Graflex 23 Pacemaker Speed and Crown Graphic Reference Manual

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Graflex 23 Pacemaker Speed and Crown Graphic Reference Manual | Manualzz
3750 Monroe Avenue |
Rochester 3, New York |
1345 Diverrey Parkway
Chicago 14. Illinois
e. |
ma a ———_
B00 North Cole Avenue
Hollywood 38, California
SRAFLEX. | MGC. Fxhater ) Kes York
& Зы Ней ну я a Pa Ep A KH
47 Simcoë Stréet
Toronto 1, Ontario, Canada
Form ba. 1242/0 —34] PATER bb VE A.
The instructions in this manual are applicable to all Pacemaker Graphic Cameras.
Speed Graphic Model FP Cameras have a focal plane shutter while Crowe and
Speed Graphie Model 1000 Cameras do not. Although most illustrations are of the
largér 45 size, the instructions are equally applicable to the smaller = and 34
Cameras. All directions, loft and right, are from the operator's position behind
camera. :
E. instructions apply to the Graflok Back and the Graphic accessoriés ac-
cepted by them. For information concerning the use of the Graflex Back and the
Graflex film accessories accepted by them see Page 50.
Every effort has been made to make your camera dependable, convenient and
easy to use. The following pages will review basic operation and will explain the
purpose and use of the many features built into the camera.
For those who wish more detailed information on lighting, exposure and other
areas of photography, a bibliography has been provided on Fage 43.
Opening the Camera. ..... 6
Closing the Camera 7
Interchangeable Lenses. . &
Infinity Stops............ 5
Lons Fitting Service... 5
Shutter Data.........10-17
Grañfox 1000 Shutter. 10, 11
Craphex Shutters. ......18
Sapormatie Shuttera..... 13
Compur Shutters..... 14-17
Focal Flame
Shutter......-. 19, 70, 71
Ita neler
e a 22, 25; Hi
Rangefinder. . 22, 25, 24
Kalart Rangefinder. . . . .. 32
Seale Focusing, ........ 25
Ground Glass Focusing, .26
Optical Vhowfimder...... ET
Focusine Panel..........28
Graflex Back. ..........50
Graflex Film Holders, |. .50
Front Standard Adjusts
ment... 29, 30, 51, 32
Riging Front. ........... 30
Sele Skilting Front. .... 31
Tilting Front. ......... 32
Changing Lenses.......-. 5
Body Relcase.. ......... 18
Light Beamiocusimg. ....2d
Bellows Extension... ... М
Grafmatic Film Holder. ..36
Sheet Film Holders... 47
Roll Film Holder... ...-. 49
Polaroid Back... ........40
Graflok Dividing Eack...41
Gräfe. seinen 42
Stroboflash. .. _..... 44, 45
Graflite Extersion...... 43
Telofash .......e...eee.. 43
Acocssory Lemos. 47
EH hapa Books, ., . 48
Camera Caro. .......... 49
Carrying Case. _...... 41
Spoch М а вефк Be gona
dat Vieedder
* O1 Yotfıscher
Forgeh-dor Ерофей
Side Lacks
These: Wirdng Key
Festi Fame! ao Ara
Shore Speed a ra
has Sete Dad
pl har Radiol
a Fatverg Fisel
Dark Schr Ch
fa Plone Shan Floh Fring
er ce abc
Fe Pa Rain Arm
Se Lk
Eady Hedozas
fated Di Laver
"А ныть ем Ася
End Entes Ear
Lembeard 4bde Lock
Body Celecia Az
Eni-g Féges Lock Four
Frped ож!
Fait неск В
Bad brome
Prez the bed release button at the
top conter or top left corner of the
camera body (appears as a bump in
. Lower doar ar bed until it locks in à
horizontal position.
. Swing the front standard lock lever
out straight and pull it outward on
the track to the infinity stops; these
stops are hinged and should be in an
upright position. Fold the infinity
stops down to move the front stand-
ard beyond the normal working posi-
tion. (Sec Page 9 about additional
stops for multiple lens use.)
, Relock the front standard.
. Thé sports viewfinder frame may be
lifted by pinching inward against the
side of the extendable frame and pull-
ing upward as far as possible, Swing
the sports viewfinder eyepiece to an
upright position. Adjust parallax for
6, 3, 15%, or infinity. (See page 27
for use of optical viewfinder.) On 45
Cameras adjustment is on eyeplece
on 23 and 34 Cameras adjustment
is on lower viéwfinder frame.
a at
l. Close the sports viewfinder [rama
Press evenly on both sides or tap the
top member withthe flat of the hand.
. owing down the sports viewfinder
eyepiece al the back of the camera.
‚ the front standard movements
have been used, return them to nor-
mal as follows:
a. Drop the lensboard to the lowest
position and lock.
b. Tilt the lensboard back to its nor-
mal, vertical position. Lock it.
¢. Bring the shift of the front stand-
ard to neutral.
Rack the rack back to the limit of its
Unlock the front standard and push
it back into the camera body. Lock it.
Press down on the bed braces to re
lease and close the bed. It will lock
closed with a click.
The long bellows extension of the Pacemaker
Graphic permits a cholos of lenses ranging
from wide angle {short focal length) to tebe-
Plots flong focal ben geh). Those lenses ane
cussed on Page A sob of matching
focusing =cales and infinity stops should be
installed for exch lens; a rangefinder fitted to
the camera must be adjusted for the lena
normáliy used although the Graphic Range
finder on the 46 models will accept cams
matching all lenses normally used with the
Lenses mounied om Super Graphic lenshogrd
assemblies may be used om the Pacemaker
Graphic 15 Comeraz, Pacemaker Graphic 43
ds wilh road boeses on The sided ds
well da the dop and boflon will fi the from! ef
fhe Super Graphic altkough they will ned aliow
tee uae off the twlernal elects
1. To remove the bens asd lis board: slide
both lensbonrd slide locks laterally to the
full ont position. Lift the lens and shutter
assembly out,
2 To instal] a legs: insert the lensboard as
sembly with the shutter release toward
the side of the camera as shower. The body
release arm shoald engage the shutter re
lease lever as shown. Press lensboard
firmly into the front frame amd slide bath
lensboard slide locks to the full “in”
аут ОГ МЫ
A set of infinity stops must be correctly
positioned for each lens used on the
If infinity stops have not been factory
installed, they must be very carefully
located square with the film plane and
locked firmly in place.
