action. Please pay your balance now so that we can avoid any further action -- which will be unpleasant for both of us. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Collection - 3rd Notice > 90 (EZDLM08) January 1, 2005 Mr. and Mrs. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Doe, We were delighted to hear about the birth of your child. Congratulations! Our job is to be concerned about the dental health of your whole family -- which now includes your brand new baby. That is why we would like to take this opportunity to alert you about "nursing bottle syndrome", a condition which is caused when babies and toddlers are allowed to go to sleep sucking a bottle of milk or juice. As the child sleeps, some of the liquid remains in the mouth which can cause tooth decay. Dental hygiene should begin even before your baby's first teeth start to come up. We suggest that you clean the child's mouth with gauze pads. That way, you can be assured that when the teeth do come in, they'll be in a plaque-free environment. You should continue to clean the newly erupted teeth with gauze pads until the child is eating solid food -- at which time a soft bristled toothbrush should be used. If you drop by our office we will provide you with one. And finally, we suggest that you schedule your child's first dental examination at age two-and-a-half. As soon as we get additional information on your child we will update your records and provide you with a reminder at that time. We hope that this information is helpful to you. If you have any questions, please call us at any time. And once again, congratulations! Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Birth in Family (EZDLM10) Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.17 January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, Congratulations on your marriage! This occasion marks the beginning of a new choice experience in which you will be sharing everything the future holds in store, together -- including dental health! Please accept our best wishes on this joyous occasion! And we look forward to seeing you again. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Marriage (EZDLM11) January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, Congratulations on your graduation! We are pleased to hear of your achievement! You undoubtedly are faced with making many plans for the future, we hope these plans include regularly scheduled dental health care. My staff and I have enjoyed having you for our patient, and we look forward to a continued relationship in serving your dental needs. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Graduation (EZDLM12) Easy Dental User Guide A.18 Appendix January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, I just wanted to drop you a short note to wish you a Happy Birthday! And also wish you the greatest success in the coming year. My staff and I have enjoyed having you for our patient, and we look forward to a long and choice relationship as we strive to serve your dental needs. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Birthday -Adult (EZDLM13) January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, I just wanted to drop you a short note to wish you a Happy Birthday! And hope you have a very fun day and a great year. My staff and I have enjoyed having you for our patient, and we look forward to seeing you in the near future to serve any of your dental needs. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Birthday -Child (EZDLM14) Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.19 January 1, 2005 Dr. William Snyder 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear Dr. Snyder, We wanted to express our appreciation for your referral of Sandy N. Anderson. We are proceeding with a treatment plan and will make contact if necessary. We are grateful for your confidence in our practice and will strive to serve any referrals you may provide with the highest level of service. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Non-Patient Referral (EZDLM15) January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, We wanted to express our appreciation for your referral of Theresa Johnson to our dental practice. It is individuals like you that make our practice such a pleasure. We are grateful for your confidence in us and will strive to serve anyone that you may refer with the highest level of service possible. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Patient Referral (Guar. Only) & Patient Referral (EZDLM16) Easy Dental User Guide A.20 Appendix January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, Time has a way of slipping by! Did you know that it has been quite some time since you last visited our office? We have not seen you since September 14, 2003. We were wondering how you were, and if you wished us to maintain your records in our active file. Is the reason you have not been back because you have not noticed anything wrong? We hope not! By the time you feel any discomfort, more often than not, irreversible damage has already occurred. Is it because you have moved out of the area or found another dentist? If so, please call or drop a note to let us know. We would really like to keep you as our patient, but if we do not hear from you in the next two weeks, we will assume that you wish us to de-activate your file. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Inactive - All & Inactive - Status (EZDLM18) January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, Even though time seems to always fly by, I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you at this very special time. Did you know that this is the anniversary time of when you first visited our office? Your first visit was on January 1, 1995. It is a pleasure to be able to serve your dental needs in whatever way possible. We are serious about providing superior dental care at reasonable prices, and proud of our dedication to you as our patient. Our goal will always be to help you feel and look your very best through excellent dental care. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Anniversary in Practice (EZDLM19) Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.21 January 1, 2005 Mr. John Doe 100 Deere St. Yourtown, US 12345 Dear John, We are in the process of updating your file and would like to verify the information we currently have. Home Phone 123-4567 Work Phone 987-6543 Employer Business Enterprises, Inc. 123 Maple Dr. Yourtown, US 12345 Primary Insurance Mutual Benefits Remaining Benefit $265.00 Last Visit Date February 2, 2004 Last Payment $125.00 March 12, 2004 Account Balance $0.00 If you see any errors in the above would you please call us so that we can insure that our records are correct. Sincerely, Dennis D. Davis, DDS Patient Info Verification (EZDLM20) Your Practice Name 123 Your Street Yourtown, US 12345 (123) 456-7890 Dear Shawn, This is just to remind you that it is time for your Prophylaxis-cleaning. You have scheduled an appointment on January 9, 2005 at 2:00 pm. Please call us today if you need to re-schedule. We look forward to seeing you soon. Note: We are watching an upper right molar for recession. Shawna Nelson 216 N. 260 W. Orem, UT 84057 Recall with Appointment (EZDLM29) Easy Dental User Guide A.22 Appendix Appendix 6 Tips from Support Billing Statement Options If you choose to save the money on preprinted billing statements, there are two options that will print on blank paper: Full Form/ Download and Download/HSI Env. The choice is made from the Reports module. From the toolbar, click Practice Setup, then choose Practice Defaults. Under “Default Billing Statement” select the option for Full Form/Download or Download/HSI Env. The other options are for pre-printed forms. Full Form/Download The Full Form/Download Billing Statements turn a plain piece of paper into a professional looking billing statement complete with a portion for the patient to tear off and return. With these forms you have access to all the different billing information options, except practice information (which prints automatically). Download/HSI ENV. This downloaded form is the same as the Full Form/Download except it is designed to fit into Henry Shein Inc. envelopes. Full Sheet (Pre-Printed) The Full Sheet Billing Statement prints the fastest and provides the greatest printer compatibility. However, it always prints the account aging, does not print the information for credit card payments, and does not include the graphic lines to print as a form. Statement Date This defaults to today’s date and prints on the billing statements. This is the cut-off date for the statement information - the statement prints as of this date. Balance Forward Date The Balance Forward Date is the date used to determine which transactions print and which are included in the Balance Forward amount. Select Account By default this is <ALL> to <ALL>. You many change this to print a single statement or a range for several accounts in alphabetical order. Select Provider If you have several providers and want to bill these providers separately, you may choose a single provider or a range of several providers. The provider range causes statements to print for any account whose primary provider is in the provider range, regardless of the provider performing the procedures. Select Billing Type This is another option to specify accounts that receive billing statements. Because a range must be selected here, if you have billing types for which you do not send a statement, the billing type should be placed at the end of the list of billing types during the initial setup. Minimum Balance to Bill For patients who have a small balance, it may not be cost-effective to spend the time and money to send a billing statement. By using this option, you can specify that accounts with balances less than a certain amount will not be sent a statement. Include Credit Balances If you would like to send billing statements to those accounts with a credit balance, this option must be checked. Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.23 Statement Message Information typed in this box will print on all billing statements. The number of characters that prints is limited by the amount of space available on the statement form. Options These options provide additional filters for which accounts get a statement and control what information actually prints on the billing statements. Skip Accounts With Claims Pending By choosing this option, those accounts with claims outstanding will not receive a billing statement, provided the estimated Patient Portion is not over the amount specified under “If Patient Portion Less Than.” For example, if this option is set to $20.00 and a patient has $200.00 worth of claims outstanding and the expected insurance amount is $185.00, the patient will not receive a statement because the estimated Patient Portion is $15.00. However, if the patient has an additional outstanding balance of $10.00 for previous claims which have been paid, the combined Patient Portion would equal $25.00, which is over the $20.00 limit specified, so a statement would be printed. Include Procs With Claims Pending If this option is checked, those procedures which are attached to outstanding claims will print on the billing statements, regardless of the Procedure Date and Balance Forward Date. Normally procedures dated before the Balance Forward Date are not itemized on the statement, but included in the Balance Forward amount. If this option is selected, procedures will print until the insurance payment for them is received, and will print if the insurance payment is after the Balance Forward Date to show what has been paid. All procedures attached to a claim have an asterisk (*). Print Insurance Estimate By checking this option, Easy Dental will include the total amount of the outstanding balance that is expected from the insurance company at the bottom of the statement. Print Agreed Payment If this option is checked, Easy Dental determines the amount to print in the “Please Pay” box. This amount is calculated as follows: 1) Any outstanding insurance estimate is subtracted from the account balance to get the “Patient Portion.” 