Hewlett Packard 59501A D/A Power Supply Programmer Operating and Service Manual
Below you will find brief information for D/A Power Supply Programmer 59501A. The HP-IB Isolated D/A Power Supply Programmer Model 59501A allows HP power supplies to be digitally controlled via the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) from a calculator, computer, or other controller. The digital format is bit parallel, byte serial, ASCII coded format. The 59501A can also be used on the HP-IB as a digitally programmable low level DC signal source.
ee HP-IB ISOLATED D/A POWER SUPPLY PROGRAMMER MODEL 59501A HEWLETT hp PACKARD Fish fans MANUAL CHANGES Model 59501 A HP-iB Isolated D/A Power Supply Programmer Manual HP Part No. 59501-90001 Make all corrections in the manual according to errata below, then check the following table for your instrument's serial number and enter any listed change{s) in the manual. SERIAL a. MAKE Prefix Number CHANGES Al u Errata 1702A 00150-00244 1 1717A 00245-00798 1,2 18154 00800-up 1,2, 3 ERRATA: On schematic, Figure 7-3 (Sheet 2}, in output amplifier circuit, connect one end of C22 to W instead of 777. On Main Board Assy. AT component location diagram, in +5 regulated supply circuit, add reference designation U32 to pads to the right of C27. in Table 5-1, page 5-1, change logic probe impedance 10 25k2. CHANGE 1: This change incorporates vertically mounted variable resistors to make calibration easier and to avoid wiper jump. On page 6-6, make the following changes to the Replaceable Parts Table. | R26 change to 25k HP Part No. 2100-3282. R49 change HP Part No. to 2100-3089. R61 change to 25k HP Part No, 2100-3282. On schematic, Figure 7-3 {Sheet 2), change values of R206 and R61 to 25k. | ERRATA: On page 6-9, change the HP Part No. of the line cord used in | the U. S., Canada, Japan, ltaly, and Spain to 8120-1348. CHANGE 2: On page 6-8, change the HP Part No. of the A1U32 heatsink to 59501-00007. № CHANGE 3: Change power transformer (T1 Chassis Electrical} HP Part No. 59501-80090 to HP Part No. 59501-80091. 4-25-78 SECTION | GENERAL INFORMATION 1-1 INTRODUCTION 1-2 This instruction manual! contains operating and service instructions for the HP-IB isolated D/A Power Supply Programmer Mode! 59501 À. Installation instructions and sample programs are also provided, The 59501A allows HP power supplies to be digitally controlled via the Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus {HP-1B} from a calculator, computer, or other controller, The digital format is bit paratiel, byte serial, ASCH coded format. The 59501A can also be used on the HP-1B as a digitally. programmable low leve! de signal source. Since the 59501 À can be controlled {programmed} by various control devices such as HP 9800 series calculators or the HP-2100 series computers, hereafter in this manual, the controlling device will be referred to as the “"controlier”, except when specific programming examples are provided. 1-3 DESCRIPTION 1-4 The 59501 A is basically a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter that provides an output voltage in response to digital data received on the HP-1B. Two programmable output ranges {1V and 10V} are available. In addition, a switch on the rear panel allows selecting either a unipolar or bipolar output mode. The unipolar mode provides a 0 to ‚999V or a 0 to 9.99V output range and the bipolar mode provides a —1V to +0.898V or a —10V to +8.98V output range. The 59501A's output can be used as a programming voltage for controlling a wide range of dc voltages and currents from HP power supplies or as a source voltage for testing electronic components such as integrated circuit packages (105), 1-5 Isolators within the 59501 À protect other instru- mentation on the HP-1B from damage that could be caused by power supply outputs, Also, an internal circuit ensures that the output is held near zero until programmed data is received. Power supply programming is accomplished through use of the 59501 A's programmable output voltage and its front panel adjustments. By making the appropriate connections between the 58501 A’s rear terminals and the programming terminals on the supply, the output voltage {or current, if available) of the power supply can be programmed from zero to its full rated output. The 59501 A’s front panel adjustments provide fast and easy cali- bration of power supply outputs. The ZERO ADJUST 1-1 enables the user to correct for small offsets in power supply response to programmed inputs. The POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUSTMENT (COARSE and FINE) allows the user to set the maximum output desired from the power supply when the 59501 À is programmed to its maximum output. This method of programming is called voltage programming with gain. Power supply program- ming is described in greater detail in Section HH, 1-6 Programming the 59501 À is accomplished through the transmission of four consecutive digits {four ASCH characters}. The first digit specifies output range and the next three digits specify the magnitude within the selected range. The high/low range capability provides a ten to one improvement in resolution. internal conversion circuitry enables the 59501 À to produce its maximum output voltage in approximately 250usec from the time the digital data is received. Output current up to 10 milfiamps is avaltabie and is automatically limited to protect the 58501 À and the user equipment. 1-7 HP-IB CAPABILITIES 1-8 The 59501A has "listener” and "acceptor hand- shake” HP-1B functional capabilities. The LISTENING indicator on the front panel provides a convenient means of monitoring the 59501A's operating status, The S9501A does not have: controller, talker, source handshake, service request, device trigger, extended listener, extended talker, varaliel poll, and remote/locai HP-IB functional capabilities. AN HP-18 functional capabilities are described in ¡EFE Standard 488-1975. 1-9 SPECIFICATIONS 1-10 Detailed specifications for the 59501 A are given in Table 1-1. 1-11 ACCESSORIES 1-12 The System-!11 cabinet accessories listed beiow may be ordered with the 59501 À unit or separately from your locai Hewlett-Packard field sales office (refer to list at rear of manual for addresses). All accessories applicable to System-H modular cabinets are fully described and illustrated in the Hewlett-Packard Electronic Instruments and Systems catalog. HP Part No. 5061-0088 5061-0094 1460-1345 5061-0054 5061-0076 5061-0055 5061-0096 Two front handles that attach to each side of 3 1/2" high cabinets. Kit of lock link hardware for joining together cabinets of equal depth. Units can be joined side-by-side or vertically. This kit is required whenever two {or more} sub-module units are to be rack mounted side-by-side. Tilt stand snaps into standard foot supplied with instrument — must be used in pairs, Rack mounting kit for one half module width unit, 3 1/2-inches high. includes one rack ftange (ear) and one half module width extention panel {adapter}. Rack mounting kit for two half module units, 3 1/2" high. Kit includes two rack flanges {ears}. Also, lock-together kit (5061-0094) is required for joining the two units together, The cabinets must also be of equal depth. Rack mounting kit for two units {one half module width and one quarter module width). Kit inctudes one rack flange and one quarter width extension adapter. Lock-together kit 15061-0094) is required for joining the two LIFES, Support shelf for mounting one or more 3 1/2" high units which are half module or quarter module width. Cabinet depths need not be equal, 1-2 5061-2021 Front filler panel {one quarter module width} for 3 1/2" high support shelf. 5061-2027 Front filler panel {one half module width) for 3 1/2” high support shelf. 1494-0015 Siide kit for support shelves mounted in HP rack enclosures. 1-13 INSTRUMENT AND MANUAL IDENTIFICATION 1-14 Hewlett-Packard instruments are identified by a two part serial number. The first part is the serial number prefix, a number-lerter combination that denotes the date of a significant design change and the country of manufac- ture. The first two digits indicate the year {10 = 1970, 11 = 1971, etc.), the second two digits indicate the week, and the fetter "A" designates the U. S. A. as the country of manufacture. The second part is the instrument serial number; a different sequential number is assigned to each instrument, starting with 00101, 1-15 If the serial number on your instrument does not agree with those on the title page of the manual, Change Sheets supplied with the manual of Manual Backdating Changes define the difference between your instrument and the instrument described by this manual. 1-16 ORDERING ADDITIONAL MANUALS 1-17 One manual is shipped with each instrument, Additional! manuals may be purchased from your Local Hewiett-Packard fieid office (see the list at the rear of this manual for addresses). Specify the model number, serial number prefix, and the HP Part Number provided on the title page. Table 1-1. Specifications, Model 59501 A D/A CONVERTER DC Output Voitage: Programmable in high or low ranges within the voltage limits shown below. Output mode is unipolar or bipolar and is selectable via rear panel switch. High Low Unipolar Oto 9.99 Volts G to +.999 Voits Bipolar — 10 to +9.98 Volts —1 to +.998 Volts DC Output Current: 10mA Resofution: High Low Unipolar 10mV mV Bipolar 20mV 2raV Accuracy: Specified at 23° C+ 5°C High Low Unipolar 1% + bmV 1% + 1mY Bipolar ‚1% + 10mV ‚1% + 2mV * Stability: Change in output over 8 hour interval under constant line, load, and ambient following a 30 minute warm-up, High Low Unipolar .04% + bmV 04% +, imV Bipolar .04% + imV 04% + 2mV Temperature Coefficient: High Low Unipolar .01%” C+.51V/C .01%/ C+ .1mV/°C Bipolar — .01%/C+.51V/C .01%/ C+.1mV/C Zero Adjust: Plus or minus 250 millivolts. D/A Full Scale Adjust: Plus or minus 5%. Programming Speed: The time required for output to go from zero to 99% of programmed output change Is 250 sec {measured with resistive load connected to output terminals). * Stability is included in accuracy specification measure- ments over the temperature range indicated. POWER SUPPLY PROGRAMMING Programming Network Specifications: In the following spec- thications, M represents the calibrated full scale value of the supply being programmed and P represents the actual pro- grammed output. Note that the full scale value (M) can be any value within the supply’s output range and is calibrated with the 58501 A programmed to its maximum high range output, Accuracy {Does not include power supply errors): Specified at 23°C + 5°C, High Low Unipolar .0B%M + .25%P .01%M + .25%P Bipolar О.1%М + ‚25%Р .02%M + ,25%P Isolation: 600Vdc between HP-1B data lines and output terminals. Temperature Coefficient: High 005%M/ C + .015%P” C Low 01%M/ C + .015%P” C Programming Resolution: High Low Unipolar 0.1%M 0.01%M Bipolar 0.2%M 0.02%M Programming Speed: D/A Conversion Time plus the programming speed of the power supply. GENERAL Input Power: Unit has ac power module which is settable to: 100/120/220/240Vac (—13%, +6%), 48-63Hz, 10VA. A 3-wire detachable fine cord is supplied. Temperature Range: Operating: 0 to 55°C Storage: —40 to 75°C Dimensions: {See Figure 2-1} Weight: Net: 1.36kg. (3 tb.) Shipping: 1.81kg. (4 Ib.) 1-3 SECTION fi INSTALLATION 2-1 INITIAL INSPECTION 2-11 Outline Drawing 2-2 Before shipment, this instrument was inspected 2-12 Figure 2-1 illustrates the outline shape and and found to be free of mechanical and electrical defects. As soon as the instrument is received, proceed as instructed in the following paragraphs. 2-3 Mechanical Check 2-4 If externa! damage to the shipping carton is evident, ask the carrier's agent to be present when the instrument is unpacked. Check the instrument for external damage such as broken switches or connectors, and dents or scratches on the panel surfaces. If the instrument is damaged, file a claim with the carrier's agent and notify your local Hewlett- Packard Sales and Service Office as soon as possible (see list at rear of this manual for addresses). 2-5 Electrical Check 2-6 Check the electrical performance of the instrument as soon as possible after receipt. Section V of this manual contains procedures which will verify instrument operation on the HP-1B. These procedures are also suitable for incom- Ing quality control inspection. Refer to the inside front cover of the manual for the Certification and Warranty statements. 2-7 REPACKAGING FOR SHIPMENT 2-8 To insure safe shipment of the instrument, it is recommended that the package designed for the instrument be used. The original packaging material is reusable. [fit is not available, contact your local Hewlett-Packard field office to obtain the materials. This office will also furnish the address of the nearest service office to which the instru- ment can be shipped. Be sure to attach a tag to the instru- ment specifying the owner, mode! number, fuil serial number, and service required, or a brief description of the trouble. 2-3 INSTALLATION DATA 2-10 The 595OT À is shipped ready for operation on the HP-IB. Before connecting if to a controller and applying power, read paragraph 2-26. 2-1 dimensions of Mode! 59501 À. 2-13 Rack Mounting 2-14 The 59501 A can be rack mounted in a standard 19-inch rack panel either by itself or alongside another half (or quarter) System-li module of equal height and depth. All rack mounting accessories for this unit are listed in paragraph 1-11. Also, complete installation instructions are included with each rack mounting kit. 2-15 Equipment Required 2-16 Ifan HP calculator is used to program the 59501 À, the following equipment is required: HP #4 # Calculator 1/0 Card Package ROM 9820A 59405A Option 020” Math HP-18 1/0 9821A 59405A Option 021” Math НРАВ О 9825A 98034 A HP-18 1/0 General 1/0 - Extended 1/0 983CA 59405A Option 030* * HP-1B 1/0 * Includes Peripheral Control 11 ROM ** Includes Extended 1/0 ROM *** fan HP-2100 series computer is used as the controller, the 593108 HP-{B Computer interface card is required. 2-17 HP-1B Connector 2-19 The HP-IB connector on the rear of the 59501 À interfaces directly to the HP-1B, Figure 2-2 illustrates the pin configuration of the HP-1B connector which is a 24-pin, TERMINAL STRIP DETAIL АЕ АЗ AS AX AR AE aie er Taie AE gu: JUDO er „5-32 SCHEW 0.44 CTR 70 <TR WEL 094 123,9 т? 19.65 EM Smet Menem Y REAR SIDE Figure 2-1, 59501 A Outiine Drawing type 57 micro-ribbon connector. One HP-18 cable is supplied with each HP computer and calculator 1/0 card package. Extra cables may be ordered separately. HP-1B Cable Mode! No. Cable Length 10631A 1m (3.3 ft.) 106318 2m (6.6 ft.) 10631C Am (13.2 ft.) NOTE The HP-1B connector supplied with this unit contains metric fasteners (colored black). 1f your HP-1B cable connector contains standard mating screws {silver}, make a conversion using the hardware and instructions included in Metric Conversion Kit (5060-0138). 2-19 The HP-1B cables use the same piggyback con- nector on both ends. Up to three connectors may be stacked one upon another. As many as 1b instruments {including the controller) may be connected to the same HP-1B, 2-20 System Connections 2-21 Figure 2-3 illustrates a controller (e. q., a 9825A calculator) anda 59501A unit connected to the HP-iB. In this case, the 98034 A interface card provides HP-1B capa- bility for the 9825A calculator and is installed in any one of the three slots in the rear of the calculator. The 98034A card is equipped with the proper cable and connector to mate with the HP-iB connector on the rear of the 59501A, Note that specific connections between the 5950TA's output ter- minals and the user's device (e.g. programmable power supply) 2-2 SIGNAL GROUND 24 12111 SHIELD e TWISTED PAIR WITH E 23 HH ATN P/OTWISTED PAIR WITH 10 [1 22 HO SRQ E F/O TWISTED PAIR WITH 9 {|| 2} a IFC P/O TWISTED PAIR WITH 8 20 NOAC РУО TWISTED PAIR WITH Y 19 7 NRFD PO TWISTED PAIR WiTH 6 НВ 6 DAV REN 17 5 EDIT XX DIOS 1 4 MIOS DIO? |5 3 D103 DIGG Fa 2 DIO? TOS us DICH NOTE: TYPE 57 MICRO- RIBBON CONNECTOR (AMPHENOL OR CINCH} X SIGNAL GROUND XX NOT PROCESSED BY 595014 HP-I8 LOGIC LEVELS: GROUND TRUE, TTL COMPATIBLE. INPUT LEVELS (FROM HP-1B): t= TRUE = 0.8V B = FALSE = 2,GV QOUTPUT LEVELS (TO HP-TB}: 1 # TRUË + OVDC TO 0.4vD6 2 * FALSE 7 +2.5VDC TO +5VDC Figure 2-2. HP-iB Connector are not illustrated on Figure 2-3. These connections depend upon the particular power supply being programmed and the type of control! desired (output voltage or current). The connections required to program various MP power supplies are provided in Section li, paragraph 3-45 through 3-52. 2-22 Setting Addresses 2-23 The listen address for the 59501 À is selected by address switches on the rear of the unit. The switches are factory set to the suggested listen address of & when the ‘unit is shipped from the factory. As shown in Figure 2-4, there are seven address switches. The last two switches, 6 and 7 (XX), are ignored {have no affect}. Switches 1, 4, and 5 are set to "O” and switches 2 and 3 are set to "17 to select a listen address of “E, Note that 81” is the suggested sten address and is one of 31 listen address possibilities, The address switeh settings for each of the 31 listen address possibilities are listen in Table 2-1. CONTROLLER EG 9875A CALCULATOR) | Г REAR | | VIEW | a) I80344 HP-IB = 1/0 CARD HP-18 — CABLE (P/Q 98034A] gem HR-IB ADDRESS HEN SWITCHES HP-18 CABLE и“ OUTPUT FIO631A, BOR CY X N , A TERMINALS = af par | kt lo RL REAR то 7 A VIEW OTHER 59501A BUS DEVICES UNIPOLAR/ BIPOLAR * SWITCH AC POWER nam MODULE Se ab TE REAR VIEW Tl "af Na bre! USER'S DEVICE LEG. HP PRO GRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY) PROGRAMMING TERMINALS X CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE 5950IA'S QUTPUT TERMINALS AND THE PROGRAMMING TERMINALS OF APPLICABLE HP PROGRAM- MABLE POWER SUPPLIES ARE DESCRIBED IN SECTION 40. Figure 2-3. System Connections 2-24 The HP-18 bus interface cards for the HP calcula- tors are shipped from the factory with a preset talk address of "LW" and a preset listen address of "5. Before program- ming, write down the listen and/or talk address of all instruments connected to the HP-IB. 2-25 Unipolar/Bipolar Mode Switch 2-26 The UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR mode switch is à push-in, push-out type switch located on the rear of the unit beneath the output terminal strip. In the UNIPOLAR mode {switch is in), the 59501 À provides an output range of O to 0.999V or D to 9.89V. In the BIPOLAR mode {switch is out), the 59501 À provides an output range of —1V to +0.998V or —10V to +9.998V. The switch 15 set to UNIPOLAR when the unit is shipped from the factory. 