Lens and shutter combinations may be
mounted on lensboards by your local
Service Dealer or Graflex Service Cen-
tor. Focusing scales should be provided
and properly located Гог each lens. For
cameras equipped with a Graphic
Rangefinder each lens must be measured
optically for exact focal length so that a
matching rangefinder cam can be sup-
plied with the lens, Be sure to identily
and record each lens, matching cam and
set of infinity stopa for future reference.
Lenshoards with 8 raised besses will fit
Super Graphic Cameras but must be
tripped externally.
Lenses mounted on Pacemaker 45
Lensboards may be used on the Graphic
View through the use of the special
Graphic View lensboard adapter.
AN Gore an visible Team She top and can ba ое п
tifeed and sel byfooch, in any sequence desiced. Lali"
and “Right” directions are from the front of the hut
ter, as viewed In the accompanying photograph.
Tura the large ribbed ring (3), which ales
served AS à lems shade, eleshwise as far As
A. The abutier cannot bo tripped wnless the
ahulter la Tully cocked.
BH, The blades will ul accidently open in the
vent Lhe cocking ring ia tuened enly part
way and thes allowed to return to Hs origi-
Aal position:
A. Presa thé red witeh an tho Back ©! the
Craflite bakfery case (when Senne 18 1m-
Sa, sr:
H. L'éc à eable release, screwed into Lhe La
og (3) juit above Lhe abulter release lever
‚ @Р! ;
C. Bqueene the body release sn the camera body
af press thé release lever (3 al the sade ef
thc shutter.
Get bever (8) at tbe tap right of the ahuttér te
The desired number on the Diaphragrs Scale (Ti.
with numbers than abive, Arrge indicaba E3-
ban of Flash Contacte &F, shown enlarged im Inset.
Shatter speed may be set cliher before er after
escking. Tarn the knaried ring (© until the red
dot on the raised knurl da opposite the desired
speed om the Shutter Speed Scabe (o
Use a “becking type” cable release, serowed
imté the tapped boas (3). Set the Shatter Speed
Ring (à at "E",
A. For quick check of fetes and composition:
Move Lhe contrel lever {1} at Lawer left cor
ner of lonsbsard Le "0" pouithon. The chut-
ter blades and diaphragm leaves will open
e: Te closes, return lever (M to “C” posi
E. To forza while adjuating diaphragm: Move
knarled Shutter Speed Ring q until red
dot on raised Knwrl Es epposite TO” on Shut-
ter Speed Seale (5). Cock amd trip the shut-
ter. The shutter will apen Pally and the
diaphragm will remakn at nav presseiceted
setting, This la useful when determining the
dinphragm opening required for proper
depth of fleld, when ground glass focusing
and ping front standard tilts and shifts. Te
clade, move the Shutter Speed Hing away
fram T0" Le any desired setting and re-cek
the ahotisæ,"
A. CLASS "M" BULES + The three flash cons
taria (lééatéd al the lower right corner
oi rd) eantrel flash synchronization.
When a standard ASA bi-post syne shutter
cord ia connected Le the top two posts, the
shutter la autermaticall synchronized far
"М" кур bulbs {20m delay) at all speeds
fram 14 second Le 1/750 second,
NOTE: The 11000 ste. setting is mot ayn-
chrenized for Class "MT balks,
Handard ASA bl-poest ahüttér cord Le the
lower two contact posts. Ds mot use & shit:
*De mot recock the shuller without first moving (he shutier speed ring away from “0.”
ter speed faster than the Nash duration of the
unit being wsed. For instance, if the duration
of the Валы la 1/00 second, à abuiter speed in
excess of this will sot off part of the væful
light output of the writ.
Te install a filter, GEW the large ribbed
Ehuttér Ceehing Ring & which alin moved ad
a loma ahade, by turaimg ¡1 counter-clockwisé,
Drop ths Alter into thé expostd rezcia and
не the ring back inte place. Us Serica ©
À eolencid may be and for trippiag purposes
vay, A Graflex Solencid. complete with mount,
Epccial release arm amd bracket (Cat. Me.
2545) ean be installed by Grallex Service De
When wring Bash with the eslenaid, set the
Cireuit Control om the back of the Graflite
Flash Unit at “Né, 1, Connect soloncid rolense
with "SOLENOID" outlet, using à solencid
cord; comnmect rhutter contacts with “SIIUT-
TER" catiet on battery case, using a shutter
Te operate. press main switch {red button}
om battéry case, or press the switch on rémoté
£onirol cord atlached to "REMOTE" outlet.
When additional power ja néeded for exten-
MORE, Add extensión tubes, Extension cord can
bi attached La the "EXTENSION™ outlet. (Dé
net attach extension cords to “REMOTE” ar
“BATTERY” cotléls, since thoy will be "hot
at all times.
GRAPHEX (X) SHUTTER » Grapher Full Syne. « All Sizes
Cock: Move lover 4 to the right lor all speeds including B & T.
Trips Press lever 1 down,
Shutter Speeds: Mevolve knurled ring 2 until desired shutter
speed number is over the index arrow head. Extra effort i=
required to overcome the bocater spring at 1/400.
E. Shutter will stay open as bong sx lever 1 is held down.
T. Press lover 1 pe shutter, press again to dose.
Frese Facer Cock r (any ау).
To Orex: Pull down and in on lever 5.
© To CLose: Lift lever 5 up.
Ciaphregm Semingi: Sct lever 8 opposite {= nums
Бег ето.
Cable Releate: Altach at 3. Use straight tip or
Kodak All-Metal. =
Flash Connection: ASA Bi-Post at 6, Uso Graftite
cords 2701, 2702, and 2810,
a Blactronks Flasks Internal contacta te every
time shutter is cocked and : ы
Bula Use external synchronized solencid Гот
type M bulbs,
9 (новые Ре Set Lever T al F-X. Cock and
release, Use any shutter :
SM, SF, M-T and M-25 Bulbs: Set lever 7 at F-X.
Coe and release, Use red shutter speeds only.
Type M Bulbs: (Includes M-5 Bulbs). Set lever 7
at Black M. Cock and release. Use black shutter speeds only.