2) The total of any payment plan agreed monthly payments for the account are added for “Payment Plan.” 3) “Payment Plan” is then compared to “Patient Portion,” and the lesser of the two is printed as the “Please Pay” amount. If there are no payment plan agreed monthly payments, the Payment Plan amount is ignored. With this option, if either the Payment Plan or Patient Portion is $0.00, or less than $0.00, the statement will print a “Please Pay” amount of $0.00. If “Exclude Outstanding to Insurance” is checked, the “Please Pay” calculations are slightly different. The Patient Portion is the account balance excluding all procedures outstanding to insurance. The Patient Portion is then compared to the Payment Plan and the lesser of the two is printed as the “Please Pay” amount. If this option is marked and the lesser of the two options is $0.00 or less than $0.00, a billing statement will not print for this account. Print Practice Information (not available with the Full Form/Download statements) This option is for practices that use billing statements with the practice information pre-printed. If you want Easy Dental to print your practice information at the top of the statement, check this option. With the Full Form and Download, the practice information will print in the upper left corner of the statement automatically. Print Account Aging (not available with the Full Sheet option - it always prints) If you want the account’s balance to be aged (current, over 30, 60, and 90 days), check this option. Each account’s aging is calculated as of the Statement Date. Allow Credit Card Payment (not available with Full Sheet option) If your office allows patients to make payment by credit card, check this option. The billing statement will print a place for the credit card #, exp. date, name, and signature on the return portion of the statement. If Not Billed Since This option allows you to print statements for accounts that have not been billed since the specified date. The Last Statement Date is displayed from the Accounts window. If the Last Statement Date is before the “If Not Billed Since” date, or it is the same as the statement date, a statement will be printed for the account, providing other statement options do not exclude the account. Only Bill Accounts Aging By checking this option you can choose to only have accounts with a balance over the specified aging print. The aging as of the last Month End Update is used to determine whether a statement is printed. Select Report Types When printing billing statements, you have the option of printing mailing labels for each of the guarantors as well. Easy Dental User Guide A.24 Appendix Recall Cards For Patients With Appointments: • 1. From the Reports module, choose Letters | Recall. • 2. Choose Recall Reminder Cards and then choose Edit. • 3. On the upper right side of the screen is “Merge Letter Template.” Enter one of the following template document names according to the type of cards you are using. • 2-Wide, Laser Cards ezdlm29.doc • Single wide, Dot Matrix Cards ezdlm24.doc • 2-Wide, Dot Matrix Cards • Single wide, Laser Cards ezdlm27.doc ezdlm42.doc* *This is the default for the Letter Template name when Easy Dental is installed. You can modify this to correspond with the cards you’ve purchased. • 4. Choose the search button to the right of Recall. • 5. Under Due Date leave “From” and “To” blank since the patient's due date is usually not the same as the day of the scheduled appointment. • 6. Under Include, be sure to check “With Attached Appointment.” • 7. Under Recall Type, choose the appropriate Recall type. • 8. Choose OK. • 9. Click on the search button to the right of Appointments. • 10. Under Date Range, enter the beginning and ending dates for the appointments. Mark the Appointment Date Range option. • 11. Under Search, choose “Existing patients with appointment in date range.” • 12. Select the # of Appts Missed. You will usually want to leave this option at 0 or More. • 13. Under Appt. Provider(s), select the provider chosen to perform the recall (the provider for the appointment). Check the All box to include all appointment providers in the search. • 14. Choose OK. • 15. Choose OK again. • 16. Make sure Recall - Reminder is still highlighted and choose Create/Merge. • 17. Choose Create Data File and Merge Letters. • 18. Choose OK. • 19. The cards will merge into Microsoft Word and from there you can choose File | Print, then OK. • 20. As you finish printing the cards you can close Word by choosing File | Exit. • 21. You will be asked if you wish to save the changes to the document and you should always choose “No.” Note: Easy Dental searches for Recall appointments according to DUE DATE if one is entered. So, when searching for a Recall appointment it will look first at the due date, and determine, if the due date falls in the date range you specified. Second, from the people found to be due within the specified Due Date range, it will determine if those patients have an appointment in the specified appointment date range. For example: John Doe is due for a Prophy on 5/1, but doesn’t actually come in for his appointment until 7/1. If you were to go into Recall and enter a Due Date Range of 7/1 - 7/30 for people “With Attached Appointments,” John Doe’s card wouldn’t print, because his Due Date is 5/1. Since patients don’t always come in for their appointment exactly when they are due, you’ll generally want to leave the Due Date blank. Remember that the Due Date specifies the day the patient is due for the Prophy, and the Appointment Date is the date of the patient’s scheduled appointment. Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.25 For Patients Without Appointments: • 1. From the Reports module, choose Letters | Recall. • 2. Choose Recall Cards and then choose Edit. • 3. On the upper right is a box labeled “Merge Letter Template.” Enter one of the following template document names according to the type of cards you are using. • 2-Wide, Laser Cards (4/per page) ezdlm26.doc • Single wide, Dot Matrix Cards • 2-Wide, Dot Matrix Cards • Single wide, Laser Cards ezdlm23.doc ezdlm28.doc ezdlm40.doc* *This is the default for the Letter Template name when Easy Dental is installed. You can modify this to correspond with the cards you’ve purchased. • 4. Choose the search button to the right of Recall. • 5. Under Due Date, enter the beginning and ending dates for the range you wish to print cards for. • 6. Under Include, make sure to check the option for “Without Attached Appointment.” • 7. Under Recall Type, choose the appropriate Recall type. • 8. Choose OK. • 9. Choose OK again. • 10. Make sure Recall Cards is still highlighted and