2-27 Input Power Requirements And Line Voltage Conversion 2-28 The 59500A may be operated continuousiy from a nominai 100V, 120V, 220V, or 240Y (483-63Hz) power 2-3 ! ADDRESS SWITCH SE 6 x X " Ch Mrremrameraurmger ar massssmmmmmnt IGNORED Figure 2-4. Listen Address Switches on Rear of 59501 À fable 2-1. Listen Addresses and Switch Settings Address Switches Listen Address 5 4 3 2 1 Character 0 0 0 0 0 SP 0 О 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 1 0 e 0 O 0 i 1 # 0 0 1 0 0 $ 0 0 1 0 1 % 0 0 1 1 0 & G 0 1 1 1 ' 0 1 о 0 0 ( 0 1 0 0 1 ) 0 1 0 1 0 * 0 1 0 1 1 + 0 1 1 0 0 , 0 1 1 0 1 oe 0 1 1 1 0 . О 1 1 1 1 / 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 i 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 O 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 0 1 5 1 0 1 1 0 6 1 0 1 1 1 7 1 1 0 0 0 8 1 1 O 0 1 9 1 1 O 1 О : 1 1 0 1 1 ; 1 1 1 0 0 < 1 1 1 0 1 = 1 1 1 i 0 > source. A printed circuit board located within the ac power module on the rear panel selects the power source. Voltage choices are available on both sides of the PC board. Before connecting the instrument ta the power source, check that the PC board selection matches the nominal line voltage of the source. The operating voltage that is selected is the one printed on the lower-left side of the PC board {see Figure 2-5}. As shipped from the factory, the PC board in this Unit is positioned for 120Vac operation. To select another input voltage proceed as follows: a. Remove power cable from instrument, b. Move plastic door on power module aside. c. Rotate FUSE PULL to the ieft and remove line fuse F1. d. Remove PC board from slot. Select operating voltage by orienting PC board to position the desired voltage on topleft side of PC board. Push board firmiy into siot. e. Rotate FUSE PULL back into normal position and re-insert fuse Fl in holder using caution to select the correct value for F1 {125mA for 100V or 120V and 62.5mA sio-blo for 220V or 240V}. f. Close plastic door and connect power cable. 2-29 When the instrument leaves the factory, a 125mAÀ fuse is installed for 120V operation. An envelone contain- ing a 62.5mA fuse for 220V/240V operation is attached to the instrument. Make sure that the correct fuse value for F1 is installed if the position of the PC board is changed. 2-30 Power Cable - 2-31 This unit is factory equipped with a power cord plug that is the most appropriate for the user's location. The replaceable parts section of this manual lists all of the power cords associated with this unit. If a different power cord is desired, contact your nearest HP Sales Office. 2-32 To protect operating personnel, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) recommends that the instrument pane! and cabinet be grounded. This instrument is equipped with a three conductor power cabie. The third conductor is the ground conductor and when the cable is plugged into an appropriate receptacle, the instru- ment is grounded. The offset pin on the power cable three- prong connector is the ground connection. In no event shall this instrument be operated without an adequate cabinet ground connection. 2-33 To preserve the protection feature when operating the instrument from a two-contact outlet, use a three-prong to two-prong adapter {if permitted by Focal regulations) and connect the green lead on the adapter to ground. VOLTAGE SELECT P.C. BOARD Figure 2-5, Line Voltage Conversion SECTION HI OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 3-1 INTRODUCTION 3-2 This section contains operating instructions and programming information for the 59501A Isolated D/A, Power Supply programmer. Since the 58501 A can be used as a power supply programmer or as D/A converter {low level de signal source), operating instructions and program- ming examples are provided to cover both applications. Additional information regarding use of the 59501A 1s provided in HP-1B/Power Suppiy Application Guide, HP Part No, 5952-3990, 3-3 PRE-OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 3-4 Before connecting the 59501 À to an ac power source, ensure that the proper operating voltage (100, 120, 220, or 240Vac} has been selected and the proper fuse is installed {see paragraph 2-27). Also, check that the address switches are set correctly, the UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR mode switch is set to the desired position, and all HP-1B system cabling is installed (see paragraphs 2-20 through 2-26). Connections between the 59501A and the user's device te. q. HP Power Supply) are described in subsequent para- graphs. | 3-5 CONTROLS AND INDICATORS 3-6 Front Panel 3-7 The 59501 A front panel contains a power on indi- cator, a status indicator and four controls {screwdriver ad- iustments) as shown in Figure 3-1. 3-8 The power on (ON) indicator (1) (Figure 3-1) lights and the 59501 A'5 internal supply voltages (+15Y, +15Y, Уса! are present when the line cord is plugged-in. 3-9 The LISTENING indicator (2) lights when the 59501 À is addressed to “listen” and remains iighted until an “"unlisten” command or the interface clear signal is received from the controller. When lighted, it indicates that the 59501 A is enabled to process data words received on the HP-IB. When it is not lighted, it indicates that the 59501 À is inhibited from processing data words. 3-10 The front panel screwdriver adjustments aliow fast and easy calibration of D/A and power supply outputs. Each adjustment is described below. 3-1 3-11 The ZERO ADJUST (3) allows the 59501A out- put to be adjusted to OV + 250 millivo!ts when :t is program- med to zero output, lt can also be used to correct Tor small offsets in power supply response to programmed inputs when the 59501 A is used as a power supply programmer, 3-12 The D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST (4) allows the 59501 А output to be adjusted to maximum (15%) when it is programmed to maximum. For example, if the 59501A is programmed to its maximum unipolar output in the high range, the D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST is normally used to set the output to 9.99V. However, it can also be used to set the output between 9.49V and 10.49V (i. e. 9.99V +5%). The D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST is used when the 59561 À is employed as a D/A (see paragraphs 3-75 through 3-82). When the 59501 À is used as a power supply programmer, the POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST controls are utilized to set the power supply 's output. 3-13 The POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST controls {COARSE and FINE) enable the user to set the maximum output desired from the power suppiy when the 59501 À is programmed to its maximum value. These adiustments can be used to calibrate the output of a power supply to its maximum rated output or to any lower value. For example, a 40Vdc power supply 's cutput could be set to 20V when the 59501 A is programmed to ifs maxi- mum value. In this case, ali 999 programming steps are utilized in programming the supply from 0 to 20V with a resolution of 20mV (approx.). Calibration of power supply outputs is described in paragraph 3-53 through 3-59. Figure 3-1. 59501A Front Panel 3-14 Rear Panel 3-15 The 58501 A rear panel contains the HP-IB connec- tor, the ADDRESS switches, the UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR mode switch, the ac power module, and the output term- inal strip as shown in Figure 3-2. a. HP-IB connector — Interfaces directly to HP-IB {paragraph 2-17}. ADDRESS switches — Select 'Tisten” address of 59501 À (paragraph 2-22). c. UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR switch — Selects either the unipolar of bipolar output mode {para- graph 2-25). . Ac Power Module — Contains fuse and ac input voltage select PC hoard {paragraph 2-27). b. 3-16 The 59501 À is interfaced with the user's device via the output terminal strip. Output terminals AT and A2 allow access to the 59501 A's D/A output while terminals A3 through A5 allow access to the power supply program- ming network, Figure 3-3 illustrates the connections re- quired to program the output voltage of a typical HP power supply. In this case, a Jumper is connected between termin- als A2 and A3, and terminals Al, Ad, and Ab are connected to the voltage programming terminals of the power supply. The method of programming and the connections required to program the output voltage or current of various HP supplies are described in paragraphs 3-37 through 3-74. When the 59501 A is used as a low level dc signal source, oniy terminals At and A2 are connected to the user's device. Programming instructions for this application are given in paragraphs 3-75 through 3-82. 3-17 PROGRAMMING FUNDAMENTALS 3-18 The unipolar or bipolar output of the 58501 A is programmed by a data word comprised of four ASCH characters (digits) received in the order shown below. The first digit specifies range and the next three digits specify the desired output within the selected range. The range digit must be the number 1 to specify low range or the number 2 to specify high range. The magnitude digits can be an number from 000 to 999. | | D1 D2 D3 D4 Range Magnitude Tor? 000-999 3-19 The 59501 A automatically provides an output voltage as soon as the four digits are received. This output is retained until the next four digits are received. The 58501 A is programmed by the magnitude digits in BCD to produce the desired output voltage. In the unipolar mode, 000 equals 00.0% of full range, 500 equals 50.0% of ful! 3-2 ADDRESS \ SWITCH OUTPUT TERMINALS TE romanes paa a eee i rT ee rn rT Fate AT mr Pati, oir) ата Ч arr A LE TL rr err bE Tu Tu bal Cr Pb a ia EI SO EE Eee ae eee Ce + . MODULE Figure 3-2. 59501A Rear Panel D/A POWER SUPPLY OUT PUT PROGRAMMING NETWORK {+} | (+) | ° A: AZ A3 A4 Аб © e e © e | © | TO VOLTAGE PROGRAMMING TERMINALS ON TYPICAL HP POWER SUPPLY Figure 3-3. Rear Terminal Strip, Typical Connections range, and 998 equals 98.9% of full range. In the bipolar mode, 000 equals the maximum negative voltage output, 500 equals OV output, and 999 equals the maximum positive voltage output. 3-20 Calculating Data Word Values 3-21 The following paragraphs describe the data word value calculations required to program the output of the 53501 A. Similar calculations are required when program- ming power supply outputs using the 58501 A. The pro- grammabie output range depends, of course, upon the power supply model being programmed. The desired output range of the particular power supply must be calibrated for pro- gramming with the B8501A. Power supply calibration pro- cedures and sample programs are described in paragraphs 3-53 through 3-74. | 3-22 Data word value calculations for the high (10V) and iow {(1V} 59501 À output ranges are described below. Calculations are provided for both the unipolar and bipolar output modes. Each data word must be exactly four digits long {one digit for range and three digits for magnitude]. If more than four digits are sent to the 58501 A, the desired output voltage will not appear at the output. 3-23 Unipolar Mode 3-24 Low Range. The desired 589501 A output voltage values are from O to 0.999V programmabie in 999 steps. The resolution in this range is equal to .899V/999, or TmV per step. To calculate the correct data word value to pro- duce the desired output within this range, proceed as follows: 1. The resolution in the low range is ?mYV, Let D = .001 2. The range digit is 1 for the low range, so add 1 to the left of the 3 magnitude digits, Let BR = 1000 3. The magnitude portion {M} is calculated by dividing the desired output voltage (Y) by the least significant digit D. The magnitude portion must be rounded off to exactly 3 digits, M = ENT (V/D + 0.5} = 3 magnitude digits 4. Combine range and rounded off magnitude portion to obtain the correct data word value (NJ, N=R+M Example, desired voltage = 0.5123V D= 001 В = 1000 M= INT {0.5123/.001 + 0.5) M = INT (512.8) № = 1000 + 512 N = 1512 = data word value In this example, the desired output voltage is 0,5123 volts but the actual output is 0.512V because the resolution is imV (least significant digit equals .001): V=MxD \ = 512 x .001 \ = 0.512 3-25 High Range. The desired 59501A output voltage values are from 0 to 9.99V. The calculations are the same as for the low range, except resolution is TOmYV and the high range is used. For the high range, Let D = 01 and R = 2000 3-26 Bipolar Mode 3-27 Low Range. The desired 59501 À output voitage values are from —1V to +0.998V programmable in 999 steps. For a —1 V output, the magnitude digits are ODO and for a +0.998V output, the magnitude digits are 999. A OV output is obtained when the magnitude digits are 500. Resolution in this range is equal to 1.998/999, or 2mY. To calculate the correct data word value to produce the desired 3-3 positive or negative output voltage within this range, pro- ceed as follows: 1. The resolution in the —1V to 0.898V range is Эт У, Let D = .002 2. The range digit is 1 for the low range, so add 1 to the left of the three magnitude digits, Let R = 1000 3. The magnitude portion {M} is calculated by adding 1 to the desired negative or positive out- out voltage {V} and dividing this sum by the least significant digit D. The magnitude portion must be rounded off to exactly 3 digits. M=INT(V+1)/0-+065) 4. Combine range and rounded off magnitude pot- tion to obtain the correct data word value (N), N=R+M Example, desired voltage = —0.5123V D = .002 6 = 1000 = INT {—5,123 + 1)/.002 + 0.5) = [NT {+0.4877/.002 + 0.5} = INT (243.85 + 0.5) = INT (244.35) м = 1000 + 244 = 1244 in this example, the desired output voltage is —0.5123V but the actual output is —0.512V because the resolution ls 2mY (1.002): V=(MxD)—1 \ = (244 х .002) — \ = 0.488 — 1 Y = 0,512V 3-28 High Range. The desired output voltage values are from —10Y to +9.98V., Calculations are similar to those for the low range, except resolution is 20mV on the high range, and 10 must be added to desired positive or negative output voltage in order to calculate the correct magnitude digits. For this range, the equation for the magnitude portion {M} of the data word value is: M = INT {{V + 10}/D + 0.5} Example, desired voltage = —b,123V D=.02 R = 2000 = INF ((-5.123 + 10)/D + 0.5) M = INT {243.85 + 0.5) M = INT (244.35) = 244 N = 2000 + 244 = 2244 In this example, the desired output voltage is —5.123V but the actual output is —5.12V because the resolution is 20mV (.002): V= (Mx D) —10 V = (244 x .021 — 10 V = 4.88 — 10 V=—512V 3-29 Sending Data Words 3-30 Before a dats word 1s sent, a command must be issued establishing the controller as the “talker” and the 59501 A as the “listener”. The following examples assume that the controller (3830A or 9825A calculator) has been assigned Its standard talk and listen addresses of "U and “BY respectively, and the 59501 À has been assigned a listen aderess of e”, 3-31 Example 1 illustrates a command statement (9830A calculator) containing the proper talk and listen addresses, The statement includes the constant data word value 771250" which is sent to the 59501 À Example 1. Sending a Constant Data Value (9830A Command Statement) Magnitude Digits all 1 CMD "7U&'' , "1266" 59507 A Listen Address Calculator Talk Address Untisten Command Range Digit Data Word 3-32 Example ? iHustrates a command statement issued by a 8825A calculator. Note that in addition to the calcu- tator taille address “U” and the 59501 A listen address E”, the address code of the HP-1B Interface Card (98034A) must he included. It is assumed that the interface card has been assigned its standard select code of 77. The 9825A command statement also includes a constant data value of 1250 which is sent to the 59501 À. Example 2. Sending a Constant Data Value (9825A Command Statement) 59501 A Listen Address Calculator Talk Address Uniisten Command 98034 A Select Code 7 emd 7, TUK, 12567” Range Digit Magnitude Digits Data Word 3-33 Example 3 ¡llustrates a write statement (9825A calculator) which can also be used to address the 59501A to listen and send a constant data value. The 59501 À listen address of "87 corresponds to an address of “067 as defined in the 9825A General 1/0 ROM manual (09825-90024) Chapter 4. Note the format statement {line 0) used in Example 3. The ""¢’’ specifies a character field, while the "z'"is used to suppress carriage return/iine feed codes at the 3-4 end of the write statement. Suppression of the carriage return/line feed codes is essential when programming the 5S9I501A. [tf they are not suppressed, they will be processed as data characters by 59501 À resulting in an undesired output. Example 3. Sending a Constant Data Vaiue (9825A Write Statement) Suppresses CR/LF Codes O: fmti.c,z 1: wrt 706.1, 12504” 95034 À Sel — 5S9B01A Address Code 3-34 Command statements can only be used to send data constants. Qutput (9830A) or write (9825A) statements can variables. 3-35 Example À Hiustrates how an output statement (O830A! is used to send variable data to the 59501 À. This example includes a command statement {line 106) enabling the 9830A to talk and the 59501 À to listen. However, the variable data that will be sent to the 59501 A is included in the output statement (line 120). In line 128, 13 specifies the HP-18 interface. Variable N can be any number from 1009 to 1999 or from 2000 to 2999. If the variable were egual to 1250, Example 4 would program the same output as Example 1. Note that in Example 4, line 118 uses format specification F1005.0 and line 120 ends in a semi-colon, The F1805.0 format specification deletes leading spaces from the output data item and specifies a field width of four digits {space for + sign is suppressed} with no decimal places. The use of the semi-colon (line 120) suppresses the carriage return/ling feed codes at the end of the output statement. If the leading spaces are not deleted and the CR/LF codes are not suppressed, the 59501 À output will GO to an undesired value. Example 4. Sending a Variable Data (9830A Output Statement) 188 CMD 787 110 FORMAT F10095.0 128 OUTPUT {13,110IN; 3-36 Example 5 illustrates how a write statement 198725A) is used to send variable data to the 59501 А. If variable Nin line 1 were equal to 1250, this example would program the same output as the previous examples, Format specification 14.0 detetes leading spaces and the Z suppresses the CR/LF codes for the same reasons as described above. Example 5. Sending Variable Data (9825A Write Statement) G: ft 1, 14.9, 2 1: wrt 706.1, N 2.37 USING 59501A AS A POWER SUPPLY PROGRAMMER 3-38 Power supply programming is accomplished using the digitally controlled output voltage of the 595601A in conjunction with the ZERO ADJUST and POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST controls on the 59501 À front panel. By making the appropriate connections between the 59501 A's output terminals and the voltage programming terminals of a dc power supply, the output voltage {or cur- rent) of the power supply can be programmed from zero fo the full rated output. This method of programming is called voltage programming with gain. 3-39 Voltage Programming With Gain 3-40 HP programmable power supplies have certain features in common. These features include: an internal reference (either a fixed regulated voltage or a fixed regu- fated constant current source), voltage and current compara- tors with their input terminals, and front panel controls {voltage and current} with connections at the rear panel terminals. A power supply can be controlied by making the appropriate connections on the rear panel and applying an external voltage (or in some cases current). For example, by disconnecting the internal reference voltage from the input circuits of the constant voltage comparator and replacing it with an external voltage source, the output voltage of the power supply is programmed by the value of the external voltage source. 