ANGEL Learning 7.4 Instructor Reference Manual course management system User manual
ANGEL 7.4 is a learning management system that provides instructors with tools to create, manage, and deliver online courses. The system supports features such as adding course resources, creating assessments, grading assignments, communicating with students, and tracking student progress.
ANGEL 7.4 Instructor Reference Manual
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Indianapolis, IN 46278
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Table of Contents
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Welcome to the ANGEL Instructor Reference Manual, which is designed to provide instructors with a basic understanding of ANGEL and its primary tools.
ANGEL is a web-based course management and collaboration portal that enables educators to manage course materials and to communicate quickly and effectively with their students. ANGEL can function both as a complement to traditional courses and as a site for distance learning.
A significant portion of ANGEL's power lies in its capability to be tailored to specific institutional needs. Please note that because your institution determines which tools are made accessible, some segments of this guide may not apply to your use of ANGEL. Contact your institution's support desk for questions regarding ANGEL administration.
Conventions Used in This Manual
Typographic conventions used in this manual are as follows:
● Items in bold represent links, buttons, or fields that appear on the screen.
● Linked items (online help only) are underlined.
This text also features different types of special information:
Icon Description
Tip: A type of note that helps users apply the techniques and procedures to their specific needs. A tip may suggest an alternative method that might not be obvious; it helps users to understand the benefits and capabilities of the item in the text.
Note: Calls the user's attention to information of special importance.
Reference: Refers the user to another source of information.
Caution: Advises users of actions that could cause problems.
Step-by-step: Brief tutorials that work through the most frequently asked questions. The step-by-step procedures appear in the ANGEL 7.4 Instructor QuickStart Tutorial.
Videos: Brief tutorial videos, located online, that illustrate the current task.
Help Sources
Before we jump into the tutorial sections, it's important to clarify the various ways in which you can receive help when using ANGEL. The following sections illustrate ways to get help by using ANGEL.
Online Help
ANGEL offers a comprehensive Instructor Reference and key step-by-step tutorials via its online Help system. Help is accessed by using the Help link located within the ANGEL Power Strip.
The Online Help tool provides several options for accessing help.
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1. Contents. This option allows you to browse through the entire ANGEL Help system.
2. Search. This option allows you to search through the entire online Help system.
3. Instructor Quick Start Tutorial. A tutorial that covers the basic uses of ANGEL.
4. Downloadable Guides. This link takes you to a page in which you have access to downloadable (PDF) versions of the various ANGEL help documents. Your system administrators also have access to the source document files.
5. Resources. This link takes you to a page maintained by your institution in which additional help or policy information may be posted.
Field-Level Help
In many places within ANGEL, the help is built in to the application interface. You access this help by hovering your mouse pointer over a field label on a configuration page.
Clicking the field label loads a pop-up help window with additional information on that particular setting. In the following figure, the user has clicked on the Display Mode text (1) and thus loaded field-level help for the Display
Mode setting (2).
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ANGEL User Group List
ANGEL is fortunate to have a robust community of users working to support each other's use of ANGEL via the
ANGEL User Group List . The User Group List is managed by Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and is not officially supported by ANGEL. ANGEL recognizes the User Group List's value to our user community, however, and highly recommends that users investigate the listserv as a means of additional support.
Providing Feedback
ANGEL deeply involves our user community in the development of new ANGEL features, or the refinement/enhancement of existing features. If you want to help drive the future of ANGEL or if you want to share an idea for the product, visit our corporate web site's Ongoing Customer Collaboration page for details on how you can sign up.
Exploring the ANGEL Home Page
The ANGEL Home page (ANGEL Home) functions primarily as the login screen and starting point for each ANGEL session.
Step-by-step: "Exploring the ANGEL Home Page."
Video: " Navigate the Home Page ."
The left edge of the ANGEL Home page is called the Power Strip; this area contains basic system navigation tools.
Other sections of the screen enable you to log in to ANGEL and access various resources.
There are three system navigation tools at the top of the Power Strip. These icons are always available on the
ANGEL Home page and when you are working in a course or a group.
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The elements of the Power Strip are as follows:
1. Home. Returns to the ANGEL Home page.
2. Help. Displays ANGEL online help, guides, and resources.
3. Log Off. Logs out of the ANGEL environment.
Step-by-step: "Global Navigation: Using the Power Strip."
Logging On
To log on to ANGEL, you need the username and password provided by your institution.
To log into the ANGEL environment:
1. Username and Password. Type the username and password provided by your institution into the appropriate fields.
2. Log On. Click the Log On button.
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Tip: Click the I forgot my password hyperlink to request a reminder e-mail or click the Request an
account hyperlink to request a username and password for the system.
The password reminder and account request options are not available at all institutions. For information about how to request an ANGEL user account, contact your institution's support desk.
Retrieving a Forgotten Password
Click the I forgot my password hyperlink to request a reminder e-mail or click the Request an account hyperlink to request a username and password for the system.
The password reminder and account request options are not available at all institutions. For information about how to request an ANGEL user account, contact your institution's support desk.
To retrieve a forgotten password, click the I forgot my password hyperlink below the Log On component on the
ANGEL Home page. The Password Reset option appears.
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A. E-mail Address. Type the e-mail address provided by your institution.
B. Submit. Click the Submit button to process your request.
Logging Off
For security reasons, it is important that you log off when you finish your ANGEL session. Logging off of ANGEL helps to ensure that unauthorized users do not access your account without your permission.
To log off of ANGEL:
1. Log Off. Click the Log Off button on the Power Strip.
2. Your browser will ask if you are sure you want to log out. Click OK to log out.
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Using Public Information Resources
ANGEL Home offers a variety of public resources for instructors and students. To access a resource, simply click its hyperlinked title.
Note: All of these resources may not be available at your institution. Further, your institution may offer additional customized resources.
The standard Public Information resources include the following:
1. Library Resources. Provides access to your institution's library resources, such as electronic journals, catalogs, and databases.
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2. Event Calendar. Provides access to your institution's public calendar, including events, significant academic or training dates, and other entries.
3. In the News. Keeps you up to date on your institution's latest news.
4. Public Surveys. Enables you to participate in public surveys at your institution.
5. Public Forums. Lets you join public discussions at your institution.
Tip: These resources are also available on your personal Home page.
Search and Help
The Search and Help section provides search capabilities for courses and community groups. Access is provided to the online help and guided tour of ANGEL 7.4.
Standard Search and Help resources include the following:
1. Course Search. Allows a user to search for courses available at your institution. Course search displays only those courses designated searchable by your institution.
Tip: Log into ANGEL before performing this search to view a larger selection of courses, groups, and profiles, including those that are viewable only by authenticated ANGEL users.
2. Community Search. Allows a user to search for groups available at your institution. Community Search displays only those groups designated searchable by your institution.
3. People Search. Allows a user to search for user profiles at your institution. Because of privacy concerns, public listing of personal information is voluntary.
4. Help. Provides access to online ANGEL help, guides, and resources. Available resources vary based on your institution's requirements.
5. Guided Tour. Provides an overview of the ANGEL environment.
Public Announcements
Public announcements are system-wide announcements created and maintained by your ANGEL system administrator.
Personal Home Page
When you log into ANGEL 7.4, you are presented with your personal page: Home. Home provides you with access to all courses that you are teaching or taking, as well as to all groups that you are leading or participating in at your institution. Additionally, Home contains a variety of tools to assist you with your instructional work.
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Tip: To customize the selection and appearance of tools on your personal Home page, click the Edit Page link in the Home menu bar.
Personal Home Page Components
You can choose which components appear on your Home page. Available components vary by institution.
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To edit your Home page, follow these steps:
1. Edit Page. Click the Edit Page hyperlink that appears below your profile icon.
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To add and rearrange components:
2. Drag and drop. Your cursor will turn into a cross-arrow ( to rearrange their position on your Home page.
), which allows you to drag and drop components
Note: A menu will appear on each component as your mouse moves over it.
3. Edit. The Edit button ( ) allows you to edit the content of the component (not available on all components).
4. Delete. You can remove a component by clicking the Delete button ( ).
5. Use Defaults. If you are not satisfied with your selections, you can restore the defaults set by your institution by clicking the Use Defaults button.
6. Add Components. Select and add additional components not already displayed.
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A. Available Components. Click the checkbox next to those components you wish to add.
B. Add Selected. Click the Add Selected button when you finish selecting components.
Courses Component
The Courses component contains a list of courses in which you are enrolled.
The elements of the Courses component include the following:
1. Course Title. Click the course title hyperlink to enter the course.
2. Edit. The Edit button ( ) allows you to edit the content of the component.
Reference: For more information on the Courses component, see "Adding and Finding Courses."
Course Mail Component
The Course Mail component is a quick way to access your ANGEL mail from the Home page.
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The elements of the Courses component include the following:
1. View Inbox. Go to an Inbox view that displays mail from all courses.
Note: Entering a course and accessing ANGEL Mail from the course's Communicate tab will display mail for that course only.
2. Quick Message. Skip the inbox and start your message.
3. Unread Messages. Alerts you to unread messages in your Inbox.
4. Refresh. Click the Refresh button ( ) to check for unread messages.
Reference: For more information on the Course Mail component, see "Using the ANGEL Communication
Public Announcements Component
The Public Announcements component contains important messages published by your institution.
The elements of the Public Announcements component include the following:
1. View: All. View all announcements, including those that are no longer displayed as New.
2. Refresh. Click the Refresh button ( ) to check for unread announcements.
Toolbox Tools
The Toolbox offers several useful tools designed to increase productivity and customize your ANGEL environment.
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Bookmarks Link
Bookmarks allow you to add your favorite web page links for easy access and to sort them by category. To view and edit your bookmarks, click the Bookmarks link in the Toolbox to launch the Bookmarks page.
To add a bookmark:
1. Add Bookmark. Click the Add a Bookmark hyperlink (located in the upper-left toolbar). The Bookmark
Editor appears.
A. Title. Type the title of the bookmark in the Title field.
B. URL. Type the bookmark web address (fully qualified URL) in the URL field.
C. Description. Type a description in the Description field.
D. Target. Choose a launch Target for the bookmark. i. Same. Loads the bookmark within the main ANGEL interface. ii. New. Loads the bookmark in a new browser window. iii. Parent Window. Causes the linked document to open in the parent frame (one step up in the frame hierarchy). iv. Top Window. Opens in the topmost window, which replaces your current window.
E. Category. Select a category from the Category drop-down list (or create your own by clicking the Other button).
F. Viewable By. Select the viewing permissions from the Viewable By drop-down list. i. Everyone. Allows the content item to be accessed by anyone on the World Wide Web, regardless of whether they are affiliated with your institution or whether they have a valid account on the ANGEL system. ii. Authenticated Guest. Allows all authenticated ANGEL users to access the content item. These users include users who are on the course roster and those who are not.
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iii. Students. Restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of student or higher. iv. Team Leaders. Restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of team leader or higher. v. Course Mentors. Restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of course mentor or higher. vi. Course Assistants. Restricts access to the content item only to those on the course roster who have course rights of course assistants or higher. vii. Course Editors. Restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of course editor. viii. Only Me. Restricts access to the author of the content item.
Add Content Link
Create folders and files, and upload images and documents to your personal file manager (Files) for storage purposes or to publish your content on the World Wide Web. The built-in HTML Editor allows you to create new web pages or to edit existing ones with an easy-to-use word processing-style interface.
To use the Files manager:
1. Click the Add Content hyperlink to open the Add Content window.
In the Add Content window, you can choose from a variety of options for adding files and folders.
1. To create a folder, click the Create a Folder hyperlink. The Create a Folder page displays. Type a name in the
Folder Name field and click the OK button.
2. To create a file, click the Create a File hyperlink. The Create a File page appears. Type a name in the File
Name field. Type or paste text or HTML code in the File Contents field. Optionally click the HTML Editor hyperlink to apply formatting, insert images, or create hyperlinks in an HTML file. Click the OK button.
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Note: When creating a web page, add the proper extension (.htm or .html) to the end of the filename
(for example, index.html) to ensure that the file type is properly identified and rendered by the web browser.
For best results, web page names should be composed of alphanumeric characters with no spaces or special characters other than hyphens and underscore characters.
3. To upload a file, click the Upload Files hyperlink. The Upload a File page appears. Click the Browse button. A
Choose File dialog box appears. Locate and select the file and click the Open button. Click the Upload File button; then click Done or click Upload File to upload another file.
Tip: For best results, do not upload files that have blank spaces in the titles (e.g., Assignment
Guidelines.doc). Instead rename your files prior to uploading into the ANGEL environment (e.g.,
4. To upload a file using drag and drop, click the Drag-n-drop hyperlink. It may take a few seconds to load the applet for the drag and drop. Drag one or more files or folders from your computer to the Drag-n-Drop upload
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area. A progress bar appears as your files are uploaded. After the upload is complete, the uploaded files display in the Drag-n-Drop window. Click the Done button when you're finished uploading files.
Note: To use Drag-n-Drop, you need to have Sun's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 1.4.1 installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed, you will be prompted to download the JVM.
Public Resources Link
The Public Resources hyperlink takes you to the ANGEL Home page, which contains public information hyperlinks, search and help hyperlinks, public announcements, and any top stories for your institution.
Navigating ANGEL
Your ANGEL home environment provides a wealth of tools and options for navigating through and controlling your use of ANGEL.
Video: " Navigate in ANGEL ."
Global Navigation Tools
Your personal Home page features a set of navigation tools, located in the Power Strip along the left edge of the screen. These icons are always available on your personal Home page and whenever you are working in a course or group.
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1. Home. This is a link back to your personal Home page (or the public logon page, if not authenticated).
This link reloads the entire interface page in addition to updating the contents of the main content window.
2. Help. This is a link to the Help system, which opens in a new window. It displays ANGEL online help, guides, and resources.
3. Log On/Off. Clicking this link if you are not logged on to the system loads the logon page in the main content window. If you are logged on to the system, clicking this link causes a JavaScript confirmation box to display. Selecting OK logs you out and returns you to the ANGEL environment in a logged-out state.
4. ePortfolio. Launches ePortfolio (appears only if your institution has ePortfolio installed).
5. Learning Object Repository (LOR). This link appears only if your institution has granted you access to the Learning Object Repository (LOR). Clicking this link replaces the base page with the interface page for your personal repository.
6. Personal Preferences. Provides access to your user settings, such as your personal information, password, theme selector, system settings, and PDA agent. The page loads in the main content window.
7. ANGEL Instant Messenger: This link invokes the ANGEL instant messenger (IM) in a new pop-up window.
Note: The ANGEL Instant Messenger is difficult to navigate using a screen reader. For information on setting ANGEL's accessibility options, see "Setting Personal Preferences."
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Step-by-step: "Global Navigation: Using the Power Strip."
There are two additional accessibility-related icons at the bottom of the page. These display menu options link to tools that allow you to adjust core presentation elements of the ANGEL interface.
1. 508. This link replaces the base interface page with the Accessibility Menu page. From here, you can select from a preconfigured accessibility profile or create your own if you are logged into the system. The profile describes your particular needs for accessing course material. If necessary, you can access an ACCLIP for use with ANGEL. (The acronym ACCLIP stands for Accessibility for Learner Information Profile. The ANGEL
Accessibility menu allows you to create, save, or import ACCLIP profiles.)
2. PDA. This link activates PDA mode, which attempts to streamline interface pages for use on small screens or low-bandwidth devices. This mode uses fewer graphics and frames. It also converts portal pages into submenu pages so that each such page contains far less text. This feature makes pages easier to navigate when using a screen reader or PDA, and reduces the size of each page for better performance on low-speed connections.
Using the Identity Bubble
The identity bubble identifies who you are, showing your name and your role with eyeglasses. If you are designated faculty in the course, your eyeglasses are clear. If you are identified as another type of user, your eyeglasses are blue. The little down arrow allows you to click and see a list of the courses, groups, and repositories in which you are enrolled. Selecting any of these items will replace the base page with the interface page for the selected course, group, or repository.
Showing and Hiding the Banner
The banner can be hidden from view by clicking the green arrow in the banner. When the banner is showing, the green arrow faces upward.
After the banner is hidden, it can be returned by clicking the green arrow again. When the banner is hidden, the green arrow faces downward.
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Course Navigation Tools
The course or group interface within ANGEL serves as the core of the ANGEL environment. It provides the instructor and the student with a variety of collaborative tools that enhance the instructional experience. The following sections provide detailed instructions for performing course-related tasks.
When you access a course, a set of navigational tools appear in the window.
1. Navigation tabs appear across the top of the ANGEL window. Click a tab to view a page containing one or more specific types of information about the course.
2. As you navigate through the tabs, the breadcrumb frame updates to show your current location within the course-related information.
3. Navigation and additional options appear on the sub-navigation menu.
Note: The last link in the breadcrumb list refers to the page you most recently visited. Although this is a historical list of pages you have visited, special logic is included to prevent the list from becoming unmanageable.
The most notable rule is that when you navigate from one tab (major content area) within a course to another, any breadcrumb links associated with the previous content area are removed.
After you select a course from the course list, navigation and organization tabs appear at the top of the page.
1. The Course tab is the "dashboard" into your course. Among the options for this page are the At a Glance object, the Grades object, Course Mail, Discussions, and more than a dozen other optional items.
2. The Calendar tab displays events that have been assigned milestones within the course (such as exams or assignment due dates).
3. The Lessons tab provides access to all the lessons that have been created and posted for the course.
4. The Communicate tab displays tools that let you communicate with others in the course via e-mail, live chat, and discussion groups. The tab also provides a course roster and displays any course-related news, events, or announcements.
5. The Report tab tools enable you to generate and save various types of reports related to the course, such as reports on student grades or course milestone achievements.
6. The Automate tab enables you to create and run services called agents, which can perform specific tasks according to any schedule you set.
7. The Manage tab features a console of tools that allow you to configure and control various course-related items, such as a gradebook or course-related files.
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The Resources tab provides a set of helpful resources made available by your institution's administrator. These items can include syllabi, links to websites related to the course, institutional resources such as library records, a web search tool, and others.
These tabs and their functions are discussed in greater detail later in this guide.
Tip: Specify a custom start tab for your course by accessing the Tab Settings tool (Tools > Tab Settings >
Start Tab Settings). Users are redirected to the Start tab when they click the Continue button on the Welcome page.
Sub-Navigation Menu
The sub-navigation menu, shown on both sides of (1) in the following figure, appears throughout ANGEL and provides access to section-appropriate navigation and control options.
Common navigation elements include the following:
● Print. Allows you to print the current page displayed on the Lessons tab.
● My Notes. Provides the user with an online space to take notes on any content located on the Lessons tab.
● Previous. Moves to the item previously viewed.
● Next. Moves to the next content item on the Lessons tab.
Using the Guide
The guide is another way to navigate through a course or group. The guide provides access to the Map, What's
New, Tasks, Search, and About functions.
To open the guide, click the small bar toggle shown in the following figure.
To change to a new guide item, click the hyperlinked name at the bottom of the guide.
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There are six guides:
1. The Map tool provides an expandable/collapsible table of contents of the course content, indicating where you are located within your course. The highlighted bold word indicates your current location within the course.
You can click the hyperlinked name within the Map to move to a content item or tab.
2. The What's New option lists any items within the course content that have been added or updated since a given date. New items can include course mail, assignments, pages, ungraded items, and so on. To access a new item, click the name hyperlink in the list of items. To check for new items, click the refresh hyperlink or select last logon, last week, last 2 weeks, or last 30 days from the drop-down list.
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3. The Tasks area displays milestones, personal tasks, unread mail, and ungraded items that require some attention. For students, this is a centralized list of milestones and other items that need to be completed. For instructors, this list also provides a centralized listing of all ungraded submissions. To check for new items, click the refresh hyperlink.
The Tasks tab has several types of information about pending tasks.
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Note: Clicking the plus (+) sign on the left of each menu item expands the item. Clicking the minus (-) sign on the left of each menu item collapses the menu item to just the title. a. Milestones. Students can track their course progress by viewing a list of pending, completed, or past due milestones. Course editors and course assistants can view milestone achievements for each individual student. The number of milestones is indicated in parentheses. b. Personal Tasks. Users can view personal tasks they created for themselves, assigned to them. or assigned to all course members. The number of personal tasks is indicated in parentheses. c. Unread Mail. The Unread Mail section displays a list of all new (unread) course or group mail. The number of new e-mail messages is indicated in parentheses. d. Unread Discussion Posts. The Unread Discussion Posts section displays a list of all unread discussion posts and links to each post. The number of unread posts is indicated in parentheses. e. Ungraded Items. The Ungraded Items section displays a list of all new ungraded course items. The number of ungraded items is indicated in parentheses.
4. The basic Search area allows the user to type a keyword to search for an item in the content, calendar, mail, or roster of a course. Select the course area from the drop-down list, type the keyword in the Search field, and click the Search button.
The advanced Search area provides specific search parameters. There are two types of searches: advanced and basic.
5. The Design Help tool is available only to instructors and provides instructional design information to help you design an effective course. The Design Help information is dynamic; it changes as you move around in the course, offering you help in each area of your course.
6. The About section of the guide displays basic ANGEL information, including address and copyright information.
It loads within the guide window.
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Understanding the Course Tab
By default, the Course tab appears when you enter a course. This page contains several sections that provide at-aglance information about the course.
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By default, the Course tab includes the following sections: a. Activity at a Glance. Shows a summary of course-related activities that have occurred during the past week, including the number of logons, discussion posts, mail messages, and submissions. b. Course Mail. Provides an entry point to Course Mail. Use View Inbox to jump to your inbox, use Quick
Message to bypass the inbox and go directly to the compose message page, and use Unread Messages to see a count of unread messages in the course. c. Course Announcements. Displays any recent announcements that have been posted for the course. d. Grades. Displays a summary of the grades of the course's enrolled participants.
Understanding the Crumb Trail
Each time you click a new item in ANGEL 7.4, a new entry is made in the breadcrumb area. The trail shown in the following figure shows that the user went from the Home page to the Course page, to the Lessons tab, to a folder named 7.4 Documentation Development, to a folder named What's New in 7.4, and to a file named Grading
The crumb trail helps you to keep track of where you are in the course. You can return to any previous area by clicking the crumb. For example, you can return to the Lessons tab by clicking the Lessons crumb.
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Step-by-step: "Course Navigation: Using Course Navigation Tools."
Understanding the User Preview Tool
The User Preview Tool allows you to look at a course from different user perspectives.
The six functional areas of the User Preview Tool are as follows:
1. Eyeglasses. Click the little glasses in the identity bubble to bring up the User Preview Tool menu.
2. Rights. Select the rights based on the preview of the course you want to see. For example, if you want to see what the students see, click Student.
3. Teams. If you want to see the course from a team perspective, select the appropriate team type.
4. Begin Preview. Click Begin Preview to see the course from the rights and/or teams you selected. When you begin a preview, the eyeglasses in the identity bubble will change to blue, and you will be returned to the course page. Click the eyeglasses again to return to the User Preview Tool menu.
5. Cancel Preview. Click Cancel Preview to cancel the preview.
6. Exit to Course Manager. Clicking here takes you to the Course Manager page and returns you to your original identity. Your name appears in the user's identity bubble, and the eyeglasses change to clear.
Step-by-step: "Previewing Your Course as a Student."
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Using Hover Menus
The hover menus appear in each nugget box. Only those menus the user has permission to use appear. The menus are hidden until you hover over the upper-right corner of the nugget (see Figures 22 and 23).
There are four possible options from the hover menus.
1. Edit. Allows you to edit the nugget by opening the settings.
2. Refresh. Refreshes the page.
3. Hide/Unhide. Hides the content of the nugget (the title remains). After you have selected to hide, when you hover over the menu again, the unhide button appears. Clicking the unhide button redisplays the content of the nugget.
4. New Window. Opens a new window with the nugget information displayed.
Step-by-step: "Configuring ANGEL Components."
Using ANGEL Help
Online help is available by clicking the Help icon . Online help provides a searchable Instructor Reference
Manual in the form of web pages. Students are provided with a searchable Student QuickStart guide as a reference.
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The Guides hyperlink provides access to the Instructor Reference Manual, Instructor QuickStart Guide and Student
QuickStart Guide in PDF format. These guides can be downloaded and printed as a reference.
The Resources hyperlink provides access to your institution's resources. Information available under Resources can be added by your institution's ANGEL administrator.
Adding and Finding Courses
You can add a course or find courses via links at the top of the Courses component on your ANGEL Home page.
The elements of the Courses component include the following:
1. Find a Course. Search for existing courses by clicking this hyperlink. The Course Search page allows you to search existing courses by keyword, semester, course, or section criteria.
2. Add a Course. If enabled, click this hyperlink to create a course.
3. Course link. To enter a course, click its hyperlink.
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Adding a Course
If enabled, click the Add a Course hyperlink to create a course. The Add a Course editor is divided into six tabs:
Course, Access, Enrollment, Standards, Objectives, and Advanced.
Course Tab Settings
The Course tab allows the user to specify information about the course. Control code settings and general information settings are found here.
Tip: When creating a course, follow your institution's guidelines for campus codes, department codes, and so on. Course codes should be composed of alphanumeric characters and can include underscores, dashes, or periods.
No other special characters should be used. The Other buttons allow you to create a new semester, campus, school, or department code, following the standards listed below.
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Control Code Settings
The elements of the Control Code Settings include the following unique identifiers:
1. Department. The department in which the course is taught. The field is limited to six characters.
2. Semester. The semester in which the course is taught. The field is limited to 12 characters.
3. School. The school in which the course is taught. The field is limited to six characters.
4. Course. The course. The field is limited to eight characters.
5. Campus. The campus on which the course is taught. The field is limited to four characters.
6. Section. The course section. The field is limited to eight characters.
General Information Settings
General information for a course includes the title, category, keywords, and description for the course, when the course begins and ends, and so on. These settings can be changed at a later time by entering the course, clicking the Manage tab, and then clicking General Course Settings.
The elements of the General Information section include the following:
1. Title. Type a name for the course in this field.
Tip: If several course sections have the same name, place a unique identifier for each section after the name of the course (e.g., Introduction to Engineering Technology - section B101, Introduction to Engineering
Technology - section B102, and so on). This practice assists users in differentiating between sections with similar names.
2. Category. Select an appropriate category from the drop-down list.
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3. Semester. Select an appropriate semester from the drop-down list.
4. Keywords. Keywords (optional) can be added to aid searching capabilities. Students and faculty can use these keywords to locate specific classes through the Course Search utility.
5. Description. Provide a description in the Description field (optional) to specify additional information concerning the course and the course objectives.
6. Course Begins/Course Ends. Specify the dates on which the course begins/ends (optional) to show the dates for the class when viewed through the Course Search utility.
Note: To enforce the Course Begins date so that students cannot access the course until the specified date requires the use of the environment variable ENFORCE_START_DATE with a value of 1. To enforce the
Course Ends date so that students cannot access the course after the specified date requires the use of
ENFORCE_END_DATE with a value of 1. For more information on using environment variables, see "Advanced
Tab Settings: Environment Variables."
7. Language. Current languages available are English and Spanish.
Note: The ANGEL administrator at your institution controls whether the Spanish language option is available.
Access Tab Settings
The Access tab allows the user to determine who has access to the course and whether the course can be seen in
Find a Course searches. These settings can be changed later from within the course itself by clicking the Manage tab and then clicking General Course Settings.
The elements of the Access tab include the following:
1. Member Access. This setting determines whether students or members of the course have access, or only the course editor has access. Restricting access to Editors Only prevents students from accessing the course.
This option can be used before the start of a semester, term, or quarter to give the instructor time to create course content and structure the online course. After the course is ready for student access, the instructor can change access to the course to All Members by entering the course, clicking the Manage tab, and then clicking General Course Settings.
Reference: For additional information, see "General Course Settings."
2. Guest Access. This setting determines whether guests are allowed to access the course.
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● The Anonymous setting grants users who have not logged in to the ANGEL 7.4 environment access to the course. Once in the course, the anonymous user does not have access to content or student information unless the instructor has set the Viewable By settings to Everyone.
● The Authenticated setting allows users who have logged in to the ANGEL 7.4 environment access to the course. Once in the course, the authenticated user does not have access to content or student information unless the instructor has set the Viewable By settings to Authenticated Guest.
Reference: For additional information on Viewable By settings, see "Batch Enrollment."
3. Search Engines. This option allows users to determine whether the course can be located by using Find a
Course searches.
Enrollment Tab Settings
A random enrollment personal ID number (PIN) is generated automatically each time you create a course.
The Enrollment tab includes the following settings:
1. Enrollment PIN. Share the enrollment PIN with users to allow them to use the Course Search tool to selfenroll in the course. Courses that are hidden from the Course Search tool are not available for PIN selfenrollment. The enrollment PIN specified by ANGEL can be changed prior to saving the course information.
(Leaving the enrollment PIN blank allows anyone to self-enroll for the course without having to be invited or added by an editor in the course.)
Reference: Course editors can add users to the course roster manually. See "Adding a User" for information.
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2. Enrollment Begins/Enrollment Ends. These fields allow course editors to specify an enrollment period for the course. These settings can be changed later from within the course itself by clicking the Manage tab and then clicking General Course Settings.
Note: Enrollment beginning and ending dates affect only self-enrollment. Course editors can still add and remove users at any time. Setting the end date to a date in the past disables the PIN enrollment feature.
Standards Tab Settings
The Standards tab provides an option for instructors to align their courses to provided standards. Standards that have been published by your institution appear in a list as available standards. The availability of standards is controlled by your ANGEL standards administrator.
Reference: For information on aligning standards to specific assignments within your course, see "Using
Course Standards and Objectives."
To activate a standard for a course, use the following options:
1. Enable standards for this course. Select this checkbox to enable standards.
2. Expand the desired standard by clicking its plus sign ( ).
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3. Select the checkbox next to a standards folder to select all standards contained within that folder. If you prefer, expand the folder and select the individual checkbox(es) for the desired standard(s).
Objectives Tab Settings
The Objectives tab gives the instructor the opportunity to create objectives for the course at the time the course is created. These settings can be changed later from within the course itself by clicking the Manage tab and then clicking General Course Settings.
To activate an objective for a course, do the following:
1. Enable objectives for this course. Select this checkbox to enable objectives.
2. Expand the desired folder, or click the down arrow next to the Course Objectives folder to add a new folder or outcome.
3. Click the desired option: a. Add New Folder. Click this link to display the Explorer User Prompt dialog box. Type the name of the new folder and click OK. You can expand the new folder by clicking its plus sign ( ). b. Add New Outcome. Click this link and enter outcome information in the Edit Objective Outcome tab. To match a standard to your objective outcome, click the Standards tab and select the desired standard(s) from the list.
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The following figure shows the Objectives tab options for renaming, moving, and deleting folders.
To rename, move, or delete a folder:
1. Click the down arrow next to the desired folder.
2. Click the desired option:
A. To close the menu, click the X icon.
B. Rename. If you select this option, a prompt window will appear. Type the name of the new folder and click OK.
C. Move up. Click the Move up hyperlink repeatedly until the folder has moved to the desired location.
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D. Move down. Click the Move down hyperlink repeatedly until the folder has moved to the desired location.
E. Delete. Click this link to delete the folder. When prompted to confirm, click OK to delete or click Cancel to cancel deletion of the folder.
The following figure shows the Objectives tab options for editing, moving, and deleting objectives.
To edit, move, or delete an objective:
1. Click the down arrow next to the desired objective.
2. Click the desired link:
A. To close the menu, click the X icon.
B. Edit. Click this link to modify the text of the objective. Change the text in the text field and then click the
Save button.
C. Move up. Click the Move up hyperlink repeatedly until the objective has moved to the desired location.
D. Move down. Click the Move down hyperlink repeatedly until the objective has moved to the desired location.
E. Delete. Click this link to delete the objective. When prompted to confirm, click OK to delete or click
Cancel to cancel deletion of the objective.
Reference: To edit the settings of an existing course, see "Editing and Customizing Your Course."
Advanced Tab Settings: Environment Variables
More than 300 environment variables have already been defined as part of the standard environment. The script pages throughout the environment reference these variables. If a variable is not set, a default system value is used, which allows you to override default functionality without having to specify every variable.
You must save your course before adding environment variables. Click the Save Now hyperlink to continue.
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Note: Access to the Environment Variables Manager may be limited by your institution.
The following figure shows the Environment Variables options.
1. Add Variable. Click this hyperlink to open the Environment Variable Editor.
Reference: For more details on adding and editing environment variables, see "Advanced Settings:
Course Environment Variables." For a complete listing of environment variables, see "Defined Environment
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A. Variable Name. Create a new variable or type the exact name of an existing variable that you want to modify.
B. Help. Click this hyperlink to access help. As new environment variables are added, the Help page will be updated.
C. Variable Value. Modify or define the value of your variable.
D. Variable Type. Specify whether the variable applies to a user, course, or system setting.
E. Enter Course ID. Specify the unique ID number of the course to which you want to add the variable.
2. Variable Name. Click the hyperlink for the variable you want to edit.
3. Delete Variable. Click the X icon next to the variable you want to delete.
Finding a Particular Course
Search for existing courses by clicking the Find a Course hyperlink (located on the ANGEL Home page below the
Courses title bar). The Course Search page allows you to search existing courses by keyword, semester, course, or section criteria.
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The elements of the Course Search page include the following:
1. Search. Type a Keyword or use the Semester, Course, and/or Section fields to enter your search criteria; then click the Search button.
2. Organizational Unit. Click the Change hyperlink to search a different campus, school, or department.
3. Sort Ascending/Descending. Click any column header to view the ascending/descending button (an arrow pointing up or down). Click the button to sort in alphabetical or reverse-alphabetical order.
4. Preview. A list of available courses is displayed based on your search criteria. You can enter the course by clicking the Preview button ( ).
Enabling or Disabling Courses
By default, many institutions create their course shells in a disabled state. Students cannot view courses that are disabled. This design allows the course designer/faculty member to develop the course without students accessing it until it is ready. Once the course is ready for students to access it, it must be enabled (activated).
Step-by-step: "Enabling a Course."
Video: " Enable/Disable a Course ."
The elements of the Courses list include the following:
1. If the course is disabled, the word [Disabled] appears beneath the course title in the Courses component on your ANGEL Home page.
2. Active courses do not display the [Disabled] tag.
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Note: In ANGEL 7.4, the default setting stipulates that disabled courses do not appear on the course list unless the course settings are changed to show them. If your institution has not changed this default setting, you may not be able to see disabled courses.
Tip: If you get calls from students at the beginning of the semester telling you that they cannot find your course, the first thing to check is whether the course is still disabled!
Step-by-step: "Viewing Disabled Courses."
Your course can be enabled or disabled at any time. The Course Access field is located within your course's General
Course Settings. To change these settings, enter your course by clicking the course title's hyperlink in the Courses component on the ANGEL Home page.
To edit the General Course Settings within your course:
1. Manage tab. Once inside your course, click the Manage tab at the top of the screen.
2. General Course Settings. Click the General Course Settings hyperlink within the Course Settings component.
The following figure displays the Course Settings Access options.
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To edit course access:
1. Click the Access tab on the Course Settings page.
2. In the Member Access field, select the appropriate option: a. Editors Only. With this setting, students do not have access to course materials; only those listed with editors' rights on the course roster have access. b. All Members. With this setting, the course is open to all members listed on the course roster.
Note: The Editors Only setting for Member Access signifies that only course editors can access the course. This is what designates the course as disabled. Changing the setting to All Members makes the course visible on the Home page of anyone enrolled in the course.
3. Select None for Guest Access if you want only people listed on the roster to view this course. Set Search
Engines to No if you do not want this course to display in a Find a Course search. (Both of these settings restrict access to this course.) If you set Guest Access to Authenticated or Anonymous, it could allow others into the course. They would be able to view any content item not set to be viewed by Students Only, and they would be able to find the course via a Find a Course search (if that option was set to Yes) or via a direct URL link to the course.
Tip: Reverse this procedure to prevent students from accessing the course after the course is over.
Editing the Courses Component
You can edit the contents of the Courses component, choose to display disabled courses, or select which courses you want to display on the ANGEL Home page.
To edit the Courses component:
1. Click the Edit button ( ) that appears in the title bar when you hover the mouse over the Courses component.
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The following figure shows the Courses Settings options.
The elements of the Courses Settings include the following:
1. Display Filter. Select the courses you want to appear in your Courses component.
2. Group By. By default, courses are displayed in alphabetical order. You can also choose to organize courses by semester and/or category.
3. Also Display. Controls which additional data elements are displayed under the course title within the Courses component.
4. Tasks. Controls which task icons and data are displayed under the course title within the Courses component.
5. Show Disabled. Determines whether disabled courses are displayed in the Display Filter section. If enabled, disabled courses in which you have access rights will appear in the list of courses, where you can choose to have them displayed in the Courses component.
Step-by-step: "Viewing Disabled Courses."
Editing and Customizing Your Course
By default, the Course tab appears when you enter a course. This page contains several sections that provide at-aglance information about the course.
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Customizing the Course Tab
By default, the Course tab includes the following sections:
● Activity at a Glance shows a summary of course-related activities that have occurred during the past week, including the number of logins, discussion posts, mail messages, and submissions.
● Grades displays a summary of the grades of the course's enrolled participants.
● Course Mail provides an entry point to Course Mail. Use View Inbox to jump to your inbox, Quick Message to bypass the inbox and go directly to the compose message page, or Unread Messages to see a count of unread messages in the course.
● Course Polls allow you to gather feedback from students and introduce a point of interaction on the course
Home page.
● Course Announcements displays any recent announcements that have been posted for the course.
You can rearrange, add, edit, or delete elements on the Course tab. ANGEL features a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy to configure the way information is displayed on your tabs.
Rearranging Items on the Course Tab
To rearrange items on the Course tab:
1. Log in to ANGEL, select a course, and click the Course tab.
2. Click the Edit Page link under the course's name in the upper-left corner of the tab.
ANGEL switches to Page Layout view.
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Note: The Edit Page option is available on several tabs.
3. Click the desired item and drag it to a different location.
The mouse pointer changes to a four-way arrow ( ) when you can move the item. As you move the item, other elements on the tab automatically move out of the way.
4. When you're finished repositioning the item, click the Save button to return the Course tab to Normal view.
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Adding Items on the Course Tab
To add an item to the Course tab:
1. Log in to ANGEL, select a course, and click the Course tab.
2. Click the Edit Page link.
ANGEL switches to Page Layout view. The Add Components and Use Defaults buttons now appear under the course's name, replacing the Edit Page link.
3. Click the Add Components button.
The Available Components list appears, showing the names of items that can be added to the tab. Items marked with a check are already on the tab.
4. Click the component you want to add; then click the Add Selected button.
The Available Components box closes, and the selected component is added to the tab.
Tip: You can select more than one component at a time.
5. If desired, rearrange the items on the tab.
6. When you're finished, click the Save button to return the Course tab to Normal view.
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Deleting Items on the Course Tab
To delete an item from the Course tab:
1. Log in to ANGEL, select a course, and click the Course tab.
2. Click the Edit Page link.
ANGEL switches to Page Layout view.
3. Hover the mouse pointer over the item you want to delete.
The Delete icon ( ) appears on the item's title bar.
4. Click the Delete icon to remove the item.
5. When you're finished, click the Save button to return the Course tab to Normal view.
Tip: If you change your mind, you can add the deleted item back onto the tab.
Editing Items on the Course Tab
Some items on the Course tab have user-configurable settings. You can edit these settings to change the data displayed by the item, to determine who can view the item, and other features specific to the item.
To edit an item on the Course tab:
1. Hover the mouse pointer over the item.
If the item has user-configurable settings, a Settings icon ( ) appears on the item's title bar.
2. Click the Settings icon to view the item's settings.
3. Change the desired settings.
4. When you're finished, click the Save button to return the Course tab to Normal view.
Editing the Activity at a Glance Settings
The Activity at a Glance tool brings course data to the forefront and assembles it in a simple graphical format that communicates information immediately to the viewer. You can see updated summaries of recent course logins, mail messages, discussion posts, grade distribution, or submissions every time you log in. Graphical displays illustrate recent course activity that gives instructors immediate perspective into their students' course activities.
Click on the graph to navigate to more comprehensive information and options to take action, or click the Edit button to display the Activity at a Glance Settings page, where you can select the graphs to display and specify who can view them.
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1. Recent Mail Messages. Displays recent daily mail messages.
2. Recent Logins. Displays daily login summary.
3. Grades Distribution. Displays grade summary.
4. Recent Discussion Points. Displays daily discussion summary.
5. Recent Submissions. Displays daily submission summary.
6. Viewable By. Allows the course editor to specify who can view these graphs.
Reference: For additional information on Viewable By settings, see "Batch Enrollment."
Adding an Activity Graph
1. On the Activity at a Glance toolbar, click the Edit button. The Activity at a Glance Settings page appears.
2. From the Graphs checkboxes, select the graphs you want to display.
3. In the Viewable By drop-down list, specify who you want to allow to view these graphs.
4. Click the Save button.
Grades Nugget
The Grades nugget appears on the Course page by default. It displays a graphical depiction of the student grade per category, as compared with the class average. As an instructor, you will see the combined averages of all student grades. The Grades nugget will appear in its collapsed state; hover the mouse over the end of the toolbar to make the icons appear, and then click the Expand icon.
Notice that now all category averages appear. (Only one of the categories in the following figure has any grades entered at this point.) Students see only their own grades compared with the class average.
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Note: Remind students to click the Refresh link; otherwise, they won't see the most current results.
By clicking one of the grade bars, the student can view the specific assignment grade(s), as shown in the following figure. Doing so brings up the Reports Console with the Learner Profile and Gradebook Grades already selected as the default.
Select the desired report view:
● Table view displays a table with each assignment and the associated grade and class average.
● Chart view displays a bar graph with the same information.
In the following figure, the student has selected Table view. Click Run to continue. The student's grade(s) now appear.
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If the Assignment Title is a clickable link, clicking it returns the student to the assignment within the Lessons tab, where the submission, instructor attachment (if any), grade, and instructor comments are viewable.
Course Calendar
The Course Calendar section displays public or personal course calendar events. You can display all, public, or personal calendar information. You can also show or hide notes.
Reference: For details on how to use the calendar, see "Calendar Tab."
Course Announcements
The Course Announcements section displays past, present, or all course announcements, sorting the announcements in ascending or descending order. Clicking the Edit button displays the Announcement Editor.
Reference: For details on how to use course announcements, see "Announcements."
Video: " Add a Course Announcement ."
Course News
The Course News section displays links to news articles. Clicking the Edit button displays the News Editor.
Reference: For details on how to use the course news section, see "News."
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Adding RSS Feeds to Your Course
RSS feeds allow you to stream news or data from other websites into your course environment automatically. Two
RSS feed components are available:
● Course RSS Feed. This feed (available only to course editors) allows the instructor to establish an RSS feed on the course Home page. Only course editors may edit this component.
● Personal RSS Feed. This feed is available on both the personal Home page and course Home page. This component is editable by all users and thus is not under the control of the instructor. Students may edit this feed to add other content of interest.
To customize your course with RSS feeds:
1. Add the desired RSS feed component to your page.
2. Hover the mouse pointer over the title of the component and click the component's Edit button (
RSS Headline Settings page appears.
). The a. Current Feeds. This tab lists and allows you to edit current feeds. The number in parentheses after
Current Feeds indicates how many feeds you currently have set up. b. Add Feeds. This tab allows you to search by keyword for feeds to add to your component. c. Feed Editor. Allows you to enter URLs for RSS feeds directly. After specifying the URL and a title for the new RSS feed, click the Add to Current Feeds button to add the new feed to the list. d. Feed Preview. When a feed is selected for addition to the feed list or for editing, a sample of the feed appears in the preview area. e. Feed list. Shows all current feeds. f. Edit Feed/Remove Feed. Edits/removes the feed selected in the feed list. g. OK/Cancel. Saves/cancels changes you have made.
Adding a Feed via Search
You can use the built-in search engine to find an RSS feed by keyword.
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To add an RSS feed via search:
1. Click the Add Feeds tab.
2. Enter a search term and click Search. A list of matching feeds will appear.
3. Select a feed by clicking on it.
4. Check the preview for the selected feed to make sure that it's the one you want.
5. Click the Add to Current Feeds button to add the feed to the list.
6. Click OK.
If you already know the URL of the feed you want, you can add it in the Feed Editor section.
1. Paste the URL of the feed into the Feed URL box.
2. Check the preview for the selected feed to make sure that it's the one you want.
3. Give the Feed a title in the Feed Title box.
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4. Click the Add to Current Feeds button to add the feed to the list.
5. Click OK.
Editing an Existing Feed
You can change the URL or title of a feed on the Current Feeds page.
1. Click the Current Feeds tab.
2. Select the feed you want to edit by clicking its name.
3. Click the Edit Feed button. The feed appears in the Feed Preview area.
4. Edit Feed URL or Feed Title in the Feed Editor section.
5. Click the Update Feed button.
6. Click OK.
Deleting an RSS Feed
To delete an RSS feed:
1. Click the Current Feeds tab.
2. Click the feed you want to remove.
3. Click the Remove Feed button. The feed is removed from the list of current feeds.
4. Click OK.
Course Theme Selector
The Course Theme Selector tool allows course editors to select, edit, or create a custom theme for the course. To access the Course Theme Selector, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Course
Theme Selector hyperlink.
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Reference: For details on using the Course Theme Selector, see "Customizing Your Course Theme."
Changing the Tab Settings
The Tab Settings utility allows course editors to rename, disable, and/or redirect course tabs to another web page.
Course editors can also specify whether to display the course welcome page, and can change or redirect the start tab.
To access Tab Settings, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Tab Settings hyperlink to load the Tab Settings editor.
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1. Start Tab. Specifies which course tab the user views upon entering the course. The default start tab is
Courses (Home).
2. Start URL. Type a fully qualified web address in the Start URL field to display an external web page instead of the default start tab.
3. Guide Settings. Controls the fields below the Map feature on the course page. Set to (Collapsed) by default.
4. Home. Specifies the starting tab that appears when a user enters the course.
5. Calendar. Calendar tab: Contains the course calendar.
6. Content. Lessons tab: Contains all course content items.
7. Resources. Resources tab: Contains course syllabus, course resources, and institutional resources.
8. In Touch. Communicate tab: Contains all course communication items.
9. Reports. Report tab: Contains all course reports.
10. Agents. Automate tab: Contains the Agents Console.
11. Tools. Manage tab: Contains tools to manage your course.
Customizing Course Tabs
The first option on the Tab Settings page determines which page is displayed when users enter the course. This is the Course page by default, but can be changed by using the drop-down list to specify a different page.
1. In this example, leave the opening page as Course. You don't need to designate anything in the Start URL field.
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2. Beneath the Start Tab settings section, each tab is listed followed by a label. The Tab ID is the name that the
ANGEL database uses to denote each tab. The Label is the "name" displayed for each tab, which can be changed for any of the tabs by entering a different name in the associated text box. By default, the Content tab is identified with the Lessons label, as shown in the following figure.
For this example, change that name to Course Content, as shown in the following figure.
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3. The Viewable By column determines what rights users need to have to access each of the pages. To change a tab so that students will not see it, you can change Viewable By to Disabled or to a level higher than Student.
For example, if the Calendar isn't used in your course, you could delete it from Students/Members view by changing the Viewable By setting to Course/Group Assistants, as shown in the following figure.
Caution: Be very careful when designating any tab setting as Disabled—that setting will remove it from everyone's view, including yours! If you accidentally disabled the Tools tab (labeled Manage), as course editor you could no longer access it to make changes. If you disable any other tab, you can change it again by going back to the Tab Settings editor—but you could not do this if you no longer had access to the Tools (Manage) tab.
4. The URL fields are used only if you are specifying a different location for any of the tabs, in which case you would input the URL for that location. Click Save to continue.
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After you have completed these changes, the calendar is no longer visible in Students/Members view, and the tab formerly labeled "Lessons" is now called "Course Content."
Controlling Default Course Mail Settings
Course Mail Settings allow the user to set the defaults for course mail. These settings are based on the rights of the user within the course and are defined using the Minimum Rights drop-down list for each item
1. Send Internet E-mail. Provides the option to forward course mail to a user's Internet e-mail address. A checkbox selection displays based on the rights specified under Minimum Rights. By default, all users can request course mail messages be sent to a user's Internet e-mail account.
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2. Send to All Faculty/Leaders. Provides the option to send course mail to all faculty members at once. By default, all users can send course mail to all faculty members.
3. Send to All Students/Members. Provides the option to send course mail to all students/members at once.
By default, all users can send course mail to all students/members.
4. Send to Teams. Provides the option to send course mail to all teams. By default, all users can send to teams in a course.
5. Send to Individuals. Provides the option to send course mail to all individuals in the course, both students and faculty. By default, all users can send course mail to individual course students or faculty.
6. Reply to All. Provides the opportunity for a user to select Reply to All when responding to course mail.
7. Message Options. Choose the desired option: a. Do Not Disclose Recipients. With this selection, the default changes to not disclose to whom the course mail has been sent. b. Send a Copy to Each Recipient's Internet Email. With this selection, the default changes to send a copy of the course mail message to each user's Internet e-mail account.
General Course Settings
The General Course Settings editor allows course editors to view and change general course information and settings. To access the General Course Settings, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the
General Course Settings hyperlink.
Course Data
On the main Course tab, you can edit the information for the course.
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The General Information section contains the course ID, title, and so on:
1. In the Title field, type or change the name for the course.
Tip: If several course sections have the same name, place a unique identifier for each section after the name of the course (e.g., Introduction to Engineering Technology - section B101, Introduction to Engineering
Technology - section B102, and so on). This practice assists users in differentiating between sections with similar names.
2. Select an appropriate category from the Category drop-down list.
Note: Keywords (optional) can be added to aid the searching capabilities. Students and faculty can use these keywords to locate specific classes through the Course Search utility.
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3. Provide a description in the Description field (optional) to specify additional information concerning the course and the course objectives. Enabling standards and/or objectives (optional) allows the instructor to map course content to institution standards that have been added to the ANGEL environments by the standards administrator, or to map objectives to course content. Objectives are created by the instructor at the course level and might be tied to institution standards. (Standards might not be provided by your institution.)
Reference: For information on mapping standards and objectives to course content, see "Using Course
Standards and Objectives."
4. Select Course Begins and/or Course Ends dates (optional) to show the dates for the class when viewed through the Course Search utility.
Note: To enforce the Course Begins date so that students cannot access the course until the specified date requires the use of the environment variable ENFORCE_START_DATE with a value of 1. To enforce the
Course Ends date so that students cannot access the course after the specified date requires the use of
ENFORCE_END_DATE with a value of 1. For additional information on environment variables, see "Working with Environment Variables."
5. Provide a URL for a stylesheet in the Stylesheet field (optional).
6. Redirect URL redirects the students to the provided URL (optional).
7. Redirect Target determines whether the URL to which users are being directed opens in a new window, parent window, top window, and so on (optional).
8. Select language options in the Language field. Current languages available are English and Spanish.
Note: The ANGEL administrator at your institution controls whether the Spanish language option is available.
Access Settings
These settings allow the user to determine who has access to the course and whether the course can be seen in
Find a Course searches.
1. Member Access determines whether students or members of the course have access, or only the course editor has access. Restricting access to Editors Only prevents students from accessing the course. This option can be used before the start of a semester, term, or quarter to give the instructor time to create course content and structure the online course. After the course is ready for student access. the instructor can change access to the course to All Members.
2. Guest Access determines whether guests are allowed to access the course.
● The Anonymous setting grants users who have not logged in to the ANGEL 7.4 environment access to the course. Once in the course, the anonymous user does not have access to content or student information unless the instructor has set the Viewable By settings to Everyone.
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● The Authenticated setting allows users who have logged in to the ANGEL 7.4 environment access to the course. Once in the course, the authenticated user does not have access to content or student information unless the instructor has set the Viewable By settings to Authenticated Guest.
Reference: For additional information on Viewable By settings, see "Batch Enrollment."
3. Search Engines. This option allows users to determine whether the course can be located by using Find a
Course searches.
Enrollment Settings
These settings allow you to change the enrollment PIN and enrollment start and end dates for the course. Provide the enrollment PIN to users who may want to self-enroll in your course. Courses that are hidden from the Course
Search tool are not available for PIN self-enrollment. (Leaving the enrollment PIN blank allows anyone to self-enroll for the course without having to be invited or added by an editor in the course.)
Note: Enrollment beginning and ending dates affect only self-enrollment. Course editors can still add and remove users at any time. Setting the end date to a date in the past disables the Enrollment PIN feature.
Reference: Course editors can add users to the course roster manually. See "Adding a User" for information.
Standards Settings
The Standards tab provides an option for instructors to map their courses to provided standards. Standards that have been published by your institution appear in a list as available standards. The availability of standards is controlled by your ANGEL standards administrator.
Reference: For information on aligning standards to specific assignments within your course, see "Using
Course Standards and Objectives."
To activate a standard:
1. Click the Standards tab.
2. Expand the desired standard by clicking its plus sign ( ).
3. Select the standards folder's checkbox to select all standards contained within that folder. Alternatively, you can expand a folder and select specific standards.
4. Click the Save button when all desired standards have been selected.
Objectives Settings
The Objectives tab allows the instructor to create or edit objectives for the course.
To add a course objective:
1. Expand the desired folder, or click the down arrow next to the Course Objectives folder to add a new folder or outcome.
2. Click the desired option:
● Add New Folder. Click this link to display a dialog box in which you can type the name of the new folder; then click OK. You can expand the new folder by clicking its plus sign ( ).
● Add New Outcome. Click this link and enter outcome information. To match a standard to your objective outcome, click the Standards tab and select the desired standard(s) from the list.
To rename, move, or delete a folder:
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1. Click the down arrow next to the desired folder.
2. Click the desired option:
● Rename. If you select this option, a prompt window will appear. Type the name of the new folder and click OK.
● Move up. Click the Move up hyperlink repeatedly until the folder has moved to the desired location.
● Move down. Click the Move down hyperlink repeatedly until the folder has moved to the desired location.
● Delete. Click this link to delete the folder. When prompted to confirm, click OK to delete or click Cancel to cancel deletion of the folder.
To edit, move, or delete a course objective:
1. Click the down arrow next to the desired objective.
2. Click the desired link:
● Edit. Click this link to modify the text of the objective. Change the text in the text field and then click the
Save button.
● Move up. Click the Move up hyperlink repeatedly until the objective has moved to the desired location.
● Move down. Click the Move down hyperlink repeatedly until the objective has moved to the desired location.
● Delete. Click this link to delete the objective. When prompted to confirm, click OK to delete or click
Cancel to cancel deletion of the objective.
Advanced Settings: Course Environment Variables
The Environment Variables utility allows course editors to add, view, edit, and delete a wide range of available environment variables that can modify aspects of the course environment for one or more users. Examples of environment variable uses within a course include changing the names of one or more tools, defining values for custom tokens, and updating lesson icons based on student progress.
To access the Course Environment Variables page, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Environment Variables hyperlink. The Course Environment Variables page appears.
Note: You might see variables listed that have been set by your ANGEL system administrator.
1. Add a Variable. This hyperlink allows the course editor to add a new variable.
2. User. Specifies which user's variables are being viewed.
3. Other. Allows you to enter another user's username.
4. Show Values. Shows the values of the environment variables listed.
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5. Edit/Delete. These buttons allow you to edit or delete the variable next to the buttons.
Adding a Variable
1. On the Course Environment Variables page, select all users or a particular user from the drop-down menu, or specify another user by clicking the Other button.
2. Click the Add a Variable hyperlink. The Course Environment Variable Editor appears.
3. Add the environment variable in the Variable Name text area.
4. Provide the variable value in the Variable Value text area.
5. Click the Save button.
Editing a Variable
1. On the Course Environment Variables page, click the Edit button next to the variable. The Course Environment
Variable Editor appears.
2. Type your changes and click the Save button.
Deleting a Variable
1. On the Course Environment Variables page, click the Delete button next to the variable. The Course
Environment Variable Editor appears. A confirmation message appears.
2. Click the OK button to delete the variable. The variable is deleted from the Course Environment Variables page.
Adding Course Resources and Syllabus
The Resources tab is the central location for information concerning the course. It provides students and instructors one place to see the syllabus, course bookmarks, and institutional resources.
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By default, the course syllabus, course resources (such as bookmarks added by the course editor), and institutional resources (added by your institution) are displayed on the Resources tab. Search functions by Wikipedia and
Google are also displayed. Your default components may vary by institution.
Editing the Resources Page
To change which components appear on your Resources page, click the Edit Page hyperlink in the upper-left corner.
The following figure shows how to add or rearrange components on the Resources page.
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1. Your cursor will turn into a cross-arrow ( their positions on your Resources page.
), which allows you to drag-and-drop components to rearrange
Note: A menu will appear on each component as your mouse moves over it.
2. Edit. The Edit button ( ) allows you to edit the content of the component (not available on all components).
3. Delete. You can remove a component by clicking the Delete button ( ).
4. Use Defaults. If you are not satisfied with your selections, click the Use Defaults button to restore the defaults set by your institution.
5. Add Components. Click this button to select and add components not already displayed.
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A. Available Components. Click the checkbox next to the components you want to add.
B. Add Selected. Click the Add Selected button after you're finished selecting components.
If you don't see content that was recently added, click the Refresh hyperlink in the upper-right corner of the screen to request a new copy of the current page.
Adding Course Resources
Course resources are links to other web pages that may be of use to your students.
To add resources:
1. Hover your mouse pointer over the Course Resources title bar and click the Edit( )button.
2. Click the Add a Link hyperlink in the Resources Links menu bar to access Link Settings.
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A. Title. Type the title of the bookmark.
B. URL. Type the bookmark web address (fully qualified URL).
C. Description. Type a description of the bookmark.
D. Target. Choose a launch target from the drop-down list:
● Same. Loads the bookmark within the main ANGEL interface.
● New. Loads the bookmark in a new browser window.
● Parent Window. Causes the linked document to open in the parent frame (one step up in the frame hierarchy).
● Top Window. Opens in the topmost window that replaces the current window.
E. Category. Select a category from the drop-down list (or create your own by clicking the Other button).
F. Viewable By. Select the viewing permissions from the drop-down list:
● Everyone. Allows the content item to be accessed by everyone on the World Wide Web, regardless of whether they are affiliated with your institution or whether they have a valid account on the ANGEL system.
● Authenticated Guest. Allows any authenticated ANGEL user to access the content item, whether or not the user is on the course roster.
● Students. Restricts access to the content item to only those users on the course roster who have course rights of student or higher.
● Team Leaders. Restricts access to the content item to only those users on the course roster who have course rights of team leader or higher.
● Course Mentors. Restricts access to the content item to only those users on the course roster who have course rights of course mentor or higher.
● Course Assistants. Restricts access to the content item to only those users on the course roster who have course rights of course assistant or higher.
● Course Editors. Restricts access to the content item to only those users on the course roster who have course rights of course editor.
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● Only Me. Restricts access to only the author of the content item.
Using Institutional Resources
Institutional resources are resources provided by your institution that are of use to students and instructors. The resources provided vary by institution. To remove institutional resources from your course, click the Edit Page hyperlink; then click the Remove button ( ) on the Institutional Resources component.
Creating the Syllabus
The syllabus can be created by using a form that allows you to type syllabus information in an ANGEL syllabus template, or you can upload a custom syllabus file you have created.
Tip: Keep the Syllabus component on the course Home page (under the Course tab).
To create a course syllabus using the default template:
1. Hover your mouse pointer over the Syllabus component's Title Bar and click the Edit ( editing options appear.
) button. The
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2. Select the desired option:
A. Syllabus Source. Select Default Template from the drop-down menu.
B. Syllabus Editor. Click the Syllabus Editor button to create a syllabus using the syllabus form. The
Syllabus Editor page appears.
In the Syllabus Editor, type or paste the desired information into the appropriate fields. Fields that are incomplete do not display for students. Clicking the HTML Editor hyperlink (when available) allows the field to be edited as
Rich Text with full formatting.
General Information options:
● Heading. Text that you want to display as the title of the syllabus.
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● Keywords. List of keywords, separated by spaces, to improve keyword search results.
Faculty Information options:
● Name. Primary instructor's full name as you want it to appear in the syllabus.
● Home Phone. Home phone number of the primary instructor. If provided, this information is publicly available.
● Office Phone. Office phone number of the primary instructor.
● Office Fax. Office fax number of the primary instructor.
● Office Address. Building code and room number of the primary instructor.
● Calling Hours. Days of the week and hours during which the instructor is available to accept phone calls.
● Office Hours. Days of the week and hours during which the instructor is available for office consultation.
● E-mail. E-mail address for the primary instructor.
● Home page. URL of the primary instructor's home page, if one exists. Do not use the URL for the course's
Home page, because a different field is available for this URL.
● Photograph URL. URL for a photograph of the primary instructor. If provided, this information is publicly available.
Course Information options:
● Meeting Location. Building code and room number or physical address where the class is held.
● Meeting Times. Days of the week and times when class is held.
● Start Date. Date that class is first held.
● Home page. URL for the Home page for this course. This may be a common page for all sections of the course, or unique to this section.
● Required Text. Textbooks and other materials required for the course. Be sure to include the names of the authors and any revision numbers.
● Suggested Text. Additional suggested books or other resources.
● Description. A strong course description early in the syllabus can often generate student interest by giving a stimulating overview of the course, including its content, its value, and the philosophical or pedagogical assumptions behind it. This description can increase student enthusiasm by emphasizing the relevance and applicability of the course. The description should also reflect your values and attitudes.
● Objectives. Course objectives or goals can sometimes be combined with the course description, depending on their complexity and the nature of the course and discipline. Course objectives, ideally characterized by action verbs, usually appear as a statement or an outline describing what students should be able to do at the end of the semester. Clear objectives can foster a sense of partnership and an awareness that you and your students are working toward the same goals. Objectives can provide both a focus and a motivation for learning.
Four basic questions can help you to identify and/or quantify your objectives or goals:
1. What do you want students to learn?
2. What assignments, classroom activities, and pedagogical approaches will help students to master the identified knowledge, skills, or attitude change?
3. How will you determine that students have accomplished what you set out to teach them?
4. How will you evaluate students' achievements?
● Schedule. Students often turn first to the tentative schedule, which may list topics, assignments, class activities such as field trips, projects, and examinations with due dates. Students want to know what will be happening and when.
For an instructor, probably the most difficult planning decisions concern the structuring of course material.
How much can students cover in a typical semester? What points should be emphasized? What textbook material can be omitted?
To help students organize their time, your syllabus could also reflect a step-by-step approach to major assignments. For a research paper counting significantly toward the final grade, for instance, you might
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want to assign due dates for a working bibliography, outline, and rough draft. Be certain that your schedule emphasizes (perhaps with bold type) the dates of exams and specific assignments.
Your list of assignments should permit adjustments if your entire class should suddenly get involved in an animated discussion that seems more worthwhile than a scheduled quiz, or if you unexpectedly need to spend more time on a particular topic. Many instructors include a formal announcement indicating that the syllabus is subject to change depending on the needs of the class, but emphasizing that students are responsible for the material covered because of an adjustment.
● Requirements. Course requirements should be suggested in your objectives and in your assignment schedule. It is desirable to also give an explicit explanation of your expectations in a separate section of the syllabus, or combined with your explanation of grading policies. Many instructors prepare handouts during the semester to aid students with specific assignments, but these handouts should not replace a written explanation of the course requirements in your syllabus. The extra material (explanations of the assigned case study, book review, class project, research paper, or term paper) can even be attached to the syllabus. Some instructors indicate their attendance and make-up policies in this section of the syllabus.
● Attendance Policy. You need to determine whether to count attendance or class participation toward the final grade. Some students will need to miss class because of work or family obligations, so you should clarify your policy in writing. Be flexible but not overly permissive. If you want to count points for class participation toward the final grade, define this sometimes-elusive phenomenon and emphasize its significance for students. Are you looking for the number of times students speak up, or for the quality of their commentary? Will you let students know, during the semester, how they are doing in this regard?
Will active class participation substantially affect the final grade, or be considered only in borderline cases?
Will lack of participation—especially by the shy or insecure person—have an adverse affect on the final grade? Will participation in group activities be evaluated?
● Academic Integrity. To protect yourself, perhaps in conjunction with your grading policy, mention the school's policy on integrity in the Student Handbook and your own views about cheating on exams or about plagiarism. Students are often naïve about plagiarism, associating it merely with copying and not with the use of ideas that they have paraphrased without proper citation.
To encourage academic integrity, especially in large classes, you might include this statement in your syllabus: "You may be asked to show photo identification before being permitted to sit for course examinations. Please bring photo ID to all exams."
● Miscellaneous. If you use any unusual class procedure such as cooperative small group learning, course websites, online course environment, panel presentations, or class journals, you should make them known in your syllabus at least briefly.
Converting and Uploading Syllabus Files
Syllabus files allow you to organize your syllabus by creating folders and pages or uploading files. If you have a completed syllabus, you may find that using the Syllabus Editor is a tedious task, requiring you to input or copy/paste each field one by one. By uploading an existing syllabus file, you can convert an existing document
(Word, WordPerfect, etc.) to a web page and upload it to the ANGEL 7.4 syllabus files.
Video: " Upload a Word File as a Syllabus ."
To convert a Microsoft Word document to a web page:
1. Open your Word syllabus on your local computer.
2. In Microsoft Word, select File > Save As.
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3. Select Web Page, Filtered or (*.html) from the Save as type drop-down menu.
4. Click the Save button.
Note: This step may vary slightly if you are using a different version of Microsoft Word or a different word processing program. Most word processing programs (Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, etc.) offer the option to save as a web page or save as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). In most cases, the steps will be very similar to the process described.
Tip: Converting your word processing document to a web page before uploading it into ANGEL makes your uploaded syllabus more accessible to students. (Students are not required to have the specific word processing program installed to be able to view the syllabus.)
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If your syllabus document includes embedded images, note that the process of saving the document as HTML creates an HTML file (syllabus.htm) and an associated folder containing the images needed to display the HTMLformatted syllabus properly.
To upload your converted Microsoft Word document:
1. Click the Edit ( ) button on the Syllabus toolbar.
2. Specify that you are uploading an existing syllabus file:
A. Select Upload a File from the Syllabus Source drop-down list.
B. Click the Syllabus Files button.
3. Click the Add Content hyperlink in the upper-left toolbar. The Add Content page appears.
A. If your syllabus document does not contain images, click the Upload Files option. i. Click the Browse button to browse your computer for your syllabus file. ii. Once the appropriate filename appears in the form, click OK. The path to your syllabus file appears in the File to Upload field. iii. Click the Upload File button. Uploading your file may take a few minutes. When the upload is complete, an Upload Successful message displays.
B. If your syllabus document contains images in an accompanying folder, click the Drag-n-drop option. The
Drag-n-drop page appears.
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In order to use this feature, you need to have Sun's Java Virtual Machine (JVM) 1.4.1 installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed, you are prompted to download the JVM. i. Drag the syllabus file from your computer to the Drag-n-drop upload area. ii. Drag the syllabus image folder from your computer to the Drag-n-drop upload area.
A progress bar appears as your files are uploaded. Once the upload is complete, the uploaded files display in the Drag-n-drop window.
4. Click the Done button when you're finished uploading files.
5. Click the Exit Syllabus Files button.
6. Click the Edit button on the Syllabus toolbar.
7. Select your syllabus filename from the Syllabus Source drop-down list (your uploaded file's name is preceded by Document:).
8. Click the Update button.
Editing the Syllabus
Once a syllabus has been created or uploaded into ANGEL, it can be edited (depending on the syllabus format). A syllabus can be created by using the Syllabus template; by uploading a syllabus created as an HTML page, a Word
.doc, or other format; by creating it using the Create a Page option; or by linking to an external web page. Editing the syllabus will depend on how the syllabus was created.
Editing with the Syllabus Template
To edit your syllabus:
1. Click the Edit ( ) button on the Syllabus toolbar.
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A. Click the Syllabus Editor button.
B. Make any needed changes.
2. Click Update at the bottom of the page to finish.
Editing a Syllabus Uploaded as an HTML File
To edit your syllabus:
1. Click the Edit ( ) button on the Syllabus toolbar. The Syllabus Source drop-down menu appears.
A. Click the Syllabus Files button.
Note: Because the syllabus selected in this course is an uploaded file, the Syllabus Editor button does not appear.
B. The syllabus file will be displayed on the next page. Click the edit hyperlink.
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Note: More than one file may be listed here if the syllabus file had any images or other documents linked within it, so be sure that you select the correct file.
C. Scroll to the bottom of the window and click HTML Editor.
Note: The text in the window is in HTML code. Selecting the HTML Editor will allow you to edit any text by using the more user-friendly format.
D. Make your changes and click OK at the bottom of the page to finish.
2. You will return to the Syllabus Files page. Click Exit Syllabus Files to finish.
Editing a Syllabus Uploaded as a Document
Although not the preferred method, a syllabus can be uploaded as a document file. If a syllabus in this format needs to be changed, it has to be changed within the word processing program in which it was created.
To edit your syllabus document:
1. Open the word processing program (for example, Microsoft Word), and then open the syllabus file.
2. Make any changes and save the file.
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Note: When saving the file, do not change the filename. You want it to be the same as the name of the file already uploaded into ANGEL.
If you do not have the original file, download it from ANGEL:
1. Click the Syllabus Files button.
A. Locate the appropriate file in the list and click its download hyperlink.
B. Save the file to your computer so that you can edit it.
2. Once the file has been edited and saved to your computer, return to the Syllabus component and click the Edit
( ) button on the toolbar.
A. Click the Syllabus Files button.
B. Click the delete hyperlink beneath the syllabus file. (You need to delete this file so that you can then upload the edited file that has the same name.)
3. The next page will say, "Are you sure you want to delete this file?" Click OK.
Caution: This procedure will completely delete the syllabus from your course, so make sure that you do have the edited syllabus file on your own computer and ready to be uploaded.
4. Once the file has been deleted, you will be returned to the Syllabus Files page. Click the Add Content hyperlink.
5. Click Upload Files.
6. Click the Browse button to browse your computer for your syllabus file.
7. Once the appropriate filename appears in the form, click OK. The path to your syllabus file appears in the File to Upload field.
