Applied Biosystems ID-X 1.0 genotyping software Quick reference guide
Below you will find brief information for genotyping software ID-X 1.0. This document describes the features of the software, including setting up the software, creating a project, adding samples, applying analysis settings, starting the analysis, reviewing analysis workflow summaries, manually reviewing required samples, and reporting results.
Quick Reference Guide GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Overview GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 is an automated genotyping software solution for all human identification (HID) data analysis needs, including forensic casework, databasing, and paternity testing. This quick reference guide provides abbreviated procedures for analyzing, viewing, and interpreting data using the GeneMapper ID-X Software, and briefly describes the default settings provided with the software. Use this card when you need quick reminders to help you create and analyze projects, and review results. For more detailed information, refer to the: • GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Help – Launch the GeneMapper ID-X Software and press F1 or select HelpContents and Index. To access context-sensitive help in the software application, click or Help, located on selected windows and dialog boxes. • GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Getting Started Guide and the GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Reference Guide – Shipped with the software and available on the GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Documentation CD as portable document format (.pdf) files. Data Analysis and Software Workflows The following flowchart summarizes the steps for performing a typical data analysis workflow using the GeneMapper ID-X Software. To the left are the steps the user performs when analyzing samples and interpreting results. To the right are the software operations that occur automatically during analysis. Set up the software (one time): 1. Create an analysis method. 2. Set Project Options. Create a project: 1. Add samples. 2. Apply analysis settings. 3. Start analysis. Review analysis workflow summaries: • (Optional) Analysis Requirements Summary • (Optional) Allelic Ladder Analysis Summary • Analysis Summary Manually review required samples (based on your lab protocol) (Optional) Use the Profile Comparison tool. (Optional) Report results: 1. Generate a custom report. 2. Export reports and tables. 3. Print. During analysis, the software does the following: Analysis requirements check Peak detection and sizing Allelic ladder quality assessment Genotyping Sample quality assessment Analysis summary generation Software Screens The main screens of the GeneMapper ID-X Software are shown below. GeneMapper ID-X Manager Edit the parameters of new and existing GeneMapper ID-X files (analysis methods, table settings, plot settings, matrices, size standards, report settings and projects). Analysis Method Editor Define peak detection, genotyping, and PQV flag thresholds. Project Window Create project, analyze data, review Samples and Genotypes Process Quality Values (PQVs); view table with genotypes, export tables, generate reports; access all other windows. Panel Manager View, modify, import and export panels and bins used for genotyping. Samples Plot Examine electropherograms, PQV flags and quality value details; edit allele labels. Profile Comparison Report profile concordance and comparison results. Report Manager Generate and export table-formatted reports. Label Edit Viewer View allele and artifact label edits, and reasons for change associated with a sample. Page 2 Example Data Analysis Workflow Follow the steps below to perform a basic analysis of AmpFlSTR® kit data (.fsa files) using the GeneMapper ID-X Software. Note: This workflow does not include procedures for setting up the software or for reporting results. Refer to the GeneMapper® ID-X Software Help or the GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Getting Started Guide for information regarding these procedures. Create a Project In the Project window, click (New Project) to create a new project. Add Samples 1. Click (Add Samples to Project) to add samples to the project. 2. Navigate to the folder containing the sample files, or search for samples in the GeneMapper ID-X database. 3. Select a folder (or select individual files using Ctrl-click), then click Add To List. 4. Click Add. Apply Analysis Settings Apply analysis settings to the samples in the Project window before starting analysis. 