3-41 Figure 3-4 illustrates the method by which a power supply ’s constant voltage output can be programmed using an external voltage with a voltage gain dependent upon the ratio of Rp to Rp. Note that this method is no different from the circuit normally used for constant voltage control of the output except that an external reference (the pro- gramming voltage source) has been su bstituted for the internal reference. On most supplies, external terminals are available so that the connections shown in Figure 3-4 can be accomplished without any internal wiring changes. tn all HP remotely programmable power supplies, the summing point Sis made available, and the configuration of Figure 3-4 can always be accomplished using the external programming voltage source Ep and external precision wire- wound resistors Rp and Rp. (Re should not exceed 10k.) As indicated by the equation in Figure 3-4, Rp can be selected so that the resulting voltage gain is either less or greater than unity. It is possible to use the front panel contro! on the supply as the voltage gain control Rp. 3-5 E CHOOSE Fe > Ip NORMAL SERIES REGULATOR aX о X UNREG. TY ¿ > DC ov [Ss EQUT COMPARISON 1 AMPL. 7 Re N р > J 3 Ene KEDE out *KyEe = Ep Figure 3-4. Voltage Programming with Variable Voltage Gain 342 Constant Voltage. Figure 3-5 illustrates the con- nections required for the 59501 À to program the constant voltage (CV) output of a typical HP power supply. Note the similarities between Figures 3-4 and 3-5, The 59501A includes Rp (R76), Rp (COARSE and FINE POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST), and Ep (59501 À output between terminals AT and A2). The extra resistor (R77) between terminals AS and AG is used only when program: ming power supplies above 300 volts. 3-43 As shown in Figure 3-5, the supply ’s internal reference voltage (+V ee) and VOLTAGE control are disconnected (dotted fines) and are repiaced with the 59501 A‘s output voltage and POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST. Note that in the unipolar mode, 59501A output terminal AT is negative with respect to AZ. This nolarity must be complied with when making connections. supplies. 3-44 Constant Current. Figure 3-6 illustrates the connections required for the 59501 À to program the out- put current of a typical HP power supply. Programming constant current consists of replacing the internal reference with the output voltage from the 59501A and replacing the internal CURRENT control with the POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST controls on the 59501A. With these connections, the voltage developed across POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST (Rp) becomes the reference against which the voltage drop across the output current monitoring resistor (Ry) is compared. The relationship between Ep and the supply ’s output current depends upon the resistance ratio Rp/Rp and on the constant current pro- gramming coefficient {Kp} of the particular supply. The relationship between input voltage and output current is, lout = (Ерх Rp) {Kpx Rp) NOTE _ TYPICAL HP POWER SUPPLY 595014 TN uu NT One 59501A can only program a supply s CY or | | [ZERO ADJUSTÍ CC output. 1fitis desired to program both CV | and CC on the HP-IB, two 59507As are required + | | with their address switches set to different addresses. DI ii | 3-47 The leads (AWG No. 24, minimum) connecting the COMPARISON $ \ | 58501A to the power supply should be twisted to reduce AMPL, € noise pickup. The longer the connecting leads, the more noise | that can be introduced. Shielding will further improve noise VOLTAGE] > | rejection. After completing the connections, install the pro- -8 | tective covers over the terminal strips on the B9501A and NS on the supply. | | AB = | Ne R77 | o | re ee ee re mem mi ml D. Len mms Table 3-1. HP Power Supply/59501A Capability Guide Figure 3-5. Typical Connections for CV Programming 5950 1A Programming Capabilities —LIPICAL IE. POWER SUPPLY EN Power Supply Model {CV {Figure | CC | Figure | [ZERO ADJUST Var | © GO02A Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 compiison Lea | ha A 6101A, 02A Yes | 3-7 No —— AMPL DA MID. 6104A, O5A Yes | 3-7 | Yes | 3-13 CURRENT] * | & 6106A Yes | 37 | No | — < dl = 6111A-13A Yes | 3-7 No — à | FRE RT 6114A, 15A Yes | 3-7 | Yes | 3-13 | UT, | SOWER 6116A Yes | 3-7 No — d ARA SUPPLY La pt | FÜL 6177C, 81C, 86C No | — | Yes | 3-14 +8 ADJUST 6200B-038 Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 =. | вт 6204B-06B Yes | 3-7 | No | — | | 62078, 09B Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 TI E. 62208, 248, 268 Yes | 3-7 | Yes | 3-12 6227B, 288 Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 . 6253A, 55A Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 Figure 3-6. Typical COnnections for CC Programming 6256B-6274B Yes 3-7 Yes | 3-12 6281A, 84A, 89A, 94A, SSA Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 3-45 59501A/HP Power Supply Connections 6282A, BEA, 86A, SOA, ITA, I5A Yes 3-7 Yes 3-12 3-46 Table 3-1 lists the HP Power Supplies that can be 64278-64488 Yes 3-8 No —— programmed on the HP-IB using the 59501 À. The table 5453A, BEE, 59A Yes 3-9 Yes 3-15 specifies if a supply is capable of CV and/or CC programming 6464C Yes 3-10 Yes 3-15 with the 59501 Á and also lists the applicable 59501 A/power 6466C-6483C Yes 3-8 Yes 3-15 supply connection diagram. The accuracy of a power supply/ 16823A, 24A Yes 3-11 No on 59501 A combination is the sum of the 59501 A's accuracy 6825A-6827A Yes 3-11 Yes 3-16, plus the accuracy of the particular power supply. 58501A 3-17 power supply programming accuracy specifications are given in Section |, 3-6 3-48 CV Programming Connections. Figures 3-7 through 3-11 lilustrate the connections required to program the CV output of the applicable power supplies. The dotted line connections represent jumpers which must be removed. All other jumpers must be installed as Hiustrated. Note that only those power supply terminals pertinent to CV program- ming are shown, Complete terminal strip details are pro- vided in the appropriate power supply Operating and Service Manual. Most of the supplies are programmed using the connections illustrated in Figure 3-7. The specific connec- tions for each supply are tabulated on the diagram. 3-49 Special Protection Circuit. As indicated on Figure 3-7, some of the supplies contain a special protection circuit which must be considered when programming with the 59601 A. The supplies affected are models 62568 through 62748, 6282A, 6G285A, G286A, 6200A, 6291 A, and 6296A. Down programming the output voltage of these supplies may activate the special protection circuit. When this occurs, the power supply 's load cannot draw more than 10% (approx.) of rated output current until the protection circuit resets, IT it is desired to program the output voltage down to a lower value without the need to draw full output current, the reset time is not important. The reset time can take from 5OOmsec to 6 seconds depending upon the particular model, the load, and the starting and the ending voltage values. For example, the actual output voltage of a 6264B supply takes only 80msec for its output to go from 20 volts down to .1% (20 millivolts), but it will be about 800 milii- seconds before the circuit resets allowing the fuli output current to be supplied to the icad. Additional information concerning this protection circuit is provided in HP-1B/ Power Supply Guide, HP Part No, 5952-3990, 3-50 Special Option J30. An additional circuit, desig- nated special Option J30, is required when CV programming models 6427B through 64488 and 6466C through 64836, The Option J30 circuit is a voltage-to-current converter and is required because the 59501 A is essentially a constant voltage source. The above supplies utilize current sources in their programming networks. The programmable 6 — 10V output of the 59501 À is connected to the Option J30 input terminals (+ and —) on the rear of the supply as shown in Figure 3-8. One characteristic of the J30 converter is that if its input is open circuited, the cutput of the power supply will rise to about 25% of its rating. With the 59501 À con- nected, the open circuit condition is prevented because a protection circuit In the 59501 À presents a low impedance to the J30 input when ac power is removed from the 59501A (see paragraph 4-13). 3-51 H the Option 130 power suppiy's front panel VOLTAGE controls are left connected in the circuit, they must be set to maximum resistance {fully CW}. If they are rotated CCW, the output of the supply will be decreased 3-7 for all programming voltage received from the 59501 À. As indicated on Figure 3-8, the user may disable the front panel VOLTAGE controls and connect the 59501 AS POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST in their place. Refer to the applicable power supply’s Operating and Service Manual for additional connection information, NOTE: The dotted line connections represent jumpers which must be removed. All other jumpers must be installed, HE POWER SUPPLY (SEE TABLE) BSO e eco 3 | a E A +5 — +REF à) | В ev 3 COMPARISON | Sg, | RR SRT6 AMPLIFIER A boy POWER i SUPPLY © | FULL VOLTAGE SCALE -s | ADJUST — 7 R77 od | | a ue ae a ed rev — VOLTAGE MODEL NO. PROG. TEMS REMARKS ABC 60024 AS | A2 | At |IF THE 600A I$ EQUIPPED WITH OPTION 001, MODE SWITCH ON 60024 MUSY BE SET TO CC OR LOCAL. EA, OZA, DGA A4 AS EAS REMOVE JUMPER BETWEEN AB AND -5 {POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL 4H 18 NOT SHOWN ON THE CONNECTION DIAGRAM. PRECISION POWER SUPPLIES: ACCURACY 15 SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED WHEN PROGRAMMING WITH 595OLA. PRECISION POWER SUPPLIES: ACCURACY 1S SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED WHEN PROGRAMMING WITH BSSGIA GIHA, IZA, IBA,ISA Ад | АВ [Ad [REMOVE JUMPER SETWEEN AS AND -5 {POWER SUPPLY TERMINAL ARIS NOT SHOWN ON THE CONNECTION DIAGRAM) PRECISION POWER SUPPLIES : ACCURACY IS SIGNIFI CANTLY REDUCED WHEN PRGMING WITH S9501A €P008, 046,058, O6B, 208 | A7 | AE | AB DUAL RANGE UNITS. FRONT PANEL RANGE SWITCH MUST BE SET TO DESIRED OPERATING VOLTAGE. A.SO ACAPACITOR 1S REQUIRED BETWEEN TERMINALS AS AND -5 TO MAINTAN PARO PERFORMANCE. SEFER YO APPLICABLE CAS MANUAL PARTS LIST AND USE THE SAME VALUE FOR THE CAPACITOR AS THAT LISTED FOR CL 62018, OZR, O38, 07H, 208, | AT | AB | AS | A CAPACITOR IS REQUIRED BETWEEN TER- 248, 768,534, 554,614, BAA, MINALS ABAND ~S TO MAINTAIN PARD PER- ESA, 94A, 99 FORMANCE, REFER TO APPLICABLE О В $ MANUAL PARTS LIST AND USE THE SAME VALUE FOR THE CAPACITOR AS THAT LISTED FOR Cl 62098 AT AG | AS FOR MODEL 62098 [320V CUTPUT) CONNECT -5 TO TERMINAL A6 ÓN THE SO50A INSTEAD OF TERMINAL AS. ALSO A CAPACITOR 1S RE- QUIRED BETWEEN TERMINALS AG AND -S TO MAINTAIN PARD PERFORMANCE, REFER TO APPLICABLE © & § MANUAL PARTS LIST AND USE THE SAME VALUE FOR THE CAPACITOR AS THAT LiSTED FOR Ct. A SuF CAPACITOR AND A 240) RESISTOR {CONNECTED iN SERIES BETWEEN TERMINALS A2 AND -S) ARE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN PARD PERFORMANCE. SEE 6227B/62288 GAS MANUAL FOR WIRING INSTRUCTIONS. THESE SUPPLIES CONTAIN SPECIAL PRO- 648 658 666 675,666, TÉCTION CIRCUITS WHICH MUST BE CON- - 69B, 718, 74E SIDERED WHEN PROGRAMMING WITH THE 62824, BEA, B6A.90A, lasinajaz 595018 (SEE PARAGRAPH 3-431 9 LA , 96A BISA, OLA, HA IBA AZ! AL A5 62278, 288 Al | AZ | AS C2SEB, S9B,GOE , 8/8 ,638, | AB | AZ: Al Figure 3-7. CV Programming Connections for HP Power Supplies with +S Common NOTE: The dotted line connections represent jumpers which must be removed. All other jumpers must be installed. HP POWER SUPPLY NU (BA278- 6448664640 -64830) Ho Lor | i} [ERO ADJUST] # OPTION | ; y J30 PC BD | | (=) & CURRENT oF {VOLTAGE | | (PROGRAMS | TO-CUR- Po (4) (Ep) OUTPUT RENT CON- ! | A VOLTAGE VERTER OF < SUPPLY) I (Ry R76 4 FACTORY INSTALLED SPECIAL | ña OPTION (J30) REQUIRED ON | a POWER POWER SUPPLY (SEE PARA 3-50) | NOT ORBE S | SUPPLY USED р! FULL E" F + SCALE xx MAY SE USED IN PLACE OF INE ; ADJUST POWER SUPPLY'S VOLTAGE | Fe CONTROL | SRTT | AG ] | « | Figure 3-8, CV Programming Connections for HP Power Ssuppiy Models 6427B-6448B8 and 6466C-6483C HP POWER SUPPLY 64640 À % 595014 НР РОМЕЯ ЗОРРЫЕ 6464 7 PO aa -REF | x ! JUMPER de | ere (R7) 9 4% | | [2ERO ADJUST] wl y 4 = AVR | : A 3 | +) AZ (Ep) | LA | u Al ev > © o 1 COMPARISON a2 | | | AMPL | | POWER | [SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST | pa mm mm mm mm me ml La en X INTERNAL JUMPER (DESIGNATED R7 ON SCHEMATIC IN 6464C 08 5 MANUAL J MUST BE REMOVED. — 3 VOLTAGE PROGRAMMING WITH UNITY GAIN -8464C OUTPUT VOLTAGE VARIES iN A {TOt RATIO WITH 58501A PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE. Figure 3-10. CV Programming Connections for HP Power Supply Model 6464C 3-8 HP POWER SUPPLY ___ (64534, 64568, OR 64590) a | | | | | | | | с COMPARISON AMPLIFIER | [VOLTAGE] | | | | | | | | Figure 3-9, CV Programming Connections for HP Power Supply Models 6453 A, 6456B, and G459A BIPOLAR FOWER SUPPLY AMPLIFIER (SEE TABLE BELOW) 585014 | a DOT | | | [ZERO ABJUST | REAR | | | TERM | | | STRIP | | © | | | À | > B | | | Do | I | POWER NOT | SUPPLY USED FULL SCALE | ADJUST | e a a a Ka AMPLIF {ER MODEL NO, REMAR INPUT TERMS ss A B 6823A, 24A | CS IN SET FRONT PANEL MODE SWITCH TO AMPLIFIER. 6825A,26A, A? Af SET FRONT PANEL MODE SWITCH 274 TO VAR GAIN AMP SET RANGE SWITCH TO DESIRED OUTPUT RANGE. Figure 3-11. CV Programming Connections for Bipolar Power Supply Amplifiers 6823A-6827A 3-52 CC Programming Connections. Figures 3-12 through 3-17 illustrate the connections required to program The dotted the CC output of the applicable power supplies. connections represent jumpers which must be removed on the supply’s rear terminal strip. All other jumpers must be Note that only those power supply connected as illustrated. terminals pertinent to CC programming are shown. Complete terminal strip details are provided in the appropriate power Most of the supplies are programmed utilizing the connection diagram of Figure 3-12. The specific connections for each supply are tabulated supply Operating and Service manual. on the diagram. In afl cases {Figures 3-12 through 3-17}, the 59501 A's programming output voltage is substituted for the supply’s internal reference and the 595017 A’'s POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST potentiometers replace the supply’s front panel CURRENT control. HP POWER SUPPLY (SEE TABLE) 5501 A ; BOO nn vn _ | | | [ZERO ADJUST| ES Ms ce —REF | | T. „у А A COMPARISON | Lx | pee AMPL vy | | > A x | | +), (Ep) ] = < | Eme) | A 7 e a AS ET | (Re R76 1 0 ; AA e ra - | ee EF TE RES | + || | [EOARSE] 27 POWER D» | | Rel] FULL (м? но tan $7 | SCALE | СЕМЕРО | ADJUST +8 pl Ei | ABJUS Ш -s | as ? | | о ВТ? | ; 26 | Сен | ee " et Le moe te sa È- —__ LS Нее не — MODEL NO CUR PROG TERMINALS > ATBICTO 6002A # A7 A6 A5 | Ma 62008, O8, 028,038, | A4 | A5 | A3 | Al 078, 098, 208, 248, 268 62278, 288 A5 | A6 | A7 | n4 6253A, 55A A4 | A5 | A3 | Al 67256B,595,60B, 618,638 | A7 AG | A5 | Ad 648, 658, 668, 688,698, 718.748 62814, 84A, 89A, SIA,9SA! AG A5 | A3 | Al 62824, 854,864, 304,214, 1 AB | AT AE | Al # IF THE €002A 1S EQUIPPED WITH OPTION OO, THE MODE SWITCH ON THE E00ZA MUST BE SET TO CY OR LOCAL. Figure 3-12. CC Programming Connections for HP Power Supply Models with +S Common 3-9 NOTE: The dotted line connections represent jumpers which must be removed, All other jumpers must be instalied. POWER SUPPLY (GIO4A, 6105, 614A OR ENSA) 5 y EA a _ |} mc j 1 = ce REF | | A ! COMPARISON | LÉ | | cl — | AMPLIFIER | (a | A = | | на —< | [CURRENT], | | Ce j : г AS > AT] A RTE ‘ ña | И! ~ [POWER AA | | SUPPLY BAAN | | FULL (Ra) | SCALE +5 - {ADJUST -5 R77 Figure 3-13. CC Programming Connections for HP Power Supply Models 6104A, G1O5A, 6114A, and 6115A HP CONSTANT CURRENT SOURCE _{6ITTC, 6ISIC, OR GIBÉC} x# SOA LL on creme hem mm e va m x RESISTOR AIR35 (6I77C, GISIC) OR AIRZ2 (SIGEC) MUST BE REMOVED, xx PROGRAMMING IS LIMITED TO RANGES SELECTED BY FRONT PANEL SWITCH, Figure 3-14. CC Programming Connections for HP Constant Current Sources 6177C, 6181C, 6186C NOTE: The dotted line connections represent jumpers which must be removed. All other jumpers must be installed. HP POWER SUPPLY 595014 __ | ZERO ADJUST | | | ce 1 COMPARISON | AMP LIFIER AS | Ey f [CURRENT] Y | | AS (Ry) 3 R76 24 POWER AB SUPPLY TS) FULL o SCALE A ADJUST 5 L (Rp) $ КР? AA ae] BIPOLAR POWER SUPPLY _AMPLIFIER (68204-GB27A} pue BSSONA aaa aa aan + | > | | ZE NEGATIVE per +8 | | CURRENT A20 i COMPARISON LS) | | AMPLIFIER дан! | | <L [CURRENT] > | | | AIS | | | (Rg) S RTS as | L ; d | ; 2; POWER | SUPPLY | FULL (Ry) | SCALE -s | ADJUST } : | | SRT? | | AS « | | N j L Figure 3-15. CC Programming Connections for HP Power Suppiy Models 6453-6483 BIPOLAR POWER SUPPLY _AMPLIFIER (6825A- 682 TA) PBSOUA dd aa a a am Fo] : | Le a (ZERO ADJUST] POSITIVE +8 | | 9 + REF | CURRENT AIS | | {DA COMPARISON — | | AMPLIFIER д) | > e rm | < | [CURRENT] | | | А | | i RT6 ss | Li | | POWER — || SE Ry) | | SCALE -S | ADJUST i в R77 | ; | L Figure 3-10. Positive CC Programming Connections for BPS/A's 6825A-6827A Figure 3-17. Negative CC Programming Connections for BPS/A's 6825A-6827A 3-53 Power Supply CV Programming 3-54 The following paragraphs provide calibration procedures and a sample program which are applicable to alí supplies listed for CV programming in Table 3-1. Cali- brating a supply for CV programming with the 59501 A consists essentially of two adjustments: 1. Setting the supply's output to OY when the 53501 A is programmed to zero. 2. Setting the suppiy's output to a desired maxi- mum value when the 59501A is programmed to maximum, 3-55 The maximum desired power supply output can be set to any value within the rating of the supply. For example, if only 20V maximum is required for a model 62668 supply {40V rating}, the 62668 output range should be calibrated for OV to 20V. Since the 59501 À is program- mable in 999 steps {magnitude digits 000-989}, resolution is 20/999 {about 20mV} in the high range and 2/999 {about 2mV) in the low range. 17 the supply is calibrated for the full 40V rating, the resolution is 40mV (approx.} even though the supply would never be programmed above 20V, 3-56 Note that for a 20V full scale output, it is usually better to calibrate the full scale setting to 99.9% of 20V or 19.98V. The reason for this is that the resolution will be 19.98/999 or exactiy 20m V per step. However, if it is imperative to calibrate the output to exactly 20V, the resolution is 20/999, or 20.02002mV per step. Thus, the user must determine the importance of having a round number for resolution when writing programs. 3-57 Calibration. To calibrate a 59501 A/power supply combination for CV operating, proceed as follows: 3-58 3-59 Test Setup. a. 9. Connect 59501 À to an HP-IB controller. Connect 59501 À to power supply (CY pregram- ming}, see Table 3-1. Connect DVM between +5 and —S8 terminals on the power supply. . On 59501 À, set mode switch to UNIPOLAR and turn POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST (COARSE and FINE] fully CCW, Also, if power supply has a front panel CURRENT control, set if to mid-range {approx.} Calibration Procedure, a. Apnly power to the controlier, the 59507 A, and the power supply. Allow 30-minute warm-up. . With the power supply's output terminals (+ and —) open circuited, program the 59501A to maximum high range 2999. Adjust POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST (COARSE and FINE} on 59501 À for desired maximum output voltage {or 89.9% of desired max., see paragraph 3-56} using the DVM, . Program 59501 À to zero output "2006." Ser ZERO ADJUST on 59501 À for 0.000 reading on DVM. Program 59501A to 2998” and set POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE FINE ADJUST on 59501 A for desired maximum output voltage, if necessary, use D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST to obtain the required resolution. NOTE H the supply has a front panel CURRENT control, perform the following steps. 9. h. Program 59501 À to zero output 20008”. Con- nect a short across supply's output terminals. Program 59501 À to 72999” and adjust the sup- ply's front panel CURRENT control for the desi- red maximum output current. |f a load change causes this current limit to be exceeded, the supply automatically crosses over to constant current operation at this preset current limit and the output voltage drops proportionally. If desired, the front panel CURRENT control can be disabled and replaced with a fixed resistor of appropriate value {see applicable power supply Operating and Service Manual}. L Program “2000”. Remove short from suppiy's output terminals and connect load. 3-60 Sample Program. A sample program for controliing power supply CV outputs is given in example 6. The pro- gram is written specifically for a 9825A calculator but could be modified for use with other calculators te. g. HF 830A). The program contains calibration and setup routines and allows the operator to input specific voltage values on the keyboard, The program also includes automatic changing of ranges and error messages that indicate when the voltage requested by the operator exceeds the maximum value available or when a negative voltage is requested. Aline-by- line explanation is given after the program. Programming fundamentals are provided in paragraphs 3-17 through 3-36. 3-61 The sample program requires use of the General 1/0 and Extended !/0 ROM's. After keying in the program, press RUN on the calculator. All operations required to compiete the program are given on the calculator display. After each operation is completed, press CONTINUE. The operator enters the maximum desired output voltage value (e. g. 20) when "Enter maximum output voltage” appears on the display. The program automatically uses 88.8% of this value (e. q. 19.98} to calibrate the supply {see paragraph 3-56}. After connecting the load, the operator enters the desired output voltage {line 13) on the keyboard and press CONTINUE, [fit is desired to recalibrate the power supply (change the maximum desired output voltage) press STOP and then press RUN. MOTE The program listings provided in the following examples are taken from an HP 98668 printer. These listings are provided only because 98665 printouts are easier to read than printouts from the 9825A's internal strip printer. Also, a check sum is provided at the end of each 98254 program listing. Make sure that the check sum at the end of your keyed-in program matches the check sum provided in the listing. Example 6. 9825A Sample Program, Constant Voltage - Unipolar Mode Le URDU HE Poser Some ly Weel base Dt pg Co LPL HE at o Pa ven BO da EMO TER er PELL PRE cnt al nl tee Е 45 E60 10009041 E TE Е me | To ot | pa TES т oN В COMMAND STATEMENT (A AE (SEE PARA 3-32) LE ;" Ta de qe Cet PSE STL fe E nee ew is ES pe, bem PEER ano wed mop Ter “ая Et 4 " van EE ra mi Eu aaa À 4 E | A; 14 13-04 "a г 1 - + - Vo E Tee PEDO ra LE a TEE da x ra ne Ia aad pes dn da ET E 3 Ey" "TT i wy "a a Of NE Pe al TOR i. |. pe! N de Ji ro Rad id DE ti bi bi E Po E, Eo и Ce EL F | 4 ta уе „3 Я E: ra ju LE 11 и“, pr pur pr 11 ре med Y A: a E a E a A a , Tobi done per Py 4 . CTE pen a Ed er À ; or ika ASE PLE ОН Ня Ea] ras fe a Hurt] ie se EN LEO CE LE ] Hi E KC 14 ; =F Elf cmd a AE "SAO a "a г - 1 аб, F Freon Cher (ait fra HOT à wf oe nn, Ho a on one en du Ea od Ho, LL te рые Tod E Ef créent Lo Hi Er Ep [ey set, pi Lud ow it boi Lei x EE rec ml E LE UE Ay , Les Lt VOR dep Ha remotive voltgass" iuait NREET ats 10 LEO LEO MORE Sehe Veltoue too hab" Hau SASG ate 15 LEX AP Мен, DEES DEE iR Ch LT Esk apa 18 OR EEE Deen OW Te Bp kit feat Led Bier FOE, Tabane 10 LEO me [ A FORMAT AND WRITE STATEMENTS a fq (SEE PARA 3-36) TAREA CHECK SUM Explanation: 1-2: Setup instructions. User enters desired maximum output voltage on keyboard (e. y. 10, 20,50, 100, etc.). 4: Resolution is calculated and the maximum desired output is changed to 89.9% of voltage enteredin line 3 (see paragraph 3-56). | 510: Calibration routine using ZERO ADJUST and POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST {COARSE and FINE) controls on 59501 A front panel, 11-12: Output is programmed to zero. Load is connected to power supply’s output terminals (see applicable power supply Operating and Service manual). 13: User inputs desired voltage on keyboard. 14-15: If the voltage requested (line 13) is negative or too high, the appropriate error message appears on the display for three seconds and then the program returns to line 13. 16-17: Proper range is selected and correct data word value (N) is calculated for the voltage requested. 18: Data word (N) representing the desired output voltage is sent to the 59501 A. Format f4.0 deletes leading spaces and z suppresses the carriage return/line feed codes {see paragraph 3-36). 3-12 3-62 BPS/A CV Programming 3-63 The following paragraphs provide calibration procedures and a sampie program for bipolar power suppiy/ amplifier (BPS/A) models 6824 A through 8827A. Calibra- tion consists of setting the BPS/A's desired bipolar output range when the 59501 A is programmed to its maximum negative and positive limits. The desired bipolar range can be set to any value within the rating of the particular BPS/A. For example, the maximum output range of model 6826A is from --50V to +50Y. To calibrate this range, the ~-B0V output is calibrated with the 59501 A programmed to “2000” and the +50V output is calibrated with the 59501 A programmed to 2999”, Since the 59501 À is pro- grammabie in 989 steps, resolution is approximately 100mV {100/999}. Note if it is desired to have a resolution equal to exactly 100mV, the positive limit is set to +49.9V instead of +50V. For this range (—-50V to +49.9Y), the resolution is exactly 100mV (99.9V/999). 3-84 Calibration. To calibrate a 59501 A/BPS/A com- bination for CV operation proceed as follows: 3-65 Test Setup. a. Connect 59501 À to an HP-IS controller. b. Connect 59501 À to BPS/A as shown in Figure 3-11. . Connect DVM between +5 and ~S terminals {models 6825A-6827A) or between 08 and CS terminals {models 6823A, 6824A}. Connect DVM common to —$ or OS terminal. d. On 59501 A, set mode switch to BIPOLAR. e. On BPI/A, set made switch to VAR GAIN AMP {models 6825A-6827A) or AMPLIFIER [models 6823A, 6824 A). Also, turn VOLTAGE (Gain) controls on BPS/A fully CCW. f. On BPS/A models 6825A through 6827 À only, set RANGE switch to desired output range and set CURRENT control to mid-range {approx.). © Calibration Procedure. a, Apply power to the controller, the 59501 À, and the BPS/A. Allow 30-minute warm-up. b. With the BPS/A's output terminals open circulted, program the 59501 À to maximum positive output 2999”, 3-66 3-13 c, Adjust VOLTAGE control on BPS/A and D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST on 59501A for the desired maximum positive output {or 99.9% of desired max., see paragraph 3-62} using DVM. d. Program 59501 À to maximum negative output 20007, e. Set ZERO ADJUST on 59501 A for the desired maximum negative output from BPS/A using DVM. f. Program 59501 À to Maximum positive output 29997, g. Set D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST for the desired maximum positive output from BPS/A, h. Repeat steps d through g until best possible accuracy is achieved. NOTE The following steps apply only when calibrating BPS/A models 6825A4-6827A. i. Program 59501A to “2500”. Connect a short across BPS/A's output terminals. |. Program 59501 A to "2989" and adjust the BPS/A's front panel CURRENT contro! for the desired maximum output current. 1fa load changes causes this current Hmit to be exceeded, the supply automaticaliy crosses over to con- stant current operation at this preset current limit and the output voltage drops proportionally. . Program "25067. Remove short from output terminals and connect load. ar 3-67 Sample Program. Example 7 is a sample program using a 9825A calculator. The program contains calibration and setup routines and allows the operator to input specific positive or negative voltage values on the keyboard. The program also includes automatic changing of ranges and an error message if the voltage requested by the operator exceeds the maximum bipolar value available. A line-by-line explan- ation is given after the program. Programming fundamentals are provided in paragraphs 3-17 through 3-36. 3-68 The sample program in example 7 requires use of the General 1/0 and Extended 1/0 ROM’. After keying in the program press RUN on the calculator. All operations required to complete the program are given on the calculator display. After each operation is completed, press CONTINUE. Example 7. 9825A Sample Program, Constant Voltage - Bipolar Mode hi E PPD PERO PA Tag | EIA Pon Welt br Prater 1 La toc 2 aio zp met ESSE Li PELAR ste mio Turn VOL TO ARS iy Dub este di e CEE maso pes out edt a bra ae Ma aks Dias Boro «PEE ha e [pe Ei cmd ar a e idee CSetl NMOLT om TE RS БОРТ КЗоТ med Fa ULI EA NI ef "Ft IMP pam Le a RD BEA EEE Piro eze UML СЕВ НПО for Tae ast Pr cmd a TUE SSA 12 due URendiuset Do Fw HLL Tor era Edo Tabs eme Pa TEE SEE ММВ Се ре te HORSE Pee wet Ester dexijpresh Lal ae tE 83 uh TR 4 Met nr MOP dep Meda asas tou tan unit SEE AL CE Pon af WES CLF med A EEE ENEE сы р EEE pen CRP oT 4 CT a ana : co, FU ep Nr por: ma LÀ or | AO PEO ee a oe ska PAL Tada ke Belt SRN 1 ARA E Explanation: HE 2-3: 4-13: 14-15: 16: 17: 18-19: 20: Sets fixed point format with three digits to the right of the decimal. This aliows for better.accuracy in the adjustments specified in {ines 7 and 11. Setup instructions, Calibration routine using VOLTAGE (GAIN) control on BPS/A and the ZERO and D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST controls on the 59607A. Note that in line 10 an average value is calculated so that the adjustment can be completed in the minimum number of steps, BPS/A output is programmed to zers. Load is connected to BPS/A output terminals. User inputs desired output voltage (+ or —} on the keyboard. [f voltage requested {line 16} is too high, "Voltage too high” appears on the display for three seconds, and then the program returns to line 16. Proper range is selected and correct data word value (N) is calculated to represent the voltage requested. Data word {N}, representing the requested output voltage (+ or —), is sent to the 59501A. Format 14.0 deletes leading spaces and z suppresses the carriage return/line feed characters, If leading spaces are not deleted and the CR/LF characters are not suppressed, the output will go to an undesired value {see paragraph 3-36). 3-14 3-69 CC Programming 3-70 The following paragraphs provide calibration pro- cedures which are applicable to all power supplies listed for CC programming in Table 3-1. Calibrating the supply for CC programming with the SO501A consists essentially of two adiustments: 1. Setting the supply’s output current to zero when the 59501 À 15 programmed to zero. 2. Setting the suppiy's output current to a desired maximum value when the 59501 À is programmed to maximum. 3-71 Calibration. To calibrate a 59507 A/power suppiy combination for CC programming, proceed as follows: 3-72 Test Setup. a. Connect 59501 À to an HP-IB controller. b. Connect 59501 À to power supply (CC program- ming), see Table 3-1. с. Connect a resistive load in series with an external current monitoring resistor across supply ’s out- put terminals, Refer to Section V of applicable Operating and Service manual for resistor values, power ratings, and CC test setup diagram, etc. Connect a DVM across the current monitoring resistor. d. On 59501 À, set mode switch to UNIPOLAR and turn POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST (COARSE and FINE} fully CCW. e. On power supply, set front panel VOLTAGE control fully CW. 3-73 Calibration Procedure. a. Apply power to the controller, the 59501 А and the power supply. Allow 30-minute warm- up. b. Program 59501 À to 2999” and set POWER and FINE) for desired maximum output current. {Voltage reading on DVM must be converted to the equivalent output current). c. Program 59507 À to "2006" and set ZERO ADJUST on 59501 À for zero output current. Note that for power supply models 6427-6483, zero current may not be attainable. When cali- brating the CC output of one of these supplies, choose a convenient point, e. g. 10% or 20% of maximum output and set ZERO ADJUST to obtain this value, Data words 21898” and 2200” correspond to the 10% and 20% output points, respectively. d. Program 59501 À to "2999" and set POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE FINE ADJUST on 59501 A for desired maximum output current. 3-15 If necessary use D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST to obtain the required resolution. e. Turn off supply and open output terminals. Turn on supply. f. Adjust power supply ’s VOLTAGE contro! for the desired maximum output voltage. If a load change causes this voltage limit to be exceeded, the supply automatically crosses over to con- stant voltage operation at this voltage limit point and the output current drops propor- tionally. H desired, the front panel VOLTAGE control can be disabled and replaced with a fixed resistor of proper value {see applicable power supply Operating and Service manual). 3-74 Sample Program. The sample program provided in example 6 can easily be modified for CC programming by substituting | (current) for V {voltage} and by monitoring the output current using the test setup of paragraph 3-72. 3-75 USING 59501A AS A LOW LEVEL DC SIGNAL SOURCE 3-76 When used as a low level de signal source, 59501A output terminals Al and AZ are connected directly to the user's device. In this application, power supply programming network terminals A3 through AB are normally not used. As described previously, two programmable output ranges are available in the selected operating mode {UNIPOLAR or BIPOLAR). The output ranges available at terminals AT and A2 are as follows: Range Unipolar Bipolar High Cto 9,30 --10 to 9,98V Low О to D.900V —1 to +0.998V 3-77 Unipolar Mode 3-78 Calibration. The ZERO ADJUST allows the output to be adjusted to zero {£250 millivolts) when the 59501A is programmed to zero (20008). The D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST allows the output to be adiusted to 9.99V (+5%) when the 59501 À is programmed to maximum (2999). The 59501 À is normally calibrated to provide a unipolar output range from OV to 8.99V. The reason for this is that the 59501 À is programmable in 999 steps and using this range results ina round number for resolution {voltage change per step). For example, in the high range resolution is 9.99V/ 999 or 10mV per step, If the outputs set to 10V, resolution is 10/9299 or 10.01001mY per step. Calibration procedures for operating in the unipolar mode are provided in paragraph 5-29, 3-79 Sample Program. A sample program (825A calcu- lator} for controlling the unipolar output of the 59501A is given in example 8. The program includes a calibration routine and allows the operator to Input specific voitage values on the keyboard. The program also provides auto- matic range changing and error messages that indicate if the voltage value requested exceeds 9.99V or if a negative voltage is requested. A line-by-line explanation is given after the program. Programming fundamentals are provided in paragraphs 3-29 through 3-36. 3-80 The sample program requires use of the General 1/0 and Extended 1/0 ROM's. After keying in the program, press RUN. All operations required to compiete the program are Example 8. 9825A Sample Program, given on the calculator display. After each operation is completed, press CONTINUE. NOTE The program listings provided in the following examples are taken from an HP 98668 printer. These listings are provided only because 98665 printouts are easier to read than printouts from the 9525A $ internal strip printer. Also, a check sum Is provided at the end of each 9825A program of your keyed-in program matches the check sum provided in the listing. 