Set lever 7 at гой М, Sd ves rom UE
This permits use or guide num
of more complete ey
Graphex fully synchronized shutter com be synchronized
with solemoëd, в во used, lever 7 meuf Le af “OI,
Cock: Move lover 3 to night for all speeds including B and T,
Tales Press lever | down,
Shutter Speed: [Tovolve knurled ring until index arrow is over de
sarcd shutter speed number. Elnek arrow over blaek speeds,
Red arrow over red speeds,
HB: Shutter will stay open as long as lever 1 is held down,
T: Press lover 1 to open shutter. Press again to close,
Press Foor: Cook shutter (any = :
Le pm Press in on button 4 while palling down a
Error La a
To Close: Recock shutter,
psa Setting: Sot lever 7 opposite {- number
Coble Ralegnar Attach in cable release socket
behind lever 1. Generally filled with a small
dust plug which can be removed. o
Fiarh Сотни ADA Bi-Fost at 5 on No. 2
shutters. At 6 on No. 3 shutters. Use Graflite
corde 2701, 2702, 2510.
Eloxtronie Flema Internal contacts oprrato cvory
timo shutter Es cocked and released,
Bulbs: Use external, synchronized solencéd for Type
M bulbe.
Elséteonke Flaik: Internal contacts operate every time shutter
15 cocked amd rel i
5M. 5F; M-1 and M-33 Bulbs: Set lever 8 at F, Cock shutter with
lever 3. Additionally pull down cocking lever 9, (M-2, М-25
Bulbs use 1/50 see. or slower.) Release with lever 1.
Type Mi Bulbs: (Includes M-5 Bulba,) Sot lever 8 at M. Cock with
reer 4, Additionally pull down cocking lever $ and trip with
ver 1,
Flash Sapermatic Shutter must xof be used with solenoid.
NOTE: When using Speed Graphic Cam-
erás and the front shutter be sure the
focal plane shutter is at “0—Open)—
and selector slide is at the “FRONT
position. See Page
Some Compur shutters (other than
Graphic Compur) may not be solenoid
synchronized unless the shutter is first
converted to “A” sync only. This con-
version may be accomplished at a Grañlex
Service Center.
Sea separate instructions for Compur
MXCRO Shutter used on CF-904 and
CF-905 Crown Graphic Special Camera.
© ©
Ceci Move lever 6 to the right for all speeds including B € T.
Trip: Press lever | down,
Shutter Speedu: Revolve knurled ring 5 until desired ah speed number i
index Eire, Extra effort В wired to Sati hot Bootie arde uE LADO. da
E: Shutter will stay open as long as lovor 1 de held down,
T: Press lever 1 to open shutter, press again to close,
Proce F Graphic Co Cock shutter (any spoed :
Te ER Pon dns oy ra ee Te Til
Coane Ml lever 7 up, ня
г (9 a brpas)—Cock ther (a setting).
To Oren Press back on lever T while AE
CLOSE: o shutter (shutter blades will have to close before it can be fully ré.
Diaphragm Seming: Sot lover § opposite f= number desired,
Cabls Release: Attach at 2. Use tapered tip type or Kodak All-Metal.
Flaak Connection: ASA Bayonet at 4. Use Cat, No, 2808 Cord. DIN
rela de а a or PC Connector at 4.
Electronks Floske Set lever 3 at X, Cock and release.
IM, IF, M-T and M-25 Bulbi: Set lever 3 at X. U shutter speed 17100 xl i
M-25 Bulbs 1/50 or shower.) Cock and release, Tania
Type M Bulla: (Include M-5 Bulbs.) Set lever 3 at M, Cock and release,
Sar Tian: Compr (nd Graphic Compur). Some of thee shutters will mot have the Ferm Feom lover do
a SL ery не > Ma rvs tard back, bever 6 cam ba moved over farther 10 the right.
When lever , Shwager blades 0 about E-17 eoncada, Fer ground glam Jrousing, eri ah
ar Fr abd use Eypr cable release 10 ahutler cpen. : Eb
Special Instructions for 135mm Schneider Xenar
Cock: Move lever 6 to the right for all speeds including В.
Trip: Press lever 1 down.
Shutter Speeds: Revolve Endrled 5 until desired shutter speed
PE que is over the index line
B: Shutter will stay open as lang as lever 1 is held down.
To Open: Press back on lover 7 and press lover 1 down, Recock.
To Close: Pull lever 7 forward,
Diaphragm Setting: Set lever 8 opposite number desired,
Cable Release: Attach at 2. Use tapered tip type or Kodak All-Matal.
Flash Connection:
DIN or PC Connector at 4. Use Cat. No. 2821 or 2721 Cord.
Electronic Flash—5Sat lever 3 at X, Cock and release.
SM and SF Bulbs—Set lever 3 at X Use shutter speed 1/100 or
slower. Cock and release.
Type M Bulbé—Set lévér 3 at M. Cock and reléase.
“Solenoid Synchronization: The MX-CRO hro-Compur Shutter may not be
solenoid synchronized unless the shutter is first converted to “A” synchroni:
zation anly. It is necessary to remove the "M" synchronization gear train from
the shutter since the gear train would otherwise introduce a double delay pre:
“onting proper synchronization with solenoid. (Continued Next Page.)
F/4.7 lens in MX-CRO Synchro-Compur Shutter
However, solemoid may be used for tripping
only if desired without shutter modification,
A stud must be mounted on the release arm
to attach a solenoid. The convenience of re-
mde tripping with solenoid may bé enjoyed
with Graflite by setting the selector switch at
#1. Connect a shutter cord (Cat. No, 2821 or
27211 tô the shutter flash connections (4) and
the shutter outlet of the Grafiite Battery Case,
Connect a solendid cord (Cat. Mo. 2509 or
2704) to the solenoid outlet of the Graflite
Battery Case and the solenoid, When the red
button at the back of the Graflite is pressed,
the shutter will be tripped by the solenoid and
flash synchronization will be determined by
the shutter,
Graflex Service Centers are equipped to modify
shutters as described above
Cat. Mo. 9462 FIL stud to shutter releases arm
Cat, No, 3463 Remove internal “M' symehro-
nization delay train to permit solendid synchro-
nization. Convert to “X” sync
The Pacemaker Graphic is equipped with a conveniently located body release. On
Speed Graphic Cameras a selector slide is also provided. When the selector slide Es
in the “FRONT” position the arm on the front standard will engage the shutter
release Jever and trip the shutter. With the selector slide in the “BACK” position
the focal plane shutter will be tripped. |
To set the selector slide push in and apor down to the desired setting. |
The selector slide may be used to release the focal plane shutter without firing
a flash lamp and is useful when it becomes necessary to change shuiter speeds.
