CELL-DYN 3200 3200 Hematology Analyzer Service Manual
The 3200 CELL-DYN 3200 Hematology Analyzer is a fully automated hematology analyzer that provides a comprehensive range of hematologic parameters. It features a high-speed, high-throughput design for processing large volumes of samples. The 3200 CELL-DYN 3200 uses a unique flow cytometry technology for accurate and reliable cell counting, sizing, and differential analysis.
5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • Table of Contents TOC 5##7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ Table of Contents 2.1 2.2 2.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Troubleshooting Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 IP-4 IP-5 IP-6 IP-7 IP-8 IP-9 IP-10 IP-11 IP-12 IP-13 IP-14 IP-15 IP-16 IP-17 IP-18 IP-19 IP-20 IP-21 IP-22 IP-23 IP-24 Fluid Leaks, Open Mode Probe or Wash Block . . . 2-4 Fluid Leaks, Closed Mode Needle or Wash Block . 2-6 Incomplete Aspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Flow Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 RBC/HGB Diluent Overpressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13 Optical Parameter Count Problems . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 Reagent Empty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 Optical Backgrounds Too High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31 Histogram Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32 Controls Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-35 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Wet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-37 HGB Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39 X-B Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41 Optical Parameters Imprecision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-44 HGB Imprecision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-47 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, . . . . . . . . . . 2-48 Pressure Leak Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-57 Vacuum Leak Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64 Shear Valve Position Fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-70 Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-72 External Waste Full . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-74 Blank Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76 HSSL Failures/Message Reception Time-Out . . . 2-77 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Hard Drive Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78 Printer Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-79 Sample Loader & Aspiration Tower Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-81 Appendix 2A -Cable Connection Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A-1 Appendix 2B -System Block Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2B-1 Appendix 2C -System Flow Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2C-1 IP-25 IP-26 IP-27 Part Number 9140300-August 1998 2-1 5#0#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • 2.1 Summary 2.1 Summary c. To refer to the appropriate IP or VP, click on the red link. This chapter contains the following information for CELL-DYN 3200: d. Begin at the START box and follow the directions in the IP. • Error Messages • Isolation Procedures (IPs) • Block Diagrams • Normal Scatter/Histograms • Service Commands e. If a part is adjusted or replaced, go to Section 5.2, Verification Matrix. f. Find the part in left column. g. Perform VPs in order given (i.e., 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.) 2. Perform Total Call. 2.2 Troubleshooting Approach Troubleshooting is required whenever an Observed Error or a Displayed Error occurs. Displayed Errors can be viewed on the Bulletin Line or status box of the Data Station screen. (The Bulletin Line is down about 3/4 way on the screen.) Detailed information can be found in the fault report screen of the diagnostics submenu. When a malfunction occurs, follow these recommended procedures: 1. Use this Troubleshooting Guide as follows: a. If possible, begin by verifying the reported error. Perform the exact procedure that produced the error condition. b. When an error occurs, either observed or displayed, look up the error in: „ „ the Error Messages table or IP 27, Sample Loader & Aspiration Tower Error Messages table CELL-DYN ® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 - August 1998 2-2 5#0#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • 2.3 Error Messages 2.3 Error Messages Error Error Corrective Action Corrective Action Invalid Tube Height IP-27 Leaks, Pressure IP-18 Leaks, Vacuum IP-19 Background, HGB Too High IP-13 Background, RBC/ PLT Too High IP-8 Background, WBC Too High IP-8 Load Zone Empty Detector Malfunction IP-27 Bar Code Reader Failure IP-27 MCH Errors IP-14 C:\ Hard Drive Errors IP-25 MCHC Errors IP-14 Controls Out IP-10 MCV Errors IP-14 Diluent/Sheath Empty IP-7 Message Reception Timeout IP-24 Erratic Results, HGB IP-13 Mix Head Not At Top Position IP-27 Mix Head Stuck At Top Position IP-27 Mix Head Stuck In Angle Position IP-27 Erratic Results, Optical IP-6 Ensure Blood Sam ple is Fresh. Differential count is not reliable before 30 minutes or after 12 hours after sample is drawn. Mix Head Stuck In Vertical Position IP-27 Mix Zone Rack Position Error IP-27 External Waste Full IP-22 No Tube Present IP-27 Flags IP-21 Overpressure, Diluent Syringe IP-5 Flow Errors IP-4 Precision Problems HGB IP-16, OPT IP-15 Fluid Leaks, Closed Mode Probe IP-2 Pressure Errors IP-17 Fluid Leaks, Open Mode Probe IP-1 Printer Errors IP-26 HCT Errors IP-14 Probe Stuck At Home Position IP-27 HGB Errors IP-13 IP-27 Histogram Errors IP-9 Probe Unable To Reach Home Position HSSL Com Failures IP-24 Rack Bar Code Read Failure IP-27 Incomplete Aspiration IP-3 Shear Valve Position Fault IP-20 CELL-DYN ® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 - August 1998 2-3 5#0#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • 2.3 Error Messages Error Corrective Action Tube Dropped During Mixing IP-27 Tube Lost Moving From Position 3 To 4 IP-27 Tube Position Bar Code Read Failure IP-27 Tube Stuck In Position 3 IP-27 Tube Stuck In Position 4 IP-27 Unexpected Tube In Position 4 After Rack Advance IP-27 Unload Area Hardware Malfunction IP-27 Unload Zone Full Detector Malfunction IP-27 Unload Zone Nearly Full Detector Malfunction IP-27 Vacuum Accumulator 1 Wet IP-11 Vacuum Accumulator 2 Wet IP-12 Vacuum Errors IP-17 WBC Imprecision IP-15 Ensure Blood Sample is Fresh. Differential count is not reliable before 30 minutes or after 12 hours after sample is drawn. WBC/HGB Lyse Empty IP-7 X-B Errors IP-14 CELL-DYN ® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 - August 1998 2 - 3A 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-1 Fluid Leaks, Open Mode Probe or Wash Block IP-1 Fluid Leaks, Open Mode Probe or Wash Block (Page 1 of 2) Start YES - Clamp tubing at the top of Valve 11 - Clamp tubing between Ultrasonic sensor and Shear valve NO Probe Leaking In Ready Mode Leaking Stops ? ? Leaking Stops YES NO ? YES Wash Block Leaking In Ready Mode - Verify connections on Ultrasonic Sensor - Verify and tighten fittings on Y-Valve - Verify connection on top of Probe - Replace Y-Valve (PL-8) NO ? YES 1 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 2 - Verify pinch tubing in Valve 11 - Verify and replace Valve 11 (PL-4.1) NO - Verify Shear valve fittings - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48) - Replace Shear Valve (PL-9.1) Part Number 9140300-August 1998 2-4 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-1 Fluid Leaks, Open Mode Probe or Wash Block IP-1 Fluid Leaks, Open Mode Probe or Wash Block (Page 2 of 2) 1 2 - Verify pinch tubing in Valve 15 - Verify and replace Valve 15 (PL-4.1) - Run a several Count Cycles while observing the bottom of the Wash Block YES - Ensure fittings on Wash block are not leaking NO Liquid Leaking ? CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Ensure Vacuum #1 and Pressure #3 are within specifications (VP-16) - Ensure bottom fitting on Wash Block is not restricted - Ensure tubing between Wash Block and Valve 14 is not restricted - Verify operation of Valve 14 and replace if necessary (VP-10), (PL-4.1) - Replace pinch tubing in Valve 14 (TM-1) - Ensure tubing between Valve 14 and WC #4 is not restricted - Verify operation of right Vent Trap Check Valve and replace if necessary (TM-1) - Ensure tubng between WC #4 and Valve 31 is not restricted - Verify operation of Valve 31 and replace if necessary (VP-10), (PL-4.1) - Replace pinch tubing in Valve 31 (TM-1) Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2-5 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-2 Fluid Leaks, Closed Mode Needle or Wash Block IP-2 Fluid Leaks, Closed Mode Needle or Wash Block (Page 1 of 2) Start - Clamp tubing at the top of Valve 11 - Clamp tubing between Ultrasonic sensor and Shear valve Leave tubing connected, and remove Needle from Wash Block NO YES Leaking Stops Probe Leaking In Ready Mode ? Leaking Stops ? ? YES NO YES Wash Block Leaking In Ready Mode - Verify connections on Ultrasonic Sensor - Verify and tighten fittings on Y-Valve - Verify connection on top of Probe - Replace Y-Valve (PL-8) NO ? YES 1 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Verify pinch tubing in Valve 11 - Verify and replace Valve 11 (PL-4.1) NO - Verify Shear valve fittings - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48) - Replace Shear Valve (PL-9.1) 2 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2-6 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-2 Fluid Leaks, Closed Mode Needle or Wash Block IP-2 Fluid Leaks, Closed Mode Needle or Wash Block (Page 2 of 2) 1 2 - Verify pinch tubing in Valve 34 - Verify and replace Valve 34 (PL-4.1) - Run a several Count Cycles while observing the bottom of the Wash Block YES - Ensure fittings on Wash block are not leaking NO Liquid Leaking ? CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Ensure Vacuum #1 and Pressure #3 are within specifications (VP-16) - Ensure bottom fitting on Wash Block is not restricted - Ensure tubing between Wash Block and Valve 37 is not restricted - Verify operation of Valve 37 and replace if necessary (VP-10), (PL-4.1) - Replace pinch tubing in Valve 37 (TM-1) - Ensure tubing between Valve 37 and WC #4 is not restricted - Verify operation of right Vent Trap Check Valve and replace if necessary (TM-1) - Ensure tubng between WC #4 and Valve 31 is not restricted - Verify operation of Valve 31 and replace if necessary (VP-10), (PL-4.1) - Replace pinch tubing in Valve 31 (TM-1) Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2-7 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-3 Incomplete Aspiration IP-3 Incomplete Aspiration (Page 1 of 3) Start NO - Verify Y-Valve is rotating properly (VP-7) . - Aspirate Normal Control in both open and closed modes. YES - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48) . Rotating Properly Problem Corrected ? YES Mode(s) Affected ? Open Only CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Both NO Closed Only - Replace Y-Valve Assy (PL-8) . - Replace MDM (Pl-9.2) Total Call ? 1 2 4 - Replace SDM/CDM (PL-15) . Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2-8 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-3 Incomplete Aspiration IP-3 Incomplete Aspiration (Page 2 of 3) 2 1 - Run an open cycle and time the blood movement to the Ultrasonic Sensor. Start when Valve 12 opens and stop when blood reaches sensor. YES < 3.5 Seconds ? - Run a closed cycle and time the blood movement to the Ultrasonic Sensor. Start when Valve 12 opens and stop when blood reaches sensor. - Place a blood sample under Open Probe and manually open Valve 12 until the blood is just past the Y-Valve. - Verify an air gap of approximately 1 inch between the diluent and blood columns. - Manually place a blood sample under Closed Probe. - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS YES „ MORE „ TOWER TEST „ NEEDLE DOWN - If no air gap is present, check the Open Probe plumbing for air leaks. - Manually open Valve 12 until the blood is just past the Y-Valve. < 7.0 Seconds - Verify an air gap of approximately 3 inches between the diluent and blood columns. ? NO NO - Clean Closed Probe (VP-51). - Clean Open Probe (VP-50). - Ensure there are no restrictions between Open Probe and Y-Valve. - Replace Open Probe (PL-8). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Ensure there are no restrictions between Closed Probe and Y-Valve. NO - Replace Closed Probe (PL-8). - Verify Valve 38 (VP-10) and ensure Vent Trap plumbing is free of restrictions. Air Gap Present ? - Check the Closed Probe plumbing for air leaks. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 YES 3 2-9 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-3 Incomplete Aspiration IP-3 Incomplete Aspiration (Page 3 of 3) 3 4 - INITIALIZE and PRIME instrument. - Run a closed cycle and verify that the blood column stops just past Sample Sensor #2. - Run an open cycle and time the blood movement to the Ultrasonic Sensor. Start when Valve 12 opens and stop when blood reaches sensor. - Run an open cycle and verify that blood column stops just past Ultrasonic Sensor. I blood does not stop: - If blood does not stop: - Re-seat Ultrasonic Sensor Cable. - Perform Sample Sensor adjustment (VP-12). - Replace Ultrasonic Sensor (PL-8). - Re-seat sensor cable. - Replace Ultrasonic Sensor Board (PL-9.2). - Replace Sample Sensor (PL-9.1). - Replace Sample Sensor Board (PL-9.2). YES < 3.5 Seconds ? NO - Verify Vac 2 level (VP-16). Troubleshoot as necessary. - Ensure there are no restrictions between Y-Valve and Valve 12 - Verify Valve 12 and tubing (VP-10). Replace as necessary (PL-4.1), (TM-1). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 10 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-4 Flow Errors IP-4 Flow Errors (Page 1 of 2) Sample Staging Pump Start From Main Menu: YES - Run a Count Cycle and observe the Delivery Syringe and WC1. Verify that when the syringe is moving up, liquid is dripping into WC1 at a fast and constant rate (See Figures). „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ MOTOR OPERATION „ EXERCISE MOTORS WC1 - Type A and press Enter. - Observe the Delivery Syringe and verify smooth upward movement (See Figures). 68 Delivery Syringe Dripping OK ? NO 1 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Smooth Movement ? YES NO 3 2 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 11 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-4 Flow Errors IP-4 Flow Errors (Page 2 of 2) 1 - Verify level of 9 psi (VP-16) 2 3 - Check Laser for stable output (VP-46). - Verify tubing and operation of Valves 64, 65, 91, and 56 and replace as necessary (TM-1), (PL-4.1). - Remove and clean Delivery Syringe. - Replace Delivery Syringe (PL-7). - Replace Syringe Driver Assembly (PL-7). - Replace MPM (PL-11). - Perform Optical Flow Cell Cleaning Procedure (VP-44). - Replace In-Line Sheath Filter (PL-4.2). Output Stable YES ? NO - Remove, inspect, and clean Flow Cell Nozzle. - Replace Flow Cell Assy. (PL-10). - Replace Laser (PL-10). - Replace Laser Power Supply (PL-2.2). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 12 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-5 RBC/HGB Diluent Overpressure IP-5 RBC/HGB Diluent Overpressure (Page 1 of 2) Start - Check resistance of Overpressure Sensor - Remove, inspect, and clean Shear Valve (VP-48) NO Sensor Shorted ? - Verify Shear Valve rotation time is <1.1 sec From Main Menu: „ DIAGNOSTICS - Ensure diluent paths from syringe to RBC and HGB Mixing Chambers are free of restrictions - Verify operation of Valves 27 and 26 (VP-10) and replace if necessary (PL-4.1) „ MORE „ MOTOR OPERATION „ SHEAR VAL DISPENSE NO „ SHEAR VAL TIME „ SHEAR VAL ASPIRATE „ SHEAR VAL TIME YES - Replace Sensor (PL-4.2) Problem Corrected Times OK YES ? Total Call ? NO YES 1 2 Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 13 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-5 RBC/HGB Diluent Overpressure IP-5 RBC/HGB Diluent Overpressure (Page 2 of 2) 2 1 In Ready Mode, try to manually rotate the front and back of the Shear Valve. Shear Valve Sections Should Not Move - Lubricate Shear Valve Driver (VP-42) If problem persists: - Replace Shear Valve Driver (PL-9.1) If there is movement: - Replace defective section: Front (PL-9.1) Rear (PL-9.1) If problem persists: - Replace Shear Valve Driver (PL-9.1) Rim Notch Faces Right Total Call 32002 Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 14 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 1 of 11) Note: This procedure assumes that HGB Results are OK in Open and Closed Modes, and there are no hardware or software Error Messages. It is designed to find and correct gross WBC, NOC, RBC, and PLT problems. For Optical Precision Problems see IP-15. Start - Verify proper Reagents and Expiration Date. - Perform Background Count Verification (VP-56). Backgrounds OK NO Go to (IP-8), correct and return here. ? All ≈ "0" YES RBC Only ≈ "0" 3 ? ? NO NO RBC & PLT Only ≈ "0" YES PLT Only ≈ "0" 4 YES YES 6 7 ? ? YES NO NO NO From Main Menu, press „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE „ FRAGILE WBC - Run a Normal Control five times and record the optical values. WBC Only ≈ "0" YES 5 NOC Only ≈ "0" YES 8 ? ? NO - Compare the results to the Data Sheet. 1 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 15 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 2 of 11) 1 NOC Only Low All Low YES 9 ? YES WBC Only High 12 ? ? NO NO YES 15 NO All High RBC & PLT Only Low YES YES NOC Only High 13 ? NO 16 ? ? 10 YES NO NO 2 NO RBC & PLT Only High WBC Only Low YES 11 YES 14 ? ? CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 16 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 3 of 11) 2 All Erratic YES WBC Only Erratic 17 ? ? NO NO RBC & PLT Only Erratic ? YES 18 NO NOC Only Erratic YES YES 19 20 ? NO Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 17 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 4 of 11) 3 - Verify beam alignment (VP-20), (VP-21). - Verify laser power (VP-46). - Verify samples are being staged to Optical Flow Cell by Peri-pump. Troubleshoot as necessary. YES - Verify Sheath Reservoir is filling properly. - Verify Pressure 2 (VP-16) and proper Sheath flow to Optical Flow Cell. Troubleshoot as necessary. - Replace In-Line Filter (PL-4.2). - Verify operation of Sample Injection Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). Troubleshoot as necessary. NO Power OK - If not able to get data on the Extended Count Screen, replace in order the Optical Flow Cell, MAM, SPM, and CPU/ D C M (PL-10), (PL-12), (PL-13). ? NO NO - Connect new Laser Head to Laser Power Supply and verify power (see Warning). If good, replace Laser Head (PL-10). If not, replace Laser Power Supply (PL-2). Problem Corrected ? YES 'DQJHU=#+LJK#9ROWDJH#00#$VVXUH#WKH#SRZHU#WR#WKH#LQVWUXPHQW#LV# 'DQJHU RII1#$#KLJK#YROWDJH#FKDUJH#PD\#UHPDLQ#RQ#WKH#ODVHU#FRQQHFWRU# ZLWK#WKH#SRZHU#RII1#'R#QRW#WRXFK#WKH#PDOH#SLQV1#6KRUW#PDOH#SLQV# WR#&KDVVLV1 Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 18 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 5 of 11) 4 5 6 - Verify RBC/PLT Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. - Verify WBC Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. - Verify operation of Valve 54 (VP10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1), (TM-1). - Verify operation of Valve 53 and 55 (VP-10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL4.1), (TM-1). - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - Reseat Preamp, MAM, SPM, CPU/DCM Cables. - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace 10 o Preamp (PL-10). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). 7 - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). 8 - Verify operation of WBC Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). - Verify NOC Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 - Verify operation of Valve 41 (VP-10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1), (TM-1). „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - From Main Menu, press - Reseat Preamp, MAM, SPM, CPU/DCM Cables. „ DIAGNOSTICS - Replace MAM (PL-12). „ F1 o „ F12 - Replace 0 Preamp (PL-10). „ SET POINT ENTRY - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Verify WBC Threshold is 400. - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Perform NOC Gain Adjustment (VP-25). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 19 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 6 of 11) 9 - Verify laser power (VP-46). - Clean Laser Bench (VP-43). -- Verify Sheath Reservoir is filling properly. YES - Verify Pressure 2 (VP-16) and proper Sheath flow to Optical Flow Cell. Troubleshoot as necessary. Power OK - Replace In-Line Filter (PL-4.2). - Verify operation of Sample Injection Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). Troubleshoot as necessary. - Replace Vent Accumulator Filter (PL-4.2). NO Problem Corrected ? YES ? NO - Clean, debubble, and wet Optical Flow Cell (VP-44), (VP-45). - Verify beam alignment (VP20), (VP-21). - Replace Optical Flow Cell (PL10). - Replace MAM (PL-12). NO - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Connect new Laser Head to Laser Power Supply and verify power (See Warning). If good, replace Laser Head (PL-10). If not, replace Laser Power Supply (PL-2). 'DQJHU=#+LJK#9ROWDJH#00#$VVXUH#WKH#SRZHU#WR#WKH#LQVWUXPHQW# 'DQJHU LV#RII1#$#KLJK#YROWDJH#FKDUJH#PD\#UHPDLQ#RQ#WKH#ODVHU# FRQQHFWRU#ZLWK#WKH#SRZHU#RII1#'R#QRW#WRXFK#WKH#PDOH#SLQV1# 6KRUW#PDOH#SLQV#WR#&KDVVLV1 Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 20 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 7 of 11) 11 10 - Verify RBC/PLT Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. - Verify operation of Valve 54 (VP-10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL4.1), (TM-1). - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). Problem Corrected ? - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY N O - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - From Main Menu, press - Verify WBC Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. - Verify operation of Valve 53 and 55 (VP-10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL4.1), (TM-1). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Log Amplifiers (VP-28). - Verify operation of WBC Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Gain (VP26), (VP-27). - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY NO - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - Verify WBC Gain (VP-23). - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). YES Problem Corrected ? Total Call YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 21 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 8 of 11) 12 - Verify NOC Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. - Verify operation of Valve 41 (VP-10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1), (TM-1). - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 13 14 - Clean Laser Bench (VP-43). - From Main Menu, press - Clean, debubble, and wet Optical Flow Cell (VP-44), (VP-45). „ DIAGNOSTICS - Verify beam alignment (VP20), (VP-21). „ SET POINT ENTRY - Replace Optical Flow Cell (PL-10). „ F1 - Replace MAM (PL-12). „ SET POINT ENTRY - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Verify NOC Threshold is 400. - Perform NOC Gain Adjustment (VP-25). „ F12 „ F1 - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - Verify 0 o and 10 o Log Amplifiers (VP-28). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Gain (VP-26), (VP-27). - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 22 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 9 of 11) 15 16 - From Main Menu, press - Verify operation of WBC Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - Verify WBC Gain (VP-23). Problem Corrected ? „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 NO - From Main Menu, press - Replace MAM (PL-12). „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify NOC Threshold is 400. - Perform NOC Gain Adjustment (VP-25). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 23 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 10 of 11) 17 - Verify stable laser power (VP-46). - Verify samples are being staged to Optical Flow Cell by Peri-pump. Troubleshoot as necessary. YES - Verify Sheath Reservoir is filling properly. - Verify Pressure 2 (VP-16) and proper Sheath flow to Optical Flow Cell. Troubleshoot as necessary. NO Power Stable - Replace MAM (PL-12). ? - Replace SPM (PL-12). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Replace Vent Accumulator Filter (PL-4.2). NO - Verify operation of Sample Injection Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). Troubleshoot as necessary. - Connect new Laser Head to Laser Power Supply and verify power (See Warning). If good, replace Laser Head (PL-10). If not, replace Laser Power Supply (PL-2). Problem Corrected ? - Clean, debubble, and wet Optical Flow Cell (VP-44), (VP-45). - Replace Optical Flow Cell (PL-10). - Replace In-Line Filter (PL-4.2). NO - Clean Laser Bench (VP-43). 