WAGNER EvoMotion 50 - 150, 50 - 235, 75 - 150 Piston pump Operating Manual
Below you will find brief information for Piston pump EvoMotion 50 - 150, Piston pump EvoMotion 50 - 235, Piston pump EvoMotion 75 - 150. The WAGNER EvoMotion series airless piston pumps are designed for professional use in the industrial and commercial sectors. They can handle a wide range of materials, from thin coatings to thick, heavy-bodied materials. The pumps are also equipped with a range of features that make them easy to use and maintain.
Translation of the original Operating Manual EvoMotion 50 - 150 / 50 - 235 / 75 - 150 Edition 10 / 2007 Piston pump Volume 150 cc – 235 cc II 2G IIB T3 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL Contents 1 1.1 1.2 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS Languages Warnings, notes and symbols in these instructions 5 5 5 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Safety instructions for the operator Electrical equipment Personnel qualifications A safe work environment Safety instructions for staff Safe handling of WAGNER spray units Earth the unit Material hoses Cleaning Handling hazardous liquids, varnishes and paints Touching hot surfaces Correct use Use in an explosion hazard area Correct use Explosion protection identification Max. surface temperature Safety regulations 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY Important notes on product liability Warranty CE-conformity 11 11 11 12 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 DESCRIPTION Field of application Using in accordance with the instructions Extent of delivery Data Materials of the parts transporting paint Technical data Dimensions and connections Flow volume Performance diagrams Functioning Pump Pressure regulator Motor safety and depressurization valve Anti-pulsator tank with filter and recirculation valve (optional) 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 16 17 17 20 20 21 22 22 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 STARTING UP AND OPERATING Installation and connection Set up the pump Earthing Start up 23 23 23 24 26 3 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL Contents 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 Safety regulations Filling separating fluid Basic washing Filling with working material Work Spraying Work stop Finishing work and cleaning Storing for longer periods of time 26 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 30 6 6.1 6.2 FAULT LOCATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Trouble shooting and solution Maintenance 31 31 32 7 7.1 7.2 ACCESSORIES Accessories Spraypacks 33 33 36 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 SPARE PARTS How to order spare parts Overview modules Air motor Air motor exploded view 75 - 150 , 50 - 235 , 50 - 150 Air motor exploded view - Rod assembly 75 - 150 , 50 - 150 , 50 - 235 Reversing valve 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 , 50 - 235 Fluid section 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 Fluid section exploded view 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 Fluid section exploded view 50 - 235 Anti-pulsator tank Air regulation unit kit Trolley for 50-150, 75-150, 50-235 Muffler for pump 50 - 150 , 50 - 235 , 75 - 150 37 37 39 40 40 41 45 46 46 48 50 51 52 53 4 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 1 ABOUT THESE INSTRUCTIONS 4HISOPERATINGMANUALCONTAINSINFORMATIONABOUTTHEOPERATIONREPAIRANDMAINTENANCE OFTHEUNIT !LWAYSFOLLOWTHESEINSTRUCTIONSWHENOPERATINGTHEUNIT 1.1 LANGUAGES 4HISOPERATINGMANUALISAVAILABLEINTHEFOLLOWINGLANGUAGES ,ANGUAGE 0ART.O ,ANGUAGE 'ERMAN ZZB003GER %NGLISH &RENCH ZZB003FRE $UTCH )TALIAN ZZB003ITA 3PANISH $ANISH -3WEDISH 0ORTUGUESE -4URKISH 2 I ( I 1.2 0ART.O ZZB003ENG -ZZB003SPA --- WARNINGS, NOTES AND SYMBOLS IN THESE INSTRUCTIONS 7ARNINGINSTRUCTIONSINTHISMANUALPOINTOUTPARTICULARDANGERSTOUSERSANDEQUIPMENT ANDSTATEMEASURESFORAVOIDINGTHEHAZARD4HESEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONSFALLINTOTHEFOLLO WINGCATEGORIES $!.'%2 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL $ANGERIMMINENTDANGER.ONOBSERVANCEWILLRESULT INDEATHSERIOUSINJURYANDSERIOUSMATERIALDAMAGE 3)()??'" 7ARNINGPOSSIBLEDANGER.ONOBSERVANCECANRESULT INDEATHSERIOUSINJURYANDSERIOUSMATERIALDAMAGE 7!2.).' 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 3)()??'" #AUTION A POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION .ONOBSER VANCECANRESULTINMINORINJURY 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES #!54)/. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILING TO OBSERVE THE WARNING INSTRUC TIONS4HESIGNALWORDPOINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES 3)()??'" #AUTION A POSSIBLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION .ONOBSER VANCECANCAUSEMATERIALDAMAGE 3)()??'" #!54)/. 4HISLINEWARNSOFTHEHAZARD 0OSSIBLECONSEQUENCESOFFAILINGTOOBSERVETHEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONS4HESIGNALWORD POINTSOUTTHEHAZARDLEVEL 4HEMEASURESFORPREVENTINGTHEHAZARDANDITSCONSEQUENCES .OTEPROVIDEINFORMATIONONPARTICULARCHARACTERISTICSANDHOWTOPROCEED 5 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 2 GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 2.1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OPERATOR +EEPTHESEOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONSTOHANDNEARTHEUNITATALLTIMES !LWAYSFOLLOWLOCALREGULATIONSCONCERNINGOCCUPATIONALSAFETYANDACCIDENTPREVEN TION 2.1.1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT %LECTRICALPLANTANDUNIT 4O BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS WITH REGARD TO THE OPERATINGMODEANDAMBIENTINmUENCES -AYONLYBEMAINTAINEDBYSKILLEDELECTRICIANSORUNDERTHEIRSUPERVISION -USTBEOPERATEDINACCORDANCEWITHTHESAFETYREGULATIONSANDELECTROTECHNICALREGU LATIONS -USTBEREPAIREDIMMEDIATELYINTHEEVENTOFPROBLEMS -USTBEPUTOUTOFOPERATIONIFTHEYPOSEAHAZARD -USTBEDEENERGIZEDBEFOREWORKISCOMMENCEDONACTIVEPARTS)NFORMSTAFFABOUT PLANNEDWORKOBSERVEELECTRICALSAFETYREGULATIONS 2.1.2 PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONS %NSURETHATTHEUNITISOPERATEDANDREPAIREDONLYBYTRAINEDPERSONS 2.1.3 A SAFE WORK ENVIRONMENT %NSURETHATTHEmOOROFTHEWORKINGAREAISANTISTATICINACCORDANCEWITH%.0ART eMEASUREMENTINACCORDANCEWITH$). %NSURETHATALLPERSONSWITHINTHEWORKINGAREAWEARANTISTATICSHOESEGSHOESWITH LEATHERSOLES %NSURETHATDURINGSPRAYINGPERSONSWEARANTISTATICGLOVESSOTHATTHEYAREEARTHEDVIA THEHANDLEOFTHESPRAYGUN #USTOMERTOPROVIDEPAINTMISTEXTRACTIONSYSTEMSCONFORMINGTOLOCALREGULATIONS %NSURETHATTHEFOLLOWINGCOMPONENTSOFASAFEWORKINGENVIRONMENTAREAVAILABLE n-ATERIALAIRHOSESADAPTEDTOTHEWORKINGPRESSURE n0ERSONALSAFETYEQUIPMENTBREATHINGANDSKINPROTECTION %NSURE THAT THERE ARE NO IGNITION SOURCES SUCH AS NAKED mAME GLOWING WIRES OR HOT SURFACESINTHEVICINITY$ONOTSMOKE 2.2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR STAFF !LWAYSFOLLOWTHEINFORMATIONINTHESEINSTRUCTIONSPARTICULARLYTHEGENERALSAFETYIN STRUCTIONSANDTHEWARNINGINSTRUCTIONS !LWAYSFOLLOWLOCALREGULATIONSCONCERNINGOCCUPATIONALSAFETYANDACCIDENTPREVEN TION 6 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.1 SAFE HANDLING OF WAGNER SPRAY UNITS 4HESPRAYJETISUNDERPRESSUREANDCANCAUSEDANGEROUSINJURIES !VOIDINJECTIONOFPAINTORCLEANINGAGENTS .EVERPOINTTHESPRAYGUNATPEOPLE .EVERREACHINTOTHESPRAYJET "EFORE ALL WORK ON THE UNIT IN THE EVENT OF WORK INTERRUPTIONS AND FUNCTIONAL FAULTS n3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY n3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION n2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT n"YFUNCTIONALFAULTS)DENTIFYANDCORRECTTHEPROBLEMPROCEEDASDESCRIBEDIN CHAPu4ROUBLESHOOTINGh )NTHEEVENTOFSKININJURIESCAUSEDBYPAINTORCLEANINGAGENTS .OTEDOWNTHEPAINTORCLEANINGAGENTTHATYOUHAVEBEENUSING #ONSULTADOCTORIMMEDIATELY !VOIDDANGEROFINJURYTHROUGHRECOILFORCES %NSURETHATYOUHAVEAlRMFOOTINGWHENOPERATINGTHESPRAYGUN /NLYHOLDTHESPRAYGUNBRIEmYINANYONEPOSITION 2.2.2 EARTH THE UNIT %LECTROSTATICCHARGESCANOCCURONTHEUNITDUETOTHEELECTROSTATICCHARGEANDTHEmOW SPEEDINVOLVEDINSPRAYING4HESECANCAUSESPARKSANDmAMESUPONDISCHARGE %NSURETHATTHEUNITISEARTHEDFOREVERYSPRAYINGOPERATION %ARTHTHEWORKPIECESTOBECOATED %NSURETHATALLPERSONSINSIDETHEWORKINGAREAAREEARTHEDEGTHATTHEYAREWEARING ANTISTATICSHOES 7HENSPRAYINGWEARANTISTATICGLOVESTOEARTHYOURSELFVIATHESPRAYGUNHANDLE 2.2.3 MATERIAL HOSES %NSURETHATTHEHOSEMATERIALISCHEMICALLYRESISTANTTOTHESPRAYEDMATERIALS %NSURETHATTHEMATERIALHOSEISSUITABLEFORTHEPRESSUREGENERATEDINTHEUNIT %NSURETHATTHEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONISVISIBLEONTHEHIGHPRESSUREHOSE n -ANUFACTURER n 0ERMISSIBLEOPERATINGOVERPRESSURE n $ATEOFMANUFACTURE 4HEELECTRICALRESISTANCEOFTHECOMPLETEHIGHPRESSUREHOSEMUSTBELESSTHAN -/HM 7 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 2.2.4 CLEANING $EENERGIZETHEUNITELECTRICALLY $ISCONNECTTHEPNEUMATICSUPPLYLINE 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHEUNIT %NSURETHATTHEmASHPOINTOFTHECLEANINGAGENTISATLEAST+ABOVETHEAMBIENTTEM PERATURE 4OCLEANUSEONLYSOLVENTFREECLOTHSANDBRUSHES.EVERUSEHARDOBJECTSORSPRAYON CLEANINGAGENTSWITHAGUN !NEXPLOSIVEGASAIRMIXTUREFORMSINCLOSEDCONTAINERS 7HENCLEANINGUNITSWITHSOLVENTSNEVERSPRAYINTOACLOSEDCONTAINER %ARTHTHECONTAINER 2.2.5 HANDLING HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS, VARNISHES AND PAINTS 7HENPREPARINGORWORKINGWITHPAINTANDWHENCLEANINGTHEUNITFOLLOWTHEWORK INGINSTRUCTIONSOFTHEMANUFACTUREROFTHEPAINTSSOLVENTSANDCLEANINGAGENTSBEING USED 4AKE THE SPECIlED PROTECTIVE MEASURES IN PARTICULAR WEAR SAFETY GOGGLES PROTECTIVE CLOTHINGANDGLOVESASWELLASHANDPROTECTIONCREAMIFNECESSARY 5SEAMASKORBREATHINGAPPARATUSIFNECESSARY &ORSUFlCIENTHEALTHANDENVIRONMENTALSAFETY/PERATETHEUNITINASPRAYBOOTHORON ASPRAYINGWALLWITHTHEVENTILATIONEXTRACTIONSWITCHEDON 7EARSUITABLEPROTECTIVECLOTHINGWHENWORKINGWITHHOTMATERIALS 2.2.6 TOUCHING HOT SURFACES 4OUCHHOTSURFACESONLYIFYOUAREWEARINGPROTECTIVEGLOVES 7HENOPERATINGTHEUNITWITHACOATINGMATERIALWITHATEMPERATUREOF²#²& )DENTIFYTHEUNITWITHAWARNINGLABELTHATSAYSu7ARNINGHOTSURFACEh /RDER.O )NFORMATIONLABEL 3AFETYLABEL 2.3 CORRECT USE 7!'.%2ACCEPTSNOLIABILITYFORANYDAMAGEARISINGFROMINCORRECTUSE 5SETHEUNITONLYTOWORKWITHTHEMATERIALSRECOMMENDEDBY7!'.%2 /PERATETHEUNITONLYASANENTIREUNIT $ONOTDEACTIVATESAFETYEQUIPMENT 5SEONLY7!'.%2ORIGINALSPAREPARTSANDACCESSORIES 8 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 2.4 USE IN AN EXPLOSION HAZARD AREA 2.4.1 CORRECT USE 4HEUNITISSUITABLEFORWORKINGLIQUIDMATERIALSINACCORDANCEWITHTHECLASSIlCATIONINTO EXPLOSIONCLASSES 2.4.2 EXPLOSION PROTECTION IDENTIFICATION !SDElNEDINTHE$IRECTIVE#%!4%8THEUNITISSUITABLEFORUSEINAREASWHERE THEREISANEXPLOSIONHAZARD #% %X )) ' ))" 4 ))'))"4 #OMMUNAUTÏS%UROPÏENNES 3YMBOLFOREXPLOSIONPROTECTION 5NITCLASS)) #ATEGORY:ONE %XATMOSPHEREGAS %XPLOSIONCLASS 4EMPERATURECLASSMAXIMUMSURFACETEMPERATURE²#²& 2.4.3 MAX. SURFACE TEMPERATURE Max. surface temperature: Permissible ambient temperature: 2.4.4 same as the permissible material temperature see under Technical data, Section 4.3.2 SAFETY REGULATIONS 3AFEHANDLINGOF7!'.%2SPRAYUNITS 4HEMAXIMUMSURFACETEMPERATUREOFTHEPISTONPUMPCANBEREACHEDIFITRUNSDRY %NSURETHATTHEPISTONPUMPISlLLEDWITHSUFlCIENTWORKINGORCLEANINGMEDIUM %NSURETHATTHESEPARATINGAGENTCONTAINERISlLLEDWITHSUFlCIENTSEPARATINGAGENT -ECHANICALSPARKSCANFORMIFTHEUNITCOMESINTOCONTACTWITHMETAL )NANEXPLOSIVEATMOSPHERE $ONOTKNOCKORPUSHTHEUNITAGAINSTSTEELORRUSTYIRON $ONOTDROPTHEUNIT 5SEONLYTOOLSTHATAREMADEOFAPERMITTEDMATERIAL )GNITIONTEMPERATUREOFTHECOATINGMATERIAL %NSURETHATTHEIGNITIONTEMPERATUREOFTHECOATINGMATERIALISABOVETHEMAXIMUM SURFACETEMPERATURE -EDIUMSUPPORTINGATOMIZING 4OATOMIZETHEMATERIALUSEONLYWEAKLYOXIDIZINGGASESEGAIR 9 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 3URFACESPRAYINGELECTROSTATIC $ONOTSPRAYUNITPARTSWITHELECTROSTATICEGELECTROSTATICSPRAYGUN #LEANING )F THERE ARE DEPOSITS ON THE SURFACES THE UNIT MAY FORM ELECTROSTATIC CHARGES &LAMES OR SPARKSCANFORMIFTHEREISADISCHARGE 2EMOVEDEPOSITSFROMTHESURFACESTOMAINTAINCONDUCTIVITY 5SEONLYADAMPCLOTHTOCLEANTHEUNIT 10 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 3 PRODUCT LIABILITY AND WARRANTY 3.1 IMPORTANT NOTES ON PRODUCT LIABILITY !SARESULTOFAN%#REGULATIONEFFECTIVEASFROM*ANUARYTHEMANUFACTURERSHALL ONLYBELIABLEFORHISPRODUCTIFALLPARTSCOMEFROMHIMORAREAPPROVEDBYHIMANDIFTHE DEVICESAREPROPERLYlTTEDOPERATEDANDMAINTAINED )FOTHERMAKESOFACCESSORYANDSPAREPARTSAREUSEDTHEMANUFACTURER@SLIABILITYCOULDBE FULLYORPARTIALLYNULLANDVOID 4HEUSAGEOFORIGINAL7!'.%2ACCESSORIESANDSPAREPARTSGUARANTEESTHATALLSAFETYRE GULATIONSAREOBSERVED 3.2 WARRANTY 4HISUNITISCOVEREDBYOURWARRANTYONTHEFOLLOWINGTERMS 7EWILLATOURDISCRETIONREPAIRORREPLACEFREEOFCHARGEALLPARTSWHICHWITHINMONTHS INSINGLESHIFTMONTHSINSHIFTORMONTHSINSHIFTOPERATIONFROMDATEOFRECEIPTBY THE0URCHASERAREFOUNDTOBEWHOLLYORSUBSTANTIALLYUNUSABLEDUETOCAUSESPRIORTOTHE SALEINPARTICULARFAULTYDESIGNDEFECTIVEMATERIALSORPOORWORKMANSHIP 4HETERMSOFTHEWARRANTYAREMETATOURDISCRETIONBYTHEREPAIRORREPLACEMENTOFTHE UNITORPARTSTHEREOF4HERESULTINGCOSTSINPARTICULARSHIPPINGCHARGESROADTOLLSLABOUR ANDMATERIALCOSTSWILLBEBORNEBYUSEXCEPTWHERETHESECOSTSAREINCREASEDDUETOTHE SUBSEQUENTSHIPMENTOFTHEUNITTOALOCATIONOTHERTHANTHEADDRESSOFTHEPURCHASER 4HISWARRANTYDOESNOTCOVERDAMAGECAUSEDBY 5NSUITABLE OR IMPROPER USE FAULTY INSTALLATION OR COMMISSIONING BY THE PURCHASER OR A THIRD PARTY NORMAL WEAR NEGLIGENT HANDLING DEFECTIVE MAINTENANCE UNSUITABLE COATING PRODUCTS SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS AND THE ACTION OF CHEMICAL ELECTROCHEMICAL OR ELECTRICAL AGENTSEXCEPTWHENTHEDAMAGEISATTRIBUTABLETOUS !BRASIVE COATING PRODUCTS SUCH AS REDLEAD EMULSIONS GLAZES LIQUID ABRASIVES ZINC DUST PAINTSANDSIMILARREDUCETHESERVICELIFEOFVALVESPACKINGSSPRAYGUNSNOZZLESCYLINDERS PISTONSETC!NYWEARRESULTINGFROMTHEAFOREMENTIONEDCAUSESISNOTCOVEREDBYTHIS WARRANTY #OMPONENTSNOTMANUFACTUREDBY7AGNERARESUBJECTTOTHEWARRANTYTERMSOFTHEORIGI NALMAKER 4HEREPLACEMENTOFAPARTDOESNOTEXTENDTHEWARRANTYPERIODOFTHEUNIT 4HEUNITSHOULDBEINSPECTEDIMMEDIATELYUPONRECEIPT 4OAVOIDLOSSWARRANTYANIYAPPARENTDEFECTSHOULDBENOTIlEDTOUSORTHEDEALERINWRI TINGWITHINDAYSFROMDATEOFSALEOFTHEUNIT 4HERIGHTTOCOMMISSIONWARRANTYSERVICESTOATHIRDPARTYISRESERVED 7ARRANTYCLAIMSARESUBJECTTOPROOFOFPURCHASEBYSUBMITTINGANINVOICEORDELIVERYNOTE )FANINSPECTIONlNDSDAMAGENOTCOVEREDBYTHEPRESENTWARRANTYTHEREPAIRWILLBECAR RIEDOUTATTHEEXPENSEOFTHEPURCHASER .OTETHATTHISWARRANTYDOESNOTINANYWAYRESTRICTLEGALLYENTITLEDCLAIMSORTHOSECONTRAC TUALLYAGREEDTOINOURGENERALTERMSANDCONDITIONS *7AGNER!' 