SAIA-Burgess xx7 PCD1, xx7 PCD2 Programmable Logic Controller Hardware
Below you will find brief information for Programmable Logic Controller PCD1, Programmable Logic Controller PCD2. The PCD1 and PCD2 are programmable logic controllers that are compatible with SIMATIC® S7, a popular industrial automation system. They offer a range of features, including digital and analog I/O, serial communication interfaces, and a real-time clock. The PCD1 and PCD2 are designed for use in a variety of industrial applications, such as process control, machine automation, and building automation.
English edition 26/757 E1 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) http;// BA: Electronic Controllers Telephone Telefax 026 / 672 71 11 026 / 670 44 43 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAIA-Burgess Companies Switzerland SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG Freiburgstrasse 33 CH-3280 Murten 026 672 77 77, Fax 026 670 19 83 France SAIA-Burgess Electronics Sàrl. 10, Bld. Louise Michel F-92230 Gennevilliers 01 46 88 07 70, Fax 01 46 88 07 99 Germany SAIA-Burgess Electronics GmbH Daimlerstrasse 1k D-63303 Dreieich 06103 89 060, Fax 06103 89 06 66 Nederlands SAIA-Burgess Electronics B.V. Hanzeweg 12c NL-2803 MC Gouda 0182 54 31 54, Fax 0182 54 31 51 Austria SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ges.m.b.H. Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 38 A-5020 Salzburg 0662 88 49 10, Fax 0662 88 49 10 11 Belgium SAIA-Burgess Electronics Belgium Avenue Roi Albert 1er, 50 B-1780 Wemmel 02 456 06 20, Fax 02 460 50 44 Italy SAIA-Burgess Electronics S.r.l. Via Cadamosto 3 I-20094 Corsico MI 02 48 69 21, Fax 02 48 60 06 92 Hungary SAIA-Burgess Electronics Automation Kft. Liget utca 1. H-2040 Budaörs 23 501 170, Fax 23 501 180 Representatives Great Britain Canham Controls Ltd. 25 Fenlake Business Centre, Fengate Peterborough PE1 5BQ UK 01733 89 44 89, Fax 01733 89 44 88 Portugal INFOCONTROL Electronica e Automatismo LDA. Praceta Cesário Verde, No 10 s/cv, Massamá P-2745 Queluz 21 430 08 24, Fax 21 430 08 04 Denmark Malthe Winje Automation AB Hovedgaden 60-62 DK-3630 Jaegerpris 70 20 52 01, Fax 70 20 52 02 Spain Tecnosistemas Medioambientales, S.L. Poligono Industrial El Cabril, 9 E-28864 Ajalvir, Madrid 91 884 47 93, Fax 91 884 40 72 Norway Malthe Winje Automasjon AS Haukelivn 48 N-1415 Oppegård 66 99 61 00, Fax 66 99 61 01 Czech Republic ICS Industrie Control Service, s.r.o. Modranská 43 CZ-14700 Praha 4 2 44 06 22 79, Fax 2 44 46 08 57 Sweden Malthe Winje Automation AB Truckvägen 14A S-194 52 Upplands Våsby 08 795 59 10, Fax 08 795 59 20 Poland SABUR Ltd. ul. Druzynowa 3A PL-02-590 Warszawa 22 844 63 70, Fax 22 844 75 20 Suomi/ Finland ENERGEL OY Atomitie 1 FIN-00370 Helsinki 09 586 2066, Fax 09 586 2046 Australia Siemens Building Technologies Pty. Ltd. Landis & Staefa Division 411 Ferntree Gully Road AUS-Mount Waverley, 3149 Victoria 3 9544 2322, Fax 3 9550 9260 Argentina MURTEN S.r.l. Av. del Libertador 184, 4° “A” RA-1001 Buenos Aires 054 11 4312 0172, Fax 054 11 4312 0172 After sales service USA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Inc. 1335 Barclay Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, USA 847 215 96 00, Fax 847 215 96 06 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Issue : 01.02.2000 Subjet to change without notice SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. HARDWARE PCD1 and PCD2 - Series xx7 SAIA® Process Control Devices SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1998 all rights reserved Edition 26/757 E1 - 03.98 Subject to technical changes SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Updates Manual: Hardware - PCD1 and PCD2 -Series xx7 - Edition E1 Date Chapter Page Description SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Contents Contents Page 1. System structure 1.1 1.2 Compatibility PCD1 - PCD2 System information of the PCD1 and PCD2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 1.3 Base unit PCD1.M137 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.4 Fundamental differences between the PCD1 and PCD2 Technical data of the PCD1.M137 Technical data of the PCD2.M127 Technical data of the PCD2.M227 General technical data of the PCD1 and PCD2 Software resources 1-9 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-16 Base units PCD2.M127 and PCD2.M227 as well as PCD2.C107 and PCD2.C157 1-17 Summary Assembly and dimensions Architecture of the PCD2 main board Layout of the PCD2 main board Addressing I/O modules 2. Power supply and connection plan 2.1 External power supply 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 Application: simple and small installations Application: small to medium installations Application: medium to large installations Grounding and connection layout Internal power supply 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 26/757 E1 (Dx7-00-E.DOC) 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 Summary Assembly and dimensions Architecture of the PCD1 main board Layout of the PCD1 main board Addressing I/O modules 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.4.5 2.2 2.3 1-1 1-3 Schematic diagram of the PCD1 Schematic diagram of the PCD2 Power requirements of PCD2 modules SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1-17 1-19 1-21 1-22 1-25 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-5 Page 1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Contents Page 3. Specific system functions 3.1 Serial communication 3-2 3.1.1 Read serial interface SFC 240 "RCV_COM" 3.1.2 Transmit serial interface SFC 241 "COM_SEND" 3.1.3 Read status of serial interface SFC 242 "COM_STAT" 3.1.4 Initialize serial interface SFC 243 "COM_INIT" 3.2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 Interrupt inputs / fast counters 3-7 3.2.1 Block / enable interrupt inputs SFC 250 "INP:INT" 3.2.2 Configure / start counter SFC 251 "INITCNTR" 3.2.3 Read counter status SFC 252 "READCNTR" 3.3 3-8 3-9 3-10 SSI interface 3-11 3.3.1 Read SSI interface SFC 253 "READ_SSI" 3.3.2 Converting Gray code to binary SFC 254 "GRAY2BIN" 4. The serial communications interfaces (F-Modules) 4.1 4.2 4.3 Overview of the serial communications interfaces The MPI interface no. 0 Interface no. 1 with modules PCD7.F1.. 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.4 4.5 4.6 Page 2 3-11 3-12 4-2 4-3 4-4 RS 422/485 with module PCD7.F110 RS 232 with module PCD7.F120 20 mA current loop with module PCD7.F130 RS485 electrically isolated with mod. PCD7.F150 Interface no. 2 RS232 with modules PCD2.F5.. Interface no. 3 RS422/485 with modules PCD2.F5.. Definitions for serial interfaces SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-00-E.DOC) 4-4 4-6 4-7 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-13 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Contents 5. Digital input/output modules 5.1 PCD2.E110/111 Digital input module, electrically connected PCD2.E500 Digital input module for voltages from 115 to 230 VAC PCD2.E610/611 Digital input module, with electrical isolation PCD2.A200 Digital output module with 4 relay contacts (with contact protection) PCD2.A220 Digital output module with 6 relay contacts (without contact protection) PCD2.A250 Digital output module with 8 relay contacts (without contact protection) PCD2.A300 Digital output module, 2A, electrically connected PCD2.A400 Digital output module, 0.5A, electrically connected PCD2.A410 Digital output module, 0.5A, with electrical isolation PCD2.B100 Digital input/output module, electrically connected PCD2.G400 - not foreseen for xx7 series Interrupt inputs 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.2 Interrupt inputs of the PCD1.M137 Interrupt inputs of the PCD2.M127 and M227 6. Analogue input/output modules 6.1 PCD2.W10. Analogue input module, 4 channels, 12 bit resolution PCD2.W11. Analogue input module for resistance thermometer Pt/Ni100, 1000, 4 channels, each with 12 bit resolution PCD2.W2.. Analogue input module, 8 channels, 10 bit resolution PCD2.W4.. Analogue output module, 4 channels, 8 bit resolution PCD2.W5.. Analogue input/output module, 2 + 2 channels, 12 bit resolution 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 26/757 E1 (Dx7-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 5-3 5-5 5-9 5-11 5-17 5-23 5-29 5-31 5-33 5-35 5-41 5-41 5-41 6-3 6-7 6-13 6-17 6-21 Page 3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Contents Page 7. Fast counter and positioning modules PCD2.H100 PCD2.H110 PCD2.H150 PCD2.H210 PCD2.H31x Page 4 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Overview only SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 7-1 (Dx7-00-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Contents Please note: A number of detailed manuals are available to aid installation and operation of the SAIA PCD. These are for use by technically qualified staff, who may also have successfully completed one of our "workshops". To obtain the best performance from your SAIA PCD, closely follow the guidelines for assembly, wiring, programming and commissioning given in these manuals. In this way, you will also become one of the many enthusiastic SAIA PCD users. If you have any technical suggestions or recommendations for improvements to the manuals, please let us know. A form is provided on the last page of this manual for your comments. Summary PCD1/2 series Ha rdw are P CD 1 P CD 2 S erie x x7 PCD4 series PCD6 series H a rdw are PCD4 H ar dwa re PCD6 P CD 4. H1.. *) PCD2.M220 PC D4.H2.. *) P CD4.H3.. *) General Manuals PC D4.H4.. *) A dapter m o dule 4 '717'4828'0 allows H m odules to be used with the P CD6. U se r's G uide R eference Gu ide (P G3) P C D 8 .P 1 .. PCD7.D2.. PCD7. D160/170 PCD7.D8.. - S-Bus - PROFIBUS - Remote I/O In sta llation C om p one nts fo r R S 4 85 N etw ork s - PG4 - Modem FUPLA/ KOPLA function fam ilies 26/757 E1 (Dx7-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Contents Reliability and safety of electronic controllers SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. is a company which devotes the greatest care to the design, development and manufacture of its products: • • • • • • • • state-of-the-art technology compliance with standards ISO 9001 certification international approvals: e.g. Germanischer Lloyd, UL, Det Norske Veritas, CE mark ... choice of high-quality componentry quality control checks at various stages of production in-circuit tests run-in (burn-in at 85°C for 48h) Despite every care, the excellent quality which results from this does have its limits. It is therefore necessary, for example, to reckon with the natural failure of components. For this reason SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. provides a guarantee according to the "General terms and conditions of supply". The plant engineer must in turn also contribute his share to the reliable operation of an installation. He is therefore responsible for ensuring that controller use conforms to the technical data and that no excessive stresses are placed on it, e.g. with regard to temperature ranges, overvoltages and noise fields or mechanical stresses. In addition, the plant engineer is also responsible for ensuring that a faulty product in no case leads to personal injury or even death, nor to the damage or destruction of property. The relevant safety regulations should always be observed. Dangerous faults must be recognized by additional measures and any consequences prevented. For example, outputs which are important for safety should lead back to inputs and be monitored from software. Consistent use should be made of the diagnostic elements of the PCD, such as the watchdog, exception organization blocks (XOB) and test or diagnostic instructions. If all these points are taken into consideration, the SAIA PCD will provide you with a modern, safe programmable controller to control, regulate and monitor your installation with reliability for many years. Page 6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-00-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure 1. System structure 1.1 Compatibility PCD1 - PCD2 Supply 24 VDC Battery Watch Dog Ru n R un S to p St op S up ply 24 V D C R un E rr or R un H alt Er ror M PI MP I M127 Serie User memory • working memory (on board) • battery backup Peripherals Digital inputs/outputs • address space (bits) • process image (bits) Analogue inputs/outputs • address space Flags (bits) Counters Timers Timing flags Local data Data blocks • DB Integrated interfaces MPI • baud rate • number of stations • data quantity GD • GD packages • active connections Serial ports • integral to CPU SSI interface • RS422 interface, 200 kHz 26/757 E1 (Dx7-11-E.DOC) PCD1.M137 PCD2.M127 PCD2.M227 48 KBytes Lithium 132 KBytes Lithium 132 KBytes Lithium 4096 each 2048 each 65 536 each 2048 each 65 536 each 2048 each 256 each 4096 each 4096 each 16 384 M0.0-M2047.7 256 Z0-Z255 256 T0-T255 8 (1 flag-byte) 4096 bytes 16 384 M0.0-M2047.7 256 Z0-Z255 256 T0-T255 8 (1 flag-byte) 6144 bytes 16 384 M0.0-M2047.7 256 Z0-Z255 256 T0-T255 8 (1 flag-byte) 6144 bytes 511 511 511 187.5 kbit/s max. 32 32 bytes max. 16 max. 8 187.5 kbit/s max. 32 64 bytes max. 16 max. 32 187.5 kbit/s max. 32 64 bytes max. 16 max. 32 1 RS232/RS422/ RS485/TTY 3 RS232/RS422/ RS485/TTY 3 RS232/RS422/ RS485/TTY 1 1 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure Integrated PC • PC/104 plug-in places • Communications PCD ↔ PC Integrated real-time clock Fast interrupt inputs Fast Counter (20 kHz) Peripheral expansion • number of I/O modules in base unit • number of I/O-modules in expansion unit Instruction set Page 1-2 - date/time date/time 5 dual-port RAM date/time - 2 1 2 1 max. 4 max. 8 max. 8 S7-400 CPU412 max. 12 rsp. 16 S7-400 CPU414 max. 12 rsp. 16 S7-400 CPU414 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-11-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure 1.2 System information of the PCD1 and PCD2 series 1.2.1 Fundamental differences between the PCD1 and PCD2 The PCD1 series is based on the PCD2 one. Apart from the size, both series are similar. The PCD1 differs from the PCD2 in the following ways : • • • • Only 4 I/O modules can be inserted. Less memory in the basic controller unit. Only one other interface in addition to the MPI interface. The supply connector does not have the same features and is wired differently. • Instructionset/functionatlity according S7-400, CPU 412 26/757 E1 (Dx7-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure 1.2.2 Technical data of the PCD1.M137 Number of I/Os 4 I/O modules for 32 digital I/Os, or equivalent number of analogue I/O modules. Prozessor 1 CPU with µC 68340 User memory 48 KBytes (integrated) Battery Lithium Date/time yes Communication interfaces MPI + 1 free serial user interface (optional) - PCD7.F110: RS422/485 - PCD7.F130: 20 mA current loop - PCD7.F150: RS485, electrically isolated Page 1-4 Bus coupling MPI, PROFIBUS-DP, others on demand Programming units PC with MPI interface Programming Software STEP 7 programming software from Siemens and other third party programming software SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-11-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 1.2.3 System structure Technical data of the PCD2.M127 Number of I/Os 8, 12 or 16 I/O modules for 64, 96 or 128 digital I/Os respectively, or equivalent number of analogues I/O modules. Processor 1 CPU with µC 68340 User memory 132 KBytes (integrated) Battery Lithium Flags (bit) 16 384 (M0.0 - M2047.7) Local data 4096 bytes Timers 256 (T0 - T255) Counters 256 (Z0 - Z255) Timing flags 8 (1 flag-byte) Calculation ranges +32'767 ... -32 768 (16 bit integer) +2'147'483'647 ... -2'147'483'648 (32 bit integer) +38 ¦ normal-3,402'823 x 10 ... -1,175'494 x 10-38 ±0 ¦ ized floating ¦ point value +1,175'494 x 10-38 ... +3,402'823 x 10+38 Date/time yes Communication interfaces MPI + 3 free serial user interfaces (optional) - PCD7.F110: RS422/485 - PCD7.F120: RS232 - PCD7.F130: 20 mA current loop - PCD7.F150: RS485, electrically isolated for port no. 1, and - PCD7.F520/530 with interfaces no. 2 (RS232) and no. 3 (RS422/485). SSI interface RS 422, 200 kHz Interrupts 2 fast interrupts Fast counter 1 fast counter, 20 kHz Bus coupling MPI, PROFIBUS-DP, others on demand Programming units PC with MPI interface Programmingsoftware STEP 7 programming software from Siemens and other third party programming software 26/757 E1 (Dx7-11-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure 1.2.4 Technical data of the PCD2.M227 Number of I/Os 8, 12 or 16 I/O modules for 64, 96 or 128 digital I/Os respectively, or equivalent number of analogue I/O modules. Processor 1 CPU with µC 68340 User memory 132 KBytes (integrate) Battery Lithium Flags (bit) 16 384 (M0.0 - M2047.7) Local data 4096 bytes Timers 256 (T0 - T255) Counters 256 (Z0 - Z255) Timing flags 8 (1 flag-byte) Calculation ranges +32'767 ... -32 768 +2'147'483'647 ... -2'147'483'648 (16 bit integer) (32 bit integer) -3,402'823 x 10+38 ... -1,175'494 x 10-38 ±0 +1,175'494 x 10-38 ... +3,402'823 x 10+38 Page 1-6 ¦ normal¦ized floating ¦ point value Date/Time yes Communication Interfaces MPI + 3 freie serielle Anwenderschnittstellen (optional) - PCD7.F110: RS422/485 - PCD7.F120: RS232 - PCD7.F130: 20 mA current loop - PCD7.F150: RS485, electrically isolated for port no. 1, and - PCD7.F520/530 with interfaces no. 2 (RS232) and no. 3 (RS422/485). SSI interface RS 422, 200 kHz Interrupts 2 fast interrupts Fast counter 1 fast counter, 20 kHz Integrated PC 5 PC/104 plug-in places Communication PCD ↔ PC Dual-Port RAM Bus coupling MPI, PROFIBUS-DP, others on demand Programming units PC with MPI interface Programming software STEP 7 programming software from Siemens and other third party programming software SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-11-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 1.2.5 System structure General technical data of the PCD1 and PCD2 series Supply voltage 24 VDC ±20 % smoothed or 19 VAC ±15 % full wave rectified (18 VDC) Power consumption PCD1 : PCD2 : Resistance to interference Complies with "Recommended levels higher than minimum required" according to Standard for PLC EN 61131-2 (former IEC 1131-2) ESD complies to EN 61000-2, class 3 (former IEC 801-2) Burst complies to EN 61000-4 (former IEC 801-4) Power supply + digital I/O Level 4 = 4 kV Analogue I/O + serial interfaces Level 3 = 1 kV 10 W with 32 I/O 15 W with 64 I/O 20 W with 128 I/O Ambient temperature During operation : 0 .. +55°C resp. 0 .. +40°C (see "Mounting position") Storage temperature : -25 .. +70°C Air humidity 95 % r.F. without condensation complies to DIN 40040, Class F Mechanical resistance Complies to EN 61131-2 (former IEC 1131) Mounting position Standard : wall mounting (screw terminals horizontal) Special : on horizontal surface or wall mounting (screw terminals vertical) (Note : for the special mounting position, the operating temperature is max. 40°C.) Connections I/O modules, additionnal modules and supply via plug-in screw terminals for wires of 1.5 mm² (AWG 16) or 2 x 0.5 mm² (2 x AWG 20) Plug-in screw terminals The manufacturer guarantees that the screw terminal can be connected/disconnected up to 20 times without the quality of the contact being affected. Above this limit the srew terminal should be changed. Ul and C-UL requirements : Wire data 26/757 E1 (Dx7-11-E.DOC) Temperature : Copper wire only Tightening torque : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 60/75°C 0.5 Nm. Page 1-7 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure 1.2.6 Software resources PCD1 PCD2 OB 1 OB 1 OB 10, 11 OB 32, 35 OB 20, 21 OB 40, 41 OB 100 OB 10 - 13 OB 32 - 35 OB 20 - 23 OB 40 - 44 OB 100 OB 120, 121 OB 80 - 87 OB 120, 121 OB 80 - 87 256 256 511 256 256 511 S7-400 CPU 412 S7-400 CPU 414 4096 bytes 6144 bytes Cyclic Organization Block Time-Of-Day interrupts Cyclic interrupts Time-Delay interrupts Hardware interrupts Restart Error handling Synchronous alarms Asynchronous alarms Function Blocks Functions Data Blocks FB FC DB Instruction set Local data Flags (bit) 16 384 (M0.0 - M2047.7) Timers 256 (T0 - T255) Counters 256 (Z0 - Z255) Timing flags 8 (1 flag-byte) Calculation ranges +32'767 ... -32 768 +2'147'483'647 ... -2'147'483'648 (16 bit integer) (32 bit integer) -3,402'823 x 10+38 ... -1,175'494 x 10-38 ±0 +1,175'494 x 10-38 ... +3,402'823 x 10+38 Page 1-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-11-E.DOC) ¦ normal¦ ized floating ¦ point value 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 1.3 Base unit PCD1.M137 1.3.1 Summary Run Stop S up ply 24 V DC Ru n Er ro r M PI The PCD1 is composed of : - lower part with I/O bus and main printed circuit board - cover with LED labels Two I/O modules can be easily inserted onto the I/O bus along both sides. The following models are available : Functions M137 48 KBytes User memory Digital inputs/outputs: Analogue inputs/outputs address space (bits) process image (bits) address space 4096 each 2048 each 256 each 16 384 M0.0 - M2047.7 256 Z0 - Z255 256 T0 - T255 8 (1 flag-byte) 4096 bytes Flags (bits) Counters Timers Timing flags Local data Data Blocks (DB) 511 for more data see chapter 1.1 26/757 E1 (Dx7-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-9 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 1.3.2 Assembly and dimensions The PCD1 base unit can be snapped onto the same DIN-type double rail (2 x 35 mm) as the PCD2. Alternatively, the PCD1 can be fastened using 4 x M4 screws. The normal assembly layout is to mount on a vertical surface with I/O connection terminals running horizontally. In this position, ambient temperature up to 55°C are permissible. In all other positions convection acts less favourably, so that the ambient temperature should not exceed 40°C. Hanging the PCD1 on a DIN-type double rail 4 1 Press lower part of housing against mounting surface 2 Push firmly upwards to locate on projecting part of rail 3 Press upper part against mounting surface 4 For safety, press down from above onto rail 3 1 Removal the PCD1 2 2 Push housing upwards and pull top forwards Dimensions: 124 Run 70 200 208 70 d =4 ,5 S u p p ly R un Stop M PI 68 E r ro r 34 1 25 1 4 1 ,4 without cover Page 1-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 5, 5 64 with cover (Dx7-12-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 1.3.3 Architecture of the PCD1 main board The following block diagram shows the clear layout of the entire PCD1. SU PPL Y I/ O Sockets 1 - 4 I/O BU S C L OC K NV o l C PU µ C 68 340 + WD Flags User program memory Timers Counters MPI F - M O D U LE S SE R IA L IN T E R FA C E 26/757 E1 (Dx7-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD1.M 137 Page 1-11 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 1.3.4 Layout of the PCD1 main board The drawing below shows the PCD1.M120 main board (maximum equipment) with cover removed. System firmware RAM memory Socket for insertion of non volatile user memory Jumper J1aund J3 for user memory Lithium battery J2 ② J1 J3 µP EEPROM for storage of configuration data 68340 J4 J5 ③ MPI connector Microcontroller 68340 24 VDC RUN ERR Supply 24 VDC ① Communications interface no. 1 SPACE A SUPPLY J2, J4 and J5 connectors for space B ④ Operating state LEDs Circuit for supply Space A With its cover removed, the PCD1 shows all active components apart from the I/O bus printed circuit board. This is located below the main board on a level with the I/O modules. Caution : When the cover has been removed, exposed components are sensitive to electrostatic discharges. When the device is switched on, do not change the jumpers, insert or remove I/O modules, or perform any similar manipulations. Page 1-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-12-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 ➀ Connection of supply, electronic fuse and interference protection INB2 INB1 24 VDC 25 24 23 22 21 20 Connection is made at terminals 20 to 23 with wires of maximum 1.5 mm2 (with cable end bush). Smoothed or pulsed direct current can be used (see technical data). The "24 VDC" LED indicates when the supply voltage is present. Reverse voltage protection prevents the destruction of the circuit by incorrect connection. The 24V circuit is protected against damage in case of too high current by an electronic fuse (PTC resistor). ② Data protection The CPUs PCD1.M137 and PCD2.M127/227 are equipped with a non recharchable Lithium battery for data protection for 1 to 3 years. Battery type: Recommended product Order number by SBE LI - 3V RENATA 4 507 4817 0 Recognition of battery capacity: with Error OB A battery exchange can become without problems in every operating state without data loss if the PCD is on tension. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-13 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 ③ MPI interface for the connection of the program unit The following functions can be carried out via the MPI interface: • Programming • Data exchange with other controllers • Connection of operator terminals and observation devices The pin assignment of the MPI interface is the following: Pin no. Meaning 7 2 6 5 4 9 8 3 + 24V 0V of the 24V supply + 5V 0V of the 5V supply RTS of the AS RTS of the PG Data conductor A Data conductor B P24V M24V P5V M5V RTSAS RTSPG LTG_A LTG_B Warning: No PCD8.K111 cable may be employed Page 1-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-12-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 ④ Operating states of the processor The states are displayed by 3 LEDs on the front panel : • SUPPLY 24 VDC • RUN • ERROR Yellow LED Yellow LED Red LED The SUPPLY 24VDC LED indicates the presence of the external power supply. The RUN and ERROR LEDs indicate the operating state of the CPU. The CPU can have the following operating states : POST, STOP, START, RUN State LED Meaning POST (Power On Self Test) RUN on/off ERROR on/off SUPPLY on Self-check for approx. ½ sec by switching on Coded signals STOP RUN off ERROR off PCD is in STOP state. The outputs are switches off, the user program is not executed START RUN flashing ERROR off State between STOP and RUN. The Start OB is executed (if programmed) RUN RUN on ERROR off Normal processing of the user program ERROR on/off User programmable 26/757 E1 (Dx7-12-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-15 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD1 1.3.5 Addressing I/O modules The PCD1 consists of a non-expandable base unit into which up to 4 I/O modules from the PCD2 series can be inserted. Addressing is clockwise in steps of 16, from 0 to 63. 