8. Click the Upload File button. Uploading your file may take a few minutes. When complete, an Upload
Successful message displays.
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9. Click the Done button.
10. Click the Exit Syllabus Files button.
Using the Gradebook
The Gradebook section allows course editors to track and display grades for ANGEL content items (assessments, drop boxes, discussion forums, SCORM assessments, and surveys and for assignments handed-in outside of the
ANGEL environment (also called "offline" assignments). Assignments are organized by categories that can be weighted to compute an overall grade for each student.
There are some significant areas of new functionality in the new ANGEL 7.4 Gradebook interface, including the introduction of Grading Grids and Grade Reports, the use of Terms, and the Ungraded Submissions feature that surfaces ungraded items for the instructor.
Note: The new Gradebook must first be enabled in a given ANGEL section. In version 7.4, users have the option to keep using the old Gradebook interface that was present in earlier versions of ANGEL, or switch over to the new Gradebook interface. If you want to use the new Gradebook, you might need to contact your ANGEL administrator to request that the new Gradebook be enabled in your section.
To access the Gradebook, go to the Manage tab, and select the Gradebook link in the Course Management nugget.
Gradebook Home Page
The Gradebook Home page is the hub from which all Gradebook activity centers. It is organized into five functional categories that are displayed in various nuggets on the page:
1. Setup Tasks
2. Other Tasks
3. Grading Tasks
4. Ungraded Items
5. Gradebook Reports
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The components on this page (a.k.a. nuggets) can be rearranged to meet the needs of the instructor over the life of the course by using the Edit Page functionality. For instance, after the course has been active for some time, you might want to move the Ungraded Items component to the upper-left corner of the page. This will make it more visible when you first enter the course. Also, these components can be surfaced on the course Home page
(Ungraded Items and Gradebook Reports are two that are especially useful on the course Home page).
Setup Tasks
The Setup Tasks nugget is where course editors go when setting up the Gradebook for a new course or a new semester. It is the place where you enter information about categories, create or link assignments to the
Gradebook, configure the grading scale and grading labels, create and manage reports, and manage term filters.
Note: The number in parentheses next to each item tells you how many categories, assignments, and so on currently exist in your course.
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When setting up the ANGEL Gradebook for the first time, typically the first step is to create categories for the purpose of grouping like assignments. By default, three categories are prepopulated in a Gradebook: Homework,
Quizzes, and Exams.
The Categories page allows the course editor to add new Gradebook categories, to edit settings for one or more categories, and to delete categories.
Categories are an important Gradebook concept. The primary purpose of categories is to group assignments based on their impact on the overall grade. Grouping graded items into categories also allows you to categorize assignments by assignment type.
For example, some common calculation approaches include the following:
● Scenario 1: Multiple Categories, Student Grade Calculated by a Weighted Average (or Percent)
Each category is worth a specific percentage of the overall grade. For example, a category called Homework is worth 50% of the overall grade, Quizzes is worth 25%, and Exams is worth 25%. In this case, simply use the appropriate percent value (50, 25, and 25) as the weight for each category. All items within a given category are averaged together (i.e., Exams average, Homework average, Quizzes average), and the category average is then calculated into the overall score according to the weight specified.
● Scenario 2: Single All-Inclusive Category, Student Grade Calculated by Total Number of Points
All items are added up to determine the overall grade. For example, a single category called Total Points is equal to the sum value of all assignments. The relative importance of each graded item on the overall score is determined by the number of points possible for the item.
Category Grid View
When you select the Categories link from the Setup Tasks nugget, you will see the Category grid view (Percentage
Mode is shown). The grid provides course editors with summary information about all the existing categories in the course in an at-a-glance format, as well as quick access to controls for rearranging, editing, and deleting.
The grid is divided into several category columns for (a) Title, (b) Weight, (c) Format, (d) Release Date, and (e)
Calculation. An additional, non-labeled column to the right of Calculation provides access to links for adding categories, editing category settings, or deleting categories.
Users can sort by any of the previously labeled columns by clicking the column heading and selecting Sort
Ascending or Sort Descending from the drop-down menu that appears. For example, the following figure shows the grid sorted in ascending order by Weight. Note that the column currently selected for sorting is shaded in gray and has a small triangle next to the column label.
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Column Editing Mode
The grid columns can also be changed to allow for editing directly from the grid view. To change the grid columns to Editing Mode, click the heading for each of the columns you want to edit, and select Edit from the drop-down menu (as shown for the Calculation column in the following figure). Once you have changed the grid to Editing
Mode, the fields within will be displayed in an editable state and Save/Cancel buttons will appear above the grid.
After making changes, be sure to hit the Save button in the upper-right corner to save your changes. This allows instructors to quickly change the information in a column for several categories at a time.
Note: Editing a column at a time can be especially useful when rolling a course from one semester to the next. For instance, all the release dates can be edited at once.
Adding Categories
To add a new category, fill in the blanks in the top row of the category grid and then select the Add Item button.
Editing Category Settings
The five primary settings for new categories can be specified from the grid view when adding the item (Title,
Weight, Format, Release Date, and Calculation). However, to view advanced settings, or to make modifications to an existing category, you should select the Settings link in the far-right column of the grid for that item.
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After you click the Settings link, you will see a screen similar to the one shown in the following figure.
Note: The figure is shown in Advanced Mode so you can see all the setting options.
Field Name Definition
Normal/Advanced Clicking the Advanced option radio button displays all the category options.
The Title is used to identify the category.
(Optional) The Description is used to describe the category.
Weight (displayed only in Percentage Mode)
Each category is worth a specific weight or percentage of the overall grade. For example, a category called Homework is worth 50% of the overall grade, Quizzes is worth 25%, and Exams is worth 25%. In this case, simply use the appropriate percent value (50, 25, and 25) as the weight for each category.
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Extra Credit
Default Format
Release Date
If the Auto-calculate option is selected, this field automatically updates with the appropriate value based on the total max points for all items entered into this category.
The Extra Credit checkbox configures the category to be calculated as extra credit.
Note: The Extra Credit option is visible only in Advanced mode.
Select a format from the Format drop-down list if you want to use a different display format for the category average than the Gradebook default (specified in Gradebook
The Release Date option allows the course editor to effectively hide the category average and the grades for all assignments assigned to the category until a future release date.
Formulas constructed via the Formula Editor will be displayed in this textbox. (This is existing functionality carried over from ANGEL 7.3 and does not change as part of the new 7.4 Gradebook.)
Note: The Formula option is visible only when viewing in Advanced mode. Also, the
Formula option is visible only when the Gradebook is in Percentage mode.
Reference: For a list of applicable tokens, see "Gradebook Formula Tokens."
Rearranging Categories
Clicking the Rearrange link at the top left of the Category Grid screen, just below the Categories screen title, reloads the page in a drag-and-drop state (similar to the Rearrange option on the Lessons tab). Users can rearrange the order of each line item by dragging categories into the desired order.
Note: The order of the categories as shown in the figure in the Rearrange listing is the order in which they will appear on student grade reports in the Reports tab, as well as the Grade Entry Grid, regardless of the sorting order you selected in the Category grid view.
Deleting Categories
Categories can be deleted either individually, or several at a time.
Caution: Deleting a Gradebook category permanently deletes any assignments within that category, along with any student grades entered for those assignments. There is no "undo" option after you delete a category or categories.
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Deleting a Single Category
To delete an individual category, select the Delete link in the category grid for the row containing the category you want to remove.
An alert window will pop up, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you want to continue and permanently delete this category, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the category listing.
Deleting Multiple Categories
To delete more than one category at a time, place a checkmark in the selection box next to each of the categories you want to delete. Then select the Delete Selected button below the grid.
An alert window will pop up, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you want to continue and permanently delete the selected categories, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the category listing.
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Assignment Grid View
Assignments in the ANGEL Gradebook can be associated with content items from the Lessons tab or they can be associated with offline items that do not exist in ANGEL. For items that are scored or graded within ANGEL, you must add or link the item to a Gradebook assignment column in order for it to show up in the Gradebook. For offline items, you can create an assignment and manually update the grades in ANGEL to post them online.
Note: ANGEL content items are not automatically linked to the Gradebook when you add them in the
Lessons tab. You must first select to add them to the Gradebook from Settings > Assignment tab for that item, or by associating an Assignment with an existing content item from the Gradebook. This allows course editors to choose whether or not all items are worth points in the course. You might have some items that are only there for extra practice, and are therefore not part of your grading scheme for the class.
Similar to the Category grid view, the Assignment grid view provides users with an overview of all assignments and information about most of the assignment settings from a single table or grid.
Term Filter
The Term filter at the top of the Assignment Grid screen allows course editors to filter the assignment display and list only items that are associated with a particular term. For example, in the following figure, Spring Term is selected and then the Apply button is clicked.
Note: If no terms have been configured, (none) displays.
The Assignments grid display changes to show only items that are associated with the Spring Term.
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Category Filter
The Category filter, which is similar to the Term filter, allows editors to select one category of assignments to view at a time. For example, you might select the Exams category and then choose Apply that filter to view only Exams.
Users can sort by any of the columns in the Assignment Grid by clicking the column heading and selecting Sort
Ascending or Sort Descending from the drop-down menu that appears. Note that the column currently selected for sorting is shaded in gray and has a small triangle next to the column label.
Column Editing Mode
In addition, the grid columns can be changed to allow for editing directly from the grid view. To change the grid columns to Editing Mode, click each of the column labels you want to change, and select Edit from the drop-down menu. Once you change the grid to Editing Mode, the fields within display in an editable state and Save/Cancel buttons appear above the grid. After all editing is complete, click the Save button in the top right to save your changes. This allows instructors to quickly change the information in a column for several assignments at a time.
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Adding an Assignment
An assignment can be added to the Gradebook in several ways:
● Adding it individually using the form in the Assignment Grid
● Using the Assignment Wizard
● Selecting Settings and clicking the Assignment tab on the content item when adding it to the Lessons area.
Reference: For information on the third option, see "Adding Content Using the Lessons Tab."
Using the Assignment Grid
To add an individual assignment to your Gradebook, go to Manage > Gradebook > Assignments and then do the following:
1. Fill in the fields in the top row of the Assignment Grid.
2. If applicable, click the Select Content button to locate the Lessons content item you want to associate with this Gradebook assignment. (If the item does not exist in ANGEL, skip this step.)
3. A Content search window pops up. You can use the drop-down menus to select the course in which the item is located as well as the type of item to search for. (Editors can add content items from any course in which they have editor access.) You can also enter a word or phrase to limit your search. After entering your criteria, click the Search button.
4. The Search results are displayed in a list at the bottom of the Search window. Place a checkmark next to the item or items you want to associate with this assignment, and then click the Add Selected button at the bottom of the window.
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Once you have made your selection, you are returned to the Assignment grid view.
5. Click the Add Item button to complete the addition of this assignment to your Gradebook.
Note: This option is often used when adding offline items that do not exist in ANGEL, such as an in-class assignment or a proctored paper-and-pencil test. Remember that you have to add the assignment to the
Gradebook to provide a place to enter grades. Because these assignments are not associated with a content item in
ANGEL, they need to be added directly to the assignment listing.
Using the Assignment Wizard
The easiest way to add one or several existing ANGEL content items to your Gradebook is to use the Assignment
To add several assignments using the Assignment Wizard, go to Manage > Gradebook > Assignments, and then follow these steps:
1. Click the Assignment Wizard link in the top-left area of the content window.
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2. An Import Lessons Content window appears. Place a checkmark in the boxes to select the items you want to add to your Gradebook and then click the Next Step button.
Note: You can click the +/- signs next to folders to expand or collapse subitems.
3. The window changes to one that allows editing. Enter the appropriate Assignment, Term, Category, Points, and
Release Date information for all the assignments listed, and then scroll down to the bottom and click the
Finish button.
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You are then returned to the Assignment grid view, showing all the new assignments you have just added.
Editing Assignment Settings
The five primary settings for assignments can be specified from the grid view or Assignment Wizard when adding the item (Assignment, Term, Category, Points, and Release Date). However, to view advanced settings or to make modifications to an existing assignment, you should select the Settings link in the far-right column of the grid for that item.
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After you click the Settings link, you see an Assignment Editor screen.
Note: The figure is shown in Advanced mode so you can see all the setting options.
Assignment settings and options available from the Assignment Editor are shown in the following table.
Field Name Definition
Clicking the Advanced option displays all the category options.
Identifies the assignment.
(Optional) Describes the assignment.
(Optional) The Term drop-down menu displays all terms available for that course. The user can select a single term from this menu to create an association between that assignment and a particular term. If no term is selected, the default value is None.
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Field Name
Default Format
Extra Credit
Release Date
Label Mask
Label Error Message
Calculation Method
Associates the type of category with the assignment.
Allows you to enter a value for the assignment.
Allows you to use a display format for the assignment grade different from the
Gradebook default (specified in Gradebook Preferences).
(Optional) Configures the category to be calculated as extra credit.
Note: Extra Credit option is visible only in Advanced mode.
The date text field accepts date information. Clicking the calendar widget opens a date selector, allowing you to choose a date.
(Optional) Formulas constructed via the Formula Editor will be displayed in this textbox.
Note: Formula option is visible only in Advanced mode.
(Optional) If selected, this assignment is hidden from student grades.
(Optional) This field is used in conjunction with the Label Error Message textbox. To use the Label Mask, type a regular expression and an appropriate error message in the Label Mask and Label Error Message fields. This restricts graders from using nonsupported grading characters.
Examples of Label Masks and Label Error Messages:
^[A-F](-|\+)*$ - for A-F, + and -
Please enter an uppercase A–F grade value. Plus sign or minus sign is optional.
^(-|\+)$ - + or -
Please enter a plus sign or minus sign grade value.
^[SUI]$ - S, U, or i
Please enter an S (for Satisfactory), U (for Unsatisfactory), or I (for Needs
Improvement) grade value.
Note: The Label Mask option is visible only in Advanced Mode.
(Optional) This field is used in conjunction with the Label Mask textbox. Refer to the description of Label Mask for details regarding this textbox's functionality.
Note: The Label Error Message option is visible only in Advanced Mode.
The Calculation Method option is intended to be used in combination with the
Associated Content Items option. If the Gradebook assignment has one or more associated content items, the Calculation Method option should be used to determine which content item grade should be used to update the
Gradebook assignment.
Because many content items can be graded multiple times, and multiple content items can be associated with the same Gradebook assignment, you have four options for obtaining a grade: Average Score, Maximum Score, First
Submission, Last Submission, and Manual.
Average Score uses an average of all scores submitted. Maximum Score uses the highest of all scores submitted. First Submission uses the first score submitted. Last Submission uses the last (most recent) score submitted. The calculation method of Manual requires the instructor to enter a score manually.
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Reference: For a list of applicable tokens, see "Gradebook Formula Tokens."
Reference: For details on the Associated Content items, see "Associated Content Display."
Associated Content Display
On the right side of the Assignment Editor screen is an Associated Content display area. Content that has been bound to this assignment column is listed here. Each row displays a content icon, checkbox, and title.
Adding Associated Content to an Assignment
If you want to associate a new content item with an existing assignment, click the New Association button.
Clicking this button opens a search layer that allows the user to select content to be included as part of the assignment column. Instructors can select content from any course, group, or repository to which they have access.
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Removing Associated Content from an Assignment
If you want to remove an associated content item, place a checkmark in the box next to the item and then click the
Remove Selected button.
Rearranging Assignments
Clicking the Rearrange link at the top left of the Assignment Grid screen reloads the page in a drag-and-drop state (similar to the Rearrange option on the Lessons tab). Users can rearrange the order of each line item by dragging assignments into the desired order.
Note: The order of the assignments in the Rearrange listing is the order in which they will appear within
each category on student grade reports in the Reports tab, as well as the Grade Entry Grid, regardless of the sorting order you select in the Assignment grid view. It does not matter whether assignments from one category are not listed consecutively here. They will still show up grouped within the appropriate category in reports.
Category order can be rearranged separately.
Reference: See "Rearranging Categories" for more details.
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Deleting Assignments
Assignments can be deleted individually or several at a time.
Caution: Deleting an assignment also deletes any student grades manually entered for that assignment.
There is no "undo" option once you have deleted an assignment. If the assignment was associated with a content item like a drop box or a quiz, the student submissions and grades entered into the Lessons area for that item will remain in the content area and can be restored by reassociating that piece of content. However, grades for offline items entered directly through the Gradebook interface will be lost.
Deleting a Single Assignment
To delete an individual assignment, select the Delete link in the category grid for the row containing the assignment you want to remove.
An alert window will pop up, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you want to continue and permanently delete this assignment, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the assignment listing.
Deleting Multiple Assignments
To delete more than one assignment at a time, place a checkmark in the selection box next to each of the assignments you want to delete. Then, select the Delete Selected button below the grid.
An alert window will pop up, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you want to continue and permanently delete the selected assignments, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the assignment listing.
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Applying a Grading Scale
Before you can display letter grade criteria in the Gradebook, you must set up the grading scale for the course.
From the Gradebook Home page, click the Grading Scale link in the Setup Tasks nugget. On the screen shown in the following figure, input the first "letter" and the minimum percent required to achieve that grade. Click the Add
Item button to go to the next letter grade.
Note: An environment variable in ANGEL 7.4 can be used to prepopulate this table. If the environment variable is not set administratively, this table will be blank when you first load this page.
Tip: If you want the grade to "round up" to the next whole number, put the minimum percent as .5 less than the minimum (in this example, an A is actually a 90%. Entering it as 89.5% ensures that anyone with a score between 89.5% and 89.9% is still entered as an A).
Continue adding all other letter values in the same manner. Use the Edit/Delete links to make any changes. When you finish, click the Done button to return to the Gradebook Home page.
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1. Type a non-numeric character in the Label text box.
2. Type the corresponding minimum percentage in the Min% text box.
3. Click the Add Item button. Continue this process to add additional labels.
4. When finished adding all labels, click Done to return to the Gradebook menu.
Tip: The Grading Scale is not limited to ABC-type grades. You can put in any labels that are applicable. For example, you could have pass/fail designations by using P and F for labels and adding the minimum percent required for each.
Field Name
Min %
The Label field allows you to enter a non-numeric character (e.g., a letter grade) that is associated to the percentage.
The percent field allows you to enter a percentage that corresponds to a non-numeric character.
Editing a Grading Scale
As is true in the Category grid view, the grading scale columns can be changed to Editing Mode by clicking the column heading, and selecting the Edit option. You can also sort columns in ascending or descending order if desired.
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Deleting a Grading Scale
The grading scale can be easily edited or deleted by clicking the Edit or Delete hyperlinks located at the end of each row. To delete several rows, place checkmarks next to each item and then hit the Delete Selected button.
Grade Labels
Grade labels (formerly known as macros in earlier versions of ANGEL) can be used to map a non-numeric grade to a percentage value. For example, adding a grade label with a filter value of A and a percentage of 95 would allow the grader to type the letter grade of A into the grade entry page. Gradebook interprets the grade as 95%.
To configure grade labels, go to the Manage tab, click the Gradebook hyperlink, and click the Grade Labels link in the Setup Tasks nugget.
Note: An environment variable in ANGEL 7.4 can be used to prepopulate this table. If the environment variable is not set administratively, this table will be blank when the user first loads this page.
Field Name Definition
Label The Label field allows you to enter a non-numeric character (e.g., a letter grade) that is associated to the percentage.
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Field Name Definition
Percent The Percent field allows you to enter a percentage that corresponds to a nonnumeric character.
Adding Grade Labels
1. Type a non-numeric character in the Label text box.
2. Type the corresponding percentage in the Percent text box.
3. Click the Add Item button. Continue this process to add additional labels.
4. When finished adding all labels, click Done to return to the Gradebook menu.
Editing and Deleting Grade Labels
As is true in the other grid views, the grade label columns can be changed to Editing Mode by clicking the column heading and selecting the Edit option. You can also sort columns ascending or descending if desired.
Grade labels can be easily edited or deleted by clicking the Edit or Delete hyperlinks located at the end of the row.
To delete several labels, place checkmarks next to each item and then hit the Delete Selected button.
Click the Gradebook Menu hyperlink in the top-right corner of the content window to return to the Gradebook
Home page.
Grade Reports
The Grade Reports link in the Setup Tasks nugget is the interface for creating new grade reports. Any reports created are then displayed on the Gradebook Home page. From this interface, instructors can slice Gradebook data by the following attributes to create a report:
1. Term
2. Categories
3. Start Date
4. End Date
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Instructors can also determine how grades will be displayed in the grade report (e.g., letter grades, percentages, or points).
Note: Grade Reports are the only location where formulas and calculations will be applied. This differs from the Grade grid, in which only raw scores are shown.
Creating Grade Reports
By default, there is an overall report that contains all grade data from all terms, categories, and dates. If you want to modify this report, or create new reports, you can do so from the Grade Reports grid view.
To view the Grade Reports grid, choose Manage > Gradebook > Grade Reports.
Adding New Reports
To add a new grade report, fill in the blanks in the top row of the report grid and then select the Add Item button.
Sorting Reports
Users can sort by any of the grid columns by clicking the column heading and selecting sort ascending or sort descending from the drop-down menu that appears. For example, the following figure shows the grid sorted in ascending order by title. Note that the column currently selected for sorting is shaded in gray and has a small triangle next to the column label.
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Column Editing Mode
Similar to other grid view screens, the columns can also be changed to allow for editing directly from the grid view.
To change the grid columns to Editing Mode, click the heading for each of the columns you want to edit and select
Edit from the drop-down menu. Once you have changed the grid to Editing Mode, the fields within will be displayed in an editable state and Save/Cancel buttons will appear above the grid. After making changes, be sure to hit the
Save button in the upper-right corner to save your changes. This allows instructors to quickly change the information in a column for several reports at a time.
Editing Report Settings
The six primary settings for new grade reports can be specified from the grid view when adding the item (Title,
Term, Category, Start Date, End Date, and Overall Format). However, to view advanced settings, or to make modifications to an existing report, you should select the settings link in the far-right column of the grid for that item.
Note: The Gradebook Report Editor is shown in Advanced mode so you can see all the setting options.
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Field Name
Term Filter
The Advanced option radio button displays all the category options.
Identifies the report.
Displays all the terms available for that course. The user can select a single term from this menu to create an association between that report and a particular term. If no term is selected, the default value is All.
Category Filter
Start Date Filter
Displays all the categories that exist in the course. The user can select a single category from this menu to limit the report to a particular category. If no category is selected, the default value is All.
(Optional) This is an optional field that sets a start date for the report. It can be used in conjunction with Term Filter to display only the current term's reports.
End Date Filter
(Optional) This is an optional field that sets an end date for the report. It can be used in conjunction with the Term filter to display only the current term's reports.
Allows the course editor to hide the report from the student Grade Reports nugget before the end date, after the end date, or all the time.
Note: Availability option is visible only in Advanced mode.
Assignment Format Allows the editor to specify the grade display format for assignments in this report (points, percent, letter grade, etc.) if different from the Gradebook default.
Category Format Allows the editor to specify the grade display format for categories in this report
(points, percent, letter grade, etc.) if different from the Gradebook default.
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Field Name Definition
Overall Format Allows the editor to specify the overall grade display format for this report
(points, percent, letter grade, etc.) if different from the Gradebook default.
Rearranging Grade Reports
Clicking the Rearrange link at the top left of the Grade Report grid screen reloads the page in a drag-and-drop state (similar to the Rearrange option on the Lessons tab). Users can rearrange the order of each line item by dragging reports into the desired order.
Note: The order of the reports shown in the Rearrange listing is the order in which they will appear on the
Gradebook Home page in the Gradebook Reports nugget, regardless of the sorting order you have selected in the
Reports grid view.
Deleting Grade Reports
Reports can be deleted either individually or several at a time.
Caution: Deleting a report permanently deletes that report from your course. There is no "undo" option after you delete a report.
Note: Deleting a report does not delete the categories or assignments included in the report.
Deleting a Single Report
To delete an individual grade report, select the delete link in the Category grid for the row containing the report you want to remove.
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An alert window will pop up, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you want to continue and permanently delete this category, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the report listing.
Deleting Multiple Reports
To delete more than one report at a time, place a checkmark in the selection box next to each of the reports you want to delete. Then select the Delete Selected button below the grid.
An alert window will pop up, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you want to continue and permanently delete the selected reports, click OK. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the report listing.
Term Filters
If grading terms have been enabled and configured by the ANGEL administrator, course editors can select from the available terms to activate them for use in the course.
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Note: Course editors cannot create term filters; they can only select which preconfigured term filters to use.
To select terms, go to Manage > Gradebook > Term Filters and select the checkmark next to the terms you want to use. Click the Save button to save the selection. These terms are now available in the drop-down menus and filters for assignments, categories, and reports in the Gradebook.
Other Tasks
The Other Tasks nugget allows the course editor to configure defaults for the Gradebook in that course, as well as publish and export grades for the course.
Editing Gradebook Preferences
The Gradebook Preferences page gives users control over how the Gradebook interfaces are displayed. Editors can select the default entry page in the Gradebook and define preferences for terms, reports, grade grid defaults, and print options.
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Report Defaults
The Report Defaults feature controls the default options for any grade reports that you create in your course. You can always override the defaults on an individual report, but if you prefer to use certain settings for the majority of your reports, you can indicate those preferences so that you do not have to specify them on each individual report.
Field Name Definition
Assignment Format
Category Format
Overall Format
Treat Ungraded Items as
Exclude Instructors from
Select a different value from the drop-down menu to change how assignment grades should be displayed in grade reports (points, percent, letter grade, etc.).
Select a different value from the drop-down menu to change how category grades should be displayed in grade reports (points, percent, letter grade, etc.).
Select a different value from the drop-down menu to change how overall grades should be displayed in grade reports (points, percent, letter grade, etc.).
Select this option to display a score of zero for all assignments that do not have a grade specified.
Select this option if you want the report averages to be calculated without including the instructor.
Tip: The Treat Ungraded Items as Zero option can be useful when determining midterm or final grades if the
Gradebook includes assignments that do not have a grade specified (i.e., students did not complete or turn in the assignments).
Gradebook Settings
The Gradebook Settings options control overall Gradebook operations. You can select your preferred points or
Percentage Mode here, limit grade access for course assistants, select the default report, and define the starting page you see when you enter the Gradebook area.
Field Name Definition
Gradebook Mode
Default Report
Start Page
Limit Course Assistants by Team
Select Points or Percentage from the Gradebook drop-down list. This general preference determines how the Gradebook displays the grade values.
Select the Overall Report or any of the other existing grade reports in the course to make that report the default.
Select your desired start page upon entering the Gradebook from the
Manage > Gradebook link. You can choose from: Main Menu, Grade Grid,
Grade Submissions, or Default Report.
Select the Limit Course Assistants by Team checkbox to limit course assistant rights so they can view and enter grades only for students who are affiliated with the same team(s) as the course assistant.
Tip: You might want to change the default start page, depending on your most commonly performed tasks throughout the term. For example, if it is the middle of the term, and you are grading a lot of incoming assignments, you might want to start directly on the Grade Submissions page to save time when entering the
Gradebook area. However, if it is near the end of the term, and you want to review overall reports most often, you might want to go directly to Default Report.
Reference: For information on how to add a course assistant to a course, see "Course Management."
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Reference: See "Points-Based vs. Percentage-Based Systems" for a detailed comparison between points and percentage mode.
Points-Based vs. Percentage-Based Systems
When setting up the Gradebook, you must decide how all the grades will be calculated for a final grade. ANGEL allows you to use either a points-based or percentage-based system. The way in which each calculates the final grade is very different, so understanding this difference is important.
Note: By default, the Gradebook is in Percentage mode.
The Gradebook Mode is set within the Gradebook Preferences page.
Points-Based Systems
In a points-based system, every assignment is given a point value. The final grade is determined by adding up all the points awarded in the assignments and dividing that number by the total points possible. "Weighting" of assignments is done purely through the point value of each (i.e., an assignment of 20 points is worth twice as much as an assignment of 10 points).
Example: The total points possible in an English composition course are 1000 points. Student A earns 875 points.
The final grade is 875 out of 1000. It can also be expressed as a percent: 87.5%.
Percentage-Based Systems
A percentage-based system groups all assignments into "categories" and then assigns a percentage-value to each category. The sum of all the categories is 100%. For example, categories could be set up as follows:
Quizzes = 20%
Discussions = 30%
Research Paper = 20%
Midterm = 10%
Final = 20%
Although each assignment is given a point value, the final grade is based on the weight of the category, not the total points possible. For example, even if the total number of points in Quizzes add up to 500, and the Discussion points add up to only 100, the Discussions category still contributes 10% more than the Quizzes category toward the final grade.
Weighting of individual assignments within a category can be done through points awarded. An assignment worth
20 points (within a category) will be worth twice as much as an assignment worth 10 points within the same category.
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Note: No matter which system you use, all assignments need to be linked to a category. With a points-based system, you could create just one category and then have all assignments linked to it.
Caution: Remember that categories cannot be graded; only assignments can. All categories need to have assignments linked to them, even if it is only one assignment. For example, a Midterm category needs to have the
Midterm assignment linked to it, or else it cannot be graded.
Grading Grid Defaults
These options control the look of the Grading grid view.
Field Name Definition
Grade Format
Category Filter
Term Filter
Select to either Hide or Display directions in the grid. If you find that you need additional work space in the Grading grid, it might be useful to turn these directions off.
Select to either Hide or Display filter choices in the grid. If you find that you need additional work space in the Grading grid, it might be useful to turn these filters off. Filter settings can be persisted using the Category, Term, or
User filters. For instance, if your course is segmented by grading terms, you could set the Term filter such that only grades for the current grading term are displayed.
Select a value from the drop-down menu to change how category grades should be displayed (points, percent, letter grade, etc.) if different from the
Gradebook default.
Clicking the category drop-down selector displays all of the categories that exist in the course. The user is able to select a single category from this menu to limit the grid to a particular category. If no category is selected, the default value is All.
Clicking the term drop-down selector displays all the terms available for that course. The user can select a single term from this menu to limit the grid to a particular term. If no term is selected, the default value is All.
User Filter
Show Instructors in Grade
Use the drop-down selector to set the default user filter in the Grade grid to
Entire Class, Students Only, a particular Team, or users with names starting with a given letter of the alphabet.
(Optional) Select this option if you want to see course editors listed in the
Grade grid along with students.
Printing Options
Printing options allows you to set the defaults for printing grades from the ANGEL Gradebook.
Field Name Definition
Page Orientation
Font Size
Fixed-Width columns
Select either Portrait or Landscape as the default.
Select Small, Medium, or Large font size.
(Optional) Check this box if you want columns to be printed in a fixed width size on the page.
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Publishing Course Grades
The Publish Course Grades option is available in the Gradebook; it allows the instructor to save an official record of the course grade. This option needs to be activated by your ANGEL Administrator. Your ANGEL administrator will determine whether grades can be published and which grades are allowed to be published. Published grades will persist after your course has been deleted from ANGEL.
To publish grades, go to Manage > Gradebook > Publish Course Grades.
1. Click the Publish Course Grades hyperlink. The Publish Grades page appears.
2. Select the type of grade that you want published from the Published Grade Type drop-down list. You can also optionally select to view/publish only one team at a time.
3. Click the Search button. The Publish Grades page updates to display the publish grade type at the top of the page and an editable list of grades to publish.
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Note: If you have published a grade type for a student, it is the initial value in the Grade to Publish field; otherwise this is blank.
4. Based on the current course average from the Gradebook, type the Grade to Publish and any comments.
5. Click the Publish all displayed grades button to publish your grades.
6. Click the Done button when finished.
Applying Batch Grade and Comments
If you want to update several grades at once, select the Use Batch Update Tool in the top-right area of the
Publish Grades page. This tool allows you to complete a batch grade and comment update with the value that is placed in the Default value to place in an empty Grade to Publish field.
After clicking this link, the window shown in the following figure will appear.
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Enter the appropriate information and then select the Apply Batch Grades button.
Exporting Published Grades
After you have successfully published course grades, you can export a copy of those grades if desired.
To export published grades, go to Manage > Gradebook > Export Published Grades:
1. Click the Export Published Grades hyperlink. The Export Published Grades page appears.
2. Select the type of grade you want to export and then click the Export button.
A File Download dialog box appears onscreen.
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3. Click the Save button to save the file. A Save As dialog box appears on the screen.
4. Select a location to save the file and click the Save button. Once the file has finished downloading, you can open the file in any spreadsheet program (recommended) or text editor to view or modify the published grades.
Grading Tasks
The Grading Tasks nugget contains links to the Grade Entry Grid, the Submission Manager, and the Import and
Export Grades functions. After the other Gradebook settings have been configured, this is the place in the
Gradebook where instructors most often go as they enter and update student grades throughout the term.
Grade Entry Grid
To view the Grade Entry Grid, choose Manage > Gradebook > Grade Entry Grid. The leftmost column in the
Grade Entry Grid (containing student names) remains frozen, while users can scroll sideways to see additional columns on the right.
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Note: Grades displayed in this grid are "raw" grades; no formulas or calculations will be applied to the scores displayed in the grid.
Note: There is a hypertext link to the Assignment Wizard at the top of the Grade Entry Grid page. If you have assignments that have not yet been added to your Gradebook, you can use this link to quickly navigate to the
Assignment Wizard and bring in your assignments.
Users can sort by any of the columns in the Grade Entry Grid by clicking the column heading and selecting Sort
Ascending or Sort Descending from the drop-down menu that appears. Note that the column currently selected for sorting is shaded in gray and has a small triangle next to the column label.
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Grade Grid Filters
The filter selections at the top allow users to change the grid display properties. You can filter the view to limit the grid display to a particular category, term, or grouping of students. This is helpful if you want to work within a more narrow scope in the Gradebook (e.g., see only grades for a particular team within a particular grading term).
Assignment Cell Editing Mode
Two types of assignment cell editing modes exist: one for assignments with associated content and another for assignments without associated content.
Assignments with Associated Content
Any of the grade cells displayed in the Grading Grid can be edited directly from this view. Simply click the desired cell to edit the value. If the assignment is configured with associated content, this grade editor will be displayed. If you are overriding a grade, you might also see an expanded window in which you can select to override the calculated grade or optionally link to the Submission Manager for that assignment. After all editing is complete, click the Save button to save your changes.
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Assignments Without Associated Content
If the assignment is configured without associated content (manually graded or offline assignments), this grade editor is displayed. In this scenario, grades can be entered directly into the Grading Grid. You can also enter an optional comment to accompany the grade. After all editing is complete, click the Save button to save your changes.
Entering Grades by Student
To enter or update grades for a single user at a time, click the student's name in the leftmost column. A menu will appear for the individual student. This menu allows you to enter grades, review submissions, view user reports and profiles, and send mail to that student directly from the Grading Grid.
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Editing Grades
Clicking the Edit Grades link from this menu changes the grade cells for that student to an editable state. You can select any of the cells in that row and then enter or modify the grade value displayed in that field. In addition, the currently selected assignment expands below the selection to show any of the student's submissions for that item and indicates whether the submissions have been graded.
Selecting the Submissions link from this menu takes you to a screen that displays any ungraded submissions for that student.
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User Reports
Selecting the User Reports link takes you to a detailed report that shows all of the student's grades in the course.
This report can be exported, mailed directly to the student, or saved as a .pdf file using the hypertext links at the top of the screen.
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User Profile
Selecting the User Profile displays the student's ANGEL user profile.
Send Mail
Selecting the Send Mail link opens a course mail composition window addressed to the individual student. You can optionally include a copy of the student's grade report with your mail message.
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Entering Grades by Assignment
To enter grades for a single assignment at a time, click the heading of the assignment column. A menu will appear.
Clicking the Edit Grades link in this menu will change the assignment column to an editable state. In addition, any ungraded submissions for that assignment will be displayed in the expanded window to the right. You can enter grade values for the entire column. After entering all grades, be sure to click the Save button in the upper-right corner to save your grade entries.
Clicking the Submissions link from this menu takes you to the Submission Manager for that item.
Submission Manager
The Submission Manager appears as a link in the Grading Tasks nugget. (It can also be accessed by selecting the
Ungraded Items links on the Gradebook Home page or through the Submissions links within the Grade Entry
The Submission Manager presents instructors with an interface in which they can enter a grade for individual submissions. Additionally, instructors can pan through all the assignments that have ungraded submissions associated with them.
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The Content Item drop-down menu is populated with Gradebook assignments. You can switch to view submissions for a different assignment by selecting a different item in the drop-down menu. All ungraded items for that assignment will be displayed.
Additionally, clicking the + sign next to Display Filters at the top allows the instructor to specify additional criteria for displaying submissions for a given content item. For example, you might want to view only items that were submitted by a particular due date.
If the item selected is an assessment, the Grade by Question button becomes available.
If this page is accessed and there are no ungraded submissions pending, a message indicating that there are no submissions is displayed.
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To grade an item via the Submission Manager, select the Grade button for the submission you want to grade.
The student submission will be displayed, along with a place for the instructor to enter a grade, comments, and/or attach a file. Also, the instructor can optionally select to send the grade and comments to the student as a mail message.
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Importing Grades
The Import Grades option allows the course editor to import assignment grades from any delimited file format.
Note: The Import Grades utility does not add new assignments or students to an existing Gradebook or roster. New assignments must already exist (or be added) to the Gradebook prior to the import process for the new assignment grades to be successfully imported into the Gradebook. Likewise, new students must exist (or be added) to the course roster prior to the import process for the new student grades to be successfully imported.
To import assignment grades into the ANGEL 7.4 Gradebook, go to Manage > Gradebook > Import Grades, and do the following:
1. Click the Import Grades hyperlink in the Grading Tasks nugget. Step 1 of the Import Grades page displays.
2. Click the Browse button. A Choose File dialog box appears onscreen.
3. Locate and select the delimited grades file you want to import and click the Open button.
4. Select the delimiter format for the grades file (comma, tab, or other) and click the Next button. Step 2 of the
Import Grades page displays.
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5. Select the column that contains the User ID for each student and hit Next. Step 3 of the Import Grades page displays.
6. Map each of the other columns to the assignment whose grades are stored in the column.
7. Select Skip for any column that does not contain any data you want imported.
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8. Select Percentages or Points from the Treat Values as radio buttons.
9. Clear Lock Important Grades if you want ANGEL to recalculate the grade against a submission.
10. Click the Finish button. A message appears noting the number of assignments and student records that were successfully imported.
Exporting Grades
The Export Grades option allows the course editor to export the assignment grades for all students as a comma delimited or tab delimited file. The resulting delimited file can easily be viewed and modified in a standard spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.
To export assignment grades to a delimited file, go to Manage > Gradebook > Export Grades:
1. Click the Export Grades hyperlink in the Grading Tasks nugget. The Export Grades page displays.
2. Select the delimited file format you prefer to export (comma-separated or tab-separated values).
3. Optionally select the Include Averages and Include Course ID checkboxes to include the additional data in the export file.
4. Click the Export button. A File Download dialog box appears onscreen.
5. Click the Save button to save the file. A Save As dialog box appears onscreen.
6. Select a location to save the file and click the Save button. Once the file has finished downloading, you can open the file in any spreadsheet program (recommended) or text editor to view or modify the assignment grades.
Ungraded Items
The Ungraded Items area conditionally displays assignments that require manual grading. The number of assignments is contingent upon the number of assignments that have associated ungraded submissions. If an assignment has no ungraded submissions, it will not appear in this list.
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Next to each assignment name is a number in parenthesis, which is the total number of ungraded submissions for that assignment. This tally will always be greater than zero. (If it is zero, the assignment will not appear in this list.)
Clicking an assignment will take the user to the Submissions Manager with that assignment's submissions displayed.
Gradebook Reports
All available grade reports that you have created for your class (using the Grade Reports link in the Setup Tasks nugget) will be listed by title on the Gradebook Home page in the Gradebook Reports nugget.
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Note: Remember that if you have hidden a grade report or selected to make it hidden before or after the start/end dates, it will not be displayed in the Gradebook Reports nugget unless you are within those dates. This is useful if you have different reports for different terms and you want to see the reports only for the current term.
To view a Gradebook Report, click the title of the report. The report will display.
From this screen, you can use the hypertext links at the top to modify the report settings, export the report, save the report as a .pdf file, or delete the report. You can also print a copy of the report using the Print link in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Setting Personal Preferences
Preferences, located on the ANGEL Power Strip, allows you to customize your personal Home page and course environment, change your password (if applicable), set system drives, and more. In addition to discussing the options for setting preferences, this chapter covers ANGEL's accessibility settings.
To edit your preferences, do the following:
1. Click the Preferences button.
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2. Make changes as needed. The following sections discuss the various options.
Personal Information
The User Profile Editor allows users to specify personal information, with the capability of limiting who can view each type of information. The Personal Information Editor is divided into three areas: Name Settings,
Organizational Settings, and Contact Settings.
To use the User Profile Editor, do the following:
1. Click the Personal Information hyperlink.
2. Select the checkbox next to Advanced to see all available fields.
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The following figure shows the Name Settings portion of the User Profile Editor.
1. Viewable By. Determines who can view the name information.
2. First Name. First name as you want it to appear.
3. Last Name. Last name as you want it to appear.
4. Middle Name. Middle name as you want it to appear
5. Title Prefix. Title such as Mr., Mrs., or Dr. that you want to precede your name.
6. Honor Suffix. Suffix that you want to follow your name, such as Jr., Sr., or PhD.
7. About Me. Information about you (interests, clubs, hobbies, and so on) that you want to share with other users.
The following figure shows the Organizational Settings portion of the User Profile Editor.
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1. Viewable By. Determines who can view the organizational information.
2. Title. Title within the organization.
3. Role. Role within the organization.
4. Logo. Enter a URL for the logo of the organization.
5. Department. Department associated with the organization.
6. Division. Division of the organization.
7. Organization. Organization name.
The following figure shows the Contact Settings portion of the User Profile Editor.
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1. Email. E-mail address you want to share with others.
2. Homepage. URL of your personal web page.
3. Photo URL. URL where your personal photo is stored.
4. Phone Settings. Fields for personal phone contacts.
5. Type. Open the drop-down list and select the type of address provided.
6. P.O. Box. Enter your post office box address, if applicable.
7. Line 1–3. Enter your street address, if applicable.
8. City. City of your address.
9. State/Prov. State or province for your address.
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10. Postal Code. ZIP code or country postal code for your address.
11. Country. Country of your address.
12. UTC Timezone. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) specified as + or - from GMT.
Changing Your Password
It is important to change your password periodically to maintain maximum security of your account. The following guidelines can be used when creating your new password:
● Do not choose a password that can be found in a dictionary.
● Do not choose a password that uses public information such as your Social Security number, phone number, credit card, birthdate, and so on.
● Use at least eight characters.
● Use a random mixture of characters, upper- and lowercase, numbers, punctuation, and symbols.
● Use a password that you can remember, to avoid having to look it up. This approach reduces the chance of someone discovering where you have written down your password.
● Choose a password that you can type quickly, to reduce the chance of somebody discovering your password by looking over your shoulder as you type it.
To change your password, do the following:
1. Click the Change Password hyperlink.
The Change Password page is displayed.
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2. Type your current password in the Current Password field.
3. Carefully type your newly selected password into the New Password field.
4. Retype your new password in the Confirm field. ANGEL will determine whether both passwords match. Click
OK when finished.
Customizing Your Course Theme
The Theme Selector allows you to select different ANGEL themes or even create your own theme to change how your Home page looks when you log in. Theme Editor settings are divided into tabs: General, Colors, Styles, and
To use the Theme Selector, follow these steps:
1. Click the Theme Selector hyperlink.
The Personal Theme Selector is displayed.
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2. Select a theme from the Available Themes drop-down menu. A preview appears below.
3. Click the Apply button to apply the theme to your ANGEL Home page.
4. Click the Edit button (optional) if you want to personalize the theme. (See the following sections for more information.)
5. Click the Add Theme hyperlink (optional) if you want to create your own theme.
General Tab
The General tab contains Theme Settings and Font Settings that you can personalize.
To edit Theme Settings and Font Settings, do the following:
1. In the Available Themes list, select a theme that you want to edit.
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2. Click the Edit button to continue to the Theme Editor.
The elements of the Theme Editor's General tab include the following:
1. Theme Name. Provide a unique name for the theme you are creating.
2. Portal Theme. Specifies the basic color theme of the Personal Home page.
3. Subject Theme. Specifies the subject of your theme (for example, Art, Biology, Money, and so on).
4. Face. Font settings for the type of font used in the theme.
5. Size. Size of the font used in the theme.
6. Text Attributes. Specifies Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) attributes for text; for example, text-align: center.
7. Link Attributes. Specifies CSS attributes for links; for example: A:link {text-decoration: none}.
8. Hover Attributes. Specifies CSS attributes for use when the mouse is hovering over a hyperlink; for example,
A:hover {background: blue; color: white}.
Note: Click the Advanced radio button to show more options.
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Colors Tab
The Colors tab consists of Page Colors, Portal Colors, Tab Colors, and Map Colors.
A. Normal Text. Display color for all nonhyperlink text.
B. Link Text. Display color for hyperlink text.
C. Highlight Text. Color to display when a hyperlink is clicked.
D. Page BG. Background color for the page.
E. Toolbar Text. Specifies the color of the text on a toolbar.
F. Toolbar BG. Specifies the color of the background of a toolbar.
G. Page Title Text. Text color for the title on a page; for example, the title "Lessons" when the Lessons tab is active.
H. Text. Display color for all nonhyperlink text.
I. Background. Background color for the page.
J. Banner Text. Color of the title of the course on the upper-right corner when in a course.
K. Banner BG. Background color for the banner in a course.
L. Active Tab Text. Color of the active tab.
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M. Active Tab BG. Background color for the active tab.
N. Nugget Title Text. Color of the nugget title text; for example, Courses, Community Groups, Toolbox, and so on.
O. Nugget Title BG. Background color of the nugget title.
P. Tabs Text. Color of the text on tabs.
Q. Tabs BG. Background color for tabs.
R. Nugget Text. Color of the text in a nugget; for example, explanations located underneath a hyperlink in a nugget.
S. Nugget BG. Background color of nuggets; for example, the background color of the Courses nugget might be different from the page background (Page BG) to make the nugget more visible.
T. Map Text. Text color for the guide.
U. Map BG. Background color for the guide.
V. Map Menu Text. Color of the menu text at the bottom of the guide.
W. Map Menu BG. Background color at the bottom of the guide.
Note: Click the Advanced radio button to show more options.
Icons Tab
The Icons tab consists of icon style attributes.
1. Sidebar Buttons. Settings for the buttons on the Power Strip.
2. Map Icons. Settings for the navigation guide.
3. Nugget Icons. Settings for nugget icons.
4. Tab Icons. Settings for tab icons.
Note: Click the Advanced radio button to show more options.
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Styles Tab
The Styles tab consists of Styles and Advanced Style Attributes.
1. Banners. Specifies a unique image banner for your course.
2. Portal Components. Specifies a unique image on your portal components.
3. Active Tab. Specifies the style of the active tab in a course/group.
4. Other Tabs. Specifies the style of nonactive tabs in a course/group.
5. Identity Bubble. Specifies the color surrounding the name (identity) bubble.
6. Page Attributes. Specifies CSS attributes for a page.
7. Note Area Attributes. Specifies CSS attributes for the notes in a course/group.
8. Toolbar Attributes. Specifies CSS attributes for the toolbars within a course/group.
9. Section Heading Attributes. Specifies CSS attributes for the section heading of a course/group. This is the title displayed in the upper-right corner in a course/group.
Note: Click the Advanced radio button to show more options.
Other Tab
The Other tab provides an area to specify imported stylesheets and any custom CSS you want to add for your theme.
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Note: Click the Advanced radio button to show more options.
System Settings
The System Settings option allows you to customize your mail settings, configure ANGEL to send a copy of all course mail to an Internet e-mail account, select your user level of expertise based on your comfort level with the
ANGEL system, and specify your local drive settings.
To change your system settings, follow these steps:
1. System Settings. Click the System Settings hyperlink.
The System Settings page is displayed.
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2. Select the User Level that best fits your ANGEL expertise:
● Beginner level provides helpful notes and descriptions of most links used throughout the ANGEL environment. This option is appropriate if you are new to the ANGEL environment.
● Intermediate level eliminates most of the link descriptions, making the pages more compact and easy to navigate. If you are comfortable in the ANGEL environment, you may elect to use the intermediate level.
● Advanced level provides access to advanced settings by starting editors in Advanced mode. Descriptions are removed.
3. Local Drive Settings. ANGEL allows instructors to create course content that relies on locally stored media
(for example, links to high-resolution images distributed to students on CD-ROM).
Use the Local Drive Settings to inform ANGEL which drives access which type of media. If your course content relies on locally delivered media, map the drive types to the appropriate drive letters on your local computer.
4. Forwarding Address. Enter your preferred e-mail address. It is suggested that you use the same e-mail address as that provided by your institution. The sender of an ANGEL mail message can choose to send a copy of the message to the e-mail address you've provided.
Note: Forwarding your mail is a global setting, meaning that your mail for all your courses and all of your community groups is forwarded to the address you specify.
5. Forwarding Mode. ANGEL has the capability to send and receive mail. By default, any mail that you send to or receive from students resides inside the course environment. However, you can alter your course mail settings to instruct ANGEL to forward your course mail to an Internet e-mail account.
Accessibility Options
This section provides an overview of ANGEL accessibility features for users who may be accessing the site with screen reader software.
Reference: The ANGEL user interface includes a number of useful navigational elements. See "Navigating
ANGEL" for details on the features and use of the main ANGEL interface.
Video: " Navigate in ANGEL ."
Accessibility Menu
The Accessibility Menu allows users to create accessibility profiles to configure the system to better meet their needs and preferences. Once activated, the profile choice is stored in a cookie so that the setting will persist even after the user logs out of the system.
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Clicking the “508” icon launches the Accessibility Menu.
1. Active Profile. If an accessibility profile is currently active it will be noted here. Additionally, a link labeled
Restore system defaults appears. Clicking this link deactivates the active profile and restores the site's default settings.
2. My Profiles. Any user can create one or more custom accessibility profiles. For example, a user may have very low vision and prefer to access sites using screen readers, but also want a profile for when such software is not available.
3. Standard Profiles. Your school may create custom profiles and make them publicly available even to guest users of the site. If so, these profiles will appear in this section. While standard profiles can be used by anyone, they can be created and edited only by system administrators.
4. Create a Profile. From here, you can create a new custom accessibility profile. Simply enter a profile name in the provided textbox, click the Submit button, and answer the questions in the wizard pages that follow.
5. Upload a Profile. The accessibility profile tool is based on the IMS ACCLIP accessibility specification. If you have an ACCLIP profile document, you can use your existing file to create a new ANGEL accessibility profile. To do so, simply enter a profile name, browse for the ACCLIP file on your local computer, and click the Submit button.
PDA Mode
ANGEL's PDA mode is a special presentation mode optimized for small-display devices such as mobile phones and
PDAs. PDA mode supports a limited ANGEL feature set:
● Course Mail Messages (read-only)
● View a list of course content items
Other ANGEL features are currently not supported in PDA mode.
To load PDA mode, click the PDA icon in the lower-left portion of the screen (see 1 below). A message appears, outlining the purpose of PDA mode and providing a linked list of tested devices.
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ANGEL's PDA mode works with many BlackBerry and Windows mobile browsers. The following devices and firmware versions have been tested:
● BlackBerry® 8900 Curve™ (v4.6.1.75)
● BlackBerry® Storm™ Verizon Wireless (v4.7.0.75)
● Windows Mobile 6.1 - Internet Explorer Mobile 6
Note: Apple® iPhone and iPod Touch users should use the normal ANGEL display mode.
Adding Content Using the Lessons Tab
The Lessons tab is where your students will go to access course materials, assessments, and assignments. Course content items may be added directly to the root level of the Lessons tab, or they may be added to folders or subfolders. The Lessons tab provides tools to populate, manage, and configure your Lessons tab, listed in a row beneath the page title.
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The options are illustrated and described below:
1. Add Content. Takes you to a page displaying the various types of content you may add to your Lessons page.
To add an item, simply click its icon or name.
2. Rearrange. Shifts the screen into drag-and-drop mode so you can easily rearrange the order in which the content appears on the Lessons page.
3. Reports. Provides Activity and SCORM reports showing you how many times and when your students have accessed the Lessons tab.
4. Utilities. Connects you to the Associated Files manager where you will see the files associate to this level of the Lessons page.
5. Submissions. Provides a way to view or export submission data for that item.
6. Delete. Provides a tool for deleting all user-specific submission data within a course along with the ability to quickly delete selected content from your course.
7. Preferences. Loads the Navigation Menu, Default Access Settings, and Advanced Settings for the Lessons tab.
Note: The Delete link only appears if you have enabled Top-level Delete Menu via the Preferences link.
Content Item Tools
Similar to the Lessons tab, every content item has a menu of options that appears when you move your mouse over the content item. Use this menu to make changes. (Note that students do not have access to this menu.)
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1. Settings. Change the settings of the item.
2. Reports. Build and generate reports about the item.
3. Utilities. Perform specific functions with the item.
4. Submissions. Access submission functions with the item.
5. Delete. Delete the item.
Note: Only the information related to the particular item will appear when you select one of the menu items under the content item.
Rearranging the Layout
The rearrange utility provides the ability to rearrange the layout of the content under the Lessons tab or within any
Folder and allows you to rearrange folders and content on the Lessons tab.
To use the rearrange tool:
1. Click the Rearrange hyperlink located on the Lessons tab, or within the folder containing the material you want to rearrange. The rearrange utility appears.
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2. Select the item you wish to move and drag it to the desired location.
3. Click the Save button when all items are in the correct order.
Accessing Reports
In this section we'll cover only those reports available directly from the Lessons tab or from within the various content items. Note that some reports are only available for certain content types. In all cases, the reports are accessed via a Reports link in the submenu of the Lessons tab or the content item.
Reference: All ANGEL reports (including dozens of other valuable reports) are available via the Report tab.
See "Report Tab" for information and instructions on how to use those reports.
Activity Summary
The Activity Summary provides a report that tabulates which users have accessed an item and how many times they have accessed the item. The Activity Summary report is available for the Lessons tab and all content types.
To view the activity summary:
1. From within your ANGEL course click on the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Reports hyperlink found on the Lessons tab, or on the desired content item. You'll see the Reports
Menu page.
3. Click the Activity Summary hyperlink. The activity summary page appears on the screen. Graph bars give a visual indication of the number of times each student has accessed the content item. The activity summary report, by default, is organized alphabetically by username.
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4. To sort the columns, simply click the
Login Name
hyperlinks. When finished viewing the activity summary, click the
SCORM Reports
SCORM reports provide a view of student activity on a SCORM content item. The SCORM report will not show any results for non-SCORM content items. SCORM reports are available only from the Lessons tab and from SCORM content
To view SCORM reports:
1. From within your ANGEL course click on the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Reports hyperlink found on the Lessons tab, or on the desired content item. You'll see the Reports
Menu page.
3. Click the SCORM Reports hyperlink (located in the toolbar). The SCORM Report list appears.
4. Click the Activities hyperlink review the report. Your report provides breakdown of SCORM Content Objects and how the user performed against it (total time, score, status, etc.)
Activity Detail Reports
The Activity Detail report provides detailed information concerning student's access and use of course content. The report information varies dependent upon the content type. Activity Detail reports are available for all content items. They are not available from the Lessons tab.
To view an activity detail report:
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1. From within your ANGEL course, click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the content item to view the activity detail.
3. Click the Reports hyperlink (located in the toolbar).
4. Click the Activity Detail hyperlink. The Activity Detail report appears.
5. When finished reviewing the activity detail report, click the Done button.
The information delivered by the Activity Detail report varies based on the content type being reported against.
Possible fields are:
● Login Name. Unique name for each user in ANGEL 7.4.
● Visits. number of visits to the content item
● Rights. The course rights for the user that accessed the content item.
● Date. The date and time the user accessed the content item.
● Details. The unique object_id for the content item with a description of what was accomplished. Details are available for items with submission data such as Assessments or Surveys.
Not all of the fields make sense for all content types. For example, for Folders there are only two columns, Login
Name and number of visits.
But for Assessments there is information concerning this content item, such as delivered, submitted or reviewed.
Delivered indicates that the content item has been delivered for the student to take. Submitted indicates that the content item has been submitted and Reviewed indicates that the student reviewed the content item.
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Item Analysis Reports
Item Analysis reports provide detailed analysis for Assessments and Surveys only.
To view an Item Analysis report:
1. From within your ANGEL course click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the desired Assessment or Survey item.
3. Click the Reports hyperlink (located in the toolbar).
4. Click the Item Analysis hyperlink. The Item Analysis report appears.
5. When finished reviewing the activity detail report, click the Done button.
Note: Assessments and Survey offer slightly different versions of the Item Analysis report. Each has been tuned to deliver the best possible combination of statistics for the available question types and the type of data expected for each content item.
Clicking the Utilities hyperlink displays a list of available utilities for both Lessons tab and specific content items.
Note that some content items offer utilities specific to that content type. The table below details the availability of the utilities.
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Associated File Manager
The Associated File Manager has two options: Add Content and Download All. The Add Content option allows you to create, upload and organize files associated with any content item or Folder—including the Lessons tab. You may also download files. Note that the files are stored in separate directory folders—each specific to the content item.
Add Content
The Add Content link takes you to a page where you have four options: Create a Folder, Create a File, Upload Files, and Drag-n-Drop. Each option is covered in the following sections.
Use Folders within the Associated Content Manager to organize the files associated with the Lessons tab or with any given content item.
To create a folder as an associated file:
1. From within your ANGEL course click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Utilities link from the Lessons tab or from within the desired content item. The utilities menu appears.
3. Click the Associated File Manager hyperlink.
4. Click the Add Content hyperlink.
5. Click the Create a Folder hyperlink.
6. Type a title in the Folder Name field.
7. Click the OK button.
The Associated Files screen appears showing the newly created folder. To place content into the created folder, click the folder title and then click the Add Content hyperlink.
Creating a file within the Associated File Manager is much like creating a Page item within the Lessons tab.
To create a file as an associated file:
1. From within your ANGEL course click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Utilities link from the Lessons tab or from within the desired content item. The utilities menu appears.
3. Click the Associated File Manager hyperlink.
4. Click the Add Content hyperlink.
5. Click the Create File hyperlink.
6. Enter a name in the File Name field.
7. Compose the text and graphics of your message in the File Contents field. Note that you can also cut and paste content here from your word processor or from HTML documents.
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8. Click the
Tip: When entering text into the file contents field, use the HTML Editor which allows you to design your page using a simple word processing style interface. This tool also allows you to embed images, hyperlinks, and other elements into your page.
To upload to your associated files directory:
1. Click the Utilities link from the Lessons tab or from within content item to which you want to associate files.
2. Click the Associated File Manager hyperlink. The associated files screen appears.
3. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the left side of the toolbar).
4. Click the Upload Files hyperlink. The File to upload screen appears.
5. Click the Browse button to select the file to upload. The Choose File dialog appears to select the file. Select your file and click the Open button.
6. Click the Upload File button. The Upload Successful page appears.
7. To continue uploading files, click the Upload Another File button.
8. When finished uploading files, click the Done button.
9. Click the Exit Associated Files button.
To drag-n-drop files to your associated files directory:
1. Click the Utilities link from the Lessons tab or from within content item to which you want to associate files.
2. Click the Associated File Manager hyperlink. The associated files screen appears.
3. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the left side of the toolbar).
4. Click the Drag-n-Drop hyperlink. The Drag-n-Drop target box appears. This is where you drag the files you wish to upload.
5. Drag the files and folders from your computer into the Drag-n-Drop window.
6. When finished, click the Done button.
7. Click the Exit Associated Files button.
Linking to Associated Files
You may link to content stored in the Associated Files directory via the Link content item type or via the hyperlink tool within the HTML editor.
To create a link:
1. Click the Utilities link from the Lessons tab or from within content item to which you want to associate files.
2. Click the Associated File Manager hyperlink. The associated files screen appears.
3. Locate and right-click directly on the hyperlinked name of the file and select Copy Shortcut (this process may vary depending on your preferred browser).
4. The previous steps copy the URL for the item stored in the Associated File Manager. You may then paste the stored link as the target for a LINK ( the Web link (
) content item. You may also paste the link in the HTML Editor using
)option, thus allowing you to use it within Page items, Discussion Posts, etc.
Download All
The Download All option is part of the Associated File Manager. It allows you to download all the associated files for the Lessons tab or any individual content item as a compressed ZIP file. To download files associated with an item:
1. Click the Utilities link from the Lessons tab or from within content item to which you want to associate files.
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2. Click the Associated File Manager hyperlink. The associated files screen appears.
3. Click the Download All link. You'll be presented with your browser's download dialog window.
4. Select Save
5. In the Save As dialog, choose a location where you want to save the file and click Save.
Move Item
The move item utility allows you to move content to another folder in your ANGEL Lessons area. This provides you with the opportunity to manage your content and move items as necessary.
To move content:
1. Point to the Utilities hyperlink (located underneath the name of the content item).
2. Click the Move Item hyperlink. A page with a list of your folders displays.
3. Click the hyperlink title of the folder you where you want to move the item. Your content item is moved to the designated folder.
Copy Item
The Copy Item utility allows you to make a copy of an item in your course, and place the copy in course to which you have editor rights.
To copy content:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to copy.
2. Click the Utilities hyperlink.
3. Click the Copy Item hyperlink.
4. From the Copy Item page, select the destination Course/Group to which you'd like to copy the selected item.
5. Select a destination folder:
● Lesson Directory. Puts the copied file at the top of the Lessons directory in the target course/group.
● Existing folder. Puts the copied file in an existing folder of your choice in the target course/group.
● New folder. Puts the copied file in a new folder in the target course/group that you can name.
6. Click Copy. Your content item is copied to the specified course or group.
Export Item to Zip
The Export Items utility allows you to export any content item to a zip file that may imported into any other course or shared with other instructors.
To export content:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to export.
2. Click to the
3. Click the Export Item hyperlink. This will queue your item for export and load the Export Progress panel.
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4. To download the exported item, click the export item link (item a in the illustration above).
5. Select Save.
6. In the Save As dialog, choose a location where you want to save the file and click Save.
Subscribe is an option for Discussion items only. When you subscribe to a Discussion forum you receive a notice to your Course Mail inbox whenever new message are posted. To subscribe to a Discussion forum:
1. Click (or hover over) the Discussion item to which you wish to subscribe.
2. Click to the Utilities hyperlink.
3. Click the Subscribe hyperlink. You are now subscribed to that Discussion forum.
4. Click Done. From the Copy Item page, select the destination Course/Group to which you'd like to copy the selected item.
Note: When you click Subscribe the link changes to an Unsubscribe link. You guessed it, this is how you then unsubscribe from the Discussion forum.
Re-Upload File
The Re-Upload utility is only available for File content items. It allows you to re-upload and replace the file used to create a File item. To Re-Upload a file:
1. Click (or hover over) the File item to which you wish to update.
2. Click to the Utilities hyperlink.
3. Click the Re-Upload hyperlink.
4. Click Browse and select the file you wish to upload.
5. Click Open.
6. Give the file item a new title if you desire.
7. Click Upload File button. You see the File Upload Results page.
8. Click OK.
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Convert Quiz to Assessment
You may not create new Quizzes in ANGEL 7.4. Existing Quizzes will be imported and available for use, but they will automatically be converted to Assessments when moved to a new course. It is recommended that you convert
Quizzes to Assessments immediately.
Convert All Quizzes in a Course
You can convert all Quizzes to Assessments within your course via the Quizzes to Assessments & Surveys to
Enhanced Surveys dialog, or via the Course Quiz migration tool found within the Utility menu on your Lessons tab.
When you first enter a course that still contains Quizzes, you'll be presented with a dialog asking you if you wish to convert your quizzes. You'll see this message every time you log into the course until all Quizzes are converted or removed from the course.
To convert using the dialog, click the Convert all my Quizzes now button.
To convert Quizzes to Assessments using the Lessons tab utility:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the
2. Click the Course Quiz and Survey Migration link.
3. Click OK on the confirmation dialog.
Your Assessments are created as a copy of your Quizzes.
Convert Quizzes Individually
ANGEL allows you to convert your Quizzes to Assessments on an ad hoc basis as well. To convert individual
1. Click (or hover over) the Quiz item to which you wish to subscribe.
2. Click to the Utilities hyperlink.
3. Click the Convert Quiz to Assessment hyperlink.
4. Click OK in the confirmation dialog.
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Your Assessment is created as a copy of your Quiz.
Note: You may want to disable or delete your Quizzes after they've been converted to Assessments.
Email Survey
The Email Survey utility is only available for Survey content items. It allows you to email a link to a course survey via Course Mail. To email a Survey:
1. Click (or hover over) the Survey item to which you wish to email.
2. Click to the Utilities hyperlink.
3. Click the Email Survey hyperlink. The Compose Message screen appears.
4. Click the To: button and select users who will receive the link to the Survey.
5. Edit the message as desired.
6. Click Send.
Clicking the Submissions hyperlink displays a list of submission functions that can be used for the content item and available utilities vary by content type. The options available under the Submissions menu vary by content type, and not all content types offer options. The following table summarizes the functions available by content type:
Grade by Question
The Grade by Question feature allows for blind grading of ungraded responses. The grading is done one question at a time moving through all ungraded responses before moving to the next question.
To grade by question:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the
2. Click (or hover over) the Assessment with questions you wish to grade.
3. Click the Submissions hyperlink
4. Click the Grade by Question hyperlink. The Grade by Question page appears.
5. Select the question responses you wish to grade by clicking the hyperlinked number under Ungraded
Submissions. The questions page appears along with the response with fields for scoring and comments.
6. Grade the responses by placing a point value in the Score field and any feedback in the Comments field.
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7. Click the
button when finished.
View, Grade or Delete Submissions
The View, Grade or Delete utility provides an easy way to manage and grade student submissions to Assessments,
Drop Boxes, Quizzes or Surveys. To view, grade or delete submissions:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click (or hover over) the item for which you wish to view, grade or delete submissions.
3. Click the Submissions hyperlink.
4. Click the View, Grade or Delete hyperlink. The View Grade or Delete page appears. a. Display filters allow you to fine tune your view of the submissions b. The Item Analysis hyperlink loads the Item Analysis report. c. The View, Grade, Delete utilities are listed for each student submissions.
View Submissions
To view submissions:
1. Click the View button next to the student submission you wish to view. You are provided with a view of the student's submission with the graded items and items that need to be manually graded.
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2. When finished viewing, click the
Grade Submissions
To grade submissions:
1. Click the Grade button next to the student submission you wish to view. You are provided with a view of the student's submission with the graded items and items that need to be manually graded.
2. When finished viewing, click the Save button.
Tip: Items that have not been graded are easily spotted by a blue pencil icon next to the Points Earned field.
Items that have already been graded have either a green checkmark icon or a red X icon denoting whether the question was answered correctly or incorrectly.
Note: If your quiz has a combination of graded and ungraded questions, you can select the Hide Graded
Items checkbox, allowing you to quickly grade those ungraded questions manually.
Delete Submissions
To delete a student's submission:
1. Click the Delete button next to the student's submission you wish to delete. The Delete confirmation message appears.
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2. Click OK to delete the student's submission, or click Cancel to cancel deletion of the student submission.
Pending Items
Pending Items are assessments or surveys that have been delivered to the student but not completed. The student may have saved their answers to continue later, or lost their internet connection while taking the assessment or survey. This area provides information to the instructor who can optionally delete the pending item and allow the student to retake the assessment or survey.
To view pending items:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click (or hover over) the Assessment or Survey you in which you want to view pending submissions.
3. Click the Submissions hyperlink.
4. Click the Pending Items hyperlink. A list of pending items displays showing the user and the date/time started.
5. To view the pending item, click the View button.
6. To submit the pending item, click the Submit button.
7. To delete the pending item, click the Delete button.
Export Response Statistics
Assessments and Surveys allow you to export student response statistics for analysis via external programs.
To export response statistics for assessments or surveys:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click (or hover over) the Assessment or Survey you in which you want to export response statistics.
3. Click the Submissions hyperlink.
4. Click the Export Response Statistics hyperlink. A screen with export configuration options will appear.
5. Configure the File Format options and select the Information to Export.
6. Click the Export button. Your browser will present you with a Save dialog.
7. Click the Save button.
8. Choose a location for the file and click Save
9. Click Done.
Export Submission Data
Assessments, Drop Boxes, Surveys and legacy Quizzes allow you to export student submission data for analysis via external programs.
To export response statistics for assessments or surveys:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
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2. Click (or hover over) the Assessment or Survey you in which you want to export response statistics.
3. Click the Submissions hyperlink.
4. Click the Export Submission Data hyperlink. A screen with export configuration options will appear.
5. Configure the File Format options and select the Information to Export.
6. Click the Export button. Your browser will present you with a Save dialog.
7. Click the Save button.
8. Choose a location for the file and click Save
9. Click Done.
Grade Forum
The Grade Forum utility is unique to the Discussions content item. It allows you view all student's participation statistics, actual posts and in cases when you've chosen to use Discussion Scoring Rubrics the point value assigned to various quantitative and qualitative measures.
To use the Grade Forum utility:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click (or hover over) the Discussion you wish to grade.
3. Click the Submissions hyperlink.
4. Click the Grade Forum hyperlink. The Grade Forum screen will appear.
The Grade forum presents critical student performance data in a simple, sortable grid. Columns in the grid include: a. User Name. Presents the name of the student. Note that clicking on the name of student displays a window containing every post from that student. b. Total Posts. Counts the total top-level posts and replies submitted. c. Posts. Counts the number of top-level posts submitted. d. Replies. Displays the number of replies submitted. e. Peer Replies. Displays the number of replies this student's posts have generated. f. Average Peer Rating. Presents the average peer rating (if peer rating in use.) g. Earned/Possible/%. Presents the points awarded by the instructor, points possible (if max points value set), and the percentage of earned points versus possible points. h. Scoring Rubric Percent. Displays the total achievement percentage in this forum according to the rules established on the Discussion Scoring rubrics. i. Gradebook Grade (#/total Discussion points). This data entry box is where you can enter the student's points for the forum.