choose Create/Merge. • 11. Choose Create Data File and Merge Letters. • 12. Choose OK. • 13. The cards will merge into Microsoft Word and from there you can choose File | Print, then OK. • 14. As you finish printing the cards you can close Word by choosing File | Exit. • 15. You will be asked if you wish to save the changes to the document and you should choose “No.” Creating Custom Labels Easy Dental Technical Support provides a fax that will walk you through setting up custom labels for your practice. Simply call support at (800) 593-2814 and ask to be sent the "Custom Labels" fax or visit our website at www.easydental.com. Creating Custom Letters One of the most useful features in Easy Dental is the ability to merge information from your patient database into a custom letter. Easy Dental comes with over 30 written and formatted letters. However, if you would like to create your own letters, Easy Dental Technical Support provides a fax that will walk you through this process step-by-step. Simply call support at (800) 593-2814 and ask to be sent the "Custom Letters" fax or visit our website at www.easydental.com. Easy Dental User Guide A.26 Appendix Month End Procedures Month End Update The Month End Update command should be used after the end of each month. Using the Update command will age each account balance and place into History all completed procedures, payments, adjustments, and received insurance claims that have a date in the same month and year as the Update Date. The main reason for putting transactions into History is so that they cannot be changed or edited. As a result, should you be faced with litigation you can rely on the History transactions to provide comprehensive documentation of your work. If the Update is not performed monthly, some of the practice management information may be incomplete. The Practice Analysis figures will not be available for each month and your accounts will not be aged into the next aging bracket for the Accounts module and Aging Report. You will also notice on your Day Sheet that in the Previous Month column, the figures will be zero. To Run the Month End Update: Note: Before Month End is selected, it is strongly recommended that you back up your Easy Dental database. All Easy Dental modules other than the Accounts module on one station must be closed. If there is an Easy Dental module running at any of the workstations when trying to run Month End, you will receive an error message that “Another Easy Dental module is active.” 1. From the Accounts module choose Month End | Update. 2. The Close Out Month dialog box will appear: 3. Check the Close Out Month. The Close Out Month defaults to the month after the last month closed out. The last day of this month will be used as the date for the new Balance Forward and the cutoff for history transactions. 4. Check Appointment Purge and Reset Insurance Benefits if desired. The Appointment Purge will delete all appointments that are showing in the Schedule prior to the Cutoff Date (this date will normally default one year back, but can be changed if there is another preference). The Reset Insurance Benefits option will reset all insurance plans whose benefit renewal month is the month following the Close Out Month. Both of these options can be unchecked if you do not wish to purge appointments or reset any insurance benefits. 5. Choose OK to start Month End. When finished with the Update you will be returned to the Easy Dental Accounts module. Finance Charges You may apply Finance Charges to all or part of your patients automatically, allowing Easy Dental to calculate the charges OR you may enter the finance charges manually for individual patients. The Finance Charge command is used to calculate and create finance charge entries for the accounts automatically. It is best to run Finance Charges at the end of the month although they can be applied at any time. To Run Finance Charges For Many Patients Automatically: Note: Before applying Finance Charges, it is strongly recommended that you back up your Easy Dental database. All Easy Dental modules other than the Accounts module on one station must be closed. If there is a Easy Dental module running at any of the workstations when trying to run finance charges, you will receive an error message that “Another Easy Dental module is active.” 1. From the Accounts module choose Month End | Finance Charge | Apply Finance Charges. 2. Enter the Finance Charge Date. The Finance Charge Date defaults to the current system date. Finance charges are calculated according to the aging balance for each family account as of the Finance Charge Date. The Finance Charge Date is also used as the transaction date for each finance charge entry. 3. Enter the Minimum Balance to Charge. The Minimum Balance to Charge defaults to $10.00. The minimum balance will be compared to each account balance, and only those accounts with a balance greater than the minimum will have a finance charge applied. 4. Enter Minimum Finance Charge, Select Past Due Days. The Minimum Finance Charge defaults to fifty cents and will be applied to accounts when the calculated finance charge is less than the minimum. The Past Due Days to Charge defaults to zero days, assuming charges are due to be paid when they are incurred. Finance charges will be calculated on the portion of each account balance that is past due according to the Past Due Days to Charge selected and the aging of the account as of the Finance Charge Date. 5. Enter the Finance Charge Percentage. The Finance Charge Percent will be used to calculate the finance charge amount. Finance charges are always calculated on a monthly basis, so if the Yearly option button is chosen, the percentage entered will be divided by 12 for the calculations. Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.27 6. Select the Provider(s) whose patients you wish to apply finance charges to (only primary providers will appear), or click once in the All box to select all. 7. Select the Billing Type(s) you wish to apply finance charges to. If you want to apply finance charges to all accounts regardless of billing type, click once in the All box. 8. Choose OK. A message will appear to verify that you wish to apply finance charges. If all modules are closed except the Accounts module, the Running Update dialog box will be displayed showing a count as each account is processed. Note: The Abort button can be used to stop applying finance charges. However, any finance charges that have already been calculated before the Abort button was chosen will be applied. 