59501A Unipolar Cutput fod BEL ERR SERIE dp OW dott Ladd « end и + "ая, {vg {HL [x ow LEE ERAT tu de er kr Ti | wo, eu pt ias Ч i. Ma Lu e a AE RE ag e ЦЕЙ ое Heu ha at me MO qee wa, ga . .. pen in м Epa | НН Ё МГИ Ft a e E empre Papa pape b BOR tee | aa y : 5 i map Jaan 4 = Tl ab EE “200 E wet Apne LA 1 i. 4 le BATE {= EFE dol hp E- В Tato aer! Tad ala | i ar {4 © "| 1 que BE dar fr be is put o ai" e ER TT PUR ET ii Les af ur Junge Ree AUTE PO Eo JTF MEU Es fa do AE а Loi LEE RES axl i ppm 43 BE Ay Me oe, ae EL Fa Ad Pa UEG "TEE Liar ja? PEL Por oa r dera paa? EP En de. a. e. ‘ . ‘ . - “TH wd we ge Boge + | | " UT " 1 | "a I Ко {i af r wad H Lado I Shit hs fans de 10 |, | Eo 1 Ve Enf PoE 4 #5 om Efe El ну Ei 4 si BE att me gy pue HL ci x WA rd a. Ea | | ео 8 TELE Ti i wt BOF RG I A IE и Bree bet oa at ка | Lu poe ar, am ng, вн и и“ pe E ; ЕВ th - 4 1 ar “€ | FARO MBE I + г и! nf lo “wf HT 1 VE E nd EP SE AT] Em À Ju: a eT Pe pu, 11 E . Е A JH Le aa 1 ‚т 1 нор + i + a pe «À Mi, ue A = au, ge EOl : Hu Et, FUEL fo i Cod 2 cp но ; Pee pg E Er EE PRA a ho 4 tor i a rid ] Ma Jen : i... En nat ab | dar La ï ч м a EE 8 Rd da + + + = KOMM al 1 + qu + Wa ng ale eer "hy 1 [ta il a, 4 1 я | 41 1 i 4 "t "aa 4 “ul a La de dia 444 4 4 ls = row d 4 ENE OC NP Er mp 1 Я LF EF À Fo Е i Lo ay El Coe Be as + u 4 pu ‘H vof tE Las | , he dw 10 UD A LA a, ma оо e ama pw a As, ALT 100046 | i : , je bu die a EEE UT LEO ESTE E 4 “4 à x try © "m È + Ada HEC Le aba EF i " id " ir En of CA E q Wd em paren a | | вон, а що ВО Be id SEE Li LEE BLL i 4 UE, it Fr E He dan, "AE kE „= 1 "ae 1 #13 Ti 1 WF a as a" и # of q Lb "3 , 11 i нее г = 11 ah 7 y ES LE | true Tr 2 ju 1 wd wet BY 1 ad GE Re RAE LE, [LF } dd wd tr " + Sh Shir bb CHEE, H MOLL Lr oor e A bl 4 и + чая к a Pet F, ak xa Fl Ld Pre a El Ea Explanation: 1: 2-5: 6: 7-17: Setup instructions, Calibration instructions using ZERO ADJUST and D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST on 59501 À. User inputs desired output voltage (0 to 8.99) on keyboard. Proper range is selected and correct data word value (N) is calculated to represent voltage requested. Hf the voltage requested (line 6) is too high or negative, the appropriate error message appears on the display for three seconds and, then the program returns to tine 6. 18: Data word (N) is sent to the 59501A. Format 4.0 deletes leading spaces and z suppresses the carriage return/iine feed characters. 1f ieading spaces are not deleted and the CR/LF characters are not suppressed, the output will go to an undesired value (see paragraph 3-36}. 3-16 3-81 Bipolar Mode 3-82 Calibration. The ZERO ADJUST allows the nega- tive limit to be set to —10V when the 59501 A is program» med to zero (2000). The D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST allows the positive limit to be set to +9.98V when the 59601 À is programmed to maximum {2999}. This range results in a resolution of 19.98V/999 or 20mV per program- ming step. Calibration procedures for operating in the bipolar mode are provided in paragraph 5-30. 3-83 Sample Program. À sampie program for controi- fing the bipolar output of the 59501 Á is given in example 9. This program is similar to the unipolar mode program given in example 8 except that it allows keyboard input of bipolar voltage from —10V to +8.98V. Example 9. 9825A Sample Program, 59501A Bipolar Output dr ETERNA ARO Nba Dt mos PESE A LE feat 5 DE se "бе ВОЛН ВОРОН! Si mad Pa PUE NE ERDE di due "Let DOR FE for ei Hei 4 Boreal Fa ULE TERR Et ent Pater TU resina” a MOP ER ПОКРЫЛ ME map Mah 2e ko HIS To sE] io meo Pa TRE TTM бое "Васы! DoF FD бор TA MERLO REE L1t ent Enter desire output vitous 5% Ema We TE + Va GE due Co] teas Loc mica dec do CNE A 10 jar pro, HON and Монбар и, НН, PASA dro SABE ya CARA, Be, Cr ЗЫ LEO Pe la fed, Ari FRE, safe dl Le E " oe, 4741 =. 444 да 1 Pay hf r . Ube ob LT owt Lan Explanation: i. Sets fixed point format with three digits to the right of the decimal. This allows Tor better accuracy when performing the adjustment specified in line 8, 2: Setup Instruction. 3-10: Calibration routine using ZERO ADJUST and D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST controls on the 59501 À. Note that in line 7, an average value is calculated so that the adjustment can be completed in the minimum number of steps. 11: User inputs desired output voltage (—10 to +9.98) on keyboard. 12: the program returns to line 11. 13-14: 15: If the voltage requested is too high, "Voltage too high’ appears on the display for three seconds, and then Proper range is selected and correct data word value (N} is calculated. Data word {N)} representing the desired positive or negative output voltage Is sent to the 59501 À. Format f4,7 deletes leading spaces and z suppresses carriage return/line feed characters. If leading spaces are not deleted and CR/LF characters are not suppressed, the output will go to an undesired value (see paragraph 3-36). 3-17 3-84 SAMPLE COMPUTER PROGRAM 3-85 A sample program for controlling the 59501 A in a HP Real Time Executive (RTE) 2100 series computer environ- ment is given in example 10. The program is written in FORTRAN IY and duplicates the sample program given in example 8. The sample program of example 10 assumes the following RTE/HP-IB configuration: 1. The HP-IB computer interface card (HP-593108B) is assigned logical unit number 14 (16 octal). 2, The HP-IB RTE Driver DVR 37 was generated in the RTE system (see DVR Programming and Operating Manual HP Part No. 58310-90063) to provide auto-addressing capability. Thus, each time a data transfer is directed to the HP-1B, the driver automatically supplies the correct HP-IB Talk/Listen addresses and then transfers the indicated data to the 59501A. 3. The user is interacting with the program via the system console, logical unit number |. 3-86 It is important to note that the driver is called in the program using formatted WRITE statements in such a way as to assure that only the appropriate four programming digits are output to the 59501 À via the HP-1B, The range digit IK, is output using an Al specification while the three magnitude digits are output using the 13 specification after the desired voltage value is intergerized to the appropriate value, Also, the HP-1B driver is called to implement a transparent binary data write function (72118B) which is required in order to suppress carriage return/line feed characters from being output by the driver. Exampie 10. 2100 Series Computer Sample Program, 58501A Unipolar Output FINA,L FunmGKAM TEZ:A UTMENSTON I17ERU(2),IFULL (Ca) VAYA YT7ERO:TFULL/2m20,2700,2899,2M99, C UNTPOI AR VOLTALE OUTPUT 59501 A — WRITE (1719 i PARMAT (" SET 592014 TO UNTROLART) PAUSE weyic(oiiao, 2)IZEKO 2 FORMAT (242) WRITE (1:8) 2 FORMATE" SET ТЕКО ADJUST FUR myn) PaisE ARTIE (21185, 2) FULL WRITE 174) á FORMATE" SET D/A FS ADJ Pnk 9 9OVT) CORRESPOND WITH Past PROGRAM LINE NO'S OE . IN EXAMPLE 8 71? MPITÉCIF6N Ue 6 FORMATE" ENTER VUESIREN YULTAGFÍA TO 9,99Yy3"3 REAL { la 7 y 7 ENRMAT (ES, Ua, 201 1paéHs IFeVal Tobby TU 12 LE (V.57.8,20/650 10 14 IF CVoGTo, 9 УВ) Оль 1 LVElFTX(V/De.5) Те (У, СТ ео ОНО) ТН Лено Вет ТЕ (21 {ов , ЭТК, ТУ 8 РОВМАТ (А), 43) tn TU & 4 € WRTTE£{,13J {+ ENRMAT(" NU NEGATIVE VolTabES") en TU в 14 SPEiTE (1,158) EL Еле МАТ" VvULTAGE ТОО HIGHn) ° Gn TU 5 LMR EX NO FREURSH 3-18 4-1 4-2 mer or as a low leve! de signal source. Figure 4-1 is a block diagram illustrating the major circuits within the 59501A. SECTION IV PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION OVERALL DESCRIPTION The 59501A provides a unipolar or bipoíar output voltage in response to digital data received on the HP-IB. As stated previously, the 59501A can be used (in conjunc- tion with an HP-1B controller} as a power supply program- power-on preset circuit are not shown on the block diagram. The 59501 A's circuits are shown in their entirety on the For simplification, the 58501 A’s bias voltage supplies and main schematic (Figure 7-3 at the rear of the manual. The functional circuit designations are the same on both the block diagram and the schematic so that the two diagrams can be correlated. As shown in Figure 4-1, the major circuits of the 59501 À consist of digital processing circuits, a digitai-to-analog converter, and analog amplifier circuits. MOMIA A — ———’ veu mme a A PANA TETE ANALOG AMPLIFIER paral TT CC ES > DIO | | | ? DIoI-5 DIOL7 | | 5] 77 N | LISTENING] | + X | INPUT ADDRESS ADDRESS He: | | Invearens| — | SWITCHES [| 5”]COMPARATORÍ ”] LISTEN | LOGIC T0/ FROM _ “EE. > | HF-IB | a AIN 1. ] CLOCK | © 3 {GENERATOR | АУ |, N | 7 (01-4 | Pis ACCEPTOR jeocx т | | HANDSHAKE Y | NDAC PHOTO- ISOL ATORS | | jeLock DIOH4 | 8 | DATA STORAGE | SEQUENCER | | | LOAD DIGITAL PROCESSING CHARACTER „| DATA | CIRCUITS STORAGE | | 124 MAGNI- 27 RANGE | LOAD TUDE | WORD | DATA | A6 +i STORAGE 2 2 | | | PONER SUPRY А5 р FULL SCALE ADUÍ (o o _ MAGNITUDE DATA (12-BITS BCD) > [COARSE | 12 рн _———]] | re RANGE | | | (FINE 20 ma RANGE | о | SWITCH | A3 A FULL A | | CN, output | 7 —@ [SCALE ADJ | 22 DIGITAL- AMP > (+) nie] TO ANALOG м CONVERTER A | 2 CT [BIPOLAR] ó | | 9 ¿ TURN ON/ ZERO TURN OFF | | 5 ADJUST CONTROL 1 | | | CIRCUITS Figure 4-1. 58501TA Block Diagram 4.3 Digital Processing Circuits 4-4 The 59501A responds to the ATN (attention) and IFC (interface clear) control signals as well as the data on lines (DI01-DI07). The 5950TA also receives the DAV {data valid) handshake signal from the bus and sends the NRFD (not ready for data) and NDAC (data not accepted) handshake signals to the bus. A 3-wire hand- shake sequence is used to control the transfer of each character on the bus. This process allows devices with different input/output speeds to be interconnected to the HP-1B. The character transfer rate automatically adjusts to the siowest device. The acceptor handshake circuit implements the 3-wire handshake cycle that occurs with each command or data character received on data lines D101-DI07. The B9601A transfer rate is approximately 17usec per character. The 59501A is programmed by a data word consisting of four consecutive characters (digits), thus, a data word is transferred to the 59501A in approxi mately 68usec. 4-5 Data lines DI01-DI0O7 accommodate the 7-bits {(1-character} of the ASCII code. Each character is trans- ferred onto the bus one at a time. The state of the ATN line determines how the data lines are interpreted. The ATN line is constantly monitored by the 59501A and all other bus devices. When ATN is true, the bus devices interpret the data as instructions {commands} from the controller. The 59501AÄ recognizes two commands: is listen address {suggested listen address is 8) and the unlisten command "2". 4-6 When ATN is true and the 59501A's listen address is placed on data lines DIOT-DIOZ, the S9501A Is enabled to function as a “listener”. As shown in Figure 4-1, the data fines are applied to the address comparator and to the listen logic, The address comparator decodes the bOBOTA's listen address when the levels on fines DIOT- DIOS match the address switch settings on the rear of the 59501A. In this case, the address switches are set to “8” {one of 31 possible address codes} which distinguishes the 50501 A from the other devices connected to the bus. Thus, when the 59501 À's fisten address is decoded and AÀTN is true (command mode}, the listen logic is set. For this condition, the LISTENING indicator is turned-on and the clock generator is enabled allowing the 59501A to process subsequent data words received on the bus. If the ATN line is true and an unhisten command "2" is received, the listen logic is reset, For this condition, the LISTENING indicator is turned off and the clock generator is disabled inhibiting the B8501A from processing data words. Note that the 1FC signal also resets the listen logic. The 1FC signal is used by the controller to terminate activity on the HP-1B. 4-2 4-7 When the ATN line is false and the 59501 À is “listening” {listen logic is set), the digital processing circuits will store a data word comprised of four digits (characters) transmitted consecutively. The first digit specifies the out put range {low or high} and the next three digits specify the magnitude of the output voltage within the selected range. Each digit, represented by bits [D104 ({MSB}-DIO1 {LSB}, is transferred into data storage 1 {via input inverters and photo-isolators) during the accompanying 3-wire hand- shake cycle. The photo-iselators provide 600Vde isolation between the HP-1B data lines and the 59501 À's output voltage terminals {A1 and AZ). 4-8 A clock pulse, generated during each handshake cycle, gates the data storage sequencer which in turn foads each digit (1-range, 3-magnitude) into the proper storage 1 latch position. After the fourth digit is loaded into data storage 1 all four digits {data word) are automatically transferred into the data storage 2 latches. The three magnitude digits are then sent to the digitai-to-anatog converter (DAC) while the range digit is sent to the analog amplifier circuits. The data storage 2 latches will retain this data until a new data word is transferred. 4-9 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) 4-10 The DAC converts the three magnitude digits {12 bits, BCD) into an output current. The DAC output range, 0-2mA (nominal}, corresponds to the BCD input range of 000-099. The DAC output current is applied to the current-to-voltage (1/V) converter in the analog amplifier circuits. The UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR switch on the rear of the 59501 À chances the feedback path between the DAC and the 1/V converter so that the 1/V converter provides an output range from 0 to +2.5V {nominal} in the unipolar mode and from —2.5V to +2.5V (nominal) in the bipolar mode. 4-11 Analog Amplifier Circuits 4-12 The unipolar or bipolar output of the !/V converter is applied to the output amplifier. The output amplifier provides either a high range or a low range output voltage between terminais A1 and A2. The range switch controls the gain of the amplifier so that a high range or a low range output is produced. The range switch is set to high range when a 2" is programmed and to low range when a "1" is programmed. Thus, the output amplifier provides one of the following output ranges depending upon the range digit programmed and the position of the UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR switch: Low Range High Range UNIPOLAR: 0 to +0.0999V O to 9.99V BIPOLAR: —{ to +0,998V —10 to +9.98V 4-13 The output amplifier includes overvoltage protec- tion and current limiting circuits to protect the 5950T A and user equipment. In addition, à turn-on/turn-off control circuit ciamps the output terminals at a low level when power is turned-on or off. The purpose of this circuit is to prevent transients at power turn-on and turn-off from atffecting the output of the 59501 À and also prevent random programming of a power supply prior to receipt of valid programming data. 4-14 The front panel ZERO ADJUST allows a zero (£250mV) output adjustment. The D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST allows setting the maximum b8501A output {£5%) in the high and low ranges. 4-1h When the 59501 À is used as a power supply pro- grammer, the POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE ADJUST potentiometers {COARSE and FINE) allow the user to set the maximum power supply output when the 59501 А & programmed to its maximum output. Power supply programming is accomplished by connecting the 59501 A’s output terminals to the power supply ’s voltage program- ming terminals {see Section IH), 4-16 DETAILED CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION 4-17 The following paragraphs describe, in more detail, the operation of the 59501 A's major circuits. Note that only those circuits not covered in sufficient detail in the preceding overall description, will be described. Throughout this discussion refer to the fold-out schematic diagram at the rear of this manual. 4-18 Power-On Preset 4-19 When power is initially applied, the preset circuit (Q3, U1, UB} generates a LO level pulse (PON) which resets the listen flip-flop {acceptor handshake}, and the data storage sequencer. Thus, the preset circuit ensures that the 59501 A is not a “listener” and is properly initialized when power is applied. 4-20 Address Comparator 4-21 The address comparator consists of b-bit comparator U3 and the address switches on the rear of the supply. When the levels on data lines D101-DI05 match the address switch settings, U3 provides a Hi level ADDRESS output to the listen togic. Note that the schematic illustrates the address switches set to the suggested listen address of “&”, 4-22 Acceptor Handshake 4.23 The acceptor handshake circuit implements the 3-wire handshake cycle that occurs with each command or 4-3 data character received on the bus data lines D101-DI07. Unrecognized command characters (e. g., talk address) will be ignored but the handshake cycle between the controller and the 59501A will occur anyway. The 3-wire handshake lines are designated DAV {data valid}, NRFD {not ready for data), and NDAC {data not accepted}, The acceptor handshake circuit is enabled when the bus is in the command mode (ATN is LO) or if the 59501 A is in the listen mode {listen flip-flop set) and ATN is HI (data mode), For either of the above conditions, the output of NAND gate US-3 goes Hi and NAND gate Ub-6 goes 1.O enabling the acceptor handshake circuits, Figure 4-2 illustrates the 3-wire hand: shake cycle timing sequence for each character received by the 59501 À in the command and data modes, To: Initially the NRFD signal (J1-7) is HI (59501A is ready for data) and the NDAC signal (11-98) is LO (data not accepted). Also DAYV (1-6) is HI (data on bus is not valid). Tq: The source {assume controller} puts a character on the bus and indicates that the character is valid by setting DAV (11-6) LO. To: After a delay of approximately 1usec NRFD goes LO (59501A not ready for data). Also, accept data signals, ACDS (U11-13) and ACDS (U11-4), are generated. a. If the HP-IB is in the command mode (ATN LO), the ACDS signal gates a recognized command character (59501 A's listen address '& or unlisten command '?”) which sets or resets the listen flip-flop {see paragraph 4-24}. b. If the HP-1B is in the data more (ATN HI) and the 59501 À had previously been addressed to listen, the ACDS signal gates the clock generator, producing a clock pulse which loads the data character {range or magnitude) present on bus lines {D101-DI04) into the appropriate storage register (see paragraph 4-31). Ta: After approximately 15usec, the trailing {positive} edge of the ACDS (U11-4) signal produces a negative pulse (1172-8) which sets the DAC F/F (U8-11 goes HI and US-6 goes LO). With U9-6 LO, NDAC (J1-8) goes H! indicating that the 59501 À has accepted the data. T4: The controller, sensing NDAC HI, sets DAV HI indicating that the data on the bus is no longer valid. Te: When DAV goes HI, the DAC F/F is reset (U9-6 goes HI and U8-11 goes LO) causing NDAC (J1-8) to go LO (data not accepted). Also, with DAV HI, NRFD goes HI indicating that the 59501 À is ready for the next character. Tg: With NRFD HI, the controller sets DAV LO and the next character is transferred {T2 through Tb}. Г CHARACTER PRESENT a DATA LINES DUI EA я 0101 - DIO? ПИЯ ДД DAV НЕ = (31-6) | LO | a Ë | rs | i | N&FD | | (8-7) | | | E T : 1 i — —best a— fe SEC | | | ND AC | {J1- 8) Pi | | TR i | N | | ACDS | ; | (ALU - 13) | poo - | | a 1BuseC—m! | ее f ; ; ; ACHS E | i E (AJUI-4) | ) | | | | Dos | boo | | Ë f в y AlUiz- 8 Г НЕ (POS. EDGE | o] Е DETECTOR} | pol | | | I i [ AlUe-1i ; | (КИР) ) | ô AlUs-6 | } F/F) | Po M Î i | i i E Pob do То TT To Ts Ta Tg Te Figure 4-2. Acceptor Handshake Signals, Timing Diagram 4-24 Listen Logic 4-25 The listen logic consists of logic gates which set or reset the listen flip-flop. When the listen flip-flop is set, the 59501 À is enabled to function as a “listener””. The listen logic is enabled when the HP-1B is in the command mode {ATN is LO). If ATN is LO and the 59501A's listen address is decoded {ADDRESS is HI), the listen flip-flop is set (U12-3 goes HI) when ACDS is received from the acceptor handshake circuit. Note that only a portion of the listen address is specified by the ADDRESS signal. In addi- tion, HP-IB data input line DTO7 must be Hi and tine DIOS must be LO to specify that a listen address is present on the bus. When the listen flip-flop is set, driver 014 turns the LISTENING indicator on. Also, with the listen flip-flop set, the clock generator will be enabled when the bus is placed in the data mode (ATN goes HI). The clock generator produces clock pulses which gate the data seguencer storing the data characters received on the bus (see paragraph 4-28), 4-25 HT the ATN fine goes LO again (command mode) and an unlisten command (ASCI 77) is placed on the bus, the listen flip-flop is reset {U12-3 goes LO) when ACDS is 4-4 received, turning off the LISTENING indicator, inhibiting the ciock generator, and resetting the data sequencer. Note that the interface clear (IFC) signal also resets the listen flip-flop. The IFC signal is used by the controller to ter- minate activity on the bus, 4-27 Clock Generator 4-28 The clock generator is enabled when the listen flip-flop is set (U12-3 is HI) and the HP-1B is in the data mode {ATN is Hl}. When enabled, the clock generator produces a clock pulse (approximately 4usec wide) on the leading edge of the ACDS signal received from the acceptor handshake circuit. The clock pulse gates the data storage the appropriate storage latch (see paragraph 4-32). 