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j. Comments. Provides a space for the instructor to provide comments on the student's score.
5. Enter student scores in the Gradebook Grade entry box.
6. Click Submit grades to post grades to gradebook.
Tip: If you have established a Scoring Rubric via the Discussion's Assignment tab, you may apply the calculated Scoring Rubric percentage for all students by clicking the Copy rubric scores to grades button found at the bottom of the page.
Note: You may also export the Grade Forum page for later reference. To do so, click the Export page button found at the bottom of the page.
Download Submissions
The Download Submissions allows you to download items that have been submitted to a drop box and grade the item outside of ANGEL.
To download submissions:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the
2. Click (or hover over) the Drop Box for which you want to download submission for offline grading.
3. Click the
hyperlink (located underneath the drop box name).
4. Click the
Download Submissions
hyperlink. The download submissions page appears.
5. Select ungraded submissions or all submissions from the Download drop-down list.
6. Click the Download button to zip and save the files to your computer.
7. Unzip the files using a zip utility program. Click on the Grade.htm file. The Grade Form appears.
Note: Located on the left, links to all submissions by student name are displayed. The top right section is the grading form. When you select a specific student's submission by clicking the link to the left, the file name appears in the lower-right section so you can view the submission.
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8. Type the grade in the Grade field.
9. Use the
Browse button to browse your computer if you wish to provide a feedback file to the student.
10. Enter feedback directly in the textbox.
11. When you have completed grading the submissions, click the Submit button (located at the bottom of the
Grade Form). The processing request information appears in the lower portion of the Grade Form.
View Posted Submissions
When creating course content, you may find that you want to include a form requiring input from your student.
When you create this form, which can be done using standard HTML form tags, the student submits the requested information and it is recorded in ANGEL as a submission. See the HTML Editor reference for more information about using form elements with ANGEL content items.
To view posted submissions in a Page, Link, or File item:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Point to the Submissions hyperlink (located underneath the name of the content item).
3. Click the View Posted Submissions hyperlink. The submissions list appears.
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4. Click the View button to view the submission. Optionally, to delete a submission click the Delete button.
5. When finished reviewing the submissions, click the Done button.
Export Posted Submissions
The Export Posted Submissions and Grade Data utility allows you to export posted submissions from a Page, Link, or File item.
To export posted submissions:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Point to the Submissions hyperlink (located underneath the item name).
3. Click the Export Posted Submissions hyperlink. The Export Submissions and Grade Data page appears allowing you to select the items you wish to export.
4. Select the file format to export from the drop-down list.
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Note: Export a submission item's data in a single format (comma separated value; .csv) that can be opened with a spreadsheet program (such as Microsoft Excel). The fixed length text (.prn) and tab delimited
(.txt) file types may require some simple conversion to open in a spreadsheet program.
5. Select the checkbox next to the information you want to export.
6. Click the Export button. The File Export and File Download dialog box appears.
7. Click the Save button on the File Download dialog box. The Save As dialog box appears.
8. Type a file name in the File name field.
9. Click the Save button.
10. When the export is complete, click the Close button on the File Export dialog box.
Deleting Course Content and Files
ANGEL provides multiple levels of deletion. You may delete all course content and corresponding student submission data—or you may just delete the associated files. The Delete options for the Lessons tab as well as for the various content items are described below.
Batch Deleting
ANGEL allows you to quickly Delete desired data for every content item in the course. Before you can use the
Lessons tab Delete function, you must enable it via the Preference link on the lessons tab.
To enable the Delete link at the Lessons tab level:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Preferences hyperlink.
3. Select the Top-level Delete Menu option.
4. Click Save.
With the Delete option enabled at the Lessons tab level, removing course items is simple:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Delete hyperlink. You'll be presented with the Lessons tab Delete menu.
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a. Delete All Access Logs. Delete user access log information for all items. b. Delete All User Completion Records. Delete all user completion information for all items. c. Delete All Drop Box Submissions. Delete all user submissions to all Drop Box items. d. Delete All Quiz Submissions. Delete all user submissions to all Quiz items. e. Delete All Survey Submissions. Delete all user submissions to all Survey items. f. Delete All Discussion Forum Postings. Delete all postings to all Discussion Forum items. g. Delete All Discussion Forum Replies. Delete all replies to all Discussion Forum items, but not top-level postings. h. Delete Sub-items. Provides a checklist to delete one or more sub-items.
Deleting Individual Content Items and/or Associated Data
Use the Delete hyperlink to remove an item from your course environment.
To delete an Item:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
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3. Click the
Delete this xxxx hyperlink
(where xxxx is the name of the content item) to remove the item, its contents, its files, and its data. A prompt appears asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the item permanently.
4. Click the
Note: When access to an item has been cached using the Tracking feature, you may wish to use Delete
Access Logs to erase the access records to an item.
Deleting Access Logs
Caution: This process permanently deletes the item or data and cannot be recovered.
To delete records of when and by whom an item has been accessed:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
3. Click the Delete Access Logs hyperlink. You are prompted that this permanently deletes the specific item or data and if you want to continue.
4. Click the OK button. A records affected message appears at the top of the delete menu showing how many records were altered.
Deleting Associated Files
When files are associated with an item you may want to delete these associated files removing the association with the content item.
To delete associated files:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
3. Click the Delete Associated Files hyperlink. A prompt appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the data permanently.
4. Click the OK button. A records affected message appears at the top of the delete menu showing how many records were altered.
Deleting Sub-items from a Folder
At the Folder level you may want to delete certain sub-items within a folder while retaining other sub-items.
To delete sub-items from a folder:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to delete.
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2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
Note: The selections on the Delete Menu vary slightly depending on the type of content item.
3. Click the Delete Sub-items hyperlink. A delete checklist appears.
4. Select the checkbox to the left of the sub-item(s) you want to delete.
5. Click the OK button. A prompt appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the sub-items permanently.
6. Click the OK button. A list of the deleted sub-items appears.
7. Click the OK button.
Deleting All Submissions
When using content items that involve submissions such as quizzes, surveys, and drop boxes you may want to delete submissions affiliated with the content objects without deleting the items themselves.
Caution: This process permanently deletes the submissions and cannot be recovered.
To delete all submissions:
1. Click (or hover over) the content item you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
3. Click the Delete All Submissions hyperlink. A prompt appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the submissions permanently.
4. Click the OK button. A records affected message appears at the top of the delete menu showing how many records were altered.
Deleting Discussion Forum Posts
When using discussion forums you may want to delete all top-level postings affiliated with a discussion forum without deleting the forum itself.
Caution: This process permanently deletes the item or data and cannot be recovered.
To delete postings from a discussion forum:
1. Click (or hover over) the Discussion forum item you wish to delete.
2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
3. Click the Delete All Posts hyperlink. A prompt appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the postings permanently.
4. Click the OK button.
Deleting Discussion Forum Replies
When using discussion forums you may want to delete all replies affiliated with a discussion forum without deleting the top-level posts or the forum itself.
Caution: This process permanently deletes the item or data and cannot be recovered.
To delete postings from a discussion forum:
1. Click (or hover over) the Discussion forum item you wish to delete.
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2. Click the Delete hyperlink. The Delete Menu appears.
3. Click the Delete All Replies hyperlink. A prompt appears asking you to confirm that you want to delete the postings permanently.
4. Click the OK button.
Setting Lesson Preferences
The Preferences utility provides additional options that can be set for your lesson preferences. There are three areas that can be changed—Navigation Menu, Default Access Settings, and Advanced Settings.
1. Navigation Menu. The Navigation Menu provides navigation options for the Lessons area. By default, Next and Previous appear on the course navigation toolbar in the upper right. The lessons preference navigation menu allows you to add up, top, index, and footer navigation to your course navigation toolbar.
2. Default Access Settings. The Default Access Settings determine the tracking options and viewable by option when creating new course content. Setting these options prior to creating content sets your preferences for your content eliminating the need to set tracking and viewable by on each new content item created.
● To set tracking: Select the tracking option from the Tracking drop-down list. By default tracking is disabled.
● To set viewable by: Select the tracking option from the Viewable By drop-down list. By default viewable by is set to students.
3. Advanced Settings. Provides advanced options for your lessons content.
● Root View. The Root View setting allows you to select how the lesson content is viewed. The following settings are available:
● Default: This shows the content items in a list view.
● List View: If you have changed the view from the default setting, you can select list view to return the content items to a list.
● Grid View: The grid view provides a grid of the content items. You can elect to have the grid appear in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 grids.
● Folder View. For items contained within a folder you can select how the items within the folder are viewed. You have the option to select the following settings.
● Default: This shows the content items in a list view.
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● List View: If you have changed the view from the default setting, you can select list view to return the content items to a list.
● Grid View: The grid view provides a grid of the content items. You can elect to have the grid appear in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 grids.
4. Top-level Delete Menu. Selecting the checkbox next to the Top-level Delete Menu places a delete hyperlink in the toolbar at the top level of your lesson content. You do not have to click the lesson content item in order to access the delete utility.
Adding Content to Your Course
The Lessons tab houses content and student interaction points. It's also where you create, copy or import a variety of lesson content types for your course. The following sections will present:
● A brief overview of the various types of content.
● Tips on organizing lesson content.
● A tutorial on the basics of creating any content item.
● Specific details on creating each content item and coverage of the configuration options unique to that content item.
ANGEL offers a wide variety of content types and methods of interacting with your student—each presented on the
Add Content page (accessed by clicking Add Content hyperlink from the Lessons tab). The Add Content page divides the content tools into three sections; Create and Item, More Options and Templates and Wizards. Each section and the corresponding content options are described in the following sections.
Content Options
The Create an Item section of the Add Content page provides the tools for the instructor to create, post or import their own files into the course.
Content items found within the Create an Item section of the Add Content page include:
● Lesson Plan. Create an integrated Lesson Plan including lesson plan templates, standards and content items in one integrated (and sharable) content item.
● Folder. Create a folder under the Lessons tab to help organize your materials. Folders have the same options as the Lessons tab itself so you may add any content item (or additional folders) within any folder.
● Page. Create a new page using an html editor, or by pasting in content from your word processor. Now supports rich media embedding and direct integration with YouTube™ video and Picasa™ images.
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● Link. Creates a link to a location on the Internet or to other course content items or files.
● File. Allows you to import content from another source directly into ANGEL. Automatically supports import of web pages, smaller web sites, MS Office files and graphic files.
● Drop Box. Your digital inbox, a Drop Box creates a place where students may submit assignments.
● Game. Add crossword puzzles for quiz show style games.
● IMS/SCORM Package. Allows you to upload or link to IMS/SCORM compliant course cartridges.
● Discussion Forum. Create a discussion forum for your students. Supports multiple pedagogical models and allows for automatic evaluation and scoring based upon qualitative and quantitative measures.
● Blog. Creates a single page blog where all users may contribute posts.
● Wiki. Creates a class wiki where all students may collaboratively work on a single document.
● Course Syndication Folder. A special folder that allows you allows you to add Page, File and Link content items and have them automatically available for RSS aggregators or iTunes distribution.
● Assessment. Creates an assessment, practice test, or exam. Supports multiple delivery modes, flexible review periods and built-in Item Analysis.
● Survey. Create a survey and analyze the results.
● Section Heading. Provides another way to visually organize materials by adding text and graphics in line with your content items on the Lessons tab or within individual folders.
Copying or Importing Content
The More Options section of the Add Content page provides the tools you need to import content or copy content from other places within your course.
● Copy Items. Make copies of content items from other locations within your current course.
● Import from a Course or Group. Import content from another Course or Group in which you have editor rights.
● Import from Learning Object Repository. Import content from your Personal Repository (a single place to store and manage content for use in multiple courses) or any other repository to which you have access. Other repositories may include departmental, topical or institution-wide repositories.
Using Templates and Wizards
The Templates and Wizards section of the Add Content page allows you to import content from MERLOT or create new content following pre-built templates.
● Add content from MERLOT. The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
(MERLOT) provides peer reviewed online educational content in a wide variety of disciplines. This tool allows you to search the MERLOT repository and easily create Link items to MERLOT content within your course.
● Add from Template. The Add from Template option allows you to add content following personal or published content templates. ANGEL ships with five example system templates to help illustrate how to use
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Adding Content Basics
This section teaches you the common elements of creating an ANGEL content item. Even though each of the content item types provides a unique environment for presenting your content; they all have a common set of options and controls. The process of configuring these common options and controls is the same for each content item—with only a few options that are unique to each content item.
Step-by-step: "Adding Content Basics."
This section takes you through the common content creation controls and options. Following this basics section, we'll show you how to add specific content items and cover that content items unique controls and options.
The following table provides a map of the configuration tabs for each type of content.
Creating a Content Item
To add content to your Lessons tab:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink. The Add Content page loads.
3. Click the icon or name of the content item or option.
At this point you'll be presented with a tabbed interface containing the configuration options for the content item you selected. For all content items you'll complete some portion of the following tabs.
Content Tab
Once you open an item, the first area is the Content tab. The content tab is where you add information about the item you are creating.
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1. Page Settings. Page Settings are where you add the title and subtitle of the page. This provides the name of the item your students will see on the Lessons page. The title text is used when listing the item. It also appears at the top of the page when the item itself is selected. The subtitle text is used when listing the item in its parent and also appears at the top of the page when the item itself is selected. The subtitle appears in a smaller font directly beneath the title text. Use subtitles to give longer descriptions of an item.
2. Description. An HTML editor to provide a description of the item to your students. In the case of Page items, the Description becomes the text presented to the student when they load the page.
3. Sequence. A numeric value that determines the display sequence of the content item on the Lessons page.
New content items are always added as the last item on the page. Use the rearrange tool to arrange lesson items as you wish.
4. Link Settings. Allows you to add links to your item. a. Link Target. Allows you to choose how a link will open in a browser. Allows you to choose to show the banner title or hide it.
● Same Window: Opens in the same window you are using.
● New Window: Opens in a new window.
● Parent Window: Opens in new window unless you are in frames.
● Top Window: Opens in topmost window which replaces your current window.
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Note: It is recommended that the No Banner checkbox be selected when opening the link item in a new window. This option eliminates the title and editor settings for the item when it opens in the new window. b. Link Url. Allows you to type in a URL that will redirect the students to a new item. c. Icon Url. Allows you to select an icon that will be used in place of the default content icon. d. Help Url. Type a fully qualified URL to a page that provides more information about how to use this resource. For example, if you create a link to an online encyclopedia you could use this link to point to that online help.
5. Browse. The Browse tab allows you to browse for the link you want to add. A new box will pop up. a. Personal. allows you to link to files located in your personal area. You can upload files to this area using the browse (6) to find it and the Upload File (7) to upload it so it is pinned to the course. b. Associated. you can create links to files already loaded in your course or you can browse the files on your
PC and upload them to the course files. These files will also be pinned to the course. c. Course. you can create a link to files already in the course or you can browse your PC files to upload a file to your course. d. Map. you can link to a place already existing in your course using the Map link. e. Icons. you can add an icon to an item from a list of icons or you can browse your PC and upload a special icon. f. Browse. allows you to browse your PC files or the internet to find the link you need. g. Upload File. allows you to upload a file. h. New Folder. allows you to create a new folder to help organize your materials.
6. Save/Cancel. The Save button allows you to save your selections. The cancel button allows you to cancel your selections.
Advanced Settings
Advanced Settings appear on the Content tab (in Advanced mode) for most content types. The advanced settings allow you to use optional commands to fine-tune how the content type functions.
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Advanced settings include:
● EXACTMATCH=1 disables numeric rounding and "sounds like" algorithm.
● NOSOUNDSLIKE=1 disables the "sounds like" algorithm.
● NOROND=1 disables numeric rounding.
● MAXSEL=n is for use on multiple-select questions. Restricts the user to selecting n number of available choices.
● FIELD_ATTRIBUTES= allows an editor to specify HTML field attributes for the student response input field.
Note: Multiple advanced options should be separated with a semicolon (e.g.,
● CONTAINS auto-grades an answer as correct with any text you use, if any part of the user's answer contains the specified text.
● MATCH auto-grades an answer as correct if any part of the user's answer matches the given regular repression. Example: MATCH:[a-zA-Z0-9_] matches anything placed in a fill-in-the-blank question and automatically grades it as a correct answer, as long as the answer is not blank.
Access Tab
The Access tab provides settings for access, tracking and viewing content items. This editor allows instructors to control when students have access to an item, when they can view and decide if they want to track individual users access statistics for that content item.
The Access Tab has five different parts:
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1. Access Tracking. Determines whether visits to the content item will be logged in the reports console. You can select user tracking for Students Only, All Enrolled Users, Authenticated Guests, Everyone or Disabled it, which does not track any users. The default is disabled.
2. View Restrictions. Controls who may view a content item and when they may view it. a. Do not allow users to view this item. This checkbox hides the content item from users. This is useful if you are creating course material that has not been completed. This box also determines if users are allowed to view the discussion forum. b. Viewable By. The Viewable By setting allows the instructor to restrict access to the ANGEL content item according to the course rights designation assigned to the user.
● Everyone allows the content item to be accessed by anyone on the World Wide Web regardless of whether they are affiliated with your institution and regardless of whether they have a valid account on the ANGEL system.
● Authenticated Guests allows any authenticated ANGEL user to access the content item. This includes both users who are on the course roster and those who are not.
● Students restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of student or higher.
● Team Leaders restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of team leader or higher.
● Course Mentors restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of course mentor or higher.
● Course Assistants restricts access to the content item only to those on the course roster who have course rights of course assistants or higher.
● Course Editors restricts access to the content item only to those users on the course roster who have course rights of course editor.
● Author Only restricts access to the author of the content item. c. Password. Assign a password to an item to further restrict who can view it. When not in edit mode, the system asks the user to type the password before it allows the user to view the item.
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d. Team Access. The Team Access setting allows you to restrict access to a particular group of users. This can be useful when conducting group projects to ensure that only group members see material for their group. Select the Selected Teams option designate which teams have access to the content item. e. Start and End Date. Select a Start Date to prevent the content item from being displayed until the specified date. Select an End Date to prevent the content item from being displayed after the specified date.
3. Edit Restrictions. Sets the editing restrictions for the course.
Both (a) and (b) have the same two options—Course Editors and Author Only. a. Editable by. allows the course editor to determine who can edit the access settings for the content item.
The default setting allows all course/group editors to edit these settings but can be set to author only to further restrict editing rights. b. Object Editable by. allows you to define who can change the content of the item.
4. Internet Security. Sets the level of browser security for access (most commonly used to assure security when giving quizzes and exams online.)
● The Browser Security list allows the editor to open the assessment or survey in a new browser window (using Medium setting) disabling common browser functions including menus, address bar, context menus (right-click), and the use of most control keys (Ctrl C for copy, Ctrl V for Paste, etc.).
The editor may optionally require the use of the ANGEL secure browser (using High setting). The
ANGEL Secure Browser is available for download only to designated ANGEL administrators and is commonly installed in proctored testing lab locations.
● IP Filter. You can easily restrict assessment or survey access to a specific IP address. Using the IP
Filter enter the IP Information as follows:
● Use commas ( , ) to separate multiple IP address entries
● Use a minus sign ( - ) to disallow the specific address
● Use a plus sign ( + ) to allow the specified address
● Use an asterisk ( * ) within an IP address as a wild card meaning all values between 0 and 255
● In cases where an IP address is included in more than one entry, the most specific entry is applied (e.g. a setting of -*.*.*.*,+207.46.249.*,- allowing access to any IP address within the 7.46.249 class C network with the exception of which has been excluded.
5. Save. Assures your changes are saved.
Interaction Tab
The Interaction tab is used differently with three content items: Discussion Forum, Assessment, and Survey. See the specific content item sections below for details on the Interaction tab configuration options for those items.
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Standards Tab
The Standards tab is found in most of the content items. The Standards tab allows you to align content to institutional standards and enables you to report on class or student performance against those standards.
Reference: Standards and objectives are covered in detail in "Using Course Standards and Objectives."
Objectives Tab
The standards tab is found in most of the content items. The Objectives tab allows you to align content to course objectives that you create and enables you to report on class or student performance against those Objectives.
Reference: Standards and objectives are covered in detail in "Using Course Standards and Objectives."
Automate Tab
The Automate Tab allows you to create Agents that can automate many repetitive tasks or add increased interactivity to your course. This tab shows you any Agents that are associated with the content item and also provides an interface for creating Actions.
Associated Agents
The first area of this tab shows the Agents associated with this content item.
Reference: Agents are covered in detail in "Automating Your Course."
1. Associated Agents. Lets you know which agents are associated with the content item. You can click on the
Title, Type, or Action to sort the agents by title, type or action.
2. Title. The title of the Agent.
3. Type. The type of Agent.
4. Action. The action the Agent performs.
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Action Settings
You can create custom actions to act on any content item.
1. Action Settings. The area where you create actions for the content item.
2. Current Action. Lists the current actions associated with this content item. At the bottom of the current actions box is the Action Editor.
3. Clicking on the Action Editor hyperlink will allow you to add a new action agent via the ANGEL Action Editor. a. New. Create a new action item. b. Edit. Edit an existing action item. c. Delete. Delete an existing action item. d. Up. Move up the list action items. e. Down. Move down the list of action items.
4. Selecting New will allow you to create a new action item.
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1. Add Variable. Add the specified value to an existing variable.
2. Alert. Add a JavaScript pop-up message.
3. Announcement. Add an announcement to a user's course announcements.
4. Calendar. Add an event to a user's calendar.
5. Email (External). Send a message to an Internet email recipient.
6. Go To. Redirect the user to another content item in this course or group.
7. Lock. Lock content that may have been previously released.
8. Mail (Internal). Send a course/group mail message to a user.
9. Message. Add an HTML formatted message to the page.
10. Redirect. Redirect the user to another Web page.
11. Replace Variable Text. Replaces Find text with Replace text in specified variable.
12. Set Variable. Sets a course environment variable.
13. Team Enroll. Enroll the user in one or more teams.
14. Team Unenroll. Unenroll the user in one or more teams.
15. Unlock. Release password-protected content to the user.
Each action item provides a screen of information where you can add the parameters for your request. Once you save the action, any time a user meets the criteria set, the action is performed. For example, if you select the Mail action you'll be taken to a screen that allows you to configure the conditions under which a mail message will be sent.
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a. From. Type in the your email address b. To. Type in who the email is for c. Subject. Type in the Subject (Remember many email systems consider emails without subjects as spam and do not forward them) d. Message Text. Type in your message. e. From Internet Address. Specifies where the email originated (optional). f. Reply to Internet Address. Specifies where replies should be sent (optional). g. Hide Recipients. Hides recipients listed (optional). h. From Internet Address. Specifies if the email can be forwarded (optional). i. Message Format. Specifies how the message will be formatted (optional).
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j. Event. Selects when the action takes place (on viewing or on submission). k. Criteria. Specifies any additional criteria for the action (optional). l. Save. The Save button appears both at the top and the bottom of the action editor page.
Meanings of Other Variables
● Add Variable
● Variable: Specifies the name of the variable.
● Amount to add: Specifies the amount to add.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Alert
● Alert Message Text: Specifies the alert message text.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Announcement
● Announcement: Specifies the announcement text.
● Duration: Specifies the duration of the announcement.
● Days Offset: Specifies the number of days to offset (wait before displaying) the event.
● Start time: Specifies the start time of the announcement.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Calendar
● Title: Specifies the title of the calendar.
● Category: Specifies the category of the calendar.
● Notes: Specifies additional viewable notes that you wish to be associated with the calendar event.
● Days offset: Specifies the number of days to offset (wait before displaying) the event.
● Start time: Specifies the start time of the calendar.
● Duration: Specifies the number of minutes the calendar should remain displayed.
● Editable by User: Specifies if the user can edit the calendar
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Email (External)
● From: Specifies from whom the email originated.
● To: Specifies to whom the email is intended
● Cc: Specifies additional email recipients.
● BCC: Specifies private (hidden) email recipients.
● Subject: Specifies the email subject.
● Message Text: Contains the message text.
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● Message format: Specifies message format (HTML, smart text, plain text).
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● From: Specifies from whom the email originated.
● Go To
● Match Text: Specifies the exact password, or title of the item to which you want to redirect the student.
● Delay: Specifies how long students may view the confirmation/results page.
● Item type: Specifies a specific item type.
● Action editor: Specifies an additional action to be performed on the resulting page. For example, if you are redirecting to a quiz or form, type TAKE in the Action field and the user is directed into the assessment or form, bypassing the intermediate Take the Assessment page.
● Sub-Event: Specifies additional sub-events.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Lock
● Password(s): Specifies a password to lock out unauthorized users.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Mail (Internal)
● From: Specifies from whom the email originated.
● To: Specifies to whom the email is intended
● Cc: Specifies additional email recipients.
● BCC: Specifies private (hidden) email recipients.
● Subject: Specifies the email subject.
● Message Text: Contains the message text.
● From Internet Address: Specifies where the email originated.
● Reply to Internet Address: Specifies to where/to whom the reply email should return.
● Hide Recipients: Specifies if recipients are hidden.
● Forward to Internet email: Specifies if email can be forwarded to internet email
● Message format: Specifies message format (HTML, smart text, plain text).
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Message
● HTML Message Text: Specifies the HTML message text.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Redirect
● URL: Specifies the redirect URL
● Delay: Specifies the amount of time before users are redirected.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Replace variable text
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● Variable name: Specifies the variable name.
● Find text: Specifies which text to find.
● Replace with: Specifies with which text to replace the found text
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Set variable
● Variable name: Specifies the variable name.
● Variable value: Specifies the variable value.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Team Enroll
● Team(s): Specifies the teams affected.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Team Unenroll
● Team(s): Specifies the teams affected.
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
● Unlock
● Password(s): Specifies the password for the unenrollment option
● Event: Specifies the event.
● Criteria: Specifies the criteria of the event.
Assignment Tab
The Assignment tab allows you set up the grading and evaluation of your content item. Most content items can be graded using the Assignment tab.
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1. Milestone Settings. Applying a milestone adds the item to the calendar. a. None. Choosing this option will prevent the item from appearing on the calendar. b. Manually Marked. item will be marked completed on the calendar if completed manually by the student. c. Item Completion. item will be marked completed on the calendar by ANGEL if completion is based on viewing, grading, or submittal.
2. Gradebook Settings. Associates the item with the gradebook.
Reference: See "Using the Gradebook" for more information.
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a. None. the assignment will not appear in the gradebook. b. New Assignment. used to create the gradebook entry from the assignment page. c. Category: Default. these are existing assignments.
Selecting New Assignment will present additional options for configuring that assignment. a. Assignment. this field contains the name of the Assignment. b. Title. put the title of the assignment in the here. c. Category. Select the category if you have created them in your gradebook. Default enters the assignment into the gradebook without a category.
Select other to create a new category. d. Points Possible. Indicate the points possible. e. Calculation Type. Select the calculation type. f. Display format. Select how you want the grade to display.
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You can also choose to hide the gradebook submission by clicking in the box next to hide gradebook
assignment from students.
3. Grading Rubric. Links a grading rubric with the assignment. a. Select an existing rubric. The Preview button allows you to preview the rubric selected. b. Checking the Display rubric to students before submission allows the students to see the grading rubric before they submit their assignment. c. Checking the Display rubric scores to students after submission allows students to see the rubric with their individual scores in it.
Reference: Grading rubrics are covered in detail in "Using Grading Rubrics."
4. Save. Clicking Save keeps your assignment settings.
Organizing Lesson Content
Before you begin adding content, it's helpful to understand the tools at your disposal to help you organize and best present your online materials.
You have two Content Items to help you organize your information: Folders and Section Headings. In ANGEL,
Folders function much like folders or directories within your computer's operating system. Folders allow you to organize and segment content into more usable collections. In fact, the Lessons tab itself functions as the first level content folder. You may add all of your content to this first level (not a good idea), or you may add folders and subfolders to more effectively organize your lesson content. Section Headings allow you to insert formatted text and graphics directly on your Lessons tab or within a Folder. This is useful to help describe and differentiate your course materials.
Organizing Content with Folders
Effective use of folders assists students in locating materials quickly and easily while also allowing the instructor maximum effectiveness in revealing course content gradually. There are three basic principles to keep in mind when using folders to organize content: the importance of First-level Content, effective Titling, and organizing
Sequential Content.
Note: Folders have the same Add Content options as described for the Lessons tab. This allows you to easily add content within any folder in your course.
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First-Level Content
First-level content refers to the content viewable when students first click onto the Lessons tab. This view serves as the entry point to all course materials housed on the Lessons tab, acting as a signpost that directs students to content that exists at deeper levels. Consequently, first-level content should be quickly scannable and easy to navigate.
In the illustration above, all the items are considered First-level content. Items 1–3 are examples of first-level content items; either things for the student to do immediately or global tools that apply during the entire term.
Items 4–6 illustrate how Folders can be used to organize content within a course.
Note: Consider organizing your course content into a set of folders that exist as first level content. When students first click the Lessons tab, they see only immediate assignments and a list of folders that breaks content down into useful categories.
Effective Titling
Creating effective titles for content items helps students scan and locate content quickly and easily. Subtitles can be particularly useful in describing content details. For example at the folder level, subtitles can augment the folder title by providing additional specifics about what materials are contained inside the folder. At the item level (quiz,
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drop box), subtitles can specify due dates or provide other relevant details concerning the content item. It's also a good practice to use consistent naming conventions for similar content items (e.g., the Unit # designator for
Folders in the illustration above) to make it easier for students.
Organizing Sequential Content
If you plan to reveal content items gradually, nesting your course content accordingly allows you to specify settings such as when content items are visible to students. In the illustration above, you could configure the folder Unit 2:
Building a better mousetrap to only appear AFTER the student has submitted the Unit Quiz present in the Unit 1:
Capitalism - Find a Need and fill it! folder. Effective use of folders and titling make it easier to deliver content in this manner.
Adding Content to a Folder
As the primary tab for course content, the Lessons tab can include both a high volume and wide assortment of items, such as assignment guidelines, assessments, lectures notes, discussion forums, and more. One way to manage your course content effectively in this area is to use folders. Lesson content can be nested within folders or subfolders.
You can use the Page Text area of the Folder to put in an Overview of the contents of the Folder or Lesson, if the
Folder is a lesson.
Video: " Create a Folder ."
Reference: To add a folder to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding
Content Basics." There are no folder-specific settings you need to configure.
Step-by-step: "Adding a Folder."
Video: " Create a Folder ."
Folders function much like the main Lessons tab, allowing you to add and manage content.
To add content to a folder:
1. Click the folder where you'd like to add content.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink.
Reference: Follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding Content Basics."
Note that you may also move or copy content into a Folder from other locations within your course.
Understanding Folder Cascade Settings
Folders have the unique option to cascade access settings preferences to all sub-files eliminating the need to modify access settings for each sub-item. The cascade of settings occurs whenever any of the cascade-compatible settings are edited within that Folder's Settings page. The settings that cascade include; Tracking, Viewable By,
Team, Start and End Dates, Password and Hidden values.
To prevent updates to a Folder from cascading through the Folder's content items:
1. Click the Folder for which you wish to update.
2. Click the Settings hyperlink.
3. Click the Access tab.
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4. Select the Advanced radio button.
5. Make any changes you desire to the Access settings (you'll see the Cascade settings automatically selected as you edit each cascade setting).
6. Deselect any of the selected boxes in the Cascade Settings area.
7. Click Save. Your changes will only apply to the folder and as the defaults for new content items added to the
Organizing Content with Section Headings
Section Headings can be used both at the Lessons tab level and within Folders to differentiate course materials. In the illustration below the instructor has used a Section Heading (item 1 in the figure below) to clarify what the students are expected to complete first.
Note: The above illustration is shown from the Student's point of view. In the Instructor view, the Section heading will have an icon and a set of menu controls.
Section Headings can be used to place any block of text or visual element on the Lessons page. Section Headings are commonly used to place directions within the Lessons page or for visually grouping several related items.
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Effective use of section headings can help your students clearly understand your instructions.
Reference: To add a section heading to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in
"Adding Content Basics." There are no section heading-specific settings you need to configure.
It is important to note that the Content Tab of Section Headings is distinct from other Content items in two ways:
● The icon and title are only visible to instructors. Students will not see the icon nor the title.
● Students will only see the text entered in the Page Text area.
Assessments can be used to help build engaging online learning environments, reinforce lessons, and evaluate student work. Assessments can consist of many question types including the common multiple choice, true/false and matching formats.
Reference: To add an assessment item to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding Content Basics."
Step-by-step: "Adding an Assessment."
Video: " Add an Assessment ."
Configuring an Assessment requires you to work with two additional configuration tabs: the Interaction tab and the
Review tab.
Assessment Interaction Tab
The Assessment Interaction tab is divided into five sections:
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1. Delivery Settings. Bounds when students may attempt and submit the assessment.
2. Display Settings. Determines how the questions are displayed to the students
3. Question Set Defaults. Configures the default manner in which Question Sets (groups of questions) will deliver questions.
4. Submission Settings. Configures the number of attempts, mastery and save options available to the student.
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5. Time Settings. Allows you to set a time limit for the Assessment.
Delivery Settings
To configure when students may attempt and submit this assessment:
1. Date enabled. Enter a date (or click the calendar icon) when you want the assessment to be enabled for users.
2. Date disabled. Enter a date (or click the calendar icon) when you want the assessment to cease being available for users.
3. Checkbox. The Enabled and Disable dates are only enforced if the checkbox next to the date is selected.
Display Settings
Configure how you want the questions displayed to users:
1. All at once. All questions are displayed on a single page.
2. Question set at a time. Questions are displayed one question set at a time. The user must click the Continue button to view the next set of questions associated with the assessment.
3. Question at a time. Questions are displayed one question at a time. The user must click the Continue button to view the next question.
4. Show question titles. Question titles are displayed with the question text.
Question Set Defaults
Configures the default manner in which Question Sets (groups of questions) will deliver questions.
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1. Randomize the order in which questions are delivered.
2. Randomize the order of each question's answer options.
3. Don't allow backtrack. Doesn't allow users to go back to previous questions or questions set. Note that this option is only applicable when using the 'Question set at a time' or 'Question at a time' Display mode settings.
4. Display feedback after each question. Sets feedback to display after each question is answered. Note that this option is only applicable when using the 'Question set at a time' or 'Question at a time' Display mode This option is only applicable when using the 'Question at a time' Display mode setting.
5. Correct answer must be selected before next question is presented. Disables the assessment from advancing to the next question until users select the correct answer. Note that this option is only applicable when using the 'Question at a time' Display mode setting.
Submission Settings
This section allows you to configure the number of attempts, mastery and save options available to the student.
1. Mastery settings. When selected, the course editor specifies a percentage to represent mastery on the assessment. User scores equal to or higher than this percentage are considered to demonstrate mastery of the assessment and denied access to retake the assessment.
2. Attempts allowed. Sets the number of times a user can complete the assessment
3. Validation. Sets validation options:
● Do not allow incomplete submissions
● Allow incomplete submissions with warning
● Allow incomplete submissions without warning
4. Save option. Allows users to save answers and finish the assessment at a later date/time.
5. Anonymous mode. Allows assessments to be completed and submitted anonymously.
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Time Settings
To configure time limits and warnings:
1. Time limit. Sets the amount of time allowed to complete the assessment.
2. Time warning. Sets a time warning to remind users of how much time they have left to complete the assessment. Time warning values can be set in increments from 1 minute to 30 minutes.
3. Automatically submit assessment when time expires. Sets ANGEL to automatically submit the assessment, regardless of completion status when the time has expired.
Assessment Review Tab
The Review tab determines how and when Assessment review information is available to students. To configure
Assessment review settings configure the following fields:
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1. View submission history. Determines the level of review feedback to which users have access.
Note: Anonymous assessments do not allow feedback, regardless of this setting.
● Full Review allows the user to review the full results of the assessment upon submission, restricted only by the current Full Review Options. In addition, upon returning to a previously submitted assessment, the user is presented with a hyperlinked list of the dates on which he/she has taken the assessment. The user may click on the hyperlinked item to review the full results of the submission restricted only by the current
Full Review Options.
● List only allows the user to review a list summary of the assessment upon submission, including the number of points awarded, the number of points missed, and an overall score. In addition, upon returning to a previously submitted assessment, the user is presented with a list of the dates on which the user submitted the assessment and the grade for each submission (if applicable).
● Disabled prevents the display of feedback upon submission of the assessment and also disables the display of information regarding previously submitted assessments.
2. Review availability. Sets when review feedback is displayed.
● Review begins <amount of days> after user submission.
● Review ends <amount of days> after review begins.
● Restrict review until all questions are graded.
3. Display feedback. Sets when review feedback is displayed.
● Question set completion (conditional). Displays review feedback upon completion of each question set.
● Assessment completion. Displays review feedback upon completion of the assessment. Note that this option is only applicable when using the 'Question set at a time' Display mode interaction setting.
4. Feedback options. Sets which review feedback options are displayed. Options include:
● Overall score
● Right or wrong
● Question text
● User response
● Feedback text
● Answer key
● Grader remarks
● Points possible
● Points awarded
Assessment Editor
The Assessment Editor tab allows the course editor to add, edit, preview and delete questions and question sets.
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1. Add Question Set. Allows you to add a new question set.
2. Preview. Allows you to preview the assessment.
3. Select an action. Allows you to delete questions or change point value.
4. Drag 'n' drop enabled. When there is a green checkmark in the box, you can drag and drop questions.
5. Question Set menu:
● Add a Question. Adds a question to the question set menu.
● Configure. Adds titles and text to the question set.
● Select All. Selects all the questions in the question set.
● Delete Question Set. Deletes all the questions in the question set and the question set.
Step-by-step: "Adding a Question Set."
At a Glance Tab
The At a Glance tab provides a convenient interface to view statistics about assessments including performance, question type distribution, access and interaction.
● Performance. Performance displays a list of user scores for the assessment (including high score, low score, mean and median) as well as a count of how many copies of the assessment are completed, in progress or not attempted.
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● Question type distribution. Question type distribution displays the number of each question type included in the assessment, as well as the points and percentage impact of each question type in relation with the total points possible for the assessment.
● General. General displays the general settings for the assessment including dates defining access, due date custom URLs.
● Access. Access displays the access settings for the assessment including whether tracking is enabled, viewable by rights, whether a password is required, browser security and team access.
● Interaction. Interaction displays the interaction settings for the assessment including display mode, number of allowed attempts, validation, time limit and review options.
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● Gradebook. Gradebook the gradebook setting for the assessment.
Assessment Question Types
ANGEL Assessments support the creation of several different question types. The following listing provides a description of the available question types and their methods of grading.
● Multiple Choice. Automatically graded. Presents users with a question followed by a list of choices. Only one choice may be selected.
● Multiple Select. Automatically graded. Presents users with a question followed by a list of choices. Multiple selections are allowed.
● True False. Automatically graded. Presents users with a statement that they must determine to be either true or false.
● Matching. Automatically graded. Presents users with a definition and a drop-down list of terms from which they must choose a match.
● Ordering. Automatically graded. Presents users with a list of items to be placed in the correct order.
● Fill-in-the-blank(s). Automatically graded. Presents users with a question followed by multiple single-line answer boxes. Responses are automatically graded against a list of allowed answers.
● Short Answer. Manually graded (online). Presents users with a question followed by a single-line answer box.
● Essay. Manually graded (online). Presents users with a question followed by a multiple-line answer area.
● Off-line Item. Manually graded (online). Presents users with a question to be completed offline (no answer field appears).
● Algorithmic. Automatically graded. Presents users with a question containing variables that are randomly replaced by the system based on settings provided. Responses are automatically graded against a answer based on random variables and a mathematical formula.
Question Sets
A Question Set is just a grouping of questions within an Assessment. These groupings provide instructors with additional assessment design flexibility by allowing them to configure different delivery options for each group of questions.
Note: You don't have to configure a Question Set to use an Assessment. By default all questions are added to a single Question Set with the Assessment being delivered as configured by the Assessment's Settings.
Each Question Set has its own menu of actions that enable you to add and delete questions, change point values or delete the entire question set.
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1. The Question Set Menu options include:
● Add Question. This is how you add questions to your Assessment. Clicking Add Question will load the
Add Question selection window where you can select a question type to enter.
● Configure. Set the question display and delivery options for that Question Set.
● Select All. Selects all the question within that Question Set for action via the Select an Action pull down.
● Delete Question Set. Deletes the Question Set and permanently deletes any questions which are not referenced by another assessment or included in a question bank.
2. Select an Action. This pull-down menu allows you to Delete or Change the Point value for selected Questions within that Question Set.
3. Drag 'n' drop enabled. With this option enabled, you can rearrange questions and Question Sets via drag and drop. This option is enabled by default. You may wish to turn it off for very large assessments to speed the loading of an assessment.
4. Select a Question. This selection box selects a question for action via the Select and Action pull-down (#2 in the figure above).
5. Questions. Questions are shown with their icon, question type, point value and question text. Individual questions may be removed from a Question Set via the Delete link within the question area. Note that the question will not be deleted from other Assessments, Questions Sets or the Question Bank.
Configuring a Question Set
To begin configuring a Question Set, open an Assessment by clicking on the name of the Assessment. The
Assessment editor will open as shown below.
Click the Configure link (#1 in the illustration above) to launch the Question Set Settings dialog. The Question
Set Settings dialog loads in a pop up window as shown below.
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1. Set title. This allows you to enter a title for this Question Set. If you add a title and you select Display set
title during assessment the title will be visible to students during the assessment (see below for an example).
2. Heading text. The heading text box allows you to insert text that is presented during the assessment and will precede all of the questions displayed within that Question Set. You could use the Heading Text in a variety of ways:
● Give directions for the questions within the set.
● Provide a scenario or case study for the questions within the set.
● Add a diagram or map or other illustration referred to in the questions.
Tip: Questions set title and heading text fields provide an excellent way of presenting story problems or case studies that are followed by a set of related questions.
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1. Give the Question Set an optional title and select the Display set title during assessment option.
2. Enter the story problem or case study text in the Heading Text box. The text will be presented in advance of all the questions in that section. This configuration can be especially effective if the Assessment is configured to display a single Question Set at a time.
Interaction Tab Settings
You access the Interaction settings by clicking on the Interaction tab.
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1. Use assessment settings. By default, this selection is checked and the assessment will deliver the questions according to the settings configured in the Assessment Settings tab. Disabling this option allows you to configure the Question Set independently from the overall Assessment.
2. Question set display mode . This is determined by the Assessment settings and cannot be changed in the
Question Set configuration.
3. Question set display options. These options can be changed only if Use assessment settings is NOT checked. These settings allow for further control of how the assessment will be presented to students. Options include:
● Randomize the order in which questions are delivered. Selecting this option randomizes the order in which the questions within the Question Set are delivered.
● Randomize the order of each question's answer options. Selecting this option randomizes the order in which the answer options are presented for each question within the Question Set.
● Don't allow backtrack. Prevents users from moving to the previous questions. This option is only available if the Display Mode is set to Question at a time on the Assessment > Settings >
Interaction tab.
● Display feedback after each question. Displays available question level feedback after each question is answered and submitted. This option is only available if the Display Mode is set to Question at a time on the Assessment > Settings > Interaction tab.
● Correct answer must be selected before next question is presented. Enabling this option requires the student to submit the correct answer before the next question is presented. This option is only available if the Display Mode is set to Question at a time on the Assessment > Settings >
Interaction tab.
● Limit the number of questions within this Question Set to xx. A new feature in ANGEL 7.4, this option allows you limit the number of questions displayed within a Question Set. For example, if you have
10 questions within your Question Set and you set this option to 5, when the Assessment is delivered, the
Question set will randomly select 5 of the 10 questions to present to the student.
Caution: Question Pool item types are considered a single question within a Question set. If your question pool is set to deliver 10 questions, all ten questions will be delivered regardless of the question limit entered in the Limit the number of questions displayed within this Question Set to xx option.
4. Time limit. You can set time limits for individual Questions Sets. To enable Question Set time limits, you must set the Question set display mode to Question set at a time and a establish an overall time limit
Assessment on the Assessment > Settings > Interaction tab.
● Time Limit. This option allows you to set a time limit for each Question Set.
● Expiration Warning. Configure if and when you want to warn students about their remaining time.
● Automatic Submission. Selecting this option will cause the Assessment to automatically submit all the questions within that Question Set and load the next Question Set (unless it's the last or only Question Set in which case it will submit the exam).
Caution: The time limit set via the Assessment > Settings > Interaction tab will trump the times set on the individual Question Sets. For example, if you set the Assessments time limit to 15 minutes, and then configure a Question Set to allow 30 minutes, the Assessment setting of 15 minutes will override the 15 minute setting within the Question Set.
Adding New Question Sets
Add a new Question Set by clicking Add Question Set.
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A pop-up window will appear. Add a Title for the next Question Set. Leaving the Edit Question Set settings
upon save enabled will take you directly to the Question Set Settings dialog after you click Save.
Rearranging Questions
You can rearrange questions within a Question Set (or between Question Sets) using Drag and Drop as well. To rearrange questions:
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1. Click and hold on the question icon. You'll see a four-arrow icon ( question.
) when you've successfully "grabbed" the
2. Drag the question to its new location. The new location will be highlighted.
3. Release the mouse. The question will be in its new location.
Note that you can move questions between Question Sets in this manner as well.
Rearranging Question Sets
You can rearrange Question sets via drag and drop. To rearrange your question sets:
1. Click and hold the title of a Question Set.
2. The Question Set screen will collapse and display just the Question Set title information.
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Now that the question set is collapsed, you can move it:
1. Drag the Question Set to its new location, swapping places with another Question Set.
2. Releasing the mouse button will return the screen to its original view with the Question Sets rearranged.
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Algorithmic Questions
To add an algorithmic question:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Algorithmic hyperlink or icon ( ). The Algorithmic Question Editor page will open.
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5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
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● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. The Question Text is displayed to students who receive this question.
● Insert variables to be algorithmically replaced by surrounding the variable with braces, for example,
{x} + {y}.
● Click the HTML Editor link to insert images, apply formatting to the Question Text, add WebEQ equations, etc. Note that variables to be replaced algorithmically may be entered into WebEQ equations in braces, if desired.
● Optionally enter question prompt text (i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the
HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Random Variables. Random Variables are used to generate a random value that may be used to calculate Answer Variable(s) and/or replace variables in the Question Text.
● Enter Variable(s) within braces, like this {x}.
● For each Variable entered, the Type drop-down menu offers two options for how the system will randomly replace each variable: Continuous Range and Discrete List.
● A Continuous Range lets you specify a numerical range within which a single value will be randomly selected by the system when presenting this question to a student. Enter the lower and upper limits of the numerical range by entering values into the Min and Max fields. The random value selected by the system may be rounded to a specified number of decimal places or significant digits.
● A Discrete List lets you manually specify individual values from which the system will randomly choose when presenting this question to a student. When entering more than one discrete value, separate each value with a comma.
● Answer Variables. Answer Variables are primarily used to generate a value that will be used as the answer to the question. Answer Variables may also be used as dependant variables in order to perform
"stepped" computations to arrive at a final answer. To this end, Answer Variables that precede the "final" answer variable(s) may be used in subsequent answer variable formula(s).
Answer variables are entered as a mathematical formula written in ASCII Math. ASCII Math is a method for constructing formulas using a string of ASCII (plain text) characters. Here's an example of how one could enter a formula to evaluate the sum of {a} and {b} in ASCII Math:
Variables to be replaced algorithmically are entered in braces, e.g. {a}, and must be defined in the
Random Variables section of the Question Editor page.
When using functions in a formula, such as square roots, the use of parentheses is required. For example, the following square root:
Would be entered in ASCII math as follows: sqrt({a})
When the system evaluates the formula you have entered, it follows a specific order of operations:
1. Parentheses (innermost to outermost).
2. Exponents and roots.
3. Multiplication and division.
4. Addition and subtraction.
For example, given:
3 - (5 - (7+1))**2 * (-5) + 3
The system will arrive at an answer by following the order of operations in the following way:
Evaluate the innermost expression (7 + 1):
3 - (5-8)**2 * (-5) + 3
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Evaluate the expression within the remaining parentheses (5 − 8):
3 - (-3)**2 * (-5) + 3
Evaluate the power of (−3)**2:
3 - 9 * (-5) + 3
Evaluate the multiplication 9 * (−5):
3 - (-45) + 3
Evaluate the subtraction 3 - (-45):
48 + 3
Evaluate the addition 48 + 3:
48 + 3 = 51
The following example demonstrates how a more complicated equation can be entered using ASCII Math: the quadratic equation:
Because there are two possible answers for this equation, two separate ASCII Math formulas are required:
(- {b} + sqrt ( {b} ** 2-4 * {a} * {c} ) ) / (2 * {a} )
(- {b} - sqrt ( {b} **2-4 * {a} * {c} ) ) / (2 * {a} )
Once these formulas have been established, there are two ways to evaluate a student. One, you may provide two answer boxes and require the student to enter the positive and negative result. Two, you may or provide one answer box and provide full credit for either the positive or negative result as defined in the Grading Rubrics section.
The following ASCII math operators, constants, and functions recognized by the system:
● Operators:
( )
Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
Power or exponent. For example, 2**2 = 4.
Parentheses used to group elements for precedence
Logical NOT. For example, !(0) = 1, !(1) = 0, !(-3.14) = 0)
Modulus or remainder. For example, 5%2 = 1.
Logical AND. For example, 0&&0 = 0, 0&&1 = 0, 1&&1 = 1, 3&&-2.5 = 1.
Logical OR. For example, 0||0 = 0, 0||1 = 1, 1||1 = 1, 3||-2.5 = 1.
● Constants:
_e Base e, Euler's constant (2.71828...).
_pi Pi - (3.14159...).
● Functions:
abs(x) acos(x)
Absolute value of x.
Arc-cosine of x in radians.
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acosh(x) angle(x,y) asin(x) asinh(x) atan(x) atan2(x,y) atanh(x) ceil(x) cos(x) cosh(x)
Hyperbolic arc-cosine of x in radians.
Arc-tangent of x/y in radians. Uses signs to determine result quadrant.
Arc-sine of x in radians.
Hyperbolic arc-sine of x in radians.
Arc-tangent of x in radians. same as angle(x,y).
Hyperbolic arc-tangent of x in radians.
Round x up to the nearest integer. ceil(2.1) = 3. ceil(-2.1) = -2.
Cosine of x in radians.
Hyperbolic cosine of x in radians. exp(x) fact(x) floor(x) int(x) ln(x) log(x)
Base e (Euler's constant) raised to the power of x.
Factorial of x. fact(3) = 6.
Round x down to nearest integer. floor(2.8) = 2. floor(-2.8) = -3.
Return integer portion of x. int(4.32) = 4. int(-4.32) = -4.
Base e natural logarithm of x.
Same as ln(x). log10(x) Base 10 logarithm of x. max(x,y,...) Return the maximum of all supplied arguments. max(1,2,3) = 3. min(x,y,...) Return the minimum of all supplied arguments. min(1,2,3) = 1. mod(x,y) Modulus or remainder of x/y. rand( ) Return a random number between 0 and 1. round(d,x) Round x to d decimal places. Halfway cases round away from 0. sin(x) sinh(x)
Sine of x in radians.
Hyperbolic sine of x in radians. sqrt(x) Square root. sqrt(9) = 3. sum(x,y,...) Return the sum of all supplied arguments. sum(1,2,3) = 6. tan(x) tanh(x)
Tangent of x in radians.
Hyperbolic tangent of x in radians.
● Answer Boxes. Answer Boxes give students the means to provide an answer to the question. At least one Answer Box is required, but you may enter multiple Answer Boxes if desired.
● Box Label is an optional field that, when entered, presents text to students preceding a given
Answer Box.
● Box Width, which is displayed when the View Advanced Options checkbox is selected, sets the width of the Answer Box. To set a width, enter a whole number, which equates to the width of the Answer Box measured in characters.
● When the Display Units Box checkbox is selected, a Unit Box field is displayed to students who receive this question, and additional unit information is displayed in the Grading Rubrics section below.
● Score %, which is displayed when the View Advanced Options checkbox is selected, gives course editors a way to set the percentage each answer box will count towards the total points awarded for a question. If the Score % boxes are left blank, each answer box will count for an equal portion of the question's total points. If you choose to manually enter percentages for Answer
Boxes, the Score % field(s) must total 100%.
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● Grading Rubrics. Grading Rubrics determine how student responses will be evaluated by the system in order to provide full, partial, or no credit. A Grading Rubric section is automatically presented for each Answer Box entered for the question. At least one Answer is required for each Grading Rubric section displayed. To provide partial credit, add additional Answers for each Grading Rubric section with different criteria and Score percentages.
● The Answer drop-down menu's values are determined from the Answer Variables defined above.
Select the appropriate Answer Variable to be used by the system when it compares the student's response in order to award credit.
● For Answer Boxes that are set to require units, a Units field is displayed which requires the entry of the units text a student must enter in order to receive credit. Select the Case Sensitive option if the student's entry must exactly match the case of the Units entered. If there is more than one acceptable way to enter a unit, you may add more Rubric Answers to support additional full- or partial-credit scenarios.
● The Evaluate Answer Using drop-down menu provides three options: Equals, Rounding, and
Tolerance. Select Equals to award credit when a student response equals the answer exactly.
Select Rounding to award credit based on rounding the answer to a number of decimal places or significant digits. Select Tolerance to award credit when a student response is within an absolute or relative (percentage) range of the answer.
● If Show Answer Feedback has been selected, a Feedback field is displayed for each rubric's answer. Text entered in the Feedback field is displayed to students if the respective answer is used by the system to award credit. Click the HTML Editor link to insert images, apply formatting to the feedback text, add WebEQ equations, etc.
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide general feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Answer labels. Sets the type of label to display for your answer choice. Options include alpha listing with A), a), or 1) and by drop-down list.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course = When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied or reused at least once within the same course.
This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied or reused at least once within the same course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied from a different course or repository.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
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Multiple Choice Questions
To add a multiple choice question:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Multiple Choice hyperlink or icon ( ).
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
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● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Choices. Provides possible answers for each question. The correct answer is designated by clicking the Correct radio button. Select the 'view advanced options' checkbox and type a percentage in the appropriate % fields (denoting percentage of points possible assigned to the partially correct choice) to assign partial credit to partially correct choices.
● Enter feedback for answer options. When selected, feedback fields are displayed for each answer choice allowing the editor to provide unique feedback based on the choice selected by the student.
● More answer choices. Allows the editor to add additional answer choices to the question.
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Answer labels. Sets the type of label to display for your answer choice. Options include alpha listing with
A), a) or 1) and by drop-down list.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied or reused at least once within the same course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied from a different course or repository.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Multiple Select Questions
To add a multiple select question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Multiple Select hyperlink or icon ( ).
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 216 of 618
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Grading. Sets how a question is graded:
● Normal: Grading is based on sum of the point values assigned to each correct choice selected by the student. Students are automatically penalized for selecting incorrect answers, but the final score for the question cannot be less than 0 points.
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 217 of 618
● All or nothing: The student is given full credit for an exactly correct answer. Partially correct answers are given a zero for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Choices. Provides possible answers for each question. The correct answer is designated by clicking the Correct radio button. Select the 'view advanced options' checkbox and type a percentage in the appropriate % fields (denoting percentage of points possible assigned to the partially correct choice) to assign partial credit to partially correct choices. Negative percentages can specified for incorrect answers, but the final score for the question cannot be less than 0 points.
● Enter feedback for answer options. When selected, feedback fields are displayed for each answer choice allowing the editor to provide unique feedback based on the choice selected by the student.
● More answer choices. Allows the editor to add additional answer choices to the question.
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Answer labels. Sets the type of label to display for your answer choice. Options include alpha listing with
A), a) or 1) and by drop-down list.
● Maximum possible selections. The maximum number of answers students may select.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Matching Questions
The matching question provides a true matching capability to an assessment question. Use the matching question type for terms and definition type questions.
To add a matching question:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Matching hyperlink or icon ( ).
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 218 of 618
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Enter terms. Enter the terms to be defined.
● Add new terms. Allows the editor to add additional terms to the question.
● Enter definitions. Enter the definitions for the terms and select the appropriate numeric value from the
Match drop-down menu to match each definition to the appropriate term.
● Add new definitions. Allows the editor to add additional definitions to the question.
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 219 of 618
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
True/False Questions
To add a true/false question:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the True False hyperlink or icon ( ).
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 220 of 618
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer. The correct answer is designated by clicking the True of False radio button.
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 221 of 618
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Ordering Questions
The ordering question provides a list of terms that need to be placed in the correct order. This question type provides a list of items with a drop-down number list to place the item in the correct order.
To add an ordering question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Ordering hyperlink or icon ( ).
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Enter Choices. Type each choice in a different Choice field and select the appropriate sequence value for each using the Order drop-down menus.
● Add new definitions. Allows the editor to add additional definitions to the question.
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● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Adding a Fill-in-the-Blank(s) Question
ANGEL Assessments provide a fill-in-the-blank(s) question type that ANGEL attempts to grade using a sounds-like algorithm to compare student responses to a list of instructor-provided acceptable answers.
To add a fill-in-the-blank(s) question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Fill in the blank(s) hyperlink or icon ( ).
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 223 of 618
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Use _n_ to insert one or more identified blanks into the question text (e.g. The quick brown _1_ jumped over the lazy _2_.).
Optionally enter question prompt text (i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML
Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Input boxes. Sets the width (in characters) for each fill in the blank input box. Select the 'view advanced options' checkbox and type a percentage in the appropriate Score % field to modify the percentage of total points earned for each input box. This must total 100%.
● Add new input boxes. Allows the editor to add additional input boxes to the question.
● Enter answers for input box. Enter one or more allowed answers for each input box using any combination of the following options:
● Equals. User response must exactly match the allowed answer to be counted as correct.
● Select Not case sensitive to allow any combination of uppercase/lowercase characters in the response.
● Select Case sensitive to require the user response to be entered exactly as typed.
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● Select Sounds like to accept any user response that phonetically "sounds like" the allowed answer.
● Contains. User response must "contain" the allowed answer text as part of their response.
● Select Not case sensitive to allow any combination of uppercase/lowercase characters in the response.
● Select Case sensitive to require the user response to be entered exactly as typed.
● Pattern match. Uses regular expression syntax to determine if an answer matches a pattern. Can be used to test items such as "Does the answer start with a 'c', end with a 't' and have an 'a,' 'o,' or 'u' in the middle?" (the regular expression for that would be ^c[aou]t$).
● Numeric (equals). User response must exactly match the numeric allowed answer.
● Numeric (with rounding). User response must match the allowed answer when rounded to the specified number of decimal places or significant figures (number of characters from both sides of the decimal point).
● Numeric (tolerance). User response must match the allowed answer within the given tolerances.
Example: The correct answer is 1.0 with a lower-bound tolerance of .24 and an upper-bound tolerance of
.15. Answers -.80, 1.0, and 1.10 would be correct. Answers -1.25 and 1.20 would be incorrect.
If the "percentage" checkbox is selected, the entered tolerances are a percentage of the correct answer.
Example: The correct answer is 1.0 with a lower-bound tolerance of 50% and an upper-bound tolerance of
30%. Answers -.5, 1.0, 1.26 would be counted as correct; -.4 and 1.25 would be incorrect.
Note: Selecting View advanced options checkbox expands the available options for scoring the input boxes. The Score % field allows faculty the ability to determine the value (percent) of each answer box.
Example: Question point value is 10 points. Answer box 1 has a percentage of 60% for the correct answer and answer box 2 has a percentage of 40% for the correct answer. Thus if the student places the correct answer in box 1 the student receives 6 points.
● Add new answer options. Allows the editor to add additional allowed answers for the current input box.
● Shared answers. Uses the same set of answer comparisons for all input boxes.
Note: If Shared Answers is selected the user is not allowed to put the same answer in multiple boxes. To allow the same answer in multiple boxes would require the instructor to specify which answer box that the correct answer is associated.
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied or reused at least once within the same course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 225 of 618
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied from a different course or repository.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Question Pool Items
Question pool items allow the course editor to identify questions to be randomly selected from the course Question
Bank Manager or from an associated Learning Object Repository. The selection of questions can be filtered based on search term, keyword, question type and difficulty. Question selection can also be filtered based on question bank folder/category as well as by the course objective or standard mapped to each question.
To add a question pool item, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Question Pool Item hyperlink.
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question title. Specify a title for the question pool (optional).
● Number of questions. Specify the number of questions the question pool should display for each user.
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● Question pool points. Specify the total point value for the question pool (regardless of the number of questions delivered).
● Limit results by keyword:
● Click the Choose keywords link to limit search results to only those questions that match selected keywords. Select the Match ANY keyword option to return questions that match any of the selected keywords. Select the Match ALL keywords option to return only those questions that match all selected keywords.
● To select keywords: a. Select the course you wish to search and click Select. Keywords for the selected course appear in the Select from list field. b. Select one or more of the keywords (hold down the CTRL key to select multiple keywords) and click Add Selected. c. Click Save.
● Choose Question Bank filters. Click the Choose folder link to limit search results based on question bank or question bank folders.
● Search. Specify a search term or phrase in the Search text field.
● Limit by question type. Deselect one or more question types to exclude those question types from the search results
● Limit by difficulty level. Deselect one or more difficulty settings to filter search results based on the difficulty levels specified.
● Choose standards filters. Click the Choose standards link and select one or more standards to limit search results to only those questions that match the selected standards.
● Choose objectives filters. Click the Choose objectives link and select one or more objectives to limit search results to only those questions that match the selected objectives.
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6. Click the Search button.
7. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to be included in the question pool.
Note: Select a greater number of questions than specified under the Number of questions text field. This will ensure users are presented with the specified number of questions randomly selected from the larger pool of selected questions.
8. Click the Save button.
Short Answer Questions
Short answer questions provide the student with a textbox to type their response. Student responses must be manually graded. For short answer questions, the answer field allows the instructor to specify their grading criteria for what is considered as a correct response.
To add a short answer question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Short Answer Question hyperlink or icon ( ).
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Width. Sets the width (in characters) for the answer box.
● Correct answer. Enter the correct answer or the elements that compose a correct answer.
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Note: Because short answer questions must be manually graded, the Correct answer field serves a similar purpose as the feedback field—to provide the correct answer, a grading rubric, or feedback regarding the criteria to receive a good grade on the question
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied or reused at least once within the same course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
Note: This option will only appear if the question being edited has been copied from a different course or repository.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Essay Questions
Essay questions provide the student with a text area to type their response. Student responses must be manually graded. For essay questions, the answer field allows the instructor to specify their grading criteria for what is considered as a correct response.
To add an essay question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Essay hyperlink or icon ( ).
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 229 of 618
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer length. Sets the length (in rows) for the answer box.
● Correct answer. Enter the correct answer or the elements that compose a correct answer.
Note: Because essay questions must be manually graded, the Correct answer field serves a similar purpose as the feedback field—to provide the correct answer, a grading rubric, or feedback regarding the criteria to receive a good grade on the question.
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
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7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Offline Items
Offline items allow the instructor to add additional questions to an assessment that may be answered or turned in by means other than assessment submission. The student may be advised to upload their response to the assessment or a drop box, attach to course mail or by other means, including physically handing in the additional question/exercise.
To add an off-line item, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Offline item hyperlink or icon ( ).
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the title of the question.
● Points. Provides a point value for the question.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question prompt text
(i.e. extra text such as a hint or background information that displays with the question text) or footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Correct answer. Enter the correct answer or the elements that compose a correct answer.
Note: Because essay questions must be manually graded, the Correct answer field serves a similar purpose as the feedback field—to provide the correct answer, a grading rubric, or feedback regarding the criteria to receive a good grade on the question.
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 231 of 618
● Feedback. Allows the editor to provide unique feedback based on whether the student provides a correct or incorrect answer.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other assessments based on the difficulty setting.
● Allow file uploads. Allow users to upload files in response to this question
● Restrict file types. Enter the file extensions of acceptable file types (e.g. .doc, .txt) separated by commas. Leave the field blank to accept all file types.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Add another. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Add question button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Note: It is advisable to either leave the answer and feedback text fields blank if your assessment settings are set to provide immediate feedback to the student. Otherwise, the display of your grading criteria may provide the students with the answer before the student has the chance to complete the off-line item.
Copying Questions from an Existing Assessment
To copy questions from existing assessment, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Copy questions from an assessment hyperlink.
5. Complete the following fields:
● Choose Assessment. Select the source assessment from the Choose Assessment drop-down list and click the Go button.
● Select Questions. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to copy. Optionally select the
Select all on this page checkbox to select all of the displayed questions.
● Configure copy options. Allow the course editor to specify whether to:
● Copy standards.
● Copy keywords.
● Copy difficulty level.
● Automatically accept changes made to these questions when the master sources change.
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Note: Configure copy options only display when copying questions from another course or learning object repository.
6. Click the OK button.
Copying and Pasting Questions
To copy questions from a word processing document:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Copy and Paste Questions hyperlink.
5. Complete the following fields:
● Import Questions. Replace the sample text in the Import Questions text field with the question text copied from your source document. You may copy/paste more than one question at a time. However, the pasted question text must conform to the following format requirements (as shown in the image below).
● Each question must begin on a new line.
● The first line of each question must start with Q: or the question number followed by a period (e.g.,
1. 2. 3. etc.).
● If the question has choices, the choices must immediately follow the question text.
● Each choice must be on a line by itself.
● Each choice must begin with a choice letter followed by a period (A. B. C. etc.). Choice letters are not case sensitive.
The following optional settings can be added after the question and choices. Each setting must be on a line by itself and follow the format SettingName: SettingValue.
● ANSWER: For choice questions enter the letter of each correct choice separated by commas. For open-ended questions enter the actual answer text. Fill in the blank(s) shared answers should have each answer on a separate line in the format of Answer: <Answer>; Percentage: <Percentage of question's point value this answer is worth> Example: Answer:Red;Percentage:25
● POINTS: The integer point value for the question. For Multiple Select questions this is the percent value of each correct choice.
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● IMAGE: The URL of an image to display before the question text.
● FEEDBACK: Text to display after the user submits the assessment.
● TYPE: Identifies the specific question format to use.
● MC = Multiple Choice
● MS = Multiple Select
● TF = True/False
● SA = Short Answer
● FB = Fill-in-the-blank
● FM = Fill in the blank(s) shared answers
● ES = Essay
● OI = Offline Item
● ANSWERBOXES: Valid for Fill in the blank shared answers only, indicates the number of answer input boxes to display to the user.
● Choice. Specifies a default question format for choice-based type questions that do not specify a type value.
● Open-Ended. Specifies a default question format for open-ended type questions that do not specify a type value.
● Points. Specifies a default point value for questions that do not specify a point value.
6. Click the OK button.
Browsing the Question Bank
To add questions by browsing the question bank:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Browse Question Bank hyperlink.
5. Click the + and - icons to expand/collapse the folder views and preview the available questions.
6. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to add to the assessment. Optionally click the Configure
copy options checkbox to specify whether to do any or all of the following: a. Copy standards. b. Copy keywords. c. Copy difficulty level. d. Automatically accept changes made to these questions when the master sources change.
Note: Configure copy options only display when copying questions from another course or learning object repository.
7. Click Done.
Searching the Question Bank
To search a question bank, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
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2. Navigate to the destination assessment.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Search Question Bank hyperlink.
5. Enter your search terms in the blank field and click Search. Optionally click the Advanced Search hyperlink to further filter the search results based on keyword, question bank folder, question type, difficulty, standard or objective.
6. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to add to the assessment.
7. Click Save.
Previewing an Assessment
To preview an assessment, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Preview hyperlink. Your questions are displayed.
4. Click Show/Hide Answers to toggle between student and answer key views.
5. Click Done to close the preview.
Rearranging Questions
To rearrange questions, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. At the upper-right corner, ensure the Drag 'n Drop Enabled checkbox is selected.
4. Click and drag the question to the desired location.
Deleting Questions
To delete questions, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. If you are deleting a question:
● Click the Delete hyperlink to the right of the question.
● When prompted to confirm whether you want to delete the questions, click the Delete button.
If you are deleting multiple questions:
● Select the checkbox next to each question you want to delete.
● Select Delete Questions from the Select an Action drop-down menu and click the Go button.
● When prompted to confirm whether you want to delete the questions, click the Delete button.
Changing Point Values on Multiple Questions
To change point values on multiple questions, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the checkbox next to each question you want to update.
4. Select Change Point Value from the Select an Action drop-down menu.
5. Click Go.
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6. On the Change Point Value dialogue, enter the new point value for each question.
7. Click Save. The question point values are changed.
Submitting an Assessment
To submit an assessment:
1. Log into your ANGEL course as a non-editor (or in user preview mode) and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Begin Assessment hyperlink.
4. Complete each question.
5. Do one of the following:
6. Click Submit to submit your assessment as complete.
7. Click Save to save your assessment answers and return to them later.
Regrading a Question
To regrade a question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the assessment.
3. Click the Regrade hyperlink next to the question you want to regrade.
4. Select the appropriate regrade mode.
● Change points or correct answer. Allows the editor to change the point value and/or correct answer and regrade all submissions based on the changed values. a. Type the correct point value in the Points field. b. Select or type the correct answer. c. Click Done.
● Drop question. The question will be dropped for all submissions and will not be used in grade calculations.
● Give full credit. All submissions will be given full credit for the question regardless of the selected choice or answer.
5. Click OK.
Item Analysis
The item analysis report helps instructors refine their Assessments by evaluating each question's ability to discriminate between students who understand the material and those who do not. This analysis helps weed out
(or correct) questions that are poor discriminators. Ineffective or misleading question can easily be identified and
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either removed from the assessment—or corrected—with the updated assessment scores passing directly to the gradebook. By combining Item Analysis with effective Question Bank management, instructors and institutions can create high-value Question Banks of questions that are proven discriminators of student performance.
Accessing Item Analysis Reports
Item Analysis reports may be accessed via the Assessment Item sub-menu, the At a Glance tab or via the Reports tab. All three entry points load the same report.
To access the Item Analysis report directly from the Assessment item, simply hover over the assessment name and click the reports link that appears under the Assessment's name.
