SAIA-Burgess PCD F750, PCD F770, PCD F772, PCD F774, PCD T770, PCD G110, PCD G120, PCD G130, PCD T100, PCD T160, PCD D160, PCD D164 Process Control Devices Manual
Below you will find brief information for PCD F750, PCD F770, PCD F772, PCD F774, PCD T770, PCD G110, PCD G120, PCD G130, PCD T100, PCD T160. This document helps to learn the basics of the SAIA PCD PROFIBUS-DP network, from planning and installation to programming and commissioning. By following the detailed instructions, you will be able to set up and operate the network efficiently.
SAIAPCD Process Control Devices English edition 26/765 E1 Manual PROFIBUS-DP SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) http;// BA: Electronic Controllers Telephone Telefax 026 / 672 71 11 026 / 670 44 43 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAIA-Burgess Companies Switzerland SAIA-Burgess Electronics AG Freiburgstrasse 33 CH-3280 Murten 026 672 77 77, Fax 026 670 19 83 France SAIA-Burgess Electronics Sàrl. 10, Bld. Louise Michel F-92230 Gennevilliers 01 46 88 07 70, Fax 01 46 88 07 99 Germany SAIA-Burgess Electronics GmbH Daimlerstrasse 1k D-63303 Dreieich 06103 89 060, Fax 06103 89 06 66 Nederlands SAIA-Burgess Electronics B.V. Hanzeweg 12c NL-2803 MC Gouda 0182 54 31 54, Fax 0182 54 31 51 Austria SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ges.m.b.H. Schallmooser Hauptstrasse 38 A-5020 Salzburg 0662 88 49 10, Fax 0662 88 49 10 11 Belgium SAIA-Burgess Electronics Belgium Avenue Roi Albert 1er, 50 B-1780 Wemmel 02 456 06 20, Fax 02 460 50 44 Italy SAIA-Burgess Electronics S.r.l. Via Cadamosto 3 I-20094 Corsico MI 02 48 69 21, Fax 02 48 60 06 92 Hungary SAIA-Burgess Electronics Automation Kft. Liget utca 1. H-2040 Budaörs 23 501 170, Fax 23 501 180 Representatives Great Britain Canham Controls Ltd. 25 Fenlake Business Centre, Fengate Peterborough PE1 5BQ UK 01733 89 44 89, Fax 01733 89 44 88 Portugal INFOCONTROL Electronica e Automatismo LDA. Praceta Cesário Verde, No 10 s/cv, Massamá P-2745 Queluz 21 430 08 24, Fax 21 430 08 04 Denmark Malthe Winje Automation AS Håndværkerbyen 57 B DK-2670 Greve 70 20 52 01, Fax 70 20 52 02 Spain Tecnosistemas Medioambientales, S.L. Poligono Industrial El Cabril, 9 E-28864 Ajalvir, Madrid 91 884 47 93, Fax 91 884 40 72 Norway Malthe Winje Automasjon AS Haukelivn 48 N-1415 Oppegård 66 99 61 00, Fax 66 99 61 01 Czech Republic ICS Industrie Control Service, s.r.o. Modranská 43 CZ-14700 Praha 4 2 44 06 22 79, Fax 2 44 46 08 57 Sweden Malthe Winje Automation AB Truckvägen 14A S-194 52 Upplands Våsby 08 795 59 10, Fax 08 795 59 20 Poland SABUR Ltd. ul. Druzynowa 3A PL-02-590 Warszawa 22 844 63 70, Fax 22 844 75 20 Suomi/ Finland ENERGEL OY Atomitie 1 FIN-00370 Helsinki 09 586 2066, Fax 09 586 2046 Australia Siemens Building Technologies Pty. Ltd. Landis & Staefa Division 411 Ferntree Gully Road AUS-Mount Waverley, 3149 Victoria 3 9544 2322, Fax 3 9543 8106 Argentina MURTEN S.r.l. Av. del Libertador 184, 4° “A” RA-1001 Buenos Aires 054 11 4312 0172, Fax 054 11 4312 0172 After sales service USA SAIA-Burgess Electronics Inc. 1335 Barclay Boulevard Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, USA 847 215 96 00, Fax 847 215 96 06 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Issue : 22.11.2000 Subjet to change without notice SAIA® Process Control Devices Manual PROFIBUS-DP with SAIA® PCD SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1999. All rights reserved Edition 26/765 E1 - 03.1999 Subject to technical changes SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Updates Manual : Date 02.2001 PROFIBUS-DP with SAIA® PCD - Edition E1 Chapter Page Description 7.3 7-10 XOB à EXOB Ó SAIA-Burgess Controls Ltd. PROFIBUS-DP Concerning this manual Concerning this manual The concept and practical application of PROFIBUS-DP is described in detail and complemented with the addition of various examples. If PROFIBUS is new territory for you, it is advisable to study the whole manual. If you already have some experience with PROFIBUS-FMS, you are advised to study the following chapters: 2. SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network 4. The PROFIBUS-DP configurator 5. Programming 6. Commissioning a PROFIBUS-DP network If you are already familiar with PROFIBUS-DP, we recommend that you study the following chapters: 2. SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network 4. The PROFIBUS-DP configurator 5. Programming If you wish to have a quick summary of the use of SAIA devices with PROFIBUS-DP, we recommend that you study Chapter 7: 7. 26/765 E1 (PDP-V-E.DOC) Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page V-1 Concerning this manual PROFIBUS-DP Notes Page V-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-V-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Contents Contents Page 1. Characteristics and fundamentals 1.1 1.2 Characteristics Basic principles 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 ISO/OSI reference model PROFIBUS layer 1 (physical layer) PROFIBUS layer 2 (data link layer) PROFIBUS-DP 2. SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network 2.1 2.2 PROFIBUS-DP master module PROFIBUS-DP slave module 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 Connection of PROFIBUS-DP modules 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.4 26/765 E1 (PDP-00-E.DOC) PCD7.F7xx card PCD0.Xxxx card Meaning of connections Ports 2 and 3 of PCD7.F77x slave modules 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.5 2.6 PROFIBUS-DP slave card PCD7.F77x PROFIBUS-DP RIO modules Port 2 Port 3 Repeater PCD7.T100 Termination box PCD7.T160 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 1-1 1-4 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-9 2-1 2-4 2-5 2-8 2-9 2-9 2-12 2-12 2-13 2-13 2-13 2-14 2-15 Page 1 Contents PROFIBUS-DP Page 3. Planning and installation of a PROFIBUS-DP network 3.1 Planning and installation of the physical layer 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3-3 3-3 3-6 3-7 Logical network structure 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3-10 Definition of bus parameters Configuration of slaves Checking and assessing the performance values required 4. The PROFIBUS-DP configurator 4.1 4.2 4.3 General Procedure for PROFIBUS-DP configuration Description of PROFIBUS-DP configuration menu 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 4.3.9 Page 2 Line parameters Connection of network stations Stub cables Network layout Main screen 'Network' submenu 'Edit' submenu 'View' submenu 'Library' submenu 'Project' submenu 'Window' submenu 'Help' submenu Mouse-sensitive elements in configurator SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3-2 (PDP-00-E.DOC) 3-10 3-10 3-10 4-2 4-4 4-5 4-5 4-7 4-9 4-30 4-31 4-33 4-34 4-35 4-36 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Contents Page 5. Programming 5.1 Access to slave I/Os and registers in a PCD user program with PROFIBUS-DP Description of PCD instructions (SASI, SCON) 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 5.4 Rules for writing the user program Structure of the user program 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.5 SASI: Assigning a channel SCON instructions to affect data exchange SCONI instructions to affect data exchange History list messages Employing PG3 user programs in PROFIBUS-DP projects Cold-start program in XOB 16 Main program in COB Program examples 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 6. Commissioning a PROFIBUS-DP network 6.1 Checking and testing the hardware installation (physical layer) Checking and testing data exchange 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 26/765 E1 (PDP-00-E.DOC) Checking data exchange Checking the mapped media Use of bus monitors SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 5-1 5-5 5-6 5-15 5-16 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34 5-34 5-34 5-37 5-37 5-38 5-77 6-1 6-2 6-2 6-3 6-4 Page 3 Contents PROFIBUS-DP Page 7. Quick guide to create a PROFIBUS-DP network 7.1 Electrical connection 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.2 7.3 Connection of supply RS 485 connection Setting the PROFIBUS-DP address Configuration with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator Writing user programs 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4 Page 4 7-2 User program in the master User program in Slave_2 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-10 7-10 7-11 Commissioning user programs 7-12 Appendix A: Machine state diagram of a PROFIBUS-DP slave Appendix B: CPU load and reaction time when using PROFIBUS-DP Appendix C: Tested Non-SAIA PROFIBUS-DP devices SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-00-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Contents Please note: A number of detailed manuals are available to aid installation and operation of the SAIA PCD. These are for use by technically qualified staff, who may also have successfully completed one of our "workshops". To obtain the best performance from your SAIA PCD, closely follow the guidelines for assembly, wiring, programming and commissioning given in these manuals. In this way, you will also become one of the many enthusiastic SAIA PCD users. If you have any technical suggestions or recommendations for improvements to the manuals, please let us know. A form is provided on the last page of this manual for your comments. Summary PCD1/2 series H ar dw ar e PCD1 PCD2 S er ie x x7 PCD4 series PCD6 series H a rd w a re PC D 4 H a r dw a re PC D 6 PC D 4.H 1.. *) PCD2.M220 PCD2.H... PC D4.H 2.. *) PC D4.H 3.. General Manuals *) PC D4 .H4.. *) Adapte r mo dule 4'717'4 828'0 allow s H mo dule s to be u sed w ith the PC D 6. U s e r's G u id e Re feren ce Gu ide (P G3 ) P C D 8 .P1 .. PC D7.D 1.. PC A2.D1.. PC D7.D 2.. - S-Bus - PROFIBUS-FMS - PROFIBUS-DP In s ta lla tion C o m p on e n ts fo r R S 4 85 N e tw o rk s - PG4 - Modem FUPLA/ KOPLA function families 26/765 E1 (PDP-00-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5 Contents PROFIBUS-DP Reliability and safety of electronic controllers SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. is a company which devotes the greatest care to the design, development and manufacture of its products: • • • • • • • • state-of-the-art technology compliance with standards ISO 9001 certification international approvals: e.g. Germanischer Lloyd, UL, Det Norske Veritas, CE mark ... choice of high-quality componentry quality control checks at various stages of production in-circuit tests run-in (burn-in at 85°C for 48h) Despite every care, the excellent quality which results from this does have its limits. It is therefore necessary, for example, to reckon with the natural failure of components. For this reason SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. provides a guarantee according to the "General terms and conditions of supply". The plant engineer must in turn also contribute his share to the reliable operation of an installation. He is therefore responsible for ensuring that controller use conforms to the technical data and that no excessive stresses are placed on it, e.g. with regard to temperature ranges, overvoltages and noise fields or mechanical stresses. In addition, the plant engineer is also responsible for ensuring that a faulty product in no case leads to personal injury or even death, nor to the damage or destruction of property. The relevant safety regulations should always be observed. Dangerous faults must be recognized by additional measures and any consequences prevented. For example, outputs which are important for safety should lead back to inputs and be monitored from software. Consistent use should be made of the diagnostic elements of the PCD, such as the watchdog, exception organization blocks (XOB) and test or diagnostic instructions. If all these points are taken into consideration, the SAIA PCD will provide you with a modern, safe programmable controller to control, regulate and monitor your installation with reliability for many years. Page 6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-00-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals 1. Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS (PROcess FIeld BUS) is the successful, open, industrial fieldbus standard for a broad application spectrum. 1.1 Characteristics • Open PROFIBUS enables the exchange of data between devices from different manufacturers, without special interface adjustments. PROFIBUS has been standardized under German standard DIN 19 245 and European standard pr EN 50170. • Vendor independent PROFIBUS devices are offered by many qualified manufacturers. This enables the user to select the most suitable device from a preferred manufacturer for whichever application. • Optimized for a wide field of use PROFIBUS comprises the following three application-specific versions: Figure 1: Overview of PROFIBUS versions 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-1 Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS has been standardized under European standard EN 50170 and the earlier German standard DIN 19245 parts 1 - 4. PROFIBUS-FMS (FMS = Fieldbus Message Specification) This is the general-purpose solution for communications tasks at the field and cell levels of the industrial communications hierarchy. Powerful FMS services open up a wide range of applications, provide great flexibility and enable comprehensive communication tasks to be managed with cyclic or acyclic data communication at medium speed. PROFIBUS-DP (DP = Decentralized Peripherals) Optimized for high speed, this PROFIBUS version has been especially tailored for communication between automation systems and local peripherals, enabling plug-and-play for field devices. PROFIBUS-FMS and DP use the same transmission technology and the same bus access protocol. Both versions can therefore run simultaneously and in combination on a single cable. PROFIBUS-PA (PA = Process Automation) PROFIBUS-PA is the PROFIBUS version for process automation applications. PROFIBUS-PA uses the intrinsically safe transmission technology defined in IEC 1158-2 and enables the remote supply of stations through the bus. The protocol functions of PROFIBUS-FMS, DP and PA are complemented by profiles which describe how PROFIBUS is used in special fields of application, such as process automation, building control technology or automated manufacturing. Device profiles define device-specific functions. The device description language (DDL) and function blocks ensure that devices are fully interoperable. Page 1-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals Transparent Communication from Sensor/Actuator up to Area Figure 2: Communication in the field area • Proven PROFIBUS is a complete, proven technology which has already stood the test of more than 100 000 applications in the fields of building automation, automated production, process automation and drive technology. • Certificated Tests of conformity and interoperability performed in laboratories authorized by the PROFIBUS user organization (PNO), combined with PNO device certification, give the user an assurance of guaranteed quality and functionality, even in multi-vendor installations. 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-3 Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS-DP 1.2 Basic principles To construct a PROFIBUS network and exchange data across it, you must now read and understand the following chapters in full. If you plan PROFIBUS communication with SAIA PCD devices only, this in itself is a very simple undertaking and you can continue directly with chapter 2. However, if you would also like to improve your knowledge and understanding of PROFIBUS theory, you will certainly find the following chapter useful. 1.2.1 ISO/OSI reference model Figure 3: ISO/OSI reference model Page 1-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals 1.2.2 PROFIBUS layer 1 (physical layer) PROFIBUS protocol architecture follows the ISO / OSI (open system interconnection) reference model, in line with international standard ISO 7498. In this model each layer takes on precisely defined tasks. Layer 1 (physical layer) defines the physical transmission technology. Layer 2 (data link layer) defines the bus access procedure. Layer 7 (application layer) defines the user level. A fieldbus system’s field of use is essentially determined by the choice of transmission medium and the physical bus interface. Apart from the requirements of transmission security, expenditure on purchasing and installing the bus cable is crucially important. The PROFIBUS standard therefore provides for various forms of transmission technology, while retaining a uniform bus protocol. Cable-bound transmission: This version complies with US standard EIA RS-485 and was defined as the basic version for applications in the field of production engineering, building control technology and drive technology. It uses screened, twisted copper cable with a pair of conductors. Fibre-optic cable: For applications in very interference-prone environments, and to extend working range at high transmission speeds, the PNO has worked out a specification for fibre-optic based transmission technology. Intrinsically safe transmission: PROFIBUS-PA enables the intrinsically safe transmission and supply of stations across the bus. The transmission technology is described in international standard IEC 1158-2. 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-5 Characteristics and fundamentals 1.2.3 PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS layer 2 (data link layer) The second layer of the OSI reference model realizes the functions of bus access control, data protection and the transaction of transmission protocols and telegrams. In PROFIBUS, layer 2 is called the fieldbus data link (FDL). Bus access control (MAC, Medium Access Control) defines the procedure for when a station on the bus can transmit data. The MAC must ensure that, at any one time, only one station ever has authorization to transmit. The PROFIBUS bus access method therefore includes a token-passing procedure for communication between complex stations (masters) and an underlying master-slave procedure for the communication of complex stations with low-expense peripheral devices (slaves). This combined procedure is called a hybrid bus access procedure (see figure 3). In PROFIBUS, the token-passing procedure only applies between complex stations (masters). The master-slave procedure allows the master (active station) currently holding transmission authorization to speak to its assigned slave devices (passive stations). This gives the master the opportunity of transmitting messages to the slaves or uploading messages from them. With this hybrid access method for PROFIBUS, the following system configurations can be realized: • Straight master-slave system. • Straight master-master system (token passing). • A system combining both methods. Figure 3 shows a PROFIBUS structure with three active stations (masters) and seven passive stations (slaves). The three master devices form a logical token ring. If an active station receives the token telegram, it can exercise for a certain time the function of master across the bus, communicating with all slave stations in a master-slave relationship and with all master stations in a master-master relationship. Page 1-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals Figure 4: Hybrid bus access method The term: "token ring" refers to the organizational stringing together of active stations which, by their bus addresses, form a logical ring. In this ring the token (bus access authorization) is passed from one master to the next in a predefined order (ascending addresses). The task of the bus access controller (MAC) for active stations is to recognize this logical assignment in the bus system’s "run-up phase" and establish the token ring. While operating in "run", any (active) station which is faulty or switched off is disconnected from the ring and any newly added active station is connected to it. These performance characteristics, together with the recognition of faults in the transmission medium, line receiver and errors of station addressing (e.g. multiple occupation) or token passing (e.g. multiple tokens or token loss), are typical features of PROFIBUS access control. Another important task of layer 2 is data protection. The PROFIBUS layer 2 telegram formats enable great transmission security. All telegrams have a hamming distance of HD = 4. This is achieved by application of the rules under international standard IEC 870-5-1, selecting special start and end characters for telegrams, slip-resistant synchronization, parity bits and control bytes. 