To release shutter push in and up as far as it will go. (Trip)
NOTE: When using the front shutter the focal plane
shutter must be open and when using the focal
plane shutter the front shutter must be open.
Pacemaker Speed Graphic Cameras are equipped with
à focal plant shutter at the back of the camera. This
shutter has a wide selection of accurate speeds in a
erally higher range than between the lens shutters,
Te provides for the use of telephoto or other lenses
which may not be mounted in shutters. Generally
speaking, the foeal plane shutter has more motion
stopping ability than between the lens shutters. Whore
there js duplieation of shulter speeds, either focal
plano or front shatter may be used nt preference of the
user, If shutter speeds slower than 1/30 of a second are
required, use the (rent shutter,
To use the local plane shutter:
1. Open the front shutter. (Sof at *T” and open Mt or
vue Press Focus feature)
2. Sot the selector slide at “back.”
4 Turn the ahutter winding key until the desired
ehaftter ape Ea ir shutter window.
With the speed control lever moved toward the
back of the camera the mask in the shutier 2
window will be raised to Be the following shut-
per speeds: 50, 250, 1000, With the lever moved
forward a speed control governor la en and
the following rés will be seen in the shutter
speed window: 30, 125, 500. These numbers indicate
к Sop time im terms of (ractional parts of a
CAUTION: Da Nat Wind The Focal Plane Shutter with
the dark slide removed from the holler as the film
will hei exposed,
T Intal k eTirkeney ol ike Local plane shutter, if la advis-
shiv te alles" che cortina Co run down ta the open (UF or hally elcard
pios before particion Eh Cama ERAN,
Time exposure may be made with the focal
ane shutter,
. Move the spesd control levér toward the
back of the camera to disengage tho
2, Wind or relesas the focal plane shutter
until letter “T” appears in the shuiter
— Eno,
3, the body release to allow the focal
plane shutter to run down to the Tull open
4. Press the body rekası again to clos tht
shutter at the end of the exposure time.
MOTE: It is rable to фенов the shuttér
by means of a hea Er Ea Ai НЕ
lease threaded into t 0 relenas socket
of the body release.
Use #31 and #2A flash lam
SPEED GRAPHIC 17500, and 1/250, No, 6 and FF
23 CAMERAS may be used at 1/1000 shutter speed only.
Since the length of curtain travel is diferent
for ench size of Pacemaker Speed Graphic
Camera, the effective k requires
menta vary. Hence, instructions for flash
synchronization with the Speed Graphic 23
mera vary slightly from those the
largor Speed Graphic 34 and 45 Cameras
1. Attach the Graflite Battery Case to the
2. Plug the Grafito cord into the Fo
ier outlet on the camera and the shutter
outlet in the battery cac
Male the exposure by pressing the body
redeass. (Do not press the switch button
on thé battery case)
at 1/100:
Mash Lam
34 and 45
Use only the No. 31 and No, 24 flash lamps at shutter
speeds of 1/1000 and 1/250 of a second. Synchronization
can not be obtained at other instantaneous speeds. Speeds
marked in red serve as a reminder that they are not to
be used for flash synchronization.
All types of flash lampa as well as high apeed electronie
flash units may be used with the Time exposure setting
by means of the built-in contacts. The curtain ahould bo
set Tor the making of a Tine exposure, previously out-
lined. (Seo Page 20.) The lamp will be fired as the curtain
reaches tho full open position,
The Graflex focal plano shutter will not fire a flash lamp
when the shutter curtain is wound or when the shutter is
rebased with the shutter selector slide since à secondary
switch connected to the body release makes it necessary
to release the focal plane shutter by the body relenss in
order to fire the Mash lamp,
MOTE: If the focal plane shutter has not been used ro-
cantly, the contacts may havo become exidired, To Insure
good contact wind and release the curtain occasionally,
or at least a few times before using for fash.
y :
u ly
all -
Open camera as described ón page 6.
hall stop. Look into der rangeinder
in ra
pitee and rack the track forward until
tha image of your subject ns seen in the
central, moving held exactly colmcides
with the larger stationary image. The
field moves horizontally in the рые
Rangefinder and vertically in the Kalart,
Lock the track, (Track lock mot required
on 24 Cameras.)
The Graphic Ran is an integral part
of the Pacemaker Graphic Camera body and
functions with interc
amprilblé cars
mide to match a specific leas. Come for ¿e
Graphic Ronprfiader may nof he infercion
wich der for the Super Gropiic Rangefuarr.
With the r cam in posit Fami
finder and parallax correcting viewfinder will
indicate true focus aed field coverage of the
lens lunless the front standard adjuverments
(See Pages 29, 30, 31, 32, 33) are used],
Additional benses fitted to cameras equ
with Halart Ra grs must be f by
nd glass or focusing scale. The Kalart
Fan may be focused on the subject
and the distante [rom the focusing
scale matching the lens {or which the Kalart
Bangefinder 15 adjusted and this reading
transferred to the focusing seals for the lens
being used.
Open the camera amd pull the front
standard forward,
Rack the track forward about 25 {until
the actuator bracket clears the plunger).
Hold down the rangefinder access doo
located under the tap af the camera, E
. To remove tho cam, pall the free end for
ward and ouf,
To fit cam into rangefinder, hold it with
the long emeonth edge facing the [rent of
the camera, Slide the narrow end of
cam into the slot of the tube and under
the rangefinder follower arm. Compres-
son of the spring in tho tube will hold the
бака in place ngninst the plunger. If the
"with all
alot appears to be filled, slide the pont of
the cam between the caps on the spring
and plunger. Push the plunger over, or
a & camera upright and tap lightly.
is will open a space for insertion of
the cam.