You can also access the Item Analysis report from the Assessment's At a Glance tab. Click on the Assessment's name, and then click the At a Glance tab. In the body of the At a Glance report, you'll see a section summarizing the Item Analysis report, with a link to launch the report itself.
The Item Analysis report can be loaded via the standard Reports console as well. The following illustration and steps detail how to access the report:
1. Click on the Reports tab within your course.
2. Select Content as the report Category.
3. Select Assessment Item Analysis as the report.
4. Select an assessment from the Item pull-down menu.
5. Click Run.
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Report Overview
The report page is divided into six main areas, each described and illustrated below.
1. Report Title. The title of the report is displayed at the top of the page and is the name of the Assessment suffixed by Item Analysis Report.
2. Assessment Response Summary. This summary box provides a summary data concerning the overall
Assessment including, number of students to whom the Assessment was assigned, the number of Assessments currently in progress, the number and percentage of Assessments completed, the average completion time and a the Assessments Reliability score (see definition of Reliability below.)
3. Display Options. This control set allows you select display options that affect the entire report. You can still use individual question controls after you've made these selections.
4. Print and Print to PDF. The Print button prints an HTML rendering of the page complete with page header and footer data. The Print to PDF option renders the page as a PDF file that may then be printed, archived or sent via email.
5. Report Column Heads / Sort Controls. The report column heads identify the data below them, and allow you to sort via that column by clicking on the column name. The actively sorted column and its sort direction are indicated by a gray triangle next to the column title.
6. Data field. The actual question text and various statistics are presented in this screen region.
There are eight different statistics provided for each assessment.
1. Average completion time. Averages the amount of team each student took to complete the assessment.
2. Reliability. Measures the extent to which a test remains consistent over repeated assessments of the same subject. Think of it as "discrimination at the assessment level." Reliability is calculated using Pearson
Correlation Coefficient.
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Note: Pearson's Correlation Coefficient: ANGEL's Item Analysis report utilizes Pearson productmoment coefficient to calculate reliability. It's the method used most often when calculating a correlation coefficient between linearly related variables and describes the extent to which an assessment delivers consistent results.
3. Mean. Displays the average score computed by dividing the total points earned by the total points available.
4. Difficulty. Shows the percentage of total points earned versus total points possible for that question.
5. Discrimination. Compares the answers given to each question by those who passed the assessment with the answers of those who failed the assessment. A question is said to be a strong discriminator if students who answer a question correctly also tend to perform well on the overall assessment. Discrimination is calculated using Cronbach's alpha, a statistic that provides more accurate information than the typical top 27% / bottom
27% analysis.
Note: Cronbach's Alpha: ANGEL's Item Analysis report utilizes Cronbach's alpha to calculate
Discrimination values for individual questions.
Cronbach's alpha rates questions on a scale from -1 to 1. A question answered correctly by 100% of the students who did very well on the exam, and answered incorrectly by 100% of the students who did poorly on the exam would have a very high positive discrimination value. A question answered incorrectly by students who did well on the exam, and answered correctly by students who performed poorly on the exam would have a large negative discrimination value. Discrimination values near zero (either positive or negative) indicate a question that is answered in a similar manner by students at both ends of the performance scale.
6. Standard Deviation. Measures the spread of the data within a particular set. If the data set is tightly grouped, with most of the values being close to the mean, the standard deviation is small. If the data set is widely dispersed, with values far from the mean, the standard deviation is larger.
7. Standard Error. Estimates the amount the statistics may be expected to differ by chance from the true mean.
8. Frequency and distribution. This section of the screen provides the full text of the possible answer options, their point value, the number of times each was selected and the percentage of submissions that chose that answer (both in text and via bar chart). A green checkmark indicates which of the answer options was marked as correct.
Global Display Options
You can control how information is displayed in the report via several options. There are global controls located within the Display Options box, and individual controls in line with each question in the data field region of the report.
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The global display options include:
● Show all question text. Selecting this option expands the body text of every question on the page.
Deselecting this option collapses the body text of every question. In either case, you can still view or hide the text of individual questions via the View / Hide links.
● Show all answer options text. This option expands or collapses all of the answer options and the Frequency and Distribution statistics and graphs.
● Show Question Set text. If your assessment used Question Set text (e.g. in story problems), checking this option will allow you to view or hide the Question Set text in context with it's questions.
● Display response data. This option allows you to order the question statistics in three ways; as delivered and descending or ascending response order.
Question-Level Display Options
You also have control over how each question is displayed. You may expand or collapse the question text and the answer option's frequency and distribution statistics using the view / hide links as illustrated and described below.
● Hide or View Question Text. The question text is followed by a link that toggles between view and hide.
Clicking view expands the full text of the question (as in the upper example above). Once expanded the view link changes to hide. Clicking the hide link collapses the question text to show just the first line of text.
● Hide or View Answer Text and Frequency / Distribution Data. The display of answer options and frequency / distribution data is controlled by a link that toggles between view and hide. Clicking view expands the screen to show the full text of the answer options (as in the upper example above) along with the statistics for each answer option. Once expanded the view link changes to hide. Clicking the hide link collapses the answer text and corresponding statistics to just the view link.
Note: The question level display controls trump the global display options. For example, you could collapse the question text for all questions by unselecting the Show all question text display option, and still view individual questions using the question-level view option.
Evaluating Question Pools
New in ANGEL 7.4, you're able to view the response data for Question Pool items along with data on how the
Question Pool functions as a whole.
The first tool you have for measuring the quality of a particular Question Pool is the Score range and mean graphic (see callout #1 in the illustration below). This measures the performance of the pool as a whole, e.g. the average student performance against the entire pool, as it's configured. The colored bar represents the range of scores, with the triangle graphic denoting the mean score of all students for the pool.
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Question Pool Submission Detail
ANGEL also allows you dive more deeply into the data and see how each question in the pool performed for that assessment. To see the submission detail for any given Question Pool, click the ( details ) link (see callout #2 in the illustration above.) This will load a pop up window with an Item Analysis report for just the questions delivered via the Question Pool. The illustration below is an example of the report delivered for a Question Pool.
Note: If a question has too few submissions, the report may not be able to calculate all statistics for all questions. In that case, the report will replace the stats with a question mark (#1 in the figure above). That doesn't mean the report is malfunctioning, or the question is bad, it's just that there aren't enough data points to complete that statistic.
Caution: The Question Pool detail report will display every question delivered by the Question Pool item. If the pool of questions is large (e.g. from a large Question Bank, or against a standard with a large number of related questions) the details report may be very large.
Evaluating Essay and Short Answer Questions
New in ANGEL 7.4, you're able to view the response data for Essay and Short answer questions, along with data on how students performed against the question as a whole.
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Caution: Assessments that include Essay or Short Answer or Offline question types will not display any data until a critical minimum of those questions have been graded. Complete analysis will not occur until all manually graded questions have been graded.
1. The first tool you have for measuring the quality of a particular Essay or Short Answer is the Score range and
mean graphic. This measures the performance of the question as a whole, e.g. the average student performance against the question. The colored bar represents the range of scores, with the triangle graphic denoting the mean score of all students for the question.
2. ANGEL also allows you dive more deeply into the data and see each student's submission for that question. To see the submission detail for any given Essay or Short Answer question click the details link. This will load a pop up window that shows the student responses for every submission against that question.
The report lists each response to the question and may be sorted by clicking on one of the headings:
1. Response #.
2. Response Text.
Evaluating Offline Items
The only tool you have for measuring the quality of a Offline Item question type is the Score range and mean graphic (#1 in the illustration below). This measures the performance of the Offline Item as the average student performance against the question. The colored bar represents the range of scores, with the triangle graphic denoting the mean score of all students for the question.
There is no detail link available for Offline Items as there is for Essay and Short Answer question types.
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Regrade Options
An analysis of an Assessment's questions may reveal questions that were poor discriminators, or those that had the wrong answer selected as correct during the creation of the question.
ANGEL's Item Analysis report allows you to act upon the data presented from within the report itself. You can change the answer or point value, give full credit to all students, or drop the question entirely. In all cases an updated grade total flows to the gradebook automatically.
Changing Answers or Points
In our example report, we've identified question #1 in the figure below as our lowest-performing question, by sorting the report on Discrimination.
To change the answer or point value for a particular question:
1. Click the regrade link. You'll be presented with the Select regrade mode dialog box.
2. Select the Change points or correct answer option and click Ok.
A new window will appear with the question editor for that question loaded.
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At this point you can do the following:
1. Change the point value.
2. Select a different answer as correct.
3. Click the Save button when you've made your updates. You're returned to the Item Analysis report.
4. Once there, click the Refresh button (in the upper right of the screen under the Print buttons) and the new statistics will appear. In the following figure, notice that our Discrimination score has jumped from .2 to .86 by changing the correct answer.
At this point, all the updated scores have been submitted to the gradebook.
Note: You're only allowed to select a different correct answer or change point values. Changing any actual question text would invalidate the item analysis for that question.
Giving Full Credit
To give full credit to all students who submitted a particular question:
1. Click the regrade link that appears at the end of the question's text.
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2. Select the Give full credit option and click Ok.
At this point, all the updated scores have been submitted to the gradebook.
Dropping a Question
To drop a question from an assessment:
1. Click the regrade link that appears at the end of the question's text.
2. Select the Drop question option and click Ok.
At this point, all the updated scores have been submitted to the gradebook.
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Question Bank Manager
The Question Bank Manager provides a central interface to allow the course editor to create, edit, categorize and manage questions for use in any assessment in the course.
Managing Folders
To create/rename a folder in the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
To add a new folder:
1. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder or location you want to add the new folder.
2. Click the Add subfolder hyperlink.
3. Type a title for the folder and click the Save button.
To rename an existing folder:
1. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder you want to rename.
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2. Click the Rename hyperlink.
3. Type a new title for the folder and click the Save button.
To delete a folder in the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder or location you want to add the new folder.
4. Click the Delete hyperlink.
5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
Creating and Editing Assessments
To create/edit an assessment using the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
To add a new question:
1. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder or location you want to add the new question.
2. Click the Add question hyperlink.
3. Click the hyperlink for the question type you want to add.
4. Complete the fields on the Question Editor and click the Save button.
Video: " Add an Assessment Question Item ."
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To edit an existing question:
1. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the question you want to edit.
2. Click the Edit hyperlink.
3. Complete the appropriate changes on the Question Editor and click the Save button.
Deleting Questions
To delete a question from the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the question you want to delete.
4. Click the Delete hyperlink.
5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
Rearranging Questions
To rearrange a question in the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click and hold on the question and drag it to a different folder or location.
Surveys can be used to help build engaging online learning environments, determine learning styles, and learner opinions. Surveys can consist of many question types including multiple choice, true/false and Likert scale.
Surveys contain the following tabs for configuring the survey settings:
● Content
● Access
● Interaction
● Review
● Standards
● Objectives
● Automate
● Assignment
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Drop Boxes
A Drop Box is a folder that is created by the instructor so that class members can electronically submit assignments for grading. Students can upload and attach electronic files such as documents, spreadsheets, picture or video files, and CAD drawings. The benefit to the instructor is that all topic-related submissions are sent to a common folder. The assignments can be reviewed and graded using the Drop Box and the grades can be linked to the gradebook. Instructors have the option to grade the submissions on-line or off-line. New in Angel 7.4, instructors can add grading rubrics allowing for a more streamlined and consistent method of grading.
Within each Drop Box, ANGEL creates individual folders for each student that uploads a file. Students can see the files they've submitted but they cannot delete. Instructors are allowed to view and delete any content within the
Drop Box. They can also choose to have students assignments shared for peer review. A Drop Box can be made available to the entire class, or restricted to teams created from the class roster.
Drop Boxes and group spaces work similarly. However, files placed in the Drop Box are only viewable by the student and the instructor. By contrast, instructors can set up spaces where only specified students can view their peers' work.
Reference: To add a drop box item to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in
"Adding Content Basics."
Step-by-step: "Adding a Drop Box."
Drop Boxes are created by completing a series of tabs which contain fields where information about the Drop Box are stored. The picture below shows the basic Drop Box building environment from the Content tab.
Drop Boxes contain the following tabs for configuring the page settings:
● Content.
● Access.
● Submission. The Submission tab allows instructors the ability to limit the number of submissions for a particular assignment. Instructors can enable or disable a Message Box (typically used for entering short answers) and the ability to attach files.
● Review.
● Standards.
● Objectives.
● Automate.
● Assignment. The Assignment tab provides access from within the content item to create course Milestones and
Gradebook settings so that grades awarded for the Drop Box submissions can be automatically entered into the gradebook.
To add a Drop Box to the Lessons page:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Perform one of the following:
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If you are adding a new page: a. Click the Add Content hyperlink. b. Click the Drop Box hyperlink or icon ( )
If you are editing an existing page: a. Navigate to the Drop Box and click the Settings hyperlink box. b. Click the Content tab.
Configuring a Drop Box requires you to work with two additional configuration tabs within the Drop Box settings: the Submission tab and the Review tab.
Configuring the Drop Box Submission Tab
Submission controls how students may submit their assignments.
To configure the Drop Box Submission tab:
1. Max Submissions. Determines how many times a student may submit an assignment. Values run 1–10 and unlimited.
2. Message Box. Determines if the Message Box appears. The message box allows the students to post a comment about their submission, or they may submit their assignment directly via the Message box.
3. Attachments. Determines if students may submit files to the Drop Box. If disabled, students may only submit via the Message box.
4. Anonymous submissions. Makes all Drop Box submissions anonymous. Not recommend for assignments you wish to grade.
Configuring the Drop Box Review Tab
The Review tab configures who is able to see the submissions made to the Drop Box. Instructors may see all submissions.
Try to keep the title short in length, as titles appear in the breadcrumbs. The subtitle for the Drop Box can be used to provide more detailed information about the content of this item. The subtitle displays underneath the Title and by default is not in bold lettering. For example:
Title: Assignment 1
Subtitle: Use this Drop Box to submit your assignments for the Shakespeare Essay.
Use the Page Text area to specify detailed instructions for students to follow. For example:
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● Required file naming procedures
● Minimum number of words in an essay
The User Review field works in conjunction with the related normal, peer review or disabled options to determine the level of review to which users have access. The User Review option applies to the submission of the Drop Box as well as to the review of previously submitted Drop Boxes.
● Normal. User only sees their submission.
● Peer reviewed. All users with access to this Drop Box see everyone's submissions.
● Disabled. Prevents the display of feedback upon submission of a Drop Box or survey and disables the display of information regarding previously submitted Drop Boxes.
Adjusting Drop Boxes File Size Limits
By default, ANGEL does not allow students to submit files any larger than 2 MB. Sometimes this size is too small, especially if students are submitting files with images or PowerPoint presentations. This setting can be changed within a course by creating an environmental variable.
Caution: Your school may have limitations on the maximum file sizes allowed for submissions. Before changing these settings, it is VERY important to check with your ANGEL administrator to ensure that you do not exceed these limits and that you are adhering to policies already established. Your administrator may also prefer to change the file size allocation globally, rather than have Instructors do so at the Course level.
To adjust the Drop Box file size limit:
1. From your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab
2. Click the Environmental Variables hyperlink in the Course Settings section. The Course Environment
Variables page loads.
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3. Click Add a Variable. The Course Environment Variables Editor loads.
4. Enter the Variable Name (for example, DROP BOX_MAX_MB).
5. Enter the Variable Value (in megabytes for this example).
6. Click Save.
Page Items
When you have original content to add on the Lessons page or in a folder, you can create a Page using the built-in
ANGEL HTML editor.
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Reference: To add a page item to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in
"Adding Content Basics." There are no page-specific settings you need to configure.
Step-by-step: "Adding a Page."
Video: " Add a Page Item ."
There are several items worth noting:
1. Rich Media. The new "G" button in the HTML editor makes it easy to embed rich media into your page items.
2. Full Screen Edit. clicking the full screen icon () allows you to maximize the viewing area of the WYSIWYG editor.
3. Paste from Word. The ANGEL HTML editor has a built-in "paste from Word" function that makes it easy to paste clean text from Microsoft Word into the HTML editor. Simply copy your word document and select
Page items are often used as a way to introduce off line items to the course. You can use the Page item to describe an offline assignment (e.g. lab instructions, field trip notes, speeches, etc.) and to associate that offline assignment with the gradebook.
Link Items
A link is a shortcut to content within or outside ANGEL. It can be a link to photos, document files, links to websites, or media files. Links help build engaging online learning environments and are used with discussions to foster a collaborative learning or a greater peer-to-peer and student-to-faculty communication. A short sample of online educational activities well suited to links includes:
● Instructor professional practice links. These links can provide information about leaders in their respective fields and provides a forum to discuss information pertaining to professional practice.
● Instructional tips for students. A simple, public way of communicating with your students.
● Course announcements and readings. Instructor commentary about announcements or reading assignments.
● Annotated links. A collection of annotated research links.
In ANGEL a link is treated as just another lesson item, with the same grading options as any other lesson item.
Reference: To add a link item to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in
"Adding Content Basics."
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Step-by-step: "Adding a Link."
Video: " Add a Link Item ."
The new link will open whatever URL you have entered in the Link URL field on the Content tab of the Link content item.
There are no Page-specific options. There are however a couple of items worth noting:
● It is recommended that the No Banner checkbox on the Content tab be selected when opening the link item in a new window. This option eliminates the title and editor settings for the item when it opens in the new window.
● Ensure the link is accessible to your students. Popular sites such as YouTube may be blocked by your institution.
File Items
The File option allows you to upload any type of electronic file to your ANGEL course to share with your students.
Common uploaded file types include web pages, word processing documents, spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, project files, etc. In ANGEL 7.4 a file is treated as just another lesson item, with the same grading options as any other lesson item.
Step-by-step: "Adding a File."
Step-by-step: "Adding a Web Page."
File items are created in a two-step process. The first step is actually uploading the file; the second step is completing the tabs associated with File item.
Uploading a File
To create a file item:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink. The Add Content page loads.
3. Click the File icon or name. The Upload a File page appears.
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4. Click Browse. Your browser's Choose File dialog opens.
5. Choose a file and click Open. The file name is inserted in the File to Upload box.
6. Enter a name for the file in the Title box.
7. Leave File Type set to Auto Detect.
8. Click Upload File. The Upload results page appears.
9. Click OK
Your File has been added to your Lessons tab as the last item on the page.
Uploading Various File Types
ANGEL smart file upload tool takes different default actions depending upon the type of file being uploaded.
Common file types and ANGEL's default actions are listed in the table .below.
File Type Action Upon Upload
Graphics files
.gif, .jpg, .bmp, .png, etc.
Files uploaded and configured to present graphic when student clicks on the File item link.
Document files
All Microsoft Office, or WordPerfect files
Files upload and configured to prompt student to download them when student clicks on the File item link.
Text file
Standard *.txt files
RTF and Adobe PDF files
Files uploaded and configured to present text when student clicks on the File item link.
HTML files
Zipped Files
Zipped Web Pages
Files upload and configured to prompt student to download them when student clicks on the File item link.
Files uploaded and configured to present text when student clicks on the File item link.
Files upload and configured to prompt student to download them when student clicks on the File item link.
Files uploaded and user given option to choose "launch" file. ANGEL will then unpack zipped web page so that the web pages will be displayed when student clicks on File item link.
Uploading Zipped Web Pages
Most file types upload with no additional steps required of the user. When uploading a compressed folder containing a multi-page HTML document (with subdirectories, additional files, etc.) there is an extra step.
When the Upload Results page appears, you'll notice two new options.
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a. Default File. Use the pull-down menu to select the root file or index page of your web site. b. Extract Files. The files are automatically posted and links updated so that the web pages load and interact properly.
If you just click OK, the file will be loaded as a zip file ready for students to download and run on their local computers.
Editing the File Settings
The various tabs you complete for other content items are accessed via the Settings link for File items.
To edit the file settings:
1. Click (or hover over) the File item
2. Click the Settings hyperlink. The edit console appears, defaulted to the Content tab.
The games option allows an instructor to create a crossword puzzle or quiz show game to challenge student learning. Crossword puzzles can be used to test a student's vocabulary of terms used in a lesson. The Quiz Show option can test a student's understanding of lesson items using a format similar to a TV game show.
Reference: To add a game content item to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding Content Basics."
Once you've saved your Game item you'll be taken through extra steps to create either a Crossword or Game Show type of game. The Game option contains the following tabs for configuring the page settings:
● Content
● Access
● Standards
● Objectives
● Automate
● Assignment
Creating Crossword Puzzles
After you've saved your Game item you are presented with the Game configuration page.
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1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the game and click the Settings hyperlink.
3. Click the Save button.
4. Complete the following fields:
● Game type. Select the crossword puzzle type of game.
● Enter Questions. Type the questions clues you want your game to contain for your crossword puzzle.
● Create Answer. Type the answers to the quiz questions.
● Delete. Click to delete a question/answer.
● Add Question. Click to add a new question.
5. Click the Save button. You are taken to a preview of your puzzle.
Editing Questions and Settings
To edit the question or settings for a crossword puzzle or game show, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
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2. Navigate to the game by clicking the name of the game.
3. Click the Edit Questions & Settings hyperlink. Modify the questions and/or values for the questions.
4. Click the Save button when all changes are complete.
Grading a Crossword Puzzle
For the lesson item you want to grade, do the following:
1. Click the Utilities hyperlink located beneath the Crossword Puzzle you want to grade.
2. Click the View, Grade, or Delete Submission hyperlink. A list of submissions
Creating and Editing Quiz Shows
After you've saved your Game item you are presented with the Game configuration page.
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the game and click the Settings hyperlink.
3. Click the Save button.
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4. Complete the following fields:
● Game type. Select the quiz show type of game.
● Define 1-4 Question Categories. Type the Category titles in the text fields provided.
● Enter Questions (at least one per category). Type the questions for the categories. Provide at least one question per category.
● Set Value. Set the dollar value for the question.
● Assign Category. Assign the question to a category.
● Create Answers. Click the Edit button to activate the answers pop-up menu.
5. Provide answers for the current question.
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6. Select the Correct radio button for the correct answer. You may provide additional answers but only one will be correct.
7. Click the Done button when complete.
8. Click the Add Question button to add additional questions to the Game Show.
9. Click Save. You are taken to a preview of your puzzle.
Creating IMS/SCORM Packages
SCORM (Sharable Content Objective Reference Model) is a standard for learning objects (a unit of educational content delivered via the internet), which defines and accesses information about learning objects so they can be easily shared among the various types of learning management system (LMS). It also defines communications between client side content and a host system (the run-time environment).
IMS/SCORM Package items are created in a two-step process. The first step is actually uploading the SCORM or
IMS package file; the second step is completing the tabs associated with IMS/SCORM item.
Uploading an IMS/SCORM Package
To upload an IMS/SCORM package:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink.
3. Click the IMS/SCORM Package hyperlink.
4. Click the Upload an IMS/SCORM Package hyperlink.
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● To browse, click the Browse button to locate the IMS/SCORM file.
● To import, click the Import button to import the IMS/SCORM file.
5. Click the Upload File button.
6. Click the OK button. You are returned to your Lessons list.
To edit your ISM or SCORM package settings:
1. Click (or hover over) the IMS/SCORM package item.
2. Click the Settings hyperlink.
3. Complete the tabs associated with IMS/SCORM item.
To add an IMS/SCORM link to the Lessons page:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. If you are adding a new link, Click the Add Content hyperlink.
3. Click IMS/SCORM Package.
4. Click the Link to a IMS/SCORM Manifest.
SCORM Assignments
The SCORM Assignment utility allows you to create assignments in the gradebook for SCORM items. SCORM items that are disabled have already been added to the gradebook.
To add a SCORM gradebook assignment:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Point to the Utilities hyperlink (located underneath the name of the SCORM item).
3. Click the SCORM Assignments hyperlink. A list of SCORM items appears.
4. Select the checkbox next to the SCORM assignment you want to add to the gradebook.
5. Select the gradebook category from the Gradebook Category drop-down list or select the Other button to create a new category.
6. Click the Submit button. A confirmation screen appears indicating the SCORM content has been added to the gradebook.
7. Click the OK button.
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Discussion Forums
Discussions are designed to better facilitate teaching and learning as well as reducing the amount of time required for instructors to manage discussion forums.
Reference: To add a discussion forum to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in
"Adding Content Basics."
Step-by-step: "Adding a Discussion Forum."
Video: " Set Up Discussions ."
Configuring a Discussion requires you to work with three additional configuration tabs within the Discussion settings: the Interaction tab, the Post Permissions tab and Scoring Rubrics as found on the Assignments tab.
Configuring the Discussions Post Permission Tab
The Post Permissions tab sets the Read, New Post, and Reply rights for the Discussion, as well as the default rights for all teams. (You can set individual team moderation rights on the Interaction tab.)
To set post permissions:
1. Click the Post Permissions tab.
2. Select options on the tab as follows:
● The three Default checkboxes set the Read, New Post, and Reply permissions for all students in the course. Check or uncheck any or all boxes to suit your needs. (Normal view.)
● The Teams checkboxes determine the permissions for the default team (if teams are present). You can assign specific Read, New Post, and Reply rights to each team. To do so, disable the appropriate Default right, and then enable that right per team as desired. Students not in a team will have only those rights selected in the Default row. (Normal view.)
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Configuring the Discussions Interaction Tab
The Interaction tab sets the majority of the Discussion-specific values for this lesson type.
To set these values:
1. Click the Interaction tab.
2. Set the Mode. Use the Mode drop-down list to switch the discussion between different usage modes. You may choose any of the following options:
● Normal: All students may access and participate fully in discussion.
● Private user journal: Student posts and instructor replies are only visible to the student and the instructor.
● Private team journal: Posts by team members and instructor replies are only visible to team members and instructors
● Post first: Users must first post a topic before they're allowed to view or reply to other student's posted topics.
● Fishbowl: Select students or teams to participate in discussion while other selected students or teams may only view discussion.
● Hot seat: Students or teams in the hot seat read and reply to topics posted by other students or teams, but may not post new topics themselves.
Note: Once your forum is established and posts have been made, you cannot switch modes.
3. Discussion Views: Sets the student's default view of the discussion. Select one of the following options:
● Threaded view: Message subject lines are presented in hierarchical view. Clicking on message subject lines presents messages one at a time.
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● Nested view: Message subject lines and full body text are presented in a hierarchical view. All message bodies are downloaded when the discussion is launched.
If you want to allow students to change their view, check the Allow users to switch between views checkbox to the right of the drop-down list.
4. Maximum Instructor Rating Score. Enter a maximum point value available for each post. Setting a maximum allows the system to calculate and display points earned versus points possible during the grading process.
5. Allow Attachments. Select checkbox to allow students to attach files to their discussion posts.
6. Anonymous Posts. Lets you determine if students can optionally post anonymous messages, or if all posts are anonymous.
7. New Topic Posts. Sets the minimum rights level required to post a new top-level topic within a discussion.
For example, you can use this option to control top-level topics and force students to respond to given topics instead of creating their own.
8. Student Post Edit. Select this checkbox if you want to allow students to edit or delete their own posts.
Students cannot delete their posts if replies have been posted to them. (Normal view.)
9. Enable User Profiles. Select this checkbox to allow users to view profiles of other users.
10. Peer Rating. Select this checkbox to allow students to rate the value of other students' posts on a five-point scale. Students can change their votes, but only their last vote is used in the average rating calculation.
11. Show/Hide Fields. Select the checkboxes of which fields will you want to appear in the Discussion interface.
By default, all fields are displayed.
Advanced Settings
The Advanced settings appear on the bottom half of the Interaction tab if the Advanced radio button has been selected at the top of the page.
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1. Discussion Moderation. Select the appropriate option from the drop-down list to determine if student posts must be approved by a moderator before they appear within the discussion, or if all posts are automatically approved. (They can be rejected later, if necessary.) Note that you can require specific student posts to be moderated by editing a student's permissions via the course roster.
2. Moderator Rights. These tools let you choose moderators for this discussion either by rights level (for example, all course editors) or by choosing specific individuals, including students. Moderators can reject, delete or edit other users' posts.
3. Team Moderation. Determines which teams will be moderated.
Note: If a student belongs to any team with moderation disabled, none of his or her posts will be moderated, even if that student belongs to a team that requires moderation.
4. Task Notifications. Select the desired checkboxes to determine which information appears in your task notification list. Note that delivering this information for large discussions may slow your task list.
5. Post Types. Use this drop-down list to select icons to represent different types of posts. Post Types can be items such as "Point" and "Counterpoint," for example. You can select one of two default Post Type sets, or create your own by clicking the Edit/Create New button.
6. Instructor/Moderator Subject Colors. This tool lets you pick a differentiating color for the subject line of instructor and/or moderator posts. This color can help students identify your posts more easily.
7. Reply Subject Lines. This drop-down list controls how ANGEL prepopulates lines of replies to posts. Select one of the following options:
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● Populated. Automatically prefixes the reply's subject line with "Re:" followed by the subject line of the post being replied to.
● Blank. Replies to posts have blank subject lines and require the user to enter a new subject line.
● Blank if reply to RE. Blanks the subject line of a reply if the post being replied to already has a "Re:" in the subject line. This option can help keep long threads more understandable.
Configuring Scoring Rubrics on the Assignment Tab
Scoring Rubrics allow you to automate the evaluation of qualitative and quantitative measures of student participation and achievement within a Discussion forum.
To set up a scoring rubric:
1. Click the Assignment tab
2. Check the Use scoring rubrics checkbox.
The scoring rubric screen appears beneath the checkbox.
3. In the Score field, enter the score you want to assign if the student meets the criteria associated with this score.
4. The Criteria drop-down list lets you create criteria through a series of IF statements. (Advanced view.) Select one of the following options:
● # of posts: A measure of participation
● # of replies. Another measure of participation
● # of replies to my posts: Measures users' ability to spark discussion through posts
● Average peer rating: Informal rating by peers.
● Average post score: The average instructor's score for all scored posts
Note: You can assign multiple criteria to any score by clicking the Add Criteria link.
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5. Use the Operators drop-down list to select an operator to evaluate the criteria you selected earlier. Options include =, >, <, ≥, and ≤.
6. The Criteria Value box displays the value evaluated by the criteria and the operator.
7. Click the Add New Score link to add another score, along with corresponding criteria options.
8. Click Save.
The results of the Scoring Rubric are updated in real time on the Discussion Submission Utilities Grade Forum page.
Video: " Grade a Discussion Forum ."
To add or delete scoring rubric criteria:
1. Click the Add Criteria link to add a new Criteria row so you can set up multiple criteria per score.
2. Click the Delete Criteria button (the red X at the end of the Criteria row) to delete any single criterion.
Discussion Forums Views
The following sections describe how to use a Discussion forum once it's been created. ANGEL discussions offer four different ways to view messages in a discussion forum:
● Threaded View
● Nested View
● Search View
● At-a-Glance View (instructors only)
Step-by-step: "Viewing and Posting to a Discussion Forum."
Threaded View Interface
The following illustration shows the screen controls and options available in Threaded View. All of the controls in
Threaded View are included in Nested and Search views.
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1. New Post takes you to a new page where you can create a new top-level post in the forum.
2. View Modes let you switch between the four different discussion views.
3. Navigation Controls allow you to move between messages either one reply at a time ( > ) or one top-level post at a time ( >| ). Use the drop-down list to choose which type of messages to navigate.
4. Save, Print and Refresh icons:
● Save Navigation Settings saves a default navigation setting.
● Print prints the exact view you have set within the post list area.
● Refresh refreshes the message list to include any new messages that have been posted since you opened the discussion.
5. Directions displays the student instructions as entered by the instructor. The instructions may be collapsed or loaded in a new window to save space on the page. Post List Controls let you manage the posts in the post list. They include:
● [+] and [-] expand and collapse all threads within the discussion, respectively.
● Post Title sorts posts by title. Sorts alphabetically by post; replies to each post are also sorted at each level of reply.
● Flag sorts posts by flag value. Each flag color has a value of 0–9.
● Score sorts posts and replies by instructor score.
● Author sorts posts and replies by author.
● Post Date sorts posts and replies by the date they were posted.
● Rating sorts posts and replies by their average peer rating.
6. Post Titles are the names of the posts. Bold items are unread; non-bold items have been read.
Nested View Interface
Nested View differs from Threaded View in that it displays the body text of all the messages in-line. Nested View also offers one additional interface control.
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1. View All Body Text opens and closes all the message body text. (Available only in Nested View and Search
2. Message Bodies lets you open or close all the message bodies. (In Nested View, all the message bodies are displayed by default.)
Search View Interface
Search View is identical to Nested View, but features an additional search filter and the Advanced Search option.
1. View Filter allows you to limit what types of message are searched.
2. Search Filter allows you to search for and navigate messages that contain the entered search term. The
Search Filter works in concert with the View Filter to let you search for messages that match your search term and view.
3. Advanced Search displays a layer with more search options.
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4. Batch Selection & Operations enable you to select multiple messages singly, or by selecting them all. Use the Selected message action drop-down list to apply an action to all selected messages. Available actions include: Approve, Reject, Score, Move, Stick, Unstick, Lock, Unlock, Mark as read, Mark as unread, Delete, and
At a Glance View Interface
The At-a-Glance View provides instructors with a one-page summary of current activity, basic statistics, and the status of all settings.
Understanding the Message Interface
Each message has a consistent set of options, no matter which view you choose. When you open a message, there are two main message option areas: an instructor-only drop-down list and a series of links for all users.
1. Instructor options. The instructor options appear in a drop-down list at the bottom left of every message.
The options include:
● Reject. Rejects the current message, setting its status to "rejected." This feature is available even in forums where moderation is turned off. Rejected messages can be viewed and their status changed via the Search view.
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● Move. Allows you to move a message to another location within the current forum.
● Make Sticky. Marks a message as being "sticky." Sticky posts are sorted first and appear at the top of the forum; replies made sticky are listed first underneath their respective posts.
● Lock. Prevents further replies from being added to the thread from that point forward.
● Delete. Deletes the post. This delete command is a "soft delete." Instructors can view all deleted posts in
Search View, and can undelete a post.
2. Global Options. These options are available to students and instructors.
● Reply. Loads the reply screen so you can reply to the post.
● Edit. If enabled, allows users to edit their posts.
● Print. Prints the message.
● Email author. Loads the mail interface so you can send e-mail to the post's author.
● Delete. If enabled, allows users to delete their posts. Students cannot delete messages that have replies associated with them.
When a message is opened, it is automatically marked as read. To mark a message as unread, uncheck the Mark
as read checkbox in the lower-right corner of the message.
Viewing Discussion Messages
In all cases, you click a message's post title to view the message. The manner in which messages are displayed differs depending upon your current viewing mode.
Viewing Discussion Messages in Threaded View
In Threaded View, messages open on their own page to provide the best reading experience.
To open a message in Threaded Mode:
1. Click the Post Title of the message you want to read.
2. The message opens in a new window.
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3. Use the Navigation controls to view additional messages,
4. Click the <<Return to Post List button to return to the Post List.
Viewing Discussion Messages in Nested View
In Nested View, all message contents are displayed inline so you can view and browse all message text in a single window. You can display or hide all message text, or open and close individual messages.
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To show or hide all messages in Nested View:
● Click the Hide All Message Bodies icon ( ) to hide all the message bodies.
● Click the Show All Message Bodies icon ( ) to show all message bodies.
To show or hide individual messages:
● Click the Post Title to show the message body for that post.
● Click the Post Title again to hide the message body for that post.
Viewing Discussion Messages in Search View
Search View functions similarly to Nested View with a few extra options. You can further refine your browsing by introducing a search term; all messages then appear in a flat, non-hierarchical list.
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● To show or hide all messages:
1. Select a View filter.
2. Enter a search term in the Containing text box.
3. Click the Search button. Your results appear in the Post List.
4. Click the Hide All Message Bodies icon ( ) to hide all the message bodies. Click the Show All Message
Bodies icon ( ) to show all message bodies.
● To show or hide individual messages:
● Click the Post Title to show the message body for that post.
● Click the Post Title again to hide the message body for that post.
Using Advanced Search
Search View also offers Advanced Search options to help you fine-tune your search.
To access Advanced Search:
1. Click the Advanced search link, located under the search term entry box.
2. The Advanced Search layer appears with the listed options.
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● Author. You can limit search results to just messages from a particular student or team.
● Posted Dates. This option limits the search to posts that occurred after, before, or between two dates:
● Posted after. Setting and enabling (via the checkbox) a Posted after date limits the search to messages posted after that date.
● Posted before. Setting and enabling (via the checkbox) a Posted before date limits the search to messages posted before that date.
● Setting and enabling both Posted before and Posted after dates limits the search to messages posted between the two dates.
● Status filters. You can further refine your search results by selecting a combination of status.
Navigating Messages
ANGEL offers extremely powerful message-navigation options via the Navigate controls. You can navigate between new posts and replies using 14 different navigation filters.
The navigation controls are available at all times. The navigation controls and filters are largely the same in all views. The following section details the navigation controls and filters. Any differences in navigation between the differing views are covered in specific sections below.
1. Navigation Controls allow you to skip to the next or previous post or reply:
navigates to the previous post.
navigates to the previous message.
navigates to the next post.
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navigates to the next message.
2. Navigation Filters allow you to choose which messages to jump to or view next:
● All posts navigates through all posts and/or replies.
● Unread navigates through all unread posts and/or replies.
● Read navigates through all read posts and/or replies.
● My posts navigates through all of your posts and/or replies.
● Replies to my posts navigates through all replies to your posts.
● Moderator posts navigates through all of the instructor or moderator posts and/or replies.
● Draft navigates through all of your draft posts or replies.
● Flagged navigates through all flagged posts or replies.
● With attachments navigates through all posts and/or replies with an attachment.
● Pending (instructors only) navigates through all posts and/or replies that require approval before they appear on the site. (Moderated forums only.)
● Approved (instructors only) navigates through all posts and/or replies that have been approved to appear on the site. (Moderated forums only.)
● Ungraded (instructors only) navigates through all posts and/or replies that have been scored.
● Graded (instructors only) navigates through all posts and/or replies that have not been scored.
● Locked (instructors only) navigates through all posts and/or replies that have been locked.
3. Save Preferences sets a particular navigation filter as the default option.
Navigating in Threaded View
The navigation controls are available within the Post List and the Message Page.
To navigate messages in Threaded View:
1. Click the subject line of a message to view message.
2. Choose a navigation filter from the list.
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3. Click the Previous Post ( ) or Next Post ( ) buttons to navigate between top-level posts. Click the
Previous Message ( ) or Next Message ( ) button to navigate between every message.
4. Using the controls within the Post List, simply highlight the next Post Title that meets the filter criteria, as set in the Navigation Filter list.
Navigating in Nested View
Since the message bodies are listed in-line in Nested Mode, the navigation controls scroll the next qualifying message to the top of the list and highlights the Post Title line for that message.
To navigate messages in Threaded mode, choose a navigation filter from the list.
1. Select Nested View.
2. Click Expand all message bodies link.
3. Select a Navigation filter.
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4. Click the Previous Post ( ) or Next Post ( ) buttons to navigate between top-level posts. Click the
Previous Message ( ) or Next Message ( ) button to navigate between every message.
In Nested View, the next message will scroll to the top of the Post List and the Post Title will be highlighted.
Navigating in Search View
Navigating in Search View is very similar to navigating in Nested View, except you're navigating messages that meet both your navigation filter criteria and your search term criteria.
To navigate messages in Search View:
1. Select Search View.
2. Choose a navigation filter from the list.
3. Enter a search term in the Containing box and click the Search button. Your results will fill the Post List.
4. Click the Previous Message ( ) or Next Message ( ) button to navigate between every message.
Posting a New Message
All new posts are created in the same manner.
To post a new message:
1. Click the New Post button in the upper-left corner of the Discussions interface. The New Post page appears.
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2. Enter a Post title (required).
3. Enter your message text in the message text area.
4. Click Save.
Attaching a File to a Post
If enabled via the Discussion settings, you can attach a file to your post:
1. Click the add a file link just beneath the message text area. The Add attachment dialog box appears.
2. Click Select to browse for files to attach.
3. Select a file and click Open.
4. Click Upload to attach the file.
5. You can add additional files using the same method. Remove a file from the list of files to be attached by either clicking the Remove button or by selecting multiple messages via the checkbox on the left and clicking
Note: Attachments are allowed within discussions by default. You can disable attachments in the Discussions
Settings window's Interaction tab.
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Using Advanced Message Options
There are six advanced options available for each New Post, as shows in the following illustration. (Note that the advanced options are closed by default.)
● Send replies to course mail sends a copy of each reply made to your post to your Course Mail account.
● Save as draft saves the message as a draft message. Draft messages are available in Search View. To view, edit, or post your draft messages, switch to Search View, set your navigation filter to Draft, and click the
Search button.
● Sticky post (instructor only) makes a post "sticky." Sticky posts are sorted and presented first in all discussion views. Sticky posts appear at the top of the message lists. Sticky replies appear as the first reply under any given post. Sticky posts are identified with a pushpin icon ( ).
● Do no allow replies (instructor only) prevents users from replying to the message. You might use this option for informational or other posts where replies aren't necessary.
● Hide post as draft until: Setting and enabling (via the checkbox) a "hide post as draft until" date stores the post as a draft message (editable in Search View) until the specified date. Users will not see the message until after that date.
● Hide post as draft after: Setting and enabling (via the checkbox) a "hide post as draft after" date stores the post as a draft message (editable in the Search View) after the specified date. Users will no longer see the message after that date.
Replying to Messages
Replying to messages is the same process as posting a new message, except you can view the text of the old message and you have the option of quoting the original message within your reply.
To reply to a new message:
1. Click the Reply link located in the lower-left corner of the message.
The Message reply page opens.
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2. Follow the steps for creating a new post to create your reply. If desired, include the text of the message to which you're replying within the message body area by clicking the Quote original message link.
E-mailing a Message's Author
You can reply to any message by sending a Course Mail message to that user.
To send a Course Mail message in response to a Discussion message:
1. Click the Email author link located in the lower-left corner of the message.
The Course Mail Compose Message screen appears.
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2. From this point, compose and send the message as you normally would. Once you're done with the message, you'll be returned to the discussion.
Managing Messages
Discussions let you manage messages at several interaction points. You can act on a message while reading it in any of the viewing modes; you can act on many messages at same time in Search View.
Instructors can delete any message within the discussion. There are two ways to do this: individually and in batches.
Deleting a Single Message
To delete a message:
1. Simply click the Delete option in the instructor menu located in the lower-left corner of every post. Optionally, you can click the Delete text link.
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Note: Students can delete messages only if the Discussion Settings > Interaction tab has the Student
Post Edit option enabled. Students cannot delete a message if that message already has a reply posted.
Deleting Multiple Messages
You can delete multiple messages in Search View. This capability allows you to select messages for deletion by user, message content, date, or date range—the full tool set of Search View.
To delete messages in Search View:
1. Switch to Search View.
2. Search for messages meeting your criteria.
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3. Select the messages you want to delete by checking the checkbox at the far-right end of the post title line, as shown in the preceding illustration.
4. Choose Delete from the Selected message action menu. You can perform any of the management options from this menu.
Viewing Deleted Messages
Instructors can still view deletes messages in the Search View by selecting Deleted from the View filter, as shown in the following illustration.
To view deleted messages:
1. Select Search View.
2. Set View filter to Deleted.
3. (Optional) Enter search terms.
4. Click Search. If no search term is specified, this will return all deleted messages.
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All messages with a "Deleted" status appear. If you delete the message again, it will be permanently deleted.
Undeleting Messages
You can undelete messages by viewing deleted messages in Search View, selecting them, then by choosing
Undelete from the Selected message action menu in the lower-right corner of the Search View page.
Managing Draft Messages
Messages are saved as draft messages by selecting the Advanced option Save as draft when posting a new message or replying to an existing message.
To manage your draft messages:
1. Choose Draft from the Navigation Filter list, then find the draft message you want to edit.
2. Click the Edit link at the bottom of the message.
3. Make any changes you wish to make.
You can post the message by deselecting the Save as Draft option in the Advanced message options section.
Editing a Message
To edit a message, click the Edit link at the bottom of a message. Instructors may edit any message. Students may only edit messages if enabled via the Interaction tab.
Once the message is open, your options are identical to that of creating a new post or a reply.
Flagging a Message
You can apply a colored flag to any message.
To apply a flag:
1. Click the outline of the flag in the Flag column. Doing so creates a red flag.
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2. Change the flag color by choosing a value of 0–9 on the numeric keypad. A different color is assigned to each numeric value.
Note: Flags are sorted by their color value if you choose to sort on the Flag column.
Tip: Double-clicking on a flag will reset it to non-flagged (0 value).
Locking and Unlocking Messages
You can lock a message (and all its child messages) to prevent any further replies from being posted. This may be useful to keep a discussion focused, or to blunt off-topic discussions.
To lock a message:
1. Select a message you want to lock.
2. Select Lock from the instructor menu found in the lower-left corner of the post.
The post's status will change to (LOCKED) and a lock icon ( ) will appear next to the Post Title
Users cannot reply to this message or to any of its child messages.
To unlock a message:
1. Select a message you want to unlock.
2. Select Unlock from the instructor menu found in the lower-left corner of the post.
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The post's status returns to normal.
Users can now reply to this message and to any of its child messages.
Moderating Messages
Discussions offer two modes of moderation via the Settings > Interaction > Advanced Settings > Discussion
Moderation option:
● Automatically approve all messages: All messages are approved automatically and appear within the discussion immediately. However, you still have the option of rejecting a message as you'd expect within a moderated forum.
● Moderators must approve all messages: All messages must be approved by a moderator before they appear within the discussion.
Approving or Rejecting an Individual Message
To approve or reject a message:
1. Choose the desired option from the instructor menu within the post you wish to approve or reject.
2. Click the Go button.
The message's status changes to "REJECTED" and is no longer viewable by anyone other than the instructor and the author of the post. The instructor and the author can see the rejected message in Search View by setting the navigation filter to Rejected.
Approving or Rejecting Multiple Messages
Moderating messages can be a time-consuming process. The following example demonstrates how you can quickly moderate posts.
1. Switch to Search View.
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2. Set your View filter to Pending and click Search.
This loads all messages that require approval (status is PENDING) into the message list.
3. Select the messages you want to approve or reject via the checkbox in the upper-right corner of every message.
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4. Select the appropriate action from the Selected message action menu, and click Go.
Managing Rejected Messages
Once a message is rejected, its status is set to "REJECTED" and it is no longer viewable in Threaded or Nested views.
It is, however, still visible in Search View if you set the View Filter to Rejected. At that point, all rejected messages are visible to both the instructor and the students who posted the messages.
Students can edit the message and resubmit it for approval, or the instructor may choose to approve at a later date.
Moving Messages
Discussions allow you to move a message from one location to another within a forum.
To move a message:
1. View the message you want to move.
2. Select Move from the instructor menu, then click Go.
3. The Move Message(s) dialog box appears.
4. Click on the branch of the discussion where you want to move the message (it will be highlighted) and click
Save. All child messages will be moved, as well.
Printing Messages
The best way to print messages is to use the Print button located near the far-right of the navigation tools.
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The print routine will prepare the contents of the Post List for printing exactly as you have the Post List configured.
Open messages will appear open, closed messages will print closed.
To print a view of your Post List:
1. Click the Print button ( ).
2. Choose Print or Print as PDF. You can save the PDF file as an archive of discussion activity.
Rating Messages
To rate a message, simply click on the star-rating you'd like to give to the post.
You can choose from the following options:
● Empty stars: The post has not been rated by anyone.
● Yellow stars: The current average rating of the post.
● Blue stars: Your personal rating of the post.
Hovering over the stars shows your rating and the average rating:
Sticky Messages
Messages marked as "Sticky" are sorted first in all discussion views. That means sticky messages will always appear near the top of the Post List (if they're a sticky post) or as one of the first replies to a post if they're sticky replies.
You may want to make a message sticky if it's particularly interesting or if you want to highlight that message within the discussion.
To make a message sticky:
1. View the message you want to make sticky.
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2. Select Sticky from the instructor menu, then click Go.
3. The message will be identified with a pushpin icon to identify its "sticky" status.
Viewing Author Information
You can view the personal profile information (according to the student's profile page information and permissions) for users within the forum.
To view a user's profile information:
1. Click the author's name in any discussion view. The profile layer appears.
2. Click Close to close the profile layer.
A blog (short for Web log) is a web page with content posted by its owner that may offer the opportunity for visitors to comment on the posting. It is different from a wiki in the sense that only the blog's owner can edit the text of the blog while a wiki allows anyone to edit the content.
Blogs (like wikis) help build engaging online learning environments and are used with discussions and wikis to foster collaborative learning and greater peer-to-peer and student-to-faculty communication. A short sample of online educational activities well suited to blog technology could include:
● Instructor professional practice blogs. These blogs can provide information about leaders in their respective fields and provides a forum to discuss information pertaining to professional practice.
● Instructional tips for students. A simple, public way of communicating with your students.
● Sense of community for students. Blogs can be used for single students to reflect on lessons, or by groups of students to share knowledge, reflection and debate.
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● Course announcements and readings. Instructor commentary about announcements or reading assignments.
● Annotated links. A collection of annotated research links.
Blogs allow instructors the ability to find new ways to evaluate, recommend and refer student work. The autonomy created by blogs allows students and instructors to find new ways to interact. They are personal and less collaborative in nature, more static than wikis, and they capture changes in thinking with the links to the outside being secondary.
In ANGEL a blog is treated as just another lesson item, with the same grading options as any other lesson item.
The following picture shows some of the benefits of the blog format:
● Header menu. Manage each blog's content from this toolbar. only the person who made the original post may edit blog content.
● Right menu. A timeline of changes, complete table of contents, and listing of content tags within the blog.
● Blog Content. Blog content. easy to format, easy to edit. Only the blog owner may edit the content.
● Comments. Blog content supports threaded responses to blog entries.
Understanding the Blog Environment
Reference: To add a blog to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding
Content Basics."
Once you've created a blog, you need to orient yourself to what you see within the online environment.
ANGEL provides hyperlinks which help you create, modify, and maintain your blogs.
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1. Header menu. The header menu allows you to quick start a new page or a new entry from within the blog environment. You can also search for a word or phrase and obtain help with blog building.
2. Sidebar menu. The sidebar menu allows you to view entries chronologically, view all entries or view the tags associated with entries.
3. Content area. Within the actual content portion of the screen there are two menus which are hidden until you point over the area. The first is a menu located in the upper-right corner of the content area which allows you to manipulate the content. The entries menu gives you the option to look through your notes in different ways or print them. This menu is found in the title bar on the right side.
4. Comments. The comments menu consists of a link that allows you to post comments about the blog.
The picture below shows the header menu.
1. start page. View the first page of a blog.
2. new entry. Insert a new blog entry.
3. search. Search for words and phrases within blog entries.
4. help. Find help on blog creation.
To navigate to the start page, click start page.
To create a new entry:
1. Click new entry.
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2. Complete the following fields:
● Title. Name of the entry.
● Tags. Lists tags attached to entry.
● Text area. Allows you to edit and add text to the entry.
3. Click the Save button.
To search the blog, do the following:
1. Position your cursor at the insertion point.
2. In the search box, type your search term.
3. Press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
To navigate to help, click help.
Using the Sidebar Menu
The image below shows the sidebar menu.
● Timeline. Lists entries chronologically, starting with the entry most recently created or modified.
● All. Lists all entries in alphabetical order.
● Tags. Lists tags attached to entries. In parenthesis next to the tags, is the number entries with which the tag is associated.
● More. Shows the missing, orphans and system tabs.
● Missing. Posts referenced by other posters but which do not exist.
● Orphans. Lists other posts that exist but that are not linked to the any other posts.
● System. Entries used to configure the system.
Understanding the Content Area
The following image shows a sample editing menu.
● edit. Lists entries chronologically, starting with the entry most recently created or modified.
● close. Closing an entry removes the entry from the content screen. However, it is still listed on the sidebar menu under the Timeline tab.
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● close others. Closing others removes all but the first entry listed on the content screen. These entries are still listed in the sidebar menu under the Timeline tab.
● references. Shows entries that link to the current entry.
● jump. Allows you to move to another open entry via a menu.
● rollback. Rollback to previous revision of entry via a menu.
Editing an Entry
To edit an entry:
1. Click the edit hyperlink or double-click the entry you wish to edit.
2. Complete the following fields:
● Title. Name of the entry.
● Tags. Lists tags attached to entry.
● Text area. Allows you to edit and add text to the entry.
Caution: If you change the title of your entry, you must also change the entries that link to it.
3. Once you have completed your edits, click one of the following:
● Save. To save comment.
● Cancel. To cancel comment.
● Delete. To delete comment.
● Rollback. To rollback to previous revision of comment via a menu.
Closing an Entry
To close the uppermost entry, click close.
To close another entry, click close others.
Viewing References
1. Click references.
2. Select the correct reference from the pop-up menu.
Jumping to an Entry
To jump to an entry, do the following:
1. Click jump.
2. Select the correct reference from the pop-up menu.
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Rolling Back to an Entry
To roll back to an entry, do the following:
1. Click rollback.
2. Select the correct reference from the pop-up menu.
Using Comments
To add a comment:
1. Click the add a comment hyperlink.
2. On the Comment screen, complete the following:
● Title. Title for comment.
● Tags. Tags for comment.
● Text area. Type comment.
3. Click one of the following:
● Save. To save comment.
● Cancel. To cancel comment.
● Delete. To delete comment.
● Rollback. To rollback to previous revision of comment.
Deleting a Comment
1. Click the hyperlink for the comment you want to delete.
2. In the right corner, click delete.
3. Click OK or Cancel.
Editing a Comment
1. Click the hyperlink for the comment you want to edit.
2. In the right corner, click edit.
3. Complete your changes.
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4. Click the Save button.
Responding to a Comment
1. View the comment to which you want to respond.
2. From the Comments menu, click add a comment.
3. Complete the following fields:
● Title. Title for comment.
● Tags. Tags for comment.
● Text area. Type comment.
4. On the Comment screen, click one of the following:
● Save. To save comment.
● Cancel. To cancel comment.
● Delete. To delete comment.
● Rollback. To rollback to previous revision of comment.
What is a siki? Wikipedia describes a wiki as "....a type of web site that allows the visitors themselves to easily add, remove, and otherwise edit and change some available content, sometimes without the need for registration. This ease of interaction and operation makes a wiki an effective tool for collaborative authoring."
The wiki provides an asynchronous collaborative tool for students and instructors to foster collaborative learning and greater peer-to-peer and student-to-faculty communication. The wiki's simple interface makes it a perfect tool to introduce students to the online environment and process of interacting with other students. Wikis can be used as online icebreakers to help students get to know each other and to accelerate the collaborative learning process to produce better learning results.
As technology and interaction becomes a more important component of engaging online learning environments, wikis continue to grow and become increasingly popular and useful tools to facilitate this process. Wiki's give students more direct access to their content without using a threaded discussion. The progression of learning can be seen through entries and comment entries. Additionally, wikis can be used for each student as an e-portfolio for collection of student work and allowing students to customize their space to show their work. The ANGEL wiki is based on the TiddlyWiki model.
The powerful group-edit nature of a wiki makes it an especially attractive tool for team activities and collaborative learning exercises. Wikis can be used for collaborative research, peer review, and review commentary by external experts. They can also be used to discuss and mange documents. It is a personal forum for expression but open to collaboration, where students and instructors can express ideas. Wikis are a great way to express ideas and create relationships to pages in and outside of the course environment via hyperlinks and tags.
In ANGEL 7.4, a wiki is treated as just another lesson item, with the same grading options as any other lesson item. The following image shows some of the benefits of the wiki format:
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A. Header menu. Manage each wiki's content from this toolbar—anyone may edit wiki content.
B. Right menu. A timeline of changes, complete table of contents, and listing of content tags within the wiki.
C. Wiki Content. Wiki content—easy to format, easy to edit.
D. Comments. Wiki content supports threaded discussion within each wiki section.
Understanding the Wiki Environment
Reference: To add a wiki to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding
Content Basics."
Once a wiki is created, you need to orient yourself to what you see within the online environment.
ANGEL provides several groups of hyperlinks which help you create, modify, and maintain your wikis.
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1. Header menu. The header menu allows a user to quickly start a new page or a new entry from within the wiki environment. You can also search for a word or phrase and obtain.
2. Sidebar menu. The sidebar menu allows you to view entries chronologically, view all entries or view the tags associated with entries.
3. Content area. Within the actual content portion of the screen there are two menus which are hidden until you point your mouse over the area.
● A menu located in the upper-right corner of the content area allows you to manipulate the content.
● The entries menu gives you the option to look through your notes in different ways or print them. This menu is found in the title bar on the right side.
4. Comments. The comments menu consists of a link that allows you to post comments about the wiki.
Navigating the Header Menu
The image below shows the header menu.
The hyperlinks allow you to edit your wiki.
● start page. View the first page of a wiki.
● new entry. Insert a new wiki entry.
● search. Search for words and phrases within wiki entries.
● help. Find help on wiki creation.
To navigate to the start page, click start page.
To create a new entry:
1. Click new entry.
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2. Complete the following fields:
● Title. Name of the entry.
● Tags. Lists tags attached to entry.
● Text area. Allows you to edit and add text to the entry.
3. Click the Save hyperlink located in the upper-right corner of the wiki window.
To search the wiki, do the following:
1. Position your cursor at the insertion point.
2. In the search box, type your search term.
3. Press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
Help provides information on adding images, links, text formatting, block formatting, adding tables, and more. To navigate to help, click the help hyperlink.
Using the Sidebar Menu
The image below shows the sidebar menu.
● Timeline. Lists entries chronologically, starting with the entry most recently created or modified.
● All. Lists all entries in alphabetical order.
● Tags. Lists tags attached to entries. In parenthesis next to the tags, is the number entries with which the tag is associated.
● More. Lists entries that have links to them but are not defined.
Understanding the Content Area
The following image shows a sample editing menu.
● edit. Lists entries chronologically, starting with the entry most recently created or modified.
● close. Closing an entry removes the entry from the content screen. However, it is still listed on the sidebar menu under the Timeline tab.
● close others. Closing others removes all but the first entry listed on the content screen. These entries are still listed in the sidebar menu under the Timeline tab.
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● references. Shows entries that link to the current entry.
● jump. Allows you to move to another open entry via a menu.
● rollback. Rollback to previous revision of entry via a menu.
Editing an Entry
To edit an entry:
1. Click edit or double-click the entry you wish to edit.
2. Complete the following fields:
● Title. Name of the entry.
● Tags. Lists tags attached to entry.
● Text area. Allows you to edit and add text to the entry.
Caution: If you change the title of your entry, you must also change the entries that link to it.
3. Once you have completed your edits, click one of the following:
● Save. To save comment.
● Cancel. To cancel comment.
● Delete. To delete comment.
● Rollback. To rollback to previous revision of comment via a menu.
Closing an Entry
To close the uppermost entry, click close.
To close another entry, click close others.
Viewing References
1. Click references.
2. Select the correct reference from the pop-up menu.
Jumping to an Entry
To jump to an entry, do the following:
1. Click jump.
2. Select the correct reference from the pop-up menu.
Rolling Back to an Entry
To rollback to an entry, do the following:
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1. Click rollback.
2. Select the correct reference from the pop-up menu.
Using Comments
1. Click the add a comment hyperlink.
2. On the Comment screen, complete the following:
● Title. Title for comment.
● Tags. Tags for comment.
● Text area. Type comment.
3. On the comment screen, click the following:
● Save. To save comment.
● Cancel. To cancel comment.
● Delete. To delete comment.
● Rollback. To rollback to previous revision of comment.
Deleting a Comment
1. Click the link for the comment you want to delete.
2. In the right corner, click the delete hyperlink.
3. In the dialog box, click the OK or Cancel button.
Editing a Comment
1. Click the link for the comment you want to edit.
2. In the right corner, click edit.
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3. Complete your changes.
4. Click the Save button.
Responding to a Comment
1. View the comment to which you want to respond.
2. From the Comments menu, click add a comment.
3. Complete the following fields:
● Title. Title for comment.
● Tags. Tags for comment.
● Text area. Type comment.
4. On the Comment screen, click one of the following:
● Save. To save comment.
● Cancel. To cancel comment.
● Delete. To delete comment.
● Rollback. To rollback to previous revision of comment.
Course Syndication Folders
ANGEL gives users and instructors the opportunity to include media rich learning events and objects. ANGEL also offers portability for users through its course syndication tool using RSS feeds and Podcasts.
The unique feature of Course Syndication is that any Page, File or Link item added to the Course Syndication folder is automatically made available for RSS syndication. Your students can subscribe to the contents of this folder— anything you add will cause their RSS readers to receive an update—or their iPod to download the information for use offline.
Reference: To add a Course Syndication folder to your Lessons tab, follow the content creation process as outlined in "Adding Content Basics." There are no folder-specific settings you need to configure.
Understanding Folder Cascade Settings
Like normal Folders, Course Syndication Folders have the unique option to cascade access settings preferences to all sub-files eliminating the need to modify access settings for each sub-item. The cascade of settings occurs whenever any of the cascade-compatible settings are edited within that Folder's Settings page. The settings that cascade include; Tracking, Viewable By, Team, Start and End Dates, Password and Hidden values.
To prevent updates to a Folder from cascading through the Folder's content items:
1. Click the Folder for which you wish to update.
2. Click the Settings hyperlink.
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3. Click the Access tab.
4. Select the Advanced radio button.
5. Make any changes you desire to the Access settings (you'll see the Cascade settings automatically selected as you edit each cascade setting).
6. Deselect any of the selected boxes in the Cascade Settings area.
7. Click Save. Your changes will only apply to the folder and as the defaults for new content items added to the
Subscribing to a Course Syndication Folder
To subscribe to the RSS feed delivered automatically by your Course Syndication Folder:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click on the Course Syndication Folder to which you want to subscribe.
3. Click RSS Feed.
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4. Click Subscribe to this Feed.
5. In the Name field, edit the name if applicable.
6. From the Create in pull-down menu, select the correct folder to which to add your subscription.
7. Click Subscribe.
Adding a Course Syndication Folder to iTunes
The Course Syndication Folder integrates automatically with iTunes. To subscribe to a Course Syndication Folder via iTunes:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click on the Course Syndication Folder to which you want to subscribe.
3. Click Add to iTunes iTunes will automatically load and the selected Course Syndication Folder will be added to your iTunes feeds.
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Updating Podcasts in iTunes
When podcasts are subscribed, iTunes will automatically update your podcasts when you are connected to the
Internet. You can also set iTunes to check for new podcast lectures.
To check for new podcasts do the following:
1. Click Edit.
2. Click Preferences.
3. Click the Podcasts tab and do the following: a. Change the number of lectures iTunes downloads. b. Change how often new podcasts you subscribe to are downloaded. c. Set iTunes to delete podcasts after you've listened to them if applicable.
Unsubscribing to Podcasts in iTunes
To unsubscribe to a podcast, do the following:
1. Select a podcast.
2. Click Unsubscribe (at the bottom of the iTunes window).
Lesson Plans
Before developing a lesson plan it is important to know what you want to teach. This is usually based on your state standards and the grade level you are teaching. Refer to your state standards to help develop your topic to see what specific standards your lesson plan can fulfill.
Make sure your lesson plan will teach exactly what you want it to teach. Develop clear and specific objectives.
Objectives should be the learning outcomes of the specific activities you develop in your course. These objectives should be directly measurable so you can verify if the outcomes have been clearly accomplished.
When designing your lesson plans, take into account that your class is most likely heterogeneous, with multiple level abilities, and you will need to work with diversifying instruction to meet the need of all your students.
What Are Lesson Plans?
Lesson Plans communicate the instructional activities regarding specific subject matter. Almost all lessons plans developed by teachers contain student learning objectives, instructional procedures, the required materials, and some written description of how the students will be evaluated.
Your lesson plan should be detailed and complete enough so that another teacher knowledgeable in your subject matter could deliver the lesson without needing to contact you for further clarifications.
The purpose of a lesson plan is not to have something to read to your class. A lesson plan is used to structure the lesson and to help the flow of the class.
Lesson Plans can be created in your online classroom or in your LOR. Creating lesson plans in your online classroom are done under the Lessons tab by clicking the Add Content hyperlink. From the lesson objects you can select the Lesson Plan. Creating lesson plans in your LOR are done under the Repository tab by clicking the Add
Content hyperlink. From the repository objects you can select the Lesson Plan.
Types of Lesson Plans
To use the ANGEL K12 Extension lesson plan builder, from your Lessons tab you simply select the Add Content hyperlink and then the Lesson Plan content object.
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You can choose to build a lesson plan from a blank template or utilize one of the two lesson plan templates included in ANGEL—a Learning Outcomes based template or a template based on the eight-step lesson plan design.
Lesson Plan Templates
To use the lesson plan templates, select Add Content, create a Lesson Plan, then title your lesson plan content item and save. Then select your desired Lesson Plan Template and then select edit lesson plan and fill in each provided field with the details of your lesson plan.
ANGEL provides a blank lesson plan template that can be used by your school or district if your lesson plan format differs from the templates shipped with the ANGEL K-12 Extension. This allows teachers the ability to create their own lesson plan format.
If the lesson plan format used by your school or district differs from the templates shipped with ANGEL or you simply prefer a different format, you can use the blank lesson plan template to create your own lesson plan format.
The Blank Lesson Plan Template can be created from the Lessons tab of your course or from the Repository tab within your Learning Object Repository (LOR).
To begin creating your lesson plan template:
1. Click on the Lessons tab of your course or the Repository tab of the LOR.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink.
3. Click the Lesson Plan hyperlink.
4. On the Content tab complete the Title field with the name of your Lesson Plan. Additionally, complete the
Subtitle field, which is used to provide more detailed information about the lesson plan.
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5. Click the Save button. Your Lesson Plan is now ready to build.
Once you have saved your Lesson Plan you begin building your template by adding as many fields as needed to create the structure of for your lesson plan. Each field is composed of a title, description, and an input format for a teacher to provide the details of the lesson plan. The types of formats available include an HTML text box, a text area, a text box, a select list, a checklist, and a radio button list. For each field you add to create your lesson plan template, you must choose what minimum level rights are required to view this field of the lesson plan. The default viewable rights for each field within ANGEL are course editor. This default is based on the assumption that the lesson plan will be a teacher-facing document. All fields or any subset field within a lesson plan template can be changed to be viewable by a lesser set of rights, such as a student or course assistant. After you have added your desired fields, you can drag and drop the fields to rearrange the order in which they will appear in the lesson plan, if desired. Finally, when you are finished creating your template, you can choose to publish the template.
Continue building your template:
1. Click the Blank Template hyperlink to create a new lesson plan from scratch. You are given the Edit
Template on the Lesson Plan tab to begin adding new fields to your blank lesson plan template.
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2. Click the Add a Field button to select the type of field for your template.
3. In the Field Title type the name of the field you are creating.
4. Provide instructions for what should be placed in this field in the Instructions field.
5. From the Field Type list, select HTML Text, Text Area, Text Box, Select List, Check List or Radio List.
6. Click the OK button when complete.
7. Add more fields to your template as desired.
8. Click the checkbox next to the Add a Field button to publish your lesson plan template. The Options hyperlink allows you to name your template and provide a description of the template as well as providing the option to include your resources with the template.
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9. Click the OK button when you have completed adding all your fields.
Associating Content to the Lesson Plan
With any lesson plan, you can "add content" to the lesson plan folder within your course environment. Within your lesson plan folder, use the Add Content tool to create learning activities or import learning activities that will be used as part of your lesson plan. These learning objects or ANGEL content items then become part of the resources and materials used and referenced within your lesson plan.
How Do Students Use the Lesson Plan?
By default, students see the lesson plan folder and the lesson material you have placed within the folder.
Students access the lessons on the lesson plan the same as they access normal lesson items.
Surveys provide an effective tool for pre- and post-assessment of courses, instructors, and programs.
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Reference: Surveys are created in the same way as assessments. See "Assessments" for details.
The Survey Editor tab allows the course editor to add, edit, preview, and delete questions and question sets.
Reference: The Survey editor functions exactly like the Assessment editor. See "Adding Assessment
Questions" for information on how the editor works.
The At a Glance tab provides a convenient interface to view statistics about surveys including performance, question type distribution, access and interaction.
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Creating Survey Questions
ANGEL Surveys support the creation of several different question types:
● Multiple Choice. Presents users with a question followed by a list of choices. Only one choice may be selected.
● Multiple Select. Presents users with a question followed by a list of choices. Multiple selections are allowed.
● Short Answer. Presents users with a question followed by a single-line answer box.
● Essay. Presents users with a question followed by a multiple-line answer area.
● Likert Scale. Presents users with a question followed by a scale of choices, optionally including a grid of subquestions.
Adding a Multiple Choice Question
To add a multiple choice question:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Multiple Choice hyperlink or icon ( ).
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Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 314 of 618
5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the (optional) title of the question.
● Field ID. Allows you to specify an alternate, more readable field ID for each question. This is helpful if you plan to export submission data to a spreadsheet for sorting or reviewing.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question Prompt text
(i.e. extra text preceding the description) or Footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Choices. Provides choices for each question. Select the 'view advanced options' checkbox and
Value textboxes appears next to each Answer Choice. When entered, these values are used by the
Survey's Item Analysis Report to perform various statistical calculations. If left blank, the default values are whole numbers 1–N, where N is the number of Answer Choices.
● Enter feedback for answer options. When selected, feedback fields are displayed for each answer choice allowing the editor to provide unique feedback based on the choice selected by the student.
● More answer choices. Allows the editor to add additional answer choices to the question.
● Question Feedback. Allows the editor to provide feedback for the question.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other surveys based on the keywords.
● Answer labels. Sets the type of label to display for your answer choice. Options include alpha listing with
Alpha list A), Alpha list a), Alpha list 1), No labels, and Drop-down list.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Save and Create New. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Save and Create
New button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to align the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to align the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Save button.
Adding a Multiple Select Question
To add a multiple select question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Multiple Select hyperlink or icon ( ).
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5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the (optional) title of the question.
● Field ID. Allows you to specify an alternate, more readable field ID for each question. This is helpful if you plan to export submission data to a spreadsheet for sorting or reviewing.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question Prompt text
(i.e. extra text preceding the description) or Footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Choices. Provides possible answer choices for each question.
