Serial Numbers 1717A00330 and Greater IMPORTANT NOTICE Any changes made in instruments manufactured after this printing will be found in a “Manual Changes” supplement, supplied with this manual. Be sure to examine this supplement, if one exists for this manual, for any changes which apply to vour instrument and record these changes in the manual, To help minimize the possibility of electrical fire or shock hazards, do not expose this instrument to rain or excessive moisture. Manual Part No. (3438-90001 Microfiche Part No. 03438-90051 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1976 P.O. Box 301, Loveland, Colorado, 80537 1.5. A, Printed: February 1978 H CERTIFICATION Hewlett-Packard Company certifies that this instrument met its published specifications at the time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard Company further certifies that its calibration measurements are traceable to the United States National Bureau of Standards, to the extent allowed by the Bureau's calibration facility, and to the calibration facilities of other International Standards Organization members. WARRANTY AND ASSISTANCE This Hewlett-Packard product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment, except that in the case of certain components, if any, listed in Section of this operating manual, the warranty shall be for the specified period. Hewlett-Packard will, at its option, repair or replace products which prove to be defective during the warranty period provided they are returned to Hewlett-Packard, and provided the proper preventive maintenance procedures as listed in this manual are followed. Repairs necessitated by misuse of the product are not covered by this warranty. NO OTHER WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HEWLETT-PACKARD IS NOT LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. If this product is sold as part of a Hewlett-Packard integrated instrument system, the above warranty shall not be applicable, and this product shall be covered only by the system warranty. | Service contracts or customer assistance agreements are available for Hewlett-Packard products. For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual. Model 3438A Section | SECTION | GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1, INTRODUCTION. 1-2. This section contains general information con- cerning the -hp- Model 3438 A Multimeter. Included isan instrument description, specifications, information about instrument and manual identification, option and accessory information, and safety considerations. 1-3. DESCRIPTION. 1-4. The -hp- Model 3438A is an HP—IB compatible, 314 digit, five function, auforanging multimeter. The functions are AC and DC Voltage, AC and DC Current and Ohms. All five functions have manually selectable ranges. AC and DC Voltage and Ohms functions may also be automatically ranged by depressing the AUTO pushbutton. 1-5. The 3438A enables the user to set up a low cost data gathering system utilizing the HP—IB. Voltage (ac or de), Current (ac or de) and resistance information can be transferred on the HP—1B to Printers, Caiculators, and Computers for data storage or hard copy printouts. 1-6. Throughout the remainder of this manual, the -hp- Model 3438A Multimeter will be referred to as Multimeter. 1-7. SPECIFICATIONS. 1-8. Specifications for the Multimeter are listed in Table 1-1. These specifications are the performance standards or limits to which the Muitimeter can be tested. Any changes in these specifications due to manufacturing changes, design or traceability to the National Bureau of Standards will be covered by an errata or change sheet. These specifications supersede any prior published specifications. Supplemental information in Table 1-218 provided to describe general operating characteristics. 1-9, INSTRUMENT AND MANUAL IDENT- IFICATION. 1-10. Hewlett-Packard uses a two-section serial number. The first section (prefix) identifies a series of instruments. The last section (suffix) identifies a particular instrument within the series. A letter between the prefix and the suffix identifies the country in which the instrument was manufactured. The manual is kept up-to-date at all times by means of a change sheet which is supplied with the manual. If the serial number of your instrument differs {rom the one on the title page of this manual, refer to the change sheet supplied with the manual, All correspondence with Hewlett-Packard should include the complete serial number, 1-11. OPTIONS. 1-12, Table 1-3 lists the options available for the Multimeter, 1-13. The option label affixed to the rear of the Multimeter identifies the line voltage for which the instrument is wired, This operating voltage can be changed by following the procedure outlined in Section V (Power Requirement Modification Instructions). If the line voltage option is changed, the option label should also be corrected to reflect the new configuration. 1-14. ACCESSORIES, 1-15. The accessories avallable for use with the Multimeter are listed in Tabie 1-4. 1-16. SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS. 1-17. This Operating and Service Manual contains cautions and warnings alerting the user to hazardous operating and maintenance conditions. This information is flagged by a caution or warning heading and/or the symbol A. The symbol appears on the front panel and is an international symbol meaning “refer to the Operating and Service Manual”. This symboi flags important operating instructions located in Section II], To ensure the safety of the operating and maintenance personnel and retain the operating condition of the instrument, these instructions must be adhered to. Section I Model 3438A Specifications. Table 1-1. DE VOLTMETER Ranges Max Display + 200 my + 199.9 mV + 2 Vv + 1989 yv + 20 VW + 19.99 V +200 V i 13999 V + 1200 V + 1199 \ Maximum Input! 1200 V {de + peak acl. Ranging: Automatic or manual. Sensitivity: 100 4 Y on 200 mV range, Polarity: Automatically sensed and displayed, Accuracy: 1 Year 15° to 30°C © 95% RH, Range Specifications 200 mV + (0.1% of reading + 2 digits) 2 V to 1206 V + 10,1% of reading + 1 digit) Temperature Coeffibient: 07 - 15°C and 30 -55C £ [018% reading + 0.1 digit? / C Input Resistance: 10 meg DD + 1%. Input Type: Floating 500 V max COM to ground, Normal Mode Rejection: 40 dB at 50 Hz and 60 Hz + À Hz. Effective Common Mode Rejection: With + ke unbalance is > 1720 de at 50/60 Hz + 0.1%. Response Time: < 0.7 seconds to within 1 digit of final value on any range, Add * second for each range change. AC VOLTMETER AC Converter: Avg. Responding rms calibrated. Ranges Max Display 200 mV 198.8 mV 2 \ 1.995 У 20 Y 1999 V 200 Y 1998 V 17200 V 1198 V Maximum Input: 1700 V (de + peak act, 107 volt - Hz max, Ranging: Automatic or manual, Sensitivity: 108 uV on 200 m'V range. Accuracy: 1 year, 15° to 30°C @ 95% RH, Minimum Reading: 20 digits. 30 Hz - 50 Hz + {15% of reading + 3 digits} 50 Hz - 20 kHz + {0.3% of reading * 3 digits} 20 kHz - 100 kHz + {1.5% of reading + 10 digits} Temperature Coefficient: 0°. 15°C and 30° 55°C + {0.04% of reading + 0.2 digits} / €. input Impedance: Resistance: D meg 2. Shunt Capscitance: < 50 рЁ. Input Type: Floating 800 V max COM to ground. Response Time: 1.0 seconds to within 3 digits of final valug on any range. Add 1.2 seconds for each range change. DC AMMETER Ranges Max Display + 200 HA + 199 9 нА + 2 mA + 1.900 mA + 20 mA + 19.99 mA + 200 mA + 199.0 mA + 2000 mA + 1999 mA Maximum Input: ZA from < 250 Y source. Protection: 2A/250 V fuse (normal biow/. Ranging: Manual only. Sensitivity: 100 nA on 200 yA range, Polarity: Automatically sensed and displayed, . Accuracy: 1 year, 16 to 30°C ® 95% RH. Range Specifications 200 A to 200 mA + 2000 mA + (0.3% of reading + 2 digits) {0.6% of reading + 2 digits) Temperature Coefficient: O - 15°C and 30 - 55°C + {028% of reading + 0,1 digits) / С. Voitage Burden: Max Burden Range at Fuli Scale 200 pA to 20 má < 220 mV 200 mA < 240 mV 2008 mA < 400 mV Input Type: Floating BOO V max COM to ground. Response Time: 0,7 seconds on any range to within 1 digit of final value, AC AMMETER Ranges Max Display 200 LA 199,9 HA 2 MA 1.399 mA 20 mA 19.29 mA 200 mA 193.9 mA 2000 mA 1988 mA Maximum input: 2A from < 250 V source. Protection: ZA/250 Y fuse (normal blow, Ranging: Manual only, Sensitivity: 100 nA on 200 нА range, Accuracy: With display of 720 digits. 1 year 1510 30 C 95% RH, Model 3438A Section ! Tabie 1-1. Specifications (Cont'd). OHMMETER ficati 4 Specifications Ranges Max Display «< + {2% of x {1.2% of reading es reading + 4 digits) 20 8 19.99 2 2 200 £ 1999 a q) o 2 ke 1.399 ko 2 £4 digits) 20 к? 19.99 kQ i | 200 ко 1999 ka = 3 2006 k& 1999 ко E x {1.7% of 3 - < reading 20 MQ 19.939M0 28 + 4 digits) + (0.9% of reading input Protection: 250 V rms, 2 + 4 digits) | Ranging: Automatic, or manual. Sensitivity: 10 milllohm on 20 © range. Hz 50H TO kH ЗО Не © ne Accuracy: 1 year 15 to 30°C at 95% RH. Frequency of Input Signal Range Specification 202 + {0,5% of reading + 10 digits} Temperature Coefficient: 0 - 15°C and 30 - 55°C + (0.05% of reading + 0.2 digits) / C. Voltage Burden: 200 uA to 20 mA 200 mA range < 220 mV rms < 240 mV rms 200 & to 2 MQ + {0.2% of reading + 2 digits} 20 MO Temperature Coefficient: O - 15°C and 30 - 55°C. + {3 8% of reading + 2 digits) Range Specifications 2000 mA range input Type: Floating 500 V max COM to ground, Response Time: 1.6 seconds on any range to within 3 digits of final value < 430 mY rms 20 5 to 2MO 20 MO Configuration: 2 wire, Open Circuit Voltage: < 5 Y max, Current through unknown: + 10.04% of reading + 0.2 digits] fe + (.18% of reading + 0.2 digits) /°C Range 2082 20082 2k£2 20k 200k : 2MS2 | Z0M£2 Current SmAIDMmA SO0UA Response Time: 0,8 seconds to within 1 digit of final value. Add 0.8 seconds for each range change, in accordance with 1EEE..488—1975, the 3438A Multimeter meets the following Interface Function Specifications, SOLA | SHA SO00NA ¡S0nA Interface Function Description 3438 A Capability SH Source handshake Yes АН? Acceptor handshake Yes T7 Talker {basic talker, talk only mode, unaddress-to-talk if addressed-to- Yes listen La Listener (basic listener, Unaddress- Yes to-listen if addressed-to-talk} El Open collector Bus driver Yes BEN Device trigger Yes RL? Remote/Local Yes LLO Local iock-out Mo SRO Service Request No PPO Parallel poll No DCO Device clear No со Controller No 1-3 Section I Table 1-2. Model 3438A General Information. GENERAL: Display: 7 segment RED 0.3 inch high LED's. Function and range annunciation. Reading rate: 2.4 - 4.7/sec. depending on input level, A-D Conversion: Dual siope, integration time: 100 msec. Ranging: Automatic or manual in ac V, de V and ohms, Manual only in ac and de current, Storage Temperature: (40 to +78)%; Operating Temperature: (0 to 56} °C, Humidity: 0-95% RH at 40°C. Power: AC line: 48 - 440 Hz 86-106 YV Opt. 100 104-127 V Opt 115 190-233 V Ont. 210 208-250 V Opt. 230 Total Instrument Power Dissipated: 12 watts Configuration: 3438A Std, Rack and Stack case, ac tine power only, Rack mount kit not included. Dimensions: 20.96 cm (8 1/47} wide x 8.57 cm (3 3/87) high x 31,12 em {12 1/4 in.) Weight: 2.87 ka (6 ths. Boz.) 1-4 Table 1-3. Options. Standard Rack mount case. AC line operation only. Option 100 86-106 Мес 48-440 MHz 12 Watts Option 115 104-127 Vac 48-440 Hz 12 Watts Option 216 190-233 Vac 48-440 Hz 12 Watts Option 230 208 - 250 Мас 48-440 Hz 12 Watts Option 908 Rack Mount Kit . -hp- Part Number 5061-0054. Option 919 An additional Operating and Service Manual, Table 1-4. Accessories. 110024 Test leads {dual banana to dual alligator). 11003A Test leads dual banana to probe and alligator. 110958 RE Probe 10 kHz to 700 MHz, use only 10 V and 100 Y de ranges. 5061-0054 Rack adapter kit including % module filler panel, 34110A Soft vinyl carrying/operating case. B4111A kigh voltage probe, 40 kV de 341724 Touch - Hold, input probe, 11067A Test lead kit. 11000 A Test leads, dual banana on both ends 10631 А TM (39.377) HP-16 Cables 10631B 2M (78,747) HP—IB Cables 1086310 4M (157.487) HP—1B Cabies pario Model 3438A Section I! SECTION II INSTALLATION 2-1. INTRODUCTION. 2-11, HEWLETT—PACKARD 2-2. This section.contains information and instructions for the installation and shipping of the Multimeter. Included are initial inspection procedures, power and grounding requirements, environmental information, and instructions for repackaging the instrument for shipment. 2-3. INITIAL INSPECTION. 2-4. This instrument was carefully inspected both mechanically and electrically before shipment. It should he free of mars or scratches and in perfect electrical order upon receipt. To confirm this, the instrument should be inspected for physical damage in transit. Electrical performance should be tested using the performance test outlined in Section V. If there is damage or deficiency, see the warranty insde the front of this manual. 2-5. POWER REQUIREMENTS. 2-6. The Multimeter can be operated irom any one of the ac power sources listed in Table 1-2. Before connecting the instrument to ac power, verify that the ac power source matches the power requirement of the instrument as marked on the option label affixed to the rear of the instrument. If the instrument is incompatible with the available power source, refer to Section V for Power Requirement Modification instructions. 2-7. ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS. 2-8. The Multimeter will meet the specifications listed in Table [-] when the operating temperature is within the range of + 15°C to + 30°C. The instrument can be operated where the ambient temperature is within the range of 0°C to + 40°C and the relative humidity 1s less than 95%. WARNING | To prevent potential electrical or fire hazard, do not expose equipment io rain or moisture. 2-9. INSTRUMENT MOUNTING. 2-10. The Multimeter is shipped with plastic feet and tilt stand in place, ready for use as a bench instrument. The front of the instrument may be elevated for convenience of operating and viewing by extending the tilt stand. The plastic feet are shaped to permit placing the instrument on top of other System II half or full module Hewlett-Packard instruments. INTERFACE BUS (HP—IB). 2-12. Figure 2-1 illustrates the rear panel HP—IB connector, along with a brief description of each signal line. 2-13. Interface Cable Length. 2-14. The maximum accumulative length ofan HP——IB cable in any system must not exceed more than 2 meters of cable per device (up to 15 devices) or 20 meters, whichever is less. 2-15. REPACKAGING FOR SHIPMENT. 2-16. The following paragraphs contain a general guide for repackaging the instrument for shipment. Refer to Paragraph 2-17if the original container is to be used, 2-18 if it is not. If vou have any questions, contact your nearest -hp- Sales and Service Office, (See Appendix À for office locations.) NOTE If the instrument is to be shipped to Hewlett- Packard for service or repair, attach a tag to the instrument identifying the owner and indicating the service or repair to be accomplished. Include the model number and full serial number of the instrument. In any correspondence, identify the instrument by model number and full serial number. 2-17. Place instrument in original container with appropriate packing material and seal well with strong tape or metal bands. If original container is not available, one can be purchased from your nearest -hp- Sales and Service Office. 2-18. If original container is not to be used, proceed as follows: a, Wrap instrument in heavy paper or plastic before placing in an inner container. b. Place packing material around all sides of instrument and protect front panel with cardboard strips. ¢. Place instrument and inner container in a heavy carton or wooden box and seal well with strong tape or metal bands, 2-1 Section H Mode] 3438 A HP-IB CONNECTOR J701 CHASSIS/OUTGUARD one GROUND ооо A ao ant \ Mating Connector: г : НН \ 3 HHH HHH) -hp- Part No. 1252-06293 Amphenoi No, 3730240 Mating Cables: à DIOL DiQ2 DIOS LOS EOI DAV NRFO NDAC IFC DIO 1-8 {Data Input/Output} Mnemonic referring to the eight "Data Input/Output’ lines. The DIC fines transfer messages in a byte-seriai, bit parallel manner. EO {End or identify} Mnemonic referring to the “End or Identify” control tine, ECI is used by a device to indicate the end of a multiple-byte transfer. DAY (Data Valid} Mnemonic referring to the “Data Valid” control line, DAY is used to coordinate the “handshake” sequence. The DAV line is controlled by the source {talker}. When DAY is true, data on the DIO lines is considered valid, MRE {Not Ready For Data} Mnemonic referring to the "Ready For Data’ control line. NARFD is used to coordinate the “handshake” sequence. The NRFD line is controlled by the acceptor Histener), When NRFD is true, the acceptor indicates to the source that he is ready to accept data. NDAC {Data Not Accepted) Mnemonic referring to the “Data Accepted” contro: line. NDAC is used to coordinate the “handshake” sequence. The NDAC line is controlled by the acceptor {listener). When NDAC is true, the acceptor indicates to the source that the data on the DIO lines has been accepted. Articles” SRG ATN SHIELD For further information concerning the HP-IB, "Hewlett-Packard interface, A Compendium of Technical -hp- publications No, 5957-2472. À 10631 A 3 tt. 106318 6 ft, SEE 4560 106310 12 ft, the source that the data on the DIO accepted. lines has been {FC {interface Clear} Mnemonic referring to the “Interface Clear” control line. IFC is used to place the HP-1B system In a known quies- cent state. The IFC line is controlled by the system controtier. SRO (Service Request! Not Available in 34384 Mnemonic referring to the “Service Request” control line. SRO is used (by any device having service request capability to indicate to the system controller that the device requires service, The controller responds by polling the devices ta determine which device requested service. ATN (Attention) Mremonic referring to the “Attention” contro! line, The state of the ATN line determines whether the HP-IB isin the “Command mode” (ATN truel or the “Data mode” {ATHN false}, When ATN is true, all devices must listen to the data Hnes, and when ATN is false, only devices that have been addressed will actively transfer data. REN (Remote Enable? Mnemonic referring to the "Remote Enable” control Hine, REN is used in conjunction with listen addresses {DIO 1-8) to select either focal or remote control of each device, refer to Figure 2-1. 2-19. POWER CORDS AND RECEPTACLES. 2-20. Figure 2-2 illustrates the plug cap configurations that are available to provide ac power to the Multimeter. The -hp- part number shown directly below each plug cap drawing 1s the part number for the power cord set equipped with the appropriate mating plug for that receptacle, The appropriate power cord should be provided with each instrument. However, 1f a different power cord set is required, notify the nearest -hp- Sales and Service Office and a replacement cord will be provided. The instrument ac power input receptacle and cord set appliance coupler meet the safety specifications set by the International Commission on Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment (CEE 22), 2-2 Mewliett-Packard Interface Bus Connector. О-ва *UL LISTED FOR USE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Figure 2-2. Power Receptacles. Model 3438A Section HI SECTION ¡il OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1. INTRODUCTION. 3-2. This section contains instructions for operating the Multimeter. Measurements of ac and de voltage, ac and de current, and ohms are discussed. Sample applications will be given in this section to demonstrate the use of the HP-IB. A description of the controls and connectors 15 given in Figure 3-3. To prevent potential electrical or fire hazard, do not expose the Multimeter or its accessories to rain or moisture. 3-3. AC Operation. 3-4, Before connecting the Multimeter to ac power, verify that the ac power source matches the power requirements the Multimeter as marked on the option label affixed to the rear of the instrument. If the instrument is incompatible with the available power source, refer to Section V of this manual for power requirement modification instructions. After this verification, connect the proper ac power to the instrument and press the ON button. The instrument 1s ready for use. 3-5. Overload/Overrange/Improper Function indication. 3-6. Figure 3-1 shows the display indication during overload, overrange, or an improper switch setting. O|L Figure 3-1. Overload Indication. 3-7. Table 3-1 lists improper switch combinations. Table 3-1. improper Switch Combinations. Function Range Y is 20 NV mv, | MG 20 20 MA mV, | MI: Auto 20 20 > MÁ mV, $7 | MO | Auto 20 20 3-8. Auto. 3-9. Depressing the AUTO switch with acV, deV or k O function selected sets the Multimeter 1n an automatic ranging mode. In this mode the Multimeter will uprange ¡f the display increases above (+) or (-) and downrange if the display decreases below (+) or (-) СТВ. These numerical autoranging points are irrespective of decimal placement. The difference between the two autoranging points is called auforanging de voltage measurements from © 10 1200 У de, Autoranging in other Multimeter functions 1s similar, > > > © o Q = = æ < ss [] æ o + er ann — E T F F 1 E 5 5 Ё : i : ; 2008 ! Ë ; £ 4 ! i 1 ! 200 ! = ‘ # № * = i ; i x 2 | ++ Le + = #'@ ых i a? vi > > > > > = e E Ti m Ti 5% S 3 2 8 3 FE q 5 a J D SE o Hr & INPUT LEVEL (Yde) nm # = DOWNRANGE POINT %: UPRANGE POINT Figure 3-2. Multimeter Autoranging. 3-10. To release the AUTO switch depress one of the MANUAL RANGE switches, 3-11. Input Terminals. 3-12. Input Selector Switch. The Input Selector Switch (front panel) is used to select front or rear input terminals. Inthe FRONT position, the V{), COM, and A input terminals are internally connected to enable the user to make voltage, current, and resistance measurements from the front panel. With the Input Selector switch set to REAR, the V {) and COM input terminals on the rear panel are connected to allow the user to make voltage and resistance measurements. NOTE There is no current measuring capability from the rear input terminals. 3-1 Section HI Model 3438A © 090890999000 OOOO ® Ft © © © © DESCRIPTION POWER ON/OFF SWITCH. SWITCHES MULTIMETER POWER ON OR OFF. FUNCTION SWITCHES: USED TO SELECT THE FIVE MULTIMETER FUNCTIONS, DC VOLTAGE FUNCTION SWITCH. AC VOLTAGE FUNCTION SWITCH. DE MILLIAMPERES FUNCTION SWITCH. AC MILLIAMPERES FUNCTION SWITCH. KILOMMS FUNCTION SWITCH MANUAL RANGE SWITCHES: USED TO SELECT INPUT MEASUREMENT RANGES. 20 OHMS RANGE SWITCH (OHMS ONLY), 200 MILLIVOLT, MICROAMP AND OHMS RANGE SWITCH. 2 VOLT, MILLIAMP AND KILOHM RANGE SWITCH. 20 VOLT, MILLIAMP AND KILOHM RANGE SWITCH. 200 VOLT, MILLIAMP AND KILOHM RANGE SWITCH. 1260 VOLT, 2000 MILLIAMP AND KILOHM RANGE SWITCH. 20 MEGOHM RANGE SWITCH {OHMS ONLY} AUTO RANGE SWITCH. AUTOMATICALLY SELECTS RANGE FOR BEST RESOLUTION WHEN AC VOLTS, BC VOLTS, OR OHMS FUNCTIONS ARE SELECTED. INPUT TERMINALS, AMPS INPUT TERMINAL: USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE COM TERMINAL FOR MEASURING AC AND DC CURRENT. ALSO USED FOR READING HOLD INPUT, @ еее © OO e) 00 © "I aa Tu Py MAS wok à its tr MAITE COM INPUT TERMINAL: COMMON TERMINAL FOR AC/DC VOLTS, AC/DC AMPS AND OHMS MEASURE- MENTS. VOLTS] OHMS INPUT TERMINAL: USED INCONIUNCTION WITH THE COM TERMINAL FOR MEASURING AC/DC VOLTAGE AND OHMS, HP-—IB STATUS ANNENCIATORS. FUNCTION/ RANGE ANNUNCIATORS. DISPLAY: FOUR SECTION LED READOUT, LEFT SECTION DISPLAYS +/+ L RIGHT THREESECTIONS ARE7SEGMENT. INPUT SELECTOR SWITCH: IN THE REAR POSITION, THE VO'AND COM INPUTS ARE SWITCHED TO THE REAR PANEL AND THE FRONT PANEL INPUT TERMINALS ARE OPEN. IN THE FRONT POSITION, THE REAR PANEL INPUT TERMINALS ARE OPEN. REAR TERMINALS CANNOT BE USED FOR CURRENT MEASUREMENTS, ‘AC POWER RECEPTACLE, HP —IB CONNECTOR, AC POWER INPUT FUSE. POWER SUPPLY TRANSFORMER. COM INPUT TERMINAL. SAME AS EXCEPT NG CURRENT MEASUREMENTS WHEN USING REAR TERME NALS. VO INPUT TERMINAL, SAME AS an WHEN USING REAR TERMINALS, POWER LINE GROUND TERMINAL, SERIAL NUMBER, LINE VOLTAGE LABEL 3-2 Figure 3-3. Front and Rear Panel Descriptions, Model 3438A { ECAUTION? To avoid possible damage to the Multimeter, de not change the position of the Input Selector switch while voltage is connected to the front or rear input terminals. 3-13. VQ (Volts /Ohms). The V{ terminal (front or rear panel} is the high terminal for ac and de voltage measurements. For ohms measurements, 1t is the positive (+) terminal. 3-14, COM (Common). The COM terminal is used for all five Multimeter functions. It is the negative (-) terminal for ohms measurements and it is the low terminal for ac and dc voltage and current measurements. The rear panel COM terminalis only used for voltage and resistance measurements. ECAUTION: To avoid possible damage to the Multimeter circuitry, the voltage between COM and (earth ground) must not exceed plus or minus 500 V de. 3-15. A (Amps). The A terminalis the high terminal for ac and dc amps measurements. There 1s a 2 amp input protection fuse in series with this terminal. A CAUTIONS The current function is protected by a fuse of 250 Y rating. To avoid damage to the Multimeter, current sources having open circuit voltages greater than 250 V (de + peak ac) must not be connected to the A famps) input terminal. 3-16. DC Voltage Measurements (Front or Rear input Terminals). To avoid possible damage to the Multimeter circuitry, the de input voltage must not exceed 1200 V {de + peak ac). 3-17, Procedure. a. Depress === Y (de volts). b. Depress proper manual range (200 mV to 1200 V) or depress AUTO for automatic range selection, с. Connect test leads from the Multimeter V.{) (high) and COM (low) terminals to the voltage under test as shown in Figure 3-4, Section IT BATTERY Figure 3-4. DC МоНаде Measurements. 3-18. AC Voltage Measuremenis (Front or Rear input Terminals). To avoid possible damage to the Multimeter circuitry, the ac input voltage must not exceed 1700 Y (de + peak ac). 3-19. Procedure. a. Depress ~ V {ac volts). bh. Depress proper manual range (200 mV to 1200 Y) or depress AUTO for automatic range selection. с. Connect test leads from the Multimeter V.Q (high) and COM (low) terminals to the voltage under test as shown in Figure 3-5, Fa AC VOLTASE SOURCE 2A FUSE Figure 3-5. AC Voltage Measurement. 3-3 Section IH 3-20. DC Current Measurements, CCAUTION The current function is protected by a fuse of 250 Y rating. To avoid damage to the Multimeter, current sources having open circuit voltages greater than 250 Y (dc + peak ac) must not be connected to the A (amps) input terminal. 3-21. Procedure: a. Depress w= mA (dc milliamperes). b. Depress proper manual range (200. uA to 2000 mA). ce. Connect test leads from the Multimeter À and COM terminals in series with the current under test as shown in Figure 3-6. Model 3438A 3.22. AC Current Measurements. СООО The current function is protected by a fuse of 230 V rating. To avoid damage to the Multimeter, current sources having open circuit voltages greater than 250 V (de + peak ac) must not be connected to the A (amps) input terminal. 3-23. Procedure: a. Depress ~ mA (ac milliamperes). b. Depress proper manual range (2004 to 2000 mA). ¢. Connect test leads from the Multimeter A and COM terminals 1n series with the current under test as shown in Figure 3-7, => Л 34664 -+ 5- FO г CURRENT DC + SOURCE Figure 3-6. DC Current Measurements. то АС CURRENT A SOURCE Figure 3-7. AC Current Measurements. 3-4 Model 3438A 3-24. Resistance Measurements (Frontor Rear input Terminals). 3-25, Procedure: a. Depress k À (kilohms). b. Depress proper manual range or Auto for automatic range selection (20 {) to 20 MO). c. Connect test leads from the Multimeter Y 4) and COM {-) terminals to the resistance under test as shown in Figure 3-8. NOTE When making resistance measurements using the lower ohms ranges, consideration should be given to the resistance of the test leads. This potential measurement error can be elimi- nated by measuring the lead resistance and subtracting it from the combined resistance value of the test leads and the resistance under test, e > 2A FUSE Figure 3-8, Resistance Measurement. 3-26. HP—IB APPLICATIONS. 3-27. Examples of typical HP—IB System operations using the 3438A Multimeter are given to aid the user in setting up his own system. There are two usable HP—IB modes of operation: a. Talk Oniy. b. Addressed To Talk. Both modes will be discussed in the following paragraphs. Section 1Н 3-28. Daia Output Format. 3-29. The Data Output Format and Function Codes are shown in Figure 3-9. -DDDD ED 3 F ER LEO ra Te arb, ties mes me moe эт Display Exponent Delimiter Function Carriage Line а аще Code Return Feed input Value Function : Code Figure 3-9, Data Output Format and Function Codes. 3-30, The Data Output Format 1s a fixed length of 13 characters. The Display and Exponent portion combine to relate the actual input value. Exampie: If the Muitimeter display reading was + 17,90 Y in the de Y function, the output format would be: + 1.790 E + 1, > SN Function Code Input Value NOTE There is no leading zero suppression. 3-31, Overlcad Indication. The output format for an Overload Indication is: 1.DDD E +9, F, CR, LF. —Tl Random Numbers Overload Indication The leading | and the + 9 exponent signifies an overload indication, 3-32. Taik Only Mode. 3-33, The Talk Only Mode is used in an HP-IB system without a controlier. The Address Switches AS6 and AS7, which are located on the A3 Logic board (remove top cover), must be set as shown in Figure 3-10 for this mode. AS! through ASS may be set in any position. 3-5 Section Hi ADDRESS SWITCHES ADDRESSABLE TALK ONLY AST OPERATE TEST ASH о | |] ASS O E ABA O | ADDRESS ASS Q 1 ASE O | J AS] V SWITCHES MAY BE SET IN ANY POSITION FRONT Z430A- 8-5 Figure 3-10, Taik Oniy Switch Settings. 3-34, In the Talk Only mode with no other devices connected to the Multimeter, the Multimeter inputs are sampled continuously at a rate of 2.4—4.7/sec determined by the exact input level. Data is output at the HP—IB terminal as fast as it is obtained, Refer to Table 3-2. Table 3-2. Output Delays. Bus Commands Time Required Group Execute Trigger (GET! < 1 msec Dual Slope Conversion = 300 msec Multimeter Qutput Availability =. 9 msec GET thru Qutput Availability ® < 310 ms Time te Output Data to the HP—IB |< 800 us + Listener delay Time to Accept Data from the HP..TB ! SIG us/character: 100 us/character typical *Atter 100 ms Auto Zero 3-35. With other devices connected to the Multimeter via the HP—IB, the output data rate is determined by the slowest Listener. The following application shows a simple data logging system using the -hp- Model 3438A Multimeter and ihe -hp- Model 5150A Thermal Printer. Model 3438A 3-36, Procedure: a. With both instruments OFF, connect the HP—IB: cable between them. b. Set Printer to LISTENING (back panel). c. Set Printer PRINT COMMAND switchto LF (line feed). d. Set the Printer front panel to the desired Print interval. NOTE If the selected print interval is less than the Multimeter output rate, the actual print interval will be equal to the Multimeter sample period. e. Set the PRINT TIME switch to Sep Line (separate line). f. Set the Multimeter Address Switch to Talk Only/ Operate as shown in Figure 3-10. g. Select the desired Multimeter Function and Range and connect the Multimeter to the unknown voltage, current, or resistance, В, Switch both instruments ON and set the printer clock time (front panel), The Multimeter TALK annunciator light should be ON. 3-37. This system will print the Multimeter data and the Printer clock time, Any HP—IB compatible LISTENER can be used in place of the -hp- Model 5150A Printer for this system. 3-38, L Option 003 is installed in the 5150A Printer, as many as thirteen 3438A Multimeters can be scanned on one НР---1В data logger system. 3-39. Addressable to Talk Mode. 3-40. The Addressable to Talk Mode is used in a system with a controller such as a calculator or computer. THERMAL PRINTER hp SISOA HP-IB CABLE MULTIMETER hp 3438A a Lg о © © | OPTION 00} & g 004 INSTALLED в bi 34384 -8- | XX 000990 0096900090 o © © Figure 3-11. Talk Only Data Logger. 3-6 Model 3438A 3.41. The Talk Address is user selectable by the internal Address switches Asl through ASS. The Multimeteris shipped with address select code 23 as shown in Figure 3-12, This switch is binary coded, ie, ASS has weighting of 2° = 16, AS4 has weighting of 2 * = 8, etc. ADDRESS SWITCHES ADDRESSABLE TALK ONLY AST OPERATE TEST AS6 О | (16) ] ASS (MSD) O | (8) AS4 | (4) > ADDRESS AS3 1 (2) ÂS2 i 4} J ASÍ (LSD) FRONT 3438A—8—5 FOI, = 25 Figure 3-12. Address Select Code. 3-42. Sample Applications using three different -hp- calculators (9815A, 9825A, and 9830A) will be shown in the following examples. In each of these examples, the Multimeter is set to the Addressable to Talk Mode. 3-43. -hp- 9815A Sample Application. (See Figure 3-13. 9815A/HPIB Application.) 3-44. -hp- 9825 Sample Application. (See Figure 3-14. 9825/HP-IB Application.) Section HI 3-45. -hp- 9830 Sample Application. (See Figure 3-15. 9830A/HP-1B Application.) | 3-46. Option Decal. 3-47. the option decal 1s affixed to the rear of the Muitimeter. An example is shown in Figure 3-16. rr LINE A mene SER. APTA 56.106 m 104.127 V MADE IN U.S.A. TOO SSIAN [208 280 V HP 3438A MULTIMETER Figure 3-16. Option Decal. 3-48. Amps input Fuse Replacement, 3-49, The amps input is protected by a 2A 250 V normal blow fuse, -hp- Part Number 2110-0002. This fuse is easily replaced using the foliowing procedure: a, Insert a coin or wide bladed screwdriver into the slots of the A input terminal. b. Press the color ring in and rotate it counterclock- wise 1/3 turn. ¢. Remove and replace the blown fuse. 3-50. Multimeter Cleaning. 1 ÉCAUTION Do not allow cleaning solvents, flux remover, or alcohol to come in contact with the Multimeter, 3-51. The Multimeter case and front panel should only be cleaned with a mild solution of soap and water and a soft cloth. 3-7 Section (Ш Model 3438A [= ‘ | 1 В IONE CALCULATOR hp 38154 1063IA/8/C HP-IB CABLE | Lu 3438A-B-2 MULTIMETER hp 3438A o © JOC0NO 80008090 9 Figure 3-13. 9815A/HP—IB Application. 9815A PROGRAM #1 9815A PROGRAM #1 PRINTOUT ENTER 3438A ADDRESS GO TO REMOTE (REN) PAUSE 3438A ADDRESS TRIGGER 3438A {GET) INPUT AND PRINT 3438A DATA 3-8 I yee a HP ra? TER GHEE HEE die chili HEED Е ЕД ли! in EFE a AR E Te +: ya a La) r= = a Ma ELE ЛОР DI Y LAO Ke TAL ter £55 PA ETA Ue nt EE TT SEE al hi e Fr I ей ME AR WR + ve Ted A PA A uur pd feck ped TT Ea ¡a PET ¿Ea ca Ea a Ei MS ACE pra E; E ESE а EL fr fus | dem Е a ET LE ке Dh 1751 ESA я TT" ak sen рос Mi à F1 15: Ea E Ta To TRF OS КЗ Кб A a CS EA E OR) a E д (БО р о) TA IT Ls 3 LL E a aD TE PQ PQ Fa Pa Ко ОВО 741 21 A 0 Morita LT i I wd a E e DE Y EMT LT = т READY Ney mi] PRINT EY FiR PRINT “АСЕ ВИТО NT fig тело Mu + pre — + ab (Fi = + EXPLANATION 2.430 6] REPRESENT 243x101 = 24.3 Y de i = FUNCTION 1 (de V3 PA Ai 1 ida 11 1 1. ARO ES À LA i | ie я Te dE i “il él i SERS x i PERRO GE i + ENT — TE но Та La Ta en La E |. fed Vs нео TT e Ti ok E AE + Section IH «С ес x + re ES < © = 9815A PROGRAM #2 = 9815 PROGRAM #2 PRINTOUT eV FUNCTION d 2 mV de 38 3-9 Section Lil Model 3438A CALCULATOR hn 98254 d £ Ed | F j— № Ё ЭВ214А 8 9BZI0A ROMS INSTALLED ) E I0631A/B/C HP-TB CABLE INTERFACE hp 98034 A (Ее с) *MUST HAVE 98214À AND (982104 ROMs INSTALLED. MULTIMETER hp 3438A | o o 000900 09000000 e 3438A- 8-5 9825A PROGRAM #1] Figure 3-14. 9825/HP—IB Application. 9825A PROGRAM #1 PRINTOUT Tek т в Surf Тока. i iow : "am JE “E = a" ли E TE Facts НЕ ная E. MM de AE Lo Eo € nl : Es i tou 1 o: a 4 er ro" bo ou CT Tee ; я i jan : pu, Ha, À pie qu m Я м i E. "a" ki INE rx sea! = ue id her Y E 3 EE hd + boa : veda 1 им 5 и e 7! E E E. i fad ta - . query ea e a ah Le Bop EA, in r EMO nr 1 LAE ВЕ E 5, - Pr a bo! В Eo EA: BE Bri EAC 8, me . 1 = dh om map be La PEPE SLT pi + 4 à e EE + que | a [Th Jo "e, Ham wy aim Ta В, r ir en 2} : ; PS 5 4 5 TE i i : E h a SES ES od LEA jee ni LA LA meow ME {тот о: Phe PERAL Fast A E = at F Font Tn TEE IAE cari wiki Niel E Kap Dar het IL И оно 1 Toa 1 ja 1. i т MO PORTS y ESTE гы en “ut , и DUE od + 35 pe = Tun lr a < : 1 3 ER à ri HER Hart Woe er 158, ae ma sme d'u = pu Cu ru fra À : ha i lr Tp WA ue a ar E — 10 1 — OHMS FUNCTION > Model 3438A Section HI 9825A PROGRAM #2 9825A PROGRAM #2 PRINTOUT re 220 — 5 at OHMS FUNCTION ,L En. LE © mete FE Ee = re + : ar : wr Ta - + ue = que 1 Ed " - ee, wo; Pa TO win ET Dom 3 ut 5 EAL or 1 к AF ad 21e ue pte ae od ФОНОВ осно E. Thr Hi OPONE ЕЕ я + 3 = La E au! o." x "Er 4 nin "> pe : Le ad Hi PT gm E e pr ra =! nu 13° 5 1 a - Е EE TE at a Pm hr Eo 8 mar ITA 100100 + 5 100.1 k pa TT es . : Fo FEE tt € of Ln ров WORSE rh Sta me 2. . rim т в de iE + yo ms Le E + Eu cu A т Ч =. “о put : = wm Tr Fa uber = cn a + м m= Е : mo. > т mi te, que и pea a Eo ня ‚ Ё Ре it Я 1” ma Ene PE per I BoE ло ar ur Tres ELE 1,5 EE Laa * "n° : ; ror : 5 He r 1% 4! ой Оо. Тама С. Sian ЕЙ don x 4 зам i Dn + Fo 5 gine 2 , KR E BOE одне не I EN а у. Po pi 4 +, HR man x La "a." $T Eu yo Fr ala * > tee В 3 я pr . A! HE ale E a ar A 2 dan + a dE + a th + 5 Iran wane a a ah = 4m Tire Г " ; ue Op wie 1 br BE a oh = am" Tan” aa Rua nat et Là pin Edo ar © Lod pe OVER LOAD Tis “3 - it, "pr e y Section II Model 3438A LINE PRINTER hp 9866A … 10651A/B/C_HP-IB CABLE MULTIMETER hp 3438A INTERFACE FIA hp 59405A CALCULATOR hp 9830A = o 000009 00060600 © 3438A-8-4 Figure 3-15. 9830A/HP-—IB Applications. 3830A PROGRAM Hi LÉ EE CPL I arl rl =" Ze FUREY di CAT ER 1 ты? бы Hr ALI re” Cle Thal aad OO CR EH AR | 20 OUTEUT 5101363165 IBICA PROGRAM #1 PRINTOUT 3-12 + 28.6 Y Ade —— je {4 y ps a for fo we и dev FUNCTION arc des 1 Fée 1 tek una we, wl {url и, mee | =" ' ne 1.2 jaa po IE Jt E | | a aa Ter К. nary f dea A d ta Ha, par Lure aer и! N р ны" Ho deen Trix" Bu am oe 1 F F pmp yet pr и e a bea Ÿ i i arr Cem” lard’ Rabin O ham E Ant Tel br фея ave” JE dear aero Caro dere irme + + Lu e 5 pe 1 7 © “fn br ий par sta, Por he E i ue 11 Tarn nr ян hrs ehh F "a JE Ee a par LU î aj E y bk 1 "a ju oo 1 Ë rato FO leer Кунео 1 J wat Tad dane arr, 45, чан, | FH: pire bi eh | of ty Y nu? SEO Ear | Pe ET ide ar rid “El : a ria h E ay | | ay 1 mnEra Ea"E mt [ear E "eb MOE r pri ë tn DC "TL a + OL = acht Fr ara 14 нь . e EA Pepi BLT dE aa Tal Brian me ab Ea | FH FE À ET ay e eme 1er aa gd, Ve gra afar О 1 | I EF Нал ' Lat I | friar J de ame bab IMD ня + ch 8 К dpe ey | мы fus E de an Зина + Ma army dry ge им jr Ea Ko i " Fou E ma HO hiena Tht ena PHL amr, Mla ab abn paa rele de de mp El Tem? ace! diras pes à a = : a * Ma chia aH ati da HE mous ER dan BF бык lion ade dae 1 . rae Me "Hi an, pea e uba AT ] № в fn oy vif dea e teed Ban far 1 J hy 7 RC Е ry vds 14 al EE que ha ua | id [TR Kam Fans tab be N de fil] de PER, EU i а i i rl ak HE Ald e E al ea HA am, Ma rR изн ä J ia 1 Sod 1 He ir aras A 3 pat El apra Mark” Bae de ab FO Model 3438A Section HI ILIDA PROGRAM #2 830A PROGRAM #2 PRINTOUT la CHE TELE 460 TE GB LS PPUNCTION sa FORT AE SENTI Oly ZR TESA PE Beebe de Я di DED TEL ФР, ВЕК) 5 “A TM HE dino Tk, ESA EA KERZE PD BE, EHE a PERITO PIE НЫ, a mE LE EEE ta, RATE + 3 MITE si Pl EERE 5 LE ENT PE, FL 5 Ч, Ес) 5 rl, Ea A PAE 5 A EEE A Tl, EEE a A Fit AE E HE, CE EA 5 rd, EEE Aa ЗРИТЕЛЬ В Ha, Ea 5 901 QU Ea > PT / ">