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-7 Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-FMS and PROFIBUS-DP both use their own specific subset of layer 2 services (see table below). Services are called from higherranking levels via the service access points (SAPs) of level 2. With PROFIBUS-FMS these service access points are used for addressing the logical communication relationships. With PROFIBUS-DP a precisely defined function is assigned to each service access point used. For all active and passive stations, several service access points can be used in parallel. A difference is drawn between source (SSAP) and receiving service access points (RSAP). Table: Services of the PROFIBUS data protection layer (layer 2). Servic e SDA Function Used with Send Data with Acknowledge FMS SRD Send And Request Data With Reply FMS DP SDN Send Data With No Acknowledge FMS DP CSRD Cyclic Send And Request Data With FMS Reply The following SAPs are occupied by PROFIBUS-DP and cannot be used for FMS in a mixed FMS- DP network: Function Data_Exchange Chk_Cfg Set_Prm Slave_Diag Get_Cfg Global_Control RD_Outp RD_Inp Set_Slave_Add reserved reserved reserved reserved Page 1-8 SSAP Default 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 DSAP Default 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 Service SRD SRD SRD SRD SRD SDN SRD SRD SRD SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals 1.2.4 PROFIBUS-DP • PROFIBUS layer 7 (application layer) Layer 7 of the ISO/OSI reference model is not used in PROFIBUS-DP. • PROFIBUS DP characteristics • • • • • Replaces costly parallel cabling between PLC/PC and I/Os Fast: transmits 1 kByte input and output data in less than 2ms Powerful tools reduce engineering costs Supported by all main PLC manufacturers Great diversity of products available, e.g. PLCs/PCs, I/Os, drives, valves, encoders • Cyclic and acyclic data transmission possible • Monomaster and multimaster networks can be created • Up to 246 Bytes of input and output data possible per station 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-9 Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS-DP • PROFIBUS DP device types PROFIBUS-DP defines three device types: Page 1-10 • DP master class 1 (DPM1) Central control which exchanges data with the local I/Os (DP slaves). Several DPM1s are allowed, typical devices are PLCs, PCs, VMEs • DP master class 2 (DPM2) Project planning, monitoring or engineering tool which is used for commissioning or parameter setting/ monitoring of DP slaves. • DP slave Local device with direct interface to input / output signals. Typical devices are I/Os, drives, valves, control units... SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals • PROFIBUS DP systems PROFIBUS-DP can operate either as a monomaster or multimaster system: • Monomaster System Figure 5: PROFIBUS-DP monomaster system PROFIBUS-DP usually works as a monomaster system. This means that a master device, e.g. a PLC, is networked via PROFIBUS-DP with distributed peripheral devices, e.g. inputs and outputs. PROFIBUS-DP replaces the parallel cabling between the PLC and local peripherals. A PROFIBUS-DP monomaster system consists of between 1 and 125 slaves, a class 1 master (i.e. the PLC) and an optional class 2 master (i.e. a configurator). Monomaster systems achieve the shortest bus cycle times; they transmit 1 kByte of input and output data in less than 2 ms. 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-11 Characteristics and fundamentals • PROFIBUS-DP Multimaster System Figure 6: PROFIBUS-DP multimaster system PROFIBUS-DP can also be used in a multimaster configuration. Figure 6 shows two active devices, a PLC and a CNC. Each station has assigned input and output devices. The advantage of PROFIBUS-DP is that active devices can access the data of devices assigned as common. The DP class 2 master has the possibility of reading the diagnostic data of all devices on the bus. Page 1-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals • PROFIBUS DP communication functions PROFIBUS-DP communication functions are differentiated according to the following relationships: • Class 1 master and DP slaves • Class 2 master and DP slaves • Class 2 master and class 1 master Possible communication relationships: Function Parameter setting/configuration Transmission of slave diagnostic data Transmission of master diagnostic data Cyclic data communications Sync + freeze commands Set slave address Acyclic read of input/output images Acyclic read/write of data Alarm handling functions Upload/download of master parameter records (X) DPM1 DP slaves DPM2 DP slaves DPM1 DPM2 • • • • • • • • • • • •(X) •(X) •(X) •(X) • These expanded PROFIBUS-DP functions are specified in technical instruction no. 2.082. PROFIBUS-DP does not support communication between several DPM1s. If this functionality is required, PROFIBUS-FMS should be used in addition. The expanded DP functions are mainly used for intelligent slaves with many different parameters which have to be modified during operation. The new read and write functions were defined for this purpose. It is important that the expanded DP protocol is upwardly compatible with basic DP functions. This means that devices on which the new functions have been implemented are fully interoperable with devices lacking this expanded functionality. The only restriction is that devices which lack the expanded functions cannot execute the new functions. 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-13 Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS-DP • PROFIBUS DP data transmission Data transmission with PROFIBUS-DP is based on a highly efficient telegram structure. Figure 7: Principle of useful data communication with PROFIBUSDP The input and output data of a device are transferred in a single bus cycle. The master sends a calling telegram which contains output data for the DP slave. In its reply telegram, the DP slave transmits its input data to the master. After receipt of the calling telegram, the DP slave answers directly. Each telegram can transmit up to 244 Bytes of input or output data. If the calling or reply telegrams have been corrupted by electromagnetic interference, the master immediately repeats the message cycle. The number of repetitions can be configured. All PROFIBUS telegrams have high transmission security with a hamming distance of HD=4. The hamming distance is a measure of a system’s error protection. This means that the higher the hamming distance, the better the system security. HD=4 meets the requirements for security-related applications. Page 1-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Characteristics and fundamentals • PROFIBUS DP bus cycle time The bus cycle time of a PROFIBUS-DP system depends mainly on the baud rate used. The baud rate is selectable between 9.6 kBit and 12 MBit, in steps. Figure 8: Bus cycle time of a PROFIBUS-DP monomaster system Example for figure 8: In a system configuration of 30 DP slaves working at 12 MBit and in which each slave has 2 Bytes of input and output data, a bus cycle time of approx. 1 ms is achieved. This shows that PROFIBUS-DP can be used even in very time-critical applications. 26/765 E1 (PDP-10-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 1-15 Characteristics and fundamentals PROFIBUS-DP • Project planning with PROFIBUS DP bus cycle time PROFIBUS not only describes the communication of devices with each other; it also provides a framework for open, vendor-independent project planning. Figure 9: Project planning with PROFIBUS-DP Project planning tools, e.g. SNET, use electronic data sheets for the devices. These electronic data sheets are called device database files or GSD files (GSD = Geräte-Stamm-Daten). These files are usually supplied on a diskette with the device. For many PROFIBUS devices, these files can also be uploaded from the PROFIBUS homepage Manufacturers describe the functionality of their devices with the help of a GSD file. The format of GSD files has a fixed definition within the PROFIBUS standard. The project planning tool reads the GSD file into its internal database and takes into consideration all the characteristics of the device in question. This simplifies project planning and can be carried out with a vendorindependent project planning tool. PROFIBUS-DP therefore permits genuine plug-and-play solutions and reduces engineering costs. Page 1-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-10.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2. SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network 2.1 PROFIBUS-DP master module 2.1.1 PROFIBUS-DP master card PCD7.F750 Figure 1: View of PCD7.F750 PCD Databus PCD CPU Dual port RAM RAM Flash LED RUN µC - Bus ERROR µC C165 Bootstrap loader port Quartz Siemens ASPC2 galvanic isolation RS 485 Driver Opto +5V PCD7.F750 S+5V DC DC SGN PTC RxD/TxD-P RxD/TxD-N RTS DP+5 DPGN PGN Figure 2: Block diagram PCD7.F750 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP Technical data PCD7.F750 Function Maximum number of stations Profibus ASIC Baud rate (kbit/s) Internal current consumption from 5V bus Current output DP+5V Galvanic isolation Profibus-DP master class 1 E (DPM1 with extension) 32 per segment / max. 126 per system (with repeaters) ASPC2 9.6 -12000 max. 400 mA max. 50 mA short-circuit proof with PTC between PCD-GND and PROFIBUS connection GND Functions supported Function Profibus-DP master class 1 E (DPM1 with extension) Request Response X X X X X X Data_Exchange Slave_Diag Set_Prm Chk_Cfg Global Control Get_Master_Diag Hardware and firmware versions supporting the PCD7.F750 PROFIBUS-DP master module PCD System HW PCD1.M120/M130 PCD2.M120/M220 PCD6.M300 PCD1.M137 PCD2.M127 PCD2.M227 Vers. C D J *) K A B C A H H*) Modif. 3 7 234 34 - FW PCD 1/2/6 Vers. FW PCD7. F750 Vers. Max. E/A Memory for DP **) Bytes PG/Configurator 006 001 2942 PG4 2.0 007 001 2942 PG4 2.0 002 001 2942 PG4 2.0 1.300 1.300 1.300 001 001 001 1024 E + 1024 A 1024 E + 1024 A 1024 E + 1024 A STEP7 3.0 STEP7 3.0 STEP7 3.0 *) PCD2.M22x Version of board PCD2.M12x **) I/O memory for DP: Vers. This is the maximum number of bytes that can be used for I/O data exchange between the master and all slaves (number is checked in the configurator) Example for PCD2.M120: - 100 slaves with 29 bytes, or - 12 slaves with 244 bytes. Page 2-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP Meaning of LEDs The PCD7.F750 card is equipped with a Run LED and an Error LED. The LEDs on the PCD7.F750 card are switched in the following way: Function Power-up then PCD7.F750 Run LED 1 sec. on flashing ~ 10Hz PCD7.F750 Error LED 1 sec. on off DP SASI instruction then flashing ~ 1Hz flashing ~ 1Hz –0.01Hz 0.1 sec. on off Program running normally flashing ~ 1Hz –0.01Hz off Errors are indicated as follows: PCD7.F750 Run LED Flashing ~ 10Hz off Flashing ~ 1Hz PCD7.F750 Error LED off On Flashing ~ 1Hz Possible causes of errors are: • • • • PCD7.F750 firmware does not match the FW of the PCD1/2/6. Wiring is not OK. (Bad cable, wires transposed, no termination) Too many I/O bytes used. Wrong configuration Errors are stored in the PCD’s history log. To discover the precise cause of an error, the history log must be displayed. 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-3 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2.2 PROFIBUS-DP slave module The following PROFIBUS-DP slave modules are available: Module PCD7.F770 PCD7.F772 PCD7.F774 *) PCD0.T770 PCD0.G110 PCD0.G120 PCD0.G130 *) Function DP slave module for PCD1 / 2 / 6.M300 DP slave module for PCD2 with port 3, RS485 DP slave module for PCD1 / 2 with port 3, RS485 and connection for PCD7.D160 terminal Profibus-DP RIO bus coupler Profibus-DP RIO with 8 I/O 24VDC Profibus-DP RIO with 16 I 24VDC Profibus-DP RIO with 16 O 24VDC Only available as PCD7.D164 terminal set. This set includes a plug-on ..D160 terminal with the additional RS 485 communications ports (galvanically isolated) on Port 3 and PROFIBUSDP slave interface. With the PCD1, Port 3 is not supported and, for the terminal, the housing cover with a recess (order number 4 104 7338 0) must also be used. Page 2-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2.2.1 PROFIBUS-DP slave card PCD7.F77x Figure 3: View of PCD7.F774 galvanic isolation PCD data and address bus RxD/TxD- Siemens SPC4.1 PCD CPU RS 485 driver Opto RxD/TxDRTS +5V DC S+5V DC SGND PTC DP+5 DPGN PGND Oscill. Port 2 to display PCD7.D160 DUART Port 3 Opto RS 485 driver /TxD-/RxD TxD-RxD galvanic isolation Quartz PCD7.F774 Figure 4: Block diagram PCD7.F774 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-5 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP Technical data PCD7.F770 / F772 / F774 Function Maximum number of stations Profibus ASIC Baud rate (kbit/s) Internal current consumption from 5V bus Current output DP+5V Galvanic isolation Port 2 Port 3 Profibus-DP slave E 32 per segment / max. 126 per system (with repeaters) SPC4.1 9.6-12000 Max. 250 mA Max. 50 mA short circuit-proof with PTC between PCD-GND and PROFIBUS GND On PCD7.F774 for D160 display (TTL level) On PCD7.F772 and PCD7.F774, RS485 galvanically isolated from PCD-GND and PROFIBUS GND Functions supported Function Profibus-DP master class 1 E (DPM1 with extension) Request Response X X X X X X X X Data_Exchange RD_Inp RD_Outp Slave_Diag Set_Prm Chk_Cfg Get_Cfg Global Control Hardware and firmware versions supporting the PCD7.F77x PROFIBUS-DP slave module PCD System PCD1.M120/M130 PCD2.M120/M220 PCD6.M300 PCD1.M137 PCD2.M127 PCD2.M227 Page 2-6 HW Vers. C D J*) K A B C A H H*) Modif. 3 7 234 34 - FW PCD 1/2/6 Vers. Max. E/A Memory for DP **) Bytes PG/Configurator 006 244 E + 244 A PG4 2.0 007 244 E + 244 A PG4 2.0 002 244 E + 244 A PG4 2.0 1.300 1.300 1.300 122 E + 122 A 122 E + 122 A 122 E + 122 A STEP7 3.0 STEP7 3.0 STEP7 3.0 Vers. *) Version of board PCD2.M12x *) I/O memory for DP: This is the maximum number of bytes that can be used for the exchange of data between the master and slave. (Number is checked by the configurator.) This value is dependent upon: Total I/O data, number of modules, number of diagnostic bytes, etc. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP Supported PROFIBUS-DP diagnostics of PCD7.F77x slave modules PCD7.F77x slave modules support the 6 bytes of standard PROFIBUSDP diagnostics (Base+0 to Base+5) In addition, byte 7 (Base+6) of the expanded PROFIBUS-DP diagnostics is sent in the following cases: • CPU in STOP • CPU in HALT Here, byte 7 (Base+6) stores the following information: CPU Status RUN STOP HALT Transmission of byte 7 (Base+6) no yes yes ASCII character in byte 7 No character ‘S‘ (0053h) ‘H‘ (0048h) GSD files for PROFIBUS-DP SAIA slaves Slave PCD0.T770 PCD0.G110 PCD0.G120 PCD0.G130 PCD1.M120 PCD1.M120 PCD2.M120 PCD2.M220 PCD6.M300 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) GSD file Saia1631.gsd Saia1635.gsd Saia1634.gsd Saia1633.gsd Saiacd10.gsd Saiacd20.gsd Saiacd60.gsd SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-7 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network 2.2.2 PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP RIO modules Figure 5: View of PCD0.G120, G130, G110 RIO compact modules Figure 6: View of PCD0.T770 RIO bus coupler for modular system Technical data PCD0.T770 and PCD0.G1x0 Function Maximum number of stations Profibus ASIC Baud rate (kbit/s) Max. number of I/Os per slave Max. number of I/O modules per slave PROFIBUS-DP Slave E 32 per segment/max. 126 per system (with repeaters) Modular: SPC3, compact: LSPM2 9.6-12000 Modular: 96, compact: 16 Modular: 6, compact: 0 Functions supported Function Data_Exchange RD_Inp RD_Outp Slave_Diag Set_Prm Chk_Cfg Get_Cfg Global Control PROFIBUS-DP master class 1 E (DPM1 with extension) Request Response X X X X X X X X Further details can be obtained from PCD0 manual 26/766. Page 2-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2.3 Connection of PROFIBUS-DP modules 2.3.1 PCD7.F7xx card The PCD7.F7xx module can be inserted in the following PCD controllers: Space PCD1.M120 / M130 / M137 PCD2.M120 / M127 PCD2.M220 / M227 PCD6.M300 *) Master F750 F770 Slave B X X B B 3B X X X X X X F772 Slave + Port3 RS 485 F774 Slave + Port3 RS 485 + Display X *) X X X *) Only available as a PCD7.D164 terminal set. This set includes a ..D160 plug-on terminal with the additional RS 485 communications interfaces (galvanically isolated) on port 3 and PROFIBUS-DP slave interface. With the PCD1, Port 3 is not supported and, for the terminal, the housing cover with a recess (order number 4 104 7338 0) must also be used. Location of space: Space B on PCD1: Space B for function module F7.. Space A for function module F1.. 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-9 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP Space B on PCD2: Space B for function module F5.. or F7.. Space A for function module F1.. Space 3B on PCD6.M3: PCD6.M3 CPU No. PGU 1 PORT 0 PCD7.Fxx 2 EPROM 1 Mbit EPRO M 4 Mbit FLASH 1 Mbit FIRMWARE Run Halt Error PORT 1 0 EPROM FLASH and EPROM Emul. PCD7.Fxx 1 PORT 2 Communication Extension 3/ <- Port 3A <- Port 3B Jumper for port 3A or 3B Page 2-10 PCD6.M3 PCD7.Fxx PCD7.F700 PORT 3A 2/ System Interrupt PCD7.Fxx PORT 3B Interface module for port 3 selectable as PROFIBUS (Port 3B) or standard (Port 3A) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS-DP connection: For the PCD1 and PCD2, PROFIBUS-DP connection is achieved via the 6-pole connector on the PCD7.F7xx module. With the PCD6.M3, connection is via the 9-pole, D-type connector on port 3. With the PCD0, connection is also via the 9-pole, D-type connector. PCD1 / PCD2 connection: Connection must be made directly to the PCD7 module’s 6-pole connector. Please also note the installation instructions given in chapter 3. PCD7.F7xx DP+5V DP GND RxD/TxD-P 5 4 3 2 1 0 RxD/TxD-N PGND RTS Figure 7: PCD1 / PCD2 connection PCD6.M3 connection: PORT 3 1 6 2 7 3 8 3 RxD/TxD-P 4 CNTR-P 5 DP GND 6 DP +5V 8 RxD/TxD-N 4 9 5 PGND Figure 8: PCD6.M3 connection Jumper for port 3 must be set to 3B. 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-11 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network 2.3.2 PROFIBUS-DP PCD0.Xxxx card PCD0.Xxxx 1 6 2 7 3 8 1 Shield 3 RxD/TxD-P 4 CNTR-P 5 DP GND 6 DP +5V 8 RxD/TxD-N 9 CNTR-N 4 9 5 PGND X4.21 Figure 9: PCD0 connection 2.3.3 Signal Meaning of connections Meaning CNTR-P / RTS Control signal for repeater PGND Screen / protective earth RxD/TxD-N Receive / transmit data, minus RxD/TxD-P Receive / transmit data, plus DP GND Ground for DP +5V DP +5V 5V supply for line termination resistors CNTR-N Control signal for repeater Page 2-12 PCD7. F7xx connection 0 PCD6. M3xx connection 4 PCD0. Xxxx connection 4 1 housing 1 2 8 3 Standard A-B connection Standard cable green / red 8 A green 3 3 B red 4 5 5 5 6 6 9 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2.4 Ports 2 and 3 of PCD7.F77x slave modules 2.4.1 Port 2 Port 2 is connected directly to the PCD7.D160 plug-on terminal. Further information can be found in the PCD7.D160 manual (order number 26/753). 2.4.2 Port 3 Port 3 can be employed as a user-definable RS485 communications port. This port can only be used on the PCD2. Connection is via the 10-pole connector: /Rx-/Tx Rx-Tx PGND 39 38 37 36 34 33 32 31 - /Rx-/Tx Rx-Tx PGND RS485 line 3 PCD2.Mxxx 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-13 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2.5 Repeater PCD7.T100 Figure 10: Repeater PCD7.T100 The repeater is used to decouple an RS 485 communications network. This serves two purposes: the reprocessing of transmission signals and the galvanic isolation of individual sections of the line. The reprocessing of signals is necessary when • The overall length of the bus cable exceeds the maximum length allowed. • More than 31 stations participate in the network. Galvanic isolation is necessary when • The reference ground in the area of the installation demonstrates excessive potential differences. • The reference ground of an installation is subject to excessive stray current. A maximum of 3 PCD7.T100 repeater can be switched in series. The PCD7.T100 repeater can be used within the operative range of 110 Baud to 500 kBaud. Operative ranges to 12 MBaud on request. Detailed information can be found in the manual: “Installation components for RS 485 networks” (order number 26/740E). Page 2-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 2.6 Termination box PCD7.T160 Figure 11: Termination box PCD7.T160 For confidence and ease of maintenance when using an RS485 network it is important to install the line termination resistors separately and accessibly. The termination box serves this purpose whereby, depending on the physical characteristics of the line, a suitable line termination resistor can be selected by means of 2 jumpers. Signal lines D and /D are biased to the required off-load voltage with an electrically isolated supply. The operating range of the PCD7.T160 termination box extends to a baud rate of 12 MBaud. Detailed information can be found in the manual: “Installation components for RS 485 networks” (order number 26/740E). 26/765 E1 (PDP-20.E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 2-15 SAIA PCD devices for the PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP Notes Page 2-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-20.E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Planning and installation 3. Planning and installation of a PROFIBUS-DP network Creating a PROFIBUS-DP network can be roughly divided into the following steps: a) Planning and installation of the network b) Network definition and configuration with the configurator c) Writing the user program d) Commissioning This chapter does not describe any details. It is only intended as a guide and to provide ideas for the procedure to follow when planning and installing a PROFIBUS-DP network. Detailed technical information can be found in the manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks" (order ref. 26/740E) and in the later chapters of this manual. 26/765 E1 (PDP-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-1 Planning and installation PROFIBUS-DP 3.1 Planning and installation of the physical layer • • • • • • • Page 3-2 Construction of a layout diagram Defining max. network distance Defining max. segment distance Defining cable type Defining max. baud rate Possible provision of repeaters Defining the first and last stations → Provide PCD7.T160 termination boxes → For the correct installation of PROFIBUS, the instructions in the manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks" should be strictly adhered to. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-30-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Planning and installation 3.1.1 Line parameters The PROFIBUS-DP bus line is specified in EN 50170 as line type A. Parameter Line A Characteristic impedance (Ω) Capacitance per unit length (pF/m) Loop resistance (Ω/km) Wire diameter (mm) Wire cross section (mm2) 135…165 < 30 110 0.64 >0.34 Possible cable supplier: Volland AG, Rümlang, Switzerland, offering the following cable types: • • Cable for static installation: Unitronic bus L2/F.I.P. Volland ref. 2170221 Cable for highly flexible installation: Unitronic bus FD P L2/F.I.P Volland ref. 2170222 3.1.2 Connection of network stations To prevent reflections at the ends of the line, each segment must be terminated at the physical extremities of its line. This means that lines are biased at the equilibrium rest potential. According to the PROFIBUS-DP standard, this must not be done directly on PROFIBUS-DP devices, but must be achieved by means of external components. Both the PCD7.T160 termination box and commercially available 9-pole PROFIBUS-DP D-type connectors are suitable for this purpose. Network termination must therefore be done as follows: 390Ω 1 6 2 220Ω 7 3 8 1 Shield 3 RxD/TxD-P 4 CNTR-P 5 DP GND 6 DP +5V 8 RxD/TxD-N 9 CNTR-N 4 9 5 390Ω Figure 1: Network termination 26/765 E1 (PDP-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-3 Planning and installation PROFIBUS-DP * For baud rates > 1.5 MBaud the following combination of plug connectors should used at all stations in the network, because of their capacitive load: 390Ω 1 6 * 6 * 1 2 2 7 220Ω * 8 * * 7 3 3 8 4 4 9 9 5 5 390Ω * = Series inductance of 110 nH Figure 2: Use of series inductance Possible supplier for 9-pole PROFIBUS-DP D-type connectors to hook up PCD controllers to the PROFIBUS-DP network: ERNI Elektrotechnik AG, Brüttisellen, Switzerland: • ERbic junction, horizontal grey: (junction equipped with series inductance of 110 nH) • ERbic junction, horizontal, grey with PG connector: (junction equipped with series inductance of 110 nH) • ERbic termination, horizontal yellow: (junction equipped with series inductance of 110 nH plus termination resistors of 390Ω and 220Ω) Erni ref. 103648 Erni ref. 103663 Erni ref. 103649 Figure 3: ERNI ERbic connector Page 3-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-30-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Planning and installation If a 9-pole D-type connector is to be used to connect the PCD1 or PCD2 to PROFIBUS-DP, the following adapter can be used (D-type 9-pole to terminals): Possible supplier of D-type 9-pole to terminal adapter: Phoenix Contact AG, CH-8317 Tagelswangen, Switzerland: • VARIOFACE module with spring connection D-type, 9-pole, socket board: Phoenix Contact ref. 2293666 Figure 4: VARIOFACE module 26/765 E1 (PDP-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-5 Planning and installation PROFIBUS-DP 3.1.3 Stub cables The stubs are those cables leading from the PROFIBUS-DP network cable to PROFIBUS-DP devices. Meaning of the symbols in the following drawings: PCD PROFIBUS-DP device Repeater with line termination resistors active left and right R Repeater with line termination resistor active on right and passive on left R Repeater with line termination resistor active on left and passive on right R T Termination box PCD7.T160 Stub cable Terminal strips RS485 bus Figure 5: Stub cables Admissible lengths for stub cable are described in the next section. Page 3-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-30-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Planning and installation If a network in which stub cables are not allowed should, despite this fact, still require quite a long stub, this can be achieved as follows. T T Stub cable R R RS485 bus Figure 6: Stub cables with repeaters 3.1.4 Network layout A maximum of 126 member stations is allowed per network. A segment comprises a maximum of 32 members. (Repeaters count as members.) The overall length of cable and overall stub length depend on the bit rate. Bit rate Kbit/S Linear extent per segment in metres 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100 100 100 Length of stub cable. Total per segment in metres 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 0 0 0 Networks must not be branched without special measures. By using repeaters, the following network structures are possible: 26/765 E1 (PDP-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-7 Planning and installation PROFIBUS-DP Linear structure 1st Segment PCD PCD 2nd Segment PCD PCD PCD 3rd Segment PCD PCD PCD PCD T T R R Figure 7: Network with linear structure Star structure PCD PCD ... PCD PCD T T T T R PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD ... ... R R PCD PCD PCD PCD R T T T T PCD PCD ... PCD PCD Figure 8: Network with star structure Page 3-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-30-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Planning and installation Tree structure 1st Segment PCD PCD ... PCD ... PCD PCD PCD T T R PCD PCD ... 2nd Segment PCD ... PCD PCD ... PCD PCD T T R 3rd Segment PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD PCD . . . PCD T T 4th Segment R PCD PCD R PCD T T PCD . . . PCD PCD PCD T 5th Segment PCD ... PCD T Figure 9: Network with tree structure 26/765 E1 (PDP-30-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 3-9 Planning and installation PROFIBUS-DP 3.2 Logical network structure 3.2.1 Definition of bus parameters • Baud rate • Possible formation of groups for Global Control Service functions Important: 3.2.2 Bus parameters must be identical for all bus members. With mixed FMS / DP networks, the same baud rate must apply to both protocols. Configuration of slaves After describing its physical construction, slave controllers must now be integrated into the network and configured. Slave inputs and outputs must then be assigned to the master’s media (mapping). • • • • • Load GSD files from external systems into the configurator Definition of network with master and all slaves Configuration of slaves Mapping of slave I/Os to master media. The maximum number of I/O bytes reserved in the master must not be exceeded 3.2.3 Checking and assessing the performance values required • Definition of reaction times • Definition of supply system loading Page 3-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-30-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4. The PROFIBUS-DP configurator The definition and configuration (bus parameters, network stations and variable definition) of a PROFIBUS-DP network can be very extensive, depending on the size of the project. This task is made significantly easier for the user by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. Files generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator can be used to configure SAIA devices (masters or slaves). 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-1 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 4.1 General The PROFIBUS-DP configurator consists of software that runs under MS-Windows 9x/NT and higher. No special hardware is required. Windows technology is used throughout. This provides a good overview and makes parameter entry very user friendly. For ease of use only the important parameters appear in the main windows. To reach the advanced parameters, most windows have an "advanced setup" button. Default values are offered wherever the setting of parameters allows this. These default values can also be altered. A value range is specified for each parameter. The configurator ultimately creates an ASCII text file containing the definition texts for all PROFIBUS-DP connections in a station. This text file is used in the SASI instruction of the PROFIBUS channel. As documentation, a list is generated containing all the parameters. It shows the precise configuration of the station in the PROFIBUS network. It is also possible to derive a list of all slave elements assigned in the master from this summary. Data structure generated by PROFIBUS-DP configurator The PROFIBUS-DP configurator will set up a *.def and *.src file for each SAIA master or SAIA slave (applies only to PCD1, 2, 6) contained in the PROFIBUS-DP network. These files are then automatically linked to the user program by the PG4 programming software. It is then possible to use any of the PG4 editors (IL, Graftec, Fupla or Kopla) to access the media defined in the configurator. User programs previously written with PG3 programming software can be imported into the PG4 project for further processing there. Page 4-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Summary of project structure: Project files PROFIBUS-DP Master Project file (*.dp) PROFIBUS-DP Network Project files PROFIBUS-DP Slave Y (PCD1,2,6) Project files PROFIBUS-DP Slave X (PCD1,2,6) Summary of files generated: PG4 PROFIBUS-DP Configurator .src Assembler .pcd Assembler .pcd .def .src .def 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-3 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 4.2 Procedure for PROFIBUS-DP configuration The procedure can be divided into the following steps: 1. Start PG4 2. Open a PROFIBUS-DP project from the Project Manager 3. Configuration of the network 4. Definition of bus parameters 5. Definition of slave hardware 6. Assignment of slave I/Os to master media 7. Save the configuration 8. Generation of SASI texts for the PCD stations (Build Project) 9. Generation of documentation Page 4-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4.3 Description of PROFIBUS-DP configurator menu 4.3.1 Main screen Screen description: On the left, the 'Device List' window shows PROFIBUS-DP devices that are present in the library. 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-5 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP On the right, the 'Description:' window gives a description of the PROFIBUS-DP network. In the lower right-hand window the PROFIBUS-DP network can be seen. In this window all PROFIBUS-DP devices present in the network have been inserted graphically. The following submenus can be selected: • • • • • • • Page 4-6 Network Edit View Library Project Window Help SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4.3.2 'Network' submenu 'New': Open a new project. It is possible to choose here between a PROFIBUS-DP, SRIO or LON network. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: 'Open': Open an existing project. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: 'Close: Close active project. 'Save': Save active project under its current name. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: 'Save as...': Save active project under a new name. 'Description...': Description of project. This description can be seen on the main screen, top right window. 'Print...': 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) Print the configuration parameters of a project. It is also possible to print the parameters to an ASCII file. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-7 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 'Print Preview': Creates an on-screen preview of the printout. This displays all devices used, their settings and the appropriate media. 'Print Setup...': Definitions of printer type and paper format. Page 4-8 1 .. 4: Displays list of the last 4 projects processed. Exit: Exit SNET. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4.3.3 26/765 E1 'Edit' submenu 'Cut': Cut out and save a selected slave or master device to the clipboard. This copies the entire device configuration, i.e. installed modules and assigned media are also copied. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: 'Copy': Copy a selected slave or master device to the clipboard. This copies the entire device configuration, i.e. installed modules and assigned media are also copied. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: 'Paste': Insert a slave or master device currently stored in the clipboard into the active project. This copies the entire device configuration, i.e. installed modules and assigned media are also copied. Corresponds to this following toolbar icon: 'Duplicate': Create a copy of a selected slave device. This copies the entire configuration of the selected device, i.e. installed modules and assigned media are copied. 'Delete': Delete a selected slave or master device. (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-9 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 'Bus Parameters...': Definition of network speed and bus timeout. The following baud rates are possible: 9.6 kBd, 19.2 kBd, 93.75 kBd, 187.5 kBd, 500 kBd, 1.5 MBd, 3 MBd, 6 MBd or 12 MBd. Note: If a speed is selected that is not available on all network devices, it is automatically changed to the highest possible speed supported by all devices. Page 4-10 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Slot Time: Maximum period during which the transmitter of a data or token telegram awaits the response. The master waits for a call telegram to be answered or acknowledged until the 'Slot Time' has run out. This parameter is purely a monitoring time and therefore does not affect data throughput. Range of values: 52 .. 65535 bit periods Min. Tsdr: Minimum waiting time for a slave between receiving a request telegram and sending the answer to the master. This parameter is essentially determined by the processing speed of the connection (interpreting the call, putting together a response/acknowledgement) and the length of the telegram. This parameter can be used to delay transmission of the response/acknowledgement and depends on the slowest master (telegram initiator). Only after this time is the latter ready to receive an acknowledgement. Range of values: 1 .. 65535 bit periods Max. Tsdr: Maximum waiting time for a slave between receiving a request telegram and sending the answer to the master. This parameter is essentially determined by the processing speed of the connection (interpreting the call, putting together a response/acknowledgement) and the length of the telegram. Range of values: 1 .. 65535 bit periods Quiet Time: Length of time a transmitter waits between sending the end of a telegram and switching on the receiver. This parameter can be used to take into account repeater transit times or modulator fade times. Range of values: 0 .. 255 bit periods Setup Time: This parameter defines the time that elapses between receipt of an event (e.g. last character of telegram sent) and execution of the required reaction (e.g. enabling the receiver). Range of values: 0 .. 255 bit periods Gap Update Factor: Number of token passages between two gap update cycles. Range of values: 1 .. 100 Highest Station Highest station address present in the network. Address: Range of values: 2 .. 126 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-11 Configuration Page 4-12 PROFIBUS-DP Max. Retry Limit: Number of times a telegram is repeated when no ACK is received before NAK is registered. In very noisy environments, this parameter can be used to achieve safe operation. Range of values: 1 .. 8 Slave Default Watchdog: Default watchdog time when a slave is integrated into the network. Range of values: 0 .. 65025 x 10ms Set Watchdog to Slaves: Copies the time defined in the 'Slave Default Watchdog' to all slaves. This function serves to ensure that all slaves have the same watchdog time. Set Defaults: Set baud rate-dependent default values. Default values are as follows: Baud rate 9.6 19.2 93.75 187.5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000 Slot Time 100 100 100 100 200 300 400 600 1000 Min. Tsdr 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Max. Tsdr 60 60 60 60 100 150 250 450 800 Quiet Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 9 Setup Time 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 8 16 GAP 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Highest Station 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 Max. Retry 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Station Parameters: For editing the station parameters of a chosen slave or master device. Different dialog boxes are shown according to the device. The following are possible: • • • • SAIA master SAIA slave SAIA PCD0 slave other slaves The following layouts are possible: For SAIA master devices: For SAIA PCD1, 2, 6 slave devices: 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-13 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Name: Station name (max. 32 characters). Address: Network address of device (range: 1-125). Project File: Enter the PG4 project to which the device data generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator should be assigned. For SAIA devices only. Browse: Look for a PG4 project. For SAIA devices only. For SAIA PCD0 slaves and non-SAIA devices: Page 4-14 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Explanation of individual menu items: Station: Definition of device name and PROFIBUS-DP address. Name: Station name (max. 32 characters). Address: Network address of device (range: 1 - 125). Project File: Enter the PG4 project to which the device data generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator should be assigned. For SAIA devices only. Browse: Look for a PG4 project. For SAIA devices only. Resources: Only selectable for SAIA master or slave devices. First Diagnostic Base address and/or symbolic name of the first Flag: diagnostic flag. 8 Flags are reserved. First Diagnostic Base address and/or symbolic name of the first Register: diagnostic register. Up to 70 registers are reserved. This number depends on the extended diagnostics of the slave devices used. 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-15 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP SASI Text Number: Text address and/or symbolic name of SASI text If the network address of a SAIA PCD1, 2 or 6 device has been changed, the option to adapt symbolic names to the new station number is offered when exiting this window. Parameters: Selectable with non-SAIA slave devices. The user parameters of the device can be edited from this page. The user parameters are device-specific and have a different meaning for each device. The meaning of user parameters should be taken from the device descriptions. Depending on the PROFIBUS-DP device, user parameters can be represented in hexadecimal form or plain text. If no user parameters are selectable, the following frame appears: Page 4-16 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration User parameters in hexadecimal form: User parameters must be entered in the correct position and format. See device description. User parameters in plain text form: User parameters can be selected from a list of choices. The user does not have to worry about the position and correct entry. 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-17 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Modules: Shows the modules possible for a device and allows these modules to be assigned and configured. For SAIA slaves, the messages between a SAIA master and a SAIA slave are defined on this page. Module definition for non-SAIA slaves: Module definition for SAIA slave: Page 4-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Modular: This indicates whether the device is a modular or compact unit. Modular devices can be expanded with modules. Compact devices cannot be expanded. Max. Number of Modules: This indicates the maximum number of modules that the device supports. Installed modules: List of modules installed in the device. Define Modules: Insertion or deletion of modules in the device. Definition of media in the master, which are assigned (mapped) to modules of the device. Module definition for non-SAIA slaves: Module definition for SAIA PCD1,2,6 slaves: 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-19 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Module definition for SAIA PCD0 slaves: Supported modules: List of all modules that are supported by the device. Inserts the selected module from module list into the device configuration. Note: For each newly inserted module, configuration data must be mapped to the master media. Installed modules: List of modules already installed in the device. Shifts the selected module up or down in the sequence of installed modules. Page 4-20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Remove: Removes the selected module from the list of installed modules. Parameters: Definition of module parameters for the module selected from the list of installed modules. Installed Module Display of module configurations for slave devices. Configuration: This display is dependent upon device type: 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-21 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP For all non-SAIA slaves: Length: Format: Consistency: Type: Mapping: Data length Byte or word Byte/word or over the entire data length Input, output or input/output Assignment to master PCD media For SAIA PCD1, 2, 6 slaves, when a SAIA master is configured: Description: Mapping: Description of data transfer Assignment to master PCD media For SAIA PCD1,2,6 slaves, when no master is configured: Length: Format: Consistency: Type: Mapping: Data length Byte or word Byte/word or over the entire data length Input, output or input/output Assignment to master PCD media For SAIA PCD0 slaves: Length: Type: Mapping: Page 4-22 Data length Input, output or input/output Assignment to master PCD media SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Media Map: Assignment of selected modules to master PCD media. Mapping enables the user to access remote I/Os or the registers of remote devices via master PCD media (flags or registers). Depending on the slave device used, the media map frame is structured differently. Media map for non-SAIA slaves: 26/765 E1 Module: Module description Mapping: Definition of master PCD media with which this module will be accessed. Media Type: Definition of master PCD media type (flag or register) with which the module the module will be accessed. Number of media: Number of media to be used for accessing the module from the master. By default, bytes are mapped to flags and words to registers (2 words per register, if consistency is over the entire length; 1 word per register, if consistency is over one word). When required, the user can modify this default mapping in accordance with module specifications. For example, only one byte per register might be mapped (only using the register's LSB), or 4 bytes might be copied to one register, or 4 bytes might be stored in two registers. If bytes are mapped to registers, by default 4 bytes per register are used when there is consistency over the entire length and 1 byte per register when there is consistency over one byte. All unused bytes are set at 0. (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-23 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Example: 1 byte is mapped to 8 flags: (1 bit per flag) Flag x Bit #0 Flag (x+1) Bit #1 Flag (x+2) Bit #2 Flag (x+3) Bit #3 Flag (x+4) Bit #4 Flag (x+5) Bit #5 Flag (x+6) Bit #6 Flag (x+7) Bit #7 Byte #0 4 bytes are mapped to 4 registers (1 byte per register) MSB LSB Register x 0 0 0 Byte #0 Byte #0 Register (x+1) 0 0 0 Byte #1 Byte #1 Register (x+2) 0 0 0 Byte #2 Byte #2 Register (x+3) 0 0 0 Byte #3 Byte #3 6 bytes are mapped to 2 registers (4 bytes per register) MSB Register x Byte #0 LSB Byte #1 Byte #2 Byte #3 Byte #0 Byte #1 Byte #2 Byte #3 Byte #4 Register (x+1) 0 0 Byte #4 Byte #5 Byte #5 4 bytes are mapped to 2 registers (2 bytes per register) MSB LSB Register x 0 0 Byte #0 Byte #1 Byte #0 Register (x+1) 0 0 Byte #2 Byte #3 Byte #1 Byte #2 Byte #3 Base Address: Page 4-24 Base address for the media. This entry is not compulsory in the PG4, since media can be assigned with a symbolic name. If the base address is not entered, a symbolic name must be entered for each media. Each media will have a name that starts with the name specified in the base address and ends with a sequential number. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Media Definition: Entry of symbolic media names Media Number: Choice of media number Name: Name belonging to the appropriate media number. These names are then used in the master program. Set Defaults: This sets default values for all media names. When the last digit of a default name is a number, this number is incremented for the next media. If the last character of the default name is not a number, a 0 is attached to the name and the names of subsequent media are incremented. Caution: To use the 'Set Defaults' button, 'Media Number' must be at 0. Media map for SAIA slaves: In contrast to non-SAIA slaves, master and slave media are defined in this window. 26/765 E1 Module Description of module configuration. Mapping: Definition of master PCD media with which this module will be accessed. Number of media: Number of media with which the module will be accessed from the master. (1, 2, 4 or 8 media for register transfer, 8 for flag transfer). (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-25 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Master Media Type: Type of media used in master PCD to access slave device media. Master Base Address: Base address for media. This entry is not obligatory in the PG4, since media can be mapped with symbolic names. If the base address is not entered, a symbolic name must be entered in the media definition. Slave Media Type: Media type for slave PCD, by means of which the module configuration (flags, inputs, outputs or registers) of the actual slave is accessed. Slave Base Address: Slave base address for the first media to be mapped. This entry is not obligatory in the PG4, since media can be mapped with symbolic names. If the base address is not entered, a symbolic name must be entered in the media definition. Media Definition: Entry of the symbolic media name. This name will be the same for master and slave media. Media Number: Choice of media number. Page 4-26 Name: Name belonging to the relevant media number. These names are then used in master and slave programs. Set Defaults: Set default values for all media names. See description above. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Device: Displays device-specific data. This data is uploaded from the GSD file and does not refer to PROFIBUS-DP devices actually installed. The parameters cannot be modified. Vendor Name: Name of device manufacturer Model Name: Name of device Revision: Last device update Ident Number: Unique PROFIBUS-DP number. This number is checked every time a connection is established between master and slave. If this number does not match the number present in the slave, no exchange of data takes place between the controllers. Protocol Ident: Station Type: Hardware Release: Hardware version of device. Software Release: Software version of device. 26/765 E1 Freeze Supported: Indicates whether a PROFIBUS-DP device supports freeze mode. Sync Supported Indicates whether a PROFIBUS-DP device supports sync mode. (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-27 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Bus: Displays device-specific bus data. This data is uploaded from the GSD file and does not refer to PROFIBUS-DP devices actually installed. The parameters cannot be modified. Supp. Baudrate: Indicates the baud rates supported by a device. Max Tsdr: Indicates maximum 'Tsdr Time' (in bit periods) for each baud rate supported by the module. Watchdog Time: A watchdog time can be entered in this field. Each slave can have a different watchdog time. From menu item 'Bus parameters, Advanced' it is possible to execute the option 'Set Watchdog to slaves', so that the time defined there will be written in this field. Page 4-28 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration Groups: Assignment of PROFIBUS-DP devices to the 8 groups defined in the standard. It is also possible to assign to groups the 'Global Control Services' supported. Group Properties: Definition of 'Global Control Services' 'Sync' and 'Freeze'. For each group. Click on the 'Freeze' or 'Sync' fields to activate or deactivate the service. Groups Content: Definition of which PROFIBUS-DP slave devices belong to which group. To insert a slave in a group, the slave must support the 'Global Control Services' of that group. 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-29 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 4.3.4 Page 4-30 'View' submenu Toolbar: Shows or hides the tool bar below the menu. Status Bar: Shows or hides the status bar at the bottom at the screen. Zoom to Fit: With this option all devices in the network are displayed on the screen all the time. Zoom In: Magnification of network screen contents. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: Zoom Out: Reduces size of network screen contents. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4.3.5 'Library' submenu Add Device: Insert new PROFIBUS-DP device. These devices must have a file with the extension '.gs?'. After selecting the '.gs?' file, the device can be assigned to a device group. This can be done either by saving the device in an existing group, or in a new one. To define a new group, the new group name is simply entered in the entry field. 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-31 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP This new group is then automatically inserted in the device list: Remove Device: Delete a PROFIBUS-DP device from the device list. Deleting a PROFIBUS-DP device from the device list can also be done by pressing the <DEL> key. Rename Group: Rename a device group. By clicking once on the device group text with the mouse button, the group name can also be edited. Caution: Page 4-32 If the PROFIBUS-DP device to be inserted has its own bitmap drawing, which should be displayed in the configurator when the device is called, this *.bmp file must be stored in the directory containing the configurator. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4.3.6 26/765 E1 'Project' submenu Compile File: The project selected is compiled, i.e. '.def' and '.src' files are constructed for all slave and master stations defined in the network. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: Build: The SAIA device selected in the PROFIBUS-DP network is assembled and linked together with the compiled configurator files. Corresponds to this toolbar icon: Edit Project: This calls the PG4 Project Manager for the SAIA device selected in the PROFIBUS-DP network. Corresponds to this toolbar icon : (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-33 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 4.3.7 'Window' submenu Cascade: All open projects are represented on the screen. Representaion takes the form of an overlapping cascade, so that each project title is visible. Tile: All open projects are represented on the screen. Representation is in the form of Windows, without any overlapping of projects. Arrange Icons: Orderly display of all minimized projects. 1…10 Page 4-34 Selection list of all open projects. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 4.3.8 26/765 E1 'Help' submenu Help Topics: Summary of help topics. Using Help: Description of how Help should be used. About Snet32: Indicates the version number and the name of the licence holder. Corresponds to this toolbar icon : (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-35 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP 4.3.9 Mouse-sensitive elements in configurator 4 1 5 2 6 3 This section shows which elements of the PROFIBUS-DP configurator can also be edited with the mouse. The meaning of individual items is described in the preceding chapters. 1 left button: Double-click: open or close folder. right button: 2 left button: Edit device group name. right button: Page 4-36 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Configuration 3 left button: Double-click: insert selected device into the network. right button: 4 left button: Double-click: open editor for network description. right button: 5 left button: Drag and drop with the device selected. Double-click: open 'Parameter' entry window right button: 6 left button: Double-click: open 'Bus Parameters' menu right button: 26/765 E1 (PDP-40-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 4-37 Configuration PROFIBUS-DP Notes Page 4-38 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-40-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5. Programming 5.1 Access to slave I/Os and registers in a PCD user program with PROFIBUS-DP When accessing PCD media, it is necessary to point out an important difference between a program running with PROFIBUS-DP and one which is running directly, i.e. without PROFIBUS-DP. Program without PROFIBUS-DP: If the input or output of a conventional user program without PROFIBUS-DP is read or written, the status of the actual input is momentarily read or written. Actual I/O: Program: COB 0 0 STH I0 ANH I1 . . . OUT O 34 I/O Status I/O Status I/O Status ECOB 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-1 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Program with PROFIBUS-DP slaves: If the input or output of a PROFIBUS-DP slave is read or written in a user program with PROFIBUS-DP, the status of the actual input or output is not then momentarily read or written. Instead the status is modified in the process image memory of the PCD controller. Data from the process image memory of the PCD controller are then exchanged, either automatically or by the user program, between the PCD controller’s process image memory and memory on the PROFIBUS-DP card. This exchange of data between memory on the PROFIBUS-DP card and the slave subsequently takes place automatically in a cyclical sequence and cannot be influenced by the user program. Process map memory of PCD controller: The PCD controller’s process image memory stores all data (I/Os and registers) exchanged between the master and any slaves. This involves differentiating between an input and an output image memory. The PCD controller’s input image memory stores any inputs or registers that are read by slaves. This data is then read in the master controller’s application program. The PCD controller’s output image memory stores any outputs or registers that are written to slaves. This data is described in the master controller’s application program. The assignment of I/Os or registers to slave devices in the PCD controller’s image memory takes place via the 'Mapping' menu in the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. This involves mapping the I/Os and registers of slave devices to flags and registers in the master controller. Page 5-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Master: Master COB Profibus-DP Configurator Mapping: SlaveX: Input 0 =F0 Input 1 =F1 .......... Output 34 = F 34 . STH ANH . SCON . OUT . SCON 5 0 Process image Profibus-DP card Process Image Inputs Profibus-DP Inputs F0 F1 To the slaves 9 F 34 9 ECOB Process Image Outputs Profibus-DP Outputs PROFIBUSc able RS 485 SlaveX: Actual I/Os I/O Status I/O Status I/O Status Slave program . XYZ I0 XYZ I1 . . . XYZ O 34 Process image Process Image Inputs Process Image Outputs 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Profibus-DP card Profibus-DP Inputs Profibus-DP Outputs Page 5-3 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. The exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory can take place in two different ways. These are: 1. Default model: The exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory takes place automatically. This involves copying all input data from the PROFIBUS-DP card memory to the process image memory when the COB 0 command is processed. At the end of COB 0, when the ECOB command is processed, all data from output image memory is copied to the PROFIBUS-DP card’s output data memory. The exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory only occurs as COB 0 is processed. No exchange of data takes place if COB 0 is not processed in the user program. End of COB 0: All data from the PCD controller’s output image memory is copied into the output data of the PROFIBUS-DP card. Start of COB 0: All input data from the PROFIBUS-DP card is copied to input image memory. Processing COB 0 Time 2. Advanced model: For this model, the exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and PROFIBUS-DP card memory takes place with instructions in the user program. This means that the exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and PROFIBUS-DP card memory can at any time be forced with special user program instructions. COB 0 COB 1 COB 2 Time Exchange of data between the PCD controller’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card occurs with instructions in the user program. Page 5-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5.2 Description of PCD instructions (SASI, SCON) The following instructions are supported with PROFIBUS-DP: SASI Assign serial interface SASII Like SASI but indirect SCON Serial connect Command to force the exchange of data SCONI Like SCON but indirect 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-5 Programming PROFIBUS-DP 5.2.1 SASI: Assigning a channel Description: PROFIBUS-DP assignment takes place, as with most PCD communications modes, by the SASI instruction. SASI calls a text which contains the necessary information for initializing a PROFIBUS-DP channel. If communication is to take place across several PROFIBUS-DP channels, a separate SASI instruction should be edited for each channel. For PROFIBUS-DP channel no. 9 is used. Channel 8 is already reserved for future PCDs, which may possess two PROFIBUS-DP interfaces. Structure: SASI Channel Text Channel 9 (or 8) Text txt_DP Symbolic name of the text containing the assignment information. This text is generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. Example: SASI 9 Txt_DP ; Initialize channel 9 ; Definition text for PROFIBUS-DP Flags: The error (E) flag is set if the definition text is missing or invalid, or if the FW does not support PROFIBUS-DP. SASI-Text: The SASI text is generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator and has the following format: Master: "MODE:DPM;CONF:DBXxxxx;DIAG:Fyyyy,Rzzzz" Slave: "MODE:DPS;CONF:DBXxxxx;DIAG:Fyyyy,Rzzzz" xxxx: Specific number of a DBX containing all PROFIBUS-DP information. yyyy: Specific number of the first diagnostic flag or diagnostic output. zzzz: Specific number of the first diagnostic register. Page 5-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Diagnosis: Diagnosis of a PROFIBUS-DP communication takes place in the usual way for the PCD, i.e. for each communications channel, 8 flags are assigned for rough diagnosis and up to a maximum of 70 registers for fine diagnosis. These diagnostic resources are defined in the configurator. Diagnostic flags with PROFIBUS-DP Address xxxx Name SLAVE_ERR xxxx+1 GCS_BUSY xxxx+2 SERV_BUSY xxxx+3 DATA_EXCH xxxx+4 xxxx+5 xxxx+6 CONF_RCV xxxx+7 CONF_STAT Description Slave error Error in the slave Global Control Service is processing Service function is processing Data exchange Exchange of data between master and slave Not used Not used Configuration received Slave has received a configuration telegram from the master Configuration status Indicates whether configuration data is OK Description of diagnostic flags: Slave_error (SLAVE_ERR) Master: H = Error in one or more slaves L = No error in slaves Slave: H = Error in slave L = No error in Slave Master: The number of the slave that generated the error can be obtained from diagnostic registers +3 to +6. This flag is set low when, after completion of a 'Read slave diagnostic data' telegram, there are no longer any errors present. 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-7 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Global Control Service (GCS_BUSY) Master: H = Global Control Service is busy L = Global Control Service has finished Slave: Not used Global Control Services are: Freeze, Unfreeze, Sync and Unsync. Service (SERV_BUSY) Master: H = Service function is busy L = Service function has finished Slave: Not used. Service functions are: • Stop data exchange between the PCD controller’s process image memory and PROFIBUS-DP card memory. • Read slave diagnostic data. • Activate or deactivate a slave. Data Exchange (DATA_EXCH) Master: H = Data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network is running. L = Data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network has halted. Slave: H = Connection with master established (executing data exchange). L = No data exchange connection with master. The flag becomes = L only after the watchdog time is elapsed. Configuration received (CONF_RCV) Master: Not used. Slave: H = Slave has received a configuration telegram from master. L = Slave has not received a configuration telegram from master. Configuration status (CONF_STAT) Master: Not used. Slave: H = The configuration telegram from the master corresponds to the slave configuration. L = The configuration telegram from the master does not correspond to the slave configuration. Page 5-8 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP Diagnostic registers are grouped by the following areas: • Service area • Station area • Standard PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic area • Expanded PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic area The maximum size of diagnostic registers is defined by the 'Max_Diag_Data_Len' parameter from the slave device GSD file, since slave diagnostic data is stored in the diagnostic registers. 'Max_Diag_Data_Len' can have a maximum size of 244 bytes. When there is more than one slave, the largest 'Max_Diag_Data_Len' parameter always applies. At present, the diagnostic registers are only used by the master. Division of diagnostic registers: Areas Service area Address Base +0 Base +1 Base +2 Base +3 Base +4 Base +5 Base +6 Base +7 Base +8 Base +9 Base +10 Base +11 Base +12 Base +13 Station area Standard Profibus- DP Diagnostic Expanded Profibus DP Diagnostic / / Description Result of Global Control Service GCS Result of IL instruction SCON(I) Fct. 0,1,8,9 Result of IL instruction SCON(I) Function #7 Error status station 0…31 Error status station 32…63 Error status station 64…95 Error status station 96…126 Length of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic (byte 6…243) Standard DP diagnostic (byte 0 and 1) Standard DP diagnostic (byte 2 … 5) Expanded DP diagnostic (byte 6…9) Expanded DP diagnostic (byte 10…13) Expanded DP diagnostic (byte 14…17) Expanded DP diagnostic (byte 18...21) / / Base +69 Expanded DP diagnostic (byte 242 and 243) Description of diagnostic registers: Result GCS (base + 0) In this register the result of the 'Global Control Service' is stored. The 'Global Control Service' is triggered by function codes 13..16 of the SCON instruction. The result codes are the same as described under: 'Result of IL instruction SCON(I) Fct. 0, 1, 8, 9 (Base + 1)'. 