11 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 3.3 CE-CONFORMITY Herewith we declare that the supplied version of: Pneumatic pumps and Spraypacks with article no. Mod. 50-150 Mod. 75-150 Mod. 50-235 U1B50150N U1B75150N U1B50235N U6B50150T01 U6B75150T01 U6B50235T01 U6B50150T00 U6B75150T00 U6B50235T00 Complies with the following provisons applying to it: 98/37/CE 94/9/CE Atex Applied standards, in particular: UNI EN 292-1 UNI EN 809 UNI EN 1127-1 UNI EN 292-2 UNI EN 1050 EN 12621 UNI EN 563 UNI EN ISO 3746 UNI EN ISO 13463 Marking: II 2G IIB T3 %##ERTIlCATEOF#ONFORMITY 4HECERTIlCATEISENCLOSEDWITHTHISPRODUCT4HECERTIlCATEOFCONFORMITYCANBEREORDERED FROMYOUR7!'.%2REPRESENTATIVEQUOTINGTHEPRODUCTANDSERIALNUMBER 0ARTNUMBER ZDI.16 12 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4 DESCRIPTION 4.1 FIELD OF APPLICATION 4.1.1 USING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS The pneumatic piston pump is suitable for process liquid materials. CAUTION Abrasive fluids and pigments ! Greater wear of the parts carrying the material. Use suitable pump model (delivery per cycle, material, valves, etc.) see chapter 4.3.2. Verify that fluids and solvents used are compatible with the constrution material of the pump as described in chapter 4.3.1. C_SIHI_0067_GB 4.2 EXTENT OF DELIVERY Pneumatic piston pump consisting of: - Material pump - Air motor - Connection elements Separating fluid 250 ccm CE-conformity see Operating manual in english Operating manual for the other language see Part No. : 9992504 Chapter 3 Part No. : ZZB003ENG Chapter 1 The delivery note shows the exact scope of delivery. Accessories and spraypacks: see chapter 7. 4.3 DATA 4.3.1 MATERIALS OF THE PARTS TRANSPORTING PAINT Pump body Piston Valves balls Valves seats O-rings Seal packings Carbon steel Carbon steel silicon carbide coated Stainless steel Tungsten carbide EPDM PE/ TF PE = Polyethylen UHMW TF = (PTFE) 13 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.3.2 TECHNICAL DATA Description Units Transmission ratio 50-150 75-150 50-235 50 :1 75 :1 50 : 1 Flow volume per double stroke (DS) cm³ cc 150 150 235 Max. operating pressure (Pump) MPa bar psi 40.0 400 5801 45.0 450 6526 40.0 400 5801 Max. operating pressure (Spraypack) MPa bar psi 40.0 400 5801 45.0 450 6526 40.0 400 5801 DH/min DS/min 60 60 60 Min. - Max. air inlet pressure MPa bar psi 0.2-0.8 2-8 28-116 0.2-0.6 0.2-0.8 2-6 2-8 28-87 28-116 Ø air inlet connection (female) Inch G 3/4“ G 3/4“ G 3/4“ Min. Ø compressed air hose mm Inch 25,0 0.984 25,0 0.984 25,0 0.984 nl scf 38,2 1,35 54,4 1,92 50,3 1,78 Sound pressure level at max. permissible air pressure* dB(A) 73 79 82 Sound pressure level at 0.6 MPa; 6 bar; 87 psi air pressure* dB(A) 70 79 79 Sound pressure level at 0.4 MPa; 4 bar; 58.01 psi air pressure* dB(A) 68 74 74 Ø piston of air motor mm Inch 200 8.0 250 10.0 250 10.0 Material inlet connection (female) Inch G 1“ G 1“ G 1“ Material outlet connection (female) (in case of Spraypack version M16x1.5) Inch G 1/2“ G 1/2“ G 3/4“ kg lb 58,0 127,6 68,0 149,6 70,0 154,0 Max. possible strokes in operation Air consumption (at 0.6 MPa; 6 bar; 87 psi) per DS Weight Max. material pressure at pump inlet MPa bar psi 2 20 90 Range of material temperature °C; F +5° ÷ +80°; (+41 ÷ +176) Range of the ambient temperature °C; F +5° ÷ +60° ; (+41 ÷ +140) Allowable sloping position at work <) ° ± 10 * A rated sound pressure level measured at 1m distance according to UNI EN ISO 37461997. 14 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 7!2.).' /UTGOINGAIRCONTAININGOIL 2ISKOFPOISONINGIFINHALED &UNCTIONPROBLEMAIRMOTOR 0ROVIDEWATERFREEANDOILFREECOMPRESSEDAIRQUALITYSTANDARD ASPER)3/MMGMÃ 3)()??'" 15 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL DIMENSIONS AND CONNECTIONS 50-235 mm; inch 75-150 mm; inch 50-150 mm; inch A 312; 12,28 312; 12,28 250; 9,84 B 31,5; 1,24 31,5; 1,24 28,5; 1,12 C 245; 9,65 245; 9,65 245;9,65 D 385; 15,16 350; 13,78 350; 13.78 E 1039,5; 40,93 1004,5; 39,55 1001,5; 39,43 F 351;13,82 351;13,82 301,2;11,86 G 314;12,36 314;12,36 252,7;9,95 H 353; 13,90 353; 13,90 301,2; 11,86 I G 1“ G 1“ G 1“ J G 3/4“ G 1/2“ G 1/2“ L G 3/4“ G 3/4“ G 3/4“ A F F A B B L C E J J D E C L D 4.3.3 I I 50-150 75-150 50-235 G G H H C_00039 16 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.3.4 FLOW VOLUME Wagner nozzle AL Spray angle Volume flow in l/min; cc/min * at at at 7 MPa 10 MPa 15 MPa 70 bar 100 bar 150 bar 1015 psi 1450 psi 2175 psi ø inch ø mm 0.007 0.18 40° 0.1650 0.2000 0.2400 0.009 0.23 20-30-40-50-60° 0.2060 0.2500 0.3090 0.011 0.28 10-20-30-40-50-60° 0.2950 0.3450 0.4260 0.013 0.33 10-20-30-40-50-60-80° 0.4530 0.5280 0.6600 0.015 0.38 10-20-30-40-50-60-80° 0.5770 0.6720 0.8130 0.017 0.43 20-30-40-50-60-70° 0.7310 0.7860 1.0640 0.019 0.48 20-30-40-50-60-70-80° 0.9260 1.0920 1.3700 0.021 0.53 20-40-50-60-80° 1.1430 1.3600 1.6900 0.023 0.58 20-40-50-60-70-80° 1.3700 1.5900 2.0100 0.025 0.64 20-40-50-60-80° 1.6200 1.9100 2.4000 0.027 0.69 20-40-50-60-80° 1.8300 2.1300 2.6800 0.029 0.75 60° 2.1900 2.5100 3.1700 0.031 0.79 20-40-50-60° 2.4000 2.7700 3.4900 0.035 0.90 20-40-50-60° 3.2200 3.7400 4.6900 75 - 150 0.043 1.10 20-50° 5.0700 6.0400 7.4600 50 - 150 0.052 1.30 50° 5.1200 6.5000 7.5200 50 - 235 * Flow volume refers to water. Maximum ranges for continuous operation at 50 DS/min. PERFORMANCE DIAGRAMS Stroke frequency DS/min Example Material pressure bar (MPa) <psi> B AR BAR AR BAR B AR BAR B Air consumption nl/min <scfm> 4.3.5 "? Material flow volume water l/min <gpm> 17 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL Diagram EvoMotion 50 - 150 Stroke frequency DS/min bar (MPa) nl/min <psi> <scfm> 10 0 400 (40) 20 30 40 50 60 3000 <106> <5800> A A 2250 300 (30) <79> B Material pressure B 1500 200 (20) <53> <2900> C C 100 (10) 750 <1450> <26> 0 Air consumption <4350> 0 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5 9.0 l/min <0.4> <0.8> <1.2> <1.6> <2.0> <2.4> <gpm> A = 8 bar; 0.8 MPa; 116 psi air pressure B = 6 bar; 0.6 MPa; 87 psi air pressure C = 4 bar; 0.4 MPa; 58 psi air pressure C_00056 Material flow volume water Diagram EvoMotion 75 - 150 Stroke frequency DS/min bar (MPa) nl/min <psi> <scfm> 500 (50) 10 0 20 30 40 50 60 <124> <1450> A 400 (40) 2800 A <5800> <99> 300 (30) 2100 B B 200 (20) 1400 <2900> <49> C 100 (10) C 700 <25> <1450> 0 0 0 C_00057 1.5 3 4.5 <0.4> <0.8> <1.2> 6 <1.6> 7.5 <2.0> 9 <2.4> Air consumption <74> <4350> Material pressure 3500 l/min <gpm> A = 6 bar; 0.6 MPa; 87 psi air pressure B = 4 bar; 0.4 MPa; 58 psi air pressure C = 2 bar; 0.2 MPa; 29 psi air pressure Material flow volume water 18 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL Diagram EvoMotion 50 - 235 Stroke frequency DS/min bar (MPa) nl/min <psi> <scfm> 400 (40) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 4000 <141> <5800> A A 3000 <4350> B <106> Material pressure B 2000 200 (20) <2900> C C <71> 100 (10) 1000 <1450> <35> 0 0 C_00058 2.3 4.7 7.0 <0.61> <1.24> <1.85> 9.3 <2.50> 11.7 Air consumption 300 (30) 0 14.0 l/min <3.10> <3.70> <gpm> A = 8 bar; 0.8 MPa; 116 psi air pressure B = 6 bar; 0.6 MPa; 87 psi air pressure C = 4 bar; 0.4 MPa; 58 psi air pressure Material flow volume water 19 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.4 FUNCTIONING 4.4.