9. Print a Day Sheet from the Reports module. It will show the total of all finance charge entries. You can also run a Finance Charge Report (Management Reports | Finance Charge Report) to list each Finance Charge individually. To Manually Enter Finance Charges for Individual Patients: 1. From the Accounts module choose the desired patient/account. 2. Choose the Enter Finance Charge button. 3. Enter the finance charge amount. 4. Choose the Provider for whom the finance charge should be applied. (This defaults to the patient’s Primary Provider from the Patients module.) 5. Choose OK. Future Due Payment Plans The Future Due Payment Plan utility is run to post charges due on all accounts with a Future Due Payment Plan. The utility should be run on a monthly basis. While you may run the utility at any time during the month, it is important to run it consistently and at approximately the same time each month. To run the Future Due Payment Plans utility, complete the following steps: Note: Before applying Future Due Payment Plans, it is strongly recommended that you back up your Easy Dental database. All Easy Dental modules other than the Accounts module on one station must be closed. If there is a Easy Dental module running at any of the workstations when trying to run this utility, you will receive an error message that “Another Easy Dental module is active.” 1. From the Accounts module choose Month End | Future Due Payment Plan. 2. Select the Providers whose patients should have Future Due Payment Plan charges posted. 3. Select the Billing Types that should have Future Due Payment Plan charges posted. 4. To have Easy Dental create insurance claims for all charges posted, check the Create Insurance Claims option. 5. Choose OK to begin running the Future Due Payment Plan utility. Reports Aging Report An Aging Report can be prepared for selected account(s) and provider(s). You may also set billing type(s) parameters. You may choose to print a standard Aging Report, Credit Balances Only, or Debit Balances Only. Included in the Aging Report is the account’s name, phone, billing type, balances per aging period, insurance estimates, agreed payments, account portion, and the total account balance. The report also provides totals and summaries for the parameters set. To run the Aging Report: 1. From the Reports module click the Account Reports button then choose Aging Report. 2. Select any options you wish. 3. Choose OK. Print the report from the Batch Processor. Insurance Aging Report This report shows when insurance claims were sent to carriers and how long they have been outstanding. You may select the range of patients, providers, and carriers to be included. The report will print basically the same information, and in the same format as described for the Aging Report. To run the Insurance Aging Report 1. From the Reports module, click the Account Reports button then choose Insurance Aging Report. 2. Select any options you wish. 3. Choose OK. Print the report from the Batch Processor. Easy Dental User Guide A.28 Appendix Procedures Not Attached To Insurance Report This report will list all procedures that are not attached to an insurance claim within the specified date range. This report does not include procedures or insurance companies that are flagged "Do Not Bill to Insurance". (For more information on this flag, see Procedure Code Setup in the Setup chapter and Adding a New Insurance Plan in the Patients chapter.) To run the Procedures Not Attached to Insurance report: 1. From the Reports module, click the Account Reports button then choose Procedures Not Attached to Insurance. 2. Enter a range of patients and providers if desired. Enter the procedure date range of the procedures you wish to include on the report. 3. Choose OK to send the report to the Batch Processor. Audit Trail Reports The Standard Audit Trail Report prints out a report of information regarding any transaction that has been edited or deleted. It can also contain information about changes made in the Patients windows, including: Patient Name, Social Security Number, Prov1, Prov2, Chart Number and Billing Type. The Provider/Staff Audit Trail report prints any information regarding a provider or staff member that has been inactivated. To print the Audit Trail Reports: 1. From the Reports module click the Audit button. 2. Enter the Date Range for which you would like the report printed. 3. Select the Report Type you want to print, Standard and/or Provider Staff. 4. Select the Changes for Report that you would like printed, or leave at All to see all changes which were made. 5. Select the Users to include on the report or check All to include all users. 6. If you are printing a Provider/Staff report, mark whether to print it by Inactivated/Activated Provider or Replacement Provider. Then select the appropriate providers to include on the report (check List Inactive to see all inactivated providers). Check All to include all providers. 7. Choose OK. Print from the Batch Processor. Note: If you need to clear the Audit Trail Report, contact Technical Support at (800) 593-2814. The doctor will need to sign a consent form before this process can be completed. Utilization Report This report is designed for use with Capitation Plans. It shows all procedures completed under selected insurance plans for the selected date ranges. In addition, you can monitor co-payments versus the practice’s regular fees. To Print the Utilization Report: 1. From the Reports module choose Account Reports | Utilization Report. 2. Choose the Insurance Carrier Range or leave at <ALL> to print all insurance carriers. 3. Enter Procedure Date Range. 4. Choose the Billing Type Range or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. 5. Select the provider(s) whose patients you wish to appear on the report, or leave at <ALL> to print all patients, regardless of their Primary Provider. 