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-9 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Result of IL instruction SCON(I) Fct. 0, 1, 8, 9 (base + 1) In this register the results of the following functions are stored: • Run / Stop Data Exchange SCON wit function code 0. • Read slave diagnostics. SCON with function code 1. • Activate or deactivate slave. SCON with function code 8 or 9. The following values are possible here: Page 5-10 Wert 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description Instruction has been successfully completed Incorrect parameter (contact your local SAIA agent) Not possible (contact your local SAIA agent) No local resources (contact your local SAIA agent) DP error (contact your local SAIA agent) Slave is not OK Not defined Status conflict (contact your local SAIA agent) Error in acyclic master-slave data exchange (contact your local SAIA agent) 20 21 22 23 24 Timeout Station number does not exist Instruction executed more than once (Diag Flag base+2 has not been checked) Incorrect DP response Incorrect parameter SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Result of IL instruction SCON(I) Fct. 7 (base + 2) In this register the result of the following function is stored: • Read station status. SCON with function code 7. The register is coded here as follows: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit 0: Cyclical data exchange running 1: Error in connection 2: Connection broken 3: Stopped 4: Slave deactivated 5: Slave not defined Reserved Data exchange flag System diagnostic flag (error) Error status stations 0…31 (base + 3) Each bit in this register corresponds to the station number of a slave device. As soon as an error occurs in a slave device, the relevant bit is set high. The bit is set low when, after completion of a 'Read slave diagnostic data' telegram, there is no longer any error present. 31 30 29 3 2 1 0 Bit Slave 0 Slave 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 Slave 29 Slave 30 3 Slave 31 Error status stations 32…63 (base + 4) Same function as for diagnostic register (base + 3) with errors for stations 32 to 63. Error status stations 64…95 (base + 5) Same function as for diagnostic register (base + 3) with errors for stations 64 to 95. 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-11 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Error status stations 96…125 (base + 6) Same function as for diagnostic register (base + 3) with errors for stations 96 to 125. Length of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic bytes 6…243 (base +7) In this register, after an SCON instruction with function 1, the total length of diagnostic data (standard PROFIBUS-DP + external PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic) is stored in bytes. The length of diagnostic data differs in each slave device, amounting to no less than 6 bytes and no more than 244 bytes. Standard DP diagnostic: bytes 0 and 1 (base +8) In this register the first two bytes of standard PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic data are stored. Division into diagnostic registers is as follows: Register# = Base +8 Bytes in register 3 2 1 0 DP diag. bytes ng ng 0 1 Not used DP diagnostic Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 0: DP diagnostic byte 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Diag.station does not exist (set master) Diag.station_not_ready: Slave is not ready for data exchange. Diag.cfg_Fault: Configuration data does not match. Diag.ext_diag: Slave has external diagnostic data. Diag.not_supported: Requested Fct. is not supported in slave. Diag.invalid_slave_response: (set slave fixed to 0) Diag.prm_fault: Incorrect parameter set (Ident number etc.) Diag.master_lock: (set Master) Slave parameters set by another master Page 5-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 1: DP diagnostic byte 1 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Diag.Prm_req: Slave parameters must be reset Diag.Stat_diag: Static diagnosis (Byte Diag-Bits) Permanently at 1 Diag.WD_ON: Response monitoring active Diag.freeze_mode: Freeze command received Sync_mode: Sync command received Reserved Diag.deactivated: (set master) Standard DP diagnostic: bytes 2 to 5 (base +9) In this register bytes 2 to 5 of the standard PROFIBUSDP diagnostic data are stored. The division is as follows: Register# = Base +9 Bytes in register 3 2 1 0 DP diag. bytes 2 3 4 5 Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 2: DP diagnostic byte 2 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reserved Diag.ext_overfL Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 3: DP diagnostic byte 3 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Diag.master_add: Master address after parameter setting (FF without parameter setting) Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 4: DP diagnostic byte 4 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slave Ident number H byte 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-13 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 5: DP diagnostic byte 5 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Slave Ident number L byte Expanded DP diagnostic: bytes 6 to 9 (base +10) In this register bytes 6 to 9 of the expanded PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic are stored. The division is as follows: Register# = Base +10 Bytes in register 3 2 1 0 DP diag bytes 6 7 8 9 Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic byte 6: DP diagnostic byte 6 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Length of expanded diagnostic (in bytes) Meaning of PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic bytes 7 and above: DP diagnostic bytes 7 and above Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 The meaning of individual bits must be obtained from slave descriptions. Expanded DP diagnostic: bytes X0 to X3 (base +Z) In these registers the expanded diagnostic information is stored. The division is always as follows: Register# = Base +Z Page 5-14 Bytes in register 3 2 1 0 DP diag bytes X0 X1 X2 X3 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5.2.2 SCON instructions to affect data exchange Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel Example: 9, 8 Fct. code 0..16 Function code This function code triggers a specific function. Parameter 0..255 Parameters for the specific function Request diagnostic data of slave 4 STH JR SCON H SERV_BUSY next 9 1 4 ; If diagnostic flag xxxx+2 ; is not H, then SCON ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 1 = read slave ; diagnostic data of slave 4 next: Flags: 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-15 Programming PROFIBUS-DP 5.2.3 SCONI instructions to affect data exchange Structure: SCONI Channel Fct code Parameter Channel R 0-4095 Registers with channel numbers 9, 8 Fct. code R 0-4095 Registers with function codes 0..16 Parameter R 0-4095 Registers with the parameters for the specific function 0..255 Example: All data are to be exchanged between the PCD controller’s process image memory and that of the PROFIBUS-DP card, controlled by the user program. LD LD Flags: Page 5-16 R 2000 9 R 2001 3 LD R 2002 0 SCONI R 2000 R 2001 R 2002 ; Load register 2000 ; with channel 9 ; Load register 2001 ; wit Fct. code 3 = ; Force data exchange ; Load register 2002 ; with parameter 0 = ; Input and output ; image memory ; SCONI instruction The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Description of Fct. codes and parameters for SCON(I) instruction Parameter Fct Code Master Slave 0 1 2 0 Slave no. 0..126 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description Slave no. 0..126 Slave no. 0..126 Slave no. 0..126 Slave no. 0..126 Slave no. 0..126 Slave no. 0..126 Group no. 0..255 Group no. 0..255 Group no. 0..255 Group no. 0..255 Group no. 0..255 Group no. 0..255 Group no. 0..255 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) Stop data exchange between master and slaves Read slave diagnostic data Diagnostic affected Flag Reg 2, 3 1 0, 2 3-6 0,7,8,9 10-69 Start / Stop default data exchange between image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Stop default model data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (COB 0; ECOB) Start default model data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (COB 0; ECOB) Stop data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (Start of COB 0) Start data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (Start of COB 0) Stop data exchange for all slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (End of COB 0) Start data exchange for all slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (Ende von COB 0) Force data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for all slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for a slave device between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for a slave device between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for a slave device between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Read status of a slave 2 Deactivate slave 2 1 Activiate slave 2 1 Force data exchange for a group of slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for a group of slaves between output image memroy and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for a group of slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card FREEZE 1 0 UNFREEZE 1 0 SYNC 1 0 UNSYNC 1 0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-17 Programming PROFIBUS-DP SCON(I) 0: stop data exchange between master and slave This instruction can be used to stop data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network. To restart data exchange, it is necessary to execute a 'Restart' 'Cold' on the PCD. With this instruction all slave outputs are set to 0. This instruction is mainly used in XOB 0, so that slave outputs are not left in an undefined state before powering off the master. Diagnostic flag +2 is set high as soon as this instruction executes. When the instruction is finished, the flag is set low. This instruction may only be executed when diagnostic flag +2 is low. When the instruction has been executed and the status of diagnostic flag +2 is low, the result of the operation is written to diagnostic register +1. A description of the response code is given in section 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. Diagnostic flag +3 shows the status of data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network. Diagnostic flag +3: L= H= Data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network has stopped. Data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network is running. Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 0 Parameter 0 ; Stop data exchange on the ; PROFIBUS-DP network Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned or if the instruction is called when diagnostic flag +2 is not high. Example: Stop data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network: STH JR SCON SERV_BUSY H NEXT 9 0 0 ; If diagnostic flag +2 ; is not H, then SCON ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 0 ; Stop PROFIBUS-DP NEXT: Page 5-18 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming SCON(I) 1: read slave diagnostic data With this instruction the diagnostic data of the slave can be read. Diagnostic data is mostly read when an error has been detected in the slave. This is indicated by setting diagnostic flag +0. The user can then identify the faulty slave by means of diagnostic registers +3 to + 6 and read the diagnostic data of that slave. As soon as this instruction is executed, diagnostic flag +2 is set high and, when the instruction is finished, reset low. When the instruction has been executed and the status of diagnostic flag +2 is low, the result of the operation is written to diagnostic register +1. A description of the response code is given in section‚ 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. This instruction may only be executed when the status of diagnostic flag +2 is 0. When the instruction is finished, in diagnostic registers +3 to + 6 the relevant bit for the slave to which the instruction was addressed is set low. The following values are stored in the diagnostic registers: Diagnostic register +7: Length of expanded PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic Diagnostic register +8: Standard PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic bytes 0 and 1 Diagnostic register +9: Standard PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic bytes 2 to 5 Diagnostic register +10: Expanded PROFIBUS-DP diagnostic bytes 6 to 9 etc. A description of the response code is given in section, 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 1 Parameter 0..126 ; Station number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned or if the instruction has been called when diagnostic flag +2 is high. Example: Read slave diagnostic data from slave 5: STH ANL JR SCON SLAVE_ERR ; If diagflag +0 = H SERV_BUSY ; and no SCON is active L NEXT ; (diagflag +2 = L), then SCON 9 ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 1 ; Fct.code 1 5 ; Slave no. 5 NEXT: 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-19 Programming PROFIBUS-DP SCON(I) 2: start / stop default data exchange between image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card With this instruction default data exchange between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card can be started or stopped. Default data exchange refers to the data exchange that is executed automatically when COB 0 starts up and when it ends. This data exchange can be changed to the following function: Parameters: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Stop default model data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (COB 0; ECOB) Start default model data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (COB 0; ECOB) Stop data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (Start COB 0) Start data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (Start COB 0) Stop data exchange for all slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (End COB 0) Start data exchange for all slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (End COB 0) Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel Fct. code 2 Parameter 0..5 ; Parameter Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. Example: Stop data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (Start COB 0) SCON Page 5-20 9, 8 9 2 2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 2 ; Parameter 2 (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming SCON(I) 3: force data exchange for all slaves between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card With this instruction, data exchange between the image memory of all slaves and the PROFIBUS-DP card can at any time be forced in the user program. This forcing can take place in the following way: Parameters: 0 1 2 Force data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for all slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Force data exchange for all slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 3 Parameter 0..2 ; Parameter Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. Example: Force data exchange for all slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card SCON 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) 9 3 0 ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 3 ; Parameter 0 = input and ; output image memory SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-21 Programming PROFIBUS-DP SCON(I) 4, 5, 6: force data exchange for a slave between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card With these instructions data exchange between the image memory of a slave and the PROFIBUS-DP card can at any time be forced in the user program. This forcing can take place in the following way: Fct Code: 4 5 6 Force data exchange for a slave between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. Force data exchange for a slave between output imate memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. Force data exchange for a slave between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. Structure: SCON Channel 9, 8 Fct. Code 4, 5, 6 ; Fct code Parameter 0..126 ; Slave number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. Example: Force data exchange for slaves 12 between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. SCON Page 5-22 Channel Fct code Parameter 9 5 12 ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 5 ; Slave 12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming SCON(I) 7: read status of a slave With this instruction the status of a slave can be read. After execution of the instruction, the slave’s status is written to diagnostic register +2. A description of diagnostic register +2 is given in section, 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 7 Parameter 0..126 ; Slave number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. Example: Read status of slave 34. SCON 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) 9 7 34 ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 7 ; Slave 34 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-23 Programming PROFIBUS-DP SCON(I) 8, 9: deactivate / activate slave With this instruction a slave can be activated or deactivated. When the instruction is executed, diagnostic flag +2 is set high and when the instruction finishes, it is set low. After the instruction has been executed and the status of diagnostic flag +2 is low, the result of the operation is written to diagnostic register +1. A description of the response code is given in section, 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. This instruction may only be executed if the status of diagnostic flag +2 is 0. The deactivation or activation of a slave is triggered by the following Fct. codes: Fct Code: 8 9 Deactivate slave Activate slave Structure: SCON Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 8, 9 ; deactivate / activate slave Parameter 0..126 ; Slave number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned or if the instruction is called when diagnostic flag +2 is high. Example: Deactivate slave 32. STH JR H SCON SERV_BUSY NEXT 9 8 32 ; If diagnostic flag +2 ; is not high, then SCON ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Fct.code 8 ; Slave 32 NEXT: Page 5-24 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming SCON(I) 10, 11, 12: force data exchange for a group of slaves between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card With these instructions, data exchange between the image memory of one or more groups of slaves and the PROFIBUS-DP card can at any time be forced in the user program. Assigning a slave to a group takes place with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. PROFIBUS-DP supports the formation of a maximum of 8 groups. These groups can be assigned as many slaves as required. The choice of group in the SCON parameter is bit-oriented according to the following pattern: SCON parameter Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Forcing can be applied here to more than one group at a time. This forcing can take place in the following way: Fct code: 10 11 12 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) Force data exchange for a group of slaves between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. Force data exchange for a group of slaves between output image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. Force data exchange for a group of slaves between the entire image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-25 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Structure: SCON Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 10, 11, 12 ; Fct code Parameter 0..255 ; Group number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned. Example: Force data exchange for groups 1 and 2 between input image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card. SCON Page 5-26 Channel Fct code Parameter 9 ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 10 ; Fct.code 10 3; Groups 1 and 2 (00000011) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming SCON(I) 13, 14: Global Control Service Freeze, Unfreeze With these instructions, the 'Freeze' and 'Unfreeze' commands can be triggered for one or more groups of slaves. The instruction is used for the purpose of input synchronization. With the 'Freeze' instruction, the master causes a slave or group of slaves simultaneously to freeze inputs in their present state. The slaves addressed therefore stop their inputs at exactly the same time. In the next data cycle (Data_exch) the slaves transmit the frozen inputs to the master. Any changes at the inputs are not recognized by the slaves and are also not passed on the the master. After the conclusion of this action, the master sends an 'Unfreeze' instruction to the group. Input changes are now sent again from the slave to the master in the normal data cycle. It is permissible for the master, after one 'Freeze' instruction, to send further 'Freeze' instructions to the slaves. In this case the current status of inputs is frozen each time and sent to the master in the next data cycle. Diagnostic flag +1 is set high as soon as this instruction starts up. When the instruction has finished, the flag is set low and the result of the operation is written to diagnostic register +0. A description of the response code in diagnostic register +0 is given in section, 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. This instruction may only be executed if the status of diagnostic flag +1 is low. and L hat. Assigning a slave to a group takes place with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. PROFIBUS-DP supports the formation of a maximum of 8 groups. These groups can be assigned as many slaves as required. The choice of group in the SCON parameter is bit-oriented according to the following pattern: SCON parameter Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 A 'Freeze' or 'Unfreeze' instruction can be executed here on several groups simultaneously. 