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PUMP 9 Air motor Air Inlet Mounting flange Separating fluid cup Material outlet Material pump Material inlet Earthing connection Reversing valve 1 2 8 8 4 5 6 7 C_00093 7 General information The piston pump is driven with compressed air. This compressed air moves up and down the air piston in the air motor (1) and thus also the pump piston in the material pump (6). After each stroke, the flow of compressed air is reversed through the reversing valve (9). Working materials are sucked in on the upward stroke and simultaneously conveyed to the gun in both strokes. Air motor (1) The pneumatic motor must be powered at a pressure not exceeding the value given on the plate. Each component linked to the pump outlet must have an operating pressure equal to or higher than the pressure generated by the pump itself. This final pressure is given on the plate both for bare pumps and for Spraypack versions. The Spraypack version is equipped with a safety valve installed on the air supply unit with the aim to limit the max. pressure of compressed air into the pump motor. 7!2.).' /VERPRESSURE 2ISKOFINJURYFROMBURSTINGCOMPONENTS .EVERCHANGETHESAFETYVALVESETTING 3)()??'" Material pump (6) The material pump has been designed as a piston pump with exchangeable ball valves. The pump piston runs in two packings which are self-adjusting by means of a pressure spring, thus resulting in a long life-span. Between the air motor and material pump there is a separating fluid cup (4) for holding the separating fluid. 20 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 4.4.2 1 2 3 4 5 PRESSURE REGULATOR Pressure regulator Ball valve Control air gauge Motor safety and depressurization valve Compressed air connection 1 3 4 5 3 2 2 C_00094 Figure: Pump 50 - 150 Settings ball valve: 1 2 Open: Work position Closed: The air motor can still be under pressure. C_00094 1 2 21 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL MOTOR SAFETY AND DEPRESSURIZATION VALVE Safety valve (4) Besides having the aim to limit the max. inlet pressure of compressed air into the pump motor, the safety valve (4) also serves as a depressurizing valve for the motor. To depressurize the motor, just pull the dedicated exhaust ring with closed ballcock (2). The ring on the safety valve also allows to check the good performance of the valve itself. 1 Use the safety valve ring to depressurize the pneumatic motor, in addition to the pressure outlet procedure on the liquid. 3 Depressurize the pneumatic motor before any disassembly or maintenance work. 4 2 WARNING Overpressure! Risk of injury from bursting components. Frequently check the safety valve efficiency by pulling the ring. C_SIHI_0026_GB 4.4.3 ANTI-PULSATOR TANK WITH FILTER AND RECIRCULATION VALVE (OPTIONAL) In order to ensure a regular performance, it is advisable to use an anti-pulsator tank with filter. This kind of anti-pulsator tank is specifically dimensioned for the pertaining pneumatic pumps. Filters, recirculation vavle and component parts of the anti-pulsator tank are available in the list of accessories. 1 2 3 closed Connection material pump High-pressure material outlet Return open 1 2 3 C_00083 22 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 5 STARTING UP AND OPERATING 5.1 INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION 5.1.1 SET UP THE PUMP 6 Note This pump can be used as part of a spraying system for Airless application. The components can be found in the accessories list, provided that the system was not obtained as a spraypack The nozzles must be selected according to the gun instructions 1 3 2 4 Procedure: 5 1. Mount the pump onto a basement (6), a trolley or wall plate. 2. Mount the high-pressure antipulsator-tank (3) (optional). 3. Mount the suction system (5). 4. Mount the return flexible hose (4) (optional) 5. Connect the high-pressure flexible hose to the spray gun (2) as described in the pertaining directions for use. C_00095 7!2.).' )NCLINEDSURFACE 2ISKOFACCIDENTSIFTHEUNITROLLSAWAYFALLS 0OSITIONTHECARRIAGEWITHTHEPISTONPUMPHORIZONTALLY )FTHESURFACEISINCLINEDPOSITIONTHEFEETOFTHECARRIAGETOWARDS THEGRADIENT 3ECURETHECARRIAGE 3)()??'" 23 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 5.1.2 EARTHING 7!2.).' $ISCHARGE OF ELECTROSTATICALLY CHARGED COMPONENTS IN ATMO SPHERESCONTAININGSOLVENTS %XPLOSIONHAZARDFROMELECTROSTATICSPARKS #LEANTHEPISTONPUMPONLYWITHADAMPCLOTH 3)()??'" 7!2.).' (EAVYPAINTMISTIFEARTHINGISINSUFlCIENT 2ISKOFPOISONING )NSUFlCIENTPAINTAPPLICATIONQUALITY %ARTHALLUNITCOMPONENTS %ARTHTHEWORKPIECESBEINGPAINTED 3)()??'" Earthing schema (example) Conveyor Workpiece Spraying stand 2MAX-Ω Paint container "? Anti-static floor 24 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL Cable cross sections Pump Paint container Conveyor Spraying booth Spraying stand 4 mm²; AWG 11 6 mm²; AWG 10 16 mm²; AWG 5 16 mm²; AWG 5 16 mm²; AWG 5 Procedure: 1. Screw on earthing cable with eye. 2. Clamp the earthing cable clip to a earth connection on site. 3. Earth the material (paint) container to a local earth connection. 4. Earth the other parts of the system to a local earth connection. C_00096 25 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 5.2 START UP 5.2.1 SAFETY REGULATIONS Every time before starting up the following points should be observed as laid down in the operating instructions: - That it is possible to observe the safety regulations in Chap. 2. - The starting up procedure, has been carried out properly. 7!2.).' (IGHPRESSURESPRAYJET $ANGERTOLIFEFROMINJECTINGPAINTORSOLVENT .EVERREACHINTOTHESPRAYJET .EVERPOINTTHESPRAYGUNATPEOPLE #ONSULTADOCTORIMMEDIATELYINTHEEVENTOFSKININJURIESCAUSED BYPAINTORSOLVENT)NFORMTHEDOCTORABOUTTHEPAINTORSOLVENT USED .EVER SEAL DEFECTIVE HIGHPRESSURE PARTS INSTEAD RELIEVE THE PRESSUREFROMTHEMANDREPLACE 3)()??'" 7!2.).' 4OXICANDORmAMMABLEVAPORMIXTURES 2ISKOFPOISONINGANDBURNS /PERATETHEUNITINASPRAYINGBOOTHAPPROVEDFORTHEWORKING MATERIALS OR /PERATETHEUNITONANAPPROPRIATESPRAYINGWALLWITHTHEVENTI LATIONEXTRACTIONSWITCHEDON /BSERVE NATIONAL AND LOCAL REGULATIONS FOR THE OUTGOING AIR SPEED 3)()??'" 7!2.).' 