6. Select the Fee Schedule you wish to generate this report for. 7. Select Compare Options. (Select the options with which you would like to compare the Fee Schedule you have chosen. You may compare it with either the Transaction Amount or with the Co-pay amount which was entered in the Coverage Table.) 8. Choose Procedures to Include. (Either include all procedures or only those in the coverage table.) 9. If you are printing the report for more than one insurance carrier you can check the option to print a New Page For Each Plan. Choose OK and print from the Batch Processor. Analysis Summary Report The Analysis Summary Report allows two different, basic formats: 1) the totals for each day in a date range for all providers in the date range and 2) the totals for each provider in a provider range for all days in the date range. To print the Analysis Summary report: 1. From the Reports module choose Management Reports | Analysis Summary. 2. Choose the Providers you wish to be included on the report, or leave at <ALL> to see all providers. Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.29 3. Select the date range for which you would like the report printed. 4. Choose to search by Entry Date or Procedure Date. 5. Choose the Billing Type Range or leave at <ALL> to print all billing types. 6. Select the Report Type: • ·Daily Summary - if this option is selected the report will print totals for all providers selected, and will be broken down for each day within the date range. • ·Provider Summary - if this option is selected the report will print totals for the entire date range, and will be broken down by each provider. • ·Choose OK. Print from the Batch Processor. Printing a Recall List The recall list can be easily accessed from the Recall module. 1. Click on the Recall button. 2. Select Views from the toolbar. 3. Select the Recall View you wish to use. Note: If Temporary View is selected, the screen will default with the settings for the current View, allowing you to make modifications. These changes will not be saved permanently if made from the Temporary View. 4. Each default date span used for the View is determined from “today’s” date. If you want to change the originating date for the date span, choose Set Date from the toolbar to select the date. For example, to view Recall patients for the month of June, select Month from the View option and then set the date to be June 1, 200x. The Due Date Span should be one day before “today” and one month after “today.” (Month View is not automatically created with the Easy Dental installation, but is easily added to the list of available views.) 5. To print the list, select Print from the toolbar. A list will be printed based on the current view. To print mailing labels, select Print | Labels 1/2/3. The standard 3-column labels that are used with the Recall labels are Avery 5351. (An optional format for Avery 5160 labels is also available. If you wish to use these labels you must set that option under Reports window | Maintenance | Preferences | Print Options. Check the box labeled “Use The Avery 5160 Mailing Labels,” and choose OK.) Printing a Family Accounts Report for an Entire Year As the year comes to a close you may find several families who would like a report of all the activity on their account for the year. To do this, complete the following steps. 1. From the Accounts module choose the patient for whom you wish to print the Family Accounts Report. 2. From the toolbar choose Print | Family Account. 3. Set the First Transaction Date to the date for which you wish to begin printing transactions. The report will include all transactions after this date. 4. Mark the option to Include Individual Patient Balances if desired. 5. Choose either Send to Batch or Print. Selecting Long Appointments Occasionally an appointment will be scheduled for an amount of time longer than can be displayed on the screen. In these cases, double-clicking on the appointment will not bring up the Appointment Information screen. If this occurs, click the Find Appointment button. Select the patient. A list of appointments will be displayed, double-click on the appointment to see the Appointment Information screen. Billing Secondary Insurance Since all insurance information is stored with the claim, if the secondary information was not entered at the time the claim was created, the Create Secondary option will not be available. However, by bringing up the original claim, double-clicking on the top box (containing Patient, Subscriber, and Employer information), checking the Update Secondary Insurance box, and choosing OK, the claim will recognize the secondary insurance information, and allow you to create the secondary claim. Easy Dental User Guide A.30 Appendix Appendix 7 Troubleshooting Printing - won’t print 1. Is the printer plugged in, on, on-line, and have paper? Is there an error in the Printers Folder (Start | Settings | Printers, and then double-click on your printer’s name)? 2. Can you print from the print server (The station physically connected to the printer)? 3. Can you print from other programs such as Word or Notepad? • A. If no — call your system technician. The problem is related to your network or printer. • B. If yes — call Easy Dental Support. Printing - prints but incorrectly 1. Is printing the same from all workstations? 2. Are all workstations using the same printer driver? (Check from the Reports module toolbar. Click the Practice Setup button and choose Setup Printer.) Easy Dental Error Messages Most Easy Dental error messages will consist of two numbers (e.g. “Cannot read procedure log file 4 52”). It is very important to write down the exact error message in order for a support technician to help you troubleshoot. When you get an error message, do the following from the station with the error: 1. Close all Easy Dental modules. 2. Exit out of Windows. If the error was on the server, exit all workstations before exiting the server. 3. Restart Windows. 