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-27 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Fct. code to trigger 'Freeze' or 'Unfreeze' instructions: 13 14 Start freeze instruction. Start unfreeze instruction. Structure: SCON Page 5-28 Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 13, 14 ; Fct code Parameter 0..255 ; Group number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned or if the instruction is called when diagnostic flag +1 is high. Example: Execute freeze and unfreeze sequence for the slaves of group 5. STL GCS_BUSY SCON 9 13 16 STL GCS_BUSY LD T 3 100 STL T 3 STL F XX ; If diagnostic flag +1 ; is low, then continue ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Freeze ; Group 5 (00010000) ; If diagnostic flag +1 ; is low, then continue ; Load timer with ; value 100, delay so that ; the slaves transmit their ; frozen inputs to the ; master ; Process the ; frozen I/Os of ; slaves ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Unfreeze ; Group 5 (00010000) SCON 9 14 16 STL GCS_BUSY SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ; If diagnostic flag +1 ; is low, then continue (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming SCON(I) 15, 16: Global Control Service Sync, Unsync With these instructions, the 'Sync' and 'Unsync' commands can be triggered for one or more groups of slaves. The instruction is used to synchronize the outputs. With the 'Sync' instruction, the master causes a slave or group of slaves simultaneously to freeze outputs in their present state. In the next data cycle (Data_exch) the master transfers the output image to the slaves, without the slaves copying this image to their outputs. After the conclusion of this action, the master sends an 'Unsync' instruction to the group. All slave outputs are now switched on or off at precisely the same time and these outputs are again refreshed in the normal data cycle. It is permissible for the master, after one 'Sync' instruction, to send further 'Sync' instructions to the slaves. In each case the current output image is copied to the outputs at exactly the same time. Diagnostic flag +1 is set high as soon as this instruction starts up. When the instruction has finished, the flag is set low and the result of the operation is written to diagnostic register +0. A description of the response code in diagnostic register +0 is given in section, 'Diagnostic registers with PROFIBUS-DP'. This instruction may only be executed when the status of diagnostic flag +1 is low. Assigning a slave to a group takes place with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. PROFIBUS-DP supports the formation of a maximum of 8 groups. These groups can be assigned as many slaves as required. The choice of group in the SCON parameter is bit-oriented according to the following pattern: SCON parameter Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 A 'Sync' or 'Unsync' instruction can be executed here on several groups simultaneously. 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-29 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Fct. code to trigger 'Sync' or 'Unsync' instructions: 15 16 Start sync instruction. Start unsync instruction. Structure: SCON Page 5-30 Channel Fct code Parameter Channel 9, 8 Fct. code 15, 16 ; Fct code Parameter 0..255 ; Group number Flags: The error flag is set if the channel is unassigned or if the instruction is called when diagnostic flag +1 is high. Example: Execute a 'Sync' and 'Unsync' sequence for the slaves of group 3. STL GCS_BUSY SCON 9 15 4 STL GCS_BUSY OUT F XX LD T 5 400 STL T 5 ; If diagnostic flag +1 ; is low, then continue ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Sync ; Group 3 (00000100) ; If diagnostic flag +1 ; is low, then continue ; Set outputs ; of slaves ; Load timer 5 with ; value 400 ; Wait until timer = 0 ; PROFIBUS-DP channel 9 ; Unsync ; Group 3 (00000100) SCON 9 16 4 STL GCS_BUSY SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ; If diagnostic flag +1 ; is low, then continue (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5.2.4 History list messages In case of problems with PROFIBUS-DP the following error message is stored in the history log: PROF DP FAIL xxx ERR# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) Description Key word MODE: not found Wrong mode specified Key word CONF: not found DBX key word not specified DBX number error DBX number to large DBX does not exist Key word DIAG: not found Flag or output key word not specified in DIAG Error in address of diag flag or output Range error diag flag or output Register key word not specified in DIAG Range error diag register PROFIBUS-DP HW card not present Error in instruction DBX structure error DBX type not for DP master (no PROFIBUS DBX) FW-DBX version not compatible No IN RING message after timeout on initialization Semaphore error for data exchange (info to PCD support) DBX error: data transfer function not implemented Incompatible PCD7.F750 and PCD hardware SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-31 Programming PROFIBUS-DP 5.2.5 Employing PG3 user programs in PROFIBUS-DP projects The data generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator can only be further processed with PG4 programming software. User programs written with the PG3 programming software can if required be integrated into the PG4 programming software. When doing this, however, it is necessary to check that no conflict arises between the resources of files written with the PG3 and the dynamic resource management of the PG4. Page 5-32 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5.3 Rules for writing the user program To begin with, here again are the main rules for the PROFIBUS-DP user program: • As usual with SAIA PCD, each communications interface must be initialized with a SASI instruction. This normally occurs in XOB 16. • In the master PCD, media are reserved for all I/Os and registers of PROFIBUS-DP slaves. Access to these slave I/Os and registers takes place in the master program via these master media. The master media are grouped in the image memory. If slave I/Os are accessed in the master program, it is always this image memory that is accessed, not the actual I/Os. • Data exchange between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (and the slaves) can be automatic or controlled by the user program. Only after data exchange has been executed between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card (and the slaves) will slave I/Os be read or written. • To enable automatic data exchange between the image memory and PROFIBUS-DP card memory (and the slaves), the beginning of COB 0 (COB 0) and end of COB 0 (ECOB) must be processed. At the beginning of COB 0 slave inputs are copied from the PROFIBUS-DP card memory to the master PCD’s input image memory. At the end of COB 0 the master PCD’s output image memory is copied to the PROFIBUS-DP card memory. • By means of SCON instructions, it is possible in the user program to force data exchange between the image memory and the PROFIBUSDP card memory. 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-33 Programming PROFIBUS-DP 5.4 Structure of the user program 5.4.1 Cold-start program in XOB 16 In XOB 16 the PROFIBUS-DP interface is initialized with the SASI instruction. The SASI texts generated by the PROFIBUS-DP configurator are used for this purpose. Example: XOB 16 SASI 9 txt_1DP ; Channel 9 ; Text from configurator EXOB 5.4.2 Main program in COB To enable automatic data exchange between the image memory and PROFIBUS-DP card memory (and the slaves), the beginning of COB 0 (COB 0) and end of COB 0 (ECOB) must be processed. Data exchange between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory (and the slaves) can if required be controlled by the user program or forced. This is mainly used in large user programs when reactions are needed to time-critical I/O signals from slaves. Example 1: Automatic data exchange between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory in BLOCTEC structure. COB 0 0 STH ANL OUT XX YY ZZ ECOB Page 5-34 ; Copy slave inputs from PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory to master PCD’s input ; image memory. ; Code with which the slave media ; are accessed ; Data from output image memory ; are copied into the PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Example 2: Automatic data exchange and data exchanged forced by the user program between the image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory in a BLOCTEC structure. COB 0 0 STH ANL OUT F XX F YY F BZ CPB 2 STH ANL OUT F XX F YY F AZ ; Copy slave inputs from PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory into the master PCD’s ; input image memory. ; Code with which the slave media ; are accessed ; Call PB with which to copy the ; slave inputs from the PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory into the master PCD’s ; input image memory ; Code with which the slave media ; are accessed ; Data from output image memory are ; copied to the PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory ECOB PB 2 ; PB to refresh the inputs SCON 9 3 1 ; Channel 9 ; Fct. code 3 with parameter 1 = ; Force data exchange for all slaves ; between input image memory and ; PROFIBUS-DP card EPB 26/765 E1 (PDP-50-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-35 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Example 3: The slave I/Os must be coherent in a structured program with several COBs, inside a program cycle. In order to keep the same data status throughout the entire program, the I/Os are not accessed in COB0. COB 0 0 ; Copy slave inputs from PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory to the master PCD’s input ; image memory. ; COB 0 is only used for data exchange. ; The data provided is then processed ; by the other COBs. ; Data from output image memory is ; copied to PROFIBUS-DP card ; memory. 1 0 ; Actual user program in which. ; the slave media are accessed. ECOB COB STH ANL OUT F XX F YY F AZ ; End of COB 1 ECOB COB STH ANL ANL OUT ECOB Page 5-36 ; Code with which the slave media ; are accessed 2 0 F F F F XX YY AZ AY ; Code with which the slave media ; are accessed ; End of COB 2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-50-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5.5 Program examples 5.5.1 Example 1 Task: Program for master that reads an input (Emerg_st12) from slave 12 and writes the status of the input to output O 0 (air_valve) of the slave. Solution: XOB 16 9 txt_1DP ; Channel 9 ; Text from configurator COB 0 0 ; Copy slave inputs from PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory to the master PCD's input ; image memory. STH OUT Emerg_st12 Air_valve ; If I 0 of slave 12 = H, then set ; O 0 of slave 16 = H. SASI EXOB ECOB 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) ; Data from the output image memory ; are copied to the PROFIBUS-DP ; card memory. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-37 Programming PROFIBUS-DP 5.5.2 Example 2 The following installation is to be automated with PROFIBUS-DP: Master PCD Slave 16 for air control Sl ave 10 for axis handling Slave 12 for feeder control Slave 14 for heating control Function of installation: On this machine, plastic spheres are formed into oval shapes by heating. The machine has the following functions: Slave 12 is responsible for the feeder. In the feeder, the spheres are separated out and fed by conveyor belt to the handling device's receiving station. Slave 10 is responsible for the handling and controls two pneumatic cylinders (horizontal and vertical) which convey the plastic spheres from the feeder to the heating station. The whole handling sequence is controlled directly in the slave. The handling tongs are also controlled by station 10. Slave 14 is responsible for forming the plastic spheres with heating tongs and a heating regulator. The formed part is finally ejected into a container by opening the heating tongs. Slave 16 is responsible for the provision of compressed air. Page 5-38 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming The following devices are used in the installation: • A PCD2 as master with: PROFIBUS address 1 1 input module at addresses 0..7 1 output module at addresses 64..71 The PG4 programs are stored in path: ..\PG4\Projects\dp_ma_1 • A PCD2 as slave with: PROFIBUS address 10 1 input module at addresses 16..23 1 output module at addresses 32..39 The PG4 programs are stored in path: ..\PG4\Projects\dp_sl_10 • A PCD0.G110, RIO 8 I/O DP with PROFIBUS address 12 8 I/Os • A PCD0.T770, RIO BC DP with: PROFIBUS address 14 First module: PCD0.E120, RIO 16I Second module: PCD0.A410, RIO 16O Third module: PCD0.B120, RIO 8I 8I/O Fourth module: PCD0.W710, RIO 4AI/4AO ±10VDC • A Festo valve island CP-FB13-E with: PROFIBUS address 16 Branch 0 with 16 inputs and 16 outputs The result will appear as follows with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-39 Programming PROFIBUS-DP This involves defining the following variables in the PROFIBUS-DP configurator: Station 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Page 5-40 Module / Bit 0/0 0/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 0/7 1/0 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 2/0 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 3/0 4/0 4/1 0/0 0/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 0/9 0 / 10 0 / 11 0 / 12 0 / 13 0 / 14 0 / 15 Message M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M M->S S->M S->M S<->M S<->M S<->M S<->M M->S M->S M->S M->S S->M S->M S->M S->M S<->M S<->M S<->M S<->M Media Slave F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 R? R? R? I/O 0 I/O 0 I/O 0 I/O 0 O4 O5 O6 O7 I0 I1 I2 I3 I0 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Media Master F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F 1000 F 1001 F 1002 F 1003 F 1004 F 1005 F 1006 F 1007 R? R? R? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? Symbol Name Emrg_Stop Start_x Start_z Reset_cnt Heat_ok Speed_1 Speed_2 Open_Grid Pce_in_pos Job_end X_ismoving free_10_3 free_10_4 free_10_5 free_10_6 free_10_7 Rest_Stop Limt_x_lef Limt_x_rig Limt_z_up Limt_z_dwn Posok_feed Posok_heat Emerg_st10 Nbr_pieces Nbr_act_pi New_pos_x free_12_0 free_12_1 free_12_2 free_12_3 Vibra_on Lamp_ok Lamp_nok Belt_on Emerg_st12 Feed_void Stack_void Stack_full free_12_12 free_12_13 free_12_14 free_12_15 (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) 0/0 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1 / 10 1 / 11 1 / 12 1 / 13 1 / 14 1 / 15 2/0 2/1 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 2/7 2/8 2/9 2 / 10 2 / 11 2 / 12 2 / 13 2 / 14 2 / 15 3/0 3/1 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/9 3 / 10 3 / 11 3 / 12 3 / 13 3 / 14 3 / 15 4/0 4/1 4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/7 S->M M->S S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M M->S M->S M->S S->M S->M S->M S->M M->S M->S M->S M->S R? R? I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O 10 O 11 O 12 O 13 O 14 O 15 I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I / O 10 I / O 11 I / O 12 O 13 O 14 O 15 IO I1 I2 I3 O1 O2 O3 O4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. R? R? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? R? R? R? R? R? R? R? R? diag_i_14 diag_o_14 Heat_is_0 Heat_is_1 Heat_is_2 Heat_is_3 Heat_is_4 Heat_is_5 Heat_is_6 Heat_is_7 Heat_is_8 Heat_is_9 Heat_is_10 Heat_is_11 Heat_is_12 Heat_is_13 Heat_is_14 Heat_is_15 Heat_os_0 Heat_os_1 Heat_os_2 Heat_os_3 Heat_os_4 Heat_os_5 Heat_os_6 Heat_os_7 Heat_os_8 Heat_os_9 Heat_os_10 Heat_os_11 Heat_os_12 Heat_os_13 Heat_os_14 Heat_os_15 Emerg_st14 Piece_okh Clamb_open Clamb_clos Air_ok Start_heat Free_14_6 Free_14_7 Close_clam Open_clamb free_14_18 free_14_19 free_14_20 Heat_great Heat_less Handl_work Heat_in_0 Heat_in_1 Heat_in_2 Heat_in_3 Heat_out_0 Heat_out_1 Heat_out_2 Heat_out_3 Page 5-41 Programming PROFIBUS-DP 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 0/0 0/1 0/2 0/3 0/4 0/5 0/6 0/7 0/8 0/9 0 / 10 0 / 11 0 / 12 0 / 13 0 / 14 0 / 15 0 / 16 0 / 17 0 / 18 0 / 19 0 / 20 0 / 21 0 / 22 0 / 23 0 / 24 0 / 25 0 / 26 0 / 27 0 / 28 0 / 29 0 / 30 0 / 31 S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M S->M M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S M->S I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O 10 O 11 O 12 O 13 O 14 O 15 F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? F? Air_start Air_P_Ok Air_Oil_Ok free_16_3 free_16_4 free_16_5 free_16_6 free_16_7 free_16_8 free_16_9 free_16_10 free_16_11 free_16_12 free_16_13 free_16_14 free_16_15 free_16_16 free_16_17 free_16_18 free_16_19 free_16_20 Air_valve Air_ready Air_nready free_16_24 free_16_25 free_16_26 free_16_27 free_16_28 free_16_29 free_16_30 free_16_31 A question mark (?) by the media address means that these media addresses are assigned automatically by the PG4. Media with the symbol name free_*_* are reserve I/Os Page 5-42 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Creating the structure of the example project • • • Start PG4. Configuration of PROFIBUS-DP network project. The master and all slaves are configured in this network. Create projects for the master and slave 10 in the PG4’s project library. In these projects, user programs are created for the controllers. None of the other slaves require user programs, since they are nonintelligent slaves, i.e. these slaves have a standard-PROFIBUS-DP program to communicate with the master and cannot process any project-specific user program. Set up a new project for the master: Set up a new project for slave 10: After both new projects have been created, they appear in the project library: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-43 Programming PROFIBUS-DP In this example, the PROFIBUS-DP network project is stored in the master directory. Call the project manager for project 'dp_ma_1' from the project library: Enter the PROFIBUS-DP network project. Select 'File '- 'New', then choose DP (PROFIBUS-DP Network): Page 5-44 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Enter the name of the PROFIBUS-DP network. The network file should be stored in the master project library. If a network includes intelligent SAIA slaves, all slaves access the same network. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-45 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Configuration of the network Start PROFIBUS-DP configurator: Double-click on file 'dp_net.dp'. The PROFIBUS-DP configurator is loaded. If no SAIA master or intelligent SAIA slave has yet been defined, an entry prompt appears on the screen to choose one of the SAIA devices. A n w a h l d e s P C Choice of PCD2 master: Page 5-46 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Enter the network comment by double-clicking on the 'Description' field: Appearance of test: The 'Festo' valve island does not yet feature in the device list. Its registration in the device list occurs when the '*.gs*' file of the relevant slave is loaded. Select the 'Library' menu to insert a new slave in the device list. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-47 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Choice of corresponding '*.GS*' file. The slave can then be assigned to an existing device group, or a new device group can be formed. To form a new device group, it is simply necessary to enter the name of the group in the entry field. Page 5-48 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming The valve island has been included in the device list under device group 'Festo Slaves'. Configuration of the network by inserting slaves. The slaves are automatically provided with a serial PROFIBUS-DP station number. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-49 Programming PROFIBUS-DP The intelligent PCD2 slave can be added in two differend ways: • Insertion in the existing network project by selection from the device list: or • Calling the PG4 slave project. In this project, reference is then made to the network project in the master: Call PG4 slave project dp_sl_10: Page 5-50 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Insertion of PROFIBUS-DP network with ‘File New‘. This involves referring to the existing network project dp_net in the master. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-51 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Call PROFIBUS-DP network. When the PROFIBUS-DP network is called, a check is made that the project calling the configurator is already present with a station in the network. If no PROFIBUS-DP station in the network has yet been defined by the calling project, an entry prompt appears to choose a SAIA master or slave. Page 5-52 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Choice of PCD2 slaves from the device list. The slave designation of the PG4 project is automatically adopted here. The project belonging to the slave has also been adopted. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-53 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Setting parameters for the stations Setting parameters for the master Double-click on the master device: The address is correct and does not have to be changed. The project file was entered previously when the PROFIBUS-DP configurator was started up and must not be changed. Files generated by the configurator are stored in this project file. Choice of resources: These have also been set correctly and do not have to be adusted. This completes the setting of master parameters. Page 5-54 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Setting parameters for slave 10 Double-click on the slave PCD2 with address 2: Address 2 was assigned automatically by the configurator. This must be changed to 10. If it is not already present, the project file belonging to the slave must also be entered in the 'Project File' field. Using the 'Browse' button, a search can be made for the project file. It is also possible to generate a new station in the network project from an existing project file. Choice of project: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-55 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Definition of slave resources: The resources are defined with a default symbol. These symbolic names refer to the PROFIBUS-DP address automatically assigned by the configurator. When the station address is changed, the symbolic name is adjusted automatically. Page 5-56 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Definition of media which are exchanged between the master and the slave: for example, if slave inputs 0..7 are written to master flags 1008..1015, parameters must be set for this as follows: Definition of modules: Mapping master and slave media: If media are assigned a symbolic name, this name can be used in the master program and in the slave program. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-57 Programming PROFIBUS-DP If even more data must be exchanged between the master and the slave, this can be entered as described above. The final configuration of slave 10 appears as follows: Page 5-58 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Setting parameters for slave 12 Double-click on slave PCD0.G100 (compact module) with address 3. Address 3 was assigned automatically by the configurator. This must be changed to 12. Define master media to be used for accessing slave. This slave is not capable of modular expansion. Therefore, no additional modules can be defined during configuration of the device. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-59 Programming PROFIBUS-DP In this slave the I/Os are divided as follows: Inputs are addresses 0..3, Outputs are addresses 4..7. Media are addressed with the following symbolic names: I 0: I 1: I 2: I 3: O 4: O 5: O 6: O 7: Emerg_st12 Feed_void Stack_void Stack_full Vibra_on Lamp_ok Lamp_nok Belt_on Any I/Os that are not required must also be addressed with a symbolic name, as it is only determined whether an I/O is an input or an output when the user program is in run. The simplest way of defining unused I/Os is to proceed as follows: Define all I/Os in the module with a symbolic name. For this, activate the 'Set default' button after entering the name at medium no. 0. All media are therefore defined with a similar name. The 8 flags have now been numbered serially with the names 'free_12_0' to 'free_12_7'. Page 5-60 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming After activating the 'Set Default' button, the 8 flags are numbered serially as follows: The correct symbol name can now be entered by the media used. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-61 Programming PROFIBUS-DP The same applies for the module’s inputs: Page 5-62 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming In the list of modules defined, the symbolic assignment of I/Os can then be seen (in each case, the first and last module only): 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-63 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Setting parameters for slave 14 Double-click on the slave PCD0 (modular) with address 4: Address 4 was assigned automatically by the configurator. This must be changed to 14. Define the slave’s hardware allocation. This is a question of defining the I/O modules used by the slave. For the PCD0.T770, the first slot defined must always be a diagnostic module. The I/O modules must then be defined in the same order as they are arranged on the PCD0. Page 5-64 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming This appears as follows for the hardware installation below: First slot: Second slot: Third slot: Fourth slot: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) PCD0.E120, RIO 16I PCD0.A410, RIO 16O PCD0.B120, RIO 8I 8I/O PCD0.W710, RIO 4AI/4AO ±10VDC SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-65 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Define the master media to be used for accessing the slave. The master media must be defined here. For each installed module, the media must be mapped in the master. This takes place in the same way as for the compact PCD0 (slave no. 12). After the successful definition of all I/Os, this will appear roughly as follows: Page 5-66 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Setting parameters for slave 16 Double-click on the Festo valve island with address 5: Address 5 was assigned automatically by the configurator. This must be changed to 16. With the Festo valve island, one branch with 16 inputs and 16 outputs is used. Media entry takes place as described above. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-67 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Definition of slave watchdog time: If required, the slave watchdog time can be defined for each slave individually or for all slaves in common. To enter this for each slave individually, select the 'Bus' submenu in the slave. It is then possible to enter a watchdog monitoring time for each slave. A watchdog time of 0 deactivates the slave watchdog. Page 5-68 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming If the watchdog monitoring time is to be the same for all slaves, this is achieved by double-clicking on the PROFIBUS-DP line in the PROFIBUS-DP network window. Activating the 'Set Watchdog to Slaves' button transmits to all slaves the watchdog time set in this window. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-69 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Changing network parameters If required, network parameters like bus speed, watchdog monitoring time, etc. can also be modified. This is done by double-clicking on the PROFIBUS-DP line in the PROFIBUS-DP network window. The following frame then appears: One of the following baud rates can be chosen: Page 5-70 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming In menu item 'Advanced' the following frame appears: Normally default parameters are adequate. However, if required they can be modified. By activating the 'Set Watchdog to Slaves' button, the watchdog time set in this window is transmitted to all slaves. A watchdog time of 0 deactivates the slave watchdog. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-71 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Further processing of data When all stations have been configured and their parameters set, the PROFIBUS-DP project must be compiled. This generates the '*.src' and '*.def' files for the master station and for the intelligent slave stations. These files are then linked to the actual user program and produce the program that will run. The files are stored in the appropriate file directory. If the data is subsequently further processed with PG4 programming software, the linking of PROFIBUS-DP files is done automatically by the PG4. In contrast, if the user program is further processed with PG3 programming software, the PROFIBUS-DP file must be integrated into the user program with the ‘$INCLUDE *.DEF‘ instruction. File directory of station 'dp_ma_1' before compiling: File directory of station 'dp_ma_1' after compiling: File directory of station 'dp_sl_10' before compiling: File directory of station 'dp_sl_10' after compiling: This concludes the configuration and definition of the PROFIBUS-DP network. Page 5-72 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Writing the user program in the master If project 'dp_ma_1' is edited, the following Project Manager window appears: To enable entry of the user program, a new file must first be opened: The name of the IL file can then be entered. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-73 Programming PROFIBUS-DP The following basic program can now be edited in the master PCD: This basic program still produces a user program that will run. Page 5-74 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming The code for handling the remote I/Os can now be entered: When using PROFIBUS-DP, all available editors can be utilized. Since the handling sequence calls for sequential control, it is logical to write this part of the program in GRAFTEC. On the other hand, if required FUPLA can be used to access existing Fboxes. Control of the entire installation can then appear as follows using IL, FUPLA and GRAFTEC: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-75 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Writing the user program in slave 10 Call project 'dp_sl_10': Writing the user program takes the same points into consideration as for the master. • • • Enter IL code for the SASI instruction. Program COB 0 for data exchange. Enter IL, FUPLA and GRAFTEC programs. The slave project can then appear as follows: Page 5-76 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming 5.5.3 Example 3 Task: A master from a non-SAIA controller (Siemens S7) must communicate with a SAIA PCD1 type slave. This must involve reading or writing the following data in the PCD1: No 0 1 2 3 4 5 Message Master → Slave Slave → Master Master → Slave Slave → Master Slave → Master Master → Slave # Word/Byte 16 Word 16 Word 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte 1 Byte Media Slave R 100 – R 107 R 200 – R 207 F 100 – F 107 F 200 – F 207 I0–I7 O 32 – O 39 Solution: Since both the master controller and the slave controller contain a user program with PROFIBUS-DP, both network configurators must be used by the master and by the slave to generate the relevant configuration data and program files for the devices. When doing this, care should be taken that PROFIBUS-DP messages between master and slave are defined identically (sequence, size, etc.) in both configuration tools. The following example has been written with Siemens Step-7 programming software version 4. 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-77 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Configuration of the Siemens S7 master: Copy the *.GSD file from the PCD1 into the following directory: Define a new project: Page 5-78 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Insert the PCD1 *.GSD file into the Siemens S7 configurator with Import Station DDB Files. Hardware configuration of master: - Rack - Power Supply - CPU-315-2DP Master module 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-79 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Choice of PCD1 from the PROFIBUS-DP menu: Configuration of I/O data to be exchanged with the slave: Page 5-80 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming User program in master for processing slave data: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-81 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Configuration of SAIA PCD1 slave: Write a new PG4 project with a PROFIBUS-DP and an IL file: Definition of network: Master controller does not have to be defined. Page 5-82 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Programming Define messages to be exchanged between the master and the slave. Here data must be defined with the same order, size and direction of data exchange as for the master. The media map of message 0 appears as follows: 26/765 E1 (PDP-55-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 5-83 Programming PROFIBUS-DP Write the user program for the slave: Page 5-84 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-55-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Commissioning 6. Commissioning a PROFIBUS-DP network Commissioning a PROFIBUS-DP network is completed in two steps: a) Checking and testing the hardware installation (physical layer) b) Checking and testing layer 7 (configuration and data exchange) 6.1 Checking and testing the hardware installation (physical layer) Experience shows that the main causes of communications problems lie in inadequate or incorrect hardware installation. For this reason, great importance must be attached to this part of the commissioning process. The following checks and tests should be carried out scrupulously: • Connection and laying of bus cable (terminals and plugs, screening, stub cables, laying power cables, etc.) • Check and adjust line termination resistors, repeaters, etc. • Check the bus line for through transmission • Check the electrical signal level A detailed description of the checks and tests (also called static tests) can be found in the manual "Installation components for RS 485 networks" (order ref. 26/740 E). 26/765 E1 (PDP-60-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-1 Commissioning 6.2 PROFIBUS-DP Checking and testing data exchange These tests are to check data exchange between the master and slaves and the correct mapping of slave I/Os to master media. 6.2.1 Checking data exchange These tests are to check data exchange between the master and the slaves. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Create the network with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. For this all stations present in the network must be defined with all I/Os. The correct baud rate must also be entered. Write a basic program in the PG4, which must contain the following program statements: XOB 16 SASI 9 txt_1DP EXOB ; Cold start routine ; Start PROFIBUS-DP COB 0 0 ECOB ; Update inputs from PROFIBUS-DP ; Update outputs from PROFIBUS-DP Assemble and link the basic program and the PROFIBUS-DP configuration. Load the program into the master controller. Start the program. Check diagnostic flag DATA_EXCH. This flag signals the operating status of data exchange on the PROFIBUS-DP network. High means that data exchange is running on the PROFIBUS-DP network. Low means that data exchange is not running on the PROFIBUS-DP network. Possible errors: • No master in network. • No PROFIBUS-DP card plugged into PCD. • Incorrect FW or HW version. • No SASI instruction. • No COB 0, ECOB statement. Page 6-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-60-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Commissioning 7. Check diagnostic flag SLAVE_ERR. If this flag is low, slave stations are addressed without error. If this flag is high, one or more slave stations has an error. To discover the faulty station, diagnostic registers base+3 to base+6 can be used. The diagnostic data of the faulty slave can then be read with the SCON instruction using function code 1. Possible errors: • Station number in slave does not match the station number in the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. • Several slaves have the same station number. • Wiring is incorrect. (Short circuit between A and B, or A and B have been muddled). • Slave does not support the selected baud rate. • Slave has been wrongly configured. • The slave’s GSD file does not match the slave device. 6.2.2 Checking the mapped media This test checks the correct addressing of slave I/Os. After data exchange between the master and the slaves has been checked according to section 6.2.1, the following test can be executed: 1. 2. 3. 4. The program described in section 6.2.1 is loaded into the master controller. Start the program. In the PG4 the debugger is used to access individual media of the slave I/Os. For this purpose the slave inputs are displayed with a ‘Display Flag‘ instruction and the slave outputs are described with a ‘Write Flag‘ instruction. Check that the right I/Os on the right slaves are read or switched on/off. Possible errors: • Station number in slave does not match the station number in the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. • Several slaves have the same station number. • Several I/Os have been mapped to the same media. • Slave has been incorrectly configured. • The slave’s GSD file does not match the slave device. • PROFIBUS-DP media are already used in the user program. 26/765 E1 (PDP-60-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-3 Commissioning PROFIBUS-DP 6.2.3 Use of bus monitors If the checks and tests described in the previous sections do not produce the desired results, a bus monitor must be used for further tests and analyses. A bus monitor is a testing tool for the commissioning, maintenance and diagnosis of PROFIBUS-DP networks. As a passive tool, it does not affect the bus in any way and does not require a station address, nor does it have to be considered during planning. In online operation, the bus monitor traces telegram communications and displays either the "Live List" of stations connected to the bus, or certain bus characteristics. In offline operation the data recorded can be assessed and telegram analysis can be carried out on layers 2 or 7 of the communication model. Page 6-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-60-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Commissioning Bus monitor manufactured by Softing (Germany) This bus monitor consists of MS-WINDOWS software, a PCMCIA card and a TAP (Terminal Access Point) adapter, which provides the physical connection between the PCMCIA card and the PROFIBUS. This monitor can be used with a portable PC to trace and analyse FMS and DP telegrams with time stamping up to baud rates of 12 Mbps. Extensive adjustable filter functions allow detailed fault finding and error analysis. More information and addresses can be found in the electronic PROFIBUS product catalogue (available from the PROFIBUS user organization). 26/765 E1 (PDP-60-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 6-5 Commissioning PROFIBUS-DP Working with the bus monitor Unfortunately, use of a bus monitor still requires the user to have very extensive and thorough knowledge of PROFIBUS. The user must at least be in a position to interpret and understand the DP telegrams traced, in order to carry out an analysis and error search. This means that the user must, for example, be able to interpret the coding of DP telegrams. Page 6-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-60-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network 7. Quick guide to create a PROFIBUS-DP network A network is to be created with a PCD1 master controller, a PCD2 compact slave controller and a PCD0 compact slave controller. Master 1 Slave 2 Slave 3 This involves realizing the following functions via PROFIBUS-DP: Master 1 (PCD1): HW: no I/O cards Function: Increment register 'Val_Sec' in second time. Transmit 'Val_Sec' to slave 2. Read inputs I0..I7 of slave 2 and copy these inputs to outputs O0..O7 of slave 3 Slave 2 (PCD2 with D160 terminal plugged on): HW: Input module with 8 inputs I0..I7 at address 0 Function: Display 'Val_Sec' value on D160 terminal Slave 3 (PCD0.G110 with 8 I/O): HW/Function: Provision of I/Os 26/765 E1 (PDP-70-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-1 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 7.1 Electrical connection 7.1.1 Connection of supply Lift off cover of PCD1 and PCD2 and connect 24VDC supply according to the following diagram. Function module PCD7.F750 plugs onto space B of the PCD1 and Function module PCD7.F774 plugs onto space B of the PCD2. Master 0 VDC 24 VDC 25 24 23 22 21 20 Space B Function module F774 Space B Function module F750 Slave 2 Slave 3 0 VDC 24 VDC 0 VDC 24 VDC Page 7-2 25 24 23 22 21 20 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-70-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network 7.1.2 RS 485 connection Connect the PROFIBUS-DP line according to the following diagram: Master 5 4 3 2 1 0 DP+5V DP GND RxD/TxD-P RxD/TxD-N PGND RTS 5 4 3 2 1 0 Space B Function module F750 DP+5V DP GND RxD/TxD-P RxD/TxD-N PGND RTS Space B Function module F774 Slave 2 Slave 3 1 PROFIBUS-DP Connection 6 2 7 PCD Type PCD1 PCD2 PCD0 26/765 E1 (PDP-70-E.DOC) Signal N #2 #2 #8 Signal P #3 #3 #3 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. 3 8 4 1 Shield 3 RxD/TxD-P 4 CNTR-P 5 DP GND 6 DP +5V 8 RxD/TxD-N 9 CNTR-N 9 5 PGND X4.21 Page 7-3 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network 7.1.3 PROFIBUS-DP Setting the PROFIBUS-DP address The PROFIBUS-DP address must be set at slave 3 (PCD0) with a rotary switch. Rotary switch x10: position 0 Rotary switch x1: position 3 With the PCD1 and PCD2 the address is set via the PROFIBUS-DP configurator. Page 7-4 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-70-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network 7.2 Configuration with the PROFIBUS-DP configurator • • • • • • 26/765 E1 (PDP-70-E.DOC) Start up PG4 programming software Create two new PG4 projects Master_1 Slave_2 Load project Master_1 Set up two files in project Master_1: IL with file name Main_1 DP (Profibus-DP network) with filename Network Load project Slave_2 Set up two files in project Slave_2 IL with filename Main_2 DP (Profibus-DP network) with filename Network, which references the DP file of the project Master_1. With the 'Browse' function it is now possible to locate the file 'Network.dp' in the project Master_1. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-5 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network • • • PROFIBUS-DP Change to project Master_1 Call file network.dp by double-clicking on file name network.dp. Insert master PCD1, slave PCD2 and slave PCD0 RIO.8 I/O by double-clicking on the appropriate devices in the 'Device List' The network then appears as follows: Page 7-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-70-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP 26/765 E1 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network • Double-click on slave 2: With the 'Browse' button, the slave’s project path must be referenced to the project Slave_2. • Under menu item 'Modules', define two modules: Master R → Slave R Slave I → Master F (PDP-70-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-7 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network • • • Page 7-8 PROFIBUS-DP Map slave media to master media with the 'Media Map’ button Enter the symbolic name 'Val_Sec' at module Master R -> Slave R Enter the absolute address F200 for the master and I0 for the slave at module Slave I –> Master F SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-70-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP 26/765 E1 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network • Double-click on slave 3 • • • Select 'Modules' Select 'Media Map' Define the absolute address for the module inputs and outputs: Outputs 0..7 to flags 300..307 Inputs 0..7 to flags 310..317 (PDP-70-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-9 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 7.3 Writing user programs 7.3.1 User program in the master Load the IL editor 'Main_1' in project 'Master_1' and enter the following program: XOB SASI 16 9 txt_1DP ; SASI for PROFIBUS-DP ; SASI text from PROFIBUS-DP configurator EXOB COB 0 0 ; Update DP inputs INC STH OUT STH OUT STH OUT STH OUT STH OUT STH OUT STH OUT STH OUT Val_Sec F 200 F 300 F 201 F 301 F 202 F 302 F 203 F 303 F 204 F 304 F 205 F 305 F 206 F 306 F 207 F 307 ; Increment register Val_Sec ; Copy inputs of slave 2 to ; outputs of slave 3 ECOB • Page 7-10 ; Update DP outputs The project can then be loaded into the master controller with 'Build' and 'Download'. Saia-Burgess Controls Ltd. (0201PDP-70-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network 7.3.2 User program in Slave_2 Call the IL editor Main_2 in project Slave_2 and enter the following program: XOB SASI 16 2 2 9 txt_2dp ; Cold start ; SASI for Port 2 (D160 Terminal) ; Text 2 ; SASI for PROFIBUS-DP ; SASI text from PROFIBUS-DP configurator COB 0 0 ; Update DP inputs STL JR ld T0 L t0 10 2 1 SASI EXOB STXT ECOB TEXT 1 TEXT 2 NEXT: ECOB • 26/765 E1 (PDP-70-E.DOC) ; New value every second to D160 display NEXT ; Transmit Text 1 to the D160 display ; Update DP outputs "<12>" ; Delete screen "<26>" ; Cursor home "Count: $",Val_Sec.T,"<10><13>" ; Output register contents Val_Sec "" ; Space reserved for more text "" "" "UART:9600,8,E,1;MODE:MC1;DIAG:F0,R0" ; Update DP outputs The project can then be loaded into the slave controller and tested with 'Build' and 'Download'. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page 7-11 Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network PROFIBUS-DP 7.4 Commissioning user programs The following functions are now possible with the network. • • • Inputs 0 .. 7 of slave 2 are copied to outputs 0 .. 7 of slave 3. Register 'Val_Sec' is incremented in the master and transmitted to slave 2. Register 'Val_Sec' is written in 1 second time to the display in slave 2. If you are able to execute the functions listed above, you have installed and programmed everything correctly. If PROFIBUS-DP fails to function correctly, various software diagnostic capabilities are available to the user in the master and in the slave to locate the error. (See chapters 4 and 5). However, experience shows that most faults arise on the hardware side. The following points should therefore be checked: • • • • • • • Page 7-12 Are the P and N connections of the RS485 PROFIBUS-DP line correctly hooked up? 24VDC supply for devices? Controller hardware and firmware versions. Is the PCD7.F750 card’s RUN LED flashing every second on the PCD1 when the PCD1 is in RUN? Is the address of the PCD0 right? Is the BF LED switched off on the PCD0? Does the configuration in the PROFIBUS-DP configurator match the hardware used? SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-70-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix A: Machine state diagram Appendix A. 1. Machine state diagram of a PROFIBUS-DP slave Machine state diagram To understand better how PROFIBUS-DP works, a brief description of the machine state diagram of a DP slaves is reproduced below. The machine state diagram describes how a PROFIBUS station must behave in whatever situation to guarantee conformity. The full description can be obtained from EN 50 170. In the following illustration, the diagram’s machine states are marked in ellipses. Events denote crossing from one state to another. The vertical arrows indicate state transition. Power_on Locale initialization WAIT_PRM Slave_Diag Get_Cfg Chk_Cfg, Not OK Set_Prm, not OK Parameter setting OK Error WAIT_CFG Slave_Diag Set_Prm Get_Cfg Configuration Chk_Cfg, OK Error DATA_EXCH Figure: Machine state diagram of a PROFIBUS-DP slave 26/765 E1 (PDP-AA-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page A-1 Appendix A: Machine state diagram 2. PROFIBUS-DP Power_On Only in the "Power - On" state will a slave station accept a "Set - Slave Address" telegram from a class 2 master to change station address. For this, the slave must include a non-volatile memory medium in which to store the address. 3. Wait_Prm (await setting of parameters) After the internal run-up, the slave expects a parameter telegram (or "Get-Cfg" telegram). All other types of telegram are either rejected or not processed by the slave. Data exchange is not yet possible. As a minimum, the parameter telegram carries the information laid down by the standard, such as ident number, sync/freeze capability, watchdog time etc. In addition, user-specific parameter data is possible. The meaning of this data is defined by the application alone. 4. Wait_Cfg (await configuration) The configuration telegram defines the number of input and output bytes. The master informs the slave how many I/O bytes are to be exchanged with that slave in each message cycle. With intelligent slaves, the ASIC transfers the configuration to the application for checking. The result of this verification is then either a correct, incorrect or, for a modular slave, an adaptable configuration. An additional possibility exists in which the"Get_Cfg" telegram is used to query a master for the configuration of any chosen slave. A slave will accept a "Get_Cfg" telegram, whatever its state. 5. Data_Exch (data exchange) When both the parameters and the configuration have been accepted, the slaves accepts 'Data_Exch' state, i.e. it exchanges useful data with the master. In DATA_EXCH state, the slave station accepts the following telegrams: 'Data_Exch_ok', 'Rd_Inp', 'Rd_Outp', commands (Sync, Freeze ... ), 'Slave_Diag', 'Chk-Cfg_ok', 'Prm_ok', 'Get_Cfg'. Page A-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AA-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times Appendix B. 1. CPU load and reaction time when using PROFIBUS-DP CPU load when using PROFIBUS-DP The majority of data exchange with PROFIBUS-DP is processed by the PROFIBUS-DP card: PCD7.F7xx. However, the PCD’s CPU must use part of its capacity for data exchange with the PROFIBUS-DP card. The capacity used by the CPU for processing its various tasks is called the CPU load and has a direct influence on the CPU’s cycle time, i.e. the CPU’s cycle time gets longer the more tasks it has to process. In relation to PROFIBUS-DP, total CPU load can be divided into the following partial loads: • Program load (T_Progr) (processing time for the actual program) • Normal load for PROFIBUS-DP (T_Normal) (Time required by the CPU for updating diagnostic media, processing PROFIBUS-DP routines, checking IL instructions, etc..) • Communications load (T_Com) (Time required by the CPU to exchange data between the PCD’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory). Total load (T_Cycl_Total ) can be calculated from these partial loads. Total load = Program load + Normal load + Communications load This corresponds to: Total cycle time = Cycle time user prog. + Diag update time + I/O update time PCD-DP This corresponds to: T_Cycl_Total = T_Progr + T_Normal + T_Com 26/765 E1 (PDP-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-1 Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times PROFIBUS-DP Comments on individual loads: 1.1 CPU program load This load corresponds to the cycle time of the actual user program (without the PROFIBUS-DP part) and is different in each user program. Program load can be determined by measuring the cycle time (e.g. using instruction SYSRD 7000 to read the 1 ms counter in each cycle and subtracting this value from the old one). 1.2 Normal load for PROFIBUS-DP When working with PROFIBUS-DP, the PCD’s CPU must continuously perform some update tasks (for diagnostic media). These update tasks are carried out continuously in the background of the actual user program. This normal load depends only on the number of slaves the master has to deal with. The diagram below shows the effect of the number of slaves on CPU normal load. % Value of Cycletime Base Charge of the CPU 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 # Slaves Figure 1: Page B-2 CPU normal load with PROFIBUS-DP SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times 1.3 Communications load Communications load corresponds to the time required by the PCD’s CPU to exchange PROFIBUS-DP I/O data between the PCD’s process image memory and the PROFIBUS-DP card memory. Communications load depends on the number and type (bytes or words) of PROFIBUS-DP I/O information, which the master has to read or write. Communications load is independent of cycle time. Regardless of user program length, the communications load will remain the same. The following diagrams show CPU processing times in relation to media (bytes or words) and the number of slaves: The amount of I/O data is given per slave. i.e. 8 PCD flags produce 1 byte, 1 PCD register produces 2 words. 1.3.1 Data exchange with byte information t [ms] Communication charge of CPU with 8 and 64 Flags / Slave 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 Byte 8 Byte 0 20 40 60 80 # Slaves Figure 2: Communications load with 8 and 64 flags; up to 64 slaves Figure 3 shows the range up to 12 slaves in detail. 26/765 E1 (PDP-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-3 Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times PROFIBUS-DP Communication charge of CPU with 8 to 128 Flags / Slave 1 Byte t [ms] 10 8 Byte 5 16 Byte 0 0 5 10 15 # Slaves Figure 3: Communications load with 8, 64 and 128 flags; up to 12 slaves. Communication charge of CPU with 8 to 1376 Flags / Slave 100 1 Byte 80 8 Byte 60 16 Byte 172 Byte t [ms] 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 # Slaves Figure 4: Page B-4 Communications load with 8, 64, 128 and 1376 flags; up to 64 slaves SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times 1.3.2 Data exchange with word information Communication charge of CPU with 1 to 60 Register / Slave t [ms] 30 2 Word 20 64 Word 10 120 Word 0 0 20 40 60 80 # Slaves Figure 5: Communications load between 1 and 60 registers; 64 slaves Calculation of CPU cycle time Calculation of program cycle time when working with PROFIBUS-DP: For this, the following parameters must be known: • Cycle time of program without PROFBIUS-DP communication • Number of slaves • Number and type of I/O data for PROFIBUS-DP. Calculation of the cycle time is then based on the following formula: Total load = Program load + Normal load + Communications load Total cycle time = Cycle time user prog. + Diag update time + I/O update time PCD-DP Example: Program load Normal load Communications load (cycle time user program) (number of slaves) (number of DP I/Os/slave) = 20 ms = 12 = 8 flags (1byte) From the preceding tables, the following values can be read. The cycle time with DP is: 20 ms + 1.2% of 20ms + 1 ms = i.e., 26/765 E1 (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 21.25 ms Processing 96 inputs from 12 slaves results in a 1.25 ms increase to the cycle time. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-5 Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times 1.4 PROFIBUS-DP Comparison of CPU load between S-Bus and PROFIBUSDP This graph compares CPU load under PROFIBUS-DP against that under SAIA S-Bus (S-Bus with 38.4 kBaud, PROFIBUS-DP with 12 MBaud, reading 8 flags (1 byte) for 8 slaves). Compare of CPU charge between DP and S-BUS Figure 6: 2xS-Bus max. STXM 2xS-Bus 8xSTXM 1xS-Bus max. STXM 1xS-Bus 8xSTXM Available for userprogram Communication charge Base charge DP 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Comparison of CPU load S-Bus / DP The graph demonstrates that, when an S-Bus connection is employed, depending on the number of STXM instructions, only approx. 64% of CPU capacity can still be used for the application program. If S-Bus is used on 2 ports at once, CPU capacity for the application program is thereby reduced to approx. 58%. With PROFIBUS-DP, CPU capacity for the user program is approx. 99%, due to the PROFIBUS-DP card. This means that, with PROFIBUS-DP, roughly between 20% and 45% more CPU capacity is available to the user program than with S-Bus. Page B-6 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times 2. Reaction times with PROFIBUS-DP Because of the individual PROFIBUS-DP processor and the very fast transmission rates, with PROFIBUS-DP very fast reaction times to I/O signals are possible. The reaction time depends on the following factors: • Cycle time of the user program. • Communications load • PROFIBUS-DP baud rate • Point in time when PROFIBUS-DP media in the user program are read or written In the following diagrams, the reaction time is based on the following test structure: Master Supply 24 VDC Run PGU Error Slave 2 Supply 24 VDC Run PGU Error Slave 3 Supply 24 VDC Run Error PGU Slave 4 Supply 24 VDC Run Error PGU Slave 5 Supply 24 VDC Run Slave 6 Slave 7 Slave X PGU Error The master is to send slave X the following messages: Master Slave X OUT Z Supply 24 VDC Run Set OUT X Supply24 VDC Battery Watch Dog Run Halt Error PGU Error PGU Read IN Y OUT P IN Y Figure 7: Data exchange master – slave with intelligent slave Master Slave X OUT Z Supply 24 VDC Run Er ror Set OUT X Read IN Y PGU OUT P Figure 8: 26/765 E1 (PDP-AB-E.DOC) OUT X IN Y OUT X Data exchange master – slave with non-intelligent slave SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-7 Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times PROFIBUS-DP Every second, the master changes the status of output 'Out Z'. This output is copied to flag 'W', which is defined as an output on the slave. Using PROFIBUS-DP, flag 'W' is transferred to the slave. Flag 'W' is copied in the slave from output 'Out X'. On the slave, output 'Out X' is electrically connected with input 'In Y'. The status of input 'In Y' is sent banckk to the master and copied to flag 'V'. The status of flag V is then copied to output 'Out P'. The time difference between switching on outputs 'Out Z' and 'Out P' is always measured at the slave with the highest address. This data exchange can be represented in a graph as follows: Master T COB-COB Slave Master T COB-ECOB COB 0 ECOB COB 0 ECOB COB 0 ECOB Master Out Z Master Flag W Flag W auf PB Slave Out X Slave In Y Slave Flag V Flag V auf PB Master Flag V Master Out P T InMaster-OutSlave T InSlave-OutMaster T Total In Master-Out Master Figure 9: Page B-8 Data flow chart of test structure SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times 26/765 E1 T cycle Profibus Master Slave T cycle Profibus Message Message T Total In Master-Out Master T InMasterOutSlave T InSlave-OutMaster T COB-ECOB T COB-COB # PCD0 Slaves # Total Bytes Baudrate [MBaud] Table of measurement results with PCD0 slaves: mi- mili mili mili mili micro mili cro 400 22 28 38 66 12 22.71 400 10 12.8 17.2 30 12 9.96 400 8.3 9.6 14.4 24 12 8.12 400 4.1 5.3 7.5 12.8 12 4.65 400 2.4 3 6.7 9.7 12 2.95 400 1.5 1.8 5.1 6.9 12 1.65 400 0.98 1.6 4.1 5.7 12 0.79 400 0.65 0.8 3.8 4.6 12 0.67 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 90 40 32 16 8 4 2 1 2160 960 768 384 192 96 48 24 6 6 6 90 32 4 2160 400 768 400 96 400 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 90 32 16 8 4 2 1 2160 768 384 192 96 48 24 0.5 0.5 0.5 22 8.2 1.5 31 11.6 2 35 12.4 5.1 66 24 7.1 22 22 22 22.16 7.78 1.3 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 21.9 8.3 4.1 2.4 1.5 0.95 0.76 72 18 9.4 5.7 3.2 1.3 1.25 59 22 11.8 6.5 5.7 5.3 4.1 131 40 21.2 12.2 8.9 6.6 5.35 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 43.9 16.35 8.6 5.13 2.08 1.34 0.58 90 32 4 2160 400 768 400 96 400 21.9 8 1.3 180 38 8.7 129 43 7.1 309 81 15.8 250 250 250 101 36.9 4.7 0.1875 0.1875 0.1875 90 32 4 2160 400 768 400 96 400 22 8.2 1.32 370 100 12 244 87 13 614 187 25 666 666 666 229 82.5 10.98 0.09375 0.09375 0.09375 90 32 4 2160 400 768 400 96 400 21.8 7.8 1.3 550 250 30 450 164 22 1000 414 52 1323 1323 1323 438 155 22.2 0.0192 90 2160 400 21.8 550 450 1000 1323 438 (PDP-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-9 Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times PROFIBUS-DP Graphical representation of measurement results: t [ms] Reaction time in master -> out slave from 0.09375 to 12 MBaud; 24 Byte/Slave 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 12 MBaud 1.5 MBaud 0.5 MBaud 0.09375 MBaud 0 50 100 # Slaves Figure 10: Reaction time with 93.75 and 500kBaud, 1.5 and 12 MBaud Reaction time in master -> out slave with 1,5 and 12 MBaud; 24Byte/Slave t [ms] 12 MBaud 1.5 MBaud 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 # Slaves Figure 11: Page B-10 Reaction time with 1.5 and 12 MBaud SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times Comparison of reaction time DP-SBus in master -> out slave for 8 Slaves; 24Bytes/Slave 200 168 t [ms] 150 DP 12 MBaud DP 1.5 MBaud 100 S-Bus 38.4 kBaud 40 50 3 S-Bus 9.6 kBaud 5.7 0 Figure 12: Comparison of reaction times between PROFIBUS-DP and S-Bus The above graph clearly shows that PROFIBUS-DP allows very short reaction times to be realized, which cannot be achieved with S-Bus, for example. 26/765 E1 (PDP-AB-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Page B-11 Appendix B: CPU load and reaction times PROFIBUS-DP Notes Page B-12 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AB-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 PROFIBUS-DP Appendix C: Tested Non-SAIA PROFIBUS-DP devices Appendix C. Tested Non-SAIA PROFIBUS-DP devices Up to now the following Non-SAIA PROFIBUS-DP devices have been tested. Supplier Hirschmann Siemens ABB Bihl+Wiede mann Bürkert Festo Festo Heidenhain Mannesmann Rexroth Murr Elektronik Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens SMC VIPA Wago Weidmüller Weidmüller Weidmüller Weidmüller 26/765 E1 DP-Slave Type Master/ Slave LWL-Converter OZD Profi Converter G4a LWL-Converter Sinec Converter L2FO OLM / S4 Drive Slave ABB-ACS600-NPBA-02 AS-i/DP-Gateway Slave result OK OK OK OK Magnet valve system 8640 CP- Magnet valve system CP FB13 Magnet valve CP FB09 E Encoder EnDat/DP-Gateway HNC100 Slave Slave OK OK Slave Slave Slave OK OK OK Terminals ME MBS GP Slave OK Terminals ET200L-SC Slave Not OK Terminals ET200B 16DI Terminals ET200B 16DO Terminals ET200B 4AI Drive CB15 Magnet valve EX 121-SPR1 Terminals ET 200V Terminals Wago I/O System Terminals Winbloc 8 DI Terminals Winbloc 8 DO Terminals Winbloc 3AI 1 AO Terminals Winbloc 16 DI /16 DO 0.5 A eco Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave Slave OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK (PDP-AC-E.DOC) SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Remark This device works with a Siemens Master only Page C-1 Appendix C: Tested Non-SAIA PROFIBUS-DP devices Supplier Type Siemens Simatic S 7 Supplier Bürkert Endress+ Hauser Hartmann & Braun Pepperl+ Fuchs Siemens DP Master Master/ Slave Master PA devices Type Master/ Slave Magnet valve 6520 Namur PA Slave Pressure measuring unit DelPA tabar S Slave Temperature sensor PA Contrans T TM 211 Slave DP/PA Coupler DP/PA Coupler Pressure sensor Sitrans PA Slave PROFIBUS-DP result Remark OK result Remark OK OK OK OK OK Note about PA devices: The use of these devices requires detailed PROFIBUS know-how. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The test reports of each tested device can be seen on the PCD Support homepage under "Communications" - "PROFIBUS-DP". URL: Page C-2 SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. (PDP-AC-E.DOC) 26/765 E1 From : Send back to : Company : Department : Name : Address : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 18 CH-3280 Murten (Switzerland) Tel. : BA : Electronic Controllers Date : PROFIBUS-DP with SAIA® PCD If you have any suggestions concerning the SAIA PCD, or have found any errors in this manual, brief details would be appreciated. SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. Your suggestions : SAIA-Burgess Electronics Ltd. ">

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Key features
- PROFIBUS-DP master module
- PROFIBUS-DP slave module
- PROFIBUS-DP repeater
- PROFIBUS-DP termination box
- Planning and installation of a PROFIBUS-DP network
- Programming
- Commissioning a PROFIBUS-DP network
- Quick guide to creating a PROFIBUS-DP network
Frequently asked questions
The maximum number of stations is 126 per system, with repeaters.
The maximum number of bytes is dependent upon the total I/O data, number of modules, and number of diagnostic bytes, among other factors.
The supported baud rates range from 9.6 kbit/s to 12000 kbit/s.
The repeater is used to decouple an RS 485 communications network, serving to extend the network length and improve signal quality.
The document provides instructions on how to program the SAIA PCD for PROFIBUS-DP communication, using the SASI and SCON instructions.