● Enter feedback for answer options. When selected, feedback fields are displayed for each answer choice allowing the editor to provide unique feedback based on the choice(s) selected by the student.
● More answer choices. Allows the editor to add additional answer choices to the question.
● Question Feedback. Allows the editor to provide feedback for the question.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other surveys based on the keywords.
● Answer labels. Sets the type of label to display for your answer choice. Options include alpha listing with
Alpha list A), Alpha list a), Alpha list 1), and No labels.
● Maximum possible selections. The maximum number of answers students may select
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Survey Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Save and Create New. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Save and Create
New button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Adding a Short Answer Question
Short answer questions provide the student with a textbox to type their response.
To add a short answer question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Short Answer Question hyperlink or icon ( ).
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5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the (optional) title of the question.
● Field ID. Allows you to specify an alternate, more readable field ID for each question. This is helpful if you plan to export submission data to a spreadsheet for sorting or reviewing.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question Prompt text
(i.e. extra text preceding the description) or Footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Width. Sets the width (in characters) for the answer box.
● Question Feedback. Allows the editor to provide feedback for the question.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other surveys based on the keywords.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
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● Save and Create New. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Save and Create
New button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to map the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to map the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Adding an Essay Question
Essay questions provide the student with a text area to type their response. Student responses must be manually graded. For essay questions, the answer field allows the instructor to specify their grading criteria for what is considered as a correct response.
To add an essay question, do the following:
1. Log into your course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Essay hyperlink or icon ( ).
5. Complete the following fields:
Copyright © 2009 ANGEL Learning. All rights reserved. Page 319 of 618
● Question Title. Provides the (optional) title of the question.
● Field ID. Allows you to specify an alternate, more readable field ID for each question. This is helpful if you plan to export submission data to a spreadsheet for sorting or reviewing.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question Prompt text
(i.e. extra text preceding the description) or Footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer length. Sets the length (in rows) for the answer box.
● Question Feedback. Allows the editor to provide feedback for the question.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other surveys based on the keywords.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current question to the Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Save and Create New. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Save and Create
New button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to align the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to align the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Adding a Likert Scale Question
Likert Scale questions provide the student with a scale of choices with which to respond. The instructor can use the scale of choices for a single question, or optionally create a grid of questions that all use the same Likert Scale.
To add a Likert Scale question, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Likert Scale Question hyperlink or icon ( ).
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5. Complete the following fields:
● Question Title. Provides the (optional) title of the question.
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● Field ID. Allows you to specify an alternate, more readable field ID for each question. This is helpful if you plan to export submission data to a spreadsheet for sorting or reviewing.
● Question Text. Type the question text in the Question Text field. Optionally enter question Prompt text
(i.e. extra text preceding the description) or Footer text (displays following the last question choice). Click the HTML Editor hyperlink to insert images, apply formatting to the question text, etc.
● Answer Scale Choice Presets. If you are using common Likert Scales, use these presets to quickly populate the Answer Scale Choice textboxes. Choose the Number of Choices, Scale Labels, and click
Apply. The Answer Scale Choices are automatically populated based on your selections.
Note: Clicking Apply will clear all of the current Answer Scale Choices.
● Answer Scale Choices. Type the Answer Scale Choices into the textboxes provided. You may also use the Answer Scale Choice Presets to automatically populate these textboxes.
● Select the view advanced options checkbox and Value textboxes appears next to each Answer Choice.
When entered, these values are used by the Survey's Item Analysis Report to perform various statistical calculations. If left blank, the default values are whole numbers 1–N, where N is the number of Answer
● More Answer Scale Choices. Allows the editor to add additional Answer Scale Choices to the question.
● Row Choices. If you want to have a grid of choices that use the same Answer Scale, enter as many row choices as desired, otherwise leave this blank.
Note: If Row Choices are used, make sure the Question Text is written in such a way that it will make sense in light of the Row Choices entered.
● More Row Choices. Allows the editor to add additional Row Choices to the question.
● Question Feedback. Allows the editor to provide feedback for the question.
● Keywords. Allows the editor to associate new or existing keywords with the question. When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other surveys based on the keywords.
● Difficulty. When selected, the course editor can assign a difficulty level to the question (very easy, easy, average, difficult and very difficult). When used in conjunction with the Add to question bank option, the resulting question can be easily searched for and added to other surveys based on the difficulty setting.
● Add to question bank. Adds the current Likert Scale question to the Survey Question Bank Manager for the course.
● Update all instances of this question in this course. When selected, changes to the question will be to all instances of the question being used in the course.
● Automatically accept changes made to this question from the master source. When selected, changes made to the source question (located in a different course or repository) will be automatically applied to the copy of the question being used in this course.
● Save and Create New. Select a question type from the drop-down menu and click the Save and Create
New button to save the current question and add another question without returning to the Add Question screen.
6. Click the Standards tab to align the question to one or more standards.
7. Click the Objectives tab to align the question to one or more objectives.
8. Click the Done button.
Adding Questions from Other Sources
To copy questions from existing survey, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination survey.
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3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Copy questions from a survey hyperlink.
5. Complete the following fields:
● Choose Survey. Select the source survey from the Choose Survey drop-down list and click the Go button.
Note: The options in the drop-down list are in the form Course Name - Survey Name.
● Select Questions. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to copy. Optionally select the
Select all on this page checkbox to select all of the displayed questions.
● Configure copy options. Allows the course editor to specify whether to do any/all of the following:
● Copy standards.
● Copy keywords.
● Copy difficulty level.
● Automatically accept changes made to these questions when the master sources change.
Note: Configure copy options only display when copying questions from another course or learning object repository.
6. Click the OK button.
Adding a Question Pool Item
Question pool items allow the course editor to identify survey questions to be randomly selected from the course
Survey Question Bank Manager or from an associated Learning Object Repository. The selection of questions can be filtered based on search term, keyword, and question type. Question selection can also be filtered based on question bank folder/category.
To add a question pool item, do the following:
1. Log into your course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Question Pool Item hyperlink.
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5. Complete the following fields:
● Question title. Specify a title for the question pool (optional).
● Number of questions. Specify the number of questions the question pool should display for each user.
● Limit results by keyword. Click the Choose Keywords link to limit search results to only those questions that match selected keywords. Select the Match ANY keyword option to return questions that match any of the selected keywords. Select the Match ALL Keywords option to return only those questions that match all selected keywords.
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To select keywords: a. Select the course you wish to search and click Select. Keywords for the selected course appear in the
Select from list field. b. Select one or more of the keywords (hold down the CTRL key to select multiple keywords) and click
Add Selected. c. Click Save.
● Choose Question Bank filters. Click the Choose folder link to limit search results based on question bank or question bank folders.
● Search. Specify a search term or phrase in the Search text field.
● Limit by question type. Deselect one or more question types to exclude those question types from the search results.
6. Click the Search button.
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7. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to include in the question pool.
Note: Select a greater number of questions than specified under the Number of questions text field. This will ensure users are presented with the specified number of questions randomly selected from the larger pool of selected questions.
8. Click the Save button.
Copying and Pasting Questions
To copy survey questions from a word processing document:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Copy and Paste Questions hyperlink.
5. Complete the following fields:
● Import Questions. Replace the sample text in the Import Questions text field with the question text copied from your source document. You may copy/paste more than one question at a time. However, the pasted question text must conform to the following format requirements.
● Each question must begin on a new line.
● The first line of each question must start with Q: or the question number followed by a period (e.g. 1.
2. 3. etc.).
● If the question has choices the choices must immediately follow the question text.
● Each choice must be on a line by itself.
● Each choice must begin with a choice letter followed by a period (A. B. C. etc.). Choice letters are not case sensitive.
● Likert Scale Questions without row choices are entered like this:
Q: I like the color green
A. Agree
B. Neutral
C. Disagree
● Likert Scale Questions with row choices are entered like this:
Q: I like the color:
A. Agree
B. Neutral
C. Disagree
RC1: Red
RC2: Blue
RC3: Brown
● The following optional settings can be added after the question and choices. Each setting must be on a line by itself and follow the format SettingName: SettingValue.
● IMAGE. The URL of an image to display before the question text.
● FEEDBACK. Text to display after the user submits the survey.
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● TYPE. Identifies the specific question format to use.
● MC = Multiple Choice.
● MS = Multiple Select.
● SA = Short Answer.
● ES = Essay.
● LS = Likert Scale.
● Choice. Specifies a default question format for choice-based type questions that do not specify a type value.
● Open-Ended. Specifies a default question format for open-ended type questions that do not specify a type value.
6. Click the OK button.
Browsing the Question Bank
To add questions by browsing the question bank:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Browse Question Bank hyperlink.
5. Click the + and - icons to expand/collapse the folder views and preview the available questions.
6. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to add to the survey. Optionally click the Configure copy
options checkbox to specify whether to do the following:
● Copy standards.
● Copy keywords
● Automatically accept changes made to these questions when the master sources change.
Note: Configure copy options are only applicable when copying questions from another course or learning object repository.
7. Click Done.
Searching the Question Bank
To search a question bank, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the destination survey.
3. Click the Add Question hyperlink.
4. Click the Search Question Bank hyperlink.
5. Enter your search terms in the blank field and click Search. Optionally click the Advanced Search hyperlink to further filter the search results based on keyword, question bank folder, question type, standard or objective.
6. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to add to the survey.
7. Click Save.
Previewing a Survey
To preview a survey, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
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2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Preview hyperlink. Your questions are displayed.
4. Click Done to close the preview.
Managing Questions
To rearrange questions, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. At the upper-right corner, ensure the Drag 'n Drop Enabled checkbox is selected.
4. Click and drag the question to the desired location.
To delete questions, do the following:
1. Log into your course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. If you are deleting a single question: a. Click the Delete hyperlink to the right of the question. b. When prompted to confirm whether you want to delete the questions, click the Delete button.
If you are deleting multiple questions: a. Select the checkbox next to each question you want to delete. b. Select Delete Questions from the Select an Action drop-down menu and click the Go button.
4. When prompted to confirm whether you want to delete the questions, click the Delete button.
Creating and Editing Question Sets
Step-by-step: "Adding a Question Set."
To create/edit a question set, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. If you want to add a question set to the survey, click the Add Question Set hyperlink.
5. Enter a title for the question set.
6. Click Save.
To edit the settings for a question set:
1. Click the Configure hyperlink located below the title of the question set.
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2. On the General tab, complete the following fields:
● Set title. Specifies a title for the question set. Select the checkbox titled 'Display set title during survey' to display the question set title during the survey.
● Heading text. Specifies heading text for the question set (e.g. directions, etc.)
3. Click the Interaction tab.
4. Complete the following fields:
● Use survey settings. Automatically uses survey setting defaults specified when creating the survey.
When deselected, the course editor has the option to modify the following fields.
● Question set display mode. The question set mode as defined on the Survey Interactions tab.
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● Question set display options. Sets the default settings for question sets including the following options:
● Randomize the order in which questions are delivered.
● Randomize the order of each question's answer options.
● Don't allow backtrack.
● Display feedback after each question.
Note: Some of these options are only available for use based on the Display Mode for the survey.
● Time limit. Sets the amount of time allowed to complete the survey.
● Expiration warning. Sets a time warning to remind users of how much time they have left to complete the survey. Time warning values can be set in increments from 1 minute to 30 minutes.
● Automatically submit survey when time expires. Sets ANGEL to automatically submit the survey, regardless of completion status when the time has expired.
5. Click Save.
Deleting Question Sets
To delete a question set, do the following:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
3. Click the Delete Question Set hyperlink for the question set you want to delete.
4. Click Delete.
At a Glance Tab
The At a Glance tab provides a convenient interface to view statistics about surveys including performance, question type distribution, access, and interaction.
● General. General displays the general settings for the survey including dates defining access, due date custom
● Performance. Performance displays a list of user submissions for the survey and how many instances of the survey are completed, in progress or not attempted.
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● Question type distribution. Question type distribution displays the number of each question type included in the survey, as well as the points and percentage impact of each question type in relation with the total points possible for the survey.
● Access. Access displays the access settings for the survey including whether tracking is enabled, viewable by rights, whether a password is required, browser security and team access.
● Interaction. Interaction displays the interaction settings for the survey including display mode, number of allowed attempts, validation, time limit and review options.
● Gradebook. Gradebook the gradebook setting for the survey.
Completing a Survey
1. Log into your ANGEL course as a non-editor (or in user preview mode) and click the Lessons tab.
2. Navigate to the survey.
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3. Click the Begin Survey hyperlink.
4. Complete each question.
5. Do one of the following:
● Click Submit to submit your survey as complete.
● Click Save to save your survey answers and return to them later.
Testing Security
When used for assessment purposes, online testing is more commonly used for low to medium stakes assessments. When testing online for medium or higher stakes assessments, several factors should be considered to help ensure valid test scores and a thorough understanding of course concepts.
Always important in testing, the development of effective test questions is critical in the creation of an effective online assessment. Creating questions that require the application of knowledge are better gauges of a student's understanding than questions that can be answered verbatim from a textbook. This becomes very important when distributing tests in the open-book, take-home format that is commonly used when conducting tests online.
Open-ended and essay type questions may also be written to require the student to apply their understanding in a unique manner. Using a few of these question types when creating a test can increase the quality of the assessment and discourage unwanted student collaboration while only somewhat increasing the grading load.
Higher stakes assessments may best be distributed in a proctored environment such as a lab, instead of being distributed in an open-book, take-home format, while high stakes assessments at a distance may be individually proctored at a local library, school, university, or in the work place. In addition to these testing approaches, ANGEL provides several quiz settings, outlined below, which can be used to increase the effectiveness of assessment testing.
User Preview and Feedback
You may use the User Preview and Feedback settings to limit or restrict student feedback until all copies of the test or quiz have been returned. This practice does not eliminate the ability for students to print and distribute copies of their test while the test is still in progress, however it can eliminate the printed copy from disclosing the correct answers or even the score of a test.
Time Limit with Auto Submit
You can use the Time Limit option to restrict the amount of time students have to complete their tests. Select the auto-submit option to force the test to submit when the test has reached the time limit.
User Team
The User Team option allows you to restrict a test (or different copies of a test) to a particular team of students.
While commonly used for paper tests in large lecture halls (Test A, Test B, every other seat), this approach also works well for electronic tests in lab and take-home scenarios.
Use the Password option to further restrict access to a test. This feature can be useful for proctored testing (only the proctor knows the password), for a student who needs non-proctored access to a test before or after the actual test date, or for higher security in testing labs when staff must proctor students from several different disciplines and sections.
Display Mode
The Single Question—No Backtrack options for Display Mode presents the test to the student one question at a time which forces the test to be completed in a specific order while making it more difficult for the user to print the entire test.
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Start Date and End Date
Use the Start Date and End Date to restrict test access to a specific window of time. A shorter period of test access can make it more difficult for students to schedule collaboration or distribute copies of the test while the test is still in progress.
Max Questions
Found under the Section Heading Editor, Max Questions allows you to create a test that display a different subset of questions (at random) for each distributed copy of the test. For more information on the Section Heading Editor, see the Using Section Headings to Create Random Versions of a Quiz appendix item in this document.
IP Filter
You can easily restrict quiz or survey access to a specific IP address. In cases where an IP address is included in more than one entry, the most specific entry is applied (e.g. a setting of -*.*.*.*,+207.46.249.*,- allowing access to any IP address within the 207.46.249 class C network with the exception of which has been excluded. For additional information on IP Filter, see the Common Quiz and Survey Settings, Advanced
Settings section of this document.
Pending Items
In cases where a student reports difficulty submitting a quiz, the Pending Items utility (located under the Utilities menu) is useful for verifying the date and time the student claims to have first received the quiz. A student's pending quiz can also easily be reset or deleted to allow them to retake a timed-out quiz.
Other Ways To Add Content
Copying Items
Copy Items allows you to duplicate content on an item-by-item basis. This tool may be useful if you are creating similar content items. For example, if you are creating a series of drop boxes with different titles but the same settings and directions, you may want to use the copy items tool to duplicate the drop boxes and then edit the copied items to change the title of each drop box.
Note: This item can only copy content items, not submissions.
To copy items:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar).
3. Click the Copy Items hyperlink or icon ( displays.
). A list of content items available with the current course
4. Click on the item you want to copy from the list and it is immediately copied to your Lessons tab.
Note: Selecting a folder copies the folder and all its contents.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 to copy additional content items.
Importing from a Learning Object Repository (LOR)
The Import from Learning Object Repository option allows you to browse, search by keyword, or search by
Standard for content within any authorized LOR. Content may be added directly to your course from within this tool—and you have the option of creating additional folders for this content while importing so you can keep your additions organized.
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Step-by-step: "Importing from a Learning Object Repository."
Video: " Import Content ."
To import content into your course by browsing your Learning Object Repository:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar.)
3. Click the Import from Learning Object Repository hyperlink or icon. The Import from Learning Object
Repository page is loaded:
4. Click the Browse tab.
5. Repository list. Browse the list of available content (organized by course or repository) using the [+] or [-] tools to expand or collapse sections. Note that you may select multiple items.
6. Add to. Select the folder where you want the content inserted in your course via the pull-down menu. Note that you may add new folders to your course via the New Subfolder hyperlink.
7. Copy Items. to copy the items selected in the Browse list to your course, click the Copy Items button.
8. Link to Items. to link to the items selected in the Browse list from your course, click the Link to Items button.
9. Click the Done button when you're finished adding content to your course.
To import content into your course by searching your Learning Object Repository:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar.)
3. Click the Import from Learning Object Repository hyperlink or icon. The Import from Learning Object
Repository page is loaded:
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4. Click the Search tab.
5. Choose the desired search options.
● Search Text. Enter search text, and blank search box will return all results
● Resources Filter. Select the type of content you want returned via the search. Default is (All).
● Repository. Select the repository where you want to conduct the search. Default is (All).
Click the Search button when you have your search options entered.
Search Results are returned and organized by Repository. Select the content item(s) you want to add to your course. Note that selected Folders will import all sub content as well.
7. Add to. Select the folder where you want the content inserted in your course via the pull-down menu. Note that you may add new folders to your course via the New Subfolder hyperlink.
8. Copy Items. to copy the items selected in the Browse list to your course, click the Copy Items button.
9. Link to Items. to link to the items selected in the Browse list from your course, click the Link to Items button.
10. Click the Done button when you're finished adding content to your course.
To import content into your course by searching standards within your Learning Object Repository:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar.)
3. Click the Import from Learning Object Repository hyperlink or icon. The Import from Learning Object
Repository page is loaded.
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4. Click the Standards tab.
5. Choose the desired options.
● Standard. Select the standard you wish to search (only standards associated with your courses, groups or available repositories will appear here.)
● Search text. Enter the search terms. Note that a blank search will return all results.
Click the Search button when you have your search options entered.
6. Browse the list of Search Results content (organized by course or repository) using the [+] or [-] tools to expand or collapse sections. Note that you may select multiple items.
7. Add to. Select the folder where you want the content inserted in your course via the pull-down menu. Note that you may add new folders to your course via the New Subfolder hyperlink.
8. Copy Items. Copies the items selected in the Browse list to your course.
9. Link to Items. Links to the items selected in the Browse list from your course.
10. Click the Done button when you're finished adding content to your course.
Importing from a Course or Group
The Import from Learning Object Repository option allows you to browse, search by keyword, or search by
Standard for content within any course or group in which you had edit rights. Content may be added directly to your course from within this tool—and you have the option of creating additional folders for this content while importing so you can keep your additions organized.
To import content into your course by browsing your Course or Groups:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar.)
3. Click the Import from Course or Group hyperlink or icon. The Import from Course or Group page is loaded.
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4. Click the Browse tab.
5. Course / Group list. Browse the list of available content (organized by course or repository) using the [+] or
[-] tools to expand or collapse sections. Note that you may select multiple items.
6. Add to. Select the folder where you want the content inserted in your course via the pull-down menu. Note that you may add new folders to your course via the New Subfolder hyperlink.
7. Copy Items. to copy the items selected in the Browse list to your course, click the Copy Items button.
8. Click the Done button when you're finished adding content to your course.
To import content into your course by searching your Course or Groups:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar.)
3. Click the Import from Learning Object Repository hyperlink or icon. The Import from Course or Group page is loaded.
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4. Click the Search tab.
5. Choose the desired search options.
● Search Text. Enter search text, and blank search box will return all results
● Resources Filter. Select the type of content you want returned via the search. Default is (All).
● Course / Group. Select the repository where you want to conduct the search. Default is (All).
Click the Search button when you have your search options entered.
6. Search Results are returned and organized by Course or Group. Select the content item(s) you want to add to your course. Note that selected Folders will import all sub content as well.
7. Add to. Select the folder where you want the content inserted in your course via the pull-down menu. Note that you may add new folders to your course via the New Subfolder hyperlink.
8. Copy Items. to copy the items selected in the Browse list to your course, click the Copy Items button.
9. Click the Done button when you're finished adding content to your course.
To import content into your course by searching standards within your Courses or Groups:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar.)
3. Click the Import from Course or Group hyperlink or icon. The Import from Course or Groups page is loaded.
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4. Click the Standards tab.
5. Choose the standard options.
● Standard. Select the standard you wish to search (only standards associated with your courses, groups or available repositories will appear here.)
● Search text. Enter the search terms. Note that a blank search will return all results.
Click the Search button when you have your search options entered.
6. Browse the list of Search Results content (organized by course or repository) using the [+] or [-] tools to expand or collapse sections. Note that you may select multiple items.
7. Add to. Select the folder where you want the content inserted in your course via the pull-down menu. Note that you may add new folders to your course via the New Subfolder hyperlink.
8. Copy Items. To copy the items selected in the Browse list to your course, click the Copy Items button.
9. Link to Items. To link to the items selected in the Browse list from your course, click the Link to Items button.
10. Click the Done button when you're finished adding content to your course.
Adding Content from MERLOT
This tool allows the search of the MERLOT Repository for content material. This search tool uses keywords to search the MERLOT site for content related to your search criteria. To narrow your search, select the advanced option to provide more detail for your search.
To search and add content from MERLOT:
1. Log into your course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar).
3. Click the Add content from MERLOT hyperlink.
4. Type a keyword in the search field and click the Search button. A list of available content appears.
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5. Select the content items that you want to import and click the Add Selected button (located at the bottom of the page). The selected content is added to your Lessons page.
Adding from a Template
The Add from Template tool allows the editor to add content to their course using personal or published content templates.
To add content using a content template:
1. Log into your ANGEL course and click the Lessons tab.
2. Click the Add Content hyperlink (located in the upper-left toolbar).
3. Click the Add from Template hyperlink. The Course Templates Page appears.
My Templates
Templates already created within the course. These templates can be reused as desired.
Templates you have created and saved to your My Templates.
Templates that you have imported from other areas in ANGEL.
Allows you to search for an existing template. Clicking the title of a template moves a copy to your Favorites folder for use in your course.
4. Locate the content template you want to import and click the title of the template to begin the import process.
The Content Template Wizard appears.
Note: ANGEL provides several sample templates that can be imported for use in a course or simply to gain a better understanding of what a published template looks like.
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5. Follow the steps provided to complete the import process. The number of steps varies based on the template.
Using Course Standards and Objectives
Increased pressure to demonstrate and improve student achievement requires a systematic assessment of student learning outcomes. ANGEL's Learning Outcomes Management (LOM) toolset provides insight into student performance against desired learning objectives. It gives you confidence that course content adequately covers stated learning objectives and shows you what is working (and what is not working) so you can take action.
Note: The terminology used to describe learning outcomes (standards, learning objectives, criteria, competencies, and so on) can be used differently by individual institutions.
Differences Between Standards and Objectives
Standards are created and managed centrally for use across the entire institution. Objectives are created and managed by the instructor within a class.
Standards administrators have access to a toolset that allows them to create standards that may apply to the entire school, specific degree programs, or particular classes. Once a standard has been approved for use, it is published and made available for instructors to use within their courses. Prior to being published, the standards are visible only to the Standards administrators. Aligning standards to content allows the instructor and the institution to measure student and curriculum performance against those standards.
Objectives are created and controlled by individual instructors. Objectives provide the same kind of student and curriculum performance reporting―they just do so within the confines of a particular course and under the direct control of the instructor.
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Using Standards
Using standards within your class is a three-step process: enable them for your class, choose which standards you want to associate with your course, and align those standards to your content items. The following sections take you through this process.
Enabling Standards
You enable and choose standards for use in your course via the General Course Settings menu found on your course's Manage tab. To enable and choose standards for your course:
1. Open the General Course Settings menu: a. Go to your course's Manage tab. b. Click the General Course Settings link found in the Course Settings component.
2. Enable standards. Within the General Course Settings tool: a. Click the Standards tab. b. Enable standards via the Enable standards for this course checkbox.
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c. Once you've enabled standards, any available standards will appear in the Available Standards area below the checkbox.
3. Select standards for use in your class. To select standards for use in your class, you'll expand the list of standards and select any of the standards you want to make available within your course. a. Expand sections of the standard. b. Select desired standards.
4. Click Save. You'll get a confirmation message that your course was saved.
Note: If you don't see any standards listed, it's likely that standards have been disabled or are not in use at your institution.
After your standards are selected, they'll be available for alignment via the Standards tab on the Settings pages for any content item or assessment question (Note that you can also browse for standards that are not directly aligned to your course.)
Aligning Content to Standards
Mapping standards to content is a labor-intensive process under even the best conditions. ANGEL 7.4's standards/objectives mapping routines strive to make that process as simple as possible.
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Standards are aligned to individual content items via the Standards tab that is visible on the content item's
Settings page. (Note that the standards and objectives tabs are hidden until standards or objectives are enabled for that course.)
The Standards tab contains three subtabs:
1. Mapped Standards. Quick flat view of all standards mapped to that content item.
2. Browse Standards. The user can browse all available standards/objectives or only those in use in the specified course, and select which standard(s) to map to that content item.
3. Search Standards. The user can search all available standards or only those in use in the specified course.
Aligning Standards via Browsing
To browse for standards to align to an individual content item:
1. Click the Settings link on an existing content item (drop box, discussion, assessment, etc.) or click the
Standards tab during the creation of new content items.
Note: You can also perform the following steps during the creation of a new content item.
2. Click the Standards tab.
3. Click the Browse Standards subtab.
4. Click the plus sign ( ) to expand each folder.
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5. Check the box(es) next to the standard(s) you want to add. Click Save when finished.
Note: You can select standards that are not aligned to your course by selecting the All Standards option.
This option enables you to browse (or search) all standards within your institution.
Aligning Standards via Searching
You can also search for standards to align, allowing you to search individual learning outcomes across all standard categories. To search for standards to align to content item:
To browse for standards to align to an individual content item:
1. Click the Settings link on an existing content item (Example: Dropbox, Discussion, Assessment, etc.) or click the Standards tab while creating a new content item.
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Note: You can also perform the following steps during the creation of a new content item.
2. Click the Standards tab.
3. Click the Search Standards subtab.
4. Enter a search term and click Search.
5. Check the box(es) next to the standard(s) you want to add. Click Save when finished.
Note: Any standard that has already been aligned will appear as selected in both Search and Browse views.
This helps clarify which standards have already been aligned to a particular content item.
Viewing Currently Aligned Standards
You can also view all standards currently aligned to a content item. To view standards aligned with a specific content item:
1. Click the Settings link on an existing content item (or the Standards tab while creating a new content item.)
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2. Click the Standards tab to view the standards alignment options for that content item.
3. Click the Mapped Standards tab to see a flat list of all standards currently aligned to that content item.
Tip: You can view content and standard alignment data for the entire course via either the Content >
Content Mapped to Standards report or the Learning Outcomes > Standards mapped to Content report.
Removing Standards from a Content Item
You remove standards from a content item by simply deselecting the standard you want to remove. To remove a standard from a content item:
1. Click the Settings link on an existing content item (or the Standards tab while creating a new content item.)
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2. Click the Standards tab to view the standards alignment options for that content item.
3. Click the Mapped Standards tab to see a flat list of all standards currently aligned to that content item.
4. Deselect the standards you want to remove.
5. Confirm removal. (You'll be prompted to confirm your selection.)
Tip: You can quickly confirm the delete and close the confirmation window by pressing the spacebar on your keyboard.
Standards Reporting
Standards data has been integrated into ANGEL's reporting tools wherever possible. These reports allow you to view student performance data and how standards are aligned to your course material. The available standardsrelated reports are described in the following sections.
Performance Reports
There are several reports that track student performance against content items that are aligned to standards. Each report is described in category > report name format:
● Class > Performance against standards. Presents the average class performance against all aligned content items and assessment questions submitted in the class. This report is useful for identifying issues at the class level.
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● Whodunit > Performance against standards. An exception report that allows you to find students who are performing above or below a certain level on any given standard.
● Learner Profile > Performance against standards. Details individual students' performance against standards aligned to content within the course.
Content Reports
Content reports detail the standards associated with each content item or the content items associated with each standard. The reports are a fast way to view how your course materials align with the standards associated with that course. The available reports are described in category > report name format:
● Content > Content mapped to standards. Lists each content item in the course and any standards associated with that content item. Useful for finding content items that are not aligned to any standard.
● Learning Outcomes > Content mapped to standards. Shows each standard associated with the course and any content items aligned to that standard. Useful for finding standards that have no content aligned to them.
Using Objectives
In contrast with standards, objectives are controlled entirely by the instructor of a course. Objectives provide the same kind of student and content performance evaluation reports as standards, but do so at the course level. This allows for more flexibility in terms of how instructors want to organize their course materials and how they choose to evaluate student performance against those objectives.
Instructors also have the option of aligning their course objectives to institutional standards. This provides yet more flexibility in how instructors design their courses while still being able to meet the institutional needs often associated with the use of standards.
Enabling Objectives Within Your Course
You enable and choose standards for use in your course via the General Course Settings menu found on your course's Manage tab. To enable and choose standards for your course:
1. Open the General Course Settings menu. Go to your course's Manage tab and click the General Course
Settings link found in the Course Settings component. a. Click Manage. b. Click General Course Settings.
2. Enable standards. Within the General Course Settings tool: a. Click the Objectives tab. b. Enable standards via the Enable objectives for this course checkbox.
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Once you enable objectives, you can begin creating them and aligning them to content. The following sections describe how to create objectives.
Creating Objectives
You can create and edit your course's objectives via the Objectives tab within the General Course Settings tool.
To add objectives to your course, perform the following steps:
1. Enter your ANGEL course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the General Course Settings hyperlink.
3. Click the Objectives tab.
You'll be presented with the Objectives tab, in which you'll create folders and add distinct desired learning outcomes. The next few sections take you through that process.
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Adding New Folders
Folders can be used to organize groups of objectives into similar competencies. Complex competencies might require more than one learning objective; for example, conversational Spanish might be made up of vocabulary knowledge, pronunciation, basic grammar knowledge, understanding spoken words in various dialects, and so on.
To add a folder to a course objective, perform the following steps:
1. Click the down arrow ( ) next to the Course Objectives title.
2. Add New Folder. Click the Add New Folder hyperlink in the menu. A prompt displays asking "What do you want to name this folder?" Type a title for your folder in the prompt and click the OK button.
Adding Outcomes (Objectives)
To add a new outcome to a course objective, do the following:
1. Click the down arrow ( ) next to the folder in which you want to add an outcome.
2. Click the Add New Outcome hyperlink in the menu.
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3. Type the objective outcome in the text field. After your objective outcome is complete, click the Save button.
Aligning Objectives to Standards
Sometimes you might want to align your course-specific objectives to institutionally-driven standards. You align objectives to standards as you create the objective:
1. Open an objective and click the Standards tab.
2. Select the desired standard.
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3. Save your work.
Note: Aligning objectives to standards follows the same process as aligning content to standards.
Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Folders
The Objectives folder menu contains the following elements:
1. Click the down arrow ( ) next to the folder.
2. Add New Outcome. Adds a new outcome to the folder.
3. Add New Folder. Adds a folder that can be used to organize the objectives.
4. Rename. Renames the folder.
Note: Only outcome folders can be renamed; outcomes cannot be renamed. To change the name of an outcome, you must delete it and then re-add it with the correct name.
5. Move Up. Moves the folder up one level in the hierarchy.
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6. Move Down. Moves the folder down one level in the hierarchy.
7. Delete. Deletes the folder.
Moving, Editing, or Deleting Objectives
The Objectives menu contains the following elements:
1. Click the down arrow ( ) next to the folder.
2. Edit. Type the objective outcome in the text field. Once your objective outcome is complete click the Save button.
Note: Only outcome folders can be renamed; outcomes cannot be renamed. To change the name of an outcome, you must delete it and then re-add it with the correct name.
3. Move Up. Moves the objective up one level in the hierarchy.
4. Move Down. Moves the objective down one level in the hierarchy.
5. Delete. Deletes the objective.
Aligning Objectives to Course Content
Objectives can be aligned to individual content items within your course.
To align an objective to an individual content item:
1. Click the Settings link on an already existing content item (Example: Dropbox, Discussion, Assessment, etc.).
2. Click the Objectives tab.
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3. Click the Browse Objectives subtab.
4. Click the plus sign ( ) to expand each folder.
5. Check the box next to each objective you want to add.
6. Click Save when finished.
Objectives Reporting
Objectives reports are identical to the reports available for objectives. These reports allow you to view student performance data and how objectives are aligned to your course material. The available objectives-related reports are described in the following sections.
Performance Reports
There are several reports that track student performance against content items that are aligned to objectives. Each report is described in category > report name format:
● Class > Performance against objectives. Presents the average class performance against all aligned content items and assessment questions submitted in the class. This report is useful for identifying issues at the class level.
● Whodunit > Performance against objectives. An exception report that allows you to find students who are performing above or below a certain level on any given objective.
● Learner Profile > Performance against objectives. Details individual student's performance against objectives aligned to content within the course.
Content Reports
Content reports detail the objectives associated with each content item or the content items associated with each objective. The reports are a fast way to view how your course materials align with the objectives associated with that course. The available reports are described in category > report name format:
● Content > Content mapped to objectives. Lists each content item in the course and any objectives associated with that content item. Useful for finding content items that are not aligned to any objective.
● Learning Outcomes > Content mapped to objectives. Shows each objective associated with the course and any content items aligned to that objective. Useful for finding objectives that have no content aligned to them.
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Using Grading Rubrics
Grading rubrics provide instructors and other assessment evaluators with an efficient method of consistently grading subjective learner submissions for drop boxes and manually graded assessment questions. Grading rubrics can be created individually for ANGEL courses, or copied or linked into ANGEL courses from Learning Object
Repositories (LORs).
Accessing and Using the Rubric Manager
The Rubric Manager is the area of an ANGEL course, group, or repository (hereafter collectively referred to as
"course") in which grading rubrics are created, edited, and managed. Each course in ANGEL has its own Rubric
Manager, which is located in the Manage tab, under the Data Management section.
The Rubric Manager page is where new rubrics are created and previously created rubrics are edited and managed. The Rubric Manager page is shown in the following figure.
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The elements of this page include the following:
1. Add. Click this link to create a new rubric.
2. Select All. Click this checkbox if you want to select all rubrics; for example, so that you can perform batch deletions. Individual checkboxes in each row can also be selected.
3. Name. This column displays the name of each rubric. Click the column header to sort by name.
4. Created. This column displays the date on which each rubric was created. Click the column header to sort by date.
5. Content Items. This column displays the number of content items that are using each rubric. Clicking one of the numbers in this column opens a dialog box with additional information about the content that is currently using a rubric, as shown in the following figure.
You can click a content item to view it or click the Close button to return to the Rubric Manager page.
6. Clicking the down arrow next to a rubric opens a rubric function menu with several actions you can take.
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Note: Some function menu options are removed if a rubric is linked from a repository or has been used to grade at least one submission.
● Edit. Clicking this link takes you to Step 1 of the Edit Rubric Wizard. If the rubric is in use by a content item in your course, a warning message is displayed.
Click Continue editing this rubric if you still want to make changes to the rubric; you will be taken to the Edit Rubric Wizard. Click Cancel to leave the rubric as it is.
Caution: Editing a rubric that is already in use can affect what is seen by users, automatically update previously graded submissions, or both. For these reasons, take care when making changes to rubrics that are already in use. item.
Note: You can make a copy of a rubric if you need to change it for use with a different content
● Rename. Clicking this option opens a dialog box in which you can rename your rubric.
● Copy. Clicking this option opens a dialog box in which you can give a new name to what will become a copy of your rubric, as shown in the following figure. (By default, "Copy of" is inserted in front of the previous rubric's name.)
● Delete. Clicking this option opens a confirmation dialog box. Clicking Ok deletes the rubric.
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● Preview & Print. Clicking this option opens a preview of the rubric in a print-friendly format. Click the
Print button to choose between printing from HTML or PDF.
● Hide. Clicking this option hides the rubric, which prevents it from being displayed in various other places in the course from which the rubric can be associated to content and question items.
7. Delete selected rubric(s). Clicking this button opens a confirmation dialog box. Clicking Ok deletes the rubric.
Creating a New Rubric
To create a new rubric, click the Add link on the Rubric Manager page. The Add Rubric dialog box is displayed.
Video: " Create a Rubric ."
Step-by-step: "Adding a Grading Rubric."
Three options are displayed:
1. Create new rubric. Creates a new rubric from scratch.
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2. Copy existing rubric. Opens the Copy Existing Rubric dialog box, which allows you to browse for a rubric in the other courses, repositories, and groups to which you have access. Click open folders as needed until you find the desired rubric, and click the rubric's name to copy the rubric.
3. Link to existing rubric. Opens the Link to Existing Rubric dialog box, which allows you to browse for a rubric in the repositories to which you have access. Click open folders as needed until you find the desired rubric, and click the rubric's name to create a link to it.
Should you create a new rubric, copy an existing rubric, or link to a rubric?
● Creating a new rubric is advisable when you need to develop a rubric specifically for one of your courses for the first time.
● Copying a rubric is useful when an existing rubric can be used as the basis for a slightly altered rubric that will be used for a slightly different purpose. When you copy a rubric, the new rubric is based on another rubric's settings, but it can be edited and deleted completely independently of the original.
● Linking to a rubric is a good idea when you are using a shared repository and (a) you want to benefit from any enhancements made to the rubric, or (b) you are required to link to the rubric for centralized reporting purposes.
Caution: Linking to a rubric can result in unexpected changes to the rubric's achievement and criteria weightings, or changes to the rubric's descriptors. (Only those who have access to modify the rubric can make these kinds of changes.) Changing a rubric after it has been used to grade student work could affect the grades received by students.
Create Rubric Wizard (Step 1 of 3)
The process of creating a rubric is broken down into three steps. The first step provides several conveniences for speeding up the process of creating a rubric from scratch.
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The elements of this page include the following:
1. Rubric Name. Enter the rubric's name.
2. Number of columns. The number of rubric columns (achievement levels). You can make changes to the number columns in Step 2 of the Create Rubric Wizard.
3. Column Ordering. Sets the order of columns—low to high, or high to low.
4. Column Weighting. Set the weight of each column with a value from 0–100%. Weights define the lowest score needed to attain an achievement level.
5. Column Label. If you want to use a label other than "Achievement Level" for the columns, enter it here.
6. Enter rows. There are two ways to create rows (criteria): by specifying a number of blank criteria rows or by choosing standards and/or objectives from which to create rows.
If you chose to create rows from standards and/or objectives, click the Select Standard(s) or Select
Objective(s) link to make your selections. a. Select Course Standards to see just the standards in your course, or select All Standards to see all standards available within ANGEL. b. Aligned Standards. Displays the standards that have been aligned to the rubric. c. Browse Standards. Displays the standards that are available for alignment. Browse to select the standards you want to align to the rubric. d. Search Standards. Click this tab to search for standards to align to the rubric. e. Insert standard(s) text as the criterion description. If this checkbox is selected, the text from the selected standard(s) will be used as the default text for a criterion row. (You can change this text in Step
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2 of the Create Rubric Wizard.) If it is unchecked, the text from the standard(s) selected will not be used as the default text, but the standard will still be aligned to the criterion row.
Note: When you select standards and/or objectives in Step 1 of the Create Rubric Wizard, one criterion row will be created per standard/objective selected.
7. Row label. If you want to use a label other than "Criteria" for the rows, enter it here.
8. Next Step. Click this button to apply your settings and go to the next step in the Create Rubric Wizard.
Create Rubric Wizard (Step 2 of 3)
In Step 2 of the Create Rubric Wizard you can enter the rubric's cell descriptors in addition to making other changes.
The elements of this page include the following:
1. Achievement level function menu. Clicking the triangle at the top of an achievement level column opens the Modify Column contextual menu containing several options that apply to the specified achievement level, as shown in the following figure.
● Insert Before. Adds a new column immediately to the left of the selected column.
● Insert After. Adds a new column immediately to the right of the selected column.
● Delete. Deletes the selected column.
● Move Right/Move Left. Moves the selected column right or left one position. If the selected column is the left- or rightmost column, only one of these two options will be displayed.
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2. Achievement level cell. The achievement levels for the rubric are displayed as individual column headings.
To modify the description or weighting of an achievement level, click anywhere inside the cell. The dialog box shown in the following figure is displayed. a. Cell Description. Enter the description of the achievement level. b. HTML Editor. Clicking this link changes the Cell Description area to use the HTML Editor. Note that once you have switched to using the HTML Editor, you cannot switch back to plain text.
Reference: For more information, see "Using the ANGEL 7.4 HTML Editor." c. Weighting %. This textbox presents the weighting percentage that is used to define the lowest score needed to attain the specified achievement level. Enter a whole number between 0 and 100.
Note: Rubrics are created using percentages so that they may be used with multiple assignments or shared across courses or departments. Using percentages also allows rubrics to calculate a grade based on the point value of any manually graded assignment or assessment question. d. Save. Saves any changes made to the achievement level cell. e. Save & Edit Next. Saves any changes made to the achievement level cell and opens the editing window for the next cell to the right of the current cell. f. Cancel. Cancels any changes made to the achievement.
3. Criterion function menu. Clicking this icon opens the Modify Row contextual menu containing several options that apply to the selected criterion, as shown in the following figure.
● Insert Above. Adds a new row immediately above the selected row.
● Insert After. Adds a new row immediately below the selected row.
● Delete. Deletes the selected row.
● Move Up/Move Down. Moves the selected row up or down one position. If the selected row is the top or bottom row, only one of these two options will be displayed.
4. Criterion row cell. The criteria rows for the rubric are displayed as individual row headings. To modify the description or weighting of a criterion, click anywhere inside the cell. The window shown in the following figure is displayed.
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a. Cell Description. Enter the description of the criterion. b. HTML Editor. Clicking this link changes the Cell Description area to use the HTML Editor. Note that once you have switched to using the HTML Editor, you cannot switch back to plain text.
Reference: For more information, see "Using the ANGEL 7.4 HTML Editor." c. Align Standard(s). Opens the Align Standards window. d. Align Objective(s). Opens the Align Objectives window.
Reference: See "Create Rubric Wizard (Step 1 of 3)" for information on aligning standards and objectives. e. Criterion Weighting %. This textbox presents the weighting percentage that is used to define the weight of the selected criterion. The number entered here must be a whole number between 0 and 100.
All criteria must total 100% before saving the rubric.
Note: Rubrics are created using percentages so that they may be used with multiple assignments or shared across courses or departments. Using percentages also allows rubrics to calculate a grade based on the point value of any manually graded assignment or assessment question. f. Save. Saves any changes made to the criterion cell. g. Save & Edit Next. Saves any changes made to the criterion cell and opens the editing window for the next cell below the current cell. h. Cancel. Cancels any changes made to the criterion cell.
5. Descriptor cell. At each intersection of an achievement level column and a criterion row is a descriptor cell, which is used to describe some of the qualities that are expected of a learner in order to achieve a specific performance level for a given criterion. The method of adding and editing the description is the same as described above for achievement levels and criteria.
6. Previous Step. Goes back to Step 1 of the wizard.
Caution: Going back to Step 1 of the wizard results in the loss of all changes to the achievement levels, criteria, and descriptors.
7. Next Step. Goes to Step 3 of the wizard.
8. Cancel. Cancels all changes and returns to the Rubric Manager page.
Create Rubric Wizard (Step 3 of 3)
In Step 3 of the Create Rubric Wizard, you can review the entire rubric before saving it.
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The elements of this page include the following:
1. Save. Saves the rubric.
2. Previous. Returns to Step 2 of the wizard.
3. Cancel. Cancels all changes and returns to the Rubric Manager page.
Applying Grading Rubrics to Content and Questions
Once you have created at least one grading rubric in an ANGEL course, you can use it to grade submissions made in drop boxes and manually graded assessment questions (essay, short answer, and offline grading).
Video: " Grade with a Rubric ."
Video: " Grade by Question Using a Rubric ."
Step-by-step: "Grading a Drop Box Submission Using the Grading Rubric."
Applying Grading Rubrics to Drop Boxes
Follow these steps to apply a grading rubric to a drop box:
1. Create a new drop box or edit an existing drop box by using the Settings menu.
2. Navigate to the Assignment tab of the drop box settings. The following figure is displayed (the highlighted region illustrates the relevant rubric settings).
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3. Select a rubric for the drop box by clicking the Grading Rubric drop-down list. All the rubrics in the course's
Rubric Manager are displayed. Once you've selected a rubric, you can preview it, if desired, by clicking the
Preview button.
4. Uncheck Display rubric to students before submission if you do not want students to see the rubric before they make submissions to the drop box. This option is checked by default.
5. Uncheck Display rubric scores to students after submission if you do not want students to see the rubric scores after their drop box submission is graded. This option is checked by default.
Applying Grading Rubrics to Manually Graded Assessment Questions
Follow these steps to apply a grading rubric to a manually graded assessment question:
1. Create a new assessment or edit an existing assessment.
2. Add or edit an essay, short answer, or offline item question. On the resulting question editor page, a Grading
Rubric section is displayed.
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3. Select a rubric for the drop box by clicking the Grading Rubric drop-down menu. All the rubrics in the course's Rubric Manager are displayed. Once you've selected a rubric, you can preview it, if desired) by clicking the Preview button.
4. Uncheck Display rubric to students before submission if you do not want students to see the rubric before they make submissions to the drop box. This option is checked by default.
5. Uncheck Display rubric scores to students after submission if you do not want students to see the rubric scores after their drop box submission is graded. This option is checked by default.
Grading Drop Box Submissions with a Grading Rubric
After a learner submits a drop box or assessment with manually graded items, course instructors can evaluate these submissions by using the applied grading rubric. Follow these steps to grade a drop box submission:
1. Navigate to the drop box and the Utilities > View, Grade, or Delete Submissions page.
2. Click Grade for the submission you want to grade. The Grade Submission page appears.
3. Click the Use Grading Rubric link. The rubric scores are displayed.
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a. Achievement levels. Click the appropriate achievement level cell for each criterion. b. Criteria scores. As you click achievement level cells, a running tally of criteria scores is maintained. You can manually override the value in the score textbox to fine-tune your grading. c. Total Points. The total number of points awarded is tallied. d. Save. When finished, click the Save button.
Caution: After saving, the rubric scores will be stored provisionally. A submission grade is not stored to the system until you return to the Grade Submission page and click OK. (See below.) e. Cancel. To cancel your changes, click Cancel.
After you save rubric scores, the Grade Submission page is displayed again, reflecting the scores.
4. If you want to change the results, choose one of the following options:
● Click Edit Rubric Scores to make changes to the rubric scores applied.
● Click Clear rubric score to remove all rubric scores and activate the Grade textbox.
5. When ready, click the OK button to save the submission grade.
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Grading Essay, Short Answer, and Offline Item Assessment Questions with a
Grading Rubric
After a learner submits an assessment with manually graded items (essay, short answer, or offline item), course instructors can evaluate these submissions using the grading rubric applied. Follow these steps to grade a manually graded assessment question:
1. Navigate to the assessment and open the Utilities > View, Grade, or Delete Submissions or Grade by
Question page. The grade by question interface is shown in the following figure.
2. Click the Use Grading rubric link. The rubric scores are displayed.
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a. Achievement levels. Click the appropriate achievement level cell for each criterion. b. Criteria scores. As you click achievement level cells, a running tally of criteria scores is maintained. You can manually override the value in the score textbox to fine-tune your grading. c. Total Points. The total number of points awarded is tallied. d. Save. When finished, click the Save button.
Caution: After saving, the rubric scores will be stored provisionally. A submission grade is not stored to the system until you return to the Grade By Question page and click OK. e. Cancel. To cancel your changes, click Cancel.
After you save rubric scores, the Grade by Question page is displayed again, reflecting the rubric scores.
3. If you want to change the results, choose one of the following options:
● Click Edit Rubric Scores to make changes to the rubric scores applied.
● Click Clear rubric score to remove all rubric scores and activate the Grade textbox.
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4. When ready, click the Continue button to save the submission grades.
Using the ANGEL Communication Tools
The Communicate tab provides access to all course communication tools.
The elements of the Communicate tab include the following:
1. Edit Page. The Edit Page hyperlink permits you to choose which communication features to make available to your students.
2. Course Mail. Use Course Mail to communicate with your students and other faculty or teaching assistants in your course. Read, compose, and review sent mail.
3. Team Files. Team Files provides a space for student teams to share project files and other documents.
4. Course News and Events. The Course News and Events area allows you to post course announcements, class news, and polls for your students.
5. Live Chat. Live Chat allows communication online in the modes of today's learners in real time. Participate in peer-to-peer chat reinforcing concepts and building community.
6. Live Office Hours. Live Office Hours provides a virtual office including scheduling capabilities and a queue manager to control student access.
7. Discussion Forums. Discussion Forums are listed and are accessible not only under the Lessons tab, but can be quickly accessed through the Communicate tab.
8. Communicate Links. Click the Add/Edit Links hyperlink to include hyperlinks to specific web pages in the
Communication Links area.
9. Course Roster. View the roster for this course.
10. Refresh. If you expect to see content that was recently added, click the Refresh hyperlink to reload the current page.
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Video: " Edit Page Components ."
Course Mail
Students and instructors can use the Course Mail tool to correspond with each other without requiring the use of
Internet e-mail accounts. Users can access their Inbox to view, read, and compose messages. Optionally, users can move directly to their inbox to compose a message using the Quick Message option. ANGEL lists the number of messages in the Unread Messages area indicating a total of All messages, System messages, and Personal messages.
All indicates a total of system messages, personal messages, and course messages. Personal indicates the total number of messages that have been sent to the user from another ANGEL user. These messages have been sent outside of a course using the Course Mail nugget from the user's personal Home page. System indicates messages that have been sent to the user by the ANGEL administrator. A system message can be a broadcast message indicating weather closures or specific happenings at your institution.
Touring the Inbox
The Inbox is the focal point for Course Mail, which enables a user to send, read, and store all your mail messages in one view. There are nine main elements of the Inbox, as shown in.
The elements of the Course Mail include the following:
1. Preferences:
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● Preferences. Preferences provides the user the ability to select the message format (HTML or plaintext)
● Font and Font Color. Font preference and font color.
● Messages per Page. Number of messages per page.
● Forward to Email. Forward to Internet e-mail option, and an area for your e-mail address to forward your course mail.
● Preferences. Preferences also allow the user to set up signature options. The user can elect to use e-mail signatures and also set up course-specific signatures.
● Spell Check. ANGEL can automatically spell check your e-mail before sending it.
● Privacy Settings. Privacy Settings gives the user the ability to remove their name from public search so other users cannot search for their name and send course mail from the personal home page.
2. Search. Search allows a user to search for mail messages. The search can be by subject, message text, or to whom the mail message has been sent or received.
3. Actions:
● Send to Folder. Send a message to a system folder or one of your folders that you created under My
● Mark as Read. Mark an unread message as read.
● Mark as Unread. Mark a read message as unread. These messages always appear in a bold font.
● Delete. Delete a message. Message is moved to the Trash folder.
● Message Read By. Check who else has read the message. Messages sent using the Do not disclose
recipients option do not display the names of recipients who have and have not read the message.
4. Source Filter. Allows the user to select which messages are displayed in the message window. Users can select Show All to display all messages (personal, system and/or courses), Personal to display messages that are marked as personal, System to display messages received from the ANGEL administrator, or Course
(contains a list of displayed courses).
● Show All. Shows all personal messages, course messages, and system messages.
● Personal. Shows personal e-mail only.
● System. Shows messages sent by the ANGEL administrator only.
● Course. Shows a list of active courses in which the user is enrolled and gives access to messages for the selected course.
5. Compose New Message. Clicking the Compose New Message button allows the user to create a new mail message.
6. Message Area. This area shows a list of mail messages. Click a Subject hyperlink to read the corresponding message. The messages displayed will depend on the filter selected from the Source Filter list. New/unread messages appear in bold.
7. Source. The source displays to the user from where the message was received (Personal, System, or a specific course title). The Source column appears only when clicking the Inbox link from the ANGEL Home.
Entering a specific course displays mail for that course only until the user chooses Show All from the Source
Filter drop-down menu.
8. System Folders. System folders are default folders used to display any saved drafts, inbox mail messages, sent mail messages or trashed messages. Next to each folder in parentheses is the number of unread messages followed by total number of messages contained in that folder.
● Drafts. Save a draft e-mail message that has not been sent.
● Inbox. All incoming e-mail messages arrive in this folder first.
● Sent. Course mail messages that have been sent are found in this folder.
● Trash. Messages you wish to delete are contained in the trash folder. To permanently delete, a user must go into trash folder, select messages and delete again.
9. My Folders. My Folders area provides an area where a user can use folders to organize their mail messages.
Click the Edit hyperlink to add a new folder.
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Using the Message Window
The message window displays the e-mail messages for the active folder. This window contains the following components in the Message Window Menu Bar:
Tip: Click any column header to sort messages in ascending or descending order.
1. Menu. Click for a new menu that allows the user to select messages by those that are unread, read, or with file attachments.
2. Read/Unread. Designates read and unread messages.
3. Attachment. Messages containing a file attachment.
4. Priority. Designates the urgency of a message with low, normal, or high classification.
5. From. The person who sent the message.
6. Subject. What the message is about.
7. Source. Personal or course name (includes section ID if logged in as instructor).
Note: The Source column appears only when clicking the Inbox link from ANGEL Home. Entering a specific course displays mail for that course only until the user chooses Show All from the Source Filter drop-down menu.
8. Date. Date and time the message was sent.
Using My Folders
My Folders allows you to create individual folders tailored to your specific storage needs.
Note: Next to each folder in parentheses is the number of unread messages followed by the total number of messages contained in that folder.
To use My Folders, do the following:
1. Edit. Click the edit hyperlink to activate the other functions.
2. Edit Folder. Click the Edit Folder icon ( ) to edit a specific folder.
3. Delete. Click the Delete icon ( ) to delete a specific folder.
4. Add. Click the Add button to add a new folder. Type the folder's name in the scripted window and click OK.
5. Done. Click the Done button to hide functions 2 through 5.
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Caution: Deleting a folder deletes all messages contained in the folder.
Defining Preferences
The Preferences hyperlink located to the right of the Inbox view allows the user to define the message view preferences, signatures, editing options and privacy settings.
The elements of the User Course Mail Preferences include:
1. Message Format. Choose Plain Text or HTML for formatting messages.
2. Font Preference. Specify a font for your messages.
3. Font Color. Specify a color for your messages.
4. Number of messages per page. Display 25, 50, or 100 messages per page.
5. Forward to Internet E-Mail. ANGEL has the capability to send and receive mail. By default, any mail that you send to or receive from students resides inside the course environment. However, you can alter your course mail settings to instruct ANGEL to forward your course mail to an Internet e-mail account.
6. Email Address. Enter your preferred e-mail address. It is suggested that you use the same e-mail address as provided by your institution. The sender of a message can select to send a copy of the message to the e-mail address you provided.
7. Signature Options. Signatures can be customized for each course. Select Use E-Mail Signatures to begin using the signature option. Selecting Use E-Mail Signatures allows the activation of the Use Course-Specific
Signatures so the user can be tailored to each individual course as desired.
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8. Editing Options. Check the box to automatically check your spelling before you send a message.
9. Privacy Settings. To prevent users who do not share a course with you from sending you course mail, check
Don't show my name in public search. You can also remove users from your blocked list.
Composing and Sending Course Mail Messages
The Compose Message section allows the user to compose and send messages to members of their courses.
Step-by-step: "Composing a Message."
To compose a message, do the following:
1. Enter your Course Mail Inbox and click the Compose Message button.
2. Or you can optionally click the Quick Message button from the Course Mail component.
The elements of the Compose Message window include the following:
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1. To. The To: button displays the Select Recipients list box of available recipients to send mail messages.
2. Remove selected recipients. Allows the user to remove the selected recipients from the To: list.
3. Subject. Enter a subject for the message.
4. Priority. Select message urgency from Low, Medium, or High.
5. HTML Toolbar. The HTML Editor toolbar allows you to apply formatting, add images, and so on to your message.
Reference: When composing messages, you can use the inline HTML editor to format your message.
See "Using the ANGEL 7.4 HTML Editor" for details.
6. Attachments. The Attach files hyperlink allows you to add a file attachment to your message.
7. Message Options:
● Send a copy to each recipient's Internet e-mail. Allows you to send a duplicate message outside the
ANGEL environment to the recipients' e-mail address.
● Send a copy to each recipients mentor if known. Sends a copy of the e-mail to a known mentor or advisor for the recipient
8. Send. Click this button when you are ready to send the message to selected recipients.
9. Save Draft. Click this button to save a draft of your message in the draft system folder.
10. Cancel. Click this button to delete the message. You lose all information contained in the message.
Adding and Removing Attachments
You can attach files to your message by clicking the Attach Files hyperlink in the Attachments section of the
Compose Message page. The Attach files window displays.
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The Attach files window contains the following elements:
1. Select. Browse your computer and select a file to upload.
2. Remove. Remove the corresponding file from the upload list.
3. Add. Add another field to upload an additional file.
4. Upload. Press the Upload button to upload your files to the mail server and attach them to your message.
Tip: With the Add Attachments window open, you can check the box next to a file that you have designated for upload and click the Delete button, or you can click the Remove button next to the file. If you discover that you need to remove the file after uploading it to your message, you can click the remove hyperlink next to the filename.
Selecting and Removing Recipients
You can select recipients for your message by clicking the To: button at the top of the Compose Message page.
The Select Message Recipients window contains the following elements:
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1. Search. Type the last name of the recipient.
2. Source. Choose the Source Course for the intended recipients.
3. Quick Search. Click the hyperlinks provided to search by Groups, Teams, and All Members on your roster; or the corresponding letter of the recipient's last name.
4. User. Check the box next to those recipients you want to add.
5. To. After checking the box next to your recipients, press the To button to add them to the message.
6. Cc. After checking the box next to your recipients, press the Cc button to send a copy of the message.
7. Bcc. After checking the box next to your recipients, press the Bcc button to send a blind copy of the message.
Other users will not see the Bcc list.
8. Remove selected recipients. Click an entry in the To, Cc, or Bcc field; then click Remove Selected
Recipients to remove recipients from the To, Cc, or Bcc list.
Tip: You can select multiple names at once by using the CTRL + Click keys. After having selected a recipient, remove the name by clicking on it to highlight it and then clicking on the Remove selected recipients button.
9. OK. Press the OK button to finish addressing the message.
Reading and Replying to Course Mail Messages
The Course Mail Read Message section allows the user to read and reply to messages.
Step-by-step: "Viewing Mail."
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The Message window contains the following elements:
1. Back to Inbox. Click the Back to Inbox hyperlink to view the Inbox.
2. Reply. Compose a response to the sender of this message.
3. Reply All. Compose a response to both the sender and all recipients of the original message (within the rights of the user replying; for example, user can't reply to an All Campus message).
4. Forward. Send a copy of this e-mail to another person.
5. Action. Select an action from the pull-down menu and click the Go button.
● Delete. Send the message to the trash folder.
● Create a Task. Add a personal task based on the information contained within the mail message.
● Send to Folder. Send a message to a system folder or one of your personal folders that you created under My Folder.
● Mark as Unread. Mark a read message as unread. Unread messages always appear in a bold font.
● Message Read By. Select the checkbox next to the message to see who has read the message.
● Block User. Block personal messages sent directly to you from this user.
6. Print. Print a copy of this message.
7. Previous/Next. Previous/Next loads the previous and next messages within the current active folder.
8. Header information. Displays the e-mail header information such as the sent date, who the message was from, who the message was sent to, and the subject.
9. Attachment. Attachments sent with the message appear in the header.
● To view the attachment, click the name of the file attachment hyperlink; the attachment opens.
● To save the attachment to your hard drive, right-click the attachment hyperlink and choose Save Target
As. The Save As dialog box opens for the user to save the attachment.
10. Message. The message displays in its entirety at the bottom of the window.
Selecting the Message Read By option from the Action drop-down list provides the user with a list of who has read the selected message.
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To view a list of who has read or not read the mail message:
1. Select Message. Locate a message from the Inbox or Sent Mail box. Check the box to select the message.
2. Action. From the Action drop-down menu, choose Message Read By and click the Go button.
3. Expand. Expand the selection by clicking the plus button ( ).
4. List Users. Toggle between users who have and have not read the messages.
5. Refresh. Press the Refresh button to reload your screen.
Sorting and Viewing Messages
The Course Mail Inbox gives you a powerful tool to sort and view your messages.
If you want to group Course Mail by column, you can simply click the Column Header hyperlink to sort in ascending or descending order.
Using the Course Roster
The Roster tool allows students and instructors to view a list of course participants and teams.
The Course Roster section provides faculty and student e-mail addresses, user profiles, learner profiles, participant pictures, and team member information. To access Course Roster, log in to your ANGEL course, click the
Communicate tab, and click the Course Roster hyperlink. The People page appears.
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The elements of the People page include the following:
1. Show Pictures. A hyperlink that shows or hides pictures, depending on which one is visible.
2. Search. Allows the user to search the roster for a course participant.
3. View. Members/Teams hyperlinks allow the user to view the People page displaying course participants or the course teams displaying all the teams.
4. E-mail. The e-mail address hyperlink opens with the default e-mail utility and the e-mail address in the To field.
5. user profile. The user profile hyperlink displays detailed information of the selected user.
User Profile
The User Profile hyperlink, located underneath the user's name, directs you to information concerning the user. My
Profile information for the user is available only if the user has allowed it to be viewable. The User Profile also contains any bookmarks that user has created and made viewable.
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Course Enrollment
The Course Enrollment area lists the course(s) in which the user is enrolled, the roll within the course, the rights within the course (this is a numeric value), and any other settings as noted by the system.
Group Enrollment
The Group Enrollment area lists any group(s) in which the user is a member as well as the roll within the group, rights, and other settings as noted by the system.
Note: The name of the course or group is a hyperlink that provides access to the actual course. What is viewable within the course is based on the course settings.
Selecting the Teams hyperlink displays the Course Teams roster. From this page you can access the team roster, edit the roster, and edit the teams.
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Team Files
The Team Files section allows you and your students to upload, download, rename, copy, move, zip, manage, and delete files associated with a content item. This feature can be particularly useful when embedding files into content items. For example, if you create a page of text that also includes an image, you can upload the image file as an associated file.
Team Projects
The Team Projects area provides an HTML page listing the project(s) specifications for a particular team. To view the Team Projects nugget, it is necessary to create a special default.htm page under the Team Files area.
To add files to a team project area, do the following:
1. Teams Component. From the Communicate tab, click the corresponding team's name in the Team Files component.
Note: There should be one file named default.htm within the team folder. Hyperlink to other files from the default.htm document.
2. Add Content. Click the Add Content hyperlink. The Add Content page displays.
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A. Upload Files. Click the Upload Files hyperlink if your syllabus document did not contain images. i. Click the Browse button to browse your computer for your file. ii. Once the appropriate filename appears in the form, click OK. The path to your syllabus file appears in the File to Upload field. iii. Click the Upload File button. Uploading your file may take a few minutes. When complete, an Upload
Successful message displays. iv. Click the Done button. v. Click the Exit Files button.
B. Drag-n-drop. Click the Drag-n-drop hyperlink if your syllabus document contains images and created an accompanying folder.
Note: To use Drag-n-drop you need to have Sun's JVM 1.4.1 installed on your computer. If you do not have it installed, you are prompted to download the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). i. Drag the file or folder from your computer to the Drag-n-drop upload area. A progress bar appears as your files are uploaded. Once the upload is complete, the uploaded files display in the Drag-n-drop window.
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ii. Click the Done button when you are finished uploading files. iii. Click the Exit Files button.
Discovering News and Events
The News and Events section provides communication tools that alert the student about important announcements, news concerning the course, and gathering opinions through course polls.
The Announcements tool allows course editors to create course announcements that are displayed on the course welcome page and on the student's personal page (Home). To access Announcements, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Communicate tab, and click the Announcements hyperlink. The Announcement Editor page appears.
Video: " Add a Course Announcement ."
Step-by-step: "Creating an Announcement."
Tip: Keep the Announcement component on the course Home (under the Course tab).
The elements of the Course Announcements component include the following:
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1. Edit. The Edit button allows you to add and edit announcements.
A. Add Announcement. Click the Add Announcement hyperlink to compose a new announcement.
B. Edit/Delete. The Edit and Delete buttons appear next to each announcement.
2. View. The View hyperlinks allow you to select what announcements to view: Past, Present, Future, or All.
3. Sort. The Sort hyperlink allows you to select the order in which the announcements are viewed: Ascending or
Adding Course Announcements
From the Announcement Editor page, click the Add Announcement hyperlink. The Announcement Editor
Announcement Settings form appears.
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The elements of the Add Announcement Editor include the following:
1. Announcement. Use the Announcement field to specify the text that should appear as the announcement.
2. Start/End Date. The Start Date setting specifies the date on and after which the item should be displayed.
This can be useful if you want to enter items ahead of time, but you do not want them displayed until a specific date. The Start Date also determines the order in which items appear. The End Date setting specifies the date when the item should no longer be displayed.
3. Sequence. The Sequence setting can be used to explicitly specify the order in which items with the same start date should be displayed.
4. Section. The Section setting specifies which course section the announcement will appear in.
5. User. The User setting specifies the user or team to which the item applies. The special setting Everyone indicates that the item applies to all users within the course, group, or area.
The News tool allows course editors to create course news articles. Roster members can view course news articles by visiting a read-only version of the News tool.
To access News, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Communicate tab, and click the News hyperlink. The
News Editor page appears.
The elements of the Course Announcements component include the following:
1. Add Article. The Add Article hyperlink allows you to add an article.
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2. User. The User drop-down list allows you to view articles added for the user type you select.
3. View. The View hyperlinks allow you to select what articles to view: Past, Present, Future, or All.
4. Sort. The Sort hyperlink allows you to select the order in which the articles are viewed: Ascending or
5. Edit. Click the Edit button to edit the corresponding article.
6. Delete. Click the Delete button to delete the corresponding article.
Adding News Articles
From the News Editor page, click the Add Article hyperlink. The News Editor News Settings page appears.
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The elements of the News Article editor include the following:
1. Headline. Use the Headline field to specify the text that should appear as the title of the story.
2. Story. Use the Story field to specify the full text of the story.
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3. Abstract. Use the Abstract field to specify a brief one or two line summary of the story.
4. Author. The Author field identifies the author of the story.
5. Source. The Source field identifies the source of the story.
6. Copyright. The Copyright field specifies copyright information for the story.
Tip: Type "©" (without the quotes) in the Copyright text field to display the copyright symbol (©) inline with your copyright information. You may optionally type "®" (without the quotes) to display a registered symbol (®) or "™" (without the quotes) to display a trademark symbol (™).
7. Start Date. Selecting a Start Date prevents the item from being displayed until the specified date. This can be useful if you want to enter items ahead of time, but you do not want them displayed until a specific date.
The Start Date also determines the order in which items appear.
8. End Date. The End Date setting specifies the date on which the item should no longer be displayed.
9. Sequence. The Sequence setting can be used to explicitly specify the order in which items with the same start date should be displayed.
10. Top Story. Setting Top Story to Yes indicates that it should be listed in the My News section of enrolled users for section-specific articles and in the Top Stories section for public articles.
11. Section. Specifies which course section the article should appear in.
12. User. The User setting specifies the user or team to which the item applies. The special setting Everyone indicates that the item applies to all users within the course, group or area.
Tip: To preview news articles as seen by students, preview the course using the User Preview tool (Tools
> User Preview Tool), and return to the News tool.
The Polls tool allows course editors to create course poll questions that are displayed on the Course Home and on the student's ANGEL Home page.
To access Polls, log in to your ANGEL® course, click the Communicate tab, and click the Polls hyperlink. The
Quick Poll Editor page appears.
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The elements of the Quick Poll editor include the following:
1. Headline. Use the Headline field to specify the text that should appear as the title of the story.
2. View. The View hyperlinks allow you to select what articles to view: Past, Present, Future, or All.
3. Sort. The Sort hyperlink allows you to select the order in which the polls are viewed: Ascending or
4. Edit/Delete. Click the Edit or Delete button next to the corresponding poll.
5. Summary. To view a summary of user responses, click the summary hyperlink .
6. Details. To view a detailed report of user responses, click the details hyperlink.
7. Export. To export results of a poll question as a tab-delimited file, click the export hyperlink.
Adding Poll Questions
From the Quick Poll Editor page, click the Add Question hyperlink. The Question Editor General Settings page appears.
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The elements of the Question Editor include the following:
1. Question. Use the Question field to specify the text that should appear as the main question text.
2. Feedback. Use the Feedback field to specify feedback text that should appear when a user has submitted a response to this question. You can use the special token %BARGRAPH% to display summary statistics. HTML is allowed, but for best results don't use elements that change the size of text.
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3. List Type. Use the List Type field to specify feedback text that should appear when a user has submitted a response to this question. HTML is allowed, but for best results don't use elements that change the size of text.
4. List Items. The List Items field allows you to type a list of choices or list items to be provided when the question is presented. For all other control types, each choice is a selectable item.
5. Type. The input Type field identifies what type of control to use for user input of a text entry.
6. Label. The input Label field identifies what type of control to use for user input of a text entry.
7. Attributes. Use the input Attributes field to specify any additional attributes for the text box or text area.
Tip: Optionally type textbox or text area name=value attributes (HTML) in the Attributes field to modify the size, default value, and character limit for the input field. For example, to alter the height of a text area, type rows=X, where X equals the number of rows, in the Attributes field.