4. See if you still get the error. If YES — call support. (Before Support can run any utilities to correct the error, you will need to have a current backup of Easy Dental.) A Note on Rebuilding Caution: Rebuilds should never be run without consulting an Easy Dental Support technician first. Rebuilding files can be a solution to some Easy Dental error messages. Every data file has an accompanying index. The index is used to quickly access records from the file, to write new records to the file, and to update existing records. If a problem is encountered when reading from or writing to a file, Easy Dental will display an error message. Rebuilding a file re-sorts the index to match the records located in the data file. While correctly rebuilding a database will not cause problems, consistent rebuilding is indicative of other problems. Before rebuilding, Easy Dental Support should be consulted. Support will keep a record of error messages and each time a file is rebuilt, and offer suggestions to correct the underlying concerns. Calling Easy Dental Support Before you call Easy Dental Support, we recommend you have certain information available to help the technician diagnose your problem. Please have all this information available, even though it may not be required for each call: • Customer ID # • Computer specifications: speed, amount of memory, hard drive size (you may want to tape this information on each monitor for quick reference). • Printer name. • Printer driver being used (found in Reports | Practice Setup | Setup Printer). Easy Dental User Guide Appendix A.31 • Exact error message, if there is one. • Whether the station you are on is a workstation or the server and/or print server. • Have you tried the general troubleshooting steps listed in the previous sections? Easy Dental User Guide A.32 Appendix Appendix 8 Backup Recommendations Your database is essential to running your practice effectively. As a result, you spend days, months or years, building a database. Unfortunately, all it takes is one power surge or unexpected natural disaster to compromise the integrity of your data. However, by consistently backing up, all of the frustration and turmoil that accompanies computer disasters can be avoided. There are two main reasons to backup: • I. Protect Against Data Loss • II. Archive Data I. Protect against Data Loss - as mentioned above, backing up prevents true disaster in terms of data loss when computer hardware causes system problems. II. Archive Data - Backing up is a way to keep copies of information that is no longer needed, but you are storing because you may need it someday. A backup tape can be made and saved, and then when the information is needed the backup is restored. Backup Guidelines While there are no set rules for when a backup should be done and what should be backed up, Easy Dental recommends that backups be done on daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly intervals. Daily - Each day a backup of the Data directory should be performed on the file server. To find your data path, open the Reports module. Click Maintenance and choose Preferences. Click the Paths tab. The database path will be listed. Weekly - At the end of the work week you should backup the entire EZDental directory. Monthly - On a monthly basis the entire C:\ drive on the server should be backed up. Quarterly - On a quarterly basis it is a good idea to take your monthly backup and store it with a legal source (An accountant or lawyer). Placing the tape in the care of a legal source helps to make the tape a legal document, which can help prevent problems should the Office’s care be called into question. Check with local officials for guidelines. Backup Methods There are many cost effective and time efficient devices to help you backup your data. At this time, Easy Dental recommends the use of High Capacity storage media. For current recommendations or suggestions, call Technical Support at (800) 593-2814 or visit our website at www.easydental.com to get a copy of our System Requirements. Easy Dental User Guide Glossary G.1 Glossary Batch Processor The main screen in the Reports module that is used to control the printing process for all Easy Dental reports. The status of each report is displayed in this window. Reports can be deleted or previewed from the Batch Processor. Chart Number The number or ID code associated with a specific patient. The chart number is typically found on the actual paper chart of the office filing system. Check Box A control used to represent an option (e.g., on/off, true/false) that the user can set or clear by pointing and clicking with the mouse. A "ü" or an "X" in a check box indicates that that particular option has been selected. Clipboard The area in the Schedule where Appointments can be temporarily stored when moving them to a different day. Command Selection of a menu item or a window button in order to initiate a task or procedure. Command Button A control the user chooses to carry out a command or action. Command buttons are sometimes called “push buttons.” They can be found in dialog boxes, main screens, or in the toolbar. Defaults Standard Easy Dental system settings that have been set or established in the software. Many default settings can be altered or changed to satisfy unique situations. Definitions Terms given to lists of items that are used throughout Easy Dental and the practice for grouping and defining data. Definitions are set up according to the user’s specifications. Dialog Box Any type of box or window on the screen that contains information or allows the input of information or a command. Dialog boxes usually will have some type of heading or title describing their purpose or use. Drop-down Menu The menu selection list that appears when a menu option is selected from the Windows Menu bar. Family Position The patient’s relationship with other members of the family, such as married, single, spouse, child, other, etc. Guarantor The family member to whom charges are billed (statements are sent). The Head-of-House. Easy Dental User Guide G.2 Glossary Head-of-House The family member that is considered the Guarantor (the one who will pay the bills). Highlight In the Windows environment, one can select an item, command, or field by pointing and clicking once with the mouse. The item, command, or field will then appear more pronounced, or highlighted. This signifies that the item, command, or field has been selected to receive or initiate an action. Horizontal Scroll Bar A control that appears as a scroll bar along a horizontal (left to right) axis. It is not attached to text or to a window, but is useful as an alternative way of getting input and displaying output. Icon A graphical representation of