'ASMIXTURESCANEXPLODEIFTHEREISANINCOMPLETELYlLLED PUMP $ANGERTOLIFEFROMmYINGPARTS %NSURE THAT THE PISTON PUMP AND SUCTION SYSTEM ARE ALWAYS COMPLETELYlLLEDWITHCLEANINGAGENTORWORKINGMEDIUM $ONOTSPRAYTHEUNITEMPTYAFTERCLEANING 3)()??'" 26 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL Before every start-up, the following points should be observed as laid down in the operating manual: - Secure gun with safety catch - Check the permissible pressures - Check all connections for leaks - Check hose for damage It should be ensured that the unit is in the following state before carrying out any work on it: - The pressure should be released from the pump and high-pressure hose with gun. - The gun should be secured with safety catch. - The air supply should be interrupted closed open 3 2 - Depressurize the pneumatic motor before any disassembly or maintenance work. Emergency stop In the case of unforeseen occurrences close immediately the ball valve (2) and depressurize the pump. 5.2.2 C_00097 FILLING SEPARATING FLUID CAUTION Piston pump dry run! High wear/damage to the packages. Paint or solvent can escape if the seals are dry. Ensure that the separating agent container is filled with sufficient separating agent. Filling level 1 cm; 0.4 in under the pot edge. SIHI_0018_GB Pour the supplied release agent into the slot dedicated to house it. Filling level : Separating fluid: 1 cm; 0.4 inch under the pot edge see accessories table Note When preparation has taken place the max. allowed leaning angle of the pumpe is ± 30° for moving, transport, etc. During operation the pump must be in vertical position. 27 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 5.2.3 BASIC WASHING 1. Place the empty container (5) under the return hose (4). 2. Place the suction flexible hose (7) inside the container with the detergent (6). 3. Open the return valve (3). 4. Slowly open the ball valve (2). 5. Adjust the pressure regulator (1) until the pump starts working. 6. Continue washing the system until the container (5) fills with clean detergent. 7. Close the ball valve (2). 8. Close the return valve (3). 9. Direct the spray gun without nozzle towards the container (5) and push the trigger. 10. Slowly open the ball valve (2). 11. Continue washing the system until gun sprays clean detergent. 12. Close the ball valve (2) and depressurize the motor either by opening the return valve (3) or by pushing the gun trigger directing it without nozzle towards the container (5). 13. When the system is depressurized, close the spray gun. 14. Secure the spray gun. 15. Dispose of the container (5) content in compliance with the local regulations. 5.2.4 1 2 3 4 7 4 6 5 C_00098 FILLING WITH WORKING MATERIAL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Place the empty container (5) under the return hose (4). Place the suction flexible hose (7) inside the container with the detergent (6). Open the return valve (3). Slowly open the ball valve (2). Adjust the pressure regulator (1) until the pump starts working. Acting on the pressure regulator (1), adjust the air pressure so that the purmp can cycle regularly. As soon as the return hose (4) starts delivering pure material, close the ball valve (2) . Close the return valve (3). Direct the spray gun without nozzle towards the container (5) and push the trigger. Slowly open the ball valve (2). When pure material is delivered without air bubbles, close the ball valve (2) and depressurize the motor either by opening the return valve (3) or by pushing the gun trigger directing it without nozzle towards the container (5). 12. When the system is depressurized, close the spray gun. 13. Secure the spray gun. 14. Dispose of the container (5) content in compliance with the local regulations. 28 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 5.3 1 WORK 5.3.1 2 SPRAYING 1. Insert the nozzle onto the spray gun and secure the latter. 2. Close the valve (3) 3. Slowly open the ball valve (2). 4. By acting on the pressure regulator (1), set the desired working pressure. 5. Optimize the spraying shape as described in the spray gun directions for use. 6. Start working. 3 4 7 4 6 5 C_00099 WARNING Overpressure! Risk of injury from bursting components. Frequently check for blocked recirculation pipe - the pipeline must be completely free. C_SIHI_0001_GB 5.3.2 1. 2. 3. 4. WORK STOP Close spray gun. Close ball valve (2) Depressurize the system by opening the valve (3). Close and secure the gun. If the system has been used with two component material: 7!2.).' (ARDENEDMATERIALINTHESPRAYINGSYSTEMWHENCOMPONENT MATERIALISWORKED $ESTRUCTIONOFTHEPUMPANDINJECTIONSYSTEM &OLLOWTHEMANUFACTURER@SWORKINGINSTRUCTIONSPARTICULARLYRE GARDINGTHEPOTLIFE 2INSETHOROUGHLYBEFORETHEENDOFTHEPOTLIFE 4HEPOTLIFETIMEDECREASESATRAISINGTEMPERATURE 3)()??'" 29 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 5.3.3 FINISHING WORK AND CLEANING Note The device should be cleaned for maintenance purposes, etc. Ensure that no remaining material dries and sticks. Procedure: 1. Working breaks -> procedure on chapter 5.3.2. 2. Basic cleaning -> procedure on chapter 5.2.3. 3. Maintain the gun as laid down in the operating instructions. 4. Clean and check the suction system and, in particular, the suction filter. 5. When using a high-pressure filter: Clean and check the filter insert. 6. Clean the outside of the system. 7!2.).' "RITTLElLTERPRESSUREREGULATOR 4HE CONTAINER ON THE lLTER PRESSURE REGULATOR BECOMES BRITTLE THROUGHCONTACTWITHSOLVENTSANDCANBURST &LYINGPARTSCANCAUSEINJURY $ONOTCLEANTHECONTAINERONTHEPRESSUREREGULATORWITHSOL VENT 3)()??'" 7. Put the whole system back together. 8. Check the level of the separating fluid -> Paragraph 5.2.2. 9. Fill the system with solvent as laid down in Paragraph 5.2.4 „Filling with working material“. 7!2.).' 'ASMIXTURESCANEXPLODEIFTHEREISANINCOMPLETELYlLLED PUMP $ANGERTOLIFEFROMmYINGPARTS %NSURE THAT THE PISTON PUMP AND SUCTION SYSTEM ARE ALWAYS COMPLETELYlLLEDWITHCLEANINGAGENTORWORKINGMEDIUM $ONOTSPRAYTHEUNITEMPTYAFTERCLEANING 3)()??'" 5.4 STORING FOR LONGER PERIODS OF TIME When storing the device for longer periods of time it is necessary to thoroughly clean it and protect it from corrosion. Replace solvent in the material pump with a suitable preserving oil. Fill separating fluid cup with separating fluid. Procedure: 1. Carry out Paragraph 5.3.3 „Shutting down and cleaning“, points 1 through 9. 2. Cleaning with preserving agent acc. Paragraph 5.2.3. 3. Protect the air motor with pneumatic oil: connect an oiler to the compressed air inlet and run for a few double strokes. 