. Lot thé métal cover close; rack the track
bavek ás Гаг wx it will go; position the front
standard against the Infinity Shops. mateh-
ing this rangefinder cam, and less combd-
nation. The Graphic Rangefinder and
automatic parsliax correcting optical
viewfinder wall operate in synchronization
with the lecuxing of the bens.
Graphic Rangefinder will synchronize
fitted lenses [rom wide
angle to long focus telephoto, providin
the matching cam properly fit
infinity stops are used in cach instance.
When it is too dark to see Che image clear
by locking through the rangefinder, this
rangefinder may 21 be used Lo obiale proper
foruz by the projection af light from the two
front windows of thé rangefinder out to thé
subject. Foeusing will cuuse ome bam of
light to move with respect to the other and
when they coincide on the subject the bens
is automatically in focus on that subject.
In the Graphiz Rangefinder the Rangslite 15 built
in as an integral part; the light can be turned
on Ur pressing the red switeh on tha left side
of the rangefinder cnt Ka photoflash
penlite batterkes power the built-in Rangelite
and must be installed af the time of purchase
of the camera.
I. To install new batteries press in end to
the left on the left end of the battery
compartment cover at the back of the
rangefinder housing.
2, Remove old batts
3, Insert two fresh Fl penlite bat-
terics side by side in the battery comparte
Mént. Position batterbes mó that they ane
led ie seres, positive to negative as
3 п.
NOTE: (Md batteries sometimes leak caus
corroson. Lin not store Lhé caméra with ol
or well ased batters in ploee,
The Kala Focwipot may bo atinched to the top
of the Kalart Rangefinder to provide beam
focusing, A connecting cord from it to a
Стаййе battery case with standard size D
mtterbes will provide the electrical energy.
Full instructions accompany cach Focuspot.
| to use the proper sot of infinity
A focusing scale, and index scale for each Lens
Lo bé used on the Peacemaker Graphic should
be installed on the bed and track along with
a property identified pair of infinity stops for
each lens to bé used on the camera, Bt sure
The focusing scales on Pacemaber Graphic
Ear Ё
the other on the ar track Tha I raed
a rp,
focused al infinity
imbcated aré from film ition to thé su
Ject. Each focusing e been A
especially for the lens supplied with it. If
this scale is used with any othe
of the same make, speed and focal length,
out of focus pictures may result since lenses
do vary somewhat from their indicated foral
gi Each lens must have it own focosing
scale, calibrated especially for it.
Focus on greater distances by matching
the figures for the mensured subject distance
indicated on each scale, For ahorter distances
e! E. a of the shart Index
= Img
subject distance, ME
Ground glass focusing through the lens Ls
recommended for all eritical photography,
since it allows checking sharpness of focus,
depth of held, composition ami shape of the
image ae it is to be recorded on the lm, The
ground glass must be used whenever the
front is tilted, skifted, or otherwise moved
from the normal position. The locusimg panel
of the Pacemaker Graphic 34 and 45 Cams
eras have an Fhtalite Field len: under the
ground glass for a brighter image.
1. Press down the latch to open the focusing
2 To dose the hood, first press in on the
side wings and up on the bottom panel;
then pull the top downward until it
labches, |
To remóve the focusing hood {allowing
the use of a magnilying glas: over
entire ground glass area), hilt up on the
rolease latch while pressing sideward on
a of the cd holding Len
oevsing boc onto the focusing panel.
Lift the focusing hood off.
. To reattach the hood, position over the
ground glass and press until it snaps into
5. À dark slide clip is provided at the lower
edge of the focusing hood of the 4 x 5 size,
MOTE: Focusing panels of Pacemaker Graphic
#3 Cameras may be converted to include
Ektalite at a Grallex Service Center.
à à 3
"Li I
Sec, 347 PLAR
— — —= es ses ió БЕДЕН
oe — el
To the initial purchaser of this camera:
Skilled eraftsmen have produced this camera. They have built inte it a level of
uality amd performance which will insure your enjoyment in the making of
En préturct.
Each new camera 18 warranted to be freee (ron Гала Му materials and vworkman-
ship, except as hereinafter get forth, If any time during your first year of owners
ship, amy servicing is necessitated by faulty material or workmanship, it will be
provided {or the equipment replaced at our 2 rir) without charge except for
transportation charges, by your nearest Grallex Service facility. Retures for
éracine dhould be made through your Grafex Dealer; or if thir i not con-
yepient, the equipment should carefully packed in à stiff côntäimér wath
adequate packing (not exeelier). Auack same ond address and any specrfic
instructions to the package, which should bs adegontely secored amd fully imgured.
This warranty is mot applicable:
A. To any eonm-Grallex manufactured accessory items or parts produced by
others than Gralfes
B. Te Equipsmest which im our judgment has been damaged, abused, or
requires replacement of parts doe to wear and tear from we, or for any
reason other than faulty materials and workmasghip, Such equipment will
be serviced at factory-establithed rates:
CC. To Equipment which has been tampered with or serviced by other than
Grallex personnel;
Ñan a ME or о ен :
Postage will ba paid by=—
a cil aad md. EC ENCE ENE
{Cont'd on Next Page)
This iz built into the Graphic Rangefinder and has
automatic parallax compensation. The optical
finder is a separate item on other Graphics, all sizes.
The optical viewfinder is often preferred to the
open frame finder in order to more clearly define the
limits of the field since it may be fitted with masks
of different sizes to correspond with the field cover-
age of various focal length lenses and different film
sizes used with the camera. Both finders are used
to best advantage when the eye is held as closely
as possible to the rear element.
Fer parallar adjustment, set the eyepiece dial by
placing the number which most closely corresponds
to the distance from the subject opposite the line
along the top center of the finder.
(See paged for Table of Masks for Optical View finder)
EE a
. To remove the focusing panel®, press down oh
the knurled edges of both focusing panel release
arme. Slide across camera about 14” and lit off,
Accessories such as the Graphic Roll Holders,
Graphic Polaroid Back, Graflarger, ett. can now
be attached and held into place by the slide locks.
. Release the slide locks by sliding to the left. By
sliding firmly to the right, any attachment can
be held firmly in position.
. To reattach the focusing panel release the slide
locks, Place the focusing panel approximately in
the normal position and slide it 4" to engage
the release arms; it will snap into place.