1. In the Project window toolbar, select 310 Data Analysis or 31XX Data Analysis (see “Default Table Settings” on page 9) or another custom table setting from the Table Setting drop-down list to view the Samples table columns that require analysis settings: Sample Type, Analysis Method, Panel, Size Standard, Custom Control (if included in the project) and Matrix (ABI PRISM ® 310 Genetic Analyzer sample files only). 2. In the Samples table, apply the appropriate analysis settings (sample type, analysis method, panel and size standard) to each sample in the project. a. Click a cell in each column to display a list selector arrow drop-down list. , then select the appropriate setting from the b. Select EditFill Down (or press Ctrl+D) to apply the selected analysis settings to all samples in the project. Start the Analysis Click (Analyze) to analyze the project. Review the Analysis Summary Using the Analysis Summary, briefly review the overall quality of the allelic ladders, controls and samples in the project (see “Reviewing the Analysis Summaries” on page 5). Review Required † Samples With the Analysis Summary still open in the Project window, proceed with data interpretation. View Sample-Level Quality Flags 1. Click a blue link under any column header or symbol to review the samples in that category. 2. Examine the Sizing Quality (SQ) flags. 3. Examine the sample-level PQVs. See “Process Quality Value Flags” on page 7. † Based on your laboratory protocol. Page 3 View Electropherograms and Marker-Level Quality Flags 1. In the filtered Samples table, select the sample(s) to investigate, then click window toolbar to open the Samples plot. (Display Plots) in the Project 2. In the Samples plot, select Data Interpretation (see “Default Plot Settings” on page 10) or another custom plot setting from the Plot Settings drop-down list. 3. Review the color-coded marker headers, which reflect the Genotype Quality (GQ) status of the marker. 4. Click a marker header in the plot to display individual marker-level PQV details in the Genotypes table and Quality Value Details (QVD) pane. See “Process Quality Value Flags” on page 7. As Needed: • Change the plot display: Select a new plot setting or click a plot toolbar icon to change the plot display. • Show PQV trigger peaks: Click (Show PQV Trigger Peak) to display labels on peaks that triggered specific quality value flags. • View raw data: Right-click a peak, then select Peak Raw Data. • Edit peak labels: Left-click to select a peak or a peak label, then right-click and select an edit option (add, delete or rename). • Mark samples for deletion from the project: Select the Mark Sample for Deletion check box in the top right corner of a plot pane to delete a sample from the project. • Manually accept marker genotypes: In the Genotypes table, right-click the GQ PQV you wish to override, then click Yes to override. • Manually accept sample genotypes: In the Samples plot header, right-click the Composite Genotype Quality (CGQ) PQV you wish to override. Save Changes 1. Close the plot window (deletes any marked samples from the project). 2. Click (Save Project) to save any changes to the project. (Optional) Perform Profile Comparison Checks Use the Profile Comparison tool to examine sample concordance and comparison results. IMPORTANT! Before using the Profile Comparison tool, remove any off-ladder (OL) allele calls from the samples in the project you wish to compare. 1. In the Project window, select ToolsProfile Comparison. 2. Review the Sample Concordance results. 3. Use the Sample, Lab Reference and Control/QC Comparison tabs to perform profile comparisons. In each tab: a. Enter a Percent Match Threshold (range 50-100%) to use for each comparison. b. Click Compare Profiles. c. Review the profile comparison results. Page 4 Reviewing the Analysis Summaries Reviewing the Analysis Requirements Summary Shows the number of samples that do not meet the specified analysis requirements. Displays the filtered Samples table listing only the samples that do not meet analysis requirements. Analyzes samples that meet requirements (does not analyze those samples that do not meet requirements). Reviewing the Allelic Ladder Analysis Summary Place pointer over symbols to view tooltips listing reported PQVs Ladders with Ladders with Ladders with CGQ and SQ Shows the number of analyzed ladders in the project and the run folders where they are located. Analyzes run folders with at least one passing ladder and uses the passing ladder(s) to calculate bin offsets. Run folders with no passing ladders are not analyzed. Analyzes all run