4-29 Isolators 4-30 and the sequencer reset signal are applied through inverter drivers {U13, U14]} to photo-isolators {U15, U16, U17). The inputs to the isolators are referenced to HP-18 signal ground \/ while the outputs are referenced to power supply ground NW. With these input and output connections, up to 600Vde isolation is provided between the HP-IB data input lines and the BOBO TA output terminals. Each dual isolator 1C package contains a pair of light emitting diodes and integrated photon detectors. The isolated DIO1-DIO4 data bits are routed to the appropriate data 1 storage latches white the isolated clock and reset signals are sent to the data storage sequencer, 4-31 Data Storage 4-32 The data storage circuits consist of data storage 1 latches, data storage 2 latches, and the data storage sequencer circuit. The circuits store a data word which consists of four characters. The characters are transferred from the bus one at a time with the range character transferred first followed by the three magnitude characters. Each character, bits DIO4 (MSB) — DIOT (LSB), is transferred into data storage 1 during the accompanying 3-wire handshake cycle, After the fourth character is transferred into data storage 1, all four characters {data word} are automatically loaded into the data storage 2 latches, The timing sequence for the data word transfer is provided in Figure 4-3, 4-33 The leading edge of each ACDS pulse generates a clock pulse which gates the data storage sequencer. Initially, the data shift register (U25) in the data storage sequencer is reset and the data input (U25-7) is a Hi level. The timing sequence that occurs during the transfer of a data word is described below {Refer to Figure 4-3). a. Cycle 1, The first clock pulse produces a negative MAGNITUDE $ RANGE MSD LSO 1 ов 2 0-9 DATA DIO4- DICH Tas эт rome ee NETO | LINES CHAR NO. JICHAR NO 2 HCHAR NO. 3 [E CHAR NO 4 % oa BATA WORD aie, [LH HL 1 | | | CLOCK 1 | TR? | LANE 5) ; | I | DATA AURS-T) | | Ó +— Aa as me m EI (ANUZ7-6) Lion CHAR NO f INTO DATA STORAGE 1 | E | | Qi | ГОТ (AUZ5-5) x ; i el 1e LOAD CHAR NOZ INT : DATA STORAGE ! ras en A wd ts ee ve | | E | | { i i | | { t в | Ë | 1 O ; 3 1 Le 1 | (24-4) | [] | | | | | | az | | (AHI25~ 4) | | | — pe LOAD CHAR NO 3 INT La | | i DATA STORAGE | NUZ4-3) | | [1 | | | E E q3 l (AIL25-3) i | | | | a | ¡LOAD CHAR NO 4 INTO ——e pe i 4 i ¡DATA STORAGE 1 | | (AlJ24-11) | | E T ; 1 LOAD DATA WORD (4 CHARACTERS) NO) kE | 04 mr | mo TPE : { : 4 (AIU25-10) | | | RESET | | (AUZ5-6) | i | | (Tp SEC ее 174 SEC ен пы весне ET ASEC — | 2 ФН ame gn — EBLSEC | CYCLE HS CYCLE HS CYCLE HS CYCLE | 3 4 Figure 4-3. Data Word Transfer, Timing Diagram pulse (L1} at U27-6. The trailing edge of L1 loads the range character into data storage 1 (U26, J/K flip-flop). The trailing edge of the first clock pulse transfers the data Input (U25-7} into the shift register causing Q1 {U25-5} to go Mi, With Q1 HI, the L2 AND gate (U24-6) is enabled. Aiso with QT HI, the data input (U25-7) goes LO. b. Cycie 2. The second clack pulse produces a positive pulse L2at U24-4. While L2 is HI, the first magnitude character is tranferred into data storage 1 {U18, four bit latch}. The traiting edge of the second clock pulses causes U25 to shift (01 goes LO, Q2 goes HI). With Q2 HI, the data input (U25-7) remains LO and the L3 AND gate {U24-1) is enabled. 4-5 c. Cycle 3. The third clock puise produces a positive puise L3 at UZ24-3, While 13 is HE, the second magnitude character is transferred into data storage 1 (UTS, four bit latch}. The trailing edge of the third clock puise shifts U2b {Q2 goes LO, Q3 goes Hl). With 03 HI, data input remains LO and the L4 AND gate (1424-13) is enabled. d. Cycle 4. The fourth clock pulse produces a positive pulse L4 at U24-11, While LA is Hi, the third magnitude character is transferred into storage leve! 1 (U20, four bit tatch). The trailing edge of the fourth clock pulse shifts U25 {Q3 goes LO, 04 goes Hi). When Q4 goes Hi, the range character and the three magnitude characters are loaded into the data storage 2 latches {U26 and U21-U253}. The 04 HI transition also causes U25-13 {P/O turn on/off circuit) to go HI (this signal is significant only when power is initially applied and the first data word is loaded, see paragraph 4-51). The Q4 output is fed back to the shift register input (U26-6) through OR gate U28 and delay circuit {C10, R22) resetting the shift register (01-04 outputs go LO}. For this condition the data input (U25-7) is HI initializing the shift register for the next data word transfer. 4-34 The range latch output (U26-14) is LO if high range was programmed and HI if low range was programmed. The range output controls the range switch in the analog amplifier circuits, 4-35 The magnitude outputs of 4-bit storage latches J21-123 are applied to the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) U29. The DAC is programmed in BCD. Each 4-bit storage latch contains a number {3-9}. Thus, the three latches can provide an output from 000-999. The laten outputs are connected to the DAC input in the proper order (i. e., U21 contains the most significant bits, etc). The data storage 2 outputs are retained until a new data word 15 transferred from the bus. 4-36 Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) and I/V Converter 4-37 The DAC (U29) converts the 12-bit BCD input {3-magnitude digits) into an output current. The DAC output range, 0-2mA {nominal}, corresponds to a BCD input range of 008-999. The DAC output {U29-9} is applied to the inverting input of operational amplifier U30 {current- to-voltage converter). The UNIPOLAR/BIPOLAR switch {S2) changes the feedback path between U30 and U29. In the UNIPOLAR mode, the output of U30 is connected to pins 10 {10V SPAN R) and 8 (BIPOLAR OFFSET IN) of U?9 to obtain a U30 output range from 0 to +2.5V (nom- inal). In the BIPOLAR mode, the output of USO is con- nected to U79-10, however, U29-8 (BIPOLAR OFFSET IN) is connected to the DAC's internal reference (U29-4} through R24. For these connections, the current-to-voitage converter (U3O) provides a bipolar output range from —2.5V to +2.5V (nominal). Variable resistor R26 allows for a zero output adjustment in the bipolar mode. The U30 output is applied to the output amplifier through range resistors R45, R49, and/or R52. 4-38 Output Amplifier 4-39 The output amplifier is comprised of a range amplifier stage (operational amplifier U31}, voltage gain stages (Q3, (4), and compiementary emitter follower stages (010, 011). The gain of the amplifier is determined by the range digit programmed. 4-40 When high range is programmed, range resistors R45 and R49 are shunted through range switch FET O5 {see paragraph 4-44}. The high range gain of the output amplifier is equal to — {RZ + RBG) + R52. In the high range, the amplifier provides a 0 fo +9.99V output {unipolar mode} or a —10V to +8.98V output {bipolar mode}. 4.41 When low range is programmed, the gain of the amplifier is equal to — {R2 + R66} + {R456 + R49 + R52). In the low range, the amplifier’s unipolar or bipolar output is one tenth of the corresponding high range output. Variable resistor R49 allows a tow range gain adjustment while the front panel D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST control (R2) allows setting the maximum rated 58501 A output (+5%) in the high and low ranges, 4-42 Transistor stages ОЗ and Q4 provide a voltage gain for the low level output {£1V max.) of operational amplifier U31. Stages C10 (positive) and Q11 (negative) provide the unipolar or bipolar output voltage between terminals Al and A2. Output current up to 10mA is available and is automatically limited to 17mA (nominal), When terminal A1 is negative with respect ta , toad current will How through the G11 stage. When terminal Al is positive with respect to , load current witi flow through the Q10 stage. 4-43 Diodes CRY and CRT protect the output amplifier if an external voltage exceeding 25V (nominal) is connected between the AT and A2 terminals. If an excessive negative voltage is applied, CRY will clamp the output to —25V {nom.). If an excessive positive voltage is applied, CR11 will clamp the output to +25V (nom.}. 4-44 Range Switch 4-45 The range switch allows the output amplifier to produce a high range or a low range output. The range switch circuit (05, 06) receives the RANGE signal level from range tatch U26-14. A LO signal level specifies high range while a HI signal evel specifies low range. 4-6 4-46 Ifa LO leve! is received, transistor Q6 15 turned- off causing FET (5 to conduct. The FET is used as a switch which has a very low on resistance and a very high off resistance. While conducting, Ob couples the output of 30 to the input of 31 via range resistor R52 (R45 and R49 are bypassed). 4-47 If a Hl level is received, transistor Q6 is turned-on causing Q5 to turn-otf, For this condition, the output of U30 is coupled to the input of U31 through range resistors R45, R49, and R52. 4-48 The spike suppressor circuit {in conjunction with range amplifier U31} suppresses voltage spikes that occur when the range switch is turned on or off. Voltage limiting diodes CR8 and CR10 {Schottky 's) protect U31 from excessive input voltages, 4-43 Turn-On/Turn-Off Control 4-50 The turn-on/turn-off contro! circuit is comprised of shift register B (U?5), transistor stages (01, Q2) and FETs Q7-08. The purpose of this circuit is to prevent transients at power turn-on and turn-off from affecting the output. To accomplish this, the output is clamped at a tow level when power is turned on or off. 4-51 Before power is turned-on, range amplifier U31 js shunted by FET Q8, the output of amplifier stage Q4 is clamped at a low level by FET Q7, and FET Q9 clamps the output of the 010 and O11 stages to ground, When power is turned-on, the Vdd supply voltage {junction R27 and R28} resets U25 {(U25-13 goes LO}, turning on Q1. With OT turned- on, FET's 07, 08, and Q8 continue to conduct to maintain the initial conditions (fow-level output). Note that when power is turned-on, there is a delay before the —15V supply voltage is available, consequently, Q2 is turned off at initial power turn-on. After the delay, Q2 turns-on removing the reset condition at U25. When the first data word is foaded into data storage 2, shift register B output (U25-13) goes HI (see paragraph 4-33d) turning off Q1. With Q1 off, FETs Q7, G8, and Q9 cutoff allowing the output amplifier to provide an output determined by the programmed dats word. 4-52 At turn-off, the —15V supply voltage decays faster than the +15V and Vdd supply voltages. When the —15V supply decays sufficientiy, U25 is reset (U25-13 goes LO) turning on Q1 which causes FET's Q7-09 to conduct, Thus, the output is clamped at a tow level during the decay of the +15V and Vdd supply voltages. 4-53 Bias Voitages 4-54 The bias voltages for the digital and anatog circuits on the main printed circuit board are generated and distri- buted as shown on sheet 1 of the schematic (Figure 7-3). 4-55 Ac power is applied through the power module and power transformer T1 to two full-wave bridge rectifiers, Integrated circuit U32 receives its raw (unregulated) de from full-wave rectifier (CR14-16) and fitter {C27, C28). 1С U32 provides a regulated +5V output, with respect to deta common V, for all TTL logic circuits on the data common side of the photo-isolators. 4-7 4-56 Integrated circuit U33 receives Its raw (unregulated) dc from fuil-wave rectifier (CR19-CR22) and filer (C31-C34). Note that the —15 and +15V unregulated outputs (+25V and --25V, nominal) are also applied to voltage protection diodes CRO and CR11 {see paragraph 4-43). 1C U33 provides regulated +15V outputs with respect to Y ‚far the DAC and the analog amplifier circuits. 4-57 The Vdd bias supply {Q3} develops its output from the +18BV supply. Vdd {+BV), referenced to \V , is distri- buted to all CMOS logic circuits on the № side of the photo-isolators. Note that power supply ground NV and output ground Y are connected together, SECTION V MAINTENANCE 5-1 INTRODUCTION 5-2 This section contains checkout, troubleshooting, repair and replacement, and adjustment procedures for the 58501A. The checkout procedures verify that the 59501 A circuitry is operating properly by checking that it can be programmed by an HP-18 controller and that it is properly adjusted. The troubleshooting procedures are performed if a matfunction occurs while performing the checkout pro- cedures or during normal operations. 5-3 TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED 5-4 The controller {e. g., 9825A or 9830A calculator), equipped with the appropriate bus interface card, provides all of the signal inputs necessary for checking and trouble- shooting the 59501A. The additional instruments required for troubleshooting are listed in Table 5-1, 5-5 if available, Bus System Analyzer HP Mode! 59401 A can be used in place of the calculator when checking or troubleshooting the 59501 A. The 58401A provides talker, ¡istener, and controlier modes of operation. The operating speed of the 59401 A varies from one character at a time in the halt mode, to two characters per second in the slow mode, and full HP-IB speed in the fast mode. Thus, the 59401A can be used to exercise the 59501 A circuitry aflow- ing one character at a time to be transferred and checked. 5-6 CHECKOUT PROCEDURES 5-7 The procedures given in the flow chart of Figure 5-1 can be used to check operation of the 59501A when ¡ is initially received, If a malfunction is detected during checkout, the procedures determine whether adjustment of troubleshooting is required, The procedures in Figure 5-1 provide the following checks: 1. Output voltage is held near OV when power is applied. 2. Listen logic is enabled when the 59501 A's listen address is received. 3. Listen logic is disabled when the interface clear (1FC) signal 15 received. 4. Unipolar mode — zero output programming accuracy. 5. Unipolar mode — full scale programming accuracy. 6. Bipolar mode — full scale programming accuracy. 7. Listen logic is disabled when the "Unlisten” command is received. 5-8 The checkout procedures are performed with the 59501 A connected to the HP-IB along with a controller, The 59501 A's address switches are set to "8: anda DVM is connected between the AT and A? output terminals, Connect the DVM common lead to the Al output terminal. 5-9 TROUBLESHOOTING 5-10 The troubleshooting procedures {Figures 5-2 through 5-4} assume that the controler is operating properly and that a malfunction exists in the 59501 А. Before attempting to troubleshoot the 58601A, ensure that the fault was not caused by a programming error. Also, it is recommended that the reader review the circuit descriptions provided in Section !V. À good understanding of circuit operation will aid in troubieshooting. In order to troubleshoot the 59501 À, the bottom cover must be removed. Table 5-1. Test Equipment Required Type Characteristics Use Recommended Model Digital Voltmeter | Accuracy: 0.004% Precision dc voltage measurements HP Model 3455A or 3490A Oscilloscope Bandwidth: de to 50MHZz Adjust zero output accuracy. Check handshake cycle timing. CMOS logic circuit troubleshooting. HP Model 180C with 1803A and 1821A plug-ins, Logic Probe impedance: 2582, Trigger TTL logic circuit troubleshooting. HP 10525T Thresh: 2.0V and 0.8V (nom) Min. Pulse Width: 10nsec. | TTL/CMOS TTL/CMOS togie circuit HP BABA Logic Probe trou bieshooting 5-1 POWER CN A LISTEN LOGE CAFÉ AR MODE AE Fi PROGRAM | Mike ACCURACY : CREA ANC LA RANGE ) CONNECT TEST S LP OF PARA $6 } SET MOCE SWITCH TO UNIÉEX AR AFFLÉ PONER TT THE BEA CHECK QUTPLY wT AGE Noi RE ANG OH he PROGRAM SECA TS "LISTEN CHECK "LETTERING LIA * SEND INTERFACE CLEAR (IFE) SIGNAL. CHECK "Listening" Fre ATOR - , PERFORM DIGITAL Cisne №. _ A CIRCUITS TROJBLE- IND OFF? > Ti E in ad PROGRAM ESSOL TA LISTEN" AND SEND BATA WERO * 2092" CHECK Vo ON Ev Ve < Im? > E TES +r SEND DATA WORD "1050" CHECK Va ON DVM ¥ то "д" del TRIMIBLE SAS TLNS (PÉRECEM OMER ALL. (Pie 8-2 3 + # PRÉSS "STOF"KEY UN D8S0,21, SGA CALLE ATORS OF "RESET" ISTÑA CALC ATOR SHOCTEING {FIG A 53 SET "ZERO ADJUST" EN SOSA FOR A DYM READING LESS THAN fray SET "ZERG ABJUST FOR A READING LESS THAN Sim ON DURE RECHECK HIGH RANCE ae Vo > ESCmVE> "ES ms ZERO "2000" IF DE- NEL REY CH то "в" ФРАЙ ВОНИ FULL SCALE PRD GRAMMING ACCES RACY THIGH AMD ЕО ОБМАНЕ бя EEC AF АА Fld SCALE FR) т LANE ACTA Zr UNE 5 PEN DECODEF SENG HATA WORE “2995” CHECK Ve ON DVM $ SETA FULL SCAR] AMBIET " FOR à Yh READING OF 9 90V кам Ч Ld SEND DATS WORD Oh Dun 39087 CHECK Ye FEREDRRM AS EST - MENT FROCEDURES (PARA E- 155 iF AC- SUSTRENT FRO- CEDURES РО мот WORK PERFORM CVERELE TROSELE- SHOCTINC [FIG 5-7) + СНЕСЖ Му) SET MOCE SWITCH TO "BIPOLAR ” SEND CATA WORLD "rene o IC MO YES SET CERO ADJUST FOR ATM README OF KV idem "E Y SEND DATA WORD “29991 CHECK Vo FROGRAM SS6GIA VO CUNEISTEN | CHECK LST ENING INSICATOR END CF TEST SET DAR FULL SCALE ALJUSTT FOR SVM READING OF E SAY 41m CIRCUITS TROUBLE PERFORM BISITAR SHOOTING (FIG 5-33 ip] i 250mv 27 PERFORM ADJUST | MENT PROCEDURES ¡PARA 5-19). 