'DQJHU=#+LJK#9ROWDJH#00#$VVXUH#WKH#SRZHU#WR#WKH# 'DQJHU LQVWUXPHQW#LV#RII1#$#KLJK#YROWDJH#FKDUJH#PD\#UHPDLQ#RQ# WKH#ODVHU#FRQQHFWRU#ZLWK#WKH#SRZHU#RII1#'R#QRW#WRXFK#WKH# PDOH#SLQV1#6KRUW#PDOH#SLQV#WR#&KDVVLV1 YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 24 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems IP-6 Optical Parameter Count Problems (Page 11 of 11) 18 - From Main Menu, press - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ DIAGNOSTICS - Verify operation of Valve 54 (VP-10) and tubing . Replace as necessary (PL-4.1) , (TM-1) . - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48) . „ F12 „ F12 - Verify RBC/PLT Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. „ F1 „ F1 NO „ SET POINT ENTRY „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - Replace MAM (PL-12) . - Replace SPM (PL-10) . 19 NO - Verify operation of WBC Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13) . 20 - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48) . Problem Corrected - Verify NOC Sample is being staged to Optical Flow Cell. ? YES Total Call Problem Corrected ? YES - Verify operation of Valve 41 (VP-10) and tubing. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1) , (TM-1) . - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Verify NOC Threshold is 400. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 25 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-7 Reagent Empty IP-7 Reagent Empty (Page 1 of 5) Start - Verify reagents, type and expiration. - Ensure reagent containers are connected to the correct tubing and input ports. - Ensure sinkers are on lines and lines are at bottom of containers. - Ensure reagent lines are not crimped or clogged. HGB Lyse Empty ? NO YES YES - Open Right Front Door and observe HGB/ WBC Syringe. 1 WBC Lyse Empty ? NO - INITIALIZE and PRIME instrument. Diluent/Sheath Empty YES - Open Left Front Door and observe Diluent and Sheath Reservoirs. ? NO 2 Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 26 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-7 Reagent Empty IP-7 Reagent Empty (Page 2 of 5) 1 From Main Menu, press YES Syringe Filling Properly ? „ RUN „ CLEAR FAULT Syringe Moving Properly ? NO - Verify operation and tubing in valves 28 for HGB, 23 for WBC. (VP-10) See Figure. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1), (TM-1). YES - Remove Top Cover and observe Reagent Sensor Board. See Figure - Inspect and seat connectors on J1 of Reagent Sensor Board and J26 of FCM. - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). - Replace SDM2 (PL-15) Floss Tubing Up and Down Ensure Tubing is Seated in Slot NO - Clean/replace syringe (PL-7). - Verify Syringe Driver operation (VP-6), (VP-7). - Replace Syringe Driver Assembly (PL-7), (RR-11). - Verify operation and tubing in valves 24 for HGB, 25 for WBC. (VP-10) See Figure. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1), (TM-1). - Replace SDM2 (PL-15). 32098 - Replace MPM (PL-11). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 27 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-7 Reagent Empty IP-7 Reagent Empty (Page 3 of 5) 2 Diluent Not Filling Properly ? From Main Menu, press „ RUN „ CLEAR FAULT - Observe the Diluent and Sheath Reservoirs and verify that both fill to the Sensor Electrodes and immediately stop. See Figure 5 YES 6 NO NO Both Filling Properly ? YES Note: The "Diluent/Sheath Empty" message can be generated by the In-line Diluent/Sheath Sensor, the Diluent Reservoir Level Sensor, or the Sheath Reservoir Level Sensor. Sheath Not Filling Properly ? NO YES 3 NO Neither Filling Properly ? YES Diluent Filling Past Electrode ? YES 7 YES NO Fill To H e re Sheath Filling Past Electrode 32099 ? 4 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 28 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-7 Reagent Empty IP-7 Reagent Empty (Page 4 of 5) 3 - Remove Top Cover and observe Reagent Sensor Board. See Figure - Inspect and seat connectors on J1 of Reagent Sensor Board and J26 of FCM. - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). 4 5 - Ensure Diluent/Sheath plumbing is free of restrictions. - Ensure Vac 1 line to reservoir is free of restrictions. - Ensure there is no saline bridge at reservoir connectors. - Ensure there is no saline bridge at reservoir connector. - Verify the Vac 1 level (VP-16) and verify Vac 1 retention (VP15). - Verify operation of Valves 62 and 63 (VP-10). Replace as necessary (PL-4.1) - Ensure Vac 1 lines to reservoirs is free of restrictions. - Verify operation of Check Valve Replace as necessary (TM-1). - Verify operation of Valves 61, 62, 63, and 64 (VP-10). Replace as necessary (PL-4.1). - Verify operation of Check Valves. Replace as necessary (TM-1). - Verify Reservoir is not cracked or leaking Replace as necessary (PL-4.2). - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). 6 - Ensure Vac 1 line to reservoir is free of restrictions. - Ensure there is no saline bridge at reservoir connector. - Verify operation of Valves 61 and 64 (VP-10). Replace as necessary (PL-4.1). - Verify operation of Check Valve. Replace as necessary (TM-1). - Verify Reservoir is not cracked or leaking. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2). - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). - Verify Reservoirs are not cracked or leaking. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2). - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 29 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-7 Reagent Empty IP-7 Reagent Empty (Page 5 of 5) 7 - Clean sensor contacts (Electrodes and connector) at top of Reservoir. - Remove pins 1 and 4 and clean and crimp metal contacts so they are touching. See Figure - If pins 1 and 4 are damaged, replace with pins 2 and 3. 32100 - Reseat Sensor Cables (CDM 2 J8 for Diluent, or CDM 2 J10 for Sheath. - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 30 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-8 Optical Backgrounds Too High (Page 1 of 1) IP-8 Optical Backgrounds Too High (Page 1 of 1) Start - Perform the following in order and verify backgrounds after each action taken. - From Main Menu, press - Verify Background Counts (VP-56). „ DIAGNOSTICS NO - Perform Extended Autoclean. „ F12 - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). „ F1 - Clean and debubble Optical Flow Cell (VP-44). „ SET POINT ENTRY WBC Only Too High ? - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - From Main Menu, press - Clean/replace Diluent and Sample Injection Syringes (PL-7). „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS - Replace In-line Sheath Filter (PL-4.2). „ MORE YES NO „ REAGENT RESERVOIR - Follow on-screen instructions and press - Ensure RBC/PLT Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. - Clean Laser Bench (VP-43). „ EMPTY DIL/SHEATH - From Main Menu, press - Replace Diluent Container and press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ FILL DIL/SHEATH „ F12 - Run multiple backgrounds and verify. „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - Replace WBC Lyse Container. - Clean/replace WBC Syringe (PL-7). Backgrounds OK - Ensure WBC Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. ? - INITIALIZE and PRIME Instrument. YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 31 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-9 Histogram Problems (Page 1 of 1) IP-9 Histogram Problems (Page 1 of 1) Start - Perform the following in order and verify histograms after each action taken. - Verify reagents; type and expiration date. - Ensure reagents are at room temperature. - Verify Backgrounds (VP-56). WBC Only - Ensure RBC/PLT and/or WBC Mixing Chambers are being rinsed and drained properly. ? NO - Perform Extended Autoclean. - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). Backgrounds OK NO Go to (IP-8) N O ? - Clean, debubble, and wet Optical Flow Cell (VP-44), (VP-45). NO - Fine align Optical Flow Cell (VP-20). YES YES - Verify WBC Gains (VP-23). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Log Amplifiers (VP-28). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Gains (VP-26), (VP-27). - Clean Laser Bench (VP-43). - Replace WBC Lyse for WBC problem or Diluent for RBC/ PLT problem. - Clean/replace Diluent, WBC Lyse, and Sample Injection Syringes (PL-7). - Replace In-line Sheath Filter (PL-4.2). Problem Corrected ? YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Problem Corrected ? YES Total Call Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 32 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-10 Controls Out IP-10 Controls Out (Page 1 of 2) Start NO - Verify reagents; type and expiration date. - Ensure reagents are at room temperature and have not been previously frozen. - Ensure Controls and Calibrators have not been frozen or heat stressed. Q.C. OK YES ? Total Call - Perform Autoclean. - From Main Menu, press „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS - Open fresh Commercial Control, and run Q.C. „ MORE „ AUTOCLEAN - Verify Backgrounds (VP-56). - Check Control Lot # - Use current Control Insert Sheet to verify Q.C means/ limits are correct if customer has not established their own means. - From Main Menu, press „ SETUP „ Q.C. SETUP MENU „ Q.C. LIMITS - Edit as necessary. - Run Q.C. CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL YES All Backgrounds OK ? NO Results Acceptable NO 1 ? YES Total Call Go to (IP-8). Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 33 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-10 Controls Out IP-10 Controls Out (Page 2 of 2) 1 NO - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). Precision In Spec ? - Verify System Precision - From Main Menu, press „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE YES - Recalibrate out-ofrange parameter(s) (VP-58). - Determine which parameter(s) are out-ofrange, and go to (IP-15) or (IP-16) for HGB and correct. - For indices (MCH or MCHC), determine which parameter (HGB, MCV, or RBC is imprecise and troubleshoot accordingly. MCH = HGB X10 RBC - Select empty Q.C. File „ Q.C. SPECIMEN - Review CV% (VP-57). MCHC = HGB X 100 MCV X RBC CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 34 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-11 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Wet IP-11 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Wet (Page 1 of 2) Start - Reinitialize Analyzer From Main Menu: Liquid Exiting Analyzer YES ? „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ INITIALIZATION NO - Verify that Waste Chamber 2 is not overflowing. If overflowing, verify Pressure Valve 18 (VP-10). Replace as necessary (PL-4.1). Check output Check Valve. Replace as necessary (TM-1). - Ensure operation of Waste Chamber 2 Trap and Trap Output Check Valve. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2) and (TM-1). - Perform Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure (VP-60) Press: „ MORE - Observe the Waste Line into External Waste Container and press: „ DRAIN ACCUMULATORS Problem Corrected NO ? YES 1 - Perform Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure (VP-60) Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 35 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-11 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Wet IP-11 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Wet (Page 2 of 2) 1 - Check Cable and replace if necessary (PL-5) - Remove connector from J11 on VPM and check resistance between connector pins. Must be greater than 20 Megohms. See Figure - Replace Accumulator (PL-5) NO J10 Vac 1 Acc J11 Vac 2 Acc VPM BD > 20 Megohms ? YES 32003 - Replace VPM (PL-5) - Replace FCM (PL-14.1) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 36 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-12 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Wet IP-12 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Wet (Page 1 of 2) Start - Reinitialize Analyzer From Main Menu: Liquid Exiting Analyzer YES ? „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ INITIALIZATION NO - Verify that Waste Chamber 2 is not overflowing. If overflowing, verify Pressure Valve 18 (VP-10). Replace as necessary (PL-4.1). Check output Check Valve. Replace as necessary (TM-1). - Ensure operation of Waste Chamber 2 Trap and Trap Output Check Valve. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2) and (TM-1). - Perform Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure (VP-60) Press: „ MORE - Observe the Waste Line into External Waste Container and press: „ DRAIN ACCUMULATORS Problem Corrected NO ? YES 1 - Perform Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure (VP-60) Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 37 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-12 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Wet IP-12 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Wet (Page 2 of 2) 1 - Check Cable and replace if necessary (PL-5) - Remove connector from J11 on VPM and check resistance between connector pins. Must be greater than 20 Megohms. See Figure - Replace Accumulator (PL-5) NO J10 Vac 1 Acc J11 Vac 2 Acc VPM BD > 20 Megohms ? YES 32003 - Replace VPM (PL-5) - Replace FCM (PL-14.1) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 38 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-13 HGB Problems IP-13 HGB Problems (Page 1 of 2) Start "0", Low, High, or Erratic - Verify proper Reagents and Expiration Date. HGB Only ? From Main Menu, Press: „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE „ FRAGILE WBC Both - Run a Normal Control five times and record the NOC and HGB values. - Compare the NOC and HGB results to the Data Sheet. - Perform HGB Cleaning Procedure (VP-49). - Remove, inspect, and clean Shear Valve. - Perform Vacuum & Pressure Level Verification/Adjustment (VP-16). - Verify tubing and operation of Valves 51, 28, 24, 33, 93, and 26 (VP-10) and replace as necessary (PL-4.1). From Main Menu, Press: „ DIAGNOSTICS „ RAW DATA SUMMARY - Run five background counts and observe the HGB Sample and Reference Readings. - Verify operation of HGB Lyse and RBC Diluent Syringes (VP-6), (VP-7) and replace as necessary (PL-7). 1 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 39 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-13 HGB Problems IP-13 HGB Problems (Page 2 of 2) 2 1 5 Total Call Select path from Chart below. Reference Sample 2 1950-2050 1950-2050 < 1950 < 1950 3 > 2050 >2050 3 Erratic 1950-2050 4 ≈ 1600 1950-2050 4 Erratic Erratic 5 ≈0 ≈0 - Verify connector at J18 of FCM. 3 - Replace HGB Flow Cell (PL-4.2). - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Perform HGB Adjustment (VP-5) 4 5 - Verify tubing, operation (VP-10), and flow through Valve 94 and replace as necessary (TM-1), (PL-4.1). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 40 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-14 X-B Errors IP-14 X-B Errors (Page 1 of 3) Effect Of RBC, MCV, & HGB On X-B Parameters Start - Clean Fan Filters and verify all Fans are running properly. - Ensure there is at least 6" of clearance behind and on the left side of Instrument. X-B Parameter RBC RBC MCV NA NA MCH NA - Review patient result in Datalog, and look for groups ( 3 or more) of abnormal MCV, RBC, or HGB. -If MCV shifts, ask Customer for possible causes, such as Oncology or Geriatric Patients. If MCH or MCHC errors: - See table to determine which parameter (HGB, RBC, MCV) is bad. Note: HCT = RBC X MCV/10 MCV HGB HGB NA NA NA MCHC - Ensure Instrument is not subject to drastic temperature variations (direct sunlight, heating/air conditioning ducts). - If Fan Filters were clogged and then cleaned, allow a 15 minute temperature stabilization period. MCV Controls at or Near 2 SD of mean ? NO - Review Customer Maintenance Log. - Review Maintenance Procedures and Dates. - Review X-B Results. - Determine if Maintenance was performed just before X-B Shift. YES Go to (IP-10) Controls Out. 1 MCH = HGB X 10/RBC MCHC = (HGB X 100)/(RBC X MCV) - Review Q.C. Logs for all 3 Control Levels. - Verify RBC, HGB, and MCV Control Levels are not at the high or low end of range. CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 41 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-14 X-B Errors IP-14 X-B Errors (Page 2 of 3) 1 - Verify Reagent, Type and Expiration Date. Shift After Maintenance ? Reagent Change Required ? YES - Repeat Maintenance Procedures performed before X-B Shift. - Monitor X-B for 5 Data Points (100 Samples). NO X-B In Range YES - Monitor X-B for 5 Data Points (100 Samples). 2 ? YES X-B In Range Total Call NO ? YES 2 Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 42 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-14 X-B Errors IP-14 X-B Errors (Page 3 of 3) 2 - Verify System Precision - From Main Menu, press „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE - Select empty Q.C. File „ Q.C. SPECIMEN - Run one Patient 10 times. - Review CV% (VP-57) . All Parameters OK ? NO - Determine which parameter(s) are out-ofrange, and go to (IP-15) or (IP-16) for HGB and correct. CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL YES - Verify Calibrator Insert Sheet matches Current Calibrators. - Perform System Calibration (VP-58) . Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 43 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-15 Optical Parameters Imprecision IP-15 Optical Parameters Imprecision (Page 1 of 3) Start - Verify Background Counts (VP-56). - Clean Fan Filters and verify all Fans are running properly. - Ensure there is at least 6" of clearance behind and on the left side of Instrument. - Ensure Instrument is not subject to drastic temperature variations (direct sunlight, heating/air conditioning ducts). - If Fan Filters were clogged and then cleaned, allow a 15 minute temperature stabilization period. - Perform Autoclean From Main Menu, press - Verify System Precision. - From Main Menu, press „ SPECIMEN TYPE - Select empty Q.C. File - Run one Patient 10 times. - Review CV% (VP-57). - Manually clean, debubble, and wet Optical Flow Cell (VP-44), (VP45). - Clean Optics Bench (VP-43). Go to (IP-8). YES 2 YES 3 All Imprecise NO Problem Corrected ? RBC/PLT Only ? YES - Replace In-line Sheath Filter (PL-4.2). Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL NO YES ? „ MORE „ AUTOCLEAN ? NO „ Q.C. SPECIMEN „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). Backgrounds OK „ RUN NO 1 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 44 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-15 Optical Parameters Imprecision IP-15 Optical Parameters Imprecision (Page 2 of 3) 1 2 - Replace WBC Lyse Container. YES „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY WBC Only ? - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - Ensure WBC Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. - Verify operation of WBC Lyse Syringe (VP-6) , (VP-7) . Troubleshoot as necessary. - Verify/adjust WBC Gain (VP-23) . NO NOC Only ? - Replace Shear Valve Sections (PL-9.1) . YES - Ensure HGB Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS NO - Replace MAM (PL-12) . - Replace SPM (PL-10) . - Verify samples are being staged to Optical Flow Cell by Peri-pump. Troubleshoot as necessary. - Verify Sheath Reservoir is filling properly. - Verify Pressure 2 (VP-16) and proper Sheath flow to Optical Flow Cell. Troubleshoot as necessary. - Verify operation of Sample Injection Syringe (VP-6) , (VP-7 ). Troubleshoot as necessary. - Replace Optical Flow Cell (PL-10) . - Replace Shear Valve Sections (PL-9.1) . - Replace MAM (PL-12) . - Replace SPM (PL-10) . - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13) . - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13) . Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 45 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-15 Optical Parameters Imprecision IP-15 Optical Parameters Imprecision (Page 3 of 3) 3 - Replace Diluent Container. - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - Ensure RBC/PLT Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. - Verify 0 o and 10 o Log Amplifiers (VP-28). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Gain (VP-26), (VP-27). - Replace Shear Valve Sections (PL-9.1). - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 46 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-16 HGB Imprecision (Page 1 of 1) IP-16 HGB Imprecision (Page 1 of 1) Start - Clean Fan Filters and verify all Fans are running properly. - Ensure there is at least 6" of clearance behind and on the left side of Instrument. - Ensure Instrument is not subject to drastic temperature variations (direct sunlight, heating/air conditioning ducts). - If Fan Filters were clogged and then cleaned, allow a 15 minute temperature stabilization period. HGB CVs OK - Ensure HGB Flow Cell is being rinsed, drained, and vented properly. Verify Valves 51, 94, 93, (VP-10) and tubing . Replace as necessary (PL-4), (TM-1). ? YES NO - Clean HGB Lyse Syringe. Total Call NO - Replace HGB Lyse Container> - Verify HGB Lyse Syringe (VP-6), (VP-7). Replace as necessary (PL-7). - Inspect and re-seat Cable at J18 of FCM (PL-4.2). - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). - Replace HGB Flow Cell (PL-4.2). - Manually clean HGB Flow Cell (VP-49). - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). - Verify System Precision. NO - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - From Main Menu, press „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE - Select empty Q.C. File „ Q.C. SPECIMEN - Run one Patient 10 times. HGB CVs OK ? YES - Review HGB CV% (VP-57). Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 47 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, 5 4 YES 3 ? 2 NO Vac Constantly Running NO From Main Menu: „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ INITIALIZATION 1 - Reinitialize Analyzer 9P SI 4 YES 12P SI - Remove Left Side Cover and extend Air Supply (RR-7) to observe pumps. (Vac-Front, Pres-Rear) TO FLO W PA N E L To S L Pres Constantly Running 6 To S L 7 Start 5P SI 12"H g 8"Hg 12P SI 12"H g IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 1 of 9) 3 2 00 4 ? NO Both Constantly Running 5 - Disconnect tubing from positions 6 and 7 on Air Supply Manifold, and observe Pumps and VPM Pump LEDs. See Figures ? YES 32005 - Observe LEDs. See Figure CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 1 6 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 48 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 2 of 9) 1 All Valves Close Then Open ? Both LEDs ON NO 2 ? +12 VNR Fuse (Top) YES NO - Replace Pump Relay Board (PL-5) 32006 - Check +12V UR and Fuse. See Figure YES - Replace if necessary (PL-1) Check fuse again NO - Reinitialize Analyzer From Main Menu: „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE Problem Corrected Fuse Blown ? ? „ INITIALIZATION - Observe Flow Panel valves NO 8 YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL YES - Replace Power Supply (PL-1) Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 49 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 3 of 9) 2 Note: If the +24 UR is approximately the same as the +12 UR, the +24V Fuse is blown or the +24V Power Supply is defective. - Check +24V UR (28.9V37.7V) and Fuse (Bottom Fuse) - While observing VPM Solenoid LEDs (See Figure) press: „ INITIALIZATION - Replace Fuse if necessary (PL-1) NO NO - Check Fuse again Problem Corrected LEDs Bright Then Dim When Activated ? YES ? Fuse Blown YES ? Total Call YES NO 3 - Replace Power Supply (PL-1) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 8 32007 2 - 50 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, TO FL O W PA N E L 3 P inch 1 Pumps Stop ? NO 12P SI 9P SI YES - Pinch tubing at positions 6 and 7 that supply 12 psi and 12" Hg to Sample Loader 2 - Pinch tubing as shown in Figure 4 - Unpinch tubing 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g 5 To S L 6 To S L 3 7 IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 4 of 9) 32008 Pumps Stop NO ? - Inspect 12 psi and 12" Hg plumbing and Accumulators. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) - Inspect Vent Valves 1 and 4. Replace as necessary (PL-5) - Replace VPM (PL-5) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL YES - Inspect Sample Loader plumbing and 3-Way Valves. Replace as necessary (PL-18.3), (TM-3) - Ensure Valves 31 and 32, 97 and 98, 17 and 18 are not open at the same time. - Inspect Flow Panel 12 psi and 12" Hg plumbing for leaks. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 51 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 5 of 9) 4 Pump Stops YES - Unpinch tubing and pinch at position 6 on Manifold. ? - Observe Pressure Pump LED. See Figure Page 1 NO Pump Stops ? YES - Replace VPM (PL-5) To S L To S L 9P S I 2 P inch 1 - Pinch tubing See Figure this page - Inspect Sample Loader plumbing and 3-Way Valves. Replace as necessary (PL-18.3), (TM-3) 3 4 5 - Replace Pump Relay Board (PL-5) TO FL O W PA N E L NO YES - Inspect Flow Panel 12 psi plumbing for leaks. 5P S I 12"H g 8"H g 12P S I 12"H g - Inspect Vent Valve 1. Replace as necessary (PL-5) 12P S I ? 7 LED ON NO 6 - Inspect 12 psi plumbing and Accumulator. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) 32 0 09 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 52 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 6 of 9) 5 Pump Stops YES - Unpinch tubing and pinch at position 7 on Manifold. ? - Observe Vacuum Pump LED. See Figure Page 1 NO Pump Stops ? - Inspect 12" Hg plumbing and Accumulator. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) - Replace VPM (PL-5) To S L To S L 9P SI 2 Pinch 1 - Pinch tubing. See Figure - Inspect Sample Loader plumbing and 3-Way Valves. Replace as necessary (PL-18.3), (TM-3) 3 4 5 - Replace Pump Relay Board (PL-5) TO FLO W PAN E L YES YES 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g NO - Inspect Flow Panel 12" Hg plumbing for leaks. 12P SI - Inspect Vent Valve 4. Replace as necessary (PL-5) 7 ? 6 LED ON NO 32010 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 53 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 7 of 9) 6 - Replace VPM (PL-5) NO - Reseat connectors VPM J18, PRM J1, J2, J3, J4 Neither Pump Runs YES LEDs ON - Replace VPM (PL-5) NO NO YES NO Pres Doesn't Run VAC LED ON NO - Replace PRM (PL-xx) - Reseat connectors VPM J18, PRM J1, J3 YES ? ? - Check Fuse on PRM. Replace if necessary (PL-5) - Verify 115VAC to PRM ? ? VAC Doesn't Run YES - Check 115VAC across Pins 1 and 2 on PRM P3. IF present, replace Vac Pump. If not, replace PRM (PL-5) - Replace VPM (PL-5) - Reseat connectors VPM J18, PRM J1, J2 YES Pres LED ON ? ? YES - Check 115VAC across Pins 1 and 2 on PRM P2. IF present, replace Pres Pump. If not, replace PRM (PL-5) 7 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 54 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 8 of 9) 7 NO Both OK - Re-connect tubing to positions 6 and 7 (6-Red, 7-Green) - Replace Pump Head - If problem persists, replace Pump Assembly ? Pump Head: Pressure (PL-5) YES Vacuum (PL-5) Pump Assy: - Perform Vacuum and Pressure Level Verification/Adjustment (VP-16) - Observe Vacuum and Pressure Pumps and time the duration between run cycles. - Perform Vacuum and Pressure Recovery Verification (VP-17) Pres Cycles < 2 min YES Pressure (PL-5) Vacuum NO Vac Cycles < 2 min ? (PL-5) NO ? Total Call See Pressure Leaks (IP-18) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL See Vacuum Leaks (IP-19) YES Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 55 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, IP-17 Primary Vacuum/Pressure Isolation, (Page 9 of 9) 8 To C D M 2-J3 FC M -J5 - If the Fuse continues to blow, assemblies on the +12V UR or +24V UR must be disconnected one at a time until the shorted assembly is found and replaced. (See Figures) - Power-down instrument and connect Meter between TP2+12V or TP1-+24V and TP4 on PSM and remove connectors until short is found - Replace defective assembly and verify proper operation To S D M /C D M -J3 J1 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R 5 +2 4 V U R J2 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R +2 4 V U R 5 B a ck C D M 2 & S D M /C D M P o w er C on n ecto rs J1 J3 +2 4 V U R 5 1 Fro m +1 2 V U R To 4 2 P.S . SDM A UR RET J1/J2 3 3 1 PSM J2 1 2 3 J3 To S h ea r Valve D rive r-J3 +2 4 V U R 1 2 RET N o te: J4 an d J5 a re no t o n S D M /C D M To S D M 9 -J1 0 J4 +2 4 V U R 1 +1 2 V U R 2 3 UR RET J4 1 2 To SDM C 3 FC M J5 1 2 3 2 0 11 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL To SDM B Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 To SDM D 3 2 - 56 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 1 of 7) Note: This procedure is designed to isolate leaks in the pressure plumbing. Refer to IP-17 Primary Vacuum/ Pressure Isolation for troubleshooting gross pressure failures. Start - Remove Left Side Cover and extend Air Supply (RR-7) to observe Pres Pump. (VacFront, Pres-Rear) - Reinitialize Analyzer From Main Menu: „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE - Observe Pressure Pump and time the duration between run cycles. Pump Cycles < 2 min YES ? „ INITIALIZATION NO 1 Total Call - Adjust Pressure Levels if necessary (VP-16) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 57 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 2 of 7) 1 - Check +24V UR (28.9V37.7V) and Fuse (Bottom Fuse) - While observing VPM Solenoid LEDs (See Figure) press: „ INITIALIZATION - Replace Fuse if necessary (PL-1) NO Note: If the +24 UR is approximately the same as the +12 UR, the +24V Fuse is blown or the +24V Power Supply is defective. NO - Check Fuse again Problem Corrected LEDs Bright Then Dim When Activated ? YES ? Fuse Blown YES ? Total Call YES NO 2 - Replace Power Supply (PL-1) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 7 3 2 0 07 2 - 58 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 3 of 7) 2 - Select 3 pressure levels in real-time press: „ MORE „ VOLTAGE READINGS Move cursor to each level and press: „ SELECT When finished press: „ FINISH SELECT - Observe the 3 levels and verify that none decrease more than 0.2 psi in 1 minute. 3 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 59 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 4 of 7) 3 Pres 3 OK - Inspect tubing between Air Supply and Flow Panel. YES ? ? NO NO To S L 5 4 YES 3 Pres 1 OK ? 4 - Inspect 5 psi Accumulator and plumbing on Air Supply. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) 1 9P SI 2 NO 5 12P SI ? To S L TO FL O W PA N E L Pres 2 OK - Inspect Diluent Reservoir for leaks. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2). 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g Pres 3 OK 7 YES - Inspect plumbing through Valve 63 to Diluent Reservoir. 6 NO - Pinch tubing at position 3 of Air Supply Manifold. See Figure 32004 YES CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Total Call Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 60 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 5 of 7) 4 5 - Inspect tubing between Air Supply and Flow Panel. - Pinch tubing at position 2 of Air Supply Manifold. See Figure Page 2. YES - Pinch tubing See Figure - Inspect plumbing through Valve 64 to Sheath Reservoir. - Inspect Sheath Reservoir for leaks. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2). YES 1 P inch NO - Inspect Valve 1. Replace as necessary (PL-5). - Inspect 12 psi plumbing and Accumulator. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2). 12P SI 9P SI 2 3 4 NO 6 TO FL O W PA N E L To S L 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g 7 ? 5 To S L 6 ? Pres 2 OK - Inspect 9 psi Accumulator and plumbing on Air Supply. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) Pres 1 OK 32009 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 61 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 6 of 7) 6 - Inspect plumbing to Valves 32, 98, and 18. - Unpinch tubing and pinch at position 6 on Manifold. - Press in on Valves 32, 98, and 18 one at a time, if leaking stops replace as NO necessary (PL-4.1) Pres 1 OK ? YES - Inspect Sample Loader plumbing and 3-Way Valves. Replace as necessary (PL-18.3), (TM-3) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 62 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation IP-18 Pressure Leak Isolation (Page 7 of 7) 7 To C D M 2-J3 FC M -J5 - If the Fuse continues to blow, assemblies on the +12V UR or +24V UR must be disconnected one at a time until the shorted assembly is found and replaced. (See Figures) - Power-down instrument and connect Meter between TP2+12V or TP1-+24V and TP4 on PSM and remove connectors until short is found - Replace defective assembly and verify proper operation To S D M /C D M -J3 J1 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R 5 +2 4 V U R J2 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R +2 4 V U R 5 B a ck C D M 2 & S D M /C D M P o w er C on n ecto rs J1 J3 +2 4 V U R 1 5 Fro m +1 2 V U R To 4 2 P.S . SDM A UR RET J1/J2 3 3 1 PSM J2 1 2 3 J3 To S h ea r Valve D rive r-J3 +2 4 V U R 1 2 RET N o te: J4 an d J5 a re no t o n S D M /C D M To S D M 9 -J1 0 J4 +2 4 V U R 1 +1 2 V U R 2 3 UR RET J4 1 2 To SDM C 3 FC M J5 1 2 3 2 0 11 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL To SDM B Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 To SDM D 3 2 - 63 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation (Page 1 of 6) Note: This procedure is designed to isolate leaks in the vacuum plumbing. Refer to IP-17 Primary Vacuum/ Pressure Isolation for troubleshooting gross vacuum failures. Start - Remove Left Side Cover and extend Air Supply (RR-7) to observe Vac Pump. (VacFront, Pres-Rear) - Reinitialize Analyzer From Main Menu: „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE - Observe Vacuum Pump and time the duration between run cycles. Pump Cycles < 2 min YES ? „ INITIALIZATION NO 1 Total Call - Adjust Vacuum Levels if necessary (VP-16) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 64 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation (Page 2 of 6) 1 - Check +24V UR (28.9V37.7V) and Fuse (Bottom Fuse) - While observing VPM Solenoid LEDs (See Figure) press: „ INITIALIZATION - Replace Fuse if necessary (PL-1) NO Note: If the +24 UR is approximately the same as the +12 UR, the +24V Fuse is blown or the +24V Power Supply is defective. NO - Check Fuse again Problem Corrected LEDs Bright Then Dim When Activated ? YES ? Fuse Blown YES ? Total Call YES NO 5 3 2 0 07 2 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Replace Power Supply (PL-1) Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 65 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation (Page 3 of 6) 2 - Select 2 vacuum levels in real-time press: „ MORE „ VOLTAGE READINGS Move cursor to each level and press: „ SELECT When finished press: „ FINISH SELECT - Observe the 2 levels and verify that none decrease more than 0.2 psi in 1 minute. 3 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 66 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation (Page 4 of 6) 3 NO - Pinch tubing at position 5 of Air Supply Manifold. See Figure Vac 2 OK - Inspect tubing between Air Supply and Flow Panel. - Inspect plumbing through Valve 17 to WC-2. YES ? - Inspect WC-2 for leaks. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2). - Inspect plumbing to Valve 12. - Press in on Valve 12. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1). Vac 2 OK YES - Inspect Vac 2 Accumulator and plumbing on Air Supply. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) 5 4 3 12P SI 1 9P SI Total Call 2 YES TO FL O W PA N E L 4 To S L ? 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g NO 6 To S L NO 7 ? Vac 1 OK 32004 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 67 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation (Page 5 of 6) 4 - Unpinch tubing and pinch at position 7 on Manifold. - Inspect plumbing to Flow Panel. - Pinch tubing See Figure YES NO - Inspect WC-3 and WC4 for leaks. Replace as necessary (PL-4.2) Vac 1 OK Vac 1 OK - Press in on Valves 13, 14, 21, 36, and 37 one at a time. Replace as necessary (PL-4.1). ? 9P SI 12P SI 1 - Inspect Vent Valve 4. Replace as necessary (PL-5) YES TO FL O W PA N E L 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g 3 P inch 2 - Inspect 12" Hg plumbing and Accumulator. Replace as necessary (PL-5), (TM-2) 4 5 To S L 6 NO 7 ? To S L - Inspect plumbing to Valves 31 and 97. - Inspect Sample Loader plumbing and 3-Way Valves. Replace as necessary (PL-18.3), (TM-2) 32010 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 68 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation IP-19 Vacuum Leak Isolation (Page 6 of 6) 5 To C D M 2-J3 FC M -J5 - If the Fuse continues to blow, assemblies on the +12V UR or +24V UR must be disconnected one at a time until the shorted assembly is found and replaced. (See Figures) - Power-down instrument and connect Meter between TP2-+12V or TP1+24V and TP4 on PSM and remove connectors until short is found - Replace defective assembly and verify proper operation To S D M /C D M -J3 To S h ea r Valve D rive r-J3 J1 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R 5 +2 4 V U R J2 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R +2 4 V U R 5 B a ck C D M 2 & S D M /C D M P o w er C on n ecto rs J1 J3 +2 4 V U R 5 1 Fro m To +1 2 V U R 4 2 P.S . SDM A UR RET J1/J2 3 3 1 PSM J2 1 2 3 J3 +2 4 V U R 1 2 RET N o te: J4 an d J5 a re no t o n S D M /C D M To S D M 9 -J1 0 J4 +2 4 V U R 1 +1 2 V U R 2 3 UR RET J4 1 2 To SDM C 3 FC M J5 1 2 3 2 0 11 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL To SDM B Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 To SDM D 3 2 - 69 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-20 Shear Valve Position Fault IP-20 Shear Valve Position Fault (Page 1 of 2) Start - Check +24V - Verify +24V UR (28.9V37.7V) (VP-1). Fuse (Bottom Fuse). - Remove, inspect, and clean Shear Valve (VP-48). NO - Replace Fuse if necessary (PL-1). Note: If the +24 UR is approximately the same as the +12 UR, the +24V Fuse is blown or the +24V Power Supply is defective. 28.9V-37.7V ? From Main Menu, press 28.9V-37.7V NO „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ INITIALIZATION ? YES YES - Verify +24V between Pins 1 and 2 of Shear Valve Driver Board. If not present re-seat cable. - Re-seat cable from FCM-J8 to SVDM-J2. ? - Lubricate Shear Valve Driver (VP-42). YES - Replace Shear Valve Driver Assy. (PL-9.1). Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL - Check Fuse again. - Verify proper operation. - Replace cable. (PL-1). Problem Corrected NO Fuse Blown Total Call - Replace FCM (PL-14.1). YES ? NO 1 - Replace Power Supply (PL-1). Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 70 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-20 Shear Valve Position Fault IP-20 Shear Valve Position Fault (Page 2 of 2) IP-20 Shear Valve Position Fault, 2 of 2 1 - If the Fuse continues to blow, assemblies on the +12V UR or +24V UR must be disconnected one at a time until the shorted assembly is found and replaced. (See Figures) - Power-down instrument and connect Meter between TP2+12V or TP1-+24V and TP4 on PSM and remove connectors until short is found. - Replace defective assembly and verify proper operation. To C D M 2-J3 FC M -J5 To S D M /C D M -J3 J1 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R 5 +2 4 V U R J2 UR RET 1 3 4 +1 2 V U R +2 4 V U R 5 B a ck C D M 2 & S DM /C D M P o w er C on n ecto rs J1 J3 +2 4 V U R 5 1 Fro m +1 2 V U R To 2 P.S . 4 SDM A UR RET J1/J2 3 3 1 PSM J2 1 2 3 J3 To S h ea r Valve D rive r-J3 1 2 +2 4 V U R RET N o te: J4 and J5 a re no t o n S D M /C D M To S D M 9 -J1 0 J4 +2 4 V U R 1 +1 2 V U R 2 3 UR RET J4 1 2 To SDM C 3 FC M J5 1 2 3 2 0 11 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL To SDM B Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 To SDM D 3 2 - 71 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-21 Flags IP-21 Flags (Page 1 of 2) Start Problem Corrected - Ensure Customer has verified an Instrument problem and not a Specimen Specific problem with multiple Manual Differential Counts. YES ? Total Call NO - Clean Fan Filters and verify all Fans are running properly. - Ensure there is at least 6" of clearance behind and on the left side of Instrument. - Perform Autoclean - Ensure Instrument is not subject to drastic temperature variations (direct sunlight, heating/air conditioning ducts). „ MORE - Initialize and Prime Instrument - If Fan Filters were clogged and then cleaned, allow a 15 minute temperature stabilization period. - Replace RBC Diluent (RBC/ PLT Flags) or WBC Lyse (WBC Flags) Container. - Verify Background Counts (VP-56). From Main Menu, press „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS YES „ AUTOCLEAN - Clean Shear Valve (VP-48). - Manually clean, debubble, and wet Optical Flow Cell (VP-44), (VP45). NO Backgrounds OK - Run a Normal Patient Sample exhibiting flags 5 times and print the results. - Observe the results and refer the the System Flags Table. ? - Clean Optics Bench (VP-43). 1 - Replace In-line Sheath Filter (PL-4.2). NO Go to (IP-8). YES Problem Corrected ? Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 72 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-21 Flags IP-21 Flags (Page 2 of 2) 1 Flagging Parameters WBC Flags Only All Flagging ? RBC and/or PLT Flags Only - Verify Pressure 2 (VP-16) and proper Sheath flow to Optical Flow Cell. Troubleshoot as necessary. - From Main Menu, press - From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F12 - Replace Optical Flow Cell (PL-10). „ F1 „ F1 - Replace MAM (PL-12). „ SET POINT ENTRY „ SET POINT ENTRY - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Verify WBC Threshold is 360. - Verify RBC/PLT Threshold is 550. - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). - Ensure WBC Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. - Ensure RBC/PLT Mixing Chamber is being rinsed and drained properly. - Verify/adjust WBC Gain (VP-23). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Log Amplifiers (VP-28). - Perform WBC OPTI-CAL Verification/Adjustment (VP-24). - Verify 0 o and 10 o Gain (VP-26), (VP-27). - Replace MAM (PL-12). Var Lym LRI - Replace MAM (PL-12). - Replace SPM (PL-10). Band URI - Replace SPM (PL-10). - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). IG LURI - Replace CPU/DCM (PL-13). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL System Flags Table WBC Flags PLT Flags RBC Flags RBC Morph Blast Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 73 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-22 External Waste Full IP-22 External Waste Full (Page 1 of 2) Start System Uses Waste Sensor Cable NO - Ensure Dummy Plug is installed - Reseat Dummy Plug 3 2 01 2 ? Problem Corrected - Empty Waste Container YES Total Call ? - Reseat Waste Sensor Plug - Clear Fault NO - Insert Insulated Tool into Sensor Jack to open contacts. See Figure NO Problem Corrected ? Total Call 1 YES CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 74 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-22 External Waste Full IP-22 External Waste Full (Page 2 of 2) 1 Problem Corrected YES ? NO - Disconnect Sensor Cable from Waste Container and Sensor Jack and verify infinite resistance between Fluid Contacts. Replace as necessary (PL-3.1). Problem Corrected YES Total Call ? Perform in the following order until problem is corrected: - Reseat CDM2, J7 and FCM, J2 - Replace Waste Sensor Jack (PL-3.2) - Replace CDM2 (PL-16) - Replace FCM (PL-14.1) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL NO Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 75 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-23 Blank Display (Page 1 of 1) IP-23 Blank Display (Page 1 of 1) Start - Connect Monitor to Laptop. See Figure - Turn Brightness and Contrast controls fully clockwise. - Open Computer Door to observe 7-segment LED on CPU/DCM. - Verify Laptop information displays on Monitor. - Verify Monitor Power and Power Cord. - With Power off, check Video Cable, re-seat all Computer Connectors, re-seat VGA Board. - Cycle Analyzer Power and verify the following: - Stepper Motors all home. NO - Valves activate. - 7-segment LED increments until "E" and "1" are alternately displayed. Information Displays YES - Analyzer "beeps" after Initialization. ? Problem Corrected YES ? Total Call YES Data Station CRT - Replace VGA Board (PL17.2). NO Initialization OK ? - Replace Monitor (PL17.3). NO - Troubleshoot "dead" Analyzer problem. Attach Video Cable From CRT to Laptop External Monitor Port Laptop Computer CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 32101 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 76 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-24 HSSL Failures/Message Reception Time-Out (Page 1 of 1) IP-24 HSSL Failures/Message Reception Time-Out (Page 1 of 1) Start - In order replace the following. - With Power OFF, check and re-seat connectors on the CPU/DCM, and Main Computer. - HSSL Cable (PL-17.3) - CPU/DCM (PL-13) - Serial Link/Keyboard Controller (PL-17.2) - Re-seat the HSSL Board. - Check and re-connect the HSSL Cable. NO - Reload HSSL Com (VP-67) Problem Corrected ? YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 77 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-25 Hard Drive Errors (Page 1 of 1) IP-25 Hard Drive Errors (Page 1 of 1) Start - Format the Hard Drive (VP-61). - Install Software (VP-53). - Load System Setup (VP-65), (VP63). - With Power OFF, re-seat cable between Hard Drive and Motherboard. - Re-seat Power Cable on Hard Drive and CDM. NO Problem Corrected NO ? Problem Corrected YES ? Total Call - Replace Hard Drive (PL-17.1). YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 78 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-26 Printer Errors IP-26 Printer Errors (Page 1 of 2) Start - Check power and power cable. - Ensure Printer Power is ON, and Printer is Online. - Ensure paper is loaded properly. Is Printer Working - Press On-line Button. YES NO ? Clear Printer buffer. NO - From Main Menu, press YES Printer On-Line Printer On-Line ? ? NO YES - Replace Printer. „ SETUP „ CUSTOMIZE REPORT Total Call „ STOP PRINTING „ CONFIRM STOP Clear Printer buffer. - From Main Menu, press „ SETUP „ CUSTOMIZE REPORT Printer Reset & Print ? NO 1 „ STOP PRINTING „ CONFIRM STOP YES Total Call CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 79 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-26 Printer Errors IP-26 Printer Errors (Page 2 of 2) 1 - Connect Laptop Printer to Printer Connector to verify problem. - Try printing with alternate Printer Cable. - Replace I/O Board (PL17.2). NO NO Prints OK - Replace Motherboard (PL-17.2). Laptop Printer Prints ? ? YES YES - Replace Printer. - Replace Printer Cable (PL-17.3). CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 80 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-27 Sample Loader & Aspiration Tower Error Messages IP-27 Sample Loader & Aspiration Tower Error Messages Error Message Associated VP(s) Associated Components Parts List(s) Mix Head stuck in angle position VP-36 Stepper Motor, Home Sensor, SHM 2 PL-18.2, PL-18.1 Mix Head stuck in vertical position VP-36 Stepper Motor, Home Sensor, SHM 2 PL-18.2, PL-18.1 VP-35 Up/Down Air Cylinder, Sensor, Valve 3, SHM 2 PL-18.1, PL-18.2, PL-18.3 VP-35 Up/Down Air Cylinder, Sensor, Valve 3, SHM 2 PL-18.1, PL-18.2, PL-18.3 Load zone empty detector malfunction VP-.39 Sensor, SHM 2 PL-18.2, PL-18.3 Unload zone full detector malfunction VP-39 Sensor, SHM 2 PL-18.2, PL-18.3 Unload zone nearly full detector malfunction VP-39 Mix Head not at top position Mix Head stuck at top position Tube stuck in position 3 Probe stuck at home position Probe unable to reach home position Invalid tube height Unload area hardware malfunction Tube dropped during mixing PL-18.2, PL-18.3 VP-38 Tube Sensor Board, Rack Advance Cylinder, Valve 1, SHM 2 PL-18.2, PL-18.3 VP-31 Aspiration Tower, Home Sensor, Needle SHM 1 PL-6.1, PL-8 VP-31 Aspiration Tower, Home Sensor, Needle SHM 1 PL-6.1, PL-8 VP-34 Aspiration Tower, Sensors S1/S2, SHM 1 PL-6.1, PL-8 Unload Side Sensors, SHM 2 PL-18.2, PL-18.3 Mixer Head, Valve 4, Regulator, SHM 2 PL-18.1, PL-18.2, PL-18.3 Rack Index Cylinder, Valve 1, SHM 2 PL-18.1, PL-18.3 VP-38, VP-39 VP-37 Mix Zone Rack position error VP-38 Unexpected tube in position 4 after Rack advance VP-38 Tube lost moving from position 3 to position 4 VP-38 Rack barcode read failure VP-40 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Sensor, SHM 2 Tube Sensor Board, SHM 2 Tube Sensor Board, SHM 2 PL-18.1, PL-18.2 PL-18.1, PL-18.2 Rack Barcode Label Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2 - 81 5#7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ • IP-27 Sample Loader & Aspiration Tower Error Messages IP-27 Sample Loader & Aspiration Tower Error Messages Error Message Tube position barcode read failure Barcode reader failure CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Associated VP(s) VP-40 VP-33, VP-11 Associated Components Parts List(s) Rack Position Barcode Labels Barcode Reader, Aspiration Tower, SHM 2 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 PL-18.2, PL-6.1, PL-18.1 2 - 82 $SSHQGL[#5$#0#&DEOH#&RQQHFWLRQ#'LDJUDP • Table of Contents $SSHQGL[#5$#0#&DEOH#&RQQHFWLRQ#'LDJUDP Table of Contents Figure 2A-1 Cable Connection Diagram, SL . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2A - 1 $SSHQGL[#5$#0#&DEOH#&RQQHFWLRQ#'LDJUDP Figure 2A-1 Cable Connection Diagram, SL 9601320 FCM SOL 1 2 3 4 5 (SOL 11-18) SDM 1 SOL 9600930 NC J1 J6 7 J2 J7 J3 J8 8 J4 J9 9520830 J5 J10 1 2 3 4 5 9520830 4 J56 J57 J58 J3 J1 SPEAKER & STATUS BD J2 SP 8 P/O SDM/CDM (SOL 41) J61 J68 J67 1 J2 3 4 J3 J4 J15 J17 5 J5 J12 12"VAC OVFL 9520528 8"VAC OVFL 9520833 TEST CONN. 9520879 PRES PUMP VAC PUMP 1 2 3 4 5 SDM 5 9600930 J6 J1 6 J2 J7 7 J3 J8 NC J4 J9 9520859 J5 J10 9520860 NC NC 9520851 J23 J24 9520861 9520866 9520849 PERIPHERAL BUS J2 J5 J11 J10 (SOL 61-68) 1 2 3 4 5 SDM 6 9600930 J6 J1 6 J2 J7 7 J3 J8 8 J4 J9 J5 J10 9320860 1 2 3 4 5 J18 J8 9520385 HGB J2 J3 NC LASER 9520869 LASER P/S 9520896 12V, 24V UNREG. J4 J15 NC NC J5 J3 9520853 J10 NC NC J7 J6 J12 J6 J7 9520001 FAN J3 J8 9520620 FAN J4 J13 9520829 J8 J1 J7 6 J13 J14 9520002 PWR SW 7 J9 8 J4 9520861 9520897 9520898 J6 9520789 J6 J7 J2 9520782 9520865 9520543 9520845 9520844 J2 MOTOR A CORE SYR. J1 J2 MOTOR E PROBE J1 J2 MOTOR G SAMPLE PUMP J1 9520155 9520842 J2 J10 NC 9520894 J3 SENSOR & CHOPPER DRIVER 3X 9600420 J12 NC J13 NC NC J2 J13 J5 J14 9520892 1 SOLENOID CHAIN CABLE CHAIN CABLE FLOW PANEL (X2) PCS PANEL LASER PANEL J1 J2 MOTOR C WBC LYSE SYR. J1 J2 MOTOR D RBC/HGB DIL SYR. CHOPPER DRIVER 3X 9600420 J1 TO SL VAL-1 J2 TO SL VAL-2 J3 TO SL VAL-3 J4 TO SL VAL-4 J5 TO SL VAL-5 J10 TO SL MIXER SENS. J12 9520883 9520882 9520780 TO TOWER MOTOR J13 TO TOWER DC-MOTOR J15 TO COVER SENSOR J9 J11 J16 ASPIRATION TOWER CONTROLER Y-VALVE ASSY BOTTOM VIEW MOTOR B HGB LYSE SYR. 9601910 SHM(2) J12 TO PC MOTHERBOARD J2 NC 9601910 SHM(1) 9520884 J1 TO TOWER SOL. 9520872 TO TOWER SENS. J10 9520894 J1 9520154 9520563 J14 9520895 9520612 PMT (CH4) MPM SERIAL LINK 9520847 9520895 1 SDM1-4.....FLOW PANEL SDM5,6.....REAGENT PANEL J1 J2 J3 PMT PREAMP 9601010 9520856 J9 J11 +/-15V 32054 *S/L=SERIAL LINK 9520855 J8 NC J9 9520871 9601000 PREAMP 10 DEG (CH2) PMT PREAMP 9601010 J1 PMT (CH3) J2 J3 J11 J12 2 J1 9520543 9601000 PREAMP 0 DEG (CH1) J1 J10 J13 MOTOR J4 J5 J3 J4 J1 MPM 9600920 J501 9520896 SPARE 9520782 9520854 J11 NC J2 J1 J5 J7 J4 9520506 MAM 9601950 J2 BACK 9520869 9520866 9520828 12V, 24V UNREG. J6 J3 NC ADC2 J3 9520866 9520871 MUX DAC CTRL. J1 J1 J5 9520841 TO REAGENT RESERVOIRS MDM 9601940 J2 9520789 9520841 TOP 9212064 } FLOPPY 9520795 9520848 NC 9340008 LINEAR P/S 9212057 NC HARD DISK 9520796 9520846 J5 J7 J6 J2 J1 PDM 9601980 (SOL 91-98) SDM 9 9600930 J1 J6 J2 J7 J3 J8 J4 J9 J5 J10 NC 9520893 J4 J1 9520865 9520878 DIL SENS J8 NC 9520835 J9 SHEATH SENS J10 9520836 J3 J9 SPM 9601830 9520865 J3 9520892 DILUENT 9520839 P OVER PRESS SENSOR SHEAR VALVE DR. 9600900 EX WASTE 9520857 ADC3 J4 9520878 CDM 2 9601080 J7 J4 DAC3 J13 J16 DATA STATION *S/L 9520850 J17 J3 9520841 J19 9520864 9520865 9520500 J3 9520846 J11 9520505 J10 J12 J1 J2 J6 J18 J1 J2 PUMP J4 J3 RELAY 9601200 J8 J7 NC J20 J5 9520862 J1 DAC1 ADC1 9520852 ULTRA SONIC SAMPLE DET J4 J11 J16 J6 J14 J21 9520831 9520832 J10 9520870 J11 9520829 9520831 J13 9520832 J14 J16 J5 9600910 IN-LINE REAGENT SENSOR BD J14 J1 9601161 2nd SAMPLE DET. 9520841 9520849 9520841 9520849 9520829 J6 J15 9520862 9520826 9520859 J22 J2 9520820 J1 2 9520879 (SOL 51-58) J7 J25 VAC/PRES 9601220 START SW J13 J26 9520838 9520834 1 J1 J12 9520826 NC SOLENOID 6 7 9520828 J9 CPU 9601820 J6 9520825 NC 9520825 9520847 9520783 +5V. +/-15V EXT. CPU BUS 2 3 J51 J52 J53 J54 J6 P/O SDM/CDM (SOL 31-38) 1 J3 NC J9 9520858 (SOL 21-28) SDM 2 9600930 J1 J6 6 J2 J7 7 J3 J8 8 J4 J9 9520858 J5 J10 9520837 SDM DATA, +5V 9520893 9520890 9520888 9520887 9212106 TO SL MIXER MOTOR TO BAR CODE READER TO SL RACK SENSORS TO SL TUBE SENS ASSY J16 SAMPLE LOADER CONTROLLER 4PLCS 9520255 ASY3A CONNECT THE DOOR AND PLATE TO CHASSIS GND. CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2A - 2 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Table of Contents $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV Table of Contents Figure 2B-1 Figure 2B-2 Figure 2B-3 Figure 2B-4 Figure 2B-5 Figure 2B-6 Figure 2B-7 Figure 2B-8 Figure 2B-9 Figure 2B-10 Figure 2B-11 Figure 2B-12 Figure 2B-13 Figure 2B-14 Figure 2B-15 Figure 2B-16 Figure 2B-17 Figure 2B-18 Figure 2B-19 Figure 2B-20 ADC Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ADC Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DAC Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Measurement & Subsystem Block Diagram . . 5 Solenoid Driver Modules 1, 2 & SDM/CDM . . . 6 Solenoid Driver Modules 5, 6, 9. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Motor Driver Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 CS Sensor Interface Block Diagram . . . . . . . . 9 S/L Sensor Interface Block Diagram . . . . . . . 10 Vacuum/Pressure Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . 11 Power Distribution Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . 12 Computer Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Measurement Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Solenoid Control Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . 15 Motor Control Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Sensor Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Power Distribution Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . 18 Normal 10, 90 and 0, 90D Scattergrams . . . . 19 Normal 10, 90 and 0, 90D Scattergrams . . . . 20 Normal PLT and RBC Histograms . . . . . . . . . 21 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 1 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-1 ADC Block Diagram Figure 2B-1 Figure 2B-1ADC Block Diagram Display PC Module VPM High Speed Serial Link Tag Bus SPM High Speed External CPU Bus FCM MAM CPU/DCM MUX DAC Control Bus MPM Serial Bus MPM Peripheral Bus Serial RS-485 Bus To SHM1 (Aspiration Tower Control) 32043 Serial RS-485 Bus To SHM2 (Sample Loader Control) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 2 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-2 ADC Block Diagram Figure 2B-2 ADC Block Diagram Display PC Module High Speed Serial Link ADC1 A/D MUX ADC3 ADC2 Tag Bus CPU/DCM ADC4 MAM SPM FCM MUX DAC Control CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 VPM 32044 2B - 3 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-3 DAC Block Diagram Figure 2B-3 DAC Block Diagram Display PC Module High Speed Serial Link DAC1 D/A DAC2 DAC3 CPU/DCM DAC4 MAM SPM FCM MUX DAC Control CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 VPM 32045 2B - 4 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-4 Measurement & Subsystem Figure 2B-4 Measurement & Subsystem Block Diagram Display PD 0 o PAM 0 o Lin 10 o Lin PD 10 o PAM 90 o Lin 90 o D Lin PMT 90 o PAM MAM PC Module 0 o Log 10 o Log High Speed Serial Link SPM Analog Out VDYN Tag Bus PMT 90 o D PAM CPU/DCM VDYN External CPU Bus HGB Flow Cell CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Peripheral Bus LED Current HGB Signal HGB Voltage FCM 32046 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 5 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-5 Solen Dr Mod 1, 2 & SDM/CDM Figure 2B-5 Solenoid Driver Modules 1, 2 & SDM/CDM Solenoid Data Bus 3-1 WC2 Vacuum Supply (5" Hg) 3-2 WC2 Pressure (12 psi) 3-3 RBC Diluent Syringe Supply 3-4 CS Probe Diluent Flush (NC) CLK 3-6 CS Vent Trap Drain (WC3) SDM/CDM 3-7 CS Probe Drain (WC4) (CDM1) 3-8 CS Vent Trap Vent 4-1 NOC Sample Staging 4-7 ON/OFF 4-8 CW/CCW Motor Drive Module DC Y-Valve Motor 1-1 Shear Valve Diluent Flush 1-2 Sample Aspiration Vacuum FCM 1-3 Shear Valve Drain (WC4) CLK 1-4 Open Sample Probe Drain (WC4) S D M 1 1-5 Open Sample Probe Diluent Flush (NC) 1-6 Spare 1-7 WC4 Vacuum Supply (12" Hg) 1-8 WC4 Pressure Supply (12 psi) Peripheral Bus 2-1 RBC Mixing Chamber Drain 2-2 Sample Injection Syringe Sheath Supply CPU/ DCM 2-3 Main WBC Lyse Supply (NC) 2-4 HGB Lyse Syringe Output SDM 2 CLK 2-5 WBC Lyse Syringe Output 2-6 Diluent Syringe HGB Dilution 2-7 Diluent Syringe RBC Dilution 2-8 Main HGB Lyse Supply (NC) 1 12 psi Accumulator Vent 2 9 psi Pressure Supply VPM 3 5 psi Pressure Supply 4 12" Hg Accumulator Vent 5 Vacuum #2 Vacuum Supply 32047 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 6 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-6 Solenoid Dr Modules 5, 6, 9 Figure 2B-6 Solenoid Driver Modules 5, 6, 9 Solenoid Data Bus FCM CLK SDM 5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 HGB Flow Cell Vent Staging Pump Input WBC Cup Vent RBC/PLT Sample Staging WBC Sample Staging Optical Flow Cell Output Optical Flow Cell Drain Spare SDM 6 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 Sheath Reservoir Vacuum (12" Hg) Diluent Reservoir Vacuum (12" Hg) Diluent Reservoir Pressure (5 psi) Sheath Reservoir Pressure (9 psi) Sheath Reservoir Output (NC) Diluent Reservoir Output (NC) WC1 Pressure (12 psi) WC1 Vent SDM 9 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 Optical Flow Cell Sheath Flow WBC Cup Drain (WC3) HGB Flow Cell Drain (WC3) HGB Flow Cell Diluent Flush RBC Mixing Chamber Diluent Flush WBC Mixing Chamber Diluent Flush WC4 Vacuum (12" Hg) WC4 Pressure (12 psi) CDM 2 Peripheral Bus CPU/ DCM CLK CLK 32048 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 7 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-7 Motor Driver Block Diagram Figure 2B-7 Motor Driver Block Diagram Aspiration Probe Up/Down A SHM1 DC Barcode Spin RS-485 Serial Bus MPM Serial Bus MPM CPU/DCM Driver Motor A A Sample Delivery Syringe B B HGB Lyse Syringe C C WBC Lyse Syringe D D RBC Diluent Syringe E E Open Probe Up/Down G G Sample Staging Pump AC Vacuum Pump Peripheral Bus VPM AC Pressure Pump Limit Switch (CW) Shear Valve Driver FCM 4-7 SCM/CDM 4-8 DC Shear Valve Motor Limit Switch (CCW) ON/OFF CW/CCW Motor Drive Module DC Y-Valve Motor 32049 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 8 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-8 CS Sensor Interface Block Figure 2B-8 CS Sensor Interface Block Diagram Display Vacuum Accumulator #1 Wet VPM Vacuum Accumulator #2 Wet PC Module High Speed Serial Link Diluent Empty WBC Lyse Empty HGB Lyse Empty CPU/DCM Peripheral Bus External Waste Full CDM2 RS-485 Serial Bus Diluent Reservior Full Sheath Reservoir Full FCM Tube Height (S1) Tube Height (S2) SHM1 Shear Valve Driver GS1 Home Door Closed Sample Cover Interface Board Limit Switch (CCW) Limit Switch (CW) Ultrasonic Short Sample Y-Valve Closed Mode Sensor Short Sample Interface Board MDM Y-Valve Open Mode Sensor 32050 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 9 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-9 S/L Sensor Interface Block Figure 2B-9 S/L Sensor Interface Block Diagram Third Tube Sensor Typical Tube Sensor Fourth Tube Sensor J11 25 KHZ LED Drive RS-485 Bus To CPU/DCM Power From PDM Tube J16 SHM2 J12 Load Side Empty Sensor J9 U. S. Fourth Rack Sensor U. S. Fifth Rack Sensor Mixer Home Sensor (Up) J10 Mixer Head Home Sensor 32105 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 10 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-10 Vacuum/Pressure Block Figure 2B-10 Vacuum/Pressure Block Diagram Vacuum/Pressure Module 32051 ADC4 Analog Multiplexer Multiplexer & Sample and Hold Circuitry Threshold Setpoints DAC4 P1 SPP1 Pres #1 Regulator 12 psi P2 SPP2 P1 P2 P3 V1 V2 P3 V1 SPP3 Pres #2 Regulator 9 psi V2 SPV1 Pres #3 Regulator 5 psi SPV2 Vac #1 Regulator 12" Hg V3 Vac #2 Regulator (Variable) V5 Relay PCB Relay PCB V2 Pressure Pump Pres #1 Accumulator 12 psi Pres #2 Accumulator 9 psi Pres #3 Accumulator 5 psi Vacuum Pump V1 V4 Vent Vent CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Vac #1 Accumulator 12" Hg Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 Vac #2 Accumulator 5" Hg (Varies) 2B - 11 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-11 Power Distribution Block Figure 2B-11 Power Distribution Block Diagram AC Line Pow er Sw itch MAIN POWER SUPPLY PDM J2 J3 J13 + 5, GND-PC MB + 12, -12, GND, PF-PC MB + 5, -15, GND-MAM, SPM, CPU J4 + 5, + 24, GND-MDM + 5V J5 Filter (CORCOM) J5 + 12V -12V + 24V GND + 5, + 12, -12, + 24-MPM J1 J6 J7 Spare + 5, + 15, -15, GND-VPM, FCM J8 Fuse J4 (Rear) + 15V -15V J10 J9 GND AC Voltage Selector J11 J12 J13 + 5. + 12, GND-Hard Drive + 5. + 12, GND-Floppy Drive + 5, + 15, -15, GND-SHM1 + 5, + 15, -15, GND-SHM2 Transformer J4 (Top) 115VA C LASER P/S + 2400VDC LASER 115VAC, Rear Fan J7 115VAC, Side Fan J8 115VAC, PRM J2 32052 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 12 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-12 Computer Block Diagram Figure 2B-12 Computer Block Diagram H ar d D i s k Flo p p y D is k D r iv e D ri v e C PU / D C M K e y b o ard HSSL M o t h er b o a rd Pa r a lle l/ S e ria l Po rt s H SS L C o n t r o ller Pa r a lle l/ S e ria l Po rt s Bu s V id e o D is p la y C o n t r o ller 32053 M e m b r a n e K e y b o a rd Po w er V id e o D is p la y S u p p ly M o d u le CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL C RT Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 13 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-13 Measurement Block Diagram Figure 2B-13 Measurement Block Diagram TP1 TP3 J10 6 Amplifiers CH 1 Lin CH 2 Lin CH 3 Lin CH 4 Lin CH 1 Log CH 2 Log Lin Amplifiers 4 TP2 0 Photodiode Preamp SPM MAM J1 TP8 2 Log Amplifiers J15 J6 1 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 11 CH 1 Lin CH 2 Lin CH 3 Lin CH 4 Lin CH 1 Log CH 2 Log J7 Peak Hold Circuits Amplifier MUX 1 ADC3 2 To CPU/DCM 3 AGND AGND TP1 Amplifiers AGND J1 TP4 J12 6 Lin Amplifiers 4 FCM TP2 10 Photodiode Preamp TP9 2 J18 HGB Voltage TP7 TP1 Log Amplifiers HGB Flow Cell AGND AGND LED Current Amplifier 1 2 3 4 5 J25 MUX Amplifier 1 ADC1 2 To CPU/DCM 3 AGND TP2 Amplifiers J2 TP5 J13 4 4 AGND AGND J24 Lin Amplifiers 1 TP3 PMT 2 VDYN/-100 AGND Amplifier 8 ADC4 From VPM 8 TP1 90 PMT Preamp 2 32055 AGND TP2 Amplifiers TP6 J14 4 4 8 8 Lin Amplifiers TP3 PMT VDYN/-100 AGND J2 TP2 TP1 90 D PMT Preamp 2 +10V Reference AGND CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 14 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-14 Solenoid Control Block Figure 2B-14 Solenoid Control Block Diagram CLK J1 CLK CLK J2 WC4 Vacuum Supply (12" Hg) WC4 Pressure (12 psi) RBC Diluent Syringe Supply CS Probe Diluent Flush (NC) CS Vent Trap Drain (WC3) CS Probe Drain (WC4) CS Vent Trap Vent NOC Sample Staging CLK CLK Peripheral Bus J2 J1 ON/OFF CW/CCW J6 Y Valve Motor J2 J1 J9 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J10 J7 J8 CDM2 J1 J2 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 Shear Valve Diluent Flush Sample Aspiration Vacuum Shear Valve Drain (WC4) Open Sample Probe Drain (WC4) Open Sample Probe Diluent Flush (NC) Spare WC2 Vacuum Supply (4" Hg) WC2 Pressure Supply (12 psi) 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 RBC Mixing Chamber Drain Sample Injection Syringe Sheath Supply Main WBC Lyse Supply (NC) HGB Lyse Syringe Output WBC Lyse Syringe Output Diluent Syringe HGB Dilution Diluent Syringe RBC Dilution Main HGB Lyse Supply (NC) 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 HGB Flow Cell Vent Staging Pump Input WBC Cup Vent RBC/PLT Sample Staging WBC Sample Staging Optical Flow Cell Output Optical Flow Cell Drain Spare J2 1 2 To 3 5 SDMB 6 7 J4 1 2 3 5 6 7 SDM6 J1 J9 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J10 J7 J8 J6 SDM1 SDM2 J1 J9 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J10 J7 J8 On CLK A 1 Hi CLK A 2 On CLK B 3 Hi CLK B From 4 On CLK C FCM 5 Hi CLK C 6 On CLK D 7 Hi CLK D 8 Reset 9 SDM5 DC 1 2 To 3 5 SDMA 6 7 J6 J1 J1 J9 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J10 J7 J8 J16 CPU/DCM J17 J1 +24V UR 5 From 4 +12V UR P. S. 3 UR RET 1 MDM J68 J67 J4 J19 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-1 J6 FCM J1 J3 J51 J52 J53 J54 J56 J9 J57 J58 J61 J3 CDM Connectors SDM/CDM Solenoid Data/+5V/5V Ret. 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 6-8 Sheath Reservoir Vacuum (12" Hg) Diluent Reservoir Vacuum (12" Hg) Diluent Reservoir Pressure (5 psi) Sheath Reservoir Pressure (9 psi) Sheath Reservoir Output (NC) Diluent Reservoir Output (NC) WC1 Pressure (12 psi) WC1 Vent 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 Optical Flow Cell Sheath Flow WBC Mixing Chamber Drain (WC3) HGB Flow Cell Drain (WC3) HGB Flow Cell Diluent Flush RBC Mixing Chamber Diluent Flush WBC Mixing Chamber Diluent Flush WC3 Vacuum (12" Hg) WC3 Pressure (12 psi) To SDMC J5 1 2 To 3 5 SDMD 6 7 SDM9 J1 J9 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J10 J7 J8 32056 VPM J17 RS-485 Bus J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 SHM1 Aspiration Tower J16 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 GS2 Stop Door Lock Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare Spare RS-485 Bus J16 J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 J1 SHM Solenoid Connector +24V J1-J8 On CLK 1 Hi CLK 1 On CLK 2 Hi CLK 2 On CLK 3 Hi CLK 3 On CLK 4 Hi CLK 4 Reset 1 J3 1 2 3 4 To 5 CDM1 6 7 8 9 15 PD0 PD1 PD2 PD3 PD4 PD5 PD6 PD7 +5V 1 2 3 4 To 5 SDMs 6 7 8 9 10 SDM Connectors & Driver Outputs J9 PD0 1 PD1 2 PD2 3 PD3 4 PD4 5 PD5 6 PD6 7 PD7 8 +5V 9 10 +24VUR Hi/Lo +12VUR Driver TP1 2 AGND On/Off SHM2 FCM Connectors 1 12 psi Accumulator Vent 2 9 psi Pressure Supply 3 5 psi Pressure Supply 4 12" Hg Accumulator Vent 5 Vacuum #2 Vacuum Supply Sample Loader V1 Rack Advance V2 Load Side Cross Transfer V3 Mixer Lift V4 Mixer Bladders V5 Unload Side Cross Transfer Spare Spare Spare CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Driver On CLK 5 Hi CLK 5 On CLK 6 Hi CLK 6 Reset J4 1 2 3 To 4 CDM2 9 15 +24VUR +12VUR UR RET On CLK 9 Hi CLK 9 Reset J1-J8 DGND DGND J2 1 2 To 3 5 SDM9 6 7 J10 +24VUR 1 +12VUR 2 UR RET 3 On CLK 5 Hi CLK 6 Reset 7 On/Off TP2 Driver Solenoid Drive 1 2 AGND Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 15 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-15 Motor Control Block Diagram Figure 2B-15 Motor Control Block Diagram MPM Stepper Motor Control Sample Loader Motor Control Aspiration Tower Motor Control J6 MPM Serial Link J3 JI JI CDB A J2 Delivery Syringe Mixer Stepper Motor GS1 Stepper Motor CPU/DCM J4 JI CDB J2 B HGB Lyse Syringe PH0 J5 JI CDB J2 C WBC Lyse Syringe PH0 J6 JI CDB J2 D RBC/HGB Diluent Syringe 1 PH0 1 Motor MPM JI J7 CDB J2 E Open Probe JI CDB J2 MPM Motor Control Block Diagram (Motor 0) G Sample Staging Pump J3 Ramping A/D Converter 8 FB- 9 +5V M0 PH0 M0 PH1 7 M0 PH1 J3 J3 TO CDB M0 Current Control Latch DC Shear Valve Motor Control 3 4 TO CDB 5 6 Barcode Spin Motor +24V 1 J8 Driver 2 2 M0 I1 M0 PH0 5 1 +24V Digital Control Bus M0 Phase Control Latch PH1 4 PH1 5 J3-J14 TO CDB M0 I0 J1 MPM Serial Link 4 Typical MPM Motor Control Output Connector FB+ Discharge SHM2 J13 PH1 PH1 J9 Discharge Complete PH0 2 J13 SHM1 J8 Microprocessor & Digital Control Motor 2 M0 I0 M0 I1 4 TO CDB 5 M1-M11 Control Latches J4-J14 6 FCM J8 7 1 +5V 1 3 DGND 3 4 5 FB+ J2 On/Off 4 CW/CCW 5 Shear Valve J4 Driver Module 1 3 + Drive - Drive DC 8 FB- Shear Valve Motor 9 10 Y-Valve Motor Control CDB Block Diagram Chopper Driver Board J1 PH0 J2 6 4 5 TO MPM 7 2 Stepper Motor Phase 0 Driver I0 I1 MA PH0 1 MB PH0 2 Motor PH1 Stepper Motor Phase 1 Driver +24V 3 +5V MA MB PH1 J67 2 8 9 FB+ FB- CW/CCW FB- 2 DC 2 J1 4 5 Pump Relay Board GND Winding Voltage Feedback (Diagnostics) Y-Valve Motor 1 MDM J14 3+ FB+ 2 J2 Vacuum & Pressure Pump Control PH1 TP1 1 On/Off J68 2 SDM/CDM 1 VPM J18 3 4 +5V Vac. Pump On Pres. Pump On 4- AC In 1 K1 AC Out 2 F1 Line 1 Neutral J4 2 115VAC In Vacuum Pump 1 J1 1 J3 3 2 AC 4 3+ AC In 1 K2 4- AC Out 2 32057 1 J2 2 AC Pressure Pump CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 16 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-16 Sensor Block Diagram Figure 2B-16 Sensor Block Diagram Typical FCM & VPM Fluid Sensor Input Reagent Empty In-Line Sensors Aspiration Tower Sensors IFSB Electrode + FLUID LINE Electrode - E1 Diluent Empty E2 WBC Lyse Empty E4 HGB Lyse Empty J1 E5 GS1 Home Sensor 1 1 2 2 4 4 +5V Tube Height Sensor (S2) E6 J26 E8 GND 6 Typical SHM Optical Sensor Input 3 Tube Height Sensor (S1) J9-10 6 J10 9 Cover Sensor 3 Door Sensor 6 6 SHM1 Typical SHM Magnetic Sensor Input J9 CDM2 Reagent & Waste Level Sensors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 In In In In Sample Loader Sensors External Waste Full 1 J7 10 10 Diluent Reservoir Level 1 J8 11 11 13 13 J2 J6 Sheath Reservoir Level Load Side Empty Sensor 1 J10 GND 15 DGND 3 U. S. Fifth Rack Sensor 6 J9 U. S. Fouth Rack Sensor 9 Mixer Head Home Sensor 3 Typical SHM Tube Sensor Input +5V J11 SHM2 15 J10 Mixer Lifter Up Sensor 6 Second Sample Sensor Board FCM +5V Fourth Tube Sensor 4 Third Tube Sensor 8 J11 TP4 TP2 1 +5V 1 2 J14 2 Ref J1 3 AGND 3 Vacuum Accumulator Sensors In 25KHZ LED Drive In AGND Vacuum #1 Wet 1 J1 Vacuum #2 Wet VPM 1 J2 AGND 25KHZ LED Drive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Y-Valve Sensors Closed Mode Sensor 2 J4 Open Mode Sensor 2 J5 Ultrasonic Short Sample Sensor Board MDM 1 +5V 1 J1 2 3 2 J11 AGND Typical MDM Optical Sensor Input 3 +5V Shear Valve Driver Module Limit Sensor Baord 2 J1 3 4 +5V Valve CCW Valve CW 2 3 4 1 J1 TP1 3 J2 6 DGND 6 6 7 J4-J5 +5V 1 2 3 1 DGND 3 Valve CW In J8 6 Valve CCW AGND 7 RBC Overpressure Sensor NO +5V GND 2 J10 3 32058 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 17 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-17 Power Distribution Block Figure 2B-17 Power Distribution Block Diagram Main Power Supply Power Connectors Power Distribution Module Power Connectors J1 BACK J501 PWR Fail PWR Fail 1 2 -12V 3 +12V 4 +24V 5 GND 1 6 GND 1 7 +5V 8 +5V 9 J8 To FCM-J21 VPM-J12 1 2 3 4 5 6 +5V GND 2 TP8 +15V GND 2 -15V +15V TP2 -12V J9 Input From P.S. J4 1 2 3 4 -15V GND 2 KEY +15V TP7 +24V PWR Fail +5V +12V -12V GND 1 GND 1 J10 To PC Hard Disk +12V 1 GND 2 2 GND 2 3 +5V 4 TP1 TP5 J11 To PC Floppy Disk 1 2 3 4 +12V GND 2 GND 2 +5V GND 1 GND 2 GND 1 -15V +24V 1 2 +5V 3 4 +15V 5 -15V 6 GND 2 7 GND 2 8 To SHM 2-J12 To PDM-J1 To CDM2-J3 FCM-J5 J3 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J5 +24V 1 +5V 2 GND 1 3 To PC Motherboard To MAM-J3 SPM-J3 CPU/DCM-J14 To SDM/CDM-J3 To Shear Valve Driver-J3 To PDM-J9 +5V +24V +5V +15V -15V GND 2 TP3 J6 -12V +12V +24V GND 1 GND 1 GND 1 +5V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 From P. S. J1/J2 -12V +12V +24V GND 1 GND 1 +5V +5V J2 J1 UR RET 1 3 4 +12V UR 5 +24V UR 1 To 2 SDMB 3 J2 UR RET 1 3 4 +12V UR 5 +24V UR J4 1 2 3 J5 J4 1 -15V 2 GND 2 3 +15V 1 To 2 SDMD 3 FCM Power Connectors To PRM-J4 To MPM-J2 To Laser Power Supply J7 TP4 +12V Typical MPM Motor Control Output Connector J3-J14 -12V 1 +12V 2 3 GND 1 4 GND 1 5 GND 1 6 7 +5V 8 J2 115VAC 1 2 Neutral TOP J4 115VAC 1 Neutral 2 To Rear Fan J7 115VAC 1 2 Neutral Spare To Side Fan J8 115VAC 1 Neutral 2 1 +24V +5V M0 I0 M0 I1 M0 PH0 M0 PH1 FB+ FB- To SDMC J3 +24V UR 1 2 RET -15V GND 2 CDM 1 & 2 Power Connectors J1 +24V UR 1 5 To +12V UR 4 2 SDMA UR RET 3 3 1 J3 To MDM-J3 TP6 J13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 To PC Motherboard J4 +5V +5V GND 1 GND 1 J12 To SHM 1-J12 J2 GND 1 1 GND 1 2 +5V 3 4 +5V 5 +5V 6 Input From P.S. J501 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 J3 To SDMs-J9 To SDM9-J10 To Shear Valve Driver-J2 To Ultrasonic Sample Sensor-J3 To Second Sample Sensor-J1 9 +5V 10 GND J4 +24V UR 1 2 +12V UR 3 UR RET J8 1 +5V 3 GND J11 1 +5V 3 GND J14 1 +5V 3 GND 3 4 5 6 TO CDB Note: Pin configurations on the assemblies that are not shown are the same as those shown. 32059 7 8 9 10 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 18 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-18 Normal 10,90 & 0,90D S'grams Figure 2B-18 Normal 10, 90 and 0, 90D Scattergrams CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 19 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-19 Normal 10,90 & 0,90D S'grams Figure 2B-19 Normal 10, 90 and 0, 90D Scattergrams 4 th Cut 3 rd Cut N M E E L 0° Size 90° Dep N B M 0° B - Basophil E - Eosinophil CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL B L 10° Complexity L - Lymphocyte M - Monocyte 32103 N - Neutrophil Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 20 $SSHQGL[#5%#0#6\VWHP#%ORFN#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2B-20 Norm PLT & RBC Histograms Figure 2B-20 Normal PLT and RBC Histograms RBC/PLT PLT 3 2 1 PLT 1. Curve Starts to the Right of the Lower Threshold. RBC 2. Single Peak 32104 3. Good Distance From Lower Threshold at Peak CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2B - 21 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Table of Contents $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV Table of Contents Figure 2C-1 Flow Diagram, Complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 2C-2 Sample Loader Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Figure 2C-3 Vacuum/Pressure Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 2C-4 Reagent Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Figure 2C-5 Sample Aspiration Flow Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 2C-6 Dilution and Mixing Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 2C-7 Sample Staging Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 2C-8 Sample Delivery Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2C-9 Waste Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Figure 2C-10 Vent Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Service Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 1 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-1 Flow Diagram, Complete Figure 2C-1 Flow Diagram, Complete REAGENT & WASTE PANEL MUFFLER BLOOD/IN EMPTY SENSORS PRES PUMP 62 63 61 64 HGB DIL/IN FILTER WBC LYSE FRONT VALVE 1 DILUENT RESERVOIR REAR VALVE HGB LYSE SHEATH RESERVOIR 28 23 PS1 TOP HGB LYSE (BLU) SENSOR RBC DIL/IN, FARSIDE RBC/OUT TO AIR TO AIR WBC DIL/IN, FARSIDE HGB/OUT DILUENT WBC LYSE WASTE TO AIR BLOOD/OUT, FARSIDE WBC/OUT HGB LYSE ACC 1 PRES 1 FILTER (SMALL) WBC LYSE (VIO) 66 TO AIR (12 psi) DILUENT (RED) FILTER (LARGE) 2 WBC FLOW CELL 91 65 96 94 DILUENT (RED) 1 2 3 4 5 56 53 WBC OUT PS2 ACC 2 PRES 2 (9 psi) 95 3 RBC MIXING CHAMBER 52 HGB 12 uL RBC 1.67 uL WBC M. C. 51 HGB OUT WBC 20 uL MOTOR-X BLOOD SAMPLE VALVE VENT ACC 22 MOTOR-G RBC DIL RBC OUT 11 12 41 MOTOR-A VENT Y-VALVE 47,48 TO SAMPLE LOADER (SL MODEL ONLY) 21 VAC 14 15 PUMP 92 TO AIR 26 25 38 MOTOR-E 24 33 10 mL RBC DIL SYRINGE SY4 34 WC-4 TO AIR VENT TRAP WC-3 SENSOR 37 ACC 4 DRAIN 31 32 5 PS5 97 CLOSED MODE PROBE 98 MOTOR-C WC-2 2.5 mL HGB LYSE SY2 2.5 mL WBC LYSE SYRINGE SY3 MOTOR-D 4 VAC 1 (12" Hg) 68 17 27 OPEN SAMPLE PROBE 67 93 PRESSURE SWITCH VAC 1 (GRN) PS4 500 uL SAMPLE INJECTION SY1 TRAP TRAP MUFFLER TRAP HGB FLOW CELL ULTRASONIC SENSOR 13 SENSOR TO AIR PERISTALTIC PUMP 55 HGB DIL PS3 ACC 3 PRES 3 (5 psi) 57 WBC LYSE SAMPLE SENSOR 2 SENSOR 54 MOTOR-B WC-1 18 36 VAC 1 (GRN) VAC 2 (BRN) SENSOR PRESS 1 (ORN) ACC 5 VAC 2 (VAR.) 