This product can be set up using any current web browser, i.e.,
Internet Explorer 6 or Netscape
Navigator 6.
Network Security
Before You Begin
If you purchased this Network Security Firewall to connect to your high-speed
Internet connection in a secure manner, you must have either an Ethernet-based
Cable or DSL modem with an established Internet account from an Internet
Service Provider (ISP).
Check Your Package Contents
DFL-200 Network Security Firewall
CD-ROM (containing Manual and Warranty)
Ethernet (CAT5 UTP/Straight Through) Cable
Console Cable (RS 232)
5V DC Power Adapter
If any of the above items are missing, please contact your reseller.
Using a power
supply with a different voltage rating will damage this product and void its warranty.
2004 D-Link Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Software and specifi cations subject to change without notice.
Connecting The DFL-200 Network
Security Firewall To Your Network
First, connect the power adapter to the receptor at the back panel of the DFL-
200 and then plug the other end of the power adapter to a wall outlet or power strip. The Power LED will turn ON to indicate proper operation.
1. Power off your Cable or DSL modem; some devices may not have a on/off switch and will require you to unplug the power adapter. Now, the DFL-200 should be powered on and the Cable / DSL modem should be turned off.
2. Cable / DSL modem ( Power Off ) – DFL-200 ( Power On )
Connect an Ethernet cable to the Ethernet jack located on the Cable / DSL modem. After the Ethernet cable is securely connected, power on the Cable /
DSL modem by turning on the unit or plugging in the power adapter.
3. Cable / DSL modem ( Power On ) – DFL-200 ( Power On )
Insert the other end of the Ethernet cable to the WAN port on the back panel of the DFL-200. The WAN LED light will illuminate to indicate proper connection. If the WAN LED is not illuminated, please go back to step B and repeat its instructions.
Insert an Ethernet cable to one of the LAN ports on the back panel of the
DFL-200 and connect it to your internal network host. The LED light for the
LAN port on the DFL-200 will illuminate to indicate proper connection
Connect the computer that you will use to confi gure the DFL-200 to the network hub or switch.
LAN ports These are for connecting Ethernet cables to internal network hosts.
DMZ port This is for the connection of an
Ethernet cable to the
DMZ network.
WAN port This is for the connection of an
Ethernet cable to the
Cable or DSL modem.
COM Port Used to connect to the CLI.
Reset system settings to factory defaults
Receptor for
Power Adapter .
Restart your computer
To obtain a new IP address from the DFL-200 you wll need to restart your computer. Make sure that the network adapter in your computer is confi gured properly fi rst. Instructions on how to confi gure the network adapter to obtain an IP address automatically from the DFL-200 can be found in the appendix.
STATUS LED – will fl ash consistently to indicate that the
DFL-200 is working properly.
POWER LED – a solid light indicates a proper connection to the power supply.
NETWORK LEDs – a solid light on the port indicates a connection to an
Ethernet enabled computer. These
LEDs blinks during data transmission.
When you have completed the steps in this Quick Installation
Guide, your connected network should look similar to this:
Using The Setup Wizard
The DFL-200 provides Web based confi guration. You can confi gure your DFL-200 through your Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer browser in MS Windows, Macintosh or UNIX based platforms.
Activate your browser. Then type the IP address of the DFL-200 into the Location (for Netscape) or Address (for IE) fi eld and press
“Enter.” For example:
Open your Web browser and type “” into the
URL address box. Then press the
Enter or Return key.
(The IP Address shown in the example above is the default setting. If you have changed the IP Address of the DFL-200 to conform to a network, then input that IP Address in the web browser, instead of the default IP Address shown.)
The Setup Wizard
Welcome to the DFL-200 connection wizard!
Here you can choose to either confi gure your fi rewall over HTTP or over Secure HTTP (HTTPS).
Click on Connect to the unit via
HTTPS instead to use Secure HTTP
Click NEXT to keep using HTTP.
Step 1 - Set admin password
Enter the password that you want to use for the admin account.
Click NEXT
Step 2 - Set timezone
Select the appropriate timezone
Enter the appropriate dayligt saving time settings.