“Ser Page 50 for Grajles Beaks,
The Pacemaker Graphic has three im-
portant adjustments to shift, rise and
tilt the lens and shutter. Each move-
ment may be used independently, or
with the others, Watch the ground glass
image for the improvement oF correction
that each movement contributes to the
appearance of the image. All focusing
and composing must be done on the
ground glass. Remember that some
lenses, notably short focal length lonses,
may not adequately cover the entire
negative with a elenr, sharp image when
moved or tilted from thé normal position.
It is generally desirable to kcop the
back of the camera parallel to the sub-
ject, unless special effects are desired.
The area which will be included in sharp
focus (depth of field) will be generally
parallel to the lensboard. Turning à lens
toward a plane at an angle to the camera
will bring more of that subject into
sharp focus on the film. Note the subject
malter not included on this plane or
area may not come inte sharp focus,
even though dosing the diaphragm will
help somewhat.
The side shift permits laterally centering the image
without swinging thé camera, which changes peripte=
tive and may cause undesirable distortion.
1. Release the front standard lock,
The rising front of a Pacemaker
Graphie permite raising the lens | | SIDE ; y
above ils normal position and is | 2. Press down on the lateral shift dt К Le
useful for vertically eentering the | | SHIFTING front standard left or right as Ae d, while o
image. Bringing the top of a build- | FRONT serving the effect on the ground glass image.
ing into the picture area without |
tilting the camera will “straighten :
up” a tall building and remove un- — ul
wanted [oregrouncd.
%. When the adjustments are about as you want them
i by ground glass inspection, tighten the front stand-.
Y ard lock slightly, recheck the adjustments and
then lock each securely.
1. Loosen both riging front lock :
nuts, Compose and focus your — №
phéturé on the ground glass lift aL
the lensboard frame az needed.
. Tighten the nsang front leek nuts
before taking the pictore,
MOTE: Short focal length lenses may
not cover the entire negative, in-
cluzive of the corners when they are
raised, tilted or otherwise shifted
from thé normal position.
= : wi dE [ARCA J EY a Se 11 en
TILTING FRONT +. Lighten the lock nut Surely elo)
| REL x E e С RC P BED
I | I = El Fr 4 p bi « of the Gers Gra
| E 3 e | se LE mi is or three img ï
o TIN . To provide downward or fo I
| Г | Ш | E loc MES, H le 1 E
It the lenshoare rwards (out- Го lower the len th ik
rd a ottora) esired while ect rising Iron e 30
AENA of the im a 1 FL Be
ound gl =
1. Rack the track all the way back.
2, Press downward with your thumbs on both bed
braces and snap the bed into the lowered position.
3. To raise the bed, first rack the track back.
4. Press on the bed braces to unlock, and allow the
bed to raise.
Sometimes the subject matter lies below the level
of the camera and it is desirable to shift the lens
1. Drop the bed as directed above, Be sure track
is racked back, first.
2. Locaen the tilting front lock nuts slightly and tilt the lenshoard back-
ward at the top as far as possible.
3. Loosen the front rising lock nuts. Raise the lensboard as necessary to
bring the image into proper alignment and perspective.
4. Check sharpness of image and tighten all leek nuts,
Double bellows extension of the Pacemaker Graphic pa
the use of telephoto lenses and long focal lenoss—aleo ptr
mits the making of 1:1 copies with normal lenses,
1. To extend bellows, tip the infinity stops down, release
the front standard lock, pull forward and relock. Fack
Che truck forward de mete.
2. Unless using front adjustments, use cane Lo make surg
that the front standard is square with the track,
board parallel to Alm plane.)
When the lens k= focused upon subjects closer than 334, It
necezzary to recalculate the number in order to de
terminé correct éxpostiré,
1. Divide the marked focsl length of the lens
into thé bellows extension you are using to
determine Che “bollows extension [netor.”
Esto ai=age | Exec | a Opnposite the “bellows extension factor” on
Chr Se | Pou op ae below vou can lorate the ratio al
14 1:25 the image size between the image and the
1.8 1:5 ahject vou sre photographing.
12 ms 3. Use the exposure factor to determine the
1.1.4 34 correct exposure just as you would use a
Tal | 49 filter factor. If the [actor is 4, increases your
exposure two full stopa beyond normal,
Frasple: Morsol focal leap bees {4x3 Camera] ageih | Явы (67) Belew Externe Fagen ™ Pol Cl Aquila ==
г и J
i Prine Portas” of led wth may rogers Esprrse Pta” Al do pr A] EE
Cl FT har the para, you ndo елью ОВ сон ой о мт М Api gu saga Na me [el] e Ge ba
To mount the Graflite Battery Case, fit the bottom battery case clamp to the
bottom lug of the mounting plate and press the top clamp against the top of the
mounting plate until it snaps into place.
When using the built-in syne of the focal plane shuller or the frond shiller (with-
out solenoid) connect the battery case and camera as directed in the flash manual.
Do ned uae the button on the battery case to make a flash picture. Trip the shutter.
It will fire the bulb, If using a solenoid for synchronization purposes on a shutter
with built-in syne be sure the shutter is set at OFF (X on Compur. See also Page
Ser the complete Graflite manual for full details concerning use and operation.
To fit the Grafmatic film holder, slide it under the focusing panel and lock in place
with top and bottom slide locks. If more convenient, remove the focusing panel
first (see page 28 , and then lock the Grafmatic in place with the slide locks.
The Graphic Grafmatic film holder is one of the most useful accessories for the
Pacemaker Graphic. It is a magazine-type holder about as thick as à film pack
adapter holding 6 sheets of film. Film can be changed in seconds with simple,
pull-push motion, making this accessory most convenient for normal and rapid
sequence use, An identification panel is conveniently located on the back. Each
film is automatically numbered during cach exposure (4 x 5 only).
Loading instructions accompany each Graphic Grafmatic film holder.
Sheet film holders bold two sheets of film, ene on each
side. To fit to the camera, slide it under the focusing
panel as far as possible. The dark slike, when withdrawn,
can be held in the dark slide clip (45 Cameras).