8. Start Date. Selecting a start date prevents the item from being displayed until the specified date. This can be useful if you want to enter items ahead of time, but you do not want them displayed until a specific date. The start date also determines the order in which items appear.
Note: Multiple course polls with overlapping start and end dates are displayed as multiple questions for a single poll (survey). Upon submission, both responses and nonresponses are submitted for all visible poll questions for the course. Users are not given an opportunity to resubmit unanswered poll questions.
9. End Date. The End Date setting specifies the date on which the item should no longer be displayed.
10. Sequence. The Sequence setting can be used to explicitly specify the order in which items with the same start date should be displayed.
Tip: To preview poll questions as seen by students, exit and re-enter the course. The course poll questions appear on the course welcome page. Students may also view/submit course polls from a noneditable version of the Polls tool located on the Communicate page.
Using Live Chat
The Live Chat section provides a synchronous communication vehicle for common uses such as exam review, team meetings, and more.
The Live Chats Editor allows users to add, edit, and delete a chat session. The Live Chats Editor can be accessed by clicking the Edit hyperlink located in the Live Chat title bar (on the Communicate page).
The elements of the Live Chat page include the following:
1. Add a Live Chat. Click the Add a Live Chat hyperlink to go to the Live Chat Editor.
2. Edit. Click the Edit button to edit the corresponding chat.
3. Delete. Click the Delete button to delete the corresponding chat.
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Adding Live Chat Sessions
The Add a Live Chat tool allows you to create a live chat session that is displayed on the Communicate page under the Live Chat title bar.
The elements of the Live Chat Editor include the following:
1. Name. Specifies the name of the chat room that appears as the link.
2. Description. Specifies an extended description of the room to help describe its purpose.
3. Tracking. If set to On, all posted messages are saved so that they can be reviewed in the chat logs.
4. Team. Select the desired team.
5. Viewable By. Specifies the minimum rights that a user must have in order to access the related room.
6. Start Date. Selecting a start date prevents the item from being displayed until the specified date. This can be useful if you want to enter items ahead of time, but you do not want them displayed until a specific date. The start date also determines the order in which items appear.
7. End Date. The End Date setting specifies the date on which the item should no longer be displayed.
Using the Live Chat Component
The Live Chat component appears on the Communication tab. Once the chat has gone live, the link appears.
The elements of the Live Chat component include the following:
1. Chat Link. The name of the chat appears as a hyperlink to the chat.
2. View Logs. The View Logs hyperlink appears once the chat has gone live.
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A. Start Date. Select a start date/time from the Start Date drop-down menus to limit or expand the number of logs displayed.
B. Previous/Next. Go to the Previous or Next page.
C. Records per Page. Select how many records appear on each page.
D. Go. Click the Go button to initiate any changes made above.
3. Clear Logs. Click the Clear Logs hyperlink located below the live chat session. The Clear Chat Log page displays. Confirm the permanent deletion of entries by clicking OK.
Sharing the Desktop
Desktop sharing allows you to demonstrate and share any desktop application, such as Microsoft suite products or tutorial software provided by textbook publishers. You can interact with individuals, groups, or teams. Desktop sharing is a great way to work on projects together. You can view online users and participate in private conversations as applications are shared.
Note: Desktop sharing requires that the presenter's computer have Microsoft .NET 1.1 or later installed.
Information regarding the installation of .NET 1.1 or later is available from Microsoft .
Before you begin your desktop sharing, you are required to install the desktop sharing application. ANGEL walks you through the setup process, but you should allow time before your presentation to complete the setup.
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Desktop Sharing Setup
To set up your desktop sharing application, do the following:
1. Log in to your ANGEL course and click the Communicate tab.
2. Add a live chat according to the instructions under the section titled Live Chats Editor.
3. Type your live chat and click the Desktop Sharing button.
4. Click the Present to this room hyperlink. The One-Click Install window opens.
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5. Click the Automatic Install hyperlink. The Security Warning page appears.
6. Select the I understand the security risk and wish to continue option. Click the Next> button. The
Welcome page appears.
7. Click the Next> button. The Ready to Install the Program page appears.
8. Click the Install button.
9. The installation begins and might take a few minutes. When the installation is complete, the InstallShield
Wizard Complete page appears.
10. Click the Finish button. You are asked if you want to start the ANGEL Desktop Sharing now, click Yes if you want to begin; click No if you want to exit.
Desktop Presentation
To begin sharing your desktop, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your ANGEL course and click the Communicate tab.
2. Click the hyperlink name of the live chat you are using for your desktop sharing.
3. Click the Desktop Sharing button.
4. Click the Present to this room hyperlink. The Desktop Sharing window appears.
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The following information displays when you begin your desktop sharing:
You are currently sharing your desktop with this room. By default, users can see your entire desktop.
You may change sharing options such as how much users may view by right-clicking the desktop sharing icon in your system tray ( ).
You may stop sharing at any time by right-clicking the desktop sharing icon in your system tray, then selecting "Exit". You may also stop sharing by closing this window.
Please note that viewers will by default be watching this presentation from a window the same size as the dotted box surrounding this text. Viewers may scroll to see your entire screen, but it may be helpful to
reduce the size of the presentation beforehand so it will fit into the box. You may check your viewers' screen resolutions and adjust the size of this presentation from the Options tab. Note that you must apply that setting before starting the presentation.
To give viewers the best view of your desktop, you may click the full screen icon ( ) next to the
Desktop Sharing Tab. Note that viewers cannot see or use chat while in full screen mode. To bring
viewers out of full screen mode, you may click "Exit Full screen Mode " from the upper-left hand corner of the screen.
5. Follow the information provided on the sharing window to display your desktop to your students.
Using the Whiteboard
The Whiteboard tool adds another dimension to your classroom. Augment communication and creativity, illustrate and share imagery and complex concepts with students, teams, or the learning community.
The Whiteboard tools include the following:
Fill and Line color
. Determines the fill color and the line color. The box in the background determines the fill color. The box in the foreground determines the line color.
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Line thickness
. Determines the thickness of a line. Click the line thickness you want to use.
● Select Tool . Allows you to select an item on the whiteboard.
● Text tool . Allows you to add text to the whiteboard.
● Image tool
● Line tool
. Allows you to add an image to the whiteboard.
. Allows you to add lines to the whiteboard.
● Polyline tool . Allows you to draw and connect lines similar to pen tools in graphics programs.
● Freehand tool . Allows you to draw lines freehand.
● Rectangle tool
● Ellipse tool
. Allows you to draw a rectangle.
. Allows you to draw ellipses.
● Polygon tool . Allow you to draw polygons.
● Bring to Front/Send to Back . Bring to front and send to back tools.
● Delete/Clear/Lock lock the whiteboard.
To access the whiteboard do the following:
. Allows you to delete selected items, clear the entire whiteboard, and
1. Log in to your ANGEL course and click the Communicate tab.
2. Click the hyperlink name of the Live Chat you want to use with the whiteboard.
3. Click the Whiteboard button. The Whiteboard window appears.
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4. Click any of the Whiteboard tools and place them in the field below the toolbar.
Providing Live Office Hours
The Live Office Hours section provides the date and time the instructor is online for a chat session. The course editor can add or edit the live office hours by clicking the Edit hyperlink located in the Live Office Hours title bar
(on the Communicate page). The Your Office Hours Schedule for this Course page appears.
The elements of the Live Office Hours component include the following:
1. Edit. Click the Edit icon to set your live office hours.
2. Live Office Hours link. Click the hyperlink to enter the live chat during office hours.
The elements of the Live Office Hours page include the following:
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1. Beginning. Specifies the beginning date of the event.
2. Ending. Specifies the ending date of the event.
3. Time. Specifies the start time of the event.
4. Duration. Specifies how long the event lasts.
5. Weekly. Specifies the days and weekly frequency of the event.
6. Monthly. Specifies the monthly frequency of the event.
Using Discussion Forums
The Discussion Forums section contains a list of all discussion forums in the course, providing easy access to specific topics without navigating the lessons folder structure. The Discussion Forums section is visible only if at least one discussion forum exists in the course.
To subscribe to a discussion forum, the user must have an e-mail address to which e-mail notification can be sent.
When a user subscribes to a discussion forum, they receive an e-mail notification of any new posts to the forum to which they have subscribed.
A user can subscribe to a discussion forum by clicking the Subscribe hyperlink or by clicking on the hyperlink name of the discussion forum. If the user clicks the discussion forum name, the user can subscribe under the Utilities hyperlink. The utilities menu also provides a Print Forum option for the user.
Communicating with Links
The Communicate Links section allows course editors to create links to external web-based tools or resources for use by students or instructors. Links can be made available to the entire class or a specific user based on course rights.
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To access Communicate Links, log in to your ANGEL course, click the Communicate tab, and click the Add/Edit
Links hyperlink. The Communicate Links page appears.
The elements of the Communicate Links page include the following:
1. Add a Link. Click the Add a Link hyperlink to enter the Communication Links editor.
2. Edit/Delete. Click the Edit or Delete button next to the corresponding link.
3. Active Link. Clicking the hyperlink will take you to the resource.
Adding Links
From the Communicate Links page, click the Add a Link hyperlink. The Communicate Link Editor Link Settings page appears.
The elements of the Communicate Links Editor include the following:
1. Title. Specifies the title that you want to appear as the link text. This is the text the users click to go to the specified URL.
2. URL. Specifies the fully qualified URL of the page you want to display. Usually this starts with http://.
3. Description. Specifies an extended description of the page or resource that the URL references. This text appears after the title text and is not hyperlinked.
4. Target. Specifies the target frame or window in which the link should be opened. The default is _self, which causes the page that the URL references to replace the page containing the link.
5. Viewable By. Specifies the target frame or window in which the link should be opened. The default is _self, which causes the page that the URL references to replace the page containing the link.
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Calendar Tab
The Calendar tab allows you to post course-specific schedule items for the day, week, month, or year. As the course instructor, you can use the Calendar tab to post calendar events for yourself, for select students in your course, and/or for your entire class.
In addition to appearing on the Calendar tab of the course site, ANGEL calendar entries appear on each student's personal Home page on the dates designated for the events.
The Calendar tab's toolbar contains the following options:
1. Add. The Add link opens a form for creating calendar entries.
2. Format. The List and Grid links let you view calendar dates and events as a list or in standard calendar grid format. When viewing calendar entries in List format, you can choose a specific date from the small calendar navigator or choose a month and year from the drop-down menus.
Note: By default, the calendar appears in Grid format.
Tip: If your calendar navigator does not appear in List format, click the Show Calendar link (at the left end of the toolbar) to make it visible.
3. View. The Day, Week, Month, and Year links let you change your calendar view.
4. Next/Previous. These links enable you to switch to the next view (Day, Month, or Year). Click Today to bring up the current day's events.
The All Entries box appears below the calendar grid.
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1. View public entries.
2. View entries made by members of a given team.
3. View your personal entries.
Adding a Calendar Entry
To add an entry to the calendar, follow these steps:
1. Log in to ANGEL, select a course, and click the Calendar tab.
2. Click the Add link.
The Event Settings page appears.
3. Type the title of the calendar event in the Title field.
4. Select the user from the User drop-down list.
5. Select the event category from the Category drop-down list.
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6. Set the event's Date, Time, and Duration with the appropriate drop-down lists.
Tip: Instead of clicking the Add link, you can click the desired date on the calendar. This action opens the
Event Settings page and automatically applies the chosen date to the Date field.
7. If desired, use the Contact, Location, and Notes fields to provide additional information for the event.
Reference: The inline HTML Editor is available in the Notes text box, allowing formatted information.
For more information, see "Using the ANGEL 7.4 HTML Editor."
8. If this is not a recurring event, click the Save button. The Calendar tab appears, with your calendar entry listed. For a recurring event, click the Recurrence button. The Interval Settings page appears.
9. Specify Beginning, Ending, Time, and Duration in the Date and Time Settings area.
10. In the Interval Settings area, specify whether the event will recur daily, weekly, or monthly. If you select the
Weekly or Monthly option, set the specific day on which the event will take place.
11. Click Save.
12. The Calendar tab appears with your new event listed.
Editing, Deleting, and Exporting Course Calendar Items
1. Click the Calendar item you want to change. The edit screen appears.
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● Click the Edit button to modify your calendar entry. This option displays the Event Settings editor, which allows you to make necessary changes.
● Click the Delete button to delete your calendar entry. This option displays a Delete Event notification.
● Click the Export button to save the calendar entry as a file.
Adding Assignment Dates to the Calendar
You can easily add both assigned dates and due dates to the calendar by using the Milestones option within the settings for any activity. This means that they can be added to the calendar during the process of adding any new activity.
Note: This can be done either when first setting up the activity or using the Settings link after the activity has been created.
In this example, you will add an assigned date and a due date to a discussion forum.
1. In the settings for the activity, go to the Assignment tab.
2. In the Milestones section, select a Task Type. A milestone can be marked in one of two ways:
● Manually marked. The instructor manually marks the milestone as being completed within the Milestone option in Reports.
● Item completion. As soon as the user submits the assignment, the Milestone is marked as completed.
If you leave the Task Type as (None), the calendar option doesn't open.
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The Assign Date and Due Date sections open after the Task Type is selected.
3. Enter the date that this assignment was assigned and check the box next to it. Do the same for the date due.
Note: You are not required to assign both dates. For example, if you don't want an assigned date to appear on the calendar, don't put in a date and don't check the associated box.
4. Add any other settings needed for that activity and click Save.
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The dates are now on the calendar.
When users move the mouse over any of the items on the calendar, they see the rest of the information when in grid mode.
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Suppose users change the calendar format to List view.
They then see all the dates and information at once.
If you need to add more information to the calendar postings, you need to edit the posting. In Grid view, the menu to select Edit appears when you hover the mouse over the date item.
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In List view, click the Edit link for that calendar item.
Linking to Content Items from a Calendar Event
One of the more common events listed on a course calendar is the due date for a specific activity. However, you can also link the event on the calendar directly to the content item associated with it by, using the inline HTML editor.
In this example, you will link a discussion forum assignment in the calendar directly to that forum within Lessons so that, when users click the event in the calendar, they can access a link that takes them to the discussion forum.
1. Click the event on the Calendar.
Note: This same procedure can be done when adding any event to the Calendar by clicking the Add link within the Calendar.
2. Access the Edit link by hovering the mouse over the calendar event. Click the Edit link.
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3. Go to the Notes section of the Event Settings page.
4. Type in any text that explains the assignment, including the text that will hyperlink to the actual assignment.
5. Highlight the text that will be linked to the content item.
6. Click the folder/hyperlink icon on the HTML editor toolbar.
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Note: The folder/hyperlink icon links to items within the course.
7. A pop-up window appears. Click the Map tab. All the tabs within the course appear.
8. Click the expand all link to display all the items within the tab.
9. Click the content item associated with the Calendar event. In this example, you want to link to the Discussion
Module 1 discussion forum, so click that link.
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10. The selected text is now linked to that content item.
11. Add any other settings needed and then click Save at the bottom of the Edit Settings page.
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When users view the event in the Calendar and hover the mouse pointer over the event, the information now appears.
Clicking the hyperlinked text (Discussion Module 1) opens the calendar entry.
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Tip: Because you can link to anything within the course using the HTML Editor, you can put your entire schedule on the Calendar as an alternative for students to access their course content.
If the user views the calendar in List view, it appears as shown in the following figure.
Grading Assignments
Assessments have two general types of questions: those that are automatically graded (such as multiple choice questions) and those that must be manually graded (such as short answer questions).
Reference: For information on creating assessments, see "Adding Content Using the Lessons Tab."
Grading by Question
The Grade by Question feature allows for blind grading of ungraded responses. The grading is done one question at a time, moving through all ungraded responses before moving to the next question.
Place your mouse over a content item and click the utilities hyperlink. (Note that the utilities hyperlink also appears at the top of the screen when you are inside the content item.)
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To manually grade assessment questions, follow these steps:
1. Click the Grade by Question hyperlink.
2. Ungraded Submissions. Click the numerical hyperlink that corresponds to each question. This link shows the number of ungraded submissions.
ANGEL allows you to grade essay and short answer questions using a "blind" approach by using the Grade by
Question option. Thus, you can grade essay (and short answer) questions without knowing which students submitted them.
The elements of the grade question page include the following:
1. View submissions. Number of submissions per page. Click the Go button.
2. Question Text. The text of the original question.
3. Response. The student's response to the question.
4. Score. Type a score for this response into the Score field.
5. Comments. Type comments for this response into the Comments field.
6. Response. The next student's response will appear below.
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7. Continue. Press the Continue button to confirm and return to the ungraded questions page.
Regrading a Question Scored Manually
You can regrade a question that you scored manually by going to the View, Grade or Delete Submission link.
Place your mouse over a content item and click the utilities hyperlink. (Note that the utilities hyperlink also appears at the top of the screen when you are inside the content item.)
To regrade a question, do the following:
1. Click the View, Grade or Delete Submissions hyperlink.
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2. Click the Grade button that corresponds to the user you need to regrade.
3. Score. Retype the score into the Score field.
4. Regrade. Caution: The Regrade hyperlink regrades all other students' questions.
5. Save. The Save button saves the score for this student only.
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Regrading a Question Scored Automatically
You can regrade a question that was scored automatically (such as multiple choice questions) by entering the
Assessment editor.
Click the title of the content item to enter the Assessment editor.
To regrade a question, follow these steps:
1. Regrade. Click the Regrade hyperlink that corresponds to the question you want to regrade.
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2. Select a regrade mode:
● Change points or correct answer. Allows the editor to change the point value and/or correct answer and regrade all submissions based on the changed values.
● Drop question. The question is dropped for all submissions and is not used in grade calculations.
● Give full credit. All submissions are given full credit for the question regardless of the selected choice or answer.
3. Click Ok.
Grading Drop Box Submissions
Students can submit assignments in a variety of formats to the drop box. A drop box assignment can either be submitted by inputting text into the message window or by uploading a document file. Once submitted, the assignment can be graded within the drop box and the grade will go to the Gradebook if it has been set up as an assignment. The instructor can download an attachment, make comments on it, save it, and then upload it again for the student to read.
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Set up the drop box, including setting it up as a Gradebook assignment. During the setup, decide whether you want students to input their answers as text in the message window, as a document file, or if either would be acceptable. In the Submissions section of Settings you can disable either feature.
Tip: If the assignment is lengthy, it is a good idea to disable the message window. Otherwise, students could copy and paste their entire text into that window with the end result being a large, unformatted, hard-to-read document! Even though the HTML editor is available to format the text, most students will probably not use that feature. The message window is best used for short assignments.
Reference: For information on setting up a drop box for student submissions, see "Adding Content Using the
Lessons Tab."
Step-by-step: "Grading a Drop Box Assignment."
Step-by-step: "Grading a Drop Box Submission Using the Grading Rubric."
Click the title of the content item to enter the drop box.
To grade a drop box submission, do the following:
1. Subject/Submitted. Click the subject hyperlink to view the corresponding submission.
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2. Grade. Enter a grade in the Grade field.
3. Use Grading Rubric. Click the Use Grading Rubric hyperlink to utilize the rubric associated with this content item.
4. Remarks. Enter remarks regarding the submission.
5. Attachments. Upload an attachment for the student (for example, the student's file with comments and track changes).
Note: You must first save the student's file to your computer before adding track changes to the student's file.
6. OK. Sends the information to the Gradebook.
7. Submitted Files. The student's submitted files and/or message text appears at the bottom of the screen.
Click the hyperlink to retrieve the file.
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The assignment now has a grade when viewing grades in utilities. This grade will also appear in the Gradebook if it has been set up as an assignment for the Gradebook.
Students can see their grades when they return to the drop box or view their grades. If they click the link within the comments, they can see the corrected copy uploaded by the instructor.
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Grading Drop Box Submissions Offline
The drop box tool in ANGEL has a batch download option that allows you to download all submissions from a specific assignment drop box, grade them offline, and then reupload all grades with any comments and/or attachments back into the ANGEL course.
Place your mouse over a content item and click the utilities hyperlink. (Note that the utilities hyperlink also appears at the top of the screen when you are inside the content item.)
To download submissions, do the following:
1. Download Submissions. Click the Download Submissions hyperlink.
2. Choose to download Ungraded submissions or All submissions.
3. Click the Download button to save a zipped file to your computer.
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Using the Offline Grading Utility
After you download the files, you need to extract, or unzip, the folder with the decompression utility on your computer's operating system.
Simply opening the folder without decompressing the contents will cause errors when using the utility.
To grade offline, follow these steps:
1. Grade.htm. Double-click the Grade.htm file to open it in your default web browser.
2. Submissions. Click a hyperlink to view the student's submission.
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3. File View Area. The student's file appears in the bottom pane. To add a grade for the assignment, go to the top of the grade page and find the student's name.
4. Grade. Enter a grade into the Grade field.
5. Feedback. Upload a file to be returned to the student. Click the Browse button. All files will be uploaded when the Submit button is pressed at the end of the grading session.
6. Comments. Enter comments regarding the submission.
7. Submit. Click the Submit button to send all grades, comments, and file attachments at once.
Note: You do not have to grade all the papers at one time. Only grades that have the box checked next to the student name will be submitted. You can return later to grade the others.
The assignment now has a grade when viewing grades in utilities. This grade will also appear in the Gradebook if it has been set up as an assignment for the Gradebook.
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Students will see their grades when they return to the drop box or view their grades. If they click the link within the comments, they can see the corrected copy uploaded by the instructor.
Grading Discussion Activity
ANGEL allows you to manage the scoring and grading of messages individually or in batch. It also lets you automate the evaluation of student performance within a particular forum.
Scoring Messages Individually
Click the title of the content item to enter the discussion.
Note: To use a consistent scoring scale, set the Instructor Rating Score value on the Settings > Interaction tab. Setting this scale also allows the system to calculate points earned versus points possible. If you set a rating score value, the scoring layer displays it as the maximum score for each post.
To score by post, follow these steps:
1. Expand. If necessary, click the plus sign to expand the thread.
2. Post Title. Click the Post Title link to read the post. Then return to enter a score.
3. Score. Click the score field (displays as -- on the screen). The Score window pops up.
4. Score Window. Enter a score and/or click the checkbox to include a quick reply. You can choose to reply privately to the student from within this layer. Your message will be visible only to you and the student. Press the Save button.
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Scoring Messages in Batches
In some cases you might want to assign a score simply for completing a post or if a post contains a keyword.
To score multiple messages at once, do the following:
1. Search View. Select Search View from the drop-down menu.
2. Unscored. Select Unscored from the drop-down menu.
3. Search. Press the Search button to begin the filter.
4. Select Posts. Check the boxes next to those posts which will receive the same score
5. Score. Select Score from the drop-down menu.
6. Apply Points. Enter the number of points these posts should receive. Press the Save button.
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Tip: You can further refine your results by entering a search term (for example, keyword, correct or incorrect answers) or by using the Advanced search option.
Automatically Evaluating Student Performance
ANGEL offers scoring rubrics to assist instructors in evaluating student performance within a discussion. Instructors can create rubrics that create a score based on a student's participation and the average instructor score.
The scoring rubrics allow you evaluate a student's quantitative and qualitative performance. Quantitative measures include the count of student posts, count of student replies, count of replies to that student's posts, and the average peer rating of that student's posts. The qualitative measure is the average instructor's score.
Together, these measures allow the instructor to create a rubric that automatically evaluates a student's performance within a particular forum.
The results of this rubric provide the instructor with a strong evaluation tool for formulating a final grade for each student. If desired, the rubric results can be copied to the final grade column with a single click within the Grade
Forum utility found within the discussion's Utility menu.
Reference: For detailed instructions on setting up a scoring rubric, see "Using Grading Rubrics."
Video: " Grade with a Rubric ."
Video: " Grade by Question Using a Rubric ."
Grading a Discussion Forum
Grading a forum is done through the Grade Forum utility found in the discussion's Utility menu.
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Video: " Grade a Discussion Forum ."
Place your mouse over a content item and click the utilities hyperlink. (Note that the utilities hyperlink also appears at the top of the screen when you are inside the content item.)
Click the Grade forum hyperlink within the Utilities menu.
Using the Grading Utility
The Grading utility collects and presents student activity and instructor score data that is useful for formulating each student's grade.
Tip: Each of the column heads is sortable. Click the column label to sort the data by that column.
The headings of the Grading utility include the following:
1. User name. The user's name. Clicking the user's name creates a new window with all of that user's posts displayed.
2. Total posts. The total number of new posts and replies submitted.
3. Posts. The total number of new posts submitted.
4. Replies. The total number of replies submitted.
5. Peer replies. The total number of peer replies to that user's posts.
6. Earned/Possible/%. The total points earned, total points possible, and percentage earned as determined by the instructor's scores.
7. Scoring rubric percent. The points earned as calculated by the scoring rubric.
8. Gradebook Grade (#/100). The actual grade to be entered in the Gradebook. May be entered manually, or you can use the Copy rubric scores to grades button to automatically transfer the Scoring rubric percent to the
Gradebook Grade (#/100) column.
9. Comments. Enter comments to student in the Comments field.
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Note: Total points possible and percentage earned will be calculated only if you've set the Instructor Rating
Score value on the Settings > Interaction tab.
Grading a Discussion via Scoring Rubrics
You can transfer the scores calculated by the scoring rubric to the Gradebook Grade column.
1. Click the Copy rubric scores to grades button to automatically transfer the Scoring rubric percent to the
Gradebook Grade column.
2. If you want to add any comments, enter them in the Comments box.
3. Click Submit Grades.
Using the Tasks Menu
When you log into your course and check the Tasks menu, you can see whether you have any questions to be graded. In this case, you have three ungraded items.
To grade from the Tasks menu, do the following:
1. Tasks. Click the Tasks hyperlink in the bottom menu.
2. Expand. Click the plus sign next to Ungraded Items to expand it.
3. Assignment. Click the assignment name hyperlink to go directly to the grading utility.
4. Submission. Click the student name hyperlink to go directly to that submission.
5. Collapse menu. Click the edge of the menu to collapse it back into the side of the screen.
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Grading Assignments via the Gradebook
The Gradebook now allows you to view and grade submissions and offline assignments from within the Gradebook.
Using the Grade Entry Grid
To view the Grade entry grid, go to Manage > Gradebook > Grade Entry Grid; you will see a screen similar to the one shown in the following figure. (Note that the leftmost column containing student names remains frozen, while users can scroll sideways to see additional columns on the right.)
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Grades displayed in this grid are "raw" grades; no formulas or calculations will be applied to the scores displayed in the grid.
Note: There is a hypertext link to the Assignment Wizard at the top of the Grade Entry Grid page. If you have assignments that have not yet been added to your Gradebook, you can use this link to quickly navigate to the
Assignment Wizard and bring in your assignments.
Sorting Columns
Users can sort by any of the columns in the Grade Entry Grid by clicking the column heading and selecting Sort
Ascending or Sort Descending from the drop-down menu that appears. Note that the column currently selected for sorting is shaded in gray and has a small triangle next to the column label.
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Filtering the Grade Grid
The filter selections at the top allow users to change the grid display properties. You can filter the view to limit the grid display to a particular category, term, or grouping of students. This is helpful if you want to work within a more narrow scope in the Gradebook (e.g., see only grades for a particular team within a particular grading term).
Assignment Cell Editing Mode
Two types of assignment cell editing modes exist: one for assignments with associated content and another for assignments without associated content.
Any of the grade cells displayed in the grading grid can be edited directly from this view. Simply click the desired cell to edit the value. If the assignment is configured with associated content, this grade editor is displayed. If you are overriding a grade, you might also see an expanded window in which you can select to override the calculated grade or optionally link to the Submissions Manager for that assignment. After all editing is complete, click the
Save button to save your changes.
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If the assignment is configured without associated content (manually graded or offline assignments), this grade editor is displayed. In this scenario, grades can be entered directly into the Grading Grid. You can also enter an optional comment to accompany the grade. After all editing is complete, click the Save button to save your changes.
Entering Grades by Student
To enter or update grades for a single user at a time, click the student's name in the leftmost column. A menu appears for the individual student. This menu allows you to enter grades, review submissions, view user reports and profiles, and send mail to that student directly from the grading grid.
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Edit Grades
Clicking the Edit Grades link from this menu changes the grade cells for that student to an editable state. You can select any of the cells in that row, and enter or modify the grade value displayed in that field. In addition, the currently selected assignment expands below the selection to show any of the student's submissions for that item, and it indicates whether or not the submissions have been graded.
Selecting the Submissions link from this menu will take you to a screen displaying any ungraded submissions for that student.
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User Reports
Selecting the User Reports link takes you to a detailed report showing all of that student's grades in the course.
This report can be exported, mailed directly to the student, or saved as a .pdf file using the hypertext links at the top of the screen.
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User Profile
Selecting the User Profile displays the student's ANGEL user profile.
Send Mail
Selecting the Send Mail link opens a course mail composition window addressed to the individual student. You can optionally include a copy of the student's grade report with your mail message.
Entering Grades by Assignment
To enter grades for a single assignment at a time, click the heading of the assignment column. A menu appears, as shown in the following figure.
Edit Grades
Clicking the Edit Grades link in this menu changes the assignment column to an editable state. In addition, any ungraded submissions for that assignment are displayed in the expanded window to the right. You can enter grade values for the entire column. After entering all grades, be sure to click the Save button in the upper-right corner to save your grade entries.
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Clicking the Submissions link from this menu will take you to the Submissions Manager for that item.
Using the Submissions Manager
The Submissions Manager appears as a link in the Grading Tasks nugget. (It can also be accessed by selected the Ungraded Items links on the Gradebook Home page or through the Submissions links within the Grade
Entry Grid.)
The Submissions Manager presents instructors with an interface in which they can enter a grade for individual submissions. Additionally, instructors can pan through all the assignments that have ungraded submissions associated with them.
The Content Item drop-down menu is populated with Gradebook assignments. You can switch to view submissions for a different assignment by selecting a different item in the drop-down menu. All ungraded items for that assignment are displayed.
Clicking the + (plus sign) next to Display Filters at the top allows the instructor to specify additional criteria for displaying submissions for a given content item. For example, you might want to view only items that were submitted by a particular due date.
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If the item selected is an assessment, the Grade by Question button becomes available.
If this page is accessed and there are no ungraded submissions pending, a message displays, indicating that there are no submissions.
To grade an item via the Submissions Manager, select the Grade button for the submission you want to grade.
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The student submission displays, along with a place for the instructor to enter a grade, add comments, and/or attach a file. Also, the instructor may optionally select to send the grade and comments to the student as a mail message.
Report Tab
The Report tab provides a deeper insight into student activities and progress. It provides simple options to gather, view, share, save, or take action on the wealth of course, team, or student information at your fingertips.
Reports Console
Go to the Reports Console by logging in to your ANGEL course and clicking the Report tab. The page shown in the following figure will appear.
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There are two tabs on the Reports Console: Report Setting and Saved Reports. ANGEL opens to the the Report
Settings tab.
Report Settings Tab
The Report Settings tab has three main areas.
1. Choose Report. Allows you to set the parameters for the report.
2. Configure Report. Allows you to set the start and end time of the report.
3. Command toolbar. Lets you set the options for your report.
Choosing a Report
Let's examine the Choose Report section in more detail.
1. Category. Allows the user to choose from among seven categories:
● Learner Profile
● WhoDunIt
● Class
● Content
● Grades
● Milestones
● Learning Outcomes
2. Report. Allows the user to choose from up to 13 types of reports. The type of report depends on the category selected.
3. User(s). Category and Report data are gathered from the user(s) you select here.
Tip: Click the next icon to go to the next report and/or the next user.
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Configuring a Report
Let's examine the Configure Report section in more detail.
1. Starting. Allows the user to choose the start date of the report. You can do this from the drop-down list or the calendar icon next to it.
2. Ending before. Allows the user to choose the ending date of the report. You can do this from the drop-down list or the calendar icon next to it.
Tip: Clicking Collapse allow for more room in Report Settings.
allows you to collapse the Starting and Ending before fields to
Working with the Command Toolbar
The Command toolbars provide a number of useful settings.
1. Select report view. You can choose from among three views:
● Chart
● Drill Down
● Table
2. Run. After you choose and configure the type of report that you want to generate, click the Run command.
3. Print Preview. A PDF preview of the report is launched.
4. Send Report. Attaches the report to course mail. The report is saved in PDF format.
5. Export. Allows you to save a copy of the report in one of the following formats:
6. Save. Saves the report to the Saved Reports tab.
Saved Reports Tab
The Saved Reports tab has four functions.
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1. View Saved Reports. Allows you to view a list of saved reports.
2. Collapse. Allows you to collapse/expand the list of saved reports.
3. Run previous report. Runs the previous saved report.
4. Run next report. Runs the next saved report.
Running Reports
The ANGEL 7.4 Reports Console presents a wealth of data-mining opportunities in one central location. This functionality gives instructors flexibility with a full range of report options in a simple console interface that makes selecting components easy. You can track all aspects of individual learners: grades, milestones, or specific content.
Learner Profile Report
The Learner Profile gives instructors the ability to accurately access each student's total performance in one location. This tool greatly reduces the amount of time spent accessing student work and participation, provides comprehensive student information, and relates each student's performance to the class as a whole. The following figure shows some of the information you can include on the Learner Profile report.
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● Activity Logs. Student's activity in a course. Activity can include login/logout information and content items accessed if tracking is turned on for those items.
● Attendance. Attendance status. Used in conjunction with the Attendance component.
● Chat Sessions. Total number of chat sessions for the user and the date of each chat.
● Forum Posts. Name of the discussion forum and the number of posts made to the forum.
● Gradebook Grades. Individual student grades as well as the course average for each Gradebook assignment.
● Instructor Notes. List of notes that have been added under the WhoDunIt report.
● Logons. Dates and total number of logons to the course.
● Mail from User. Dates and total number of messages sent by the user.
● Mail to User. Dates and total number of messages sent to the user.
● Milestones. Dates of the milestones and whether each milestone is pending, due, or completed.
● Performance against objectives. Progress of a class or student against the stated objective.
● Performance against standards. Progress of a class or student against the stated standard.
● Submissions. Dates and total number of submissions.
To use the Learner Profile:
1. Log in to your ANGEL course and click the Report tab.
2. Select the Report Settings tab.
3. Select Learner Profile in the Category drop-down list.
4. Select the report data you want to display from the Report drop-down list.
5. From the User(s) section, select the user's name from the drop-down list.
Note: As you change the category or report data, the Reports Console automatically updates and provides the requested report.
6. Customize the report by changing the Starting and Ending before fields.
7. Select Report view.
8. Click the Run button to run the report.
Grades Report
The Grades report provides a comprehensive view of student grades in one location.
To use the Grades report:
1. Log in to your ANGEL course and click the Report tab.
2. Select the Report Settings tab.
3. Select the Grades option from the Category drop-down list.
4. Select the report data you want to display from the Report drop-down list.
5. From the User(s) section, select the user's name from the drop-down list.
6. Select Report view.
7. Click the Run button to run the report.
Milestones Report
The Milestones feature lets you specify assignment and due dates for key course objectives and displays them automatically on the course calendar. You can review each learner's reports and run a missed milestone report to reveal students who might be falling behind or to identify those who might need help.
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To use the Milestones report:
1. Log in to your ANGEL course and click the Report tab.
2. Select the Report Settings tab.
3. Select the Milestones option from the Category drop-down list.
4. Select the report data you want to display from the Report drop-down list.
5. From the User(s) section, select the user's name from the drop-down list.
6. Select Report view.
7. Click the Run button to run the report.
Previewing the Report
After you run a report, you can click the Print Preview button to view a PDF version of the report or save a PDF version to your hard drive.
Sending a Report
After running a report, you can click the Send Report button to send the PDF version of the report to any course students or faculty using course mail. The report attaches to a course mail message, allowing the user to type information about the report in the mail message.
Exporting a Report
To export a report, follow these steps:
1. Click the Export button. The Export report window appears.
2. Click the Export report to drop-down list and select one of three formats for your report:
4. Click the Export button. A File Download dialog box opens and enables you to open the document or save it to your hard drive.
Saving a Report
Export a report by doing the following:
1. Click the Save button. The Save Report window opens.
2. Type the name of the report in the Enter report name field.
3. Click the Save button. The window shown in the following figure appears, showing that the report was saved successfully.
4. The saved report can be found on the Saved Reports tab.
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Viewing Saved Reports
The Saved Reports tab contains a list of any reports you have saved. To view your saved reports, locate the report name in the View Saved Reports console.
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Click the down arrow next to the saved report and choose Run to run the report, Delete to delete the report from the list, or Settings to modify the report.
To rerun the last report, click the Run last report button.
To run the next report, click the Run next report button.
Automating Your Course
The agent technology located on the Automate tab support personalized learning paths and individual teaching styles while fostering enhanced student interactions and improved outcomes. Agents identify at-risk learners as well as student achievements and milestones. Instructors can easily tailor instructions with dynamic content availability that supports self-paced study, problem-based learning, and conditional material release.
Using the Agents Console
The Agents Console allows the instructor to add agents that run on a scheduled basis or upon request; agents that run when a user views, takes, submits, or reviews a content item; or an agent that runs when a user accesses specific areas within the ANGEL environment.
The elements of the Agents Console include the following:
1. Add New Agent. Click the Add New Agent hyperlink to go to the Create an Agent page.
2. Title. Name of the agent.
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3. Category. Agents can be the following:
● On Demand. Must be manually run when needed.
● Scheduled. Runs automatically per a schedule.
● Content. Runs when a user interacts with specified content items.
● Event. Runs when a user enters or exits the course, or sends an e-mail.
4. Type. Types include the following:
● Recurring. Recurring.
● One Time. Runs one time.
● On View. Runs after a selected item is viewed by a user.
● On Review. Runs when the selected item is reviewed.
● On Grade. Runs when the item is graded.
● On Submit. Runs when the item is submitted.
● On Take. Runs when a quiz, survey, or assessment is taken.
● Enter Course. Runs when a user enters the course.
● Exit Course. Runs when a user exits the course.
● Send Course Mail. Run when an e-mail is sent.
● N/A. No type is applicable.
5. Last Status. Shows the status for the last time the agent was run:
● Successful. Agent executed successfully.
● Processing. Agent is currently running.
● Error. Agent failed to execute.
● N/A. Agent has no status.
6. Last Run. Date and time when agent was last run.
7. Next Run. Date and time when agent is scheduled to run next.
8. Refresh. Click the Refresh link to reload the page.
9. Edit. Click the arrow ( ) next to the name of the section you want to edit. Once inside the editor, User
Selection and Action areas also have a drop-down list asking if you want to edit, copy, or delete the user selection or action.
Caution: Changing the Agent type clears all user filter and action settings.
Creating Scheduled Agents
Scheduled agents run on a scheduled basis. As the instructor you can set up an on demand, specific date, daily, weekly, or monthly schedule of actions to retrieve course or student data.
To create a scheduled agent, click the Add New Agent hyperlink on the Agents Console.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 1 of 3), do the following:
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1. Name your Agent. In the Name your Agent text field, type a meaningful name for the agent you are creating.
2. Choose Agent Type. Select the Scheduled Agent option from the Choose Agent Type section.
3. Choose Schedule. Select a schedule option from the Choose Schedule section.
4. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 2.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 2 of 3), do the following:
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1. Name Selection. Type the name in Name Selection (optional). By default, All Users is predefined in the text field.
2. Select Users.
● Any User. This is the default.
● Specific Users. Allows you to specify which user(s) this agent will monitor.
3. Rights Filter.
● Any Rights. This is the default.
● Specific Rights. Allows you to specify which rights the user must have to be included in the user selection.
4. Team Filter.
● Any Team. This is the default.
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● Specific Teams. Allows you to specify which team memberships the users must have to be included in the user selection.
5. User Selection Conditions. Select any conditions from the User Selection Conditions drop-down list. Ask
"Under what conditions should the users selected above be included in this Agent?" to determine the condition that you will select.
6. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 3.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 3 of 3), do the following:
1. Choose Action Type. Select an action from the Choose Action Type drop-down list.
Reference: Available options depend on the action type you select. See "Action Types" for details.
2. Action descriptions. Click the Action descriptions hyperlink to view a brief description of the actions.
3. Configure. Configure the selected action by completing the specified fields in the action. The fields to be completed vary based on the action.
4. Next. When finished configuring the action click the Next button.
Creating Content Agents
Content agents run when a user views, takes, submits or reviews a content item.
To create a content agent (Step 1 of 3), do the following:
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1. Name your Agent. In the Name your Agent text field, type a meaningful name for the agent you are creating.
2. Choose Agent Type. Select the Content Agent option from the Choose Agent Type section.
3. Choose Lessons. Select the lesson type from the Lesson Type drop-down list.
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A. Lesson Type. Select a Lesson Type from the drop-down menu.
B. Any assessment/Specific assessments. Choose to run to any lesson type or choose a specific content item you previously added.
C. Add. Click the Add button to add the lesson. You can add multiple lessons.
D. Close Window. Click the Close Window button when finished adding lessons.
4. Event. Select the event that will trigger the agent to run from the drop-down list.
5. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 2.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 2 of 3), do the following:
1. Name Selection. Type the name for the Name Selection (optional). By default, All Users is predefined in the text field.
2. Select Users.
● Any User. This is the default.
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● Specific Users. Allows you to specify which user(s) this agent will monitor.
3. Rights Filter.
● Any Rights. This is the default.
● Specific Rights. Allows you to specify which rights the user must have to be included in the user selection.
4. Team Filter.
● Any Team. This is the default.
● Specific Teams. Allows you to specify which team memberships the users must have to be included in the user selection.
5. User Selection Conditions. Select any conditions from the User Selection Conditions drop-down list. Ask
"Under what conditions should the users selected above be included in this Agent?" to determine the condition that you will select.
6. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 3.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 3 of 3), do the following:
1. Choose Action Type. Select an action from the Choose Action Type drop-down list.
Reference: Available options depend on the action type you select. See "Action Types" for details.
2. Action descriptions. Click the Action descriptions hyperlink to view a brief description of the actions.
3. Configure. Configure the selected action by completing the specified fields in the action. The fields to be completed vary based on the action.
4. Next. When finished configuring the action, click the Next button.
Creating Event Agents
The event agent is triggered when a user accesses specific areas within the ANGEL environment such as entering a course, exiting a course, or sending course mail.
To create an event agent (Step 1 of 3), do the following:
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1. Name your Agent. In the Name your Agent text field, type a meaningful name for the agent you are creating.
2. Choose Agent Type. Select the Event Agent option from the Choose Agent Type section.
3. Choose Events. Select the event option from the Choose Events section.
4. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 2.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 2 of 3), do the following:
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1. Name Selection. Type the name for the Name Selection (optional). By default, All Users is predefined in the text field.
2. Select Users.
● Any User. This is the default.
● Specific Users. Allows you to specify which user(s) this agent will monitor.
3. Rights Filter.
● Any Rights. This is the default.
● Specific Rights. Allows you to specify which rights the user must have to be included in the user selection.
4. Team Filter.
● Any Team. This is the default.
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● Specific Teams. Allows you to specify which team memberships the users must have to be included in the user selection.
5. User Selection Conditions. Select any conditions from the User Selection Conditions drop-down list. Ask
"Under what conditions should the users selected above be included in this Agent?" to determine the condition that you will select.
6. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 3.
To create a scheduled agent (Step 3 of 3), do the following:
1. Choose Action Type. Select an action from the Choose Action Type drop-down list.
Reference: Available options depend on the action type you select. See "Action Types" for details.
2. Action descriptions. Click the Action descriptions hyperlink to view a brief description of the actions.
3. Configure. Configure the selected action by completing the specified fields in the action. The fields to be completed vary based on the action.
4. Next. When finished configuring the action, click the Next button.
Configuring Actions
The elements of the Configure Actions page are the following:
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1. Choose Action Type. Select an action from the Choose Action Type drop-down list.
Reference: Available options depend on the action type you select. See "Action Types" for details.
2. Action descriptions. Click the Action descriptions hyperlink to view a brief description of the actions.
3. Configure. Configure the selected action by completing the specified fields in the action. The fields to be completed vary based on the action.
4. Next. When finished configuring the action click the Next button.
Action Types
Following is a brief description of each action type. Action types vary depending on the agent you are using.
● Add Variable. The Add Variable action allows the course editor to create and manage environment variables that are associated with the user submitting a quiz item. This could track course progress, competency, and so on. An example of the Add Variable action could be used to create and increment a variable called
Assessment_Competency that would increment by 1 for every assessment a student received a 70% or higher and decrement for every assessment a student received 69% or lower. A unique Assessment_Competency value would be stored for each student in the course—the results of which could be printed to a page for instructor review.
1. Select the user from the Add Variable For drop-down menu.
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the variable name in the Variable Name field.
4. Provide the value to add in the Amount to Add field (optional).
5. Click the Save Action button.
● Alert. Add a JavaScript pop-up message.
1. In the Alert Message Text field, type the text you want to display in the pop-up message.
2. Click the Save Action button.
● Announcement. Add an announcement to a user's course announcements.
1. Select who will see the announcement from the Add Announcement For drop-down list.
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2. In the Announcement text area, type the text you want to be displayed as the personal announcement.
3. Click the Save Action button.
● Calendar. The Calendar action posts a personal calendar event to a user's course calendar page.
1. In the Title textbox, type the text you want to be displayed as the title of the personal calendar event.
2. Select a user from the Users drop-down list.
3. In the Category textbox, type the category for the personal calendar event.
4. In the Notes text area, type any additional viewable notes that you want to be associated with the personal calendar event.
5. You may optionally type a numeric value in the Days Offset textbox to specify the number of days to offset (wait before displaying) the personal calendar event.
6. You can optionally type a numeric value in the Duration textbox to specify the number of minutes the personal calendar event should remain posted.
7. Click the Save Action button.
● Email (External). The Email action sends an Internet e-mail message when triggered by a specified event.
This item is useful if you need to send an e-mail message to someone outside of the ANGEL environment
1. Type a valid Internet e-mail address in the From textbox to specify who appears as the sender of the message.
2. Type a valid Internet e-mail address(es) in the To textbox to specify who should receive the Internet email message.
3. You can optionally type a valid e-mail address(es) in the Cc or Bcc fields to specify who should also receive the Internet e-mail message.
4. Type a subject in the Subject field.
5. Type your message text in the Message Text field.
6. You can optionally select the format from the Format drop-down list.
7. Click the Save Action button.
● GoTo. The GoTo action redirects the user to another content item (in the same course) when triggered by a specified event.
1. In the Match Text field, type the exact password or title of the item you want to redirect the student to.
Tip: To copy the Entry_ID for an item, right-click the title or icon of an item, select Copy Shortcut, paste the copied link into the Match Text field, and delete the entire pasted link except the last alphanumeric characters following "ENTRY_ID=" (without the quotes).
Note: If more than one item exists with the same title or password provided in the Match Text field, the user is redirected to a list of the matching items. You can combine partial titles with an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to locate multiple items with similar titles.
2. Leave the Delay field blank or type 0 if you want the redirect to take place immediately. Type a higher number such as 600 (10 minutes) to allow the user to view the confirmation/results page for as long as they want.
3. You can optionally provide an item type in the Item Type field to restrict the GoTo action to a particular type of item.
4. You can optionally configure an additional action to be performed on the resulting page. For example, if you are redirecting to a quiz or form, type TAKE in the Action field. The user is directed into the quiz or form, bypassing the intermediate "Take the Quiz" page.
5. Additional advanced functions or subevents can be triggered using the Sub-event field.
6. Click the Save Action button.
● Grade Assignment. Posts a grade to the Gradebook:
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1. Select the assignment from the Assignment drop-down list.
2. Select the user(s) from the Max Points Grade For drop-down list.
3. Click the Add -> button to add the user(s).
4. Add the Percentage or Points value to be added.
5. Select the Locked checkbox to keep the grade from changing in the Gradebook.
6. Type comments in the Comments field.
7. Click the Save Action button.
● Lock. The lock action locks existing content from the user when triggered by a specified event. The lock action can lock only content that had previously been locked and is still associated with a particular password.
1. Select the user from the Lock content for drop-down list.
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the password(s) in the Password(s) field.
4. Click the Save Action button.
● Mail (Internal). The mail action sends a course mail message when triggered by a specified event.
1. Type a valid ANGEL username in the From field (this is prepopulated with your username) to specify who appears as the sender of the message.
2. Select the recipient(s) from the Recipients drop-down list and click the desired send button (To ->, Cc -
>, or Bcc ->).
3. Type a subject in the Subject field.
4. Type your message text in the Message Text field.
5. Click the Save Action button.
● Message. The message action presents an inline message to the user when triggered by a specified event.
1. Type the text you want to be displayed in the inline message in the HTML Message Text field.
2. Click the Save Action button.
● Milestone Completion. Allows the instructor to set a milestone completion action when triggered by a specified event.
1. Select the milestone from the Milestone drop-down list.
2. Select the user from the Complete For drop-down list.
3. Click the Save Action button.
● Redirect. The redirect action redirects the user to a web page when triggered by a specified event.
1. In the URL field, type the fully qualified URL of the web page you want to redirect the user to.
2. You can optionally type a value (in seconds) in the Delay field to specify a period of time to display the conformation/results page before redirecting to the specified URL.
3. Click the Save Action button.
● Replace Variable Text. The Replace Variable Text action could be used to update a list of "items to be completed." As the student completes the items, an image of a checkbox (next to the list item) could be replaced with the image of a selected checkbox.
1. Select the users from the Set Variable For drop-down list.
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the variable name in the Variable Name field.
4. Type the text to find in the optional Find Text field.
5. Type the text to replace in the optional Replace With field.
6. Click the Save Action button.
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● Set Variable. The Set Variable action could be used to change the starting point for each student based on the last quiz they had received a passing score for.
1. Select the users from the Set Variable For drop-down list.
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the variable name in the Variable Name field.
4. Type the value in the Variable Value field.
5. Click the Save Action button.
● Task. Allows a personal task to be created.
1. Type a subject in the Subject field.
2. Type a message in the Body field.
3. Select a due date from the Due Date calendar or n days from agent run date.
4. Select the user from the Assigned To drop-down list.
5. Select a priority from the Priority drop-down list.
6. Select a category from the Category drop-down list or create a new category using the Other button.
7. Click the Save Action button.
● Task Completion. Allows a personal task item to be marked complete.
1. Select the task from the Task drop-down list.
2. Select the user from the Complete For drop-down list.
3. Click the Save Action button.
● Team Enroll. Allows an instructor the ability to enroll users in a team based on a specified event.
1. Select the user(s) to enroll from the Users to enroll field.
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the team(s) name(s) in the Team(s) fields.
4. Click the Save Action button.
● Team Unenroll. Allows an instructor the ability to unenroll users in a team based on a specified event.
1. Select the user(s) to enroll from the Users to unenroll field
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the team(s) name(s) in the Team(s) fields.
4. Click the Save Action button.
● Unlock. The Unlock action releases password-protected content to the user when triggered by a specified event. The Unlock action can unlock only content that has been previously locked and is still associated with a particular password.
1. Select the user(s) to unlock content for from the Users to unlock content for field.
2. Click the Add -> button.
3. Type the password(s) in the Password(s) fields.
4. Click the Save Action button.
Note: Using an exclamation point (!) in front of the password hides the folder, quiz, or item you want to unlock from the user without having to set the Hide From Student checkbox. Use the same format and password on the folder, quiz, or item you want to unlock, including the exclamation point (!).
Example: !password
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Step-by-step: See "Releasing Content by Using the Unlock Action."
Working with Groups
Groups offer an opportunity for users to set up a workspace outside the confines of a course. Groups can be populated from all the users in one instance in ANGEL. Groups work well for committees, user groups, and studentrun organizations. A group provides an environment for online collaborative communities to share.
Because group pages function exactly like course pages, only the special features of groups are discussed here.
Creating Groups
Community Groups
can be used as an online collaborative community for committees, user groups, and so on.
If enabled, you can click the
Create a Group
hyperlink to create a group. The Create a Group Editor is divided into four tabs: Group Data, Enrollment Dates, Standards, and Objectives.
Group Data Settings
General Information
contains the title, category, keywords, and description for the group. Enabling standards and objectives and setting the default language for the group are set in the General Information section.
General Information settings can be changed at a later time using the General Group Settings tool located under the Manage tab within the group.
Access Settings allows the user to determine who has access to the group and whether the group can be seen in Find a Group searches.
● Member Access determines whether students or members of the group have access or whether the editor only has access. Setting the Member Access to Editor provides access to the instructor but not to students.
This option can be used before the start of a semester, term, or quarter to allow the instructor time to create group material and structure the online collaboration tools. Once the group is ready for student access, the instructor can change access to the group to All Members under the Manage tab > General Group
Settings in the group.
● Guest Access. Determines whether guests are allowed to access the group.
● Anonymous. Allows users who have not logged in to the ANGEL environment access to the group. Once in the group, the anonymous user does not have access to content or student information unless the instructor has set the Viewable By settings to Everyone.
● Authenticated. Allows users who have logged in to the ANGEL environment access to the group. Once in the group, the authenticated user does not have access to content or student information unless the instructor has set the Viewable By settings to Authenticated Guest.
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● Search Engines. Allows users to determine whether the group can be located using the Find a Group search.
No disables the search for the group, and Yes enables the search for the group.
Reference: For additional information on Viewable By settings, see "Batch Enrollment."
Establishing Group Standards and Group Objectives
The Standards tab provides an option for instructors to align their community group to provided standards.
Standards that have been published by your institution show in a list as available standards. Availability of standards is controlled by your ANGEL standards administrator.
The Objectives tab allows the instructor the opportunity to create objectives for the community group at the time the group is created. This can also be done later in the group using the General Group Settings under the
Manage tab.
Controlling the Group Display Settings
Click the Edit button in the Community Groups title bar to hide specific groups or to customize the additional information displayed for each. To prevent a group from appearing under your Community Groups section, clear the checkbox next to the group prior to saving. To access a previously hidden group, select the checkbox next to the group prior to saving or simply click on the group title.
Finding a Group
Search for existing groups by clicking the
Find a Group
hyperlink (located below the Community Groups title bar). The Community Search page allows you to search existing groups by keyword, category, campus, school, or department criteria. Once you have clicked the
button, a list of available groups displays based on your search criteria.
Course Management
The Manage tab provides a wide array of course management tools, including common course tools to help you manage grades and attendance; environmental tools that enable you to alter a variety of course settings; and data management tools that allow you to backup and restore, import and export, and manage files.
Editing the Management Console Page
You can choose which components appear on your Management Console. Available components vary by institution.
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To edit your resources page, do the following:
1. Click the Edit Page hyperlink in the left corner.
2. Click the Refresh hyperlink in the upper-right corner of the screen to reload the page.
To add and rearrange components:
1. Your cursor turns into a cross-arrow ( position on your resources page.
) that allows you to drag and drop components to rearrange their
Note: A menu appears on each component as your mouse moves over it.
2. You can remove a component by clicking the Delete button ( ).
3. If you are not satisfied with your selections, you can restore the defaults set by your institution by clicking the
Use Defaults button.
4. Select and add additional components not already displayed:
A. Click the checkbox next to the components you want to add.
B. Click the Add Selected button when you finish selecting components.
Video: " Edit Page Components ."
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Changing the Course Configuration
Course Management allows course editors to configure and maintain course grades, manage enrollments and rights, manage team enrollments and settings, take attendance and review attendance information, and maintain course milestones. Course assistants are also provided with access to Course Management to assist course editors
(for example, maintaining course grades and attendance, and so on). Course assistants are not allowed to edit the
Course Management configuration.
Using the Roster Editor
The Roster section allows course editors to manage enrollments and rights.
Step-by-step: For more on this topic, see "Maintaining the Roster."
To access the Roster Editor, log into your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Roster hyperlink.
The Roster Editor appears.
The elements of the Roster Editor include the following:
1. The Add a User hyperlink allows the course editor to search for an existing user to add to the roster or add a new user account.
2. The Batch Enroll link provides the course editor with an easy-to use wizard interface to batch-create new user accounts and to batch enroll new and existing users into existing courses and groups.
3. The Export link allows you to export your entire roster in a .tsv (tab-separated) format.
4. The Print link opens a new window with a "printer-friendly" roster.
5. The Roster Synchronization link combines the rosters of multiple courses into one course.
6. The Edit button allows you to edit the user in Enrollment Settings. The Delete button allows you to remove the user from the course roster.
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Reference: For more information on enrolling users, see "Enrolling a User."
7. Use the checkbox next to the name to edit, delete, batch-enroll, or export your selection.
Note: You can send e-mail notifications to users to tell them they have been unenrolled by selecting the checkbox next to Send Email Notification on the Unenroll screen.
8. The Delete Selected button allows you to delete multiple names checked above.
Adding a User
The Add a User hyperlink provides an option to add a student, team leader, course mentor, course assistant, course editor, or course administrator. You can create a new account or add a user who already has an account for your institution. (This option may be restricted by your ANGEL administrator.)
To add a user, do the following:
1. To search for an existing account, add the user's first name, last name, or user ID in the Account Search text area and then press the Search button. The search results display at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click the Select button that corresponds with the user you intend to add to your roster.
3. If the user does not yet exist, click the Create New Account button. The New Account page is displayed.
Tip: You should search to see whether the user has an account at your institution before creating the new user account.
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A. The Login Name field determines the unique username the new user uses to log into the system.
Username values must be unique within the ANGEL system.
B. The Source ID field determines the unique student ID or user ID that ANGEL uses to identify the new user. Account ID values must be unique within the ANGEL system.
Note: The Source ID and Login Name fields are often entered with identical values. In some cases, institutions might prefer to use separate values for each (e.g., student or billing ID as the Account ID and username as Login Name). Best practice is to not use a student ID or SSN as a username because the
Username is visible in many areas of ANGEL 7.4.
C. The First Name field is required.
D. The Last Name field is required.
E. Type the e-mail address of the user in the Email field.
F. Allow ANGEL Authentication. The authentication is the way the user logs into ANGEL 7.4, either by using ANGEL to authenticate or an external source (such as your institution's authentication point).
Note: Leave the Password and Confirm fields blank to have a random password generated by
ANGEL 7.4. If authenticating through an external source (such as your institution's authentication point) leave the Password and Confirm fields blank.
G. Select the Send e-mail to user checkbox to send the user an e-mail with the password and login information.
H. Directory Information. Click the Change hyperlink to select an organizational unit.
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Enrolling a User
You can begin the enrollment process by clicking the Select button within Roster Search or by clicking the Save button on a Create New Account page.
The Enrollment Settings page consists of the following:
1. Rights. Rights can be changed for a user within your course (these items may be limited by your ANGEL administrator). Rights changed within a course (section) affect the user rights within the course (section) only.
Section-level rights are described as follows:
● Authenticated Guest. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a guest.
Default course/group restrictions: Guests cannot view the student portion of the roster; cannot access instructor or student tools; and can view only lesson content, chat rooms, or forums that have been made viewable to users with a rights level of guests (or lower).
● Student/Member. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a student/member.
Default course/group restrictions: Students/members cannot access instructor tools and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of students/members (or lower).
● Team Leader. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a team leader.
Default course/group restrictions: Team leaders cannot access instructor tools, and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of team leaders (or lower).
● Course/Group Mentor. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a mentor, such as a course librarian.
Default course/group restrictions: Course/group mentors cannot access instructor tools, and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of course/group mentors (or lower).
● Course/Group Assistant. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as an assistant. This role has access to grading features and several instructor reports.
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Default course/group restrictions: Course/group assistants have limited access to instructor tools such as activity reports (under the Lessons and Tools tabs), the course Gradebook, and Attendance Manager.
Course/group assistants can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of course/group assistants (or lower).
● Course/Group Editor. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as an editor. This is the typical role for the instructor of record. Editors can manage the course roster, edit all content, and access all reports and utilities.
Default course/group restrictions: None. Course/group editors have full access to all instructor tools, reports, and so on. Furthermore, course/group editors are not subject to restrictions such as team association, start dates, end dates, and hidden item settings.
● Course/Group Administrator. Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as an administrator.
Default course/group restrictions: None. Course/group administrators have full access to all instructor tools, reports, and editing capabilities.
2. Title. The title displayed for the user in the course.
Note: To add a title that is not in the drop-down list, click the Other button. Add the name in the prompt window and then click OK.
3. Hidden. Hides the user from view. This option is useful for an observer who does not want to be seen in the course.
4. Disabled. Disabling a user in a course removes access to the course.
5. Team Membership. Specifies to what team the user should be assigned.
6. Notify user of account changes by e-mail. E-mail can be sent to users to notify them of changes to their status in a course.
Batch Enrollment
The Batch Enrollment tool provides the course editor with an easy-to-use wizard interface to batch-create new user accounts and to batch-enroll new and existing users into existing courses and groups.
To access the Batch Enrollment Wizard, log into your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, click the Roster hyperlink (located under Course Management), and click the Batch Enroll hyperlink (located on the Roster Editor toolbar). The Batch Enrollment Wizard appears.
The Batch Enrollment Wizard consists of the following:
1. File Name. The batch process requires the import of a text file of your user account and/or course enrollment data in comma-delimited (.txt) or tab-delimited (.csv) format. The .csv files created on the Mac need to be saved in Windows or MS DOS format through the editor they are created with on the Mac.
2. Format. At the end of the batch steps, you have an opportunity to save your settings, which appear in the
Format drop-down menu for future use.
3. Upload. After your filename appears in the File Name textbox, click the Upload button. The Step 1: File
Format page appears.
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Step 1: File Format
In this step, you are selecting the format settings for the file you want to upload.
This step of the Batch Enrollment Wizard consists of the following:
1. Delimiter. The type of delimiter the batch file uses to separate data values.
2. file contains quoted values. Data values in a batch file that have quotes around them.
3. first row contains column labels. The batch file begins with column headers (labels), and the student and/or course data does not begin until the second line.
Step 2: File Preview
In Step 2, the first few records in the file are displayed as defined by the settings you selected in Step 1.
To complete Step 2, do the following:
1. Back. Review the data to ensure that it appears to be logically ordered. If you notice inconsistencies, click the
Back button to change your settings.
2. Continue. Click the Continue button. The Step 3: Column Mappings screen appears.
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Step 3: Column Mappings
In this step, you map your data to specific ANGEL account or enrollment variables. Within each ANGEL account or enrollment drop-down menu, ANGEL displays all data values for the first record of your batch file.
Account Settings
Account Settings determine the environment- or system-level settings for newly created accounts only and does not update existing accounts:
A. Source ID. The Source ID field determines the unique student ID or user ID that ANGEL uses to identify the new user. Source ID values must be unique within the ANGEL system.
Note: Source IDs should be composed of alphanumeric characters (100-character limit) and can include underscore, dash, period, and @ special characters. Avoid using other special characters. Ensure that Account
IDs do not have leading or trailing spaces.
B. First Name. The First Name field accepts any character string (special characters included) up to 50 characters.
C. Last Name. The Last Name field accepts any character string (special characters included) up to 50 characters.
D. Email. The Email field accepts any character string (special characters included) up to 255 characters.
E. Username. The Username field determines the unique username the new user uses to log in to the system.
Username values must be unique within the ANGEL system.
Note: Usernames should be composed of alphanumeric characters (100-character limit) and can include underscore, dash, period, and @ special characters. Avoid using other special characters. Ensure that usernames do not have leading or trailing spaces or apostrophes.
F. Password. The Password field determines the user's initial password. Passwords may be composed of any character string (special characters included) up to 15 characters in length.
G. Authentication. The Authentication field indicates whether the account is an internal ANGEL account or an external account such as an NT domain account or POP account. For ANGEL internal accounts the field should be set to a value of 1. For all other account types, the field should be set to a value of 0.
H. Account Status. The Account Status field indicates the status of the account. A value of 0 indicates active, 1 indicates disabled, and 2 indicates expired.
I. Account Expiration. If a value is specified, the Account Expiration field determines the date on which the user account expires. This field accepts any SQL-supported date value (for example, 4/31/2005 or 4-31-2005).
J. Phone. The Phone field accepts any character string (special characters included) up to 25 characters.
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K. Photo URL. The Photo URL field accepts any character string (special characters included) up to 255 characters. Provide a fully qualified URL or path.
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Enrollment Settings
Enrollment Settings determine course or group level settings for new enrollments only; they do not update existing enrollments, or create new courses or groups.
L. Course/Group Rights. The value mapped to the Course/Group Rights field (if provided) determines a unique rights level in each course in which a user is enrolled.
Note: The Course/Group Rights field accepts any binary value between 1 and 64. A value of 1 provides the lowest permission level (Guest) and a value of 64 providing the highest permission level (Course/Group
Administrator). These available rights levels are listed as follows.
● Guest (1). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a guest. Guests cannot view the student portion of the roster; cannot access instructor or student tools; and can view only lesson content, chat rooms, or message boards that have been made viewable to users with a rights level of guests (or lower).
● Student/Member (2). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a student/member.
Students/members cannot access instructor tools and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of students/members (or lower).
● Team Leader (4). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a team leader. Team leaders cannot access instructor tools and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of team leaders (or lower).
● Student/Member (2). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a student/member.
Students/members cannot access instructor tools and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of students/members (or lower).
● Team Leader (4). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a team leader. Team leaders cannot access instructor tools and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of team leaders (or lower).
● Course/Group Mentor (8). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as a mentor.
Course/group mentors cannot access instructor tools and can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of course/group mentors (or lower).
● Course/Group Assistant (16). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as an assistant.
Course/group assistants have limited access to instructor tools such as activity reports (under Lessons and
Tools tabs), a course Gradebook, and Attendance Manager. Course/group assistants can view only lesson content that has been made available to users with a rights level of course/group assistants (or lower).
● Course/Group editor (32). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as an editor.
Course/group editors have full access to all instructor tools, reports, and so on.
● Course/Group Administrator (64). Identifies the user's primary role in the course or group as an administrator. Course/group administrators have full access to all instructor tools, reports, and so on.
M. Title. The value mapped to the Title field determines the user's title within the course (for example, student, instructor, and so on). The Title field accepts any character string up to 50 characters.
N. Team. The Team field determines the user's team association within the course or group. This field accepts any string value up to 100 characters.
O. Hidden. apped to the Hidden field determines whether the user is hidden or visible on the course roster. The
Hidden field accepts a bit value of 0 or 1 (a value of 0 for visible; a value of 1 for hidden).
P. Locked. The value mapped to the Locked field determines whether the user is locked in the course roster.
Locked user accounts are not removed from the course roster during drop/add updates to the course roster.
The Locked field accepts a bit value of 0 or 1 (a value of 0 for unlocked; a value of 1 for locked).
Q. Disabled. The value mapped to the Disabled field determines whether the user is disabled from viewing the course, but still part of the course roster. The Disabled field accepts a bit value of 0 or 1 (a value of 0 for active; a value of 1 for disabled). The Disabled setting is useful in temporarily restricting student access to the course for reasons such as nonpayment.
R. Status Code. The Status Code field provides an administrator-definable field commonly used to record the user's status within a course. ANGEL does not use this value in any manner other than to store the value with other enrollment values. The Status Code field accepts integer values between 0 and approximately 32,000.
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S. Billing ID. The Billing ID field provides an administrator-definable field commonly used to record the user's billing ID for a course. ANGEL does not use this value in any manner other than to store the value with other enrollment values. The Billing ID field accepts any character string up to 100 characters.
T. Enrollment Begins. The Enrollment Begins field provides the date when users can enroll in the course.
U. Enrollment Ends. The Enrollment Ends field provides the date when enrollment to the course closes.
V. Enrollment Action. The Enrollment Action field determines what action should be taken on this record. A value of 1 indicates an add; 0 indicates a drop.
Profile Settings and Profile Viewable by Settings
Profile settings allow you to complete user profile information (if available) for new users; it does not update existing profile information. All the Viewable by settings can also be completed.
1. Select the items that correspond to the correct Field Name from the Column drop-down list.
2. Click the Continue button. The Step 4: Default Field Values page appears.
Step 4: Default Field Values
The settings you provide in this step determine the default field values to be used for each account that does not provide field values. All field descriptions are listed in the Field Name and Description tables in Step 3.
Note: The Account Group field allows you to associate all newly created accounts with a particular account group.
To complete Step 4, follow these steps:
1. Select the value in the Default column that should be used for each field. This would only need to be done if the data does not exist in your file.
2. Click the Continue button. The Step 5: Account Synchronization page appears.
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Step 5: Account Synchronization
The Account Synchronization settings allow you to choose whether username and/or e-mail values should be used
(in addition to account ID) when searching for existing user accounts.
To complete Step 5, do the following:
1. Username. Selecting the Username checkbox includes the username field in the search criteria.
2. Email. Selecting the Email checkbox includes the e-mail field in the search criteria.
3. The If an account does not exist, create one checkbox creates new accounts if they do not already exist.
4. The Force password change on first login checkbox forces the user to change the initial password upon first login.
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5. Username Format Max Size. The Max Size drop-down list allows you to select the maximum character size for the username format.
6. Password Format Max Size. The Max Size drop-down list allows you to select the maximum character size for the password format.
Step 6: Final Review
This page allows you to review your settings to confirm that your data is properly matched to the appropriate fields. If you notice any inconsistencies, click the Back button to fix the data mappings. If everything is correct, click the Finish button to complete the batch enrollment/user account creation. You can optionally save the settings (before you click Finish) for use in future batch enrollment/user account creations.
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Batch Enrollment Results
The Batch Enrollment Results page provides a results summary and the ability to e-mail a detailed report.
The elements of the Batch Enrollment Results page include the following:
1. View Detail Report. To view a detail of the report, click the View Detail Report hyperlink. This displays a table containing the information created during the batch enrollment.
2. Send Mail. To e-mail the detail report, select the Email Detail Report checkbox, enter your e-mail address in the Your Email text box, and click the Send Mail button.
3. Do Not Send Mail. Click the Do Not Send Mail button to not send the detail report and to exit out of the wizard.
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Exporting the Roster
To access the Export utility, log into your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, click the Roster hyperlink (located under Course Management), and click the Export hyperlink (located on the Roster Editor toolbar). The File
Download dialog box appears.