an object or concept. An icon is commonly used to represent minimized applications in Microsoft Windows. List Box A box that provides a list of available choices. Medical Alerts User-defined medical problems that could potentially exist with a patient. You select these alerts by highlighting them. Once you are satisfied with your selections they can be viewed from the Patients window and by clicking the red cross icon on an appointment in the Schedule. Menu A list of options which can be selected from the menu bar that provide selection facilities for various tasks that can be performed. Generally, selecting an item from the menu bar will provide a drop-down menu for selecting the appropriate command. Message A small window that appears on the screen notifying the user of a situation that must be resolved or requesting the user to make a selection from several options. Notes Free-flowing notes or comments that can be entered concerning the patient. These notes are generally entered as “Patient Notes” in the Patients window, “Procedure Notes” in the Accounts window, etc. Operatory The location in which the doctor performs dental care for the patient. Patient Information All of the demographic and other pertinent data necessary to track and maintain a patient in the practice. Patient Notes Used to enter patient hobbies, interests, credit status, financial arrangements or any other type of information useful to your practice. Patients Module The file used in the Easy Dental database to store all pertinent information concerning each member of a family. This file is accessed and modified using the Easy Dental Patients module. Preferred Name The name the patient prefers to be called other than his or her given first name. Procedure Code Refers to the ADA code established to represent any procedures performed in a dental office. Procedure Notes Note pertinent to the patient’s treatment. This should not be confused with Patient Notes found in other modules. Provider Refers to the dental care provider whom patients receive services from. Purge To remove unneeded information, such as purging unused insurance companies or employers. Easy Dental User Guide Glossary G.3 Refresh Updates the information displayed in the window to reflect any changes that have been made at other workstations. Search Button The button (>>) that starts a search for any item that was entered in the text box that preceded it. Generally the results of the search will be provided in a list box. Select An item that has been clicked on with the mouse or moved to with the tab key. It is highlighted to signify that it has been chosen. Setup The process that occurs at the time Easy Dental is installed. It is the data entry process that determines how data is used and grouped, what data is available, the terminology the user desires to use in the practice, etc. Text Box A field in a dialog box that provides an area for the user to enter text. Text boxes are sometimes called Edit Fields. Title Bar The bar that appears at the top of a window and displays its caption. Treatment A procedure recommended or completed for a patient. Treatment Plan A group of procedures (treatments) recommended for a patient. Also, work the patient needs to have performed by the provider. Vertical Scroll Bar A control that appears as a simple scroll bar along a vertical (up and down) axis. It is not attached to text or a window, but is useful as an alternative way of getting input and displaying output. Window Any type of box appearing on the computer screen that contains information. A window usually has some type of title describing its purpose or use. Sometimes referred to as a dialog box. Easy Dental User Guide Chart I.1 Index A Account Detail 118 Account Note 131 Accounts Colors 121 Setup 120 Accounts/Tx Plans Colors 121 Accounts Module Account Status Information 118 Balance Forward 137 Creating a Primary Insurance Claim 150 Editing Ledger Transactions 135 Entering Payments 126 Enter or Edit a Procedure Note 125 History 117 Invalidated 117 Month End 167 Accounts Reports 133, 275 Accounts Symbols 117 Account Status Information 116, 118 Accounts Window Areas 116 Acquiring Documents 242 importing 243 using a digital camera 243 using a scanner 242 ADA codes 302 Address City, State, Zip 28 Patient 28 Practice 3 same family, different address 28 Adjustments 129 Types 316 Aging Amounts 119 Aging Report 276, A.27 Credit Balances Report 277 Guarantor Notes 277 Minimum Balance 277 Alerts 356 Creating 356 Deleting 358 Editing 357 Suspending 358 Alternate Procedure Code Names 316 Amoritization Schedules 142 Analysis Summary 270 Annual Deductible 45 Annual Routine A.3 Appointment Alerts/Notes 224 Amount 210 attaching lab case 352 Breaking 221 Date 211 Delete 221 Description 210 dial 213–228 Find a Time 215 Find Next Available 215 Length 210 Moving 214 Note 211 Route Slips 223 Schedule Next 212 Scheduling 207–228 Shortening 214 Status 210, 223 Wait/Will Call 212 Appointment Book dial 213–228 Appointment Card 134 Appointment Notes 207 Appointment Reasons 209 Initial 209 Miscellaneous 209 Appointments Scheduling 207 Easy Dental User Guide I.2 Chart Arrow Buttons 199 ASAP 210 Assignment of Benefits 39, 152 Assistant Time 13 As Soon As Possible List 268 Attaching Recall to Appointments 232 Audit 327 Audit Trail Report 327 Clear Audit 328 Provider/Staff Report 327 Selecting Individual Users 327 Standard Report 327 Audit Trail Report A.28 Auto-State Button 77 Auto Chart Numbering Setup 22 Auto Recall 12 B Balance Adding Initial 137 Balance Forward 137 Bank/Branch Number 159 Batch Entry Insurance Payments 161 Batch Guarantor Payments 128 Batch Insurance Payments 161–173 Batch Processor 254–328 Delete 255 Multiple Reports 254 Print 254 Reports Reference Reports 258 Billing Statement Single 134 Billing Statement Format 284 Billing Statement Form Options A.22 Billing Statement Print Options A.8 Billing Statements 284, 284–328 Balance Forward Date 285 Claims Pending 286 Include Credit Balances 285 Laser Printing Options 287 Mailing Labels 286 Minimum Balance 285 Statement Date 285 Statement Message 285 Billing Types 16–23, 316 Finance Charges 169 Selecting for Patients 119 Birth Date 30 Birthday List 262 Mailing Labels 263 Break Appointment 221 C Calculation Option 46 Calendar Icon 200 Easy Dental Us