Sheet film, which is available in the greatest variety
of emulsions, comes packed in a box with cach piece of
film interleaved with à sheet of black paper. It must be
loaded and unloaded in total darkness, but has the ad-
vantage ol allowing the processing of one or more €
i as desired. -
kiko the following instructions may help you, we urge
you to practice in the light with a piero Shoe filam,
To load the holder, withdraw tho slide and open the
end fap. Handle the Ñim by the edges only, keeping the
film code motch in the upper right corner as shown. Slide
the film all the way into the channels formed by the metal
anges or lipa on all three sides of the film septum in the
holder. If the bottom flap does not seat smoothly, the
film has not been pus under the upper end of the
septum. [heart the dark slide with the raised dots on the
Моя ЗМ — Сок. 1312 bright side Of the handle fac outward indicating that
pt to prevent unintestbonal withdrawal, After exposing
dx 3 Fleway Col. Mo. 1184 file, reinsert the slide with the black side of the handle
facing outward—to indicate exposed film.
Cat, Ma, 1758 for 4x5 Cameras
MOTE: Riteway film holders with hard rubber slides required
Cat, Ma. 1246 for 2%x3 4 Comerat ss A
lor use with certain types of color film can be © P
| бе paged for Grofex Grofmalie lislings.
To fit the Graphic film pack adapt-
er, slide it under the focusing
panel, If desired, the focusing
panel may be removed (sét page
28 and the adapter can be locked in
position with the slide locks.
The Graphic film pack adapter holds a
12-exposure film pack which can be
loaded in daylight. Film packs are readily
obtained and processed, are light and
easy to carry. [natriclions covering Me
loading of the film pack indo the adapler
will be found om the tusfructeon sheet,
packed with the film pack itself,
2% x Já — Coi. Ha, 1737
ЗМ к 4 Co, Ha. 1233
A x5 —Cat Ho 1234
To fit the Graphic Roll Holders, remove
the focusing panel (see page 28) and lock
the holder in position with the slide locks.
Graphic roll holders have automatic
exposure counter, use economical 120 roll
úlms and are equipped with dark slides,
so that the holder can be removed at any
time, even if unexposed film remains, The
holders are available in two models (244x214 and 214x314) and three sizes to fit
24, 34, 45. Use either black and white or color films with these holders.
for roll holder for Grofex Bocki, dee poge SD.
Optical viewfinder mask (sec page 46) is supplied to define the smaller arca included
on roll film. For sports viewfinder frame on 4 x 5 camera only, order 9102 Mask.
finder and focusing scale can be used
normal, i
The Graphic Polaroid Back, Cat. No.
0108, lets yoo combine the adv
shifts, TE я
features of the A FRE 435 Cums
era. Ît he useful Ta me lighting arrange
menta, models estate photog=
Y, Fecordin at important laboratory
raphy, recorde ata 2 well as many other
For fall size pron: pa for a composi=
use of the
tion and more crítica Polaroid
Back, the Polaroid or Panel, Cat. No,
DIES, it avallable, Кеды! ee all doseup
photography. ка panel stixches exactly xs
the Polaroid Back. The glass i= at
E thé simé un céus as tbe flex in
Four-Sided Metal Viewing Hood, Cat. No,
pri pr be used with the focusing равен]
Far Pacemaker Graphic 45 enlp,
The Graflok Dividing Back, Cat. No, 5103,
te geaful for making two exposures on à single
4 x 6 film for law enforcement photographe,
conservation of film, for test purposes or low
coal portrait photography. The back moves
from side to aide, climinating the need of
twisting the camera, thereby dibturbing
linear perspective.
Remove the focusing panol (ace page 26),
Attach the Graflok Dividing Back by the
slide locks. To focus the image on thé new
film plane, which will be éccapied Бу the
holder and the Dividing Back, attach locus.
ing panel to dividing back.
All holders used on the Pacemaker Graphic
4 x 5 Camera cin then be attached to the
Grafiok Dividing Back just as they aro ate
tached to the back of the Pacemaker Graphic
Camera itself, Note that this will require re-
eating the front standard in order to bring
subjoct matter into focus, If destred, an adds-
tional set of Infinity etope can be added, mo
that the rangefinder can be used in a normal
Cat. No. 3014 Graflex Dividing Back fits
4 x § Graflex Backs
Vuleansid Handbcxse for Pacemaker Graphic
Cameras Es made of special fibre. Has rein-
foreed cormere, lock, double enaps ani shoul-
der strap, Wedth 9147, length 1915”, depth
1114", Has room lor camera, flash, two re
fectora, at least six extra film holders, Rite
way or Grafmatic, lamps, light meter, ete.
The Gralarger converta your camera for use
x an enlarger. Attach to the camera after the
feria Feit panel is removed, With the front
movements ol the Pacemaker Graphic, vou
ii от dE Palm ph Umlesira ble
perspective in the negative.
The Aristo Cold Gridiité built into the
ea mec Pt Scout
x r a in
exposure Es ulred whit cha filters,
Excellent for el black and white carie
poten The, Orange la Comps Sa
+ ANEP, à
glasaiqes negativo carrier, UL. DOTE.
24 x Há— Cor Ms, 6017
4 x Cot Ho, 6019
GREAFLARGER STAND. This is useful for hald-
EL a this vertically ar boriscntally
arging or co cast tri-
angular base with &" pie solid sy
Bem be bolted or clamped down, 30°
i Aa ar 1 ta рем upricht
I > * from
uma. Cat. No, 5040,
FLASH, CAT. NO. 2778
Has adjustable rubber-covered spring
clamp, 15” cord and separate circuits
for B-C as well as D cell use. Plugs
inte “Extension” outlet of Graflite
Battery Case, accepts Graflite reflee-
tora, 57—Cal, No, 2745, for bayonet
base lamps, and 7%, Cat. No, 2747,
[or medium screwbase lampe.