To export the roster:
1. To save the roster.tsv file locally, click the Save button.
2. Select the location to save the document and change the name of the document if desired.
3. Click the Save button.
4. When the download is complete, you can close the Downloading File dialog box.
Synchronizing the Roster
In ANGEL 7.4, the system allows instructors of record for courses to combine the rosters of multiple courses and manage them as one course. These courses are treated as one course by the system (even if they likely have different course codes and/or sections), and Student Information System integration will keep the unified course synchronized with any course enrollment add/drop activity.
The following use cases identify where the course roster synchronization functionality will be the most useful:
1. One Course/Multiple Sections. In some courses, many sections of the same course are taught at various times by the same instructor. These courses can be combined using roster synchronization so that the instructor has to manage only one set of content, Gradebooks, and so on.
2. Same ANGEL Course/Multiple Course Codes/Sections. If a course is cross-listed, it might have different course code/section numbers for each of the cross-listings, even though the course is taught at one time and in one physical location. These courses can be combined to mirror the actual course and can be managed as a single unit.
3. Combined Course/Lab Sections. In courses in which there are lab sections associated with various courses or course codes, or where one lecture equates to several lab sections, the course and labs can be combined and managed centrally, with teams for each lab section, using roster synchronization.
To use Roster Synchronization, follow these steps:
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1. Add Roster. Click the Add Roster link to select rosters to synchronize.
A. Select Courses. Click the check box to select course rosters.
B. Create Teams. Creates a team based on each course's roster (Uses naming scheme CourseCode-Section) and adds corresponding students to that team. This feature helps the instructor address specific groups of students when necessary.
C. Disable Synchronized Courses. (Suggested) Source courses are disabled. Students do not see both the original course section and the synchronized course; only the synchronized course appears in their course list.
2. Results. Rosters synchronized into this course will display in the table below.
Managing Teams
The Teams section allows course editors to manage team enrollments and settings.
To access the Teams Editor, log into your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Teams hyperlink. The
Teams Editor appears.
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Working with the Teams Editor
The Teams Editor page allows the course editor to create teams, assign users, check for unassigned users, randomly generate teams and rebalance generated teams.
The elements of the Teams Editor include the following:
1. Add a Team. Click the Add a Team link for the Team Settings Editor.
2. Unassigned Users. Using the Unassigned Users hyperlink provides a list of users who have not been assigned to any teams:
A. Check the box that corresponds to a user.
Note: The checkbox next to each name allows you to select one or more users and assign them to a particular team.
B. Select a team from the Add to Team drop-down menu. If you want to create a new team, click the Other button.
C. Click the Add Selected button to add those users to the team.
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3. Random Team Generator. The Random Team Generator feature allows you to create random teams and subteams based on criteria you set. This functionality makes the team aspect of ANGEL more robust and easier to support courses with a high number of teams.
4. Rebalance Generated Teams. The Rebalance Generated Teams feature provides an option to move students from one team to another or add new users to teams (applies to teams that have been generated by the Random Team Generator).
5. Click the add users link below the corresponding team:
A. Select the checkbox(es) next to the user(s) you want to add to the team.
B. Click the Add Selected button.
6. Click the remove users link below the corresponding team:
A. Select the checkbox(es) next to the user(s) you wish to remove from the team.
B. Click the Delete Selected button.
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7. The settings link returns to the Team Settings Editor.
8. Click the rename link below the corresponding team:
A. Rename the team in the New Name field.
B. Press the Save button.
9. Click the delete link next to the corresponding team.
Adding a Team
The elements of the Teams Editor include the following:
1. Click the Add a Team link for the Team Settings Editor. The New Team General Settings are the following:
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A. Team. Name of the team. This name must be unique within the course or group.
Note: If you plan to use the Random Team Generator to create subteams, the maximum number of characters that can be used for a team name is 20 characters.
B. Description. Extended description of the team.
C. Homepage. The URL of the homepage for team members (include the http://).
D. Project URL. The fully qualified URL of the project homepage to be made publicly available (include the http://).
E. Hidden. Indicates whether the team should be publicly displayed (for example, on the teams list and in the mail utility).
F. Disabled. Indicates whether the team should be publicly displayed (for example, on the teams list and in the mail utility).
G. File Sharing. Allows team members to upload files to a common team space to share.
H. Quota. Specifies the maximum file space that a team can use for file sharing.
Generating Random Teams
The Random Team Generator feature allows you to create random teams and subteams based on criteria you set.
This functionality makes the team aspect of ANGEL more robust and easier to support courses with a high number of teams.
From the Teams Editor page, click the Random Team Generator hyperlink (located on the Teams Editor toolbar).
The Criteria Selection page appears.
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Criteria Selection
The elements of the Random Team Generator include the following:
1. Root Name of Teams to be generated. A number is appended to the end (Root-01, Root-02) when the teams are actually generated. The wizard displays an error if the root name plus the appended number is greater than 20 characters. Team names should be composed of alphanumeric characters and can include underscore, dash, spaces, or period special characters. However, we recommend that unique names be used because of the file structure naming convention in ANGEL 7.3 (Team-01 and Team 01 have the same filename:
Team_01). Other special characters should not be used.
2. Limit number of teams to create. Providing a numeric value limits the number of teams that are created.
3. Limit maximum and minimum users per team. Providing a numeric value limits minimum and maximum number of users who are assigned to a team.
4. Select users with rights of. Selects users with the specified rights.
5. Entire Roster. Selects users from the entire roster such as students, instructors, team leaders, course assistants, and so on.
6. Selected Team(s). Selects users from the specified teams.
7. Only include users who have accessed the course. Selects only those users who have accessed the course. Does not include users that have enrolled in the course but have never accessed the course.
8. Create as sub-teams. Allows the creation of subteams for users if Selected Team(s) is specified.
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Adjusting Teams
The Adjustment Page provides the opportunity to move users from team to team, unassign users, or move unassigned users to a particular team.
The elements of the Adjustment Page include the following:
1. Select a user from the user list.
Tip: Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard (or the Apple key on a Macintosh) and click to select multiple users.
2. Move To. Select which team to move the user to as necessary.
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Rebalancing Generated Teams
The Rebalance Generated Teams feature provides an option to move students from one team to another or add new users to teams (this applies to teams that have been generated by the Random Team Generator).
From the Teams Editor page, click the Rebalance Generated Teams hyperlink (located on the Teams Editor toolbar). The Rebalancing page appears.
The elements of the Rebalancing page include the following:
1. Team Set. Select your set of teams to rebalance.
2. Next. Click the Next button to proceed to the Adjustment Page.
Tracking Attendance
The Attendance section allows the course editor to take attendance and review attendance information. To access the Attendance Manager, log into your ANGEL course, click the Manage tab, and click the Attendance hyperlink.
The Attendance Manager appears.
Working with the Attendance Manager
The Attendance Manager allows course editors and course assistants to track student attendance for classroom and online sessions. The Attendance Manager optionally supports the manual logging of student attendance as described below.
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Tip: Course editors/assistants can retrieve and share an automatically generated daily PIN to allow students to mark themselves as present (using the Attendance page component from the Edit page component on the
Course tab). The PIN is randomly generated and displays on the Course page. This PIN is randomly generated each day for the purpose of allowing students to mark themselves as present. You can optionally provide this PIN to your students (who attend the class session) and ask them to update their attendance using the My Attendance course tool (described later in this document) to eliminate the need to manually log student attendance.
To use the Attendance Manager, follow these steps:
1. Change Month. Select your month from the hyperlinks at the top (ensure that you are on the correct year).
2. Date. Click the numeral date at the top of the correct column:
A. Status. Use the Status drop-down menu to select the student's status for that day.
B. Notes. Use the Notes field to optionally type a note regarding the student's whereabouts.
C. Default. Use the Default drop-down menu to select a status that will fill in any unmarked students.
D. Legend. Use the Legend as a reminder for what each status abbreviation is.
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3. Preferences. The Preferences utility allows course editors or course assistants to configure which days of the week the Attendance Manager should display. In addition, course editors/assistants can modify the default attendance status codes and labels by replacing the values in the appropriate fields. Click the Save button to save your changes.
A. Days of Week. Selects which days of the week will display on the attendance sheet.
B. Attendance Codes. Modifies the default attendance codes.
C. Use Defaults. Press the Use Defaults button if you are unhappy with your changes.
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4. Export. Click the Export hyperlink to export the attendance data in a tab- or comma-delimited format. Tab- and comma-delimited formats can be easily opened and viewed in any standard spreadsheet program.
To export the Attendance sheet, follow these steps: a. To save the file locally, click the Save button.
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b. Select the location to save the document and change the name of the document if desired. c. Click the Save button. d. When the download is complete, you can close the Downloading File dialog box.
5. Mode/Sort Views. The Mode selector allows course editors/assistants to toggle between the default calendar-based grid view and a list-based list view. The Sort selector allows course editors/assistants to alter the grid-based or list-based views to sort by Name, Username, or Date.
Tip: Click the name or username of a student to view all attendance records and notes for that student.
Data Management
The Data Management area contains tools for managing course files, backing up and restoring your course, importing and exporting content and maintaining the data in your course.
Course Files Manager
The Course Files Manager tool enables course editors to manage course files. All files associated with the course— such as syllabus, course content, mail, discussions, teams, and so on—are located in the Course Files Manager.
This tool allows the course editor immediate access to any files necessary for the course. To access the Course
Files page, log in to your course, click the Manage tab, and click the Course Files Manager hyperlink. The
Course Files page appears.
Course Files Page
The Course Files page allows course editors to add content; and download, rename, copy, move, zip or delete course folders and the files within those folders.
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Adding Content to Course Files
The Add Content hyperlink displays the Add Content page allowing the course editor to create a folder, create a file, upload files, and drag-n-drop.
Downloading Files
The Download All option allows you to download all files listed in the Course Files area. All files are downloaded in a ZIP-formatted file and can be archived on your local computer.
To download all:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the Download All hyperlink located in the toolbar. A File Download dialog box appears.
4. Click the Save button. The Save As dialog box appears.
5. The filename is prepopulated with the, which can be changed to a course name if desired. Click the Save button. Depending on the size of your course files, this download might take a few minutes.
You can opt to download just a particular portion of the Course Files using the Download hyperlink. This allows you to archive a particular file to your local computer.
To download a file, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the download hyperlink located underneath the name of the file you want to download. A File
Download dialog box appears.
4. Click the Save button. The Save As dialog box appears.
5. The filename is prepopulated with, which can be changed if desired. Click the Save button.
Depending on the size of your file, the download might take a few minutes.
Renaming Files and Folders
The Rename option allows you rename a file. Caution should be used when renaming course files.
To rename a file, follow these steps:
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1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the rename hyperlink located underneath the file you want to rename. The Rename Folder page appears.
4. Type a new name in the Folder Name field.
5. Click the OK button.
Copying Files and Folders
The Copy option allows you to make a copy of the specific file or folder.
To copy a folder, do the following:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the copy hyperlink located underneath the file or folder you want to copy. The Copy Folder (File) page appears.
4. Type a new folder name in the Folder Name field.
5. Click the OK button. A new folder/file is added to the list of items in the Course Files area.
Moving Files and Folders
The Move file option allows you to move a file or folder to a different folder in within the Course Files area.
To move a folder/file:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the move hyperlink underneath the name of the folder/file you want to move. The Move Folder page appears.
4. From the list of available folder(s), click the name of the folder to which the file/folder should be moved.
5. Click the OK button. The file is moved to the specified location.
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Compressing (Zipping) Files and Folders
The Zip file option allows you to zip the selected folder. This zip file then resides in the Course Files area.
To zip a file, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the zip hyperlink located underneath the folder you want to zip. The Zip Folder page appears, asking whether you are sure you want to zip this folder.
4. By default, the delete folder after zipping checkbox is checked. If you want to delete the folder after the zip process is complete, leave this checked; otherwise, uncheck the checkbox.
5. Click the OK button. The selected file is zipped and placed in the Course Files area.
Deleting Files and Folders
The Delete file option allows you to delete files from the Course Files area.
Caution: Be careful when using the Delete file option.
To delete a file, do the following:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Course Files Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. Click the delete hyperlink underneath the name of the folder you want to delete. The Delete Folder page appears
4. You are asked whether you are sure you want to delete this folder and all its contents. To continue, click the
OK button.
Importing a Master Course
A master course, which serves as a template for a course or specific group of courses, is imported into a course shell using the Import Console. It is developed exactly like any other course and includes the same sections and features as other courses. Access to the course is set up by using filters when the course is created that designate what courses can use the master course.
A master course has the following uses:
● A single course that has multiple sections with many faculty teaching it, to maintain consistency and quality.
● A course taught by one faculty member every semester, as an alternative to a copy course or importing an archived course.
● A template for college, division, or department courses that need to have certain elements included within them.
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Note: After a master course has been imported, instructors can add their own content to it.
Tell your system administrator that you need to have a master course set up. The system administrator generally needs to know the following information:
● The name of the course.
● The course editor for the course; other members can be added after the master course shell is created.
● If you want to specify a PIN (password) for the course. Only those persons who have the PIN can import the master course.
● Which courses need to be able to import the master course.
As the course editor, you will see the master course listed among your courses after it has been created.
Before allowing others to import the master course, it should contain all the elements and content you want to share. After you have shared the master course, changes you make to it will not be placed in the imported copies.
Tip: If a course has already been developed and you want it to be used as a basis for a master course, it can be imported into the master course using the copy course. You need to have course editor rights to both the master course and the course being copied.
Note: You do NOT need to have any editing rights within the master course in order to import it into one of your courses. As long as your course matches the filter criteria set up for the master course, you will be able to import it.
To import a master course, go into the course where the master course will be imported, and then go to Manage
> Import Console.
1. On the Import New Course Content page, click Master Course.
2. You will see any master courses associated with the course in the drop-down list. Select the master course to import from the list in the Master Course Copy page.
If the master course can be accessed only through use of an assigned PIN, enter the PIN instead of choosing a course from the drop-down list.
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3. The final options on that page allow you to do the following:
● Backup courses before import: Choose this option to back up the new course before importing. If no content has been added to the new course, this step is not necessary.
● Replace all existing content: If any content has been already added to the new course, this option will erase it. Uncheck it if content has been added and you do not want to lose it. Importing the master course will then add content to the course, but not delete what is already there.
Note: Check for any duplications in content, especially in the Gradebook, Calendar, and
4. Click Copy to continue.
You will see a progress page as content is being processed. This process might take some time, but you can browse the course while it is processing.
Note: Importing from a master course creates a copy of the master course; it does not link the course to the master course. If any changes or additions are made to the master course, content in any courses that were created from it will not reflect those changes.
Tip: If you anticipate adding additional material to the master course and you want any courses created from it to automatically be updated as well, consider creating the content in a Learning Object Repository (LOR) and then linking to that content in the master course. All courses created from the master course will then also have that link to the LOR and will be updated as the linked content in the LOR is updated. (Be sure that the course also has access rights to the LOR.)
Backing Up and Restoring Courses
The Backup and Restore tool allows course editors to back up and restore all course content and student data.
Course backups are stored on the ANGEL server and can be easily restored. Backup files can also be downloaded to course editor's local computer as an additional safeguard.
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Step-by-step: F or more on this topic, see "Backing Up a Course."
Video: " Back Up a Course ."
To access Backup and Restore, log in to your course, click the Manage tab, and click the Backup and Restore hyperlink. The Backup and Restore page displays.
Planning for Backups
Schools might have different policies about when backups are to be done and when (or if) backups for all courses are done on the system level. ANGEL allows system administrators to periodically back up courses, and it also allows instructors to back up their courses independently. Instructors who modify their course frequently might choose to back up more regularly.
Some circumstances when backups might be warranted include these:
● Before adding new content to a course or deleting any content. This ensures that a backup is available in case any content is accidentally deleted during the addition of new content.
● After adding new content to a course. This ensures that a backup contains the latest version of the course.
● After adding grades. This ensures that the backup contains the latest grades. If data were lost for any reason, reconstructing and regarding could be difficult.
Backing Up a Course
To back up your course, select the Backup and Restore tool from the Data Management Menu under the Manage tab. Then click the create new backup link.
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This process might take time, depending on the size of the course and the load on the system. However, you can browse through your course while it processes.
After a successful backup, either by the instructor or by the system administrators, other options become available: Restore Backup and Download Backup.
You might want to save the backup to another location, such as the hard drive on a computer, a flash/thumb drive, or a CD. If anything compromises the data on the server, you still have an intact backup.
To save the backup to another location, click the Download Backup button after the backup is complete.
A pop-up window displays, asking whether you want to open or save (or cancel) the backup file. Click the Save button.
This option requires you to designate where you want the file to be saved. It also allows you to rename the file if you want. In this case, you are saving it in the course folder on the C drive. After it is saved, it can be burned to a
CD, stored as a DVD, or put in removable storage.
Note: If you are using Firefox as a browser, it will default to saving the file to your desktop unless you have changed the settings to download it elsewhere.
Note: The backup file can be used only to restore a course to the way that it was when the backup was created. You cannot make changes to any content within the backup file.
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Restoring a Course
Restoring a course from a previous backup overwrites all changes and activity performed in the course since the date of the last course backup. The date and time of the last course backup are listed directly on the Backup and
Restore page.
Reference: As a precaution before restoring to an active course, consider exporting the course as a safeguard. For information on exporting an ANGEL course, see "Exporting a Course."
1. From the Backup and Restore page, click the Restore Backup button. A warning message will appear.
2. Click the OK button. The restore process might take several minutes, depending on the size of the course and system load. During the import process, your course will be inaccessible because the restore will reinitialize your course.
Using the Import Console
The Import Console allows course editors to import different types of content, including ANGEL course archives,
WebCT and Blackboard course exports, IMS Common Cartridge packages, calendar events and announcements,
WebCT question banks, and standard zip files.
To access the Import Console, log in to your course, click the Manage tab, and click the Import Console hyperlink. The Import New Course Content menu appears.
There are several ways to add course content from a previously developed course into a new course shell.
Caution: Whenever importing content into a course, always ensure that you are in the correct course. All these procedures could overwrite content already within a course. Note the options available for overwriting content and choose them with care.
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A very simple method is to use the Copy Course option within the Import Console. This can be done as long as the instructor has course editing rights to both the course being copied to and the course being copied from. It will copy all content from one course into another without any student data.
Tip: Copy Course is very useful if you are teaching the same course in several terms. At the start of a new term, simply copy the course into the new term, and it will have all the necessary content.
Step-by-step: See "Copying a Course."
Importing a Saved Backup or Export File
This procedure is useful if the instructor does not have editing rights to the course with the content to be used, but does have access to the archive file; or when a course is no longer available on the ANGEL server, and a downloaded archive is available.
1. Enter the course for which you want to import content. Go to Manage > Import Console.
2. Click the Content Package hyperlink.
Note: This same option is used to import a test bank from many exam programs, such as ExamView® and import content from other course management systems such as BlackBoard™.
3. Click the Browse button to find the file to be imported.
4. Find the file to be imported and then click the Open button in the pop-up window.
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5. Click the Upload File button. The upload might take up to 30 minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed and the size of the content.
Step 2 allows you to designate the portions of the course content to be imported in the Import New Course
Content page.
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Note: If you are importing a backup file, it will contain student records, grades, e-mail, submissions, discussion forum postings, and more. Uncheck the User Data column so that they will not be imported into the new course. All assignments remain, but do not contain any student submissions. You might also want to uncheck
Calendar Items and Announcements if you do not want them in the new course.
6. Click the Next button at the bottom of the list after you finish.
7. The import process might take several minutes, depending on the size of the import file and system load.
While the content is importing, you can browse around the course or exit the course and perform other tasks on the system.
Using Import History
The Import History area of the Import Console allows instructors to see the various types of content that have been imported into the system and to reimport content if necessary.
Exporting a Course
To protect your content or reuse it in a different course, you can choose to export that content. Note that an export does not contain student data and submissions, so if that information is needed, you should use the Backup and
Restore tool.
To export a course, do the following:
1. Go to Manage > Export Console. The Export Console page appears.
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2. Select the Export Content hyperlink on the next page.
3. The next page allows you to choose the data that you want to export. It is arranged by the tabs of your course, allowing you to select only the items that you want to export. If you click the Lessons/Content hyperlink, you can select individual content items to export instead of exporting everything.
4. Click the Export button at the bottom of the screen to continue. The export will happen as a background process, which might take some time. You can browse around your course or exit your course while the export occurs. Return to the Export Console later to download the export to local storage.
Deleting User Data with the Data Maintenance Utility
The Data Maintenance utility allows course editors to delete user data including tracking data; instructor notes; chat logs; and quiz, survey, and drop box submissions for one or more students.
Caution: Data deleted with this tool cannot be recovered.
To delete user data using the Data Maintenance utility, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Data Maintenance hyperlink. The Data Maintenance page appears.
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3. Under the category Delete these items select which items you want to delete for the selected user.
4. Under the category For these users select for which group of users you want to delete the selected item(s):
● Everyone (includes enrolled users, unenrolled users, and unauthenticated guests)
● Users enrolled in this course
● Users not enrolled in this course
● Selected Users (hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple users)
● Other (separate multiple valid ANGEL usernames with commas)
5. Under the category Exclude these users select the Users with "Course Editors" rights in this course checkbox to exclude the course editor from being deleted.
6. Optionally select the At Any Time or Before This Date option from the If they occurred category and specify a date/time to limit the date range of items to be deleted. Items created after the specified dates are not deleted.
7. Click the Delete Items button. A dialog box message appears, asking whether you are sure that you want to delete selected items.
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Caution: Data deleted with the Data Maintenance utility cannot be recovered. Avoid accidental deletion of wanted data by ensuring that all settings are correct before clicking the Delete Items button.
8. Click the OK button to delete the selected items for the selected users. A data maintenance report displays the results of the process.
9. Click the OK button.
Setting Course Dates with the Date Manager
The Date Manager tool allows instructors to assign new dates to every lesson within their courses as they prepare to teach the course for a new semester.
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Course dates establish start and end dates for the course as well as the days the course meets.
To set course dates, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manage tab.
2. Click the Date Manager hyperlink located under the Data Management section.
3. On the Set Course Dates tab select the Beginning date using the drop-down list for month, day and year; or select the calendar icon to view a calendar for date selection. The beginning date is used in conjunction with the ending date to set the time when the course is available and assists with scheduling the content dates.
4. Select the Ending date using the drop-down list for month, day and year; or select the calendar icon to view a calendar for date selection.
5. Select the Time in from the drop-down menus. This assists the scheduling of content dates.
6. Select the Duration in hours and minutes. This assists the scheduling of content times.
Interval Settings determines the days of the week that the course is offered. Select Weekly and the days of the week when the course meets or select Monthly if the course meets on a monthly basis.
7. Select the Set Content Dates tab. A page containing all course content displays.
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8. Click the calendar icon ( ) under the Edit Dates column. The Set Dates editor appears with the content item title listed.
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9. Select the date on the calendar for the item to be visible as well as the time the item should be visible from the Time drop-down list and click the Visible button. The << and >> symbols on the calendar allows you to move backward or forward on the calendar.
10. Select the date on the calendar for the item to be hidden as well as the time the item should be hidden from the Time drop-down list and click the Hidden button.
11. Click the Next> button to move to the next content item or click the <Prev button to return to a previous content item.
12. When all dates and times have been selected for the content items, click the Close button.
13. Click the Save button to save your configurations.
Using the Keyword Manager
The Keyword Manager provides a central interface to allow course editors to create, edit, categorize, and manage keywords for use in tagging questions in any assessment in the course.
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Adding Keywords
To add a keyword to the Keyword Manager, do the following:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Keyword Manager hyperlink.
3. Type the keyword in the keyword field and click the Add Keyword button.
Deleting Keywords
To delete a keyword from the Keyword Manager, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Keyword Manager hyperlink.
3. Select the checkbox next to each keyword you want to delete and click the Delete Selected button. A warning dialog box displays.
4. Click the OK button to confirm the deletion process.
Viewing Questions Associated with a Keyword
To view questions associated with a keyword:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Keyword Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the keyword to display the list of associated questions.
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Importing Multiple Keywords
To import multiple keywords into the Keyword Manager, do the following:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Keyword Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the Import hyperlink. The Import Keywords dialog box displays.
4. Click the Browse button to select the keyword file. line.
Note: Keyword files are typically saved as .txt documents and must have one keyword or phrase per
5. Click the Import Keywords button.
6. Click the OK button in the Import Success dialog box.
Exporting Keywords
To export keywords from the Keyword Manager:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Keyword Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the Export hyperlink. The File Download dialog box displays.
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4. Click the Save button to save the keywords to your workstation as a .txt document.
Assessment Question Bank Manager
The Assessment Question Bank Manager provides a central interface to allow the course editor to create, edit, categorize, and manage questions for use in any assessment in the course.
Note: The Assessment Question Bank Manager and Survey Question Bank Manager are similar but separate banks of questions.
Creating and Renaming Folders
To create/rename a folder in the Assessment Question Bank Manager, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Assessment Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
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3. Perform one of the following processes:
● Adding a new folder: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( folder.
) next to the folder or location in which you want to add the new b. Click the Add subfolder hyperlink. c. Type a title for the folder in the Add Folder dialog box and click the Save button.
● Renaming an existing folder: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( b. Click the Rename hyperlink.
) next to the folder you want to rename. c. Type a new title for the folder in the Rename Folder dialog box and click the Save button.
Deleting Folders
To delete a folder in the Assessment Question Bank Manager, do the following:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Assessment Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the down-arrow icon (
4. Click the Delete hyperlink.
) next to the folder you want to delete.
5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
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Creating and Editing Assessment Questions
To create/edit an assessment using the Assessment Question Bank Manager, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Assessment Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Perform one of the following processes:
● To add a new question, do the following: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( question.
) next to the folder or location in which you want to add the new b. Click the Add question hyperlink. c. Click the hyperlink for the question type you want to add. d. Complete the fields in the Question Editor and click the Save button.
● To edit an existing question, follow these steps: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the question you want to edit. b. Click the Edit hyperlink. c. Complete the appropriate changes in the Question Editor and click the Save button.
Deleting Assessment Questions
To delete a question from the Assessment Question Bank Manager, follow these steps:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Assessment Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the question you want to delete.
4. Click the Delete hyperlink.
5. In the Confirmation box that displays, click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
Rearranging Assessment Questions
To rearrange questions in the Assessment Question Bank Manager, do the following:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Assessment Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click and hold on the question and drag it to a different folder or location.
Survey Question Bank Manager
The Survey Question Bank Manager provides a central interface to allow the course editor to create, edit, categorize and manage survey questions for use in any assessment in the course.
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Note: The Survey Question Bank Manager and Assessment Question Bank Manager are similar but separate banks of questions.
Creating and Renaming Folders
To create/rename a folder in the Survey Question Bank Manager:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Survey Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Perform one of the following:
● Adding a new folder: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder or location where you want to add the new folder. b. Click the Add subfolder hyperlink. c. Type a title for the folder and click the Save button.
● Renaming an existing folder: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder you want to rename. b. Click the Rename hyperlink.
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c. Type a new title for the folder and click the Save button.
Deleting Folders
To delete a folder in the Survey Question Bank Manager:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Survey Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the down-arrow icon ( ) next to the folder or location you want to delete.
4. Click the Delete hyperlink.
5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
Creating and Editing Survey Questions
To create/edit a survey question using the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Survey Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Perform one of the following:
● Adding a new question: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( question.
) next to the folder or location where you want to add the new b. Click the Add question hyperlink. c. Click the hyperlink for the question type you want to add. d. Complete the fields in the Question Editor and click the Save button.
● Editing an existing question: a. Click the down-arrow icon ( b. Click the Edit hyperlink.
) next to the question you want to edit. c. Complete the appropriate changes in the Question Editor and click the Save button.
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Deleting Survey Questions
To delete a survey question from the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log in to your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Survey Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click the down-arrow icon (
4. Click the Delete hyperlink.
) next to the question you want to delete.
5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.
Rearranging Survey Questions
To rearrange questions in the Question Bank Manager:
1. Log into your course and click the Manager tab.
2. Click the Survey Question Bank Manager hyperlink.
3. Click and hold on the question and drag it to a different folder or location.
Learning Object Repository (LOR)
The Learning Object Repository (LOR) enables storage, tagging, searching, and management of learning objects.
The purpose of the LOR is to house content that is sharable, portable, and reusable. The ability to easily reuse learning objects across courses, sections, departments, schools, and campuses reduces the investment of effort and time.
Every instructor has a personal LOR accessible from the Power Strip. Additional LORs may also be available from the Power Strip if they have been provided by the institution.
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Note: Curriculum-, department-, division-, or institutional-level LORs are not automatically created by the system. Check with your ANGEL administrator if you want to create a curriculum-, department-, division-, or institutional-level LOR. The same procedures illustrated here apply to these LORs as well.
Using an LOR to store content is a good choice when teaching several sections of the same course and/or teaching the same content for more than one semester. By linking to the content in an LOR, courses will always have the most current content without having to go into each course and make the changes. Linking content from an LOR has the added benefit of conserving file space by having all courses link to those files in an LOR.
When entering the LOR by clicking the icon in the power strip, the LOR tab is active by default. This tab displays two components: Repositories shows all repositories to which you have access; LOR Tip displays information provided by the institution.
The upper-left corner of the page indicates that you are in the Learning Object Repository and which repository is active. Many of the same tools are available on the LOR tab as in a course or group such as the Edit Page feature and Refresh hyperlink.
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Professor Smith's personal LOR is currently active.
Repository Tab
The Repository tab is designed to house instructional content for reuse. It is similar to the Lesson tab in a course; the same types of content can be created in the LOR as in a course or group.
Tip: By adding a folder and then linking to that folder within a course, the folder contents will be updated within the course every time new items are added to the folder.
The Repository tab contains an additional tool in the toolbar. The Publish tool allows content to be pushed into a course or group to which you have editor rights.
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Reference: For detailed information about how to publish content from an LOR into a course or group, see
"Sharing Repositories."
LOR-Specific Content Item Settings and Menus
When adding or editing content in an LOR, the settings and tabs are similar to what is seen in courses or groups, except that some options have been removed. The following content item settings are not displayed when adding/editing content in an LOR:
● Objectives. LORs do not have objectives. (Standards are supported and they must be enabled for the LOR by an ANGEL administrator.)
● Milestone Settings. LORs do not present these options. If a content item is linked or copied to a course/group, the milestone settings can be created there.
● Gradebook Assignments. LORs do not present these options. If a content item is linked or copied to a course/group, the option to associate the linked content item to a Gradebook is displayed.
In general, LOR content items menus work exactly the same as they do when accessed in a course or group, so here we describe only the differences between LORs and courses/groups.
Submission Visibility and Grading Settings
ANGEL 7.4 introduces new content item settings (available on the Assignment tab for assessments, drop boxes, and surveys) that pertain to linking certain content items from an LOR to a course. These settings introduce controls for determining where submissions and grading options for linked content are available. These new settings are displayed in the following figure (and described in the following list) for an assessment in an LOR.
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1. Make submission data visible in settings: a. Repository only. If this option is selected, any submissions made to a linked content item are available only in the LOR. b. Courses/groups only. If this option is selected, any submissions made to a linked content item are available only in the course/group. c. Courses/groups and repository. If this option is selected, any submissions made to a linked content item are available in both the course/group and LOR.
2. Allow grading of submissions in settings: a. Repository only. If this option is selected, any submissions made to a linked content item can be graded only in the LOR. b. Courses/groups only. If this option is selected, any submissions made to a linked content item can be graded only in the course/group. c. Courses/groups and repository. If this option is selected, any submissions made to a linked content item can be graded in both the course/group and LOR.
Utilities Menu
In ANGEL 7.4, the submissions menu for LOR items includes a new option: Item Usage. This utility provides information about the extent to which a certain content item has been linked to other courses. This information can be helpful if changes are being made to content that will affect courses/groups that link to the content.
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1. Published From Repository. This tab presents the courses/groups to which the selected content item is currently linked via publication (i.e., the "publish" option was used in the LOR to link the content to a course/group).
2. Linked From Course. This tab presents the courses/groups to which the selected content item is currently linked via link from course (i.e., the content item was added to a course via the "Import from Learning Object
Repository" option).
3. Linked course information. The table provides information about the courses/groups to which the content item is linked. The columns of the table allow for the rows to be sorted.
4. Compose Course Mail to Section Instructors/Students. These buttons allow e-mailing to all the instructors or students enrolled in the selected courses/groups selected in the table. They can be used when a change is made to the content item, and this information needs to be communicated to the students or instructors who will be affected by the change.
Manage Tab
The Manage tab contains tools that are pertinent to LORs. Your personal LOR has limited Management Console tools such as Edit Page, Refresh, Repository Access, and Data Management. The following components are found on the Manage tab: Repository Access, Library Theme Selector, and Data Management.
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Repository Access
The Repository Access section enables the instructor to grant course and group access to the LOR.
To manage access to an LOR:
1. Click the Course and Group Access hyperlink located under the Repository Access section. The Repository
Association editor appears, containing a list of current associations and the ability to add associations from My
Courses, Course Search, My Groups, or Group Search.
2. To add access from courses, select Course Search.
The Course Search options will appear.
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3. Courses can be searched by using a keyword, such as the instructor's name, part or all of the title, or course
ID. Other criteria can also be applied, such as semester, course, or section. The terms used here will be those that are set up by your institution and might differ from the terms used in the example.
4. If no criteria are set, you can also click the Search button, and all courses within ANGEL will appear.
5. Check the box next to all courses that you want to have access to your LOR and then click the Add Selected button.
The courses have now been added to the access list.
6. To remove access from courses, select the checkbox next to each course you want to disassociate. Click the
Remove Selected button.
Note: Even though specific courses can access an LOR, the course editors for the courses cannot make any changes to the content items linked within the LOR unless they also have editing rights within the LOR.
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Library Theme Selector
Repositories can have their own theme. To switch the theme of a repository, use the Library Theme Selector to make a selection. This component can also be used to access the Theme Manager, which is used to select, create, and modify themes.
Tip: It is often helpful to visually differentiate course and LOR environments. Making a change to the default theme will help to you readily identify where you are within ANGEL (e.g., set all LORs to use a theme different from your courses).
Reference: For more information about theme management, see "Setting Personal Preferences."
Data Management
The Data Management component contains tools to manage content, metadata, rubrics, and question banks within the repository.
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1. Repository File Manager. Manages files that are used in the repository.
2. Backup and Restore. Creates backups of the repository. If configured, automatic backups of repositories can occur. Backups can be used to restore a repository.
3. Import Console. Imports content from ANGEL or from another Learning Management System or program.
4. Export Console. Exports the repository for reuse.
5. Data Maintenance. Configures user data to be deleted from the repository, such as submissions, logs, and instructor notes.
6. Date Manager. Manages date setting for content within the repository.
7. Keyword Manager. Manages keywords within the repository. Keywords are applied to all content within the repository.
8. Assessment Question Bank Manager. Manages questions that appear in assessment question banks.
9. Survey Question Bank Manager. Manages questions that appear in survey question banks.
10. Rubric Manager. Creates rubrics. Rubrics created in a repository can be shared with courses.
Sharing Repositories
One of the advantages of using an LOR is that content within an LOR can be shared with other courses and users.
Reference: Sharing content requires settings to be made within the LOR and within the content items to be shared. See "Repository Access" and "Content Item Settings" to learn more about these settings.
Content can be shared from an LOR in one of two ways: published from the LOR or imported from the course.
Here, we cover the process for publishing content from an LOR into a course.
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Publishing from an LOR
The Repository tab contains an additional tool in the toolbar. The Publish hyperlink allows content to be published into a course or group to which you have editor rights.
Steps to publish content:
1. Log in to ANGEL and click the LOR icon.
2. Click the Repository tab.
3. Click the Publish hyperlink (located on the upper-left toolbar). The Publish Selection page appears.
4. Select the checkboxes next to the items you want to publish to a course or group. When finished, click the
Continue button.
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5. On the course search page, optionally type a keyword in Keyword Search, select a section type, semester, organizational unit, course, or section information and click the Search button. A list of courses in which you are a course editor will be displayed.
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Tip: If you want to return all courses and groups to which you have access, click Search without entering any search criteria. If you're publishing content to many courses or groups at once, it might be helpful to change the View setting to All, and using the column header sort controls to find specific courses or groups.
6. Click the checkbox for each course and group to which you want to publish.
7. Click the Link Content to Selected Courses or Groups to link the content from your LOR to the selected course. Click the Copy Content to Selected Courses or Groups button to copy the selected content into the course.
8. If content is to be copied, additional options will be presented. These options pertain to the Standards,
Question Keywords, and Question Difficulty Levels. By default, each of these options is selected.
Once finished, a confirmation screen will be displayed.
9. From the confirmation screen, three options are available. a. Continue. Clicking this button closes the page and reloads the LOR with the Repository tab active.
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b. Compose Email to Section Instructors. This option launches the course mail interface with all section instructors preloaded and an itemization of the content that has been linked or copied into the section(s) in the message body. c. Compose Email to Section Students. This option launches the course mail interface with all section students preloaded and an itemization of the content that has been linked or copied into the section(s) in the message body.
Note: Linking to the item allows the content to be automatically updated within the course every time it is updated in the LOR, including the addition of new content items if they are added to the folder in the LOR.
Tip: E-mailing section instructors or students can be useful to help contextualize published content in courses in which the instructors or students are enrolled.
Linked Content Items and Gradebook Assignments
In ANGEL 7.4, content items that are linked to a course can be associated to a Gradebook assignment, and only submissions that occur within the course/group in which the assignment was created are counted toward the assignment calculation.
Note: ANGEL version 7.3 and earlier did not allow for linked content item submissions to be visible and for assignments to be created within a course or group. Because of this change in ANGEL 7.4, institutions that previously chose to copy their submission-based content (e.g., assessments, drop boxes, and surveys) might want to reevaluate their content management practices in light of this enhancement.
Instructional Design in ANGEL
ANGEL provides a powerful tool for helping students to learn; however, as with any technology tool, it takes time and effort to build quality courses in ANGEL. Applying appropriate instructional design principles can help you to use ANGEL more effectively. The purpose of this chapter is to give ANGEL instructors, designers, and administrators a working knowledge of instructional design, and the ability to apply that design to the courses they're developing in ANGEL. This chapter discusses some of the fundamental principles of instructional design and then moves on to the various components of ANGEL, demonstrating how to apply instructional design in these areas.
What Is Instructional Design?
Instructional design is the systematic development of instruction by using learning and instructional research and theories, as well as established best practices, to ensure the quality of classroom/course materials. Instructional design is the entire process of analyzing the needs of a group of learners, identifying objectives, and developing learning objects. Using ANGEL, the process of instructional design then moves to how you arrange and deploy learning objects within an ANGEL course. It includes the development of instructional materials/activities, along with the evaluation of the learning objects. It's important to remember that instructional design is an ongoing process. After instruction and then evaluation are complete, the process begins again.
Instructional Design and Bloom's Taxonomy
In the mid-1950s, Benjamin Bloom developed a taxonomy of learning objectives for education, which was used as an assessment tool for learning and a way to communicate expectations to students. This taxonomy contained three overlapping domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Bloom identified six levels in the cognitive domain, from the simple recall or recognition of facts to the highest level, evaluation of the material. Bloom found that a high percentage of test questions and classroom activities at that time focused primarily on recall or recognition of facts. Bloom's research provided a foundation for research in instructional design, in which
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researchers and instructors tried to answer this fundamental question: How can we help students to learn more effectively?
Research has shown that the key is to produce materials that force students to synthesize and evaluate ideas, thus moving them higher on Bloom's Taxonomy (Bloom 1956). Relating this fact to current educational objectives, driven by student-centered learning, the most important outcome is the learner's ability to move up the "pyramid" and begin to achieve new knowledge and deeper levels of understanding.
As an instructor, how do you build content that moves students up Bloom's learning hierarchy? The easiest method is to look at Bloom's pyramid not as one solid state, but rather as a series of building blocks that someone must climb. In some cases, activities should be developed that are simply for building knowledge - laying the foundation for learning. These steps can be completed in ANGEL with a simple fact-based quiz or uploading a PowerPoint walkthrough. The next building blocks, comprehension and application, can be achieved through a read-andrespond activity or a practice problem set, using a drop box or a more elaborate quiz. Analysis and synthesis activities can be created using the discussion forums, by giving the student a scenario in which he or she must post an answer and respond to someone else, or by having project teams look at submissions and summarize with a
"strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats" (SWOT) model. Peer evaluation can occur through peer discussion forums and the concept of peer grading through drop boxes.
In a fully online course, each module should have activities that drive learners to the top of the pyramid; in a supplemental format, more analysis and synthesis of information may take place in the classroom. These are simply some examples to get you started on creating a course with rich instructional material.
The following table provides an overview of Bloom's taxonomy, listing the learning verbs associated with each level, as well as a brief summary of the skills to be displayed at that level. The verbs are helpful in developing learning goals for activity and course objectives in ANGEL. The higher up the pyramid, the more learning that takes place; therefore, developing activities in ANGEL that allow learners to analyze and synthesize information will greatly increase the effectiveness of your instruction.
Arrange, define, duplicate, label, list, memorize, name, order, recognize, relate, recall, repeat
Comprehension Classify, describe, discuss, explain, express, identify, indicate, locate, recognize, report, restate, review, select, translate
Skills Displayed
Involves the recall of specifics and universals; the recall of methods and processes; or the recall of patterns, structure, or settings (Nitko
Lowest level of understanding; knows what is being communicated and can use that material but cannot link the material to other ideas or see the big picture (Nitko 1983)
Apply, choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write
Appraise, calculate, categorize, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test
Uses the information; uses new methods, concepts, theories in new situations; solves problems
Breaks down information into its components or parts; is able to see the relationship with other ideas; is able to see the relative hierarchy of ideas
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Arrange, assemble, collect, compose, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, manage, organize, plan, prepare, propose
Argue, assess, choose, compare, defend, estimate, judge, predict, rate, score, support, value
Uses old ideas to create new ideas; relates knowledge from several areas; is able to draw conclusions, putting together parts to form a whole
Can make quantitative and qualitative judgments; recognizes the value of subjectivity; compares and discriminates between ideas
The ADDIE Model
The most well-known development strategy for instructional design consists of five phases: analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE). The ADDIE model is best used when developing training or instruction that involves psychomotor skills; however, because of its popularity, simplicity, and adaptability, this model also is used as a general foundation for the instructional design process.
The ADDIE model allows educators to create learning modules that are instructionally solid. You follow a step-by step process for creating entire courses, starting with the analysis of a learning object and moving through the phases to the end evaluation of that learning object. Although most of the tasks in the ADDIE process occur outside of ANGEL, they're relevant to the end result: a more robust learning environment.
Analysis is the process of defining specific learning needs. During this phase, the designer gathers content and general course information, analyzes the gathered data, and determines where development and needs are located in the curriculum. The outcome of this phase should be a completed ANGEL outline, explaining which activities and tools will be used in ANGEL. This entire phase happens outside of ANGEL, but is an essential element in developing instructionally sound courses.
Following are the objectives for this phase:
● Determine the course background and the materials to be covered.
● Define the target audience. This can be as simple as "high school senior Social Studies student," or more structured with prerequisite knowledge.
● Set the timeline for development of the course.
● Determine the content and assets that will be needed and/or developed.
● Determine the volatility of the content. (In other words, will the content change rapidly?)
Design is the process of specifying how learning will occur in the ANGEL course by determining the following:
● Learning objectives: What do you want the student to learn?
● Assessment: How will you assess that learning has occurred?
● Interactive tools: Discussions, forums, blogs, wikis, quizzes?
● Course structure: Fully online, hybrid, or supplemental?
After making these determinations, begin creating a design outline of a prototype course. This outline should be a snapshot of how your course will look in ANGEL.
Development is the process of authoring and producing the actual ANGEL course. During this phase, ANGEL tools and structures are created, and all components are tested thoroughly. After completion, the entire course should be run through a pilot group of users who are one skill level higher than the primary audience. The test group should look for mistakes in the developed content, from spelling errors to tools functioning incorrectly.
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Implementation is the simplest stage of the ADDIE model; simply deploy the final course to the target audience through ANGEL.
Evaluation is the process of determining how effectively the course achieved the identified learning objectives.
During this phase, instruments that measure the course's effectiveness are created, usually using the survey tool in
The evaluation instruments should be used to answer the following questions:
● Has the problem been solved?
● How much did the student learn?
● How well did the course work?
● Does the program need to be modified? If so, what changes need to be made?
Overview of the ADDIE Process
The following table provides a brief overview of the ADDIE process.
Define what is to be learned.
Questions Answered
● Who are the learners?
● What is the problem?
Design Specify how learning will occur.
● How do we solve the problem?
● What are the measurable goals or intended outcomes of the course?
● What do learners need to know?
● What is the content?
● Learning objectives: What do we want learners to learn?
● Assessment: How will we assess whether learning has occurred?
● Interactive tools: What tools will we use (online discussions, blogs, wikis, quizzes, etc.)?
Development Build the course in
ANGEL and produce the materials.
● Course structure: Fully online, hybrid, or supplemental?
● How does the course look/sound?
● Does the course meet appropriate quality standards?
● Do students learn from the course?
● How can we improve the course?
Tasks in ANGEL
Analysis occurs independently from ANGEL, but is essential to developing a good course.
● Understand the tools available in the ANGEL learning platform.
● Identify the assessment techniques to be used in ANGEL.
● Identify the ANGEL structure.
● Build content in ANGEL.
● Review content with peers.
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Implementation Release the developed course.
Evaluation Determine the impact of the instruction.
● Is the instructor ready to take responsibility for the course?
● Has the timetable for course rollout been developed?
● Have we met our learning objectives?
● How much did the student learn?
● Does the course need to be modified? If so, what needs to be changed (content, steps of instruction, media, etc.)?
Deliver the content through the course.
● Evaluate reports generated by ANGEL.
● Were students involved in discussion forums?
● Did the student's performance meet learning objectives?
Learning Styles
Educators group learning styles into three distinct categories: visual, auditory, and interactive (kinesthetic). Most people use a combination of these learning types to make connections with and retain knowledge. The most important thing to remember is that everyone learns differently; you must build activities that meet all types of learners' needs.
Use the following table as a guideline for creating your learning activities.
Learning Type
Slides, demonstrations, overheads, or even writing on a chalkboard or flip chart
- anything with which the eye can connect. Associate content with images.
Online Possibilities
Text on screen, tables, figures, photos, and diagrams to reinforce key concepts.
In ANGEL, blogs, videos, games, and wikis are some tools to engage the visual learner.
Audio narration in a podcast or WAV file.
Recorded real-life analogy, delivered in a style to which an audio learning student would easily relate.
Lectures are the most obvious form of auditory element in an in-person classroom. Class discussions, audiotapes, podcasts, or CDs are other options.
Verbal assessments would be ideal for this group.
Activities that require the learner to participate actively are the best choice with this learner. Taking notes is probably the most common format, but asking students to give demonstrations or participate in hands-on activities is another good way to engage them.
Uploading assignments to a drop box.
Rollover tables, created using the HTML editor. Hyperlinks, periodic selfassessments with the quizzing or survey tool, games, simulations, and other interactive elements to force the student to take an active part in the course.
Types of Courses
There are three distinct types of course delivery methods for which you can use ANGEL: the online approach, the supplemental approach, and the hybrid approach. Each of these course types has its own set of goals and objectives based on audience and learning outcomes.
Online Approach
Online learning has become one of the most important forms of instruction because the Internet and its tools have evolved to the point where much of the instruction that was traditionally performed in the classroom can be accessed more conveniently online. In a pure online course, the learning content, its presentation, and the delivery are critical, as this content is the user's only connection with the course. Most online learning includes interactive media or mini-simulation learning objects that keep learners engaged. Simply stated, online learning is any learning experience or environment that relies on the Internet as the primary delivery mode of communication and presentation.
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In the traditional brick-and-mortar classroom, instructors can control the learning environment because all the information being delivered to students is in the classroom. In an online learning environment, the student has instant access to resources, classmates, other experts, and other sources of information, and no longer depends on faculty as the monopolistic giver of information. Online learning is a collaborative, contextual, and active style of learning. The traditional role of the instructor must change from "the sage on the stage" to "the guide on the side"; instead of giving students all the answers in a lecture format, instructors need to become information facilitators.
Instructors must use their knowledge to stimulate conversation and provide suggestions as to where relevant content can be found and how that content can be applied to the learning topic.
Just like in a traditional classroom, it's imperative that instructors in an online learning environment establish a set of learning goals and objectives. Then the instructor must look at the available online toolset to determine what activities can be created to meet the educational goals. These objectives should be clearly communicated with students, giving them the context they need to navigate the online learning environment.
The online learning environment allows for the instructor to adopt a full range of interactive methodologies. By thinking through the available tools and applying them to the course, the quality, quantity, and patterns of communication between students and faculty will greatly improve, affecting learning in a positive manner.
ANGEL enables you to create online courses without having to know HTML, web file-naming structure, or server locations. The first step of developing an online ANGEL course is identifying and using the tools in ANGEL to create interactive activities that will engage learners. Focus on activities that replicate the interaction within a classroom.
A good jumping-off point is to think about questions your students will ask and then start to build those questions into your activities through discussion forums, online chats, quizzes, or a wiki. ANGEL has a variety of features that make it seem to the student that the instructor is always online, providing feedback at all times. Utilizing ANGEL tokens is a great way to provide feedback.
Following is the basic format for the online approach:
● Explanation of online activity that must be completed for the upcoming class. Give explicit instructions on how to interact with these activities, as they replace the traditional classroom. Activities can consist of movies, discussions, wikis, blog posting, voiceover, PowerPoint slideshows, and so on (even something as simple as a reading).
● Activity assessment. Because learning occurs asynchronously, some form of assessment must be in place to determine the learner's understanding of the concept. This assessment takes the place of a question-andanswer session in a traditional classroom.
● Review of online activities. Collaborate with students to understand any problems they had with the initial material.
● Feedback. This can be as complex as written feedback to each individual student or as simple as token-driven responses based on quiz percentages.
● Assessment of learning/submission of assignments.
The following two figures depict the Lessons tab in a linear online ANGEL course. If the course is nonlinear or
"complete at your own pace," subsequent ANGEL module folders would not be hidden.
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Supplemental Approach
Using ANGEL as a supplement extends the brick-and-mortar classroom to the Internet, allowing the student to expand on the learning opportunities available in the classroom or the textbook. The principal user of the supplemental approach is an instructor who utilizes ANGEL to post materials that can be used during class or for review after class. With this approach, learners do the majority of their learning in the traditional classroom, but can spend time outside of class using online resources to follow up and review.
Each learning module should be developed in the Lessons tab, using the Create a Folder feature. The module should be labeled clearly with a title and subtitle that accurately describe the content. Dates should be included in the titles that correspond to classroom learning.
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Following is the basic format for the supplemental approach:
● Posting of materials that must be completed for upcoming class. Materials can consist of readings, quizzes, surveys, discussions, and so on.
● Review of in-class activities, usually posted after completion of class.
● Review of material through online discussions, using discussion forums, chat features, or document sharing.
● Assessment of learning/submission of assignments.
Creating a weekly folder with content-driven subfolders yields the best results. Supplemental approach: users can use other resources such as the calendar, communications (e-mail), or management tools.
Hybrid Approach
The hybrid approach combines the supplemental and online approaches, merging the best of both into a usable learning environment. The hybrid approach should be used when there's a need for distance education mixed with classroom learning utilizing ANGEL tools.
Following is the basic format for the hybrid approach:
● Determine whether the assignment or activity would work better in the classroom or online. The decision could be based on goals of the activity, classroom time allocation, or type of tasks to be performed.
● Develop the activity in ANGEL, using the tools that best help learners to meet the educational goals.
● Assess the activity.
Course Organization
ANGEL offers many tools to help you arrange content into instructionally sound modules/lessons. Most course organization takes place in the Lessons tab, using folders to create modules/lessons. Other tools in ANGEL, such as the calendar and course communications, can help you to organize your course through time-released content, immediate student feedback, and interlinking course content.
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Modular Organization
The principal user of the modular approach is an instructor whose classroom is primarily online. Learners must be able to complete instructional units within a predetermined schedule. New content is made available upon completion of tasks corresponding with learning objectives.
Each learning module should be developed in the Lessons tab, using the Create a Folder feature. The module should be labeled clearly with title and subtitle, accurately describing the content and learning that will take place.
Folders can be set with object variables to unlock forthcoming material, or all material can be made available to students from the beginning of the course.
Following is the basic format for a learning module:
● Learning objectives. Statements describing the key outcome(s) desired from the instruction.
● Instruction. Teaching students what they need to know. This instruction might consist of pages of content, audio or video files, links to external resources, and so on.
● Learning object. Task that the learner must complete: reading, case study, debate, online chat, watching a video, and so forth.
● Feedback. Providing timely information about performance and progress. ANGEL includes excellent opportunities to provide feedback through the use of tokens, built-in feedback through quizzes/surveys, or through the comments areas in numerous tools.
● Assessment. Activities to determine whether the student has met the desired learning objectives. Assessment can be accomplished using a variety of ANGEL tools. All assessment depends on the amount of time you have to review, the number of students in the course, and the level of understanding you want learners to achieve.
Assessment examples include the following:
● Written paper submitted through a drop box
● Comment posted on a blog
● Addition made to a wiki
● Quiz/survey
● Posting to a discussion forum
● E-mail to the class
● Completed game
When instruction centers around a significant educational objective, learners are more likely to be motivated to complete the task, therefore retaining more information and achieving a higher order of understanding. All objectives are different; some might take only a few minutes to master, whereas others might take days or weeks.
The modular approach lets you design your instruction around learning rather than time. The instructor can redesign course material easily, because every module is like a "mini-course." If you find that a certain topic needs a new activity, reading, or assessment, you can redesign the element without compromising the integrity of the entire course.
Using the modular approach is a great way to make online content more interactive. You can do this by building into each module pieces of instruction that allow for students to interact with the subject matter. Because you base these activities on relevant modular instructional objectives, students are more likely to see the immediate relevance of the instruction and how each module fits into the bigger course/curriculum structure.
Time-Released Content
Because you do much of the course prep work in ANGEL prior to the start of the course, you can spend more time interacting and working with students during the course. The timed-release capability of the coursework also enables you to structure your course to fit the length of the semester, term, or academic year. Timed-released content gives students goals to achieve and keeps all learners working at the same pace, which is especially important in an online environment where group work is present.
Lesson Content
ANGEL offers a wide variety of opportunities for developing interactive online content that will engage your students while helping them to learn. This section discusses some of the options.
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Learning Objects
In the past, classroom content came in chunks, through hourly lectures or large content blocks. Today, learning objects provide a modular way of structuring learning content, offering the following features:
● Small units of learning, typically ranging from 2-15 minutes.
● Self-contained. Each learning object can be taught independently of the others.
● Reusable. A single learning object might be used in multiple contexts for multiple purposes, which allows for greater flexibility in course development.
● Movable. Learning objects can be moved from module to module, lesson to lesson, or even from one course to another.
By utilizing learning objects, you can create a flexible and scalable curriculum.
Most learning objects are part of a learning management system or central repository (Merlot is an example), and thus are tagged with metadata - descriptive information that allows the course to be found easily by a web search.
Controlling Content Access
The ability to limit access to content can be helpful when working with teams in an online, hybrid, or supplemental environment. ANGEL lets you set passwords, lock items to individuals, or limit access to only those enrolled on an
ANGEL team. Along with the timed-release measures mentioned earlier, these features greatly enhance the instructor's ability to deliver flexible content to many different student populations in one class. Making educational materials relevant to subgroups of learners is a monumental task, especially in large enrollment sections; the tools in ANGEL simplify that process. By allowing you to make the content accessible to specific learner groups, ANGEL creates an environment that fosters greater analysis and synthesis of information, thus leading to better knowledge retention and better learning.
Anyone who wants to arrange class material in a sound pedagogical manner can use the ANGEL folder tool. Folders are located under the Add Content link in the Lessons tab. Each folder should be labeled properly with a title and subtitle, so that students can determine the contents of the folder easily. To provide specific instructions to students, use the directions area.
When creating material in ANGEL using the folder tool, the instructor is creating the shell for the course. Each folder operates like a mini-Lessons tab, allowing the instructor to separate topics into manageable learning objects.
In the early days of web-based learning, instructors were given time to create web-based courses. With the adoption of course management systems and their ease of use, in many cases time to create a course has been greatly reduced. By taking the time to plan course structure incorporating the flexibility of ANGEL, however, you can create a rewarding experience for your students.
Most surveys are used for the pre- and post-assessment phases of teaching and learning objectives. Using surveys can help to improve your instruction in a variety of ways. Don't think of the survey tool as simply a means to evaluate your teaching style; ANGEL surveys also can be used to assess learner outcomes, expectations, peer evaluation, opinions/attitudes, and activities.
● Pre/post-assessment of teaching. Instructors can determine students' expectations for the course.
Students can provide feedback to the instructor on teaching style. Any information gained in pre/postassessment can be used to make instructional decisions based on the instructor's strengths and the students' needs. When this type of assessment is used in conjunction with quizzing tools, an instructor can establish a very thorough assessment of the course. Pre/post-assessments are most affective when responses are anonymous.
● Peer evaluation. Students can evaluate fellow classmates, along with group and team members. This allows the instructor to review team dynamics, focus attention on groups with more needs, and determine which groups are ready for more advanced topics. Peer evaluations work best when submitted anonymously, but make sure that strong guidelines are established, so that the evaluations don't become complaining sessions.
● Opinions/attitudes of students. The most common use of surveys. Determining the attitudes/opinions of your students is an integral part of building a curriculum. For students to learn, they must be interested in the activities presented to them. You can survey students on topics such as politics, environmental issues, the
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stock market, and so on. Once the results are gathered, formulate instruction that best meets the learners' interest. Opinion/attitude surveys can be given anonymously. If given to identified students, on the other hand, those students then can be divided by opinions for certain activities.
● Activities. Not all surveys need to be complex. A simple survey that asks two or three questions on the merits of a classroom activity might garner the most useful information.
Developing good survey questions is an art form. Make sure that your questions are well-thought-out and ask students for answers that will help you to improve your instruction. Don't fill the survey with information that students might see as useless.
Simple surveys should contain 10-15 questions, but more complex surveys could be hundreds of questions long.
Always allow for open-ended questions because they gather student information that you might not have considered. Be sure to ask the same question multiple times in different formats to add validity to your question set.
Students receive instruction best when the instruction is of interest to them. The best way to determine student interest is through student-centered survey techniques. You can monitor student needs, wants, and interests, thus enabling you to create better instruction. When surveys are given over longer timeframes (for example, an instructor gives the same survey over a three-year span), trends in student behavior can be analyzed to create superior instruction.
Surveys are powerful instructional tools, but they must not be overused. If too many surveys are given to students, the surveys begin to lose their effectiveness, and the results will be unusable.
Educational games are a highly engaging form of practice and exploration that complement regular classroom or online instruction. Games allow students to enter a different world filled with interesting characters and settings, which enables them to participate in learning activities. Interactive games offer opportunities for high-quality learning in a fun and entertaining environment, along with creating performance-based learning that's motivating and effective. Although ANGEL games might not submerge the user in another realm or world, simplistic games allow for students to comprehend information through other means than the traditional quizzing and testing format.
A blog (short for weblog) is a journal that's available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is called blogging, and someone who keeps a blog is a blogger. Frequently, blogs are updated using software that allows people to post materials to the web without having to know HTML, web architecture, or server location. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in chronological order, with the most recent additions featured near the top of the page. Simply stated, a blog is a website that you can update easily and contribute to from anywhere you have an
Internet connection.
Using a blog as a communication tool in your classroom can increase the amount of offline communication between students and might greatly reduce the number of classroom-related e-mail messages you receive. Students will be more inclined to read your blog postings and provide feedback comments; other students might view this feedback and use it to solve problems on their own or contact the originator of a comment for assistance. Blogs help you to publish thoughts, ideas, and assignments, while creating engaging online communities that are simple to update on the web.
Using blogs in the classroom can be a challenging task. There are two basic strategies for implementing blogs in the classroom:
● The instructor blogs, and the students respond to that blog via the comments section.
● All students create blogs, and the instructor subscribes to each, aggregating them with a tool such as Google
Blogs can be beneficial to learning in three ways:
● Engaging learners in an active online community by using comments or student blogs
● Easily edited, web-based communication without all the drawbacks of e-mail
● Simple web editing; knowledge of HTML is not necessary
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The principal user of the quizzing tool is an educator who wants to assess the learning of the classroom participants. Quizzes are located under the Add Content link in the Lessons tab. Each quiz should be labeled properly with a title and a subtitle so that students know what to expect from the assessment. To provide specific instructions for students, use the directions area.
Don't think of the quizzing tool as simply a means to evaluate students' learning. Using the quizzing tool can help you to improve your instruction in a variety of ways. The ANGEL quizzes can be used for pre/post-assessment and reading comprehension:
● Pre-assessment. A way to determine what students know about a topic before it's taught. Instructors can use the information gained in pre-assessment to make instructional decisions based on students' strengths and needs. This also helps the instructor to determine which students are ready for more advanced topics.
● Post-assessment. A way to determine whether students have learned the material. Instructors can use this information to prepare instruction for future classes. This information also can be used to determine whether certain material must be reviewed before moving on to more advanced topics, and which students need more help.
● Reading comprehension. A great way to increase discussion and student readiness in your classroom is to develop a quiz that's given in conjunction with a reading assignment. This ensures that students are reading the material and gives the instructor the ability to focus the student's studies. This technique also allows for more in-depth discussion time in the classroom because students are more prepared for your class.
Note: For sound assessment, test learners on what is taught. The goal of assessment is not to trick or confuse learners, but rather to ensure that the learner is meeting the performance goals set forth for the course.
For each performance objective written for the course, the criteria must specify how well the learner must perform the skill described. As we move students higher up the learning taxonomy, we must test them to see whether their knowledge gain meets the standard set forth. How well are learners progressing through the course, the material, the subject matter?
Most pre-assessment and post-assessment consists of criterion-referenced tests that directly measure a set of behaviors described in the performance objectives. Using the quizzing tool in ANGEL will help you to develop criterion reference tests to evaluate your students' progress, as well as your progress as an instructor.
By creating a page in ANGEL with the Add a Page feature, you can add many components to your course. This in turn will make your educational environment more attractive to students and increase their learning capacity.
Students today are media-savvy. To make your class interesting to them, you must have content that keeps their attention:
● Image-rich content. Embedding an image that can be tied to an activity is a handy tool for medical, arts, and recognition courses.
● Graphs and charts. Embed pre-made graphs or charts - great for business, math, and economics courses.
● Video. Easily embed video into your pages.
● Text styles. Manipulate the styles and presentation of text on a page.
Most of us are familiar with the Campbell's Soup jingle, "Mmm-mmm good," or Nike's slogan, "Just do it."
Education is a lot like marketing. Perhaps you want students to remember the capital of Pennsylvania just as much as Nike wants you to remember its trademark "swoosh."
Educators don't have multimillion-dollar budgets or fancy Hollywood sets to create commercials, but with ANGEL we have the ability to create pages that can hold rich media. People learn by absorbing information through all their senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound. By creating pages with rich media content, you enable students to absorb information through multiple senses. The more rich the media, the higher the retention, the better the understanding - and life-long learning occurs.
When you create a page in ANGEL, you're simply creating a web-based HTML page by using the built-in page
(HTML) editor. The principal user of the page creation tool is an educator who wants to provide an outlet for students to access content full of rich media, delivered online. You don't have to know anything about HTML to use this tool; it's a simple editor that enables you to create and edit content in ANGEL.
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Another benefit of using the Add a Page feature is that you can make changes directly to your document in ANGEL, without having to re-upload your file.
Note: Make sure that you have an archiving process in place, so that none of your materials are lost accidentally.
The principal user of the Add a File tool is an instructor who wants to share classroom and supplemental material with students, simply as an electronic file accessible through ANGEL.
The Add a File tool lets you add a variety of files, from Excel tables to video clips. Students can review these materials, use them as study aids, or work on assignments. This feature allows you to keep the virtual doors to your classroom open 24/7.
● Excel files. Great for business and math applications.
● Word documents. Deliver supplemental information developed by the instructor.
● PowerPoint slides. Make lectures available in printed format.
● PDF files. Deliver protected material that cannot be edited.
● Audio files. Post lectures or supplemental speaking engagements.
● Video files. Handy for visual activities or lab exercises.
Some people are passive learners who need to read material and analyze it internally. By contrast, active learners need to be presented with a task and physically complete that task to learn. The Add a File tool lets you create a learning environment that is equally appealing to both of these types of learners, as well as reaching learners who need visual or auditory materials.
A wiki is a website that can be edited by visitors, producing a kind of collaborative site that includes work from many authors. A wiki site allows anyone to edit, delete, or modify the content on the web. In ANGEL, the wiki tool can be used for distance collaboration on student-centered projects; for example, students can create collaborative definitions for terms related to the subject matter. Wikis are a great tool for the development of collaborative papers or projects, allowing the team to write and develop their project, while others watch the thought process unfold through the postings.
The principal user of a link is an educator who wants to expand student learning outside the classroom walls, creating a hyperlink to an external information source for that purpose. If you're linking to a site you don't maintain, make sure that you have permission and that the targeted source is reliable. Periodically check links to make sure that they continue to work.
Creating a link to an external site works the same in ANGEL as in any other web application. You have a variety of options when creating a link. Students can view the website in a parent, new, or blank window:
● Parent. Opens the website in the same window. This is a good technique to use when a student must complete a task and then return to ANGEL.
● New. Opens the website in a new window. This option is best when linking to external sites that contain information a student can use to complete an activity.
● Blank. Opens the window in the ANGEL frame. Best when linking to something internal to the ANGEL system.
Using external links is an innovative way for instructors, educators, and professors to make inroads into the student's digital lifestyle. Students today are used to seeing thousands of images per day. Adjusting our teaching style to their learning style is imperative. No longer is it acceptable to provide students with one source of information on a subject; we must find multiple opinions on a topic and let students decide, learn, and evaluate based on multiple sources.
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Drop Boxes
A drop box is an ANGEL feature that allows students to submit assignments electronically. There are many techniques for drop box use, including the following:
● Individual assignment drop box. Each assignment has an individual drop box to which students submit the given assignment.
● Team drop box. One team member submits the assignment to the drop box; with a peer review setting, all team members can view the assignment.
● Individual student semester drop box. A drop box is created for each student, and only that student has access. The student submits all assignments to his or her individual drop box.
Tip: All drop boxes can be set up with a deadline; students who don't meet this deadline cannot submit the assignment. To avoid extra work and a line of students at your door, create a late-submission drop box that opens immediately after the original drop box closes.
The life of a student is more complicated than ever before. Students are asked to maintain higher grade point averages, participate in more associations, and complete more community service. To remain competitive, students must have the opportunity to complete work on their own schedules. The drop box allows students to submit assignments 24/7.
The drop box also allows the instructor to set fixed deadlines that are easily managed. Because every assignment submitted receives a time/date stamp, instructors can track submissions and set parameters for due dates. The instructor can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently by setting up staggered assignment submissions; reading and grading submissions over a longer time period can produce better feedback. Feedback and grades can be placed in the drop box for students to access.
Discussion Forums
A discussion forum is an asynchronous online discussion that allows users to post and reply to comments published by an instructor or other classmates. The principal user of a threaded discussion is an educator who wants to expand student learning/sharing outside the classroom walls. A clear set of forum rules should be posted:
● No obscene or hateful language.
● No solicitations or advertising.
● Post a message to the thread only once.
● All posts are subject to review.
● Report any problems.
These are simply guidelines; check your institution's web policies for rules that you can post in your forum.
When using the traditional discussion feature, keep the following points in mind:
● Everyone can respond to all posts.
● If you have a large class, discussion can jump topics quickly.
● The original post or question must drive the entire activity.
Creating a discussion is easy. Just remember the main rule: Always post an interesting question/problem that will spark discussion among learners.
Discussion forums invite students to participate. When they participate, students stay focused, have more energy, and learn more. The majority of people retain very little information from a lecture. Our brains are programmed to learn by doing, using all our senses to solve a problem. Creating a discussion allows you to change passive learning
(for example, reading a book) into active learning by discussing, commenting, debating, and in turn analyzing and synthesizing the information (see the following table).
Discussions Traditional Learning
Active learners
Higher retention
Passive learners
Lower retention
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Analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating Recalling and comprehending
Stimulating Mind-numbing
Experience with practice Retention of facts
The most common problem encountered with a discussion forum is that students don't actively post in the space, with most only reading others' replies. The instructor must provide guidance for the activity. As discussed earlier, begin by presenting an intriguing question/problem. Follow that by participating in the development of the instruction. If a student post expresses an idea that's incorrect, step in and redirect learning toward the desired result (see the following table).
Ask questions to guide student comments and the direction of the discussion.
Open-ended questions are particularly useful in discussion boards, and should be used in lieu of closed-ended questions whenever possible. Play "devil's advocate" by asking probing questions, using contradictions and counterexamples, and challenging students to apply their learning to novel situations, practical scenarios, and prior learning.
Weave student comments into your postings as a means of summarizing and subtly assessing.
Use role playing as a means of stimulating discussion.
Balance and presence are key aspects of a successful discussion board.
Quoting student comments goes a long way toward providing confidence and satisfaction in your students, and spurs more frequent posting.
Because of the reflective nature of the medium, discussion boards are an ideal venue for students to role play different perspectives and vantage points.
Make your presence known in the discussion boards, but don't dominate them or be overwhelming by posting too often. Posting too frequently leads to short discussions and fewer student postings; posting too infrequently leads students to believe that the instructor is disinterested or absent.
Encourage student-to-student learning first and foremost on the discussion boards, as a means of enabling students to attribute learning and success to themselves.
In a supplemental role, discussion board activity should relate closely to in-class activities. Draw clear connections between in-class material and online discussions.
Resist the temptation to make declarative statements.
Extend in-class discussions to the online venue, asking students to consider alternate perspectives and other criteria that might challenge their assumptions, beliefs, and findings.
Use multiple short paragraphs instead of one or two long paragraphs in your postings.