30 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 6 FAULT LOCATION, MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 6.1 TROUBLE SHOOTING AND SOLUTION Problem Cause Solution The pump does not work • Air motor does not work or stops • Open and close ball valve on the pressure regulator unit or disconnect compressed air supply shortly • No pressure indication (pressure regulator defect) • Disconnect compressed air supply shortly or repair or change pressure regulator • Spray nozzle is clogged • Clean nozzle as laid down in the instructions • Insufficient supply of compressed • Check compressed air supply air • Filter insert in spray gun or highpressure filter is clogged • Clean the parts and use a suitable working material • Material feed pump or highpressure hose are blocked (e.g., two-component material hardened) • Dismantle the paint pump and clean, replace high-pressure hose • Every now and again the pump stops on one of the commutation points. • Clean and lubricate the reversing valve sliding spool. Poor spray pattern • See gun instructions Irregular operation of material feed pump: spray jet collapses (pulsation) • Viscosity to high • Dilute working material • Spraying pressure to low • Increase incoming air pressure, use smaller nozzle • Valve stuck • Clean material pump, if necessary leave to soak in solvent • Foreign body in suction valve • Dismantle suction valve housing, clean and check valve seat • Diameter of the compressed air line too small • Assemble a larger incoming line-> technical data, paragraph 4.3.2 • Valves, packings or pistons worn out • Replace parts • Filter for control air or filter for work air is clogged • Check filter and clean it Pump runs evenly, however does not suck up material Pump runs when the gun is closed • Union nut of the suction system is • Tighten loose, pump is taking in air • Suction filter clogged • Clean filter • Ball in suction or piston valve is sticking • Clean with solvent (if necessary vent device) Packings, valves or pistons worn Replace parts 31 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL Trouble shooting and solution Problem Cause Solution Air motor iced up A lot of condensation water in the air supply. Install a water separator. If the problem is not listed above consult your WAGNER Service Center. 6.2 MAINTENANCE 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR $ANGERTOLIFEANDEQUIPMENTDAMAGE /NLYA7!'.%2SERVICECENTERORASUITABLYTRAINEDPERSONMAY CARRYOUTREPAIRSANDREPLACEPARTS /NLYREPAIRANDREPLACEPARTSTHATARELISTEDINTHECHAPTER3PARE PARTSCATALOG "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS $ISCONNECTTHECONTROLUNITFROMTHEMAINS 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)()??'" 1. 2. 3. 4. Check the level of separating fl uid in the separating fluid cup every day, and top up if necessary. Check and clean the high-pressure filter every day or as required. Every shut down should be carried out as laid down in paragraph 5.3.3 ! Check and replace if necessary hoses, tubes, couplings every days. WAGNER recommends to check the whole spray system every year from a technical expert (e.g. WAGNER service technician). 32 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 7 ACCESSORIES 7.1 ACCESSORIES 21 C_00051 33 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 23 5 24 22 25 26 23 2 6 A 4 9 8 1 7 A (Pos. 13) 13 A 11 (G 1”) 20 12 14 16 10 17 19 15 18 C_00070 34 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL List accessories EvoMotion Pos K Description A 1 Piston pump Release agent 250ml; 250cc 1 Release agent 500ml; 500cc Air regulator AC pressure regulator Filter holder Ground wire 3m; 9.8ft Filter Pump/filter connection kit Reduced nipple Hose Suction hose L-shaped fitting M/F 1“ Nipple 1“ Flex. suction hose Suction filter Recycle kit Valve L-shaped fitting 1/4 “ Nipple Reduction unit Suction hose Trolley Double nipple M16x1,5 Flex.hose AP M16x1,5 D 10 mm, 15 m, 530 bar, 7960 psi Flex. hose AP M16x1,5 D 6 mm, 1,5 m, 530 bar, 7960 psi Airless spray gun G15 M16x1,5 530 bar 7960 psi Wagner Profi tip without nozzle Wagner Profi tip (nozzle) * 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 50-150 75-150 50-235 No No No U1B50150N U1B75150N U1B50235N 9992504 9992504 9992504 9992505 9992505 9992505 T6143.00 0236219 T415.00E T6164.00A M628.62 S520.00 T4018.00 M233.00 M617.62A T409.00E T4019.00 T6165.00D M501.00 M614.62 S518.00 M653.00 T409.00EF T6079.00A 0123446 9987008 T6143.00 0236219 T405.00EA T6164.00B M628.62 S517.00CA T4018.00 M233.00 M617.62A T409.00E T4019.00 T6165.00E M501.00 M614.62 S518.00 T409.00EF T6079.00A 0123446 9987008 T6143.00 0236219 T415.00E T6164.00C M660.00A S517.00C T4018.00 M233.00 M617.62A T409.00E T4019.00 T6165.00D M501.00 M614.62 S518.00 M653.00 T409.00EF T6079.00A 0123446 9987008 9987007 9987007 9987007 0347002 1006003 1006 . . . 0347002 1006003 1006 . . . 0347002 1006003 1006 . . . * see nozzle list in gun manual 35 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 7.2 SPRAYPACKS Type Part-No. Consisting of accessories items 50-150 EvoMotion 50-150 AL Spraypack cpl. on trolley U6B50150T01 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 (17) EvoMotion 50-150 SP on trolley without gun U6B50150T00 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 21 EvoMotion 75-150 AL Spraypack cpl. on trolley U6B75150T01 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 (17) EvoMotion 75-150 SP on trolley without gun U6B75150T00 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 21 EvoMotion 50-235 AL Spraypack cpl. on trolley U6B50235T01 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 (19) EvoMotion 50-235 SP on trolley without gun U6B50235T00 2, 6, 7, 10, 15, 21 75-150 50-235 36 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 8 SPARE PARTS 8.1 HOW TO ORDER SPARE PARTS !LWAYSSUPPLYTHEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONTOENSUREDELIVERYOFTHERIGHTSPAREPART 0ART.UMBERDESCRIPTIONANDQUANTITY 4HEQUANTITYNEEDNOTBETHESAMEASTHENUMBERGIVENINTHEu1UANTITYhCOLUMN4HIS NUMBERMERELYINDICATESHOWMANYOFTHERESPECTIVEPARTSAREUSEDINEACHSUBASSEMBLY 4HEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONISALSOREQUIREDTOENSURESMOOTHPROCESSINGOFYOURORDER !DDRESSFORTHEINVOICE !DDRESSFORDELIVERY .AMEOFTHEPERSONTOBECONTACTEDINTHEEVENTOFANYQUERIES 4YPEOFDELIVERYREQUIREDAIRFREIGHTORMAILSEAROUTEOROVERLANDROUTEETC -ARKSINSPAREPARTSLISTS .OTETOCOLUMNu+hINTHEFOLLOWINGSPAREPARTSLISTS U 7EARINGPARTS .OTE.OLIABILITYISASSUMEDFORWEARINGPARTS L .OTPARTOFSTANDARDEQUIPMENTAVAILABLEHOWEVERASADDITIONALEXTRA 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT 2EPAIRSANDPARTREPLACEMENTMAYONLYBECARRIEDOUTBYSPE CIALLYTRAINEDSTAFFORA7!'.%2SERVICECENTER "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS 3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)()??'" 37 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 38 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.2 OVERVIEW MODULES 50 - 150 Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 - 235 Description No. Qty No. Qty No. Qty Piston pump U1B50150N 1 U1B75150N 1 U1B50235N 1 U3B20040120 U2B150ACT A676.02 K613.02 A675.11 H1123.02 H172.62 E3240.62 E3241.62 K132.62 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 U3B25040120 U2B150ACT A676.02 K613.02 A675.11 H1123.02 H172.62 E3240.62 E3241.62 K132.62 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 U3B25040120 U2B235AC A676.02 K613.02 A675.11 H1123.02 H172.62 E3240.62 E3241.62 K132.62 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 2 4 K199.03A 2 K199.03A 2 K199.03A 2 See pag. 53 1 See pag. 53 1 See pag. 53 1 - - - - - - Air motor Fluid section Connector Retaining ring Connector sleeve Threaded pin Spacer Protections fixing bracket Protections Socket screw 11 Socket screw 12 Muffler 13 Loctite 542 1 1 12 3 4 5 6 75 - 150 12 3 4 5 70 Nm 51.6 lbft 70 Nm 51.6 lbft 7 8 13 9 7 8 9 11 11 10 6 70 Nm 51.6 lbft 10 2 70 Nm 51.6 lbft 2 50 - 150 C_00036 75 - 150 / 50 - 235 39 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.3 AIR MOTOR 8.3.1 AIR MOTOR EXPLODED VIEW 75 - 150 , 50 - 235 , 50 - 150 70 Nm; YY lbft 44 2 45 16 70 Nm; YY lbft 42 31 14 Nm; 10.3 lbft 15 Rod assembly see next page 41 30 14 Nm; 10.3 lbft 48 43 2 14 Nm; 10.3 lbft 31 14 29 a) 32 13 33 12 40 65 14 Nm 10.3 lbft 11 10 28 27 26 25 14 Nm 38 10.3 lbft 31 39 37 36 35 34 12 9 24 23 22 21 6 66 47 20 8 (50-150) b) 63 19 18 13 6 7 64 30 Nm 5 22.1 lbft 4 100 Nm; 73.6 lbft 17 46 66 14 70 Nm 51.6 lbft 64 b) 3 b) 2 1 63 a) Reversing valve see following pages b) Mounting detail for seals 3 and 63 C_00033 b) 3 40 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 8.3.2 AIR MOTOR EXPLODED VIEW - ROD ASSEMBLY 75 - 150 , 50 - 150 , 50 - 235 49 11 51 52 60 61 53 53 62 54 55 NO 62 OK 61 60 51 57 58 59 56 8 mm 0,315 Inch 50 46 C_00035 41 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT 2EPAIRSANDPARTREPLACEMENTMAYONLYBECARRIEDOUTBYSPE CIALLYTRAINEDSTAFFORA7!'.%2SERVICECENTER "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS 3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)() '" Spare parts list Air motor 75 - 150, 50 - 235, 50-150 Pos K Description 75 - 150, 50 - 235 Qty. Air motor No. 50 - 150 Qty. U3B25040120 No. U3B20040120 1 Nut M16 4 K324.62 4 K322.62 2 Washer 8 K502.62 4 K502.62 3 ★ ◆ Rod seal gasket 1 L424.06 1 L424.06 4 Motor base 1 T642.00B 1 T637.00C 5 Cap 1/2 “ 1 M254.00 1 M254.00 6 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 2 L149.06 2 L149.06 7 Earthing kit 1 T6153.00 1 T6153.00 8 Air duct 1 A580.12 1 A580.12 9 Tie-rod D16 x 280 4 H166.62 2 H166.62 Motor rod 1 D418.12 1 D418.12 11 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 2 L116.06 2 L116.06 12 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 2 L153.06 2 L145.06 13 ★ ◆ Damper 2 G904.06 2 G904.06 14 ★ ◆ Piston seal gasket 2 L429.06 2 L422.06 15 ★ ◆ Slip band 1 L808.08 1 L807.08 16 Motor piston 1 A803.01 1 A654.01 17 Self-locking ring 1 K306.62 1 K306.62 18 Rod bush 1 A581.04 1 A581.04 19 Elastic ring 1 K612.02 1 K612.02 20 Motor cylinder 1 D617.12 1 D611.12 21 Pilot d. 4 hose 2 S459.00 2 S459.00 10 ◆ = Wearing parts ★ = Included in service set 42 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL Spare parts list Air motor 75 - 150, 50 - 235, 50-150 Pos No. Qty. No. Fast fitting 2 M260.00 2 M260.00 23 ★ ◆ Discharger seal gasket 2 L423.06 2 L423.06 24 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 2 L117.06 2 L117.06 25 Discharger flange 2 A801.12 2 A801.12 26 Motor head 1 F162.91C 1 F173.91C 27 Pin 4 A802.03 4 A802.03 28 29 Description 50 - 150 Qty. 22 K 75 - 150, 50 - 235 1/8 “ plug ◆ Reversing valve 4 M291.04 4 M291.04 1 P497.00E 1 P497.00E 30 Nut M6 4 K316.62 4 K316.62 31 Washer 10 K505.62 10 K505.62 32 Fast fitting 2 M303.00P 2 M303.00P 33 Washer 2 K533.62 2 K533.62 34 3/4 block 1 T158.71 1 T158.71 1 H528.04 1 H528.04 1 E0090.62 1 E0090.62 35 ◆ Muffler 36 Holding bracket 37 Fast swivel fitting 1 M336.00 1 M336.00 38 Socket screw 6x20 2 K107.62 2 K107.62 39 Pilot d. 8 hose 1 S459.00A 1 S459.00A 40 Fast fitting 1 M294.00 1 M294.00 41 Motor head cap 1 F163.91A 1 F163.91A 42 Self-locking nut M6 2 K311.62 2 K311.62 43 Spacer 2 K332.62 2 K332.62 44 Self-locking nut M16 2 K322.62 - - Eyebolt M16 2 K018.02A 2 K018.02A 1 T639.00 1 T639.00 45 46 ◆ Pilot rod 47 Tie rod D16 x 313 - - 2 H166.62B 48 Threaded pin 2 H171.62 2 H171.62 49 Flange 1 A585.62 1 A585.62 50 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 1 L118.06 1 L118.06 51 ★ ◆ SS spring 2 H224.03 2 H224.03 52 1 A582.12 1 A582.12 Pilot chamber 53 ★ ◆ Poppet body 2 T636.00 2 T636.00 54 Pilot nut 1 A655.03 1 A655.03 55 Pilot milled nut 1 A655.03A 1 A655.03A 56 Pilot bushing 1 A583.04 1 A583.04 57 Washer 1 A656.04 1 A656.04 ◆ = Wearing part ★ = Included in service set 43 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL Spare parts list Air motor 75 - 150, 50 - 235, 50-150 Pos K Description 75 - 150, 50 - 235 50 - 150 Qty. No. Qty. No. 58 ★ ◆ Seal 1 L425.06 1 L425.06 59 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 1 L126.06 1 L126.06 60 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 2 L134.06 2 L134.06 61 Poppet body 2 A584.04 2 A584.04 62 Seal 2 G614.06 2 G614.06 63 ★ ◆ Slip band 1 L830.08 1 L830.08 64 Motor base 1 F164.91B 1 F140.91C 65 Socket screw 8x20 2 K120.62 2 K120.62 66 Loctite 542 - - - - Service set 1 T984.00A 1 T957.00A ◆ = Wearing parts ★ = Included in service set 44 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.3.3 REVERSING VALVE 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 , 50 - 235 8 7 6 1 5 4 11 3 3 2 1 6 10 9 12 13 C_00077 Spare parts list Reversing valve 50-150 , 75 - 150 , 50 - 235 Pos 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 K Qty. Description Reversing valve 4 Socket screw 1 Rod cover 2 Cover seal gasket 1 O-Ring seal 1 Rod 2 Damper 1 Valve body 6 O-Ring seal 1 Spool assembly 1 Detent 1 Detent cap 1 Valve seal gasket 1 Pos. seal gasket set 3,4,6,8,12 50-150 , 75-150 50-235 No. P497.00E K183.62 B0055.71 G7010.07 L172.06 B0049.04B P519.00A B0053.71 L199.06 P519.00B P519.00 B0054.71 G737.06B T9076.00 45 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 8.4 FLUID SECTION 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 8.4.1 FLUID SECTION EXPLODED VIEW 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 1 2 7 3 4 8 11 18 9 10 18 12 13 14 5 11 6 15 16 70 Nm; 51.6 lbft 17 C_00034 46 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT 2EPAIRSANDPARTREPLACEMENTMAYONLYBECARRIEDOUTBYSPE CIALLYTRAINEDSTAFFORA7!'.%2SERVICECENTER "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS 3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)()??'" Spare parts list Fluid section 50 - 150 , 75 - 150 Pos K Description 50-150 , 75-150 Qty. Fluid section 1 Upper packing compression ring No. U2B150ACT 1 T6162.00 2 Upper pump flange 1 A301.62 3 Upper pump body 1 A302.22 4 ★ ◆ Upper packing 1 T915.00E 5 4 H122.62 Tie-rod 6 ◆ Pump cylinder 1 D704.42 7 ◆ Pump rod 1 D106.42C 8 ★ ◆ Piston packing 1 T916.00E ◆ Ball 5/8 “ AISI 1 K818.03A ◆ Rod valve body 9 10 1 T647.00A 11 ★ ◆ O-Ring seal 2 L114.06 12 Locking ring 1 K603.03 13 Ball stopper 1 B294.03A 14 ◆ Ball 1 “ AISI 1 K804.03 15 ◆ Pump foot 1 T643.00 16 Pump lower flange 1 A304.62 17 Self-locking nut 4 K348.62 18 Loctite 542 - - Service set 1 T914.00E ◆ = Wearing parts ★ = Included in service set 47 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 8.4.2 FLUID SECTION EXPLODED VIEW 50 - 235 1 2 7 3 4 8 9 18 11 10 18 12 5 13 14 11 6 15 16 70 Nm; 51.6 lbft 17 C_00037 48 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 7!2.).' )NCORRECTMAINTENANCEREPAIR 2ISKOFINJURYANDDAMAGETOTHEEQUIPMENT 2EPAIRSANDPARTREPLACEMENTMAYONLYBECARRIEDOUTBYSPE CIALLYTRAINEDSTAFFORA7!'.%2SERVICECENTER "EFOREALLWORKONTHEUNITANDINTHEEVENTOFWORKINTERRUP TIONS 3WITCHOFFTHEENERGYCOMPRESSEDAIRSUPPLY 2ELIEVETHEPRESSUREFROMTHESPRAYGUNANDUNIT 3ECURETHESPRAYGUNAGAINSTACTUATION /BSERVETHEOPERATINGANDSERVICEINSTRUCTIONSWHENCARRYING OUTALLWORK 3)()??'" Spare parts list Fluid section 50-235 Pos K Qty. Description Fluid section 1 1 Upper packing compression ring 2 1 Upper pump flange 3 1 Upper pump body 4★◆ 1 Upper packing 5 1 Tie-rod 6 ◆ 1 Pump cylinder 7 ◆ 1 Pump rod 1 Piston packing 8★◆ 9 ◆ 1 Ball 5/8 “ AISI 10 ◆ 1 Rod valve assembly (TC seat) 11 ★ ◆ 2 O-Ring seal 12 1 Locking ring 13 1 Ball stopper 14 ◆ 1 Ball 1 ” AISI 15 ◆ 1 Pump foot 16 1 Pump lower flange 17 1 Self-locking nut 18 Loctite 542 1 Service set ◆ = Wearing parts ★ = Included in service set 50 - 235 No. U2B235AC T6163.00 A244.62 A246.22A T956.00E H134.62 D706.42 T668.00C T955.00E K818.03A T665.00 L136.06 K603.03 B294.03A K804.03 T666.00 A245.62 K322.62 T949.00E 49 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.5 T415.00E T415.00EA ANTI-PULSATOR TANK 3 2 T405.00E T405.00EA 4 1 5 1 4 7 5 5 9 9 8 6 6 12 8 10 12 13 14 11 10 15 13 11 14 15 Pos K Description 1 Antipulsator body Qty 1 50 - 235 T405.00E A291.22 Qty 1 75 - 150 50 - 150 T405.00EA Qty T415.00E A291.22 1 A453.22 2 O-Ring seal - - - - 1 L124.06 3 Antipulsator cover - - - - 1 A454.22 4 Antipulsator cap 1 A297.71 1 A292.71 1 A297.71 5◆ 6◆ Antipulsator filter 1 T455.00 1 T455.00 2 T455.00 Filter support 1 A364.04 1 A364.04 1 A455.04 7 Filter holding ring - - - - 1 A456.01 8 9/16” AISI 420 ball 1 K802.03 1 K802.03 1 K802.03 9 Antipulsator seal gasket 1 G605.07 1 G605.07 1 G610.07 10 Reducer nipple 1 M6012.00A 1 M6012.00A 1 M6012.00B 11 Cap 1 M623.12 1 M623.12 1 M626.12 12 Antipulsator base 1 A290.22 1 A290.22 1 A452.22 13 Reduced nipple 1 M618.62 1 M616.62A 1 M628.62C 14 Washer 2 K509.62 2 K503.62 2 K507.62 15 Screw 2 K136.62 2 K136.62 2 K129.62 ◆ = Wearing parts 50 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.6 AIR REGULATION UNIT KIT 1 2 2 4 7 3 2 10 6 11 5 9 C_00100 Spare parts Air regulation unit Pos. Qty. Description 2 8 50-150 50-235 75-150 No. No. Air regulation unit kit T6143.00 T6143.00A 1 1 Air filter regulator P114.00A P114.00A 2 4 Nipple 3/4” M272.00 M272.00 3 1 Pressure gauge P903.00 P903.00 4 1 L-shaped fitting MF 3/4” M246.00A M246.00A 5 1 Safety valve P484.00C0 P484.00C2 6 1 Valve 7 1 Hose S420.00 S420.00 8 1 Safety valve seat T158.71 T158.71 9 1 L-shaped fitting MM 3/4” M246.00B M246.00B 10 1 Filter cup P233.00 P233.00 11 1 Filter P244.00 P244.00 M111.00 M111.00 51 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.7 TROLLEY FOR 50-150, 75-150, 50-235 1 2 3 7 6 4 5 2 3 C_00074 Spare parts Trolley Pos Qty. 50-150 Description 75-150 50-235 No. No. Trolley assembly T6079.00A T6079.00A T6079.00A T6079.00A 1 1 Trolley frame 2 3 Plastic tip R230.07 R230.07 3 6 Plastic tip R212.07 R212.07 4 2 Wheel R102.00 R102.00 5 2 Wheel locking insert T6059.00A T6059.00A 6 4 Screw TCEI 6 x 20 K107.62 - 6 4 Screw TCEI 6 x 50 - K159.62 7 4 Contact washer M6 K564.72 K564.72 52 EDITION 10 /2007 150 cc–235 cc. PART NO. ZZB003ENG OPERATING MANUAL 8.8 MUFFLER FOR PUMP 50 - 150 , 50 - 235 , 75 - 150 7 8 6 7 8 7 8 7 6 6 9 10 5 10 5 2 4 3 3 4 2 1 1 C_00038 Spare parts list Muffler for pump 50 - 150 , 75 - 150, 50-235 Pos Description Muffler Assembly EM/BA Qty. Muffler Muffler Assembly EM/SP No. Qty. No. T6025.00E 1 T6025.00EA 1 Muffler assembly RA 1 H616.92A 1 H616.92A 2 Socket screw 1 K1017.62 1 K132.62 3 Grower washer 1 K573.62 2 K573.62 4 Spacer/Self-locking nut 1 K332.62 1 K322.62 5 Fitting T/F 1” 1 M302.00 1 M302.00 6 Hose assembly 1” 2 S460.00A 1 S460.00A 7 Reduced L-shaped fitting F/F 2 M211.00 2 M211.00 8 Conical nipple 1/2 “ 2 M206.04 2 M206.04 9 Hose assembly 1” - - 1 S460.00 10 L-shaped fitting MF 1 “ - - 2 M233.00 53 EDITION 10 /2007 PART NO. ZZB003ENG 150 cc–235 cc. OPERATING MANUAL 'ERMANY *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WITZERLAND *7!'.%2!' )NDUSTRIESTRASSE 0OSTFACH #(!LTSTËTTEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILREPCH WAGNERGROUPCH "ELGIUM 7!'.%23PRAYTECH"ENELUX"6 6EILINGLAAN "7OLVERTEM 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERGROUPBE $ENMARK 7!'.%23PRAYTECH3CANDINAVIA!3 +ORNMARKSVEJ $+"RNDBY 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILWAGNER WAGNERGROUPDK 5NITED+INGDOM 7!'.%23PRAYTECH5+,TD (ASLEMERE7AY 4RAMWAY)NDUSTRIAL%STATE '""ANBURY/8/./849 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILENQUIRY WAGNERSPRAYTECHCOUK &RANCE *7!'.%2&RANCE3!2, !VEDUER-AIn"0 &0ALAISEAU#EDEX .ETHERLANDS 7!'.%2302!94%#("ENELUX"6 :ONNEBAAN .,%#5TRECHT 0/"OX "2-AARSSEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERGROUPNL )TALY 7!'.%2#/,/2!3RL 6IA&ERMI )"URAGODI-OLGORA-) *APAN 7!'.%23PRAYTECH,TD 3HINDEN.ISHIMACHI *$AITO3HI/SAKA 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILMARKETING WAGNERJAPANCOJP !USTRIA *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WEDEN 7!'.%236%2)'%!" -USKÚTGATAN 3(ELSINGBORG 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILMAILBOX WAGNERSE 3PAIN 7!'.%23PRAYTECH)BERICA3! #TRA.+M %-OLINSDE2EI"ARCELONA 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERSPAINCOM #ZECHOSLOVAKIA 7!'.%2SRO .A"ELIDLE #0RAHA 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILWAGNERSRO TELECOMCZ 53! 7ALTER0ILOT.ORTH!MERICA #ONTINENTAL$RIVE #HESTERlELD-)53! 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX HTTPWWWWALTHERPILOTNACOM 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILDIVISIONBATIMENT WAGNERFRANCEFR 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILINFO WAGNERCOLORACOM 54 %$ &) #%24 ) /RDERNUMBER ZZB003ENG 'ERMANY *7!'.%2'MB( /TTO,ILIENTHAL3TR 0OSTFACH $-ARKDORF 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILSERVICESTANDARD WAGNERGROUPCOM 3WITZERLAND *7!'.%2!' )NDUSTRIESTRASSE 0OSTFACH #(!LTSTËTTEN 4ELEPHONE 4ELEFAX %-AILREPCH WAGNERGROUPCH WWWWAGNERGROUPCOM ">
Key Features
- High pressure and flow rate
- Durable construction
- Easy to use and maintain
- Versatile applications
- Safety features
- High-quality materials
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the maximum operating pressure of the EvoMotion 50 - 150 pump?
The maximum operating pressure is 400 bar (5801 psi).
What is the maximum operating pressure of the EvoMotion 50 - 235 pump?
The maximum operating pressure is 400 bar (5801 psi).
What is the maximum operating pressure of the EvoMotion 75 - 150 pump?
The maximum operating pressure is 450 bar (6526 psi).
How often should I check and clean the high-pressure filter?
WAGNER recommends to check and clean the high-pressure filter every day or as required.