46 PRO- CEDURES DO NOT WORK, BIPOLAR /UNE- POLAR SWITOH OF DAC LAIR HS PROS ABEY DEFECTIVE Figure 5-1. Checkout Procedures, Flow Chart CHECK COMPONENTE ESTOCIATEN WITH 14-- CORRECT BIAS BF PLY VOLTAGE (SEE CHETEK FOR BLOWN FUME 18 POWER MCOUEF ALSC EM SURE THEY THE AC VOLTAGE SELECT CARD 15 PROPERLY INSERTED 3N THE FOWES MOQULE DIGITAL CHRCUITS GEFECTIWE {BEE Fig. ЗН. CONNECT 595005 AND CON - TROLLER TO HF- IE. SEY SYRIA MODE SWITCH TO "UN: POE AR” AND APPLY POWER TO SSSOIR CHECÉ DIAS SURRY VOLTAGES ON THE A 1 RE. CONNECT METER 1.EADS CON AL BECARE AS INCRCATES BELCW METER | METER | NORMAL COMMON POSFÍVE | READING 7 жа: ЗАО 4 +8 RnR TELS 15 FO 830 78VDC Y vo 1650 2660 CHECK THAT THE j EFFeGCPRIATE AC HN PUT VOLTAGE 15 PRE- SENT SE TWEEN THE PRIMARY VWINDINSS SF POWER XFA TE SEE SCHEAM Spot DEGITAL. CIRCMITO DEFECTIVE (SEL Fig 5.2) CHECK RANGE SIG“ NAL AT AIUZE - 14 (WITH FESPECT TON) EYES RANGE SWITCH АК, 06 DEFECTIVE pra CHEZ OUTPUT VOLT - AGE (Ve) BETWEER ALL) AND ASÍS; TERMINALS. CON- NECT MEYER COM MON TO az ча Е ОМУТ YES TUR OM CONTROL - 1ER PROGRAM BABS EL TO STEN ANC: SEND Magn, SHÉCA 1157 FN:8G INDICATOR AND MEA- SURE VOLTAGE (Ve) BETWEEN Al [-) BME AZ 4H) MC 7 №. <TR к ок? ES aL TN ne > A YES DEI OR AIR ВЕР ВОЛНЕ, CHECK LEVEL АТ ANITA 15 WITR RESFECT TC LE Е "Ану 512 26.0 LEVEL a [a CE DEFECTIVE | pl SUIT DEFECTIVE TURM ONSCFF CR {RIG dé OT 090 CHECK VOLTAGE (Vias? BETWEEN TES PROGRAM SEC ТО "LISTEN" SEND ote) CHECK Yo BETWEEN BETO REF) YES + RANGE SWITCH AGS, DE DEFECTIVE CHECK RANGE SU NAL ATANZEC 9 WITH RESPECT TU berm” еее - ALO PROBABLY DEFECTIVE AlJEC-6 AND UF (COMMON) DIGITAL CIRCUITS DEFECT IVE SEE FIG 8-54 CESE VOLTAGE BE- TWEEN AUB FNS YEN AS PROBABLY DEFECTIVE Aval 07,06. OF |, NO 99 DEFECTIVE AT © CUTPUTE: WITR RESPECT TON: Cf AN, U27, AND 75 ARE AS FOLLOWS THAT LEVELS DIGITAL CIRCUITS DEFECTIVE {BEE FA CHECK VOLTAGE AT AlU3I-6 WÈTH RE- SPECT ТО Ч (COMMON) ALE OR De DEFECTIVE CHECK LEVEL. AT ARIEL 15 WITH RE SPELT OT y JEN REY 1ZE-13 HE-E.£ EL + CRETA MEE TAGE BE TWEEN GATE iN- PUT TO AT AND TF (COMMON, : ENECR VOLTAGE AT| COLLECTOR OF ADS WITH RESPECT TO ALE DEFECTIVE АКН ОВ 98 DEFECTIVE Y { COMMON) ALCA - CRE CRI, CRE IG CR Gil DEFECTIVE Figure 5-2. Overall Troublesheoting Procedures, Flow Chart 5-3 pe 7 A A:G4 DEFECTIVE LES LOGIC APPLY POWER TO 550A AND TURN ON CONTROLLER. MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHEDIS MITA PROBE CONNECT PROBE COMMON TO SS COMMON? 1 NC ARIZ, LIE OR iG] DEFECTIVE но PROGRAM "UN- LISTEN" HME bornes не "HIE TEN- NG INE OFF? YES Y + WITH "UNLISTEN" LOVELY SROGRAM- MED MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHECKS LAVE ISTEW | DECS COMMAND CONTIN: CHECK AlUZ, Gap, NG HG, CLOCK FEN Ч SMTA ТАИТ Te SUL SES AT ANBO-67 Ade OF UE Df FECTIVE AUX OR 310 DEFECTIVE ee All, US = AE TIR LEZ DEFECTIVE AILZ OR Ua NO GEFECTIVÉ 125 REPEATED Y PRO- GRAM THE 595014 TO "LISTEN ANS SEND "1248" CHECK TURN -ON Pt PRESET CHOLET AGE, LA, 05 CONNECT JUWF- JER BETWEEN COLLECTOR OF od AND CF OST OR ARs DEFECTIVE REMOVE JUMPER 6 WITH SSACIA "LISTER" ADDRESS SEPEATESLY PRO: SARANBED MARE THE FOLLOWING CHECKS (WITH RE: SPECT TOR) us- ING LOGIC PROBE CHECK ACTESTOR pt HANDSHAKE. [FIG 5.41. PL, SES AT ASUS IZ = ADS DÉFECTIVE PAR SES AT ANIE-5 = AI DEFECTIVE OR AIUZ OR US DEFECTIVE ALLE [A EOS —| ÎCHECKS AS FOLLOWS CONNECT SCOPE COMMON CONNECT ТО "DRS DOM MON) AND CONTINUE USING SCC PE: REPLACE ANJIS PREF. ALE AILIÉ REPLACE AJUFT | | LISTEN LOGIC PATA 3 SERENO ara В STORAGE РАН, SE МО ТАЮТ 28 OR or UES DEFECT VE AILST CR Urea REFECTIVE : т ME aw ping к REPLACE AUPS 4 PROGRAM SEBCA TOLISTEN AND SEND "1999" REPLACE AlUZ6 CHECK THAT AY 0 OUTPUTS or] AlUZ] 1228, ART UE ARE AS FÉL- LES PINO LEVES О 14H) И ен 2 @iLa! f CHECK THAT. LÈVELS ATOUT PUTS CF ANNE, VIS AND WED ARE AS FOLLOWE FIN LEVEL ® EEO Iz | {НЕ} IVES 3 tal PROGRAM S9ECIA 15 946) TO LISTEN AND 1 SENO "7665" ; но YES REFLACE DEFEC- TIVE ARELUEZ GA UES AS APPLICA E REPLACE AUUZEG CHECA THAT LEVELS AT GUT- FUTS OF ARJ2l, HER, AMD U23 ARE AS FOLLOWS! FIN LEVEL 10 S (10) E I {Hh 2 ‘НИ! | DILO: CHECK THAT LEVELS AT Bout PUTS OF AHNE, 1%, AMD LIED ALL No PARE AS FOLLOWS: CORRECT? PIN LEVEL a | {HI} 2 MO YES 3 eno ER EAH jres REPLACE DEFES- E ТРУЕ АНЕРЕ Нез OR 1473 AS APPLIC- END OF TI | OF TEST | ABLE. REPLACE DEFEC- TEVE ARE, UF, OR GRO AS AP- PLICABLE REPLACE DEFLE- THE AILG8, LS TOR CURD AS AF PLICABLE. 5-4 Figure 5-3. Digital Circuits Troubleshooting, Flow Chart WARNING Exercise extreme caution when working on energized circuits. 5-11 Overall Troubleshooting. The overall troubleshoot- ing procedures given in Figure 5-2 isclate a malfunction to the analog or digital sections of the 59501A. Analog circuit mal functions are isolated to the component level, Addi- tional troubleshooting flow charts (Figures 5-3 and 5-4) are provided for digital circuit malfunctions. 5-12 The procedures given in Figure 5-2 first check the bias supply voltages to ensure that these voltages are correct before continuing with the troubleshooting. |f the supply voltages are correct, the procedures continue to check if a malfunction is present in the analog or digital portions of the 59501 À. If a malfunction is not detected, review the programming and operating instructions provided in Section 111 to check if the fault was caused by a program- ming or operating error. NOTE TTL logic levels (1 = true = 2V, Q = false <0.83Vj are measured with respect to V . cmos logic levels (1 = true = 3.5V, Y = false <= 1.5V) are measured with respect to W/ 5-13 Digital Circuits Troubleshooting. The digital circuits troubleshooting procedures given in Figure 5-3 isolate a malfunction to components within the circuits listed below or to the acceptor handshake circuit. A separ- ate flow chart {Figure 5-4) is provided to troubleshoot the acceptor handshake circut. Figure 5-3 checks the digital circuits in the following sequence: 1. Power-on/preset . Listen logic . Unlisten decoder . Clock generator Data input circuits . Isolators . Data sequencer . Data storage 5-14 Acceptor Handshake Troubleshooting. Figure 5-4 provides a static check of the acceptor handshake circuit. However, it is possible to have a condition where a faulty circuit would not be detected by performing these checks, If a timing problem is suspected, the acceptor handshake circuit must be checked dynamically. A dynamic test can be made by continuously programming the 59501A to listen” and observing the handshake signals on an oscitlo- scope. The handshake cycle timing relationships are shown in Figure 4-2. 5-5 5-15 REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT 5-16 All components and wiring are accessible when the top and bottom covers are removed. The component side of the A1 board, the chassis mounted components, and the front pane! components are accessible when the bottom cover is removed. (See Figure 7-1). The wiring side of the AT board is accessible when the top cover is removed. To remove the bottom cover, remove two rear screws, [ft the cover, and pull it to the rear. The top cover is removed in a similar manner. MHECONNECT S9SCHA FROM BUS CONNECT TE CAME - 11 TO 7 CHECK LOGIC LEVELS [WITH RESPECT TD КИТА FOUE OWS! AIS OR AILE DEFECTIVE ALU OB UT BEFECTIVE ALE, UT OR UB DEFECTIVE AUD DEFECTIVE WITH ATH (AIUI-H GROUNDED, TOUCH AIUS OR AIU9 DAY (A1U1-91T0 DEFECTIVE LO LEVEL Al, LUE DR RY AT ALDO DEFECTIVE RFD) 7 * WHEN DAY 1S GROUNDED | ES AUS, 6 CR LEI “TDEFECTEVE 15 TOUCHED 5 WHEN DAY IS TOUCHED TOUCHED АННЫ ЧО ОВ ЧЕ DEFECTIVE * AChE (АННЕ ES) pd AFUE DEFECTIVE Е! INKS ON WHEN DAMM YE END OF TEST Figure 5-4. Acceptor Handshake Circuits Troubleshooting, Flow Chart 5-17 REPLACEMENT PARTS 518 Section VI of this manual contains a fist of re- piaceable parts. If the part to be replaced does not have a standard manufacturers part number, I1 18 a special part number anc must be obtained directiy from Hewlett- Packard. 5-19 ADJUSTMENT AND CALIBRATION 5-20 The 539501 A is factory calibrated to operate properly regardiess of the mode selected {unipolar or bipolar). The calibration procedures, described in para- graphs 5-21 through 5-26, may be reguired after perform- ing the checkout procedures, troubleshooting, or repair and replacement. Once the unit is calibrated, the front panel controls may be adjusted as required for unipolar or bipolar operation {paragraphs 5-27 through 5-30). 5-21 Calibration 5-22 The calibration procedures must be performed In the order in which they are presented in the following paragraphs. 5-23 Test Setup. a. Remove the bottom cover to gain access to the potentiometers on the At board {see Figure 7- }. h. Connect oscilloscope to the Al and A? output terminals on rear of 59501A. Connect scope common to the A1 terminal. Set Time/Div. to 1msec/div and Volt/Div, to TmV/em. c. Check that the address switches on the rear of the 59501 A are set to "E. £a d. Connect the 59501 À to an HP-18 controller. e. Appiy power to 5950TA and controller. Allow a 30-minute warmup, 5-24 Unipolar Mode — Zero Programming Accuracy. To adjust the zero programming accuracy in the high and iow output ranges, proceed as follows: a. Set mode switch on rear of 59501 A to UNIPOLAR, b, Program 59501 A to “Listen” and alternately send data words ' 1900” (zero low range) and 2000” (zero high range). c. Adjust potentiometer ATR61 {unipolar zero balance) for a straight line as indicated on the scope. d. Remove scope and connect a DVM between the A1 and AZ output terminals. Connect DVM common to AT. e. Send data word "2000" to the 59501 À. f. Adjust front panel ZERO ADJUST for a reading of OV 1m V on DVM, Gh 5-25 Unipolar Mode — Full Scale Programming Accuracy. To adjust the fuil scale programming accuracy in the high and low ranges, proceed as follows: a. Send data word 2999” (high range full scale) to the 59601 À, | b. Adjust D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST for a reading of +9.99V + 1т\ оп DVM. c. Send data word “1999” (low range full scale) to the 59501 A, d. Adiust potentiometer AT R49 {low range gain) for a reading of +0.999V + 0.1mY on DVM. e. Check the zero programming accuracy {para- graph 5-24 steps a through e) and the fuli scale program- ming accuracy (steps a through d above) and repeat both procedures if required. 5-26 Bipolar Mode — Zero Programming Accuracy. Use the same test setup as described Ir paragraph 5-23. a. Perform steps 5-24a through 5-24e. b, Set mode switch on rear of 59501 À to BIPOLAR. c. Program 59501 A to Listen” and alternately send data words "15009 (OV, low range) and "2596 (OV, high range). d. Adjust potentiometer ATR26 (bipolar zero balance) for a straight line as indicated on the scope. 5-27 Front Panel Adjustments 5-28 After the unit is calibrated, the front panel controls are adjusted for unipolar or bipolar operation. Note that the following procedures adjust the cutput of the 59501 À when it is to be used as a DAC. If the 59501 À is to be used as a power supply programmer, follow the calibration procedures provided in Section I! {paragraphs 3-53 through 3-66. 5-29 Unipolar Mode. Use the same test setup as paragraph 5-23 except connect a DVM between the Al and AZ output terminals. Connect the BVM common to the AZ terminal. a. Set mode switch to UNIPOLAR. b. Program 59501 À to “Listen”. Send data word 2000" (high range zero} and adjust front panel ZERO с. Send data word 2999” {high range full scale) and adjust front panel D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST for a reading of +8.89V + TmV on DVM. 5-30 Bipolar Mode. Use same test setup as above, a. Set mode switch to BIPOLAR. b. Send data word 2000” and adjust ZERO ADJUST for a reading of —10V £1mV on DVM. се. Send data word 2999” and adiust D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST for a reading of +9.98V +1mV on DVM. d. Repeat steps b and c. Table 6-3. Code List of Manufacturers CODE MANUFACTURER ADDRESS 16758 Delco Radio Div. of General Motors Corp. Kokomo, ind. 17545 Atlantic Semiconductors, Inc. Asbury Park, N.J. 17803 Fairchild Camera and Instrument Corp. Mountain View, Calif. 17870 Daven Div. Thomas A. Edison industries McGraw Edison Co. Orange, NJ. 18324 Signetics Corp. Sunnyvale, Calif. 18315 Bendix Corp. The Navigation and Control Div. Teterboro, N.J. 19701 Electra/Midtand Corp. | Mineral Wells, Texas 21520 Fansteel Metaliurgical Corp. No. Chicago, Hi. 22229 Union Carbide Corp. Electronics Div. Mountain View, Calif. 22753 UID Electronics Corp. Hollywood, Fa. 23936 Pamotor, Inc. Pampa, Texas 24446 General Electric Co. Schenectady, N.Y. 24455 General Electric Co. Nela Park, Cleveland, Ohio 24655 General Radio Co. West Concord, Mass. 24681 LTV Electrosystems Inc. Memcor/Com- ponents Operations Huntington, Ind. 26982 Dynacoo! Mfg. Co. Inc. Saugerties, N.Y. 27014 National Semiconductor Corp. Santa Clara, Calif. 28480 Hewlett-Packard Co. Palo Aito, Calif. 28520 Heyman Mfg. Co. Kenilworth, N.J. 28875 IMC Magnetics Corp. Rochester, NH. 31514 SAE Advance Packaging, Inc. Santa Ana, Calif, 31827 Budwig Mfg. Co. Ramona, Calif, 33173 GE. Co. Tube Dept. Owensboro, Ky. 35434 Lectrohm, inc. Chicago, IH. 37942 Р.В. МаПогу & Со. indianapolis, Ind. 42190 Muter Co. Chicago, Hi. 43334 New Departure-Hyatt Bearings Div. General Motors Corp. Sandusky, Ohio 44655 Ohmite Manufacturing Co. Skokie, HI. 46384 Penn Engr. and Mfg. Corp. Doylestown, Pa. 47904 Polaroid Corp. Cambridge, Mass. 49956 Raytheon Co. Lexington, Mass. 55026 Simpson Electric Co. Div. of American Gage and Machine Co. Chicago, Li. 56289 Sprague Electric Co. North Adams, Mass. 58474 Superior Electric Co. Bristol, Conn, 58849 Syntron Div. of FMC Corp. Homer City, Pa. 6-3 CODE MANUFACTURER ADDRESS 59730 Thomas and Betts Co. Philadelphia, Pa. 61637 Union Carbide Corp. New York, N.Y. 637453 Ward Leonard Electric Co, Mt. Vernon, N.Y. 70563 Amperite Co. Ine. Union City, NJ. 70901 Beemer Engrg Co. Fort Washington, Pa. 70903 Belden Corp. Chicago, 118. 71218 Bud Radio, Inc. Willoughby, Ohio 74279 Cambridge Thermionic Corp. Cambridge, Mass. 74400 Bussmann Mfg. Div.of McGraw & Edison Co. St. Louis, Mo. 71450 CTS Corp. Etkhart, Ind. 71468 1.T.T. Cannon Electric Inc. Los Angeles, Calif, 71590 Giobe-Union Inc. Milwaukee, Wis. 71700 General Cable Corp. Cornish Wire Co. Div, Williamstown, Mass. 71707 Coto Coil Co. Inc. Providence, В.1. 71744 Chicago Miniature Lamp Works Chicago, HI. 71785 Cinch Mfg. Co. and Howard B. Jones Div. Chicago, ill. 71984 Dow Corning Corp. Midiand, Mich. 72136 Electro Motive Mfg. Co. Inc. Wiitimantic, Conn. 72619 Dialight Corp. Brooklyn, N.Y. 72699 General Instrument Corp. Newark, N.J. 72765 Drake Mig. Со. Harwood Heights, IHi. 72962 Elastic Stop Nut Div. of Amerace Esna Corp. Union, N.J. 72982 Erie Technological Products Erie, Pa. 73096 Hart Mfg. Co. Hartford, Conn. 73138 Beckman Instruments Fullerton, Calif. 73168 renwal, inc. Ashiand, Mass. 73293 Hughes Aircraft Co. Electron Dynamics Div. Torrance, Calif. 73445 Amperex Electronic Hicksville, N.Y. 73506 Bradley Semiconductor Corp. New Haven, Conn. 73559 Carling Electric, inc. Hartford, Conn. 73734 Federal Screw Products, Inc. Chicago, THE 74193 Heinemann Electric Co, Trenton, NJ. 74545 Hubbell Harvey inc. Bridgeport, Conn. 74868 Amphenol Corp. Amphenol RF Div. Danbury, Conn. 74870 E.F. Johnson Co. Waseca, Minn, Table 6-3. Code List of Manufacturers CODE MANUFACTURER ADDRESS 75047 IRC Div. of TRW, Inc. Philadelphia, Pa. 75183 "Howard B. Jones Div. of Cinch Mig. Corp. New York, NY, 75376 Kurz and Kasch, Ing. Dayton, Ohio 75382 Kika Electric Corp, Mr. Vernon, N.Y. 75915 Littlefuse, Inc. Des Plaines, HI. 76381 Minnesota Mining and Mtg. Co. St. Paul, Minn. 76385 Minor Rubber Co. Inc. Bloomfield, N.J, 76457 James Millen Mfg. Co. Inc. Malden, Mass. 76493 JW. Miller Co. Compton, Cahf. 76530 Cinch City of Industry, Calif. 76854 Oak Mig. Co. Div. ot Oak Electro/ Netics Corp. Crystal Lake, HI. 77068 Bendix Corp, Electrodynamics Div. No. Hollywood, Calif. 77122 Palnut Co. Mountainside, N.J. 77147 Patton-MacGuyer Co. Providence, #1. 77221 Phaostron Instrument and Electronic Co, South Pasadena, Calif. 717252 Philadelphia Steel and Wire Corp. Phitadelphia, Pa. 717342 American Machine and Foundry Co. Princeton, Ind. 717630 TRW Electronic Components Div. Camden, N.J. 77764 Resistance Products Co. — Harrisburg, Pa. 78189 Hiinots Tool Works inc. Elgin, HI. 78452 Everiook Chicago, Ine. Chicago, Il. 78488 Stack pole Carbon Co. St. Marys, Pa. 78526 Stanwyck Winding Div. San Fernando Electric Mfg. Co. inc. Newburgh, N.Y. 78553 Tinnerman Products, inc. Cleveland, Ohio 78584 Stewart Stamping Corp, Yonkers, NY. 79136 Waldes Kohinoor, Inc. LiC., NY. 79307 Whitehead Metals Inc. New York, N.Y. 79727 Continental-Wirt Etectronics Corp. Philadelphia, Pa. 79963 Zierick Mig. Co. Mi. Kisco, NY. 80031 Mepco Morristown, N.J. 80294 Bourns, inc. Riverside, Calif. 31042 Howard Industries Racine, Wisc. 81073 Grayhitl, Inc. La Grange, |. 81483 international Rectifier El Segundo, Calif. 81751 Columbus Electronics Yonkers, N.Y. 82099 Goodyear Sundries & Mechanical Co. Inc. New York, N.Y. 02142 Airco Speer Electronic Components | | Du Bois, Ра. 82219 Syivania Electric Products. inc, | Emporium, Pa, 82389 Swircheraft, Inc. Chicago, III. 82647 Metals and Controls inc. Attleboro, Mass. “Use Code 71785 assigned to Cinch Mfg. Co., Chicago, Hi. CODE MANUFACTURER ADDRESS 32866 Research Products Corp. Madison, Wisc. 82877 Rotron Inc. Woodstock, N.Y. 82893 Vector Electronic Co. Glendale, Calif. 830568 Carr Fastener Co. Cambridge, Mass. 83186 Victory Engineering Springfield, N.I. 83798 Bendix Corp. Eatontown, N.J. 83330 Herman H. Smith, Inc. Brooklyn, N.Y. 83385 Central! Screw Co. Chicago, [it 83501 Gavitt Wire and Cable Brookfield, Mass. 83508 Grant Pulley and Hardware Co. West Nyack, N.Y. 83594 Burroughs Corp. Plainfield, N.J. 83835 U.S. Radium Corp. Morristown, N.J. 838/77 Y ardeny Laboratories New York, N.Y. 84171 Arco Electronics, Ine. Great Neck, N.Y. 84411 TRW Capacitor Div, Ogallaía, Neb. 86684 RCA Corp. Harrison, N.J. 86838 Rummel! Fibre Co. Newark, N.J. 87034 Marco & Oak Industries Anaheim, Calif. 872106 Philco Corp. Lansdale, Pa. 87585 Stockwell Rubber Co. Philadelphia, Pa. 87929 Tower-Olschan Corp. Bridgeport, Conn. 88140 Cutler-Hammer inc. Lincoln, tit. 88245 Litton Precision Products Inc, USECO Van Nuys, Calif. 90634 Gulton Industries Inc. Metuchen, N.J. 90763 United-Car Inc. Chicago, Il. 91345 Miiter Dial and Nameplate Co. El Monte, Calif. 91418 Radio Materials Co. Chicago, lil. 91506 Augat, Inc. Attleboro, Mass. 91637 Dale Electronics, Inc. Columbus, Neb. 91662 Eico Corp. Willow Grove, Pa. 91929 Honeywell Inc. Freeport, lil, 92825 Whitso, Inc. Schiiler Pk., Hl. 93332 Sylvania Electric Prod. Woburn, Mass. 93410 Essex Wire Corp. Mansfield, Ghio 94144 Raytheon Co. Quincy, Mass. 94154 Wagner Electric Corp. Livingston, N.J. 94222 | Southco inc. Lester, Pa. 95263 Leecraft Mfg. Co. inc. LAC. NY. 95354 Methode Mfg. Co. Rolling Meadows, ili. 95712 Bendix Corp. Franklin, Ind. 95987 Weckesser Co. Inc. Chicago, ‘lt. 96791 Amphenol Corp. Janesviile, Wis 97464 Industrial Retaining Ring Co. Irvington, N.J. 97702 IMC Magnetics Corp. Westbury, N.Y. 98291 Sealectro Corp. Mamaroneck, N.Y. 98410 ETC Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 98978 International Electronic Research Corp. Burbank, Calif. 99934 Renbrandt, Inc. Boston, Mass. Table 6-4. Replaceable Parts REF. MER. HP DESIG. DESCRIPTION TQ.i MFR. PART NO. CODE PART NO. [RS At Main Board Assembly {See Note 1} C1 fxd, cer. 1000pF, 1kV 1 C067B102E1027Z526 56289 0150-0050 1 C2-5 fxd, cer. OOTuF, 100V 11 28480 0150-0093 2 C6 fxd, mica. 500pF, 1%, 300V 1 DM15F501FO300WIC 72136 0140-0234 1 C7 fxd, cer. OOTuF, 100V 28480 0150-0093 C8 fxd, cer. 470pF, 10%, 1000WVdc 1 DD-471 71590 0150-2496 1 C8, 10 fxd, mica, 91pF, 1%, 300V 2 28480 0160-0335 1 C11-15 fxd, cer. O.OTuF, TOOV 28480 0150-0093 CT6, 17 fxd, cer. 0.14F, 50V 5 5C5081-CML 56289 0150-0121 1 C18 fxd, mica. 100pF, 10%, 500V 1 28480 0160-2006 1 C19 Not assigned C20 fxd, mica. 30pF, 5%, bOOV 2 DM15E300J0500WVICR 72136 0140-0203 1 C21 xd, mica. 390pF, 5%, 300V 1 DM15F381J0300WVICR 72136 0140-0200 1 C22 fxd, cer, 0.OT5uF, +80,--20%, TkV 1 CO23B102M15375727 56289 0160-2477 1 C23 fxd, cer. 1uF, 20%, 26V 2 ESCZBUTOSX0025050 56289 0160-0127 1 C24 fxd, mica. 30pF, 5%, 500V DM15E300J0500WVICR 72136 0140-0203 C25 fxd, cer. 1uF, 20%, 25V 5CZ5U1TO0BX0025050 56289 0160-0127 C26 fxd, cer. 0.01uF, 100V 28480 0150-0003 C27 fxd, elect. 2000uF, 20V 1 28480 0180-2685 1 C28 fxd, cer. 0.1uF, bOV 5C5081-CML 56289 0150-0321 C29 fxd, elect. 22uF, 10%, 15V 1 150D226X901582 56289 0180-0228 1 C30 fxd, elect. 1uF, 10%, 35V 2 150D105X9035A2 56289 0180-0291 1 C31, 32 fxd, elect. T80uF, 50V 2 6720047 56289 0180-0634 1 C33, 34 fxd, cer. G.1yF, 5OV 5C5081-CMIL 56289 0150-0121 C35, 36 fxd, mica. 1600pF, 5%, 300WVdc 2 28480 0150-3068 1 C37, 38 fxd, elect. 1OuF, 10%, 20V 2 150D106X9020B2 56289 0180-0374 1 C38 fxd, elect. TuF, 10%, 3bV 150D105X9035A2 56289 0180-0291 C40 fxd, mica. 47pF, 5%, 500V 1 DM15E470J0500WVICR 72136 0149-0204 1 C41 fxd, mica. b6pF, 5%, 300V 1 DM15E560J0300WVICR 72136 0140-0191 1 CR1, 2 Diode, Si. 200mA, 7bV 7 1N4148 28480 1901-0050 | 6 CR3 Stabistor 15Y, 150mA 3 28480 1901-0460 | 3 CR4-7 Diode, Si, 200mA, 75V 1N4148 28480 1901-0050 CRS Diode, Schottky 28480 1901-0535 | 2 CR9 Diode, power rectifier 10 28480 1901-0327 110 CR10 Diode, Schottky 28480 1901-0535 CR Diode, power rectifier 28480 1901-0327 CR12, 13 Stabistor 15Y, 150mA 28480 1901-0460 CR14-17 Diode, power rectifier 28480 1901-0327 CR18 Diode, Si. 200mA, 75V 1N4148 28480 1901-0050 CR19-22 Diode, power rectifier 28480 1901-0327 J1 HP-{B connector, 24 pin microribbon 1 57-20240-2 71785 1251-3283 1 O SS PNP Si, 2 28480 1853-0099 2 O? SS NPN Si. 5 28480 1854-0071 5 ОЗ SS PNP Si. 28480 1853-0099 Q4 SS NPN Si. Ой 23417 03508 1854-0087 1 Q5 JFET 4 2N4392 04713 1855-0386 | 4 Q6 SS NPN Si. | 28480 1854-0071 Q7-9 ВРЕТ 2№4392 04713 1855-0386 Note 1: This assembly is designed for component level repair. Replacement assemblies cannot be supplied. 6-5 Table 6-4. Replaceable Parts REF. MFR. HP DESIG. DESCRIPTION TO | MER. PART NO. CODE PART NO. | RS Q10 SS NPN 1 2N2222A 07263 1854-04 77 1 Q11 SS PNP 1 2N2907A 04713 1853-0281 1 Q12-14 55 NPN Si. 28480 1854-0071 Ri fxd, film 383, 1%, 1/8W 2 C4-1/8-TO-383R-F 24546 0698-3446 1 R2, 3 fxd, film 5.11k, 1%, 1/9W 2 C4-1/8-TO-5111-F 24546 0757-0433 1 1 ВА fxd, film 42.2k, 1%, 1/8W 3 С4-1/8-ТО-4222-Е 24546 0698-3450 | 1 Rb fxd, film 383 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-383R-F 24546 0698-3446 RO fxd, film 47.5k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-T0-4752-F 24546 0757-0457 1 R7 xd, film 4.64k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-T0-4641-F 24546 0698-3155 1 RS, 9 fxd, film 301, 1%, 1/8W 2 C4-1/8-TO-301R-F 24546 0757-0410 § 1 RI0-15 fxd, fitm 162, 1%, 1/8W 6 C4-1/8-TO-162R-F 24546 0757-0405 | 1 R16-21 fxd, film 4.12k, 1%, 1/8W 8 C4-1/8-T0-4121-F 24546 0696-3493 1 R22 fxd, film 16.2k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-T0-1622-F 24546 0757-0447 1 R23 fxd, film 2.37k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-2371-F 24546 0698-3150 1 R24, 25 fxd, film 10, 1%, 1/8W 4 Ca-1/8-TO-10RO-F 24546 0757-0346 1 R26 var., cermet, 20k, 10% 2 3006P-1-203 32997 2100-3307 1 R27 fxd, film 11.3k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-1132-F 24546 0698-4121 1 R28 fxd, film 36.5k,1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-3652-F 24546 0757-0455 1 R29 fxd, film 19.6k, 1%, 1/8W 6 C4-1/8-TO-1962-F 24546 0698-3157 1 R30 fxd, fitm 121k, 1%, 1/8W 5 C4-1/8-TO-1213-F 24546 0757-0467 1 R31 fxd, film 19.6k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1962-F 24546 0698-3157 R32 fxd, film 51.1k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-5112-F 24546 0757-0458 | 1 R33 fxd, film 1k, 1%, 1/8W 5 C4-1/8-TO-1001-F 24546 0707-0280 | 1 R34 fxd, film 200k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-2003-F 24546 0757-0472 1 R35 fxd, film 121k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1213-F 24546 0757-0467 R30 fxd, film 1k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1001-F 24546 0757-0280 R37 fxd, film 121k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1213-F 24546 0757-0467 R38 fxd, film 1.5k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-1501-F 24546 0757-0427 1 R39 fxd, film 13.3k, 1%, 1/8W 2 C4-1/8-TO-1332-F 24546 0757-0289 1 R40 fxd, film 121k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-T0-1213-F 24546 0757-0467 R41 fxd, film 30,1k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-3012-F 24546 0757-0453 1 R42 fxd, film 4.12k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-4121-F 24546 0698-3493 R43 fxd, film 13.3k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1332-F 24546 0757-0289 R44 fxd, film 42.2k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-4222-F 24546 0698-3450 R4b fxd, film 133k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-T0-1333-F 24546 0698-6351 1 R46 fxd, filmy 825 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-825R-F 24546 0757-0421 1 R47 fxd, film 68.1k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-6812-F 24546 0757-0401 1 R48 fxd, film 2.87k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-2871-F 24546 0698-3151 1 R49 var,, cermet. bk, 10% 1 28480 | 2100-3308 1 1 R50 fxd, film 100k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-T0-1003-F 24546 0757-0465 | 1 R51 fxd, film 56.2k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-5622-F 24546 0757-0459 1 H52 fxd, ww, 195k, 0.1% 1 28480 0811-0617 1 RES fxd, film 19.6k, 1%, 1/8W CA-1/8-T0-1962-F 24546 0698-3157 1454 Md, film 4.12k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-4121-F 24546 0698-3493 RDS fxd, fiim 121k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1213-F 24546 0757-0467 R56 ixd, film 56k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-5603-F 24546 0698-7666 | 1 Н5/ fxd, film 68.1, 1%, 1/8W 2 C4-1/8-TO-68R1-F 24546 0757-0397 1 R58, bY fxd, film 1k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-T0-1001-F 24546 0757-0280 ROO fxd, film 19.6k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1962-F 24546 0698-3157 R61 3006P-1-203 32997 2100-3307 var., cermet, 20k, 10% 6-6 Table 6-4. Replaceable Parts REF. MFR. HP DESIG. DESCRIPTION TO.] MFR. PART NO. CODE PART NO. [RS RE? fxd, film 68.1, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-68R1-F 24546 0757-0397 R63 fxd, film 42.2k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-T0-4222-F 24546 0698-3450 864 fxd, film 19.6k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1962-F 24546 0698-3157 RES fxd, film 464k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-4643-F 24546 0698-3260 1 R66, 67 fxd, film 475, 1%, 1/8W 2 1 C4.1/8-475R-F 24546 0757-0415 1 ROS fxd, film 19.6k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1962-F 24546 0698-3157 R69 fxd, film 20k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-2002-F 24546 0757-0449 1 R70 fxd, fitm 1k, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/8-TO-1001-F 24546 0757-0280 R71, 72 fxd, fiim 10, 1%, 1/8W C4-1/38-TO-10R0-F 24546 0757-0346 R73 fxd, film 9.31k, 1%, 1/8W 1. | C4-1/8-TO-9311-F 24546 0698-0064 1 R74 fxd, film 5.62k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-5621-F 24546 0757-0200 1 R75 fxd, film 21.5k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-2152-F 24546 0757-0199 1 R76 fxd, ww 3.32k, 1%, 1W 1 R51 A-1-3321-F 91637 0811-1999 1 R77 fxd, ww 100k, 5%, 10W 1 28480 0811-3029 1 R78 fxd, film 4.75k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-4751-F 24546 0757-0437 R79 fxd, film 15k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-1502-F 24546 0757-0446 R80 fxd, film 442k, 1%, 1/8W 1 C4-1/8-TO-4473-F 0698-3460 | 1 Si Address switch 1 28480 3101-1973 1 1 TB1 Barrier block 6-terminal 1 28480 0360-1833 1 Ut, 2 Hex Schmitt Trig. Inverter TC 2 SN74L514N 01295 1820-1416 2 U3 Digital comparator, iC 1 93L.240C 07263 1820-0904 1 НА 8-input Positive - NAND Gate, IC 1 SN74 LS3ON 01295 1820-1207 1 Ub Quad-2 Input Positive NAND Buffer, 1 SN7438N 01295 1820-0621 1 Open Coll. iC UE Triple 3-Input Positive NOR Gate 1 SN74L527N 01295 1820-1206 1 U7 Hex Inverter, 1C 3 SN74ESO4N 01295 1820-1199 3 UB Quad 2-Input Positive NAND Gate, 10 13 SN74ESOON 01295 1820-1197 3 US Dual 4-Input NAND Gate, 16 1 SN74LSON 01295 1820-1204 1 UTO Quad 2-Input Positive - NAND Gate, IC SN74LS00N 01295 1820-1197 U1 Dual Monostable Multivibrator with 1 SN74LS221N 01295 1820-1437 1 Schmitt Trig. Inputs IC UT? Quad 2-Input Positive - NAND Gate, IC SN74LS00N 01295 1820-1197 UT3, 14 Hex Inverter, IC SN74 LSO4N 01295 1820-1199 UTB-17 Duai High Speed Opticaily Coupled 3 28480 1990-0608 3 Isolators UT8-23 COS/MOS Quad Clocked 7D” Latch, 1C 1 6 СО4042 АХ 02735 1820-1540 | 6 U24 COS/MOS Quad 2-Input AND Gate, IC 11 CD40818BY 02735 1820-1486 1 U25 COS/MOS Dual 4-Stage Static Shift 1 CD4015AE 02735 1820-0976 1 Reg., iC U26 COS/MOS Dual J-K F/F, 1C 1 CD4027 AL 02735 1820-0938 1 U27 COS/MOS Hex Inverter, IC 1 CD4069B Y 02735 1820-1404 1 128 COS/MOS Triple 3-Input OR Gate, IC 11 CD4075BY 02735 1820-1405 1 129 12-Bit D/A Converter, IC 1 28480 1820-1856 1 U30 Operational Amplifier, IC 1 M301 AH 27014 1820-0223 1 U31 Operational Amplifier, 1C 7 LM308 27014 1826-0172 1 U32 5V Requlator, 1C 1 MC7805C 04713 1826-0144 1 U33 Dual £15V Reg. IC 1 МС1468 04713 1826-0140 1 VR Diode, zener 12.4V, 5% 1 28480 1902-3185 1 VR2 Diode, zener 16.2V, 5% 1 28480 1902-0184 1 6-7 Table 6-4. Replaceable Parts REF. MFR. HP DESIG. DESCRIPTION TO.t MFR. PART NO. CODE PART NO. RS 21,2 Resistor Network, 3k/6.2k, 5%,.02W 2 216C 56289 1810-0136 1 23 Resistor Network, 4.7k, 5%, 0.15W 1 200C-1858-CRA 56289 1810-0125 1 Front Panel — Electrical DS1,2 indicator, Light Emitting Diode 2 1990-0521 1 (LISTENING, POWER ON) R1-3 var. (10-turn) ww, 10k, +56%, 2W 3 28480 2100-3624 | 1 ZERO ADJUST (R1), D/A FULL SCALE ADJUST {R2), POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE FINE ADJUST (R3) RA var. (10-turn) ww, 100k, 5%, 2W 1 28480 2100-3623 | 1 {POWER SUPPLY FULL SCALE COARSE ADJUST) Power Module {includes voltage selection PC board and fuse) C1 fxd, metalized paper, 0.1uF, 20%, 1 28480 0160-4065 1 250V (connected between power module terminals B and E) F1 Line Fuse, 125mMAT (100/120Vac 1 MDL 1/8 71400 2100-0318 | 1 operation) Chassis — Electricai C42 fxd, cer. 0.02uF, 20%, 2KV 1 28480 0160-2568 2 Unipolar/Bipolar Switch 1 28480 3101-1299 | 1 T4 Power Transformer 1 28480 59501-80090 | 1 J2 Connector J2 (5-pin) 1 28480 1251-4654 Mechanical FC Socket, 14-pin (Address Switch S1) | 1 28480 1200-0485 Front Panel 1 28480 59501-00001 Sub-Front Panel 1 28480 50501-00002 Rear Pane! 1 28480 59501-00003 Standoff, potentiometers {R1-R4) 4 28480 59501-20001 Side Trim 2 28480 5001-0438 Frame, front 1 28480 5020-8813 Foot, 1/2 module 4 28480 5040-7201 Trim strip 1 28480 5040-7203 Top cover 1 28480 5040-7208 Bottom cover 1 28480 5040-7209 Side cover 2 28480 5040-7212 PC board guide 6 28480 5040-7861 Heatsink {ATU32) 1 28480 1205-0282 Clip, LED mount {DS1, 2} 2 28480 1400-0547 Retainer ring 2 28480 1400-0540 Header Assy. 2 28480 5060-0458 6-8 Table 6-4, Replaceabie Parts REF, MER. HP DESIG. DESCRIPTION TO. MER. PART NO. CODE PART NO. ¡RS Switch, bracket (52) 1 28480 | 59501-00006 Switch, spacer 1 28480 1830-23201 Switch, shaft 1 28480 59501-20004 Barrier block, cover 1 28480 59501-20002 Barrier block, guard 1 28480 59501-20003 Standoff 1 28480 0380-0091 Knob,pushbutton (52) 1 28480 0370-0970 Transformer bracket, left 1 28480 59501-00004 Transformer bracket, right 1 28480 59501-09005 Bezel, pushbutton knob 1 28480 0370-0451 Miscellaneous Line fuse, 62.5mAT (220/240Vac operation} 1 MDL-1/16 71400 2110-0311 floater pad 28480 9211-1913 packing carton 28480 9220-2090 Line cord — One supplied according to the user's location, as follows: U. S., Canada, Japan, Italy and Spain 28480 8120-0050 United Kingdom 28480 8120-1351 East/West Europe, U. À. R. 28480 8120-1689 Australia, New Zealand 28480 8120-1369 6-9 SECTION VII CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS AND COMPONENT LOCATION DIAGRAMS 7-1 INTRODUCTION circuit board At. The functional circuit areas identified on Figure 7-2 correspond with the schematic. 7-2 This section contains the circuit diagrams necessary for the operation and maintenance of the 59501 À HP-IB 7-5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS Isolated D/A, Power Supply Programmer. 7-6 The schematic diagram for Mode! 59501 À, Figure 7-3 COMPONENT LOCATION DIAGRAMS 7-3 consists of two sheets. Sheet 1 illustrates the ac input circuit and the bias voltage supplies. Schematic notes are 7-4 The component location illustrations, Figures aiso included on sheet 1, Sheet 2 illustrates the digital 7-1 and 7-2, snow the physical location and reference processing and analog output circuits. designation of each part on the chassis and on printed FOWER MODULE — ADDRESS / SWITCH 7 Aalst / / { ascar 1} . * . Te mp re ии POWER SUPPLY FULE SCALE ADA, a e © 982 DEl LISTENING ON Figure 7-1. Bottom View, Cover Removed 7-1 | 451007 0437 TINY indio 0/4 | NO-NYNL Od SEN $047 7051 > ATdans ** Figure 7-2. Main Board Assembiy A1, Component Location 7-2 rl wei | POWER MODULE —— SLU GEM AB wera ZEV 3 GAN Ai В L el } „ок “В 3 Re YEAR = : ; Y : BLE FG Ë 2} : | 3 : a - sec 3 : pl EN щение pon Ey } Wits TAGE SELECTION | ; PLUG-IN HOARE Ra | Daiana votes vote vee mem quee vel ¥ FLEE FL 35 I05m6 FOR 1907 [Z0VET INFUT OR BE Sma FOR 22024090 INPUT XX INFUT VIAL.TAGE CHOICE AVAILABLE ON EACH END AND BOT SICES GF RS, BOARD. YOL TACO (5 SELECTED BY SEEN TINO 5.6. A0ARD CORRECTLY AHD PUSHING BOARD INTO SLOT SECTION YE GUVES DETAILS SOREMATIC NOTES L ALL ASS TORS ARS IN OHMS, 4/66, Ti, GUALESS OTHERWISE iNDICATER 2. ALL CAPAGPIORS ARE 1 MICROFAR ADO, UNLESS CTHRFWISE iRUICATED. 2 FIN LOCATIONS FOR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS {Aid « AIRS ARO RES3ISTOR NE WORES 1 АЙ" АЕ) АНЕ AS FOLLOWS : meet = d ~~ E Ea В E =z = EF El _, Е с в | L я 7 a e EE E E 1 ES E 53 d Eo E 5 E Е un E Tal la En Ta В Ei Ч Е = = a = a = Е el El ï $ E AILS, LEE, AEE - LET, ALLE UI-U25, La! UES, HEE 40 FH VO 6 E ARO AN dí , HE | 2 |! 2 ATEEZ АЦЕВа wie AZI, ZE AZ (TOR VIEWS) +: © {UNREG) RQTE Id ? a EV 7a ona Y FA : } ЕВ = — 1 LUNES MOT 3H 51 19%] N RE о НИКИ С Weil AE = sel SELF Wh su + +54 LH, UE, a Li Lie Sia US, uUH р i “1 154 45V E ! ! i ri al | wy Leu 0 Le LCL. À UNS ES LAS LAT Че ее o SENT vay vos 1 : PD e Y np ; : clr 3 08 | e ics os — i A a mmo A A AAN [I in o Ed 10 EN IN KA | КОМ c 24 27 528 Usa 0, fm oh ay ie = TANT + “ор № Бонн else ; VE : i T $ = Jp эн Е i I y i } warn road 12 7 ce 03 a c5 cr el Lc ! [Eye | 2 TR Am OF AE PES RE 7 \ 7 SD EDO DOV LEON | см 7 4. THE SQUARE SLATED PADS ON THE P.O BOARDS INDICATS CNE OF THE FOLLCWING- E. VEN TSP Al EC OR FESSSTCR NETWOME. E. POSITIVE END DF A POLAIRE CAPACITOR CO CATRORE OF A 000 CR EMITTER ОР А TRANSISTOS. 5 THE LISTEN ADDRESS FOR THE 5S501A 19 SPECIFIED BY THE FIVE ADDRESS SWITCHES OH THE REAR FAKEL. THE SUSGESTÉÜ LISTEN ADDRESS 6f 76" 15 SELECTED AT THE FACTORY, HOWEVER, ANY ONE OF E LISTEN ADRESSES CAN BE SELECTES. THE REAR PANEL UNIFOLAR/SIPOLAR SWITCR ¿PUSH iN, PUSH-SUT TYPE! 15 ВЕТ ОКО THE UNTOLAR FOSITIO FL PUSHEC- 38 AS SHIPPEO FROM TRE FACTORY, TY DEROTES FRONT PANEL MARKING = a ane a nn a BT DEMOTES REAR PAKEL MARKING. Y, FIN LOCATIONS FOR FET'S (G5, 07- QF) AND TRANSISTORS (41-04, G6, 12-4), ARE AS FOLLOWS: je D * “EN Ec > Lu NES NA M6, Gr -49 FER ERE AI de, Ga, Mie Dis OD IES, 10, F 17% TO + 404 MEASURED BETWEEN U33-4 AND ME ЭН. — ГРУ ТО - 20M SE ASLRED BETWEEN US3-B AND Y Figure 7-3 {Sheet 1). Model 59501A, Blas Voltage Supplies, Schematic Diagram ">
Key Features
- Digitally controlled output voltage
- HP-IB communication
- Programmable output ranges (1V and 10V)
- Unipolar or bipolar output modes
- Zero and full-scale adjustments
- Isolation for power supply outputs
- Fast programming speed
- Low level DC signal source
- 10 mA output current
- User equipment protection
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I program the 59501A's output?
Programming the 59501A is accomplished through the transmission of four consecutive digits (four ASCII characters). The first digit specifies the output range and the next three digits specify the desired output within the selected range.
What are the different output ranges and modes available?
Two programmable output ranges (1V and 10V) are available, with a switch on the rear panel allowing selection of either a unipolar or bipolar output mode. The unipolar mode provides a 0 to 9.99V or a 0 to 0.999V output range, while the bipolar mode provides a -1V to +0.898V or a -10V to +8.98V output range.
How do I connect the 59501A to an HP power supply?
The 59501A is interfaced with the user's device via the output terminal strip. Output terminals A1 and A2 allow access to the 59501A's D/A output, while terminals A3 through A5 allow access to the power supply programming network. The specific connections depend upon the particular power supply being programmed and the type of control desired (output voltage or current).
What are the accuracy and stability specifications of the 59501A?
The accuracy of the 59501A is specified at 23°C ± 5°C, with a stability of 0.04% + 1mV for the high range and 0.04% + 2mV for the low range over an 8-hour interval. Temperature coefficients are also provided in the specifications.