Painless Performance 8 Circuit, 12 Circuit Race Car Kit, 12 Circuit Race Car Fuse Block, 8 Switch Dash Mounted, 8 Switch Roll Bar Mounted Switch Panel Instructions

Below you will find brief information for Race Car Kit 8 Circuit, Race Car Kit 12 Circuit, Race Car Fuse Block 12 Circuit, Switch Panel 8 Switch Dash Mounted, Switch Panel 8 Switch Roll Bar Mounted. This document provides step-by-step instructions for installing the Painless Performance wire harness kits for race cars. The kits include a fuse block, dimmer switch, steering column pigtail wires, and other components. This guide covers the 50001 8-circuit competition wire harness kit, the 50002 12-circuit racing application kit, the 50101 12-circuit replacement fuse block, and the 50201/50202 8-circuit switch panel.

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Painless Performance Race Car Kit Installation Instructions | Manualzz




Key features

  • Easy Installation
  • Color-Coded Wires
  • Relay-Activated Wiring
  • 12-Circuit and 8-Circuit Options
  • Pre-wired Fuse Blocks and Switch Panels
  • Compatible with General Motors-Keyed Steering Columns
  • Detailed Installation Instructions
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • Safety Precautions
  • Pre-Installed Fuses

Frequently asked questions

The fusible link is a safety device designed to protect the entire harness by going between wire #816 and the battery source. It acts as a fuse to prevent damage to the wiring system in case of a short circuit or overload.

The ammeter must be inserted in series onto wire #816, which routes from the fuse panel to the starter solenoid or relay. Make sure both ammeter terminals are isolated from ground to prevent a fire hazard. The ammeter's current rating should exceed the output of your alternator.

The 50001 kit offers 8 circuits, while the 50002 kit provides 12 circuits. The 50002 kit is designed for racing applications and includes additional circuits for features like an electric fan, water pump, fuel pumps, and accessories.
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