CAT. NO. 2024
For Bayonet Base Flash Lamps—a
gp a E flash unit
wil ilt-in power supply, trig-
gered by light sensitive phototube
for “Slave” operation. Sold with four
SO-volt miniature batteries, Quick
Changa C clamp, adjustable swivel
and phototube,
Hh у LASH Il
STROBOFLASH % ' ET rpose unit, represents optimum balance of
Stroboflash represents the finest in electronic fash equipment and is the result of years a ht on pat ar E and Ten ER ; Pr mi
ol experience in the design and construction and the supplying of fine electronic Mash 2 Mery life. jght output of Be
equipment lor news, commercial ami other exacting photographie requirements, Thyri- 4 Energy Señagé. .:=...cceecererenreneaen ee 100 wolt-t6r,
trom triggering insures againat damage to shutter contacts and permita easy slavo opera- e ECPS. Roting. as ia 2300
tion with an inexpensive photo-tube accessory, Tho complete Stroboflash line includes Рей Dr Ti ee em wn meow wien Ee bla a 11009 вес.
three different power packs with lampheads, extension cords, Battery Bocater, as well Reeyeliag Time buiih Fresh Botherigid. 3 sec.
as other useful accessories, Ench outfit is sald complete with Power Pack, lamphead and Power Pack Welght.2220 000000000000 0000000027 Бао В оо,
rubber battery case adapter. Stroboflash synchronizes with any “X" contact in the shutter. Power Pack ЮЖ а ука ньнввкнювевее ее == = = = 6 TT xd ET
8 duty, all MET amit, d-way power
A light-weight, compact unit for most con- switch, Ai ti light output of the
venient operation, Stroboilash I
Enargy ЭМО + + +6 +6 0 66 6 à 6 6 6 60 « «5 4 Wofises == pm a — E o
Flan Daria Ena ты Юя) 1,408
er 1200 EC hai НЕ 1760 320 аа
. Esa HE rE “EL si
Floja Dr giao , cemsrrsrrnenereesessel) DA Bt ee I 1431 :
Вееубена Твен [это Frech Ballen aaa В НЫЕ, бе нь, Ta нь о
Fower Fack Weight... 0000000 00000 À ba ? 68, ce 11$ 165 200 ==
Power Pack latonc000000000 000 SAT AB MAR" i BE os aes ee aaa
44 de 45
Interchangeable masks for the optical views
finder are available to indicate the subject
matter included by camera lonses of different
focal lengths on diferent film sizes. The wide
angle viewfinder attachment, Cat. No. 3080,
when fitted to the front of the finder in place
of a mask determines the field of view in-
cluded by à 90mm lens on a 4 x § film area.
LS Ps de SES AA dh
= |
Er г
цы ты Чл
Basically, there are 3 groupe of lenses: Normal, Wide Angle and Telephoto.
All lenses, regardbess of the focal le or design, have standard diaphragm openings
and require ne change in exposure ealeulations.
The angular edd of view and the sine of the image are important essentials in selecting
a lens, although maximum aperture or speed is à consideration.
A normal lens usually bas a focal length equal to either the long side or diagonal of the
files area. Ha maximum apertoré or speed may vary greatly, bot 174.5 is usual, ipa
have a medium angular field for general purposs a
A wide ange cs ix expecially designed to includo a greator angular fed of view and has
a short [eal length. It has great depth of field, but oven so is generally weed at the smaller
diaphragm openings, These lenses permit only fimbted use of the front standard movements.
Thea lenses will usually como to focus with the front standard on the rear siding track.
Telephoto lenses arc also especially designed and constructed, have a very narra
angular held of view, maximum diaph oponings ol arotind 15.6 and produce à much
are r sui por æcenié and apor tography. re WE
extension than normal lenses of the same focal length, Consequently, the hem (107), 270mm
(ha) aml the 38cm (157) telephoto lenses can be used on the Pacemaker Graphic 34 amd
5 Camera, providing magnifications of 2 and 3 X respectively over the dar ci the [mage
produced by standard 127mm (55) lens.
When using telephoto lenses, insert Mask Cat. No. 2100 into the open framefinder (45
cameras Ofil:), or proper mask in optical viewfinder (see Page 46) Insert the En Dd
first and then slip the coiled wire top of the finder into the groove at the top of the mask,
Advanced Flash Photography.
Basie Photo Series. .
Bigger & Better, The Book of Enlarging. .
Colar—Haow to See and > he
Commercial Photography.
Focal Encyclopedia
Graphic Graflex Pho
tography. ..
Kodachrome and o From All Angles... КЛ
Lenses in Photography. .
Mortenson on the Negative. .
The New Guide to Better Photography. .
Photo Lab Index. .
Fhotography, Its Materials and Processes..
Photography, Theory and An
Speed Graphic Guide. .
Strobe, the Lively Light.
Theory of the Photographic Process. .
. Arnold
…. Nibbelink
.. Band
Feinin co ИЕН сн соул ARE AE
. Felninger
ug al Morgan
. Mortenson
+» Laster and Carroll
+... Tydings
e .Liray
‚ ‚М ее
You have purchased a fine camera, carefully designed, produced and tested. It
should give you long and moat satisfactory service, Protect it from dust and dirt
and avald rough handling; and if possible, keep the camera closed and in the
carrying cise when it is not in use,
Do not attempt to make any repairs to the shutter and never oil a camera
shatter. If it needs attention, turn it over to a competent camera mechanic. Re
member that, on general principles, it is a good idea to have the complete camera
checked over every few years to keep it in tip top shape.
The surface of the lons has received a special hard coating, which will reduce
internal reflections and help you make better negatives. Clean the lens carefully,
with smooth, easy motions using a camel's hair brush or lens tissue. Moisten the
tissue with a drop or two of lens cleaner, but do not apply the cleaner to the
surface of the lens.
Your Graflex Dealer is ready to be of service in discussing your camera and its
use, and over-the-counter dizcussions of your pictures will be very helpful to you.
The Graflex Consumer Correspondence Department is also at your service to
assist vou in getting the most out of your Graphic Camera. Do not hesitate to
write about any photographic problems which you may have. Should such ques-
Lions relates to the making of pictures, be sure to send in your negatives and such
exposure data as you may have available.
For older ma Graflex Service Departments are
equipped with oplion located at the addresses given on
Graflex Back the back cover. Each is equipped
to inspect, clean and adjust all
FOCUSING PANEL 4 > pas Graflex products and pe
rásia raflex Focusing Parc the slide locks at the top an Elam nd special lenses, Ш СО-
zi is ther is the dde These me: STE side locks are used to attach FACTORY SERVICE aro should be addressed
and hold to the camera the identified by tb move 1 Dd Ls Clan to the Service Department near-
e aia valla Graphit haldazı rides then ll estracion) est you, your Graflex Dealer will
be glad to take care of the details
of packing and shipping equip-
ment for attention. He may also
be able to provide such services
so that the camera need not be
sent away.


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