1 2 Base unit PCD1.M137 Numbering of the 4 plug-in places 4 3 Address and terminal labelling See explanations in the following chapter 1.4.5 (PCD2). Page 1-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-12-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 1.4 Base units PCD2.M127 and PCD2.M227 as well as expansion units PCD2.C107 and PCD2.C157 1.4.1 Summary Suppl y 24 VDC Battery W atch Dog Run Stop Run Hal t Error M227 M PI M127 The base units PCD2.M127 and M227 are composed of: - lower part with I/O bus and main printed circuit board - cover with LED labels Four I/O modules can be easily inserted onto the I/O bus along both sides. The following models are available : Functions PCD2.M127 and PCD2.M227 132 KBytes User memory Digital inputs/outputs: Analogue inputs/outputs address space (bits) process image (bits) address space 65 536 each 2048 each 4096 each 16 384 M0.0 - M2047.7 256 Z0 - Z255 256 T0 - T255 8 (1 flag byte) 6144 bytes Flags (bits) Counters Timers Timing flags Local data Data Blocks (DB) 511 for more data see chapter 1.1 26/757 E1 (Dx7-13-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-17 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 PCD2.C107 and PCD2.C157 expansion units Sup ply 2 4 VDC Battery Watch Do g M127 M127 Ru n Ha lt Error R un Stop M PI C107 K100 Arranges side-by-side or one above the other C107 The ..C107 expansion unit has the same dimensions as the base unit PCD2 and takes 8 additional I/O modules. The ..C157 expansion unit has the same dimensions as the base unit PCD1 and takes 4 additional I/O modules.. Connection to the PCD2.M127 rsp. PCD2.M227 is via the 26-core extension cable PCD2.K100 (for vertical mounting position) or PCD2.K110 (for horizontal mounting position). Power for the expansion unit is also provided via this cable. Caution : Page 1-18 The extension cable must never be connected or disconnected while the unit is powered on ! SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-13-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 1.4.2 Assembly and dimensions The PCD1 base unit can be snapped onto the same DIN-type double rail (2 x 35 mm) as the PCD2. Alternatively, the PCD2 can be fastened using 4 x M4 screws. The normal assembly layout is to mount on a vertical surface with I/O connection terminals running horizontally. In this position, ambient temperature up to 55°C are permissible. In all other positions convection acts less favourably, so that the ambient temperature should not exceed 40°C. Hanging the PCD2 on a DIN-type double rail 4 1 Press lower part of housing against mounting surface 2 Push firmly upwards to locate on projecting part of rail 3 Press upper part against mounting surface 4 For safety, press down from above onto rail 3 1 2 26/757 E1 (Dx7-13-E.DOC) Removal the PCD2 2 Push housing upwards and pull top forwards SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-19 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 Dimensions PCD1.M137/PCD2.C157 PCD2.M127/PCD2.C107 d=4,5 24 V BATT WD 124 MPI 70 200 RUN HALT ERR. 68 208 70 d=4,5 125 34 230 141,4 248 without cover without cover 64 5,5 with cover Cable layout 24 V BATT WD MPI RUN HALT ERR. Page 1-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. The I/O modules can be wired up on both sides using the corresponding cable channels. Cables to terminals on the main board are routed through both lateral channels, from below or above. (Dx7-13-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 1.4.3 Architecture of the PCD2 main board The following block diagram shows the clear layout of the entire PCD2. SUPPLY I/O Sockets 1 - 8 I/O BUS CLOCK NVol + DISPLAY CPU µC 68340 I/O EXTENTION Sockets 9 - 16 I/O BUS Flags User program memory Timers Counters F-MODULES MPI INTERRUPT INPUTS + FAST COUNTERS SERIAL INTERFACES 26/757 E1 (Dx7-13-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. PCD2.M127 Page 1-21 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 1.4.4 Layout of the PCD2 main board The drawing below shows the PCD2.M127 main board (maximum equipment) with cover removed. Jumper J2 and J3 for user memory Upper spaces for for I/O modules Socket for insertion of non volatile user memory Microcontroller 68'340 System firmware Space B Battery buffered user program memory 32 48 µC 68340 OPEN SPACE B REF WP RTC Jumper J0 for interface no. 0 User Memory Communications interfaces no. 2 and 3 Firmware 16 EEPROM Firmware 0 Interrupt inputs or fast software counter (M127/M227 only) 24V RUN HALT SUPPLY RO WD XOB1 ENABLE BATT ERR Communications interface no. 1 SPACE A Supply 24 VDC Input circuit ① 112 96 80 ② 64 ③ Lower spaces for I/O modules MPI connector Space A Circuit for supply Operating state LEDs Battery With its cover removed, the PCD2 shows all active components apart from the I/O bus printed circuit board. This is located below the main board on a level with the I/O modules. Caution : When the cover has been removed, exposed components are sensitive to electrostatic discharges. When the device is switched on, do not change the jumpers, insert or remove I/O modules, or perform any similar manipulations. Page 1-22 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-13-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 ① Connection of supply, fuse and interference protection WD 24 VDC 25 24 23 22 21 20 Connection is made at terminals 20 to 24 with wires of maximum 1.5 mm2 (with cable end bush). Smoothed or pulsed direct current can be used (see technical data). The "24 VDC" LED indicates when the supply voltage is present. Reverse voltage protection prevents the destruction of the circuit by incorrect connection. The 24V circuit is protected against damage in case of too high current by an electronic fuse (PTC resistor). ② Data protection The CPUs PCD1.M137 and PCD2.M127/227 are equipped with a non recharchable Lithium battery for data protection for 1 to 3 years. Battery type: Recommended product Order number by SBE LI - 3V RENATA 4 507 4817 0 Recognition of battery capacity: with Error OB A battery exchange can become without problems in every operating state without data loss if the PCD is on tension. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-13-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-23 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 ③ MPI interface for the connection of the program unit The following functions can be carried out via the MPI interface: • Programming • Data exchange with other controllers • Connection of operator terminals and observation devices The pin assignment of the MPI interface is the following: Pin no. Meaning 7 2 6 5 4 9 8 3 + 24V 0V of the 24V supply + 5V 0V of the 5V supply RTS of the AS RTS of the PG Data conductor A Data conductor B P24V M24V P5V M5V RTSAS RTSPG LTG_A LTG_B Warning: No PCD8.K111 cable may be employed Page 1-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-13-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 1.4.5 1 Addressing I/O modules 2 3 4 PCD2.M127/M227 base unit All modules of types E, A, W and H can be used if desired. 8 7 6 5 Bus extension cable PCD2.K100 or K110 9 10 11 12 PCD2.C107 expansion unit 16 15 14 9 13 10 PCD2.C157 expansion unit 12 11 . 26/757 E1 (Dx7-13-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-25 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 System structure PCD2 Address and terminal labelling Cover of PCD2 LED display of status I/O function name I/O module name I/O module Terminal numbers 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Function mnemonics and relative I/O addresses 64 • When the cover is in position (during operation) the logical state of each digital I/O is displayed by an LED. • When the cover is removed, the terminals are accessible. Page 1-26 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-13-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Power supply and connection plan 2. Power supply and connection plan 2.1 External power supply 2.1.1 Application: simple and small installations +18V 19VAC ±15% 0V L N GND Transformer min. 50VA • Sensors • Actuators Electromechanical switches Relays, lamps and small valves with < 0.5 A switching current PCD1.M1.., PCD2.M1.., PCD2.C1.. PCD2.E1.., E5.., E6.., A2.., A4.., B1.., G4.. PCD2.W1.., W2.., W4.., W5.. • For modules 2.1.2 Application: small to medium installations Transformer min. 50VA +18V 19VAC ±15% 0V GND +24V = L 24VDC N Controller ±2 0% 0V L N • Sensors • Actuators • For modules Electromechanical switches, proximity switches and photoelectric barriers Relays, lamps, displays and small valves with < 0.5 A switching current PCD1.M1.., PCD2.M1.., PCD2.C1.., PCD2.E1.., E5.., E6.., A2.., A4.., B1.., G4.. PCD2.W1.., W2.., W4.., W5.. PCD2.H1.. *), H2.. *), H3.. *) PCD7.D1.. *), D2.. *), PCA2.D12 *), D14 *) *) These modules must be connected to 24 VDC smoothed. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Power supply and connection plan 2.1.3 Application : medium to large installations Fuse 16A 24VDC ±20% +24V = +24V = 400VAC / 19VAC +24V = 470 - 2200 µF/40V R S T 0V GND • Sensors • Actuators • For modules Page 2-2 Electromechanical switches, proximity switches and photoelectric barriers Relays, lamps, large valves and large contactors with consumtion up to 2 A. PCD1.M1.., PCD2.M1.., PCD2.C1.. PCD2.E1.., E5.., E6.., A2.., A3.., A4.., B1.., G4.. PCD2.W1.., W2.., W4.., W5.. PCD2.H1.., H2.., H3.. PCD7.D1.., D2... PCA2.D12, D14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-20-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Power supply and connection plan 2.2 Grounding and connection layout Shielding and grounding plate Supply Earthing bar ① The lower part of the PCD1 or of the PCD2 housing contains the shielding and grounding plate. It forms the common, large-surface user ground for all I/O modules and for the external supply. Whenever an I/O module is inserted, a reliable multipoint contact with the module is produced by the plate contact strip. ② The zero potential (negative pole) of the 24 V supply is connected to the negative terminal of the PC1 or the PCD2 supply. This latter should be connected to the earthing bar by the shortest possible 2.5 mm2 wire. The negative terminal of the F1.. module must also be connected to the earthing bar as well as, on the PCD2, the negative terminal of the "Interrupt" part. Any shielding of analogue signals or communications cables should also be brought to the same ground potential, either via a negative terminal or the earthing bar. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-20-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Power supply and connection plan 2.3 Internal power supply 2.3.1 Schematic diagram of the PCD1 PCD1 bus LE D 24V PTC DC 24 VDC supply 20 +5V DC 21 V oltag e m onito r 5V C LR 3 9 V 2200uF 22 0V 23 DC V+ ( 16 .. 2 4 V ) DC Rating of internal voltages With effect from basic units PCD2.M137, the following currents are available for plug-on modules : +5V : +V (16.. 24V) : 2.3.2 750 mA 100 mA Schematic diagram of the PCD2 PCD2 bus LED 24V PTC DC 24 VDC supply 20 +5V DC 21 Voltage monitor 5V 22 39V 2200uF 23 CLR 0V 24 DC Watch Dog LED WD WD V+ (16.. 24V) DC 25 200ms WD addr. 255 I/O Write 26 Rating of internal voltages With effect from basic units PCD2.M127 or PCD2.M227, the following currents are available for plug-on modules : +5 V : 1600 mA +V (16.. 24 V) : 200 mA Page 2-4 (1100 mA on the hardware prior to version "H") SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-20-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Power supply and connection plan 2.3.3 Power requirements of PCD2 modules Internal power supply I at +5 V (mA) Internal power supply I at + V (mA) External power supply I at 24 VDC PCD2. E11x E500 E61x 1 .. 24 <1 1 .. 24 ---- 8 I with 6 mA 8 I with 5.0/3.7 mA A200 A220 A250 A300 A400 A410 1 .. 15 1 .. 20 1 .. 25 1 .. 20 1 .. 25 1 .. 24 ------- max. 32 mA max. 48 mA max. 64 mA Load current Load current Load current B100 1 .. 25 -- Load current G400 10 .. 65 35 Load current W10x W110/111 W112/113 W200/210 W220 W4x0 W5x0 45 45 45 8 8 1 200 15 30 20 5 16 30 -- -----100 mA (W410) -- H100 H110 H150 H210 H31x 90 70 50 75 150 ------ CCO output : 0.5 A Load current Load current Load current max. 15 mA F500 F510 F520 F530 F540 F550 70 140 250 350 ( 10 ) ( 75 ) ------- Type C100 C150 1) 2) 3) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-20-E.DOC) 1) 2) 10 10 3) 3) --- 3) 3) See in the following page SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Power supply and connection plan Type PCD7. F110 F120 F130 F150 F700 F750 Internal power supply I at +5 V (mA) Internal power supply I at + V (mA) 50 10 10 130 200 330 --40 ---- External power supply I at 24 VDC Warning about the consumption of the terminal PCD7.D16x Type PCD7. D160 D160 D162 1) D162 1) D163 2) D163 2) Internal power supply I at +5 V (mA) Internal power supply I at + V (mA) Back-lighting ( 25 ) ( 225 ) 35 235 100 300 ------- No Yes No Yes No Yes The back-lighting of the terminal PCD7.D160 increases the consumption of 200 mA like described in the above table Page 2-6 1) Set of modules including the terminal PCD7.D160 and the communication interface PCD2.F540. 2) Set of modules including the terminal PCD7.D160 and the communication interface PCD2.F550. 3) The E/A/W/H modules on the expansion unit are also supplied from the base unit PCD2.M127 or M227. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-20-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3. Specific system functions General All system functions use a "0" value in the BIE bit of the status word to indicate whether an error has occurred during the processing of a function. In addition, some SFCs supply a further error code in the return value ("RET_VAL"). Error-free execution sets the BIE bit. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.1 Serial communication General structure External DB Transmit buffer PCD Pointer 128 Byte RS232, CL, RS422, RS485 UART Receive buffer DB Pointer 128 Byte System program Application program The UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) is the interface between the outside world and the PCD’s transmit or receive buffer. Data is transferred between the UART and the transmit or receive buffer via the system program. Data transfer between the transmit or receive buffer and the DBs in the PCD is done by the application program. This arrangement exists for each separate interface. There are two basic methods for transmitting or receiving: a) Attempts are made to execute a data transfer until success is finally achieved, or b) The status of the transmitter/receiver is assessed and, on arrival of an event, data transfer is executed specifically. a) Initialize interface b) Initialize interface Transmit or receive data no OK ? Query status no yes OK ? yes Transmit or receive data Page 3-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-31-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 3.1.1 Specific system functions Read serial interface SFC 240 "RCV_COM" When the "RCV_COM" SFC is called, the number of bytes indicated is transferred from the receive buffer to the buffer specified. SFC240 EN Parameters Parameter COM_NR BUFFER RET_VAL COM_NR IN0 RET_VAL BUFFER IN1 ENO Declaration INPUT INPUT OUTPUT Error information Error code (W#16#....) 0000 00FE 0001 Data type BYTE ANY WORD Memory range E,A,M,D,L,Const. E,A,M,D,L Description Interface number 1, 2, 3 Pointer to buffer (128 Byte) Error information Description no error incorrect interface number insufficient bytes in receive buffer 26/757 E1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.1.2 Transmit serial interface SFC 241 "COM_SEND" When the "COM_SEND" SFC is called, the number of bytes indicated is transferred from the specified buffer into the transmit buffer. The transmission itself takes place in the background. SFC241 EN Parameters Parameter COM_NR BUFFER RET_VAL IN0 RET_VAL BUFFER IN1 ENO Declaration INPUT INPUT OUTPUT Error information Error code (W#16#....) 0000 00FE 0001 Page 3-4 COM_NR Data type BYTE ANY WORD Memory range E,A,M,D,L,Const. E,A,M,D,L Description Interface number 1, 2, 3 Pointer to buffer (128 Byte) Error information Description no error incorrect interface number insufficient space in transmit buffer SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-31-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 3.1.3 Specific system functions Read status of serial interface SFC 242 "COM_STAT" When the "COM_STAT" SFC is called, the status of the specified serial interface is returned. SFC242 COM_NR EN RET_VAL IN0 OUT1 RCV_CNT OUT2 SND_CNT OUT3 STATUS EN0 Parameters Parameter COM_NR RET_VAL RCV_CNT Declaration INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT Data type BYTE WORD WORD Memory range E,A,M,D,L,Const. E,A,M,D,L E,A,M,D,L SND_CNT OUTPUT WORD E,A,M,D,L STATUS OUTPUT WORD E;A;M;D;L Description Interface number 1, 2, 3 Error information Number of bytes in receive buffer Number of bytes in transmit buffer Status Bit 0 = 1 → Receive buffer overrun Bit 1 = 1 → Interface error Error information Error code Description (W#16#....) 0000 no error 00FE incorrect interface number 26/757 E1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.1.4 Initialize serial interface SFC 243 "COM_INIT" When the "COM_INIT" SFC is called, the specified serial interface is initialized. SFC243 EN COM_NR IN0 SELECT IN1 BAUDRATE IN2 RET_VAL COM_PAR IN3 EN0 Parameters Parameter COM_NR SELECT Declaration INPUT INPUT Data type BYTE BYTE Memory range E,A,M,D,L,Const. E,A,M,D,L,Const. BAUDRATE COM_PAR INPUT INPUT DINT WORD E,A,M,D,L,Const. E,A,M,D,L,Const. RET_VAL OUTPUT WORD E,A,M,D,L Description Interface number Interface mode RS232 = 0 RS485 = 1 RS422 = 2 CL 20 mA = 3 Baud rate Initialization parameters for the interface (see below) Error information Error information Error code Description (W#16#....) 0000 no error 00FE incorrect interface number or incorrect initialization values Meaning of “COM_PAR” Bits 1..0 Number of data bits (00 = 5, 01 = 6, 10 = 7, 11 = 8) Bits 4..2 Parity (000 = even, 001 = odd, 010 = force low, 011 = force high, 10x =no) Permitted baud rates : 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400*) *) 38400 for COM1 only Page 3-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-31-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.2 Interrupt inputs / fast counters Interrupt inputs and the fast counter occupy the same elements. It is therefore only possible to use either the interrupt inputs or the fast counter. Assignment of terminal block (see also section 1.4.4, terminal block above right). 0 SSI-Data + 1 SSI-Data - 2 Count input / Interrupt input 0 3 Count input / Interrupt input 1 4 SSI-Clock + 5 SSI-Clock - 6 NC 7 NC 8 9 GND Block diagram of the fast counter Counter input Counter enable Clock Enable Counter Comparator Call OB 40 Comparison value 1 Comparison value 2 • • • • 26/757 E1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) The counter always starts from 0 (zero) Comparison value 1 must be smaller than comparison value 2 The counter can count no higher than comparison value 2 The counter always counts upwards SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-7 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.2.1 Block / enable interrupt inputs SFC 250 "INP_INT" The "INP_INT" SFC is used to block or enable the interrupt inputs. SFC250 ENABLE EN RET_VAL IN0 EN0 Parameters Parameter ENABLE Declaration INPUT Data type BIT Memory range E,A,M,D,L RET_VAL OUTPUT WORD E,A,M,D,L Description 1 → Enable interrupts 0 → Block interrupts Error information When the interrupt condition occurs, OB 40 is called. Caution : Interrupt input 2 (terminal 3) becomes active with a rising edge while interrupt input 1 (terminal 2) becomes active with a falling edge. Input 1 only triggers an interrupt when input 2 = zero. Error information none Using local variable 0B40_STRT_INF it is possible to query which of the two interrupt inputs is active: OB40_STRT_INF = B#16#41 OB40_STRT_INF = B#16#42 Page 3-8 → → SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Interrupt input 0 Interrupt input 1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.2.2 Configure / start counter SFC 251 "INITCNTR" The "INITCNTR" SFC configures and starts or stops the integral counter. SFC251 EN START IN0 ENABLE IN1 INT2 IN2 INT1 IN3 VALUE2 IN4 RET_VAL VALUE1 IN5 EN0 Parameters Parameter Declaration Data type Memory range START INPUT BIT E,A,M,D,L ENABLE INPUT BIT E,A,M,D,L INT2 INPUT BIT E,A,M,D,L INT1 INPUT BIT E,A,M,D,L VALUE2 VALUE1 RET_VAL INPUT INPUT OUTPUT WORD WORD WORD E,A,M,D,L E,A,M,D,L E,A,M,D,L Description 1 → Start counter (counts up) 0 → Stop counter 1 → Enable input active 0 → Enable input inactive 1 → Interrupt when second counter status is reached 0 → No interrupt when second counter status is reached 1 → Interrupt when first counter status is reached 0 → No interrupt when first counter status is reached second counter status first counter status Error information If the interrupts are enabled, OB 40 is called when the relevant counter status is reached. Possible values for VALUE1 or VALUE2 : W#16#0002 to W#16#FFFF or 0. Error information Error code Description (W#16#....) 0000 no error 00FD invalid counter status (i.e. counter status has been transmitted as 1) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-9 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.2.3 Read counter status SFC 252 "READCNTR" The "READCNTR" SFC reads counter status. SFC252 RET_VAL EN0 EN Parameters Parameter RET_VAL Page 3-10 Declaration OUTPUT Data type WORD Memory range E,A,M,D,L Description The RET_VAL parameter contains the value read. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-31-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.3 SSI interface 3.3.1 Read SSI interface SFC 253 "READ_SSI" (SSI = Synchronous Serial Interface) The "READ_SSI" SFC can be used to read the integral SSI interface. This SFC reads the number of bits specified. No attempt is made to interpret the value read, i.e. any coded error bits which the value might contain must be evaluated in the STEP7 program. If the value is supplied in Gray code, this can be converted with SFC 254. SFC253 BIT_CNT EN RET_VAL IN0 EN0 Parameters Parameter BIT_CNT Declaration INPUT Data type BYTE Memory range E,A,M,D,L,Const. RET_VAL OUTPUT DWORD E,A,M,D,L Description Number of bits to be read (1..32) The RET_VAL parameter contains the value read. Error information If when called an invalid number is transferred in "BIT_COUNT", the BIE bit is reset. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-31-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-11 SAIAÒ PCD Serie xx7 Specific system functions 3.3.2 Converting Gray code to binary SFC 254 "GRAY2BIN" The "GRAY2BIN" SFC converts a Gray code format number into binary format. SFC254 Parameters Parameter GRAY RET_VAL EN RET_VAL GREY IN0 EN0 Declaration INPUT OUTPUT Data type DWORD DWORD Memory range E,A,M,D,L,Const. E,A,M,D,L Description Value in Gray code The RET_VAL parameter contains the binary value Error information none Page 3-12 Ó Saia-Burgess Controls Ltd. (0602-Dx7-31-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4. The serial communications interfaces (F - Modules) The F-Modules are inserted directly into spaces A and B and make the following functions possible : The following is available for space A (interface no. 1) : • model PCD7.F110 with RS 422/485 interface • model PCD7.F120 with RS 232 interface • model PCD7.F130 with 20 mA current loop interface • model PCD7.F150 with RS 485 interface, electrically isolated The following is available for space B of the PCD2: • Type PCD2.F520/530 with communications interface no. 2 (RS232) as well as no. 3 (RS422/485). The PCD2.M127 base unit is required for the F520 module 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.1 Overview of the serial communications interfaces Layout PCD2 39 Space B for function module F5.. or F7.. Serial interfaces no. 2 and 3 or PROFIBUS 0 µC 68340 + user memory Interrupt inputs or fast counters 9 30 PGU-plug serial interface no. 0 RS 232 29 10 S-Bus interface no. 0 Watch dog and supply 24 VDC Space A for function module F1.. Supply and WD Serial interface no. 1 20 19 In its maximum layout, the PCD1 has 2 communications interfaces and the PCD2 has 4 communications interfaces. All interfaces can be assigned individually using the SASI instruction for various communications modes in the range 110 to 38400 bps. The following baud rate combinations are not possible for the interfaces no. 0 and no. 1 (DUART 1), nor for interfaces no. 2 and no. 3 (DUART 1) : 38.4 KBaud 38.4 KBaud 38.4 KBaud + + + 38.4 Kbaud 19.2 KBaud 150 Baud or 110 Baud The following interfaces are available : Interface 0 : • Interface 1 : • RS 422/RS 485, with PCD7.F110 plug-in module (fix RS 485 equipped on the PCD1.M110) • RS232 (suitable for modem connection) with PCD7.F120 plug-in module • 20 mA current loop with PCD7.F130 plug-in module • RS 485 electrically isolated with PCD7.F150 plug-in module Interface 2 : • RS 232 Interface 3 : Page 4-2 MPI (Multi Point Interface) ¦ on plug-in ¦ module • RS 422/485 ¦ PCD2.F5.. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.2 The MPI interface no. 0 The following functions can be carried out via the MPI interface: • Programming • Data exchange with other controllers • Connection of operator terminals and observation devices The pin assignment of the MPI interface is the following: Pin no. Meaning 7 2 6 5 4 9 8 3 + 24V 0V of the 24V supply + 5V 0V of the 5V supply RTS of the AS RTS of the PG Data conductor A Data conductor B P24V M24V P5V M5V RTSAS RTSPG LTG_A LTG_B Warning: No PCD8.K111 cable may be employed 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.3 Interface no. 1 with modules PCD7.F1.. Interface no. 1 can be fitted by the PCD1.M137, by the PCD2:127 and by the PCD2.M227 with various interface modules of the type PCD7.F1.. at connection site A . 4.3.1 RS 422/485 with module PCD7.F110 • Connexion for RS 422 Point-to-point communications in all modes with the exception of MC4 and SS../SM.. (S-Bus) modes. Connector designation Cable PCD1.M137 PCD2.M.. Space A PCD7.F110 J1 OPEN CLOSED 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 Peripheral PGND TX /TX RX /RX PGND RTS /RTS CTS /CTS PGND TX /TX RX /RX SGND RTS /RTS CTS /CTS Note : For RS422 each pair of receiver lines is terminated on the ..F110 module with a 150Ω line termination resistor. For this, jumper J1 must be left in the "OPEN" position (factory setting). The jumper J1 is located on the rear side of the F1 board. F-Module PCD7.F120 is not available for PCD1.M137. Page 4-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces • Connexion for RS 485 and S-Bus Connector designation Bus Cable PCD1.M137 PCD2.M.. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Space A PCD7.F110 J1 OPEN CLOSED 11 12 13 14 PGND RX - TX /RX - //TX 16 17 18 19 GND PGND RX - TX /RX - /TX Bus RS 485 not used Selection of line termination resistors First station Middle stations PCD1/2.M.. PCD1/2.M.. End station PCD1/2.M.. PCD1/2.M.. +5 V +5 V 11 12 11 12 Pull up 330 Ohm /RX - /TX 12 Termination resistor 150 Ohm 12 Bus RS485 RX - TX 11 Pull down 330 Ohm 11 Segment lenght max. 1200 m max. 32 stations Note : - At the first and last stations jumper J1 must be set to the "CLOSED" position. - For all other stations, jumper J1 must be left in the "OPEN" position (factory setting). The jumper J1 is located on the rear side of the F1-board. See also the manual "Installation Components for RS 485 Networks" 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.3.2 RS 232 with module PCD7.F120 This interface allows a connection to a modem. Connector designation PCD2.M.. Space A PCD7.F120 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 Cable PGND TX RX RTS CTS PGND DTR DSR RSV DCD PGND TX RX RTS CTS SGND DTR DSR DCD Connector designation 10 11 11 Space A 12 13 12 13 PCD7.F120 14 15 16 14 17 18 19 17 18 PCD2.M.. 16 19 Page 4-6 Cable Modem (DCE) PGND TX RX RTS CTS SGND DTR DSR PGND TX RX RTS CTS PGND DTR DSR RSV DCD (RSV Peripheral (DTE) DCD → SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Reserve) (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 4.3.3 The serial communications interfaces 20mA current loop with module PCD7.F130 *) Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal 11: 13: 16: 18: TS TA TC TG Transmitter Source Transmitter Anode Transmitter Cathode Transmitter Ground ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal 12: 14: 17: 19: RS RA RC RG Receiver Source Receiver Anode Receiver Cathode Receiver Ground ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Transmitter Receiver Signal type Required value Nominal value Power for logic L (space) Power for logic H (mark) Neutral Voltage on TS, RS Short circuit power on TS, RS -20mA... +12mA... +16.0V... +18mA... 0mA 20mA +24.0V +23.2mA + 2mA +24mA+ +24.0V +29.6mA The idle state for data signals is "mark". The user selects "active" or "passive" switching by means of wire jumpers on the screw terminals. Connection examples for 20mA current loop a) PCD1 or PCD2 active PCD7.F130 (active) Cable Pin-Nr. Peripheral (passive) 11 Transmitter 13 Receiver 16 18 12 Receiver 14 17 Transmitter 19 *) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) max. baud rate for 20mA current loop limited to 9600 Baud SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-7 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces b) PCD1 or PCD2 passive PCD7.F130 (passive) Cable Peripheral (active) Pin-Nr. Receiver 11 13 Transmitter 16 18 12 14 Receiver 17 19 Transmitter c) PCD1 or PCD2 transmitter and peripheral transmitter active Cable PCD7.F130 Peripheral Pin-Nr. 11 13 Transmitter (active) 16 Receiver 18 12 14 Receiver 17 19 Transmitter (active) Connector PCD1.M137 PCD2.M.. Space A PCD7.F130 Page 4-8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 11 12 13 14 TS RS TA RA 16 17 18 19 TC RC TG RG (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.3.4 RS 485 electrically isoled with module PCD7.F150 Electrical isolation is achieved with 3 optocouplers and a DC/DC converter. Data signals D and /D are each protected against overvoltages by a suppressor diode (10V). The line termination resistors can be connected or disconnected with jumper J1. Connection PCD1.M137 PCD2.M.. PGND PGND 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 50 V DC Space A PCD7.F150 J1 CLOSED PGND OPEN SBUS 11 12 13 14 RX - TX /RX - //TX 16 17 18 19 D /D RX - TX /RX - /TX Bus RS 485 SGND (electrically isolated) must be connected to the cables shield 50 V DC Block diagram OPTO-0601 +5VE Transmit TXD 75176 Receive RXD 330 Ohm Driver RS485 /D 150 Ohm RTS D EN 330 Ohm SGND +5V PGND Note: DC DC +5VE SGND SGND Common mode voltage : 50 V, limited by capacitors between the data lines and SGND (on the base module) For the installation, see the manuel "Installation Components for RS-485 Networks", order code 26/740 F. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-9 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.4 Interface no. 2 RS 232 with modules PCD2.F5.. With the PCD2.M127 and PCD2.M227 only. Inserting the PCD2.F520 or PCD2.F530 module in space B of the PCD2.M120 base unit configures interface no. 2 as RS 232. Because of insufficient control lines, this interface is not suitable for the connection of a modem. For modem connection please use interface no. 1 with PCD7.F120 (see section 4.3.2). Peripheral device no. 3 Cable C TS R TS RX TX S G ND C TS R TS RX TX P G ND 39 38 37 36 34 33 32 31 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 P C D 2 .F 5 2 0/F 53 0 P C D 2 .M 1 2 7 /2 2 7 Instructions : - The PCD2.F530 module is also equipped with a 6-digit display. Page 4-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.5 Interface no. 3 RS 422/RS 485 with modules PCD2.F5.. With the PCD2.M127 and PCD2.M227 only. Inserting the PCD2.F520, F530 or F550 module in space B of the PCD2.M120 base unit configures interface no. 3 as RS 422/485. • Connexion for RS 422 Point-to-point communications in all modes with the exception of MC4 and SS../SM.. (S-Bus) modes. This RS 422 does not have any control lines. If they are required, the PCD7.F110 module should be used in space A. Connector Cable no. 2 39 38 37 36 34 33 32 31 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 P C D 2 .F 5 2 0/F 53 0 /F 5 5 0 J1 CLOSED /R X RX /T X TX PG N D /R X RX /T X TX SG N D OPEN Peripheral device P C D 2 .M 1 2 7/2 2 7 Instructions: - Every pair of receiving lines for the RS 422 interface is closed with a termination resistance of 150 Ω. - This requires jumper J1 to be in the "OPEN" position (factory setting). 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-11 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces • Connexion for RS 485 Connector Bus RS485 GND /RX-/TX RX-TX PGND 34 33 32 31 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 PCD2.F520/F530/F550 J1 CLOSED /RX-/TX RX-TX PGND 39 38 37 36 OPEN Bus cable PCD2.M127/227 Selection of line termination resistors First station Middle stations PCD2.M.. PCD2.M.. End station PCD2.M.. PCD2.M.. +5 V +5 V 36 36 37 37 Pull up 330 Ohm /RX - /TX 37 Termination resistor 150 Ohm 37 Bus RS485 RX - TX 36 Pull down 330 Ohm 36 Segment lenght max. 1200 m max. 32 stations Note : • At the first and last stations jumper J1 must be set to the "CLOSED" position. • For all other stations, jumper J1 must be left in the "OPEN" position (factory setting). • See also the manual "Installation Components for RS485 Networks Page 4-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces 4.6 Definitions for serial interfaces Signal types TX RX RTS CTS DTR DSR RI DCD Transmit Data Receive Data Request To Send Clear To Send Data Terminal Ready Data Set Ready Ring Indicator Data Carrier Detect Data signal Control/Message signal Signal for RS 232 Signal type Logical state Required value Nominal value Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) + 3 V to +15 V -15 V to - 3 V +7 V -7V Control/ Message sinal 0 (off) 1 (on) -15 V to - 3 V + 3 V to +15 V -7V +7 V The idle state of data signals is "mark". The idle state for control/message signals is "off". Signal for RS 485 (RS 422) *) no driver active Mark = Mark 5V e.g. start bit 3V /TX 2V TX VOH 2.5V VOL VOZ 4V Space 1V 0V VOZ VOH VOL = = = 0.9 V min. to 1.7 V max. (no driver active) 2 V min. (with load) to 5 V max. (without load) -2 V to -5 V *) RS 422 is in the "Mark" position in its inactive state. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-41-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-13 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 The serial communications interfaces RS 422 Signal type Logical state Polarity Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) TX positive to /TX /TX positive to TX Control/ Message signal 0 (off) 1 (on) /RTS positive to RTS RTS positive to /RTS Signal type Logical state Polarity Data signal 0 (space) 1 (mark) RX-TX positive to /RX-/TX /RX-/TX positive to RX-TX RS 485 Caution : Page 4-14 The RS485 bus must be laid in a cable channel which has been isolated from high power cables. Moreover, in high interference environments, electrically isolating convertor modules of the type PCD7.T1.. should be used...! SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-41-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules 5. Digital input/output modules To guarantee maximum protection against interference, all digital I/O modules pass a stringent interference test, in accordance with IEC 801-4. Modules can be plugged into any slot on the PCD1 or PCD2 I/O bus. Caution : Digital I/O modules should only be changed when the PCD is disconnected from power source. Input modules PCD2.E... Types / characteristics ..E110 ..B100*) ..E111 ..E500 ..E610 ..E611 8 8 6 8 8 24 VDC 24 VDC 115-230VAC 24 VDC 24 VDC No No Yes Yes Yes Operating mode Source or sink Source or sink Source Source or sink Source or sink Input delay (ms.) 8 0.2 30 10 0.2/1.0 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3 Number of inputs Nominal input voltage Electrically isolated See chapter Output modules PCD2.A... Types/characteristic ..A200 ..A220 ..A250 ..A300 ..A400 ..B100*) ..A410 Number of outputs 4 6 8 6 8 8 Relay 1) Relay 2) Relay 2) MOSFET MOSFET MOSFET Yes Yes Yes No No Yes (Make contact) (Make contact) (Make contact) Positive switching Positive switching Positive switching 2A, 24VDC 0.5A, 24VDC 0.5A, 24VDC Control element Electrically isolated Operating mode Breaking capacity 2A, 250VAC 2A, 250VAC 2A, 48 VAC 2A, 50 VDC 2A, 50 VDC 2A, 50 VDC Short-circuit protection No No No No No No See chapter 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 *) 1) 2) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) PCD2.B100 input/output module - see chapter 5.10 Relays with integrated contact protection Relays without contact protection SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Notes: Page 5-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules 5.1 PCD2.E110/111 Digital input module, electrically connected Application Low price input module for source or sink operation with 8 non-isolated inputs. Suitable for most electronic and electro-mechanical switching elements at 24 VDC. Type PCD2.E111 has a short input delay of typ. 0.2 ms. Technical information Total inputs per module 8, non-isolated Operating mode Source or sink operation Input voltage Ue (nominal) E110 : 24 VDC, smoothed or pulsed E111 : 24 VDC, smoothed with ripple of max. 10 % Special : 5 and 12 VDC on request Input current 6 mA at 24 VDC Typical input delay E110 : 8 ms E111 : 0.2 ms Resistance to interference as IEC 801-4 2 kV under capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Internal current consumption (from 5 V bus) 1 to 24 mA Presentation Bus connector Bus interface and threshold switches Input circuits LEDs Screw terminals 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 L E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 Inputs E0 to E7 Input load resistors User ground (-) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Input signal definition 30V 24V 15V H Because of the typical input delay of 8 ms for type E110, full-wave rectified DC is adequate for external supply. L Type E111 needs smoothed DC voltage. 5V 0V -30V Input circuits and terminal assignment Depending on external wiring, this module may be used for source or sink operation. Source operation or positive logic : Input filter 4k7 Threshold switch LED 10k I/O Bus Interface E1 4k7 PCD1/2 Bus Load resistors 10k E0 9 8 1 L 0 E1 E0 Vin 24 VDC Switch closed (positve at input) : Switch open : Input state "H" = LED on Input state "L" = LED off Sink operation or negative logic : 9 8 L 1 Vin 24 VDC Page 5-4 0 E1 E0 Switch closed (negative at input) : Switch open : Input state "L" = LED off Input state "H" = LED on SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 5.2 PCD2.E500 Digital input/output modules Digital input module for voltages from 115 to 230 VAC Application Module with 6 decoupled inputs for AC voltage. The inputs are designed for source operation and have a common "COM" connection. Only the positive half-wave of the AC voltage is evaluated. Technical information Total inputs per module 6, electrically decoupled from the processor (CPU) Operating mode Source operation For any one module, all inputs are at the same phase. Input voltage (Ue) 115 to 230 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, sine form (80 to 250 VAC) On/Off switching level 250V AC H 80V AC 40V AC L 0VAC Input current 115 VAC 5 - 6 mA (idle current) 230 VAC 10 - 12 mA (idle current) Input delay : switching on switching off typ. 10 ms; max. 20 ms typ. 20 ms; max. 30 ms LED supplied directly from input current Resistance to interference as IEC 801-4 4 kV, under direct coupling 2 kV, under capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Electrical isolation voltage 2000 VAC, 1 minute Resistance isolation voltage 100 MΩ at 500 VDC Optocoupler isolation voltage 2.5 kV Internal current consumption (from 5 V bus) < 1 mA 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Installation instructions For safety reasons, extra-low voltage (up to 50V) and low voltage (50 to 250V) should not be connected to the same module. If a PCD1 or a PCD2 system module is connected to low voltage (50 to 250V), approved low-voltage components must be used for any elements which are electrically coupled to that system. Presentation Bus connector Bus interface, optocoupler and threshold switches Input voltage distributor LEDs Screw terminals 9 8 COM COM 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 Inputs E0 to E5 Common connection of the 6 inputs Page 5-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Input circuit and terminal identification 150nF PCD1/2 Bus I/O-Bus Interface 150nF 150nF 9 8 7 6 COM COM 5 4 3 2 1 0 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 Switch closed: Signal status 'H' = LED on Switch open : Signal status 'L' = LED off leer Phase 115 - 230V 50/60 Hz *) Zero conductor *) *) or interchangeable, if the rules permit this *) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) Phase and zero conductor (neutral) can be interchangeable, if the rules permit this. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-7 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Notes: Page 5-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules 5.3 PCD2.E610/611 Digital input module, with electrical isolation Application Input module with electrical isolation for source or sink operation with 8 inputs. Suitable for most electronic and electro-mechanical switching elements at 24 VDC. Type PCD6.E611 has a short input delay. Technical information From version "B" (30.06.97) some values have changed Total inputs per module 8, electrically isolated by optocouplers Operating mode Source or sink operation Input voltage Ue (nominal) E610 : 24 VDC, smoothed or pulsed E611 : 24 VDC, smoothed with ripple of max. 10 % Special : 5 and 48 VDC on request 30V 24V 15V H Because of the typical input delay of 10 ms for type E610, full-wave rectified DC is adequate for external supply. L Typ E611 needs smoothed DC voltage. 5V 0V -30V Supply voltage (Ue) for source operation : min. 15 V for sink operation : min. 18 V Input current (at 24 VDC) Version: "A" for source op.: 12 mA for sink op.: 5.5 mA "B" 5.0 mA 3.7 mA Typical input delay (low-high / high-low) Version: E610 : E611 : "B" 10/10 ms 0.2/1.0 ms Resistance to interference as IEC 801-4 4 kV under direct coupling 2 kV under capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Electrical isolation voltage 1000 VAC, 1 minute Optocoupler isolation voltage 2.5 kV Internal current consumption (from 5 V bus) 1 to 24 mA 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. "A" 8/8 ms 0.1/0.3 ms Page 5-9 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Presentation Bus connector Bus interface and threshold switches Input circuits Electrical isolation by optocouplers LEDs Screw terminals 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 L E7 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 Inputs E0 to E7 Input load resistors User ground (-) Input circuits and terminal assignment Depending on external wiring, this module may be used for source or sink operation. Source operation or positive logic: Optocoupler +5V 6k6 Threshold switch LED 11k E1 +5V 6k6 9 11k 8 1 L I/O Bus Interface PCD1/2 Bus Load resistors E0 0 E1 E0 Switch closed (positive at input) : Switch open : Vin 24 VDC Input state "H" = LED on Input state "L" = LED off Sink operation or negative logic: 9 8 L 1 Vin 24 VDC Page 5-10 0 E1 E0 Switch closed (negative at input) : Switch open : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Input state "H" = LED off Input state "L" = LED on (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 5.4 PCD2.A200 Digital input/output modules Digital output module with 4 relay contacts (with contact protection) Application The module contains 4 relays with normally-open contacts for direct or alternating current up to 2 A, 250 VAC. It is especially suited wherever perfectly isolated AC switching circuits must be controlled with infrequent switching (see installation notes on page 5-13). The relay contacts are protected by a varistor and an RC spark quenching. Technical information Total outputs per module 4, electrically isolated, normally open contacts (NO) Type of relay (typical) REO 30024, SCHRACK Switch rating (contact lifetime) 2 A, 250 VAC AC1 (0.7 x 106 operations) 1 A, 250 VAC AC11 (106 operations) 2 A, 50 VDC DC1 (0.3 x 106 operations) 1 A, 24 VDC DC11 (0.1 x 106 operations) Relay coil supply 2) 3) 1) 3) nominal 24 VDC, smoothed or pulsed, 8 mA per relay Voltage tolerance dependent on ambient temperature 20°C : 30°C : 40°C : 50°C : Typical output delay 5 ms on 24 VDC Resistance to interference as IEC 801-4 4 kV under direct coupling 2 kV under capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Internal current consumption (from 5 V bus) 1 to 15 mA 1) 2) 3) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 17.0 .. 35 VDC 19.5 .. 35 VDC 20.5 .. 32 VDC 21.5 .. 30 VDC With external protective diode With reverse voltage protection These ratings are not UL-listed ! SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-11 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Presentation Bus connector Bus interface Relays A3 A2 A1 A0 Contact protection LEDs Screw terminals 9 8 7 6 A3 5 4 A2 3 2 A1 1 0 A0 Relay contacts A0 to A3 Supply 24 VDC for relay coils Output diagram and terminal assignment PCD1/2 Bus I/O Bus Interface VDR = 250VAC/400A AddressLED A3 Contact protection C = 10 nF R = 33 Ohm Relay contacts 9 8 7 6 A3 24 VDC 1 0 A0 Terminals Isolated contacts Relay energized (contact closed) : LED on Relay reset (contact open) : LED off 24 VDC must be connected to terminals "+" and "-". If the relay contact is open, the current leakage through the contact protector is 0.7 mA (at 230 V/50 Hz). This should be taken into account for the smaller AC loads. Advice : if it is the case, use a PCD2.A220 module , without contact protection. Page 5-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Installation notes For reasons of safety it is not allowed that low voltages (up to 50V) and higher voltages (50..250V) are connected to the same module. If a PCD1 or a PCD2 system module is connected to a higher voltage (50.. 250V), higher voltage approved components have to be used for all elements which are galvanically connected to the system. Using higher voltage (50... 250V), all connections to the relay contacts are to be connected on the same circuit. That means at one point in such a way that they are all protected against one AC-phase by only one fuse. Each load circuit may be protected individually by a fuse of max. 2A. Load 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-13 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Switching inductive loads Because of the physical properties of inductivity, it is not possible to disconnect inductance without interference. This interference must be minimized as far as possible. Although the PCD is immune to this interference, there are other devices which may be susceptible. Is should be noted here that, as part of the harmonization of standards throughout the EU, the EMC standards are valid from 1996 (EMC Directive 89/336/EG). Two principles should therefore be emphasized : 1) THE PROTECTION AGAINST INTERFERENCES FROM INDUCTIVE LOADS IS IMPERATIVE. 2) INTERFERENCE SHOULD BE ELIMINATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO ITS SOURCE. It is therefore recommended that a protection circuit should be fitted at the load (often available as normal components on standardized contactors and valves). When switching direct voltage it is urgently recommended that a recovery diode is fitted above the load. This should even take place when, theoretically, an Ohmic load is switched. In practice, there will always be a proportion which is inductive (connection cable, resistance coil, etc.). In this case it should be noted that the switch-off time will be longer : Ta approx. L/RL ∗ √(RL ∗ IL/0.7) For direct voltage the transistor output modules are recommnended. Page 5-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Relay manufacturer’s information on RC unit dimensioning. Wiring contact protection : Dimensioning guide for RC combinations The purpose of contact protection wiring is to suppress switch arcing ("sparks") and thereby prolong the lifetime of the contacts. All protection wiring has disadvantages as well as advantages. The diagram opposite should simplify the search for a favorable solution in each case. For the cancellation of arcing by means of an RC unit, see example. Load The value for C is the direct result of the switching current. The resistance value R can be established by drawing a straight line through the corresponding points on the I and U curves and reading off the resistance at the intersection with the R curve. When switching off load circuits with inductive components (e.g. relay coils and magnet coils) the interruption of current results in overvoltage (standard inductance) at the switching contacts. This may amount to many times the operating voltage and so threatens the insulation of the load circuit. The resultant breaking spark leads to rapid wear of the relay contacts. For this reason contact protection wiring is particularly important with inductive load circuits. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) Example : U = 100V; I = 1A C is found directly as 0.1 µF R = 10 Ω ( from line trough R scale ) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-15 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Notes: Page 5-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 5.5 PCD2.A220 Digital input/output modules Digital output module with 6 relay contacts (without contact protection) Application The module contains 6 relays with normally-open contacts for direct or alternating current up to 2 A, 250 VAC. It is especially suited wherever perfectly isolated AC switching circuits must be controlled with infrequent switching (see installation notes on page 5-19). On this module there is no contact protection available. 3 relay contacts have one common terminal (see output diagramm). Technical information Total outputs per module 3 + 3, with common terminal, normally open contacts (NO) Type of relay (typical) REO 30024, SCHRACK Switch rating (contact lifetime) 2 A, 250 VAC AC1 (0.7 x 106 operations) 1 A, 250 VAC AC11 (106 operations) 2 A, 50 VDC DC1 (0.3 x 106 operations) 1 A, 24 VDC DC11 (0.1 x 106 operations) Relay coil supply 2) 3) 1) 3) nominal 24 VDC, smoothed or pulsed, 8 mA per relay Voltage tolerance dependent on ambient temperature 20°C : 30°C : 40°C : 50°C : Typical output delay 5 ms on 24 VDC Resistance to interference as IEC 801-4 4 kV under direct coupling 2 kV under capacitive coupling (whole brunch of pairs) Internal current consumption (from 5 V bus) 1 to 20 mA 1) 2) 3) 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 17.0 .. 35 VDC 19.5 .. 35 VDC 20.5 .. 32 VDC 21.5 .. 30 VDC With external protective diode With reverse voltage protection These ratings are not UL-listed ! SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-17 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Presentation Bus connector Bus interface A3 A0 Relays A5 A2 A4 LEDs A1 Screw terminals 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A5 A4 A3 3-5 0-2 A2 A1 A0 Relay contacts A0 to A5 Supply 24 VDC for relay coils Output diagram and terminal assignment PCD1/2 Bus I/O Bus Interface Address LED A5 Relay contacts 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A5 A4 A3 3-5 0-2 A2 A1 A0 24 VDC Terminals 3 relay contacts have one common terminal Relay energized (contact closed) : LED on Relay reset (contact open) : LED off 24 VDC must be connected to terminals "+" and "-". Page 5-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Installation notes For reasons of safety it is not allowed that low voltages (up to 50V) and higher voltages (50..250V) are connected to the same module. If a PCD1 or a PCD2 system module is connected to a higher voltage (50..250V), higher voltage approved components have to be used for all elements which are galvanically connected to the system. Using higher voltage (50...250V), all connections to the relay contacts are to be connected on the same circuit. That means in such a way that they are all protected against one AC-phase by only two fuses. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-19 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Switching inductive loads Because of the physical properties of inductivity, it is not possible to disconnect inductance without interference. This interference must be minimized as far as possible. Although the PCD is immune to this interference, there are other devices which may be susceptible. Is should be noted here that, as part of the harmonization of standards throughout the EU, the EMC standards are valid from 1996 (EMC Directive 89/336/EG). Two principles should therefore be emphasized : 1) THE PROTECTION AGAINST INTERFERENCES FROM INDUCTIVE LOADS IS IMPERATIVE. 