folders regardless of ladder quality. If a run folder contains no passing ladders, the sample files will be sized, but genotyping will result in many OL allele calls. Displays the filtered Samples table listing only the allelic ladder samples with and/or CGQ or SQ. Page 5 CGQ and CGQ and/or SQ SQ Reviewing the Analysis Summary Select to display results for individual run folders, or all run folders in a project Analysis status: • Never analyzed • Analyzed • Analysis setting changed since last analyzed Lists all samples in the selected run folder(s) by analysis status See “Reviewing the Allelic Ladder Analysis Summary” on page 5 Separates the analyzed controls by type (from Samples table) Click a blue link under any column header or symbol to display a filtered view of the Samples table that displays only the samples in that category Separates passing samples from samples that do not meet one or more quality thresholds Page 6 GeneMapper® ID-X Software Data Flags Analysis Requirements Flags Analysis requirements flags are displayed either in the Samples table before analysis starts or in the Analysis Requirements Summary after analysis starts. The software displays a flag for unmet requirements. Flag ARNM Name Description Analysis Requirement Not Met Indicates if all analysis requirements are met. These requirement checks are performed when analysis is started: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sample File Not Found Analysis Method Not Selected Analysis Method Not Found in the Database Panel Not Selected Panel Not Found in the Database Binset Not Selected Binset in Analysis Method Does Not Match Binset Selected in the Panel Manager Size Standard Not Selected Size Standard Not Found in Database Size Standard Dye Color is Not Present in the Sample Dye Set Matrix Not Selected Matrix Not Found in the Database No Allelic Ladder Selected in Run Folder GMID v3.x Analysis Method Selected Basic or Classic Size Standard Selected SNP Panel Selected Process Quality Value Flags Process Quality Value (PQV) flags indicate the quality of data at the sample and marker levels. After optimizing and validating PQV settings, you can use PQV flags to quickly identify data-quality issues and help to interpret samples that do not meet all thresholds. In the Samples table and Genotypes table, PQV flags display the following symbols after analysis: (Pass), (Check), (Low Quality), or NA (PQV does not apply). Flag Description † Name Sample-level PQV flags SOS Sample Off-scale Indicates if any fluorescence signal within the analysis range exceeds the detection threshold of the instrument. SQ Sizing Quality Evaluates the similarity between the fragment pattern for the size standard dye specified in the size standard definition and the actual distribution of size standard peaks in the sample, calculates an interim SQ (a value between 0 and 1), then applies the broad peak weighting specified in the analysis method, as described in the GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Reference Guide. SSPK Sample Spike • • Note: The GeneMapper ID-X Software does not genotype samples with SQ. Allelic Ladders – Indicates if spikes are detected within the sizing range. Samples – Indicates if spikes are detected within or between two defined marker size ranges. Does not indicate if spikes are detected before the first marker or after the last marker. The software uses a proprietary algorithm that detects spikes based on the peak morphology. MIX Mixed Source Indicates a potential mixed-source sample. OMR Outside Marker Range Indicates if labeled peaks are detected between two marker size ranges defined in the panel. Page 7 Flag Description † Name CGQ (samples) Composite Indicates overall sample genotype quality. Considers the individual marker GQ values (see Genotype Quality “Marker-level PQV flags” below). CGQ (allelic ladders) Composite Genotype Quality Indicates overall allelic ladder quality. Considers the allelic ladder quality assessment (see “Reviewing the Allelic Ladder Analysis Summary” on page 5). Note: Allelic ladder samples with CGQ are not used to create bin offsets. IMPORTANT! If the Allelic Ladder GQ Weighting for Spikes is set to 0 (off) in the analysis method, the CGQ may be even if spikes are present in the allelic ladder. Marker-level PQV flags OS Off-scale Indicates if any fluorescence signal within the marker exceeds the detection threshold of the instrument. BIN Out of Bin Allele Indicates if labeled peaks do not fall inside bins. These peaks are labeled with OL (Off ladder). PHR Peak Height Ratio Indicates if the peak height ratio between the lowest and highest peak is less than the Min Peak Height Ratio defined in the analysis method. LPH Low Peak Height Indicates if any peak heights (in RFU) within the marker size range are below the Homozygous or Heterozygous Min Peak Height thresholds set in the analysis method. MPH Max Peak Height Indicates if any peak heights (in RFU) within the marker size range exceed the Max Peak Height value (in RFU) set in the analysis method. SPK Marker Spike • • Allelic Ladders – Indicates if spikes are detected within each extended marker range (no gaps are present between markers; the end point of each marker is extended past the marker definition in the panel to the beginning of the next marker). Samples – Indicates if spikes are detected within a marker size range. The software uses a proprietary algorithm that detects spikes based on the peak morphology. AN Allele Number Indicates if the software detects no alleles, more than the Max Expected Alleles set in the analysis method, or no X allele detected in amelogenin. BD Broad Peak Indicates if the width of any peak exceeds the Max Peak Width (half height in base pairs) defined in the analysis method. CC Control Concordance Indicates if a positive, custom, or negative control produces the expected profile. OVL Overlapping Alleles Indicates if a labeled peak (allele or artifact) falls within the size ranges of two neighboring markers. GQ (samples) Genotype Quality Indicates the genotype quality of the marker in the sample. The genotype quality for a sample marker is determined based on the presence of labeled peaks detected (after filtering) and the GQ weighting specified in the analysis method. If no labeled peaks are detected (and the sample is not a negative control), the GQ is set to 0. If one or more labeled peaks are detected, the GQ is initially set to 1 with a final value determined by the GQ weighting of individual marker-level quality values as specified in the analysis method. GQ (allelic ladders) Genotype Quality Indicates the genotype quality of the marker in the allelic ladder. The genotype quality for an allelic ladder marker is determined using system-defined quality rules (as described in the GeneMapper® ID-X Software Version 1.0 Reference Guide) to ensure all expected peaks are present, the peak height ratio of the first and second peak is greater than 50%, no spikes are present in the extended marker range (within or between markers), and the peak height ratio between the lowest and highest peak is equal to or greater than 15%. IMPORTANT! If the Allelic Ladder GQ Weighting for Spikes is set to 0 (off) in the analysis method, the GQ may be , even if spikes are present in the allelic ladder. † A gray , , or symbol for sample-level PQVs indicate at least one marker in the sample was edited. A gray or symbol for markerlevel PQVs indicate at least one label in the marker was edited or the GQ was overridden. A green symbol for the CGQ PQV indicates the CGQ was manually overridden. Page 8 Data Review Flags Data review flags, displayed in either the Samples table or the Genotypes table, can assist with data review. Flag Name Description Samples table SE Sample Edit Displays if the sample has been edited in the Samples plot or Genotypes plot. Reflects edits made within and/or outside of marker ranges. SQO Sizing Quality Overridden Displays AE Reason for Change AE Reason for Change Displays the last reason for change entered when you make a change that yields an allele label. Works in conjunction with the ME flag. MEC Marker Edit Comment Displays the reason for change entered when you make a change that yields an artifact label. Works in conjunction with the ME flag. ADO Allele Display Overflow Displays if the number of alleles called for the marker is larger than the number specified for Show Number of Alleles in table settings. ME Marker Edit Displays if the Sizing Quality is manually overridden. Genotypes table if allele or artifact labels are edited within a marker size range. Table Settings, Plot Settings and Size Standards Default table, plot, and size standard settings are provided with the GeneMapper ID-X Software. You can modify the supplied default table, plot, and size standard settings to support individual laboratory workflows, or create new settings. Default Table Settings Table settings determine the content (columns) displayed in or exported from the Samples and Genotypes tables. The following table settings are installed with the GeneMapper ID-X Software. Name Purpose Samples Table Content Genotypes Table Content 310 Data Analysis Used to set up table data to analyze sample files generated on an ABI PRISM ® 310 Genetic Analyzer. Displays analysis setting columns and sample-level quality values. Displays marker and allele columns, and marker-level quality values. 31XX Data Analysis Used to set up table data to analyze sample files generated on ABI PRISM ® 3100 Series and Applied Biosystems 3130 Series Genetic Analyzers. Same as 310 Data Analysis table setting (see entry above), except the Matrix column is not displayed. Same as 310 Data Analysis table setting (see entry above). CODIS Export Used to enter data in the appropriate columns of the Samples table for exporting a CODIS-supported CMF file. Displays the columns that may be used to populate CODIS-compatible fields when the table is exported in CMF file format. Same as 310 Data Analysis table setting (see entry above). Page 9 Note: No action is required on the Genotypes tab when exporting a CMF file. Name Purpose Samples Table Content Used to import lab reference and custom control profiles into the GeneMapper® ID-X Software database. Displays the Profile ID column, which is required to name and enter profiles into the GeneMapper® ID-X Software database. View CGQ Overrides Used to quickly identify samples that have been manually accepted (this includes samples with and without allele edits). Displays only samples with CGQ override flag and sample-level quality values. Displays marker and allele columns, edit comments and marker-level quality values. View Edited Samples Used to quickly identify samples that have one or more allele edit. Displays only samples with allele edits and sample-level quality values. Displays only markers with edits, edit comments and marker-level quality values. Traditional Allele Table Used to export data into an allele table using Combined Table Export. Displays only the sample information required for an allele table export format. Displays only the marker and allele information required for an allele table export format. Import Reference Profiles Genotypes Table Content Same as 310 Data Analysis table setting (see entry above). Note: No action is required on the Genotypes tab when importing reference profiles. The allele table export format resembles that created in ABI PRISM ® Genotyper® Software. The table is compatible with spreadsheet software such as Microsoft® Excel®. View Unedited Samples Used to quickly identify samples that have not been manually manipulated (edited or overridden). Displays only samples without label edits, or GQ or CGQ override flags and sample-level quality values. Displays only markers without allele edits and marker-level quality values. Yfiler Haplotype DB Export Used to export the appropriate columns using Combined Table Export for upload into the Yfiler® Haplotype Database. Displays only the sample information required for export in Yfiler® Haplotype Database format. Displays only the sample and marker information required for export in Yfiler® Haplotype Database format. VALID_GMIDX_Table Setting-1.0 Used to export the appropriate columns for importing tabular data into VALID™ Software. Displays only the sample information and run information required for a VALID softwarecompatible format. Displays only the marker information required for a VALID software-compatible format. Default Plot Settings Plot settings determine the number of panes, headers, labels, and tables displayed in the Samples and Genotypes plot windows. The following plot settings, installed with the GeneMapper ID-X Software, include settings for the most common data interpretation and review tasks. Name Purpose Description Check LIZ Size Standard Used to display the GeneScan™ LIZ® size standard in the same format as the Check GS500 Macro in the ABI PRISM ® Genotyper® Software templates. Displays the GeneScan™ LIZ® size standard fragments with labels per sample in separate electropherogram panes. Check ROX Size Standard Used to display the GeneScan™ ROX™ size standard in the same format as the Check GS500 Macro in the ABI PRISM ® Genotyper® Software templates. Displays the GeneScan™ ROX™ size standard fragments with labels per sample in separate electropherogram panes. Data Interpretation Used during manual review of sample data, to enable quick interpretation of anomalies and marker-level quality values. Displays the electropherogram plots for the selected sample(s), the Genotypes table, and the QVD pane. Page 10 Name Purpose Description Overlay LIZ Dye Used to perform sizing precision checks with the GeneScan™ LIZ® size standards. Overlays all selected size standard fragments in one electropherogram pane, and the Sizing table. Overlay ROX Dye Used to perform sizing precision checks with the GeneScan™ ROX™ size standards. Overlays all selected size standard fragments within a project in one electropherogram pane, and the Sizing table. Sizing Data Used to display data in a format similar to the ABI PRISM ® GeneScan™ Software plots. Displays all dyes per sample in one electropherogram pane, and the Sizing table. Traditional Genotype Plot Used to display data in a format similar to the ABI PRISM ® Genotyper® Software plots. Displays each dye for a sample in a separate electropherogram pane. View Label Edits Used to display allele edits for the selected sample(s) in a table below the electropherogram for electronic data review. Displays the electropherogram plots for the selected sample(s), and the Label Edit Viewer table. Default Size Standards A size standard definition file provides a list of fragment sizes in base pairs and the dye color associated with a particular size standard. During peak detection and size-calling, the GeneMapper ID-X Software matches an observed fragment peak from the sample with a corresponding size in the definition file. The following default size standard definition files are provided with the GeneMapper ID-X Software for analysis of AmpFlSTR® kit data. Name Purpose Description CE_G5_HID_GS500 Used with data generated on ABI PRISM ® 310 and 3100 Series Genetic Analyzers, and Applied Biosystems 3130 Series Genetic Analyzers, and run with the GS500 LIZ® Size Standard. Includes fragments present in the GeneScan™ 500 LIZ® size standard (75 to 450-bp), excluding the 250-bp fragment. CE_F_HID_GS500 (75-400) Used with data generated on ABI PRISM ® 310 and 3100 Series Genetic Analyzers, and Applied Biosystems 3130 Series Genetic Analyzers, and run with the GS500 ROX™ Size Standard and all AmpFlSTR® 4-dye kits (except the SGM Plus® kit). Includes fragments present in the GeneScan™ 500 ROX™ size standard (75 to 400-bp), excluding the 250-bp fragment. CE_F_HID_GS500 (75-450) Used with data generated on ABI PRISM ® 310 and 3100 Series Genetic Analyzers, and Applied Biosystems 3130 Series Genetic Analyzers, and run with the GS500 ROX™ Size Standard and all AmpFlSTR® SGM Plus® kit. Includes fragments present in the GeneScan™ 500 ROX™ size standard (75 to 450-bp), excluding the 250-bp fragment. GS600_LIZ Used with data generated on ABI PRISM ® 310 and 3100 Series Genetic Analyzers, and Applied Biosystems 3130 Series Genetic Analyzers, and run with the GS600 LIZ® Size Standard. Includes fragments present in the GeneScan™ 600 LIZ® size standard (80 to 460-bp). Page 11 Window Functions and Keyboard Shortcuts The Project Window The Project window is displayed when you start the software. Based on the settings in FileProject Options, the Project window displays the last open project or a blank project. Based on what is displayed, the Project window toolbar and menu can contain: Name Icon Shortcut Description Project Window Toolbar New Project Ctrl + N Creates a new project. Open Project Ctrl + O Opens a saved project. Save Project Ctrl + S Saves the current project. Add Samples to Project Ctrl + K Adds samples to a project. Export Table Ctrl + E Exports the contents of the currently selected table in a .txt file. Display Plots Ctrl + L Either displays the Samples plot for samples selected in the Samples table, or displays the Genotypes plot for markers selected in the Genotypes table. Report Manager Ctrl + Q Generates a table-formatted report using user-defined report settings. Label Edit Viewer N/A † Contains a detailed list of edits made to allele and artifact labels in a Sample s plot, with reasons for change. Size Match Editor N/A Provides views of the size standard definition and size calling curve for each sample highlighted in the project. Analysis Method Editor N/A Allows you to edit the parameters of new and existing analysis methods. Panel Manager Ctrl + J Displays the markers and bins used to allele-call samples. GeneMapper ID-X Manager Ctrl + M Allows you to edit the parameters of new and existing GeneMapper ID-X files (analysis methods, table settings, plot settings, matrices, size standards, report settings and projects). Analyze Ctrl + R Analyzes the project currently open. Low Quality to Top Ctrl + B Sorts the data in the Samples or Genotypes tab so samples or markers with lower PQV scores are at the top of the table. Table Setting menu N/A Table Setting Editor Ctrl + T Allows you to edit the parameters of new and existing table settings. Find Ctrl + F Allows you to search the Samples tab or Genotypes tab columns. Print Ctrl + P Allows you to print any of the following items if currently open: reports, tables, plots, sample information, raw data, and EPT data. Print Preview N/A Lists available table settings. Allows you to review the print out of a selected data item before printing. Page 12 Name Icon Shortcut Description Products and Services F2 Opens the Applied Biosystems online Store. GeneMapper ID-X Help F1 Click to display help for the Project window. Project Window Menu EditCopy Ctrl + C Allows you to duplicate selected data item(s). EditPaste Ctrl + V Allows you to insert copied data item(s) in the selected location. ToolsProfile Manager N/A Allows you to view, export, or delete lab reference or control profiles stored in the GeneMapper ID-X Software database AdminSecurity Manager N/A Opens the Access Control Administration tool. Configured by the GeneMapper ID-X Software system administrator to control user access to software functions and data. AdminAudit ManagerSetting N/A Opens the Audit Map Configuration tool. A set of instructions specified by the GeneMapper ID-X Software system administrator that defines the types of data to audit, the actions to audit, and whether auditing is On (prompts the user for a Reason for Change) or Silent (tracks the change, but does not prompt the user). AdminAudit ManagerReport N/A Opens the Audit History Viewer. Provides the GeneMapper ID-X Software system administrator with advanced query options for retrieving and reporting audit records. AdminEsig Administrator N/A Opens the E-Signature Manager. Configured by the GeneMapper ID-X Software system administrator to identify the actions that require user-authentication via an electronic signature. † N/A = Not available. The Samples Plot and Genotypes Plot Windows You can navigate between the Samples or Genotypes tables in the Project window and the Samples or Genotypes plots by: 1) Selecting the samples or the markers of interest to display from the Project window, then 2) Clicking (Display Plots). Based on what is displayed in the Samples or Genotypes plot window, the toolbar and menu can contain: Name Icon Shortcut Description Samples Plot or Genotypes Plot Toolbar Print Ctrl + P Allows you to print any of the following items if currently open: reports, tables, plots, sample information, raw data, and EPT data. Print Preview N/A † Allows you to review the print out of a selected data item before printing. Plot Setting menu N/A Lists available plot settings. Note: Toolbar buttons override (but do not change) the selected plot setting. Plot Setting Editor Ctrl + T Page 13 Allows you to edit the parameters of new and existing plot settings. Name Icon Shortcut Description Panes menu N/A Allows you to change the number of panes (from 1-8) that can be displayed. Show/Hide Header N/A Displays or hides the sample headers in the plot window. Show/Hide Marker Range Ctrl + R Displays or hides the color-coded marker headers in the plot window. Show/Hide Marker Indicator Ctrl + K Displays or hides the red marker size range indicators in the plot window. Show/Hide PQV Trigger Peak N/A Displays or hides a peak label suffix for peaks with Low Peak Height (LPH), Max Peak Height (MPH), Broad Peak (BD), or Off-scale (OS) PQVs. GeneMapper ID-X Help F1 Click to display help for the plot window. No Labels Ctrl + Shift + N Hides all peak labels. Horizontal Labels Ctrl + Shift + H Displays peak labels in a horizontal format (may cause overlapping labels if not zoomed in sufficiently). Vertical Labels Ctrl + Shift + V Displays peak labels in a vertical format (will prevent overlapping labels). Show/Hide Bins Ctrl + Shift + B Displays or hides allele bins. Note: Bins are not displayed when the x-axis scale is set to data points. Show/Hide Peak Positions N/A Displays or hides peak position indicators (for start of peak, peak apex, and end of peak). Bring/Don’t Bring Controls to Top N/A Moves control samples to the top of the plot in one scrollable pane, or to the bottom of the plot. Bring/Don’t Bring Ladders to Top N/A Moves allelic ladder samples to the top of the plot in one scrollable pane, or to the bottom of the plot. Show/Hide Allele Changes N/A Displays or hides any allele label edits manually applied after software analysis. Ctrl + Close Bracket Restores the plot to the maximum magnification. Full View Multiple Dye Plot N/A Displays a plot showing all dyes in the range of the selected marker. Samples Plot Toolbar Only Show/Hide Dyes Ctrl + 1 Selects the dyes to display or hide in the plot: Green: Ctrl + 2 blue, green, yellow, red, orange, all dyes. Blue: Yellow: Ctrl + 3 Red: Ctrl + 4 Orange: Ctrl + 5 All: Combine Dyes Ctrl + 6 Ctrl + 7 Page 14 Displays all dyes for a sample in one pane. Name Icon Shortcut Description Separate Dyes Ctrl + 8 Displays each dye of a sample in a separate pane. Overlay All Ctrl + 9 Overlays all samples and displays all dyes for all samples in one pane. No Table Ctrl + Q Removes any tables from the plot window. Sizing Table Ctrl + A Displays the Sizing table (contains allele, size (bp) peak height, peak area, and data point associated with an allele). Genotypes Table Ctrl + W Displays the Genotypes table (contains panel, marker, allele, and PQV associated with a sample). Label Edit Viewer N/A Displays the Label Edit Viewer (contains allele and artifact label edits, and reasons for change associated with a sample). Bring/Don’t Bring Marked Samples to Top N/A Moves samples marked for deletion ( in the top right of each pane) to the top of the Samples plot in one scrollable pane, or moves them to the bottom of the Samples plot. Note: Marked samples are deleted when you close the Samples plot. Samples Plot or Genotypes Plot Menu EditCopy Ctrl + C Allows you to duplicate selected data item(s). PlotsZoomZoom In N/A Ctrl + Equals Zooms incrementally in on X-axis in all panes. PlotsZoomZoom Out N/A Ctrl + Minus Zooms incrementally out on X-axis in all panes. PlotsZoomZoom to Next Marker N/A Ctrl + J Zooms to the next marker. PlotsTable FilterShow Selected Rows N/A Ctrl + G Displays only the selected Genotypes or Sizing table (Samples plot only) row(s). PlotsTable FilterHide Selected Rows N/A Ctrl + H Hides only the selected Genotypes or Sizing table (Samples plot only) row(s). Ctrl + M Allows you to edit the parameters of new and existing GeneMapper ID-X files (analysis methods, table settings, plot settings, matrices, size standards, report settings and projects). ToolsGeneMapper ID-X Manager AllelesAdd Allele Label N/A Ctrl + L Allows you to assign an allele label to an unlabeled peak, or change an artifact label to an allele label. AllelesAdd Artifact Label N/A Ctrl + I Allows you to assign an artifact label to an unlabeled peak. † N/A = Not available. Page 15 © Copyright 2007, Applied Biosystems. All rights reserved. For Research, Forensic, or Paternity Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Applied Biosystems assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. GeneMapper® ID-X Software has undergone a verification process defined by Applied Biosystems. However, human identification laboratories analyzing forensic, paternity, databasing and single-source samples that choose to use GeneMapper ID-X Software for data analysis should perform their own appropriate validation studies. APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR UNDER ANY STATUTE OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE USE THEREOF. Notice to Purchaser: License Disclaimer. Purchase of this software product alone does not imply any license under any process, instrument or other apparatus, system, composition, reagent or kit rights under patent claims owned or otherwise controlled by Applera Corporation, either expressly, or by estoppel. TRADEMARKS: Applera, Applied Biosystems, AB (Design), ABI PRISM, AmpFlSTR, GeneMapper, Genotyper, Identifiler, LIZ, SGM Plus, and Yfiler are registered trademarks, and GeneScan, ROX and VALID are trademarks of Applera Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or certain other countries. This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation. This product includes software developed by the ExoLab Project. JNIRegistry is copyrighted © by ICE Engineering, Inc. Microsoft and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. 10/2007 Part Number 4375670 Rev. A ">

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Key features
- Automated genotyping software solution
- Forensic casework, databasing, and paternity testing
- Data analysis workflow summaries
- Sample quality assessment
- Profile comparison tools
- Custom report generation
- Export reports and tables
Frequently asked questions
GeneMapper ID-X Software is an automated genotyping software solution for all human identification (HID) data analysis needs, including forensic casework, databasing, and paternity testing.
The steps include setting up the software, creating a project, adding samples, applying analysis settings, starting the analysis, reviewing analysis workflow summaries, manually reviewing required samples, and reporting results.
GeneMapper ID-X Software allows you to generate custom reports, export reports and tables, and print results.