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN WASTE (BLK) 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED DRAIN VAC 2 (BRN) AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR 32060 CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 2 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-2 Sample Loader Flow Diagram Figure 2C-2 Sample Loader Flow Diagram 12 psi 12" Hg. 5um Filter 3-Way Valve NC Out .010" Orifice Rack Advance NO V1 3-Way Valve Load Side Cross Transfer NC Out .016" Orifice NO V2 3-Way Valve NC Unload Side Cross Transfer Out .016" Orifice NO V5 3-Way Valve Mixer Head Up/Down To Air NC Out .016" Orifice NO V3 3-Way Valve 5 psi NC Out Mixer Bladders NO V4 Regulator 32061 CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 3 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-3 Vacuum/Pressure Flow Diagram Figure 2C-3 Vacuum/Pressure Flow Diagram REAGENT & WASTE PANEL TO AIR MUFFLER WASTE 62 PRES PUMP 63 61 64 SENSORS TO AIR TO AIR FILTER 1 DILUENT RESERVOIR SHEATH RESERVOIR PS1 SENSOR ACC 1 PRES 1 (12 psi) 12 psi 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN 9 psi 2 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED PS2 5 psi 12" Hg AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR VAC 2 (Varies) SENSOR CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW ACC 2 PRES 2 (9 psi) 3 TRAP PS3 SENSOR ACC 3 PRES 3 (5 psi) TRAP TRAP 67 17 TO SAMPLE LOADER (SL MODEL ONLY) TO AIR MUFFLER VAC PUMP VAC 1 (GRN) PS4 WC-2 WC-4 TO AIR WC-1 WC-3 SENSOR ACC 4 18 4 VAC 1 (12" Hg) DRAIN 5 PS5 31 32 97 98 VAC 1 (GRN) VAC 2 (BRN) SENSOR PRESS 1 (ORN) ACC 5 VAC 2 (VAR.) 32062 DRAIN CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL VAC 2 (BRN) Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 4 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-4 Reagent Flow Diagram Figure 2C-4 Reagent Flow Diagram REAGENT & WASTE PANEL BLOOD/OUT, FARSIDE WBC/OUT HGB LYSE DILUENT WBC LYSE WBC DIL/IN, FARSIDE HGB/OUT BLOOD/IN EMPTY SENSORS HGB DIL/IN RBC DIL/IN, FARSIDE RBC/OUT WBC LYSE FRONT VALVE DILUENT RESERVOIR REAR VALVE HGB LYSE SHEATH RESERVOIR 28 23 TOP HGB LYSE (BLU) FILTER (SMALL) WBC LYSE (VIO) 66 WBC FLOW CELL 91 65 DILUENT (RED) 96 94 DILUENT (RED) 12345 WBC LYSE 95 RBC MIXING CHAMBER MOTOR-X BLOOD SAMPLE VALVE WBC 20 uL HGB 12 uL RBC 1.67 uL WBC M. C. HGB OUT HGB DIL 22 MOTOR-G RBC DIL RBC OUT HGB FLOW CELL 11 500 uL SAMPLE INJECTION SY1 DILUENT/SHEATH MOTOR-A SHEATH HGB LYSE PRESSURE SWITCH WBC LYSE 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN 15 27 OPEN SAMPLE PROBE 25 10 mL RBC DIL SYRINGE SY4 34 AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 24 33 MOTOR-E 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED 26 2.5 mL HGB LYSE SY2 2.5 mL WBC LYSE SYRINGE SY3 MOTOR-D MOTOR-C 32063 MOTOR-B CLOSED MODE PROBE Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 5 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-5 Sample Aspiration Flow Figure 2C-5 Sample Aspiration Flow Diagram 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN SAMPLE SENSOR 2 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED WBC 20 uL MOTOR-X BLOOD SAMPLE VALVE HGB 12 uL RBC 1.67 uL AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW ULTRASONIC SENSOR 12 Y-VALVE 47,48 TO AIR TRAP 17 OPEN SAMPLE PROBE 38 WC-2 MOTOR-E VENT TRAP CLOSED MODE 32064 PS5 VAC 2 (BRN) SENSOR OPEN MODE SAMPLE ACC 5 VAC 2 (VAR.) CLOSED MODE SAMPLE OPEN/CLOSED MODE SAMPLE VAC 2 (BRN) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL VACUUM #2 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 6 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-6 Dilution and Mixing Flow Figure 2C-6 Dilution and Mixing Flow Diagram (1) RBC/PLT WBC FLOW CELL TO AIR FILTER (LARGE) 1 2345 54 53 52 (2) WBC WBC M. C. 51 (3) NOC 55 VENT ACC PERISTALTIC PUMP MOTOR-G RBC MIXING CHAMBER HGB FLOW CELL 41 32066 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN RBC/PLT STAGING WBC STAGING 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR NOC STAGING STAGING PUMP LINES WC-1 MIXING CHAMBER VENTS CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 7 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-7 Sample Staging Flow Diagram Figure 2C-7 Sample Staging Flow Diagram (1) RBC/PLT WBC FLOW CELL TO AIR FILTER (LARGE) 1 2345 54 53 52 (2) WBC WBC M. C. 51 (3) NOC 55 VENT ACC PERISTALTIC PUMP MOTOR-G RBC MIXING CHAMBER HGB FLOW CELL 41 32066 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN RBC/PLT STAGING WBC STAGING 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR NOC STAGING STAGING PUMP LINES WC-1 MIXING CHAMBER VENTS CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 8 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-8 Sample Delivery Flow Diagram Figure 2C-8 Sample Delivery Flow Diagram SHEATH RESERVOIR TOP TO AIR FILTER (SMALL) WBC FLOW CELL 91 65 DILUENT (RED) FILTER (LARGE) 12345 56 (1) RBC (2) WBC (3) NOC VENT ACC 500 uL SAMPLE INJECTION SY1 MOTOR-A 68 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN SAMPLE DELIVERY FLOW CELL OUT 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED WASTE CHAMBER #1 VENT AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR SHEATH FLOW 32067 WC-1 CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 9 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-9 Waste Flow Diagram Figure 2C-9 Waste Flow Diagram BLOOD/OUT, FARSIDE WBC/OUT WBC DIL/IN, FARSIDE HGB/OUT BLOOD/IN WASTE HGB DIL/IN RBC DIL/IN, FARSIDE RBC/OUT FRONT VALVE REAR VALVE WBC FLOW CELL 12345 56 57 52 WBC M. C. WBC 20 uL HGB 12 uL RBC 1.67 uL MOTOR-G RBC MIXING CHAMBER TRAP HGB FLOW CELL 12 92 13 32068 PERISTALTIC PUMP TRAP TRAP 93 Y-VALVE 47,48 21 OPEN SAMPLE PROBE 14 WC-2 MOTOR-E WC-4 WC-1 VENT TRAP WC-3 37 ACC 4 VAC 1 (12" Hg) CLOSED MODE PROBE DRAIN 36 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN ACC 5 VAC 2 (VAR.) WASTE (BLK) WASTE CHAMBER #1 WASTE WASTE CHAMBER #2 WASTE 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED DRAIN AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR WASTE CHAMBER #3 WASTE WASTE CHAMBER #4 WASTE MAIN WASTE OUT CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 10 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Figure 2C-10 Vent Flow Diagram Figure 2C-10 Vent Flow Diagram TO AIR 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY OPEN MUFFLER 2 WAY PINCH VALVE NORMALLY CLOSED PRES PUMP AIR FLOW RESTRICTOR TO AIR TO AIR FILTER 1 CHECK VALVE. ARROW SHOWS DIRECTION OF FLOW TO AIR VENT TO AIR FILTER (LARGE) ACC 1 PRES 1 53 (12 psi) 51 WBC M. C. VENT ACC RBC MIXING CHAMBER HGB FLOW CELL TO AIR MUFFLER 68 VAC TO AIR PUMP TO AIR 38 32069 WC-1 ACC 4 VAC 1 (12" Hg) CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 4 VENT TRAP Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 11 $SSHQGL[#5&#0#6\VWHP#)ORZ#'LDJUDPV • Service Commands Service Commands DIAGNOSTICS 3200 Hidden Screens SET POINT ENTRY From the Menu listed, press the function keys indicated to access the desired Service Screen. LATEX/BLOOD COMPARE TOGGLE CS/SL Example: To access the Set Point Entry Screen, enter the DIAGNOSTICS Menu then press F12/F1. From Main Menu: Pressing F12/F1 accesses the following Commands. DIAG FUNCTIONS ERROR LOG F12/F8 to go to C:\CD3200 prompt STORE RAW ON/OFF DEBUG ON/OFF From C:\CD3200 prompt: Pressing DIAG FUNCTIONS accesses the following commands. Type rl to reboot to Initialized Type rl /nopri to reboot to Ready PEEK COMMAND (Use only if Analyzer was in the Ready Mode before entering DOS.) POKE COMMAND MOTOR CONTROL CALIBRATION CELL-DYN® 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL F12/F1 accesses Dilution Factors Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 2C - 12 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • Table of Contents 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV Table of Contents 5.1 5.2 5.3 How to Use This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Verification Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Verification Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 VP-1 System Voltage Verification/Adjustment. . . . . . . . 5 VP-2 A/D Verification/10 Volt Reference Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 VP-3 MAM Reference Voltage Verification/ Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 VP-4 VPM Reference Voltage Verification/ Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 VP-5 HGB Current Verification/Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . 8 VP-6 Motor Power Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 VP-7 Motor Operation Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 VP-8 Motor Homing Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 VP-9 Solenoid Bank Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 VP-10 Individual Solenoid Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 VP-11 Bar Code Reader Verification/Alignment . . . . . . 10 VP-12 Specimen Sensor #2 Verification/Adjustment . . 11 VP-13 LSI Loopback Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 VP-14 MAM & SPM Signal Generator Verification . . . . 12 VP-15 Vacuum & Pressure Retention Verification . . . . 12 VP-16 Vacuum & Pressure Level Verification/Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 VP-17 Vacuum & Pressure Recovery Verification. . . . . 13 VP-18 Laser Replacement/Alignment Procedure . . . . . 14 VP-19 Front/Rear Mirror Replacement/Alignment Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 VP-20 Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment. . . 17 VP-21 Optical Flow Cell Coarse Alignment . . . . . . . . . . 21 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL VP-22 VP-23 VP-24 VP-25 VP-26 VP-27 VP-28 VP-29 VP-30 VP-31 VP-32 VP-33 VP-34 VP-35 VP-36 VP-37 VP-38 VP-39 VP-40 VP-41 VP-42 VP-43 VP-44 VP-45 VP-46 VP-47 VP-48 VP-49 PMT Dynode Voltage Verification/Adjustment . . 22 WBC Gain Verification/Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . 23 WBC OPTI-CAL Verification/Adjustment. . . . . . . 24 NOC Gain Adjustment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 RBC/PLT 0° Gain Verification/Adjustment . . . . . 27 RBC/PLT 10° Gain Verification/Adjustment . . . . 28 MAM 0° & 10° Log Amplifier Verification . . . . . . . 29 0° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/Adjustmen. . . 32 10° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/ Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Aspirate/Vent Needle Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 GS2 Stop Solenoid Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Bar Code Spin Assembly Verification . . . . . . . . . 35 Tube Height Sensors (S1/S2) Verification. . . . . . 35 Mixer Up/Down Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Mixer Head Rotation Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Mixer Bladders Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Rack Advance & Tube Sensors Verification . . . . 37 Cross Transfer Arms & Rack Sensors Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Rack Bar Code Labels Verification . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Mixer Bladders Pressure Verification/ Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Shear Valve Driver Lubrication Procedure . . . . . 39 Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Optical Flow Cell Cleaning & De-Bubble Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Optical Flow Cell Wetting Procedure. . . . . . . . . . 45 Laser Power Output Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Optical Offsets Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Shear Valve Cleaning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 HGB Flow Cell Cleaning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . 48 Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-1 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • 5.1 How to Use This Chapter VP-50 Open Mode Aspiration Path Cleaning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-51 Closed Mode Aspiration Path Cleaning Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-52 Power-Up CPU/DCM 7-Segment LED Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-53 Software Installation Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-54 Hard Drive Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-55 Floppy Drive Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-56 Background Counts Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-57 System CV Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-58 System Calibration Verification/Adjustment . . . . VP-59 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Rinsing Procedure . . . VP-60 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure . . . VP-61 Hard Drive Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-62 DOS Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-63 CS/SL SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-64 Backup Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-65 Restore Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-66 List Mode Data Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VP-67 Download HSSL Com. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User and System Conventions 49 50 Menu selections are identified by square bullets. For example: 51 51 51 52 53 53 54 54 55 56 57 57 58 58 58 59 5.1 How to Use This Chapter This chapter contains: • Verification Matrix containing all VPs required to ensure System integrity after a part is replaced • Step-by-step illustrated procedures to verify, align, calibrate, and maintain components, assemblies, and functions of the CD3200 Analyzer and Autoloader – – Menu Selections 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ TOWER TEST or: a. Press „ ACCEPT to enter the new factors for the parameters that need calibration. User Entries User-typed entries are shown in bold, italicized type. For example: a. At C:\ prompt type CD\RAWFILE, and press „ ENTER b. Type DIR, and Press „ ENTER A list of conditions indicating the need to perform a particular procedure Required tools and materials for each procedure CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-2 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • 5.1 How to Use This Chapter 5.2 Verification Matrix REPLACED ASSEMBLY ASSOCIATED VPs (Perform In Order Listed) VP-35, VP-36, VP-37, VP-38, VP-39, VP-40, VP-41 REPLACED ASSEMBLY ASSOCIATED VPs (Perform In Order Listed) Sample Handler Module #2 0 Degree Preamp VP-23, VP-19, VP-26, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 HGB Flow Cell 10 Degree Preamp VP-23, VP-19, VP-27, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Motor Driver Module VP-7 Sample Sensor #2 VP-12 90 Degree PMT Preamp VP-22, VP-23, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Pump Relay Module VP-17, VP-16 VP-22, VP-23, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Barcode Reader VP-10, VP-40 90 Degree PMT Preamp Aspiration Tower VP-31, VP-32, VP-33, VP-34 Main Amplifier Module VP-3, VP-28, VP-23, VP-26, VP-27, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Sample Loader VP-35, VP-36, VP-37, VP-38, VP-39, VP-40, VP-41 Signal Processor Module VP-23,VP-26, VP-27, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Optics Bench CPU/DCM VP-67, VP-52, VP-2, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 VP-45, VP-22, VP-20, VP-23, VP-24, VP-25, VP-26, VP-27, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Laser Head VP-18,VP-20, VP-23, VP-24, VP-25, VP-26, VP-27, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Optics Bench Mirror VP-19, VP-20, VP-23, VP-24, VP-25, VP-26, VP-27, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 VP-19, VP-20, VP-23, VP-24, VP-25, VP-26, VP-27 Flow Control Module Vacuum/Pressure Module Motor Processor Module Power Supply Module VP-5, VP-9 VP-4, VP-16, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 VP-6, VP-7 Shear Valve Driver Module VP-1, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 VP-5, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 VP-7, VP-57 Laser Power Supply VP-46 Optical Flow Cell Solenoid Driver Module SDM/CDM VP-9 Syringe Driver Assembly VP-6, VP-7, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Peri-Pump Assembly VP-6, VP-8, VP-7, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Sample Handler Module #1 VP-31, VP-32, VP-33, VP-34 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-3 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • 5.1 How to Use This Chapter REPLACED ASSEMBLY ASSOCIATED VPs (Perform In Order Listed) S. Valve Center Ceramic VP-1, VP-56, VP-57, VP-58 Hard Disk Drive Floppy Disk Drive VP-53, VP-54 VP-55 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-4 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-1 System Voltage Verification/Adjustment 5.3 Verification Procedures VP-1 System Voltage Verification/Adjustment Required Tools & Materials: Table 5-1 Voltage Specifications Test Point Function Range Ripple PSM-TP4 Analog Ground N/A N/A PSM-TP2 +12 VDC UREG 15.0V-19.6V < 3.0V PP • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver PSM-TP1 +24 VDC UREG 28.9V-37.7V < 7.0V PP • Digital Voltmeter PSM-TP7 N/A N/A N/A • Clip Leads PSM-TP6 N/A N/A N/A • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool PSM-TP3 +15 VDC 14.6V-15.4V < 75MV PP PSM-TP5 -15 VDC 14.6V-15.4V < 75MV PP N/A -12 VDC 11.50-12.50V <75MV PP N/A +12 VDC 11.50-12.50V <75MV PP N/A +5 VDC 5.00V-5.40V <75MV PP N/A +24 VDC REG 24.0-25.0 <75MV PP Verification Procedure: 1. Open right side door to gain access to power supply. 2. Refer to Figure 5-1. Connect voltmeter ground lead to TP4 on power supply module. 3. Verify the voltages according to Table 5-1. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-5 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-2 A/D Verification/10 Volt Reference Adjustment Figure 5-1 Power Supply Voltage Testpoints REAR TO P 15 A S B (+ 1 2V ) F1 ALARM T P 1 + 24 V F2 -12V T P 2 + 12 V 15 A S B (+ 2 4V ) PSM + 12 V T P 3 + 15 V TP4 GND TP5 -15V + 24 V GND + 5V 10 0V TP6 RET + 10 0V TP7 VP-2 A/D Verification/10 Volt Reference Adjustment The CELL-DYN 3200 utilizes an A/D converter to convert all critical voltages levels to a 12-bit digital code. This code is read by the computer and these voltages are then displayed on the “VOLTAGE READINGS” screen in “DIAGNOSTICS.” The following procedure verifies the accuracy of this A/D Converter by using the A/D to read the 9.901 volt reference generated on the CPU/DCM and is also used to set the level of the 10 volt reference. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 3 2 0 76 Required Tools & Materials: • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver • Digital Voltmeter • Clip Leads • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool Verification Procedure: 1. Open right side door to gain access to the CPU/DCM. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-6 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-3 MAM Reference Voltage Verification/Adjustment 2. Locate the CPU/DCM on the right side door and connect the positive lead of the DVM to TP1 and the negative lead to TPAGND. 3. Adjust R4 for a reading of 10.00 volts +/- 0.01V. 4. Move the positive lead to TP3 (9.901V reference) and verify that the meter reading is 9.90 volts +/- 0.03V. 5. Move the positive lead to TP2 (99mV reference) and verify that the meter reading is 0.099 volts +/- 0.003V. 6. From Main Menu, press Verification Procedure: 1. Connect positive lead of DVM to TP2 and negative to TP7. 2. If necessary, adjust R86 for a reading of 10.00 volts +/0.01V. VP-4 VPM Reference Voltage Verification/Adjustment Required Tools & Materials: „ DIAGNOSTICS • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver „ MORE • Digital Voltmeter „ VOLTAGE READINGS • Clip Leads • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool 7. Press [VOLTAGE READINGS] and observe the “9.901V Reference” on the SPM. Verify by repeatedly pressing the key that the voltage displayed is 9.90 volts +/- 0.05V. Verification Procedure: VP-3 MAM Reference Voltage Verification/Adjustment 1. Open flow panel door to gain access to the VPM. Required Tools & Materials: 3. If necessary, adjust R16 for a reading of 10.00 volts +/0.01V. • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver • Digital Voltmeter • Clip Leads • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool or Small Slotted Screwdriver CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 2. Connect positive lead of DVM to TP2 (VREF+) and negative to TP1 (VREF-). Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-7 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-5 HGB Current Verification/Adjustment VP-5 HGB Current Verification/Adjustment This procedure adjusts the HGB LED current to yield a HGB output voltage of 5.00 volts with the HGB Flow Cell filled with Reference Solution. 6. Move the cursor to “HGB CURRENT”; enter new setting, and press [ENTER]. A change of 50 will yield a voltage change of approximately 0.3 volts. 7. Press „ SET ANALYZER Required Tools & Materials: • „ RETURN None Verification Procedure: „ RETURN 8. Press „ VOLTAGE READINGS 1. From Main Menu, press and repeat steps 2 through 8 until the voltage is within specifications. „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ VOLTAGE READINGS 2. Move the cursor to HGB output, and press „ SELECT „ FINISH SELECT 3. Run one background count to insure that the HGB mixing chamber is full of liquid. 4. Verify that the “HGB OUTPUT” voltage is 5.00 volts +0.2/-0.00 volts. If the voltage is within range, skip steps 5 through 8. 5. Press „ MORE to the first diagnostic screen, and press „ F12 „ F1 VP-6 Motor Power Verification This procedure verifies the winding current of the system stepper motors. Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ MOTOR OPERATION 2. Press „ MOTOR PWR CHECKING and wait for the display. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-8 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-7 Motor Operation Verification 3. Verify each motor meets the specifications shown in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 2. Press „ EXERCISE MOTORS type the letter of the suspect assembly, and press Motor Power Specifications „ ENTER Phase 0 Phase 0 Phase 0 Phase 3 Motor Low Medium High High A 1.5-2.1 3.4-4.2 4.9-5.9 4.9-5.9 B .6-1.2 2.5-3.1 4.2-5.0 4.2-5.0 C .6-1.2 2.5-3.1 4.2-5.0 4.2-5.0 VP-8 Motor Homing Verification D .6-1.2 2.5-3.1 4.2-5.0 4.2-5.0 E 1.5-2.1 3.4-4.2 4.9-5.9 4.9-5.9 This procedure allows visual verification of the homing operation of the system motors by running a homing routine. G 1.5-2.1 3.4-4.2 4.9-5.9 4.9-5.9 3. Verify that the assembly moves smoothly without stopping or jerking. 4. Use the [SHEAR VALVE] and [Y VALVE] keys to exercise the shear valve and Y valve. Required Tools & Materials: • VP-7 Motor Operation Verification This procedure allows visual verification of the operation of the system motors by running an exercise routine. None Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ MOTOR OPERATION CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL „ MORE „ MOTOR OPERATION 2. Press „ HOME MOTORS type the letter of the suspect assembly, and press „ ENTER 3. Verify that the assembly moves smoothly without stopping or jerking. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5-9 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-9 Solenoid Bank Verification VP-9 Solenoid Bank Verification This procedure allows visual verification of the operation of a bank of eight solenoids by running an exercise routine. Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE Required Tools & Materials: • None „ SOLENOID OPERATION 2. Press „ STEP SOLENOID Verification Procedure: type the number of the starting solenoid, and press 1. From Main Menu, press „ ENTER „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ SOLENOID OPERATION 2. Press „ CYCLE BANK type the number of the bank, and press „ ENTER 3. Use the “UP/DOWN ARROW KEYS”, and verify that the solenoids are opened when commanded. VP-11 Bar Code Reader Verification/Alignment Required Tools & Materials: • Specimen Tube With Bar Code Label 3. Verify that the solenoids are opened in ascending order. Verification Procedure: VP-10 Individual Solenoid Verification This procedure allows visual verification of the operation of a bank of eight solenoids by running an exercise routine. Required Tools & Materials: • None 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ BAR CODE ALIGNMENT 2. Record the tube bar code number, and place tube at the read station. 3. Press „ BAR CODE ALIGNMENT CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 10 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-12 Specimen Sensor #2 Verification/Adjustment 4. Verify that the number displayed on the screen matches the recorded number, and the read rate is constant. 5. If necessary, loosen the locking screws, and align the position of the reader until the read rate is constant. 6. Tighten the locking screws and re-verify. VP-12 Specimen Sensor #2 Verification/Adjustment Required Tools & Materials: • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Low Abnormal Control • DVM with Clip Leads • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool Verification Procedure: 1. Remove top and top right covers. 2. Run controls and insure that results are within specifications. 3. Create a specimen dilution using LOW ABNORMAL CONTROL material and CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath that gives an RBC value of 0.8MEG/ul, +/- .03. 4. Connect the positive lead of the DVM to TP1 and the negative lead to TP3 on the specimen sensor board. NOTE: The voltage at TP4 should be <0.50V when air or liquid is passing through the sensor, and >3.00V with the diluted control. 