2) INTERFERENCE SHOULD BE ELIMINATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO ITS SOURCE. It is therefore recommended that a protection circuit should be fitted at the load (often available as normal components on standardized contactors and valves). When switching direct voltage it is urgently recommended that a recovery diode is fitted above the load. This should even take place when, theoretically, an Ohmic load is switched. In practice, there will always be a proportion which is inductive (connection cable, resistance coil, etc.). In this case it should be noted that the switch-off time will be longer : Ta approx. L/RL ∗ √(RL ∗ IL/0.7) For direct voltage the transistor output modules are recommnended. Page 5-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Relay manufacturer’s information on RC unit dimensioning. Wiring contact protection : Dimensioning guide for RC combinations The purpose of contact protection wiring is to suppress switch arcing ("sparks") and thereby prolong the lifetime of the contacts. All protection wiring has disadvantages as well as advantages. The diagram opposite should simplify the search for a favorable solution in each case. For the cancellation of arcing by means of an RC unit, see example. Load The value for C is the direct result of the switching current. The resistance value R can be established by drawing a straight line through the corresponding points on the I and U curves and reading off the resistance at the intersection with the R curve. When switching off load circuits with inductive components (e.g. relay coils and magnet coils) the interruption of current results in overvoltage (standard inductance) at the switching contacts. This may amount to many times the operating voltage and so threatens the insulation of the load circuit. The resultant breaking spark leads to rapid wear of the relay contacts. For this reason contact protection wiring is particularly important with inductive load circuits. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-51-E.DOC) Example : U = 100V; I = 1A C is found directly as 0.1 µF R = 10 Ω ( from line trough R scale ) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-21 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Digital input/output modules Notes Page 5-22 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-51-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules 6. Analogue input/output modules PCD2.W10x Fast input module for general application. 4 channels, 12 bit resolution, with signal ranges of 0...+10 V, -10...0 V, -10...+10 V or 0...+20 mA, -20...0 mA, -20...+20 mA. PCD2.W11x Input module for registering absolute temperatures by means of Pt 100, Ni 100, Pt 1000 or Ni 1000 detectors. The characteristic temperature curves are linearized independently in the module. Resolution is 12 bits. PCD2.W2x0 Fast input module with < 50 µs conversion time for standard use. 8 channels of 10 bits each for 0...10 V, 0...20 mA or resistive temperature sensors Pt/Ni 1000, according to version. PCD2.W4x0 Very fast output module with < 5 µs conversion time for general applications, wherever 8 bit resolution is sufficient. 4 channels for 0...10V, 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA, according to version.. PCD2.W5x0 Combined high speed analogue input/output module with 2 inputs and 2 outputs, all with 12 bit resolution. The module is suitable for precise high speed applications. Caution : 26/757 E1 (Dx7-61-E.DOC) W modules should only be changed when PCD1 or PCD2 is disconnected from power source. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-1 Analogue input/output modules SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Notes: Page 6-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-61-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 6.1 PCD2.W10x Analogue input/output modules Analogue input module 4 channels, each with 12 bit resolution Application Fast module for general application to register analogue signals, with a conversion time of ≤ 30 µs and 12 bit resolution. Module overview PCD2.W100 : 4 channels for signals 0...10 V Unipolar *) : 0 V...+10 V or -10 V...0 V Bipolar *) : -10 V...+10 V Input resistance : > 10 MΩ PCD2.W105 : 4 channels for signals 0...20 mA Unipolar *) : 0 mA...+20 mA or -20 mA...0 mA Bipolar *) : -20 mA...+20 mA Circuit resistance (Rshunt) : 100 Ω / 0.1 % *) Unipolar - bipolar, switchable with jumper. Technical data Input ranges see above « module overview » Potential separation no Resolution (digital representation) 12 bits (0...4095) Measuring principle differential Conversion time ≤ 30 µs Input resistance W100 : ≥ 10 MΩ W105 : 100 Ω / 0.1 % Accuracy at 25°C (referring to measured value) W100 : ± 0.1% + ± 1 LSB Bipolar W100 : ± 0.05% + ± 1 LSB Unipolar W105 : ± 0.2% + ± 1 LSB Unipolar/Bipolar Repeating accuracy ± 1 LSB 26/757 E1 (Dx7-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-3 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Common mode voltage range CMR W100 : W105 : ± 11 V ± 8V Common mode rejection CMRR ≥ 70 dB Temperature error (0...+55°C) W100 : W105 : ± 0.2% + ± 2 LSB ± 0.3% + ± 2 LSB Overvoltage protection W100 : ± 60 VDC (permanent) Overcurrent protection W105 : ± 50 mA (permanent) Protection against interference voltages capacitance coupling according to IEC 801-4 ± 1 kV with cables not shielded ± 2 kV with cables shielded Time constant of input filter 3 ms Current consumption : internal from 5 V bus internal from 24 V bus 45 mA 15 mA Presentation Bus connector Bus interface ± 15 V Differential amplifier A/D converter SW1 Analogue multiplexer Jumper U B U : unipolar B : bipolar Input filter (overvoltage protection) Screw terminals 9 8 7 6 -E3+ 5 4 -E2+ 3 2 -E1+ 1 0 -E0+ Caution : On this module there are components between the input filter and the bus connector which are susceptible to electrostatic discharges ! Page 6-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-61-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Block diagram CHANNEL SELECTION ANALOGUE INPUTS UNIPOLAR BUSY FLAG D 2 +E1 GAIN 3 -E1 BIPOLAR 12 BITS MUX Input Offset 4 +E2 A 5 Bipolar Offset READ DATA -E2 V+ 6 +E3 DATA PCD1/2 - Bus (SET/RES O2) GAIN = 1...5 1 -E0 I/O-Bus-Interface +E0 WRITE START CONVERSION 0 DC 7 -E3 8 9 +15 V DC +5 V -15 V Shunt for Current version GND +24 V Wiring for positive unipolar or bipolar analogue inputs +E -E (PGND) PCD2.W105 : 100 Ohm / 0.1% Wiring for negative unipolar analogue inputs +E -E (PGND) PCD2.W105 : 100 Ohm / 0.1% Caution : 26/757 E1 (Dx7-61-E.DOC) All unused inputs must be connected to logic ground. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-5 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Module connection 9 User ground Note : Page 6-6 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -E3 +E3 -E2 +E2 -E1 +E1 -E0 +E0 Input no. 3 Input no. 2 Input no. 1 Input no. 0 The negative connections " - " of each input are not joined to the user ground. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-61-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 6.2 PCD2.W11x Analogue input/output modules Analogue input module for resistance thermometer Pt 100/1000 or Ni 100/1000, 4 channels, each with 12 bit resolution Application Fast, convenient module for registering absolute temperatures in the range -50...+150°C by means of resistance thermometer. (2-wire-type connection with null balance). The characteristic temperature curves are linearized independently in the module. Resolution is 12 bits. Module overview PCD2.W110 4 analogue inputs for temperature measurement using Pt 100 detectors, according to IEC 751. PCD2.W111 4 analogue inputs for temperature measurement using Ni 100 detectors, according to DIN 43 760. PCD2.W112 4 analogue inputs for temperature measurement using Pt 1000 detectors, according to IEC 751. PCD2.W113 4 analogue inputs for temperature measurement using Ni 1000 detectors, according to DIN 43 760. General technical data Number of channels 4 Potential separation no Resolution (digital representation) 12 bits (0...4095) Measuring principle differential Conversion time < 30 µs Time between 2 measurements ≥ 1 ms Temperature error +10...+30°C : 0...+55°C : 26/757 E1 (Dx7-61-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. max. ± 0.4 °C max. ± 1 °C Page 6-7 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Repeating accuracy (more than one measurement on the same module under the same conditions.) ± 2 LSB Detector type 2 wires Linearization integral Current sources 1 for each channel External supply none Offset adjustment separate for each channel (allows null balancing dependent on cable length) Sensitivity 20.475 LSB/°C (4095 ÷ 200) or 0.0488 °C/LSB (200 ÷ 4095) Current consumption : internal from 5 V bus internal from 24 V bus 45 mA 30 mA (W110/111) 20 mA (W112/113) Technical data of additional modules (substitution modules) Page 6-8 PCD2.W110 Current sources Measuring range Accuracy of measurement 4 inputs for Pt 100 detectors 2 mA -50°C...+150°C better than 0.2°C PCD2.W111 Current sources Measuring range Accuracy of measurement 4 inputs for Ni 100 detectors 2 mA -50°C...+150°C better than 0.4°C PCD2.W112 Current sources Measuring range Accuracy of measurement 4 inputs for Pt 1000 detectors 0.2 mA -50°C...+150°C better than 0.2°C PCD2.W113 Current sources Measuring range Accuracy of measurement 4 inputs for Ni 1000 detectors 0.2 mA -50°C...+150°C better than 0.4°C SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-61-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Accuracy of measurement The curves below show the maximum measuring error (measuring and repeating accuracy). Each channel is tuned to the minimum and the maximum value : -50°C +150°C → → 0 + 2 LSB 4095 - 2 LSB For both these values the measuring error = 0. Typical linearity error for W110 / W112 (Pt 100 / Pt 1000) Deviation (LSB) +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Measurement -50 0 0 1024 +50 2047.5 +100 3071 +150 4095 °C LSB Typical linearity error for W111 / W113 (Ni 100 / Ni 1000) Deviation (LSB) +6 +5 +4 +3 +2 +1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Measurement -50 0 0 1024 If cable breaks If short-circuited 26/757 E1 (Dx7-61-E.DOC) +50 2047.5 → → +100 3071 +150 4095 Measuring value Measuring value SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. °C LSB 4095 0 Page 6-9 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Presentation Each module consists of 2 individual modules : • Basic module with input filters, A/D converter, inputs/outputs interface. Same module with same components for all 4 options. • Plug-on substitution modules with switching circuit for the production of -15 V, current sources, linearization. Each of the 4 options has its own substitution module, i.e. a module with different components. The user has access to the 4 potentiometers for adjusting the offset of each individual channel. This can be very useful for readjusting the null (at -50°C) for long measurement connections. Caution : All modules are assembled and balanced in the factory as a pair (basic module with substitution module). The substitution modules should not be exchanged. The 4 potentiometers for setting the amplification are not accessible to the user when they have been assembled and should not be adjusted. Substitution module Not user accessible Basic module Adjustement of offset Page 6-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-61-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Presentation Bus connector Bus interface +15 V A/D converter Adjustment of amplification Digital value = 4095 Temperature = +150°C (not for users) Analogue multiplexer Input amplifier Adjustment of offset Digital value = 0 Temperature = -50°C 9 8 7 6 -E3+ 5 4 -E2+ 3 2 -E1+ 1 0 -E0+ Input filter Screw terminals Basic module -15 V J1 J2 Current sources and linearization Substitution module Caution : 26/757 E1 (Dx7-61-E.DOC) On these modules there are components which are susceptible to electrostatic discharges ! SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-11 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Block diagram Subsitution module V REF Icc 0 +15 V V REF Icc 1 DC V REF Icc 2 DC V REF -15 V Icc 3 LINEARISATION CHANNEL SELECTION BUSY FLAG 1 -E0 Offset 0 Gain 0 2 +E1 DATA PCD1 - PCD2 - Bus +E0 WRITE I/O-Bus-Interface START CONVERSION 0 READ DATA 3 -E1 12 BITS Offset 1 Gain 1 4 +E2 +5 V 5 GND -E2 V REF Offset 2 +24 V Gain 2 6 +E3 D 7 9 PGND Offset 3 V+ +15 V A MUX -E3 Gain 3 Module connection 9 8 User ground Note : 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -E3 +E3 -E2 +E2 -E1 +E1 -E0 +E0 Input no. 3 Input no. 2 Input no. 1 Input no. 0 The negative connections « - » of each input should always be joined to the user ground. Wiring Caution : Page 6-12 Any unused connections should be shortcircuited: connect each + E to - E. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-61-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 6.3 PCD2.W2x0 Analogue input/output modules Analogue input module 8 channels, each with 10 bit resolution Application With its short conversion time of <50 µs, this module is universally suitable for recording analogue signals. Limitations occur only in the case of very small signals, such as arise when resistive temperature sensors Pt 100 or thermoelements are used. Module overview PCD2.W200 : 8 channels for signals 0...10 V PCD2.W210 : 8 channels for signals 0...20 mA PCD2.W220 : 8 channels for resistive temperature sensors Pt/Ni 1000 Technical data Input ranges see above « module overview » Potential separation no Resolution (digital representation) 10 bits (0...1023) Measuring principle not differencial Input resistance 0...10 V : 0...20 mA : Pt/Ni 1000 : Accuracy (referring to measured value) ± 1 LSB Repeating accuracy (under same conditions) within ± 1 LSB Temperature error ± 0.3 % (± 3 LSB) across temperature range 0...