Delta 28-248, 28-475X Wood Cutting Band Saw Instruction manual

Below you will find brief information for Wood Cutting Band Saw 28-248, Wood Cutting Band Saw 28-475X. These Delta ShopMaster band saws feature a 14" cutting capacity, quick-tensioning blade mechanism, large cast iron tables (tiltable for angled cuts), and a dust port for connection to a dust collector. Ideal for various woodworking tasks.

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Delta 28-248, 28-475X Band Saw Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • 14" cutting capacity
  • Quick-tensioning blade mechanism
  • Tiltable cast iron table (45° right, 8° left)
  • 4" O.D. dust port

Frequently asked questions

Loosen the clamp handles, tilt to the desired angle (45° right, 9° left), then tighten the handles. Use the scale to set the angle.

Move the tension handle left to apply tension, or slightly left, lift the lever lock, and move it right to release. Use the scale to set tension based on blade width.

Rotate the wheels slowly. If the blade creeps forward, turn the thumb screw clockwise; if backward, turn it counter-clockwise. Only adjust a fraction of a turn at a time.
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