Empower students by allowing them to facilitate discussion forums.
Instead of commenting "That's right!" or "Not exactly" in your responses, pose questions asking students to analyze the context of their perspective or to project their perspective onto a novel situation.
Students spend considerably more time reading shorter paragraphs online than they do longer ones and remember more of the content.
When a student facilitates a discussion board, he feels an increased sense of ownership over his own learning and the learning of fellow students, becoming more invested in the learning process.
Note: The preceding table is adapted from " Improving the Use of Discussion Boards ," Worcester Polytechnic
Course Syndication
The digital world is moving rapidly toward a content-on-delivery system. To achieve this goal, all digital material must be "subscribable." Students live in the world of iTunes and on-demand cable; they want specified information
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delivered to them. By enabling the course syndication features in ANGEL, users can choose what they want delivered to their profile or web browser, incorporating their learning into their everyday lives.
Throughout the design and development of an ANGEL course, your goal is to create an environment in which instructors can collaborate both synchronously and asynchronously with students to enhance communication in the course, which in turn improves student retention and learning. By designing something that fosters logical collaboration and thought, you might get unexpected outcomes that benefit users.
Through its robust set of tools and communication devices, ANGEL allows people with different epistemologies, cognitive behaviors, and technologies to process equal amounts of information and obtain the maximum benefit in a way that best fits their learning personality. With such a robust, instructionally solid course, a monumental change in learning can also occur: Students focus more on principles, goals, and objectives than on course grades.
Without ANGEL's ability to create a community of learners, none of this would have happened.
Using the ANGEL 7.4 HTML Editor
This guide is designed to provide instructors, students, and mentors with an understanding of the HTML editor.
ANGEL's HTML editor is a full "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) editor specifically designed to work within the ANGEL learning management system. The editor is present in any place where text can be formatted or edited.
Notable features include the following:
● Full WYSIWYG editing everywhere you can edit content within ANGEL.
● Simple menu options allow you to find and link to any other content item within your course or on the web.
● The Insert Image tool features an integrated file/web browser with the capability to select a graphic, seamlessly upload it to the course, and then insert the graphic into the document.
● Content template support allows for the creation of course content with a consistent look and feel.
● Integrated equation editor from industry leader WebEQ.
● Full table support makes it easier to present complex tabular data.
● You can paste from Microsoft Word directly into your HTML editor.
● Edit window automatically resizes as you enter text, allowing the window to start small and expand dynamically as you add text.
The following typographical conventions are used in this guide:
● Bold indicates window elements such as field names, window titles, and buttons.
● Italics indicate words or characters you type into a field.
The following abbreviations are used:
● N indicates the Normal view of the content item editor.
● A indicates the Advanced view of the content item editor.
Accessing the Menus
The HTML editor is a toolbar containing a menu of tools that will help you to enhance your pages within ANGEL.
The editor has three modes that are implemented to best support the user's current task:
● Full menu. The menu bar with all 32 menu features active.
● Partial menu. The menu bar with 16 menu features active. Available in ANGEL's Announcement Editor, Page
Banner, Data Management nugget, Page Folder, Institutional Resource nugget, Did You Know nugget, About
This Section nugget, Course News and Events nugget, and Syllabus nugget.
● Slim menu. The menu bar with 13 menu features active; available in ANGEL's Calendar feature.
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The HTML Editor toolbar includes the following tools. (The table after the figure describes the tools, using the matching letters from the figure. The full menu includes all the menus/tools; the partial and slim menus show fewer or different varieties of the menus/tools.)
Slim Menu
Letter Menu/Tool a Maximize HTML
Editor b Edit/Macro c d e f g h i j k
Maximizes the HTML editor toolbar.
Allows you to create and edit macros.
Edit/Paste menu Allows you to cut, copy, paste, paste from
Microsoft Word, paste as plain text, find/replace text, select all text, or remove formatting.
Font Style menu Allows you to use bold, underline, italic, strikethrough, superscript, and subscript in text.
Link menu
Media menu
Insert menu
Table menu
Form menu
List menu
Justify menu
Allows you to enter content and web links, remove links, and create anchors.
Allows you to insert and format images, movies, and Flash presentations. Includes
Google Media™ integration.
Allows you to use an HTML widget, create and modify equations, insert special characters, use the Universal Keyboard, and insert lines and page breaks.
Allows you to manipulate rows, columns, and cells.
Allows you to create forms using elements such as buttons, text fields, and form parameters.
Allows you to add bullets, numbering, and indents.
Allows you to position your text as left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, or block justified. l m n
Text &
Color menu
Formatting &
Styles menu
Spell Checker
Allows you to change your text and background colors.
Allows you to change your styles, fonts, and font size; and format your text.
Allows you to spell check your text. o View Source Allows you to view the HTML source for your document.
Partial Menu
Bold, italic and underline only
Content link, web link only
Equation editor and special characters only
Numbered and bulleted only
Bold, italic and underline only
Content link, web link only
Equation editor only
Numbered and bulleted only
Font and size only Font and size only
Spell check only Spell check only
Caution: You need to disable pop-up blocking features to use some tools in the HTML editor. Failing to disable pop-up blocking may result in loss of information in the HTML editor and failure of the HTML editing features.
Using the Toolbar and Menus
Before you can begin using the HTML editor, you need to be able to access the menus. To access a menu, click the down arrow to expand the menu; then click the tool (e.g., cut, copy, paste, web link, etc.).
To access a tool, do one of the following:
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● Click the tool icon in the toolbar.
● Click the down arrow to expand the menu; then click the tool (e.g. cut, copy, paste, web link, etc.).
Formatting Text
You can format text and paragraphs as you would use a word processor: to add visual organization, emphasis, and structure. You can change the font, size, style, and color; and add effects such as underlining. You can also control indentation, add bullets and numbers, and set alignment.
The formatting you apply can either affect selected words or an entire paragraph. A general rule is that font properties (such as font, size, color, and effects) can be applied to selected text, and paragraph properties
(including alignment, bullets, numbering, and formatting) affect entire paragraphs. For example, you can italicize a single word in a paragraph, but if you try to align a word to the right, the entire paragraph will be aligned.
The editing tools give you the ability to copy, cut, and paste words, sentences, and paragraphs as plain text or with full formatting.
Formatting Individual Characters and Words
You can set the following properties for words or characters.
Icon Description
Bold accentuates the text.
Italic causes the text to slant.
Underline places a line under the text.
Strikethrough places a line through the text.
Superscript places the text slightly higher than other text on a line, such as a footnote reference mark.
Subscript places the text slightly lower than other text on a line. Subscripts are often used in scientific formulas.
Color allows you to affect the color of text.
Background color allows you to add highlighting to selected text.
Style is a set of predefined formatting instructions that you can use repeatedly throughout the document.
Font affects how text appears on a page. Font will default to the browser's default, usually Times New Roman or Times (on a Mac).
Font Size affects the size of the text on a page.
Applying Boldface
To apply bold formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
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2. Do one of the following:
● Click Bold .
● On the Font Style menu, select Bold
Applying Italics
To apply italic formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Do one of the following:
● Click Italic .
● On the Font Style menu, select Italic
Applying Underline
To apply underline formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Do one of the following:
● Click Underline .
● On the Font Style menu, select Underline
Applying Strikethrough
To apply strikethrough formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text that you want to change.
2. On the Font Style menu of the toolbar, select Strike Through
Applying Superscript and Subscript
To apply superscript text formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text that you want to change.
2. On the Font Style menu of the toolbar, select Superscript
To apply subscript text formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text that you want to change.
2. On the Font Style menu of the toolbar, select Subscript
Changing the Text Style
To apply a different text style, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Click the Style icon.
3. Select the style you want.
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Note: The Style properties contain both character and paragraph styles. To apply the style to only the selected text, select a style with the word Text in the title.
Changing the Font
To change the font, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Click Font . In the drop-down list; a right arrow points to the current font.
3. Select the font you want.
Changing the Point Size
To change the point size, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Click Size .
3. Select the font size you want.
Changing Text and Background Colors
The text color properties affect the color of text. These properties can be applied to a specific character or a whole page.
To change the color of text, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Click Text Color .
3. Click the color you want.
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If you did not select text in step 1, your chosen text color will apply to items typed from this point onward.
To change the background color of text, follow these steps:
1. Select the text you want to change.
2. Click Background Color
3. Click the color you want.
If you did not select text in step 1, your chosen text color will apply to items typed from this point onward.
Tip: You can select more colors by clicking More Colors, finding the color you want, and clicking it. Once you've selected a color, it will show in the Selected box. If you select another color, it will show in the
Highlighted box only until you click OK. To clear the selected color from within the Select Color dialog box, click Clear.
Formatting Paragraphs
Following are the properties that you can set for paragraphs.
Icon Description
Indents determine the distance of the paragraph from the left or right margin.
Left or right justify determines the appearance and orientation of the edges of the paragraph: left-aligned, right-aligned, centered, or justified. (Justify: to adjust horizontal spacing so that text is aligned at both the left and right margins.)
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Format allows you to select preselected text and heading format options from a drop-down list.
Indenting Paragraphs
Indents determine the distance of the paragraph from the left margin.
To increase the left indent, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to change.
2. On the List menu, select Increase Indent
To decrease the left indent, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to change.
2. On the List menu, select Decrease Indent
Aligning Paragraphs Horizontally on the Page
To left-align text, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to align to the left of the page.
2. On the Justify menu, select Left Justify
To right-align text, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to align to the right of the page.
2. On the Justify menu, select Right Justify .
To center text, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to align to the center of the page.
2. Click Center Justify .
To block-align text, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to align along both the left and right margins.
2. Click the arrow on the Justify menu; select Block Justify .
Inserting Line Breaks
A line break ends the current line and continues the text on the next line of the same paragraph.
To insert a line break, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point where you want to create a new line.
2. Press Shift-Enter.
Applying Paragraph Styles
To choose a paragraph format, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point into the paragraph you want to format.
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2. Click Format .
3. Click the text format you want.
Using Bulleted, Numbered, and Multilevel Lists
You can add bullets or numbers to existing lines of text, or you can automatically create bulleted and numbered lists as you type. Numbered lists display a sequential series of items. Bulleted lists display a series of unordered items.
Numbered Lists
Numbered lists display a sequential list of items. You can select from upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, or upper- and lowercase Roman numerals. Following are examples of each type of list.
Here’s a lettered list: a. Do this first. b. Do this second. c. Do this third.
Here’s a numbered list:
1. Do this first.
2. Do this second.
3. Do this third.
Here’s a Roman numeral list: i. Do this first. ii. Do this second. iii. Do this third.
To create a numbered list, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point at the target location.
2. Click Insert/Remove Numbered List .
3. Type the text you want to add next to the number and then press Enter.
4. To end the list, press Enter again.
To create a numbered list using existing text, follow these steps:
1. Do one of the following:
● Select the items to which you want to add numbering.
● Place the insertion point at the target location.
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2. Click Insert/Remove Numbered List
3. To end the list, press Enter again.
To format a numbered list, follow these steps:
1. Right-click any item in the numbered list you want to change.
2. In the pop-up menu, click Numbered List Properties
The Numbered List Properties dialog box appears.
3. Type the number to start the list in the Start box.
4. Select the number format you want from the Type drop-down list.
5. Click OK. (Click Cancel if you decide to exit the dialog box without making changes.)
To remove a numbered list, follow these steps:
1. Select the text from which you want numbers removed.
2. Click Insert/Remove Numbered List .
Tip: To remove a single number, click the number and then press Backspace.
Bulleted Lists
Bulleted list are used to present a list of unordered items (items that don't need to be numbered). You can select from circle (filled circle), disc (hollow circle), or square bullets.
To create a bulleted list, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point at the target location.
2. Click Insert/Remove Bulleted List .
3. Type the text you want to add next to the bullet and then press Enter.
4. To end the list, press Enter again.
To create a bulleted list using existing text, follow these steps:
1. Do one of the following:
● Select the items to which you want to add bullets.
● Place the insertion point at the target location.
2. Click Insert/Remove Bulleted List
3. To end the list, press Enter again.
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To format a bulleted list, follow these steps:
1. Right-click any item in the bulleted list you want to change.
2. In the pop-up menu, click Bulleted List Properties
The Bulleted List Properties dialog box appears.
3. Select the list format you want from the Type drop-down list.
4. Click OK. (Click Cancel if you decide to exit the dialog box without making changes.)
To remove a bulleted list, follow these steps:
1. Select the text from which you want bullets removed.
2. Click Insert/Remove Bulleted List .
Tip: To remove a single bullet, click the bullet and then press Backspace.
Multilevel Lists
You can create lists that have multiple nested levels and specify different list formats for each level. For example, you may want to create lists that use different numbering styles at each level.
To create a multilevel list, follow these steps:
1. Place the insertion point at the target location.
2. Click either Insert/Edit Numbered List or Insert/Edit Bulleted List .
3. For each item you want in the list, regardless of its level, type the item, and then press Enter.
4. When you have typed the last item, press Enter twice to end the list.
5. To place each item on the correct level, do one of the following:
● To move items down to the next level, select the items and then click Increase Indent
● To move items up to the previous level, select the items and then click Decrease Indent
6. To apply list formats to the different levels, do one of the following:
● To format a numbered list, follow these steps: a. Right-click any item in the list you want to change. b. In the pop-up menu that appears, click Numbered List Properties.
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c. In the Numbered List Properties dialog box that appears, type the number to start the list in the
Start box. d. Select the number format you want from the Type drop-down list. e. Click OK.
● To format a bulleted list, follow these steps: a. Right-click any item in the list you want to change. b. In the pop-up menu that appears, click Bulleted List Properties. c. In the Bulleted List Properties dialog box that appears, select the list format you want from the
Type drop-down list. d. Click OK.
Removing Formatting
To remove all formatting, follow these steps:
1. Select the text from which you want to remove formatting.
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2. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Remove Format
Editing Text
The Edit/Paste menu is used to make changes to your text. Using the same type of features as a word processing program, you can do the following:
● Undo or redo an action.
● Cut, copy, or paste sections of text and images.
● Paste text as plain text or with Word formatting.
● Find, replace, or select all text.
● Remove formatting from text.
Icon Description
Undo allows you to undo the most recent action taken.
Redo allows you to redo the most recent action taken.
Cut allows you to remove the highlighted text.
Copy allows you to copy the highlighted text.
Paste pastes the text you copied (with or without formatting).
Paste as plain text allows you to remove formatting from text before pasting it into the text area.
Paste from Word allows you to paste text from Microsoft Word into the HTML editor, retaining the exact replica of the Word document. You should always use this option when copying from Word.
Find allows you to find specific words or phrases for editing or deletion.
Replace allows you to replace words or phrases with new wording.
Select All allows you to select the entire text to format.
Remove Format allows you to remove all formatting from text.
Undoing and Redoing Actions
Undo reverses the last action you performed in the HTML editor. Undo has a twin feature called Redo. You can undo 15 levels of actions.
● Click the arrow on the Edit/Paste menu and select Undo .
Redo reverses the last Undo action. If you accidentally undo too many actions, Redo puts them back into your page. You can redo 15 levels of actions.
. ● Click the arrow on the Edit/Paste menu and select Redo
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting
To cut (remove) text, follow these steps:
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1. Select text you want to cut.
2. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Cut
To copy text, follow these steps:
1. Select text you want to cut.
2. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Copy
To paste text, follow these steps:
1. Cut or Copy the item you want to paste.
2. Reposition the insertion point at the target location.
3. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Paste .
If the text contains formatting from Word, you will receive a message "The text you want to paste seems to be copied from Word. Do you want to clean it before posting?"
If the text contains formatting from non-Word applications, the HTML editor will copy the formatting when the item is pasted.
Pasting as Plain Text
To paste in plain text format, follow these steps:
1. Cut or Copy the item you want to Paste.
2. Reposition the insertion point at the target location.
3. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Paste
Pasting from Microsoft Word
To paste text from Word, follow these steps:
1. Cut or Copy the item you want to Paste.
2. Reposition the insertion point at the target location.
3. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Paste from Word
The Paste from Word dialog box displays.
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4. Do you want to clean the text before posting? If yes, paste your text in the box provided. a. Check Ignore Font Face definitions to remove the Word font styles. b. Check Remove Styles definitions to remove the Word formatting styles.
5. Click OK. Your text is pasted from Word, applying the Word styles and formatting.
Finding and Replacing Text
To find text, follow these steps:
1. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Find
2. In the Find dialog box that displays, complete the following fields:
. a. Find what. The text you want to search for. b.
Match case.
Match the case format. c.
Match whole word.
Match the full word(s). Ignores partial matches.
3. Click Find.
4. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
To replace text, follow these steps:
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1. On the Edit/Paste menu, select Replace
2. On the Replace dialog box that displays, complete the following fields:
. a. Find what. The text you want to search for. b.
Replace with.
The replacement text. c.
Match case.
Match the case format. d.
Match whole word.
Match the full word(s). Ignores partial matches.
3. Click Replace or Replace All.
4. Click Cancel to close the dialog box.
Selecting All Text
To select all text, follow these steps:
1. On the Edit/Paste menu, choose Select All .
Creating and Using Macros
Macros are preprogrammed shortcuts that perform a series of actions. Macros can be created and shared across courses, groups, and resource libraries to which you have editor access. The creation of macros allows you to create the item once and use it multiple times in your courses, groups, or resource libraries.
For example, if you want to automatically insert a salutation (e.g., Hello class!) at the beginning of each page, you can create a macro that allows you to insert the phrase (instead of having to retype it for every page).
After your macro has been created, you can use it on the page you are creating or share it in other courses, groups, or resource libraries to which you have editing rights.
The Insert/Edit Macro tool allows you to create or edit shortcuts that perform a series of actions.
To create a new macro, follow these steps:
1. Click Insert/Edit Macro
2. Click the New Macro tab.
3. In the New Macro tab, complete the following fields:
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a. Name. The name of your macro. b.
The category for the macro. Do one of the following to define the category:
● Choose the category from the drop-down list.
● Click the New Macros button to create a new category. c.
Macro text.
The text to be inserted into the text area when the macro is played. The formatting of the text requires HTML tags.
4. Click Save.
To edit a macro, follow these steps:
1. Click Insert/Edit Macro .
2. On the Macro dialog box, select the category from the drop-down list.
3. Select the macro you want to edit and click Edit.
4. On the Existing Macros tab, do the following:
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a. Update the name, category, and macro text as necessary. b. Click Save.
Note: To apply the updated macros to your new page, you will need to use the Insert a Macro function. You cannot paste HTML from the editor window.
Inserting Macros
To insert a macro, follow these steps:
1. Click Insert/Edit Macro .
2. On the Macro dialog box that displays, follow these steps:
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a. Select the Category from the drop-down list. b. Click the macro you want to insert from the category on the left side of the window. c. Click the OK button.
Deleting Macros
To delete a macro, follow these steps:
1. Click Insert/Edit Macro .
2. On the Macro dialog box, do the following:
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a. Select the category from the drop-down list. b. Click the macro you want to delete. c. Click Delete. You are prompted with the following: Permanently delete this item? Click OK to delete the macros from your list and from the Category options, or click Cancel to return to the Existing Macros tab. d. Click the OK button.
Sharing Macros
To share a macro, follow these steps:
1. Click Insert/Edit Macro .
2. On the Macro dialog box, select the Category from the drop-down list. Your list of macros from that category is listed in the text area on the left side.
3. Select the macro you want to share.
4. Click Share. The Macro dialog box displays.
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5. Complete the following fields: a. Share with. The minimum course rights required to use the shared macro. b. In these sections. The course/group section to share the macro with.
6. Click Save.
Inserting Hyperlinks
A hyperlink is a link from one page or file to another. On a page, you may want to insert a hyperlink to some other website or to a document you uploaded to your server. A hyperlink is usually displayed by a distinguishing feature such as a different color, font, or style. When a hyperlink is clicked, the destination is displayed, opened, or run— depending on the type of destination. The destination is frequently another page, but it can also be a picture, a multimedia file, a document, an e-mail address, or a program.
To create, edit, and remove hyperlinks, you use the tools found on the Link menu.
Icon Description
Insert/Edit Web Link. Adds or removes hyperlink from highlighted text. Used to add or edit links outside the ANGEL environment or an anchor within a page.
Insert Content Link creates links to areas in the system where links exist or will exist based on an upload.
Remove Link allows you to remove a hyperlink you've inserted in a page.
Anchor allows you to create bookmarks within pages inside and outside of
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Web Links
A web link is used to create a reference or navigation element to another section of the same page, to an e-mail or to another page on the Internet.
To create a link to a web address (URL), follow these steps:
1. Select the text or image you want to use as the hotspot for the link.
2. Click Web Link . The Link dialog box displays.
3. On the Link Info tab, complete the following fields: a. Link Type. Specifies the link type (e.g., URL, Link to anchor in the text, E-mail). For a web link to a page on the Internet, select URL. b. Protocol. Specifies the protocol from the drop-down list (e.g., http, https, ftp, news, other). c. URL. Specifies the URL or address of the web page the link will display.
4. Click the Target tab.
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5. Optionally complete the following fields: a. Target Type. Select the target type from the drop-down list:
● Frame: A frame within the current frame.
● Pop-up Window: Opens in a pop-up window.
● New Window: Opens in a new window.
● Topmost Window: Opens in topmost window which replaces your current window.
● Same Widow: Opens in the same window you are using.
● Parent Window: Opens in new window unless you are in frames. b. Target Frame Name. When using the target type of frame, this specifies the name of the frame the target displays.
6. Click the Advanced tab.
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7. Optionally complete the following:
● Id. Creates an anchor at the start tag of any HTML element (HTML Id attribute).
● Language Direction. Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text. Possible values include the following:
● Left-to-right
● Right-to-left
● Access Key. A single character that defines the shortcut key (Alt + character) that "clicks" on the link.
● Name. The anchor name that links to an anchor within a page.
● Language Code. Specifies the base language of the target URL.
● Tab Index. Defines the position in tabbing order.
● Advisory Title. Defines the text that displays when the user moves the mouse over the link.
● Advisory Content Type. Gives an advisory hint about to the content type of the target URL.
Examples include text/html, image/png, image/gif, video/mpeg, text/css, etc.
● Stylesheet Classes. Assigns a class name or set of class names to an element.
● Linked Resource Charset. Specifies the character encoding of the target URL.
● Style. Allows entry of custom CSS style information for the element.
8. Click OK.
To create a link to an e-mail address, follow these steps:
1. Click Web Link .
2. On the Link Info tab, select E-Mail from the Link Type list.
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3. Complete the following fields: a. E-Mail Address. The recipient’s e-mail address. b. Message Subject. The subject of the message to be sent. c. Message Body. The information to be contained in the message body.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. Optionally complete the following:
● Id. Creates an anchor at the start tag of any HTML element (HTML Id attribute).
● Language Direction. Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text. Possible values include the following:
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● Left-to-right
● Right-to-left
● Access Key. A single character that defines the shortcut key (Alt + character) that "clicks" the link.
● Name. The anchor name that links to an anchor within a page.
● Language Code. Specifies the base language of the target URL.
● Tab Index. Defines the position in tabbing order.
● Advisory Title. Defines the text that displays when the user mouses over the link.
● Advisory Content Type. Provides gives an advisory hint as to the content type of the target URL.
Examples include ext/html, image/png, image/gif, video/mpeg, text/css, etc.
● Stylesheet Classes. Assigns a class name or set of class names to an element.
● Linked Resource Charset. Specifies the character encoding of the target URL.
● Style. Allows entry of custom CSS style information for the element.
6. Click OK.
To edit web links, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the hyperlink and click Edit Link.
To remove web links, follow these steps:
1. Select the hyperlink you want to remove.
2. Do one of the following:
● On the File menu, select Remove Link .
● Click the Insert/Edit Content Link .In the URL box, highlight the URL and press Delete.
● Right-click the hyperlink and click Remove Link.
Content Links
A content link is used to create a reference or navigation element to an item within the ANGEL LMS environment.
There are five different areas which you can link to from a course.
Personal Files
Associated Files Displays all file resources (html page, images, PowerPoint, Adobe .pdf, etc.) uploaded to the current content item. This is the recommended location for file resources if the content item needs to remain portable, meaning that the content item (quiz, page, folder, etc.) needs to support export to a different course or location as is commonly the case with content items in learning object repositories. When a content item is exported or copied from another course, all file resources for the content item are exported/copied as well.
Course Files
Allows you to link to files stored in your personal file manager (within the Toolbox, select
Personal Home page > Files link). This is useful for users who want to link to the same file resource from multiple courses or locations. This approach is not recommended when building a master course image that will be used by multiple instructors because the source image would be deleted in the event the instructor's account is ever deleted from the system.
Displays the root view of all associated files for all content items in the course. This option can be helpful when dealing with multiple content items that need to the same file resources within the course (i.e., repeated course images, etc.). File resources within the Course File
Manager are always exported with the course, but are not included when importing/exporting a single content item (i.e., from a repository). Therefore, this approach can be effective for individual instructor courses and master courses, but should not be used to store file resources for repository content items.
Map Displays a birds-eye view of the course content, course tabs, and select course tools/reports, allowing the editor to create links to specific content items, tools, or tabs. If HTML anchors
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Icons exist in the page item or an uploaded web page, the appropriate syntax (i.e., #anchor1) can be added to the end of the resultant link to provide direct navigation to that portion of the document.
Displays a list of image resources that has been populated by your institutions ANGEL administrator. This option can be helpful when dealing with content that applies to any course/group within the system (e.g., logos, banners, and icons). The location of these icons is in the \AngelThemes\System\Icons\ area within ANGEL.
Note: WebCT, Bb, IMS, and Standard Zip Import all place their files in the Course Files area.
To insert content links, follow these steps:
1. Do one of the following:
● Select Insert Content Link.
● On the Link menu, select Content Links
2. On the Content Links dialog box, do the following:
● Choose the tab for which you need to upload files.
● Click New Folder to create a new folder if applicable.
3. On the tab(s) you selected, do one of the following:
● Click Browse and select a file (available for personal, associated or course only). Then click Upload File.
● In the Path box, select an existing file, map path, or icon. Your link will be inserted into the HTML editor window.
To edit content links, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the hyperlink and click Edit Link.
2. On the Content Links dialog box, edit the hyperlink properties.
3. Click OK.
To remove content links, do the following:
1. Select the hyperlink you want to remove.
2. Do one of the following:
● On the File menu, select Remove Link .
● Click the Insert/Edit Content Link . In the URL box, highlight the URL and press Delete.
● Right-click the hyperlink and click Remove Link.
Using Anchors
An essential feature of a web page is the ability to connect (hyperlink) pages, media files, and programs. A hyperlink can be made from one resource to another or from one location within a resource to another. Both the source and the destination of a link are anchors (sometimes called bookmarks).
For example, you may have a page with several topics. At the end of each topic, you may want to include an anchor that, when clicked, will bring users back to the top of a topic or back to the table of contents.
Creating an anchor is a two-step process. First, you create an anchor and then create a link to the anchor.
When creating an anchor, naming it is very important. The name is an opportunity to remember for what purpose you created it. In the preceding example, you might name your anchor top, which signifies that by clicking the anchor, you will be returned to the top of a page or section.
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Some other tips for naming your anchors are as follows:
● Create short, one-word names.
● Do not use underscores (_).
● Do not use uppercase letters. Some web browsers differentiate between upper- and lowercase letters.
● Do not include punctuation marks or symbols.
● Do not use numbers.
To add an anchor, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point at the target location.
2. On the File menu, select Anchor displays.
. The Anchor Properties dialog box
3. In the Anchor Properties dialog box, type the Anchor Name. The anchor icon anchor point.
To insert a link to an anchor, follow these steps:
1. Select the text or image you want to use as the hotspot for the link.
2. Click Web Link .
3. On the Link tab, select Link to anchor in the text from the Link Type list.
will appear at the
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4. Complete one of the following fields:
● Select an Anchor By Anchor Name.
● Select an Anchor By Element Id.
5. Click OK.
Working with Tables
A table is made up of columns and rows of cells into which you can insert text and graphics. There are several different ways to use tables, and you can customize your tables in a variety of ways to make them more attractive and easy to read.
The Tables tool allows you to arrange data such as text, images, links, forms, and so on into columns and rows of cells.
Creating a Table and Setting Table Properties
To create a table and set table properties, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point where you want to insert the table.
2. Do one of the following:
● Click Insert/Edit Table .
● Click the Table menu and select Insert/Edit Table dialog box displays.
. The Table Properties
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3. Complete the following: a. Rows. Specifies the number of rows. b. Columns. Specifies the number of columns. c. Alignment. Specifies the position for the table on the page. d. Width. Specifies the width of the table in either pixels or as a percentage of the window width. e. Height. Specifies the height of the table in pixels. f. Border size. Specifies the width you want for the table border in pixels. If you do not want a border, type
0. g. Cell spacing. Specifies a number in the Cell padding box. h. Cell padding. Specifies a number in the Cell spacing box. i. Caption. Specifies a caption in the Caption box. j. Summary. Specifies a summary of the table for use with speech-synthesizing/nonvisual browsers, if applicable.
4. Click OK.
Tip: When a table is present on your page, you can right-click in the table and a pop-up menu displays with possible table operations.
Setting Cell Properties
Tables are composed of cells, and each cell can be formatted by using cell properties.
To set the properties of a table cell, follow these steps:
1. Select the cells you want to change.
2. Right-click and then click Cell > Cell Properties on the pop-up menu. The Cell Properties dialog box displays.
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3. Complete the following fields: a. Width. Specifies the size of the cell width in either pixels or as a percent. b. Height. Specifies the size of the cell height in pixels. c. Word Wrap. Allows text to wrap in a cell d. Horizontal Alignment. Specifies the horizontal position for the text within the cell. e. Vertical Alignment. Specifies the vertical position for the text within the cell. f. Rows Span. Specifies the number of rows you want the cells to span. g. Columns Span. Specifies the number of columns you want the cells to span. h. Background Color. Specifies the color background. i. Border Color. Specifies the border color of tables.
4. Click OK.
Adding Cells, Rows, and Columns
To insert cells, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point in a cell to the left of where you want to add a cell.
2. On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Insert Cell
To insert rows, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point in a cell above where you want to add a new row.
2. On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Insert Row
To insert columns, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point in a cell to the left of where you want to add a new column.
. 2. On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Insert Column
To insert tables within tables, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point in a cell where you want to add a new table.
2. Do one of the following:
● Click Insert/Edit Table .
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● On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Table
To split cells, follow these steps:
1. Position the insertion point in the cell you want to divide.
2. Right-click the cell and then click Cells > Split Cells on the pop-up menu.
To merge cells, follow these steps:
1. Select the cells you want to combine.
2. Right-click the selection and then click Cells > Merge Cells on the pop-up menu.
Deleting All or Part of a Table
To delete a table, follow these steps:
1. Select the cells you want to delete.
2. Right-click and select Delete Table on the pop-up menu.
To delete a cell, follow these steps:
1. Select the cells you want to delete.
2. On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Delete Cells
To delete a row, follow these steps:
1. Select the rows you want to delete.
2. On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Delete Rows
To delete a column, follow these steps:
1. Select the columns you want to delete.
2. On the Table menu of the toolbar, select Delete Columns .
Using Images, Flash Presentations, and Movies
In the HTML editor, you can add images, Flash presentations, and movies. These elements visually enhance your pages as well as provide rich content for a variety of audiences and learning types.
You can use images on your page for a variety of reason. In addition to being decorative, graphics can be useful in providing information, examples or even navigational buttons.
The Media menu contains the following tools.
Icon Description
Inserts an image (.jpg, .tiff, .bmp, and so on).
Inserts a Flash presentation file.
Inserts a movie file (.MP3, AU, AVI, WMV, etc.)
Google Media™ allows you to search Google™ images and YouTube™ videos for inclusion in your documents.
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Using Images
Images are a good way to make your content more visual. Images can include elements such as logos, line art, and simple graphics. There are several image formats that can be used on the Internet. The following are the most common:
● .gif. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an 8-bit-per-pixel bitmap image format that was introduced by
CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability. The format uses a palette of up to 256 distinct colors. It also supports animations and allows a separate palette of 256 colors for each frame.
● .jpg. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) provides for lossy compression of images. The file format is typically used for high-end images or photographs. The format uses a palette of 16.7 million colors.
● .png. PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a bitmapped image format that employs lossless data compression.
PNG was created to improve and replace the GIF format as an image-file format not requiring a patent license.
The format uses a palette of 24-bit RGB colors or grayscale.
To add an image, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want to insert the image.
2. Do one of the following
● Click the Insert/Edit image .
● On the Media menu, select Image displays.
. The Image Properties dialog box
3. On the Image Properties dialog box, complete the Image Info tab: a. URL. The web address of the image to display. Click Browse Server to navigate to the image location. b. Alternative Text. Used by web browsers to display text during image downloads for users who have graphics turned off and for users who rely on screen-reading software to convert graphics on the screen to spoken words.
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c. Width. Sets the width of an image. Can be entered in pixels or as a percentage. d. Height. Sets the height of an image. Can be entered in pixels or as a percentage. e. Lock Ratio. Select to lock image aspect ratio (relationship of the height and width of an image). When selected, resizing with the height or width automatically maintains the ratio of the other. f. Reset Size. Select to reset the image to its original size. g. Border. The size of the border in pixels around the graphic. This is a way to indicate that the graphic can be clicked. h. HSpace. Defines white space, in pixels, on the left and right side of the image. i. VSpace. Defines white space, in pixels, on the top and bottom of the image. j. Align. Specifies how to align the image according to surrounding text.
Left. Aligns the image to be left justified. Text will begin at the top of right of the image.
● Abs Bottom. Aligns the bottom of the first line of text with the bottom of the image.
● Abs Middle. Aligns the top of the first line of text with the middle of the image.
● Baseline. Aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline of the text. The baseline is the line along which the bottom of most letters rest but below which some letters dangle, such as j and y.
● Bottom. Aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline of the line containing the image.
● Middle. Aligns the center of the image with the bottom of the first text line.
● Right. Aligns the image to be right justified. Text will start at the top left of the image.
● Text Top. Aligns the first line of text with the top of the image.
● Top. Aligns the top of the image with the tallest item on the line containing the image.
4. If the image to be used as a hyperlink. Click the Link tab.
5. On the Link tab, complete the following:
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a. URL. The web address of the link to display when the image is clicked. Click Browse Server to navigate to the link page. b. Target. Select the target from the drop-down list. c. New Window (_blank): Opens in a new window. d. Topmost (_top): Opens in topmost window which replaces your current window. e. Same Window (_self): Opens in the same window as the image. f. Parent Window (_parent): Opens in new window..
6. Optionally, click the Advanced tab.
7. Optionally, complete the following: a. Id. Creates an anchor at the start tag of any HTML element (HTML Id attribute). b. Language Direction. Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text. Possible values are the following:
● Left-to-right
● Right-to-left c. Language Code. Specifies the base language of the target URL. d. Long Description URL. Specifies the URL of a document that contains an extended description of the resource. e. Stylesheet Classes. Assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. f. Advisory Title. Defines the text that displays when the user mouses over the link. g. Style. Allows entry of custom CSS style information for the element.
8. Click OK. (Click Cancel if you decide to exit the dialog box without making changes.)
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Using Flash
Flash refers to both the Adobe Flash Player and to a multimedia authoring program used to create content (such as web applications, games, and movies). Flash presentations are a good way to add interactive content to your pages.
To add a Flash presentation, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want to insert the Flash presentation.
2. On the Media menu, select Flash . The Flash Properties dialog box displays.
3. On the Flash Properties dialog box Info tab, complete the following fields: a. URL. Specifies a web address of the Flash file. Click the Browse Server button to navigate to the file if it is located in the course or is to be uploaded to the course. b. Width. Specifies the width to display the Flash presentation in pixels. c. Height. Specifies the height to display the Flash presentation in pixels.
Tip: You can preview your Flash file in the Preview pane.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
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5. Optionally, complete the following a. Scale. Allows you to specify the scale of the movie:
● Show all makes the entire movie visible in the specified area without distortion, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the movie. Borders may appear on two sides of the movie.
● No Border scales the movie to fill the specified area, without distortion but possibly with some cropping, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the movie.
● Exact Fit makes the entire movie visible in the specified area without trying to preserve the original aspect ratio. Distortion may occur. b. Auto Play. Specifies whether the movie begins playing immediately on loading in the browser. c. Loop. Specifies whether the movie repeats indefinitely or stops when it reaches the last frame. d. Enable Flash Menu. Gives users a several options for controlling the video. e. Id. The id attribute specifies a unique identifier which maybe used in CSS styling or DOM manipulation. f. Stylesheet Classes. A space separated list of CSS classes to apply to the element. g. Advisory Title. Defines the text that displays when the user mouses over the link. h. Style. Allows entry of custom CSS style information for the element.
Tip: Auto Play, Loop, and Enable Flash Menu are checked by default.
6. Click OK. (Click Cancel if you decide to exit the dialog box without making changes.)
Using Movies
Movies are a good way to make your content more engaging. Movies are generally different from Flash presentations in that movies are larger in file size, and movies cannot contain Flash presentations (Flash presentations are generally smaller in file size, contain much more animation, and can contain movies.)
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There are several movie formats that can be used on the Internet. The following are the most common. For each movie format, a plug-in or helper application must be installed on the computer of the user viewing the movie.
● .avi is short for audio/video interleaved. Originally developed as a rival to QuickTime format for Windows machines, but is playable on most computers via helpers and plug-ins. It can use several compression schemes and is becoming increasingly popular. Most digital video cameras shoot in .avi format.
● .mov file types are based on the QuickTime (QT) system. It was designed initially for the Mac platform, but is now usable via a plug-in and helper application on most other operating systems. You can load the standard
QuickTime player™ from Apple for free as well as get access to a host of resources. QT has some great compression schemes that often make QT files smaller without loss of quality.
● .mpeg format takes its name from the developing group (motion Pictures Expert Group). It remains an important web video file type due to the range of compression that can be applied. Unlike .avi and QuickTime , it is not developed for a particular operating system.
● .wmv (short for Windows Media Video) is part of Microsoft Windows media format. .wmv files can be downloaded or streamed. Microsoft has tons of resources at, many of which are free to download.
● .rm is the extension for RealVideo® files, the archetype of streamed video files. One of the first and still most popular streamed media format. The basic player can still be downloaded for free at
To add a movie, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want to insert the movie.
2. On the Media menu, select Movie displays.
. The Movie Properties dialog box
3. On the Movie Properties dialog box, complete the following fields: a. URL. Specifies a web address of the Movie file. Select the Browse Server button to navigate to the file if it is located in the course or is to be uploaded to the course. b. Auto size. Automatically creates a display size for the player based on the size of the movie clip. c. Auto play. Automatically begins to play the movie once the page is loaded. d. Show gotobar. Looks for markers that have been inserted into the movie file and creates a drop-down table of contents for the file, allowing users to skip to a particular section.
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e. Show statusbar. Shows users how long the movie has been playing and how much time is left. f. Show controls. Determines which controls are displayed in the window.
Tip: The Show controls options are checked by default.
4. Click OK. (Click Cancel if you decide to exit the dialog box without making changes.)
Google Media
™ Tools
The Google Media™ tools can be used to insert YouTube™ or Picasa™ content into a course environment.
YouTube™ videos may be linked or embedded (with associated player). Picasa™ pictures may also be linked or embedded.
Caution: ANGEL's "G" button relies on Google™ open APIs to search YouTube™ for video and Picasa™ for images. If Google™ changes these APIs, the "G" button may fail to function properly. ANGEL has no control over the Google™ APIs.
Note: The search controls for the Videos tab are identical to the controls offered for the Images tab.
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1. Videos. Controls for searching YouTube™ for video content. Selected content may be inserted into the HTML editor.
2. Images. Controls for search Picasa™ for pictures. Selected pictures may be inserted into the HTML editor.
3. Find. Search terms may be entered in this textbox. Terms entered will be used to find matching content.
4. Sort by. Select the appropriate option:
● relevance
● rating
● date published
● most watched
5. Go. Click this button to perform a search based on the configured selections.
6. Media preview. Media matching the search criteria are displayed in the preview window for each hit. Clicking a preview item opens the related media in a larger window.
7. embed. Click this button to insert an embedded media viewer into the HTML editor. This embedded player will be used to view the media.
8. link. Click this button to insert a link in the HTML editor. When clicked, the link will open a new window displaying the media.
9. Pagination. Results will be displayed in groups of 25. If there are more than 25 results, pagination will be introduced. Each pagination link will link to another group of 25 results.
10. Cancel. Click Cancel to close the Google Media window.
Note: Media inserted into the HTML editor using the Google Media window will be represented in the
HTML window using a placeholder image. This placeholder image will later be replaced with an actual preview of the media when the HTML editor is closed and the content saved.
Working with Forms
A form is a collection of fields that you use for gathering information from your page. Visitors fill out a form by typing text, clicking radio buttons and checkboxes, and selecting options from drop-down menus. After filling out the form, visitors submit the data they entered, which can be processed in a variety of ways depending on the form handler you set up.
The general steps in creating a form are as follows:
1. Decide what kind of information to collect and then start a form.
2. Add fields to the form.
3. Set up how you want to handle the information you collect from the form.
Form fields are the individual fields on a form that are used to gather information. Each field is identified by a name and value pair. The name is the identifier for the form elements that can be referred by name once the form is submitted. The value field is the information entered by the visitor. For example, if you define a text field named
MyField, and the visitor enters Hello World into the field and submits the form; the name/value pair would be
MyField=hello world.
● Text fields. Use text fields to collect a small amount of text, such as a name, number, or e-mail address.
● Radio buttons. Use radio buttons when you want the site visitor to select only one option from a group.
● Text areas. Use text areas to collect one or more lines of text, such as a comment or a name in a guest book.
This field scrolls to accommodate varying amounts of text.
● Selection fields. Use a selection field to present the site visitor with a list of choices. This field is similar to using a group of radio buttons, but takes less space on your form. You can configure a drop-down menu to allow one or multiple selections.
● Checkboxes. Use checkboxes for optional items. The site visitor can select or clear the checkbox. They can also select multiple items.
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● Buttons. Use buttons to let site visitors submit the form after filling it out, clear fields by resetting the form, or run your custom scripts.
After a visitor submits the form, you must collect the data that was entered (the form results) so you can view them, display them to the visitor, or work with them as needed. ANGEL provides a technique that saves the results to a file associated with the lesson item (post.htm in the Associated File Manager for the item). Each time a visitor submits a form, the results are appended to the file. You can then open the file and view the results. You can also access form submissions from the following content items submissions menus: Files, Links, Pages.
Defining the Form
Before adding form elements, you must first define the form.
1. Do one of the following:
● Click the Form icon.
● On the Form menu, select Form .
2. On the Form dialog box that displays, complete the following fields: a. Name. Type a name for your form.
b. Action. Type the name of the form handler.
Note: If you are using the ANGEL form handler, type $POST_URL$ into the Action field. c. Method. Select GET or POST (if you are using the ANGEL form handler, select POST):
● GET passes the form information to the form handler (Action) via the URL. As the total size of a request (URL+params) approaches or exceeds 1 KB, you are well-advised to use POST in any case.
● POST passes the form information to the form handler (Action) in the body of HTTP request. There is no size limit on the amount of information being sent via POST.
3. Click OK. A red dotted line appears in the HTML Editor. You can now add elements to your form.
Adding Form Elements
Forms are composed of the following elements. You can elect to have your audience complete text fields or you can simplify answers and have them click radio buttons and checkboxes.
Element Description
Use checkboxes for optional items. The site visitor can select or clear the checkbox. They can also select multiple items.
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Use radio buttons when you want the site visitor to select only one option from a group.
Used as one-line areas that allow the user to input text. If you want several lines, use a text area.
Used as several lines in an area that allow the user to input text. If you want the user to input one line only, use a text area.
Use a drop-down menu to present the site visitor with a list of choices. This field is similar to using a group of radio buttons, but takes less space on your form. You can configure a drop-down menu to allow one or multiple selections.
Buttons offer richer rendering possibilities. The BUTTON element may have content.
Has the same effect as Submit buttons. When a visitor clicks an Image button, the form is sent to the address specified in the action setting of the tag.
Similar to text fields, except that hidden fields do not show on the page. It allows the form to submit information that is not entered by the visitor. Use hidden fields when you have variables you want to pass from one form to another without forcing the user to retype information over and over again.
To add a checkbox, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the checkbox.
2. On the Forms menu, select Checkbox
3. On the Checkbox dialog box, complete the following fields:
. a. Name . Type a name for your checkbox.
Tip: If you are using the ANGEL form handler, type $POST:fieldname$ into the Name field (where fieldname is replaced by the name of the HTML form field). b. Value . The value for the box.
c. Selected . Select if you want the checkbox to be checked by default.
4. Click OK.
5. Type the text you want your audience to see.
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Radio Buttons
To add a radio button, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the radio button.
2. On the Forms menu, select Radio Button .
3. On the Radio Button dialog box that displays, complete the following fields: a. Name . Type a name for your radio button. b. Value . The value for the box.
c. Selected . Choose if you want the checkbox to be checked by default.
4. Click OK.
5. Type the text you want your audience to see.
Text Fields
To add a text field, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the text field.
2. Click the Form menu and select Text Field .
3. On the Text Field dialog box that displays, complete the following fields: a. Name . Type a name for your text field.
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b. Value . The value for the box.
c. Character Width . Type the width in pixels.
d. Maximum Characters . Type the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field. e. Type . Select Text or Password from the drop-down list.
4. Click OK.
Text Areas
To add a text area, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the form area.
2. Click the Form menu and select Textarea .
3. On the Textarea dialog box that displays, complete the following fields: a. Name . Type a name for your text area. b. Rows . Type the number of rows wide the field will be.
c. Columns . Type the number of columns high the field will be.
4. Click OK.
Selection Fields
To add a selection field, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the selection field.
2. Click the Form menu and select Selection Field .
3. On the Selection Field dialog box that displays, complete the following fields:
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a. Name . Type a name for your text area. b. Size . Type the number of lines you want your selection field to have. c. Allow multiple selections . Check if you want your form to allow several options to be selected. d. Available options. Type your option.
. The value for the box.
4. Click Add.
5. Other options for selection fields are available:
● To set a certain option as the default, click the Set as selected value button.
● To delete an option, select the option you want to delete and click Delete.
● To move the selection, click the Up or Down buttons to move the selection.
● To modify an option, select the option. Complete your changes in the Text and Value boxes. Then click
To add a button, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the button.
2. On the Form menu, select Button .
3. On the Button dialog box that displays, complete the following fields:
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a. Name . Type a name for your button. b. Value . The text to appear on the button face. c. Type . The action to be taken when the button is pressed:
● Button. No default action. A custom script must be used to perform an action when this button type is pressed.
● Submit. Submits the form.
● Reset. Clears the form field.
4. Click OK.
Image Buttons
To add an image button, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the Image button.
2. In the Form menu, select Image Button
3. On the Image Info tab, complete the following:
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a. URL. Browse the server for the image or enter a URL. b. Short Description. Describe your button. c. Width. Set your images' width. When a picture is selected, the width is automatically set. You can change it by highlighting the width and entering in the width you want. d. Height. Set your images' height in pixels. e. Border. Set your images' border size. When a picture is selected, the height is automatically set. You can change it by highlighting the height and entering the height you want. f. HSpace. Set the horizontal space around your image. HSpace defines the amount of white space to be inserted to the left and right of an image. g. VSpace. Set the vertical space around your image. VSpace defines the amount of white space to be inserted above and below an image. h. Align. Specifies how to align the image according to surrounding text.
● Left. Aligns the image to be left justified. Text will begin at the top of right of the image.
● Abs Bottom. Aligns the bottom of the first line of text with the bottom of the image.
● Abs Middle. Aligns the top of the first line of text with the middle of the image.
● Baseline. Aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline of the text. The baseline is the line along which the bottom of most letters rest but below which some letters dangle, such as j and y.
● Bottom. Aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline of the line containing the image.
● Middle. Aligns the center of the image with the bottom of the first text line.
● Right. Aligns the image to be right justified. Text will start at the top left of the image.
● Text Top. Aligns the first line of text with the top of the image.
● Top. Aligns the top of the image with the tallest item on the line containing the image.
4. Click the Advanced tab.
5. On the Advanced tab, complete the following:
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a. Id. The Id attribute may be used to create an anchor at the start tag of any HTML element (HTML Id attribute). b. Language Direction. Specifies the base direction of directionally neutral text:
● Left to right
● Right to left c. Language Code. Specifies the base language of the target URL. d. Long Description URL. Specifies the URL of a document that contains an extended description of the resource. e. Stylesheet Classes. Assigns a class name or set of class names to an element. f. Advisory Title. Defines the text that displays when the user hovers the mouse over the link. g. Style. Allows entry of custom CSS style information for the element.
6. Click OK.
Hidden Fields
To add a hidden field, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the hidden field.
2. Click the Form menu and select Hidden Field
3. On the Hidden Field dialog box that displays, complete the following.
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a. Name . Type a name for your hidden field. b. Value . Type the value for the hidden field.
4. Click OK.
Working with the Equation Editor
The WebEQ Equation Editor has been integrated into the ANGEL HTML editor. It gives editors a way to enter mathematical expressions in a web page, much as the text entry controls and buttons in typical HTML forms give users a way to enter other kinds of information.
The Insert Equation function is used with WebEQ Equation Editor, which can be used to create, save, and view complex mathematical equations in ANGEL. Equations are built up out of mini-templates. These blank templates are small squares that can be filled in.
When the cursor is in a slot, the parent template is faintly outlined in gray. Because many templates can be nested in a single equation, this helps you keep track of where you are.
The WebEQ Equation Editor toolbar includes the following tools. (The table after the figure describes the tools, using the matching letters from the figure.)
Letter Description
Layout palette
Accents palette
Fences palette
Trigonometry palette
Calculus palette
Matrices palette
Arrows palette
Operators palette
Comparison operators palette
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Set theory palette
Logical operators palette
Lowercase Greek palette
Uppercase Greek palette
Function palette
Tools menu
Check for errors
Help menu
Inserting Equations
1. To insert an equation, do one of the following:
● Click the Insert Equation icon.
● On the Insert menu, select Insert Equation
The Insert Equation dialog box displays.
2. Position your cursor where you want the equation to appear.
3. Click the down arrow to expand the menu of an equation.
4. Select an equation template from the list.
5. Exchange the placeholders for the characters you want by clicking each box and typing the characters.
Tip: The squares indicate areas in which you must enter numerical or alphabetical values (no special characters, such as commas or quotation marks). Values must be entered for all squares in an equation.
You can use Tab to cycle between empty placeholders.
6. Click OK.
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Note: You can click Cancel at any time to cancel this action.
Editing Equations
To edit an equation, follow these steps:
1. Select the equation and perform one of the following:
● Click the Insert Equation icon.
● On the Insert menu, select Insert Equation .
2. Change the placeholders for the characters you want by clicking in each box and typing the characters.
3. Click OK.
Deleting Equations
To delete an equation, select the equation and press Delete.
Using the Insert Menu
The Insert menu offers a variety of tools for special use, including the following:
● Templates. Choose prebuilt page layouts for your page design.
● Special Character. Allows you to add special symbols such as currency or copyright symbols to your page.
● Universal Keyboard. Allows you to type in multiple languages.
● Line. Allows you to insert a line in your document or table cell.
● Page break. Allows you to insert a page break in your page.
Inserting Templates
The predefined templates available include the following.
● Image and Title. One main image with a title and text that surround the image
● Two Columns. A template that defines two columns, each with a title and some text.
● Text and Table. A title with some text and a table.
Reference: See "Customizing Content Templates" for details on how to create new templates.
To insert a template, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the character in your document.
2. On the Insert menu, select Templates
The Content Templates dialog box displays.
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3. Select the template you want to use. The template is automatically inserted into the HTML editor.
Inserting Special Characters
To insert a special character, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the character in your document.
2. On the Insert menu, select Insert Special Character
The Select Special Character dialog box displays.
3. Click the special character you want. The character is inserted into your page.
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Note: You can preview the character in the upper-right corner of the window by moving the mouse over the character.
Using the Universal Keyboard
With the Universal Keyboard, you can select from several different languages in which to type into the editor window. This function is helpful when you need special characters such as currency symbols or if you want to type a word in its original language.
The empty text box at the top of the Universal Keyboard dialog box is the text editor. Underneath it are the
language buttons. Use the blue KB buttons at either end of the language buttons to scroll the list of language buttons forward/backward. On the keyboard, type your text.
To change the language, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the character in your document.
2. On the Insert menu, select Universal Keyboard to insert type into your document or specific table cell.
3. In the Universal Keyboard dialog box, select your language by using the scroll buttons and by clicking the appropriate language.
Note: You can click Cancel at any time to cancel this action.
To insert a new language, follow these steps:
1. Change your language in the Universal Keyboard.
2. Type your text by clicking each letter or symbol.
3. Click OK.
Adding Lines
To insert a horizontal line, follow these steps:
1. Position your cursor where you want the line in your page or table cell.
2. Click the Insert menu and select Line.
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Note: You can click Cancel at any time to cancel this action.
Inserting Page Breaks
To insert a page break (takes effect only when the page is printed), follow these steps:
1. Move your cursor to where you want the page break in your page or table cell.
2. Click the Insert menu and select Page Break.
Note: You can click Cancel at any time to cancel this action.
Using Other Tools
In addition to standard tools that are similar to word processing programs, the HTML editor also gives you the following tools:
● Spellcheck. Allows you to check large text box entries for misspellings through an easy-to-use interface. In addition, users can add custom words or spellings to their personal dictionary to aid future use of the spell checker tool. The spell checker tool is available throughout ANGEL and is accessible through a visible link found below large text boxes on all editor screens.
● Source. Allows you the flexibility to view and fine-tune HTML and css styles; or add Flash object code, insert
JavaScript, and insert other advanced code that is unavailable in the WYSIWYG portion of the editor.
● Document Properties. Allows you to format your document with settings such as language, colors, background type, author, and copyright.
● Preview. Allows you to preview your work before or after saving.
● Save. Allows you to save your work.
Checking the Spelling
1. To spell check the page, perform one of the following:
● Click the Check Spelling icon.
● On the File menu, select Check Spelling .
2. If the program finds a questionable word, a Spell Checker dialog box displays. In this dialog box, you are given the option to replace the word, replace all, ignore, ignore all, add, or cancel. Select the option that is applicable.
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3. When spell check is complete, click OK.
Viewing the HTML Code
To view the HTML source code, click Source .
To return to the editing mode, click Source
Previewing the Page
To preview the page, do the following:
1. On the File menu, select Preview
Saving the Page
To save your work, do one of the following:
● Click the Save button on the lower-left side of the Page editor window.
● On the File menu, select Save.
You will return to the list of your lesson pages.
Note: You can click Cancel at any time to cancel this action.
Customizing Content Templates
The HTML editor content template can be customized and new templates can be added by modifying the file
AngelRoot/InlineEditor/fcktemplates.asp. This XML-formatted file provides all the information needed to allow users to preview templates via an image thumbnail before selecting the template. The preview thumbnail image files should be placed in the AngelRoot/InlineEditor/editor/dialog/fck_template/images/ directory.
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Note: Customizing the content template requires knowledge of XML and HTML, and requires ANGEL administrator privileges.
To add a new template, follow these steps:
1. Log on to ANGEL with an Administrator account.
2. Click the Administrator Consol button.
3. Click the Application File link.
4. Click the InlineEditor folder.
5. Click Edit link below the fcktemplates.asp file.
6. Copy and paste the following XML (only the bold text) into the fcktemplates.asp file. This should be placed within the top node <Templates...></Templates...> and between the other template nodes:
<Templates... > Top node
<Template...> Begin existing template
</Template...> End existing template
<Template title="Template_Title" image="Template_Thumbnail">
<Template...> Begin existing template
</Template...> End existing template
<Templates... > Top node
7. Replace the following with your template details:
● Template_Title. The title of the template. This title displays in the Content Template dialog box.
● Template_Thumbnail. The thumbnail image file name. This image displays in the Content Template dialog box.
● Template_Description. The description of the template. This image displays in the Content Template dialog box.
● Template_HTML. The HTML used to build the template when the template is selected from the Content
Template dialog box.
8. Click Save.
9. From the InlineEditor folder, click the following folders to navigate to the thumbnail images folder: Editor >
Dialog > fck_template > Images.
10. Click the Add Content link.
11. Click Upload Files.
12. Click Browse and navigate to the thumbnail image to be uploaded.
13. Click Upload File.
14. Click Done.
Customizing Styles
The Styles drop-down menu of the editor can be completely customized. The configuration of this menu is controlled by the file /InlineEditor/fckstyles.asp. This is an XML-formatted file that allows you to specify any number of custom styles, and the particular tags and attribute values to add or modify when a style is selected.
Note: Customizing the styles requires knowledge of XML and HTML, and requires ANGEL Administrator privileges.
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To add a new style, follow these steps:
1. Log on to ANGEL with an Administrator account.
2. Click the Administrator Consol button.
3. Click the Application File link.
4. Click the InlineEditor folder.
5. Click Edit link below the fckstyles.asp file.
6. Copy and paste the following XML (only bold text) into the fcktemplates.asp file. This should be placed within the top node <Styles...></Styles...> and between the other template nodes:
<Style> Begin existing style
</Style> End existing style
<Style name="Style_Name" element="div">
<Attribute name="class" value="Style_Value" />
<Attribute name="style" value="Style_Value" />
<Style> Begin existing style
</Style> End existing style
7. Replace the following with your template details:
● Style_Name. The title of the style. This title displays in the Style list.
● Style_Value. The name of the style to apply to the HTML span. a. class. Reference to a CSS style in the ANGEL theme or a custom CSS page. b. style. The inline CSS style for the style.
8. Click Save.
Shortcut Keys
If you frequently use the HTML editor, you will want to learn a few shortcut keys.
Keys Description
Select all text/objects in the editor.
Bold the selected text
Italicize the selected text.
Copy the selected text/objects to the clipboard.
Create a hyperlink from the selected text.
Underline the selected text.
Paste the selected text/objects from the clipboard.
Cut the selected text/objects to the clipboard.
Ctrl-Z Undo the last command/action.
Shift-Enter Insert a line break (<BR> html tag)
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Content Manager Tokens
A number of tokens are defined for the Content Manager. These tokens may be used in page text or other context.
When used, the Content Manager automatically replaces each token with the appropriate value.
Drive Tokens
User's floppy drive setting; A: if not set.
User's hard drive setting; C: if not set.
User's CD drive setting; D: if not set.
User's DVD drive setting; D: if not set.
User Tokens
First name of the user accessing the system.
Last name of the user accessing the system.
User ID of the user accessing the system.
URL-encoded user ID of the user accessing the system.
Full name of the user accessing the system.
URL-encoded full name of the user accessing the system.
First name of the user accessing the system.
Last name of the user accessing the system.
User ID of the user accessing the system.
Username of the user accessing the system.
Email address of the user accessing the system.
Full name of the user accessing the system.
Numerical value for the account type of the user accessing the system.
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Numerical value for the account rights of the user accessing the system.
Course Tokens
Section ID of the content area being accessed.
Section ID of the content area being accessed.
URL-encoded section ID of the content area being accessed.
Title of the content area being accessed.
URL-encoded title of the content area being accessed.
Base path for files associated with the content area being accessed.
Type of section of the content area being accessed (e.g., course).
Instructor ID for the content area being accessed.
Instructor name for the content area being accessed.
Application Tokens
Application name of the ANGEL environment.
Session timeout value for the application.
Value of the APP_NavButtons application setting.
Value of the APP_Frames application setting.
Value of the APP_VRoot application setting.
Base path for ANGEL uploaded files.
APP_ID for this instance of the component.
URL-encoded APP_ID for this instance of the component.
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Base path for image files used by the component for buttons and icons.
Base path to the script file that instantiated the component.
Relative path to the script file that instantiated the component.
Value of the specified query-string parameter.
Value of the specified form element.
A | delimited string of the following:
1. Hash of all data.
2. ts = Time stamp.
3. user = Username of the current logged-in user.
4. sysrights = System rights of the user.
5. section = Course ID of the current course.
6. rights = Course-level rights of the user.
7. teams = Comma-separated list of the teams of which the user is a member.
8. app = APP_ID.
9. entry = Entry ID for the current item.
10. parent = Parent entry ID for the current item.
11. coursepath = Path to the uploaded area.
12. scriptpath = Path to the current executing script, relative to the root of ANGEL.
Resource Tokens
Entry ID of the current resource object.
URL-encoded entry ID of the current resource object.
Title of the current resource object.
URL-encoded title of the current resource object.
Path to the associated files folder of the current resource object.
Entry ID of the parent object of the current resource.
URL-encoded entry ID of the parent object of the current resource.
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Path to the associated files folder of the parent object of the current resource.
Event Tokens
Grade associated with the event.
Date associated with the event.
Date and time at which the ANGEL survey/quiz/form was submitted.
Time associated with the event.
Entry ID associated with the event.
User ID of the user associated with the event.
Account ID of the user associated with the event.
User ID of the user associated with the event.
First name of the user associated with the event.
Last name of the user associated with the event.
Email address of the user associated with the event.
Account ID of the grader associated with the event.
User ID of the grader associated with the event.
First name of the grader associated with the event.
Last name of the grader associated with the event.
Email address of the grader associated with the event.
Section ID of the course or group associated with the event.
Minimum grade that triggers the action.
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Maximum grade triggers the action.
$SQL_EVENT_USER$ (SQL trigger only)
SQL-escaped event user ID.
$SQL_EVENT_SECTION$ (SQL trigger only)
SQL-escaped event section ID.
SQL-escaped entry ID.
Current value of variable.
User's response to the specified question.
Answer key for the specified question.
User's points awarded for the specified question.
Total percentage earned on this question.
Maximum points possible for the specified question.
Number of options for a given question.
Total points possible for the assessment.
Total points the user missed for the assessment.
Total points the user earned for the assessment.
Total points as yet unscored for the assessment.
Total points possible for the question set.
Total points the user missed for the question set.
Total points the user earned for the question set.
Total points as yet unscored for the question set.
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Survey SUBMIT Events
User's response to the specified question.
Custom Tokens
Any environment variable that starts and ends with a dollar sign ($) will be replaced at runtime by the Content
Manager. For example:
Gradebook Formula Tokens
The following tokens can be used in the Formula field in the gradebook Category and Assignment editors.
Returns the overall category average multiplied by the points possible, divided by the maximum number of points in the category.
Overall number of assignments in the category.
Sum of all points possible of all assignments in the category.
Overall weight of the category.
Returns the user's percentage average for the category.
Returns the user's percentage average for the category based on weighting all category assignments equally
(Weight All Items Equally).
Returns the user's score for the category.
Sum of the user's points possible based on the number of assignments that have been graded.
Number of user's assignments (in the category) that have been graded.
Returns the sum of user points earned in the category.
Returns the number of points possible for the assignment.
Returns the overall class average (in percent) for the assignment.
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Returns the user's percentage score for the assignment.
Returns the user's score for the assignment.
Overall class average (in percent) for the category with which the assignment is associated.
Number of assignments associated with the category.
Total points possible for the category with which the assignment is associated.
Weight for the category with which the assignment is associated.
Returns the user's overall score.
Returns the user's overall percentage.
Returns the sum of all users' category weights.
Returns the sum of all category weights.
Returns the overall gradebook average (in percent).
Returns the overall gradebook average score.
Defined Environment Variables
More than 300 environment variables have already been defined as part of the standard environment. The script pages throughout the environment reference these variables. If any of these variables are not set, a default system value is used. This approach allows you to override default functionality without requiring you to specify every variable. The variables have been categorized by functional area below.
Note: Access to the Environment Variables Manager may be limited by your institution.
Options to display calendar events. Defaults to MONTH. Other options include DAY, WEEK, and YEAR.
Maximum allowed duration for calendar entries, specified in hours.
Comma-separated list of options to display in the categories list on course calendars.
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Comma-separated list of options to display in the categories list on group calendars.
Content Manager
Toggles between LABEL and SPAN elements on quizzes, surveys, and other form pages. LABEL elements are helpful for ADA accessibility, but introduce interface issues in some browsers for users who are not visually impaired.
Set to 1, forces the system to show the directory when navigating using Next and Previous. Set to 0 to skip folders listings that contain no folder text.
Set to 1, forces the system to show the directory when navigating using Next. Set to 0 to skip folder listings that contain no folder text.
Set to 1, forces the system to show the directory when navigating using Previous. Set to 0 to skip folder listings that contain no folder text.
Maximum upload size, in bytes.
Set to 1, forces threaded view to be used and disable toggling into single-window mode.
Location of the thread view pane: TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, or BOTTOM.
Size (in pixels) of the thread view pane in message boards.
Lessons/Content Only
Specifies the character set encoding to be used for course content. This feature is useful for supporting content developed for foreign language courses.
Height (in pixels) to set the title frame for link and file items.
Set to 1, disables the Index link in the toolbar.
Set to 1, disables the Next, Previous, Up, and Top links in the toolbar.
Sett to 1, disables the Notes capability.
Set to 1, disables the deletion and utility options generally available from the root menu.
Set to 1, disables the Search link in the toolbar.
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Set to 1, disables the sending of email messages when new content is added to a folder or message board to which a user is subscribed.
Set to 1, disables the full-thread view of the message board postings and instead displays only links for the top-level responses to each posting when viewing the posting.
Specifies the default course/group rights to use for the Editable By setting when adding new root-level items.
Customizes the interface used for content editing options. This setting can take any of the following numerical values:
0 (default)—Edit and Delete buttons are used to the left of each item's title.
1024—A context menu of text-based links is provided underneath each item's title. In addition to Edit and
Delete, links are provided for the Reports and Utilities menu of each item.
2048—Text links are used in place of the standard button images.
Specifies the width (in pixels) of icons displayed in directory lists. The default is 24.
Specifies the height (in pixels) of icons displayed in directory lists. The default is unspecified, so the icon's height is proportional to its width.
A number between 5 and 100 that specifies the number of items to list on pages such as search results and quiz question lists. The default is 25.
Set to 1, indicates that the Next, Previous, Up, and Top navigation links should be made available as a page footer.
Minimum course rights needed to access the Notes tool.
Minimum course rights needed to access the Preferences tool.
Specifies the default tracking setting to use when adding new root-level items:
1—Students Only
2—All Enrolled Users
3—Authenticated Users
Specifies the default course/group rights to use for the Viewable By setting when adding new root-level items.
Controls the launch behavior of SCORM packages:
FRAMESET (default)—The package will be launched in the LMS frameset.
NEW_WINDOW—The package will be launched in a new browser window.
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NEW_WINDOW_AFTER_CLICK—A link to a package will be displayed in the frameset, which will open the package in a new window. This option is useful to get around pop-up blockers.
NEW_WINDOW_WITHOUT_BROWSER_TOOLBAR—Same as NEW_WINDOW, but the window will have no toolbar.
Note: This variable can be set at the course or system level. Due to the way in which the Rustici SCORM player works, this variable is evaluated when the package is added to ANGEL. Any SCORM package will launch according to the value that was set at the time of the upload. Any subsequent change to the variable will not affect the launch behavior of packages that are already uploaded.
Displays the team access settings to specify special access to a content item, such as a quiz, that has passed the end date. Set to 1 to turn on this display.
Specifies the minimum course rights that are displayed in the Viewable By field on content manager editor pages. The default value is 0 (Everyone).
Specifies the maximum course rights that are displayed in the Viewable By field on content manager editor pages. The default value is 64 (Course Administrator).
Maximum course rights required to delete quiz, survey, or drop box submissions. The default is 32 (Course
Editor). A value of 16 allows course assistants to delete submissions. A value of 64 restricts delete access to course/system administrators.
Set to 0, removes the Add a Discussion Forum link from the Course Lessons' Add Content list. The default value is set to 1 (active).
Maximum course mail attachment size, in megabytes. The default is 2.
Maximum drop box attachment size, in megabytes. The default is 2.
A value of CHECKED defaults the Send as mail message to user checkbox on grade forms to be checked.
Set to 1, SCORM item logging is enabled for ANGEL lesson items The default is 0. When enabled, SCORM item logging data is viewable on all ANGEL lesson items under Reports > Activity Summary.
Set to 1 (the default), SCORM session logging is enabled. SCORM session data is viewable at the root level of the Lessons tab under Reports > Activity Summary.
Set with a value of NEXT, upon completion of a quiz item the user is taken to the next content item instead of the main Lessons page.
Set with a value of NEXT, upon completion of a survey item the user is taken to the next content item instead of the main Lessons page.
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Communicate Settings
For users with the specified course/group rights, specifies an alternate setting for the nugget list for the In
Touch page.
For users with the specified course/group rights, specifies an alternate setting for the nugget list for the In
Touch page. Following is the default setting:
Minimum course/group rights needed to enable the user to select individuals as mail recipients.
Minimum course/group rights needed to enable the user to send mail to other users' Internet email accounts even if the recipient users have not enabled mail forwarding.
Minimum course/group rights needed to enable the user to send mail to all course faculty or group leaders.
Maximum electronic mail attachment size, in megabytes. The default is 2.
Minimum course/group rights needed to enable the user to send mail to all course or group members.
Minimum course/group rights needed to enable non-editors to send mail to the teams of which they are members, and for editors to send mail to any team.
Set to 1, changes the default value for the course mail option Do not disclose recipients to be selected. This option can be set using the Course Mail settings page located on the In Touch page of a section.
Set to 1, changes the default value for the course mail option Send a copy to each recipient's Internet e-
mail to be selected. This option can be set using the Course Mail settings page located on the In Touch page of a section.
Set to 1, changes the default value for the course mail option Send a copy to each recipient's mentor if
known to be selected. This option can be set using the Course Mail settings page located on the In Touch page of a section.
Minimum course rights required to Reply to All in course mail.
Set to 1, disables the Announcements feature in a course or group.
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Set to 1, disables the Chat feature in a course or group.
Set to 1, disables the In Touch nugget that lists all message boards in the course or group.
Set to 1, disables the interface for adding custom links to the In Touch page of the course or group.
Set to 1, disables the course/group mail feature in a course or group.
Set to 1, disables the News feature in a course or group.
Set to 1, disables the Polls f