Click NEXT
The Setup Wizard
Step 3 - Confi gure WAN interface
Select the appropriate confi guration for the WAN interface, if you are unsure of which setting to select, please contact your Internet Service
Click Next and continue to step 4 further down.
If you are unsure of which setting to select, please contact your Internet Service Provider
Click Next
The Setup Wizard
Step 3 - Static IP
If you selected Static IP you have to fi ll out the IP address information provided to you by your ISP. You will need to complete all the required fi elds except for Secondary DNS
Server. You should probably not use the numbers displayed in these fi elds, they are only used as an example.
Click Next and continue to step
4 further down.
Click Next
Step 3 - PPPoE
If you selected PPPoE (Pointto-Point Protocol over Ethernet) you will have to fi ll out the user name and password provided to you by your ISP. The PPPoE
Service Name fi eld should be left blank unless your ISP informs you otherwise.
Click Next and continue to step
4 further down.
Click Next
The Setup Wizard
Step 3 - PPTP
If you selected PPTP you will need to specify both PPTP
tunnel parameters and Physical interface parameters.
PPTP tunnel parameters:
Enter the Username, Password and the PPTP Server IP address provided by your ISP.
Physical interface parameters:
If your Internet Service Provider is using DHCP you should select the
DHCP radio button.
Static IP
If your Internet Service Provider is using Static IP you should select the Static IP radio button and enter IP Address, choose a Subnet Mask and enter the
Gateway IP address.
Click Next
The Setup Wizard
Step 3 - Big Pond
If you selected Big Pond you will have to fi ll out the user name and password provided to you by your ISP.
Click Next and continue to step
4 further down.
Click Next
The Setup Wizard
Step 4 - Set up built-in DHCP server
If you want to use the built-in
DHCP Server in the DFL-200, choose Enable DHCP Server in this screen. You then need to specify a range of IP addresses to hand out to the DHCP clients.
This range is entered in the format “Start IP – Stop IP” i.e. –
If you don’t want to use the builtin DHCP Server or confi gure it later, choose Disable DHCP
Server and click Next when done.
Click Next
Step 5 - Confi gure helper servers
NTP Servers - If enabled, specify which NTP Servers that should be used to syncronize the fi rewall time against.
Syslog Servers – If enabled, specify where the fi rewall should log, you can specify up to two Syslog receivers.
Click Next
The Setup Wizard
Setup Wizard Complete
Click Restart to complete your confi guration.
Click Restart
To connect to the network, make sure the network adapter in your computer is confi gured properly. Here’s how to confi gure the network adapter to obtain an IP address automatically from the DFL-200 Network Security Firewall.
For Microsoft Windows XP:
right click on My Network Places icon on the desktop > select
Properties > Double-click on the
Network Connection associated with the Ethernet adapter (i.e., D-Link
Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Click Properties
Select Obtain an IP address automatically
Click OK
Restart your computer
For Apple Macintosh OS X:
Go to the Apple Menu Click on Network and Select
System Preferences Click on
Select Built-in Ethernet in the show pull down menu
Select Using DHCP in the Confi gure pull down menu
Click on Apply Now
The IP address information, the Subnet Mask, the DFL-200
IP address and the Ethernet adapter address will appear
Technical Support
You can fi nd software updates and user documentation on the D-Link website.
D-Link provides free technical support for customers within the United States and within Canada for the duration of the warranty period on this product.
U.S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link technical support through our website, or by phone.
Tech Support for customers within the United States:
D-Link Technical Support over the Telephone:
(877) 453-5465
6am-6pm PST, Mon-Fri.
D-Link Technical Support over the Internet:
email:[email protected]
Tech Support for customers within Canada:
D-Link Technical Support over the Telephone:
(800) 361-5265
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 9:00pm EST
D-Link Technical Support over the Internet:
email:[email protected]
Tech Support for customers within the United Kingdom & Ireland:
D-Link UK & Ireland Technical Support over the Telephone:
+44 (0)20 7365 8440 (United kingdom)
+353 (0)12 421 061 (Ireland)
Monday to Friday 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
D-Link Technical Support over the Internet: