IP CamSecure
User Manual
Ver. 1.26_101222
Copyright (c) 2010 Digital Data Communications Co., Ltd.
All Rights Reserved.
All features and functions are subject to change without notice. Please visit
for the latest ones.
IP CamSecure
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................1
SYSTEM REQUIREMENT .......................................................................................................................6
INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................7
Server Application Installation................................................................................................................................. 9
Remote Desktop Tool .............................................................................................................................................. 13
PDA Client Installation ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Smart Phone Client Installation ............................................................................................................................. 17 iPhone Client Installation ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Quick Start.......................................................................................................................................22
Execute Main Console ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Activate IP Camera License(s).............................................................................................................................. 22
Install IP camera(s)................................................................................................................................................... 23
Add IP camera(s)..................................................................................................................................................... 23
Set Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
Set Smart Guard ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Start Recording & Smart Guard ............................................................................................................................ 25
Playback.................................................................................................................................................................... 25
1. MAIN CONSOLE..........................................................................................................................26
1.1 User Interface Overview................................................................................................................................... 27
1.2 PTZ Camera Control .......................................................................................................................................... 29
1.2.1 Preset/ Go ................................................................................................................................................... 29
1.2.2 Zoom............................................................................................................................................................. 29
1.2.3 Focus ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
1.2.4 Patrol ............................................................................................................................................................ 29
1.3 On Screen Menu................................................................................................................................................ 30
1.3.1 Enable Move/Area Zoom......................................................................................................................... 30
1.3.2 Enable Talk .................................................................................................................................................. 30
1.3.3 Connect/ Disconnect ............................................................................................................................... 30
1.3.4 Show Camera............................................................................................................................................. 30
1.3.5 Duplicate Camera..................................................................................................................................... 30
1.3.6 Delete Camera .......................................................................................................................................... 30
1.3.7 Enable Digital PTZ ....................................................................................................................................... 31
1.3.8 Fix Aspect Ratio .......................................................................................................................................... 31
1.3.9 Instant Playback......................................................................................................................................... 31
1.3.10 Snapshot .................................................................................................................................................... 31
1.3.11 Manual Record ........................................................................................................................................ 31
1.3.12 Toggle Full screen .................................................................................................................................... 31
1.4 Live Display.......................................................................................................................................................... 31
1.5 Instant Playback ................................................................................................................................................ 32
1.5.1 Instant Playback window overview........................................................................................................ 32
1.5.2 The navigation of Instant Playback........................................................................................................ 32
2. PLAYBACK ...................................................................................................................................34
2.1 User Interface overview:................................................................................................................................... 35
2.2 Open Record...................................................................................................................................................... 36
2.2.1 Date Time Panel ......................................................................................................................................... 36
2.2.2 Record Display Window............................................................................................................................ 36
2.2.3 Date Time Period........................................................................................................................................ 36
2.2.4 Video Preview............................................................................................................................................. 36
2.2.5 Event Type ................................................................................................................................................... 36
2.2.6 Time Table.................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.2.7 Withdraw the Record ................................................................................................................................ 37
2.3 Search Mode...................................................................................................................................................... 38
2.3.1 Unusual Event-General Motion ............................................................................................................... 38
2.3.2 Unusual Event-Foreign Object................................................................................................................. 38
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2.3.3 Unusual Event-Missing Object.................................................................................................................. 39
2.3.4 Unusual Event- Focus Lost / Camera Occlusion .................................................................................. 39
2.4 Enhancement..................................................................................................................................................... 39
2.4.1 General Setting .......................................................................................................................................... 39
2.4.2 Filter Setting ................................................................................................................................................. 39
2.5 Save Video.......................................................................................................................................................... 39
2.6 Save Image......................................................................................................................................................... 40
2.7 Print ....................................................................................................................................................................... 41
2.8 Backup................................................................................................................................................................. 41
2.9 Log Viewer .......................................................................................................................................................... 42
2.9.1 Unusual Event.............................................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.2 System Log .................................................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.3 Counting Application................................................................................................................................ 43
2.9.4 Counting Application (Diagram)............................................................................................................ 44
2.9.5 POS Log........................................................................................................................................................ 44
2.9.6 Export and Backup Log ............................................................................................................................ 45
2.9.7 Export............................................................................................................................................................ 45
2.10 Setting ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
2.11 Remote Server.................................................................................................................................................. 47
2.11.1 Add Remote Playback Site.................................................................................................................... 47
2.11.2 Access Remote Playback Site............................................................................................................... 47
3. SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................................................48
3.1 Day / week Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 49
3.1.1 Load Preset Modes .................................................................................................................................... 49
3.1.2 Insert a New Schedule Manually ............................................................................................................ 51
3.1.3 Copy Schedule........................................................................................................................................... 51
3.1.4 Holiday and Custom setting .................................................................................................................... 51
3.2 Adjust the Scheduled Setting:......................................................................................................................... 52
3.3 Encoding Option ............................................................................................................................................... 53
3.3.1 Pre-record/ Post-record Time .................................................................................................................. 53
3.3.2 Record Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 53
3.3.3 Encoded Options....................................................................................................................................... 53
4. GUARD .........................................................................................................................................55
4.1 Event .................................................................................................................................................................... 56
4.1.1 Camera Event - Assign a Camera Event .............................................................................................. 56
4.1.2 Camera Event – Basic Setting ................................................................................................................. 56
4.1.3 Camera Event - Signal Lost ...................................................................................................................... 57
4.1.4 Camera Event - General Motion ............................................................................................................ 57
4.1.5 Camera Event - Foreign Object.............................................................................................................. 58
4.1.6 Camera Event - Missing Object .............................................................................................................. 58
4.1.7 Camera Event - Lose Focus ..................................................................................................................... 59
4.1.8 Camera Event - Camera Occlusion ...................................................................................................... 60
4.1.9 POS Event - Assign a POS Event .............................................................................................................. 60
4.1.10 Digital Input Event - Digital Input Event ............................................................................................... 61
4.1.11 System Event - Assign a System Event.................................................................................................. 61
4.1.12 System Event - Disk Space Exhausted.................................................................................................. 62
4.1.13 System Event - System Health Unusual................................................................................................. 62
4.1.14 System Event – Resource Depleted ..................................................................................................... 62
4.1.15 System Event – Network Congestion.................................................................................................... 62
4.2 Action................................................................................................................................................................... 63
4.2.1 Action - Assign a action type .................................................................................................................. 63
4.2.2 Action Type - On Screen display............................................................................................................. 63
4.2.3 Action Type - Play Sound.......................................................................................................................... 63
4.2.4 Action Type - Send E-mail......................................................................................................................... 64
4.2.5 Action Type - Phone Call.......................................................................................................................... 64
4.2.6 Action Type - PTZ Preset Go ..................................................................................................................... 64
4.2.7 Action Type – DI/DO.................................................................................................................................. 65
4.2.8 Action Type –Send a SMS message ....................................................................................................... 65
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4.2.9 Action Type – Send to Central Server .................................................................................................... 65
4.2.10 Action Type – Send snapshot to FTP..................................................................................................... 65
4.2.11 Action Type – Popup E-Map on Event................................................................................................. 66
5. CONFIGURATION........................................................................................................................67
5.1 Setting – General ............................................................................................................................................... 68
5.1.1 Startup .......................................................................................................................................................... 68
5.1.2 Storage......................................................................................................................................................... 68
5.1.3 Status Display .............................................................................................................................................. 69
5.1.4 Miscellaneous ............................................................................................................................................. 69
5.1.5 Audio Preview............................................................................................................................................. 70
5.1.6 Auto Reboot ............................................................................................................................................... 70
5.2 Setting - Camera ............................................................................................................................................... 71
5.2.1 Add Camera............................................................................................................................................... 71
5.2.2 IP Camera / Video Server Setting panel ............................................................................................... 72
5.2.3 Camera Parameter ................................................................................................................................... 72
5.2.4 OSD Setting ................................................................................................................................................. 73
5.3 Setting - I/O Device ........................................................................................................................................... 73
5.4 Setting - PTZ Config............................................................................................................................................ 74
5.5 Setting – Hotline.................................................................................................................................................. 76
5.6 Setting - Address Book ...................................................................................................................................... 77
5.7 Setting – Monitor Display .................................................................................................................................. 77
5.8 Setting – Joystick ................................................................................................................................................ 78
5.9 User Account Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 79
5.10 License Manager............................................................................................................................................. 80
5.11 Save/ Load Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 80
5.12 Counting Application ..................................................................................................................................... 81
5.13 POS Application............................................................................................................................................... 81
5.14 Network Service ............................................................................................................................................... 82
5.14.1 Live Streaming Server .............................................................................................................................. 82
5.14.2 Remote Playback Server ........................................................................................................................ 84
5.14.3 3GPP Service............................................................................................................................................. 85
5.14.4 Remote Desktop ...................................................................................................................................... 85
5.14.5 Central Management Service .............................................................................................................. 86
5.15 Help .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.16 About Main Console ....................................................................................................................................... 87
5.17 Video Source .................................................................................................................................................... 87
6. E-MAP...........................................................................................................................................88
6.1 Edit Mode ............................................................................................................................................................ 89
6.1.1 Add/Edit/Delete Map ............................................................................................................................... 89
6.1.2 Add/Rotate/Delete Device Indicator ................................................................................................... 90
6.2 Operate Mode................................................................................................................................................... 90
6.2.1 Device and Map Tree list.......................................................................................................................... 90
6.2.2 E-Map picture ............................................................................................................................................. 91
6.2.3 Information and Preview window........................................................................................................... 91
6.3 Layout Adjustment ............................................................................................................................................ 91
7. LOG VIEWER ................................................................................................................................92
7.1 Unusual Event ..................................................................................................................................................... 93
7.2 System Log .......................................................................................................................................................... 93
7.3 Counting Application ....................................................................................................................................... 94
7.4 Counting Application (Diagram) ................................................................................................................... 94
7.5 POS Log ............................................................................................................................................................... 95
8. BACKUP........................................................................................................................................96
8.1 Backup Recorded file(s)................................................................................................................................... 97
8.2 Delete Recorded file(s) .................................................................................................................................... 98
9. REMOTE LIVE VIEWER .................................................................................................................99
9.1 Setting ................................................................................................................................................................ 100
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9.1.1 General Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 100
9.1.2 Server setting............................................................................................................................................. 100
9.1.3 Group Setting............................................................................................................................................ 101
9.1.4 Camera Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 101
9.1.5 OSD Setting ............................................................................................................................................... 102
9.1.6 POS Setting ................................................................................................................................................ 102
9.1.7 Monitor Display Setting ........................................................................................................................... 102
9.1.8 Notification Setting .................................................................................................................................. 103
9.1.9 Joystick Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 104
9.2 Server/Group/Camera ................................................................................................................................... 105
9.2.1 login/logout server................................................................................................................................... 105
9.2.2 Connect/Disconnect camera .............................................................................................................. 105
9.2.3 Multiple Views: .......................................................................................................................................... 105
9.3 PTZ Control ........................................................................................................................................................ 106
9.3.1 Preset/ Go ................................................................................................................................................. 106
9.3.2 Zoom........................................................................................................................................................... 106
9.3.3 Focus .......................................................................................................................................................... 106
9.3.4 Patrol .......................................................................................................................................................... 106
9.4 On Screen Menu.............................................................................................................................................. 106
9.4.1 Enable Move / Area Zoom..................................................................................................................... 106
9.4.2 Enable Digital PTZ ..................................................................................................................................... 106
9.4.3 Stream Profile ............................................................................................................................................ 106
9.4.4 Instant Playback....................................................................................................................................... 106
9.4.5 Enable Audio ............................................................................................................................................ 107
9.4.6 Snapshot .................................................................................................................................................... 107
9.4.7 Toggle Full screen..................................................................................................................................... 107
9.5 Start Monitor...................................................................................................................................................... 107
9.5.1 Multiple Monitor........................................................................................................................................ 107
9.5.2 E-Map ......................................................................................................................................................... 107
9.5.3 I/O Control................................................................................................................................................. 108
9.6 Playback............................................................................................................................................................ 108
9.6.1 Add Remote Playback Site.................................................................................................................... 108
9.6.2 Access Remote Playback Site............................................................................................................... 108
10. WEB VIEW.................................................................................................................................109
10.1 Server IP ........................................................................................................................................................... 109
10.2 Remote Live Viewer ...................................................................................................................................... 109
10.3 Remote Playback .......................................................................................................................................... 109
11. UTILITIES.....................................................................................................................................110
A. Verification Tool ................................................................................................................................................. 111
1.1Execute Verification Tool ............................................................................................................................ 111
1.2 Verification Tool Overview ........................................................................................................................ 111
1.3 Verify Image/Video .................................................................................................................................... 112
B. License Management Tool .............................................................................................................................. 113
1.1 License Management Tool Overview ..................................................................................................... 113
1.2 Activate/Transfer License .......................................................................................................................... 114
C. Resource Management Tool.......................................................................................................................... 117
1.1 Execute Resource Management tool .................................................................................................... 117
1.2 System Resource Overview....................................................................................................................... 117
1.3 Advanced Resource Report..................................................................................................................... 118
D. DB Tool................................................................................................................................................................. 120
1.1 Repair Database ......................................................................................................................................... 120
1.2 Export Configurations ................................................................................................................................. 122
APPENDIX A - 3GPP SERVICE ......................................................................................................124
1.1 Configuration from LEVELONE server........................................................................................................... 124
1.2 Configuration from 3G Mobile Phone ......................................................................................................... 125
1.2.1 BenQ-Siemens E81 ................................................................................................................................... 125
1.2.2 BenQ P50 ................................................................................................................................................... 126
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APPENDIX B – PDA / SMART PHONE CLIENT..............................................................................127
1.1 Install PDA / Smart Phone Client ................................................................................................................... 127
1.2 Execute PDA / Smart Phone Client .............................................................................................................. 127
1.2.1 Main Console setting............................................................................................................................... 127
1.2.2 Execute and Login................................................................................................................................... 128
1.3 PDA/Smart Phone Client Overview.............................................................................................................. 128
1.3.1 Live View .................................................................................................................................................... 128
1.3.2 I/O Control................................................................................................................................................. 129
1.3.3 System Info ................................................................................................................................................ 130
APPENDIX C – I-PHONE BROWSER..............................................................................................131
1.1 Configuration from LEVELONE server........................................................................................................... 131
1.2 Connect to LEVELONE server ........................................................................................................................ 131
1.3 Live Display........................................................................................................................................................ 131
1.4 PTZ Control ........................................................................................................................................................ 131
APPENDIX D – IPHONE APP “ICAMSECURE” .............................................................................132
APPENDIX E – DEVICE PACK .......................................................................................................133
APPENDIX F - REMOTE DESKTOP TOOL.......................................................................................134
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IP CamSecure
Parameter definition:
For IP network camera
M: parameter of resolution of camera. 1 Mega-pixel : M=10VGA or D1 resolution : M=5CIF resolution : M=1
N: FPS of Camera
For analog camera (FCS-8004 capture card) P = 60
S=M*N+P For example: 16 channel system a) 1 camera at 1 Mega-pixel resolution with 10FPS b)
2 cameras at D1 resolution with 15FPS c) 5 cameras at CIF resolution with 30FPS d) 8 cameras with 2pcs FCS-8004
a) M=10; N=10, S=10*10=100 b) M=5; N=15, S=5*15=75 c) M=1; N=30,
S=1*30=30 d) P=60 S of All Cam.=1*100+2*75+5*30+2*60=520 Therefore, the
Minimum Hardware Requirement is
D level
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IP CamSecure
Install IP camera(s)
Step 1: Set up the IP camera referring to the quick installation guide provided.
Step 2: Check the network between the IP camera and the system.
Step 3: Add the IP camera to the system. See details on later pages.
Install capture card(s)
Step1: Insert the card onto an empty PCI slot. Connect the Audio/Video Cable to the connector in the same color.
Step 2: Turn on your PC and start Windows.
Step 3: Insert the included Software CD into CD-ROM.
Step 4: Run InstallDrv.exe from the CD-ROM driver/ directory to install the
Capture Card driver.
Step 5: After driver being installed, restart your PC.
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IP CamSecure
The Installation CD contains the software you need to run the complete system. If you are installing the system on multiple PCs, install the appropriate software for each PC:
Server Application:
All functions of IP CamSecure systems including MainConsole, Playback, Remote Live
Viewer, Backup, and Verification Tool.
Remote Desktop Tool:
The tool to access main console and setup configuration remotely.
PDA Client:
Client application in PDA device.
Smart Phone Client:
Client application in smart phone device.
Related Link:
To gather more information, such as User Manual, Installation guide and Hardware
The following section describes the installation of each element of the Intelligent Surveillance System.
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IP CamSecure
Server Application Installation
Step 1:
Insert the Installation CD. Run
from the CD-ROM directly to start the installation.
Step 2
: The setup page should be loaded automatically. If it does not, please select your CD-ROM drive manually to open the setup page. Click “IP CamSecure” to initiate the installation.
Step 3:
Select the language for installation from the choices below
if you want to install Farsi or Hebrew, please select English for language.
After installation is finished, run LangPackFAR.exe for Farsi or LangPackHEB.exe for Hebrew from the language pack folder in CD-ROM directory to install.
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IP CamSecure
Step 4:
Select Next to continue.
Step 5:
Check the option
I accept the terms of the license agreement
, select
to continue.
Step 6:
Enter the appropriate information, select
to continue.
Step 7:
setup type.
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IP CamSecure
Installs all program features into the default directory.
, and then select
. All program features will be installed. [COMPLETE SETUP requires the most disk space.]
Allows you to install the system to a preferred directory and select whichever program feature(s) to install. [Recommended for advanced users]
, and then select
if you wish to modify the installation directory.
Select the feature(s) for setup to install, select
- 11 -
IP CamSecure
Step 8
: Select
to start the installation.
Step 9:
, installation complete.
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IP CamSecure
Remote Desktop Tool
Remote Desktop Tool allow user remote to access Main Console System and setup configuration.
Step 1
Insert the Installation CD. Run autorun.exe from the CD-ROM directly (LevelOne-Pro-1.xx.x
/RemoteDesktopViewer) to start the installation.
Step 2:
Remote Desktop Tool
Step 3
: In the InstallShield Wizard dialog box, click Next to continuous.
Step 4:
Check the option
I accept the terms of the license agreement
. Select
Step 5
: Enter your information, select
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IP CamSecure
Step 6:
setup type.
Install all program features into the default directory.
, and then select
. All program features will be installed. [Requires the most disk space.]
Install the system to a preferred directory. Select program feature(s) to install. [Recommended for advanced users]
Check the option
, select
to select folder setup will install files.
Select the features setup will install.
Step 7:
to start the installation.
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IP CamSecure
Step 8
: Select
after installing the system completely.
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IP CamSecure
PDA Client Installation
Step 1
: Connect PDA device to the PC.
Step 2
: Insert the installation CD, click
PDA Client Installation
from the CD-ROM directly (LevelOne-Pro-1.xx.x
/PDA_Client) to automatically install the client application in device.
If you do not have Microsoft® ActiveSync installed, a message will appear “Cannot find
ActiveSync, install ActiveSync and run installation again”.
Step 3:
Check that the client application is installed completely in PDA device.
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IP CamSecure
Smart Phone Client Installation
Step 1
: Connect Smart Phone device to the PC.
Step 2
: Insert the installation CD, click
Smart Phone Client Installation
from the CD-ROM directly
(LevelOne-Pro-1.xx.x /SP_Client)to automatically install the client application in device.
If you do not have Microsoft® ActiveSync installed, a message will appear “Cannot find
ActiveSync. Please reinstall ActiveSync and then run this installation again.”
Step 3
: Check the client application is installed completely in smart phone device.
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IP CamSecure iPhone Client Installation
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Main console
Step 1
: To see live view on your iPhone, you must enable live streaming service in main console.
1.) Go to network services
2.) Start Live Streaming
3.) Besides the two points above, please also make sure in stream profiles, the lowest and the minimum profiles are both Mjpeg. The 1x1 grid layout uses profile Low and the 3x2 uses profile Minimum
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IP CamSecure
Please go to iTunes store (AppStore on iphone) to download Level1 iCamSecure
1.) Open AppStore 2.) Search for iCamSecure
3.) Install iCamSecure 4.) Run iCamSecure and input server info
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IP CamSecure iPhone Screenshots
: if use free bundle IP CamSecure software, it only support 1-CH remote live view, if you want to select different cannel, it must to change the server’s setting.,
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IP CamSecure
Quick Start
Execute Main Console
Step 1
: Go to
All Programs
LEVELONE Surveillance System
LEVELONE Main Console
to execute Main
Step 2:
Enter your own password into the edit box, enter it again for double confirm and then click on
Activate IP Camera License(s)
Step 1
: Open License Manager Tool in
Step 2
: Select
tab, check the PC in
On line
network environment.
Step 3
: Insert the SN, SN file or dongle to activate license.
Step 4:
After software license is activated successfully, please restart Main Console.
Please refer page 113 for advanced settings.
Step 3
**IP CamSecure Lite is free
bundled with LevelOne IP camera and Capture Card.
** IP CamSecure professional version is available upon purchase. While using IP CamSecure Pro
Mega v1.20 or later, please input the serial number as a license key to register on internet.
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IP CamSecure
Install IP camera(s)
Step 1
: Setup the IP camera(s) by referring to the user manual provided by the IP camera manufacturer.
Step 2:
Make sure you can access this camera through IE browser.
Step 3
: Add the IP camera(s) to the system by following the steps below.
Add IP camera(s)
Step 1
: Execute MainConsole.
Step 2
: Type in user name and password and log in to the system.
Step 3
Step 3:
In Main Console, go to
and select
to obtain the
Setting panel.
Step 4
: Go to
If the IP camera supports UPnP, follow step 5. Otherwise, follow step 8.
Step 5
: Click on
to find out the IP cameras at this local area network (LAN).
Search function only available when the IP cameras support
Step 6:
Select one of the IP cameras that are available and enter the username and password.
Step 7:
to add the camera.
Step 8:
to insert the IP cameras.
Step 9
: Enter the IP address or domain name (check the
option), Http Port, Username, and Password.
Step 10:
Auto Detect
Step 11
: Select
to add the camera.
Step 12:
to exit.
Step 4
Step 5 Step 8
Step 12
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
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Set Schedule
Step 1:
Execute Main Console.
Step 2:
Type in user name and password.
Step 3:
Step 4:
The default schedule is “always record' when a camera is newly inserted.
Step 5
: Choose a camera and then select
or just double click on the schedule bar to modify the recording mode.
Step 6
: Select
to update the recording schedule.
Step 7:
to go back to Main Console.
Set Smart Guard
Step 1
: Execute Main Console.
Step 2:
Type in user name and password and log in the system.
Step 3:
Click on
Step 4:
Select a camera and then click on
Insert Event
Step 5
: Take “General Motion” for example, select
General Motion
as the event type and then click on
Step 6:
Alarm Event Configuration
panel, define your own detection zone, sensitivity and interval. After that, click on OK to save the configuration.
Step 7:
to go back to Main Console.
Step 4 Step 5
Step 4
Step 3
Step 3
Step 5
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Step 6
IP CamSecure
Start Recording & Smart Guard
Step 1
: Execute Main Console.
Step 2
: Type in user name and password and log in the system.
Step 3
: Click on
Step 4:
Click on
Start Recoding Schedule
Start Smart Guard System
to enable the two functions.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 1:
Execute Main Console.
Step 2:
Type in user name and password and log in the system.
Step 3
Step 3:
Click on
Step 4:
In Playback, click on
Open Record
Step 5
: Select a specific day from the calendar and click on
Show Records
to make sure the video is available, left click on mouse and drag to select a video clip to replay; user can also select multiple channels to replay at the same time.
Step 6
: The recorded files are now ready to view.
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Step 5 Step 4
IP CamSecure
1. Main Console
This is the main operating system - to activate schedule recording, setup smart guard and configure system setting.
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1.1 User Interface Overview
Screen Division
Shut down the Surveillance System or log out current user.
Minimize the Main Console window.
Crystal Ball
Screen Division:
Allocate the sub-screen display by clicking on the desired layout icon. To switch to single camera display, double click on a particular sub-screen. Double click on the screen again to regain previous screen division layout.
Divide into 1 scre en(s)
Divide into
4 screen(s)
Divide into
6 screen(s)
Divide into
9 screen(s)
Divide into
ScSpCue oom
3 screen(s)
Divide into
6 screen(s)
Divide into
N screen(s)
Divide into
3 screen(s)
Divide into
7 screen(s)
Switch to
Full screen
Rotate all screens
Crystal Ball
Indicate the working status of the system. Gray – at rest, Blue - recording, and Red – events detected.
When the crystal ball is red, click it to open the event report then cancel the event(s).
Information Window
Display date, time, free Disk space, IP Camera Bit rate customized text and Further information like
Temperature, Fan speed, System Resource and Network Utilization.
To customize Information about window’s setting, go to Config - Setting - General - Status Display.
Select Advanced Setting for further information like Temperature, Fan speed, System Resource and
Network Utilization.
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IP CamSecure
Playback Schedule Guard
Click on the
icon and select from the drop down menu to activate/ deactivate: (a) Recording
Schedule System, (b) Smart Guard System, or (c) Counting Application. Or select Start/Stop Monitor All to activate/ deactivate all the functions at once.
The Start menu also include the option to Enable Secondary Display, and open monitor tools, such as open event report to monitor smart guard event; open E-map window to monitor all devices with map indicator; open Resource Report to check system status; open IO Control panel to monitor the DI/DO status and manual triggering the DO devices; or lock the system here. See page 77 for more details about secondary display.
When activating any of the monitor functions of Smart Guard, system would consider the current screen status as normal. Therefore, if you want to, for example, detect Missing Object, be sure the object needed to be protected is in its position at the moment you click Start button.
To automatically activate the Recording Schedule System, Smart Guard System and Counting
Application, at the Main Console go to Config; Setting; General; Startup to setup the auto-startup functions.
As for Secondary Display, open event report, open E-map window, open Resource Report and open IO controls panel, Main Console will keep the behaviors as the latest status when exiting the system.
Click on the icon to get Playback Console. You can watch recorded video, search recorded video, adjust image of the stored data, save video/ pictures, print images, check log information and event records, and set up recording function configuration. See Playback on page 34 for detail.
Organize recording time schedule and setup recorder configuration. See
on page 48 for detail.
Add/edit type(s) of events that you want to detect; setup action(s) responding to events. See
on page 55 for detail.
Select from the drop down menu to modify the general settings, user account settings, save/ load configuration settings, open License Manager, edit counting application and POS application, access log viewer and backup files, or setup network services. See Config on page 67 for detail.
User account and License manager could only be enabled for users with administrator privilege.
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PTZ Camera
1.2 PTZ Camera Control
Control the movement of PTZ cameras. With cameras that support PTZ control, you can move, zoom, patrol, adjust the focus, and set preset points of the cameras.
1.2.1 Preset/ Go
Adjust the camera view until you are satisfied. Click on the Set icon and set up the view as the preset point
01. Adjust the camera view again and set up the preset point 02. Repeat the process until finish setting up all preset points. You can enter any names you want instead of the preset point 01, preset point 02, preset point
03…, click on the Go icon and view the result of your setting.
For the speed settings of PTZ camera, go to Config – Setting - PTZ Config to setup the advanced settings.
1.2.2 Zoom
Click on the
signs to zoom in and zoom out the view.
1.2.3 Focus
You can select to have the camera focused near or far. To focus near means objects that are closer will be clearer than the objects that are further away. On contrast, to focus far means objects that are further will be clearer than the objects that are closer. Click on the Focus icon and select auto focus if you want the system to decide the focus point for you.
1.2.4 Patrol
Go to Patrol - Set Patrol to obtain the Patrol Setup dialog. From the left window, select the cameras that you would like to have in the patrol group. Align the cameras in order in the right window and adjust the time.
Rename the group name if you want. After completing the setup, check the Active option, and then click
You can setup up to four groups of auto patrol. To start or stop, click on the Patrol icon in the
Main Console, and select Start Patrol or Stop Patrol.
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1.3 On Screen Menu
Right click on the camera screen and get the On Screen Menu, from which you can quickly adjust the setting of camera.
1.3.1 Enable Move/Area Zoom
With cameras that support PT function, click the Enable Move function to adjust the current camera’s view by clicking on the display screen. To cancel this function, right click on the screen and select Disable Move.
With cameras that support Area Zoom function, click the Enable Move/Area
Zoom function to adjust the current camera’s view by dragging a rectangle on the display screen. To cancel this function, right click on the screen and select
Disable Move/Area Zoom.
1.3.2 Enable Talk
With cameras that support two-way audio, select enable talk to utilize the function.
1.3.3 Connect/ Disconnect
Right click on the display screen and select Connect/ Disconnect to modify the connecting status of the camera.
1.3.4 Show Camera
Select the camera from the Show Camera Menu to display video on selected screen.
The camera list of show camera menu shows as the one in the right column of monitor display panel.
The change of displayed screen is only applied to the current display divisions.
1.3.5 Duplicate Camera
Select the camera from the Duplicate Camera Menu to duplicate camera video to selected screen.
The duplicated camera would add to the camera list of duplicate camera menu shows as the one in the right column of monitor display panel.
The change of display list will apply to all divisions and also the right column of monitor display.
1.3.6 Delete Camera
Click on Delete Camera to remove a camera from the display screen of the display screen.
The camera list of delete camera menu shows as the one in the right column of monitor display panel.
The settings will apply to all divisions and also the right column of monitor display.
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1.3.7 Enable Digital PTZ
To enable the PTZ functions of the camera, select the Enable digital PTZ option. Use mouse wheel or click on the + and – signs to zoom in and zoom out on the camera, or drag a rectangle to enlarge the area.
The square flashing on the video grid indicate the correspondent view ratio of the camera.
1.3.8 Fix Aspect Ratio
For some special camera resolution, user can enable Fix Aspect Ratio to view original ratio video, or disable this option to stretch 3:4 to fit window.
1.3.9 Instant Playback
To open the Instant Playback window of the camera, select the Instant Playback option and choose the period. Refer to 1.5 Instant Playback section for detail.
1.3.10 Snapshot
Select the snapshot function to capture a specific video image frame immediately. You have the options to copy the image to clipboard or to save it. For further settings, select OSD option and
POS option to export the image with date/time, camera number/name and POS text. If the digital PTZ function is enabled in display view, you can also decide Full Size or Selected Region as your snapshot region.
1.3.11 Manual Record
Start recording video by selecting manual record.
1.3.12 Toggle Full screen
Select to view a specific channel with full screen. Press “ESC” to go back to original window.
1.4 Live Display
LEVELONE Live display is flexible; you may change channels and screen divisions. Each screen division has the same display list, but has a different sequence.
Such like, when using Show/Duplicate/Delete Camera function to edit camera list, the operator will apply to all of the different screen divisions.
The camera list of all divisions is the same as the right column of monitor display tab on Config/Setting window; it means two monitors could have two different lists.
Current division
Other division
Show camera
(add cam 1)
add to first free channel
Duplicate camera
(duplicate cam 2)
1 2
1 2” 2
add to first free channel
Delete camera
(delete cam 2”)
1 2
1 2
remove cam 2 and keep channel free
When using mouse to drag camera channel, the sequence change would only apply to original division.
Original Action Current division Other division
1 2
3 4
Drag cam 1 to cam 4
4 2
3 1
2 3
Note change of sequence
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Right click on the camera screen and get the On Screen Menu, from which you can quickly adjust the setting of camera.
1.5 Instant Playback
LEVELONE Instant Playback function allows you to play the last few minutes of any live video channel. Simply right click on Live Channel and select Instant Playback to open the recorded video.
1.5.1 Instant Playback window overview
Information Window: will show correct date time of video.
Playback Period: indicates the available play period; the system will open 1min, 3 min, or 5 min of video.
Export Period: indicates the period of export video function; default is set as available play period.
Tool: Adjust to original video resolution button: to adjust the video to original video resolution.
Audio button: to turn on / turn off the audio.
POS button: toenable / disable POS transaction data overlay.
1.5.2 The navigation of Instant Playback
The Instant Playback window allows you to browse recorded video, snapshot image and export video with audio and POS transaction data.
To browse recorded video:
Simply click timeline to view the video, or use below navigation tools to control the player.
- Play / Pause / Stop
Speed up/down control
- play Forward/Reverse [frame by frame]
- play Previous / Next minute video
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To take snapshot of video clip:
Pause the video in image which you want to export and click snapshot button and can be saved or copied to clipboard.
To export recorded video:
Select export period and click export button
. The snapshot is displayed
, and setup the options of export video.
The default export video period is as playback period. To customize period, select start/end time and click on Cue In/Out from drop-down list of button, the export period will show on the left-down corner of window.
Export Formats includes:
ASF – More efficient than AVI format. [Recommended format]
AVI (Microsoft Video1) – Supports Windows Media Player with Vista & XP, the quality may be poorer than recorded video by transcode.
AVI (Original Format) – faster export process, better quality on the recorded video but the export file uses VLC Player to play. (For Windows Media Player, please install additional FFDShow codec).
The restrictions of AVI format.
The maximum size of an AVI file is limited to 1.8 GB.
Variation of frame rate will cause the resulting video to play slower or faster.
If the selected video sequence uses multiple image resolutions (CIF, 2CIF, 4CIF, etc.) or multiple video format(MPEG-4, M-JPEG, H.264), the exported video sequence will create separate export files every time the resolution changes.
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2. Playback
Watch the recorded video, view and/or search for unusual events and recorded system information.
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Control the speed of the playing video.
Zoom in and zoom out.
2.1 User Interface overview:
Scroll Bar
Screen Division
Audio Volume
Information Window
Minimize the Playback console.
Shut down the Playback console.
Scroll bar:
Indicates the status of the playing video; drag it to where you want to review.
Information Window:
Display date and time, video status, cue in/ out points’ time, and speed.
Audio Volume Control:
Adjust the sound level.
Screen Division:
Allocate the sub-screen display by clicking on the desired layout icon. To switch to single camera display, double click on a particular sub-screen. Double click on the screen again to go to previous screen division layout. To view in the full screen mode, right click on the screen to trigger Toggle Full screen function.
the video.
Customize the speed on Settings panel.
Forward/reverse frame by frame.
When playing video, click on the Cue In/ Cue
Out icon at where you want to set as the starting/ ending point of a saved video clip.
The Cue In and Cue Out time will be displayed on the Playback Information Window once they are set.
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2.2 Open Record
Click on
Open Record
button to access the Date-Time Panel and withdraw the video record that you want to review.
2.2.1 Date Time Panel
2.2.2 Record Display Window
The record display window shows the information of the available video clips. It may show in calendar or list control view. For further details about how to modify the record display window view, see page 46.
Remote Server Site: Open Remote Playback Site Management to access local machine or set up remote playback server. Select
Folder option to directly access recorded data folder or use Recent
List to access previously recorded folders.
Select Folder function requires password of MainConsole.
Refresh: refresh display window Log Viewer: Accesses Log
Viewer Tool To access POS Search Tool Previous Days: Show recording of previous date
Next Days: To show recorded of next recording date
2.2.3 Date Time Period
Select the start and end time points that indicate the time period you would like to view.
2.2.4 Video Preview
Check the enable preview option to view the selected video.
2.2.5 Event Type
There are 6 event types; see Chapter 4 Guard for details. You may set up different colors for different event types to help you select events.
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2.2.6 Time Table
Utilize the icon to select all channels; also utilize the icon to deselect all channels. Finally, utilize the scale bar to modify the scale of the time table.
Selecting “Show Records” makes Time Table show the period of recording data like below:
Selecting Show Event Log makes Time Table show the time of event detection like below:
Show Event Log
2.2.7 Withdraw the Record
Step 1:
From the record display window, top left of the Date Time Panel, select the date you want to withdraw the record from. The red/green/blue lines shown on the time table indicate available recorded video records.
The record display window can be shown in (a) calendar view or (b) list control view. To modify the setting of the record display window, click on the Setting button at the right of the Playback
Console. See page 46 for more details.
Step 2:
Use color bars to differentiate event types from each other. This will help you select video clips.
Step 3:
Highlight the video clip you want to review by left-clicking and dragging the time period. You may also utilize the Start Time and End Time in Date Time Period Section. In addition, modify the scale of the time table with the + and – signs on the bottom left.
Step 4:
Check the
Enable Preview
option to get the preview of the video you select.
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Step 5:
Click the camera name to increase or decrease cameras you want to playback.
Step 6:
when completing the setting.
2.3 Search Mode
Click on the
Search Mode
icon to obtain the Intelligent Search Tool panel. You can setup unusual events here to in order to detect abnormality during the recorded period.
Intelligent Search Tool Panel: Click on the
Search Mode
icon to open the Intelligent Search Tool. Set up unusual events here to detect abnormality that occurred during the recorded period.
5 events: General Motion, Foreign Object, Missing Object, Lose Focus, and Camera Occlusion.
2.3.1 Unusual Event-General Motion
General Motion: Detect all movements in the defined area.
Define Detection Zone: Left click and drag to draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeating the process.
Sensitivity: Modify the sensitivity setting by changing the slider control. Move toward right will increase the sensitivity level, meaning the slightest movement will trigger the alarm; in contrast, move the slider control toward left will reduce the sensitivity for movement detection.
Note: Set up an appropriate sensitivity level reduces the possibility of a false alarm.
For instance, you can lower the sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Move the slider control to the right to increase time interval so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the time interval.
Stop When Found: Check the option to have the video stop where motion was detected. Uncheck the option to have video kept rolling, and all detected events will show on the list in search result box. Click on the listed event in the box to jump to the point in the video where a motion is detected.
2.3.2 Unusual Event-Foreign Object
Foreign Object: Alarm is set off when any additional object appears in the defined area on the screen.
Define detection zone: Before detecting foreign object, it is required to define a detection area. In order to do so, left click and drag on the screen. Alarm will be triggered when any additional object appears in the detection zone.
Define object size: Drag and draw on the screen to define the size of a foreign object.
Sensitivity: Modify the sensitivity setting by changing the slider control. Move toward right will increase the sensitivity level, which means a slight movement will trigger the alarm; in contrast, move the slider control toward left will reduce the sensitivity for movement detection.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase time interval so that the alarm will only be triggered when the object has been removed from the area for longer. Move to the left to reduce the time interval.
Note: Setting up an appropriate Interval value will reduce the chance of false alarms. For example, you can lower the Interval to avoid the alarm being triggered by a pedestrian.
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2.3.3 Unusual Event-Missing Object
Missing Object: Alarm is set off when the selected object is removed from the defined area on the screen.
Define detection zone: Before detecting missing object, it is required to define a detection zone. Left click and drag to draw a detection zone. Alarm will be triggered when the defined object is removed from the detection zone.
Sensitivity: Modify the sensitivity setting by changing the slider control. Move toward right will increase the sensitivity level and a relatively small movement will trigger the alarm; in contrast, move the slider control toward left will reduce the sensitivity for movement detection.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase time interval so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the time interval.
2.3.4 Unusual Event- Focus Lost / Camera Occlusion
Focus Lost: System will inform you when the camera(s) lose focus.
Camera Occlusion: Alarms when any of the camera(s) are blocked.
2.4 Enhancement
2.4.1 General Setting
Check the option and chose whether you want to apply the setting to all the channels or only to those currently shown on the screen.
2.4.2 Filter Setting
Visibility: adjust the gamma value of the image to enhance the image and make it cleaner.
Sharpen: activate the function. Move the slider control to the right to sharpen the image, to the left to soften it.
Brightness: activate the function. Move the slider control to the right to make the image brighter.
Contrast: activate the function. Move the slider control to the right to increase contrast.
Grey Scale: show the record in grey scale mode so the image displays in black and white.
2.5 Save Video
Step 1:
Click on the display screen to choose the camera display that you want to save as a video clip.
Step 2:
Set up the
cue in
cue out
points; the cue in and cue out time will show on the information window.
Cue In
Cue Out
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Step 3:
Save Video
icon, choose the folder where you want to save the file at, enter the file name and click
Step 4:
Set the Export Format (ASF recommend) and set the Use Profile.
ASF – more efficient than AVI format. [Recommended format]
AVI (Microsoft Video 1) – Supports Windows Media Player with
Vista & XP, quality may be poorer than recorded video by transcode process.
AVI (Original Format) - Faster export process with high quality video, but the export files can only be viewed using VLC Player to play.
(For Windows Media Player, please install additional FFDShow codec).
The restrictions of AVI format:
The maximum size of an AVI file is limited to 4 GB.
Variation of frame rate will cause the resulting video to play slower or faster.
If the selected video sequence uses multiple image resolutions (CIF, 2CIF, 4CIF, etc.) or multiple video format (MPEG-4, M-JPEG, H.264), the exported video sequence will create separate export files every time the resolution changes.
Step 5:
Select to export (i.e. save) the recorded video with Audio, OSD and POS, or export video only.
Step 6:
to save the video.
2.6 Save Image
Step 1:
Click on the display screen to choose the camera display from which you want to save pictures.
Step 2:
Save Image
button when the image you want is shown on the screen. You may click Pause to freeze the video, use Step Forward/ Step Backward function to find the picture(s) that you want to save.
Step 3:
Select OSD option and POS option to export the image with date/time, camera number/name and
POS text. If the digital PTZ function is enabled in display view, you can also decide either Full size or
Selected Region as your image region.
Step 4:
You have the options to copy the image to clipboard or to save it. To save image just choose the folder and the format of image (BMP or JPEG) you prefer and then click save.
You may skip step 3 by pre-setting a folder and format that you want to save the images (refer the section automatically save the image file at page 46.)
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2.7 Print
Print the current image of the video you choose.
Page Setting:
Set to print the image with original size or fit the page. Set
Align image to Top, Center, or Bottom.
Print Content:
Print the image from currently selected channel or all the channels shown on the screen.
2.8 Backup
Different from Save Video, the Backup function saves everything from the Playback panel, including log information.
You can start a full function Playback Console and load the backup files into it on any PC with Windows operating system. This means you may monitor the real time video and work on the backup files on separate computers simultaneously.
Step 1:
Press the
Open Record
to select data and press
Step 2:
You can adjust the
Start Time
End Time
you want to backup.
Step 3
: You can adjust the Cameras you want to backup.
Step 4:
You can calculate the size of the backup data.
Step 5
: Select the directory you want to save the backup data including CDROM, DVD or Hard Disk.
Step 6
: Check the log you want to backup.
Step 7
: Press the
to start backing up.
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
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2.9 Log Viewer
2.9.1 Unusual Event
View the unusual event history that had been detected by the Smart Guard System.
Step 3
Step 4
Choose the type of events you wish to view or select “All” from the drop-down menu to view all types of events. The types of Unusual Event include General Motion, Foreign Object, Missing Object, Focus
Lost, Camera Occlusion, Signal Lost, Disk Space Exhausted, System Health Unusual and Digital Input
Step 2:
Choose the camera channel you wish to view or select
for all the channels available.
Step 3
: View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular date: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period
check the
and then enter the specific date and time.
Step 4:
When working with a video record,
Log Viewer will search for Unusual Event in the video record in Date & Time mode, start from the beginning to the end of the record, which is the default setting of the system.
A link ( ) will appear right next to each event time. By clicking on the link, the video will jump to the point where the unusual event takes place.
2.9.2 System Log
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
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Select Log Type from the drop-down menu. There are total 31 types of log types, including:
Main Console Startup
Main Console Shutdown
User Login
User Login Failed
Start Schedule
Stop Schedule
Execute Recycle
Enable Channel
Disable Channel
Start Smart Guard
Stop Smart Guard
Modify Smart Guard
Modify Schedule
Modify Configuration
Start Live Streaming Server
Stop Live Streaming Server
Modify Live Streaming Server
Start Remote Playback Server
Stop Remote Playback Server
Modify Remote Playback Server
IP Camera Connection Lost
Auto Restart Windows
Modify POS Setting
POS Connection Lost
Modify E-Map
Start Remote Desktop
Stop Remote Desktop
Modify Remote Desktop
Start Central Management
Stop Central Management
Modify Central Management
Choose the type of event you want to check or select “All” from the drop-down menu for all types of events.
Step 2:
View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular date: check the
box and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter specific date and time.
Step 3:
2.9.3 Counting Application
Display the history of Counting Application during a given time period.
Step 4
Select the channel you want to check or select
from the drop-down menu for all channels.
Step 2:
Select search period. View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular date: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter the date and time.
Step 3:
Step 4:
Press the button
Export to
Step 5:
Type the file name and choose the file format (.xls or .txt).
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2.9.4 Counting Application (Diagram)
Display the Counting Application data in diagram format.
Step 4
Select the channel you want to check or select
from the drop-down menu for all channels.
Step 2:
From the drop-down menu, set up how you would like the diagram to be displayed. You have the options of one day, one month, or one year.
Step 3:
Select a specific date to make it the start point of the diagram.
Step 4:
Step 5:
Press the button
Export to
Step 6:
Type the file name and the file will save as BMP files.
2.9.5 POS Log
View the POS Log history that has been detected by the Smart Guard System.
Step 5
Choose the type of events you wish to view or select
from the drop-down menu to view all types of events. The types of Unusual Event include Transaction Start, Transaction End, Open Cash Register,
Connection Lost, and Special User Defined Event.
Please refer the User manual of POS for detail.
Step 2:
Choose the camera channel you wish to view or select
for all the channels available.
Step 3:
View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular date: check the
box and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter a specific date and time.
Step 4:
Step 5:
Press the button
Export to
Step 6:
Type the file name and choose the file format (.xls or .txt).
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2.9.6 Export and Backup Log
View the Export and Backup Log history that had been operated by local or remote user.
Choose the type of event you want to check or select
from the drop-down menu for all types of events.
Step 2:
View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular data: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter the date and time.
Step 3: Click
2.9.7 Export
You may export the file to .xls or .txt file
Step 1
Export to
Type the file name and choose the file format, .xls or .txt.
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2.10 Setting
Record Display setting:
Calendar View: Makes the record display calendar view.
List Control: Makes the record display list view.
Play setting:
Play when open: Check the option and set the system to start playing the video clip every time a record is withdrawn.
Auto skip when record motion only mode: Check the option to set up the system to automatically skip to the points where there were motions recorded.
Next interval: Set the interval with which the video goes forward when you click on the “Next” icon on the control panel.
Previous interval: Set the interval with which the video goes backward when you click on the “Previous” icon on the control panel.
Capture Image setting:
Sets how you want to save the image.
Save in clipboard: The image will be saved in the clipboard; image will be available to paste elsewhere.
Manually save the image file: You can manually select where you want to save the image. Name the saved file, and choose the file format you want to save as.
Automatically save the image file: By pre-setting a path/URL and the image format, the system will automatically save the image accordingly when you click the Save button in the control panel.
Synchronize video frames: Select this option in order it to avoid the tearing problem occurring in video display while increasing the CPU loading.
OSD Setting
Enable Camera OSD to display video information on recorded video.
Information includes camera name, camera number, date and time. User can also set up OSD font; include the font, size, font color and any font effects desired.
POS Overlay Setting
Enable POS overlay to adjust Font, Size,
Color, Bold, Edge in “Foreground
section, color and transparency in “Background” section, and then adjust display settings in
“Display on Video Preview”.
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2.11 Remote Server
2.11.1 Add Remote Playback Site
Press the Remote Server Icon to go to remote playback site management to add and setup the remote playback site.
Step 1:
Enter the IP address or DNS, Port, Username, and Password.
Step 2:
to add the server.
Step 3:
to exit the “Settings” panel.
2.11.2 Access Remote Playback Site
Go to Date Time Panel and click on the
Remote Playback Site icon
on the top of the display window to access the
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3. Schedule
Click on the Schedule icon on the Main Console and set up the time duration for video recording on the schedule configuration panel.
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3.1 Day / week Mode
Camera /
Day /Week Mode
Day Mode:
Schedule the cameras to turn the recorder on and off at the same time every day according to your setting.
Week Mode:
Allows you to schedule each camera for a different day of the week, additionally, you may assign extra holidays in the “Week” mode
To setup the time schedule for each camera, you may
1. “Load” the preset modes or
2. “Insert” a new schedule manually or
3. “Copy to” other cameras after manual setup.
3.1.1 Load Preset Modes
The system provides six modes to quickly setup recording schedule. Simply click on the Load for the drop-down menu.
Refer to the below tables for the definitions of each mode in each series.
IP camera
FPS Quality Resolution
Highly Secure
Disk Saving
10 i-frame
0:00-24:00 Motion
5 i-frame
Max Max
The Max indicates settings are same as camera settings in the config>setting>camera>camera parameter panel.
FCS-8004,8005,8006 (Analog camera)
Mode Format Time Record FPS Quality Resolution
Regular MPEG-4 0:00-24:00 Always 30 Normal CIF
Office MPEG-4 8:00-20:00 Always 30 Normal CIF
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Shop MPEG-4 10:00-22:00
Highly Secure MPEG-4 0:00-24:00
Disk Saving
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3.1.2 Insert a New Schedule Manually
Step 1:
Left-click and draw the bar you want add to the time table. The scheduled time will show as a grey bar.
Step 1
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 2:
Click the
icon and add a new schedule in the Regular Mode, i.e. to record video during the time period you set with 30 FPS, normal video quality, and normal resolution.
Step 3:
Change the setting by clicking on the
icon (See page 53 for detail) or double click the
Schedule Information
Step 4:
3.1.3 Copy Schedule
You may set up the schedule for each channel/camera by repeating the process above, or by simply applying the setting of a single camera to all the others by clicking the
Copy To
icon at the top of the display window.
3.1.4 Holiday and Custom setting
Allows you to schedule each camera for a different day of the week, additionally, you may assign extra holidays in the “Week” mode
Holiday Custom
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You may assign holidays where the system will work according to the setting for Sunday.
The default Holiday setting will apply Sunday’s settings. For the Middle East region where Friday is a holiday, please adjust setting by right clicking on
and select “Apply Holiday Schedule
You can assign a particular date(s) on which the system will work according to a special schedule(s) different from the others.
3.2 Adjust the Scheduled Setting:
You can manually change the setting at any time after you insert or load a schedule.
Option 1:
Move the cursor to the “Time Bar” and change the length or move the bar sideways to change the start and end points.
Option 2:
Click on the
icon or double click on “Schedule Information” from the list to obtain the “Encoding Option” panel (next page) and select the desired setting.
Time Bar
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3.3 Encoding Option
Original Video Encoded Video
Time Option Record Mode Video Encoder
3.3.1 Pre-record/ Post-record Time
The pre-record/ post-record function saves the recording data accordingly. For instance, to set up a 5 second pre-record time means the system will start saving the recording data 5 seconds before the event happens.
The maximum of pre-record/post record period is 60 seconds.
3.3.2 Record Mode
Always Record:
Select this option to record the video continuously.
Record on Event:
Select this option to obtain the “Select Event” panel. From the Smart Guard list, check the camera events or digital inputs to trigger the recorded action. Click
A prerequisite to trigger the recording schedule of camera/DI/POS event is to enable “Smart Guard” function in MainConsole panel first.
Record on Motion:
Select this option to start recording when motions are detected. Adjust sensitivity, the frame interval and zone to setup motion detection. To setup single detection zone, left-click and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle. To setup more than one detection zone, simply repeat the same process or click “All” to select the entire detection zone.
The rectangle number cannot exceed 10.
3.3.3 Encoded Options
This option sets up the quality of the recorded video. The “Original Video” window is the original stream from the camera. The “Encoded Video” is preview of the recorded video corresponding with the encode settings below.
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For IP camera
The Encode Video function will drop frame or re-encoded original streaming from IP cameras. To save Hard
Disk usage, adjust FPS with original video format or re-encode to small size by adjust FPS, resolution and
Quality/Bit rate.
Keep Original Video format:
Select this option to drop down frame rate only but not to re-encode video stream to save Hard Disk usage.
Adjust MJPEG video frame rate
Move slider to left to reduce frame rate.
The maximum FPS will be correspond with original video stream set up on camera configuration.
Keep key-frame only: System will only record key frames of video streaming.
The key frame interval is controlled by each camera manufacturer and cannot be adjusted.
Customized encoding:
The video stream would be decoded then re-encoded by configuration.
Click “Setup” button to adjust “Encoder Parameter”.
Customized encoding function causes high CPU usage, make sure the PC specification is enough (recommend Core 2
For Analog camera
The Encode Video function sets Frame Rate, Quality, and Resolution that you want to record and provides an approximate recorded time period.
The capture device “FCS-800x series” required.
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4. Guard
Click on the
button on the Main Console to start the “Event and Action Configuration” panel. You will need to specify an event to be detected as well as set the appropriate action for the system when the event occurs.
Event Report:
When the crystal ball is red, you can click it to obtain the
Smart Guard Event Report and cancel the event(s).
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4.1 Event
Insert Event
There are 4 sources of events: Camera (video image), POS, Digital Input (device connected to your PC) and
System (condition of your hardware). You can assign multiple events by following the instructions below.
4.1.1 Camera Event - Assign a Camera Event
Step 1:
Select a camera and click “Insert Event” icon
. .
Step 2
Step 3
Step 2:
There are six types of events: Signal Lost, General Motion, Foreign Object, Missing Object, Lose Focus, and Camera Occlusion. Select the event you want on the Event Type list, and then click OK.
Step 3:
Configure the Event Type. See the following instructions.
4.1.2 Camera Event – Basic Setting
[Signal Lost, General Motion, Foreign Object, Missing Object,
Focus Lost, and Camera Occlusion]
Enable Event:
Check the box to activate the event.
Life Cycle:
Automatically cancel event when event disappears: the alarm/action will be cancelled once the abnormality is fixed or ends.
Manually cancel event or event continues triggered: The alarm/action will continue until being canceled from the Main
Console. The user currently not at the seat watching the screen will be notified by the alarm.
To cancel the event:
Function 1: Start > Open Event Report > Cancel All Events
Function 2 : Click the red crystal ball to obtain the Smart Guard
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Event Report than cancel the event(s).
Cancel event after timeout xx seconds: Enable checkbox and set the timeout seconds to cancel the event after a specific time whether the event disappears or not.
4.1.3 Camera Event - Signal Lost
Detect the loss of video signal from camera.
4.1.4 Camera Event - General Motion
- Detect any movement in the defined detection zone.
Start Simulation
Alarm Event Option:
Sensitivity: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase sensitivity so that minimal movement will trigger the alarm. Move the bar to the left to reduce the sensitivity. Setting up an appropriate sensitivity value will minimize false alarms. For example, you can lower the sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase interval time so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval
Region Definition:
Define detection zone: To detect General Motion, you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag the mouse to draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeating the same process. User can also click on “All” button to select the entire detection zone.
Start Simulation:
Click the Start Simulation button and test the function on the preview screen.
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4.1.5 Camera Event - Foreign Object
Alarm will be set off when an object appears in the defined area on the screen.
Define object size
Region Definition
Start Simulation
Alarm Event Option:
Sensitivity: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase sensitivity so that minimal movement will trigger the alarm. Move the bar to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement detected. Setting up an appropriate sensitivity value will minimize false alarms. For example, you can lower the sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase interval time so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval.
Region Definition:
Define detection zone: To detect General Motion, you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag the mouse to draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeating the same process. User can also click on “All” button to select the entire detection zone.
Define Object size: After defining the detection zone, select Define Object Size and then left-click and drag the mouse to indicate the size of the object you want to detect.
For instance, if you want to prevent somebody from leaving a briefcase in a hallway, place a briefcase in the hallway in view of the camera. On the screen, draw an area that fits the size of the briefcase and define it as the object size. Remove the briefcase and then activate the Smart Guard function on the Main Console. The system will consider everything on the screen normal when you click
Start to activate the monitor function.
Start Simulation:
Click the Start Simulation button and test the function on the preview screen.
4.1.6 Camera Event - Missing Object
Alarm triggers when an object disappears in the defined area on the screen.
Region Definition
Start Simulation
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Alarm Event Option:
Sensitivity: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase sensitivity so that minimal movement will trigger the alarm. Move the bar to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement. Setting up the appropriate sensitivity value will reduce the chance of false alarms. For example, you can lower the sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase interval time so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval.
Region Definition:
Define detection zone: To detect General Motion, you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag the mouse to draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeating the same process. User can also click on “All” button to select the entire detection zone.
For instance, if you want to prevent somebody from removing the computer monitor on the desk, draw an area that fits the size of the monitor on the screen.
Start Simulation:
Click the Start Simulation button and test the function on the preview screen.
4.1.7 Camera Event - Lose Focus
This function alarms you when any of the cameras is losing focus and has blur image.
Ignore Lighting
Start Simulation
Alarm Event Option:
Sensitivity: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase sensitivity so that a relatively small movement will trigger the alarm. Move the bar to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement detection. Set up an appropriate Sensitivity value will reduce the chance of false alarm. For example, you can lower the Sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase interval time so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval time.
Ignore Lighting: Check the box to avoid alarm being set off by light changing.
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Region Definition:
Define detection zone: To detect General Motion, you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag the mouse to draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeating the same process. User can also click on “All” button to select the entire detection zone.
Start Simulation:
Click the Start Simulation button and test the function on the preview screen.
4.1.8 Camera Event - Camera Occlusion
This function alarms you when any of the cameras are blocked.
Ignore Lighting
Start Simulation
Alarm Event Option:
Sensitivity: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase sensitivity so that a relatively small movement will trigger the alarm. Move the bar to the left to reduce the sensitivity of movement detection. Set up an appropriate Sensitivity value will reduce the chance of false alarm. For example, you can lower the Sensitivity to avoid the alarm being triggered by a swinging tree in the breeze.
Interval: Click and move the slider control to the right to increase interval time so that the alarm will only be triggered when the movement lasts longer. Move to the left to reduce the interval time.
Ignore Lighting: Check the box to avoid alarm being set off by light changing.
Region Definition:
Define detection zone: To detect General Motion, you have to define a detection zone. Left-click and drag the mouse to draw a detection zone. You may define more than one zone on the screen by repeating the same process. User can also click on “All” button to select the entire detection zone.
Start Simulation:
Click the Start Simulation button and test the function on the preview screen.
4.1.9 POS Event - Assign a POS Event
Step 1:
Select a POS device from the list and click to insert event.
You should insert the POS device in Config -POS Application first, and then you could set the alarm base on it.
Step 2:
There are five types of events: Transaction Start, Transaction End, Open Cash Register, Connection
Lost and User Defined. Select the event you want on the Event Type list, and then click OK.
Transaction Start
- Detect any transaction beginning.
Transaction End
- Detect any transaction ending.
Open Cash Drawer
- Detect any cash drawer opening.
Connection Lost
- Detect the connection abnormal event between POS box and Main Console.
User Defined
- Detect any condition defined by user.
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Step 3:
Configure the setting of the Event Type. Please refer to the POS section of the User manual.
4.1.10 Digital Input Event - Digital Input Event
Step 1
Step 2
Step 1:
Click and highlight Digital Input on the event type list, and then click the Insert Event icon.
Step 2:
Select the device that is connected to your system, that is, the PC you are working with.
4.1.11 System Event - Assign a System Event
Step 1
Step 2
Step 1:
Click and highlight System on the event type list, and click the Insert Event icon.
Step 2:
There are four events, select the event you want to detect.
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4.1.12 System Event - Disk Space Exhausted
This function alarms you when disk space is exhausted.
4.1.13 System Event - System Health Unusual
This function alarms you when high CPU temperature or low fan speeds exist.
Current Status: Show you the current CPU temperature, Motherboard Temperature, Fan Speed and Power fan speed.
Options: Check the Temperature Format Celsius or Fahrenheit; adjust the High (Motherboard) Temperature
Alarm at what temperature degrees and Low (Power) Fan Speed Alarm at what RPM (revolutions per minute).
4.1.14 System Event – Resource Depleted
This function alarms you when CPU or memory is depleted.
Current Status: Shows you the current Total CPU Loading and Total Memory Usage.
Options: Check the High CPU Loading Alarm and High Memory Usage Alarm at what Percentage.
4.1.15 System Event – Network Congestion
This function alarms you when network bandwidth is overloading.
Current Status: Show you the current Total Upload Bit rate and Total Download Bit rate.
Options: Check the High Upload Bit rate Alarm and High Download Bit rate Alarm at what Kbps (kilobits per second).
System Health Unusual Resource Depleted
Network Congestion
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4.2 Action
4.2.1 Action - Assign a action type
Step 1
Step 2
To insert a new action:
Step 1:
Choose an event and click the insert action icon .
Step 2:
There are 10 types of actions, select the action you want on list and then click OK.
On Screen Display
Play Sound
Send E-mail
Phone Call
PTZ Preset Go
Send a SMS Message
Send to Central Server
Send snapshot to FTP
Popup E-Map on event.
Step 3:
Configure the setting of the Action Type if needed.
4.2.2 Action Type - On Screen display
A red warning will be flashing on the screen of Main
Console, indicating which type of unusual event is detected.
Step 1:
Select the “On Screen display” action and then click OK.
Step 2:
The responding window will popup to Selected Camera.
Click the “On Screen display” indicator to modify the setting.
Camera: Display the camera applied to this action.
Auto popup: Click the Auto popup column and select the expected monitor for popping up the event.
Displayed text: You can follow the default setting to show the event type, or enable “Customized Text” to define the text as your preference.
4.2.3 Action Type - Play Sound
Sound alarm – the system will play the sound as alarm when an unusual event is detected.
Step 1:
Select the “Play Sound” action and then click OK.
Step 2:
The responding window will popup to choose a Wave file (.wav). Click the “Play Sound” indicator to modify the setting.
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4.2.4 Action Type - Send E-mail
The system will send an E-mail immediately to given accounts indicating the type of event, the time, and attaching a picture taken while the event is detected.
Step 1:
Select the “Send E-mail” action and then click OK.
Step 2:
The responding window will popup to Select Contact, type the message to append. (You can choose more contacts).
Edit Address Book: Insert the contact information here.
To give the system the E-mail accounts, go to
Config > Setup > Hotline. See Configuration at page 76 for detail.
4.2.5 Action Type - Phone Call
The system will call a given phone number when an unusual event is detected.
Step 1:
Select the Phone Call action and then click OK.
Step 2:
The responding window will popup to Select Contactor and key-in the message which want to append on SMS content. (You can choose one more contact at once).
To setup the phone number and make an audio record for the phone call, go to Config - Setup
- Hotline. See Configuration on page 76l.
4.2.6 Action Type - PTZ Preset Go
The PTZ (pan/tilt/zoom) camera will go to a preset point or auto patrol when an unusual event is detected.
Step 1:
Select the “PTZ Preset Go” action and then click OK.
3 .
Step 2:
The responding window will pop up to PTZ Camera Preset
Go. Click the “PTZ Preset Go” indicator to modify the setting.
Step 3:
Set the action of cameras which you want to trigger by
For example: Please follow below steps to setup this function.
Set the action of camera 1:
Choose camera 1.
Set the start, end preset points.
Select the Life Cycle.
Click on Add.
Set the action of camera 2:
Choose camera 2.
Set the start patrol and end patrol.
Select the Life cycle
Click on Add.
Finally click on Ok to save all setting of cameras.
Configure your PTZ camera before using this function. See Config on page 74 for PTZ camera configuration.
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4.2.7 Action Type – DI/DO
To trigger
Digital input/output
devices those connect to the system, such as alarm lights and sirens.
Step 1:
Select the “DI/DO” action and then click OK.
Step 2:
The responding window will prompt user to Select Digital Input Module. Click the “DI/DO” indicator to modify the setting.
Step 3:
Select the device that is connected to your system, that is, the PC you are working with. You can enable the Automatically Popup I/O Control Panel check box to obtain the correspondent panel to monitor the I/O status.
You should adjust the setting of I/O device in Config>Setting>I/O Device first, the I/O control panel will display the device status based on it. You can also adjust the size of the panel by dragging a mouse or click the on the right top of the display window.
4.2.8 Action Type –Send a SMS message
The system will send a SMS message immediately to given accounts indicating the type and time of event.
Step 1:
Select the “Send a SMS message” action and then click
Step 2:
The responding windows will popup to Select Contactor
(You can choose one or more contacts). Click the
“Send a SMS message” indicator to modify the setting.
To give the system the GSM modem, go to Config
- Setup - Hotline. See Configuration at page 76l.
4.2.9 Action Type – Send to Central Server
The system will send an Event to Central Server.
Step 1:
Select the “Send to Central Server” action and then click OK.
The detail please refers the user manual of Central Management System.
4.2.10 Action Type – Send snapshot to FTP
The system will upload a snapshot immediately to FTP site.
Step 1:
Select the “Send snapshot to FTP” action and then click OK.
For Digital Input Event, this warning action will send the snapshot of first camera which selected on “On Screen Display” warning action.
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To give the system the FTP server, go to Config > Setup > Hotline. See Configuration at page 76 for detail.
4.2.11 Action Type – Popup E-Map on Event
The system will auto popup E-Map window and show the assigned map and indicator.
Step 1:
Select the “Popup E-Map on Event” action and then click OK.
Step 2:
The responding window will popup to Popup e-map on event.
Click the “Popup E-Map on Event” indicator to modify the setting.
Step 3:
Select the Map Layer and Indicator, and then click OK.
To edit E-Map, see Configuration at page 88.
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5. Configuration
Click on the Config icon, select from the drop-down menu and open the Configuration panel. Modify the setting and access License Manager, Counting application, POS application, Log viewer, Backup,
Network Services. Select Save/Load Configuration to save/load all the settings.
* Video Source function available only with MPEG-4 software compression captures devices.
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5.1 Setting – General
Status Display
5.1.1 Startup
Audio Preview Auto Reboot
Check the MainConsole box to execute Main Console system when windows startup.
Check the following 3 main functions and 5 network services to auto activate functions when Main Console system is executing, including Schedule Recording System, Smart Guard System, Counting Application, Live
Streaming Server, Remote Desktop Server, 3GPP Server, Remote Desktop Server and Central Management
Service. Checking other options can setup the startup status as Full screen or allow system to auto login with the preset account.
Setup Auto login:
Enable “Auto login” and click the Setup button to obtain the Auto Login Setup panel, insert the User Account and Password to login automatically when the system starts. Enable the Minimize after login to minimize the MainConsole window after login.
5.1.2 Storage
Location: Assign the default folder (you can setup several directories for storage) for the system to store all data files. Recommend not to save in system HD (C :\) to avoid PC efficiency drop when free storage is low.
Automatic Recycle:
The system will automatically delete out-dated data to save storage space.
Recycle when disk space is: Set the standard limit to let the system recycle automatically.
Less than _ %: The system will start to recycle if the disk space is less than the indicated percentage(default is 10%).
The system will detect the storage space of default location firstly, if the default storage space is exhausted, the video will be stored to the next directory.
If all the status of locations exceeds the storage rule, the system will start recycling in an hour progress.
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Only keep video for: Delete the video records that are older than the number of days set.
If the default storage spaces exhausted (disc space is less than 3%), the system will start to recycle by hourly period.
Log Recycling: Click the button to obtain the Advanced Recycle Setting panel. Set the days that you want to keep the event or Keep all event logs within interval of video files.
Event Log: Delete the event log data that is older than the number of days set.
System Log: Delete the system log data that is older than the number of days set.
Counting: Delete the counting application data that is older than the number of days set.
POS Transaction: Delete the POS transaction data that is older than the number of days set.
Resource Report: Delete the Resource report data that is older than the number of days set.
5.1.3 Status Display
Check the boxes of the information that you wish to see in the information display window in the Main
Status Display:
Select the information like Current Date, Current Time,
Free Disk Space, IP Camera Bit rate and User Defined Text.
Advanced Setting:
Click the button to obtain the Advanced Setting
Panel to select Temperature, Fan Speed, System Resource and
Network Utilization information you wish to display.
5.1.4 Miscellaneous
Automatically Popup Event Report
Event report dialog automatically popup when events been detected. Make sure to stop Smart Guard System before you modify the setting, otherwise the modification will not take place.
Minimize to system tray
Enable the Option to minimize the Main console to be an icon in notification area of windows task bar when pressing the minimize button.
Insert the username and password of MainConsole again when clicking the minimized
MainConsole icon in notification area of windows task bar to start monitoring.
Synchronize video frames: Select it to avoid the tearing problem occurring in video display while increasing the CPU loading.
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DDNS Service:
Dynamic Domain Name Server (DDNS) function allows you to use Live View or Web View to connect to the Main Console through Internet event if you have a dynamic IP address.
Click on the DDNS button to obtain the Dynamic DNS Setup panel.
Set up the DDNS function by selecting the provider type, filling with user name, password and hostname, and adjust the update period.
5.1.5 Audio Preview
Default Channel:
Select the audio channel that you wish to hear from in “Default Channel”.
Enable Audio on Active Channel:
Select the “Enable Audio on Active Channel” option to hear the audio from selected video channel (selected by mouse) on each video grid of Main Console. The default channel plays if the video channel isn’t selected.
Adjust the volume with the “volume bar.”
System plays the audio of
“default channel”
5.1.6 Auto Reboot
System plays the audio of left-top
“selected channel”
Check the option of “Enable Auto Reboot” so that you can reboot the system on the time you select.
Step 1:
Check the option of “Enable Auto Reboot.”
Step 2:
Select the time you want to reboot.
Enable “Main Console”, “Auto Login”, “Setup login account” and check other status in Startup section so when PC reboots the system will run normally.
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5.2 Setting - Camera
5.2.1 Add Camera
Four function buttons will be included in the Setting/Camera panel if you have our Hybrid Surveillance
System license for IP camera.
Click on the Search icon to obtain the Search IP Camera panel. The system will start scanning automatically once the panel is opened; feel free to stop scanning by clicking on the Stop Scan button.
Fill in the user name and password for each IP camera found and click OK to add it to the camera list.
Click on the Insert icon to obtain the IP/Video Server Setting panel and add IP cameras to the list. See following part (IP Camera/Video Server Setting panel) for detail.
Click on the Delete button to remove the selected IP camera(s) from the system. Click OK to finalize the modification.
Click on the Config button to obtain the IP/Video Server Setting panel. You can modify the IP camera settings with the Setting panel. See following part (IP Camera / Video Server Setting panel) for detail.
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5.2.2 IP Camera / Video Server Setting panel
Fill up the Network field (including Name, IP Address, Http Port, User Name, Password and Protocol) referring to the instruction provided by the camera manufacturer. Check “Use DNS” to use domain name instead of IP address.
Choose the IP camera manufacturer from the drop-down menu. Click on “Auto Detect” and the model name will show in the box.
Shows information for the IP camera.
5.2.3 Camera Parameter
Camera List
Camera List:
The camera(s) connected to the system will show on the panel, click the name of the camera to adjust the setting.
Camera Parameter:
Camera Name: Name the camera for your convenience.
Go to Web Interface: Go to Website interface to configure the camera setting (optional).
Camera Settings: Set the camera parameter offered by camera vendor.
Video Parameter: Adjusts the video’s brightness, contrast, saturation, and color hue values.
Stream Profile: Stream profiles are pre-defined to preferred settings which will respond from the query of the remote live view function. Each profile has different Format, Frame, Resolution, Quality and Bit rate (Kbps) settings.
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Stream Profile
The types of stream profile and options will different with stream sources.
IP camera:
5 profiles with Original (only can drop frame rate), High, Normal, Low and Minimum (for PDA/Smart
Phone Client).
Analog camera with FCS-800x series:
4 profiles with High, Normal, Low and Minimum (for PDA/Smart Phone Client).
Use Copy to option could apply the setting of a single camera to all the others.
To choose stream profile of remote live view, see Live view setting at page 99 for detail.
5.2.4 OSD Setting
Select the information that you wish to see in the on-screen display, or the sub-screen of the camera. And then, click the Font button to setup the font style.
Device Setting
5.3 Setting - I/O Device
I/O Device Setting
List of devices
Input Monitor
Output Monitor
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I/O Device Setting:
Module Setting: Name the module device and ID that has been connecting the digital input/output device(s) to your system.
Device: This column displays the device(s) already installed to the system.
ID: Select the number of the I/O port to which you plug the ribbon cable.
Input Monitor:
The device(s) is turned on if the dot is red. By triggering the digital input device, the related icon will light up. This is used to check that the device is correctly connected.
Output Monitor:
The device(s) is turned on if the dot is in red. By clicking on the icon, you may trigger the digital device connecting to the system. This can be used to test if the output device is correctly connected.
Device Setting
Name: Insert the name of the device (input and output).
Type: Select the device type from the drop-down menu.
1. N/O: Normal Open.
2. N/C: Normal Close.
5.4 Setting - PTZ Config
Basic Setting
Advanced Setting
Install PTZ cameras and follow the instructions of the camera manufacturer. A PTZ camera is usually connected to the PC with RS-485/RS-422.
Check the box on the camera list to activate the PTZ control function of a PTZ camera.
Basic Setting:
Select the camera model, com port, baud rate, and address according to your PTZ camera.
If the camera model is IP PTZ camera, you can work PTZ function directly without the com port, baud rate, and address settings.
Advanced Setting:
You may setup the pan speed, tilt speed, zoom speed and auto pan speed. Adjust the settings by dragging the bars.
Patrol Group: You can setup the Patrol Group, please see page 29 for detail.
Default PTZ Preset: Enable this function, the PTZ camera would auto back to the preset point if no users control PTZ function via MainConsole System. To enable option, simple check Back to PTZ preset after idle and setup idle period and preset point.
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User-Define Preset: User-Define Preset for the analog speed dome can trigger the extra-function of the speed dome itself such as auto-tracking, login menu of camera…etc. You can refer the detail description of each analog speed dome on its user manual.
Type the Preset Name.
Step 2:
Type the Preset Number.
Step 3:
Select the Preset Type.
Step 4:
Pressure the buttons to Add, Delete, or Update preset setup.
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5.5 Setting – Hotline
Configure the settings of hotlines, including E-mail, FTP, GSM modem and Telephone calls, once an unusual event is detected.
Input the following information: Server, Port, and Sender’s E-mail address, E-mail’s subject title, Body content and SSL option for encrypted transmission. Click on the Send Test Mail button to test the settings.
* indicates mandatory areas
Input the following information: server, Port, Login ID, Password, and Upload directory, according to your
FTP type to enable/disable Passive mode. You may click on the Upload Test File button to test the settings.
* indicates mandatory areas
Select the modem that the system is going to dial the info call with, and then insert the phone number you want to dial to. (A modem is required for voice transition.)
1. You must use a modem with voice capability.
2. You may select a Wave format file; it will be played in the phone to alarm the person who picks up the phone call.
GSM modem:
Set the Port and Baud Rate of the GSM modem device, and then enter PIN code. You can setup the interval of send SMS message. You may click on Test to send test SMS message.
The interval is set to restrict the period of two SMS. If you set as 60 min, the SMS between 60 min would be deleted and didn’t send to user.
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5.6 Setting - Address Book
Manage the address book from which you may send out a phone call or an E-mail when an unusual event is detected.
5.7 Setting – Monitor Display
Playback Option Cameras List
Auto Scan
Playback Option:
Execute Playback on the secondary monitor by checking the box. Make sure to adjust the display setting of your computer in advance to avoid system error.
Cameras List:
The left side displays a list of all cameras; modify the cameras shown on primary/ secondary monitor in the right window.
Auto Scan:
Activate auto scan to rotate the channels/ cameras on the display screen.
For instance, you may select to show only 4 sub-screens on the main console while having 16 channels connected to the system. With auto scan function, you will be able to see all 16 channels by turns. You can set up a primary channel that will always be on the screen and a secondary channel that has secondary priority.
Choose the number of divisions for NxN division on the Main Console screen.
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5.8 Setting – Joystick
Function Parameter
Export Default
You can choose the function from the drop-down menu for the button of the joystick.
Following is a complete list of all log types:
Goto Preset Point
Goto Camera
Goto Previous Camera
Goto Next Camera
Switch Screen Layout
Toggle Single Camera View
Start/Stop Auto Scan
PTZ Speed Up
PTZ Speed Down
Zoom Wide
Zoom Tele
Start/Stop Patrol
Switch Active Monitor
Toggle Full Screen
You can choose the parameter of the function from the drop-down menu.
You can set the default setting for the joystick.
You can export the setting of the joystick.
You can import the setting of the joystick.
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5.9 User Account Setting
Only default admin account could manage the user accounts here. From the list on this tab, highlight each account and modify the privilege setting.
There are 3 default privilege profiles of account groups:
Admin: Have privileges of all system functions and devices, except add/delete/update privileges of other users.
Power User: Have limited privileges of system functions and complete privileges of assigned devices.
User: All the privileges of system functions are forbidden, user could only manage assigned devices.
User account Setting
Delete Default Update
The “Add” button is only enabled when adding a new account.
Delete: Click it to delete the indicated account.
Default: Click it to go back to default privilege settings of related user group.
Upgrade: Click it to save the modifications of each account.
User Account Setting:
The admin may create and modify the content of user account here.
Name: Insert the user name.
Group: Assign the group for each user.
Description: Insert the description related to each user.
Password: Insert the password assigned to each user.
Password confirm: Insert again to confirm the password.
Disable User Account: Check the “Disable User Account” will block this account to access system. The signal “ ” will appear after disabling the account.
Only the default admin account couldn’t be disabled.
Keep remote login for___minutes: Insert the duration to auto kick out account after logging in from remote LiveViewer or Remote Playback server.
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Check each privilege of functions and devices for each user account.
Check the settings, operation related and system configuration, and the privilege of remote access.
Check the device privileges of camera, digital output and POS in MainConsole and client applications.
The privilege of default admin account couldn’t be edited.
5.10 License Manager
The license of the software should be registered first before operating the former version of Intelligent
Surveillance System.
Execute the License Management Tool in Config >License Manager to activate the license from dongle or serial number allocated with the software package, or de-activate the license then bring it to another PC to activate it again.
Please refer page 113 for the detail setting of License Management tool.
5.11 Save/ Load Configuration
The Save/ Load Configuration function allows system users to save any specific setting as a CFG (config) file. You may save several different CFG files at a time.
Save Configuration:
To save a specific setting, go to Config - Save/Load Configuration - Save. In the popup window, type in the file name and then save it as a CFG file.
Load Configuration:
To load a specific setting, go to Config - Save/ Load Configuration - Load. In the popup window, go to the directory that you saved the CFG files at, select any one of them and then click OK to load the file.
MainConsole will be automatically shut down after loading a new configuration. Re-start MainConsole manually.
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5.12 Counting Application
Camera List
Start Simulation
Options Runtime
Camera List:
Select which camera would enable counting application.
Define detection zones: Defined the detection zona.
Define object size: Defined the size of the object to count.
1Way Counting will take objects going from Region 1 to Region 2 as one count. In
2Way Counting
mode, it counts either going from Region 1 to Region 2 or from Region 2 to Region 1.
Check the boxes to
show the counting result
on the screen and/ or
show object bounding box
, which draws the shape of the object that the system detects in red squares. You can choose from the drop-down menu of how long you want to
the counting number.
Start Simulation:
Click to test the setting.
5.13 POS Application
Each LEVELONE Main Console system can manage up to 64 POS cash register devices. The POS
Application tool is helpful to configuration POS devices. Refer to the User manual for detail.
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5.14 Network Service
There are 5 types of network services:
Live streaming server, Remote playback server, 3GPP service, Remote
Desktop, and Central Management Service. From the Main Console, go to
Config - Network Service to obtain the Network Service panel.
5.14.1 Live Streaming Server
When starting the live streaming function of computer, the system allows remote users to log in to the specific computer and view cameras that are connected to it. As system administrator, user could be able to monitor these accounts in order to maintain the system efficiency.
On Live Streaming Server panel, administrator can see all the clients who are currently logging in to the computer and watching the live video from the remote side.
Client list
Client list:
Client Count: Show the amount of channels that are connecting to system.
Kill Client: Highlight an IP address and click on the “Kill Client” button to block the client from your client list.
Kill All Clients: Click on this button and all clients are blocked from logging into your system.
Server Status: Click on Start/Stop to turn on/off this option.
Adjust the setting only when the server is stopped.
Port: Assign a port for the clients to connect to your system via Remote Live Viewer. Default port is 5150.
Maximum Connections: Number of connections that are allowed to connect to the system. Default is 16 channels and maximum is 128, one camera video counts as one connection.
Use Default Web Server: Activate the Web server by checking the box; clients will be able to watch live video via Internet Explorer. The port for live streaming server is set to 80 by default.
Note: This must be checked in order to access system via IE*.
Save Log: Save the log information at appointed folder.
Enable Audio: Select this option to enable the audio transmission along with video stream.
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Black / White List
Enable list
IP address
Black/ White list
Apply to all
White List: Check the “Enable White List” box to activate the white list filter. Only IP from the white list is allowed to log in.
Black List: Check the “Enable Black List” box to activate the black list filter. IP from the black list will be blocked.
IP Address: Enter an IP address into the IP address field on the left. To add an IP address range to the system, enter 2 sets of IP address to indicate a series of IP(s).
Add/Delete: Add the IP(s) onto the list or remove it from the list.
Apply to All Network Servers: Apply the settings to both the live streaming server and the remote playback server.
Total bit rate Individual Camera bit rate information
Live Streaming Server log information
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5.14.2 Remote Playback Server
When starting the remote playback function, the system allows remote users to log in to the specific computer and withdraw data files that are stored on it. As system administrator, user could be able to monitor the accounts logging in to maintain the system efficiency.
On Remote Playback Server panel, administrator can see all the clients who are currently logging in to the computer and watching the playback video from the remote side.
Client list
Client list:
User Count: Show the number of users that are connecting to system.
Kill Client: Highlight an IP address and click on the “Kill Client” button to block the client from your client list.
Kill All Clients: Click on this button and then block all the clients logging to your system.
Server Status: Click on Start/Stop to turn on/off this option.
Adjust the setting only when the server is stopped.
Port: Assign a port for the clients to connect to your system via Remote playback server. Default port is
Maximum Users: Number of connections that are allowed to connect to the system. Default is 8 users and maximum is 64.
One user counts as one account that is logging in to the server.
Use Default Web Server: Activate the Web server by checking the box; clients will be able to watch live video via Internet Explorer. The port for live streaming server is set to 80 by default.
Must check this item for system access via IE*.
Save Log: Save the log information at appointed folder.
Black / White List and Performance - Please refer Live Streaming Server section
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5.14.3 3GPP Service
When starting the 3GPP service function of your computer, the system allows remote users to log in and view cameras that are connecting to it with 3GPP supported mobile phone. See Appendix A for more details about 3GPP Service.
Client list
Client list:
Client Count: Show the number of channels that are connected to system.
Server Status: Click on Start/Stop to turn on/off this option.
Adjust the setting only when the server is stopped.
Port: Assign a port for the clients to connect to your system via 3GPP Service. Default port is 554.
Enable User Authentication: User need to insert the username and password to login to the 3GPP server and view the video stream.
5.14.4 Remote Desktop
When starting the Remote Desktop, the system allows remote users to use LEVELONE Remote Desktop Tool to login and configure system. See Appendix B to install and use this tool.
Server Status
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Port: Assign a port for LEVELONE Desktop tool to login and configure system.
Disconnect idle client after (300~3600 sec): Auto disconnect the on-line user who idled more than set period.
Enabling this option would only allow admin account to use LEVELONE Desktop tool to login system.
Server Status: Click on Start/Stop to turn on/off this option.
5.14.5 Central Management Service
This service only supports LEVELONE Central Management System (NCS). When starting the Central
Management Service option of the system, the Main Console would send event information to NCS and allow NCS system to control I/O device from remote side.
To enable this action, go Guard >Action and select “Send to Central Server” to enable the action triggered by preference event.
Please refer the user manual of Central Management System for detail information.
Client list:
Client Count: Show the amount of NCS Servers that are connecting to system.
Kill Client: Highlight an IP address and click on the “Kill Client” button to block the client from your client list.
Kill All Clients: Click on this button and then block all the clients logging to your system.
Server Status: Click on Start/Stop to turn on/off this option.
Adjust the setting only when the server is stopped.
Port: Assign a port for NCS System to connect Main Console system. Default port is 5170.
Number of connections from NCS Servers that are allowed to connect to the system. The default is 8
NCS Servers and maximum is 16.
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5.15 Help
Click Help to connect to FAQ of LEVELONE website
5.16 About Main Console
Go to About Main Console to view the version of your surveillance system and the hardware information.
5.17 Video Source
(For system with MPEG4 capture device only)
Step 1:
Go to Video Source to adjust the Video Standard to NTSC or PAL.
Step 2:
Adjust the maximum Video Resolution for all analog cameras.
Video Resolution Frame Rate Quality
Turbo mode
Standard mode
High Quality mode
Step 3:
Click Sync all video signal level after pressing OK to synchronize video signal level to the optimized display (Auto-gain control).
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6. E-Map
With E-Map, user can find out or track the actual location and alarm status easily and receive instant response when the event happens.
The arrows and lightening icon on E-Map represent cameras and I/O devices and these icons will turn red once they are triggered by alarms.
To launch E-Map application, simply click on Start and select Open E-Map from start menu to open E-Map window.
There are 2 modes in E-Map application:
Edit mode
: Allow users to add/edit maps and indicators of devices. In Edit mode, the function buttons on the bottom of the window will be active, and then setup the configuration before running E-map function at the first time.
Operate mode
: all settings will be activated in this mode.
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6.1 Edit Mode
To carry out edit function, you need to be in Edit mode.
Function button
Edit mode/ Operate mode
Switch button
6.1.1 Add/Edit/Delete Map
Add E-Map:
Step 1
: Make sure being in “Edit Mode
and all devices are connected and inserted.
Step 2:
Right click on the Map icon in device and map list to obtain the option menu to add map, or just click “Add Map” button to obtain the “Map Config” dialog.
Step 3:
Select the map file and insert the map name. Click OK, and then the map you added appears in the tree structure of device and map list.
Step 4:
The map indicator appears on the left-up corner of parent map. Drag it to the position you want on appointed map.
Edit E-Map:
Step 1:
Make sure you are in Edit mode and all devices are connected and inserted.
Step 2:
Right click on the “Map ” icon to obtain the option menu to edit map, or just click “Edit Map” button to obtain the “Map Config” dialog.
Step 3:
Modify the required details, and then click OK to save configuration.
Delete E-Map:
Step 1:
Make sure being in Edit mode and all devices are connected and inserted.
Step 2:
Right click on the “Map ” icon to obtain the option menu to delete map, or just click Delete button to remove appointed map from list.
The root map can’t be deleted
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6.1.2 Add/Rotate/Delete Device Indicator
Add Indicator:
Step 1:
Make sure being in Edit mode and all devices are connected and inserted.
Step 2:
Select on the icon “
” which you want add device indicator to.
Step 3
: Before adding indicator, ensure that the map you want is displayed. Select device from list and directly drag a device to the desired location on the map.
Different device is symbolized by different indicator.
- Camera indicator,
Rotate Indicator:
- digital Input indicator, -POS indicator.
Step 1:
Ensure being in Edit mode and all devices are inserted. Select device indicator from map or form
Device and Map list. The device indicator will be marked with a green ring
Step 2
: Click Rotate button, the indicator will rotate 45 degree.
Only camera indicators are allowed to be rotated.
Delete Indicator:
Step 1:
Ensure being in Edit mode and all devices are inserted. Select device indicator from map or from
Device and Map list. The device indicator will be marked with a green ring
Step 2:
Click Delete button, the indicator will be gone.
6.2 Operate Mode
To carry out the operation functions in E-Map, you need to be in Operate mode.
Operate mode/ Edit mode
Switch button
6.2.1 Device and Map Tree list
This window will list all devices and map hierarchies; click device or map indicator to show related information on E-Map windows.
– Select the map you want to show on E-Map Window.
– Select the camera you want to preview video on preview window and mark indicator on
Digital Input
– Select it to highlight the device with green ring on map and show status on Information window. If the Digital Input is from IP camera, the preview window will display live video of the camera.
Digital Output
– Select it to highlight the device with green ring on map and show status on Information window. If the Digital Output is from IP camera, the preview window will display live video of the camera.
– Select it to highlight the POS device with green ring on map and display live video of first associated camera on preview window
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6.2.2 E-Map picture
This window will show the map layer and indicators.
Device Indicator:
Select device indicator from Device and Map Tree list to show preview video and related information.
Map indicator:
Select map indicator will enter the next map layer. If you want move to upper layer, right click on the map to select
option or click right on the map layer
6.2.3 Information and Preview window
This window will show the related information of each indicator.
Map Info
– Show map name.
– Show camera name and connecting status.
Digital Input
– Show Digital Input name and status (0 or 1).
Digital Output
–Show Digital Output name and status (0 or 1).
– Show POS device name, connecting status, first associated camera name and connecting status.
6.3 Layout Adjustment
Triangular indicator
Shrink the window:
Click “ Triangular indicator” to hide the Device and Map/ Preview and Information window on right and left side, click triangular indicator again to go back to default setting.
Full screen display
For the system with Dual- Monitor, user can view the MainConsole on primary monitor, and view the full-size E-Map on secondary monitor.
Step 1:
Click “ Triangular indicator” to hide the Device and Map/
Preview and Information window on right and left side.
Step 2:
Click “ ” on right top of the window, and then get the full screen mode of E-Map.
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7. Log Viewer
View the unusual event history that was detected by the Smart Guard System.
To launch Log Viewer and get report, simply click on
and select Log Viewer from menu to open Log Viewer window.
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7.1 Unusual Event
Step 4
: Choose the type of events you wish to view or select
from the drop-down menu to view all. The types of Unusual Event include General Motion, Foreign Object, Missing Object, Focus Lost, Camera
Occlusion, Signal Lost, Disk Space Exhausted, System Health Unusual and Digital Input Triggered.
Step 2:
Choose the camera channel you wish to view or select
for all the channels available.
Step 3:
View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular data: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter the date and time.
Step 4:
When working with a video record,
Log Viewer will search for Unusual Event in the video record in Date & Time mode, start from the beginning to the end of the record, which is the default setting of the system.
7.2 System Log
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Choose the type of event you want to check or select
from the drop-down menu for all types of events. Select Log Type form the drop-down menu. There are total 31 types of log types, including:
Main Console Startup
Main Console Shutdown
User Login
Stop Live Streaming Server
Modify Live Streaming Server
Start Remote Playback Server
User Login Failed
Start Schedule
Stop Schedule
Stop Remote Playback Server
Modify Remote Playback Server
IP Camera Connection Lost
Execute Recycle
Enable Channel
Auto Restart Windows
Modify POS Setting
Disable Channel
Start Smart Guard
Stop Smart Guard
POS Connection Lost
Modify E-Map
Start Remote Desktop
Modify Smart Guard
Modify Schedule
Stop Remote Desktop
Modify Remote Desktop
Modify Configuration
Start Live Streaming Server
Start Central Management
Stop Central Management
Modify Central Management
Step 2:
View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting
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LevelOne search period.
For a particular date: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter the date and time.
Step 3:
7.3 Counting Application
Display the history of Counting Application during a given time period.
Step 4
Select the channel you want to check or select
from the drop-down menu for all channels.
Step 2
: Select search period. View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular date: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter the date and time.
Step 3
: Click Search.
Step 4:
Press the button
Export to
Step 5:
Type the file name and choose the file format (.xls or .txt).
7.4 Counting Application (Diagram)
Display the Counting Application data in diagram format.
Step 4
Select the channel you want to check or select
from the drop-down menu for all channels.
Step 2:
From the drop-down menu, set up how you would like the diagram to be displayed. You have the options of one day, one month, or one year.
Step 3
: Select a specific date to make it the start point of the diagram.
Step 4:
Step 5
: Press the button
Export to
Step 6
: Type the file name and the file will save as BMP files.
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7.5 POS Log
View the POS Log history that had been detected by the Smart Guard System.
Step 5
: Choose the type of events you wish to view or select
from the drop-down menu to view all types of events. The types of Unusual Event include Transaction Start, Transaction End, Open Cash Register,
Connection Lost, and special User defined event. Please refer the User manual of POS for detail.
Step 2
: Choose the camera channel you wish to view or select
for all the channels available.
Step 3:
View the events that happened on a particular date or during a given time period by selecting search period.
For a particular date: check the
box right and indicate the date.
For a period: check the
and then enter the date and time.
Step 4:
Step 5:
Press the button
Export to
Step 6:
Type the file name and choose the file format (.xls or .txt).
7.6 Export
After search the log you want, just export it to .xls or .txt file.
Step 1
Press the button
Export to
Type the file name and choose the file format (.xls or .txt).
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8. Backup
The backup function saves recorded video and other log information. User may open backup files on any PC with Windows Operating System and operate the full function
Playback panel on it. Follow the instructions below to obtain backup files.
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8.1 Backup Recorded file(s)
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 1:
Add (Remote) Backup Site: Press the “Remote Sever ” can go to remote backup site management to add and setup the backup site.
Enter the IP address or DNS, Port, Username, and Password.
to add the server.
to exit the Setting panel.
Step 2
: Access (Remote) Backup Site: Click on the icon and insert the username/password of the remote server to access the backup Site.
Step 3
: Click on New Period to obtain the Select Date/Time Period panel.
Step 4:
Select the data you want to backup by highlighting the
Period section.
Step 4
Step 5
Step 7
Step 5:
Click on the camera number icon to add camera(s) or click to add/delete all the channels.
Step 6:
Check the box of Enable Preview to get the preview of the video you select.
Step 7
: Click OK when the settings are complete and go back to the Backup System panel.
Step 8:
If there is any data period not wanted, click Remove Period to remove the data period on the backup list.
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Step 8
Step 9
Step 9:
Click the Backup icon to obtain Backup panel.
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 10:
Check the summary section to see the size of the file(s).
Step 11:
Choose the path you want to save the file or burn the file into a CD (direct CD burning for
Windows XP only), DVD or on Hard Disk.
Step 12
: Option
Select the log information you would like to backup (Event Log, System Log, Counter Log and POS Transaction), and then click OK.
8.2 Delete Recorded file(s)
Step 1
: Click on “New Period” to obtain the Select Date Time Period panel.
Step 1
Step 3
Step 2:
Follow steps 3-7 on above (backup) section to select data period which you want to delete.
Step 3:
Click on the Delete icon and delete all the data in the backup list from the database.
Deleted video cannot be recovered.
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9. Remote Live Viewer
With the Remote Live Viewer console, remote users may watch up to 128 channels real-time video from remote live streaming servers.
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9.1 Setting
Click General Setting to obtain setting dialog.
9.1.1 General Setting
General Setting
Audio preview:
Enable audio on active channel: Select it to enable the audio streaming on active channel.
Synchronize video frames: Select it to avoid the tearing problem occurring in video display while increasing the CPU loading.
9.1.2 Server setting
Server List
Step 1:
Enter the Server Name as preference.
Step 2
: Enter the Address, Port, User Name, and Password to log in the server.
Step 3:
Enable the Save Password to login without entering the password again.
Step 4:
Enable the Auto Login to login automatically when starting the Remote Live Viewer.
Step 5:
Click on Test Server to check if the server is available.
Step 6:
Click Add to insert the setting to server list.
To change the setting, select a server on server list and click “Update” after modify setting.
To remove the server, select a server on server list and then click “Delete”.
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9.1.3 Group Setting
Allocate different cameras into each appointed group.
Step 2
Step 4
Step 3
Step 1:
Log in to all the servers that contain the camera(s) you would like to put into the group(s).
Step 2
: Click Insert to create a new group; name the group for future reference.
Step 3
: From the window at the right, highlight the camera(s) that you would like to add to a group and then click on the “ <-- ” button. Repeat the process until satisfied with the group setting.
Step 4:
Click on the Delete and Rename button to remove or rename a specific group.
Step 5
: Repeat Step 2 to 4 to adjust the group setting until satisfied.
Step 6
: Click OK.
9.1.4 Camera Setting
Select the preferred stream type of each camera as default live view profile.
Stream profile
: The list would different with video input type of server
Auto: The system will adjust the stream type automatically to fit different screen division.
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Recoded: The system will follow the stream profile set in Main Console >Schedule > Encoding Options.
High / Normal / Low/ Minimum / H.264: The system will follow the stream profile set in Main Console -
Setting - Camera - Stream Profile.
Original (IP only): The system will display the streaming directly from the IP camera and video server.
Copy to: Select in order to copy the preferred stream profile of a channel to all of the listed channels.
9.1.5 OSD Setting
Adjust font style of Camera OSD on this panel.
9.1.6 POS Setting
Adjust font style of POS overlay on panel.
9.1.7 Monitor Display Setting
Activate auto scan to rotate the channels/ cameras on screen.
For instance, you may select to show only 4 sub-screens on the live viewer while having 16 channels connected to the system. With auto scan function, you will be able to see all 16 channels by turns.
Each monitor supports up to an 8x8 layout with auto scan function to show 128 channels.
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Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 1:
Select the Monitor connected to the system.
Step 2:
Auto scan group: Select appointed server group to activate auto scan settings.
Step 3:
Primary channel: Select appointed channel that will always be on the screen when activating auto scan settings.
Step 4
: Secondary channel: Select appointed channel that has secondary priority then primary channel on the screen when activating auto scan settings.
Step 5:
Layout: Select the screen division of “NxN type” in Remote live viewer panel.
9.1.8 Notification Setting
Status display:
Show recording status: Select it to show the crystal ball with recording status on monitor display.
Show camera event: Select it to show the smart guard detected event appointed in Main Console on each channel.
To execute this function, need setup on screen display as an action of Smart Guard instant response.
Show counting result: Select it to show the counting result appointed in Main Console on each channel.
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Popup system event: Select it to allow the System event appointed in Main Console popping up a message to warn.
9.1.9 Joystick Setting
Switch to Joystick tab and the configuration is the same as on Main console, refer to page 78 for details.
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9.2 Server/Group/Camera
Display a complete list of the server(s), group(s) and camera(s) that are added to the system.
Server View
: The cameras would list beyond associated server.
Group View
: The cameras would list beyond customized grouping.
Server View Group View
9.2.1 login/logout server
Select a server on list, and then click on the LOG IN/ LOG OUT icon to access/ leave the server.
On the server list, right click on it to obtain the menu options.
9.2.2 Connect/Disconnect camera
Log In/Log Out Server
On the server/camera list, double click on a camera to connect it.
On the server/ camera list, right click on a camera to obtain the menu options to connect/ disconnect it.
Connect/Disconnect Camera
Select a camera(s) from the list, and then drag it to where you want the image to be displayed.
Option4: Play / Stop/ Drop:
Select a camera/ video and click on this button to play/stop/disconnect a particular channel.
9.2.3 Multiple Views:
On the server/camera list, select a camera and right click on it to obtain the menu options.
Select Duplicate Camera and the duplicate camera with green indicator
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LevelOne will display below on camera list.
: Double click on the duplicated camera to connect it and display on screen.
9.3 PTZ Control
Control the movement of PTZ cameras. With cameras that support PTZ control, you can move, zoom, patrol, adjust the focus, and set preset points of the cameras.
9.3.1 Preset/ Go
Adjust the camera view until satisfied. Click on the Set icon and set up the view as the preset point 01. Adjust the camera view again and set up the preset point 02. Repeat the process until finish setting up all preset points. Enter any names you want instead of the preset point 01, preset point 02, preset point 03…, click on the Go icon and view the result of your setting.
For the speed settings of PTZ camera, please setup on Main Console – Config – Setting - PTZ Config.
9.3.2 Zoom
Click on the
signs to zoom in and zoom out the view.
9.3.3 Focus
You can select to have the camera focused near or far. To focus near means objects that are closer will be clearer than the objects that are further away. On contrast, to focus far means objects that are further will be clearer than the objects that are closer. Click on the Focus icon and select auto focus if you want the system to decide the focus point for you.
9.3.4 Patrol
To control PTZ camera to patrol around pre-defined path of preset points, click on Patrol button to start/stop patrol.
To setup patrol path, please setup on Main Console - Config – Setting - PTZ Config - Patrol.
9.4 On Screen Menu
Right click on the camera screen and get the On Screen Menu, from which you can quickly adjust the setting of camera.
9.4.1 Enable Move / Area Zoom
With cameras that support PT function, click the Enable Move function to adjust the current camera’s view by clicking on the display screen. To cancel this function, right click on the screen and select Disable Move.
With cameras that support Area Zoom function, click the Enable Move/Area Zoom function to adjust the current camera’s view by dragging a rectangle on the display screen. To cancel this function, right click on the screen and select Disable
Move/Area Zoom.
9.4.2 Enable Digital PTZ
To enable the PTZ functions of the camera, select the Enable digital PTZ option. Use mouse wheel or click on the + and – signs to zoom in and zoom out on the camera, or drag a rectangle to enlarge the area.
The square flashing on the video grid indicate the correspondent view of the camera.
9.4.3 Stream Profile
The function helps to change video quality quickly by switch Stream Profile
9.4.4 Instant Playback
To open the Instant Playback window of the camera, select the Instant Playback option and choose the
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LevelOne period. The instant playback windows allow to browser recorded video, snapshot image and export video with audio and POS transaction data.
To browse recorded video
By simply clicking the timeline you can view the video, or by using the below navigation tools to control the player.
Play / Pause / Stop
- Speed up/Speed down control
- play Forward/reverse frame by frame
- play Previous / Next minute video
To snapshot of video clip
Pause the video in image which wants to export and click snapshot button and can be saved or copied to clipboard.
To export recorded video
Select export period and click export button
. The snapshot is displayed
, and setup the options of export video.
Adjust to original video resolution
button is the tool to adjust the video to original video resolution.
button help to turn on / turn off the audio.
9.4.5 Enable Audio
is to enable / disable POS transaction data overlay.
With cameras that support audio function, click the Enable Audio function to listen the current camera’s audio by clicking on the display screen. To cancel this function, right click on the screen and de-select
Enable Audio.
9.4.6 Snapshot
The snapshot function could copy and capture a specific video image to the clipboard or to save as bmp file. The snapshot could customize to add OSD, POS information, and captured selected range only when viewing video with digital zoom in.
9.4.7 Toggle Full screen
Switch to view video with full screen display. To disable the function, right click on screen and de-select option or simply press “ESC” to go back to original window.
9.5 Start Monitor
9.5.1 Multiple Monitor
Select Open Monitor to append monitor to view more live videos on multiple monitors. Each appended monitor has the same list and view control buttons as the Main monitor, with the exception of the Start,
Playback, and Setting buttons.
Start Monitor
9.5.2 E-Map
Select Open E-Map to obtain the E-Map window, the GUI map help to find up devices easily and have information window to show the status of each device.
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Map Info
– Show map name.
– Show camera name and connecting status.
Digital Input
– Show Digital Input name and status (0 or 1).
Digital Output
–Show Digital Output name and status (0 or 1).
– Show POS device name, connecting status, first associated camera name and connecting status.
9.5.3 I/O Control
Select to obtain the I/O control panel, the panel helps to view status and control DO devices remotely.
Adjust the setting of I/O device in Main console – Config –
Setting - I/O Device first, the I/O control panel will display the device status based these settings.
9.6 Playback
Select it to obtain the Playback panel and view video remotely.
9.6.1 Add Remote Playback Site
Press the Remote Sever icon to go to the remote playback site management to add and setup the remote playback.
Step 1:
Enter the IP address or DNS, Port, Username, and
Step 2:
Click Add to add the server.
Step 3:
Click OK to exit the Setting panel.
9.6.2 Access Remote Playback Site
Go to Date/Time Panel and click on the icon on the top of the display window to access the Remote
Playback Site
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10. Web View
Server IP
Remote Live Viewer
Remote Playback
Make sure the Live Stream Server is enabled. Check 5.14 Network Service for more detail.
10.1 Server IP
Open an Internet Explorer browser and enter the IP address or DDNS “name” of the server followed by the connecting port.
Note: is the IP address of the server.
8080 is the port specified in Use Default Web Server in Network Service.
10.2 Remote Live Viewer
Press this icon to use Remote Live Viewer which functions are the same as Remote Live Viewer. See page99.
10.3 Remote Playback
Press this icon to use Remote Playback which functions the same as Playback but remote server and backup functions. See page 34.
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11. Utilities
Verification Tool
License Management Tool
Resource Management Tool
DB Tool
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A. Verification Tool
The Verification Tool verifies whether the data created by the system has been tampered with. It is the process by which a digital watermark (a digital signature) is added to each recorded video frame to ensure its authenticity.
There are 3 types of data could be verified by Verification Tool:
File in (.DAT) (.264) format will be displayed as .
File in (.AVI) (.ASF) format will be displayed as .
File in (.BMP) (.JPG) format will be displayed as .
1.1Execute Verification Tool
Step 1:
Execute Verification Tool from program files.
Step 1
Step 2:
Insert the Administrator Password to log in.
Step 3
: The Verification Tool appears after login.
1.2 Verification Tool Overview
Add File Add Folder Remove File
Select All
Video Preview
Play Verify Pause Stop
Add File:
Click it to insert the single file to list for verification.
Add Folder:
Click it to choose the folder with multiple files to list for verification.
Remove File:
Click it to remove indicated file(s) from list.
Select All:
Click it to select all files in list for verification.
Choose the file type first before selecting files. Only (.dat) (.264) (.avi) (.asf) (.bmp) (.jpg) are available to open.
User could also drag files to the list for verification.
Video Preview:
Check this column to preview indicated file in verification list. Select the button below preview window to play , Pause and Stop the file.
Preview of (.bmp) (.jpg) format is not allowed.
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1.3 Verify Image/Video
Step 1:
Select single or multiple files for verification.
Step 2:
Click “verify ”to start verification.
Step 3:
The verification result will show on watermark column.
If a file was tampered with, it will show .
If a file passed verification, it will show .
Verification report
Step 4
: The verification report will indicate the information related to the verification.
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B. License Management Tool
The license of the software should be registered first before operating the former version of Intelligent
Surveillance System.
Execute the License Management Tool to activate the license from dongle or serial number allocated with the software package, or de-activate the license then bring it to another PC to activate it again.
Both “On line” and “Off line” status of PC environment could execute the tool to “activate” or “transfer” the license. Below list 4 types of license management process:
To “activate” the license with PC connected to network, follow the Activation On Line process.
To “activate” the license with PC not connected to network, follow the Activation Off line process.
To “de-activate/transfer” the license with PC connected to network, follow the Transfer On Line process.
To “de-activate/transfer” the license with PC not connected to network, follow the Transfer Off line process.
1.1 License Management Tool Overview
1.1.1 Execute License Management Tool
Step 1:
Execute License Manager Tool in config menu or installation folders.
Step 2:
The “License Management Tool” will appear. Please refer below for the tool overview.
1.1.2 License Management Tool Overview
Activate tab
SN status
Activate type
SN type
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Transfer Tab
SN status
Transfer type
1.2 Activate/Transfer License
1.2.1 Activate License
Activation Online
Step 1:
Open License Manager Tool.
Step 2:
Select On line as Activate type.
Step 3:
Input the SN (Serial number)or Import SN file, and then click on Activate button.
Step 4
: Restart MainConsole if activated successfully.
Activation Off line
Step 1:
Open License Manager Tool.
Step 2:
Select Off line as Activate type.
Step 3:
Insert the SN
and then click on Activate button.
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Step 4:
Save Request file, and then take it to another PC that is connected to the Internet.
Step 5:
Execute OffLineTool.exe
in another PC, and then click Activate to send request file to license
Step 6:
Save License file, and then take it to original IP CamSecure system.
Step 7:
Open License Manager Tool again, select Import license file, and then click Activate button to activate.
Step 8:
Restart MainConsole if activated successfully.
1.2.2 Transfer License
Transfer On line
Step 1
: Open License Manager Tool.
Step 2:
Select Transfer Tab, and then check On line as Transfer type.
Step 3:
Select SN and click on Transfer button.
Step 4:
Restart MainConsole if activated successfully.
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Transfer Off line
Step 1:
Open License Manager Tool.
Step 2:
Select Transfer Tab, and then check Off Line as Transfer type.
Step 3:
Select SN, and then click Transfer button to transfer SN.
Step 4
: Save Request file. Restart MainConsole if activated successfully.
Step 5
: Copy request file to another PC connected to internet.
Step 6
: Execute OffLineTool.exe in another PC, check Transfer SN and click Transfer to send request file to license server.
User needs to copy request file to another PC and send it to license server, otherwise the SN can’t be re-activate again!!
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C. Resource Management Tool
The Resource Management Tool detects whether the system is operational.
For further application of Resource Management Tool, please refer page 55
In “Guard” chapter.
1.1 Execute Resource Management tool
Step 1:
Open Resource Report from start menu.
Step 2:
The Resource Management Tool will appear.
Step 1
1.2 System Resource Overview
System Resource History Diagram
1.2.1 System Resource
System Health:
This item shows the system information, including “CPU Temperature”, “Motherboard
Temperature”, “CPU Fan Speed” and “Power Fan Speed”.
User needs to install the “SpeedFan” first to gather the CPU and Motherboard temperature information.
CPU Loading:
This item shows the percentage of CPU usage.
Memory Usage:
This item shows the memory usage of system. “Memory Used” and “Memory Available” are included.
Logical Disk Free:
This item shows the percentage of available disk space for storage.
The disk directory will be the same as the one in MainConsole – Config – Setting – Storage - Location.
Network Utilization:
This item shows the total bit-rate utilization for the upload and download of the computer.
1.2.2 Instant Diagram
Click each item in the list to obtain the instant system diagram. The “system resource” will be displayed as each variable in Vertical Axis; the unit of Horizontal Axis will be displayed as “Per Second”.
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Vertical Axis
Horizontal Axis
1.3 Advanced Resource Report
Click the Advanced button to search and export system logs in “Search” tab and obtain the history diagram of an specified period in “Diagram” tab.
1.3.1 Search
Step 4
Step 3
Step 1
Step 2
Step 5
Step 1:
Choose the system event type, and then select the standard percentage to search system log.
Step 2:
Select the Date/Time duration to search system log.
Step 3
: Click Search to start searching, the system logs will be listed below.
Step 4: Click Export to to save the system log in (*.xls) or (*.txt) format.
Step 5:
Click OK to close the report window.
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1.3.2 Display
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 1:
Choose the system event type.
Step 2
: Select the Date/Time to draft history diagram.
Step 3
: Setup the start time and duration for charting. User can choose “One Day”, “One Hour” or “One
Minute” as the duration.
Step 4:
Click “
” to start charting, the diagram will be displayed at below column.
Step 5:
Click “
” to save the diagram in (*.bmp) format.
Step 6:
Click “OK” to close the report window.
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D. DB Tool
The DB Tool repairs database files and Export configurations.
: improper use of this DB Tool may cause loss of recorded video.
Step 1:
Execute DB Tool from program files.
Step 1
Step 2:
Enter the password of administrator to log in.
Step 2
1.1 Repair Database
This page has three repair method, Modify Location, Verify Only, and Repair.
For modify locatione:
LEVELONE Playback system can recognize all recording video in the folders listed on MainConsole -
Config - Setting - General page. For some reason, user needs to use Playback system to open recording video beyond storage location setting. For this propose, user could follow below steps to modify location by DB tool.
The default storage location is in the installation directory, (ex: C:\Program Files\LEVELONE\IP
Step 1:
Select Repair database
Step 2
: Select the repair Method as Modify Location.
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Step 3
: For add database location, please click on button and use URL to choose location.
For remove database location, please choose location form list and click on button to remove location.
Step 4
Click on Modify button to modify location. After modification, the Modify Result will show on the panel.
Example of modify database:
In certain cases where video data needs to be transferred from one PC to another PC, user will need to perform the following:
Manually copy all recorded video data from the default installation path or other user-defined storage path of the old PC.
Recorded video data
Manually paste all recorded video data to the default installation path or other user-defined storage path of the new PC
Follow previous page to add new location on new PC.
Old recorded video data can be viewed by LEVELONE playback system on the new PC.
For verify and repair proposes:
This tool is used to check and repair your database and recorded video with problems:
(1) If there are records in database, but no video file, use this DB Tools to delete records.
(2) If there are video files but no record in database, use this DB Tools to rearrange the database and find these records.
Step 1:
Switch to Repair database windows.
Step 2
: Select the repair Method as Modify Location.
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Step 3
Check the video location windows.
The system will list all video locations in table, but if there are any omit, please use
Note: After inserting location, the system will show files count below table.
to insert.
Step 4
: Choose the method of “Verify Only”, and click “verify”. This method will only check the files without modify. Verify result will show how many files broken or missing.
Step 5:
Choose the method of “Repair (Complete)”, and click “Repair”. The Repair Result will show how many files are fixed and inserted.
Step 6:
The repaired new database will replace the old one and the original database will change file names with extended repair date and time as below.
Open Log is a tool to record the repaired database. It will record repair method, file operation, start time and end time.
1.2 Export Configurations
This tool is used when user wants to export all system configurations to backup, take to another PC for
LEVELONE technical trouble shooting.
Step 1:
Press “Export”.
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Step 2
: Select the location you want to Export and type the name of the configurations.
Step 3
: Press “Save” to start to import database
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Appendix A - 3GPP Service
How to setup 3GPP streaming connection (using BenQ-Siemens mobile phones)
System Configuration
LEVELONE IP CamSecure server v1.xx
Intel core2 Duo 1.86 GHz
Hard Disk:
Graphic card:
Realtek RTL8168/8111 PCI-E
ASUS Extreme AX550
Operating System:
Windows XP Professional SP2
Mobile Phone:
BenQ-Siemens E81
1.1 Configuration from LEVELONE server
Step 1
: Go to Config and select Network Service
Step 2:
Select 3GPP Service, and then click Start
In the Option item, the “port
selected here is the same port from mobile handset
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1.2 Configuration from 3G Mobile Phone
1.2.1 BenQ-Siemens E81
Step 1:
Go to Menu, then Internet
Step 2
: Select Bookmarks
Step 3:
Add New Bookmark
Step 4:
Configure the Adress setting as the following example.
Ex: rtsp://
.3gp is the IP address of LEVELONE IP CamSecure system
Port :
port specified in
3GPP Service
from LEVELONE IP CamSecure system
Step 5:
Save the settings and start playing
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1.2.2 BenQ P50
Step 1: Connect GPRS
Step 2:
Download and install the [PLATFORM4] software.
Step 3:
Execute the Main Console.
Step 4:
Press the [Config] [Network Service] [Start]
Step 5:
Open [PLATFORM4], press the button framed by red into Option
Step 6:
[Open URL] enter the RTSP address of the camera
EX: rtsp://
channel 1
EX: rtsp://
channel 2
EX: rtsp://
channel 3
Step 7:
[Setting I]change the setting and press “OK”
[Protocol] TCP
[Buffer Size] 60
[Connection TimeOut] 103
[Data Recept. TimeOut] 100
[Deblocking Filter] check
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8:
Go back to PLATFORM4, searching and get the video.
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Appendix B – PDA / Smart Phone Client
PDA / SP (Smart Phone) Client are only applied for devices with Windows Mobile 5.0 platform or above. See the sections below to find how to install and execute PDA / SP Client.
The different between Smart Phone and PDA Client is navigation of operation, user can only control client with phone buttons.
The resolution of PDA / SP Client is limited in
1.1 Install PDA / Smart Phone Client
Step 1:
Connect mobile device to the PC.
Step 2:
Insert the installation CD and click on PDA Client Installation / Smart Phone Client Installation to install application in device.
If you do not have Microsoft® ActiveSync installed, a message will appear “Cannot find
ActiveSync. Please reinstall ActiveSync and then run this installation again.”
Step 3:
Check the client application is installed completely in the mobile device.
1.2 Execute PDA / Smart Phone Client
1.2.1 Main Console setting
Step 1:
Go to Config and select Network Service
Network Service
Step 2
: Select “Live Streaming”, and then click “Start”.
The “
selected here will be the same with the one in PDA/Smart Phone.
Live Streaming
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1.2.2 Execute and Login
Step 1
: Make sure your PDA/Smart Phone device is connected to network, and then go to Start - Programs -
LEVELONE PDA/Smart Phone Client to execute application.
Step 2
: Insert Address, Port, Name and Password of the server and click on to login.
1.3 PDA/Smart Phone Client Overview
There are 3 main pages of Client application:
Monitor Preview
I/O Control
System Info
. Switch between these buttons to adjust overall configuration.
1.3.1 Live View
Camera List
Live View
I/O control
Live Video Display
System Info
Log out
Camera List: Display Live Video
Back to Camera List
Displays all “snapshots” of channels connected to server as camera list. Click on indicated snapshot to get
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LevelOne the channel information, and then click on to display live video.
The Screen Division and Refresh option could help to quick find the channel.
Screen Divisions
Live Video Display:
Live View panel could display “live video”, control PTZ, and snapshot. Click to go back camera list.
PTZ Control:
Click on PT Control Panel and Zoom Out/In to control physical PTZ camera or adjust digital
PTZ under digital PTZ mode.
To switch between “Digital PTZ” and “Physical PTZ”, simply click on button.
Zoom Out/In
PT Control
Preset Go
: Click to select indicated preset point.
: Click to take the snapshot and save it to default folder.
Full Screen:
Click to toggle to the “Full Screen Mode”, right click on screen to obtain the PT control panel and disable full screen display.
Disable Full Screen
Enable Audio
: Click
1.3.2 I/O Control
to enable the audio of current channel.
Select “I/O Control” button to monitor status of DI/DO devices, and control DO devices.
I/O Device list
DI/DO Status
I/O Control
I/O Device list:
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Select and monitor the device connected with Server.
DI/DO status:
Monitor the DI/DO status synchronized with Server, and then click Output button to trigger the DO action
Gray icon indicates the normal status of DI/DO devices.
Red icon indicates the alarm status of DI/DO devices.
Green icon indicates the synchronization process.
1.3.3 System Info
Display the server and client information. Server information includes address, post, and version. Client information includes login user, count of camera and I/O device with access authority and version.
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Appendix C – I-Phone Browser
LEVELONE Live Streaming service could handle the request form I-Phone browser. Below section will guide hot to use this feature with I-Phone device.
1.1 Configuration from LEVELONE server
Step 1:
Go to “Config” and select “Network Service”
Network Service
Step 2:
Select “Live Streaming”, and then click “Start”.
The “Port
selected here will be the same as the web live view and web playback
Live Streaming
1.2 Connect to LEVELONE server
Step 1: Make sure the I-phone is connected to the internet. Open Safari browser and enter the IP address or
DDNS “name” of the server followed by the connecting port.
: is the IP address of the server.
8080 is the port specified in “Use Default Web Server” in
Network Service.
Step 2:
Enter user name and password to login LEVELONE
MainConsole Server, select camera to view live video.
1.3 Live Display
To view live video, select camera from list, use touch panel to zoom in the video.
To switch video, please click camera to view the video .
to back to list and select another
1.4 PTZ Control
With cameras that support PTZ function, the PTZ panel will show as picture. User can control camera to pan, tile and zoom in/zoom out manually, or move to pre-set location by select PTZ preset point from drop down list.
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Appendix D – iPhone App
LevelOne “iCamSecure” is a totally free app for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch that enables you to monitor remotely live video camera through LevelOne IP CamSecure Surveillance
Lite/Pro Mega Systems. Easily view multiple cameras via 3G or Wi-Fi. Snapshots, touch screen
P/T/Z control and I/O device management are also supported.
Main Features:
1. 6 channels live view display at QCIF resolution
2. Single channel live view display at CIF resolution
3. Snapshots
4. Touch Screen P/T/Z Control
5. Supports Preset Point
6. Supports Digital Input/Output
Supported Systems:
Compatible with LevelOne IP CamSecure Lite/Pro Mega (4/8/16/25/36/64-CH) surveillance management systems.
Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
iCamSecure is available exclusively from Apple's App Store and is a free download.
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Appendix E – Device Pack
Device Pack is released to support new cameras. Always get the latest version of Device Pack to ensure your
IP CamSecure system support current implementing cameras.
You can find the Device Pack version oh the red area:
1.) the Device Pack only available on IP CamSecure Lite/Pro 1.26.x and later version
2.) Must install IP CamSecure software before install device pack
3.) if you wants to upgrade the Device Pack version, it needs to remove first, then install it.
Device Pack is available from LevelOne's Web site
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Appendix F - Remote Desktop Tool
How to install LEVELONE Remote Desktop Tool
Step 1:
Insert the Installation CD.
Step 2:
Go to Remote Desktop Viewer directly and Run Setup.exe file.
How to Start LEVELONE Remote Desktop Tool
Step 1
: Start - All Programs - LEVELONE Remote Desktop Viewer - Remote Desktop Viewer.
Step 2
: Enter address, Port, Password of server. Enable the option to use 8 bits color level to show steadier screen.
Step 3
: Click OK to Start Remote Desktop.
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