+55°C Overvoltage protection Overcurrent protection W200/220 : W210 : Protection against interference voltages according to IEC 801-4 ± 1 kV with cables not shielded ± 2 kV with cables shielded Time constant of input filter W200 : typically 5 ms W210/W220 : typically 1 ms W220 : typically 10 ms from version B, modif. 1 Current consumption : internal from 5 V bus internal from 24 V bus 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) 200 kΩ / 0.15 % 125 Ω / 0.1 % see terminal contacts ± 50 VDC ± 40 mA 8 mA 5 mA (W200/210) 16 mA (W220) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-13 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Presentation Bus connector Bus interface Reference voltage (and source) A/D converter and multiplexer Input filter Screw terminals 9 8 7 6 E7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 E0 Caution : This module contains components between the input filter and the bus connector which are sensitive to electrostatic discharges ! BUSY (addr. 15) A DATA OUT DATA MUX D 7K5 READ WRITE A/D act. (addr. 15) GND ADDR Clock Voltage Source 10.000 V Ref. Voltage 2.500 V Channel address 0.. 7 PCD1 - PCD2 - Bus 10 bits serial Bus-Interface E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 INPUT FILTER ANALOGUE INPUTS Block diagram +5 V ..W220 only GND +24 V Page 6-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Module connection For 0 .. 10 V (W200) and 0 .. 20 mA (W210) and Pt/Ni 1000 (W220) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 max. 20cm E7 E 6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 E0 Earthing bar 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-15 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Temperature measurement with Pt 1000 In the temperature range -50°C to +200°C the following formula can be used for working to an accuracy of ±1 % (±1.5°C). Repeating accuracy is significantly higher. DV T [°C] = - 261.8 -3 2.08 - (0.509 x 10 x DV) T = temperature in °C Example 1 : DV = digital value (0...1023) digital value DV = 562 temperature T in °C ? 562 T [°C] = - 261.8 = 51.5°C -3 2.08 - (0.509 x 10 x 562) 2.08 x (261.8 + T) DV = 1 + (0.509 x 10-3 x (261.8 + T)) DV = digital value (0...1023) Example 2 : T = temperature in °C preset temperature T = -10°C appropriate digital value DV ? 2.08 x (261.8 - 10) DV = = 464 -3 1 + (0.509 x 10 x (261.8 - 10)) Tables for Pt 1000 and Ni 1000 are also available on request. Page 6-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 6.4 PCD2.W4x0 Analogue input/output modules Analogue output module 4 channels, each with 8 bit resolution Application Rapid output module with 4 output channels of 8 bits respectively. Different output signals can be reversed with the aid of insertable jumpers (type ..W410). Suited for processes in which a large number of actuators must be controlled such as in the chemical industry and building automation. Modules overview PCD2.W400 : Single signal version for 0...10 V. 4 output channels of 8 bits respectively. PCD2.W410 : Universal module with 4 output channels of 8 bits respectively, signals can be selected from 0...10 V, 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA Technical data Number of output channels 4, short-circuit protected Signal ranges 0...10 V 0...10 V *) 0...20 mA 4...20 mA ..W400 : ..W410 : ¦ selectable ¦ with ¦ jumpers Resolution (digital representation) 8 bits (0...255) D/A conversion time < 5 µs Load impedance for 0...10 V : for 0...20 mA : for 4...20 mA : ≥ 3 kΩ 0...500 Ω 0...500 Ω Accuracy (referring to output value) for 0...10 V : for 0...20 mA : for 4...20 mA : 1 % ± 50 mV 1 % ± 0,2 mA 1 % ± 0,2 mA Residual ripple for 0...10 V : for 0...20 mA : for 4...20 mA : < 15 mV pp < 50 µA pp < 50 µA pp Temperature error typ. 0.2 % within the range 0...50°C *) 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) Factory setting SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-17 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Protection against interference voltages capacitive coupling according to IEC 801-4 1 kV with cables not shilded 2 kV with cables shielded Current consumption : internal from 5 V bus internal from 24 V bus 1 mA 30 mA External 24 VDC supply voltage max. 0.1 A (only type ..W410 for current outputs) Tolerance as power supply for PCD1.M1.. or PCD2.M1.. Presentation Bus connector Reference voltage Bus interface 4 Offset jumper J1 (only for type ..W410) Position "0" : 0...10 V or 0...20 mA Position "4" : 2...10 V or 4...20 mA 0 D/A converter 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 A3 5 4 A2 3 V Output amplifier 0...10 V C Jumper J2 for voltage / current (only for type ..W410) Position "V" : Voltage output Position "C" : Current output 2 1 A1 0 External supply to V/C converter (only for type ..W410) A0 Screw terminals Reinsertion of jumpers Caution : The entire board contains components which are susceptible to electrostatic discharging. Factory setting of jumpers (type ..W410) : "V" : voltage output "0" : range 0...10 V Page 6-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Block circuit diagram for PCD2.W410 PCD1 - PCD2 - Bus DATA 0 D 1 D 2 D 3 D WRITE ADDR I/O Bus Interface V+ A A A V JUMPER J2 A VOLTAGE REFERENCE V VOLTAGE CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE C C +5V GND 9 8 7 6 A3 SUPPLY 24 VDC 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 5 4 A2 3 2 1 A1 0 A0 ANALOG OUTPUTS Page 6-19 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Module connection (see user program example) : Supply 9 8 24 VDC Analogue outputs 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 A3 A2 A1 A0 51 50 49 (48) Connection for 0...10 V (terminal for output O 50) : D 4 (A2) = O50 A 5 U R ≥ 3 kΩ Connection for 0...20 mA or 4...20 mA (selectable with jumpers on type ..W410) : D A VOLTAGE CONTROLLED CURRENT SOURCE + 24 VDC 4 (A2) = O50 5 I R = 0.. 500Ω An external 24 VDC supply voltage is required for current outputs. Page 6-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 6.5 PDC2.W5x0 Analogue input/output modules Analogue input/output module 2 + 2 channels, each with 12 bit resolution Application Combined high speed analogue input/output module with 2 inputs and 2 outputs, all with 12 bit resolution. The module is suitable for precise, high speed applications. Modules overview PCD2.W500 : Module with 2 voltage inputs and 2 voltage outputs 0...+10 V (unipolar) or -10...+10 V (bipolar), jumper selectable (standard module). PCD2.W510 : Module with 2 current inputs 0...+20 mA or -20...+20 mA, jumper selectable, and 2 voltage outputs 0...+10 V or -10...+10 V, jumper selectable individually. (special execution, available only on request) 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-21 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Technical data Inputs Number of input channels Signal ranges ..W500 : 0...+10 V -10...+10 V ¦ jumper selectable ¦ together ..W510 : 0...+20 mA -20...+20 mA ¦ jumper selectable ¦ together Potential separation no Measuring principle differential A/D conversion time < 30 µs Resolution (digital representation) 12 bits (0...4095) Input resistance 0...+10 V : 1 MΩ 0...+20 mA : 100 Ω Accuracy (referring (to measured value) Page 6-22 2 unipolar bipolar ± 2 LSB ± 10 LSB Repeating accuracy (under same conditions) ± 2 LSB Common mode voltage range CMR Common mode rejection CMRR ≥ 75 dB Overvoltage protection ..W500 : ± 40 VDC (permanent) Overcurrent protection ..W510 : 45 mA Time constant of input filter 3 ms SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ± 10 V (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Outputs Number of output channels 2, short-circuit protected Signal ranges 0...+10 V -10...+10 V Potential separation no D/A conversion time < 20 µs Resolution (digital representation) 12 bits (0...4095) Load impedance ≥ 3 kΩ Accuracy (referring to output value) 0.3 %, ± 20 mV ¦ jumper selectable ¦ individually Technical data common to the whole module Protection against interference voltages according to IEC 801-4 ± 1 kV with cables not shielded ± 2 kV with cables shielded Temperature error 0.3 % (across temperature range 0...+55 °C) Current consumption : internal from 5V bus Important : 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) max. 200 mA Since the current consumption of this module is considerable, when using a number of them in the same PCD1 or PCD2 the total load for all modules must be taken into consideration. The 5V supply accepts a max. load of 750 mA for the PCD1, resp. 1600 mA for the PCD2. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-23 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Presentation Bus connector DC-DC Converter Base module Jumper : inputs unipolar ( U ) Plug-on module Jumper : inputs bipolar ( B ) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Screw terminals -A1 +A1 -A0 +A0 -E1 +E1 -E0 +E0 PCD2.W500 module fully equipped (with additional module plugged-on) Apart from the bus connector, DC-DC converter and terminals, the base module carries the two input channels with the 2-pole jumper for unipolar or bipolar operation and a number of preset potentiometers, which cannot be adjusted by the user. The plug-on module contains the two analogue outputs with the two 3-pole jumpers for the individual unipolar or bipolar operation of each output. Note: The base module alone is working. Caution : Page 6-24 This module contains components which are sensitive to electrostatic discharges!. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Jumpers Output B U 1 B U 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -A1 +A1 -A0 +A0 -E1 +E1 -E0 +E0 Plug-on module with 2 analogue outputs Base module with 2 analogue inputs Base module and plug-on module are separate. The two jumpers for selection of signal range (unipolar U / bipolar B) can only be reversed after the plug-on module has been removed.. 26/757 E1 (Dx7--62-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-25 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Analogue input/output modules Block circuit diagram Ref. 2.5 V +/- 10 V Prot. EMC Eingang 0 V Adj. Diff. /4 /8 Mux. Bus A N Eingang 1 Prot. EMC Ausgang 0 Prot. EMC x2 x4 Diff. x2 Ausgang 1 Prot. EMC x2 x4 Diff. x2 Diff. Bus A N Bus A N +/- 10 V Ref. 2.5 V Module connection 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 *) *) -A1 +A1 -A0 +A0 -E1 +E1 -E0 +E0 Output 1 User ground (PGND) *) Note : Page 6-26 Output 0 Input 1 Input 0 not used The negative terminals « - » of outputs are connected internally, each via a 100 Ω resistor, to the user ground. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-62-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Fast counter and positioning modules 7. Fast counter and positioning modules PCD2.H100 Fast counting module for pulses up to 20 kHz. This simple module, comprising two inputs marked "IN-A" and "IN-B" plus one direct countrol output marked "CCO", allows counting of the number of revolutions or the calculation of distances (pulses) and the measurement by counting of pulses within a logical AND window (second input). PCD2.H110 Measuring and fast counting module for specific applications, such as frequency measurement, period measurement, various counting measurements, generator, etc.. The module is equipped with a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and can be programmed for special applications via plug-in PROM memory. PCD2.H150 Motion control module using absolute encoders with SSI interface (SSI = synchronous serial interface). In addition to the RS 422 port, it also has 4 digital, short-circuit proof outputs for general-purpose use. PCD2.H210 Stepper motor module for triggering the power stage of a stepper motor drive. This module enables the fully autonomous control and monitoring of stepper motor motion cycles (including acceleration and braking ramps). The module is based on the PCD2.H110 with FPGA and has 4 digital inputs and 4 digital outputs PCD2.H31x The PCD2.H31x positioning module is used to position an independent axis fitted with a variable rotation speed drive (servo-drive). This servo-motor is an adjustable DC motor, capable of determining the number of rotations and the position via a power stage and an incremental rotation speed detector. The implementation of the counting and position modules is in preparation. For details please ask your representatives. 26/757 E1 (Dx7-70-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-1 Fast counter and positioning modules SAIA PCD Serie xx7 Notes: Page 7-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (Dx7-70-E.DOC) 26/757 E1 ">
Key features
- SIMATIC® S7 compatible
- Digital and analog I/O
- Serial communication interfaces
- Real-time clock
- MPI communication
- Programmable logic controller
- Modular design
Frequently asked questions
The PCD2 is a more powerful and expandable version of PCD1, featuring more I/O modules, memory, and interfaces. It provides greater flexibility and capabilities. PCD1 and PCD2 are both compatible with the SIMATIC S7 automation system.
They are suited for industrial applications like process control, machine automation, and building automation, allowing for the control and monitoring of various processes.
These controllers can be programmed using STEP 7 programming software from Siemens.