7. Run a background count, and verify a reading of (0.50V. 8. While observing the tubing through specimen sensor #2, place the diluted low control under the open probe, and manually open valve #12 until the dilution is aspirated approximately 2 inches past specimen sensor #2. 9. Verify a reading of >3.00V. 10. Manually open solenoid 13 to remove blood from lines, and run a background count. 11. Run another background count, and verify that the LED on the sensor board does not flicker. 12. Disconnect the DVM from the specimen sensor board. VP-13 LSI Loopback Verification Required Tools & Materials: • Loopback Connector PN 9211532 Verification Procedure: 1. Turn power off, install loopback connector at COM1 (top serial connector) on PC module, and power-up and initialize instrument. 5. Adjust R1 for a reading of 2.00 +/-0.01 volts. 6. Move positive lead to TP4. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 11 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-14 MAM & SPM Signal Generator Verification 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ SERIAL TEST 3. Press „ TRANSMIT MESSAGE and verify that the message received matches the message sent: “CELL-DYN serial interface test.” 4. Press „ STOP TRANSMISS „ RETURN „ RETURN 5. Turn power off, and remove loopback connector. VP-15 Vacuum & Pressure Retention Verification This procedure tests the ability of the system to retain the appropriate vacuum and pressure levels. A failure indicates a leak in the system. Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification Procedure: 1. Ensure that the instrument is in the “READY” mode. 2. Verify that off-time of the vacuum pump is 2 minutes or greater between automatic recovery cycles. 3. Verify that off-time of the pressure pump is 2 minutes or greater between automatic recovery cycles. VP-14 MAM & SPM Signal Generator Verification Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification Procedure: • Not Available At This Time CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 12 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-16 Vacuum & Pressure Level Verification/Adjustment VP-16 Vacuum & Pressure Level Verification/Adjustment to the first diagnostic screen and press „ F12 „ F1 Required Tools & Materials: • Use the following equation to calculate the new setting(s). None New Setting = Target Level X Current Setting Actual Level Verification Procedure: 1. Ensure that the instrument is in the “Open Sampler” mode. 6. Move the cursor to the appropriate vacuum(s) or pressure(s), enter new setting(s) and press „ ENTER 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS 7. Press „ MORE „ SET ANALYZER „ VOLTAGE READINGS „ RETURN 3. Observe the vacuum and pressure levels and compare with Table 5-3. Table 5-3 Vacuum & Pressure Specifications Vacuum/Pressure Specification Pressure #1 12.5-13.5 psi Pressure #2 8.5-9.5 psi Pressure #3 4.0-4.5 psi Vacuum #1 12.5-13.5” Hg Vacuum #2 3.1-3.5” Hg 4. If all the vacuum and pressure levels are within specifications, do not perform steps 5 through 8. „ RETURN NOTE: If the level is reduced the vacuum or pressure must be bled off to the new level before performing step 8. A count cycle may be used for bleeding. 8. Go to “VOLTAGE READINGS”, and repeat steps 3 through 8 until the level(s) are within specifications. VP-17 Vacuum & Pressure Recovery Verification This procedure tests the ability of the vacuum and pressure pumps to return from atmosphere to the appropriate levels. A failure indicates that the pump under test is defective or there is a gross leak in the system. 5. Press „ MORE CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 13 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-18 Laser Replacement/Alignment Procedure Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE to VACUUM TEST and PRESSURE TEST. 2. Press „ VACUUM TEST and verify that the elapsed time is 4.5 seconds or less. 3. Press „ PRESSURE TEST and verify that the elapsed time is 3.5 seconds or less. VP-18 Laser Replacement/Alignment Procedure '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Required Tools & Materials: • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver • .050 Allen Wrench • Optics Alignment Kit Cat. #8921183801 • DVM with Clip Leads • Laser Power Meter CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Verification Procedure: 1. Ensure instrument power is off. Remove top cover, both optics covers, and open flow cell access door. '$1*(5=#+,*+#92/7$*(#Assure the power to the instrument is off. A high voltage charge may remain on the laser connector with the power off. Do not touch the male pins. Disconnect the laser connector and short both male pins to the instrument chassis. 2. Disconnect laser connector and short both male pins to instrument chassis. 3. Remove Laser Clamps and replace Laser. 4. Replace clamps and tighten until snug but Laser can still be moved. 5. Move laser body until 3/4 inch extends beyond front laser clamp and rotate laser body until front label is on top. 6. Connect laser connector, ensure laser shutter is closed, turn on power, and prime instrument. Allow a 15-minute laser warm-up period. 7. Refer to Figure 5-4. Mount Power Meter in beam path. Open Laser Shutter and verify a reading of no less than 5 mW. 8. If you have a polarizing filter, skip step 9. 9. Scribe optics bench on right and front sides of beam splitter/polarizer assembly, and remove assembly from 90o path. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 14 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-18 Laser Replacement/Alignment Procedure 10. Place polarizing filter or beam splitter/polarizer in beam path between laser and power meter with beam splitter facing laser. 11. While observing power reading, rotate the laser body clockwise. As power level decreases, change scales as needed. 12. Rotate laser body until power is at minimum on the 20 uW scale. 13. Tighten laser clamps and verify that power level does not change more than +/- 3 uw and remove beam splitter/polarizer from beam path. Laser is now aligned for true vertical polarization. repeated several times to attain proper alignment. Record power level through slit and, if necessary, replace beam splitter/polarizer in normal position. 19. Connect the negative lead of the DVM to TP2 and the positive lead to TP1 on the 0o photodiode PCB. 20. Refer to Figure 5-2. Manually open solenoid 56 and remove tubing from port #1 on the flow cell distribution manifold. Figure 5-2 Flow Cell Plumbing. 5 14. Place alignment post (#9420071) in front tooling hole and center beam on hole using X and Y alignment screws on rear mirror. if alignment post is not available, center beam on cylindrical lens. Placing scotch tape on rear of cylindrical lens will aid in centering beam. 56 WBC FLO W C EL L 91 3 FLO W C E LL M AN IFO LD 15. Remove alignment post and place power meter behind forward slit. 16. Use X alignment (.050" allen wrench) screw on rear mirror to obtain maximum power through forward slit. Maximum power through slit should be approximately 1/5 of laser power. 17. Use X alignment screw on front mirror to move beam toward alignment hole in center of obscuration bar. 18. Repeat steps 16 through 18 until maximum power is being transmitted through slit and beam is centered horizontally on hole in center of obscuration bar. This may have to be CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 4 54 1 57 2 52 32 077 1 2 3 4 5 21. Observe the 90o slit. When two red images of the flow cell walls appear on the slit, close solenoid 56 and reconnect tubing to port #1. 22. Adjust the Y alignment screw on the front mirror for a minimum reading on the DVM. This reading should be less than 0.300 volts. 23. Adjust the Y alignment screw on the rear mirror until the red images are in the center 1/3 of the 90o slit. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 15 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-19 Front/Rear Mirror Replacement/Alignment Procedure 24. Repeat steps 22 and 23 until the red images are in the center 1/3 of the slit and the DVM voltage is at minimum. The minimum voltage should be less than 0.200 volts. 25. Re-check power transmitted through forward slit. If it has changed, a slight X alignment of the rear mirror is necessary. 26. Replace both optics covers. 2. Remove, replace, and secure defective mirror (front or rear). 3. Place alignment post (#9420071) in front tooling hole and center beam on hole using X and Y alignment screws on rear mirror. 4. Remove alignment post and place power meter behind forward slit. 27. Perform Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment VP-20 and, if necessary, perform Optical Flow Cell Coarse Alignment VP-21, and repeat VP-20. 5. Use X alignment (.050" allen wrench) screw on rear mirror to obtain maximum power through forward slit. Maximum power through slit should be approximately 1/5 of laser power. VP-19 Front/Rear Mirror Replacement/Alignment Procedure 6. Use X alignment screw on front mirror to move beam toward alignment hole in center of obscuration bar. '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Required Tools & Materials: • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver • .050 Allen Wrench • Optics Alignment Kit Cat. #8921183801 • DVM with Clip Leads • Laser Power Meter 7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until maximum power is being transmitted through slit and beam is centered horizontally on hole in center of obscuration bar. This may have to be repeated several times to attain proper alignment. Record power level through slit and, if necessary, replace beam splitter/polarizer in normal position. 8. Connect the negative lead of the DVM to TP2 and the positive lead to TP1 on the 0o photodiode PCB. 9. Refer to Figure 5-3. Manually open solenoid 56 and remove tubing from port #1 on the flow cell distribution manifold. Verification Procedure: 1. Remove top cover, both optics covers, and open flow cell access door. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 16 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-20 Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment 5 VP-20 Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment 56 '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. WBC FL O W CELL 91 3 FL O W C E LL M A NIFO L D 4 57 54 1 2 52 32077 Figure 5-3 1 2 3 4 5 Flow Cell Plumbing 10. Observe the 90o slit. When two red images of the flow cell walls appear on the slit, close solenoid 56 and reconnect tubing to port #1. 11. Adjust the Y alignment screw on the front mirror for a minimum reading on the DVM. This reading should be less than 0.300 volts. 12. Adjust the Y alignment screw on the rear mirror until the red images are in the center 1/3 of the 90o slit. 13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 until the red images are in the center 1/3 of the slit and the DVM voltage is at minimum. The minimum voltage should be less than 0.200 volts. 14. Re-check power transmitted through forward slit. If it has changed, a slight X alignment of the rear mirror is necessary. The alignment of the optical flow cell is one of the most critical alignments performed on the CELL-DYN 3200. It must be optimized so that the instrument can properly perform the WBC 5-Part Differential measurements. However, if this alignment is not really needed, it is best that it not be performed. Therefore, if the instrument is within the prescribed specifications, do not attempt to align the optical flow cell. Required Tools & Materials: • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads, PN 1606004 • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Clean Container Verification Procedure: 1. Prepare the WBC Beads solution. a. Place 2mL of diluent in a clean container. b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads and mix well. 2. From Main Menu, press 15. Replace both optics covers. „ DIAGNOSTICS 16. Perform Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment VP-20 and, if necessary, perform Optical Flow Cell Coarse Alignment VP-21, and repeat VP-20. „ MORE CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL „ WBC DATA Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 17 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-20 Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment 7. Loosen the locking screw on the lower (y-axis) micrometer, and cover the opening with black cloth to block ambient light. 3. Press „ CALC CV 4. Place Beads solution under probe and press “TOUCH PLATE” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 5. Refer to Table 5-4 and compare the CVs to those displayed on the screen. If the displayed CVs are less than those from the table, the flow cell does not need alignment. NOTE: If any or all of the CVs are out-of-specification, the flow cell must be completely aligned. The 0o and 10o channels must be aligned first by adjusting the Y-axis alignment (lower) micrometer and then the 90o and 90o depolarized must be aligned by adjusting the X-axis alignment (right) micrometer. Table 5-4 WBC Mean Channel & CV Specification Channel Mean Range CV 0o 35 32-38 <3.5% 10o 65 60-70 <3.5% 90o * Derived From Opti-Cal +/- 5 Channels <12.5% o 90 Dep. * Derived From Opti-Cal +/- 5 Channels <12.5% NOTE: * These values must be obtained from the Beads auto-gain default table, or by performing the Opti-Cal procedure. 6. Open the flow cell access door, located at the top left of the Analyzer. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 8. Place the 7.00 µ beads solution under the probe, and press „ EXTENDED WBC COUNT „ START to aspirate the Beads and start the cycle. 9. Observe the 0o and 10o display on the left side of the screen. When dots appear on the screen, adjust the lower micrometer until the tightest possible grouping of dots and lowest possible CVs are attained. If the cycle stops before this is accomplished, repeat step 8 and try again. 10. Place Beads solution under probe and “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 11. Press „ CALC CV when the cycle is completed. If the 0o and 10o CVs are within specifications, continue with the procedure. If not, repeat steps 8 through 10. NOTE: If repeated alignment does not bring the CVs within specifications, further troubleshooting is required to isolate the problem. The first considerations are a contaminated or defective flow cell or a defective laser. The last consideration should be that of a misaligned optical bench, since once properly aligned and secured, none of the assemblies should move under normal conditions. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 18 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-20 Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment 12. Loosen the locking screw on the right (x-axis) micrometer, and cover the opening with black cloth to block ambient light. Then press the “START” key to aspirate the Beads and start the cycle. 13. Observe the 90o and 90o depolarized display on the right side of the screen. When dots appear on the screen, adjust the micrometer to attain the greatest deflection to the right and up. CVs are not as important as in the 0o and 10o channels. 14. Place Beads solution under probe and press “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 15. Press the key when the cycle is completed. If the 90o and 90o depolarized CVs are within specifications, the procedure is completed. If not, repeat steps 12 through 15. 16. Tighten the locking screws and record the setting for future reference. 17. Perform PMT Dynode Voltage Verification/Adjustment VP-22. 18. Perform WBC Gain Verification/Adjustment VP-23. 19. Perform WBC OPTI-CAL Verification/Adjustment (VP-24). 20. Perform NOC Gain Adjustment VP-25. 21. Perform RBC/PLT 0o Gain Verification/Adjustment VP-26. 22. Perform RBC/PLT 10o Gain Verification/Adjustment VP-27. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 19 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-20 Optical Flow Cell Verification/Fine Alignment Figure 5-4 CELL-DYN 3200 Optics Bench R ear M irror X A xis Laser S trap Laser S trap 5 M illiw att H E N E Laser Vertical P olarization 632.8 N anom eters 90 oD epolarized P M T .75" P lace B e am splitter/ P olarizer here during Laser po larization. 90 oP M T B eam sp litter/P olarizer Y X Y P lace P o w er M eter H ead he re during Laser po larization. A x i s 90 oS lit/F ield Lens M irror R e ar View F ixture H oles 90 oO bjective Lens 10 o D etector C ylinderc al Lens P erforate d M irror M ount Tooling H ole F orw ard S lit Im aging Lens 0 oD etector F low C ell Y -A xis A lignm ent M ic. F ront M irror CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL O bscura tion B ar X -A xis A lignm ent M ic. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 F orw ard S catter A ssy. 3 2 078 5 - 20 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-21 Optical Flow Cell Coarse Alignment VP-21 Optical Flow Cell Coarse Alignment '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Required Tools & Materials: • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Clean Container 5. Continue rotating CCW until the pattern of the front wall is observed, and record the micrometer setting (Figure 5-5-C). Figure 5-5 Beam Images "B " R ear W all "A " C lear Q u artz S catter P attern O bscuration B ar "C " F ront W all "D " F low C ell C entered Verification Procedure: 1. Prepare the Bead solution. 320 79 B rightest Im age a. Place 2mL of diluent in a clean container. b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads and mix well. 2. Remove top cover and flow cell access cover. 3. Loosen the locking screw on the lower (y-axis) micrometer, and back off (CW viewed from top) on the micrometer (Figure 5-5) until the beam is striking the flow cell at a point to the rear of the flow cell channel. The scatter pattern on the obscuration bar should resemble that in Figure 5-5-A. Placing a piece of white paper in front of the obscuration bar will aid in viewing the scatter pattern. 4. While observing the scatter pattern, rotate the micrometer CCW until the pattern of the rear wall of the flow cell channel is observed, and record the micrometer setting (Figure 5-5-B). CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 6. Rotate the micrometer CW to a setting half-way between those recorded in steps 3 and 4. This should coarsely center the flow cell channel on the beam; the pattern will resemble that of Figure 5-5-D and will be at the brightest level. 7. Cover the opening with black cloth to block ambient light. 8. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ WBC DATA 9. Press „ CALC CV Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 21 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-22 PMT Dynode Voltage Verification/Adjustment 10. Place Beads solution under probe and press “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 11. If there is data in both displays, perform the fine alignment procedure VP-20. If there is no data in either display, Repeat steps 5 through 9. 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ WBC DATA 3. Press VP-22 PMT Dynode Voltage Verification/Adjustment '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Required Tools & Materials: • # 2 Phillips Screwdriver • 3/16” Allen Wrench • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads, PN 1606004 • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Clean Container Verification Procedure: 1. Prepare the WBC Beads solution: „ CALC CV 4. Place Beads solution under probe and press “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 5. Observe the mean channel values for the 90o and 90o depolarized channels, and refer to Table 5-4. If the displayed mean channel values are within specifications and the recorded gain settings are less than 2500, the dynode voltages need not be adjusted and the procedure is completed. If either of the above are out-of-range, the dynode voltage(s) for the channel(s) must be adjusted. 6. Remove the top cover from the analyzer, and locate the PMT preamplifiers on the right side of the optical bench. The board on the left is for the 90o channel and the board on the right is for the 90o depolarized channel. R11 adjusts the dynode voltage on both boards. 7. Press „ MORE a. Place 2 mL of diluent in a clean container. to first Diagnostics Screen, and press b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads and mix well. „ F12 „ F1 „ SET POINT ENTRY CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 22 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-23 WBC Gain Verification/Adjustment 8. Move cursor to “WBC 90D”, enter 2000, and press “ENTER.” Move cursor to “WBC 90DP”, enter 2000, and press “ENTER.” 14. Press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE 9. Press „ SET ANALYZER „ RETURN „ RETURN „ MORE TO „ WBC DATA 10. Cover optical bench with black cloth to block ambient light. 11. Place the 7.00 µ beads solution under the probe, and press „ EXTENDED WBC COUNT „ START to aspirate the Beads and start the cycle. o NOTE: Both 90 channels are extremely sensitive to ambient light. The black cloth must remain in place when adjusting the dynode voltages. 12. Observe mean channel value on right display and adjust R11 on 90o preamplifier (left PCB) until the displayed values approximate the specifications shown in Table 5-1. (Note that this is a coarse preliminary manual adjustment that will be more finely tuned with the auto gain circuitry.) 13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 for the 90o depolarized preamplifier (right PCB). CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL „ VOLTAGE READINGS 15. Verify that both dynode voltages are less than 9.00 (900 volts). Dynode voltages greater that 900 volts indicate a problem, and the problem must be isolated and corrected before continuing. VP-23 WBC Gain Verification/Adjustment The following procedure verifies, and if necessary, adjusts the gain of the WBC channels using 7.00 µ beads as a reference material. There are two modes available for adjusting the WOC gain “ENTER SETTING” and “AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMENT.” In the “ENTER SETTING” mode the proper gain setting is calculated manually and then entered. Use the following equation when using this mode. New Gain Setting = Desired Mean Channel Present Mean Channel X Present Setting In the “AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMENT” mode Beads is run on the analyzer and the new gain setting is calculated and entered automatically. We will use this mode, if necessary, in the following procedure. Required Tools & Materials: • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 23 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-24 WBC OPTI-CAL Verification/Adjustment • Clean Container Verification Procedure: 1. Prepare the WBC Beads solution: a. Place 2mL of diluent in a clean container. b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads and mix well. 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ GAIN ADJUSTMNTS 3. Press „ VERIFY GAINS „ WBC GAINS 4. If necessary, change the Mean Channel Numbers to the desired values (Table 5-1) and press „ ENTER 5. Place Beads solution under probe, press „ START and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 6. If the Mean Channel Numbers are within specifications, skip steps 7 through 12. 7. Press „ RETURN to access “AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 8. Press „ AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT „ WBC GAINS 9. If necessary, change the Mean Channel Numbers to the desired values (Table 5-1) and press “ENTER.” NOTE: You must run Beads twice in order to set gains. The first run is needed to calculate new settings, and the second is to verify the settings. 10. Place Beads solution under probe, press „ START and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 11. Place Beads solution under probe and press “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle to verify. 12. Press „ Y „ ENTER to save new gain settings. VP-24 WBC OPTI-CAL Verification/Adjustment The following procedure verifies, and if necessary, adjusts the gain of the WBC 90o and 90oD channels using OPTI-CAL as a reference material. It also determines and stores the Beads reference channels to be used for reference after an OPTI-CAL gain adjustment. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 24 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-24 WBC OPTI-CAL Verification/Adjustment Required Tools & Materials: 9. Press • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads, PN 1606004 • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Clean Container 10. Change window settings to conform to the OPTI-CAL assay sheet. • OPTI-CAL 11. Press „ CELL REGION „ RETURN” Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 12. Toggle the “BLOOD/BEADS” key to blood. 1. Insure Channels 1 through 4 offset voltages are less than 2 volts. 13. Run the OPTI-CAL 3 times and record the mean channel values for GRANs on 90o and 90oD on each run. 2. Insure Laser power is greater than 5mw and less than 7mw. 14. Compute the average mean channel for 90o and 90oD for the three runs. 3. Insure Channel WOC gain settings are less than 2500. 15. Compare the average to the Gran mean channel location given in the OPTI-CAL assay sheet. If it is within specifications, skip steps 16 through 20. 4. Insure Dynode voltages are less than 900 volts. 5. Insure the CVs on all 4 channels are: 0o < 3.5%, 10o < 3.5%, 90o < 12.5%, 90oD < 12.5%. 6. Insure the Auto Gain function has been run and the gains have been set to the following: 0o = 35 +/- 3, 10o = 65 +/- 5. 7. From Main Menu, press 16. Calculate the new gain values for 90o and 90oD, use the following equation: X (Y/Z) Where: X = Current Gain Value. „ DIAGNOSTICS Y = Mean Channel Value from Assay Sheet. „ F12 Z = Current Mean Channel from Step 14. „ F1 8. Press „ BEADS/BLOOD COMPARE CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 17. Press „ RETURN „ SET POINT ENTRY Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 25 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-25 NOC Gain Adjustment 18. Enter the new value for 90o gain and press 26. Press „ MORE „ ENTER „ GAIN ADJUSTMNTS 19. Enter the new value for 90oD gain and press „ ENTER 27. Press „ SET ANALYZER „ AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT „ RETURN „ WBC GAINS 20. Press „ BEADS/BLOOD COMPARE and repeat steps 12 through 15. 21. Toggle “BLOOD/BEADS” key to BEADS. 22. Prepare the Bead solution. a. Place 2mL of diluent in a clean container. b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads and mix well. 23. Run the Beads three times and record the Mean Channel for 90o and 90oD on each run. Verify that 0o and 10o Mean Channels are 35+/-3 and 65+/-5 respectively and all CVs are within specification on each run. 24. Compute the average Mean Beads Channel for 90o and 90oD for the three runs. NOTE: These Beads Channel locations are now specific to this analyzer and must be entered into the AUTO GAIN table. 28. Enter the Beads Channel numbers for 90o and 90oD. 29. Run an Auto Gain using Beads to enter these channel locations into the default table. 30. Reboot system on a Setup Disk. Perform a “GET” to store these values. VP-25 NOC Gain Adjustment The NOC gains are not calibrated with beads because the 0o and 10o channels are used for both WOC and NOC counting. However, the NOC gains must be higher than those used for WOC by a factor of 1.5. In this procedure, we simply multiply the WOC 0o and 10o gains by 1.5 and change the NOC 0o and 10o setpoints to the new values. Required Tools & Materials: • None 25. Press „ RETURN „ RETURN CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 26 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-26 RBC/PLT 0° Gain Verification/Adjustment Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ F12 „ F1 2. Press „ SET POINT ENTRY VP-26 RBC/PLT 0° Gain Verification/Adjustment The following procedure verifies and, if necessary, adjusts the gain of the RBC/PLT 0o channel using Beads spheres as a reference material. Required Tools & Materials • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads, PN 1606004 3. Move the cursor to the NOC 0o setpoint. • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath 4. Multiply the displayed WOC 0o setpoint by 1.5, change the NOC 0o setpoint to the new calculated value, and press • Red-Top Vacutainer • Transfer Pipette „ ENTER 5. Move the cursor to the NOC 10o setpoint. 6. Multiply the displayed WOC 10o setpoint by 1.5, change the NOC 10o setpoint to the new calculated value, and press „ ENTER 7. If necessary, move the cursor to the NOC Lo threshold, change it to 400, and press „ ENTER 8. Press „ SET ANALYZER to store the new values. 9. Press „ RETURN Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. Prepare the 7.00 µ beads solution: a. Mix the 7.00 µ beads by shaking vigorously. b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads to a vacutainer. c. Add 2 ml of 3200 Diluent/Sheath reagent. 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ GAIN ADJUSTMNTS 3. Press „ VERIFY GAINS „ RBC/PLT 0O GAIN „ RETURN CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 27 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-27 RBC/PLT 10° Gain Verification/Adjustment 4. If necessary, change the Mean Channel Number to the desired value and press „ ENTER 5. Place Beads solution under probe, press 11. Place Beads solution under probe and press “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle to verify. 12. Press „ START „ Y and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. to save new gain setting. 6. If the Mean Channel Number is within specifications (180 +/- 1), skip steps 7 through 12. 7. Press „ RETURN to access “AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT.” „ ENTER VP-27 RBC/PLT 10° Gain Verification/Adjustment The following procedure verifies and, if necessary, adjusts the gain of the RBC/PLT 10o channel using Beads spheres as a reference material. 8. Press „ AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT „ RBC/PLT 0O GAIN 9. If necessary, change the Mean Channel Number to the desired value and press „ ENTER NOTE: You must run Beads twice in order to set gain. The first run is needed to calculate new setting, and the second is to verify the setting. 10. Place Beads solution under probe, press „ START and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Required Tools & Materials: • 3.29 or 3.31 Beads, PN 1606005 • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Red-Top Vacutainer • Transfer Pipette Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. Prepare the 3.29 or 3.31 Beads solution. a. Mix the Beads by shaking vigorously. b. Add 10 drops of Beads and 20 drops of diluent to a vacutainer and mix well. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 28 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-28 MAM 0° & 10° Log Amplifier Verification 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ GAIN ADJUSTMNTS 3. Press „ VERIFY GAINS „ RBC/PLT 10O GAIN 4. If necessary, change the Mean Channel Number to the desired value and press „ ENTER 5. Place Beads solution under probe, press NOTE: You must run Beads twice in order to set gain. The first run is needed to calculate new setting, and the second is to verify the setting. 10. Place Beads solution under probe, press „ START and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 11. Place Beads solution under probe and press “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle to verify. 12. Press „ Y „ START „ ENTER and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. to save new gain setting. 6. If the Mean Channel Number is within specifications channel (120 +/- 1 for 3.29 or 121+/- 1 for 3.31), skip steps 7 through 12. 7. Press „ RETURN to access “AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT.” 8. Press „ AUTO GAIN ADJUSTMNT „ RBC/PLT 10O GAIN.” 9. If necessary, change the Mean Channel Number to the desired value and press VP-28 MAM 0° & 10° Log Amplifier Verification The following procedure verifies the dynamic range of the 0o and 10o log amplifiers on the MAM by running the 3 Beads and calculating the ratio of the peak channels of the three sizes. The CELL-DYN 3200 uses the 0o channel for and MCV, and the 10o channel for RBCs, PLTs, and MPV, with the log amplifiers used for both outputs. The 0o channel gain is set with 7.00 µ beads by placing the peak channel in 180 +/- 1, and the lower range is verified with a ratio to a 4.99 RBC 0o Bead peak channel number. The 100 gain is set with 3.31 or 3.29 Beads by placing the 3.29 peak channel in 120 +/- 1 or the 3.31 peak channel in 121 +/- 1, and the upper range is verified with a ratio to a 7.00 µ beads RBC 10o peak channel number. „ ENTER CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 29 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-28 MAM 0° & 10° Log Amplifier Verification The following table and equations are an example of a typical RBC and PLT verification/adjustment. Table 5-5 • Transfer Pipette Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 0o & 10o Log Amplifier Verification Beads RBC 0o P.C. RBC 10o P.C. PLT 0o P.C. PLT 10o P.C. 3.29 N/A N/A N/A Set at 120 4.99 Falls at 129 N/A N/A N/A 7.00 Set at 180 Falls at 200 N/A N/A 1. Prepare the 7.00 µ beads solution: a. Mix the 7.00 µ beads by shaking vigorously. b. Add 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads to a vacutainer. c. Add 2 ml of 3200 Diluent/Sheath reagent. 2. In the “RUN” menu, press „ SPECIMEN TYPE „ BEADS „ RETURN.” 0o Equation: 7.00 RBC 0o P.C. 4.99 RBC 0o P.C. 3. From Main Menu, press = 1.40±0.04 180 = 1.39 (within spec) 129 „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ RBC DATA o 10 Equation: 7.00 RBC 10o P.C. = 1.67±0.04 3.xx PLT 10o P.C. 200 = 1.66 (within spec) 120 Required Tools & Materials: • 7.00 µ Diameter Beads, PN 1606004 • 3.29 or 3.31 µ Beads, PN 1606005 • 4.99 µ Beads, PN 1606003 • CELL-DYN 3200 Diluent/Sheath • Red-Top Vacutainer CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 4. Turn smoothing off, place Beads solution under probe, and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 5. When cycle is completed, view “RBC 0 DATA” and “RBC 0 HISTOGRAM”, and verify the peak is in channel 180 +/- 1 channel. If the RBC 0o peak channel number is within specifications, record the RBC 0o and RBC 10o peak channel numbers, and skip step 6. 6. Perform RBC/PLT 0o Gain Verification/Adjustment (VP-26), and repeat steps 3 through 5. 7. Prepare the 4.99 µ beads solution: a. Mix the 4.99 µ beads by shaking vigorously. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 30 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-28 MAM 0° & 10° Log Amplifier Verification b. Add 15 drops of 4.99 µ beads to a vacutainer. 8. Place the Beads under probe, and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 9. When cycle is completed, view “RBC 0 DATA” and “RBC 0 HISTOGRAM” and record the RBC 0o peak channel number 10. Prepare the 3.29 or 3.31 Beads solution: a. Mix the Beads by shaking vigorously. b. Add 10 drops of Beads and 20 drops of diluent to a vacutainer and mix well. 11. Press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ PLT DATA „ PLT 10 DATA.” 12. Turn smoothing off, place Beads solution under probe, and press the “START SWITCH” to aspirate Beads and run a count cycle. 15. Plug the appropriate 0o peak channel numbers into the following equation, and calculate the 0o log amplifier ratio. If the ratio is out-of-specifications, the 0o log amplifiers must be adjusted (VP-29) or the MAM must be replaced.: 0o Equation: 7.00 RBC 0o P.C. = 1.40 ± 0.04 4.99 RBC 0o P.C. 16. Plug the appropriate 10o peak channel numbers into the following equation, and calculate the 10o log amplifier ratio. If the ratio is out-of-specifications, the 10o log amplifiers must be adjusted (VP-30) or the MAM must be replaced. 10o Equation: 7.00 RBC10o P.C. = 1.67 ± 0.04 3.xx PLT10o P.C. 13. When cycle is completed, view “PLT 10 DATA” and “PLT 10 HISTOGRAM”, and verify the peak is in channel (120 +/- 1 for 3.29 or 121+/- 1 for 3.31). If the PLT 10o peak channel number is within specifications, record the PLT 10 peak channel number, and skip step 14. 14. Perform RBC/PLT 10o Gain Verification/Adjustment (VP-27), and repeat steps 12 and 13. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 31 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-29 0° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/Adjustment VP-29 0° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/Adjustment The following procedure verifies and, if necessary, adjusts the 0o log amplifier gains and offsets on the MAM. Refer to Figure 5-6. A voltage-divider is used to inject a 10mv reference voltage into the 0o log amplifier, and gains and offsets are adjusted to provide the initial setup of the 0o log amplifier chain. Figure 5-6 Voltage-Divider Fixture R ed (+1 5V ) 5K O H M S 100 O H M S 3 2 0 80 Required Tools & Materials: • Voltage-Divider Fixture, PN 9450202 • Digital Voltmeter • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool or Small Slotted Screwdriver Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. Refer to Figure 5-6. Install the fixture on the MAM by attaching the red lead to the top of L2, black lead to TP7, and the yellow lead to TP8. 2. Attach the positive lead of the DVM to TP8 and the negative lead to TP7. Yellow (+10m v) 3. Adjust the pot on the fixture for a reading of +10.0mv +/0.2mv. B lack (G N D ) 4. Move the positive lead to TP11, and adjust R102 for -23.0mv +/- 0.2mv CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 32 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-29 0° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/Adjustment Figure 5-7 MAM Test Points & Potentiometers TP 2 R84 3 2 0 81 R102 TP 11 R106 TP 9 TP 7 R137 TP 8 TP 1 7 R132 TP 1 5 L2 TP 1 8 R138 TP 2 1 R131 TP 1 6 5. Move the positive lead to TP15, and adjust R132 for -1.000V +/- 0.010V. 6. Move the positive lead to TP16, and adjust R137 for 3.68V +/- 0.010V. 7. Leave meter as is, and adjust R132 for a reading of 1.72V +/- 0.010V. NOTE: After performing this procedure the 0o gain must be verified/adjusted with Beads (VP-26). CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 33 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-30 10° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/Adjustment VP-30 10° MAM Log Amplifier Verification/Adjustment The following procedure verifies and, if necessary, adjusts the 10o log amplifier gains and offsets on the MAM. Refer to Figure 5-8. A voltage-divider is used to inject a 10mv reference voltage into the 0o log amplifier, and gains and offsets are adjusted to provide the initial setup of the 10o log amplifier chain. Figure 5-8 Voltage-Divider Fixture R ed (+1 5V ) 5K O H M S 100 O H M S 3 2 0 80 3. Adjust the pot on the fixture for a reading of +10.0mv +/0.2mv. 4. Move the positive lead to TP18, and adjust R106 for -10.0mv +/- 0.2mv 5. Move the positive lead to TP21, and adjust R131 for -1.000V +/- 0.010V. 6. Move the positive lead to TP9, and adjust R138 for 4.20V +/- 0.010V. 7. Leave meter as is, and adjust R131 for a reading of 0.750V +/- 0.010V. NOTE: After performing this procedure the 10o gain must be verified/adjusted with Beads (VP-27). Yellow (+10m v) B lack (G N D ) Required Tools & Materials: • Voltage-Divider Fixture, PN 9450202 • Digital Voltmeter • Potentiometer Adjustment Tool or Small Slotted Screwdriver Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. Refer to Figure 5-6. Install the fixture on the MAM by attaching the red lead to the top of L2, black lead to TP7, and the yellow lead to TP17 2. Attach the positive lead of the DVM to TP17 and the negative lead to TP7. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL VP-31 Aspirate/Vent Needle Verification Required Tools & Materials: • None 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ TOWER TEST 2. Press „ NEEDLE DOWN 3. Verify that the needle moves down smoothly without any stopping or jerking. Also verify that the GS1 sensor status displays the following: GS1 UP:SENSOR STATUS Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 34 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-32 GS2 Stop Solenoid Verification GS1=1 VP-33 Bar Code Spin Assembly Verification GS1 DOWN:SENSOR STATUS GS1=0 4. Press „ NEEDLE UP 5. Verify that the needle moves up smoothly without any stopping or jerking. VP-32 GS2 Stop Solenoid Verification Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ TOWER TEST 2. Place a tube at the read station, and press „ SPIN MOTOR 3. Verify that the tube is spun smoothly without any stopping or jerking. 4. Press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ STOP MOTOR „ MORE to return to “DIAGNOSTICS.” „ TOWER TEST 2. Alternately press “Retract Solenoid” and “Extend Solenoid.” VP-34 Tube Height Sensors (S1/S2) Verification 3. Verify that the GS1 solenoid retracts and extends smoothly and fully with each command. Also verify that LED DS1 on SHM1 is on with the retract command and off with the extend command. This diagnostic routine first moves GS1 and GS2 down and then up in the same manner as a count cycle. It then displays the status of sensors GS1, S1, and S2 in both the up and down positions (1=sensor blocked, 0=sensor unblocked). It also displays the type of tube sensed at the aspirate position: BD, SST, or No Tube. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 35 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-35 Mixer Up/Down Verification Required Tools & Materials: • BD Specimen Tube • Sarstedt Specimen Tube Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS GS1=0 S1=1 S2=1SST No Tube Example: GS1 UP: Sensor Status GS1=1 S1=0 S2=0 GS1 Down: Sensor Status Tube Type GS1=0 S1=0 S2=1 No Tube „ MORE „ TOWER TEST 2. Place the appropriate tube at the vent/aspirate position. 3. Press „ SENSOR TEST „ GS1 DOWN 4. Verify the following sensor status and tube type for each tube condition. VP-35 Mixer Up/Down Verification Required Tools & Materials: • Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS BD Tube Example: „ MORE GS1 UP: Sensor Status GS1=1 S1=0 S2=0 GS1 Down: Sensor Status Tube Type GS1=0 S1=1 S2=0BD Sarstedt Tube Example: None „ LOADER TEST 2. Alternately press “MIXER DOWN” and “MIXER UP” and verify that the assembly moves up and down smoothly without any stopping or jerking. Also verify that the home sensor is “1” when up and “0” when down. VP-36 Mixer Head Rotation Verification GS1 UP: Sensor Status GS1=1 S1=0 S2=0 GS1 Down: Sensor Status Tube Type CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Required Tools & Materials: • None Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 36 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-37 Mixer Bladders Verification Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ LOADER TEST 2. Alternately press “ROTATE MIX UP” and “ROTATE MIX DOWN” and verify that the mixer head rotates up and down smoothly without any stopping or jerking. Also verify that the home sensor is “0” when up and “1” when down. VP-37 Mixer Bladders Verification Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ LOADER TEST 2. Press „ CYCLE BLADDERS VP-38 Rack Advance & Tube Sensors Verification Required Tools & Materials: • Specimen Tubes • Specimen Loader Rack Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ LOADER TEST 2. Place a rack with alternating tubes at the load side rear wall. 3. Press „ START RACK ADVANCE 4. Verify that the rack indexes smoothly through the processing station without any stopping or jerking during index movements. 5. Verify that when a tube is present at a sensor position a “1” is indicated, and when a tube is not present a “0” is indicated. 3. Alternately press “GRIP TUBE” and “RELEASE TUBE” and verify that the mixer bladders inflate and deflate completely, and that there are no pressure or vacuum leaks. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 37 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-39 Cross Transfer Arms & Rack Sensors Verification VP-39 Cross Transfer Arms & Rack Sensors Verification 5. Remove rack from the load side, place five racks in the unload side, and press „ EXTEND ARMS Verify the following sensor status, and press “RETRACT ARMS.” Required Tools & Materials: • 5 Racks SENSOR STATUS Verification/Adjustment Procedure: EXTEND ARMS:LOAD SENSOR = 1 1. From Main Menu, press UNLOAD FULL „ DIAGNOSTICS UNLOAD WARN = 1 „ MORE „ LOADER TEST 2. Leave the load side and unload side empty, and alternately press “EXTEND ARMS” and “RETRACT ARMS.” 3. Verify that the arms extend and retract smoothly without any stopping or jerking. 4. Place one rack in the load side, leave unload side empty, and press „ EXTEND ARMS Verify the following sensor status, and press „ RETRACT ARMS SENSOR STATUS EXTEND ARMS:LOAD SENSOR = 0 UNLOAD FULL =0 =1 VP-40 Rack Bar Code Labels Verification Required Tools & Materials: • 5 Racks Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ VER RACK BAR CODE 2. Manually move a rack through the processing station, positioning the rack and tube position bar code labels at the slot in the processing station. 3. Verify that the bar code number on the screen matches the number on the rack. UNLOAD WARN = 0 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 38 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-41 Mixer Bladders Pressure Verification/Adjustment VP-41 Mixer Bladders Pressure Verification/Adjustment 7. Adjust pressure regulator (just to right of load side empty sensor) for 6.5 psi +/- 0.2 psi. 8. Reconnect tubing to vacuum/pressure port. Required Tools & Materials: • Pressure Gauge • Slotted Screwdriver Verification/Adjustment Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ VOLTAGE READINGS 2. Verify “Press 1 psi” is 12.5-13.5 psi. If out-of-range, perform Vacuum & Pressure Level Verification/Adjustment (VP-16). 3. Press „ MORE VP-42 Shear Valve Driver Lubrication Procedure Required Tools & Materials: • Oil PN 14237-015 (Dallas/Europe), 1605806 (Santa Clara) Verification Procedure: 1. Power off instrument using the proper shutdown procedure. 2. Remove the shear valve driver from the Analyzer. 3. Lubricate the assembly as shown in Figure 5-9. 4. Re-install the shear valve driver and verify instrument performance. „ LOADER TEST 4. Press „ CYCLE BLADDERS 5. Remove tubing from vacuum/pressure port on mixer head, and connect tubing to pressure gauge. 6. Press „ GRIP TUBE to apply pressure. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 39 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-43 Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure Figure 5-9 Shear Valve Driver Lubrication Points 2-3 D rop s O f O il 3 P lace s F ront 3 2 0 82 2-3 D rop s O f O il 2 P lace s VP-43 Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Required Tools & Materials: • Cotton Swabs • High Grade Lens Paper (Kodak recommended - DO NOT USE Baxter S/P, as it may scratch the lens.) • Canned Air - Optics Grade CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Verification Procedure: 1. Clean the left side and rear fan filters. 2. Remove Analyzer top cover and plastic optics covers. 3. Close Laser Shutter. 4. Using pressurized air, remove dust and dirt from optics bench and surrounding area. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 40 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-43 Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure 5. Using Kodak lens paper on the end of a cotton swab, clean rear mirror, cylindrical lens, front mirror, imaging lens, and flow cell. &$87,21=##Do not use lens cleaning solution on mirrors. If cleaning fluid is needed, use reagent grade methanol only. 9. Check for a red glow or halo around the forward slit. If laser output lens dirty, a halo will appear around football shaped laser beam. Refer to Figure 5-11. Figure 5-11 Forward Slit Halo F orw ard S lit F ootball S haped B eam 6. Repeat cleaning process to ensure all residual particles are removed. 7. Open Laser Shutter. 8. With laser on, check for a red glow or halo around opening where laser beam exits the laser tube. Refer to Figure 5-10. Figure 5-10 Laser Output Halo N O R ed H alo 3 2 0 84 Laser Tube R ear M irror N O R ed H alo 3 2 0 83 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 41 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-43 Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure 10. If halo exists in either location, clean laser with dry cotton swab, or use lens paper. Refer to Figure 5-12. Figure 5-12 Figure 5-13 Mark Mirror Positions M ark Location Laser Tube Cleaning Laser Tube R ear M irror 3 2 0 87 Insert C otton S w ab H ere b. Remove screws and mirror. Refer to Figure 5-14. 3 2 0 85 Figure 5-14 Mirror Removal 11. Close Laser Shutter. Tape 12. Clean 10o mirror. a. Mark position of mirror and housing with pencil. Refer to Figure 5-13. R em ove M irror 3 2 0 88 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 42 5 - Verification Procedures • VP-44 Optical Flow Cell Cleaning & De-Bubble Procedure c. Clean mirror using reagent grade methanol or microscope lens cleaning solution (green) and high grade lens paper. (Kodak recommended - DO NOT USE Baxter S/P). Ensure surface is clean; use compressed air to remove any remaining lint. d. Replace mirror and align marks. DO NOT tighten screws. e. Open Laser Shutter. 16. Perform RBC/PLT 0o Gain Verification/Adjustment (VP-26). 17. Perform RBC/PLT 10o Gain Verification/Adjustment (VP-27). VP-44 Optical Flow Cell Cleaning & De-Bubble Procedure DANGER: LASER LIGHT Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. 13. Use the following procedure to adjust the mirror for maximum 10o mean. a. Prepare the WBC Beads solution by placing 2 mL of diluent in a clean container, adding 15 drops of 7.00 µ beads, and mixing well. b. From Main Menu, press n n n DIAGNOSTICS MORE WBC DATA c. Place the 7.00 µ beads solution under the probe, and press n n n EXTENDED WBC COUNT START to aspirate the Beads and start the cycle. d. Observe the 10o mean, and rotate the mirror for the highest 10o mean reading. e. Tighten mirror screws ensuring maximum reading is maintained, and erase pencil marks. Required Tools & Materials: • 20% Bleach or Abbott, ISE Conditioning Solution LN1360-02 • 10 mL Syringe • Needle Nosed Pliers Verification Procedure: 1. Fill syringe with 20% bleach solution or ISE Cleaning Solution. 2. From Main Menu, press n SPECIAL PROTOCOLS n EMPTY/FILL FLOW CELL n EMPTY FLOW CELL 14. Perform WBC Gain Verification/Adjustment (VP-23). 15. Perform NOC Gain Adjustment (VP-25). CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 43 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-44 Optical Flow Cell Cleaning & De-Bubble Procedure 3. From Main Menu, press Figure 5-15 Flow Cell Cleaning Plumbing „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ SOLENOID OPERATION Flo w C ell D e-Bu b b le P ro ce s s 4. To open solenoid 56, press „ STEP SOLENOID type 56, and press „ ENTER 5. Refer to Figure 5-15. Remove elbow from right side of solenoid 57, and connect elbow to syringe. 6. Inject bleach or cleaning solution in short strokes to create turbulent motion in flow cell. 7. Let solution remain is flow cell for three to five minutes. &$87,21=##Do not allow ISE cleaning solution to remain in flow cell for over five minutes. 56 57 In je c t 20 % B le a ch o r IS E C le an in g S o lu tio n & Air a t Th is P o in t 91 3 2 0 89 8. Disconnect syringe, and connect reconnect elbow to solenoid 57. 9. Initialize and prime instrument, and run three background counts. 10. Verify that background counts are within specifications: WBC ≤ 0.10 K/µL, RBC ≤ 0.02 M/µL, and PLT ≤ 5 K/µL. 11. Refer to Figure 5-15. Verify that there are no large bubbles in the flow cell. If large bubbles are present, perform Optical Flow Cell Wetting Procedure (VP-43). CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 44 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-45 Optical Flow Cell Wetting Procedure VP-45 Optical Flow Cell Wetting Procedure '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Required Tools & Materials: • CN Free HGB/NOC Lyse • 10 mL Syringe 6. Inject HGB lyse reagent in short strokes to create turbulent motion in flow cell. 7. Let lyse remain is flow cell for three to five minutes. 8. Disconnect syringe, and connect reconnect elbow to solenoid 57. 9. Initialize and prime instrument, and run three background counts. 10. Verify that background counts are within specifications: WBC ≤ 0.10 K/µL, RBC ≤ 0.02 M/µL, and PLT ≤ 5 K/µL. 1. Fill syringe with HGB lyse solution. 11. Refer to Figure 5-16. Verify that there are no large bubbles in the flow cell. If large bubbles are present, repeat this procedure. 2. From Main Menu, press Figure 5-16 Verification Procedure: Flow Cell Bubbles „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS „ EMPTY/FILL FLOW CELL „ EMPTY FLOW CELL 3. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS To W a ste / Va cu u m C e ll S tre a m N O L a rg e A ir B u b b le s Fe w S m a ll A ir B ub b le s a re O K „ MORE „ SOLENOID OPERATION 4. To open solenoid 56, press „ STEP SOLENOID type 56, and press „ ENTER 5. Refer to Figure 5-15. Remove elbow from right side of solenoid 57, and connect elbow to syringe. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL S he a th P rim e S he a th In 3 2 0 90 S am p le In Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 45 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-46 Laser Power Output Verification VP-46 Laser Power Output Verification '$1*(5=#/$6(5#/,*+7 Avoid direct exposure to laser beam. Refer to Introduction Section 1.7 for detailed safety information. Figure 5-17 Laser Output Power Check Power M e te r 5 MW M o u n t C e n te re d in B e a m Pa th Required Tools & Materials: • Laser Power Meter • Optical Alignment Tool Kit, PN 8921183801 32091 Verification Procedure: 1. Ensure laser has been on for at least 15 minutes. 2. Perform Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure (VP-43). 3. Refer to Figure 5-17. Check laser power after first mirror: a. Mount power meter photodiode centered in beam path. b. Verify that power is 5 mW or greater. c. If power is less than 5 mW, replace laser tube. 4. Refer to Figure 5-18. Check laser power after forward slit: a. Mount power meter photodiode centered in beam path between forward slit and imaging lens. b. Power meter should read at least 1/5 of that obtained in step 3. 5. Perform Optical Offsets Verification (VP-47). CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 46 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-47 Optical Offsets Verification Figure 5-18 Laser Power At Forward Slit 3. Verify that CH 1 through CH4 Offsets are less than 1.00 volt. 4. If any are greater than 1.00 volts, perform Optics Bench Cleaning Procedure (VP-43). VP-48 Shear Valve Cleaning Procedure Required Tools & Materials: P ow e r M e ter 1 /5 o f P o w e r o f First M irro r • DI Water • Clean Container • Lint Free Wipes 3 2 0 92 Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS VP-47 Optical Offsets Verification Required Tools & Materials: • Optical Alignment Tool Kit, PN 8921183801 „ CLEAN/RES SHEAR VAL „ CLEAN SHEAR VAL 2. Refer to Figure 5-19. Unscrew shear valve knob. &$87,21=##Do not drop center ceramic section. Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ VOLTAGE READINGS 2. Ensure top cover is in place, or cover optics bench with black cloth. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 3. Remove three ceramic sections from shear valve driver leaving tubing in place, and place center ceramic piece in a container of DI water. 4. Use damp lint free wipes to clean front and rear surfaces of front and rear ceramic sections. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 47 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-49 HGB Flow Cell Cleaning Procedure 5. Clean center mounting holes in front and rear ceramic sections. Figure 5-19 Shear Valve Disassembly VP-49 HGB Flow Cell Cleaning Procedure This procedure first uses the Auto Clean routine to clean the flow cell, and if that is unsuccessful a manual procedure is used. Loop Rear S he a r Va lv e B lo ck C e n te r Fron t Loop M o un tin g G u id e K no b R im N o tch L o ck N otc h Required Tools & Materials: • CELL-DYN Enzymatic Cleaner • 20% Bleach Solution • 20 mL Syringe 3 2 0 93 Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press 6. Clean mounting guide and lock notches in each ceramic section. „ SPECIAL PROTOCOLS 7. Using a flashlight, inspect ports on front and rear ceramic sections, and ensure no foreign material blocks ports. „ AUTO CLEAN 8. Remove center section from DI water, and clean both sides to remove any blood or foreign material. 9. Wet all surfaces with DI water and assemble as shown in Figure 5-19. Ensure wide notches are down and rim notch on center section is to the right. „ MORE Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the procedure. 2. Run three background counts to purge enzyme cleaner. 3. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS 10. Tighten shear valve knob until it stops. „ MORE 11. Press „ VOLTAGE READINGS „ RESTORE SHEAR VAL 12. Run background counts until all are within specifications: WBC ≤ 0.10 K/µL, RBC ≤ 0.02 M/µL, and PLT ≤ 5 K/µL. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL 4. Verify that the “HGB OUTPUT” voltage is 5.00 volts +0.2/-0.00 volts. If the voltage is within range, skip steps 5 through 13. 5. Manually open solenoid 93 to drain liquid from flow cell. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 48 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-50 Open Mode Aspiration Path Cleaning Procedure 6. Prepare and aspirate 20% bleach solution into syringe. 7. Refer to Figure 5-20. Remove tubing from port and connect syringe to port. 8. Inject bleach solution until it can be seen exiting top port, and let remain in flow cell for five to ten minutes. 13. Verify that the “HGB OUTPUT” voltage is 5.00 volts +0.2/-0.00 volts. If voltage is slightly out-of-range, perform HGB Current Verification/Adjustment (VP-5). VP-50 Open Mode Aspiration Path Cleaning Procedure 9. Manually open solenoid 93 to drain bleach from flow cell. :$51,1*=#327(17,$/#%,2+$=$5' The aspiration needle/probe are sharp and potentially contaminated with infectious materials. Avoid contact with the tips of the needle/probe. 10. Remove syringe, and connect tubing to port. 11. Run three background counts to purge bleach. Figure 5-20 HGB Flow Cell Plumbing Required Tools & Materials: Inje ct B lea ch To Here R em ove Tu bing & Co nnect Syringe H GB Flow Ce ll • CELL-DYN Enzymatic Cleaner • Specimen Tubes • Wire Stylet, Gauge #23 • Lint Free Tissues • Diluent Verification Procedure: 3 2 0 94 12. From Main Menu, press 1. In the “RUN” mode use “CHANGE SAMPLER” to select “OPEN SAMPLER.” 2. Manually open solenoid 12 to purge liquid from plumbing. „ DIAGNOSTICS 3. Remove tubing from top of open probe. „ MORE 4. Place a tissue under probe, run stylet into the top of probe until it extends out the bottom, and wipe any material from stylet. Run up and down several times and remove. „ VOLTAGE READINGS CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 49 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-51 Closed Mode Aspiration Path Cleaning Procedure 5. Clean outside of probe several times with tissue dampened with Enzymatic Cleaner, and reconnect tubing to top. 6. Place a tube containing 4 mL of Enzymatic Cleaner under probe, manually open solenoid 12, and close when Enzymatic Cleaner passes through solenoid 12. 7. Let Enzymatic Cleaner remain for five minutes, and manually open 12 until plumbing is emptied. 8. Place a tube filled with diluent under probe, and open 12 until tube is emptied to flush plumbing. 9. Run background counts until all are within specifications: WBC ≤ 0.10 K/µ L, RBC ≤ 0.02 M/µ L, and PLT ≤ 5 K/µL. VP-51 Closed Mode Aspiration Path Cleaning Procedure 3. Manually open solenoid 12 to purge liquid from plumbing. 4. Place a tube filled with enzyme cleaner at the aspirate position, and press „ NEEDLE DOWN 5. Manually open solenoid 12, and close when enzyme cleaner passes through solenoid 12. 6. Manually hold solenoid 38 closed, and momentarily open solenoid 36 to aspirate enzyme cleaner into vent needle. 7. Let enzyme cleaner remain for five minutes, press „ NEEDLE UP and manually open 12 until plumbing is emptied. 8. “Initialize” and “Prime” instrument. 9. Run background counts until all are within specifications: WBC ≤ 0.10 K/µL, RBC ≤ 0.02 M/µL, and PLT ≤ 5 K/µL. Required Tools & Materials: • CELL-DYN Enzymatic Cleaner • Specimen Tubes Verification Procedure: 1. In the “RUN” mode use “CHANGE SAMPLER” to select “CLOSED SAMPLER.” 2. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS „ MORE „ TOWER TEST CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 50 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-52 Power-Up CPU/DCM 7-Segment LED Verification VP-52 Power-Up CPU/DCM 7-Segment LED Verification VP-53 Software Installation Procedure Required Tools & Materials: Required Tools & Materials: • • CELL-DYN System Installation Disks 1 & 2 P.N. 9380590 None Verification Procedure: Verification Procedure: 1. Power-up the system and observe the 7-segment LED on the CPU/DCM. Refer to the following table for status conditions. NOTE: After all the tests pass and solenoids energize, “1” and “E” will alternately flash in the display. This is a normal condition and does not indicate a problem. Table 5-6 CPU/DCM 7-Segment LED Status Conditions 1. Turn system power off. 2. Insert disk #1 in the floppy drive. 3. Turn system power on. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions to install software. 5. At the C:\CD3200> prompt type A:INSTALL and press „ ENTER 6. When prompted, install disk #2 and follow the on-screen directions. “0” Indicates system power-up. “1” Indicates that the CPU/DCM flash memory failed. “2” Indicates that the CPU/DCM first 524K of DRAM failed. “3” Indicates that the CPU/DCM second 524K of DRAM failed. VP-54 Hard Drive Verification “4” Indicates that the CPU/DCM third 524K of DRAM failed. Required Tools & Materials: “5” Indicates that the CPU/DCM fourth 524K of DRAM failed. “6” Indicates that all CPU/DCM memory passed. 7. When installation is complete, remove disk #2 and power-down and re-boot instrument. • None Verification Procedure: 1. In the “MAIN” menu press „ F12 „ F8 CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 51 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-55 Floppy Drive Verification 2. At the C:\CD3200 prompt, type CHKDSK/F and press VP-55 Floppy Drive Verification „ ENTER Required Tools & Materials: 3. At the selection prompt type Y and press • „ ENTER to run CHKDSK/F. . Verification Procedure: 1. In the “MAIN” menu, press 1 ,2 7 9 ,6 8 8 ,7 0 4 b y te s to ta l d is k sp a c e 1 3 1,0 7 2 b y te s in 2 h id d e n file s „ F12 3 ,1 7 8 ,4 9 6 b yte s in 9 7 d ire cto rie s 7 5 0 ,22 3 ,3 6 0 b y te s in 2 ,2 1 5 u s e r file s 5 2 6 ,1 5 5,7 7 6 b y te s a v a ila b le o n d is k „ F8 2. At the C:\CD3200 prompt, type A: and press 3 2 , 7 6 8 b y te s in e a c h a llo c a tio n u n it 3 8 ,0 53 to ta l a llo ca tio n u n its o n d is k 16 ,0 5 7 a v a ila b le a llo ca tio n u n its o n d is k 6 5 5 ,3 6 0 to ta l b yte s m e m ory 6 1 8 ,5 6 0 b yte s fre e Figure 5-21 None „ ENTER 3. At the A:\> prompt, type CHKDSK/F and press „ ENTER 4. At the selection prompt type Y and press 3 2 0 95 CHKDSK Results, Hard Disk 4. If lost allocation units are reported, type N to delete. 5. The display should closely resemble Figure 5-22. If a line is added saying “xxxx bytes in bad sectors” verify that the number of bytes is less than 1% of the total disk space. If the number exceeds 1%, the hard drive is suspect and should probably be replaced. „ ENTER to run CHKDSK/F.The display should closely resemble Figure 5-22. 5. If there are no indications of a defect, type C: and press „ ENTER 6. Then type rll and press „ ENTER to return to the “MAIN” menu. 6. If there are no indications of a defect, type rll and press “ENTER” to return to the “MAIN” menu. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 52 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-56 Background Counts Verification Table 5-7 1 ,4 5 7 ,6 6 4 bytes total disk space 1 9 5 ,0 7 2 bytes in 4 user files 1 ,2 6 2 ,5 9 2 bytes available on disk 5 1 2 bytes in each allocation unit 2 ,8 4 7 total allocation units on disk 2 ,4 6 6 available allocation units on disk 6 5 5 ,3 6 0 total bytes memory 6 1 8 ,5 6 0 bytes free Figure 5-22 Floppy Drive CHKDSK Results Background Count Specification WBC (WOC) NOC RBC HGB ≤ 0.10 k/µ L ≤ 0.10 k/µL ≤ 0.02 m/µL ≤ 0.1g/dL PLT ≤ 5.0 k/µL VP-57 System CV Verification Required Tools & Materials: • 2.5 mL Fresh Normal Blood Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press VP-56 Background Counts Verification Required Tools & Materials: • None Verification Procedure: 1. From Main Menu, press „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE „ BACKGROUND 2. Press the “TOUCH PLATE” to run a background count. 3. Verify that the background counts are within specifications according to the following table. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL „ RUN „ SPECIMEN TYPE 2. Move the cursor to an empty file, and press „ QC SPECIMEN 3. Mix the fresh blood thoroughly, and run 10 times in the open mode and 10 times in the closed mode. 4. Press „ MAIN „ QUALITY CONTROL „ VIEW QC LOG 5. Verify the CVs are within specification according to the following table. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 53 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-58 System Calibration Verification/Adjustment Table 5-8 b. From MAIN MENU press CV Specifications WBC NOC (WOC) RBC HGB MCV PLT „ „ MPV and toggle “F2” to “CALIBRATOR.” ≤ 2.7% ≤ 2.7% ≤ 1.5% ≤ 1.0% ≤ 1.0% ≤ 4.0% ≤ 5.0% c. Enter the reference values from the assay sheet, pressing [ENTER] after each entry. VP-58 System Calibration Verification/Adjustment d. Press „ e. Prepare the calibrator for processing according to the assay sheet. CELL-DYN Calibrator f. Verification Procedure: „ a. Verify reagent type, expiration date, and volumes are at least 1/2 full. e. Verify system precision is within specifications (VP-57). 2. Perform Open Mode Auto Calibration using commercial calibrator only. NOTE: If any problems are encountered, refer to “Auto-Cal Procedure-Open Mode” in Chapter 6 of the CELL-DYN 3200 Operations Manual for a complete description of the calibration procedure. ACCEPT to enter the new factors for the parameters that need calibration. b. Verify calibrators are not expired. d. Ensure WOC offsets for channels 1 through 4 are less than 1.00 volt. Run the calibrator 5 times, mixing well between runs. g. Press 1. Pre-calibration checks: c. Ensure background counts are within specifications (VP-56). START AUTO-CAL to ready the instrument for calibration. Required Tools & Materials: • CALIBRATION AUTO-CALIBRATE VP-59 Vacuum Accumulator #1 Rinsing Procedure Required Tools & Materials: • Clean >250 mL Container • DI Water • 0.125"ID 0.250"OD Tubing, 1 Foot • #2 Phillips Screwdriver a. Ensure Analyzer in Open Mode. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 54 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-60 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure Verification Procedure 1. Initialize Analyzer, and remove Left Side Cover. 5. Place tubing connected to position 4 into container, and allow all DI water to be aspirated into Vacuum Accumulator #1. 2. Extend Air Supply out of Analyzer (Vacuum/Pressure Assembly (RR-7)). 6. Remove tubing from position 4, connect original tubing, and unpinch position 7. 3. Measure 250 mL (1 cup) of DI water into a clean container. 7. Wait at least 5 minutes to remove any saline bridges between electrodes. &$87,21=##Do not place more than stated amount of DI water in container. 8. From Main Menu, press „ DIAGNOSTICS TO FL O W PA N E L 9P SI 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g „ DRAIN ACCUMULATORS 9. Initialize Analyzer and repeat Step 8. Required Tools & Materials: 32004 Figure 5-23 „ MORE VP-60 Vacuum Accumulator #2 Rinsing Procedure 12P SI 1 2 3 4 5 To S L 6 To S L 7 4. Refer to Figure 5-23. Pinch tubing at position 7 of manifold, remove tubing from position 4, and attach 0.125"ID 0.250"OD tubing to fitting at position 4. Vacuum/Pressure Manifold CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL • Clean >250 mL Container • DI Water • 0.125"ID 0.250"OD Tubing, 1 Foot • #2 Phillips Screwdriver Verification Procedure 1. Initialize Analyzer, and remove Left Side Cover. 2. Extend Air Supply out of Analyzer (Vacuum/Pressure Assembly (RR-7)). Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 55 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-61 Hard Drive Formatting 1 6. Remove tubing from position 5, and connect original tubing. 7. Wait at least 5 minutes to remove any saline bridges between electrodes. 8. From Main Menu, press 5P SI 12"H g 8"H g 12P SI 12"H g TO FL O W PA N E L 2 5. Place tubing connected to position 5 into container, and allow all DI water to be aspirated into Vacuum Accumulator #2. 9P SI 3 4. Refer to Figure 5-24. Remove tubing from position 5 of manifold, and attach 0.125"ID 0.250"OD tubing to fitting at position 5. 12P SI 4 5 To S L 6 To S L &$87,21=##Do not place more than stated amount of DI water in container. 7 3. Measure 250 mL (1 cup) of DI water into a clean container. 32004 Figure 5-24 Vacuum/Pressure Manifold VP-61 Hard Drive Formatting „ DIAGNOSTICS Required Tools & Materials: „ MORE CELL-DYN 3200 System Service Disk PN 9380700 „ IDRAIN ACCUMULATORS 9. Initialize Analyzer and repeat Step 8. Verification Procedure 1. Perform (VP-64) “Backup Procedure” . 2. Turn System OFF. 3. Insert Service Disk into Floppy Drive. 4. Turn System ON. 5. At A:\ prompt type CHKDSK/F, then press „ ENTER CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 56 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-62 DOS Installation 6. If there is any indication that the disk is defective, it should be formatted. 7. Format the hard drive: 5. Remove Service Disk. ENTER b. The display will indicate when the format is complete 8. Perform (VP-65) Restore Setup 1 ,2 7 9 ,6 8 8 ,7 0 4 b y te s to ta l d is k sp a c e 1 3 1,0 7 2 b y te s in 2 h id d e n file s Required Tools & Materials: 3 ,1 7 8 ,4 9 6 b yte s in 9 7 d ire cto rie s 7 5 0 ,22 3 ,3 6 0 b y te s in 2 ,2 1 5 u s e r file s 5 2 6 ,1 5 5,7 7 6 b y te s a v a ila b le o n d is k None Verification Procedure 3 2 , 7 6 8 b y te s in e a c h a llo c a tio n u n it 3 8 ,0 53 to ta l a llo ca tio n u n its o n d is k 16 ,0 5 7 a v a ila b le a llo ca tio n u n its o n d is k Figure 5-25 CHKDSK/F Results, Hard Disk 6. Turn System OFF, wait 5 seconds, then turn System ON. VP-63 CS/SL SETUP . 6 5 5 ,3 6 0 to ta l b yte s m e m ory 6 1 8 ,5 6 0 b yte s fre e 4. At A:\ prompt type INSTALL, then press „ ENTER a. Type FORMAT C:/S and press „ 3. Turn System ON. 3 2 0 95 1. Enter Diagnostics Hidden Screen a. From MAIN MENU, press „ DIAGNOSTICS b. Press „ „ F12 F1 TOGGLE CS/SL to appropriate instrument type. VP-62 DOS Installation Required Tools & Materials: Service Disk PN 9380700 NOTE: Instrument type will display on screen. c. Press „ RETURN Verification Procedure 1. Turn System OFF. 2. Insert Service Disk into Floppy Drive. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 57 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-64 Backup Procedure VP-64 Backup Procedure 4. At A:\ prompt, type R to RESTORE, then press „ ENTER Required Tools & Materials: CELL-DYN 3200 System Setup Disk PN 9380595 This copies Old Version Setup from Setup Disk to Hard Drive. 5. Remove Setup Disk. Verification Procedure 6. Turn System OFF, wait 5 seconds, then turn System ON. 1. Turn System OFF. 2. Insert Setup Disk. 3. Turn System ON. 4. At A:\ prompt, type S to SAVE, then press „ ENTER. This copies Old Version Setup from Hard Drive to Setup Disk. 5. Remove Setup Disk. 6. Turn System OFF, wait 5 seconds, then turn System ON. VP-65 Restore Setup Required Tools & Materials: CELL-DYN 3200 System Setup Disk PN 9380595 Verification Procedure 1. Turn System OFF. 2. Insert Setup Disk. VP-66 List Mode Data Collection Required Tools & Materials: None Verification Procedure 1. Collect Data with List Mode ON. a. From MAIN MENU, Press „ DIAGNOSTICS b. Press, „ „ „ F12 F1 STORE RAW ON/OFF (To ON) c. Press, „ RETURN d. From MAIN Menu, press „ RUN e. Run specimens to collect list mode data. 3. Turn System ON. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 58 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-67 Download HSSL Com f. Press „ „ MAIN DIAGNOSTICS g. Press, „ „ F12 F1 h. DO NOT run analyzer with List Mode ON for an extended period. Each file = approximately 100kb. When Hard Drive is filled with Data Lists Fatal Fault condition will result. Then files must be deleted. 2. Download List Mode Data to Diskette. a. From MAIN MENU, press „ „ F12 F8 b. Type CD\RAWFILE\(yymmdd-the DATE OF COLLECTION). c. Press „ ENTER NOTE: Date format is YYMMDD (Year Month Day). Example: 960321 = 21 March 1996. d. Place Formatted 1.44mb diskette in Floppy Disk Drive. e. Type COPY C:\RAWFILE\960321\(SEQUENCE#).RAW B:. This will copy one file of LIST MODE DATA from Data Station to Diskette in Floppy Drive. NOTE: Sequence # = Specimen Sequence number in Data Log. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Example: “COPY C:\RAWFILE\960921\8411.RAW B:”. If multiple files need to be downloaded, use wild cards. Such as sequence # 841?.raw. This will download 8410, 8411, 8412, 8413, etc. 3. If Needed - Delete Data Files from Hard Drive. a. At C:\ prompt type CD\RAWFILE, and press „ ENTER b. Type DIR, and Press „ ENTER to get listing of all files in RAWFILE directory. c. Select files to be deleted. d. Type DEL C:\RAWFILE\(FILE NAME) for each file to be deleted. 4. Press „ RETURN VP-67 Download HSSL Com Required Tools & Materials CELL-DYN 3200 System Installation Disks 1 & 2 P.N. 9380590 Verification Procedure 1. Turn system power OFF. 2. Insert disk #1 in the floppy drive. 3. Turn system power ON. 4. When instructed, insert disk #2. Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 59 8#0#9HULILFDWLRQ#3URFHGXUHV • VP-67 Download HSSL Com 5. Follow on-screen instructions to download HSSL Com and setup CS or SL. a. Go to the Main Menu and press F12, F8 to get to the C:\CD3200> prompt. b. Type HSSL c. If analyzer is an SL, type 0KL <enter>. SKL should be displayed in the left column. Type 0K <enter>. 0K should be displayed in the right column. d. If analyzer is a CS, type 0KS <enter>. 0KS should be displayed in the left column. Type 0K <enter>. 0K should be displayed in the right column. NOTE: 0 = zero a. Press F8 to exit to the C:\CD3200> prompt. b. Turn off analyzer, wait 5 sec, turn on analyzer to reboot. CELL-DYN 3200 SYSTEM SERVICE MANUAL Part Number 9140300 − August 1998 5 - 60 ">

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Key features
- Automated Hematology Analysis
- High-Speed, High-Throughput Design
- Flow Cytometry Technology
- Comprehensive Range of Parameters
- Accurate and Reliable Cell Counting
- Differential Analysis
- Diagnostic and Monitoring Capabilities
Frequently asked questions
The CELL-DYN 3200 is a fully automated hematology analyzer that measures red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), and platelet (PLT) counts, as well as other hematologic parameters, such as hemoglobin (HGB), hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
The CELL-DYN 3200 uses flow cytometry technology to accurately count, size, and differentiate blood cells. The instrument aspirates a sample of blood, dilutes it with reagent, and passes it through a laser beam. The scattered light and fluorescence emitted from the cells are detected by sensors and used to generate a histogram of cell populations, providing a comprehensive hematologic profile.
The service manual provides detailed troubleshooting procedures for a wide range of errors that may occur with the CELL-DYN 3200. Common troubleshooting steps include checking reagents, verifying connections, cleaning and calibrating the instrument, and performing system diagnostics.